#i *think* his is an s24?
lover-of-mine · 22 days
Ryan not having an iphone is everything to me actually ksoskspskapkapa
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taketheringtolohac · 5 months
also I’m in the tag for kcbm now and it’s so wild to me that like. You don’t have to scroll very far to find me. which idk ig I was very prominent at one point but by the time it was all over I hadn’t rlly posted at all in over a year. So if it’s sort of wild to see that I am still There even if I had tapered off in some ways
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summerof336bc · 2 years
also um. thinking about "the gods had spoken, jaylen died" & "thank the gods, for we know the commissioner done his job". like hm i think parker has a lot more power than he knows.
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im almost finished with my current phone contract (thank god) so im looking at new phones and its the first time ever that im actually. looking into phones myself instead of letting my mom buy me whatever. and im so tempted to text my dad "do you trust me" because unlike my mom theres a possibility that he'll go "youre a legal adult if you want the most expensive phone on the market who am i to stop you"
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thehallstara · 9 months
hi hello it's both itch creator day AND my birthday so this is a perfect excuse for me to do a master post of my games and zines!!!
Agami Village: Created with Weiwei Xu as part of last year's HES SUPERFestival, supported by Hand Eye Society and Canadian Council for the Arts. It's a short visual novel about fishing and time loops!
ghost story: A short prototype of a first person murder mystery where you're a ghost trying to solve your own murder. Done as a final project for Code Coven's Intro to Game Making course back in the winter.
(neither of these are purchasable but if you try them and like them you can always send a kofi!!)
on nights we dream of stars: a semi-autobiographical story about stars. mostly just me figuring out how bitsy works.
on the nature of ghosts: small vignette about ghosts made for the february 2022 bitsy jam.
the end is near: a soliloquy about the end of the world, done for both the july 2022 bitsy jam and crabjam 2022. inspired by s24 for of blaseball but wholly independent to it.
lungs to burn: a short poem game about wildfires, grief, and queer connection done for the may 2023 bitsy jam. featured in indiepocalypse #43
no postage required: a somewhat-sequel to the end is near; or a letter to a lost love. done for the 2023 trans game dev server jam.
cards fall where they may: anthology of interactive blaseball stories told through a tarot reading. some of the most impressive css i've done to this day, and i honestly think it's worth checking out just for that.
ablaze with the people you've been: another interactive story, this one a story about edric tosser told in four acts. still worth checking out even if you know jack shit about blaseball imo and still one of my favourite things i've ever made.
run from me or rip me open: the thing that started it all, the first game i ever made. yet another blaseball story; it's a little rough around the edges but it's got heart.
Kriah: A personal zine about my experiences with antisemitism over the years. a heavy read but one i would implore gentiles to take a look at regardless.
square roots: made with @tigerquoii for the 2022 blaseball zine jam. a series of conversations.
and that's it!!! all of them (besides the collabs) are pay what you can, forever and always. if you've ever enjoyed something i've made, consider supporting me and my projects! and if you can't, rating and comments are always equally appreciated mwah
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forensicated · 6 months
Been discussing this often with @everythingisdragons and I don't think we'll be the only ones to see it...
Compare and contrast:
Max Carter in Bail Me Out (S25 E14) Righteous Kill - Part 1 (S25 E12), Righteous Kill - Part 2 (S25 E13) Country Cowboy (S24 E38) Trust Me (S25 E54) Backlash (S25 E55)
Max Carter in That Type Of Cop (S26 E18), Walk On My Grave (S26 E20), Ultimatum (S26 E21), Who Dares Wins (S26 E26) Balance Of Power (S26 E27)
It's like he's a completely different character and almost painful as a Max fan :( Yes, there's the cocaine thing but given ITV shitting on the show it was handled incredibly poorly and there's no way he'd be as heavily addicted (or as stupid as to literally bring out a wrap in his hand in front of another officer) in such a short amount of time.
He was always a little bit cocky with a swagger and a bit of arrogance and the ability to twist the rules in the favour of 'right' even if getting to the 'right' wasn't strictly done in the 'right' way but he listened to his team, he took their suggestions, he backed off in favour of other officers doing interviews because it was right for the case. He was a bit brusque and not politically correct but he wasn't an out and out arsehole who actively took obvious pleasure in winding up his colleagues (The Max spreading rumours and gossip about Grace and Neil was like a whole other character!)
