#i almost did but i accidentally forgot to fight back in the middle
the-converse-high-top · 2 months
i just got in a fight 💪😎
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meowlod · 6 months
could I be silly and request Clorinde x Frost Operative! Reader?
The potential with a forbidden type of love because she's the champion duelist and reader is a Fatui agent djdjjdhs
your writing is really fun btw :)
- someone who likes axolotls
OHHHH!!! omg this is so good…made reader a little tease ;)
Clorinde has been off work lately, walking outside of the city of Fontaine, feeding animals like a ordinary person would. But suddenly, she heard some noises in the bushes, so she decided to look around for any danger, already taking out her gun incase someone jumps out and attacks her.
”Come out and face yourselves.“ She looked at the bush where the noise had came from, but there is nothing. Clorinde heard noises in a different bush, and ran towards it, only to see a fox eating food. Damn it.
But then, her ears listen to the sound of loud laughter coming from behind. She turns around to see a couple of fatui agents with weapons already ready to battle her, but none of them know that she is the champion duelist of Fontaine, someone who is very strong.
So later after defeating all the fatui agents, her eyes slightly widen and she almost shot the person who suddenly came up behind her and hugged her tightly. The person takes off their mask, only to reveal that it‘s you, her partner.
Clorinde quickly calms down and turns around to face you, sighing in slight irritation. If she wasn‘t careful, she would have accidentally shot you, and you would be already dead!
”Clorinde~ What are you doing here?“ Your cheerful voice gets her even more irritated. She is not mad that you suddenly creeped up behind her, really, she isn’t. She‘s only mad because she almost killed you right in front of her. So she‘s a little mad at herself, because she deeply cares about you. I mean, if she did shot you, you would've dodged it anyway.
”…Love, don‘t do that again when i‘m in the middle of a battle, do you understand?“
”Sorry, darling.“ You smile and give her a quick kiss as a little apology, letting yourself go into Clorinde‘s arms. Her small smile tells you that she accepted it, and she hugs you back, giving your cheek a kiss as a sign of her affection. She truly does love you, even if you both are much forbidden to love each other.
”Sorry again that those fatui agents were attacking you earlier. Were you able to kill them all? Oh, wait, you‘re the champion duelist! ‘I forgot~‘ Hehe.“
Ugh…your teasing. Clorinde never forgets about it. Even if you‘re serious most of the time, you don‘t hesitate to tease her.
She looks back at you with a stern expression, her arms crossed. You look back at her with a nervous smile, putting back your mask before taking out your sword.
”Do you want to fight? I wanna show you how good I‘ve gotten the last weeks!“
Your attitude right now reminds her of a certain..Fatui harbinger who almost said the exact same thing. Clorinde doesn‘t even take her weapons out, and just simply stares at you.
”No. I don‘t want you to get injured.“
Ow. You huff and sigh. Maybe not today. Your frown turns back into a sweet smile and you take her hand into yours, staring at the sky before staring back at her.
”Fine…do you want to at least walk around for a while? Nobody is here, nobody knows about us both being together, so it‘s fine. You don‘t have work for a while.“
Her little smile makes you think that she accepts your invitation and it makes your smile wider. Clorinde takes a moment before she answers back.
”…Of course, my love. Let’s go and do something in our free time while we can.“
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alien-girl-21 · 5 months
I was bored and started thinking about shit that happened when I was in highschool, and one thing lead to another and so this happened
Joker out as things guys in my highschool did (+ bonus käärijä)
(yes, these all happened)
• Called himself the "math messiah" —Jan
• Starting a human pyramid on the back of the class just because —Bojan
• Playing with tazers like light sabers —Bojan and Jure
• Making a tunnel of people and having one person run through it while everyone else threw their backpacks at them —they all organized it
• Play fighting a little too hard and breaking a window —Jance
• Throwing someone in the small, mounted cabinet in the classroom to see what was inside, and thus, breaking it —bokris
• Playing charlie charlie in the school lab table —Bojan and nace
• Directly staring at a chemical reaction we were told not to look at because it might blind us —Jure
• Calling that same chemical reaction the 'expecto patronus' spell —Nace
• Improving a song about the national independence because they forgot to make an actual presentation about it and had just brought a guitar with them —(bo)jan²
• Organized freestyle rap battles in the middle of class (brought a speaker to listen to the beats better) —Bojan
• Organized wrestling matches in the free periods —Bojan
• Participated in said wrestling matches —everyone else
• Hit the vape the second the teacher entered the classroom and coughed up all the smoke in shock, making the teacher think there was a fire —Kris
• Being the goalie for a football match while blindfolded (no one else was) —Jure
• Performing a rock cover of the school anthem at 8 in the morning in a school assembly —do I even need to explain?
• Tripping on the field and creating a domino effect that made like 30 people fall as well —Kris
• The second a fight broke out in the gymnasium (there really wasn't a fight), he picked up his gf bridal style and sprinted out the gymnasium screaming "WE'RE NOT DYING TODAY BABE" —Nace (the gf is jan)
• Ran off a protest we were doing to buy empanadas —bokris
• Answered the question "how do you write sol?" With "s-o-l" in guitar class —Kris
• Got so attatched to the egg baby project thing that when a football crushed it he actually cried a bit —Bojan
• Somehow made an oil paint concoction that never dried in the almost two months we were painting with oil paints —Jure
• Sprinted out of class to go play pokemon go at the school entrance —Nace
• Almost made the woodwork class explode because of faulty wiring they made —Bojan, Jan, and Jure
• Used to exchange school jackets because they missed each other (they swore they just didn't look at which jacket belonged to who) —jance
• His flirting technique was to say that he was the same zodiac sign as the girl he liked even if he wasn't —Bojan
• Was trying to do the splits and a primary school kid ran up to him and kicked him in the balls —Jan
• During a very important test (like very fucking important) tried to cheat in the biology section by searching what a cell was on google, just for the text-to-speech to start reading the definition in max volume —Bojan
• Accidentally used baking powder instead of flour when baking cookies in cooking class —Bojan, Jan, and Nace
• Went off to every table in the cafeteria and stole every hot sauce to add more to his fried chicken because 'it wasn't spicy enough' (more of the same hot sauce did not make it more spicy) —Jan
• Lost 300$ worth of food because the same cafeteria closed down the day after he put money into his account —Nace
• Brought a gas mask to class when there was a cold outbreak in the school —Bojan (still got sick)
• Got the wifi password of the art supply store near the school and used it to play minecraft on his phone —Jan
• Used to bring USBs with call of duty on them, installed them on every computer in the computer lab and played with his friends in class —Bojan
• Smuggled a toaster and blender into the school, got bread, cheese, ham, strawberries and milk delieverd to the school and made sandwiches and smoothies for the class (you had to pay though) —Jure and Kris
• Daily breakfast would consist of: a bottle of the same brand of cheap energy drink bought in the kiosk for like 2 months straight —Bojan
• Played a gay character in a play and was so good at it that teachers had a sit down with him to ask him if he was actually gay —Bojan
• Brought alcohol to an alcohol-free party organized by the school, said to not show anyone just to show everyone the bottle of alcohol —Jan
• Actually did the 'this shot's for you, babe' on a basketball game (his final pe test) and failed it —Bojan
• Used to ask girls to pluck his eyebrows weekly in the middle of class because he wanted them to look good —Kris
(+ bonus jere bc i just had to)
• Confidently saying the capital of Colombia is Ecuador in the oral geography test —Jere
• Tried to hide a basketball under his shirt (basketballs were banned) and when questioned about the bulge in his shirt, replied with "I'm pregnant" —Jere
• At a patty organized by the parents of pur class, got drunk, went to sleep on the floor and ended up being used as a bench by like 3 girls —Jere
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Biohazrad @huxloween
Hux winced in disgust trying not to scream or cry. Or not to throw up. He would actually want to do that. And of course it was Ren's fault. As always.
"Are you fine General?"
"Fine!?" Only this piece of trash had a audacity to ask that "FINE REN?! I am covered in blood and saliva of some… Unknown beast! It's disgusting, awful and probably biohazardous! If i am going to fell ill because of you…
"Because of me?" Ren snorted "I saved your life. If not me this beast would eat you Hux. You're welcome."
Hux groaned annoyed fighting with urge to curle down on the ground.
"Where do you think you are going Ren? "He hissed when Ren wanted to go off ship just like that.
"To my quarters of course."
"And spread this, whatever we are covered in, on whole ship. No way." Ren blinked.
"I always go to my quarters after mission"
"Yes. Because you are stupid and have no respect for regulations and my crew health. We are going to take decontamination shower. I am not letting you go like that." Ren's expression went smug.
"Decontamination shower? Just tell me already that you want to see me naked sweetheart." Hux pressed his lips together. He somehow forgot about this part.
"You wish." He hissed. Yes well. He really forgot about this part. Decontamination shower was not private experience as it was design to fit as much people as possible. He sighed looking at Ren who was stripping himself without any shame and tossing his cloths to the disposal.
"Come on Hux. I will close my eyes if you are so shy." Kylo chuckled.
"I am not shy! I am a soldier this is nothing new." Or is it? Because he actually couldn't remember the last time he used any common shower. As a cadet Yes. But than?
Hux slowly took of his uniform. It was ruined. But it felt good. To take off all of that grime. He stood under the water and sighed. Whatever. Ren can get fucked. It was worth it. He hissed when he tried to wash his hair. Oh yes… His hand was injured. Damn it.
"Need some help.?"
"Kriff off." He tried again but pain was overwhelming. He shivered and his eyes watered..
"Hux…" Ren came closer and supported him. "I can help."
"I hate you." Ren chuckled.
"Alright. I will wash your hair and then you can hate me all you want." Hux nodded resigned.
"Seems like i have no choice. Stop staring."
"I am not staring Hux. Stop being so self-conscious and sit down there. It will be easier. "He grabbed soap and get to work. Hux sighed letting his eyelids fall down. That was… Acceptable.
"What are you… "
"Just relax… " Kylo massaged his shoulders. "You actually looked like you are going to die on the shuttle"
"I was close to that. " he mumbled. "Ren…"
"Relax general. Sorry for getting you in 'almost being eaten alive'." Hux cleared his throat.
"Well.. you did save my life later… Kiff." He almost moaned and immediately scolded himself internally. Or Ren was so good in hair washing or Hux was going mad. For him. And it was the worst case scenario. Kylo restrained chuckle hearing general's every thought, he rinsed his hair and took a step back.
"It's done." He didn't miss wave of disappointment that came from Hux. He grinned. "Better go get that arm checked general".
"Yes. I will.
Hux was looking at his datapad in the middle of the night. He sighed and opened chat messages. He bit his lip and typed down a message.
Hux. I require assistance.
Ren. Let me guess. You accidentally spilled something biohazardous on yourself and you can't wash it off alone with an injured hand?
Hux …
Hux. Yes.
Ren. I am on my way.
Hux. However, the substance that i spilled is… invisible.
Ren. Than i will have to be very thorough.
Ren. But you owe me dinner.
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returnsandreturns · 8 months
assorted stray lines while i clean out my novlr account because i forgot i was paying for it oops
“It’s good, buddy,” Matt says, voice soft and faintly shaking, fingertips skimming over Foggy’s hair. “You’re doing good.”
[soft soft college praise kink]
“You’re really not gonna take that thing off?” she asks, amused, reaching up to flick gently at one of the points.
“I can’t,” he says, sighing. “If you know who I am, things will be more dangerous for both of us.”
“So you’re saying that I’d recognize you,” she says, fingers running down one of his cheeks slowly, tracing his jaw, gripping his chin. “Local celebrity?”
[i almost wrote a battison fic lol]
“. . .how did we end up in bed together, exactly?” Matt asks.
“You kissed me twice,” Foggy says. “Once accidentally and once on purpose.”
“. . .and then you kissed me,” Matt says, faintly, leaning back in his chair. The memory of Foggy pressing up against the wall outside of Josie’s suddenly smacks him in the face.
