#i Hope Kamala goes too
maggi-cube · 6 months
I really and truly wish Joe dies. I can’t stand this. Why am I opening my little broke college student pockets to hand over money so I can desperately hope to keep people from being bombed and carrying their family members in plastic bags and then some person who’s so inhumane that words cannot describe. Can just sign away more lives than we can ever hope to rescue. What’s the point anymore. What’s the point of everybody trying so desperately to do the right thing when the wrong thing is easier, profitable, and so much more funded. Why is everything like this. Why is doing good like this
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fluorescentbrains · 2 months
mayhaps a few days of panic and chaos over biden dropping out will be just the sort of kick in the pants disengaged voters need to remind them of the stakes and get to them to the polls. i’m speaking it into existence
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noonesgaylikegatson · 2 months
Here's the thing: Republicans are the party of the rich, but policies that help the rich fuck everyone else up, so they are inherently unpopular. Republicans hitch their wagons to white supremacists and religious fanatics who will gladly vote for them in hopes of bringing their own agenda. Rich people believe that their money is able to keep them unaffected by their social policies that harm mostly minorities.
Present day: Religious Fanatics and White Supremacists have gone too far. Their plans are so corrosive that they will actually affect the rich; Not to mention, there are a lot of nouveau rich who are also these fanatics.
So now, these rich people, "never-trumpers" want to join the democratic party and make it into a party for them. They are anti-progressive because they don't want to pay more taxes and they don't want more regulations. They want a milquetoast white democrat leader, and not one like Joe Biden who has embraced progressive policies and is now further left than 2008.
They don't want Kamala or Pete Buttigieg or Corey Booker or that skater boi from texas. They were to the left of Biden when they ran in the 2019 primary. They want someone to the right of Biden. A more corporate friendly democrat.
And keep in mind, these republicans have always been racist. And have always been white supremacist for them. This departure from the republican party is not a moral one. It's because the oppression that these Trump Republicans want isn't profitable.
These republicans were fine with rounding up Black people on bullshit charges and sending them to prison to do make them money on prison labor. (Biden ended the use of private prisons on a Federal Level fyi). They're not fine with rounding up 20 million undocumented people and putting them in internment camps and deporting them, that would cost so much money that would be better spent giving to them via tax cuts. (I bet you they'll get on board when someone touts the idea of using the undocumented people for unpaid labor)
They're okay with banning abortions or just limiting. They're not okay with stripping all of woman's freedoms (because many of them are women and like to spend the money they have) because women going back into the homes, means the spending power of the economy shrinks.
Less Women and Men of color going to college means less student loan payments. Not to mention, the policies that Trump will enact with Project 2025, would just wreck the economy. Government workers would lose their jobs. Facilities and infrastructure would crumble. The middle class would all but disappear, the gap between the poor and rich would grow, to the point where there is just no more money to extract from anyone in the lower classes. The money would have to come from them.
If trump gets in office by 2028 there will be so many evictions, its impossible to keep up. The rich would have to bribe police officers (made legal by the supreme court btw) to get people evicted. Not all rich people are rich equally. Those who can afford to bribe will be new upper class, those who can't will be suckers.
FDIC will be gone. So imagine you're one of those rich suckers, and the bank you have your money goes belly up cause the new upper class used it to fund their next yacht?
You can't be a tech mogul in a country with poor infrastructure. All that AI requires massive amount of electricity. How can you have any developments if your company shuts off the power every few weeks and there is no policy in place to keep it going, to fix it. Look at texas? Every hurricane gets rid of the power for weeks. Imagine when Project 2025 gets in and there really is no regulation at all.
What is the point of all this? Biden is the correct choice. He is the incumbent, he won the primary, and the election is less than four months away. This talk about replacing him is a bunch of rich assholes trying to take over the democratic party and making it into the new republican party. The literal worst night mare: socially liberal, financially conservative. They are antagonist towards the democrat's base: Black voters, because black voting population support centralized government, regulations, higher taxes, and a robust social safety network (because its literally the best way to govern)
Focus on getting people to vote for Biden or just not vote for Trump.
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yesbutmakeitgay · 6 months
Once Upon A Time I Used To Know A Girl
Chapter 1
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Carol Danvers x Reader
Masterlist | This work's masterlist | AO3
Summary: A mission gone wrong results in you losing a large part of your memory. What happens when you wake up and you can't remember the love of your life?
Angst, Slow Burn, Amnesia.
Big thanks to my friend, @cordeliasdarling , for betaing most of this fic :)
Word count: 827
You Don’t Even Know You’re An Angel
Captain Marvel’s ship lands on the Avengers compound, as soon as the door opens she carries your body out to the medical team who already awaited your arrival. There is worry and fear all over her features. She lays you onto the stretcher and follows them to the med bay. You go into immediate surgery and she is forced to wait outside.
Not long after, Fury finds her and sits beside her, "It was an ambush, I didn’t see it coming. She was unconscious when I found her," she says, tears running down her face.
Fury puts an arm around her, "She’s gonna be okay," is all he can say.
After several hours of surgery doctor Cho comes out to find Carol. She explains everything they did to you and how they’re gonna follow up next, "She’s gonna make it," that’s all Carol hears and it’s enough to allow her to breathe again.
"Thank you, can I come see her?" Her voice is desperate.
"It’s best to let her rest for now, you should get some rest yourself." The Captain nods and reluctantly goes to find one of the empty rooms upstairs.
A couple of days go by and you remain unconscious, Carol awaits anxiously to see you, but doctor Cho advises against it. She hasn’t slept at all, the trauma of seeing the love of her life lay almost lifeless before her too heavy to bear.
The next morning Kamala is sitting with The Captain attempting to cheer her up when the doctor comes to find her. "Can we talk? Privately."
Kamala goes to stand up, but Carol stops her, "Stay," she instructs before directing her attention to doctor Cho, "what is it?"
"It looks like she’s gonna make a full physical recovery, but there has been some damage to her brain" the doctor explains quickly so as to not get anyones hopes up.
"What do you mean?" Carol asks with a shaky voice.
"There are indications of memory loss, but it is impossible to tell the gravity of it until she wakes up." The Captain looks at her intently, "You may come see her now."
Carol walks slowly into your room, Kamala following her closely. You’re still asleep, looking weak and hooked to more machines than they can count. The Captain approaches you and carefully holds one of your hands, almost as if you’d crumble if she held it too tight, "I’m so sorry I let this happen to you, angel, you’re gonna be okay and I’ll be right here with you," she whispers, trying to stop a sob from escaping. Kamala can only watch the scene unfold in front of her, unsure of what she should do.
Some time goes by and they settle for sitting in the room and waiting to see what happens. Kamala takes it upon herself to distract Carol from the unconscious body of her lover. They’re in the middle of a heated argument about some menial topic when the heart rate monitor starts beeping faster and you stir awake. "I’ll go find doctor Cho," the girl jumps to her feet.
The blond woman stands up instinctively and gets closer to you, "Hey," is all she can muster.
"Hey," you respond, your voice is raspy.
"You’re awake." A smile begins to form on her face.
"Yeah, where am I?"
"We’re at the compound." Her voice is impossibly soft, you nod in understanding, "Kamala went to get doctor Cho."
You pause for a moment, "So you’re not my doctor?" She falls silent.
The doctor arrives, followed by the brunette girl and she begins to perform some tests on you, after confirming everything physical is in order she begins to ask you some questions.
"Do you remember your name?"
"Do you know where we are?"
"Do you remember what happened?"
"You were on a mission that went wrong," she explains, "do you remember your partner?"
