#i NEVER make au’s for anything!! so the fact that I have one this fleshed out is crazy to me
volaenii · 1 year
I have this whole ass Trigun x Nier au made up but no one to share with
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heavenlyraindrops · 3 months
“ᴏʙꜱᴇꜱꜱᴇᴅ.” | ᴋᴇɴᴊɪ ꜱᴀᴛᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | { ɪ }
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☆ Warnings: profanity, sports!photographer!reader, fem!reader, afab!reader, for future chapters: social media au, eventual smut
☆ 1.3k words | Available on: Tumblr, AO3
A career in sports photography was never something your parents wanted for you- they had decided your career path since the moment you were born. A surgeon. Bound to make them plenty of money, to make them proud. They wanted it more than anything else, and…
You decided that wasn’t your problem. 
You researched the job, the career path, and began building a portfolio. Taking pictures of athletes at games, major ones and others such as college games. Mostly baseball. In fact, it was almost all baseball.  
Oh. College games. Baseball.
You’d attended college in the States, attending the baseball games and snapping pictures. And, for some reason, you seemed to gravitate towards one specific player. 
You had no idea what his name was.
You didn’t share any classes. You saw him around campus occasionally, but you weren’t one for parties so you had no chance of running into him at one of those. Your circles barely even touched. You didn’t know each other at all. 
Correction: he didn’t know you at all, and you only knew him as the hot athlete guy you took pictures of. 
“Another one?” Your friend, Taika grumbled, another one of your posts coming up on her feed. “[name], this is the fifteenth time you’ve posted this guy.”
You rolled your eyes, laptop balanced on your thigh as you edited a picture. “I’m just building my portfolio.”
“No one’s gonna hire you if your portfolio is just a million pictures of the same guy.”
“It’s not, there’s other pictures too.”
“Yeah, like, two.”
“Hyperbole much?”
Taika sighed aggressively, setting her phone-face down next to her as she leaned forward, face turning serious. “[name], is this some weird fetish? Kink?”
“What?” You almost threw your laptop at her. “You’re so dramatic. Obviously it’s not. What kind of kink would that even be?”
“Just admit you think he’s hot.”
You pressed your lips together, slamming your laptop shut. “Okay, get out.”
And that was that. You kept taking pictures of Mysterious Hot Athlete Guy,, eventually veering away from him in the end to expand your name. Your portfolio grew, you gained jobs, and your parents got increasingly frustrated until the point where they threatened to cut contact with you. 
You didn’t care. This was your passion. You’d much rather be on a pitch, capturing the essence of exhausted yet still exhilarated camaraderie than in a sterile surgeon’s scrub, brandishing a scalpel, cutting into flesh to expose your patients innards. 
Unfortunately they went through with the threat. Oh well. 
With the little savings you had, the weight of college debt for a degree you’d never use on your shoulders and your rather expensive camera equipment for which you’d somehow managed to scrape together the money for, you decided to follow Taika back to Japan.
“There’s plenty of opportunities for you there,” she told you.
Taika, being a trust fund baby, had more than enough of her parents' money to support herself, and you in Japan. You slowly grew your career and by a couple of months, you could afford to move into your own apartment. 
And now you were a- somewhat-well known sports photographer in the industry, despite never actually having a stable job, and… that was that. 
That was your story. 
But not the end of it.
Because after a good few months deep into your path of sports photography, a baseball player rose to stardom. 
Kenji Sato.
“Oh my god!” Taika grabbed onto your arm, nails digging into your skin and making you yelp as she thrust the phone in your face. “Dude! That’s the guy you had a crush on in college!”
Your face burned with embarrassment, and your voice was grating. “I didn’t have a crush on him.”
He just had a nice… bone structure.
Maybe I should have taken pictures of models for magazines or something. 
You looked at the article. Newest player on the field sparks talk of the rise of a new baseball legend. 
Oh damn. Maybe he should have been a model. 
“Kenji Sato,” Taika read out the name. “Dude, I swear this is the guy.” Pulling up your instagram account, she scrolled all the way to the bottom, at your earlier days of shooting. “Dude. That’s him.”
“It’s him,” you said weakly. She grinned at you, a knowing smirk that made you want to tear her hair out. 
Another stretch of time passed, until the days where your life was immediately thrust into a direction it did not give consent into going. 
Firstly, Ken Sato made headlines by coming back to Japan. Secondly, you’d landed a job at a baseball game in the Tokyo Dome. Thirdly, it was the game which the Yomiuri Giants were playing. 
You were now on the corner of the pitch, equipment set up, game in full play. The heat of the crowd pressed down on you as you angled your camera at a figure all too familiar. 
Fucking focus, [name].
The ball whizzed through the air. He hit it, arm and bat lashing out, and-
You cursed, jerking away from the camera set up and throwing your hands over your head. It fell to the ground, shattered, and the ball rolled across the ground, hitting your knee. 
You looked up. The crowd was roaring. Your head was ringing, feeling faint as you stared at the broken camera lying on the ground. Oh jeez, you were going to faint. Fuck, those players hit the ball hard.
You looked up and saw Ken Sato hurrying towards you. 
And that was when you fainted. 
Kenji Sato was going to fucking jump off of a bridge.
Pacing his living room, he dragged his hands through his hair, muttering a string of curses under his breath. “Mina, I’m so screwed.” He paused, looking at her hopefully. “Am I? Screwed, I mean.”
“That would be an interesting topic of debate, Ken.”
“Give me a proper answer, dammit!”
“You’ll be fine.”
“What about the girl?” He stopped suddenly, freezing in place. “I feel awful, you know.” Mina stared at him. “Yes, I can feel regret. Shocker.” He ran his hand through his hair, again. “I already replaced her broken stuff, right?” He looked sick. “Should I apologize? In person? Over text?”
“You could apologize over text,” Mina said.
Kenji immediately fell into the couch, pulling out his phone. “What’s her instagram account name?” Pulling it up, he scrolled through the photos. “[name] [surname], sports photographer,” he read aloud, eyes flicking down to the pictures. 
“She has taken photos for teams, articles, and even major sports magazines.” Mina flew down, hovering near his head as he scrolled curiously. 
“How many photos do you bet she’s got of me?”
“Would you like me to run a search?”
Ken looked up, surprised. “I was just kidding.” He dug his nail beneath his other nail, considering the offer, but Mina was already doing it. 
“Approximately ninety-seven out of two-hundred and twenty-nine images posted on her professional account include your face,” Mina concluded. Ken stared at her blankly. She remained silent for a few more seconds, letting it sink in, then spoke again. “I suggest scrolling to the very bottom of her account, her earliest days of photography, Ken.”
“Ninety-seven?” He asked incredulously, and Mina simply repeated her previous statement. Scroll down.
He did. It took him a while, but he finally managed to hit it, and-
“I’m in college in these.”
His eyes scanned the pictures on the screen- most of which were of him. College games, every one of them. He’d never noticed her in the crowd. Had he?
And there were so, so many.
He could feel heat creeping up his neck. He didn’t find it creepy, or stalkerish- not at all, but instead dared to feel a tiny bit flattered. 
Oh, she was obsessed with me. That’s kind of cute. 
He wondered if she still was. 
Taglist: @moonjellyfishie, @lovingyeet, @aise-30, @scarasw1f3, @v1ennie im only doing taglist this once but I’d prefer it if people just followed me instead because they’re such a hassle
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haykawas · 10 months
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summary : You've always been good at hiding your feelings for your best friend, but when Satoru finally manages to land a date with the girl of his dreams, something seems to shift inside you. But don't worry, you have another best friend there who's more than willing to care for you.
word count : ~ 11K for all routes that are out, ~ 2.8K for this part. tags : best friend!to lovers, modern AU, best friends gojo & geto, fluff, angst, eventual smut, drama, love confessions, multiple choices standalone.
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It is known that blue is your favorite color.
Blue like the sea. Like the sky on a particularly hot day. Blue like the feathers of a magnificent peacock, and the flesh of a ripe blueberry.
His eyes are blue. They’re this piercing, icy blue you can’t seem to get away from wherever you are. – It is a coincidence that they are your favorite shade of blue, too.
You don’t know when you started liking the color blue with so much passion, and you think maybe you always have. Yet you don’t do anything about it, you don’t go out of your way to profess your love for it. You don’t seek it out and won’t admit it’s the only color that’ll ever make you feel the way you do when you look at it.
It’s okay. There are many other shades to love. It’s just disheartening that it seems to be the only one that suits you so well.
And it is this same shade of blue that is sparkling in Satoru’s eyes, screaming ‘victory’ as he comes back to your table in a confident stride. The wide grin that is stretching his pink lips is triumphant, and you know what this means.
He actually did it.
He slams the piece of paper on the table, leaning at your level to rub it in your face, his sunglasses threatening to fall off his nose. – He always looks so cute when they do that, his nose slightly scrunching to keep them from doing so.
“Ha! You owe me ten bucks.”
You roll your eyes at him, clicking your tongue in annoyance. “I’m sure she took pity on you. That, or it’s a fake number.”
You hope it is, but you would be a fool to believe that. Just a look at your best friend would be enough to understand the fact that he could get anything he would ever want. Like he loved saying, his face card never declined. – To your dismay.
“Oh I knew you’d say that, so I called the number just in case. And guess what?”
“Ugh, Satoru? That’s fucking insane.” You cringe without waiting for him to finish what he has to say.
His eyes widen comically, pointing at you with accusation. “It’s not!”
Suguru also grimaces,  “It is. Creep.”
You grin and silently mouth back the word to your white-haired friend, mocking him.
Satoru rolls his eyes, already exasperated with the both of you, “Whatever you say. While you nerds are gonna be drowning in your video games, I’ll actually be getting some action tonight.” He winks, emphasizing the word action and you feign a gag. And you don’t have to try too hard for it to come out as genuine.
Suguru chimes in, sighing, “Just don’t come crying to us when she ghosts you, man. Again.”
You hum, your chin propped up on your hand, “He sure knows how to pick ‘em, hm, Suguru?”
“She’s different, guys, come on!” He whines.
“Weren’t the three other girls before different too?“
“I believe they were!“ You say, feigning the act of pushing imaginary glasses up your nose. Suguru chuckles, and you grin at him.
“Well, y’know…” He trails off, sighing in defeat because he knows he’s been cornered. “I just really don’t wanna screw this one up.”
You raise an eyebrow, a forced smile on your lips. “We’re just fucking with you, ‘Toru.” You smirk, “But don’t worry, we’ll keep the ice cream ready just in case you come back with your tail between your legs.”
He groans, “I swear you two are perfect for each other. Always teaming up on me like that! What have I done to deserve two mean best friends?”
Suguru looks at you in amusement, and you instantly meet his eyes with a cheeky grin of your own. 
“Two pretty best friends.”
At this meaningful exchange, Satoru groans, throwing his hands in the air.
“See? My point exactly!”
You can’t help but let your lips curve into a half-smile at his antics, and you don’t notice how your eyes seem to shine so much brighter when they are laid on your best friend, but Suguru does. He knows you by heart, having spent so many days and so many nights by your side. 
At the time, you and Satoru came into a package deal as much as Satoru and him did. Naturally, after spending so many years by your side, he understands the mechanics of your brain. Sometimes, such as now, he even senses something’s wrong before you even do.
Right now, he knows that your heart aches. That it must be clenching painfully in your chest, that you must be punishing yourself for not feeling happy for your best friend when he’s been meaning to ask this girl out for weeks now. But how could you, when the mere thought of him touching and tasting someone else’s skin makes you feel like you can’t breathe? Like always, Suguru can’t help but want to protect you.
So he calls your name, and when you turn to him, he leans in to whisper in your ear, “Hey, you really okay with this?”
You try to muster a grin, though it doesn’t quite reach your eyes, and like always he sees right through you. “Me? Why wouldn’t I be okay? ‘m just worried he’ll get his hopes up for nothing, that’s all.”
He lifts a brow not quite buying your act, but he doesn’t say a thing, and you’re thankful for that.
“What do you say we give him a taste of his own medicine then?”
You arch a brow in confusion, and he waves a hand before explaining himself. 
“Remember when you used to date this Nanami guy and Satoru constantly crashed your dates with phone calls and weird texts?”
“And when he actually showed up out of nowhere at the theater and shoved himself between us! I swear I was gonna rip him to shreds.”
“You gave him the silent treatment for a week after that, I thought I was gonna go crazy with his constant blabbering.” He groans, his almond eyes slightly crinkling as he reminisces your high school days.
You scoff, amused, “He always had some lame excuses, too. Nanami ended up breaking up with me 'cause he thought I was cheating on him with that fucker.” 
“So what do you think? Up for a little fun?” He says as he looks at you with mirth in his eyes, waiting for you to catch on. When you do, you can’t help but gasp at the implications of his words.
“Are you serious?”
He grins cheekily, “Let’s go to the same place he’s taking his date, but in disguise.”
“That does sound fun…” Suguru looks at you with anticipation. “But it’s very childish.”
“And he might see us.”
“That’s a possibility.”
“He’ll be pissed, too…”
“Oh, he will.” He smirks and you can’t help but mirror his expression.
“I’m in.”
“Hey! What are you two whispering about?”
“Hm? Just girl talk, you wouldn’t get it.” You answer, and you hear Suguru snicker in the back. You also can’t help the cheeky grin forming on your lips when you notice Satoru’s expression, but you don’t give him time to argue. “Hey, where did you say your date was, again?”
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That’s how you find yourself standing before the restaurant. You can’t help but scoff at the sight.
“Papa’s, seriously? It’s like he’s begging to get dumped!”
Your eyes shift to Suguru, and you burst out laughing at the sight. “You look absolutely ridiculous.” You say with a grin, and he mirrors your expression with a raised brow.
“Oh, and you don’t?”
Your eyes meet and you try to hold it in, – you’re smiling so wide it hurts your cheeks. Suguru turns his neck and averts his eyes so he doesn’t laugh, but you can see the grin stretching his lips.
“The mustache is killing me, man, I’m gonna blow our cover!” You laugh, “Take it off.”
“And ruin the vibe I went for?” He shakes his head, “Just say you want to sabotage me.”
“I do! You look way too hot in this, our cover will be blown immediately!” You tease.
He arches a brow, a hint of amusement gleaming in his eyes, “Do I now?”
“Uh uh,” You nod, “I’m this close to calling off the operation just so I can rock your world.” He lets out a deep laugh, hiding his mouth with the back of his hand as his eyes crinkle in amusement.
You return his smile.
What should have been a depressing evening turned into one of the funniest nights of your life. You would try your best to keep yourself from laughing while Suguru would act all serious, without a hint of a smile. He plays his part so well that he makes it even harder for you to keep up your facade. Your laughter echoes through the streets as you try hard not to attract attention, failing spectacularly when you happen to catch a glimpse of Suguru’s costume, –  especially his top hat. 
He has to be the only person in the world who’d think of dressing up as freaking Abraham Lincoln to spy on someone.
After this night, the bond between you two grows even stronger. Late-night conversations become the norm, and you’ve grown used to hanging out without Satoru.
It’s also due to the fact that Satoru would always find himself too busy to spend time with you, for some reason. He also misses on movie nights, and Satoru usually never misses movie nights.
You suspect it has to be because he’s seeing that girl from the Café.
You don’t want to think about it. Nor do you want to think about the distance that is growing between you. Yet you can’t deny that you miss him.
You miss him terribly, because he’s always been the only constant in your life and now it seems like he isn’t anymore. You’ve always shared everything with him, and him with you, so having him act so cold towards you feels strange. It feels like a knife in your heart.
You exhale, your finger hovering over the send button as you contemplate whether to send the message. Even if you don’t think you’ve done anything wrong, you refuse to let miscommunication come between the two of you.
you SATORU . you still coming tonight???:p
No. Too casual.
you wyd tonight? still on 4 movie night?;)
Ugh, too horny.
you Are you coming tonight or are you still avoiding us?
Hell no. Too truthful.
you you coming tonight?
Sent. As soon as you hit the send button, you throw your phone on the couch and bury it under a mountain of pillows. You sigh, feeling slightly stupid for freaking out over such a simple text.
But you never fight with Satoru, this is something you just don't do.
You’re so lost in your own embarrassment that you don’t see the screen of your phone light up, displaying Satoru’s contact name in bold letters.
satoru yeah i'll be there
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The scent of sugar fills the kitchen, and you’re lost in thought as you watch the bag of dried corn turn into sweet treats under the microwave’s heat. You sigh for what feels like the hundredth time tonight, and Suguru groans at the sound.
“My mom used to say sighs brought out the devil.” He lifts a brow. “At this rate I’ll have to incense the whole house when you leave.”
“Your mom’s way too superstitious, and you know that.” You roll your eyes. “But if the devil’s real I hope he takes you first. You’re a pain in my ass.”
He hums with a small smile, “Seems like you’re in a mood to me.”
“Classy. And a bit sexist.”
“You know what else’s classy? Not burning up the only bag of popcorn we have.” He throws with a smirk as he leaves the kitchen.
You curse at him under your breath and make quick work to retrieve what can be saved. When you’re done, you meet him on the sofa, and find him already sprawled out.
He scoots over to make room for you, and you let yourself fall on the cushions, propping your legs on his thighs. You place the bowl between the two of you, and there’s silence before you hear Suguru snort.
“I tried, okay? It was all burnt!”
“You’re so not talented at this.” He bites his lip to avoid laughing, while his gaze keeps flickering from the bowl to your eyes.
“Stop looking at it!” You move the bowl out of his sight, “You won’t have any if you keep making fun of me.” You threaten, and Suguru retreats, his hands raised in mock surrender.
“Alright, alright! Give it back and sit down, the movie’s starting.” 
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“I wish someone loved me like this.” 
You don’t realize you’ve said this out loud until you feel Suguru’s burning gaze on you. You don’t know if it’s because you’ve suddenly blurted out a lame, depressing confession, or because he thinks you’re crazy for saying it when you’re watching Shrek.
“I’m sure there is.”
You scoff, “Yeah, right.”
You turn your gaze back to the TV, but you can’t ignore the look he’s giving you. You try to ignore it, but he doesn’t let it go. And you know he has something to say. Something you won’t like.
“What?” You finally blurt out, appraising him with narrowed eyes.
“When are you going to tell him?”
“Tell who?”
“Don’t play dumb.” He gives you a blank stare, unimpressed by your act. “Everyone and their mother knows you have it bad for Satoru.”
“Suguru…” You groan.
“Go on, tell me I’m wrong.”
Your mouth opens to try and muster up a lie, but you can’t come up with anything. You can’t lie about this, and he knows it.
He smiles, “See? You can’t even deny it.”
“He has a girlfriend.”
“Oh, did he tell you? Or did you just pull this one out of your ass?”
You roll your eyes, pushing him away. He chuckles, enjoying the sheer embarrassment displayed on your face. 
“You know he didn’t. But come on! You and I both know he never misses movie night, and he’s been bailing on us for weeks now.” You frown, “What kind of best friend does that?”
Suguru hums. “Yeah, sure. A best friend.”
You look at him with arched brows. He’s testing your limits, and while you’re used to this side of him, you’re not in the mood to play. At this point, you’ve both drowned out the sound of the TV, you glaring at him for forcing you to face the truth, and him just waiting for you to come to terms with your own feelings.
You let out a humorless laugh, throwing your hands in the air, “You know what?” 
“Yes, I’m in love with Satoru! So what? Do you expect me to run to his house and confess my undying love for him before it’s ‘too late’?” You exclaim, and you’re too engrossed in your speech to notice Suguru’s panicked expression as he looks over your shoulder, or his hand gestures signaling you to cut the conversation short.
You don’t realise you’re no longer alone until the sound of movement startles you. You turn around with a jump, and what you see makes your blood run cold. Satoru is standing in the doorway, his presence having gone unnoticed until then. You can see the shock on his face, a mixture of surprise and confusion.
You’re paralyzed. 
You feel like the sick butt of a joke. And if the fact that your childhood best friend heard you profess your love for him wasn't enough to make you wish you were dead, it’s the look on his face that crushes you the most.
His eyes search for yours in hope you’ll explain yourself, and it makes you want to disappear from the surface of the Earth.
You never wanted him to know. You never wanted him to look at you like this. Like… he pitied you.
Suguru extends an arm to hold you back, but he’s a few seconds too late. You can’t bear this, so much that you don’t let anyone say a single word before you flee the apartment, ducking under Satoru’s arm without sparing him a glance.
You absolutely won’t stand there and listen to him apologize for not feeling the same way you do.
You refuse to feel your best friends’ sorry glances on you as they comfort you. You know it’s cowardly, that you should just stayed and talked about the elephant in the room, or just lied your way out of it.
You didn't, though. You fled, and the shame is eating you alive, but you couldn't stay there.
Not today. Your dignity won’t let you.
Yet, it seems like fate has other plans for you, because you hear quick, familiar,  footsteps hurrying towards you.
And you know it’s him. 
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Him? What do you mean by him? Help a poor writer out!
Suguru Geto, who else?
Of course it's Gojo Satoru.
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hello hello, welcome to my standalone first choose your own adventure!! there are three routes to this story (one has two possible branches), two are already out, one is coming soon! i absolutely loved working on this, although this took lots of time. i hope you enjoy it!
rbs are much appreciated <3
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juniefruit · 4 months
☆ bf werewolf chan ☆
☆ modern, non-idol au, established relationship. gn! reader except fem! in the nsfw part (specified with a warning)
☆ Warnings: regular werewolf shenanigans, idk pretty tame. lmk if I need to add something! not proofread, posting from the cafe where I just finished the smut portion :)
☆ Word count: ~1.5k
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Super shy when he first tells you about the whole werewolf situation. He stumbles over his words and his face is red from embarrassment. But you give him your undivided attention, eyes full of patience and love. He confesses everything, his hand gripping your forearm and kneading the flesh for reassurance. 
Finally, everything falls into place. All of his little quirks and mannerisms make sense now. The way he clings to you, how he insists you wear his jackets/hoodies, and so on. Oh, and the fact that he’s practically a human furnace. Cold hands and feet? Not with Chan glued to your side. 
Knows that you're fully capable of holding your own, but sometimes he just can't help his jealousy or overprotectiveness. Can you blame him!! he just wants you to be safe and keep you all to himself. He never denies you of the things that bring you joy. He also buys you little keepsakes or trinkets that remind him of you. Holds your hand, waist shoulder, etc. in public. He has enough self awareness to know that extreme PDA is cringe, so he keeps it to a minimum unless something truly pisses him off and has to let them know you're taken.
