#i also went ‘haha good joke’ at em
enchantedpendant · 2 years
holy fuck stop stop STOP hit the BRAKES im beginning to unironically enjoy rhaegon
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demonsfate · 4 months
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anonymous sent . . . I remember one of the girls I used to be friends with in high school kept mercilessly hating on Jin Kazama and she always called him "selfish", "war criminal", and "autistic n*zi". She was an insane Ragna the Bloodedge and Sasuke Uchiha fangirl who got pissy that someone on twitter/reddit/youtube dare compare two characters she loves to a character she hates. She one day went on a tangent saying something like "Sasuke Uchiha deserves better than being compared to Jin!!! Sasuke risked his life to save Naruto's ass in the Land of Waves arc, Sasuke only killed like what 3 people (danzo, orochimaru and deidara are bad ppl anyways), and Sasuke loves his beloved Uchiha family and wants to avenge them. Jin is a selfish sociopath who wants to kill his entire bloodline because of 2 people and he showed no remorse for killing Jinpachi and millions of people!!! Jin doesn't give a shit about Hwoarang, he would let Hwoarang die like how he left Hwoarang to rot after Hwoarang risked his life to save him in Tekken 7!! Jin never suffered in life as much as Sasuke, Jin got to live a normal childhood with his mom for 15 years, got to live in some fancy rich ass mansion with his grandpa, and his mom was actually alive all along and came back anyways!! Sasuke was a child abuse victim who was tortured by his older brother when he was only 7 years old, lived life alone in an abandoned home where his parents died, and Sasuke's dead Uchiha clan never got revived they're still dead. Ragna erased himself from existence to protect those he loves and give humanity a good future!!! Ragna should not compared to Jin either!!". She fucking drew poorly drawn fanart of Sasuke decapitating Jin Mortal Kombat fatality style, and then making out with Kazuya in front of Jin's corpse. Don't worry, I'm no longer friends with her. Sadly this girl and other ppl hating on him saying "haha emo edgelored"/"war" jokes for the billionth time gave me very negative first impressions of Jin back then. Now after I finally started getting into Tekken playing Tekken 8 and the older games like Tekken 2, 3, 4, and 5 and learning that it's Harada's fault for fucking up his character in Tekken 6 to prop up Lars and Jin was OOC in that game compared to his character depiction in previous games - he's now my second favorite character in Tekken behind Lili. It pisses me off too, he's not selfish because he saved Hwoarang in Tekken 4 and he is shown to be supportive of people (supportive of Xiaoyu in her Tekken 4 ending, and he's also supportive of Phoenix Wright in Project X Zone 2).
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Honestly hearing stories like this makes me glad I was homeschooled lol. Like OKAY I def knew ppl like this as a teenager, but only online, through the interwebs!! I've been blessed to have never known other teens like this irl LOL. And honestly, maybe it's just me but... I never get viciously hating FICTIONAL CHARACTERS to the point of drawing hate art of it or whatnot. Or to those nasty rpers who will actually follow the character they hate, just to have their muse be cruel to that character or even kill 'em or whatever. It's just... I can't imagine doing it! I don't think I have any characters in mind that I legit hate. Not even the bad ones that I don't like. I just don't like them and that's it lol. And I know these were high schoolers, but like... I don't even remember being like that during my teen years either. I might've been a lil like that as a kid as I was more annoying as a child (we all were lol) but... I still don't really remember haha.
Also Jin didn't want to kill his ENTIRE bloodline lol. Like iirc, even in 6, I don't think he's ever tried to seriously kill Lars? (Could be wrong about that I legit don't remember lol lol) Like Jin wanted to kill Heihachi and Kazuya because at the time, he legit thought they were the ONLY ones of the bloodline (along with himself) and well... they were time proven to be EVIL, therefore... yes, Jin was right, his entire bloodline (except for himself) was evil at the time lol. That was before Jinpachi and Lars were properly introduced in the series.
AND LIKE. LIKE. Some ppl do talk about how it's weird that Jin never showed remorse for killing Jinpachi but LIKE. I am pretty sure it's CANON that JINPACHI IS GRATEFUL TO JIN. Much like how Jin wanted to kill himself in TK4 to stop his Devil from taking over, Jinpachi wanted to be killed to stop the monster / demon possessing him from destroying the world. Like canonically, it was something both Jin and Jinpachi knew had to happen.
I get tired of those acting like Jin never "suffered." It's like yeah, Jin DID have a good childhood up until he was 15 years old. Jin still spend most of his teen years being abused by an old wrinkly fuck, only to be killed by said old wrinkly fuck. Of course, the stupid game's writing did ruin a lot of Jin's suffering. (His mother isn't actually dead, so like... yeah. But I guess he still grieved her and she's been missing for years. His devil isn't actually bad so he was rejecting something that was actually beneficial LOL LOL LOL) But... that's just Tek writing for you. If we forget a lot of the stupid retcons, we can say Jin had a good amount of suffering. HELL, he was created TO BE a tragic hero.
I'm not gonna go on to explain, but I have stated on this blog many reasons why the "Jin is selfish / doesn't care about anyone" has always been a misconception, even prior to Tekken 8 where he gets a lotta friend buddies. But I am glad he's one of your favorites lol. Really, I feel like MORE people would love Jin if they actually looked at him with critical thinking, rather than just... accept the rancid writing of Tek6 and be like "yup, he's a bad character!" Like Jin's a REALLY damn good character prior to Tek6. And when ppl actually look back on those games, play his stories, really pay attention to his character, they would know that.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Ruggie Bucchi Bloom Birthday Personal Story: Part 3
"Happy Birthday"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Rook: Ah, how time flies when you're having fun. This is the last question.
Rook: “How do you spend your days off?”
Ruggie: My day off, hm… I mean, I don't really have many restful days, so, I dunno.
Rook: Oh, is that so?
Ruggie: Most days I got Magical Shift practice or matches, so…
Ruggie: I'm pretty busy with my classes, so I can't do any long-term jobs, so for now, I'm basically doing one-off jobs down at the town at the foothills.
Rook: Wow, you do stay busy. But, I'm sure there are times that you are unable to find a job that suits your tastes, no?
Ruggie: Whenever that happens, I usually do odd-jobs for my dormmates, classmates, or clubmates.
Ruggie: They don't really pay good, but… Sometimes they'll treat me to a meal, or give me random stuff I find when I'm cleaning up.
Ruggie: And when I sell those things, I can make a good chunk of change. One man's trash is another man's treasure!
Rook: Très bien! Not only do you have an abundance of work experience, but you also care for the environment. I'm impressed!
Ruggie: Uhhh, I don't think it's anything that great, but… Uh, whatever.
Ruggie: Ah. But the other day, I didn't do any kind of part-time or odd-job, instead I went down to the town with few of my clubmates
Ruggie: After morning practice, we flew down on brooms. Basically, it was supposed to be my pre-birthday celebration.
Rook: To see such friendship forged through the trials of your club activities… Beauté! Such a beautiful relationship.
Ruggie: I mean, it's not like were always hangin' out with each other like best friends or anythin'. But, sure…
Ruggie: I guess I was happy enough that they were doing this as a return gift, or in return for doing their club chores.
Rook: You do look happy. What did they give you?
Ruggie: First, we did lunch. I had them treat me to the most expensive meal on the menu at the hamburger shop.
Ruggie: After that, we just kinda wandered the streets, lookin' at all the special sales they had going on…
Ruggie: And just as we started getting' kinda thirsty, we stopped at this pretty popular café.
Ruggie: It's not a place I tend to even think about going into, 'cause a drink costs close to 1000 madol, but…
Ruggie: If someone's treatin' me, then that a whole different story! Maaan, that sweet café au lait with all that whipped cream on top was sooooo good.
Ruggie: They blended the coffee, milk, syrup, and the ice into one smooth drink…
Ruggie: It was totally perfect for a slightly humid day! I also like that I can drink the whole thing without leaving anythin' behind.
Ruggie: Normal drinks'll leave ice in the end, so it kinda loses its good taste, tho.
Ruggie: But there's no way I'd be drinkin' that special drink if I had to pay for it. I wanna drink it again sometime, on someone else's dime, of course.
Rook: Fufu, it seems that you received a wondrous present.
Ruggie: I got tons, like candy-coated fruit, or bread that was stuffed with pasta and the like…
Ruggie: And a bunch of other stuff, all for free. I even got some snacks to take home, so it was awesome!
Ruggie: I had an amazing day and I didn't even need to spend 1 madol. And today, I'll be able to eat my heart out at the feast later…
Ruggie: Birthdays are the absolute best! Coming here to Night Raven College really confirmed that!
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Rook: Reluctantly, I must say… We've made it to the finale. Ruggie-kun, please accept this broom.
Ruggie: Thank you! I don't really know much about flowers if I can't eat 'em, but these look kinda tasty. They got a nice color reminds me of baked pastries.
Ruggie: But man, this looks real fancy. I wonder how much it'd fetch if I sold it… Haha, I'm just kidding!
Rook: I'm relieved to hear you are only joking. This bouquet has a warm and gentle ambiance. Please take good care of this as a memento of today.
Ruggie: Yeah, yeah, gotcha. 'Kay, guess I gotta show 'em what I got.
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Ruggie: Only a little bit more 'til I get to go to the party I've been waiting for. Gotta fly hard so I'll be ready to eat at the feast!
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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butterfluffy · 2 years
I've recently gone to a fancy buffet and of course, ate alot 💀ALL OF THE FOOD WERE LITERALLY BANGERS I WISH I COULDVE BEEN LUFFY AND SHOVE IT ALL IN MY MOUTH. Anyways I was wondering how ace, law, and shanks would act if they went to one with a gender neutral/fem!reader who eats alot and then suddenly gets a headache cuz they didn't get sleep alot recently but still continued to try eat more food 💀 (stupid ik and it's RLLLLLYYY descriptive but I hope it's fine 4 u!!!)
Feel free to ignore and/or remove atleast one of the characters if 3 is too many!!! Kisses 💋 xx
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· how would ace, law, shanks, nami act if they went on a buffet with their s/o who eats a lot and suddenly got a headache from lack of sleep.
⠀⠀➧ fluff | ace, law, shanks, nami (separate) × gn!s/o!reader | headcanons + scenario
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none! mistakes may be present too, so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice! but i do take requests here and there, though it'll take me some time to finish 'em..!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: HELLO BAE, I'M SO JELLY OF U, I WANNA GO OUT TO EAT FANCY FOOD TOO ‼️‼️🥹 btw i hope this satisfies you~ 🫶
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ace is a foodie too, so expect him to be eating every food in sight.
competes with you in eating, lmao.
but when your headache kicks in, ace pauses and checks if you're all good.
