#i also always draw him in this stupid tank top because it’s how i dress on a day to day basis
blotb0x · 2 months
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jonny with glasses because he is literally me and i wear glasses so he does too
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novelconcepts · 3 years
Jamie & Dani short prompt- Online Dating au meeting online and being from bad past relationship. Thank u
This is probably a bad idea. It is, isn’t it? Almost certainly.
Why is she here?
Dani Clayton has been playing this particular set of thoughts--bad idea, terrible idea, why would you do this?--on repeat for three days. Ever since setting up that dating profile. Ever since realizing there isn’t much use in setting up a dating profile if you’re not going to use it. 
Oh, it’s all fun and games, building the thing. Find a photo that accentuates all the best parts of your face--Dani, after an hour of careful consideration, wound up going with one that accentuated her hair, more than anything, but she suspects the same idea counts. Then, the profile. What do you like? Teaching, long walks, new experiences, bad coffee. What don’t you like? 
Men, she’d thought, and snorted aloud into her wine before settling on: Deep water, accordion music, expectations, being called Danielle. 
A little more flourish, tipsy keystrokes, a casually-framed short-version of her life. Perfect. And then...well, then you hit the publish button, don’t you? You decide, for better or worse, to jump off this diving board and see just how far you can stand to swim before the energy gives out on you.
The faces appearing before her hadn’t been bad, certainly. Pretty, most of them. Interesting, a few. Still, she hadn’t swiped right on any--once or twice, because she’d forgotten which way meant yes please, but mostly because no one seemed quite...right. Which, she’d thought, was silly. The whole point of an app like this is to cast as many nets as possible and see what comes up. The whole point is to have fun. 
But every time she’d hovered over a promising image, a woman who likes dogs, or plays the violin, or goes rock-climbing in her spare time, she’d thought of him. Eddie. Who had taken one yes to a single date, and tried to make a whole life with her out of it. 
Eddie, who had taken her two decades to pull away from. 
What if the women here were the same? Not Eddie, exactly, but--presumptive. What if they believed a swipe-right was as good as a marriage proposal? What if she got bound up in conversation, and then a date, and then a relationship with someone else who just didn’t fit right?
Left. Left. Left. 
And then: the mistake.
She hadn’t meant to swipe right. Exactly. She hadn’t planned, maybe is the better way of putting it, on swiping right. She’d only wanted to look at the woman’s profile a little longer. Only wanted to inspect the facets this woman had put out on display with almost resigned simplicity. 
Some people, Dani had by now realized, wrote poetry and paragraphs to describe themselves. 
Jamie Taylor had bullet points.
“Gardener. English. Likes: Plants. Stories. Tea. Dislikes: Bullshit.”
The end. That had been quite literally the sum of it. Gardener. English. No bullshit.
But the picture, somehow, Dani hadn’t been able to look away from. Not because of carefully-arranged lighting, not because of a curated model-clean image--but because the woman appeared to have posted the photo almost under duress. It came in profile, as though someone else had done the job, her head turned toward the camera as if interrupted. Her hands were buried in a flower pot. Her clothes were simple--a tank top, a silver chain resting against the jut of collarbones, a pair of worn-looking jeans with holes in the knees. Her eyes--some fascinating color Dani couldn’t quite place--looked somewhere between amused and irritated. 
She looked real. 
Stupid, Dani thinks now--because that was probably the idea, wasn’t it? This woman, Jamie, had planned to look exactly this way. Real. Vexed at the idea of putting herself out there. Reluctantly available. 
It was a ploy, certainly--but one that seems to be working, because not only did Dani accidentally-not-accidentally swipe right, she found herself texting the woman. For hours. She’d expected much less, had figured this Jamie person would be as brief in text as she had been in bio, but...
Jamie had talked to her. Willingly. Teasingly, with more humor than truth, maybe, but with no sign at all that she was sick of Dani’s questions, bad jokes, nervous assessment that I really don’t do this, I honestly don’t get it. 
I don’t, either, Jamie had replied, and that had felt like enough of a reason to keep testing the waters. Enough of a reason to keep the conversation going back and forth, back and forth, until nearly two in the morning.
Shit, she’d said. I need to be at work in four hours. 
Shame, Jamie had replied, her tone already searingly familiar over text. Own your own business, make your own hours. Far wiser approach. 
I’ll make a note of it for when I found an elementary school, Dani had replied, laughing. She hadn’t said she’d already been in bed for an hour, the phone resting on the pillow beside her head so she wouldn’t miss the buzz of a new message. It had seemed perfectly reasonable at the time, with wine-warmed blood and the happy haze of good conversation. Jamie made her laugh. Jamie put her at ease. Jamie might not have been real, but she felt real, and that was good. 
Better than anything she’d felt in years, if she was honest with herself. 
Still, when the next day had come and gone with no message, she’d thought, Fair enough. Jamie had been good virtual company for one night. It was more than she’d expected to get out of this app.
Far more than she’d expected, particularly when Thursday night rolled around and her phone buzzed.
Teacher, yeah? No school on Saturday?
Correct, Dani had replied, as amused by the out-of-left-field text as she was irritated with how her stomach had flipped over upon receiving it. You have figured out the complexity of the American school system. 
I am a genius, Jamie sent back, followed quickly by: Drinks tomorrow night? 
Drinks. A thing that people do. A thing that adult people do for date reasons. 
She isn’t real, she’d thought, even as her thumb was punching back: How’s 8? Miller’s?
A mistake. Definitely a mistake. Because the app had been a lark, and the conversation had been too easy, and the fact that she can’t quite pick out the colors in Jamie’s eyes from a single photo is making her crazier than she’d like to admit. 
A mistake, saying yes. A mistake, suggesting the local pub-like establishment around the corner, whose beer-and-burger specials had kept her fed on too many evenings spent working late. A mistake, because once this goes south--as it’s absolutely bound to, as everything Eddie-shaped always has--she’s going to lose her favorite hangout in the deal, too.
And yet: here she is. Standing at the door, wondering if the outfit chosen for the evening festivities--tight jeans, pink blouse, hoop earrings--is too much or not nearly enough. 
What am I doing here?
Maybe, she thinks with mingled alarm and hope, she won’t even have showed up. Maybe it’s all part of the ruse: look approachable, look human and normal, look a little too beautiful in the most grounded way possible--then, cheerfully, invite a woman to drinks and just don’t show. A fun story for whoever comes next. Can you believe she thought I’d want to meet her after one night of texting?
English, Dani thinks with a sudden rush of heat. Right. Somehow, she hadn’t quite been prepared for the accent, which--coming out of this woman, draped with languid ease at a table--is truly a little more than Dani thinks she can handle just now. The accent, combined with the mess of curls dragged back from her face, and a dress sense that manages to be both casual and deeply attractive at the same time, is...
“Jamie,” she says, her voice a little lower, a little more hoarse, than is truly necessary. The woman pushes up from her seat, a small-framed figure in a black button-down, suspenders, ripped jeans. She’s pressing a hand toward Dani, offering a firm shake as though they are business partners, not an off-the-cuff bad idea of a date. “You look--”
“Never been here before,” Jamie says, almost apologetically. She gestures for Dani to sit before dropping back down in a sprawl that implies exactly the opposite of what her mouth is insisting. “Wasn’t sure about the, ah, dress code.”
“You--you did fine,” Dani tells her, wishing suddenly she’d gone for a dress. Or a  different human body altogether. She feels too tightly-strung, too anxious for the easy smile on Jamie’s lips. “Um. You’re very. In person.”
“Very,” Jamie repeats, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. “Is very American for wish I’d gone left, after all?”
“No. No. Absolutely not. That.” Bit too forceful, she suspects, judging by the smile spreading into a grin. “No, it’s just--your picture didn’t--tell me you’d be so...”
“Clean?” Jamie suggests innocently. She raises her hands, wiggling her fingers in a small wave. “Scrub up fine, when I need to. Seemed to call for it.”
“And you...sure did answer,” Dani says stupidly. “The. Call, I mean. I’m sorry, I really don’t do this often.”
Something seems to soften in Jamie, her smile less teasing as she leans across the table. “Hey, no worries here. Same person you were talking to the other night.”
Dani nods, embarrassed, and flags down a server. Drinks ordered, she draws in a deep breath.
“I mean, I haven’t done this in years. Or. Ever, I guess.”
“A first date?” Jamie asks. When Dani doesn’t answer, she adds in a knowing tone, “A date with a woman?”
“Both,” Dani says honestly. “My last relationship was--well, I mean, we were engaged--”
Jamie whistles under her breath, reaching up to scratch her head. “Blimey. What happened?”
“He’s...him.” It’s too much to go into on a first date, too much to explain, even though talking to Jamie over text had been so dangerously easy. “My best friend growing up, but that was...growing up.”
Jamie nods thoughtfully, tilting her chin in thanks when the server deposits two full pint glasses and a basket of fries on the table. “Rough time, sounds like. I can relate. My last relationship also did not go well.”
“Was he also a man who thought you’d be all too happy to quit your job and take care of a bunch of babies?” Dani asks, perhaps a little too bitterly for the occasion. Jamie flashes another grin, sipping her drink.
“She was a woman who thought I’d be all too happy to take the fall when she got busted for possession.”
Dani gapes. “Oh. Oh--I didn’t know--I’m so--”
Jamie shrugs. “She wasn’t wrong. I was nineteen, and deeply stupid. Live and learn, as the poets say.”
“Which poets?” Dani asks, smiling a little. Jamie’s brow furrows.
“John...Lennon, possibly? Hard to say. Anyway, relationships are a chore and a half, but the greatest people in the world tell me thirty is too old to play musical bedframes, so. Here we are.”
No bullshit, thinks Dani approvingly. For what little she’d put into her profile, Jamie evidently hadn’t been lying about that.
“You haven’t been in a relationship since you were nineteen?”
“In my mind, I was still in the relationship at twenty-four, when they let me out. She didn’t agree. Found out she’d been married two years, by then.” Something darkens in Jamie’s eyes for a moment. She sighs. “Like I said. Not my finest. But I am, as they say, a shining beacon of reform these days.”
“Now, when you say they,” Dani teases, grinning. Jamie nods decisively. 
“John Lennon. Definitively.”
There it is, thinks Dani, watching Jamie pop a fry into her mouth. There, the easy roll of conversation from the other night. As though they’ve known each other forever. As though two people who have thus far failed irrevocably at relationships make a perfect match.
Easy, she thinks. Don’t go wild, now. 
“So,” she says, when the comfortable silence between them has grown a bit too comfortable for the setting, “who are the greatest people in the world? The ones who tell you thirty is too old for...did you say musical bedframes?”
Jamie laughs. The ring of it curls gently around Dani’s head like a soft hand, a sound she’ll find herself replaying later with a skipping heart. 
“Not many willing to put up with a grump of my caliber, but Hannah and Owen fight the good fight. So long as I at least pretend to try.”
“Let me guess. They set up the account for you?”
Jamie makes a sort of gesture in the air with the hand not holding her glass. “Threatened to bury me in puns and children, respectively, if I kept putting it off. Owen’s still grumpy about the photo choice.”
“I liked it,” Dani says without thinking. Jamie raises an eyebrow.
“Well, you did swipe as much. Mind if I ask why?”
Walked into this one. Still, she doesn’t mind as much as she probably should, not with the genuine curiosity in Jamie’s eyes. “You looked--don’t laugh.”
“No promises,” Jamie says, but with the gentle tone of one who knows exactly how much to tease before it’ll hurt. The idea warms Dani in a way she’s not quite ready to look at yet.
“You looked real,” Dani says. “Like you weren’t going to play games, or waste anyone’s time. Like you just wanted to be happy in peace.”
“That is,” Jamie says, holding out a fry for Dani to take, “sort of the idea, yeah.”
There’s an almost puzzled cast to her smile, like she didn’t entirely expect this answer, and is pleased by it at the same time. That same sense from the photo sweeps over Dani now--that this woman is authentic, even if she’s not always shiny, that she’s kind even if not entirely clean. That she doesn’t have any interest in muddled expectation or living a comfortable lie.
“And me?” Dani asks. She doesn’t entirely mean to--but she’s sure, in asking, that Jamie will answer. Jamie is unlike anyone else she’s ever met, the first person she’s ever known to meet each question head-on. 
Dani nods. Jamie seems to consider it, turning it over in her head as she twists a fry between her fingers like a cigarette. 
“All of it.”
“That’s,” Dani begins to laugh, “that’s not--”
“No,” Jamie says, and she isn’t smiling, exactly. Her eyes have a sort of shine Dani likes very much, but there is no hint of teasing in them now. “Really. All of it. You’re...very pretty, and that’s--but the way you described yourself. Like you didn’t care to be anyone in particular. You like new experiences, and bad coffee. You hate being called Danielle. I...I wanted to know why.”
“It’s not my name,” Dani says simply. Jamie gives a brief laugh, her hand moving across the table to lightly brush Dani’s fingertips. 
“I wanted to know why all of it. Why do you like bad coffee--”
“It’s the only kind I know how to make,” Dani says automatically. “Just sort of leaned into it.”
“--and teaching--”
“I want to make a difference,” Dani says. 
“--and where you most like to go on those long walks--”
“Anywhere I can breathe,” Dani says. Her fingers are hesitant, tracing the tips of Jamie’s. There’s something electric about this, about barely touching, about barely knowing someone and still wanting to give them neatly-packaged secrets shaped like the mundane. 
Jamie is smiling. “See, that. I like that. All of it.”
It’s nothing, Dani thinks reflexively. A collection of details. A sparse approximation of a life. Eddie knows all of this, and then some, and never matched up to knowing her.
But this woman, leaning across the table with one hand outstretched, looks so different. Watches her with steady interest. Is listening to every word Dani says, though the bar is growing crowded around them, and soon, conversation will become a task instead of a gift.
“Would you,” Dani says, feeling certain that some mistakes are not as bad as they seem, “like to take one of those walks?”
“Yeah. Tonight.” Emboldened by the smile, by the curl falling into Jamie’s eyes, by the knowledge that she still can’t quite make out what color those eyes are, Dani takes her hand. It’s so easy, she thinks she could do it even without looking. “Right now.”
No bullshit, she thinks. No expectations. Just Jamie looking at her like she can’t quite believe what she’s seeing. Dani can’t blame her. This isn’t at all what she’d thought she was getting, walking in tonight. 
But there’s something about it--something about the feeling that she’s been here before, or should be here forever, or will always find her way back to a woman who looks at her just like this--that almost makes her feel brave. Almost makes her feel wonderful. She rises from the table, laying cash beneath her half-empty glass, and feels a pleasant jolt in her chest when Jamie follows without another word.
If this a mistake, she thinks as they step out into the brisk evening air, it’s one she’s hungry to make. 
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inadaydream99 · 4 years
He’s Her Lobster
Hyunjin friends to lovers oneshot
A/N - welcome to part two in my inspried by Friends oneshot series. “See, he’s her lobster!” from ‘The One with the Prom Video’. I hope you enjoy!
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“You see, lobsters have soulmates and once they are found they walk around their tanks holding claws.” Jisung explains passionately. He’d been watching some sealife documentary and had been reciting all the facts about lobsters and their links with love to Hyunjin in an attempt to make him feel better.
“And how exactly is that going to help me get (Y/N) to stop being mad at me?” Hyunjin softly speaks, still feeling upset that you are mad at him. He feels like he’s lost any chance to redeem himself and get you to forgive him now... and he’s not far wrong.
“Because you’re her lobster!” Jisung exclaims like it’s obvious.
“I’m not her lobster. Because in case you weren’t aware, we’re not sea creatures.” Hyunjin exasperatedly sighs before standing up in a strop and walking away.
The situation you and Hyunjin find yourselves in is complicated. It all started when he found out that you had a massive crush on him, which resulted in him confessing to you that he also felt the same. However, one small bump in the road is that Hyunjin had a girlfriend at the time and claimed that he was happy with her. Though the instant he found out about how you felt he began having his doubts on whether he was in the right relationship or not.
His predicament became bigger when you caught him listing all the cons to dating you. And although you shouldn’t have been evesdropping on his conversation to Seungmin and the fact that he was also listing cons about continuing dating his current girlfriend, you were deeply hurt.
Ever since you confronted him about that situation, you’ve ignored his existence. It’s for your own good you keep telling yourself. So why doesn’t it hurt any less?
“Look, you’re clearly not coping very well with all of this. I really think it’d do you good to sit down and hear Hyunjin out.” Chan cautiously advises you, preparing himself for you to begin ranting about how that’s the last thing you should do and that Hyunjin doesn’t deserve to be heard at all after the heartbreak he’s put you though.
But it never happens.
“I don’t know... maybe. It just, still hurts to see him.” You sigh, your tried eyes locking with Chan’s surprised ones when you don’t put up any resistance.
“Re-really?” He stutters from pure shock, gawking at you for a second before a proud smiles adorns his face. “I mean, take your time, but remember that if you leave things too long then it’s only going to be harder to rebuild your friendship... if that’s what you want.” He sits up straighter in his chair, proud that he’d broken through to you after so long of trying.
The small smile that breaks out across your face makes Chan feel happy, it’s the first time he’s seen you genuinely smile since the whole Hyunjin event and it’s nice to see. He hates that you’ve been so hurt and seeing your change in attitude is the first sign that maybe things are beginning to get better for you.
“(Y/N)!” You’re cheerfully greeted by Jeongin as you are welcomed into the guys dorms, a smile hiding your nervousness as you accept his warm hug.
“I’ve missed you Innie.” You giggle, ruffling Jeongin’s hair in affection.
“Chan found some old videos we’re gonna watch back!” Jeongin informs you excitedly. You chuckle at how endearingly cute he is before following him into the main room where everyone is waiting.
You’re nervousness grows as the voices become louder with each step you take, rounding the corner to enter the room. You walk in behind Jeongin, all eyes turning in your direction. You take in a deep breath, smiling back at the seven sets of eyes that land on you. All but one smiling at you warmly.
“(Y/N), it’s great to see you.” Changbin envelops you in a hug, being the first one to reach you.
It hadn’t been that long since you last saw him, the only one you haven’t seen for ages being Hyunjin himself. But there’s still a part of you that feels awkward, like his eyes are burning holes into your side as you settle into the group and take a seat between Chan and Minho.
You shyly look up through your lashes to meet Hyunjin’s longing gaze, though your eyes dart away the second you realise he is already staring at you, shuffling uncomfortably before drawing your attention onto Felix who’s picking through the choice of videos on the tv.
“Oh! This ones from the Christmas party a few years ago.” Felix announces though a wide grin. You watch as he shoots Chan a look, you assume in search of confirmation to watch that one first, before Felix presses play and everyone quiets down.
You remember the party like it was yesterday. Your boyfriend at the time had let you down last minute so he wasn’t able to go with you. You’d been so excited to spend your first Christmas with him, wanting to introduce him to all your friends and make him part of the group.
“Look, there’s me daring Jisung to drink as much alcohol as possible!” Minho cheers, laughing heartily when Jisung whines in complaint of him pointing it out. No one would have noticed otherwise because they were in the background.
You definitely wouldn’t have noticed, you barely did anyway, too focused on the scene that was in main focus.
It captures you sat on the sofa, crying into your hands in distress. Chan has his arm over your shoulder, trying his best to comfort you by whispering things in your ear to try and cheer you up and get you in more of a party mood.
What you also notice now that you didn’t before, is that Hyunjin is stood not too far away, watching you through a pain filled expression. He’s not dressed up for the party at all, in fact he looks like he’s been forced out of bed for this, a frown permanently etched on his face. You almost scoff out loud at first, thinking about the audacity he has to have sympathised with you back then, but you manage to refrain, not wanting to cause a scene.
“Dude, you should go get dressed up and take over as (Y/N)’s date.” Changbin encourages Hyunjin who looks at him in confusion before catching on. “Go get her.” Changbin cheers as Hyunjin rushes up the stairs to get ready.
Minutes later the camera pans to show Hyunjin at the top of the stairs, all dressed up and making some final adjustments to his hair in the mirror. Felix is stood with him now, having walked up the stairs to get a better view of him as camera man, and you hear some laughter emitt in the room around you as his little hand comes into frame and holds out a bunch of flowers for Hyunjin to take.
“How do I look?” Hyunjin nervously asks Felix who nods the camera to indicate his approval.
“Like a true prince.” Hyunjin beams at Fleix’s responce before letting out a deep breath, beginning his descent down the stairs.
“Look out (Y/N), your Prince Charming has arrived.” Felix commentates into the camera, following Hyunjin back down the stairs again.
You gasp when the video shows Hyunjin abruptly stopping, his hand holding the flowers dropping to his side defeatedly. This is when you finally tear your eyes away from the tv screen to meet Hyunjin’s, his eyes already staring back at you, brimmed with tears, before he suddenly stands up and makes his way to the closed door. He leans his back against it as he creates distance from everyone while the tragic scene continues to unfold. He doesn’t want to stay but he also can’t bring himself the leave, conflicted in his emotions.
The moment your eyes land back on the tv you see Hyunjin turning to glance at the camera, looking incredibly disheartened. Behind shows you hugging your now ex boyfriend, laughing and smiling brightly at the fact he’s shown up.
Then the video cuts out and the room falls into an uncomfortable silence, no one knowing what to say next.
You turn to look at Hyunjin who is shyly looking at his feet. Why didn’t anyone tell you about this before? It’s the most caring thing anyone has ever done for you.
Before anyone can process what is going to happen next, you act on impulse, standing up and making your way towards Hyunjin. You don’t notice but Felix and Chan share a knowing look before turning their attention back onto you. Their plan had worked, forcing you to realise that Hyunjin has always cared about you and his stupid slip up over the pros and cons list was one huge mistake.
You gently place your hand under Hyunjin’s chin, coaxing him to look at you properly.
“I can’t believe you did that.” You softly whisper, finally smiling at him properly. It’s been so long since you’ve had any direct interaction with each other that Hyunjin’s breath hitches in his throat. He’s nervous and tense, desperate for you to make the first move and break down the barrier between you.
You gaze into each others eyes intensly, forgetting about everyone else in the room. It’s just you and him now, as you nussle your noses together, leaning up on your tip toes to crash your lips against his in a hungry, passion filled kiss.
Hyunjin instantly responds, his hands flying to your waist to keep you close. Both of you lost in the moment.
You pull apart with cheesy grins on your faces, your eyes fluttering open and your senses kicking back in. You both let out an elated giggle when you hear all the guys cheering behind you.
“See he’s her lobster!” Jisung cheers triumphantly, happily making his point that he was right all along.
Hyunjin interlaces your fingers with his, bringing your hands up to his chest and holding them there.
“It’s always been you.” He whispers, no need to speak any louder with you barely inches from him.
You’re first and only responce is to kiss him again. And as you both close the space between you, you know that all the heartbreak and pain you’ve been through is in the past. Now it’s time for a new beginning in your relationship. A new future with Hyunjin, the love of your life.
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i lost the post i had that gave all of caragan’s info, so i’ll just post it again here. first pic is caragan after they die, because only obey me could drive me to design a character post-death 
i did design the sigils myself. then i added the sin marks from the cards, put that little pact symbol on it, and i took the original symbols from the actual demons and simplified/altered them. because i didn’t think it was a good idea to use the actual symbols. don’t wanna manifest something ya know lmao 
very long info dump under the cut. (info dump is copied from the post i lost) and yeah, caragan is a generic super powerful protagonist. so prepare for cheese 
likes: drawing, reading, gaming, and staying at home. they are drawn to dark things; horror, dark colours, literally most things dark.
home/family: they live alone, but near their parents, and they visit almost daily. they have a cat and three snakes (while caragan is away, the fur and scale babies are taken care of, don’t worry) 
age: 27 yrs old, born Jan 7th 
gender: nonbinary, they/them 
height: 4′10 / 147 cm
occupation: part time job, they also make bits and bobs to sell; art, crochet, etc. they went back to college too (and how they signed up for a certain exchange program; in my headcanon, they signed up for it and expected something mundane) then, after their first visit to the devildom, they start learning about the peace that diavolo proposed in their own time, and volunteer for the human organizations involved 
the design after they die: neither angel or demon, appearance shows physical attributes of both. (i also have a lot of post-death info, but… this is already so much, so i will leave it out) the ref i made is below: (worth noting that before their “fall,” using the term very, very loosely, everything on them that is red was white)
they wear all black with small, brightly coloured accessories 
brightly coloured accessories are normally bracelets, scarves, or pins. socks are also always nauseatingly bright 
casual outside attire: black hoodie, black t shirts, black ripped jeans, and converse 
casual around the house attire: grey sweatpants, obnoxious socks, a tank top, and sometimes a sweater or jacket they’ve stolen from the brothers 
formal attire: usually a suit, but asmo can convince them to wear a dress by finding amazing ones and wearing a dress too 
school uniform: jacket sleeves rolled up, or while in classrooms, off completely. no tie, ever. dress pants, wears black flats instead of dress shoes. during their first year, they kept their hair in a ponytail in class 
always wearing their favourite necklace 
first year piercings:
left ear - bar piercing in top, three normal piercings on bottom
right ear - three normal piercings on bottom 
second visit piercings:
left ear - same
right ear - three normal piercings on bottom, and two new normal piercings on top 
they wear binders to their classes and almost always when they go out for less active shenanigans 
rarely wears a binder in the house of lamentation; the first thing they take off when they get home 
hair is greying on both sides of their head, also some greys on top
always, always has dark circles and bags under their eyes 
brothers + romance: they are absolutely smitten with all of them, and they are very blunt and obvious about it. their favourite, though, is beel. this is kept as plainly obvious as their feelings for the others. since they love all of the brothers, they don’t hide their attraction to anyone. for the most part, it works out. 
pact mark locations:  (see first ref pic) 
lucifer - throat 
mammon - upper back 
leviathan - lower back 
satan - left inner thigh 
asmo - right inner thigh 
beel - right inner wrist 
belphie - left inner wrist 
overall, they’re very shy and awkward, and they like to joke around to cover it up. generally quiet, even around those they’re comfortable with. (they don’t talk a lot unless they’re having a ‘moment’ - a day where they’re hyperactive) they have crippling anxiety and depression, but the medication they take eases it. gets irritable around loud noises/people. they make an attempt in having a decent sleep schedule, but most nights they’re awake for hours longer than they intend to be. sleep schedule is more erratic when in the devildom. (probably belphie’s fault.) 
everything below is uh… like, how they act/react to the other characters.  
lucifer:  they mirror what lucifer offers them; if he’s being soft, they will be soft in turn. if he is upset with them, they will apologize and attempt to do better, and they expect the same if the roles are reversed. stuff like that. they don’t openly flirt with lucifer the same way they do some others, instead they focus on gentle interactions. they kept close to lucifer when they first arrived in the devildom (when mammon ditched them) because they deemed him more trustworthy than anyone else. 
mammon:  when with mammon, every filter caragan has is demolished instantly. given mammon never tried to kill or charm them, they grew to respect him very quickly. they also don’t treat mammon like an idiot; they’ve dealt with that themselves enough. yes, they tell him off for doing things that will very clearly come back to bite him in the ass, but they never target his intelligence because they know he’s smarter than he lets on. they openly flirt with mammon because they like to make him blush. they both get into trouble often, but they have each others’ backs throughout. 
leviathan:  they don’t spend as much time with leviathan, but they do enjoy his company. they usually lock away their info dumping and interests, but not with leviathan. he gets to gush about the things he loves, and they match his energy. he tries to offer the same courtesy. they also like to flirt with leviathan to make him blush, but they don’t do it as heavily or as often because his rejections/self deprecating comments make them feel bad. they are also thankful that they can talk to him about their anxiety and he understands it. they rarely call him ��levi.” 
