#idk. I’m feeling sentimental today
taketheringtolohac · 9 months
also I’m in the tag for kcbm now and it’s so wild to me that like. You don’t have to scroll very far to find me. which idk ig I was very prominent at one point but by the time it was all over I hadn’t rlly posted at all in over a year. So if it’s sort of wild to see that I am still There even if I had tapered off in some ways
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flowachild · 11 months
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I think a lot of people misunderstand why we talk about both racism and anti communism when discussing anti north korean sentiment. I do understand why people don’t think the racism aspect is all that important to emphasise, after all Samsung Republic is probably the north’s greatest detractor and the most vile anti North Korean scumbags can all be found on this side of the DMZ.
However I think it’s also a failing to not recognise that alot of the anti North Korean sentiment that comes from outside of Korea utilises anti Korean racism.
(South) Koreans are a great example of the “model minority” * huges swaths of our popular culture has been exported and deliberately changed for the consumption of the white westerner. Koreans in the American diaspora have often taken to becoming members of the petty bourgeois, and for some reason, doing this. South Korea is a hyper capitalist military state and uses Korean culture as a product to be sold to casual enjoyers and fetishists a like. New developments in popular tourist cities may as well cater towards the white expat/tourist’s gaze. Korean Americans have delighted in and actively encouraged the proximity to whiteness they gain by being neither black, native american or one of the “bad asians” (south, west ect.)
The dprk, and by extension, it’s people, destroy the shaky foundations all of these myths are based on. So despite being the same ethnicity, North Koreans aren’t given the privilege of proximity to whiteness, or treated as if they are almost honorary Europeans.
The Korean of the north is still a uncivilised dog eating animal who doesn’t know what is good for them and should either be saved by the benevolent American army or put out of their misery if the first option fails to materialise.
If we were to overthrow the ROK government today and reunite with the DPRK under the current North Korean government, South Koreans would be treated with as much vitriol as those of us from and/or in the north.
Because as affective as anti communist propaganda is, the fact that white people already viewed Koreans as docile, unintelligent people, really helped in promoting the idea that North Koreans are unable to think for themselves or have any sort of agency/autonomy.
Idk. I’ve been awake for two days straight and feel like I’ve written this weirdly so please as for any clarification. I’m exhausted lol
* (now please correct anything that I say wrong here, I’m not American so I’ve only understood this threw literature and the stories and anecdotes of other Korean comrades)
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equinquinox · 2 years
I think about my old friends a lot. Do they regret losing contact? Do they still even think about me, even remember me? Do they think back to those old times when everything was much simpler? Or are they still angry at me for things I’ll never get to apologize for? Would they even care to know if given the chance? I don’t know. I may, probably never, will know. But I hope wherever they are, that they’re at least happy with their lives
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clxja16 · 1 year
Part II
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Charles Leclerc X Wolff!Reader
Genre: I still don't know
Warnings: angst
Word Count: 3K
Author's Note: This took a little longer than I had anticipated. I hope you guys like it, I feel like this isn't overly dramatic but it's a realistic reaction to what we found out in the first part. idk you tell me what you guys think. part 3???
Part I
You rolled over in the bed, you could feel the sun beam down on you through the window, but you didn’t want to open your eyes.  You wanted to fall back asleep.  Your heart felt heavy as you began to replay last night's events over again. You could hear your Mamma’s voice bounce around your head.  You could see your Father’s guilty look behind your eyelids.  Finally sitting up, you looked around the room, not seeing Charles anywhere.  
You went to the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror.  Your eyes puffy from how hard you were crying last night, you can see some leftover mascara in the corners of your eyes.  You took a deep breath, washing your face, brushing your teeth before you decided to look for Charles.  A part of you hoped that you missed him already, and he was at training already.  
You knew he was going to ask what happened, and you’re not too sure you can get through the story without crying again.  You paused by the bedroom door, listening if you could hear anybody throughout the apartment.  You could hear the soft melody playing.  Charles was listening to another piano piece.  
You made your way to the kitchen, where he stood drinking some water.  He was drenched in sweat, his shirt tossed aside on the kitchen counter.  You smirked to yourself, part of you focused on his physic and the other part thinking you won’t have to talk about last night.  
“Morning,” he greets you breathlessly.  
“Morning,” you say, going up to give him a quick kiss, careful not to get his sweat on you, “did you just get back from a run…” 
“Yeah, I canceled my training with Andrea today,” he says, turning to watch you as you prepare yourself a cup of coffee.  
“Why did you cancel?” You ask.  
“ma chère,” Charles says, giving you a funny look, “you came home crying, literally shaking last night, training can wait, you’re more important.” 
You smile at Charles’ sentiment, “I’m fine, last night is nothing for you to worry about.” 
“y/n,” Charles says, grabbing your arm, turning you to face him, “what happened last night?” 
The question was enough to bring you to tears.  You felt your bottom lip begin to quiver as you opened your mouth to speak.  “It was them,” is all you can say before you have to wipe away tears.  Charles moves to hold you, and you hold up your hand to stop him.  You take a few steps back, knowing that if he holds you, sweaty and all, you won’t be able to stop crying.  You won’t ever be able to tell him what happened.  “I’m sorry, let me… Let me just take a breath.”  
You take a few deep breaths before you continue, “It was my parents.”  You still feel tears fall, but they fall slower now.  You can control your breathing enough to get through the story.  “They admitted to working a few negotiations to ensure I wouldn’t get a seat in F2.” 
Charles does nothing to hide his surprise.  “Why…” you leave Charles absolutely speechless with your statement.  “Why would they do that?” He is finally able to ask.  
You force yourself to take another deep breath before speaking again, “they were scared.  Scared that what happened to Jules would happen to me.  Scared that the safety measures wouldn’t work.  They were scared that I would get into the car and I wouldn’t get back out.”  
You watch Charles face change, it changes from shock to guilt.  “I see,” is all he says.  
