#i actually had a great time at my bat mitzvah
my awful camping experiences
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frances-baby-houseman · 5 months
Something that has been stressing me out UNBELIEVABLY, like wakes me up in the middle of the night, cannot stop thinking about it, freaking out on the regular, is that we have to join a synagogue by September. Alice HAS to start religious school-- bat mitzvah prep starts in third grade!!
For awhile we went to adam's dad's congregation in Northfield, but they had a bad cantor transition and that combined with COVID meant we fully stopped going after being pretty engaged members for 5ish years. We don't want to go back there, but where!?
We tried a VERY FANCY congregation in the fall, bc Joe's friend's family goes there and it's close to our house, but I did not get the right feeling there. They did not do the right tune for Kol Nidre! And also we learned that adam's cousin bedbugs goes there and I'm sorry I have such a complex about her, our girls are the same age and love each other which is great, cousins should love each other, but I cannot handle being in the same bat mitzvah class!! We are not hedge funge mengeaners!! So that was out. But where?!?!?!?
I was literally crying and crying about this yesterday to both Adam and my work bestie bc you're just supposed to go where your family goes!!! But adam's family abandoned us!!
And then! This morning! In my canasta group we have a side chat for the jewish girls so we can share jewish events, and one of the women texted us an event at a local temple for next week and I was like, OMG YES TELL ME MORE WE ARE SYNAGOGUE SHOPPING! And two of the other women are also, and we were like, let's do this together! so one of them gave us the rundown on everywhere, and she actually said our best bet was probably the congregation that Adam's aunt and uncle go to! They love it and I've been a few times and didn't love it, but they've since merged with another congregation and have a really good reputation. So we're going to try it out, and another temple down the street from my house that's having a yom ha atzmaut party next week.
Look at that! Look at hashem giving me a little life boat! And maybe I will join with my new friends!!
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gaytruckerthoughts · 2 months
things that some trucking companies list as 'perks' to potential new drivers that are really just a given, or at least should be:
-a driver's lounge. what?? you mean at the company yard there is a place to.. sit down? whaaaaaat
-laundry. you mean your company yard provides 1-2 washer and dryer machines to the drivers that basically live in their trucks that belong to your company?? whhaaaat
addendum: im not joking, these mega-carriers that will have upwards of 40 tractors parked in a company yard overnight at once will usually not have more than 2 sets of laundry machines. it's ridiculous. in case you're wondering, the other place to do laundry on the road is at commercial truck stops, where they charge high prices and the machines don't work and it's a great time)
-weekly or bi-weekly pay. yeah that's how jobs usually work my guy. we're not going on the honor system here
-24/7 dispatch. whaat?? you mean if someone is making a delivery at 2am and they run into a problem or need an extra fuel stop, there will be someone available to call?? ridiculous. that sort of thing would never happen literally all the time. nobody has ever gotten into an accident and had to talk to the safety dept after business hours. unheard of
-electronic logs. any company that's not basically just one owner/operator who is using paper logs anymore is highly suspect, and is probably trying to coerce employees into driving unsafe/illegal hours
-fuel card. yeah obviously. if you are a company driver, or an owner/operator and paying your own fuel costs, it is extremely common for the company to provide a fuel card for at least one truck stop chain. they are going to do it to get discounts for their company drivers anyway, they should also let the owner/ops benefit
-flexible home time. you mean i can go home specifically in time for my niece's bat mitzvah or my grandmother's funeral?? how kind of you
-higher pay for specialized driving such as triples or heavy haul. obviously more difficult. requires more training and endorsements. and worse routing if there are roads you can't access. for example, an oversized load might not be able to fit under certain bridges, and some national parks don't allow hazmat tankers in case of spillage
-sufficient weekly or monthly miles rolling. people aren't signing up to drive in order to.. Not
ACTUAL perks to look for:
-rider/passenger policy (your partner or kid can be in the truck with you)
-pet policy (you can have a little friendo living in the truck)
-general pet policy, instead of like 'one pet allowed, and it has to be a dog under 40lbs and there's breed restrictions' bullshit (we have met some massive trucker puppies. depending on the individual dog, a large size dog can do fine in a truck)
-no pet deposit. like at an apartment where you have to pay a fee for the pet to stay there
-no slip seating, meaning you have the same truck for like a year at a time. generally you can also ask to have the tractor detailed/cleaned when you swap to another tractor that's not brand new. slip seating doesn't allow you to settle, in or decorate, and you often have to put up with smoke smell or a huge mess or whatever
-extra pay for things like extra stops on the same truckload, tarping [for flatbeds], passed dot inspections, detention hours, etc
-exclusively no touch freight or exclusively drop and hook freight. this is specifically for over-the-road, dedicated, or regional drivers though
-for lighter-than-truckload drivers, having a person to unload the truck, instead of having to drive and also ruin your spine and knees all in the same eventful day
-extra pay for driving in some urban areas, driving internationally, and having your hazmat endorsement
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maguneedsalife · 1 year
the judaism weeaboo
back with another fun work story bc this has been going on for five years and we all finally got sick of his shit 
Okay, so. This guy. Let’s call him Bob.
Bob is a non-Jewish individual in our local community who has a deep fascination with Judaism, but has said he has no desire to convert. Instead he seems to like talking with Jews in order to show off his knowledge and explain our traditions back to us. I’ve taken to calling him a Judaism weeaboo, as his general know-it-all attitude and lack of respect for actual Jews is similar to the way weeaboos behave around Japanese people.
Bob has been in contact with us for a few years now, with most of our contact in 2018 and waning considerably in the pandemic. He is usually cordial and friendly on the phone, but in reality he does not have a lot of self awareness, nor does he demonstrate any real respect for synagogue staff or the Jewish community. When he calls he keeps staff on the line for a really long time, either showing off his own knowledge of judaism or trying to get us on his side. He’s never threatening or angry, just persistent.
Things Bob has asked about:
whether he can email us entirely in hebrew
whether i speak hebrew (and when I responded that I didn’t, he said “the conservative movement has great resources for learning hebrew” implying that i should know hebrew)
whether it would be alright for him to attend a bat mitzvah so he can say mazel tov to a 13 year old girl he does not know and who does not know him
whether it would be okay for him to record a class (and when we said no because our members aren’t comfortable being recorded by a stranger he tried to debate us on it)
whether he can add a message to our refuah shlemah/get well list wishing the (then-pregnant) rabbi an easy birth in hebrew (not what the list is for)
Bob attended services occasionally pre-pandemic. At the after-service lunches he consistently tried to corner the rabbis for a discussion, and on at least one occasion ran over a synagogue member’s toes with his chair. He has also attended classes held at the synagogue, and made the other people in the class uncomfortable with his know-it-all attitude. He even had an appointment with one of the rabbis once, during which he made her extremely uncomfortable with the endless mansplaining/debating/etc. Bob has been trying to get another appointment with that rabbi for years. He has not specified why he wants to talk (only that he likes talking with her and “appreciates her wisdom”) so I can only assume he is looking for another chance to debate an expert and show off.
I don’t have a mean bone in my body so I unfortunately haven’t been able to be clear with him that he’s not going to get that appointment, just continually telling him the rabbis aren’t available to meet with non-members and hoping he’ll either get the hint or give up. My previous boss tried to tell him off more clearly in the past, and it only resulted in him calling the front desk to complain that she was rude to him and that he would like a written apology from her. He has called multiple times asking for the written apology.
Anyway. He hadn’t called in a while so I assumed he finally decided to move on, but today he calls and I unfortunately answer the phone before I notice the name on caller ID. He wants to know if the rabbis are available between shavuot and “the 17th of Tammuz” (when prompted for the english date he just repeated the hebrew one). I passed him to my coworker for backup because they have an easier time telling folks off. Bob proceeded to keep them on the line for almost an hour, holding them past closing time so he could air his various grievances and try to get them on his side. He barely let them get a word in and did not answer their questions. He also apparently referred to one of our rabbis as a “Jewess” (which is a SLUR). 
They finally managed to end the conversation and then were like “ok so I’m going to send him an email explaining why we aren’t going to speak to him and I’m copying our boss.” Tomorrow I’m learning how to block numbers in our phone system so im just like. prayer emoji that we never hear from him again
anyway. now you all know about bob
(please don’t send me advice for what to do about bob, i’m not looking for help with my bob-related problems nor looking for possible explanations for his behavior. we are going to very clearly tell him we’re done talking to him and then block his number.)
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matan4il · 1 year
I don't know if you watch Grey's Anatomy but in this week's episode (19x15), there's a kid who is a patient just when he was supposed to have his bar mitzvah, and so the doctors organize for him to be able to do it at the hospital. And he does it with his grandfather who hadn't been able to have one in Germany. It was really a nice scene :)
Awwww, Nonnie! Thank you for telling me! That sounds so sweet. I used to watch Grey's Anatomy, but i kind of had to stop. I loved Callie's storyline with Erica Hahn. I know, seems unpopular. She started out as a not-very-nice surgeon, but I liked it when they brought her back and allowed her to be more human. I liked that she became a multi-faceted character. And then when they were started to throw out hints about her and Callie? When they were doing the build up for them? Don't get me wrong, it was still NOT in the ballpark of hetero slow burns, I guess you could call it a 'mid burn', though it was still better than what most mlm couples get (with maybe the exception of Black Sails and Our Flag Means Death, at least of what I've seen). I was the eyes emoji. And then the show actually followed through, it ACTUALLY let them get together and kiss with the music swelling? :o I was in awe, I loved it, I was SO there for it. They even explored what it means for Erica to figure out she's gay later in life versus Callie exploring her bisexuality (I didn't always love how they went about Callie's bisexuality, but I did like that they let them each have her own discovery story).
And then they just... got rid of Erica? And in almost no time replaced her with Arizona? And it was so clear they were intent on telling a wlw story, which was awesome, but when the audience didn't react well enough to Erica, they just... got rid of her and brought in a younger, "softer" version of her, as if queer characters are that easily replaceable. I was offended. I LIKED having an older queer woman's story being told. And I get Erica didn't start out nice, but by the time her and Callie got together, I did like her. So it was hard for me to warm up to Arizona. And even when I kind of reluctantly accepted her, because hey, it's better than no queer rep for wlw, I ended up not liking a lot of what they did with Callie and Arizona. Like the way Callie gets pregnant. They had a ridiculous fight between her and Arizona, just so Callie wouldn't be technically cheating when she sleeps with Mark and gets pregnant, and then Arizona comes back and magically, all the stuff that drove her and Callie apart is not there anymore, and Arizona accepts the baby with relative ease, but it just became yet another storyline that doesn't show how MOST same sex parents ACTUALLY become parents. So IDK when exactly, but at some point around that time, I quit GA rather than quietly rage about how bad the wlw rep was IMO.
I want you just to understand what it means that you managed to make me wanna watch an ep of GA again! IDK, but I will. Thank you so much for telling me about that and just in case you're curious? There are actually a lot of real life stories like that! Holocaust survivors who get to make up for the bar and bat mitzvahs they were robbed off. Here's an example, there's a program that brings survivors annually to the Western Wall in Jerusalem to have their bar/bat mitzvah there! I find it very moving, because THEY are so clearly moved by what they get to do.
Have a great day, lovely! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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st-alia-atreides · 2 years
i love kj from paper girls so much because i vividly remember being 12 and arguing with my mom about wearing sneakers to my bat mitzvah
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benevolentbirdgal · 4 years
“Thirteen″ Tips for Writing About Synagogues / Jewish Writing Advice / Advice for Visiting Synagogues
So your story includes a Jew (or two) and you’ve a got a scene in a synagogue. Maybe there’s a bar mitzvah, maybe your gentile protagonist is visiting their partner’s synagogue. Maybe there’s a wedding or a community meeting being held there. For whatever reason, you want a scene in a shul. I’m here as your friendly (virtual) neighborhood Jewish professional to help you not sound like a gentile who thinks a synagogue is just a church with a Star of David instead of a cross. 