satan:  they also don’t spend as much time with satan, but less so than leviathan. they can’t help but feel stupid when they’re with him, so they don’t socialize with him often. buuut any time he offers to socialize, they don’t turn him down. in fact, caragan gets excited. he’s also where they turn to when they’re struggling with their studies or curious about something demon related. they do attempt to joke around and flirt with him, but it’s like a game of chicken, and caragan always ducks out. fairly quickly, too. 
asmodeus:  caragan adores asmo, but they can’t really place why. they also consider him as much a work of art as he does himself. they are very soft with asmo and they rarely flirt with him in a conventional way. even though they reject most sexual advances, they are as handsy as asmo is. asmo is their official cuddle buddy and they love to shower him in gentle affection. if asmo is in sight, they can often be caught staring. at first, they’re very embarrassed by this, and the brothers poke fun. eventually, though, they’re utterly shameless and just widen their smile if asmo catches them. 
beelzebub:  they love beel more than life itself, and that is absolutely not an exaggeration. at first, they were very avoidant and anxious when it came to beel, but when they started to hang out with him, they found him very easy to be around. the attraction started then, but then became way too strong when beel went into full demon mode over his custard. (mood) they started following him around everywhere. they continued that trend well into the year and the following visit. they’re very affectionate and clingy, sitting his lap and hugging him constantly. they carry around as many snacks as their pockets can hold for beel and beel only. 
belphegor:  they knew from the start that belphie was lying to them in the attic and probably meant them harm, but they never held it against him. they never really held their death against him either. they’re quiet around belphie for the most part, even when they started to like him. they often nap with him (against their better judgement) too. the two of them talk a lot about their ideal “me and you and beel” future. more than is healthy. their conversations outside of that are often filled with snark and a weird tension that caragan doesn’t understand. it usually melts away after a cuddle and a nap, though. 
diavolo:  they instantly liked diavolo. they’re very cautious and anxious around him, but they try to be warm in their interactions with him. they do call him “lord diavolo,” and treat him with due respect. he usually throws them for a loop with most things he does, but they try to keep up and be understanding. they have a strong need to get closer to him, for reasons that they don’t understand or even try to understand. they don’t do much about it either. his demon form causes them to become flustered. very flustered. the not-oblivious brothers tease them for it. they have such a huge crush on him. 
barbatos:  they don’t interact with him that much, or try to interact with him outside of things that are necessary. they have nothing against him, they just don’t feel the need to. they’re very polite to him, as polite as they are to diavolo. while they’re curious about him, they don’t go out of their way to interact with him. there’s really not much there besides mild curiosity. 
solomon:  they think he gives off a copious amount of mischievous vibes and it puts them off. at first. they are kind and polite towards him, and they would consider him a friend. the friendship is essentially that “we have no friends in this class so we will become friends to fill the void. but only in this class. we will never speak to each other outside of this place.” it’s not nearly as specific, but that’s the flavour of friendship they have in the beginning. eventually, he grows on caragan and they end up looking forward to seeing him. they just find him very fun. 
simeon:  they think simeon is beautiful and has been caught staring almost as much as when they stare at asmo. with simeon though, they will never be shameless about their staring. they continue to be embarrassed about it forever. forever. they’re polite and kind to simeon, but they feel he keeps himself closed off from them. during their second visit to the devildom, with the play and all, they become a little scared of simeon. it doesn’t change the way they interact with him, but it does put them off for a bit. and after some overthinking, they end up being more drawn to him. 
luke:  they were very anxious around luke, at first. they don’t like kids, and generally become twice as awkward around them. eventually, they found him adorable. when they speak to him, they will focus on child logic, but they do speak to him the way they would speak to anyone. never patronising. happily helps him with studies if they can, gives him affirmation and reassurances whenever needed, and is protective. they have even been known to stand up to lesser demons when they target luke. (when simeon isn’t around; it’s rare) even though caragan is scared shitless the whole time, they try anyway. seeing as they’re only 4′10, they never make short jokes or anything of the like. when the brothers make short jokes, they shoot disapproving looks and will express disappointment if it drags on too long. 
the end of their life time:  they go on to live for a while, dedicating themselves entirely to diavolo on the human side of things, even becoming a public speaker for it. sharing their experiences n all that. which is something they’d never do for anything else. 
at a certain point though, about 50 yrs old or so, they do stop visiting the demon brothers because they’re getting old. they die shortly after in an accident. brothers don’t find out because caragan was already avoiding them. (though, there is general unease because of the bonds they have with caragan. they know something’s very, very wrong but not what. they fear the worst, and they’re right to.) 
but for all the things they did for “the cause,” they were to be judged in the celestial realm. (and… i see it as… in a horrible, horrible way, the big guy upstairs knew everything that would happen with lilith, and deemed her and her brothers an acceptable loss in exchange for peace. it was all orchestrated. i also think that diavolo knew the plan, for the most part. he has his own reasons for wanting the peace, but he does know what the plan was.) 
but they’re escorted to The Big Guy by simeon and luke (a cute reunion with hugs) and he straight up asks caragan what they want. like they can stay here, go to the devildom, or remain in the human realm. 
in any case, they’ll be given all the attributes needed to thrive in all three realms, but only if they continue in their trying to maintain peace. obviously, caragan is all for continuing. and of course, they choose to make their home with the brothers. god’s all like, “you will retain your angelic status, but you do have to fall to achieve the status of demon. are you sure?” they have to have demon attributes to ensure survival and comfort living among demons, so that’s why. 
and caragan straight up says, without missing a beat, “even heaven is hell without them.” everybody knows who they’re talking about. simeon is torn between “that’s so rude” and “that’s so sweet” and luke is horrified. god just laughs. 
they all talk a bit longer so caragan knows exactly what they’re getting into. they will have a lot of power as both angel and demon, but they have to keep their humanity in exchange for that power. which means, inevitably, their long life will become a curse. no human is built to live for a millennia, so it’ll take a toll on their mind and at the end of it all, they won’t be themselves anymore. 
caragan basically says, “yah, worth it. lezgo.” god hands them paperwork, some explaining what caragan is and why, as well as a peace treaty thing to give to diavolo when they get home. i was thinking it’d be something cheesy like “the treaty of the last fallen angel.” no more fallen angels after caragan, they fell so no one else has to again. idk, symbolism or something. but even the future angel/demon hybrids won’t have to fall. 
cue caragan yeeting themselves from the celestial realm. 
diavolo knows caragan’s about to fall (barbatos n all that) and gathers the brothers to the place it’ll be. caragan is just a ball of blue flames, then a crater, the brothers are baffled. 
falling hurts a shit ton (even without losing wings and all that), so caragan ends up crying, but they cry blood. (for angel reasons. i dunno why i think angels cry blood.) which drips from their face and onto the white fabric of the thing they’re wearing, and then everything white fades into a red, even the white of their eyes. (i want to try very roughly animating that one day.) 
then there’s another heart warming reunion, but also with a shit ton of heart break because not only did caragan die, they also just fell. the brothers are angy.
before the brothers can get all “let’s fight god,” caragan hands diavolo the paperwork, all of which he reads out loud for the brothers. 
uh. roll credits. 
just tidbits:
caragan is an angel of perseverance and a demon of despair. 
they have six wings and six eyes on each wing. 
their halo was a tangible ring of golden light, but when they fell, it became horns. but like… still in a ring shape. still a halo. just different. 
they are barefoot in their angel/demon form because they have talons and also just… hate shoes. 
when all the white turned red, all the gold turned silver. 
they look as they did during their second visit to the devildom when they enter their “afterlife.”  
their human form is also just… them. hoodie, ripped jeans, everything, they’re just themselves. 
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awkbo0b · 4 years
Two of a Kind:1
A/N: Hey everyone, I finished Outer Banks on Netflix about a week ago and I fell in love with the Pogues. Mainly JJ. So I after reading some of there really creative writing about JJ x Reader i came across an idea for my own spin off story. the girl in the story will be named Mae Clemonds, this helps my flow with writing. Also this chapter is going to be a bit boring since i need to introduce my characters and give background on them, but once this passes it should be better and will have much more of JJ and the rest of the Pogues!
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Now imagine JJ meeting a girl who is so much like him he can hardly stand her, and same goes to the girl. Can you already feel the sexual tension?
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking
As I pack my third suitcase that i have strictly made for my art supplies, I hear a knock at my door. “Hey, Mae, how is it going in here?” I turn to see my mom standing in the doorway, she has dry clay smeared across her forehead, as usual, and her curly ginger hair is somehow managed into a bun on top of her head.
“Oh you know, it’s going. Got all my water colors here,” I say as i point to them in my suit case, “and my notebooks here, and all my brushes, pencils, and pens are in the pocket.” I smile as i close the suit case and zip it up. “Now I am all set.” I glance at the other two large suitcases that are full of clothes and bathroom necessities, then up to meet my mom’s bright blue eyes. “How about you and dad?”
Mom returns a smile, “Good, your farther finished packing this morning and we just finished the piece as planed. Once I am washed up we will be ready in about thirty minutes, go ahead and load these into the car.” she responded as she pushed herself away from the door frame and began to turn away from the room. “It’s going to be a great summer, I can feel it!” mom adds as she gracefully moves down the hallway, throwing her hands in balled fist above her head as if she just won something. 
A couple months ago my aunt Sadie called my mom and dad offering a once in a life time opportunity. Something that you should know about my family is that we are artist, all of us. My great grandma Allison was the one who started the line of artist. She was an amazing painter, oil was her favorite but you could give her mustard and she would still create art. Her and my great grandpa Clemonds opened up their own gallery, and it has been passed down through the generations. The artistic touch also ran through the family. Not all of us are painters, some are photographers, and others are sculptors like my mom and dad. I like to draw/sketch and use water colors.  But no matter what their choice of media is, my family creates art and adds it to the gallery. The Clemonds family is widely well known in the art community.
So back to the once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity that my Aunt Sadie called my mom about a couple months ago, is the chance for them to create a series together.
About two years ago my Aunt Sadie and her family moved to the coast of North Carolina for a new scenery for their photography. Living in Chicago does give you a lot to work with but my Aunt needed something with more green and less buildings. This move included my cousin Tony, who also happens to be my best friend.
Tony said that where she lives is called Outer Banks and the elite class of the area are a different level of filthy rich. Nose up in the air, refuse to look at anyone who makes anything less that six figures a year level of filthy rich. And these people did their research on my cousin’s family the second they moved in down the street and instantly started asking for personalized art they could buy.
My Aunt agreed to set up her own business to start selling her art there without the ties of the family gallery back at home, and then one day she came up with a great idea. She wanted my mom and dad to come to North Carolina and to work with her. Neither me or Tony know what our parents had in mind but after two years I’m going to see my best friend, and the plane leaves in 2 hours.
The drive from the airport to Tony’s house felt hours, I am so excited to see her. We facetime every day but it’s not the same and seeing each other in person. Once the rental car pulls into the long driveway leading up to one of the biggest houses I have every seen, I see Tony running down the porch. Her long, wavy, blonde hair flying behind her with the biggest smile on her face.
“Dad, can you just stop right here for me, so I can get out?” I almost whine, just as happy to see Tony and as she is to see me. Dad chuckles and bring the car to a stop long enough for me to hop out.
Tony and I clash together in a clumsy hug. “Oh God Mae, I’ve missed you!” Tony squeals, hugging me a little tighter.
“Same here, dude,” I pull away to look at her face, to see she is crying. Tony and I are so different in so many ways. She is that cute soft girl who wears skirts, always her hair done, and is emotional. Where as with me and my dark brunette hair, I like to wear worn down t shirts and shoes with denim shorts that are frayed at the end. I speak everything that comes to mind, down for almost anything, and communicating emotions is my weakness.”Lets get my shit inside so you can show me around.” I wrap my arm around her shoulder and we make our way to the parked car to unpack.
After unpacking Tony told me about a ‘kegger’ that was going to go down near the beach called the boneyard.
“Fuck yeah, lets do it!” I say in a loud whisper so her parents didn’t hear.
Tony laughs, “just to remind you though, remember when I told you about the rival between kooks and pogues?”
“Um, yeah vaguely, why?”
“Well I live in figure eight which is technically kook territory so when going to this party to avoid any drama we should probably stick with the kooks.” Tony’s voice got quieter at the end of that sentence. She knows when she tries to give me advice I typically tend to ignore it and cause issues.
“Well,” I begin, plopping myself onto her bed, “I guess I can try, but if I remember correctly, the kooks are the one who are in the wrong most of the time?” My parents (Tony’s parents too) raised me to not see someone as a social class, judge them on how they treat you not by how much money they have.
“Yeah, normally they talk down on the pouges because they are from much less but,-”
“But that’s not cool Tony, we both know this.” I cut her off a little more harshly than intended.
“But,” Tony’s tone is desperate for me to hear her out,”I had a lot of troubles making friends and fitting in when I first came here two years ago. And I’m just starting to not be the weird new girl who sits in the art studio all day.” Tony sits down next me. “I’m not asking you to be rude or to look down on people, just to help me keep some of the friends I have finally made here.”
I let out a long sigh, “I’ll do my best.” Tony jumped from the bed and did a little victory dance, she only did this when she got her way with me. “Well, lets start getting ready.” Tony laughs as she start going my clothes to help me find something to wear.
As we walked down a sandy pathway through the trees, a bonfire came into view, along with a large group of people around the ages of 16 to 19. The sight of the fire inspired an idea of a drawing that I will probably start tomorrow. “where should we place our cooler?” I asked Tony.
“Looks like everyone is placing theirs over by that tree, most of the time its help yourself at these things so don’t become alarmed if you see someone getting into our cooler.” Tony shakes her finger at me knowing that I wouldn’t hesitate to confront anyone. I raise my hands up in surrender.
“I’m on my best behavior tonight.” I gave my best smile, causing Tony to giggle. “Now lets start the night off right.” Once we got our cooler placed we opened it and took out a sandwich bag that contained two limes, and our small bottle of tequila. It’s tradition for us to start our nights drinking with a shot together. Once the first shot is down we drink what we want. “Cheers,” I say then take a chug from the bottle and hand it to Tony as I bite my lime, and she does the same. Then we place the tequila back and grab ourselves a beer and walk towards the crowd of people.
Tony introduces me to a couple people she has become friends with in the last school year. They all seem nice but the entitlement that radiates off of them is insane. “So, you guys are from the same family, right?” asked one of the boys who i didn’t bother to remember his name.
“I mean, that’s what cousins normally means, right?” My tone came out harsh and Tony bumped me with her hip to remind me to play nice. The guy rolled his eyes in annoyance, causing me to raise an eyebrow. “If you don’t want a sarcastic answer don’t asked a stupid question.” I finished my beer in one big gulp.
“I was just making sure because you don’t seem to be the one who lives a life like Tony’s,” I feel Tony put her arm around my shoulder to try and calm me down, but the smug express the guy had on his face pushed me over the edge.
“Oh? Because how I look really defines my social class, right?”
“Hey, we are going to take a walk.” Tony steps between me and the guy, “Enjoy your night.” she says over her should as tony pulls me from the group.
Tony and I walk toward the coolers so I can get another beer. “can’t beleive that dick head.” I utter under my breath. Tony begins to giggle, she knows there is no point in trying to lecture me, because in the end we both know I was in the right. “Seriously Tony, I’m sorry you have to be around people like that.”
“Yeah kooks are no fun,” I turn to see a blonde guy with a red baseball cap going through coolers to find a beer of his choosing. “But at least they bring good beer.” The blonde is dressed in cargo shorts and a stretched out tank top, not khakis and polo shirts like the guys Tony had just introduced you too. I notice him make his way to our cooler. He pulled out a beer, shut the lid and used it as a seat to look at you and Tony.
“Hey, lets go back to the fire, we can get a beer in a minute.” Tony’s giggling has stopped and now she’s grabbing my arm trying to pull me away.
“Ah come on princess kook, no need to be scared.” The smirk on the guys face sent excitement through me.
“Mae,” Tony started but I cut her off.
“T, you can go back. I’ll get a beer and meet you there.” I try to sound as soft as Tony does when she tries to assure me. Tony looked at the guy then back to me. She nodded and then turned to make her way back to the group of people we were just at.
“You must not be from around here, a tourist?” The blonde pulls a lighter out of his pocket and pops open they beer. “If so, I’m as local as the come and you seem to need a guide.” He then winks and take a takes a swig of the beer. I return a smirk, trying to come off as flirty and make my way towards him.
“How often does that line work for you?”
“Well, normally tourist don’t ask that question.” as I get closer I lean down to be at the same level as him, I notice the blonde look down at my lips.
“Well I dont need a guide but,” I stand up straight and take the bottle from his hand, “for a local you are a very good host, thank you for opening my beer.” I place the bottle against my lips and take a drink.
the blonde shoots up from where he was sitting and takes the bottle back from me. “Dude find your own.”
I give him an innocent smile, “Well you see, that is mine, its from my cooler.” I take the bottle back and turn on my heels, “The name is Mae, hope to see you around blondie.”
“Wished the feeling was mutual!” The blond hollers after me then I hear slight chuckles come from him. I make my way to Tony who is now with a group of girls.
A/N hey so there are probably a handful of mistakes, I was just excited to get this out. Once again, sorry for it being slow in the beginning I was trying to build Mae up so you could know her a little more. the more notes the faster the second part will come out!
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
skeleton key slash x reader
+++++++++ i wanted something cute and fluffy but ive been in a mood lately so here ya go lol, its kinda cute and fluffy but starts a little disconnected and stand-offish
i edited this but if i missed anything sorry lol
Song: ill always be around by waterparks
tag list: @cynic-spirit @satans-arse @slashscowboyboots @smokeandmirrorz +++++++++
i sat against the wall of the dressing room and swirled the unopened bottle of beer against the tile floor in front of me. it made a mesmerizing sound as the glass scraped against the linoleum. it was the only thing really keeping my attention. it had been a rough couple of days and i wanted nothing more than to feel normal again.
i watched slash slide down the wall out of my peripherals, hearing him sigh as he hit the floor with his full weight. we sat in silence until i broke my trance, opening the bottle finally, i just stared down into it. slash cleared his throat but i didnt look at him.
"You okay?"
He asked, nudging my arm with his elbow. I took a quick swig of my beer, making a sour face at the taste.
"As okay as I usually am."
I sighed out.
"So not very?"
He asked, sending me a look. I looked over at him and shrugged.
"I'm sure things could be better but I'm living life one day at a time."
He shook his head.
"That's no way to live."
i sighed again, taking another drink.
"is it ever?"
he hummed.
"well no, but whats been up lately? you haven't really seemed like yourself."
i took another swig.
"havent i?"
i asked, raising a brow quickly. he frowned at me.
"none of us think so. the rest of the guys have noticed it too. you arent the same as you were a week ago."
i sighed, dropping my head back into the wall and looking to the ceiling.
"im lost."
he looked a little confused.
"youre lost?"
i looked over at him, watching his hair as it fell into his face.
"i dont know, my mood just tanked all of a sudden. i have no drive, i dont want to do anything. the only reason im here is because i have to be."
he tried to examine my face but i was on the whole expressionless.
"you couldve stayed on the bus, not that it wouldve helped, but you couldve."
i let out a short laugh, bringing the beer bottle to my lips.
"i thought getting out wouldve made an impact, ya know, keep myself busy to forget about it."
He nodded.
"it didnt."
I said and he sighed out, pinching the bridge of his nose. i looked back ahead of me, staring at the wall. we sat in silence for a bit until he shot up, drawing my attention and looking at him like he was crazy. he offered his hand to me.
"come on."
he said, more chipper now. i raised a brow.
he shook his hand, wanting me to take it.
"come on, get up. we're going on an adventure."
i drew my brows before reluctantly taking his hand, setting my beer on the ground where i was just sat.
"where are we going?"
i asked as he pulled me out of the room and into the hall.
"It a surprise, but you have to come along to find out, thats why its an adventure."
i followed closely behind him, still unsure about the situation he was dragging me into. he walked comfortably down the hallway, looking from room to room as we went. i just watched him, trying to figure out what he was really after as we moved further into the venue. he nodded to the venue workers as we passed them, his grip on my hand getting tighter, making it known to them that we were attached. he relented as he ducked under pipelines and around mic stands. suddenly i was forced into someone.
"hey! watch where youre going!"
i heard as i looked up with wide eyes. in front of me was a large bald man with a stern gaze and i suddenly realized i was no longer tethered to slash. i looked to my suddenly empty hand in panic before looking back up the man.
"whats your deal?"
he asked, harshly. i looked around but the curly mess of hair was nowhere to be found. i breathed deeply.
"do you speak or are you just here to get in the way?"
the man said a bit louder. i jumped.
"no, i, i, uh-"
i stuttered out. he looked like he was waiting for an answer.
"you just gonna stand there looking stupid with your hand in the air or are you gonna move out of my way?"
he grunted out. then my hand got snatched away from me and i looked to slash with relief.
"sorry dude, i guess i lost my girl."
he apologized, pulling me to him. the man watched us as slash led us away from the man.
"keep her on a leash or something! i dont have time for road blocks!"
he called after us. slash waved his hand in the air.
"will do man."
he said before looking at me like 'yeah right' and making me giggle. slash looked around before ducking into an empty room.
"dude i thought id lost you there for a second. i saw one of the crew and went to squeeze your hand and i realized youre hand wasnt in mine anymore."
he let out a nervous laugh.
"it looks like i found you just in time though cause that dude looked like he meant business."
i nodded in agreement.
"yeah that was kinda scary."
we both laughed a little at the situation.
"but i found this place."
he said excitedly. i looked around, it was dimly lit but the furniture looked much better than the dressing rooms we were in. part of me wondered if it had been an office at one point but was now a storage room. i looked up as the light flickered overhead.
i said happily, raising my brows at him.
"well, im glad you like it cause i set this up for us."
i drew my brows as he took my hand again and led me around the bulky couch in the middle of the room. my mouth dropped at the layout of food, wine, and candles on the floor; all of it arranged on top of a black blanket.
"where did you get all of this?"
i asked, a bit shell-shocked. he half smiled at me, rubbing his arm.
"Well, i noticed youve been down for a bit and wanted to do something nice. i also figured we had a decent amount of time before the show starts so i went out and got this stuff earlier with a little help from duff and he helped me set it up. all i had left to get was you."
i could feel tears stinging my eyes. no one had really ever done anything this nice for me before and it made my heart ping. He really new what to do to make me feel better, he always did. i sent him a smile before pulling him in for a hug. he held me tightly to him, burying his face into my neck.
"thank you, slash, it means a lot."
i whispered against him. he pulled away and helped me sit.
"i wasnt sure exactly what you would like but we asked the lady at the shop down the street what she would want and thats just kinda what we got."
he said bashfully. i leaned over and kissed his cheek quickly.
"its great. really. it is."
i reassured as he started pouring two glasses of wine. he cleared his throat as he handed me one of the glasses.
"i, uh, also had a question for you while we're here."
he looked down at the blanket, and i almost thought i saw a small blush on his face but it was hard to tell in the low light.
"ask away."
i said raising  the glass to him in cheers and taking a sip. i watched as he swirled the liquid around in his own glass.
"well, i was wondering, if maybe youd want to go on a date with me. like officially."
i smiled widely at him.
"id love that."
he gladly returned the smile.
"great! i mean i know weve kind of gone on a date before but it wasnt legit, and yes i kind of blame axl for ruining that one-"
i laughed a little bit, shaking my head.
"lets call it a trial run."
i said, making him laugh too.
"well then i already feel more comfortable."
he clinked his glass against mine in cheers.
"same here."
i took a sip before setting the glass down and resituating to sit with my legs crossed under me.
"now, lets see what that lady made you buy."
i joked, prompting him to move the little basket he had acquired closer to me.
"dont blame me if its terrible."
he said through a laugh. i sent him a warm smile.
"thanks for this slash, you really know how to make a girl feel better."
he nodded.
"no, i know how to make you feel better, and i wouldnt have it any other way."
it was my turn to blush, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks at his words.
"im glad you have the thing that opens the door to my emotions or else this tour would be much harder."
i noted, taking a small box out of the basket and setting it next to me. he snorted.
"like a skeleton key to your happy place."
he said. i nodded.
he laughed a little bit before taking another sip of his wine.
"you have no idea how happy that makes me."
he said, leaning back in his spot. i leaned over, close to him.
"the feeling is mutual."
i said lowly, watching his eyes flicker to my lips.
"can i kiss you?"
he whispered out, looking back to my eyes. i nodded. his hand found its way to my face, caressing my cheek gently. like a slow motion film, he moved forward, it felt like every anticipation building inside me before our lips finally met. it was soft and warm and he tasted like the wine. when he pulled away i felt like my home had been ripped from me and i missed it immediately.
"cant wait for that date."
he laughed out and i couldnt help the amused look on my face.
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incoherentbabblings · 4 years
Take Back the Cake, Burn the Shoes, and Boil the Rice (1/11)
Within two months there have been two murders of Gotham newlyweds moments after the ceremony. The only connecting factor was both brides wore the same designer's work. Needing to establish who exactly is behind the crimes, Bruce enlists Tim and Stephanie to have the biggest wedding Gotham high society has seen in decades, putting a target on their heads not just for the killer, but Gotham society too. It goes about as well as you'd expect. 
Ao3 link here!
Hey, @thatblondeperson​ @our-happygirl500-fan the odyssey begins, huh? Thank you both for your help with this, I imagine I will keep bugging you with questions and pictures of pretty dresses going forward.
“No way.”
“No! Are you serious? Look, I did the trip to England – even though I have a life here and didn’t want to – because it was like only for a semester and it was to help people… but this? No.”
“I agree.” Red Robin chimed, bolstering Batgirl against Batman. He pulled back his cowl, revealing the tired young man underneath. He didn’t look wholly invested in anything Bruce had to say. “Can’t you fake it? With Selina or… I don’t know. Zatanna or…” Tim shrugged uselessly. “I’ve already had a fake engagement! One’s enough, thank you.”
“No-one is going to believe Bruce Wayne’s engagement… They know it will all fall through.” Dick chimed up. He was sat at the batcomputer, feet up on the keyboard, eating chunks of mango and watermelon and looking completely indifferent to the outraged faces around him. He looked briefly at Bruce. “No offense.”
“Well you do it then!” Stephanie argued. “You’re a…fully grown adult. No-one would blink an eye if you and Babs got engaged! Everyone knows you’re sweet on each other.”
Dick slowed the chewing of his fruit. Looking Steph straight in the eye, he spat out seeds over the edge of the ground down in the depths of the cave. Tim watched out of the corner of his eye as Bruce folded his arms, exasperated. Finally, after a tense stare off, Dick grinned.
“Can’t. Going off world on Friday. Can’t get married if you’re not on Earth. And this case really needs to be closed asap.”
It was a shit eating grin, one that made Steph want to instinctively slap it off his face as she felt increasingly crowded into a corner. Tim meanwhile screwed up his lips.
“You seriously think the designer has something to do with it?”
“Two murders at a wedding in two months. Both bride and groom.”
“No such thing as a coincidence?” Asked Stephanie. She tugged off her cape, hair getting caught as she did so. After a brief fight with the cowl, she tossed both aside and spun back to look at Batman.
“No. Not in these instances.”
“But what’s the connection?”
“Both brides were wearing the same designer.”
Tim nodded, catching on. “So… someone either has it out for the designer and wants her life to collapse… or she’s a wedding dress designer who hates happy couples.”
“Potentially.” Bruce walked towards Tim, seeing he was less aggressively opposed then Stephanie. “All you have to do is pretend. Hire her for the dress, plan the wedding. I’ll find the truth.”