“I want to forgive them, they’re my parents,” you close your eyes, trying to shake away the tears, “but that was my dream,” you look Charles square in the eyes.  “That is all I ever wanted to do with my life.  I wanted to be a formula 1 driver, that’s it.  That was the dream, and they took it away.  They took it away before I even had a chance.” 
Charles nods his head, “don’t forgive them.” 
“What?” You don’t expect Charles to say ‘don’t forgive them.’  You expected the exact opposite from him. 
Charles take a deep breath, “don’t forgive them until you’re ready.  Don’t force yourself to forgive them because they’re your parents.  Be understanding.  Understand why they did it, but that doesn’t mean you need to forgive them.  You forgive them when you’re ready to forgive them.” 
“Thank you for that,” you say.  Charles’ words make you feel seen. They make you feel sane, and not like you’re being over dramatic. 
“Of course,” Charles says as his hand grabs yours, his thumb gliding softly across your knuckles.  
“There’s something else,” you speak up as you remembered what else your parents confessed to last night.  
“What else?” 
“My father asked,” you pause, you can’t even begin to imagine the amount of drama this will cause, “he asked for Fred to delay your contract signing.” 
You see Charles' face look guilty once more, he sighs, “I know about that.” 
This time you can’t hide your surprise, “what do you mean you know about that?” 
Charles runs his hands across his face, “I signed my extension already.”  He takes a sip of his water before continuing, “during Spa.  Fred told me about what Toto asked for.  Fred told me that he wasn’t going to delay the signing, because he knew that I would pick you over my seat.” 
“Charles,” you say breathlessly, shaking your head trying to understand.  “Why didn’t you tell me when you found out?  Why on Earth would you pick me over your seat?  Charles…” 
“Y/n,” Charles says, stopping you before you can ask another question.  “He’s your father,” Charles looks at you with compassion, “I didn’t want you thinking badly about your father, especially when all he was doing was protecting you.  As for my seat, of course I would pick you.  It’s you, there’s only one of you, but there's 19 other seats that I could get.” 
You sniffle as Charles has said enough for you to stop crying, he moves to hug you.  “Don’t you dare.” you say before he can grab you. 
You looked baffled at Charles, “you’re all sweaty,” you say like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.  “You need a shower.”  
Charles smirks, “you can shower with me,” he says as he grabs you, squeezing you tightly, spinning you off the floor.  
You can’t help but giggle at Charles, he laughs as he watches your face.  Finally when he stops spinning and sets you back down.  He still holds you close, as he looks deeply in your eyes.  Your smile falters as you remember everything.  Your eyes fill again with tears, you can’t decide if they’re happy or sad tears, maybe a mixture of both.  “Charles…” you don’t know what to say, because ‘thank you’ doesn’t feel like enough, nothing feels like enough to describe how you feel right now.  How grateful you are, how in love, how overjoyed, how despicably sad, how much of everything you feel.  
“I know,” he says, and lucky enough for you; you don’t need to say anything.  He knows.  He knows you enough to know exactly how you feel. 
You spend the next couple days avoiding your parents.  While living in Monaco the task is proving more difficult than you initially thought.  Charles is proving to be exceptionally kind, letting you quietly wallow in your misery.  He doesn’t push you to get over it, he doesn’t force you to see your parents, he doesn’t ask you to move past it.  He gives you time, he gives you the space you need.  
Today, he kisses you goodbye as he leaves for training while you sip away at the coffee you made yourself.  You watch Charles walk out the door, and a part of you feels resentful that he has a seat and you don’t.  You know it’s not his fault, that he’s not the reason you’re not racing, but a part of you hates that he has the opportunity and you don’t.  
You don’t like feeling like this, you don’t like resenting Charles for no reason.  You decide that it’s time you see your parents.  You don’t know what you’re going to say to them.  You’re not even sure how you’re going to react when you see them again.  You make sure you text Charles to inform him where you’re going before you leave.  
When you get to your house, there's an unsettling quiet that’s over the house.  You’re not sure if anyone is home.  The first person you run into is Antonie, the maid.  When she sees you, you place a finger over your lips to signal to be quiet.  She purses her lips at you, and points to your father’s office.  As you move closer, you’re taken aback to that night.  
That night you stood in the very same spot you’re standing in now.  You debate on knocking on the door, you wonder if there is anything to say to them.  You try to listen closely to hear if they’re saying anything.  It’s utter silence on the other side.  You try to think of something to say before you knock on the door.  Nothing comes to your mind, you tell yourself to wing it.  You convince yourself that the words will come to you.  
You knock on the door, “come in,” your father says from the other side.  There's a pause in your step.  Hand on the knob.  You slowly turn the knob to open the door.  Your father is sitting at his desk, typing away at his computer.  Mamma is on the other side, flipping through some paperwork.  It takes them a second to look up, their work being more important.  
When they do look up and see you, they pause.  Mamma puts down the paperwork, she stands, wanting to hold you, to reach out, to comfort you.  Your father closes the laptop, he pushes it aside, he turns his chair to face you.  
“Sweetheart,” Mamma speaks up first, you watch her try to blink away the tears, while she holds a painful smile to her face.  You feel like you lose the ability to breathe for a second as tears fall from your eyes, part of you wants so much to just run into her arms, and just sob.  You want her to hold you and rock you, like the small child you feel like you are.  
You take a second, you wipe away the tears that have fallen, and you finally take a breath.  “I understand,” you say, once you start you don’t stop.  You allow everything you’ve been feeling to come out.  “I get it, I understand why you pulled me from racing.”  You can’t stop yourself from crying as you go through your emotions.  “I understand that you were scared.  That you were afraid I wasn’t going to come back alive.  That you wanted to protect your child from dying.  I understand now.” 
Mamma finally allows her tears to fall, she wants so much to hold you.  To apologize over and over again.  She wants to go back in time and tell herself that you’re going to be okay.  She wants to make this okay.  
