#i actually feel so deeply in denial like it's crazy
formulaonedirection · 2 years
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Stupid 4 Stupid x
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icanlife · 1 month
Very tired of people who continue to argue that Bill destroying Euclydia was completely on purpose and he didn’t care about anyone at all because he’s just trying to garner sympathy in The Book of Bill, despite all the supporting evidence outside of Bill’s words that allude to how deeply traumatic it was, (so many, many things about) how he loved and misses his parents, how much of a sore spot the topic is for him, how much he wants to return home but can’t, etc. in addition to how perfectly Alex and co. crafted a parallel narrative between Bill and Ford, including how they hurt the people they love out of carelessness and blind pursuit of their dreams, justifying to themselves that the people they hurt just couldn’t understand
Yes, Bill is an unreliable narrator, and that includes all the very obvious posturing that he did it all on purpose and it was actually a very good thing, that everyone loved him, that he’s NOT incarcerated or anything and that he’s still a really all-powerful being, etc etc etc. To fully believe that EVERY vulnerability he reveals is an evil manipulation tactic, and not actual character writing, you have to interpret his very prevalent denial of weakness, which continues into the conclusion of the book where he already knows he’s lost the reader and is still denying any emotional needs or trauma, as itself a lie.
There’s a reason why the Pines family cracked open this book and laughed at Bill, calling him a fractured, pathetic mess.
The Book of Bill has a plot, a great plot, and great character writing. It’s a crazy companion to Journal 3, Ford’s story. Parallel stories, but where one ends with someone healing from their trauma, coming to terms with one’s mistakes and accepting the need for human love and relationships, the other ends with one stuck forever in their layers and layers of denial, never acknowledging their own trauma, never acknowledging their need for human companionship, grasping in desperate need at their continued facade of hating to love and loving to hurt.
Bill isn’t an always-in-control sly master of the mind, he’s a delusional and desperate man, fractured by his own trauma, who will continue to hurt others to prove that he’s in control. I’m tired of the false narrative that abusers can’t have trauma, aren’t people, giving them this otherworldly status above all humanity. Aside from not being narratively or societally productive, it undermines the ending and message of the book. Acknowledging Bill’s brokenness gives his victims POWER over him. The fact that Bill needs Ford, but Ford doesn’t need Bill is powerful. Them laughing at his desperation is powerful. Looking at someone who once seemed untouchable to you and realizing they’re just a suffering meat sack like any other human being is powerful.
The ending of The Book of Bill is the demystification of Bill. The book is a real look into his mind, telling a story that’s actually very tragic. It’s a very real story, a cautionary tale. You’re not being manipulated or tricked if you feel bad, it’s a very intentional writing decision that this ending elicits that dark pity, as he desperately fades away (arts and crafts materials confiscated) saying that he’s FINE.
So yeah, The Book of Bill and the website are a masterwork of the character, I love them, they’re incredible, and I don’t want to see such a tight character story discredited as “you can’t believe ANY of it!”
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ultimateloserboy · 2 months
Bill Cipher Analysis Post ‼️
(I could be wrong about some things since the book is fresh, feel free to expand this post or correct me! May be a little edited as well!)
To start things off: William Mischief Cipher, (yes thats his actual name) is a dream demon from another dimension. To be specific, the second dimension.
Despite Bill being a literal shape— and also a demigod— it’s implied that Bill had a human-like childhood. He had a normal mother and father, he went to school, and overall seemed to have a normal life. The problem, however, was that he was born with powers completely unknown to his dimension.
Bills world was 2D, meaning there was no up or down. It’s hard for us to grasp the concept of his world, and its implied Bills dimension felt the same way about us. They couldn’t grasp the idea of other, less flat dimensions— but Bill could. Not only did he understand the concept, he could physically SEE the other dimensions— which drove him crazy with confusion and frustration.
It’s also implied that Bill was born with physical powers others in his dimension didn’t have— for example, there’s a line in the book where he remembers being bullied in school for having the ability to conjure fire.
It’s implied that Bill tried to tell everyone about the other dimensions, but they didn’t understand. The other people of his homeworld considered him troubled and insane. There’s a poem written in code on the silly straw page of his book detailing how he was fed medicine to keep his “visions” away, but would only drink it out of a silly straw. This poem implies he was a baby at the time of taking his medicine, implying further that his powers were terrifyingly strong even from an early age. This— paired with the fact he could shoot fire from his fuckin hands— made him dangerous as a child, because (at least from what it seems) any childish outburst or tantrum could accidentally turn dangerous from his lack of understanding or being able to control the powers he was born with. He was a walking time bomb.
“Eye doctor of a different kind who wants to make his patient blind / The doctor says three sips a day will make the visions go away / Fussy eater, baby billy, wouldn’t drink unless its silly.”
(((The doctor was taking away Bills ability to see the other dimensions, rendering him somewhat blind. Bill fussed about his medicine as a child and would only drink it out of a silly straw.)))
Eventually, Bill tried to bring his world into the third dimension— or at the very least, show them it exists to prove that he wasn’t insane. It’s unclear what exactly he did to try and accomplish this— but it went wrong and started a terrible fire that left only him alive.
It’s unclear whether or not he started the fire itself on purpose or on accident, but either way its implied that he absolutely didn’t understand the permanent consequences. It’s something that deeply traumatized him. It’s blurred out of his memory, and in denial, he pretends everyone is still alive. It’s up to the reader to determine whether or not he can be forgiven for this, but out of everything Bill has done on purpose and out of malice, this doesn’t seem to be one of those things. It seems he genuinely wanted to free his family from the confinements of his dimension and to this day he still pretends that’s what he did, even if that’s not the case. The regret of his actions is something that goes on to shape his character today.
“Twisted out of shape after the kill— the ghost of his family haunting him still” (((Silly straw page)))
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Bill has lied about this day on multiple occasions, and has also lied about how he feels towards it. He’s terrified to face the guilt— so he either pretends he did it on purpose and doesn’t care, pretends something or someone else did it, or pretends it didn’t happen all together.
While talking to Stanford, he calls himself a monster. This is what he truly thinks of himself. However, he pretends to be a different person than himself. His entire life past the day of his dimensions burning has been a lie of pure denial.
On top of denial, he refused and still refuses to grow up. After running off into a crumbling dimension with his “henchmaniac” friends, he started acting like a rebellious teenager. Unlike most villains with a specific intent to hurt, he went throughout the universe with the sole intention of having as much fun as possible. However, with his terrifying power and uncaring nature many casualties happened on the side. He’s guilty for them, and even finds some of them funny, but hurting people wasn’t and isn’t his MAIN intent. (At least not most of the time. He IS known to hold grudges, or dismantle someone’s face for fun, but those things aren’t part of his overall goal. Not saying they aren’t shitty, but his main intent is important to understanding his character and complexity.)
His main goal is to distract himself from his past with as much chaos as possible while also seeking attention from anyone he can get it from. He talks about Stanford and says he needs Bill to boost his ego, but really it’s the other way around. Bill considers himself a product to sell, he caters to people by using false charisma, pretending they’re the ones that need him when in reality he’s starving for their praise. He is desperate for someone to speak highly of him because his mind has nothing good to say, all the words he says out loud are compensation. He believes deep down that nobody will love him if they know who he truly is and what he’s done— and he’s not really wrong. And look! He couldn’t even admit that’s how he feels about himself so he pretends he’s giving advice! (He does this SO MANY fuckin times in the book..)
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It appears in the book that the more he regrets or suffers from his past actions and traumas— the more he hurts and destroys the things and people around him as a distraction— all under the ruse of “partying”. So, in an immature attempt to absolve himself of guilt, he stacks more guilt onto his endless cycle by continuing to hurt those he loves again and again— pretending not to care but truthfully caring so much that he’d do ANYTHING to drown out the feeling. Ironically, his way of drowning out his feelings is by causing more harm. He is an endless, pitiful paradox.
It’s often misunderstood that he is a uncaring, but that’s what he WANTS you to think. That’s what he WISHES he was. His guilt and remorse doesn’t absolve him from the things he’s done, but the fact that it’s there is a GIANT and IMPORTANT part of his character. He CAN feel empathy, sympathy, sentimentality, and ESPECIALLY regret. He may be a considered a sociopath, but this doesn’t mean he’s not a person with feelings as well.
He’s so distraught over losing Stanford that he drinks himself into a state of temporary amnesia that made him fall into a ptsd episode— his memory is so bad he ends up thinking he’s talking to his mother who’s been dead for probably millions of years.
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This doesn’t excuse what he did to Ford AT ALL (I felt a little sick looking at the knuckles page..) but you can’t truly understand his character without understanding that he is LYING when he is cruel to Ford. And no, just because it’s a lie/front doesn’t mean he’s absolved from saying or doing something horrible, but it DOES mean he is unique and complex.
It’s perfectly reasonable to not forgive Bill for what he did to Ford, because it’s not really forgivable— but I also think it’s fair to explore the complexities of “evil” characters. SAYING A CHARACTER REGRETS THEIR ACTIONS DOESN’T MEAN I THINK THEY DESERVE FORGIVENESS!!! Especially in Bill’s case, considering that he PRETENDS to not be sorry, which makes him terrible even if he doesn’t mean what he’s saying. He might as well not be sorry at all HOWEVER!! It’s still important to distinguish him from a sociopathic stereotype— so I have to acknowledge that he’s a little sorry anyway, even if that regret is hidden away and doesn’t help literally anyone.
