#hyperthermia machine
mercury-healthcare · 1 year
Medical Equipment Manufacturer and Supplier in India
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   In the field of healthcare, the quality and reliability of medical equipment play a vital role in delivering effective and efficient patient care. Mercury Healthcare, a leading Medical Equipment Manufacturer and supplier in India, has emerged as a trusted name in the industry. With its commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction, Mercury Healthcare has been revolutionizing the healthcare landscape in India. In this blog post, we will explore why Mercury Healthcare is renowned for providing the finest quality medical equipment in the country.
Commitment to Quality: Mercury Healthcare is dedicated to producing medical equipment of the highest quality standards. The company adheres to stringent quality control processes at every stage of manufacturing, ensuring that all products meet international quality benchmarks. By using advanced technology and robust manufacturing practices, Mercury Healthcare ensures that its equipment is reliable, accurate, and durable.
Wide Range of Products: One of the key strengths of Mercury Healthcare is its extensive portfolio of medical equipment. The company offers a comprehensive range of products, including diagnostic equipment, surgical instruments, patient monitoring systems, imaging devices, and much more. Whether it’s a small clinic, a large hospital, or a research facility, Mercury Healthcare caters to the diverse needs of the healthcare industry.
Cutting-Edge Technology: Mercury Healthcare stays at the forefront of technological advancements in the medical field. The company invests in research and development to continuously improve its products and introduce innovative solutions. By integrating the latest technology into their equipment, Mercury Healthcare ensures accurate diagnoses, efficient treatments, and improved patient outcomes.
Customization and Personalization: Understanding that different healthcare facilities have unique requirements, Mercury Healthcare offers customization and personalization options. The company collaborates closely with its clients to understand their specific needs and tailor the equipment accordingly. This approach not only enhances the user experience but also optimizes workflow efficiency in healthcare settings
Compliance with Standards: Mercury Healthcare strictly adheres to national and international regulations and standards for medical equipment manufacturing. The company follows Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines and holds certifications such as ISO 13485:2016, ensuring that their products meet the highest quality and safety standards. This commitment to compliance instills confidence in customers, making Mercury Healthcare a trusted partner in the healthcare industry.
After-Sales Support and Service: Apart from manufacturing top-quality medical equipment, Mercury Healthcare places great emphasis on Hyper-Hypothermia Machine after-sales support and service. The company provides comprehensive technical assistance, training programs, and regular maintenance services to ensure the smooth functioning of the equipment. Their prompt and efficient customer service team is always ready to address any queries or concerns.
Conclusion: Mercury Healthcare stands out as a premier medical equipment manufacturer and supplier in India due to its unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. With a wide range of products, cutting-edge technology, customization options, and adherence to stringent standards, Mercury Healthcare has earned the trust of healthcare professionals across the country. By choosing Mercury Healthcare, healthcare facilities can be assured of acquiring the finest quality medical equipment that contributes to delivering superior patient care.
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aditya-takavade21 · 1 year
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thaisibir · 4 months
SEES members react to getting anesthesia: headcanons from a real anesthetist
(Go here for post on Phantom Thieves react to getting anesthesia)
Makoto: the guy who secretly smokes weed, chews through roc every 15 minutes, needs over 1.5 MAC maintenance sevo. (Laymans terms translation: smokes weed so he burns through a ton of muscle paralytic agent (rocuronium) and anesthetic gas (sevoflurane) needed to keep him relaxed and deeply asleep)
Yukari: had her hair and nails done the day before surgery, wakes up from anesthesia asking if she said anything dumb and apologizing if she did. (Complimenting patients on their nice nails is part of my small talk to attempt calming nerves when they're rolled into the OR)
Junpei: would try to fight anesthesia and count past 10 seconds, tries to cheat by counting fast (he loses anyway) (It's so amusing when patients try to challenge anesthesia. Some put up a good fight, but in the end, anesthesia always wins.)
Mitsuru: takes 300 mg of propofol on anesthetic induction, scares the shit out of OR staff when she still reaches for the airway device as the anesthetist tries to insert it. (Redheads tend to need more anesthetic than average. For context, the induction/knock-you-out dose for propofol is about 2 mg/kg. For frail old people, I halve that dose. Most people don't need more than a single 20 ml syringe/200 mg of propofol. I push 200 mg for big tall football/basketball guys. I've seen redheads take at least 2, even 3 syringes. Mitsuru would be a tough one to knock out.)
Akihiko: the extremely athletic ASA 1 guy with baseline bradycardia bordering on need for anticholinergics. Will most definitely wake up swinging fists and knocking out teeth and trying to jump out of the bed if he didn't get enough sedative on board beforehand. (Healthy athletic young patients (HAY patients, I call them) tend to wake up violently and delirious from anesthetic gas. To mitigate this, there's a sedative called precedex that helps smooth out emergence from anesthesia. Good to give for little kids, teenage girls, and big strong-looking guys. As soon as I see I'll be getting an Akihiko/HAY type patient for an upcoming case, I already know to draw up and dilute precedex to have at the ready.)
Fuuka: actually a very pleasant and compliant patient, but has family history of malignant hyperthermia and allergies to practically everything, apologizes for all the trouble. (Malignant hyperthermia is a very rare, but very deadly anesthetic complication if not treated promptly. Many anesthesia providers go through their entire careers without ever seeing MH, but we're trained to know what to do if it ever happens. Anesthetic gases and a muscle paralytic agent called succinylcholine are MH triggers. The anesthesia machine must be completely removed of the gas canisters and flushed through with high flow oxygen for an hour or so, to really make sure none of that stuff is exposed to an MH patient. I like the idea of Fuuka turning out to be a patient requiring an extensive anesthetic plan when she totally wouldn't mean to)
Ken: the rare kid who's cool with getting an IV in preop. (Pediatric patients typically do not get an IV placed before being rolled back to the OR, as most kids are terrified of needles. Induction of anesthesia in the OR must instead be achieved by delivering high flow anesthetic gas through a mask. Once the kid is unconscious from the gas, then an IV can be placed to give medications throughout a case intravenously. Amada seems like the type to be fine with getting an IV placed when he's awake because that's what adults have to do.)
Aigis: is a robot, physically can't process anesthesia. (Probably goes without saying)
Koromaru: Mitsuru or Akihiko, as the oldest members of SEES, act as guardians to sign anesthesia consent forms. Holds out his front leg and rolls over to offer his chest so staff can put on the blood pressure cuff and EKG stickers. Adored by the vet and vet techs for being so smart and adorable.