“But I don’t forgive you,” you say, and you watch your Mamma’s heartbreak.  “I can’t forgive you… not yet at least.”  You finally feel like a weight is lifted off your shoulders and you feel like you’re able to breathe completely free.  “I don’t forgive you, not yet at the very least; but I need to accept what you have done.  I need to come to terms with what you did, because if I don’t, I will ruin my relationship with Charles.  And I love him, I love him more than I loved racing, and I don’t want to ruin this.  I can’t ruin this.” 
“Darling,” your father says, standing to approach you.  A part of you wanted to allow him to come closer.  He was your dad, your hero, and he could make all the problems in the world disappear.  You always ran to him whenever you had a problem and he always would fix it for you.  But now he’s the problem, and you don’t think he can fix this.  
“I…” You take a breath, stepping back and away from your father.  “I just came here to say, I love you guys, and you will always be my parents, but I need more time to find a way to forgive you.  I understand why you did what you did, but I don’t forgive you.  I still love you, but I need more time.” 
“We understand,” Mamma says, as she comes up to grab your father’s arm.  She wraps her arm around his, and she repeats the sentiment, “we understand your need for more time.”   Mamma smiles at you as more tears escape her.  “We will be here waiting for you when you’re ready.” 
“Thank you Mamma,” you say, and for the first time since that night, you can finally say you feel happy.  
You hum along to the song playing in the background as you move about the kitchen in Charles’ apartment.  You feel light on your feet as you dance to the music, as you fix yourself something to eat.  When Charles finally comes home, he’s surprised but delighted to hear the music playing through the apartment. 
“Ma chère?” Charles calls out as he follows the music into the kitchen.  
“Hello, my love,” you spoke in a sickly sweet tone that Charles hasn’t heard for days now.  
“Hi,” he says as he gives you a quick kiss, “you seem happy?”  
“I am happy,” you smile, looking at Charles.  You pause the music, now being more serious, “I saw my parents today.” 
Charles watched you carefully, unsure about how to react, “and? How did it go?” 
“I couldn’t forgive them,” you say, and part of you worries that Charles is going to be disappointed.  
“That’s okay,” Charles says as he pulls you into a hug and holds you close.  He doesn’t want you to feel forced to do anything you’re not ready to do.  
“But,” you pull away from Charles to look at him, “I did tell them that I understood why they did it.  And I told them that I still love them because they are my parents.” 
“And that made you feel better?” 
“Yeah, I feel better,” you say whole heartedly, “this is probably the best I have felt since that night.” 
“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” Charles says, pulling you into a much needed kiss.  He can see you relax, and for the first time in days you don’t appear tense.  
Charles thinks he should’ve told you about this, but he doesn’t want to make the situation with your parents worse.  As he walks into the restaurant, he gives the name to the hostess, and she takes him to a private dining room.  Charles sees him sitting there, back to him.  This is the last opportunity Charles has to walk out, and pretend this never happened.  
“Sir?” Charles greets, sticking his hand out to shake as he approaches the table. 
“Charles,” Toto says, as he stands, shaking Charles’ hand, “I appreciate you meeting with me.” 
Charles doesn’t sit, he doesn’t want to get too comfortable.  “I won’t force her to forgive you or Susie,” Charles feels like he should get that out in the open right away.  
“Charles, please sit,” Toto gestured to the open seat across from him.  “I don’t want you to force her to forgive us.  Although we had the right intention, we’re the ones that screwed it up.”  
Charles takes a seat across, his pulse starts to pick up.  This moment feels more stressful than any race he’s participated in.  “Why did you ask to see me?” 
“Fred asked me something a little while back and I'm curious if the question was valid,” Toto says.  He finally puts the menu down, and he looks squarely at Charles.  Toto isn’t trying to be intimidating, he just wants to know what Charles feels.  “If you had to choose, would you have picked my daughter over your seat at Ferrari?” 
Charles doesn’t hesitate to say, “I would pick her.  In a thousand scenarios, in a thousand lifetimes, I would pick your daughter again and again.  I love y/n.”  
Toto might be a cynic when he says, “I find that hard to believe Charles, when I, personally, have seen you bring different girls into your hotel room during one grand prix weekend.”  
Charles knows his dating history isn’t the prettiest, and he knows that he has a bit of a checkered past with this stuff, but how he feels about you isn’t something he would lie about.  “I understand your concern, I would like to think if I was in your position my concerns would be the same.  However y/n knows about my past and my dating history.  She knows about the weekends with a different girl every night.  She knows everything, and she still trusts me to love her.” 
“You’re not good enough for her, Charles.” 
“I’m not,” Charles agrees, much to Toto's surprise.  “But I'm putting in the work to be good enough for her.  I’m trying my best to be enough for her, and I will do so for as long as she allows me.”  Charles is a very traditional person, and he wants to do this right.  He pulls the box from his pocket, and hands it over to Toto.  “I hope it's for the rest of our lives.” 
Toto opens the box, and there is the most stunning engagement ring.  “I wanted to ask for your blessing sir,” Charles says, “but regardless if you give it or not, I’m going to ask her to marry me.” 
Toto is at a complete loss for words, he’s not sure what to say next. 
Part III
Taglist: @christianpulisic10 @lunnnix @honeybunchiesofoats @catswag22 @lazybot @coffeewhore18 @siovhanroy @peachiicherries @pizzalover57 @livingnotthriving@noodleboyluke@mirrorball-6@elijahslover
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gyuriac · 19 days
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idontwannabemeanymore | i. sae content: don't lose thy self (idk bro i hate summaries) pairings: sae itoshi x fem!reader (implied cz this is like the sequel of my other work Perdiste, but im pretty sure it's not explicitly said so...) notes: ANGST ANGST ANGST (the mc in first fic is using fem pronouns here bcs i cant write them with they/them in this perspective sorry 😓) kinda bad ugh ihatewritersblock ➜ first part
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She was like the sun, the way she lit up the whole room by just existing. Her bright visage was enough to melt even the coldest of hearts. They were akin to moths to flame, Sae just can’t stop longing for her.
You knew he only used you for something, for his ego perhaps. Yet you stayed, played stupid whilst he scrolled through her social media right beside you. 
