#hype idol
imaginarykpop · 2 years
Idol Life | Iseol
Just a day in the idol life of Iseol and having a little accident at Weekly Idol
AN: I may change a few things later, I don’t like it that much.
Words count: 2456
Warning: None??
Iseol’s materlist
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 Mari had to shoot for another Music bank, something she didn’t hate to do. In fact, out of all the shows she’s been on the last year hosting Music bank the last five months is something she looked forwards to. It led her to meet so many idols and interact with them and let them get to know her. Balancing work as an MC and Seventeen came easy, the boys were all understanding, and she wasn’t the only one Seungkwan also had his fair share of appearances.
They always made sure she had food ready to eat when she came home, and that she wasn’t overworking herself. Honestly despite her family’s reservations about Mari debuting with the boys, they’ve come to see how much they care for their daughter. So, mama Chaeyong made sure they all got vitamins and had all the food they needed. Her way of repaying them for taking care of Mari.
Mari was a co-host with quite a few people, it started with Highlight’s Son Dong Woon who had previously hosted with Laboum’s Solbin. The man was a great help to Mari, he’d taken her under his wing before he left and then the last two months were with different people, first it was Park Bogum, and currently BTS’s V.
Seventeen and Bangtan got on well with each other, so it was a relief for Mari, not that her previous co-hosts weren’t pleasant, but the first time she talked to them was because of MB.
And the public opinion is starting to sway, they’re liking her dynamic with the hosts and the artists alike, Mari is very kind and encouraging to all idols and they all had nice things to say about her and her work ethic.
Seventeen were performing today, their latest comeback Very Nice a repackage album, and thus she got up early that day, went through the motions of getting dressed, along with the boys, her makeup was done on site, she got dressed in her performance outfit for the rehearsals of the actual song.
“Okay, good work everyone.” Hoshi called out to his members, Mari bowed to the staff not caring what else was going to be said as she had to rush to start rehearsing with V and the rest of the artists before they had to go live.
“Mari!” Cheol called for the rushing girl, stopping her in her tracks. “Take this.”
He took something from one of their staff, Mari looked at the bag and found two triangle kimbaps with tuna inside and a bottled water. “Thank you oppa.”
The girl didn’t have time to do anything before she quickly hugged him and rushed off stage. “Ish, working too hard that one.” Jihoon said watching as Mari disappeared.
“It’s paying off at least.” Mingyu said, having been one of those who monitored her name online and seeing the steady increase of the positive feedback she’s getting.
“At what coast though.” Jeonghan mumbled to himself and shook his head but said nothing. Mari had taken to styling his hair and playing with it, teaching him all sort of braids, when he told her he didn’t want to braid his hair, she’d just shrug and tell him it was for when she grew her hair out and he rolled with it never saying no to her playing with his hair. Her own had grown, but with each comeback she cut it, so if you look at her pictures through from their debuted to their current comeback it’ll be like a transition from the boy cut she had when they debuted to now the slightly layered bob she had going on.
Greeting the staff and apologizing for being late, even though she wasn’t, is such a Mari thing. V was there as well, they stood of to the side reading their cards for the day. “Here you go Oppa.”
Mari handed him one of the kimbaps, once they were told that the first group will come in in ten minutes. “Thank you, did you eat?”
“Yeah, don’t worry.” Mari lied through her teeth, if Taehyung found out she didn’t eat her breakfast he would have refused the food. She doesn’t like eating alone anyways, so it was more for her than him, she kept telling herself. Eating the two chatted about their week, Taehyung telling Mari how excited he is to see them perform live, Mari excitedly telling him about the song and choreo.
Once the camera was on, they became their professional selves and gone through the rehearsal with group after group before loud chatter caught their attention. “That’ll be my boys.” Mari said with a grin, she laughed after hearing Seungkwan’s loud voice shouting.
“You can never loose them in a crowd.” Taehyung commented before they came into view. Jun rushing in and wrapping his arms around Mari before he pulled her off her feet, placing her hand on hi shoulder while she laughed.
“Put me down! I’m working.” She shouted to the amusement of everyone present.
 “Put her down.” Wonwoo said as he walked past them and took his place for the rehearsal, once on her feet Mari made sure she still looked presentable, and glared at innocent looking Jun.
Taehyung makes a comment about what group is next, Mari acts as if she doesn’t know before Taehyung introduces them, Mari joins her group for their greeting before switching back to her MC role. The interview was chaotic, the boys not taking anything seriously, and teasing Mari every chance they got. They finally got through the rehearsal.
“I’m taking the day off next time you lot are coming.” Mari stated exasperated.
“You act like you wouldn’t be coming with us.” Seungkwan replied making her roll her eyes.
“Not the point.” She teased, even if they made it harder for her, they still had fun and got through the interview. It’s something they’ll remember in a few years. Mari liked to think that every chaotic moment is a memory in the making.
“I wasn’t annoying, was I?” Seungkwan asked lowering his voice, Mari shook her head, her other members were all slowly leaving, some having a few words with V since the oldest three and him were ‘95 liners.
“Not in the least, I was only joking, I’d have you guys with me on every show if I could.” Mari told him and gave the younger boy a hug, not ten seconds in their hug and another pair of arms wrapped around her, knowing it’s Chan. He 17-year-old had gotten in the habit of hugging Mari every chance he got. “Okay, you have to go, I’ll see you when we go live.”
“Good luck, Noona.” Chan shouted as they left.
“Is it always this chaotic?” A staff member asked, lighthearted, she didn’t mean anything by it.
“More or less, but it’s just because this is the first time any of us hosted a show and the rest came on it.” Mari said with a small smile. “They’re excited.”
“My group would’ve teased me to death.” Taehyung commented and Mari could see it.
“It’s good they get all the teasing before the live podcasting.” Mari added, and the two talked about their groups who they think would tease the most.
As expected, when it was turn for Seventeen’s interview, they were all professional, many carats caught them giving Mari their full attention when she talked, looking like proud brothers. Cheering her the loudest than anyone on the show. After the interview, Mari rushed with the boys on stage.
The stage where she felt most comfortable and confidant. The girl loved performing more than anything, she thinks that she shines the most on-stage dancing and singing, her stage presence is strong, and it isn’t because she’s the only girl.