Shinjiro: the guy you think would smoke weed and drink a lot but actually has a history of post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and prolonged emergence from general anesthesia. (Somehow I like the idea of Shinjiro turning out to be a delicate flower when it comes to anesthetic requirements)
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faofinn · 2 years
Blood Loss | Running Out of Air | Hyperthermia
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Fao swore as she slumped against him, and gathered her up in his arms. “It’s okay, i’ve got you.” He murmured, glancing around the kitchen, at his girlfriend and brother. “Can you guys run down ahead of me, start getting the resus bay set up? I’ll be right behind you.”
Finn was stuck for a moment, caught like a deer in headlights. He swallowed thickly, but nodded as Fao gave them instructions, darting out.
Fao adjusted his grip on Sheila, keeping her close to him, and frowned at the sticky warmth over his forearms. He pulled back slightly, and caught sight of the flash of red over the ink of his tattoos. Blood. What the fuck had happened?   
"Ely? Can you set up airways?" He hated himself for asking, but hated the shake in his voice more. "I need an alert out to everyone, and I needed them here yesterday."
Ely nodded quickly. “I’m grabbing my trauma kit now, and I’ll call out, see who I can find. Is Steve working?” She asked, finding her kit.
"I think so. Hars should be around."
“I’ll call him.” She said, one hand sorting through her kit whilst she flicked through her phone with the other. 
"Have you got enough to RSI?" 
“Yeah, I’ve got everything.” She replied, hitting speaker on her phone as it rang, praying Harrison picked up.
He did, though there was the sound of chaos in the background. "Ely. Go ahead."
Ely frowned. “Where are you?”
"Out with Taidgh and Levi. What's wrong?"
“It’s Sheila, she’s… she’s collapsed.” She said, her voice wavering. At that same moment, Fao pushed the main doors open, so hard they smacked off the wall.
"Collapsed how? What's happened?"
"She was attacked, Hars. We need everyone here."
“She’s bleeding!” Fao called. “I don’t know exactly where from.”
"Fuck." Harrison repeated. "We'll be ten minutes."
“Make it five.” Ely said, her voice more commanding than she expected. 
Finn fussed over Fao and Sheila, helping him get her onto their bed. "Bleeding?"
“Somewhere on her back, I don’t know. I’m covered.” Fao said, pulling back.
He glanced up at his brother. "Shit, you are. This isn't good."
“I was hoping this was going to be straightforward. Blanket, gown, anything? We’ll need to get all this off of her.”
"Blanket is on the side. Watch your hand, I need to cut it."
Fao turned away, moving his hand to grab the blanket, as Ely set up to cannulate. 
"Oh, God." Finn murmured. 
“How bad?” Fao asked, wiping his hands off on his jeans and throwing his hair up into a bun
"She's been stabbed. Pass me the gauze."
“Fuck.” Fao muttered, grabbing up the gauze. “Here, pack what you can. How deep?”
"Deep enough you'll probably want to scrub in. What are your obs like, Ely?"
“Shit. BP 85/40, pulse 120.”
Fao winced. “Can you guys manage if I go and sort the theatre?”
"We'll manage."
“Alright. I won’t be long.” Fao said, glancing over at them.
"Ely, you wanna RSI?"
“On it. Ketamine going in now.” She murmured, rubbing Sheila’s arm out of habit as she gave the drug.
Finn hesitated a moment, before quickly leaning down to kiss his mum's forehead. "We're gonna look after you now, okay? Just hold on."
“We’ve got you, Sheila. Got the family’s finest.” Said Ely gently, discarding the spent syringe as she checked her observations. 
Finn swallowed thickly. He couldn’t look at Ely, his eyes kept low as he kept treating, his hands just muscle memory.
Happy enough with the numbers she was getting, Ely picked up her next drug. “Roc going in now.”
He wanted nothing else than to run, to stop treating and pretend that none of it was happening. It was one thing to treat Fao, or Hars, in fact, it had become the norm. But to see his mum like this, it was bordering on too much. His eyes kept flicking to the machines, double, then triple checking over everything, searching for something he'd missed. 
Ely didn’t have time to check on Finn, as she took a moment to bag and make sure everything was as she wanted it before she reached for her tube. She had to take control, and so she did, confidently passing the tube in. At least Sheila had an easy airway, and she didn’t have to work too hard. Happy with it, she checked air entry, and hummed to herself, connecting the vent.
“There. Perfect.” She could focus on her other drugs now, managing the haemorrhage the best she could. 
Fao emerged then, swallowing thickly at the state of his Mum. He’d changed, Ely noticed, his jeans and sweatshirt gone and scrubs in their place. Not his usual, fancy scrubs either. Not the ones he wore for their little clinics. These were their shitty, theatre scrubs, crumbled and rucked up in places where Fao had thrown them on. 
“Talk to me.” Fao said. “Theatre’s set up. Where is Hars? He should be here by now.”
"Ely's just intubated, that's all sorted. I've packed as much as I can, TXA and that seems to be holding her blood pressure. Think she's got some internal injuries going on, but I'm not sure how much of this bruising is from her ribs. Her abdomen is pretty solid. We've just got the one entry wound. I heard a car pull up before, I'm hoping it's him."
Fao nodded. “Alright. Can I have a look at this wound? We can’t CT, obviously, but we’ve got ultrasound. I might be able to see what’s internal and what’s ribs, or at least get some idea.”
"Go for it. I'll grab some more blood."
“Great.” Fao murmured, and moved to examine the stab wound. It was neat, not too big, but certainly deep. Obviously they had no idea how big the knife had been, but it was realistic to assume she’d been bleeding since she’d gotten home. Fuck. 
The doors flung open again, Harrison and Tai rushing through. "What's happening? Where do you need us?"
“Hars, with me.” Fao said sharply. “Grab the ultrasound. It’s a significant stab wound to the back, deeper than I can guess just from here. Has just been RSI’d, TXA given, Finn’s just about to hang more blood. Abdomen is solid. She’s been bleeding since she got in at around two. She’s lost so much blood. Fuck.”
"Do you need me to scrub in?" He asked, moving to Fao's side.
“I’m not going to say no to the assist.” He said. “The theatre is all set up, just waiting for everything to stabilise enough.”
"I'll scrub." He said, glancing at Finn. "Tai, can you sort the ultrasound with Fao?"
“Yeah, on it now.” Tai said, grabbing the kit. 
"Where's dad?" Finn asked, finishing the blood. "Is he okay?"
“He’s probably already looking for the cunt that did this.”
"He doesn't know who it was?"
“I don’t even think she knows who it was.” Ely commented quietly. “I’m sure he’ll find them, though.”
"I'll kill them." Finn said simply. "When we find them, I'll kill them."
“Yeah? Join the queue.” Fao said, looking at the ultrasound. “Clear haemoperitoneum, there’s free fluid everywhere. Hard to tell where it’s coming from, though.”
