#i am a DM for christs sake
raventherogue · 1 year
Please please dont tell me I was the only one confused on Edgin's class due to his lack of casting visible spells, I feel so silly. I also didn't pay attention to any promo highlighting that he was a bard; I only saw the trailers. For all I knew I thought he was a rogue that happened to have a lute proficiency. I mean, the Harpers were described as spies/thieves and everything.
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sturniolosass · 6 months
I..want you - C.S
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In which Chris tries to handle a relationship that he’s no where near ready for, and you can’t have your emotions be toyed with…
warnings: swearing, feeling neglected, uncertainty, hurt feelings, talking stage chris.
Chris and I have been in this "talking" stage for around 3 months but the thing is stuff has been getting really serious and its gotten to the point where we've become so attached to one another that we see each other each day and sleep in each others beds, at one point we both spoke on marriage.. not like seriously about it but what we’d like to gain from it..if you get what i mean.
But this pass week somethings been off, I've texted, I've called, I've messaged him through DMs for christ's sake.. No reply..
So today I've been contemplating heading over to the boy's place and seeing what's been going on.. maybe he's sick, maybe he's down in a rut about something... I'm not sure but I need to see what's going on maybe I'll stop by and even find out they're out of internet or something.. I couldn't imagine the reason Chris would ghost me for 3 whole days.. He doesn't even seem like the type of guy to go talking to a bunch of girls, I couldn't imagine him being unfaithful to me, even though we're barely a couple to begin with.. regardless heading over there wouldn't hurt that bad... at least I hope not..
Getting dressed I head out the door sending chris one last message before I head out to his home.
Hey, I'm headed over, i know I wasn't invited so if you don't want me over or something just let me know...
I wait 10 minutes, No response
I grab my keys and head out the door.
Arriving I hop out the car to knock on the door, I'm greeted with Matt. "Yo! what's up, Chris should still be sleep but he's in the basement if you wanna wake em" he greets. "hey, yeah I've been looking for him" I speak. He let's me in walking up the steps to the living room.. I immediately head to the back of the house towards Chris' room, walking down the steps and then the hallway leading up to his door. I hesitate, thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong when I turn this door knob.. twisting the door knob I'm met with a pitch black room.. a sleeping Chris laying flat on his stomach with one knee bent up north.
I just sit at the edge of the bed contemplating whether or not I should wake him and risk being greeted with his morning anguish.. Being the pussy I am, I just kick off my shoes and lay with him, picking his arm up off the bed and snuggling under it cozily.. He moves mumbling under his breathe inaudible words... I soon fall asleep right next to him..
Chris' POV
I wake up unexpectedly cuddled into y/n confused as to how she amazingly got into my room yet alone my house... Things like this genuinely annoy me, I've started to distance myself for some time now because of how serious we were getting, it began to really freak me out.. from the goodmorning messages to the worrying about my sleep schedule... things started feeling all too real. Don't get me wrong I really, really like y/n but us doing all these lovey-dovey things really scares me... aggravated I head upstairs to find out who the fuck just let her come down here while I was sleeping... Once I'm up the stairs I see Nick and Matt sitting at the dining room table, Nick editing, Matt eating cereal. "ouuu Mr. lover boy is up, how was you cuddle session?" Matt jokes.."Matt shut the fuck up, who the fuck- who just let y/n in my room and when did that happen? I didn't even go to bed until like 4 am so I know it was one of you fucking early birds" I ask angrily grabbing a Brisk can from the fridge.. "wasn't me." Nick blurts.. "who cares, its not like she was gonna murder you.. she said she was looking for you.." Matt explains.. "bro I was ignoring her for a reason.." I shout.. "well she's here now, what were you gonna ghost her something? did she do something?" He asks.. "yeah she's getting all weird and clingy and shit.." .... "like asking 'how my day was' and' if I slept well' and shit" I add... Matt looks at me weirdly "you mean caring about your well being? you're such an idiot" He gets up from the table heading to his room.. "GRAB YOUR FUCKING BOWL IM NOT YOUR MAID" Nick nearly busts my ear drums yelling at Matt.. "dude are you crazy?" I ask heading to the steps that lead to my bedroom.. "shut up bitch" Nick rolls his eyes...
Your POV
I wake up in Chris' bed alone.. not worried where he went I just wait for him to come back down the steps which is where I assume he went, starting to scroll on TikTok I hear Nick scream at the top of his lungs about 'being a maid' which I laugh at..
I then hear Chris heading back down the stairs, I hurriedly sit up fix my hair worried of what he'll have to say to me, then I start to think of what I should say to him.. I don't even know how I feel.. I wanna talk about us moving forward in our relationship but I also need to figure out why he's been acting all distant lately, I hope he doesn't think I haven't noticed.. because to be honest it feels like he has literally blocked me out of his life for the past 3-4 days..
He enters the room I stare down at my feet He walks straight pass me.. I look up. He heads straight into his bathroom... I flop back down on his bed..
Getting up from the bed I decide to make it, fluffing the duvet, tucking the sheets , fluffing the pillows.. Chris has been in the bathroom for around an hour now, I hear music, assuming he's in the shower, I clean a little more. Throwing away Pepsi cans and food casing from last night, I assume.. grabbing dirty clothes off the floor throwing them in his hamper... Suddenly I hear the water and music stop.. shuffling in the bathroom continues until Chris comes out in fresh love sweats and a black tank top, dropping his dirty clothes on the bed near his bed and heading over to his computer, I grab them and throw then in the hamper to which I assume irritates Chris.. "Can you stop!" Chris shouts... "wha-" I start to speak soon being cut off, "like you're being weird leave my clothes where I left then I didn't ask you to clean for me!" He adds.. "I mean what else am I supposed to do? You've been ignoring my presence sense I got here!" I shout back... "go home! I don't fucking know!" He replies.. "what the fuck is even your problem? like what have I even done for you to react this way to me cleaning for you?" I ask genuinely confused... He doesn't respond.. "hellooo" I speak in a questioning manner... “maybe i just don’t like you anymore and don’t need you to be here, i’m starting to even question why i did in the first place like you’re being so fucking annoying and clingy” he huffs… “all you do is bug me now gosh!” he adds…. I look to the ground genuinely hurt… it honestly makes sense, every guy i like always ends up ghosting me and it makes sense why at this point.. i can’t help that i am too “caring”.. apparently that freaks out a lot of guys..
“what so this is how you treat every girl you like? or liked?” i ask.
"I was ready to drop everything and be your girlfriend, in fact my plan today was to come ask you to be with me..I was ready for everyone to know how we've been these pass few months and not give a fuck what any hater or 'fan has to say.." I say holding back emotions.. "I never said I was ready for that, I never spoke on being together like that" He speaks.. "So what? we were just gonna be 'talking' for however long?" I ask. No response.. He just continues to stare at his computer screen. I just look back and sit down on his bed. blinking back tears.. He stares at the computer screen, nothing on it, not scrolling, no video, no music, nothing... Just staring, deep in thought...
We sit in silence for around 10 minutes before I speak again
"Chris?, can you say something? because I've done nothing but try to keep things working between us.. You've ignored me for almost 3 days when before you'd message me everyday 'How are you' , 'come over' , 'when are you free' , 'lets see a movie' , 'lets hang out before I leave for Boston.' " I count off examples.. "I just don’t get how we can go from something so good.. or what I thought was good, to you completely ignoring my existence." I add.. He continues to stare at the blank screen, until.. "I don't know okay, I just feel weird when I'm around you? you're always so caring and shit like that freaks me the fuck out..." he breaks silence. "I never feel this deep of feelings for anything, its fucking annoying.." He adds... "Well, I care about you.. its true, I care about how you slept, I care if you have a nightmare, I care if you feel a cold coming on, I care if you're upset with how much I care... because I genuinely like you Chris, and I don't know maybe this is one of those " right person, wrong time" moments because I feel like we deserve each other..." I speak whole-heartedly.. He just stares at his hands... I stand up.. "maybe in another life then?" I ask headed for the door... He doesn't respond.
I grab the door knob opening it slowly hoping he'd say something to keep me from leaving...n
"wait" he speaks "I wanna try- I want you- I wanna be with you..." he adds looking up from the floor despair in his eyes. "Chris I just don't feel like you're ready for what I'm ready for.." I reply.. “i’m ready- i am” he pleads… “how when just a moment ago you were telling me you were unsure if you even liked me” i ask… He looks down at his hands, I grab my bag and keys walking out of the room..
I hear him get up rushing out the room, he slows down once he sees me standing at the steps. Walking up to me slowly he pulls me in for a kiss, which i kindly reject hoping he gets the hint.. “i like you a lot Y/N.. i just- i need time to understand my self more. i’ve been used and hurt so many times..” he tells.. I just look at his hands in mine.. letting go i turn to walk up the steps… “can i call you later?” he asks.. I turn back “i feel like time apart might actually be what we need at this time, my feelings are genuinely hurt by the things you’ve said to me today” i reply. “i didnt mean it- you know that…” he looks up at me… I walk up the steps walking past Nick and leaving the boys house “bye Y/N see you sometime again hopefully, i know my brothers an asshole” Nick yelps from the dinning table…
I smile walking out the door.. knowing that’s possibly the end of my friendship with the boys…
A/N: the long awaited.. sorry yall i got busy but here it is!!! Hope yall like Chris and his trust issues!
taglist- @junnniiieee07 @frankdelreyy @ireadstoriss @freshsturns @unbruisable
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sgiandubh · 1 year
I want to ship SC, trust me I do and I love them together, but I just can’t fathom how far they stretch a fake relationship (her and T). Like for example the recent picture of them holding hands- now it’s not an insane gesture but definitely one we haven’t seen before. So maybe they truly are just a private couple. But in my heart of hearts I just love her and S together so much, and don’t know what to think because on one hand they are simply everything together and on the other it seems like she really is with T. I’m confused 🥲 what’s your take?
