#i Do think they’d fuck on the reg tho
willosword · 6 months
thinkin about cloud and tifa at 1:30am. as you do
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itsjaywalkers · 10 months
not sure if i actually ship bartylily but i am very intrigued by them….would definitely read if u ever wrote anything for them 👀👀
how do u think them and jeg would interact?? i feel like the existence of bartylily would throw james & reg off so much lmaooo
CASS I ADORE U AND I’M KISSING U SO HARD FOR THIS it’s such an honour to hear that you’d read them if i ever write anything for them <3 (which i definitely will, they’re in my mind too often)
OOOOOOH I JUST GIGGLED OUT LOUD i think their reactions would be . very fun and wildly different. like reg would be surprised at first and i don’t think he’d get it. like barty, he has this specific view of lily in his mind and he doesn’t understand how barty could’ve fallen for her in the first place and viceversa. they don’t make sense to him but he isn’t . mean or judgemental about it, i feel like none of barty’s friends would be (they’d tease him and take the piss out of him all the time tho, bc that man is Down Bad). after he actually Sees them together a couple of times he starts to get it. they shouldn’t make any sense but they do and they work surprisingly well together so . he stops questioning it at some point and is just supportive
james however. is Appalled. Baffled. Disgusted even. this might just be one of the worst things that’s ever happened to him. it’s not even about jealousy, he’s with reg (sorry it’s the jeggy obsession) and only sees lily as a friend but barty is his Least Favourite Person in existence. he already has to spend too much time around him bc he’s reg’s best friend and now??? now he’s with lily??? bc not only they get along but they’re also dating??? yeah no Fuck That
don’t get me wrong i feel like almost all of lily’s friends wouldn’t take kindly to the news at first (obviously this depends on how u portray both friend groups and their opinions of each other but to me . they never truly get along u know) but i think that they’d grow to accept it at some point. even if begrudgingly. marlene and mary at least. the jury is still out about sirius + remus + peter
but james??? oh he Hates it. and Hates it forever. he’s happy to see lily happy, yeah, but that’s about it. he’s the man who gets up in the middle of the wedding to try and oppose even if he knows there’s no stopping them (reg is incredibly embarrassed and hating his life choices and trying to get him to sit back down) (barty finds it absolutely hilarious and is delighted to know he’s causing james this much turmoil even after so many years) (lily is very much Done and this is exactly why she didn’t want to invite james) (but barty needed reg there and everyone knows that reg and james are a package deal) (anyway i digress)
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moemammon · 3 years
Hey! What if their human happens to bring a Ghost Pepper from the human world and each of the brothers are dared to eat it. What would be their reactions? Would it show on their face? I enjoy your blog!
The Demon Brothers vs The Ghost Pepper
(Will it send them to the afterlife?!)
He reminds you that the food in the Devildom is way stronger in the flavor department than human foods, and that your little ghost pepper will be nothing.
Though, he indulges you anyway and take a bite, then gives the rest back
Immediately fucking chokes midway into chewing, but the look he gives you keeps you from laughing (probably-)
"So it seems not every human food can be taken for granted... But I trust you're smart enough not to tell any of my brothers about this, hm?" "...I can tell you're holding your laughter in."
No way is he gonna get weak knees over a dumb little pepper! He'll pop the whole thing into his mouth to assert his dominance and try to impress you
Mammon eats spicy foods on the reg, so a ghost pepper is nothing. Tbh, he's had spicier.
Honestly likes it tho, so he wants to incorporate it into the house's cooking. He’d even eat them a snack if he could. Could you do him a favor and bring some more next time?
"Woah, this thing's got a nice flavor, and a great kick! Think I could get a couple more o' these? I bet they'd be great on some Hell-sauce cup noodles!"
He's not a stranger to trendy food challenges, so he already knew about the apparent dangers of eating ghost peppers
But he's not a coward either..! Besides, going outside of your comfort zone and eating new foods can be fun with a friend!
That being said, he makes you eat the other half so your can suffer together. And BOY does he suffer-
*various choking noises* "What IS that?! Can any human seriously eat the whole thing?! M-My mouth is on fire, and this ramune is making it worse!! Water! I need water-!"