Now that you think about it, his ‘stargazing’ trips always happened during a full moon. It annoys you that you didn’t catch on to it earlier. But what he does is far from stargazing. Him and the other pack members patrol the forest on the outskirts of the city for anything alarming or new. You had shown interest in these trips, but Chan promised he’d take you another day, one where it could be just you two, instead of having to deal with Chan’s  buddies too. And he delivered. It was one of your favorite date activities now. It’s like the world slows down as the stars twinkle above the grassy meadow you’re laying on. Crickets chirp in the distance, and Chan’s arm is wrapped around your shoulders, providing you with a comfy headrest. There’s a blanket under you, too. Once in a while, he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, eyes closed, smiling with content. He takes in your scent, nearly groaning at the delectable smell. His senses are still heightened more than the usual amount since the full moon had just passed a few days ago. You lay in the grass together until your eyelids grow heavy and tired, ready to whisk you away into a peaceful slumber. Chan pulls you up, helping you walk to the car and tucking you into the passenger seat. The rest is a blur, until you wake up covered by crisp linen sheets and soft huffs coming from the wolf boy next to you.
Big fan of the sense of smell. His heightened senses alert him immediately when you switch up your shampoo, lotion, or perfume. He gets so whiny if you use something different than usual. His fake annoyance doesn’t last long though, because in T-minus 5 minutes he’s bear-hugging you from behind, nose buried in the nape of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent that’s all his to enjoy. 
His favorite candle has notes of pine needles, dried wood & maybe hints of vanilla or citrus musk. The pine reminds him of the forest & calms his senses. If he closed his eyes and imagined hard enough, he could visualize himself in the forest, moss and dirt beneath his wolf paws, and his tail swishing behind him.
One day, you brought it home and lit it in the living room. He loved it so much, it was never more than three feet away from him. He thanked you so many times, hugged you and peppered kisses all over your face until you were giggling. You insisted it was no big deal, it was just a candle after all. But to him, it was more. It was the fact that you had seen it at the store, and bought it because it reminded you of him. He was elated that you cared so deeply about him. 
The scent of the candle hits him like a wave when he walks out of his studio room and finds you curled up on the couch, the latest trending novel in hand. He thinks you look beautiful; especially because you’re wrapped in a huge black hoodie of his. 
As an alpha, his protective instincts run deep. He’s very selfless in this way; his lover and pack members always come first. 
Super clingy!! He thrives on skin contact. Not only is it a way to leave his scent on you, it’s a form of intimacy. Sift through his hair or scratch his head or behind his ears and he’s turning into jelly in your lap, limbs sprawled out across your figure, humming and grunting with content. 
Your honor, he's just a big puppy with responsibilites!! 
As his mate partner, he trusts you enough to let his guard down and listen to his concerns. He’s definitely the type to talk at 2 A.M about anything and everything that comes to mind. He doesn’t even care if you’re half asleep, he just has to let it out. Of course, being the good girlfriend you are, you’re laid on your side, head propped up by your elbow and giving him the attention he’s craving (But he’ll never say it). He’s also the most vulnerable at this time. Channie Second-guesses his leadership like his life depends on it. Do the members secretly hate him? What if he’s not working hard enough? Nonsense, you tell him. Your reassurance makes him feel better, like all hope is not lost. He mumbles thank you’s and praise into the nape of your neck as he wraps himself around your backside and falls asleep to the steady beating of your heart. 
Always takes your opinion into consideration. Not comfortable somewhere? Chan’s already leading you by the hand and heading home. He’s so good at reading body language because of his senses.
Needs people to know you’re his. Yes, he knows it's a bit silly since regular humans can’t smell pheromones. But! On the off-chance you come across a werewolf, he needs you to be protected. Definitely makes sure you’re wearing something of his, it doesn’t necessarily have to be clothing. It can be a bracelet, necklace, earrings or keychain.
NSFW section! MDNI. 
Firstly, his ruts. Kind of like a boy period, he has phases. First he’s super clingy and lovey, and then he ruins the mood with his own horniness. He has to convince himself that it’s okay!! It’s natural and you are more than willing to help. His ruts always bring out the more possessive and animalistic side of him. However, he’s always so gentle with aftercare, cleaning you up and feeding you until he’s ready to go again. 
Soooo obsessed with the curves of your body. Big or small, doesn’t matter. He’s running his hands along your hips and up your waist until you’re squirming.
Marking!! Hickeys, bite marks, scratch marks. Both giving & receiving. He’s folding so quickly if you scratch his back, especially the hard-to-reach spots. Channie swears he’s never felt something better than the feeling of your legs wrapped around him and your hands gripping and scratching at his muscled back as you’re lost in pleasure. The next morning, he’s stood in front of the bathroom mirror admiring the pretty pink scratch marks cascading down the rippling muscles of his shoulders and back muscles. He tries his best to cook something edible and, to his surprise, it’s not half bad (again with the self doubt). He’s got an apron on but no shirt underneath, and boxers. He’s bringing you the plate as you’re in bed
Your pleasure is his pleasure. That being said, he can get off on your sounds alone. He can also spot fake moans, so don’t even try!! Also hates when you try to cover them up, like why are you denying him access to your sweet sounds?? Channie doesn’t care if you think they’re weird or embarrassing, what matters is that you feel good, and he’s providing that for you.
Chan needs foreplay. He needs to get in the mood, make sure he’s on his A game. God forbid he makes a mistake or hurts you!! He’d never live it down. Big fan of wet, messy kisses and sucking your tongue out of your mouth and into his. He’s leaving love bites along your lips and trailing them down your cheek and jaw, making a stop and your earlobe, and lapping at your neck. Doesn’t leave a trace of skin uncovered. Red and blue marks are littered over your body. 
He slowly makes his way down to your core, until he’s languidly caressing the soft insides of your thighs with his hands. Doesn’t matter how hard he is, he’s eating you out and making love to your cunt with his face. 
He loves controlling the pace of his thrusts until you’re a babbling mess and cock drunk. It fills him with pride to know you trust him enough to lose yourself completely, until the only reality you know is him and his cock. 
“Mine”, “my love”, “babygirl” “my good girl” ... ohhh….
Good lord he goin crazy on that thang!!!!
read more here! -> my masterlist
Warning: Everything I post is 100% my original writing & thoughts. This also includes the moodboards at the beginning, that I create. Please do not plagiarize or copy. Tag for inspiration or add-ons. Reblogs are appreciated! <3
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im-so-normal-iswear · 13 days
Can you make headcanons of bill x reader who is a God of chaos?? I'm iching for powerful readers and need ANYTHING MAN
Of courseeee, please be more descriptive next time because I don't have much to work here withhhh
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Bill cipher with more powerful s/o
Was NOT happy with the fact you were more powerful than him, AND you were the god of chaos, pfft, as if, he could be JUST as, if not MORE chaotic than you
You guys either met from him going to you after learning about you and wanting to either destroy you or recruit you into his henchmaniacs or you went to him because "he's just like me frfr"
Would try to one up you constantly but it is like really one sided
He's got you your favorite! Necklace made out of teeth and human flesh!
Oh you got him something too? A crown of human eyes you plucked out from the graves of his enemies? Show off...
Will try to get a rise out of you but it never works, you always seem to laugh it off
He even chained you to torture you and you giggled while asking what the Safe word was, NO HE DIDN'T LAUGH AT THE JOKE HE WAS LAUGHING BECAUSE YOU'RE PATHETIC
Nickname is probably something like "smiles" "giggles" since your literally chaos I imagine you'd be like smiling or just be crazy all the time. Maybe he'd call you by your actual name, MAYBE
You've actually managed to scare the shit out of him once and he will NEVER admit that
You popped his au self's into existence once and he bullied them all
Will try to manipulate you into making a deal but it doesn't work
When you do actually get into a relationship you guys cause chaos EVERYWHERE
He has a God by his side now, so it adds O to protection
That's definitely the only reason he's with you, protection and that's it
Who cares if you can perfectly recreate the screams of terror of your victims, who cares if you could match his energy, who cares if now he feels lonely when he's not attached to your side? Not him, totally
125 notes · View notes
glystenangel · 2 years
Say You Love Me Too
Soft!Dom Choso x Afab!Reader Oneshot (Modern AU)
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tags/warnings: 18+ MDNI, we gettin DOWN, best friend to lovers trope, comfort smut, choso’s a little obsessed with you, okay maybe alot obsessed, alot alot alot alot aLOT of praise, words of affirmation, scent kink if you super squint, oral sex (f receiving), nipple play, penetrative sex, raw sex, multiple orgasms, mention of a safeword but not used, one mention of cervix f*cking, one mention of drinking, aftercare and cuddles
summary: you’re venting to your best friend and he accidentally confesses to you
~4.6k words
thanks for reading and enjoy<3
“So, whats going on with you?”
You peer up at Choso over the tea he brewed from the plant riddled kitchen in his apartment, the steam obscuring his expression and thankfully your own. Although you could guess with certainty that he was searching your body language for any sign of discontent.
“Ah, nothing.” 
Feigned nonchalance lines your voice, and you take another big chug of herbal liquid before setting ceramic onto mahogany. The tabletop just below your crossed ankles sports an assortment of neatly stacked books and unused marble coasters. Choso seemed to only display them for show, citing the ringless surface of his coffee table as justification for his laziness. 
You two were catching up after you had asked Choso if you could come hang out. You hadn’t bothered waiting for him to reply, only reading that he had texted you back with a ‘yeah, door’s unlocked’ once you were standing outside.
He had dropped the chore he was doing to hug you as soon as you made it across the threshold, and you couldn’t help but close your eyes as you discreetly memorized his cologne. It’s a fresh, calming scent you could never fully place except in association with him.
Maybe you paid a little too much attention to that brief embrace, but you set aside your thoughts as you notice Choso staring at you expectantly. The fog of tea was gone, and you know that look. It had taken you years to recognize previously. Now, it is glaringly obvious as he sits across from you.
He drapes an arm over the back of the couch, “Everything alright? Is this about that guy you told me about?”
A corner of your mouth pulls down for a second, Choso could read you too easily.
“Oh, him?” You begin, and then you ultimately resign to clicking your tongue while making a slicing motion across your neck.
The space between his eyebrows furrows with concern, “What happened?”
You bite the flesh of your bottom lip, hesitating.
“Tell me.” Choso presses a large fist into his cheek, resting his elbow atop his thigh and staring at you intently.
It seems impossible for him to regard you with any sort of gaze less than piercing. In fact, Choso’s default state tends to sit in the realm of perceptiveness and placidity. It definitely came with the territory of having to watch over his little brothers for the entirety of his life thus far. He often had a hard time shutting off his protective instincts, even with his friends. Of course, that includes you.
You shrug under the intensity and partially dodge it by picking your tea back up, “He ghosted me.”
Choso reels back, offended on your behalf and tilting his head to the side with a disbelieving scoff. 
“What the fuck?”
“It's okay, it was a couple weeks ago. I’m pretty much over it, just stings a little.” You trace a finger over the rim of your beverage, glancing at him and emitting anything but confidence.
You were over your last dating attempt, but the cowardly rejection still hurt your self-confidence. It was difficult for you to accept that someone you saw potential in had neglected your feelings, and worse, for an ungiven reason. It almost makes you doubt yourself, and you hate that.
Choso makes a contemplative noise, probably reading more of your thoughts.
The idea of that forces you to straighten your posture, “I mean there’s nothing else to it. I thought we had a connection, we liked a lot of the same shit…great sex...” 
You give him a sideways glance.
Choso barely moves as you speak. The only time he does is when he blinks or swallows, the sweep of his lengthy eyelashes and dip of his Adam’s Apple punctuating his wordless reactions. The pale column of his throat stretches towards the hollow shapes of his collarbone, and you admire how they complement the strong silhouette of his shoulders. His entire frame is bulky and tall, which he claims is convenient during instances where he has to split up his younger brothers’ fights or during times when you get so plastered that he has to carry you home. The structured, milky planes of his skin are sharply contrasted by every other feature that defines the fine structure of his handsome face, all velvet, dark eyes and messily bundled strands of hair in deep shades of midnight. Even the swipe of black across his nose boldly complements the pretty set of his nose and lips. It was often a habit of Choso’s to absentmindedly tap the middle of the mark whenever he was thinking, coupled with clenching his jaw when annoyed or working hard on a task. The purpled skin underneath his lower lashes gave him a boredom marked countenance, but the gloom seemed to consistently disappear whenever he smiled.
As close as you are with him, it was sometimes hard to talk about your sex life with Choso when he always looked…like that.
Part of you has always been attracted to him, but friendship was safer. At least, that’s what you told yourself. He never said anything otherwise either, and you didn’t suspect he would.
It’s difficult to tear away from him, but you persuade your vision to analyze the cracks between the sofa cushions instead.
“Guess I missed some red flags.” You finish lamely.
Choso shakes his head, “Don’t blame yourself. That guy’s an idiot.”
You wave a hand into the air, “It’s whatever.”
“It’s not ‘whatever’.” Choso catches your eye.
You can see the broad movement of his chest tensing underneath his shirt, and the grit of his teeth in the set square of his jaw.
“I mean it’s happened before. Maybe he just had some things to work on emotionally and wasn’t ready. It’s okay.” You suggest, though you know you were being too nice with that explanation.
“It’s not. He’s an asshole.” Choso repeats, his tone even yet filled with immense reproach.
He doesn’t seem angry despite the slight scowl on his face, more frustrated. You’re not certain why though, so you decide to be blunt.
“Choso, what are you getting so worked up about?” 
Choso opts for bluntness as well, scoffing incredulously, “You don’t deserve that and you shouldn’t be making excuses for him.”
You’re a bit annoyed now, it already stung and you expected at least some consolation, not to be lectured.
“You don’t think I know that? God, you’re being an asshole.” 
His jaw clicks, and you dare him to say something with your eyes.
Choso goes quiet, settling in his seat as he lowers his sightline. 
You wonder if you were too harsh as the air in the room seems to still. Not knowing what to say, you reach out to take his hand in yours. He doesn’t look at you, but accepts your touch and delicately wraps his hand around yours. Silence descends over you both, and a shiver runs through you as Choso brushes the tops of your knuckles with his thumb.
Then, he lifts his head. His eyes are set on yours, and you know something has revealed a shadow of itself in the way he considers you. An inexplicable something.
Somehow, you know exactly what it is.
“I would have never done that to you.” Choso finally says.
As soon as the promise leaves his mouth and your eyes widen in reaction, he bows his head and touches the smooth skin of his forehead to where your hands are still woven together.
“Shit. Sorry. Don’t say anything. Please.” He intakes a breath and you blink upon hearing the tremor running through it, “Now’s not the right time for that.”
“Choso.” You let go of his hand, cradling his face instead.
He allows it, but immediately drops his gaze once you make eye contact and tries to subtly pull back from your grasp.
“No- Sorry, I just-sorry. That’s not-” He stops himself, opting to press his lips together and seal them.
Gently, you slide your hands down to the back of his neck, tucking your chin to see if you can convince him to look at you again.
“Say it.”
Hesitation, and then you feel him melting into your touch. The skin of his cheeks is cold, but when he speaks the warmth of his breathing skirts past the heels of your palms.
“I love you.” He swallows, like the admission is poisoning him, “I…want you.”
You’ve never seen Choso appear so hopeless or apologetic. 
Like it broke his heart to say it.
You don’t let the admission sink in for more than a second. You tug him forward and sense his hands startle until they automatically anchor into your waist the deeper your lips meet.
A desperate type of flavor colors the kiss, your entire body heating with unrestrained fervor as Choso’s hands move down your body and hook into your thighs. He easily hoists you up and sits you on his lap, wrapping your legs around his waist and swooning when he lets out a small moan between your lips.
Choso’s thumbs knead into the skin underneath your shirt, “Can we-”
“Yes.” You answer, and he bestows more eager kisses to your lips.
You feel him standing and you wrap your arms around his neck, swiping your tongue across his bottom lip as Choso carries you into his bedroom. Once your back hits the cool surface of his sheets, you start unbiasedly gripping fistfuls of his clothing to get it off.
“The couch would’ve been fine.” You mumble as he drags your shirt over your head.
“No.” He cages you between his arms, which are wiry and lined with veins you want to lick, “You said you hated my couch when I first moved here.”
You laugh at him remembering, and he smiles into the next kiss he gives you.
“Only the best for you.” 
“So sweet.” You kiss him back, your stomach fluttering at his genuine words.
He starts shrugging your pants off of your hips, “Something about you makes me like this.”
As soon as you’re both stripped down to your underwear, the want you hold for each other slowly takes over. You fully explore the mind hazing feeling of his tongue gliding against yours, looping your saliva together and roaming your hands over each other’s skin.
A groan leaves Choso when your fingertips stroke against the fabric tented over his hardon, his grip on you tightening and you start getting shy.
Because, well, it’s Choso.
You only ever fucked him in your head and he was pretty private about what he liked from his exes.
He seems to notice your apprehension immediately, his nose hovering by the shell of your ear, “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know what to do. With you.” You sheepishly admit.
The edge of his lip grazes your ear, “You don’t have to do anything.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure, I’ll prove it.” Choso reassures, kissing your cheek, “Just give me a safe word.”
Before you can stop yourself, you tauntingly blurt out, “Couch.”
An astounded laugh leaves him, “You suck.”
“Aw, I love you too.” You respond, smirking at the immediate effect it has on him.
He bites his bottom lip to keep from grinning, but it breaks out across his face anyway.
“Come here.” Choso leans down to capture your lips once more, mumbling sweet nothings as he trails kisses down the curves of your neck.
“Leave it to me.” He whispers, licking a spot at the base of your throat and nipping the sensitive skin there.
“I’ll make you feel good. Want to.” Choso continues, tracing your body with touches of his lips and hands so dedicated to pleasing you that you become wracked with trembles.
He tweaks your nipples with pinches of his fingers, teasing the taut peaks further with his tongue. 
“Ah, Ch-Choso.” You arch your back, clutching at one of his hands as he uses the other to push the side of your hip flat to his bed.
“Wait.” He softly instructs, continuing to squeeze and lick your tits until you’re squirming underneath him.
Rushes of adrenaline roll down your body, collecting in your thudding core and visibly leaking your excitement into the cloth covering your sex. Choso is patient and attentive, and you wonder how embarrassing it would be if you came just from him playing with your tits.
Choso breathlessly rubs his thumbs back and forth over your nipples, concentrating on the growing splotch between your legs and your whimpering lips.
“Is this turning you on? You’re getting all wet. It’s cute.” 
You try to keep a straight face, but you know that it’s not working. Hiding from Choso never worked.
He openly chuckles at the sight of you struggling, and you shiver from the low reverberation of it.
Choso coos at your obvious need, “Okay, okay. I’ll stop teasing.” 
One last kiss to the marks he left on your chest, and then he crouches down to adorn the middle of your waist with a slow path of kisses to where you want him the most.
“So wet. Fuck, I’m getting so hard.” He mutters, pressing his lips to each side of your inner thighs.
“You don’t mind right?” He pulls at the waistband of your underwear, the sizable imprint of your arousal drenching the front.
“No.” You say quickly, bucking your hips into his face, “Want it. Please.” 
He unfurls his tongue, using the pointed tip to draw a pensive line down the thin material ruined by your desperate cunt.
“I want it too.” 
Sounds of satisfaction leave him more and more as he adds to the slick staining your panties. He kisses along the hems and then finally bunches them past your ankles to unceremoniously toss them on the floor.
Choso takes in the messy view of your pussy for mere seconds, and then he’s gripping at your bare ass to languidly stroke up and down your folds with the pink of his tongue. 
As frantic and filthy as his motions are, he takes his time when his tongue starts swiping into your slick warmth. 
You think he might be talking between noisy gulps of pussy, but you honestly aren’t listening and far more focused on how his nose periodically nestles against your clit. The malleable swells of your ass are spread apart by Choso as he continuously drools and bends his tongue into your excited walls.
He seems to like how your fluids dribble along his tongue, beading into his throat and giving him mouthfuls of your cunt.
The enthusiasm he has is so endearing that you reach for his hands, wanting to reciprocate with some sort of connection. The skim of skin has him glimpsing up at you before he takes both of your hands in his.
Choso’s thumb steadily rubbing across the tense grooves of your knuckles is so different from the firm, dizzying laps of his tongue, but you adore them both. 
Once he’s collected enough of your precum on the flat of his tongue, he starts making long licks up the seams of your pussy that end with aggressively circling his tongue around the swollen flesh of your clit. Sucking at your clit, he devours every creamy drop of lust from your pussy so fast and well that you can hardly tell if he’s breathing anymore.
You possess a similar struggle, your vision turning to static and your breath continuously getting caught in your chest from how good he’s eating you up. 
He’s moaning unbiasedly into you, like you’re the best thing he’s ever tasted. Like every squishy piece of your cunt is saturated with pure sugar and sex.
Choso then lets go of one of your hands, reaching his fingertips over your thigh and then placing the tips on your soaked nub. He rubs it back and forth, pressing the pads down in a bliss inducing pattern as he keeps fucking open your cunt with his tongue.
You feel every tastebud on his tongue twisting against your walls as far as he can reach, the hum of his lips buzzing electricity throughout your core.
It’s so good that you don’t even realize how many times you’ve already cummed into his mouth. All you can do is flinch and surrender under his keen administrations.
Wanton cries part your lips, and although your vision is blurry you manage to see Choso giving your wetness one last lick before he rises to kneel in front of you.
He keeps giving your clit loving attention, forcing your hips into a taut curve as he tucks his thighs beneath yours and lines himself up to your pulsing sex.
You peek over your quivering breasts to see the defined shape of his dick, the hardness twitching and grooved with aching veins. He’s as big as you expected, and just seeing his girthy cock is already making your stomach ache and twist. The head is swollen thick with a slit sheened in precum, a glob of it slithering over the sides and forming a dewy drop next to the coarse nest of hair over his balls. He holds the base while looking into your eyes, and the thickness twitches in his hand.
“Say the safe word if you need it, okay?”
Choso makes sure you’re watching him, and at your faint nod, he starts pushing in.
He doesn’t stop mashing your clit back and forth with the stickied pads of his fingers, slowly stuffing you with his cock and bringing your hips together.
“W-wait. Choso-I’m about to-!”
You’re cumming again as he puts his dick in, sliding in so effortlessly it’s like he was always meant to be there.
“Oh, fuck!” You let out a whine as you begin recklessly fucking into each other, each synced push of your hips leaving you both gasping.
“Your cum feels so good on my dick.” Choso groans, the whites of his eyes showing as he reels his hips back.
“Want more of it. Gonna keep making you cum.” He pants, pumping faster and prodding at your cervix.
He hits an eye crossing spot in the ceiling of your pussy, and that’s when your whole body seizes again.
“Stay there. S-Stay, please please please, Choso.” You nearly black out between begs, but Choso doesn’t have to hear it more than once.
“I got you, here. Here.” He grunts, clasping your hands in his again to hit that spot within you until you’re screaming.
Choso stops to look at you every now and then, tenderly scanning your face to make sure you feel nothing but pleasure.
“Oh my god!” Your nails indent crescents into the backs of his hands and he slots his tongue into your mouth in time to hush your next delight filled mewl.
“Shit, I’m gonna cum.” You can feel every stutter of his hips, and his pupils are completely blown out as he urgently searches your eyes, “Wanna cum with me?”
“Mm,” You taste the salt of your tears pooling in the corners of your mouth, “Please, Choso. Now, please.”