Quick note: The are lots of synagogues around the world, with different specific cultural, local, and denominational practices. The Jewish community is made up of roughly 14 million people worldwide with all sorts of backgrounds, practices, life circumstances, and beliefs. I’m just one American Jew, but I’ve had exposure to Jewishness in many forms after living in 3.5 states (at several different population densities/layouts), attending Jewish day school and youth groups, doing Jewish college stuff, and landing a job at a Jewish non-profit. I’m speaking specifically in an American or Americanish context, though some of this will apply elsewhere as well. I’m also writing from the view of Before Times when gatherings and food and human contact was okay.
Bear in mind as well, in this discussion, the sliding scale of traditional observance to secular/liberal observance in modern denominations: Ultraorthodox (strict tradition), Modern Orthodox (Jewish law matters but we live in a modern world), Conservative (no relation to conservative politics, brands itself middle ground Judaism), Reconstructionist (start with Jewish law and then drop/add bits to choose your own adventure), and Reform (true build your own adventure, start at basically zero and incorporate only as you actively choose).
Synagogue = shul = temple. Mikvah (ritual bath) is its own thing and usually not attached to the shul. Jewish cemeteries are also typically nowhere near the shul, because dead bodies are considered impure.   
A Bar/Bat/Bnai Mitzvah is the Jewish coming of age ceremony. Bar (“son”) for boys at 13+, Bat (“daughter”) at 12+, and Bnai (“children”) for multiples (i.e. twins/triplets/siblings) or non-binary kids (although the use of the phrase “Bnai Mitzvah” this way is pretty new). 12/13 is the minimum, 12-14 the norm but very Reform will sometimes allow 11 and anybody above 12/13 can have theirs. Probably a dedicated post for another time. Generally, however, the following will happen: the kid will lead some parts of services, read from and/or carry the Torah, and make a couple of speeches. 
Attire: think Sunday Best (in this case Saturday), not come as you are. Even at very liberal reconstructionist/reform synagogues you wouldn’t show up in jeans and a t-shirt or work overalls. Unless they are seriously disconnected from their culture, your Jewish character is not coming to Saturday morning services in sneakers and jeans (their gentile guest, however, might come too casual and that’d be awkward).  1a. The more traditional the denomination, the more modest the attire. Outside of orthodoxy woman may wear pants, but dresses/skirts are more common. Tights for anything above knee common for Conservative/Reform/Recon, common for even below knee for orthodox shuls. Men will typically be wearing suits or close to it, except in very Reform spaces.  1b. Really, think business casual or nice dinner is the level of dressiness here for regular services. Some minor holidays or smaller events more casual is fine. Social events and classes casual is fine too.  1c. Even in reform synagogues, modesty is a thing. Get to the knee or close to it. No shoulders (this an obsession in many Jewish religious spaces for whatever reason), midriffs, or excessive cleavage (as I imagine to be the norm in most houses of worship). 
Gendered clothing:  3a. Men and boys wear kippahs (alt kippot, yarmulkes) in synagogues, regardless of whether they’re Jewish or not out of respect to the space. Outside of Jewish spaces it’s saying “I’m a Jew” but inside of Jewish spaces it’s saying “I’m a Jew or a gentile dude who respects the Jewish space.”  Outside of very Reform shuls, it’s a major faux pass to be a dude not wearing one.  3b. There are little buckets of loaner kippahs if you don’t bring your own and commemorative kippahs are given away at events (bar mitzvah, weddings). Your Jewish dude character not bringing or grabbing one is basically shouting “I’m new here.”  3c. Women are permitted to wear kippahs, but the adoption of a the traditionally masculine accessory will likely be interpreted by other Jews as LGBTQ+ presentation, intense feminism, and/or intense but nontraditional devoutness. Nobody will clutch their pearls (outside of ultraorthodoxy) but your character is sending a message.  3d. Tefillin are leather boxes and wrappings with prayers inside them that some Jewish men wrap around their arms (no under bar mitzvah or gentiles). Like with the kippah, a woman doing this is sending a message of feminism and/or nontraditional religious fervor.  3e. Additionally, prayer shawls, known as tallit, are encouraged/lightly expected of Jewish males (over 13) but not as much as Kippahs are. It is more common to have a personal set of tallit than tefillin. Blue and white is traditional, but they come in all sorts of fun colors and patterns now. Mine is purple and pink. It is much more common for women to have tallit and carries much fewer implications about their relationship to Judaism than wearing a kippah does.  3f. Married woman usually cover their hair in synagogues. Orthodox women will have wigs or full hair covers, but most Jewish woman will put a token scarf or doily on their head in the synagogue that doesn’t actually cover their hair. The shul will also have a doily loaner bucket. 
Jewish services are long (like 3-4 hours on a Saturday morning), but most people don’t get there until about the 1-1.5 hour mark. Your disconnected Jewish character or their gentile partner might not know that though. 
Although an active and traditional synagogue will have brief prayers three times every day, Torah services thrice a week, holiday programming, and weekly Friday night and Saturday morning services, the latter is the thing your Jewish character is most likely attending on the reg. A typical Saturday morning service will start with Shacharit (morning prayers) at 8:30-9, your genre savvy not-rabbi not-Bnai mitzvah kid Jewish character will get there around 9:30-10:15. 10:15-10:30 is the Torah service, which is followed by additional prayers. Depending on the day of the Jewish year (holidays, first day of new month, special shabbats), they’ll be done by 12:30 or 1 p.m. Usually.  After that is the oneg, a communal meal. Onegs start with wine and challah, and commence with a full meal. No waiting 4-8 hours to have a covered-dish supper after services. The oneg, outside of very, very, very Reform spaces will be kosher meat or kosher dairy. 
To conduct certain prayers (including the mourner’s prayers and the Torah service) you need a Minyan, which at least 10 Jewish “adults” must be present, defined as post Bar/Bat/Bnai Mitzvah. In Conservative/Reform/Recon, men and women are counted equally. In Ultraorthodox women are not counted. In Modern Orthodox it depends on the congregation, and some congregations will hold women’s-only services as well with at least ten “adult” Jewish women present.
In Conservative and Orthodox shuls, very little English is used outside of speeches and sermons. Prayers are in Hebrew, which many Jews can read the script of but not understand. Transliterations are also a thing.  In Reform synagogues, there’s heavy reliance on the lingua franca (usually English in American congregations). Reconstructionist really varies, but is generally more Hebrew-based than Reform. 
We’re a very inquisitive people. If your character is new to the synagogue, there will be lots of questions at the post-services oneg (meal, typically brunch/lunch). Are you new in town? Have you been here before? Where did you come from? Are you related to my friend from there? How was parking? Do you know my cousin? Are you single? What is your mother’s name? What do you think of the oneg - was there enough cream cheese? What summer camp did you go to? Can you read Hebrew? Have you joined?  A disconnected Jew or gentile might find it overwhelming, but many connected Jews who are used to it would be like “home sweet chaos” because it’s OUR chaos. 
In Orthodox synagogues, men and women have separate seating sections. There may be a balcony or back section, or there may be a divider known as a mechitzah in the middle. Children under 12/13 are permitted on either side, but over 12/13 folks have to stay one section or the other. Yes, this is a problem/challenge for trans and nonbinary Jews.  Mechitzahs are not a thing outside of orthodoxy. Some older Conservative synagogues will have women’s sections, but no longer expect or enforce this arrangement.   
Money. Is. Not. Handled. On. Shabbat. Or. Holidays. Especially. Not. In. The. Synagogue. Seriously, nothing says “goy writing Jews” more than a collection plate in shul. No money plate, no checks being passed around, even over calls for money (as opposed to just talking about all the great stuff they do and upcoming projects) are tacky and forbidden on Shabbat. Synagogues rely on donations and dues, and will solicit from members, but don’t outright request money on holidays and Shabbat. 
Outside of Reform and very nontraditional Conservative spaces, no instruments on Shabbat or holidays. No clapping either. Same goes for phones, cameras, and other electronics outside of microphones (which aren’t permitted in Orthodox services either).  11a. In the now-times an increasing number of shuls have set up cameras ahead of time pre-programmed to record, so they don’t have to actively “make fire” which is “work” (this is the relevant commandment/mitzvah) on Shabbat, so services can be live-streamed. 11b. After someone has completed an honor (reading from the Torah, carrying the Torah, opening the ark, etc), the appropriate response is a handshake after and the words “Yasher Koach” (again, Before-Times).
Jewish services involve a lot of movement. Get up, sit down. Look behind you, look in front of you. Twist left, twist right. A disconnected Jew or gentile visitor would be best off just trying to follow along with what an exchange student we had once termed “Jewish choreography.” Some prayers are standing prayers (if able), some are sitting prayers. It’s just how it is, although a handful of prayers have variations on who stands. 
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
5x07: The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
A woman sits at home reading tabloid news. Her husband rushes in and doesn’t even greet her as he runs for the bathroom. Once there, he quickly transforms into an old man, and dies. 
The CDC is on the case! Sam and Dean check out the victim -and he does not look like he was born in 1984. Dean calls Bobby to give him the heads up on the case. Dean then asks Bobby how he’s doing, but Bobby isn’t one for emotions.
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The brothers then go to interview the wife of another missing man. Dean sneaks off to rifle through the man’s things and finds a receipt to Madame Liu’s Golden Palace. Bingo. 
When Dean and Sam go to investigate the hotel of fun, they don’t find the old man they’re expecting, but a much younger man. 
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They almost don’t realize that he’s who they're looking for but Sam notices he has the same tattoo on his arm and Dean had to confirm by looking under the sheets. Oh Dean. Dean also tells the guy he looks great. 
Cliff begs the brothers to not tell his wife. They want to know what his story is. He tells them it’s poker --chips are for years of your life. He won big. The guy running the game is an Irish man named Patrick and he moves around from bar to bar. 
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On the phone, Bobby confirms that there’s a lot of lore on this. Sam and Dean split up to find the guy. Bobby grabs his keys. 
Dean stops at a bar and tries talking up the bartender. The bartender tells him where to go with a little bribe. Dean heads to where the game is played, only to run into Bobby. Dean asks Bobby what he’s doing there. Bobby played the game, and lost. BOBBY. 
Dean storms off to find the (man)witch. Dean threatens him with a gun (pre-witch killing bullet days make me laugh --like that isn’t a threat, Dean!) but Patrick tells Dean that if he wants to get Bobby’s years back (WHICH HE DIDN’T HAVE ANYWAY UGH UGH UGH) he’ll have to play for them. 
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Dean bets 50 years. He cashes out Bobby’s 25 right away, and Bobby returns to normal. Dean needs to win them back. 
Sam gets back to the motel with food to find an old man there. Well, not really --it’s Dean! They exchange fun barbs about what Dean looks like as an old man while Dean digs into his burger. Bobby pops in and Sam gets to watch a live recreation of Grumpy Old Men, which he’s enjoying IMMENSELY. 
Dean continues to chastise Bobby for being so reckless. Bobby tells Dean he doesn’t understand. Dean then collapses into a chair with heart attack pains. Bobby tells him it’s acid reflux and he’ll “have to put down the cheeseburger.” The struggle is real, Dean. 
They need to head out and win back the 50 years for Dean. As they’re leaving, the housekeeper arrives and finds old man Dean cute as a button. Your charms are worthless, Dean --and Sam and Bobby are delighted. 