Even in Smash and Grab he messed up with Millie (who lost her crush there and then in those eps!) and he tried to apologise. In Beth Undercover he was very sweet with Beth even if initially against her being sent in and he did take her for a drink after to make sure she was ok after a 'friend' she'd made whilst undercover got shot. In Righteous Kill he's adorable with Honeysuckle Week's character and her kid. Yes he may have shot her husband whilst in SO19 but we don't mention that. He was naughty.
They might have been buried deep down but he did have feelings and a brain and did engage it! He was in no way perfect and he really did some dickish things in S24 and 25 but they REALLY amped it up for S26 and changed him. Reeeeeally hate what they did to him with the reboot.
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I also really wish we'd been told what the storyline projections would have been if they were allowed to continue for each character. I mean they'd have had the plotting meeting many months beforehand, most likely back in mid 09. It would have been plotted out for S26, it'd be interesting to see where a lot of them were heading A lot was set up and quickly edited to come to a quick conclusion, forgotten, completely abandoned or a mix of all the above.
ETA: On The Streets (Last ep of S25) - he rushes to help Grace with heavy boxes!
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wooshofficial · 1 year
hi woosh i hope i'm not too late for blorboposting. see at first i was like "woosh you already know who my blorbos are" but i still wanna talk about one of them because i don't talk about him enough. i think barry burkhard needs more love. he's just a guy and he played blaseball in an alternate dimension where he was besties with alt seb telephone. and then he watched his bestie die TWICE. all of this was before he officially joined blaseball (he was the steaks postseason birth in s17 but the lore is that he did all that stuff with alt seb telephone back in discipline.) anyway now he's in tokyo, where his other bestie (cory ross) used to play and one day i'm gonna write a fic about cory showing barry around. also he singlehandedly made the s24 steaks rotation look SO FUNNY...he was like the mike townsend of the group. just there. the sim did my guy dirty but i love him so much for it.
Barry Burkhard has somehow avoided plot in his entire time being in the game even though he’s lored to be smitten with the most Plot Guy Ever and I find that so funny. Barry fucking Burkhard man
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glassgob · 1 year
10 and 30 for the art asks?
hi stara. blows you a kiss
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw AUGH. overalls definitely. baggy sweaters or cardigans are up there, i love how the fabric folds on the arms and they often have a real nice texture to them. honestly the more folds the better
i would say i enjoy croptop hoodies but i always feel like im cropping them too high or too low 😭 how much tits is too much!!
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated lordie, probably my s24 zine piece or my dunn gif tbh the dunn gif was originally just a drawing and i was like oh yeah i can animate this. and then i spent three extra days animating it even though i was supposed to be enjoying the beach OTL her hair gave me so much grief like girl theres so many colors to account for
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ourpickwickclub · 2 years
Blake has (likely) turned his chair for the last time. I’m emo.
Unlike Adam though he’s leaving on good terms, so I could see him coming back as a mega mentor or something like that in the future
I was thinking he could be a mega mentor too. It would probably be a good way to get some of the audience they’ll lose to tune back in if they can promise a Blake appearance in s24.
— M
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bensonnstabler · 1 year
okay so i came across a buzzfeed article from like three years ago about tv couples that never got together but who fans wanted to which had the audacity to leave out elliot and olivia. thankfully one of the top comments underneath made buzzfeed’s pop-culture faux par very clear and it soothed my soul briefly. BRIEFLY.
(if this was a podcast i'd insert at this point that abby lee miller audio about who i assume was kathy from candy apples disturbing the peace. yes the irony is sending me)
one person, however, decided to comment the following
“Um, no. And it's gross that fans think they've been pining away for each other even though he was married to Kathy. And just because Kathy is dead now I don't think Olivia would be that disrespectful to his kids.”
and since it was over three years ago and i cbf making a buzzfeed account thought i’d subject y’all to my reply
firstly, calling any harmless fandom opinion “gross” is what is truly gross here. did i vomit in my mouth a little when i saw one of the entries being barney and lily from himym? yes. do i think the people who do ship those two are gross? absolutely not. i thought we left ship-shaming in the TLJC and destiel cesspools tyvm.
