sapphicseasapphire · 9 months
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My most recent project! I have SO many thoughts about this au, so stay tuned because I will definitely be making more content for this! Do you have a favorite?
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orpheuslament · 1 year
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Sharing a Cigarette with Joan of Arc, Dante Émile
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ozzmatr0n · 8 months
ok guys what do we think
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pennybunpirate · 3 months
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💕Shhh, they're in love 💕
My brain obviously also imploded when we got this picture, and it has kept hold of me for the entire 3 weeks I've scraped out time to slowly work on this.
*tired slightly manic giggle of disbelief that I actually finished it*
Anyway, please accept my humble offering of the official boyfriend picture and as always click for slightly better quality 💖💖
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sanderscat · 1 year
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bow before me, worm
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missviviii · 7 months
a/n: shsusbsihsw i can’t— this idea has been plaguing my mind 😭
“A Duel For Your Hand.”
warning(s): swearing
summary: mizu knew you ever since she was a child. you two were friends, and she grew feelings for you. one day, you had to move. until one day, you saw her again, and complained to her about how your father was marrying you off to some noble.
mizu x fem!childhood crush!reader
Long ago, when you were just a young lady, you befriended a child just your age. An outcast, but you still talked to her. Your father was a swordsman, and one that has received a blade from Master Eiji. Your father respected Eiji, often times still visiting the old man for memories and to train with him.
You were never really close to your father, but you were close to Eiji. Often times, when your father was away for business, you’d be staying with Eiji and helping alongside him here and there.
One day, you ran all the way to Master Eiji’s place to show him something cool that your father had given you. You opened the door, only to find another child around your age, a little bit shorter, holding large iron tongs while Eiji was doing his thing.
“Master Eiji, guess what my papa got me!—“ You looked over at the other child, who was staring at you very closely and almost surprised. What’s a pretty, young lady like you doing here? You were dressed nice and seemed to be far too delicate to be around sharp blades.
Eiji held up his finger, then motioned for the child to hand him the tongs. “I see you have ran all the way from your home to show me…let me guess, another hair pin?” You eagerly nodded, running over to his side and squealing about the gift your father had given you after he had returned home from whatever business he had.
“So..who are you?” You curiously asked as you turned around to face the child, who was still looking at you in awe. You noticed her blue eyes, which seemed to be so clear and mesmerizing. They were like the color of the water—so blue and pretty.. Noticing that she was staring, she cleared her throat.
“M-Mizu. Uh, I’m just staying here..” Mizu said as she scratched the back of her neck. Oh god, was she falling for you already? Well, why wouldn’t anyone—you’re so pretty and you look like an angel in her eyes.
Days turned into months. Then months turned into years. Each time that you could go down to Master Eiji’s place, you’d always be a ball of sunshine with something to talk about. Whether if it’s some hair pin your father gave to you, or a new skill you learned, you’d always talk about it to Mizu. That was until you had to move away.
Here you are, mumbling and grumbling in the cold weather while stomping your feet in the snow. Now you were a grown woman, and one that was forced to learn all the arts of being a ‘perfect wife’. You threw the charms in your hair and the hairpins to the ground, frustrated that your father had set you up with a dumb, old nobleman. You had to excuse yourself from the room and immediately ran outside to attempt to calm yourself.
“Damn, angry much?” A voice spoke out from behind you. You turned around, your first instinct was to throw one of your hairpins at the person. But they caught it with two fingers, just inches away from their eyes behind those tinted glasses. The person smirked, pulling down the tinted glasses to reveal their blue eyes. “My god, is this the treatment I get when I finally find you again?”
That voice. It was Mizu! Absolutely delighted, you immediately gasped and ran over to her, immediately tackling her into the snow while hugging her tightly. She chuckled, hand on your back while you wrapped your arms around her waist while wailing. “I missed you so much! Oh my god, you can’t believe the bullshit my father is putting me through!” Mizu only smiled, sitting up against a tree while you sat in front of her, complaining and wailing about how your father’s trying to marry you off to some man! That part made her a tad bit pissed off. A beautiful woman like yourself being married off to someone certainly not worth your time? Fuck no. Is she going to duel this guy to perhaps steal you away instead? Yep.