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They track Patrick, who steals a car, and heads to a high rise apartment building. When he leaves again, they head inside. The elevator is out of service so Sam and Dean head up the stairs alone. Dean’s near exhaustion by the second floor.
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 Sam (and eventually Dean) find Patrick’s apartment and break in. There are a lot of unattended candles burning --stressing me out. 
They find a safe but Dean can’t focus on the numbers, lol. Sam breaks it though and they find coins inside. A woman finds them and asks what they're doing (so the candles weren’t unattended, whew.) 
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Also, she’s a witch, and Patrick is also there and tells them they can gladly take the chips --they’re just chips. Patrick tells them they’ll have to play if they want the years. 
He won’t play Dean though --he’s not a murderer. They leave, but Patrick gives Sam a parting gift BY CLAPPING.
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Sam “Why Do I Get All the Venereal Diseases” Winchester wants to play the poker game. “When you get to be our age,” Dean tells Sam condescendingly as they try to talk him out of it. 
“You’re thirty, Dean!” Sam retorts. Cracks me up EVERY TIME. 
Bobby follows the Winchester playbook by offering to play again - this time for Dean. He argues that it’s worth risking his life. That way, he misses out on the apocalypse. Also, we’re reminded that Bobby hates his paralysis and thinks he’s useless. “I’m old...I’m broke down. I ain't a hunter no more. I'm useless.” I tell Bobby that his role was lore and manning the phones for most of the series so far and ANYWAY he ain’t useless. 
Lia greets them at their motel. 
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She offers them “the most powerful reversal spell you ever laid your eyes on.” First of all, love the confidence! She tells them that it’ll undo all of Patrick’s spellwork - including her artificial youth. She mysteriously fondles a heart locket at her throat, but I’m sure it isn’t important. 
Patrick plays another game of poker. He’s got a pair of kings, but he folds so the old man he’s playing can live to see his grandchild’s bat mitzvah. Sam enters and remarks on Patrick’s kindness. Then he deals in. 
Meanwhile, Bobby and Dean grouse at each other over a grave. Dean’s OLD and he does not LIKE IT. Bobby has ZERO SYMPATHY. 
For Shadow Puppet Theatre Science:
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Sam faces down Patrick, ignoring the gambler’s strategic talk. While Lia distracts Patrick during a break in the game, Sam heads outside and hands Dean Patrick’s toothpick for a little witch DNA. Dean and Bobby do the spell and Dean gets ready to shed several decades. Dean’s “old man” actor continues to delight me. 
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Back at the gambler’s den, Patrick taunts Sam with a toothpick. Sam stole the wrong one...no DNA. Patrick tries to force-choke Sam in retaliation.
Lia begs Patrick to stop and confesses that she gave the Winchesters the spell. As for her reasons? Well, she fondles the locket meaningfully. They keep playing. 
Bobby and Dean race to save Sam - they’ve got to get some DNA before the spell will work. At Patrick’s place, Dean tries to find some trace of hair, spit, whatever he can find. Back at the gambling table, Sam places his final bet.
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Patrick folds, only to discover that Sam’s bluffing. He tells Sam that Dean’s on the verge of death. (In Patrick’s place, Dean clutches his chest dramatically.) Patrick notes that imperiling Dean turns Sam’s brain into an emotional slush pit. Sam shoves all his chips into the pot. It’s time to end the game. 
Dean rattles out his final breaths as the game wraps up. It looks like Patrick wins, and Lia starts to cry. “For a witch, you're so nice,” Sam notes. “it's actually kind of creepy.” SAM! Don’t be rude. (Can’t wait ‘til you become Witch!Sam.) Sam pauses for dramatic effect and...I remind him that his brother is still dying? He reveals his cards. Sam won!
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Dean runs out of the building, leaping with joy at the return of his youth. 
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Patrick and Lia sit together. She opens her locket to reveal her daughter...dead from extreme old age and buried long ago. Lia is tired of seemingly eternal youth. She puts in all her chips and they finish the game. They share an emotional farewell as she ages in front of Patrick. 
Back at the motel, Sam “The Clap” Winchester heads out to get a booster shot. Dean apologizes to Bobby for being so hard on him. “You’re not useless, Bobby.”
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“You don’t stop being a soldier ‘cause you got wounded in battle. Bottom line is, you’re family. I can’t do this without you.” Dean targets Bobby with his MOST EMOTIONAL FACE and tells him he can’t check out early. Dean needs him. 
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Bobby promises, thanks Dean for the sentiment, and then growls about needing to drop the emotional talk before they start growing “lady parts.” SIGH. Dean drops a burger, having learned for one episode to avoid cholesterol. They head out into the sunshine. I marinate in the emotion, until I realize that they never defeated Patrick? Have a nice life, I guess, ManWitch!
Boris: I absolutely adore this episode every time I watch it. I think we praise the actors who play the younger version of Dean so much, but I almost never consciously think about whether that’s a version of Dean or another actor playing Dean ---this actor seamlessly became Dean to me. Magic! Maybe because Dean’s already an old man. I love the case--I love Patrick--I love the look into Bobby’s struggle.
Benjamin Quotin’:
I'm just weepin' in my Haagen-Dazs. Idjit
Look at me! My junk's rustier than yours! You hear me bellyaching?
Pound it up your ass, ironsides
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jam-is-my-food · 3 years
Because I am not done with Jewish-ifying the entirety of KOTLC, for your consideration... Jewish!Marella?
*writes my first list of jewish kotlc headcanons and holy fuck this was fun*
marella’s whole family is jewish
they’re like reform-ish so they’re not super observant
but they used to host these big shabbat dinners with all this extended redek family every week, and marella was always looking forward to it
she and her cousins would grumble and complain through the prayers and then stuff their faces 
marella’s aunt made these amazing digglepuff roots (an elvish plant that tastes notably like human gefilte fish) and marella would always try to eat as much of it as she could
but it was at one of those shabbat dinners that caprise had her accident
no one really knew what to do once it all had happened - the elves were all so used to being able to fix their ills with a quick elixir that most of them couldn’t really comprehend the permanence of what had happened to marella’s mom
so the shabbat dinners just kind of... stopped
and marella stopped being as close to her cousins
(they didn’t deserve her; they all called her short)
marella and her parents kinda also paused really Doing Jewish Stuff as they got more preoccupied with caprise’s condition and just general life going by
they had never gone to shul even before, and marella legitimately never thought about having a bat mitzvah
for her judaism was always more of a culture thing - she cared less about the actual religious part, what she loved was the way it used to bring her family together and the traditions they celebrated
when marella manifested, they brought back the shabbat dinners
it was a smaller affair now - just the three of them
marella’s dad sometimes couldn’t make it because of work, but he tried his best
marella lights the candles herself - one of her favorite things to use her abilities on
even when caprise is having one of her bad days, she always loves singing the songs with her family
one time marella invites stina over to celebrate shabbat with her family
i don’t know if stina is jewish in this hc, let’s just say she isn’t so this can be a totally new experience for her
she has a great time, and finds marella’s family so endearing
caprise loves stina, and is always asking marella to bring her tall friend back after that
and uh... yeah
if you or anyone thinks of more add on lmaoo this was so fun
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and-then-the-trash · 4 years
Judaism and Animal Crossing
i’m going somewhere with this i swear
actually probably multiple places because i’m ADHD and don’t often stay on just one thought but like,,,bear with me here
OK SO i am Jewish, ya know? like, i was raised in a conservative Jewish household, my mom and dad both come from Jewish families, i attended religious school at my synagogue twice a week in K-7th grade, i had a Bat Mitzvah, i went through confirmation class (though still haven’t technically been confirmed because of covid), i participate in Jewish youth group events and activities and even hold leadership positions in both my chapter and my region. most importantly, i believe in many of the stories and traditions of Judaism and consider these aspects of my life to be very important to me. i am a Jew.
i care about representation. i feel a bit left out during this time of year when i go out to a shopping center or really just anywhere in public, and i see Christmas wreaths and decorations and lights on every streetlamp, every building, every store. last night, my family went to help light the electric menorah that stands on the lawn of our local courthouse, and i commented on how there was a large Christmas tree, a scene of cardboard cutouts depicting the birth of Jesus, wreathes all around on the fence and gate surrounding the courthouse, and a Santa decoration standing right next to the menorah that was as large as the simple electric menorah that stood overshadowed by what was around it. Chanukah lasts for 8 nights. Christmas is one day, but it lasts for over a month. 
this is going somewhere i swear. i’m gonna get to Animal Crossing.
the abundance of Christmas decorations and media and representation doesn’t surprise me; it never has. i expect it. expecting it doesn’t mean i’m not still disappointed when someone puts out a single tiny menorah next to a large Christmas tree and thinks that that’s representation. 
i like to play Animal Crossing, specifically Animal Crossing New Horizons, though i did use to play New Leaf back when i had a DS. i like to participate in the festive days and celebrations and events in Animal Crossing. i participated in the festivities of Bunny Day earlier this year, though i’m still not really sure why, and that’s part of what this whole rant is about. Animal Crossing calls December 25th Toy Day, and leading up to it there are wreathes and festive decorations and announcements and twinkling lights. today, as i was playing, one of my islanders gifted me a Festive Wreathe and told me that they thought “everyone should have one of these during this season”. 
i am a Jew. i celebrate Chanukah with my family every year. we light a menorah every night and we play dreidel and we fry latkes and we exchange presents. on Christmas, we do what many Jews in America do and we go to the movies and eat American Chinese food, sometimes even driving a few hours out to get kosher Chinese food so that i can eat something other than vegetarian lo mein, since i’m the only one in my family that still keeps kosher. i am saddened by the fact that i have yet to see any kind of Chanukah-like decoration or festivities in Animal Crossing. the holiday means Festival of Lights, something that i think would be a great name for a celebration in the Animal Crossing world!
so after all of this, can someone tell me why it is that i still want to display this festive wreathe that my islander gave me? why i bought a festive tree and fireplace back on my old copy of Animal Crossing New Leaf years ago? why i want to shake the pine trees that are draped in colored, twinkling lights, and find ornaments and craft the ornament wreathe DIY that Isabelle sent me?
i take pride in my Judaism. i tell others who are interested about my culture and my religion and what i know about the history and stories of my people, and i answer the questions they ask, and the ones i don’t know the answers to i ask my rabbi or my uncle who is also a rabbi. i share my traditions with others, inviting non-Jewish friends to come eat in my Sukkah during Sukkot, and play dreidel with me during Chanukah, and join my family’s seder during Pesach. i talk all the time about how much i want to be seen and represented and not be constantly overshadowed by Christianity. and i know that my religion is FAR from the only one to be overshadowed in this way. i know that Chanukah gets more attention than many other holidays and festivities of other religions, and Judaism gets more representation in the media than many other religions. 
so why do i still want to participate in this same thing that i complain about once it’s brought into one of my favorite video games. am i becoming part of the same problem that i so badly wished could be fixed here in America? am i being brainwashed into thinking that as long as it “isn’t too religious” it should be fine, even though i know that it’s a tradition that stems from a specific religious holiday that isn’t mine? why do i want to participate while also wishing there was a menorah shining through the window of my ACNH house? 
i know this is long and anyone who might’ve started it probably stopped reading by now, but if you made it to the end and might have answers as to why i want to participate in the game’s festivities and whether that’s okay or makes me part of the problem, please comment or reblog and tell me because i legitimately want to know. if you don’t have answers but think someone else might, please ask them or reblog or do SOMETHING because this is eating away inside of me. 
i don’t want to abandon my beliefs and values because of a game, and i don’t want to feel like an event in a game is making me abandon those beliefs and values. i just want to be seen.