Stephanie was not moved. “Using us as decoys? Really? And with what spare time am I supposed to plan a wedding? This is my final year of college… I can’t drop it all for the sake of a lie.” She looked to Tim, hoping to implore him to side with her. Bruce couldn’t make them both agree, surely.
To her growing distress, Tim was frowning off to the side, pulling his usual thinking face when he was musing something over.
“We’d seriously have to go through with it? Like from engagement, planning…wedding. All of it?” Something sparked in Tim’s eyes, and Stephanie’s stomach dropped.
She shook her head at him, unable to beg out loud. Bruce’s large chest heaved up and down with an exaggerated breath.
“It would have to be public. We’ll be making you targets. Big ones.”
If anything, this seemed to further motivate Tim, rather than placing the pressing guilt that had formed in Stephanie’s lungs. He looked to Bruce, expression serious and earnest.
“But we’d be potentially redirecting it from innocent people.”
Dick blinked, his somewhat sadistic enjoyment of their discomfort shifting as he too noticed Tim’s expression. A sort of desperation that Stephanie recognized in a way that made her breath short.
Panic went through her then, and she blurted out a, “What if I say no?” She tried to put her foot down, but instead it came out quiet and pleading.
“Then I won’t do it either.” Tim said, looking her in the eye for the first time since the idea was brought up. “I don’t want to. Not without her.”
Dick’s expression morphed into what only could have been described as pity. Tim and Stephanie were not dating, hadn’t been for years, but everyone knew from watching that they still knew each other inside and out, better than most anyone else. For all Tim had been drifting in and out of closeness with Bruce and Dick the past three years, it seemed he had only relocated positions within the family. Always to Cassandra first, his sister in every way that counted, and, despite his initial reservations, also to Stephanie, who had taken every effort to move past the worst of their adolescence with open arms.
They had grown closer (still not close enough in Tim’s opinion) but a level of shyness, of fragility remained. One wrong step and the false peace they had put together the past few years would crumble and reveal structural faults that neither could fix.
For all Tim wanted a partner to ensure that his loneliness would depart from him permanently; for all Tim wanted Stephanie to be that partner – Stephanie in all her hard fought and earned independence – Tim knew he couldn’t force her to do anything. Neither could Bruce. Not anymore. That lesson, they had both learned a long time ago.
He had been treading on eggshells for some time now, desperate to not upset her, even if it came at the cost of his own happiness.
Stephanie knew all of this. She had watched him argue with himself and twitch in a way that indicated he wanted to move closer, and she had watched him refuse to verbalise any of it.
He wouldn’t speak; therefore, she wouldn’t speak. Ergo, their relationship was at a dead end.
Unless he could get her to agree to lie with him.
Which would make her miserable. Because he wouldn’t be talking to her. Not truly.
And the uroboros of a Catch-22 situation would continue to eat its tail.
Bruce watched the naked relief play out on Stephanie’s face that she had Tim’s conditional support. He gave another sigh, and Dick watched from his seat, knowing that Bruce was about to play dirty.
“I do not trust anyone else to follow this through.”
Tim groaned, and hung his head down, and Dick knew Bruce had won. Stephanie meanwhile, for a lack of a better term, flipped out.
“No.” She said, and she began to tear off her uniform until she was only in her black tank top and leggings, stomping barefooted back up the stairs.
Trying to not take it personally, Tim rushed to the changing area to get into his shirt and jeans and socks. Maybe if he just caught her…
Dick watched the pair go, chewing loudly on a crunchy piece of fruit.
“Sometimes you’re really cruel.”
“…I know.”
Stephanie rushed into one of the drawing rooms, grabbing her bag she had left resting on a seat to pull out her shoes, collapsing to the expensive rug. Her little purple car was parked out front, so she could make a quick getaway.
Tim practically fell into the room, having thrown on a checked shirt and jeans that made his butt look good.
Stupid Tim.
“Steph.” He breathlessly plead. She tied her shoelaces, ignoring his tone. Finding the expensive cream rug much more interesting, she aggressively tied knots in her shoes.
“I don’t want to hear it.”
“We could end up saving a lot of people down the line and –”
“You know that throwing yourself in front of a bullet isn’t going to make daddy love you any better, right?”
Tim stopped breathing, and she knew instantly she had crossed a line. She slumped forward, head banging against her knees. Tim watched her shoulders heave with silent sobs. Instantly he moved to be level with her, curled up on the floor, hidden out of sight from Alfred, or Bruce, or anyone.
His hand hovered, wanting to stroke her hair, but instead he settled for her bare forearm. He felt her muscle spasm under his cold fingers and watched as goosebumps appeared on her arm. She was looking paler than normal.
“Steph I won’t... I won’t force you to do it. But, if we can make ourselves targets then we could be saving someone else, and if Bruce closes the case before we even get to the alter… It doesn’t have to be serious...” He murmured the last part, trying to hide the paranoid part of him that believed Stephanie was reacting so strongly to the idea of being tied to him again – even temporarily.
“Tim, if this were five years ago, I would have said yes in a heartbeat. And not just because there’s no-one else I’d rather do this with...”
Tim smiled, despite the general mood of the room. Stephanie, with her head pressed to her knees, did not see.
“But I’m not going to be fake marrying a nice boy from down the road.”
“What do you mean?”
She finally looked up at him, and her eyes were dry and clear.
“Your name, Tim. Bruce’s name.”
He blinked, still not comprehending. Her fingers crept forward, absently stroking the fabric of his shirt.
“If you were me... If you were just an average Gothamite, and you saw that one of the richest and most handsome guys in Gotham, the one who spends his life in the public eye... If you saw he was marrying a girl who has a father on death row, and a mother who has a history of drug abuse. A girl who he hasn’t publicly associated with before outside of days where his sister was present... A girl who got pregnant at fifteen... How would that look? A two-month engagement?”
“I’d think it was none of my business.”
“And then the marriage breaks off after a month. Or they don’t even make it to the marriage stage. What do you think happens to that girl? How do you think her life is going to be afterwards?”
Tim couldn’t help it, with his free hand he reached for one of hers. Tangling their fingers together, he felt her trembling. She squeezed back tightly, their fingers turning a little purple.
“Bruce and I wouldn’t let anything like that happen.” Tim swore.
“You can’t promise that.”
Still so jaded, under all that optimism. Still so doubtful of how kind the world actually was.
“Yes, I can. I can.”
“God Tim, you’re so naïve!”
She tried to pull away, but Tim held tight, not letting her leave. She stared at him outraged, as he tried to convince her.
“Please Steph. Bruce doesn’t make mistakes about this sort of thing. More people are going to die unless we do something.”
Pale blue eyes stared into indigo, and a long moment passed in silence, the clock on the mantle providing the only noise. Some garden birds chirped outside, and the fluttering of their wings past the window made Stephanie flinch out of the moment. She breathed unsteadily. Tim tugged their conjoined hands closer to his chest.
“You’d honestly rather do it with no-one else?” He asked, smiling crookedly.
She blinked, unable to stand the vulnerability anymore, frowned and looked out the window. “You said the same thing downstairs.”
He blushed, and she tugged her hands finally free. Tim tried not to grimace at the feeling. Steph was always warm, a beacon of tanned skin and golden hair. Without her, his fingers quickly grew cold.
He had run home once, on a cold Gotham day, when he and his dad had spent an afternoon playing catch outside. His parents had been home for two months that time, and he had run in to find his mother and beg for a hot chocolate. He had been only six, and Janet had been sat in front of the computer, dark red hair piled up in a messy bun. Tim remembered her always looking well put together, even in her messier more relaxed moments.
“Mom, mom!” He had cried, cheeks flushed red from the temperature. His mother’s stress lines had disappeared when she spied him coming her way, and she held out her arms to catch him. She had been in a good mood that day. Ready to indulge him.
She pulled him up onto her lap, and Tim had laughed.
“Feel my hands!” And he had put his frozen fingers on her cheeks, causing her to gasp exaggeratedly.
“Frozen solid!” And she had kissed and kissed and kissed him and with each kiss he felt warmer and warmer. “Cold hands mean a warm heart though Tim. That’s the most important bit.”
And his father had entered the room, and the smile had slipped from Janet’s face, and the soft moment with his mother had been over. The warmth fled him, her and the house.
Fifteen years later, Tim wasn’t sure he believed Janet’s little saying anymore. Steph was just plain warm. From her head to her toes, her golden skin gave off warmth like she had been laying in the sun all day. Like she held the sun in her chest, and her hair was the yellow rays escaping. His mother and father’s warmth had come and gone with their moods. Stephanie’s was ever present. Even when she was angry, even when she was being cruel, she seemed incapable of being cold whilst being so.
Tim blinked, realising he had completely drifted off and away from the present moment, and was daydreaming again. Stephanie sat with her legs splayed out, still upset but more reserved than before.
"I’m going to go home.” She declared. “And I am going to think it over. Give me a day.”
“You gonna talk to your mom?”
“If I do go through with it, she’ll need to know.” Stephanie shifted, putting on her other shoe. “You’re already on thin ice with her you know. Have been for years.”
Tim was going to tease her and ask why it mattered what her mother thought of him, but like Steph said, he was treading on thin ice. Even getting her to consider it was a victory in his eyes.
She said her goodbye and got up, Tim remaining sat on the floor. Impulsively, she tugged at his hair playfully. Tim may have imagined it, but he felt her hand stroke his hair, like she used to when he’d rest his head on her stomach. It had started when she had pulled him down in her room, on her little bed, to see if he could hear or feel her baby move. It had continued long after the baby had been given up for adoption. She had said his hair was nice to play with.
Stephanie paused, looking down on him.
“You really won’t do it with someone else? Just me?”
She sighed and went to go. She stopped, blond hair swinging round her shoulders, and looked like she was going to say something else. She thought better of it, and gave a half-hearted wave.
“See you tomorrow.” She uttered, then she was gone.
Tim remained sat on the floor long after she left. He heard her car switch on and roll off, and he remained on the carpet. His mind was racing.
Bruce eventually found him. Out of costume, in a white t-shirt and black trousers, he sat on the loveseat by Tim.
Keeping his head down, Tim spoke.
“She said… she wanted the day to think about it.”
Tim stared off, knowing Bruce was waiting for him to ask the burning question.
“Why us?”
Tim heard the frame of the seat creak as Bruce shifted. Neither man was looking at the other.
“As I said. I trust you two will do a good job.”
“And no-one else.”
“You work well together.”
“Do we?”
“She said that she was afraid of how people would react. Poor girl and a rich boy get hitched quickly and all that.”
Bruce’s response was firm and immediate. “I won’t let people think of her that way.”
Tim tilted his head to look at his father, comforted by the protective nature in his tone. “That’s what I said. She didn’t believe me.”
“Hnn.” Bruce placed a hand on Tim’s shoulder, and squeezed reassuringly. “She’ll help. She won’t turn away from people in need. I’ll leave you to deal with the… nitty gritty of it all.”
He got up to leave, allowing Tim to brood alone on the floor.
Bruce turned, looking at him expectantly. Tim swallowed.
“You honestly think we work well together?”
Bruce chewed his tongue, thinking of how best to respond. “I remember, how happy you made each other, and I trust her with you. You’ll both do well in this.”
And that was all. Tim stared at the now empty doorframe, unsure of what to make of Bruce’s statement. His fingers twitched, craving the warmth of Stephanie’s grip once more.
He couldn’t decide if he was being selfish or not for wanting her to agree to such a silly idea. A silly idea that could save several people down the line. Maybe. Or maybe he just wanted an excuse to spend time with her outside of the costume. Only if she wanted it though. He wasn’t that cruel. Falling forward to the floor, butt up in the air, Tim grumbled to himself about how lovesick he was.
Stephanie meanwhile had to pull over halfway home, so emotional that she needed to catch her breath.
This was what was going to bring Tim and her together once more? Another lie?
She couldn’t bare it. To have to pretend to be happy and in love when really what she would be was miserable. But still in love.
She’d never stopped. She still craved his eyes on her (and only her), to hear him say how proud he was.
No, she was past that. That was the point. The point of Batgirl, the point of returning to Gotham.
She rubbed aggressively at her eyes, sat on the layby of the road, and called her mother, unable to wait until she reached home. She put on the speaker, and set the phone on the dashboard.
Her mother had the next three days off, so with some luck she would catch her.
“Hiya Stephie.” She answered. “All good?”
“Yeah. Just driving back.”
“Then why’d you call?”
“I… mom… I’ve been asked to do something. For work.” She clarified. Her mother would understand. “And I’m not sure I should.”
Something in Stephanie snapped, and three years of grief came pouring out. Her mother listened, saying nothing. Stephanie knew that her mother was wary of Tim, of Batgirl, of the whole thing, but she was also the one who could give a somewhat neutral response. As she ranted, Stephanie grew more distressed. She knew from the outside she must have looked like a mad woman, arms flailing and legs kicking. As she drew to a close, Stephanie rested her forehead on the wheel of her car.
“...But I want to help people. And I want to be with him. And I don’t know if that makes me weak.”
“It makes you lovesick.”
Her mother’s tone was soft, sad, and empathetic. Stephanie didn’t know which emotion was comforting and which was upsetting. She sniffed loudly, pressing the heel of the palms of her hands so tightly to her eyes that she saw stars. Crystal was silent, letting her daughter think her rant through. A minute passed, and Stephanie lowered her hands from her eyes, feelings slowly clicking into place.
“Thanks mom.”
“You made your mind up?”
Turning her engine back on, she picked up the phone once more. “Gonna be a bit longer until I get back. We need anything from the shops?”
“Another two cartons of milk wouldn’t hurt.”
“’Kay.” She buckled her seatbelt on. “Love you. Bye.”
“Love you too, Stephie. Glutton for punishment that you are.”
Stephanie laughed, then hung up. The smile quickly faded, and she stared at her home screen. Closing her eyes, taking a breath, and flicking her indicator on, she got back on the main road, looking for a place to do a u-turn.
Alfred opened the door to find Stephanie hopping up the steps to the front door, having let her back through the front gates. She smiled bashfully at the butler.
“I’ll inform Master Bruce that you’ve returned.” He said, ushering her inside.
“And Tim?”
“Of course. Make your way to the kitchen, Miss Stephanie. There are some baked goods cooling. You can take some home for you and your mother.”
She smiled. “Thank you, Alfred.”
She perched herself on one of the breakfast bar stools, staring at the banana muffins on the cooling rack. They smelled very good.
Tim arrived first, Bruce following behind. Both men looked expectant.
There was a brief pause as Stephanie collected her words.
“I’ll do it.” Bruce nodded, and Tim, betraying himself utterly, smiled broadly. It made something in her gut jerk, and she continued despite herself. “Only to help you solve the case. You promise to protect me from bad press?”
Bruce’s eyes tightened. “We’ll need a lot of publicity to ensure we capture their attention.”
“Good publicity.”
“Yes.” Stephanie’s eyes flittered to Tim as he moved closer to her, only partially listening to Bruce. “You’ll both have the family clout behind you. Use it.”
“Fine.” She nodded one last time. Tim opened his mouth to say something, but Stephanie turned away to grab one of Alfred’s muffins. Sensing the mood of the room, Bruce left, passing ownership of the task to the two young adults.
Tim moved closer than she would have preferred, close enough to feel his warm breath move her hair, but she still couldn’t look him in the eye.
Taking a large bite, she inspected the granite worktops, finding the little silver glimmers fascinating. Tim saw she was going to be unresponsive. Hating himself a little, he began to dictate their plan going forward.
“We’ll go on a few dates first. People have seen you, me and Cassandra hanging out, so it won’t be a total shock. When do you next have a spare afternoon?”
She bristled at being told what to do in the manner Tim had slipped into, but she answered quietly.
“I’ll pick you up from campus. We’ll go to Robinson Park.” Colour rose to Tim’s cheeks as he got lost in his own head. Stephanie continued not to look at him, finding Alfred’s baking less upsetting. He was looking at her longingly. She knew that look well enough that she could sense it on him.
“Sounds good.” She said around a mouthful of muffin.
“You still want me to teach you how to ride my skateboard?”
That got her to look at him. She shook her head, trying not to give in to his puppy dog eyes.
“Tim, not like that. Not with everyone watching.”
This is what she had been dreading. Things she wanted, things she craved, but built on a foundation of lies. She and Tim weren’t going on a real date, so why should she do something she wanted for real? She was fine with lying, she did it every day of her life, but not for this. Not when half-truths were thrown in with Tim.
Tim seemed confused. “You said it just the other day. This is a good as reason as any.” He pushed his way closer into her personal space. Frustratingly, she wasn’t unnerved by it. “Steph… It gets easier. Those guys being around taking photos... Bruce has so much hold over them they don’t come near any of us.”
“Frightened of the big bad bat?”
“More like the billionaire with a big pocket for legal fees.” Tim snorted. “Honest. You’ll forget they’re there.” His tone turned a bit more serious, a bit more somber. “I know the whole thing is…less than ideal. So, let’s try and have some fun, yeah?”
Tim thought he knew that Steph knew that he still loved her. He’d said as much. But that was years ago. He’d also tried to kiss her. But that was also years ago.
Okay, so maybe being forced to get engaged and married wasn’t the best foundation to start a genuine courtship, but Tim could make it work.
So he smiled at her, and Stephanie smiled back. It was genuine.
He could make her happy.
“Okay.” She picked up two muffins to take home. “I’ll see you Thursday then.”
Tim’s smile widened as he watched her go. Mind racing, he twirled around in the kitchen, smacking his hands repeatedly off the counter.
“So… you’re going to tell her that you want to pursue a genuine relationship once this is all over or…?”
Dick’s voice drifted over from the doorway. He was leaning against the frame, one foot resting on his other ankle. His body language was casual, but his expression was deadly serious. Tim dismissed his concerns.
“Won’t need to. I will…show her that I am emotionally ready to get back in a relationship with her, and I know she still loves me so… by the end, the lie can be over, and she can ask me.”
“She has to ask you?”
Dick sounded so unapproving that Tim’s hackles rose. He walked around to the other side of the counter, further separating him from his elder brother.
“Because…” Tim shook his head, baffled. “Because I’m the one doing all the work.”
Dick tilted his head, frustrated with Tim. “Define ‘work’? Buying her a nice dinner counts as work?”
“No! But I… She’s frightened. I’ll prove she doesn’t need to be.”
Dick’s eyes tightened. Like Stephanie, he thought Tim was being awfully naïve. Tim grumbled to himself.
“Just… go do your space adventure. When you come back in two months… you’ll see. We’ll catch the bad guy, innocent people will be saved, the press will love Steph as much as I do, and we’ll be on our merry way to getting out all the bad air between us.”
“By…not talking about the bad air.”
“We’ll talk! She… she has to start it. ‘Cause I did all the talking in the past. It’s her turn now. That’s all.”
Dick chewed on the inside of his cheek. Tim picked up a muffin and threw it at his brother, unable to bear the condescension. “You have no room to judge. I’ve loved her for half my life. I’m not going to have a mission be another nail in the coffin.”
Dick caught the muffin, ripping the top off and inspecting the inside. He turned to go, knowing he would get nowhere with Tim. Once the boy had made his mind up, it took a plan exploding in his face to realise he’d done wrong.
“No,” Dick said, nibbling as he walked away. “You want a lie to be the kiss of life.”
Tim stood in the kitchen, his loneliness creeping up on him. Looking desperately around, he grabbed his own baked good, then rushed downstairs to take his car back to his apartment.
He could make this work.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
anti - LO anon asks/answers:
(1) Weird, I thought it sent my message, but here's the how the fandom hypersexualizes everything. 1) They thirst after any of the LO gods, in particular to them being shirtless, wear certain clothing (i.e Ares in a white tank top) or them being in a compromised state of pose (like Hades manspreading while being asleep at Demeter's place). 2) This thirst leads them to say things like "I want to bang [LO god]" or "I need to find a man like [LO god] (usually Hades)."  Even worse is if the person saying those things has a boyfriend or is already married. They will either call or even wish their man could be "Hades." IT IS LITERALLY SO DISGUSTING. Every time I see anybody make a comment about how badly they want to be with a fictional character, I always feel sorry for their significant other.
(2) I guess this is gonna be an unpopular opinion but—I don’t see why fans sexualizing LO is bad?...what did that anon mean by that exactly? As in like nsfw art and headcannons? Why is that bad? Rachel herself draws porn of her own characters. EVERY fandom hypersexualizes their fave characters, that’s why we have rule 34. If ppl are sexualizing LO Hebe or Aphrodite’s other children, then yes, that’s creepy and sick, but everyone else in LO is an adult so I guess I say...let ppl be horny XD
(3) Adding on to the previous anons, just go to the author’s twitter. It’s a mess I tell ya. Through my experience. I feel like they’re sexualizing Persephone and Hades(Mostly Hades because he is “Perfect Husbando Daddy” to them 💀. (And yes I do understand that Hades in the media has been romanticize a lot throughout the years)Anyways, they keeping talking his “body parts”, what Persephone is gonna do to him,vice versa.If you want me to send some screenshots I can(Patreon too). I haven’t seen it happen to any other character as much as H+P. (Ares,just a little) That’s from Twitter alone,I just wanna enjoy the characters without someone telling me how hot they are every second.😒 It’s almost as if the Author want these types of people. Then again.....
(4) I don't care if these are spoilers, the early LO release (April 19th) has Hades yelling at Persephone like a child after he saved her from a riot (because she was paying the ferry) then they make out after he yells that he "WANTS HER" and she proceeds to run away from him afterwards. It's unearned and creepy bc he yelled such a possessive line (not that he LOVES her or anything, only that he WANTS her). That's supposed to be a big moment but it comes off as rushed and even more imbalanced.
(5) I have to vent a bit; I really love L*re Olympus bc it's just cheesy and I love cheesy dramas and those cutesy neon colours, but what angers me most about is (after how it has nothing with Greek culture), how characters are so... inconsistent. Minthe, a character that was abusive /vocally/, not physically. Making her hit Hades was so ooc- and my GOD, how could a nymph hit a god and get away with it?
(6) Time for your daily dose of LO complaining, LO spoilers so read/publish at own risk - Today's top story: the latest fastpass episode brings us a very special first kiss between two main characters that will remain nameless. Needless to say (imo) it was executed poorly due to poor pacing and lack of build up in the chapter! People rightfully critiqued and diehard fans attacked, claws out. The shocking updates will continue as ~6 episodes separate us between now and the finale. Stay tuned.
(7) Holy shit so this isn't technically related to the anti-Greek prejudice in Lore Olympus, but in the latest update it's revealed that Hades runs all of the banks -- you know, Hades, the big-nosed leader, and he shames tiny innocent Persephone for 1 Not having a bank account 2 For the fact that the her mother thinks all bankers are greedy. So not only does Rachel Smythe hold ignorance towards Greek people,but also she enjoys Antisemitic tropes.
(1+2) I can understand the thirst for fictional characters... but not when they are the Greek gods, ya know? As anon (2) said, it’s not bad when people are horny. However... it’s at least a little weird when your fetish is old gods from another culture but dressed in a tank top or who knows what else :P And the fact that they reduce the almighty Hades to “UWU hot daddy” makes it even cringier. I am sure that, if the author posts such content, she wants her characters to be sexualized. 
I mean, they are free to do it and we are free to comment on it - without limiting their ability to create and enjoy the hypersexualized content. Because, as much as we don’t like it, fans should be free to do whatever they like.
To add something for anon (2): if hypersexualizaion would be more natural if the comic had sex in it or dealt with sexual themes more frequently. I think the only sexual encounter we had so far was r*pe and nothing else. The storyline of the comic is almost irrelevant to the huge thirst fans have for the characters. If the focus is only on their sexuality and not on the plot or characters then it’s cringey. And I think it’s annoying when they sexualize the characters to such a degree. For example, anon (3) wrote “I just wanna enjoy the characters without someone telling me how hot they are every second”.
(3) “Perfect Husbando Daddy” UUUUGHHH.. It’s so funny the HxP in the comic are so boring and vanilla but the fans desperatelly want to turn them into a super sexualized couple? ALSO, SEND SCREENSHOTS! Patreon, comments you think are cringey, everything xD 
(4) I am happy this changed because I don’t like the scene at all, for the reasons you mentioned. “I want you” can be translated as “I desire you” so it’s not problematic to me. But the circumstances in which he said that were creepy.
(5) Hmmm interesting point! Of course emotional abuse can happen at the same time as physical abuse, but you are kinda right for Minthe’s character. It felt a little ooc for me too. She wasn’t that type of abuser and it was a weird choice. Also, there is a hierarchy and it is indeed very weird that a nymph could get away with abusing a god. The only case she wouldn’t be punished you be if Hades insisted on it. (Something we didn’t see).
(6) OOOOOH I AM INTRIGUED! Not that I care at this point about the characters, I just want to see the drama 😂 I might search a little more!
(7) Of course she holds ignorance towards Greek people; she thinks we are rich! (muahahahaha that was a bad joke, I will stop now :P ) Generally the comic doesn’t take into account the Greek culture which is offensive but in the characters I didn’t see anti-Greek prejudice. (I might be missing something, idk). In order to have prejudice against something, you need to aknowledge it first. Bold of you to assume she knows we exist 😂 
Maybe she made him super rich because he has the richest realm in Greek mythology. And, I mean, Greek noses are not limited to Jewish people, we also have them (my big pointy nose says hi!). I am sure there are Greek bankers with big noses. In fact, I would be surprise if they didn’t have a big nose 😂 
I understand that it can also be interpreted as anti-Semitism. But for the reasons I mentioned, I don’t think she aimed to do that. Plus, the character is supposed to be Greek, so I don’t see how Jewish people would be offended by this. Is not possible for every wealthy fictional non-Jewish character with a big nose to reflect Jewish negative stereotypes. It kinda seems that people want to take a bad depiction of one group (Greeks) and make it about another group (Jewish).
Maybe for Americans the stereotype “big nose + wealth” means Jewish but for Greeks... I don’t think we see it that way. For us a banker with a big nose is just a banker with a big nose. For example, look at the big and pointy nose of Aristoteles Onassis, a Greek shipping magnate who amassed the world's largest privately owned shipping fleet and was one of the world's richest and most famous men:
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I read the scene with the bank account and... yeah it bad for the things you mentioned. Hades should not be making the decision of Persephone having a bank account. He should at least let her discuss it with her mother first. Plus, the story presents Demeter as a stupid uknowing peasant who thinks money grows on trees and banks are evil. 