Another day another show, this time the group were in a taping for Weekly Idol. They were all excited, standing off the white set they waited until they were called. Defcon and Don weren’t the best hosts in Mari’s opinion, but who is she to judge. They had years of experience on her.
The PDs had them fill a profile to quickly go through before they’ll have to split into three teams. Mari of course was with the performance team
“Iseol-ssi, I have a question.” Doni said looking at the female standing between Minghao and Chan, she looked over confused.
“What is it?” She asked the older man, curious.
“It says on your profile that you’re strong.” Mari nods to his words, Chan had written it, but she left it there.
“I wouldn’t say I’m very strong, but I love playing arm wrestling with the guys.” Mari explained, she knows that they let her win a lot of the time, but she doesn’t mind, in fact she likes it.
“Do they let you win?” Defcon asked intrigued by the idea of this tiny girl winning over the guys, they’re all taller than her, it’s amusing. Mari looks at her members and hums, they all try to look innocent making the female laugh.
“Sometimes yes.” Mari confirms.
“Don’t get fooled though, she’s very strong.” Chan said holding her bicep which didn’t look that strong.
“We’ll put this to the test.” Doni said and a tall table/stand was brought out, it was just big enough for two people to wrestle on it.
“Which one then?” Mari said moving her arms around acting as if she’s stretching for a fight, she stepped up to the table and looked at her members grinning.
“Let’s try… Vernon.” Defcon chose and Vernon stepped up facing his female member, all the other members started to shout and cheer for Mari, by her stage name.
“Are you ready Noona?” Vernon asked once they had their elbows set and arms clasped together.
“Yes.” Doni counted down before they both started, Vernon was holding back a little giving Mari time to try and win, just struggle their arms moving slightky to the left before the right, it went on for almost a minute before Doni stopped them.
“Okay, stop, stop.” He said and the pair split up. “I don’t trust you, Vernon it looks like you’re holding back.”
“I’m not.” Vernon lied through his teeth, but it didn’t look like it to everyone watching.
"I am strong.” Mari joked and flexed her arms, Jeonghan and Jun were heard laughing.
“Our Iseol is very strong.” Joshua shouted over the rukus.
“I’d like to see for myself.” Doni said and Mair’s eyes were wide, and her lips formed and O. 0o0. Doni took Vernon’s place, Mari hesitated before she placed her arm back on the table, she braced herself.
“Okay on the count of three.” Defcon said and the boys cheered for their member all leaning in and watching, honestly, they all expected Doni to act like Mari is in fact strong, I mean look at the difference in their arm sizes. His was like over three times the size of hers. “One, two… three!”
And then bam Mari tried to push with all her strength the same time Doni did the same making her arm snap back onto the table making her shout and frown, Doni let go of her arm and held his arm up in victory. Seungcheol went to Mari’s side seeing the pain flash onto her face. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder as the rest of the members still cheered for her and surrounded her. Giving Seungcheol enough time to give her a questioning look while holding her arm.
“I’m okay.” She whispers with a fake smile. She most certainly wasn’t okay, something felt slightly wrong, and she had no idea what. Her arm was burning, but the show must go on. Putting on her biggest smile they continued the show.
Carats watching saw the slight change in Mari after that, she wouldn’t use her right hand as often and let it hang by her side. The members gave her concerned looks over the show and even tried to keep her away from the hosts as much as they could, but Mari continued as cheery as possible with a smile on her face. It was only after the show that Mari asked for some ice. She believes she pulled a muscle or something, nothing too serious it just hurt when she moved her arm, but she had full function.
“Did you pull a muscle?” Wonwoo asked the female holding her arm, she had a short sleeve shirt, so he was inspecting her for any visible marks.
“I think so, it’s a little painful, the pain has mostly dulled now.” She informed her fellow ’96 liner.
“I expected him to act along.” Seungkwan told the duo as he too stood in front of Mari inspecting her arm.
“Me too.” Seokmin said coming with a bag tied with ice inside, a small towel in hand.
“Seungcheol Hyung looked so angry.” Wonwoo stated their leader wasn’t in the room, but the moment Doni didn’t hold back he looked ready to kill.
“Protective as always.” Seokmin said teasing the female.
“Noona to Hyung is like Chan to Jeonghan Hyung.” Mari groaned at Seungkwan’s words, she got teased enough for being Seungcheol’s favorite.
“Whatever you guys, I’m in pain you should be nice to me not tease me.” Mari pouted and frowned, making them all gag and laugh.
“Sorry, that won’t work on us.” Seungkwan told the female a look of disgust on his face.
“You should try Seungcheol Hyung.” Seokmin added making the three males laugh once again.
“I hate you guys so much.” Mari said and huffed leaving them to laugh and make fun of her.
“Try telling that to Hyung.” Wonwoo called for Mari, she doesn’t know why Wonwoo is also ganging up on her, he’s usually on her side too, she just rolled her eyes.
“I bet he’ll cry.” Seungkwan said still laughing.
“I’m telling him you said that!” Mari called leaving them, Seungkwan immediately stopped laughing.
“You wouldn’t.” He was wide eyed, Mari turned to face him and he tried to look innocent and pleaded with her.
“That doesn’t work on me.” She teased him and stuck out her tounge.
“She got you there.” Seokmin said patting his back.
“You two aren’t safe either.” Mari smirked and they looked as white as snow. “I’m telling on you three.”
“Please don’t.” Seokmin pleased with the female.
“We will do anything.” Mari chuckled at Wonwoo’s words and made a thinking face.
“I’ll think about it.” She said and left them to join the rest of the group her arm still iced. She evil laughed as she left them, it did earn her a few confused looks but she didn’t care, she has the upper hand now.
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kasumikoujou · 5 days
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808airsoftbros · 1 year
Tight Pants (Yunjin) (S) (BXG)
Author: From now on (S) means SMUT. Hope you enjoy the story😉
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It was a clear, sunny, and beautiful day to be out walking with your best friend at the park. Yunjin was always so busy with her Idol life leaving her with little to no free time on her hands especially since she’s been busy with her group’s new song “Unforgiven”. But yeah, it’s always nice to spend what little time we have with each other. 
