#i also feel like hajime would have a soft and soothing voice
shackledaces · 1 year
no thoughts just au where nagito is a pianist
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mdnghtfae · 3 years
for @yutari sorry it’s a little late, hopefully you like it...also it’s not proofread 😁
Iwaizumi Hajime knew you like the back of his hand-knows you better than he knows himself. So when you cross the threshold and into your shared apartment, he knows something is up without even having to peel his eyes away from his laptop; he can just feel that something is wrong. So when he looks away and his eyes land on you, he’s not surprised to see the slump in your shoulders. While he did expect to see you in some form of a disheveled state, it didn’t hurt any less to see you in such a muted way.
Normally, you’d come bounding in when you noticed he was home before you, and you’d call out his name as you slipped out of your coat and kicked your shoes off, arms held open as you waited for him to greet you. Or you’d find him yourself and throw your arms around him, nuzzling your face into his back or chest. You have a commanding presence and he loves it. He loves that he knows once you’ve stepped into a room because he can feel the love radiating off you. He can feel the heat and warmth you carry with you, something so delightful he wishes to never be apart from it. Your entire being, your whole essence, captivates him and he’d be lying if he said you didn’t have him wrapped around your finger. You hold his heart in the palms of your hands, and that’s where he wants it to stay.
Because of this, there isn’t much you can hide from him. He knows your tells, the minute changes on your expression and what they mean, every change in the inflection of your voice.
His heart clenches when you drop your bag, head hung low as you try to avoid his gaze. Iwa stands up carefully, slowly walking to where you’re glued to the floor.
“Honey? My love, are you okay?”
His words of affection tug at your heart strings and you can’t help but meet his eyes with your own watery ones, your bottom lip slightly quivering. Your throat feels as though it’s closing up on you, a tightness so uncomfortable you try to swallow to ease the tension. You try to speak but nothing comes out, so you settle on shaking your head. You know there’d be no point in lying to him.
Iwa holds his arms open, a slight frown on his lips as he looks at you concerned. He knows you’ll tell him what’s wrong when you’re ready, but for now he’ll stick to comforting you first.
You hurl yourself into his waiting arms, and Iwa lifts you up so you can rest your head on his shoulder. A sob slips past your lips as you cry into his shirt. He walks to the couch and settles you in his lap, one of his hands rubs your back to sooth you while the other cradles the back of your head.
“It’ll be alright. I’m here, always will be.”
His words of affirmation only made you cry harder, an immense feeling of gratitude floods your body because he would always be here. You couldn’t imagine a life without him, and you can’t even recall what your life had been like before him.
A sigh tumbles out after your cries had ceased to nothing more than a few hiccups. “Haji...”
He hums in response, and his hand that rubs your back continues to do so.
“Thank you.” You lean back just a bit so you can look him in the eyes.
Iwa’s brows furrow in worry at seeing your puffy eyes. The hand that was cradling your head moves so he can cup your cheek, and his thumb wipes away the remaining tears. A soft smile then crosses his face as he continues to look at you. “You don’t need to thank me, love. I’m right where I want to be.”
You kiss the tip of his nose and lay your head on his shoulder, holding onto him as tight as you possibly could. You may hold his heart in your hands, but he also holds yours in his.
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beccascribbles · 3 years
It angst time bby!🤪 Could you maybe pls do a Iwa,Tendou and Tsuki x reader/manager scenario where their s/o gets bullied because they are the manager of the team. Also it goes that far that the girls threaten them to leave the vb club/ end their relationship bevor it will be much worse for them. ( a fluffy end would be nice because I saw lots of angsty fics today kndjsjsna)
a/n - you asked and i shall deliver. sometimes we just have a craving for angst. i’m a little bit obsessed with it myself (think a large part of my blog is angst tbh). and don’t worry, they are fluffy endings i think... hope you enjoy!
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"i can't do this anymore," you sobbed, finally letting the tears fall. iwaizumi reached out for you desperately, hand curling around your waist and pulling you into his chest. his arm, corded with muscle, wrapped around your waist protectively, holding you close to him. his other hand held the back of your head. “i can’t, haji. they won’t stop. it won’t stop.”
“shh,” he murmured, stroking the back of your head as your tears dampened his shirt. part of him was confused, the other part focused entirely on offering you support. he had no idea who this mysterious they was. it wasn’t surprising that he didn’t know, the girls choosing moments when iwaizumi (and anyone who might inform him of what was happening) was gone to be their cruellest. “who’s they?”
you stiffened slightly against him then, mind pulling their most recent assault to the forefront of your mind. taloned fingernails had dug into your shoulders before pushing you harshly, your back hitting the brick wall behind you harshly. rough brick had dug into your back, the pain not enough to distract you from the words they spat at you. you had flinched away, looked for an escape, but there was nowhere to go. one girl, clearly the ringleader, had yanked at your hair, pulling your face towards her.
“you stupid little whore,” she had hissed, letting out a cold laugh at the wince that escaped your lips. “if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop managing the team and leave iwaizumi while you’re at it. you don’t deserve him and he sure as hell doesn’t need you.”
her words had been echoed by the other girls with her, and when the tears had finally began to prick at your eyes, they had decided their needs had been satisfied for today. she had turned back to look at you one last time before leaving you with her parting words. “remember what i said. if you want it to stop, you know what to do.”
“y/n?” iwaizumi questioned, his voice cutting through the memory. worry laced his tone, and he had pulled you away from his chest to be able to see your face. you blinked up at him, a dreadful realisation coming over you. you knew how to make it stop. it was simple. you just had to force out the words.
the texture of his skin was rough against yours, his hands calloused from a childhood spent playing volleyball. you wanted to surrender to his warmth, to downplay everything you were feeling, to blame it on some simple reason such as school, anything to be with him for just a little longer. but you couldn’t. it needed to be done.
“i want to break up,” you said, forcing the words out, fresh tears beginning to fall from your eyes. the weight you had expected to be lifted was not. instead, remorse crushed you. for a moment, you struggled to breath, the air trapped in your throat. it was only iwaizumi’s gentle nudging, the way he guided you through your breathing, that helped you regain a semblance of calm.
“no you don’t,” he said calmly, seeing right through you. there was never any point in lying to him. he could see right through any lies that slipped from your lips. “i also won’t let you.”
your eyes widened in fear, her face flashing to life in your brain. your scalped tingled in remembrance of the way she had yanked your hair. suddenly, you began to shake, wrapping your arms around yourself. you let out a wretched sob. “hajime... please.”
“no,” he said, rubbing your arm soothingly in an attempt to calm you. “you need to tell me what the fuck is going on. no hiding from me. we’re sorting this out and i’m going to find out who put such stupid ideas into your head and they’re going to pay.”
you shook your head weakly, but his hands were quick to stop your movements, thumb reaching out to brush away the tears collecting in the corner of your eye. he leant forward, resting his forehead against yours. “we’re sorting this out, okay?”
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really, you should’ve known he would understand. you should have known that of anyone who would understand how helpless you were feeling, how truly you believed leaving the team was your only escape from their torment, was tendou. he had opened up to you, told you about his childhood, his experience with bullies. yet, you couldn’t open up to him, couldn’t tell him what was happening to you.
“why weren’t you at practice today?” questioned tendou, the first words out of his mouth when you opened your dorm room to him. the second thing he did was press a kiss to your lips, his hands going up to hold your face tenderly. “you’re not sick, are you? i hope not, otherwise i shouldn’t have kissed you. i guess we can be ill together though.”
“i quit,” you said, moving away from him and collapsing onto your bed, picking up the magazine you had discarded moments before. you opened it, using it as a shield to protect you from tendou’s gaze. his eyes narrowed as he looked at you. 
“why would you do that?” he asked, moving over to the bed and sitting opposite you, reaching over to remove the magazine from in front of your face. you let out a grumble, though did little to actually resist.
“i didn’t feel like doing it anymore,” you lied, studying the wall behind him. it was painfully obvious you were avoiding his gaze, just further proof that you were lying to him. “it wasn’t fun anymore. besides, i need to focus on school.”
“tut tut,” he admonished, waggling his finger at you. him reprimanding you caused a small smile to tug at your lips, one that quickly vanished when he persisted. “why would you really quit?”
you crossed your arms over your chest, physically turning your body away from him. the quiet rejection did little to discourage him. instead, he reached for your hand.
“i saw you with some girls yesterday,” he admitted, taking careful note of the way your whole body suddenly stiffened. he chose his next words carefully, not wanting you to pull away, to refuse to confirm the suspicions he already had. “you looked upset. are you okay now?”
it was at those words that you finally turned to look at him, fresh tears making your eyes seem to shimmer. it was an oddly beautiful sight, mused tendou, reaching out with care to brush a finger along your jaw. sudden anger twisted your features, shattering the illusion and causing him to jerk his hand away.
“of course i’m not fucking okay,” you spat, yanking your hand from his landing a solid hit the mattress you were both sitting on. “it’s fucking pathetic that i let them have their way just because i was scared.”
you pushed up from the bed, turning around wildly, looking for something, anything, that would ease the emotions currently rushing through you. they were hard to distinguish, coming together to leave you craving for a release. tendou stood up to join you, holding his hands out in front of him.
“punch me,” he stated, stance adjusting so he was properly balanced. you didn’t even question it, balling your hands into fists and launching a fist into his palm. the crack of skin on skin echoed around the room, and you felt the release. he praised you, “solid hit. need to go again?”
you shook your head, stepping forward and leaning your head against his chest, fingers curling into the flimsy material of his shirt. his arms wrapped around you, holding you tight.
“what am i going to do?” you sighed. tendou shuffled backwards, pulling you along with him until he was sat on the bed, your legs either side of his own as you sat on his lap. he took your chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting your face up to look at him.
“you’re going to re-join the team,” he explained, before a smirk twisted his features, “and i’m going to enlist some help to go and confront some bullies.”
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he doesn’t say anything to you, doesn’t really do much to acknowledge the tears rolling down your cheeks other than to wrap his arm around your shoulder. you are tugged into his lean body, and are quick to turn your head into his chest to hide your tears from view. admittedly, it was a bit late at this point, the majority of the team having already passed you on their way into the gym. you had simply waved away their concerns, not thinking you could find the words to explain, to tell them you were leaving.
“so,” mused tsukishima, letting your bury your face into his chest, your hands clutching onto the material of his top. ordinarily, he would have told you to stop stretching the fabric. however, you had been off for a couple of days, more withdrawn, and he figured he was close to finding out the reason why. “what happened?”
you let out a stifle, finally looking up at him with red-rimmed eyes. “i left the team.”
“that doesn’t really answer my question though, does it?” he prodded. something told you he had an inclination at the cause behind it. there was no solid evidence to prove his suspicions, however. all he could go off was the look of trepidation in your eyes, the way you body would tense when certain people approached.
you shook your head, fists clenching tighter. he let out a soft sigh, his other arm coming around your body to hold you more securely against his chest. he reprimanded you softly, “you could have told me, or at least someone else on the team if you didn’t want me to know. i wouldn’t think any less of you because you’re being bullied.”
“they said it would get worse if i told anyone, if i didn’t do what they said,” you hiccupped, relaxing in his firm hold, soothed by the steady rise and fall of his chest.
“y/n,” he sighed, tilting his head down to look at you, “they’re just pathetic nobodies who are jealous of you. do you honestly think they could actually hurt you more if you told someone? i’d like to see them try.”
his hold brought you comfort, and you found yourself calming down. he released you, reaching down to take your hand and give it a reassuring squeeze, dropping a kiss to the top of your head in the process. as he walked back with you towards the gym, he murmured darkly, “i might just give them a small taste of their own medicine.”
“kei,” you warned, hand tightening on his, “don’t.”
“i’m still going to talk to them.”
“you don’t even know who they are.”
“i can guess, or you can tell me.”
you just shook your head, his words bringing a distraction from the emotions still just beneath the surface just as he knew they would.
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krisdreaming · 3 years
i have a request i hope u can do when u feel a bit better about writing!! no pressure & pls take as much time as u need :) can u do one about how the haikyuu bfs would react if u tell them u had a bad dream abt them leaving u? i smtimes get bad dreams abt my bf leaving me and when i tell him hes like “theyre just dreams🧍‍♂️” so i hope that 2d boys treat their girls better 😤
Hi there, of course! Thank you so much for the support, it really means a lot ❤ I’m going to write for Akaashi, Iwaizumi, and Kuroo, I hope that’s alright!
Also, I am still working on the dialogue prompts as well, but I was really in the mood for some good ol’ fashioned hurt/comfort :3 These are essentially scenarios in bullet point form oops.
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You wake up and it’s morning. The sun is shining filling the room with warm light, but you still can’t shake the feeling in the pit of your stomach from last night’s dream.
You know it was just a dream, but relief still flows through you when you turn and see Keiji fast asleep next to you - the image stuck in your mind of him slamming the door as he stormed out of the apartment is finally beginning to blur at the edges.
You shuffle a little closer to him, and the movement causes him to stir. “Morning,” He murmurs when he sees you watching him. The soft smile slides from his face when he feels the way you’re gripping onto his arm.
“What’s the matter?” His arm slides comfortingly around your waist, drawing you a little closer to him. “Don’t you feel well?”
“I’m sorry,” You breathe out, still holding onto his arm because you’re a little bit scared to let go, “I had this terrible dream,” You squeeze your eyes shut, “You were - You left. I was so scared you wouldn’t come back!” You squeak out, embarrassed that the dream is still affecting you so much.
“Love,” He pulls you in close, tucking your face in against his chest so you can hear the faint beating of his heart. “I’m not planning on going anywhere. Okay?” You can feel the press of his lips on your head.
“Mm-hmm,” You nod against him, feeling the terror of the dream slipping away. “Good,” He whispers.
This morning, he holds you close for just a little longer, making sure you know he’s going to stay right here with you.