Only smiling, although with spite, when he immediately agreed when you mentioned her name.
They’ve been scolding you, calling him the most vile words that you didn’t even know, berating you for staying with a moron like him. 
Yes, he has ghosted you on multiple occasions, ignored you unless he had something important to say. But despite all of that, it’s still him.
The Sae who had willingly went outside to the heavy storm just to save you from getting sick yet he himself got sick instead.
It hurts, your heart feels like it's been pricked by needles endlessly before getting run over. You wanted to punch him, scream at him for being such a terrible person-but you also wanted to hug him and tell him how it’s okay and you love him.
It’s a mess and you don’t know what to do.
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Alcohol is disgusting. Its bitter substance gives the feeling of your throat burning but it also makes your pain go numb. So you drink, and drink, and drink. Desperately trying to forget that he only agreed because you spoke of her name.
Your hand reached for another glass before it was taken away.
“Hey… that’s miiine. Get your own..” you slurred over your words, arms flailing around as you stood up wobbly. 
The culprit only sighed. “This is your fourth glass, you ought to be responsible and sober yourself up.” He scolded you before bringing the alcohol to his lips before drinking it all in one gulp. His nose crinkled in disgust before shoving the empty glass at the bartender.
You scowled at the sentiment, letting your head rest on the table. “What do you know?” you mumbled quietly while you stretched your arm for another glass.
Despite the loud buzzing like crazy with music and people, he still managed to hear you somehow. 
“I know that you look stupid downing alcohol like it’s water.” He gripped the new glass from your hands. Even though you’re so drunk that you can’t tell your lefts to your rights, disappointment was clearly exuding from him. So you find yourself pouting, Your gaze rose to his face from his hands ; his cyan eyes, full of irritation, dared you to argue back to him.
Rin Itoshi was never a fan of yours. You can vividly remember him tugging on your hair while playing in the sand pit and then you crying before getting comforted by the red head back then.
You stared at him, examining his features, while he asked the bartender for water. It was unsettling, you don’t remember him being able to drink legally nor being taller than you. Your eyes ended up on his sharp cheekbones replacing the once soft chubby cheeks and it hit you how much everything changed.
Sae wasn’t that boy who won’t eat his lunch unless you're with him, he wasn’t-
“Sae! My man!”
Perhaps it was the alcohol in your system, you bolted upright, turning your heel. The confused calling of your name fell deaf in your ears. All you thought was him and only him.
One more time.
If he looks you in the eyes, you’ll stay.
“Sae!” His name slipped from your tongue naturally, like it was just made for his name-him.
“I’m glad you came! It was such a pain managing by myself, thank the gods Rin was here!”
“How was your practice today? Any improvements lately?”
look at me…
His eyes lingered on your lips for a bit before a call of a name sliced through the whole crowd albeit quite muffled yet you swore Sae’s whole visage lit up like he was just saved from drowning.
And you smiled, tears welling up as you bit your lips hard.
Because no matter what you do to change to yourself, you will never be her. You will never be the one he calls first when he’s drunk nor will you be the one always on his mind.
“I’m sorry.” you murmured, breathing heavily while trying to gather your bearings. He raised his eyebrows, gears not turning in his head. 
With shaky hands, you linked your arms around him, face buried on his neck. Inhaling his musky scent one last time
“I love you so much.” 
Your voice came out as croaky, pulling away from him. 
Your hands found its way to his hair, ruffling his hair roughly that the gel failed to hold its shape. Just as you thought, he looked better this way.
You turned away from him; from your world. You can’t look at him, not when his cold gaze is enough to break your already fragile resolve like glass.
“So…I…” It’s hard to find your words, not when your tears are spilling at this point. Trying to calm yourself with shaky breaths.
You cleared your throat, hands desperately finding something to hold on. “I forgot to do something at home.”
You love him. That’s why you’ll leave him—let him be free of you to pursue her back.
“I’m not coming back, enjoy your night.” 
Like heavy rocks were chained on your feet, it took all of you just to take the first step. A heavy exhale left your lips before you started your stride.
It started slow at first, like a hatchling taking its first step before it hastened.
Because you love him, you wished—prayed even that for once he’ll pick you. Grab your arm, and finally look at you.
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© gyuriac . i'm begging you to not put my works in any a.i thingy and please don't plagiarize. I don't own anything but my edits and writing.
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bergoozter · 5 months
I don't think it's wrong for people to be upset about this. I don't want their company to fail, I wish the best for them, but this move really does feel like a kick in the face to a lot of people.
$6 for a video a week, tops, is wild to me. I understand that they need more money to keep up production but this feels like the worst way to do that. I keep trying to find a way of looking at this that's positive but it's so difficult. Especially since they're also taking down their past content (which Watcher told Variety was the plan, and Ryan later went back on?). The whole thing just feels convoluted and tone deaf.
Again, I don't hate them or hope for their downfall or anything awful like that, but the fans are the ones who have supported them this whole time, I think we're allowed to feel upset by such a massive change. (Especially with it being broadcasted as something we'd all be ecstatic to hear.)
Sorry to just dump this all here, I know you're likely still processing the news too, I guess I just wanted to add in my two cents? Idk, not to pull out the mom line, but I rlly do feel like I'm not angry, just disappointed 😭.
i think i feel similarly. i am still processing and haven’t fully decided how i feel yet. both sides are right but the people being mean and cruel are the wrong ones which i really do hate to see some have stooped so low.
artists should be paid but loyal audiences shouldn’t be blindsided. i feel like a lot of decisions were made without us which sounds so selfish to say but the sentiment is there.
what’s frustrating is 6$ doesn’t seem like a big ask but it is for a lot of people. apart from those who would pay it but can’t, casual viewers wouldn’t even if they could. like i have a coworker that just enjoys one of their shows and i can’t see them paying to watch it (i’ll share my login but that’s not the point i’m making). it just alienates a lot of their viewers. :/
i believe it is misinformation that they’re taking down all their past content but i could be wrong if someone wants to correct or clarify for me!
i still have a lot of questions that i’m hoping get answered or worked out before this launches in full. i’ve been floating between disappointed/nervous and wanting to be excited all day, i’m just ready for today to be over.
