#i DID not sleep last night
chinchilla010 · 1 year
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Lovely couple 💖💖
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T4t komahina (everyone cheers)
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dimorphodon-x · 4 months
I kind of expected this would happen but I was still caught off guard, but the starling did pass away today. With that leg, I doubt it had much of a chance, but since it was very active I had some hope it would make it.
I did try my best to help, but it just wasn’t enough.
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spookky-aint-spooky · 2 months
"..good MOOOOORNING everyone 🥰😌" I call out, my body malnourished and the bags under my eyes showing signs of being so heavy they have their own gravitational pull
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suashii · 6 months
good morning ! ! u made it though the week and i’m so very proud of u ٩(^ᗜ^ )و offering hugs 🫂 and yummy fruit 🍓 as celebration for the weekend :3 remember to stay hydrated and take breaks today and always my lovies ᡣ𐭩
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frogzie-qwq · 1 year
I drew fukase :D
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cantstayawaycani · 1 year
::cries into my third cup of coffee::
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transguy69 · 1 year
Well since Twitter has been basically dying I will start looking more on my Tumblr. I will probably not post that much but I would probably start to post time to time. Idk what yet but probably about my latest obsession ( lol ). Yeah I don’t know why I made this post but here I am.
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daffodil--lament · 5 months
I love your style!
thank you we should get married
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bloodpen-to-paper · 2 years
There are a lot of fandoms that get trending during the late hours of the night when Americans would be sleeping/inactive (Americans having make up a large portion of Tumblr folk) whose predominant fanbase are typically in a different timezone, or can only get the chance to trend once all the regular Americans users are asleep and no longer dominating the trending tab (kinnporche, 19 days, wwe, etc). I believe we are seeing a case of this with the tatort saarbrücken fandom, except even someone like me who is awake at various hours of the night hasn’t known about this show due to them being under the radar. Today, however, marks a shift in the behavioral pattern in the tatort saarbrücken fandom, as a major enough occurrence in the show has the Germans of Tumblr suddenly posting en-masse like an exploding supernova of gifsets and incomprehensible German text. I call this Nocturnal Fandom Trending (NFT for short).
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24-guy · 8 months
I've gained the desire to go to an offie to get a lunchable and a can of coke or something.
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mishasminion360 · 2 years
Gather ‘round, young ones. It’s time for a wild “The Last of Us” fan theory!!!!!
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Who remembers this happy looking lass from the trailer? Anyone? Everybody, meet Kathleen.
According to reports, the character of Kathleen was created specifically for the show, but many are already theorizing that she is the ruthless leader of the revolutionary movement known as the Hunters that appear in the video game. In the game the Hunters frequently reference their leader, but never give a name and the character is never seen. Creators have established that the character of Kathleen is a villain, so it’s a pretty safe bet that she is indeed the Hunters leader.
A theory I agree with, but not the one I’m on about in this particular little rant.
In the later trailers there is a really brief, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it scene of a woman giving birth and cradling the newborn in a dingy room (clearly happening post apocalypse). Anybody remember this?
Cool! Okay, good. Well, every time we saw that scene we don’t quite get a clear look at the woman because a.) poor lighting, b.) it’s super fast, and c.) camera angle. But even so, I always thought the woman looked like Ellie; like, I legit thought it was Bella Ramsey holding that newborn. But come on, I KNOW Ellie ain’t having no baby in this show. But then when I really started thinking about it, maybe the woman is Kathleen.
And what if the baby….is Ellie?
My evidence you ask?
1.) Ellie has referenced in both episodes now that she is an orphan and even asked Marleen if she was her mom. The fact that they’ve pointed out the whole orphan thing twice makes me suspicious.
2.) Kathleen is supposed to be a brutal, violent character, especially if she does end up being the leader of the Hunters. We know Ellie has some natural aggressive tendencies and anger issues, perhaps those traits were inherited.
3.) Look at that picture of Kathleen. She does look similar to Ellie, especially when she wears her hair up.
Druckmann did say that they are taking the opportunity to add new content that they had planned but, alas, could not fit into the game and are planning to flesh out smaller plot points as well. There’s also tell of a major “jaw drop” moment on the way. I don’t know about you lot, but if Kathleen is revealed to be Ellie’s mama, my jaw would hit the damn floor.