Dear Confused Anon,
I will be brutally honest: no, I do not trust you and I do not care about your crocodile tears. Not a single bit. In fact, once I will be done with my answer to you, you are most probably going to press CTRL+C, then CTRL +V. And run to the nearest Mordor sweatshop, in the hope one of the Three Sopranos will insult me again.
You see, to trust you, I would have to speak with at least a handle, not a coward in disguise. And then, even DMs are neither always safe, nor always honest - I have recently learned it the rough way, despite my best efforts, tried (and up until now failed) to forgive and will never forget.
By now, I suppose everyone got a good look at this splendiferous picture:
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Take a long, quiet, hard look at it, Shire.
So organic it could kill a moth colony on the spot.
So heartfelt - she doesn't even look at him.
So sentimental - that icy smile of hers. A happy couple, indeed.
A general round of applause, all across the Nation.
You are very wrong: it is not the first time they are holding hands, I mean, sort of. The much touted London marathon pic immediately comes to mind - although you'd have to admit, I looked and looked and he seemed to be checking her pulse, rather than being lovey-dovey.
A real private couple would never stoop as low as a cheap, laborious retcon, in retaliation for a couple of thousand people speculating on a niche blogging platform.
It took four years, a month and four days after that Remarkable Week-end to see McSideburns clumsily try and claw her hand. Remarkable, indeed.
And are you trying to tell me the MC didn't shake your beliefs and this does?
This perfunctory, formulaic, scripted AF, blip?
Wow. I have no words, Anon.
That unkempt, bland person - for God's sake, mister, tuck that damn shirt in your pants! - looking like the elephant in the china shop at a carefully curated event celebrating the supreme form of French refinement?
This is insulting, to say the least. To her (and her prized image), to Chanel, to this fandom, to S and believe it or not, to himself, too. Granted, the Berluti shoes are showing some improvement and are now clean. Hmph.
So here is what I think, Anon (and I know people are going to shriek and guess what, I do not care, for once):
It's been at least one year this fandom has been asking for this specific pic and for this specific whiplash. A childish tantrum, as she is regularly throwing. Mind you, that doesn't even come close to the painfully slow, monumentally boring Flukenzie Floozy Saga and looks as staged as the Ochoa & S London sighting (ah, patterns!).
This is the reaction to our scriptwriting ineptitude.
This is also the reaction to some underground shenanigans, directly related to a birth certificate apparently being peddled around. I will not discuss this, yet know just that: this is a legal claptrap, right there. I can, and if needed I will prove it. With the cold, surgical precision Mordor is so afraid of.
But she is a mother, for Christ's sake!
A mother!
As I said, I am not a mother and never will be. I do not wish this trial on anyone. But if I know something about life, I can guarantee you a mother would do whatever it takes to protect her child(ren).
Including taking precisely this kind of sad and forgettable pic.
So, there's that. We choose and we choose now: we fall for it once more and let the playbook fiddle with our insecurities once more and post endless trails of old pics once more to soothe the searing indignation.... Or GROW THE FUCK UP and show to whom it may concern we're not buying this shit anymore.
I know what I'll do. You're on your own, Anon: my tough love took you only this far, down the road. Sorry for the length. It was needed.
For the moment, I just booked an appointment with Miss Fotoula (roughly Claire, hehe), my genius hairdresser. I will ask her to refresh my dirty blonde mane.
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yelena-belovas-gun · 8 months
Last Resort Pt. 2 (Maya Lopez)
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Summary: She came to get something...and to hide.
Maya Lopez x fem!nurse!reader
Warnings: None
Taglist: @probs-reading-fanfics (dm/comment to be a part of the taglist <3)
Flashbacks are bold <3
She was wondering if the universe was conspiring against her. Why was it so hard to just stay away from you?
She thought she could forget about the jacket. She had another one anyway.
Yet here she was again, out of breath and in danger, right in front of your apartment building.
Coincidence? I think not.
The bright, flashing lights of the cop cars whizzed by, and she had to duck behind the wall again. It was honestly annoying how ridiculous these beat cops were.
Of course, you were her very last resort.
So up she went again, into the elevator and to your house.
You had been reading a book, plate of pasta in hand, spooning the tasty stuff into your mouth at intervals, only to have your quiet, peaceful time interrupted by a loud knocking on the door.
"Oh, for christ's sake-" you grumbled, pushing your cat, Kaz, off your lap and going over to the door.
Honestly, you really should start looking through the peephole more.
"Again?" You raised a brow. "I am not a lodging house."
"The police," she signed, glancing down the hallways. "I need to hide."
"Go hide somewhere else!"
"And risk being seen?"
"Your safety isn't my problem anymore!"
Maya had to admit, you were right. Bit she was desperate. So she put on her most pleading face and signed, "Please."
You wanted to kiss her. You wanted to strangle every breath out of her. You wanted to keep her safe. You wanted to dial 911 in the next two seconds.
You just wanted.
"Get in, you useless little shit," you signed in annoyance, opening the door.
"Thank you," she signed, looking away from you.
You began packing your dinner up, and noticed her sitting anxiously on the couch, fiddling with her fingers and randomly petting Kaz.
Why couldn't the gods have just made you a cold-hearted killer? Why did they make you a soft-hearted lover?
"Need something to eat?" You signed after flicking the lights on and off for her attention.
"Did you poison it?" She raised a brow.
"Every word you say which isn't a 'yes' or a 'no' is making me wish I did," you quipped, scowling.
"Yes, please," she nodded. "Thank you."
You grumbled and dismissed her statement with a wave, heating up some of the last bits of pasta.
"Baby, I'm hungry," Maya had said, pouting at you.
"Pasta?" You'd laughed and asked her, raising a brow.
"You know I love the food you make," she'd smiled and kissed your cheek.
"Damn you, Maya Lopez..." you scowled, setting a plate for her. You walked over to the couch and handed her a fork and the plate.
"Want a bit of rat poison with it for seasoning?" You scowled, crossing your arms after you'd signed.
"No, I'm fine with being alive," she shrugged and started eating. You rolled your eyes, and sat on the other couch, reading.
Every bone in your body pulsed with confusion at your feelings. Your heart tugged towards Maya, with the round face and cheeks you liked to pinch. Maya, with the sleek hands which could weave words to make you blush and do things to make your eyes roll back. Maya, with her slight smiles and expressive eyes that were too cute for you to handle.
But it also clenched at the sight of Maya, who had left you alone that night when you'd needed her. Maya who'd lied to you about one of the biggest disasters of your life.
Maya, who had broken you down till you were just pieces of the woman you had once been.
She noticed the glare you were shooting her and raised a brow. "What?" she finger-spelled.
"Why am I your last resort?" You scowled as you signed. "There are so many doctors, so many people you have some connections with. You can go to them. But you don't. Why me, Maya?"
"Because you're the only person I can fully trust," she signed after placing her plate on the coffee table. "The only person I know who wouldn't stab me in the back."
"Oh, is that why you found it so easy to stab me in the back?" You scoffed.
She sighed. "I guess I had that one coming."
"No shit," you scowled.
Maya sat in silence with you. An uncomfortable silence, which filled the entire room and suffocated you both. She stared at you intently while you continued to read, or, atleast, pretended to.
She, too, felt her heart split apart. She saw the curve of your jawline she loved to kiss, the upward slope of your lips which always fit against hers so perfectly. She watched your brows furrow, and noticed your hair falling on your face a bit. The hair she'd spend hours with her hands in, whether the moment was soulful or sinful. Her heart pulled towards you. It wanted you in a way she knew exes with 'no feelings' would never want.
But she also felt her heart pressed under the weight of her blunder. She felt it clench as she watched you get mad at her. She thought she'd seen the depth of your hurt, the day she'd left, but it was not even in the twilight zone of the trench-like abyss that was your sorrow.
She walked over to you and tapped your shoulder.
"Can I stay for a few days?" she hesitantly signed, looking at you pleadingly.
You scowled, "Why?"
"The police have probably tagged my apartment." She sighed. "I'm on the run, so..." she let her hands stay in the 'so' sign, the deaf equivalent of trailing off.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, squeezing your eyes shut. You inhaled deeply, as if mentally preparing yourself for what was to come.
"Fine," you scoffed. "But you're not going to mess up anything in here. That means you will go about your business and only come home to eat and sleep."
"Done," she shrugged. "Beggars can't be choosers."
"Now you're getting some sense into that thick skull of yours," you rolled your eyes and went back to your book, but only after signing, "And you're sleeping on the couch."
Maya sighed.
This was going to be a long few days.
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 6 months
Oh for fucks sake
So. To work in care, I need to be registered with a body called the SSSC, basically just the group that keeps track of PVGs (background check to work with vunerable people) and generally wether or not someone is fit to provide care. This registration has a fee that my organisation covers, but only after its been paid.
I need to double check exactly how much it is but iirc it's something like £40, now I'm pretty sure I'd already paid this a month ago BUT! Today is the cut off point for registration and my manager is on my back because apparently! The registration has not been completed and this is likely due to the fee not being paid. And, you guessed it folks; I cannot afford to pay it right now!