Instead of answering, he kisses you, forcing you to only hear the sounds of his tongue in your mouth and the squish of your pussy as its molded into the shape of his dick. It pummels into your walls until you can’t deny each other any longer.
“I’m cumming- Ah- Choso-” You weakly confess, Choso’s ropy gushes of cum following the spurts of heady fluid from your overwhelmed pussy.
“Good girl.” He says, observing you through a half lidded squint and the cloudy lens of his own uncontrollable shudders, “Good girl. Good girl. Showing me how good you feel? Thank you.”
Wispy whines prelude Choso pulling out, and he soothes his hands over the ravaged areas of your body as you do your best to hold onto his neck and stop shaking.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He murmurs into your hair, delicately kissing a spot on your jawline, “You were so good for me. Perfect.”
He lays you onto the bed, cupping your chin and dotting your face with more kisses.
“I’m gonna clean you up, ‘kay?”
You make a tiny sound of agreement, and Choso rests a hand along your body as he makes his way off of the bed, only separating at the last possible moment.
He returns quickly, wiping you off with a warm, wet cloth and then taking you back in his arms while covering you with his fluffy comforter.
“Sorry I had to go.” Choso settles you on his chest, enveloping his hands behind your lower back.
“It’s okay, thank you.” You kiss the base of his neck, sighing into his skin.
“I really like you.” He says, and you poke fun at the sudden, timid proclamation. 
“I know,” You gesture to the marks he spotted all over your body, and at one you bit on the side of his throat, “I really like you too.”
“Yeah? Got a little crush?” He muses, preening at your proximity.
“Huge one.” You shift closer.
“That’s funny, me too.”
“Embarrassing.” You tease, moving your gaze to his cupid’s bow.
Choso lets out a long exhale, “I know. Can’t help it though.” 
You give him a happy peck on the lips, and he cradles the back of your head as he sweetly returns it.
A pout accompanies the wave of exhaustion that floods you when you pull away from Choso, “I want to keep talking to you, but I’m so sleepy.”
“We can talk for a little longer. Whatever you like, as long as I can keep holding you.” Choso bargains, and the offer makes your heart melt.
“Sounds fair to me.” You beam, and he kisses your forehead.
“My heart’s still beating like crazy.” He admits, skating his fingers around your face.
“Mine too.”
Choso’s fingertips fall to your lips, cascading along your chin and neck before settling between your shoulder blades. A thoughtful hum leaves him as he lightly rakes his fingers across the space of skin, studying the places he bruised on your neck.
He briefly presses his lips together, “Okay, I’m going to calm down.” 
Even as he says so, his breathing hitches when you wink at him.
“Okay, you do that.”
He inhales, and a beat of silence occupies the space between you too.
“God,” Choso cranes his neck to inch closer, “You smell so good.”
“Choso.” You admonish playfully, propping yourself up to create some distance.
“Okay, okay. I’m sleeping.”
He settles into the sheets, loosening his grip on you and pretending to close his eyes. You almost believe him, but your instinct doesn’t at all.
Handfuls of seconds tick by, and then he peeks his eyes open, an enamored smile cinching his mouth upwards.
“Hi.” You give him a cheeky wave with a couple of fingers.
In an instant, he showers you with kisses, smushing your cheeks with a hand and making your heart swell.
“Okay. Now-” Another couple of sleepy kisses are paired with a content sound that you echo.
“I’m done.” He lets go of your face, sinking back against his pillow and genuine sleepiness now overtaking his voice.
You snuggle into the nape of his neck, worn out from your shared affections, “Goodnight, Choso.”
The sun drapes its silken rays through Choso’s windows the next morning, muted orange urging you to wake.
A relaxing, undulating motion lulls you out of your slumber. You haven’t moved at all from your position on Choso’s chest, the solid muscle of his stature supporting your aching figure. The natural inclination to raise your head and check if Choso is awake becomes interrupted by the sensation of him tenderly stroking your hair.
And, he’s talking quietly.
“So beautiful, even asleep.” He tries to stifle a good natured laugh, but you still feel it a little between your hearts.
“I don’t think you even know how precious you are to me…how highly I think of you. I can talk to you about anything.”
“You’re gorgeous too. Drives me crazy.” He curls a strand of hair around your ear and repeats it more softly.
Like it’s your name.
“I don’t think I’ve said all of this to you yet. At least when you’re awake. If you ever woke up during one of our camping trips or after party sleepovers I would probably die of embarrassment.”
He makes a thinking sound, and it ripples through you. You’re speechless.
“You know it’s kind of stupid, I always imagine talking to you. What you would say, how you might react to some good news I have. You exceed my expectations every time though. It’s pretty close to pathetic-”
Choso scoffs and it’s tinged with shame, “I hang on every word you say.”
The confession has you starstruck, you had been so clueless.
“I don’t even remember when I started falling for you, maybe a few months after we met? When I finally asked myself why I hated every guy you dated? Or, maybe after you met my brothers for the first time, and they told me I looked at you like you put the stars in the sky. I don’t think I realized it even then. Didn’t wanna freak you out, I didn’t want you to think I only wanted to be your friend to get in your pants. I’d fucking hate myself if you ever thought that.”
Deep exhales wash over you, “I hope I don’t fuck this up, for as long as you’ll have me.”
The dark haired man gives the top of your head a kiss, and then lets out another sigh.
“You’re my best friend. I love you. Every time I think about love, I think about you.”
He contemplatively plays with your hair, using another hand to draw random shapes into your back.
“I always, always think about you.”
The well of emotion in your heart nearly spills over, you don’t think anyone has ever told you anything close to the casual details Choso shares about his thoughts on you.
You try to keep your tears in, but Choso continues with a small snicker, “I’m getting ahead of myself…but that’s how I feel. I hope you wake up soon, I miss you.”
There’s a pause, and you finally can’t take it anymore, tears fall from your eyes at the doting words you unintendedly overheard.
“What’s going on? Hey, wake up.” Choso is immediately concerned, holding you close and tucking your hair away from your face.
“Nothing, I just - I’m really happy to wake up next to you. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how I felt sooner.”
“That’s alright. You’re worth the wait.”
Choso never seems to run short of patience or kindness for you.
He wipes at your tears, “What are we going to do today?”
You cease your sniffling, pacified by his considerate assurances, “Um, I don’t know. It’s the weekend, we could get breakfast and then watch that movie we had been meaning to last night?”
“That sounds good.” Choso kisses your cheek.
You yawn after stretching your arms out, “Oh, do you have popcorn? I really want some.” 
“Some what?” Choso mumbles, caressing your sides.
“Are you even listening to me?” You jokingly narrow your eyes.
“Of course, hang on every word you say.” Choso lifts his chin, smirking.
You bring yourself nearer, nose to nose, “Oh, so you can compliment me when I’m awake too?”
He pales in epiphany, “That’s-”
You use a kiss to muffle his protest, “I was hanging on every word too. Believe me.”
Choso softens completely, a myriad of stars speckled in his eyes as he stares up at you. You drink in his utterly captivated face, the effort of last night dewing his features and blooming on his musculature. 
You know exactly what he’s thinking, and he confirms it when he speaks again.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Choso.”
End Notes:
i feel like choso likes plants bc he likes taking care of people/things🌱✨
comments and messages on this are appreciated if you'd like to leave one <3
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leafs-lover · 6 months
Too Far Gone - Part Fifty Six
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Warnings: Swearing, fluff, smut - fingering, cum play, dirty talk, maybe a slight voyeurism kink, interrupted sex, inadvertent orgasm deprivation, light degradation? I think that's it, let me know if I missed anything
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 6,000
Auston didn’t know when they went to bed. The curtains had been left open and the faint glow from the moon was filtering in, but he had to make good on that promise from the roof. And even then, he wasn’t done because they were both drenched in sweat, and there is something about warm beads of water cascading over his girlfriend’s chest that always ended with Auston on his knees.
Sure, it could be considered reckless to stay up that late given they have a three-year-old who has been known to barge in before the sun broke the horizon looking for breakfast. But what was Auston supposed to do, not celebrate the fact Tia finally admitted she loved him? They had talked about getting a puppy, having more kids, getting married, they planned their future, but hearing those words roll off her tongue cemented to him that it was real. As if those four years were nothing more than a long and hazy nightmare he finally awoke from.
When Auston did wake up around 9:20, he planned on quietly crawling out of bed, finding Taylour (he knew one of his friends was keeping him entertained for the time being) and wrangling his help to make her breakfast in bed. A simple gesture, one he had been deprived of for so long. It was his plan, and it was a great plan, then he saw the faint marks on her shoulders, the marks he left, and everything changed. All reason was long gone, and his primal instinct took over. If he could keep her there all day, he would.
Her nails scratch along his broad shoulder and her body arches into him. Even though she is pulsing with oversensitivity, she doesn’t know if she’s had enough, if she ever will have enough.
“Babe –“ She gasps, sharply.
“What?” He grins, moustache tickling her ear.
“We gotta to get up.” He can tell she wants there to be weight behind the words, but her body is saying something completely different. “So much to do…”
“How am I supposed to get anything done when you’re naked in our bed?” Auston murmurs thickly against her jaw.
“I could ask you the same thing.”
The sheets are a mess. Pillows are on the floor. The stench of sex is heavy in the room.
“So...” His hands roam all over her body. He cups her breast, which somehow overflows in his big hands. “What’s on your list this morning?”
“Pretty sure we already did that.” Satisfaction curls on his lips.
“I want to finish up something I’ve been working on…” She trails off for a moment as he licks up her neck, tongue following the bite marks left the night before. “Have to check in with Becks…” Auston grins, the heat flaring behind her cheeks says that won’t happen anytime soon.
“What about fucking your boyfriend?” Auston’s fingers carve into the swollen flesh of her ass.
“I believe I did that already.” He moves his fingers around to her pussy lips and the inside of her thighs, and they are wet, absolutely drenched in their hot sticky mess. “That’s why we’re still in bed.”
“You should put it back on the list, maybe twice.” Auston’s mouth slowly begins to work its way down, first to her collarbone, then her breasts. As his warm tongue swirls around her sensitive nipple, her slick grazes over his member and a deep guttural groan erupts.
“Is that so?” She breathes out a laugh while tugging harshly on his curls.
“Yeah.” Two fingers once again find their way inside. Her body arks toward him and within a few seconds they begin to move. The disgusting slurp of her cunt fills the room as he thrusts them faster and faster. Her walls greedily grasp and hug his digits, never wanting to let him go. Her elbows give out and her body collapses into the bed, quickly and desperately clawing at the sheets.
Auston smirks and applies more pressure. His left hand grabs at her knee and tosses it over his shoulder, earning him a shriek from the deepest part of her diaphragm. Auston fucks his fingers back inside. Every stroke is precise, his knuckles crooked at the knuckle to create the perfect angle. “Can’t decide if I want to eat the cum out of you before I fill you back up.” Auston licks his bottom lip, his fingers massaging her g-spot. “Or if I should bury myself inside and make ya overflow…what do you think?”
“Fuck me.” Tia whispers to herself.
Auston chuckles, a little breathless. “I’m going to.” He circles his thumb around her clit, fingers rhythmically seeking her high. “You taste so good, can only dream of what we taste like together.”
Tia whimpers at the emptiness as Auston pulls his fingers out. He brings them up to her mouth, and without instruction Tia drops her jaw and wraps her lips around them. They both moan as she swirls her tongue around his digits, working to clean the mess. Quickly, he snaps his wrist and runs the saliva and cum coated fingers along her jaw. With a cocky brow raise, he shoves his tongue into her mouth.
“Better than I imagined.”
His hand moves to her hair, and she bites at her lower lip. He knows she washed her hair yesterday. He also knows she will scold him for this later. He just doesn’t care. He moves the head of his shaft down through her folds, allowing it to rest at the opening for just a second, then he buries himself deep inside her warmth.
He messily kisses her once again, taking the time to embrace the wetness that oozes out around his cock. He pulls his hips back, and right before he is about to drive back inside, her hands are on his shoulder trying to push him away.
“Stop.” Her eyes snap open, wide with fear. His brows contort with confusion, then he hears it. Little feet pattering down the hall, his playful giggle getting louder and louder with every step. They both knew they were pushing their luck going for round two, but like a moth to a flame, Auston couldn’t pull himself away.
“Taylour, come on bud, let’s go.” Fred’s voice calls, louder than normal trying to warn those on the other side.
The doorknob begins to jiggle. Tia’s breathing becomes frantic . The slow creak gets louder and louder, and Taylour’s voice enters the room. “I want to show them my trick.”
The more the door opens the more Tia’s face whitens. Auston scrambles off her and scours the floor for a shirt, pants, some piece of clothing to toss on before Taylour barrels in. But everything is everywhere, all he can find is the sheet which he tosses toward Tia.
“Mommy and Daddy are sleeping.” Fred tells him, pulling the door shut. “Why don’t we practice more, and you can show them when they wake up?”
“Because practice makes perfect,” Taylour agrees with a nod.
“Right.” Fred nods down the hall. “Let’s go.”
Auston waits a few seconds until Taylour’s feet are down the hall, then calls out, “Thanks Fred.”
“Yup,” Fred hollers through the door.
“I’m not sure about this.” Tia runs her finger along the strap, then smooths over her stomach.
Once they heard the footsteps fade down the hall and the stair boards creak, Auston and Tia were out of bed. Tia ran a comb through her hair while glaring at Auston for the ends that had fused together, then swiftly threw it up on the top of her head. Auston grabbed a bathing suit –because every day ends with them in the pool – and one of his t-shirts. The two of them went downstairs and Tia started making them smoothies, and Auston set out to get the avocado ready for their breakfast. After inhaling their food, Auston was outside, showing off his backflips – always a favourite with Taylour - and Tia was upstairs in her sewing room.
Once the workspace was mostly complete, she finished the couple orders that were outstanding, then set out designing a few new pieces to expand her line. She sketched out seven new pieces, three of them made it through the 3D rendering, then she began the process of cutting fabric, pinning it together and trying to bring her visions to life. One was easy, only needed a few minor tweaks but was now ready to go to the testing phase. The other two she has been stuck on. Nothing seemed to work, and Tia was about ready to scrap them both and start over, but before that she decided to reach out to the one person that might be able to help.
Celeste presses her glasses back up her nose and shuffles in her seat, as if trying to get a better view from Toronto.
“Yeah…” She hims through the speaker. “I see what you were talking about…I think the point near your underarm needs to go up a bit.” Tia turns toward the camera and lifts her arm, then points to the area she assumes Celeste is talking about. “Yeah,” she confirms. “It’s a little…” her face crinkles as she thinks over the next word.
Celeste feigns a laugh. “That may not be the word I’d use…but yes.”
“The prototype looked so good.” Tia sighs. She thought the dress was going to be the easiest to bring to life. But when she tried the top on it sat low, dangerously low, to a point if Tia moved too much everything spilled out. Despite Auston’s objections, she added fabric to the bodice to bring the neckline up, only it came up too much. Next, she cut a bit out but then she didn’t like the neckline, it was too squared off and simple, so she tried to curve it but overcompensated as indents are being left in her skin.
“That’s why we test them out. I can’t tell you how many pieces I thought were good until I tried them on.” Celeste tries to reassure her with a faint laugh, but this part never gets easy. “It’s not that far off, dear.”
“Yeah.” Tia’s nose crinkles again, almost at her wits end with this one.
“What about the top you were working on.” Celeste steers the conversation away, hoping it has better results. “You decide on a sleeve?”
A few days ago, Tia sent Celeste a picture of a satin top with a simple square neck and subtle pleats in the bodice. The hem was unfinished and there were many pins, but what caught her attention was the two distinctly different sleeves styles. One was short and puffy, and the other was a simple and slender arm with a bell style sleeve. Tia said she was unsure of which one worked best. Celeste called it a copout, called her out to doubt herself and said she wasn’t going to help. It might have been tough, but Celeste knew she needed to make this decision on her own.
“Yay!” Celeste claps when she sees the long and flowy sleeve. This was always the right choice; she is glad Tia figured it out on her own.
“I love that one. Definitely the right pick”
“It’s playful but classic.” Tia smiles with her mentor’s reassurance.
“Completely elevates that top. Tia, I know I’ve said this before, but you have a bright future ahead of you, some people are years in the industry without the eye you have.”
“Thanks.” Tia softly laughs, a faint blush swarming her cheeks.
Now that the prototype is complete, it’s ready for Tia to make a few more and ship them back to the “testers” back in Toronto and get their feedback. Then there are the edits, photoshoots, uploading details to the website. Just when she thinks the finish line is near, she realizes just how far it is.
The two of them talked for a little while longer. Celeste told her about all the struggles she’d been facing as a store owner while in a global lockdown. Her store was forced closed, curbside pickup and online orders were slow, some days non-existent. It filled Tia with so many emotions but worry and regret were the ones she couldn’t shake. If someone who had been successful in the industry was struggling at the drop of a hat, what did it mean for her? Sales were slow, to be expected for a new line, but how long could they be slow before they stopped all together?
Tia put the finishing details on the shirt but left the dress on the mannequin. Normally putting it off wouldn’t be an option. It’d eat at her, knowing there was so much to do but  not knowing how to fix it. But today as she walked down the hall toward the stairs, she had zero hesitation walking away because something else had consumed her mind.
“Mommy! Mommy!” Taylour screeches when the patio doors open. “Mommy, help!” He giggles mid-air as Auston tosses him to the other end of the pool, a large splash erupts around him and a few seconds later his head pokes through the surface.
“I can’t help you.” Tia chuckles as she shuffled around the pool’s edge, her feet getting kissed by the exploding water.
“Why not?” Taylour flings his arm around and starts moving toward Auston.
“Because every time I help, your dad throws me in the water.”
“Not true.” Auston winks at her.
Tia shakes her head.
“Please mommy!” Taylour squeals as Auston grabs him by the waist and once again launches him in the air.
Tia flips her wrist and glances at the time on her watch - the very expensive watch Auston brought back from the California road trip because he “thought of her when he saw it.” “We actually have to go, Taylour.”
“Nooooo!” He emphatically shakes his head.
“Yup.” Auston moves toward the stairs. The water line slowly descends, more and more of his chest coming on display for Tia to gawk at. As he moves toward the steps, he grabs Taylour and tugs him. “You said you wanted In and Out for lunch, we have to go get it.”
“Why can’t I stay with Uncle Freddie, and you bring it here.” Taylour pouts. He stands on one of the pool steps, half in – half out of the water, hoping to convince Auston to let him stay.
“Because we’re your parents not Uncle Freddie. Uncle Freddie doesn’t have to spend his time watching you.”
“I want to stay with Fweddie.”
“Well, you’re not.” Auston bites sharply, letting his frustration poke through. “You’re coming with Mommy and I.”
“I don’t want to go with you and Mommy,” he huffs, angrily smacking his hands against the water.
“Taylour, you are coming. Get out of the pool and get dressed, now.” Auston demands, but Tia catches the inflection in his voice and the smirk curving his lips.
“But why?” He raises his voice, becoming more frustrated with Auston’s unusual stern nature. Tia knew it wasn’t going to be easy getting her son from the pool, it never was.
“Because I said so.” Auston barks. “Keep it up and you won’t get to swim for the rest of the week.”
Taylour releases a loud and dramatic groan, then once again smacks his hands against the water. He stomps past Auston, grumbling under his breath, and goes right to Tia who has a warm fluffy towel waiting for him. Having lost the battle with his father, Taylour sets his sights on Tia, hoping for a different response.
“I don’t want to go, Mommy.” Taylour whined softly while he nestled his head to the crook of her neck. She hears the broken exhale and knows tears are on the way – he doesn’t handle Auston’s frustrations well - she just doesn’t know if they are real or fake.
“I know.” Tia kneels and starts rubbing her hands over his back, drying him off while softly comforting him. She gently tilts his head, and swats at the tears clinging to the corner of his eyes. “You have to come with us, sweetie.”
“Why?” Taylour sniffles, barely choking back the lump in his throat.
“Because we have a surprise for you.” Auston cards his hand through Taylour’s drenched curls and grabs his own towel.
“A surprise?!” He immediately perks up, his eyes widen and dart up to Auston. “What is it?”
“Wouldn’t be a surprise if we told you, silly.” Tia playfully boops his nose.
As if the last thirty seconds never happened, Taylour immediately takes off toward the sliding door and gives it a firm tug to drag it open. He runs inside too excited to close the door behind him, then scurries across the hardwood.
“No running on the stairs!” Auston yells after him, but he is too late, Taylour is at the top of the stairs, slipping on the hardwood as he sprints past the railing that overlooks the living room.
“What did we get ourselves into?” Tia jokingly whines when Taylour lets out an “ooh” as he uses his palms to catch himself from falling.
Auston wraps his painted arm around Tia, over her shoulder. Tia brings her hand up and grabs his, then leans against his hard chest. Little drops of water land on her shoulder and in her hair. In an almost scarily still tone he whispers, “you’re going to miss this level of calm.” The worst part is, he is right.
Like most car rides, Taylour quickly became impatient. It wasn’t long after he finished his cheeseburger and shake before the “where are we going,” “how much longer” and “are we there yet” started. They knew the almost hour drive would be long, and planned for it, but no amount of movies, superhero action figures, colouring books would be enough, when all he wanted was to do was swim.
“Mommy, I’m bored.” He whines and dramatically throws his head back against the car seat. He tosses the tablet, and it lands on the floor, bouncing on impact.
Auston huffs out a dry laugh. Like Taylour, his patience is wearing thin. “Wouldn’t be if you watched the movie.”
“I don’t want to watch the movie anymore.” Taylour promptly informs him. His feet kick against the car seat and he dramatically sighs, again.
“We’re almost there, Tay.” Tia turns in her seat and silently laughs at his outfit choice. He insisted on getting ready himself and his shoes are on the wrong feet, his shirt must have come from the laundry given the ketchup stain on the chest, and his shorts are bright neon yellow. The fashion designer in her cringes but as a mom, she is thrilled that he is dressed, and understands that some battles aren’t worth it.
“How many minutes?”
“Less than five.” She picks up the tablet and pauses the movie, then puts it in her bag.
“That’s too long.” Taylour kicks his legs out in a frustrated fit.
“Of course, it is.” Auston mutters sarcastically, his knuckles whitening around the steering wheel.
Tia snaps her head to Auston, and she gives him a look, one he hasn’t seen often but immediately recognizes. “I promise, you’re going to love your surprise.”
They continue driving down the quiet rural road, slowly maneuvering turns. Whatever playlist Auston selected is quiet, so quiet the only sound is the air conditioning whirring through the vents and the rhythmic beeping of the blinker. Tia presses her head against the window and watches the dust kick out from under the tires.
“We’re here.” Auston announces once the vehicle is parked in front of a large farmhouse.
Taylour perks up and tries to sit up in his seat as much as possible. He takes in the surroundings, a blue house with a simple white fence, not distinguishing or exciting for an almost four-year old.
“What are we doing here?” He asks, not hiding the disgruntled look on his face.
“This is a boring surprise, Daddy.”