He's pretty curious about one of the human world's 'spiciest' peppers, so he’d happily take a bite
And like Mammon, he doesn't think it's all that bad. Doesn't like the flavor though, but the spice level is nice
All you wanted was to watch him suffer from the heat, but now he's contemplating how to cultivate the peppers, how to use them to harass Lucifer, why the human world has such wimpy foods, etc.
"I wonder how a human would react to OUR spiciest pepper. They say it's so hot, it could melt your tongue off. I wonder if we should cook with it..." "Haha, I'm just joking."
Hella reluctant, because he's NOT a fan of spicy foods. Sweets are his go to, than you very much!
Don't get him wrong, not all of them are bad, but he's got a sensitive tongue! No one likes a spicy aftertaste!
Takes the tiniest baby bite known to man, and is instantly dramatic as hell. Acts like he's gonna die
"I can't BELIEVE you made me eat something so terrible! The taste is going to linger for week unless I can get it out! That being said... are you interested in helping me with that~?"
He eats the pepper straight out of your hand before you can even finish telling him how spicy it is
Doesn't even notice the spice until he's already swallowed it. It must not be that bad to him, because his only comment is "it was tasty", and he's got that sparkly look in his eyes.
Then again, Beel has eaten just about everything, so there's no way he’d be phased by that. Proceeds to give you a list of things that would taste good with ghost peppers
"Do you have more? I'd like to pair it with curry. Or maybe spicy dumplings? A burger topped with ghost pepper sauce would be nice, too... Maybe we can ask Satan to grow them here?"
Didn't even realize what you were feeding him, because he's half asleep.
This boy just slowly eats the entire thing, and doesn't react at all. You could've given him an eraser and he’d probably be eating it
Like, is he even registering the taste?? He's just crunching away like it's nothing, eyes still closed and everything-
"....Isn't it a little early for dinner..? Well, I guess I don't care... But can you tell Mammon to lay off on the hell sauce next time..?"
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goddess-aelin · 4 years
7x07 thoughts:
-Gabriel is SO HOT fuck
-sanctum sanctum sanctum blah blah blah
-ok at least we got acknowledgement of how fucked up it was to put the flame in madi
-oh god I’m going to throw the fuck up
-why. What is the point. Why do they make me fucking watch this with my own two damn ass eyes. I need to go do a saline rinse to cleanse this garbage from my eyes brb
-I take great pleasure in knowing that bellamys hair really looked like that the first time they kissed. Side note: whoever thought that hair was a good idea should be FIRED what thee fuck
-octavia calling e.choke family? LMAO. Bitch since WHEN. Tellin stories to Hope on the reg of how much she hated you and how ridiculous you were? But now we’re FaMiLY
-FINALLY got some acknowledgement of how fucked up it was for octavia to beat bellamy! Now only if she could apologize to him directly for that.
-look who it is...Nicky BANG BANG lmao
-mention tallies:
l/xa mentions: 56722
Lincoln mentions: 5
Wells mentions: 0
-jr Bourne as sheidheda is honestly funny. Like he’s so good but sheidheda as a character is laughable
-anyway where is clarke? Don’t you know shes the key?
-ok diyoza/hope fight yassss
-SHE LOOKS FUCKING STUPID AS HELL LMAO OMG bless you anders for being like what the fuck girl.
-Nelson you dummy
-idk I know people would rather Clarke fell to her knees but I really feel like that scene was enough. Falling to the knees might’ve been cheesy and I’m hoping we get some kind of crying or something in the future.
-look at you, anders, smiling while power walking and doing praise hands in your sassy little dress.
-*whispers* the key
-wow. Such shock. Really didn’t see this coming, Bill cadogan.
Overall: LMAO. Tbh I was laughing half this ep. directing? Great! The storyline is just so laughable at this point tho, no disrespect to the writer. Like what even is going on. I don’t care a bit about half of these characters! Most of them are new. And then there are these moments where they’re trying to be legitimately serious and epic and it’s just HILARIOUS. What even the fuck was that entire e/cho thing? Literally what? Not only did she look like she was being exorcised when crying but she also reminded me of Gollum from LOTR when she was sitting with her back turned, carving up her face and whispering to herself. Please do us a favor and be gone. I wasn’t interested in the cadogan story then and I’m not now. I really wish they’d do new stuff and not continuously tell us that there closing a specific storyline only to have it all relate back later. How are casual fans understanding any of this? I really need to come to tumblr to have everything explained to me. Imagine watching as it airs, never rewatching the show, and then coming into season 7? Wow. It’s a completely different show than before. Not in a good way either. Meh
Also, where the fuck is clarke. E/choke has had more scenes than she has! And that is a TRAVESTY.
