#i almost did ran
ducktracy · 7 months
a short placing heavy emphasis on Hungarian Rhapsody No. II is a rite of passage for golden age cartoons. Bugs Bunny did it! Tom and Jerry did it! Daffy and Donald! but one thing Woody Woodpecker has above the competition is that he is held hostage by a group of gangsters and is forced to entertain, lest he get executed. amazing
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poppyseed799 · 6 months
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I can’t type any cohesive thoughts sowwy
But can we talk about how obvious it is when something is on Joel’s mind, first it was rapunzel/tangled and now in ep6 of secret life his answer for the bonding question was gardening and his idea for a Cool Name was the florist. Like okay I wonder what you’re thinking about today.
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majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
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saltwatersweets · 3 months
i like to imagine that sometime in between ep7 and ep8, charlie takes vaggie to cannibal town to help train some of the residents who will fight in the upcoming extermination, and while visiting vaggie sees the kid she spared and maybe gets to have a proper conversation with him and/or his family
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#i know that vaggie probably looks rather different than she did three+ years ago when she fell#but i definitely feel as though if you were a sinner who was about to be brutally stabbed by an angel#and then she Didnt Stab You#i think you’d be able to recognize her even if you’re fairly young#(also i know some people think that all the cannibals are hellborn but i believe that some are sinners and some are hellborn)#(this child being hellborn would make no sense because that means vaggie was kicked out for sparing a hellborn child)#(aka doing what she is legally supposed to do)#(so being a cannibal will probably get you into hell regardless of age)#also i really like the idea of vaggie and charlie getting to see the good that came out of her actions#assuming lute and adam didnt just go immediately kill the child she spared (it can be applied the extermination ended almost immediately#after vaggie fell given that you can see charlie walking around looking for injured sinners just a few minutes later so hopefully the#child survived)#then i like to believe the child ran home and got to tell the people who care for him that story#and maybe someone will even thank vaggie for her mercy#in a very strange way givennthat they are cannibals and all#think of a cat who kills mice and gives them to you. that’s probably how cannibals show love except with human limbs#anyways i want to write a one shot about this tbh#my post#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel vaggie#hazbin vaggie#hazbin hotel cannibal town#cannibalism#should probably tag that just in case lmfao#does this cannibal child have a name#im calling him#spared cannibal child#very very original and thoughtful name i know i know#hazbin hotel charlie#charlie morningstar
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dootplusone · 4 months
(OG post has Reblogs turned off. You can find it here!)
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(OG post has Reblogs turned off. You can find it here!)
(If the OP would prefer this post not link back to the OG post or is otherwise is not okay w/ this post in reference to theirs, please let me know in some form so I can delete/edit it as needed.)
Thinking. Abt this but with Bones. Like. Post-Tholian Web? Post-Mirror Mirror?
For AOS, could be after Into Darkness and/or Beyond.
A Bones who's just. So anxious. So stressed. So overwhelmed that it starts taking a toll on his health. Maybe he doesn't even realise - or maybe he does and tries his best to push through it until it knocks him on his ass. Kind of in the vein of "You don't actually know how tired you are until you stop. And then you just physically cannot start again." It becomes his new baseline, a problem that just brews and storms in the distance.
And he just carries on. And keeps going and going and going until one day he realises that 'Oh fuck, I'm not okay' and has about 5 seconds of warning before he straight up collapses, doesn't matter if it's on the bridge, in the madbay, on a planet - he's going down. (Maybe a repeat of Tholian Web where he just straight up faints into Spock's arms? Full whammy, why not)
Maybe it's a high-tension situation getting resolved that does it. The pure relief of it reminds him of how tired he is. How tired he's been for a while. His body sees that momentary rest and goes "More of that, please. And I'm not asking."
And he's so rendered by it that he doesn't grumble about being coddled like he normally would when he wakes up. He knows not to fuck with the medbay staff - they're just as firm as he is on recovery, and that's not by accident - and he knows that Spock and Kirk will be hovering, because they see any problem as something they, too, should shoulder the burden of.
...And because they're some of the most protective people in the damned universe. And that goes for pretty much all the people on board the Enterprise.