Like! I literally have £40 almost exactly in my account and thats about to go on the electricity meter, bc I LITERALLY just woke up to the alarm telling me it's about to run out! I am literally incapable of paying anything rn Scott fuck MEEEE
Anyway I. Christ. Especially hate this since I've got the gofundme up and want that to circulate for Alfie, but. Gonna look into it, find out exactly how much it costs. I can provide screenshots evidence that this is very much a Thing that i legally need done in order to continue working, i will most likely be suspended without pay for the remainder of the month if this isn't sorted ASAP. If anyone can hit up my paypay/kofi (jacearts), or if you want to DM me for proof and I can arrange to pay you back at the end of the month-
I hate this. I want this to be over. I'm just trying to get by.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Hey lofty
So your Catholic right? Im curious and kinda considering becoming a Catholic but don’t really know anything about it, if it’s not to much could you give like a basic explanation of what you believe, what you have to do, what you can’t do, etc?
Thank you
Well hi! :D
I am Catholic, yes, and very happy to hear from you. :) There's a lot to Catholicism, but the basic premise of our beliefs can be found in a prayer we call the Nicene Creed. I'll post it below, along with more specific answers to your questions. I feel like it's hard to go into a blanket statement about all of this, but I will try. Please feel free to reach out to me via dm (or if that's too intimidating you can do asks without anon and I can answer privately if you like) for details because it's a lot of info and details and I tend to be hesitant about posting complicated things for the whole world to see an misinterpret. I think I'm still just a little bleh from earlier, though, so if you truly aren't comfortable you can simply ask on anon too.
So! "basic explanation of what we believe" = our Nicene Creed, also called our profession of faith that we pray weekly:
"I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth,  of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,  the Only Begotten Son of God,  born of the Father before all ages.  God from God, Light from Light,  true God from true God,  begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;  through him all things were made.  For us men and for our salvation  he came down from heaven,  and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,  and became man.  For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,  he suffered death and was buried,  and rose again on the third day  in accordance with the Scriptures.  He ascended into heaven  and is seated at the right hand of the Father.  He will come again in glory  to judge the living and the dead  and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,  who proceeds from the Father and the Son,  who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,  who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.  I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins  and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead  and the life of the world to come."
There's a lot to unpack in that, so if you want to talk more, please feel free to each out. :)
Next questions! "What you have to do/what you can't do" We have something called the Ten Commandments that serves as a basic rulebook we go off:
I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me. (i.e. prioritize God first)
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. (self explanatory)
Remember to keep holy the LORD'S Day. (go to Mass on Sunday)
Honor your father and your mother. (give respect to elders)
You shall not kill. (do not harm others, do not wish them harm in any way, do not hold grudges or anger towards others)
You shall not commit adultery. (do not lust, do not use others or look at others as objects for your own pleasure, respect your body and other's bodies)
You shall not steal. (self explanatory)
 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (don't lie)
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
You shall not covet your neighbor's goods. (these last two essentially are about not being jealous and not being selfish, respecting others' boundaries and their worth)
Jesus himself summarizes it all pretty well into what we call the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Essentially, the commandments break down to "respect God and put him first in your life, respect others and treat them with love."
Hope this helps! :)
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embercottage · 7 months
In The Void
Sneak Peek Into Chapter 1, Isabella's POV. Dark Content A Head.
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February 8th 2045, 8:45 am.
The weather was cold as usual. Clouds covering the sky. It was quite besides some growling in the distance. I knew I’d probably have to go kill it later but I don’t want to right now. I want to enjoy the 5 minutes of peace before I go out in the horror story that is the world right now. My eyes dully stared up at the ceiling of the rotting house. Our ‘safe house’ is what Emerald calls it. It’s not very safe if someone has to defend the door 24/7 in my opinion. It’s crowded here when everyone is in. It was nice to be alone. No one is bugging me to help them. Clean their wounds. I don’t mind helping them but sometimes I just need alone time. As much as I can get. No one knows we exist. Everyone thinks we’re dead. I can’t blame them, I’d think we’d be dead too. I’m shocked we’ve lived this long. We’re all shocked. We shouldn’t be alive, we should be one of those things or dead. We’ve lost everyone we’ve ever loved. We watched them turn into monsters. Flesh tearing monsters. We have no connection to the outside world, only this small area where we are. How could we escape? A boat would be our best option but we have no idea where we would even get one. We can’t go anywhere near the ocean or near the docks. It’s the monsters ‘safe place’. We can’t risk going there, we barely survive when they come here. We have weapons for Christ's sake yet we are dying off one by one. I can’t live like this anymore. I can’t live with myself anymore, I’ve let people-
“Bella?” Ella’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I stared at her. Her raggy blonde hair. Her blue eyes are still filled with innocence. If only she knew what was out there.
“Yes El?” I respond back trying my best to look somewhat happy for her. I didn’t want her to feel bad. I know it’s wrong to hide the truth from her but she’s 8, she doesn’t deserve to live in a world like this. She doesn’t deserve to have her childhood stripped from her in this twisted game of survival. She doesn’t deserve to live in a world were it’s kill or get killed.
“Do you think Beck will ever come back?” She asks. Of course I didn’t. She left 1 month ago. She’s either dead or one of the monsters. She went to get supplies. She shouldn’t have gone alone but she was to goddamn studdorn to let us go with her. Atleast one of us. We knew she didn’t have the skills to fight off even one of those things. She told us we were selfish for thinking she needed our help. Now look where that has gotten her.
“Maybe hun” I respond after a couple of minutes. Ella smiled at me. So innocent. So.. naive. She shouldn’t stay naive. I need to tell her. I shouldn’t shelter her from this nightmare. She needs to know the truth. You can't blame me for wanting to shelter her. I'm her older sister, her mother in a way. I want, need, to protect her. I’d die before I let her turn into one of those monsters. I can't fail her. I made a promise to my father on his deathbed and I refuse to break it. Ella walked out of the cabin door and started talking to Nali. I sighed and laid my head back down on the pillow. I wish I didn't live in this world. I, Ella, and my love could be happy together. Somewhere that wasn't here….
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Tag List: @breakmyh3art. Please let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list either in my asks, comments, or DMs.
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2. Anime or manga? M A N G A. I am sorry, the Anime was alright and fun, season 0 was great and also a lot of the arcs were pretty good... But the manga is just perfect for me. The pacing is great, the violence is great, it feels super raw and it actually discusses a lot of issues that don't get talked about in the anime at all. Plus Bakura is just really great in the manga. It's just a feast for me to read it and I am re-buying it, because I never had the option to read it all the way through.
7. OTP For Deathshipping we sail!! FOR DEATHSHIPPING AND GLORY!
24. Unpopular opinion? Since I have no good overview over the fandom right now, I am not sure what is considered unpopular right now. I'll lead a few controversy takes in here:
Bakura deserved a better ending and you won't change my mind
Pegasus should have died in the DM arc of the series
invisible guns should actually be a superpower
the subtitles of Ancient Egypt arc are hilarious and deserve their own sitcom
Yu-Gi-Oh makes no sense if you haven't seen season 0
Yu-Gi-Oh the anime altogether doesn't make much sense
I really despise Tea Gardner, but love Anzu Mazaki and you won't change my mind
Mai Kujaku is a wildly underused character, who deserves more love and attention, LIKE THE QUEEN SHE IS
Yami Marik deserved a better ending and you WON'T CHANGE MY MIND
There was too much Duel Monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh and you WON'T CHANGE MY MIND.
I think that is enough for one ask, pfch~!
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discoinfernocrowby · 2 years
!! DNI !!
didn't wanna do this on my fun blog but oh well
hey I'm crowby and this blog is for my writing and being goofy. I'm part of a system (syscourse unaligned) and am white, disabled, queer, and generally silly.
for the love of fuck, if you are any of these things don't interact. no asks, no debates, no DMs. i rather you block me for christ's sake.
under the age of 18 (bodily age when it comes to systems/alters)
syscourse + western tulpas
anti-mogai + anti-xeno/neogender + anti-xeno/neopronouns
queerphobic + exclusionists (anti mspec lesbians, arophobic, "LGB" cretins, anti-polyam etc.) + anti-split attraction
anti-furry + anti-otherkin + anti-therian
transrace + trace + transpecies + transage + transabled + transid + radqueer
MAPs + NOMAPs + PEAR + pro-ship + anti-anti + loli/shotacons + Zooies + Necros + Pedos + Biastophiles (whole reason i had to make this list, thanks for clogging my ask box and retriggering me asshats)
fakeclaimers + people against self dx
TERFs + GenderCrit + radfems
SWERFs + anti sex work in general
people who infantilize neurodivergent peeps, people with intellectual disabilities, and nonverbal people
antisemitism + islamophobia + anti-wiccan + anti-pagan + xenophobic
anti-drug + anti-recreational drug use
anti-npd + anti-aspd + anti-bpd + anti-did/osdd/ddnos/cdd + anti-schizophrenia + anti-psychosis + anti-psychotic + anti-mad/madd + anti-agoraphobia + anti-bipolar
ddlg + cgl + generally all the gross age play stuff (sfw age regression and little stuff is fine)
if i add anything it's either because i forgot to add it in the first place or some asshat helped get it on the list
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ptsd-tiger · 6 years
there my fp goes again talking about how no one in the group likes them and they don’t fit in when they LITERALLY FUCKING DOMINATE EVERY GROUP CALL AND EVERYONE LOVES TALKING TO THEM. 