"Is it bad?"
“I want to get to theatre now, really.” Fao admitted. “Are you all happy to move?”
“Yeah, go for it.” Ely said. “I’ll need to change and things, though. But if Hars is waiting he can monitor whilst I get sorted. Or Tai, you know your way around the vent.”
"I've got the vent." Tai murmured. "Gives you three a chance to plan."
Ely went to change and get ready for the transfer, whilst Fao did the best he could to manage the damage so far. Harrison would be back soon, and they could get going. He looked around for his brother. 
“Finn?” He asked gently. “How are you holding up?”
"I'm fine." He said firmly, not sure who he was trying to convince. 
“Do you reckon you’d be able to help in theatre?”
"Would you even want me?"
“If I’ve got Hars as an assist I could do with you to act as a scrub nurse. Only if you can.”
"I'm fine." He repeated. "I can help."
“Just saves me time.” Fao murmured. “Thank you. Do you want to go and get sorted?”
"Are you two okay here?"
“Yeah, just be quick. Hars will be back in a minute.”
"I can wait until he's back?"
“It’s fine, the sooner the better.”
"Alright. I'll be quick." He nodded, disappearing to get sorted. 
It took a few minutes for everyone to get sorted, but soon enough Sheila was in their theatre and Fao was scrubbed and ready to go, with Hars alongside him. It was less than ideal, Fao knew his surgical team were reluctant at best, but it would have to do. 
It felt almost counterintuitive to make another incision, but it had to be done, to see just how bad things were and repair any damage he could. He was tired, he’d had a long day and certainly didn’t expect to be doing this with his evening, but he didn’t have a choice. He just had to forget it was Sheila, and just focus on the job, just on the blood and the repair he needed to do. That was it. There was nobody connected to it. Just the job.
Ely, as usual, belongs to @epochandeons
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gushingabtlove · 2 years
when ur bfs are all a little funny silly brain <33
this goes out to not even half of my fruity little oc boyfriends who i love very very much <33
lava lamp (+ briar), boombox, kaleidoscope, bathbomb, glowbi, jellyfish, daddy long legs, custard, retrogade, loomy, jewelry box, cream pie, butterbread, sparkler, nightlight, honeycake, campfire, gummyworm, discoball, paintbrush, 8-ball, firefly, artboard, slushie, beanbag, paintball, shutters, fortune teller, landmine, jewelmine, bombasm, magic marker, glitter pen, matchbox, funnyface, shadow mask, bubblecup, domino, axeman, jester, reverse, goggles, clock-out, tapestry, king, streets, crutches, discotheque, vhs, vm, quip, camera man, statiklis, hotline, cutcord, wiresaw, powerline, record, fillter, sey, logbook, researcher, delivery, mandyl, casting, orbee, milkyway, valan, herring, styxo, ruler, error, buttons, cryogen, daydream, ikbo, marbles, ozzy, zz, dollie, claw machine, carnival, sewing needle, gameboy, bendy, bowtie, starfish, firecracker, cotton candy, birthday, cupcake, portrait, fair, cakewalk, balloon, ocean eyes, goldie, smiles, post-it, blondie, wannabe, hushpuppy, pseudonym, drearie, softie, lockbox, memory, eternity, zenith, vigor, spider eyes, monday, tsunami, ragdoll, mixtape, dj, erase, zipper, newsie, cigar, knots, signal, analog, iq, broker, album, techy, radar, algorithm, candlestick, milkshake, raspberry sorbet, strawberry lemonade, honeycomb, whipped cream, bon-bon, cocoa, grape soda, fizz, cornbread, fruit punch, poprocks, pb&j, blackberry pie, popsicle, icing, gingerbread, peach crumble, teacake, sprinkles, cheesecake, peanut butter, rollcake, sugar cookie, toffee pudding, dropper, slim-jim, parka, nasty, paparazzi, oxy, dickie, party, seldom, noddles, needles, vodka, molly rose, infrared, coke, injection, re-al, pill, addict, mr. prescription, rubs, bandages, naughty, birthday candle, flamethrower, wind chimes, streamers, delicacy, quake, licorice, peach blush, frostbite, hyperthermia, sandglass, snakebite, bambi, vignette, waffle iron, somnophobia, viperpop, lightbulb, wallflower, ariel, cyanide, ghastor, peril, mirror shard, angelita, the doctor, lazuli, siderite, plasma, amnesia, pepper steak, anndy, neo, cat eye, apology, gumdrop, inkwell, think 101, aim, look at the stars.crp, twisted.exe, hedonism, lotus, phantasm, legacy, shivering, vil.exg, alzen, rose, bowie, mars, june, elzen, january, july, cake, lumi, neptune, alix, pyro, distortion, death, ecstasy, equity, wisp, determination, alastor, nate, zest, vinn, valarian, xest, vesper, marcy, k2, anonymous, anxiety, norman, adel, anna, xexter, oz, amon, azrael, brandon, cordon, chaim, camron, river, zap, sick, unknown, pumpkin head, ethan, damien, unstable, glitch, seren, kayan, core, spice, lisp, wisp, marsh, liam, logan, daniel, rylo, karl, cinder, kindle, break, saturn, gem, lonnie, eleven, thirteen, nine, twelve, vason, aster, toxicity, darling, pyromania, cross, infatuation, dis, angel, cobi, alice, bonnibel, ray, conifer, phantom, rot, teeth, cheezit, casino, twist, mania, bruxism, yohan, lucifer, chimes, morphine, foxglove, slumber, fear, pallid, gossamer, kenny, pepper, sour, sweet, quincey, jack (+jackl), phoenix, swiss, borealis, bicchiere, juno, pond, opium, eve, esque, petrichor, elysian, sheep, saeran, blue, thirtyfour, sea, gorge, corette, popgoes, nabu, penumbra, daffodil, remedy, silkra, polaris, nabbi, stitches, patchwork, sunkiss, spindle, uri, bride, evangelion, corpse, petunia, swan, melatonin, chorus, tempest, gold, heartwood, wyx, wik, chavell, hern, zin, sonna, esconder, oakley, jonquil, jules, kaz, valentine, savel, alifer, hexikiah, flair, orion, roman, aurelius, lio, supernova, hyperburst, xale, reino, karami, amaiera, vinnie, sylvester, ghost, amoxie, thyme, khai, leno, tyrian, amaranth, wish, valley, jockoline, knife, cubbie, keys, patchwork, clay, fran, ricky, starburst, matrix, richie, koen, fantasia, treasure, saint, rem, sunflower, law, dice, spade, brione, klahoma, klub, juxapose, shark, coast, pearl, fable, canopy, queen, fae, xyin, anomaly, december, november, t, haunterly, kiss, sixteen, five, veil, pom pom, laine, winlei, estan, raby, sachele, cj, null, ziggy, lanton, sannette
passion, masky, rosibene, nonsense, decay, salem, lockie, sugar, limin, spitts, everett, soda, fitz, bō, daughtry, hao, kastlane, afternoon, lucas, louise, mimmy, yusef, equinox, anthemion, três, viridian, celadon, faigan, radio, syrup, rise, elowen, veraine, axe, creep, vanity, yellow, boston, kain, riles, quick, hydraon, nessie, mousse, ecto, beastly, worship, cannibalism, stalking, abandon, ketamine, pretender, hypocrisy, quixotic, opulence, opportunity, sensuality, sobriety, rage, apocalypse, negligence, irrationality, cube
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hygeamedtech · 5 months
AI Epic™ Cryosurgical System
Integrates the advantages of cryoablation and hyperthermia ablation
for enhancing the minimally invasive cancer treatment outcomes of multiple solid tumors.