He values his own comfortability over the people he loves. Meaning he’ll always be cruel instead of apologizing because even if he’s truly sorry, he can’t handle the fact that he did something wrong in the first place— He’ll just play dumb.
At the end of the day, though— Bill is much more complicated than “Guy that just wants to explode people with his mind and take over the world”— I mean yes, he’s also that— but he also has hella bad ptsd and possible other mental issues that I’m not qualified to diagnose. He has a mother who he misses and a pain he carries with him.
None of the pain he harbors will ever justify the pain he’s caused— So no, I don’t think he’s ACTUALLY forgivable (though I may joke). However, in my opinion, I do think he’s redeemable! He’s going to live (or at least be in purgatory?) for millions of more years. He already got a punishment of literal death and has the empathy (somewhere) to continue forward and start fresh. He has thousands of years to heal from his trauma and wallow in what he’s done.
The Pines family may never forgive him, but out of the child-cartoony love in their hearts they offer him not forgiveness— but live and let live. (Well, at least Mabel does.. love you sweet girl.) If he goes around them they’ll beat his ass like in weirdmaggedon, but if he stays away, they will too. At the end of the day, he’s been stopped and they’re happy. If he is alive, (((or is going to be??))) he might as well heal.
And, well.. even if you think he doesn’t deserve that somewhat happy(?) ending, a redemption arc for him has been hinted at for years. Sorry, man. Respect to you and all but like… friendship is magic and the evil demigod is gonna start working at your local wendys once he’s outa space arkham. It’s just the way kids shows go, man.
(((Edited note: I apologize for my original wording when it came to “sociopath”— I wasn’t aware of its actual medical use and I should’ve done my research on that! I’ve changed this post to be more accurate in that regard, so if old reblogs look different it’s because they’re the original version.)))
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emomanswhore · 2 years
I feel like... if you call ghost daddy in bed he'll go crazy
ghost with a daddy kink ? oh yeah… he definitely eats it up, when his prettiest princess calls him daddy in bed. <33
—❤︎︎ — DADDY’S HOME . . . ❞
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✵. !! WC : 3.7k
✵. !! TAGS & CW : explicit content! (18+ mdni) - service/softdom!ghost (he’s a lil bit mean), cunnilingus, daddy kink, size kink/difference, praise/petname usage, subtle spit kink, squirting, thigh slapping, overstimulation, dumbification, pussydrunk!ghost (hes in LOVE with your pussy), orgasm denial, fingering, the mask stays ON.
✵. !! A/N : hihi babies ! just a lil treat for y’all and thank you for 700+ follows and all the love you’ve given for simon says ♡!! hope you enjoy this mini fic, lmk how we feeling about it !! <33 ps… i folded. im sat. i actually wanna call this man daddy so bad. 🧎‍♀️
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In your mind, there was one word— one forsaken word that you refused to utter. A word that only the most sexually deprived would use.
A person with their morals in check, should never attempt to sexualize something that is meant as an innocent title and name. Usually reserved for an actual father, or someone fulfilling the role of a male caregiver.
A person with their morals in check.
Right. You totally weren’t projecting… and deeply shaming your own innermost yearning, to desperately call your boyfriend ‘daddy’ while he fucked you.
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It definitely wasn’t a thing you could say you were proud to admit outloud. Nope, you would quite frankly rather be caught dead than have your questionable cravings exposed to the world.
But every single day, you swore to god that your boyfriend tried to purposely provoke you into using the absolutely forbidden word.
Simon always took care of you. Whether that’d be making sure you got to work safely, cooking you meals on days that you were too tired to be bothered, or even texting you throughout the day to make sure you were resting properly.
You know. You know that’s probably the absolute bare minimum, and what a boyfriend is supposed to do for you in a serious relationship. But you just couldn’t help that ache and flutter you got in your heart, that made you so weak for him.
He worked so hard every single day, busy and moving nonstop on less than four hours of full rest. Even when he had his most stressful and agonizingly long days at work, he still tried to reach out to you. It could be a single worded text message or a phone call that only lasted for five minutes.
No matter what or without question, Simon will do his absolute best to tend to you. It was truly unconditional love, devotion, and his unspoken rule to give you whatever you most desired.
And you feel sick— sick in the head for letting your insatiable lust take over your sense of morality. Putting his mostly wholesome catering ways, in the same category as what you needed to relieve that scorching, sore pounding in your core.
That was alright though, you could live off your little fantasies and scenarios you created in your mind. Always making yourself dizzy and soft headed, imagining a world where he would make love to you and refer to himself as ‘daddy’.
It would suit him so well. Your hulk of a man, who had to put a slight bend in his knees whenever he came through the doors of your home. His mellow, husky voice always gently rasping to you— almost never, ever raising it higher than an octave at you. The way he could spoil you absolutely rotten, only ever calling you by his own little terms of endearment.
Always putting you first when he fucked you. Even in times when it got rough or you two were experimenting with things on the more intense side, you always came first. Literally and physically, since Simon couldn't properly get off himself, without knowing you were completely satisfied.
Your aftercare would consist of cuddling, he’d coo the sweetest of praises as he handled your sore limbs.
“My sweet girl, look at how pretty she is. Did such a good job today, angel. I know baby, I'll take good care of you now. Such a pretty girl, aren't you?”
It’s perfectly fine.
You could keep all those things about him to yourself. Just let your brain work its magic, to create fantasies and fill the deep void of your scorching carnality. You always subconsciously needed that one little thing to make yourself come even harder. But you were a good, grateful girl for him and always let Simon know how well he treated your body.
It’s perfectly fine. You don’t need a daddy kink in your life, to make yourself feel better. You were so much better than that, and you’d never let Simon get the idea that you were some ill, perverted deviant.
It was all fine.
Until today, when he finally pulls the most forbidden word out your mouth— and satiates the bubbling, hot desire that has a heavy chokehold on your heart and soul.
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You don’t know how things escalated so fast.
One minute, you get his text that he’s on his way home and he’ll see you soon.
Out of pure joy and excitement to finally see him again after three weeks, you start to get yourself ready for the evening by taking an extra long shower. Making sure you’ve lathered and exfoliated every inch of your body in vanilla scented body polish, with a hint of brown sugar and cocoa butter. It was always Simon’s favorite scent on you, and he’d seemed more clingy than usual whenever your sweet aroma hit his nose.
The next hour, you throw on a simple, yet cheeky little lingerie set.
A delicate floral embroidered baby blue bra, with its matching mini stringed thong panty. You couldn’t help but fall in love with it at first sight. The design is a lovely work of art, the milky color enhancing the glow of your soft skin— yet it’s so scandalous on your body.
You did purposely get a smaller size, but on top of that it was made of see through mesh material. Not a single doubt in your mind that if he looked close enough, Simon could make out the shape of your nipples through the bra. And between your legs? The outline of your folds were perfectly clear and transparent against the light color of your panties.
After spending another minute admiring yourself in the bathroom mirror and taking a few selfies of your enticing form, you slip on a fluffy cream colored robe and head to the kitchen. You wanted to get something in your stomach before Simon came home, so you decided to lightly snack on a slice of pomegranate fruit.
You don’t even make it to the fridge before you hear the sharp clicking of keys turning a door knob, and feel the cold gust of wind that comes with the front door being swung open.
A gasp and squeal flies out your mouth as you bounce up and down on your toes, the actual sight of your boyfriend trudging in through the doorway makes your heart swell and pound in your chest.
“Baby!” You practically skip on your feet towards him, unable to hide your excitement of his abrupt appearance, as he starts taking quick strides to meet you halfway.
You think with how fast Simon approaches towards you, and him not even bothering to take off his shoes at the front door, he must’ve been just as excited to see you.
When you two finally meet each other in the middle of the hallway, you give him a big, dazzling smile as you go to lean in to hug him.
Before you can get your arms around him, he places a large hand on the small of your back and pulls you in close to his chest. You gape up at him, your smile slowly melting down to a look of pure confusion. Knees already feeling wobbly at his close proximity, and the way he has to tilt his head down to look you in the eyes.
Your breath hitches in your throat, when he slowly drags his open palm up along the cotton material of your robe. Even through its thickness, you can feel the heat radiating off his hand that follows along the curve of your back. Sending tingles down your spine, when his hand eventually makes its way up to the soft nape of your neck.
You both stare at each other. Your eyes become hazy and unfocused, while his dark ones scan over your perfect little form. You hear him pull in a deep breath of air through his nose. Holding it in his chest for five seconds before letting it back out, while he drags his eyes up back onto yours.
“Been thinkin’ about you all day long, y’know that?” He mutters these words, yet somehow they’re loud enough to ring and echo in your eardrums. You pull your lips in your mouth, feeling your core thump in tune with the pitter patter of your heartbeat.
You practically whimper out loud, as he continues onto his sentence,
“ ‘S about time I came home. Think it’s only right to show my princess how much I really missed her, wouldn’t you agree, pretty baby ?”
That was the only warning you were given… for what your boyfriend truly had planned for you, once he finally got his hands on you. Everything after that moment, truly did escalate as if time were being fasted forward.
You knew he missed you. Without him vocally telling you how much he thought of you, his actions spoke much louder than his words.
He was so sloppy.
From the way he practically rips your robe off your trembling body, to pushing you down onto your shared mattress and diving face first into the warm heat of your clothed pussy.