“Seems like you want out of this, right?” She said after you finally stopped complaining, now just curled up beside her and leaning against her arm. You nodded immediately. You now just noticed she has grown. You used to be taller, but now she’s the taller one! And my god are her hands—wait, are you growing feelings again? “I want to see this man. I’m going to kill him, you’re not marrying some snobby asshole today.”
Much to your annoyance, Mizu had fought her way through your guards and marched on into the estate with ease. You followed after her, trying to get the guards to stand down but they won’t and Mizu ends up knocking a few of them off. More mess for the cleaners to deal with. Until she kicks down the door to the room your father and that suitor was in. “My god, this is the guy? You couldn’t even find a suitable man for your daughter?” Mizu groaned, rubbing her temples in annoyance before she pointed her blade at the guy. “I want to duel you. For her hand, of course. Don’t worry, your loss will be swift and it won’t hurt all that much considering how you have no real talent.”
“You? Some beggar boy against me? Princess, do you have any idea how stupid you are?!” The man yelled, standing up and kicking over the table. Your father glared at you, also yelling at you how unladylike it is so choose white trash over a real man.
Ah, that ticked Mizu off, and you already had a feeling this guy was about to get his ass whooped.
Nothing better than to sit on a rock in your backyard, watching in amusement how your drunk, clearly reeking of alcohol and a snobbish piece of trash of a suitor was holding a sword against Mizu. Mizu stood there, circling the man carefully while her blade was pointed right at him, waiting for him to strike.
One, two, three You counted down, and Mizu strikes just as you hit three. You watched very intently, leaning forward as Mizu absolutely decimated that poor man. “Beat his ass!” You loudly yelled to cheer on Mizu, in which you received a slap on the back of your head by your father, who wasn’t at all happy. Mizu glanced over at you and smirked, determined to win your hand in marriage.
“Got you,” Mizu casually said as she swung her leg out and tripped the man, making him fall face first into the snow while the tip of her blade rests right beside his head. He groaned in pain as his body collided into the snow and grunted, yelling about how Mizu was no man, but a monster from hell.
“You did it! I mean, of course you did!” You loudly shouted as you ran over to her side, pulling her into a big hug while she wrapped one arm around your waist. You looked up at her, finding a small smile on her lips before she kissed your forehead.
“You’re mine now, Princess.”
a/n: sishwjsibesjhsbs
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bilolli · 1 year
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side effects: restlessness and shakiness, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, fast heart rate, dehydration, anxiety, dependency. It’s raccommended to not drink more than one can every 48 hours.
(now avaiable on InPrint with Moondrop)
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cyberciggie · 1 month
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orengejoshi · 1 month
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Behind the curtains in Black Hat's room...
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eepsy · 4 months
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xx-sketchy-xx · 1 year
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
it's gravity after all
Pairing: Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz (911)
Word Count: 11,8k
The lights flicker before the elevator comes to a stop. A few times actually. So maybe they should’ve thought something was wrong before the thing came to a screeching halt. And it was screeching. The sound it made when the lights went off and it finally stopped was kind of daunting. The annoyed groan Eddie lets out along with the thud that lets Buck know he dropped against one of the walls is also disconcerting. Or maybe just concerning. When that’s followed by the sound of him sliding to the floor along with the emergency lights filling the elevator with a dim reddish light. or Buck and Eddie get trapped in an elevator. What else can they do besides talk to each other?
read it on ao3
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Charger — PT. 1
TW: Blood, implied drilling of the body
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The lady is a Crow by the way. She’s the creator of the entire Parable and is sort of like Nar’s parental figure.
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copper-skulls · 2 months
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the him.
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takupishan · 8 months
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Wrap your arm around me too, Detective! 😫😫
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missviviii · 6 months
pls i’m so desperate for a mizu x prostitute !reader where the reader is all flirty and touchy (like in that one scene where those two girls were trying to seduce mizu in episode one.)
a/n: aaaaah I’m so sorry for the late response 😭 my week has been hectic so far and I’m running on 1% brain power.