The last image you see before you jerk yourself awake is the scribbled note clutched in your fingers, the wedding band he’d left behind squeezed tight in your fist. Your breathing is still ragged when you wake to an aching in your chest.
“Y/N,” You realize Hajime is saying your name, and even in the darkness you can make out his face hovering above yours, “You’re dreaming, it’s just a dream.”
At the sound of his voice, you bury your face against his neck. “You’re here,” You choke out. “Hajime - you’re here!” He’s startled, but soon his arms tighten around you.
“Of course I’m here,” He soothes, fingers tracing circles into your back, “I’m here, Y/N. Whatever it is, it’s alright now.”
“Y-you were gone,” You hiccup, trying your best to keep the tears at bay. You can feel them burning at your eyes, but they’re from relief more than anything. “There was a note and - you left me!” The longer you’re awake, the more preposterous it all sounds, but you can still feel the echo of the fear in your chest.
Carefully, he pulls back enough to look you in the eye, tilting your chin up. “That’s not happening, okay?” You slowly nod, and he presses a kiss to your forehead. “Good. Are you ready to try to go back to sleep?” 
When you agree, he holds you tight, still rubbing your back until you fall asleep.
It all felt a little too real, and waking up to an empty bed certainly doesn’t help matters any. The memory of the quiet apartment and the empty drawers and closet in your dream still makes your stomach turn, and you can’t be alone any longer.
When you find Tetsu in the kitchen, you can’t help but let out a relieved breath. He’s already dressed for work, and getting ready to pour his coffee into his thermos when you wrap your arms around his middle, pressing your forehead between his shoulder blades
“Woah, what’s all this?” He’s laughing, but stops when he turns to pull you close and feels you quivering. “Babe?” You’re clinging onto his suit coat, trying to convince yourself that this is real and the dream wasn’t.
“You weren’t in bed,” You murmur, “I had this really terrible dream that you were gone, and then when I woke up, you weren’t there. It freaked me out,” You choke out a weak chuckle, because the situation is just a little funnier now that you’re in his arms.
“What? Hey,” He pulls away just enough to cup your face in his hands. “I’m not gone. I’m right here, and I wouldn’t choose to be anywhere else. Got it? Forget that dream.” He gives your forehead a gentle flick, then gives your cheek an affectionate brush with his thumb.
You nod, even managing a smile as you press against him for just a little longer before you pull back. “I’m okay,” You assure him with a nod, and you are now. “You need to get to work, huh?”
“Yeah,” He says reluctantly, “You’ll be alright?” You nod firmly, and he smiles. “I’ll see you this afternoon when I get home.” He lingers longer than normal in his goodbye kiss.
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infinitebells · 3 years
annoying: chapter 28
iwaizumi hajime has hated you, his assistant athletic trainer, since he knew you in high school. you on the other hand have bothered him for fun for as long as you knew him, not realizing your romantic feelings for him had manifested in that way. what happens when you two blockheads finally come to terms with how you feel?
a/n: sorry this chapter is so late!!! it took me forever to decide how i wanted it to go but here it is :)
as the weeks before the olympics pass, and training continues with the team, it’s painfully obvious to every single player that you and iwaizumi are smitten with each other. from the “secret” glances sent to each other, to the inside jokes and teasing comments, you two may as well be walking around with “i’m in love” plastered in sharpie across your foreheads. today’s practice was no different. well, only slightly different.
“iwa-chan! come help me,” you call out from the storage room. of course the idiot would ask you to put away the nets, knowing damn well you couldn’t reach the top shelf. you hear his laughing before he gets to the room, a knowing grin on his face. he leans on the open doorway, watching you glare at him, hands filled with the net.
“help with what?” he’s being cheeky on purpose. it’s nothing new, and it never fails to warm your cheeks.
“the net asshole, this shelf is like eight feet tall and the stool is surprisingly missing,” you deadpan, knowing damn well he hid the stool once again. his shit eating grin is confirmation enough. you huff, turning around and going to try and reach the shelf once again.
you’re just about to push the net onto it when a warm body presses into your back, one arm sliding around your waist while the other glides past your arm to easily push the net up. you can already feel your body heating up, knowing damn well no one else besides iwaizumi would touch you like that. so when you turn around in his grasp to see his smile is a bit sharper, and eyes a bit darker, you feel your lower stomach pool with warmth. he’s so close, closer than he’s ever been before. his lips are inches from yours, and his eyes are lidded. you can feel yourself unconsciously leaning in, until your breaths are mingling. just as his lips are about to touch yours, bokuto’s very loud voice sounds from the doorway.
“y/n! come on let’s g-“ he stops as soon as he sees how close you and iwaizumi are, face inadvertently turning red with embarrassment. in your haste to make the situation any less awkward than it already is, you push away from iwaizumi, forgetting his arm is wrapped around you. you also conveniently forget the pole laid out on the ground, which results in you tumbling backward, with iwaizumi falling on top of you. his free hand flies up to cushion your head, which in turn causes him to land completely on top of you. the commotion encourages the rest of the team to crowd in behind bokuto to see iwaizumi on top of you on the ground.
“iwaizumi-san! that’s not very respectful of l/n-san!” hinata’s loud and cheery voice breaks the suffocating silence, and within seconds the entire team is howling with laughter. you however have both hands pressed against your face, groaning from sheer embarrassment.
“don’t worry pretty lady, at least we aren’t naked,” iwaizumi murmurs in your ear, and you yelp in surprise, finally shoving him off of you and scrambling to your feet. he’s finally joined them in laughing, and you take the chance to run out of the room and to the women’s bathroom. once the door is slammed shut behind you, only then do you allow yourself to reflect on what the fuck just happened. you come to three conclusions.
you really wish bokuto hadn’t interrupted you and iwaizumi
his eyes are gorgeous
iwaizumi hajime had a boner while pressed up against you
upon coming to your last conclusion, the panic sets in. iwaizumi hajime had a boner while he was essentially on top of you.
“y/n! are you okay?” speak of the devil. iwaizumi’s muddled voice comes along with a banging on the bathroom door. you take a moment to fix your clothes and hair before opening the heavy wooden door. all traces of laughter are wiped off of his face, replaced with genuine concern.
“hey!” your voice comes out way too squeaky, and he most certainly notices.
“what’s wrong? i’m sorry i didn’t mean to laugh at you, i just thought your reaction wa-“ he’s cut off by your hand covering his mouth, a soft smile on your face.
“i’m ok, i was just a bit embarrassed. but i promise i’m okay,” you explain, letting your hand fall from his mouth. a relieved smile makes its way to his face, and you yelp slightly when he pulls your forward, body close to yours and arms around you. you unintentionally note that his boner is now gone.
“good, i’m glad you’re okay,” he mumbles, voice muffled by the fact that his face is pressed into your neck. you giggle lightly, your arms going around him while your hands rub soothing circles into his back. it’s quiet for a moment, until he speaks up once again. this time, his voice is just shy of your ear.
“next time, i’ll make sure to properly kiss you, preferably not in the storage room,” he says. the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and you shudder lightly against him at the insinuation of his words. you kick yourself for growing hot at his words, however, you revel in the fact that his erection has decidedly showed itself once again. you can feel his smug smile without having to look at it. you’ll definitely have to get back at him somehow.
taglist: @chaemoji @honeysunny @halesandy @autumnandhotchocolate @velociraptorenthusiast @fluffyviciousbunny @darlingkuroo @youtuboo @b0bablinds @nerdynstoned @jovialweaselskeletonfan @amboisez @bbyhaji @astral-vroom @miwtze @seijqhigh @mrswhitethornbelikov @atsumubabie @lvrkuroo @navymacaroons @daphnxy @mangobangi @galagcica @its-the-aerieljeane @the-golden-jhope @cece-lives-here @kellesvt @nachotrash @jewlmin @anngelllla @poppi144 @trashy-simp @ysatrap @hogwarts--imagines @mariachiii @thestarsanctuary @indecisivehusky @bakugouswh0r3 @erinoikawa @freyafolkvangr @tetrapot-melon-tea @meiankolia @sya-arts-blog @d0llpie @rintarawr @winunk @roschea-behindthescreens @roselleviennesstuff @moonlit-mizukage @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa
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bluesora · 3 years
when you’re having a headache but you can’t fall asleep
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iwaizumi hajime ; yamaguchi tadashi ; ushijima wakatoshi
headcanon ; fluff ; abstract ; age up ; 1/2 cup of tenderness ; a tablespoon of unconditional love
note: i promise this is not me currently lying in bed with a major headache and not being able to sleep. it’s not. definitely not self-indulgent either.
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iwaizumi hajime
— with just one look, he could already sense what was keeping you up and sighing when you should be swimming in your dreams by now.
— when your brows were knitted tightly together as if the whole world was waging war in that tiny head of yours, those small fingers did little to ease the tension on your temple.
— “come here,” was all he uttered when he sat up against the headrest, his hand patted on the space in front of him. the way he was so gentle with his actions had your heart buzzing with warmth when the adoration he had for you was so clearly displayed.
— with his large hands, every point he pressed worked like magic under his touch. the relief that washed over your tired body made it hard for you to not let out words of appreciation when he must have been tired from his packed schedule as well.
— “are they receiving this type of treatment from you every single day? gosh, their lucky i’m not selfish.” you complained, in-between groans of satisfaction when you feel the pain subsiding little by little.
— iwaizumi chuckled at your childish words before sliding his arms around your waist, just so he could pull you closer and into his embrace. “aren’t you lucky too?”
— “in what way? i don’t get to see you as much as they do.” you huffed, only to feel goosebumps crawling at the tip of your neck when his whispered by the shell of your ear, “you know i would do anything for you even if you don’t ask for it right, my dear?”
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yamaguchi tadashi
— when yamaguchi heard you grumbling about not being able to rest well due to your headache, he was already springing out of bed to get you everything you need.
— from paracetamol to medicated oil, he brought them all to you knowing at least one or the other would relieve you from your misery.
— “do-do you want me to make you something warm? how about hot choco?” it wasn’t unusual for you to have headaches from time to time but whenever you do, he would still worry about it like it was the first. and you can’t help but find his actions endearing even if he was just being a worrywart.
— seeing as he was just squatting in front of you next to the bed, perhaps having something warm would be a good idea after all. “having something warm sounds good, tadashi,” you flashed him a sweet smile.
— of course, it wasn’t exactly the same as what he had in mind when you pulled him over to rest your head against the crook of his neck. it took him a while to register what you just did, but eventually brought his arms around you despite the growing redness on his cheeks.
— “does...this make you feel better?” his voice was soft and hesitant, but soothing and less of his initial stuttering when he found himself relax against your touch.
— “immensely. strangely enough, seeing you worry about me made me forget all about the pain.” you admitted, even if you can still feel the subtle irritation at the back of your mind, it didn’t matter when being in his arms felt so much better than the mattress underneath you.
— “as long as i can help make you feel better,” he smiled shyly, while his heart was brimming with love knowing he could be of help to you even if it was just a little. “i will still make that hot choco for you y/n...so that you would keep warm through the night.”
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ushijima wakatoshi
— ushijima knew that something was bothering you when he felt you toss and turn more than your usual sleeping habits. especially when it was rare for you to not already be asleep at that hour.
— being the straightforward person he had always been, he asked if you were all right, only to realize you were having a headache; which hindered you from getting a good rest.
— he pounded for a few minutes if there was anything he could do to make you feel better, since he never had the trouble of being unable to sleep from a headache. it’s even more unusual for him to have a headache in the first place.
— until he decided to ask his friend, tendō, for help. that was, after you replied you were fine and that it would eventually go away. ushijima knew you didn’t want him to worry since he had to wake up early the next day, but that didn’t mean he like the idea of you suffering and he couldn’t do anything about it.
— he was also a man of action, more so than words, and in a seriousness, you wondered what came upon him when he wrapped an arm around your shoulders to turn you towards him. what he did next left you baffled, your eyes widening at his words that came right after.
— “may your pain be put to rest,” were the words that flew right out of his mouth after he planted a soft kiss to your forehead. you didn’t even know where to start, but what you did know was that it definitely worked. perhaps the initial shock from what he did chase those worries of yours away.
— “i can’t believe what you did made me feel a lot better...” you managed to let out, still being loosely tangled in his arms. “i must thank tendō for his help later,” he nodded with a small smile, one which you can’t help but chuckle in return.
— “i guess i too have to thank tendō. who would have i thought i’ll get to see this side of you if it weren’t for him.” your words, your smile, and even your hands that rest comfortably on him, made him leave a mental note to do it again for you whenever you needed it. after all, you were truly precious to him and he would want nothing more than being able to see you sleep with a smile on your face.
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colorseeingchick · 3 years
Period Pains (Iwa, Suna, Bokuto)
Periods still stuck. Nothing has changed since part one. But these boys continue to comfort me when I feel like my heart, head, and stomach are going to explode :D. I hope they comfort you too!
A/N: It’s been rough homies. It really do be your own body that tries to attack you -_-. 
Warnings: EMETOPHOBIA (in Suna’s there’s a semi detailed description of vomiting); swearing; foot massage in Bokuto’s (Ik that makes some people uncomfy); gym bros. 
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Iwaizumi Hajime
It was common knowledge that you and Iwaizumi were two halves of one insane power couple. 
No questions asked, you both were generally independent when it came to taking care of your own matters, and you were both were pretty independent. 
But there were exceptions- moments where you would both lean on each other, using the other as an anchor and a crutch to get back up and stay on your feet. 
Your period was one of those times when times you needed your beloved boyfriend to play that role. 
Today was one of those days. 
You and Iwaizumi head over to the gym at around 6 am to get your early morning workout in before you go through with the rest of your day.
You had told Iwaizumi the night before, and he asked if you still wanted to “go gym” the next morning. 
You said yes, hoping that a solid workout would help with some of the cramps. 
And once you had got there, you had your hopes up. 
