#i also literally saw someone call him a 'beast' like with him just being normal style a la 'put some x on that beast' meme
howlingblaster · 3 months
oh damn the brown character with a white boy yaoi trope where the brown guy turns into a wild animal really fast tracked in the dunge/on mesh* fandom huh?
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Best support friend; Rocket raccoon x gn reader
*Author’s note*
A double update? No get out of town! Truthfully I was gonna save posting this fic up once I got a Jack Kline request that has been sitting in my inbox collecting dust for almost a year or however long ago it was but I decided idk when I’ll post it up so I decided to just go ahead and post this fic up and hopefully I’ll do the Jack Kline one in the next week or so (it’s like 75% done).
So @itsscromp​ here is your new Rocket raccoon request.
Warnings: abuse, fluff, panic attacks, angst, protective Rocket, swearing, clueless ravagers. 
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“Well excuse me for not letting the man with the robotic eyes take the wheel.” Another voice snarked sarcastically.  I was passing through Knowhere trying to organize some supplies when I heard the sound of arguing.  I followed the voices and there were Ezekiel and Torath.
“Oh no what now?” I muttered as I walked towards them.  The two of them continued to argue as I spoke up. “Hey guys.”
“You have any idea what that shrimp Quill is gonna do to us the minute we tell you lost the cargo?” Torath said.
“I lost the cargo? Need I remind you that it was because of your glitchy eyes that you hit the ejector button sending the cargo out into the depths of space!” Ezekiel snapped again at Torath.
“And need I remind you that you are literally the worst pilot in the entire galaxy! I’ve seen beasts with half a brain fly advance ships better than you!”
“Okay guys can we please just….” I tried to cease the argument but the two stubborn, pig-headed men got into a squabble.  Fists were flying and swears were spat out.  “hey! Hey! Hey! Hey guys stop it! Stop it! Stop it!” suddenly I caught an elbow to the nose which not only sent me to the ground but also in a flashback.
I fell to the ground as a punch came across my face and I whimpered as I spat out blood.
“Quit being weak Terran! How will you ever grow a backbone if you keep behaving like a sniveling coward!”
“But sir it—” I was kicked in the stomach this time and I let out a soft but painful grunt.
“You tell me it hurts and I swear I will make your next test more painful than the last!” I whimpered and gave him a nod as he forced me to stand back up and told me to stand my ground as he kept punching and kicking me.
~End of flashback~
My chest tightened and my heart pounded against my ears.  No I-I wasn’t there! I wasn’t there anymore! I-I have to get out of here! I stood up and took off running as fast as I could. Even when I had ran into someone I didn’t stop, all I knew was that I had to get out of there.
*Rocket’s POV*
I felt someone shove pass me but just before I could snap at them telling them to watch where they were going, I saw the familiar shape of (Y/n).  Normally they don’t just run like that unless there’s something wrong or their in a hurry. And they’re usually not in a hurry.
That’s when I heard the sound of Torath and Ezekiel screaming and rolling all over each other in a brawl.  I went over to them and called out to them.
“OI SHITS FOR BRAINS!!” but not even my voice could deter them from arguing.  I nodded nonchalantly as I took out my electro-shocker gun and activated it.  I first aimed it at Ezekiel and fired one shot before firing at Torath.  And just like when Groot, (Y/n) and I first hunted down Quill, they both exclaimed as the electro-shock balls stuck to them and they were given a good shock.  “Have I got your attention now shitbags?”
“What was that for rodent?” snapped Ezekiel.
“First of all don’t call me a rodent, not when I can give you a second dosage of shocks. Maybe this time I’ll crank it up a notch.” That got him to shut up.  “Second of all, why was (Y/n) racing out from your general direction looking upset?”
“(Y/n) was here?” Torath asked as his robotic eyes moved around.
“Yeah she was now answer my question nimrods! What happened?!”
“I didn’t even know that she had even came here.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
“How do you not notice them? They’re the only Terran besides Quill!”
“Wait, is that why my elbow hurts so much?” asked Ezekiel. My ears twitched and I slowly turned towards him, my tail twitching in anger.
“What. Was that. You said?!” I sneered lowly.
“In our squabble, I—I felt my elbow hit something but I—” I didn’t even let him finish as I launched at him and proceeded to beat the shit out of him.  Blinded by pure rage.
How dare this son of a bitch hit (Y/n)! She had to live her entire life abused and tortured just to prove that she could enhance her skin into a hard-carbon shield.  Had it not been for Groot and I, she would’ve had to spend the rest of her miserable life with that sick, cowardly bastard.
I was deep in my rage that I hadn’t even felt myself being pulled forced away from Ezekiel and Quill’s voice exclaimed.
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa Rocket cool it man! Now I don’t know what the hell brought this on but you need to chill out right now!”
“This spineless rat hurt (Y/n)!” I yelled.
“I didn’t know they were even here! We didn’t know they were there!” Ezekiel tried to reason as Torath helped him up.
“With the way you two were bitching at each other you couldn’t see your own noses at the end of your faces!” I managed to wriggle my way out of Quill’s hold and without another word raced off to find (Y/n).
Being reminded of any form of abuse whether it’s done to themselves or they see if, they get triggered by it and let me tell you it gets bad.  So bad that they sometimes forget where they are or whose friend of foe.  All they see is that damned doctor.
I was asking around hoping that anyone had seen them but they all proved to be a bunch of negligent losers.  That was until Mantis had said that she felt their emotions coming from my ship.  I raced back to the Milano and soon enough in the main cockpit I found them huddled up, their chest rising up and down at an erratic pace.
I could also hear just how bad their heart was racing and could smell the panicked sweat from not only their brow but also their clammy hands. I walked towards them but didn’t speak, at this point they wouldn’t be able to hear me.  But there was one way to pull them out of this…..and Quill or Drax better not be spying on me otherwise I’ll blast them halfway across the quadrant.
I sat as close as I could beside them and first gave their bicep a gentle and affectionate nuzzle.  I then placed my paw onto their forearm and using my claws I very gently stroked down the skin of their forearm.  Then going back up to the same place where I started before going back down again.
“C’mon (N/n). Come back to me. You can do this.” I muttered before their breathing slowed and they seemed to be coming back down to reality.
*My POV*
It had been forever since I had a panic attack.  If I didn’t know what they were, I swear I thought I was dying.  My vision was so blurry, I couldn’t even see my own hand in front of my face.  There was this high-pitch ringing that was constantly piercing my ears and my body felt paralyzed after I had collapsed into god knows where.
That’s when I felt something furry against my arm.  I also felt sharp nails (or claws) gently stroke down my arm.  They didn’t hurt but they did send tingles up from my arm to my spine.  Slowly the claws kept stroking down my forearm until I lifted it up and found my hand being placed on something soft.
I opened my eyes and after blinking away some of the tears as well as the haze that my vision was making, it began to focus and there I saw Rocket sitting right beside me.  His ears slightly bent backward as his eyes were looking at me assuringly and I also saw that my hand was now resting just on top of his head.
He gave me a soft nod and allowed me to stroke through his fur (knowing that it helped calm me down in the past).  After petting his head for a few minutes, I was able to unfold my legs from my chest so that they now were fully extended in front of me and I felt the tingling sensation of them falling asleep.
Rocket then rested his upperbody on top of my right thigh and allowed me to continue stroking his fur until I felt a vibration on my thigh. I looked down and as I stroked down Rocket’s neck, I could feel him purring, like actually purring.  I didn’t even know he could purr (kinda made me think back to the cats back on Earth).
“I….didn’t know you could purr like a cat.”
“This is a once in a lifetime thing. You speak of this to anyone, especially that stupid mutt Cosmo, I’ll rip your head off.”
“Thank you Rocket. This……means a lot.”
“Been a long time since you had one, figured you’d need something to help calm you down.” Rocket can be gruff and hard on the outside but when he wants to, if you look deep, deep, deep, deep down inside, you’ll find that he’s just a sweet, caring, intuitive creature who will do anything to help you out.
Even if it’s purring like a cat and having someone pet you constantly until they feel centered again.  But I wouldn’t have my best friend any other way.
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borninwinter81 · 3 months
William Blake and Good Omens - an intertextual analysis
Please note: I did another version of this and posted it, but it was quite hurried, way too short, and was incorrect in a number of ways so I deleted it. However it had already been reblogged by the time i did so. If you happen to see another version of this meta that's not the right one, this is the version I'm happy with!
After my previous post re William Blake and Good Omens did so well, and so many people showed an interest I've decided to do a more in depth piece. This is focused upon the TV version of Good Omens, not the book.
Please don't tag Neil in this - although it's mostly textual analysis I do a very small amount of S3 theorising, and I know he doesn't want to see that.
I am in no way suggesting that Neil and Terry specifically wrote Good Omens with Blake in mind, I honestly just wanted an excuse to write more about Blake because I love his work so much, and I thought it would be interesting to try and apply some intertexuality since the works will contain similar themes, both being about God, religion, humanity, and angels and demons.
I also should stress that I am not an expert on Blake, there are people far more qualified to comment on him than I. I'm just a former literature student who loves his work.
There have been many different interpretations of Blake's work over the years, so it's completely fine to disagree with someone else's ideas about it, as with any work of art or literature. And although this piece is likely to be long, I'll barely be able to scratch the surface of all the possible meanings that could be ascribed to it.
Much like the old adage that if someone claims to understand quantum physics they're lying, I'm not sure anyone can truly fathom the full meaning of Blake's philosophy (especially in his later prophetic works, fuuuuuuck those beasts....), so if you're confused by him don't be discouraged, that's perfectly normal!
That being said, I wish to discuss the parallels between Good Omens and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, my personal favourite and probably the most accessible of his longer works.
"Without contraries is no progression. Attraction and Repulsion, Reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are necessary to Human existence. From these contraries spring what the religious call Good & Evil. Good is the passive that obeys Reason. Evil is the active springing from Energy. Good is Heaven. Evil is Hell."
This excerpt is from near the opening and sets out the central idea of the work - that there is an essential duality to humanity, and each person is a combination of extremes. These extremes are not at war with each other, but rather are equally necessary, hence the "marriage" of the title. "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" is a metaphor for the human experience.
Consistently throughout The Marriage... Blake refers to the two extremes as Reason and Energy. These terms could be construed in a number of different ways: thought versus emotion, mental versus physical, restraint versus desire, temperance versus excess, caution versus impulsiveness, and following the rules versus free will.
Blake's use of the word "Reason" in this context may be somewhat confusing, however he likely chose it because of his negative feelings towards science and the Age of Enlightenment. Blake saw literal visions of angels and prophets and the divinity of all creation, and hated that science reduced everything to formulas, calculations, and materialism, leaving the world bereft of wonder. "Art is the Tree of Life. Science is the Tree of Death" as he put it.
His ideas about "reason" are best expressed by his painting "Newton". Though inspired by the scientist, it is not a portrait - instead it depicts a figure deeply engrossed in scientific drawings and calculations, totally ignoring the beauty all around him - see below.
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In the context of The Marriage... Reason is "passive" because it involves thought, caution, self-restraint, and doing what you are told, all states which block action. Energy is "active" because it is physical, emotional, impulsive and allows you to act based on your own choices and desires. It's quite clear that Blake feels "energy" is the preferable state - he tells us as much in the next section:
"The Voice of the Devil
All Bibles or sacred codes, have been the causes of the following Errors. 1. That Man has two real existing principles Viz: a Body & a Soul. 2. That Energy, call'd Evil, is alone from the Body, & that Reason, call'd Good, is alone from the Soul. 3. That God will torment Man in Eternity for following his Energies. But the following Contraries to these are True. 1. Man has no Body distinct from his Soul; for that call'd Body is a portion of Soul discern'd by the five Senses, the chief inlets of Soul in this age. 2. Energy is the only life and is from the Body and Reason is the bound or outward circumference of Energy. 3. Energy is Eternal Delight."
So the body is an aspect of the soul, not separate from it, Energy comes from the body, it is Reason which places limits upon Energy, but Energy is eternal delight. Physicality, desire, impulsiveness, emotion, sensual pleasure and free will are not wrong or evil, they are aspects of the human soul and it is from them that we derive our enjoyment of life.
This does not necessarily mean that Reason is always bad. After all, Blake tells us that both are necessary for human existence. Sometimes temperance, caution and thought before action are required. But Reason becomes negative when it "usurps its place and governs the unwilling", i.e. when it completely supplants Energy and becomes the sole guiding factor, forcing passivity.