AI Epic™ S40 Cryoablation System
Wide temperature range from -196℃ to 80℃ with fast freezing and heating rate for a powerful and complete tumor destruction;
Stimulated immune response strengthens the therapeutic effect.
Visible and controllable ablation zone with the guidance of CT or ultrasound for accurate eradication of tumors.
Liquid nitrogen and ethanol as working medium greatly reduce the cost of each treatment.
All-in-one design with built-in dewars, no extra gas cylinders and conveying tube required.
User Friendly
Touch screen, electric power assist, customisable program workflow and a series of designs enables the convenience of operation.
Elite™ Disposable Ablation Probe
Superior Performance
Ultra-low temperature ensures a fast cooling rate and creates large lethal zones.
High Temperature
Hyperthermia ablation efficiently stops probe tract bleeding and prevents tumor implantation metastasis.
14 specifications of probe varied by different diameters, length and treatment zones to satisfy various clinical needs.
Plugin design and easy to use.
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As a parent, nothing is more heart-wrenching than seeing your child suffer. Our son was diagnosed with hyperthermia, a condition that causes a dangerously low body temperature and had to be hospitalized immediately. It was a terrifying experience; we could barely watch as the medical professionals did everything in their power to stabilize him.
Our son's was eventually transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for specialized treatment. Seeing him hooked up to monitors and machines was overwhelming, and we felt powerless. However, the medical team at Mercy Hospital was incredible. They worked tirelessly, around the clock to give our son the care he needed. Their expertise and care gave us hope that our son would pull through this.
It wasn't until later that we learned about the importance of incubation chambers, specifically designed to save a child's life in the ICU. The chamber plays a critical role in helping children with respiratory conditions, heart conditions, and other critical illnesses. We are grateful that it stabilized his life outside the womb.
As a way of saying thank you to Mercy Hospital and the healthcare staff who took care of our son, we decided to partake in a charity walk. The "Walk for Prems on 22nd October 2023" is a fundraising event aimed at supporting the kids' unit in the hospital, and we ask you to join us in this mission. We believe that every child deserves the same chance our son got through the medical care staff at Mercy Hospital. So, please support us in this mission to give back to those who saved our son's life and to support kids' incubation chambers that save the lives of children all over the world.
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nautilimps · 1 year
The number one rule of the anesthesia game is that no one relays info to anyone else. Rule two- the anesthesiologist won't read your chart or agree to a consultation before the day of the surgery and even if you have Malignant Hyperthermia tattooed on your forehead, they're still going to pull shocked Pikachu face when they have to scramble to find or cycle a clean machine.
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businessinfinity · 2 years
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mercury-healthcare · 1 year
Why Our Hypothermia Machine Is the Ideal Choice for Patient Care – Mercury Healthcare
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  When it comes to providing effective therapeutic hypothermia treatment, choosing the right Hypothermia Machine is paramount. With several options available on the market, it is crucial to select a device that prioritizes patient safety, ease of use, and optimal outcomes. In this blog post, we will discuss the key reasons why our hypothermia machine stands out as the ideal choice for healthcare providers, ensuring the highest standard of care for patients in need of cooling therapy.
Precision Temperature Control:
Our hypothermia machine boasts state-of-the-art temperature control technology, enabling precise and accurate regulation of body temperature. Maintaining a stable hypothermic state is essential for effective treatment, and our machine ensures that the target temperature is consistently achieved and maintained throughout the cooling period. This level of precision minimizes temperature fluctuations, optimizing patient outcomes and reducing the risk of complications.
User-Friendly Interface and Intuitive Design:
We understand the importance of user-friendly equipment in a healthcare setting. Our hypothermia machine features an intuitive interface and ergonomic design, making it easy for medical professionals to operate. Clear and concise controls, coupled with a user-friendly touchscreen, streamline the cooling process, allowing healthcare providers to focus on delivering quality patient care. Additionally, the machine’s compact size and maneuverability enhance its versatility and ease of use in various clinical settings.
Advanced Safety Features:
Patient safety is our utmost priority, and our hypothermia machine incorporates advanced safety features to ensure a secure and controlled cooling environment. The machine is equipped with sophisticated temperature sensors and alarms that promptly notify healthcare providers of any deviations from the desired temperature range. This proactive monitoring system helps prevent potential complications and enables immediate intervention, guaranteeing patient safety throughout the cooling therapy.
Customizable Treatment Options:
Every patient is unique, and their treatment requirements may vary. Our hypothermia machine offers a range of customizable treatment options, allowing healthcare providers to tailor the cooling therapy to individual patient needs. Adjustable temperature settings, duration of therapy, and other parameters can be easily modified, ensuring personalized care and maximizing the effectiveness of the treatment for each patient.
Seamless Integration and Data Management:
Integrating our hypothermia machine with existing hospital systems is hassle-free, thanks to its compatibility with electronic medical records (EMR) and data management software. The machine seamlessly integrates with hospital networks, enabling real-time data monitoring, automatic charting, and comprehensive documentation of patient progress. This integration streamlines workflow, enhances communication between healthcare providers, and facilitates accurate and efficient data analysis for improved clinical decision-making.
Selecting the right hypothermia machine is crucial for delivering optimal patient care during therapeutic cooling treatment. Our hypothermia machine combines precision temperature control, user-friendly design, advanced safety features, customizable treatment options, and seamless integration with hospital systems. By choosing our machine, healthcare providers can ensure the highest standard of care, maximize treatment efficacy, and improve patient outcomes. Invest in our Medical Equipment Manufacturer hypothermia machine and experience the difference it can make in delivering exceptional cooling therapy for your patients.