“You sure about that?” Taylour freed himself from the car seat, and when Auston opens the door, he is quick to leap out.
“Yeah.” He crinkles his nose and closes the car door behind him. “There is no slide or pool, nothing fun.”
Tia hears small overlapping barks and yips coming from inside the home, her heart flutters. She has been waiting for this day her entire life.
Gravel crunches under her feet as she strolled around the car. She crouches down and puts her hand on her knees, bringing herself to Taylour’s eye level. She adjusts his ball cap over his curls then smiles. “Would it still be a bad surprise if we told you there were puppies inside?”
His brown eyes glow. “I want to see the puppies!” He blurts out.
Auston crouches down and smiles, almost bigger than Taylour. “What if we told you; we’re going to bring one home?”
“MY OWN PUPPY!” Taylour screams while jumping in the air.
“A family puppy.” Auston corrects him.
“I’M GETTING A PUPPY!” He shrieks, unphased by what Auston told him.
Auston knew he would be excited when he found out. He assumed there would be jumping and screaming, thought there was the possibility of joyful tears. What he didn’t count on was Taylour being so excited he’d sprint past them toward the front door without another word.
Knock. Knock. Knock. Taylour pounds on the door as hard as he can. “I’m here for my puppy!” Knock. Knock. Knock.
Auston and Tia had barely made it two steps before the door creaks open, a middle-aged woman stands on the other side.
“Hello.” She smiles to Taylour, then to Auston and Tia.
Taylour bounces on his heels, even though they can’t see his face they know he is beaming from ear to ear. “Hi, my name’s Taylour. I’m here for my puppy.”
“Taylour, you can’t just – “
“It’s fine.” She laughs, Taylour isn’t the first child to react this way. She moves to the side to let him pass then waits for Tia and Auston to make their way up the porch.
“Sorry, he has wanted a puppy since before he could walk.”
The three of them hear Taylour squeal as an overlapping chorus of barks and whines echo down the hall.
“No apologies needed.” They all step inside and see Taylour standing on the outside of the fenced in area. He is leaning as far as he can without losing his balance, scratching the tops of the puppies’ heads, giggling the entire time. “I’m Sandra, and that,” she eyes over to the full-size Bernese Mountain dog who is across from Taylour keeping a watchful eye on her pups, “is Stella the mom.” Shortly after a white poodle rounds the corner and walks right up to Auston, nudging his hand for some pets. “This suck is Teddy.”
“Hiya Teddy.” Auston bends down and is instantly met with a lick to the cheek.
“Which one is mine?” Taylour’s head is on a swivel. This puppy. That puppy. That puppy. He can barely keep up. 
“We have to pick it.” Auston tells him.
“You can go in.” Sandra offers, motioning to the pen.
Auston and Tia step over the gate, then Auston hooks his arms under Taylour’s armpits to hoist him over. The three of them fall to the floor, immediately being swarmed by the puppies.
“Mommy!” Taylour giggles as one with a pink ribbon licks his cheek. “Mommy, I want this one.”
“Yeah?” She grins, gently scratching behind the ear.
“Any with a ribbon have a home already,” Sandra tells them. “They’ve all had their first round of shots and will be ready for the next one in about two weeks.”
“Daddy, look!” Taylour nods to his foot, where one is gnawing on his sock, attempting to pull it off.
“This one’s trouble huh?” Auston scoops up the black and white ball of fur, taking Taylour’s sock with him, then cradles it in his arms.
“He’s silly.” Taylour broadcasts, trying to yank the sock out of its mouth.
When the puppy keeps his jaw tightly clenched around Taylour’s sock, he sets the puppy on his lap to the ground and crawls over to Auston. He pets along its side with one hand, his other tugging on the sock, laughing the entire time. Finally, the puppy releases the sock only to start chewing at Auston’s wrist.
“I want this one.” Taylour gives it a kiss.
“Really? What about this one?” Tia eyes to the one curled in her lap, eyes getting heavy.
Taylour takes a second to glance between the two dogs, pondering Tia’s suggestion. She obviously knows just because a dog is calm now doesn’t mean it always will be, but something, most likely her motherly instinct is telling her not to pick the one already biting.
“Uhmmm.” He ponders. Taylour scoots closer to Tia to look at the puppy in her lap. “Ohh, this one is cute too, Mommy!”
Taylour’s eyes rapidly dart between the two dogs, and he appears deep in thought, but they both know he has zero selection criteria. A twinkle catches his eye, and his entire face somehow lights up even more.
“Can I have both puppies?”
“No.” Tia is very fast to answer.
“Puh-lease!” He turns to Auston. His move always is to try the other parent with hopes for a better outcome. “Please can I get two puppies, Daddy?”
Auston looks to Taylour, then to the puppy curled up in Tia’s arms sleeping, then to the one nibling at his wrist, and sighs. “I don’t think –“
“Please, Daddy! They can play together.” He eagerly cuts him off, desperately trying to bring home two dogs.
“Then who will you play with?” Tia can see the way Auston’s face is softening and knows she will have to be the one to shut this down.
“I’ll play with them, we’ll be best friends, all three of us!”
“I think we only need one dog for now.” Auston says dimly, but Tia knows if she wasn’t here to supervise, Auston would be bringing two dog’s home.
“No!” Taylour carefully climbs over the puppies and their toys to get to Auston and wraps his arms tightly around his neck. “We need two puppies, Daddy!”
Auston makes the mistake of looking at Taylour and sees the large pout and beady eyes, a cuteness barely rivalled by the puppy in his lap. Taylour falls to his knees and gets directly into Auston’s sightline. He puts his hands together as if he is praying, and desperately pleads with a croak in his voice. “Please can we get two, Daddy? Pleeeeease?”
Auston hates how his son knows exactly what to say and how to say it to make him forget all reason.
“Tay,” Auston sighs and prepares himself for the heartbreak, but he knows Taylour will get over it faster than Tia’s frustration if he gives in. “Just one.”
There is a groan that develops deep in his stomach as his shoulders drop. “No fair.”
“Look at how cute this little guy is though.”
Auston holds the wiggly puppy a little higher and hands it to Taylour. An excited yip comes from the puppy and a smile begins to creep its way back to Taylour’s face. “He is cute, Daddy.”
Auston reaches over and grabs a small stuffed pig and gives it to the puppy who wraps his mouth around it and starts whipping its head from side to side. “I want this one.” Taylour informs them without an ounce of hesitation.
Auston and Tia left Taylour with the puppies and found Sandra in the kitchen. They went over the paperwork and fine details. She gave them a bag with some food, a small blanket, along with a binder full of health information and veterinary records.
By the time they wandered back to the living room a few minutes later, Taylour had forgotten about his desire to bring home two. He was on his knees, heels digging into the back of his thighs, squeaking the pig in an attempt to engage the puppy.
“You two ready?” Tia walks to the edge of the puppy fencing, Auston’s hand on her back.
“Mhm.” Taylour enthusiastically nods. He stands up and Auston bends down to help him over then scoops up their puppy. “Thank you for my puppy!” Taylour addresses Sandra while making a beeline for the door.
Once Taylour was in the car, which was a task, he demanded the dog sit with him. Tia was a little uneasy about leaving them alone in the back, she had a feeling she should sit with them, just in case the puppy fell or wandered away and somehow found his way under a seat, but Auston assured her everything would be fine. He could tell she was anxious, so he reached over the console and laced his fingers with hers, then brought it to her lips and placed kisses on the back of her hand, knowing that would bring her to ease.
“What should we name him?” Auston asks as they sit at a red light, the steady sound of the blinker being drowned by the noise coming from the backseat.
“Rex.” Taylour proudly proclaims.
“Rex?” Auston probes with a laugh. The suggestion undoubtedly comes from the recent viewing of Toy Story. “I don’t know if that suits him.”
“Pickles!” He cheers from the back seat.”
“Pickles?” Tia shakes her head; she knew letting the almost-four-year-old name the dog would be a terrible idea. “What about Bernie?” She suggests in reference to its breed.
“No.” They simultaneously protest.
“How about Felix?” Auston pipes up. He doesn’t know why but the second he held him, that name felt right and it’s hard for him to imagine the dog as anything else.
“Yes!” Taylour promptly agrees. “I like that!”
Auston kept his hand linked with hers over the console as he drove the quiet Scottsdale streets. His eyes were mostly on the road, but he couldn’t help glancing in the rearview every chance he got, spending red lights turned around staring at Taylour and Felix.
The next few hours were somewhat of a blur. Taylour was eager to show Felix to Trevor and Fred. He had to FaceTime Mitch, Becks, Emily and Max,Sarah and Charlie, every person he knew. He never wanted to leave Felix, even tried getting him to come to the bathroom with him. He would lay on the floor beside him while he napped, pull him into his arms for pets, dangle a toy over his head, or run around in the yard, trying to get him to follow. Felix was a little overwhelmed at times, often quiet and reserved, unsure about the toys and people around him, but that didn’t stop Taylour. He was determined to be that pup’s best friend no matter what.
Auston found Tia in the kitchen checking her e-mail. Some Disney movie Taylour long ago lost interest in plays in the background, he uses the noise to sneak up in front of her. He presses himself into her and chuckles when she jumps.
Droplets of water fall from his hair and splatter on her shoulder, the towel that hangs loosely over his hips rubs against her thigh.
“He’s so happy.” Auston places a gentle kiss on her temple.
She peers out the glass doors to Taylour who is sitting on a lounger with Felix in his lap. She doesn’t know what he is saying, but he constantly laughs and places kisses to his head. Her heart is about to explode. She lets out a contentious sigh and rests her arms on his shoulders, aimlessly fiddling with the metal wrapped around his neck. “I’m so happy we did this.”
“Me too.” Auston tugs at her pony and tilts her head back, then places a kiss on her lips. “I love you, babe.”
“I love you, too.”
Tia is expecting another kiss on her lips, only Auston ducks down and starts sucking along her neck.
“Auston.” She tries to scold him, only to shriek when he grabs a handful of ass from under her damp bathing suit.
“I want to kiss my girlfriend without a little parrot announcing it.”
“I know.” Tia sighs, because he has been announcing it - six times so far. “But we should go to our boys.”
Our boys.
Auston loves the way that sounds and even though it’s only been a couple hours he can’t wait until their family grows even more.
“They’re fine, Fred and Trevor have it under control. “Besides, you have a boy here who needs you.” He rolls her hips over his slowly growing erection and carves his nails into her flesh.
“Auston.” She playfully swats at his chest, letting out a breathy laugh.
“I told you to add fucking me to your list of things to do today,” he growls.
His fingers trail over her skin, pricked with goosebumps, until they find the bows that are holding up the barely-there bikini bottoms. His fingers tangle in and he begins to tug, loosening the knot.
“It’s like 4 pm.” It’s a futile attempt. They both know it.
Having heard no reason to stop, Auston quickly hoists her onto the counter. The towel drops to the floor as he presses her knees apart. He gently teases his fingertips past the seam of her lips, sending a ripple of goosebumps up her spine.
She wants to give in.
She can’t help it.
She spent too much time without him, her heart (among other things) physically ached for him and his touch. She never wants to be without it again, never wants to crave his physical touch like she did.
Following the hitch in her breath, two fingers slide inside, and are greedily welcomed by her heat. She arches toward his electric touch and his mouth moves toward the sweet spot below her ear.
It barely takes two minutes before a slew of curse words roll off Tia’s tongue. The air between them gets sticky and Auston licks up her neck. She can see the bulge beneath his bathing suit, rapidly swelling as he continues to stroke her inner walls. Through the pleasureful haze Tia barely manages to get her fingers under the waist band.
“Such a good girl, aren’t you?” Auston purrs against her neck, teeth nipping at her warm skin. Pressure builds inside her – everywhere – as Auston pets her silky inner walls. “I’m gonna bend you over this counter.” Auston’s breath is hot and heavy against her skin, fanning over her in hypnotic waves. “Kitchen’s gonna be so dirty we’ll need a hazmat team.”
Tia shudders. Her cheeks colour pink.
She wraps a leg around his hip and pulls him close. His left hand immediately finds her thigh and runs up and down. Fingerprints are left on her hips; bright red scratch marks decorate his shoulders. He’s hungry and he won’t stop until he’s had his fill of her.
“That’s what you want, right?” All thoughts disappear from her mind when his thumb starts caressing her swollen clit. Every part of her is consumed by him, and she struggles to even breathe. “To use my cock to christen this place, huh?” Her breasts bounce following every thrust, threatening to spill out of the stringy bikini top any moment. Little butterflies dance in her belly. She is barely keeping it together and Auston can tell. “M’gonna fuck you so hard a black light will break in here.”
“Mngh.” Tia chokes out, as if her tongue is glued to the top of her mouth.
“Let my friends hear.” Auston encourages her. He spits in his hand then it disappears, slathering his cock in saliva. She shudders when his warm erection nudges against her throbbing clit. “Cum baby. Show them how good I make you feel.”
Auston kneads at her fraying nerve as his breath gets hotter and heavier against her skin. They are so absorbed by the coil tightening in her belly, her release building and building -
“AUSTON!” Ema howls, absolutely horrified.
Nothing would get Auston to stop. Nothing, except his mother would get him to stop.
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Taglist: If you are in this list you have expressed interest in the series (either through likes/reblogs or by asking). If it’s crossed out your tag didn’t work. If you would like to be removed or added to the list send me an ask:
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shinestarhwaa · 1 year
Pssst hey shiney :3 for the prompt list, I will be requesting Dom! Woo + kinks #4 #7 & #11 🤭 (I just screamed when I saw the prompt list and yk I HAVE to request dom! Woo🫣)
Hii honeeey! Ofc ur gonna get ur dom!woo!!! Enjoy my muffin <3 I hope you like it I'm srry if it's sucks bc I know it's short I'm sorry x
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: bf!Wooyoung x Fem reader
Word Count: 1K
Tags/warnings: Established relationship AU, Dom!Wooyoung, spanking, daddy kink, degrading kink, protected sex, mutual masturbation, namecalling (whore, slut), lots of cum, literally no intro it's pure porn babes
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @glintneon123
"Daddy!" You screamed out as Wooyoung pounded you deeply from behind.
His body covered yours and he grunted in your ear with every thrusts. He fucked you so hard and deep he had you shaking and trembling. You were still shaken up from your previous orgasms and Wooyoung had no intention of stopping anytime soon.
Not that you were truly complaining about that. In fact you were far from complaining about that because when it came to sex with Jung Wooyoung you could never resist it.
The way he pounded you made you feel lighter than air, your head far up in the clouds. It always was like this when you fucked. It hadn't been that long yet but ever since your first time you couldn't get enough and you turned into a first-class cockslut. You begged for it all day and Wooyoung loved to degrade you.
You explored your sexual interests with him, trying out nearly everything you could find on internet. Anything slightly decent at least. So today was the day to try out calling him daddy, and it spurred him on more than you ever expected it to.
"Daddy, fuck, please, please!" You cried out. "You fucking like that, huh? Don't you? You fucking little slut," he moaned. His strong hands hit the flesh of your ass, sending sensations right down to your core.
The pain was stingy but god, did you love it when he used a lot of force on you. You loved it when he threw you around like a doll, like you were nothing.
"Please!" You begged again, even though you weren't entirely sure what you were truly begging for. However, Wooyoung seemed to know because he only fucked you harder and faster, getting you close to cumming again.
''You fucking know nobody else makes you feel this good, hm? No one fucks your delicious pussy this good, nobody, fucking nobody, you hear me, yeah?''
You love it when he talked dirty to you and degrade you, it makes you feel so good, so wet, so sensitive. God, so sensitive. He got a little possessive too if he was too immersed in your love-making. His grip on your body was so tight you knew it would leave bruises on your skin.
The way Wooyoung just knew how to make you feel good baffled you. He always knew and always made sure you came at least three times before releasing himself. No one knew your body as well as he did, no one made you feel as good as he could.
You whined loudly and nodded eagerly as Wooyoung fucked you into the matrass. ''God! Yes you do feel so good! You make me feel so good!'' you cried out loudly. ''You own me! Y-You own me, only you!''
''Thar's right you fucking slut, you fucking take it, take it, yes baby, I can feel you cumming baby, clench around me,'' he smirks as he moans into your ear. You nodded and nodded as your moans grew louder. Wooyoung's thrusts got faster and it quickly send you over the edge, body spasming as you come for him.
Wooyoung soon followed, spilling into the condom. He rides out your orgasms and stays inside you for a few more seconds before pulling out. You whined out and turned around. ''B-But daddy it's not enough~'' you begged him.
''Not enough?'' he said, cocking an eyebrow. You shook your head. ''N-no daddy, I need more, I want your cum,'' you begged. He laughed and threw his head back slightly before eyeing you up and down again.
''You're such a little whore huh? Only can think about daddy's cock, all day, all night, isn't that true, Y/N? You're so fucking thirsty.'' His smirk was plastered on his face.
''I'm so thirsty daddy, so thirsty for your cock, I want your cum so bad, please give me your cum,'' you whined. That was more than enough for Wooyoung's length to harden again. He hovered above you as he wrapped a hand around his cock.
''You watch closely hm? Watch how I fuck my fist, watch how I'm falling apart for you, for my little slut.''
There was nothing hotter than watching your boyfriend touch himself. The way his hand stroked his large cock up and down made you feel weak at the knees. His hips thrusted forward as he fucked into his fist.
It was something that you never expected to be such a turn-on, but watching Wooyoung moan your name as he played with his cock was irresistible.
You panted as you reached down to between your legs. Your fingers played with your sensitive clit as you watched your new boyfriend jerk off right above your face. You were so ready for him, so ready to take whatever he was going to give to you.
When he sped up, so did you and when he moaned, you moaned. The two of you were so in sync it brought you to cloud 9. Before you knew it you were cumming, eyes squeezed shut as you breathed out his name over and over again.
Wooyoung watched you orgasm, studying your orgasm face and reaching his own high. ''Fuck, angel, gonna cum all over your fucking face, my little slut,'' he breathed out as he pumped his cock faster.
His brows furrowed as he threw his head back. His breathing became more erratic and he was going to cum really soon. You nodded and cried out his name. ''Please! Cum on me, please!''
Spurts of hot cum landed all over your face, painting your skin. You took deep breaths, trying to regain your breath as he cleaned your face off. ''My thirsty slut,'' he whispered in your ear as he cleaned the rest of your body.
He laid next to you again and held you tight. You like the way he holds you tight and turns so soft after sex. He holds you and he caresses your skin, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. ''Mine...'' he whispered as he kissed your temple.
''Only yours,'' you smiled.
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localravenclaw · 11 months
Fifty OC Questions
1. Describe your OC's physical appearance in detail.
2. Why'd you choose your OC's name?
3. How does your OC feel about their birthday?
4. How does your OC and their parents get along?
5. What's something you'd never put your OC through again?
6. What's your OC's go-to comfort meal?
7. What career path would your OC take?
8. What's something your OC can't do?
9. What is your OC's ideal romantic partner?
10. Does your OC like to spend time alone or with others more?
11. What time does your OC usually go to sleep?
12. Where in the sibling order is your OC?
13. What's the worst thing your OC's ever done?
14. What would it take for your OC to kill someone?
15. What item does your OC hold most dear?
16. How does your OC unwind?
17. What's your OC's star sign?
18. What kind of drunk is your OC?
19. Who does your OC end up with?
20. Who is your OC's role model?
21. Is your OC big on revenge?
22. If your OC ever got the chance, would they go back in time? When would they go?
23. What's your OC's favourite memory?
24. Will your OC ever admit to being wrong?
25. Is your OC doomed by the narrative?
26. Would your OC get along with you?
27. What's one thing your OC will never get over?
28. Is your OC going to make it?
29. Does your OC look their age?
30. What weird pet would your OC have?
31. Does your OC care a lot about their appearance?
32. What's one food your OC can't stand?
33. What animal do people associate your OC with?
34. what's your OC's "thing"?
35. Random fact about your OC
36. Would your OC sleep with a clone of themself?
37. What part of yourself do you love in your OC?
38. What's the lowest point in your OC's life?
39. What's your OC's biggest achievement?
40. Does your OC ever go back home?
41. How would your OC adapt to the modern world?
42. Does your OC have any unique talents?
43. Does your OC exist in canon or AU timeline?
44. Is your OC a people person?
45. Did your OC ever have an alternative name?
46. Does your OC possess any special powers?
47. Is your OC allergic to anything?
48. Does your OC have a lot of uncommon knowledge? How do they know it?
49. Does your OC have any scars or birthmarks with an interesting story?
50. What do you love and hate most about your OC?
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I've been meaning to put this list of questions together to get to know more about my friends' OC's/MC's. I've always been very fascinated about other people's character's lore and this kind of helps me flesh out my own OC's as well. There's already an HLMC question list out there, so I tried to list different ones this time.
Many of the questions are from @ocprompts. Please give them a follow for daily questions about your OC's! ♡
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adh-d2 · 2 months
Lil' Obimaul fic snippet
In which a disastrous attempt at ambush and subterfuge on both sides leaves Obi-Wan and Maul trapped on the ruins of Dathomir. Maul needs Obi-Wan alive for his lightsaber and his intel. Obi-Wan needs Maul alive to teach him what the hell to feed this abandoned baby he's found...
Word count: 570 | WIP | SFW | Dividers by @xurengu0
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Maul gives a sidelong glance to the bundle that hasn’t even stirred in Obi-Wan’s arms.
“Perhaps there is a reason it was left for dead. It has no survival instincts to have slept through all that.”
Obi-Wan bristles, torn between a twinge of shame at his own actions and the strangest instinct to defend the child’s honor.
“I told you, he’s hungry. He cries the entire time he’s conscious. I-I’m enlisting a little help from the Force to keep him asleep for now. I don’t want him to suffer unnecessarily.”
“Then you should smother it before it wakes.” Maul doesn’t even break his stride, his eyes still scanning their surroundings like the predator he is. “Even if we find something to feed it, it will hunger again. It will be cold. It will cry for its mother, and she will remain too dead to soothe it.” His voice is low, conversational, as if he were discussing something as mundane as the weather. “To live is to suffer.”
Obi-Wan is silent for a long moment. The wave of contempt he braces himself to feel, then release into the Force, never comes. Instead he simply observes Maul. He watches the way the zabrak’s body moves as if on autopilot; as if hunting for food with nothing but his wits and his bare hands was so mundane to him as to become instinct. His horned head shifts in response to a near-imperceptible sound, and as his eyes catch the light his pupils seem to disappear in a flash of refracted glow. ‘He can see in the dark’ Obi-Wan thinks, a dormant memory of his studies of zabrak physiology returning to him. There was a time, not long after Naboo, when he’d obsessively trawled the archives for any information he could find on Dathomirian zabraks. ‘Well, the adult ones at least’ his mind ruefully supplies, aware of the weight of the infant in his arms. He’d hidden those long nights of research from everyone at the temple, knowing the mind healers wouldn’t approve. Something about unhealthy coping strategies. Even now he couldn’t explain exactly why he did it beyond the fact that he’d needed to know. if he’d just had the information, was there any weakness he could have exploited, anything else he could have done…Obi-Wan wrenches his thoughts away from the past. The man before him looks every bit the nightmare that has haunted Obi-Wan’s dreams for the past decade. For all of the countless hours that Darth Maul had consumed his thoughts in the years since Qui-Gon’s death, for all of the agonizing and analyzing and ruminating, Obi-Wan still finds himself unprepared for the reality that the Sith is walking right beside him.