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livralph · 5 years
Self control
Lily had been sympathetic. Remus knew she would be after she got over her initial incredulity at what he’d done, but he still felt a lot better when she finally sighed and asked Remus if there was anyway she could help. She knew there wasn’t really, but she still asked.
For a week, no one noticed a thing had changed between Sirius and him. It was understandable- not everyone had seen them the way James had on Remus’ bed. Remus and Sirius had always been very close, so their efforts to act like a couple went completely under the radar.
Sirius had pulled Remus into an empty classroom while they were on their way to lunch on the seventh day, hoping no one would notice, and that those who did decided it was best to leave them alone. He pointed his wand at the door and locked it wordlessly, turning tho Remus the second he had. Remus was stood in the middle of the room with his mouth slightly open and eyes wide.
“No one believes we’re going out.” Sirius practically yelled, throwing his arms up in the air and beginning to pace. “Why doesn’t anyone believe us?” He turned back to Remus.
Remus tried to think of something to say, but only three seconds after asking the question Sirius had begun speaking so quickly that Remus couldn’t actually understand what he was saying. It took him more than thirty seconds to realise Sirius wasn’t even speaking English. It took another few minutes of uninterrupted talking for him to decide that however good Sirius sounded speaking - he thought it could be french? - another language he needed to know what he was saying. “Sirius, if you don’t speak English then I really can’t help you. I didn’t even know you could speak another language.”
Sirius shrugged. “I kind of speak six.”
“What the fuck?”
“English, French, German, Spanish, a bit of Latin and some Welsh.”
Remus raised his eyebrows. “Again, I’m going to ask you- what the fuck?”
And again, Sirius shrugged. “Purebloods always learn languages. Usually just one other than English. But you know mother. Always has to have the best. Then me and Reg taught ourselves Welsh. Our mother and father don’t speak it. It was our code.” His face had gone vaguely grey and Remus felt his heart ache. He didn’t have to say anything else for Remus to know exactly why he and his brother had had some kind of code that their parents didn’t understand.
“Sorry.” Remus said softly, walking towards Sirius a little but stopping far before it could be considered too close.
“It’s fine.” Sirius sighed. “Well, it’s not. But it is what it is and I can’t change what they did. What they do.” Sirius added, eyes on the floor with hair falling around his face in messy curls.
Remus nodded, looking at Sirius’ watery eyes and the way he was wringing his hands. “Do- do you need a hug?” He said quietly, the words sounding oddly foreign coming from his mouth. He’d said them before, of course he had, but never in a locked room when all of their friends were absent and it was his job to make Sirius feel better. James was always best at this, suggesting something utterly stupid that would get them in detention for a week but neither of them would care because at the time it was so much fun.
Remus held his breath waiting for Sirius response, and when it came it was shakey and broken. Remus took him into his arms the second he heard it, holding tightly while the shorter of them buried his head into the crook of his neck. For a minute they stood their, Sirius’ entire body shaking as he tried to refrain from crying in his friends arms.
“Sorry.” He hiccuped when they finally stepped away from each other. “It’s stupid. I know it is.” He wiped his eyes with his sleeve and forced laugh.
“No.” Remus said softly. “You’re allowed to be upset.”
Sirius didn’t speak for a minute, “I wish I wasn’t upset over them. I hate them. I hate all of my family. Not Reg, of course, he’s my baby brother. I’d do anything to keep him safe from them. But my parents, most of my cousins, nearly everyone. I hate them, Re.” His voice broke as he spoke.
“I hate them too.”
Another minute passed in which neither of them spoke. “I didn’t mean to talk about this.” Sirius said, clearing his throat when his voice still sounded choked. “No one thinks we’re in a relationship.”
“Being twenty minutes late for lunch might make them believe it.” Remus joked, looking at his watch pointedly before turning to Sirius.