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data-bridge · 2 years
Europe Fall Detection System Market Growth Focusing on Trends & Innovations During the Period Until 2030
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Industry Analysis
Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the fall detection system market was valued at USD 128.53 million in 2022 and is expected to reach the value of USD 203.32 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 5.90% during the forecast period.
Additionally, the credible Europe Fall Detection System Market report helps the manufacturer in finding out the effectiveness of the existing channels of distribution, advertising programs, or media, selling methods and the best way of distributing the goods to the eventual consumers. Taking up such market research report is all the time beneficial for any company whether it is a small scale or large scale, for marketing of products or services. It makes effortless for Semiconductors and Electronics industry to visualize what is already available in the market, what market anticipates, the competitive environment, and what should be done to surpass the competitor.
Get a Free Sample of The Report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=europe-fall-detection-system-market
Market Insights and Scope            
A fall detection system is an assistive device that is placed on the human’s waist that signals when a fall has occurred. This system can easily sense the person falling by acceleration analysis and then send a short message of the geographic position and fall alarm to caregivers. Thus, the ageing who have fallen can get timely aid to decrease the negative influence such as muscle necrosis, pressure ulcer, and hyperthermia.
An international Europe Fall Detection System Market research report examines competitive companies and manufacturers in the global market. Competitive analysis carried out in this market report puts forth the moves of the key players in the Semiconductors and Electronics industry such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, and recent acquisitions. This market report puts light on various aspects of marketing research that range from important industry trends, market size, market share estimates, sales volume, emerging trends, product consumption, customer preferences, historic data along with future forecast and key player analysis. It studies market by product type, applications and growth factors.
Get full access to the report:https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/europe-fall-detection-system-market
Industry Segmentation
Sensing Modalities
 Clip to Garment
Floor Sensors
Wall Sensors
GPS System
Mobile Phones
Product Type
Automatic Fall Detection System
Manual Fall Detection System
Simple Threshold
Machine Learning
Accelerometers and Gyroscopes
Unimodal/Bimodal Sensors
Multimodal Sensors
Wearable Systems
Non-Wearable Systems
In-Home Landline System
In-Home Cellular Systems
Home Care Settings
Hospitals and Senior Assisted Living Facilities
Lone Workers
Industry Share Analysis
Some of the major players operating in the fall detection system market are:
Tunstall Group (U.K.)
Koninklijike Phlips N.V. (Netherlands)
ADT (U.S.)
Medical Guardian LLC. (U.S.)
Connect America (U.S.)
SafeGuardian Medical Alarms & Help Alert Systems (U.S.)
Bay Alarm Medical (U.S.)
LifeFone Medical Alert Services (U.S.)
LifeStation, Inc. (U.S.)
ST Engineering (Singapore)
AlertONE Service Inc. (U.S.)
Walgreen Company (U.S.)
Semtech Corporation (U.S.)
Legrand (France)
Market Country Level Analysis
The countries covered in the fall detection system market report are Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Rest of Europe in Europe.
Germany is dominating the Europe fall detection system market region followed by France and U.K. fall detection system market owing to awareness and major consumption in these countries.
An influential Europe Fall Detection System Market research report displays an absolute outline of the market that considers various aspects such as product definition, customary vendor landscape, and market segmentation. Currently, businesses are relying on the diverse segments covered in the market research report to a great extent which gives them better insights to drive the business on the right track. The competitive analysis brings into light a clear insight about the market share analysis and actions of the key industry players. With this info, businesses can successfully make decisions about business strategies to accomplish maximum return on investment (ROI).
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ramkadam · 2 years
What are the major factors of safety and uses we should keep in mind?- Medical radiation
Symec Engineers Pvt Ltd is an Indian company that has a team of engineers and designers to provide you with innovative solutions.
 Medical irradiation is a technique for diagnosing and treating different diseases. However, medical treatment providers have to focus on safety factors while dealing with radiation.
Technological advancements in the healthcare world have enabled physicians to use the best tools for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Diagnostic imaging processes have become more refined to benefit patients. But, with the increasing trend of using diagnostic imaging techniques, we need to be aware of the potential risks related to ionizing radiation.
For irradiation medical practices, practitioners have to focus on a few safety factors-
It is about the total duration spent near the source of radiation medical. So, therapists should reduce the time near this source to do their tasks.
Alarming dosimeters play an important role in minimizing the time needed for the high level of radiation.
Distance indicates the gap between you and the radiation source. You should maintain the maximum distance from the medical irradiation source. For the increased distance, the dose is to be reduced.
During a radiation emergency, it is essential to take shelter inside a building for a particular time. At this time, officials ask everyone to stay inside the building. It is a way to apply the shielding technique.
Protective clothing is important to keep away from alpha/beta particles. However, it does not ensure protection against gamma rays. 
In the world of medicines, ionizing radiation works in different ways-
Nuclear medicine- Involves using radioactive substances for diagnosis and treating patients
Diagnostic radiology- Uses x-ray machines that capture images inside the body
Radiotherapy- It uses different sources and types of ionizing radiation for relieving symptoms of diseases.
Most common uses of medical radiation-
Nuclear and radiological technologies are effective in fighting against cancer. They are best for treating any stage of cancer, from early detection to palliative care.
Computer tomography, mammography, and radiological imaging technologies are highly significant. It uses x-rays to diagnose, plan and guide treatments. 
Nuclear drugs use radioactive elements to diagnose cardiac disorders, cancer, and some other diseases. Several patients are treated with these technologies. 
Radiotherapy involves using charged particles and high-energy x-rays for cancer treatment. So, it is a highly effective modern treatment for different diseases.
Microwave radiation is suited for warming internal body parts and treating different inflammations and disorders. It is a unique approach known as diathermy. It is also a way to induce hyperthermia in the patient’s tumor tissue.
So, it can be concluded that the medical application of irradiation is found all over the world. Innovative technologies have opened new paths to interventional radiology, radiotherapy, diagnostics, and nuclear medicines. Integration of radiation protection ensures better healthcare services. You can also implement medical irradiation techniques and maintain safety standards in your clinical settings. It will enable you to win the trust of your patients. 
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Title: Missing Person
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Gif credit @inconspicuously-me
Requested on wattpad.
Hope you all enjoy
Happy reading dollies
Fire PD crossover
Warning: Kidnapping, forced drug use, assault and attempted murder twice.
Kelly checked his watch for the fifth time in the last thirty seconds. He had just gotten off shift and called you to see what your plans were for tonight after you got off work but you didn't answer. That's very odd for you to do. You always answered. So he knew something wasnt right and he headed to the police department.
"Hey Trudy, have you seen Y/N"? Kelly asked the front desk officer.