 ‘But he is,’ the whisper of a thought sounds just like his old master. Obi-Wan takes a steadying breath, relaxes his shoulders, and centers himself on the present. On the living force. For perhaps the first time since their fateful duel all those years ago, Obi-Wan looks at Maul and allows himself to simply be curious.
To live is to suffer, he’d said.
“You’ve fought awfully hard to stay alive, for someone who believes that.”
Maul’s head swivels to face him, the hunt forgotten, and Obi-Wan finds himself pinned by the intensity of his stare. It is impossible to focus on anything but the weight of the Sith’s undivided attention.
Maul opens his mouth to speak-
and the infant begins to wail.
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Yo, I figured I'd put this at the bottom rather than the top, but this is the first piece of fanfic I've posted. Like, ever. Anywhere. I guess I'm a writing blog now? It feels weird to make any kind of fuss about it, but just as fucking weird to post it without context.
Anyway, I'm hoping to keep writing this and turn it into a properly fleshed out AU, but just in case the mice in my brain move on to other things, I wanted to put this snippet out in the universe.
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chronosdawn · 5 months
Pact - Patron!Neuvillette x Warlock!Reader
Fantasy AU, GN!Reader
Content warnings: Very minor descriptions of gore at the beginning, slightly weird power dynamics and age difference because Neuvillette is not human (but to be clear, the reader is an adult).
Word count: 2.6k
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“Neuvillette wishes to speak with you.”
It was an effort not to sigh when you heard the soft sweet voice behind you. You turned, already knowing the sight that would greet you as you wiped a smear of blood from your cheek. Low and behold, a well-dressed Melsuine stood before you—Sedene, if you recalled correctly.
You’d known this was coming, had felt the tug in the power that flowed through your veins—water currents twisting, drawing you back towards their source.
“Is it urgent?” you asked, keen to put this encounter off for as long as possible.
“I was asked to wait until you finished your work and then guide you to the closest source of spring water. You have finished now, haven’t you?” You’d never been able to read Melsuines’ expressions particularly well, no matter how much contact you had with them as Neuvillette’s subjects. Sedene—if that was indeed her name—was looking past you, something that might have been pity in her eyes as she took in the bodies. You stepped carefully in front of the worst of the gore, suddenly struck with a small twinge of guilt at your part in the grim display.
“I…” You could lie, could take advantage of Sedene’s innocence and say you were not in fact finished with your work, that Neuvillette would have to wait. The power in you surges once more, pulling at your core, likely attempting to drag you to whatever spring water Sedene had mentioned.
“Yes, I’m finished. Let’s go.” As you stepped towards her, you cast your hand back to the carnage, a cool sensation washing over your arm as your borrowed magic went to work, turning flesh to water until the only evidence of your activities was your blood-stained clothing.
If the Melsuine disapproved of your use of Neuvillette’s power, she did not say, instead lifting a small blue-green arm in the direction of a rock formation some distance away. “This way, please.”
You walked in near silence, the caw of magpies—their black and white shapes weaving through the few trees dotted about the grassy slope—the only sound aside from the faint crunch of plant matter beneath your feet. As you neared the large, slate-gray rocks, you realised they actually made up the mouth of a cave, the entrance just large enough for a person to fit through.
Sedene stepped through the opening without a hint of hesitation and you followed, pausing when you were met with only beckoning darkness.
“Is it much further?”
“It’s not far. Spring water flows from the mountains through this cave, a pool has formed in its depths.”
“I er…” you faltered, the taste of weakness bitter on your tongue. “I can’t see in the dark.”
“Oh.” She turned back to face you, the pink of her eyes dulled to gray in the thin strips of sunlight filtering through the cave entrance. “I’m sorry, you’ve been Neuvillette’s for so long that I forget you do not see as we do.”
You bit down on your tongue to avoid saying anything you might later regret—especially if enough of Neuvillette’s power had already manifested here to allow him to hear it. Sedene extended her arm towards you. “Don’t worry, I’ll lead you and make sure you don’t get hurt along the way.”
Her hand was cooler than yours, you noted as you wrapped your fingers around it, although you suspected the both of you ran cool compared to regular humans. You hoped she’d assume the trembling of your hand was due to nothing more than a fear of the dark as she led you into cave, turning a bend that robbed you of any remaining scraps of light. Truthfully, you didn’t like being in the dark as it forced you to rely on your other senses, including the one you’d received the day you signed your pact with Neuvillette—your sense of him. Clearly, he’d been waiting for you for a while, the already claustrophobic atmosphere heavy with his magic.
You knew you were close to your destination when you felt a sudden change in humidity, a fine mist spreading over your skin like a welcoming embrace. A shudder ran through you as Sedene came to a stop.
“We’re here, would you like me to guide you to the pool?”
“No,” you replied, letting go of her hand and then fighting against the panic of losing your only anchor in the dark. “I’ll be okay, if you could just wait nearby to help me when I leave that would be great.”
There was a lengthy pause, though without being able to see her face, you couldn’t even begin to guess at what the reason for it might be.
“I will show you the way out once he has finished with you.” The sound of soft footsteps back the way you’d come told you she was leaving and you struggled against the instinct to surge after her. It was likely she was just giving you privacy out of respect for Neuvillette—it certainly wouldn’t be his interests to leave you stranded in a cave in the middle of nowhere, or at least you hoped it wouldn’t anyway.
Letting out a sigh, you carefully took to removing your boots and socks, rolling your trousers up to the knee as you did so. After a bit of feeling your way around, you managed to find a wall to place them near, hoping that you’d be able to find them again when it came time to go. The water at least, you didn’t have to fumble your way to, Neuvillette’s power so apparent in it, you could feel the draw in every part of your body.
You slowly lowered yourself into it, wincing when you found the water line came up not to your knees but your waist, soaking your clothing. The moment you touched the pool, the effect was immediate, pale blue lights appearing in the water, allowing you to finally see the place you’d been brought to. The cave itself was fairly unremarkable, the lack of light resulting in little growing over the walls. The figure slowly forming from the water however, was an entirely different story. No matter how many times you’d seen this little party trick of Neuvillette’s, you couldn’t imagine you’d ever not be at least a little in awe of it. Water rising upwards and twisting together, coalescing until it formed pale skin and long white hair. Soon, the tall figure of Neuvillette was standing before you, and though the shape he took on was human enough, the violet hue of his eyes was not.
“Ah, there you are,” he said, his voice echoing in the small space.
“You wanted to see me?” You shifted awkwardly in the water, all too aware of how close he was.
For moment, there was no reply, Neuvillette simply regarded you with an expression you couldn’t read. “You’re covered in blood. You’re injured.”
“It’s not mine, it’s—” you started to say but cut off as you felt something caress the back of your thigh followed by a sharp sting. “Shit, I guess one of the guys I was fighting must have snagged me, but it can’t be anything more than just a scratch.”
“Hm.” The figure of Neuvillette remained standing in the water before you, even as something began to gently prod at your wound. Of course, this humanoid form of his was just put on for your benefit, for a water spirit such as him, the entire pool he’d turned his power towards may just as well have been his body—something you tried extremely hard not to think about while stood waist deep in it.
“Honestly, it’s fine we can just—” you let out an abrupt yelp as a surge of magic ran up the back of your thigh accompanied by the unpleasant feeling of your flesh knitting itself back together.
“It’s been taken care of. Are you injured anywhere else?”
Without waiting for a response, you felt the water slowly begin the creep higher over your body, searching for any other tears in your skin.
“Wait! I promise, I’m fine!” The water stopped but one look at Neuvillette told you it was not the end of the matter.
“Show me.”
“I’m telling you—”
He cut you off by speaking your name, and you were struck with the full magnitude of the influence he had over you. You could remember your mother telling you names had power, recounting you with bedtime stories of what happened to people who were stupid enough to use them to sign contracts with spirits in exchange for the magic equivalent of table crumbs. A pity you’d failed to take any of those lessons on board.
With no small amount of reluctance, you crouched down in the water, low enough that it covered you entirely. You gave Neuvillette roughly ten seconds before you stood up again, trying very hard not to imagine everything he’d been able to feel in that time.
“Yes, thank you. I am relieved you came out of your confrontation relatively unscathed.”
You made an effort to wipe some of the water from your face with your sleeve. “So, what was it you summoned me here to talk about?”
“Ah yes. You remember the terms of our pact, I assume?” Your head snapped up to look at him. Of course you remembered, that pact bound you, body and soul, forgetting even a single line of it would have been foolish beyond reason.
“I do,” you replied carefully. “Did you want me to repeat them for you?” It was a relatively simple pact as far as these things went. The power you had been entrusted with was only to be used to harm those with ill-intent, you were to protect innocents and uphold order whenever possible, and should Neuvillette require you to use your skills in a particular place, then you were to go. Somewhat to your surprise, that last term had never come up, although you suspected it was because a being of his power never really needed a warlock to do their bidding.
“No, I trust that you are being truthful. However, I brought you here as I suspect you are unaware that you are close to breaking one of those terms.”
“What?” you snapped. “That’s not possible, I’ve taken every care not to. Those guys today were traffickers I’ve had my eye on for well over a month, there’s no way they don’t count as having ill-intent!”
“It is not the people you fought today I speak of.” Perhaps the worst part of this conversation was that Neuvillette didn’t even sound angry—at least certainly not the way a patron was supposed to when a pact came close to being broken. “It is with regards to the protection of innocents.”
You could only blink at him, utterly baffled. Had there been someone at the fight today you hadn’t noticed, someone you were supposed to protect?
Noting your confusion, he elaborated, “or did you not realise such a term extended to yourself?”
“Myself? What are you talking about?”
“When you first approached me, I was initially unsure of entering into such an agreement. You were young, even by human standards.” You’d been eighteen, not young exactly but more than a little stupid. “But you were so desperate to do good in the world, so full of compassion for it that I knew if I refused you, you would likely seek out another, perhaps one who was not so benevolent. And so, I decided I would take you as my own, and include a condition in your pact that would mean you would need to take your own safety into account.”
Of course you’d never thought the term innocents would include you, you’d stopped thinking of yourself as such the first time you’d spilled blood to save another. But better for you to dirty your hands than let the world rot, or at least that’s what you’d thought at the time.
“So what? I came close to breaking our pact because I got a scratch? I’ve been injured before and it’s never resulted in this.” You gestured towards him and the pool.
“I appreciate such injuries can be unavoidable at times, thus why the pact specifies that you should protect innocents where possible. But is it not true that you have spent the past several months working yourself to the bone? I cannot remember the last time I felt you stop to rest for any longer than required to keep your body going.”
There was no accusation in his eyes, if anything, you thought there might have been a slither of care. What were you supposed to say, that you were starting to regret your choices? That the last time you’d been home, you’d been too afraid to touch your best friend’s newborn son for fear of the amount of blood on your hands, no matter how clean they may seem to everyone else. That you looked at all the people you used to know and felt like you’d ruined yourself for the peaceful life they seemed to enjoy and now this was the only road forward.
“I admit I may have pushed myself a little harder than usual, but I wasn’t aware it would violate our pact. I can stop, take a couple of days off in the closest town, before…” Before getting back to work. But you couldn’t admit that, could you? Couldn’t say there was nothing else for you to get back to.
“I fear that even though you are now aware of your mistake, you will not be able to stop yourself from repeating it. I have watched you, you know, from the rain and the rivers and the streams, and this is why I have decided to step in myself.” You felt your stomach turn to lead, the walls of the cave suddenly seeming to push in on you.
“What do you mean?” you asked, trying to take a step back only to find your leg wouldn’t move, the water holding you firmly in its grasp.
“It means you will rest here, with me, until I am sure you are in a condition to properly take care of yourself again.”
“Wait, Neuvillette!” You reached out a hand, only to watch, horrified, as the water rose up from the pool and spread up your arm. With no warning, you were pulled down under the surface, water filling your nose and mouth. Drowning was of no concern to you, the magic you’d received made sure of that, but being trapped in here with Neuvillette was. You’d heard stories of what happened to people who were exposed to a spirit’s power for too long, warlock or not, and they very rarely came out entirely human by the end of it. And that was without taking into account that a spirit’s sense of time was likely to be very different to yours. How long would pass before you were allowed back into the world? Would your friend’s son be a man by the time Neuvillette let you go? You were struck with the thought of all the people you knew, wrinkled or dead while the healing power of his waters kept you preserved through the decades.
You tried to struggle, but it was useless, had been the moment you’d entered the water. The current pulled you to the bottom, those pale blue lights dancing above you as Neuvillette’s humanoid form dissipated, collapsing back into the water. He wasn’t gone though, you could feel him all around you, gentle hands coaxing you to sleep.
Rest, I will stay and protect you while you do.
His voice came from all around you, from the very liquid inside your skull. No, you thought desperately, fighting to stay awake even as your limbs were held down. But in the end, it was useless, and you were carried away with the tide as lights winked out above you.
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If you enjoyed this fic please consider checking out my masterlist. Thank you for reading!
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spaceofentropy · 2 months
The fic has been out for a few days already, but I can finally make my own post and inflict it on y'all, and nobody can stop me, bwahahahahahah!
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*cough* So, I took part in the Stranger Things Big Bang (2024 edition) and was so lucky that @lemonhitsu claimed my fic and made some amazing art for it, and also this banner up here! I'm so honored to have his great art on my fic, and proud to have inspired him even just a tiny bit! T^T Look at what he made! So pretty! So sad! So perfect!
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My fic is a story about pining boys, with a big dose of angst and fluff, and a happy ending (and some smut just at the end). It's titled Flesh for Fantasy (thank you for the title, Billy Idol!) and you can find it here on ao3.
It's inspired by a Teen Wolf fic that I have reread a bit too many times and never fails to give me all the feels thanks to so much delicious angst and I'm a sucker for good angst, oh, yes I am! But I digress.
I loved writing my story, and mixing reality and Fantasy was a fun way to stretch my writing muscles. I was very lucky that @dragonflylady77 beta-read it for me, and that she and @medusapelagia patiently listened to me ramble while I was still writing it.
Anyway, here's the link to the story once again, and here are the info about the fic itself:
Flesh for Fantasy Rated E; 32000 words; no archive warnings Relationship: Billy/Steve Characters: Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Billy Hargrove, the Party, Maxine Mayfield, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Neil Hargrove, Susan Hargrove, Steve's parents The big tags: no Upside Down AU; Neil Hargrove; Child Abuse; car accidents; hospitals; blood and injury; broken bones; touch-starved Billy Hargrove; fluff and angst; emotional hurt/comfort; Platonic stobin; hopeless crushes; eventual smut; homophobia; non-sexual intimacy Synopsis: In a world where if you Fantasize about someone, that person feels it on their skin, someone starts Fantasizing about Steve Harrington. But instead of being sexual Fantasies, it's for cuddles and soft touches, so restrained that Steve has no idea who his phantom hugger is. All he knows is they must have a good reason to keep hidden like that.
I also have a little (?) snippet, but it's under the cut so the post is not too long on the timeline :P
"Do you think I look lonely?" She's taken aback by what must feel like a sudden change in subject. "Uh… No. I mean… sometimes, maybe. Babe, what does this have to do with anything?" "The Dreamer. It's never, like, a sex thing." "But that's what Fantasies are for. For sex!" "I know, okay, but this is… It's hugs. This person, whoever it is, hugs me." Steve gives Robin a couple of seconds to look at him in stunned silence and digest his words, then he asks her: "Do I look like I need a hug that bad that someone feels it's their duty to provide one?" "How long has this girl been giving you Fantasy hugs?" Robin asks, her tone poised somewhere between bewildered and worried. "Aside from the fact I don't even know if it's a guy or a gal, it's been… uh… weeks? A month? Maybe more, I'm not sure." "And you never told me a thing?!" she shouts, outraged. "I just did!" Robin smacks the back of her hand on his arm in an offended gesture. "That doesn't count and you know it!"
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bekkachaos · 1 year
✨ Bekka's Buddie Fic Recs ✨
I just thought it would be nice to do some fic recs for some of the wonderful creators in this fandom because there is literally so much talent it blows my mind that these beautiful people are out here giving us pieces of their beautiful brains 💕
Long fics and AU fics
☀️ Kiss Me Before it's Over (if only for a Minute) by @buddierights aka the Baseball AU (Rated E, 54k words). Buck and Eddie are pro baseball players on opposing teams, and Buck never gets nervous getting up to bat, until Eddie Diaz, the new star pitcher for the LA Angels, is standing on the pitcher's mound, and his stomach flips and twists. He's pretty sure it's because he hates the guy, until, you know, he doesn't. {I love this fic, it's such a beautiful kinda enemies to lovers ride that you will love every sweet and sexy moment of}
☀️ Let My Ink Stain Your Pages by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels aka the Castle AU (Rated E, 107k words). Buck is a professional crime fiction writer in need of a new muse. Eddie is an LA homicide detective, and the last thing he needs is to be followed around by a reckless author. A sexy six foot plus mystery writer who he absolutely does not find charming and attractive. But when Buck decides that Eddie would make the perfect muse for his new book, that's exactly what Eddie gets. {I might have read this fic 3 times, it's one of my absolute favourites and you better believe I will go back and read it again}
Stupid People by @gayhoediaz (Rated E, 160k words). Eddie is new in town in LA, and he's just come to terms with the fact that he's gay. He figures that hiring a sex worker is the easiest way to explore that side of himself and keep it separate from his son and his work, to keep things uncomplicated. And that's how he finds his way to Buck. His plan works, for a while. {This was one of the first buddie fics I read, and it is an epic sexy, moving, emotional fic that I thought about for so long after, honestly I recommend anything that Nie writes!}
Unless You Ask Me To by @elvensorceress (Rated M, 182k words, in-progress). Eddie starts dating a man, and Buck is completely, one hundred percent Fine(TM). This is a beautiful fleshed out journey of a fic. {I believe one of the tags is 'the most oblivious obtuse pining idiots you will ever meet' and the accuracy of this is insane, I can't wait for the last chapter!}
☀️ never felt this way before (yes I swear) by @rewritetheending aka the dirty dancing AU (Rated M, 50.8k words). Buck and his family go on vacation to the 118 ranch and lodge, where Buck meets a number of new people including Eddie Diaz, and he's pulled into the world of the one-eighteen in a way he never expected, and learning to dance from the most beautiful man he's ever seen. {What more do I have to say other than dirty dancing AU? This fic is amazing from start to finish and so so hot!}
Explicit fics
Bases Loaded by @lamardeuse (Rated E, 2k words). Eddie wants to take things slowly, and Buck obliges him. {It's a sexy slow build between the two of them and just sucks you right in!}
More bang for your buck by @prettyboybuckley (Rated E, 14.2k words). Eddie's got a problem with a noisy neighbour, only, he can't exactly confront him because how do you knock on someone's door and say 'you have the loudest sex I've ever had the pleasure of hearing through the wall'? Because it is, a pleasure, the sound of him is just doing things to him. And then he finds the guy's twitter, and then his Instagram, and he is too far down the rabbit hole to back down. {This is hot the whole way through, and Buck testing toys and posting online? Spicy hot content!}
I lit the match, the firemen can do the rest by @honestlydarkprincess (Rated E, 6.6k words). Eddie needs to see Buck, so he drives over to his place to see Buck getting railed by Natalia with a strap on, and he can't look away, especially when Buck comes just by Natalia mentioning Eddie's name. When she leaves, Eddie feels the need to prove that it's even better when he takes things into his own hands. {This is Eddie pining for Buck and then getting to have him, all to himself}
☀️ today I live for a single drop of you by @alyxmastershipper (Rated E, 38.9k words). This is the 5 + 1 blowjob fic, five times Buck dreams of sucking Eddie's cock and the one time he gets to do it. Nuff said {Ryan just has such a beautiful lyrical way of writing that they can make an epic fic about blowjobs poetic, a masterpiece}
More AUs
mark me like a bloodstain by @monsterrae1 (Rated M, 6k words). A fic where your soul marks appear on your skin when they appear on your soulmate, when they are badly injured. Buck's first marks show up in college, and his first thought is that his soulmate is dead. He doesn't figure it out until his best friend is shot in front of him, and then he realises it's been Eddie all along. {I love soulmate fics and I love the shooting arc, and this fic is just so wonderful from start to finish}
and I'd choose you (in a hundred lifetimes) by @monsterrae1 (Rated E, 16.7k words). Eddie and Buck are pen pals when Eddie is in the army, and god it shouldn't have been so romantic, but he got Evan Buckley. And he thought maybe he might just be the person he spends the rest of his life with, until he completely disappears. Four years later, they meet again, only Buck has no idea who Eddie is. {did I include another Rae fic? Yes I did, because this one was just too good to leave out}
☀️ all I know is a new found grace (all my days I'll know your face) by @heartbeatdiaz aka the photographer Buck AU (Rated E, 4.5k words). Eddie is participating in the annual firefighters calendar, and the photographer is stupidly beautiful. Like, crazy gorgeous with big blue eyes and a smile that makes Eddie's palms sweat. {Photographer Buck is just such a beautiful thing to imagine, and honestly you could hit shuffle and pick any of April's fics and you're bound to love it}
even gods die by @kitkatpancakestack (Rated T, 7.6k words). This is quite a heavy fic, Buck has brain cancer and he and Eddie are at a cabin together talking about his diagnosis and how they feel about it. It's angsty with a hopeful ending. {This is a beautiful, emotional fic and it moved me so much to read. Not for everyone, but wow was this amazing}
Fun, Flirty and Fluffy fics
☀️ To have and to hold (what's mine is yours) by @the-likesofus (Rated G, 3.3k words). It's Buck and Eddie's one year anniversary (paper). Eddie gives something Buck has had all along, that last piece of his heart. {This is such a heartwarming Buckley-Diaz family feels fic and made me smile so hard}
Everything But (temptation) and Worth the Wait by @spotsandsocks (Rated T, 4.7k & 5.4k words). Five times Buck is tempted by Eddie and the one time he finally gives in, or, five times Eddie attempts to tempt Buck and the one time it finally works. {These fics are from Buck's pov and then Eddie's, and they were so much fun to read both times!}
smile to hide the truth by @fallingthorns (Rated T, 5.1k words). Eddie is getting married, only it's not to Buck. And Buck should really say something, should have really said something earlier. Because now Eddie is standing at the altar, only he's staring back at Buck and asking what would make him happier. {This isn't exactly fluffy but god the anticipation and the build up to that wedding, and the ending? You won't regret this read, I loved it}
still by @gayhoediaz (Rated T, 9.3k words). Based on an episode of Castle (are you sensing a theme here?) where Eddie steps on a plate in a house where they've just put out a fire, and he just knows that he's stepped on a pressure bomb. Buck refuses to leave him standing there alone while they figure it out, but time is literally ticking for them. {These two just fit the Caskett shoes perfectly, and this was tense, emotional and just a wonderful read}
between who you are and who you could be by @paranoidbean (Rated T, 5.6k words). Eddie is working at a plasma donation centre, and Buck just keeps coming back in, after making an impression the first time by passing out. {This is an adorable meet cute that just made me feel fuzzy inside}
(tell the gravedigger) better dig two by @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy (Rated G, 7.2k words). In which Eddie is buried alive, and Buck loses his mind with worry and grief. Basically a missing part to Eddie Begins. {This was a beautiful exploration of Buck's emotions as he's afraid he's lost Eddie}
I hope you all enjoy these fics as much as I did, just wanted to spread some love and appreciation 💕
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moosereblogsfics · 2 years
No Motive
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pairing: serial killer! steve x serial killer!bucky x reader 
warnings: DUBCON, kind of non con, serial killer au, horror, slight dacryphilia, violence, smut, p in v, manipulation/coercion, facial, creampie, mentions of virginity loss, masturbation, MINORS DNI, dead dove do not eat. read at your own risk
summary:  “Surprise, Sidney!” 
a/n: this is a Scream / Grease inspired entry for @boxofbonesfic​ Friday The 13th challenge for Serial Killer! this is my first time writing anything dark but I had a lot of fun (i love horror/horror movies so this was a fun exercise). thank you so much bones for hosting this super fun challenge and i hope everyone had an absolutely spooktacular Friday the 13th!
word count: 1287 (cutting it close whew)
“Doors locked. Windows and blinds shut. No trips to anywhere but the grocery store or work, during daylight hours. No one is permitted to be outside of their homes after dark.”