The first half of your workout was going really well, and you hadn’t thought of your cramps at all. 
But then it hit you while you were walking over to get your water bottle. 
You didn’t know why, but the cramps hit you hard. Instantly you went to the bathroom to try and compose yourself, but that wasn’t really helping either. 
You didn’t wanna bother Iwaizumi mid workout, so you tried to carry on. 
Unfortunately, that didn’t work out too well. 
As you tried to keep going, the cramps in your stomach got worse and worse, until you were pressing your stomach with your hands, curled over yourself on your yoga mat. 
Taking deep breaths, you tried to relieve the only worsening cramps. 
It wasn’t until a warm, firm hand caressed your back did you look up from your curled up form. 
“1 to 10.” Iwaizumi asks you with a soft voice. 
“4.” You say as you curl into yourself once more. 
It was the pain ranking system that you’d both been using since early on in your relationship. You knew exactly what he meant, and you were honestly thankful that he understood you were in pain by just looking at you. 
“Lying to me doesn’t do any good, ya know.” His words are harsh, yet the concern in his voice kills any intimidation that was supposed to come across. 
“Sounds right.” Iwa’s one arm wraps around you, digging into your side, his thumb massaging circles into the spot right above your left hip, while the other hand rubbed softer circles onto your lower belly. 
You felt your muscles untense as his hands worked away at your cramping stomach with deep pressure only he had the strength to apply. 
“What’s wrong with her?'' 
Both of you look up to see some guy (he seemed like a newbie, neither of you had seen him before) talking to your boyfriend. 
“What.” Iwa’s voice is dry, in shock at the fact that this dude was in your business. 
“Did she injure herself working out or something?” He asks, as if you were incapable of speaking for yourself. “Not being careful in the gym can be really dangerous, especially if you’re not trained.” He speaks in your direction this time. 
Iwaizumi Hajime (27) ATHLETIC TRAINER, now looked like he was ready to commit murder. 
Some of the regulars had now turned to watch, most giving the guy dirty looks.
A couple of you and Iwa’s closer gym bros step towards you both, making some preparations for Iwaizumi to swing. 
But before anyone can really say anything, your voice cuts through. 
“That’s real rich coming from you. The only thing that’s gonna cause an injury is your horrendous deadlift form.” 
Your boyfriend goes from a state of shock into a fit of snickers, the guys on the side also amused. The guy in front of you goes completely red. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about you bi-” 
“I actually think she’s right. I was a bit worried, too.” One of Iwa’s (very buff) friends stepped forward, smiling at you two before putting a hand a on the newbie’s shoulder. “Let’s go check it out.”
As you sigh out, your boyfriend stares at you with pride and amusement both bright in his eyes. “All that pain and you’re still able to come up with snarky comments.” 
As his hand returns to soothing circular motions, you dig your face into his chest. 
The soft touches from Iwa were enough to ease your pains, and allowed you to embrace your moment of vulnerability with your sweet boyfriend. 
“Let’s dip and get food, okay? And you can just rest at home. You deserve a break.”
“Weren’t you saying something about how the grind doesn’t stop-”
“It stops when your health is on the line. Let’s go.”
Suna Rintarou
When it comes to you being on your period, Suna is by far the most hands off while simultaneously being the most attentive. 
Suna wasn’t necessarily the biggest on PDA. But when it was just you two? He had no problem being all up against you.
The only situation Suna does not know how to navigate is when he can’t read someone’s moods or behaviors. Luckily for him, you were overly clear with his emotions and needs when you were on your period, even if those moods and needs were all over the place. 
Early on, when you got together, he was a bit surprised to see how bad your period could get.
He’d walked in to your room one day to see you in a fetal position, rolling around on the floor.
He’d seen you go a full day of eating only junk food, upset and trying to satiate all your cravings. 
He’d also seen you go without sleep because of how bad your cramps were.
Essentially, he’d learned you’d go through really bad health habits, and he’d assigned himself the roll of trying to make sure you maintained some regularity while on your period. 
He was ready for anything, so ready that he made it look effortless. 
When Suna came back from practice one day, he couldn't find you anywhere in your shared home. Which isn’t a problem, but he doesn’t recall you saying you were going anywhere....
It’s not till he lazily stalks over to the hallway and hears a horrible retching sound that he realizes you are still home. 
Swinging the door open, he finds you perched over the toilet, vomiting in what looks to be a super painful manner. 
“Rin...ta...r-oh fuck” you can barely get his name out before you start throwing up again. 
Your boyfriend takes a step into the bathroom, but you toss an intense ‘no’ his way with your hand. 
“It smells disgusting… and… I don’t want to be smothered right now…” you sigh as you breathe between your bouts of vomiting. 
He takes a deep breath, recomposing himself. He knows your period can get pretty bad, but he hasn’t seen it get this bad in a while. He obliges, but he doesn’t move from the doorway. 
As you start your next fit, Suna’s face remains blank, but his heart twists. 
He slowly approaches you, kneeling beside you. 
“I said to not.. To smother me....” your protest is weakened by your body inhibiting your ability to speak. 
Suna keeps a bit of space between you two, but he gently grabs your hair, pulling strand by strand, until its completely out of your face 
(alternatively, if you have short hair), Suna keeps a bit of space between you two, but he lets his hand gently rest on your back, rubbing in soothing circles . 
Your hand goes up to push him away, but he grabs your fist with his larger hand, weaving his fingers with yours, rubbing his thumb into the back of your hand. 
“I won’t smother, don’t worry. But I’m gonna be here.” He’s soft in his tone, unfazed despite the relative unpleasantness of the situation. 
As you finally stop, you fall back, your hands covering your eyes. 
As you lean back, your body giving out, your head finds its way onto the plush chest of your green eyed boyfriend. He doesn’t touch you, but just acts as a makeshift couch for you to lean on. 
“Rintarou.” “
“I need your touch.” 
Your words are blunt but effortlessly received as your boyfriend instinctively wraps his arms around you, languidly stroking your thigh with one hand and holding your stomach with the other. He adjusts you so that you’re pressed up against him. 
“Better, babe?” he asks as he backs up into the wall, loosening up as you relax against him. 
“Mmm.” You croon, sinking down against him. “I should  brush my teeth, I’m sorry you came back to this.”
“It’s fine. Get cleaned up. Wanna watch movies? I got Chinese takeout.” 
“I don’t want Chinese,” you comment.
 “What do you want?” 
 He sighs. “I’ll be back in 20.”
 “I love you.” you smile at him as you tell him what he already knows. 
He presses his nose into your hair, letting your conditioner’s scent fill his nose. “Mmm… and I love you.” 
“How much?” You ask.
“How much do I what?” 
“How much do you love me?” 
“Enough to get you pizza at 10 pm in the pouring rain.” 
“It’s raining??”
“...Nevermind I don’t want pizza anymore.”
“Well I want pizza now so I’m going.” He pulls himself up and out of the bathroom despite the way you tried to cling to his leg to keep him from leaving. 
Bokuto Koutarou
Bokuto is honestly the ideal boyfriend, especially when you are on your period. 
Early in your relationship, when you got on your period, you didn’t tell Bo. But he ended up learning the hard way. 
He’d come back from practice a bit later than usual and didn’t text you. Usually he didn’t, especially if he knew he’d only be a little late. But when he walked through the doors, instead of finding his usually happy, bubbly girlfriend who usually showered him with love, he was greeted with you crying. 
“W-why didn’t-t you text me, Kou? Do you-u not care about me?” 
He had nooo idea what was going on, and he was very panicked and sad. 
He felt like the rug was pulled out from under him when you proceeded to snuggle into his chest 2 minutes later, cries completely stopped. His little owl eyes were wide open and very confused. 
2 days later, he asked about the situation again, scared to bring it up.
But you were really embarrassed as you explained how you were on your period and could get extreme mood swings. You apologized and promised that you’d never do something wild like that again.
But Bo wasn’t content with your answer. 
He went and asked Akaashi if he knew anything about what periods were like (he was shy to ask you). 
Akaashi found the lovely statistic of “period pain being of equal pain levels of a heart attack” and Bokuto lost his shit. “
I’ve never had a heart attack, but they kill people! And they go for the hospital for those! And she apologized for being a little emotional… that doesn’t seem right, right Kaashi?”
Akaashi agrees, of course. And sends Bokuto off with the advice of “she’s always there for you. All you have to do is be there for her.” 
When the next time you had your period rolled around, and you found yourself a little emotional, you did your best to control it. But Bokuto was having none of it. 
“Baby, you don’t have to hide it! You can be emotional!! I don’t mind. You always help me when I’m emotional! I can do the same for you. I’ll take the best care of you, I promise!” 
You would honestly call it a turning point in your relationship, cause this was when you learned to start really depending on Bo. And you realized just how dependable he could really be. 
When Bokuto comes back from practice today, he finds you splayed out on the couch, koala-hugging a pillow, whimpering a “welcome home” between grunts of pain. 
Bokuto stays quiet as he walks up to the couch, dipping down to place a kiss on your cheek before stripping his sweaty t-shirt off as he walks off to take a shower. 
Once he comes out, fresh and clean, he throws on a comfortable t-shirt and shorts before coming back to find you on the couch. 
He grabs your legs, pulls them up, sits down, and then places them in his lap. “Baby, do you want a massage? I can press your legs.” 
“You don’t have to, Kou, it’s okay.” 
“I want to!” He cheers back as he starts to knead at your calves, moving down to your feet and slowly pressing over your socks. 
You sigh and huff, slowly relaxing as the soothing feeling of the pressure applied to your feet counteracts the pain you felt in your lower abdomen. 
While Bokuto concentrates intensely on massaging your calves again, he perks up at the sound of a sniffle.
 Swinging his head, he sees you slowly dissolving into sobs. 
Panicked, he slides your legs onto the couch and comes by your face. 
“Baby, did I press too hard? Did I hurt you? Please tell me.”
“No, no, Kou, you’re fine. I’m just- I’m so lucky and blessed to have such a loving amazing boyfriend~” you get the words out as tears stream down your face, turning to look him in his big, gorgeous, gold eyes. “I don’t deserve you, my love.”
Now, for reasons unknown, Bokuto finds himself crying as well. 
“Why are you crying!” You cry and laugh out at the same time. 
“Because I have such a sweet girlfriend who always showers me in love! Don’t say I don’t deserve you. You’re perfect for me.” 
Cheesy as the exchange was, it was really soft for you. Because you knew Bokuto, and you knew he meant every word exactly as is from the bottom of his heart. 
Crying while your laughs got lighter, you pull him in and kiss him all over his face. 
He laughs too, and holds your face as he pulls away, swiping the tears from under your eyes. “Your turn!!” 
After smothering you with kisses, he picks you up and carries you to your shared bedroom, so he can love on you more, with enough space for both of you to lay next each other and peacefully drift off to sleep. 
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A/N: Gym guys who don’t mind their business seriously bother me. I hope you all enjoyed! Requests and commentary are greatly appreciated :D 
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kshira · 4 years
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+hajime iwaizumi
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ღ ◟mornings w/ iwa
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the sounds of soft footsteps padding on the wooden floors stirred you from sleep, you shifted a bit pulling the covers closer to you and cozying up to the warm indents still left in the mattress from your partner.
iwaizumi was up way before the sun gestured it’s celestial body to the sky, the way the sounds and moments he made during the premature hours amplified when he was getting ready so he always tried to tiptoe around you.
he didnt want to wake you up because you always looked so beautiful in this state, the way your eyes fluttered open when his alarm rung out slinging your arms around him with a pleaded smile to stay in the bed with you five more minutes.
he took another look at your body ccocooned in the duvet with small snores looming out, satisfied he didnt wake you he headed out of the bedroom door quietly as he possibly could.
letting a sigh escape his lips iwaizumi headed to the door ready for another day wrestling with tokyo’s finest athletes, he loves you more than anything and would drop the world to be at your every beacon.
but also 27 year old athletic trainer hajime iwaizumi loved his fucking job.
“shit, i forgot my wallet” with a vein pulsing over his forehead iwaizumi pivots his hells and heads back into the house.
he was already late when he left the bed with you five more minutes turned into twenty of his muscled arms wrapped around you cooing sweet words in your ear lulling you back to sleep.
he just couldn’t help hisself not with the way you nuzzled to his chest and buried yourself in for comforted heat, purring like noises escaped you while iwaizumi rubbed circles on your back.
he was a sucker for you for sure, the girl that looked like she’d run from anything had a whole ass man wrapped around her finger.
dreading the creak from the door he opened it back into the room of total darkness, iwaizumi fumbled his hand on the wall for leverage thinking he was feeling the correct way he hit the light switch.
oh shit.
“oh my god hajime it’s so bright” you mumbled out blocking the burning light with your hand.
“baby i am so sorry” his voice reached out to you, the soothing of his deep voice still laced with sleep cocked your eye open to him.
chuckling out at you as he walked closer from the way you were positioned up on the bed squinting at him from the harsh gleam marring your vision.
“you’re so beautiful when you first wake up” he says putting the strands of hair behind your ear.
“i can’t tell if you’re lying right now because i can’t see” you say putting your hands out pretending to feel the imaginary position he was in.
iwaizumi has a smile sewed across his face “i got to get going princess, i’m already late” putting a kiss to your forehead and then to your lips.
you opened your eyes with his lips drifting off of your face, in those eyes he saw his future laid out with you the single gleams of everything he built with you burning brightly.
grabbing his wallet off the nightstand and heading back towards the door you called out to him “have a good day lover boy, i’ll be waiting” with a sealed wink you wiggled back into the covers.
with that a smile rested on his face for the rest of the day and when it started to fade, iwazumi came home to you bringing it right back to life.