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reds-self-ships · 3 years
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Tags: Wedding fic. No particular TWs apply, but if anyone wants me to tag anything specific then please let me know.
A decent enough crowd had turned out to London’s Guildhall that day for the wedding, sat either side of a long, red-carpeted aisle in one of its rooms especially set aside for events.
There was Professor Yujin Mikotoba – Susato’s birth father and Kazuma’s adopted one, Pycroft Sholmes – brother of the detective Herlock Sholmes, a number of Redford’s classmates from the University of London, a number of Ryunosuke’s previous clients, the parents of Redford and Ryunosuke – Ryunosuke’s having flew in from Japan especially for the occasion…
Also in attendance was Ryunosuke’s family and cousin from America, Phoenix Wright, as well as his daughter Trucy.
All dressed in their best formal outfits.
If it were an event open to the public—and if anyone else actually wanted to attend—it would almost certainly be standing room only.
Q and Kazuma were stood by the head of the hall beside the lectern, where Mr. Sholmes—apparently an ordained Humanitarian officiant for weddings, funerals, naming ceremonies and bat mitzvahs since The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle—was due to preside over things and handle all the legal end of things with the City of London.
“Is everything ready?” asked Redford, stood at the back of the hall with Sholmes.
“Yes. Evewything’s weady.”
“Mr. Sholmes, why are you talking like that?”
Sholmes sighed. “It’s Pycwoft. He bet me ten poundth that I would be able to put out a candle with my tongue without buwning it. You can pwobably gueth how that one turned out.”
“You know what? I probably shouldn’t even have asked.”
“Either way, I’m weady whenever you are.”
“Alright. You can tell them to run the music or whatever.”
Sholmes gave a look.
“Sorry, play the music.”
Sholmes gave Q the nod, and Q, in turn, gave the nod to Professor Mikotoba, who had volunteered especially for this part, pressing play on the CD player that had been connected up to the rather make-shift sound system.
The music began to play as Redford walked down the aisle, with Sholmes following behind him. Sholmes was followed by Iris, wearing a pale pink dress, holding a small bouquet of sunflowers, red roses and pale blue chrysanthemums.
She was followed by Susato, wearing a matching dress.
Then the other groom entered the room. Ryunosuke Naruhodo entered, wearing a dark blue kimono with a shade of red that would look familiar to those who had seen the other groom’s outfit. The sash of Ryunosuke’s kimono was cut from the same material as Redford’s suit, and Redford’s tie was cut from the same material as Ryunosuke’s kimono.
Ryunosuke was followed by Gina Lestrade, wearing a dress that matched with Susato’s and Iris’s.
As the two grooms stood at the altar, facing each-other, Redford mouthed, eyes already beginning to water.
“You look amazing.”
Ryunosuke was in a rather similar state.
“You too.”
As the music ended, the guests sat down again and Sholmes took to the lectern, removing the prompt cards from his suit jacket.
NOTE TO SELF: Remember to write something nice to say at the wedding. SHOPPING LIST: - Milk - Eggs - Coffee - Caramel Bars
Somewhat flustered himself, he quickly shuffled the remaining, blank, prompt cards and left them on the lectern before clearing his throat.
“Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us together today…Mawwiage…a wather bwessed awwangement. A dweam…within a dweem…”
The two grooms shot Sholmes a look, as they realised that that particular speech sounded rather like something they’d heard somewhere else before.
“OK then. Uh, do you, Ryunosuke Naruhodo, take Redford Ninate to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”
“And do you, Redford Ninate, take Ryunosuke Naruhodo to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”
“Great! If it were me, I’d probably call it a day there, but there’s more.”
The gathered crowd laughed.
“Please stand.”
The crowd stood.
“Marriage isn’t just two people getting together and having a kiss and whatever. It’s also the love and strength that we provide them as a community and as a family, by biological means or through the bonds of close friendship. So, are we all gonna help them and their marriage or what?”
“We will!” replied the crowd, before sitting down again.
“And now we have…er…Shizzen…What’s the word again?”
Professor Mikotoba approached and commandeered the microphone for a moment from Sholmes. “Shinzen Kekkon.”
“Yes. That, thank you Mikotoba.”
Kazuma stood between the two, holding a tray with a small bottle of saké and two cups. Ryunosuke poured a cup for Redford before pouring one for himself. Either groom took a sip from his own cup, before swapping and taking a sip from the other’s.
“I’m told that’s also a good luck thing in Japanese culture, but I’ll take their word for it. And now we’ve got vows to do. They’ve also written their own vows each which should be rather nice. Also – these are important. I’d recommend you don’t mess them up. Mr. Naruhodo will be the one going first.”
Ryunosuke took his flash cards from his pocket and cleared his throat as he began to speak.
“I, Ryunosuke, take you, Redford, to be my lawfully wedded husband. In recent times you have been a constant friend and partner, and all the evidence shows that we are truly meant to be together. And nothing will contradict that. So let’s get the wedding licence added to the court record, shall we? Lawyers should always smile and save their tears for when it’s all over, but I know every day I’m with you I’ll smile no matter what, and any tears will be the tears of laughter, no matter what trials may come our way, we’ll always .”
“Excellent, Mr. Naruhodo. Mr. Ninate?”
“I, Redford, take you, Ryunosuke, to be my lawfully wedded husband. They always say that a picture paints a thousand words, but any time I look at any picture for you I wonder if there really is nine hundred and ninety nine different ways to say ‘love of my life’. And if this is to be a fairy tale romance, I can’t wait to see what a ‘happily ever after’ looks like with you. Hopefully this is going to be the beginning of a new tale which I hope will be a real page-turner.”
Kazuma looked over at Q. “Are you crying?” he said, quietly, offering him a handkerchief.
Q unwillingly accepted it. “My hay-fever’s acting up. It’s all these goddamn flowers.”
“Mine too.”
“And if you two are done crying,” said Sholmes, “it’s now time for the rings, please.”
“It’s hay-fever, dammit…” said Q, as he handed over the rings from his inner pocket.
“Thank you. Please repeat after me: ‘I give you this ring, as a symbol and daily reminder of my love for you’.”
Redford slowly slipped the golden wedding band onto Ryunosuke’s right ring finger, saying: “I give you this ring, as a symbol and daily reminder of my love for you.”
Sholmes nodded to Ryunosuke, who slid the ring onto Redford’s right ring finger, saying: “I give you this ring, as a symbol and daily reminder of my love for you.”
“Very well then. By the power vested in me, the Great Detective, that Herlock Sholmes, courtesy of the Humanists Organisation and become-an-ordained-minister.org.uk, I now declare you two husband and…husband! I suppose you two can have a kiss or whatever.”
The two newly-wed grooms kissed as the crowd stood and applauded, Redford swinging Ryunosuke low in his arms and supporting his leg with his arm.
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atlafan · 5 years
Take it Slow - Part Nineteen
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
(Fluffy fluff! It’s the Thanksgiving part fam!)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fifteen Part Sixteen Part Seventeen Part Eighteen
Wednesday was a half day at work. Harry was busy at the beginning of the week, trying to wrap up his work before the holiday. It was a casual day at the office, so you decided to wear jeans and a cardigan. You and Niall walk out to your cars together.
“Have a great time with Sarah this weekend, her family is really nice.”
“Thanks.” He smiles at you. “Good luck tomorrow. I know Harry’ll be with ya, but-“
“I know, if I need you, I’ll call.”
“And don’t forget my dessert.”
“I won’t.” You say, rolling your eyes. You two hug goodbye, and off you go.
You drove right to the grocery store to get everything you needed for tomorrow. You had to make three different kugels. One for your dad, one for your sister’s house, and one to keep in the freezer to bring into work on Monday. Everyone would always beg you for the sweet casserole.
Harry keyed into your apartment around three, and found you cooking up a storm. You had loud music playing while the exhaust fan was on. You had your mixer going to beat all of the wet ingredients together. He smiled when he saw you wearing his apron. He had been leaving more and more of his things at your place. You didn’t mind. He walks over to you and waves hello. You’re startled, only for a second, and pause your music.
“Hi sweetie.” You say with a big smile, kissing him on the cheek. “I’m almost done, just need to pop these in the oven.” You put the casseroles together, put them in the oven, and set the timer. Your kitchen only took a few minutes to clean up since you tended to clean as you went. Harry is leaning against the counter, waiting for you. He opens his arms for you, and you happily go in for his embrace. “How was your day?”
“Good. Got a lot done. I feel good about takin’ a couple days off.”
“Good!” You look up at him.
“How was your day?” He squishes his nose to yours.
“Quick, thank god. We all mostly sat around and chatted. It’s hard to work on a project during a half day.” You brush your lips against his. “I missed you.” You squeak.
“You did?”
“Mhm.” You were trying to be more vocal with him. He needed reassurance just as much as you did. He kisses you, and you kiss him back.
“I like this on you.” He says, tugging at the apron.
“Really? I like it better on you.” You let go of him to untie it. “I couldn’t find mine for some reason. Must’ve gotten mixed in with the laundry.” You place the apron on your island. Harry lifts you up to sit on the counter, standing between your legs. You wrap your arms around his neck, and his go around your back. You liked when you two just hugged. You loved the smell of his cologne and the way his breath always smelled like mint.
“I love you.” You melted every time he said it. It didn’t matter how often he said it, you couldn’t hear it enough if you were being honest.
“I love you too, Harry.” He nestles his face into your neck, just nuzzling in. He was being soft with you today.
You realized that Harry had many personas when it came to you. Sometimes he was just your soft boy, looking for cuddles and small kisses. Your soft boy loved to be held at night. This side of him usually came out when he was tired. Then there was your quiet, yet cranky boy. When Harry was overtired or ravenous, he would get cranky. He would pout his lip out at you, and essentially act like a baby until you figured out how to make things better for him. Another side to Harry was when he was full of lust and domination. You wanted to refer to this as daddy Harry, but you would never tell him that. He was also careful not to be too dominating, in fear of scaring you, but you liked when he would take the lead.
You had your different personalities too that he would pick up on. How you were always so shy after he would make you orgasm, and that shyness seeping into the morning. He was a sucker for when you’d act like the baby. When you just wanted to be carried or taken care of. He also noticed slowly that you liked being in control in the bedroom. You liked telling him what to do and how to do it. Your confidence was so sexy to him.
Today he was being your soft boy, and you couldn’t get enough of it. The attention he craved from you knew no bounds. He picked you up off the counter and brought your over to the couch to lay with him.
“How ‘bout some TV?” He asks, taking the remote in his hand, switching on Parks and Rec. He grabs the blanket from the back of the couch, and throws it over your bodies. You feel cozy and warm laying against him. “Hey, whatever you’re makin’ smells pretty good.”
“Oh, thanks! It’s called kugel, remember?”
“So, just how Jewish is your family? Am I going to look like an idiot if I don’t know much?”
“Not at all baby! My brother married a gentile, and my sister is dating one.” You laugh. “You’ll be in mixed company tomorrow. As for the rest of us, we’re pretty Jewish. We all had bar and bat mitzvahs.”
“You can speak Hebrew?”
“Well, only from the Torah. I haven’t practiced in a while, but I have a lot of the prayers memorized so I don’t really need to read it. I can’t like, ask you how your day was in Hebrew or anything.”
“Did you go to temple a lot as a kid?”
“Yeah, for the most part. I went to Hebrew school on Sundays, and then once I graduated from that, I went to temple on Saturdays and had prep classes on Monday nights…for like two years.
“That’s a lot of work for a thirteen year old.”
“Sure is, why do you think we have such a big party once it’s over?”