He was truly like a dog in heat. Not even bothering to take his mask off completely from his head, and only lifts it enough to show you his parting lips as he comes face to face with the growing patch of wetness sticking in your panties.
“Look at my pretty lil’ lady,” he coos softly, hooking his thumb into the side of your soiled panties and pulling them to the side to expose your glistening cunt to his heavy eyes. “Missed me, haven’t you? Can’t imagine how tight ‘n upset you are, since I haven’t been givin’ you proper treatment lately.”
It always blew your mind when Simon literally talked to your pussy.
Speaking in soft murmurs and giving it the same delicate pet names that he gave you, the owner of it. As dumb as it probably sounded, you sometimes couldn’t help but feel that ugly swirl of jealousy when he practically treated it like it was an entire living and breathing person.
You don’t have time to mull over your childish feelings, letting out a squeak when he grabs both of your thighs and presses them back until your knees squish against your chest.
“Know you’re mad at me, little one” Another squeak sounds out your throat, as you feel him turn his head to the side of your thigh and he lets his teeth sink into the doughy flesh of your skin. He hums, sucking on the flesh before letting it go and pressing a soft kiss to the flaming bruise he leaves behind. “Gonna show you how much I’ve missed splittin’ you open on my tongue.”
He follows through with his words, putting his full attention back onto your pussy. Using his index and middle fingers to pry open the thick lips of your cunt, groaning when he sees your hole twitching and spasming over nothing. The scent of your nectar coating your thighs and leaking out your pussy, makes him feel even more high and drunk off your arousal.
You’re so messy already. And like the gentleman that he was, Simon always took the initiative to help clean up messes that you made.
Still keeping his fingers spread enough to keep your lips parted, he lolls his thick tongue out before swiping it on your slit. You mewl and flinch at the feeling of his warm tongue, but he grips the side of your thighs to keep you still. Simon continues licking up and down your cunt. Maintaining the same pattern of stroking his strong tongue, as if he were savoring a frozen delicacy that helplessly dripped down the side of its waffle cone.
Once he feels like he’s collected enough of your cum on his tongue, he pulls his tongue back into his mouth to let the taste of you sit heavy on his taste-buds.
Your toes curl and you let out a soft gasp, as you watch him hollow his cheeks, before he lets the sinful mixture of your cum and his spit fall right back into your twitching hole. Chuckling to himself as he watches the way his greedy girl swallows up the little treat he gave her.
“Taste so fuckin’ good, princess” This time he does actually talk to you, dragging his eyes up from your drenched pussy and onto your blearing, glossy ones.
“Always so good for me. Could eat you up every single day ‘n never get tired of it. Can’t believe I went so long without this, fuck.”
Simon starts to probe his tongue along your core, tracing the shape of it until he finally pushes inside you. Already feeling the tight caverns of your pussy ease up, and welcome the thickness of his tongue rubbing up against your gushing walls.
“S-Sim— oohhh,” You throw your head back, unable to finish your squealing when he pulls his tongue completely out of you, and decides to inflict his torture upon your little clit. First he flicks the tip of his tongue over it, then he lets his mouth completely envelop around your pearl. Pumping it a few times between his lips, before pulling off to run his tongue over the expanse of your pussy.
You weren’t going to last.
You were far too sensitive after not having him around to please you for three entire weeks. All you could do was sob and let it happen, letting out a cry before you feel a fat watery gush of cum shoot out your hole. Simon pays it absolutely no mind, only widening his mouth to catch every little drop you gifted him.
“That’s it. Such a sweetheart, you’re already spoiling me ‘n givin’ me a lil’ treat. ,” He feels the way your body starts to relax, already going into its state of after pleasure— but he isn't done. Far from done, actually. Hasn’t even been half of an hour yet, and your legs start shaking like a leaf in the wind.
“Ah, Ah,” Simon tuts, slapping his palm hard on your soaked inner thigh, making you jolt and buck your hips up. “C’mon baby, couldn’t have thought I was done with you. ‘S only been a few minutes, ‘n you’re tapping out already? Thought my baby missed me, hm?”
It hasn’t only been a few minutes. Even in your dazed and dizzy mind, you knew that he’d been feasting on your pussy for well over twenty minutes. You shake your head, bottom lip wobbling as you let out a soft sob.
“I di-did miss you, baby” You sniffle wetly, feeling him trace his thick fingers along your soaking heat. Shaking your head in protest as he slips in his middle and ring fingers, humming while you babble to him. “But I can’t ta— aaahh, t-take it anymore. ‘S too much, baby. No more.”
“Too much?” He starts to flex his fingers deep inside of you, curling them in slow motions to stimulate your special gummy spot, that has you sobbing hysterically.
“You haven’t had your fill yet, sweet girl. I can feel it. Y’see this?” Simon tries to retract his fingers from your cunt, but your walls instantly clamp down on him. “You’re not lettin’ me out. My little lady down here knows exactly what she wants. So c’mon princess, lay still ‘n let me spoil this pretty pussy rotten.”
Having absolutely zero regard for your whines and sobs, he continues his previous abuse on your poor little pussy.
Seconds, minutes, hours, decades— You can't even tell how long he stays between your thighs.
Simon uses both strong hands to keep your legs steady and trap you from squirming or running away. You can take it. You will take it. He knows how much you need this, humming at every broken little sob and wanton moan that comes screeching out your throat.
Your vision starts to blur while you stare up at the spinning ceiling. Saliva pooling in your mouth and making a puddle next to your temples, as you let it run down the side of your lips.
You’re going crazy.
So high off the overstimulation of his face buried deep in your leaking pussy, that you swear…. you swear, you can feel your brain getting mushy. So mushy that if you shook your head hard enough, it could probably come spilling out through your ears.
He’s speaking into your pussy, saying words and mumbling something out loud. But you can’t hear it. All you can hear is your heartbeat pulsing in your throat, and feel the way he shakes his face side to side, while his tongue is plugged in your cunt.
Feel the way his hands grip your thighs so tight, that the blunt tip of his nails dig deep into your skin. You can already imagine the bruising and crescent little puncture marks it’ll leave on your legs.
It’s all so sloppy. Your pleas and cries for mercy, getting lost in the little squeals of ‘yes!’ and ‘simon!’ you can’t help but let out. And he eats it up, kissing your heated pelvis while burying three fingers inside of you.
“There’s my good girl, y’sound so pretty” He goes back to focusing his attention on your sore clit, giving it an open mouthed kiss before he continues speaking to you.
“Wanna hear my girl tell me who’s making her feel good. Hm? Lemme hear it. Say who it is, that can make you sing your little heart out.”
You make some unintelligible garbles, and Simon chuckles at your quivering and hiccuping. He squeezes your thighs encouragingly and smacks the side of them twice.
“Big words, baby. You’re a big girl, so tell me… who’s making you feel good right now?”
“It’s…” You swallow thickly and sniffle, slowly losing your train of thought as he suctions his lips around your swollen pearl. “It’s— ohhh, ‘mmm my goddd. It’s you…”
You start to gather some of your discombobulated brain cells to form a complete sentence. Simon’s name sits on your tongue, and you’re ready to tell him, it’s him. Simon. It’s Simon.
Until he pulls his head back with your clit between his lips— taking it with him, and letting it go with a loud pop!
It’s not Simon.
“Oooohhh g-god. It’s you! ‘Mmmy goodddd… daddy, it’s you… it’s all you, daddy.”
He pauses.
Whipping his head up to see if he really just heard what he believes you just cried out. Tapping the side of your thigh, he tries to get your attention so you can focus on his voice.
“What was that, honey? Didn’t hear you, come back to me and say it again.”
You whimper and hiccup, tears run down the side of your face and you continue whining at him.
“ ‘S you, daddy. Need you so badly, pleasseee baby. ‘M-m so close. I need it.”
He lets go of your trembling thighs. Letting the weight of his body help keep them pressed against your chest, as he crawls from up below your stomach and hovers over your face. Simon’s face is covered in your arousal. His lips glisten, and a good portion of the mask is damp and sticks to his skin.
“One more time, honey. Y’said it’s ‘daddy’ ? Hm? It’s your daddy, that’s taking good care of this pretty pussy?”
Simon’s fingers trail back down between your legs, softly shushing you as you keen at the feeling of his digits sliding back inside of you. He stares down at you, practically seeing the little stars spinning in your eyes. You weren’t in your best state of mind right now, but he’ll be damned if you tried denying that word escaping out with your cries.
“Can’t come ‘till you let me know,” You give him big, sad eyes but he shakes his head at you. “Wanna come, right? Tell. Me. Say it again, _____.”
At the use of your real, full name you quickly snap back into reality. It was like a switch, your bubbly headspace falling apart and bursting open once he rasped your name.
You did it. You really did call him daddy. It was your most taboo, and forbidden word—
But fuck it.
Today, your daddy was finally home. And you needed him to take care of you, just like he always did.
“Daddy,” you mewl out, feeling another hot sensation shooting through your spine. It was coming. You were so close. “Daddy I n-need you. ‘S you Simon, so please, pleaasee let me cum.”
His nostrils flare before he’s smacking his lips down on yours. Licking inside of your mouth, and inhaling the little moans you let out from tasting yourself on his tongue.
“Not yet, pretty little baby. Daddy hasn’t had all his fun yet.” Simon pulls away from your lips for a moment, laughing softly at the way you try to chase after his mouth for more. He uses one hand to swiftly fumble with the buckle of his belt, making quick work of pulling down his cargo pants and boxers. Laughing again when he pulls his drenched fingers out your greedy little hole, that puts up a fight to keep him deep inside your cunt.