In some scenarios, it's just a case of letting his body and mind rest properly. In others, there's a lot more recovery involved than anyone initially expects. Luckily for him, he has a found family who are determined to be there with him at every step. It just takes a couple reminders, every once in a while.
#leonard bones mccoy#star trek tos#star trek aos#whump#back on my bullshit#aos bones fretting over Jim and Spock and their injuries; completely forgetting that hes also a little worse for wear#thinking back to dustykneed's post abt him being fucked up and grieving after ST:ID and. Lets just make it even more physical#After the issues they face from that; Spirk are more aware of Bones' tendency to brush things off. are more equipped to take care of him#when he needs it; just as he does for them. He's so stubbornly self sufficient and it worries them. But they're equally as stubborn and#loving. Unstoppable Force meets Immovable Object. I feel like post ST:ID is where they kind of Learn that Bones keeps shit on the down low#Because like. Bones will complain. Unless it's smth that's just affecting him. And then he suddenly keeps it to himself. When he complains#abt that whole fiasco he complains abt Jim dying. Abt Spock almost dying on that planet. About how they all almost died. But he doesn't tal#about how HE almost died from that fucking torpedo almost blowing up on him. Not a word. Jim forgot it had even happened until like. Carol#brings it up in passing. Maybe she has nightmares on the incident. But he realises Bones has just NEVER fucking mentioned it despite him#being the master complainer. That sets off the first alarm bells. And then maybe Uhura asks Jim how Bones is doing bc she knows that Bones#would just say he's fine. But Jim is like ??? Bc why wouldn't Bones be okay. And then she realises that HE HASN'T realised that Bones is th#kind of motherfucker to suffer in silence. and she's like Jim. Jim he literally ran himself to the ground trying to revive you. Jim. Are yo#kidding me have you NOT TALKED ABOUT THAT??? ANY OF IT??? Thus... Jim realises or maybe even Remembers what Bones is like#bc maybe at some point he DID know Bones well enough to know when he's fucking himself over. But all the Bullshit that theyve gone through#and the fact they work in entirely different parts of the ship kind of. Alienated them a bit. And suddenly hes like. Oh. Oh No. Oh FUCK.#because Jesus how the FUCK does he even approach this. But he manages it. And Spock gets in on it too as he slowly gets to know the doctor#And then post-beyond its like. Yeah. All three of them gang up on each other. That includes Spock and Kirk making sure Bones is as Fine as#he always says he is.#anyway. Yeah. I just think Bones probably stresses and overthinks too much but god forbid anyone comfort him. Self sacrificing bastard#wow this is a lot of alphabet soup im so sorry AHAHA
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prettyboykatsuki · 5 months
there is probably no more frightening an act of intimacy than bathing with someone
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boyfriaends · 28 days
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what if you could date a ghost?
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helielune · 8 months
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love deluxe 💘
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psychopomparia · 8 months
Finished Neuvillette's story quest. I totally didn't burst out crying as soon as he made it rain near the end. N-No...
Me crying over Neuvillette's story quest reminded me of how I cried when I read Artem's second birthday card.
Which is something because they have such similar vibes.
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karliahs · 2 months
the inherent comedy of playing a d&d campaign set in the same universe as our curse of strahd game, 10 years later but with a totally different party like...in the original game we put soooo much effort into redeeming escher. in our very first session he almost killed us and continued trying to kill us for a very long time. and we aggressively marriage counselled him until he was willing to admit that his relationship with strahd was a nightmare, reunited him with his estranged father, and eventually spent a very powerful resurrection scroll on curing his vampirism so he wouldn't have to follow strahd's orders anymore
and he was still kind of little shit but he turned from an antagonist to this weird lame guy who was literally our weird shitty roommate for a bit. and once he was human again he was a lot squishier so we had to protect him a lot in fights. and just generally over a 2.5 year campaign an enormous amount of collective effort was put into giving this dude his life back
and now, well. these new characters we're playing don't know any of that. they've just met this weird shifty dude who from their perspective is kind of a dick and is getting in the way of a lot of the stuff they need to do.
and I can't stop thinking about how funny it would be if we just...killed him. a prank specifically against Me From A Year Ago, who would be mad as hell about this. idk if it will happen but the comedy potential, it haunts me
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ghosttrolls · 5 months
It turns out things you make that you feel are absolute shit can still rock someone's world. You could be putting zero effort into something you're making just because you're bored and find it mildly funny to pass your time with but then years later run into people who have legitimately been fans of that silly little thing since the beginning. Sometimes there's fans out there you never get to meet. It's super possible that you're a fan of what the creator considers their worst work! And that's awesome to think about. People enjoy stuff! And it never has to be your best to be enjoyable!