“Yep,” Foggy says.
[a wake up naked together fic]
“Foggy, I know that we should talk about this,” Matt says, running his hands down Foggy’s side, slipping underneath his shirt when he hits his hips, “but I don’t—I don’t wanna—”
“Talk about this?” Foggy asks, amused.
Matt has a dark look on his face before he backs Foggy up and presses him up against the wall, bodies pressed together, electricity between them.
“Stop,” he says, kissing him, breath hot when he angles his head toward Foggy’s neck. “I don’t want to stop.”
[unknown context]
“I don’t know why you like me sometimes,” Matt says, almost casually, in the middle of a movie night where they’re pressed up together in Foggy’s bed—something distracting enough that it takes a few seconds before that sentence hits Foggy in the head.
“What?” he asks, sitting up.
“Uh, nothing,” Matt says, laughing softly. “I just—I know you kind of have to hang out with me because I’m your roommate but the fact that you actually want to is—it’s nice. And surprising.”
“What?” Foggy repeats, gaping at him. “It’s surprising that I like you? What the fuck?”
[foggy compliments matt everyday until eventually one of them confesses their ardent love]
"Are we going to own up to the fact that something's happening between us?" Foggy asks, quietly, leaning into Matt a little more. There's not a lot of room in the storage closet that Marci trapped them in after a week of them fighting but he's not letting Matt get away.
"No," Matt says, equally quiet.
"Seriously?" Foggy asks, laughing. "We--we fucked, Matt. You're just gonna act like we didn’t?"
They weren't even that drunk. It just. Happened.
[internalized homophobia matt, my beloved]
“I feel like I should just shut up and let this happen, but—I mean, are you—gay? Bi? Do you actually want the sex part?” Foggy asks.
“I don’t know, but—I want to get on my knees for you,” Matt says, smiling faintly. “What does that mean?”
“That God is real,” Foggy says.
[gentle bro dom foggy heals matt with his dick: a storied genre]
“have i done the research,” casey says, scoffing as she hauls a totebag up from the floor and dumps two huge binders onto her bed, neon post-it notes poking out of every corner. “i almost drowned in microfiche, you son of a bitch.”
“don’t say true things about my mother,” alex says, with absolutely no heat, dropping onto her bed and picking one of them up, making a soft oof noise. “jesus, you did this over a weekend?”
“no rest,” casey says, darkly. “four thousand shots of espresso. i also figured out who the zodiac killer is and attempted to seduce the cute male librarian.”
[witchy teen novel]
“You know you have to go back to class eventually, right?” Matt asks, on the second day, placing a hand on Foggy’s bed and waiting for Foggy to take it before he climbs up to sit next to him.
“Or—get this, Murdock,” Foggy says, letting Matt pull him close to his side. “I drop out and become a wandering troubadour. How fast do you think I can pick up guitar?”
“You can’t leave me here alone,” Matt says, warmly, kissing the side of his head. “I wouldn’t make it.”
“Nah,” Foggy says. “You’d be fine without me. We’ll get you a guide dog or something.”
“You think I should worship you,” Guillermo says.
“Well. . .” Nandor says, gesturing at himself like it’s an obvious answer.
[no clue where this was going but presumably smut]
“They got Betsy Wallace,” Jake says, before she’s even got the door fully open.
“Hot evil talking head Betsy Wallace?” Emma asks.
Tobin makes a noise like he forgot how to speak and they both look over at him to see that he looks nothing short of terrified.
“What just happened in your beautiful mind?” Emma asks.
“That’s my ex,” he says, faintly.
“Your ex,” Jake repeats.
“I. . .dated Betsy Wallace,” he says, nodding. “For, like, a year.”
“You dated a Republican?” Emma asks, making a face.
“I dated an opportunist,” he says. “She’ll go to whoever pays her the most.”
“I mean, good for her,” Emma says, absent-mindedly, googling Betsy’s name and laughing when her picture pops up. “God, she’s blonde. Like, very blonde.”
“She dyes it,” Tobin says, darkly.
[the senate race fake fiancee romcom]
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ssreeder · 1 year
welcome to leekie’s baking exploits, where leekie attempts recipes she doesn’t read all the way through and realises she doesn’t know wtf she’s doing when she’s already in the middle and it’s too late to back out :)
okay so basically I decided against making an “easter log” bc the reality is that my sister will eat like one (1) slice and then I’ll be stuck with an entire cake by myself and then it’ll just get old and stale and Nobody Wants That, so instead I was like oh I’ll make pear sorbet that should be easy.
(famous last words fr)
have I ever made pear sorbet before?? no. have I ever made SORBET before?? no. did I consider that maybe I should do some fucking Research beforehand?? haha what do you take me for
ANYWAYS so I buy the pears and whatever else I need, and I’m like okay time to make some sorbet !! and I start peeling the pears and that’s all fine unTIL I realise oh shit we got rid of our apple/pear/whatever-else-fruit corer BUT I TELL MYSELF oh it’s fine I’ll just use a knife… idk if you know this but pears are actually really slippery once they’ve been peeled?? which means they like to slide out of your hand while your sticking a knife into them and then when the knife gets stuck in the pear it’s very difficult to get out bc you can’t actually get a proper grip on the pear to pull it out and so you can’t regulate how much strength you have to use aND THEN YOU USE TOO MUCH STRENGTH AND THE KNIFE *schicks* OUT SO FAST YOU ACCIDENTALLY STAB IT BACK THE OTHER WAY WHEN YOU RECOIL AND NEARLY END UP BLEEDING TO DEATH OUT OF YOUR THUMB but luckily your reflexes are impeccable and so you avoid certain death with your only takeaway from the experience being well that was almost traumatic :D
and then you go through that process 3 more times bc you need 4 pears for this recipe and then you realise uhhh now I’ve gotta sous vide these pears which you have never done before so Obviously you don’t have a sous vide machine. So naturally,, you then google how to sous vide without a sous vide machine, and google tells you that if you use the wrong type of plastic bag then you might end up giving yourself cancer bc the plastic will release toxins when heated and you don’t know if you have the non toxic kind of plastic but they’re the only plastic bags you have on hand so you’re gonna have to risk it babyyy
BUT THEN the bags you have are Small and you can’t get all the air out of them to vacuum seal them AND THE POT YOU’RE USING IS SMALL TOO SO YOU HAVE TO SPLIT THE PEARS INTO TWO BATCHES AND GO THROUGH THE WHOLE SOUS VIDE PROCESS TWICE which takes you an hour but at least it’s just Waiting and not fighting demons like the first hour of this adventure
ALAS I WAS STILL STUCK IN MY WOEFUL ERA AFTER THAT bc I had to Strain the mushy blended up pears through a sieve. which doesn’t sound awful. but it is. BC THAT TOOK ME ANOTHER WHOLE HOUR BC THE PEARS WERE TOO GODDAMN THICK TO GO THROUGH THE SIEVE WITHOUT HELP (which is the whole point of straining but stfu nobody asked) AND I HAD TO MASH THE PEARS DOWN and my arms literally felt like they were gonna fall off idk if I’ll ever recover honestly
anyway FINALLY I put that away after I engaged in battle with the freezer to make enough space for my pears and then I check the recipe… and the pears have to freeze overnight. Which means. I don’t even get to enjoy the product of this ordeal on the same day as a reward and instead it was just Suffering (really resonated with jesus this good friday)
so bc I want Something to reward myself I’m like okay time to make panacotta,, which I also have never made before but fortunately!!! is not very hard. HOWEVER. panacotta also has to chill in the fridge for 4 hours. so I still had no instant gratification.
nevertheless I persevered, and at 9pm my panacotta was just barely chilled enough and so I ate that :)
panacotta review: good but honestly too sweet bc this was a butterscotch flavoured one and I forgot how sweet butterscotch was so I didn’t think to adjust any of the ratios
MOVING ON the next morning I’m eating brekkie and I’m like oh might as well finish up my sorbet bC AFTER ALL THAT IT STILL WASN’T DONE so I get my massive hunk of frozen pears out of the freezer and then I realise, I’m supposed to blend this shit. and it’s too big to fit in the blender as is. so I’ve gotta chop it into smaller chunks.
anyway long story short I almost died again bc my fingers went numb bc the pears were FROZEN and so obviously I couldn’t feel them and I nearly sliced myself open with the knife I was using to finagle the pear slab into manageable pieces for the blender bc surprise surprise, the frozen pears did not want to be cut. BUT I DIDN’T DIE!! so I got them all crushed and blended and whipped and then popped the sorbet back in the freezer !! IN ITS FINAL FORM !! which means I don’t have to touch it again until I’m eating it :D
pear sorbet review: i am SO MAD bc the pear sorbet is really fucking good which means I have absolutely not learnt my lesson and I Will be doing this shit again
to conclude, here’s my baby:
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she’s a little ugly but she tastes amazing (misshapen ball is sorbet, funky rectangle is panacotta)
(also the next day I made mini chicken pies but I was like oh I want more veggies in this so I added more but Unfortunately one of the veggies I added wAS A WHOLE ENTIRE LEEK which has a very high water content I didn’t account for, so my pies were LEAKING fucking everywhere and also I had like x4 the amount of filling I was supposed to BUT !! it’s not all bad bc I just froze the rest and now I have low effort dinner ready if I’m in a pinch :D)
so pretty much, in conclusion, my toxic trait is not reading recipes all the way through before I attempt them and assuming I can alter them however I want and they’ll turn out fine. I am plagued by hubris <3
anyways genuinely sorry to anybody who’s read this catastrophe that’s not sreedie bc sreedie asked for this so they can suffer xx
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This is an exact image of me reading this ask.
I adore YOU, and I’m sorry but that fucking dessert looks soooooo so so so much better than that weird Easter log thing. I want a bite so bad and now I’m really pissed we didn’t get together this Easter.
So here’s the plan, we will have our own holiday & it is going to be the “Peary divorce holiday” and you will make me this fucking dessert and I will enjoy it and I can cook dinner :)
I May still love you (in celebration of may) but thank you for showing me this I’m sorry I sat on it so long but I read it like 20 times haha:)
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void-spells · 5 months
Survivor time! (Actually 2 sessions bc I got a new PC between em)
Mission with Bode!!!
Go's I wish Bode was a woman bc I would be SO in love with her
Damn Rayvis saw Cal and just went. Yoink!
Is it just me or does Dagan's general cadence sound a lot like ROTS Anakin? Is that intentional? Every time I hear him speak all I hear is "I have brought PEACE! FREEDOM! JUSTICE! and security to my new Empire!"
Did....this this fucker just call Cal a wretch? Hello????
Escape pod ptsd.....my baby boy,,,,,,,
The middle part hair style just kinda. Makes me think of Tim Minchin ngl. All Cal needs is the messy eye makeup and a fresh mental breakdown
New PC Time!
It is also cold and rainy so I have me some warm spiked apple cider!!
Oh man this is a whole different game when I can turn graphics as high as they go...windswept hair still looks terrible when it moves
I'm supposed to go to the crumbly moon but....I wanna explore Koboh some more.
Also WHAT did Cal do to his shoulder!!! Why are like threw of his idle animations stretching out his right shoulder!!!!
Oh wait i accidentally wrote that with my fic Sugaan Essena, didn't I...
I should write a "how Cal fucked up his shoulder" fic but on purpose this time
Oh shit! BD has a taser gun now!!
Rip in pieces Rickaroni the door guy
Have this sick ass screencap I got in honor of Rickolas
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Okay....now I will go to the shatter—oh wait I can open new chests with the taser gun
Okay NOW I will go to—what's over here?
....I feel like this will be important later....
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Very surprised nothing happened in the suspiciously arena-shaped room with the echo at the far end of it and a big ol door
Okay. NOW—lemme get more bourbon
NOW I go to the shattered moon!