The Angels of The Marriage... are governed by "systematic reasoning", therefore they are wholly creatures of Reason. They are also "all religious" meaning they believe the "errors" stated above. His Devils by contrast "hate religion" meaning they believe the "contraries", which are the true statements according to Blake. It does not necessarily follow that they are wholly governed by Energy, merely that they believe Energy is "eternal delight".
It is worth noting at this point that Blake saw God and religion as totally separate. For Blake, "God" is that connection with divine wonder which was integral to his life; he tells us plainly that "all deities reside in the human breast" and that "the voice of honest indignation is the voice of God". In other words all humans have a direct and intuitive link with God and don't require the church, Priests, or a religious framework and adherence to a set of rules in order to reach moral decisions. These rules exist only to "enslave the vulgar".
The importance of this ability to make one's own choices about a moral course of action is shown by one of the "Memorable Fancy" sections of The Marriage...
Blake relates how a Devil is able to use an Angel's "systematic reasoning" against them:
"if Jesus Christ is the greatest man, you ought to love him in the greatest degree; now hear how he has given his sanction to the law of ten commandments: did he not mock at the sabbath, and so mock the sabbaths God? Murder those who were murder'd because of him? Turn away the law from the woman taken in adultery? Steal the labor of others to support him? Bear false witness when he omitted making a defence before Pilate? Covet when he pray'd for his disciples, and when he bid them shake off the dust of their feet against such as refused to lodge them? I tell you, no virtue can exist without breaking these ten commandments; Jesus was all virtue, and acted from impulse, not from rules."
The Angel has no way to refute the "reasoning" that Jesus was governed by Energy and "impulse", i.e. his own morality, the "voice of righteous indignation", not reasoning and the rules laid down by Heaven. And because Jesus is the Messiah he must be virtuous, therefore Energy is virtuous. The Angel immediately allows himself to be consumed by fire and is resurrected as a Devil.
How can these concepts apply to the world of Good Omens?  This was where my first draft was totally incorrect, as I tried to transfer Blake's ideas about Angels and Demons and Heaven and Hell wholesale, applying "reason" to Aziraphale and Heaven and "energy" to Crowley and Hell.  In fact the divide is slightly different in the GO-verse: Crowley and Aziraphale *both* represent Energy, and it is Heaven and Hell that act according to Reason.
At first glance Aziraphale may appear to toe the line - he needs creative application of the rules to make him comfortable with trying to avert the apocalypse, and when he doesn't like the way matters are being handled by the Archangels he seeks a higher authority and goes straight to God. He'd clearly prefer someone to be confirming the rightness of his actions for him. However this doesn't mean that he won't act on his own.
Immediately upon his introduction to the story he has given away his flaming sword, an action that he took impulsively because he felt it was right, not because someone told him to. It bothers him, but he does it anyway.
In the Job storyline, though he initially looks for some loophole within the rules that will allow him to save Job's children, in the end he directly goes against Heaven to do it, even though he believes he is going to Fall and become a Demon for having done so.
Though he resists it and exhausts all other possible avenues first, he eventually does take an active role in averting the apocalypse in S1.
He hides Jim at great personal risk to himself and against the will of both Heaven and Hell, again because he feels it is the right thing to do.
He is therefore perfectly capable of independent action from a position of "righteous indignation".
On a more basic level, he enjoys worldly pleasures, which all come from "energy" according to Blake's philosophy. Food and drink most obviously, but also books, music, dancing, theatre, art and so on.
Crowley is more easy to place as acting from Energy - in spite of the obvious aesthetic differences between them, he also loves worldly pleasures. Alcohol and coffee, snazzy clothing, driving his car with Queen blaring on the stereo, going to lunch with Aziraphale, Shakespearean comedies. All things he isn't supposed to want or need, and which baffle other Demons, in the same way that Aziraphale's desire for food baffles the Angels.
And he's absolutely willing to act according to his own moral impulses when they conflict with Hell's orders (or Heaven's), be it saving Job's children, ensuring that Elspeth doesn't die by suicide, or averting the apocalypse. Yes, he'll try to hide his "good" actions in order to avoid punishment by Hell, but he's firmly "on his own side".
Conversely, Heaven and Hell are both part of the structure of religion in this story, are strictly adherent to a set of rules, and their inhabitants appear to have no real desires of their own, other than possible advancement within the systems they uphold. They are "passive" in that their functions allow the status quo to continue and the "great plan" to unfold as they believe it is meant to, even though each side expects a different outcome.
Again, applying Blake's philosophy, I would say the reason for this is that "energy is from the body". Crowley and Aziraphale have both been given bodies in order that they can exist on earth, and *have* existed on earth for 6000 years, therefore "energy" - physical pleasures and free thinking - have become a part of who they are.
On a more fundamental level, possession of a body can be equated to humanity, and humanity has been shown as the most powerful force of all in this story, its influence having led to Adam becoming "human incarnate", and thus acting according to what he feels is right, instead of fulfilling the function he was destined for.
Heaven and Hell contain no material objects, and the Angels and Demons are spiritual beings, having no bodies, so they are not open to energy, and therefore are wholly governed by Reason, and the preservation of the religious structures within which they exist. Structures which, as for Blake, may not actually have anything to do with God herself. In S1 she is a distant observer, clearly aware through her narration of all that is going on, but not interceding in any way. In S2 she is barely present save for her voice being heard briefly in Job, and overlaid with Gabriel's on two occasions.
Bearing all this in mind, what predictions can we make regarding S3 by applying Blake's philosophy?
"The ancient tradition that the world will be consumed in fire at the end of six thousand years is true, as I have heard from Hell.
For the cherub with his flaming sword is hereby commanded to leave his guard at [the] tree of life, and when he does, the whole creation will be consumed and appear infinite and holy, whereas it now appears finite and corrupt.
This will come to pass by an improvement of sensual enjoyment."
The parallels of the cherub with his flaming sword, and the passage of 6000 years should be obvious to anyone reading this - they have of course been lifted directly from the Bible as they are in GO.
I have read some metas which speculated that Aziraphale's bookshop, or perhaps Earth itself, is a metaphorical stand-in for Eden or The Tree of Life. Aziraphale has been commanded to leave his "Eden" and will now be instrumental in causing the whole of creation to become infinite and holy, but Blake tells us this will be done by an improvement of sensual enjoyment, which arises from Energy not Reason.
Sensual enjoyment is something which is intrinsic to Aziraphale's character, and this could make his placement in Heaven very important.
Putting aside all the "final fifteen" theories and taking matters at face value, Aziraphale tells us that if he's in charge he can make a difference - he needs to subvert the system from the inside out. The most subversive thing of all could be that a sensualist who acts according to "the voice of moral indignation" and "Energy" has become the supreme Archangel. We have seen in Blake how a realisation that Energy could be virtuous was enough to convert an Angel into a Devil (incidentally, does the image of an Angel being consumed by fire and emerging as a Devil seem familiar at all...)
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We may have seen the beginnings of this already. Gabriel and Beelzebub became open to Energy from such little things as visiting earth, spending time in one another's company, and their mutual enjoyment of a song, which has given them wants and desires beyond those dictated by Heaven and Hell. This is enough to make them wish to leave their roles behind.
It's possible that the same may happen with Muriel. They haven't yet imbibed food or drink, but they have shown an enjoyment of books, which are an earthly pleasure, and open the reader up to new ideas and ways of thinking.
Of course, this would lead to questions regarding the Metatron's statement that he has "ingested things", and whether this means he is acting from reason or energy. Of course the simplest explanation is that it is a manipulation tactic, and he is lying about having done so, but if true that statement has some interesting implications. However, this is now super-long and I'm out of juice, so will leave others to speculate. I may return to this in the future!
There we go, hope you enjoyed. I doubt this will reach nearly as many people as my first Blake post, but if a few find it of interest then my work is done!
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the-final-sif · 6 months
(Screenshot anon)
ok so that might've been a classic move for an alpha in like 2003 but times have changed and literally no alpha acts like that nowadays. even if he WAS trying to court Dream he wouldn't have done in a video like that - his reputation is entirely at stake.
taking care of someone when they're sick literally isn't posessive though???? Like ok Jimmy's head alpha of the pack and has to kind of fight to assert dominance because al of them (except Nolan) are also alphas but that has nothing to do with Dream??? if anything he was being a good friend and taking care of someone who was sick. they shared a tent so he could keep an eye on him. that's literally just normal friend behavior - he probably discussed it with SNF earlier and had Karl hang with them so they could enjoy antarctica without having to constantly take care of Dream.
He's literally just doing regular pack leader behavior - and he appears to be really good at it - taking care of a sick member, making sure everyone's not freaking out because a member of the pack is sick, keeping an eye on everything. Dude sucks sometimes but at least he's a good alpha.
As SC Anon (sorry, are we good to use nicknames ?) said, the video was HEAVILY edited. Like, we see Dream and Mr Beast going in for a hug when they get back from the moutain but it cuts ; Nolan sleeping in between the two so that the proper space and third party rule is respected (and like. SC anon said it themselves, Nolan is the only non alpha aka the only one not "threatening" ?? I don't think that is a coincidence) ; at the start of the video they're always next to each others ; that comment Dream makes about knowing MrBeast is pantless ?? Like how ?. We could even see in Dream's longer version (bless its soul) how close the two were originaly. There were definitely some moves made. And I'm pretty sure it's intentionnal Karl was so much with Sapnap and George, to distract them from their newly reunited pack mate. Also I disagree with the "terrible public move" bc nothing untoward happened, Mr Beast was a gentleman on all regards. But 1) he made it clear to Dream in survival conditions he was reliable and a good option 2) he showed it to the world ? Like call that neon flash of "Omega gets sick in Antartica, I manage to keep them perfectly healthy", that was a good boost for his reputation as a carer (not that should matter for alphas, and it pushes bad stereotypes, but that's how traditionnal - and they represent à good part of Mr Beast's audience - saw it). So it was a win for him on every point
And it appears a third anon has entered the fray,
(I'm third completely unrelated anon in the MrBeast saga) FUCK THE BEAST, OKAY. Look we all cringed and laughed about that freak over here who posted the Dream clone switcharoo bullshit in the main tags but now I'm seeing that shit from another angle! How the fuck else would you explain him switching secondary genders that fast?! That shit takes time, no meds or surgery is that good already. Beast did something I'm 100% sure of it, he already dabled in curing the blind, what if he asked Dream to test out a new drug or procedure? I wouldn't put it past him to use guilt tripping tactics, he just went oh please please do it for the poor people that can't have the way more complicated and way more expensive procedures done and Dream agreed. The beast having drolo moments, him staying close to Dream during Antarctica, him talking to George during the football charity match???? That shit confirms it. Motherfucker was keeping tabs on the process and how Dream was reacting to the change, if there were any side effects or complications. He wasn't seducing a sick omega or being a leading alpha or trying to find a partner, he was looking out for his bottom line! And some of you might try to refute it because its been a century since the omega testing facilities have been abolished but guess what, Omegan Healthcare Regulations, Section 14 Subsection 8 clearly states that its LEGAL to use omegas for testing specific substances and or procedures if the omega gives informed consent before any substances or procedures are administered. Even if the Beast got caught, and he will because Dream's immune system is weak as shit and will reject whatever the fuck was done to him pretty soon, he would still get no legal backlash because Dream the idiot would for sure back him up in saying it was fully consensual and that he was informed on all sides and still took the risk. This is a lose-lose situation and I fucking hate it so much!
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darklinaforever · 3 months
I literally just saw someone say that Reylo is not an equal dynamic because Kylo Ren / Ben Solo studied the force and Rey didn't, so he has more power than her in the use of force, and on top of that he has a higher social position than her as a prince and member of the first order while Rey is just a wreck plunderer, except that... is this bullshit ?
Who cares if Kylo Ren / Ben Solo is a prince ? Are you telling me that Belle is never the equal of the Beast in Disney because he's a prince and she's a normal girl ? What is this logic ? It is not because two people have different statues that they cannot develop an egalitarian relationship. Kylo Ren / Ben Solo and Rey have similar experiences in their childhood traumas, as well as literally being the opposite side of each other in the force. Rey is the equal of Kylo Ren / Ben Solo in the light side. It's said in the movies. So obviously yes, this relationship is that of perfect equals. This is the purpose of their connection. And their social position has nothing to do with it.
