#i am a creature of the night and NO ONE CAN STOP ME AHAHAHA-
reasonablyobsessed · 1 year
what is it about writing in the very deepest, darkest and most ominous parts of the night that makes writing so much more easy and enjoyable? am i having the writer zoomies?? is this what it is???
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tgrailwar · 2 years
Tumblr Holy Grail War, Another End: Night 3 (Team Avenger, Team Caster, Team Archer, and Team Foreigner) - FINALE
It was utter chaos.
Foreigner twirled within the destruction, giggling as she searched for her next quarry. There was nothing left of the Grail War outside of smoldering, corrupted remains.
She stopped, abruptly, seeing a figure on the horizon.
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Van Gogh: "Avenger! Avenger! There you are! Now we can fight, and I can fill you in the Grail, so my god can finally arrive! Ehehehe!"
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'Avenger': "Yep. I'm here. But I hope you don't mind- I brought some friends to crash the party. Now, guys!"
Suddenly, the air grew dense with mana. Magic circles etched themselves in the heavens, before beams of mana shot their way downward, etching themselves into the digitized ground and an ambushed Foreigner- as the Witch of Betrayal, one of the greatest Casters in history, began their assault.
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Medea: "That should keep her distracted! Archers, if there was a time to use your Noble Phantasms, it would be now!"
Nobunaga: "Uhahaha! No reason to tell me twice!"
Two figures hung in the air, their words quiet but powerful. Focused, yet destructive.
Nobunaga: "My path leads to a world where gods, Buddhas, and living creatures all turn into desiccated corpses…"
Arjuna: "Tragedy is what will save the living. O aura of Shiva…descend, and bring destruction…"
Nobunaga: "…Nobody can stop this Nobunaga."
Arjuna: "Begin implosion…"
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Nobunaga: "Pāpīyas Reborn, Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!"
Arjuna: "Pashupata… Explode and fall!"
Burning rain. Falling stars.
The arena was filled with destructive light as Foreigner screamed, tendrils lashing out from herself and the ground around her as she attempted to defend herself. She snapped her head towards Avenger, rage burning in her eyes.
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Van Gogh: "Cheater... cheater... CHEATER! You're CHEATING, Avenger! We were supposed to be the only ones left!"
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'Avenger': "Hehe. Sorry! I'm not 'All the World's Fairness', now am I? Now, Dante, do some work!"
A man in robes stepped forward, opening a book, pages flipping rapidly on their own to their third, grand, final act.
Dante: "...This is certainly a mess… well, if Foreigner wishes to create hell on Earth, then we simply need to reverse her spell! 'Blessed spirits overseeing the Nine Spheres, souls who fight for divine glory! Spirits of heroes that glisten under the light of the Father! Warriors of the the Faith, listen to my words and answer my call! Paradiso Canto: Cielo di Marte'!"
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Two warriors, clad in golden light rushed past their summoner as Dante prepared his Reality Marble, with the hopes of containing the ensuing destruction as much as possible.
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Van Gogh: "Fine! I can destroy you all, just like I did before! Eheheh... ahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHA!"
The Allied Servants will complete their goal if just one of them manages to overtake Foreigner! However, the more teams are able to overtake her, the more you'll be able to support Ruler and the Sabers at the Grail!
If Van Gogh gets first place, the other team at the Grail will be in danger!
Archer, Caster, and Avenger are allies! Their scores are boosted by +5%!
Final Augmentations are:
Team Archer: +55%
Team Caster: +37%
Team Avenger: +54%
Team Foreigner: +43%
Allied Servants
Van Gogh
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remmushound · 4 years
@brightlotusmoon @errorfreak88 Part 3 of my bay/rise crossover.
Leonardo didn't know where he was, and frankly he wasn’t sure he cared. He was more concerned about not knowing where April and Splinter and Donatello and Raphael were. His brothers— his family! He had reached out to them, felt his fingers brush against Splinters, and then they were being pulled apart again. Pulled away from each other. Then Leonardo was flying out of the rift, clinging with all his might to the only one he had managed to protect. Michelangelo. He landed hard, skipping across metal with solid thuds like a rock on water as he clung to the box turtle’s shell, his baby brother still hiding within. The bouncing eventually turned into a slide that brought Leonardo to crash against a wall. Pain shot through his extremities, but it only made him hold on to Michelangelo even tighter.
The minute they stopped, Michelangelo popped out his shell with a sharp yipe, his arms shooting out and wrapping around Leonardo to cling to him like a security blanket. Leonardo couldn’t help but smile and rubbed the younger mutants head in a comforting motion.
“It’s okay, hermano. Just a little bit of a bumpy ride.”
Michelangelo whimpered and his nose went back into his shell.
“Oh come on! Don’t be like that!”
Michelangelo pulled his arms and legs back in as well.
“Awww, come on~” Leonardo pushed himself away from the wall to lean over Michelangelo and peek into the shell as his shadowed face. “You know you wanna come out!”
“Where is out?” Michelangelo asked, his voice carrying a strange echo.
“Er…” Leonardo looked around. He didn't recognize the place, a giant metal ball with a spiraling floor design and a high ceiling, a blinking light at the top of it. He hummed and narrowed his eyes at the luring draw of the light, but didn't acknowledge it Past that. “Pokeball?”
“What? No we’re not!”
“Well how you gonna know if you don’t come out?”
Leonardo smirked and leaned back to give Michelangelo enough space to emerge. Michelangelo peeked his nose out once more.
“That’s it! Just a little more!” Leonardo encouraged.
Michelangelo’s full head poked out, and his neck too so he could look around at their surroundings. “Woah. This is so cool!”
“Cool isn’t exactly the word I’d use.” Leonardo whistled and stood up, reaching for his sword naturally. It was nowhere on his body.
“Hey uh— you don’t happen to have your yoyo, do you Miguel?”
“Um…” Michelangelo reached to his belt and frowned. “No. It’s gone somewhere… do you have your swords?”
The structure gave a powerful groan and Michelangelo yelped, attaching himself to Leonardo’s side like glue. “It’s spooky here…”
Leonardo would be lying if he said that a similar anxiety hadn’t grown in his gut the moment they entered this strange place. Cold, dark, mechanical— everything Donatello loved, except without the eccentric nature. But he couldn’t be scared now. He has Michelangelo to look after, and right now his baby brother needed him.
“Hey hey hey, don’t get soft on me now!” Leonardo beamed, leaning down to Michelangelo’s level. “We just escaped the mother-freaking Shredder and you’re scared of a dingy little metal ball?”
“It’s not very little, Leo…”
Leonardo scoffed and waved a hand dismissively. “Potato potahto! Tomato tomatoh! Shredder, Giant Metal Ball of Doom! What’s the difference?”
Michelangelo didn't answer.
“The only one I can think of is that Shredder was waaaay scarier!”
“Oh really?”
Both turtles froze at the new voice. Leonardo gently placed his brother down, keeping an arm still wrapped around him to keep them both close.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” The new voice laughed in a mocking, wheezing tone, “Turn around.”
Leonardo could see no other option other than to obey. He gave Michelangelo a reassuring pat and held his brother just a little tighter before turning to face whoever it was that had called out to them.
The creature was big, a body near as broad as Raphael’s carapace and a shape that was loosely spherical. It’s entire body gleamed with a layer of slime that oozed out from folds on the sides of it’s head, and every so often a tentacle would reach up to gather the accumulating mucus and spread it throughout its body to keep itself moist. There was a crown on its head, a ridge higher than the rest of its body that slightly resembled the crown of certain dinosaurs. Leonardo could almost swear that whatever it was, was the brain of some massive creature, escaped from its body to do whatever it is that giant, tentacle-having brains do.
“Well?” The creature stroked feelers on it’s face, what could pass as lips parting to reveal tiny, dolphin-like teeth.
Leonardo only allowed himself enough time to blink before he forced his smile to come back and meet the strangers smirk. “Well what?”
The creature lunged forward, supported by pipes that extended out from the misproportioned battle suit, bringing it within inches of touching Leonardo. “Aren’t you scared?”
“Scared of what? A chewed up wad of bubble gum that gained sentience?”
It growled and one of its tentacles came down upon Leonardo, covering him in the thick, viscous coating of it’s body.
“Oh I’m sorry! Did I get some slime on you?”
Leonardo didn't flinch. He reached out a hand and poked the creature on the nose. “It is not slime, it is mucus!”
It growled and swatted Leonardo before pulling back again closer to its suit. “Who said you could touch me with your foul, disease-ridden hands?!”
“Hey hey hey!” Leonardo threw his hands up in surrender, “I bathe regularly! It’s Raphael you gotta look out for.”
“You think you’re funny, do you?” It squinted its eye at Leonardo.
“I think I’m adorable. Don’t you?” Leonardo put his hands under his chin and batted his eyes.
“I think you’re an obnoxious freak of nature.” It tried to draw forth a violent reaction, but Leonardo remained cool.
“Eh, aren’t we all?” Leonardo shrugged, “But this obnoxious freak of nature has a name. Do you?”
The creature seemed to consider Leonardo’s question for a moment before saying, “It’s Krang.”
Leonardo snickered.
“What?” Krang snapped, almost defensively, “What’s so funny?”
“Sorry— sorry!” Leonardo almost keeled over laughing.
“What’s so funny— what’s so funny, it’s just my name!”
“It’s just— ahahaha— did your mom hate you or something?”
Michelangelo started to finally get in on the laughing, and soon both brothers were almost falling over.
“I chose my own name— the Queen doesn’t have time to name all of us!” Krang defended, grunting as its features scrunched up.
“So you’re saying you have a face not even a mother could love?” Leonardo smirked, recovering from his laughter at will. “Man, that is depressing!”
“ENOUGH!” Krang shot two wired pipes forward to grab Michelangelo and Leonardo, squeezing them harshly. “Now you listen here, little turtles! I am not in the mood for games.” It’s eyes glanced between the brothers in an almost alien way, “And if all you’re going to do is play with me, then I’m going to put you away in my toybox.”
“Sounds fun!” Michelangelo piped.
“Fun?” Krang shifted to look at Michelangelo.
“Yeah! In a big box with a whole bunch of other people, having slumber parties every night!” Michelangelo hummed and sighed.
“Well, I’m glad you’re going to enjoy yourself. It’s an extended stay.”
Krang shifted slightly, its armor suit slow and topheavy, and at the press of a button on the suit the floor began to open up and reveal a spiraling display case. Rows upon rows of small, frozen containers. A thick layer of frosty smoke escaped through the opening and filtered out through vents. Krang hung the two brothers over the drop and loosened his grip just to feel the fear of his prisoners. Looking down into the endless abyss of bodies distorted by frost and age, Leonardo felt a sense of vertigo overtake him. It seemed Krang latched onto the fear almost immediately, judging by the evil expression on its face.
“Not so eager to visit the other toys now, are you?” Krang laughed and pulled Michelangelo and Leonardo back over solid ground, putting them down as the ground closed once more. “Now maybe you’ll play nicely.”
“Where are my brothers?” Leonardo demanded, “My family?”
“They’re fine. They were spit out somewhere or other. Does it really matter?”
“Yes.” Leonardo snarled.
“Hmm…” Krang rubbed their folds in concentration, “Then why don’t we make a deal, little turtle?”
“What kinda deal?” Leonardo returned to hugging his brother as Michelangelo cowered against him.
“I didn't just call you here to chat.”
“Well you’re sure doing a lot of talking anyway.” Leonardo grumbled under his breath.
“I brought you here for a far more important reason.” It folded its tentacles over its mouth.
“Care to share with the class?”
Krang huffed. “You have something that interests me— or more like had. You see, a year ago today I tried to take over the earth.”
Leonardo laughed. “Didn't do a good job— you didn't even make the news! I’m sure I would know if there was a broadcast about a giant brain in a robot suit tried to take over the planet.”
“Not your earth. A different earth.”
“There’s more than one?” Michelangelo asked.
“Oh, there is a plethora of earths, all slightly different from the last! But yours… intrigues me. It’s one of the more recent ones, and the use of your ‘mystic magic’ caught my attention.” Krang circled Leonardo like a cat with a mouse, “The way you teleport around with such ease, even without a beacon to guide you~”
“Spit it out, Gellatinous, I haven’t got all day.”
“You’re very impatient for someone whose at the mercy of one far smarter.”
“Eh, I can handle Donnie, but that has nothing to do with this.” Leonardo snarked off, “What do you want?”
“I have you, and I have your family, and I have your sword.”
“Great. And what does that have to do with the price of jelly doughnuts?”
“I want you to show me how to use the magic you possess, and afterwards I will let you and your brothers go back on your merry way!”
“I thought you were all knowing or whatever.”
“I never claimed that. I too need to learn like every creature does.”
“How do we know you’re not lying about letting us go?” Michelangelo pouted, sticking out his lip.
“Do I look like the lying type to you?”
“Yes.” Michelangelo and Leonardo said as one.
“Mm. Clever boys. Well, the answer is that you don’t know. But you don’t really have many choices either.”
“Mm. Fair.” Leonardo shrugged. “Whatchu need me to show you?”
“How to activate the rift that you’ve seemed to master.” Krang tapped its tentacles together.
“Oh that’s easy! You just take the sword and go woosh woosh,” Leonardo made vague gesture, “Then it goes all whoooooo whaaaaa bwaaaaa!” He made a motion of a rift opening. “Then you go all ‘take me so and so’ and badda bing badda boom, you’re done! That work?” Leonardo clicked his tongue and wink.
“What.” Krang narrowed his eyes.
“Well, you take the pointy part and go whish woosh, then slish slash, hundred yard dash, and you’re in Paris!”
“I— I don’t understand what you’re saying!”
“Well you take the thing and do the thing so it makes a thing then you go through the thing and bam: the thing is done! Take a break and get yourself a pizza for your hard work.”
“You’re getting on my nerves.”
“Exactly how many nerves does a brain have anyway?”
“A who-trom?” Michelangelo tilted his head.
“You-tron?” Leonardo asked with a smirk.
“GRRR— just show me how to do it!” Krang pulled Leonardo’s sword out of thin air and dropped it into Leonardo’s hands. “And don’t think you can outsmart me!”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, K-Pop.” Leonardo took the sword and pointed it, dragging it to make a circle. His face illuminated the glow and he smiled.
“Yes!” Krang cheered, smilingly widely and holding out its tentacles to Leonardo. “Give it to me!”
“Yeeeeah, no.” Leonardo stared a moment and then winked before stepping through the blue and disappearing along with the mystic portal.
“NO!” Krang launched himself forward and grabbed at the space where the turtles had once been, “GET BACK HERE!”
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Team 7 Training 2
Part 1 
“I just wanna get stronger so I can show Sasuke that we can be friends!” Naruto said, throwing a couple of punches at the air. His new sensei, Jiraiya, just stared at him fondly. While he admired the nine tails for his intense friendship with Sasuke, he was worried that it would break the kid’s heart to learn about the true betrayal. True, he had fought off several ninjas in order to fight off Sasuke himself, but he still had it in his mind that Sasuke was coming back. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to get strong so a certain lady friend will finally notice you? Ladies absolutely love strong ninjas like you.” Jiraiya offered, leaning back against a tree lazily as he watched his new pupil. Naruto turned a bright shade of pink and he quickly looked away.
“W-well, maybe that too. But mostly for Sasuke. And becoming the strongest Hokage the Hidden Leaf has ever seen!” Naruto exclaimed, jumping up high into the air as he mentioned his lifelong dream. 
“If you ask me, becoming strong for the ladies is far superior to all of those things. If you’re strong enough, you can get any girl you want in the village. In any village!” Jiraiya said, smiling at just the thought. Ah, all of those different girls. Each different village meant a different level of experience and kinks never before seen in the leaf village.
“You’re gross sometimes, pervy sage.” Naruto said, scrunching up his face in disgust. There was only ever one girl on his mind at all times and she already had her heart set on Sasuke. Maybe if he brought Sasuke back, she would realize how strong he was too and decide to choose him instead. That thought alone was enough to get the fire back into his heart.
“I really do hate it when you call me that,” Jiraiya grumbled to himself, but it wasn’t as if he could actually correct him on that front. Even some of the girls he had relations with admitted that he could be pervy at times.
“Alright, Pervy Sage! Let’s get to training already! I wanna know how to fight better and get Team 7 back together!” Naruto said excitedly before bouncing over to where his sensei was. Jiraiya always looked so bored, but that never really bothered Naruto. His first official teacher in the ninja arts was Kakashi and that man was just about impossible to read because of his mask.
“We’ve already trained so much today. Leave this old man alone to his thoughts.” Jiraiya whined, closing his eyes in hopes that Naruto would just leave him alone. Of course, that was like asking the kid to just stop breathing.
“If I leave you alone, all you’ll do is think gross thoughts, Pervy Sage. I still have a ton of energy and more to practice! Let’s keep going! Keep training!” Naruto said, bouncing up on the balls of his feet as he looked at Jiraiya with the widest eyes that he could. Even though the sage couldn’t see it, he could practically feel those puppy dog eyes piercing through his armor. 
Fine. If this kid wanted to train, they would train.
“Alright, kid.” Jiraiya sighed, opening his eyes begrudgingly.  Naruto jumped up high in the air with an excited yell. Where the hell this kid had the energy to do all of this was  beyond him. It was almost impossible for him to just keep up with his own pupil.
“What are we gonna learn today? Can you teach me how to make a lightning sword? Or maybe you could teach me to talk to bugs? Dogs? Oh! Foxes! I bet I would be really good at talking to foxes.” Naruto said excitedly, looking around as if any of those creatures would be available for him to attempt to control. Jiraiya rolled his eyes and picked Naruto up by his shoulders and walked him over to the nearest tree. 
“Oh! What are we doing now? Are you going to show me how to climb trees quietly? I can already do that since I am a top notch ninja.” Naruto said excitedly as his back was pressed against the bark of the tree. 
“Put your arms up.” Jiraiya said calmly. He did his best to hide his own smile. This would definitely tire the kid out.
“Uh, are you going to make me climb the tree backwards? I’ve never tried that before.” Naruto said, mostly to himself as his sensei wasn’t listening at all. 
Jiraiya took out a piece of rope from his pocket and began tying up his new student against the tree. He could practically hear the gears turning in Naruto’s head as he tried to make sense of what Jiraiya was doing. 
“Are you trying to see if I can get myself free? I totally can! Not that I would ever let myself be kidnapped like this. Being kidnapped doesn’t look good for a future Hokage like me.” Naruto said, already wiggling and struggling against the ropes. He couldn’t budge much, but Jiraiya wouldn’t doubt that the kid could get out if he really wanted to. 
“You are going to have to withstand certain torture methods without relying on your nine tails power.” Jiraiya said smugly, standing back and looking over his handiwork. Naruto paled slightly. 
“Uh…torture?” He squeaked out. His former energy immediately draining out as his mind went to the absolute worst torture methods that they had gone over in ninja class. Was his sensei really about to do those things to him just because he was asking for help.
Jiraiya held up a hand, seeing the panic in the kid’s face.
“Not like that, Naruto. Give me some credit as your teacher.” Jiraiya told him. 
Wow, what has this kid gone through to think that someone would immediately hurt him like this? Someone that he trusted? That would have to be addressed at some point in the future.
“Now, I’m going to tell you a word, and you are going to have to keep that word a secret from me. If you tell me before I stop, then you lose and we’ll have to do some more torture training and you’ll have to leave me alone for the rest of the night.” Jiraiya said, giving Naurto a pointed look with that last statement.
“There’s no way I’ll break! I’m Naruto Uzumaki! I’m going to be the greatest Hokage in the Leaf Village!” Naruto yelled out. His confidence boosted slightly, and he couldn’t let his sensei know that he was actually kind of scared of being tortured as a form of training. Jiraiya finally smiled. An evil smile that Naruto had never really seen before.
“Naruto, are you ticklish?” Jiraiya asked.
Oh. Naruto’s smile slipped ever so slightly. How in the world was he supposed to answer something like that? No matter how he responded, he was sure to get tickled. Instead of saying anything, he instead clamped his mouth shut. This was supposed to be torture training, right? Jiraiya chuckled to himself.
“You’re already in the right mindset, Naruto. Now, the word you’re going to keep from me is Ramen.” Jiraiya said, “You can back out any time starting now. All you have to do is say that word.”
Naruto opened his mouth to say something, but decided to close it. Jiraiya couldn’t help but chuckle. This was probably the only time this kid was quiet when he wasn’t eating or sleeping. Hell, he was still loud doing both of those things. Jiraiya went ahead and began his torture.
He began wiggling his fingers near Naruto’s elbows. Naruto immediately began focusing on not laughing. His face was honestly hilarious. Naruto was glaring at an empty space in front of him, scowling with intense concentration. 
“You can go ahead and say the word, Naruto.” Jiraiya hummed, moving his tickly wiggly fingers under Naruto’s arms. Small squeaks escaped Naruto’s lips and his face twitched as a smile fought to the surface. 
“You seem pretty ticklish, Naruto. You should probably go ahead and say what I need to hear so that I stop.” Jiraiya hummed. Truthfully, he was enjoying this. The lack of laughter seemed like a challenge. Now he had to make him laugh. Naruto shook his head furiously. He was going to get through this. He was going to be the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village after all, he could withstand a few tickles.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” Jiraiya said, still tickling and occasionally pinching at Naruto’s armpit with one hand as he reached into his pocket with another. He pulled out a long purple feather and Naruto could practically feel all of his blood draining from his face. 
The feather lightly danced around one underarm while Jiraiya’s other hand continued to scratch and squeeze at the other.
“Wahahahahiihihihit!” Naruto giggled, shaking his head more wildly. He couldn’t hold back his giggles and his laughter anymore. The conflicting tickly feelings were driving him up a damn wall. This was somehow worse than when Kakashi and the other members of team 7 all ganged up on him. Maybe it was because now he was purposefully holding out for a reason. Before, he would just enjoy the tickles and laugh wildly, but now he had to hold back from yelling the one word that his body was screaming for him to yell. 
“Aw, that easy? Go ahead and say what I wanna hear then. Might as well since I can already tell that it’s going to get worse from here.” Jiraiya said with a shit eating grin on his face.
“NAAHAeheheahaver! Never!” Naruto laughed.
“Your funeral kid.” Jiraiya chuckled. 
Next was the ribs and sides. Jiraiya began pinching up and down Naruto’s ribs and sides. With each pinch, Naruto jumped and squeaked. It seemed that Jiraiya was planning out which ribs and spots on his body were the most sensitive. 
“Looks like here…. And here.” Jiraiya said, focusing on two very specific areas on Naruto’s body to attack now. One spot was the second upper rib on his left, and the other was just below his ribs on his right. Jiraiya began pinching each spot sporadically. 
“AHAHAHA SENSEI! NOHOHOHO ACK!” Naruto lauched, his heels digging into the dirt and grass underneath him as his body attempted to get away from those tickly fingers. No matter how much he wiggled, he couldn’t escape. Once he realized how futile fighting would be, he let out a giggly groan.
“Ah, finally realized that you’re stuck, huh?” Jiraiya said, talking a little louder in order to be heard over all of that laughter. “Wait, why didn’t you attempt to get out sooner? You knew what was going to happen, so why wait until now to struggle?”
“Shuahahahat UP! AHA! PEheheEHEHRvy SAGE!” Naruto laughed. He squeezed his eyes shut as the tickling feelings filled his body. Those weren’t even his worst spots and he was already going crazy.
“I’m starting to think that this may not be torture to you. Do you, Naruto Uzumaki, like being tickled?” Jiraiya said. He watched as his pupil turned a very bright shade of pink. Sure, it could easily be written off as just lack of oxygen, but Jiraiya had a feeling that wasn’t the case. 
“How about this. You admit that you like being tickled, and I’ll stop. The original word doesn’t count anymore.” Jiraiya said. Naruto immediately snapped his head up. He was still laughing and giggling, of course, but he was shocked.
“Never! Ihihihih’ll never fahahall for someTHIHIHIng sohhohoho stupid.” Naruto laughed, and managed to actually stick out his tongue at his sensei.
“So you really like being tickled because otherwise, you would have thought a little bit before doing that.” Jiraiya said.
Little did he know that little goes on in Naruto’s thoughts before he does anything. Oh well. The damage was done.
Jiraiya began targeting Naruto’s stomach now. The nine tails began to accept that this was how he was going to die. By the tickling hands of his sensei no less. It was all over. Goodbye Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi. Goodbye Ichiraku Ramen – he’d miss that the most in the afterlife.
Jiraiya was a little too good at this. The feather began swirling around Naruto’s belly button. The seal of the nine tails, though hidden now, seemed to be the most sensitive place on his body. Aside from his navel of course. Once that feather dipped inside and twisted around, Naruto lost it.
“RAMEEEEN! RAMEN RAHAHAHAMEN! PLEHEHEAAAAAAAAASENOTTHEREEEE!” Naruto screeched. While it did pain him to have to give up so quickly, this kind of tickling was just unfair. 
Jiraiya immediately pulled back. Even though he had changed up the rules, he didn’t want to actually kill his new student. Not yet anyways.
He untied Naruto and the blonde slumped to the ground. Jiraiya picked him up, tossing him easily over his shoulder. He walked Naruto over to his sleeping bag and set him down.
“Now, will you please go to sleep and leave me in peace?” Jiraiya asked. Naruto huffed out another laugh and curled up on his sleeping bag.
“I…still gotta…run three miles…then…I can sleep,” Naruto said between deep breaths. Jiraiya just stared at him. This boy just about had his soul tickled out of him and he still was up for a run? Three miles?
“I will never understand you, kid.” Jiraiya sighed, though he was warming up to having a student like Naruto. Maybe it would make all of the mistakes he had made in the past go away if he could do right by this crazy chaotic kid.
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finefeatheredfriend · 5 years
Vampire Science!
I just finished Vampire Science (edit: since I couldn’t post this earlier because of my trip it’s actually been a few days lol) and it was amazing. I am so so happy that I’ve had people tell me not to judge all the EDAs by how... awful the Eight Doctors is haha!
I loved this novel a lot. Sam is a delight and Eight is perfect and I just really loved all of it so much. It’s so well written! And there were so many scenes that just made me laugh out loud and grin and at times I was captivated by the action scenes (which rarely happens!) and just read through it quickly while gaping. It was so clever.
The only thing I didn’t like about this one was the absolute lack of naked Eight. It’s unacceptable that he only dressed down to his shirt and didn’t take off more of his clothes.
For some reason I was also 100% convinced Carolyn was going to die. I really liked her though! And I related to Shackle a bit too much for my liking. The UNIT general was cool too! I still haven’t really made my mind up about Joanna. But all these side characters were absolutely brilliantly written!
I did a kind of liveblog thing in my notes so I could come back later and see what exactly I liked about the book - here’s a list of my favourite liveblog bullet points:
- tall? eight? paul mcgann tall? green eyes? what
- ‘the TARDIS was the closest thing he had to a girlfriend now’ uuuh what
- Sam theorising about the Doctor’s name and joking it might be Fred aaaaah the Romana feels
- Eight is just covered in little kittens and then... ‘he shook his head carefully and the kitten on top clung on for dear life’ asdfghjkl
- we need to see Eight in just his shirtsleeves and waistcoat more often. it’s for science. vampire science
- ok no I take that last one back that was a little too much
- oh please, Doctor, do feel free to remove even more of your clothes
- and now the cravat’s gone too
- yes only a few more layers to go, go on
- ‘I was afraid I’d run out of clothing before I got to you’ and I was afraid you’d get there before all your clothes were gone and here we are, and you’re still wearing half your clothes
- ‘Welcome,’ he said, striking a dramatic half lit pose, ‘to the opera... of Doom’ ahsgahs that reminds me of ‘the ambassadors... OF DEATH’
- ‘You expect me to buy that you’re some kind of a mythical creature?’ ‘Joanna... you’re a vampire’ I’m screaming
- Fred the Eternal Snail I’m screaming ‘He was a mascot until someone stepped on him and they had to stake him with a toothpick’ agahdgah
- ‘I want you to take me. Uh, with you.’ in which Carolyn says what we’ve all been thinking all along
- oh my GOD now he’s gently running his hands through her hair to make her go to sleep aaah oh my god oh my g o d
- “I could succeed in many things, fail in many more, but as long as I've petted the cat I've done everything that really matters.” same
- ahahaha the Doctor just caught a bat in his bare hands and then talked to it in baby talk I’m screaming “Awww,' said the Doctor, scratching the bat under the chin, 'Did the big mean owd wady fwighten you?”
