#i always welcome a distraction
senditcolton · 2 months
hi! hope you don’t mind me joining in!! how about:🥤, 🧸, 🎲, ❄️, and 🌿 — ☁️
please join in!! (also, i've been meaning to reply to your earlier message about your thesis. that's so awesome that you're in the homestretch!! cheering for you because it is a lot of work and effort. and you're almost there!! go bestie!!)
writer truth & dare asks!
🥤: recommend an author or fanfic you love
oh there's so many (which is why i have a fic rec tag) but the one that immediately comes to mind is "Your Love is My Turning Page" by @tippedbykreider. like, it was the most poetic beautiful heartachingly stunning fic. i was at a loss for words and in tears by the end (but they were 100% happy tears)
🧸: what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
truthfully, there isn't that much of a formula! i think a lot of it comes from engagement but sometimes it just happens naturally! tumblr also makes it more complicated because this is a side blog so there are people that are 'mutuals' but not "officially" according to tumblr. so i probably have more mutuals than i think i do because of that!
🎲: what stops you from writing more in your free time? 
right now, it's just existential dread (newly graduated things). but usually, it's capitalism - i mean, work.
❄️: what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
i don't have a specific idea but whenever i start to dream up alternate universes, i always think "oh Lauren (@ laurenairay) would probably kill this." she has such a knack for achieving the balance between giving enough information so you're immersed but not completely info-dumping and taking you out of the story.
🌿: give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
for writers block - the one i love is if you're stuck, go back ten sentences and read that sentence because that is usually where the issue is: you've introduced an idea too soon or the dialogue is wonky or something is out of character, etc.
for low creativity - it's a little cliche but taking a step back is the best way! or turn your creativity towards something else and that might help get your creative juices flowing. like, sometimes when I'm stuck in a fic, i'll make a playlist or a pinterest board for the story. that way, i'm still thinking about the story but i'm not staring in frustration at a word document.
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mur-art · 4 months
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The “Fort Ross” Trio (Hawai’i, California, and Alaska), inspired by @sleepdeprivedsimp234’s HCs about them:
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Alaska’s trying his best!!!
More rambling and details under the cut:
So in the course of this drawing I found myself wondering, “surely Alaska has some surfing with all that coastline!” And thus, I learned about Yakutat Bay, the surfing capitol of Alaska. So I think Alaska would at least be somewhat capable of surfing, albeit not as good as Surfer Bro Cali or Miss “I literally invented this” Hawai’i.
But hey, like I said, he’s trying his darn best!
Details of each of ‘em:
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Please note, any inaccuracies in this portrayal of surfing is bc I know NOTHING about surfing. I feel like there’s all kinds of symbolism with the board designs and types of boards, etc, etc, that I would get into if I knew more about it!!
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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Draft folder my beloved, what would i do without you?? 🥺
Treat me ~ Tip me ~ More of me
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aardvaark · 5 days
lmao at Parker's lev:red s1 response to Eliot's fed girlfriend. the lighthouse one in particular has the same energy as your cat sensing you're about to get it on with your new bf and deciding to come into the bedroom and lie down on top of you the moment anyone starts taking their clothes off
lol yes, parker is Not Having It. and honestly i agree, they're criminals and maria's a fed and also just... cops are cops! but in general, yeah, parker's reactions and the lighthouse ep especially are so funny. she wants to interfere and luckily interfering is, like, her greatest talent in life. and her spidey senses tingle whenever eliot is about to make a move lmao.
plus parker is always cat-coded imo. appearing and disappearing from rooms in seemingly impossible ways? hanging out in random small spaces or perched up high on rafters? generally independent and aloof, but clearly loves their family? affection in the form of just sort of bumping into people? strangers/distrusted people attempting to touch/get close may result in injury? sometimes just kind of sits and stares at people? napping at weird times in weird places? being a CAT burglar? --okay maybe puns don't count lol. i've never had a cat but every cat owner (or rather, person owned by a cat) that i know describes their cats that way, like beloved little cryptids who they wouldn't trade for the world. hardison is a cat person, is what i'm saying.
(actually wait, parker's first non-criminal friend is peggy, who really is canonically a cat person! maybe im right about the cat coding lol)
thank you for the ask :) hope you're having a nice day!!
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unpretty · 10 months
How are xavio and Clara I miss them
absolutely miserable, but in a horny way.
also this:
"Are you trying to haunt me, you fucking ghoul?" the Goblin Lord finally demanded from the doorway.
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whotookmysenbon · 3 months
Right. Just finished helping with an interrogation and now remembering that I have Morals™ so if anyone needs me I’m having an existential crisis in the corner.