"Haven't seen her since she came in this morning around eight. Why"?
"I'm off work and I called her but she isn't picking up. Maybe the unit is out with a case".
"The unit hasn't left all day. They've been working on a case that seems to be leading them on a wild goose chase". Trudy informed him. Now he was starting to get worried.
"Can I talk to Voight about this"?
"Yeah, I'll buzz you up".
Kelly walked up the stairs and saw everyone acting normal no alarms going off that Y/N wasn't there.
"Hey Kelly, what can we do for you today"? Voight greeted.
"Y/N, haven't you seen that she's not here"? Kelly pointed to your desk.
"She went on a run for coffee".
"How long ago? She hasn't answered my calls for two hours now. I know it doesn't take that long to get coffee".
"Adam track her phone. She's probably stopping to get something else and her phone died". Voight suggested.
"This is not like my sister. She calls to say she's running late even when her phone dies. Something is wrong". Kelly followed Voight to Adams desk. He tracked your last location but after that it was gone. Like you vanished.
"See. She's nowhere on here. Something happened to her and you better find out and bring my sister home safely". Kelly yelled at Voight, storming out. Voight sighed.
"Jay, Erin go to the coffee shop and see what you can find. Adam send them the address". Voight gave out orders and he went to his office. One of his members were gone right from under his nose and no one saw or heard a thing.
Erin and Jay arrived at the coffee shop, they talked to the manager and asked about the surveillance tapes. What they saw wasn't what they wanted.
"She was taken". Erin stormed in the squad room showing pictures.
"A unknown Male grabbed her from behind as she was putting the coffee in her car and took her somewhere off camera".
"Where's her car"?
"Towed away".
"Get Adam the video see if you can find anything. You two find the car. The rest of you call hospitals. No one tells Kelly. I dont want him going on a rampage and get her killed". Voight order his team. They all kicked it into high gear.
After hours of phone calls to hospitals  around Chicago they came up empty handed. Jay and Erin found the car but nothing looked out of the ordinary. The tow truck driver said he didn't see anyone near the car when he came to pick it up. That it looked like some soccer mom's spa day went to long and she forgot the timer.
"So we have nothing"? Hank questioned his team.
"Her phone is either destroyed or dumped somewhere. I'm not getting a signal at all". Adam said looking up from his screen.
"Damn it. We need to figure this out and find her. Kelly has been ringing my phone off the hook for hours. He's wanting to go to the news with this but I'm afraid that if the kidnappers see this they'll kill her".
"Think who would want to take Y/N"?
"Check to see if anyone got out recently that Y/N put away and made threats. Let's find her". Hank told his him.
That was three days ago and Kelly let's say he was about to rain hell on Voight and his team. He found out that there was a video and he car was towed away. He was pissed that Voight lied and kept secrets from him. It was his sister missing not some random from the streets. He wanted answers. 
Kelly parked his car and started walking to the front entrance of the police department as he was walking he passed by a alleyway. He's walked past it many time but something in him said go down and that's what he did.
He followed the trash littering the ground and under a pile of newspaper there was a foot.. Cold and white.
Kelly threw off the papers and saw it was his little sister laying on the ground. He checked your pulse and it was hardly there but it was there. You were covered in bruises. Your wrists had rope burns from being tied up. He took his jacket off and wrapped it around you picking you up and running to the station.
"Call an ambulance". Kelly screamed as he entered. Trudy rushed to see what happened. She stopped in her tracks as she saw it was you. "Call 911". She yelled to the officer at the desk.
A ambulance came and started working on you. Hooking up oxygen and a IV. Your pulse was weak and your blood pressure was low. They needed to get you to med and fast. Your life depends on it.
Kelly didn't go to the hospital right away, he had a bone to pick with Hank Voight. He stormed up stairs, he came to a desk and knocked off the computer. Causing a crash getting everyone's attention. Kelly had tears running down his face.
"I just found my sister in a fucking alley. If you would have done your fucking jobs this wouldn't have happened. If anything happens to her, I'm coming for you Voight". Kelly pointed to Voight.
"We know who it is".
"It's to late. Everything's been played out. You had your chance". Kelly gritted his teeth as he walked away going to the hospital.
When Kelly got there you were getting checked over by Will. The nurse said Will would be out as soon as he knew you were stable.
Kelly sat there on his phone calling everyone he knew in the police department that wasn't a fan of Voight and there were a few but he got the answer he wanted.
"Kelly"? Will came up to him.
"How is she? Is okay"?
"She's lucky you found her. Another night she would have been dead".
"What happened to her"? Kelly wanted to know but also he didn't want to hear the details.
"She has a few broken bones. A punctured lung. Hyperthermia. We ran some test and found drugs in her system. She's in bad shape but I see her making a complete recovery with the right support system".
"Anything else"?
"No. She's okay there". Kelly sighed a sigh of relief knowing that you was okay.
"Thanks, Will. Can I see her"?
"For a moment. We're trying to warm her up slowly so she's pretty out of it". Will lead Kelly to your room. You were hooked up to all sorts of machines. Your lips were blue and you didn't look good but you were a fighter and you would pull through.
"Can I get a second"?
"Yeah, I'll be outside if you need me". Will left leaving Kelly to sob. He held your hand. You were freezing.
"I'm going to make them pay. I'll rip their fucking throats out. Just get better, please. You can't leave me". Kelly kissed your forehead and left. He was on a mission of vengeance.
Kelly had the address in hand as he walked up to the house. A few guys sat on the porch as he went up the stairs.
"Is Romeo here"? He asked one of the guys.
"Who's asking"?
"James. My friend Mario said he could hook me up".
"Mario sent you"?
"Yeah, you want me to call him to verify ". Kelly went to pull out his phone.
"Nah, you cool". He opened the door and Kelly went inside. The house was filled with smells that Kelly only smelt when he had to deal with drug addicts. Cocaine, meth. You name it, it was probably there.
"Can I help you"? A voice spooked Kelly.
"Yeah. I came to get some coke. My boy Mario said you were the best". Kelly chuckled to cover up his nervousness.
"You came to the right place. Take a seat". The man pulled out a wooden box and put it on the coffee table for Kelly.
"Pick your sin". He laughed.
"Are you Romeo? Cause Mario said to deal with Romeo only".
"Yes, now where's my money"?
"I have it. Let me pick. I have a few lady friends coming over and they want some good shit". Romeo laughed as Kelly looked through the box.
"I know how that is. I had a woman a couple days ago. Cop. She loved to party. Couldn't get enough".
"Oh really"? Kelly tried to keep his anger under control.
"Yeah. Cute little Y/H/C. See we go way back. She put me away for awhile and I got her back. That the way I do it. You screw me, I'll screw you". Romeo slammed the box lid on Kelly.
