#i *think* this is unfinished but tbh i’m not gonna go watch the movie again
typicalmidnight · 3 years
let’s talk about everything wrong with the kissing booth
rule number 9 is created solely for the purpose of elle not dating noah, so that lee can have her to himself (even though he’s not in love with her or anything) which is literally reinforced near the end of the movie. both boys in this movie treat and view elle as an object that only one of them can have and nobody else.
upon meeting him, noah decides to ask elle “when did you get the boobs?” we have opened this movie with blatant sexual harassment but it’s immediately brushed over.
within the first 15 minutes our leading lady is sexually assaulted. before that she’s subject to catcalls by every single boy other than lee, because apparently boys only care about you if you’re wearing a short skirt at which point they go wild
elle gets told that she “was asking for it” which just has so many problems with it i don’t even need to explain
nobody seems too concerned that elle was literally just assaulted, not even her, and she later accepts the invitation to go out on a date with the boy after he gives a half assed apology and wears a skirt himself
noah has been telling guys not to ask elle out, presumably because he likes her, though it’s explained as that he wants to protect her, but he’s controlling her life without her knowledge, and he views her as his property
noah is violent, constantly getting into fights, and his anger is never explained other than him staring that he’s “just wired that way” and at one point lee even thinks that he hit elle. and the movie is just OKAY with it!!
along with noah’s violence, he yells at elle many times, even scaring her when he he hits the hood of the car and yells at her to get in. not even 5 minutes later everything is fine and his violence has been completely forgotten about
too many times the movie goes out of it’s way to get elle as naked as possible in front of boys. the first incident with the skirt should have been enough, but no she ends up running through the boys locker room topless and stripping on top of a pool table. noah also refuses to give elle her shorts back, and once she finally gets them back he asks for his shirt back, only telling her that he’s joking after she’s already exposed her chest to him.
consent just doesn’t exist? a big premise of the movie is the kissing booth which has underage teens kissing each other without one of them knowing who the other is. i’m pretty sure at one point olivia is tricked into kissing someone thinking it’s someone else. warren also tries to get elle to do something with him and she repeatedly says no but he ignores her, only backing off when noah yells at him
noah gets accepted into harvard without seeming to have any interest in school, even skipping weeks near the end leading to him risking not graduating. the whole movie has built up a bad boy stereotype for him but suddenly he’s interested in and has been accepted to an ivy league school?
lee guilt trips elle into breaking up with noah, and she does, even though moments later she states that she’s in love with him. that’s another problem because clearly this is a toxic and problematic relationship, NOT love.
lee and elle make up by dancing? they don’t even have an emotionally aware or mature conversation, they just play ddr and then everything is suddenly fine, after about one minute.
noah pretends to be lee by wearing his batman costume but they look nothing alike? lee has the build of a typical teenager while noah is tall as fuck and jacked as hell, there’s no way you could mistake them for each other. plus elle has a conversation with who she believes to be lee, and there’s no telling if she would have wanted to have that same conversation with noah.
the omg girls just disappear without a resolution to their storyline. at one point the dynamic is meant to mimic the plastics and cady but after the party their storyline is completely abandoned and we never see them again
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twilightofthe · 3 years
so what animes have you seen already?
Oh boy! Not many tbh, I only really started watching it last winter when my roommate asked if I wanted to give it a try! I haven’t watched anything from any studio that did Visions (yet), but I wanna soon!
Animes I HAVE seen, in order:
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood — Aight so when roomie suggested we watch an anime, a friend who had seen a lot of them recommended this one to watch first as it was a good “starter anime”, and y’all idk if it’s just because it’s the first one I watched but I’ve still gotta call it my favorite one because y’all it’s SO FUCKING GOOD. Like that’s understatement of the century but I don’t have time to write an essay on why it’s so good lol just trust me it’s GOOD. 11/10s on EVERYTHING about it. Plot, characters, setting, everything. My one sadness is that I would not be good at writing fic for it lol.
Demon Slayer — YouTube AMVs and seeing it pop up on Netflix had us start this one next and y’all it’s probably the prettiest anime I’ve seen like ever, like the art style is chef’s kiss. Amazing story and AWESOME characters too, very good, 10/10 would recommend. I think I could write a decent fic for it if a plot ever came to me.
The Great Pretender — The only non-action/fight anime on the list, roomie and I tried it out because we figured we should see something different? It was on Netflix so we looked. It was good, clever writing, good characters got a little bit weird in the second season, particularly at the end, but overall it’s a decent watch. I could write fic for the shipping aspect but again, no plot ideas because the plot is fuckin weird.
Akame Ga Kill — Roommate had seen this before, recommended it to me. The characters were decent, setting was interesting! Pretty art style too, but I was like, verrrrry critical of the plot throughout the entire singular season lol, so take that as you will. Actually no yeah plot was kinda wack. My fave character deserved better tho.
Castlevania — Okay okay I know I know not an anime, but it’s a similar artstyle. (Also I think the game it’s based off of is a Japanese game?) Actually watched the first two seasons a while ago, but then watched the third and fourth with roommate. Y’all it’s REALLY good, literally everyone in the damn show is fucking hot and I’m jealous, I ship the throuple HARD hard. I think I could maybe write a decent fic for it if, again, I had any plot motivation lol
Trese — Again, cheating because not anime, but this one is still non-Western (Filipino) media and it’s glorious. I’ve never seen an episode of Supernatural but I feel that this show is like, what Supernatural wishes it could be. Another gorgeous artstyle and I’m so gay for the MC and the first season left me with so many questions so I really hope it gets another one! I gotta get around to reading the webcomic
D.Gray-Man — Okay this one is entirely the fault of @jasontoddiefor who got back into it and promptly dragged everyone he knew down with him, and I am so very glad he did because this is a fantastic— and I’d argue relatively underrated —series. Artstyle is gorgeous (certain characters be very hot), the character arcs are brilliant, I love all the characters, and the worldbuilding is so friggin creative, like I’d put it up there as another one of my faves. I actually did write a fic for this, but publishing a fic in an unfamiliar fandom is terrifying and bad for my anxiety and it’s gonna take me like five more years to work up the courage to do it again lol.
Sword Art Online — Currently watching right now with roommate. I heard some not very good things about it, but my roommate wanted to give it a try so I sat down and watched with them. Sure enough it’s been a case of half the time I’m flailing over the nice animation and how creative the worldbuilding is and the charm and potential all the characters have……………….. and then the other half of the time I’m banging my head against the wall repeatedly because it pulled some seriously stinky bullshit lol. So yeah watch it’s promising but also Suffer in not the good way.
Fire Force — Also currently watching! On my own this time, roommate already watched and recommended. This one is VERY good, like I am super into the plot and the setting and everything to do with the universe. Still getting into the characters and it’s taking a bit more time? So the watch is going slower than usual, but that’s alright! The entire premise makes up for it.
So that’s all the anime I’ve seen! I’ve also seen 2.5 Studio Ghibli movies and they are all JUST as good as people say they are (Kiki’s Delivery Service, Howl’s Moving Castle, and bits and pieces of Princess Mononoke) 1000/10 recommend.
You didn’t ask about the manga I’ve read but I’ll list them anyway! For the record I’m not a huge manga reader because my eyes find it hard to see the illustrations when everything is in different shades of black and white, it makes action scenes in particular really difficult to read, which is a problem when you usually like action plots
Demon Slayer — The anime isn’t complete yet and after the movie I wanted to know MORE so I hunted down the manga and binged it all. Y’ALL GOTTA READ IT IT’S STILL SO FUCKIN GOOD AND I’D DIE FOR SO MANY CHARACTERS I’M IN LOVE WITH SO MANY
D.Gray-Man — Same thing as Demon Slayer, the anime isn’t complete yet and neither is the manga BUT so I read the rest of what’s been written. Hoo hoo HOO I hope they animate more of it because the plots coming up are brilliant and I want it
My Hero Academia — Look, EVERYONE is yelling about this one and it trends like once a week and like five irl friends love it so I figured there was too much anime out but I had to know so I’d just skim the manga just to figure out what the fuck the hype was. It’s good, lol, I totally get the hype now, the strength is in the worldbuilding and a whole handful of extremely interesting yet surprisingly simple character types that work to drive the plot forward. There is so much potential here and I could definitely write fic for this but I am not touching that fandom with a ten foot pole and that’s coming from a Star Wars fan 😂
Yona of the Dawn — Currently reading this!!!! Ok so there’s a season of an anime out for this, I walked in to see my other roommate watching what was probably one of the horniest scenes in it. I was immediately like “👀👀👀👀 shit fuck that’s hot do these heteros have rights????” I was about to plop my ass down and start watching but roommate was like “oh there’s only one season and it’s unfinished and I know you don’t like unfinished stuff” so I promptly got my ass up and googled the manga so I could see more. Y’all it is GOOD, if you love the dramatic romances from Star Wars this is RIGHT up your alley and dare I say better, the plot is lovely, the characters are great, and I am SO MAD there’s only one anime season. I’d absolutely write fic for this if I was more confident, I have so many polyship ideas!!!!!!
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morwensteelsheen · 3 years
If Faramir went to Rivendell, how would the whole ttt/rohan plot be different?
A good question that I have spent an unreasonable time thinking about! My first LOTR fic was going to be an attempt to answer this, but then I got so wrapped up in not having the answers that I sidelined it and wrote WC instead. So I think instead of giving you one definitive answer I’ll give you a couple scenarios I think are plausible? If that’s not too much of a cop out lmao? Apologies in advance for the inevitable spelling errors, I did this on my phone and my dyslexia is off the charts today.
I think it’s basically unavoidable that he goes via Rohan first, geographically he’s sort of left without an option there. When he’s there, we get into this issue of whether and how he and Éowyn interact. Worth noting, I think, that the Unfinished Tales has Éomer living in Aldburg by the War, but Éomer does seem to imply he’s around for Boromir passing through. Is this because he knows and already is a fan of Boromir? Maybe! Or maybe Éomer goes to Aldburg after.
But I digress. We have to ask the question of whether Faramir falls in love with Éowyn because he was always going to fall in love with Éowyn, or if it’s because the things he’s gone through immediately preceding it primed him for it. I — perhaps quite cheaply — come down on the side of Faramir always having it bad for her on first sight. And contextually I think that comes from his, rather sweet, enunciation of the way his regard/love changes for her. He says that at first he pities her, and then he gets to know her and he doesn’t pity her anymore, he respects and admires her. That’s an interesting dynamic to bring into play in basically every AU, because you get this double barrel characterisation of his attitude to her changing, and his own character maturing/sharp edges softening.
I think he off the bat he sees that she’s beautiful, and immediately is drawn to her for that. Shallow? Maybe! But, to badly paraphrase my ol fav Victor Hugo quote — love always begins with a glance.
I imagine he stays for a short while, maybe a week, two at most. At this point I think that Éowyn’s basically viewing him as an official guest that she has to entertain, and I think Faramir is, in his own, slightly stilted, slightly wanky way, putting the moves on her. This can go, imo, one of two ways. She can either be receptive to it (which is a nice thought!) or she can be aware of it but mostly ignore it because, really, she’s got lots of shit on her plate.
Either way, he leaves Edoras at some point. The big question is where does his go from there?
One thing I toy around with is that, given his pre-existing relationship to Gandalf, maybe he’s willing to trust the Istari a bit more and goes straight for Isengard? Which, and I think I did the math on this once a few months ago, would have him arriving at Isengard around the time Gandalf’s getting his shit kicked in by Saruman lol. I think this could be a really compelling plot point, but I’ll be very honest with you, I 100% don’t have the imagination or writing skills to figure out how it proceeds from there, so I’m not going to try to.
If he goes the normal Boromir route, he still loses his horse at Tharbad and walks (lmao jesus???) to Rivendell. When he gets there, I think he’s immediately going to have everything he knows put to the test in quite jarring ways. First off, he’s going to be infinitely more deferential to Elrond, Aragorn &c when they’re trashing Gondor. He’ll push back a bit, no doubt on that, but he’s going to be starstruck by Aragorn in a way that Boromir just wasn’t.
No real difference I imagine between Rivendell and Lothlórien, except that he’d definitely be laser focused on palling about with Aragorn, and he’d probably spend more of his time being friendly with Frodo than with Merry and Pippin tbh (not in a douchey way, I just think he and Frodo vibe a little better. Though I bet he and Merry had some interesting chats about pipe weed history).
The underlying question here is what sort of relationship does he have to the ring? I don’t buy this idea that he’s not tempted by it, I just think that what the ring offers him is a bit shit. We don’t know what the ring tempts him with, he’s not clear on that in TTT. I can’t really see the ring being like ‘oh I’ll give you a king to follow’ because that is some intensely nerdy shit, but is somehow the one thing I could see Faramir actually being tempted by. Regardless of what it offers him in this AU, he resists it on the basis that he’s got this mythical king he’s been desperate for, and he’s not gonna risk that for anything.