- love how the doctor just counts the years since his last regeneration as how old he is hahah oh wait so sam and him have been travelling for three years?? cause he met her right after san francisco and he said it’s been three years since his last regeneration OH wait sam also said he goes travelling without her for up to a year when he gets distracted so maybe that’s why
- “Real trust is as rare and precious as having a cat pay attention to you” eight is a cat person confirmed
- oh my GOD Kramer has to explain to the doctor why all the women flock around him aaah he’s such a useless baby I love him
Wow sorry I didn’t expect this to get this long ahahah
Under the cut there’s the whole liveblog/every single reaction i had to the book if you’re interested! (I’m just adding it so I have all my reactions recorded but feel free to read if you want)
I bolded the ones I liked a lot but couldn’t put in my favourites because it would have gotten too long ahaha
- ok right from the very first page I already love the writing at least 100% more than that of the eight doctors
- I somehow thought I’d seen art of Sam that had her have dark hair but she’s always described as a blonde...? Am I mixing things up?
- Sam is ‘unapologetically butch’? love that
- are they at a gay bar? I love this
- wait ok I spoke too soon I mean they might still be at a gay bar but uhh I mean I am aware this book is literally called vampire science but I wanted those two women to just be gay not one of them to kill/eat the other
- tall? eight? paul mcgann tall? green eyes? what
- for god’s sake can people please stop calling eight’s clothes a Jane Austen costume that. is. the. wrong. era!!
- STRING!! the Doctor has a ball of string in his pockets!! this takes me back to Caerdroia
- why do I have a feeling Carolyn is going to die
- it’s because she keeps talking about how she wants to join them in travelling the universe when I don’t remember hearing of any Carolyn travelling with eight
- ‘running off with a tall dark handsome mysterious stranger and a femme fatale? she wasn’t picky, she’d take either’ I love myself a disaster bi
- but she’s gonna die isn’t she
- ok why are we getting so much backstory on her if she’s gonna die anyway
- oh it’s gonna come in handy later that she’s a biochem major isn’t it
- since it’s vampire science
- how convenient they met her
- ok so maybe she won’t die after all...? it’s 20 years later and she probably has a family she doesn’t want to leave and that’s why she won’t travel with the doctor and Sam
- why is it so important to know that her partner is 5 years younger like is that important later I don’t get it
- oooh Sam’s room on the tardis belonged to another teenager before her? who???
- ‘the TARDIS was the closest thing he had to a girlfriend now’ uuuh what
- Sam theorising about the Doctor’s name and joking it might be Fred aaaaah the Romana feels
- ok. earlier I was confused because apparently his eyes are green in this book. now they’re blue? what’s going on
- aaah I can’t believe Sam has to tell the Doctor how to put on his shoes cause he can’t do it on his own ahahaha
- UNIT!!!! am I happy about this or not?
- Sam is 19, but with the right clothes and the right attitude she can sometimes pass for 20. oh Sam, you sweet summer child i love you
- I wasn’t sure about James before but he seems like a nice guy now
- please don’t let him be killed
- I really like Sam
- ‘he didn’t notice the taxi behind him, its driver mildly excited to have been asked to “follow that car!”’ asdfghjkl
- ‘the Doctor couldn’t do anything to stop what was going to happen’ oh no James really is going to die isn’t he
- aaaw when Carolyn and the Doctor meet again and she hugs him while crying... I felt that
- oh yes give me more of Eight in shirtsleeves wearing and apron while cooking breakfast - I’d like to wake up to that hehe
- oh my god and he is singing
- and... beatboxing...?
- and he tucked Carolyn into bed last night oh my heart
- ‘You have cute eyebrows’ I’m screaming
- ‘a manipulative little weirdo’ ... sounds about right but still, don’t talk like that about my baby seven, kramer
- I love Sam
- this book is full of little things that just make my heart go !! or make me laugh so much
- this just gets better and better - Eight is just covered in little kittens and then
- ‘he shook his head carefully and the kitten on top clung on for dear life’ asdfghjkl
- and one of the kittens got into his coat pocket!! ugh this scene was too cute, I wasn’t really paying attention to anything but what the kittens and eight were going to do next ahahah
- looove the little remark about Sam going to the gay rights march aaah
- Ahahah sam wanting to high five the Doctor while they’re undercover I’m screaming
- personal vamp scale I can’t
- ahaha that guy was ‘dancing vaguely at her with an angular lack of grace that suggested he’d been dead since the days of the funky chicken’ hahaha
- oh Doctor my poor baby it’s not your fault
- Oh please let Sam be alright
- Aaah
- I don’t want her to die
- Out of all the characters i really didn’t think I’d relate to shackle so much
- ‘Sam Jones, the girl who’d climbed on to a roof to spray paint ‘anorexics die for business ££££’ onto a lingerie billboard’ Sam you absolute icon
- they mentioned Ace!!!
- Ahaha those two vampires haha one of them trying to dramatically recruit some young vampires and the other just interrupting him making fun of him ahahahaha
- I loooove how the Doctor just ignores that vampire
- And then he’s just so totally nonchalant when he finally speaks ugh I love him
- Nooo don’t let them turn you into a vampire James!!
- we need to see Eight in just his shirtsleeves and waistcoat more often. it’s for science. vampire science
- ok no I take that last one back that was a little too much
- oh please, Doctor, do feel free to remove even more of your clothes
- and now the cravat’s gone too
- yes only a few more layers to go, go on
- ‘I was afraid I’d run out of clothing before I got to you’ and I was afraid you’d get there before all your clothes were gone and here we are, and you’re still wearing half your clothes
- ‘Welcome,’ he said, striking a dramatic half lit pose, ‘to the opera... of Doom’ ahsgahs that reminds me of ‘the ambassadors... OF DEATH’
- now the Doctor has clear blue-grey eyes - which I suppose is closer to the blue they mentioned before than the green they mentioned before that
- but still
- agree on one eye colour PLEASE
- unless... that’s some weird time lord physiology thing? changing eye colour? could be
- could also just be the light ahah
- ‘You expect me to buy that you’re some kind of a mythical creature?’ ‘Joanna... you’re a vampire’ I’m screaming
- no Doctor don’t put your clothes back on yet
- sigh. yellowish green? his eyes really do change colour don’t they
- I swear to god if the doctor actually turned into a vampire I’m gonna just leave
- this chapter title is hurt/chocolate ,,,,, like hurt/comfort? Ahaha (I’m laughing now because I’m scared i won’t be able to later)
- the Doctor? sleeping??
- oh right. I had a little break between reading so I forgot he was badly hurt oops
- oh I need a visual for this - Kramer just picked up the Doctor and carried him into the house?? I imagined her as a small though stocky woman, but not nearly strong enough to carry a man described as tall (though we all know paul mcgann is not tall lol)
- This blood fasting thing isn’t permanent though is it
- I already love Sam and Eight’s relationship so much - the way he comforts her ugh my heart
- and now he’s hugging her while stirring the soup he prepared for her (or Carolyn?) ugh my heart (I say that a lot ahahah)
- Wait wasn’t there a vampire called spike on buffy as well
- Fred the Eternal Snail I’m screaming
- He was a mascot until someone stepped on him and they had to stake him with a toothpick agahdgah
- Oh god Carolyn asked the doctor if she can go with him... she really is going to die isn’t she
- Or the doctor says no but...
- aaaand his eyes are green again
- ‘I want you to take me. Uh, with you.’ In which Carolyn says what we’ve all been thinking all along
- ‘God, he did have cute eyebrows.’ Carolyn oh my god ahahaha
- oh my GOD now he’s gently running his hands through her hair to make her go to sleep aaah oh my god oh my g o d
- Oh Sam, no the doctor definitely wants you there!!!!
- That room honestly sounds amazing (hills?? Millions of butterflies just flying around??)
- the Doctor just completely enjoying butterflies flying all around
- and then he just talks to sam and Carolyn while a moth is hanging from his nose ahahah
- Joanna don’t you DARE cut the Doctor’s beautiful locks I swear if you hurt one hair on his head and I mean that literally I will come to you when you’re sleeping and stake you right through the heart
- ‘Just so you can have him pass you test tubes and tell you how brilliant you are’ like in terror of the autons!!
- the doctor has a worried-daddy look hahaha
- “I could succeed in many things, fail in many more, but as long as I've petted the cat I've done everything that really matters.” same
- ahahaha the Doctor just caught a bat in his bare hands and then talked to it in baby talk I’m screaming “Awww,' said the Doctor, scratching the bat under the chin, 'Did the big mean owd wady fwighten you?” And they have names hahahaha Stewart and Jasper
- a Susan mention!!
- love how the doctor just counts the years since his last regeneration as how old he is hahah oh wait so sam and him have been travelling for three years?? cause he met her right after san francisco and he said it’s been three years since his last regeneration OH wait sam also said he goes travelling without her for up to a year when he gets distracted so maybe that’s why
- aaaah he sees himself as sam’s parent
- Oh actually her older brother okay
- “Real trust is as rare and precious as having a cat pay attention to you” eight is a cat person confirmed
- oh my GOD Kramer has to explain to the doctor why all the women flock around him aaah he’s such a useless baby I love him
- okaaaay so Joanna made some new human race - like in new earth
- “Get your ass off that car!' 'Whoah,' said the vampire. He got his ass off the car.”
- NOOOO what about the kittens????
- I’m screaming the Doctor has them all in his coat pockets ahahahahah
- We’re so close to the end now and the Doctor hasn’t been naked yet :(
- wait did the doctor drink or inject himself with the vamp-away???? (that’s an iconic name for it btw)
- aaaah the Doctor eating icecream and getting a chocolate moustache ahahahah
- I love how he always ruffles Sam’s hair
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Hi Coonie! I'm your recent Ignis and Gladio Anon, and I wanted to drop you a note to say I adore your replies to the asks I've sent you. They make me smile so much, and I'm so glad that they could help you feel better. Hmn? Will I stop? No. Never. ♥ Unless you want me to that is! Although I should say they plan on visiting you again soon so we'll have to scoop the molten puddle that is you off the floor and get you ready for the next time they come to visit. ♥ With love - Gladnis Anon
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IT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okAY OKay lemme add a keep reading here real quick aksldjfklgjafh
HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Seriously, I feel so HAPPY and so excited to be answering this ask!! It really does feel as I said above, like I received gifts but they were always left there, and now it u here!!! GODS DAMN ME, THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME AND GESTURE TO WRITE TO ME!!!!!! HEWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Lords and ladies above in the heavens, YOUR ASKS ARE JUST. GLORY. ABSOLUTE EXQUISITE DELIGHTS TO READ AND RECEIVE IT’S LIKE…LOOK I DON’T EVEN HAVE A DESCRIPTION, IT’S JUST PERFECT. The fact that someone takes the time to write to me little stories of Gladnis pampering and spoiling me I MEAN
THEY PLAN TO WHAT?!!??!?!?!?!?!
ASDHFkdaladjflkasjgalkdjgakdgjdaklgajgl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but seriously, thank you so much!!!! Taking the time to write an ask is something I always treasure, and thank you as well for not just writing to me, but making it so fantastic!!! By the way, you’ve got a pretty way with words. I hope you write fanfic because you’d be blessing the fic side of fandom; you’ve got a very pretty way with words and wonderful grammar! I mean, I don’t speak the language as a first, so I can’t judge you on that, but what I mean is your punctuation is wonderful and well done and you write with no typos and stuff. It’s a delight!!!
But I’m digressing aksljdkadgjdaklgdjag
I was saying that I really appreciate that you take the time to write to me, and I appreciate so much that you’ve been so creative and have been writing those Gladnis + Raccoonie ask. :3 
Thank you so much for everything, buddy!!! And besides your gorgeous asks, this ask radiates this color that…hnghng. How do I explain. I don’t know, buddy, but everyone radiates a color through the way they write their asks to me, and you look so…vibrant and colorful and bright omg YOU HAVE SUCH A PRETTY PRECIOUS COLOR, AND WITH THIS ASK ALONE I CAN STRONGLY SMELL KINDNESS AND A VERY GOOD SOUL AND HONESTLY HOW THE FUCK DO I DO IT TO BE BLESSED WITH GOOD PEOPLE TALKING TO ME AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, but not gonna make this too long, sorry!! 
SO THAT’S THAT! ヽ(・ω・)ノ
Thank you LOTS for taking the time to write to me and for all the wonderful things you’ve sent me!!! 
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A Loving Family
Domestic Klance family tickles! Contains and oc.. you’ve been warned. 
It was late into the night. A rather large room was dimly lit by two side table lamps and the flicker of the television. A brown couch that sat in the room was inhabited by two men. Lance McClain sat lazily against the arm of the couch, his husband Keith cuddled up next to him wearing a blanket as a cloak. "But my king, what am I to do," Keith rolled his eyes, burying his face deeper into Lance's stomach. "What, you dont like this," the other asked. Keith looked up, chin resting on the soft surface. "Lance you know what I like," Lance smiled a bit. "Yeah... I know. But none of your shows were on tonight," Keith closed his eyes. "But this isn’t even one of your shows," He argued looking at the screen. Lance shrugged, " The title looked cool enough, thought we could give it a chance." Keith laid his head back down, wrapping the blanket tighter to his body. "Can we just go to bed," he asked. Lance pet along the top of Keith's blanket covered head. "No kitty, we don't get to bond often," Lance chose his words carefully. Well one word anyway, Keith was a sucker for bonding. Keith huffed before looking up. "Can you change the channel at least," Lance sighed. "Yeah sure, what so you want," Keith shrugged before getting onto his knees. "Anything but this garbage," Lance pouted as Keith shed his warm, thick, cloak. "Wait where are you going," he asked as Keith started to walk away.
"To the bathroom and to check on Jerome real quick," out if all the names in the world Lance had to choose Jerome. Not that it was a bad name, no not at all. Keith rather liked, it was old. But he felt that Jerome should have been named something like Kevin or something, he didn’t look like a Kevin though. Standing up he started he journey. Lance looked boredly at the tv as he flicked through the channels, until something caught his eye. Not touching the remote again, he watched the bright colors of the cartoon. It had been one he used to watch as a kid, he was surprised it was still airing, it had to be older than his sister. "Really Lance," Keith had finished his mission. "A kids cartoon," he asked skeptically. "Yeah. I used to watch this as a kid," he was now sitting up facing the tv. Keith looked at the screen once more before shaking his head. It was like being married to a damn child half the time. Sitting down he wrapped his blanket around his body. "It's literally just this animal thing that gets into trouble each episode," Keith curled up against Lance studying the pictures on the screen. "It’s rather creepy," Lance scoffed offendly. "How dare you! It’s a classic from the early 90's," Keith rolled his eyes. "Uh huh," he kisses Lance on the cheek before situating back in his spot. " All is forgiven," Keith snorted a bit at the comment. Watching the tv an idea hit Lance as the mad doctor had captured the animal like creature. He had him tied down and a large saw was about to cut him open. Only it didn’t, it tickled. He was laughing and crying his head off...rather creepily. Lance smirked, his hand resting on Keith's side. " Besides don't you like creepy? You watch those damn cop shows where they go over how some died," Keith shrugged. "Depends," he jumped slightly when a ticklish sensation spread through his side. "Lance stop," he warned nuzzling his head into the other's side.
"H-Hey! Kehehith," Keith smirked. "Dont tickle me and I wont tickle you," Lance blushed. How did he know that was on purpose? "I don’t think so Keithyboy," Keith was pushed back into the couch giggling as ten fingers descended onto his firm tummy. "Ehhhehehhe! Lhahahance stop it," He was now cold. "Leheheht mhehehe ghahahaoooooo," Lance grinned evilly before moving to his husbands sides.”Aw can my big, bad hubbie not take a few tickles,” Lance teased earning a blush from Keith. “Or does my kitty love to be tickled,” he asked, smirking when Keith’s blush increased. “S-Shhuhhahaht up,” he giggled trying to push Lance’s hands off him. “Ah, ah, ah. I don’t think so,” he said dodging the hands while still tickling every area available on Keith’s body. “Coochie, coochie, coo,” Keith thre his head back and screamed when Lance hit his under arms. “N-Nhat therhehehere! L-Lahahance sthahp thehehasing,” Lance new he was making the sensation worse for his poor hostage but… he really didn’t care. This was simply adorable! Keith snorted and squeaked each time he’d switch tickling tactics. Even with his arms pinned to his side lance could still maneuver enough motion to keep the half galra mad.
A small boy tossed and turned on a rather large mattress. Little noises of discomfort escaping his mouth as he slept. This gained the attention of a certain wolf who looked over from his side of the bed. As another whimper escaped the small boy Kosmo brought his head closer in an attempt to comfort him through nuzzling. It almost worked… until a scream rang out through the house, probably loud enough for Kultinecker to hear from his little barn outside. Kosmo was on high alert, climbing on top of Jerome who jumped from the sound. Another scream rang out, it didn’t sound painful but it sounded like his Keith. Jumping off the bed Kosmo sprinted down the stairs before a flash of light indicated he teleported. Jerome looked around the dark room, his little cow night light doing little to fight of his fears of what could be in the dark. The noise from downstairs wasn’t stopping and he was growing more and more scared, he no longer had his friend to protect him.
He could call for his daddy or papi but what if that was them screaming? Who was screaming? Was there someone in the house? Flashbacks from his nightmare came rushing up. He let out a yelp and held his stuffed elephant tight, eyes squeezed shut at the thought. “No Lance! Get away from-- EEE,” he heard by his door. The sound of heavy footsteps pounding about mixed with his parents yells did little to calm him. Looking over at his little alarm clock he noticed it was pretty late. Well late for him. It was eleven thirty at night. Mustering up his courage Jerome took his elephant and baby blanket and tentatively made his way out of his room. “Dada,” he called softly. He waited a minute before continuing to walk. “Papi,” he tried again still walking. When he made it to the stairs he could hear the sound a bit better, it was laughter. Confused but still scared the four year old made his way slowly down the stairs. Upon reaching the living room he was met with the look of annoyance by Kosmo, who was just laying on the dining room part of the connected rooms’ floor.
Looking over he saw his papi sitting on the back of his dad’s calves tickling his bare thighs. “L-Lhahahheheance sthahahp,: Keith giggled hysterically. His eyes were watering from tears. He had escaped before, why didn’t he make a better break for it? Why didn’t he fight back? Questions he asked himself before Lance managed to pin him back to the couch. He jerked his head up when Lance started tickling his inner thighs. “AhA! Not thehehere,” he bucked a bit before slamming his face into the couch cushion below them. “Aw I’m sorry, does this tickle,” Lance asked with a fake sympathetic voice. “L-Lahahance seriously! Nahahaha! E-Ehahase up a bit plhehehase,” Keith did love bonding moments like this, especially when they involve physical contact but there was only so much one man could take. “Alright, alright,” Lance stopped, both still oblivious to the child in the room. “Heh… heheh…. You suck,” Keith could feel the smirk on Lance’s lips. “And you--,” Keith cut him off. “Don’t. Idiot, let me up,” he asked. Wel rather demanded.
“Why would I do that sweetheart, kitty, princess, Keithyboy, mullet, love of my life,” wow he knew how to get Keith flustered. “Because you love me and have tormented me enough for one night,” the small Cuban boy wanted to say something but it was late and he was still tired, the sense of fear leaving. He stood on the tile by Kosmo just watching in a zombie like daze. “It’s not torment when you looooovvveee it,” Lance giggled wiggling one finger on each side of Keith’s sides. “Ahahaheheh! Ah-- Lahahnce,” Keith giggled softly. Stopping Lance stood up before rolling his husband over. During the flip Keith noticed the boy standing in the room and nearly jumped. He loved his son but the kid could freak him out and starel him sometimes. “Jerome help me,” he cried out as a last resort. Lance looked over his shoulder and noticed the small boy standing with his blanket pressed to his nose. “Oh shoot, did we wake you,” Jerome nodded a little.
Lance frowned before looking at Keith who was watching him with fearful eyes. A smirk played on his face. “No Lance d-d-- aha,” Keith bucked when Lance dove back into his armpits. “EHhahahahaha! N-Not thehehre! Not theheheree! Bhahaby help me,” Keith laughed helplessly kicking his legs as Lance straddled his waist. Jerome observed the scene in front of him. The idea seeming both like a game which excited his small mind, but also he was tired and … eh just blanked out. “N-No! Lhaha-- ahahaha,” Keith had given up as Lance lifted his arms over his head and began blowing raspberries on the clothed area. Jerome walked forward slowly before tugging gently on his papi’s shirt. Nose still to blanket he looked up with big blue eyes. Lance stopped and smirked down at his son. “You shouldn’t have done that Jerome,” he said crawling off of Keith. Jerome giggled groggily, moving backwards slowly. Kosmo was on high guard, this was a pup. A pup he had claimed. You harm his pup, you die.
Keith was giggling still on the couch, a hand over his face. Looking over he smiled, well with intention, at the sight before him. “Cause now… the tickle monster… is gonne eat you,” he yelled before grabbing ahold of the shrieking child Kosmo stood up but Keith clapped his hands gaining his attention. Lance stopped before looking over his shoulder, a wave of nervousness hit him. “He’s not hurting him,” Keith assured. The space wolf retreated back to his spot on the cool tile before Lance looked at Keith. Keith just glared at him before his attention returned to Jerome. “Any way, as I was saying….  The tickle monster has you now little boy,” Lance let out and evil laugh before placing the the dark haired child on the floor and tickling his tummy. Jerome squealed and kicked his legs out of reflex, his blankey and elephant lost in the battle. Small pudgy hands attempted to grab aged, but young, semi- chubby hands. “Rawr,” Lance hoolard bring his head down and lifting the large t-shirt. “I’m gonna eat you up little boy,” Jerome shook his head before suddenly bursting into a fit of loud laughter. Keith rolled his eyes, finally breathing normally again. It was time he joined in. “No one eats my baby,” he yelled over the child’s shrill screams.
Lance jumped when Keith’s fingers found his sides. “Ahaha! K-Keieith,” he giggled stopping his attack. Jerome giggled still despite the tickling stopping. “I think the tickle monster needs a taste of his own medicine, huh,” Keith asked smiling mischievously at the four year old. Jerome shared the same look before crawling onto his papi’s mostly crossed legs. “O-Oh nohohohhahaha,” Lance there his head back as Jerome started moving his small pudgy fingers along his tummy. Keith liked wearing Lance’s old shirts to bed along with boxer briefs. Jerome wore Keith’s old shirts from before he and his mom lied on the space whale for two years and typically just wore his underwear. During winter though Keith’s made him wear pants. Lance prefered to sleep in not just a long sleeve and pants but a robe… which stopped after the first night he tried to sleep with Keith like that. Too much heat, no cuddles, sad Lance, cranky Keith. However tonight he had on a thin t-shirt, and sleeping shorts, neither of which were doing him any good.
He jumped when Keith started poking under his arms. “N-Nnahahahat thahaht,” he shook his head. “Get ‘em daddy, get ‘em,” the small boy giggled just watching his parents now. He moved of his father’s lap as it was becoming unstable from his reactions to pull away. “Not this? Okay… how about,” Keith quickly grabbed Lance’s exposed ankle, pinning it down he started scribling along the soft soles. “S-Shhhhahahahahaha! K-Keieiehahahahahahaththheheh, nhot thheheheret! Nhohtoht thehehere” he cried desperately. Dark brown locks lay scattered on the tan, wooly carpet as he fell over. “Should have thought about that before trying to make a snack of my baby,” Keith teased  scratching under the ball’s of Lance’s foot. A mole his a very ticklish spot Keith knew all too well. “C-Chohohjmehehe on! I- Didhahahah! I didn’t thhahhahahickle yhohour fheheht,” he rsquirmed trying to dislodge his foot from his husband’s hands.
Jerome smiled in amusement, holding his elephant close. Keith smirked, “Jerome, does Ellie think we should let pa-- I mean the tickle monster go,” Jerome thought for a moment before looking at his giggling father. He nodded. Keith immediately stopped, dramatically pulling his hands away. “You two,” Lance panted. “Are evil,” Keith glared. “Says the one who tickled me for like an hour straight in all my worst spots. You only lasted about ten minutes,” Lance sat up in defense. “I did not get all your worst spots, but I can if you’d like,” Keith pulled his feet away leaning back. “Don’t you dare,” they weren’t truly fighting per say, but it was close enough to Jerome. He frowned and covered his ears, what he would normally do when the two fought. Keith and Lance both hated it but sometimes discussing feelings and topics weren’t easy. But it would normally stop because Keith would typically start crying because he hates upsetting Lance, and even more so their child… and he actually doesn’t take being yelled at very well. The fights don’t last long unless Keith’s still yelling through his tears but then much family cuddles and typically movie night happen.
Keith noticed the sudden movement and pushed his foot in to the irritated Cuban’s stomach. Moving his head to the side Lance followed the direction and stopped. Looking back at Keith he sighed before standing up and walking to the small boy. “Hey, pumpkin,” Lance said pulling the boy into his lap. Jerome peeked out one of his eyes before uncovering his ears. He really didn’t like loud noises, and not that his parents truly fought a lot just Keith sounded scary when he was mad, they both did. It wasn’t toxic either, just normal, verbal fights. “We’re not fighting,” Keith said joining them. Sitting down he pushed some of the dark strands of hair out of the small tan face. “No we’re just trying to prove daddy’s a ball of tickles,” Jerome giggled a bit at the statement. Lance would pay for that latter. “There’s that laugh,” Keith said in a sickly sweet voice before grabbing one of the little socked feet and tickling it. Jerome shrieked with laughter and fell against his papi. Lance smiled, he loved nights like this.
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ask-flip-frost · 6 years
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RULES: Don’t reblog, repost.
☞  TAGGED BY: @mus-brunneis (I was reading it, and therefore tagged XD)
☞  TAGGING: @ask-thedepressedkidatthetable, @mrs-actor-agent-of-change, @argxntxus, @llilyrevans, @markiebutterhands, and anyone who wants to do it
► NAME ➭ “Call me Flip!”
► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭ “Depends on whether you’re asking ME or my pal, Jilomena. Far as I know I’m single, but Jilly is giving Cupid a run for his money with matchmaking.”
► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭ "Generally~”
► ARE YOU ANGRY?  ➭ “Heck, I can be.”
► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭ “Ah... I’m not entirely sure they’re living. I would hope so, though...”
► ‘BIRTH’ PLACE ➭ "The Ice Kingdom infirmary. I heard it was a pretty explosive event. Sorry, Mom.”
► HAIR COLOR ➭ “Auburn? Or kind of silvery-white, depending on the time of the month.”
>►EYE COLOR➭ “Blue.”
► BIRTHDAY ➭ “On the winter solstice in 1614. So December 21st by the Human reckoning. Ah! That means my birthday is just a day after Ace’s! DUAL PARTY THIS YEAR???”
► MOOD ➭ “Is WIGGLY a mood? If so, then wiggly. I don’t like sitting still for long.”
► GENDER ➭ “Lady creature thing?”
► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭ “WINTER. Gimme all the cold weather. It’s bracing and clean, and summer is just uncomfortable, ne???”
► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭ “Afternoon. I go to sleep in the mornings if I can.”
► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➭ "I love many peoples and creatures.”
► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭ “Well. I can see Fate Strings between people, so I’m not the best person to ask that sort of question.”
► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭ “Ah, Papa Death, I guess. For the best, though. Being in an arranged relationship with someone when both of you would rather just be pals is awkward.”
► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭ “Not intentionally, but I expect so. I’m not proud of it.”
► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭ “Context is everything, but to a degree, yes.”
► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➭ "I’m a VERY huggy person. If I’ve known you for more than ten minutes, I’ll probably hug you. Unless you’re a jerk. Even then, I still might. Jerks usually just need loves.”
► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➭ “I can SEE feelings. If someone likes me, I’ll know it. Oh, wait, wait... It’s ladylike to be demure and oblivious, yeah? BEATS ME! NO IDEA! SURE WOULD BE NICE TO KNOW WHILE I STARE LONGINGLY OUT OF THIS WINDOW! Ahahaha~”
► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭ “...Yes. Thoroughly.”
► LOVE OR LUST ➭ “I mean, you CAN have both, but if I’ve gotta choose, then LOVE for sure.”
► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➭ “Mix em up!”
► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭ “Quality over quantity, folks.”
>► DAY OR NIGHT ➭ "Night!”
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭ "I am an expert sneak... but yes. There are better Finders than I am a Sneaker.”
► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭ “Yeah, but I usually do it on purpose. It’s okay, I’m durable.”
► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? ➭ “Every month during the Full Moon cycle when I have to sit perfectly still, it hurts that I can’t move. So that.”
► WANTED TO DISAPPEAR ➭ “There are rather a lot of sad questions in this quiz.”
► FAT OR SKINNY ➭ “Healthy. You can be either and also healthy.”
► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭ “I’m only 7 inches big, so we’ll go with taller as a preference. I guess it doesn’t matter, though.”
► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➭ “I'm attracted to intelligence.”
► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭ “I won’t lie, I’ve mated with Shadows when I’ve been in heat, but they aren’t exactly fully sentient. Just echoes of things. It’d be preferable to actually be in a proper relationship eventually. Sometime soon, like the next 300 years or so would be nice.”
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭ “That’s complicated. My folks vanished, and my little brother is a Nightmare King. I’ve never stopped loving any of them.”
► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭ “Yeah, but who can say their life isn’t a little messy?”
► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭ "Kinda had to. Long story.”
► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭ “It was suggested that I leave a Magic Management Facility...”
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➭ “Do I hate a FRIEND? Yoooou don’t know the difference between friends and enemies, do yeh?”
► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➭ “Well, I don’t think I have any bad friends, heh.”
► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➭ “Pfft, I know enough not to play favorites and hurt feelings.”
► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➭ "Nobody. I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a tortilla.”
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londonfog-chan · 7 years
Doktor and Child!Reader: The Fever, Part 2
The sequel to my previous Doktor fic. Took me so long to finish, and only now do I feel confident to post.
for my friend @heyheyitsjuju and her wonderful series of Doktor fics.
    You had never seen someone jump out of their skin quite like your mother did when you finally gained the strength to speak. She was dazed for a split second, looking around in bewilderment for the source of the voice which had called out to her. She said your brother’s name once before her eyes settled on you. It was then her face contorted with a great sadness.
    "Schatzi..." She whimpered, as though you were torturing her with knives. She grasped your hands tightly and brought them to her chapped lips.
    "May I have something to drink please?" You whispered, "I'm very thirsty."
    "Something to drink…" She repeated rather stupidly.
    "Yes, something hot. I don't care what it is."
    Your words must have confused her a great deal for she sat there on your bed staring as though you had asked her to turn cartwheels in her negligee through the snow filled streets. Her mouth was slightly open, and you waited patiently for a response. Eventually when you cleared your throat and repeated the question she snapped back into reality, rising up to duck out of the room and apologizing profusely that she had made her precious mausi repeat herself. The minute she left you gave a strong kick, freeing yourself from the prison of sheets and nearly steaming in the cool air of the room. A long sigh of relief escaped your lips. The thin material of your nightgown was sufficient protection from the winter chill, and it breathed so nicely around the ankles, almost as if you were icing the pain away. It was also a great relief to be away from mother. She was exhausting, her fretting and constant sobs of deep set anguish were admittedly the prime cause of your heart palpitations. She made one nervous, especially now that she seemed to be losing all sense of what was happening in the moment. It was better to be alone if you couldn't have your father. At least alone you could sink into sleep, your eyes shutting slowly and your mind quieting down for you to rest.
    Faintly you were aware of her heels pattering around in the kitchen, mumbling things to herself as she fretted and clanged the kettle and cups in a frantic rush to make something for you. At one point you swore you heard her grinding coffee. You wished vaguely that she would do something else while you rested, maybe if she picked up a book or put on music. Something to distract her from your noises and your suffering. A deep sigh issued from the depths of your chest. You were resigned to the fact that without your father you were going to die. That was all there was to it. God must have been angry at you for laughing at BDM so loudly, and He must have conspired with Frau Bachmeier to issue you a death sentence. That didn’t disturb you all that much to be honest. In fact you looked forward to seeing your brother again in the next life. What awaited you after your sickness took hold was nothing compared to the guilt you felt at being unable to apologize for your shocking behavior in the meeting.
    “Sorry…” you croaked, “Sorry… Sorry…”
    In your feverish sleep you could still see and hear everything of that dreadful night. Gertrude screaming as her hands were coated in your blood. Good looking Klaus in his uniform trembling and backing away as you fell to the floor, your laughter echoing around the dead silent room and mingling with the music of the film playing.
    Stop that damn laughing then!
    “I- I didn’t mean to… It’s just that I can’t stop you see-”
    You tried to explain everything to her, voice raising to a shrill chortle as your mind raced with thoughts all tangled together in knots so that one easily flowed into the other as you shrieked with laughter.
    Stop that laughing you wretched girl! Do you think it’s funny that our men, our husbands and brothers and sons are all sacrificing their lives fighting for the nobility and honor of our great nation? Do you find it amusing that we’ve been living among filth for so long that it might take YEARS to undo the damage?
    “I’m sorry… Haha…” Oh God… It was starting again… That awful laughter that brought on the pain which you couldn’t understand. How could pain make you feel as though someone had told a jolly good joke? God please make it stop…
    “I… Hahaha! Oh my… I didn’t mean… Pah! HAHAHAHA!” you cackled, unable to stop the laughter that bubbled up in your throat because of Jonas’ comments about old what was his name; the general who walked like a duck because he weighed close to three hundred pounds and looked a sight in his new uniform. He inched slowly along in his new boots brother said, his belt wrapped tightly around his waist so that he seemed separated into segments, just like a worm in fieldgrau, like a-
    “-like a fat green caterpillar.” Jonas had said, “Just like a fat green caterpillar with his tunic that doesn’t match his trousers and he inches along so slowly looking for other soldiers to eat I always have to run out of the way just to avoid him touching my asshole-”
    You were in tears. You were laughing so hard you were nearly sobbing with the effort of trying to collect yourself and breathe, because goddamn Jonas wouldn’t stop talking about the Caterpillar who ate soldiers from the ass inwards while Frau Bachmeier seized you by the shoulders and began shaking you violently to make you stop. Nothing could stop the laughter that bubbled feverishly up from your throat.
    “I… I can’t! Bwahahaha!” you wheezed.
    “That’s it!” she bellowed, still shaking you as though it was going to make you stop, “I’m going to report this! You’re going to be in deep shit by the time we’re through with you, young lady! Just see what happens when we tell your father that you- Jesus Christ!”
  Liquid bubbled up from the inside of your nostrils and dribbled down your mouth and chin like it did whenever you had a cold. Except it wasn’t mucus that had been loosened by the shaking. It was your own dark red blood flowing like a fountain down over your chin and onto your clothes where it stained everything red as you continued to howl with laughter. The liquid occasionally poured into your mouth and caused you to choke. Your chest heaved and your voice alternated between that incessant coughing, laughter, and occasional wheezes to get breath while the tall bony woman of the Bund Deutscher Madel continued to shake you and call your name in a voice that seemed to get farther and farther away.
    “You don’t… understand!” you wheezed, “I… It’s not… Not the film… Hahaha! Oh God please make it… Ahahaha! Make it stop!”
    -need to wake up now!
    “I’m not asleep Frau Bachmeier!” you whined, the laughter at last subsiding into sobbing, “I swear I’m not sleeping or laughing- oh God. It hurts!”
  Schatzi, wake up please! Open your eyes. You’re dreaming.
    “I’m not dreaming!” you cried out. The pain in your joints returned and flared up as though hot coals were buried underneath the flesh. Your skin burned hot, it was unbearable to handle this pain. You couldn’t understand how something as simple as a sore throat could turn you into a delirious, shrieking mess
    “I’m not dreaming I promise- Father!”
    Through blurred vision you could see the faint glinting of glasses in the candlelight, tresses of blond alternating between covering the lenses and revealing them. Only one person had hair that long… But how could he be here when he was far away in Poland?
    “Avondale!” your mother screamed. As your vision cleared you could see her clinging to him, sobbing onto his shoulder and kissing the rough fabric of his suit in pure worship.
    “Father…” you managed weakly, still not convinced that you were altogether sane even though the man with glinting glasses and long hair did turn out to be your father. Doctor Avondale Napyeer had your shoulders firmly in his grasp. His face was inches away from yours, and you couldn’t tell if he was a living creature that drew breath or if he was a hallucination that breathed courtesy of the air from the open window.
    “I’m here now.” Spoke the apparition, your father, in his deep soothing voice. Your mother still clung desperately to him and sobbed his name aloud, but he remained focused on you.
    “I’m going to die.” You said after a while of collecting your thoughts and voice, “Thank you for coming to see me one last time… Have you died too? Has God sent you?”
    “No…” he told you firmly, “I am alive. More these past few weeks than in a lifetime. And I am going to make sure you will live as well. Do you trust me?”
    Of course you did, and you showed him by smiling through the blood that dripped down your nose onto your chin and bedsheets. Immediately you felt something sharp pierce your arm, and a resulting calm that made you feel tired and giddy. You could see through half lidded eyes that your father was swaddling you in your quilt, while your mother asked a thousand questions all at once in her manic voice. With your ear on his chest, you could hear your father’s halfhearted replies to mother’s queries.
    “How will you get her there? Can I go with you?! Don’t leave me alone!” your mother cried without drawing breath once.
    “I cannot take you with me.” Said your father. His voice was even and calm, trying with every fiber of his being to soothe her and prevent her from having a complete meltdown.
    “It is a good thing I came for her when I did.” He told her, and you could feel him gather up a suitcase in his free hand. He gripped even more tightly around your abdomen and made you wince, “I have to go now, please let go of me.”
    The last thing you saw was your mother rushing out into the cold, the door of your house left ajar and shining brilliant yellow light out into the dark cold winter that raged on outside. After you heard her scream for the last time, your eyes closed and everything became a world of darkness and noise. What a blessed relief it was to be in your father’s arms out in the snow. You weren’t hot anymore, and instead you allowed yourself to become lost in the loud storm that drowned out all thought.
    “I must have died, and this must be heaven.” You said softly, more to yourself than to your father who was shouting above the din of the storm. You felt him jostle you in his arms, but your head lolled from side to side without a care as he again pierced your arm with a needle which was according to him meant to put you to sleep. He told you vaguely to take even breaths, supposedly it would help to forget the horrid burning of whatever it was he injected into your skin, and supposedly the air would help you fall asleep faster. Evidently your father was right, your heart rate was already beginning to steady and there was the warm feeling of your blanket which eventually caused you to enter a dreamless state. You could do nothing except hear Doctor, your father, telling someone over the roar in your ears an estimated time of the procedure’s end.
   “I’ve given her a strong sedative to keep her quiet on the way. She won’t remember any of this… Hopefully she will stay fresh in time for it to work. Two hours max. That is what we will have when we land.” said your father.
    “Will she have any recollection of what happened before?” asked a voice.
    “Of course not. The anesthesia will help her to forget. I will have to explain to her of course when she wakes up. She will likely become confused, will have to be watched closely to make sure she doesn’t lose control.” replied your father.
    “If indeed she does wake up again.” contradicted the voice.
    “Don’t question the work I do…”
    “Herr Doktor, we do not know what sort of effect it will have. Also considering the fact that she’s much too young… Not even a woman. How can she handle it if her male counterparts, war criminals and filth, could not?”
    “She is strong. She survived this long, and she will continue to live again. Her life will not be hindered, it will be improved.”
    The voices began to meld together into indiscernible drivel, arguing back and forth as though trying to prove a point in this world of darkness that your father had placed you in. In this strange unknown world there was no concept of the outside, save for the peaceful muttering which continued steadily on like a drone. Eventually some sort of primal instinct convinced your rather groggy brain to open the eyes and look into the face of the man who had granted your last wish. Your father’s eyes were focused on pulling a needle with thread in and out of the side of your head in such a fluid and mechanical motion that for a minute he ceased to be human in your eyes. He was not aware of the momentous event that had just taken place. He would probably never understand your fear at thinking the reason he was unaware of your gaze was because you were a spirit, seeing everything for the last time before your soul either ascended into heaven or descended into hell. Avondale Napyeer remained ignorant of your wakefulness until perhaps the gaze finally made him aware, and then he breathed the most humane words anyone could have said in that moment.
    “You did a good job mausi. It’s all over now.”
    Ten words, and the fear was miraculously gone forever.
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matesinspace · 6 years
Random Space Blob
Cruising through the galaxy to her next assignment, Firebird was on her way to Kodea, a stretch of planets that was near the Galaxy of Elves. Elduin wanted to show her something there.
She was at her peak when flying comfortably through a metal can in space.
Whistling happily, she predicted that nothing would stop her.
A generously sloppy and wet-sounding splat interrupts her daydreaming. She screams without thinking and almost falls back in her seat.
Lo and behold! A grey-colored blob has blocked off half of her ship’s glass front window.
Eyes widening in fright, she pulled on a lever to turn on the window wipers. “What the hell is that thing!?”
To her surprise, the blob sprouted eyes.
It was no ordinary blob. It wasn’t debris either. It was... a sentient space blob.
The windshield wiper smacked it in the middle of its face, right between its eyes and into its gaping pothole of a mouth. The being started making strange, gurgling noises. No doubt about it. It wasn’t easy having a wiper dragging you across the glass by the inside of your mouth.
Was it crying? Stopping the wiper’s movements, she was shocked to see the blob shift and convulse; turning into what looked like …
a fluffy cat.
A big, fat fluffy cat.
Firebird felt her heart instantly pierced by the god of love, Cupid.
The cat looked into her eyes, large pupils drawing forth emotions like sympathy and compassion. The sentient blob knew this would work. The squealing was a common side effect among humans. Especially the long-haired ones known as “females.” He would use this to be taken inside the spaceship. Why?
He had taken a mild liking towards the facial features of this strange earthling female.
Taking off his plush face mask and feather boa, Prince Elduin Ilithor Airdan Olivan Pertoris Legolas Delmuth Gilmoir Wyn Ravador Wallaway Prince of the Third Round Table Executive Order of Arendell’s Extraterrestrial Moon Elves (5th Generation of Royals) arose from his slumber. Walking over to where FB was, he put his arms around her waist. “Aw, you’re so cute with that cat.”
Another female. The sentient space blob observed. It was taller than the red-haired earthling, so it must have stronger resolve. He must bring out the big guns in order to be taken in.
There was another creature he knew of that elicited strong reactions from earthlings.
The fat cat rolled over and turned into a seal.
A fat, fluffy seal with large puppy eyes and plentiful folds of flabby fat layers.
Firebird was going to explode with cuteness aggression. Her eyes twitched.
The seal was on its back, waving its chubby flippers helplessly in the air. It looked like it couldn’t move. It rocked back and forth, belly in the air, then gave up - opting to lay mildly on the glass windshield.
Elduin’s face was full of glee.
It let out a little cry and shivered like a wee leaf in the wind. “THAT’S IT I’M TAKING IT HOME.”
“Yes! Go rescue the lil seal pup!” Elduin cried.
With the push of a button, Firebird was in her spacesuit. She floated into the airlock above and prepared to take off towards the ball of fat.
It was starting to roll off due to its weight. Heart beating fast, she jettisoned towards it and caught the lil seal pupper in her arms. She let out a sigh of relief.
She has nice facial  features. Very symmetric. The blob thought.
As she went back into the airlock, she hugged the smol creature against her chest.
I’m in Heaven and I don’t know why … I must be in the arms of an angel. The space blob ultimately decided. I will keep her.
The seal rolled aimlessly on the girl’s lap and looked at the blonde female. This one was uglier than the redhead, but still quite beautiful. For some reason, this one had a deep voice, similar to a human male. The specimen also lacked mammary glands. Quite unsightly.
The space blob decided he would not keep this one.
“Hey there, wittle guy!” Elduin cooed, about to pat the seal’s head.
The seal lunged forward and bit him. “My MaNiCuRe!!!” The elven prince screamed.
“BAD!” Firebird shouted. “NO biting friends!”
Smacking the seal on its chubby behind, she yelled at it with a stern voice until it let go of the elf’s hand. It looked at her with large eyes full of what he approximated was the emotion “guilt.”
“Awh poor baby! I’ll only punish you if you’re bad!” She hugged it again and patted its furry little head. “Now I’ll go get you a snack. Let’s go into the kitchen!”
Sneaking an evil side-eye at Elduin, the seal was led by Momma Firebird into the kitchen by his flippers, where they approached the refrigerator.
Later that night, the seal slept contentedly beside whom he decided would be his mate- this earthling should consider herself lucky.
However, he most definitely did not enjoy being infantilized by her. Climbing fluffily out of bed, the seal plopped onto the floor. If he could only find photos of desirable and dominant human males, perhaps she would permit him to reproduce with her through sexual union. (They would have to fuse on a cellular level, which the blob was quite excited about. He had no idea how to do with with a non-blob organism, though.)
Ruffling its little head into the bottom of her bed, he discovered a little stash. Opening it with his seal flippers, he pulled out a magazine.
It was called “Playgirl.” On the cover was an unclothed human male posed against a wall, baring his ripped torso and chiseled musculature. The blob observed that most of the magazines featured men with large antennae that resembled mushrooms between their legs. “Hollywood’s Manliest Men - Naked!” The title read.
Opening it up, there were more scantily clad men inside. “FETISH PHOTOBOOK.”
One was dressed like a caveman, but his mushroom antenna was peeking through the loincloth. The doctor had a coat and stethoscope, but no clothes on. The “construction worker” was using his antenna, while sneezing. The blob guessed it was sneezing because his mouth was open and his eyes were closed.
Scanning each photo intently, the blob analyzed what made them attractive and put them all into his mind. Concentrating hard, he mentally projected all of these traits onto his physical form.
(He also watched the redhead’s several gigabyte collection of romantic movies - some of them had earthling mating rituals he could refer to!)
Firebird woke up to a gentle sunrise. What a beautiful morning.
Her dream was that she was spooned all night by a man who looked like an amalgamation of every Hollywood actor and model ever.
Huh? Where was her seal pup?
Oh, it was under the blanket.
Curiously, a flesh-colored snake was peeking out of the bottom of the blanket. Shrugging, she pulled it open and revealed a man who looked like an amalgamation of every Hollywood actor and model ever. Sighing dreamily, she put a hand over his perfectly sculpted abs.
It was fine. She was still dreaming.
Laying her head on his perfect pectorals, she realized it felt like she was actually awake.
“So my dream was real this whole time!? But … oh my god.”
“You like this, baby?” The man said, in a tone that could only belong to an alien. He had such strange English diction! Maybe it was an exotic accent.
She looked at his (between the legs area) and it had an organ that trailed all the way to the floor and back up to the bed. “No! It’s too long and thick! GET IT AWAY FROM ME I’M A VIRGIN! And where’s my seal baby!?”
“I … am your seal baby.” He said, in his weirdly attractive alien voice. “I thought you would like it… it is the combined length and width of all the Hollywood men you like…”
“OHMYGOD!” She screamed. “Either you shrink that or turn back into a seal!”
It flipped and spasmed like a snake, and shrunk back, completely disappearing.
It was weird. It was like looking at a eunuch. She’s seen many aliens before, but this was the first time she saw a man without a … man part.
“UH.” She was exasperated. “The ideal is … seven inches? That’s fine! You don’t have to not have it! Ugh, why am I even having this conversation with you!?”
An ideal one about seven inches sprang forth from where there was previously nothing between his legs.
Elduin opened the door and gasped.
“Firebird, it’s a selkie! Get away from him!” He cried. “I KNOW of seal creatures turning into attractive human men to seduce women!”
It was time to get on the defensive. Thankfully, he saw a photo of a soldier in Firebird’s dresser drawer  yesterday on the refrigerator. He concentrated…
“Maximus!?” Firebird’s jaw dropped.
Also, he had nothing on. It couldn’t remember specifically what the soldier had on. In a panic, the blob looked at the fetish photobook, looked at “soldier”  and produced a tank top and tight camo boxers.
“My private stuff is exposed the world!” Firebird screeched. She descended on her stash like a phoenix defending her nest and put away all the magazines.
This wouldn’t do, the blob concluded. It had barely any armor.
Taking a look at Elduin who had some Elven armor on, the blob conjured that on top of his current outfit.
“I am ready to fight you, female with no mammary glands.” The blob deadpanned.
No wonder its voice was male.
Hair, antennae, and mammary glands were no longer the gender indicator of the blob. This time,  he would listen to their vocal pitch.
Catching the elven prince’s first arrow, the thing that looked like Maximus carried Elduin princess style and tossed him into an escape pod. “Firebird, help!”
“Elduin!” She screamed, but it was too late. The prince had been sent on a course to Elfgard. Oh well, at least he’d be home faster. She sighed.
They were planning to watch “Mates In Space” together, but that would have to wait.
Time to focus on the task at hand.
Propping out her knife, she lunged at the fake Maximus and held a knife to his throat. “Who. are. You!?”
Maximus dissolved into a grey liquid before rematerializing into the amalgamation of attractive men he was before. “Please reproduce with me.”
“NO!” She cried. “I barely even know you!”
A sigh. “Here on earth, people only reproduce if … if they love each other. And spend a lot of time together, go through a lot of shit together, and-” She continued. “And commit to each other!”
She jabbed a finger onto his chest. “If you can’t give me that, then DON’T ask me for mating, you alien blob!”
In despair, the man fell down and turned back into a seal. The guilty eyes again.
“You know what … fine, I’ll let you stay.”
“I’m sorry, miss.” It said, apologetically.
She sighed. “It’s okay!” A gentle laugh followed. “I feel bad for yelling now. What can I get you from the fridge?”
“A name would be nice.”
The girl stalled for a bit and paused in thought. “What about Frey?”
The seal smiled gratefully and jumped into her arms. The end.
0 notes
ohshimaacademy · 7 years
Sonic Boom: sonic man heroes part 5
Sonic: I can't believe people love this. Knuckles: yeah they changed the designs i mean look at me I'm huge! Sonic: uh I'm going out. Honey: mind if I can't along *fallows sonic* The gang waited for tails now to hear there robo ripoffs,in the meantime they sealed down for now,with knuckles and Sonic they where at a bar getting a drink. Sonic: *drinks rootbear,burps* Honey: oh yeah? *burps louder* ???: Hey can you keep it down!! Honey: sorry buddy. Sonic: wait a minute. Sonic stand up to see the bum in the jacket was dixon. Sonic and honey: dixon?!? Dixon: oh hey guys *smiles nervously* Sonic: what happened to you? Honey: yeah you look like you haven't showered in day's. Dixon: pssh you know how it is,I've been busy and Sonic: really? Dixon: *stops smiling* okay fine I confess..I got fired. Sonic and honey: what?! Dixon: yeah the producers thought that eggman was doing a better job than me..so they fired me. Honey: I'm sorry. Dixon: *sighs* what am I gonna do?..I'm ruined *cries* Honey: *sits next to him* hey don't cry. Sonic: yeah it could be worse. Honey: sonic! Sonic: sorry Honey: *sighs* well get your job back. Dixon: *sniffs* really? Sonic: *sits down* of course! Dixon: *stops crying,hugs them* oh thank you guys!! Honey: okay heh you can let go. Dixon: sorry *let's go* Back with the gang sticks was walking back and forth trying to figure out how to get rid of there robo ripoffs Sticks: I got it now about we Amy: does it involve blowing the studio up? Sticks: maybe *sits back down* Tails:..*gasp* guys I've found it! Amy: really? Tails: yes the it apeers that eggman was using... Knuckles: what? Tell us. Tails: rqgnium. Knuckles: *gasp*..wait what? Amy: remember? Knuckles:...no! Tails: let me explain,Ragnium is a supercharged element that resembles green crystals. A naturally-occurring substance, the only known deposits of it are found underground on the island of Ragna Rock. When melted down and combusted, it can be used as a powerful fuel source for robots,granting them increased speed and agility. Ragnium and its waste products appear to create potent energies with elemental affinities known as Fire and Ice energy.These energies can be harnessed by both robots and organic creatures to trigger Fire Mode and Ice Mode, abilities that lets the users superheat or freeze objects in an instant. Additionally, Ragnium emits a traceable radiation. Knuckles:.....? Tails: it makes them stronger Knuckles: oh..now I remember. Sonic: so how do we beat them Tails: well if I had some we could get or fire and ice powers again. Honey: yeah but we don't have any Knuckles: does this green crystal count that I found count? Tails: that must be- Dr eggman on tv: ahahahaha!..so you figured out my plan! Sonic: what plan? Dr: Eggman: oh I thought you figured it out..no matter if doesn't mean that I will tell you that my plan is to turn casino might into my own theme park and make everyone my mindless slaves by as wacthing the show...and that doesn't mean I'm gonna tell you that the only way to defeat my metal counterparts is by using ragnium that I for some reason have..as fu- The tv turned off. Honey: well now we know Sonic: let's gear up They heard up and rushed back to the studio and Sonic spin dashed threw the wall seeing eggman putting his plan into action! Dr Eggman: with the power of regnium, my machine should work! Sonic: ahem! Dr eggman: *growls* Sonic Man Heroes attack! The sonic man heroes came out luckily the gang has there fire and ice powers this time. Sonic: alright round 2! Dixon you hide. Dixon: got it! Sonic ( with his fire powers)spin dashed into sonic man!,witch damaged him muched to eggman surprise. Dr eggman: what?! Knuckles charges up (with his fire powers) and did his ground slam move witch destroyed knuckles man. Dr Eggman: *growls* Amy (with her ice powers) managed to destroy one of rose woman's hammer. Honey (with her fire powers) managed to use her hand-to-hand fighting moves to beat honey girl. Dr Eggman:..*growls* Tails and Sticks doubled team and beat there robo counterparts too. Dr: eggman:...BRING IN HYPER METAl SONIC!!! Sonic: what?! A new metal sonic (known as hyper metal sonic) grabbed sonic and they left the studio! Dr Eggman: swatbots attack! Knuckles: finally new robots! Amy: I know right. With sonic hyper metal sonic dropped sonic on a new roller coaster called "stardust highway" One of the fastest roller coaster in history it's a it's a roller coaster  with many loops and speedways with with musical instruments above an enormous city; like its namesake implies, the city glows with many lights. Sonic landed and saw metal in front of him. Sonic: *smirks* all right let's see what's so hyper about you! All of a sudden the theme song of the g d's started playing ( it's this song m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=E6a6su…) Sonic and metal got ready and...there off! Sonic fan through loops but metal last those..With the others they where trying to shut the machine off. Knuckles: *hits robot* oh boy these powers were awesome! Honey: *kicks robot* I know. Dr Eggman: come on computer! Computer: 20 percent Dr Eggman: charge already! With sonic Sonic: come on is that all you got?! Hyper metal sonic: destroy hedgehog! Sonic: *sticks tounge out* Sonic turned around to see the door to the end of the ride closing. Sonic: an shhhiiiiiit!!! He got closer..and closer..and.closer..and closer and finally he made it..except for metal who crashed into the door. Sonic: alright time to head back. With the others Computer: hyper metal sonic destroyed! Dr Eggman: what..NOO!!!..time to bring out the big guns! Soand in just in time sonic came back! Sonic: Hey guys *spin dashes into swatbot* Honey: sup sweetie! Did you take care of metal? Sonic: yep *kicks robot* Tails: okay I think that's the last of them. Sticks for some reason was keep hitting the metal is even though there destroyed. Amy: sticks there dead. Sticks: oh really? Tails: let's shut down that mach- The ground started to shack..what if could be? Sonic: is it a earthquake? Knuckles: we're all gonna die! Dr Eggman: earthquake no..did yes. Eggman came out in a giant mech suit that looks like him. Dr Eggman: meet the death egg suit! Sonic: why is it called the death egg suit? Dr eggman: don't worry about it! He attacked them by shooting a flaw attached to the arm,but sonic dodged it. Sonic: how do we beat it?!!? Tails: I'm checking on my communicator. Knuckles: *punches leg* Dr eggman: *kicks him* ahahaha! Amy: tails! Tails: I got it hit him in the butt. Sonic: really? Tails: yes Sonic: if you say so! Sonic spin dashed into the butt witch was lighted green,when he did he knocked over eggman..eggman then got up and flew into the air aiming for them. Knuckles: oh shit! Sticks: incoming! Eggman landed causing the set to be destroyed. Dixon: noo! he flew up again but this time threw the roof. Dr Eggman: let's see this will take car for them. Sonic: you hoo! Dr Eggman: what?..*growls*..I have..had it..With YOU!!! Eggamn took off his glasses revealing blood red eyes,he tried to hit him but sonic missed..until a flaw grabbed him. Dr Eggman: *presses self destruct butten*.. See ya! Eggman left in his egg mobile leaving sonic alone,but sonic broke free and got in the cockpit and  tried to drive it away from everyone. Sonic: come on come on! Pull up.. Tails: what the heck? *turns on communicator* Sonic what are you doing? Sonic: I have to drive this thing away from everyone before it blows up! Tails: what you'll die! Sonic:.... Tails: sonic? Sonic: tails. Tails: yeah? Sonic: thank you. Tails: for what?! Large explosion was heard,everyone heard it. Team sonic: sonic!! Dixon: my set! Everyone (except Dixon) ran over to sonic they looked everywhere and saw the destroyed mech suit in a unfinished building,they searched threw the rumble until they saw Sonic crushed by a arm Knuckles: *lifs arm* Tails: sonic? Sonic:... Tails:..he's not breathing! They rushed to the hospital leaving tails Amy knuckles sticks and honey to wait,later on honey was walking back and forth woring about her boyfriend. Honey: I hope sonic is okay. Doctor: *opens door* come in. The u enter and saw Sonic okay..except for the broken arm. Sonic: Hey guys. Team sonic: sonic! Honey: thank God your okay!! *hugs him* Sonic: if cour- Before he could finish she kissed him on the lips,leaving everyone not interrupting. Amy and Sticks: awww! Knuckles: ew! They stop kissing and tails came up hugging his friend. Sonic: I'm okay bud. Knuckles: good i don't know what I would be with out my sidekick. Sonic: *smirks,rolls eyes* Dixon then came in checking on everyone. Dixon: Hey just wanted to Che m in you guys. Sonic: sorry about your set dix. Dixon: eh we can rebuild it. Knuckles: but what about are show?! Sonic: oh were gonna finish. Team sonic: what?!? Sonic: yeah i'm out of here were going to finish the show. 2 weeks later Mayor: thank you Sonic Heroes! Sonic: just doing are job come on guys evil never stops our next adventure awaits us, so there's no time to waste! Yeah! We're SONIC HEROES! " Knuckles: wooo!! Amy: sweet! Sticks: he'll yeah! Honey: wow I can't believe how much of a hit He are! Sonic: I know right. Hoeny: anyway I have to go! Sonic: aw really? Honey: hey I'll be back *kisses him,leaves* Sonic:... Dave: alright two double men burgers with extra pickles. Sonic: ugh I said no pickles. Mike the ox: help eggman is here! Dr Eggman: ahahahah! Sonic: sup eghead! Dr eggman: sonic?!!.*growls* how come I can't kill you guys?!! Sonic: you know why?! Dr Eggman: yeah. Sonic: because SONIC HEROES! Sonic and his pals jump and strike an ending pose. What goes up must come down. Yet my feet don't touch the ground. See the world spinning upside down, A mighty crash without a sound! I can feel your every rage, Step aside I'll turn the page. Breaking through your crazy maze. Like a laser beam, my eye's on you! Watch me rule the night away. Watch me save the day. Feel my storm it's gettin' close. Heading your way! Sonic Heroes! Sonic Heroes! Bind you, confine you, defying your reign! Sonic Heroes! Sonic Heroes! Setting the stage for a heroes parade! I won't even hesitate. A second left to alter fate. I tried to strike, but a bit too late. I got you hooked by my own bait! Watch me rule the night away. Watch me save the day. Feel my storm it's gettin' close, Heading your way! Sonic Heroes! Sonic Heroes! Bind you, confine you, defying your reign! Sonic Heroes! Sonic Heroes! Setting the stage for a heroes parade! You can get there ain't no doubt, As the words spill from the mouth... Of a hero... I can chase another day. Fight you all the way, Like a hero... And together we stand strong no matter how, No one can bring us down! HEEEEEYYYYY!! Sonic Heroes! Sonic Heroes! Bind you, confine you, defying your reign! Sonic Heroes! Sonic Heroes! Setting the stage for a heroes parade! Sonic...Heroes! Heroes! Heroes! Sonic...Heroes! Heroes! Heroes! Give us a reason and we're on our waaaaaay!!! The end.