Ngl I fully forgot she came to Koboh..finished chatting with Bode and Greez on the Mantis and turned around to see a whole other person
Merrin why are you LOOKING at him like that!!!!
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Rayvis stop TALKING to me! I'm literally gonna GET you!!
Oh fuck two spiked apple ciders in is NOT the time for this Big Laser Dodging
Why is every bad guy so OBSESSED with Cal! He isn't into you!!! Stop talking to him!!!!
I am so SO enamored with how this fucker died. A vision
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RAYVIS FIGHT RAYVIS FIGHT! He creeps me out almost as much as Malicos did every time he spoke to my boy
Weeps and sobs in 2 part fight.....
Takoyaki time
Cal I support you killing anyone who picks you up like an invasive gecko the way Rayvis did on the Lucrehulk
Don't beat yourself up Cal!! You did good!!!
Also makes me feel Emotions how Cal is honestly comparing Dagan turning against the Jedi and going insane over Tanalorr to....him being a little intense about fighting back as a victim of genocide. Sweetie. Those situations are so uncomparable
Return to Koboh!!!!! And I will have another drink and go to bed!!
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Stranger Things Egg Baby AU, Lessons in Love and Life
If there was one plus side to having a messed up leg, it meant Eddie didn't have to participate in gym that day. The metalhead sat on the bleachers with his leg stretched out (as ordered by the doctor note he'd faked in home room that day). While the rest of the class played dodgeball, Eddie focused on finishing the math homework he didn't have time to do the night before. Eggy Pop was thankfully with Harrington at the moment so he didn't have to worry about the anxiety trip that would he protecting and egg from stray dodgeballs. One of which had almost "accidentally" hit in the head.
"Hey Munson." Eddie looked up from his homework to see Tommy Hagan grinning as he took a seat next to the teen. "Sorry about your leg, what happened?" The fake concern dripped from his voice.
"What do you want Hagan?" Tommy Hagan was Steve's (now possibly former) best friend and a total douche canoe. The only time he ever talked to Eddie was either to insult him or buy poppers. Considering they were in the middle of gym class, it wasn't hard to figure out which the other teen was here to do.
"I hear you came to school with Steve this morning. "
"Yeah, and?"
"Well I just think it's kind of weird. Steve never let's anyone in his car...except his girlfriends."
"My van broke down." Eddie lied, trying to focus on his worksheet. He really didn't want to get in a fight right now. "We're working on a project together, it's no big deal."
"Really?" Tommy snatched the paper out if Eddie's lap despite the taller teen's protests. "See, I think maybe last night you hurt your leg sucking Steve's dick. He's so desperate after that Wheeler bitch he'd go for anything. Even a freak like you." There it was. The not so clever homophobic insults Eddie had come to expect from Steve and the other popular kids. The metalhead rolled his eyes as he snatched the paper back.
"Oh wow, you're so original Hagan. It's so funny I almost forgot to laugh." The school was well aware of Eddie's preferences after a party last year when he'd been caught making out with the Swedish exchange student by Carol Perkins. By the end of the next day Eddie Munson was somehow even more of a social pariah than before. At least Lars got to go back to Sweden without anyone knowing about him while the metalhead was forced to re experience his senior year all over again. Eddie had tough skin but man did he get tired of hearing the same stuff over and over again. "Trust me, if I sucked Harrington's dick, everyone would know about it by now. You two love to brag about that shit."
Eddie was surprised by the look Tommy gave him as the jock reached over and pressed his hand into Eddie's injured leg.
"You stay the fuck away from him. Steve's way too good for some druggie nobody like you. Hargrove too. I've seen the way you were staring at him yesterday. It's fucking disgusting."
Eddie winced in pain as Tommy finally let go of his leg before getting up and rejoining the game.
"Fucking asshole." Eddie muttered under his breath.
"-I'm telling you dude, these new miniatures are bullshit. They're not nearly as detailed as the old ones and the paint doesn't stick as well. Plus they're way too expensive!"
"But the redesign is so much cooler! Listen, I'll show you this beholder one I've been working on-"
Steve had fallen behind Dustin and Eddie as the two kept talking about the weird Dungeons and Dorks game. Initially the curly haired middle schooler had been pissed when Steve had brought the new guy with them to try and lure Dart out but as soon as he realized they both played the same dorky boardgame, they got on like a house on fire. Leaving a path of raw meat along the railroad tracks towards the junkyard to get the demogorgon to follow.
"Think daddy's ignoring us?" Steve jokingly asked the egg in his shirt pocket. The egg's happy sharpied on face stared up at him blankly.
"So, Stevie told me you tried to keep this thing to impress a girl." Steve looked over at the metalhead saying his name.
"Yeah, Suzie. She's super cool and like really smart but I don't know what to say to her. I mean how do you tell a girl you like her?"
"Well I'm not exactly versed in the girl department but maybe you could just tell her that. How hard could it be?"
"Ugh, yeah, gonna cut you off there Munson." Steve interjected. "You can't just say you like a girl. They want you to be romantic. Wait until you feel it."
"Feel what?" The middle schooler asked as his face scrunched up in confusion.
"It's like before a storm. You can feel it. Like electricity. "
"Electromagnetic fields in the air or-"
"No like a sexual electricity. " Steve clarified.
"Oh. Then I kiss her?"
"No, you don't just kiss her. Well with most girls. Some like that. "
"I like that. Sometimes people won't know what you're thinking unless you say it outright." Eddie eyed Steve as he said it. "Sides I don't think the Harrington experience is universal. Not everyone can hypnotize a girl with that magic hair of yours." Eddie leaned back and rustled Steve's hair with his fist until the other teen swatted him away.
"Hey watch it, this took me almost an hour to get it perfect." Steve said and Eddie slinked away from his partner.
"Just be yourself kid. If it was meant to be, it'll be. Weird intergalactic space lizard or not. You don't need three cans of Farah Fawcett hairspray to impress someone you like-"
"Oh my God, you promised you wouldn't mention that to anyone." Steve whined but Eddie just smirked at him as he teasingly poked at the taller boy's side. (To be fair, he was only taller because of the hair) Neither of the teens paying attention to the way Dustin was looking between them.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
man theres so many CHESTS just laying around in the zora area
also it is AAALLWAYS raining girl let me CLIMB
these underwater/underground ruins are SO COOL i wish i'd seen these the first time i was here
shrine puzzle here where i gotta take the crystal and follow the beam. i am quite clearly supposed to build a raft, but there are materials for a bike. decided against this bc i love rafting in this game and also bc of the low ceiling, even though with the crystal as a counterweight the low ceiling ought to be no problem
actually, i should have done the bike. rafting is more fun when you're going with the current and not against it and also i'm dying to see how my new battery holds up <3
BIKE GOOD...i can't wait to get a chance to properly put it thru its paces
oh man i did a really long korok trip that with my old battery i wouldn't have been able to do!!!
there's a BED? up here at the reservoir. i slept in it expecting my bike to despawn but it was still there when i woke up
and a sidequest for helping this zora get stones for mipha's court...good i could use a break lol
NIIIICE zora fabric!!
god the music in mipha court still fucking kills me. it's crazy bc i didn't even LIKE mipha that much in the first game!! like ofc i cared about her, but she wasn't eating holes in my brain. but man...........
back in the ancoent zora waterworks for 1. zora greaves quest and 2. Frog. it's still really cool in here...
oh shit the water is gone!!! crazy..............
holy shit i just fused a weapon with 104 atk lol i can NEVER use this i have to save it for ganondorf. and a club with 72 atk wtf
well, i broke them immediately. i equipped one for a sneakstrike and i guess i forgot to unequip it so i must've broken them in this fight cuz they're both gone :(
uh...no...their attack got halved...? maybe i had some kind of effect going for me in the waterworks? water attack up or something? but i hadn't had any special food or armor...
OH i see! the zora swords i used for fusion have atk up when wet. it was raining and now it stopped lol. i almost panicked
:| i saved blood moon guy again and he said OH I KNEW YOU'D COME...like.........adn now he is like well i can do my research w/o fear. u always rescue me. buddy one day theyre gonna roast you over their little campfire before my ass gets here. then what. freak
oh damn he gave me a diamond??? ok fine ig
found another high/low tide cave. i like it better than the last one, probably bc this time i'm not trying to steer a shivery purse dog npc thru it on a raft
my rubber tights!!!!!!! FINALLY i can ride and farm farosh like she deserves. mwah
ANOTHER block puzzle i can't get...am i just stupid???
got my lightscale trident! unfortunately i am definitely gonna break it bc i do not have room for it in my house lol
lol sidon's wife says he talks about link constantly. "link is the best" "no task is insurmountable when i am with link" is he like. ok. like man are you happy are you like good? crackpot theory sidon like zelda canonically has a crush but it's up to us the decide if it's requited lol. i seriously tinfoil hat think he's gay. like is this all accidental writing sure but also. good lord
i am not against sidon getting hitched or whatever but this whole thing is so WEIRD...................
THE MAN HAS A STATUE OF THEM. LIKE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE whatever look it's fine. i'm normal. this is so normal. i think this is why i left in a hurry last time actually. weird vibes i get around here. i can't be doing this shit during pride month
happily this is all i have time for today. tomorrow i wanna try doing more story lol the right side of my map is so close to being clear but i need a break!!!
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slepyicarus · 2 years
yes im working through all the mc!monday prompts to get my wips a bit cleaned up to pre write for comfort november. I already had to delay inktober because my wrist started to hurt again an still hasnt stopped again. (who the fuck knows why. the doctors cant explain it)
Now as always: full credit for the challenge goes to @obeythedemons Btw im sorry for tagging you constantly in these lance. I just want to credit like one should do ;A;
prompt: He pauses as he looked inside his wardrobe, closet, or pile of clothes on the floor. He’s missing something. His mind thinks of what could have happened to that article of clothing. Did MC take it?
-- Who did MC steal from? What did they steal? What are they using it for?
Tags: abit of fighting between mammon and levi, icarus being in slight pain (wrist), mention of accidental being hurt by lotan, and yeah. thats it. this is mostly just fluffy chaos
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Belphegor yawned while stretch himself. Napping next to Icarus was always one of his highlights of the day since the halfdemon napped rarely. A thing that never made sense to the avatar of sloth as his boyfriend was a sloth demon too and must feel tired with the deepness and permanent stay of his eye bags. Slowly he sat up and looked for his navy cardigan which he tossed to the site in the middle of his nap thans to Icarus being warm enough to revial Beels and Mammons unnormally high body temperatures. But no cardigan was to see anywheres. Now that he thought about it Icarus was missing from his site too but his purple cloud and spray patterned hoodie was this laying on the chest at the feet of his bed. Chuckling "So the clothing thief struck once again but forgot to take his evidence with him. Might as well take it in exchange" Getting up from his bed and trowing on the hoodie before grabbin his signature cow prit pillow he headed downstairs
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Icarus stood between Mammon and Levi, keeping them barely from fighting. "Let me at him, Henry!! He sold one of my Limited Perl Edition in Color Manga of Ruri-Chan! You know how long we stood in line to get them!!", Levi screeched furious only not using his strength against his lover thanks to the wrist stabilizer that Icarus had to wear. "Hold him back, Treasure! Or he will call Lotan on us again!", Mammon almost screamed making Icarus wince in pain. Ruhig Blut, Icarus. There is no need to go to physical violence..Remember Satans Word.., Icarus meanwhile repeated in his head. He was glad he took that nap with Belphie right around now. His fuse was a bit longer thanks to it but even he knew that will last only so long. Like a saving grace Belphie came into the living room yawning before asking "Did Mammon steal something from Levi again, Shooting Star?" Icarus nodded and only threw a pityful expression to the tired demon for help. Sighing dramatically Belphie stood between his older brothers giving Icarus the chance to step back and massage his hurting wrist a bit. "Can you guys not get that figured out between yourselves? I mean look at Icarus. He just got a small nap and looks like he could need another already.", all three now looking at Icarus closer to which Belphie smirked making Icarus realize his grave mistake, "Not to mention didn't Simeon tell us to make sure he doesn't use his hand for unnecessary things because he couldnt heal it completely from you calling Lotan and Icarus being caught in your twos cross fire. Again." The room was suddenly completely dead silent. You could hear a pin drop before all hell broke lose making Icarus raise his hands in response to how both Mammon and Levi roared "Why the hell are you two wearing eachothers jackets?!" "Hey thats unfair! Why are you only wearing Bephies clothes but not mine! Im your Boyfriend too!! Your playing favorites arent you?!" Icarus glared towards Belphie who clearly enjoyed the chaos he caused before redirecting his attention to the two very upset avatars "Ok first of all, you two know i regularly steal all of you guys clothes. Second of all like Belphie said I just napped with him!, " pointing is glare at the second oldest he continued, "Get your mind out of the gutter Mammon. I know that expression of yours. Im still Ace." turning his head to his envious boyfriend Icarus added on top, "And Levi, I'm literally wearing one of your Ruri-chan T-Shirts under the cardigan. I'm not picking favs. Also shouldn't you scream at belphie?? HE is wearing my hoodie." Effectively redirection the attention of the two again Icarus sat down on the couch, watching the youngest argue with his older brothers earning a glare inbetween from the slothful demon. All Icarus replied with was a grin and a mouthed 'I love you too'.