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wherethehoesat · 4 years
Iwaizumi + had a major fight and him being prideful that made Oikawa step up but still they end up being okay and having Iwaizumi being clingy to his gf 🥺❤
I had trouble understanding this ask so I’m sorry if the scene isn’t what you wanted! also, sorry for the late response 
“What is wrong with you Iwaizumi?” Oikawa huffs, anger dripping from his voice. Iwaizumi felt a twinge of irritation upon hearing the setter’s voice. It was the first time the brunette called Hajime something other than his annoying ‘Iwa-chan’. Somehow, his name coming from his mouth sounded a lot worse than the annoying nickname.
“Nothing is wrong with me Oikawa.” he replies, tone cold and measured. The other guy scoffs.
“You were jealous aren’t you?” came Tooru’s taunting question. “Because- what? We went out for some games at the arcade? Are you fucking kidding me?” the setter’s voice rose as his anger grew.
He knew the brunette was flirty, it was his nature. But it was different with you. Iwaizumi saw that look the setter gave you, knew what it was because he looks at you that way, with soft eyes, caring, wanting, loving. So when he saw you with laughing with Oikawa in bliss, his arms slung on your shoulders, he felt his chest tighten.
Never had he ever thought that his friend would be the reason for his jealousy.
Tooru was charming and talented, and he was... he was what? What if you saw what Oikawa really is and decide that he was better than him? 
“That’s not my problem, Oikawa. She can go with whoever she wants.” Iwaizumi replies, his uninterested tone hiding the fury behind his words.
“But not me, right? Because I like her, Iwa-chan?” and the nickname returns, the usual teasing words dripping with venom. 
Iwaizumi cracks his knuckles, stifling the urge to punch the setter in the face. He didn’t even deny his feelings for his girlfriend-
“You shouldn’t be jealous, you fucking prick.”
To his surprise, Tooru lunges at him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. “You shouldn’t be ignoring her, you hear that? I know where the lines are and I won’t cross them because you’re my friend. You could tell me that you don’t trust my words, because that’s okay.” 
Tears, tears were hitting Iwaizumi’s shirt, tears from the eyes of the brunette.
“But don’t you ever fucking say that you don’t believe in how much she loves you.” Oikawa continues, “She loves you so much that she isn’t going to leave you for someone like me, or anyone else for that matter. She’ll forgive you for acting cold to her. She’ll give you everything because she loves you goddamn it!”
The setter shoves Iwaizumi, making him stumble, too struck by the brunette’s words to even move.
“And this is coming from the guy who loves her as much as you do, so trust me, no- trust her. She loves you and she wouldn’t dare leave no matter how many times I wish for her to love me instead. So you take care of her, Iwa-chan.”
And with that, Oikawa leaves Iwaizumi, gaping at the words he left and realizing his mistakes.
As he gathers his thoughts, he rushes home, rushes back to you.
That was how Iwaizumi found himself in your embrace, your fingers fiddling with the strands of his hair, humming a soothing melody beside him, his hands were wrapped around you, tight enough that you wouldn’t escape his hug and gentle enough not to bruise you.
You ran your knuckles on his cheeks, leaving soft kisses on his face, “I bet you and Tooru fought, hm?” you whisper, never ending your soft touches, much to his delight.
He hums in response and you chuckle, “Don’t do that again Hajime, m’kay?” Another hum from him. “Tooru is a close friend but that’s all he is.” Another feather light touch of your lips on his nose.
“I love you, Hajime.”
“Mm, I love you too, y/n.”
“You better fix your friendship with Oikawa or I’ll beat the hell out of you both.”
“Yes, ma’am.” <3
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satendou · 3 years
⟼  iwaizumi hajime & matsukawa issei
⍣ the proposal: poly edition | previous: shirabu & tendou | next: to be decided | 2/?
⇢ pairing: iwaizumi/reader/matsukawa
⇢ au: aged up!au
⇢ summary: where you went on one of your first dates
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⇢ warnings: none
⇢ word count: 1552
⇢ a/n: one thing i love about the seijoh boys is that literally any pairing works together
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“hey, you guys wanna go do something?” iwaizumi said, coming out of the bedroom already dressed in jeans and a blue flannel button down. it was open, displaying a white t-shirt beneath, his hair still wet from the shower.
matsukawa raised his eyebrow, glancing at him over his phone as if to say, “now?”
“aren’t you tired, haji?” you asked, brows furrowing as you looked up at him from matsukawa’s lap. your phone was also in your hands, scrolling through twitter absently, ready to stay in even though it was a saturday. iwa hadn’t been home more than an hour from practice with the team, and usually he just wanted to veg afterwards.
iwa shrugged in response, motioning for the two of you to follow him out the door. it was true that he was tired, but he had something much more important planned for the three of you than falling asleep on the couch.
he didn’t say where he was taking you, the conversation consisting mostly about how the team was coming along and matsukawa telling you about a strange couple that had come into the funeral home that day to look at caskets. iwa’s knuckles were white on the steering wheel as he drove out of the city and, from the backseat, it seemed like your partners were forcing the conversation. it felt tense in the car, causing your heart to beat faster while you flipped between watching them and the scenery flashing by outside the window.
after what felt like ages, iwaizumi pulled off the road into an empty parking lot. you knew where you were, since it was a well known spot to look out over the city. the sun hadn’t quite set yet, but the lights of the city were already shining bright, overlaid by the pinks, purples, and oranges cast by the dying light of the sun.
it had been ages since you had been there, though you still remembered coming on one of your first dates with the two of them, when the three of you were still figuring out your dynamics. it was a fond memory and, as your fingers wrapped around the worn wood railing, you smiled.
“what is it, sweetheart?” matsukawa asked, coming up behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle. his impressive height allowed him to comfortably rest his chin atop your head, taking in the beautiful sight before him and the warmth of you in his arms. he was sure he already knew what you were thinking-- it was the whole reason he and iwa had chosen to come here tonight.
iwa was the last to join the three of you, bracing himself against the railing and surveying the city before him with satisfaction as you answered matsukawa.
“remember when we came up here on, what was it? our second date?” you asked, looking to iwa for confirmation. it’s what you always did when you were unsure-- he always had the answer.
“third, and i do remember. how could i forget? we were still trying to figure us out and this is where we decided we would make it work. i’ll never forget,” he said, the corner of his lips turning up in a gentle half-smile as he looked at you and matsukawa. a soft fondness swept through him, overtaking the pounding of his heart for just a moment.
“now look how far we’ve come,” matsukawa said, turning to rest his cheek on top of your head so he could look at iwa. the weight in his pocket was a reminder of exactly that, how easily the three of you first clicked, how unsure you were when you first realized you all felt more for each other than just friendship, how hard you had fought to make it work through the derision and ridicule of others that said your relationship wasn’t normal. there had been fights, jealousy, and insecurity as with any relationship, and the three of you had all come out stronger on the other side, more determined than ever to be together.
taking a deep breath, iwa took your hand, smiling gently even though it felt like his heart was going to come up though his throat. the words he wanted to say stuck for a moment, his lips parted as he stared down at you before glancing up at matsukawa.
with a nod of reassurance from him, iwa said haltingly, “y’know, i never really imagined this-- having two partners. let alone one of them being my best friend or it lasting as long as it has. i-- i’m not good with words--”
“not unless you’re yelling at someone,” matsukawa interrupted, grinning at the way the faint blush on iwa’s cheeks exploded into true color. “i feel the same though. back then, i never would’ve thought we’d come this far. don’t think anyone else did either.” he pulled away from you then, turning you so that you faced the both of them, the setting sun at your back, setting off the color in their eyes.
your heart was pounding, wondering where they were going with their little speech, until they each knelt down.
“i know we can’t actually get married,” iwa said, glancing at matsukawa beside him. this was as much for him as it was for you, and vice versa, even though they had planned this together. neither of them were confident in their ability to pick out a ring, and neither of them was well known for being good at romantic ideas, but together they had come up with something they thought was perfect.
matsukawa took iwa’s hand in his, linking their fingers together while he gave him his signature lazy smile. “we may not be able to get married but we can still have a ceremony to make it official. even if it’s just to us.”
you were standing before them, silent as a mouse, fingertips touching your lips with a look of surprise on your face. iwa took your free hand in his while matsukawa pulled a box out of his pocket, flipping it open and presenting it to you.
“that is, if you want it to be official,” matsukawa said, trying to joke to soothe the nervous beating of his heart. he was surprised you couldn’t hear it with how hard it was banging against his ribs. 
you looked from matsukawa to iwa, searching his face for something, some sign of joking or malice and found nothing. his eyes were swimming with anxiety and unshed tears as he looked up at you, backlit by the dying sun.
“we want to know-- want to ask-- will you marry us?” he asked, barely a broken whisper of sound in the silence between the three of you.
it took you a moment, looking from iwa to the ring to matsukawa and back, your heart racing so fast it left you lightheaded. part of you had been expecting this, given the location, their strange behavior in the car, and their little speech, but it managed to blindside you anyway.
you realized you hadn’t answered after several long seconds, during which iwa and matsukawa traded worried looks. they couldn’t know that you were thinking about how many times you had pictured this exact moment, hoping it would happen but unsure of how to bring it up when they never said anything either. your daydreams could never compare to the real thing though.
“yes,” you whispered, voice high pitched and strained with tears coming on. “god, yes, please. hajime, issei--”
you found yourself swept up in their arms, crushed against matsukawa’s chest while iwa smothered you from behind. you couldn’t stop the sobs breaking free, muffled by mattsun’s hard chest. lips were pressing kisses everywhere they could reach-- the top and back of your head, your ears, your cheek. you could hardly breathe from the strength of their holds, unsure of where one began and the other ended, knowing only for sure that it felt right.
after a few minutes-- during which you soaked the front of mattsun’s shirt-- iwa finally pulled you away, turning you around to face him. his hands remained on your hips, lips touching your forehead briefly before the two of you watched matsukawa slip the white gold band onto your finger from behind. the diamonds glinting from it weren’t small by any means, but weren’t as big as they could’ve gotten. it was representative of them and your bond, with three stones sitting front and center on two bands woven together.
iwa pulled out another box from his pocket, inside of which were nestled two plain white gold bands. offering them to you, you plucked one from the soft velvet and examined it, finding your name and matsukawa’s engraved inside. fresh tears pricked your eyes and you took iwa’s hand, slipping the ring onto his left ring finger. iwa took the last one from the box and took matsukawa’s hand, pressing a chaste kiss to his knuckles before his ring was placed on his finger.
the three of you stood in silence, admiring the rings together. your heart was still racing, mind still spinning with a myriad of emotions but with iwa’s face hidden in your neck and matsukawa pressing kiss after kiss wherever he could reach, you couldn’t have been more content.
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⇥ masterlist
⍣ the proposal: poly edition | previous: shirabu & tendou | next: to be decided
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ragewerthers · 3 years
Relaxation Therapy
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Summary:  Iwa has gotten himself so caught up in his paper that he feels he doesn't have time to relax. Luckily his boyfriends know just the way to get him to listen to reason. A little relaxation therapy is definitely in order!
A/n: Hello there!
This is written for a prompt sent to me from @lady-namo​!
She asked for:
'matsuhanaiwaoi? iwaizumi is really, REALLY stressed by whatever and they try to relax him. actually i don't mind how exactly you do it, i'd just be happy with teasy af mattsun!'
This was so much fun to write as I've never gotten to write these four before, but they are ridiculous and amazing to write banter between! I hope that you enjoy it, my friend!
You can also read on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28599321
Enjoy! :D
Word Count: 3937
Iwa growled in frustration as he ran a hand through his hair, staring hard at the readings laid out before him on the kitchen table.
If this civilization wasn’t already lost to history, he would be cursing the ancient Minoans as the texts he looked over spoke of them.  How dare they be so god damn interesting that he decided to write his history paper on their mysterious disappearance?  How dare they lure him into trying to read through dusty old texts that only offered up the same three conclusions each and every time?!  Three conclusions does not a paper make!
With another deep growl he let his head fall to the table with a resounding thud that he immediately regretted more than the Minoans existence.  His pen had been in just the perfect spot for his forehead to land against, sending a nice little shockwave of pain through his forehead and making him reel back in his chair with a shout.  Sadly the force that he’d pushed himself away with was enough to send said chair tilting backwards at lightning speeds and his life flashed before his eyes.
Sadly the only thing his mind supplied was the Minoans.
The bastards.
Squeezing his eyes shut he waited for the cold, hard impact of the floor, but soon just found himself suspended mid-air.
Slowly, almost fearfully, he let his eyes peek open only to be met with the amused and gentle smile of Mattsun.
“Issei?” Iwa said a little dumbly, having thought his boyfriends were still out of the apartment for a grocery run.  When Oikawa was involved this usually meant that the trip could last hours and it felt like they’d only just left a few minutes ago.  Oikawa shouting something sassy from the hall, Hana rolling his eyes and Mattsun promising that they wouldn’t lose Tooru… again.
Now, it seemed, they had all returned just in time to see the Minoans attempting to take him out with his own pen.
“The one and only.  Appears we didn’t get back too late for me to be your knight in shining armor, Hajime,” the taller man said lightly, ducking down to press a careful kiss to the red line already starting to appear over Iwa’s forehead.
“What was that thud we heard when we came in, Iwa?” Hana called, carrying in at least four grocery bags collected on his arms and trying to carefully place them on the table and avoid Iwa’s work.
“Yeah, Iwa-chan!  Mattsun literally jumped the sofa to get in here when he heard you yelp,” Oikawa said with a teasing smirk, putting his own single bag of shopping right on top of Iwa’s work and spreading out his papers even more.
Matsukawa quirked an eyebrow at Oikawa before carefully setting Iwa’s chair back down on the floor.
“This coming from the man who literally elbowed Hana in the face trying to unlock the door when we heard the commotion in the hall.  Don’t act all cool and collected now,” Mattsun teased, watching as Oikawa’s ears tinged red and he puffed his cheeks out into a pout.