secondly, i am the first in line to get mad at the fact kathy just straight up died. it’s a waste of a perfectly good character (letter notwithstanding) and sends the message once again female characters on primetime are ten times more dispensable than their male counterparts. also i'm willing to give partial credit for it being said that it would be ooc for olivia to want to get together and that it brings up relevant issues of elliot never truly “choosing” olivia. but they have imo jumped over that hurdle (and some) and after an actual decent conversation i think with the way liv is now (can we hear a little commotion for the boundaries chat in the trial of richard wheatly ep) it would be perfectly within her arc to allow herself to fall romantically for elliot.
am i concerned that its dragged on too long? yes
am i fucking frustrated at the lack of momentum from s23 to s24? also yes
but i think we need to accept that what we have is a product of circumstance. both good (extensive evidence of one of the most chemistry-laden tv partnerships on and off-screen) and bad (CM leaving suddenly and WL jumping in to reinvent the wheel with so much force it might as well have been that scene from Cars)
with the latter we were always going to get the bare minimum of stabler references. under different creative influences yet the same chris circumstance – i totally think there could have been some like “he’s deep UC” or “last i heard he’s in rome and unable to communicate” moments which would have made the no contact one hundred percent more digestible
which puts me back on my kathy bs; i am wholeheartedly on team  “they should have split up in rome and had to come back to NYC at the same time” or at least team “if you must kill her off at least have them separate them first". thus either way, i guarantee we still would have gotten the same grief dynamics and the initial (and current - let’s be honest) hesitancy we did in ROTPS (...and almost every moment thereafter)
TLDR; lets all be friends but if eo doesn't become canon i will sue
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caligulalotus · 2 years
just found a poem i wrote about p5rker in my notes app and while i am not confident enough to share it i will share the lines that i really liked and that i think are a very good p5rker descriptor.
“this will all be the last time any of this happens/i am taking ouroboros’ tail out of his mouth and i am smashing his brains on the concrete/history will stop repeating itself if i have anything to say about it”
think about the end of s24 and “it’s happening again”. thinking about everything p5rker ever did.
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jirnkirks · 1 year
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
i think!!! i like the voice of my fics, like the flow and sound of it is nice. i think i do pretty okay with how i frame actions and using descriptive language.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
u..u r a cheater.... /affectionate
ok here's a short bit from my alt interp of matteo triumphant 12 x 100
 it would be simpler, if the change from pandangan to triumphant had been difficult. if it did not feel like another stitch in the complex tapestry between his father and mother and not father. if everything before had not come unstitched with the death of his father, and he is again the last fraying thread, meant to be tucked away between the corrected rows.
there are shelves of books that he hadn’t kept, had resigned himself to its loss. he wonders if they will be unstitched or added to the library, unspun from their collections and removed of his notes.
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
looking for my current wips and uhmmm lol... a lot i have 2 main famous wips rn, 1s the nerdfamous one the other is general famous fridays one that i think i'll combine. i have random other tigers fics (one about lottie & famous' shadow encounter, 1 is a kind of countdown to hiroto from s24 to s1 and other random drabbles and bits and bobs). tbh i think anything about tigers during the prev era (except my matteo one) are the ones im least likely to continue
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thehallstara · 2 years
hi i’m stealing this idea from @idonthaveanyurlideas​ but!!! do you like blaseball??? do you like interactive fiction/games?? do you not like blaseball but like very coolly formatted stories about grief and lose and regret?? well let me introduce you to my ✨blaseball twines✨ (and one bitsy):
run from me and rip me open was written in the immediate aftermath of season 18, and follows justice spoon in the lead up to her second alteration. jumping between past and present, you’re given a glimpse of the worlds that built her– and all that she has to lose. (6k, cws: fire, death by fire/incineration, description of drowning, death, grief/mourning, panic attacks)
ablaze with all the people you’ve been is a magnum opus of sorts; we get a look at several possible pasts and futures of edric tosser that never came to be as he’s trapped in the hazy in between of the hall and the black hole. it’s a story about his grief, and how he copes with it (or doesn’t) and is still one of my favourite things i’ve made despite being a full year old at this point. (35k, overall cws: unreality, death, swearing, smoking, grief)
cards fall where they may is a tarot themed trio of blaseball stories, centring on morrow doyle, peanutiel duffy, and gerund pantheocide respectively. i learned css during this one and you can tell!!! so if you just want to see some cool ass formatting, this one’s for you lol. it’s also full of so much heart, and i’m very proud of it. (12k, Overall CWs: Minor flickering/animation/eyestrain, Unreality, Death/Incineration, Swearing)
what might have been lost (don’t bother me) is a fairly short twine i made for my beloved @tigerquoii​ as part of the FFs fic exchange!! it’s about baby triumphant, complicated sibling relationships, and new beginnings. simple, but sweet! (3k, CWs: brief mentions of drowning and burns, swearing, fire)
the end is near is a short bitsy i made for crabjam2022, a sort of soliloquy about the end of the universe. while not quite a blb piece, you can absolutely see bits and pieces of s24 in there, and i think it’s a lovely little ode to the feelings that season invoked.
and so concludes the roundup of the stara david (non)cinematic blaseball games universe! if any of these descriptions piqued your interests, take a look and happy fall ball!!!!
