#i am also a picky little bitch about the things i read so it might just be me....
irishvampireboy · 1 year
do y'all ever read through a list of dialog prompts and just think.... no one fucking speaks like that
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loquarocoeur · 19 days
Thank you for tagging me @kichona-s <33
Who is your favourite driver?
Considering my digital footprint and the state of my F1 pinterest board which is nothing but his face, I probably have to admit that I'm basic and it is in fact my cunty little bitch Max Verstappen
Do you have other favourite drivers?
I'd say Charles and Oscar are tied for second favourite, then it's Lando and I quite liked Logan. There's also just something about K Mag and his warcrimes ngl and I'd say Zhou, but actually I think I just like sweetcorn and his sauber tiktoks
Who is your least favourite driver?
I wouldn't say I hate any of the drivers
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
Just drivers, teams are just so capitalist megacorporation-esque that I feel the socio-economic rift widening just thinking about them and the principals all seem sketchy
Also, I'm already embarrassed enough to be obsessed with these young men with too much money in a sorely lacking women, most of which aren't even seasoned, they're so white they're see through.
If you like teams what teams do you pull for?
I'm going to avert my gaze now
How long have you been into F1?
I got into it with the first race this year (2024) in January I think
What got you into F1?
My friend would not shut up about the fast cars, so then I thought, alright let me try it. And of course I can't get into anything there isn't fanfic for so I just looked up the most popular ship, discovered lestappen, and sorted by kudos, started with top max, had a fic idea, thinking I'd just write one, because it's funny, and then continue to lurk, as is my standard practice...
So I wrote one top max fic, thought it was neat, had another idea (En Francais), was totally also going to do top max, but then it was just not working
So it turned into bottom Max...
And then I wrote another bottom Max...
And then another one and another one and another one and now I might need psychiatric help
Do you enjoy fic/rpf?
It would be a bit weird if I didn't. But actually I haven't been reading much recently, just writing
How do you view new fans?
I'm still a baby fan myself, but nobody should ever make fun of or be rude to someone who's new to something I think, why would you want to discourage people from joining the community? It makes no sense and you never know if they could have written the next classic fic for the fandom or been an otherwise amazing creator
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
Ferrari, because with this season even I could do better than whatever they're doing. I think they also just need the common sense of a woman sometimes, I think it could do wonders
Are your friends and family into F1?
My family no, I have three (and sort of a half) irl friends into F1. No, they are not on tumblr, and if they ever found me here I would die
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
I suppose I am, but I'm still new to tumblr culture, I'm still figuring out all the social rules and things, so idk what's going on here, and I'm also very picky and choosy with friends/mutuals, I quite like having just my two or three of them
I don't have anyone to tag unless you want to have a go @zettychez , but you seem more of a lurker. I don't have anyone else because I have the social skills of a pebble
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notknickers · 1 year
aww thank you. I'm still learning to draw scars. I defo need to make time for more studies. (we both gotta buckle down)
oh man. fanart, if done well and a lot can get me to do almost anything. seeing fanart of Ghost back in November 2022 is what got me into this fandom in the first place.
I'm a bit picky with headcanons but yh. im fully aware a lot of them are just watered down to be vessals for our kinks and affection. At the end of the day. they'er our silly made up blurbos U///U but yh theirs defo gaps in these guys's personalities that we can fill in (which is what we're doing now lol from the short bios we're given)
fanart (nsfw) and audio of these blurbos together. I'm waiting on my lounge chair right now to be presented to me.
hey man. Rivals to lovers makes sense. I'm stumped with who would make the first move though. becasue like you said, both of them aren't the most affectionate of people and don't trust too quickly; at least on the battlefield. like they could respect each other on the battlefield and stuff. but to get them vunerable to love hmmmmm. might need to bend like a pretzal for either of them to act on their feelings even in the most subtle ways… unless we have one of them a lil more unhinged in this department. claps hands* What if Konig is the more unhinged one and Ghost just doesn't know how to handle his feelings or Konig, like, does anyone really wanna make the over 6 foot tall batterying ram upset. Anything can happen in delulu land
my fanart is literally made up shit if you were dating Ghost ooc XD
love that the whole fandom are in on the joke of eldritch/ocotpuss/cathulu Konig since the chibi drawings of him look like a cute octopuss and the bio updating and saying His hood hides something more hideous. I'll check out your fic….(hehe heat cycles)
btw. sorry for the late reply. fell asleep after work (¯﹃¯) also I'm bad with writing hehe
hey, don't worry. life outside the machine takes precedence! plus, sleep is gooood, rest to your brain while increasing your chances of dreaming of your blorbos! it's a win-win, but thanks for replying.