“i'm all good, ace, just got a headache from not getting enough sleep—anyway, let's continue to eat, yeah?” stuffing your face with food once again, ace tugs his lips down to a frown, stopping you from eating.
“you should sleep first, then eat after sleeping, but if possible... sleep while eating—zzzz...” he advised, face plopping down to the dish in front of him, sleeping, though his hand remains awake, taking food to his mouth, still eating...
will eventually wake up and look at you with a sheepish smile, asking you if you had rested.
will also urge you to sleep or rest if you didn't, still lets you eat all you can though.
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law doesn't really eat much, and sleep much too.
so he'd spend his time just watching you stuff your cheeks full with food.
was quick to notice that you were off because of your headache.
“y/n-ya, is there something wrong?” law asks, eyes squinted at you who stopped eating for a moment, frowning as you chewed on your food. “..yeah, i got a headache. didn't sleep much last night, but i'm fine.”
“you—sigh. stop eating first and rest yourself until your headache is gone. i got ibuprofen here to help with that headache, so drink up.” giving you the medicine, law then made you take it, making you rest before letting you bounce back to eat.
definitely has over-the-counter meds for headache since he experiences them too from lack of sleep.
didn't let you eat until you had rested well, being the doctor he is.
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party animal who prefers getting drunk with the alcoholic drinks rather than eating.
you eat up, he drinks up, all lively as he does.
though when your headache hammers you up...
“ah, darlin', what's wrong? does your stomach hurt from all that food or somethin'?” shanks asked, noticing that you had slowed your pace on eating, only shaking your head no to his question, leaving a dry response of, “no, headache.”
“eeehhh!? headache? oh no, that's not good! how about drinkin' up, mhm? i'm pretty sure you'll be good after drinkin' up! haha!” the red head laughs, offering you a drink as a joke, before scooting closer to you, taking your head and leaning it on his shoulder. “just kidding, here, rest on my shoulder and sleep as long as ya want. do you still want to drink though?”
yep, he offered you alcoholic drinks, to help you sleep, he says.
also sneaked a small romantic act, being the dork he is.
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mostly chats with you as she eats.
also finds it cute and funny on how you eat so much, reminding her of her dork of a captain.
but when your head starts aching—
“uggghh, nami, my head hurts..!” you whined, still having the time to eat despite the painful aching of your head, causing the woman with you to irk, eye twitching.
“if your head hurts, then sleep or rest up, and not continue to eat, damn it! do you want that pain to worsen or something!? #$-$&_+"('$—!!!”
scolds you for that, hahahaha. though despite keeping up the angry demeanor, nami is concerned for you, ofc.
forces you to rest up, dragging you to your room and getting you to sleep, watching over you and making sure that you do what she said.
© butterfluffy 2022
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coralinehecc · 2 years
Corals Monthly Update #3
HOHOHO!! FIRST BLOG POST OF 2023 AND I’M NEARLY 2 WEEKS LATE!!! Super sorry about the long wait! I’ve had tests recently and only got off of school like a few days ago haha! So! Welcome back to my monthly update on what I get up to in my life! Now, before we get into January, I, for the final time, have to tap back into the previous month. Curse past me for thinking the 21st was a good day to start doing these!!! ANYHOW! The rest of December and early January were a BLAST! But lemmie talk about what happened after I made the last update. CHRISTMAS!! I had a great time with my family and I got a bunch of fluffy things cuz that’s apparently the easiest thing to get me now. We also had dinner on Christmas day with my Grandparents like every year. Over-all that day was very fun! I even got drunk playing Minecraft which was funny for everyone in VC. The next few days weren’t anything exciting, however my brother Finn had a bunch of his friends over for his birthday which was chaotic. But the excitement picks back up on the 28th! BECAUSE SKYE AND VI CAME OVER FOR NEW YEARS!! We’ve been planning this since like, June, so it was awesome seeing them again! We did all kinds of stuff from shopping to playing some awesome games! (I am now chronically addicted to Ultra Kill thanks guys)
We even did some baking! Here is our glorious creation I dubbed, “The Jimothy”. 
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Overall the rest of December was awesome! I’m glad I got to celebrate New Years with my besties! Overall, I’ll give it a 10/10! Best way to end 2022 >:D Here’s a few more misc photos hehehhehe
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NOW! FOR JANUARY!! January started off still vibing with the guys. However they would then go home on the 4th which sucks. But before that, both Skye and I spent a lot of money on consoles that are almost as old as ourselves. They bought a fucking PS Vita and I got a motherfucking Wii. We both had fun with em and I even helped Skye homebrew their Vita since I wanted to put PebbleCD on it (I failed but shut uuup) But yea, sadly the guys had to go and it sucked! But I still had a great time. There’s a bit of a gap here right up until the 12th, where finally, the big event happened. CAREY IN THE HOUSE WENT LIVE!! I had finished it a few days prior but figured I’d build up hype by posting it on that Friday. AND IT SURE WORKED! The video blew up faster than any of my videos before it! I am so happy the response has been overwhelmingly positive. I also love how the only main complaint that was common amongst people was that Careys exaggerated accent was annoying which, yea can’t argue against. For anyone wishing for more CITH content, I did a behind the scenes mega thread over on my twitter if you wanna have a deeper look into the production! I’ll even link it here:  https://twitter.com/Carey_Black_/status/1619731723352444928 Now, to move onto why it took me forever to make an update. My mock exams.. BUT BEFORE THAT!! THERE’S ALSO THE FACT THAT MR WULF AND I WERE ABLE TO ARCHIVE THE ORIGINAL EDDSWORLD BANG BOOM SPLAT PROJECT FILE!!
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This all started because Wulf wanted to edit the credits for his arcade BBS build since I was helping him out and since I said SWF modding is hard he just casually asked Psycosis and after seeing his WIP cabinet, gave Wulf the FLA! So a current “BBS arcade version” is in the works by yours truly thanks to both the generosity of Psycosis and the fact that Mr Wulf is a fucking mad man who could stop global warming in a month if he wanted to LOL! Here’s Wulfs finished Cabinet btw!:  https://twitter.com/MrWulfOfficial/status/1622295302685315073 But yea, for real. My mock exams were a pain! For those outside of Ireland or have a different name for em, Mock exams are, well, exams that act like a practice run for your finals. They’re always harder than the actual finals and are usually graded stricter too! Why? Who knows! The Irish education system is a joke. I feel like I did somewhat ok in them anyway? Some were definitely worse than others but overall it was more of an inconvenience. I did get this really cool art piece out of it however.
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Exams would later spill over into February and like I said at the start, I finished and got off school a few days ago. Overall, this month was about a 7/10. It was pretty good, especially in the Eddsworld department, but mocks and other personal tid bits I didn’t mention here dragged it down for me. Since February seems to be mostly me being off school, I hope this month will be better haha! Only time will tell! Thank you for reading! And I hope to see you next month!! (Hopefully on time too haha!) 
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It's me again!✌🏿🙋🏿‍♀️ Reading thru your response reminded me of something that I forgot to say. It's triggering so ignore it if it triggers you or even makes you a bit uncomfortable! (It's between the /////)
I'm a survivor of csa and that's actually one of the reasons I really love Aemond's portrayal in the show as he was taken to a brothel at such a young age and it's just so clear and obvious that he did NOT like or appreciate what happened and it still follows him to this day. How could it not? It's not like the maesters were mental health professionals.
My abuse shaped who I was romantically involved with for a long time (I'm in my mid 30s) and in the last few years I've been able to see that and work it out wit my therapist. I really dont want that to be the case for Aemond, though it makes sense and it's quite realistic. I would prefer I guess that if he's involved wit Alys without her magic and manipulation that he genuinely likes her, truly, not because that's all he's known because of what happened when he was 13. Even I that's not the case as long as the writers treat this subject with respect and some tact I won't have an issue, but I as a person would have wrote it differently for my own taste.
I also hope that people don't hate on the actress for no reason other than she's dating the fictional hottie. Jokes are fine, I make em too! But only at the character, not the actor/actress. Which is btw what I hate the most about people who diss Aemond and Daemon because they don't think Ewan and Matt are handsome enough or whateva. Total bs in my opinion.
Anyway I don't know where I was going with this and I really do apologize if this was upsetting! I feel comfortable talking about such subjects because I think they should be talked about but I understand that many others feel differently. Thank you for taking time to read my long ass message and respond! Idk what your friends are on about, you're very pleasant 😂 a pleasant Daemon like when he got Syrax's eggs!
Stay warm if it's cold over there, over here it's freezing🥶
Hi there, and sorry for such a late response! There's some backlog when it comes to my inbox and I haven't been able to answer messages promptly 🥲
First of all, I feel that you have such a sense of sincerity and good humour and I find it admirable + kudos for getting to work through your trauma with a therapist. That in itself takes a whooole lot of bravery 🖤
About Aemond though, it's sad to think that he most likely did not/will not get any support about how he was taken advantage of at 13. He probably doesn't even fully know that it's wrong, especially since his older brother seems so keen about it. And I just hate to imagine him having to get used to feeling all messed up about that experience. His struggle remains internal and unnamed as it's not something that is outright 'wrong' or 'abusive' in their world.
In some way, it might be easier to understand Alys using her witchy powers to make Aemond fall in love with her, than it is to see them 'fall in love' without apparent manipulation... Cause there always will be that "what if" on my part about whether his attraction is not influenced by what he went through? ahhh I don't know we'll see how it is portrayed I guess...
