#i actually have a short story abt this in the drafts
so-very-small · 1 year
Thinking about giant/tiny interactions through generations. Like, decades, even centuries ago, a giant meets the borrower in their walls, and they become friends. So when the borrower settles down and has kids, of course they’re gonna show their giant best friend the family. And when the giant has a family, they introduce the borrower. The giants take care of the borrowers, and the borrowers do the same in turn.
It goes on for generations. Their grandparents were friends with mine, our parents grew up together, of course we’re gonna be friends. That kinda thing. If they move houses, the borrowers come with them, but I like to imagine it in a big house that’s stayed in the family for years, with extra wide walls long since modified for the bustling borrower family inside.
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 10 months
ok but... changing states wip intro :))))
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badolmen · 1 year
socializing got me feeling like a cat laying in sunshine
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ofbreathandflame · 8 months
(heavy discussions on sa - this is actually an older post that i made like months ago, and was actually the first draft of the amarantha taboo post, so some things sound similar! just a heads up!)
you know i actually think there is a wider discussion to be had about rhysand's sexual assault - or sexual assault and trauma as it functions in the wider narrative. ive always felt that bc the story puts rhysand in this vulnerable position (i.e. a victim of sexual violence) the story always needs to like...make up for it, if that makes sense? 
what i mean is: the story creates this dynamic where rhysand is a victim; he has no power, control, or say - but it also has a very hard time reconciling to the fact that he was placed in this position. and so there's these weird placeholding pieces of information that often addle or confuse the narrative. and i talked about this before with rhysand's framing of his 'service to amarantha.' i also contributes to the moments of hyperviolence with rhys in the books, as if he constantly has to make up for the fact he was placed into these vulnerable positions in the first, implicitly.
the first book - and other books thereafter - imply that rhysand's court is specificially shielded from amarantha because he aligns himself (action word). rhysand's decision is framed as a 'sacrifice' which implies a choice (that he didn't really have). it always implies that rhysand is the one consciously 'one-upping' amarantha by 'agreeing' to be her 'right hand man' again - notice how despite the fact amarantha is characterized as a sexual deviant, she's rarely the focus. its what rhys 'gave' and not what 'amarantha did.'  
and this is fine if this is the way rhysand chooses to see what happened to him - bc then that's a trauma response. he can't acknowledge it so its better for him to rationalize it - that would have been great writing. 
but thats not how his sexual assault and role utm is discussed. 
other characters view rhys sexual assault as a statement of heroism (which ew) and not a just a statement of amarantha's capacity for sexual violence. tarquin literally says something along those lines. which again is implying that RHYS HAD A CHOICE. we can't frame this as heroism. he was raped, he did not sacrifice something...it was taken. 
in the initial scenario - where we remove the idea of autonomy (e.g. the idea that rhys purposely aligns himself with amarantha) he's a victim. but then - so is tamlin, tarquin, beron, kallias, and helion. in short - rhys being taken advantage of says nothing about him. it's a statement on amarantha's cruelty. but the story isn't satisfied with this bc...how would he be any different than tamlin whose vilified for being directly affected by his trauma, who 'sat on his ass for fifty years' as the book says. 
its the tragedy of how male sexual assault is rationalized in this series. the story literally purposely sets up a mirror position where rhys and tamlin are consistently compared for how they work through some of the craziest trauma ever known to man. the level of trauma the story is asking these characters to 'overcome' is actually quite insane. 
so the story ups the ante, it doesn't want rhys to be 'just a victim,' it wants him to be the MAN TM. bc tamlin and tarquin are 'just victims' so ewww. like even lucien is given another horribly written experience with sexual assault (which it literally has to bend the worldbuilding to accomplish) and then kind of position his complaints abt ianthe as whiny. or how tarquin's trauma is...not 'dark' enough for feyre. these men are often characterized as cowardly or not enough in relation to rhys. helion, thesan, tarquin, and tamlin are all consistently characterized as 'cowards' with little to no initiative or backbone.
so the story does that thing where it provides impossible situations: rhysand is the most powerful being in the world, he's so powerful that even without his 'real' power, he's still light years more powerful than the others when they're powers are ripped away. he can read minds, and has two wraiths that can literally walk through the walls and spy. he's often sent on missions on behalf of amarantha and can waltz in and out of the spring court without any issues (ie. its easy for him to convince amarantha he needs to go to the spring court multiple times. and then when he works for amarantha - he's the mastermind, not her. he's playing her all along and blah blah blah). but then it doesn't know how to write this dynamic with rhys and amarantha. and then it depowers him, while shaming the other men in the series for not doing 'enough' even when the most op character with all of those advantages isn't even able to over power her.
there's little introspection into amarantha as a character and as a villain -- and you'll notice she's hardly ever mentioned after the first book...despite the fact that she was literally the high queen of prythian and was the governing oppressive force for a half-century. as said in this post - the story isn't actually concerned about making a point about male sexual asault.
and that's why i talked about why that amarantha taboo is...kind of important to how the story chooses to conceptualize sexual violence/assault. the choice to create amarantha (and ianthe and maeve too) as these caricatures of sexuality - which is pretty much the case of all of sjm's villains. 
the story doesn't want to fully commit to a tactical scenario, because it doesn't believe that he's a victim in that capacity  - or at least that the victimhood is valid. bc its spends so much time invalidating the male trauma around rhys, the only way to make a distinction between rhys and the others to have rhys "orchestrate" his own assault to save everyone.