“Must’a been treating my lil’ lady real good,” You can feel the heat of his hard, thick cock pressing onto your pelvis. Already licking your lips and grabbing onto his flexing bicep for support. “Gotta keep showing my special girls how much their daddy loves ‘em.”
He uses a free hand to guide his length to your throbbing pussy, unable to help himself from slapping the head a few times against you. His cock makes a squishy plop plop when he makes contact with your sticky folds, and teases you with a rub on your raw, swollen clit.
“Want you to remember this, once I’m done with you.”
Simon feels your nails dig into the hard meat of his bicep, bracing yourself when he finally lets the head of his cock greet your warm, welcoming insides. Already feeling the way your pussy grips around him, and makes no plans of ever letting go.
“Want you to remember what’ll happen every single time, that daddy comes home to his pretty, little princess.”
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✪-tagging-✪ / : @touyyes @winterbimbwo @sirenh4ll @sailewhoremoon @noriken @kokobunn @fushisslut @dilftaroooo @aasouthteranoswife @daeneeryss @simon-rileys-princess @g4bby @sussywowzaee @lazuli-leenabride @moonshot-eclipse @mietkoz @honeybee54321 @lich1 @terrythetortoise @fuckinriley @actuallyanita @wedonttalkabouthenry @motionlessinrhi @hauntingtherosebush @spookyclowwn
(couldn’t tag y’all </3 ily tho) @benandjerrysisqueer @bleedingmagic-02 @tescomealdeals-blog @getoruii @alyssam14 @officialjotchuagirlfanclub
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purehypnotic · 1 month
🎀𝑰 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒆𝒅🎀
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"HA, I finally beat you!" I exclaimed while jumping up in down and dancing around Peter.
"Oh please I let you win babe," Peter said pointing to the Street Fighter machine.
"Not you being in denial," I said as I stopped jumping around so I could put my hands on my hips. I could he didn't let me win by the way he looked at the game the moment his avatar fell to the ground.
"I'm not in denial YOU'RE the in denial," He said pointing at me with wide eyes.
"Pshhhh sore loser," I said turning away from him right when I was about to walk towards the door Peter roughly pushed me onto my bed while hovering over me.
"Wanna say that again babe" He smirked while running his hands up and down my face.
"UHgh get your hands off my face you're gonna make me break out!" I said with a grimace on my face trying to push him off of me. 
"PETER I'm seriousssss my skin is sensitive," I said flipping us over now with me on top. He shifted us upwards so he was sitting and I was straddling him. For a minute he was looking deeply into my eyes, then suddenly he attacked to neck with kisses. My arms instantly flew up to grab his hair, Peter moved his lips up to my mouth while his hands moved down to my hips pushing them against his lap. Out of nowhere, he started shaking like crazy, it was like he was, vibrating under my touch. It was so strange, he had never done this before not that I'm complaining it felt like absolute heaven.
"oh god, Peter" I moaned against his lips stroking his hair over and over again. 
He suddenly stopped and looked up at me.
"Are you ok?" He had asked me nervously, Peter and I have never actually had sex yet, not even that we're both virgins so it's no surprise that he was nervous when we did anything remotely sexual together.
     "Yeah, Yeah I'm fine to keep going it feels good," I said looking down at him, he shrugged at this and went back to kissing me. Right, when I lifted up my hips up he shoved them back down and pushed his hips against mine, kissing me harder, and moving his hands up and down my back. He finally broke the kiss and went back to kissing my neck leaving bold hickeys all over it. I started to tug on his hair even harder which caused him to start vibrating again but this time it was more intense. My legs started to shake and my thighs started to squeeze around Peter I couldn't take it I tried to lift my hips again but yet again he yanked them back down and started to rub them up against his. With the rubbing and the vibrating, I couldn't take the feeling of it all.
"P-Peter I..." I said stumbling over my words, I knew what was going to happen if this kept going, I could feel a knot form in my stomach. Peter started to move one of his hands off my hip and put it under my skirt he put his vibrating hand over my panties and started to move his hands in a circular motion. 
"Peter I think I-I'm gonna cum" I squealed burying my head in the crook of his neck. Peter kept going until I came leaving my underwear soaked. I rested my head on his shoulder for a few minutes until I move off of him and laid next to him on his bed.
"You good?" Peter asked me while angling my head upwards to look at him
"Mmmhmmm" I hummed snuggling into him.
"You're so fucking pretty you know that right?" Peter laughed, I couldn't help but blush.
"Y'know what I realized?" I asked him.
"What?" He questioned while playing with my  hair
"I'm dating a human vibrator" I snickered while sitting up. 
"Yeah, you kinda are" Peter sighed moving his soft hand on my face to stroke my cheek.
"Ahh again with the face Peter get your nasty hands off me before you make me break out," I said pushing his hands off my face.
"Funny, last time I checked I had you a moaning mess cause of my hands" Peter teased while rubbing his hands all over my face, I didn't even fight back this time instead I just gave into it man, do I love this boy.
𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒗𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝑰 𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒂 𝒄𝒐 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏 𝒂 𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒏 𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒏 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒑𝒂𝒅! 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌
𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆, 𝒔𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒆
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seraphimaa · 6 months
Give me Raphael who, under the endless bravado and cockiness, is deeply repressed and virginal.
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Idk, maybe in devil culture he’s discouraged from exploring his sexual desires because nobody wants the shame that would be brought by his spawn and who would lower themselves to sleep with a half mortal/half fiend? Even if they did, why would he ever trust that their intentions were not to cause harm and chaos to him? That’s the belief he lives by and we see so many outlets for it in game. The kinky punishments for debtors, the obsession and torture of Hope, and even the Glug Glug 9000 that was gifted to him, because daddy knows that Raphael is being driven around by his cock. Raphael, I think, appears deeply uncomfortable and ashamed of his sexual needs and I think Haarlep’s comment of “he only loves himself” is true, but not just due to narcissism. He could fuck anyone, or anything, with Haarlep but I think, instead, he needs familiarity and the only thing he can be vulnerable in front of is himself. And not only that, he doesn’t see it as a time to exercise crazy desires but it needs to be methodical and controlled. Safe. Comfortable. Predictable.
So imagine, along comes this little mortal and like so many times before, he starts the dance he has done so many times. They blush when he says the right things, they hang on his every word, and they look at him with such longing. They are exactly where he needs them, and expects them to be. They’d fallen for the act and he was in complete control.
Until, all at once, he realises he isn’t.
Give me Raphael who has never known anyone’s tender touch but his own, but who can’t stop thinking about how yours would feel late at night or while playing with Haarlep. It haunts him and he hates himself for it.
Give me Raphael who starts to dare to imagine, as much as it tortures him, that someone could actually be his. He had caged the mortal parts of himself up so tightly but the need for someone who was made of the same wretched stuff as him, that could really see him and love him never goes away. Someone to share his empire with who would never betray him or disappoint him and who would would devote themselves completely to all that he was. It was lonely always being in top, he would come to admit.
Give me Raphael who for the first time in his life, starts to show himself to you bit by bit to you and you never shy away, despite all the parts of him, from the gentle to the downright depraved and animalistic. He has no clue what to do with this acceptance. It was a foreign thing. Something not meant for him. Give me Raphael who hates you for all of this. He knows your game. You’re trying to get to him and he will lot give you control. He starts feeding that depraved voice inside of him. All the things he would do to you. How he’d punish you and make you regret feeding the mortal inside of him, through the bars. You saw the him inside. Your understanding of his weaknesses is what you’d use to destroy him. He’d protected it all so well but this would be his undoing. His solution of denial and hate had never failed him, so far, so he’d revert to what he knows
Give me Raphael who, when you crawl unexpectedly up and onto his lap one evening, kissing and sucking at his neck, can do nothing other than pant and shake at your touch, blushing like a virgin. You’d be so soft and gentle and his ears would be filled with ringing, his own breathing, and your cruel voice, telling him to ‘just let go’. ‘It’s okay’. This moment would be devastatingly painful and euphoric. You’d finally done it. You’d ripped away the last of his control and power. You had finally reduced him to nothing - pathetic and whimpering. You’d bested him and he should have been drowning in the humiliation and shame but holy fuck it felt so good. For you, he’d slowly learn to share his control, sometimes. You were so gentle with him. Your soft hand would teach him a different way to tame the beast inside.
Look I’m an exclusive bottom, but shy and inexperienced Raphael who is putty in my hands? Bark bark bark bark
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buckybarnesss · 9 months
Where did this idea that Chris Argent is the one Argent who cares about the code come from? He's just as bad as his wife, who wants to murder Scott for existing.
I feel like I have a completely different understanding of this that everyone else does. I like him BECAUSE he's a weak-willed jellyfish of a man. He follows orders, there's not much kindness left in him and it's only directed at his daughter. He's a liar who enjoys tormenting teenagers - he was willing to kill Derek and Scott even though he knew they hadn't killed anyone.
The entire point of the Argents is this corrupt family structure. "Women are leaders" they say, as they lie and gaslight Allison. "We don't kill innocents" they say, while shooting Derek and Scott for being outside at night.
How many times did they get it wrong and kill humans? We'll never know because of course they would just cover up the evidence. They were taking potshots at Scott and Derek and didn't even know WHO they were shooting at.