Lothlórien comes next, and oh my god when I tell you this is the part I genuinely have no answer for. I stopped writing my first fic at Lothlórien because I couldn’t cope. Tbh it probably lowkey fries Faramir’s brain, and for so many reasons. The whole godmoding Númenórean stuff he’s got going on probably interests Galadriel a bit, and so that whole conversation is going to be wildly different than it was for Boromir. But what does she say to Faramir? I have no idea. I really don’t. There’s also probably a million and one things also going on psychologically for him at that point, which makes dealing with this bit difficult. Really difficult. So I’m gonna, uh, conveniently smash cut away.
Parth Galen! Again, another two potential splits here. The first, (from here on out I’ll refer to as Plot A) which I find rather endearing, is that he goes off with Frodo and Sam when Frodo makes the decision to split. I don’t know that I believe he’d do it, but it proves for a very delightful interpretation of his character.
Plot B is that when the Orcs show up, Faramir survives not by virtue of his being a ~ better warrior ~ or whatever than Boromir, but by the terrain surrounding Parth Galen being something he’s far more in the habit of dealing with, and by virtue of his having a bow at his disposal. I know there’s room for an interpretation of Faramir as not primarily an archer, but narratively I think that’s less interesting. So he’s an archer. He’s an archer and also his priority is on Aragorn first and foremost, so Merry and Pip still get taken, and Frodo and Sam use the hubbub to GTFO, which is actually slightly more in line with the movie’s chronology, funnily enough. The three hunters become four, and then go on Merry & Pippin’s trails.
In Plot A, they’re hauling ass across the Emyn Muil, bolstered in some ways by Faramir’s experience as a Ranger. The problem is the issue of getting into Mordor and whether or not they pick up Gollum. I think, in a way that frustrates me immensely, they do end up taking Gollum, not because they need a guide, but because Gollum fulfils this deep psychological need for Frodo, and I think he would have argued for keeping Gollum regardless. Faramir is going to be fucked off about this, but will ultimately, I think, be deferential to the ringbearer.
So they go across the Dead Marshes, but they do NOT attempt the Black Gate first because Faramir’s not a fool. Do they go to Henneth Annûn? I say yes, but with the caveat that in all likelihood Boromir is gonna be there, which is gonna complicate stuff tremendously.
Over to Plot B!
The four hunters go to the Mark! They meet Éomer! Hey! Éomer recognises Faramir! (And he’s probably a little fucked off that he lost his horse lol). But whatever, he knows this guy, so he’s probably gonna be like, uhhh, everything you saw before in Edoras is much worse now. Also my cousin's dead and everything is bad. Here’s some horses, sorry for maybe accidentally killing your pals, see ya! And at this point I think Faramir’s probably having a, hmmm, g e n t l e  p s y c h i c  c r i s i s, because if he’s still very 👅 for Éowyn (which he is, sorry, he has to be) then he’s going to want to go there ASAP. Obviously though that’s not gonna happen, so: Merry and Pip chasing, Gandalf finding, Edoras arriving.
Which means Éowyn. If, at this point, she and Faramir already have something of an arrangement going on (nudge nudge) then she’s really not gonna give a shit about Aragorn. You know how in TTT it’s not even clear that she actually sees Legolas and Gimli? 100% that vibe with Aragorn too. Théoden’s gonna get his house in order, they’re going to head to Helm’s Deep, and Éowyn’s gonna get named head of house. (Faramir, if he starts off just thinking she’s beautiful, is going to have quite the paradigm shift here, because he’s going to have to start reckoning with her as not just a beautiful woman, but as a very, very intense person. This is how his love for her starts to mature.)
Sometimes I dream about him being like, ‘hey! I have some first hand experience of ruling a kingdom, how about I stay and…….. lend you a hand……..’ to Éowyn while she’s keeping watch on Edoras. This is wildly unlikely, but a delightful thought nonetheless. In the more likely case, which is that he goes to the Hornburg, she’s going to start feeling some strain about this whole war shebang, and it’s going to lead to some difficult conversations. Chief among them is that Faramir, as second son, actually has basically nothing to give her, which is not exactly a great position to be in when you’re in love with the niece of a king. I’m of the opinion that Éowyn’s not fussed by that stuff (she agrees to marry him when he’s prepping to give up a shit ton of power anyways), so she’s probably like, 'no, fuck you, we’re getting married.' And then he leaves, and it starts to emotionally unsettle her more and more.
If they don’t already have a thing, then it either begins at this point OR he gets overshadowed by Aragorn. In either case, off to Helm’s Deep he goes.
Helm’s Deep happens, I think Faramir ends up extraordinarily impressed by how the Rohirrim handle the Dunlenders afterwards, which also begins to soften his harsh opinion of them more generally.
They go to Isengard, Pippin looks in the Palantír, and away Pippin and Gandalf go. Both Gandalf and Faramir here would recognise that it would be batshit insane for Faramir to go back to MT now, because Denethor would read him like a picture book and he’d have to admit to the entire mission of the Fellowship.
Over in Plot A, I think we’re going to have some real emotional complexity vis a vis Faramir showing up at Henneth Annûn with two hobbits, a ring, and Boromir in control there. God, it would just be a disaster. My incredibly generous interpretation of this is that Faramir keeps the plan vague enough that Boromir lets them pass unhindered. My less generous interpretation is… yeah I don’t wanna do it tbh. It’s not pretty. It's also, to be clear: not an indictment of Boromir as a character. His response is entirely rational for someone expected to lead a kingdom and for someone put up against the unbelievable power of the One Ring. The reason Faramir continuously gets to pass largely untempted by the ring is because he's a guy with no actual responsibilities once you take the Rangers away. His understanding of his duty to Gondor is almost entirely conceptual in nature. He can think and talk about defending Gondor as it once was because there are several people above him in the hierarchy defending Gondor for what it is. This is also not an indictment of Faramir. He and Boromir just have wildly different realities to contend with.
They are going to go through Cirith Ungol even though Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumbass both speak Sindarin and don’t cotton on to what its name implies lol. This whole scene is much shorter because Faramir’s significantly more cautious, so there is no Orc capture and Sam doesn't take the Ring. This is where things get a bit complex, and where I don’t think I have the imagination to say much more. Sorry!
Back in Plot B, the lads catch up with Éowyn as they prep to go down the Paths of the Dead. If she and Faramir are a thing, this is where the real emotional distress kicks in for her. All of the men in her life have, at one point or another, functionally abandoned her, and here’s Faramir, love of her life, about to do the exact same thing. Faramir inevitably goes with the Grey Company even though she begs him not to. When she tries to convince them not to go down the Paths at all, he is in the fortunate enough position to throw up his hands and say 'not my call, actually. King’s in charge,' which lessens the emotional conflict there somewhat.
No part of me doubts that Éowyn wouldn’t then immediately go over his head to Aragorn. She would, she absolutely does not give a fuck. And she’s going to get knocked back re: joining them in exactly the same way as in the book, because Aragorn’s take here isn’t actually dependent on her personally, it’s dependent on the duty she’s been charged with, which is taking care of her people. (Also going to be an interesting narrative parallel to a later conversation between Faramir and Aragorn after the Pelennor, which I’ll explain in more detail later.)
Faramir will, perhaps somewhat less dismissively, say this to her. He learns much more obviously the way to talk to her on her own terms, and he’s not gonna fall into the trap of letting her be like ‘you just want me to wait and die after all the men are dead.’ He’s going to probably give her some line about her being the last organised line of defence, and he might even invoke Haleth! It’s not going to work, because Éowyn’s very aware of the apocalyptic nature of all of this, but it’s not going to cause such abject hatred and fury as it otherwise would.
If she and Faramir are not a thing, her emotional distress is as it is in the book, except now Faramir’s trying not to pout in the background. He might even step in to try and soften the blow.
Regardless, she ends up as Dernhelm, she rides to the Pelennor.
Boromir is the one responsible for the Osgiliath retreat, and because it’s heavily implied that Faramir only keeps his seat because he’s got this dumbass Númenor garbage going on ('master of man and beast' — king Beregond), Boromir’s going to get killed by the Witch king here.
This is going to send shockwaves through not just Denethor, but Minas Tirith more generally, because Boromir is fucking adored. Denethor’s going to go high holy crackers much quicker, mostly because Gandalf is a shit stirrer and is going to waste no time at all in announcing that Aragorn, The Rightful King, is on his way, and Denethor will — correctly — surmise that Faramir has chosen Aragorn over returning with whatever Isildur’s Bane is to Gondor. This is the end for Denethor.
Éowyn rides from Dunharrow, slays the Witch king. Faramir and Aragorn show up with the Army of Dead, Faramir does not end up injured, but does end up as the Steward (obviously) and (obviously) aware that Éowyn is in the HOH. And also that everybody else he loves is dead. Yeehaw.
Here’s where I think things get really interesting. I think, counter to the way this is portrayed a lot of the time, Faramir doesn’t go to the Black Gate at all. I think he stays in Minas Tirith, not just to organise the wider range defences (esp the Rohirrim dealing w the Druadan) but in this very grim preparation to lead the retreat from Minas Tirith if/when Frodo & Sam fail. I think he's kind of fine with this for two reasons. The first is that him being conscious to process the death of his father, and it coming hours after the death of his brother means that he's going to have a personal-political crisis, and he's going to have to take the defence of Gondor more seriously than he did before. Second, Aragorn's going to tell him to fucking stay put, and he's going to be fine with it because it means he's going to get to spend the last few days of his life with Éowyn.
He and Éowyn reunite in the HOH, there’s still a lot of deeply emotional stuff going on, but, at least now Faramir’s conscience is clear re: marrying her because, well, he’s the Steward now. Also their reunion is going to take on greater significance because she’ll have killed the thing that killed his brother. So, that’s a lot.
If they are not a thing before the Pelennor, she's still going to drag his ass over to the HOH so she can bitch about being stuck there. But this time he's not a fellow hospital-prisoner, he's having to actually do things, and he's going to use that to his advantage in terms of keeping her from doing stupid shit. I think he's going to try to involve her in some of the strategic questions re: the retreat if the Morannon feint fails. I think he's going to make a point of talking to her to get her help on dealing with the Rohir forces that are in and around the City. I think that's going to go a huge way to helping to ease her misery, and it's going to be such a significant vote of trust in her (even after she's done the unthinkable and deserted her people) that she's going to fall in love with him here, as per. And the contrast between him and Aragorn is going to be all the stronger for it.
So yes. Those are just some of the possibilities I think! Sorry for the word dump!!
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Julie and the Phantoms
~What I want~
-Y’all didn’t ask for this but guess what here are my thoughts anyway. They are based in nothing and are solely what I want. So here’s everything (I hope) in no particular order.
1. Let’s talk about Juke just to get it ~out of the way. TBH I cannot get around the age gap between Madison and Charlie. It’s so hard for me to see past it. I’m only a few months younger than Charlie and I literally could not imagine dating someone who was even in high school at all. I understand they wanted the guys to look the same age through the series so they had to cast older but.... eh. The only way I could really accept Juke would be if they kissed in the series finale just before the guys moved on. But really? I’d love to see them realize that they can’t be together because he’s dead. It would be SO interesting to see that, them having to stomp out the crush because it could only end in hurt for them both. I’d love to see them become super close/best friends. They have a connection, it just doesn’t have to be romantic. Also I’d really like to see her maybe end up with Flynn??? That would be so refreshing. You almost never see queer leads for kids shows and that would be awesome (P.S. even though it’s fine to ship Juke, even though I personally don’t, do NOTTTTTTTTT. I repeat NOT! Ship Madison and Charlie. I’ve seen other actors in older fandoms stop talking to each other because of fans shipping them. Please don’t do this to anyone. Remember he’s 21, and she’s 16).
2. Ghosts. They need to stay ghosts. Trust me, I want them to come back to life as much as y’all, but I don’t think there are any ways that they can bring them back that doesn’t feel like a cheat. Plus, I really really want the heartfelt goodbye from the guys in the last episode before they move on. What can I say? I love my bittersweet endings. Could you imagine the material they could give us? They could even bring Julies mom in to help the boys cross over.
3. I NEED to see more of the guys in the 90’s. I have a ton of questions. Some of which are: was Bobby always kinda to the side? How long was Luke gone? I want to see Reggie and Alex’s life. Who’s house was the studio at? (We can cross out Luke and Reggie, we’ve seen their houses/where they were.) but I have my own theory that it was Alex’s house before Julie’s family solely based on the reason that that’s why the guys were in there and why Alex lingers. But then that poses the reason why did his parents leave the house? Maybe because it was too hard to live there when they lived there with their son? But then that poses the question if they “forgave” him for being gay?