“I bet you were so cute, up there, speakin’ Hebrew.” He giggles to himself.
About an hour or so later, the oven goes off, and you peel yourself off of Harry. He helps you get the kugels out of the oven, and he takes a big whiff.
“Oh my god, this smells incredible. I may have to try some tomorrow.” He winks at you.
“What do you wanna do for dinner tonight? I grabbed some fresh veggies and rice, I could whip up a stirfry or something.”
“You’ve been cookin’ all afternoon, let me make dinner.”
“We could cook together.”
You take out the veggies from the fridge while Harry starts a pot of water for the rice. You both chop up some zucchini, asparagus, and mushrooms. It was fun to actually cook together. He let you taste test the veggies in the pan before adding the rice. You both scarfed down the stirfry, and sat back down on the couch.
“So what time do we need leave by in the morning?”
“Um, I’d say nine to get there for ten. Hang out with dad for a few hours then go to Erica’s.” Harry looks at his watch.
“Might turn in early, love. Don’t wanna be too tired.”
“Good idea. Hmmm.” You both stand up and walk to the bedroom.
“I’m trying to decide if I wanna shower tonight, or tomorrow morning. I’ll be able to sleep in a little tomorrow if I shower tonight.”
“Good thinkin’, I’ll join ya.” He’s already taking his clothes off and turning the water on before you can answer him. “Are ya comin’?” You giggle and take your clothes off.
You get your hair wet first, and push it out of your face. You go to grab your shampoo, but Harry snatches it.
“Um, I need that.”
“I wanna do it, like how you do for me.”
“Oh.” You blush. “Alright.”
Harry puts a small bit of shampoo in his hands. You turn around and tilt your head back. His fingers massage into your scalp, and you can’t help but let out a small moan. He reaches above you to grab the shower head so he can scrub the shampoo out of your hair, the way he’s seen you do it a dozen times. Once he’s satisfied with his work, he puts the shower head back.
“Thank you baby.”
“Not done yet, conditioner.” He picks up the other bottle, takes the ends of your hair and works the conditioner in, then he turns you around so the water hits your hair. He grips it and wrings it out for you.
“Quite observant, aren’t you?” You wrap your arms around his neck, and go up on your tiptoes to kiss him. He wraps his arms around you, and gives your bum a squeeze.
“My turn please.” You giggle, but do as he says. He loved when your nails would really rake through his scalp.
Once you’re done with his hair, you take a wash cloth to wash his back and chest. He does the same for you. It was a nice, relaxing shower. You flip your hair over, and wrap it in a towel. You remember the first time Harry actually saw you do this. He laughed hysterically, but you were able to shut him up when you showed him the picture Niall had taken of him when his hair was long, and he would wrap his hair in towel. You wrap another towel around your body while Harry wraps one around his waist.
You brush your hair out after a few minutes, and begin to blow dry it. By the time you come out of the bathroom, Harry is curled up with his phone in bed. You throw a t-shirt on, and climb in with him.
“Goodnight baby.” You say to him with a soft kiss on the lips.
“Goodnight love.” He turns over like you thought he would, so you could spoon him.
Your alarm goes off at 7:30 the next morning. You’re soaked in sweat as Harry yet again managed to roll completely on top of you. He groans into your neck as you turn the alarm off. He rolls onto his back, bringing you with him on top of him, you squeal from the unexpected action.
“Harry, we need to get up. I need to do my hair and makeup. I haven’t picked an outfit out yet either.”
“But I’m so cozy.” He says, voice still thick with sleep.
“Well, you can stay in bed a bit longer, but you need to let go of me.” He groans again, but releases his grasp on you.
You go into the bathroom to do your morning routine. You plug your curling iron in, and get to work on your hair. Once you’re satisfied, you put your makeup on, and go back into your room. You smell nail polish remover and frown at the sight in front of you. Harry is hunched over on the side of the bed, rubbing his nails with a tissue.
“Babe, what are you doing?”
“It was startin’ to get chipped, so I thought I would take it all the way off.” You frown. His nails were still done from when you went away that weekend. He was trying to hold onto the color for as long as he could.
“Well, I have some quick drying polish if you wanna do them up quick.” You go into your dresser and take out some black nail polish. “See?”
“I think it’ll be fine for today if my nails aren’t painted. I don’t want to give off any weird impressions.”
“Oh Harry, I want you to be yourself around my family.”
“I will be. I’m still wearin’ my rings, and s’not like I can take my tattoos off.” He gives you a reassuring smile. “Tell ya what, when we get back tonight I’ll let ya paint my nails for me.”
“Alright.” You smile back at him. You open your closet and furrow your brows. “What dress do you think I should wear?” He gets up and stands next to you to look over the options.
“How ‘bout that navy one?” You liked your navy dress. It covered your breasts, and had a thin belt to help show your curves.
“Excellent choice.” You kiss him on the cheek.
Harry goes into the bathroom to do his thing while you put a lace bra and panties on. You take out some nylons, and roll them onto your legs.
“Holy shit.” You look up and see Harry staring at you.
“You look so…fucking sexy like that.” Your cheeks flush.
“We do not have time for this.” You step into your dress, and pull it up. “Please come help me zip this up.” Harry pads over to you, and slowly zips your dress up, lingering for just a moment to kiss the back of your neck. “What are you going to wear?”
Harry goes to the side of the closet you had cleared for him a while ago. You wanted him to be able to leave some dress shirts and pants at your place. He pulls out a white button up and a pair of green dress pants.
“How ‘bout this?” You loved his green pants. They were a nice forest green that helped bring out the color of his eyes. You also liked when he would wear a white button up, so you could still make out some of the tattoos on his arms.
“I think that would be perfect.” You slip on your navy flats and head into the kitchen. You pull out two casseroles from the fridge and set them on the counter.
Harry comes sauntering out of your room. He has those light brown Chelsea boots on he loves so much. You watch him walk by and can’t help but notice the perfect curve of his butt in his slacks. This was going to be a very long day.
“What?” He asks, noticing you staring.
“Nothing, you just look handsome.” He blushes. He knows she wants him. “Help me carry these down to the car?”
Harry slips his jacket on, and grabs the casseroles from the counter while you put on your p-coat. You grab your keys, much to his dismay. Harry preferred to drive, but you told him since it was your family thing, you would drive.
“Looks like it’ll be a nice day out.” He says looking out the window as you pull out of the parking lot.
“Yup, just a little brisk out.” You hit a spot of traffic thirty minutes into the drive, and you groan. “I hate the way people drive.” This was the first time Harry would see you drive on the highway. You were trying to keep your road rage at bay.
“Holiday traffic, love. Nothin’ we can do about it.”
“I know, we should’ve left earlier. I figured yesterday would be the bigger traffic day.”
About an hour later, you get off at your town’s exit. Harry looks around, having not explored the area before. It was a good size town, there were lots of shops and places to go. You slowly pull up to your childhood home. It was a large white house with a detached garage and long driveway.
“Well, this is it.” Harry gives your hand a squeeze before getting out of the car. He jogs to your side to open your door. You roll your eyes at him.
“Just in case the old man is watchin’.” He winks at you.
You walk up the steps to your home and open the door. Usually your dad kept the door locked, but unlocked it knowing you were coming.
“Dad! We’re here!” You yell, nearly making Harry drop the food. You shrug and take your coat off, then grab the food from Harry to put in the fridge. Your dad had a huge kitchen, an addition he had put onto the home only a few years before your parents separated. Harry takes his jacket off and hang it up where you put yours. “Where is he?” You sort of ask yourself. You go down the hall to where the basement door is. “Dad! Hello!” You yell again. Harry smirks at your behavior.
“Hi!” You hear your dad yells up.
“Jesus, someday when my voice gives out maybe he’ll get a hearing aid.” Your dad comes up the stairs.
“Sorry, I had the parade on.” You two hug. He gives Harry a look.
“Dad, this is, um, my boyfriend, Harry.”
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” Harry extends his arm out, and gives your father a firm handshake.
“Why don’t you give the boy the tour while I heat up breakfast?” You dad says to you. “Probably the first time I’ve ever let a boy go up to your room.” He laughs to himself, and steps by the two of you.
“As far as he knows.” You whisper to Harry. You take his hand and walk him in the living room.
“What’s down stairs?”
“Just his man cave. I’ll show when we come back down. Figured we could start from the top down.”
“Sounds good to me. Should I take my shoes off?”
“Nah, it’s fine.” Still holding his hand, you walk with him upstairs. He stops to admire the photos of you as a child on the wall.
“Look at that hair! And I thought I had a mess of curls as a kid.”
“Don’t make fun.” You pout, sticking your bottom lip out.
“M’not, you’re just so cute.”
“Jesus, come on.” You drag him up the stairs. You walk him through a room that looks like a den. “So this used to be mine and my sister’s room when we were really little. Then my dad turned our attic into a bedroom for Erica and I, and my other sister kept this room.” You turn to open the door up to the attic.
The stairs going up were really steep. Harry hit his knee twice trying to go up. You were used to the stairs so you practically flew up. The room was pretty bare, having not lived there in years. All that was left were the two twin beds you and your sister used to sleep on.
“Pretty big room!” He says walking all around.
“The desk was over here, and we had three dressers over there. All of our toy boxes were along that wall. We could never keep it clean up here. My sister and I are such packrats.”
“I find that hard to believe, your place is spotless.”
“I have storage unit I keep a lot of my old shit in.” You smile at where you used to keep your Barbie’s. “Erica and I used to dump out this big blue bin that had all of our Barbie’s in it. We would play for hours and just leave them around until we were ready to play again. It drove our parents nuts that we just never cleaned up.” You sit down on the bed, he sits next to you.
“So, this is where the magic happened, yeah?”
“Maybe for my sister, I never brought a guy up here.”
“Why not?”
“Didn’t date much in high school.” You shrug and stand up. “Come on, there’s more to see.”
You both go back downstairs. You show him your brother’s old room, which was now a guest room. Then you brought him back down to the living room. You could smell your dad’s latkes. Then you brought him down to the basement. Your dad had quite the man cave. Big TV, surround sound, and a small bar. There were shelves full of tapes and DVS’s. He had sports paraphernalia everywhere.
“Real New England fan, huh?”
“You have no idea.” There were pictures of you and your siblings everywhere. He stopped to look at a picture of you and your dad with a trophy.
“When was this?”
“Oh! That’s like my favorite pic of me and Dad. The Red Sox had just won the World Series in ’04, and the trophy was on tour. They brought the trophy to the high school, so my dad brought us. They even let us touch it, it was so cool. I think I was like nine or ten.”
“Cute bangs.” You roll your eyes at him.
“Someday I’m going to see where you grew up, and I’m going to make fun the whole time.”
You take him back upstairs to the kitchen where your dad was putting everything on plates.
“Need any help?” You ask.
“Nope, let’s sit at the dining room table.” Your dad brings the last couple of plates over, and the three of your sit down. “So, Harry, what do you do?”
“I’m a photographer for a geographical magazine.” He tugs his shirt sleeve down to try to hide his anchor tattoo. “I also do a lot of freelance work.”
“Harry also has his master’s degree.”
“What does a photographer need a graduate degree for?”
“Well, a couple of reasons. Quite frankly, I wasn’t ready to leave school. My two best mates and I all enrolled to get our MBA’s. It worked out in my favor though because I learned how to properly run my freelance business.”
“Why stay with the magazine then?”
“Health insurance.” Harry shrugs. “And other benefits.”
“Makes sense. I told (y/n) that benefits was one of the most important things when looking for a job. She got lucky where she ended up.”
“I was lucky an alum from the college worked there to help me with the interview.” You all take some food and dig in. “Dad, these are so good.”