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indirecticn · 2 months
im heeeeeeereeee weeee
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lenievi · 1 year
actually, I changed my mind. I would love for SNW to allow McCoy and Spock to meet and become interested in each other without Kirk’s presence, so people would stop saying that they only get along because of Kirk. It’s obviously not the case, but because TOS won’t change anyone’s mind anymore, SNW needs to step up LOL
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binch-i-might-be · 3 months
something I have never once talked about in my life is that I have climbed a sand dune with my bare feet and then rode back down headfirst on a boogie board. why have I never mentioned this to anyone
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b4ll4d33r-06 · 6 months
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whoever said jelly artstyle is "lazy" and "easy 2 do" is annoying and a fucking liar btw.
1 bc fuck u who r u to dictate the worth of art that is not even yours nd think its the correct opinion ro have and generalising everything due to hatred of something popular
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shrikeseams · 2 years
Welp, @nailsinmywall and @skyeventide were chatting on twitter and woobiefied!Celegorm came up. And I’ve realized that I have two semi-elaborate Celegorm headcanon/interpretations spawned from attempts to make Celegorm less fucking tedious to me. I don’t think they quite make the cut for woobiefication, but they ARE marching in that direction. I think this at least qualified for meow-meowification.
Like all good headcanons, one revolves around Orome and one around Aredhel LOL. Honestly it’s all about motivation. Because bitches love to coddle a blorbo who does shitty things for “good” reasons.
Hokay, so. Celegorm and Orome. I realize that this is an unpopular opinion, but Celegorm/Orome is Not For Me, and I prefer to skew the relationship to focus on what Orome’s job represents to Celegorm, rather than a romantic relationship.
Because Orome’s role isn’t just hunting for funsies. His calling is to guard. “He is a hunter of monsters and fell beasts[.]” It’s not the same thing as hunting for food or trophies. It’s about being a first line of defense. It’s a very sincere and solemn duty, and one that would have been obviously important to someone who a) spent stretches of time in the more dangerous parts of Araman and b) intended to leave the safety of Aman with the rest of his family, like Celegorm. Depending on when you think Feanor started talking about leaving Aman, it’s very reasonable for Celegorm to pursue an apprenticeship etc in Orome’s hunt specifically to support the end goal of leaving Aman.  
So Celegorm has accepted this intense, important duty and obligation to Orome and the community at large, in a time and place where there is relatively little need for it. And then suddenly, Morgoth tips his hand and reveals himself to be unreformed! There is more need for Orome than ever!!! And Orome…
Stays home.
Celegorm arrives in Beleriand and fights orcs and wolves and ect etc and sees that Orome’s dedication to everything he taught Celegorm is conditional. Celegorm is in Beleriand, doing the work, whether for selfish or altruistic reasons, and Orome just… isn’t.
Now, there are different ways to interpret the emotional fallout here. But I’m included to say that Celegorm was… if no longer devoted to Orome once the family withdraws to Formenos, then at least still sympathetic and drawn to Orome’s ethos. If nothing else, Huan’s ongoing presence suggests that Celegorm still shares Orome’s calling, even if he’s no longer a member of Orome’s cult.
But I think once he arrived in Beleriand and seen the effects of Orome’s abandonment… he becomes increasingly bitter about his former god. Bitter in a way that I think is unique among the Feanorians, because Orome specifically has abandoned his professed calling in favor of obedience to Manwe. It’s not just the Exiles who have been abandoned, it’s everyone East of the Sea! It doesn’t matter if they aren’t Doomed and never thought of kinslaying, because they have been summarily judged and punished for actions they’re literally separated from by multiple generations and thousands of years. Celegorm has made this protective/defensive role his life’s calling, under Orome’s tutelage, and Orome has made it clear through his actions that the work he made central to Celegorm’s life was something Orome could just walk away from.