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loopscereal · 2 months
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VOTE GOLDAMI extras below the cut
inspired by Chocos animatic that wrecked me, I've rewatched it god knows how many times! i love it so much! vote goldami i say as if im not going down with a sinking shi-💥 uh uhh i gave Cami some scarring (?) on her hands, due to her "evil magic hands", idk if they're Actually There or if its metaphorical for how she sees herself, Golden is kissing her hands and pulling one to their chest to show that her hands wont inherently harm people. her hands are inspired by eclipsa from star vs the forces of evil, personally i would giver her the scarring physically, cause her wearing long gloves all the time would be really cool uhhhh detaaails details uhhh
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cami has anchor earrings, Golden has the steering wheel of a ship. haha get it? a ship could never love an anchor? cami also has her hair turn into chains but i feel like thats obviousss. their outfits are also sailor and captain outfits respectively, idk how accurate they are i just googled sailor and captains and combined things that looked cool to me. anyyway details abt their outfits:
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camis stripes are "light stripes on dark base" with a white bow thinggg (if we ignore her collar thing)
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Golden has stripes that are "dark on light" and a black bow thing, and black gloves! so their things are opposites but their hands are matching and "dark"
THATS IT thats all for details, uh onto concept stuff and drafts that you (choco) might like.
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in my first sketch (left) wanted to have cami doing nothing with her hands, abscuring them complerely somehow, and then theres one where shes literallt going in circles with golden with her hands behind her back, and Golden offering out their hand. second sketch (middle) i got the idea to have Cami not looking at golden, crying, and gaving Golden hold her hands to their face, cupping their own face with her hands, and kissing her hands to show theyre not evil. but the third (right) sketch i realized that i didnt really like Golden being "above" Cami in any way, whether it was her own perception of them as better than her, or not, i liked the idea of golden "coming down to her level" on the floor and comforting her, being by her side. so! on the floor! they re both on the floor now.
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heres where i start focuing on the one pose, getting the anchor as an earring instead of a hairclip, and i lifted her head a bit but i ddnt like that, i really really liked the "dropped" hanging head she had in that third sketch. uh blue sketch is the begining og the final thing! yay! then the first actual draft thing. this is when i decided that i wanted to colorpick the blues specifically from chocs videos. twas essential. uhhh yeah. yeah. long story short this it totally revenge. this is me getting revenge. revenge from choco, who clearly wrong me, me in specific, by using the cranewives in his propaganda. this is revenge, i hope you explode. <3
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almightyhamslice · 7 months
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I didn't forget abt them I just wasn't totally sure where to place them since they're meant to be encountered AFTER the story concludes. They're not even the last drawing in my Star Stacker series though! Very close to the end though... just two more drawings left!
Gryll is an alien witch who travels through the cosmos looking for people to stack stars with! They always conjure up the blocks themself, so their 'playmates' don't have the excuse of not having a game board or blocks... and if others don't know the rules of the game, Gryll explains it to them in agonizing detail! Gryll strikes me as being rather long-lived, but also incredibly carefree and not concerned about their own mortality & just living in pursuit of fun! They might be the same species of alien as (or perhaps an offshoot of) Marx's species? The two might've even played a game together once upon a time. Gryll can be irritating when it comes to asking others to play their games, but they do care about fairness-- they NEVER cheat because it removes the fun for them! They already know they're the best player, but they want to prove themself in an honorable way.
Other than their fixation on star stacking, Gryll is also very fond of onions! Their three onion companions are named Sugar, Salt, and Pepper; Sugar has no leaves, Salt has short leaves, and Pepper has long leaves. I think for Gryll, cultivating onions is less like farming plants and more like caring for animals? Like chickens, maybe? Though the onions themselves are smarter than that, so maybe it's more like taking care of parrots or crows? Point is they're really common on Gryll's homeworld and they like to have a few of them following them through space at all times. So they don't get lonely! Though, Gryll does also like the flavor of edible onions.
Overexplanation of my gijinka design under the cut!