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seivsite · 1 year
okioki so i was listening to "from the start" by laufey and started daydreaming to it LMFAO
so im thinkingggg maybe a drabble with blade or dan heng where reader secretly pines over them. one day reader is alone in a room and theyre listening to this song and they start singing along and getting really into it. then when they turn around they see blade/dan heng watching them and they're like "so who's this about?" (or smth idk you can change it) and reader gets really embarassed but confesses anyway
PHEW ok im done im sorry tjis was so long ACK
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includes: dan heng x fem!reader. soft bf dan heng, can be interpreted as imbibitor lunae, not proofread — wc: 691
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(Name) was listening to her playlist in her room, engaging in various activities such as reading and tidying up her space. The song “From the Start” by Laufey began playing, causing her to halt in her tracks and swiftly turn up the volume. She sang along to the lyrics, using a makeshift microphone hairbrush, and complemented her performance with gestures that mirrored the song’s sentiment.
Unbeknownst to the eyes of another person observing her, she sang the lyrics aloud, her voice carrying the melody of the song as her body gracefully moved to its rhythm, lost in the joy of the moment.
Have to get this off my chest
I’m telling you today
That when I talk to you, oh, Cupid walks right through
And shoots an arrow through my heart
As she sang, she made a makeshift arrow with her hand, delicately gesturing as if it pierced through her heart, adding a touch of emotion and artistry to her performance.
And I sound like a loon, but don’t you feel it too?
Confess I loved you from the start
Confess I loved you
Just thinking of you
I know I’ve loved you from the start
Startled by the unexpected claps, she froze up, slowly turning towards the door where the applause came from. There he stood, leaning against the doorway with a gentle smile on his face. “So, who’s this song about?” he inquired, his eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of intrigue.
With a fond gaze, Dan Heng observed how she immediately blushed and hastily sought refuge under the covers of her blanket, attempting to escape his gaze.
“It’s rude to ignore someone who’s talking to you, you know,” he playfully chided, moving towards her form, gently patting her head above the blanket.
“Stop it, this is so embarrassing,” she whined, trying her best to avoid Dan Heng’s teasing but finding it rather difficult to resist his affectionate gestures. The playful banter between them brought forth a sense of warmth and familiarity, making their bond even stronger in that intimate moment.
Dan Heng chuckled at her response, settling himself more comfortably on her bed as he persisted with his question, “So, back to my previous question, who’s this song about? I’ve never seen you like that before.”
“I don’t think you’d wanna know,” she mumbled, her voice muffled as she hid her face in her pillow.
“Why?” Dan Heng inquired, curious to uncover the mystery.
“Because it’s...” she hesitated, the ending of her sentence inaudible to Dan Heng’s ears.
“Hmm? Can you repeat that?” He teased, finally catching a glimpse of her red face, though only the top half was visible due to her continued attempts to shield herself. The playful exchange between them brought a sense of lightness and comfort to the moment, allowing them to share a connection that transcended mere words.
She suddenly groaned and tried to turn away from him, “It’s you, idiot,” she whispered. Dan Heng froze in his spot, hearing her confession, before swiftly moving to be on top of her lying form, gently trapping her between his arms.
“Are you serious? (Name), oof—” Dan Heng began to say but was interrupted as she smacked him in the face with a pillow, causing him to fall down beside her.
Her back turned towards him, Dan Heng felt an overwhelming desire to cuddle her and shower her with kisses. Cautiously, he hugged her waist from behind, finding comfort in the fact that she didn’t push him away. He continued to cuddle into her, basking in the warmth of their affection.
“I like, no, love you too, my dearest,” he declared with sincerity, his heart brimming with affection.
He was taken aback by her sudden movement, now face to face. Dan Heng couldn’t resist the urge any longer and asked, “Can I kiss you?” to which she nodded in consent.
Sealing their lips together in a passionate kiss, they immersed themselves in a tender embrace, embracing each other with gentleness and devotion. The world around them seemed to fade away as they expressed their feelings through that intimate connection, creating a cherished moment that they would remember forever.
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NOTES. aaa i rly liked writing this, i’ll post a blade version probably later heheheeheh so soft n tiny dan heng bbg
TAG LIST. @rintosei @yanqingisim
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changbinsboiledegg · 11 months
what are your thoughts on enhypen and their favorite part/s of their partner's body?
My thoughts, ey? I’ll do the Hyung line for now since my other enha nsfw is already Hyung line only. I’ll do a Sunoo & Jungwon catch up eventually if enough ppl want it. Btw thank you for your ask/request(?) 🫶
Warnings: SFW & NSFW. Lol. Poor grammar/ usage of text language since these are headcanons/thoughts, really.
Note: Also pretty short because whenever I think, I suddenly have the inability to think. Jake’s is longer because (starts running away)
Anyways, if no one's told y'all today, ily. :)🫶💜 horny mfs
More under the cut lol
SFW: I think he would like your hands the most. Something about Heeseung makes me see him as a hand holder when you’re on a date or just out in public, likes when you play with his hands, hair, just likes the way your hands look and feel against him. (Innocently). Also seems like the type to warm your hands up when it’s cold by rubbing and “blowing” hot air. (Please tell me y’all know what I’m talking about lmao)
NSFW: :)))))) honestly, I see him as an ass dude. Expect his hands always on your ass or his body pressed against you from behind whenever he finds a reasonable excuse to (like cuddling, or even out in public when he’s trying to stick with you.) now back to loving your hands :))) you already know what I’m gonna say. He, not so innocently, loves how your hands feel and look touching him.
SFW: May sound weird, but your entire face. He loves the shape of your face, how each of your features compliment each other. I see him as a ‘nose bopper’. Not to tease you, but just because he finds your nose to be so cute regardless of how you feel about it. He loves your lips, eyes, eyebrows, forehead, cheeks. I just see him as a sentimental/ romantic person???