The blonde woman looks at you expectantly, holding out every last bit of hope, "No." She feels like she’s just been stabbed in the chest, unable to take it anymore she storms out of the room.
"Okay," the doctor begins, "it seems you have lost some of your memory. However, the extent of that you will have to find out on your own. Everything physical looks fine, I’m afraid there is nothing else we can do for you."
A nurse comes by to give you a care package and pain meds, you’re ready to leave when you see the brunette girl still standing in the room, "Can I help you?"
Recognizing the severity of the situation and realizing that no one else is gonna take charge she decides to take matters into her own hands. She puts on a big smile and says, "I’m Kamala and I have been appointed your re-orientation agent."
It takes you a moment to register her words, "Did you just make that up?"
"Follow me." Her smile not faltering.
Tell me all your thoughts!
Let me know if you wanna be tagged :)
Chapter 2
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I don’t post a lot of politics on here because this has become my non politics safe space. To my friends on the American left who are upset by this news….
I beg of you, please don’t panic. Or if you must panic, have a small panic and then let’s get our shit together. Am I upset that the democrats pushed their nominee aside because he’s too old when the republicans are backing a convicted felon, wanna be authoritarian? Yeah, I am. But guess who else is panicking right now? My father in law who has voted Republican ever since he could vote. This man told my spouse to lie to anyone who asked and say he voted for Trump, not Clinton in 2016 because he was embarrassed that his son voted blue. And for a woman. You’d think this man would be excited that the left has seemingly thrown their ticket into turmoil. Instead, he’s freaked out that whoever the dems nominate will defeat Trump (again), despite what’s happened recently, despite the late entry into the race. He’s accusing them of dirty tactics and cheating (it’s neither).
Look, I’m buried deep in Trump territory. Alabama will go to him no matter how I vote. The county I live in will go to him, no matter how I vote. Those are the realities of the political demographics I live in. But I will still march my queer, white privileged ass to the polls because they need to know not everyone in this state backs Trump. I will do what I can to maybe convince a few others to go with me. They need to see that percentage of blue from top of the ticket to bottom where I can. Maybe it won’t have an effect right now, after all, twenty other people will vote for him against my one vote… but it may have an effect in the future to keep that blue sliver alive.
And I have to have hope. I have to have hope that even though the electoral votes of the state I live in will go to Trump, there will be enough of you to sway the election. But that won’t happen if we panic and wallow for the next three months.
Seize this opportunity. Let’s get to work and back our new nominee.
If the dnc is smart and goes with Kamala Harris, she already has my vote. Because if Biden had ridden out the election and somehow won, then stepped down or passed between the election and the inauguration, she would have taken office as president. If he stepped down or passed after the inauguration, she would have been inaugurated asap as president. So if you were already voting for Biden, then in a way, you were already voting for her. Now let’s make it happen for real.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 8 months
My Sweetheart: Part 5
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: You purchase a vintage sweetheart bracelet from an antique store and with it, comes the spirit of the woman who owned it. Through her, you go on an interesting journey to find out what happened to her old lover.
Series Masterlist
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During your next shift, Kamala went to the animal shelter you worked at and picked up several volunteer forms. The young Avenger was excited about bringing herself and her superhero friends to help around your workplace.
It was a week later when she brought back the forms and as you were going through them, you were surprised to see Bucky had signed up. You assumed that Kamala convinced him to volunteer.
Well, here's to hoping this goes how she hopes it does.
After the forms were overlooked, each person who signed up was sent an acceptance email and a date of their orientation. The roster was: Kamala, Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, America Chavez, Cassie Lang, Scott Lang, Scott's friends Luis, Kurt, and Dave; and lastly, Bucky Barnes.
Eventually, said group arrived Wednesday morning at the front desk. Your coworker, Mikayla, was starstruck. Yes, you told her who would be volunteering there, but that still didn't minimize the feeling of excitement she felt when they arrived.
"Holy shit, this is happening," she stares wide-eyed at the group before her.
You pat her shoulder, "Should I do the orientation?"
Mikayla slowly nods, "Yeah. I think so."
You snort and step forward, "Hi, everyone! I'm Y/N. I help oversee the volunteers that work at the shelter!" you go into your spiel about the shelter, what animals you take care of, some of the tasks everyone is expected to do, etc.
You finish off with asking who'd like to work in what areas of the shelter. Kamala immediately raises her hand, and Bucky's, for when you ask about the cat area. Yelena also volunteers and the three of them follow you to the cat room.
"So we do have a few kittens here that we just received a few days ago, but most of our residents are adult cats."
One particular kitten is crying out, which catches your attention. You turn to its cage and chuckle, "Alright, I hear ya, buddy," you unlock the cage and pull a small white kitten out.
"This is one of our newer residents. His name is Alpine and, don't tell the other cats this, but he's currently my favorite."
The small white cat climbs out of your arms and up your shoulder. Kamala is practically melting at the spot, "Oh my gosh! He's sooo cute!"
You nod, "He is. He was also born with three legs instead of one, but that obviously doesn't stop him. He's a determined little guy."
You look at Bucky, who's softly smiling at the cat. He reaches out and gently pets Alpine behind the ears, "Hey, buddy," he murmurs. He then looks at you, "Can I hold him?"
"Of course," you pluck Al off your shoulder and gently place him in Bucky's arms. Alpine doesn't hesitate to climb up Bucky's shirt.
Bucky winces, "Watch the claws, pal," but he smiles as Al continues to meow.
Yelena snorts, "He likes you, Barnes, probably because he knows you two are alike," she nods at his vibranium arm.
You proceed to inform the three of their duties with the cats, how to clean the cages, how much food to give, the personality of each cat, etc.. Throughout that time, Bucky listened while also stroking Alpine's fur.
While Yelena and Kamala are playing with two other cats, you go up to Bucky, "He really likes you," you gesture to Al who's now asleep in Bucky's arms.
"He's a good one."
"Kamala says your a cat person?"
He shrugs, "I suppose. I like to feed the stray cats I see, pet them if they let me. I like dogs too, but I guess I like cats better because they're more...mellow?"
You snort, "Not all of them are mellow, but I get what you're saying."
Bucky shifts from one foot to the other, "So, uh, is Dot still with you?"
You sigh, twiddling with the sweetheart bracelet on your wrist, "Yeah. She's," you pause to chuckle, "stubborn."
Bucky snorts, "Yeah. She's always been a bit stubborn, even back then when we were together."
"Birds of a feather stay together, I suppose." He raises a brow at you and you explain, "From our short interaction, I can tell you're just as stubborn. You don't want to help me, that's fine, but honestly, this is more about Dot herself. Help me to help her cross over."
You run a hand over your face, "Dot says you're unhappy."
"I'm not!" Bucky raises his voice, causing Alpine to stir from his sleep.
You give Bucky a pointed look and open Al's enclosure so he could place him onto his bed. Once he's safely back in, you turn back to Bucky.
"There isn't anything that you think would make you happier?"
Someone to call my own. A peaceful place for me to live. A family. A chance to grow old.
"Not really," Bucky replies.
You scoff, "I call bullshit."
Bucky's jaw clenches, "Listen here, sweetheart, you don't know me. You don't know what I want or need."
"I don't, but Dot does. Bucky, come on. I don't get why you're so apprehensive about this. This benefits Dot and you."
He leans back against a wall, crossing his arms over his chest. He glances at Kamala and Yelena, who stopped playing with the cats to watch you and him.
Bucky grabs your arm and pulls you out of the cat room and into the hallway, "If I agree to this, what would it entail?"