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kingyeoms · 5 years
dolphin keeper!seokmin
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pairing: dolphin keeper!lee seokmin x vet!reader (n) genre: fluff word count: 1,840 a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for forever, i’m sorry it took me so long to finally finish it!! anyways, this was such a cute concept and i’m so glad i was able to write it :’) thank you for the request!! ♡ best read on desktop, use mobile browser if you can’t read under the cut ♡
lee seokmin is the cutest funniest dolphin keeper in the universe
first fell in love with the ocean when his family went on a trip to jeju when he was eight
they were walking around the coast and seok absolutely?? was just mesmerized with the way the waves crashed against the ocean,, the beautiful tones of blue in the waves,, his big eyes peering into the water to look at the little fish swimming around ugh so precious
literally begged his parents to let him take swimming lessons as soon as he got home
and that was the start of a beautiful perfect pair: seokmin and the ocean
at first he wanted to be a marine biologist, but after a seventh grade field trip to the aquarium and seeing one of the scuba divers in the tanks with the fish, he changed his mind -- he wanted to do that!!
luckily one of his friends seungkwan, who was a sloth cuddler at the zoo, mentioned that there was an opening for a dolphin keeper position!
seokmin at the interview: “wanna see my seal impression?”
at first he was a little nervous since he had no experience whatsoever,, accidentally tripped on the fish bucket when first meeting the dolphins
but once he met gyul and podo? literal heart eyes
as soon as he saw them,, immediately wanted to get into the pool and swim with them
“seokmin wait you don’t have proper gear on” “it’s fine!! i’m willing to take the risk!!”
can you imagine him in a blue wetsuit, yellow fishing type overalls with a cute lil dolphin patch in the middle!! i’m sad
turns out, seokmin is really good with dolphins the same way he’s great with people!!
podo is absolutely enthralled with seok.. she thinks he’s soooo handsome!! always squeaks when he comes into the pool~
gyul gets a little jealous,, but he doesn’t mind since seok always sneaks him extra squid snacks
they’re his actual children, literally seokmin walking into the pool room: “where are my babies~~”
does demonstrations for elementary school kids!! he teaches them how to “speak gyul and podo’s language” and also gives a presentation on how to reduce plastic waste
honestly really cute, super endearing seeing seok and a bunch of eight year olds squeaking with the dolphins
has a bunch of drawings of him and the dolphins hung up on his fridge back home,, he always gets them in his work mailbox as thank you notes!!
okay but listen,, as great as he is with children and dolphins alike,, seokmin wasn’t necessarily the.. most careful keeper at the zoo..
to be honest, everyone was a little worried at how clumsy seok was,, but they realized how much the dolphins loved him and so they just kinda deal with it
accidentally slipped and fell into the pool while trying to get one of podo’s toys,,,, it’s fine
you, on the other hand, just recently graduated from vet school, and having interned at the zoo for years now, they offered you a job right away
you watched a ton of animal documentaries growing up!! and honestly, going to the zoo was one of your favorite things to do as a kid,,
so it was no surprise that your dream was to work with animals!! but you’ve always had a soft spot for marine life :(
your first encounter with seokmin was super brief, when you had stopped by the break room to buy some coffee,, he was soaked.. bunches of paper towels in his hands,,
poor kid was trying to dry himself with paper towels and so naturally you just offered some help
seok didn’t even notice you come in!! but when he looked over to see whose voice it was,, perhaps his heart skipped a beat or two,,
“i’m okay, don’t worry! it’s just.. i fell into the pool again and i also forgot to do the laundry so we don’t have any towels..” he rambled, his ears burning a shade of tomato red
“i’m sure we have extra towels at the clinic? and i think the others would like it if there wasn’t a huge puddle of water in the break room,,” you giggled, seok shooting you a confused look
“you work at the clinic?” “yeah, i’m the new vet”
and literally seokmin drops his paper towels and palms his forehead bc,, how tf he gonna look so STUPID in front of the new vet
also since when has the new vet been so cute?
“so,, do you still want a towel?” “please... that’d be nice”
and so that’s how seok ends up in your office for the first time, cracking stingray jokes and drying out his hair while you’re sitting on top of your desk, laughing at the very cute but clumsy dolphin keeper
you don’t really see seokmin all that much for a while, since there was a pretty bad infection going around the seals, you dedicated your time to them
but to be honest seokmin can’t get you out of his head,, he keeps thinking about the cute vet that laughs at his jokes
one day seok asks you to come to the dolphin exhibit because gyul isn’t acting like his normal self and he was absolutely worried,, ran straight to your office
turns out poor baby has indigestion :(
the reason? seok tripped when he was feeding them and the whole bucket of herrings fell straight into the pool
you, jaw dropped to the floor: “are you being serious”
seokmin: “yes listen i’m really sorry okay i tried to stop him from eating all of them but he’s just.. too fast”
you can’t help but laugh at how,, silly seokmin is!! literally the kid has a heart of gold but also legs made out of jello
the two of you are just in the pool, gyul is nuzzling you as you rub his belly,, podo is circling seokmin nervously,, he has to calm her down poor baby girl :(
but you figure out the problem, gyul just has to take some meds and go on a strict diet for the next two weeks!!
you offer to stop by everyday to check up on gyul,, in case seok needs help taking care of him or anything
you may or may not… use this.. as an excuse to see seokmin
gyul starts to grow super fond of you,, squeaking and swimming to the edge of the pool every time you walk into the room!!
but podo doesn’t like you bc she thinks you’re too close to her favorite keeper
even if you give her squid snacks,, she won’t eat them unless seok gives them to her
you’re a little bummed by it, but you know not every animal is going to fall in love with you,, it is a little hard though, especially if you’re the one responsible for their health
two weeks pass and gyul is all better, but podo is still a bit aggressive towards you,,
seokmin’s new mission: getting podo to like you!!
him: “have you thought about dressing as a clown? she’d find it funny”
you: “what”
him: “ok i guess we’ll move onto plan b?”
honestly it’s really cute it’s kind of like he’s trying to convince his little sister that his significant other isn’t a bad person
you and seokmin spend the next couple of days,, coming up with a plan in the break room during lunch
the two of you finding out more about each other along the way, sharing your love for the ocean and marine life!!
seokmin finally gets the courage to ask for your number,, the first text you get from him is a photo of him and gyul in the pool :(
honestly?? you squealed into your pillow that night LMAO
you make it routine to send him cute photos of seals and otters,, he sends you penguin memes probably
your coworkers would start to notice,, teasing you while you’re doing paperwork in your office,, nurses “i see you spending time with that cute dolphin keeper,, when’s the wedding?”
they’d tease you even more once they saw how red your cheeks would get,, because honestly, the more time you spent with seokmin, the more you realized that not only is he handsome, but he has the purest heart in the world
even if he is.. a little clumsy.. and forgetful.. he puts the animals before himself and you love that about him!!
but this was work,, there was no place for any sort of relationship here
seokmin on the other hand?? has three heart emojis next to your name on his phone
absolutely smitten with you,, knew you were the one for him when you first got into the pool, the smile on your face when gyul swam up to you,, he thought you shined brighter than the sun (as cheesy as that sounds it’s true)
he really wanted to take you to his favorite beach,, in jeju,, where he first fell in love with the ocean
but he had to ask you on a date first and honestly,, he wasn’t even sure if you felt the same way
feelings aside, the two of you come to the conclusion that you should try,, spending time with podo by yourselves, without seokmin
so for the next few days,, while seokmin was on his lunch break, you’d hop into the pool and hang out with the dolphins for a little bit!!
gyul was so happy to see you again,, but podo distanced herself a bit from you,, staying in the corner of the pool until seokmin came back
until one day,, gyul was in a different pool for training, and it was just you and podo,,
and you figured,, might as well try one more time,, holding out her favorite squid snack
slowly but surely,, podo came to you, taking the squid snack,, even letting you pat her head!!
you were absolutely over the moon, because after months of hostility,, this was the first time podo had ever let you pet her,,
as soon as seok came back from his break,, you threw your arms around his neck,, telling him that the plan worked!! and even though she wasn’t in love with you yet,, this was a start and progress should be celebrated regardless of how big or small
seok’s face is literally tomato red at this point but thank god you can’t see it,,
“we should celebrate after work then”
and you look at him,, his eyes trying to avoid yours in case you reject him,,, and you do it
you peck him quickly on the cheek,, and you’re just like, “yeah, i think we should”
before he can say anything,, you realize what you did and your face turns into a tomato,, your hands flying up to your lips,, like i can’t believe i just kissed him 
but he grins, taking your hands into his, intertwining his fingers with yours,, pressing his lips against your knuckles
“so it’s a date?”
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cuthian · 4 years
Dancing in the Rain Chapter Four
Hi everyone!
Hope you're all still safe and healthy :)
Longer chapter this week, since it'll have to last you two weeks. I won't be able to post again next week due to my busy and hectic exam and work schedule now that everything is opening again here in Belgium. As always, but especially from hereon out, PLEASE mind the tags (canon-typical violence, kidnapping, angst) and if you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me (@cuthian on Tumblr).
Or yell at me in the comments.
As always, much thanks to @juulna for putting up with me and helping me whip this thing into shape.
Lots of love, Annaelle
Chapter Four
-        Research shows that stereotypes about mental illness often prevent people from seeking treatment or speaking out about their struggles.
-        In recent years, stars like Sophie Turner, Chrissy Teigen, Demi Lovato and Prince Harry have spoken candidly about their struggles with mental illness.
Despite the prevalence and global impact of mental health conditions, it’s still hard to open up and ask for help when you most need it. Research shows that harmful stereotypes about mental illness often prevent people from seeking treatment or speaking out at all.
Luckily, in recent years, we’ve seen a shift in the way people view and talk about mental health conversations about depression, anxiety, addiction and more have moved from the private to the public sphere. That’s not only important, but effective, according to mental health experts. In fact, when public figures open up about their own mental health struggles, it can help break down stigma, spark important discussions and even inspire people to seek out treatment.
Below, we’ve rounded up 28 celebrities who’ve spoken candidly about their own battles with everything from postpartum depression to anorexia and PTSD.
Prince Harry spoke to a therapist about his mental health after two years of "total chaos" in his late twenties.
[…] recently revealed he felt very close to a complete breakdown all the time, and faced anxiety during royal engagements before he finally began to see a professional to address his grief. Now “in a good place”, Harry has encouraged others to open up about their own struggles.
[…] started the Heads Together campaign with Prince William and Kate Middleton to help “end the stigma around mental health issues.” […] "The experience that I have is that once you start talking about it, you suddenly realize that actually, you're part of quite a big club," he told The Telegraph.
An outspoken advocate for mental health awareness, Demi Lovato is open about her battles with bipolar disorder, bulimia, and addiction.
[…] recently released a documentary about her own struggles, shared powerful side-by-side photos of her recovery from bulimia and entered rehab to address her substance abuse issues. "It's very important we create conversations, we take away the stigma, and that we stand up for ourselves if we're dealing with the symptoms of a mental illness," Lovato told Variety in February.
The singer continued: "It is possible to live well and thrive with a mental illness."
Steve Rogers, or Captain America, who struggles with social anxiety, depression and PTSD, once said he suffers from "a noisy brain."
[…] interview with Ellen earlier this year, the former Army Captain and Avenger revealed how his anxiety often kicks in when he is asked to speak for causes he cares about, or during press conferences. […] Rogers, who has tried everything from meditation with fellow-Avenger Bruce Banner to learning several new fighting styles with close friend Natasha Romanoff, said he’s “getting better”, but still has moments of self-doubt.
[…] Avenger also opened up about his struggles with depression shortly after he was woken from the ice. “The kindness that was shown to me by my friends—my team—as well as my family and my therapists saved my life,” he told Ellen. […] also shared an emotional letter about his PTSD following his experiences during World War II and during the several battles he has fought in the 21st century.
"There is a lot of shame attached to mental illness, but it's important that you know that there is hope and a chance for recovery," he wrote.
—Evan Agostini, Axelle Bauer-Griffin, “28 Celebrities Who Opened Up About Their Struggles with Mental Illness”, Insider.com, March 2016
Avengers Tower, New York, Manhattan, New York State, United States of America
10:36 p.m., 2 April 2016
Tony was shaking a little, fidgeting, his heart beating unsteadily in his chest as he paced the floor again. He’d been hiding in his lab since this morning, because while he loved Pepper to pieces, and he was elated—re: terrified—that she was pregnant and that they were going to be parents, she was driving him fucking nuts.
At least while he was in his lab, he wouldn’t be shouted at for eating the last Oreo’s.
Pepper didn’t even like Oreos.
She didn’t even want to eat them.
Tony didn’t understand pregnancy brain, but he’d been informed by Google, J.A.R.V.I.S., Rhodey, and Cap that it was best to just not question it.
He also wasn’t sure why he was thinking about Oreos when Becca was potentially in very big trouble, and Steve had left the dubious honour of telling Thor to him. “J.A.R.V.I.S.,” he said, a little desperately, voice shaking. “You heard the man. Call everyone in.”
“I have sent an Alert to all of the Avengers’ personal phones,” J.A.R.V.I.S. replied readily, and Tony exhaled a little in relief. Someone had clearly planned this, had gone through the effort of setting half a building on fire to keep Steve distracted and get to Becca without drawing attention to what they were doing, and Tony was a little afraid to think of who they might be—of what they wanted with Becca.
He was going to do as Steve asked, though, because he would never forgive himself if something happened to Becca and he could have done something to help, to stop whatever it was.
The way Steve had sounded on the phone had kind of… scared Tony too.
He’d not heard Steve fall back to that dull, lifeless, monotone tone of voice very often, and when he had… well… it had never meant very good things for any of them.
The last time he’d heard Steve sound like that… the last time Steve had called Tony sounding like that, Tony had had to rush Natasha to Steve and Becca’s tiny Brooklyn apartment to keep Steve from doing something drastically stupid—she’d found the war hero crumpled in a heap on the floor with tears running down his cheeks and a gun to his head, begging her to just let him pull the trigger…
To let Steve stop the nightmares permanently.
He shuddered.
Yeah… Hearing that tone coming from Steve meant something.
Tony was barely holding himself back from rushing down to the lab and throwing himself into a suit, hurtling off to… to nothing. Nowhere.
He didn’t know anything yet.
Steve didn’t know anything yet.
He’d asked Tony to assemble but had left him with no other instructions and Tony knew, okay, he knew there was nothing he could do until he had more information.
And fuck if that didn’t frustrate him more.
He was stuck, wandering his Tower while his stomach twisted at the many implications his mind was set on conjuring up, each more gruesome than the other.
The elevator let out a bright ping and Tony jumped, eyeing the sliding door nervously until it slid open to reveal Natasha, dressed in a tight tank top and leotard, her hair coiled up into a tight bun and ballet slippers dangling from her left hand.
“What was so urgent, Stark?” She demanded, crossing her arms over her chest with a frown.
He waved his hands dramatically, because he was Tony Stark and if ever there were a time he were  allowed to be fucking dramatic, it would be when Captain goddamn America called him in a panic because he’d lost Tony’s little Baby-Becs, and then giving Tony a heart attack when her tracker wouldn’t work.
“Gotta get to the others first,” he said impatiently, snatching her wrist and pulling her along when he started walking again.
He led the Spider through the silent, unlit hallway, but didn’t bother asking J.A.R.V.I.S. to turn on the lights; he’d designed these hallways, he’d walked them so many times he could probably do it in his sleep—which he had a few times, when Pepper had dragged him to board meetings before he’d had coffee. The twins would likely already be waiting for them in the boardroom anyway, and after all of Thor’s dramatic appearances in the past few years—all of which had cost Tony more than a few light bulbs—he didn’t want to bother anymore.
He ignored the Widow’s cool, silent surprise and dragged her through the door, entirely unsurprised to find Wanda seated at the table in her pyjamas, spinning a thread of red light between her fingertips as she sat cross-legged in her seat, her brother next to her, lounged back in his own seat, boots propped up on his table.
“You know,” he drawled impatiently, glaring—okay maybe mock-glaring—at the silver-haired boy impatiently. “You live here for free. You could at least pretend to take care of my furniture.”
Natasha snorted a laugh and pushed past him, settling in the seat to Little Red’s left. Before the Red fucking Menace could do anything but smirk at him though, the door swung open again to reveal Bruce, dressed in an old band shirt and threadbare sweatpants, his lab coat halfway up his shoulders and his glasses crooked, almost as though he’d just rolled out of bed.
There was a single clock on the wall—for Pepper’s decorative purposes, Tony presumed—and he couldn’t quite stop himself from frowning as he eyed the clock’s hands.
10:45 P.M.
Bruce probably had just rolled out of bed then.
The other scientist had a disgustingly strict sleeping schedule.
“Why are we assembling?” Bruce groaned, rubbing his hand through his—surprisingly curly—hair, and Tony unexpectedly found his thoughts derailed from Becca and Steve to Bruce in much more pleasurable territory, fingers itching to tug on those curls and to press into Bruce’s arms, because the other scientist gave really good hugs, okay?
He’d always been a little sweet on Bruce, even if nothing was ever going to come of it.
He had chosen Rhodey and Pepper years ago, and he was pretty sure Bruce had been dating that astrophysicist girl that Thor had introduced them to a while ago anyway, but… There was a part of him that’d always be kind of weak for the way Bruce looked all adorably sleep-rumbled and soft, and the way he was one of the only people in the world that could keep up with him, one of the only intellectual equals Tony had ever met in his life.
He wasn’t going to do anything about it though.
It was a harmless crush—he was even pretty sure Bruce knew about it. Bruce was, objectively, handsome, and really fucking smart.
He hit all buttons for Tony—except that, you know, he wasn’t Rhodey or Pepper.
He shook himself, chancing one more furtive glance towards Bruce’s sleep-rumpled form before he sighed and shook his head. “Something happened at the gala,” he said. “Steve’s gonna tell us more when they get here.”
He pushed his hands into the pouch on his hoodie and contemplated waking up Pepper, but he knew well enough not to disturb her once she’d managed to get comfortable and fall sleep unless it was super urgent, and he didn’t know what this was.
What if Becca had just wandered away?
He ignored, for the moment, that her subdermal tracker—the tracker he had designed for her, for all of them, that he made sure couldn’tbe taken out unless completely smashed to bits—wasn’t working. The comms hadn’t worked in the building either; some of those older buildings were practically Faraday cages, even his tech wasn’t always good enough to get through that—for all they knew, Becca’s tracker had also been jammed.
It wasn’t worth risking Pepper’s wrath for, he thought. Not yet.
He couldn’t even call Rhodey, because he was off in Europe for the week, doing… military stuff.
Which was fine.
Tony didn’t need both of them around all the time.
He wasn’t pouting.
He wasn’t.
Romanoff snorted at him and eyed him carefully. She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at him, but he didn’t budge—Romanoff always liked to pretend she knew everything—she probably hated that she knew no more than the others did, right now.
“You know more,” she stated simply after a few seconds. “Is everyone alright?”
Tony opened his mouth to say “yes”, to nod reassuringly, but the word wouldn’t fall from his lips. “I don’t know,” he admitted. The atmosphere in the room abruptly went from sleepy yawns to rapt attention, and Tony fidgeted a little. “The building caught fire during the gala,” he explained. “Everyone was evacuated, but Steve lost Becca in the chaos, and now… we kind of can’t… find her…”
“What do you mean, you can’t find her?” Natasha demanded hotly, sitting up straight and glaring at him. “Activate her tracker. She can’t be far.”
Tony winced and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Her tracker… isn’t working,” he admitted, looking up at the Widow defiantly. “Steve and Clint are canvassing the building and then getting back here. For all we know, she got taken onto one of the ambulances, or the building interfered with the signal. The comms were spotty too; it’s why Clint went inside with them.”
Natasha hissed, almost like an angry cat, and stood, stalking up to the large holographic screen present in almost every room in the Tower and began pulling up… documents? Tony wasn’t sure what she was doing, but she seemed intent on doing it, and far be it from him to discourage the Black fucking Widow from doing what she thought needed doing.
“Have you told Thor yet?” Pietro said, glancing between Tony and Natasha nervously.
Almost like the man was summoned by the mere mention of his name, a loud clap of thunder shook them all and the giant blond god bounded inside, his smile wide and infectious.
“Greetings, friends!” The tall god beamed, and Jesus, Tony was not in the mood to deal with Thor’s sunny personality. Christ. “I apologize for the delay in my arrival,” the god boomed excitedly, thumping down his hammer on the conference table. “Heimdall did not inform me of your request until I had finished the duties the All-Father assigned to me.”
Tony half-watched as Bruce stood to shake Thor’s hand, only to be brought into a tight bear hug, a startled squeak falling from his lips before he patted Thor’s shoulder awkwardly until the taller man set him down again and repeated the hug with Wanda and Pietro, who basically threw himself in Thor’s arms—Tony didn’t miss the pointed look Wanda shot Pietro at that.
He almost jumped right out of his seat when Bruce’s knee bumped against his, his eyes drawn to the other scientist’s immediately, because obviously Tony was a glutton for punishment and he really needed to get a fucking hold of himself.
Bruce looked a little tired, but not nearly as anxious and unsteady as Tony felt, and of course he didn’t, he didn’t know what was going on, none of them did, really—
“Thor,” he exclaimed suddenly, yanking himself away from Bruce abruptly. “We gotta… Steve called, about the gala—something’s happened.”  He ignored the way the rest of the team eyed him nervously and settled back in his seat with minimal fidgeting.
Thor’s smile abruptly disappeared and he sat, heavily, on the nearest chair. “Rebecca,” he said hoarsely. “The baby, are they—are they alright? Is Steven?”
“I don’t know,” Tony admitted, his leg bouncing erratically underneath the table. This was… he was doing something, even if it was just telling Thor, even if it wasn’t much, and that was better than nothing. Doing nothing drove him absolutely and entirely mad—and that wasn’t good for anyone.
“I don’t know a lot yet,” he continued. “The building… there was a fire, and everyone was evacuated, but…” He stalled Thor’s words before he’d even said them, holding up a hand as though to ward off the questions that were sure to come. “…Steve said they got separated during the evacuation. He can’t find her. Her tracker’s offline. She… She might still be in the building or somewhere around there, but…” He swallowed. “Well, it’s not like our trackers can be disabled accidentally.”  
Thor looked gutted, but the expression was swiftly replaced by one of utter rage.
“Who?” he demanded. “Who would dare take her from me? From us?”
Tony’s eyes widened when lightning sparked between Thor’s fingers and thunder rumbled loudly above them. “I don’t know, big guy,” he said in his calmest voice, although it didn’t seem to be doing much to assuage Thor. The crackle of electricity hung heavy in the air and made Tony’s skin prickle and thrum—the raw power rolling off Thor was… fucking intimidating, a reminder that the man wasn’t human, and that he could likely squash them all like bugs if given proper motivation—
The door swung open again and Steve and Clint walked in, and Tony nearly choked on his own tongue, because he’d seen Steve look pretty terrible over the years—in the throes of depression, bruised and beaten after battle, but…
He’d never seen Steve look like this.
There were dark circles beneath Steve’s eyes and several cuts and bruises were in various stages of healing, but Steve’s dark bespoke suit was riddled with bullet holes and splashed with so much ash and blood and Tony really hoped it wasn’t all his.
“Steven!” Thor bellowed, leaping from his seat and crossing the space between him and Steve in a few short strides. “You wear battle upon your skin, yet Tony informed me there was none. Where is Rebecca? Have you found her?”
Tony’s eyes flicked to the door again, then to Clint, who shook his head, and his stomach sank.  
“I—the—she wasn’t anywhere,” Steve finally said, his expression stony, but Tony heard the barely perceptible waver in his voice regardless, and he felt abruptly sick, keeping his eyes fastened on the door, begging for Becca to walk through at any moment, to just be there, to be okay—
Please, please, don’t let her be dead.
“Hydra took Becca,” Steve continued, and Tony’s entire world screeched to a halt for a long, tense moment, his breath punching from his lungs in a startled breath—
“Are you sure?”
“Hydra took Becca,” Steve repeated, but Tony could again hear the waver in his voice that matched the sudden nausea that crawled up the back of Tony’s throat. “Her tracker’s offline, and we came across some stragglers when we canvassed the building and the rest of the block,” Steve went on, turning his attention from Thor to the others. Tony wanted to do something, to say anything, but he wasn’t quite sure what words were for a moment there, because he couldn’t think past ‘Hydra took Becca’. “They had cyanide capsules,” Steve said. “Spitting Hail Hydra before they died.”
He took a harsh breath and looked up at Wanda. “You were right. They’re back.”
Tony’s legs gave out from beneath him as he fell backwards onto his seat. He had not even realised he had risen from his seat in the first place. “Why would they—”
“It was a trap,” Steve interrupted harshly, anger infused in his every word, but Tony could see him fraying around the edges in the way his hands trembled before Steve pressed his palms flat against the table. “It was specifically set to draw me—or us—in,” he continued tensely. “I don’t know how they knew Becca and I would be there or why they took Becca instead, but I don’t intend to let them keep her long enough to find out.”
Thunder rumbled loudly above their heads and lightning flashed through Thor’s eyes at the same time as it lit up the night outside, and everyone jumped again, turning to the God of Thunder with wide eyes. Thor looked livid, and Tony suddenly realised he had never seen Thor really angry before, not truly, not even during their most intense battles, and the sight of it was… surprisingly terrifying.
Outside, a storm unlike anything Tony had ever seen before raged, and Tony wasn’t sure what to do to calm the god down.
He was, honestly, not sure he wanted to.
Let Thor unleash his anger on the bastards who’d dared kidnap Becca.
“J,” he said briskly. “Pull up everything you can find on the gala tonight. I don’t care how many firewalls you have to bypass or how many people will know we’re looking. Just get the info.” He barely waited for J.A.R.V.I.S.’s murmured affirmation before he jumped out of his chair, pulling up a large holoscreen above the table.
“Tell us everything,” he ordered Steve as soon as he had the screen set up, whirling around to find Steve looking at him with the same kind of desperation that was burning in his own veins.
“Now, Steve,” he ordered sharply, knowing it would get through to him the quickest.
Steve faltered for another moment—which Tony guessed he could forgive him for, since he was pretty sure Steve had been up since yesterday morning—before he launched into a detailed explanation of his and Becca’s strategic plans for the gala, all the way down to the color of her dress.
Tony watched, a little lightheaded and in dire need of caffeine—or like… six 5-hour energy shots—as Steve’s plans were laid out on the holographic screen, in clear and direct terms. Clint and Thor were leaning forward, eyes flitting between Steve and the screen, and even Natasha sat, tensed, on the edge of her seat, staring intently at the screen.
His hands trembled when he swiped a picture of one of the targets to the side, and he was very much not thinking about how triggeringthe situation had to be for Becca. She’d been doing so good, and he knew, he knew his Becs was stronger than any of them, but there were limits even to what she could take. He was also very deliberately not thinking of his own issues with being kidnapped—even though he was basically an expert at it now, having been kidnapped like six times before he was even eighteen—or the way he’d found Becca in Iraq, pale and beaten on the floor in a filthy little cell.
She was important to him, always had been, even though he’d been annoyed as fuck at fifteen to be saddled with the baby at family gatherings. She was his Baby Becs and he hated the thought of someone getting their hands on her and hurting her.
He’d promised himself, the day he found her, after he’d led the Army to where she was being held, and the day he’d spent sitting by her bed after the Battle of New York, that he’d find a way to keep her safe.
It’s a pledge he felt truly shamed to have failed at.
“Wait, wait.” Bruce waved his hand slowly, pulling his glasses down his nose and pinching the bridge between thumb and forefinger and completely interrupting Tony’s train of thought. “We have good contacts in S.H.I.E.L.D. Why are we not calling them in? If we can legitimize the mission through them… Making this an official S.H.I.E.L.D. mission would make it easier, wouldn’t it? We’d have all of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s resources.”
“Because revealing that S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers purposefully put active agents in that gala would have meant treading on some very powerful toes,” Fury boomed from behind them, causing Tony to nearly jump out of his skin, knocking his knee painfully into the underside of the table. “We cannot afford that right now.”
Tony swivelled around, because how the fuck did that asshole keep getting into his Tower without his goddamned permission, how did he even know—and then froze, his mind screeching to a stop as he watched Fury approach with Agent Hill—he remembered her, very pretty, badass, had a brief fling with Becca after the fiasco with Romanoff—and…
“Bruce, am I drunk?” he choked out, feebly patting around until his fingers found the fabric of Bruce’s shirt to clutch and hang onto. “I’m seeing dead people.” He was vaguely aware of the sound of Clint dropping his mug onto the table, but no one else said anything, and he couldn’t—
What the fuck.