NSFW: Okay, hear me out. I think he would love your thighs. Small or big, I feel like he would find your thighs really attractive. Whether they are touching or not, exposed or covered, just finds them to be a huge turn on. they are his main focus during ‼️seggs‼️ (sorry). Plus, idk if y’all have seen his hands, but try and tell me he isn’t the type to have a hand on your thigh whenever sitting or driving or any opportunity. Now talk to a wall 🫶
SFW: honestly, I think he seems like a clingy person so I’d say your entire body but I feel like that’s a cop out answer lol. Anyways, idk if y’all think the way I do but you ever see him talk to someone and he’s just listening intently, eye contact and all?? This makes me think his favorite body part/feature is your eyes. He loves how they look in the morning, afternoon, night. In the sunlight or even in the dark with LED lights/ under a lightbulb. Y’all get the point. He especially loves the way you look at him with your eyes, losing himself in them.
NSFW: alright, tried to keep this gender neutral but I can’t shake the whole “he’s a boobs guy” thought away. So, fem!readers, he likes your boobs, big or small, doesn’t matter. I tried to convince myself other wise but can’t. Always groping you or finding reasons to look at or touch your boobs. (With consent!!) again, his hands lowkey give it away, I’m sorry.
Now for the gender neutral lovelies, he loves your neck. Kissing, biting, sucking, the way it looks, it drives him crazy and leaves him CRAVING you just thinking about it. And if you’re into it, choking. Again, his hand lowkey :)))))) whatever, y'all get it, I think.
SFW: Okay, this may sound weird than “face” but I think his favorite is your mouth. He loves the way your smile at him or in general, how it moves when you talk. Just warms his heart remembering your soft lips. Also, imo, he has nice lips which leads me to believe he’s a great kisser. Feel free to argue with a wall if you disagree. 🫶
NSFW: Tying into the mouth agenda, :))))) y’all already know where this is going. I still think he’s a great kisser, so you already know he’s gonna love steamy make out sessions with you. He’d get so turned on the moment he feels your lips on him, whether it’s on his lips, neck, chest, or lower, he’s in love with you and the way your lips feel and look against him. :))))
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saltpepperbeard · 4 months
sorry to Sad Post on main BUT
not having our beloved show feels particularly crushing today. i believe i saw others spinning similar sentiments within the last couple of days, ie how it’s the anniversary of the season 2 renewal, how we would have probably had filming bts by now had season 3 continued on the expected trajectory, and how it would have been another thing to celebrate this pride month.
and like. yeah. Yeah.
idk, maybe it’s just that life is Particularly Hard right now anyway, and so subsequently this month feels emptier than usual, but this month REALLY feels emptier than usual.
i guess it’s just like…this month last year, we still had something tangible to look forward to. we were all still being delightfully horsey about it and wondering if we were going to get a tidbit/sneak peak all throughout pride.
and now it’s just…it’s crazy to think that a year ago, i never would have even CONSIDERED the idea of not having a third season the same time the following year. it was so wildly unrealistic for me at the time, something i couldn’t even begin to ponder.
and i guess that sort of highlights just how unfair the cancellation was, and still is. that it felt like we’d for sure get to see their ending, and now here we are the following pride month in the gravy basket. it’s so unfair.
to just think of the possibilities, to think about how we could have been sitting here with a renewal announcement, or even with little blurry tidbits of set pictures like we did for season 2. like, season 3’s version of the pixelated lighthouse and the party and the prince instagram captions…
it just really sucks.
WHICH, by the way, isn’t to say that i have given up every ounce of hope, because i haven’t. i’m in the camp of people who are stubbornly clinging to a whisper still, to whatever possibility of getting picked up in the future or freed from wb’s clutches or anything else there is.
but it just really sucks that we’re not getting to celebrate fully during such a celebratory month. it really sucks that we’re even HAVING to cling to little tidbits of hope like that, instead of being happily and fully cemented in our proper ending.
feel like shit just want them back :(
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greenhappyseed · 6 months
MHA Ch. 417 leak reactions
Izuku enters Tomura’s finger cocoon and disappears from view of the cameras.
I guess the cocoon is like a Tardis and is bigger on the inside? Since Izuku can throw punches in it? Oh and there’s an entire house inside? Which is a memory but also not just a memory because Izuku can physically get hurt by the objects in/around the memory house??? (Please don’t spoil the visuals for me, thank you.)
All the vestiges are gone, meaning they’re now in Tomura, except for Nana, who is rejected (again) by Tomura. That 2 rejections for her.
Love that we now have it expressly shown that Tomura is a dark mirror to Izuku.
Tomura says die and Izuku says not today. Overhaul asks, “do you have a plan?” And Izuku says not today.
But really, it’s great to have memory versions of ReDestro, Stain, and Overhaul challenging Izuku because, much like Tomura, Izuku operates more on feelings and vibes than actual methodical planning. Like Izuku always struggled to answer why he wanted to be a hero.
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Once inside the house, Horikoshi brings the pain. Nana watches as Kotaro calls her a demon and strikes his own son for playing heroes with his friends. It kills me that Nana never got to see Kotaro grow up, and her first glimpse of him as a grown man is him cursing her name and inflicting violence on his family.
Nana moves to hug Kotaro, which also finally transfers her vestige into Tomura. He couldn’t resist Nana in this moment.
Her final thoughts are that this was all her fault which, objectively, isn’t true. AFO killed her husband and pressured her; Kotaro made his own horrible choices as a grown man and father himself; and AFO intervened with Tenko to groom him into Tomura. But it’s similar to the sentiments we’ve heard echoed from All Might about what happens if the world doesn’t have its symbol. We know it’s NOT TRUE that one person is all that stands between peace and violence…but it doesn’t feel that way to the person standing at that intersection.