“I did no such thing!  I know Iwa-chan is more than capable of handling himself in any situation,” Oikawa huffed, turning around and heading back toward the living room to drop off his coat, scarf and shoes.
“I thought he was going to cry,” Hana whispered to Iwa as he passed by with a few frozen pizza’s in hand, apparently deciding to put away their frozens before taking off his things.  Though he also seemed incapable of dropping a kiss to Iwa’s brow before continuing on and making the man's cheeks warm up more at all of this attention.  Though the thought of Oikawa blubbering in the hallway did make him chuckle a bit.
Soon Iwa felt a strong hand lightly starting to massage the back of his neck and the chuckling instantly quieted down into a soft hum of content.  Closing his eyes, he tilted his head forward reflexively, feeling the way Mattsun’s hand worked its way up to his hairline before soothing gently circles back down toward his shoulder.
“You still didn’t answer the question though, Hajime,” Mattsun said softly as he watched Iwa slowly melt in front of him from the simple contact.  “But if I had to guess, I’d say this paper is putting up a fight?”
Iwa gave a little nod, though he tried to stay as still as possible to enjoy the gentle attention he was receiving.  “The Minoans have decided to haunt me from their graves.  But be careful what you think of them.  They’ll attack you with pens and tipped over chairs,” he grumbled, getting a little snort from Hana who was somewhere near the cupboards now.
“They also seem to be able to turn your muscles into nothing but knots and stone,” Matsukawa murmured softly, bringing his other hand up to start massaging along Hajimes shoulders properly and earning himself a deep groan of pain and contentment.  “Why don’t you take a break?  When the ghosts of dead civilizations start to attack, it’s usually a sign you need to take a step back.”
“Did I hear that right?  Iwa-chan is allowing papers to attack him now?” Oikawa cooed as he came back in, grabbing one of the other grocery bags and the table and carrying it to the counter.  “That’s what turned Issei into a track star?”
“And you into a panicked mother hen?” Hana teased, getting a swat to his arm with a bag of milk bread Oikawa had moments before had cuddled to his chest like a gift from heaven.
Iwa blinked his eyes open to give him a little half-hearted glare.  “No, Shitty-kawa.  I just… got a little stuck in my thesis and it got away from me a bit.  But I’ll still conquer this paper.  I just have to focus more,” he mumbled before giving a little whimper as Mattsun’s fingers kneaded deeper into the muscles of his shoulder.
“Hajime, I can actually feel your muscles coiling up again as you speak,” Mattsun murmured in his calming baritone.  “I think it would do you some good to take a small break with us.  Just a little breather to get your thoughts refocused?” “I can’t,” Iwa said quietly, a little scowl starting to reappear over his features.  “I only have a couple of days to get this all sorted out and I know that if I keep going I’ll be able to break through this little writer's block I have.  I’m sorry, but… maybe later once I get some thoughts on paper I can take a break with you all.”  Leaning forward slightly, Iwa gently broke the wonderful contact of Mattsun’s hands from his shoulders. He could hear a little exhale of air from behind him as he picked his pen back up and knew that wasn’t what the man had wanted to hear, but it’s what he needed to do. Reaching forward he began to try and reorganize his papers from the mess Oikawa had made of them.
“Oh Mattsun-kun.  You should know better than trying to get through to Iwa with gentle words,” Oikawa said as he drew closer to the table.
“Yeah, Mattsun,” Hana teased from his spot by the sink, turning to watch with a little smirk playing over his lips, his arms crossed over his chest.  “You know that Hajime is only just slightly less stubborn than Tooru.”
Iwa grumbled at that, hunching his shoulders to try and ignore his boyfriends talking about him as if he wasn’t there.  ‘ Now where did that pen go? ’
“I mean… you’re not wrong,” Oikawa chuckled and Iwa could hear him moving around the table to stand next to Issei.  “But… if there’s something I’ve learned about our sweet Iwa-chan it’s that there are better ways of getting your point across.”
Sadly, Iwa was now starting to get back into what he hoped was a groove for this paper and didn’t notice the shared look between his three ridiculous partners.
“That’s right,” Mattsun said, his voice still sounding measured even as the hint of amusement tinged his words.
“Gentle words aren’t enough,” Hanamaki agreed, his voice sounding closer and making Iwa hunch more into himself.  God, why didn’t he grab his earbuds to drown out these idiots ?
“That’s right,” Oikawa’s voice purred, making the back of Iwa’s neck prickle slightly.  “Hajime needs to be persuaded out of his bullheadedness…,”
“Pfft… you’re one to talk, Trashy-kawAHAHA!” Iwa startled as he felt two strong hands send a couple quick squeezes against his lower ribs, making him jolt out of his seat and sending some of his books and papers tumbling down to the floor.  Turning around he saw Oikawa’s hands still extended forward, Hana and Mattsun flanking either side of him with twin looks of mischief and determination on their faces.
The world seemed to pause in time for a few heartbeats as Iwa’s eyes looked over the three of them… his mind racing to catch up with what was happening when all of a sudden the moment of stillness was broken with two words.
“Get him.”
Hana and Mattsuns smiles turned devious as each of them took flight.  Taking off from either side of Oikawa to race around the table toward Iwa and looking for all the world like those evil winged hell monkeys the wicked witch of the west had sent off after Dorothy.
Though to be fair, Oikawa’s accompanying menacing cackle would’ve even sent a shiver down that witch’s spine! Iwa instantly turned and ran out of the kitchen and toward the hall, his heart beating thunderously in his chest as he realized what sort of doom awaited him if he were caught.
“Fly my pretties!  Fly!!!” Oikawa cried from a little further down the hall as Iwa heard Mattsun and Hana slowly starting to catch up to him as they neared the living room.
Oh yeah… Oikawa was never allowed to watch the Wizard of Oz again!
“Get the hell away from me!” Iwa called over his shoulder, only hearing a rumbling laugh far closer than he expected.
“Sorry, Hajime… not gonna happen!” Mattsun called back, his fingers just brushing the back of Hajime’s shirt and making Iwa yelp as he raced around one side of the coffee table… only to find the pair once more splitting up to give chase.
“Damn it!” Iwa shouted, though he was surprised to find the barest hint of a smile tugging up at the corners of his lips from this stupidity!  “Kn-Knock it off!  I’m trying to get some work done!  OOF!”
Iwa had glanced behind him for only a second and that was apparently all it took for Oikawa to make his grand entrance, quickly catching Iwa up in his embrace as he attempted to make a break for it toward their bedroom.
“Oh, what have we here?” Oikawa cooed in that far too smug voice, practically bearhugging Iwa to his chest.  “Why... I think it’s someone in desperate need of a study break!”
“I told you!  I don’t neheheed a breahahahak!  AH!  Stahp it!” Iwa instantly bit down on his lower lip as growly giggles already started to bubble up from his chest.  Oikawa’s fingers dug lightly into that spot under his lower ribs making his legs already feel like jelly as his body tried to twist away from the tingly touch. “Was that grumpy and sassy Iwa just now?” Hana teased as he and Mattsun drew closer.
“M’nahahat!” Iwa giggled despite his best efforts, a little yelp escaping as he felt a third hand reaching up to lightly tickle against the side of his neck as another hand began to squeeze near his hip.
“What was that, Iwa-chan?  Did you just say you weren’t being grumpy?  Because I’m positive I heard you trying to defy me and not take a break,” Oikawa murmured back dangerously as Iwa tried to weakly swat at the hands seeming to come at him from all angles.
“Stahahahap it!  I… I hahahave to gehehet back!” Iwa gasped out between giggles, soon finding himself being lifted off the ground as another pair of arms wrapped around him.
“Oh no.  I think you are in desperate need of a bit of relaxation therapy,” Mattsun said softly, seeming to be the one doing most of the lifting now before Iwa found himself unceremoniously dropped onto their sofa.
Before he could sit up he found Oikawa already straddling his thighs, Mattsun pinning his wrists overhead and Hana settled on his calves.
“And if I remember correctly, a little bit of laughter can go a long way in helping someone relax,” Mattsun teased.  The look in his eyes instantly making Iwa try to wriggle his hands free from the former blockers grasp.
“No!  R-Really!  You guys don’t have to do thi-HIHIhihihis!  Hahahana nohohoho!“ Iwa gasped out as he felt the light scribbling of fingers against his arches, his legs trying to weakly kick out, but with Oikawa and Hana both settled on his lower half he knew he wasn’t going anywhere soon. Oikawa turned to catch a glimpse of Hana’s focused attention on Iwa’s poor feet, chuckling at the reaction it was already causing.  Turning around he caught Issei’s eyes and gave him a devilish smile as he listened to Iwa’s giggles already bubbling up so sweetly. “Well, Mattsun-kun… we can’t let Hana have all the fun.  We need to be here to help our sweet, Iwa-chan too!” he teased, his fingers sneaking under Hajime’s shirt to start lightly fluttering along the sides of his tum, just barely scribbling as they moved lower and lower toward his hips.
“NO!  NO nahahahat my hihihips, Tooruhuhuhu!” Iwa squeaked out, his body already starting to shimmy side to side in the hope to block some of what was to come. “Oh, Hajime,” Mattsun crooned in his deep voice.  “I think you have so much more to be worried about then just your hips.” Iwa only had a moment to try to register what Mattsun was saying before he felt the man's fingers settling on one particular rib on his left side.  His eyes instantly widened and he began to squirm more as he knew what was coming. “WaitwaitwaitwaAHAHAHAGAHAHAD!  NOAHAHAHA!” Iwa instantly cried out as Mattsun began massaging and vibrating his fingers deeply against that particular rib.  Years ago he had cracked it during a match and a bad collison and somehow upon healing it had managed to become far too sensitive to even the lightest touches.  He regretted ever letting these bastards find out about this particular weakness!
“I think Iwa is really enjoying his study break!  Look at how big he’s smiling!” Mattsun called over Hajime’s laughter, bringing his hand up to flutter against one of his exposed armpits and making the poor man try to tug his arms free once more.
“Look at that sweet blush!  Oh Iwa-chan I wish I had my phone to capture this!” Oikawa crooned softly, his hands moving to settle into the little dips of Hajimes hips, his thumbs starting to rub deep, quick circles right against the hyper ticklish spot and nearly sending himself and Hana flying off the sofa with the way Iwa jolted.
“NO PLEHEHEHEASE!  I CAHAN’T!  I CAHAHAN’T!” Iwa cackled wildly as Oikawa’s thumbs found a rhythm that had him bouncing what little he could on the sofa.  His head was tossed back against one of the throw pillows and his entire body felt like one giant sensitive spot. Hana snickered from where he was lightly tracing his fingers over Iwa’s socked arches, making the man's toes curl and his feet twitch from the light contact.  “Can’t what?  Escape?  We know that already, silly Iwa,” Hana teased, finding a nice little spot right in the center of his partners arches that seemed to make the poor guy shriek. “Oh!  I think I definitely have the best spot!”
Tooru huffed from his spot on Hajime, looking down at the mans face already turning pink from laughter.  His own hands had paused as the light tickles to his feet from Hanamaki seemed to be driving him into hysterical giggles.
“That’s not fair, Hajime!  How come you let Hana have your best spot?  You always told me it was your hips!  Were you lying to me, Iwa-chan?” he asked with mock suspicion, narrowing his eyes and fighting a smile as his hands gave Iwa’s hips a few warning squeezes.
“NO!  NO Tooruhuhu!  I… I didn’t lie! I dihihihihidn’t!  AHahahagahahad!” Iwa cackled, turning his head into his outstretched arm to try and hide a snort that escaped him when the squeezes turned into scribbling fingers that raced up his sides before quick and nimble fingers began to vibrate over his tum.
“Hmmm… I don’t know.  Sounds like this is also a good spot!  Have you been hiding them on me?!” Oikawa gasped dramatically, though this time he didn’t bother hiding the soft smile he had on his face as Iwa laughed so brightly and openly.
Mattsun had paused his own tickling as well as he watched Iwa losing himself to his laughter from the other two.  His goal had been to make Iwa relax and really this was already having the desired effect.  Iwa’s brow was no longer furrowed in grumpiness, his expression soft and bright with laughter pouring out of him.
However, this didn’t mean that he didn’t still want to truly drive home how much Iwa deserved this and how much he needed to listen to his boyfriends every once in a while.
“Oh, Hajime.  I think you were keeping secrets from us,” Mattsun teased as he lightly fluttered his fingers against his right armpit and then his left, making Iwa jump with each soft attack, his giggles always intensifying when he did it.
“Nehehehever!  I w-wouldn’t!  I prohohomihihihihise!” Iwa squeaked out, his laughter already starting to become quieter as he neared his limit.  Unlike Tooru, who seemed to gain energy during their tickle attacks on him, Iwa always seemed to have one big burst of energy before becoming absolutely compliant in their arms.
Mattsun chuckled at that and shook his head.  “Hmm… I don’t know… you’re getting pretty jumpy with these tickles here.  I think the best way to make sure you aren’t hiding any more secrets from your boyfriends is to attack all these good spots at once.  What do you guys think?” he asked, watching as Oikawa and Hana both perked up with bright smiles, their resounding ‘YES!’s’ easily covering up Iwa’s frantically giggled ‘NO!’
“I think the majority wins!  Ready, Hajime?” Mattsun murmured fondly, though judging from the way the man was already giggling so hard his cheeks were turning pink he knew he wasn’t about to get a proper answer.  “Then here we go, on the count of three!  One!” he counted, fingers wiggling just above Iwa’s torso and making him shiver.
“Two!” Hana called, letting both of his index fingers zip up Iwa’s soles in warning of what was to come, a startled squeal and wriggle the only answer from Hajime.
Oikawa glanced down at his Iwa, watching as the man peeked his eyes out from where he had been trying to hide against his arm, his smile bright, carefree, but still with that little bit of challenge behind them.