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mxpseudonym · 3 years
Not Good Enough
Pairing: Luca Changretta x OC (or she/her pronouns reader)
Summary: Luca decides it's time to call it quits before anything dangerous happens. Of course, he hasn't quite thought through how this would go.
Length: 993
Warnings: None
A/N: I love that these are getting longer and longer 😂. This is the same OC from Get a Real Hobby and I Don't Like You, I Just Want You Here Forever.
(By the way, I didn't realize the major plot hole of where exactly does OC live? I don't know how to fix it other than just saying she lives in her own secure luxury apartment that Luca pays for and basically lives in as well cause he's always there. She'll eventually live with Luca.)
She knew when he called her by her first name that something was wrong. It had been ages since Luca had called her anything but Blossom. She almost thought he'd forgotten her name altogether.
"What? What is it?"
She walked slowly from her place at the living room entry to where he sat on her couch, elbows on his knees and hands clasped in prayer. Her heart was thumping loudly, preparing for anything.
"Maybe, maybe we shouldn't get married," Luca said.
She sighed and dropped the bags she held before sitting next to him and placing a hand on her chest.
"Jesus Christ, Luca, you can't scare me like that. And what the fuck are you talking about? Of course, we're getting married," she scoffed, smacking his arm. Under any other circumstance, he'd laugh and tease her for declaring it so clearly and proudly before him. But today was different.
"Listen. My family, we've got trouble, alright? My brothers have made a mess of things overseas. Worse than my mess with the robbery before I got here. I told you about that, didn't I?" He asked.
"Uh-huh," she nodded. Luca told her everything. She gave him a look that told him to get to the point.
"My cousins are stirring things up with the local gangs. I heard some of these kids don't care about honor. They'll take down whoever. I'm not letting that happen to you, alright? You can keep the apartment, and I'll take care of you. You don't have to worry about anything."
Luca included the promise while keeping his eyes on the leather shoes she'd helped him pick out that morning. There was a pause before she huffed, shaking her head.
"That's not good enough," she said quietly.
"That," she stopped him, loud and firm now as she stood. "That is not good enough. It wouldn't be good enough on an average day, but it's definitely not good enough today when I just spent hours with your mother, promising her I'll be a good wife to her son and proving that I can cook. By the way, I almost divulged a secret family recipe for you, okay? Come spring, you're meeting me at St. Bernadette's, and we're getting married in that church."
Luca looked at her in some surprise. They always kidded, and he, for the most part, knew she loved him. But a tiny part of him that could be real loud sometimes, thought she'd jump at the chance not to marry him. At the very least, he thought she'd be okay postponing it. But spending the day with his mother on her own accord? Exchanging recipes? What was this side of her?
"Are you hearing me?" He asked anyway.
"Unfortunately so. I've been sitting here hearing you give up. I'm hearing you be a coward. You are a lot of things, Changretta, but chicken? That's new," she tsked, turning away from him.
She faced the other side of the room and placed a hand over her chest as discreetly as she could. She'd likely never admit it, but the pang she felt in her chest at the idea of walking out for the apartment without Luca was unbearable. How dare he make her love him and then do something like this? She heard him moving until he placed his warm hands on her shoulders.
"You are most important to me."
"And do you protect things you'll cherish from a distance?"
"If you were hurt,"
"Like now?"
There was silence until he let out a sigh. She could feel him trembling with aggravation and turned to reason with him only to find him laughing to himself.
"Why are you laughing, you sick monster?" She grimaced and moved away from Luca in case he was losing his mind before her very eyes. His husky laugh, the one she loved and reminded her of home, eased her while he rubbed his temples.
"I cannot believe I've found a woman who is so stubborn she won't let me leave her. As if it was your idea to get married in the first place."
"For fuck's sake." She rolled her eyes and moved to walk past him, only for Luca to sweep her into his arms.
"You're smart, huh?" He asked. She nodded immediately.
"I'd say so."
"Then I'm trusting you're thinking this through. I told you the problem, and you'd rather be with me instead of safe somewhere." He reminded her of what she was giving up. And still, she nodded without hesitation.
"If safe means all your hard work in getting me to stay with you goes out the window, and I lose something important to me, then I don't want it."
"Alright," Luca agreed. All he needed was her to say it.
Luca leaned down and pulled her into a kiss. He'd never stop worrying. But something told him that any person willing to go after the love of his life would have hell to pay. She was no docile thing, which was only proven when she moved away from him all too soon.
"And never say that to me again. You come home, and you tell me that you had a bad day, and we talk about it. Don't go deciding shit like that on your own," she scolded him, pressing her manicured nail into his chest. Luca grabbed her hand, pulling her into his chest with a chuckle.
"Yes, ma'am," he murmured against her cheek between kisses. He could feel her face warm from his caresses even as she told him he was too silly. She mumbled into his shirt, and he leaned back. "What was that?"
"That's not my name," she said with furrowed brows and a slight pout. He had to bite down on his knuckle not to laugh out loud. When she was this adorable, it went straight to his heart.
"You're a fucking riot, Blossom."
"Yeah, I am. And you're gonna be Mr. Blossom whether you like it or not."
"Yeah. Yeah, I am."
Mx Any Taglist: @cactisjuice
If you're a follower and would like to be on a taglist, please message me via dms or asks. You can be on a list for a specific character, for smut, or for any time I post.
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fandom-puff · 4 years
As Time Went On
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Requested by: anon ‘Could I request a Tommy Shelby x reader where it shows your relationship throughout your whole life so like from being friends at a really young age until married in adulthood’
Warnings: mentions of war/violence/sex but nothing in detail. Also, drinking and smoking
Gif creds to owner
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“Oi! You’re not allowed here. Girls aren’t allowed,”
You rolled your eyes, concentrating on scribbling the names of the horses your father had told you onto a bit of paper with a blunt pencil.
“Shut it, Shelby. Your Aunt Polly is a girl and she’s always here. Anyway, Dad doesn’t finish in the factory until after closing time and Mum’s too busy taking care of my brother, so shut the fuck up and let me put my bloody bet on,”
Polly smirked into her cup as she walked over to you both, trying not to laugh at the argument between the two seven year olds (although Tommy would constantly remind everyone that he was actually seven and a half). “Alright, Thomas. Go and help your brother, you know he’s bad at sums. You written those horses down for me , love?” She asked, and you handed her the piece of paper. While she checked over your wonky writing, tommy glared at you, sticking his tongue out at you as he walked away.
“What if he kicks me? Or throws me off? Or bites me?”
Tommy laughed slightly. “He won’t. Shadow’s a good horse. Even our Ada rides him sometimes. C’mon, I’ll help you up,” Although a little apprehensive, you accepted Tommy’s leg up as you got onto the horse, eyes widening as he shifted. “It’s alright. He’s just getting used to you,”
“I thought girls were meant to ride with their legs on one side,” you said after a while as Tommy began leading the horse slowly around his paddock.
“Only rich, posh girls who don’t know anything about horses,” tommy said. “Us? We know horses. This is how we do it,”
You nodded, smiling slightly as you looked down at tommy. You were both fourteen now, him nearing fifteen, and he seemed to have grown overnight. When you were younger, you had been a few inches taller than him, which came at a real advantage when you played chase (or a fun game called Run As Fast As You Can So Polly Doesn’t Wack Us With Her Wooden Spoon) but now, even with you atop the horse, you could see how much taller he was.
A little while later, he helped you down off Shadow, and he gulped, feeling the softness of your waist beneath your dress. He cleared his throat and together you led the horse back to the stables, stealing glances at one another when the other wasn’t looking.
“My dad will fucking kill me,” you said in a hushed voice, barely suppressing your tipsy giggles as you and Tommy sat by the Cut, hiding in the shadows of Charlie’s yard.
“He’s more likely to kill me,” Tommy grinned, taking a swig from the bottle before passing it to you. “Sixteen years old and here you are, out past midnight, getting you shitfaced, smoking. I really have led you astray,”
You grinned, gulping from the bottle and sloshing it down your front. Tommy shook his head fondly. “You’re such a fuckin’ lightweight, YN,” he said, and you laughed loudly. “Shhh shut the fuck up,” tommy said, his own laugh betraying him as he pressed his hand ovef your mouth. You stared at eachother for a moment as he slowly moved his hand and you leaned in close, pressing your lips against his.
“Oi! Who’s there?”
“Shit, Charlie’s coming, c’mon! Grab the fuckin’ whiskey, YN, for Christ’s sake!”
Tommy grabbed your hand and pulled you up and you ran off, laughing into the night.
He was different when he came back from France. They all were.
Tommy wouldn’t let go of you when he stepped off the train, his tears soaking into the shoulder of your coat. It was only when you promised you’d stay with him at the little house in Watery Lane that he pulled away, and you walked arm in arm together.
He proposed that night, and it was the first time you and the Shelby’s (save for Finn, who didn’t quite understand why his brothers were so sad all of a sudden) properly smiled in years.
The arrival of Grace Burgess to Small Heath caused quite the stir, but you and Polly saw right through her. She expected her singing to entrap tommy into spilling the Peaky secrets, but when you cornered her before opening time, she soon backed off. Whether it was the butterfly knife you rammed into the bar, the ice cold look you fixed her with, or your silver tongue, she knew it was more than her life’s worth to cross Polly Gray and YN Shelby.
You and Polly made a point of ordering Scotch whiskey whenever Grace was around- much to the brother’s amusement.
You were furious with Tommy for facing off with Billy Kimber, and even more so when Sabini got involved.