At least that’s what it was supposed to be... 
Instead of a sunny day, it was pouring out of nowhere, thankfully, Yunjin had an umbrella but unlucky me I forgot mine at home since I never thought I was going to need it and her umbrella was too small to shield us from the rain. 
In no time, my entire outfit was soaked, and my feet never felt any more miserable as it felt like I stepped into the ocean with my shoe. 
“Oh my God, Y/N you’re soaked! Come on, let’s go to my dorm, it’s a lot closer than your apartment!” She suggested. 
“A-Are you sure, you’re members won’t be there?” I asked. 
“No, they’re out hanging out with their friends or shopping at the mall! 
Now come on, let’s go before you catch a cold!” She answered before grabbing my arm. 
Running with haste, we quickly went get out of the park and take shelter at the bus stop. 
Yunjin calls in a cab as her manager is on break, when the cab arrives, we hopped inside the back seat and directed the driver to her dorm. 
Throughout the ride, Yunjin wraps around the towel we used for our picnic around me to keep me warm and prevent the seats from getting wet. 
Once we arrived at her dorm, we paid the driver, get out of the car, and quickly go inside the dormitory building. 
As we enter the building we go into the elevator, press the second floor button, and the elevator takes us to the next floor. 
Once the metal doors opened, we walked into the corridor with Yunjin guiding me until we reached her dorm. 
She unlocks the door using a keycard before signaling me to go in first, and I followed her instructions as she followed suit. 
The door automatically shuts and the lights instantly turned on in the living room as the heater warms up the room. 
“Stay here, I’ll get you some warm clothes,” She instructed. 
“Wait, am I even going to fit into them?” I asked and she giggled.
“Don’t worry, Y/N, they’ll fit you just fine~,” She assured before winking at me causing me to blush. 
Shaking my head, Yunjin goes upstairs to fetch me a spare change of clothes as I patiently wait for her to return. 
About five minutes later, she comes downstairs with a pair of neatly folded pajamas. 
“T-Thank you, Noona...” I softly replied as I was shivering. 
“Anything for my best friend,” She said and I nodded. 
Yeah... Best friend... One thing, I forgot to mention is that I have liked- no loved her for a very long time. 
Sadly, it doesn’t appear that she’s aware of it as she’s too busy with her work life and I only assume she doesn’t feel the same way as I do. 
Anyway, not much I can do about it, I walked up the stairs to the bathroom, placed the change of clothes on the sink counter, undressed myself, and step inside the shower. 
Shutting the glass door, I turned the faucet to warm water, soaking myself before rubbing soap on my body.
Looking to see what body wash and shampoo I could use, there was a wide variety which isn’t surprising considering they take good care of their bodies. 
“Crap... Which one should I use? I don’t want to make Noona’s bandmates angry...” I asked myself as I contemplated my decisions. 
“You can use that head shoulders and the dove body wash right there!” I hear a voice pointed out. 
“Oh, why thank you-” I was about to say until I realized that someone was inside the bathroom with me. 
Looking out the glass to see who that voice came from, it was of course Yunjin causing me to jump, nearly slip because of the slippery tiles, and cover my dick. 
“What the fuck?! How long were you here?!” I shockingly asked and she giggled. 
“Hehehe~. As I said, you can use the head and shoulders and the dove body wash, that’s mine but you can use them for today, and to answer your question, only for a few minutes.” She explained and I deeply sighed.
“Thanks, Noona... But can I please have some privacy?” I asked and she smirked. 
“Nah, I think I’ll stay besides you’ve got a nice body~. When did you start working out~?” She playfully asked me and I shook my head.
“Just get out please...” I replied.
“Whatever you say, Y/N boo boo~,” She said before leaving the bathroom making me sigh in relief. 
Jeez, what is with this woman? She was never like this before... Yunjin was kind, cute, and most importantly innocent. 
Anyway, once I finished taking my shower, I dried myself using the towel hanging on the rack and put on the clothes that Yunjin provided me. 
Unfortunately, they were pretty damn tight exposing my abs a little but what really sucked is that it revealed my bulge. 
“Well, it’s only for one night... Besides what’s the worse that can happen?” I said to myself. 
Getting out of the bathroom, I placed the wet clothes in the laundry bin as Yunjin instructed and go downstairs. 
“Ah, I see you finished cleaning up, how do you feel?” She asked. 
“I feel much better, Noona, thank you for letting me use the shower,” I replied and she smiled.
“It’s nothing, come, sit with me, I wanna watch binge-watch Netflix!” She said as she patted on the couch. 
Sitting on the couch next to her, she turns on the TV, sets the channel to the Netflix app, and plays a random Kdrama movie. 
The drama was just like any other typical romantic genre but there were some funny scenes that we laughed at. 
However, there was one spicy scene where the actor and actress had sex as they kissed like it was the last thing they’d do on this planet. 
It didn’t help that the fact my friend down there is having a mind of its own, meaning that I’m getting a massive boner and the tight pants makes it quite obvious. 
Taking the pillow and blanket beside me, I covered it up and Yunjin to hopefully focus her attention on the movie rather than my big ass knob. 
Just as I thought I dodged a bullet, Yunjin suddenly places her hand on my thigh and it was dangerously close to my cock making me anxious and worried. 
“Shit...” I said in my mind as I prayed she doesn’t discover my boner.
“Is everything okay, Y/N, your face is so red and you're even sweating, do you have a fever?” She asked as she places her hand on my forehead. 
“Uhhh... Yeah, I’m totally fine, it’s just that scene makes me nervous, that’s all,” I lied. 
“Ah, I see, I’ll skip it then,” She replied and I sighed in relief. 
Seeing that I dodged yet another close one, I was proven wrong again as she wrapped around my cock. 
“Huh? What’s this?” She wondered as she slightly tightened her grip making me cringe. 
“What is it?” I nervously asked as the boner and the tight pants is making me feel uncomfortable. 
“I don’t know, hold on, I’m taking off the blanket,” She replied and my eyes widened. 
“N-No, I’ll get cold,” I pointed out and she raised an eyebrow. 