“Found a recipe that used parsnips. Ever had potato pancakes before?” He asks Harry.
“Oh sure, never as fresh as this though.” He smiles. Your dad looks down and sees the cross on Harry’s hand, which leads his eyes up to the anchor he was trying to hide on his wrist. Your dad squints at the rings on Harry’s fingers as well.
“Got some tattoos there, I see.”
“Um, yeah, just a few.” Harry’s heart was starting to beat faster. He really did want to make a good impression.
“You know when mum and I were still together we used to joke about getting each other’s names tattooed on our butts.” He starts laughing.
“Dad!” You laugh as well. Harry gives a bit of a nervous laugh.
The conversation stay pleasant from there. You tell your dad about your current project at work, and he fills you in on his volunteer work at the food pantry. Harry helps clean up the dishes when you’re done eating. Your dad turns the parade on in the kitchen. You decide to sit down at the piano in the living room. You open it up and tap on a couple of different keys. Harry hears you from the other room.
“Is that her playing?” He asks your dad.
“Yup, when she was really little she would flip it over and start playing. My wife’s great aunt had that piano and gave it to us. All the girls learned how to play. My son learned how to play the guitar.”
“Musical family.”
“I suppose. I’m hoping someday when she buys a house she’ll take it. She’s the only one that’ll play. Don’t tell ‘em I told you this, but she really is the smartest out of the four. She sees things clearly from every angle.”
“She’s very bright, I’m a lucky guy.”
“Don’t you forget it.”
Harry and your dad come out to the living room to listen to you play more clearly. You’re not playing anything crazy, just some songs you remember learning as a kid. You finish and turn to face them.
“I’m glad you keep this in tune.” You smile at your dad. You look down at your watch. It would take another thirty minutes to get to your sister’s house. “I think we have to get going.” You stand up to give him a hug.
“Happy Thanksgiving honey.”
“Happy Thanksgiving, dad.”
“It was great to meet you Harry.” He shakes Harry’s hand.
“Same to you.”
You both walk out and get into the car. You can’t believe how well that went. You were fully expecting your dad to ask Harry a million different questions.
“I think I sealed the deal with him when I talked about my health insurance.” He chuckles.
“Oh, for sure.” You pull out of the driveway and drive towards Erica’s.
“In all seriousness, how was that? He was sort of quiet at first.”
“He takes some time to warm up to people.”
“You never mentioned you could play the piano.”
“It never came up. It’s not like I’m some prodigy or anything, if I was they would’ve kept paying for lessons.”
You get to Erica’s in exactly thirty minutes. You see your mom’s car is already there. Your brother’s isn’t there, as you assumed because he’s always late. You see your uncle’s car is there already as well. You take a deep breath, and wrap an arm through one of Harry’s.
“It’s gonna be fine.” He smiles down at you.
The door is half open when you walk in. Loud voices roaming through the house. You hear a distinctive, and familiar laugh.
“No fucking way!” You squeal. You run toward the laugh leaving Harry behind to rush back to you. “Nannie!” You throw your arms around you grandmother, tears nearly forming. She wraps her arms around you giving you the best hug possible. “Mom, are kidding me? How could not tell me she was coming?” You say giving your mom a hug and kiss.
“She wanted it to be a surprise.”
“How long are you here for?”
“Just a little over a week, precious.” You give her another hug. You look up and see Harry holding onto the kugel.
“Whoops, sorry, Erica!” You yell for your sister, who comes running into the room to give you a hug. You take the kugel from Harry’s hands, and give it to your sister.
“Yay! Thanks.” She turns around to bring it into the kitchen. You take Harry’s coat, and put yours and his into the coat closet.
“Alright, mom you remember Harry?”
“Of course, hi dear.” She gives him a gentle hug.
“And Harry, this is my Nannie.”
“I’ve heard so much about you.” He gives her a hug and you could nearly cry at the sight.
“I’ve heard about you too.” She takes his hands in hers. “What beautiful rings. I love a man that can wear his jewelry, your papa never left the house without his gold on.” She says to you. Her eyes catch his anchor tattoo. “Oh for the love of god, her uncle will just love you.”
“He’s got quite a few, I’ve seen them.” Your mom says. Erica comes back over to you.
“So, is this him?”
“Yes, this is Harry.”
“Thanks so much for coming. By the way, mom made an extra dessert to bring to Niall.”
“Oh perfect, thanks!”
“Harry, can I get you anything to drink? We have beer and wine, and we have some other alcohol too. Or if you want water or something?”
“Um, a beer would be great actually.”
“We have bud, bud light, corona…”
“Bud light is fine. If you tell me where it is, I can get it.”
“Just through the kitchen, out to the patio.”
“Want anythin’?”
“Glass of wine please.” He walks off to fine the beverages.
“Oh my god, how do you keep finding these crazy attractive guys?” Your sister says to you.
“I told you he was cute, his pictures don’t do him justice.” Your mom says.
“And how polite was he? He seems sweet honey.” Your Nannie says. Harry comes back shortly with a glass of red wine for you, and a bud light in his other hand.
“Harry, you’re a photographer?” Your Nannie asks him.
“What made you want to go into that field?”
“Don’t know really, I just always had a camera in my hand growin’ up. Figured I’d want to get a job doing somethin’ I actually liked.”
“And you grew up in England?”
“Yeah, a few hours outside of London.”
“(y/n), where’s that cute Irish friend of yours today?” She asks you.
“He’s started dating my friend Sarah, so he’s with her this weekend. He sends his love. Harry and him are actually best friends, Niall introduced us.”
“Oh! How nice, well, I definitely know you’re in good hands if Niall had something to do with it.”
Harry snakes an arm around your waist to pull you a little closer to him. This environment was a lot less relaxed than your dad’s house was. About thirty minutes later your brother showed up with his wife and baby. You give them a few minutes to settle in before going over to hold your nephew. You take him in your arms and snuggle him giving him light kisses on his forehead.
“Harry, this is my brother and sister in law.”
“Hi, nice to meet you.” Harry shakes both of their hands. Your brother and sister in law give each other a look.
“Nice to meet you too, man.” You brother says. “Wanna hold him for a bit so we can say hi to everyone. We don’t really want Mike’s family all over him.”
“Well it’ll be torturous, but I’ll manage.” You say sarcastically.
“Mike is Erica’s boyfriend, right?”
“Yup.” Harry watches as you bounce the baby, lightly rocking him from side to side.
“He’s awfully cute.”
“Isn’t he?” She kisses his forehead again. “I could just snuggle him all day.”
Harry loved babies, he had mentioned it to you several times. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he just had this natural thing with babies and kids. He liked seeing how easy and comfortable you were with your nephew.
“Hey, (y/n), can you come help me in the kitchen?” Erica asks.
“But I’m holding the baby.”
“Have Harry hold him, I need your help.” You suck your teeth and roll your eyes.
“Fine.” You look up to Harry. “Do you mind taking him for a minute?”
“Will your brother mind?”
“No, it’s fine.”
You hand your nephew off to Harry, who is trying to hold his excitement in. Your nephew looked up at him with big blue eyes. Harry walked him into the kitchen to see what your help was needed for. You looked at Harry and smiled. He looked so comfortable carrying your nephew around. You were helping your sister get her buffet table together now that everyone was there.
Your Nannie comes over to help as well.
“I’ll take him.” She says to Harry. He gently passes the baby off her to her. “Isn’t he precious?” She kisses him. “Now that’s delicious.” You giggle. This is going much better than you thought. Your uncle comes walking over. He hasn’t had a chance to meet Harry yet.
“So, this the guy?”
“Yes, this is Harry.” The two shake hands.
“Do you have a sleeve?” He asks, noticing the tattoos peeking through his shirt.
“Um, not technically.”
“And don’t give him any ideas either.” Your Nannie says. You wrap an arm around Harry’s waist, hoping he’s not uncomfortable.
“Oo, you two are so cute, let me take your picture.” Erica says. You hand her your phone, and lean into Harry while she snaps a couple shots. “Everybody! Dinner is good to go!”
“Harry, why don’t you sit down with my grandmother and I’ll make you both a plate. Save me a seat between you two.”
Before he can protest, your Nannie gives the baby to your brother, and grabs Harry to go sit with her. You make up a plate for him with every vegetable you can find, along with some mashes potatoes. Your mom makes up a plate for your Nannie. You stack another plate for yourself and pile on some green bean casserole, vegetables, and mashed potatoes. You put Harry’s plate in front of him, and sit between him and your Nannie.
Harry sits quietly as he eats, listening to the vibrant conversations your family has. He notices that your oldest sister isn’t there, and makes a mental note to ask about it later. Your mom starts telling a story about when her and your uncle  were kids, and your Nannie started choking, and had to slap the back of neck to get the food out. Between tears from laughing your mom says,
“And she says, ‘you ungrateful bastards! I could’ve died!’” Everyone at the table was laughing. Harry started laughing just from the sight of you, tears streaming down your cheeks, trying not to choke on the food you were eating.
“That is the best story.” You say, wiping the tears from your eyes.
“It was scary you know! You two are a couple of bastards.” Your Nannie says, not really meaning it. “Harry, you must think we’re a bunch of lunatics.”
“Not at all, I think it’s great you all seem so close.” He says with a smile.
“I cannot get over that accent.” Erica says. She was sitting across from you. “How come you stayed here and didn’t go back overseas?”
“I just really liked it here. Fell into some good opportunities and didn’t feel the need to leave.”
“So do you have a work visa?” Your brother asks.
“I started off with a student visa, and then had a work visa once I graduated. About a year after that, once I knew I wanted to stay, my mates and I all took citizenship tests, so I have dual citizenship. Annoying process, but it makes it much easier to travel now.”
“How did you two meet again?” Your brother asks you.
“Niall set us up on a blind date a few months ago.” You smile, giving Harry a squeeze on the thigh.
“Where did you guys go a couple weeks ago? The pictures were so pretty.” Your sister in law says.
“We went up to New Hampshire to check out the foliage. It was incredible.”
“Harry, do you do any freelance work?” She asks.
“Quite a bit, yeah.” She looks at your brother.
“Do you ever take pictures of people? We’d love to get a little photoshoot in before Christmas if possible. We’d pay you of course.”
“Sure, I’d love to. Do you have a specific date in mind? I’d have to book it now just cause I’m startin’ to fill up.” He takes out his phone and opens his calendar.
“Um, would two weeks from Saturday work? In the afternoon?” Harry looks at the date.
“I have from like two to four open if that works for you.”
“That should be great! Oh thank you so much. It’ll be nice to have some professional photos to send out. You’re really good, we sorta creeped on your Instagram page.”
“That’s what it’s there for. I’m happy to help.”
After dinner, you all have a little dessert. Most of your immediate family migrated to one part of the house. You were sitting with Harry on the couch when your siblings came over to sit in the same room. Your Nannie sat right next to you. The couch was getting crowded. Without thinking, Harry pulled you onto his lap. You got a few looks, but no one seemed to mind.
“Alright, I’d like to see more of the tattoos.” Erica says, glass of wine in hand.
“I don’t know if your grandmum will appreciate that.”
“Oh go ahead, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious.” He looks at you for approval, and you nod.
Harry adjusts himself so he can untuck his shirt, and unbuttons it. He shimmies his sleeves off. Revealing his heavily tattooed left arm. His right arm only had a couple. He pointed to a few that had meaning, and explained that others were just for fun, or from when friends asked to practice on him. He pointed to where the large butterfly sits just below his breast plate, and the others near his collar bones and hips. He points to where the large tiger is on his thigh.
“Didn’t all of those hurt?” Erica asks.
“Not really, you sorta get used to it after a while.”