That was what the police said. So why the hell were you outside right now? You snuck a quick glance at your boyfriend, who was driving carefree with the windows down.
“You cold, babe?” He shouted over the wind, looking over at you to flash you a cocky smirk. He looked beautiful, and that’s why you were here.
“No,” you mustered, but it was a lie. The anxiety caused by your forbidden outing induced a tremor in your hands as you pressed down your skirt. Steve would be so disappointed if he knew how you were feeling. Wasn’t this romantic? In the very least, it was what all the other couples did at school. 
It was what Steve’s ex-girlfriends did with him. 
You fought the urge to flip down the little vanity mirror and check your lipstick, make sure you looked pretty enough for him. Instead, you looked over at him with a smile and reached over to squeeze his thigh suggestively. That’s how you were supposed to do it, right? 
The crunching of gravel under Steve’s tires drew your attention to the little road that you’ve pulled off onto. You’ve never been here, but you recognized it from its infamy— Lover’s Lake, where all the couples used to come to get a little… privacy. Nobody came here anymore, though.
Not since the killings started. 
Your tongue darted out to wet your dry lips nervously, and you felt your heart pounding in fear. 
“Steve, is this a good idea?” you eked out, taking your bottom lip between your teeth and nibbling at the flesh nervously. Without even looking at you, Steve grasped your chin in his forefinger and eased your lip out from your teeth before running over it with his thumb. 
He’s so good to you. He knew you so well. So why didn’t you feel safe right now? 
But your stomach roiled when he sighed, clearly disappointed in you as he spared an irritated look before pulling the car to stop facing the lake. “Babe, I told you this already, remember? We can’t let the killer win. When we let them control us, let them make us afraid, they win.” 
“But Steve, what if the killer shows up?”
“Hey,” he said, placing a warm hand on the back of your neck and letting his fingers press on your spine. “I’m here, baby. Now go get your cute ass in the backseat.” Steve laughed when you squeaked at the pat on your butt as you made your way to the backseat. 
As you sat down, you couldn’t get over how… wrong it felt. Like the ghosts of the three girls that died here were watching you, telling you to get out of here. It was disrespectful at best, dangerous for a fact. But you didn’t have it in you to say no to Steve. 
He settled next to you, slinging an arm over your shoulders as the two of you looked out to the lake. Your heart beat faster when his fingers toyed with the straps of your dress and bra, before he inched them off your shoulder. 
“Oops,” he laughed. It sounded harsher than you were used to, and you couldn’t hold back your discomfort anymore. You turned to him, ready to voice your objections when he captured your lips with his own. 
“Shh, baby,” he interrupted you, pulling down your top entirely to expose your tits to him. He kneaded the flesh between his palms, groaning and watching your nipples peak in response to his ministrations. “God, you’re so pretty. So innocent. Knew you’d be the best girlfriend a fella could ever have.” The pride that swelled within you at his words squashed the discomfort within you, and you leaned in to kiss him with a smile. 
You shut your eyes, allowing yourself to get lost in his kisses as his hands wandered up and down your body. You didn’t object when he pulled your dress and bra off, pulled your panties off and laid you down on the leather seats of his car. 
“You see how hard I am for you, baby?” Steve groans, grabbing your hand and putting it on his bulge as he rocked his clothed thigh against your bare core. Steve Rogers, the one guy that everyone wanted, the captain of the football team, the all-American golden boy wanted you. 
Steve slid his jeans off, sitting in one of the seats as he pumped his shaft twice and pulled your hips between his legs, aligning your slick cunt with his tip and driving his hips up to inch into you. You stifled your discomfort, trying to hide your winces and the tears that sprung in your eyes as he eased into your tight hole. You couldn’t let him know that you were a virgin, what would he think? 
But you knew when you met Steve’s wolfish gaze, it wasn’t something you could hide from him. 
“Are you a virgin, baby?” He cooed at you, condescension lacing his tone. You nodded and shut your eyes, when the sound of the door opening forced your eyes open.
Bucky, Steve’s best friend, slid into the seat next to yours. “Getting started without me, huh, pal?” Steve laughed harshly at that, exposing your body for Bucky to see. Mortification sent blood rushing through your body but Steve didn’t seem to care as he squeezed and flicked your tits, continuing to fuck into you. “You gonna let me join in, Stevie?” 
“Not this time,” Steve grunted, turning to Bucky as he used your body. “This one’s a virgin.” 
“Lucky,” Bucky asserted, unbuckling and sliding his already-hard cock out from his jeans. “Spit,” he instructed you, putting his hand in front of your mouth then using it as lubrication to stroke himself as he watched Steve fuck you. “You wanna cry, baby?” he asked you as he watched you, noting the stiffness of your body. “Yeah, I bet it hurts. C’mon, then, cry.” 
You let the tears flow freely from you as Steve picked up the pace, uncaring about your pain as he drove further into you. But it didn’t take long for the pain to shift to pleasure, the fullness from Steve making your head loll against his shoulder. 
Bucky pulled you down to face his cock, surprising you as he sprayed his release on your face, almost making you cry again as his cum mixed with your lipstick. Inexplicably, though, it triggered that blissful feeling that you’ve only felt on your own, clenching tighter on Steve’s cock as your vision whited out. 
“Shit, you like that?” Steve snickered, cumming into you as your body slacked. He pulled you off unceremoniously, swinging you into his arms only to dump your nude body in the passenger seat. “I gotta go piss,” he called out, slamming the door as Bucky trailed behind him. 
Bored, you opened the glovebox in search of napkins to clean your face, but when your fingers brushed against dainty metal, your heart stuttered. 
Inside Steve’s glovebox lay three bloodstained necklaces, ones that you knew belonged to the dead girls because you recognized each little pendant— Darla’s pink rhinestone, Charlotte’s teddy bear, Jeanie’s heart locket. 
“You weren’t supposed to see that, sweetheart,” Steve said from behind you. You saw the blood from your neck spray onto the windshield before you got the chance to scream.  
“That’s gonna be a pain to get out,” Bucky commented, before the darkness swallowed you whole.
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dreamingofep · 9 months
Sinned Awakening pt. 17🩸
An AU Elvis fic
(Vampire!Elvis/Vampire Austin!Elvis × reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Request: No
Prompt: Getting promoted to be Elvis full time housekeeper, you realize the man holds secrets beyond belief and your undeniable attraction makes you fear the unknown. [Fem!Reader]
TW: Cussing, tension, smut, abduction, mentions of blood/gore!!!
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6.9k
A/N: Hello and welcome to part 17! I apologize this took me forever to write! I was overthinking things and have been so so busy! Hopefully this was worth the wait and I think you're in for a ride. I promise to not have you guys wait too long on the next part as it is almost done too!🤭 I'm starting off this part in Elvis' perspective to see what he was going through feeding on reader for the first time🩸
I also wanted to say thank you to anyone that's read this from the start or just read a few chapters and really liked it. Your messages warm my heart when I hear you love Vampire Elvis as much as i do.
A reminder, this is Vampire!Elvis so there is going to be mentions of blood/gore from here on out. If that's not your thing, sorry but it's needed for the story.
If you'd like to start from the beginning, start here I hope you enjoy and message and comment what you think!
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He stares at you wide-eyed, holding his breath as he thinks his ears have just deceived him.
I want you to feed from me…
He doesn’t know what to say at first. It’s almost too good to be true. You wanted him to bite you? Just like that? No other reasoning other than the fact he needed to feed. He really didn’t deserve you...
“Baby no I-I-I…. I can’t hurt you. It’s going to hurt,” he says panicked. That was always his biggest concern he had when he thought about feeding from you while you were human. The pain he would cause you would hurt him even worse. He remembers what it was like getting bit and how sharp Raphael’s fangs were as they tore into his flesh. As much as he needed to feed, he couldn’t stand the idea of you writhing in pain as he got his fill.
Elvis hears your nervous little heartbeat pick up as you stand before him, trying to muster up the courage to say something else.
“I know… but I’ve been thinking about it… this is what you do for your Chosen…” you say softly. His heart just about flies out of his chest, not believing that he would ever hear you say this. All he can do is stare at you in shock, getting to hear you admit that you are indeed his. 
“Oh God, honey…” he groans as he pulls you in between his legs more and he presses his lips on your exposed chest. Your heart continues to pound and the sound of it makes his mouth water.
“Honey… that’s something you do when you’re both vampires… the bite hurts so much. I don’t want to cause you pain like that…and what if I can’t stop,” he explains. That was his ultimate fear. Even though he was certain you were his Chosen, he still didn’t trust himself to bite you, not while he was so starved.
As he was about to protest, you quickly place your finger on his lips, quieting him. He can feel himself melting into your touch, wanting to do as you say. He’d never experienced such feelings with anyone. He normally doesn’t let anyone sway him but with you, he’d let you do anything you wanted.
“It’s okay. I want to give this to you. I know you can stop. Please let me give you this one thing,” you say, placing a kiss on his forehead and running your fingers through his hair.
You knew exactly what to say to make him weak. He wanted to give in to all of that. The idea of having your blood fresh and from your warm body made him hungrier than he’s ever been. God, he missed how you tasted. The first time he tasted you, your blood was still warm and rich as it ran down his arm. But as he’s fed from living things for the last thirteen years, he can tell the difference when blood is fresh or has been stored too long. He knew if he took a bite from you, he’d be ruined forever. He only had a taste. A whole helping would make him go into a state of shock. 
“Please, let me take care of you in this way.” You whisper in his ear. His hands grab onto your hips tighter, getting turned on by your words. He wanted this, more than anything and your sensual tone just about put him over the edge.
“I want you to make love to me… then I want you to feed,” you tell him. 
God yes. I need that more than anything, he thinks. 
Elvis was on fire, his eyes, his body, and his thoughts. This was all ever wanted. It was selfish, yes, but he wanted to drink your blood and feel how satisfying it was to be running through his veins. The very idea of having you pleading for him, his cock buried inside you, and his teeth sinking into your soft flesh to drink your blood was going to a place better than heaven. 
A deep growl comes from his throat and he quickly pulls you onto the bed, laying you on your back. You let out a surprised squeak and look at him looming over you. His hands reach for the v-cut of the dress, ripping your dress clean off of you. You gasp as his hands are everywhere all at once and leave electric sparks on you. 
You reach for the laces that are keeping his jumpsuit closed and begin to pull it off of him. He helps you and shakes his arms out of it, leaving himself naked in front of you. Like he could be any more beautiful, he somehow looks more attractive fresh off the stage of a long show. He eagerly spreads your legs wide for him and he groans as he looks down at you. He kisses up your legs, working his way up to your torso then your breasts, licking and lapping at your nipples.
The feeling of your skin was addictive. He could do this all night if you allowed him to. It was soft and tasted sweet. And the way you responded to his kisses drove him nearly mad. There was no way you could be any more perfect in his eyes.
He starts to grow restless and needs to touch you more, to make you make those beautiful little whimpers he can’t get enough of. His fingers find your bud and he slowly starts to rub you gently, gathering the slick that’s formed there after watching him seduce the entire crowd in The Hilton. Your hips buck into his hand, getting the most pleasure from this. His mouth covers you in kisses, covering every inch of you with his lips. You can feel his cock push up against your folds and slide it up and down making you both groan in agony.
He tried to let this moment happen naturally, but nerves got the best of him. He normally would never get nervous about this sort of thing, but this was different. This was you he was feeding from. The one he loved so dearly. The one he promised he would never cause any pain to. He couldn’t cause you pain like this. He remembered what the bite felt like. It was one of the worst things he’s ever experienced. It was something that always made him sorry when he would take a bite from someone he was feeding on. He knew it hurt but his own bloodlust made him block out the pain that the person was suffering. 
“Baby, are you sure? We don’t have to do this,” he says softly. You shake your head at him and sit up to grab his hand. 
“Yes, I’m sure. I want this. You need this,” you assure. He huffs lightly and places his hands back on you, squeezing and holding you tight. He leans down to give a kiss as his chest heaves. 
“Okay, are you ready for me?” He asks sensually
You whimper softly and nod your head at him. He smiles to himself and enters you with a grunt. He can’t get over how it feels to be inside you. The way you took him so easily and the way you wanted more of him made him absolutely ravenous in more ways than one.
He tried to take you slow, too hyper-focused to not hurt you because he knew the bite was going to be one of the most painful things you had ever experienced.
His hands wandered the rest of your body, carefully squeezing and using his mouth on you. He was fighting every instinct to take you hard and fast but he couldn’t help the nerves running through him. He dreamed about this exact moment happening but now that it was here, he was afraid. So afraid you would never want him to touch you again because of the pain he caused. 
Your voice shakes him from his wandering thoughts and makes him focus back on you.
“Mmm Daddy,” you whimper. 
He looks at you concerned and stops. 
“What is it, baby? Am I hurting you?” He asks nervously, releasing the tight grip he has on your hips. 
You shake your head fervently, “No you���re fine… it’s not that. I want you to fuck me harder. Please,” you beg.
It feels like his heart stopped. He was in shock and he can feel his cock twitch at the sound of your request.
“Jesus baby, you’re trying to kill me.” He grumbles. 
“Please, Daddy. Don’t make me beg, fuck me.”
He grunts as he puts his entire cock back inside you and holds onto your hips again for leverage. 
You gasp when you feel him pound his hips harder into you and hit the most sensitive spot inside you. You squeeze your eyes shut and groan loudly as he fucks you better than you’ve ever experienced.
He felt himself lose all control. Any ounce of restraint he had went out the window as he sunk into your wet heat. Your moans rang in his ears the harder he fucked you, wanting to make you groan louder for him. Everything about you made him addicted to you. The way you sounded, the way you looked laid out on his bed, writhing underneath him and gasping for air as he stuffed his cock inside you. 
You have your eyes closed, overwhelmed with everything he’s doing to you. He looks at you hungrily, loving every second of this. His eyes wander down your body, watching how his cock goes deeper inside you and only making you moan his name louder. 
The sound of your heart pounding away in your chest makes Elvis starving. The longer he does this, the louder your heart sounds in his ears. He winces as he feels his eyes begin to turn red and the veins start to crack across his face. Before he has time to react, his fangs have descended and he knows he can’t hold back from feeding any longer. He’s too starved but he did this to himself. No matter how tempting you were, he was the one who didn’t feed properly and had the control issue.
You open your eyes again and your heart gallops uncontrollably when you see him above you, red eyes blazing and fangs exposed. You tightly grab onto his arms and make him focus on you. 
“Baby, it’s okay. You’re okay. Just take a bite,” you coo. 
“Where?” He asks breathlessly. He could take a bite anywhere and be satisfied but he hadn’t thought about where he would take his first bite. 
“Anywhere you want,” you tell him. You hold onto him tight, knowing this is going to hurt like hell but you couldn’t care less. You wanted him to feel good. 
His instincts told him to take a bite into your neck. That’s where the most blood would come out from and taste the best. But there was something about that area on you that made it seem so much more sacred. The only time he’d want to bite you there was when he turns turns you. 
He decided to cover every inch of your body in wet kisses. He knows once he touches a certain part of you with his lips, he’ll know that’s where he wants to feed. But every part of you was good enough to eat. The way your body beckoned him to be touched by him and called out to him was agonizing. 
He takes his hand to gently rub his thumb across your cheek and leans down to kiss your body some more. His other hand gently caresses your breast, kissing there and licking it. His lips felt your heart pounding away in your chest and he knew it had to be right there. You can hear him suck in a sharp breath in between his teeth before looking up at you. He swivels his hips into you before looking back at you to tell you what he wants.
“Right here. I want to bite right here,” he growls, rubbing his thumb on the underside of your left breast. Your breathing quickens and he can barely wait any longer.
“Okay baby,” you say breathlessly nodding at him to do so.
 His heart feels like it's racing out of his chest, something that hasn’t happened in the longest time. He slows his thrusts and puts his hands on both your breasts and he starts to lick the area he wants to bite. His tongue feels delightful on you and you arch your chest into his mouth. Elvis groans softly and looks at you one last time to see if you want to change your mind. You place your hand on the back of his head and push his mouth onto your breast again. It feels all too good to be true how you are encouraging this whole act. His hand squeezes it gently and he opens his mouth, his long fangs glistening in the low light.
He feels his instincts take over and he lets out a low growl. His sharp fangs pierce your soft sensitive flesh and you let out a loud scream. He can feel your body wince, rigid with pain as he starts to take a bite. He feels terrible for doing this to you, wishing he could subside the pain. But he has to bite more so he can suck the blood out of you. He can hear your gasps and groans as he bit down harder, your body crying for this to stop.
But he finally bit down enough for your blood to flow freely and he let it pool into his mouth. The second it touches his tongue, he groans and his eyes roll back in his head. He had never experienced such euphoria. The way you tasted was unlike anything he had ever had. You were sweet and savory, just like how you smelled. He squeezes your body tighter and drinks your blood in big, glutinous gulps. 
Your fingers clawed at his forearms, gasping in pain. As much as he was enjoying this, he knew you weren’t. He wanted to alleviate the pain in some way and help you through this in any way he could. 
Elvis starts to move his hips ever so slowly into you, giving you the most intense feeling of pleasure and pain. He took you slow and tried to loosen his bite. He wanted to have you feel him inside you rather than the bite. You cry out his name and gasp for breath. Elvis takes his mouth off of you quickly, looking back into your tear-filled eyes. 
“Oh God baby, I’m sorry it hurts. I’ll be gentle I promise. You taste so damn good I can’t get enough,” he groans. You smile at him and watch how your blood drips from his fangs. He wanted more, so much more but he would only do so if you allowed him to. He looked at you again, waiting for you to say something.
“Mhmm… take more baby, it’s okay,” you tell him through gasps.
You don’t have to tell him twice and he’s back licking the wound he’s created, making sure to not let a drop of you go to waste. His hips pound into you more and you feel like you’re on a different planet right now. 
He goes in to take another bite but this time, it doesn’t hurt as much. The feeling of his fangs re-entering your flesh stung but it felt more tolerable. It almost felt good. He can feel the pleasure radiating from your body and he can’t help but smile from it.
Mine, all mine, he thinks smugly.
He moans deeply as he drinks more and his hand wanders down to find your clit. This brings a jolt to your body and you arch up into his mouth again, pleasure burning through your body. He moans into you and rubs your clit faster, bringing you to the brink of orgasm. He can feel your walls flutter around him and all he wants is for you to come as his teeth are buried in your flesh.
“Baby, oh God baby please,” you plead. The neediness in your voice drives him to the brink. He needed you to feel good and finish. He knows exactly what to do to get you there. He knows your body so well and knows what you like. 
He stuffs his entire length inside you with a grunt and that’s all it takes. Your core squeezes around him tightly and you cry out his name. This felt euphoric and neither of you didn’t want it to end. You can feel your heart beat out of your chest and your arousal spills out of you. He groans loudly as he continues to drink and he feels your core squeeze his cock. His hands rub your nipples and give you another wave of pleasure. He could easily go overboard but he knows he can’t feed anymore. His venom would enter your bloodstream and the process of you changing would begin. He couldn’t do that to you, not now.
He quickly takes his fangs out of you and watches your face be washed over with pleasure. “Fuck you’re killing me. Didn’t think you were going to cum when I was feeding,” he groans, thrusting in and out of you slowly, looking down at his cock covered in your arousal. 
It felt good…. It felt really good,” you admit breathlessly. 
He smirks down at you and brushes your hair out of your face.
“Which part baby? My cock or my mouth?” He asks deviously. 
“Both. Both felt so good,” you whimper. 
“God honey that’s the best thing you could ever tell me,” he smirks. 
He looks down where you two are connected and moves ever so slowly. When he looks back up at you, his fangs are gone and his eyes are starting to gain a blue color. You reach to kiss him and he groans into your mouth. 
“You’re so perfect, made just for me,” he groans. 
He snaps his hips into you like an animal, watching your face grow with more pleasure. He wanted to do this to you all night if you wanted. Your nails scraped against his back and you held onto him tight, needing him as close to you as possible. You both look into each other’s eyes, silently pleading for one another.
“Ahh Elvis, oh fuck please,” you cry. 
“You’re being so good for Daddy,” he groans in your ear. 
You both moan when he comes inside you, overwhelmed with emotion and overstimulated at this point. You writhe on the bed and you can’t stop moaning to him how good it feels. He is gentle with you as he slips out of you and pleased beyond comprehension. 
The bite mark he’s left stings and you try to not move too much. He notices you’re uncomfortable and leans down and gently licks the wound. 
“It’s all healed baby,” he says gently. 
You lay on his chest, listening to his peculiar heartbeat. It sounded stronger and louder and you smiled because of it. You were so happy you were able to give him this. It felt right to give yourself to him in this way. You’re not exactly sure how it was possible, but you felt even closer to him. Like the invisible bond you both had was melded together even more tightly. 
You both lay like this, not needing to say a word to each other. What you share is something beyond words. He rubs your head, soothing you as he always does.
“Please come to my show again tonight. I want you there,” he tells you.
You look up at him and smirk, “but I have nothing to wear,” you say.
“I think I can have something arranged,” he teases.
“As long as you don’t rip it off of me. I really liked that dress,” you tease.
“I’ll buy you a thousand dresses and I’ll rip off each and every one off of you,” he grumbles, covering your face in kisses. You try to squirm away from him but it’s no use, he keeps attacking you with kisses.