4. Reggie, I know he wasn’t intended to be, especially since I heard the “that was pretty hot!” scene was improvised, but I need him to be bi so bad. I am not sure I’m right, but I only have seen three (?) canonically bisexual characters on screen in my twenty years of life. And that’s Cheryl from Riverdale (😒) and my personal fav, Eleanor from The Good Place, and we also have a sprinkle of Korra in there. I literally cannot think of another. But lookie here! They’re all women, where are my bi guys (if you know any male bi characters? Send them my way👀). But seriously, Reggie has such potential to be great Bi rep! If I had seen a character like him I might have realized and accepted my sexuality way before I did. Because ironically I had a sexuality crisis at seventeen because a guy friend grabbed me by the shoulder and asked for my help not too different from Luke singing to Reggie lol!
5. Hollywood Ghost Club. I would really love to see more about it. I’m pretty sure I know what’s going on, Caleb most likely made a deal with the devil. But I’d love to see the guys and Julie help free all of the other trapped spirits he’s lured into the club. Also, on the topic of ghosts as a whole, I wonder if there’s any negative effects on a ghost staying non earth too long. It happens a lot in movies/books. They almost turn into a wraith, a darker version, only a shadow of themselves. I wonder if it applies here too.
6. Oh dang, CASPER. As per my previous posts as I was writing this, I was backhanded with memories of one of my favorite childhood movies, which I just recently watched again. Above I say maybe Julies mom could help them cross over. But remember how Luke promises to talk to Julies mom once they cross over? What if they do just that. A line that struck a chord while watching the movie was from the mother’s scene when she comes back: “let’s just say you know three crazy ghosts that kept their word.” And y’all, when she said that line not gonna lie I nearly cried thinking about that for the show. She also mentions that because her family loved her so much, she doesn’t have any unfinished business. I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t have any unfinished business either. Casper came out in.... you guessed it.... 1995. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they got some inspiration from it. Not to mention that it’s also a kids movie that has some pretty serious moments that kinda shocked me with how sad they were rewatching as an adult. I guess that’s why I loved it so much.
7. Carrie. I really want to learn more about Carrie and Julies dynamic. We know they were friends (I’m assuming with Flynn too?) and had a falling out. But why? And in the last episode she’s clearly proud of Julie after the performance, so I really want them to make up and have her be part of the group again. And maybe learn the truth about the guys?
8. Willie and Alex, god I want them to be together so bad. Of course, Caleb owns willies soul, so that’s not great, so I’d definitely love that subplot of the group trying to free the ghosts of the HGC. We didn’t see Willie too much this season, so I hope we do get more time with him. Also, I absolutely need a big musical number like Perfect Harmony between Alex and Willie. The only time I’ve ever seen a scene like that between gay characters has been in Rock of Ages (an adult musical) with “can’t fight this feeling” and it was hilarious and I need something like it for this show because it would be super cute 🥺.
9. Not particularly a theory but I’m really wondering how long Caleb is going to be in Nick. Julie has already stated that she’s kinda over him, and that it would be unfair to lead him on... so what happens when he realizes she probably won’t take the bait. Other than that, I really hope Sasha has fun playing Caleb through Nick, it has the potential to be great.
10. I’m not exactly sure what their unfinished business is going to be, but I’m almost certain it has to deal with Julie somehow. But the ending absolutely has to be the guys moving on. The ending has to be big though. They have to play somewhere awesome and then they find out... they’re done here. I’d honestly like a whole episode just dedicated to their goodbye. The way I see it, the second to last episode can end with them smiling after the performance and then that smile fading just a little bit, because that was when they realized. Then the final episode will be then telling Julie (and anyone else who knows about them by then) and finally moving on. Here I’m torn. I’ve mentioned both above but let me get more in depth. Version one: the one I originally came up with. This dealt with when the guys are ready to move on, Julies mom would come and help guide them into crossing over. I really liked this idea for a while, until I watched Casper again. Version two: the one I now like better(?) is the guys moving on, and after they do, Julies mom comes back (where even Ray and Carlos can see her) because “let’s just say you know three crazy ghosts who kept their word.” Could you IMAGINE??? It would absolutely reduce me to bawling I want it right now. The reason I like this one a little more is because we can skip to a little while after everything, and she gets a sign from them (just like her mom sending her the flower in the S1 finale) to show that they are still watching over her. And then we fade to black.
So that’s most of my thoughts on this show, if there’s typos in this I absolutely don’t care at all I wrote this instead of doing college work.
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Yes! Steven rilling Andrew up is an daily thing tbh. I loved your observations on the last 3eps of worth it. The sounds they made in the savory pie ep were WILD, get a room (with only one bed lol, classic theme that i enjoy even if it's cliche❤️). Btw do you know this fic called sweet stuff? I rec it, Steven + dress is *chef kiss*. Also off topic i love those AU in which Andrew is a history teacher and Steven is an engineer and both are basically nerd af but in the cutest way possible
Steven, no matter how innocent, is just too naive at times to resist! He does things that are so innocent, and tbh, it sometimes flies by me as well, but Andrew always always notices so tbh, sometimes Steven doesn't even have to try and rile Andrew up lmao bitch gets riled up on his own
And Worth it’s last three ep’s? We all can just clearly see the heart eyes Steven and Andrew give each other. IT’S THAT STRONG. QUARANTINE CAN’T CONTAIN THEM lmao Also, I remember that part with Steven talking about soulmates and such, him calling him and Andrew soulmates and that’s just *sighs dreamily* they truly do love each other that much (PS: I keep forgetting to gif that part, I’ve been so busy recently lol)
AND YES YES, I KNOW THAT FANFIC IT IS FUCKING AMAZING UGHHHHHH  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ It’s one of the few fics I always re-read (most of the fics I reread are either smut or age-regression tbh) Steven is a dress iss sooooo good, especially when he’s in his cute pastel fluffy element. That fanfic was an amazing mixture of fluffy and smutty and goddddd, the author really delivered to us! THEY MADE A MASTERPIECE *chef kiss as well*
AND DID YOU JUST SAY ENGINEER STEVEN!? *whips out a couple of my unfinished fanfics*
If I could direct your lovely attention here Anon lol, I made this promo post before for my Standrew Tenshibyou AU. This one is gonna be long as well and I haven’t finished it yet lmao but a bit of spoiler, Steven is an engineer here and while Andrew, not really a history teacher, is a dietician. I wanted him to have a job that still involves food, but more on research and I decided on this uwu  ❤️
tbh, that fanfic doesn’t even have a title yet lmao Can’t decide whether to name it as Angels & Demons or Angel Sanctuary tbh will think of more soon lol
I have another Engineer!Steven, but it’s also in the gothic-horror genre lmao It’s a Doctor Sleep AU, and more of a Stadamdrew rather than just Standrew  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
but hmmmm History teacher Andrew and Engineer Steven is also a very good AU e.e I do love the idea of them being such nerds together e.e Anon, how dare u give me another idea lmaooo THIS IS A VERY GOOD IDEA THO
Okay, so let’s start it off like this:
Shane and Andrew work at the same university, they’re both history teachers so let’s just make this a huge university (idk how it is in America, but my old uni had double professors at times lol). Shane is trying to invite Andrew and Adam to one of their outings because Shane wants his fellow professor to go out and enjoy, he thinks Andrew is too focused on his work needs to loosen up a bit.
Andrew, begrudgingly, finally agrees as long as Adam goes along with him (Adam didn’t need to be persuaded, because he had a very healthy social lifestyle thank you very much). 
They meet at this swanky bar where Shane is off to meet his boyfriend Ryan. Ryan, incidentally, brought along his bestfriend Steven who just RECENTLY CAME OUT AS GAY. Ryan is trying to show his bestfriend a good time and maybe *nudge nudge* set him up with someone cute while he’s at it.
Adam really, only went along cuz he’s actually been pinning on Andrew for a while now, but Andrew hasn’t really noticed because too busy with work duh.
So the three of them meet at the bar and Andrew is actually pretty interested at Steven, he thinks he’s cute, he’s funny, and he has that bubbly personality that draws Andrew in... Too bad he looks like he’s more attracted to Adam though.
Adam flirts a little with Steven and they get along swimmingly well and it only adds to Andrew’s sour mood because hey he’s supposed to be having a good time, but the only guy he’s interested in doesn’t seem to notice him that much
So, the night ends, Adam gets Steven’s number and Andrew is just pissed off
Days pass, Steven and Andrew meet by accident!
Well, not entirely, because Shane actually invited Steven over to his class because he wanted Steven to demonstrate the history of chemicals when it came to the revolution of man and who better to explain chemistry than a chemist himself! 
So, Steven asks Andrew if he could help him find Shane because he got lost since the university is big and Andrew, seriously, Steven is cute and Andrew is a decent guy so he helps Steven out and they get to talking and one thing led to another, they’re getting coffee after work hours! Andrew is really not trying to get his hopes up, this is just a simple coffee, Steven just wants to take a break and all that.
So they get coffee, they talk alot, Steven is a big nerd with history as well and Andrew is all the more intrigued with him. Steven explains more the history of chemicals and such, and he’s so passionate and knowledgeable in his field that Andrew just can’t help but listen to him babble on and on about it. 
Then, Steven stops, looks at Andrew shyly and says “Sorry, I sometimes get carried away, hope I’m not boring you.” 
And Andrew’s all like shaking his head and saying “No, I love listening to you talk.” And Steven gets all blushy and happy and woah, Andrew loves seeing that.
By the end of their coffee “date”, Steven ends up inviting Andrew to a  convention. And to both of their surprises, it’s a CAT CONVENTION THAT THEY BOTH PLANNED ON ATTENDING. They both end up showing pictures of their cats, Steven with Simba and Andrew with Riceball and Wellington.
So Andrew is just really charmed, he really likes Steven and he can’t wait for their next ehem, “date”. He’s so excited he tells his bestfriend Adam about it.
Adam, although he did like Steven, has been pinning for Andrew for a long time now. So on the day of the cat convention, both Steven and Andrew meet Adam there as a surprise, Adam ambushed them lmaooo
Adam makes up some bullshit excuse about coming here because he was in the neighborhood and he thought he’d drop by, Andrew is suspicious because why would Adam suddenly come here? What is his ulterior motive here?
So the three of them hang out and Steven is a bit flustered because he likes BOTH Andrew and Adam and this is a bit awkward and there’s some tension here and there so yeah
So the convention ends and they all bid their goodbye’s, and Steven is a tiny bit upset because he wanted to really hang out with Andrew but, he was feeling shy around Adam. Yet at the same time, Adam didn’t really even call him back after that night at the bar.
So lo and behold! Andrew suddenly texts Steven on his way home, he wanted to know if Steven wants to hang out again and this time, maybe just the two of them? Andrew isn’t going to drop the date word yet, he wants to say it face to face cuz he’s that type of guy and Steven happily agrees!
SOOOO THEY GO ON “DATES” , Andrew hasn’t really dropped the date word yet, but Steven is always taking him on so many different places and good restaurants to eat at and the more Andrew spends time with Steven, the more he actually think that he may be falling in love and fuckkkk
wait, I want this to end in Stadamdrew
So, let’s develop Steven and Adam’s relationship this time.
Steven gathers up his courage and contacts Adam, he was planning on just telling Adam that it was nice to see him again after the cat convention. Adam decides to entertain Steven for now and they talk through text and woah, they actually really have a lot in common as well!
Steven is into photography and good books, they also have the same music tastes so they exchange and give recommendations to each other a lot. Steven told Adam that it’s okay if they’re just friends and he just wanted to hang out with him. Adam sees that there’s nothing wrong with giving the guy a chance so they go on book “dates”  together and go to music stores and laugh a lot and watch shitty movies together to make fun of and oh
oh no, Adam is actually genuinely starting to like Steven and fuck, this was not how he was intending for this to go but like, Steven is really great and he loves his smile, his laugh, and he is such a smart and talented person and fuckkk Adam got so whipped over Steven that he doesn’t even know why he didn’t bother to call Steven again after that night at the bar!
Meanwhile, Steven is having a crises! Oh no!
He likes both Adam and Andrew and they’re both bestfriends and fuckk!! Okay, he thinks that maybe they’re both just really nice and they aren’t really interested in him but, Steven really likes both of them and gosh, this is not how he wanted things to go down in his life right now
I’m thinking Andrew would make he first more here, like he would officially ask Steven out and Steven would be really ecstatic because like YES!! He does really like Andrew and gosh, he is so so happy to be dating him and they’re both having a great time together and Shane and Ryan keep teasing them and well...