Design wise I did kinda base Gryll's appearance off Marx (mostly cuz they both have huge shiny eyes and are from outer space! Though notably, Gryll has invisible/detached arms that are covered by arm warmers, and no external ears (maybe I will remove Marx's ears as well?). I knew I wanted to emphasize that they have detached arms, but very clearly visible legs! Though I also wanted them to have more stripes in their design, so I decided they should go to their arm warmers. Similarly, I thought they could use more red, so I added a little red shawl. My gijinka design has bare legs since I think they're a very striking feature of Gryll's in-game design-- Gryll has actual legs rather than connected shoes or floating shoes, which not a lot of Kirby characters have! Their top is cut on the sides; it's more androgynous that way I think, and it's also a nod to how Gryll was accidentally depicted with actual arms in one of their in-game panels. I interpreted the lines on their face as whiskers/patchy facial hair, again because it feels more androgynous to me! And I think it makes them look cute. I suppose it could just be blush or paint but I like whiskers!! Basically, I totally overthought Gryll's design lol! I think it's because this is their only appearance so I don't rlly have room to redesign them! Unless I feel like it later lol.
anyways heres my funny drafts of Gryll! They used to have striped sleeves but I wasnt satisfied w that rlly.
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They remind me of a Rayman character or perhaps Rayman himself? (has only played Rayman 1 and failed miserably at it)
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pendarling · 3 months
Top 15 Best out of 50(1)
Nobody asked for it, and I have a million requests in my inbox (I'll get to it, I should rly consider turning it off), but here is a list of my personal favourite hero x villain stories I've written and I will rank them from best to still best but, I definitely could've done better, and I will not rank stories that I feel I don't want to. I'm only putting like 15 of the best out of the 50. Technically, I have 51 stories, but I lost one of them somewhere in the wreckage.
Letters & Masks: Why? Because it's literally got everything. Jealousy, captivity, secrets, crazy level of intimacy and professionalism. All in a sweet little bundle. I dunno abt yall but I defo ate here.
List: This oneeeeeee I already wrote a part two draft and someone asked me to write up a part two after I went to sleep. Needless to say, yes, sir, it is coming. I only write good stories at 4 am and I made this one in a single sitting.
Do You Like Me?: I don't remember the specific details here all I remember is there was a lot of teasing which I personally enjoy. Hero meanwhile is in denial that they like them.
In Your Lap: I wish I had more to write here but to keep it short and sweet sometimes is the best. It's straightforward no bullshit maze before we get to the main subject. We just dive right in. Tension.
Remember Last Night: Lore. And I genuinely do wanna write a continuation, the problem is I have a million drafts. I think someone did ask for a continuation but idk. A lot of ppl actually req and I'm just a uni student
Praise: AAAAAAAAA manipulation at its finest. Like are they genuine with their feelings? or are they fucking with Hero's mind??
Taken: Captivity my beloved. It's more a Citizen x Villain and left up to interpretation. A few people asked for a second part of this as well (I'm sorrrrrrrryyy).
Winter Boots: Villain subtly flirting with Hero <3
Plushie: AWWWEEEE Hero is a sweetheart. They bought a plushie of Villain. I was also going write more for this but it was literally 6 am and I needed to fix my sleep schedule.
A Kiss To Freedom: It's a bit hot actually, captivity again.
Ring of Engagement: In summary, Villain assumes Hero is engaged and then we have mild spice. Might as well be salt. But the reason why it's on this list is for the level of comfort that follows after (\\\^_^\\\)
Aggressive: Kink reveal
The Town Theatre: ATLA reference actually
Perfect Timing: Lore again, I really like it, I don't think I'll truly let go of time travel stories. They're all so unique
No Date For Valentine's Day: Villain rips on Hero for being without a Valentine then asks them out on a date hahahaha. I had fun writing it and I hope to do something next year too!~
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streaminn · 1 year
Also wondering if you could correct me on the timeline of the streamer enid au this is just from what I can recall/guess but please correct me! ->Nevermore from show hyde stuff -> Second year stalker & relationship beginnings, stalker murder & proposal -> Third year: Graduation & Marriage. Viper Series starts getting published during this time & the series is semi popular but not big & Wednesday isn't a well known figure yet. -> After graduation figuring themselves out enid settling down in a house and starts streaming as Endespair, is known as a super fan of the obsecure viper book series. Wednesday starts travelling & is writing viper books, both are still in love but having some independance from eachother after being so close in such intense situations & still sending letters & calling eachother. A bad movie adaptation of viper series is made, enid rants about it on stream. -> Wednesday does a remake of bad Viper movie & Enid has a major role & some of other nevermore friends are in it -> Wednesday starts acting/directing etc & becomes a horror scream queen & gets super popular and is also known as super focused and workaholic. Viper books get super popular also. while Enid starts stunt double & Extra work credited as Enid Addams known as Sin Addams on set -> Wednesday & Enid collab on new book Lycoan Curse & it is published credited to Wednesday only, it's a hit. -> Wednesday acts/ helps direct Carnage & enid joins on Carnage as stunt double for it, is an extra in wednesdays next movie Scream in smaller roles -> Lyocan Curse announced to be adapted into show, & Wednesday finally done with ldr and wants to come home to Enid -> Wednesday & Enid get cast as main roles in Lyocan Curse & Wednesday is home with enid now, they are adorable and I love them Am unsure what the timeline is for the bad viper movie & wednesdays remake of it, esp since i think it was before wednesday got popular but am unsure how much that time it gives between having a bad viper movie get made to then having a remake greenlit also if it was during the ldr🤔 Apologies if this feels super nitpicky not trying to be, just trying to wrap my head around the timeline cos I love this sm! anyway ahh sorry for such a long ask, Wenclair and these Au's have me in such a brainrot, I got obsession in my bones -🐅
wenclair start dating by mid to end of 2nd year! Its also the year when Wednesday finishes the book Hyden truth and gets it published around the time the 2nd semester stars.