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
from trips to new Orleans to electro-ghost busting
-morning- Kid: *yawn* Patty: o\\\\\o Izuku: "???" Ochako: *stretching* Black Star: *glances suspiciously still at Tsubaki* tsubaki: *yaaawn* soul: zzzzzz -and so, after packing up, and having breakfast, they were on the road again- Stein: *sipping coffee, awake* "Okay. Should be in New Orleans tonight." Izuku: "Should be a fun trip." stocking: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......... Kid: *her head rests on his lap, while he is asleep in his chair* Ochako: (whispers) "D'awwwww..." mina: *takes a pic and posts it to gravebook* Patty: *glances at Takeru* Black Star: "..." *holds up permanent marker, grins* Ochako: "!!!" tsuyu: *snatches the marker* yuck. Black Star: *frowns* "You guys are no fun." tsubaki: *reading a travel guide* Izuku: "Anything interesting in New Orleans, Tsubaki?" -elsewhere- Yumi: *smiles* "Kid and Stocking look adorable." lord death: *sending a message to stein, making sure kid is doing well* *CHIRP* [new message from Stein: "He's keeping up on his medicine. Some separation anxiety from Stocking but manageable."] [Ldeath42; good to know. and how was your roomie last night?] [ScrewLoose: stocking didn't sleep well] [ldeath42: i see] [ScrewLoose: they are catching up on sleep.] -elsewhere- Yohei: *patting Chie's back* chie: *HURK* *BLEARGH* ugh.....*whimpering* TT~TT chie: oh god, my throat is fucking burning TT-TT Yohei: *concerned moan* "Want something?" chie: yes please......*BLEARGH* Yohei: *dials room service* "Could I get some ginger ale--an entire bottle? No, two. And--" *to Chie* "What else?" chie: ice....and lots of it! *BLEUGH* Yohei: -_-; "Ice. Lots, please." chie: and a waffle sandwich...im gonna need it after this. Yohei: "And a waffle sandwich..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "Mmmmm~" *yawn* gabriella: good morning princess. i got your schedule printed out for you today! Hibana: *yawn, sits up in bed* "Wha--? Gab? What time is it?" gabriella: 6:30 AM, princess. Hibana: -_- "I can't sleep in?" gabriella: let me see here....i guess we can skip the- Hibana: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *reading in hospital* nurse: mr boyle, you have a visitor. hiro: hey arthur. Arthur: "Oh! Um...Hi, Hiro..." hiro: glad to see you're alright. Arthur: "Yeah...Thanks for visiting...How are you?" hiro: doing well....hime's going to be starting high school this fall. Arthur: "Oh, wow..." *sad smile* "Guess I was gone longer than I thought." hiro: it's only been about less than a month. Arthur: "It still felt like a long time..." hiro: i could imagine..... Arthur: "..." *looks down* "No one found me." hiro:.....on the bright side, you still have your sword, right? *he picks it up* Arthur: *nods* "It didn't help me get out..." hiro:.....well, you're safe now, right? Arthur: "...Physically. Emotionally...or girlfriend-wise..." hiro: ???? Arthur: "...Tamaki may be dating someone else. And, awkwardness, she's just been transferred to the 8th, officially." hiro:....oh... Arthur: *nods* "This sucks." hiro:....if it helps...i kinda know how it feels, to really like someone even though they're probably with someone else.....it hurts. but you just have to keep taking things a day at a time. Arthur: "Hmm...Yeah...It just hurts right now." -elsewhere- Iris: *tending to the garden* shinra: *getting arthur's bed ready for when he returns* tamaki:............................................. Takehisa: *preparing a meal...and some apple tea* tamaki: .......*notices something sticking out of a drawer* shinra: tamaki we got you your-....... O_O tamaki: !!!!!!!!! o-o;;;;; *she was wearing funny glasses* shinra:....*snerk* *he then breaks down laughing like crazy* tamaki: OH SHUT UP! i was trying to cheer myself up jerk! *tosses a pillow at him* shinra: ow! AHAHAHA! Akitaru: *peeks in* "What's going on?" tamaki: *still wearing the glasses* Akitaru: "..." *loud laughter* tamaki: -_- you guys are jerks. -elsewhere- Tuhl: "BAM!" *shoves invitation into Mana's face* "Game show!" mana: *JAWDROP* for real? mono: are they even going to let you on? you arent exactly hu- *WHACK* saki: do your best. mono: @-@ Tuhl: -_-; "Thank you, Saki. At least you support my endeavor." *hands tickets to her* "In case anyone can make it." -elsewhere- Stein: "Now approaching...New Orleans." stocking: *jolts awake* ngh, huh? Kid: *yawns* "We're here already?" Izuku: *looks out the window* "Oh, wow!" soul: cool. mina: *snapping pics* Stein: *pulls into the hotel* "We're here." liz: it's beautiful. *shiny eyes* Patty: "Yeah! Look at the street lamps!" stocking: this place is amazing! Kid: *nods* "It is a hotel with a rich history. I hope the rooms look as nice." -inside- *Large chandelier on the lobby's ceiling, piano in the lobby, glorious works of art on the walls* stocking: it's gorgeous in here! Kid: *shiny eyes* "So symmetrical..." Izuku: *looking at painting* "Oh! I know this one!" soul:.....the orleans DWMA branch isnt too far from here, is it? Stein: "Right. Just a few blocks--can walk to it." soul: mind if i come along with you? i kinda want to check it out... Stein: "Sure." *pats his container* "The sooner I deliver this, the better." soul: cool. -and so- Stein: (approaches guard station outside DWMA New Orleans branch) "Franken Stein, three-star meister, with a delivery from Lord Death." guard; ah, right this- who's the kid? soul: for your info- Stein: "He's a weapon--a scythe, that I brought. One of my students. Mentee, actually. Trying to show him the ropes of the DWMA." soul: ...... *he shows his student ID card* Stein: "See? He even has his own ID card. Isn't he growing up so quickly?" soul: *grunt* guard: well....ok head on in...... Stein: *nods, pats Soul on the shoulder* "Go on in, Soul..." -inside- Stein: "Hmm...More colorful than I remember." soul: i'll say.... *A hand falls along Soul's shoulder--with skeletal fingers painted onto it* soul: YEEK! *jumps back* *Someone with a skull painted on their face stands tall over Soul* soul: um..... *sweats* hi? N'Orleans DWMA Commander: "Bienvenue." soul: um...... Commander: *seizes Soul's hand with a firm handshake* soul: good to meet you? Garnier: "I am Commander Adele Garnier of the New Orleans Branch of the DWMA." *glares at Stein* "Franken." Stein: *nods* "Adele." *Garnier and Stein have intense glare before staring down at Soul* soul: um.......*sweats* where do i take the solo tour? -at the hotel- Kid: *smiling at the calendar* stocking: *hugs kid from behind* SNEAK ATTACK~! Kid: *happy yell* "You sneaky little minx!" stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *holds her hands* "Aren't you just joyful right now~" stocking: yeah, we're actually here, and in a nice hotel to boot! Kid: *smiles* "So glad to be. And you look beautiful." stocking: thanks~ so what did you want to do first? Kid: "Could I interest you in a carriage ride?" stocking: that sounds lovely~! *shiny eyes* Kid: *smiles* "Good...Because the carriage ride will take us to a great stop~" stocking: oh~? Kid: "I know a place with the best Creole bread pudding soufflé. Or "first of the season strawberry shortcake?" stocking: OH HELL YES!! Kid: "Hee hee...So excited." *offers an arm* "Shall we?" -and so- Kid: *leans against her in the carriage* stocking: this is really nice. *Kid is in a full black suit, complete with slacks, vest, jacket, tie* stocking: *she hugs him* Kid: *hugs her back, kisses her forehead* "A horse-drawn carriage...and beautiful woman..." ("...Should I...? No, too soon.") stocking: *she blushes* Kid: "Stocking...This feels right." stocking: U////U Kid: "I love you. And I want...I can't imagine my life without you." stocking:...*blushing* kid...... Kid: *holds her chin gently, brings her lips to his...* stocking: *smooch~* Kid: *smooch* (pulls back, smiles) stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *points to the Christmas lights dotting the path towards the restaurant* "We're almost there..." stocking: *shiny eyes* fancy. Kid: *smiles* "Colorful..." *frowns* "Should I have worn something more colorful?" stocking: it looks nice on you. Kid: *smiles* "Okay..." -and so- Kid: *dining on a blackened redfish* "I also ordered you beignets and pralines~" stocking: sounds fancy. Kid: "And sweet~" stocking: *shiny eyes* Kid: *nods, then bites into his fish* "Hmmm~" -elsewhere- Yohei: "How was the waffle?" chie: yummyyyyy *purrs* Yohei: *smiles* "Happy to hear. Want anything?" *pats lightly along her shoulder* chie: *she turns the tv on*.....wait a minute.....isnt that tuhl?! Tool: (on the TV) "The Hadron Collider!" *DING DING DING* *400 dollars is added to his score* Yohei: "...Am I drunk?" Yohei: *stares at his glass, sniffs* "Nope. Sober. Jesus." chie: wow...... -elsewhere- mimeca: *watching tv in a shop* NoFix: *shoplifting cans of soda into his pants* nui: wow! is that a kappa on tv? NoFix: *turns, sees TV--and his eyes widen...he vibrates with a sadistic smile* "Yohei's turtle buddy..." *the vibrations cause the cans of soda in his pants to explode* mimeca: *shakes the spilled soda off her like a dog* NoFix: *smiling stupidly* "Oh, this is sweet..." *pokes the TV screen* "I see you!" -a pan of the audience......including saki and io- NoFix: "...What. The. Fuck?" mimeca:....?! NoFix: *waves to Mimeca* "That small creature on cyborg girl's lap? That creature look familiar to you?" mimeca:.......*wide eyes and jawdrop* nui: i thiiiiink thats called a baby. NoFix: "...Shit! She's going to charge me so much in child support! And I can't afford that! I just had soda go off in my pants!" mimeca:.....*glances down* Security Guard: "Sir, did you just shoplift cans of soda, which exploded in your pants in a vaguely suggestive way?" NoFix: "..." *points at Nui* "She did it." nui: *stabs the guard* oopsies~ Guard: X_X *collapses onto NoFix, who is too distracted by the TV* NoFix: "...Where is this show being filmed?" -elsewhere- Garnier: "Hmmm...Everything seems to be in order with this shipment, Franken." *stares at Soul* soul:....*looking around* Garnier: *leans down...and shoves her fingers into Soul's mouth* soul: MGRHPGHDHF?!?!?!?!?! Garnier: "Relax, I'm a doctor." Stein: "A voodoo doctor." Garnier: "And a dentist." Stein: "That's not a real doctor--" soul: *flailing* Garnier: "Hmm...Why are your teeth so sharp? Does that help with ingesting souls? Do you floss? Hmm...Gums look a little infected, so may want to switch your toothpaste. Do you grind your teeth?" soul: *very uncomfortable* (thinking: MAKA SOME DIVINE INTERFENTION WOULD BE APPRECIATED HERE!!) *Wind blows by--knocking a mummy's casket onto Garnier, knocking her out* soul: .____.;;;; Stein: "...Huh. Well, we delivered the items, so I guess all that is left is to dissect Garnier and--" secretary: please dont. Stein: "Hmph. Fine. I'll just administer first aid and depart...” -elsewhere- Iris: *washing plates* nozomi: *also washing* Iris: *whispers* "How's Tamaki?" nozomi: she's asleep....i'm worried about her though.... Iris: *nods* "Still about Arthur?" nozomi: *she nods* Iris: "...Maybe she needs more time to think this through." nozomi: maybe..... Iris: "Maybe do something to take her mind off of things?" nozomi: hmmm...maybe take her to get crepes? Iris: "Oh, that would be good!" nozomi: *she smiles* i remember my father would take me to get crepes when i had bad days... Iris: *nods* "Maybe I can help?" -elsewhere- Hibana: "Ugh...I hate long work days..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *trying to feed Shiori* shiori *nom* Yumi: *smiles* "Eat up, sweetie~" shiori: ^o^ Yumi: "Death, have you heard from Kid?" lord death: they've arrived in new orleans! Yumi: "That's good. I hope it's a relaxing trip." -elsewhere- shaula: *making a list* i need to pick up some stuff while we're there. Medusa: "What, stocking up on more booze?" shaula: AHAHAHAHAHA shut up. i'm getting ingredients for potions and shit. Experimental stuff, stuff for work... Medusa: "Oh, yes, 'shit' and 'stuff' constitute such professional jargon." shaula: you comin with or nah? Medusa: "Sorry, but I have other priorities..." *cradling her bundle of joy* shaula: *gags* Medusa: "Quiet, you, or I'll have my baby vomit all over you." -elsewhere- Tuhl: *shiny eyes, blushing, giggling* saki: congratulations, tuhl. Tuhl: "Thank you for coming here with me..." -\\\\\- "I appreciated having one or two friendly faces in the audience." io: papa! *reaching for tuhl* Tuhl: *frowns, even as he picks up Io and holds her gently* "I'm not your papa..." -\\\\\- io: *pouty face* Tuhl: *grimaces, smiles nervously* "Er, um--you can call me 'papa' if you want! Ha ha ha!" *glances at Saki* "Help me!"* saki: i think the role suits you~ Tuhl: o\\\\\\\o "Um...Saki..." saki: hmm? Tuhl: "I...I've never been a dad or anything. I don't know the first thing...just what I read in all those books I got at the trash dump...and the library...and online...and those videos I watched. And TV shows...Actually, I do know a lot of tending to babies, but jeez if I'm still not scared half to death about it." saki: hmmmm.... Tuhl: "...You hungry? Maybe get something to eat? I got a lot of award money, so we can eat fancy...” -\\\\\\- -elsewhere- Kid: "Was it to your satisfaction?" stocking: it was so yummy~! thank you kiddo~! Kid: *smiles* "I'm glad it was pleasurable. Thank you for spending this evening with me." stocking: *she kisses his cheeks* Kid: *blushes* "Aw...Thank you." *small kiss* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *holds her hand* "That was just some of the desserts here in New Orleans..." *leans closer* "But I see something even sweeter in front of me." stocking: *blush* Kid: *hugs her as the carriage takes them back to the hotel* -later that evening, stocking would utterly dominate kid in a bdsm session- -morning- Kid: *tickling Stocking* stocking: hehehe~ k-kiddo! Kid: "Are you ticklish? I'm sorry--are you?" stocking: its fine. Kid: *small smile, kisses her cheek, hugs her* "I enjoyed last night." stocking: *she kisses him on his bruises* Kid: *tenses a bit* "Ah!...Thank you..." stocking: you gonna be ok? Kid: *smiles* "As long as I'm with you, I'll be fine." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *holds her hand* "Breakfast?" stocking: *she nods* yes please Kid: *looks over the menu* "Room service or dining with our peers?" -they would sit with the others- Kid: *sit by Stocking, across from Liz and Patty* Patty: "So...Who's up for checking out a haunted house?" liz: Q___________Q Stein: "We can always arrange a second activity for those too afraid to face a haunted house. Fishing? Dancing? Concerts?" liz: dancing please! Kid: "Which would you prefer, Love?" stocking: haunted house for the win! *shiny eyes* Kid: *smiles* "Then I guess that's the trip I'm going on." Black Star: "Tch. Maybe dancing will be more fun..." tsubaki: the house might be interesting. Black Star: "Hmm..." Ochako: "Both are good choices...Hmm..." -and so- Kid: "Hmm..." *read signs on the Haunted House* stocking: ooooh. *shiny eyes* Patty: "Tsubaki, could you take a photo of me and the creepy house?" tsubaki: *snaps a pic on her phone* Stein: "Hmm..." *studying the walls and a portrait of the Madam* stocking: *she looks around* ???: "Wee ee ooo...." stocking: patti.... Patty: "What's up? Want a photo?" stocking: ........ -elsewhere- Ochako: "Great moves, Mina!" mina: yeah! woohoo! Izuku: *awkward dance shuffle* tsuyu: not bad, izuku. Izuku: -\\\\\- "Th-Thanks...Kind of embarrassing like this..." -elsewhere- shaula: i'm gonna go get some stuff, brl! milia: bee are elle? Grimoire: -_-; "Please don't cause problems..." Nals: *shrugs at Milia* shaula: *whistling* Nals: *spots antiques store* "Well, I'm going to see whether I can find new weaponry..." milia: *goes to a dress shop* -minutes later- Grimoire: *joins Nals in antiques shop, looking at books* -elsewhere- nui: i thiiiiink we may have broken the car.... -the car is crashed into a tree- NoFix: *missing an arm, has his boxers atop his head* "Point remains: I won the bet. Pay up!" mimeca: *gives him a 20* nui: *she takes a 20 out of the officer's wallet and gives it to him* say....that guy doesnt look too good. NoFix: "...Huh. Knew we forgot someone. Eh, leave him. The wolves will adopt him..." -back in town- Patty: "Okay. Has _anyone_ seen an actual ghost? Or is this just a fancy place with shiny objects to steal?" *beat* "Not that I was stealing anything from here..." stocking: patti... Patty: "...Fine." *opens pants--and polished silver falls out of her puffy shorts and onto the floor* tsubaki: unbelievable.... -_-; -elsewhere in town- Black Star: *steps outside from the nightclub to get some fresh air* -some familiar faces drive by on a motorbike- nui: WEEE!!! Black Star: "???!!" -nofix was in the driver’s seat- Black Star: o_O "...Shit! Shit shit shit!" *screams into the dance club* "It's that weirdo again!" liz: hmm? Black Star: "I saw him! That guy who looks like the guy who hurt Stocking! The crazy guy with the spinning powers who blew up the robot fight in England!!!" Ochako: "...What?" Izuku: "!!!" *he did his reading about all of this* mina: what do we do? liz: we need to get to stein and the others.... Black Star: "But someone has to follow that maniac! I'm going after him!" liz: black*star wa-......*she dials stein on her phone* *Black Star has departed* Ochako: "...Um, who should follow him?" Stein: *on the phone* "Hello?" -liz explains the situation- tsuyu: leave it to me. mina: *follows* Stein: *deep breath* "Okay. We're going to need DWMA New Orleans resources as well, who will alert local police and rescue." *taps the phone, projecting a hologram map* "You're on one side of town, so patrol the area and find the target. Based on where you said the target was heading..." *taps the map* "He'll come right to us." liz: right. soul: what should we do? Stein: *finally notices Soul was listening in* "Oh. Right. Um...Start patrolling outside with Garnier from the DWMA when she arrives. I'm going to inform Stocking--break it to her gently." *Smoke explodes in the haunted house* stocking: what the hell?! *Garnier emerges out of the smoke* Garnier: "I already got the alert. We are scrambling resources now, so we need to coordinate." *stares at Soul, smirking* soul: erm.... Garnier: *leans closer* "Have you considered donating your teeth? I'm sure they would help me with a spell I'm working on--" *STEIN CHOP* Stein: "Stop that." Garnier: Q_Q "F-Fine..." *ahem* "Tell me about this target, NoFix." -soul explains the situation- Garnier: "Hmm...Dangerous. We will take him into custody. However, your report listed more than one person with him..." *Garnier soul: the other one, i can assume, is another dokeshi named 'mimeca'. a shapeshifter....as for the 3rd one....i got nothin. Garnier: "Very well. We shall depart." -elsewhere- shaula: ok, that should be everything. Grimoire: "Ready to begin?" shaula: yep. just need to find some random shmucks on the street to inject this latest concoction with, and we'll be all set! Grimoire: *spots a tourist group* "Any particular age?" milia:....*she spots something* who's that girl in the pink? i totes love her style! shaula: *she looks too* Grimoire: "Hmmm..." *senses something off* -CRASH- nui: whoooops~ Nals: "What the devil?!" milia: EEK! mimeca:... >->;;; NoFix: "Uhhhh...My head...My insurance policy is going to keep getting bigger and--" *spots Grimoire* "Oh, poopie." Grimoire: -_-; shaula: wait a minute, i think i know you...? NoFix: "Yeah, hi, I'm some guy who looks like that guy next to you." *waves at Grimoire* "How many of you are running around here? Also, if I cut off your head, will it grow back? Like this?" *takes glass shard and slices off his head...and his tiny head starts growing out again* milia: *faints* Nals: *catches her, but still shocked as well* shaula: shit bro.... shaula: wait, you 'rightroundbaby'? NoFix: (high-pitched voice as his head grows back) "Wait, how do you know my online user name?" shaula: i'm xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX! NoFix: "...Oh! The girl who sent me the tit pics of her sis?" shaula: hell yeah! oh shit whaddup! milia: ??? NoFix: "Hey! Glad to match a face to a name! And a hot body, too! I'm a'ight, just spreading mayhem in New Orleans before meeting my baby mama..." shaula: wait you got a kid? when the fuck did that happen? nui: hi there~! NoFix: "It kinda happened because I'm a terrible person who really needs to get killed off in this series for the sake of catharsis...Oh, and this girl talks. A lot." Nals: -_-; "Great, another bubbly loudmouth..." milia: i like her ^^ mimeca: *waves* Nals: *double-take at Milia in his arms--then lets go, dropping her* Grimoire: "I am reeeeeeeally getting tired of people stealing my look. Shaula, begin the experiment. I'm going to kill this bastard." milia: owie! shaula: say, maybe we can enjoy a good ol evening of debauchery and sh*t? Grimoire: "...We have a mission--" NoFix: *pushes Grimoire out of the way* "What you have in mind, Triple X Scorpion Bitch?" shaula: fuck it. we gettin crunk as f*ck! HELL YEAH! NoFix: "W00t!" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Ah!" chie: !!! yohei? are you ok?! Yohei: *sits up in bed* "J-Just a nightmare..." chie:...*she hugs him* it's ok, babe.... Yohei: "..." *small sob* chie:....*she rubs his back and holds him close to her* Yohei: "Chie...Something's wrong...I think he's back." chie:.......what do we do? Yohei: "W-Warn them. Contingency plan for GET and WASHU..." chie: right....like hell i'm letting him near you or my sister ever again.... Yohei: *nods* -elsewhere- io: *crying* Tuhl: *holding up turtle plushie* "Come on, kid, what's troubling you? Fed, bathed, diaper...What's wrong?" saki: shhh, it's ok sweetie, mama's here.... Tuhl: *worried* "Man..." mono:......... Tuhl: "Mono, could you get Saki some water?" mono: sure..... -elsewhere- Iris: "Um...Where did _this_ come from?" shinra: hmm? 0-0 what even _is_ that? tamaki: my words have failed me. Akitaru: -_-; "It _was_ called 'fashion.'" *It's a photo of Akitaru with friends in high school* shinra:...................wow. amazing. nozomi: it....looks flattering, commander.... Akitaru: *groan* Arthur: "..." *loud laughter* tamaki: *losing it* shinra:........ Takehisa: *making a note* -elsewhere- Hibana: *hic* miwa: you ok? you have enough? Hibana: *giggles* "I think I'm okay for a bit! Maybe one more drink after a bit..." *takes off her coat* -ELSEWHERE- Spirit: "...What did you just say, Marie?" marie: i said that my cellphone has been getting weird messages, but i never get them from the apartment phone...its really weird.... Spirit: "What kind of messages?" marie: really creepy messages.....and kiiiiinda stalker-y. Spirit: "...Not that I have to say it, but I assure you, those messages are not from me." marie: i didnt say they were from you... but look. *she shows him one of the messages* Spirit: " 'Your charge stimulates my heart and--'" o_O "Oh. God." marie: .................. O_O;;;; *hurk* Spirit: *summons scythe blade* "You want to slice the phone or smash it?" marie: smash this thing with a damn lawnmower! and maybe douse it with holy water. Spirit: "I'll call Justin!" *dials on Marie's phone--and gets an electrical zap, knocking him to the floor* marie: spirit! *she goes over to him* are you ok? Spirit: *sits up* "Yeah, just got in for a shock...What the heck was--" *Phone*: "Marie! Mjolnir" marie: *SCREAMS* w-wh-what the heck?! *Phone*: "I love you, my little lightning bolt..." marie:.....AWWW HECK NO! *grabs christa an runs* NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE! Spirit: o_O "Wait for me!" *Phone leaps up with static charge and lands on Spirit head* -later- -KNOCKKNOCKNOCK- lady: yes? marie: is nygus in? Naigus: "Marie?" marie: MYHOUSEISHAUNTED!!! D: Naigus: "...Sit down. I'll get some tea--" Spirit: "Booze! We're going to need booze!" Naigus: -_-; "Sit down and then we'll talk..." -later- Naigus: "Hmm...But it sounds like the apparition was limited to just your phone...Still, we will have to investigate and exorcise that ghost." marie: Q-Q the things mentioned........my mind is burned. Naigus: -_-; "Then why did you have to repeat them to me?" *sigh* "A stalker ghost...Creepy." lady:....is he hot? marie: D:< Naigus: *small chop* "Stop that, roomie." *looks at Marie* "I assure you, whoever this monster is, he will pay." marie: thank yooooou.... Q-Q Spirit: *shivering* "Creepy electronic ghost...It's like The Ring." Spirit: "I just want to go home and not deal with this nonsense...So creepy..." ("Sachiko...") Naigus: "Marie, do you need a place to stay?" marie: yes please....christa's safe with yumi. Naigus: *nods* "We'll prepare the guest room." marie: yay! Naigus: "Urk! Marie! Too tight!" *pushing her off of her* -elsewhere- Yumi: "Sigh...This is insane." christa: *looking up* shiori: ....... julie: *reading to them* Yumi: *watching them listen* "Death, electronic ghosts. What do you know about them?" lord death: it's uncommon, though not impossible.... perhaps the deceased has a connection to the electric element, or perhaps…. *muttering to himself* Yumi: *nods, holds up her phone* "I'm running a check on any individuals known for electric abilities--" Phone: *DING* "No results found among humans." lord death: maybe _non_ humans? Yumi: *nods, expands the search* "...I got a few more entries. Some elves, some dokeshi, an ogre..." lord death: some demon weapons. Yumi: "Yes. Hard to narrow it down. Oh! Death, you need to update this database--some of these entries refer to people who are...dead...Oh God..." lord death: hmm? Yumi: *taps the screen, pulling up Rodigy's file* lord death: *eyes widen* Yumi: "This...is the one who attacked the local Robot Fighting Tournament. But I thought--" lord death: perhaps his soul is unwilling to move on.... Yumi: *nods* "We need one of our best meisters to get him loose...Can we call Kami?")) lord death: it's our best bet. Yumi: "Okay. I'll call her." -elsewhere- NoFix: "Damn, girl--you hold your liquor good!" shaula: years of practice, my good man. NoFix: "What else do you practice?" shaula: *griiiiin* *opens her mouth to say something* Grimoire: *slaps a hand over her mouth* "Is this really all you want to do, NoFix--spread chaos indiscriminately?" mimeca:.....*shrug* Grimoire: "Where are you from, anyway?" *looks at Nui* nui: i came out of a lab! :D Grimoire: -_-; *looks at Shaula, removes his hand* "Did you create this...person?" shaula: nah, this aint one of mine. whats under the eyepatch? nui: a hole. :D NoFix: "...Hot." nui: i tried to get out and one of the doctors stabbed me in the eye. but mommy made it better ^^ mimeca:...................................... shaula: *remembering her mother's neglect* milia: *remembering how justin killed her mother* [[a young boy's voice: mama? mama get up! i can make you better, see mama? i made you better. get up mama...]] shaula: .......well _that_ killed my buzz... NoFix: "Y-Yeah..." shaula:....chaos time? NoFix: "Sexy violent chaos time?" shaula: hell yeah! -elsewhere- Stein: *sigh* "Property damage, casualties. The mayor has put in a curfew, the governor a state of emergency. This is awful." stocking: we have to do something! Kid: "We are. We have recovery teams containing fires and getting the injured to hospitals. Now, we have to put down this threat." liz: right. Patty: *cracks knuckles* "Let's kick some fuckers' asses!" mina: yeah! time to whoop some villain butt! Izuku: "O-Okay!" -elsewhere- Hibana: *passed out* gabriella: *tucked her in* sleep well, princess... Hibana: *smiles, muttering something* gabriella:.....*she hugs her* thank you....for all that you've done for me... Hibana: *sleepy* "Gab..." gabriella: ?? Hibana: "You're lovely..." *pats her arm* gabriella: O///////O -elsewhere- Arthur: *in the shower* "Just glad I don't have sponge baths anymore..." *shudder* tamaki: arthur do you nee-.......... O/////O Arthur: o_O *he blushes all over...and...* Arthur: "I THOUGHT YOUR LEWD BAD LUCK ONLY WORKED ON YOU!" tamaki: *SLAMS DOOR SHUT* .