Literally none of them follow the code. They manipulated Allison into setting it aside. The code is bullshit.
"Chris would never torture innocents" bro what show were you watching, you think he didn't know Kate was sexually assaulting and electrocuting Derek?? He didn't seem that fucking surprised to see Erica and Boyd in his goddamn murder basement.
I feel like I am going crazy!!
you are so right.
what do i think of chris argent?
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chris argent is compelling to me because he's not really that good of a person. he has deluded himself into thinking he is.
the indoctrination amongst hunters runs very, very deep. especially with the argents. he never fully becomes deprogrammed. gerard argent deeply damaged both of his children and that is the point. there is no happy ending for the argent family.
kate was gerard's golden child because kate was full tilt sociopathic and enjoyed killing. chris was the lesser of the two in gerard's eyes. we know that while chris did gerard's biding he hadn't been in contact with allison since she was three years old at the time of kate's "death". that tells you chris knew his father's influence was dangerous and corrupting. yet he still let it happen and watched allison be manipulated by his father and become like kate.
three children ended up in his murder and torture basement and the only one i can see him not fully knowing about is stiles because that was gerard's little game. he knew about erica and boyd, he knew what was being done to them and he allowed it. they hadn't done anything to anyone and again they were children. the same age as his daughter. her own classmates. trussed up in his basement.
his intimidates stiles, scott, jackson and derek more than once. people who hadn't done anything wrong. scott, jackson and stiles are all children.
chris also knew full well who and what kate was. he was in denial about it and ignored it. chris isn't a stupid man and i thought it was pretty clear throughout season 1 he had suspicions about kate so he's not even surprised when confronted about it code breaker. he's just disappointed.
he clings to the code because it gives him cover. it gives him a convenient excuse. he can wrap himself up in the code and declare himself a good hunter, not like the others, not like his father and sister when he is. the code is his self-delusion.
he changes because allison died and his code becomes the memory of his daughter. his shitty family and his lack of backbone led down a path that eventually led to her death.
yes allison's decision that night was her own but it was also reckless. why was the archer on the ground? why wasn't she high up like she'd been wise enough to do in frayed or in alpha pact? allison was desperate not only to save lydia but also to prove herself good and make up for her mistakes.
and even when he begins to change it's often conditional.
chris is an interesting character. i like him a lot actually but he's a fucked up person who makes many questionable decisions thought-out the series. he only looks good because gerard and kate are more terrible.
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moonshynecybin · 7 months
I remember many years ago, someone (and for the life of me I cannot remember who, but I think it was a commentator) called Vale "the man with the golden mask", basically saying that the Vale we see on TV and in interviews is only the person he wants us to see and that only a few people know the real Vale, and for me this has always explained why he is the way he is with Marc and why it went way from the ranch.
Unlike with people like Biaggi, Stoner, Jlo etc, he clearly genuinely liked Marc (I think possibly because Marc reminded him of himself lol but that's a whole different topic) and I always got the impression he let Marc see a bit of the real Vale behind the mask bc he trusted him, then when Marc rocked up at his ranch with his whole team, he saw it as Marc trying to outdo him and broke that trust. Vale then sees trusting Marc as a mistake, overanalyses everything Marc does on and off track from that point on (rightly or wrongly), sees a lot of it as Marc deliberately sabotaging him, even though it's just his usual demon behaviour, and then 2015 cements his view that he's made a huge mistake in ever trusting Marc with the real Vale. And that's why still now, even though he's had fights and crashes with a lot of other riders, he can't let 2015 go, not just because of the 10th, but because the others were just battles on track; Marc hurt him on a personal level and he blames Marc as much as himself for allowing that to happen. I think the "the mask" went back into place the day Marc left that ranch and has stayed very firmly there ever since, and had it not, maybe things would be different today. Or at least, that is how I've always seen it (sorry for the essay!)
i COMPLETELY agree.... ive already talked like. truly so much about how i think that marc bringing his mechanics to the ranch was seen as the first shot in their little war by vale... like marc transgressing on vale's territory and bringing the smoke to a fun friendly ranch day was spun in vale's brain as MARC being the one to throw the first stone here... like yeah vale has a pattern of icing people out once they become real rivals but i actually think he came into being competitive with marc still open to being friends (or at least thinking that lol) !! and then marc shows up at his house like remember i want to destroy you on track! :3 which for marc's insane brain (mechanics are my familyyy and what happens on track stays there) is fine ! but not for vale lol. and then there's insecurity and ego and marc being an annoying crazy person et cetera blah blah blah so it goes = divorce
i also think ummmm. literally every day about when marc had to introduce valentino to the audience in his documentary, and the first thing he said was "to me, valentino is SHOW." and then also literally immediately identified ranch day as definitively when vale started icing him out... like even if he was in denial during the 2015 season, i think in hindsight he is PAINFULLYYYY aware of exactly when that mask went back up AND when he was unceremoniously removed from the small circle of people who ever get to see vale without it. like there was a shift. and it hurts his feelings lol.
and youre so right! marc IS different than those other guys bc they had a really good relationship before... vale's ability to show the press only what he wants them to see is one of his most effective mechanisms of self protection. (SO effective that he apparently does it in his real life relationships, like with his dad)... if no one sees the real you, then you never have to be vulnerable. if youre never vulnerable, its a lot harder to get hurt. unfortunately for vale it also makes it a lot harder to build meaningful connections ! so i think when he let marc in and then was "betrayed" by him, it was a) a rare occurrence for him to get that close with another racer (academy boys are a lil different obvs. like he thought marc was his equal, which i think compelled him AND freaked him out) and b) deeply effecting when he felt like that trust got betrayed... so even though hes the aggressor in the sepang drama i think he felt pretty victimized at that point. which like yeah is delusional ! but is also just sometimes how emotions work. especially when you have trust ego and vulnerability issues lol
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stilldancewithyou · 1 year
It’s kind of crazy to me the cheating storyline is so debated because at the end of the day it’s not even why belly and Jere broke up? Like she said yes to his proposal and even if she was 129388274 feet in denial up until the wedding day like the cheating was never the cause of her denial. To me, the cheating’s biggest purpose is actually for Conrad. Without it he would have never confessed. And like even if it can be debated since belly and Jere were in a fight/broken up blah blah like it resonates with Conrad because it’s a direct parallel of their dad’s actions and how their dad treated Susannah. And I think this is reason why it’s so important to the 3rd book because in the past two books Conrad is grieving yes but he’s also very mad at his dad for cheating on his sick mom. His actions are a reaction to BOTH their parents. Like this is a boy who quit everything he liked because he was so scared of being like his shitty dad and he based his decisions on not being like his dad. And then he goes and discovers that his own brother did what their dad did to their mom to the girl they both loved!!!
Like it’s not “JH made jeremiah cheat to make him look bad against Conrad for the audience” its really “she made Jeremiah cheat because it’s quite literally the ONLY ill act that will make him look bad TO Conrad.”Because Conrad would’ve kept the belief that he was undeserving of belly for the rest of his life and kept sacrificing b/j happiness for his own if Jeremiah didn’t cheat.
For this reason alone I feel like it would be in the show. However they didn’t make it clear Conrad knew about his dad cheating, so it could go either way. But yeah these are just my thoughts :)
YES. this is exactly everything I've been trying to say. Thank you for articulating this point so well. SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK.
I could never really understand why Belly accepted the proposal, but she was really desperate to prove that she didn't still love Conrad because of how everyone else made her feel about being with Conrad. I don't understand why people have such a hard time understanding this and why so much of this fandom has such a hatred for the third book and Jeremiah cheating specifically. I have never seen so many people mad about one little plot before. I can only assume that people didn't actually read the book even though they act like they have. Honestly, for me the cheating thing wasn't the worst thing Jeremiah did in the 3rd book. He was a total and complete ass the entire book, and he had such hatred for Conrad it was actually so sad. Yeah, I just don't understand why everyone is so stuck on the cheating. for me that wasn't the worst thing he did or the deal breaker.
I 10000% agree with you. Conrad couldn't let Belly be with a man who would treat her the way Adam treated Susannah and especially not his own brother who should know how awful it is and how deeply it can hurt (and he obviously did know and recognize this bc he felt super guilty, bought her the cheap bracelet and then proposed after she found out). I also think Conrad saw himself as not good enough for Belly and when he found out Jere had done that, he finally realized that he wasn't as bad as he thought, it made him realize that Belly should be with someone who truly loves her and would never do that to her. Because his immediate response is "I would never do that". he literally tells Belly "I never even looked at another girl when we were together" and you know she also understands this and knows how bad it is, but she doesn't want to admit it or admit that she still loves Conrad and would rather be with him. Up until that point, Conrad was going to be the best man and watch them vow to love each other forever from his brother's side. He was opposed to the engagement from the start and thought it was a mistake but he was the only one who didn't say a word to Belly about that. He just helped her plan the wedding AND he went out of his way to convince Laurel to go to the wedding and be there for Belly. He was trying so hard to be okay with it. But like you said, as soon as he hears Jere and his friends talking about having sex with Belly and Jere cheating, he runs out of the bar and immediately finds Belly to tell her, and he goes from "I hate this wedding but I'm gonna help and not influence Belly's decision in any way" to "we could run away right now and be together" and finally confesses his feelings. I think everyone is completely missing this point when it comes to the cheating storyline. I just don't get how you could read the book and then say "oh the story would be fine without it". But nothing else they could come up with for Jere to do would be the same, it wouldn't be enough to get to Conrad. I've thought about everything you said here before and it really is such an exact parallel of Susannah and Adam and idk how people haven't figured that out/seen that yet.