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Sitting in the attic after having fled the living room as they both got flammed in the end the two sloth demons laughed about how they played the ball of the situation to eachother only to let it bite the both of them in the ass. Laying his head down on Icarus lap which made him start play with Belphies hair as usual while said laying party asked "Why do you actually steal our clothes? Especially Levi and mine?" Icarus giggled and flat out explained "It smells like you two. Thanks to my eyes being as bad as they are my other senses are stronger. My strongest is my sense of smell. So having the smell of our two around me helps me stay calm and collected throuout the day.", the avatar nodded understandingly as Icarus continued, "It also lets other demons at RAD think about messing with me just because I look weaker and am as short as I am. Asta also said it reminds others that I'm under your guys protection and kinda your and Levis mate." Icarus snapped his mouth shut, having let that little conversation with the other minor sloth demon slip out without meaning too. Both sloth demons blushed at the thought of being mates. Belphie cleared his throat "I see. So its kinda a comfort and protection kinda thing?" "Yes.", starting to mumble the halfdemon added, "But i also just like the thought of having something on me showing im your twos.." Belphie catching it still from being used to Icarus mumbling grinned "So you like the thought of being marked~?" Which, respectfully, earned him his pillow pressed on his face with a annoyed "Halt deine Klappe und mach Kopf zu!" from his lovers. Belphie in responds took his pillow from his face to sit up. Only to threw himself at his boyfriend and and start to tickle him. Icarus squealed laughing and rolled around the thankfully large bed with Belphie to play tickle fight. "What are you two doing?", came out of nowhere Beel asking munching on some snacks. Both sloth demons looked from him to eachother before laughing.
They completely forgot its Attic Sandwich Movie Night
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German words/phrases in the story and their meaning!
Ruhig Blut = calm blood; i believe in english there it would be just Calm down or keep calm. Halt die Klappe = shut up -> the ruder german version would be 'Halt deine schnauze/fresse.' It means the same thing, just more rude. it can still be more rude then that tho. (germans are swearers. u legit cant take the swearing out of germans. comes free with a resting bitch face) Mach Kopf zu = shut your head; it means to stop thinking about a topic aka stopping thoughts from entering your brain. -> My sister says this alot, so i naturally picked it up and say it a lot. It's a playful thing to say!
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teddy-yandere · 3 years
Hello, I hope you are well and stay hydrated! I just saw your answer, so I hope you don't mind if I make my first request (the first of many I hope, if you like what my silly head imagines JAKJHSA-)
Can I please ask for some headcanons of Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Muichiro and Giyuu with a fem! reader who constantly puts herself at risk to save others? For example, she is trapped in the middle of a horde of demons to get Nezuko out of there, she ends up very injured, but does not die.
I was also planning on doing an Attack on titan request but I forgot I was going to ask for * cry * anyway, when I remember I will send it to you if you don't mind! I love and admire the way you write, have a beautiful week <3
- Danger -
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes
Characters = Tanjiro , Zenitsu , Muichiro , Giyuu
A/N = Feel free to request any characters you want. I write for many different fandoms , all you have to do is scroll to the bottom of this post and pick what fandom and character you want me to write for and send me a request. My inbox is always open so feel free to chat with me!! <3
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• Tanjiro thinks that you are being absolutely ridiculous putting yourself in danger like that.
• If you really want to get kidnapped by this man , then this is how you do it. Tanjiro really admired your bravery and hard work , but this is just too much for his poor heart to handle.
• Every single time you out yourself into danger , he feels like his heart is actually being pulled out. As I have said before , he asmires your need to defend others , but can’t you just leave all the hard work to him??
• One time he saw you trying to save a mother mad child while fighting a lower moon , and he felt like something just went off in his head. Tanjiro is never violent towards you , but in that moment he pushes you out of the way , and lectured you after the demon was killed.
• Tanjiro just cares too much about you. He can’t afford to loose you to a demon.
• At first , Zenitsu found your habit very admirable, until you almost got yourself killed trying to save Nezuko.
• It was a very hard mission that you were assigned with Zenitsu ( his request ). Despite his protests , you decided to run ahead of him to check the area out and spot out the demon. Little did you know that there were many other demons in that area.
• When Zenitsu caught up to you , he found you completely surrounded by demons , trying to protect a younger member of the corps.
• That is when Zenitsu snapped and he killed all of the demons very fast. When he was finished he turned to look at you, and saw that you were bleeding. It looked like a lot of blood so he licked you up and took you to the butterfly mansion to get you checked out.
• Luckily, you were okay , but you needed a couple stitches. Let’s just say that Zenitsu, refused to let you go alone on a mission after that experience.
• Every time Muichiro hears that you are going on a mission , he tries his best not to worry about you. This may come off as weird , but Muichiro sees you as someone who is strong and unbeatable. He knows that you have a bad habit of putting yourself in danger to protect others.
• He does not know why , but when he heard that you were going on a mission today , he had a very bed feeling about it. He tried to ignore it , but it it soon became to much , so he decided to go where your mission was.
• To his shock , and surprise , he saw you laying down clutching your side as a demon was approaching you. Muichiro went over and killed the demon , before rushing back to you to check your condition. It did not look well for you.
• He rushed you to the butterfly mansion , where he got the full story from you. Turned out that all of the lower moon were having a meeting there. You accidentally walked in a became overwhelmed by all of the demons. Nearby , there was a young boy picking flowers. You had to distract the demons from the little boy.
• While Muichiro was happy that you were safe , he can’t help but feel a lot more uneasy whenever you go on missions without him.
• Yeah no- Giyuu will not put up with this habit of yours for long.
• It all started when you were assigned to go help Tanjiro and Nezuko with a mission. Giyuu got a very bad feeling so he decided to secretly follow you to the destination. At some point , Giyuu lost track of you , so it took him a while to find you . When he did find you , he did not like what he saw.
• He saw a bunch of demons circling you , while you were protecting Nezuko. You also looked like you lost a ton of blood. He immediately started to kill the demons. When he was done , he told the siblings to go ahead and he quickly took you to the mansion..
• When you woke up in the hospital bed , Giyuu practically yelled at you for heading into danger.
• After he was done , he apologized and asked you to be more careful.
• After that , he kidnapped you after that
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Thanks for reading Darling !! <3
Feel free to request any character you want. I write for all genders. If you don’t tell me what gender you want then I will just make it gender nuetural. I write for many different fandoms such as:
• Demon Slayer
• Haikyuu
• Attack on Titan
• My Hero Academia
• Death Note
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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Hi! Can I request headcanons for dating marcus (deadly class)? Thank you
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A/N: Just a head’s up, I got a little carried away, so this is kinda long lol. Also, sorry this took forever! I’ve been suuuuuper busy lately :/ I almost had it done before work picked back up, but I couldn’t figure out how to end it. Anyway, I hope you like it!!
Before the two of you started dating, Marcus had no idea that you liked him, and for good reason
You did such a good job with hiding your feelings that sometimes even you forgot they were there, which was kind of the whole point
With girls like Saya and Maria around, sending out mixed signals and dropping subtle hints that they liked Marcus, too, it was intimidating
Add Marcus’s constant cynicism about love, and life in general, into the mix, and it was clear the chances of him actually liking you back were next to nothing
So, you knew it was probably for the best to move on
You used the “if you ignore it, it’ll go away” approach in the hopes that if you simply didn’t acknowledge your feelings, the problem would disappear
All this did, however, was create a whole new issue
Somewhere along the way, you’d begun to take the thought process of ‘ignoring your crush’ too literally
You and Marcus were best friends, so when, out of the blue, you stopped talking to him, he could tell something was up
He had no clue what, though
Naturally, he assumed it was something he had done
Marcus started asking around among your mutual friends to see if they knew anything, but they were all just as out of the loop as he was
You hadn’t told anyone about your repressed feelings for Marcus, and you had no intention of letting the secret slip any time soon, but accidents happen
The truth came out one night during a game of truth or dare when you were up on the roof smoking with the Rats
Your confession came tumbling out quicker than you could even think about reeling the words back in
“You hear that, Romeo?” Billy asked, elbowing Marcus in the ribs. “Y/N’s got the hots for you”
All Marcus could do was laugh nervously as he looked down at his feet, refusing to meet your gaze
To your relief, no one brought it up again for the rest of the game
When the next day rolled around and your crush on Marcus still wasn’t the topic of conversation, you started to think that you were in the clear
Maybe they’d all been too stoned to remember when they’d woken up that morning
Your hopes were shattered by the late afternoon
As you left the bathroom, Marcus spotted you from across the hall
He quickly rushed over and caught you by the elbow, dragging you back through the doorway
“Relationships aren’t really my thing,” he said
Marcus sounded like he had more to say, but before he got the chance, you cut him off
“It’s fine,” you said. “I get it”
“No, no. I mean, I like you, Y/N, really. I just don’t wanna mess it up”
You couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face even if you tried
“You’re not gonna mess it up”
Before either of you could say more, the bathroom door opened and Petra walked in
She glanced between the two of you knowingly
“Hate to break this up, but if I hold this piss in any longer, I’ll explode”
With that, she pushed past you both, effectively ruining the moment
It didn’t take long after that for you and Marcus to make your relationship official
‘Official’ is a bit of a loose term in this case
For the most part, both of you kept the fact that you were dating fairly under the radar for fear of what others would do with that information
In a place like King’s Dominion, something as small as caring for another person beyond using them as an ally was seen as a weakness that could and would be used against you, and the last thing either of you wanted was to be put in a situation where you were pitted against each other
Of course, there were several instances when one (or both) of you nearly blew your cover
Such as in Martial Arts class
Instead of fighting you, Marcus would try to cop a feel
You’d quickly smack his hand away
“Miss De Luca’s right there!”