///////////. (thinking: OMGMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOKMGOMNFKJDJI) Iris: "Oh, Tamaki! Is Arthur still in the shower?" tamaki: yes. dont go in there Iris: *small laugh* "Well, of course I wouldn't!" *points to the door* "It says 'shower.' Right there. Big letters. Only a fool would go into the shower when--" tamaki: *runs, trips and faceplants into the floor* owie! >-< Iris: "Oh no! Stay there! I'll get ice!" *door opens* tamaki: *nosebleed* ooooowwwwww Arthur: *in a towel* "Of all the bad luck--" *trips over Tamaki* "Owie!" tamaki: O/////////////O Arthur: *atop her...without his towel* o\\\\\\\o nozomi: is every-.....................*slowly closes the door* Arthur: D: *squeak* -elsewhere- Tuhl: "How is Io?" saki: she's calmed down now.... Tuhl: *nods* "You look exhausted. Go lie down, I'll get you some tea." saki: *she smiles* Tuhl: *prepping tea in the kitchen* -elsewhere- Bakugou: *staring at a phone...frowning...twitching...picks up the phone and starts shaking it* "WHY DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME, DEKU?!" eijiro: oi bakugou, you ok in there? Bakugou: "HE NEVER CALLS AND THIS PHONE IS STUPID! I WANT TO BLOW IT UP!" eijiro: woah, easy there, buddy. do you need to use mr happy? Bakugou: "MR HAPPY CAN GO TO HELL!" -elsewhere- Emine: *sips* grunt: lin is checkin in again, did you do your bad deed? Emine: "...No, I haven't. Hang on. Grunt, please come here..." grunt: um....ok- Emine: *grabs the Grunt's underwear and pulls them over his head* grunt: HEY! D: Emine: "Bad deed complete. I will speak with Lin now--" grunt: whyyyy... -elsewhere- lin: *anxious* Akua: "What's with you?" lin: i just got a really reeeeally bad feeling... ever heard of the 'lightning beast rodigy'? that shinoda and i killed? weeeellll- Akua: "You mean Baldy McAssFace?" lin: yep. -the phone rings- lin: EMINE ARE YOU THERE?! DID YOU DO YOUR BAD DEED?! Emine: "Yes, and yes. How are you?" lin: we kiiiind of have a little situation. -lin explains what happened with the robot tournament and what she has heard from her 'source' about rodigy- Emine: "...Find the target. Eliminate him and any who get in your way." lin: right! Emine: "I also have one more request." lin: yes? Emine: "Send Shinoda a report on what you have discovered about the DWMA." lin: can and will do! Emine: "Anything else?" lin: *whispers* what's akua's deal? Emine: *whispers* "Let them do their thing. Trust me on this one." lin: o-o ooook? Emine: *nods* "Be safe." lin:....ok. *blush* Emine: -\\\\- "End transmission." *BLINK, STATIC* grunt: ????? Emine: *glares at Grunt* "What are you looking at?" grunt: nothing sir! Emine: *studies Grunt before reclining on his throne, breathing in and out* -elsewhere- Hibana: *groans* "My head...Can't remember..." gabriella: *she got some ice* Hibana: "Gabriella? What happened?" -elsewhere- stocking: *rushing to where the chaos is* Nals: *slicing his way through the area, scaring away bystanders* stocking: *swords in hand* FEATHER BLADE DANCE -GENERATION TWO EDITION-!! Nals: *smirks* "A challenge..." *tries to block the slices and slice at Stocking in turn* stocking: *jump and kicks at his back* Nals: "?!!" milia: how rude! ~pilia papillion~ ~monarch waltz~! *a barrage of butterfly projectiles attack* Nals: *smirks* "Good for something, then..." -in another part of the battle- Kid: *shooting at his target* "Stand still, damn it!" mimeca: *dodge* *giggle motion* Kid: *BANG BANG BANG* mimeca: ~~? !! *she changes into.....asymmetrical abstract art* Kid: *twitch twitch* "AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGG!" *rushes at Mimeca and slams a fist at her* mimeca: *has taken the form of stocking* Kid: *stops dead in his tracks* mimeca: ........ liz: kid, its a trick! Kid: "Wh-What?" stocking: kid!! -something charges at her- Kid: *shakes his head, watching Stocking* "!!! Watch out!" stocking: !!!! -shink- stocking: !!!!!!!!!! Kid: *eyes widen* "No..." nui: *has stabbed stocking through the abdomen* whooopsieeees~<3 Kid: "..." *trembling* stocking: *collapses* nui: hehe~<3 Kid: "..." *sends a pulse of soul energy through Liz and Patty's demon pistol forms* mimeca: *backing up and runs the fuck outta there* nui: eh~? *Demon Pistols transform into Death Cannons* Kid: *lifts his head, revealing a cravat and black lines along his chin* nui: um....? owo;;;; soul: ???....!!!!!!!! Kid: *marches forward to aim above Stocking...each footstep crushes the ground beneath his feet* shaula:...oh sh*t....time to bail the fuck outta here! NoFix: *eating pralines in a chair* "But the fight was just getting good!" mimeca: *grabs nofix and runs* mina: *grabs stocking and takes her to medbay* Kid: *seeing Stocking taken away, he charges and fires the Death Cannon at Nui* "DIE!" -all that remains of nui is her upper half, which still smiles, but she's afraid- takeru: *frightened* tsuyu: ..... Kid: *approaches her upper body...lifts his foot...* LK: nui: h-hey come on, you can get a new girlfriend, right? Kid: *stamps his foot onto her forehead* nui: !!! haha...hahahahahaha.... \tear her to shreads....\ \make her suffer\ \destroy her very soul\ Kid: *presses harder on her head* "I want to see your brains leak. I want you to suffer. I want to rip you apart until there are only strings of your muscles remaining, your bones littering the ground, your screams music to the masses you have harmed. I want you to die." \KILL HER\ nui:....ma- -squeltch- Kid: *clenching his teeth* "???" -nui's head is beginning to cave in- Kid: "Die." *HARD STOMP* -squelch- -crunch- liz: *horrified* -a tiny soul emerges from nui's carcass- Patty: o_o Kid: *draws the soul towards his hand* "I will crush every last part of you. Rip your souls asunder. I want to hear your screams." -the soul begins to crack- Kid: "Die, die...Die, you ugly soul..." -shatter- -it begins to rain- Kid: "..." tch- *small laugh* liz: *she changes back* kid..... Kid: *laughing more...the rain is falling down his face as he looks to the sky...or is he crying? He's shaking* liz:..................... -seems the other enemies snuck away elsewhere- Kid: *collapsing to his knees, crying* Patty: "..." *hugs him* -later- medic:....*sighs* she will live....but right now she needs to rest. Kid: "I-I can't see her?" medic: if you wish, but she is asleep right now... Kid: *nods* "I'll be quiet." -stocking was asleep in the bed. her wounds have been healed- Kid: *watches her in her sleep...cries silently* stocking:......... Kid: ("I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...") stocking:...*her hand twitches slightly* Kid: *watches her hand...* "???" stocking: *she subconsciously reaches for him* Kid: "?!" *whispers* "St-Stocking?" stocking:..... Kid: "..." *reaches for her hand* stocking: *she holds his hand and smiles* Kid: *tearing up* "Stocking..." stocking: mmmn....kid..... Kid: "I'm sorry..." stocking: *her eyes slowly open and she looks at kid with a soft smile* .....you're here... Kid: *nods* "So are you..." stocking: *tries to get up* Kid: *gently* "No, rest...You need to..." stocking: g-good poin-ah! *winces* still sore... Kid: "..." *smiles, holds her hand softly* stocking: ..............i must have really scared everyone, huh? Kid: *nods* "I was so worried." stocking:.....*she frowns*...i'm sorry.... Kid: "No, it's not your fault...It was...You got hurt. And she will never hurt you again..." stocking:......... Kid: "..." *sobs* stocking: *she tries to pull him closer to hug him* Kid: *hugs her gently* "I’m sorry." -elsewhere- Yumi: "Kami should arrive tomorrow, Marie." marie: that's good to know. *gasp* maybe we could have a girls night! like old times! :D Yumi: "Oh...Sure? That would be fun..." marie: it's gonna be awesome! Yumi: ^^; "Great..." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *typing reports* nozomi: *filing papers* Iris: "Here's another report, Nozomi." *hands it to her* Arthur: *on the roof, practicing with Excalibur again* nozomi: thank you. *she smiles* Takehisa: "I'm almost done with this file and...okay. Time for lunch." *looks around* "Where is everyone else?" tamaki: arthur and maki are on the roof. shinra's in the gym with oubi. Takehisa: "...Arthur and Shinra are going to be so bruised..." tamaki: oooh yes... nozomi: *sigh* we're going to run out of medical supplies at this rate... Iris: "Well...Maybe the Commander and Maki will go easy on them?" Takehisa: *stunned silence* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *panting* "Okay...That's the last of the food to pass out." *collapses on a cot* mana: good job today. Shotaro: "Thank you...Feeding the homeless is exhausting but satisfying..." mana: yeah.... mono:....hmm? isnt that aizawa? Aizawa: *yawn* -elsewhere- Hibana: *reading files, with a large cup of black coffee, holding her forehead* gabriella: feeling better? Hibana: *groans* "Just a bit..." *smiles gently* "Thanks for getting me into bed. I haven't drunk that much in a long time. I didn't do anything too stupid, did I?" gabriella: no no, you just slept it off. Hibana: "Hmmm..." *mischievous smirk* "Darn. I didn't even go home with anyone that night? That's a shame." -elsewhere- NoFix: "Damn...Meet Scorpion Tits, and don't even get to stay in New Orleans before things go to shit." mimeca: *sipping on some soda* NoFix: "And when Doctor Hottie learns her experiment got ripped apart by a shinigami...Man, she's going to rip my balls off." NoFix: "...That's kinda hot, but painful." mimeca: *nods* NoFix: *pulls out map* "Well, still have to make our way to my baby mama..." *taps a finger on Reno* "And between us and Reno is..." *taps a finger on Death City* mimeca: *griiiiiiiiiiiiin* NoFix: *smiles* "They've been getting in my way for too long. How 'bout we bring trouble to their front door?" mimeca: *nods* NoFix: "Then let's get going! ...Oh, wait, we're going to need another vehicle, since Kyle's car got wrecked. (FUCK YOU, KYLE!)" -hours later, they are speeding down the rode in a car with a 'just married' banner on it. mimeca is checking her phone on a murder case story involving a murdered bride and groom- NoFix: *randomly wearing a top hat* "Thank goodness it's a convertible!" mimeca: ^^ NoFix: "Hey, since I have a kid now, when we go pick them up, that means one day I get to give them away at their wedding! How much money you think I could get for selling my child to their spouse?" mimeca: ....... *types something into the phone keyboard* -the message displayed is ???????- NoFix: "What? Isn't the dad supposed to get paid when their child gets married?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *trying to pour a glass of water* chie: *she watches him, smiling* Yohei: *he's shaking a bit as he hands the glass to her* "Here..." chie: *she drinks...but frowns* are you sure you're ok? Yohei: "..." *nods* "Just...a premonition." chie:.....*she hugs him* Yohei: *holds her* "I'm sorry...I'm scared I won't be able to protect you both..." chie: it will be ok. i promise....*she kisses his forehead* Yohei: "..." *just holds her* chie: i love you, ok? Yohei: "I love you, too." -elsewhere- Izuku: "Wh-What was that? I mean, I never saw Kid act like that..." mina: yeah, it was pretty freaky...like he was possessed or something... soul:...... liz:...... Patty: "He just...got a bit charged up in battle..." tsuyu: he seemed pretty upset when stocking got hurt... Patty: "Well, wouldn't you?! If your girlfriend almost died?!!" -silence- soul:................................................................ Patty: (glances at Soul) "...Oh..." soul:..i'm going to go out for a walk.... Patty: ".." *looks down* takeru: he seemed upset.... Patty: T_T "Yeah...He..." liz: *she looks at black*star* Black Star: "...I'll keep an eye on him." *follows* -elsewhere- Arthur: *lying down* "Ouch..." maki: *streeetch* what a work out today, haha!.........hmm? do you hear something? Arthur: "My body aching? Yeah, I hear that..." maki: *she peeks over the ledge* WOAH! Arthur: "??! What?" -a large vehicle has pulled into the 8ths front yard- Arthur: *looks over the ledge* "You recognize the vehicle or its passengers?" maki: that's the squad 0 vehicular base, also known as 'the firefly'....but why is it here? Arthur: *looks down* "The Commander is approaching the vehicle..." Akitaru: *salutes* miwa: hey akitaru. *waves* shinra: (thinking: she's pretty casual....) Akitaru: *smiles* "Thank you for coming here. We have a lot to discuss." miwa: *she smiles* i'll have the girls make themselves at home. padma: *she nods* Akitaru: "Good. Let us know if you need anything." *points to where Shinra is seated* sayu: *waves* shinra: *waves back* Akitaru: *points to office* "Miwa, a word?" miwa: alright. *she nods, padma goes with her* nayumi: *streeetch* phew, nice to get out and walk around, huh? Akitaru: *closes the door behind him* "What have you found about anyone hunting down Shinra?" miwa: all we have on that is this 'joker' guy...we want to help, not just to look after him, but the rest of your brigade as well. padma: given what happened to young boyle, increasing security seems like the most logical response, is it not? Akitaru: *sighs* "I don't like admitting it, but you're right. That is quite a lot of people to keep an eye on, though. How do you propose doing that? Even you all need sleep. We got some spare space here..." miwa: we may be a small group, but we still have a good number of people. plus we even have a medic with us. as for sleeping space, the firefly _is_ our base so... Akitaru: "Do you think people will notice the Firefly sitting in front of our building?" -elsewhere in the building- sayu: so this is the 8th HQ? neato! nayumi: not too shaby if i do say so myself. Arthur: *he and Maki came downstairs, observing Sayu and Nayumi* *whispers to Maki* "Who are they?" maki: you guys are with squad 0, right? sayu: yepperonie! i'm sayu hirano, hero in training! and this is squad 0's sister, nayumi yokomine. nayumi: hey there. *waves* Arthur: "Hi...I'm not sure we met. I'm Arthur." sayu: oh! you were from the training camp with big bro shinra, right? Arthur: " 'Big bro'? Um...Oh! Yeah! The training camp! Sorry, it's been awhile, and I kinda got hurt….” sayu: i cant wait to introduce you to everyone in squad 0! Arthur: "...Okay?" sayu: yay! we got commander miwa, we got miss padma, we got misora, we got serina, then we have nayumi and me! ^^ Arthur: *counting on his finger* "Okay...I think I got track of this...Um...So, you're visiting because...?" sayu: we're looking after you guys and protecting you from the bad guys! *sailor moon pose* Arthur: "..." *looks downcast* "So, the Commander doesn't think I can protect myself...?" -shinra and tamaki walk down the hall- tamaki: it's like i told nozomi, you cant just play a level 1 spell caster and expect to melee everythi-.... sayu: hey shinra!....... -awkward silence as tamaki and sayu stare at each other- tamaki + sayu: shinra you didnt tell me you had a sister! shinra: *sweatdrop* Arthur: "??? I'm lost again." -later- tamaki: sorry if the kitchen is a little burnt.... ^^; nayumi: it's fine. Takehisa: "Oh, there you are. Need help with preparing the meal?" maki: sure, tamaki, can you help set up the mess hall with nayumi. tamaki: ok. Takehisa: (opens a cookbook) "Nayumi, any particular dishes you enjoy?" -in the hall- shinra:.....thats why you never let your guard down around tamaki, ok? sayu: you got it! tamaki: hey! dont tell her lies! shinra: i wasnt lying! sayu: big bro shinra, is she your girlfriend? tamaki + shinra: NO! HECK NO! shinra: although, if you want to know about tamaki's love life, she's in a little love tri- tamaki: *has shinra in a headlock* DONT YOU SAY A WORD!! shinra: GRK-!! Akitaru: *pops in* "Tamaki, stop choking Boyfriend #3." tamaki: DONT TELL LIES!! DX< miwa: sure is lively here, isnt it? ^^; Iris: *blushing over the boyfriend comments* "D-Don't mind them, Sayu. They just tease each other..." sayu: ohhhh... Iris: (sad frown) nayumi: you ok alice? Arthur: *sits to his meal...avoiding eye contact with Tamaki* Iris: "Huh? Oh, yes, I'm fine." *small smile* "And it's actually 'Iris.'" nayumi: ah, close enough. *shrug* -later, elsewhere- Hibana: *playing chess* "So, Squad 0 is with the 8th..." gabriella: seems they're fitting in rather well. *she smiles* Hibana: "Indeed." *moves a pawn up, where Gabriella's bishop can take it* gabriella:....*moves the bishop* Hibana: *pouts* "You took my pawn..." -elsewhere- ivy:....................... Karim: *outside the cell, speaking with a Guard* "No word from her?" guard: nothing.... foien: either she is lying, or just honestly doesnt know... Karim: "Damn. There's another dead end..." *stares a moment too long at Foien's missing limb* ruby:....*she hugs foien* it's gonna be ok. foien: .....thank you, ruby. Karim: "..." (looks through window at Ivy) ivy:.......... -after they all walked away, and the cell halls are silent- ivy:............................................i know you're there, whoever the hell you are.... ???: *whispering* "Who do you _think_ I am?" ivy: just another bad seed.....just like myself.... ???: "Do you really think there are bad seeds? I don't...I just think such seeds need some extra attention...to make them grow into something extraordinary." ivy: .......heh....can a flowerless vine really bloom in a garden of flowers? scarlet: oh shut up with the plant analogies already -_-; *A match ignites, moving to Joker's cigarette...the smoke floats along towards Ivy, forming the shape of flowers growing from vines* Joker: "May I interest you in a smoke?" ivy: you may interest me in getting me the fuck out of here. Joker: "Hmm...What's in it for me?" ivy: *draws some of the fire from his cigarette to form a snake* my 2nd generation abilities might come in handy for you. Joker: *sneers* "Indeed. And if you help me, you'll get your vengeance on this Brigade and anyone else you want to hurt..." ivy:....sounds perfect.....*griiiins* scarlet: *rolls her eyes* honestly, its like you two are made for each other.... Joker: *smirks* "Three is more fun, Red." *looks at Ivy* "I suggest we leave quietly..." ivy: sounds good. Joker: "Hmm...Scarlet, how do you propose cracking open this fire-proof door?" scarlet: same way you got us in? Joker: "Works for me..." Joker: "Stand back, Ivy..." *blows smoke towards the cell door...which starts to melt it* -outside- dia: *sniff sniff* -dia is in full alert mode- Burns: "??? What do you smell?" dia: cigarette smoke....in the holding cell.....!! Burns: "?! Get into the cell!" *taps intercom and calls for backup* dia: *she bursts down the door* !!!!!!!!! -no one is inside- dia: <damn those bastards!> Burns: "Shit! Karim! Foien! Ruby!" -elsewhere- Joker: "Step lively. Watch the low ceiling. We have much work to begin..." -in orleans- mina: .........i didnt know that..... Patty: *sniff* "Yeah...We've lost..." tsuyu: Q-Q ribbit..... liz:...*hugs patti* Izuku: *wipes his face* "I'm so sorry..." tsubaki: even then, we still have to move forwards, right? Izuku: *nods* "Every step matters...Poor Soul..." tsubaki:....when it happened....he took it really hard.....but he managed to get better over time.... Ochako: "The pain never quite goes away, though. Has he never tried to partner with someone else?" liz: there was one girl...but it didnt work out....like...at all....she's in russia now. Ochako: "...Jeez, that's a far distance to send someone you don't like." liz: yeah....at least he didnt partner up with that creepy girl with the drill hair....*shudders* tsubaki: you mean that marcy girl? liz: yeeeeep. Izuku: "???" -in the med room- stocking:.......*listening to kid tell her a story from one of his adventures* Kid: *small laugh* "Patty was so upset, since she cannot stand heat." stocking: aww...then what? Kid: *fighting back laughter* "We came upon this oasis...and--*snort* She just jumped right in, clothes and all! Liz was so angry. 'I don't want to drink where you just bathed!'" stocking: *chuckles* Kid: "It took another day before DWMA troops found us. But there were plenty of coconuts, water." stocking: sounds exciting. Kid: *brushes hair by his ear* "Yes. A little embarrassing, too. We get lost in the desert, couldn't find our way...Not to mention..." stocking: hmm? Kid: *blushes* "It was so hot, that after drinking, we took turns bathing...and while I bathed, Liz and Patty stole my clothes and wouldn't give them back..." stocking: *chuckles* aww, how mean. Kid: "I had to hold a giant palm leaf over myself to maintain some modesty." stocking:..........*griiiins at the thought* (fantasy kid: noo~ dont look~) Kid: -_- "You have that look on your face, you naughty angel..." stocking: we'll you look so good naked, i cant help myself~ Kid: *smile* "I never thought I'd ever hear someone say that about me." stocking: it's true though. Kid: "..." *holds her hand* "You are perfect." stocking: *blush* i hope i can leave this clinic room soon....i miss cuddling with you. Kid: *nods* "I as well. Any bed feels empty without you there." stocking:....*hug* Kid: *hugs her* "I love you." -elsewhere- Black Star: "You want to talk?" soul: .....just thinking... Black Star: *nods* "Think away, man." soul:..........want anything from the vending machine? Black Star: "Some Dew and chips?" soul: any chips in particular? Black Star: "Doritos, if they got them?" -elsewhere- Kami: *at the Death City Airport* "They said I would know who was picking me up when I saw the sign...Where are they?" Spirit: "Kami!" Kami: "...Fuck." izumi: ?? mr spirit, what does f- Spirit: "A word children should not hear!" *covers Izumi's ears, glares at Kami* Kami: "...Why is my ex-husband here with a child?" Spirit: *clenching his teeth* "Picking you up..." *lets go of Izumi's ears* "Izumi, this is...um...Kami. My ex-wife." izumi: is she mean like dad was? Kami: "???" Spirit: *small smile* "No, she's very nice." *looks at Kami* "This is Izumi. I'm...um..." *blushing* "She's the daughter of my--um..." sachiko: i'm back-...oh.... OwO;;;;; you must be kami....how nice to meet you. call me Sachiko, Izumi's mother. Kami: "..." *reaches for Sachiko's hand* "Hi. I see my ex-husband has shared a lot about me. I hope it is all good, given how bad he is." Spirit: *arrow in the chest* -and so- sachiko: that's basically the situation. Kami: "..." *looks at Spirit, then at Sachiko* "Hmmm...A little hard to believe. I mean, that Spirit could actually be a faithful boyfri--" Spirit: "We're supposed to be talking about this ghost thingie! Not my infidelity!" Spirit: "...Not that I have been unfaithful to you, Sachiko! *I really haven't...*" sachiko: *blush* ......even if you have been, you're still better than victor ever was. Kami: "Yeah, this guy sounds awful...You think he's the one who's been following Marie?" sachiko: more than likely...still a pain in the rear end even after death... Kami: "Fortunately, I've contended with ghosts, and even the strongest ones fall against the will of a strong woman." *flexes her arm* "I'll send this ghost to the great beyond so that he never bothers anyone ever again." izumi:...........mom, can miss kami be my aunt? sachiko:....*sweatdrop* Spirit: o\\\\o Kami: "..." *small pat on Izumi's head* "She's very sweet and obviously smart." sachiko: that she is. Kami: "...She reminds me of our daughter..." Spirit: "..." sachiko: ah.... Kami: "..." *stares at the exit* "Let's get to Marie's, then. Exorcise this beast." izumi: can i come too? sachiko: you can play with the kids. izumi: okaaaaay....*sigh* Kami: *smiles, pats her shoulder* "We can talk later, after I finish work. If that's okay with your mother." izumi: sure! Spirit: *small smile* -elsewhere- Emine: *lays out the pages* "Hmm...This is what Lin sent to us? This looks almost like a map..." nea: i think it's a layout of the death city underground..... -note; there was this weird shrine that creeped me out. akua didnt want to leave the place so i had to drag them away- Emine: "..." *pulls out a photo of the shrine--and tenses* "My God..." *glances at an outfit of his, in the corner of the room...* Emine: "..." *sneer* "Akua found him..." nea: eh? Emine: *hands the file back to Nea* "Tell Lin that she is to procure a piece of that shrine to bring her to our headquarters--and to keep Akua in line until then. Also, tell her she is doing great work--and that I appreciate her." nea: alright then... Emine: *taps the three eyes of the Kishin* "The Bai Ze...the Kishin...There is a connection...And to conclude my Dokeshi condition, to remove this curse, using that Kishin's fear to complete the ultimate bad deed will free me--and return to me my friend." -the light of the moon shines brightly- -elsewhere- Hibana: *pouts* "How are you so good at chess?" gabriella: my grandfather taught me when i was younger. Hibana: "He taught you well. You're an excellent player--a chessmaster." *sighs* "You win." gabriella: yay! ^^ Hibana: "I should reward you...What are you up to this Saturday? Want to get some drinks?" -the next morning- Kid: "Zzz..." medic: he didnt leave her side the entire night.... Medic #2: "Impressive, if not entirely healthy...I'll bring him something to eat along with her breakfast." Kid: "Hmm..." stocking: zzzzzz..... Kid: *yawns, wakes up...realizes where he is* "Hmm..." *looks at his phone* [dad; did you take your medication, kiddo?] [reaperkid42: yes, father. thank you for checking in. how are you?] [dad: doing good. look who said hiiii~] -he texts a picture of himself holding shiori- Kid: *smiles* [hi, shiori!] [dad: take good care of yourself. we all love you so much] Kid: T_T [i love you too] -later- Kid: "How do you feel?" stocking: better..... Kid: *holds her hand* "You'll be out of here soon." stocking:....*she smiles* Kid: "May I get you anything?" *looks over his shoulder* "An extra cup of pudding?" -later- Patty: *holds up a basket of candy* "Something to make you feel better...I didn't think you were a flower person..." stocking: thanks patti. that's really sweet of you. no pun intended. Black Star: "The doctors treating you well? Need someone to talk with them?" *holds up a fist* stocking: it's fine. ^^; soul: easy there. Ochako: *small giggle* "When do you get released?" stocking: tomorrow, hopefully... Izuku: "...Well, I hope you get some more rest." -elsewhere- Tuhl: "...I hate Twitter." mana: whats up? Tuhl: "Since I went on that game show, _someone_ suggested I go on social media to try to promote myself...Most of the comments are pretty harsh about me being a kappa. Freaking trolls." mana: try not to mind it so much. Tuhl: "I'm trying, but the death threats are annoying..." mana: block them then? Tuhl: *nods* "Or, I could have Yohei look up where they live--" mana: tuhl! Tuhl: "What?! These anon jerks piss me off!" -elsewhere- Ponera: "...So, who would like to take the blame for this fiasco?" shaula: i say blame andy. he's an idiot. Grimoire: "???" andy: *random grunt* but i- Ponera: "...Andy was nowhere _near_ New Orleans..." shaula: i dunno then. *shrug* Ponera: "Maybe, then, it was the person who decided to worK WITH A LUNATIC MADMAN INSTEAD OF STICKING TO THE PLAN?! What the hell, Shaula?!!!" Nals: *hides* shaula: whaaat, he's my bro. and i mean that in a buddy sense, no blood relation. Ponera: "And you, Grimmy! Why didn't you keep a tighter leash on her?!" Grimoire: -_- *holds up a leash* shaula: woah there buddy. shaula: if im gonna be wearing that, it's gonna be with beatrice, m'kay? beatrice: -/////- lady shaula.... Ponera: "Either you fall in line and follow orders, or face as harsh a punishment as those who opposed me!" *pouts, crosses her arms, slumps down on her throne* "Stupid." Medusa: -_-; "Maybe you need to hire actually capable witches..." shaula: wooow rude much? Medusa: "Whore much?" shaula: like you? *Vector Arrow held at her neck* Medusa: "..." shaula: woah there, lets take it easy sis. Medusa: *inhales* "You cross me, you die..." *retracts Vector Arrow* shaula:....*muttering* yeesh, where's the love in this family? Ponera: -_-; "In any case, punishment must be enacted. Milia, no tea parties for a week. Nals, you're on Milia duty for a month. Shaula, no video games for two months. Grimmy...um...you're stuck enforcing those punishments." milia: Q-Q shaula: whaaat, thats bullshit! Ponera: "You want to try for three months?" shaula:................ -elsewhere- NoFix: *staring at pics on phone* "Man, that Shaula girl..." mimeca: ?? NoFix: "She was hot, though, right? I mean, if her sister looks this good in these pics, imagine what she would look like spread across--" mimeca: *points to a road sign* NoFix: "Huh? Oh, only that many miles to Death City, huh? I better stop looking at my phone and drive better--don't want to run over another cat." -elsewhere- Kami: *looking over files* "Marie, what else can you tell me?" marie: this whole stalker ghost thing is seriously freaking me out! and i'm worried he might hurt christa... Kami: "He won't. I'll make sure of that. Tell me, what time of day do the ghostly attacks tend to occur?" marie: usually at night....which just makes it CREEPIER! Kami: "Okay, so after, say, 8 PM? Well, we'll have to lure this ghost out. We can use Marie as bait--" Spirit: o____o Yumi: -_-; marie: WHY?! Kami: "We need bait, and no one wants to see Spirit wearing your clothes." lord death: *trembling from suppressed laughter* Spirit: "I am not wearing Marie's clothes! I mean, it's not like I never thought about getting into her pants but--" Kami: *CHOP!* sachiko: *chop* no. -THUNDER PUNCH- marie: ABSOLUTLY NOT! Spirit: *pixelated remains, too bruised to show in an RP* lord death: yikes. Kami: "In any case, Marie will need to be present to bring him out. Unless someone is willing to impersonate her and draw out the ghost with this--" *holds up ouija board* marie: *siiiigh* fine, i'll do it, for christa's sake. Kami: "Good. Yumi, I will need you there as backup as well. Drag what's left of Spirit as well: we can use him as a human shield." -elsewhere- Karim: *looking exhausted* -knock knock- pearl: father fulham? i brought you some tea. Karim: *weak smile* "Thank you." pearl:.......*she nods* Karim: "...How is your day going? Better than mine, I hope." pearl: it's been fine. *she smiles* Karim: "...The Commander is still upset?" pearl:......*she nods*.... Karim: "It's my fault. I should have been there." pearl: we didnt know until it was too late.....please dont beat yourself up over this... Karim: "First Rekka, then Foien...What's next? Who's next?" *wipes the side of his face* "Sorry...Stress is talking." pearl:.....*she holds his hand* it's going to be ok... Karim: "How can you know that?" pearl: we can only hope, right? Karim: "..." *nods* "I've been praying so hard..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *taps specimen* "Not good at all." -in orleans- Kid: "How do you feel?" stocking: better. Kid: *smiles* "I'm glad. Anything you need?" -elsewhere- Yohei: "I needed to get out of the house--and pick up some baby items. Thanks, Saki." saki: no problem. is chie doing well? Yohei: "Morning sickness still, but her doctor says she's doing well, all things considered..." saki: ah. well if you need any advice, let me know. i know i'm still learning myself, but i think i know a few things now. Yohei: "...I'm scared." saki: hmm? Yohei: "I'm scared I won't be a good father." saki: .....i'm sure you'll do fine. Yohei: "...What if I'm not here? What if something happens to me? I don't want to put my child through that..." saki: .....i'm sure things will work out for the best. Yohei: "Saki, I...I've saved some money. I want to make sure it is there for Chie and our child in case anything happens." saki:.....ok. Yohei: "Sorry...Just something been bothering me." *weak smile* "Well, we're here at the store..." *Window display of baby toys--turtle theme* -elsewhere- Arthur: *hiding in a closet* shinra:....hmm? *he knocks on the door* you ok? Arthur: "...Leave me alone, ogre." shinra: no, its shinra. Arthur: "...Oh. Sorry. My head has been...um...wrong. I don't know...I just..." *shudders* shinra:....do you want to talk about it?....do you want to talk to dr sugihara? Arthur: "What would Dr. Sugihara be able to do to help me against that elf staring at me?" *points at a broom...before realizing...* "...Oh, God, I haven't slept in days..." shinra:.....*he opens the door* come on arthur, you need some rest... Arthur: *crying* "Joker...Tamaki...Sho..." shinra: !!! w....what? Arthur: "Sho...Sho...He kept saying 'Sho'..." *sobbing* "I didn't know anything, but she kept hitting me. 'You're no knight! You're no Sho!'" shinra:......(thinking: sho.....could it really be-) Arthur: *crying, clutching Shinra* "Stay away from them, Shinra! They're dangerous!" shinra:........*pats his back* get some rest, arthur.... Arthur: *cries himself to exhaustion, collapsing asleep in Shinra's arms* shinra:.........*he picks him up and struggles to carry him to his bed*...............*sighs* Akitaru: "??? Shinra? What happened? Arthur looks awful..." *helps pick Arthur up to drop into bed* shinra:....he's just tired. Akitaru: "..." *sighs* "I guess his leave of absence isn't concluded yet, then." shinra:......should we send him to the medical area? Akitaru: *nods* "I think so. He could use the rest...and our new nurses are really good." shinra:....*smiles* (thinking: it's just one nurse, but she seems to have a calming aura around her...) *They take Arthur to the medical facility* serina: hmm? oh, good evening commander oubi. *she smiles* Akitaru: "Evening! Young Boyle here needs some medical attention--he hasn't been sleeping much." serina: ah. well, all the beds are open, so just lay him down wherever you think he'd be comfortable. Akitaru: *lays him down in Bed #8* "Please take good care of him. He needs some rest." -outside- Takehisa: *standing outside the entrance* padma: looks like it will be rainy tonight... Takehisa: *rubs his arm* "Yes..." ("Still need to fix the leak upstairs...") padma: i just came out here to get away from misora..... -_-; she can be.....quite obnoxious... i honestly would have expected better from my fellow company commander... Takehisa: "Oh? How has she been obnoxious?" ("Can't be any worse than Hibana...") padma: she seems to live in her own little world, believing herself to be a 16 year old idol singer. Takehisa: "Hmm...A bit immature, then. Then again, my commander spends 75 percent of his waking hours lifting weights..." padma: ....that would explain a lot. Takehisa: "Obi is like that because he thinks he is not as powerful as Flame Beings, so he works out all the time in a desperate attempt to catch up...Do you think Misora has some reason to act the way she does? Some insecurity?" padma: to be honest, i cant say. i dont know her as well as i know commander tsurumaki. Takehisa: "How long have you been in the Brigade?" padma: i've been part of squad 0 since the beginning. miwa recruited me personally. Takehisa: "Hmm. Where did Miwa find you? Were you already prepping to join a Brigade?" padma: actually, as cliche as it may sound, we attended the same high school and joined the same brigade together. Takehisa: "Ah. I take it Miwa was about the same in high school as she is now?" padma: more or less. she seemed to take a shine to me rather quickly. 7///7; Takehisa: " 'A shine'?" padma: *sweatdrop* when she heard of my 2nd gen abilities, she seemed eager to befriend me. Takehisa: "Oh. Yes, it is annoying to be pursued like that..." padma: initially, but i suppose she grew on me after a while. *small smile* Takehisa: "...Hmm." *drop of rain hits his nose* padma:...we should head back inside now. Takehisa: "Yes." -elsewhere- Kami: "Hold hands, and repeat the invocation." marie:..... Spirit: *trying to take deep breaths* Yumi: *calm* Kami: *speaks the invocation* "You who lived yesterday / A being of light hidden in the shadows / We call you to come back / And show yourself here" marie: *repeating the incantation* Spirit and Yumi: *repeating* *A light bulb turns on* Kami: "Damn it, Spirit--I told you to turn off the lights!" Spirit: "...I did..." o_O marie:......*trembling*....!!! it's moving! *The light bulb shakes as giggling is heard--before it shatters, the glass exploding at the quartet* Yumi: "!!!" Spirit: *blocks the glass with his scythe arms* -tv static from another room- ???: "Honey, what's on TV tonight?" marie: O-O;;;; *Rodigy appears on the TV, cackling* Rodigy: *waves* "Hello, my little electric mouse! How are you?" marie: *wide eyed with horror* -a girl could be heard crying- Kami: "??? Who is crying?" Spirit: *looking around* "Oh no..." Rodigy: "I see one very sexy electric woman in front of me...oh, and another blonde! And the bastard MAN WHO IS SLEEPING WITH MY WIFE!" Yumi: -_-; "At least he didn't refer to me..." ????: please.....let me out...i want to go home! *her voice is distorted...almost digital* Rodigy: "Shut up, you welp! Adults are talking!" *presses his face against the screen* "I have been alone for some time, Marie...And you and I have quite the spark!" *Lightning explodes out of the TV and around Marie* marie: *she yelps* Kami, Yumi, Spirit: "Marie!" *The electricity forms the shape of Rodigy, whose hand approaches her face* marie: !!!! Spirit: "Kami!" *transforms into her hand* Kami: *wields Spirit, and slices the blade at Marie's body...* marie: *winces* Kami and Spirit: "Soul Capture!" Rodigy: "What?!" marie: ?! *Spirit's blade conducts the electricity, passing through its metal and into Kami's very body* Kami: "AAAAAH!" Spirit: *in his blade's reflection, clenching his teeth, as Rodigy's lightning form is electrocuting him and Kami* *The electricity spins around Marie and zaps her away into the wall, but it is not longer around her* marie: oof!.....kami! spirit! Kami: *struggling to hold on as she is being electrocuted, trying to maintain the resonance with Spirit to capture Rodigy's soul* "He's too powerful...he refuses to move on..." Rodigy: *his face appears in the electricity* "You like that? You like feeling my electricity coursing your every cell in you? You like me in you?! Good! Then take this!" *Rodigy blasts Kami in the head, knocking Spirit out of her hands and knocking her to the floor* Rodigy: *resuming a slightly more human form, standing over Kami* marie: !!! Yumi: "..." *smirks* "Initiate electromagnets." Rodigy: "...What?" *In the corners of the room are small but powerful electromagnets--that begin to pull at Rodigy's "body"* Rodigy: "No!" *struggles to retain his form* Kami: "Get down close to the floor!" marie: *does so* Spirit: *his scythe form is being pulled towards the electromagnet* "W-Wow!" *reverts to human form but is still flying towards the magnet--until Kami grabs him by his ankle and swings him down (hard) onto the carpet* Yumi: *puts and arm over Marie to hold her down* marie: >.< Rodigy: *screaming as his electricity is being pulled apart, sounding like skin and muscle being torn apart* *The electricity is pulled into four parts, each part landing in a different electromagnetic container* Rodigy: "I didn't even get laaaaaaaaaaaaaid!" *sucked into the magnets, Ghostbusters-style* -some kind of green light flies away- Kami: "???!!" marie:......ew. *The electromagnets shake* marie: !!!! Kami: *sigh* "Good thing we didn't carry metal on our persons...Now, each of you, take one magnet to the designated courier. They will transport each one to a different location, as far from each other as possible." marie: right! Yumi: *picks one up--and it's already attracted to the one in Marie's hands...and slams against Marie's breasts* marie: *trying to keep it away from her* no D:< *Gurgling heard from Yumi's magnet, as she pulls it away from Marie* Yumi: -_-; "That was unnecessary..." marie: CAN WE GET RID OF THESE THINGS NOW!? Kami: "Each facility will dispose of each portion, and this beast will pass on. Better to break him into pieces than let this massive power remain in one spot." Spirit: *holding one magnet* "Wish we could destroy them now...I can't imagine what Izumi would feel..." marie:..... Kami: "Just get to the four corners of Death City. The sooner, the better." *exits out the back door* Yumi: "I'll take the front door--" *rips the magnet away from Marie's chest and starts to exit* -in the hospital- Nurse #2: "Sachiko! What's going on with her?!" *metal instruments are floating around the patient* sachiko: ?!?! what the hell? kepuri: *she wakes up screaming* Nurse #2: "She's flat-lining! No, wait--her heart-rate is going _beyond_ what the heart monitor can sense!" kepuri: NO! LET ME OUT! Nurse #2: "Sedative! We need to calm her--" -she gets up and runs as fast as her legs can carry her- Nurse #2: *knocked back by Kepuri* "Ow!" -she kept running until she reaches a house....where she proceeds to faint and trip the alarms- mono: what the hell?! Shotaro: *bolts up awake, wearing an eyemask* "NO, SAVE THE GIRAFFES!" *stumbles out of bed--and falls down the stairs* "Ow!" mana: what is going on?! Shotaro: *lifts up eyemask, stands...sees someone* "We got an intruder! And I think he's dead!" saki: *grabs a frying pan and opens the door* Yohei: "Stop. Yelling." *walks down stairs in his boxers* "What the hell is all the screaming about?" kepuri:.....nngh... Tuhl: "Ugh, Yohei, your security system sucks...All these things screaming--" Yohei: "Sorry that you're too sensitive to 'things' screaming." Tuhl: -_-; "Asshole." Shotaro: *approaches the body* "Wait, he's moaning. He's not dead!" *looks down* "He's wearing a hospital gown..." o\\\\\o "Um...He's not a 'he.'" mana: isnt....isnt this that girl from the tournament?! Shotaro: "..." Q_Q "KEPURI!" *lifts her up, hugs her--and bones can be heard cracking* kepuri: *pained grunt* owww...w-wha?...*wincing* AHH! my head hurts... Shotaro: "You're not dead! You're not dead!" (pauses) "Or are we all dead? Are we in Heaven?" *looks around* "Heaven kind of looks like our house." mana: no, we're alive dummy. kepuri: i need to lay down.....just had a terrible nightmare... Shotaro: *moves her to the couch* "How are you even here?! You were dead! And now you're alive! And did you get your hair back? How many fingers am I holding up?" kepuri: need....sleep...sleep it off.....zzzzzzzz...... Shotaro: "..." *gets a blanket, lays if over her, sits in the armchair near her and stays there* Yohei: "...Tuhl, pick up her stuff from the hospital in the morning." Tuhl: "What?! Why me?!!" mono: who even _is_ this girl? Yohei: "Because I don't want to, Tuhl." *marches back up the stairs, scratches his backside along the way up* Yohei: "Someone we fought before, Mono. Ended badly. Talk more in the morning." *yawn* Shotaro: "..." *watching Kepuri* mono: *pouts* stupid yohei...not even explaining himself.... Tuhl: *pats Mono's shoulder* "She's someone who got in over her head in a battle, and a Dokeshi ended up killing her...or not...It's hard to explain, or figure out. Just go back to sleep, and Grumpy Pants will explain it in the morning." Yohei: *back asleep in bed* chie: zzzzzz..... -morning- Shotaro: *still awake* *yawn* kepuri: zzzzzz..... Tuhl: *pouring coffee* "Tell me you weren't up all night watching her." Shotaro: "..." Tuhl: "...Dude, that's kinda creepy." Shotaro: "I just...She died because of me." kepuri: *yaaaaawn* Tuhl: "..." *pat on the shoulder Shotaro: "!!! Kepuri?" kepuri: morning......!!!!!!! EEHWHATTHEFUCKHOLYSHITBBQ!! WHAT?! WHY AM I HERE?! HOW AM I ALIVE?! Shotaro and Tuhl: o_o "Um...We don't know, either." mono: quit being so loud!....oh...its weird girl again. kepuri: o_O WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! mono: who the fuck are _you_? kepuri: I ASKED YOU FIRST! mono: i asked you second! *TUHL CHOPS!* -DOUBLE KO- Shotaro: -_-; "Tool, don't kill Kepuri before she gets to live again..." kepuri: i still have a migraine from dr creepy... Shotaro: "??!! That bald guy Rodigy?" kepuri: yeah....speaking of, where is he?... -later in the morning- chie: *kisses yohei on the cheek* morning sweetie~ Yohei: *yawns, smiles* "Morning." *kisses her cheek, then lays a hand along her stomach* "Morning to you, too." kepuri: jeez, do you have to get so smoochy with your girlfriend this early in the morning? _some_ of us would like to eat thanks. Yohei: -_-; "Oh. You're here. Great." Shotaro: "I know, right! ;D " chie: .......oh i'm sorry if me showing affection to my husband offends you. in case you didnt know, that was sarcasm. kepuri: oh, ha ha ha-............wait.......what? Shotaro: "Yeah, you missed a lot when you were in your coma. Fortunately, we already have a photo album of everything!" *holds up a scrapbook: "While You Were In a Coma"* kepuri: what?? mana: long story short; chie and yohei got married and have a baby on the way. kepuri:.......marri-....baby-.....i....i..... *grabs showtaro by the collar and shakes him* HOW LONG WAS I OUT?!?!?!?! Shotaro: "Stop! Shake! Ing! Me! I can't do time when I'm being shook!" kepuri:....whatever....go do your....whatever your stupid condition is. mono: ...... Shotaro: "...I thought giving you a scrapbook _was_ my good deed..." Yohei: *observing Kepuri, Mono, Shotaro* Yohei: ("This family is weird.") mana: lets just give them some space showtaro. mono: who even _is_ she? Shotaro: *pouts* "Okay...Maybe there are some missing pets I can return to their owners..." Yohei: "She's someone we dealt with before. She builds robots, tried to kill us, worked at a cafe, tried to kill us again, went into a coma." mono: so? Yohei: "So, I guess we forgive her and move on." kepuri: also a living supercomputer with my compound eyes! unfortunately, my mental growth stunts my physical growth and i wont grow any taller.....darn this dokeshi condition. mono: WHAT?! Yohei: -_-; "Shit..." mono: oh fan_FUCKING_tastic! now we have 3 dokeshi living here?! one's bad enough! kepuri: got a problem with dokeshi, brat? mono: you freaks are murderers! and i'll have you know im 17 years old and _very_ mature for my age! kepuri: you look like a damn grade schooler! Tuhl: "Can I just chop someone again?" Yohei: "No, I have a better idea..." *devious grin as he snickers looking at Kepuri and Mono* chie: *slams hands onto the table* YOU TWO LITTLE BITCHES SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS AND CALM THE FUCK DOWN OR SO HELP ME I WILL FUCKING GRIND YOU INTO PASTE IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?! mono+kepuri: *hugging each other, terrified* O-O;;;;;;; Tuhl: o_o "Was that your idea, Yohei?" Yohei: o_O "No, actually..." *nervous smile* "Sweetie? Think of the baby..." chie: .....*hug* i love you~<3 Yohei: *hug* "I love you, too..." *Flowery light around them* Tuhl: -_-; "...What the fuck?" mono: eeeew im gonna be sick. im going for a walk. Tuhl: "How about you, Bug Girl?" kepuri:...I STILL HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS! D8 Tuhl: *sigh* "I'll brew more coffee. We got a lot to discuss..." -elsewhere- Spirit: *getting patched up* "That was insane...but it's done." sachiko:....thank you. marie: i'm just glad that creeps finally going to leave me be… Spirit: *smiles* "Thank Kami for figuring it out." Kami: "Zzzzzz..." sachiko: yeah....i'll do that. marie: hey sachiko, now that this ghost nonsense is done, want to join us for our girls night?? sachiko: eh? Yumi: *nods* "You should. You could use a break." Spirit: *raises hand* "I can babysit Izumi." sachiko: *she smiles* i'd appreciate it.... Yumi: *smiles* "Any ideas what to do-?" lord death: yumiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!! Q-Q *hug* are you ok? were you hurt?! Yumi: *CHOKED* "ACK! I-I'm fine! I assure you, I'm fine--" lord death: i got worried. Q.Q Yumi: "..." *kiss on the forehead* "I know. But we had people to watch out for us." lord death: *he smiles* Yumi: "Well, *ahem* we deposited the portions of his soul to the different couriers for separation. That just leaves planning the girls' night." -elsewhere- Kid: "Okay, take it nice and easy..." stocking: *walking along a line* Kid: *walking alongside her* stocking: *she manages to make it* Kid: *smiles* "Good work." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "At this rate, you'll be heading home soon." stocking: it sucks i didnt get to enjoy the trip to its fullest... Kid: *nods* "At least you had some time to enjoy what you could..." *small smile* "You're alive." stocking: *she hugs him* Kid: *holds her, strokes her head* -elsewhere- shinra: *walking back to hq with sayu* sayu: *whistling* *It's rather foggy for this time of day* shinra: (thinking: this fog kind of gives me the creeps......but sayu's still going... i guess she is still just an innocent kid...) shinra:....(thinking: she kind of reminds me of myself, in a way, back when i was younger....) *The fog smells...like smoke* shinra:....*sniff* .........!!!! sayu....stay behind me. sayu: hmm? whats up, big bro shinra? shinra:....*already in protective mode* ???: "Ah, how cute. You really are a good brother, aren't you?" shinra: ......i know you're there... *he is trying to sound tough, but he is shaking* sayu: ?? *A match is heard being struck in the alley, and it comes to light a cigarette resting in the Joker's mouth* shinra:.....*pulls sayu closer to him, not about to let this creep get anywhere near her* what do you want? Joker: "Easy, there. I don't want to fight you. At least, not right now. I come with a gift: information." shinra: ?? sayu: hey! you're that guy from the training camp! come shinra! lets get a rematch on this weirdo! shinra: sayu....listen to me....i need you to go get the others and bring them here... (thinking: sayu....she doesnt have fire abilities of her own....if she tries to fight him she-...) Joker: "Aww, she wants to play..." *blows smoke in her face* sayu: *cough cough* you know smoking is bad for you mr. shinra: sayu....do you want to be a hero for me? sayu: *she looks at shinra* Joker: *small laugh* shinra: go get the others, you'd be a big help. sayu: *shiny eyes* you got it! *she runs off* Joker: "Such a good big brother. You can't stand to see the small ones hurt..." *puffs* "A shame, since your obsessiveness will probably get another child killed." shinra: enough games asshole, what do you want from me? Joker: "You've come such a long way the last few weeks, learning so much new information about the White Knights, that I thought I'd give you a reward." shinra: and that is? *not letting his guard down* Joker: *serious* "Sho Kusakabe. Do you know the name?" shinra: *he freezes up* !!! of course i know that name, he's my brother for god's sake! Joker: "Artificial flame humans...Rekka Hoshimiya...White hoods...The Preacher...You are getting closer to the truth. You've almost found out where your brother is located." shinra: what are you trying to say...that sho is involved in this?? Joker: "Follow the Preacher. Your brother is with him." shinra: .....(thinking: sho....) Joker: "Sho Kusakabe, leader of the Knights of the Ashen Flame..." shinra: *his eyes widen as his pupils shrink* !!!!!.....what...? *There is only a wisp of smoke along the street, with a Joker card implanted into the cement. It has a message: "Say hi to Boyle for me"* shinra: ???...... maki: we came as fast as-....shinra! are you ok? shinra:....... Takehisa: "Shinra, what is going on here?" shinra: jo......*he faints* Takehisa: "!!!" *catches him* -elsewhere- Joker: *enters a bar, where Scarlet and Ivy are seated* scarlet: took you long enough. ivy: *already drinking* Joker: "Sorry, had to have a long talk with the boy. He's passionate but thicker than the foam atop a good Irish ale. Speaking of which--" *snaps his fingers at the bartender* -cue drink- Joker: *sips* "So, Ivy, ready for the next step?" ivy: yeah, scarlet gave me the rundown of the plan.. Joker: "How would you like to proceed?" -elsewhere- Izuku: "There's still debris over here..." *helping with New Orleans clean-up work* tsuyu: *removing debris from a pond* *she looks a few frogs* there you go friends. Ochako: *lifts debris and drops it into dumpster* "All these buildings..." mina: *finds a plush toy of a dog* -a small girl runs to it and hugs it- girl: pepper! *huuug* thank you miss! mina: *she smiles* Izuku: "..." ("I wonder what All Might would have done...") -elsewhere- NoFix: "It's gonna take forever to get to Reno..." mimeca: *she nods, flipping channels on the motel's TV* NoFix: *lies in the bed, sipping on a fast food milkshake* "Anything good on?" mimeca: *flips from news, to tv dramas, to cartoons, to prank shows* NoFix: "Wait! Maybe that prank show has some guy getting hit in the nuts!" mimeca: *watches* NoFix: o_O "Nope!" -switch channel- NoFix: "Phew! Small pale people running around are weird...Maybe there's something else on--with gore." -horror movie- NoFix: "Ha ha ha! Dumb teenagers. Who you think will die first?" mimeca: *changes into the ditzy blonde girl* NoFix: *nods* "True, true...She is hot, though." -elsewhere- Spirit: "So, Izumi, what do you want to do while your mom's out?" izumi: *she pulls out mario party* Spirit: *smiles, giggles* "Okay, looks like fun!" -elsewhere- Kami: "Round 1, coming up." marie: yay! -at the 8th brigade- shinra: zzzzz...... Takehisa: *sitting by his bed, reading a book* -knock knock- serina: mr hinawa? are you in? Takehisa: "Shh..." *finger to his lips* serina: *notices shinra asleep and exits* Takehisa: *exits as well, into the hallway* "Serina, what did you want to ask?" serina: ah, you were in the tokyo army, correct? Takehisa: *nods* serina: did you meet, or at least know of someone named 'Colonel Ryoushi Sugihara'? Takehisa: "...That's a name I have not heard in some time. How do you know them?" serina: *she smiles* he's my grandfather. Takehisa: "...He was a...helpful colonel to me and others." serina: ah... Takehisa: "...May I ask you something?" serina: hmm? what is it? Takehisa: "Why did you join the Brigade? Why not the army?" serina: well, after i graduated from medical school, i met commander tsurumaki and miss agni. they were still recruiting at that time, and i wanted to help them. Takehisa: "We need all the medical help we can get within the Brigades." *thumbs at Shinra asleep* "How is he?" serina: he looks tired, but he should be fine after some rest. Takehisa: *nods* "And Arthur?" serina: the same for him as well. Takehisa: "Hmm...Physically, yes. Emotionally and mentally, I'm not sure." serina: hmmm... -elsewhere- nayumi: i didnt know that.... Iris: *nods* "It was...horrible." nayumi:.....i cant imagine if something like that happened to my parents and siblings...i dont know what i'd do... Iris: "..." *shakes a bit* nayumi:....*pats her back* say, why dont we go and help set up dinner? Iris: *wipes her eyes* "Yes, let's." -elsewhere- Medusa: *nursing* neian: muu! Medusa: *small smile* "At least you're healthy. Still a bit on the small side, though." neian: *she looks up at her mother* Medusa: *small shake in her arms* "All finished? Ready for your nap?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "When you think we're heading home?" tsubaki: in about 4 days? Black Star: "Man...What can we do around here? We've been cleaning up, tourism took a hit...Maybe go check out the water?" tsuyu: sounds great! maybe visit the bayous? Black Star: "Oh! Like with the airboat?!" tsuyu: *nods* Black Star: "Awesome! Let's buy the tickets!" -later- Black Star: "Maybe we'll see alligators, or crocodiles--or croco-gators!" tsubaki: ^^; Airboat Operator: "Alright, have a seat, buckle in..." tsubaki: *she has done so* tsuyu: ribbit. Black Star: *buckled* "Ready!" -elsewhere- Kami: *slight slur* "So I said to her, 'I guess you two won't be having kids any time soon!'" *cackling* sachiko: ^^; Yumi: "N-No! The story _I_ wanted you to tell was about how you and Marie broke into that museum one night!" marie: i just wanted to ask out the security guard, is that so wrong? Yumi: *giggles* "He _was_ a hottie. But then you and Kami had to call me when you got stuck in the window..." sachiko: is that right? marie: Q-Q my butt wasnt _that_ big! Kami: *another sip of wine* "Well, it was a tiny window for such a cute butt~" marie: >///< Kami: "Sachiko, tell me for real--what was your most embarrassing thing you did to impress a guy or gal?" sachiko: well, this was back in like, kindergarten i think? there was a boy i liked named 'Toshio' and told him i liked him. he just said 'oh, ok', and that was it.... -_-; Kami: *giggles* "If that's your most embarrassing moment, you're lucky, then. But, aw, small you getting turned down like that..." Yumi: "Now you have Spirit, though--" *grimaces, remembering Kami is right there...* marie: owo;;;; Kami: "...You know what? I want to dance!" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *lounges in the hot spring* "God, I needed this..." kabuki: =w= so relaxing. Benimaru: o\\\\\o "What the heck?! When did you get in here?" kabuki: i was here a few minutes before you got in. Benimaru: "Wh-Wait, what?! Am I on the wrong side? Shit, I missed a sign, didn't I? St-Stop looking at me!" kabuki: -_-; *he stands up* Benimaru: o\\\\\\\\o "...Holy shit." kabuki: see, you're in the right room. *he sits back down* Benimaru: "Evidently...Um...Sorry about that." kabuki: it's quite fine, commander, the misassumptions happen often, so i have gotten used to them. Benimaru: "Huh. So, what brought you to the hot spring?" kabuki: i thought i would unwind after a long day. Benimaru: "Yeah, pretty much the same for me. These newbies are so annoying." kabuki:.....and miss huo? Benimaru: "..." *fidgets, scratches his cheek* kabuki:.....*he just warms the water a bit with his kitsune fire* Benimaru: "Tch. That's a bit better. Thanks." *leans back* kabuki:....have there been any updates on the white hoods situation yet? Benimaru: "Nothing yet." *scowls* "I'm not some lapdog here to clean up the messes of the other brigades." kabuki: ah, i see. Benimaru: "Seriously, if every time that Obi guy gets athlete's foot, am I supposed to drop everything and deal with his hangups?" kabuki: he isnt in the 7th, so it really isnt any of our buisness... Benimaru: "But the way the Big Boss wants all us brigades to work together, you'd think that's what they want." *splashes water down* "Gah! Just leave each brigade to do their own thing: that's my policy." kabuki: to each their own. Benimaru: "Well, enough talk. Time to recline and--" ???: *giggling* ????: shh! ???: "You 'shhh'!" Benimaru: "...What the hell?" ???: come on, you're going to get us in serious trouble! ???: "I just want a peek! I mean, it is pretty scandalous to see a guy and a girl in the boys' side, right?" ???: um....actually- Benimaru: *stands up, turns around* "Who the hell is spying on us?!" kabuki: -SLASHES THE DOOR DOWN WITH KITSUNE CLAWS* fang-hua: O-O;;;;;;; Tsukiyo: "..." *meek wave at Benimaru and Kabuki* "Hello, sir and...sir. How are you?" Benimaru: *angry twitch* fang-hua: commander, i am so sorry about her! i tried to stop her! Tsukiyo: *staring downward* "Yeah, I am completely responsible. Punish me, Commander. Punish me, hard." fang-hua: TSUKIYO DONT MAKE IT WEIRD! Tsukiyo: (covers hand over mouth, giggles) "Fu-fu-fu..." Benimaru: "I will punish _both of you_ later--" Tsukiyo: "Yay!" Benimaru: "By having you clean this entire hot spring!" Tsukiyo: D: "Boo." fang-hua: *siiiighs* yes commander... Benimaru: "Dismissed!" *turns and jumps back into the hot spring* fang-hua: (thinking: at least this time he didnt call me ko-) Benimaru: *dunks himself down until only his nose is above the water, blows bubbles out of his mouth in anger* kabuki: ^^; Benimaru: *sits up a bit* "And Kohana! Bring extra cleaning supplies!" fang-hua: -_-;;; yes sir... Benimaru: *small smile as he dips back in* "Hey, Kabuki. Heat this up again..." -elsewhere- Kami: *still dancing* marie: why do they make the phone buttons so small? yumi g-gummy-gimme yur hand.... Yumi: *sobered up* -_-; *sighs, offers her hand to Marie* ???: "Hey, party girls! Room for two more?" marie: ehhhhh? Hibana: "Hola, chicas! I'm Prinny Hi--Princess Hibana!" gabriella: princess hibana, commander of the 5th brigade. sachiko: oh...oh my god! the princess hibana! OHMYGOD! Yumi: "Oh, yes." *shakes Gabriella's hand* "We've met. Yumi Azusa, DWMA. Lord Death's wife." *Yumi's other hand is still held by Marie* Hibana: (to Sachiko) "Scoot over, dear--I want to sit with you ladies!" marie: i-ave onna yer purses, its soooo good y'know? *hic* Hibana: "I know, right?! My design is phonom--phanem--it's awesome! Gab over here is super at getting them out on the market on time!" Yumi: *looks askance at Gabriella* "You have the patience of a saint, don't you?" gabriella: you have no idea. Kami: *sits back down with them* "God, that was a great song!" *looks around* "Wow, I am hammered--I'm seeing double now..." Hibana: *waves* "Hello!" *to Marie* "You're a Death Sc-Scythe, right?" marie: yuuuup, haha! Hibana: "Wh-What s'is--What is it like to transform into a weapon? Does it tingle?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *poking a finger into the swamp* "I don't see one piranha in here!" tsubaki: please dont do that. Airboat Operator: "Besides, piranha are not native here." Black Star: "Crocogators?" *Something is bubbling behind Tsuyu* Airboat Operator: "For the last time! There are no such things as Crocogators!" tuyu: hmm? *Bubbles burst up, as something leaps out of the swamp and at Tsuyu* tsuyu: ribbit! *jumps up into a tree, grabbing the others with her tongue* Black Star: "Wow!" Airboat Operator: o_O *A being with a quirk has emerged--* Black Star: "It is a Crocogator!" Crocogator: *ROAR* "I told you to stop swimming around my swamp!" tsubaki: eh?! Black Star: *glares at the Airboat Operator* Airboat Operator: ^^; "I _may_ have seen a Crocogator before...and was told that my airboat's blades were waking them up--" Crocogator: *ROWR!* *slashes at Tsubaki* tsubaki: *blocks with hair blade* Crocogator: *pulls back his claw* "Ahhh! You brought weapons now to protect you! I said to get out of my swamp!" Airboat Operator: *clutches Tsuyu* "Save me!" tsubaki: ..... tsubaki: tsuyu, immobilize him! -mucus'd- Crocogator: "Wha--?!" *immobilized, trapping his jaw shut and glueing him to a nearby tree* -later- Crocogator: "And this jerk's tourists keep tossing trash into my backyard! How would you like it if I came to your house and threw my trash away there?!" Black Star: "I don't know--I tend to trash my hotel room, so I don't know whether I'd noticed, Crocogator Dude." *Crocogator is still glued to the tree, but they pulled the mucus off his snout* Crocogator: "Yeah, and that hurt like hell!" -after that- Black Star: "Well, we intimidated an airboat operator to make sure his customers don't toss trash, or else we let the Crocogator eat him and his customers--we did a good deed today!" tsubaki: ^^; Black Star: *stomach growls* "Now I'm starving. How about we get some New Orleans food? I heard about this great dish called coo-sees day grain-wheel!" -he means cuisses de grenouille- -elsewhere- Spirit: *yawn* ("Thank goodness Izumi is asleep by now...") *picking up trash around the living room* ("Need to clean this up, or Sachiko will throw a fit.") *empty chip bags, candy wrappers* sachiko: zzzzzzz..... *asleep on the couch* Spirit: *smiles at Sachiko* ("So cute...") sachiko: zzzz...... Spirit: *gently picks up Sachiko in his arms and brings her to bed* -elsewhere- lord death: hmmmm....hmm? Yumi: *loud snoring in the foyer* lord death:...*he picks her up and takes her to the bedroom and lets her sleep* Yumi: *smiles and stops snoring, sleeping more quietly* lord death: ^^ Yumi: *yawn* "Love you, Death..." lord death: love you too, sweetie~<3 Yumi: "Zzz..." -morning- Kami: *tossing in a bed* "My head..." girl: hmm?....*poke poke* Kami: *whining* "I'm trying to sleep..." *opens an eye, sees the girl* "...Hi?" girl: uuu? *she seems to be a young lady with wavy light blonde hair* Kami: *sits up in bed* "Where am I?" justin: ah, i see you're awake, miss kami. Kami: "Wh-What?! Justin?!" justin: you passed out in front of my apartment building, and i didnt want you to get hurt, so i brought you in and let you sleep in the guest room. Kami: "...How did I end up in front of--Why did Yumi and Marie just drop me off here?" justin: i think you may have stumbled this way unintentionally... fortunately none of your belongings were stolen. Kami: "That's good..." *holds her head* "Doesn't answer what happened to the others...or that Fire Brigade chick." justin: seems they've all returned home....would you like some breakfast? i'm making waffles. Kami: *small happy twitch* -\\\- "Waffles would be delicious." -elsewhere- Hibana: (murmuring in her sleep) "So comfy and cute~" gabriella: *smiles and preps up the coffee* Hibana: *purring* "Just a big bed..." *turns in her bed, opening an eye and spots--" "Oh, Gabriella...Morning." gabriella: how would you like your coffee? Hibana: "Given this headache, black." *holds up the bedsheet around herself as she walks up to her* -elsewhere- shinra: zzzzz.... *yaaaawns* Iris: "Shinra?" shinra: murnin...... Iris: "..." *puts her hand on his forehead* shinra: .....muhnah muhnah..... Iris: "You still seem to have a bit of a temperature." *smiles* "I'll get you some water to start, then something a bit colder. I also picked some fresh fruit, if you would like that as part of your breakfast in bed~" shinra: YESTHANKYOU....*ahem* thanks.... Iris: "You're welcome. Just try to calm down a bit--you seem a little jumpy." shinra:...okay.....*lays down, screaming internally* Iris: *exits to the kitchen* "Oh, good morning, Tamaki!" tamaki: morning.....*her waffles were burnt to a crisp* TT-TT Iris: "!!! Um...Why don't I make a fresh batch of waffles? ^^; " -elsewhere- tsugumi: happy birthday anya! Meme: *blows party favor* Anya: -_-; "You really didn't have to..." tsugumi: we wanted to though. Anya: "...Thank you..." *tight hug of Meme and Tsugumi* ao: make sure you blow out your candles, ok? Anya: "Very well..." *counts the candles* -elsewhere- Kid: "You're doing great." stocking: *she smiles and walks to him* Kid: *holds out his arms* stocking: *she walks right into his embrace* Kid: *holds her* "There you go..." *she kisses him* Kid: *returns the kiss, holding her* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: *smiles* "I'm so proud of you." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Care to walk with me a bit further? I have a surprise for you..." stocking: o-ok... Kid: *leads her into another room, where he has laid out a fruit and candy spread* stocking: *shiny eyes* kid you are the best and i love you! Kid: *puts an arm around her, kisses her cheek* "I love you--and you are better." -elsewhere- Spirit: "Feeling better?" sachiko: much better. *yaaawn* Spirit: "You must have had quite a night." sachiko: tell me about it....*streeetch* Spirit: *hugs her from behind* "But it was fun?" sachiko: *she smiles* it's been a while since i could just, you know, go out and enjoy myself with friends... Spirit: *smiles back* "I'm glad that they are your friends now." *small kiss on the cheek* sachiko: *blush* -elsewhere- Gopher: *knocks on Gallows Mansion door* ellen: yes? Gopher: "Is Kirika available?" ellen: i believe so- kirika: yo. Gopher: .W. "Hi!!!" *happy wave* kirika: hey, whats up with you? Gopher: "Just happy to see you! And I wanted to see how you were doing?" kirika: good. you? Gopher: "..." (looks around) "I'm scared I'm being followed..." kotone:........*staaaaaare* kirika: oooookay? Gopher: o_o "She's right behind me, isn't she?" *Grabs Kirika by the shirt* "SAVE ME!" kirika: easy there, puppy, let me handle this. kotone:.......*walking up to them*....b....br..... Gopher: *whimpering* kotone:...*she hugs him* brother....... kirika:.....wat? Gopher: o____o *small voice* "What am I supposed to do?" kirika:....*shrugs* hell if i know?! Gopher: "B-But you have siblings! I don't think I ever did..." *small pat on Kotone's back* "Um...H-Hello?" kotone:.......*her eyes look lifeless* ..... kirika:...... Gopher: *notices her eyes* "H-Hey? Are you okay?" kotone:....brother.....p-papa......*trembling* Gopher: "!!!" *holds her by her shoulders* "Kotone, listen to me. I have not gotten to know you much...but you are the only...family I have. And I will be there for you, okay? No matter what." kotone:.......*huuuuug*.... kirika:....need something to eat, kiddo? Gopher: "I think she would..." *leads Kotone inside* -elsewhere- Kami: *glancing at the girl* "Justin, I did not realize you adopted." girl: uuu? Kami: "Oh. Sorry. You look young for your age, kid." *tapping on phone to text Marie* justin: hmm? oh, i actually found her on a walk. i don think she remembers who she is, it would be irresponsible to let her wander around in this state... Kami: *small smile* "Such a good caretaker you are, Justin." [texting Marie: feel as hungover as i do?] [thundermama: yaaaaa. nygus let me stay over tho] [scythemaster24: that's good. yumi still watching christa?] [thundermama: yep, as soon as i fix up the apartment, i'll pick herup ^^] [thundermama: *her up] [scythemaster24: oh gee, yeah, that mess. send some help from the dwma?] [thundermama: fortunately the damage was minimal, should be EZ ^^] [scythemaster24: okay. let me know how it goes. love u] -elsewhere- NoFix: *surrounded by hipsters in Austin, Texas* -_-; "And I thought Brooklyn sucked." mimeca: T3T NoFix: "And the booze sucks too. It's like having sex in a canoe." mimeca: ...? NoFix: "It's fucking close to water!" mimeca: *nod* NoFix: *taps Mimeca's shoulder* "Come on--let's get some fried chicken and ice cream, skip on the bill, then tell a Texan his state sucks." mimeca: *salutes* -elsewhere- Karim: *reviewing files related to the Knights of the Ashen Flame* ruby: anything yet? Karim: *holds up a report* "Just a lot of reports about some child with sharp teeth..." ruby: *bitey motion* foien:...white hair....red eyes....sharp teeth....... Karim: "...Hmmm...Sounds familiar...One of Shinra's friends..." foien:...perhaps a coincidence? dia:.....we should investigate him just to be save... Karim: "I agree with Dia. We'll have to be firm but fair in this approach: he is a suspect only." foien: hmm...... Karim: "Do me a favor: don't tell Burns about this." foien: right. dia:...... ruby: scouts honor! Karim: *nods* "Thank you." dia:..... -elsewhere- Hibana: *lying in bed* "Thank goodness for a day off after drinking...Those DWMA people know how to put it away...Gabriella, why didn't you drink?" gabriella: i was your designated driver of the night...besides it'd be irresponsible to drink on the job....*muttering to herself* Hibana: "...You seem troubled." gabriella: hmm? no no, i'm perfectly fine, princess. Hibana: "...Gabriella, sit here for a second." *pats the bed* gabriella: oh...ok.... .///. Hibana: *lays a hand on her shoulder* "I want you to know, I do appreciate everything you do for me. Even in the hardest times, you were there for me...And..." *...hugs Gabriella* gabriella: *bluuush* p-princess? Hibana: *pulls back, smiles at her* "You really are wonderful." -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." shinra: you ok? Arthur: "..." *shakes his head* "Nightmares. You?" shinra:....yeah....same..... Arthur: "...Is this ever going to get better?" shinra:....i dont know.... Arthur: "...I didn't ask to be kidnapped. I didn't ask to come back and have--have everything change on me." shinra:...... Arthur: "...I need to do something, to keep me busy..." *stands* "Want to go for a walk?" shinra:....sure... -And so- Arthur: *looking at shop windows* shinra: hmmm.... Arthur: "Let's go in here. Maybe some music will...do something for me. I don't know." shinra:...maybe we can get some new shirts after this too? Arthur: *nods* "What kind of shirts? Ones with ironic sayings, or with retro pop culture artifacts that existed before our birth?" shinra: just t-shirts i guess. Arthur: "Ah. You had some of yours ripped again?" shinra:......*trembling* (thinking: damn you tamaki!) Arthur: "...Ah..." *scratches his cheek* "The Commander really should give you an allowance for shirts..." shinra: oh shush. -///-; Arthur: "...It's been so long since...since she..." shinra: ?? Arthur: "...She is dating someone else, isn't she? She hardly talks to me." shinra: eh?? Arthur: "Shinra, is she or is she not dating someone else right now? Some boy who sparkles?" shinra: i _tried_ to ask her, but she keeps telling me 'its not my business'....so i cant say for sure? Arthur: "..." *light bulb, smiles* "Then let's find out! We can follow her!" shinra: dude no. this is a bad idea. Arthur: "This is a great idea! We just follow her and determine what kind of a relationship she has with this glittering young man!" shinra: arthur you cant just stalk people, its weird and creepy! Arthur: "Aren't you curious just what is going on with Tamaki? We are simply looking out for her well-being. This sparkling person could be dangerous..." shinra: ....... stalking is still wrong, but we dont really know this aoyama guy that well... Arthur: "Which is why we should learn more about him! You have your phone? Search his social media page!" shinra: ........*checking his gravebook page* this is still a bad idea* Arthur: "What do you see about him?" shinra:...............(thinking: HOW DOES ONE PERSON POST SO MANY SELFIES IN ONE DAY!?!?!?) Arthur: D: "That's a lot of pics...So, he is conceited..." shinra: *checks his follow list....seems he is following all his classmates, as well as tamaki and nozomi* Arthur: "!!! Nozomi! We should talk with her! She would know, right?" -later- Arthur: "We have shirts, we have music..." *holds up a bag* "And something to bribe some info out of Nozomi..." shinra: yep....now where could she be?.... Arthur: "Where does she usually go when not at the 8th? Maybe her app had her checking in somewhere?" shinra: i think she might be working at that department store at this hour. Arthur: *smiles* "Then away we go, squire!" *leads the way* shinra: -_-; -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel better?" stocking: a lot better now. Kid: "What would you like to do now?" stocking: maybe enjoy the sights? Kid: "I would like that." -and so- Kid: *points to musicians playing in Jackson Square* stocking: come on kid, lets dance! Kid: "O-Oh! Okay! Sure!" *takes her hand and begins* -the two dance together- Singer: ~"No matter what the people say, we'll do things our way. We'd be together each and every day. When you are blue I'd be there with you. Come here, it's me, it's you I love."~ stocking: ^^~<3 Kid: *blushing a bit as he leans in and kisses her* stocking: U////U Kid: *pulls back* "I love you." stocking: i love you too kid....so much... Kid: *holds her closer as they dance* *Bystanders applaud the happy couple* stocking: >/////< Kid: ^^; "I see we have an audience..." *Bystander snaps a pic* stocking: h-hey! >///< Kid: -_-; "Maybe we should head elsewhere?" stocking: good plan... Kid: "Butterfly garden? Or cemetery? Or old churches?" stocking: sure. Kid: *guides her to a cemetery* "This will lead to the butterfly garden and a church nearby--" stocking: *shiny eyes* wooow~! Kid: *smiles* "Impressed? The carvings on the tombstones are intricate." stocking: so beautiful....yet so sad.... Kid: *nods* "This one, in particular...Look at the back of it." stocking: ...... Kid: "..." *sniff* stocking:.....*she holds his hand* Kid: *holds her hand, wipes his tears with his other* -elsewhere- Yumi: "Shiori!" *shakes small zebra doll at her* shiori: muu! muu! ^o^ Yumi: *giggles* "Mommy is here with a zebra? Does a zebra go 'moo'? No, that's a cow!" shiori: *crawling over* mama! Yumi: *claps her hands* "Mama is here!" *reaches for Shiori* "Come on! Come to Mama!" shiori: *stumbles but keeps going* lord death: *recording* oh my gooosh! Yumi: "You can do it, Shiori! Come on! Come to Mama!" -she made it!- Yumi: *holds her* "Yay! You did great, sweetie!" shiori: ^^ lord death: *squeeeee!* Yumi: *brings Shiori closer to Death and his camera* "Say, 'Hi, Papa'!" shiori: dad! lord death: *waves* hi sweetie~! Yumi: "Oh my God, Death--all the words she is learning!" lord death: i knoooow~! Yumi: "We'll have to get more books for her..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: *blowing a big bubble* -seems like a busy afternoon at the shopping plaza.- Kishiri: *enters the plaza, looking in the department store...and makes his way towards the ladies' clothing department* nozomi: is there something you need sir? Kishiri: "Just looking around and--" *looks at her...up and down* "Well, hello there." nozomi: *sweatdrop* do you need any assistance? Kishiri: "Yeah, I need assistance with something. Assistance with something really, really BIG." nozomi: o-oh? Kishiri: *smirks* "What you doing Saturday night? 'Cause I got tickets for the movie you are probably dying to see." nozomi: um... ???: there a problem here? Kishiri: "Um, yes? You're interrupting my flow here, pal." shinra: *glaaaares* Kishiri: "...Shinra! Buddy! How's it hangin'?" Arthur: *behind Shinra, nodding to Nozomi* nozomi: oh, hey guys. *ahem* do you need any assistance? Arthur: "Actually, yes. Perhaps you can help us find something we were hoping to buy..." *leads her away from Kishiri* Kishiri: "?!! Hey! I wasn't--" *tries to walk by Shinra* shinra: hey kishiri, can i ask you something? Kishiri: -_- "Yeah, what?!" shinra: *grabs him by the collar* if you keep harassing nozomi or anyone else from the 8th, i'm going to make sure you regret it. Kishiri: "?!! What the heck, dude?! I'm just flirting! No harassment here! Come on, you feel me, right? You see a girl with a tight a--" shinra: *slams him against the wall* sorry, but i dont think she's interested... Kishiri: "..." *sneers* "Oh, I see. You want to look like a big man to impress the ladies, huh?" *knocks Shinra's hands away, tries to walk back towards Nozomi--" nozomi: eh? who does miss tamaki like? well, i dont think it's my place to say... .///.; Arthur: "Nozomi, I just...I felt the two of us had something before I was kidnapped. And now this Aoyomi guy is here...I don't know what to do." nozomi: oh? i think when she first met mr aoyama, she thought he was you, so...maybe she does like you in some way? Arthur: o_o "B-But that means...he's like me...so by transitive property, she could like him..." *sad face* "Oh no..." nozomi: *muttering* although he did kind of flirt with me at the arcade that one time.... >////< oh noooo! Arthur: "??? Um...You okay?" nozomi: eh? OwO;;; Arthur: "You were muttering something about 'he kind of flirted with--'" ._. "Oh my God...he's a flirt...MY DEAR TAMAKI CANNOT HAVE SOMEONE WHO FLIRTS WITH OTHER WOMEN!" nozomi: >-< my ears! Arthur: .____. "...Sowwy...But I must intervene before this serial flirter hurts Tamaki..." nozomi: *sweatdrop* shinra: ok, so nozo- Arthur: "Squire! We have a dragon to slay!" shinra:....what? Arthur: *sighs* "We are going to find proof that Aoyama is a massive flirt. Jeez, Shinra, follow my chivalric language! Also, what happened to the bubble boy?" shinra: i sent him home. -and by that, shinra means he threw him into a dumpster. Mineta was in that same dumpster- [Kishiri: "...Ouch." Mineta: "Hey...Your bubblegum is sticking to my balls..."] Arthur: -_-; "Let's just buy some colas and get out of here..." Arthur: "See you back at the 8th, Nozomi." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *bolts up awake, screaming* maki: you ok? Takehisa: *panting* "S-Sorry...A bad dream." maki:.....you need anything? Takehisa: "Just...want to walk around for a bit." maki: ok.... Takehisa: "...Care to walk with me?" maki: sure ^^ Takehisa: *opens the door* "...You remember the first day in the 8th?" maki: *she nods* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Have you seen Kishiri?" gabriella: we just found him in a dumpster. Kishiri: *frowns* "That's not all you found..." *Mineta is attached to him* Mineta: o_o "Holy crap, your boss is hot!" Hibana: -_-; "Gabriella, get the flamethrower..." gabriella: on it, princess! *salutes* Kishiri and Mineta: o____o "No!" *Trying to pull themselves off each other* Hibana: *sits back, files her nails* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *snoozing* fang-hua: *enjoying some porkbuns* mmmm~ <so tasty~> Tsukiyo: *munch munch* "Really good! Hey, mind if I get a piece of that bun?" fang-hua: here. *hands her half of one* Tsukiyo: "Thanks~" ("Wouldn't mind getting my hands on more’a them buns...") fang-hua: *she smiles* i really like pork buns, i guess its cause they remind me of home. Tsukiyo: (mouth full) "How often you eat them back home?" fang-hua: my mom would make them when my grandparents came to visit. my siblings and i always enjoyed that. Tsukiyo: "..." *sad frown* "What I wouldn't give for a home cooked meal." fang-hua: .....? Tsukiyo: "Just been a long time since I had one." fang-hua: .....ah... Tsukiyo: "..." *small sniff* fang-hua:...*pats her back* -elsewhere- Kid: "We danced, we walked--I think you're almost back to 100 percent. Ready for dinner?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: *offers his arm* "Then I think you'll love this meal..." stocking: oh~? Kid: *he nods to a door at a tall building--where he presses a button, revealing an elevator* "All the way to the top..." stocking: oooh. *shiny eyes* *The elevator has glass walls, giving them a view of all of New Orleans as they reach the top floor* Kid: "I hope you don't mind a little company during dinner~" stocking: hmm? *The elevator opens to reveal their friends already seated at various tables* stocking: ah! mina: hey guys! Izuku: *waves* Black Star: "What took you so long?!" Patty: "Yeah! I can't keep filling up on breadsticks!" *There is a cake decorated with strawberries, congratulating Stocking on her recovery* stocking: *wiping away a tear* you guys...thanks so much for this. liz: we wanted to. mina: now lets party like nobody's business! yeah! Kid: *nods to Soul to start the music* soul: *playing music on the piano* Kid: *guides Stocking to her seat* stocking: *she smiles and looks at everyone* (thinking: if this was back then in private school, i would never have believed it.....im so happy....) Kid: *holds her hand and smiles, as waiters pass out refreshments and cupcakes* stocking: *she blushes* *The cupcakes are of various flavors, before non-dessert dishes are passed to the diners* tsuyu: this is a pretty swell party. Ochako: "It was so nice of Kid to organize this, and everyone to help host this." *smiles at Izuku* Izuku: .\\\\\. "Y-Yeah. They really are lucky to have each other..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *peeks over the couch to see what Kepuri is reading* kepuri: *she's reading various things* Shotaro: "Oooooo, that's a lot of books, magazines, instruction manuals...What you got?" kepuri: just working on some stuff. i might make a new bot when i get the recourses pooled together. Shotaro: -_- "This isn't going to be some killer robot, is it?" kepuri: NO!....not _this_ time...just a little companion. Shotaro: *holds up GET and WASHU* "Like these two? You're going to give them a cousin?" kepuri: TnT; WASHU: :3 *chirp* kepuri: ...... -elsewhere- lin: *yaaaawns* Akua: *watching her* "Tired already?" lin: its getting late now, and i had a reeeeeally long day. Akua: "Well, best get ready for bed, then. Good night." lin:....zzzzzzzz...... Akua: *smirks* "Time to take things to the next level..." *pricks their finger and draws the Kishin symbol in blood* "See what your dreams are made of..." lin: *shuffling* nng....n-no...stop it.....d-daddy stop it it hurts..... Akua: *presses a hand along the blood symbol, transported into Lin's mind to see inside her dreams* lin: *a small lin is crying in a corner, bruised and cut in several places, her dress torn up* Akua: "Hmmm...This is not what I was expecting. Perhaps we can improve this situation..." lin: *whimpering* Akua: *looks around for the father* "Hey, shithead?" lin's father: come on out you little b*tch...if you dont im gonna make it hurt really bad this time... Akua: "Oh, there you are..." *seizes Lin's father by the back of his neck* lin's father: ?! Akua: *slams his head into the wall* lin: *cowering* Akua: "Apologize to her!" -elsewhere- Spirit: *hugs Sachiko from behind* sachiko: *streeeeetch* Spirit: "You've had such loooooong work days..." sachiko: yeah...being a nurse isnt the easiest job... Spirit: *kiss on the cheek* "How about I make dinner, you go take a nice hot bath." sachiko: *she smiles* i would like that. Spirit: "And after dinner...?" -elsewhere- NoFix: *wearing a cowboy hat, drunk, yelling at a cactus* mimeca: =w= NoFix: *slurring his words* "No, I refuse to pay! That was the worst service I ever got! Now I got needles in places I can't even reach! Fight me, you stupid cactus!" *punches the cactus* "Ah, needles!" -elsewhere- Iida: *cleaning his room vigorously* mama iida: tenya? you have a phone call for you. Iida: "Oh? Okay!" *approaches her and takes the phone* "Hello?" mina: TENYA HOWS IT GOIIIING~!? Iida: "Oh, Ashido? Yes, hello. How are you? How is New Orleans?" mina: it's great, had a few bumps in the road, but right now were have a super kick ass party! Ochako: *heard in the background* "Hi, Tenya!" mina: you guys want any souvenirs to bring back for ya? Iida: "Oh...Um, that is good to get recreation after a busy semester. I trust that you all are getting the rest you require to return to studies and superheroism with renewed spirit!" Iida: "Oh...Souvenirs? Um...Pralines, please?" mina: can do! oh! be sure to ask the others if they want anything. Iida: "On it!" -elsewhere- *Kid, Stocking, and the rest are dancing* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Ha!" *spins her lightly* stocking: ^^~<3 Patty: *dips Takeru* takeru: >/////< Ochako: "Um...I tried dancing with Izuku, but..." Izuku: *stuck on the ceiling* "Help me..." tsuyu: allow me. *jumps up onto the wall then to the ceiling* Izuku: *holds out hands to Tsuyu* tsuyu: *wraps a tongue around his waist and jumps down* uuou khan rehlesgh ghim naoh [you can release him now] Ochako: "Release!" Izuku: "..." ("I got floated by one girl and the tongue of another girl around me...Superheroing is weird...") -elsewhere- Yumi: *puts Shiori to bed* shiori: zzzzzz..... Yumi: *whispers* "Sleep well, Shiori. We love you." shiori: *cuddling her blanket* Yumi: *smiles at Death* lord death: *strokes shiori's head* Yumi: "Death..." lord death: hmm? Yumi: *kisses his cheek* lord death: O////////////////O Yumi: *pats his back as she hugs him* "You have given me so much." lord death:...