You're so right - I also CANNOT stand slander directed towards the actors. I hope the Aemond fans don't target whoever will portray Alys. I mean - it's fine - fans have a right to not like a character, but not to the extent that it's unreasonable and insulting 🤷‍♀️
Also I admit I've seen Matt Smith's work for years now, but I've never been so fixated on him as when he portrayed Daemon 😂
Thank you thank you for the message! Apologies for my essay haha and it's freezing in my corner of the world as well... if only we can keep warm with Aemond or Daemon 😉
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steakout-05 · 2 years
every kitty maid barry sprite i have worked on so far
this post will be long
fig 1: tiny little sprite sheet (not to actual sprite scale)
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Barry's dress was decently easy to sprite as it is essentially a palette swap with a skirt and a few other details. the skirt was a bit tricky to figure out, i originally wanted it to be a more straight/flat kind of dress, but it didn't turn out too well so i decided to give him a more frilly and detailed skirt. i loosely referenced the princess' dress in episode 1 of the DTM series. i was thinking about keeping his sleeves ripped but the little short white sleeves were too cute to pass up ^w^
also wanted to remove the tie but i thought it looked nice and fit really well with the colours, so i kept it
this is lifted from one of KoolTimYT's sprite edits, like the tail and ears and the blush colour, though the dress and bows are completely original art
those shrugging sprite were actually really tricky to edit, the first two were fine as the only real difference was Barry's head perspective and it being a singular pixel down in position, but the other two were kinda hard as i not only needed to sprite an unseen area of Barry's dress, but i realised the arms had a singular pixel difference so i needed to go back and fix that. also spriting a slightly different sleeve and trying to figure out the other positionings in general
spriting Barry's kitty nyah gesture hands was also a little tricky but i got a hang of it and i think i did a pretty decent job at it :)
those separate sprites with just his arms and the bows up in the corner was mainly for me to have extra assets to use in case i fuck up but i think they could be useful for anyone else to use
the pink bows were for the first kitty Barry edit i did where i was gonna give him a super colourful pink dress/suit
by the way i make all of these sprites in MS Paint and add transparency in Paint.net by magic-wanding away the unnecessary white spaces (why is unnecessary spelled like that i have had the hardest time trying to spell that stupid word for as long as i can remember what the fuck) (i guess you could say the stupid extra letters are unnecessary why is there a C???)
fig 2: the first sprites
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so the one on the right was made as a complete joke when i saw KoolTim's sprite and i internally went "haha but what if he like being a cat" and gave him the bows because i thought they looked cute
as mentioned before i was gonna make him a pink dress, but the black one looked better. so i was gonna give him pink and yellow socks but they looked out of place and just made 'em white.
just realised..... spamton socks..............
the early "nyah!!" sprite kinda looks like those lucky cats that wave their paw you know the ones
really glad i gave Barry the dress because the look really pulls everything together real nicely
yeah not much to say about these ones moving on
fig 3: beta unused do not research
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so the first one on the left is me trying to figure out which skirt type to use when i realised i wanted to use black instead of pink. obviously it didn't look very good. also just a sidenote the reason the outline is grey is because i often use a grey colour when spriting or "sketching" over a sprite, basically it's not finalised
the second one is me trying to get a look at how the dress fits on the shrugging sprite which is why it looks messed up
the other two are the same i think i don't know why there's 2
floating cat ear my beloved
these are a bit unsettling
fig 4: colour palette guide feat. my grapheme-colour synesthesia
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self explanatory. sometimes colour picking directly from a sprite over and over can be tricky so it's good to have a neat little colour guide on hand for any spriter
the white had black around it because i drew this is MS Paint where the base colour is, you guessed it, white
yes i know the little coloured letters are ugly, blame my brain for going "but what if we colour these in the way you see letters" and me for agreeing with my brain ignore that pretend it's not there
speaking of synesthesia: R is green. you cannot argue with me on this. R is a green letter and i will die on that hill it's just so,,, green looking
may update this in the futore thankyou for looking at these
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It’s such a good thing to share our opinions freely here, thank you for that 😍
And since I went through the people he has dated like there is literally not a single person I would fully support with him LOL
I used to like them with Emma but I didn’t know anything about the background of the relationship, like no detail, only the cover. I wasn’t a fan back then, I used to like Emma since Unfabulous haha but unfortunately she’s not the same cute person anymore… Maybe she’s changed too who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I wouldn’t support the idea of them getting back together. I wouldn’t support the idea of him getting back with any of his exes tho. He needs a brand new person, who will be like a fresh air in his life. None like the others who will also push him to act problematic as well. Mature and well-behaved one, like me LOL
Jokes aside, I hope he knows that he can be his true self and enjoy life whether he’s dating someone or not.
you're welcome! thank you for visiting me here :)
i totally get what you mean. it's funny, yet sad.. normally, if someone disliked all the people a celeb dated i would say they were just being a hater, but our evan seems to really know how to pick 'em. i just know he's going to get it together though and pick someone nice, normal and supportive *fingers crossed* lmao
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you 😌
I saw that and I just went 👀🙄😬👏✊
Yah you should try that flavor! It is really good, but make sure you choose the brownie batter core, because there is also another one the has chocolate in the middle but its chocolate chip cookie dough flavor.
When I go to Coldstone, I get the coffee ice cream, add almonds and brownie bites. So you like coconut? Or just coconut shavings in ice cream?
Oh speaking of bailey's, they have a chocolate thing being sold at Target. It's not dark chocolate though, but you can really taste the bailey's Irish creme. Of course it is also non alcoholic lol
You would definitely hate me in person if I were there and gave your daughter the baby shark toy. And yah I listened to the song, it almost put me to sleep because it was slow ahahaha I like it though, it's actually a good pace.
Do you know why ducks have tail feathers? To cover their butt quacks 🤣🤣🤣
I remember you said you know french, so what other languages would you like to learn?
Would you rather be best friends forever with your favorite celebrity or date your celebrity crush for only a few months?
hello hello you corny righty moody eyebag. lol how's that sound?
yeah, I was pretty upset with that ask but i still try to be nice. lol
ah i see. okay, i tried to find it earlier when i went to walmart and i couldnt find it. i will try it someday.
ouuhh i love your coldstone ice cream choice. i love coffee ice cream. have you tried spumoni ice cream before? i think it's like an italian flavor kind of ice cream. it has 3 flavors, cherry, pistachio and chocolate and it has chunks of pistachio and cherry in it too. n i love it. thats one of my favorite.
i love coconuts in certain way. i love fresh coconut water with the "meat" in it, add some syrup and ice cubes or drink it from the shell n scrape the meat off. oh my gosh now i want some. haha. i like coconut ice cream that has big chunks of the coconut in it. I like only certain food that has coconut milk in it. n yes i like coconut shaved on to my ice cream as well.
oh wow, really? that sounds really good.. i will definitely check on it, i love baileys so much.hahahaha. do u like to eat dark chocolate with liquor in it? like a real liquor.
haha nah, hate is too strong for that situation. i wont hate u for giving em baby shark noisy toys. i will still appreciate it but then will try to hide it most of the time from her and i will take it out when u come over so u can see the toy is still there. lol.
see, i told you the other baby shark version is better! hhhahaha.
hahahahaha i love the duck joke! come on, dont be shy. keep the joke coming. lol.
hmm what would I choose if it's with elizabeth olsen / scarlet johanson. depends on if i can still be friends with them or not after the few months of dating. if i can still be friends with them after dating, then i will pick dating them a few months. but if i cant be friends with them after dating, then i prefer to be best friends forever with them who always in love with them secretly.hahahahaha. maybe eventually things will happen between them n i. i even settle with being bestfriends with benefit with them. lol. what bout u?
next question?
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sameheart-sameblood · 2 years
Number One Fan
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pairing: eddie munson x reader
summary: you get to hear eddie's band play a show for the first time
words: 1.3k
warnings: fluff, this being written in an hour and not really proofread (eeek! sorry)
a/n: god im so soft for this man i just had to write something. i've always wanted an 80s rocker boyfriend so this is purely self-indulgent haha. also we're pretending that nothing bad ever happens to this baby angel and that he gets to become a pro musician/go to college/be happy cause that's what he deserves.
read on ao3!
Eddie hadn’t been joking when he said this place was a shit hole. While you preferred dive bars over pretentious, overpriced ones, The Hideout was the diviest you’d ever seen. 
The barstool you were currently occupying squeaked in protest as you swiveled on it impatiently. It was a tiny place, half filled on this dreary Tuesday night. Those there though were making their presence known, a large percentage already spectacularly drunk. 
Most of them were harmless but there was a group in the corner playing pool that seemed to be on the verge of a fight. They were providing some entertainment for you as you sipped your drink but they weren’t the show you were there to see. 
“You sure you aren’t lost, doll?” the bartender asked, some concern in his eyes. 
Shaking your head, you pointed to the Corroded Coffin poster tacked to the bar post. “Nope! I’m right where I want to be.”
The bartender laughed and gestured behind you. “Well, there they are. Enjoy the show.”
Whipping around, you were just in time to see Eddie and his band walking on stage. Gareth took his place on drums as Jeff picked up his guitar and Bobby grabbed his bass. Eddie, electric guitar swung over his shoulder, took his place in front. 
He surveyed the meager crowd that consisted of you and a handful of drunken, middle-aged men. Your boyfriend surveyed the room with a cocky smirk, acting as if the room were filled with screaming fans. His eyes softened for a moment as they landed on you, a genuine smile tugging at his lips. 
You couldn’t help yourself. The band had only ever let you see them practice in Gareth’s garage and the prospect of seeing a real show of their’s made you giddy. “Woohoo, I love you Corroded Coffin!” Your shouts made Eddie smirk again and he winked at you. 
The regulars were used to seeing this ragtag group play every Tuesday but Eddie still greeted them like it was the first time. “Good evening, Hawkins! What a beautiful crowd we have here tonight.” 
Another wink shot your way left you a giggling mess. “We’ve got quite the show for you tonight. So let’s see some asses out of the seats and head banging along. I know we’re called Corroded Coffin but I don’t want to see any corpses here tonight!” 
There was your cue to bound up to the edge of the stage. You watched as Eddie plugged in his guitar and noticed the slight tremble in his hands. For all his bravado, he still got stage fright. That only endeared him to you more. 
He looked at you shyly as you grinned encouragingly at him. “You’ve got this, Eddie. Knock ‘em dead.” You knew he was feeling self-conscious, taking on a new role tonight as not only lead guitarist, but lead vocals as well. After their singer had left for college, Eddie had been the one to step up and take the position. You were the only one usually allowed to hear him sing in earnest and even then his ears would turn bright red when he’d serenade you. 
Eddie laughed, covertly blowing you a kiss as he stood up. He surveyed the bar once more, letting his rocker persona take over again. You braced yourself as Gareth began the chugging first notes of Motley Crue’s Louder Than Hell. Any trepidation from the band members soon melted away, all of them lost in the music. 
The show went off without a hitch, Eddie’s vocal strong after a tentative first few bars of the song. They had transitioned from Motely Crue, to some Dio songs, and Eddie’s favorite, Iron Maiden. He’d surprised you by dedicating KISS’ I Was Made For Loving You to you. 