I feel like it's kind of implied in the show that Conrad does know about his dad cheating (which is why he can't stand to be around him in the show). Everyone can believe what they want, but I choose to believe they are following the third book and we will see Jeremiah cheat and then eventually get to see the whole scene on the beach of Conrad telling Belly how he feels about her and them arguing about Jeremiah cheating.
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Hi Adm, have you watched the version “Betty en NY”? If not, you should give her a chance! The characters are more in-depth (for example: Sofia, Sandra and Maria Beatriz (who is called Maria Lucia in this version), Armando is less neurotic and even the “relationship” between Patricia and Daniel is much, MUCH “lighter” than as in the original, their interactions even have a comical tone!!!
If you watch it, come tell us what you thought. 🥰
Hiii! Sorry for the delay!
Tbh I watched it a long time ago! Probably around 2020 or 2021? So I don't remember most details. Also, I only watched until Betty finds Calderón's video (the sinister letter in this version!). There were things I really liked about it and others that I was honestly not a big fan of... particularly the casting. I didn't like most of the actors chosen to play the characters☹️
Anyway, Spoilers Ahead!
It had a really good budget, I do remember that! A&M definitely did look like a high end modern office, so that was good!
I wasn't a big fan of most of the characters, tho. They're very very different to the original version, and I don't mean on looks. For example, Armando is much less neurotic, much less distracted, and isn't as distant with his own feelings. He has no problem crying and being open about how he's feeling, like during that scene after the collection fails that he goes to cry in Betty's office-storage room and Betty finds him and hugs him. He's not hiding his deep fear of failure behind anger and violence, like he did in the novela. Here's he's pretty open about what he feels which is in part why it was a bit odd to me why he was so in denial about loving Betty when it was very easy for him before to recognize his own feelings. He was also very kind to Betty since the start if I'm no misremembering! Og Armando alternated between being a sweetheart ("you are the woman I was needing"/"no one touches my betty!"/"I was never expecting from you a perfect woman") and a total jackass (liek when he left her all night in her office, when he didn't notice he left her without lunch, or when he yelled at her... multiple times). His bad temper was also very similar to don Hermes' which is why Betty was used to it and didn't take it to heart, because she's used to her dad who is also a good man with good intentions but a bit too easily to anger lol she knows both of them don't mean to hurt her so she never takes offense on them. He's also not imposing, as charismatic, and as magnetic and charming as og Armando was.
Don Hermes is not that sharp minded, protective, and grumpy man who was his daughter's hero and was always on the lookout for danger. He was a feeble old man who was too naive and innocent and would probably be unable to hurt a single fly. He literally gets robbed of his life's savings for going around on foot with it all on a suitcase and yelling on the phone about it🫠😂
Calderón was... oh god, I despised that Calderón. He was easily the worst thing about that version. He wasn't even funny like Mario, who is still a pos but on a smaller (and more LEGAL lol) way. Mario was a pretty bad man but he was funny and him and Armando had good chemistry. Ricardo and Armando didn't...
I remember a bunch of little scenes that I loved or got stuck in my head. For examplex the one with Daniel throwing a bunch of bills to Patty hust to humiliate her. I found that scene so strong and effective but also VERY accurate to something og Daniel would do!
Another one that I loved was little Armando going to business meetings with Roberto! I loved that because it showed us how big of a dream having the presidency was to him, ever since he was a kid. We get to understand deeply why he's so crazy to achieve his goals
I also liked Jenny, she was easily the funniest character of the show! I actually wish la Pupu had been mlre like her. To me Jenny was never funny, just annoying and easily hateable, but Jenny was still just as bad AND funny, so it was a great mix. I also liked other little details like how the IT guy actually helped Patty sabotage the computer because he was into her, which to me seemed a much more reasonable excuse for his behavior instead of the "oh he's just miserable" one from og. I also liked Hugo's a Inesita's relationship! Not a big fan of that Inesita, although this Hugo was very good! I also liked that this version showed a longer lovers' phase between A+M.
What I can never like is how NY Armando knew of everything that happeend to Betty (which was WAY WORSE) and still chose to have sex with her. Og Armando didn't know and that's why he spirals after the second night when they're still at Mario's place. He cries and you can see how guilty he feels...
In any case, I liked the concept overall: a modern version taking place with a whole different culture. I wasn't a big fan of the changes in personality that this new environment would require, tho. The casting for Armando and Betty was a bit off, and I wasn't particularly sold in their chemistry. You can tell this version tried to sanktize their relationship but unfortunately it also eliminates a lot of the reasons why A&B click so well in the first place. Calderón was an atrocity, no redeeming qualities at all lol Jenny was amazing, Hugo was great!
I definitely should give it another chance tho!
Thank you for the question! Once I'm done rewatching ysblf I will watch this version again!
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louisisalarrie · 6 months
Hi! I’m with your last anon- these past couple of days have been wild. And the coverage this is getting just keeps growing and growing. Different from previous ‘denials’ right? What’s going on. I feel like our space has been invaded (ha ha), and I’m not loving it. The theories on twitter are getting stranger and stranger which doesn’t help. I guess we just wait and see if he sells loads more tickets. Not loving the how though, feels intrusive, even after the initial shock has worn off.
the media coverage is… pretty wild. like… idk, it’s not as gross as it has been before after previous denials (some press posted some pretty gross manips and talked about fanfic in graphic detail) but it seems more… general? like… discussing why we think that as opposed to being insane? Idk, some of them are still pretty nasty, but it’s… interesting. This coverage just feels differently to me, idk.
But yeah, agreed. The Twitter theories are actually… wild. Like… it’s not 2 + 2 = 4 like Larry has always been and is meant to be, it’s like “hey this weird little design on Louis’ shorts leads back to the history of 1758 which a person named Larry had a distant cousin three times removed named Louis and his great great granddaughter had seven children, one of which was a lesbian who had a secret lover and they weren’t allowed to marry each other or be together but then they secretly adopted a son and named him harry and this is proof” like… what?
I mean, maybe not that outlandish, but along the lines of wildly reaching to a point that Louis and harry just wouldn’t think of. H has said before that he does put little clues in his promo, and sometimes people investigate so deeply they find coincidences which he didn’t mean to be there. And we know Larry do make hints for us and clues and keep us interested and all that, but… some of these theories that they SEE on twitter are genuinely just… out of this world and in know way match up, therefore dispelling prior evidence and making us look crazy. It’s annoying. I see a new one every day that makes me have to close the app.
I’m all for bluegreening (because they genuinely know what that means), and performing covers of songs they know we will draw back to Larry, and talking about each other in interviews, and a lot of other things… but like, the theories used to be so straight forward and proof. Half the shit on there isn’t proof.
Anyway, the press also go to twitter for Larry stuff. They mentioned chickengate in a bunch of interviews to this denial, which they wouldn’t know what that meant if they didn’t research. Tumblr just isn’t as big as it once was and is often ignored when it comes to this stuff. Idk, it’s just all a bit… too much.
We’ll see about those ticket sales, yeah. I mean, they have everyone talking about Larry again sooooo if it irritates you louis, don’t fucking talk about it and leave it alone hahahaha. It ain’t 2015, you’ve not been seen with him publicly in years. If they were seeding a friendship then sure, I’d expect this denial. But it’s a cold denial out of nowhere in an attempt to get louis more press and make him and his team sell more tickets and make more money.
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
AU Bot Plots: I Don't Feel Like Dancing
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This would only truly work in a visual medium, but I love the idea of Sokka finding himself trapped in a musical. Let's make this an in-universe story.
There is no lead in to this story. No framing device, like Sokka declaring his hatred of musicals and being cursed by an old, musical loving drifter or spirit. He just wakes one morning and the opening number starts, with everyone singing their motivations and desires and personalities. Sokka is just staring at everyone in complete confusion, and when they stop, he asks them why they did that and when they practiced, and no one has any idea what he's talking about.
Somehow Sokka is present for what are supposed to be private moments, so he hears everyone sing their thoughts. This is how he finds out that Toph secretly likes flowers; that Aang lost his connection to the AS because he can't let Katara go; that Suki misses being in the middle of a battle; that Katara and Zuko are stuck on each other but are deeply in denial about it. Even Appa and Momo get a number about how they're each other's best friends. Sokka is convinced he's losing his mind, but in between numbers, it's life as usual, and there are no other signs of something being wrong in his brain. After a while, he gets past his worry and he's just annoyed.
The mid-show number is a big number. The whole thing centers on how unprepared Aang is to face Ozai- who makes a brief appearance in the number, to Sokka's horror. It ends with the entire company telling Aang he has to actually do something to end the war. Sokka is back to being scared, and he demands to know why everyone is pretending they aren't singing and dancing, and for a moment, it looks as if Sokka really is going crazy, but then the director (I'm actually picturing my drama teacher here) appears and tells him that the others don't know they're in a musical, and that it's almost over. He just needs to get through the second act. Sokka begrudgingly agrees (because honestly, what choice does he have?).