"You know, you look a lot like the cops brother. She had a picture of them two together in her wallet". Romeo eyed Kelly.
"Only child. Mom's a CEO of a company  and dad's a lawyer".
"You sure"?
"You're right. I shouldn't lie, we just met. Dont want to get off on the wrong foot". Kelly reached in his waistband and brought out a metal baton. Cracking Romeo in the face with it. Romeo landed on the floor with a thud.
Kelly stepped over him. "I'm her brother and I'm the last person you'll ever see again". Kelly raised his arm again ready to strike but the door busted open and in came Voight and his team.
"Kelly, put the weapon down. I don't want to have to to shoot you". Hank warned pointing his gun at him.
"You need to leave and let me finish this. It doesn't concern you".
"It does. If you kill him I'll have to arrest you and I dont think you want Y/N to wake up with no one there by her side. So drop it".
Kelly was hesitant at first but he thought of you being alone, he knew he didn't want that. So he dropped his arm and walked off.
"Get out of here. No one will know you were here".
"Thanks". Kelly nodded and left. Voight and the team arrested Romeo and his crew. There was enough drugs to send them away for life not to mention the attempted murder of a cop, kidnapping and assault. They were looking at death row.
Kelly went back to the hospital and sat by your side. Since he left you were getting pinker and back to yourself. He watched as you opened your eyes and looked at him.
"Hey there sis".
"I'm sorry". You said with a tear running down your cheek.
"No need to be sorry. You're alive and well. Your here and getting help. That's all that matters. I'm with you every step of the way". Kelly squeezed your hand in supporting you.
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whumpster-dumpster · 5 years
Hey! I'm giving a character some severe hyperthermia. Could you give me some tips on how to write it to keep it accurate? Symptoms, after-effects, best treatments? Thanks so much!
I got the symptoms right here: [x]
Severe hypothermia requires hospitalization. Some treatments they’ll get there:
Blood rewarming. Blood may be drawn, warmed and recirculated in the body. A common method of warming blood is the use of a hemodialysis machine, which is normally used to filter blood in people with poor kidney function. Heart bypass machines also may need to be used.
Warm intravenous fluids. A warmed intravenous solution of salt water may be put into a vein to help warm the blood.
Airway rewarming. The use of humidified oxygen administered with a mask or nasal tube can warm the airways and help raise the temperature of the body.
Irrigation. A warm saltwater solution may be used to warm certain areas of the body, such as the area around the lungs (pleura) or the abdominal cavity (peritoneal cavity). The warm liquid is introduced into the affected area with catheters.
Severe hypothermia can result in organ damage and permanent medical issues but if the patient didn’t have a respiratory or cardiac arrest, there’s a good chance for complete recovery without long-term effects.
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wisdomrays · 4 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 143
The Customized Temperature Regulator
Thermostats are devices that keep temperature at the desired level. They are used in refrigerators, dishwashers, electric ovens, water heaters, washing machines, and central heating. Without a properly functioning thermostat, the devices or machines are likely to break down.
Did you know that there is also a thermostat in our body that comes with a lifelong guarantee? How about the fact that each is customized for each body? The thermostat in our body is so durable and dependable that it continues to regulate our body temperature for a life time, through illness and health, and good and bad weather.
Hypothermia and hyperthermia
When you are alive and kicking, your thermostat works within a temperature range of one degree (36.5 °C–37.5 °C). If your body temperature taken in your mouth is above or below this range, it means that your body is signaling certain problems. Temperatures below 35°C lead to hypothermia, while those above 39°C cause an opposite problem called hyperthermia.
Hypothermia is a drop in body temperature, generally due to such factors as rain, wind, snow, or cold water. Prolonged hypothermia first causes shivering and blackout, then death. People who fall into water in shipwrecks die more of hypothermia than of drowning.
Hyperthermia, on the other hand, is a condition in which the body temperature rises to high levels because of factors such as inflammatory diseases and prolonged exposure to sunlight. If it continues for long, hyperthermia causes fatigue, dizziness, nausea and problems in blood pressure. It may lead to seizures or death, especially in children, unless immediate aid is provided.
Where is our thermostat?
Whether you inhabit Siberian taigas or African deserts, your body temperature is kept within the normal range. Our thermostat, called the thermoregulation center, takes up a small place in the hypothalamus of our brain. Assigned the task of balancing our body temperature, the center activates the system to decrease the temperature when it rises and to increase it when it drops. The center is composed of two parts, one in the front of the hypothalamus and the other in the middle. The former is in charge of decreasing our temperature, while the latter of increasing it.
It is the receptors beneath our skin that activate the center. The receptors have two types of heat sensors, one for warmth and the other for cold. A change in temperature, even in an extremity like the toes, is immediately reported to the center, which switches the system on. If the body temperature needs to fall, then the perspiration mechanism is switched on. To do this, the temperature inside the body is first transferred to the skin. The most important process at this point is the expansion of blood vessels, which induces a heat transfer. If the body temperature needs to be raised, the vessels are contracted and shivering is induced.
Adjusted for all conditions
Our thermostat is programmed to make maximum use of our body temperature and make adjustments depending on our age, whether we are asleep, hungry, ill, and according to weather. The required amount of energy is different for babies, children, teenagers, and the elderly. The human body needs energy less during sleep and more during an illness.
No one’s body temperature remains at the same level at all times. Our body temperature is unique to us, just like our fingerprints, and it can be measured through precise measurements. The factors that affect our body temperature may be as diverse as what we eat, what we do, what we wear, our mood, our hormones, and the environment. The increase in an adult’s body temperature due to activity is less than that of babies and children.
Our body has a temperature cycle which changes throughout the day. When we wake up in the morning, for example, our body temperature is 0.5 degrees lower than it is during the day. It is at its lowest in the second half of the night. It is highest between 16:00-18:00. We have greater heat exchange in cold weather than in hot weather. The heat regulation center adjusts temperature in response to all these changes, and thus saves energy.
Our temperature changes according to our gender, too. Body temperatures obtained from mouth measurements have shown that they may change by ±1.4 degrees in women and by ±1.2 in men. Hormones also play a role in this difference. For example, women have unique body temperatures during their period and pregnancy.
The temperature of the organs
Some parts of our body and some of our organs require different temperatures. The warmest organs are at the inside: the liver is 41.3 degrees on average, for example. Our skin is 33 degrees, and the parts near the skin have relatively lower temperatures. The temperature of the inside of our mouth, for example, is lower than that of our skin. The temperatures in the armpit and in the ears are likewise different. The thermoregulation center also has an impact on the rates of the chemical reactions taking place at the cellular level, as it keeps every one of the organs working at optimum temperatures.