“Have you ever done one yourself?” Your sister in law asks.
“Um, yeah, I wrote the word big on my big toe.” Everyone bursts out laughing. “I did say they weren’t all meaningful.” He shrugs his shirt back on, and buttons it up, not bothering to tuck it back in.
“Can I hold the baby again?” You ask. Your brother passes him to you, and you rest his head on your shoulder. “He’s so cozy, I love it. Erica, take my picture with him.” You hand her your phone. She takes one close up, and then backs up a bit to get Harry in the shot. “Thanks.”
After a couple more hours, you both decided to call it a night. You started saying your goodbyes throughout the room.
“Honey, can we come see you Sunday? Nannie hasn’t seen your apartment yet.”
“Sure! You know, I could drive back home tomorrow and stay with you a couple of nights while she’s here. That way she can get around if need be.” Harry tries to hide his slightly fallen face. He wants you to spend time with your grandmother, he was just looking forward to another long weekend with you.
“Don’t be silly, you don’t need to do all that driving.”
“I know, I just want to spend time with her.”
“We can spend the entire day Sunday together.”
“Alright…” You hug your mom, and go to give your Nannie a big hug. “Guess I’ll see you Sunday.”
“Okay darling girl, I love you.” She gives you a big kiss.
“Love you too.”
“Will Harry be around too?” You look over to him and he nods yes. “Wonderful, we can keep getting to know each other.” Harry gives your mom and grandmother a hug goodbye and waves off to everyone else.
“Want me to drive us back, love?” He asks as you walk out into the cold air.
“Would you mind? I’m suddenly realizing how tired I am.”
“Not a problem.” You hand him the keys, and get into the car.
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movedto-jewishbucke · 4 years
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@cupidmarwani​ // this isn’t 100% happy but here we go
I think along with being bullied for being “weird” (aka showing signs of (unmedicated) ADHD) he was also bullied for being GNC, or “obviously” gay, even though he was like... convinced he was cis and straight (until high school)
10 y/o Buck: it’s completely normal to get “!!!” when the cashier at subway calls you sir even though you’re definitely definitely definitely a girl :) 100% girl :)
I think it’s important to note that he definitely knew that, like, gay people were a thing - I think there was probably an elderly lesbian couple that frequented his shul as a child and he was always just *saucer eyes* at them
(also he didn’t know why he was so “obsessed” with seeing gay couples on the street... or at his shul... until he was like “oh... I am a gay people... nice :)”)
12 y/o Buck: being uncomfortable with your birth name to the point of being nauseous every time you hear it is super normal actually :) anyway call me Buck or I’ll kick your shins :)
anyway Buck joined GSA his freshman yr of high school because he thought it’d be a great way to be an Ally(tm) and definitely wouldn’t awaken anything in him :)
when he joined GSA that’s when he met his Very First Trans Person
but let’s be real - he has probably met a trans person before without knowing it but, like, this was the first trans person he met who was like “I’m trans :)”
anyway! she was a trans woman (Ellie), two grades above him, and the first time she talked about her experiences(tm), Buck was just *saucer eyes* and he was just :O
14 y/o Buck: this sounds similar to my experiences :) I’m not trans though :) because I’m a Girl :) 100% a girl :)
but like anyway he kept going to GSA... as an Ally(tm)... and also he asked Ellie a lot of questions because he wanted to be a Great Ally(tm) and not because he was trans
two months later he was like “hmm... so that seems like... it was a lie...” and he came out - only to the people in GSA though - and he started testing the waters with new names (but he still mostly went by Buck as a “safe” name)
he came out to Maddie first- over winter break. it was the fifth night of Hanukkah. their parents had gone to bed and they were sitting in the living room, watching the candles burn, and eating the last of the latkes (and also arguing a little over which topping is best- sour cream or ketchup)
then he just kind of blurted it out- it definitely went something like “I’m sorry but ketchup is the best topping, you’re just wrong :/” then he blurts out “I’m trans” and Maddie’s probably kind of like “...okay? that has nothing to do with what is the superior topping but... okay? I still love you?”
obviously I think they have a more... serious, in-depth discussion about Buck being trans later but when he first tells her they just kind of leave it at that and move on
he comes out to their parents (with Maddie’s support) probably the first week of summer and I think they’re a little confused but they’re pretty supportive and do their best to educate themselves (Maddie helps them because almost as soon as Buck told her she did a lot of reading, I think)
also he comes out to his friends over the summer as well and probably loses a ton of them which sucks a lot for him because he didn’t think they’d have that poor of a reaction (especially considering they were supportive of their other friend who came out as gay a few months prior)
anyway, I like the idea of Maddie picking his name! with his permission of course... like I think they’re chilling in Buck’s room, talking about Trans Things(tm), and Maddie’s just “so is Buck going to be your name or........? because I love you but Buck Buckley sounds bad”
Buck’s kind of like >:( though he agrees and is just “uh no :/ I can’t find a name that fits though :/” and so Maddie’s like “oooh can I pick” and he’s like “...I will take suggestions, yes”
it’s not until halfway thru summer that Maddie finally comes up with a name- Evan -and they spend the summer calling him it just to see how he feels about it and he’s “!!!”
the last day of summer, Maddie cuts Buck’s hair and the euphoria!!! whew!!! his parents aren’t Too Happy about that but mostly because they end up having to take him to a professional hairstylist to Fix It and by the time they’re done fixing it, his curls are gone :(
Buck starts sophomore year with a semi-new wardrobe, a new name, a new haircut- a new everything
things are still :/ but he really does find out who is Real Friends are during sophomore yr and a lot of people are pretty supportive of him being trans(tm) and also he makes new friends!!! who love and support him!!!
also I think his extended family are pretty supportive- a little confused but supportive and they definitely slip up (just like his parents do sometimes) but it’s not malicious
his parents coordinate with the rabbi to see if he can have a bar mitzvah (since he had a bat mitzvah for his 12th birthday) and for his 16th birthday he gets a bar mitzvah and also a new (masculine) Hebrew name that his parents help him pick out :0
also Maddie buys him an LGBT siddur because I think that’s neat (there actually is an LGBT siddur- iirc it was created by a reconstructionist or reform synagogue in San Francisco)
also for his 16th birthday, his name is legally changed so he’s officially Evan Buckley on all of his documents and also his gender marker is changed too :)
anyway!! shortly after his 16th birthday, they start working on getting him on testosterone- because his therapist recommended it and it’s something Buck has been wanting for a hot minute
he starts testosterone a few months later which is very fun for him and he’s very :)
Maddie bullies him for having (and refusing to shave) his rat mustache but it’s all in good fun and also it is kind of ugly
(luckily for Maddie, he ends up growing a beard when his testosterone dosage is upped so the rat ‘stache doesn’t hang around)
anyway, he gets top surgery (double incision) the summer after he graduates- insurance covered some of it but the rest is covered by his parents (due to the cost they basically tell him that’s his grad gift which is fine with him tbh)
I think after top surgery Buck is pretty much... not dysphoric?
like, I don’t see him as having bad bottom dysphoria and most of the things he was dysphoric about went away after top surgery and testosterone
(ie his voice got deeper; he got taller on testosterone (though he was tall to begin with imo); his chest got [redacted]; etc)
so, like, yeah- I think he has bottom dysphoria but it’s “mild” (if any dysphoria can be called mild) and it’s not bad enough that he wants, or feels he needs, any of the bottom surgeries available
also he does pack but not consistently imo? I feel it’s mostly cause he forgets to because, again, he just... isn’t bothered by what’s going on down there
I think that is all... also I can’t believe I wrote... almost 1300 words... solely on trans!buck headcanons... we stan... I guess?
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icarianarts · 4 years
Major Tom dear friend who lives inside my head dear friend raised young with a desire to become a scribe for the Torah which is a killer job but upon an act of teenage rebellion and to “stick it to the man” (his father who always very openly loved him and supported him) during his little cousin’s bat mitzvah he shows up late to it and struts down the room (looks like Adam Sandler wedding singer area in my mind) saying Padre I am gonna become the Catholic Pope! And then leaves and is wiped off the face of the earth for a few years and a the years pass and Major Tom is crowned first 18 year old pope in over hundreds of years named Pope Tom I and is just the pope for shits and giggles because he’s 18 what are you gonna do also he’s famous on tiktok and also all the old ass cardinals there have absolutely no idea how to handle him because yeah he’s a GREAT pope, BTW. Very influential and is the result of an increase in connecting the youth to the churche’s old fart traditions by being funny and fruity as hell and the exact opposite energy as a church youth group counselor but Major Tom is also just fuckinga. High school senior age and so he sits dramatically on his pope throne clicking together his fake acrylics he bought at idk the Vatican Citu is in Italy so an Italian target store probably being like hmmmm can I still legally excommunicate people? Whatever the Beatles are now banned because I said so. Everyone’s like man what do we do with Tom here Also. He actually scribes for the Torah anyways he’s currently transferring an old ass scroll over to newer scroll paper because it had recently got spilled on you k ow how it is also his little cousin is pissed at him all the time because he always coincidentally turns things meant to be about her all about him he doesn’t do this on purpose but he’s just so dramatic people just have to focus on him Also he’s a jojo oc which makes shit even more funny because his stand is named Love Boat and it does absolutely nothing because he’s never felt the need to use it so it’s a weird little pet to him and people think he’s crazy for talking to it because they can’t see it but that’s okay sometimes they think he’s just praying out loud and with his eyes wide open while he’s doing a live video of mukbang in the chapel des es mayjuh tom tew groun controwl....oim steppang frew tha doohoor and oim floatang en tha mosta peculiar waaayhaay ALSO he’s Italian so Naples strong love wins okay bye
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benevolentbirdgal · 4 years
Went to a zoom Bar Mitzvah today / 10 Differences I noticed
This morning I attended a Bar Mitzvah for my little cousin on zoom. It was, um, different. I want to start by saying this is no shade (or sheyds) to my cousin (who read way more Torah than he had to and did a wonderful job) or the shul who is doing their best and being super adaptational during this weird time. 
This was my first zoom mitzvah (I’m saying zoom like we say Band-Aid, it was another platform). I’ve been to at least a hundred and probably closer to 150 total Bar/Bat/Bnai Mitzvahs across a variety of denominations (everything but Jewish Renewal) in four states and one outside the U.S., but this was my first one watching on livestream as opposed to live. 
First time for everything, I suppose. I should also note that the shul in question is VERY reform to begin with (and has been doing livestream services for a while), and in a warm state. 
1. It was outside under a tent. Again, warm/hot state. The rabbi actually made some jokes and talked about the tents of Moses. I thought this a nice touch-addressing the weirdnesss of the now. It was also a VERY small group in physical attendance.
2. Everyone was masked except for people as they read from the Torah or prayer book, standing like ten feet away from everyone else. For the participatory honors most individuals (or couples) came up and stood away from everyone else to say or read the thing into the microphone. No physical contact with the bar mitzvah boy (other than his parents). 
2a. When my elderly great-aunt and great-uncle read the aliyah blessing for the second aliyah (they’re Levi-em) they had a microphone way away from everyone else and where other people had been unmasked. 
3. Because it was Reform, there were only four aliyot so there weren’t that many people coming up anyways. The only readers were the bar mitzvah and his dad, so very little standing near the rabbi and cantor. Both had personal space when they did their readings, much more than you’d have as a Torah reader in normal times. I’m not sure if my cousin had always planned to read that much Torah or if it was a as-few-people-up-here-as-possible-thing. 
4. No throwing candy. This tradition has become less popular in the last few years anyways, but when his older brothers had theirs 3 and 6 years ago it was a thing and it certainly wasn’t here. 