Everything is great, but they both notice that Adam has become really distant and quiet recently. He’s been cancelling on hanging out and he doesn’t really talk to them that much anymore and Andrew is more concerned because Adam is best friend and he’s never seen Adam be like that, not since, he ehem got his heart broken so Andrew wants to make his friend happy again
Steven comes along to help out and they annoy Adam almost every day until Adam SNAPS and he gets pissed at both of them and then all confessions break out that Adam is actually really REALLY happy for them but at the same time he’s really not?! Because he likes both Andrew and Steven, and he’s really been pinning over Andrew for the longest time now and now that he’s seeing both Steven and Andrew together, two guys he really likes, he’s just really sad and jealous and he walks out and Andrew and Steven are stunned.
The boyfriends do a sleepover at Andrew’s place and they talk about it and Andrew realizes that oh fuck he really likes Adam as well and wow, Steven also really likes Adam and he was having a crisis before because he wanted to both date Andrew and Adam and damnnnn
So the ending is basically Steven and Andrew woo-ing Adam to become their boyfriend and it becomes a happy OT3 Stadamdrew  ❤️ The End  ❤️
jfc this got so long I am so sorry, I am supposed to be updating my fanfic but this happened lmaooooo hope u like it tho anon, this was a wild ride for me XD
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strwbrryeos · 5 years
The One Where You’re Just Friends (M) [R]
So this was requested a long time ago by 🐲anon. I hope they’re still around to read it! Sorry it took so long!
SUMMARY; Yoongi loves you. You love Yoongi. Neither of you know it. Whoops. 
Genre: smut, minor angst, fluff, crack
Pairing: Reader x Min Yoongi
Contains: body worship, oral, unprotected sex, pretty vanilla tbh, Yoongi loves you and he makes sure you know it, creampie, some dirty talk, praise, daddy kink for 0.02 seconds and it’s for a joke
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Being friends with benefits is great. You get a buddy to talk to and hang out with. Bonus points for great sex. Double bonus points when that buddy is you. Triple bonus points for the fact that you and Yoongi are best friends, and sex doesn’t have to be a strings-attached type of deal. It’s a part of your dynamic and it works, no problem.
Well, at least, until Yoongi fell for you.
But he should’ve seen that one coming.
You and Yoongi have been best friends in high school, and your relationship has always been so uncomplicated, so natural. When you got a little drunk and slept together for the first time, it wasn’t weird. No, it felt inevitable. It became a thing, really. The two of you talked and understood that you weren’t looking for a relationship. That’s how it was, and there wasn’t any problem.
But then Yoongi started to notice some changes. He’d been paying more attention to the way you smile. The way you laugh. The way you giggle post-sex and how all you want to do is curl up and watch a movie to lull you to sleep. The way you dance around the apartment to whatever is on the radio, even if you don’t like it. The way your nose gets so buried in a book that you hardly notice when Yoongi joins you on the couch, slipping you onto his lap.
The way that Yoongi is so completely and utterly fucked.
“Hey, Yoongles,” you greet, placing a kiss on his cheek and sliding your arms over his shoulders, effectively knocking him out of his daydream.
“Shit, you scared me,” he says, leaning back in his chair.
“Sorry,” you giggle. “What ‘cha working on?”
“New project,” he says, swinging his chair around to pull you onto his lap. “It’s for my Creative Music class. And then I have to come up with something for Music Theory.”
“Everything you just said went in one ear and out the other.”
“That’s ‘cause you’re a terrible listener.”
“False. Musically challenged.”
“Your dance skills say otherwise,” he laughs, kissing your shoulder blade.
“Are you mocking me? Are you mocking me because you know you’re a better dancer?”
You move to get off his lap, feigning anger, but he holds you close, refusing to let you go. He leans forward, his chest on your back, and you can feel the faint tingle of his breath on your neck.
“I would never dream of it, princess.”
“Mm, thought I satisfied you this morning?”
“Yeah, but seeing you has me all worked up again.”
“Gross, you’re so cheesy,” you laugh, swatting his hands away as you stand up. “What do you want for dinner?”
Yoongi shrugs, his mind still half focused on his unfinished work. “I don’t really care.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “You’re thinking about this, aren’t you?” you asked, gesturing to his computer.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Ugh, get up, you workaholic,” you say, dragging him out of his chair. “I think there are some leftovers in the fridge.”
“If you feed me bad leftovers again then I’m literally going to kill you. I swear I’ll kill you with my bare hands.”
“If I’m lucky, the bad leftovers will kill you first.”
“You’re a jerk, you know that?” he says as he sits down, suddenly feeling sleepy. “Mmmm… how about we just call it a night? I’m tired.”
“You’re always tired,” you reply with a roll of your eyes as you pop the food in the microwave. “But you have to eat something. Then you can sleep.”
“Sleep with me?” asks Yoongi hopefully.
“As in sleep with you or sleep with you?”
“Hm, sounds strangely the same to me.”
“Yoongi…” you warn.
He puts his hands up in surrender, his gummy smile in full across his face. “I’m kidding! But seriously. Come cuddle with me.”
“If I say yes, will you eat dinner?”
Yoongi groans, wanting nothing more than to just slip into bed. “Fine. Only cause you asked so nicely.”
You smile victoriously, shuffling through the kitchen cabinet to find some plates. In your haste, you nearly drop the ceramic on the ground, but Yoongi, ever your hero, saw it coming from a mile away. His hand overlaps with yours, catching both you and the dinnerware, and he can’t help the shit-eating grin that crosses his cheeks as you look embarrassed.
“Don’t say it,” you tell him. He only shakes his head at you, making his way back to the table.
He eats his food obediently, and you keep him company. He’s not all that hungry, really. In fact, he’d much much rather be working until his mind numbs and he’s crawling into bed at some ungodly hour before five in the morning, but he knows you wouldn’t like that, so he doesn’t.
You smile happily when he finishes the last of his food, and he just about drags you to the bedroom simply because he’s so tired and he really just wants to hold you. (You pester him to wash up and change before getting into bed first, though, which really was an accomplishment all in itself). Yoongi crawls into bed slowly, exhaustion slowly starting to hit him, and he can feel his body starting the slow down.
True to your word, you crawl into bed with him, and he pulls you toward him quickly, greedy for the warmth of your body. He falls asleep just like that, dreaming of spending every night with you like this.
You’re not much of a scholar, you always tell people. You’re so good everywhere else. You know how to have fun. You know how to get by in life. You’ve got street smarts. But school? Classes? Fuck that.
So it’s really no surprise that you’re not paying attention to a word your professor is spouting about world history; your mind blanks at the first mention of The Silk Road. Rather, you’re paying attention to the devilishly cute boy you’ve been flirting with for the past couple of months. His name is Jungkook, and though he’s got the most adorable smile you’ve ever seen, you’re pretty sure he’s not as innocent as he likes to appear.
You just wish he would ask you out already so you could find out.
When class ends, Jungkook strolls up to you like he always does, a smirk plastered on his face. “Saw you checking me out there, babe.”
“Don’t let it go to your head, Jeon,” you laugh.
“Ah, sorry. It’s hard not to when such a pretty girl looks my way.” He drapes an arm over your shoulder, escorting you out of the classroom.
“Well, if I’m such a pretty girl, why haven’t you asked me out yet?”
Jungkook stops, a bright smile forming on his face. “That better be an invitation!”
“I thought you would’ve gotten the hint like three months ago.”
“I’ll pick you up at eight tomorrow then.”
Jungkook swoops down to plant a light kiss on your cheek before dashing off as a group of guys call out to him. You shake your head, walking away giddily. Your feet carry you to your door as your mind dreams of all the things that you want Jungkook to do to you. Or that you want to do to him. Whichever comes first.
“Yoongles!” you shout as you walk through the door, “I landed me a hot date!”
Yoongi looks up from his spot on the couch, his eyebrows furrowed in a mixture of distress and confusion. “Oh?”
“Mm,” you say with a nod, plopping down beside him. “That guy Jungkook I’ve been telling you about. Finally asked me out.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes and turns back to his phone. “Took him long enough,” he scoffs.
“What, aren’t you happy for me?” You punch his arm playfully, but he’s really not in the mood to hear about your potential sexual endeavours, so he picks himself up and walks towards his bedroom.
“Wear your red bra,” he says with a sigh. “Looks good on you.”
“You’re the best!” you shout as he closes the door behind himself.
He faceplants into the bed with a frustrated groan. He can’t be jealous. This is ridiculous! You’re not his. You can do what you want.
Except Yoongi wants you to do him. Just him. Hold his hand. Kiss his lips. Who the fuck is Jungkook anyway? It took him, like, twenty years to as you out. Does he even deserve you?
Yoongi doesn’t even deserve you. You’re too good for him, but dammit if he wouldn’t treat you like a queen. He’d give you everything you could ever want and more. All you would have to do is be with him.
Anyway, fuck Jeon Jungkook.
You prance around the apartment like a goddamned five year old waiting on ice cream; Yoongi is trying to see if he can hit you with a Cheeto.
“You’re gonna stain my dress!” you squeal, dodging the orange snack.
“Well…” He pauses to throw another one. “I’m trying! Stop moving!”
“Jungkook is not gonna wanna sleep with an orange-stained disaster!” you exclaim as you duck behind the kitchen counter, peeking out from behind it so Yoongi can only see your eyes.
“If he doesn’t wanna sleep with you when you’re covered with Cheeto dust, then is he really worth it?” Yoongi asks dramatically, reclining back comfortably onto the couch.
You laugh, standing up. “I think you’re the only one who’d still fuck me after finding me covered in snack foods.”
“All the better to eat you then, babe.”
You scrunch your nose in distaste. “You’re gross.”
“Won’t deny it. Come over here.”
“Why?” You approach him carefully, ready to dart away at a moment’s notice if he tries again, but when you’re close enough, Yoongi just pulls you down on top of him, perching you easily on his chest.
His lips find yours easily, kissing you quickly and greedily, like he’s done it thousands of times before (in fairness, he had). You’re pliant, letting him control the kiss until he breaks away, his face a little flushed and pupils dilated. “A kiss for good luck,” he explains. “Kiss him like that and you’ll be good to go.”
“You taste like Cheetos,” you reply as you climb off of him, earning only a sarcastic laugh.
“Fix your hair. He’s supposed to be here in a couple of minutes.”
Your hands immediately dart to the mess that Yoongi made, causing him to laugh mercilessly. “Yoongi! You absolute―”
Knock knock.
Yoongi’s still laughing when you answer the door, and if looks could kill he would’ve been dead twice over. You pat your hair down best you can before swinging the door open to reveal a casually dressed―but wickedly handsome―Jungkook.
“Good evening, madame,” he greets, showing off his smile. He takes your hand and kisses the top of it, leaving you blushing.
“Gross,” pipes up Yoongi from the other side of the room. “Get outta my house.”
“Ignore him,” you say, casting another glare Yoongi’s way.
“Uh,” Jungkook laughs awkwardly, “who’s that?”
Before you can answer, Yoongi says, “The love of her life and I will literally murder you if you make her anything less than happy.”
You gently push against Jungkook’s chest, eager to get him out of Yoongi’s range. “Ignore everything he’s saying, let’s just go!” You shut the door behind you quickly. “Sorry about him.”
“Try best friend,” you say, shaking your head. “He’s super protective.”
“Seems nice.”
“So where are you taking me?” you ask, changing the subject.
“It’s a surprise.”
Turns out, Jungkook can cook. Bonus points: his apartment is really nice. Double bonus points if he can use his dick. Guess you’ll have to find out later.
You do, of course, and Yoongi’s unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of all the nasty, explicit details. “Oh my God,” you gush to Yoongi as he curls up under his covers in a poor attempt to escape your words. “He fucked me so good.”
“That’s great―”
“And also, holy shit, he’s good with his tongue―”
“Bet he’s not better than me,” Yoongi mumbles quietly.
“Aw, did I bruise your ego?” you laugh, planting a quick peck to his cheek. “No but really, Yoongi, he was so―”
“Good?” he huffs. “Yeah, I got it.”
“Man, what’s your problem? You’ve been so grouchy lately.”
“Nothing. I’m just tired,” he says shortly, knowing full well that he’s pissing you off but totally okay with it if it means you’ll shut up about Jungkook’s dick.
“Okay, well,” you say as you climb off his bed, “when you get that stick out of your ass, you know where to find me.”
Yoongi only grunts in response, and though you fully intended to storm out of the room, you’re just so annoyed. You march over to him and yank the blankets right off from him, causing him to shout, “Hey!” in irritation. “The fuck is your problem?”
“The fuck is your problem? Why are you ignoring me?”