Again, even though Kylo Ren studied the force for years and Rey didn't, are you forgetting that Rey is a force prodigy ? Literally the equal of Kylo Ren / Ben Solo on the light side, again ? Just like he is his equal on the dark side ? They are literally a dyad. They share the same power. The same strength. Reylo is literally a relationship based on balance and therefore equality. (especially since on top of that, she undergoes training during the trilogy)
And don't even get me started on the example you dialogue "You're nothing." said by Kylo Ren / Ben Solo to Rey to prove that she is not his equal. They must have forgotten the "But not for me." which he added at the end. A clumsy way for Kylo Ren / Ben Solo to make it clear that he sincerely cares for Rey / loves her. Not to mention that we have an almost similar speech from Darcy to Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice. Are you telling me Darcy doesn't change later ? Never sees Elizabeth as her equal ? They also have a difference in social status, yet they end up on an equal footing in the end and are still shown in the story as equals due to their flaws of pride and prejudice.
Especially since Kylo Ren never uses the fact that he is a prince or member of the First Order to assert social superiority and make Rey feel like shit. It's ridiculous. Yes, he calls her a scavenger in a derogatory manner, but that's literally their first real conversation before the connection between them was opened and the relationship developed !
Even his experience in the art of the force he doesn't really use on Rey. Seriously, the number of times he could have banged her but didn't, proves that he never really seeks to dominate her. In the 7th, he holds his punches in their first real fight. In The Last Jedi, Rey defeats him. And in The Rise of Skywalker, he's either tested it or else he's holding back. I literally remind him that he could freeze her and make her pass out like when they first met face to face, but never does it again. Besides, even when he uses his power on her, he doesn't let her crash to the ground like shit and catches her to carry her to the ship himself. Something he doesn't need to do for a prisoner. Regardless, any argument against Reylo seems for me so slammed to the ground it's hopeless...
Plus it was in an attempt to prove that the ship Wolfwren / Wrenwolf (which I also ship) is more egalitarian than Reylo and very different... Wtf ? A ship with a dark side user and a light side user enemies fighting multiple times with a strong connection ? It vaguely reminds me of Reylo Holds ! Not to mention all the visual parallels that we can also make. (A fight in a forest, are they serious ?) Yes, the two ships are different, but making comparisons to prove which one is more egalitarian and fair is stupid... They essentially have the same basis !
Besides, I want to say that even if I love this new ship, uh... it seemed to me that Sabine had a potential romance with Ezra ? Like... is it only me who didn't feel like only friendship and there was clearly something deeper developing ? All this to... fall flat in the Ashoka show ? Disney has once again decided to pass on a potential romance with story-telling meaning, so I'll never argue that Wolfwren could ever become canon. Sad to say, but I don't trust Star Wars anymore. If Reylo, who had the scriptwriting logic and narrative goal of ending happily, didn't do it for stupid reasons... Well, I'm not counting on Disney to one day create a romance in the Star Wars universe that ends well, or even just plain romance, since it seems that Hollywood has for some obscure reason decided that strong women should not fall in love...
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huntingrays · 3 months
man, i have an idea for a jason revival fic/valgrace fic that i rlly wanna do, but I already have like… 3 valgrace wips, one of them being a different revival fic. also i dont have much of a plan for the whole fic, just some small ideas.
basically, the premise is that due to the prophecies n shit being messed up in toa, peoples’s fates are messed up as well.
so, after toa, the fates are trying to fix the fates of those whose fates were messed up by the whole ordeal. one of them was jason. so, they bring him back (but don’t bother to tell him… or anyone else, really).
the only problem? the classic issue of bringing someone back. jason comes back wrong. instead of being normal human jason, he can shift into a wolf, and a big one at that (my personal headcanon is that he’s like torso/shoulder height on an average, fully grown adult. ye, a big boi). also, he comes back in wolf form, and can’t shift back. he’s vaguely aware of who he is, but not much beyond that. he’s also vaguely aware of the smells of people he knows and trusts (but not what they look like or specifically why they’re important to him… or that he should somehow inform them that he is jason grace, back from the dead and now a wolf).
so basically, leo is sent on some quest (mayhaps a solo quest? or he’s separated from his friends for a time) and during it, he ends up having to fight vicious beasts under the control of some monsters. they decide to start out with their most vicious, which is wolf jason. leo doesn’t want to fight an innocent creature so he thinks fast and he’s able to escape with both himself and the wolf. once they’re safe, he takes off the device controlling wolf jason, and the two end up becoming friends. jason doesn’t realize leo is his best friend, but he gets from his smell that leo is important to him and that he’d do anything to keep him safe, which is just what he decides to do. leo doesn’t know this wolf is jason (literally why would he?), but he does think the wolf reminds him a lot of jason (with blue eyes and a scar on his muzzle that reminds him of the scar on jason’s lip) so he decides to call him “jay” and keeps him around as a much needed companion.
that’s pretty much the bulk of what i wanted to write. didn’t have much else planned besides that… expect for a vague idea for how the reveal/shift back happens. basically, the idea i had was somehow, maybe towards the end of the quest, there’s a fight by a cliff. also, maybe others are there, for more people to bant with and added tension. in the fight, leo nearly gets knocked off and is hanging on by just a hand. wolf jason goes to save him, but he doesn’t have arms or hands or thumbs to grabs him with, so he just like, bites his arm and starts to drag him up that way. however, as he’s pulling him up, the ground crumbles under them and they both fall. and jason, he cares about and loves leo. he would do anything to keep him safe. so, just in time, he manages to shift back out of sheer desperation to save leo, and safely floats them to the ground. I’d imagine leo would be very shocked (his dead best friend is now alive and as the wolf he’d been traveling with but now he’s very alive). idk what happens after that… probably meeting with some very shocked friends, bc if they were there with people, those guys just saw leo and a wolf fall to their death but suddenly float back as leo with a somehow alive jason and no wolf.
idk the only other ideas i had were just shenanigans at camp with wolf shifter jason. i imagine he’s not that scary as a wolf, just like… a big, dumb dog. a big, dumb dog that only bites if you hurt leo. leo does really mind jason being all protective, he loves any form of positive attention. he just thrives off of it. jason would definitely weaponize his sad puppy dog eyes to get leo to take a break. maybe we can apply some werewolf rules and say he like has to be in wolf form during the full moon? and leo definitely messes with him, like pretending to throw a ball but actually not, which jason gives him the silent treatment for a day after. also, jason being clean in human form doesn’t transfer over to wolf form, so leo has to give him bathes. and wolf jason hates the bathes and is very vocal about it. leo also hates the bathes because jason is very stubborn and makes it much harder than it needs to be. he ends up getting more clean than jason by the end. idk, the idea of serious jason being a silly, dramatic, goofy wolf strikes joy. i also imagine that, when he sees leo lying down, if he’s in wolf form that he just goes over to him and lays his whole body down on leo’s, much to leo’s dismay. but leo allows it bc he spoils wolf jason. also no clue how valgrace get together… just that it happens at some point. also, idk i imagine that he loves human jason and wolf jason in different ways. human jason is his bf but wolf jason is just his silly lil guy.
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myconjecturals · 2 months
can i know what drew you to pete and billy? or did you just have a force of describable feelings possess you? also i like that the ask button says my reddit ama
yes oh my god ABSOLUTELY you can i have a lot of thoughts behind this. thankyou btw i love calling my buttons silly things ^_^
theres a lot of draws to pete and billy for me....ive always seen them both as aro4aro, like their dynamic just strikes me a lot as A Lot Like An Aro Gay Thing(tm) rather than a conventional alloromantic thing. just makes wayyyy too much sense to me just from my own experiences as being a gay guy in a weird aro gay thing w another aro gay guy, like I know exactly what they have because i am The Knower and I cant really imagine them being romantic outside of certain contexts. i know a lot of people in the vbros fanbase tend to view them as married or dating whatever but i cant really picture them getting involved like that if that makes sense. their arocoding is almost definitely unintentional and i get that a not of people really see it like i do but it is extremely comforting 2 me nonetheless. always remember that i can imagine anything
i also find a lot of comfort in the fact that theyre both disabled. like im mentally + physically disabled so like go figure that seeing that in characters from a cartoon is super nice to me. what more can i say. i spent a long time being kind of ashamed and embarrassed about my status and the limitations it places on me, but these 2 genuinely make me feel better about all that stuff. also this has nothing to do with anything but i love drawing them more than ive loved drawing any characters from anything. theyre always so enjoyable to draw in my style, drawing them brings me so much joy
okay now getting into the both of them specifically and why i am an insane beast about them. i have ALWAYS ALWAYS loved new wave stuff and that sort of zany fashion subculture from the 80s literally since Forever so me liking pete is the most predictable thing in the entire world. everyone saw this coming. plus i have always loved kind of weird mean feminine men so it goes without saying that his loserish ways have absolutely captured me. i love this cunty pink thing and also i would hit him with frying pans until he stops moving <3
AND THEN BILLY. ohmygod billy. billy. billlayyyy. billyi love billy so much i see a lottt of myself in billy honestly. frankly i think hes one of the best characters in the show every time i see him i go crazy. i literally get him so much like on a core level. i think his whole narrative is extremely close to home as someone whos disabled and tends to be infantilized for it and treated with less respect than my able bodied peers. theres so many nuances to him like i love that he still hangs onto his more (HEAVY emphasis on the quotes here) "childish" interests and isnt treated as lesser because of it theyre just treated like normal interests he has. i also like that hes a hater. i feel like a lot of people dont really realize that he tends to be kind of spiteful and sarcastic and i love that they gave him that Edge SO much. in general i feel like its pretty apparent that billy is meant to be autism-adjacent in some way and i think hes one ofthe most accurate depictions of autism in A Thing that ive seen. hes so cool i love billy ilove him .
i could go on and on for hours on end but yah in general these two kind of feel like the culmination of everything i love in characters from a thing. they are incredibly near and dear to me they will always be my lovely sweetiepies <3
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paradoxcase · 8 months
Chapter 37 of Harrow the Ninth
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In that case, I'm kind of wondering where exactly Mercy looked that she saw the beast in the last chapter
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That's from the Vulgate, apparently, the full quote means "The Lord is the source of my light and my safety, so whom shall I fear?" and "Dominicus" is just, essentially, "associated with the Lord", except that in the Latin this referred to the Christian god, whereas John is using it to refer to himself, which is kind of remarkably hubristic, haha
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that most main line stars are not in fact destined to become black holes when they die, and that our sun is either not big enough or not bright enough to ever become a black hole
Are we meant to believe that John is like a battery that is keeping all the resurrected planets and the star going? That would mean that John's resurrection isn't true resurrection - if something still needs some outside power source to sustain itself I'm not sure that counts as the same thing as life, sort of in the same way that Harrow being able to manually control a skeleton isn't true resurrection, or the skeletons at Canaan House that were ultimately controlled and powered by Teacher weren't truly resurrected, and this would just make John a more powerful necromancer piloting a bigger corpse. So I think either this isn't true, or the generally accepted idea of what the resurrection was isn't true, and possibly both of those things are the case
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Oh god, there really is a None Pizza with Left Beef reference. Maybe I'll have to eventually make a poll on which of these modern memes in this story has the earliest sell-by date
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I mean, based on the story so far, I think the actual Nine Houses answer to "how is babby formed?" (and honestly thank god Muir didn't actually put that literal phrase into the book at this point) is "in a vat"
Also, John really is everyone's embarrassing dad, isn't he?
I do appreciate this little nod to the fact that sex and romance aren't the same thing and can exist independently of each other
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So, based on him calling her "First" and "One" and her being "not a normal human being", I'm guessing A.L. was the Earth, and I gather his resurrection of her involved creating a human body for her, for some reason. I'm not sure from this whether the death of Earth was caused by climate change or some sort of mutually assured destruction nuclear war, but neither of those things should have had any effect on the rest of the solar system, so even if this is remotely true, there are still some big questions left unanswered. Also, I think if resurrected Earth lived to see the Lyctors become Lyctors, then John couldn't have become a god by absorbing her soul, since he would have had to be a god already for the Lyctors to follow him, and Mercy and Augustine actually have memories of A.L., so John can't be making that part up. Unless there was also some memory fuckery that happened as well, and I mean, that definitely wouldn't be a first for this book. I don't at all believe that A.L.'s death had anything to do with resurrection beasts, as he's implying here. Maybe John gained some godlike powers some other way, and then absorbed A.L. to gain more powers, maybe she attacked him and his Lyctors for committing the indelible sin and he killed her a second time and locked her in the Tomb, but I'm pretty sure that this version of events that he's telling Harrow did not happen, exactly because like Harrow is thinking, it's just sad and boring and there's no way this was sad and boring in actual fact. Also very curious how John managed to be the last person left alive on Earth
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Going back to the John absorbed A.L. idea, I wonder if what he actually means here is that him absorbing her was a proof of concept for Lyctorhood
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Gideon is really not thrilled about her reaction to this, huh?