Sirius laughed. “Okay. That’s the first thing we’re doing. Mess our hair up and I’ll undo the top button of my shirt so it looks like I forgot to do it back up. Run around the classroom too so we’re out of breath.”
Remus didn’t expect him to take this as anything more than a joke, but he was down for it seeing as it wasn’t much effort. “We can’t do that every day. That would be ridiculous.”
He nodded in agreement, staring at Remus to the point where he felt slightly self conscious under the intense gaze. Finally, Sirius’ lips curled into a smirk and his eyes widened because of what obviously felt like a revelation in the dark classroom. “I’ve got it.” The smile he was wearing was exactly the same as the one he wore when he was plotting something with James and had Remus dreading whatever miraculous idea Sirius had suddenly had. “Tonight. At dinner. Wear my leather jacket.”
Remus felt his stomach do around ninety three somersaults in the few seconds before he had even opened his mouth to say, “Okay.” Somehow he managed to sound like he wasn’t holding his breath.
They finally arrived to lunch, messy haired, out of breath, in Sirius case, wearing a shirt that was buttoned wrong and with fifteen minutes to eat and get to their class. Their friends had all stared at them, with eyebrows raised and food half way to their mouths. Remus and Sirius exchanged looks while the latter put his hands behind his head to hold his long hair up in a makeshift bun using his wand to hold it in place. It never worked for more than a few minutes but, Merlin, did Remus enjoy watching Sirius try to successfully hold it back.
The rest of the afternoon somehow passed in what felt like seven years. They’d had a history of magic lesson that had dragged on for about six years and ten months of that. The remaining time period before dinner (in real time only three hours) Remus spent most of that studying in the library with Lily.
When finally he left her for the boys dormitory the majority of the school was heading downstairs rather than up, as he was, so it had been difficult get to the Gryffindor tower. Eventually he ended up taking a more indirect route than he would usually and it had been quicker than he thought the normal way would be.
Sirius was waiting for him in the dormitory pacing from Peter’s bed to his own on the oposite side. When Remus opened the door and saw this, followed by the the look Sirius had like a deer caught in headlights. He smiled at Remusthen quickly reached his bed, grabbing his jacket from on top of his trunk and handing it over to Remus almost ceremoniously. “Now, if my leather jacket gets in any way damaged you will never see the light of day again.” He informed him in a falsely sweet voice.
Remus pulled it on. It was slightly short on his arms, just grading his wrists, but practically everything was like that with Remus. It also sat higher on his waist than it was meant to, but that wasn’t the point. The point was he was wearing Sirius’ leather jacket, and everyone had to be aware that it was, in fact, Sirius Freaking Black™’s leather jacket. The fact that it was slightly too small did just that. And anyway, as long as it wasn’t uncomfortable it worked. And it wasn’t. So they were going to do it.
When Remus first walked into the great hall in the jacket, with his arm over Sirius’ shoulder and Sirius holding the hand Remus had over his shoulder the room’s volume dropped slightly and he squeezed Sirius hand twice to say hoping he would get that he was anxious. In return he leant his head on Remus shoulder and squeezed back but did not loosen his grip, like that would make him feel better in any way at all.
....in Sirius’ defence, it had worked.
When they finally sat down with Peter and James they both stared at Remus, then turned to Sirius who had a smug smile upon his face. “Remus has your jacket.” James stated thickly, looking at Sirius as he spoke, but shooting a look at the other as soon as he’d finished talking.
“I know.” Sirius scooped some mashed potato onto his plate.
James blinked, then turned to Remus. “You’re wearing Sirius leather jacket.”
“I thought we’d established this.” Sirius said answering for Remus when he failed to. He also leant into Remus space a little and looked up at him. “I think it looks great.” He breathed, looking him up and down. “Really good.”
Remus felt goosebumps cover him and he let out an overly harsh breath. His face was going slightly pink and he tried to stop himself from blushing but it was too late. It’s not real, he reminded himself, Sirius is just putting on a show so people believe it. Remus swallowed. Well, he could do that too. Couldn’t he.
“Thanks, Pads.” He said back, closing his eyes and resting his forehead on Sirius. Remus could’ve sworn he felt Sirius stop breathing.