“I’m just tired is all―”
“That’s bullshit and you know it.”
Yoongi sits up, looking at you directly in the eye. His mouth opens as if to say something, but no words come out; instead they snap shut, and he pulls the blankets right back over his eyes. “G’night,” he grumbles.
“Yoongi. Seriously. You’re my best friend. What the actual fuck is wrong with you right now?”
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll get over it in the morning.”
“It must matter a little bit if you’re acting like this.”
“Y/N. Seriously. It doesn’t matter. Not even a little bit. It’s stupid as fuck. I’ll get over it.”
“And what happens if you don’t?” you counter, you frustration growing apparent. You and Yoongi always talk shit out! What changed? “Babe, c’mon.”
“Don’t ‘babe’ me, please,” he whispers, and now you know something is wrong.
“Yoongi. Yoongles. Babe. Baby. Baby boy. Daddy, should I call you daddy?” You crouch down beside the bed, and his eyes stare at you from where they appear above the covers. “Talk to me. Please.”
Yoongi sighs in annoyance, mostly because he can feel his own resistance crumbling. He wants to talk to you, but he doesn’t know how. What if you reject him? What if this ruins your friendship? What if you never talk to him again? Or worse, what if you do accept him, but you don’t love him as much as he loves you? What if you leave him for someone better?
“I don’t…” Yoongi starts, and a tear slips down his face, “I can’t. I can’t.” He shakes his head and burrows deeper into the bed, wanting to make himself small and disappear.
This is so stupid. If you want to be with Jungkook, then be with Jungkook! He can’t stop you! You’re not his! It’s your life! Go! Be free!
But you crawl right into bed beside him because how could you leave the man you love alone like this?
You hug the back of him as sobs begin to overtake him; he tries so hard to keep any sounds from coming out of his mouth, but you can still hear him. You kiss the back of his neck sweetly, your heart aching for him, worse because you don’t know how to help. The action seems to make him cry harder, and you’re whispering positive reassurances in his ear and rubbing gentle circles over his arm until he calms down enough.
“Yoongi?” you whisper when his breathing steadies. “I love you, and I’m here for you, okay? I love you so, so much. More than you know.”
“Life sucks,” Yoongi says with a dry laugh.
You chuckle, shaking your head as you rest on his shoulder to look down on him. “Yeah, it really does.”
“I’m just really stressed out.”
“About what?”
“Girls,” Yoongi murmurs, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.
Your chest tugs uncomfortably, but you swallow the feeling quickly. “Maybe I can help?”
“Doubt it,” Yoongi laughs. “She’s clueless as fuck. I take her on dates, but she thinks it’s friendly. I give her gifts, but she thinks it’s all a nice gesture. Besides, she likes someone else.”
You frown. “Who is this? It sounds like she isn’t worth your time. You deserve someone who’s gonna love every single bit of you.” You turn him over so he’s flat on his back, and your lips peck his gently. “Someone who’s gonna love the way you’re so dedicated to music.” You kiss his neck. “Someone who’s gonna love your stupid smile.” You kiss his collar bone. “Someone who’s gonna love your weird combination of incredible work ethic and terrible laziness.”
Yoongi smiles at you wryly, a thumb absentmindedly stroking your arm. “I don’t think she’ll ever love me in that way. And honestly? I’m so fucking tired of it.”
“You have no idea how fucking infuriating it is. She does whatever she wants. She goes to whoever she wants. But she always comes back to me, and she never stays. If she would only stay. I bet I would make her so fucking happy. But no.”
“Who is this girl? Why have I never heard of her? It sounds like she doesn’t even care, and I don’t want that for you.”
“It’s cause she doesn’t care, Y/N,” Yoongi growls, rolling out of bed and facing you from afar. “Like I said, she’s so clueless! It doesn’t matter who it is anyway. Not like it would help.”
“How do you know? Do I know her?”
“Again, doesn’t matter,” he says as he storms out of his room. You roll your eyes in annoyance, following him out.
“It matters to me! I want to know who’s causing you this much pain!”
“God―fuck―really?” Yoongi looks like he’s about to throw something. “It’s you, Y/N! It’s fucking you! I can’t believe I fucking love you, you of all people!”
The world, in that moment, seems to spin; everything is being turned on its head, and then it stops.
“You… You love me?” You stare at him, dumbfounded. Were you really that blind? “But I…”
“But you what, Y/N?” Yoongi asks with an exasperated sigh as he sinks into the couch, burying his face in his hands. “Never wanna speak to me again? I get it. I’ll just leave―”
“No, no, no, no,” you say, tears spilling from your eyes freely now, your words getting caught in your throat. “That’s not what I―Yoongi,” you cry, falling to the ground in a heap, your emotions getting the best of you.
Despite everything he’s feeling, he’s beside you in an instant, cradling you in his arms. “Y/N, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry―”
“Yoongi, I love you,” you whisper, tears hot on your face as you grab at his shirt.  “I love you, please don’t leave me.”
“You―” and Yoongi can’t help but laugh “―love me? Oh my god. Oh my god, we’re both so stupid.”
You laugh too, your sobs drying on his shirt. He looks down at your tear-stained face and you see nothing but adoration in his eyes. How could you have missed that before?
“I’m sorry,” you say shyly, “but I was afraid. If I had known―”
“I know. Me too. Come here, baby.” He picks you up easily, carrying you into the bedroom you both had stormed out of earlier. He tosses you on, and you grab at him when he lets go, wanting nothing more than to be back in his arms. He smiles, shaking his head at you as he leans down to kiss you.
A real kiss.
A full kiss.
A kiss that says everything he’s been meaning to say.
I love you.
The kiss is sweet, but you want more. You’ve always wanted more. You pull Yoongi down on top of you, sliding your tongue into his mouth like you’ve done so often. (Of course, this time, it was all-strings-attached.) Yoongi pulls away as it gets heavier, and he’s panting as he asks, “Are you sure? This might be too fast―”
“Please,” you whine, and who’s Yoongi to say no? He slips out of his shirt and you mimic his actions; it’s everything the both of you have ever done before, yet so, so different.
“Lean back for me, babe,” he whispers, and you obey, relaxing into the bed sheets as Yoongi tongues his way down your exposed stomach. When he reaches the waistband of your shorts, he moves back up to unclasp your bra, exposing your hard nipples to him. He wastes no time in biting one while playing with the other, earning breathy whimpers from you as your arousal increases.
“F-Feels good, Yoongi,” you murmur, and you can feel him smiling against your skin.
“Just relax, baby. I’ll take care of you.”
He scoots himself down the bed as he reaches your shorts, tugging them off with a sly smile. You clench your thighs together in anticipation, eager to have Yoongi in ways you’d only been dreaming about. All yours.
“These are cute,” he says when he reveals your simple, cotton panties. Ones that you’re sure he’s seen a million times already.
“Yoongi!” you whine in embarrassment.
“What?” he laughs as he slides them down your legs.
“Why do you have to make it weird?” you complain.
He laughs again, and you can feel his breath on your center. “Of all the shit we’ve done, this is what you’re complaining about? Just let me eat you out, goddamn.”
“Hey, you’re the one who’s still talking! I’m waiting!”
“Fair point. I love you,” and you’re pretty sure he only says that to distract you before he’s licking at you full on. You cry out, not expecting as his tongue circles your clit. Your hand shoots down to his hair on instinct, grabbing at him in an attempt to either push him away or pull him closer―you’re not sure which.
Yoongi doesn’t reply, though he’s encouraged by your sounds of pleasure, kissing, sucking, and licking anywhere and everywhere in an attempt to make you undone. He laps at your clit again, loving the way you buck at him uncontrollably, driven solely by the need to cum.
And he gets to be the one to make you do so.
He slides two fingers into your dripping cunt, and you clamp your legs down around his head, temporarily forgetting that, hey, he needs to breathe. You let him up, and he looks at you, his face shining with your juices. “I mean, I have no problem suffocating between your legs.”
“Shut up.”
He lets out a giddy giggle and dives back in, licking furiously at your clit as his fingers ram in and out of you. Your hands curl around the bedsheets, the pleasurable sensation coursing through your body. The tension builds up in your abdomen, and though you try your best to vocalise your approaching orgasm, you can only shake and moan.
Good thing Yoongi already knows your body so well.
“Let go, babe. Let go.”
You cum loudly and quickly, grinding your hips into his face as he works you through it. Your head feels dizzy with pleasure; sure, you and Yoongi have had sex before, but you don’t remember it feeling like that.
“Good?” he laughs as he works his way back up your body, taking his time with every inch of your skin. “So good for me. So pretty when you cum.”
“Let me―”
“We have plenty of time for that later. Right now, I need to be in you.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” you ask with a wiggle of your hips.
“Come here,” he growls, grabbing your legs and pulling you so that your center is flush with his. He grinds his cloth-covered cock against your center for a few seconds before pulling his dick out of his sweatpants, angry and red and dripping with pre-cum. You keen at the sight, eager to finally have him inside you.
“Yoongi, please,” you beg.
“I’ll give you what you want, baby,” he promises, “Just be patient.”
He eases his tip into you gently, hissing at the sensation. Sex with you always feels so good, but now, it feels even better. You moan as he sinks into you, his cock stretching you to the brim. Your eyes fall back in your head in pleasure.
“Fuck, Yoongi.”
“That’s a good girl. So good. Fuck, you feel so good.”
Yoongi’s head drops to your shoulder as he begins to thrust into you, and your nails are running down his back in an effort to ground yourself. Yoongi can’t wait to make fun of you for those marks later.
Your walls clench around him, coaxing him closer and closer to the edge with each thrust; your own orgasm begins to approach, beginning in your toes and climbing its way through your body until it’s centering on your pussy. The room is a mix of heavy gasps, pants, and moans, the both of you completely lost in the sensation of each other and each other only.
“Oh, god,” you moan. “Yoongi!”
“I know, baby, fuck, you feel so good around me.” Yoongi thrusts into you harder, wanting to feel you cum on his cock. “Look at me baby, are you getting close?” Your eyes meet as he thrusts into you again, and you nod, feeling completely vulnerable under his gaze. “I want you to cum on me, okay baby? Cum for me, yeah?”
“Yeah―fuck―yeah, Yoongi. I’ll be good for you. Please make me cum. Touch me, please,” you plead.
Yoongi’s hand reaches for your clit, but his eyes never leaves yours. He rubs you fast and hard as he fucks you, driving you both to the edge.
“Fuck, fuck, Y/N, fuck, I love you! I’m cumming!”
“Fuck, Yoongi!”
You cum in sync, the both of you gasping and clawing at each other as mind numbing orgasms wrack your bodies, leaving your mind pleasantly fuzzy. Yoongi pulls out gently, stopping to watch his cum drip out of your body. He smiles at you, feeling wonderfully accomplished, and places a gentle kiss on your forehead before retrieving water and a towel.
“Yoongi?” you whisper as he settles in beside you.
“Yeah, babe?”
“I love you. I love you so much. I love you.”
He laughs. “Bet I love you more.”
“Bet I love you most.”
“You bitch you set me up―”
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silenthillmutual · 5 years
23, 25!
23 - How do you deal with writer’s block?
I’ve never really been good at dealing with writer’s block, tbh. usually when i get it i try and force myself through it, but that doesn’t tend to work out very well. so lately i’ve been trying to just... sit on whatever project i’m having writer’s block for. it means i have a lot of unfinished drafts and unfinished works on ao3, and that does feel kind of bad, but i think it’d feel worse if i published something i wasn’t proud of or that didn’t feel right to me. 
so sometimes i try and write for a completely different prompt or a completely different fandom altogether, and if all else fails i just kind of journal about my life to see if i can figure out what’s keeping me from producing content. at the moment i’ve had some writer’s block that’s due to lack of focus and also because i’ve been extremely stressed lately. a lot of it is getting better because i’m taking better care of myself, but since i’m not totally in a mindset where i feel like i have enough time to work on my projects, i’ve been distracting myself by picking up reading and watching film obsessively again. and i think that tends to be as good an inspiration as any!