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He could be saying this because he just critically underestimates Harrow, or overestimates his own abilities, but I think another possibility is that he needs to her to believe she didn't really open the Tomb because there's some information that you could get from doing that that that would unravel a bunch of his bullshit. I don't know if he knows that she is schizophrenic at this point, I think if her schizophrenia was caused by opening the Tomb, there's a good chance he could guess that she was, especially since she's told him things that I don't think he believes, like that Gideon the First was fucking around with Cytherea's corpse or that Cytherea's corpse was the one who tried to murder him, so he might be intentionally using that to gaslight her, before she figures out whatever he doesn't want her to figure out about the Tomb and the Body. We know that Harrow did not in fact hallucinate doing this, because Gideon saw her do it and reported it, but Harrow doesn't remember that anymore. I guess in her false memories she told her parents about it herself?
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Is he seeing whatever she did to remove Gideon, or is he talking about the schizophrenia? Because the temporal lobe does control memory, but it's also affected by schizoprenia, and there's a possibility that Harrow's schizophrenia was artificially created by something that happened after she opened the Tomb
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heroictoonz · 11 hours
Febuwhump 2022 Day 9: Kidnapped
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Ships: Shadow & Vio
Warnings: N/A
AO3 L!nk in the Comments!
The bag smelled like dirt. That was the first thing Vio noted when he came to. He realized his head was covered by a bag pretty easily. The burlap fabric against his cheeks mixed with the feeling of rope along his neck from where it tied were both dead giveaways.
The next thing he took note of was the rope around his wrists which were currently bound to his back. He gave the bounds a test tug only to confirm his suspicions. They were too tight to move and the rope too thick to snap.
His final observation was that his ankles seemed to be in a similar situation. These three facts along with the feeling of being carried over someone’s shoulder was all Vio needed to make his final assumption.
He was being kidnapped.
Most would probably be distraught in such a situation. However, Vio was not most. Even in his own head he tended to be the odd one out. The running joke being that he was the singular ‘brain cell’. He wouldn’t necessarily disagree with that. Nevertheless, his calm demeanor in the moment despite his current predicament was very on brand for him. Though, he did, of course, take the moment to question why he was being taken in the first place.
His first, and best guess being that he was mistaken for one of the other heroes.
It wasn’t long before the movement of his captor slowed to a stop. He was unceremoniously lifted from the shoulder and all but dropped to the ground. He quickly recognised it as grass under him. He also noticed both the heat and popping sound of a campfire.
All of his assumptions and suspicions were proved correct as the burlap sack was yanked from his head, returning his vision.
Admittedly, he had expected his captors to be monsters of some kind. It wouldn’t be surprising for a group of beasts to go after a hero. Instead, before him around the campfire stood three hylian men.
Vio raised a brow at them. He kept silent, only staring at the men.
“You grabbed a kid?” one of them hissed out angrily.
‘Kid?’ Vio thought to himself. He knew Four was always perceived to be much younger than they actually were due to their height, but still. It was pretty annoying.
“They didn’t have anythin’ I saw to take!” another hissed back. “‘Sides, there was too many of ‘em ‘round. This one I caught off guard.”
Vio supposed that made some sense. They were just average thieves. Looking for something of value. Though he still wasn’t sure why-
“And his family looked rich.”
“Yeah, they had on all these rings and lots ‘a weapons! I thought we could hold the kid for ransom.”
Vio gave a harsh roll of his eyes. Great. Just great. Not only did his kidnappers think he was twelve, but they also apparently decided he was worth enough money to go through with this ridiculous plot. And, even if he was, he highly doubted the others were going to give anything up so easily. This only meant that the whole ordeal was a waste of quite literally everyone’s time.
Vio looked down to the ground below him where his shadow flickered against the grass. As if willing the companion to show himself, white eyes flicked open in the dark form. A cheeky smile following suit.
Vio frowned. ‘I don’t know what you think is so damn funny down there,’ he angrily thought. Unfortunately, split apart the way they were, even Shadow was deaf to Vio’s inner voice. Instead, he jerked his head back, signaling the other to help.
Shadow moved from his normal position and soon enough, Vio felt cold, wisped hands dancing across his own wrists. Shadow made short work of the knot, placing the rope in Vio’s still hands. He then quickly moved to the hero’s ankles to do the same.
Once Vio was free he stood up and brushed the grass off his pants with a huff. Honestly, this whole ordeal was so trivial.
Before he could move to leave, the men around the camp gave calls of surprise and upset at his escape.
“Whadda ya think you’re doin’, brat!” one hissed out as he grabbed his dagger from his belt in what was probably supposed to be a threatening manner.
“Leaving,” Vio responded flatly. “And if you attempt to stop me I will fight back.”
His words were ignored as the other two men also pulled out their own weapons. The men stepped forward but were unaware of the dark figure slowly rising from the ground behind them. One of the men did catch the movement from the corner of his eye and turned just in time to see Shadow. However, the moment was short lived as the black-donned hero slammed a large tree branch against the side of the man’s skull.
A fight quickly broke out. The first man fell to the ground as the other two snapped to attention. One went for Shadow as the other turned back to Vio.
Vio swerved and moved about to dodge each attack. He knew he was at a slight disadvantage being without his own weapon. Instead, Vio moved to disarm the man by ramming his elbow into his chest. The impact caused the man to cry in pain as Vio grabbed his wrist and bent it back with a snap. He took the dagger from the man’s, now limp, grip and chucked it downward, towards his foot. Vio knew his aim was on the mark by the howl of pain and how the man crumpled to the floor of the forest.
Vio looked back to Shadow, who was currently standing above two knocked out bodies holding his large branch. “Shadow!” Vio called out to him. “Hurry up and let’s go before any of them come to.”
Shadow nodded and threw the branch to the side, following Vio as the two started a sprint into the forest and back towards their own camp.
“A branch?” Vio finally piped up as they ran. “Really?”
Shadow only gave a shrug. “You left your sword at camp. Had to make do.” He then gave a devious grin. “Though, you were definitely fighting pretty dirty back there, yourself.”
Vio only let out a huff. He ignored the comment under the guise of having to focus on where he was running.
Shadow let out a loud, sharp laugh full of humor and mirth. He jumped up and grabbed Vio’s hands, pulling them both down mid-run into the shadows below so as to whisk them both back to the others.
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angered-box · 3 months
[raises hand] i would like to know…about the lads…….
okay so like i'm not gonna try and talk about TOO many but there are a small handful that i can talk about cause i’ve introduced them on here already!! uhhh some are. ocs inserted into canon. because i’m silly :3
I GOT A LITTLE CARRIED AWAY ERM.... and also got embarrassed near the end so i tried hurrying up the last section....
Okok so uhmmm there are some of my oldest ocs i’ve had which would be Wren and Una (and also Xavier but i haven’t drawn him yet so erm.) so like. Their whole story is, ahhh difficult for the most part cause it was created 5 years ago and i was god awful at stories and i’m still trying to fix it so in a summary Wren has adoption papers thrown at him for Una at the ripe old age of 17 because he did not feel right seeing the child of the man he was friends with and saw as a father figure get sacrificed (even if it will help the town not go to shit) because he felt like he needed to atleast give back to the man since he passed. But he takes Una and because of the fact that the town could not kill her the town slowly starts decaying which is kinda fucked up honestly if you think about it. And it’s not like the town can pick someone else it’s kinda predetermined every ten years thanks to the horrific beast that has cursed the town it’s a lil silly👍. But because of that they’re kinda constantly being followed because the town people desperately need Una. So it’s kinda like that for about 5-6 years, Wren is now like 22-23 and Unas about 8 cool? Cool. And for Xavier it’s a lil difficult but he kinda helps them out around that time by taking them in cause he was returning back home to visit his mother (who is very much on her death bed at that point) That's like the most i have for their story i don't have an ending but it gets grim kinda and Xavier is the only human out of the trio that's fun he's also like 25. i don't know what Wren is supposed to be he's just blue, and Una is like half human half sheep demon, i’ve tried to make her appearance like a highland sheep but it's not going so well as of right now lol….
Agh and there’s also my minecraft oc. His name is Box because i did nawt want to come up with a name for him so i just call him that cuz my user on minecraft is the same as here lol… but the funny thing is for him with my silliness he’s basically a retired god. And also a deadbeat parent. Both to his bio children and also like his actual creations he made by his own hands. He stopped being a god because he literally got bored and wanted to travel. He is so avoidant with things and only cares about traveling and tea he’s awful and i love him also he’s old. Really old. And also has fox ears and a fox tail. Did i mention he’s old.
There’s also my dnd character!!!! His name is Ilias and i don’t have a basis of actual lore for him but i loveeeee talking about him. He’s a wood elf who is honestly looks like a sick young tree (he’s like 203 cm tall). You know that image of Charlie from Always Sunny. The pepe silvia scene? That’s his personality kinda but in a more academic way. He is not normal about knowledge, but when is a wizard normal about that shit like actually. He manages to somehow not get insta killed despite having 14 AC and 14 hitpoints…for now atleast. Also he can use infestation, and basically mite blasts people which is really funny. He also manages to get sick about things a lot, don’t let him in a cramped vehicle of any sorts.
Okay so now we have ocs that i have tossed into games cause it’s funny. So there are two characters who are actually siblings, fraternal twins actually! Uh their names are Kisho and Kuran and both of them are for two different games (Kisho is meant for o.bey me and Kuran is for t.wst but this is not about the games i’m about to infodump their lore because holy shit did i fuck things up for them) So the funny thing is for them while they’re twins Kuran is the youngest because he was born like a few minutes after midnight L. so both of them are capable of magic erm both parents are witches ( i actually intend to draw them soon!) and also like the healthiest bio parents i have ever created it’s so crazy (they almost blew eachother up multiple times as teens because they wanted to practice together <3) the difference is Kisho is actually better though because he stuck with his studies and Kuran kinda is just a “fuck it we ball” type person for magic. Oh also did i mention how they’re twins and Kuran is just a day younger? Yea well i lied. So they WERE the same age until they were 11. In which then Kisho had got pissed off at Kuran and ran off to go hide from him to calm down and uh. He kinda got sent to the dimension. By all means he was missing for like 3 days but when they found him he had aged by 3 years. Oh and also he experienced The Horrors and is never going to be the same again and now instead of them being siblings who did a lot together and managed to be on the save wavelength they’re now so vastly different because of Kishos experiences and also the fact he is very much no longer in the same state of mind. Anyways Kisho is like 20-21 and is currently working on becoming a historian and philologist whereas Kuran is like 17-18 going into fashion design. They have issues and it’s honestly really bad but one just puts everything in a cupboard and quickly closes the door before everything falls and the other pretends that his issues aren’t there. Also Kisho is transmasc YAYYYYY YAYYYYYYYYYYY. (Also because i’ve made art of them before i’ll give a description cause Kisho has green hair whereas Kuran is blonde :3)
(i started skipping A LOT of major things about this character due to getting embarrassed and scared of talking too much but i’m going to show more in the future)
Uh and last one i can kinda talk about would be Akihisa…. Where to start erm… so he’s my silly little rabbit and i torment him. He has the most issues while also like the least. First off he doesn’t live with his biological parents he was adopted ^-^ so like….. essentially . hmmm. Okay so essentially his father came from outside of Japan when he was a bit younger to pursue filming (which he didn’t stick around in but it’s okay) and he met Akihisas mother who was (and still is) a model. So their relationship did not work out but hey they have a kid now. The kid doesn’t have a mother whose permanently in his life and the father is kinda. Yeag. ANYWAYS so the fun thing is his dad was able to get help from his college friend to look after Akihisa because he had to leave (i’m sorry i’m lazy right now and don’t want to give the actual explanation) and this is when the Komatsu family comes in because they basically adopt him. So this family consists of Mrs Komatsu who is Akihisas fathers friend and she’s an actress who mostly just does smaller roles but anyways there’s also her husband who is a literature professor at a local college and then the siblings are Toshiko (eldest), who works as a model agent, and Ikuya (youngest but now middle child) whose actually in a unit (it’s more so an actual band he’s not a idol but you know what i mean) and is the reason why Akihisa wanted to become an idol in the first place. Also when he first went to yumenosaki for the first like two years he had dyed hair, specifically black hair because he didn’t like standing out from his family. ALSO in !! he’s a graduate just a fair. Information. He also was the leader of his ex-unit and it has the worst fucking name you could have everrrrr named something. It was literally called THE ODYSSEY… and also he was like not prepared to be a leader he let his unitmates walk all over him until the very end when the group split. Also one of the unitmates in that group became the leader of the current unit he’s in and it’s obviously a lot more functional now.