“Don’t you dare try to get away from my kisses,” he says cutely, pulling you closer to him. You giggle and cover your face, loving how silly he can be with you.
There was a knock at the front door that made him stop and you look up at him with concern.
He gives you a little smile and goes to the living room to see what the problem is. 
“Please stay there,” he says over his shoulder
You stay under the blankets and try to hear what is going on.
The door opens and you don’t hear Elvis speak or anyone else’s voice for that matter. The door closes and a heavy silence fills the suite.
Elvis walks back into the bedroom with an annoyed expression on his face. He held another note in his hand and you knew it was from Raphael. Your heart sank and didn’t want to ask what he wanted from Elvis. You had a hinting suspicion all he wanted to do was control him and make his life harder than it already was. He throws it on the dresser and crawls back into bed with you. You let him hold you tight, not wanting him to ever let you go. It made you nervous about what Raphael would do in the next few days, hoping you both could get out of Vegas without any altercations.
A new dress was laid out for you and your hair and makeup was done again. You were thrilled to see Elvis again perform and do what he does best. He kisses you goodbye and his crystal blue eyes make you weak.  
“We’re going out after the show. I wanna spoil my girl. You spoiled me too much with what you gave me earlier, now it's my turn.” He tells you with a smirk. 
“Mhmm, that sounds nice…” you say shyly. “If you need to feed more, I’d be more than okay with you doing so…” you softly tell him.
A small groan slips from his lips and he looks down as he starts to smile. “I’d love that very much… but we’ll see. I had more than enough and want to focus on you tonight. Take you out on the town, have you drink the finest champagnes, show you off a bit,” he grumbles into the crook of your neck. He pushes your body flush to his and nips at your neck. 
“I’d love that,” you whisper. He looks down at you and smiles, shaking his head slightly.
You give him another kiss and watch as he leaves to get ready for his show.
It made you so happy he was feeling stronger and better than ever. And it showed. His eyes had that sparkle to them again and his skin glistened with life. He looked so strong and his already contagious appeal was off the charts. 
You take your seat in the same booth as you did last night and settle in with a drink in your hand. You wondered what he was going to wear tonight. He looked unbelievable last night in all white, but you hoped he'd wear a different color. Blue always looked dashing on him and brought out those beautiful eyes of his. You were still just as excited as last night. Things felt different between you two since he fed from you. You really felt like you belonged with him. The fact you’d be going to Graceland with him made your heart flutter with excitement.
The drums started to rumble and the band started to play the opening riff. You start to cheer with the rest of the crowd and you peer in-between everyone’s heads to try to get a good look at him when he comes on stage. He steps out from the wings and is in a black jumpsuit with flowers on the lapels and collar. He looks breathtaking in black and you can’t help but stare at him in awe. He commands the stage with his presence, taking long strides as he walks and smiles at the loud crowd. He wore a black macrame belt that fell off his hips at an angle and the long tassels would wrap around his legs as he walked to get his guitar. 
“Come with me.”
A chill runs down your spine as you hear the stranger's voice behind you. You knew it wasn’t any of Elvis’ men giving you this command. They knew better to talk to you like that. You slowly start to turn around when one of them grabs your arm and pulls you out of the booth more violently than you expected. You grunt with agitation and you’re about to tell him to get your hands off of you when he puts his hand over your mouth. 
“Don’t make a sound. Walk out of here with me and we won’t hurt you,” the voice says quietly in your ear. 
You try to squirm out of their grasp and then you realize that they feel cold. The way Elvis’ hands do. Whoever is trying to take you away is a vampire. 
Your heart drops and try your best not to panic. You nod your head and start to make your way out of the showroom. You wanted to scream Elvis’ name in hopes he could get to you but the crowd was going wild and you weren’t sure what this man would do to you if you disobeyed his orders. Your eyes scan the ballroom, hoping to find one of Elvis’ men to alert them of the danger you’re in. But they’re not in sight and fear starts to paralyze you. 
There was a limo out front and the back door swung open and the man tells you to get in. You quickly do so and he gives your back a push as you crouch to get in the seat. You let out a frustrated grunt, not understanding what the hell is going on and who these people are. Vampires with ill intentions. Your heart hammers away and your mind starts to race.
Are these men working with Raphael? Who else would know about me? You think worriedly.
The man gets in the backseat with you and he closes the door harshly and the driver slams on the gas and takes off through the city going dangerously fast. You grip tightly onto the car door handrail and try to keep it together. 
You finally look at the man next to you and he stares at you coldly. 
“What the fuck is going on? Who are you people?” You ask forcefully. 
The man just gives you a blank stare and looks away from you. 
“Hey! Answer me! The least you can do is tell me where we’re going?!” You yell. 
“We’re almost there. Sit there and shut up,” he snaps at you. 
Your heart races and you look out the window, watching as the city starts to disappear and you drive off into the desert. 
The car finally comes to a halt and you look at the man expectantly, waiting to see what was going to happen next. 
“Get out,” he commands as he opens the door for himself and pulls your wrist to follow behind him. His grasp on you is too tight and you can feel the pressure grow up your arm. You frustratedly squirm as he moves you into the large mansion in front of you. 
You sit down on a plush white sofa with black pillows along the back of it. The house was huge based on just this area you were sitting in and the high ceilings made everything seem bigger than it was. You nervously shake your leg, waiting to know where you are, and who these people were that wanted you away from Elvis in such a manner. 
“Well, look at you,” a man’s voice coos from the top of the banister. 
Your head snaps in the direction of the voice and see a tall, fair-skinned man with sandy brown hair looking down at you. He starts to make his way down the stairs never leaving your gaze. He had a very intense presence you could tell already. The closer he got to you, the more you wanted to get away from him. He was the complete opposite of when you met Elvis. You were instantly pulled to him and wanted to get closer. Not with this man. He made your skin crawl and you didn’t like the looks of him. 
He reaches the end of the stairs and stands at the other end of the sofa. 
“Y/n, a pleasure to meet you. You are more beautiful than I could have ever imagined,” he praises. You stare at him with hatred, not wanting him to compliment you in any way. 
“And who might you be?” You spat coldly at him. 
He hums amused by your feistiness, “my name is Raphael. I run a club in town,” he says casually. 
Your heart stops and you look at him horrified. So much anger ran through you and you tried everything in your power to not go up to him and hit him across the face. Hitting a vampire would not be a great idea, especially since you have no idea his intentions are with you. 
“Yeah, I know who you are. You bit Elvis,” you say through your teeth. 
He chuckles, “Oh so he’s told you about me? That’s so nice,” he says. 
“I guarantee you, he doesn’t talk of you highly,” you grumble. He clears his throat and presses his lips together. 
“That’s a shame. I only saved his life,” he snaps. 
“Mhmm… sure,” you say shortly. “What am I doing here? I’m sure it’s not so you can boast about how you save lives,” you growl. 
His eyes narrow and he puts his hands in his pockets. “No, you’re right. That’s not why you’re here. You’re here because I’ve heard you’re with Elvis and know a lot about us. And since he won’t take a meeting with me, I thought I’d get his attention by taking you for dinner,” he says smugly. 
“That’s what you’re calling it?! Not like your men abducted me or anything!” You yell at him, getting up from the couch quickly. 
“Hmm… you’re a little firecracker, aren’t you? Not someone Elvis would normally be with. He likes them… tame,” he snorts. “Come sit down at the dining table with me,” he instructs. 
You don’t move an inch, you don’t think you can care to be any closer to this vile man. He starts to walk away but notices you not following him. 
“That wasn’t a question. Go sit down,” he commands, his eyes blazing red. 
Your stomach drops and you hold your breath as you look into his terrifying eyes. You slowly make your way through the front of the house following Raphael. Obscure artwork hung in the walls and most everything was black with gold accents. It was cold in the house and combined with your nerves, it made you shiver down to your toes. 
You both turn the corner and a large marble dining room table fills the room. Two placemats were on the table and a set of utensils lined either side of the large white plate with gold trimming. Two forks were on the left side of it and knives were on the right with a black napkin underneath. You carefully take a seat and never let Raphael leave your eyesight. 
You hear the cook come in and serve your plate with pasta that has various vegetables and basil on top. 
“I hope you like pasta,” he says. 
You don’t touch the plate or pick up your fork. You didn’t want to eat something from him. You have no idea if something is in it that could make you sick. 
“Please, eat,” he urges. You look at him with hatred, not wanting anything that comes from him. 
“I’m not hungry. You need to tell me what you want from me. What do you want to know that your little spy hasn’t already told you,” you seethe just thinking about Daniel. 
“Ahh, you’re referring to Daniel. Funny you should mention him. He’d like to say hello to you,” he says casually. You hear footsteps get closer to the dining room and you swivel in your chair to see who is coming. 
Daniel begins to walk in wearing a black suit and white button-up slightly open. The sight of him makes your blood boil. The last time you saw him, he slapped you across the face and screamed and yelled at you.
He walks closer to you and gets in the light. You suck in a sharp breath when you see his face more clearly. His eyes pierce into yours and you look at him with disgust. 
Blood-red eyes look at you intensely. 
You get up from your seat, “You turned him!?! Are you fucking kidding me!? You know he’s just using this for his selfish reasons?!” You yell at Raphael. He smiles smugly at you, liking to get a rise out of you. 
“I don’t care what his intentions are. He’s worked a long time for me and this is what he wanted,” he informs you. 
“When did you do this?!” You seethe.
“Yesterday.” He informs you.
You push your chair aside and get right in Daniel’s face. 
“I hope you’re happy with yourself. You have single-handedly fucked up everything! You just had to be a weak little boy that crawls back to his master hmm?! Why couldn’t you have left us alone?!” You yell at him. 
He doesn’t say anything right away. He just looks at you blankly. 
“I did what needed to be done,” he says flatly. 
“You just can’t bear the thought of me being happy, can you?! You liked me when I was miserable,” you accuse. 
“You can’t possibly be happy with him,” he seethes. 
“Yes, I am. More than I ever was with you,” you snap.
Daniel growls and seizes your neck with his hand and gets inches away from your face. His fangs start to descend and you turn your head away to not look at how terrifying he is now.
“Daniel! Enough,” Raphael reprimands.
Daniel lets go of your throat and you push at his chest to get him away from you. You rub your throat softly and clear your throat.
“Sit back down. I wouldn’t provoke him like that if I were you. We’re at our most unpredictable when we’ve just turned,” Raphael tells you.
You turn around and throw him a hateful stare. You didn’t want to do anything this man asked of you but the power he had scared you. Fixing your chair, you cautiously sit back down and stare at your unappealing food. 
“What more do you want with me?” You grumble.
“You have to understand the… threat you pose to us,” he explains. 
“I’m a threat? I’m not telling about Elvis or any of you for that matter. I have no intention of telling anyone,” you assure. 
He scoffs at you, “I can’t believe that. You can expose us all and make everything we’ve worked so hard to achieve for nothing,” he seethes. 
“I-I’m not going to do any of that! I’m leaving with Elvis once his engagement ends here on Saturday. I’ll be with him and no one else,” you explain. 
“And once he tosses you aside when he gets bored of you? What are you going to do then?” Daniel interjects rudely. 
You throw daggers at him with your eyes and scowl. 
“He won’t. I know it’s hard for you to believe that a man wants me around,” you snap. 
“You're human! You don’t belong in his world! You’re nothing to him! There’s nothing you can offer him!” He continues to scold. 
“Yes, I do! He’s told me how much he needs me,” you say forcefully. 
“Yeah, he needs you to be his blood bag and that’s it. When he gets tired of you, he’ll toss you out like the rest of them,” Raphael scoffs. “Besides you wouldn’t understand how we feel about humans. We don’t feel the same as you do,” he says. 
“No. He wouldn’t lie to me like that. He’s told me how strongly he cares about me and how much he needs me,” you say weakly, feeling the tears start to form in your eyes. 
They laugh at you, looking at you like a pathetic little child. They exchange hurtful words of how stupid you are and they can’t believe what they’re hearing. Your anger boils and you can’t handle another rude comment. 
“I love him! I love him more than anything in this world! And I don’t want to live without him,” you burst out, tears falling down your cheeks. 
Both the men look blankly at you and don’t say a word. 
“You’re not serious? You love him? Even after knowing what he has done?” Daniel sputters. 
“Yes. I do. I’m… I’m his Chosen,” you say softly. They look at you in shock, not believing what you just uttered. 
Raphael snarkily chuckles at you and rubs his hand across his forehead. 
“Your Chosen? You’ve got to be joking. Is that what he told you?” He laughs. 
“Well, yes… it’s true … the kind of connection we have… it’s unbreakable,” you try to explain. 
“What makes you think that’s possible? What has he done to you?” He questions. 
You look down at your lap and feel your cheeks get redder and redder. You stay silent, not wanting to talk about your most intimate moments with him. 
“Nothing I’m sure Daniel hasn’t told you…” you say softly. 
He scoffs at you, “Well that’s an obvious one. His scent is all over you. Has he fed from you?” He snaps. 
You look up at him and glare at him. 
“It’s none of your concern,” you growl. 
“Oh, but it is. I made Elvis into what he is today and have to know what he’s doing. I can’t have a loose cannon,” he says annoyed. You just stare at him, too afraid to say anything to him. He looks at you as though he could reach over and attack you with those terrifying eyes.
“Answer me! Now!”
You jump at his tone and look into his fiery eyes. 
“Y-yes… he’s fed from me… and I loved it,” you growl. “I’m his. I’m his chosen.”
He starts to laugh again menacingly, hitting his hand across the table. 
“I thought you’d be smarter than that but he has his fangs so deep inside you, you can’t see the truth. There is no such thing as your Chosen. He’s been lying to you to keep you all to himself,” he snarls. 
Your heart drops into your stomach and you can’t breathe. There’s no way he’s lying though. Elvis wouldn’t do that to you. 
“You’re lying! You have no idea what you’re talking about!” You retort. 
“Do you have any idea how old I am? I am five hundred and sixty years old. I have seen things you read from a history book. I was there to see it all. Never have I once met a Chosen pair. Simply because they don’t exist anymore!” 
Your head spins and you feel like you could pass out. 
“No… no. The books, they state exactly what is going on with us. It says it so clearly and simply.”
“Those books are just legends. Myths now. None of them are true anymore. It might have happened thousands of years ago, but it doesn’t anymore. The gods left us a long time ago. Just face it, he lied to you to keep you all to himself.” He scoffs.
You wipe the tears falling on your cheeks and shake your head at him. No, nothing he is saying can be true. Elvis has changed so much from when you first met. He was cold and rigid when you first met and now, he’s willing to give you anything. The way he described how he felt for you was not something he could just make up. You hope that was the truth…
“I’ll admit, it’s a clever move to get a human to willingly be with one of us. To make you believe that you two were destined to be together… I wish I could have thought of it myself.” Raphael says smugly.
You sniffle and try to look at him, “Stop that. It is true. He can’t compel me. That’s another sign showing that we’re meant for each other,” you say weakly.
“Elvis is weak! That’s all there is to it! He always has been because he pities the people he feeds from!”
“He is not weak! He is strong and more powerful than you know!” You scowl at him. He looks at you amused and leans in close.
“I do understand why he’d want to keep you all to himself… you smell rather tempting,” he smirks.
You look away from him and wish you could do something to protect yourself from these two and anyone else in this house. Your breathing begins to quicken and your nerves are getting the best of you. 
Raphael suddenly grabs your hand and you look back at him with fear and hatred.
“Let me have a taste,” he growls.
You pull your hand away from him and begin to shake with fear.
“No! Absolutely not, are you crazy!” You yell at him.
He forcefully grabs your hand again and gets even closer to your face, his eyes starting to glow red.
“I could just compel you to let me feed on you… and make you forget about Elvis… it’s your choice…” he snarls.
@powerofelvis @burninlovebutler @neptuneismysister @velvetelvis @ccab @presleyenterprise @loving-elvis @theresalwaysep
@prompted-wordsmith @sillybookmarks @dkayfixates @ellie-24 @rktismylife-blog. @myradiaz @tacozebra051
@18|kpeters @flwrs4aust @emma181873
@austinswhitewolf @eliseinmemphis
@everythingelvispresley @chasingwildflowers @idontwanttoputanything . @ohjustpeachy
@elvisalltheway101 @austinsmutler @kingdomforapony @generoustreemystic @kendralavon7 @lettersfromvenus @claire-elvisgirl
@ashtag6887 @burnthheparaphilia @richardslady121
@returntopresley @iloveelvis @rjmartin11 @that-hotdog @louisejoy86 @misspresley @cattcb @annapresley8
@arrolyn1114 @raginginkedslut @epthedream69
@mh777ep1938 @50sexyshadesfashionista
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Falling Into Place. - Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Reader
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Prompt: My love for fancast and Draco 😜
Warnings: Smut, asphyxiation kink, slight bdsm and praise kink. Abuse, cheating etc but not much just at start. Slight AU
Thanks to my Beta @lets-imagine-fanfics as always for seeing this through.
All characters are of age that is how it was written. I don’t mention age because I figured that went unspoken. However it has come to my attention that people are thinking I’m a 26 year old pervert that sexualising teenagers. Most of the actors/actresses from these fandoms are older than me.
If you think anything is inappropriate message me and tell me that’s fine but be specific tell me what fic and wha you thought was offensive or wrong. Don’t be hateful honestly tumblr used to be a nice and fun place. I never had a hateful word in the 9 years I’ve been on here until now.
You let out a rather sinister laugh as tears streamed down your face causing him to roll his eyes. You ran your hands through your hair as you tried to calm yourself down but honestly you think you may be losing it. You weren’t sure whether to scream, cry or smash something as he stood there like he hadn’t lied to you AGAIN.  
“Is this what we’ve become now?” You screamed as you ripped off your Slytherin robe the anger coursing through your body causing you to overheat. 
“You’re just gonna keep dragging me down with you?” You snapped as he said nothing.  
“I’ve lied for you! I’ve defended you!” You growled as you picked up a glass and threw it into the fireplace.  
“It only happened once!” He screamed as he stormed across the room until you were both chest to chest.  You let out another unhinged laugh as you wiped your tears away angrily.  
“LIAR!” You screamed in his face, your jaw clenched.  
“I’m done with you!” You snarled viciously; however he didn’t seem to appreciate your words, his hand coming up to slap you straight across your face.  
You froze with your head turned to the side as your mind processed the fact that this mother fucker had the audacity to lay his hands on you. Your head spun back around with a sickeningly sweet smile on your face. You pulled back your fist and slammed it straight into his face, hearing a crack as his nose began pouring with blood.  
“You fucking bitch!” He screamed before he strides towards you causing you to back away into the wall. Shit! Why did you leave your fucking wand in your room! You didn’t want to do this because there's nothing worse than being the damsel but... 
You suddenly let out the loudest high-pitched scream you had ever let out making Adrian cover his ears before turning back to you with a glare on his face, but he didn’t have chance to lay another hand on you because his bedroom door bust open and there stood your three best friends with panicked faces until they took one look at your bright red cheek and Adrians bloody nose before their eyes narrowed into a glares.  
“Did you...” Mattheo started as he walked over to you touching your cheek.  
“I’ll fucking kill you!” Mattheo snarled as he launched at Adrian his fist instantly knocking him on his ass.  
“Theo, take her upstairs.” Draco muttered in an eerily calm tone as he looked down at Adrian.  
“Don’t get yourselves expelled.” Was all you said before you allowed Theo to guide you upstairs.  
You and Theo walked upstairs to the common room in silence until he sat you down and passed you a cup of what looked like fire whiskey. He pressed a cold cloth to your cheek as he glared at the slowly bruising flesh. Your eyes were locked on the fire as you tried to ignore the screams coming from downstairs.  
“What the hell happened?” Theo asked softly.  
“He was cheating...again. I warned him last time I would only forgive this shit once. I just kinda lost it a threw a glass into the fireplace then I ended it with him. Clearly that wasn’t acceptable cos he slapped me, so I punched him and broke his nose. When he started coming at me again, I panicked and figured I’d have to let someone know I was about to likely get beaten. I-I knew you guys would come running. Sorry.” You sighed as you buried your head in your hands. 
“You haven’t got anything to be sorry for Y/N. You did good.” He chuckled as he pulled you into a hug.  
Just then Draco came upstairs clenching and unclenching his bloodied hands making you frown as you ran up to him and grabbed his hand gently. You saw his knuckles were split and bleeding making you sigh softly. You lead him towards the couch before you started wiping the blood off with the cloth that was on your cheek.  
As you cleaned his knuckles, his other hand came up to pressed against your cheek softly making your eyes fluttered closed. He didn’t say anything and neither did Mattheo as he came up a few minutes later. He stood behind the couch as he watched you clean Draco up. He silently nodded to Theo as they both left the room leaving you to tend to the blonde boy. You slid off all his rings and began cleaning them before wiping off the rest of the blood from his hands.  
Once he was cleaned completely you passed him his rings with a soft gaze as he began sliding the clean rings back on. You looked up at him noticing a splash of blood on his cheek that you instantly knew wasn’t his, but the thought didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. You reached up and swiped it off his cheek with you thumb before wiping it onto the damp cloth.  
“You didn’t have to go that far, Dray...” You whispered softly as you stared into his icy grey eyes.  
“He hit you. He’s lucky I didn’t kill him.” He hissed making you smile softly.  
“Why did it escalate like that, darling?” He asked softly as he cupped your cheek.  
“He slept with some skank from Ravenclaw...again.” You muttered, the shame that you’d forgiven him the first time was eating away at you.  
“Maybe somethings wrong with me? Adrian repeatedly cheated, Jimmy cheated and ignored me in front of his house and Michael just broke up with me with no reason! Maybe there's something wron-” 
“There is nothing wrong with you. You’re strong, independent, stunningly gorgeous and so fucking smart. They’re the ones that have something wrong with them.” He interrupted before you could put yourself down anymore.  
“Yeah, don’t forget my downsides. I have a temper and according to Cormac ‘one of those crazy bitches who will key your car and set fire to your shit.’” You scoffed bitterly making Draco frown.  
“There not downsides. Yeah, you are crazy...but I wouldn’t have you any other way. Plus, its kinda hot when you get vengeful and violent.” Draco teased you making you roll your eyes playfully.  
“If you say so.” You giggled as you lay your head on his shoulder and allow yourself to process everything. 
When the morning came you felt a lot better and quickly hopped in the shower before using magic to dry your body and your hair. You stared into your wardrobe with a pout as you tilted your head scanning through all your black and green clothes. You pulled out your evergreen plaid high waisted flares, off the shoulder black cropped jumper and black platform docs.  
You quickly slid on the clothes before deciding to tie a messy half bun in your hair and leave the rest in messy curls before moving onto your makeup. You used wordless magic to give yourself a smoky black wing and a green matte lip before staring down at your black stiletto nails that had snakes on the ring fingers, deeming them still pristine. You added a bulky white gold chain that clipped together at the front with a snake head eating the tail. 