Oikawa’s smile grew at that in return.  Never one to take a challenge lightly.
“Three!” he cried, and instantly, all of their hands were on the attack… and Iwa lost his mind.
Hanamaki’s fingers scribbled and traced all of his soles, moving from his arches to under his toes and drawing out the ugliest snorts Iwa had ever heard himself make. Tooru’s fingers exacted lethal attacks against his stomach, sides and hips.  His fingers would massage and vibrate against the bones of his hips before moving up to massage deep circles against his lower ribs and then moving to scuttle around and vibrate against his sides and tum making him bounce and jump at the deeply ticklish touches.
And finally there was Mattsun, the instigator to all of this if Iwa had to name someone.  He’d abandoned his hold on his wrists to use both hands to attack his upper ribs and armpits with fluttering fingers and scribbles that had made Iwa shriek before dissolving into wild and carefree laughter.
His arms had instantly clamped down on Mattsun’s hands and he tried for all his worth to try and wiggle away or curl into the sofa, but there was no escaping three evil boyfriends hellbent on teasing him into relaxation and oblivion all in one.
“NOHOHOAHAHAHA!  PLEHEHEHEASE I… I CAHAHAHAN’T!  IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES SO BAHAHAHAD!” Iwa cried out through his hysterical laughter, his mind completely taken over by nothing but ticklish sensations and absolutely nothing left to remind him of his earlier troubles, the Minoans, the paper… nothing but how terribly his boyfriends were wrecking and how much it tickled! “Do you think Iwa’s had enough?” Mattsun chuckled, already starting to slow his tickles as Oikawa and Hana both smiled softly at Iwa.  Even their fingers started to turn from terrible tickles to lightly soothing over those spots.
“I think Iwa has learned his lesson,” Oikawa cooed softly, his hands soothing against his boyfriends sides as Iwa slowly regained back some sanity, giggling and panting even as he felt the tickles starting to subside.
“L-Lehehesson?” he giggled, voice a little hoarse from his laughter as Mattsun nodded. “Yes.  To listen to your boyfriends.  To take a break.  To enjoy some relaxation therapy.  To not take your papers so seriously they almost hurt you,” Mattsun listed off, carefully removing his hands from under Iwa’s arms and making him shiver before starting to sooth his fingers through his messy hair.  “This is really all we wanted to achieve, Hajime.  For you to have a moment to just let loose and step away from those things that were stressing you.  Apparently we can only get that across that stubborn brain of yours with some well placed tickles.” Iwa felt his cheeks flushing a bit, giving a little hum and closing his eyes as his breathing started to calm more and more as he felt the gentle touches now moving over him.
“I’m… sorry I didn’t listen sooner,” he chuckled, melting a little more as Oikawa began to lightly massage down his arms and Hana moved, lifting Iwa’s legs so that he could sneak to sit on the sofa, letting them rest in his lap so he could soothe along his feet, ankles and calves as well.  
“No need to apologize, Iwa-chan,” Oikawa murmured softly, ducking down to press a few soft kisses against his boyfriends pink cheeks before carefully moving off of him, sitting beside the sofa as he watched Iwa starting to relax more and more.  “Besides… we achieved what we wanted.  You’re relaxing and taking a breather now, right?  So we’re really all winners here.”
Iwa gave a gentle, tired chuckle at that, his eyes already closing as he was pampered so lovingly by them all.
“Re… Remind me… to do this… more often,” Iwa murmured, his voice already growing softer as sleep carefully called to him after his intense tickle attack.
“I think we can do that,” Mattsun murmured fondly, giving Iwa a soft tickle behind his ear, making the man giggle softly before his breathing evened out and soft snores could soon be heard.
If this was the end result of their efforts to get Iwa to relax, they would definitely have no problem reminding him time and time again.
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hitozy · 3 years
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all you who sleep tonight ‹ masterlist › he and i
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𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬
Sharing a bedroom had proven to be of no bother for either parties. Iwaizumi had feared it would be a bit awkward given that they weren't romantically involved, but his worries were a bit useless, YN had made it easy and comfortable for the both of them.
Cohabitating and sharing was starting to make him feel different as well. He couldn't really put a name on it, but it started when he began to see the little things around him.
Going into the bathroom and finding his toothbrush beside yn's. Her towel hanging beside his, the shower containing his and yn's products, he accidentally tried yn's body wash and ended up liking the smell and exfoliating that he mentioned to yn if she could buy more. She had giggled but agreed, mentioning the different types that there were which ended up in both of them starting to shop together after work and school.
He found himself staring at her as she looked over the products, making sure they are the right ones. Or when she pouts for Iwaizumi to have a heart and let her buy junk food (which he always does). Or when he opens the closet door to find his clothes beside hers, the contrast of variety and color always making him smile.
Or when he wakes up earlier than his alarm, turning his head to find her beside him. His eyes travelling from her hair sprawled around her pillow, her hands clutching said pillow up to her shoulders, watching the goosebumps appearing on her skin. Eyes travelling down to always find the bedsheet pooling under her waist and he never knows why or how. He would pull the sheet up, cover you as he watches you let out a soft sigh and a content smile that never fails to make his heart flutter.
It makes him wonder if he's always felt this way, and if not, since when?
Jae hasn't stopped calling him.
He thought that after the discussion they had at yn's parents last week would be enough to get her off his back, but it proved to be pointless and he was beginning to think that she did not leave the house by her own assessment.
Mr. and Mrs. LN must have sent her home after listening to her horrible criticism of their daughter. Something she had done in the past and never failed to sour his mood. He didn't know what her problem was, but he knew she was lying about everything concerning you, learning it was best to ignore her comments than correct her.
It was on the third day that he felt his patience snap. She had been calling him relentlessly to the point that the coach had asked him to take the call, 'It could be an emergency.' He disregarded it as spam calls and was left alone once he placed his cell the profile in vibration, so even though it was vibrating non-stop, at least everyone else couldn't hear it.
Once it was lunch break I pulled out my phone.
53 missed calls from Jae
15 voicemails probably from Jae
27 texts from Jae
He ignored Jae's attempts in communicating with him, deleting everything in one go and focusing on a little one who had also been trying to get in touch with him a while ago.
1 missed call from mochi mochi
3 texts from mochi mochi
mochi mochi: omg sorry! I forgot that you're in training rn mochi mochi: I was calling to let you know that I'm heading to the library for school work D: mochi mochi: letting you know because you wanted to pick me up today, i'll go home later dw! have a lovely day hajime♥
His little mochi was a bit selfless sometimes. He was going to text you back, but his irritation from Jae's insistency was rubbing him wrong all over his body so he thought best to call you and let your voice sooth his nerves.
"Hajime! Good morning, is anything wrong?" Just like that, he felt his frustrations be washed away at the sound of your voice, like cold water running all over him.
"Morning mochi, I saw your text, everything all right?" Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the athletes and the coaches acting as if they weren't listening but the way their bodies were leaning towards him gave it away.
He had half a mind at telling them to mind their own business.
"Ah, well, we got a request from the film majors to help out with their project scripts and we weren't actually going to do it, since we already have enough stuff as is," he recalls the nights he would come in late, watching you giving it your all even if you finished at 3am, he was worried about your health during that time and after your breakdown, he had a reason to be worried now, "luckily we are working in large teams, sadly I'm doing the rough draft."
"Sounds rough, mochi. Anything I can do to help?"
In an almost timid manner, she asked softly "Keep me company?"
How could he reject?
Once he hung up, one of the senior coaches passed behind him and smack his hand on his back with a grin, "The ol' ball 'n chain, huh? You should go and buy her something to eat today, having to tolerate your ass. Now come on, we have a team to train for a win."
11:45 pm
He had brought her favorite food and drink to the school library, sneaking to the back to eat and not get caught by anyone there. It look familiar yet very different from the one back in California, when he would stay until early morning studying on the weekends, with you doing the same in the video call in front of him.
Now your right in front of him, physically and mentally in his presence. He had been working on some stuff from work as you continued your studies and felt relived and in peace in the comfortable silence but, it had been a while since he had finished it all and he soon found himself staring at you.
The shape of your eyes, your soft hair, your nose, your soft lips, the curve of neck, the way your shirt shaped your breasts...
He mentally slapped himself at that thought, why- why the hell is he thinking of your breasts? Since when is he thinking about it? Why-
"Ah! I didn't even notice the time, let's go Hajime... are you okay?"
"Yeah, um why?"
"Your face is all red", she came to stand in front of him, touching his forehead, "hmm, you don't have a fever... maybe you're just tired? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to stay for so long." Her soft cold hand felt nice against his face as she rubbed her thumb up and down his forehead.
He remembered that she used to do this when she was younger, "You have to stop doing that Hajime!," she would exclaim as she rubbed his forehead in a similar matter as now, "You'll get wrinkles too young!"
The old memory made him laugh, your expression back then mirrored to present day. "What so funny?"
He smiled and took all of your stuff from the table, taking your hand in his, "Nothing, lets just go home, mochi."
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Can you hear my heart? Oh, but I can tell! We are twin starts With different births. My caring shadow ― It has your face. The voice of my soul Knows well your name.
Tell me, Can you hear my heart? Oh! how I love you, My best friend.
Twin Stars ― Clairel Estevez
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taglist ! @daphnxy @zukoslosthishonor​ @i-am-a-hoe-for-shinya @mrsdoradominguez-barnes @anejuuuuoy
a/n! i beat the system so here's a chapter guys ♥ also... since i couldn't post one last week, there will be a double post this one!
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saffron-nova21 · 3 years
XIV. The Game (Pt. 2)
Learning to Love Masterlist
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The boys were doing so well — you were so proud. No matter who landed or was blocked, you were cheering. All the time spent with the Aoba Joshai boys had made you realize how hard they worked, how much that they all deserved to go to nationals.
You wish it didn’t have to be only one team or the other. Your poor boys. Watching Karasuno take the lead had you cheering for them and curious as to why your boyfriend hadn’t been put in yet.
Watching them out him in, though, you didn’t know whether to cheer on your boyfriend or slump your shoulders at the knowledge that Karasuno wasn’t going to know what hit them. As hot-headed as your boyfriend could get, causing him to make an increasing amount of mistakes, he was good and he could score a good number of points, just so long as he kept a level head.
When Karasuno took that first set, you cheered for them with a wide smile. They all manage to give you a thumbs up in acknowledgment before turning to Ukai. Then you look towards where your boyfriend stood, moving in the stands, so you’re pretty much standing over the bunch, speaking towards them. “I’m proud of each of you. Keep it up. You guys are going to take this next set.” You nod, before glancing down at Kentarō. “I’m proud of you. I love you.” You tell him.
Kentarō gives you the smallest smile, a proud look on his face at your praise. “I love you, too.”
When the next set started, it was easy to take note that Aoba Joshai was planning on taking things into a third set and winning this one. And they did.
In the beginning, Seijoh had a good lead and it wasn’t until nearly set point when you watched them put Tadashi in, cheering loudly for your pinch-server brother. Seeing his jump-float go so well had you jumping up and down happily — that was your brother. With that, Tadashi pulled the game ahead for Karasuno. Though, Oikawa’s serves bested them in the end.
Though, into the third set, you noticed Kyotani was beginning to lose his sense of previous calm as spikes got past their defense. You watch as he’s subbed out, locking eyes with Yahaba briefly, before just nodding a bit, then looking towards your boyfriend and flashing him a soft smile.
You swore — Tanaka had been trying to piss the boy off. It pissed you off a bit, as well, but you were trying to just breath and ignore it, then looking back towards Yahaba and your boyfriend. As much as you tensed at the aggression, you could see that he was calming down at whatever Yahaba was saying.
Watching them sub him back in was a relief, though it seemed it wasn’t enough, after all was said and done. Because with one last spike from Hinata, one Oikawa tried to dig up, the game was all over. Your breath escaped you. A mixture of happiness for your own boys surged through you... Though, tears welled up in your eyes as you watched the way the Aoba Joshai boys all let their expressions freeze and fall apart.
While Yaichi and Saeko celebrated beside you, you watched with a conflicted expression. You smile towards the Karasuno, loudly cheering for them. You would wait until after to shed any tears for your boyfriend and friends.
As you saw them leaving, you were quick to leave the stands, nearly running to make it outside to see them. You nearly slide as you make it down to see them, stopping in front of Oikawa, heading the team. Looking at them all, some looked away from you or hung their heads so they didn’t have to deal with anymore tears. Kyotani walked forward, gaze a bit harsher than usual, though you narrowed your eyes.
“Kentarō, you better watch your tone with me.” You warn, the male quickly realizing his own aggression. He looks at you nearly like a kicked puppy, opening his arms for you. You step forward and wrap your arms around his torso, his head falling into your shoulder. His own shoulders slump in exhaustion and defeat as he leans into you. Soon, you can feel a few drops on your shoulders — tears he was working to hide from his team.
You gently drag you nails over his back in a soothing manor. “Look, you guys... It hurts now, it’s an open wound. Don’t rub salt in it by thinking about all of the mistakes you might have made. Because you know what? The other team made mistakes to. For most of you, this isn’t your last year. Toru, you’re going to do great things. You already know that, but even still. Issei, Takahiro, and Hajime... Seeing you four off this year is going to hurt... But... I’ll be looking after them for you. And when they make it to nationals next year, it’ll all be thanks to you guys making sure they never stopped working.
“You all did amazing. I’m gonna miss being your manager.” Your words are a mere whisper at this point. Toru was the only third year who’d managed to keep his tears hidden, standing tall and looking away from you to stop himself from crying.
“Well, little cutie, don’t you always know what to say?” He chuckles. “Are you riding the bus with us?”
You laugh under your breath, blinking a bit to keep from crying. “I’ve got to go and congratulate my brother, Tsukishima, and the other boys and let them know. But yeah, if that’s an offer, I’ll happily ride home with you guys.”