 I’m starting to get tired i’ve been writing this document for 3 days and just spent atleast 3-4 hours writing the rest of this. This is like. The bare minimum of a summary for all my ocs and i am so sorry for that…
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Demigod MC Series: Hades
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades
Well… this is awkward…
He’s actually met Hades multiple times for business reasons (Underworld-Devildom relations are amiable if not a little odd. Hades was something of an uncle figure to Diavolo as a wee demon lad, which should speak for itself really). He’s a gloomy fellow and not much for chit-chat, but he never thought they’d end up taking one of his kids by accident…
He had to send a formal apology letter to the Lord of the Underworld immediately, but thankfully he didn’t seem very concerned for his offspring - if anything he appeared to think the Devildom would suit them nicely which was… concerning.
And he was not wrong. The darkness, demons, ghouls, and frights of the Devildom hardly seemed to faze the MC, if anything they fit right in. He’d dare say they were thriving if not for one thing…
They were So. Damn. Bleak.
Getting a smile out of this one AT ALL was rare. For once he felt the need to check up on someone constantly just to be sure they were alright... They’d keep assuring the House that they’re not actually as sad as they look but it’s hard not to assume…
He was a little mortified at first when they first met Cerberus cause… well they called him “Cerbi” and the massive demonic guard dog rolled over for them like a Golden Retriever! 
Apparently he and the Cerberus that they knew are from the same litter and they must have smelt familiar... He would have probably limited their interactions just to keep his dog on his side but after seeing the MC smile for once while they played with the big oaf well…
Cerberus got a new playmate and the MC got a massive, three-headed therapy animal. Win-win. 😌
Do ya really gotta be such a downer all the time, MC…? 😔
He thinks they’re nice, like really nice. They’re always super concerned when his brothers attack him or when he gets injured, but he’s pretty sure it’s because they’ve seen people die before so…
At first, he had no idea why he had to be saddled with this depressing wisp of mortal but over time he started to understand that they weren’t all that sad. They had… Resting Gloom Face? Is that a thing? 
They also had a different way of seeing things. He could win the lottery and they’d tell him to stay inside so he wouldn’t get hit by lightning or if he pissed off the wrong people, they’d joke about him keeping his fingers and toes. Dark stuff, but not intended to be so… well morbid.
However, what he eventually found out that the REAL advantage to having a Hades kid in the Devildom was that nothing scared them. Literally nothing. Not even the ghosts - which to reiterate, are terrifying!
Cue Mammon getting dragged to horror movies nights with his brothers and pulling the MC along to be his personal security blanket. He’ll hold onto them for dear life as they just pat his head or something, watching and not even flinching at the jumpscares.
The first time the House had an unexpected power outage he clung onto the back of their shirt like a lost child while they calmly looked for the circuit-breaker...
If he could jump into their arms every time something scary happened like Scooby-Doo, he absolutely would. His brothers make fun of him, but after seeing the MC handle Cerberus like a puppy any time something frightens them they hide behind the mortal as well…
In some ways, he totally relates to their moodiness but come on! Who can still look so sad when watching The Magical Ruri Hanai: Demon Girl?? Ruri-chan can make anyone smile! 😠
When he first met the MC, he was a little confused about why they didn't find him intimidating at all. He even reverted to his demon form and showed his fangs but no dice! All they said was, "I've walked along the edge of Tartarus. You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that, buddy…" 
That was probably his first sign that the "human" wasn't normal…
After Mammon told him who their Dad was, things made a lot more sense. A child of Hades in the Devildom? That's ironic enough to be its own anime plot!! They certainly felt like an angsty protagonist at times. 🤷‍♀️
Truth be told, they could relate to each other in a lot of ways. You wouldn't think that an offspring of the Underworld and a demonic shut-in would have much in common but the one thing they share between them is that sense of never really fitting in.
Turns out that Hades kids are black sheep, even among other demigods, and Levi? Well, he's had trouble relating to others since his angel days. He and the mortal were like off-beat kindred spirits!
Which, I mean, you wouldn't get just by looking at them together. Levi being the impassioned super-otaku rambling their ear off while his somber companion would just go along with him quietly, but hey, there's more beneath the surface. Probably. 
Now if he could just get them to cosplay as the Lord of Emptiness with him… They'd be perfect! Perfect he says!!
Highly considered drugging their food with antidepressants for a while… 
This was before getting to know them better, of course, but for the first couple months he honestly couldn't shake the feeling that the mortal looked miserable! 
Now, he's one to particularly care for the comfort of strangers, but just looking at them like that every day would sour his own mood quite considerably. It was very irritating...
It was only on closer inspection that he realized there was something else at play, though.
The mortal was different - even for a demigod he imagined. They took to the Devildom easily and the realm almost accepted them right back!
The flora looked better in their presence, the hellish beasts that roamed the wilds would roll over for them, and they even seemed to be welcomed in by the never-ending shadows… 
It was fascinating. Like the effects of the Underworld were baked into their DNA and mingled with the environment around them… Two layers of darkness coexisting within one person.
I mean, what other creature - other than Lucifer - could ride Cerberus around like a pony??
Had they not been so kind, they'd probably scare him shit-less... Their potential power was too great to ignore. But after getting used to their gloom, at least they made for pleasant company. 🤷‍♀️
Satan likes them well enough, but even still he has to wonder just what they were capable of… you know?
Oh. My. WORD. What a buzzkill!!!
Really, the new mortal was no good at parties or pictures for that matter!
Not because they looked bad, or even because he couldn't get them to smile, but because GHOSTS would always photobomb any pictures they were in!! 😫
One time he got a selfie with them on the couch and a creepy ghost child could be seen hiding behind the cushions so NOPE. No more photos with the mortal around!!
Aside from that, he couldn't say the mortal was all bad or anything…They were pretty friendly, despite their general look and feel. 
Though, personally, he thought they wore far too much black... Even in the Devildom, there's normally a pop of color, you know? Was that just the Hades dress code?
And you want to know the weirdest thing? Despite everything about them screaming "Doom and Gloom," they're straaaangely popular among the RAD dating scene…
Like. Not as some heartthrob, "Love'em and Leave'em"-type, but he's found that there's a LOT of his demonic classmates who think they're cute or have a crush on them in some way…
Naturally, he can see the appeal of the mysterious, moody demigod with a dark, troubled past. It's just the demigod in question is completely oblivious to it! 🤷‍♀️
He tried to give them dating tips or play matchmaker from time to time but eventually gave up when it was clear they weren't interested. Alas, students of RAD, this is one forbidden fruit that refuses to be shared…! Such a tragedy… 😔
They remind him of Belphie… like. A lot.
The similarities were obvious. They had a similar feel, made similar jokes, and even the same somewhat dreary attitude about them...
If he were being honest, at the beginning there were times when he'd open up to them a lot more than he intended because he'd forget that he wasn't actually talking to Belphie…
Thankfully, he knew better than to try and treat them like his replacement or anything. They were two different people after all. But it didn't stop him from feeling extra protective around them for a while.
Besides, there was ONE thing that set them leagues apart from Belphie and that was the fact they were a shit cook. Not quite as bad as Solomon but uh… Actually no, that's a closer call than it has any right to be...
Apparently, Hades kids don't need to eat as much and when you hang out with shades and skeletons for most of your life, you don’t really worry about making food that's any better than… "Well, technically it's edible." 🤷‍♀️
Their food won't kill a person like Solomon's, but you WILL start seeing stuff you probably shouldn't. He tried their "soup" once and swore he saw the ghost of his mother… and he doesn't even have a mother!!!
He swears that if he ever sees the MC and Solomon working together in the same kitchen he's skipping town… Whatever culinary abomination the two of them could create would probably gain sentience and eat HIM instead. He's always figured he'd go out with Death by Food, but not like that!! 😫
Ever meet someone who’s like looking in a mirror? Yeah, he’s getting those vibes…
He never expected the "human" to be so similar to him, it was kind of uncanny.
Upon first laying eyes on each other there was a pause… then a squint… and then… a nod.
Honestly, their combined dry wit, dark humor, and pessimistic outlook played off of each other surprisingly well. Too well for him to hate, really.
Not that it mattered because they didn’t believe him for a second when he tried to trick them (they had dealt with loads of lying monsters before). He hated to admit it, but they had a good head on their shoulders and knew better than to trust a locked up demon…
And yet, they seemed to stick around with him anyway. Because of the good conversation or just empathizing with his loneliness was anyone's guess. 🤷‍♀️
Sometimes they'd come up and sit outside the door in comfortable silence… Or they'd talk about whatever:
MC: *sitting out by the attic with their back against the door* So what happens to demons when they die…?
Belphie: *laying on the floor on the other side, staring at the ceiling* Depends on the kind. If I die, I'll just reform later.
MC: Like a reincarnation?
Belphie: Eh. *shrugs* Maybe. Haven't died yet.
MC: You could die in there, you know.
Belphie: *throws a side glare* Well thanks for bringing that up…
MC: *shrugs* What? It's true. But don't worry, I won't let you. *small-ish smile*
Belphie: *stares at them wide-eyed and pink-cheeked before turning on his side quickly* Ugh… whatever…
They did their word, somehow. They eventually got the door open and let him out, but by that time the anger was gone and he was just happy to finally talk to them face-to-face...
And good thing too, because apparently it's not smart to fight a death-child in what is essentially their element - as he saw when they summoned an army of skeletons to kick Levi's ass when he cheated them in Devil Cart...
He would not have lasted in that fight... Dodged a bullet there. 
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
ok. karin vs anakin's genome being 50% the Force. go
Jesus fuck, okay. Uh, fair warning, I know very little about this subject, so it’s 90% bullshit. I am in no way qualified to talk about biology past the high school level.
Anakin's sixteen. He's part of a set of Jedi assigned to a weird mission regarding making contact with an isolated planet of near-humans with superpowers but no space travel. He doesn’t really have a Job here and now, he’s just there as Obi-Wan’s plus-one. There's an underlying plot about Sidious trying to acquire people from Ninja Land, but none of the Jedi are fully aware of it. Mostly they're distracted by all the ninjas and their bitching.
They call it the Shinobi Planet, because nobody can agree on a name for the planet when they ask and the last major international alliance was named after the shinobi profession, right? Good enough, you can change it later when you idiots can agree on literally anything, oh my god. The Samurai are very offended and it's a whole thing.
Anakin wanders a lot. He runs into various strange people and is mostly polite because, listen, half his friends are distinctly not human. When your immediate circle includes nautolans and besalisks and twi’leks and whatever the fuck Yoda is, you’re not gonna blink at a Hoshigaki or... uh... okay that kid just turned into a giant fox, is anybody gonna--no? That’s normal? Just him? Cool, cool, cool.
There’s a kage summit involved in the negotiations going on. IDK what’s being negotiated, probably something to get the ninjas to set up a singular spaceport so there’s somewhere to land WITHOUT ships being regularly shot down by village defense systems powered by that massive flaming purple skeleton warrior or the girl who punched down a mountain or the.. the literal desert? There’s a guy that can control the desert? Is there any way of keeping him away from Anakin?
(Gaara’s tickled pink that the reason someone wants to stay away from him has nothing to do with fear or respect for authority, and everything to do with ‘he is also from the desert and fucking hates it, so he’s staying away from the sand powers,’ because it’s very novel and kind of funny.)
ANYWAY where was I. Uh. Right, kage summit, lots of villages, they invite smaller villages to pitch in, but nobody ever ever ever wants Orochimaru anywhere near this situation, for hopefully obvious reasons, so Otogakure sends Karin.
Really, who else was it gonna be? Suigetsu? You want Suigetsu representing you on an interstellar political field? You want Juugo before he’s stabilized? You want Sasuke, master of ruining kage summits? You want these idiots representing you at the big kids’ table?
They send Karin. She’s a bitch with a temper, but at least she’s not as big of a political risk as... literally anyone else from the snakepit.
Anyway, Anakin wanders around, meeting people, trying foods, showing off when asked for demonstrations. He doesn’t have an Entire Protocol Droid, but he did cobble together a little floating helper that can do translations for him. Assume all translations are accurate and being done by the little helper bot. Bot’s name is G1-0T. Anakin calls it Glot.
He runs into Karin at one point, who’s not super into the whole situation, but at least Anakin’s interesting. She’s not interested in him, because he’s sixteen and she’s like... mid-twenties. And his hair is stupid. But! All these force-sensitive people feel weird to her, because sensor stuff, and it’s not chakra but it’s... something. Anakin is, of course, the weirdest.