Sokka gets a solo in the opening scene of act 2. He sings a short, but powerful song about how stupid life is and how dumb musicals are, and he hopes that the trend doesn't catch on. The others are there for the song, and they applaud him, but then immediately act as if they hadn't seen him singing at all. At some point, Sokka is separated from everyone else, so if they have any more songs, he doesn't witness them. He's just glad there are no madcap musical numbers while he's fighting for his, Suki and Toph's lives. There is a final number when all of his friends are together. They sing about their hopes for the future and what "tomorrow will have in store". It's a beautiful show, but in the end, Sokka decides he absolutely loathes musicals.
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impishsensei · 10 months
some sunday-themed (+ a little on romance/relationships) headcanons that are mostly just a repost from my old blog, though i'm adding quite a bit more so :3c remember these are just my personal headcanons based on my iteration of gojo ❤️ also it's written in a very rambly/stream of thoughts way so i hope it's easy to follow. under the cut for length!
- irt his sexuality, satoru is best described as bi with a preference for women and fem-aligned people. he loves girls! he's literally that one silly "i don't date ugly girls? why? cuz they don't exist" meme bc he just... idk he adores women. soaks in the attention he gets for being a pretty boy like a fucking sponge he thrives on it (yeah he posts thirst traps). he's a lil bit disrespectful tho bc *ldr voice* you're just a man but he does try <3 basically in his eyes women are everything and men are just ken (not including himself). but he does like guys ofc esp pretty boys. ultimately tho, he rly doesn't care that deeply about someone else's gender... if he wants them he wants them
- more on that... satoru's type is generally someone that's cute + shorter than him he loves the shawtys idk. he tends to like people with more pretty/delicate facial features. he's more of an ass/thighs guy but lbr he's not like... so picky about that he will just go a lil crazy in giving them a lot of attention when yk. in terms of looks tho, his type isn't super rigid... he's just more likely to be super initially attracted to the above traits. outside of the more superficial stuff, they have to accept that they're not his first priority and it'll be extremely hard for him to truly let them in. he might never, actually, and it's extremely unfair and he realizes that, which again, is part of why he doesn't see romance in the cards for himself.
- ik i mentioned this a few times before in other posts but i'll say again he's kind of um... for the streets? not to be a dick tho but just... he wants intimacy, but he can't have true intimacy bc of his job/loneliness/priorities etc so he gets it ya know that way. despite this tho, i think he can actually be very sweet and will get crushes and stuff like that. even when he has fwb i think he'll act a bit too familiar/boyfriend-ish that'll have the other person feeling like "uhm... what are we...?" only for him to get cold feet rip. basically, it's not impossible for him to be in a relationship but i think it'd be hard/very heavy slowburn in a rather unconventional way. i don't think it's particularly hard for him to catch feelings if he's fooling around with someone a lot and genuinely likes them, but he'd be in total denial of that, and when it really dawns on him he'd try to ghost. same if someone he's fooling around with tells him they're falling for him... it's difficult to become his romantic partner and not for the weak of will. (is he even worth the struggle? ksadsa idk)
- if one does manage to bag this disaster of a man and he enters a serious relationship i think he's the type to fall very deeply in love! he's super clingy and possessive and he loves attention. he wants his partner to be obsessed with him like he wants to be certain they are never leaving. he's passionate and loves to spoil them rotten. very much into pda and loves to have a hand on them ALWAYS, be it through hand-holding or a hand around the waist. and yes this means he also can't keep his hands off them irt fucking too . the other day i came up with this hilarious idea that satoru can use rct to fill his balls back up so his stamina is endless. enjoy luvs (and yes he absolutely uses his abilities for stupid shit like this)
- in the bedroom... he's a versatile switch on paper but definitely prefers being a dom and a top. subby satoru is an absolute treat tho, he gets real whiney and bratty and then as a dom he's rly a sadistic tease. also he's got an 8 inch pecker bc ofc he does. bastard.
dirty talk - pls he loves the sound of his own voice he will NOT stfu LMAO also he just... idk.. has an absolutely foul mouth and will describe shit in detail and ask nasty ass questions like um someone put this man back in his enclosure. basically he loves to see his partner blush and squirm from the lewd shit that comes out of his mouth. one of his fave things to do is say smth absolutely disgusting in their ear when they're out and about just to see how it gets his partner flustered
notable kinks:
exhibitionism - he likes to fuck in public and also kinda likes to lowkey let it be known that he's fucking his partner. maybe not full-on getting caught but he loves being risky. he'll place a hand on their ass and grope them when talking to someone or have them walk around with a toy inside and ramp it up to the highest setting when they're ordering at a restaurant. yeahhh
voyeurism - he LOVES sending pics and receiving pics and also he loves to watch his partner touch themselves for him. drives him crazy.
breeding - i mean is anyone surprised. i got nothing else to say just he wants to pump someone full of his honored one seed
praise - this one is more directed at himself. he loves to get his ego inflated but he will also praise his partner lots too bc he wants them to feel good
sado-masochist - it's not super extreme but this does play into how much he loves to tease. he wont hurt them too bad but he does y'know like to overstimulate and maybe slap someone around a bit (esp spanking). choking's on the table too, he loves that shit. as for the masochism... subtoru wants his dick to get stepped on and prob wants to get stabbed idk i feel like he's not used to it and he'd go crazy for it a lil bit.
teasing/edging - kinda prob conveyed heavily already by everything above, but he rly will torment someone with slight touches and act like he's innocent and they're the dirty one bc he wants them to beg for it.. yep loves feeding his ego that way and would def be like "nope you gotta say it!" and he rly will not give them what they want until they spell it out for him. i mentioned above the use of toys, but also sending dirty texts/pics, cockwarming, edging, thighfucking so they can feel it but not where they want it... stuff like that.
idk how to really define this but he would love sexy roleplays like. his partner dressing as a maid or a nurse stuff like that lol also related-ish but he v much enjoys seeing his partner dress in sexy clothes to entice him (like lingerie or rly revealing stuff)
not rly a kink but he loves eating pussy/sucking dick/eating ass he will do it all day it will double as rct to his brain anyway this is all i can think of for now, there's way more trust me this man is a total pervert we are fr just scratching the surface here <3 i hope this makes sense and helps u all see more into this little gremlin freak's mind. to anyone who read this thank u and also i am sorry for subjecting u to this
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madefate · 4 months
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i'm in a mood & last weekend i talked about bottom!blitz headcanons, so let's have some top!blitz headcanons
service top service top service top. he can get fucking LOST in getting his partner off. there is something so DEEPLY satisfying as seeing his partner hit that point when they're so blissed out they're fully relaxed - whether or not they hit subspace, he just feels so accomplished.
he's meticulous. he likes learning his partner's erogenous zones and sensitive spots, the things they respond well to, their preferences, and he likes drawing it out. ( i can't do this real quick / smash cut to the next morning. )
when he's domming he's such a pleasure dom. he used to be so much more into pain, but when he stopped receiving it as much he also stopped giving it as much. nah - he's much more inclined to drive you fucking crazy with orgasms / denial / edging, sensations, anything to light your brain up.
part of the reason he likes using gags is because, perhaps subconsciously, he knows he likes not having to think or say things or be in charge when he's subbing, and when he can put his partner in the same headspace of pleasure, that's a win in his book.
when he was younger, he definitely was into the more unsafe aspects of kink - knife play, blood play, breath play. but now that he's older and he's learned about actual safe play, he obviously doesn't do it anymore.
sensation plaaaay. ice, hot wax, different textures, anticipation, teasing.
he's more attentive about aftercare when he's topping vs bottoming. he learned from professionals! he does the whole checklist, knows to keep water & snacks around for longer sessions, definitely gives a LOT of non sexual touch.
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luxeberries · 2 years
dustin is genuinely such a good, sweet person and i feel like its often overshadowed by his bitchy nature (which i love sm) and i just...i think about him and dart so much because of what he says to mike in defense of himself: 'we have a bond because he trusts me' and he even goes as far as to say 'just because hes from the upside down doesn't mean hes evil' which is like. the only time anyone has ever voiced that thought in 4 seasons - that the upside down and the creatures that live there might not be innately evil. (and i could make an entire other post about how dart proves that the upside down isnt inherently evil but thats for another time- ) and its because dart is his friend, which the show established in s3--
dustin has certain issues with his own friends drifting from him and theres that bike scene with mike in season 1 where he's just okay with the fact that lucas and mike are best friends and dustin is, like, lesser because he was the last to join and lives further away (which, as mike says, he isnt lesser). but hes just okay with that. until s3 where they all blow him off after hes been away for months and he feels neglected! hes upset! he complains about it to steve!
so dart is, like, this little helpless, harmless, mysterious critter he found eating junk in his trash. and i might be going off base but id argue that not only does dustin consider dart a friend, but also he sees himself in dart. they both like nougat, for one, and dustin is established to be a food-lover (which i fucking adore), and dart is toothless, like him.
not only does being toothless make dart (appear) harmless (and so very cute, so adorable), but it makes him like dustin. in s1 dustin was missing his front teeth (i dont actually know the deal with gaten's teeth in s2+3 but anyway) and was mocked for it, even named 'toothless' by his bullies.
i think its definitely arguable that dustin defended dart even when the evidence pointed towards something sinister because he was a kid and he thought dart was his friend and he felt betrayed and was in denial that he was wrong about his new friend, but i also think dustin just. sees the best in people. he saw the good in dart and even when dart is full demodog, dustin still trusts dart enough that he allows his friends to walk past him while he distracts dart with nougat. he knows that bond is still there, he knows that dart still trusts him.
dustin sees the best in people, he sees the best in dart, he sees the best in eddie and yeah im gonna compare his bond with dart to his bond with eddie now. both were said to be evil, both were cared for deeply by dustin, who hid them away from those who said they were evil. dustin is adamant to both max and steve that eddie isnt bad, eddie is a good person, his first reaction to 'eddie is suspect number one' is 'thats crazy. there is no way' and his first reaction to 'dart is from the upside down' is 'that doesnt mean he's bad', i jsut. fuck.
he saw the good in steve too. like yeah sure at first he just needs steve's protection, but he is the first of the kids to cheer steve on and call him awesome and when he needs help in s3 he goes to steve again over his own friends, and in s4 he 'insisted' that steve was a badass to eddie, who has only ever known steve as king of hawkins high, because he wanted eddie to know how cool and good steve is now and was probably even offended when eddie inevitably laughed in his face about it.
dustin wears his heart on his sleeve and just. in general is such a good kid. all he wants is for his friends to be safe and happy, he doesn't like to argue with his friends - when lucas and him get in a spat about dart and max, dustin tries to stop the argument by saying 'we both broke the rule of law, we're even' - hes the first to apologise to max when mike excludes her from the party meeting, he's so gentle with eddie in the boathouse, realising eddie cant handle touch and keeping his voice calm and quiet as he delicately explained the truth of hawkins.