“This is a whole new level of madness.” Tony shook his head dramatically. “J, call my therapist. Wait.” He frowned. “I don’t have a therapist. Damn it, call a therapist. If they’ll take me. Will they take me? Fuck. What the absolute fuck, Fury?!”
“Tony, shut up!” Steve shouted empathically, and Tony would yell back, but just then, he caught sight of Clint’s expression and oh.
Tony cringed. He’d only heard of Clint’s relationship with Coulson after the man had died on the Helicarrier—although not so much, apparently—but he’d witnessed Clint’s intense grief first hand. So… realising Coulson wasn’t dead after all?
Not cool.
Not cool at all.
Everyone watched, tensely, as Coulson tentatively moved  towards Clint, before Natasha suddenly stepped into his path—
That wasn’t going to end well.
“Don’t you dare talk to him,” she hissed, and if Tony had been on the receiving end of that look, he swore he would have just shrivelled up and died because damn, that woman and her icy glares.
“Nat, I—” Coulson began, falling silent immediately beneath the weight of the Black Widow’s lethal glare.
“Enough,” Fury cut in, and Tony almost wanted to pout—this was dramatic as fuck and it didn’t even involve him, for once—before he remembered why they were there and promptly felt sick, because how could he—or any of them, except for maybe Clint—have forgotten, even for a second, that Becca was missing and in danger?
“Yes,” Steve boomed, face stoic but hands clenched into fists nonetheless before he lifted one hand to point at Coulson. “Enough. You… I’m glad you’re not dead. Head’s up would’ve been nice.” He turned to Fury, and Tony was impressed by the way his expression actually grew icier. “And you… when I’ve got Becca back safe and sound, you and I are gonna have a conversation you’re not going to enjoy.”
It struck Tony then, in a moment of dizzying clarity, how much Steve was struggling to hold onto the Captain America mind set, in a way he hadn’t seen him struggle in…
God, in months.
Tony hadn’t understood, initially, that Captain America was Steve’s shield just as much as his vibranium shield was. He hadn’t understood that, to deal with the expectations people put on Steve from the moment they laid eyes on him, Steve hid behind Captain America.
He showed people what they wanted to see.
Tony could tell that, in the light of Coulson’s reappearance, in the light of Becca being kidnapped on his watch and the botched mission—Jesus fucking Christ—that Steve was on the verge of losing it though.
Tony caught Steve’s eye, and the exhausted desperation in the younger man’s eye nearly made him wince. Nearly. Tony was worried about Becca too, the frantic energy humming beneath his skin nearly electric the longer he sat still, but he was willing to concede—just this once—that Steve’s nerves might be slightly more frayed than Tony’s.
To be fair, neither of them was quite as badly off as Thor obviously was, vibrating where he stood, lightning continually sparking between his fingers and his eyes flashing white with each clap of thunder and flash of lightning outside. But then again, it wasn’t Tony’s girlfriend and child on the line, now was it?
God, he didn’t even want to think about Pepper and the baby being in this kind of danger.
Tony could be a good teammate and take the focus off of Cap and Thor for a bit, though.
Let it never be said Tony Stark didn’t play well with others.
Tony cleared his throat loudly, effectively drawing all attention back to him.
“Not that this isn’t fun,” he drawled sarcastically, rolling his eyes at Fury’s annoyed huff. “But I’d prefer to get back to why we’re actuallyhere.” He gestured back to the large screen, his heart clenching a little at the sight of the photo J.A.R.V.I.S. had pulled up—a picture Pepper had taken during one of the Team Movie NightsTony had insisted upon, catching Becca in the middle of a peal of laughter at something silly Thor had said to Steve—before he glanced back to Steve and Thor and steeled himself.
One of them had to keep it together.
Just figured it’d be him again. Tony never thought he’d be the stable one, but then…
Here he was.
The torrential rains that have been ravaging New York City for the past few hours hit unexpectedly and, reportedly, entirely out of nowhere around 10:30 p.m. today. The rains and repeated strikes of lightning have yet to cause any real, lasting damage, but it is only a matter of time if it continues, according to experts.
[…] at least 46 people were caught entirely by surprise by the heavy rainfall and needed to be extracted by firefighters from a partially flooded subway tunnel. “[…] situation is, for now, under control, and we’re trying to help those that have been caught up in the storm, but the streets are flooding, and we recommend everyone to remain at home,” said Anahera Taumata, a senior official at the New York City mayor’s office.
[…] Military units have been deployed to assist emergency workers as they search for [missing] people and clear the streets for emergency vehicles. […] storm unlike any in living memory, according to local authorities. New York’s weather agency has reported up to 6 inches of rain fell within four hours, triggering several flash floods in various subway tunnels, and 4 reported lightning strikes to various buildings.
Amusingly, several New Yorkers have taken to Twitter to ask Thor Odinson, New York’s resident God of Thunder, to take the lightning and rain elsewhere. Interestingly, several weather experts have agreed that such a sudden change in the weather can only be attributed to the God of Thunder. […] no response from Thor or the Avengers yet, although the storm rages on.
[…] no reports of deaths or serious injuries yet.
—Pedro Isaac, “New York City Hit By Unexpected Thunderstorm”, DW.com, 2 April 2016
Avengers Tower, New York, Manhattan, New York State, United States of America
11:57 p.m., 2 April 2016
“This has to be a trap.”
“It’s a one-way video feed,” Tony said scathingly, glaring at Fury. “It can’t be a trap.”
The tension in the room was so palpable that it thickened the air surrounding them, making Steve feel almost like he was choking. The others were spread haphazardly throughout the room, eyeing the video feed J.A.R.V.I.S. had pulled up after receiving an anonymous email with varying expressions.
“Is there any way to trace the signal?” Bruce asked reasonably, looking between Tony and Natasha with a furrowed brow. Natasha had taken control over one of Tony’s holographic screens and had, in the past hour and a half, managed to collect a mildly terrifying amount of evidence of Hydra’s continued existence. The things she had found and was currently investigating were so immensely complicated and implicated so many people that it gave Steve a minor headache at just the thought of considering it all.
She’d managed to uncover a terrifying amount of documents, video footage, photos and other evidence, which was mildly terrifying, considering how hard it had been to find even the slightest scrap of evidence before. When Steve had asked why she was finding so much now, Nat had only muttered, “It’s easy to find things when you know what you’re looking for,” before refocusing her attention on the screen.
And yet, nothing she’d found—nothing pointed towards there having been plans to take Becca.
Except… Except that there had clearly been a plan.
The security cameras in and around the building had been masterfully and methodically rerouted to replay previously recorded footage starting three minutes and forty-three seconds before the fire alarm had been triggered until seven and a half minutes after the alarm had been triggered.
In addition to that, whoever had hacked the feed had done so at the scene—which meant they couldn’t be traced through an I.P. address.
The kidnapping clearly was premeditated, but whoever had done said premeditating had not left a paper trail for them to find. They’d not left anything for them to find, other than Becca’s glaring absence and the three trigger happy goons Steve and Clint had run into when they’d canvassed the area.
And now this dark video feed.
“I don’t care what it is,” Thor thundered, eyes flashing with barely suppressed rage. “Will it help us find Becca?” A particularly loud clap of thunder punctuated his words, making his feelings on the matter abundantly clear. Of course, the thunderstorm outside had been gaining in strength since Thor had learned of the kidnapping.
Steve winced.
After their initial explanation of what had happened at the gala, Thor had simply stood, walked out, and—according to J.A.R.V.I.S.—disappeared through the Bifrost. He’d returned not ten minutes later in full armour and with his friends, who had all immediately spread out into the city to track down whatever leads they could find.
Thor had, after they’d spent a tense few minutes watching him talk to his friends, re-joined the team in the board room, although he’d barely said three words since his return, and most of those words had been used to inform them Heimdall was also searching for Becca with his all-seeing gaze.
He hadn’t spoken to Steve directly since he’d walked in.
And Steve hated it.
He hated that he’d failed Thor and Becca so badly. He’d promised Thor that Becca would be safe, that he’d be by her side the entire time—and because he hadn’t been, because he’d decided trying to dance with the target’s date was a good idea, Hydra had been able to get to Becca.
He wouldn’t be surprised if Thor wanted to throw him from the Tower.
Steve kind of wanted to throw himself from the Tower too.  
“As soon as it activates,” Tony said fervently, nodding at Thor. “I don’t care what they’ve done to erase their digital footprints, as soon as they give us an inch, I’m gonna take a fucking mile.”
Thor nodded curtly. “Very well.” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked away, staring silently out the window into the dark storm.
Steve wondered, not for the first time, whether the sight of the storm soothed Thor, or if it made his anger and fear all the worse. It was, after all, a physical manifestation of Thor’s emotions—a blatant and palpable demonstration of everything Thor felt for anyone who cared to look.
Steve had seen Thor’s control over his lightning slip a few times over the years, but every single one of those instances had been… different.
With the exception of the two-week long thunderstorm that had followed Thor’s return to Earth after his mother and Loki had been killed, every other instance of Thor accidentally letting his lightning loose had been… if not outright funny, then certainly amusing.
It’d happened once after his and Becca’s second anniversary, when Becca had apparently done something very well—although Steve preferred not to think about what exactly she’d done so well, for his own sanity—and once after Clint and the twins had teamed up to play a prank on Thor, and the god had startled so bad he’d electrocuted the entire Tower.
Both instances had been hilarious.
There wasn’t anything funny about Thor’s lack of control now.
Steve eyed the raging storm—if it even was due to a lack of control on Thor’s part. He didn’t doubt that his friend was terrified, because Steve was too, and it wasn’t even his girlfriend, his child on the line. He wouldn’t be surprised if there was a reason Thor had decided to unleash the thunderstorm to end all thunderstorms on New York.
Maybe he was hoping to flush out whoever had taken Becca—quite literally.
Steve would be more concerned about the consequences of letting this storm rage—people could get hurt, there could be floods due to the unrelenting rain—but most of his higher brain function was too occupied with Becca to care.
While Tony, Bruce and J.A.R.V.I.S. bickered over how they were going to trace the video feed, Steve took his chance. Natasha, Clint and Wanda had their heads bent together to try to figure out why there was a video feed in the first place, and thankfully weren’t paying attention to him either.
Steve approached Thor, feeling simultaneously nervous and like he was going to get whatever horrible fate he deserved.
“Hey,” he said quietly once he’d reached his friend, leaning against the wall beside Thor.
Thor barely even glanced up at him, but nodded in acknowledgement nonetheless.
“I—” Steve tried, but his voice rebelled, and the words died in his throat. “I’m sorry,” he finally managed. “I promised you she’d be safe, and… I didn’t—I should’ve stayed with her. I’m sorry.”
Thor heaved a sigh beside him.
“Steven,” he said wearily. “My friend. I love you very dearly, and I want you to know that the only people I blame are the people that tookBecca from me, but…” He sighed again and looked at Steve with dark, haunted eyes. “I do not have it in me to reassure you right now.”
He turned away from Steve again and stared back out the window.
Steve opened his mouth, changed his mind, and then closed it again, feeling distinctly nauseated.
He wasn’t sure how long he and Thor stood there, backs against the wall in silence, before Natasha suddenly announced, “We got something.”
At the same time, Tony exclaimed, “The feed’s going live!”
Steve’s stomach dropped away and he felt distinctly nauseous as he eyed the video footage Tony had pulled up on the largest screen in the room. He pushed away from the wall and joined the rest of the team as they gathered around the screen in a tight half circle, each set of shoulders bumping into the next one over.
And there, right in front of them and yet completely out of their reach, was Becca.
The camera hardly shook at all, and the quality of the video was exceptionally high—whoever this was, Steve would bet anything they were using a professional camera, which spoke volumes about the level of preparedness of the kidnappers, at least in his opinion.
When he voiced said thoughts aloud, Natasha nodded in agreement and Tony insisted he had spotted the same thing immediately. Steve didn’t really pay attention to them, trying to focus his gaze on the details of the scene, on anything that might betray where the footage was being filmed or who was filming it—anything that might tell him where Becca was, but the backdrop was a simple, infuriatingly, undoubtedly purposefully white sheet.
He carefully refrained from looking at Becca, who sat tied to a wooden chair in the middle of the image, because he needed time to steel himself for what he was sure he’d see.
He remembered what Hydra did to the people they took.
He remembered what Bucky had looked like right after Steve had pulled him from that concrete slab in Azzano—remembered the blank stare in his best friend’s eye that never really left after.
Steve wasn’t sure he could stand to see another friend tortured by Hydra.
When he did finally look at her, she looked relatively unharmed, although she’d clearly not been handled carefully, either. Her hair had fallen from the elegant mess of braids and curls Nat had done for her earlier, and there was an ugly scrape on her forehead. She was paler than Steve thought was healthy, but when she looked up at the camera, he could recognize the defiant anger in her gaze.
“This is live, yes?” Thor demanded, glancing towards Tony, and Steve wondered if anyone else could tell just how badly Thor’s hands were shaking.
“Yeah,” Tony nodded. “Yeah. J.A.R.V.I.S. is recording and tracing the feed right now.”
He looked stricken, and though Steve felt a wave of sympathy for him.
���Well, smile for the camera, Barnes,” someone drawled on the feed, voice smug and self-satisfied even though it was clearly distorted by some kind of voice modulator.
When Becca continued to scowl at the person behind the camera, someone heaved an impatient sigh and stomped forward, roughly grabbing Becca’s chin with a gloved hand and forcing her to look directly into the camera. “Come on then,” the man—because it was a man, dressed from head to toe in black, a dark ski mask covering his face—in their field of vision spat. “Smile for your friends, bitch. Gotta say goodbye.”
Lightning sparked between Thor’s clenched fingers and jumped up his arm, and the thunder outside roared deafeningly loud.
Steve winced in perfect tandem with the others, and barely resisted the urge to grasp Thor’s shoulder in comfort. The gesture wouldn’t be appreciated right now, he was sure, and he wasn’t very sure he wouldn’t be electrocuted if he touched Thor right now, in any case. Thor certainly didn’t seem entirely aware of the light current of electricity that was dancing from his clenched fists up to his shoulders and the white that crept across his eyes—
It was, admittedly, slightly terrifying.
He returned his attention back to the screen, where Becca had bared her teeth in a bloody grin.
Steve fumed, because it was obvious she’d been slapped hard enough that her upper lip had split, which meant one of those sick sons of bitches had had the gall to hit a pregnant woman hard enough to make her bleed.
“You gonna scream real’ nice and loud for us, baby?” the male, though still unidentifiable voice taunted on the screen, shaking Becca’s chin roughly while several other voices jeered and the man in the frame cupped his crotch suggestively. Becca winced—a small, minute thing, but Steve had known her long enough to recognize her expression of pain—before she spat at the hand that was holding her.
“You and your pathetic little needle dick couldn’t make me scream if you tried,” she spat, voice strong and clear, glaring up at him.
Steve snorted a laugh despite himself, and even Thor smiled.
Unfortunately the kidnappers were not quite as amused by Becca’s innate inability to stop sassing people, and the man who stood next to Becca in the frame, who’d cupped his crotch to taunt her, slapped Becca hard. Her head whipped to the side and Thor growled as the thunder above them roared, and—miraculously, thankfully—the sound echoed on the video.
They could hear Thor’s thunder on the video.
They could hear it.
She was still in the city—whoever had taken her hadn’t taken her out of the city. And thunder had a limited sound range, at that.
Amateurs, he thought contemptuously.
Becca slowly swung her head back towards the camera, grinning that same bloody grin. “Oh, you’re fucked now,” she chuckled. “Thor. Babe. There’s only five of them. Fucking annihilate them.”
“Someone calculate how far that was,” Clint shouted. “How long was the delay?”
“Couple of seconds tops,” Tony said absently, hands moving feverishly across the keyboard.
“You insolent bitch,” the man behind the camera spat, lurching forward in a blurred movement to backhand Becca across the face once more, and Thor’s thunder howled so loudly everyone reflexively covered their ears. A massive bolt of lightning struck the nearest building and the city went dark beneath and around them.
The Tower, mercifully, seemed mostly unaffected, although there were quite a few red alerts popping up at the bottom of the screen. The video feed, too, seemed unaffected, although the lights shining down on Becca had dimmed considerably, and everyone except Becca seemed a little spooked by Thor’s outburst.
“Well,” the man chuckled, although his voice was just a little shakier than it had been before. “We know they’re watching, then. Good.” He disappeared from the frame again and ordered, “Go get the Soldier.”
Becca swayed a little against her bonds, clearly dazed by the last blow—though still with a slight smile on her face from the proof of Thor’s wrath—and Steve bit his lip nervously. Even though they knew they were in the city, that they couldn’t be far, he didn’t like that they couldn’t get to her right away, that they couldn’t bring her to the medical floor to have her checked out—
“Captain America,” the man on the video said, and Steve’s head snapped up. “You’ve been a thorn in Hydra’s side for far too long. Consider this a warning of what’ll happen to everyone you love if you continue to cross us—we know where your friends live, know that certain elderly friends of yours are particularly vulnerable. I hope you’ve enjoyed your time with Barnes while it lasted, because it comes to an end now. Hail Hydra.”
“What,” Tony said, baffled, and Steve’s stomach roiled—he might throw up; something he’d done maybe thrice since waking from the ice.
Becca had been shaking her head the entire time the man was speaking, but when she opened her mouth to say something, she seemed to spot something behind the camera and her eyes went wide, her jaw going slack. “Wh—Uncle Bucky?”
Steve, who’d been reaching for the nearest trashcan—just in case his rebellious stomach decided to stage a full-scale riot—abruptly jerked back towards the screen, wide-eyed and confused, and Becca blinked owlishly at whoever was behind the camera.
But then, suddenly, before she could gather herself, there was a commotion from the same direction she was staring into as if she’d seen a ghost. It devolved rapidly into unintelligible shouting, and before any of them had any chance to figure out what the hell was happening—
The camera toppled on its side with a loud crash, and for a second, through blurred, jagged footage, Becca’s feet were visible, before a loud bang startled them all, and the video abruptly cut out.
“J.A.R.V.I.S.,” Tony inquired shakily, “tell me you have something.”
“Why would she say that?” Steve whispered, staring at the blank screen without really seeing it, without really… without really thinking.
Why would Becca say Bucky’s name?
No one replied to him.
“I’m sorry, Sir,” J.A.R.V.I.S. responded apologetically, speaking over Steve’s whisper, and Steve felt sick. “The signal was heavily encrypted and was being bounced off servers on every continent. Even with the knowledge they were still in the city, I was not able to narrow down the location. Based on the delay before we heard the echo of Thor’s thunder, however, I estimate that they are no more than five miles away from the Tower.”
“We have to do something,” Natasha exclaimed a little desperately. “There has to be something—they’re in the city, we know they are in the city—you have to be able to find something.”
“Their lights weren’t off,” Wanda remarked from next to a quivering Thor, wringing her hands nervously, anxiously. “It was darker, but not fully dark, and I think there was a hum in the background after. They must have an emergency generator. Doesn’t that help?”
“Why would she say Bucky’s name?” Steve repeated, a little louder, ignoring the slight hysteria in his own voice, choosing to focus on that rather than the gunshot they’d heard at the end of the video, because… because…
Because she’d said Bucky’s name.
Steve was unable to ignore it or chalk it up to coincidence—he couldn’t.
He knew Becca would have known that too.
“I don’t know, Steve!” Natasha shouted suddenly, startling them all into silence. Steve stared at her with wide eyes—he had never seen Natasha lose her cool like this, and that more than anything shocked him into immediate silence and stillness. She exhaled shakily and continued in a—slightly—calmer voice, “It doesn’t matter why she said Bucky’s name. I’m sorry, but it doesn’t. What we need to focus on right now is where she is and who has her. Once we have her safely back we can look into anything she said and why she said it, but not now.”
Steve blinked at her. “Okay,” he whispered. “I’m sorry.”
He’d forgotten, for a moment, that he wasn’t the only one that loved Becca—that he wasn’t the only one that was going out of his mind with worry.
Natasha glared at him for another tense, drawn-out moment before she sighed. “It’s fine.” She looked to Thor, who was still glaring at the screen where Becca had been projected just minutes before, almost like he hadn’t even registered the commotion erupting around him.
“Thor,” she said, switching gears, her voice softening into something more comforting. “We’re going to find her. Can you meet up with your friends, see if they’ve found something? In the meantime, we can work out a search grid and work in pairs, search more efficiently—they can’t be far, so we have to make sure we get there before they move again. Maybe start on the outer perimeter of a five mile radius and work your way inwards; that’s what I’d do, and you can do it in a snap compared to most of the rest of us.”
“I’ll go with,” Steve said immediately, because his skin was crawling and he couldn’t stand sitting here and doing nothing any longer, because he knew his brain would drive him mad if he did.
Natasha nodded. “I’m going with you. Thor, with your friends—there’s four of them, yes?”
When Thor nodded, Nat smiled tightly. “Split up into groups of two. Tony, I need a map.”
Tony jerked into movement, blinking blearily but pulling up a map of the city obediently. Natasha walked up to it and indicated a ten-block radius. “You and your friend search this grid. Steve and I,” she indicated another ten-block grid, “will be searching this area. Your other two friends can search here.” She pointed again and Thor nodded sharply.
“We can search too,” Pietro piped in. “I’m fast, and Wanda can fly; give each of us ten blocks. Wanda and I can clear more than you can and faster, and that safely frees up Thor for the perimeter.”
Natasha nodded grimly.
“Be careful,” she told them after she’d indicated a good portion of the city. “Hydra will probably be looking to take you two back as well.”
Wanda bared her teeth in a snarl. “I’d like to see them try.”
With that, she slung her arm around her brother’s neck, and they blurred out of sight. Thor looked at the map intently for another few moments before he too, without words, stomped out of the room.
“Tony,” Nat said sternly, “Keep trying to hack the signal. If you find anything, any clue to narrow our search down, let us know.”
Tony nodded.
Clint settled in a corner, dragging several laptops, Starkpads and phones with him—staunchly ignoring Coulson and Fury, who were both pacing in the corridor, barking orders on their phones—and told Nat, “I’ll contact everyone I know—someone’ll know something.”
Nat nodded again before she turned to Steve. “Well,” she said, eyeing him up and down. “Suit up.”
Start from the beginning:
In Hell We Stand By You:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Never Feel Alone:
(1) (2)
Decisions:  (1)
Dancing with a Limp:
(1) (2)
Starting Over:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Dancing in the Rain:
(1) (2) (3) 
Or read it HERE on AO3 :D Find the next chapter HERE on Tumblr :)
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myownpersonaldemons · 5 years
Selftober Prompt 20
Accidental Kiss
The end gets a little mature just fyi.
It was a complete and utter accident.
It wasn’t even a good kiss, more of a clash of teeth than a real kiss. You’d been laughing at a joke he made, and turned to look at him just as he leaned past you to grab the bottle of mustard that Grillby had placed in front of you.
It had kind of hurt in fact, your lip felt pinched a bit.
That was all it was.
An accident.
A freak of an accident that would never occur again.
So then…why did you keep thinking about it? Even as accidental it was, the feeling of teeth against your lips still ghosted across your flesh. The blush on your cheeks kept returning over and over again whenever you thought about it, and your fingers kept brushing lightly over your lips as if that would bring the sensation back full force.
It had happened over a week ago, as well. Any lingering sensation should’ve faded and you should’ve been able to return back to the bar without feeling anxious about it. Yet, every time you thought about perhaps going there for dinner before the crowds flooded in…your chest would pound and you talked yourself out of it.
It wasn’t as if you went there that often anyways, Sans totally wouldn’t notice that you hadn’t shown up in a while. He wasn’t even that close of a friend, so he wouldn’t care either.
All lies you told yourself to make it easier for you to not go back to Grillby’s.
Then came the text from Sans.
Sans 9:38 PM: what’re ya up to? haven’t seen ya ‘round lately.
Your heart beat in your throat, and a blush darkened your cheeks as you instantly thought back to the accidental kiss. Shaking your head you insisted that he didn’t care nor would he even remember the tiny mishap. It was Sans you were talking about. You didn’t know how he did it, but every night you were at Grillby’s he’d always pick out a woman in the bar and as you were leaving he’d always switch over and practically have the woman swooning into his arms before you’d even gotten to the door.
Accidentally smooching you in the most awkward kiss of his lifetime probably didn’t even register in his mind anymore.
You exhaled and typed back. Joking it off so that he wouldn’t realize that you weren’t in the habit of forgetting stupid little smooches.
It was…not as much of an accident as you had thought.
Sans had purposefully indicated to Grillby to put the mustard in front of you, but he had originally wanted to just whisper in your ear some saucy words that would make you blush. He adored your blush, and the shy, flustered smile that always came with it as you struggled to find a way to respond  before you’d laugh it off and change the subject.
However, when you started to turn your head? Maybe Sans had shifted his head as well, not exactly to go for a kiss, but maybe to get close enough that he could say a cheeky one-liner and get you to blush again. Something stupid, cus he wasn’t the kind of guy that wanted to make the women he was attracted to feel uncomfortable. You liked the low-hanging fruit jokes, and he had plenty of them to make you smile and laugh.
The feeling of your soft lips against his teeth, though? Damn. It was like a drug that he craved. You’d gotten all flustered and apologized profusely which…isn’t what he wanted you to do at all. He felt bad about it, and apologized as well, cus you seemed actually upset by it.
So…fuck maybe you didn’t want to kiss him or do anything like that with him.
Was it because he was a monster? Was it because of his appearance? Cus he thought he was hot shit…but you didn’t seem the kinda gal that let her gaze linger on anyone long. Hell! He didn’t even know if you were into guys, let alone monsters! He could be barking up the wrong tree for all he knew. That anxiety started to creep in as he preened himself in front of the mirror for longer before going to Grillby’s.
Each day you weren’t there made his non-existant gut twist.
Sure, you weren’t the typical type of chick who would show up daily, hell he hardly saw you once a week, and that was if he was lucky. Still, after a week of not seeing your cute little blushing face, Sans pulled out his phone, placed it on the bar top, all while grumbling.
An hour passed before he finally texted you. When you didn’t respond back right away, Sans was grumbling to himself when Grillby lounged against the bar in front of him.
“Sad that your little kitten hasn’t come around to play, Sans?” Grillby taunted him, swirling some amber liquid in his cup and looking over at his long term friend patron over his glasses.  Sans huffed.
“tch, ya sure yer not projecting there, pal? she’s normally the one between the two of us who pays,” Sans pointed out, pointing his mustard toward Grillby with a smirk. Grillby’s own smirk didn’t fade, he shifted so he was leaning closer to Sans.
“Take some advice, Red, monster up. We both know you’re a coward when it comes to anything besides fighting or fucking,” Grillby tapped the bar and gave Sans a bigger smirk, “or I might try my hand at…’wooing’ your little friend.”
Sans’ smirk turned into a scowl, “fuck off. since when do you give a shit?”
Grillby straightened and shrugged his shoulders, “it’s not like it fucking matters in the long run. Either way you’re not a paying customer, get rejected or not and you’ll still come crawling in here day after day after day.”
“You really know how to boost a guys spirits,” Sans tapped his mustard bottle against the glass Grillby had left sitting on the bar top. Grillby gave a lopsided smirk before picking up the drink and saluting it towards Sans before downing it. His fire gave a whoosh as it brightened momentarily from the alcohol, before he pivoted and walked away to attend to other matters.
Sans sighed and rubbed at his temple before picking his phone back up.
You: 9:43 PM: eh nothing much
You: 9:43 PM: Why? Miss me that much already :P
If his SOUL lurched at seeing your text, he would never admit that. Instead, he gave the tiniest of smirks and responded.