(There are non-sensitives in the envoy, so she knows it’s not just a space thing.)
She strikes up a conversation about it, because hey, she hasn’t made it this far to not lean into... you know, being the kind of person who barges ahead with Weird Questions that might lead into fun science stuff.
Anakin is like. Well. This woman’s very strange, but it’s not like there’s anything against talking about midichlorians to random people. It’s easy enough to look up in the core. Not everyone knows about them, but it’s not a secret or anything.
“Wow,” Karin says, though not in so many words, “that sounds incredibly strange, and actually a lot like it functions completely differently from chakra, though maybe it intersects with nature chakra somehow. Can I take a blood sample?”
Anakin doesn’t want to give a blood sample to a stranger. Karin isn’t stupid enough to try to steal one. She’s seen what this Force Stuff can do, and this kid’s got a lot of it. She hasn’t got enough information on hand about it to know if he’d notice.
“How about I let you look at the blood of a guy that can turn into water?” Karin asks, because she’s not going to let him look at her blood. “I’ve got it with me.”
“...why?” Anakin asks, reasonably disturbed.
“He owes me,” she says, and does not elaborate.
“What, there’s nothing weird about your blood to share?” Anakin demands, like the ornery little bastard he is.
“People took my blood against my will for over a decade,” Karin says, with the kind of smile that threatens a stabbing. This is not secret information. Her healing factor is in the bingo book. Plenty of people still want her dead. “Nobody gets my blood except me.”
Anakin has no idea what to do with that answer. Most people wouldn’t know what to do with that answer. It’s not exactly a standard answer.
“So there is something weird about your--e chu ta what the fuck are those scars?”
Karin looks at her arm. She looks back at him. She raises an eyebrow.
“What do you think they are?”
He stares a little longer, and then very carefully does not say anything as she pushes her sleeve back down.
“So can I look at your blood?” she asks again.
“You can look at mine under a microscope,” she wheedles. “You can’t take any, though.”
Anakin... does eventually agree. Eventually.
There is a very angry redhead yelling at a machine, and Anakin does not know what to do.
“Is something wr--”
“What the fuck is your blood?” she demands. “It’s glowing in ultraviolet. It burned the dye up. I tried to sequence your genome--”
“Woah, I did not agree to that.”
“--and look at this. Look at this!”
“I don’t know how to read your graphs. None of this is a language I know.”
“It’s garbage,” she hisses at him. Glot takes a few moments to process it. “Look at this. This is supposed to--fuck, where’s the Jiraiya file, he’s standard--this is what it’s supposed to look like for most humans with chakra. And this is a civilian, and a few bloodline users--”
“Do you just carry these around with you?”
“Shut up, you don’t exist. You have--you have more in common with summons than people. I ran a blood test on one of your human diplomats, the ones that aren’t monks--”
“When did they agree to that?”
“They didn’t, I’m just sneaky.”
“I should tell Obi-W--”
“STAY THERE, I’M NOT DONE YELLING YET. Do you see this? Do you see this shit? This is the one and only time I’ve managed to perform any kind of analysis on a bijuu. They don’t usually have blood. Shukaku is sand. Matatabi is literally just fire. This was almost impossible to make happen, but I did it because I’m a dedicated biomedical resea--”
“Because you’re unhinged.”
“--rcher, and you know what? You know what I’ve found?”
“Your blood looks like you’re half demon,” she says, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking, a little wild-eyed and clearly pissed at him. “Half of it’s human! Half of it looks like the non-physical chakra manifestations that were torn-apart remnants of a godlike demon. The fuckers can’t die. They also can’t breed. They don’t have reproductive organs! This isn’t just demon-tainted like a jinchuuriki, I’ve got that analyzed--”
“Because my cousin’s a moron, don’t change the subject. You--you shouldn’t exist. Your blood is stupid. Fuck, is this what I’d find if I analyzed the Sage of the Six Paths?”
“The what?”
She ignores him, frowning at papers. “Is--I need to call Haruno, she might still have some of Kaguya’s blood dried on her old gloves from the war, I know she kept those as a souvenir from the whole ‘punched a god’ thing.”
“I’m sorry, the what?”
“There was a thing a few years back, godlike alien demon princess who got sealed into a moon by her sons a thousand years ago, but her immortal sentient goo child brought her back with a giant tree that consumed all the tailed beasts-the flaming fox you saw earlier is one of them--and then used a giant eyeball to reflect off the moon to put everyone in a hallucination at the same time so she could eat our life-forces,” Karin dismisses. “It’s not important.”
“There is--what?”
Jedi see many things. Many of those things are very strange.
This is a little much even for Anakin.
“It’s over, if you want the actual details, talk to my idiot cousin,” she huffs. “But now I need to run comparisons between the actual nonsense that is your entire existence and the actual nonsense that is my cousin’s existence, and maybe Sasuke’s... fuck this is going to be a mess, I’m going to have to cross-reference all the clans with bloodlines we know are derived from Kaguya, she’s the only angle we have on gods like that, unless... maybe there’s still some black Zetsu goo somewhere... Orochimaru must have kept a sample...”
“Uh, can I--can I go? I’m not comfortable here.”
“I need to find Naruto so he can call the Sage of the Six Paths out of the afterlife so I can see if I can get blood from a ghost to compare to yours.”
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floatingpetals · 3 years
Call of the Mountains || Ch. 9
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes (Werewolf AU!)
Warnings: nothin really
Word Count: 1500+
Summary:  (Werewolf-AU!Stucky x f!reader) Life had begun to overwhelm her. Work was insane and her life was a mess. There was a tug in her soul that called her to take this trip, deep into the forest away, where there was the peace and stillness of nature. She didn’t know why, but she knew she needed to listen. It was meant to be a relaxing trip, but one misstep on some moss sent her tumbling into the rapids of the flooded river. She thought she was gone and the earth decided it was time to reclaim her. She didn’t expect was to be pulled from the river nor the creature that saved her. Her entire world is turned upside down and all it took was an accidental step to the left. (18+ Only Story)
A/N: Hey all! So it’s been a while huh? I can’t make any promises that this will be frequent but I wrote a little bit and wanted to post it! I hope you all enjoy and thank you for being so patient with me! I’m hoping I can get back to the swing of things. I also didn’t really edit so I’m sorry if there’s errors 😅 Enjoyyy!!
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Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Series Masterlist
Y/N woke to the sound of power turning back on in the house. It was jarring at first, the sound of the air conditioner turning on and several loud beeps sounded around the house. She could hear someone in the hall muttering an oath over a practically loud incessant beeping before it was finally silenced. Blearily she glanced out the window, the sun had just peaked over the mountains casting bright rays through the large open window.
Letting out a sigh, she figured it was best to get out of bed. No point in hiding in the room, especially not with how her stomach felt like it was trying to eat itself. Y/N glanced at her dirty clothes and wondered if they had a washing machine she could use now that the power was back on. Snagging them in her uninjured hand, she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and do her business before creeping into the living room.
The sound of the television filtered down the hall as she inched around the corner, she spotted Bucky standing in front of the television with his arms crossed and back tense. It took her a quick glance at the headline to understand his frustration. The rain from last night created floods and knocked down trees on most major roads in the area, specifically around the reserve. Which meant she was stuck.
“Oh well that’s a great thing to wake up and see,” She mumbled and walked up beside him. She bit her lip to stifle a giggle when she saw him flinch and his head swivel around towards her.
Bucky nearly flew out of his skin when she materialized beside him. He had to take a deep breath, to calm the start to his heart as well as the frustration in himself how quickly he forgot she was capable of sneaking upon him. That was definitely not a common occurrence for him. He should have scented her at the very least. Maybe it because she’s wearing my clothes, he tried to reason.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” Her giggle finally won. Bucky grumbled, but couldn’t stop the grin growing on his face. “So we’re blocked in huh?”
“Looks like it.” He nodded. “Steve’s gone out to see if we can still get out to the pa-cabins. My phone hasn’t blown up yet, so either it means we’re in the clear or he’s in the middle of cleaning up the roads and hasn’t had a chance to call and bitch yet.”
“Let’s hope it’s not too bad if there are any downed trees.” She mumbled and watched the forecast. She winced. Now it was supposed to rain every day for the next week. Just great. “I guess I shouldn’t have tried my luck. First, the questionable rain forecast, then I fall in a river, fracture my wrist, and now I’m literally flooded in.”
“At least you’re not stuck in your tent!” Bucky grinned trying to remain optimistic. “Speaking of which, Natasha said she’d call the rangers station for you and see what she could have them do about your stuff. Better her let them know you’re safe than them waste manpower trying to find you.”
“Oh,” Y/N blinked. She hadn’t thought of that. “That’s sweet of her.”
“If you have anything you can think you’d need, let me know and I can see if Natasha can’t get them for you.” He didn’t offer how she could get them or how she knew which campsite was hers, but Y/N also didn’t think to ask. Probably got the info from the ranger station, Y/N reasoned.
“I guess my phone, so I can tell my parents I’m alright and let my job know I might not make it back when I agreed to be back.” She said. “And maybe some of my clothes. Speaking of which, do you have a washer I could borrow?”
Bucky blinked and finally looked down at the bundle of clothes in her hand.
“Oh! Yeah of course,” He motioned her to follow through the kitchen and to what looked like a mudroom converted to a laundry room. “If you ever need to use it, feel free. Detergent is in the box and the softener is that white container. While you do that, do you want anything to eat? I should have asked you that first.”
“Oh,” she looked up from the brand-new fancy washing machine and over to where Bucky hovered in the doorway. “I’m okay with whatever you have available. Can I make a special request for some coffee with cream and sugar?”
“You sure can.” Bucky beamed with a wink, leaving her to it in the room with a noticeable bounce in his step. She could hear him moving around in the kitchen, finding it incredibly adorable how enthusiastic he appeared to be cooking her something. She shook her head with a giggle and turned back to the machine.
After a few minutes of fumbling with the fancy machine that had way too many settings, Y/N went back to the kitchen where Bucky was plating her food. He flashed a smile over his shoulder and motioned for her to sit at the table. A steaming cup of fresh coffee sat at the table, fork, and knife waiting as well.
 “Go ahead and take a seat. I didn’t know how much sugar you wanted, so it’s in the bowl next to the salt and pepper.”
“Thank you.” Y/N hummed eagerly and sank into the seat. She had just finished putting in her sugar and took a sip when Bucky set the plate of food in front of her. Piled high with eggs, bacon, and hash browns, the smell hit her nose, and instantly her mouth started to water. Completely uncaring what he thought about her table manners, she dug in.
Amused, Bucky slid into the seat across from her with his own plate and cup of coffee. He watched her for a moment, a grin on his face before he too dug in. Mentally, he was going over the list of things that needed to be done. He had a pack to keep safe, first and foremost. While Steve might be handling the cleanup, Bucky was usually in charge of making sure everyone was accounted for and they had everything they’d needed.
True they were an efficient pack that didn’t need help from the outside, but it didn’t mean they were completely prepared for natural disasters. Cabins would need to be inspected, generators most likely needed to be fixed, food needed to be replaced, the roads and paths they usually took would need to be checked so there wasn’t something that could cause problems down the line. There was also the fact he had yet to hear from Wanda or Pietro.
The twins were supposed to be patrolling last night and would usually check-in before the sun rose when they returned. Neither had contacted Bucky or Steve, and Bucky was growing concerned. They were quite capable of taking care of themselves, but this was not normal for the two.
He was so busy worrying and planning he didn’t notice Y/N had stood to move beside him until her soft scent drifted to his nose. He blinked and tilted his head back, startled for the second time that morning. He had to swallow his tongue to keep the purr his beast made down. Oblivious to the effect she had on him, Y/N smiled softly and motioned to his empty plate.
“You finished?”
Bucky’s cleared his throat and nodded dumbly. Y/N took their plates and went to the sink. He watched her go to the stove to grab the skillet and heading back to the sink before turning the tap on. The sound of water and clinking plates snapped Bucky out of his stupor.
“Oh, you don’t have to clean those!” He jumped up and began to cross the kitchen to her side. She shot him a look that stopped him short and reached for the sponge.
“You made me breakfast, the least I can do is while the plates down before putting them in your dishwasher.” She replied smoothly. Bucky opened his mouth to argue but she cut him off again. “Nope, it’s how we do it my house. You cook, I clean.”
Bucky chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, more than aware he lost this argument. He didn’t get a chance to argue anyways, he could hear his phone going off in the living room where he left it.
“Alright, alright. You win. Just keep your cast dry.” He shot over his shoulder.
“Aye aye, captain!” Y/N shouted back, giggling at the amused snort that she received in answer.