25 - What advice would you give a new writer?
i’ve actually given this a lot of thought. i don’t get asked this question a lot, but i’ve seen people kind of lamenting before that they feel like they don’t write well or asking other authors for advice. and it’s true that no one thing will work for everyone, and while there are always kinda general tips to improve your writing style (i think the most well known ones are “show, don’t tell” and “avoid adverbs”) i try to steer clear of saying anything that would negate someone’s style. 
so i really just have two pieces of advice:
the first is that you need to practice. which is easier said than done, of course. but you don’t even really need to write about anything in particular. to be honest you could just be writing about your feelings or making up a stupid argument based on something that’s been on your mind lately, but just writing it down will get a lot of the clutter out of your head and also help you determine if you’re expressing what you’re really thinking, what you’re really feeling, what you’re really experiencing. which will come in handy whether you’re writing papers for class or writing non-fiction pieces or writing meta or writing fiction, because you’ll learn the best ways to communicate just by trial and error. it’s really easy to get caught up in embarrassment over your past works and if you really hate something it’s okay to trash it, but you’re never gonna love every word you ever write and it’s okay if sometimes the things you write are just okay. someone’s going to read it and love it, even if that someone isn’t you. but writing really is like any other art, any other skill, like driving or dancing or math or singing: if you want to be good at it, you have to practice it. 
the second is that you have to read. you HAVE to read. you don’t draw without looking at pictures and you don’t sing without listening to music and you don’t act without watching other actors do it, so why would you write without reading? it doesn’t even have to be good, mind you. you don’t have to read the classics and by all means there are some that you just flat-out shouldn’t read no matter how much old cishet white guys insist they’re the best (and i’ve a thing or two to say on their opinions of movies as well). you should read bad things, good things, nonfiction, poetry, fanfiction, meta, essays, gossip columns, top ten lists, satire, op eds, obituaries, horror, screenplays, short stories, song lyrics - whatever it is you want to read. read things that got panned and things that you love but are embarrassed to talk about and read things that make you angry and things that you think are overrated. pinpoint what you loved about words you loved reading and figure out how to emulate that in your own writing... but i think it’s just as important (if not more so) to pinpoint what you hated about the words you couldn’t stand so you make sure you never ever do those things. but reading is fundamental to writing, because other writers are your peers (not competitors) and you should know what they’re saying, but you can also get a lot of ideas about what you want to say from things other people bring up. and you can figure out your niche and your own sense of style from seeing what other people do. 
ty for asking!!writer qs here!!
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dawnblxde · 5 years
[Kingdom Hearts 3 Review]
Welp I’ve finally done it, finally played and finished KH3! - After intentionally delaying doing so with my day one copy after finding out for some silly reason - it lacked multiple world visits for development sake and had no Final Fantasy characters - so I decided to finish the games I was in the middle of then replay the entire KH franchise, except the ones you could watch. Gonna leave my thoughts below. Just in case there are those out there still trying to avoid legit spoilers!
There were good and bad elements to this game.. Plenty of my experience that I enjoyed, but I believe more so that I didn’t - which made me want to pull out my hair. But I like my head shaved, so that wouldn’t work lol I liked the graphics, beautiful but I knew a PS3 could handle them as the quality of Woody in this game was the same as him in Toy Story 3 (2010 Video Game). Enjoyed the gameplay, though it felt like a flawed, floaty and broken version of Kingdom Heart’s 2 near perfect improvement of Kingdom Heart’s gameplay. A problem was the fact that in the first two main games, even when I was level 50-60′s - I always felt like I could DIE. It was always a fear during major combat moments. I had to concentrate so much just to be successful. Even if I tried to be a higher level then recommending through grinding. I never felt like that in KH3, every moment was such a cake walk. Even the final battle. Did they even try. Regardless, I had a good time with the gameplay and the visuals. But I wasn’t as drawn in as previous games. It did the game no favors and was a massive flaw, it lacking Final Fantasy characters. We should of been able to explore Radiant Garden or had other worlds relevant to FF characters. They were really important to Sora’s development as a Keyblade wielder. Cloud and Squall for sure. Sora wouldn’t be who he is if he hadn’t encountered and spoke to them. They’d of been useful in multiple sequences. We deserved the next part to Cloud’s issues with Sephiroth. That wasn’t resolved. See how Squall/Leon and the others reacted and dealt with what was going on at Radiant Garden. They’re capable of other world travel, seeing how they’d react to some of the new worlds would of been great as well. Nomura confirmed the only Noctis he’d put in KH was his Noctis. Versus XIII Noctis. And interest in doing so. Yet he wasn’t in the game, when as an Anti-Hero of both light and darkness would of been interesting. Seeing he’d take neither side. Also has important factors in common with Rapunzel and Elsa. Seeing them relating over this would of been nice. The lack off FF adds to factors that make KH3 be disappointing experience - along with an enjoyable one. One of the things that still makes KH2 the best. Was how awesome it was to watch the Final Fantasy characters and Disney characters team up in the battle of 1000 Heartless. One of the best aspects about the franchise is the concept of it being a FF x Disney - a Final Fantasy and Disney collaboration. Multiple visits were really needed. Some of the worlds were quite enjoyable and not frustrating. But they all have different percentages of feeling rushed and not fleshed out enough due to one visit. And some annoyingly treated Sora like he didn’t matter. Just acted like making you watch rushed unfinished version’s of the original Disney movies. Sora’s just there like. Oh look, it’s Sora over there! Hi Sora! You don’t matter here! Shouldn’t be like that. The Disney characters should be well blended into the Kingdom Hearts plot and Sora in the plot of the Disney world. The story made me feel emotional, I enjoyed all the Kingdom Hearts parts, even if I felt some of them were rushed or not written well. Tears did leave my eyes. I liked how Aqua didn’t actually give into Darkness, it was Ansem’s fault. I liked the reunion, final battle sequences and all the stuff leading up to it. My favorite parts to praise are the deaths of all Org 13 members, each made me feel emotional and I wanted to see those character’s again reborn. Not so much young Xeraxnort. But Ansem and Xemnas? Oh the feels there, they were strong. I clapped. I felt there could be more with Larxene in the game in general, including her end. Luxord’s! Clap, really want him to come back and play cards with Sora. Riku Replica’s was great too. Both Riku Replica’s. Marluxa’s.. Vanitas’s was disappointing. However, these great moments aren’t enough for me to forgive those disrespected by this game. The one’s from the worlds you could visit. I’ll get to the unforgivable bits last. Toy Story’s new story and world were great. I loved exploring that world and playing through it. The development was great. Only flaw was what they did with Buzz, he’s stronger character then they take him for. He wouldn’t lose himself to the Darkness. Otherwise, everything was great. Pretty sure it’s my favorite. Hercules’s world was the level of quality I expected! It was decent, I miss the goddamn tournament's, Phil’s voice - but I did love the exploration of his city and meeting his father! Shame no boss fight with Hades's, they’re great and fun! Twilight Town sucked! I liked seeing the gang again, Uncle Scrooge and little chef. But that doesn’t make up for the fact that more then half of Twilight Town is cut and it doesn’t look like the same place! I liked exploring the entire world, not just a portion of it. Monsters Inc’s sequel to the first film with that world experience was great! I had a blast! I always wanted to see Sully’s reunion with Boo! It wasn’t perfect, but I had a good time! Pirates of Caribbean felt like it changed things from it’s canon, but it was an emotional blast! Jack Sparrow scenes and Will scenes, it was just great! The Big Hero 6 world! Oh it was great! It was emotional to lost Baymax in the film, to get him back was great! Kinda sucked to not see the big brother come back, but they’re saving that version of events for the sequel. Two Baymax’s. The only thing I didn’t like was how the whole cast was shrunk. Best example being Honey should of been taller then Jack Sparrow’s model, but she wasn’t. These worlds could of really done with multiple visits. Even more so the three left, that were wronged and disrespected. Don’t try to praise/defend what was done to them, they deserved better. Winne the Pooh deserved better. I liked not having to collect Torn Pages, but even if you didn’t have to. In the previous games, The Winnie the Pooh worlds lasted about an hour or so doing all the activities, helping out all Pooh Bear’s friends - stuff like that. Then you have KH3′s version, which is less then 20 minutes, doing the same activity three times. That was awful. Pooh’s universe deserved better. We deserved better. This is a massive flaw. Can’t forgive this. I love Pooh Bear. Now, as someone who love’s Rapunzel, not fond of how they treated her world either. It was basically the movie with bits cut out and skipped. She hardly interacted with Kingdom Hearts lore, Sora hardly stuck around her. It was just like. Now and then, Sora’s there. Why were they so scared of showing Rapunzel kissing Flynn? There were so many moments Sora should of got to interact with? Where were the two bad guy twins? Rapunzel just generally deserved better in this game. Last but not least, Frozen. Probably the worst world in the game. Because you spend most of it just falling off mountains. They hardly let Sora interact with Elsa or Anna. Or left them get involved in Kingdom Hearts lore. Sora would of been able to relate well to Elsa if they let it happen. You can’t explore the palace, Han’s has no lines and you’re forced to listen to Let It Go again with Sora basically just there. Like hi Sora! All I liked was Snow guard getting more of a role. Don’t even get to explore the city. Just the snowy place. No real development, it’s like - what was the point? There really was none. Why did we go there? Why was Larxene there? Elsa and Anna deserved better then this. Also while not all Disney worlds could of returned in KH3, due to their stories being settled. A lot definitely could! Also, Kairi deserved better then pretty much being a plot device, hardly getting development at all just to go poof. And the idea that Sora’s sacrifice to get her back doesn’t lead to the priority of everyone to find and/or bring him back somehow instead of chilling. Just made the whole ending sequence an OOC moment for me.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is a decent game and fun experience, but it’s also a flawed mess. Like handling in a English report that gets a low C and just barely hits the passing grade. It is not the worst in the franchise, but Kingdom Hearts 2 easily beats it and so does Kingdom Hearts, the original one. Funner to play then Dream Drop Distance, Chain Of Memories, Recoded and the Roxas focused game! But the rest defeat it! I have no interest in a new game plus, roleplay wise I intend to amend the flaws. The Disney worlds that were wronged will get justice. Add back Final Fantasy and the missing Disney worlds. Make it what it should of been! I had a good time, I really did. But once was enough. After finishing, it now shocks me that an amount of people I can count on just one of my hands tried to either tell me KH3 was good enough or superior to all the other games, even KH2. My assumption now is, they hadn’t recently played the other games before playing 3, were lost in Nostagla or something else was going on. Just how.. How could this possibly beat the two other main titles? The only thing superior is the more then three team mates tbh. xD
I really feel like I’m being generous here, but if I went lower then I’d think I was being too harsh. It’s not FFXV and Bound by Flame 5/10 quality, but it’s certainly not The Walking Dead (by Tellale) and The Last of Us 9/10 quality. So this will have to do. Nomura, I strongly advise you to look back at Kingdom Hearts 2 and what made it so great, before you work on your next main title. 
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daggersandsparks · 6 years
— answer these questions then tag blogs you’d like to know better!
tagged by stolen from: @starkunlimited tagging:  anyone who sees this
name: samie
nicknames: sam-sam [somehow always common], spam [family mostly], azriel [old internet nickname] zodiac: aries [libra. long story] height: 5′4″  time: 9:02pm as of writing this. favourite band / artist: it does change, but Garbage has always been a favourite of mine. song stuck in my head: nothing right now, surprisingly, but funny story, the other day, at work, i got the song “all i want for christmas is you” stuck in my head. and it ended up getting unstuck because it somehow evolved into “all i want for breakfast is food”. i may or may not have had breakfast yet that day. >.> last movie i saw: shit, i don’t even know. uhhh. i don’t watch movies very often anymore. most recent i tried to watch [family dinner, nephews were too noisy and i ended up leaving half way thru] was Solo. last one i actually watched the whole way thru was guardians of the galaxy vol. ii. [again family dinner, there’s a trend] last thing i googled: lyrics for “go get your gun” for a thread title other blogs: @caffeinatedfantasy is my personal. i don’t use it much anymore tbh. mostly have shit i like on a queue. uh... i have a lot of rp blogs. i’m not gonna list them all, but you can find the “hub” blog i list them on: @wcrldcnfire [i can’t really do multimuse blogs, they get too busy for me, so i’m trying out sideblogs. before now, it’s always been their own blog. but i’ve lost so many of those. >.>] average amount of sleep: probably about 4 hours. often less cuz insomnia. but i make up for it in spurts what i’m wearing: my kitten gamer shirt, quija board sweater, track pants, and my warm christmas socks, i’m cold, damn it. dream trip: i have a lot of places i’d love to go. i love traveling and have been lucky enough to go places due to an old job i had. for sentimentality’s sake, i’d want to go to huddersfield, england. it’s where my gran is from! and i’ll make sure to have some yummy yorkshire pudding while i’m there. [sadly we didn’t have any for thanksgiving this year] favourite food: in general, maybe mango or mac n cheese? idk. or tacos? play any instruments: i’ve tried to learn so many instruments. guitar, piano, violin. i am not very musically inclined, however. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ eye colour: blue! kinda grey blue hair colour: right now? half purple, half teal languages you speak: english mostly. i’ve started learning [and ended up stopping] japanese, asl, latin, spanish, and italian. i’m incidentally probably gonna half-teach myself french and hindi at this point with looking shit up for mairwen. at least written. i’m not actually very good with speaking other languages? i have some hearing issues and a speech impediment and it makes it very hard. hence why i’ve stopped trying to learn a lot. i can read latin and spanish decently tho. most iconic song: sweet dreams by the eurythmics. at least for me. only song i felt confident singing in front of people for the longest time because i’d usually sing it in a group with a few friends random fact: i have developed surprisingly good reflexes recently. i think it’s because i’ve also been dropping stuff way more often [my carpal tunnel has gotten worse] describe yourself as aesthetic things: fresh cappuccino in a small cafe, halloween decorations in july, unfinished poetry, messy bed sheets, empty wine bottles, a shelf full of pill bottles, laced corsets and high heels, dark circles under glazed eyes, broken silver chain necklaces, toppled stacks of paperbacks, desk covered in papers, boxes full of games, fresh baked cookies, stacks of sketchbooks
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Yet another confusing time of nothingness but not despair
I’m not depressed. It’s not the nothingness I’ve known a few years ago where nothing has taste and there’s a hole in your body and your soul. Nope. It’s just, weird af.