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baezdylan · 1 month
didn't see HIM again today which is good i think i probably would've told him if he was there :|
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bogkeep · 9 months
[listening to a book that i saw recommended as having a really interesting romance in it] man i hope the protag is as aroace as her vibes indicate i just think that would be neat but maybe i shouldn't get my hopes up *gets my hopes up*
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nafohcnis · 2 months
the urge 2 ask u if u wanna yell in my dms instead of me sending u most of ur recent asks 💅 vs ‘uhh what if they dont wanna’
I LOVE YELLING!!!!!!!!!!!!! prepare for my 2 days business time it takes me to answer messages though because im not very good at quick answers.. but also HEEEHEEEHEEEEE an ear to talk off about trolls is always welcome!!!!!
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syncrovoid-presents · 11 months
Hiya friend!! (Can I call you that? I don't know!) I thought I should share a silly drawing that reminds me of you! (Not trying to be rude! It just reminds me of your personality and art!) Have a lovely rest of your day!
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Also, any fun facts about the home zone that don't reveal to much? (Just curious!)
Hello Friend!! (sure! if I can call you friend too @:]) This is very fun, thank you for sharing the art! It's very cool, lots of fun colours! It is Very Fun seeing a representation reminders of the vibes you've found here @:D
Hmm as for Home Zone, I don't want to spoil anything but I can give some environmental fun facts!
There exists a blueprint of the apartment, and though things get wonky the layout remains the same (or mostly, sometimes walls just need to grow haha). The Home Zone was named by a commentor and the name works in multiple layers!
Other fun facts about the Home Zone (speed round! I have so many thoughts!!)
The MC has multiple photographs they've taken up around their apartment. Originally the deer picture scene also had a description for warped photos of birds, a sail boat off in the water, and of a sunset! I'm a big fan of Deer Horror so I kept that part in, but the rest are part of the story in my mind haha. Because it is You, You can imagine any photo being warped in that scene
The dragon statue in chapter 16 being warped is a Charizard @:)
I don't know if anyone cause it, but the odd Duck Bowl in one of the earlier Home Zone chapters (I forget exactly which one, but it is likely chapter 12 to 14?) is a reference! It is Duck Guy from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (in strange uncanny bowl form, I thought it was funny @:p )
The wires from the ceiling is based off of what electrical wiring can look like in an unfinished space. I've lived in many under-construction places and the electricity is shut off so the wires are safe. It looks funny though!
The atmosphere of Home Zone is heavily impacted by the non-physical environment of all the ""characters"" in the story (is this a spoiler? I don't think so? I think people picked up on that(?))
It is also called Home Zone (to me, to me. This is a Silly Thought you now know!) because I think Wally calls the MC's apartment home because anywhere his Friends like are a part of his home. Because he thinks Home means something like Safety and Care, and he Cares about his friends (home is where the heart is, etc etc. I don't know if I explained it well, but he is just a Silly Little Guy!)
Additional fun fact: Wally is the MC's height for a reason! I cannot share because that would be a spoiler, but there is a reason!!
I could ramble a LOT about The Consequence of Imagination's Fear (I think about it a lot!) But i shall limit it to that. Thank you for the ask, this was really fun to answer!!
Have a Lovely day or night too, and keep being awesome @:D
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Hello, miss Goddess of Death! May I humbly ask for your hand in marriage? ;-3
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alectoperdita · 11 months
how quickly does kaiba give jounouchi access to his office for whatever reason? (how fast does he revoke this privilege lmao)
Depends in part on their relationship. If they're mostly fuck buddies/not-friends-with-benefits, I doubt Kaiba will give him unfettered access to his office. If they've been doing it long enough, may be willing to leave Jounouchi alone there for a short while if he has to take care of something else. Otherwise, Jounouchi doesn't have (or want) unrestricted access to Kaiba's office.
But if they're in the dating/committed relationship stage, probably pretty fast? Kaiba's always seemed like an all-in kinda guy to me once you get him on board with something. The hard part is getting him there haha. Regardless, Kaiba still practices common sense security like locking his work machine before stepping away (it of course auto locks after five minutes of inactivity too), not keeping sensitive work documents out in the open or in unlocked drawers, etc. So what Jounouchi could snoop on is realistically the stuff that Kaiba accepts that anyone in his office may be able to snoop on.
I like to think that Jounouchi has the good sense to not push his luck too far if he's given access and recognizes that this is not a common privilege people get with Kaiba.
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tr4umaborn · 6 months
morning! it was my birthday yesterday (ayyy cue tswiftie's 22 but add ten years LOL... though i do remember the day i turned 22 i annoyed everyone by blasting that all day) which is why i wasn't around! and now that i am past yesterday i am basically knee deep in finals for the next couple of weeks. my goal is to be done with finals stuff by 12/27! i'll be in and out, and absolutely lurking when i need a break, but don't expect much of me for the next couple of weeks xoxo
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daz4i · 6 months
horny anons and dms became my lifeline fr
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harvestmoth · 8 months
Sorry I have to say did any one notice that Mami from Madoka magica and Hotaru from Sailor moon have the same last name that causes me to created a au where the two era cousins
im very sorry to say ive never actually seen sailor moon! but that sounds like an interesting au :]
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