“She’s not looking”
In defense of both of you, though, a class in which hormonal teenagers are asked to pair themselves up and wrestle is practically an invitation to break the ‘no sex’ rule
The other classes you shared weren’t any better
Master Lin caught you and Marcus staring at each other instead of paying attention on multiple occasions, earning both of you a smack from his cane
Although Marcus was somewhat known for his smart mouth and talking back to authority, he knew better than to challenge Lin, not mention that if he did, he’d risk exposing the two of you in the process
So, Marcus bit back his insults and held in his tirade until the two of you were safely locked away in his dorm room
“He had no right to hit you like that”
“I’m fine,” you assured him, shoving another tissue up your nose to stop the bleeding. “Besides, he does it to everyone”
“That still doesn’t give him the right”
“Next time, I’m gonna stick that cane right up his ass”
Marcus wanted to shield you from all the violence at King’s, but when it was coming from teachers, there wasn’t much he could do about it
If it was a fellow student pushing you around, on the other hand, there was no holding him back
You loved how protective Marcus was of you, but sometimes you worried that he’d get carried away
Marcus always made sure you were never around to witness the fights take place, but the scrapes and bruises on his face that hadn’t been there when you saw him that morning were all the proof you needed
In such cases, you would insist on patching him up afterwards
The first few times this happened, Marcus was embarrassed by all the attention you were giving him
After a while, though, he grew to love the feeling of having someone fuss over him, especially if it was you
It was nice to have someone care about him for a change
You weren’t much of a fighter, but making sure he didn’t get Tetanus was your way of looking out for him
When you and Marcus weren’t getting into trouble, you were actually a pretty cute couple
Your roommates became accustomed to the two of you being a package deal, which often meant sneaking into each other’s rooms after lights out
Sometimes, it was to make out, but other times, it was so you could have late night conversations that you didn’t get the chance to have during the day
The topics of these conversations varied—they could be deep and philosophical (which was Marcus’s favorite kind), an opportunity to open up to each other about yourselves and your pasts, a time to plot someone’s death (usually only theoretically), or simply joking around
After especially long days, you would accidentally drift off in the middle of these nightly chats with your head on Marcus’s chest, but he never minded
He’d pull the covers up on your side and wrap his arms more tightly around you
While both of you were perfectly capable of pulling all-nighters, whenever you fell asleep, Marcus was never far behind
The sound of your evened-out breathing was like a lullaby to him, so it was safe to say that his sleep schedule drastically improved after the two of you started dating
You’d found that you slept better with Marcus, too, so on the few nights you spent apart, you’d doze off listening to the mixtapes he’d made you in your Walkman, which were full of your favorite songs and songs that reminded him of you (though, these had quickly become your favorites, too)
It was rare that the two of you weren’t together, though
Even during the day, you and Marcus were practically joined at the hip
At lunch, you would hold hands under the table and share food
Of course, this always opened the door for plenty of teasing from your friends, especially Lex
“While you’re at it, why don’t you chew the food up for each other and pass it back and forth like little birds?”
“Fuck off, Lex”
It was always in good fun, though
Actually, the other Rats were relieved when the two of you finally got together because the weird tension that had been brewing leading up to that point went away, meaning group hangouts could carry on normally
They could overlook you sitting in Marcus’s lap if it meant you weren’t being distant and secretive
Just like they pretended not to notice when you showed up to class wearing each other’s blazers by mistake after spending the night together
Or walking in late looking ✨especially disheveled✨
All in all, you and Marcus are King’s Dominion’s cutest couple™️ that only, like, five other people know about, but still-
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fruggo · 3 years
Hello ! I saw the enemies fo lovers things and I wanna request if possible
“ rich coming from the guy who tried to kill me three days ago. “
With frank if you would and thank you
yessirrr i love frank sm it’s not ok. also umm i may have accidentally written friends to enemies to lovers or something idk. and though i wouldnt necessarily call you friends at the start, you werent really enemies yet???? idk🐸just ummm yeh i love frank
also help how do i not go overboard???? i feel like i made this way too long, please help and i am sorry
warnings: canon-typical violence, swearing, frank being a bastard but then you’re like awwww he’s a cute bastard aaaaw
Things were weird with Frank, and they always had been from the moment you stepped foot in the Entity’s realm. He always tunneled you relentlessly, and that made you think of him as a big asshole, but there were some strange details tacked onto the sentiment that greatly confused you, should you think about it for more than three seconds.
Sometimes, it seemed like he went easy on you in chases, like he put in no effort. He would chase you for a while, let you waste his time, and then leave without even getting a hit on you when he definitely had the ability to.
And you hated saying this, but when he handled you, it almost felt…gentle. Granted, he was a killer, and his job was to murder you, but your experiences with him did not quite line up with those of the other survivors.
They always described trials against Frank as “stepping on legos in the middle of the night” or something akin to that. You never felt like that, though—when he chased you, it felt fair. Almost as if he played nice with you. And more often than not, the killer would let you go when he caught you. The reason remained a mystery to you until quite a bit later.
This trial, Frank was in 100% bastard mode. You had begun to think of his trials as quite easy due to his seemingly calm nature around you, so you were rather caught off guard when he downed you in the first 30 seconds of the match and tossed you onto a hook, no gentleness whatsoever.
You wanted to yell at him and ask what the fuck was wrong with him until you realized this was his fucking job, and this is how he should have been treating you all along. Maybe you had just been imagining it all, but you could have sworn he used to leave you alone more than this. Something just felt different.
After you were unhooked, he went for you again. And again. And then you were dead, completely wiped out of the trial. Frank had demolished you with no remorse.
You knew it was silly to feel betrayed, but you really couldn’t help it. In such an insane and hellish place, anything that could be even remotely perceived as kindness seemed like so much more of a big deal than it truly was. So Frank’s supposed “gentleness” with you had felt somewhat like a friend doing you a selfless favor. Of course, it was not a selfless favor, and it was certainly nowhere near kindness, because he was still a killer chasing you with a knife, but your standards had really lowered in this place.
After that trial, you were back to hating Frank for tunneling and bullying you (like you probably should). You began to understand the survivors’ saying about the legos—and you hoped that Frank would step on some legos too, because he fucking sucked sometimes.
And for a while, that’s just how it was. You nearly forgot how he used to go easier on you, and how you used to do okay in his matches. Now every time you were pit against each other it just felt like you were being stuck with a bunch of pins; you never had any time to breathe or rest or do literally anything. He just went after you until you were gone, and there was next to nothing you could do about it.
Everything changed very suddenly during a trial at Ormond.
You were expecting the same old routine with this asshole—chase, blah blah blah, die. You hardly had energy to fight back anymore.
So when he arrived out of breath at the killer shack, somehow knowing you would be here, Frank was surprised to find you relaxing under the window with your arms loosely crossed, a disapproving scowl upon your countenance. It was enough to make him hesitate in his tracks.
You let out a deep breath, refusing to break eye contact with his mask; you kept up that menacing frown for as long as you could, trying to make him feel guilty (who knows if it was even possible for him to feel guilty? But it was worth a try).
“Just kill me,” you said, voice steady and seemingly unbothered. Underneath the surface, you were trembling, but you stood your ground. “That’s what you’re gonna do, isn’t it? You’re going to chase me until I’m miserable and kill me off as soon as you can?”
Frank went still, not even fidgeting with his knife like he usually did; he was intrigued by your sudden confidence.
You went on. “I’m really sick and tired of you, you know that? I’m sick of you and your bullshit. Why can’t you treat me like everybody else? At first, you went easy on me. Now you just torture me with your stupid mind games, and frankly, I’m sick of playing! I’m done with you—I don’t care anymore! Just kill me, and I’ll get out of your way, okay asshole? Mori me if you want. I don’t give a shit.”
You put your hands up exasperatedly, fully expecting him to take the offer and just send you back to the campfire right then and there. But the man sighed, pocketed his knife, and sat down right next to you as if this were a normal thing for him to do.
You scooted a few inches away out of instinct. Frank noticed, but he chose not to say a word about it.
It was a long time before he said anything, and when he finally did, you wanted to punch him so bad.
“It’s complicated,” he mumbled. And that was all.
Oh, yeah? It was complicated? You scoffed, hanging your head with a bitter smile. “Oh, okay. Sure.”
Silence again.
Awkward, suffocating silence.
And then Frank got up and left. You were unbothered for the remainder of the trial, not even a scratch or bruise on your body.
Sometimes you simply did things, and you didn’t know why. This thing that you just did was irrational, stupid, unplanned, unwise, and everything in-between, and you knew it was, but frequently you just had no impulse control. Perhaps it was the Entity’s influence, or maybe you had always been this way—you couldn’t really remember.
How did you get here again? Why were you laying on the ground? And why did your leg hurt so fucking much?
Oh, yes. Yes, yes, you remember now.
Funnily enough, it seems as though the Entity, along with certain killers, did not like it when survivors tried to enter their side of the forest! But you did it anyways, and it appeared that you had suffered the consequences. It’s not like you had put much thought into it; where was the point in that when nothing mattered anymore and you were stuck in an endless cycle of death?
You remembered entering the killer’s woods, looking around, and doing…something. What was that something? You couldn’t be sure, but then you remembered somebody coming up to you and probably definitely hurting you. Yep, your leg definitely was in a lot of pain. You couldn’t even look at it. Did you pass out for a while? Maybe. How long were you out for?
You lay still there for a while, thinking. Man, it really hurt, and boy, were you miserable. Maybe more miserable than you’d ever felt here. The Entity normally healed wounds immediately, but perhaps you had just angered it so much you deserved to suffer.
Oh, dear! You seemed to be passing out at this time. Yes, that was almost certainly what was happening. Black spots danced across your eyes as your body began to feel distant and numb, but you didn’t feel very worried about it. In fact, you felt like making jokes right now, but you had nobody to make jokes to and you probably couldn’t even speak.
Just as you began to accept it, there was a strange thumping sensation vibrating through the ground growing closer…and closer…
Footsteps! That’s good!
Oh. Not if it’s a killer. That’s not good, probably.
But you had no way of protesting when you felt yourself being picked up, because those black spots in your eyes were dancing a lot faster now, perhaps something akin to an Irish jig, and you also couldn’t feel your limbs.
Then you were fast asleep again, dreaming of Irish dancers who were actually big fluffy cloud people wearing leprechaun clothes. Nobody but you would ever know this, and it was going to stay that way.
On the bright side, it made it a lot easier for your rescuer to carry you to safety like this.
When you awoke once more, you were horrified to find yourself in the Ormond lodge of all places. You knew immediately what had happened and were determined to escape as soon as possible.
Your injured leg proved to be a huge problem, however, and you collapsed the second you attempted to find freedom. Trying again, you collapsed once more, and probably maimed yourself further in the process.
Hearing the commotion from the second floor, your least favorite member of The Legion descended down from the main stairs, refusing to look directly at you even as he scooped you up and plunked you (gently) back onto the couch, which was rather comfortable (not that you would ever tell him that).
So he was playing it cool, huh?
Okay. You could play it cool, too. You were cool. Smooth as butter.
No. You really couldn’t be cool in a situation like this, and plus, your mind was still a little woohoo since whatever accident had occurred. Suddenly you blurted out, “Frank, I hate your guts.”
And he had the audacity to laugh. He laughed at you! He did the man chuckle thing, as if what you were saying was funny. No! You were completely serious! You did hate his guts!
Perhaps your face showed how upset you were, because he started to apologize (still laughing).
“Maybe you should go back to sleep,” Frank said after calming down a bit.
No. You couldn’t go back to sleep. You did not want to experience dancing cloud people dressed as leprechauns ever again in your life, for the rest of eternity. Never again.
So you shook your head violently, refusing to give an explanation, which just provoked Frank to anger all of a sudden. If you went back to sleep, he could have some alone time while the rest of The Legion was gone. He kept pushing, and you kept resisting, and he pushed and you resisted, until finally he gave up and let you off with a warning. If you made him mad again, he was throwing you out in the snow.
Fine with me, you said. Okay, I’ll do it right now, he said. No balls, you said.
So then Frank casually went to scoop you up in his arms again, and you started to freak out and beat your hands against his chest until he put you back down. He was was awfully mindful of your hurt leg for someone who was about to throw you into the snow.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry—please don’t throw me out,” you fussed. You thought he wouldn’t actually do it. You didn’t know it, but you were right—he was just messing with you because it was funny seeing you scared.
After a bit more griping back and forth, Frank began to grow concerned about your leg. He didn’t know how to bring up the topic because things were so odd between the two of you; this was your first interaction since the brief encounter in the shack. But he swallowed his pride, because the wound seemed to be getting worse by the minute.