This time there’s no hole and empty sorrow. The best I can describe it is sitting on a chair, doing stuff, living, blinking, breathing but laughing at the thought that something is going on - obviously - that I can’t put my finger on. It’s weird but I’ll take it over listening my depressive playlist. It’s nicer to laugh.
So, 2021 onwards. Something big happened already, only one day after it started. I lost my V card. Who would’ve thought. Not me. I was the first surprised. Still wonder if it really happened to be honest. Been 4 days and I’m in a weird state of mind. At first I felt very awkward and ashamed for some reasons (and I still do to an extent). It wasn’t so much about the realisation, it was never a big deal for me but not to be seen as the prude and dysfunctional girl out of my girlfriends is kinda nice so I guess I can cross that of my list. But at the same time, idk. It was kinda boring and left me thinking "so what’s the big deal?". Didn’t really left me wanting more. I have more fun on my own.
Usually I’m all opened about what to write even without focus but this time it’s really hard to gather stuff. Feels like I want to hide them from myself even. But gonna force myself to expand a bit. It’s important stuff in a way.
So what happened.
Don’t really remember but I guess once again I felt lonely one night and desperate enough to swipe some guys on Tinder. It’s kinda my thing. It’s all alright until it isn’t and I feel a surge of swipe to justify that I’m at least trying to "fix" or at least improve my condition.
Anyways, ended up on some guy that was way too handsome to skip but I knew nothing would come of it since he was like 300km from me. Wanted to keep it as collection I guess. I try to keep the ones I find attractive to figure out "my type". Kinda silly.
Then, ofc, the one you expect the least is always the one to talk back. It wasn’t a striking message, he commented about my septum, and it just went on from that. Been talking for a month+ now (since the start of December) and I liked how it’s always been sporadic messages. Like not the kind where you send messages, get some answer back in 5mn and discuss live (like I do everyday on Discord). It’s way more sparse and I like it cause I can’t be dedicated to spending my whole life texting (even tho I do it on Discord but it feels different?).
Tbh I’ve never been "compelled" to this person like waiting his messages in anticipation or anything. Always been detached. Was the same with the guy I was texting before this summer and even before. It’s kinda nice cause there’s not much at stake. If he ever ghosts, it doesn’t really matter. But it’s also scaring me. Do I have a broken heart or what? I can’t seem to feel things. Apart from crushes (which are insignificant) and that one coworker I hanged out with, I’ve never been silly over texts. I would prefer to be. At least it makes you feel something. For sure at least I don’t get hurt, but I feel like a ghost.
Onwards. We finally decided to meet. Wasn’t particularly pleased to have him over my place cause I’ve never invited strangers there and what if it was awkward? At least in public you’re safe and if it goes terrible you can just leave and pretend to have something to do after to move on. Home, if you want an escape, you kinda have to be blunt and ask the person to go away or bare with it.
Sex was off the table - at least in my mind, even wore not sexy clothes and unmatched undies -. I thought I had been clear about that since I had said something like "Sure why not but only to get to know each other". Guess it had been taken in another way that what I was originally meaning.
Fatidic day comes, obligatory stress before a date, make yourself extra pretty. He arrives, super handsome, smells good, is nice. I make cocktails, he shakes them, we drink, it’s fine. But, cause there’s always a but, it seems so formal. Like I’m trying to be a good date and be ultra dynamic in the conversation but it feels like I’m leading too much and he’s not talking an awful lot, not even asking about me. Super different from how he was texting. I try to not mind it too much.
It gets physical at some point, he makes me hop on him, take me into his arms until he finally decides to go down on me and go PIV. It’s not like I didn’t want to and was forced to do so, I just let it happen. But I would’ve preferred it another way? Like further down the line? First talk a lot more and get a feel of each other, then eventually leading to that. Introducing that so fast, so quick made the possible spark die for me. I felt awkward and like nothing could go on from that point but to go the casual sex route or stop it there. I guess it made me realise that I’m really looking for a relationship. Prior to that I always said I wanted to see how things go into dating, so not specifically a relationship but that’s exactly what happened and now I know.
So here we are, the aftermath. Kinda ghosted him for two days. He was obviously super happy about what happened and casual about it but I wasn’t. So expressed that it made me uncomfortable and so forth. He said he was sorry and wasn’t usually like that… Wanted me to give him a second chance. Debated for a whole lot of time in my head, basically lost my peaceful sleep times for days now (and it’s still ongoing). Decided on a "maybe". And now we’re back to texting, more deep stuff, less emotes. Idk how I feel about that. I don’t know anything anymore.
So I left this note unfinished kinda? But it’s an unfinished business so that’s fine. One week later. Where we at?
We continued texting and I guess the more time past the more I was forgetting about our first date, moving on in a kinda way. Focusing on other stuffs basically even tho that’s the core of my life rn. Like overthinking, thinking and thinking again about all this.
Eventually he asked if he could come back this weekend and I was like "mmmh maybe?", because I really was like maybe. Wasn’t really trying to tease him, just wasn’t sure. But in my mind, I was accepting that he’d come already. So fast-forward, second date planned on Sunday (first one was Saturday the week before). He asked if he could come a bit earlier to spend more time, and I agreed. Only if he didn’t come at like 9am or something cause y’a know, still need to make myself pretty and clean my apartment. Important stuff to me.
Today is Monday, so it was yesterday. What happened? Juicy.
It was kinda awkward at first, ngl. When he said he was there and I had to open the door to go get hime, I got this huge wave of stress washing over me and I remember saying out loud “Wtf am I even doing”, but then it was too late and it was happening so good fucking luck me.
He brought beers and a pizza (for him, since I hate it, he knew it). We just started to drink and talk casually, but there were these awkward silences at times. But props to him in some ways cause he always found a way to make a comeback somehow, and make it less awkward, and be physical - not always sex-driven but just make these kinda approaches that are like closing the gap between strangers? -.
We then decided to watch horror movies. And I think that was my favourite part. It was really just chilling you know. It was cute. We just cuddled on the couch and he tried a move but I said "not today". Cause that was my mindset for real this time. And as first date didn’t go as planned my battle plan for this one would have to hold. If no sex on second date, and he still stays in my radar it kinda seals the deal in a way? Not like it’s all perfect and chill, for all I know we’re not exclusive or anything so doesn’t prove much, but that he wants to stick around a bit? And I like that idea. So he was like "ok ok, I’ll slow down", with a cute voice. And yeah, that was a super nice moment that I really enjoyed actually. I remember thinking into his arms like "Okay, I could live with that, it’s kinda nice, could fall asleep here". He actually fell asleep for a while.
It wasn’t all perfect ok? There’s already some stuff bothering me, probably some bothers him too, but nothing is perfect. Kinda have to focus on the good stuff.
It’s kind of all new to me. Never went this far into any relationship really. So, I’m trying to handle things differently too? Like, I didn’t say to my friends - best friends - that I saw him again, all that happened yesterday. Cause, I guess I kinda wanna keep it to myself till I know where it’s going? If it ever goes somewhere anyway. Like I’ve always been to prone to talk about my dates - that are so few -, and nothing good ever came of it so I just don’t wanna discuss duds - not dudes, duds, like the empty fake shit - anymore?
I really wish I could talk to them about it now, cause it’s so fresh and new and he doesn’t answer me cause something happened in the army - cause he’s in the army - and he had to give his phone away at a certain point and he said he didn’t knew when he would get it back?
SO. Either, this could be a lie and he’s ghosting me. Which would be weird, considering how things went - he said “Today was a good day” in a vocal note yesterday while he was being punished -, but, you never know. Or, it’s the truth and it sucks cause I kinda wish we would have talked today. I mean, happened in the past where he was punished and stuff so it’s believable.
But it’s really one of the two. And it bothers me, and I wish I knew. Cause I’m all alone with my thoughts rn, and that’s why I picked this again cause I can’t talk to him, can’t - don’t wan’t - to talk to my friends about it, really can’t talk to my parents about it so I feel alone.
But on another note, reverse psychology really works on me lol. Kept checking my phone all day when usually he sends messages and I kinda glide over it cause I don’t wanna make it my priority, but clearly today there’s been a shift. Not to say it’ll remain if he ever answers - cause yeah, I cracked and sent a message -. So yeah guys, I’m one of those annoying chicks.
Yeaaaah, I definitely listened to my sad playlist today. Don’t judge. But also, I’m having my periods - which is great, cause I was concerned - but also make this day sucks even more cause it hurts. But at least the pain kinda distracts me. Idk, it’s weird to explain.
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lovequinn · 7 years
so. pitch perfect 3.
i have a lot of feelings about this. spoilers under the cut!
the pitch perfect fandom has been my family for five years now. the people that i have met and spoken to and laughed with ever since that first watch in 2012 have been my home away from home. i’ve been using this url, inspired by the movie, on and off since 2013 and it’s my screen name for pretty much everything else. i can’t even communicate how much pitch perfect means to me. i’m rewatching the first movie as i write this because nostalgia.
i went into pp3 already emotional because of the week i’ve had. i also went in with low expectations because of the spoilers and reviews i’d been reading and the queerbaiting and all of this mess. and honestly? i walked out really satisfied with it. it wasn’t perfect, but i don’t think any sequel or threequel or whatever could ever be.
some stuff, good and bad:
- i actually really missed jesse and benji and the trebles??? i know people were thrilled when they heard they weren’t going to be in it but tbh if they were gonna break up beca and jesse i would not have minded him hanging around as her friend like...at all. i love skylar astin and i always thought jesse was super charismatic and fun, i just didn’t love him with beca. and benji is a cutie. idk i would’ve liked them to have a cameo or something
- chloe, beca, and amy living together is perf
- i adored all the music in this movie. i wasn’t sure if i would when i first listened to the soundtrack since there were only a few tracks i really loved but watching the numbers performed really brought them to life. also, watching the bellas do toxic??? one of the best numbers in the whole franchise. to quote benji, “totally changed my life, i have not stopped thinking about it since”
- the action plot was fucking awesome i’m sorry i know it was super cheesy and a lot of people aren’t going to go for it but personally i am LIVING for the bellas on some stupid campy james bond adventure
- all the little callbacks were great. the bellas throwing their hands together during the final number, the dude throwing the microwave burrito at fat amy. one of my favorite bits of the movie was when chloe pulls out the cup and beca immediately slaps it out of her hand--i laughed so hard i choked.
- it was a little disjointed; it kind of felt like a bunch of separate scenes edited together instead of an actual coherent narrative. it was enjoyable and made sense but it felt almost unfinished?
- the chloe and chicago thing was bullshit. putting bechloe completely aside and removing my bias, it still didn’t make any sense. they had like, what, two or three conversations together max? and those just consisted of chloe being awkward and stumbling on her words. they didn’t give enough time for anything to build and there was zero chemistry, and it was hard to watch because chicago seemed like he could’ve been cool and chloe is one of my favorite characters ever so it was...painful.
- stacie naming her baby bella??? yes??? hell yes???
- LILY ISN’T LILY BIGGEST PLOT TWIST EVER. was satan really in her body? who fucking knows!
- extreme, huge, gaping black hole where all our bechloe interactions should’ve been but i’m trying not to talk about that here since i made a separate post about the queerbaiting issue.
- seeing how beca has grown since pp1...ugh. yes. my baby.
- i bawled like a small child during the end credits.
idk i don’t wanna give much more because you should see it for yourself but what i really want to say is this: i think the reason so many people were disappointed by this movie, and by pp2 as well, is because they were expecting...well, they were expecting to see the first movie all over again. something unique, something that touches us like pitch perfect did. and there are definitely moments like that in the two sequels, sure, but to be perfectly blunt, pp2 and pp3 are cash grabs by universal because they want to ride the coattails of the first movie’s success. and that’s fine! you just need to go in knowing that. you need to look at this not as another fresh, new, inspirational story, but as just another chance to follow the whacky adventures of the characters we love so much and support the family the cast has become as we’ve followed them through three films. i think if you keep that in mind, you’ll love it as much as i did.