“This song is dedicated to the best girl I know. It’s all for you, sweetheart.” He’d nodded at you, leaving you shocked and grinning like an idiot. Eddie wasn’t always one for public displays of affection but you understood. He was most comfortable letting his music do the talking for him. Not even the wolf whistles and hollers from the other patrons at your expense could knock the lovesick smile off your face. 
As the show ended, the bar broke out into scattered applause. It was still a small crowd but at least most of them had stopped what they were doing to pay attention to the music. Even the rough housers playing pool cheered as Eddie thanked them. 
“You’ve all been lovely. We hope you enjoyed our music but if not, keep it to yourselves. We are Corroded Coffin and we’ll see you right back here, next Tuesday. Good night, Hawkins.”
You clapped louder than anyone, jumping up and down, probably looking a fool. But Eddie smiled down at you, kissing his guitar pick and tossing it to you. Catching it, you held it to your lips, silently thanking him. 
As the band cleaned up, you grabbed a round of drinks for them and waited in the biggest booth the bar had to offer. It took them a little longer to get to you, some of the patrons stopping them to congratulate them on the show. 
Eddie always played off any praise he received but you could tell he appreciated it. He caught eyes with you across the bar and you could see his shimmering with pure happiness. It took your breath away and you prayed to whatever higher power that he always remained that happy and carefree. 
Jeff joined you first, gratefully accepting the cold beer. Gareth and Bobby came over as Eddie chatted with the bartender, collecting the band’s proceeds of the nights drink sales. Your boyfriend squeezed in next to you, draping an arm over your shoulder. He showed you all the wad of cash. “Here are our earnings for the night. Fifty bucks. That should cover a few rounds of drinks at least.”
You shook your head. “Uh uh. Drinks are on me tonight, boys. It’s not every day I get to hang out with the Corroded Coffin.” The others cheered as they downed their drinks and went to get more. Eddie wanted to fight you on that, mouth opening to protest. You silenced him with a finger to his lips. 
“Eddie Munson, don’t you dare. Tonight is your night and you will be treated like the rock stars you are.”
He closed his mouth, choosing to let you take care of him. Eddie pulled you in for a kiss, letting all of his tension from the show out in a passionate embrace. You came up for air, head spinning and a loopy smile playing at your lips. 
“Did you enjoy the show, sweetheart?” He played with your hair as you nodded. 
“I especially liked the song you dedicated to me. Who knew you were such a softie.”
Eddie, certified rock god, averted his eyes, trying to suppress his shy grin. “I thought you might like it. I’m not so good with words but I wanted to remind you of how I feel about you.”
You took his face in your hands, bringing his gaze back to yours. “You’re very good at words, Eddie. You just never give yourself enough credit. And for the record, I love you, too,”
Eddie pulled you in for another kiss, but it was soft and chaste. You ran your fingers through his hair, hearing him exhale contentedly. He buried his face in your neck as you continued to massage his scalp. 
“You really liked the show? Do you think we have a future at this?” he asked softly. 
You smiled down at him, so full of love you felt fit to burst. “It was the best thing I’ve ever seen. Remember, baby. This is your year.”
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
Maybe an au type of thing where Steve is a content creator and trying to do a live video for his fans while sick and Eddie has to drag him off and force him to end it, while the fans are going crazy in chat and blessing Steve like crazy 🥹
WAIT this is so ironic that you sent me this because I was just thinking about doing a streamer AU once I found out about Grace Van Dien!
Streamer AU coming right up!! Thanks to @dontfeeltoohot for making the edits to go with this story!!
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Streaming is the Best Medicine
Eddie pulled out his phone as he felt it buzz in his pocket.
Notification: New Instagram Post from theguywiththehair
He clicked it open to see the latest post from his boyfriend. It read:
‘Join my stream for Dead by Daylight tonight at 5pm CST!’
Eddie tapped out a comment back and walked upstairs towards Steve’s gaming room.
“Steve, you must be joking. You’re streaming tonight??”
“A ‘bless you’ would be n’dice.” He joked, “Yeah I am, wanna play?”
“No babe, it’s just that you should be resting. You’ve had that cold all weekend. And you sound like a frog.”
“Streaming is resting. I promise I won’t talk as much as I normally do.” Steve made puppy eyes at Eddie for as long as he could before turning away to cough into his shoulder.
“You’re impossible.” Eddie quipped as he left the room to go back downstairs and text Robin and Nancy.
The Fruity 4 Group Text
Steve - Why is everyone ganging up on me 😩
Robin - Don’t know what you’re talking about….
Eddie - I believe princess is referring to our too-honest posts regarding his stream tonight lol
Nancy - I mean technically Robin is promoting the stream.
Steve - You guys are dumb
Eddie - We love you Stevie 😘
Robin - Yeah don’t worry, we’ll be joining in with a little watch party of our own
Steve - What does that even mean???
Steve - Robin!!
“Hey guys, thanks for joining the stream. I’m playing Dead by Daylight today.” Steve said into his camera before turning his attention back to the game. “We’re doing solo mode since the gang didn’t want to play with me today.”
Every now and then he’d glance over at the comments coming in from the Twitch stream.
He lives!!
We missed you!!
what happened last week?
“Yeah yeah, sorry I missed last week. I got sick.”
As if to prove his point he ducked into his shirt collar to sneeze, “HISSSSSH!!”
Bless you!
Rip headphone users
Bless you Steve!!
A particular comment caught his eye - he recognized it was from Chrissy, who was also a big twitch streamer, ‘Robin’s doing an insta live reacting to your stream rn!’
Steve reached over and tapped a button on the keyboard, inviting Chrissy to join his stream. She accepted and visual of her in her blue gaming chair popped up in the top right corner.
He coughed into his elbow and cleared his throat, “Hey Chrissy! What are you talking about? Why is she doing an insta live?”
“Hey Steve. She’s actually with Nancy and Eddie too, haha. They’re placing bets on how long until you lose your voice.”
Steve rolled his eyes and yelled towards the door, “I’m not that sick Eddie! Fuck off!” His twitch followers were all familiar with Eddie and his friends. They were probably getting a kick out of this.
He didn’t want to admit it now that they’d exposed him, but his voice did feel strained and scratchy. He coughed again. “Thanks Chrissy, sorry about them. See you for the multiplayer stream on Tuesday?”
“Yeah Steve, sounds good. Take it easy okay?” Steve nodded and Chrissy left the stream.
“You know what guys?” Steve addressed the viewers as he returned attention to the game, “I bet these players aren’t very good at hiding. They probably went straight for the locked rooms. I think let’s go find them. Ready or not here I come…”
No way they can hide from Steve.
Rooms with locks are the most obvious places to hide!!
Get ‘em Steve!!
Bless you Steve!
Bless you times three!
Bless you bless you bless you❤️❤️
Steve sniffed loudly and cleared his throat again. “To all of you using headphones - I’b so sorry.”
Meanwhile, downstairs, Eddie, Nancy and Robin were hosting an Instagram live from the living room.
“You guys this is crazy, he’s sneezing like every couple minutes.” Robin said to the camera.
Nancy turned to Robin and Eddie and winced, “How much longer are we going to let him do this for?”
“I mean my bet was on 45 minutes, so if we cut him off there I win immediately right?” Eddie asked.
“Um Eddie, jessicagames24 says ‘that’s not nice he isn’t feeling well’ with a sad face.” Robin read one of he incoming comments aloud.
Eddie looked right at Robin’s phone camera, “Listen Jessica. Jess, my buddy my pal, I told him not to stream tonight because he’s sick and he insists that gaming is equivalent to resting. Now I’m not saying I hope he loses his voice - I’m only saying that he made his bed and I HOPE he lies down in it…”
Just then another muffled sneeze was heard from upstairs, followed by a short jag of coughing.
“That sounded kinda painful.” Robin mumbled.
By now, Steve’s voice was completely shot. Between talking, yelling at the game, and frequent dad-sneezes, it sounded like gravel in a garbage disposal.
“Alright so now I’m gonna go - TISSSSHIEW!! snF Fuck.”
Bless you! Again!!
He’s so sick 😭
Go to sleep Steve!!
“Now he’s gonna end the stream and go to sleep.” Eddie waltzed into the room and placed his hands on Steve’s shoulders from behind. The viewers went crazy.
Eddie to the rescue!
Omg hi Eddie I love you!
Eddie leaned in and whispered behind the headset, “Cmon big boy, Nancy made you some tea.”
Steve sighed and paused the game, speaking at just over a whisper to the camera, “Sorry guys, Ed’s is right. Im gonna end it here and come back next week.”
An influx of likes and comments came rushing in on the stream:
Feel better!
See you next week!!
Steve turned off the stream and stood up, practically going limp as Eddie pulled him into a hug. “Sorry Eddie. Should’ve listened to you. I feel like shit.”
Eddie rubbed his boyfriends back and led him downstairs where Nancy and Robin were waiting with cups of tea.
“Hey guys -” Steve started.
“No talking!! You drink your tea and I will be reading you the funniest comments from your stream tonight.” Robin smirked.
Steve threw up his hands in defeat and sat at the table, thankful for friends who stop him from doing dumb things - like Twitch streaming with a cold.
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beann-e · 3 years
Haikyuu! Characters reacting to their s/o Fighting for them
Also i’m taking request !! go put something in the box :4
he would enjoy it so much like he’d have a full on conversation while your doing it. He’d even start hyping you up In the back because he knows that’s all it takes to fuel your fire.
Only for you to find out the person who was hitting on him wasn’t talking about him but was talking about another guy and tendou only made it seem like they were so he could piss you off because he finds it so hot when your upset
Your eyes went pointed to the scene in front of you when you walked down from the bleachers. Feet heavy on the ground as you tried to contain your anger.
How did this chick get down here faster than you and why the hell was she talking to your boyfriend once again faster than you ?
You steps slowed as you walked up to them hoping to hear a little bit of the conversation “ yeah I thought it was really hot and I just wanted to say wow up close and personal y’know “
Your eyes widened hot ?
what the hell did she think was hot ?