Sans 9:59 PM: grillbz doesn’t appreciate my jokes like you do
Sans 10:00 PM: and what if I fuckin do?
You 10:03 PM: You have the lowest form of humor of course I find you hilarious
You 10:03 PM: Awww you misssssssssssssssssssssss me
You 10:04 PM: Are you drunk?
Sans 10:06 PM: nah, grillbz doesn’t let me hit the hard stuff till 10:30
You 10:06 PM: that’s what she said
Sans 10:10 PM: and you say my form of humor is the lowest
You 10:11 PM: I learn from the best
Sans 10:15 PM: you should come to grillbz
You 10:16 PM: Nah, gotta draw out our meetings so you miss me more
You 10:17 PM: Uh…plus it’s late and the club aspect is probably in full swing
Sans 10:43 PM: can I come over to yours then?
You 11:00 PM: Sure, I’ll send you my address.
You didn’t know what made you say yes, but a few minutes of waiting later and there was a knock on your door. Thankfully, Sans wasn’t drunk when you opened the door. If he was, you probably would’ve a) gotten his brother to come pick him up, b) closed the door on his face, or more likely c) gotten him onto your couch and made him drink a full glass of water and then went into your room for the night.
Instead, you shyly let him in. You had put your bra back on, but honestly? You hadn’t put too much thought into your clothing. You were wearing your pajama’s and had been playing your favourite video game when he had asked and you hadn’t really wanted to stop playing. So, a bra was all the effort you gave him.
His eye lights quickly checked you out before snorting, “ya dressed up for me, sweetcheeks?”
You blushed, but proudly grabbed the hem of your tank top and stretched it a bit so the nerdy reference could be viewed in it’s full glory. “I chose my favourite pajama tank just for you, you should be in awe.”
A chuckle, “yer a fucking nerd.”
“Takes one to know one, mister. Grillby told me one day that you watched Mew Mew Kissy Cutie with Papyrus before, so don’t you tell me that you’re not a nerd either,” you shot back and stuck your tongue out at him.
It was…so strange. Having him in your apartment. Yet, you weren’t tense and uncomfortable as you were when anyone else visited for the first time. You didn’t feel the need to apologize for the slight clutter, nor did you feel like he would judge you for anything in your apartment. He’d confessed that his room had a trash tornado in the corner, and you were not nearly that messy.
You invited him further into the apartment and got him some water, but also pulled out your mustard bottle. You didn’t know how much was in it but you held it out to him, and he accepted it with a thanks before squirting an unhealthy swig straight into his slightly parted teeth in which it disappeared into the void behind.
Without hesitation the two of you began to catch each other up on the last week, throw jokes, and overall just converse without feeling the pressure of needing to do anything a certain way. You ended up sitting on the couch with your feet on his lap, a blanket strewn over both of your legs, and watching him play a game on your console. It was getting close to twelve and your eyes were starting to droop.
You found yourself tearing your gaze away from the game to watch his face. The way his golden tooth shone even though the only light now was coming from the television. His eyes were fully focused on the game and there was a slight furrow to his face in concentration. He’d grumble swears when he wasn’t doing so hot, and then swear louder when he finally beat whatever he was working on getting through.
Why had you ever thought that a simple kiss would make things weird between the two of you?
His eye lights flickered over to you, and then he glanced at his phone sitting on the arm of the couch. “shit, sorry, dollface, didn’t mean ta keep ya up so late,” he said, patting your leg and placing the controller down. “i’ll get out of yer hair.”
You hummed sleepily, “you’re not bothering me, you can stay if you want.”
Sans hesitated, staring at you for a long time before slowly easing himself back into the couch. For a moment it looked like he wanted to say something, but then he simply grinned, patted your leg again and returned to his game. A while later, you yawned again and shifted trying to get even more comfortable on the couch. His eye lights shifted over to you.
“why dontcha cuddle up ta me? might be better than the arm rest thing,” he said gruffily, and looked back over to the television. You debated before shaking your head.
“Don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” you murmured, “already got my legs on you.”
A pause and then he smirked, “y’know, i’d like it if all of ya was on me, but i’ll take what i can get.”
A wink.
You snorted, “you big flirt. Bet you say that to all the ladies. Speaking of, why are you here with me instead of…you know, a real lady?”
Sans gave you a bemused look, “’real lady’?”
“You know, someone not wearing the same pajama’s she wore last night because she forgot to do laundry,” you gestured lazily at your shirt. “Those girls at Grillby’s you normally flirt it up with when I leave.”
“dollface, i’d prefer you in two day old pajama’s over a random lady at the bar anyday,” he said with an eye roll.
Your heart gave a little skip which you instantly shushed. All internally of course. Outwardly you just huffed out a laugh, “thanks for the pity-“
“ain’t pity, sweetheart,” Sans cut you off, giving you a very serious look. “i’m dead serious. do ya even realize how hot you look right now?”
Your face blushed, chuckled and looked away. “My hair is damp from a shower, and I’m wearing gross pajama’s. This isn’t ‘hot’, but thanks?”
Sans snorted, “yknow what i see? my fav girl relaxed as all hell, not giving a damn about how she looks with chips on her tits.”
You glanced down, and blushed more as you brushed off your chest from chip crumbs. Then you paused, “Fav girl?”
“fuckin’ duh,” he grumbled placing the controller to the side. “yer hot as fuck, got the cutest fucking blush, yer funny, smart, and when ya talk ‘boutcha favourite shit? ya get this cute ass smile on your face and you get so animated.”
You laughed lightly and sat up, bringing your legs from his lap. “Thanks, Sans.”
“and, yer lips have been on my mind for the past week,” he added, and you blushed even worse.
“I’m sorry!” you blurted out, covering your face, “It was an accident.”
Sans shifted closer and place a hand on your knee, you cracked your fingers slightly to look over at him. His eye lights were a bit bigger which surprised you. He looked like a cat that just got excited at seeing it’s favourite thing.
“if yer uncomfortable, lemme know, dollface and i’ll either leave or just back off,” he said, voice softer than normal but no less deep. You slowly lowered your hands and swallowed thickly.
“I’m…not uncomfortable, flustered yeah…but, not uncomfortable,” you mumbled, rubbing your hands up and down your calves quickly as if to disperse the nervous energy flowing through you. Was he going to kiss you? Or where was this going? Oh, you hadn’t been in a relationship in forever, you hadn’t been flirted with by anyone besides Sans in the longest time either.
“wanna redo on that kiss?” Sans asked, and your heart launched into your throat.
Holy shit.
Holy shit!
You nodded eagerly, and he chuckled. A deep rich sound that made you swoon a bit. He shifted his hand from your knee to the back of the couch as he shifted closer to you. His other hand reached over to carress your cheek for a moment before curling around to the base of your skull. You could hardly breathe as he leaned closer and pressed his teeth against your lips.
Your eyes fluttered closed and for a moment the two of you just…stayed like that.
Then your hands moved up to grip his jacket and pull him closer. It was like a dam broke. You felt the brush of his magical tongue against your lips, and then it was expertly exploring your mouth. A sense of desperation from both of you, like you both had been starved for years, exploded forth.
You quickly found yourself on your back, out of breath, with a jacketless Sans hovering over you. One of your legs was hooked around his hips, his hand was up your shirt and under your bra, and you both were panting heavily.
“Well,” you squeaked out, “That was…a hell of a second kiss.”
He chuckled awkwardly and withdrew his hand, “sorry for coping a feel.”
You shook your head, “s’okay…I didn’t mind.”
A pause.
Then your lips were back on his teeth, and his hands were back exploring your body.
Thank god for accidentally kisses.
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pug-bitch · 5 years
That’s not why I’m going (28)
Be cool
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Drake Walker x Amara Suarez
Rating: some foul language, some extremely suggestive, and a VERY steamy scene. This is absolutely NOT appropriate for people under 18.
Word count: 4,350 (let me know if the ‘keep reading’ cutoff isn’t working well!)
Notes: This picks up basically where we left off, during the last night in the cabin, starting with Amara’s POV. This chapter is a little slow, but it sets up several things that will be important for what will happen next!
Amara had gone back to the kitchen for the umpteenth time to make more margaritas. And to think she’d made fun of Drake for buying so much booze.
Dinner had been amazing, Drake truly hadn’t lied about his grilling skills. Even Hana, who was always poised and polite, had asked for thirds, and downed one burger and two hot dogs. Olivia had begrudgingly agreed that the mushrooms and leeks on top of the burgers were a nice touch.
Armed with two pitchers of margarita and her pineapple and coconut cake on a tray, Amara made her triumphant entrance in the backyard. As everyone cheered for her to fill up their glasses, she caught herself worrying for their livers, but promptly remembered that, if everything goes to shit tomorrow at Penelope’s estate, this may be their last fun night, so cirrhosis be damned.
‘Amara! This cake is heavenly,’ Hana gasps.
‘Oh, honey, you don’t have to say that,’ Amara responds. ‘I’m not the best cook--’
‘Shut up, Suarez, and give me another slice,’ Olivia cut her off.
‘Guys,’ Max says, his mouth full of cake, ‘let’s continue, it was Liv’s turn to dig into the bowl.’
They had started a game of Truth or Truth, for which they had written deep questions for one another on little pieces of paper, and mixed them in a bowl. Olivia rolls her eyes but picks up a paper.
‘When was the last time you were in love,’ she reads.
‘Oh, that’s my question!’ Hana beams.
‘Kid, you know we all have to answer, right?’ Olivia says. ‘You included.’
Hana blushes. ‘Oh, I didn’t realize that.’
‘I’ll go!’ Max says enthusiastically. ‘Drake, you remember Gianni, right?’
Drake nods, ‘I fucking loved that guy. He was hilarious.’
‘Yeah,’ Max says wistfully. ‘I thought we were more serious than he did. He ended up going back to Italy and breaking my heart.’
‘Max, I’m sorry, that sucks,’ Amara says as she reaches to hug him.
‘Your turn, Suarez,’ Olivia interrupts.
Amara blushes. She feels like a schoolgirl playing Spin the bottle. Are they really gonna make her say it in front of everyone? ‘Guys… you know.’
‘Ooooooh,’ Max teases, ‘no we don’t!’
Amara throws her hands up. ‘Well, obviously it’s Drake. Last time I was in love is now, with Drake. Happy?’
Drake reaches for her cheek and brings her face to his. Their mouths crash together in a sweet, yet urgent kiss.
‘Same answer for me, bitches,’ Drake slurs. ‘My last time is also now, with Amara.’
She knows he’s drunk. When else has he called anyone ‘bitches’ as a term of endearment? But then again, she’s drunk too, and so blissfully happy that she couldn’t care any less.
‘Alright, you guys are fucking gross,’ Liv says, waving her hands at them as if to shoo them. ‘Lee, your turn.’
Hana blushes again, and takes a big sip of her margarita. ‘Damn, Amara, these drinks are good. Thank you for making them strong. Well, you guys remember the infamous photo, right?’ Everyone nods, and she continues. ‘I told some of you that this woman, Caroline, was kinda...the one who got away. We were together at Oxford. After graduating, I had to go back to China, or, to be more exact, I didn’t have the guts to stay in the UK and defy my parents. So, I broke up with her, said I wasn’t ready, right before our third anniversary. She had booked us a trip to New York as a surprise, which I found out after, through a mutual friend. In any case, I didn’t break up with her for lack of love. More like...for lack of courage.’
Max holds out his arms and Hana pulls him into a hug. ‘Hana, babe, there’s nothing harder than coming out to tough parents. You didn’t lack courage, it was simply not the right time!’
‘Exactly,’ Amara chimes in, ‘look at how brave you were in front of the whole court the other day. A fucking champ! Because now is your time.’
‘You think?’ Hana sniffles. ‘I mean, I basically didn’t have a choice…’
‘Yes you did,’ Amara continues. ‘You could have denied it, said that it was a fake picture, or said it was a joke among friends. But you took the high road, and we’re so proud of you.’
‘Ok, this game took a turn,’ Liv sighs. ‘I didn’t think it would end in a group hug.’
‘Well then,’ Max replies, ‘you go ahead, Liv, answer the question.’
Olivia quickly glances at Amara, who gives her an encouraging smile. For a split second, Amara thinks she’s gonna be truthful and open up about her feelings. But, after a brief pause, she says ‘Nope. No heart, remember? Icy Nevrakis bitch here. Nothing to see. Next!’
‘Babe, we’ll clean up in the morning,’ Drake whispers in her ears, his arms draped around her waist as she does some dishes.
‘I want to help,’ she says, leaning into his embrace, ‘I know you have to get up early, to go to the grocery store and get ready for Liam and Bertrand coming over.’
He kisses her neck. ‘I don’t mind. I like it. Besides, you made all of the drinks all night long, which was by far the biggest job of all, given this crowd.’
She chuckles. The sound of her laugh makes his heart full. He hates to admit it, but the glowing heart imagery from Jane the Virgin is spot on.
She says, ‘I know you like entertaining, but I don’t mind doing a few dishes. It’s not even that late. Please, let me help.’
He takes a kitchen rag. ‘Alright, then I’m gonna do the drying. Team work, right?’
Olivia turned on her phone for the first time for a few hours. After what happened with it, the mere thought of sending a text filled her with dread, but she had to check her email at least, in case something was needed from her at Lythikos.
She plops down on the bed, and unzips her dress while her phone turns on. It’s strange to be here, at the Walker cabin, but especially in Savannah’s room. Maxwell and Hana had called the Master bedroom, which had a king bed. They had rightfully assumed that Liv would rather cut off her own arm than share her bed with either of them. But still, in here, she feels like she is sharing it with Little Savannah Walker, whose spirit is all around.
She wonders if she had contributed, even minimally, to sending her away. She’d never been very nice to her, never welcoming. But then again, it’s not her job to hang out with the Kingsguard’s offspring. She had enough on her hands as a child, after all.
Her phone buzzes, pulling her out of her daydream.
I had a good time yesterday. I decided to come to Portavira after all, so I’ll see you tomorrow?
Rashad. Damn, she hates how her heart jumped like an idiot as she read his name on the screen. Why? It’s stupid. He’s just being nice.
She takes off her dress and gets into a tank top and shorts, before heading to the bathroom.
She’s not answering that text.
‘Wow, you look hot,’ Drake whispers as he sees Amara come out of the bathroom in her new, emerald green nightie.
‘Oh, this old thing?’ she smirks. ‘Just kidding, it’s brand new. I got it at the lingerie store the other day with Hana.’
Drake pulls her into bed with him, and kisses her urgently. ‘How come I’ve never seen it?’
‘Well, Walker, as I recall, you didn’t exactly give me time to wear anything last night.’
He chuckles as he plants a trail of kisses from her lips down to her collarbone. ‘Heh. I guess you’re right. What can I say, I can’t resist you, Suarez.’
‘Mmmm, ditto. Don’t stop.’
He has no intention to stop. His mouth runs all over her chest, until he’s kissed every inch. He pays special attention to her nipples, which get harder and harder under his tongue. Soon enough, off comes the sexy nightie, to make more space for Drake to kiss her all over. On his way down, he kisses her stomach, until he reaches between her legs, where he’s been aching to go, all night long. Amara moans in anticipation as Drake pauses before putting his lips on her core. He teases her with his tongue, softly at first, then more deeply.
Her moans get louder and louder until she catches herself and remembers they are no longer alone in the house. Somehow, her muffled grunts turn him on even more. His only mission tonight is to make her come, and judging from her increasingly intense breathing, it becomes obvious that he’s on the right track.
As Amara orgasms, she lets out a barely muffled low groan, which Drake is pretty sure everyone in the house heard. But he doesn’t give a shit. Amara catches her breath, and whispers, ‘Wow, Walker...you got game.’
He smirks, ‘I fucking love taking care of you.’
She pulls him into a kiss, and he shivers as his hard cock touches her naked body. She reaches down and starts stroking it slowly, drawing groans from Drake. ‘Fuck me, Walker,’ she whispers in his ear.
Amara opens her eyes, awakened by Drake’s soft kisses on her forehead. ‘H--hey,’ she mumbles.
‘Oh baby, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.’
She smiles and kisses him. ‘It’s ok. I need to take a shower and move my stuff anyways.’
Drake nods, stroking her hair. ‘Wanna join me in the shower?’
She acquiesces enthusiastically.
After showering, she stands in a towel in front of the mirror, brushing her rebellious curls and spraying rose water on her face. Drake gets into his jeans as quickly as he can and kisses her lips. ‘I’m gonna run to the supermarket to buy lunch before everyone else wakes up. I’ll see you later? I’ll bring croissants back for you guys, so don’t make anything, ok?’
‘You’re the best, thank you!’
He really is. Amara hopes that things don’t change too much from the bliss that she’s been feeling for the past two days, but she doubts her wish will come true. She already feels stressed out about Liam’s upcoming visit, and it’s not even an official courtly one. She’s already scanning the cabin in her head, to make sure nothing incriminating lies anywhere.
Once dressed in a casual outfit --light-wash skinny jeans and a yellow blouse--, Amara goes downstairs and puts the coffee pot on. Hana is already in the backyard, reading a novel.
‘Hi Amara!’ she waves.
‘Hey hun, I’m making coffee. Want some?’
‘Sure,’ Hana replies enthusiastically. ‘I saw Drake leave a while ago, he’ll be back with breakfast.’
Amara waits until the coffee has brewed and pours two cups, with a dash of milk.
‘Thanks,’ Hana says. ‘Did you pack? You should put your stuff in the master, we’ll say you slept with me, and Max on the couch.’
Amara nods. She loves that Hana has thought of everything. ‘Thank you. I was gonna ask if you mind lying a little…’
‘Of course not. We don’t want to raise suspicions, not now.’
Amara takes a big sip, pauses a bit, and says, ‘Hana, do you think we’re fooling ourselves? Liv is right, Liam will be furious however we announce it.’
Hana gives her a reassuring smile, and somehow, Amara already feels soothed. ‘Liv is hurting right now, she’s lost and she sees everything in a negative light. I think you and Drake are doing what you can. If the timing is right, if you wait until Liam has proposed to someone, and has moved on, you could always fudge the details and say you guys fell in love after the Decision Ball.’
‘You’re right. But...what if we don’t pull it off? What if someone rats us out before that?’
‘I understand the fear, believe me. Given everything that’s happened, it’s legitimate. But you can’t live in fear, honey. You’ve already lived the past two years punishing yourself for something you didn’t cause. You need to let yourself be happy.’
Amara swallows hard. She and Hana had many heart-to-hearts in the past few weeks, ever since she’d told her all about Sergio. Hana had been an excellent listener, and an even better hugger, but had never expressed any judgment or given her opinion on Amara’s past. This was the first time she had said something like that. ‘Funny,’ Amara smiles, ‘you’re not the only one who’s been telling me this, lately. My dad, Drake, Max, even Liv…’
Hana smirks, ‘Well maybe we’re all onto something. Obviously, you can’t announce your relationship to everyone right now. Liam and Drake’s friendship would not survive. But even in secret, for now, maybe you could find a way to stop feeling guilty. To stop fearing.’
‘Good Lord, woman,’ Amara whispers, ‘you’re so wise. It’s exhausting, really.’
Hana laughs heartily. ‘Oh well, I try, but I can only apply my wisdom to other people’s problems.’
Amara grabs her friend’s hand. ‘I’ve been thinking about what you said yesterday, about Caroline. You should reach out to her. Explain to her what you said to us, about timing, about being ready. Maybe she’ll understand. It’s worth a shot, right?’
Hana smiles wistfully. ‘It definitely is.’
‘Morning my little blossoms!’ Maxwell kisses Hana’s and Amara’s cheeks. ‘How did you sleep?’
‘Great,’ Amara says. ‘Help yourself to coffee, Max, there’s plenty. Has anyone seen Olivia?’
Max shakes his head, all the while pouring himself a cup, to which he adds about four spoonfuls of sugar. ‘No, not yet. Hope she’s alright.’
As if on cue, Olivia comes down the stairs, looking more relaxed than the day before. ‘Morning guys,’ she says softly.
‘Hey Liv, how did you sleep?’ Max asks.
‘I um…’ she scratches her head and grabs a cup of coffee. ‘I actually slept really well. I’m sure it was Suarez’s margaritas.’
‘Or it could be the peace and quiet,’ Amara chimes in.
‘Yeah yeah, nature is fucking adorable,’ Liv replies.
All five of them are still sitting outside, enjoying their coffee and croissants, in the sun. Drake bought something easy for lunch, he will just have to assemble the salad, and grill the steaks at the last minute. They will have ice cream for dessert.
The croissants he brought back were a hit, although he wishes he had had more time to make them himself. On second thought, he is glad he spent that time in bed and in the shower with Amara instead.
There is a knock on the door, and when Drake looks at his watch, he sees that it’s only eleven. Could it be Liam already? ‘I’ll get it,’ he says before getting up.
‘Good morning, Drake,’ Bertrand says, an awkward smile on his face.
‘Hi Bertrand, welcome!’ Drake responds, opening his arms for a hug.
Bertrand, visibly taken aback by the gesture, hesitates before walking into Drake’s hug. ‘Thank you for having me. I hope I’m not too early, I just, um…’
‘No, not at all, come have a coffee with us, we’re outside.’
He walks in, and Drake notices that he is wearing a black shirt, and a vest with little embroidered horses on it. Drake has to fight a smile. Bertrand probably thought that coming to the countryside warranted a horse-themed outfit. Thankfully, he didn’t break out the riding boots, just some boat shoes.
‘Hello everyone,’ Bertrand says awkwardly. It occurs to Drake that he had never really been included in any of their private get-togethers, besides the Beaumont Bashes. Drake feels bad. Although he doesn’t know it yet, this man is the father of his nephew, they should be closer.
‘Hi Bertrand, good to see you!’ Amara says, as she gets up and gives him a hug.
‘Oh, um, hello, yes, um, good to see you too, Amara,’ he mumbles, patting her back like he’s trying to burp her.
‘Do you take milk or sugar?’ Hana asks.
‘Um, no, I take it black, thank you, Hana, you’re very kind.’ He takes the cup. ‘Before we sit down, I wanted to make sure that everything is in order. I mean um, Amara, did you think of removing all evidence that um… that you were staying…’ He rubs his neck, obviously unsure of how to say what he wants to say in an appropriate manner.
Amara sees his struggle and interrupts. ‘Yes, thank you for thinking of this, Bertrand. I removed my belongings from Drake’s room and transferred them to Hana’s. Also, I wanted to apologize. For keeping you in the dark.’
He waves her off. ‘Please. There was a clear conflict of interest. You couldn’t possibly tell me, when I was so eager to push you on Prince Liam. But um… for what it’s worth, I am happy for you both. Love is precious and should not be apologized for.’
Drake’s eyes widen. Did Bertrand just say something adorable? Well fuck. ‘Thanks, man, we appreciate it. We heard you had our backs yesterday, thank you for that too.’
‘Oh,’ Bertrand mumbles again, ‘it was nothing.’
Liam looks at his watch. He’ll be right on time for lunch at Drake’s. He decided to drive himself, to clear his head. Bastien had begged him not to, but he needed to be alone on this drive. He needed to feel normal.
Nothing feels normal. His best friend is acting weird and distant --although he hopes that today’s lunch will reinstate things. Olivia is banging her bodyguard and refusing to talk to him. Amara, the woman he’d been dreaming of, has made it clear she does not want him. Madeleine keeps pushing and pushing.
He thinks back of their encounter, just this morning, in the gardens. He was taking a stroll, coffee in hand, before leaving for Portavira, and she was obviously looking for him. After they exchanged pleasantries, she squeezed his arm, and lingered for a little too long. Then, like clockwork, his father called him into his study and asked him to give Madeleine a chance. He can bet that Madeleine went crying to her aunt Regina as soon as Liam was dismissive of her. According to Constantine, she is the best contender and Liam has not even considered her.  
His eyes on the road, his hands firmly on the steering wheel, Liam tries to clear his head. It feels good to drive himself. But really, he can’t relax, not properly anyways. All he can think of is how weak his father looked, this morning, in his study. So small in his chair. Liam wonders how much weight he’s lost. How much time he has left.
He can’t stop thinking about what his father told him. Consider the good of Cordonia. Don’t give the kingdom to a stranger, or to a hotheaded woman who fornicates with the help. The kingdom needs stability, and Madeleine is stable.
Is she, though? What she pulled the other night in his study was definitely a little crazy. Leo has warned him that she is way more harmful than she looks.
What are his options? Olivia is shutting him out and banging other people. Amara says she doesn’t love him, but maybe she could learn to? Or, maybe she could just be his companion, and… No, she won’t accept. He’s pretty sure she wouldn’t accept.
But then what, at the end of the week he chooses someone, and he never sees Amara again? That’s no good either. There has to be a solution.
‘Shit,’ he swerves, almost hitting a hedgehog trying to cross the road. Damn, he thinks. He really is distracted.
There’s still Kiara and Penelope. Are they contenders? Not sure if Penelope has it in her to be queen. Kiara, he sees her as more of a noblewoman doubled as a diplomat. He would definitely get her to be a part of his council, but marry her? No. His father is not a fan either, he doesn’t think she’s a leader.
‘This is a clusterfuck,’ he mumbles to himself. In five days, the Decision Ball will be upon him, and he is very far from having made a decision.
He turns onto the small road leading up to the cabin. He hasn’t been here in a while. Last time was months ago, when he needed to unplug after his brother abdicated. Drake had offered to have a weekend at the cabin together, just them guys. Max had joined for one evening. That was probably Liam’s last memory of normalcy.
Here he is, pulling up to the cabin. He parks near Bertrand’s car and lets himself out of his own. From the backseat, he grabs the apple pie and white wine bottle that he brought despite Drake’s request not to bring anything.
He knocks, weirdly anxious.
‘Hey,’ Drake says, opening the door. ‘I told you not to bring anything.’
He wraps him in a bear hug, and Liam lets out an imperceptible sigh of relief. ‘You knew I would.’
‘Heh, I did. Come on in. Everyone’s here already.’
And here they are. The Beaumonts, Hana, Liv, and Amara, all out in the backyard, joking around and having coffee.
‘Liam!’ Hana notices him. ‘So good to see you!’
She approaches him and gives him a warm hug. Liam is grateful for the enthusiasm. Everyone else greets him, Bertrand with a handshake, Max with a huge hug, and Amara with a quick one. Upon touching her skin, Liam’s heart flutters. He’ll have to shut it down really quickly if he doesn’t want to make everything awkward.
Only Liv has not gotten up from her chair outside. ‘Liv, hi, how are you?’ Liam risks.
‘Liam. I’m good, how are you?’
Her tone is cold as ice. Still no improvement from their last interaction. She’s not even meeting his eye. Is she embarrassed about the bodyguard? Is she angry with him for not standing up for her more? He has no idea. What he sees is resentment, and he has never seen that from her before.
‘Alright,’ Drake says, ‘let’s have some food!’
Amara is pleasantly surprised with the free-flowing conversation. She thought Liam’s arrival would put a damper on things, and it has, to some extent, but his company is pleasant today, he’s not being weird, except for when she hugged him hello and he lingered. But if that’s her only problem, she’ll be fine.
She has to watch herself, though. Be cool, Suarez, she thinks. She made a point to sit farther from Drake than she usually does. She is between Hana and Maxwell, which feels natural, but also prevents her from reflexively taking Drake’s hand for everyone to see.
They try not to interact too much, but still let themselves joke around with each other in reaction to Max’s antics, or Liv’s badassery. It feels restrained, but natural nonetheless. Liam knows they’re ‘friends,’ he probably even thinks they’re close, especially since Drake defended her against Tariq and stood up for her when Liam was inappropriate.
‘Oh, so you were all here last night?’ Liam asks, when Drake makes a reference to last night’s dinner.