UGH i just. i fucking love dustin so much.
bonus s1 dustin (and lucas, mostly lucas what a sweet kid) being sweet with el.
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unendingwanderlust · 1 year
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Welcome to my first ever Kinktober! The following is a list of every story I'll post for the event. Links will be added as each story is uploaded to AO3. Enjoy!
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DAY 1: PEGGING | F!Gimli/Legolas Gothic Romance, AU - Lighthouse Keeper, Ghosts & Hauntings, Rimming, Facesitting
Being a dwarrowdam of the ancient line of Durin was never easy. Even more so for Gimli, daughter of Geiri, who was named after one of her most glorious ancestors and yet could not even boast one average deed during her hitherto lifetime.
Deeply unsatisfied and feeling like something important is missing, Gimli accepts a job as a lighthouse keeper. Everything goes smoothly until she meets the ghost of the previous keeper…
DAY 3: HATE SEX | Gimli/Legolas Secret Relationship, Plot What Plot, Rough Sex, Anal Sex
They can bicker all day and find each other ridiculously attractive; these are not mutually exclusive. It is not as if they are going to get married and sail to Valinor together. This is simply a release...
Or so Legolas keeps telling himself...
DAY 4: RIMMING | Thorin/Thranduil Plot What Plot, Dom/sub, Bondage, Anal Sex, Part of the Summitry series
During the daytime and around others, Thranduil treats Thorin with the decorum of a fellow king. At night and in private on the other hand…
DAY 5: COLLARING | Arwen/Tauriel Plot What Plot, Dark!Arwen, AU - Sauron Wins, Slavery, Cunnilingus, Throne Sex
Tauriel was a tough one to break. This does not mean that Arwen did not enjoy every moment of the process. Now, Tauriel does not even glare at Arwen when she is commanded to strip to bare skin and kneel before the throne. She keeps green eyes lowered to the floor as she obeys her queen...
DAY 6: DUBCON | Thorin/Bilbo Angst, Dragon Sickness, Possessive!Thorin, Throne Sex, Hand Jobs, Part of the A World Of Our Own series
Bilbo blinked the tears away. Was the Thorin he had known and grown to love gone forever? The creature that had replaced him was not even a dwarf by any stretch of the imagination. Bilbo recognized his current terror as the same that had gripped his heart when he had come face to face with Smaug for the first time...
DAY 12: COSTUMES | Sigrid/Tauriel Modern Middle Earth, Ficlet, Part of the There Goes The Neighborhood series
“You could hand-stitch this entire situation,” Tauriel gestures at the little flowers embroidered at her waist, “but not add more fabric?”
Sigrid squeezes Tauriel’s breasts together. The dress may not expose them, but the only thing holding it in place is a prayer. “How obvious it is that you don't know anything about fashion…”
DAY 13: MENOPHILIA | Serana/F!Dragonborn Outdoor Sex, Period Sex, Cunnilingus
Vampires do not have a particularly sensitive sense of smell. Serana does not even need to breathe, for crying out loud! And yet, the Dragonborn's scent is driving her crazy. It has for days now...
DAY 14: ORGASM DENIAL | Bard/Thorin/Thranduil Established Relationship, Plot What Plot, Dom/sub, Anal Sex, Facials, Part of the Summitry series
“What if I touched him without bringing him to completion?” Bard blurts before his brain can catch up with his mouth. “Would you allow this?”
Thorin muffles his keen into a smooth thigh.
Thranduil smirks and his voice lowers to a luxuriant purr. “My, oh my. You are so cruel, Bard.”
“You are right. It is a terrible idea-”
“And I love it,” Thranduil lifts himself on his elbows. “I shall allow it…”
DAY 16: PUBLIC | Gimli/Legolas Pining, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Sex Pollen, Fuck Or Die, Mutual Masturbation, Porn With Feelings
After visiting Fangorn forest with Legolas, Gimli proclaims a deep love for the woods. His closest friends and kin scratch their heads in confusion at the sudden change of heart. Here’s what really happened…
DAY 17: THREESOME | Bard/Thorin/Thranduil Established Relationship, Plot What Plot, A Little Jealousy, Anal Sex, Part of the Summitry series
By some miracle, or perhaps excellent blackmail, Thorin convinces Thranduil to invite them for a drink after nightfall. Crippling silence prevails, only broken by Thranduil's offended mumbling of one word among sips of wine: fishing. Thranduil speaks it as if it single-handedly destroyed his family, pillaged his homeland, and took a pair of scissors to his favorite robes.
By the fifth time the word is spoken, Thorin snaps. “Will you get over it already?!”
“This is all your fault, Thorin,” Thranduil jabs an accusing finger at him...
DAY 18: SPANKING | Giles/Buffy Established Relationship, Ficlet
“Really?” Giles asks with a furrow in his brow.
“Really,” Buffy declares, as if she didn't just shamelessly admit that she wants him to bend her over his lap and spank her…
DAY 19: EXHIBITIONISM & VOYEURISM | Sigrid/Tauriel Modern Middle Earth, AU - Neighbors, Part of the There Goes The Neighborhood series
As summer turns to fall, a new tenant moves into the apartment across from Tauriel’s living room…
DAY 21: PANTIES & LINGERIE | Sigrid/Tauriel Modern Middle Earth, AU - Neighbors, First Time/Loss of Virginity, Part of the There Goes The Neighborhood series
Tauriel has decided: today is the day she has run out of sugar, and she’s going to ask the cute neighbor across the street for a cup.
Or, at least, this was the plan until the cute neighbor herself appeared at her door…
DAY 22: BONDAGE | Bard/Thorin/Thranduil Established Relationship, Ficlet, Part of the Summitry series
Bard pretends not to notice how Thorin's breath hitches as soon as his touch makes light contact with his bare skin. He turns to Thranduil. “I thought you were going to read the terms of the new trade agreement.”
Thranduil surveys his work, slips a finger between the rope and Thorin's wrists to ensure that it will not cut off his circulation. Then, he tugs, testing the knot. “And I am. But first, I like to have a view while I work...”
DAY 23: DEEPTHROATING | Bard/Legolas Plot What Plot, Oral Sex, Public
After the Battle of Five Armies, Legolas has decided to travel north. However, before he leaves, he has a confession to make…
DAY 24: CROSSDRESSING | Sigrid/Tauriel Modern Middle Earth, AU - Neighbors, Established Relationship, Mentions of Drugs, Part of the There Goes The Neighborhood series
Ten minutes before the show is scheduled to start, Sigrid tugs at Tauriel's wrist to pull her aside. The look on her face reads that she's two seconds away from committing murder, but her ire doesn't seem to be directed at Tauriel. “Remember when you joked that the secret ingredient for your hot chocolate was cocaine? Well, this is true in the modeling world.”
Tauriel's eyebrows climb to her hairline. “Excuse me?”
“My model just overdosed in the restroom and we can't find a replacement,” Sigrid blurts out. “But you're about his height, so you could do this for me, right? With a few quick alterations, this won't be a complete fiasco!”
DAY 25: EDGEPLAY | Thranduil/Thranduil's Wife Best Friends To Lovers, Bodyguard Romance, Knife Play, First Time/Loss of Virginity, Light Femdom, Sexual Shame, Part of the A World Of Our Own series
“Have you ever… had a dream, one that was so lovely and at the same time one that made you wonder what is wrong with you for enjoying it so much?”
Thranduil assumed that he would fall in battle, but it looks like he is going to die of embarrassment instead…
DAY 26: MASTURBATION | Faith/Buffy Possession, Bath, Set during S4 E16
After stealing Buffy's body, Faith sates her curiosity...
DAY 27: DOUBLE PENETRATION IN TWO HOLES | Bard/Thorin/Thranduil Plot What Plot, Established Relationship, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Part of the Summitry Series
In Erebor, Thorin enjoys being the center of all attention…
DAY 28: BODY WORSHIP | Giles/Buffy Established Relationship, Ficlet
Giles begins with her lips: soft kisses, reverent and adoring...
DAY 31: CUDDLING | Bard/Thranduil Modern Middle Earth, Established Relationship, Plot What Plot, Anal Sex
Bard and Thranduil's scary movie marathon doesn't go as planned…
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