You shrug and scratch your head, "I dunno. I guess it really depends on what you think would make you happier right now."
Bucky doesn't know you. You're a stranger, but he doesn't get any weird vibes from you. You seem like a genuine person, but he could never be too sure. He can't just tell you his deepest desires. Not yet, anyway.
He sighs, "I guess, a companion?"
"Like a pet or a person?"
He shrugs, "Both? I don't know. I mean, I guess a pet would be nice?"
You roll your eyes, "Okay, well, I guess it's a good thing you volunteered to work here for the month. We'll see how you really feel about having a pet and if you think you can really take care of one."
With that you turn your back to him and enter the cat room again. Bucky watches you through the window as you talk with Kamala and Yelena. He's sure they're berating you about what you and he discussed.
Bucky groans and runs a hand through his cropped hair. He then feels a cool sensation on his shoulder, but it's not alarming. Instead, it brings comfort.
"Thanks, Dot," he murmurs before also heading back inside the cat room.
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - October 8th
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Hey all! I’m back from my vacation and omg it was so relaxing and lovely and I read SO SO MUCH! I finished a book series I started in August (GAY. WEREWOLVES!) and then read about a million words of fic. If you read anything--give them a comment/kudo! 
No Greater Punishment by KandiSheek
Tony asks Steve out on a date, and Steve – thinking it's just one of Tony's flings – refuses. Then Tony gets a boyfriend. The relationship lasts a week, a month, two months, and Steve slowly realizes... that could've been him.
When Emma Falls in Love by iam93percentstardust 
She waits and takes her time
'Cause Little Miss Sunshine always thinks it's gonna rain
When Emma falls in love, I know
That boy will never be the same
“Nice?” Kamala exclaims. “It’s way past nice! It’s the cutest thing ever because his bracelet had his phone number on it! He was hoping to ask you out!”
Tony blinks. Steve Rogers, All-American good boy and quarterback extraordinaire, wants to throw his hat in the ring? He wouldn’t be the first person to toss his name out there, but most of them have just tried to DM him or tag him in their posts. No one’s shown the kind of thought and effort that Steve apparently put into his declaration. It’s a level of understanding and appreciation of who Tony is and everything he’s cultivated in his career that no one else has put in.
It is, to use Kamala’s word, cute.
Restless Gravity by AvengersNewB 
Omega Tony Stark gets bonded to a human-hating space warlord, to get his people a new home after the destruction of their planet.
Warlord - Arranged marriage AU, with a bit of a twist.
we'll live in spaces between walls by soliloquent
"Steve looks furious and defeated, and he's breathing like he just ran a marathon. He glances at the door over Tony's shoulder, slightly shivering, looking for an escape like he's on a battlefield. Perhaps he is.
This is not about the laundry anymore."
or: In the heat of a tense discussion in a cramped utility room at the Avengers Tower, Steve's deep-seated insecurities come to the surface. Tony witnesses a new and vulnerable side of him and realizes he has more in common with Steve than he thought. 🧺
Do Not Reply by FestiveFerret
When Tony starts replying to a "daily deals" donotreply email address from some random security supply company, he finds shouting into the void soothingly cathartic.
Less so when the void answers back.
ad astra by Areiton
The first time he kissed Tony Stark, the stars danced overhead.
Cardigan by Gayspacesprinkles, iam93percentstardust
When Tony is fourteen, his father announces that he’s going to marry Tiberius Stone, and he stops believing in Prince Charming.
August by Gayspacesprinkles, iam93percentstardust
August goes by slowly and altogether too quickly at the same time. He spends his days at practice in the morning while keeping his afternoons open in case Tony calls. The days smell like salt, despite being far away from the ocean, and the air is sticky in the Texas humidity. Sometimes, it gets too hot to do anything with Tony in the heat of the day, and it feels like a waste of the limited time they have together even though they spend all their nights together as well.
Sharing The Drink They Call Loneliness by KandiSheek
Tony has always thought that the pianist in his local bar, Steve, is way too good for this place. Tony wants to know more about him. And as it turns out, Steve wants the exact same thing.
Tony knows that he's playing with fire. But he's sworn off his old ways long ago. There's no way he will let himself fall for Steve. Right?
honey from your hive by meidui
"Whoa, hey, you okay?" Tony asks, hands flying out to steady him, so warm, the skin contact making him shiver. Steve tries to focus on Tony's face. "Cap?"
"You smell so good," Steve tells him honestly, sinking into Tony's arms because he can't hold himself up anymore. This should be okay because Tony is letting him do it: he presses his face into Tony's neck and sniffs, his tongue darting out just in time to feel Tony's pulse jump against it, and he licks—
"Steve, stop that," Tony says, sounding strangled as his grip tightens and Steve stops, letting Tony grab his face and tilt him up. "You're kind of scaring the crap out of me. What is it? What's going on with you?"
"We blew up the lab," Steve manages, and something dawns on Tony's face. "Everyone had a reaction 'cept me. Think 'm having it now."
Unbroken by justanotherrollingstony (adoctoraday)
Destiny looks a lot like Captain America when it walks through his door, and even at ten, Tony knows that Steve is something wonderful. He's a protector, a friend, someone to turn to when his father is angry and his mother is lost in a haze of pills, someone who loves Tony unconditionally and would do anything for him.
When he's 15 that faith is put to the test by a car crash, and then, something worse.
What begins as a friendship blossoms into something deeper, something nuanced--a bond, unshakeable.
the body i hold and whisper my darling by deathsweetqueen
Tony Stark is nineteen when he takes a seat at a bar, orders a shot of tequila, and twists his head to look at the man sitting beside him.
He’s older, in his thirties, early to mid-thirties, if he’s guessing correctly, maybe even just slightly less than twice his age, with dark blonde hair and a beard covering half of his face, and his eyes fixed on his beer.
“You look like shit,” he ends up saying, bluntly.
The man looks up, and he has these blue eyes, blue eyes like a summer storm, and Tony finds himself stunned, a little turned on, by how beautiful this man is.
He has the perfect ratio, Tony realises, the eyes and the hair and the jawline and the cheekbones.
His eyes drag lower, and the man is built, like seriously built, with wide, muscled biceps, and a tapered-in waist, and those long, strong legs.
“I feel like shit,” the man says, after a while.
Teenage Dream by shinkonokokoro
This was written for this prompt:
A battle with Loki leaves Tony de-aged physically and mentally to the time he was in college.
young!Tony takes it all in stride. He is duly impressed by his armor, confused and excited by all the superhumans (Thor and Hulk) around and then is smacked by the realization that the boring blond hovering around is actually his MAJOR childhood hero / crush / source of adolescent fantasies Captain America! Cue teen!Tony trying his best (and maybe succeeding?) to get into an increasingly flustered and blushy Captain America.
Bonus if teen!Tony is still way way more experienced than virgin!Steve and is *delighted* to get to top (and deflower) Captain America.
(Um, extra bonus for including a little bit of Rhodey and Pepper interacting with Tony. Also super bonus for Steve unearthing Tony's daddy issues by the dozen.)
touch me gently, like a summer evening breeze by quidhitch 
What is this, Tony’s brain screams. There are alarm bells going off in his head, but also, like, romantic violins. It’s very confusing. He focuses on the freckle beneath Steve’s eye instead.
Two in Fourteen Million by slimandalittlebitfoxy
“You wanna hear something stupid?” He took Steve’s silence as a confirmation, but didn’t think he could stop if he tried. “I carried around that phone the whole damn time. Since the day you sent it to me, I carried it. Just in case the world needed you.”