‘Yeah,’ Max quickly responds, ‘except for Bertrand who had business to conduct. But I took Hana, Amara and Liv here. It seemed like a good opportunity to blow off steam and hang out!’
Amara holds her breath. She can see on Liam’s face that he has FOMO. Before he arrived, they agreed that they wouldn’t hide that they’d all spent the night, especially since they’d have to take their luggage back and bring it to Penelope’s estate. But still, his reaction was somewhat worrying.
Drake’s eyes meet hers, and he chimes in. ‘It was a spur of the moment kinda thing. I know you had meetings. But next time--’
Liam waves him off. ‘Of course! I wish I could have been there, but I could barely free up these few hours this morning, can you imagine the uproar if I’d left court last night?’
He plasters on the fake smile that Amara hates so much. She knows she has to change the subject. ‘So how are things at court? Is everyone behaving without us?’
Liam drops the façade and takes a deep breath. Shit, Amara thinks. Maybe it wasn’t the right way to divert the conversation. ‘Well,’ Liam begins, ‘it’s definitely been quiet. Kiara and Penelope spend most of their time together, although I had a very pleasant one-on-one with Kiara. But um…’ He pauses and scans everyone’s faces. ‘Madeleine is acting a bit...suspicious. Can I be blunt?’
Drake nods. ‘Go ahead. We’re steel traps.’
‘She showed up in my study the other night, clearly trying to seduce me, and when I rejected her, I could tell that she was really pissed off. I’m convinced that she’s involved in the...pictures.’ Liv looks away, and Liam continues. ‘I’m waiting on some more reports from security. Bastien is on the case, looking for clues.’
Amara turns to Drake, and they make brief eye contact. They both know that putting Bastien on the case will do nothing. And yet, they both have zero interest in speaking up about him, because he’s the only reason why no one has found out about their relationship yet.
Hana senses the tension and chimes in. ‘I think there’s nothing more you can do, Liam. Amara has tried to investigate. The phone used to send out my picture was a burner, linked to no one. The envelopes are untraceable for now. There’s just not enough to go off of. All you can do now is keep being a reassuring presence.’
Liam nods. ‘You’re right. I just want this madness to stop. If Madeleine is involved…’ he interrupts himself and glances at Amara. She knows what he wants to say. But he stops in his tracks, probably not wanting to offend her or freak her out.
So, Amara says what they’re all thinking. ‘If she’s involved, I’ll be the next target.’
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jj-ktae · 6 years
Erotica - Part 2 - (M)
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Pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader Genre: SMUT Summary: You’re a rookie porn actress on the rise and everything goes well until you get offered a role in a big-budget porn movie, starring the most famous actor in the porn industry. Words: 4460 Warning: Read at your own risk
- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Epilogue -
Part 2
The first day of filming ends the same way it started: cold. Jaebum doesn’t even talk to you when the director yells for the last time that day but it doesn’t annoy you.
You’d rather fuck yourself with sandpaper than become social with that cocky bastard. 
You’re grateful though, he doesn’t tease you as he gets out of bed, and simply grabs the bathrobe his manager hands him, before escaping the place.
He must feel so embarrassed for being whiny and asking to come like a virgin.
You chuckle victoriously when you arrive home.
After all, that Jaebum guy is just a plain, weak guy.
You find it hard to fall asleep, later that day. Your mother called you and you had to lie, like you’ve been doing for the last year. She thinks you’re a waitress, but never does she ask about details, merely asking if it’s going well.
You always assure her that everything is alright, and she feels happy when she hangs up, begging you to take care of yourself and not kill yourself with work. Sometimes, you’re glad your father is not around anymore to see what you became.
You wouldn’t bear to be a disgrace to him.
When you wake up, you want nothing more than go back to sleep.
“So, today is about tenderness.” The director has the same stupid grin on his face, and you grunt when he starts explaining what he would like you to do. Jaebum nods from the side while a hairdresser is fixing the back of his already messy hair.
Also, his mouth is full of food.
You’re not in the mood for that, you don’t want to fuck with that guy again. It’s bad enough that you’re working as a porn actress.
It’s not like you don’t want it. No one forced you to do this, after all. It’s just that it’s easier to get money, and less painful than work as a waitress, which you tried already.
Funny enough, the sex industry in more respectful than most bars and nightclubs, and even though you couldn’t say you feel proud with your occupation, you somehow feel happy that you can earn money without working your ass off – no pun intended – and around people who take care of you.
Too bad your first big movie happens to be with the biggest jerk of all time.
“If you’re all ready, we’ll start in thirty minutes!” the director claps and starts giving instructions to the crew, while Jaebum turns around and leave the room, still followed by the hairdresser.
“Let’s go, Miss Y/N.” Your own staff nudges you gently toward the studio, claiming you need your makeup to be fixed before it’s time to start.
You sit back in front of the mirror and they are quick to work on you, tiny hands reaching for your face every now and then.
Jaebum is right next to you, focused on his phone while they add makeup on his undisturbed face.
You ignore him, not even glancing his way and focusing on the last minutes of preparation. You laugh when the makeup artist adds powder to your neck, claiming it tickled and they giggle back at you, looking so cute you wonder how they can work in the sex industry.
Once everything is done, you have only little time before it starts so you hurry to your dressing room, sighing to yourself.
“Can you stop being so childish?”
Jaebum’s voice makes you stop dead in your track, a hand still on the doorway. Did he just say what you think he said?
“Excuse me?” Only your head turns to meet the back his own, and you notice he isn’t even looking at you, too focused on playing on his phone.
“Be professional.” He adds and finally lifts his gaze. You’re greeted by his bored face, and his eyes are nothing but threatening.
Seriously, what’s wrong with him?
“I am professional.” You have nothing to say back to him. You know by now that he hates you, so there’s nothing you could say that would make him change his mind.
“It’s not a game. If you think we are all playing, then get the fuck out of here. You’re barely listening when the director speaks, you talk to the staff like they are your friends and you’re not involved in anything concerning that movie.” Jaebum gets up and almost throws his phone on the table, his hands reaching for his hips in a scolding manner. “Not everyone here came to play.”
You can’t believe it. Jaebum is throwing a fit because you don’t act the way he wants you to? “Think whatever you want, I honestly couldn’t care less of your opinion. Hate me all day and night.” You offer a fake smile, feeling proud for being responsible of the reaction Jaebum is giving you.
His jaw is so clenched it could break nuts.
“It has nothing to do with me hating you, no matter how much I do. I just find it unbelievable that I have to film with a spoiled brat who most probably got raised in a wealthy family and finds pleasure in doing something her parents would disinherit her for.” Jaebum voice gets lower and lower as he speaks, and you can see he finds pleasure in spitting this to your face.
But he doesn’t except you to react the way you do.
You don’t care about what he thinks of you, but you can’t accept the fact that he would talk about your personal life so carelessly. He has no idea how you grew up, he knows nothing about your past struggles, why you’re a porn actress, heck he doesn’t even know if you have parents. You hate it, you hate the fact that he would be so mean for basically no reason, just because he hates you.
“Listen, you can think whatever you want but don’t ever talk about my parents. Don’t you dare assume anything about them, understood?” Your face turns red from anger.
There’s only one thing you don’t play with and Jaebum so just happened to touch that thing with his dirty hands.
Jaebum smirks, and his shoulders shake from the annoying gesture, “Oh, maybe they already disinherited you? Is it why it hurts? This is the only thing you found so you could survive in this world? Easy money, right?” he adds and you take a deep breath.
Don’t, don’t go and slap him. He isn’t worth it.
You shake your head and don’t even understand why your throat is so clenched. Are you about to cry? He doesn’t even deserve you looking at his pathetic existence. 
“Since you desperately want to know: No, my family is not wealthy at all and the only thing I would inherit of are debts. I’m sorry if I’m breaking the wonderful picture you had drawn of my family, but it’s only me and my mother, because my father died when I was barely a teenager. And of course it’s easy money, you dumbass.”
You’re about to go but then the thought hits you, and you turn around, ready to roar at him. “Why would I even become a porn star in the first place if not for my mother who needs my fucking money to survive? Do you even do this because you want to? You’re even sicker than I thought. Don’t ever talk to me again.” You finally give up and go to your dressing room, your heart beating so fast it almost hurts.
You can’t believe your luck.
You don’t get how you end up being hated by this guy and the thought is very troubling because you wanted this to work well. You were stressed already by the fact that it was your first big movie, but no, god wants you to suffer.
You’re supposed to be asleep, wearing only a tank top and thin black cotton panties. You’re laying by your side when the director yells.
You stay on your side, focused on ignoring Jaebum who is behind you. The briefing earlier talked about tenderness and simplicity, but you’re not into it. You don’t want to touch the body of a guy who wouldn’t hesitate to hate on you for no obvious reason.
If he doesn’t want to film with you, then he can quit. He is a big name in the industry, after all. It’s funny because the day before, while he was about to cum, you saw what you thought was his genuine side, the one that is normal and asking for things nicely. You truly thought he was just acting tough, but it turns out he is a real jerk.
You feel a body stick to your back but don’t move, eyes closed. You hear him breathe behind you, his chest warm and naked against your back.
His face comes next and kisses your nape, his lips moist and tingling. You stir because you have to act like it wakes you up, but you want nothing more but escape from here.
His arm slowly circles your waist and pulls you even closer, until your whole body is stuck to his. His hand lifts your tank-top and his fingers starts playing with the skin of your sides and belly, lazily brushing and earning a shiver from you.
At some point, you’re supposed to turn your head, you’re even supposed to react to what he does, but your mind is off. You hate him and can’t even act like you want him.
Jaebum feels it. He isn’t stupid, he knows you will give him the hardest time because he went too harsh on you.
After all, he brought this upon himself.
He stills tries though, he goes ever so slowly when he lifts the sheets to reveal your bodies, and he gently adds pressure when his fingers go to your thigh, drawing circles.
He buries his face in your neck, and you barely lift your head to leave some room for him to peck the skin. You don’t want him to even touch you, but the better you do this, the fastest it’ll be over.
You look at the wall in front of you and fake a contented sigh, lips slightly parted and eyelids fluttering. Jaebum thrusts his pelvis against your butt way too obviously, and you feel the cameraman’s knee dip on the bed to get a better view.
“I want you.” You hear him shudder against you but you want to snort and punch his face. Can he just fuck you and leave? You glance discreetly at the director who is nodding slightly, eyes focused and lips pursed. He doesn’t want a pointless sex session and it’s the first time in your life you’d rather have someone pound into you than make love to your body.
You don’t answer Jaebum. You let him hang on an answer that never comes, pelvis softly rubbing your buttocks and tongue out to taste your skin. You don’t feel him get angry or annoyed, and it’s surprising, considering his temper.
Instead, he hugs you closer to him and pulls on your panties. His hand is extremely hot, just like his feet and when he rubs them against yours, it feels better than any cunnilingus. You lazily help him and lift your pelvis, leaving some room for the underwear to disappear between the cream-colored sheets.
You don’t oppose to his ministrations. He is supposed to take the lead so you lay like a dead weight, your arms not even touching him back.
He lifts your leg and settles his hand at the back of your knee to keep it up. You almost yelp, not expecting him to go for that sort of position. His other hand slips in between your side and the mattress, making it easier for him stick your body close to his and have a free hand. You find yourself leaning against him, your tank-top now lifted all the way to your breast, your pussy exposed to everyone and somehow, it’s becoming embarrassing.
The cameraman runs to zoom on Jaebum’s free hand, now struggling to reach your breasts and it stops, pinching the tender skin.
He doesn’t reach for your core, yet he is already hard, and you wonder how he can be aroused when you’re showing no interest.
You’re as dry as a desert.
And Jaebum feels it as soon as he reaches down. His fingers brush ever so slowly against your skin, caressing your pussy lips and stopping to press on your clit. He goes on for five minutes and if it isn’t for his dick rubbing between your ass-cheeks and leaking of pre-cum, there would be no liquid to lubricate you.
He knows you’re not aroused, he knows why, that’s why he tries harder, determined to raise the temperature and earn at least one genuine moan from you.
You let him do the work, faking moans and needy grunts. Your voice is too high to be honest, your eyes are too focused to be clouded by pleasure, but you don’t care.
You’re simply not feeling this.
When Jaebum gets tired and feels you won’t even try to lift your leg by yourself, he almost gives up. Being professional is part of the job and if you can’t even put aside your little fight, then you might as well quit.
Yet he doesn’t get mad and sighs, hoping it would sound like he is loving what he is doing. He buries his face in your neck again and before he can think about it too much, he speaks.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers, licking the skin and glancing sideways to see if someone heard him. Maybe he went too far. He could admit it. It’s not like he is a mean person and he totally blames it on his strong sense of responsibility. Maybe bringing your family up in the story hadn’t been is most clever move.
You hear him. Jaebum apologies at the worst moment he can find to do so but he does. You roll your eyes inwardly, not falling for it and deciding not to play along.
A second later, Jaebum fills you up from behind.
You gasp, surprised. He goes in so slowly it tickles, his skin so hot it burns your insides. He stops when he can’t go deeper and considering the position, you wonder if he could even go deeper anyways. Your hand instantly grabs his own who is now resting against your tummy as you feel him smile against you skin.
And you have no idea if he is being cocky or just relieved that you’re finally reacting.
You really don’t want to react. You don’t want to give him a reason to be arrogant later, but he starts moving out and you shudder unconsciously.
Why are you so sensitive today?
His tip almost goes out of you but he pushes back in, the pace agonizingly slow. You think it’s because of the position and the inclination of the thrusts, but you don’t have the time to analyse the situation, because he goes a tad faster and it is pure bliss.
You moan because it scrapes your walls and sends waves of pleasure to your body, making your shiver. Goosebumps appear on your skin, hair standing on end all over your arms and back.
“Ah…Just…” You can’t help but shiver agains. It’s not going the way you planned it and even Jaebum is surprised to see you so reactive suddenly.  
He isn’t about to complain, though. “Hmm..?” he hums, taking away his hand from behind your knee. “More…?” his voice is too velvety for your taste, and too sweet compared to what he can spit to your face but you don’t even care, he is increasing his pace and you bit your lip not to moan again.
Jaebum didn’t know he would love this. He isn’t a huge fan of soft love-making, and doesn’t know how to be tender when it comes to acting, yet he keeps on hitting the deepest parts of you, his penis pulsating and tip leaking every time he pulls away.
You lift your leg even more and thrust back, head thrown back in pleasure. The cameraman is filming your face, and this is exactly what the director wants when you moan, breathless.
Jaebum seizes the moment, his hand reaching for your face to grab your chin. He turns your head, cautious not the twist your neck and when you open your eyes, you barely have a second to see him.
He kisses you so fast you can’t react. He slows his pace but stays inside you and you contract around his penis painfully, earning a guttural groan from him. You swallow his every sound, not the least bothered by the kiss and forgetting about your previous promise to ignore him.
He might be a jerk, but he knows how to use his body. You hate him even more.
His tongue slightly rubs against your lips, and a second later he is biting it, sucking the flesh and moaning when he fastens his pace.
Your body is all twisted and your leg is becoming numb but it’s nothing compared to the way you’re coating him with endless layers of juice, earning dirty sounds from the friction and arousing you more than it should.
When your leg starts trembling, Jaebum knows he needs to do something. He thinks about it for a minute, but it’s suddenly hard to think, hard to focus on the next position when your sucking on his lip.
He should stop saying you’re just some rookie actress. You know things.
He stops the kiss and smirks softly, not eager to pull out of you. He still does it, whining almost inaudibly when his cock hits the way too cold air.
He finally has an idea. A brilliant one.
You wait for him to move and when he sits, you act like you know what he is about to do even though you have no idea what’s next. You don’t even try to do something; afraid he would reject the idea anyways.
It’s only when he lays the opposite way that you start to get what he is trying to do.
“Turn around, babe.” He whispers, caressing your leg and kissing your calf, “let me eat you out.”
Oh, that was unexpected.
You turn around, sliding down on the bed so he can reach your pussy and he wastes no time and dives right into it, or so to speak.
You whimper when his lips reach your skin. He doesn’t go full force yet, merely kissing your skin and licking his way up to your butt, biting one of your cheeks. He hums like he is having his last meal, and you unconsciously move your pelvis, eager to feel more and almost forgetting what your own task is.
It’s standing proudly right in front of your face, dangerous and shiny and red with patches of white essence. You grab it in the middle of your moans and start jerking it, licking your lips to emphasize your point when you see the cameraman come closer.
“Just like that, touch me…” Jaebum begs between licks and sighs, before going back to his task, burying his whole face into your core and thrusting his tongue into your widened hole.
You pant, ears on fire and face sweaty. You won’t last long and you both need to cum at the same time, because the director says it “sends the viewer a sense of connection”.
So you grab his penis with more force and lick it from base to tip, tongue flat and soft against him. You feel him tense around you, his voice signalling he is enjoying the attention very much.
You lick it for a long time before you decide he must cum. With the sudden position, you understand it is going to be either cum in your face or in your mouth, but you decide to go for the second option, mostly because you can’t give him the satisfaction of being covered in body fluids.
Jaebum doesn’t even care anymore, and is already sneaking two fingers into you, taking them out to lick them when the cameraman focus on him.
He spanks you lovingly a couple of times, gripping your buttocks and pushing your pelvis against his face and he wonders why he even decided to go for that position when he barely had anyone cum in his mouth in his whole career.
Yet, you’re moaning against his dick and it’s like a human vibrator. He will never say no to such a feeling, even though it must be horniness thinking for him right now.
No one talks, and it’s a mess of moans and suction sounds when you suck him harder. You purse your lips as much as you can, your free hand wandering all over his stomach. Your nails trace down from his chest to his abs, and start to play with his happy trail, making him move away from your teasing.
So the mighty Im Jaebum is ticklish?
You go down until you reach his balls and Jaebum knows he will lose it when you’ll start playing with them. Your hand is so warm, so soft, so sweet against his thin skin, he needs just a little push, just one good suck and he will-
“I’m...wait…” You whisper before he can tell you he is about to come, and he thanks all the gods that you’re also about to reach your climax.
He doesn’t have to beg this time.
“Me too..” He says, surprising himself for being able to talk when his lips are attached to your pussy.
You sigh, happy to let go and ready to be filled.
He cums a second before you, and you’re shocked to see that it arouses you even more, triggering your own orgasm and making you jerk violently against him. He grips you tighter, focusing on his own climax but still eager to give you more.
He laps everything he can, rubbing his face until his chin is as slippery as a soap and the feeling is not as bad as he remembered.
You swallow at the same time, trying not to choke because it needs to stay gracious and sensual.
When you’re done Jaebum even licks you clean, earning sounds of protestation from the over-stimulation. Your head finds the mattress again and you’re exhausted.
You expect a yell from the director, but everything goes silent, and you’re clueless as to what you have to do now.
Jaebum sits after a while, whipping his chin. He glances at you and when he sees you, eyes closed and looking satisfied, he smiles.
So much for ignoring him.
The director moves his hands in the air because he needs a sweet ending, so Jaebum gives him what he wants and lays back beside you, pulling on your body so you lay on top of him.
He grabs your face and you open your eyes, blinking.
“You’re beautiful.”
He kisses you right when the director yells.
“He isn’t that bad, come on.” Your manager rolls his eyes when you tell him you can’t stand Jaebum. You barely got out of the shower and he is already talking about your next scene like he secretly likes it.
“He is. He is an arrogant and mean jerk.” You state, putting your clothes on. You grab your bag when you’re done and start walking out of the studio, followed by the man who is now laughing.
“I don’t remember you being so loud during the last scenes you filmed…did you actually liked it and hate him for that?” He teased, bumping his shoulder with yours.
You scoff, bewildered. “Excuse me? You talked about passion, I’m giving you passion! Feel good? His dick is ridiculous.” You snort, not ready to admit he just made you go blind with pleasure.
“If you say so…” the manager shrugs, before turning away, “I need to give your schedule to the director, you can go first. Rest well.” He pats your shoulder and runs back inside, hands full of papers.
You nod and yawn, hoping you’d grab a taxi fast enough for you to be in bed in the next thirty minutes.
The weather is cool, and thankfully the streets are not empty. The studio is far from everything else and you don’t mind, after all.
“Waiting for a taxi?” The voice makes you turn around, not expecting to have someone right behind you.
Jaebum looks is usual arrogant self. He is wearing way too large clothes and a black cap and he looks way softer than when he is in the studio.
You simply nod, ready to give him the cold shoulder. You can’t hold a conversation with this guy without fighting, so why would he even try to talk to you? He hates you, after all.
“I thought you accepted my apology.” He says quietly, eyes scanning for the road, but no taxi is coming around yet. “But you’re still mad at me.” He states, tone neither mad nor sad.
“I said don’t talk to me.” You say, looking away and seriously thinking about walking back home.
“And I said I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have talked about your personal life, it’s none of my business.” He adds looking at you even though you’re trying hard not to face him.
“That’s true, it’s none of your business. Now if you’ll excuse me, I don’t feel like staying with a guy who enjoys doing porn movies for fun. I hate pervs.” You say next, but Jaebum only laughs, a hand reaching for his mouth and he suddenly looks like a kid.
“You’re unbelievable, who said I was doing this for fun? And what if I am enjoying? Some people do love sex, you know. It’s better than molest others.”  Jaebum isn’t offended, he even looks amused.
You ponder, suddenly in the mood to make fun of him. “True. Creeps don’t beg to cum, right?”
Jaebum shrugs, nodding. “Exactly. I was waiting for that one, by the way.” He admits.
He doesn’t mind being teased and it’s so unlike what you’ve seen of him so far. You thought he was untouchable, the type of guy who couldn’t stand anyone talking bad about him.
He actually sounds rather chill.
Jaebum walks before you and stops, observing your face. “The creep is going back home, thanks for the nice chit-chat.” He mocks, way too amused.
You simply nod, forgetting about your previous promise to ignore him until you die. “Bye.” You try to sound indifferent, and Jaebum smirks, annoying you with a smile that proves he can’t be affected by anything you say.
“Bye, rookie.” He waves and walks away, catching a taxi on the way and pointing toward you so the car can stop at your level.
That guy must be crazy.
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vatrixsta · 5 years
Pierced (2/?)
Siiiiigh all of your lovely comments on part 1 have forced me into this course I wanted to take anyway and I just hope you’re proud of yourself. Shout out to @csmarchmadness for the always handy gun to the head - all the ladies there are awesome and I enjoy stalking their conversations when I finally get online again at my obscene times of day and night. :D I’m going to try to update this with some regularity, so I hope you enjoy! And we’re off. 
Also on AO3
Emma had to cancel this date that was absolutely not a date.
There was just no possible way it was a good idea, date or no date. Not only were his eyes too blue and his smile too bright and his hands too… perfect when they touched hers, but she wouldn’t even be able to ruin it quickly by sleeping with him too fast because of the fucking piercing she gave him.
She was feeding Henry an incredibly nutritious dinner of Spaghettios and carrot sticks (he was going through a phase where he hated basically everything and at least she was still getting carrot sticks past his rapidly shrinking palette) when she realized that she didn’t actually have Killian’s number and would have to figure something out tomorrow, maybe ask Ruby to run interference. Except Ruby wouldn’t, the whore, because she wanted Emma to make nice with the Sex God.
She was making sure Henry took a bath (six year old boys would pay almost any price to continue smelling like street urchins, she’d found) when it occurred to her that despite his flirtations, it was possible he didn’t intend for it to be a date. Maybe he really did just want her to design a tattoo for him and he was pleased with her professionalism and artwork. God that would be embarrassing, if she told him she couldn’t go out with him and he basically responded with, who asked you?
She was halfway through reading Henry his favorite book of fairy tales when she realized all the princes (and a few of the pirates) suddenly had blue eyes and British accents in her head and you know what, that’s enough for tonight, Henry, light’s out and I’ll see you in the morning, love bug.
She was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, when she remembered he’d had to fill out the consent form for the procedure and would have had to put his number on there. If she got to work early enough, she could go into the client files she wasn’t supposed to snoop in unless an actual emergency occurred and tell him she was dying or moving to Yemen or anything that would stop this train before it ran straight over her heart.
She was waking up with a groan and Henry’s knee connecting with her pelvis when she realized that the idea of canceling this date that was definitely, absolutely not a date actually bummed her out. It was lunch and he was nice. She could design a tattoo for him -- he’d tipped her extremely well for the piercing -- and maybe finally be able to afford that new video game console upgrade Henry had been not so subtly hinting at for Christmas, which meant there were only fifty-two more shopping days until Black Friday.
She was walking Henry to the school bus, teasing him about the crush he had on a little blonde girl his age that he swore was not a crush at all, that they were going to be best friends forever and she just wanted to kiss his his precious little cheek so she did, glad that he only scrunched his face a little in distaste, when she seriously considered that she might be losing her mind. It wasn’t normal to think about someone you’d just met this much, to obsess over a virtual stranger (if you could consider someone whose cock you’d pierced with a 12 gauge barbell a stranger) to this degree. She definitely, absolutely had to cancel.
“His paperwork? Oh, yeah, I threw it out. I was drinking coffee while I filed last night and, well. Oopsie.”
Fucking Ruby.
Sending her friend and boss a glare that clearly communicated I do not believe you, you lying whore and glaring harder when Ruby’s unrepentant grin widened, Emma left the back office area and stomped over to her station for the only therapeutic option left to her: sketching.
The small notebook she used was the ninth of its kind since she’d started working at Red, White and Tattoo. She kept them all, tucked behind her little book of cocks, as Killian had referred to it (OHMYGOD STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM!!!) and filled with some sketches that had turned into elaborate pieces that decorated backs and wrists and ankles and every other body part conceivable to little half finished works she’d never fully cracked. There were also incredibly personal drawings she’d asked Ruby to ink on her own skin -- Emma had done the buttercup herself, but it was a process she’d rather not repeat.
Killian had said he’d be by to collect her at 12:30. It was currently 10:00 and Emma was praying someone would take advantage of the early bird special so she’d have something else to focus on.
After straightening up her station (twice) and sketching an elaborate oceanscape (she refused to actually color it; she knew the waves would match his eyes as well as her supplies could manage she did not need this fuckery) Emma was ready to crawl out of her skin, pissed at herself and Killian for getting her into this state. This was why she had her rules! This was why the last date she’d gone on had been a hit it and quit it one night stand with the dorky guy who’d sold them the front desk display case. That had been... three years ago? Oh, Christ. No wonder she was insane now.
Killian was thoughtfully fifteen minutes early, as he if he could sense his date was crawling out of her skin. He entered the shop with that wide, easy smile on his face and Emma forced a smile of her own that she hoped didn’t look too forced, because she didn’t want him to take her jittery mood personally even though it was 100% his fault.
Ushering them quickly out the door (she didn’t want to risk another embarrassing moment with Ruby playing the world’s most obvious matchmaker) Emma asked where they were eating.
“There’s a place I like to go, down by the water,” he said, adorably rubbing at the back of his right ear. “It’s probably the last of the nice weather for the year so I thought we could walk?”
“Sure,” Emma said, stuffing her hands in her pockets so she wouldn’t be tempted to do something stupid like reach for his.
They fell into a slightly awkward silence that actually should have been a lot more awkward, given they didn’t know each other too well.
“Robin - my partner? - he was shocked speechless I actually went through with it,” Killian said after a few quiet minutes.
“Are you following the after care instructions?” Emma said, probably a lot more sternly than was necessary.
“Yes, Mistress,” Killian teased.
Emma rolled her eyes. “You’d be surprised how many people blow it off,” she muttered. “An infected piercing is never fun. An infected genital piercing?”