“ I was uh I was up in the stands and I was honestly a little bit intimidated to come down here and talk to anyone actually —in the first place “ she laughed clutching her bag a little tighter when your boyfriend licked his lips before his teeth came down to nibble on his bottom one lightly, eyes feigning innocence as he listened to her “ especially you so this is like a big milestone for me “
you watched as your boyfriend smiled softly “ yeah I get it — really i’d be the exact same way with a crush I wouldn’t know how to act or even how to talk to them i’ve actually been there before so “
good good you thought praising tendou in your head at the fact that he was trying to slowly bring up the fact that he had a s/o. clapping for him in your head for trying to let the girl in front of him down easily
your body darting to hide behind a group of teenagers when you saw your boyfriends eyes lift up from the girl and look around as if he was checking for someone he must have been wondering where you were. breathing out a sigh of relief that he turned to look over your way too slowly only missing you by a second
“ oh really I assumed that— “
“ no no your good i’m not saying it in that way “
your face dropped ‘in what way ? ‘
“ I understand the fear of talking to your crush but trust me “ he nodded his head towards the girl In front him before he took a sip of water and smiled down on her “ you’ve got no reason to be nervous i’m right her—“
“ hi “ you waved steps quick on the floor beneath you and voice loud to show your presence “ yes y— yes you do “ you laughed reaching your hand out to shake the girls own in front of you
“ i’m y/n — the s/o— of 3 years —is there ? is there anything wrong did something happen to where he needed an emergency check up or something ? “
the sarcasm in your voice making your boyfriend smirk to himself at the way you just jumped into the situation all to protect your relationship it made him feel secure, happy even
it made him in a way feel greedy
your head coming up to look at tendou as you snaked an arm around his waist like he’d done to you in similar situations. Your other one moving to place itself on his chest “ babe are you ok ? are you hurt ? how badly to call a stranger over here ? “
“ baby no nothing like that she just wanted to congratulate me“ he locked eyes with you the slight smirk he still wore ignored by you due to anger at the drama unfolding before you and his next statement. His words coming out soft and sweet though they were meant to encourage his evil agenda “ before you “
“i’m sorry I wasn’t down here to congratulate him on his win so he must have looked lonely “
you shook your head in sadness at the girl “ and open but “ you smiled “ no he’s not—I understand the confusion you must be going through right now but its just miscommunication from your classmates—which leads me to wonder—please tell me what’s your name ? i’ve never seen you before and I bet your not aware of who I am either so introductions could help both of us out here “
“ oh uh i’m niccolo” the girl shook her head softly and wearily as you pulled back quickly
“ mm niccolo— niccolo “ you spoke rubbing the same hand youd just shook niccolos with down your shirt causing your boyfriend to smile to himself and his eyebrows to raise at all the knowing looks from his teammates about the shit storm he’d just put into motion as he planted a small innocent kiss to your forehead while winking to his teammates behind you
“ never heard of it you must be a first year ? “ your boyfriends head shook slightly as he looked to the floor thinking about how that might have been a little bit rude considering she was just a young girl maybe 16 at most.
His mind rolling with thoughts of maybe cutting the game he was playing short because of her age only for him to side eye you and take a sip from his water bottle again ‘ nah they’ve got it ‘
“ oh y-yes i’m new here—i’ve taken the phrase first year a bit too literal “ she joked smile seeming to be forced her hands twitching in nervousness
“ mm — I never would’ve thought “ you spoke sarcastically. Almost every first year knew not to talk to tendou after a game not unless you were down there already.
The both of you had established that as soon as the game is over your the only person who gets to say congratulations to him first since he explained that it means more to him to know that you’ll always be there no matter what he does
no matter if he wins or loses he’ll get to walk off that court and the first thing he sees is the person he loves most with their hands out waiting for a hug. he’s told you that in the moment he wants to feel like your the only one watching because it’s a private game played for you because he believes your so lucky to get to see your smoking hot boyfriend do blocks.
“ oh thank you no ones ever told me that I look older before may I ask why you thin— “
“ because your dum— “
“ haha um “ tendou stretched before speaking again “ because your just really pretty for a first year “ your body went rigid you almost felt like you couldn’t feel anything not even the heat that was radiating off your body
“ aw thank you so much that means a lot y/n was it? “ she smiled genuinely before laughing “ tendous so nice i’m really glad I came down here first before y’know all the fangirls came down “
she shook her head “ y’know I actually got scared because I thought you were one — I was like ahhhh here comes one of those scary stalker girls “ she laughed “ tendou was telling me not to be afraid since he knew you but I was telling him to be careful when talking to people like you —- once again I thought you were a fan girl so I mean you can’t blame me right?”
Yeah she was screwed this had went too far he was too late
“ y/n “ his voice was warning but you waved him off listening to the girl in front of you her voice sounding so confident and honest believing in everything she was saying. Voice pouring through and mouth still moving almost as if she had no filter
she looked to her feet “I doubt any of them would even have a chance with tendou though because— “
your body roared as she explained her reasoning.
You were only feeling this angry at her words because not only did she call you a tendou fangirl but she explained that even if you were one you would have no chance with him even though that’s actually how you two started dating.
Then for her to turn around and rub it in your face how she got downstairs before you oh god you were gonna have a field day with this little twerp if you didn’t find a way to put her in her place respectfully
“ hey um tendou do you think me and my fellow fan girl here can have some alone time just a small chat “
“ oh wow i’ve never had one of those before “ she smiled as tendou stood still wondering if he’d done the right thing by encouraging all of this or if he should just drop it or maybe even sit down and enjoy it
looking down at you cautiously a slight smirk on his face thinking about your face when he would get the chance to you the truth of the situation but only for it to drop as the girl across from him stole his attention away from you causing him to perk up a bit honestly surprised that she spoke again
Was she suicidal or ?
“ I think he may not be leaving because he isn’t comfortable with you yet—he told me earlier that we could be best friends so , he may listen to me more “ she smiled “ tendou I wanna talk to um —y/n so could you maybe give us some time alone —“ her smiling wider almost as if happy to call him her friend —before speaking “ I wanted to help you out “
‘ holy shit she’s testing my patience’
tendous loud laugh ripped through the gym as he grabbed goshiki and turned the both of them around to walk off words heavy and holding meaning “ yeah I know em’ —I know em’ real well physically and mentally trust me your going to have a bestie number two soon enough “
you watched as your boyfriend went to sit on the bench talking softly with goshiki as he put his hands in his pants pockets not paying attention to you two anymore
“ so wha— “
“ look “ you smiled “ i’m gonna be real sweet about this so we can tie this up in a neat little bow “ you pointed towards tendou
“ ‘m not a fan anymore he’s my boyfriend — we’ve been dating for 3 years now ever since we were first years. I met him through a fan club because he saw the art I drew for their game posters and enjoyed it. I told him I liked how passionate he was about something and how he had his own thing and did it in his own unique way that worked for him and then boom we ended up getting closer—closer then need be sometimes “
you sighed as you moved to close the conversation out “ look just please — I understand your a first year you may not know and that’s ok but ; me and my boyfriend like for me to be the first one who gives him a congratulations at the end of a match he never talks to anyone except his team until I do it — he says it’s like reassurance tht he’s doing good he’s had some stuff happen in the past that just — he needs praise and reminders that he’s doing good with his sport and I supply that he doesn’t want it from anyone else and I don’t want anyone else to give it “
you looked to the girl with sympathy in your eyes hoping you didn’t hurt her feelings she really was just a young kid “ it’s ok to have a crush I had one we all do at a point in our lives but right now your hitting on someone in a secure relationship ok ? start asking first please just to be safe in your future years “
her eyes went wide as she moved to speak “ mm I guess I was wrong “
you shook your head “ wrong ? excuse me for not understanding but wrong how“
“ I uh I assumed you weren’t one of those fan girls and I was wrong I did not mean to get in between your weird obsession just please do not harm him or anything like you guys tend to do “
your body blazed eyes lit up in a hard stare at everyone who now turned to face you hearing the girls loud words
“ again with the fan shit “
“ that is what you guys are called I will not call you his s/o if he does not know you “
“ wh— “
“ I tried to be nice to you but your not accepting it it’s like you want me to scream at you “
“ yeah babe she totally does “ tendous smile spreading slowly across his face at the way your hips moved to work with your mouth in showing off your evident pissed off mood
“ I know “ you screamed “ she just wants to make this harder for me “
“ duh “ his tongue coming out to swipe across his bottom lip eyes falling down to your hands that were clenched so tightly in anger waving around widely your pissed off expression sending heat traveling across his body
“ you have a child’s crush on him and I keep telling you I don’t mind but I explained to you to just be respectful and then you go and disrespect me again“
“ they are very lenient when it comes to crushes on me “
“ thank you baby —I try not to be rude because I myself was once a fan in a club for the team so trust me I understand but everyone is usually respectful I don’t understand how you “
“ she’s just a first year babe you have to explain it to her more “ he smiled thinking up a new way to see how far you would go for him “ like in depth “
“ I DID “
“ no baby you gotta get rough with her “
you turned with your eyebrows furrowed “ like fight “
he smirked at you body shaking at the way you whimpered out the words but moved to put your hair up anyways yet, again putting him first and your cloudy anger ridden mind second
god you were so hot whenever you showed everyone you’d do anything for him “ fuck — yeah baby your doing the right thing —don’t think about it too much “
you shook your head softly as you battled through it in your head tendou always knew how to get a rise out of you and how to make you do what he wanted you to more so for fun.
It didn’t take much for you to listen to him especially when you couldn’t think clearly because he was the only person there who cared for you and anything he did you knew would only be for his own entertainment purposes he’d never have you do anything bad or that put your safety at risk.
when you were angry —and had someone hyping you up and adding fuel onto the fire it was only 10x worse and tendou knew this
“ here y/n baby—let’s take this outside I don’t want you to get hurt by fighting in here come on you can do it out there “
“ tendou you asshole quit encouraging this shit“ semi whispered
“ I do not understand what is going on —i find myself with a loss of knowledge in this situation but I do feel as though tendou is in the wrong it is only a gut feeling “
the girl in front of you trembled at ushijimas voice—before looking to goshiki who held wide eyes as he waved to the girl hesitantly her eyes darting away and back to him eyebrows coming together as she looked around the gym embarrassed “ but he — he didn’t say anything about you—I didn’t know he didnt tell me “
“ wh—what babe — liar I call liar she’s lying baby — pleas— ow “
your head finally clearing up as you listened to his team talk about how much of a prick he was you reaching out and grabbing the top of his ear and bringing it down to your height while he screamed out in pain “ BECAUSE HES AN ASSHOLE “
“ hey baby I’m sorry i’m sorry but that’s — thats “ his hair went down to cover his face as he looked at you “ thats not cool “
“ I — I didn’t know “
“ but I told you twice “
“ and I — I haven’t had the best experienc— “ her bottom lip trembled before she took off crying when she met the young boys eyes behind her.