The chapter ends with Tenko crying in the backyard and Mon starting to decay. Izuku is in his middle school uniform, watching it happen. I don’t know at what point he will intervene, and I don’t know what damage that intervention will do to his real body, but I don’t think he’s going to just sit there and watch.
I’m also curious if Nana hugging Kotaro changes anything we see about how Tenko decays Kotaro. Or if Nana being within Tenko helps reveal Tenko’s true feelings and regrets over killing his family.
I assume, at this point, Izuku still has some form of super strength (like All Might’s embers). But I don’t think he has access to the vestiges’ quirks anymore, so I don’t think Izuku can float (for example). Idk, we will see! Presumably he can still see and hear the vestiges within Tenko as long as AFO and OFA are resonating, so maybe…
Speaking of that resonance, is a memory version of AFO going to come out and play? If Izuku’s physical body can be hurt by Tenko’s memories, then can those memories make AFO into something with a real body?
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cutiecatsub · 2 months
feel like I’ve been seeing a lot of “anyone can be abusive, even by accident!” posts where the tone seem to just like. idk undermine the fact that abuse is a very carefully and systematically developed power dynamic. it is NOT the same thing as a relationship just being toxic, and while I don’t think abusers always intentionally think to themselves “hmm, I’m gonna cultivate an environment of fear and control today by doing xyz” that’s not the same as the implied sentiment of “everyone can be a little abusive sometimes 🤪” it just rubs me the wrong way
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xx-slug-xx · 1 month
Hiii so I just saw ur post and ask reply about proshipper antis and ocd and I wanted to give my two cents because idk I'm like self important or something? But I do think I have a good perspective as someone who's never truly affiliated with proship or anti proship (I'm also not a huge poster or anything so.)
I've been diagnosed with OCD for most of my life and also have been a victim of sexual violence, which is only relevant because when I was younger I had a debilitating obsession with being "found out" as someone who consumed noncon and proship content. I was really disgusted with it while simultaneously consuming and writing it myself, albeit privately which I thought made it "more okay". It took me a long while to leave this mindset because, as most ocd obsessions are, it was not congruent with reality. I feel the trap that a lot of people fall in to is within the labels of pro or anti, that there must be one or the other. Mainly people will label themselves as anti because it's, to me, an elitism of morality that only serves to detriment their own values. (Ie if you're pro-morals then you should seek to understand and rehabilitate, if you rlly think some kinks are so horrible that anyone who enjoys them needs to change.)
I've found that in the real world, among my friends who are on irl kink communities or who I just candidly discuss these sorts of things with, most don't have starkly pro or anti mindsets. I think it's strange that the very common mindset of "I'm really not into it but it's none of my business" is labeled as proship online. Ive never heard an incredibly anti sentiment be expressed as outwardly as it is online, because it's really just socially inappropriate to judge people's personal thoughts like that irl..? All that being said, I believe that if there wasn't this loud anti proship discourse online, I would have not been so distressed with my private thoughts before I was in recovery, and really the intensity with which these "thought crime" ideals are expressed only serves to make more people label themselves as proship. People generally don't like being judged for intimate things, shocker.
Valid experience and good opinions, anon :D
Tbh, my experience is kinda similar, though not exact. I always felt guilt for anything I enjoyed in fiction and that includes virtually all my kinks since they are mostly all fiction due to me being aspec! I think my guilt stems from religious trauma tbh. It’s a sin to be happy after all! Must be the devils temptation /j! Growing up in fandom, seeing people online saying all these things I enjoyed actually made me a bad person caused me feel like I was dirty. That there was something wrong with me for actually really mundane things. And my OCD fed off of that like a leach. I still to this day can’t let people borrow my phone bc my OCD tells me that people will do or say nasty things to me if they find out. “Find out” meaning that they see the fanart and fanfics that aren’t even on my device that I looked at somewhere in the past (not even recent!). Wasn’t until the last four-ish years where I realized that was dumb lol. It was a long journey of self acceptance that I still struggle with today. It’s hard to get past mental illness, but you can live with it and still be happy! It may never go away, but you can absolutely learn to tell your brain to stop being dumb as fuck!
Like, why would I be kicked out of my house for watching South Park as a child? I wouldn’t have been, but my OCD brain told me shit like that all the time! I’m not bad for having fun! Neither is anyone else!
I absolutely agree with you that labeling the normal response to seeing something you don’t like, or meeting someone who likes that thing, as “ok not my thing but good for you ig” shouldn’t be a “proship” thing. I don’t like the pro vs anti divide all that much. But in reality, that’s how this internet argument is taken and seen. It’s rooted in it from a fandom history perspective (as lame as it sounds when I say it lmao). Normal people in real life don’t care about internet drama, and they don’t care what a proshipper or antishipper is. I honestly feel like a lot of people forget that, but I see a lot of people on the anti side of things applying their internet opinions to the real world. That’s why I’m concerned. I see a lot of antiship people dropping irl friends and spreading label against them too, and it’s not a healthy mindset or way to live. It’s fine to not have the same tastes, even being uncomfortable with someone else’s tastes. But I don’t think it’s healthy to worry so much that it affects your real life like how I see a ton of antis doing. Life is uncomfortable and it’s full of people who can make you uncomfortable. But life isn’t black and white, and people/things that make you kinda uncomfortable with certain things can also be things you could care less about. I know so many people in my life at least who I just don’t talk about certain subjects with for that very reason, but we are still great friends regardless of our differences! And they aren’t “bad people” either lmao
Proship vs antiship never should have been a thing. Imo, you’re either an asshole towards others for stupid reasons, or you aren’t and just agree to disagree unless someone’s causing real harm! Proshippers can be assholes just like antishippers sometimes lmao, so those aren’t synonymous!
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transmascswagpolls · 3 months
You don't need to post this (as to not give more attention to the topic, despite it really, really needing some, but people are always difficult to deal with if you point such things out), but you have no idea how nice it feels to not be alone in my feelings for fandoms using babygirl so frequently, along with other misgendering. Any time I've tried to point it out to someone or ask people why they insist on using babygirl specifically and not babyboy or something completely neutral, I've been met with horrible hostility that's made me not want to engage with fandoms much past liking fanarts. So yeah, idk, know that you aren't alone in your feelings, many just hide it because nothing can be done on a larger scale, sadly.