“Don’t worry, you big baby, I’ll only take a glance,” She assured. 
Fuck... I’m doomed... 
Yunjin removes the blanket, takes a glance to figure out what she was gripping onto earlier, and notices my big bulge. 
“Y-Y/N...” She said as her eyes widened at the sight of my boner. 
“U-Uhm... I like to stuff Japanese cucumbers into my pants, yeah! It’s a hobby of mine!” I lied. 
“Japanese cucumbers...?” She asked and I nodded. 
“Baby, do I look stupid to you? This is your dick, now be honest, is it frustrating and uncomfortable to have this under your pants?” She asked and I sighed before nodding. 
“S-Sorry, Noona, this is so embarrassing, I’ll take care of it!” I replied before getting up from the couch.
Right when I was about to get up, she pins me back down and straddles onto my lap. 
“There’s no need to be ashamed, baby, we all get horny sometimes, even me, and right now, I’m soaking wet just looking at your huge cock, and not only that, there’s something else I wanted to confess.” She explained.
“W-What is it?” I nervously asked and she smirked. 
“I’ve loved you for so long but you’re too dense to see it and I know you love me too, so how about I help you out with this tight situation as your girlfriend, what do you say~?” She offered and I gulped. 
“O-Of course, Noona, I’d love to be your boyfriend,” I answered and she smiled. 
“Good boy~,” She replied before getting off the couch and onto her knees.
Slowly, she lowered my pants along with my underwear revealing my nine-inch cock making her drool and stare. 
“God, you’re so huge, and you’ve been hiding this from me the whole time but now I get to have it all to myself~,” She said as she jerked me off. 
“Mmmmmm~.” I moaned. 
“Do you like this baby boy~? Let me lubricate you first~,” She said before taking my length into her mouth.
Welcoming the warm feeling around my shaft, she could barely reach the base without it hitting the back of her throat. 
“God Jen, it feels so fucking good~,” I moaned. 
Meeting her gaze, I could see the sheer lust and love in her eyes turning me on even more as she kept bobbing her head up and down. 
After a few moments, she takes my dick out of her mouth, undresses her tank top, shorts, and undergarments showing off her nude body. 
Not wasting anytime, I picked her up, went upstairs to her room, placing her onto the bed before hungrily sucking her tits. 
“Yes baby just like that, mark my tits, they’re all yours~,” She said before loudly moaning. 
Afterward, I take off my shirt revealing my three abs, Yunjin slowly traces the lines and couldn’t take her eyes off of it. 
“Since when did you get so hot~?” She asked. 
“I’ve been working out the past few years since you started training,” I answered and she giggled. 
“Good, because rememebr this is all mine now, and nobody else can have it, understood~?” She whispered into my ear sending chills down my spine. 
“Y-Yes, Noona,” I answered and she smiled. 
Continueing where we left off, I slowly insesrt my length into her pussy and she clenched her teeth in pain as this was our first time together. 
“A-Am I hurting you?” I asked. 
“I-It’s okay, just keep going,” She insisted and I nodded. 
Pumping my dick in and out, she was tight as fuck, Yunjin leans foward to grab a hold of my shoulder as I slowly pounded her. 
“That’s it, I want you to impregnant me, baby, give me your babies~,” She said. 
“B-But isn’t that a little too quick?” I worringly asked.
“You let me worry about the details, now do it~?” She replied before moaning. 
As we continued making love for hours maybe, my balls felt tight and her walls started to squeeze my dick to death. 
“Shit, I’m close baby~!” She warned. 
“Same here,” I replied. 
“Do it, cum inside your Noona, I know you want to~!” She insisted. 
At the same time, we both came, but I was scared because I actually did it inside of her meaning that she could get pregnant. 
We both collapsed onto each other on the bed, catching our breaths, looking at her face, even with messy hair she was still beautiful as she gave me a tired and loving look. 
“A-Are you going to get pregnant?” I worringly asked and she laughed.
“Don’t worry, baby, I only said that to motivate you, I’m still on protection so will be fine.” She assured and I sighed in relief. 
“So what you said earlier, you love me? Or is it because of lust?” I curiously asked and she shook her head. 
“No, baby, I meant what I said, I truly love you, do you feel the same?” She asked. 
“Of course, Noona, I’ve loved for you so long but I didn’t think you’d share the same feelings as I do,” I answered and she smiled before pecking my lips. 
“Well, I’m happy to hear that and I promise to marry you in the future, maybe after my dating ban is lifted,” She promised and I chuckled.
“Yeah, probably best if we kept this secret otherwise you’ll get in huge trouble,” I replied. 
“Hehe~. I love you so much, baby, til death do us part~,” She said before carressing my cheek.
“I love you too, Noona, til death do us part~,” I replied and we cuddled for the night. 
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wonyui · 1 year
Carnival Games
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SUMMARY Feeling bored and incomplete, Minji decides to skip studying for once and focus on the fun plans that her friends had made at the carnival. Not being the best shooter out there, she tries to win the teddy bear that had been left to complete her odd teddy collection just for it to end in complete failure. Almost giving up entirely and leaving with a frown, she finds herself watching the pro shooter beside her go for the teddy that she originally wanted.
Pairings: Kim!Minji x F!Reader
Genre: carnival setting, strangers to lovers(not really) au, romance, comedy-romance
- silent add: I finished this when I was sleep deprived, so please lmk if there's any incorrect spelling 💔
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"Bro, I suck at these games, but how do you manage to not knock down at least one bottle?" Hanni half questioned and complained, causing Danielle to nudge her in order to shut her up.
Minji stared at her friends like a menace, even more terrifying when Haerin stared at them for no absolute reason. The sound of the toyish gun machine was the only thing she continued to hear, along with the disappointed sighs, for every time she missed a plastic bottle.
"Should we get more snacks? We could get a soft cold drink for her," Danielle whispered with care in her voice, but since she was a terrible whisperer, it caused Minji's hold on the toy gun to become stronger. "Yeah.. we are definitely going to the snack and drink bar. Minji, we'll be just over there if you decide to give up, okay?"