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theboykingofhell · 7 years
9, 15, 16, 18, 26, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51 for TSG, 54 :*
ricky found fucking dead in miami after looking at these PROMPTS,
9. Least favorite trope to write.
what a weirdly phrased question because if i hate it, i ain’t gonna write it... UHH. i really don’t like bringing dead characters back to life???? i don’t like writing scenes for shock horror... well, that’s a lie, i DO like to horrify the reader through my writing, but i don’t want to cheapen the emotional ~journey~ they go through by being like ‘JUST KIDDING! everything actually DOES work out in the end!!’
i have a story where narratively its kind of leading to a place where i have to make a ‘dead’ character come back (chaos actually, since i use her in red’s actual story) and it’s making me so mad like wtf thought we had a deal
15. Where does your inspiration come from?
SONGS... and just insp in general but i get a lot through music and nnnh... there’s just so many good aesthetics and quotes on my dash tbh i’m like constantly and consistently inspired, it’s great
16. Where do you take your motivation from?
imma be honest, the thing that motivates me most sometimes is either reading a rly shitty novel or seeing a shitty show and just getting livid and writing out of spite because THAT DRIVEL WAS PUBLISHED????? MY SHIT IS SO MUCH BETTER WTF... or i think to myself ‘what the fuck, what if i die tomorrow????? with my damn novel unfinished?!?!! HELL NO’... pretty much anything that reminds me that my stuff is Great but no one knows how great it is because it’s not DONE and OUT THERE yet makes me get off my ass
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?
depends! for books it mostly just consists of rereading after a long period of ignoring my story and just tweaking lines that seem out of place or that ruin the flow i’m imagining. if i’m rewriting, then i have two word documents out (which the program scrivener makes SO easy god BLESS that program) and just... rewrite it word for word while STARING at the old version. that always makes the prose come out slightly different, it smooths out stuff or lets me cut away or add things i really like and, most importantly, it adds length, which i tend to struggle with a lot because i like just being TO THE POINT
with playwriting though it’s mostly about the format.. i write all plays like i write everything online... in lowercase with little regard to actual grammar. so i gotta actually pretend i give a damn about the english language and format it all properly and add stage directions cuz in a first draft for plays, i always just focus on dialogue and that’s it
26. Standalone or series, and why?
standalones are far more fun and way more satisfying and, quite honestly, require way less fluff. i keep FORGETTING how much fluff is needed in a goddamn novel. MULTIPLE BOOKS OF FLUFF no FUCKING THANKS
31. Hardest character to write.
in the rp: tyler (because he dissociates in a way that literally cuts me off from? any parts of his character? which is like the ESSENCE of his character but it’s VERY unenjoyable to write tbh) and nicki (because i put too much pressure on myself to make her seem a certain way instead of letting it happen naturally)... tbh canon characters and/or characters that are based on people are generally just rly hard sometimes cuz there’s SO MUCH IMAGINED PRESSURE TO MAKE THEM GOOD!!!
in original shit: honestly i’m really tempted to say aaron and that’s just because he’s so... unlikeable to me???? but also i think it’s just because i’ve really only written one scene for him (i always write in order unless a scene is just KICKING MY ASS to write, like this particular scene) and... he seems like a Lot... of annoying bullshit to have to write out lmfao that bitch
32. Easiest character to write.
red because i’ve been writing him for like 7-9 years now, i would hope he’d be easy by now... honestly, really explosive and dramatic characters too like bert or nora come SUPER easy for me, they’re so fun to write (especially dialogue-wise) because they’re very emotional and i can get PARAGRAPHS based on one reaction. characters who try and hide shit from everyone, INCLUDING ME, are so annoying,
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes?
typed because they’re legible,,,,, but then again, my handwritten notes make more sense because they’re kind of fully crafted ideas like ‘***make nisha and aaron meet at 42nd street for transformation chap???’ while a typed note will be like... ‘42nd street+aaron’... what did that mean, ricky-at-5am... why did you do this to us
41. How many stories do you work on at one time?
two... kind of as a minimum, sort of as a maximum... like there’s usually the MAIN story and then there’s something i’m kind of doodling in the side, something that’s just sort of cooking in the backburner that i’m not too serious into the process of it, but it’s goin... i’ve never tried to do 3 stories at a time but i feel like my attention would be too divided and it wouldn’t work
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
UHH........................................... i’m very fond of faceclaims cuz idk i just kind of... feel how they look... i don’t ever really envision a full person though, i get like traits... i’ll be like... oh she has long black hair and she’s not white and her eyebrows look like this... and then i’ll see a pic of pooja mor and be like THAT’S HER THAT’S EXACTLY IT. idk what it is about eyebrows and why that’s literally always the deciding factor of how a character looks, but there it is
personality just kind of... man, characters just poop out of me, i don’t decide any of this shit wtf jhsfjg
45. Worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
once someone told me to stop making the boys kiss in the first chapter of my story so i made the boys fuck instead
46. What would your story _______ look like as a tv show or movie?
scrolls WAY up... sees you didn’t add a story as a prompt WELL i’m still riding the tsg train here so
a tsg movie better look like the 90′s, goddamnit.. not like... found footage really, but i want something in the quality to be a little fuzzy and sort of tinted that one kind of grayish brown color i always associate with the 90′s for some reason... like, i can’t stop thinking about all these amber lighting and how dull everything looks, and how higher in quality things look the further and further it goes, like, it’s something i would concentrate a lot on visual cues with because i focus so much of the storytelling of tsg on nisha’s narration. sometimes you don’t know how many days have passed because nisha doesn’t know how many days have passed, if she dissociates, i’d want that shown on camera, if she keeps repeating the same number over and over again, i’d want to watch one little piece of a scene getting repeated again and again. it’d be VERY disorienting as a movie tbh but it’d be fun...
47. Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story?
characters!!!! plot is such a backburner thing for me, if you have rly great characters, you already have a great plot right there. the plot is just set so i can see how characters react to things, man... 
49. What do you find the hardest to write in a story, the beginning, the middle or the end?
THE MIDDLE, FUCK THE MIDDLE.... endings are literally the easiest thing for me, beginnings similarly so, it’s just getting from that BEAUTIFUL starting scene to that GORGEOUS ending that fucking kills my poor undeserving asshole
51. Describe the aesthetic of your story _______ in 5 sentences or words.
low-res pictures of old cemetaries... that’s five words right there, i’m sorry but the END IS IN SIGHT, I’M ALMOST FREE AND CANT BE BOTHERED
54. Any writing advice you want to share?
can’t stress how useful having an insp blog is... creating a story through the unconscious collection of pictures and quotes that just feel relavant is just SO useful not just when it comes to really constructing a character an an atmosphere to your story, but making a fucking plot????? my tsg blog is like my most perfect insp blog because i got the idea to seperate it by chapters, and i’ve found that i can literally just... go into the chapter tags... and make connections and build on plotlines that i had NO IDEA ABOUT when i made or filled those tags, IT’S REALLY FUN and it keeps me inspired to write
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shipeo · 7 years
question meme, again! c: tagged by @gvenevera. hahaha hey vera, thanks so much for tagging me ♥
Rules: 1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
1. What’s your childhood anime?
when i was a kid, we had a big screen television set up in the living room and my brother would binge watch full metal alchemist, fruits basket, one piece, and naruto there whenever he had free time. i always somehow ended up joining him for those little screenings, the unsuspecting sufferer to his passionate spiels about the characters, his speculations on plot, and the splendour of the story worlds.
out of all those, the one i’d really call my childhood anime is probably full metal alchemist. like, omfg. i had... this... hopeless crush on edward elric. /headdesks he was just. he was cute. i remember myself being so darn happy knowing he was a total shortie, just like i was, and i’d mouth his name quietly to myself as i watched him on tv because i liked the way it rolled off my tongue. THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING.
2. Social media? Which one’s your favorite?
hm, up till a while ago it was twitter - it’s sort of a handy depository of my thoughts (fangirly, and then not.) now, it’s probably tumblr. i’m fucking addicted. there are so many amazing people here??
3. Does your name (real or penname) have any meaning?
jamie doesn’t - my mum just chose it because all my siblings have a name that starts with ‘J’. it’s just a neat little commonality lmao.
shipeo, on the other hand, is the korean word for ‘want/desire’. i chose it because of its inherent meaning, and how it seems to describe my fascination with fandom. like, you see, when i love things, reblog things, interact – there’s some void within me that i’m trying to fill, even though i mightn’t realise it at the time. there’s a want inside of me that keeps me coming back to this strange endless cycle of consuming and creating content, whether it’s a desire for companionship, for romance, for excitement... and for me, shipeo encapsulates my own descent into self-indulgence, into falling so deep into my desires for no reason other than the fact that i want to.
also, i hear this word all the time in korean music and i like the way it sounds. c:
4. How many meals do you eat in a day?
um, around two. my sleep schedule has been pretty messed up lately, and that’s affected my appetite, so...
5. Are you afraid of ghosts? Or horror movies?
if ghosts exist, and if they look anything like they do in horror movies (they probably don’t) – then yes. ;__; i’m getting the fuck out of there.
i’m alright with horror movies, and i enjoy them to a great degree, but i do have to watch between the cracks in my fingers sometimes. HAHAHA. i’m definitely game to be scared shitless though LET’S DO IT. lol can you tell how contradictory i am??
6. What kind of phone do you use? iOS vs Android?
iPhone 5! c: i’m an apple nerd. ugh, it’s their branding, i’m tellin’ ya. i’m a fool for their philosophy.
7. How many languages can you speak?
English, Chinese, Conversational Japanese.
8. Which fic would you rather read: Major character death OR Non-consensual?
MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH HANDS DOWN. non-con makes me kind of queasy c’: and um, a major character death would be the opportune chance to do a character study and to flesh out what the surviving character really felt for the deceased. there’s that delicious turmoil and hurt, of course, especially if there’s unfinished business between the two characters. but more than anything, i appreciate how MCDs often unearth some deeply fundamental truths as to what it is for us to truly love someone. through everything that happens post-death, it gives some shape and form to the abstract impact that another soul can make on our lives. physical things, now laden with more meaning than ever before: an extra toothbrush left fraying in its holder. old strands of their hair on the floor and in the dusty corners. their online profile, pristine and untouched, like the owner had only disappeared for a little while.
there’s always a prevailing theme of inevitability and of regret, of our smallness as human beings. it’s a bitter reminder of what little power we truly have when faced with our own mortality. these are experiences that are intimately connected to our experience as creatures who love things and fear to lose them. stories like that? they remind us of our humanity. i mean, these are things we should celebrate. god, it hurts, but i think it’s worth it for that moment of self-reflection.
9. How do you feel about spoilers, especially for manga/anime?
i don’t mind it. fam, i’m a really chill person. i’m not going to freak out just because someone reblogged/tweeted/posted something they got excited about. hahaha. i tend to find more fault with myself than with others tbh.
besides, sometimes knowing what’s coming can get you more hyped for a series. c;
10. Favorite travel destination?
japan. that place is beautiful, steeped with culture, and unlike any place i’d ever been. kyoto was downright mystical and I WANT TO GO BACK SO BADLY.
11. Describe your OTPs – what do you think they have in common?
friend, i have too many OTPs.
bsd: akutagawa/atsushi, bnha; todoroki/midoriya, bakugou/kirishima, opm: saitama/genos, no. 6: nezumi/shion, pmmm: homura/madoka, nno: yoite/miharu... just to name a few.
i think i tend to like... the interplay between past hurts and healing.
one of the characters (A) normally has a near-unattainable goal, something that occupies them almost every minute of every day, makes them miserable without them even realising. enter B, who shows A a side of them they had never before thought of as valuable/important – usually a side of them that’s more tender/caring. more often than not, this leads to A becoming a better person because... well, love makes you want to be better. that’s definitely what atsushi does for aku (i mean, he could,) what midoriya does for todoroki, what kirishima does for bakugou, and what saitama does for genos. i also tend to like banter, undeniable chemistry, and any pairing with a deep canonical bond. i love relationships where the characters fulfil each other, in a way that is unique to them alone. give me all that heartwarming shit, ya’ll.
;___; j-just... anything to fill the void in my heart.
i’m not gonna come up with questions or tag anyone since i already did on the previous question meme! c’: fuuuck it’s 3am and i have a meeting in the morning fml GOOD NIGHT WORLD
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