That didn’t stop you doting on him, making sure his bullet wound from Kimber was cleaned daily.
And Tommy definitely milked it, even after it began to scar.
“Ay, where’s my kiss to make it better, Mrs Shelby?” He’d ask with a cheeky glint in his eye that was only ever seen by you.
“You’re pushing your fucking luck, you,” you’d say.
But of course, you’d press a gentle kiss over the bandage, and another to his lips.
When Polly grasped onto your breast after a family meeting, all hell broke loose. Ada, with little Karl on her lap gave you a knowing look, while Arthur and John cheered loudly (“about time, Tom!”). Finn was confused as to why you were recieving an impromptu breast exam at the table, and Tommy... just stared at you with wide eyes.
“Am I...?”
“Is she...?” You said at the same time and Polly just nodded, returning to her seat and giving you both a smile.
You and Tommy left early, with John and Arthur shouting after you both to be careful, ready to wet the baby’s head even though it was barely more than a tiny speck at that moment in time.
“Thomas Michael Shelby I am never sleeping with you again you utter bastard! Ah!”
Tommy paced in the landing, your pained screams driving him mad. He had tried sitting at the table and smoking with brothers as you laboured, but he couldn’t bare to be so far away from you. Polly, Esme and Ada were keeping him busy, sending him for more hot water every now and then.
When the piercing sound of a baby crying filled the house, he slumped against the wall with relief as everyone downstairs cheered.
Polly peaked her head around the door, smiling warmly. “In you come then. Come and meet your little boy,”
Tommy felt his eyes well up as he stepped over the threshold to the rest of his life, smiling down at you as you looked up, looking utterly worn out, but with a smile bright enough to power the whole country, a tiny bundle in your arms.
Tommy say carefully on the edge of the bed, leaning a little closer.
“Come here, you silly git,” you said gently, letting him shuffle closer. He peaked over the blanket and felt his heart melt as he stared at the tiny, sleeping baby with a shock of dark hair.
“Our little boy, Tom,” you said gently.
“Yeah,” he said, staring at you both in awe. “Our little boy. My little family,”
Tags: @liliputbahn @lilymurphy03 @imareallygrumpyme @acciosiriusblack
DM me to be on my tag list (with what fandoms you wanna be tagged in, as well as if you wanna be tagged in smut x)
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chuck-e-cheese-au · 3 years
Hello Again.
Hi everyone, or, whoever sees this post or who still follows this blog. I am Mod Ivan, basically a lurker mod, never really interacted much with the community, eventually lost interest but here we are yet again! Might be wondering why I am suddenly posting this after (jesus christ-) 9 entire months of silence.
Well, simply put this au popped into my mind and I just started reading the posts! Seeing all of it got me a bit nostalgic for this AU, it's simple beginning in the Spinearl Server and blossoming into a server of it's own and this blog. I’m kinda surprised this got a following at all! There was asks, followers, heck a fandom arose for a bit, people made FAN ART for christ’s sake! It was magical and I still remember those days with fondness.
Unfortunately, as all things do, interest died out among the mods and I presume the community. I’m sure some of you have moved on, as SUF Ended and as the Spinearl Fandom died out as well (at least I presume, still check that tag once in a while).
I have no idea if the other mods are even active in this account but if so, do hit me up on dms (discord is EmotionalGlue#6172) if y'all want to talk.
Would I like to kickstart this AU again? Maybe! It seems I at least enjoyed being part of it. Who knows, but for now, if y’all have questions, please do direct them to the ask box and I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities, hope y’all have a good day!
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mrs-cavill-wife · 3 years
Forbidden Witch (2/?)
Pairing: Charles Brandon X Female Reader
Warning: Fantasy. Language. Forbidden Love. Tell me if I miss something.
Author's Note: This one is REALLY long chapter but here comes Charles Brandon, calm your tits! Hope you guys like it, if you do, please reblog it! I'm all ears to feedback and suggestions, thank you! DM or comment if you want to be on tag lists of Forbidden Witch!
Tag List: @lexyvaldez26 @thereisa8ella @natura1phenomenon @mrsavery @number1chonie @themanfromu @littlefreya @legendarywizarddetective @lovingbearherringhairdo @zealoushound @deangal-101 @everydaymultifandom @summersong69 @jgtfvhsg @tellingyouastory @sillyrabbit81 @nuggsmum @pussyverson @oh-for-fic-sake @foodieforthoughts @fanficlover91 @r-t-doll @its--fandom--darling @poledancingdinos @hlkwrites @rmtndew
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Riding for a few minutes, the boy was fun, he had many stories but I was grateful when he stopped chattering. I think this adventure exhausted him.
We arrived in Aluma and it was not difficult to find the castle, in a short time, we were well in freight for the construction. Aretuza was a beautiful place, but I had never seen such a magnificent castle, it was big, people were probably lost there. I approached the entrance and came across three soldiers, who immediately aimed the spears at me.
"Stop! Who's coming over there?"
I looked at them alerting them to stay quiet and I got off the horse slowly, the little prince was already asleep and I didn't want to find him. I think almost turning into monster food was a great experience, he needed to rest.
"Tsc-tsc. I don't think that's how you supposed to treat a lady. Especially when she saved and is in charge of the safety of her future king."
One of them approached to look closely and then looked at the others.
"Go, fast! Let your majesties know, Prince Eric has been found."
One of them ran inside the door, faster than a fox and I, even with the little boy, still had to wait outside. I looked at the blondie, and he slept soundly, hugging my Atlas, as if je were the most comfortable of the mattresses. Which is probably something he must have. Based on the aesthetics of the Castle, they must have everything from the good and the best, and even more.
"Eric! My little warrior!"
A voice, clearly desperate, screamed and, faster than her guard, the queen approached. A beautiful lady, blonde, thin but with curves, a beautiful green dress with gold details that matched with her hazel eyes and, of course, a simple but remarkable crown with rubies on the top of her head.
She approached me and the little boy, affectionately touching her face and then brushing her hair with her fingers. Her features were clear, pure happiness, relief and tears that I think, have been there since the little boy ran away. Eric woke up quickly with his mother touch and smiled softly, still tired.
She grabbed the boy, without caring about his soaked clothes, giving him a giant bear hug while sobbing.
"Oh my little prince, why? You know how worried your Mom is when you run away like that."
She said now looking at him with teary red eyes. I have to admit I felt bad for her.
"I think I'll have to put soldiers in to watch you again"
Again? Yeah, he didn't lie, and by the nickname "little warrior", I think he was really a little adventurer and a big runaway kid.
"Mom, I'm sorry and I'm fine. The witch saved me. Without her, I would be monster dinner right now."
Said the little troublemaker and after the brief moment of mother and son, the queen noticed me, gave a big smile and I bowed in respect, but she soon shook her head and held my hand.
"You, my young lady, no need to bow. You saved my son, my greatest treasure, you don't know how grateful I am. What's your name?"
I didn't knew exactly what to say. I looked at Eric and he just smiled comforting me.
"Oh.. your majesty.. I'm Cassandra, Cassandra of Boudicca.. and I just.. I just did what any sensible person would do."
"One way or another, me and your majesty, the king, we are very grateful, and by the way the king would love to meet you."
Meet me? Oh Lord, I can't say no to a queen, right? She's being so sweet with me but I'm even dressed properly to meet a king?
"My queen.. I.. well.."
"No no, I'll be offended if you refuse"
I sighed and nodded. The soldiers led the way and the queen took me into the huge castle, holding my right hand and with her son by the side, but within minutes he ran into a room with large wooden doors, apparently the throne room.
I thought we would get in there but the queen is still walking and I had no choice but to follow. We arrived at a door, it was opened and it was a beautiful room, with a huge bed that would probably fit three people, a nice balcony, a dressing table, a shelf with some books. The queen took me to the room on, had a huge mirror, a beautiful bathtub, prepared with some foam and next to it, a black girl with a simple dress, braided hair and a beautiful smile.
"This is Juliette, one of my chaperones, she's a wonderful lady, she will help you bathe and get ready."
The lady Juliette bowed at me and I looked surprised at the queen.
"Your majesty, that's not necessary, I.."
She cutted me before I could say something more.
"Darling, you can call me Madeline and maybe it's not necessary but I asked my man to treat your beautiful horse and I think you need too, besides.."
She grabbed a little cloth and gently rubbed under my nose wiping it. Something a mother would do. And I saw a little of blood when she pull away the cloth. Fire spells always consume a lot of my strength, occasionally, my nose would start bleeding and on the worst situation, I would pass out.
"..You look very exhausted, please, let my lady help you.."
Alright, maybe I need it and won't hurt, right?
I nodded causing the Queen and her lady to smile widely at me.
"Huh.. At least, lady Juliette, can she let me take care of my bath? By myself, please? I don't want to be disrespectful to your kindly, but I'm not used to undressing in front of anyone."
The queen smiled softly and nodded at Juliette and soon, she were our of bathroom.
"Darlin, one question. What's your favorite color?"
I answered a little confused and she left me alone in the bathroom. I undressed and went into the warm water.
I would not feel comfortable naked in someone's presence, at all, even if I were a man.. I imagine that some people think I can be experient, I admit that I have a beautiful body, at least I think that I'm beautiful, attracts many masculine looks, I have been courted but always by men who saw me with a piece of meat or out of curiosity to know what spell a witch knows how to do between four walls. Pathetic.