The marriage happens right after the proposal (both happening in third year, near the end of the actual lunal rite) with maybe a day or two difference just for them to get better from their wounds. Its also the year that the bad adaption of Hyden truth gets made and showcased.
Wenclair and a few of the gang make their own lil remake by themself after graduation. So its not that good of a quality but the effort is shown. Its posted in Enid's old abandoned youtube channel.
The same summer the remake is made, Wednesday makes and publishes her lil short story book that is going to start the monsterfucker allegations in a year or two.
You got everything pretty spot on tiger :D! you did amazing, holy shit. I didn't expect someone to pay that close attention
The announcement of Lunal Curse being adapted isnt when the wenclair ldr ended tho. The 'exile' ended when Wednesday finally sent the final drafts of the book Lunal curse and has it published, she then goes to pack her bags and runs back to enid.
youre so true for this
Wednesday is home with enid, they are adorable and I love them
But just incase, the remake wasn't done during the ldr :) so don't worry abt it
and no worries abt the long ask, i totally get people wanting to understand more on wtf is happening so i appreciate people asking me to expand more :D
thanks again for the ask tiger, have a good dayyy. I totally understand the brain rot, i have it too
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rusmii · 2 months
I saw that something happened and i hope everything is okay, and gets better💗💗 I wanted to tell you my little idea I had based on something I saw but imagine a vampire chuuya x artist reader, the specific scene i imagined was chuuya frowning while looking into the mirror, being met with nothing, just his bedroom, not him, never him. He constantly would glance in mirrors or front facing cameras in attempt to see himself but always being disappointed and walking away to go sulk somewhere by himself. One day, reader notices him standing infront of his bedroom mirror, a common occurrence now, so they take it upon themselves to drag him away, placing him down on a chair in there art studio, that once was a spare bedroom that chuuya changed because "no one stays over anyways" and "you deserve your own space, doll", so after a few hours of him asking if it's almost done, trying to hide his eagerness with complaining the seats uncomfortable and the room is to cold, eventually the painting is done and they happily show him, at first chuuya doesn't react but then he smiles, slightly, very slightly that its almost unnoticed. "is that what I look like?". "I tried to make it as accurate as i could" to which he would question his own appearance, because what else could he do? "Is my hair really that color? My eyes surely arent two different colors, right? ..right?" each answer being met with a small laugh or gentle smile, nodding along and confirming his questions to be the truth, after his questions die down a bit and he would thank them, grabbing there hand and kissing there knuckles to which the reader would respind with "dont thank me, i would never give up an opportunity to draw another portrait of my muse". Chuuya, responding curiously, the smile a little more noticeable now. "another? is this not the first?" to which reader smiles and shakes there head, grabbing a notebook thats kept in perfect condition, showing him each page, the whole notebook dedicated just to him. "I know we can't exactly capture all those picture perfect moments in a picture, so i drew them instead..!"
AHHH OMG this was supposed to be a really short sentence like a quick "oo la la what if?" BUT MORE IDEAS KEPT COMING AND IM NOT A GOOD WRITER AT ALL SO I KNOW ITS NOT THE BEST AND I DIDNT REALLY CHECK FOR TYPOS BUT I JUST HAD TO! i have SO MANY ideas for stories or writings but i can NEVER actually put them into words or anything so i usually forget them but i needed to tell this one to someone and i thought you would like the idea!!🫶 i have another idea (not really with any character just a little idea) of a soulmage au but like my own sorta twist on it if you'd like to hear about it!! again, i hope you and everyone you care about are all okay💗💗 mwah💋
butbutbut let’s talk abt UR WRITING??? holy shit girl this is beautiful 😭😭 WDYM U DONT KNOW HOW TO PUT IT INTO WORDS?? UR DID IT SO WONDERFULLY RIGHT HERE 😳😳😳😳😳😳
BUT AAAAH vampire chuuya who has spent centuries without ever looking at his own reflection, realizing that he is indeed, the most gorgeous vampire a human has had the pleasure to lay their eyes on when he sees the hand-painted portrait by his one and only love 😩🥺💕 AND THE INNOCENT SHOCK OF YOU WILLING TO PAINT HIM OVER N OVER AGAIN UNTIL HE GETS TIRED OF LOOKING AT HIMSELF AAWWWAAAAAAA
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sinswithpleasure · 2 months
hai sins :hugg:
kariselle super duper hot, im actually jealous how u were able to set that up so well and casually, makes me think abt how I do my own worldbuilding like maybe in Minecraft terms turning down my render distance(?????) to just the characters and less to the environment
sisterly bonding also cool, named reader is something id love to try out. I haven't done threesome yet and I will be taking notes :DDDD in particular im interested in how you wrote in such a way that didn't take long, I didn't think abt it a lot before I started but after I did I've been avoiding threesome bc I felt they had to be long like 5k+ and have all the moving parts when you could just,,, do that which is awesome
tuesdays with you again named reader and this time fem, it's another thing I have an aversion to bc im not well into the intricacies of the female experience but reading eunbi I had to stop and think if it really really warranted that much special attention. the cut was also perfect tho that wasn't too hard to do in hindsight, just makes me wonder abt how I do my own cuts since im kinda insecure that I do them so often sakfjflshshdkf
this maybe wasn't the sort of feedback u were looking for lmao sorry but ily sins go to sleep :DDDD
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hi box!!