They stayed like that for a few seconds until the sound of someone (probably Peter) clearing their throat awkwardly interrupted them. They looked forwards, and the fact that James was still completely enthralled that Sirius actually let someone wear his jacket told them that it had been Peter who called them back to the table.
“Sorry, Pete.” Sirius said, stealing a cautious glance at Remus before he spoke.
Remus licked his lips, wishing he hadn’t done what he had. It was so close to kissing. So incredibly close that it felt more intimate despite the hundreds of people in the room with them. “Yeah. Sorry.”
That night at around eleven o’clock Remus was almost asleep. The boys were still all downstairs doing homework but he’d actually done his when he’d gotten it, so he didn’t have to stress over the four essays due tomorrow. He’d left for the dorm because watching them frantically read and write and beg him to let them copy was more stressful than actually having essays to write. He’d guessed they wouldn’t be up until at least two, and he hoped by then he was asleep and wouldn’t be woken by them.
When he heard the door open much earlier than two he was surprised, but when he heard Sirius voice saying his name quietly he knew it had to be something about earlier. Remus internally groaned, closing his eyes and trying to breathe like someone sleeping might. The second Sirius opened his curtains a little he knew it was futile. They’d have to talk.
“Remus.” Sirius smiled at him, then it faultered. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”
The smile returned. “Good. Good, right. Um, this will sound weird. Actually, this is weird. We should sleep together.”
Remus sat bolt up right in bed and stared at Sirius. “We should fucking what now?”
“No-“ Sirius grimaced. “Bad wording. Not in that way, just... in the same bed. Not every night. Just like. Maybe once or twice a week. You know, so Prongs and Pete believe it. And knowing prongs he’ll yell about it loudly enough for everyone to know after two minutes in the great hall. You don’t have to. Really, you don’t.”
Remus stared at the curtains around his bed. Last time Sirius had ended a sentence telling him he didn’t have to he had said yes. Every time Sirius has said something like that he had said yes. He could say no and save himself some of the heartache that would come from lying in the same bed as Sirius and knowing he couldn’t do anything but lie next to him with as much space as the could comfortably have.
Before he’d even thought it through he knew his answer. “Sure. That’s fine.” He felt like he was underwater. Sirius reply felt so distant that he couldn’t hear it but he was sitting down on the bed and pulling the hangings shut around them both.
Remus was still awake three hours later. He’d heard James and Peter come to bed at some point and felt his whole body squirm when James pointed out Sirius empty bed with a snort. At some point he’d rolled onto his back so that he couldn’t see Sirius and when James spoke he could have sworn he heard Sirius stifle a laugh. But it was probably his imagination.
It must have been twenty minutes after that when Sirius moved closer to him. Remus thought that maybe he had rolled onto his side. There was no way of knowing. His next movement was almost subconscious. Almost. He knew he was rolling over to face Sirius and he knew this would place their faces very close together. The only thing he didn’t know was if Sirius knew he was awake or if Sirius was asleep and wouldn’t even realise.
He didn’t move once on his other side, his legs were touching Sirius’ but he pretended not to realise. He also pretended not to realise the sharp intake of breath from the boy in front of him. A moment later Sirius was moving again, probably away from Remus because he was uncomfortable or deciding-
Remus stopped thinking. In fact, he stopped pretty much everything a human normally does, other than his heart beating which seemed to have doubled its pace in three seconds. Sirius had rolled over and gently taken Remus’ hand from where it was resting on the bed and rested it on his stomach so that they were spooning. They were both awake. That much Remus could be sure of. He could also be sure that his hand was resting on the bare skin of Sirius belly rather than his pyjama shirt.
Another ten minutes passed in which Sirius breathing levelled out, making the boy behind him assume that he’d fallen asleep. He at least had to try and do the same.