now i must absolutely write that eldritch!könig/civilian!ghost fic! i have so many ideas that i left xeno!könig and his tentacles aside for a while, but after i've dealt with the five different colonel!könig/recruit!dommy mummy!reader and colonel!könig/tmale!base medic, perhaps i'll have some time to figure it out!
oh! don't even say it! today i was all excited about a fanart idea i had while at work, then i was confronted with the reality of actually drawing it... what an ice cold shower!!!
i'll get back to it as soon as i get over the trauma! but good luck with your studies, you're already ahead!
pretty pixel vessels!!! i am also very nitpicky. in fact, i've noticed, the more concrete an idea i develop of könig, the less open i am to changing interpretation (even though i still like reading others'!)
the only thing i am glad about entering the fandom when i did is that i initially conceinved this blog as a magnus archives fanblog. if it started as a könig simp blog, i would probably have called myself something like... königsheftyballs or something and i'm so grateful that didn't happen. im' much happier as a jaredhopworthsknickers!
and yes, smutty ghost fanart was my gateway drug.
(i don't know if i remembered linking you the fic in question that sold me over the ghostsoap ship, but it was this one.)
for the audio, it's easy. here's the link and happy listening! (very nsfw, very explicit). it's one hundred percent out of my headcanons: no, könig the forty-plus-year-old colonel is not simon 'ghost' riley who got his mask at a hot topic or halloween costume shop's little bitch.
time to pull ranks on that one!
(still, enjoyable listening and great voice acting, though!)
true, but them being affiliated with opposing factions opens up interesting scenarios: could either be captured by the other? could that mean the the captured is assigned to the capturer for intel extraction or other expedient? could it be that each finds out that the other is way less sadistic and more compassionate and simply human and matter-of-fact than they initially thought, which changes the mutual way they see each other, while still being wary, because of their curcumstantial enmity?
commonalities? they are both masked, they both have something to hide, something that hurts to this day, the need to create someone who can endure interfacing themselves with the world and its demands while their tender cores still reel and recover, but that they can put aside, when they're alone, to catch breath and regain their whole selves or, the opposite, feel incapable to abandon even when no one is around, as they have become too fragmented.
just throwing ideas around, but there is so much to dig up.
their similarities might draw them to one another: could they have finally found someone who gets it? could they afford to be a little vulnerable, to show a little bit of their soft bellies and hope not to be stabbed from side to side?
but, being enemies who work for different factions with different goals surely would stand in the way: if trusting and opening up is harrowing and dreadful, doing so with an enemy operator can be outright fatal... so much at stake, but what if this were the only chance they have at genuine human connection? a friendship? comfort in wach other's bodies? darethey hope for more? are they delusional? is the imprisonment getting to them?
re: your ooc fanart: and that's brilliant all the same! my latest fanart was nothing but an excuse to put könig in a skimpy little outfit and parade him around! if you like ooc ghost dating your insert, do more of it!!!!!!
i always laugh when someone comes along, thinking themselves smart by pointing out that "well, akshually ghost and könig would never date in canon", because you're in the wrong place, luv. go play the game, write/draw your canon-compliant stuff or only interact with fic and fanartists who are as attached to canon as you, but stop yucking in everyone's yum. it's called fandom, not candom.
i will go on a perilous mission to find all the ghost/könig artists i can and report back, sir! yes, sir!
(by which i mean, i will write you in the inbox or leave the links in the dms, so you'll find them when you have time. no hurry!)
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fabbyf1 · 4 months
Bestieeee your writing is like the benchmark. After reading your fics (after reading and reading each and every single one of your fics, I might say), I have become so picky when reading other lestappen fics just because your fics are always in the back of my mind. Not that other writers’ works aren’t great (i dont want to sound ungrateful) but your fics are just the best of the best.
I literally have notifications for your posts turned on so that I don’t miss. a. single. thing. you. write.
With that being said, I am very curious to know how you feel about other fics when you read them…are you picky when it comes to reading other people’s fics because you have developed a sense of how the “characters” should act in your head? Are you picky when it comes to certain things that you think a fic shouldn’t lack? And do you have favorites, if yes, can you suggest a few for me to read (lestappen, ofc, cuz I live for them at this point tbh)?