“I didn’t give it to you to let me know if the world needed me.” Steve looked up. Tony was frightened to see how much older he looked—maybe not in body, but in spirit. His jaw was set. He was angry too, though Tony would have bet money it was directed more at himself than anyone. “I gave it to you so you could call me if you needed me.”
“That’s the thing, Cap,” Tony said. “I always needed you.”
(The one where everyone lives.)
The Dotted Line by purpleicedteas 
Film trailblazer Steve Rogers was in need of a relationship to cover up his embarrassingly non-existent love life.
Tony Stark needed a relationship to slow down the playboy rumors.
Enter a PR relationship contract.
the long and short of it (stevetony games 2022 fills) by starvels (dinosaur) 
The challenge of whipping a nice pattern into Steve’s back, is that his healing rate really only gives about a 15 minute window in which to finish all of the strokes before the earliest lines begin to disappear.
The thought accosts Tony in the middle of team poker, the night before him and Steve are set to have a heavy session.
- latest fill: 616+established relationship+whipping kink negotiation
The Long Road Home by ladyshadowdrake 
Maria Stark told her son that the Mark on his wrist meant there was a special someone out there just for him. Sarah Rogers told her son that his soulmate was waiting for him, and he needed to be strong for them.
Neither of them ever mentioned what to do if that soulmate just doesn’t want them.
this is how you fall in love by complicationstoo 
Steve wants to have sex at least once before he graduates from college. He’s twenty one, never really dated anyone, and doesn’t see the point in waiting any longer.
He plans for just a simple one night stand with no strings attached, but his plan doesn't account for falling in love with Tony Stark.
It's Only Half Past (The Point of Oblivion) by LadyHabren (equalopportunityobsessor)
"I think it's generally agreed that all of Steve's senses are powered up by the serum? He can hear people whispering on the other side of the room, probably sees a hell of a lot further, etc.
But there are definite downsides. How does Steve control this side effect of the serum?"
Captain America is more than a man - he is a hero, he is an ideal, he is pure muscle held together by patriotism and moral fibre... And not even Captain America can fight it when his own brain turns against him.
I'm gonna be honest, by the time I got to the end of this story and went back to look at the prompt, I realized my fill was so different that I intitially thought I was looking at the wrong prompt... But I hope it's enjoyable nonetheless.
seven years in heaven by meidui
Tony gave Steve everything in the divorce. Their beautiful Brooklyn brownstone and everything in it, Tony's beloved Audi, their private garden upstate. Tony even offered him the lakehouse, but Steve had looked up at him with red eyes and begged softly for him to stop.
Tony gave Steve everything, every last piece of himself. He didn't take much with him when he flew out to his mansion in Malibu, but he took every last piece of Steve, too.
love me naked by meidui
What kind of man wears makeup? Steve thinks to himself.
Love Calls You By Your Name by laireshi for MassiveSpaceWren 
Steve's boyfriend, Tony Stark, doesn't come home after Iron Man gets hurt when protecting Steve.
Look at my eyes, Don't even know who I am. by Perlmutt 
Deciding to take a break from the bustling city life, Tony found himself on a deserted island somewhere near the South American coast. Only JARVIS and DUM-E accompanied him here. This was the perfect place for him to clear his head and focus on his studies. The sun was warm, the sea beautiful and the animals peaceful. But in the jungle around him waited an adventure for him that he couldn't have dreamt of.
Because he was not alone. Blue eyes watched him.
A man as wild and untamed as the jungle around them...
Wait & Sea by Lenalena
In which Tony and Steve get sent on an undercover mission aboard a cruise ship to make contact with Hydra. In this AU the military has kept the discovery and defrosting of Captain America a secret, so Steve and Tony have never met before. Yet they are to pose as newlyweds....
Devil with an Easy Grin by ladyshadowdrake 
Steve meets a charismatic stranger at a club for a one night stand, and expects to never see him again.
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witchthewriter · 5 months
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Hello! Thank you for doing the ship game; I'm just going to tell you that not everything will be canon - the characters are, but I mean what's happened in the shows/movies. Not too much, but I just wanted to write this for you. Hope you enjoy xx
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𝐈 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥! I think he would be a great partner for you, honestly. He juggles being serious, being kind, having passion for justice and also not wanting to actually kill anyone. I think you would feel very safe around him, especially if you knew how well he can take care of himself and you.
It took you a while to open up to Matthew about who you really were. He sensed it ages before, but let you take the time you needed.
A mutant of sorts, not born with your power but experimented on by those you thought cared about you.
You look human for the most part - well, you are human technically. But also, you're technically ... not.
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You're called the Truth-Bringer. Infamous in the world of magic, science and other worlds. You can make people tell the truth. It's not 'persuade,' maybe you can use the word 'enchant,' but when it comes down to it, you can make anyone tell you the true answer to any question.
But what you've kept hidden is that you can see their memories; from their childhood to the day before.
When you revealed yourself to Matthew, you promised not to use it on him. You don't use it on those you don't deem a threat. He appreciated that, but trusted you not to anyway.
Goes all out for dates; he loves romancing you, making you feel like the only girl in the world. He wants you to feel like you're loved, cherished.
He has your favourite things memorised; coffee order, favourite flavour, colour, smell etc.
It took a long time for Matt to open up to you about who he really is, and what he really does.
It made you a bit mad because you told him a lot earlier on in the relationship, thinking it was going to be a deal breaker. But he didn't want to make you feel like you needed to team up with him, or do something good with your powers (that's if, if you don't).
You've learnt how to sew up stitches and patch up wounds because of Matt. You've basically become a nurse after looking after him.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Eysium by Hans Zimmer
Underground by Cody Fry
Her Name Is Alina Starkov by Joseph Trapanese
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
"Give me attention." (Matthew) x "If the world knew you were like this, they'd be shocked." (You)
I Don’t Know What I’m Doing But At Least I’m Alive, Right? (Matthew) x You’re Doing Great, Sweetie (You)
Snarky Power Couple That Can, And Probably Will, Destroy You
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Second Chance at Love
Slow-Burn Romance
Rescue Romance
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Your empathy and compassion. Matt knows you're bold, he knows you're brave but he loves your empathy, he loves how you care about people. It's a low commodity in this world. Especially those that have power - they let it get to their head. But not you.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Kate Bishop most definitely. You two would be two peas in a pod. You'd be the voice of reason with Kate, who would be as chaotic as a kid who just drank a can of coke in 30 seconds.
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
With this Universe being so big, it's brilliant to find who you'd be the most similar to. So, I think you're a perfect mix of Wanda Maximoff (before WandaVision), Kamala Khan, aka Ms. Marvel and Yelena Belova.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
This beautiful girl was given to you as a wedding gift. This was actually a cultural thing the Vikings did. The cat was given to the wife by the husband to help look after the house.
Obviously, Matt gave this baby to you for other reasons. Not to help with the household (rats, other vermin etc).
But even though she is huuuuge, she is the biggest cuddler ever. Just wanting to be held by you, be around you. Whenever you're at home, she will follow you around. Everywhere. Cries if you don't pick her up.
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𝐈 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫: 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐧! He is the youngest out of the High Lords, and that means he has a slight youthful outlook on life; he has a lot of hope. But he was also Under the Mountain; so he does know the horrors of this life. I think he would lift your spirits all the time. Imagine him calling you his 'Love, his heart, his High Lady,' because of course he would make your standing equal to his.
High Fae, just like Feyre, Elain and Nesta turned into. However, you were born this way, into a low standing family at the Night Court. You were lucky enough to be living in Velaris, not experiencing the horrors that were happening.