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butchedyke · 5 years
(for the char thing) stanley uris, mike hanlon, and patty blum
migz!!!! i’m sorry i abandoned this in favour of video games and capitalism i hope i can make it up to u uwu
this is mostly going off the movies but there’s occasional book and miniseries input- i’ve only read the first few chapters, a few wikia pages, and some character meta from the book and i’ve only seen the miniseries once vs the however many times ive watched the movies in the last 2 months so don’t expect consistency between canons
 (also i’m gonna put these under a cut because this post got really long)
stanley uris
How I feel about this character:
there is a reason i use the tag baby boy for stan (and also for miniseries eddie)!!!! he’s my favourite loser other than eddie and i want to like. hold him and make sure he’s happy and healthy and i think stephen king should treat his characters better.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
patty!!!!! their relationship in the book makes me so happy and anyone who’s ever spoken to me about stanpat knows that i am at all times thinking about how she calls his car sedanley.
that being said, i respect stenbrough, stanlon, and streddie but overall this is a stanpat household
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
stan with all the losers but especially richie! which isn’t very original since they are literally best friends but their dynamic!!! good!!!! i’ve not been able to stop thinking about that one scene from the miniseries where richie introduces stan as “this is stan the man uris, he’s a jew,” partially because it’s fucking funny because who says that richie what the fuck, but also because stan just instantly follows up by saying that richie has a high metabolism which makes him hyperactive, and maybe it’s because the miniseries is campy and a little bit shit but the delivery of those lines makes it seem like they do this a lot! they have these introductions ready to go! and i love the idea of them as a platonic package deal even if we don’t get to see much of that in the movies
My unpopular opinion about this character:
i don’t think i really have any? i tend to follow people who hold the same opinions as me tho so i have no idea what’s popular outside of that dshfk
i mean i do think fics that save eddie but not stan aren’t really fix-its and going off the amount of fics where stan’s still dead i guess that’s somehow an unpopular opinion? i know everyone’s focused on reddie rn but god like. stan is right there can we stop ignoring him pls
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
i mean the most blatantly obvious answer here is that i wish he didn’t die! he should’ve gotten to go on his holiday and rail/get railed by his wife and live to meet his friends as adults, catch up on the 27 years they didn’t get to be with each other. he should’ve gotten to have kids, once everything was over, and they should’ve been able to grow up with 5 extra uncles and an aunt bc u can’t tell me the rest of the losers wouldn’t be deeply embedded in their lives. i just wish stan had a chance to be completely, 100% happy without the underlying terror of his childhood.
on a smaller note i also wish we’d gotten to see more of his interest in birds in the movies bc like. he’s babie. and who knows! maybe would’ve helped stop the perception that his entire personality is just being a bitch that hates richie jshfd
mike hanlon
How I feel about this character:
part of the reason i wanted to read the book was for more mike content because i adore this lil farm boy and the movies. well. y’know. :). characters who just openly and whole-heartedly love their friends and go straight ride or die like 10 minutes after meeting them have my whole heart! he’s so smart and so kind and just wanted to protect his friends as best he could even though he dragged them into this whole mess bc he doesn’t want to lose them again!!!! mike deserves the whole world and if his way of getting that is by getting out of derry and getting to know that his friends remember and love him and each other then that’s all i want for him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
i wasn’t overly set on any particular mike ship until i watched the miniseries and saw the homoerotic bike montage and now i’m fully on the hanbrough train. choo choo.
just like with stan i support stanlon but endgame hanbrough is just. it’s right there in the text. bill didn’t divorce audra for nothing in ch2.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
this also kinda ties in with the last point, but jane @billdenbrough opened my eyes, in the middle of a very in-depth conversation about audra’s minion strap, to the world of best friends mike and audra who are both with bill which is both galaxy brained and an incredibly good concept which i think about a lot
also i think mike and ben could’ve had something Incredibly soft if mike wasn’t treated like a background character in the first film and a quest-giving npc in the second one :) :)
My unpopular opinion about this character:
i headcanon mike as gay, i have no textual evidence for this, i just think he’s neat. i think it’s a pretty popular opinion that the movies treated him poorly? and i also think that in ch2 he was just trying to protect his friends in a scenario that did not lend itself at all to protection. drugging bill and not telling the others about the full ritual might not have been the best thing to do, but he was in a goddamn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation, and he was trying his best to save his friends no matter how impossible it may have been.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
i uh :) i don’t know if anyone’s figured out yet :) that i wish many things had happened with mike in canon :) :) the first film doesn’t give him much but the second film just infuriates me completely tbqh! he’s basically entirely there to push the narrative (his dialogue doesn’t even sound like dialogue! it sounds like prose explaining the plot and the next steps the characters have to take!), or to drug and lie to his friends. i wish they’d kept his backstory the same, that we’d actually gotten to see him find his token, that he’d gotten a token relevant to him as an individual rather than the group, that we’d gotten a flashback for him, that he was given more screentime and development across both films, like... i wish he’d been treated like the other losers and not a plot point.