5. No hand-shaking with yasher koachs. 
6. Fewer people had honors (because fewer physically in attendance). 
7. Kiddo’s dvar Torah included stuff about the pandemic, as did the parent speeches and Rabbi’s speech. 
8. L’Dor V’Dor with the Torah (passing from generation to generation the physical Torah during the service, i.e. grandparent to parent to kid) isn’t a super common tradition anyways, but they did do it from just his parents to him (because his parents were household contacts anyways). 
9. It was definitely more interactive than most I’ve been to. Part of this is because of how very nontraditional the shul is, but also the small size of the service (one of the few they’ve had any in-person component of in months). People kinda had to shout to be heard because masks and distance, but there was a sort of charm to it. 
10.  No oneg.
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factoffictionwriter · 4 years
Tiva Fic Amnesty #7
A couple of pregnancy scenes. Just a peek into how our favorite couple might handle some of the stresses that come with bringing a new life into the world. 
Note: A well-meaning Aunt gave Ziva and Tali identical Baby Books at their Bat Mitzvahs (I think we all know an Aunt like this). 
Tony knew it was going to be a rough night when he opened the door to their apartment and found his very pregnant, very round girlfriend sitting in the middle of the living room floor hunched over the laptop. There were no lights on in the entire place, only the bright screen to illuminate her face. 
He took a deep breath before closing the door behind him, “Ziva?” 
Her head snapped in his direction, “We need a name, Tony. Our baby doesn’t have a name.” 
He sighed, “We talked about this, Ziva. We said we weren’t gonna name her until we met her.” 
“But we need to have some ideas. We can’t just expect to look at her and come up with a name out of nowhere. We have to have a list or something.” 
Here they go again. Another night like this. He glanced around their spotless apartment. He could tell she had spent most of her day cleaning, though the place had been practically immaculate when he left her this morning. Nesting, Dr. Brown had called it. Her irresistible urge to clean and prepare for the baby. Most days cleaning the apartment and reorganizing the piles of baby clothes in the nursery was enough to satiate them (first the clothes were organized by color, then by size, then by use, then back to color), but other days she paced around miserably as she tried to pinpoint what exactly it was she needed to be doing to prepare, though there was absolutely nothing left for her to do. 
At least she had already found something to fixate on tonight. But, of course, it had to be the one thing they had agreed not to spend too much time preparing. Tony had this irrational fear of naming their child. It was stupid, he knew it, but he was terrified that they would pick the wrong one and the kid would grow to resent him (like he almost had with his father. Nobody should have to be a Jr. Nobody.). 
Ziva had claimed to understand this, and they had decided that they would pick the name for their daughter in an organic way. Whatever they thought when they looked at her, that would be her name. Second trimester Ziva had been completely fine with leaving that detail to the last minute.
But clearly, 3 weeks from her due date and nesting out of her freaking mind Ziva wasn’t so cool with that plan. 
“What do you think of the name Leah?” 
He scrunched his nose, “Didn’t you tell me that Leah meant sick or weakly in Hebrew?” 
“It does.” 
“Let’s not tempt the fates. Leah is a no.”
“What about Sarah? It means ruler or princess.” 
He considered it as he moved to the wall and turned on the overhead lights, “Sarah could work. I like Sarah.” 
“I do too,” she whispered as she seemed to add that name to a list she had going on the computer.
“What did you say your mother’s name means again?” 
“Rivka? It means ‘a woman who takes a man’s heart’. But I could not name our child that. It is much too ethnic for a child growing up in america.” 
“But there is an english version of it, right?” 
She nodded, “Rebecca.” 
“I like Rebecca.” 
She scrunched up her face, “I am not sure I do.”
“Okay, no Rebecca.” 
She ran a flustered hand through her messy curls, “I have accumulated a decent list. We can go through them together in a minute. Can you go grab the baby book from the nursery? I think there is a page in there to document the names we are considering for her before she is born.”
He nodded and tossed his stuff into the corner, making his way down the hall and grabbing the book off the crowded dresser. He flipped through some of the pages was he walked back to the living room. She had really done a great job with this thing. There were pictures inserted on almost every page. Some of her, some of ultrasounds, others of the two of them together, posing in front of their apartment building and other significant places for their child. 
He flipped one final page as he cleared the hallway, stopping in his tracks as he looked down at the finely printed name on the paper. 
“Uh, babe?” 
“This page is already filled out.” 
“What page?” 
“The one for the baby’s name. Like her real name. Her official name.” 
“What are you talking about?”
He held the book in front of him for her to see as he crossed the room and sat on the floor beside her.
She took the book from his hand slowly, her eyes moving across the page several times before she processed what she was seeing. 
In black ink, typed in a font that was meant to look like the writing of a small child it simply said: 
My name is:
And beside it was a thin line where you were supposed to be able to write in your baby’s name. But there was already a name there, in careful script, lined all the way up to the left side of the space so that there was plenty of room behind it to write a last name. 
“Oh,” Ziva whispered as she ran her finger over the delicate letters.
“Do you know what happened?” 
She nodded, “This must have been the book my aunt gave to my sister. I remember sitting in our bedroom one day, less than a year before the attack. We were making fun of the way that Americans like to name their children after themselves.” 
He held a hand up to his chest and pretended to act wounded, “Ouch.” 
“I actually like your name, Tony. But some people can take the whole family name thing seriously. You end up with Charles White III or Malcom Brimington the VIII.” 
“Stanley Yelnats IIV.” 
She laughed, “If you want your movie references to keep going over my head, you are going to have to stop showing me so many of them. That is from Holes.” 
He smiled down at her, “I knew there was a reason I loved you.” 
“Anyway, Tali had insisted she was going to name her child after herself, whether it was a boy or girl. I told her she wouldn’t dare. It is common in the Jewish community to name your child after a loved one or a family member, but hardly ever after one of the parents. She dug out her book and pulled out a pen. She wrote her name in it, telling me that it was already done. Her child, boy or girl, was destined to be named Tali.” 
He sat up a little straighter, a whole bunch of different things coming together to click in his mind. 
“Tali DiNozzo,” He whispered so quietly he wasn’t even sure she would hear him. 
But she did. And she lifted her head up, her eyes finding his slowly, “What?” 
He cleared his throat, unexpected emotions making it feel tighter as he tried to say the name again, the name he knew would be their daughter’s, “Tali DiNozzo.” 
The corners of her mouth twitched as she tried to blink away a whole new wave of tears, “Did we just…” 
“Name our daughter? I think we did.” 
She swallowed as she tried to gather up the strength to try it out herself, “Tali DiNozzo.” 
He smiled at the way it rolled off her tongue, so much more graceful than his. He knew he had been so against picking a name before the baby came, but even he couldn’t ignore what had just happened. They hadn’t picked the name. The name had picked them. And no name had ever felt as right coming off his lips as that one did. Accept maybe Ziva’s. He would consider them a tie. 
Ziva set the book down and turned the laptop screen up so she could see it better. She squinted at it for a couple of seconds before turning her eyes back to his. 
“Tali Elizabeth DiNozzo.” 
He clenched his jaw to keep back the next set of emotions.
“My mom.” 
Ziva nodded, “That was at the top of my list. Your mother had a beautiful name.” 
They both took deep breaths simultaneously as they let the name sit between them. 
Ziva finally looked down, pulling the fabric of her shirt up so she could put her hand directly on her swollen stomach, “What do you think, Yakiri? Do you like your name?” 
Tony leaned forward and put his hand next to hers, bending down so he could whisper against her warm skin, “Tali Elizabeth DiNozzo. What do you think?”
They waited in tense silence, both staring at the bump, anticipating a response. 
They weren’t disappointed. 
A tiny limb, be it a hand or a foot, moved just beneath his palm, then again under hers. 
“I think she likes it,” Ziva whispered.
“I think so, too.” 
“We have a name.” 
“And she’s not even here yet.” 
She winked at him before leaning back and trying to lift herself off of the floor. He watched as she leaned left and right, trying to get her balance right so she could stand up. 
She failed. And soon fell back on her ass.
“Tony…” she whined as she looked over at him, the pathetic puppy dog eyes he always knew she had inside of her but never thought she would dare pull out were on full display. 
He sighed and lifted himself off the ground before offering both his hands to her and grunting sadly as he pulled her to an upright position. 
“Do you feel better now? We have a name… we have a nursery… we have the car ready for the transport home from the hospital. We are ready for this baby, Ziva.” 
She nodded, “I know we are. I just… I don’t know. I have a feeling that she’s gonna be here before we know it. I want everything to be…”
She sighed, “When you put it like that, I sound crazy.”
“Not crazy. You sound like a Mom. It was bound to happen eventually.”
Convincing Ziva to ride home with him instead of with Gibbs was a challenge. She was still worried about the man she considered her father now that he no longer had his. She remembered how hard it was to lose Eli. She remembered how much it hurt to be the last one left. Gibbs was the last of his family. She knew that had to be weighing on him.
She practically saw the ghosts of Shannon and Kelly standing next to him during the funeral. She could feel him feeling their loss. Being the last one alive had a way of bringing back all those past deaths. All that past pain. She understood. And she wasn’t sure she should leave him to drive all the way back to DC alone.
But it was a damn good thing she did. Because when they stopped at a gas station just 45 minutes away from home so she could waddle her way into the bathroom for the 500th time that day (pregnant women can see like it’s nobody’s business. Tony had not understood that until this minute), she was barely gone 5 minutes before his phone started buzzing in his pocket. Her face was on his screen. He answered it hesitantly.
“Everything okay in there?”
“Don’t freak out,” she said, her voice so calm that he almost couldn’t believe he had heard her correctly.
“Why don’t you tell me what I’m not freaking out over before I make any promises.”
“Did you remember to put the go-bag in the car before you left home?”
“Go bag? You mean the hospital bag?”
“Yeah, whatever. Did you remember to put it in the car?”
His eyes widened as he tried to cran his neck to see into the trunk of the car, “I’m not sure. Why?”
“Because we’re gonna need it.”
He froze as he tried to get his lips to move and get out the words he was thinking, “You’re not-”
“I am, Tony. My water broke. I’m going into labor.”
He started fumbling with his seat belt, finding it suddenly impossible to unbuckle, “You can’t be. You’re what…. Two weeks early?”
“Oh, right. My bad. Let me just tell the baby. I’m sure she won’t mind waiting.”
“Sarcasm isn’t helping, Ziva,” he finally managed to undo his seatbelt, now he was fumbling with opening the door.
She sighed, “Right. Sorry. Just… get in here. I need you to help me stand up.”
He tried not to laugh at his own mental picture, her sitting on the toilet, her pants around her ankles and her stomach bulging. She was stuck. And laughing was not what he needed to be doing right now.
He opened the door too aggressively, drawing the attention of a few onlookers. He ignored them.
“I’m coming, Zi. Be there in a sec.”
He ran across the parking lot, ducking into the store and almost knocking over a display of cornchips in his dash for the bathroom.
He had it all planned out. He was gonna help her get cleaned up, lead her through the gas station as quickly as possible, and gun it all the way to the hospital. He cursed himself for driving the Hyundai instead of his Porsche. Though it would be much better to drive home from the hospital with the extra room. And he was pretty sure he could still hit 120 in this thing on a good stretch of road. Sometimes having a badge pays off.
He had really thought through it all… except for the possibility of other women being in the bathroom. He burst through the door and was met with four wide eyes as two women turned to face him. One reached into her purse and he had to hold up his hands out of fear of being pepper sprayed.
“No funny business. I swear. My girlfriend just went into labor and I-”
“Tony!” Ziva yelled from inside the farthest stall, “A little help here!”
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