Kyotani separates from you with a quiet sniffle. Bringing your hands to his cheeks, you wipe his tears away. “Do you have to go?” He whispers to you, need clear in his voice.
“I’ll be back...” You lean in to kiss his lips briefly, before separating to walk to where the other team was stationed.
It was only thirty minutes before you went back to find the Seijoh bus, finding Kyotani standing beside it as he waits for you. He swallows as he sees you, already about to lose composure again.
Wordlessly, he takes your hand abd pulls you onto the bus with him, finding a seat across from Yahaba and Watari, where he sits and pulls you into his lap. Half of the team had already fallen asleep and you wouldn’t be too long after. He leans against the side of the bus, letting his legs stretch over the seats as he pulls your back against his chest.
His head falls to your shoulder again. “If I hadn’t lost it — we would’ve won.”
“If they hadn’t had you, they couldn’t have done so well against Karasuno.” You pick his head up with a hand on his cheek. “You did amazingly. You are a great player. I’m proud of you.”
His eyes soften as he looks into yours. He leans in and kisses you, his hold on you tightening. Tears fall from his eyes, “You’re too good for me.”
You hum, hardly able to pull away, even then, it’s hardly enough to say you did pull away, lips still brushing against his. “Hmm — I beg to differ. But I’ve got as long as we continue dating to change your mind.” You breath, using your grip on his shirt to pull him into another kiss.
You and Kyotani didn’t fall asleep, no matter how tired he was, you both sat and talked on the ride home.
That night, you treated Tadashi and Tsukki to dinner. Kyotani joined
Kyotani also came to help you cheer for your brother and Tsukki for the game against Shiratorizawa
Poor babies 🥺 I hated rewatching that game for the sole reason I had to watch the boys break down again. I hope you guys enjoyed! 💕 You all better be eating, drinking water, and taking care of yourselves!
I hope you guys are all taking care of yourselves! I love you guys. Thank you for all your support on Learning to Love! Remember, you are loved, appreciated, and cared for.
@galagcica @halesandy @f1bbe3 @voidednightmares @softiebadbitch @strawberrymarshallow @whyamihere-bro @pelicanpizza @chaeringpop @satoriluver @setterspirit @moonlightaangel @starryleafy @morpheus-rex @kodzuklutz @tazzi-baby @prettyinblack231 @trashy-simp @kookie-doughs
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loser-writings · 4 years
Kazuichi Souda Headcanons
{@sally-wonders​} (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ I JUST SAW THE DANGANRONPA STUFF AND I AM SCREAMING! dlsfhlfhksg I dont even know where to start, so, at first I was wondering if you have any headcanons for my man Kazuichi, I love him so much! I always wondered how he would be into an actually relationship, because the inflatuation he had with Sonia was a thing, but also serving to compensate in his low self steam, even if he was an ultimate, he also has the historic of abuse and bully by their piers and all  with the sharp teeth and pink hair to try and look cool and all that as well, also he would have to deal with all that happened in dispair island (what wouldnt i give to know how they dealt with that man :'3), especially acepting the fact that Sônia does not like him. Because of the whole dream girl with blonde hair and he kinda projects this idea of her instead of herself. Jqrjjgwrj sorry I babble a lot hehe
I hope you enjoy this long list of a variety of headcanons. These may not hit all of the points you were asking, but I hope this is satisfactory!
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・・・・✪General Headcanons✪ ・・・・
Kazuichi is a very anxious person so he is constantly fiddling with something. Little electronics, his wrench or tools he has on hands, or his fingers. If he can’t mess with something, his anxiety goes through the roof.
He can read in English! He taught himself how to read English so he could read American comic books before they’re officially translated. He also can understand English since he watched so many English action movies. He can speak it, but it can be broken and his accent is very strong.
He can actually sew. Since he learned by watching his mom, he can fix and alter clothing. He can also sew and throw together blankets and stuffed animals. He actually owns a small sewing machine. It isn’t expensive or amazing by any means, but it can get the job done.
He spends a large chunk of his money on keeping up with his hair and keeping his contacts in check. His hair grows extremely fast so his roots show, and he has a horrible habit of sleeping in his contacts since he can’t stand his glasses. 
When you catch him off guard, he just lies about what he is doing. He doesn’t mean to, but it is just a natural reaction since his dad would get mad at him no matter what his answer was. Because of this, you have to give him a moment to calm down and go through the 3 different answers he has before he can actually say what’s going on. This also happens if he is on his computer or his phone. He naturally hides the screen, even if he is just looking at car parts or how to fix a certain thing.
He can be a bit perverted and oblivious to somebody's flaws if he finds himself becoming attracted to them. Despite this, he is honestly quite the sweetheart and would have a heart attack if somebody were to return his feelings. 
He has pretty bad trust issues and this can cause tension between him and others. This also causes him to believe things that aren’t always true based off of his distrust alone.
He doesn’t actually like his appearance, even after he changed it. He originally changed it to keep away bullies and get the attention of women, but when he looks in the mirror, he doesn’t exactly like it. He didn’t mind his black hair or his normal eye color, he just hated his glasses.
Will flinch if someone raises their hand at him because of his fathers past abuse. He can’t help but flinch, and this is horrible with men who are taller than him. Safe to say that Gundhams mannerisms and weird poses aren't appreciated.
・・・・✪Relationship Headcanons✪ ・・・・
As stated before if someone were to return his feelings, he would be so lost on what to do. He never had anybody treat him with much kindness and the fact that someone he admires likes him back is just mind boggling to him.
I headcanon him personally to be Bisexual. He may have a physical lea for women, but he does find himself genuinely attracted to men as well (@Hajime) I think the big thing that decides if he likes you or not is if he thinks he can trust you.
Due to the past abuse and issues regarding friends and classmates, he would need constant reassurance. He will have sudden doubts and will become extremely anxious at the idea of you leaving him for a variety of reasons. He will ask if you want him to change his appearance or something about his personality, and it never fails that he is shocked if you say you love how he is.
He can sometimes get lost in his childlike fantasies. He will change his personality at times and make himself believe things that aren’t true. The best thing to do when this happens is to just give him a quick kiss on the cheek and remind him that you are you, and not some fantasy. He will apologize and snap out of it (For the most part)
He isn’t the best at initiating things. He would do better with someone who is more willing to make the first move. Be the one to grab his hand to hold it, Open your arms so he can snuggle against your chest, Cup his cheeks to pull him into a sweet kiss, Open the door for him and press your hand against his lower back in public areas so he feels more calm. He really would appreciate it.
Some of his favorite dates are the ones that result in tons of affection. Building blanket forts before having an action movie marathon is his favorite thing. It always results in the two of you tangled impossibly close to each other. If he is the one being held, having you play with the messily chopped locks instantly has him weak. He will rest against your chest while watching the movies, looking up to steal kisses and nip at your exposed skin in an attempt to steal your attention away from the screen. If he is the one holding you, your hair will be played with and expect him to caress your body a lot. If he gets distracted from the movie, he will let his eyes and hands wonder. It’s not in a perverse way, but more curious. 
He actually studies how your body moves and how you feel. He is the kind of guy who is very interested in seeing how your “Parts” move and how things work. It’s not perverted (Usually) but instead it’s very sweet in an unusual way. He will find out unusual things he loves about you by watching how you move. Like how you stretch to reach things on a tall shelf, or how your body curls up into itself when your cold. Just how you move and your body language is something that always has Kazuichi staring. 
If he can’t be with you physically, expect many phone calls and video calls. He calls you every time he misses your voice or feels himself starting to get anxious. The most common phone calls become the ones that happen before bed. Kazuichi gets extremely anxious when he is alone or at his house with his dad. Because of this, it becomes a routine where he calls you before bed and falls asleep on the phone with you. If you love to sing, sing and play instruments on the phone to soothe him. If you like to read, read to him until you hear his soft snores on the other line. If you like to ramble, ramble to him as he hums along til he is asleep. 
Also don’t hang up. Seriously, he will hang up in the morning. If he has a nightmare, or something happens, he finds comfort knowing that you are right there when he needs you most. 
He doesn’t mind chasing after you, but please let him have something so he knows that all of the chasing is worth it. This is the man you go to if you want somebody to control. He just wants your love and attention, even if you are just using him. If he falls for you during the killing game, he won’t hesitate to kill for you.
・・・・✪NSFW Headcanons✪ ・・・・
Aged 18+ and Kink discussion below this post
Souda loves to leave hickeys and love bites. He thinks they’re so sexy and attractive, and will leave them all over you if you let him. He also ADORES having you mark all over him and will whine if you tease him by pulling away before a mark can be made. If you really want to make him feel loved, make heart shaped hickeys all over him. He will cry because he feels so loved.
He is a switch with a more submissive lean, but he does have his more dominant moments. If he is being submissive, expect him to whine and cry about things a lot. He can be a total brat, but its so worth it when you get to hear him moan and beg for more. He may not scream, but he is quite loud.. If he is being dominant, he growls and groans a lot. He doesn’t mean to, he just gets so caught up in the moment that he doesn’t even notice the noises he makes.
He has ended up with you in his lap in his car a few times. He just can’t help it. The most memorable time was at the drive in theater. You both were in the back and it just ended up with your hands being bound by a seat belt as he sat between your legs until he couldn’t handle waiting anymore. 
He CLEARLY is into body worship. He loves watching how you react as his hands sit and press themselves against your body. He will compliment absolutely everything about you, kissing your skin as much as possible, and let his hands and eyes do all of the work.
He is so into oral, both giving and receiving. He can sit between your legs pleasing you until you are shaking and can’t handle anymore. Just how you taste is so intoxicating with him, and he always is trying to get more. If you are sucking him off, he will pant and moan and whine the whole time. His hand is tangled in your hair or the sheets until he can’t take it any more and cums. If you swallow, he will be so turned on, but he also loves cumming on you
Kazuichi will hump and grind against anything. Your ass, your thighs, a pillow, clothing, the bed, anything. He has a high sex drive, so he has to take care of it often. Even when he is sleeping, he will grind against you if he is having a dirty dream. Hopefully you don’t mind, because he is actually quite embarrassed when this happens.
He has a fantasy of you waking him up with oral. He has quite a few dirty dreams, so the idea of you helping him out while he wakes up is a dream for him.
Praise kink. Seriously. Praise this man. He will CRY if you constantly praise him during sex. He was completely unaware of how much it would effect him during sex.
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ichorizaki · 4 years
monsters — i.h.
꒰ ❛ genre ❜ ꒱ — fluff ; college!au
꒰ ❛ pairing ❜ ꒱ — senior!iwaizumi hajime x senior!gn!reader
꒰ ❛ warnings ❜ ꒱ — teeth-rotting fluff, curse words
꒰ ❛ word count ❜ ꒱ — 2.6k
˚ ༘ˀˀ  ꒰‧⁺ a text from sol — ✎ˀ i got inspired upon reading a text post reposted onto pinterest, so enjoy some domestic iwa-chan! i’m considering opening up a taglist too but i’m not too confident.... huhu
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-`,✎ synopsis!  ; ♡ throughout his entire life, iwaizumi hajime has been fighting all sorts of monsters. he’s just thankful that you were there by his side the whole time with your unwavering support and uplifting words of kindness. this time however, you defeated the biggest monster that he’s faced yet with just one word.
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Iwaizumi Hajime could remember one of the first few times he felt fear. It was one of the hottest days of summer with the sun high and mighty in the sky, sometime about two decades ago when he was still young and the world seemed so huge compared to him. He and Oikawa were playing in his yard, a volleyball that fit snugly into a child’s hands being thrown back and forth. He remembered Oikawa being terrible enough to serve the ball too far and it went into the small nest of trees just beyond the brick fence barricading his house.
It was stark as day—the heavy, accelerated thump, thump, thumping of his unsteady heart, the tremor of his tiny hands, the quiver of his bottom lip, and the clear tears turning his vision into a terrifying blend of summer colours. He remembered how the fear slithered from his feet to his shoulders, taunting and whispering untrue threats and poisonous anxieties into his ears as he tried to help an equally distressed Oikawa stand. The first fear; the first monster that took form in his small body.
He had abrasions on his knees and elbows, dirt and emerald leaves stuck in his messy brown locks as tears streamed down his face. Oikawa had fallen down from the tree he climbed to inspect a long forgotten kite while trying to get the volleyball that he served into a tree.
“You’re lucky that you didn’t suffer too badly, Toorū,” his mother chided gently. She had always been patient and gentle with them, fixing any wounds be it physical or emotional. “Now, now, Hajime, Toorū will be okay.” The smile that blossomed on her face was like a healing flower, spreading warmth through his body like sunshine as she kissed them both on their temples slick with summer sweat.
For a while, it was just him and Oikawa, fighting their onslaught of tiny gremlins of fears as they grew. The gremlins grew with every fear they overcame, and eventually developed into a monster that lurked in the background wherever they went. Creeping, waiting, watching in the shadows. Iwaizumi remembered his first monster like it was just yesterday: the dark.
It was his first sleepover that wasn’t just him and Oikawa. The new person was you, L/N Y/N, their shy second grade classmate. Oikawa was eager to have you join them, wanting you to be comfortable and never left out. That was your first mini monster—the shyness of a lurking child who was too afraid to show the world who they were—and thanks to Oikawa’s lovely hospitality and friendliness, you managed to defeat it without lifting a finger.
Iwaizumi never forgot the monster he faced that night, because you were there with your stunning smile.
Everything in the Oikawa household was still, tendrils darkness slithering their way from the deepest, darkest corners and trapping the house under its nighttime curse. Iwaizumi didn’t know what time it was, but everyone was asleep. He wanted to go to the toilet, but his childhood was peacefully sleeping as he held on to his bunny plushie.
That was when you had stirred awake. You were bleary-eyed, half-awoken from his broken whimpers of frustration. You rose from the futon you were given, curious as to why your new friend was awake in the middle of the night.