There is incredible wisdom in how our body is heated (or not). Body parts that interact with the outside world have lower temperatures. One of the advantages of this is that it maintains optimum energy consumption. The higher the temperature difference between two objects, the easier the heat exchange. If our skin were as warm as our average temperature, i.e. 37°C, we would lose more heat at higher rates.
Furthermore, our eyes are granted a very special mechanism. The eyes, almost 90% of which are water and whose surface must be kept moist, are in constant contact with the outside world. However, the eyes of people who live in cold climates, where the temperature can reach -50°C, do not freeze because the eyes are placed in a protective shelter and wrapped in muscles, lipid layers, and eyelids. What’s more, capillaries, which are extensions of the ophthalmic arteries that encircle the eyes like a web, carry warm blood to the eyes regularly. Additionally, the fact that tears are salty lowers their freezing point.
Temperature balance in other living things
Animals also have body temperatures ideally programmed for their functions. The hedgehog, for example, has a body temperature of 36°C, but it is dropped to 6°C during hibernation. The body temperatures of most mammals are kept at about 37°C.
Animals are similarly endowed with systems of temperature cycles as required by the climatic and environmental conditions in which they live. For example, the body temperature of the oryx, an African antelope, can rise to 45°C when it is on the run. It can withstand such a deadly temperature thanks to the perfect system that protects its brain. The oryx has a peculiar network of vessels at the lower side of the brain which decreases the body temperature due to heat loss caused by evaporation. The carotid artery separates into smaller veins in the sinus cavity before it carries the blood to the brain, which causes the blood to lose heat. When the blood reaches the brain, it is already cool enough for the brain to function properly.
The creation of such systems certainly are miraculous, and yet we never think about them. All of our needs are met without our knowing about it.
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blueeyesspitfire · 4 years
Almost every year, it seems like training slows down in December. Between Thanksgiving and New Years, various factors come into play that make it harder to run. In more "normal" times, it was usually the hustle and bustle of decorating, shopping, and gathering with friends that kept me off the trail. There were parties at work, parties with friends, parties with family. Of course, this year is significantly lacking in all that.
Even though December marks the true start of winter, it often arrives with crummy conditions. It has snowed a bit here and there, but not enough to safely use the sled yet. Big storms, meltdowns, and freezes have been the norm for late fall in the North Country, but the big snow dumps have eluded us so far. The ground is partially frozen and there's no base to set a snow hook.
I've been running the dogs with the ATV, which works better on small amounts of snow than the non-motorized carts. However, I have to avoid the muddy spots, otherwise I’ll create deep ruts with the heavy machine. I also can’t use the ATV on most of the state forest trails, so I’m eager for snow.
Holidays and weather aside, there’s another reason I've been struggling to get back on track. If you're not following my social media, you may have missed that Blitz had a seizure a few weeks ago. I'll paste what I shared on Facebook below to recap:
We had a scary day on the trail. We were wrapping up another 10 mile run when Blitz’s tug went slack and he started dipping his head. I thought he was sniffing the spot where we had passed by a couple walking dogs, but then he yanked on his neckline and put on the brakes. I stopped the ATV to see what was wrong, and he immediately started seizing. I’ve never dealt with a seizure before and BOY are they terrifying.
My immediate thought was hyperthermia (overheating), even though it was in the mid-30s and I was keeping them at a pretty slow pace for the return leg. I had also watered them at the five mile mark, and he wasn’t showing any other signs of heat related stress. I poured some water on him just in case, and he eventually came out of the seizure (felt like an eternity but was probably more like 20-30 seconds).
He was very weak immediately after the episode so I pulled him onto the ATV and tried to get the team moving, but the other dogs wouldn’t line out and were curious/distressed. So, I started carrying him the remaining 300ish feet of trail back to the truck but quickly realized that wasn’t the best plan. (He’s a big dog.) I laid him down, ran back to the ATV and the dogs finally figured out we had to keep moving forward. I scooped him up and got everybody back into the truck and shot over to North Country Veterinary Services, who had vets waiting for us upon arrival. (I’ve never loaded dogs/gear/ATV so fast before... although I did leave behind several water bottles and gloves on the trail)
Blitz perked up on the ride over and was able to walk inside the vet’s office on his own, where they ran blood work to determine exactly what happened. Turns out, his blood sugar was very low. They gave him a sugar boost and he immediately perked up.
We’ve been doing longer runs and today we started about an hour later than normal. I feed the team after their runs (to avoid bloating) but I now realize it was too long a gap after his meal last night.
The plan now is to rest for at least a week. He goes back to the vet next Thursday for a followup. Assuming it was just exertional hypoglycemia, I will rework their feeding schedule to three small meals (instead of two) during mushing season and snack him before/during runs. I’ll also have emergency Karo syrup ready if he (or any of them) have this issue again.
I’m not sure what this means for his “career” as a sled dog. I’m hoping he can remain on the team and continue training towards 20-30 milers, but I won’t take any chances with my boy.
Since then, Blitz has been totally fine. He had his follow-up appointment and his blood sugar levels were right on target. I experimented with their food regimen a bit, but ultimately decided to continue feeding two meals (morning and evening) and shifting runs to midday instead of in the early morning (when none of them are very eager to eat). This has worked so far, but I've only had time for short runs on the home trail during my lunch breaks. I need to get them back to the state trails and running longer distances. I prefer to train before work, when fewer people (and dogs) are around, so hopefully I can convince them to eat a bit beforehand. I might be able to swing some extra long lunch breaks, but there will always be a portion of the season where we have to run early (especially when temperatures are warmer). Just another thing to work out.
The vet said Blitz would be fine to run 10 milers again (as long as he has food before/snacks midway), but it's been a challenge to resume training. It took a full week before I could even get the harnesses out of my truck, so it's safe to say there's some lingering PTSD. The fear of another seizure has snowballed into a mountain of anxiety about every possible thing that could go wrong during a run. (And trust me, there’s plenty.)
So, sometimes, we don't run at all. Then the guilt creeps in—the feeling that I'm failing these dogs. I look at our training schedule and get depressed as our numbers plummet. I'm always telling myself, "Next season will be our season." But dogs age fast; each season feels so precious and fleeting. 
I know what you’re going to say and I am trying to cut myself some slack. Mushing has always been my release. I balanced it against work, travel, and friends. Now most of that equation is gone and I need to find joy instead of stress, whatever that looks like. The 2020-2021 race season isn't looking all that promising with the pandemic still raging. Races may still happen, but I'm unsure if I'll feel comfortable attending.
If there ever was a season to slow down and relax, this would be the one. Let’s hope I can figure out how.
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