Feel free to disprove me if you want. I did say it was only a THEORY, and a wild one at that. Just wanted to put this out there as a little food for thought.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk 😘
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v-tired-queer · 1 year
I have been awake for twenty straight hours now, so as I lay here upside down on my bed, here's a list of things I've learned and done in that time, in no particular order:
Got jazzed on some energy drinks
Got my bangs cut (I can see now! 😃)
Brought in a bed
Assembled the bed hours after bringing it in
Went through two storage boxes and tossed what I no longer need or want
Found a lot of condoms and dental dams that are still within the expiration date but I don't need (1. virgin 2. ttc next year 3. high school me really thought I'd be getting some but the only thing I got was depression RIP 4. on the asexual spectrum)
Reorganized my jewelry
Ate some ice cream (it was neopolitan 🤍🤎🩷)
Reorganized my books
Watched some YouTube videos
Watched some funny animal videos on TikTok
Wondered if he actually thinks I'm pretty
Wondered what his voice sounds like
Questioned my romantic orientation
Missed a call from Social Security Administration (gotta call them back on Monday)
Downloaded an important document from the Social Security website and learned that you can adopt a kid while on disability which was something I didn't know
Designated a whole notebook to adulting notes (it's essentially a whole notebook dedicated to that moment when you're frantically looking for a peice of paper to write this very important thing down) (I now carry it in my purse)
Cleaned out my purse
Got sad when I discovered that my hand sanitizer is too big for my jack-o-lantern hand sanitizer holder keychain
Got annoyed with That Aunt who decided to spend the night
Pet my mom's dog (x100)
Had some pretty good macaroni and cheese
Had some more ice cream
Was in pain because I'm lactose intolerance
Maintained annoyance with That Aunt
Greatly missed my dad's side of the family and then my dad but then his side even more
Cleaned out my closet
Organized my clothes
Set up my altar for the autumn season and added a picture of Mother Mary and Baby Jesus
Took my medication a half hour late but hey I still took it so yay!
Checked my email (nothing fun or important)
Swept my floor
Made my bed
Accidentally drank more caffeine without realizing it
Listened to country songs
Moved some wall decor to a different wall in my bedroom
Switched to water
Took an ovulation test (I think it was positive but it was hard to tell--the lines looked almost the same but maybe not quite enough to be positive)
Took out the trash
Daydreampt about being a parent and picking my kids up from school and helping them with their homework at the kitchen table with a snack of homemade chocolate chip cookies
Craved chocolate chip cookies
Did not get any chocolate chip cookies
Hung out with my mom
Thought about how cute his smile is
Thought about how cute her smile is
Accidentally broke my glasses (again) (big oopsie) (they were cheaters from the dollar store so no big deal but still)
Decided what I want done with my body in the event that I die (context: I broke a tombstone Halloween decoration that I had and it made me think of cemeteries and then I thought of my local cemetery aka my Happy Place and thus, the I Wanna Be Cremated and Then Have My Ashes Burried There thoughts commenced)
Decided that it would be really cute if my mom, my brother and I all had matching sashes for my baby shower (mine--Mommy to Be; my mom's--Nana to Be; my brother's--Uncle to Be)
Found my military coin from when I was in JROTC in high school and put it back in my wallet for the ✨️nostalgia✨️
Got hungry but forgot to eat (oops)
Hung up my clothes in the closet
Learned how to clean the silver earring holder that my mom gave me years ago (so shiny now!)
Filled up my box of crystals and rocks (!!!)
Was genuinely not depressed or anxious for the first time in weeks
Accidentally said I don't drink coffee when actually I love coffee but only if it's iced and doused in sugar but I've had enough caffeine and it was to That Aunt so actually it's fine
Stayed hydrated after I switched to water
Checked the weather forecast
Swore a lot (fuck was my favorite word)
Made a shopping list
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page-2-ids · 2 years
I am always about five minutes and a good night’s sleep away from writing a whole post about how Slash is, like, a top tier gnc/genderfuckery icon and one of the best in all of rock. Swear if I was just well rested I would make so much sense and you would all get it!!
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harryforvogue · 1 year
imagine waking up at 7:45 to do a zoom interview and then the employer doesn’t even show up :D ✋🏽
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impeerpressure · 1 year
to the random tumblr user who has liked one (1) post of mine with no tags. who are you. why did you like the one post where @blueflare7 just said “tits.” and i said “no.” what impression do you have of me. where did you come from
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