The truth is that I have never been with a man, I have never fallen in love. When I was younger, I used to imagine what my future husband would be like. I imagined your details, I remember everything I liked.. He would be a tall man, defined body, fair, strong, sweet, romantic, noble, fair skin, blue eyes like the sky in a spring morning, dark hair like the night, short or maybe curly, lips chubby that would always leave me wanting more, hands that when..
Oh my God, stop Cassandra, you're not a teen anymore.. and it's not going to happen.
I blew away those stupid thoughts and got up from bathtub, grabbed a towel and wrapped around my body. When i arrived on room, I meet Lady Juliette, holding a box and next to her, on the bed, a simple, but for my eyes, a really gorgeous black dress.
"Oh my God, that's..?"
Lady Juliette laughed softly and opened the box, revealing a necklace.
"The queen want you to wear this for tonight. She thought you would like the style and it's also a gift for saving her son"
I don't wanted to sounds dramatic but it's beautiful, the dress, the necklace. I grabbed the dress and ran back to bathroom to get dressed. I admired myself on the mirror for a second and quickly, Juliette was behind me, helping me with the necklace.
"By your smile, I see you approved. The queen will love to know. Your majesties await for you on the throne room, I'll lead the way."
I nodded and followed Juliette to the throne room
Charles Brandon POV
Another beautiful morning. I woke up and rubbed my eyes, yawned getting up and wearing a shirt. I went to the window, opened the curtains and let the sunlight in. Oh, fresh air. Honestly, I could not have chosen a better place to be my home, in freight to a beautiful and immense river, around the splendid nature, far from the city, that noise makes me crazy, horses running, people screaming, songs out of tune, poor people begging for help and old "relationships" knocking on my door. That's peace right here.
I looked to the side. Seeing my wife, Phoebe and my little princess, my daughter Mackenzie. Christ, she is growing up so fast, she is only six years old now but she is a very smart little girl, loves to read, write and draw. She is the most special thing in the world for me.
I remember when Phoebe told me she was pregnant, four weeks after our wedding. I have always been a man who lives in the present, the now. But at that moment, I cared about the future, about me, about being a better man, something I never was and my wife suffered a lot from it, she would pretend to don't mind sleeping all alone almost every night, pretended not see me arriving late, often drunk, lipstick and sweat on my skin. Today I don't like to talk but, loyalty was never on my list of tasks, not before Phoebe give me someone so innocent, so sweet and pure, someone who depended on me. There's a Charles Brandon before Mackenzie, and another Charles Brandon after Mackenzie, and long before that, long before I met Phoebe, I was just a farmer's son.
How do I become Duke? Well, I was always in love with horses and swords, my father died when I was little and my mother was a queen's lady. I practically lived in the castle because of my mother's work, and this work, gave me a chance to see the soldiers training, fighting, riding, I just loved it and the captain ended up realizing my admiration, despite my young age, I became a helper, simply started carrying things, gave a little help with the horses. My dedication took me far, in a short time I cleaned the armor and then I was sharpening and testing the swords and when I really became a man, after my mother died of natural causes, with the blessing of King Edward, I became knights, soldier, one of the best.
Going to war was incredible for me, it seems sick but I liked to cut off heads, tear apart, see blood and defend the kingdom that treated me like a son. King Edward had a best friend, a king from a distant continent. King Alexander. On one of his visits, there was a feast, and that's when we met. That same night, there was an ambush in the castle and unfortunately, the king in which I served since I was a child, was murdered, as well as several soldiers, I remained standing, even injured and saved King Alexander.
After all that, King Edward gave me a lot of support. He knew it was a big loss for me, I lost a lot of friends and he knew that King Alexander was almost like a father to me. He knew of my dedication and love for the royal guard, for being a soldier and he invited me to be part of his soldiers. I was reluctant but after thinking a lot, I really had nothing else, nothing to lose so, the next day, I am already on my way to Aluma, his kingdom. There I met his wife, he told me they were trying to have a baby, they hoped it was a boy, an heir, I honestly, I always thought it was bullshit but I wouldn't say that, I was treated like a son.
For a few years, I exercised my place in the royal guard, I became a captain, and of course, the title attracted several lovers. Redheads, brunettes, blondes, fair skin, black skin, a whole meal full of colors and tastes.. each dawn I got up from a different bed, and "finally", I met Phoebe, a young lady, from a noble family. At first, it was just a carnal thing but it ended up becoming a passion, and soon, we were married. Being a captain, having a wife and being a party boy. My favorite things in life, but they were colliding. Phoebe suffered from wondering if I would return alive from a battle and the other night, she slept alone while I had fun with some harlot. It got to the point where I realized that it couldn't be like that anymore, I had affection for the woman who woke up more than I want in me, so I made the decision to relinquish my post as captain of the royal guard. King Alexander tried to insist that I stay, it's true that we ended up becoming great friends but he ended up understanding my decision.
As a thank you for years of loyalty to him and his best friend, he gave me a title and his best builders would build my home, wherever I wanted. I chose, Sullfolk, a beautiful continent, full of nature. I became Charles Brandon, the Duke of Sullfolk.
I leave my daydreams of the past, hearing that sweet voice of my dear Mackenzie. I looked at the bed and saw her with a sleepy face and a smile in my direction. I walked over, sitting next to her on the bed and placing a kiss on her messy hair.
"Good morning, sunshine. how did my little princess sleep?"
"Good daddy, are we traveling today, right?"
I laughed softly nodding at her. Since King Alexander sent a letter, inviting me and my family to Aluma, my little Mackenzie is not holding on to happiness, she would ask me every night, "When are we going? It's closer daddy?".
It would be her first trip, she would know the place of my stories that she loved to hear. It would be a visit, it had been a few years since Alexandre and I had seen each other and he said he would prepare a banquet, talk about the old days, it would be fun for my family, a chance for Mackenzie to know a new place and Phoebe would review the place where he was born. In fact, we were all in stasis.
"I'll get ready and tell our servants to put our breakfast. Wake up your mother and meet me in the dining room. After we eat, we go to the road."
She smiled widely causing me the same action of affection and I left the room.
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧 - 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐮𝐬
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 2.4k
warnings: swearing, angst IF YOU SQUINT
listen to the music masterlist
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Groggily wiping your closed eyes, you awoke from a deep sleep. It didn't take long to realize the sheets around you weren't yours. You weren't in your bedroom. You weren't even in your house.
You sat up on the pullout, more alert. Rubbing the sides of your head with your fingertips, you desperately tried to put the pieces of last night together. The clock next to the unmounted flat-screen told you it was two pm. What happened to you?
"Good morning, honey bunny! Or should I say good afternoon?" The cheery voice that broke your confused silence was easy to recognize as Sasha.
What you were doing in the living room of her apartment, you didn't know.  You turned around to see her cooking food for the two of you.
The early events of the night before were clear as day when you retraced your steps. Catching up with everyone, Hitch, Zeke's fiasco, and dancing around were all things you had no issue recalling. 
However, there was one last detail just out of your grasp. Dancing with your friends. . . then with Mikasa. . . but what happened after that? Was it- oh, fuck.
Realization set in and you scrambled off the couch. Clothes from the night clung to your body as you stumbled into Sasha's bright kitchen.
Sitting down on a stool with wide eyes earned you a concerned look. Sasha raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay, Y/n? You look a little sick."
You shook your head. "I'm such an idiot. Can you believe I kissed her? I bet she didn't even want to."
She chuckled and pushed a plate of food in front of you. "From what I remember, she's the one who initiated it."
"I can't remember anything that happened after that. Fill me in?" You started eating your breakfast as you awaited their answer.
"Well, to put it simply, you fainted."
"Yeah, right after you pulled away. You were just out after that. It's really weird how that happened, actually," She put a finger to her chin as she reminisced.
The food on your fork toppled off as you stilled in shock. "Sasha! You better be joking! That's so embarrassing, oh my god."
In an instant, she was leaning over the table to steady your frantic gesticulating arms.
"Hey, hey, honey bunny. Don't freak out. We were all pretty worried about you. Nobody laughed if that's any comfort to you. To help out Marco, I took you back here after I dropped off Connie. He didn't need to worry about you when he had the three drunk idiots to drive home." She took your free hand in hers.
"I should probably text them so they know I'm okay." You left your food unattended as you walked back to the couch to look for your discarded phone. Sasha took it as a sign that you were done and helped herself to the meal.
"I got a picture of you two if you wanna see it," she said nonchalantly through a mouthful of food.
You stopped your searching. "What? Mikasa and I? When?"
"Well, I got a few, actually. I have one of you dancing with her and one of you kissing her. And some others from when Connie and I were joking around."
"Sasha, why?" you groaned. "I already get enough cameras in my face."
She shrugged and continued eating your breakfast. You moved the couch pillows around in hopes of finding your phone.
A reoccurring buzz vibrated the carpet under the pulled-out mattress. You reached under to grab whatever the noise came from.
Luckily, it was your phone. Unluckily, it was blowing up with texts from Jean and Eren. The familiar ringtone sounded as a call from Jean came through. You rushed to pick it up.
"Hello? Jean? Woah, slow down, what's going on?" You could barely make sense of his frantic words on the other side of the line. 
"Y/n, thank god you picked up. Armin's hurt. We're heading to the hospital right now. We think he has a concussion or something."
"What? Oh my god, what happened? How is he?"
"We'll explain later. Come when you can. It's the same hospital we went to when Eren broke his arm."
"Got it, Jean. I'll be there. Keep him safe."
"Of course."
He hung up. You started towards the front door. "We have to go, Sasha."