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What kept your family safe was your unique power - one that Rhysand knew could never be in the hands of Amarantha. So, you were practically hidden in Velaris, hoping that something would change and you wouldn't be monitored every day.
Your parents came from two different Courts. Your mother from the Dawn Court, known for healing. And your father, from the Day Court (who had been a close friend of Lord Helion's).
Your father was interested in magic; not just practicing it, but becoming obsessed with gaining knowledge. So, when your mother was pregnant with you, he thought he was giving your mother something to keep you, the fetus, strong and healthy.
But when you were born, you weren't the normal fae baby. There were already glowing stars all over your body; constellations. Your eyes would change colour, depending on what you were using your ability for.
Because you could summon light, but you could also make the area around you completely pitch black. You were immune to fire, and could breathe under water.
Never cared about your power, only that he needed to hire more guards to keep you and your family safe.
His nick names for you are, "my love", "beauty," "the light of my life.," "my little siren," "darling."
Tarquin, is a gentle man. He has a gentle heart, but knows when to become the High Lord. Oh, and yes of course, he would make you a High Lady. He's completely about equality.
Always wants your opinion in political matters and if you wanted to become more involved in it, he would allow it 100%
Loves introducing you to people as his, "High Lady and Mate." That's what everyone knows you as, so there is no way you would be referred to as anything less.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
The Blue Planet by Hans Zimmer
Would That I by Hozier
Kingdom Dance by Alan Menken
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Oblivious (You) x Constantly Admiring You (Tarquin)
When Two Of The Sweetest people In The Room Are In Love
Calm bf x Hyper gf
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Timeless Love
Mutual Growth and Empowerment
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
You have two best friends but they're more aquaintances I think. Anyway, your best friends are Feyre Archeron and Gwyn Berdara. I think they both have similar personalities to yours, and you can actually open up to them both. They're so soft and gentle. Feyre gives the best hugs - the kind when they press you to their body, with one hand against the back of your head, and the other along your back. They would both understand the issues you deal with (and if you need to talk to someone/rant, always remember I'm here too xx!)
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix of Elain, Mor and Feyre. With your INFJ personality, it's exactly as you described yourself: 'I always want to help others. I’m fairly organized as well. In addition to all of this, I am very sarcastic with a dry sense of humor. I’m a good leader, and can be quite feisty.' I.e,. you're multidimensional in a way where you're like a flowing stream. At some points you're perfectly warm and calm; in others, you are flowing so dangerously that no one can cross.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
The beautiful, wise and intelligent owl. One that can connect with you mind to mind. She's majestic, and picky with who she likes. Knows when danger is near, and particularly knows when YOU are in danger, no matter where you are.
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𝐈 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐧: 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑜𝑛 & 𝐿𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑚'𝑠 𝐸𝑛𝑑. I was going to ship you with Pod, because GOT has a limit on their caring, kind-hearted male characters. But then I remembered Gendry and a light bulb struck. He would be the PERFECT match for you! He would do whatever it took to keep you safe, but also stand up for you against anyone, in any setting, no matter who was present. You're his woman, and he has so much respect and love for you it's endless.
You're human, however, there are distinct differences in your appearance. Like having two different coloured eyes; one purple and the other brown. Your hair was white, and many thought you were a Targaryen.
This forced your family to dye your hair, as you became a target wherever you went. Your true parentage had been hidden to you all your life; your parents were happy to be together, even though your mother had had relations with Rhaegar Targaryen.
Yes, making you ... half Targaryen.
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Dragonrider, Blood of Old Valyria, as well as a Dragon Dreamer.
That's how you were able to find your Aunt ... the Mother of Dragons. Through your dreams, you were told where to locate her. How to as well. It had plagued you as a child; sometimes you saw brilliant things, other times you saw things so horrific that you didn't want to sleep ever again.
You met Gendry after being officially welcomed into your heritage of House Targaryen. You had already bonded with your dragon and had become apart of Dany's inner circle.
When Dany came to help Jon Snow, you came with her. Well, wherever she went, you went with her. You wanted to be another pair of eyes in the sky to watch her back. To defend her.
Gendry was there and his heart leapt looking at you. 'What a beauty,' he had mumbled and Tormund next to him snorted. 'It is a beast. A dragon. It is not a beauuty.'
But Gendry knew he had to talk to you. Spoilers: he did, and became smitten. So smitten in fact that he was slowly falling in love. Little did he know, you were falling as well.
Together you're playful, encouraging, and feel safe to be your real self. He calls you, "sweetheart, 'love', 'targaryen', 'white hair', 'she-dragon." He loves teasing you.
When you introduced your dragon to Gendry, he was shaking like a leaf - despite it being a warm day. You knew he was trying to hide his fear. When you climbed ontop of Viserion, you called out, "YOU COMING OR WHAT??" and Gendry couldn't breathe. (It took himm five interactions with Viserion for him to get on as well). And yes, Viserion is completely fine with Gendry. He likes him a lot. Sees him as him for what he is.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Earth by Hans Zimmer
Romantic Flight by John Powell
Dance of the Druids by Bear McCreary
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Aggressively Supportive & Protective (Gendry) Finally Allowing Someone Into Their Heart (You)
Tragic Past x Ray of Light (this goes both ways!)
Chaotic Dumbass Duo
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Forbidden Love
Love Transcending Boundaries
Defying Expectations
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Gendry doesn't care that you have a dragon, he doesn't care that you have power; you could have been brought up in the slums of King's Landing for all he cares. You're everything to him.
He loves how passionate you get about the things you love. He loves listening to you sing, loves listening to you talk about music and why it means so much to you.
He could listen to you talk for so long without needing to talk himself.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Your Aunt, Danaerys Targaryen, who you don't see as an Aunt because she's only a few years older than you... She absolutely loves you. You're her family, but if you weren't blood related - it wouldn't matter. She sees you for who you are, and the fact that you bonded with one of her dragons (her sons), she trusts you just as much as Missendi.
She also loves dragon racing with you. At first it was just a fly over which she ruled. So high that everyone below you looked like ants. You looked over to Dany and she was beaming. Dany loved that she wasn't alone in this anymore. She wasn't the last Targaryen.
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
Definitely a mix! I think you have a lot of personality traits from Dany, Sansa, Arya (arya a lot actually), even Missendei. You have a polite demeanour and don't like bothering others (you aren't. I think like that too because of how I was raised, but we're humans that deserve to take up space!).
You actually really remind me of grown up Rhaenyra Targaryen (I know we're in got era) but they wanted to cast a 'rockstar' feeling person for that role, and I think you're really like Rhaenyra. But with a bit more hesitancy towards arguments.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
As one of the only Targaryens left in the world, it made you one of the only dragonriders left as well.
Dany was curious whenever you interacted with her dragons. Drogon would give a curious growl, until he smelt you. Understanding you were like Dany. You felt like you could look into his eyes, and he let you. Mutual respect was there.
Rhaegal was less aggressive and blew smoke at you. Instantly you knew this was going to be a banter like relationship.
And then there was Viserion.
Instantly when you looked at him you fell to your knees. Staring at the beautiful gold and white dragon. There was a pull inside you. Something had hooked your very soul and you knew the other hook was in the youngest dragon.
Viserion whined as he looked at you, his strong body getting up and moving toward you. But you couldn't move, you had been hoping this would happen, and it was!
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬: 𝑉𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑛!
The youngest of the three dragons and the most affectionate.
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Here are more gifs of him because he deserves to be recognised more. He's literally described in the books as affectionate, calm, and the friendliest out of the three.