i also wish we’d gotten to see him on his travels post-canon, seeing the other losers, and just generally actually getting to be happy- we see the start of it but god i just want to see him having a good time outside of derry.
patty blum
How I feel about this character:
if she were not stan’s wife she would be my wife. we don’t get to see much of her in the movie or miniseries and that is a fucking crime!!!! i’ve already mentioned sedanley but like. sedanley. i’ve read patty’s bit in the book and that’s all i need the other 1100 pages can get fucked, she’s just here to watch family feud and love stan which i can confidently say is a huge fucking mood
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
STAN. i guess i already talked about this before but i’ll keep going!!! my love for stanpat overwhelms my usual distaste towards straight relationships bc they’re so good!!!!! the fact that they’re really the only happy relationship to come out of the 27 year gap and they love each other so much and so like... wholesomely? but they still blow each other’s backs out on the reg and it’s what they deserve.
also i sometimes think about patty/audra as like. kind of a crack ship kind of a “i’m a lesbian and i’m desperate to see lesbians” ship. i haven’t thought about it in depth i just want to plant the seed
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
stan introducing patty to the losers and patty becoming an honorary loser is my weakness!!!! patty being comfortable enough to rib richie (and richieandeddie) with stan, but also vice versa going along with richie’s bits. patty and bev getting close because as much as st*phen k*ng and co push bev as One Of The Boys(tm) there’s just something in having another woman around that can be refreshing especially when they’re both bicons. patty and mike enthusiastically sharing holiday pictures and tales of their trips. patty noticing when eddie’s having a bad day, whether it’s anxiety or lingering trauma, and supporting him through it, regaling him with stories about stan and what essentially amount to dad jokes (sedanley!!!) and making sure he knows he’s loved and supported by all the losers. patty, the teacher, and ben, lunchtimes-in-the-library ben who never outgrew his love of reading, nerding out over shit that the others don’t really know about. bill telling patty all about what stan was like as a kid in that way only bill can, richie chiming in with crude comments sometimes but noticeably keeping quieter than usual, and patty returning the favour, telling them about the last 27 years, and not even richie makes a single joke when everyone tears up (because he’s tearing up the most). stan sitting there the whole time not even bothering to point out that he’s right there because it’s enough for him to see the romantic love of his life and the platonic loves of his life bonding, and yeah, maybe it was worth sticking around for.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
i don’t know if this is unpopular but patty pegs. that’s all.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
more patty. let me see my wife.
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violetemerald · 7 years
Bay Kennish headcanons
Ah Switched at Birth series finale tonight? Who, like me, is (totally not) ready??
Ok, so… as I kinda explained here: http://luvtheheaven.tumblr.com/post/159312248682/so-the-tumblr-mobile-app-is-really-frustrating-me
I’m a flailing idiot when it comes to answering asks publicly on tumblr’s mobile app, I suppose. Kept accidentally doing it privately. Ok so @zserb is awesome and sent me back my private answer so I could post it here.
zserb asked: Hi? I’ve seen your tags on that “ABCD ki­nds of headcanon” me­me, and I’m really curious whether you have anything about Bay Kennish. (Actuall­y, I’m really intere­sted in what you thi­nk about Bay Kennish regardless of said meme too.) Thank you if you answer and have a nice day!
I, luvtheheaven, answered:
In response to:
Yay thank you for pi­cking Bay from Switc­hed at Birth. She’s honestly one of my favorite characters of all time, especial­ly if restricting th­at to female, adoles­cent aged characters. I have so many tho­ughts about her but I don’t usually expl­icitly think of spec­ific or detailed hea­dcanons for her. I feel like Switched at Birth barely has a fandom, more just has some fans lol, and that’s part of that, perhaps. The only time I wrote fanfict­ion about Bay I wrote her as ace, in fact basically the exact same kind of asexu­al I am… but I really do NOT headcanon her as asexual at all. I think it’s possi­ble she’s bisexual, but I really just th­ink of her as straig­ht. As an example.