"Make sure there's ice in it, I can't stand drinks without ice in them!" Haerin looked over to her shoulders as she continued to make her way over to their new destination, her cute yet annoying stare creeping Minji out to the point Danielle had to stop the younger girl from staring.
It took over more than Minji's monthly allowance to finally realize that she needed to stop. Otherwise, she wouldn't have enough money to buy more stuff that intrigued her. Before walking over to join her friends who watched her while making conversations, a stranger took the spot next to her. The strong visuals of the stranger next to her gave her the sudden gay panic attack. Seriously, who knew it'd be a blissful night when all of a sudden you see a cute stranger? It's definitely a win for Minji.
"It's a struggle for beginners." The girl happily hummed, almost as though she was talking to Minji.
"Uh.." Minji awkwardly looked back to her friends, wondering if she should reply(if it was even for her).
Hanni shot a thumbsup, giving it as a sign for Minji to reply even though she didn't know the exact reason for why Minji was staring at them with a questionable look in the first place.
Danielle watched the whole thing, sending a frown at her fellow Australian friend. "Do you even know why she looked over at us?"
"Hey," Hanni shrugged, "anything is good when it comes to a pretty girl."
Hyein, the only 14 year old there, snorted. Acting as though she didn't beg her mom to join them in the first place. Perks come when your mom is a social person. Plus, they were all basically her older sisters, so it was a win-win situation(only for Hyein).
"Unless she told her to stop staring because it creeped her out!" Hyein stated proudly, giggling to herself afterward.
"Right, staring is weird." Haerin added quietly, causing the three of them to look at her to see if she was even joking.
Back to Minji. Iternally gay screaming out of her mind Minji. The awkward silence between her and the cute stranger in front of her made her suffocate. For some reason, she wanted to leave, but it'd also mean missing a chance on at least starting a conversation with you. Yeah, blame it on her half introverted when meeting strangers and half extroverted when cursing at her friends personality. It's truly a blessing for her.
"I'm thinking I should aim for the one on the right top and get 10 more points," you spoke out your thoughts, "but I already have more points needed for the prize I want and it wouldn't really matter anyways unless I want to impress the pretty girl besides me and get one for her too. Which one do you think I should go with?"
Minjo turned red the moment you finished your sentence—or question. She didn't really know, but all that matters was the fact that you had basically called her pretty. It was also smooth along the lines.
"Uhh.. I'd say pick your choice? I don't know." Shs quickly answered, biting her lips and cringing mentally for sounding too dry for her own liking.
"Pretty girl, it is." You smiled, aiming perfectly for the toy bottle.
The worker clapped, feeling proud of himself for setting up such an 'easy' game, blind to the fact that half the people who paid to play didn't really win because the bottles were far and not everyone had great vision. Also, because some had horrible control over their aiming.
"Could I get the teddy bear on the top, right?" You kindly asked as he sent a proud thumbs up. "Thanks."
Minji's eyes stayed on you, waiting for you to look back at her to start another conversation. You eventually did, holding onto the teddy bear that the worker had given you.
"Do you still want this?" The shock on her face made you giggle, turning her even more redder than before.
Nodding her head shamelessy, not because her collection was about to be complete but because you had gifted it to her with your own efforts, made everything about the teddy bear feel more special.
"SHE'S SINGLE BY THE WAY!" A loud voice coming over the snacks and drinks bar made you jump a little.
Judging from the way Minji glared at the pretty girl who proudly wore her bangs, they must have been close friends. The passerbys continued to walk after hearing the loud shout. It was gonna be a memorable moment to you, but for the shy girl in front of you, it was definitely gonna be an embarrassing memory for her.
"I'm Minji, by the way," you smiled and nodded, waiting for her to finish so you could introduce yourself. "And I'm very thankful for the uh.. teddy bear. Am I supposed to give something in return? Because.. I'd really love to, so I don't have to feel as though I'm in debt."
"Y/N, and if anything.. I don't really need anything in return!"
"No, no, I insist."
"No, it's fine!"
"No, like, I want you to ask for something in return. Don't make me feel guilty."
"Oh! Then would it be fine if I took some of your time? It'll be short since you clearly have friends over there waiting to hang with you." Minji looked over at her friends who immediately sent another thumbsup, mouthing the words "we don't mind!'' or "we don't care, just leave."
"It's a yes. Take as much time even. I think they'd be more happy that a stranger took me out of their sight.."
You chuckled. "Alright! Where to?"
"I'm so fucki— oh. Is it alright if I swear?" Minji asked all of a sudden, waiting for you to finish tossing the ring so you could answer.
"You're cute," you laughed, finding her question funny. "Yeah, I sometimes swear, so it's nothing new to my ears."
Minji flushed, feeling her ears turn red.
Ah.. maybe hanging out with a fourteen year old 24/7 got to me.
The odd feeling of someone staring at her made Minji look around to find the source, making eye contact with one of her friends all of a sudden. The glare that she sent wasn't obviously enough to scare them away.
"What are you doing?!" Minji mouthed.
Hanni grinned. Danielle looked away. Haerin continued staring, although her eyes had a glint of mischief. Hyein looked more busy trying to count the many licks it took in order to finish her questionably big lollipop.
"We came to spy on you guys for our own entertainment!" Hanni mouthed back.
"Something wrong?" You asked, noticing how badly frightened Minji looked.
Making sure to use her whole figure in order to block the other girls out from your view, Minji sent a soft smile. "I think we've had too much ring tossing! Why don't we try bean bag tossing?" It was too fast that you couldn't utter out a single word before Minji could drag you by the hand, making sure the other girls couldn't catch up.
"Should we tell her that we happened to find her by coincidence and played along with it?" Danielle asked, feeling worried. Mostly for you.
"Nah," Hanni grinned, "didn't you see the way they held hands? I'd say it was a successful plan."
"And we voted Haerin the most devious.." Danielle trailed off.
Haerin gasped in disbelief, not believing the fact that her friends would do such a thing. "Hey!— I may stare all of a sudden for no reason, but it's because her reactions are always funny. I don't have the brain to think of something like this."
"Woah dude, congrats." Hanni clapped all of a sudden.
"Your first words throughout the whole night! Maybe getting a girlfriend next is on the list?"