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darkmaga-retard · 27 days
Saturday August 24, 2024
Karen Bracken
As I am sure you all know by now….RFK Jr. has given his support to Donald Trump. He offered his help to Harris and she refused to even talk with him. Trump and Kennedy agree on ending all wars and to help end the chronic diseases killing our children and adults. He could only be an asset to helping heal our country. I watched his entire press conference and he is a brave man and speaks truth. He also knows where the bodies are hidden. He is hoping that the Trump administration will love our children more than we hate each other. Here is a link to his press conference. VIDEO
TRUTH IN HUMOR - Don’t miss this short satire. VIDEO
Did the US Government Pay $370,000 Death Benefit for a Covid Vaccine? ARTICLE
How Kamala Harris's friendship with Beau Biden united her with Joe - hmmmm perhaps she had more than Beau’s back??? She stated in this article that she was bussed to school everyday. “There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bussed to school every day. And that little girl was me,” Harris said. Kamala left the US when she was 7 years old and lived in Canada until she graduated from High School. Just another lie about her past. She is NOT A NBC and I will say this every time I share anything about her until Americans start demanding Harris/Walz be removed from the ticket. Another lie…….she surely didn’t take her “friendship” into account when she viciously attacked Joe Biden during the 2020 election period - Biden picked her because he was ordered to do so by her mentor and Biden’s puppet master Barack Obama - ARTICLE
Door To Freedom (Dr. Meryl Nass) and Children’s Health Defense host a 2-day live stream conference on: Attack on Food and Farmers and How to Fight Back - INFORMATION
Sun Drives Earth's Climate, Not CO2: 30-Page Study in Journal 'Geomatics' Refutes Mainstream Climate Change Narrative - When they came up with UN Agenda 21 (global communism) they knew no one would ever go along with this plan of global governance under communism. SO they invented a global boogie man. They has to come up with something that affects the entire world. First it was global warming and when they exposed that as the lie it was they changed it to climate change. Climate change IS just the new name for UN Agenda 21. So is Sustainable Development, Smart Cities, 2030 Agenda, Sustainable Development Goals, Great Reset all one in the same. A very good friend of mine was a NASA research scientist. He was invited to present to Congress every year (until Obama was elected...he was uninvited but sent his research to every member of Congress each year). He warned of global cooling and its impact on food. He said the sun goes into hibernation approx. every 235 years and it was moving into a period of hibernation. CO2 is the foundation for life. The more CO2 the better. Food grows with CO2 so it is clear to me why they targeted man made CO2 as their target. My friend, John L. Casey wrote a book called COLD SUN........he like many REAL scientists know the sun controls the climate except for the climate our government creates in order to scare people into compliance. I recommend getting John's book. He had a stroke some years back and no longer is doing research. He also used to track earthquake activity too. ARTICLE
CDC Stands by Water Fluoridation After Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQs in Kids Finally Published - Good old CDC strikes again. Gee remember when tooth decay was killing people? Dead people all over the place. No? Well neither do I because no one has ever died from tooth decay BUT lots of animals and trees were dying when chemical companies were spewing their toxic waste into the air so they came up with a brilliant idea…..we will put it in the water supply and convince people it was harmless and would stop tooth decay. Now if that were true there would be a lot less dentist today, right?? And what about countries outside of the US. Are there people dying in the streets of tooth decay? No. And they do not have any more incidence of tooth decay than we do here in the US. This deal was a deal to help out companies dispose of their toxic waste at our expense. Did you notice they now sell fluoride free bottles of water for baby formula?? Why? If it is so safe why are they selling fluoride free baby formula water? It is not safe. They lie to us all the time and we believe putting a toxin in our water is safe? There are about 13 countries just in Europe that do not put fluoride in their water and they do not have any higher incidence of cavities than we do here in the US. Good daily dental care is a much wiser prevention for cavities. Putting fluoride in our water was just another lie in order to save chemical plants a lot of money disposing of the toxic waste. ARTICLE
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uvachic1991 · 10 months
The Marvels thoughts (spoilers below):
Iman Vellani is great and I can’t wait to watch where her character goes. But I also want to praise Teyonah Parris’ Monica. I loved the smart, confident and sometimes quirky Monica we got here. I feel like she embodies the different parts of both Carol and Maria. And I can’t wait for all the smart Black girls in the MCU to meet!
Carol and Monica being awkward and distant in the beginning was also what I wanted. And the scene of Carol and Maria post-Infinity War 😭😭😭 (I need that to be an extended scene in the DVD release)
Loved the montage of them learning how to manage their switching.
Carol’s guilt over her actions destroying Hala
I know people are complaining over Kamala’s constant fangirling over Carol. But she explicitly acknowledges that she failed to treat Carol as a person. Plus Kamala is like 16-17; she is allowed to fawn over someone she idolizes.
In the same token, I appreciate that the film shows the harsher side of being a superhero. It clearly impacted Kamala and I’m curious to see how it will influence her superhero exploits moving forward. It also impacted Monica as she learned that Carol dealt with a lot of shit when she left at the end of Captain Marvel.
I know a lot of people like Carol and Valkyrie….but Carol and Maria will always be the best pairing for me and Marvel needs to stop being a coward
Speaking of Maria…. I’m so glad Lashana Lynch will be in the MCU for more films. She’s a great actress and I feel like she is really shining in her recent projects. Marvel tried to throw her away too quickly (in my opinion) and I’m glad they are switching gears. I just hope they give her something to do instead of bringing her back for short projects here and there.
(I know it will likely happen eventually) but I need these realities to merge soon so Monica is reunited with Carol and Kamala!
Last, this film and the first Captain Marvel film showed there is depth to Carol. She even admitted she liked having Kamala and Monica around. I hope moving forward she is able to be more than the Avengers’ tank. Like she is powerful but clearly Brie Larson is trying to show the human side of Carol Danvers.
Actual final point— I loved Uncle Nick Fury and Monica Rambeau…I need more of that immediately!
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mlp410nightcore · 4 months
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Hi Everyone!! Here is my main 7 cast for my Blossom Love AU. The Main 7 cast are Andrea (the one with the mask cutie mark), Zelda (the one with the lighting bolt cutie mark), Alexander (the one with the paw print in the heart cutie mark), Marcellus (the one with the cookie cutie mark), Big Sugar (the one with the apple slice on a muffin cutie mark), Phoebe (the one with the heart and four pointed star with wings cutie mark) and Cinnamon Sugar (the earth pony with the purple bow as I couldn't give her a cutie mark due to Phoebe's hair being in the way LOL). (Parents of these next gens will be mentioned in a comment below this post). Andrea is somewhat sweet and kind when she wants to be, but if you mess with her friends and family, she will not hesitate to beat your ass. Andrea's love for wrestling and having a job as a pro wrestler is how she got her cutie mark. Zelda is super nice and friendly as well as a world renowned hero in Equestria but Zelda never let's the fame and praise get to his head and keeps a low and not egotistical image about himself both on and off camera. Zelda was born with super fast flight and his wings glow bright when he's reached top speeds. Although, he sometimes goes too fast at times and tries his hardest to find safe and soft places to crash into to slow himself down. He got his cutie mark after discovering that he can fly at really fast speeds that were never achieved by any other pegasus and started using his flight powers to help others. Alexander is super sweet and loves taking care of animals just like his mother and he's also dating Phoebe. Alexander got his cutie mark after he discovered his love for animals. Marcellus is quite the gentleman and loves to treat others with the respect that they deserve. He's also quite soft spoken and doesn't like being the center of attention much but he is very social and does like to hangout with his friends quite often. He got his cutie mark after discovering that he's an amazing baker and loves to bake treats for everyone. Big Sugar is very kind and super honest. He's also very hard working and takes pride working with his family at Sweet Apple Acres. Big Sugar got his cutie mark after finding out that he loves to make apple themed treats and started selling them to help out the apple family. Phoebe is sweet, polite and soft-spoken. She's also the princess of Ithersia since her parents, (Samurai Jack and Itward), were given the throne after saving Ithersia from Remor and King Sombra. Phoebe got her cutie mark after saving some citizens from evil kamalas. She became an alicorn after discovering her true potential and being an amazing role model to others. Cinnamon Sugar is very hyper almost all the time. She's also super good at baking, telling jokes and all around party planning. She got her cutie mark after finding out that she loves party planning and wants to follow in her father's hoofsteps and become the next big party planner in all of Equestria. Credit goes to chaostrical for the base I used and to Juicy Beast, COMIXGUM, Genndy Tartakovsky, Cartoon Network, Killmonday Games, ConcernedApe, Sad Panda Studios, Lauren Faust and Hasbro for creating Burrito Bison:Launcha Libre, The Heroic AU (Villainous AU), Samurai Jack, Fran Bow, Stardew Valley, Crush Crush and My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic as well as creating the parents of my main 7 next gens and the next gen character Big Sugar too as well as the locations, Equestria and Sweet Apple Acres as well. I only take credit for my next gens, art, ships, stories and the Blossom Love AU. I hope you guys like this!!!