Smiling from ear to ear, Bucky answered the call from Natasha in a rather happy mood. But the tone that greeted him cut his happiness off short.
“Barnes, you need to get down here. Steve’s pissed. Bring Y/N too. She needs to see this.”
The phone clicked before he could ask what the hell was going on, not at all a normal Natasha thing to do. A sinking feeling of dread settled in the pit of his stomach. He turned slowly to look over his shoulder where Y/N stood at the sink, loading his dishwasher humming a happy tune, and wondered what the hell happened last night they didn’t know about.
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charming-2d-boys · 3 years
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Okay, so, I decided to do it like this because answering submissions that are supposed to be requests is a pain. Hope you don’t mind, @ask-the-fanfic-writer​!
Also, I now have a rule (the second one) stating where to request and I also updated the description for submissions - hopefully, it’s clearer and easier for everyone 🤔
So, with all that being said and done, thank you and I hope you’ll like this! 🙇
A/N: I put a bit of context first because I’m sure that only their reactions would be different and made the rest headcanons since it wasn’t specified. Also, they are a bit short 😅 Also x2, please ignore the Bomi in there - I have InteractiveFics installed and it automatically replaces (Y/N) 😅
   Normally, you wouldn’t really be worried. Knowing what his job was all about and what they’d told you, you already knew that him not coming home or even contacting you for somewhere around a month – even two in some extreme cases – was normal.
   Now, that didn’t mean you weren’t worried. He was strong, of course. You already knew that. And you knew that, reckless or not, the other Spiders would stop him from doing something stupid or at least help him get out of whatever situation alive. It was unavoidable for him to not come home without a few bruises or cuts and scrapes. Still, he seemed to be doing well 99% of the cases when he came home, so as long as he came back, you were fine.
   Unfortunately, it wasn’t the case now. It had already been two months. While not set in stone, a few days over didn’t worry you too much. But it was coming close to three months now and you had no idea what to do. You couldn’t contact the police and none of the other Spiders were answering. Neither was your boyfriend, of course. You could only wait – but the more you waited, the more worried you were. And the darker your thoughts turned, until you honestly thought that maybe… he had died. Maybe they all did. And you had no way of knowing or even finding out.
you heard a knock on the door just as you were wiping at your eyes
it sounded somewhat timid, almost afraid
you couldn’t think of anyone who would visit you at this late hour
and honestly, you were only hoping that maybe, just maybe, it was your boyfriend
something up there must’ve loved you a lot or heard your prayers
because when you opened your front door, there he was
dressed in casual clothes and with his hair down was Nobunaga
he looked a little sheepish and he couldn’t really meet your gaze
Hey, (Y/N)… Umm, I’m home?
he sounded so unsure as he scratched the back of his head
you were shocked and before either of you even registered it, you had pounced on him
hugging him tightly, you breathed in the scent of his cologne, the one you’d gotten for him on his birthday
Nobunaga’s arms wrapped around you as he held you close, happy to be home again
I thought you d-died! Why didn’t you call or text?
your boyfriend sighed before taking you inside and closing the door with his foot
Someone managed to track one of our phones and we had to destroy them all.
as he sat down on the couch with you on his lap, he hugged you tightly, having missed you
he didn’t know that you were so worried
but he could understand when your eyes looked him over, seeing a few stitches here and there
to him, they were nothing
to you, it meant he had been in danger and someone had gotten close enough to hurt him
which made you embrace him even tighter
How about we go to bed? We’ll talk about this tomorrow.
Aren’t you hungry?
I ate before I came here. Unless you’re hungry, I just want to go to bed with you, that’s all.
with a shake of your head from you, Nobunaga picked you up again and went to the bedroom
the both of you were so tired and you sighed in relief as soon as you felt the warmth of the other glued to your bodies
it was easier to fall asleep that night, knowing that he was back
hopefully for quite some time before he’d have to leave again
your pacing and frantic thoughts were interrupted by a few loud knocks on the door
you felt a little confused and scared
it was late, very late actually
and despite only a few people knowing you were dating Phinks, you were afraid someone had talked
and that one of the Spider’s enemies had come for you
you looked through the peephole but saw nothing
the lights were either out or someone was covering it from the other side of the door
another set of knocks made you take a deep breath in before you yanked the door open
the light coming from inside your house lit up your boyfriend, whose hand was raised, ready to knock again
with a gasp, you angrily punched him in the arm
Ow! Hey, what was that for?
You scared me half to death, you idiot! Why the hell were you just standing there, in the dark, like a creep?
I don’t know, the lights went out when I got to your front door. Still, you didn’t have to punch me so hard, that hurt.
Oh, stop whining, you big baby! You barely felt it.
Phinks grinned before swooping in and picking you up, kicking your door closed as he quickly got to your bedroom
he threw you on the bed before jumping on it as well, hugging you tightly
what else could you other than sigh and hug him back, happy to have him back safe and sound?
you’d scold him some more the next day
and then pamper him because you’d missed him
your phone’s ringtone snapped you out of your thoughts and you looked at your phone
Unknown Number Calling
a bit hesitant, you looked at the screen before answering
Hello? (Y/N)?
hearing Shalnark’s voice made your heart thump loudly in your chest
(Y/N), are you okay? Hey!
knowing that he was fine after so long and finally getting to hear his voice made you want to cry again
and you did
Are you... crying?
his voice almost sounded incredulous
Of course I am, dumbass! I hear nothing from you or the others for months and you ask me if I’m crying now that I know you’re at least alive?
on Shalnark’s end, he felt flustered
he thought you’d be happy to hear from him, not crying
he didn’t know what to say
it wasn’t as if he didn’t want to call or anything
he just couldn’t
and using the other’s phones would’ve made him feel weird
and he would’ve probably kept talking to you for hours
forgetting about the fact that it wasn’t his phone in the first place and he’d have to return it
and probably ask for it again just to talk with you or text you
but he felt quite happy, knowing that all that crying came because you cared about him so much and you just wanted him to be safe and careful
I’m sorry… My phone took a hit during the mission and I had to get a new one and tweak with it so it wouldn’t be traced. I literally just finished doing so a minute ago.
you sighed, somewhat in exasperation and relief
at least he was okay
Are you okay now?
he sounded a little bit nervous and you almost laughed
member of the Phantom Troupe, notorious thief and murderer, nervous because his partner was crying
Yeah. When are you coming back?
In about an hour or so. Want me to bring any food? Have you eaten yet?
No, I didn’t get to eat dinner yet.
Okay, I’ll get some of your favourite and then we can have a late dinner and date, how does that sound?
you could almost see him smile as he suggested it and it made the butterflies in your stomach fly around like crazy
Sounds great, I can’t wait. I love you.
Shalnark smiled as he felt his cheeks get warm and his heart beast faster
he was so close to telling you about the gift he’d gotten you and about how much he’d missed you
but it would all be a surprise for when he finally arrived
the perfect way to make you forgive him for being late to getting back home to you
Love you too. See you soon.
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Meeting and Dating Max Dennison
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You met Max after he moved to Salem. The two of you were in the same History class and sat fairly close to each other. Because of this; and the fact that you’re drop dead gorgeous, he quickly developed a crush on you.
- It doesn’t take long for him to shoot his shot but there is a period in time where he’s waiting for the right moment to say something and just doing the typical “I have a crush on you” things.
- When Max has a crush, he’ll do whatever he can to see them more; making sure he’s behind them on his bike as they begin to walk home, sneaking glances at them in class, strategically sitting at a lunch table where he’ll be able to watch them or standing close to their locker.
- Once he’s had enough of just watching, he’ll move on to using any excuse he can to seem cool and/or talk to them. This is usually when he begins to come up with a plot to ask them out and it’s not long after that he actually does so.
- Max asks you out only about a week or so after he moves to Salem. He was just planning on giving you his phone number or asking if you’d like to hang out sometime but things didn’t really go as planned.
- He’d wanted to go out and explore the town by himself but his parents forced him to take Dani with him while they continued to unpack. So, he begrudgingly let his sister join him on his adventure, figuring that the worst that could happen was her slowing him down and slightly annoying him.
- They’d gotten a good ways into town without a hitch; besides Dani forcing him to pick flowers, and Max had just about let his guard down. Well, that was until he saw you.
- He immediately froze in place, greeting you in surprise as you just so happened to turn and spot them. Dani immediately connected the dots as to who you were, she’d heard her brother secretly fawn over you more than once.
- It was only after you glanced down at his hand that Max remembered he was holding his sisters wildflower bouquet. He laughed nervously, raising his hand a bit and trying to make himself seem less like a loser as he explained he was looking after his little sister …and her flowers.
- While Dani is undoubtedly an adorable sweetheart, she is also somewhat devious. She uses this delightful coincidence to get her way, mentioning that Max was “just about to take her to the park”. He was just about ready to kill her before you chimed in.
“Aww, that’s so sweet!” Bingo.
- He immediately acted as though that was the plan all along and invited you to join them while Dani smiled at her obvious success. A cute boy asking you to go to the park with him and his little sister, why wouldn't you agree?
- So you joined the two of them, laughing and watching on fondly as he played with Dani and getting to know each other more and more whenever she went off to do something on her own. You wound up staying there for hours and probably would have stayed even longer if Dani hadn’t mentioned that her feet hurt and that she was tired. 
- If Max had learned anything at all, he learned that you thought it was cute when he was nice to his sister, so he offered her a piggyback ride as the three of you walked home. When you arrived at your house, he set Dani down and walked you to your door. 
”Well, if you ever want to go to the park again, you know who to call.” He smiled, handing you his number before joining back with his sister. 
“Dani? Have I ever told you that I loved you?” The little girl couldn't help but smile at her goofy older brother. 
- The two of you had your first actual date a few days later. He took you to the movies, then to go get some ice cream, and finally you wound up back at the park you’d gone to, sitting on the swing and eating your dessert. 
- He told you that you had something on your face, smiling as he leant in and kissed the corner of your mouth before slowly making his way to your lips. 
- It was in that moment; with your lips pressed against his, that Max thought to himself maybe Salem wasn’t so bad after all. 
- Innocent pda all the time. He just can’t help himself when you’re standing right there and looking so adorable.
- Handholding whenever you can. You swear he’s gonna learn how to be ambidextrous with how much he wants to keep your hand in his.
- Soft, chaste kisses.
- Cheek kisses. He can never hold back a smile when you give him one.
- He likes keeping his arm around your waist while you walk together. He likes how perfectly you fit into his side.
- Tight hugs. He does that thing where you give the person a squeeze and sorta sway with them while you hug, it’s very nice.
- Hugs from behind. He always presses a kiss to your head before he pulls away.
- This boy literally daydreams about cuddling his crush; he’d adore cuddling you anytime, anyplace. He usually wants to be the big spoon but he’d be up for any type of snuggling.
- He leans his head on yours whenever you rest your head on his shoulder.
- Hanging out with him in his widows walk, stargazing or watching the sunset/sunrise.
- He really doesn’t care what the two of you do as long as you’re together.
- Typical teenager dates: going bowling or roller skating, watching movies, getting pizza or ice cream; things like that.
- He tries to make you laugh with little impressions and exaggerative comedic routines.
- Getting teased a lot. He’ll pop out from behind corners to spook you, jokingly mock you and your little superstitions, and attack you from behind, wrapping his arms around you and growling while nuzzling his face into your neck. He thinks your reactions are cute.
- Watching him play his drums. Sometimes he’ll try and teach you how to play, othertimes he’ll just try to show off.
- He really wants you to think he’s cool and to be in awe of him. He’s constantly trying to show off and peacock for your attention.
- He’s quite fond of nicknames and pet names. He uses special ones though, something uniquely you.
- He keeps your photo framed on his nightstand or tucked under his pillow. He kisses it like every morning and night, occasionally talking to it when you’re mad at him or when he doesnt know what to do in a situation. It’s cute ...in an odd way.
- He’s in awe of you everytime he sees you dressed up or after a long time of not seeing each other. Sometimes he just can’t believe how beautiful you are.
- The amount of doodles he’s made of you while in class couldn’t even fit in a normal sketchbook.
- Dani is always interrupting the two of you, busting into his room and jumping between you as you sit on his bed or forcing her way between you two on the couch. She winds up accompanying you on a few of your dates, especially when his parents are busy. He can’t say he’s completely upset about it though, he likes watching you interact with her.
- You and her are probably best friends and occasionally hang out on your own without Max. She’s definitely spilled some embarrasing facts/secrets about Max whether one front of him or not.