okay let's dissect this part by part.
Kariselle exists because I work with characters, yes. I think the world around the characters can only be built when you have a grasp of what you want these two, three, four people to do with each other. It's the wrestling philosophy—I'm the booker of the show, and it's a sex show. I want the audience to see these two people fuck. These two really complement each other in some shape or form (character trait, like, for example, in To-Do List, Minju's naughty, and OC's corruptible and a bit of a pushover). Now, I have the complentary traits, and I can start selling the reason why they fuck: Is Minju exploring? Is she a known pervert? Is OC just a horndog? What does Minju want out of this? What does OC want out of this? Why do they have to fuck? I think this is an effective way to start a draft—knowing your characters first, and making a world around them.
For Sisterly Bonding, a threesome does not have to be complicated. You can actually just start with the sex scene, and sprinkle details in later. Writing does not have to be a linear process—this is something I need to learn myself too. You can absolutely just cut the story short, and sprinkle details of it into the smut instead. However, remember that Sisterly Bonding is Chapter 1 of a series, and not a standalone, so I do have wiggle room to spread my worldbuilding out, which results in what is posted.
For Tuesdays With You—I'm not familiar with that experience at all either. I'm absolutely shooting from the hip, but I've also tried to really make it as realistic as I can imagine or know through research. I'm pretty sure there's a girl out there who's read my work and went "this is bullshit" and left, but I don't think I'll ever know, unless they use this AMA to really tell me "haha ur shit" or something idk. I think I'm doing okay though, based on the comments on AO3.
Your cuts are fine, from what I remember. Don't worry about it.
Sex in the Box,
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what-is-my-aesthetic · 8 months
Don't forget abt octonauts-October!
Oh goodness I’m actually drafting a community post about this but long story short i don’t have enough time to cover all that content anymore! I need to save that for when I have several months to dedicate to it.
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milfhandholder · 10 months
My Personal Headcanons on Grell's Past Life (A Masterdoc)
*with excerpts from a draft that will never see the light of day!
The autism got to me ok
Now before we start, I feel like I have to add some disclaimers, number one being everything about this isn't really based on anything concrete, this is strictly my delusions. Second being if there's a flunk in the time period, ignore it. Turn your brain off.
Mr and Mrs Sutcliff
Before our beloved baby girl, there are, of course, her parents. They're nameless in my head, only going by Mr Sutcliff and Mrs Sutcliff. Grell doesn't remember either (more on that in a later post about her reaper years). Her parents were happily married actually, her father knew he had to marry well and coincidentally fell for the best lady during his time. Her mother fancies a handsome man in a suit, perhaps that's where Grell got her taste in men
Her father had brown hair while her mother had red hair which she inherited along with the kind-yet-kinda-arrogant eye shape her mother has. Yet despite that, she looks more like her father: perpetual smile, sharp chin, a more angled face rather than a rounder one, broad shoulders, his eye color (I have never thought abt her eye color before Dispatch so imagine it as you like). Grell's attitude is a mix of both families, the good and the mostly bad coping response
They also know about her 'homosexuality' and her father states that it's fine as long as no one else knows. Their song is Our Word, TRUST
Early life
1840 - 1858
Grell Sutcliff, in my mind, was born to a wealthy old money family. She was her parents only child and as a son, they knew early on they had to teach her to be a respectable young man to be a good heir for her father's business. She's not close to any of her parents; her dad was fine enough to joke around with but he has his moments of anger (I see them like how Emily Dickinson and her father were potrayed in Dickinson) and her mother—though more soft-spoken—was strict with decorum and required Grell to act appropriately at all times no matter what
She had some cousins but most notable would be Martha who was 8 years old when Grell herself was 18. Martha was Grell's first exposure to her hobbies that are seen as feminine like sewing and dressing up but still no 'awakening' yet