But throughout this all Celegorm is still doing the work. Orome walked away, but Celegorm didn’t, and I can’t imagine he’d be anything but bitterly proud about that. I don’t think it took long for him to be doing the work in spite of Orome, rather than in Orome’s honor or even far-distant partnership.
It's a bitter disillusionment and stripping of faith that I tend to think of as a hallmark of the religious lives of the Exiles. But Celegorm’s explicit textual relationship with Orome, and Huan, and (presumed) defensive work in Himlad makes it a good case study. The Valar’s collective failure to live up to their own PR would have made the Eastern forces at least feel justified in their actions.
 So now I have hopefully established that Celegorm’s (bloody, dangerous, violent) work on the front lines of Eastern Beleriand is part of the borderline religious cultural role that Celegorm has chosen for himself. He is perhaps glad to be applying his chosen craft, but scornful that he’s doing it with no greater help from Orome than Huan. He is very probably angry that Thingol doesn’t give two shits about these defensive obligations. Hypocritical, since Celegorm’s mostly there because of the Oath, but it’s mostly a constant low-grate irritation. Nothing too serious.
And then everything falls out with Aredhel!
Because the thing is: years before Celegorm ever laid eyes on Luthien, one of Elu Thingol’s kinsmen seduced and eloped with the daughter of the high king of the Noldor, AT BEST. The most charitable version of that relationship is an illicit seduction, an elopement without so much as notifying Aredhel’s father, and then pursuing her like an animal when she decided she was done with the relationship. And even if that’s the reality and not just the most charitable explanation, I cannot buy that Celegorm felt remotely charitable about the situation.
So from Celegorm’s perspective, what happened is that one of the people he was pouring blood, sweat, and tears into defending had abducted, seduced, definitely abused, and very possibly sexually assaulted one of his favorite cousins. And then they both disappeared into the ether with no justice done that Celegorm would have heard of, and certainly no apology from Eol, let alone Thingol.
Who wouldn’t be in a blind rage at Doriath, in his shoes?
And then the Silmaril quest is Thingol very literally adding insult to injury. The silmaril quest is a very neat and tidy insult to both Beren (who Thingol obviously wants dead) and the Feanorian East. After all, the Feanorian East was just recently devastated in the Bragollach, and Himlad not the least. The silmaril quest is Thingol’s way of saying “You’re not a player on the field anymore. I’m top dog again, and I’ll treat you however I want.” Which is, even with the kinslaying, a pretty shitty move! And it’s one that, quite frankly, the Feanorians have to answer in some way, or they’re basically acknowledging that Thingol is correct. Letting it pass wouldn’t just make it more difficult for them to claim one silmaril, it would make it harder to get people to help them deal with Morgoth and the last two silmarils! It’s kinda dumb, but that’s politics bay-bee.
So when Luthien wanders on by… Hey! A hostage! Luthien offers a great opportunity to pay Thingol back tit-for-tat for both Eol’s treatment of Aredhel and Thingol’s deliberate insult to his former allies. His attraction to her is just gravy.
Essentially, I’ve decided to interpret Celegorm as someone who chose to devote himself, body, heart, and soul, to a god/personal calling to defend his family/community/species, and then had to find a way forward in life when the very same god abandoned that calling, and then some of the people he was defending stabbed his family in the back. Like, damn. I don’t think I would react any better. If I had spent centuries of my life dedicated to the bloody, violent defense of a frontier (a defense that had been abandoned by the powers-that-be that I had been raised to expect to help), only to find out that someone from another cultural group that I was defending had trapped one of my best friends in an abusive relationship? And then like, a century later the leader of the same political group (who never apologized for what happened to my BFF!) very explicitly made a major political challenge to me and my family? And then I get the chance to reprise the crime that he never apologized for on his daughter? I would be fucking tempted. And the threat alone, without intent to follow through, would be enough to pry apologies out of Thingol and stabilize the Feanorian power base.
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