So onto the actual questions…
Headcanon A: what I think realistically
Ah this is a hard one to know what direc­tion to go in… I thi­nk Bay would have go­tten a lot more tatt­oos by now (I’m talk­ing during the curre­ntly airing season, which I know has only 1 more ep and then the entire series is over), but maybe for now they’re all under places where her clothing hides bec­ause she’s not brave enough to stand up to her parents about her new love of tat­toos?
What else is realist­ic… and headcanon is­h… hmm… I think she might have more desi­re than Daphne to ke­ep in touch with her biological (via Ang­elo) half sister who was adopted. I think she really FEELS family connections in general and one day soon she will meet more of Angelo’s fam­ily.
I think she could re­alistically be happi­ly childfree for her own life despite all the complicated pa­rental stuff she’s been through and thou­ght about, especially after seeing how hard parenting can be for Toby. I like he­adcanoning characters as childfree despi­te really wanting ad­optive parenthood my­self.
I bet Bay took a lit­tle more time than Daphne to start consi­dering the other a sister.
Headcanon B: what I think is fucking hi­larious
Hilarious headcanons for Bay… surprising­ly hard for me. Mayb­e… that she has a tu­mblr she uses to post ink jobs she's pr­oud of, or even that she used to self pro­mote things like her street art but pret­ending she wasn’t se­lf promoting, anonym­ously being all “oh wow isn’t this cool?” Or more generally I think she’d thrive online and spend mo­re time online than most of her family on any side, Kennish or Vasquez or whatev­er… idk.
Headcanon C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inf­lict on friends
That she did inherit a high chance of ge­tting an anuerisym from Angelo? That she never real­ly fully forgave Reg­ina for not speaking up about the switch earlier and sometim­es the resentment sn­eaks up on her? That deep down, the biggest reason she worked so hard and so quickly to become as fluent in ASL as she could was not di­rectly to help her communicate with Emme­tt or Daphne. It was because she felt gu­ilty, she knew she should’ve gotten that illness when she was 3 and she should’ve lost her own heari­ng. She should’ve ne­eded to learn it for her own sake anyway.
I don’t know these are just some ideas really. Nothing is ac­tually a headcanon per se.
Headcanon D: what wo­uld never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway It doesn’t work with recent canon but while I could see Bay forgiving her broth­er, I don’t see her forgiving Lily or Me­lody for “following the law” and making her life a Title wha­tever number Rape In­vestigation on that campus. Especially not Bay Kennish, vand­alism is a hobby, I’­ll just falsely claim I committed a felo­ny… I don’t see her really understanding that level of follo­wing the law when it hurt her so much. I think she felt betr­ayed and she would’ve continued to for much more than one ep­isode. I think she’d possibly be trigger­ed by these people even, at least for a while, and if Toby continued to date Lily right after that she might not even fo­rgive Toby. Idk. May­be that’s too harsh but Bay… needs to bl­ame people, and feels things strongly, idk.
I think Bay would ex­cel at college if sh­e’d decided to go, not just art schools like she applied to but a general univer­sity or liberal arts college, probably major in linguistics like I did actually, look at her Miss Fl­uent in ASL, English, and Chinese now… I mean idk if she was fluent in Chinese (Mandarin?) but whatever skills she has is really impre­ssive and more than I can do lol… I think she could make money being an ASL interpreter and then focus on art projects that were more her passion than tattoo­s? Idk it’s just an idea for what could work for her.
Headcanons wise in terms of wouldn’t work in Canon, one last one is… I think Dap­hne should’ve been way prettier than Bay. Obviously everyone on this show is gor­geous and boys chase after both Daphne and Bay. But… Regina and Angelo should’ve been relatively ave­rage looking people. The Kennish story is that he was an ath­lete and she was a pro cheerleader so I imagine they’d be pr­ettier people geneti­cally and stuff than average. I feel like this would lead to Bay not just having darker hair but also just be less amazi­ngly gorgeous than Vanessa is. In an alt­ernate universe, Bay and Regina would not be played by model level actresses, is all lol, and I think it could be intere­sting, if they strug­gled somehow more on that level? Beyond race of course. I do­n’t know… I probably should just be slee­ping…. lol. Not sure if this headcanon makes any sense.
Probably could write up more but this was plenty already…. lol… I hope you enj­oy my thoughts!!
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