Seeing something like this in my inbox makes me both incredibly happy and very sad. It’s been very nice to know that I’m not alone in these feelings and the sentiments expressed here- that I, we, should continue to hide them because there’s nothing to be done about it- are exactly why I know I need to continue with this project on my own time. We deserve better than this. Transphobia isn’t cute “just” because it’s directed towards men.
Thank you so much for sending this, anon. I really needed to see it today
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branches-and-thorns · 2 months
Listening to Epic on shuffle P2
Because there’s a second power cut!
This time I’m listening to a playlist of mine that has some covers included.
11:44am: Open Arms! My light just came on for 2 seconds and scared the shit outta me (it’s off again now). I’m vibing why is Polites’s part so good—
11:54am: RUTHLESSNESS! It’s the Annapantsu cover but god it’s good and I am VIBING so much rn. I also think I should draw one of my OCs (Vivienne) with this song. Or Kore, actually. Idk I’ll decide when I can actually do animatics.
11:59am: JUST A MAN! Gonna zone out and think about OCs (Lucius) for a second. Okay now I have a non OC art idea.
12:02pm: SCYLLA! Pretty voices for the win! Gonna ignore the insane whiplash I’m getting today and just vibe with the voice. Actually listening to it the second half of this song would be great to draw Lacey to.
12:05pm: DONE FOR! 12pm is just murder girl hour I guess. God I love this song tho. Honestly the Circe saga is probably my favourite overall. Like I like Monster the most but if I had to add all their scores up the Circe Saga would win.
12:05pm: Warrior of the Mind, Caleb Hyles singing Athena and Annapantsu singing Odysseus. I haven’t heard this cover in a while so I’m just gonna vibe. Okay I forgot how much range Caleb has this is great.
12:07pm: No Longer You, Lydia the Bard. This cover sounds kind of…tragic? To me? Idk if you get it you get it I guess.
12:14pm: There are Other Ways! This really is girl’s hour wow— last time I talked about the tapping beat reminding me of a dance scene so I can’t talk about that so I will talk about the characters I mentioned then until the songs end. Nobles in a fantasy autocracy, sirens, friends to enemies, shared crush, severe violence issues, hypocrisy, and frankly I should draw them with the ‘no I’m not a player I’m a puppeteer’ line. AND TIME.
12:17pm: SURVIVE! Girls hour is over sadly. So funny story when the new versions got released I switched the versions over in my playlists planning to check them out after listening to the thunder saga and then had to leave home due to noise and forgot about it. So the first time I heard this song it was on shuffle on the Millia playlist and the squelch made me JUMP.
12:23pm: Warrior of the Mind, Annapantsu singing Athena, Caleb Hyles singing Odysseus. The girls are back and I’m gonna vibe again!
12:26pm: The Horse and the Infant. Okay I’m gonna vibe for the first half and cry for the second. ZEUS PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GODS. FUCK. OFF.
12:39pm: (took a break to get water and check on the electrics. Still nothing!) Full Speed Ahead! No thoughts just vibes.
12:42pm: The Underworld! I am preparing tissues. However I am also just. Vibing to the music. God the music in this whole musical is AMAZING. OKAY I CAN DO THIS. OKAY I DID IT BACK TO VIBEY MUSIC.
12:46pm: No Longer You, Caleb Hyles covering. I have listened to this one a lot and the ending goes off the rails so looking forward to that. Beginning to wonder what Epic would look like as an stage production. OKAY THIS IS THE BEST BIT!!
12:49pm: RUTHLESSNESS! See I think this version would be good for a Cain animatic because that bastard gets PISSED. Blind fury isn’t a Vivienne thing, but Cain? YES.
12:53pm: MONSTER! God. Favourite song. Hands down. Part of this is for sentimental reasons I mentioned last time but a lot is just that I feel like it really suits one of my blorbos and I really think I should draw him with this song. Especially considering the different reactions from the rest of the leadership…hm. Thoughts.
12:57pm: DIFFERENT BEAST OH MY. Okay so last time I was beginning to have oc thoughts about this song and it relates to the same oc I associate Monster with. It’s not even the revolution routes that triggered this it’s the siren route. Aka the one time Lucius went too far for THORN. I should draw it.
13:07pm: THUNDER BRINGER! God I swear I have the first minute of this song committed to memory. I think that’s slightly concerning. I might have slightly hyperfixated on the song while doing a very difficult art piece shortly after it came out. Okay gonna cry now.
13:12pm: MY GOODBYE! God this also carries a lot of OC associations, and it was really early in these characters development, so it stuck. Neither of them are gods so there’s that, but just…the I’m left to deal with the strain bit. THEM. AND ALSO OUCH. I am absolutely going to draw them to this song when I can draw things to songs.
13:16pm: WOULDNT YOU LIKE! I should draw this to SOMEONE in my catalogue but like. Who. I’m not getting any immediate ideas. I should think about this a bit. TBD!
Gonna wrap up there before my data runs out!
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seattlesellie · 1 year
OHMYGOSH so today I found out my grandma used to have a gf??? she’s been with us this summer holiday and occasionally she tells us stories of when she was younger and all the places she’s travelled to, and she was talking abt how she went to Paris with her GIRLfriend back then and I almost shed tears cause it somehow made me feel more like connected to her as a woman luver even tho she or literally no one in my fam knows I like girls. she ended up marrying a man tho but like idk it was so cute, she’s literally my bi queen ! and she def meant like relationship w girl cause ik in english some ppl call their friends ”girlfriends” but in my language it’s like LEGIT a girlfriend omg imma cry. she was so sentimental and talked abt her so dearly from her heart like a bestfriend I’m actually gonna cry uughh 💔
omg ????? when grandparents drop some gut wrenching lore >>>> 🩷🩷
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