*huuuug* i love you....so much... Yumi: "I love you, too." -elsewhere- ???: did you hear about the orleans incident? Villain #2: "Yeah...Weird. Do you know who those people were? Villains?" ??? 3: maybe....i think one of them was a witch...i didnt even think witches still existed? Villain #2: "How 'bout you, Barkeep? You know any witches?" Kurogiri: "Only a few supervillains on a bad day..." ???: hmmm....how about you, hands? Tomura: *small scratch* "I've...gotten my hands on some information...A scorpion witch..." ???: oh? ??? 3: is that with pun or- ???: shush yuuji. Tomura: "Yeeeeees...and I actually did get information on this witch." *holds up a sketch--the one Clay made at the DWMA in Soul Eater NOT* "Amazing what you can find..." ???: hmmmm...im more curious on this one guy with the red bandana....that seems like one hell of a quirk he has... yuuji: .....its not _that_ impressive. ???: awww, feeling jealous? yuuji: n-no... Tomura: "The Spinning Top..." ???: *rolls eyes* c'mon, you know i love you the most *smooch on his cheek* yuuji: -////- Tomura: "I want...you to find their location. Or locations, plural." ???: i think we can handle that. yuuji: *stretches.....a little to far back for normal humans* Tomura: "Yes...you are quite...flexible." ???: you could say that~ yuuji: s-sachi -////- sachi: hehe~ its true babe~ Tomura: "Just tell Kurogiri where to take you..." -elsewhere- Ponera: -_-; "She's still playing video games, despite my explicit instructions that she be forbidden from doing so, isn't she?" grunt: i didnt hear anything in her room... Ponera: "I don't trust that..." *stands* "I'll check myself..." shaula: *asleep* zzzzzzzz Ponera: *opens the door, looking inside her room* ("Hmm...I can't find any evidence that she has...") shaula: *drooling* zzzzzzzzzzzzz -shaula's sleeping mask has 'boss ass witch' sewed onto it- Ponera: -_-; (" 'Boss Witch' my ass...") *snort laugh* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Good party! Congrats on recovery, Stocking!" stocking: thanks you guys. ^^ Ochako: "Sleep well!" stocking: i will. *holds kid's hand* Kid: *smiles at her* -later- stocking: aahhhh~! Kid: "You like that?" stocking: y-yes~! Kid: *behind her, holding her hips as he penetrates her doggy style* stocking: *moans* Kid: *rocking her hips in motion with him* "I want to hear you say that you want this." stocking: i-i want it kid~! it feels so good~! Kid: "So do you--you're making me so hard." *spanks her* stocking: ah~! Kid: *lays his hand along the spanking bruise, as he quickens his pace and moans* "Fuuuuuuuck..." stocking: mmmmmmn-ahhhh~!! Kid: *digs his nails into her hips* "So good...Fuck...Ah! Ah! So close..." *spanks her again* stocking: *mewls in pleasure* Kid: "You are so beautiful, Stocking...Your ass, your breasts..." *thrusts hard* "Fuck!" stocking: *screaming as she reaches her climax* Kid: "AAAAAH!" *ejaculates into the condom, as his fingers move to her clitoris and continues to stimulate her* stocking: *her wings flutter* AHHHHHHH~!<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Kid: *pulls out from her, continues to stimulate her her clitoris as his other hand pinches one of her nipples* "Your wings are so cute~" stocking: *shuddering and blushing* Kid: *smirks* "Stay right there..." *pulls his hands back to push down slightly on her lower back to lift up her backside, moves his lips to her slit, and licks long and slowly* stocking: ahhh-ahhhhh~!! Kid: "You taste so good..." *licks along her inner thigh* "I want to lick you all over..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *inhales* "I can do this..." nozomi: do your best! Arthur: *looks around the corner to see whether Tamaki is here* tamaki: *she has a big bowl of popcorn* Arthur: *awkwardly shuffles into the room* tamaki: hmm? hey arthur, whats up? Arthur: "Oh, not much." ("I am lying.") "May I sit down?" tamaki: sure, just put a movie in. Arthur: "Oh?" *sits down...without a one-person gap between them on the couch* "Which movie?" tamaki: titanic i think? Arthur: "I've never actually seen the whole thing." -and so- Arthur: *a little misty-eyed* tamaki: q-q Arthur: "..." *offers her a tissue* tamaki: thanks. Arthur: "It's quite an emotional film." tamaki: still better than the _other_ titanic movies....*shudders* Arthur: *small laugh* "I've seen those clips..." tamaki: makes my head hurt thinking about it....*shudders* Arthur: "It's kind of funny when thinking about it...although it of course is nowhere near as good as this film." tamaki: yeah.... Arthur: "...Thanks for letting me watch this with you." tamaki: no problem. Arthur: "...I'm glad to do this kind of thing again." tamaki: yeah.... Arthur: "...Maybe we could do it again some time soon?" tamaki:.....*she nods* i'd like that. Arthur: *small smile* "Well...I guess I better get ready for bed..." tamaki:...yeah....night Arthur: *stands up, turns around, heads down the hall...* ("I should have asked her...") -elsewhere- Yohei: "Jeez, at this rate with this many occupants, maybe we're going to have to charge rent." chie: *she chuckles* Shotaro: "Kepuri could get a job again at that cafe with the short skirts!" kepuri: D:< Tuhl: *waiting to see who slaps Shotaro first* -MANA PUNCH- Shotaro: *punched puffy cheek, knocked to the floor* "Owie..." Tuhl: "Huh. I was wrong. Looks like I owe you five bucks, Saki." saki: ^^~<3 Yohei: *taps GET to project a budget* "I should probably mention I just sold a new OS to a major developer, so that money should provide a stable income for quite a while..." Tuhl: *angry twitch* "You could'd mentioned that earlier before scaring us..." Shotaro: *looking up* "Maybe it's the new head trauma, but that looks like a lot of zeroes on that sale, Yohei..." saki: ......*listening* Yohei: "The income will help, but people will have to pull their weight." *tosses a folder to Kepuri and Mono* "Job apps. Finish them, get them out, get hired." mono: ..................*twitch* kepuri: *shiny eyes* ooooh~! Tuhl: "Find a job you wanted, Kepuri?" kepuri: *TADAAAH* -she's working at an electronics shop- Tuhl: "Hmm. Good fit. Hope you get the job." mono: -////////-;;;;; -she got deathbucks waitress- kepuri: its not completely terrible, if you put on a decent smile you might get a decent tip. Shotaro: "Oh, Mr Master lets people tip the waitresses now?" -elsewhere- Kid: *washes her back* "That was great last night." stocking: *yaaawn* yeah.... Kid: "Still tired?" stocking: *streeeeetch* Kid: *smiles, as he moves his hands from her back to along her belly, washing there--and rubbing* stocking: hehe~! Kid: "Ticklish much?" *kisses her shoulder* "You have such a cute laugh~" stocking: *nuzzles into him* =///= Kid: *under the shower, he strokes her hair and back* "I love you." -elsewhere- Iida: "Okay! I have finished designing the chart! All that is left is to fill in the blanks for what each of you want from New Orleans! We will start with Bakugo--" Bakugo: "Fuck off." Iida: "For the last time, prostitutes may not cross state lines--and it reflects badly on a hero!" Bakugo: "NOT WHAT I MEANT!" >-< kyouka: *snerk* Iida: "Yaoyorozu, what do you want from New Orleans?" momo: perhaps a sketchbook if possible? Iida: "Excellent choice! Hagakure?" hagakure: maybe a new hat ^^ Iida: "Great! And Mineta?" Mineta: "Mardi Gras beads to throw to girls!" Iida: "..." Bakugo: "..." Bakugo: "NO ONE HERE LIKES YOU!" -cue mineta thrown out a window- Mineta: "Worth iiiiiiiiiiiiiit!" *crashes in bushes, cat screeching heard, cat clawing heard* Iida: "Moving on. Jirou?" kyouka: one of those skulls. Iida: o_o Bakugo: "...I like your style, Earphone Girl." kyouka: *griiins* Iida: "I will email this list to Uraraka ASAP." -elsewhere- Ochako: "Hmmm...Some of these will be easier to buy at the hotel's gift shop. But I think we may need to split the rest of the list to get it done quickly. Who wants to get the skull?" stocking: *raises her hand* Black Star: "Tch. Typical. Don't go digging up corpses, Stocking..." stocking: i wont, kiddo~ hehe~ Kid: -_-; "Happy to hear..." Ochako: "We'll get the sketchbook. Patty, get the...I can't read this from Iida, but try to get something for Bakugo that will calm him down." -elsewhere- Hibana: *puts away files, yawns* gabriella: *scheduling things* Hibana: "What's on the itinerary this week?" gabriella: starting from sunday, we have a film premier on Tuesday, next Wednesday is the photo shoot in san Francisco... Hibana: *shiny eyes, as she inches closer to Gabriella* "Photo shoot~?" gabriella: *she nods and shows the schedule* Hibana: "Ooooo...Can't wait for that!" *thinking about all the outfits* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *lifting weights* "Put your backs into it! Feel the burn!" shinra: *yelling as he is doing one of the stretchers* Takehisa: *managing to lift with minimal problems* Arthur: *looking around at the others, as he has much smaller weights until he can re-build his strength* maki: HYAH! *punching the punching bags* tamaki:....HYAH! *punches the bag and gets knocked to the floor from the recoil* ow! Akitaru: ._.; "Good...effort, Tamaki." Iris: *tentative punch at a punching bag* "Um...Am I doing it right?" shinra: you're doing great. nozomi: *timing them* miwa: HYAH! *punches the bag off its hook*.....whoops. Iris: "Wow..." *shiny eyes* "That's so cool, Miwa!" Akitaru: *loud laughing and clapping* "Great work!" miwa: *streeetch* i've been practicing. got to be at top form in this line of work, you know? Akitaru: "We should compare our workout routines." Iris: *popping up around Miwa, studying her physique and the damage to the punching bag* shinra: ..... 7///7; Arthur: "Well, I feel weak..." *helps Tamaki up* tamaki: um.... .////. thanks. Arthur: *small smile* "Of course." sayu: *punches the bag, which knocks arthur onto tamaki* Arthur: "AAHH!" *falls* tamaki: O///////O Arthur: o\\\\\\o Akitaru: "...Huh." -later, elsewhere- NoFix: *asleep in the back of the car* mimeca: *driving, making herself appear older to avoid being accused of underage driving* *Hitchhiker by the side of the road* mimeca: *peeeeks* Hippie: "Hey, buddy. Can you give me a ride to wherever you're heading?" mimeca:....*nudges nofix awake* NoFix: *sits up, with needles still poking out of his neck* "Wh-What?" Hippie: "Oh, righteous! A fellow traveler!" *steps into the passenger seat* "I'm Sunflower." *peace symbol* NoFix: "..." *glares at Mimeca* -elsewhere- Kid: "Well...We got a skull." stocking: ^^ Ochako: "Awesome!" *checks it off* "That's the last of the items we needed! About ready for our trip back home?" soul: yep. takeru: *nods* Kid: "Packed and told the hotel staff to take our bags to the bus...I hope the trip going home is faster." stocking: yeah.... Stein: *randomly appears behind them* "I will drive us back as quickly as possible." stocking: EEK! Kid: "AH! Stop sneaking up on people!" Stein: "Sorry. Also, Stocking, your father called." stocking: oh? Stein: "He wanted you to bring home sweets. Lots of sweets. He also asked whether you and Kid are using--" stocking: YES ON BOTH ACCOUNTS! >/////A/////< Kid: -_-; Stein: "Just checking. We depart soon." -and so- Izuku: *snaps a few pictures of New Orleans as their bus drives out* liz: zzzz.... tsuyu: it was a nice trip. Patty: "Apart from all the violence." tsubaki: *nods* Kid: "I'll be glad to return home: can rest up a bit after this trip." stocking: yeah.... *streeetch* Kid: *hugs her and lets her rest on his shoulder* stocking: zzzzz....... Kid: *smiles, letting her sleep, as he closes his eyes* Ochako: Q_Q ("So freaking cute!") mina: *tweets it* Black Star: *playing a game against Soul* soul: *also playing* Black Star: "Come on, Captain Falcon!" tsubaki: ^^; Black Star: "Get ready to lose, Soul!" soul: you wish. *READY? GO!* Black Star: "Falcon...PUNCH!" -elsewhere- Ponera: *shiny eyes* "Hello, tiny baby!" neian: guu? Ponera: "Can you say 'Auntie Ponera'?" neian: muuu.... anty? Ponera: "Yay! She said a word! Medusa, she spoke!" Medusa: -_-; "Stop yelling...I have a migraine..." Ponera: *raises hand* "I CAN BABYSIT!" Medusa: "..." *collapses asleep* Ponera: ^^; "How about you and me play, little Neian?" neian:....mama? *reaching for medusa* Medusa: "Zzz..." Ponera: *frowns, picks up Neian and brings her to the sleeping Medusa* neian: ^o^ Ponera: *pouts as she sets Neian down near Medusa* Medusa: *eyes open* "So much for that..." *holds Neian in bed* "Come here..." neian: mama! Medusa: *sighs, smiles* "Yes, Mama is here." *small bounce of her in her arms* neian: hehe~ grunt: that kid.....she looks like a romani....i think that might get her a lot of flak when she's older.... Grunt #2: *shrug* "Who knows--things could change when she gets older." grunt: maybe she'll get super hot- Medusa: "Vector Hand Slap!" Grunt #2: "...Wait, wha--" *SLAP SLAP SLAP* grunt: x-x Ponera: "...Huh. I thought you would kill them." *nervous smile* "I guess maternity has calmed you d--" *Tip of Vector Blade to Ponera's neck* Medusa: "You were saying?" grunt: my spiiiiiine..... Ponera: ^^; "I'll leave now..." Grunt #2: "Owie..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *pops into Deathbucks* "Hello!" mono:.....*forcing a smile* hi, may i take your order? lin: o-o; Shotaro: "A big hot chocolate please!" *spots Lin, waves* "Hello, Mono's coworker!" Akua: ಠ_ಠ lin: *goes to get the drink* just play it cool. Shotaro: "How's work starting for you, Mono?" mono: it's alright. (thinking: these skirts are way too short for my liking though!) Shotaro: "That's great! I'll be sure to give you a big tip!" *looks at menu* "Ooooooh! So much food! I'll take one of these, one of those, and a side of this!" mono: ^^;;;;; *screaming internally* Ashi: *pushes open the door* "I am here for refreshments!!!" Shotaro: o____o mono: O///////////O lin: >3< *trying to contain her chuckle fit* Akua: *smirks* Ashi: o\\\\\\\o "Oh...H-Hi..." *meeks wave at Mono* Shotaro: *waves* "Hi, Butty!" mono: *bluuush* RINKO YOU TAKE CARE OF THIS ONE OK?! Ashi: -_-; " 'Ashi.'" lin: alright, alright... Ashi: "...Oh..." *downcast* Shotaro: *follows Mono with his eyes, shrugs* lin: right this way sir~ Ashi: *drags his feet* Shotaro: "I'll sit with you, Essi!" Ashi: " 'Ashi.' And thanks..." mono: 7-7;; Ashi: "Well, I'll have the burger with fries, please." -elsewhere- Hibana: *modeling a dress in the mirror* "How about this for the film premiere?" gabriella: excellent! Hibana: *smiles* "I thought so as well. Compliments my assets~" gabriella: ..... *bluuush* Hibana: "And what will you be wearing?" *holds up a dress* "Maybe this?" gabriella: oh wow...i dont know....maybe a nice pantsuit would work....? b-but if you think i would work it- Hibana: "Yes! You can definitely work it! Let's get this fitted for you." *snaps fingers* *Tailors emerge out of nowhere* Hibana: "Fit this dress for my Plus One." gabriella: i-i'll do my very best, princess! Hibana: *smiles* "I know you will. Now undress~" -elsewhere- Arthur: "I'm sorry about earlier..." *brings cold compress to her* tamaki: i-its fine.... Arthur: *hands it to her* "I didn't mean for that to happen...although..." tamaki:..... ./////. Arthur: *small laugh* "These kinds of accidents happen to us so often, I lose track of them..." tamaki: oh shush. >///< Arthur: *small smile* "Hey..." tamaki: hmm? Arthur: "I'm happy you are safe." tamaki:....thanks. Arthur: *nods* "..." *pats her shoulder lightly, reassuringly* tamaki:.....*small smile* Arthur: *looks into her eyes, silent, smiling* tamaki:........... Arthur: "...Do you want...Did you have plans this weekend?" tamaki: well, i have work until friday so....maybe if i have saturday open...? Arthur: *nods* "I'm free. Maybe go out? Or stay in for another film?" tamaki: maybe get something to eat? Arthur: "I'd like that. Anything in particular? I think a new Thai restaurant opened..." tamaki: maybe we could check out that ramen place you like? Arthur: "!!! Y-Yeah! That would be great!" tamaki: awesome. Arthur: *smiles* "I'll see you then, then..." tamaki: yeah... Arthur: *stand up to leave* -elsewhere- NoFix: "If you ever pick up a hippie again, I'm going to show people that photo of you with your tongue stuck to a light pole." mimeca: >/////>;; *Sunflower is tied to the hood of the car, screaming* NoFix: "Does make a nice hood ornament, though." mimeca: ^^ NoFix: *drives faster* "Got to love the highway! Now, onto Death City!" mimeca: *honks the horn* Sunflower: *crying, screaming* mimeca:....*honks louder* Sunflower: "Make this stop! I just wanted a ride! This is not fucking cool, dudes!" NoFix: "Vroom vroom!" -elsewhere- Anya: *trying to place her birthday gift on the right part of her desk* kim: hey any-....what is that? Anya: *smiles, points* "It's a Tanuki Crossing sign!" kim:........ *sweats* how....cute..... Anya: "I know, right? So adorable~" kim: yeah.... *SCREAMING INTERNALLY* Anya: "Did you want something?" kim: just wanted to say happy birthday....belated birthday anyway. Anya: "Oh...Thank you." *smiles* "I hope your next birthday goes well." -elsewhere- Black Star: *grumble* tsubaki: you did your best ^^; Kid: *yawn* stocking: *nuzzles* Kid: *smiles, hugs her* stocking: =////w////= Kid: "Feel more rested?" stocking: mmmhmmm.... Kid: *smiles* "Want a drink?" stocking: are we still driving? Kid: "I'm sure Stein could use a break--" *The bus swerves* Kid: "!!!" stocking: !!! *she landed on top of him* *Bus stops at the side of the road* Kid: *muffled* Black Star: *upside down* "What the hell happened?!" Patty: "Um, guys? Stein's asleep..." Stein: "Zzz..." soul:....im gonna check outside. uraraka, you mind waking up the doc? Ochako: "On it!" *pushes Stein's shoulder--which causes him to float up but still buckled in his seat* "Um...Doctor?" Stein: *Yawn* "Wha... !!! Oh, no..." soul:....*looking around* *Bus seems undamaged...* soul:.........*he checks the surrounding areas* *There is a burger stand with a very surprised child manning it* Burger Stand Kid: "Watch where you're driving!" soul: sorry. Burger Stand Kid: "I almost had the poop scared out of me! If you're going to crash into me, at least buy something!" soul:....ok? hey guys! there's a burger stand here, you guys want anything? Kid: "Soda!" Black Star: "Burgers!" Ochako: "And fries!" *unbuckles Stein--and he starts floating out of the bus* Stein: "AAAAAH!" -later- Patty: *loud sip on milkshake* mina: yums~! takeru:...*nom* Burger Stand Kid: *thumbing through the money* "Holy crap! That's a lot of cash!" -later on the road- Patty: *sits near Liz behind the driver's seat* Stein: *sleeping in the back* Kid: "At least we'll be able to pull off soon and sleep for the night." stocking: yeah..... *whispers* want to sleep upstairs tonight? Kid: *whispers* "Yes..." -and so- Kid: "Mmm..." stocking: *kissing along his chest* Kid: "A-ah~" (lying on the bed, letting her kiss) stocking: you make such cute noises, kiddo~ Kid: "I-I try--Ooooooh..." stocking: *licks down his chest and stomach to just above his groin* Kid: *squirming, panting* "God...So good..." stocking: *slowly undoing his fly and playfully licking at the clothed shaft* Kid: "Mmmm~ Your tongue feels so good, you--you tease..." stocking: *sliding his pants of and rubbing his inner thighs as she licks very slowly* Kid: *he is hardening under his boxers* "K-Keep going...Please..." stocking: *rubbing him off* hehe~ you're such a naughty boy, arent you kiddo~? Kid: "Y-Yes. I'm so naughty...You make me feel naughty." stocking: oh~? *she tugs at the elastic of his boxers* Kid: "Yes...Just thinking about you makes me get hard..." stocking: *she slowly pulls them off, letting his arousal slowly spring up* Kid: o\\\\o *buries his face in his arm, moans* "You did this to me, you sexy angel..." stocking: *smirks and gently sucks his balls* Kid: *small laugh with a snort* "God..." stocking: hehe~ *she slowly licks up the shaft* Kid: *clutching the bedsheet, groaning* "Right there~" stocking: *smirks and kisses the tip* Kid: *panting, his member getting harder until it is almost stiff* "Fuck..." stocking: *she grins and begins to suck him off* Kid: "A-a-a-ah!" *twitching a bit* stocking: mmmmn~ *her soft moans seem to send vibrations through the shaft* Kid: *his hands move down, trying to touch her head* stocking:......wait here, close your eyes. Kid: "???" *closes his eyes, lays back* -after a few moments, something could be felt prodding your rear end- Kid: "A-ah~" stocking: *grins and slowly slides the butt plug in until it is in all the way. then she turns on the vibration mode* Kid: *screaming, having to cover a hand over his mouth, as the vibrations go through him* stocking: good boy~ *she resumes licking and sucking him off, painfully slowly* Kid: *hand still over his mouth, panting, his member twitching as he vibrates* stocking: *slowly licking the tip as pre-cum forms* Kid: "Ah~ So close! I'm so fucking close!" stocking: *playful nibbling* Kid: "AAAAAAAH!" stocking: *licking him up* Kid: *finishes ejaculating* "Oh God..." *twitching, panting, squirming under her touch* stocking: *licks up some of his cum and slips her tongue into his mouth, getting him to taste himself* Kid: *moans, his tongue touching hers, his hands moving along her back and breast* -later- stocking: such a good boy~ *nuzzles* Kid: "Such a bad girl~" stocking: hehe~ *smooch* Kid: *holds her in his arms* "Where were you hiding that butt plug?" stocking: secret luggage compartment~ Kid: *holds one of her breasts* "I can think of another secret compartment...* stocking: *blush* you are such a dirty boy kiddo~ Kid: "Simply admiring your beauty..." *kiss on her chest* -morning- Kid: *smiles at her, holding her hand* stocking: hehe~ soul: *rolls eyes* get a room. Kid: *whispers to Stocking* "We already did..." stocking: 7w7~<3
0 notes
thesummoningdark · 8 years
OC ask meme response for @thrillingest​ below the cut
who is more likely to hurt the other? Neal is more likely to impulsively do something stupid that he doesn’t realise is hurtful, but on the whole they’re probably a pretty low-drama couple.
who is emotionally stronger? Adrian. Like I was saying the other night, he’s basically got a ~5 year head start in terms of Dealing With His Shit, so he’s mostly come out the other side now. Neal is still kind of a mess.
who is physically stronger? Adrian, courtesy of having Jason Momoa fancast as him
who is more likely to break a bone? I’m not saying either of them is particularly likely to, but I am saying that if someone does, it’ll definitely be Neal.
who knows best what to say to upset the other? It’s probably a pretty even match. Neal has an edge when it comes to using words cruelly, but he also has far more raw nerves to strike for. It’d get ugly fast if it ever came to that.
who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? As always, ofc it depends on the specific argument, but in general I think Neal would probably try to apologise and reconcile just to keep the peace. Which usually immediately leads to another argument, because they both know it’s an insincere apology and he’s just trying to end the argument. This is followed by a short period of them both taking some time to cool off, and then both of them apologising.
who treats who’s wounds more often? Neal’s probably more likely to get hurt just due to the nature of his job. Adrian is not entirely happy about this, but he gets it.
who is in constant need of comfort? Neal is a needy creature, not that he’d ever admit it.
who gets more jealous? It doesn’t always sit well with Adrian when Neal ends up ~seducing~ people for information in the course of his work, but they’re surprisingly good at talking about it like adults.
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? Neal is more likely to run off half-cocked for some reason, or possibly to pull some self-sacrificing “leaving you for your own good” bullshit (after the first time that happens there is definitely a Conversation about where exactly Neal’s balls will end up and what kind of implement they’ll be removed with if he ever tries to pull that shit again). 
who will propose? I’m not sure I think they’d ever get round to getting married. I could see them happily drifting along living in sin indefinitely. If it does happen, probably Neal. (He pulls out all the stops and probably commits several kinds of fraud to make sure the stars align and everything is perfect, and it’s disgustingly romantic. Adrian is Gruffly Touched and definitely does not cry even a little bit, shut up Caffrey)
who has the most difficult parents? I...am going to hold off on answering this, because I’m only on season four and I’m not sure how this whole arc with Neal’s backstory is going to play out. Adrian has a cordial but not particularly close relationship with his parents (who are divorced and live in different states).
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? Either. Both. They’re both quite demonstrative and inclined to give physical affection. Although I think in the early stages of the relationship Neal will be more self-conscious about same-sex PDAs (whereas Adrian hit the “#yolo #fight me #ahahaha no seriously fight me #I’ll break you in half” stage some years ago)
who comes up for the other all the time? I have not been enlightened about what this means in the meantime
who hogs the blankets? Neither really, but sharing a bed with Adrian is akin to sharing a bed with an affectionate octopus. Especially in winter. He hates being cold.
who gets more sad? Hmm. I don’t know. Neal probably has more shit going on to be upset by, but they’re both fairly upbeat personalities in general.
who is better at cheering the other up? Probably Neal. Adrian’s speciality is more along the lines of getting Neal to Calm His Shit when he’s spiralling.
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes? Slaps, no, but Adrian tends to shove Neal when he’s being a little shit. Sometimes off the sofa/out of bed/etc.
who is more streetwise? They’re both convicted felons, so uh-- (Neal is more likely to trust people close to him when he shouldn’t, though, and will be more hurt by finding out he shouldn’t have)
who is more wise? ...neither. “Wise” is not a word I would use to describe either of these men. Adrian probably wins, but purely by virtue of having no competition.
who’s the shyest? Definitely neither. Neal is more protective of his private life and history - and more inclined to be secretive in general - but neither of them is shy.
who boasts about the other more? Adrian. Within Neal’s hearing wherever possible, and with...varying degrees of accuracy. He delights in being one of the only people on the planet who can fluster Neal.
who sits on who’s lap? Adrian likes to sit on Neal. Because he’s 6′4″ and 230lbs and thinks he’s funny.
0 notes