"I despise you." Danielle giggled at Haerin's reply, not noticing the lingering glance that Haerin sent before looking elsewhere the moment her brain woke up in realization.
Inhaling for air, you thanked Minji for giving the bottle of water. It was enough coming from her for making you run more miles than you expected.
"I'm sorry, I guess I was just excited to throw bean bags." Minji immediately apologized, looking for any signs of her friends.
Gathering enough air to talk, you pointed to where the bean bag tossing was actually located. "That's nice, but bean bag tossing is over there.." With a huff of annoyance at herself, Minji looked elsewhere to find any fun things the two of you could do together. "Hey.. this might sound crazy but are you down to use your legs paddle something? Well—it's not really paddling, but we're using our feets so basically, it is." "You mean you wanna hop on those boat paddlers after running a whole 6 minute run?" "I'm down if you're down." "Honestly that's crazy, but because you're down, I'm down."
"This was a bad idea." You undeniably admitted the truth.
Minji tried to reply, but she had to catch her breath. After regaining her energy(well, half of it, but nobody was gonna point that out), she sinked into her seat and sighed.
"Well, it was worth the amount of oxygen I needed," She too, admitted. "But hey, we have the best view right now."
If the two of you weren't facing the wrong direction, it would have been the best. Right now, it was a huge wall filled with horrible yet funny art. It looked like junk.
"Are we looking at the same thing?"
"Are we? I believe the view is pretty from my point of view." Finally realizing what she meant, you turned to make eye contact with the latter who wore a coy smile on her face. "So we definitely weren't looking at the same thing."
"I guess the cute shyness disappeared?" You grinned, feeling quite content at the moment. Also, the redness that crept up under your cheeks felt too overwhelming to control.
"Well," Minji clicked her tongue with a geeky smile forming afterward. "I definitely wouldn't pass on a great opportunity like this. Would you?"
Shaking your head at her question, it brought her a great amount of happiness. "Definitely not."
"You sound kinda wayyyy too experienced with that reply. Are you sure I wasn't the only girl you've flirted with?" She joked, feeling comfortable to joke with you this time.
It was a suggestive joke, too, giving you the opportunity to reply back with something more funny. Or maybe a pick-up line at that—she hoped.
"I'm not sure," you pretended to ponder, "was I the only girl you've flirted with too?"
Minji simply shrugged. "Never in my life. In fact, I think you raised my standards."
"Well then, to be honest," you shyly spoke this time, "I've never actually shot my shot and vice versa. It was always questionably a given whenever a person would come up and ask for my phone number."
"Maybe it's cause they don't have toy guns just laying around, waiting for someone to use them?" Minji joked, getting nudged by you. "You know what I mean!"
"Yeah, you wanted my phone number."
"Don't get too confident.."
"You never denied it."
"And I didn't admit it!"
It could go on for long until Minji averted her eyes elsewhere, looking at her friends who waved at her, looking so small, yet she could see that they clearly wanted something. "I think we might need to go back on land.."
"What is it?" The annoyed girl grumbled, glaring at her friends(mostly at Hanni).
"Yeah, we get it. We interrupted your date, but we wanted to meet her too!" Hanni spoke out for the rest of them.
You nervous smiled, feeling a bit small in their presence. Minji noticed this, of course, taking your hand and interlocking it with hers. It was somewhat a habit of hers whenever she'd notice a friend was feeling a bit uncomfortable—which was rare. Something about her holding hands with you felt new—it made her feel things that she had never felt before.
"Okay, we'll pretend not to notice that!" Danielle positively smiled.
Before greeting you and introducing herself, she made sure to nudge Haerin. It was the only option she had to stop her from what it seemed like rudely staring at you.
"The names Danielle! That's Hanni, Haerin, and this one.. she doesn't need to be intro—" Before the poor girl who radiated sunshine energy could even finish, she had been interrupted. "Yeah, I'm Hyein. Nice to meet you!"
"Hyein, you're too young to involve yourself in this conversation!" Danielle reminded.
You raised your eyebrows, wondering what she meant by too young. Hell, the latter looked to be the same age as the one who seemed to have a bad case of staring for no absolute reason(which you didn't mind).
"She's fourteen.." Danielle sighed, feeling disappointed.
"Oh.." Sounding a little rude there, you paused. "I meant, oh! She looks mature! I'm in like—shock."
"Really? I sort of get that all the time." Hyein proudly grinned.
"Mhm! And the names Y/N." They all nodded in sync as soon as you introduced yourself.
"Pretty name!"
"For a pretty girl, that's for sure."
"Hey now."
"Relax, I'm not gonna steal her?"
"That's not what I mean- Ugh."
An idea was what Danielle wanted. Specifically something that could allow all 6 of you to hang out. Minji frowned, noticing the happy grin that presented on the younger latter's face. "Anyone up for bean bag tossing? Losers do whatever the winners want."
"I WANT A REMATCH!" Hanni complained.
Hyein side-eyed the older girl, feeling happy about the win that she didn't participate in because it was mostly you doing all the work of tossing the bean bags in. It felt truly horrific knowing that there was probably nothing you were good at.
"I honestly should have been in your team. A free win would have been good for me." Minji sighed.
"Be for real," the annoying Australian spoke, causing Minji to glare at her. "We know that's not the real reason." Minji continued to glare, "playfully" pushing the younger girl away so she wouldn't have the chance to say more stupid things.
"It's already eight pm?" Danielle looked at her watch, pouting at the thought of having less time to spend with you. Though it couldn't beat the disappointed stare that Minji gave, knowing that it'd be too upfront to suddenly ask for your phone number.
"We still have the bet going on, right?" You asked, looking at Minji mostly.
"Ah!" It had hit Danielle in realization at the sudden question. "Yeah, gosh. I almost forgot!"
"I'm cold. Hanni, give me your hoodie."
"Um. No?"
"The bet. Loser. Give."
Feeling defenless and giving up at that moment, Hanni started to mutter curse words under her breath while taking off her jacket. Handing over her jacket, Hyein smiled in victory before putting it in on. Danielle watched the whole thing unwrap, looking over at Haerin with a mischievous grin.