"Why? What happened? You sound pretty worried. At least change before you got out. I have a spare set of clothes for you," she offered, already on the way to their bedroom.
"No time. I'll change on the way to the hospital." You unlocked the door. 
"The what?" Their confusion and worry were clear from their tone. Despite that, she nodded and frantically reached for her car keys, extra outfit already in hand.
Once she got a hold of them, you both jumped in the car and set off to the hospital.
"What the hell happened to you?" You were seated on the left side of the hospital bed with the rest of your bandmates scattered throughout the bland room.
"To tell you the truth, I fell down a flight of stairs," Armin said sheepishly.
"With a light push from Eren," Mikasa added.
"I didn't mean to push him! I bumped into him!"
"Yeah, nice one, Eren. You're a certified douchebag." Jean rolled his eyes.
"Coming from you, Jean, that's rich." Eren glared back at him.
"Man, why couldn't Eren fall down the stairs." Armin clawed at the bandage on his head in annoyance. "This thing is itchy."
"It's because you are stupid, and I am not," Eren fired back. You snorted.
"Oh yeah, definitely. Remind me who graduated early from college and who dropped out again?"
He scowled. "You dropped out too, idiot."
"Right, but I did it for the band. You did it because it was too hard," you snickered.
"Damn, Y/n. Go a little easy on me, will you? I spent my whole morning at the police station." He pinched the bridge of his nose like he had a headache.
Confused, you looked at Mikasa, hoping for an explanation. She avoided your eyes and stared at the ground instead. It was the third time she wouldn't directly look at you since you got there.
Armin noticed the interaction and frowned. "He went to get Zeke out of jail," they explained.
Eren sighed. "That was the plan. Until I changed my mind. The bail was a lot of money and, frankly, with all the shit he did, it wasn't worth it. It's a shame he'll miss my birthday again but what good would he cause anyways."
"Oh, I see." 
As distraught as he was the night prior, Eren was able to toughen up with Zeke instead of letting him back into his life so easily. It was admirable he could do such a thing after his previous reactions to Zeke's shenanigans. 
"What did he even do? I guess he pawned that guy's wedding ring but isn't he banned from Nebraska?" Jean pondered.
"Well, he didn't lie about some things. He is several million dollars in debt and he was on the run from the police. Explains why he looked like he was gonna shit his pants when the cops showed up last night," Eren said.
"Okay, but what did he do specifically?" Jean asked again.
"Oh, right. He robbed banks like it was a game. The motherfucker was literally bank hopping around Nebraska. Plus, he stole a bunch of shit from people and pawned it all. There were so many complaints filed against him that he was banned from a ton of pawnshops. He wasn't banned from the state. Just enough places that he felt like he was."
Jean's jaw dropped. "How many banks did he rob?"
Eren shrugged. "Around thirty."
"Thirty? What the hell is that guy on?" he mumbled.
You were surprised as well but glad it wasn't worse. Still, you couldn't believe that he'd been staying with you for less than a week and he already stirred up a whirlwind of problems.
Silence had fallen over the room for a moment before Armin broke it. "Y/n, can I talk to you for a minute? Alone," he said.
"Sure." You were curious about what he had to say to you. He'd been all fidgety during the whole half hour you were there.
Eren and Jean turned from their position on either side of the door and walked out. Mikasa stood from her seat to follow. She shot you one last glance but looked away before your eyes could meet.
Once the three were gone, you scooted your chair closer to the bed.
"What's up?"
Armin's brows furrowed as he brought his nail between his teeth. "Do you know what's going on with Mikasa? She's been acting weird all day. She's always been the closed-off type but she hasn't said more than a few words to us all day."
You frowned. If Mikasa was not only avoiding you but the others too, you could only assume what was on her mind. 
"You don't remember last night? Is amnesia a result of the fall?"
He blinked, confusion still evident. "No, I don't think so. Eren and Jean are just as clueless as I am."
Then you remembered how drunk the three of them were the night before. They must've lost track of things after having enough drinks. So Mikasa hadn't bothered to fill them in.
You tugged at Sasha's shirt collar nervously. "Mikasa kissed me." Armin's mouth fell open. Words came out fast as you tried to explain, "Or I kissed her. It's a little fuzzy, I fainted afterward. Sasha said Mikasa initiated it, though." 
"You- she what? You actually- wait, you fainted? Y/n, are you okay?" The panic in his voice rose as the confusion dissolved.
You placed a hand on his upper arm to stop him from sitting all the way up. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm not the one in the hospital bed, after all."
He smiled at that. "I guess that's true. But anyway, how was it?"
You felt your face heat up. You weren't expecting them to be so forward. Clearing your throat, you replied, "The kiss was. . . yeah, I'd say it was good."
They grinned. "I'm glad you finally acted on those feelings. Christ's sake, Y/n. You've liked her for how many years now?"
You smiled shyly. "Jeez, I don't know. Quite a few. But don't get your hopes up or anything. She clearly thinks it was a mistake."
Armin's smile disappeared. "You've gotta stop thinking like that. More likely than not, she needs some time to process. You know she gets reserved when she has to think."
So reserved to leave for two years?  Yeah, you knew. You were beginning to believe her behavior would lead to worse.
The blonde seemed to sense something deeper was nagging at you. "Wait, have you ever actually talked about what happened? I figured you spoke to Eren but now that I think about it, whenever anyone brought her up you shut it down."
That was enough to get you thinking. When Mikasa was gone, your friends knew better than to ask about her. Armin was right, you always shut it down. 
You never spoke about how her disappearance made you feel. You never even wanted to think about it. There were times when you couldn't push the feelings away anymore. Times when you couldn't do anything but cry.
Whenever that happened, you made a beeline for Eren. He was the only one you knew wouldn't pry. You never had to say anything. He would just understand. He never told anyone. He never complained. He never asked. He let you cry until you couldn't anymore. He was someone you were very grateful for.
Mikasa's leave was something that affected you more than you let on. Even if it was easy to tell that it was hard for you to deal with, no one knew the extent to which it was.
Remembering that time brought back every feeling you never dwelled on. You couldn't go through it all again. You knew why it was hard to think positively about that kiss.
"I don't want her to leave," you whispered, voice coming out more shaky than you intended. "I can't do it, not again."
Armin looked surprised. "Do you think she'd leave again? Why?"
Lifting your head, your gaze shifted from the floor to his wide blue eyes. "The last time something impacted her emotions so quickly she left us."
He nodded as realization dawned on him. "But the difference between now and then is that this is a positive thing. Come on, Y/n, I'm not blind. Before she and Jean were together, you were dancing around each other for years. Even Jean was shocked when she asked him out and not you."
You thought about that for a moment. Right he was again. There were always moments between you and her before Jean. You always thought you two had an unspoken connection until she asked him out. It seemed others thought so as well.
You smiled hopefully. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe this is a good thing. I mean, I've had these feelings for years so maybe it's good I finally acted on them."
They smiled back. "Hope so. Just give her some time and she'll come around. It's Mikasa, of all people she would never ignore-"
The door banged open just as Armin was finishing his sentence.
Eren stood in the doorway with his phone held up and Mikasa and Jean not far behind.
"Hannes called. Couldn't wait any longer to ask. Are you two down for a performance at the beginning of next month?" He exhaled heavily, out of breath for some reason. "Mikasa and Jean here are already on board."
"You're coming back to the band, Mikasa?" Armin asked.
"Yeah. I miss it," Mikasa said quietly.
"Of course I'm down. It's been so long since we've performed," you chimed.
"So it's settled then. First performance in three months plus Mikasa's big comeback on April 2nd," Jean confirmed.
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posted: 9/15/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no reposts, edits, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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favefandomimagines · 4 years
Soul Surfer 8
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AN: i’m back bitches!! chapter 8 of soul surfer. i was feeling a bit uninspired and unmotivated to keep going. especially with how poorly the series was being received as of late. BUT here she is; chapter 8! enjoy! xx
ALSO: some usernames didn’t show up when i tired to enter them, so if that’s you, please dm me and i will message you privately when a new chapter comes out!
Violet had been dodging any and all interaction with her mother for days. That involved helping JJ and Pope deliver groceries, working with Kiara at The Wreck and randomly cleaning The Chateau from top to bottom. 
Whenever she wasn’t working with her dad, she was with the Pogues. Nick was almost always looking for his own place to live. One that was very far away from his mother. 
“Okay, I think the board you’re working on is the last one you have today.” Rob told his daughter. The duo was finishing up work when a car pulled up and Vivienne got out. “She’s like the plague.” Violet muttered. 
Rob chuckled lightly before he turned to face his ex wife. “You’re not supposed to be here, Vivienne. She’s not 18 yet. Don’t make me call the police.” He said. 
“I’m getting a lawyer. To get my parental rights back.” Vivienne said. 
Violet set the surfboard down, JJ having been right when they saw her mom talking to Ward. “I knew it! Me and JJ saw you talking to Ward Cameron the other day. And I looked it up, I’d have to testify if you actually had a shot and there’s no way on God’s good earth I’m letting a judge decide you’re a good parent because you are far from it.” She said. 
“Violet,” Rob started. “No, dad. You, Vivienne, are a terrible parent. Nick got emancipated for christ sake! You know who’s an amazing parent? Dad. Dad is the best parent and I will swear that in front of a jury any day of the week. So just take the hint and leave us alone.” Violet snapped before walking away. 
She didn’t know where she was going but she had to go wherever her mom wasn’t. Her first thought was The Chateau, assuming John B and JJ would be there. 