You made your way to the boy's dorm, barging into the room Draco, Mattheo and Theo shared making them jump a little as they sat up in their beds. All three of them shirtless and still half asleep as they all had different reactions to your presence. Mattheo flopped back laying back down, Theo got out of bed and walked past you, ruffling your hair before walking into the bathroom. Draco however just rubbed his eyes yawning. 
“Come on, I need coffee and food!” You shouted as you began routing through Mattheo’s wardrobe first. Throwing a random black v neck in his direction along with a pair of blue jeans. Which he instantly threw back at you. 
“I’m having a lay in, drag the other two with you!” Mattheo shouted grumpily making you pout.  
“Rude.” You huffed before walking over to Draco’s wardrobe and looking through the new clothes you'd never seen him wear.  
“Ooo new clothes!” You giggled as you took out a black turtle neck, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a short sleeved collared shirt that was half green and half black. The green side had a black sleeve and pocket whereas the black side was pure black.  You grabbed a pair of docs that were like yours but not platform.  
Draco stood up out his bed clearly not caring he was only in boxers as he approached you, his bare chest slightly brushing against your back as he looked down at the clothes you'd picked with a raised brow. You gave him a pleading grin making him roll his eyes as he took the clothes out your hands just as Theo walked out the bathroom only wearing a towel. 
“Are we trying to look like a couple?” Draco snorted as he took the clothes and walked into the bathroom.  
You sat on his bed as you waited for him, absently fiddling with the snake head clasp of your necklace, as you thought about how people would likely know about what happened yesterday despite it not being public. Gossip spread fast in this school and you just knew they’d likely blame you for whatever it was, knowing what people thought about you.  
“You coming to breakfast?” You asked Theo as you looked away from him so he could quickly dress himself. This was relatively normal for you guys, and you didn’t overly care, but honestly the last thing you needed was to see Theo’s dick. He’s like your brother. Ew. 
“Can’t, got Quidditch practice.” He chuckled as he walked out the room to which you nodded in response. 
Just then Draco walked out dressed in the clothes you picked as well as adding a few chains around his neck. The half and half shirt were left unbuttoned whilst his turtle neck underneath it, was tucked into his jeans, his docs already on his feet.  
“Damn, Dray.” You purred playfully making him roll his eyes before exiting his room not waiting for you to follow.  
“Remind me why we never dated?” You pouted playfully as you jogged to catch up to him.  
“If I remember rightly, you told all three of us: you’d never date one of us, cos it would ruin the dynamic.” He snorted as he looked down at you with a smirk.  
“Have you change your mind, princess?” Draco teased as he slung his arm around your shoulder ignoring the stares of students.  
“I’m contemplating it after seeing your ass in those jeans.” You giggled blowing a playful kiss at him before running ahead of him facing him as you walked backwards fluttering your lashes at him. 
“Is that so?” Draco chuckled as he ran at you before throwing you over his shoulder making you let out a squeal before laughing.  
“Put me down you, fucking caveman.” You shouted through your laughter.  
He lowered you down with his own laugh, his hands now resting dangerously low on your back making you flush a little as you stare up at him, instantly getting lost in his eyes. You’re not blind you were well aware how attractive your three best friends are but you’d never felt like that about any of them. However, the way your heart was pounding as Draco looked down at you had you rethinking that fact. 
You spun around and saw Daphne holding her muggle phone that she’d bought on the sly despite the fact her parents said no to one. You narrowed your eyes and grabbed the phone out of her hands before looking at the picture. Your heart stopped for a second as you stared at the picture, you looked like a couple...a loved up one at that. 
“I need a muggle phone.” You pouted at Draco who laughed as he pulled something out his pocket making your eyes widen.  
“Traitor! When did you buy this?” You gasped as you stared down at the black phone in his hand.  
“Last month. Theo and Matt got one too.” He snorted making you narrow your eyes.  
“You guys left me out!?” You huffed as he rolled his eyes.  
“I’ll get you one if you want one?” Draco chuckled as he unlocked his phone and sent the picture off Daphnes to his own phone before passing her the phone back as she shot you a wink.  
You grabbed Draco's phone and instantly opened the gallery only knowing how to do it because Daphne had showed you. Draco looked rather alarmed and tried to grab his phone back but you stepped away from him with a raised brow. What was he hiding on here? You thought with a smirk on your face as you began scrolling. 
A lot of the pictures were just drunken nights out, blurry pics there was a few topless pics of himself which had you raising a brow but moving on until you saw a few pictures and videos of you. One was of you sleeping on with your head Draco’s lap as he chatted to someone, his hand seemed to be absently stroking your hair, the angle meant someone else must’ve taken it. One was a video of you dancing at a Slytherin party seeming lost in the music and the last one was a selfie of you and Daphne which you’d remembered taking with her a week ago however Daphne had been cropped out. 
You stopped walking away from his grasp as he took the phone back. Draco's cheeks had flushed a little as he seemed to avoid looking at you, stuffing his phone back in his pocket. He walked towards the great hall as you followed him silently, unsure of what to say. Did he like you as more than a friend? For how long? You wondered as you both sat down at your houses table and ate breakfast. 
It had been awkward between you and Draco for the rest of the morning, but that afternoon when he dropped a black phone, a lot like his own, on the couch next to you with a soft smile before plopping onto the couch next to you. You picked up the phone with a squeal as you opened the phone to see he’d already set up all the boys' numbers and Daphnes as well as downloaded the apps you’d want to use.  
“Thank you, Draco!” You giggled as you dived onto his lap hugging him tightly not caring that you were straddling him.  
You pulled up the camera app and point the front camera toward you and Draco taking a picture before setting it as your lock screen ignoring his curious gaze. You made no move to get off his lap as you began making yourself a snapchat and a few other things as Draco rest both his arms across the back of the couch watching you with a smirk on his face. 
You giggled excitedly when Daphne sent you a snap the second you added her. You opened it seeing a picture of her sticking her tongue out which said: ‘where you at bitch?’. You clicked reply and sent her a picture of Draco who rolled his eyes and stuck up his middle finger at the camera with the words: ‘Sat on this comfy but very rude chair’.  
Suddenly Daphne came speeding into the common room with wide eyes as she dived onto the couch next to you and Draco whose hands flew to your hip so you wouldn’t fall off his lap. The feeling of his hands on your hips had you freezing as Daphne looked down at the position you were in.  
“You two look mighty comfy.” Daphne smirked as she wiggled her brows at you both.  
“Shut up, bitch.” You laughed as you climbed off Draco’s lap.  
“Me and Pansy are going to Hogsmeade for a dress for the party tonight. You coming?” She asked excitedly making you roll your eyes.  
“Yes, count me in. I’m going shopping, text me if you need anything.” You chuckled at Draco as you slid your phone into your back pocket.  
Before you could leave, Draco grabbed you and dragged you onto his lap looking into your eyes with a small smirk before passing you his wallet that you knew he’d put an extendable charm on. Your eyes widened as you tilted your head in confusion. He raised a brow at you cockily not saying anything as you glanced at Daphne whose jaw was on the floor.  
“See you later, princess.” Draco chuckled as he lifted you off his lap and wandered down towards the boys dorms.  
“Did Draco Malfoy just hand me his wallet?” You asked in confusion.  
“The real question is, did Draco Malfoy just become your Sugar Daddy?” Daphne snorted making you throw a pillow at her. 
“Shut up, asshole. Let’s go.”  
You stared in the mirror with a smirk as you observed your new dark green, skin tight mini dress with the tiniest slit up the side, a new pair of chunky black heels and some green black smoky eyes makeup and nude lips. You had also used magic to straighten your hair so it looked soft and sleek. You felt good. You looked at Pansy and Daphne who were sat on your bed already dressed and ready. 
“Let's go, bitches.” You exclaimed as you grabbed your muggle speaker and started downstairs carrying it with a little difficulty in the heels you had on, but you managed handing it to Theo who rolled his eyes before setting it up on the round table.  
You connected your phone and blast out muggle music before making your way over to Draco who had been watching you from the second you entered the room. You admired his white shirt tucked into his black slacks, the shirt was open by at least 3 buttons. You waved his wallet at him with a smirk on your face as Mattheo raised a brow at you both.  
“Thanks for the new dress and shoes, Dray.” You whispered teasingly in his ear before pressing a kiss to his cheek as you slid his wallet into his pocket a little too slowly to be an accident.  
“You look gorgeous.” He whispered back making you flush a little.  
“Dance with me.” You giggled as you grabbed his hand and started dragging him towards the mess of teenaged limbs in the centre of the room. 
Just as a song called ‘Should’ve Said It’ by some muggle singer called Camila came on, you pulled Draco’s chest against your back as you began dancing against him. His hands instantly griping your hips as he began moving with you, your hand came up to tangle in his hair as you got lost in the music. 
You weren’t sure how many songs you two danced to it but by the end of it another Camila song came on called ‘My Oh My’ as you spun around with a smirk throwing your arms around his neck as his leg slot between your thighs. He dipped you down making you laugh breathlessly before he brought you back up, your noses brushing against each other's as your Y/E/C eyes stare into his icy grey ones.  
“Come on, let's get you a drink, darling.” Draco whispered his lips almost brushing across yours as his eyes flickered to them for a second before he wrapped his arms round your waist as you both went searching for drinks.  
“Is that Adrian?” Draco snarled as he saw the other boy across the room glaring at you and Draco.  
“Ignore him, Dray.” You whispered in his ear pressing a kiss on the patch of skin below his ear making his eyes flutter shut before opening and flickering over to you.  
“I’m not imagining this am I?” He whispered against your temple pressing a kiss there.  
“No.” You replied knowing exactly what he meant.  
You downed your fire whiskey as you saw Pansy, Theo, Daphne, Mattheo and few others sitting around the couches playing a game of truth or dare. You grabbed Draco pulling him towards your friends, letting him sit down before you happily sat on his knee. Pansy smirked at the two of you before passing you the bottle of alcohol.  
“Truth or dare, Draco.” Pansy chuckled drunkenly.  
“Truth.” Draco answered instantly making everyone roll their eyes, except you.  
“How long have you fancied, Y/N?” She smirked making you choke on the drink.  
“Since 2nd year.” He answered before taking the bottle and drinking to avoid your wide-eyed gaze.  
“Y/N, Truth or Dare?” Theo asked trying to break the tension.  
“Dare.” You answered softly barely even registering what you’d said as your mind was swimming with the new information that Draco had liked you for so long.  
“I dare you to kiss, Pansy.” He muttered with a grin on his face.  
“Why are boys so predictable?” You snorted as you went to stand up however Draco pulled you right back down.  
“Not happening.” Draco growled into your neck making you shiver as your eyes fluttered shut as you tried not to let yourself get too turned on.  
“You’re so boring, dude.” Mattheo huffed making everyone laugh.  
“I’ll do a truth.” You chuckled as your eyes opened.  
“Fine, what's your top three kinks?” Daphne asked knowing full well what they were but she wanted to expose you in front of Draco. 
You glared at her as Draco sat forward clearly intrigued to see where this was going, you could feel your cheeks flushing a little but thanks to the dimmed light you're sure no one could see. You rolled your eyes before taking a big drink from the bottle Draco was holding.  
“BDSM, Praise and Asphyxiation.” You answered as calmly as you could thankfully the alcohol was helping you with that.  
You felt Draco grip your hips as he leaned in to rest his head against your back as he seemed to be taking deep breaths for some reason. You looked over your shoulder at him with a frown until he looked up into your eyes and his pupils had swallowed his icy blue irises. 
“What’s Ass-phyxee-ation?” Pansy said curiously making everyone roll their eyes at her question. 
“Asphyxiation, dumb ass. It’s basically choking. Right Draco?” Mattheo snorts with a mischievous glint in his eyes. You look at Draco as he glares straight at Mattheo as if saying ‘shut up’.  
“I’m going for a smoke.” Draco grumbled as he carefully lifted you off his lap placing you on the couch before rushing out the common room.  
You stood up an instantly followed him, your strides weren’t as big considering he was not only taller than you but you also had heels on. You finally reached the small courtyard closest to Slytherin dorms before finally managing to grab his hand turning him around as he ran his other hand through his hair in mild frustration though you were unsure of why he was suddenly losing it.  
“Dray, what’s wrong?” You asked softly as you cupped his cheek forcing him to look at you.  
“Mattheo trying to wind me up.” Draco huffed as he lit a cigarette and took a long drag.  
You stared at him as he visibly calmed down, you brought your second hand up stroking up and down his back as your other hand laced with his. He squeezed your hand softly before passing you the cigarette. You took the cigarette and took a slow drag before inhaling it looking at Draco who was watching you closely. You exhaled and passed it back to him before wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing your breast against his firm chest making your cleavage more prominent.  
“I’m sorry, we should’ve just kept dancing.” You whispered softly.  
“It’s not your fault, it’s our friends thinking it's funny to out our kinks.” He snorted making your eyes widen a little he said ‘our’. 
“Is that what Mattheo was hinting at? That you like erotic asphyxiation as well?” You chuckled softly making him nod softly as he threw away the last bit of cigarette.  
“Daphne only asked because she thought it would be embarrassing for me if she exposed me to you.” You chuckled making his brow to furrow a little. 
“Nothing about what you said is embarrassing.” He stated as he cupped the back of your head his thumbs resting under your ear as they lightly stroked your jaw.  
“So since 2nd year?” You giggle making him roll his eyes.  
“You made that stupid rule about no dating any of us so I never bothered trying.” He huffed with an eye roll. 
“I’m here-by eliminating that rule.” You state with a smirk on your face.  
That was all it took for Draco’s lips to smash into yours with so much desperation you shivered. He’d kissed you for less than 4 seconds but it was the most wanted you’d ever felt. His hands tangled into your silky-smooth hair gripping at it tightly as he tilted your head to gain more access as his tongue met yours in a battle you gave up the second it started, bending to his every twist and turn.  
After a few minutes of making out he pulled away panting as he stared into your eyes, lust and something a little deeper shining in his eyes as you looked at him with a dazed expression. You didn’t know how to form words right now but you wanted to beg him to fuck you right here, even though you’d probably get caught. You wanted him so badly.  
“Your room.” Was all you could muster making his eyes widen at the desperation in your voice.  
“Ask properly, baby girl.” Draco instructed firmly causing your face flush and your knees to almost give out from under you.  
“Please take me to your room, Dray...N-Need you.” You stuttered breathlessly your hands clinging to his shirt tightly.  
“Good girl.” He whispered huskily into your ear before he began dragging you back to the dorm.  
You ignored the stares and cat calls from friends as Draco dragged you downstairs to his room. He instantly locked the door and cast a silencing spell without a single word before spinning around and lifting you up with ease, wrapping your legs around his waist. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you brought him in for another heated and passionate kiss as he lowered your intertwined bodies to the bed.  
“You have no idea how many times I’ve dreamt about having you in my bed.” Draco groaned as he began placing kisses down your neck, nipping every now and then.  
He began lifting his shirt off, throwing it off, before unbuckling his belt and throwing that away too. His hands slid up your thighs until they reached the hem of your short dress and he began peeling it up your torso as you sit up to let him unzip the top part of it before sliding the rest off and getting rid of the item completely. He shed his slacks, so you were both in your underwear, his eyes scanning your body so thoroughly you blushed.  
You could see the bulge in his boxers causing you to bite your lip in anticipation. You quickly shed your bra making him groan at the sight of your bare breasts. His hand drifted down your torso slowly, tracing all the way to the waistband of your panties. You gave him a nod as he slid them off and slid his own off as if trying to make you feel as comfortable as possible.  
You whimpered at the size of him, praying that he'd fit considering the rest of your partners have been barely average and his beautiful pale long and thick dick looked like something out of a porno.  
“Fuck.” You whispered more to yourself as you wrapped you hand around his rock-hard member.  
“Come here, baby, let me show you how a man should treat his woman.” Draco growled as he laid on his stomach and pressed a firm kiss to your wet folds before licking a stripe right down the slit.  
“O-Oh fuck.” You gasped as you spread your legs for him wider making him smirk.  
“Spreading your legs for me without me even asking, good girl.” He chuckled darkly before he spread your lips and began drawing slow random shapes with his tongue across the hood of your clit.  
You were so turned on it took everything in you not to just grab his hair and grind against his gorgeous face. You tried to keep your hips down, but when two of his long slender fingers pushed inside you as he began switching from hard to soft with his tongue, your hand gripped his pale blonde hair and you began thrusting against his fingers and tongue chasing the high you so desperately wanted.  
Draco backed away a little as he watched his fingers thrust in and out of you, like the sight of you was that mesmerising. You looked down at him as you let out a loud filthy moan as you felt his finger brush against the bundle of nerves inside your wet heat. Fuck did he mea-Ohh yeah, he meant to hit that, you thought blissfully. 
“D-Draco, keep going...right there.” You moaned as you felt your climax fast approaching.  
“That’s it, baby girl, cum for me.” Draco growled as he dipped back down and began sucking and licking your clit.  
“Oh f-fuck, D-Draco!” You moaned loudly. 
You let out a pornographic moan into the room as you finally came. Your head flung back as your eyes rolled back into your head, shaking from the intensity. Draco finally slowed to a stop before staring down at your pussy with a cocky smirk on his face that at any other point would make you want to slap him but right now you didn’t care. 
“You fucking squirted.” Draco whispers in amazement. 
“What?” You gasped as you sat up to look at how wet the bed was and the state of Draco’s he lifted the soaked hand to his mouth licking whatever he could which made you blush bright red.  
“God, you taste so good. Come here I’m gonna do that with my cock this time.” Draco chuckled darkly as he grips your throat.  
He lined himself up, squeezing your throat a little as he pushed the head of his dick inside your heat. You whimpered and moan as he, inch by inch, stretched you out making your eyes flutter shut as you try to take in the full feeling he was giving you. You gripped his arm forcing him to push a little harder on your neck making his eyes darken as he wrapped his hand more firmly round your throat making you let out a broken moan. 
You ran your sharp nails up his arms making him groan as he started thrusting inside you deep and slow. He moved to different angles until finally he hit that spot again making you cry out as you felt yourself clench around his member.  
“You like that, baby?” He teased, his tone husky.  
You nod your head as much as you could with him continuously squeezing and releasing your throat. His thrust started getting faster, fucking straight into your g-spot as he finally let go of your neck and brought his hand down your body to slowly circle your clit. Your eyes fluttered shut as you let out continuous moans and cries of pleasure. 
“Ah ah, open your eyes, baby. I wanna watch you cum for me.” Draco groan as he lightly slapped the inside of your thigh making you gasp as you opened your eyes. 
Your eyes flickered to meet his icy grey ones as his pace grew rather animalistic. He was gripping your hip with one hand as the other was still drawing circles on your clit building you up. You arched your back off of the bed as you felt your orgasm fast approaching. 
“Dray..I’m gonn-” You moaned out clutching at the bed as if to ground yourself. 
“Not yet, baby.” He growled as his dick started swelling a little more inside you. 
“That’s it, darling. You take my cock so well, don’t you? Hmm, my little slut.” He groaned darkly and if someone had said you’d enjoy being called ‘slut’ in the bedroom you’d have called them a liar but the second Draco called it you, you clenched around him, your edge right there but without permission you held it back. 
“F-Fuck.” Draco stuttered out as his thrusting became sloppier. 
“Cum for me, baby girl.” He growled as he snapped his hips up in a few for harsh thrusts causing you both to finally cum. 
“Ahh…D-Draco!” You cried out as you felt yourself clenched around him milking him of his own orgasm. 
“Shit…Y/N.” he groaned as he took his hand off your clit and turned you both to the side, so you were laid down facing one another, his slowly softening member still inside you. 
You both laid there catching your breaths as Draco began stroking you hair and placing soft kisses on your cheeks and head. 
“Good girl. You did so good, baby.” He whispered softly making you smile on a dazed sort of way. 
You snuggled into his naked chest, content and happy as if you were floating. You’d never felt like this after sex. None of your other boyfriends had even taken the time to even check on you after sex let alone aftercare. His long nimble fingers grazed across your cheek making your eyes flutter open. 
“Did so good didn’t you, princess?” Draco whispered sweetly against your lips making you heart flutter happily as you gave him a shy nod. 
“T-Thank you.” You stuttered a little shy for someone who was just a slutty mess on his cock a minute ago. 
“Don’t have to thank me, baby.” Draco chuckled as you pulled out of you finally.  
You felt a sinking feeling in your stomach but tried to ignore it as he stood up. Was that it now? Should you get dressed and leave? You knew he liked you but that didn’t mean he wanted something more than this. Oh god no don’t cry! You thought as your eyes began to water. You went to sit up causing Draco to frown. 
“Stay there, baby. Gonna get a wash cloth-hey! Hey what’s the matter?” He asked urgently as he rushed back to the bed with his boxers now on. 
You blinked furiously as you tried to wipe away the evidence but it was too late. 
“I-I’m sorry…I don’t know why I’m…I’m so stupid.” You sniffled sadly as you looked down at your hands. 
“Hey don’t do that. You’re not stupid, love. You’re dropping.” He sighed softly as he took you in his arms. Did he mean sub drop? You thought curiously. 
“I’m not going anywhere, okay?” He whispered against your hair. 
“Was t-this a one-time thing?” You cried your cheeks tinting red at the embarrassment you were feeling.  
“Is that what your heads telling you, baby?” He asked sweetly making you nod yes in response. 
“I’m not going anywhere. I’ve been dreaming of you finally looking my way love and I’m not about to let you go now. You’re stuck with me for however long you’ll have me.” Draco chuckled softly making you look into his eyes. 
“R-Really?” You whispered softly as you clutched his biceps tightly. 
“Really.” He confirmed as he kissed your lips gently. 
After a few minutes you started to feel more like yourself and finally released your grip on him causing him to pull back and look down at you with the softest gaze you’d ever seen on Draco's face. 
“I’m gonna get a cloth and do a spell so we don’t end up with any tiny Malfoy’s running around then we can get some sleep, okay?” He told you carefully hoping you were calm enough now. 
“Okay, thank you.” You muttered sheepishly. 
He stood up and wandered over to the bathroom before coming back to wipe you down much to your insistence that you could do it. Then cast a small spell before passing you your panties and one of his Slytherin t-shirts that buried you. He slid into bed next to you before flicking his wand to unlock the door and undo the silencing spell. 
“Let’s get some sleep.” He whispered in your ear as you snuggles into his chest. 
However, before you could close your eyes the door bust open and all four of your friends stumbled onto the bedroom floor in a rather unsophisticated manner causing you and Draco to sit up with furrowed brows. 
“What are you lunatics doing?” Draco sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Sorry dude! Congrats on getting the girl of your dreams man!” Theo cheered drunkenly making Draco roll his eyes. 
“Get to bed you fucking idiots.” Draco huffed as he pulled you down again to snuggle into his chest. 
You giggled into his bare chest before closing your eyes and listen to the other two boys get into there beds as the girls disappeared out the room. They might be idiots but they were your best friends and you couldn’t believe one of them was now more than a friend…it felt like everything was finally falling into place. 
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