"Haerin? Are you afraid of heights?" Haerin immediately shook her head, hoping Danielle would ask her to join her on the ferris wheel.
"Great! How about you ride the ferris wheel alone for three minutes?"
A frown fell on her face, along with a big sigh. Danielle was a difficult person when it came to those who liked her. Usually, it was a blessing for Haerin, but she was now annoyed. Minji snickered, finding the situation funny. Haerin lazily made her way over to the ferris wheel, cursing the universe for ruining her enjoyment.
"I wanna join her." you stated, hoping Minji would take the hint.
The butterflies in her stomach disappeared, feeling more like a pit all of a sudden. "Oh. Well, you could if you want to.." Her disappointment sounded way too obvious, causing you to chuckle, "Well you obviously didn't get the hint. I meant I want to look at a better VIEW this time," you emphasized the word 'view'.
Minji unnoticably gulped, nodding quickly so her chances of being alone with you on a ferris wheel on wouldn't go to waste. "Yes. Please."
"What are you guys doing here? I thought the winner was supposed to order the losers around?" Haerin genuinely asked, wondering if the two of you had gotten fooled.
Minji flushed, feeling both nervous and giddy that she couldn't answer the cat-like latters questions. You, on the other hand, took the initiative to answer her question, almost sounding as though you weren't internally panicking in your mind.
"We're actually gonna ride the ferris wheel together."
Haerin bitterly smiled, blaming Danielle for her stupidity. Now, she has to basically third-wheel and sit all by herself. 'Good going, Danielle. Look what you did, dense idiot.' was the only thing that echoed in Haerin's head.
"It's so pretty.." You stared at the cities that looked small from your view.
Minji had been admiring the view, too, not looking at you this time. "Pretty good, I guess. I've seen better."
"Really? You're seriously a picky one, aren't you?" You raised your brows jokingly.
"Hey— you don't know exactly what I've seen in my life, but it's pretty admirable," Minji jokingly huffed, sounding way too proud of her own accomplished
"I'm sure it has been," you added, pretending to sound uninterested, "I'm sure it has."
The silence grew, keeping it peaceful. Minji had more to say, but she wanted you to have a great time enjoying yourself. The silence grew even more, this time a little awkward than it was before. Thinking of how to start her sentence, Minji decided to go big or go home.
"Listen I-"
"Hey so-"
The cut-offs made by each other quickly turned into laughter. "I'll go first since I'm an impatient one." Minji quickly added in between her laughs. You agreed, waiting for her to continue. "Listen, I had a great time with you and everything. It was truly enjoyable," Minji softly smiled genuinely.
It was mutual. You grew fond of the girl. You wished that the time didn't fly past, but repeated as though it was meant to be. You wanted more time spent with her, but it'd be too weird to admit in front of you.
"Thank you.. for this time. I also enjoyed it," You paused, wanting to add more, "your friends were also funny!"
It grew quiet once again. This time, the two of you had nothing to worry about, letting the silence overtake the atmosphere. Maybe it was the fact that you felt a little sentimental that you couldn't even look Minji in the eye. Just how different would have things been if you saw how fond she looked while staring at you? Would you have done the same? It filled her with questions that felt almost too possible to answer nor ignore. It was on border of being either too annoying or exciting to feel.
"I-" Before she could even finish, the ferris wheel started moving again, showing that the ride was about to finish. "Huh?" You questioned, waiting for her to finish. Minji fake smiled, "it's nothing, I was just gonna spit out a fun fact."
You slowly nodded, wondering if there was more to it than just a fun fact. Oddly enough, she looked more disappointed than you did at the moment.
"So, how did the two of you enjoy your time?" Haerin asked bitterly, remembering how it was just more than 3 minutes to herself. At least it was good enough to question her whole existence.
You who sounded enthusiastic looked over at Minji, who looked down. You wanted to say more but a familiar face stopped you from doing so, realizing that it was your older brother coming to pick you up. Also, the friends that you had accidentally ditched just to hang out with Minji, though they didn't seem to mind because they looked like they also had a great time.
"Ah, my brother is here.. this is where I take my leave." This time, it was you who had bitterly smiled.
The glare that your brother had sent for straying too far sent chills down your spine, causing you to bow and apologize before running off to where he was. All of it was too sudden for Minji to even bid you goodbye. Hell, she was frozen, trying to process things.
"Nice going!" Hanni nudged, disappointed that you had left without leaving your number or anything.
There were too many emotions she was feeling at the moment. You turned back, waving one more time with a smile as Minji finally returned it. Your figure leaving further and further away from her was all she needed to realize that you had already disappeared.
"I'm such a coward. Please tell me you angels had gotten her number!" Minji basically begged, feeling like she could cry at the given moment when her friends shook their heads(except Hyein).
Minji faced the youngest one, hope laced in her tone. "Hyein?"
The youngest pretended to shake her head, that is, until Minji's head began to hang low in disappointment. "I'm joking. Oh my god, take a joke."
"Pause. Are you saying what I'm thinking?" Minji asked, a sudden adrenaline rush coursing through her.
"Yes, I asked for it earlier, knowing you'd be a full-on coward. You're welcome." Hyein rolled her eyes, giving the note.
Taking the note from Hyein's hand, Minji's stoic expression melted into a soft smile. Although she wasn't brave enough to ask, she felt happy that her friends(mostly Hyein) had her back. Who knew a handwritten note was what made her night the most besides spending time with you? Minji read the note all over again as if you included words in it.
'xxx-xxx-xxx don't spam text/call please TT joking do it :)'
"Hyein.. I'm definitely buying you whatever you want. You're finishing your barbie doll collection tomorrow, okay?" Minji patted the younger latter on the back.
Hyein smiled while the others frowned in envy, wanting the older girl to buy something for them, too. "Hey! What about us?" They asked in unison. Minji stared at the other girls in distaste, ignoring them before pulling Hyein under her arms, planning to spoil her with candy and drinks for the rest of the night. Who knew an ex-stranger would be the reason for Minji's sudden giddiness?
"Shoot. I forgot the teddy bear at the duck paddling thingy majiggys! We gotta go back!" Minji yelled, running a little later on as the others joined in.