Keep being you babe and don’t ever stop! Can’t wait for WAP 2.0!!!!!!!!!
first off, thank you so fucking much for your kind words. you are so sweet and i'm so honored that you love my fics so much. thank you for taking the time to tell me, it really makes my day.
now to answer your question: YES.
i have been reading and writing fanfiction since i was 12 years old (for reference, that was 2002, before some of yall were born.) the internet and fanfiction in general were MUCH different back then. but because i started at such a young age with such HORRRRRRIBLE fics, it has made me the pickiest bitch alive. i have STANDARDS.
i can open a fic and just by looking at it know if i want to read it or not. because if the formatting is not what i like? i honestly won't even try. if it's written by someone i know and love, i will read it no matter what it looks like, but if i just randomly click on a link? i will know within a second if i'm gonna like it or not.
(pov, you're bailee sending me a fic rec and you had to watch as i opened it and said "immediately no" because of how it was spaced. LMFAOOOOOO. sorry baby. i bet it was great.)
formatting aside, i think it has to be "realistic" to me. but that's also based on whatever reality the fic is set in. for example, if it's a space fic with aliens and tentacle porn, i want it to be Realistic tentacle porn. ya feel me? i want to be able to read it and think "ah yes. i can totally see it. if i had a tentacle cock, it would be feeling this."
so when i say realistic, i don't necessarily mean it by definition.
(also, lmfao, i realize how ridiculous that last paragraph was. viva la tentacle porn.)
if it's set in a canon timeline, i want to be able to read it and hear the voice of whoever is speaking. if i'm reading max verstappen but it doesn't sound like anything in my head and i can't hear his cute lil lisp and accent? then i can't read it.
as for the rest of your question, i wouldn't say i compare the characters to how i think they should be written. i like that other people's characterizations of them are different. i have such a clear vision of who they are in MY head that it's actually refreshing to read other people's works and have it be a different max and charles.
it's like a breath of fresh air to get the hell away from my characters and get me out of my head.
i honestly think that's why i don't... read a lot of lestappen... which is incredibly funny. because lestappen is all i think about and what i enjoy writing the most. but it's hard to step away from fics in my head, so when i do pick up a fic, it's usually a different pairing. i think one of my favorite pairings to read is galex because they're SOOOOO different from lestappen. (so please, send me all your galex recs. even though I've probably already read them.)
anyway. i could rant about this for days. fanfiction is my life. fanfiction is my favorite thing to talk about.
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last-c2usade · 1 year
Mun's name is Mal! 22. Pronouns are he/him. only. Copying my bestie's profile to a T btw so if you recognize this yeah. you recognize it.
so some facts!
i'm in psychology and i have an issue where i really enjoy writing my characters super realistically and i'll be a nuisance about their psychology and reasoning for why they do what they do
i love shitty fictional people. i mean it. the shittier the better. be wary of this. when i mean shitty i mean SHITTY terrible awful people
im EXTREMELY good at forgetting to keep up with shit. i dont even read webcomics anymore coz if shit takes too long to update i lose interest. if this blog dies its coz i forgor
i try to be friendly and nice! you can talk to me about movies and writing and psychology. i'll try not to infodump on you but um. if allowed i WILL
please for the love of god, i appreciate you, i empathize, etc, but do not traumadump on me without asking. i will feel too bad to say stop/no bc i dont know you well enough to tell you know and i WILL ghost you
Main guy here is S. Adamantine! He prefers you call him that. Alien, ex-member of the court. Has a huge ego he's trying to work on. Extremely patient, clingy, a little neurotic (I say this as lovingly as possible. it's true tho. he's like me. we're both fucked in the head). Loves books! Loves bikes and mechanics (don't mention it's a lowblood thing or he'll Have you), kinda' shy! Awkward as fuck.
pronouns are HE/HIM only
>types like this! usually with p2ope2 g2amma2. likes to think his qui2k is a sign of cultu2ed thinking<
Rules and Things to keep in mind!
tags are! #((ooc for ooc stuff, #>pix< for ic pictures, #logs. for written stuff, and #>dia2y< for any talk posts mars makes ic
i tag for tws/anything general i might find sus but thats about it other than the above!
if you wanna' talk about anything, message me on @theymakemedreamyourdreams ! you can also ask for my discord
open for shipping! though he's a little iffy on romance. ping me n we can discuss!