It wasn’t a long walk so she made it there when she was finally about to think about something other than her so called mother. 
Violet was no close enough with the Pogues, she could just walk into John B’s. 
“Hello?” She called when she stepped inside. “Hey, Vi. What’s up?” John B greeted her. “Mommy dearest is ruining my life and I needed to get away. Where’s JJ?” She asked. 
“He had a job on Figure Eight. He won’t be done for another few hours.” He answered. Violet groaned as she fell on to the couch. “She’s really that bad, huh?” John B commented. “I have a theory that she’s the devil incarnate or she’s gonna bring about the apocalypse.” Violet replied. “Well, I was going to go fish for the bonfire for tonight. I could use some help.” John B offered. 
The girl thought for a moment before she stood back up. “Okay. Let’s do it.” She said. 
Violet and John B gathered supplies for a day of fishing. Violet carrying the giant net she had seen the boy use a million times, while John B was getting the bait and extra gas for the boat. 
The brunette girl helped John B get the boat going and the two were off. 
“So you and JJ.” John B started. “We’ve been on the water for five minutes and you’ve already brought up me and JJ?” Violet asked with a laugh. “Hey, he’s been my best friend since third grade. It’s my job to ask.” He replied. 
Violet shook her head with a smile before replying. 
“Well, JJ and I haven’t really put labels on it. He said he wanted us to be together and I do too. It’s just not officially official I guess.” She replied. 
John B nodded his head slightly, wondering why Violet and JJ hadn’t called themselves boyfriend and girlfriend. 
All JJ ever talked about was how much he liked Violet and how amazing she was. When JJ wouldn’t go home for a few days and him and John B were up all night, all the blonde talked about was Violet. So he was left to wonder why Violet wasn’t JJ’s girlfriend yet. 
“But I really like him. So you don’t have to worry about me hurting him.” Violet added. “You’re good for him. He’s not as reckless as he used to be. He’s always been reluctant to get close to people until he met you. And I’m happy he has you.” John B told her. 
“Thanks, John B.” The brunette smiled. The two spent the next few hours catching the fish for dinner and making jokes. 
John B really liked Violet. With Kiara and Sarah there was always underlying tension at one point or another. With Violet, however, there was just a platonic friendship. He saw as more of a sister than anything else. 
When John B was satisfied with what he caught, him and Violet decided to head back to The Chateau. When they arrived, they were met with JJ standing on the small dock. 
“I leave her alone for three hours and you already tried to steal my girl?” JJ joked, grabbing the rope to tie to the dock. 
“Maybe if you actually made her your girlfriend no one would try to steal her.” John B replied. “What?” JJ questioned, looking at Violet. “Nothing. It’s nothing.” The girl said. 
JJ furrowed his eyebrows but didn’t push it. He helped John B grab the fish for dinner, the two boys walking ahead of the Violet. The brunette was too busy texting Kiara to realize how slow she was walking. 
Vi: John B said something to JJ
Kie: about the labels?? 
Vi: yes but I covered it up. we don’t need to have that conversation tonight. 
Kie: but it’s upsetting you. you want to be official with him. sarah told me rafe keeps asking about you. 
Vi: of course he is...i’ll see you tonight. 
Kie: ❤️
Violet sighed as he tucked her phone back in her pocket. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” JJ asked, approaching the girl. “What? Nothing, I’m fine.” She answered. “Violet, I know you’re lying. You do that thing when you scrunch up your nose when you’re lying. It’s cute actually.” The blonde said. 
Violet looked at him for a second, surprised that JJ paid that much attention to her. 
“It just has to do with my mom.” She started. “But, I don’t wanna ruin tonight with my family drama.” She added. JJ nodded his head slowly before pressing a light kiss to her forehead. 
Later that night, all the Pogues, plus Sarah, were sitting around the fire, laughing, talking just enjoying each other’s company. 
“So, JJ and Vi, are you two officially together?” Sarah asked. “Sarah,” John B warned. “Why is there such a rush to put a label on things?” JJ answered casually. 
John B could tell that his best friend’s answer was less than satisfactory for Violet. 
Sarah looked at her and Violet quickly plastered a fake smile on her face as she nodded her head, agreeing with JJ’s response. 
“Yeah. What he said.” She said quietly. Violet cleared her throat before excusing herself to get another drink from inside. 
Kiara waited until Violet was out of earshot before turning to her friend. “Are you dumb?” She asked. “What?” JJ questioned. “Seriously, are you actually stupid? Clearly you must be if you haven’t made Violet your girlfriend yet.” Kiara explained. 
“What are you talking about?” He further wondered. “Violet wants to be your girlfriend. And you told her you wanted to be together and then you don’t make it official, why?” Sarah added. 
JJ went silent, believing he didn’t owe them an explanation. He didn’t understand the need to make it official. Everyone already knew they were together, what’s the point of labels? 
“Hey guys. I’m gonna head home.” Violet announced to the group. “Oh, I’ll walk you home.” JJ started, standing from his seat. “No, it’s okay. It’s a quick walk.” Violet quickly said. JJ’s face faltered as he watched the brunette walk into the darkness. 
He turned back to his friends and noticed the glares coming from Kiara and Sarah. And a small one from John B. 
“She’s not gonna wait around forever, JJ.” Sarah said. “Shut up, Sarah.” The blonde muttered. “Hey dude, that’s enough.” John B added. “You need to go talk to her.” Pope told him. 
JJ rolled his eyes and stood up from his seat. He pulled a join from his pocket and lit it as he walked. Everyone just assumed that he was going to smoke and clear his head, so they didn’t bother stopping him. 
Violet arrived home and entered to see her brother sitting on the couch. 
“Uh oh. Someone doesn’t look happy.” Nick commented. “Can I ask you a question?” Violet asked. “Of course you can.” He replied. Violet sat down next to him before she paused and started speaking. 
“Why would a guy not want to make a girl his girlfriend? They both like each other and want to be together but he won’t make it official.” She asked. 
Nick looked at his sister with furrowed brows. “Is this about JJ?” He asked. Violet sighed and put her head in her hands. 
“He has a very interesting reputation on the island of being a play boy. Different girl after every party. I’m afraid he doesn’t want it to be serious because he still wants that lifestyle.” She explained. “What if this is all temporary?” She added. 
“Vi, I saw the way he looked at you when we were at The Wreck the other day. It wasn’t the look of someone who wants temporary.” Nick said. 
Violet nodded her head before retreating off to her room. The second she closed her bedroom door, she heard the familiar sound of tapping at her balcony door. 
She turned and saw JJ leaning against the other door. Violet hesitated for a moment before she moved to open the door. 
“What are you doing here?” She asked. “I, uh, heard what you said to Nick.” He answered quietly. Violet then came to the realization that the front window must have been open.
“Oh.” She muttered. “You really think I want this just to be a fling?” JJ asked. “I don’t know, J. I’ve heard all the stories about the infamous JJ Maybank. New tourist every night. I just don’t think I’d be able to handle it if it wasn’t real.” Violet replied. 
JJ walked towards the girl and took her hands in his. 
“Violet, I was a mess before. Hell, I still am 99% of the time but meeting you made me want to be a better person. You know, get better karma or something. I always thought I’d end up like my dad but you’re helping me realize I want to be better than him.” He started. 
“I don’t want temporary. I want you for however long you’ll have me.” He finished. “So does this mean,” Violet began. “Yes, I want you to be my girlfriend. I want all the titles and the labels that come with it.” JJ stopped her. 
Violet looked down at her hands in his before a smile crept its way to her face. 
That night, Rafe Cameron sat in the large living room of his house, waiting for his dad after he was told he needed to speak with him.
And to Rafe, that was never a good sign. His dad then walked in, a grimace adorning his face.
“What did you need to talk to me about?” Rafe asked. “I need you to get close with Violet Elliot.” Ward answered. “Why? Sarah’s her best friend, why me?” The boy questioned. “Because if her and the Maybank boy don’t work out she won’t want to stay on the island. And i’m helping her mother get her parental rights back. She’s from a prominent oil family and she agreed to make me a shareholder.” Ward explained.
Rafe wasn’t the best person but he knew if someone wasn’t allowed to be a parent they must have done something pretty bad. And he actually liked Violet and he didn’t know if he could go through with hurting her.
“I won’t cut you off if you do this.” His father added.
Rafe thought for a moment, weighing his options. If he did this, Violet will hate him and then she’d be out of his life forever. If he didn’t, his dad with cut him off and then what’ll become of him?
“Okay. What do you need me to do?”
Tag list: @outerbxmalia @hockeyschmockey @allie-mcginn @prejudic3 @sexualparkour @k-k0129 @iamaunicorn4704 @milamaybank @jj-maybabe @diverrdown @sweetwatermelonsugar @alexa-playafricabytoto @aaleksmorozova @fandom-phaser @princessmugglecup @infinityspaceuniverse @teamnick @srirachabi @starxdame @holadrxrry @belledutchess @floridabornandraised @x-lulu @hopelesswritingxd @prettyboyspence @junkiemuppettxx @shawnssongs @jeyramarie @miliefayy @rudths @y0ungandfuckingdumb @xealia @hotel-colson @bubblesam06 @outrbank @thebendslikebendover @wasted-on-5sos @booksandshish @drizzlethatfalls @runway-to-my-aid @never-ever-too-many-fandoms @xlittlemissydjx @strawberryblondies @haharudy @chickencrispers666 @simonsbluee @httpstarkey @kylable @kaitieskidmore1
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