“You’re quite the sight, hm?”
summary: a lovely samurai visits a tea house you work at. you’re one of the less popular girls there, but you managed to capture her attention.
warning(s): some small nfsw parts, swearing
“Ugh, girl. Do you ever plan on putting more effort into your looks?” You rolled her eyes, ignoring the girl’s words. Of course you did put some effort into your looks, you were required to do so anyways. You just weren’t obsessive over it like the rest. You smear the red tint onto your lips as you stared at your reflection in the mirror.
It was another busy night, which unfortunately meant all hands on deck. You stood up, straightening out your kimono and making sure your hair was nice and perfect. Inhaling a deep breath, you slid open the door and entered the room where all the girls were in.
“Ugh, there’s this samurai who won’t taking any of us! Seriously, does this guy have any interest in the beginning?” Ah, a samurai? Usually men come here to not be all manly, usually craving sex and shit. You’ve unfortunately had to deal with them, though you must admit, some of them weren’t bad if they had decency.
“Hey, why don’t you give it a shot? We’ve been working our asses off and you’ve only been with, what, four customers this night?” One of them suggested, to which you loudly exhale in annoyance. Seriously, more work?
Finally, you nodded, at least agreeing to give a shot at it. “Fine, but don’t blame me if I ditch him.”
You hummed, carrying a teapot in the tray you were holding. You gently knocked on the door, waiting for a response. “Come in,” a voice said, to which you complied and slid open the door. You plastered on a smile on your red lips, kneeling down as you set the teapot on the table. A samurai, clad in baggy clothing and orange tinted glasses and a scarf around his neck.
“Hello, sir, would you like some tea? You must be exhausted from your travels,” you hummed, elegantly pouring tea into his cup. His eyes looked very intently at you, observing your every action. It was as if he could see through you, but you found him to be…attractive.
As he sipped the tea, you stood up, striding over to his side and leaning in close to his ear. “You must be so..tired, right? Why don’t I take care of you?” Your voice dropped to a seductive level, your fingers sliding under her scarf and trickling against her skin. Mizu’s breath hitched ever so slightly, even surprising her to see that you’ve managed to render her speechless for even a moment. Your hands kept traveling further, tugging off her cloak while you stayed close to her.
Mizu was burning at this point, face red and hands sweaty from your delicate touch along her body. “A-Ah..no need. I am fine,” Mizu managed to say, embarrassed by her stuttering. How can someone make her feel this way? You tilted your head to the side, seeing the samurai look away from you. Is this what the girls were saying? The unshakable samurai who refused any girls?
You tilted his head back towards you, pulling him by the chin and looking up into the samurai’s eyes with great interest. “Do you not like the company of me? Or any of the girls?” You asked. You moved closer, pushing the samurai down and climbing on top of him. “It’s not very nice to look away when I’m talking to you, sir.”
Her chest rises up and down, her breathing already getting so heavy. You on top of her? Looking like that? Mizu was internally panicking. “Just wanted a place to stay for the night. I must leave tomorrow—“ you suddenly slid off her glasses, revealing her blue eyes. Mizu thought you’d push her away, scared of her different eyes. But no, you looked down at her with interest, hands traveling up her chest.
“What pretty eyes. Why do you hide them behind glasses?” You murmured, leaning down close to her. Mizu took a moment of silence, staring up into your eyes. Holy fucking hell, you’ve got her whipped. You didn’t even get an answer to her question before she pulled your face in close and forcibly kissed you.
She flipped you over, now the samurai was straddling you while pinning your hands above your head. “Fucking hell..I have never met someone like you,” Mizu muttered, her other hand lifting up your chin to meet her gaze. Your lipstick was smudged a bit, and your face was flustered. You managed to crack the piece of ice, but now it’s getting its revenge on you for tempting it.
“I suppose I can make the most of this, hm?” That was all Mizu said before she pried off your kimono.
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