Luckily enough, she was smart enough to hide it under the seats. Otherwise, it would have been a total loss for her and a big treasure find for whoever found it.
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So 👀 Xian Le 4 as an idol group.
They were pretty big when they debuted. Young, talented and handsome boys full of dreams and endless bursts of energy, everyone thought they would reach fame in no time... But the industry is known to be the worst kind of environment for youngsters, so harsh, so ruthless.
Not even a year had passed when the members started to struggle really bad with all the gossip, all those awful rumors. They fell apart.
Mu Qing used to lash at their stuff, he'd get soo angry after hearing them bad mouthing their group, his reputation was in ruins after that.
Feng Xin suddenly appeared with a woman who was pregnant??? HOW?? the boy who feared being near women?? no way. As you can see, it was a BIG SCANDAL.
Xie Lian was framed. He was the it-boy, so beautiful, with the voice of an angel and the charisma and stage presence of a star. Everyone loved him... well.... not everyone. Lots of other idols were envious of him, so they decided to ruin him, making him seem that he was involved with drugs and the mafia. It was absolute chaos.
Nobody knows what happened to Red. He was the youngest and the most silent of the four. Some fans believed he wasn't even part of the group to begin with. So, when he disappeared nobody thought about him.
It was really bad, but you know what they say, time heals everything.
Mu Qing became a famous model, with lots of contracts and brand deals, his face EVERYWHERE. His attitude didn’t improve but being in the fashion world, it was expected from a top model, so people didn’t care anymore.
Feng Xin re-started his career as an actor. His new fans didn’t care that he was a father at such a young age. In fact, it was celebrated if you know what I mean (hot actor daddy? oh.)
Xie Lian didn’t know how, why, where, WHEN, but a happy accident that was captured and uploaded in twitter went viral, MILLIONS OF VIEWS. It was incredible and catched  the attention of an agency managing youtubers. He ended up being featured in lots of Chuu Can do it videos. Those two were a sight to see, people loved them and the channel grew lots.
There was this new soloist, people were going crazy, LIKE INTERNATIONALLY. Hua Cheng was a really tall and handsome guy, with a strong presence and killing voice. He was mysterious and out of reach, his fandom was getting bigger and bigger with each passing day. HE WAS THE PRIDE OF THE COUNTRY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. but, nobody knew about his beginnings…
Well, everyone was surprised (to say the least)  when they heard that THE famous Hua Cheng wanted to be featured in one of xie lian's shows.... oh, what’s going on??
if someone wants to write this au, pleaaase tag me!!! i don’t know how to continue
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dreamaze · 1 month
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Save Giuk 2/� … from yonghoon wandering away from his mic during the meteor shower guitar solo
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bmpmp3 · 1 month
and another thing about vocal synth fans: we will always find some adult male voicebank to turn into a funny little clown for our amusement. some guy to communally bully in our talkloids, the miserable straightman to the shenanigans, the sad little freak punchline to our jokes. it happened to kaito. it happened to gakupo. it happened genbu. it even happened a bit to kevin (although he seems to have looped around somehow). and it will happen to you too, frimomen. it will happen to you too.
#hell its already begun. or maybe he was born for this role. his origins being that of which they are#the other day i saw a favourite meal announcing dragon parody 'list of past girlfriends' with frimomen#and of course the joke was him going silent for the listing part <3 a classic but it still got me LOL#i dont know why we need to do this. i feel it too though. i see a grown ass man vocal synth and im like I NEED to make him swagless#child and teen vocal synths are mostly safe from our wrath (although we've definitely done a good bit of len bullying)#but the second i see a guy who pays his taxes i NEED to make fun of him <3 <3 <3#a vocal synth tradition. its a tradition#i dunno i was kinda thinking about genbus characterization and how in the japanese fanbase he kind of varies from what ive seen#sometimes hes a nice and calm guy with a tsundere edge. sometimes hes a goofy loud straightman to shenanigans#but overwhelmingly in the english speaking world in talkloids we turn him into this high energy beloved little freak LOL#and i love all characterizations. my own personal version is kind of all combined LOL hes friendly but a little too hype#to me he seems chill at first but is like 0-100 in like seconds <3 like his voicebank <3 <3 <3 i think he feels every emotion so so much#and absolutely suited to the straightman to hijinks role with his grumpier edge when hes embarassed#i also sometimes like to give him a bit of an unearned ego sometimes because of voicebank deprecation#hes clunky but he was the first!!! he was the first!!! hes not owned!!!! he slowly turns into a corncob#thats another characterization that mostly comes from the english speaking side LOL#TO ME genbu is like if ll nico was trying to put on a nice calm guy exterior instead of a cutesy idol exterior#which might be why genbu's becoming my favourite LOL nico was always my fav.....#going back to our favourite little guys to bully i will say nowadays kaito isnt bullied as much. because we have gakupo to bully instead#the bullying can pass on. frimomen. it can be inherited frimomen. watch out frimomen
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crowliphale · 2 years
Funnily enough she isn't even my favorite of the trio, she's still super cute tho
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kimchunsgha · 27 days
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this is just an example but op is right! it bothers me so much when idols are pushing to perform while sustaining injuries or when they were supposed to be recovering and kpop stans are hyping this up like no stop??? this shouldn't have to happen and idols shouldn't have to do it either but their companies don't even stop them from doing so and it's a problem
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ghostplasmas · 2 years
Shiver and Frye!
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Aaaa!!!! I'm so excited for Splatoon 3! I love these two so much, they're lesbians and I love them they're dating cause I said so.
(*click for better quality*)
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imaginarykpop · 2 years
Jaeyeon Masterlist | BigHit/Hybe Masterlist
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Profile -|- Facts
Relationships With
Writing (* _* can be read as a stand alone)
2009- 2013
The Boyfriend 
Intervention I
Intervention II
Variety Shows
Game Carterers
Social Media
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mebis-art-dump · 2 years
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Based on this
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minknip · 9 months
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pearlie and the pod
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snowynightlightss · 2 years
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
Im past thinking about ensemble stars 3.0 and ensemble girls 2.0 im in ensemble galaxy rn. I need to know what this new app is asap
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cyberceph · 2 years
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One week left brothers stay strong
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