“Hey, do you want me to, uhh…get some supplies?” Frank asked awkwardly. When you didn’t understand, he continued, “Your leg? It looks like it hurts…I could fix it if you want.”
You barked out a laugh at his words, unbelieving of this shift in attitude. “Rich coming from the guy who tried to kill me three days ago,” you snickered, genuinely finding it amusing.
Frank took offense. He was trying to be nice for once, and you thought it was funny. And his situation really was complex, whether you chose to believe it or not. Maybe he should just tell you to get it off of his chest.
“Listen,” he said, voice laced with seriousness. “When I told you things were complicated, I meant it.”
Sensing the mood change from his tone and body language, you stopped smiling and decided to pay attention to him. Just this once. Never again. After this you could go back to hating him.
Frank continued. “The Entity was going to start…well, hurting me, if I didn’t start doing better in trials. I really didn’t want to sacrifice you, which is embarrassing to admit, but I’ll say it. And I don’t think it liked that.”
You were surprised. And also relieved that you had been right all along—he had been going easy on you at first.
“Why me, though?” you asked, confused. “Why wouldn’t you want to sacrifice me? What about the other survivors?”
If the slight tilt of his head at your question didn’t answer it for you, the way he started tapping his feet and cracking his knuckles so nervously did.
Boy, if looks could kill, you would have died instantly at the scowl Frank sent your way; you grinned pridefully at the realization that this man was down bad. You couldn’t see the expression behind his mask, though, which Frank was thankful for.
He hated every second of this, but you loved it. You reveled in his embarrassment.
Leaning forward on your hands, you begged, “Tell me more! I want to hear all about your feelings for me.”
“I could stab you right now, you know that?”
“But you won’t. You liiiiike me!”
“What are you, eight years old?”
“No, but I am severely injured and have lost a lot of blood so I am not necessarily in the right headspace at the moment.”
“You make a fair point.”
“So tell me! What’s your favorite thing about me?”
“Your ass.”
“No, really.”
“Okay, your ass and your hair.”
“You know what, Frank, I still hate your guts.”
“No, you don’t.”
You paused for a moment. It was probably the blood loss talking, you decided later, but you said, “No. Maybe I don’t.”
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hi! this is just a request but feel free to ignore if you don’t have time or any ideas but could you expend on “between love and lust” mc seducing foul legacy. it can be like a side story or a prequel since it happened before the current timeline.
sorry it took so long lmao law school started already and i'm drowning in cases. Thanks for this ask anon, i forgot about this series even though i already drafter the last chapter lmao, thanks for reminding me it existed hahaha. Anyways here you go, enjoy this unhinged couple lmao.
Prequel to The Consequences of Fucking in Front of the Geo Archon Statue Series: 1, 2, 3
In Love and Lust
Summary: Seeing Foul Legacy for the first time had awakened something in you, in a desperate attempt to hide how inappropriately horny you were, Tartaglia misunderstands your insatiable lust for him as fear.
You had always been aware that whatever happened during Tartaglia’s disappearance was life changing. You were prepared for whatever it was when you had pursued this relationship with him, just as you had reassured him you didn’t mind what his job asked of him, you were quite ready to reassure him you didn’t mind his Foul Legacy.
Seeing it for yourself however was another matter entirely.
It changed him. That much you were right.
You just weren’t prepared to see how it changed him.
So there you stood, blinking rapidly in front of your boyfriend who had laid waste to the battlefield amidst Snezhnaya’s white snow. Everything about him was big. His arms, his height,
‘His dic-’
You exhaled, trying to steady your heart and not blurt out something stupid like,
‘Bet I can take you in that form.’
You nodded, your eyes closed as you tried to convince yourself and stop your shaking legs as you took a step forward to your boyfriend’s personal space. All the while chanting inwardly for him to not notice what he just awakened in you.
“Didn’t expect to see you here” You told him, faking calm as you laugh nervously.
‘And wow, his muscles are so close and he’s so warm-’
“Is that so?” He spoke, voice deep, sultry and rumbly that it made your mouth drop and your panties wet.
His face came close to you, your wide eyes and flushed face reflecting on the large white bead on the center. His clawed hands pulled you close, resting gently on the curve of your ass.
You swallowed your saliva as you gently laid your hands on his chest, mind reeling and melting from the sheer force of your horniness for your boyfriend.
“Da-darling?” You gently called him, slight panic in your voice when you felt your warm cloak lifted and the unmistakable sound of your thick stockings being teared.
In a blink of an eye you found yourself back in your shared apartment. Stockings ripped and panties soaked. Tartaglia was nowhere to be found and you swore loudly,
“At least let me suck your cock!”
You cried into your pillow with frustration as you furiously masturbated and repeatedly came with only your left hand and the vivid image of his Foul Legacy ringing in your mind. You moaned and drooled into the pillow, his lingering scent only fueling your desire and making you blind to Tartaglia’s arrival.
He watched as you fingered yourself, your legs spread wide and exposing your sopping cunt. You were moaning his name, while your free hand played with your nipples. It was a lovely sight that made him hard, it was almost enough to break his reason and make him stuff you full with his cock. Up until he remembered how scared you were earlier when you saw his foul legacy for the first time.
Instead he makes his way to the bathroom, furiously masturbating to the sounds of your moan and wet pussy echoing in the silent apartment. His hand moved up and down his throbbing cock as he imagined your squirming body as you moaned loudly, crying out his name.
He knew your go-to fantasies when masturbating to him, knew the intimate details of your deepest fantasies. So he faps to that, he imagines fucking you in that snow, ripping your clothes and exposing your pliable tits and sopping wet cunt. His cock plunging into your wet pussy, slamming it in and out and stretching it until the sensation left you drooling.
He’d gripped your tits, squeezing it and pinching its perk nipples until your moans are nothing but lewd pants of breath. He’d fuck you from behind, fucking you on all fours like a beast and biting your neck until the skin broke and he tasted blood.
He knew you’d begged for him to stop, even when you’d push your ass towards him, moving your hips in time to the thrusting of his cock. He’d fuck you until you babbled about getting pregnant, your pussy clenching to keep his dick inside. He wouldn’t stop thrusting his cock in and out of you, not even when you would orgasm.
Instead he’d fuck you harder once you told him you were about to come, hands gripping your waist tight as he controlled your body, moving it like a life sized fuck toy meant to relieve his frustrations. He knew how that thought pleases you, the image of you acting like a wanton slut in front of him, was something that never failed to drive him crazy.
His hand, gripping his cock tightened, just as he heard you orgasm from the bedroom. Your lewd voice coupled with his imagination made him cum, thick ropes of cum staining the wall as his hands slowly came to a stop.
Tartaglia sighed, taking a few moments of rest before cleaning up the bathroom. The routine was enough to calm him down, his anger and lust fading away into manageable levels. All of it quickly disappeared when he entered the room and found you passed out on the bed, legs spread wide, pussy dripping and stuffed full with the customized dildo you had made. The dildo was the exact replica of his cock and Tartaglia allowed himself a moment, a single moment of contemplation and acceptance of what being in a relationship with you entailed.
“Nnn...Tartagli..a” You moaned in your sleep.
Then he makes his way to the bathroom he had just cleaned, unzips his pants and begins to furiously masturbate again. In any other time he’d have masturbated to you right then and there, unloading his cum unto your sleeping body, maybe fucking your mouth and spilling his load down your throat but right now the two of you are in the middle of a fight and Tartaglia is petty enough to leave you horny.
You woke up the next morning, disappointed that neither your ready pussy nor your mouth had Tartaglia’s cum, your body wasn’t sticky from his dried cum nor was there the pleasant ache of your pussy being used to the fullest. You pout before groaning into the mattress and curling up in sexual frustration.
Tartaglia had a month off.
And you’d rather spend most of it fucking like rabbits, riding his cock, and being stuffed full with his cum. From the sounds outside your apartment window, you knew that at this time, Tartaglia was already in the training grounds.
You sighed before getting up from the bed, not bothering to cover up. You were missing the feeling of walking around the apartment with his cum dribbling down between your thighs. You made your way to the kitchen table, breakfast kept warm and no love note.
You blinked. Searching the entire area for Tartaglia’s customary love note. You frowned, sitting in a daze as you started to realize that something was very wrong.
“Oh no, we’re fighting!” You cried in despair.
You never really liked fighting with Tartaglia, the one that involved cold shoulders and no sex, no intimacy because it was always because you accidentally sent the wrong signal, made social faux pas that even he couldn’t stand and you knew that Tartaglia was the only one who could handle your crazy, your slightly dark tendencies and obsessive personality. Which meant that fights like this always made you want to fix it quickly because you didn’t want Tartaglia to sober up and realize he could do better.
Which meant that there was a need to call up your friends and dissect what you did wrong.
You glance at Tartaglia’s homemade cooking before deciding that the meeting could wait.
While you were enjoying your brunch, Tartaglia was in the training grounds beating up the new recruits and the rest of the Fatui soldiers that were brave enough to step up to fight him. He had slept terribly, missing your comforting weight in his arms and warmth of your body and your cunt warming his cock, he’d masturbated again in the shower, made you breakfast, tempted to fuck you until you woke up while getting dressed and willed his dick down before leaving the apartment.
Tartaglia really, really hated getting into a fight with you. Because it meant that the chances of you waking up and realizing that you could have a normal life were high. His flaws and demerits would outweigh whatever fondness and love you had for him, your childhood sweetheart.
He dreads the day you’d realize you can have stability, because he’d rather not resort to cutting you off from the rest of the world just to keep you by his side. He did his best to ensure you wouldn’t even entertain thoughts of breaking up with him, he catered to your wants and needs because it meant you wouldn’t try to leave. He’d raze the world to the ground if you asked as long as it meant you stayed.
He loved you deeply, darkly, and wholly.
In the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of your familiar lovable and seductive self. And immediately decided to end the spar quickly before any of the recruits got an idea.
He covers your body with his coat, making you wear it properly and hiding the enticing look of your well-endowed body from the virgin killing sweater that you wore. You blinked at him, before you smiled sweetly and devilishly.
“Darling~” You grabbed his arm and he could feel the softness of your breast and Tartaglia knew that you weren’t wearing any bra underneath. He was also willing to bet that you didn’t wear any panties either.
“You-” his words were cut off when he saw your pout, even more so when he felt the fabric of your sweater moved, he looked down and saw that half of your areola were exposed to him.
You smiled at him sweetly, knowing that you’ve already won.
“I missed you so much~” You whined, acting pitiful and cute as you discreetly directed his hand to your lubed up and throbbing pussy.
“I prepared your lunch~” You looked at him from underneath your lashes, drawing attention to your glossed lips, colored pink, and Tartaglia gave up. In a flash, he had brought you home between one breath and the next.
And then you found yourself lying on the bed, you blinked in confusion until you found your arms tied with his jacket, the rest of the sleeves tied to the headboard and you purred in delight.
“Darling~ I’ve been such a good girl right?” You asked coyly, legs already spread and showing him your throbbing pussy, anticipating his thick and long cock fucking you stupid.
Tartaglia didn’t answer before leaving the room with agitation, you spotted his cock straining against his pants and grinned.
You were getting fucked today up until the next day. You smiled pleased at the outcome of the brainstorming you had with your friends. You were so caught up in the euphoria of your apparent success that you forgot who your opponent was. Tartaglia was a trained soldier, a genius in the battlefield and a Harbinger.
He also had the additional boon of knowing you.
Which meant that from the moment you had shown up wearing the virgin killing sweater, he knew that you were planning something. He wasn’t the type to fall for the same trick twice, you wearing the sweater that made both of you graduate from being virgins wouldn’t have the same effect on him again.
Yes, it still drove him mad but compared to the first time you had used it, Tartaglia could keep his wits with him.
So your plan of using a sex potion laced lunch fell through. Tartaglia was sure that he knew what you were planning and decided to use it for his own agenda. A quick survey of the kitchen and he was able to easily deduce where you hid the remaining stash of the potion.