Goshiki shaking softly eyes lit up in confusion before he shook his head and pulled himself away from the embarrassing situation to run after her your boyfriend moving to wrap his arms around your waist from the back “ your so hot “
“ but I “
“ you were wrong though so I see looks don’t always pair up with smarts “
“ huh “
“ she wasn’t hitting on me “
“ but she “
“ she has a crush on goshiki this is her first time attending a volley’ game and she accidentally came down the wrong way so it landed her down here faster than everyone else”
your body stiffened “ she only ended up talking to me because I was going into the hallway towards the locker rooms when she for some reason was coming down the opposite way crying to me about how she was lost “
“ then you — you two were talking abo— “
“ she’s a bit fragile —- and she was explaining it and I saw how we were the same because she’s had a hard past too so she’s a bit wary around others—and hates confrontation due to drama at ‘er old school and she doesn’t know much of the people here because she’s a first year also she doesn’t talk much which kinda threw me off when she started having full conversations with you and trying her best to connect with you“ he shrugged “ must’ve thought you were cool —wanted to be your friend or some shit”
he smiled proudly at the fact that you could make people other than himself feel that comfortable around you him peppering kisses all around your face “ she was telling me how she thought goshiki was hot and when I brought up that I was his amazingly beautiful senpai she just wanted me to introduce her to him — she said she’s afraid of people and fangirls because she hasn’t had the best experiences with them she explained one time in middle school she got a bento box thrown at her because a guy from the volleyball team said hi to her “
your body immediately dropped “ you knew her whole life story and then some and let me embarrass myself “
“ well honestly you both did you just a bit more than her “
he would praise you so much the whole time. He has fangirls and he loves when you show him why your more important than them. he loves for you to stop him and put them in their place while showing him his own.
He knows it’s not right to flirt with other girls but the excitement and pure happiness he gets when he watches you fight for him with such passion similar to his own for volley he loves it
“ oikawa ~~” A small voice called out before tucking a strand of hair behind their ear “ can we maybe get some photos ? “
holy shit it’s like everyday at this point
“ baby can I ? “
“ just go “ his eyes darted to the group before he looked back at you “ really —swear i’ll be right behind you pretty boy “
He smiled before running off to the group grabbing the pen someone held out for him and writing all over the billions of notepads girls waved in front of his face.
You knew it looked wrong for him to have a s/o and still entertain other girls or guys for that matter but, you knew oikawa. You knew exactly how he felt about them it wasn’t that he was interested or liked them it was that he liked their comments
he liked the attention.
He was someone who needed constant praise to feel like he was doing his best. Hearing all the cheers , all of the shouts of his name, seeing the signs and people that would come to games specifically for him only made him feel like he was human like he was real and talented—appreciated
You would never take that away from him you could never, when you two started dating you explained to him you knew how important his fans were to him and as long as he kept a certain line that couldn’t be crossed— that he would always come back to you. Everything would be ok.
You slowly walked up behind him leaving space for people to have a hard time differentiating if you were apart of the crowd or with him but you were still close enough to hear the whispers of how hot he was and honestly he was.
He had the muscles—the beautifully glowing skin that others around you two dreamed of and to put a topping on the cake he was still sporting his ruffled hair from his earlier game. He was your dream man and you were lucky to even be able to stare at him behind closed doors or at least that’s what he told you whenever you walked into his room.
“ oikawa-san “
“hmm “ he spoke staring down on the girl that reached out to grab his arm as he was turning to leave
“ could I talk to you please “
his eyes darted to find yours locking on them when he finally found them. His mouth now moving to mouth a question as you shook your head lightly you’d give him five more minutes he deserved it and you wanted him to feel like he’d done a good job at his game today ,which he really did do, him only going back to the girl in front of you two
“ oh well I really wanna — i’m supposed to —“ he sighed out before he collected himself “ I want to take my s/o home before it gets too late I don’t want them walking alone at night “
“ oh s/o “ her voice dropped as he shook his head up and down “ correct of 2 years “
“ oh my um congratulations— to many more to many more with many more “ she rushed out quickly reaching in her backpack
“ thank you our anniver— “
“ could we get a picture “
he sighed before his smile spread only growing into a fake one lips going tight on his face “ yes of course just one i’d like to get on the ro— “
His breathing stopped as he felt the girl next to him lay her lips on his. The click of the camera making his eyes go wide as he shook. Oikawa to most wasnt one who was as submissive as he was with you. He was a bit more ‘ manly ‘ to other people but around you he always fell into submission especially when he knew he fucked up
His eyes slowly moved to find yours that flaming as you stared down the girl in front of him . You leaning against the wall only making him feel a shiver move down his spine.
Had he fucked up that badly that you weren’t even moving.
He kept looking between you and the girl in front of him eyes trying to convey his thoughts as they screamed
‘ look y/n she’s still talking to me — at this point she’s fucking with me not the other way around ‘
His mind went blank as you walked over your face made up into a stoic one voice coming out monotoned devoid of annoyance or any feeling at all “ your lips must be magnets or some shit“
“ excuse me “
“ oh no it’s just that Insee you’ve put your lips on my boyfriend“ your eyes creased at the girl before looking up and down in curiosity “ so I was just wondering if your big mouth was hiding a magnet or something — anything really to explain why you would put your dirty ass mouth on my rather pristine boyfriend “
Pristine ? his body went upright standing a bit taller ‘ hell yeah i’m pristine keep em coming babe ‘
“ are you not going to apologize ? “
“ I uh “ her eyes went up into sadness and fear as the courage that once swirled through her left upon seeing your emotionless stare. She’d just kissed your boyfriend and you looked like you were walking dogs or doing an everyday house chore “ i’m sor—sorry “
“ oh not to me “ you let out a small head nod over to oikawa “ I meant him “
“ oh oh um yes “ she coughed before she made eye contact with oikawa whos eyes were creasing as he stared down on the frail girl before him
“ i’m sorry “
“ no go on take your time “
“ i apologize that “
“ really I know it’s hard to apologize to someone as pristine as me“ your boyfriend moved to nudge you softly “ isn’t that right y/n“ he spoke as he tried and failed to wink down at you
“ uh yeah babe um “ you shook your head as your eyebrows furrowed before you returned to your earlier self “ wait what oikawa stop playing and fix this shit “
“ oh uh “ he straightened himself up at your words “ what were you suppose to be saying again “
“ oh I just wanted to um “ she turned to make eye contact with you before jumping a bit and turning away squeaking out her words “ i’m sorry for hitting on you knowing that you had a s/o “
“ oh ok that’s it? ” his body sulked as he looked to the floor
“ that’s it ? — you don’t care that she hit on you asshole“ you slapping his arm harshly before he whimpered at the contact
“ what’s wrong baby “ your hand came up to rub his back and arm while he pouted turning away from the both of you
“ I just wanted her to she was sorry “
“ ‘kawa she did we can go home now “
“ no she didn’t say it the way I wanted her to “
your hands fell from him as you let out a huff of air before turning to the girl in front of you and moving to whisper in her ear as she sat confused unmoving In her spot before smiling softly and speaking uncomfortably and regretting her decision to ask the male out
“ oikawa “ she coughed his eyes looking over at her while still holding up his dramatic show “ I just wanted to say i’m sorry for hitting on your s/o’s “
Her eyebrows furrowed before she looked to you who was mouthing the words and shaking her head in an ok motion “ pretty boy —“ he perked up at the words “I will never hit on someone of your elegantly pure , flawlessly clean , stature ever again “
Yes he made her embarrass herself by asking for more kind uplifting words more so to make himself feel better than for you. All the while he enjoyed the praise he received from not only the person he loved but the person he didn’t.
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eloves-writes · 3 years
a pause in reality
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary : you and spencer finish work late, admit your feelings & spend the night lying on your apartment floor talking
a/n : this is an extension of this fic that people seemed to like! enjoy, it’s 12:11am + i’m tired, mwah <3
couple : spencer reid x reader
content warnings : none
it had been a couple weeks since spencer came over to your apartment in the middle of the night, and you hadn’t spoken to him much since. he had taken a week off work for ‘personal reasons’ and then you’d been completely overloaded with work after that so there hadn’t been much room for conversation. the lack of conversation had provided much opportunity for simply observing the doctor’s existence; you liked watching him work. it wasn’t in a weird way, and not in a sexual way; there was just something about how he quickly flipped pages of case files and twirled his pen around his fingers as he thought what to write that was quite encapsulating. you thought he was quite beautiful in the most winsome way, like he wasn’t outwardly trying to impress you but everything he did still made you bite your lip and smile. 
despite your admiration, you missed the usual tidbits of conversation that came with sitting on the desk opposite spencer and being his best friend; the random ‘fun fact!’s and ‘did you know?’s that hadn’t been so common since you’d spent the night together. well. not spent the night together spent the night together, but you fell asleep cuddled up on your couch and didn’t move until the morning. it wasn’t exactly awkward, but you’d both felt a heavying shift in the usual romantic tension that circled you. the intimacy that came with falling asleep on each other didn’t help the feelings you were both trying to keep bottled up for the sake of your jobs, but at the end of the day that job was behavioural profiling so it was pretty clear you felt the same way, and you had for a long time.
“hey y/n,” prentiss said, perching on the edge of your desk. it had been yet another late night at the office, the hour hand of the clock was just shy of 10pm.
“hey you,” you replied. “i’ve still got another case report to finish, i won’t be long.”
“you are the wooorst,” she moaned dramatically. “i can’t wait to be out of here, we spent far too much time in this office.”
you smiled at her and rolled your eyes. “i’ll ask garcia if she can drive me home, em. i don’t want to hold you up any longer.”
“ok, sure, thanks. have a good weekend y/n, reid.” she gave you a quick hug and waved as she left the office. emily usually drove you to and from work, partly because you didn’t like driving for an hour at 8am in the morning, but mostly because you always brought her coffee and she loved you for it. spencer looked over the divider between your desks and cleared his throat.
“you, um, need a lift home?”
“yeah, why?” you replied without thinking as you tried to speed-write the last few lines of your report.
“i thought maybe i could drive you, it’s late and i, um, wouldn’t want garcia to go out of the way when we live on the same road. it’s not a problem, i’d actually like to- i mean-”
you chuckled under your breath. your eyes met and he let out a nervous giggle.
“you can drive me home, spencer. thank you.”
his voice raised a couple octaves. “ok.”
you chuckled again and closed the tab you were looking at on your computer before grabbing your bag and coat. he followed suit, throwing his satchel on his shoulder and fiddling with the strap as he waited for you to gather the last of your things.