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She used to be very obedient and less outspoken with her opinions, some even regard her as a serious person who is above anything that isn't seen as polite. During social events, you can usually find her chatting away with people of the highest status but afterwards, she'll be very tired and would look disgruntled somewhat (my girl is tired of masking). Usually when that happens, she'd slip out of the party for a break, this is where she gets the opportunity of a lifetime, the cataclyst of everything actually
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As seen above, at 18, Grell was invited to an event by Aubrey Churchill at his country house (privacy reasons, he said) which was actually more of a lively party for bohemians alike which wasn't something Grell was used to. Though she felt overwhelmed, out of place and slightly judgmental about it at first, she frequents the event more in the future after meeting her best friend Charlotte Moore
1858 - 1862
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Brown hair, blue eyes, and a fiery spirit, Charlotte was an upper-middle young lady who aspired to be a writer and mostly dabbles in poetry and short stories. She was Grell's first 'gender envy' which Grell misinterpreted as a crush so when Charlotte privately turned down her proposal to court her—stating that she didn't really see Grell as a future husband—, she got over it pretty quick and the two remained friends even when Charlotte moved to New York when they were 22
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When Grell turned 19, she met Charlotte's cousin and a son from Grell's family friend, Julian Williams who was around 24 years old, no bitches, no rizz, bad vibes. They became fast friends, too fast actually. Julian's a dick and ended up using her as an experiment/for funsies :///. Charlotte attempted to get Grell cut the relationship off BUT THE ASSHOLE IS LIKE LICE, HE JUST WON'T GET OFF. Eventually, Grell does call their fwb situationship off when they almost got caught and Grell decided that "hey, maybe I don't want to get stoned for getting caught making out with someone who doesn't even like me enough"
Things have not gotten better because at 20, she gets stuck in ANOTHER situationship, girl FIGHT BACK. With none other than Aubrey and Eleanor Churchill (married couples are freaks) who were 25 years old and 20 years old respectively when they first coaxed Grell to join in on their... weird fuck pile. They treated her better than He Who Must Not Be Named and they did ignite her love for theatre and acting but still... on thin ice
Anyway, they don't matter. All you need to know is that they eventually drifted away from the situationship all together because they found someone else
Jane Doe, The Only One Who Deserves Rights
1862 - 1868
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MY BELOVED JANE DOE (not her real name obvi), if you've read TWBDT you know she was Grell's wife during her human years and that she was a lesbian who was looking for a beard. Why, you ask? Because Julian is a pisshead who was jealous that Grell moved on to the Churchill and decided that the best way to remedy his jealousy is by spreading a rumor about her 'true nature' as if he wasn't sleeping with her beforehand ://
Mr Sutcliff had no time for such bullshittery and basically told Grell to pack her shit up and get a wife quickly. During this time, Grell wrote a letter to Charlotte:
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Idk what else to put during their relationship aside from the fact that it was only with Jane that Grell started to question her gender a bit because she's the only one who isn't a raging transphobic cunt (sorry y'all Charlotte's a victim of her time, she changed later on though). Unfortunately girlie didn't connect the dots faster and ended up having a one-sided crush on Jane rip. They're cute and I wish they were real :( wholesome yuri
Unfortunately, all good things do come to an end. 1869 in particular was a hard year for her because that's when the pressure starts caving in on her. Aside from her father forcing them to have kids already, Grell's starting to realize that her life just sucks man. As much as she loved Jane, it's not fun marrying someone for status and appearances only and not for love. Long story short, she ended up breaking down under the intense pressure after a huge fight with her father and she died via slitting her wrists in a locked bathroom in her home with Jane getting inside way too late
Grell died pissed off, believing that her suicide was as an act of revenge against her family because now, they don't have a heir that came directly from their bloodline, and overall became a bitter and jaded person she was in the reaper OVA
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starlightkun · 4 months
genuine question, how do you write so fast? 😭 i feel like you’re so quick with your works, both writing and putting them out!!