He grinned once he found it and quickly made his way back to you. He whistled at the sight of you, acting like you were in heat. You fluttered your lashes at him and he grinned at you wolfishly.
“I trust that you can recognize this?” He asked as his right hand shook the bottle filled with pink liquid while his left hand deftly unbuckled his pants.
“...Oh” You gulped realizing that you were now playing in the palm of Tartaglia’s hands.
His grin grew sharp, the sight of it sending your pussy throbbing as you bit your lip in anticipation.
“Look at you, being a slut. Is my cock all you can think about?” He teased as his left hand began rubbing his dick, precum dribbling out of his head.
“I also think about your abs and your mouth” You replied, while your eyes stared at his cock, tongue peaking out of your mouth.
He wipes off his precum with his fingers and slowly wiped it on the folds of your pussy, you moaned, moving your hips up to rub against his fingers until they slipped in.
His fingers make a quick work out of you, slipping in and out, building a rhythm that had you moaning loudly, until the sound of your pussy’s squelch echoed loudly in the apartment. Your eyes were closed from the pleasure of his calloused fingers rubbing your walls, making you clench and pulsate.
“Cock-Tartagli-a” Your voice shook as you began to beg, “I need your cock inside--!”
You came loudly as his fingers curled and you squirted while his fingers didn’t stop moving inside you. Tartaglia’s fingers were drenched with your juice when he removed it from your pussy, the sheets were drenched with your squirt and you lay limply on the bed.
The top of your sweater were bunched in the middle of your breast, exposing your erect nipples to the cold air and Tartaglia’s hungry eyes. He brought the bottle on top of your twitching pussy, smiled at you and said,
“Congratulations, my beloved slut, you’ll finally be my cumdump today~”
You stared blankly as you watched him open the bottle, spreading your pussy lips and dumping the entire content of the aphrodisiac into your pussy. You struggled once you felt the foreign intrusion of the bottle’s neck, its effect was instantaneous, your protest turned into a moan as you felt your mind become clouded with pleasure.
Tartaglia watched with fascination as he saw your panic melt into euphoria, the look in your eyes was lustful and wanton as you began to loudly beg for his cock. Tears dripping from your face when he only slipped in his fingers,
“Nooo~!” You cried “Cock! I want your cock!”
Your tearful begging was all it took for him to stop teasing you and thrusting his cock inside you. There was no resistance at all from your pussy, his head went inside smoothly, hitting you all the way to your wall, you moaned in pleasure, legs automatically clamping around his waist.
Tartaglia groaned at the wonderful feeling of your heat, a night of not having your pussy warm his cock was enough to drive him insane. He was a fool to not have slept with you last night.
He kissed you fervently, drowning your moans and lustful cries while his hips moved, thrusting his cock back and forth inside your wet and hot pussy. His bare chest rubbed your sensitive nipples as his body rocked back and forth in time with his hips.
“I love you” He whispered in your ears over and over again as he fucked you senseless, like a beast while you clawed at his back, mouth drooling and eyes rolled back from the pleasure.
The aphrodisiac was affecting you both, fucking frenzily to reach new heights of pleasure. Tartaglia came inside you again and again, even so his dick didn’t turn flaccid remaining hard even after multiple orgasm until your pussy felt raw.
Adrenaline rushing to your veins made you not care, you only cared about two things, Tartaglia and his cock. Your pussy was filled to the brim, abused with Tartaglia’s thick cock that repeatedly dumped his cum on your loose pussy.
Time passed but the sounds of sex didn’t stop as day turned into night.His coat was torn and your clothes turned into rags, Tartaglia had changed your position, fucking your from behind, with your ass up, thick ropes of cum, dried and drying covered your ass and back, some of it dripping from your pussy, others coating your legs and face.
He had truly turned you into his cum dump.
“Such a good slut!” Tartaglia praised as he thrusted into you, his cock pushing out his old cum from your pussy, “so good for me!”
His praise made you so happy, your back arching to give him a better angle. You clenched on his cock as he came again, milking him of his cum.
Tartaglia slipped his cock out, shushing you gently when you whined from the empty feeling. He observed your pussy, your whole was loose enough that he could see how much cum was inside you, your clit and labias were covered with dripping cum, your asshole twitching and overflowing with his earlier cum.
He smiled, “ Looks like you can easily take my cock in foul legacy form”
“No-no! It’s too big!” You cried out in panic, covering your pussy.
Your fearful eyes, hiding the lust behind it made him hornier. He smiled and transformed.
You watched with your own eyes as he donned his armor, eyes staring at his cock that grew larger before it was covered by leather. You gulped.
‘Was that a knot?’ you thought as you felt your pussy grow wetter.
“I promise I’ll be gentle”
His monstrous cock was before your eyes, it made your mouth water and then he began with fucking your mouth. You felt him reach all the way back until he hit your throat, pleasure and pain mixing together as you tried not to gagged as he used your mouth. His cock was huge and thick, veins throbbing as you did your best to blow him.
You cried as you weakly clung to his clothes, slowly losing your mind to the pleasure. He came inside your mouth, cum pouring down your throat as he gently pulled out, you closed your eyes and tried to gather the excess that dribbled from your mouth to your palm.
“Swallow it” He ordered and you happily, greedily obeyed.
Even the cum on your hand was drunk, it was thick and delicious, sweet. You opened your mouth, tongue hanging out for him to see your obedience.
His clawed hands gently ruffled your head, the pointed tips scratching your head and awakening something in you.
“Now take my cock” He said as he lifted you up and then plunged your pussy to his erection.
You moaned loudly, your stomach bulging out from his cock.
“Too much~” You cried, even as you began to move your hips, “you’re too big! I-it won’t fit inside!”
You moaned as his clawed hands helped you move up and down, making your breasts jiggle with each motion as you begged for mercy even though your body was honestly enjoying his cock.
He slipped his cock outside of your pussy, rubbing your cum covered clit and reaching all the way to your cum drenched tits.
“Nooo! Don’t take it out!” You begged in tears.
It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Reason was thrown out of the window and he mounted you, pushing his cock all the way in, a miracle, that had you crying out in pleasure as he fucked you raw.
His old cum was pushed out with each thrust, clawed hands pressing on your back and holding your hips like you were a living fleshlight. Your lewd voice begging him for more as he ripped away the rest of your torn clothes.
He reached out for him, drawing him close until his mask opened and a long pointed tongue came out and entangled with yours. You made out with Foul Legacy as cock fucked your pussy raw, scraping out the cum until you came over and over again. Your thighs were drenched again, the bed shaking enough for the headboard to bang against the wall loudly.
Between your numerous orgasms you passed out just as he came inside you, flooding your womb and pussy with his cum, most of it ending up on the sheets and dripping down your pussy. He pulled out and began to fuck your thighs, bedframe creaking from the sheer force of his thrust until it broke as he spurted out and covered your entire body with his cum.
He panted heavily, engraving in his mind your blissed out expressions when you fainted from the pleasure.
‘Tomorrow, we’ll talk about your reaction when you first saw me,’ He thought as he gently lifted you up from the broken bed and made his way to the living area ‘but for now I need to get all of this out of our system.’
You woke up the next morning, face down on the table as you felt your body rocking.
“Good morning, love”
Tartaglia’s voice came from behind as you arched your back and moaned from having a dick thrusted into your sore pussy.
You turned around and found yourself staring at Tartaglia’s maskless Foul Legacy form, his eyes were slanted, and hair spiked up in soft waves.
He laughed at you softly, “Have you fallen for me again?”
“Darling~ You’ve ruined me for everyone else!” You cried as you let him see how much he affected you.
He grinned and you moaned in pleasure, when his head hit your g-spot.
“We broke the bed, so the table would have to do” He explained as he began to fuck you over the table, you were too lost in the pleasure to hear his explanation.
But he was in the same predicament as well, all thoughts of talking were gone, the moment he began fucking you as he slept. At this point, the entire apartment reeked of sex and yet neither of you remembered or cared.
Other things could wait.
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
No Worries-Technoblade
#256 and 257 from this prompt list. Check out my masterlist here!
This is a Techno x gn!reader in the dreamsmp! I hope you enjoy!
Y/N’s been missing for almost a week and the one person that should be worried about them most isn’t worried at all, which upsets some people. 
Third Person POV
Everyone was freaking out. Y/N had been missing for a few days and no one knew where they were, not even their boyfriend Techno. Niki had been the first one to notice. Usually Y/N shows up Saturday mornings to help prep the bakery as Saturday was usually her busiest day. But when they didn’t show, Niki went to their house to try and find them. No one was home. There was no note, no warning, no anything. They had just disappeared. Niki told a few people and all weren’t too worried at first. The excuse that maybe they had gone on a short adventure and forgot to tell anyone. Techno wasn’t too worried and that seemed to calm people’s nerves. 
So everyone went on with their day. Day turned into night and then night back into day and they still were nowhere to be found. Once again, a little bit of panic seemed to rise through the people of the server. Their worries were once more brought to Techno who once again waved them off. Y/N was a big kid and they could take care of themselves if push really came to shove. Tensions settled once more. 
This continued for three more days. Everyone worrying and Techno down playing their worries. His seemingly disintrence in the subject sparked rumors to fly throughout L’Manberg. Maybe Techno never really cared about Y/N. Maybe he hired some hitman to take them away in the middle of the night. Maybe Techno disposed of them himself. They were ridiculous, but when something doesn’t make sense, people tend to jump to conclusions. 
Almost a week had passed since anyone had seen or heard from Y/N. Y/N was well loved on the server and it hurt everyone that they had gone so long without seeing their friend. A small group of people worked up the nerve to go to Techno’s house and demand answers. 
“Techno!” Tubbo shouted as he pounded on the pink haired man’s front door, “Open up! We need to talk to you!” Confused at the sudden appearance of the young President, Techno swung open his front door to find a small angry mob on his front porch. The mob consisted of Niki, Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy, Ranboo, and Ghostbur. All, but Ghostbur, had angry looks on their face while Ghostbur didn’t seem to know what was going on. 
“Hello Techno!” Ghostbur greeted the Blood God with a big grin and wave. “Hello Ghostbur. And everyone else. To what do I owe the pleasure,” He questioned the mob with a raised eyebrow. “Where is Y/N?” Tommy demanded. Techno rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, “I told you. I don’t know. They must be out adventuring. They’ll be back any day now. Now if you’ll excuse me,” Techno made an attempt to shut the door, but someone’s hand stopped it. Quackity stood there, fire in his eyes, hand pressing the door open. “They’ve been missing since Friday and you’re not worried?” He questioned harshly. Techno let out a small chuckle at the thought of being worried about Y/N. “They’re missing. Not dead. If they were dead, I would have seen it by now. We all would have seen it by now” Techno announced, motioning to his right arm. He was right. If Y/N had died, they all would have been notified. 
“You’re really not worried about your partner?” Fundy prodded, stepping up so that he was next to Quackity. Techno chuckled once more, shaking his head at the question, “It is obvious you don’t know Y/N as much as you think you do.” Everyone made some sort of noise of protest. All of them would like to think that you’re one of their closest friends! Of course they know you well! Don’t they? 
Tubbo opened his mouth to ask what Techno meant by that, but was cut off by someone behind him. “What are you guys talking about?” Everyone in the group whipped around at the sound of that familiar voice. 
*POV Switch*
A smile fell onto my face as I saw the warm glow of my boyfriend’s house in the distance. I had gone on what I thought would be a short journey to a not so nearby village to get a book I needed for my enchantments. On my way there, I ran into a pillager captain. Not thinking anything of it, I killed it and went on my way. Only I forgot about a small thing that happens when you kill a captain. You get a bad omen. 