“ready?” he asked, biting back an excited-nervous smile.
“yeah, i just need to give this to hotch,” you motioned to the case file you were holding, “i’ll meet you in the elevator.”
spencer mumbled an understanding and you went your separate ways before meeting up again in the elevator. it was only a few minutes, but the tension was ever-thickening and you were glad to get out on the ground floor. you figured it would be a miracle if you made it all the way home without jumping on him. you didn’t.
“you know what hotch said to me when i left,” you began as you walked to his car. the silence had become unbearably uncomfortable. “he asked if we were going on a date.”
spencer looked up, wide-eyed and blushing. he fumbled with his keys and unlocked his car. “that’s, haha, that’s funny.”
you were much used to the reality-based teasing from the team.
“yeah, you know hotch. always a joker,” you replied light-heartedly. you both climbed into the car, spencer in the driver’s seat for once. he turned towards you, and in a fraction of a moment, he moved in to kiss you. it wasn’t a conscious decision, it wasn't a choice- it was a reflex. in that fraction of a moment, spencer reid felt an all-compelling yet natural urge to lean over and kiss you.
“woah,” you pulled away before he could reach you. “were you about to kiss me?”
he sat back in his seat and scratched his neck awkwardly. you suddenly regretted saying anything at all. “sorry, i shouldn’t have … let’s just go-”
“no, it’s ok,” you laughed. “continue.”
“oh, ok.”
your lips finally met, and it felt like the stars aligning. all the months of tension, the sneaking glances, the late night spying, they’d all added up to this kiss in the front seat of spencer’s car in the quantico parking lot. and this was what you’d been chasing, this was the pause of reality you could only match to the quietest and earliest hours of the morning. you placed your hands on his face as you broke the kiss, his own hands still firmly holding your head and pushing your hair out of your face. the two of you froze like that, simply absorbing the moment and framing it in your minds in case you didn’t get this luxury again.
a distant car horn disturbed your focus, and spencer finally started to drive you home. he was a good driver, if one could drive gently he certainly did. it wasn’t like being in a car with morgan, when you had to hold on for dear life and prey he wouldn’t crash- he never did, but derek’s disregard for road safety was a little concerning. in a total contrast, spencer obeyed absolutely any and every traffic law.
“you know you drive like a grandma, spence?” you joked, letting your inner thoughts out of your head.
“hmm, what did you say?”
“nothing,” you chuckled to yourself. “do you think we could grab some takeout on the way home?”
he smiled. “sure. by home do you, um, mean your apartment? you want me to come to your apartment?”
you nodded and leaned over to kiss him again. you were so done pretending you didn’t like him; you’d wasted enough time dancing around your feelings for him, you didn’t want to waste anymore. he felt the exact same- he’d never really experienced love before but he was pretty sure this was as close as he could get to a soulmate. a twin flame. there was an unspoken understanding between you, you just got each other in a way no one else did. which was also an advantage when you asked to get takeout on the way home and spencer automatically pulled up to your shared favourite chinese restaurant without having to ask.
within an hour, you were both sat on the floor of your apartment eating noodles and discussing whatever topics came to mind. first it was work, then literature, then music, and now you’d settled on a much more mature topic of office gossip. the time had slipped away as you spent the evening together, the clock ticking far past midnight as you talked. your biggest living room window was wide open to let in the night breeze and city ambience, much like it had been the last time spencer had been in your apartment, except this time there wasn’t the pestering weight of feelings on your shoulder. everything felt shiny and new, that familiar late-night vibe recast with fresher feelings of domesticity. you fixed your gaze onto the young doctor as he tucked a pillow under his head to lay on the floor, studying every line of his frame as he stretched his arms. you had always thought him quite spindly, but you could see his lower stomach where his shirt had ridden up and it was quite defined.
“are you checking me out, y/l/n?”
“maybe,” you replied breezily, shuffling across to lay your head on top of him. he brought an arm down from behind his head and wrapped it around you. it felt like there was the world outside, and then you and spencer. it didn’t feel like everything else had stopped, it just felt like right there in your apartment you were detached from it all. it was you and spencer, and that was completely ok. he cleared his throat and began to talk; he was reading from memory a book you’d told him months ago was one of your favourites. you smiled to yourself like an idiot, glad he couldn’t see your face. all your life, you had craved the exact feeling you felt in that moment- an escape from reality the way a gas station was a break from a long road trip. you felt loved, and most of all you felt ready to fall asleep and wake up well-rested for knowing your heart was at peace with your mind for the first time.
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malewifemammon · 2 years
oh yeah baby kam's peter post made me want to share some of my own thoughts abt him (but also i didn't wanna tack em on in a reblog bc my thoughts r very related to Personal Stuff About Me and i didn't want to make their post my storytime i guess haha)
cw for mentions of sexual harassment/assault under the cut, as well as discussion of germophobia and ocd! also uh maybe some peter hate so if u don't wanna read that don't open the post! and have a nice day ^_^
so like i'm definitely not the type of person to say that nobody should ever like characters who do bad things, or that unhealthy relationships should Never be portrayed in art. so if you like peter or his dynamic with alice, please don't take this as me saying you shouldn't do that.
but like i've been into this series since i was about twelve or maybe even eleven? (long hours largely unsupervised with my best friend at the local library waiting for my mom to finish work) and while i definitely didn't understand healthy relationship dynamics all that much, i still took issue with peter forcing a kiss on alice from the get-go. i'll be honest, that along with his attitude towards her made me hate him right off the bat. these days i definitely think he has interesting and/or comedic potential in some situations, but that particular side of him still freaks me out. obviously. he was my least favorite of alice's potential interests (besides the twins).
BUT something kam brought up in their post kind of clicked with me.
around middle school, i started developing symptoms of ocd (i think triggered by a lot of stressful life events happening in quick and intense succession on top of the usual chaos of middle school). eventually it got on to be actual ocd, which i still deal with to this day. and my biggest trigger has been germs/uncleanliness. i didn't used to have this obsession with contamination, so i'm pretty sure i didn't have it when i first got into nkna. but as time went on i saw more and more of myself in that aspect of peter.
i really didn't want to, since i disliked him so much (not to mention how often ocd or similar traits are either played for jokes in most media or given to eccentric villain types to make them seem more Weird™). but over time it got harder to ignore.
kam brings up that bc of his germophobia, peter doesn't really have much experience in the way of romantic/sexual interactions. and it made me think of myself.
because aside from my tendency to not be able to interact with others all that well, my cleanliness ocd is a big stumbling block in the way of physical intimacy, of ANY kind, but especially romantic/sexual since that tends to be more... involved. and there's the screenshot of peter telling alice smth about how he doesn't mind Her Germs specifically, which is probably something i've said almost word for word to my own partner. they were my first for a lot of things, both because of my anxiety but also because of the germ thing. (side note i love them very much they're so cool and good about My Tendencies lol) and it can be really weird to be in a relationship with someone who has a lot more experience than you sometimes, because it can be easy to worry that you're somehow letting them down (not that i get the sense alice gets out all that much either, but still). but i also know the overwhelming joy and relief that comes with finding someone whose germs you don't mind.
AND IT DRIVES ME CRAZY haha because i still don't really like peter! i think it's funny to bully him but also sometimes he does genuinely anger me. and it's been an odd experience to feel myself become more like him in this very specific way over the years, to relate to some of his fears and such. not to mention, i don't remember his germophobia being played as a joke all that much?
i mean there probably are moments where it is, i wouldn't be surprised, but comparing the way he's treated as opposed to, say, death the kid from soul eater... it feels different. [i could make a whole other post about my feelings on kid but i digress]
he's just a character that i personally have a lot of really complex feelings about, because on the one hand he can be a total scumbag who i hate, but on the other hand he seems to encapsulate certain struggles i've dealt with that i don't see illustrated in media very often. he's really important to me but also i want to kick the shit out of him ^_^
anyway. i don't think i really had A Point to all of this, just wanted to jot down some of my own ideas on him ig
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could-have-beens · 3 years
miss maam,,, could i ask for some gin n tonic headcanons of yours??? could be from tlocc or just in general. i just love the way you capture and portray their dynamics haha
im prev anon (about gin n tonic) i just realized i didnt know your pronouns!!! sorry that i presumed it!! aaa so sorry about the miss maam part
Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear you like their dynamic in TLOCC! Ginny and Tom's relationship is such a joy to write, and it means a lot that you enjoy reading about them. And no worries, I use she/her 😊
As for headcanons, that's pretty much most of the fic. Why and how Tom opened the Chamber, his dynamic with the other students, how his fear of death began, Ginny dealing with the aftermath of COS, what her interactions with the diary was like, to name a few.
Here are some other headcanons I haven't had the chance to include in TLOCC:
Ginny is a foot shorter than Tom. It was the first thing she noticed about him. Height difference, my beloved ❤️
She's also the shortest person in their year. When Tom found out she was actually older than him, he almost made a joke about her height
But he didn't, because he knew she'd immediately retaliate and roast him without hesitation. While he doesn't mind how tall he is, he can't stand it when people point it out. No, he's not insecure, what the hell are you talking about
Ginny knows more about Tom than she realizes. The diary was honest with her about the little things, like his favorite drink, his fondness for Transfiguration, how much he dislikes the cold, stuff like that. But after everything that went down in COS, Ginny naturally assumed everything the diary told her was a lie and tried to forget about it. For her, Tom's most humanizing moments are seeing those half-forgotten details with her own eyes
Tom covers up his accent by imitating Alphard's. No one knows this but Margot, who only noticed it when she became seatmates with Alphard
Tom dislikes Quidditch, but he likes flying. If it wasn't for Abraxas, Tom would have tried out, if only to see if he was any good at it
Ginny and the diary bonded over their love of flying (and inability to afford their own broom) and magical creatures
Her experience with the diary made her resistant to Legilimency and the Imperius Curse. If you pit her against a more experienced wizard than Tom, she'd have a harder time fighting them, but it's not unlikely she'll be able to throw them off with enough practice
Tom is a natural Legilimens. Not like Queenie in FB (which isn't how I imagine Legilimency at all btw), but in that he's more sensitive to what people are thinking/feeling. It's why he's able to learn how to read people's minds relatively quickly, and why he reacts to Ginny the way he does when they first met
He's surprisingly good with animals, but only with snakes and magical creatures. Ginny strongly suspects Fawkes likes him better than her, and it irks her to no end
Their duel in the Chamber is Tom's first actual duel. The closest he'd ever come to dueling is his practice runs with Margot
He hasn't found his fighting style yet, so he just throws every spell he knows while trying to imitate Dumbledore, Ginny, and other people he admires looks up to tolerates
Remember the whole love triangle story Tom came up with? He got the idea from Margot, who made an offhand joke about Alphard possibly liking Ginny because he stared at her so much after they met. Tom encouraged the idea primarily to mess with Alphard, not Ginny.