“Iwaizumi-kun?” Your voice was soft and gentle; a blanket of comfort wrapping around his shoulders as he looked over at you. “What’s wrong? You can tell me.” Maybe it was the way you phrased your words, how they eloquently became mini candlelights in his heart, or maybe it was the way you had immediately gotten up from your futon and waddled over to sit in front of him, clutching onto your comfort teddy bear, because he found himself spilling his concerns to you.
“I . . . I want to go to the toilet but it’s dark and scary outside.”
Oh, but the smile that you gave him was blinding.
“My grandma taught me this trick: if you’re scared of monsters in the dark, make louder, weirder noises to scare them off!” His mossy eyes glimmered in the pale moonlight with excitement of this newfound knowledge. “I can hold your hand and follow you. I need to go to the toilet, too.” The sheepish grin on your face was one he would always keep close to his heart, and he was glad that it never changed even when you grew.
As you held onto his hand, you held onto the vow that you made. You could tell how scared he was with the heavy, hesitant steps that he took and how sweaty his palms had grown. You were also scared, but you couldn’t show that to your new friend! You had to be brave, and brave you were as you took the lead in screaming high-pitched, garbled nonsense into the dark corridors. Eventually, he joined in as you both raced down the stairs, giggles bubbling from your lips as you made your way to the toilet near the kitchen.
You heard footsteps when you were finishing up in the toilet. You didn’t want Iwaizumi to be scared so you quickly washed your hands and threw open the door to find Oikawa’s parents looking incredibly concerned. With a proud grin, you told them what you did and they looked at each other with a smile you could never quite describe before bending down to your heights.
“Well, that’s brave of you, L/N-chan,” his mother praised. You sported a grin that boasted pride. “C’mon, let’s get you two back to bed, shall we?” Iwaizumi took your hand in his as he held Oikawa’s dad’s in the other.
“You don’t have to be scared anymore, Iwaizumi-kun,” you promised. “I’m here and I’ll always be here for you.”
Not once had you let go of that promise. Not even when the both of you got into fights that threatened the life of your friendship, or when someone’s heart broke little by little as the other held hands with someone else with a smile that they wished they could be the cause of. You were stubborn and so was he, and sometimes it felt like both of your obstinacy was the saving line. Rain or shine, come hell or high water, you were there for him and he was there for you.
The fears—these monsters that came in all forms and sizes—kept coming at him. Not only did they hurt him, but they had also hurt you and Oikawa, and he had always placed the blame on himself even when the both of you told him not to.
University life is hard. He had to juggle part time work and studies, and he barely had time to himself, let alone with you. The rare days that he gets to press pause on everything and lay in bed with you, his significant other of two years, he cherishes them.
“Y/N,” his gruff voice called out for you. You turned around and his bulking tanned arms trapped your figure in his warm embrace. His face was inches away from your as you lay there chest-to-chest. He could never get tired of staring at your face. From the dips and curves of your facial structure to the way your stunning eyes glow no matter what, he could never get enough.
The pillows of your soft lips pressed against his and he found himself chasing your lips for a longer kiss as you pulled away with a gentle chuckle. It pulled him out of his reverie, a small smile playing on his lips as his fingers reached up to push your hair away from your face. The late afternoon sun was warm against his skin and yours but the air conditioning soothed the warmth like a gulp of freshly iced water.
“Remember when I asked you to be my significant other?”
“How could I ever forget, Hajime?” Your laugh—god, your laugh was so divine—filled his ears and made the purple lilacs in his heart bloom. “It was our final year in Seijōh and you were so nervous that you practically bawled your eyes out after you confessed.” Your beautiful eyes creased into lovely half-crescents, your cheeks so soft as he pinched them gently for teasing him. He, too, eventually found himself laughing along.
It was one hell of a big monster that he fought. It grew and grew until it ate him up alive—he absolutely had to tell you how he felt or he would probably feel himself die a little bit inside if he didn’t tell you.
The both of you remembered the spring when you received your high school graduation certificates. The breeze was cool and sweet against your skin where it was exposed. It was the final day that you would be wearing the Seijōh uniform, and never had you thought that you would be so attached to it. You stared at the school as the bell tolls, signalling that another hour had gone by.
You could hear the chirping of birds in the distance, overlapping laughter and chatter as the graduating cohort loiters in the school yard that you were all gathered at. Everyone was taking pictures with their friends and family with tearful goodbyes and promises floating into the air like helium balloons. Your final year was over.
“Y/N-chan!” Toorū’s voice managed to reach you from among the crowd. You were surprised to find Iwaizumi by his side instead of the same flock of female admirers. You walked towards them, butterflies getting restless in your stomach from the way Iwaizumi was looking at you as the three of you met halfway. “So this is it, huh?”
“Stop being so negative, Idiotkawa!” Iwaizumi smacked the back of his head.
“You’re not some shōjō manga hero,” you grumbled at the same time.
“You’re both so mean! Mean!” Toorū whined as he rubbed the sore spot, his shoulders drooping ever so slightly as his lower lip jutted out into a pout. You couldn’t help but laugh at his antics.
“Let’s go back to my place. My parents decided to cook up a whole feast for the three of us with,” Iwaizumi offered. You parents weren’t necessarily the celebratory type, so you were just glad that you had your best friends to celebrate the end of your secondary education. You eagerly accepted the invitation with a bright smile, ready to walk with them when he blocked your path. “But before that . . .” He looked over at his childhood friend expectantly. A knowing smile broke upon his face.
“I’ll wait for you two at the entrance, then.” Oikawa didn’t say another word and left the both of you alone. Part of you kind of knew what he wanted to say, but there was this small twisted voice that told you no, that it wasn’t possible for someone as perfect as Iwaizumi would ever reciprocate your feelings for him.
“L/N Y/N.”
“Y-Yes?” Your eyes snapped back to meet his alluring moss green eyes, speckled with the golden rays of sunlight as he looked straight at you. His gaze was unwavering until his eyes left your face, betraying his confident front. You could tell that he was nervous. He was wiping the sweat from the palms of his hands on the sides of his uniform pants. His eyes kept darting between you and the floor, and his lips were parted, trying their best to form words but nothing seemed to come out. “Iwa-chan?” You softly prompted.
“I like you.” That was more than enough to knock the air out of your lungs. Your heart was soaring higher than it had ever gone, wings fluttering in absolute ecstasy as the butterflies in your stomach wreaked havoc out of pure joy. “Fuck, that probably didn’t cut it. Um– shit. I, uh. L/N Y/N, I’m in love with you. I’m in love with you, okay? Ever since we were kids, you’ve been there for me. You helped me and that dumbass whenever we were in need. Even when we fought, we made up, and not once had you held a grudge against me even when I’ve hurt you. You’re the best person that I have in my life ten years ago, today, and ten years from today, and probably forever. If you’d let me, I want to hold your hand and kiss your tears away and be your boyfriend.”
You were left speechless. You stared back at him, jaw slacked and eyes wide in shock. At your lack of response, he began to panic. He began to ramble at how you didn’t need to give him an answer that instant or how he needed to get his feelings known and acknowledged by you. It was so silly of him.
“Iwaizumi Hajime, stop that,” you laughed, tears threatening to spill from the corners of your eyes. He fell silent as he watched you take both of his large, calloused hands in your much smaller ones. “I thought I was the only one who felt that way. I’m in love with you too, Iwa-chan.”
Just like that, the biggest grin that you had ever seen on him broke out. You found yourself in tears, and he, too, was so overwhelmed with feelings that he was physically fighting to keep the tears at bay. This euphoric feeling was one that the both of you kept close to your hearts, even when you felt it almost every day.
“Y’know,” his voice was gentle against your bare skin, nose nuzzling into the crook of your neck as the both of you reminisced the good times. You hummed in response to prompt him forward. “I’ve been thinking . . .”
“What is it, baby?” The palm of your hands were two soft cushions cupping his jawline as you made him look into your eyes. He had always had a problem with eye contact when it came to speaking from his heart. You found it deeply endearing.
“I know we’re still young and all that, but I’m so fucking sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so fucking much, Y/N. You mean the universe to me and I want to grow old with you.” You could feel the unsteady thump, thump, thumping of his unsteady heart as he slowly poured his heart out to you; the slightest tremble in his calloused, volleyball-worn hands as they nervously held on to your frame, the pads of his thumbs rubbing gentle circles as if to calm himself down for what he’s about to say. You weren’t dumb—you kind of knew what he was getting at. He wasn’t exactly subtle when he pointed out rings at the jewelry store downtown when the both of you went out on a date last week. “L/N Y/N, I love you with every single fibre of my being. Will you marry me?”
You knew he was scared. You knew he was nervous. You knew he was trying his hardest to keep his cool. He knew that you knew all these; why wouldn’t you? You knew him just like the back of your hand, as he did you. This monster was one hell of a headache. He had practiced the speech over and over again, even going so far as to ask Hanamaki or Matsukawa to roleplay, albeit terribly, as you. But you—oh, you—managed to slay this monster with just a single word.
The corners of your lips curled into a delectable smile. You leaned forward and pressed your lips to his in a kiss that was way too quick for his liking, but it was full of love and adoration nonetheless. His stunning eyes were still fixed on your face as his unsteady heart waited for your answer. The pink of your lips parted, saying the one word that doubled the euphoria that he had felt the day that they had graduated: “Yes!”
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nissakii · 2 years
Wedding Deal - Chapter 14 [Iwaizumi x reader]
Tip: If you are using Chrome there is a little add-on called InteractiveFics with that the story is much more vivid since Y/N will be replaced with the name you type in. Give it a try you won’t regret it~
Chapter 14
“I don’t know if it’ll do”, he said looking a bit angry.
Despite that a sudden feeling of fear overcame me as his demeanor changed I took a deep breath and tried to figure out if I was freaking out yet again.
“Uhm.. so you prepared something while the maids went out and it won’t work?”, I summarized his puzzle pieces of words and he simply nodded with a soft scowl.
I took a step to the side to look around the room and see that the bed from earlier had changed as he pulled out more blankets for each of us and also shoved over some things that would separate our sides of the bed.
“I can’t possibly ask for more pillows and even if I did I would need to re-do it from the start”, he muttered to himself while looking at the bed.
It took me a while to process the situation.
Right, we need to sleep in one bed.
And of course he wouldn’t want to sleep close together since-
“I-It will do”, I stuttered and put my hand on my side of the bed, “I-I sleep very close to the edge.”
He raised his eyebrows, “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I mean even without the pillows”, my voice trailed off as he gave me a scowl that seemed to stem not from anger but something else.
“Despite that we have to pretend that our marriage is real, in the end it only supports our benefits in the end. There is no need for extra intimacy behind closed curtains”, he whispered as low as he could.
Something stung in my chest, I knew what it was but maybe I wasn’t very sure.
Was it the fact he clearly stated we are merely married as status?
Or that we are basically using each other for our benefits?
Or  that I shortly thought he could be my real husband?
Whatever it was I tried to brush it off as I pulled my gown down that was slipping a bit and stared at the blanket.
“Would it be fine if I… if I go ahead?”, I asked without raising my gaze and avoiding his eyes.
“Sure. Make yourself comfortable”, he cleared his throat and seemed to wait for me to make the first step.
I slipped into the comfortable fabric that felt like it was consoling me a bit, it had a subtle smell of mint and other herbs which soothed me.
“Should I turn off the lights?”, he asked as I felt the rustling of the blankets and sheets, as if he had slightly turned around to ask me that while he was sitting on his side.
“That would be very nice of you, Iw- H-Hajime”, I muttered through the blanket that I slightly pulled over my face before I heard him move around and the footsteps ceased.
When the room was enveloped in darkness and as his footsteps sounded somehow louder without the lights my thoughts started to brew again.
I could feel him approach the bed, sitting on it, his breath and how he turned around.
Everything seemed more amplified and it also added the frequency of my heartbeat.
I wonder how worse it would have gotten if he hadn’t separated the bed with the pillows.
Some time passed and I thought he was already asleep before I heard him mutter, “Good night, Y/N.”
I didn’t sleep a wink tonight.
The morning sun was greeting me and as I turned to my left side Prince Iwaizumi was already awake. I could hear the running water of the shower in the room next door.
I wondered if he did sleep at all?
I felt that he was moving around restlessly but at some point it ceased.
With a long sigh I stared at the ceiling with its aqua and gold colored crown-mouldings that were perfectly aligned like a beautiful artwork.
The best I could do was not spacing out at a moment like this and when I heard the water stop, it didn’t take much before Prince Iwaizumi stood there in all his glory with a navy bathrobe and a towel.
He rubbed his hair that was sticking to his forehead dry, the biggest surprise was that the usual spikiness of his hair was nowhere to be seen.
After checking that he was wearing pants under his bathrobe I started breathing again and I met his glance.
“Good morning”, he looked away and I sat up remembering that I was only wearing a nightgown.
“G-Good morning!”
“You can use the bathroom now. I-I will make sure to let the maids in after removing the separation”, he muttered and I rushed into the bathroom without looking at him.
I barely heard him say, “that was quick…”
Not much later I had the maids dress me up and styling me.
With a giggle of theirs they kept checking on me while I moved in my not so comfortable baby-blue dress revealing my legs as it fluffed up shortly before my knees where it ended. It had golden accents on my chest with embroidered golden flowers that also hung on the baby blue part, like little vines.
I don’t like it when my shoulders and arms aren’t covered but I guess it’s my fault for not saying anything either besides smiling like an idiot.
“Princess Y/N, you seem to have had a restless night. We covered that don’t worry you look refreshed”, the brown-haired one said as she made the last touches on my face.
Don’t get your hopes up, you probably got the wrong idea about what happened….
“Are you… nervous about the breakfast?”, the other red-haired maid asked me as she hurried behind me.
I stopped in my tracks.
I forgot that we will meet with the whole family for breakfast…
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