So there I was, waltzing into the village in search of a librarian to trade with, when boom! A raid starts. Well I couldn’t just trigger the raid and then leave, that would be so wrong. I helped the Iron Golem defend the village. It took a few days because it was 2 v all of them. Nevertheless, we won. I got quite a bit of loot from the dead bodies of the pillagers, including two totems of undying. After all was said and done, I began to do what I went there for. The Villagers were kind enough to give me a discount on all of my tradings for protecting them, even though I was the one that made it so they needed protecting. I stayed for a few extra days to make sure that everyone was okay and healthy. Once I was sure, I set off back toward home with my riches. 
As I grew closer, I was greeted with the sight of many of my friends standing on Techno’s front porch. It caused me to grin. I really did miss my friends while I was gone. My slow pace turned into a jog as I grew nearer and nearer. As I got closer I began to hear part of their conversation. “-Would have seen it by now…” “You’re really not worried about your partner?” I heard Fundy question. I came to a stop behind the group with a furrowed brow. “It is obvious you don’t know Y/N as much as you think you do.” Techno responded. “What are you guys talking about?” I questioned, extremely confused as to what I had just stumbled upon. 
In sync, all heads whipped toward me. “Y/N!” They all cried. I brought my hand up and gave them a small wave, “Hell-OH!” I let out as the weight of seven bodies hit me. Everyone began speaking at once causing all meaning to be lost in the noise. I was able to catch a few words such as ‘missing’ and ‘worried’ but other than that, I was lost. 
“GUYS!” I finally shouted, breaking free from their clutches, “One at a time! What’s going on?” I questioned the group. The seven exchanged glances before Niki stepped close to me, “You were missing and nobody knew where you went and so we were worried.” Niki murmured, looking down to the ground. My heart melted at the words, “Oh Niki,” I murmured back, reaching forward and wrapping the girl in a tight hug. “I’m okay! I just had to go to the village.” I let go of the girl and gave the rest of the group hugs as well before making my way to my boyfriend. I greeted him with a big grin, which he returned, before placing a sweet kiss to his lips. After we broke apart, I turned back to the group as Techno wrapped his arm around my waist. 
“So you said you had to go to the village. Why did it take you so long to come home?” Tubbo asked shyly. I let out a laugh as I thought about what had happened. “Oh well, it was supposed to be a short journey. And then I accidentally triggered a raid, so I had to fight that,” I stated casually, shrugging my shoulders. The group stared at me in shock. “You fought a raid? All by yourself?” Ranboo questioned a little star struck. “What? Like it’s hard?” The group was silent, just staring at me. “Did you guys not know that Techno personally trained me? Like All my PVP I’ve learned from him. I’ve got to say I’ve gotten pretty good!” I boasted proudly. Techno chuckled beside me, squeezing my hip and kissing the side of my head. “You sure have.” 
“So that’s why you weren’t worried about them! You knew they could take care of themselves.” Techno rolled his eyes at Tommy’s statement. “Of course I knew they could. I was a little worried, but I knew they could handle themselves.” Techno’s confidence in me made me feel warm inside. “Well we’ll let you get settled and rest. I’m sure you’re tired from your traveling.” Niki said, reaching forward and tugging on everyone’s shirts getting them to slowly shuffle away. “Come by tomorrow, yeah? We all missed you a lot.” Niki requested with a smile. I returned the girl’s smile and nodded, “Yeah. I’ll definitely be by tomorrow to see everyone.” Niki gave me one final smile before ushering everyone away from Techno’s house. 
Once everyone left our eyesight, Techno ushered me back inside his house. “Are you alright? Have any injuries you need me to look at?” He rushed, sitting me down on the living room couch. I laughed at his concern but shook my head. “Nah, I’m good. I did take a few hits, but the villagers took good care of me,” I answered, grinning at him. Techno returned my grin before sitting next to me, reaching down and holding my hand. “I really missed you love,” Techno hummed, pressing his lips against my forehead. I let out a sigh of content, my muscles relaxing at his touch. “I missed you too lover.” 
The two of us sat there for a while, just enjoying each other’s company. Being away from my boyfriend from so long had taken a harder toll on me than the literal battle I fought just a few days prior. I really had missed my boyfriend. I let out a sigh as my eyes closed in exhaustion, “You ready to go to bed love?” Techno questioned softly. I tiredly nodded at his words, opening my eyes slightly to look at him, “Carry?” I pondered gently. Techno chuckled but nodded. He stood up and delicately picked me up, wrapping his arms around the middle of my back and pressing me tightly to him. Techno carefully walked down the hall and laid me down in his bed, quickly crawling into bed next to me. 
Techno was quick to wrap himself around me and cuddle me tightly, causing me to sigh in content once more. “Thank you for believing in me” I whispered to my boyfriend. Techno smiled and kissed the bridge of my nose, “Of course love. You’re my little badass. I’ll always believe in you.” He murmured. I couldn’t help but giggle at his words. “I’m a badass,” I responded sleepily. Techno chuckled and pressed a quick kiss to my lips. “Yes, you are love.” I sleepily smiled at his words, and buried myself into his chest, closing my eyes to fall asleep. I let out a yawn as the warmth of my boyfriend began to spread through my body.  “I love you” I sleepily murmured out to my boyfriend. I felt Techno’s lips press against the top of my head before he also murmured, “I love you too”. And then I fell asleep, safe and content in my boyfriend’s arms, not a single worry in my head. 
Oh god that ending sucked, but I hope you enjoyed it all the same! Be sure to leave a like if you did!!
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mono-dot-jpeg · 3 years
antarctic idiots [pt.4] - c!technoblade
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summary; in which two anarchist piglins adopt an ender boy.
genre; child! ranboo, piglin hybrid! reader, slight canon divergence from dream smp, fluff, found family au is my shit, reader is now ranboo’s parent i don’t make the rules, techno is a grumpy father but it’s okay you love him, realistic minecraft? (idk how to describe it-), uh angst (if you squint)
pairing; c! technoblade x reader, platonic! ranboo x reader
word count; 1.2k
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a/n; i forgot what my draft a/n said bc i accidentally deleted the og part 4 of this. but it's not like i wrote much for this part yet, so not much will change.
i think i did mention that i meant to make reader around techno's canon height so i think i've might've gotten it wrong in the last part but tbh idc too much abt it, i wanted reader to just be as tall as techno bc they're both piglins and yah know, big build go brrr
anyways with a whopping 195 votes for yes, reader will be fighting in the battle of the lake, although i won't write much abt it bc im bad at fight scenes
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"it's not like i have a choice, do i?" you moved to stand by techno and tommy, unsheathing your sword. you hear the sound of teleporting and within seconds, dream is right in the middle of the battlefield. you hid your surprise in seeing the male suddenly.
now i wasn't informed that tommy planned on working with dream for this... you thought, looking at the masked male.
"well, ain't this just fun." you said, catching dream's attention. both of you share a look (though you can't really see under his mask), a dead stare towards him as he nods at you in acknowledgement. you would have to talk to him later. "let's get this done quickly, shall we?"
"but who are you exactly?" sapnap had asked you.
"does it really matter when i'm about to kill you?"
"harsh." techno commented.
"says the one with the title of blood god." you shot back.
"this isn't the point! the point is..." you had long stopped listening to tommy's declarations and rants, patiently waiting for the battle to actually start. and start it did.
every move you made didn't even feel like you were doing anything. your muscle memory just guiding you through your fight. it didn't feel like you. your brain was on auto pilot. everything felt like a blur. quickly and almost underwhelmingly, the battle had ended with pogtopia winning.
you sheath your sword back to its normal place, right by your hip. your eyes half lidded and bored as you stared at tommy relish in the rewards of battle. "all of that for a fish?"
"not just any fish!" tommy huffed. you look at techno who has the same unimpressed look as you do.
"i'm going for a walk. i'll be back by night." you don't waste any time leaving, heading out to a much more secluded area of the smp. your thoughts mindlessly floating around as you take your time, walking.
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you turn around, looking at the masked man, "dream."
"what are you doing here?"
"none of your business." a dead silence hangs for a moment. "i'm here for a favor."
"oh? is that so?"
"a favor that doesn't involve you. you don't need to know anything about it."
"well, if it involves you, it must be important. come on. we're friends, aren't we?"
"not on my own will. and not by yours. you and i both know we are not friends." your voice is low as you glare at dream. "we both have our benefits if we work with each other. that is why our deal exists. i would never want to work for you willingly."
"but i mean in a way, you're still working for me."
"that's what you think."
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"i thought you said you fight for what you believe in." wilbur said.
"are you mocking me, mr. soot?" you raised an eyebrow at him. "i fought because it's not like i had much of a choice. tommy would've been on my ass about it if we lost."
"but you still fought. even if you didn't want to. you didn't even know who you were fighting for."
"i still do not know what i'm fighting for, even though you brought me here." you look at your hands, both of them shaking as you open and close your hands. "i was not myself during that battle."
"what do you mean?"
"i wasn't controlling myself. everything was a blur." you move your hands into your pockets in an attempt to stop the shaking. "i was not thinking, everything was like instinct." you explained it the best you could.
"is that the other reason you left l'manburg?"
"no. would you stop trying to figure that out?" your words held no sternness but wilbur knew better than to not push you further. you were never really one to try and hold your anger against someone.
"sorry. maybe you should just stick with techno for while? get some rest after that? i'm sure tommy won't go through much conflicts with others while you rest. i won't let him." wilbur put his hand on your shoulder. you sighed.
" 's fine. i'll be with techno then. i expect to have no communications alerts from tommy about fighting." you went to find techno in the ever so wonderful pogtopia ravine. wilbur watched as you left his view to find his twin.
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"hello again tough guy." you entered the room, seeing techno turn his head to look at you before continuing to farm potatoes. "even after a battle, you're still working."
"revolution waits for no man."
"that is true." you sit next to a large chest filled to the brim with potatoes. "how are you after that battle?"
" 'm fine. it wasn't so bad." a beat of silence fills the room before techno speaks again, "are you okay?"
the question confused you, "what do you mean?"
"i saw you fighting in that battle. i knew that look in your eyes." you faintly think back to the fight, remembering how you didn't quite feel like yourself.
"was it that obvious?"
"maybe to me, i'm not sure about the others though. you didn't seem like yourself." he mindlessly harvests more potatoes as you rest your head against the stone walls.
you bit your lip, hesitant to tell him that he was right. were you even ready to fully trust techno with something like this? this may just be more important than i realize… you thought. “what did you see in my eyes at the time?” you asked, moving the subject just a little bit to move away from the main topic.
“... unrestraint. while your fighting was not very unrestrained, your eyes… they look hazed. i wouldn’t really say it was unrestrained but you seemed very spaced out and yet you still managed to fight like it was nothing.”
“i don’t really wanna talk about it, i still don’t know if i could trust you yet, mr. blade.” you joked, attempting to move the conversation forward to a different topic. “how long have you been planting these potatoes?”
“since i joined.”
“and when was that?”
“probably a week before i met you?” he guessed.
“that’s pretty impressive. you seem really focused on everything that you do.” you commented.
“it’s sort of my thing.” techno shrugged. “i had a 9 month war about potatoes.”
“holy shit. and you won?”
“of course i won.” he started to ramble about the potato war, while you listened to him in full interest. despite how ridiculous the whole war sounded, you had to admit it was pretty amazing.
“who knew the blood god would be so intent on beating a kid to win a war about potatoes.” you joked. “i never would’ve guessed that you would be so passionate about potatoes.”
“well, never judge a book by its cover.” techno hummed, wiping the leftover dirt on his hands as he finished farming. “you got any stories of your own to share?”
“i have a few. they’re not very interesting though. they were all stories from my times in l’manburg.”
“you lived in l’manburg?”
“i was the general of the army.”
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taglist; @justahostaccount, @olyink​, @aikochan4859​, @classycookiebailiffstudent​​, @stickk-bugg, @goldensunshineshit​, @sadlyitsme-boohoo​, @jace-the-ace12​, @2cuteforyourlies​, @lvlyjuro​, @kiinokochii​, @anxiousnarwhale​, @jaciahbabes​
[taglist closed]
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