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domxmarvel · 1 year
Pairing: Kamala x Female!Reader
Prompt: 1 There I was again tonight Forcing laughter, faking smiles
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Like many of your nights you were spending this one at the lab working on yet another project,you were supposed to be alone and not expecting anyone. 
“Oh Y/N,I thought you had gone home”
“You know me,can’t stop working” You laughed it off “What are you doing here,weren’t you supposed to be getting engaged? At least that’s what I heard” You finally looked her in the eye,only to notice how red her eyes were. 
“I-I” She looked away and it was clear that she didn’t want to talk about it.
“Wanna join me?” She looked back at you,nodding “Grab your coat and join me”
You worked through the night and you tried to pry as much as you could without annoying her. 
“You don’t need to tell me exactly what happened,but I can tell you were crying and I just wanna know that you’re okay”
“I don’t know what I am at this point. This is how everything was supposed to go,how it goes for every woman like me. It’s how it was for my mom and my auntie but I don’t know why I just couldn’t go through with it” You were a bit confused but quickly figured out she was talking about her arranged marriage. 
“Kamala,there’s nothing wrong with wanting something different. Having your own goals and dreams is never wrong in any way. You have to figure out what you want out of life,what you want for yourself and if they’re really our family they’ll love you no matter what you want”
“There is something I want,but I’m scared that it won’t work out because it’s not up to me”
“You like someone else?”
“Yes,but I’m not sure if they like me back”
“A better question is who wouldn’t. Kamala you’re incredible you’re beautiful and smart,anyone would be lucky to have you”
“I did realize something tonight,I felt like I had no choice but I just had to do what I was told,what was expected of me. But it’s time for me to make my own decisions” She seemed to regain her confidence and was back to smiling. You stood up and stretched,yawning as you did. 
“That’s great,but I think it’s time to call it a night” You started cleaning up and she helped you,your hands brushing against hers multiple times. Locking up the lab you walked out and she was back to being silent. “Good night”
“Y/N,wait” You stopped and turned back to her.
“Something wrong,did you forget something in the lab?”
“No,I have something to tell you” She took a deep breath “I-I”
“It’s okay take your time,you don’t have to tell me until you’re ready”
“I love you!” She shouted making you freeze up 
“Me? You love me?”
“Yes I do,that’s why I can’t do what they want because I want you”
"I shouldn't have said that,I-"
"Kamala,I love you too. But I was too scared to tell you,I figured you wouldn't be interested in women let alone me of all people"
"Y/N you're the reason I switched my residency,I was hoping you'd say something first,but you never did"
"Only because I thought you wouldn't like me" You laughed,trying to lighten the mood.
"I guess I didn't really make the best impression" She laughed back.
"I guess we both were running around blind. It's not that late what do you say we go grab a drink"
"I'd love to" 
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sapphire-weapon · 1 month
I hope you'll be okay. What happens at Gaza is awful, but I noticed that in my country - I'm not in USA - there were a lot of hate against jews because of that. People are so damn stupid they confuse and mix everything.
there's always hatred of jews in the US. i'm used to that. i'm not used to feeling unsafe in online spaces, and i'm really not used to seeing friends promote antisemitic rhetoric.
what i've noticed, and what's been really insidious to me, is that Literal Nazis have been seeing well-meaning people trying to say "anti-zion =/= antisemitic" and have twisted that into essentially tricking those people into actual antisemitic thinking, assuring them that they're not being antisemitic, just anti-zion.
and there's a whole rabbit hole to go down here, but i don't have the time and i really don't have the strength to explain this in a way that's not going to get my inbox nuked by well-meaning useful idiots. but the tl;dr is that the jew-arab problem in gaza is something that goes back literally thousands of years, and in recent times, was exacerbated by the holocaust, and then had gasoline dumped on the fire by US president truman. current-day israel exists in a state of apartheid, yes, but wholesale dismantling the state of israel is not the solution to dismantling apartheid. the current government needs to be reformed, not dismantled. supporting a two-state solution is not being pro-genocide, because displacing more people is not the solution. it's not justice; it's revenge against a people for the actions of their government. it also allows hamas to go unchecked -- which hurts the palestinian people, too, because hamas has been using them as shields because they don't give a shit about them and that's why the civilian casualty rate is so high. hamas won't let them evacuate. and this is to say nothing of the relationships between hamas and other countries in the region. there's a lot of moving parts to this conflict that won't be solved by just focusing on israel. and a lot of the rhetoric i'm seeing can really be boiled down to "those fucking jews are the problem, and they need to disarm and leave."
and this focus on israel-palestine doesn't pass the sniff test when the war in ukraine is ongoing with just as many civilians dead. this is literally a propaganda campaign by Actual Nazis to focus well-meaning people on the left's ire towards jews -- and, in the US's case, an attempt to cause infighting on the left in an attempt to get trump back in office. you already see people on the left protesting kamala harris while saying they wouldn't protest trump, because they've been duped into thinking that this is the correct course.
the tl;dr to the tl;dr is: if your stance is full-stop "israel bad" and your intellectual curiosity about the situation ends there, i don't feel safe around you and i don't want to be around you, because you have fallen hook, line, and sinker for neo-nazi propaganda. "netanyahu bad" = correct. "israel bad" = i don't understand global politics and i'm out for revenge against jews.
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If true encouraging sign that she's willing to ditch Blinken, Austin, and Sullivan, i dearly hope McGurk goes too. What I want to hear is Kamala Harris confirm these things herself & call for an actual ceasefire
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yesbutmakeitgay · 1 month
I'd Circle 'Round The World And Keep Coming Back To You
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GIF by marvelladiesdaily
Carol Danvers x Reader
We’ve Loved A Thousand Lives
Same beginning, different story every time.
Part 8
Reunions, Bittersweet.
Beta'd by @cordeliasdarling <3
Word count: 1k
Masterlist | This collection | AO3
Carol enters her ship after another successful mission wanting for nothing more than to relax and rest while reaching her next destination, that is, until she senses someone else’s presence in her space home.