“Emma, you have my word that I shall heed your every instruction,” he said, both teasing and serious at the same time. How did he do that?
They arrived at a seafood place Emma had been dying to try but always found other uses for her paycheck - luxuries like new winter boots for Henry and electricity.
“Um, this place is a little fancy,” she said, looking down at her work outfit of dark wash denim jeans, white tank top and red leather jacket.
Killian indicated his own attire - black jeans that were a little less tight than the ones he’d worn yesterday (a good sign he was obeying her instructions), a dark blue t-shirt and a black leather jacket of his own that looked more suited to riding a motorcycle than catching criminals, but what did she know?
“Casual dress at lunch,” he assured her. “To die for lobster rolls.”
Emma mentally calculated how much a lobster roll would set back her food budget as Killian placed his hand on her lower back and urged her into the restaurant.
She was going to have to make a rule about him not being allowed to touch her because her brain short circuited and she suddenly couldn’t recall what a budget was or how one accommodated for it.
They were seated at a table by the water and the view really was spectacular, the horizon a calming sight Emma was desperately in need of. Killian had good table manners (because of course he did), filling her water glass from the bottle their server left on the table before he attended to his own, confirming with her that the lobster roll sounded good (it really, really, really did) before ordering for them both. He added a pitcher of fresh blueberry lemonade for them to split, promising her it was not to be missed. Emma’s eyes bugged at the prices but she decided to give herself this afternoon with an unfairly attractive man who genuinely seemed to like her and wanted her to eat lobster rolls with him. There was plenty of time for reality to come crashing down when she couldn’t smell the sea and watch the flickers of sunlight play in Killian’s eyes the exact same way it did on the waves.
She tried this once, the dating someone new thing. Neal had pretty much decimated the part of her brain (and her heart) capable of trusting, but she thought, maybe there was a guy out there who’d remind her they weren’t all like Neal. (Never mind that she still remembered what it had been like at the start, her and him against the world, the mischievous flicker in Henry’s eyes reminding her that she could never really hate him the way she wanted to, because the best parts of him were like a gift every time she looked at her little boy.)
Once she got settled into work at the tattoo shop, she’d gone on a few dates, Ruby and Mulan eagerly offering to babysit toddler Henry. There had been five - maybe six? - guys total and every single one of them had been visibly deflated by the news that the hot 20-year-old blonde had a kid at home. Though the one she disliked the most had been the guy who’d feigned interest in Henry so he could sleep with her.
Emma realized that she really wasn’t looking forward to watching that disappointment cross Killian’s face. No one expected the hot (now 24) year old blonde who worked at the tattoo shop to have a kid. She suspected Killian was a little older than her (she’d have put him around 30 given his job and the slight laugh lines around his eyes) but she knew a single mom wasn’t exactly a highly sought dating prospect. She just felt shitty not telling him about Henry, when he was the best thing that had ever happened to her, just so she could, what? Enjoy a hot guy eating a lobster roll?
Yeah, okay, so maybe a little bit that. Besides, it wasn’t going to go anywhere. He didn’t need to know about her life because this was a friendly meal and she was supposed to be asking him about his tattoo not picturing him naked (and she could. From the waist down, at least, all dark hair and lean muscle and definitely a shower, not a grower--STOP IT EMMA) and nervously peeling a bread roll.
Emma blinked. “Sorry, what?”
Killian smiled, but it was a little forced. “I, uh, suppose you were woolgathering.”
Great and now she’d been so lost in her social anxiety that she’d completely missed him speaking to her. If this were a date, she’d have pretty much blown it.
“I don’t get much time out by the water,” she said a little lamely. “I don’t get much time out, period,” she added ruefully.
“Workaholic?” he asked.
“Sort of,” she hedged. She took a lot of shifts at work to earn enough money to keep her and Henry far from the poorhouse. Ruby’s grandmother lived in the same building and watched Henry after school most days. She also let him stay over when the shop stayed open late on the weekends. There was a little sleeping bag zone in back dubbed Henry’s corner that he’d filled with books and toys and the oldest of his handheld video games. “What about you?”
There, that was nice and sociable.
“I enjoy my work,” Killian said. “But I have other… priorities that keep me from the workaholic label. Which, I suppose, brings us nicely to the subject of this lunch.”
Right. Not a date. He wanted a tattoo and she’d broken Rule #2 for him.
She gave him a professional smile. “Tell me a little bit about what you’re looking for.”
His lips pursed in thought for a moment, then he shrugged. “I suppose that’s part of the problem. I know what I want it to convey and I know the meaning behind it, but I’m not sure I know what symbol will best represent it to permanently ink on my body.”
Her smile turned a little more personal, because she could relate. Her buttercup was easy - the other tattoos she’d had were a little less… on the nose and direct. It had taken her months to settle on them. “Why don’t we try this. Tell me why you want it and some of the ideas you’ve had and I’ll do my job to get you some sketches to narrow it down.”
He puffed his cheeks out like an adorable chipmunk with no idea how attractive it was. Damn it, she was so screwed.
“Brilliant.” He reached into a satchel and pulled out an old, battered copy of Peter Pan, then set it before her almost reverently.
“Okay,” she said slowly. “Big fan?”
His smile widened. “My brother and I read the tale a great deal during our childhood - he’s older, so some of my earliest memories are the little crush he always had on Wendy Darling.”
Emma laughed. “And you?”
Killian shrugged. “I’ve always preferred the company of real women.”
“Yeah, that’s just about what I’d figure you’d say,” she muttered. Damn chipmunk knew exactly how attractive he was.
“Though I confess, the last few years, there’s really only been the one woman in my life,” he added.
That confession definitely gave Emma pause. If he had a girlfriend -- a steady one at that -- it meant this was definitely just a business thing and she was suddenly mortified at the idea that she’d tried to call off a date that wasn’t even a date. That was what mortification felt like, right? That vice like grip around her heart that felt like disappointment and the death of some possibility, some flutter of perhaps when you met someone new?
“And is that lucky lady the other inspiration for the tattoo?” Emma asked, swallowing down the disappointment - because that was exactly what it was. She should have been used to it by now.
His smile didn’t widen - it glowed. Emma kind of wanted to vomit, which was perfect timing, because the lobster rolls were delivered by their efficient but discreet waiter. The blueberry lemonade was spectacular, too, damn the charming chipmunk who was obviously not available.
He’d said he was though, hadn’t he? When they’d been talking about his after care for the piercing? She could have sworn he’d said he didn’t have to worry about any sexual partners! She wasn’t so delusional that she’d made that up.
She was about to open her mouth and say something stupid and accusatory like how dare you get a single mom’s hopes up even though I’m not really interested because I’m an emotional cripple, but seriously how dare you sir - when his phone went off.
“Damn it,” he muttered as he stared down at a text. “I’m so sorry, it’s an emergency at work - please, enjoy the food and feel free to wrap mine up and take it with you.” He was waving the waiter down and scrolling through his phone. “Are you busy tomorrow night? A mate of mine is playing at a pub and I promised I’d go, but we can discuss this a bit more then. I’ll be much less likely to be called in at night, as well.” He shot her a charming grin and she was so dazzled that she forgot all her questions and simply rattled off her phone number. He responded by sending her two emojis, one that was lifting its eyebrow and the other giving her a cheesy grin.
Seriously, who the hell did he think he was?
Then he was gone and a few seconds later she got another text with an address and the time of 7:30, tomorrow night.
She was going to have to ask Granny to watch Henry, because apparently she was a total idiot for this guy. He’d left the copy of Peter Pan so at the very least she’d need to return it to him, since it meant so much.
When the waiter returned to ask if she’d like anything else, Emma had another moment of panic - she was going to have to pay for both of their lobster rolls. But when she said she’d only like to go containers and a check, the waiter said Killian had taken care of the bill on his way out.
Sneaky, multitasking little profiler - Emma took a grudging bite of her lobster roll, then couldn’t quite muffle an involuntary moan. It was amazing and she wasn’t above gloating a little that she would get to have his for dinner. He may have a girlfriend that was getting a loving and thoughtful tattoo out of him (even though she could have sworn he said he didn’t have one) but Emma could re-prioritize. She could enjoy spending some time with a very attractive man who was apparently willing to buy her delicious food in exchange for said time while she got to design a beautiful piece of art for him.
That was the definition of win-win.
So why did she feel vaguely shitty about the whole thing?
She texted him back anyway, with a thumbs up emoji. Then she started flipping through Peter Pan while she carefully kept her lobster roll hand separate from her page turning one.
Another text dinged on her phone. Killian - yes, she’d added him to her contacts, so what, shut up.
Great! Really sorry I had to run out on you - I should warn you, this does tend to happen a fair bit. So please don’t take it personally - you are as lovely and charming as a bloke could hope for and I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.
Seriously, who texted like that? Who had a right to be so thoughtful and flirty but not over the line flirty and perfect and apparently have a girlfriend even though he definitely said he did not have one?!
Emma took an angry bite of her lobster roll.
And responded with another thumbs up text.
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Tipping Point
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Captain America x Avenger!Reader
Featured Characters: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff
Summary: The reader and Steve have an unspoken connection between them but have never acted upon it. That is until Natasha gives the reader a little push.  
Warnings: Sexual tension, Teasing, Flirting, Innuendos, Buried Feelings, etc.
Notes: The reader is an Avenger that has been part of the team for two years now. This story takes place post Age of Ultron. She has extensive fight training but no special powers. 
Also, This is my story. I created a side blog but decided to just create a separate Tumblr account instead. Formerly known as Marvelous-musings. Enjoy! 
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*GIF Not Mine*
Ever since you joined the Avengers, there’s always been an unspoken connection. A connection between you and Steve Rogers. Captain America himself. From the minute you were recruited to the team, he appointed himself as your mentor. He took you under his wing and helped you assimilate within the close net family that consisted of Earth’s mightiest heroes. You held a tremendous amount of respect for him, as well as the rest of the team. They had all been so welcoming and helpful. If you were honest, you had grown to love them all. Natasha, Thor, and Bruce had become some of the best friends you’ve ever had. Natasha loved to train with you, and when the time would allow it, you’d go out and let loose from time to time. She had become your closest confidant. That is how Nat had caught on to your feelings for Steve. And because of this, she never missed a chance to stir the pot.  
Y/N let the smell of coffee draw her to the kitchen of the compound. She shuffled into the spacious kitchen, still dressed in her pajamas from the night before. She was dressed in a thin, silk red camisole tank top, matching shorts, and house slippers. She yawned as she entered, capturing the attention of Steve, who was already awake and waiting in front of the coffee pot. “Morning.” He said cheerily. God. Why was he so cheery this early in the morning? You were not a morning person. You tried to be. Truly you did. It just wasn’t for you. “Mornin’ Cap.” You yawned again as you reached the counter.  
“I heated the tea kettle for you,” he smiled in your direction, knowing that you didn’t drink coffee.  
“Well, aren’t you just a sweetheart.” You chimed with a smirk, a hint of teasing in your tone.  
“Anything for you,” he replied teasingly.  
You opened the cabinet and reached for a coffee cup from the top shelf. Your shirt lifted a few inches as you stretched upwards on your tippy-toes. Shorts were riding up slightly. His eyes flicked over to your exposed midriff and rear end non-conspicuously. Before he could bring himself to look away the sound of someone’s throat clearing drew the attention of you both. Natasha was leaning against the frame of the door, arms crossed with a mischievous smile on her face.  
“Beautiful day isn’t it?” She starts, striding into the kitchen slowly. “Enjoying the view today, Steve?”  
Steve clears his throat and takes a sip of his coffee. He nods before answering. “Should be a nice day.” He looks to you before awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, I’m gonna go get a jump on the day. See you guys later.”  
“Oh, okay. Bye, Cap.” You reply, trying to hide the sound of disappointment at the fact that he was leaving so soon. He trails out of the room, leaving only you and Natasha.  
“Way to go Nat. You scared him away.” You frowned at her as you placed a tea bag and hot water in your cup. “He’s like a scared animal in the wild. You must always approach with caution.” You laugh as she scoffs with a smile.  
“I’m sorry. You may be interested in what I witnessed, though.” She smirked as you raised your eyebrow, urging her to continue.  
“Our dear Captain was blatantly checking you out. Fully encapsulated in your beauty. Shamelessly ogling your body.” She wagged her eyebrows at you.  
Your eyes widened in shock. “Seriously?”  
“Absolutely. It’s obvious Steve’s into you too. You should go for it.”  
“Even if he was, I don’t think he’d ever act on it. I mean we’re teammates, he’s been, my mentor. I don’t see him wanting to cross that line.” You frowned once more.  
“Then you’ll simply have to persuade him to cross that stupid line.” She responds matter-of-factly.  
“How do I do that?” You question her.  
“Well, he’s drawn to your body. Use that to your advantage. Drive him crazy by teasing him until he has no choice but to confront his feelings for you.” She pours herself a cup of coffee as you mull over her idea.
“Fine. I’ll give it a shot. But if I make a complete fool out of myself, I’m blaming you.” You finally agree, drinking more of your tea.
A few hours later.  
You decide to proceed with Natasha’s plan. Steve is outside near the pool, lounging on a lawn chair. Dark sunglasses and bright blue and grey swim trunks were hanging low on his hips. You bite your bottom lip as you collect your thoughts, trying to quiet your nerves.  
You stroll over towards him with your towel, sunblock, and drink in hand. “Is this seat taken?” You state nodding to the chair on his right.  
“Not at all. It’s all yours.” He smiles hand motioning to the lounge chair. You smile as you place your items on the table next to the chair. You were wearing dark oversized sunglasses of your own. You then proceeded to take off your coverup. Letting out a soft sigh as the sun touched your skin. His eyes flitted over you, taking in your appearance. You were wearing a vibrant red, white, and blue bikini. The way it clung to your curves entirely caused his breath to catch in his throat. You took your sunscreen bottle and squirted some into your free hand. You put the bottle down and began to coat your skin in the sunblock. You slowly started to rub the lotion into your chest, stomach, and arms. He watched as you worked the cream into your sun-kissed skin. He swallowed, his throat tightening as she finished with her long muscular legs. He should look away. He really should, but he couldn’t.  
You reached for your bottle of sunscreen and shook it lightly in your hand. “Do me?” You purred with a flirtatious smile. Steve froze for a minute. His mind racing at your words. He coughed and rubbed the back of his neck before he found his voice again. “Yeah, sure.”  
You handed him the sunblock, fingers slightly brushing his. “How do you want me?” You ask.  
“W-what?” He stuttered. She giggled lightly.  
“Should I lay down or just turn around?”  
“Oh umm…You can lay down. I think it’ll be easier that way.” He motions to the lounge chair. You turned your back to him and moved your hair over one shoulder. You lowered the lounger to a horizontal level before climbing onto it. He squeezed a decent portion into his hand. Before he could start you untied the back of your bikini top releasing the strings.  
He stammers for a minute, perplexed by your actions. “Something the matter Cap?” You inquired teasingly.  
“Nope. All good here.” He recovered as he sat on the edge of your lounger. He began to work the sunblock into your shoulders. You let out a content sigh as his large rough hands glided along your back. His hands slowed as they reached your lower back. “Keep going. Your hands are like pure magic.” You hummed as he continued. He finished applying the lotion but to be honest he didn’t want to stop. Regrettably, he stood and returned to his seat.
“Thank you.” You said contently turning your head towards him. “Do you want me to do you?”  
He said that he was planning on heading in shortly, so there was no need.  
“Suit yourself then. I’m no slouch with my hands either.” You wink, and you swear he blushes. Truth be told he was afraid of how his body would react if you were to run your hands along his body. He’s always had an attraction to you but didn’t feel that he should sacrifice all they’ve built since she joined the team. The mission always comes first. It’s the only motto he’s ever lived by. Plus, there was no guarantee that you even felt the same way. Why risk it and make things uncomfortable between you two if you didn’t?
The next day.  
He’s training in the gym. Boxing at the punching bag. All sweaty and out of breath. You found him most attractive like this. You decided to continue with the plan.  
You rolled out your yoga mat a short distance from him, entirely within his view. You were wearing your black and pink crisscrossed sports bra and form-fitting black yoga shorts. You waved slightly at him, making sure he noticed your arrival. He nodded in your direction, and you smiled before placing your earbuds in and starting up some music. You began to stretch out before starting your yoga routine. You stood tall before bending over and grabbing your toes. You continued moving from pose to pose. He had stopped for a water break and turned his attention to you. You lifted your foot towards the back of your head, then performed a seated split. God, you were so flexible. Had you always been this flexible? Once you moved into a downward-facing dog, he couldn’t take it anymore. He had to get out of there. It was too much. His attraction to you had been exponentially growing. It was getting harder to push down his feelings.  
A few days later.  
You completed a few small missions over the last few days. You were currently in the gym trying to stretch out your leg. You had strained your upper thigh on the previous one. The muscle had tensed up, and you were trying to alleviate the pain. Steve wandered into the gym to lift some weights when he saw you lying on the floor. He rose a brow in your direction as he asked, “Are you okay over there?”  
Your head snapped up at his voice. Oh, hey, Cap. Can you help me with something?”  
“Sure, whatever you need.” He agreed as he got closer to her.  
“Stretch me out.” You stated.  
His eyes widened slightly as he looked down at you. You smirked at him before explaining. “My thigh is all tensed up after the last mission. I need help getting a deeper stretch.”  
Realization dawns on him, and he nods as you lay back. He kneels in front of you. You raise your right leg up and over his shoulder.
“Ready?” He questions as he looks down at you lying back.
“Yes, go ahead.” Your reply as he pushes your leg back towards your body. You hiss slightly at the tightness you feel in your quad.  
“You good?” He inquires with a look of concern.  
“Yeah. It’s just so tight.” You exhale. Steve closes his eyes momentarily, trying to refocus. How was he supposed to keep things platonic with you when you say things like that?  
“Okay, let’s go again.” You coax him back to his objective.
“Keep going.” You sigh at the pressure. “Further.” You groan, feeling slightly relieved. He presses even further; he’s so close to you now. He is leaning over your body, face inches from yours, leg over his shoulder. Never did he think he’d be this close to you. As he pushes a little further, you let out a deep moan, “Steve…God that feels amazing.”  
Hearing you moan underneath him, calling him by his name instead of Cap, it’s enough to tip him over the edge. Your eyes open as you moan again at the feeling of relief in your thigh.  
Once your eyes open, you’re drawn to his piercing blue ones staring right into yours. There’s a newfound intensity in them. You finally realize the proximity of your bodies. Your eyes shift down to his lips before returning to his eyes once more. “Steve…” you breathe out.  
He leans forward quickly and roughly, capturing your lips. You hiss as your leg was pushed even closer to your body. He pulls back quickly, removing your limb from his shoulder apologizing. “Sorry I got a little carried away. Did I hurt you?”  
“Just shut up and kiss me.” You answer reaching behind his neck and pulling him closer to you. Lips crash together again in a hungry, passionate kiss. God, you’ve wanted this for so long. Unbeknownst to you, so has he. His body covers yours as he deepens the kiss. You roll over, so you’re on top. Straddling his waist, you break the kiss if only to catch your breath. He rests his hands on the sides of your thighs. “I’ve wanted to do that for the longest time.” He smiles up at you, your faces flushed.  
“Well, that makes two of us then.” You smile back resting your hands on his torso. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner? We waisted so much time.”  
He sighs, shaking his head lightly “Because I’m an idiot.”  
“And to think, if I hadn’t been trying to seduce you all week, this might never have happened.” You say innocently with a mischievous smirk.  
“Well, it definitely did the trick.” He murmured as he drew patterns mindlessly on your thighs.  
“Remind me to thank Nat later.” You say bending down to kiss him once again.
“Why?” He asked between kisses.  
“She saw you admiring my body that morning and told me that I should seduce you. Get you to that tipping point.” You divulged as you kissed his jawline.  
“Well, mission accomplished.” You both laughed, as he drew you in for another of many passionate kisses.
A/N: Thanks For Reading My First Post. Let Me Know Your Thoughts :)
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softysuho · 6 years
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A/N: it's been awhile since I've written s o-
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Series
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood/torture
Summary: Chanyeol had watched his friends find their mates, watching as their smiles became ten times brighter than before. The pairs practically swallowing their other half in front of the beta wolf. It had been 5 years since Chanyeol's 20th birthday, the only wolf in the entire pack to have not found his other half the night of the celebration. He knew she was out there, he could feel her emotions, a dull throbbing in his heart when she was sad or stressed. The flutters when she was happy. However, he never expected to find her on enemy lines.
Links to chapters are on the masterlist
You silently picked at the sleeves of your oversized hoodie, head down as you listened intently to your Alpha. Ravi had been your Alpha for a little less than three years, taking the position of your father. Ravi had been your fathers beta, a good one at that. You and Ravi practically grew up together by the hip, some even thought that when he turned 20, you would end up being mates. Nope. Maybe that's why your father had given up his position to the 22 year old Ravi before his passing. You had never wanted the position anyways, stress never looked good on you and you were sure that somehow, and someway, you would fuck it up.
Ravi was good playing the Alpha role. He was strong, tall and handsome. His mate, Jane, was equally as stunning. She was a breath of fresh air for your pack, her kindness had lifted the spirits of many at the loss of your father. She had become one of your good friends, her and Ravi loved you dearly, respected and valued your opinions in meetings like these.
A new pack had moved into the next town over. One just barely larger than the one your father had kept together. To say you were nervous was an understatement. The way Ravi spoke about this pack made your stomach churn in all the wrong ways. You winced as his hand came crashing down in front of your figure, making you still and slowly meet the red eyes you had only ever seen one other time. Ravi was pissed, pissed at you for something you were unsure of.
"I expect an answer when I'm speaking to you Y/n." You let out a soft sigh, eyes wandering over to Leo who looked at you with soft eyes. "We've never had a pack move this close to us, everyone knows how bloody we make can make things for others when they step out of line. So tell me, why do you think this pack moved in?" You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Why was it a big deal? The pack could be peaceful.
"How the fuck should I know? I can't read the minds of others, dumbass." A growl ripped across the room, Ravi's knuckles turning white as he stared down at you.
"Y/n. I get we used to be best friends-"
"Used to?" You laughed, leaning back in your chair. "Used to be best friends? How about this Alpha, you can lay the fuck off. I don't know if you remember, but you're only in this position because of me. So don't you dare try and use your 'Alpha authority' on me. I don't know why the pack moved in, maybe they saw an open place and decided to take it because they needed more space." You crossed your arms, staring up at Ravi. Yeah okay. Maybe you lied about the respect and value. Maybe you lied about them caring for you anymore. But sometimes it's nicer to think of how it used to be.
Ravi inhaled sharply, stomping back up to the front of the room where drawings of the boarders were. "I'd watch that mouth of yours Y/n." He rolled his shoulders, Leo shaking his head disapprovingly at his Alpha's behavior.
"Maybe Y/n is right. Maybe their numbers increased and they needed a bigger space for their pack. They could be harmless." Leo spoke softly, his eyes never leaving yours as he spoke. Leo was a nice man, his cold appearance was always intimidating to outsiders. Maybe that's why you both seemed to be the others escape when things got rough. You had spent countless nights crying into his shoulder. Whether it be for your fathers passing or Ravi's new attitude towards you. Jane, well, she was a nice girl. She was your friend, and she did respect you. But she couldn't show you an ounce of kindness when Ravi was around. Sometimes it seemed like he blacklisted you to the pack, only keeping you here because of your fathers old position. But Leo was different. The only comfort that you have left in this pack.
"Can you stop sucking Y/n's dick for five minutes Leo." Ravi groaned, rubbing his temple. "You're not mates, so stop acting like it." Leo stood up at that, hand planting firmly on the table as he took a deep breath.
"Why don't you stop being an asshole to the girl you used to do everything with. Grow a pair and realize you miss when we would all hang out and watch movies all night. Maybe then you'll stop being a fucking prick." Kicking his chair back, Leo stomped out of the room, his back tense with anger.
"I think we should talk about the pack later, when we've all calmed down." Hyuk spoke. He was the problem solver, a good one at that. His soft hair fell over his eyes as he looked your way and then to Ravi. "The other pack can wait."
You stood from your chair slowly, bowing towards Ravi before you made your way out. "I miss when you used to smile at stupid things Ravi." You whispered as the door closed behind you.
Chanyeol groaned loudly, whining as Jongdae pushed him out of the way in attempt to reach the house before the others. "Junmyeon gets the large room Dae!" He yelled, watching his mate run after him. 'Sinners' his wolf snickered. Junmyeon patted the giants back, pushing him towards the house.
"I'm giving you the big room on the top floor, that way you don't have to be around all the... ya know-" Chanyeol cut the Alpha off, shaking his head in annoyance.
"You're the Alpha Jun, you and Suzy deserve the room." Chanyeol shook off the males arm, beginning to walk towards the house. Knowing full well, Junmyeon was going to force him to take the room.
"Maybe the new location will be good for you!" Junmyeon called out behind him, laughing when Chanyeol flipped him the birdie.
The rest of the day was spent attempting to get settled in, but the constant dull sensation of fear and sadness kept filling his limbs. It became a normal feeling after a year, the sadness from his mate and the fear that seemed to come once the sadness settled. He had no idea what was wrong with his mate. He didn't know where she was, if she was okay. It killed to know she was out there, without him. He wanted to know what her scent is, he wanted to know how soft her hair is, he wanted to know her. He didn't want to feel just her emotions anymore, he wanted to feel her. In his embrace, in his clothes, with his mark placed in the soft spot between her shoulder and neck.
His eyes closed, trying to make the sadness diminish. He wondered if she could feel his longing, his happiness when he thought of a future with his unknown mate. He wanted her to feel something other than the normal: fear, sadness and calm.
Baekhyun had knocked softly on Chanyeol's door, mumbling something about a pack meeting before he disappeared from behind the door. His guess was that a group was going to go on a patrol tonight. Scope out the borders around the human village that some pack families moved into, as well as the giant forest that surrounded the giant pack house.
He mumbled to himself, rubbing his eyes roughly as his feet padded down the wooden steps. As the second in command, Chanyeol was never allowed to miss a meeting. His input was always needed and he had to make decisions when his Alpha couldn't decide. His blonde hair was pulled back with a thick white headband, tank top hanging loosely on his shoulders, most definitely not dressed properly for a pack meeting. Chanyeol plopped down in the chair next to Junmyeon, nodding in the direction of his 11 brothers sitting patiently around the giant table. "Well, shall we start?" Junmyeon spoke, turning towards the giant bulletin board. "The neighboring pack, Blood Rise, is no joke."
It went on for what seemed like hours, Junmyeon not only discussing how we should somewhat fear the pack, but also boarder patrol groups. And he just happened to get stuck with Sehun and Jongdae. The biggest wusses that jump at their own shadows. "You're kidding." Chanyeol rubbed his face, leaning forward on the table as the latter glared at the giant.
"Nope, deal with it Yeol." Baekhyun laughed, swinging his arm over Kyungsoo's shoulders. Pulling a sour face, Kyungsoo flicked Baekhyun's arm off before crossing his arms.
"Why am I stuck with him again? Last time I check, Baek doesn't even know how to put on his underwear correctly." Kyungsoo eyed Baekhyun before turning back to Junmyeon.
"There's no tags okay! And it was one time! Damn, you put underwear on backwards and suddenly your stupid."
"You are stupid Baek." Jongin called out, giggling to himself silently.
"Would you all shut up, Yeol, Dae and Hun, go patrol before I beat you with a wooden spoon." Junmyeon laughed, running a hand through his hair as he pointed towards the door.
"No balls!" Jongdae yelled as he dashed from the room.
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