- He’s sort of embarrassed by his family and their shenanigans. He turns bright red whenever they start acting all excited/childish. You cant imagine his relief when you assure him that you think its cute.
- He has a little sister so even though he’s a fairly typical teenage boy; he has that “I actually respect females” mindset. To an extent of course, he still can’t help but think about your yabbos from time to time.
- There isn’t a lot that grosses him out anymore since he was already a little grown up by the time his parents had Dani. He had to go through all those yucky baby phases so he has no problem holding your hair as you puke, bandaging your cuts, dealing with periods, wiping dirt off of you, and so on. Life’s gross, he’s accepted that a long time ago.
- Standing up for him. He finds it both embarrassing and touching at the same time.
- Letting him rant to you about how much he misses LA. He always absentmindedly adds on that you’re the only good thing to come out of Salem and it never fails to make you melt.
- Comforting him. He has a tendency to blame himself when things go wrong or work himself into a fit when something bad happens. You try to make sure he doesn't while also making him feel better. He’s always there for you when you need it as well.
- He’s a sweetheart and an adorable one at that. He’s always trying to make you feel better whenever he can and; overall, just being super nice to you. Making sure you’re happy is very important to him.
- He’s got a hard time keeping his mouth shut; he just cant help but say what he wants and not inconspiciously or very quietly either. You’ll oftentimes have to get him out of a situation before he starts more trouble than there has to be.
- Bringing out the best in each other.
- He sends a glance your way whenever someone mentions lovers, couples, or otherwise romantic things. It’s sort of like he’s saying “yeah, I’ve got one of those” or making future plans for the two of you in his head.
- Riding your bikes together or walking alongside him while he purposefully keeps pace with you on his.
- Going on stupid little adventures. They may be a bit reckless but they sure are fun.
- He’s somewhat of a pushover. He can very rarely resist your pleading/puppy dog eyes, especially when its combined with affection. You could genuinely stop him in his tracks with a single touch.
- You’ve definitely convinced him to let you put a face mask on him, braid his hair or do his makeup. Dani may or may not have been present or at least walked in on the two of you. She has not let him live it down since.
- He’s not scared of the supernatural; at least not yet, or spiders/insects, so he leaps at the chance to “protect you”. He tells you to “fear not” as he “vanquishes the beast”, delicately pushing you behind him and killing the thing or calling out to whatever ghouls may be lurking around.
- He insists in walking you home, mainly because it gives him the chance to spend more time with you.
- A trait he’s developed as an older brother is being protective of his loved ones. He won’t let anything happen to you; if he can help it, and usually has a pretty good plan when trying to get you out of trouble.
- He’s not an extremely jealous person. People being outwardly flirty or interested in you would tick him off but he reasons that you want him, not them and then he’s fine. Old boyfriends don’t bother him either, he’s your new and improved boyfriend; what would you want with them.
- He lashes out when he’s upset so you’ve definitely had your fair share of fights though they never last for very long. He immediately feels bad when he notices he’s actually hurt you and does whatever he can to apologize.
- He starts off with a genuine apology before he trying to explain himself, making a few little comments to try and get you to smile afterwards. Once you seem to forgive him, he shyly opens his arms and smiles as you go to hug him.
- He tells you that he loves you a lot; he just can’t help it. Everything you do makes him want to shout it out to the world.
- Prior to meeting you, he didn’t want to go to Salem at all, but now that he has you? He can’t bring himself to even think about leaving it.
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
A story of hazelnuts, bananas, and loving your babe (Matthew Gray Gubler/ Reader)
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Requested: Yes: 
“Me gustaría leer algo de Matthew donde el este en la exposición de su libro firmando a los fans  que la protagonista este también ahí apoyándolo ya que llevan varios años de pareja” 
Summary:  No one has ever been so excited about releasing a book than Matthew Gray Gubler. So excited he might actually forget he has to eat... 
Warnings: Hardcore fluff. That’s it, you’ve been warned. 
Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler / Reader 
A/N: I loved this story, I was having such a bad, awful, miserable day, and writing this just made me smile the whole time, so THANK YOU FOR THIS REQUEST!!!!  and shoutout for barcodes!! 
Word count: 1,7K
Matthew Gray Gubler was shining. He was so happy, proud, and excited about everything going on that day, nothing could erase the silly grin from his face. It was the day of the release of his first book, "Rumple Buttercup", and he was in New York for a book signing, and meet and greet with fans.
He couldn't be more excited if he tried. He kept telling everybody it was like having his first son, which was pretty weird considering (Y/N), his girlfriend (now soon to be wife), was four months pregnant.
She looked at him and sighed as he stood next to a table and a bunch of books, nearly jumping on his spot, hyperventilated. He was so honestly happy, she felt her heart was swollen in love. The way he smiled, she was sure it was able to cure all the sadness in the world, it was so pure, so bright. She had never seen anything else as truthful as his smile.
- "How are you feeling, Bunny?"- he asked her and held her hand tight.
- "I'm hungry... you?"
- "Hazelnuts?"- he tried to open his backpack, but his Rumple Buttercup's costume head fell. She quickly moved to pick it up, and he immediately freaked out
- "No! no! don't..."
- "Gubs, I'm pregnant, not sick, I can pick up your gigantic Rumple's head"- she smiled and tried to move as fast as possible, 'cos she knew he was trying to move faster. And he did.
- "Bunny, you don't have to make sudden moves, the doctor said..."- but she didn't let him finish
- "The doctor said: take care, work out, you are healthy, don't overexert yourself, eat well... but she never said "Let Matthew treat you like a porcelain doll", did she?"- her hands were at her waist as she looked at him, raising an eyebrow. But he just smiled, with that heart-melting smile.
- "You know, you can argue as much as you want, but you are not going to stop me from taking care of you two"- Matthew wrapped one of his arms around her and kissed the tip of her lips. It was all real uncomfortable 'cos he was in his Rumple costume, which meant she couldn't actually fully hug him, and she couldn't stop giggling.
- "I don't think I can do this with Rumple here too, I feel he is trying to get in the middle"- she whispered, and Gubler laughed right away, but quickly fully kissed her again.
- "Rumple doesn't care... he thinks you are hot, by the way"
- "Tell Rumple I'm gonna marry someone else, so he should keep his hands and eyes to himself"- (Y/N) whispered and stuck out her tongue to him. Matthew sighed and kept her in his arms for a bit longer.
- "Thank you for coming with me, Bunny"
- "I wouldn't have missed it for the word, honey"- he rested his forehead on hers for a moment and sighed
- "I love you"
- "Me too"
- "Me most"
- "Technically there are two hearts in my body right now, so I can and will love you more"- she defied him and chuckled. He just looked at her and pecked the top of her nose.
- "I love you even more, 'cos there are two hearts inside of you"- she couldn't argue with that, she could only kiss him again, and again until she realized people were already walking into the bookstore.
- "Gubs, people are watching"- she whispered, rubbing her lips around him
- "I don't care..."
- "They are taking pictures"- she whispered and felt her cheeks blushing. Matthew sighed and kissed her forehead once more.
He knew she wasn't comfortable being on the spot like that, they didn't hide their relationship from the media or fans, they actually didn't think anyone might even care about their relationship. But still, they liked having their privacy.
- "I'm going to wait for you over there"- she pointed at the other side of the bookstore, to a very cozy looking empty couch, waiting for her.
- "Did you bring your books? I don't want you to get bored"- Gubler asked and opened his backpack, looking for something in it. Something he couldn't quite find, 'cos in the process, he took out a hat, color pencils, a gourd, his journal, a copy of "Something wicked comes this way", and finally, a packet of hazelnuts
- "Yes, and also my laptop, so I can get some work done... What are you doing?"
- "Omega 3, you need this"- he smiled and showed her the nuts
- "You are nuts, Gubs"
- "You are welcome, future Mrs. Gubs"- he leaned in and kissed sweetly, just to listen at someone sighing and giggling nearby.
The two of them turned around and saw five girls looking at them from a safe distance. They were the first five of all the girls in line waiting for a signed copy of "Rumple". (Y/N) chuckled and closed her eyes, feeling her cheeks turning red. Gubler waved and held (Y/N) close tight.
- "Hi!"- he simply said and smiled- "Thank you for coming!!"- and they all waved, giggling.
- "I'm gonna..."- (Y/N) pointed to the couch and Gubler nodded, kissing her lips one more time, and rubbing her belly.
- "And I'll be right here, in case you two need anything"
(Y/N) sat on that big cozy couch eating hazelnuts and looked at her boyfriend signing books. He should have been exhausted after four hours, but no, he felt he could go on for hours, signing books, taking pictures with fans, talking with everybody. That's how happy he was to be releasing his book.
- "Hello!! Thank you so much for being here!!"- Matthew was hyperventilated greeting fans, and this one, in particular, was incredibly nervous to be there, and he noticed
- "Do you want a hug? can I hug you? come here"- he stood up and moved closer, wrapping his arms, still in his Rumple's costume, around her. She just giggled and did her best to talk.
- "Hi"- that was all she managed to say and bit her lips
- "What's your name?"
- "I'm Kat"
- "Kat! that's a great name! I love cats, I have a cat, I mean, my fiancée has a cat, well, at this point I think I have a cat too, we have a cat together"- Kat smiled and watched him signing her book.
- "What's your cat's name?"
- Belle, do you want to see a picture of her?- the fan nodded and held her breath, still trying to act normal, while Gubler found a picture of Belle in his phone.
- "She is so pretty!"- Kat smiled as soon as she saw an image of the cat sleeping on a couch in what clearly was Gubler's living room
- "Is she called Belle for The Beauty and the Beast?"- she somehow asked, and her voice didn't crack. She felt incredibly proud of herself.
- "You might think of, but no... well, actually, I don't know, (Y/N) already had her when we met, but I'd love to think she named her Belle before we actually were together 'cos I love that movie and we were meant to be together"
The rest of the girls in line were melting with love, and from a distance, so was his future wife. She would never get tired of watching him be such a sweetheart with everybody, especially with his fans.
- "Hey! hello! I love your sweater!!"- five hours later, and Gubler was still on fire. There were three empty cups of coffee next to him, and the line of fans didn't seem to end. (Y/N) looked over, gathered all her things, and walked out for a minute to get her boyfriend something to eat. She knew exactly what he needed, and she was also craving some sugar.
Matthew Gray looked over the couch and frowned. His girlfriend wasn't there, but she was there a minute ago, where did she go? he looked around and tried to find her. But nothing. Maybe she was in the bathroom, he thought, that's ok, nothing to worry about... unless she wasn't feeling well, maybe the baby wasn't ok, maybe she was in pain, or uncomfortable, or bleeding. Maybe he had to call 911 'cos she was unconscious in the bathroom, and now his mind was going so much faster than it should, and his heart started racing, 'cos...
- "Honey"- (Y/N) whispered for a safe distance- "Gubs, sorry, but...."- her voice interrupted his dark train of thoughts, and forced him to turn around and let out a deep sigh.
- "Oh! thank god you are alright!!"- he stood up and hugged her tight.
- "What? sure I am, what are you talking about?"
- "I thought you were feeling sick, I didn't see you on the couch, and..."
- "I was out for literally ten minutes, honey"- she giggled and looked around at all the fans taking pictures. She was so embarrassed.
- "Where were you?"- Gubler asked and noticed (Y/N)'s face blushing- "Hey guys, sorry! sorry"- Matthew looked at the fans and waved- "Can you excuse us for a second, please?"- he held (Y/N)'s hand and walked a few steps away from everybody.
- "I just wanted to get you something to eat, you haven't eaten anything since lunch, so I brought you a little snack, a banana pudding, some cashews, and a juice"- (Y/N) gave him a bag with food. He stared at her in adoration for a few seconds, and just cupped her face with both hands and kissed her lips softly.
- "I love you so much"
- "I know... now snack, 'cos you've had nothing but coffee in the last five hours, and I don't want to faint in the Rumple costume, 'cos I will never be able to pick you from the ground"- he chuckled and nodded.
- "How's baby bean?"
- "He was also hungry, so we got a cinnamon roll"
- "As soon as we are done here, I'm going to take you out for a nice diner, ok? you and baby bean need some real food"
- "So do you and Rumple"- (Y/N) pecked his lips and smiled- "Now go, I gotta go sit down for a minute 'cos..."
- "Do you feel alright? are you ok?"- she just sighed and nodded
- "I'm fine, just tired, but I'll be right there, back on the couch, ok?"- Gubler felt her hand mess with his hair and then watched her walk away. He didn't realize he was holding his breath until she sat down. He had no idea how he had gotten so lucky but he knew he was going to do whatever it took to hold onto what he had.  
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