She walks slowly, pointing one of her lit up fists in a general forward direction, "I know you’re in here, who are you? Who sent you?" she warns the intruder.
A human silhouette appears in her line of vision, it’s arms up in surrender. She continues to walk towards it so she can make out the person’s face.
"It’s me," you announce, hoping that’s enough to deter her threatening state.
"Oh, hey," she greets you with surprise and quickly puts her fist down.
"What are you doing here?" Carol asks in genuine confusion.
"I got stranded a few days ago," you explain nervously, "I saw your ship and I just…I hope you don’t mind."
"No, of course not, are you okay?"
"I think so."
She isn't so sure about your answer, but decides not to press you, "Do you need a ride somewhere?"
"That would be great, thank you."
She makes her way to the ship's control panel, "Where to?"
"Um, home?" you hesitate.
Carol pauses her movements and turns to you, "And, where is that now?"
"I’m not sure," you whisper back.
The Captain thinks for a moment, "I have a couple of missions left out here and then I'm going to Earth to visit a friend, why don't you come with me?"
Carol whips up a quick dinner, and you sit at the table together, "You have a nice home here, Danvers, a lot livelier than I remember," you comment, looking around the ship.
A reminiscing smile grows on her face, "Yeah, it's been a while."
"What's with all the drawings of yourself?" you ask, pointing to the cartoonish versions of Captain Marvel on the fridge.
She chuckles, "Kamala made those."
"Kamala? Is that a partner?" you wonder, trying to sound casual.
"Teammate, friend!" It comes out more aggressively than she intends.
You hum in understanding, "Still riding the Yan train, then?"
"He's just a friend, you know that," she protests, faking annoyance.
Your features turn more serious, "You and I used to be friends too."
"We're still friends," she frowns, "aren't we?" There’s a trace of sadness in her voice.
You answer with another question, "How often do you see your friends, Captain?"
Carol is taken aback by it, "Not as often as I'd like," she stutters.
"And how often do you make out with them?"
The ship is quiet for a moment.
"You've made your point." Carol accepts her defeat getting up to clear the table as you follow to help her, "I hate to be that guy, but you should take a shower," she suggests when you’re done cleaning up.
"What? You don’t like my 'I’ve been stranded on a strange planet for four days' smell?" you joke.
"Nope," she responds, accentuating the 'p,' "you can borrow some clothes if you want."
"Way ahead of you, Captain," you yell back as you walk to the bathroom.   
When you come out, Carol notices that you're hurt, "Come here," she instructs.
"What?" You walk toward her on the couch, a little puzzled.
"Sit," you do as you're told, "why are you limping?"
"Excuse me?"
"Don't lie to me," she gently takes your leg and brings it over her lap, "you sprained your ankle," she states as a fact.
"It's nothing," you try to downplay it.
"It's huge, stop being stubborn." She gets up to gather some supplies and when she returns she wraps your ankle up and gives you an ice pack, "There are more in the freezer when this one melts."
"Thanks," is all you can say.
Carol goes to her bedroom, and you insist on sleeping on the couch rather than sharing a bed with her.
The Captain wakes up in the middle of the night and sees light coming through the bottom of her door. She comes out to investigate and finds you wide awake, looking out the window.
"Can't sleep?" Carol’s voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
"I could never get used to the feeling of the spaceship," you reply, still looking to the outside.
"You should try flying alone," she quips as she sits beside you and looks at what's mesmerizing you so much.
You grab a small picture that’s tucked in the window frame, "Where’s this?" you whisper.
"That's New Asgard."
"Where Valkyrie lives?" Carol hums in response, "We used to visit her a lot."
"I remember."
"Do you still visit her?" you ask, out of simple curiosity.
There is a sense of woe in her words, "When I can."
"Remember that time we got to ride on her Pegasus?"
"Oh, yeah!" A smile grows on Carol's face.
"You told me you loved me for the first time that day."
She scoots closer to you, and you lay your head on her shoulder, the ship is so quiet you can hear each other's breathing.
"Do you ever think of me?" Her voice is barely audible.
"Don’t ask me that."
"Do you?" she insists.
You pause for a beat, "I didn’t get stranded," Carol looks at you confused, "I heard you were stopping by, so I went to see you."
Her brows furrow, "Why?"
"Because I miss you, because nothing’s been the same since I lost you."
"But we were friends, we’re still friends!" she objects in an oblivious tone.
"That’s just something people say," you respond with a bittersweet smile, "the universe needs Captain Marvel, I just wanted Carol."
"That’s not fair."
"I was tired of fighting with the universe for your attention," you chuckle sadly, "that sounds so selfish of me. This is your job, it’s your life and you love doing it. That’s what makes the great Captain Marvel." You finally look at her.
"So, what now? Will you come find me again in two years?"
"Maybe I can stay a little longer," you hope, almost as if asking for permission.
"I would like that, I love you, I always will."
I love this one so much.
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chargetheintruder · 2 months
One crisis ends, two more begin . . .
and a third one resumes as always.
On the one hand . . . Joe is Biden, dropping out, isn't so much good news as it is necessary news. So can this bought and paid-for psycho Media FINALLY SHUT THE HELL UP??
On the other? Yes, Kamala Harris, our President Pro Tempore under the 25th Amendment, really REALLY ought to be the candidate seeing as how we voted for her too, back in 2020. But that doesn't mean Big Money won't pitch a bitch about her. No really, this is something Media folks and Big Donors alike refuse to get: sometimes it isn't about the perfectly calculated candidate, but rather the one you hope for. Nobody asked IF Barack Obama was electable, because the game was different. With Obama, it was about the vision of putting the first man of color in the White House.
Likewise I don't know how "betrayed" women of color can be if Harris runs, seeing as how a) they voted for her too, and b) she literally is one of them. It both solves a problem, follows normal procedure under the Constitution and is still doing the vision/"candidate we hope for" thing.
Mainly though it puts convicted felon Donald Trump up against a trial lawyer. It changes the dynamic. It takes Trump out of the gloating/"I win" position and puts him back on defense. All we have to hope for is that Kamala can actually GO OFF on Trump, for the women voters, properly, without being lumped in with Hillary Clinton as "unlikeable" when hello, you're not going to be friendly when under threat from a fucking fucknut like Trump.
The ongoing problem though, is that our completely traitorous One Percent has gone almost entirely Team Trump "because they're bored" and inbred rich bitches (gender neutral) that way. Essentially, the bastards who own the Media and own the Internet, and have ruined Twitter and Snopes alike, are hellbent on being as favoritist towards Trump and his as possible, throwing only softballs at the crazy Hitler Wannabe and making damned sure nobody questions the Asylum Rules Monstrosity on the ballot.
No really, too much of our lives in this nation already run on the rules of the psychiatric ward as it is. Too much of the USA has become bleak and dystopian as it is. Do you really want a dictator with a personality disorder in charge, possibly for the rest of his life? Voting to keep Trump out seems like a chore, but doing that, keeping him OUT, also means we can still fix the United States.
We won't even have a country to fix if Trump wins. We won't be able to help anyone else if we refuse to save ourselves from Trump. Get it through your heads: everything we hope for, out there in the world, goes down a toilet if we don't save ourselves from Trump. Palestine, Ukraine, Taiwan and more will suffer and perish if we don't save ourselves and preserve our ABILITY to save others.
Under Trump we become Vladimir Putin's COLONY. Then we become Xi Jinping's COLONY depending on what new fucking plague that plague pimp coughs up next week. Then we become beholden and a COLONY OF whoever else Trump and his whore us out to, the week after that.
Suck on that.
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