also i found your tumblr on ao3 and i have to say that you are carrying nct fics on ao3. i hope you never stop writing cause i could be 40 and i would still read your stuff 🫶
i think a big thing has been getting out of my head abt writing! like i only write when i want to, i don't stick to word counts (minimums or maximums), and i dont compare myself to other writers (not that i read a whole lot of fic anymore, but there's a few that i still keep up with and one of them churns out fics way faster than i do, and another who posts like maybe two or three times a year but i still love them!) like i've def said this before, but for me, writing fic is fun, it's something i do bc i want to and if i open a word doc and i'm genuinely dreading it, i'm not gonna do it (my adhd brain simply will not make me lol--tho that is a double edged sword bc i do have to chase myself into doing something i like sometimes, but the ritalin has helped a lot xx)
i also dont go into my fics completely clueless anymore. like, i for sure don't know everything, i learn a lot along the way, and tend to change stuff (and get surprised by my own fics, which is always fun!), but i definitely have more of an outline and general sort of sketch of the fic in my brain and in my word doc before i start actually writing real scenes of any sort, which has definitely helped. like, starting with one little idea isn't bad at all (strawberry sunday literally just started w the fact that i liked the title of a song that i hadn't even heard yet and it turned into like 10 fics??), but i dont just start writing head empty anymore (i used to get a tiny spark of inspiration and try to write everything start to finish immediately because i thought i'd lose it if i didn't, and it'd burn really short. now i sort of just sit with it and slowly tend to it like fire instead and it lasts a lot longer and gets a lot bigger). i ruminate a lot before anything that looks remotely like a story leaves my ideas doc and gets its own doc
idk if this necessarily makes me write faster, but i also edit as i write? like, sometimes i open a fic and i don't have anything in me to write, but i'll reread what's in the draft so far and edit, make little changes, fix continuity errors, etc. not only does it keep the whole plot so far fresh in my mind as i continue writing, but then i have a lot less to proof myself when i finally finish the whole thing because i've already caught a lot of spelling, grammatical, and plot errors! i used to find editing a slog to do bc when i finished my first draft i would be so excited and wanted to just post it! and didn't want to reread all this stuff i just wrote several times to try to find typos, and now it's usually a breeze bc my first draft isn't really my first draft, it's been continually revised as it was drafted. and sometimes i open a doc, won't feel like writing, tinker around with some editing, then suddenly have a lightbulb moment while i'm editing and jump into writing
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clareguilty · 3 months
*shows up 20 days late w starbucks* 🪐📚🏜🦋🦴🧩
MON AMOUR! Thankuuuu ily so so much
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
1. My professor liked my last short story so much he's recommended that i expand it into a novel for my dissertation
2. Our lecture this week was from a rly great literary agent who gave us lots of good tips on querying and publishing contracts!!!
3. Im crushing super hard on a guy and i rly like him but shhhh don't tell anyone 🤫🤫🤫
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
I can't share the content of the note, but it's a draft of a query letter to literary agents with a pitch for my dissertation!!!!
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I rly like to try and be funny and put clever jokes or references into my fics, and anytime someone actually points them out in the comments i think about it for WEEKS on end! Someone finally pointed out a silly bit in my recent longfic and i think abt that commenter every single day
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
It's such a conscious and active choice to surround yourselves with good vibes and supportive people and beautiful art. It's a muscle to exercise and a skill to learn to take back your own appreciation of craft and joy separate from what is pushed on you by external forces. Living deliberately and honestly may be difficult and looked down on, but it's much more rewarding when you realize that your own efforts have filled in all of the little spaces in your life.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
OOF a toughie bc im currently working in mid 20th century modernist/post-modernist short form novels but i predominantly read stuff published before WWI...
Maybe 90s cinema is my biggest inspiration? Rly gritty edgy crime and drama films that are psychological and character driven. Fight club and Se7en and all of the films based on stephen kings stuff
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
1. (Actual crime) No paragraph breaks. PLEASE include paragraph breaks
2. (Not a real crime) First person POV, i just dont prefer to read it
3. (Sort of a crime) Purple prose. If you spend the first three sentences using overly flowery language then im going to assume the rest of the fic is like that and leave
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neonsbian · 5 months
hi vinnie <3 since you’re like my resident writing oomf i gotta ask: do you have any tips on motivating & inspiring yourself to write and get through a writer’s block? seeing you post about your writing is so inspiring but i’ve been struggling for months now rip </3
hmmm tbh i dont rlly have a good answer for you other than teach yourself self-discipline. ive been writing for almost a decade (crazy to think abt lol) and in that time ive basically had to teach myself to commit to writing.
writing is just like any other artform, it's a skill that you build gradually by practicing consistently. the best way to do this is to come up with a goal in your mind and actually work towards this. i don't mean like, deciding you want to write a novel and just writing right away (though that does work for some people) but building steps to slowly achieve that goal.
let's say you want to write a novel. great! the first thing i would do is find time in my schedule to write. a lot of people assume that means sitting down for hours at a time and just typing away but finding time to do that in todays society isnt easy and personally, it's more effective for me to find gaps and short moments to just write for a bit. for me, the most writing gets done when im constrained for time. and you don't have to do it all at once! you can write a little bit at different points of the day too.
i also plan what im going to write before i write it. this doesn't mean i outline necessarily (i don't do that until the second draft) but before writing a scene, ill have a vague idea of what i want to happen in that scene. sometimes it changes as im writing but i never go into writing without a vague idea of what's going to happen.
i think setting a daily goal for yourself is really important. i know writing everyday seems kinda daunting, especially if you didnt do that before but like i said, writing is a skill you build gradually by practicing consistently and you have to be consistent. your daily goal can be a certain page count, word count, or chapter count. whatever works for you. i personally don't rlly like using quantifiable units as my daily goal bc that makes me like check the word count obsessively and prefer to use story markers as my goal instead. basically, i decide before writing i want to reach a certain point in the story by the end of the day. sometimes im in over my head and have to adjust, but it's more useful to think abt it that way for me.
