#i HATE them with a burning passion
The scene in 3x11 right before Mickey gets married is just so *unintelligible screams*, *muffled sounds of violence*, *nails scratching a chalkboard*, *war sirens* you know what I mean?
Let me elaborate. Ian comes practically BEGGING him not to get married to Svetlana. He didn't give him an ultimatum as he does later on, he just begged him. And Mickey didn't want to get married to Svetlana, it was the last fucking thing he wanted to do. But, had he ran away, or refused to marry her, or came out, or something, Terry would right out try to murder him and we know this for a FACT. So Mickey did the only thing he could. He couldn't not marry Svetlana, he couldn't come out to his dad, he couldn't outright admit his feelings (because acknowledging them even to himself would cause him an INCREDIBLE amount of pain), he couldn't do jackshit. Except of what he did. He kissed Ian, like it was their last kiss, which, had they not found Ian after he ran away, would actually be their last kiss. He looked at Ian's lips and it was as if they magnetized each other. Physical love was all he could give.
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moonstrider9904 · 9 months
I am so tired of ads. I can't scroll through anything without being plagued by ads constantly. It feels like it's more ads than actual content I want to see.
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godsopenwound · 5 months
if anne carson's classics translations cease to have one hater just know that im dead
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alicentflorent · 2 years
Lottie’s parents have only had a total of like 4 seconds of screen time and they still manage to be the worst people on the show.
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 6 months
The way I feel about Anakin Skywalker is very similar to how I feel about Edward Cullen.
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pastelanasblog · 1 year
when your parents get mad at you for being in a bad mood as if their bad moods didn’t leave you traumatised with an anxiety disorder
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formulapisces · 1 year
i have real hatred and disgust with jelly babies. i cant think of them without wanting to throw up. now the thing is that would all be fine if my sister didn’t have diabetes and we didn’t have to stay stocked up on them so she can have them when her sugar is low. so i have been surrounded by jelly babies for the past 6 months and i am…
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Wait, Ch*ni was endgame???
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bitterpngs · 1 year
letters of rec…………..
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god I hope the mid-season plot twist thing doesn't involve. like. a huge fucking time jump
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Villain playlists that are NOT only classical musical >>>>>>>>>
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zaddyazula · 3 months
i hate circle theorems
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pure waffle
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kongming · 7 months
(defeated voice) is it time for me to get back on the dating apps
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deli-ahh · 1 year
It’s funny how someone can be the absolute bane of you’re existence without even know it.
They have no idea who I am, that I even am but still manage to ruin shit for me purely by being alive.
I don’t get how atrociously horrible of a human being do you have to be to have people who you don’t even know exist feel like this abt you??? Like how?!?! What kind of absolute scum do you have to be for this??
I have more than enough reason to despise them, will I act on it? No, i am not a violent person and we live 12 hours apart, but if God forbid I ever cross paths with them I cannot promise that I won’t commit a violent crime against them and then myself.
My body has a visceral reaction when I hear their name, like I genuinely gag.
Never in my life have I felt like this about someone I’ve never met, but I know enough of the things they’ve done to feel more than justified in feeling like this.
From the moment I heard abt them I had a bad feeling, but for someone else’s sake I was hoping and praying that I was wrong and was just jealous. The only thing I’m praying for now if their downfall.
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Bakugou has never cared much about whether or not his partner is experienced, or less experienced. Never had much of a kink or fetish when it came down to how much sexual experience someone had, but—there’s just something about you. You with your unsure lip biting and lowered eyes, your twisting hands and nervous little chuckles.
“I don’t really know how to kiss,” you share with him, a secret, a whisper passed from your hovering mouth to his own. It’s been an odd some amount of dates you two have been on by now, and this time you went back to his apartment afterwards. You sit on your knees beside him on his too big couch, his legs facing you, arm around your waist, yours around his shoulders.
“Really?” Bakugou asks, doesn’t mean to sound as teasing as he does, as breathless. But, he’s surprised more than anything—you, as sinfully seductive as you are, don’t know how to kiss someone? He leans back to take you all in, a tiny little smile lilting the corners of his mouth.
“No, not really,” you murmur, running a hand through the hair on his nape, eyes bouncing all over his face, yet avoiding his eyes. “Will you teach me?” You ask, and who is Bakugou if not a weak man?
So he shows you the proper way to kiss somebody, a hands on demonstration. He pulls you in real close, guides your head to tilt to the right, purse your lips like this, run your tongue over his like that. Now suck on it, let out all the pretty sounds if it feels good, kiss him just like that. And before you know it, you’re a pro.
The next time you see him, you ask him the proper way to give someone a hickey. I don’t wanna give you a blood clot, you had laughed, sitting on his lap this time. And Bakugou, ever the great teacher that he is, shows you how. Demonstrating on your neck, your collarbone, your tummy, your inner thigh, the curve of your ass. You don’t give him nearly as many hickeys as he gives you, but the big purpled one sitting over his pulse point, he wears proudly until it fades. And after that, he’s asking for another, and another.
And after a few months into your relationship, do things finally start getting real hot and heavy. He sits at the island in his place, tired, arms folded, back leaning against the island and his head lolled over on his shoulders. He’s surprised when you sink to your knees in front of him, all doe eyed and incubus smile, hands resting on his thighs.
“Can you show me how?” You don’t even have to specify what you’re talking about, but you eye the way his cock already jumps to attention under his shorts. If this were anyone else, he’d bat them away and tell them that he didn’t feel like playing teacher. But with you—he’d gladly show you any and everything your heart has ever yearned to know.
“Breathe through your nose, baby.” He instructs you, hand gathering your hair in his fists. Your mouth stretches wide around his cock, eyes watering, but you push through it all. He tells you to wrap your lips around your teeth, to swallow whenever his tip brushes the back of your throat. Shows you how to stroke whatever you can’t reach, rub his balls in your palm whenever he starts getting close.
He doesn’t have to teach you how to swallow.
When you ride Bakugou for the first time, you don’t even have to ask for instructions. Just give him that look, all pouty and pitiful, hands on his chest as you grind against his cock resting against your lower belly. Barely any words are spoken as he guides you, lifts your hips, teases his tip against your hole, stomach fluttering in anticipation.
After that, you feel like a pro when it comes to doing anything with Bakugou. But, he doesn’t mind playing teacher whenever you need a little bit of guidance.
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brandinotbroke · 1 year
actually let me add to this whole "sims 5 is going to be free" (+ microtransactions) because it is particularly disgusting with their recent history: Their rebranding is specifically and increasingly trying to appeal to children.
The way they dressed their presenter during the stream was specifically done to seem more relatable to children.
The way they already dumbed down Sims 4 is to specifically appeal to children. They even lowered the age rating.
Making Sims 5 free will make it incredibly easy for kids to get the base game (especially if it comes out on mobile) and once they have access to it, they'll pester their parents to buy microtransaction bullshit.
I am not usually one who goes for "omg they are targeting your children"-hysteria, but this one is so on the nose, it's really astonishing. They should be ashamed.
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