Because Tom knows Alphard isn't romantically interested in her. He knows that. But Walburga? Abraxas? Briseis? They sure don't, and Tom knows Alphard isn't going to tell them. Joke's on him though, because look how that turned out
What Tom finds most frustrating about Ginny is how oblivious she is to the impact she has, how little she cares about the image she projects. On the flipside, his hyperawareness about his image, how much he cares about the impact he has on people, is what Ginny hates most about him (besides the whole, you know, Voldemort thing)
Not saying this is going to happen in the story, but assuming they're all alive and getting along post-Hogwarts (aka fics of my fic that I'll never write lol):
Tom briefly works for Borgin and Burkes. Ginny, jobless and not sure what to do with herself, goes and bugs him during his shifts. He pretends to hate it
She never calls him Tom, but she called him Thomas for a whole month, in retaliation for that one time he tried to call her Ginevra
He'll never admit it on the pain of death, but Tom goes to Dumbledore for Ginny-related advice
Ginny and Alphard meet up and get drunk every other weekend, with Tom tagging along as the designated sober friend (boyfriend? chaperone? Alphard knows better than to ask whatever the hell is going on with Ginny and Tom)
At some point, Alphard complains about his family's matchmaking attempts and half-seriously goes fuck it, I'm gonna travel the world to get them off my back. Ginny points out that it won't solve anything, they're still going to badger him about getting married. Alphard, drunk out of his mind, realizes that yes, you're right, we should get married right now, that'll show 'em. Ginny, also drunk out of her mind, agrees. Tom, wishing he was drunk out of his mind, is too busy fuming to convincingly talk them out of it
"What do you mean this is a bad idea? Name one good reason why we shouldn't — why're you twitching?"
Eventually, Ginny remembers that she's supposed to be a half-blood, and that the Blacks would rather have their line die out than marry anyone who wasn't pure-blood. Tom is livid that this, THIS is what stops her from Apparating with Alphard to the altar
Ginny and Alphard laugh about the whole thing the next day. Tom doesn't talk to them for a week
Alphard ends up going on his world tour and signs his letters to Ginny with stuff like "to my dearest bride" "from your handsome fiancee." Tom threatens to murder him every time
The last letter Alphard ever sends to Ginny is signed "my beloved widow"
Ginny also decides to travel, but not with Tom or Alphard or anyone. She checks in on them regularly, sends them souvenirs, but she never asks them to go with her. Tom isn't bitter about it, of course not, why would you even suggest —
Dumbledore insists on monthly family dinners with Ginny, Tom, and Aberforth. It's the most mortifying thing, but Ginny grows to love it, as much as she acts otherwise. Tom has . . . conflicted feelings about it all
Ginny goes to therapy. Tom also goes to therapy. They all go to therapy
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parvulous-writings · 3 years
Illness is a Consequence // McCree x F!Reader
Request:     Super new and ive read alot of your fics and your writings are so well written. This is my first req for Overwatch and I dunno if you done this yet but. Reader x A sick Mccree perhaps? Like he comes home after a long day and he starts to almost faint by the doorway what would the reader do? I just imagine her being caring, putting him under the blankets and just spoils him haha. She/her afab btw. No rush take your time 👉👈💖
Requested by: @fragolaaaaaaa​​
Summary: The request! 
Warnings: illness (It’s very generic though)
Words: 1.4K
Notes: Can I just say 🥺. This is an amazing request, I loved receiving it! It also fills me with joy to hear you’ve been reading a lot of my fics! I hope this lives up to your expectations!  My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!
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Not my gif 
You had been in the Overwatch complex in some sense alone for the past three days. Of course you weren’t really alone, you had many other members of the entire force also in the building with you, but the man you had the closest connection with wasn’t there. He was off on a mission- assigned to him and a few other select members of the force. Unfortunately you were not one included on that list. So, all you could do was wait for your beloved to return to you, hopefully unscathed. You were currently walking back from the canteen, a few brownies in one hand. You didn’t know what they put in those brownies, but damn were they good.  You turned down several corridors, chowing down on your little evening snack, heading towards the quarters that you and Jesse were recently given to share. 
It looked mostly like every other sleeping quarters in the complex- shared or otherwise- with monotonous grey walls and grey floors, though the pair of you were lucky enough to have a window that looked out over the training grounds of the complex. The room was also filled with stray belongings of yours and Jesse’s, some of you shoes, a couple of stray ponchos. It wasn’t messy, but at the same time it could be cleaner. Regardless of that, you still thought it was one of the most homely places you could be. You grabbed one of the discarded ponchos, not caring for it’s cleanliness, wrapping it around your shoulders to relax yourself, and to remind yourself of McCree’s embrace. It still smelt like him- slightly of cigar smoke, the whiskey that he always seemed to like and bang on about, and something woodier, which you assumed was the cologne he often wore. 
You were quite peaceful sitting there on the bed, your eyes wandering aimlessly over the buildings in the distance. You had just finished your brownies- unfortunately- and were starting to settle down to catch some rest, when you heard the door to your quarters slide open. You sat up again, looking curiously over to the source of the noise, to spot Jesse himself, the man you had missed the whole time of your separation, standing there and resting on the doorframe.  He looked up from under the brim of his hat, his eyes coming to rest on you as he gave you a tired smile, so you assumed his assignment had worn him out. “Hey, sugar.” He greeted, and though there was tiredness in his voice, there was something else there too, something that didn’t quite sound right. He seemed to notice your look of concern, and tried to silently wave it away, though when you didn’t look convinced he spoke.  “I’m fine, pumpkin, don’t you worry your pretty little head about it.” He tried to assure you as he stepped inside. 
His legs seemed to give out under him, and you immediately leapt from your bed to tend to him. “Jesse!” You exclaimed as you moved, he was already trying to push himself up with a quiet groan.  “No, no, sugarcube, you get yourself back into bed,” He told you, trying to refuse your help as you assisted him back to his feet. “You were about t’ get some sleep, I can tell...” He mumbled, though his protests became weaker and weaker as you slowly guided him towards the bed.  “That doesn’t matter, Jesse. Not when you’re like this...” You told him quietly, taking off his hat and placing it on the bedside table. He collapsed down onto the covers, another quiet groan escaping his lips as he rubbed a hand over his face. 
You gently pushed his hand to the side, pressing the back of your own hand to his forehead- the skin was almost scalding to the touch. “Jesse, you’re burning up..” You tell him, concern lacing your tone. “Get those clothes off, we can get you rested up.” Jesse gave a quiet chuckle at your words.  “Oh, I thought you were thinkin’ another route there sugar..” He mused, before coughing a little bit. You shake your head at his slight childishness.  “No, Jesse. That’s not what I mean, and I think you know that.” You tell him, starting to help him take his poncho off.  “Ah, pity..” He joked, trying to make you smile despite the clear worry in your features. His joking didn’t work very well, though a small part of you did appreciate the effort he was making, despite his rather ill demeanour. 
“McCree, what did you even do on that damn mission? You never get sick,” You muttered, using his last name to emphasise to him how seriously you were taking this situation.  “Well.. It was nothin’ really... We went to Volskaya to try and-” You cut him off with a look.  “You didn’t wrap up properly, did you?” You asked him quite sternly, and he smiled a little sheepishly.  “Well, I tried, sugar- but I got a little too hot before we left our outpost, and-” “For god’s sake, Jesse!” You sighed in exasperation. “I tell you every single time we head out there together, how come you never listen?” You asked him, clearly very unimpressed. “Why am I not surprised that you don’t take my advice, and the one time I’m not there to remind you about it you get sick...”  “I ain’t sick, pumpkin... Just a little under the weather.” Jesse denied with a shake of his head.  “That’s why you collapsed, is it, honey?” You reply sarcastically, carefully pushing him back so that he laid down. McCree sighed softly.  “I just don’t want you worryin’-”  “I always worry about you, Jesse. That’s my job.” You say to him, pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead. “You stay here for a moment, I’m going to go get you a washcloth in case you get a proper fever, alright? And do you want any food?” Jesse shook his head in response, before giving in to you, knowing full well that you would not give up trying to look after him, so he yielded. 
He sunk back into the bed, as you moved through to the bathroom, grabbing his washcloth for him, and a small bowl the pair of you kept there, filling it with cool, crisp water. You then moved through to the bedroom again, to see Jesse just about to fall into the clutches of slumber. He peered at you through half-closed eyes, giving you a tired smile. “You spoil me, sugar...” He whispered, starting to chuckle before it evolved into a round of coughs. You placed the bowl down quickly, helping him sit up a little bit. “Hold on, honey, I’ll get you some water, okay?” You said quietly, and he nodded silently. You quickly move back through to the bathroom again, grabbing the glass you usually used for rinsing your mouth out after brushing your teeth, filling it with cool water from the same tap. When you return Jesse had stopped coughing, but, still looked very tired, and rather pale. You move towards him, offering the drink which he happily took, bringing the water to his lips, having a few mouthfuls. 
He carefully put the glass on the bedside cabinet, and you pushed it further on to the surface, so that it didn’t fall off. He started to settle in again, and you got up to go and do a few chores, get a few things done whilst he slept, but a hand on your wrist kept you back. You look back in confusion, and there Jesse lay, giving you the most puppy-like eyes he could muster. “C’mon, sugar... Don’t go so soon.. Ain’t ya missed me?”  “Jesse, you are ill. One, I don’t want to get what you’ve clearly got, and two, things need to get done around here.”  “You can get ‘em done later.”  “Jesse-”  “No buts. You wanna look after me, right? Well, I’m asking for ya to stay. That’s how I want ya t’ look after me.” He told you firmly, and you chuckle softly.  “You’re as stubborn as a child, you know that, don’t you?”  “Yeah, but ya love me.” He chortled, pulling you back to him and onto the bed, his arms wrapping around you like you were some sort of beloved stuffed toy. He snuggled his face into the nape of your neck, a smile slowly slipping onto his face.  “Can I have some chocolate when I wake up?” He asks sweetly.  “Maybe, but don’t push your luck Jesse.” 
McCree taglist: @rey-is-not-a-skywalker​
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