also, if you're just starting out, i would make my daily goal relatively simple and easy to achieve. if word count is how you're counting it, then i'd set it to like 500 words. you might feel frustrated with how slow your progress is but it's more effective to slowly build a story than to write a huge chunk in a short amount of time and then never touch it again. and even if the progress is slow, at least progress is happening!
i know a lot of people have said this but you're also gonna have to allow yourself to write badly. i feel like this something that's difficult to implement into your mindset but it's essential to teach yourself this or else you'll never get anything done. shitty writing doesn't mean you're a shitty writer, it just means that your writing needs more work and the only way to achieve that is by working on it consistently.
i also personally think it's helpful to read the writing processes of other writers and try doing them yourself. lauren groff, for example, writes her entire second draft from memory which sounded absolutely insane to me but i tried it for one of my short stories. that method didn't really work for me but from her method helped me improve my own system. basically for scenes that were in the first draft but were going to be changed pretty drastically, i don't open my first draft at all and just write the scene. every writer's process is different and what works for one writer isn't always going to work for you, but it's still worth a shot to try it and one way or another, it'll help you understand yourself as a writer better.
to me, writing is self-discipline as much as it's art and building a system that works for you is going to take some time but it's necessary to achieve what you're hoping to achieve.
this ended up being longer than i expected but tldr: set a goal, do it everyday 👍
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flutteringfable · 1 year
horse girl (gender neutral) kaeya hcs bc i am also a horse girl (gender neutral)
oh yeah baybeeee time to be a horse nerd for the benefit of my fanfictionssss <3
kaeya isnt a huge favorite character of mine but as an equestrian myself i love thinking abt his own horse experiences lol. also soft-ish ragbros content because i desperately want them to be happy *shakes fist at hoyoverse*
warnings: mentions of character death, major spoilers for kaeya and diluc’s story (mostly what’s covered in the manga), and possible contradictions to the canon timeline? like idk if i got stuff right about the timeframe/age of kaeya being adopted, joining the knights, etc but hopefully it can be overlooked since it isn’t a major part of the hc list lmao
kaeya has loved horses his whole life
both his original father and diluc’s had horses, so he’s been around them a lot
when he was little, he spent all his time playing in the stables
by the time he was around 10-12, a little bit after he was taken in by the ragnvindrs, he could care for the horses by himself
crepus would ask him and diluc to help him name new foals
he started learning to ride almost immediately after getting better at caring for the horses
diluc and kaeya would follow crepus on horseback through the wilds of mondstadt sometimes when they accompanied him for errands
after crepus died, kaeya taught himself, and surprisingly became rather skilled
i like to think that there was a period where kaeya and diluc were close immediately following crepus’ death before they drifted apart
so, kaeya taught diluc a lot of what he knows now about horseback riding
when kaeya joined the knights of favonius cavalry, he felt right at home
he learned some vaulting and one-handed skills from training with the other knights
so now he’s REALLY good
he excitedly tells diluc everything he learns whenever he can
diluc listens, but this is during the period when they started to drift apart, so he feels the smallest twinge of jealousy
regardless, a small part of him is proud of kaeya, and he does his best to voice this since he doesn’t want to dampen his brother’s mood
nowadays, kaeya likes to go for quiet rides around windrise on his days off
(context + horse nerd rambling incoming!
for those of you who might not know, most horse’s “names” are nicknames! domestic horses have what i can only describe as “legal names” or as they’re more commonly known, “show names.” these names are typically structured similarly to actual names, with two words (“shooting star”), but some people will use phrases (“a walk with grace”) or titles of movies, songs, etc (“dark side of the moon” “candy crush”). i don’t wanna bore you with the details here, but if you’re interested just look up how horses’ show names are chosen! okay back to the kaeya horse girl hours)
kaeya bought his own horse about three years after he joined the cavalry
she’s a fresian (very pretty breed i love draft horses so so much mwah my big fluffy babies) named shining miracle
kaeya calls her miracle or mira for short
everyone in mondstadt knows mira
kaeya sometimes walks her through the city on patrols, and will almost always be stopped by people leaving gentle pats on mira’s neck and saying hello
during the windblume festival and weinlesefest, kaeya likes to braid cecilias and windwheel asters into her mane.
mira is gentle and soft tempered, so even in the most chaotic of festival settings she will stand quietly
during festivals she gets lots of extra treats, and bakers in mond have taken to making special horse-friendly treats especially for her
needless to say, she’s very well taken care of by both kaeya and the entirety of mondstadt
sometimes, when he’s stressed or otherwise upset, kaeya will take mira out to the shore and gallop her up and down the beach
(with breaks, of course. no matter how pent up he may be, kaeya would never push mira to exhaustion because of it)
okay if anyone has more questions about mira and kaeya i would be so so happy to answer them i’m kind of obsessed
hoyoverse give us horses to ride ingame challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (look i know that would make it feel more like a zelda clone but come ONNNN i want a pretty horse)
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