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rahleeyah · 2 years
So beginning this hiatus until next season how do you think Liv will process all what she was told on this episode? I'd like to think she will feel encouraged to speak to Elliot and sort out their feelings to each other but to be realistic I think given Liv's past behaviour all this insinuations from people who are close to her about Elliot are gonna overwhealm her and leave her confused, maybe even drive her to be the one who needs space until she is ready to explore her feelings. Maybe not as she was when she declined his invitations but close to it.
I just hope we don't begin again next season with another period where they are not having communication. But we already had Liv being M.I.A from important things in OC so idk. I mean it would be ironic that now that she was faced with the truth of her feelings she is now the one who ghosts him, I actually wouldn't mind that so much now that I think of it but it would be a regression again and we already have been through a rollercoaster of emotions this past season, but if the plan is to extend this as much as It can I could see this happening. But on the other side I too could see them decididing to step up and make us accept they already had all this important conversations in between seasons off camera and they will be in a much better place starting S24/S3 because there is too much to cover and it's complicated to address it being on two different shows.
i have no idea what's coming, bringing in a new show runner - TWO new show runners - means that everything is a great big question mark.
but i see where you're coming from. i could see all these people encouraging liv to reach for elliot actually causing her to pull away from him. she doesn't respond well to pressure and she has a history of running away from profound connection to someone else. hell, she's run away from him before. and friend, i would like to see him chase her.
now, yes, he has been doing the chasing - raising questions about her love life and kinda sorta flirting in the hospital, asking her out TWICE and her saying no, him telling her she looks good on mother's day. like elliot is trying. and it's hard and i don't want him to keep getting rejected forever or feeling like he's the only one pursuing this, but i think it would be really good to see him continuing to show up for her. continuing to care for her, continuing to hold his hand out to her, even if she doesn't take it. showing her that he really isn't going anywhere, that he really is invested. i think for olivia, who struggles so much with feeling abandoned, having someone reach for her and not leave would be huge.
but yeah, it is complicated. having to juggle two active writers rooms - especially when they're still writing episodes, still filming the season while it's fucking airing which is bonkers oh my god - and keep everybody on the same page while having limited chances to pass actors back and forth and juggling paychecks is difficult! so logistically i understand it's gonna be all but impossible for them to give us everything we want. but they could give us some of it and so i'm interested to see what we get.
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chelemlem · 1 month
Hi sorry if this is weird but I read your tags and thought I'd offer my 2 cents as a galaxy user! It's not an s24 but my s23 from last year is so goated performance and battery wise I'm never going back to apple lol. I'd recommend if those are features you especially value. And yes sometimes it can be a bit much for my tiny midget hands but if yours are Oscar size or thereabouts I don't think you have anything to worry about!
anon thank you for taking the time to send this!!
yes i'd say battery life is like top 2 on my list of priorities after durability bc i drop my phone like 3 times a day on average lol..... it's smth i've always appreciated about my current oneplus bc in 4.5 years of ownership it's only gotten a teeny tiny scratch thatse it !!
if u don't mind answering a couple more qs is ur s23 prone to overheating? that's one of the biggest criticisms i've seen besides the ahm 😬 price
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wildflowerswildhorses · 4 months
Ooh Carisi setting Liv up with his cousin, i'm loving the idea of this. I need to know more about Steve....I need to SEE Steve. I think I'll probably go back and watch the episodes of S24 I've not watched yet before 25 starts.
I would like to see Elliot and Olivia getting together, but also at the same time, I kinda like to see Carisi setting her up.
And Carisi looked so fucking giddy about it too - it was fucking adorable. Liv totally turned the man down but the whole ordeal was hilarious
Carisi trying to set Liv up with his cousin as if his wife hasn't been trying to push her towards Elliot for the better part of the last year lmao
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