open for anyone! you MUST BE 18+ tho
can also dm this account for ic dms!
dont think i wanna' do m!as! but feel free to ask and i'll see!
gifts are ok! welcome even
nsfw comments allowed!!
both ocs and canon for any fandom is okay! keep in mind, he's troll and WILL be mean towards aliens
keep ooc and ic SEPARATE! i dont condone any of the sus shit my guys may be up to btw! ada is a little more well-behaved, but his opinions do not reflect mine.
open for plot! i like plotting. i also like rps. i may forget about them. or lose interest. but schemes are always welcome! (i may be picky)
ada is kinky as shit. he can get REALLY nsfw if you let him. fair warning
i LOVE dark plots and dark shit. and realistically terrible people. i love serial killers and nsfw shit and guns and fictional gun violence a lot of dark stuff. and angst. just fair warning!
lemme know if you want certain things tagged!
feel free to remind me about open threads / plots / etc! i am prone to ghosting if i lose interest tho
feel free to lemme know if im doing something unintentionally incorrect btw! i may be unaware of shit
i block deliberately. if something makes me uncomfortable and i feel left out of shit or whatever, i'll block to keep myself contained! i dont want anything to do with drama!!
i like to say swear words like fuck shit cunt piss bitch. adamantine does too
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estrel · 4 years
Saving Grace (And Staying Put)
destiel december 2020 prompt: presents | wc: ~1.3k
russian translation available thanks to @hereigoagain !!
"What'd you think?"
Dean's staring at Cas, a glass full of eggnog resting against his lips. Behind the rim of it he’s hiding a smile at Cas' thoughtful squint, as Cas watches the end credits roll on the television.
"I think...I still don't understand. Are you meant to be my George Bailey?"
Dean splutters into his drink at that, sitting up to wipe eggnog from his mouth and set the cup on the coffee table. He shoots Cas a look, but Cas is still frowning, head tilted in question and maybe a little bit of concern at Dean's reaction.
After watching a myriad of Christmas movies that included Gremlins (a classic), Home Alone (another classic) and Krampus (Jack was not a fan), Sam and Jack had disappeared off to bed and Dean had stuck It's A Wonderful Life into the DVD player. His hope had been that Cas would get his Clarence references after watching it, but instead Cas was comparing Dean to the suicidal businessman that the angel saves in the movie.
What had made Dean choke was that he wasn't exactly wrong.
"I—I guess I am, man, yeah. I mean, I'd like to think I'm a little less pathetic, and I'm probably not as nice as he is, but it's...you're not too far off."
Their eyes meet, and Dean reaches between them for the remote.
"But I'm," Cas says, in a tone that makes Dean pause. "I'm not an angel anymore."
Dean sits back on the couch again, shifting once to get comfortable. "So?"
He waits for Cas to continue, rubbing a thumb over the buttons on the remote as the silence stretches. The credits on the TV come to a stop. 
"So, I'm not...’Clarence’ anymore."
"And...what? Is that supposed to faze me, or something?" Dean looks at him again, and Cas' face expresses his apparent uncertainty. 
Dean smooths out his frown, opting instead to get across some of his own sincerity by dropping the deflections for a second.
"Cursed or not, Cas," he says gently, "Angel or not. Doesn't matter, we're...I—I'm better with you. So none of that leeriness, okay? Because you're more than just a set of fluffy wings and a halo."
He thinks Cas might take a crack at him again, indulge him that angels don’t have halos or harps or whatever Dean had said, but he doesn’t. He watches Dean for a long moment, all the while Dean pointedly tries not to notice, flipping channels for something else to watch. The Grinch might be good. 
“I have something for you.”
Cas reaches into a pocket, keeping his hand there while he thinks of how to proceed.
“I know it’s Christmas Eve, and that’s not typically when gifts are given... I also know that there’s probably a whole ritual that has rules and I’m sure you’re very picky about them, but I still...I don’t know if this will count as a present. But I still want to give it to you, if you’ll accept it,” Cas says. 
Dean feels his heart racing, thrumming against his chest so fast it makes him lightheaded. He simply nods, not trusting himself to speak, and watches as Cas pulls out the chain of a necklace until it reveals a small glowing vial that hangs off of it. 
On instinct, Dean reaches out to touch it, hovering his fingers just over the glass. He lifts his gaze to look at Cas. 
“Cas...what is this?”
The essence inside the vial swirls, a bright blue almost the shade of Cas’ eyes. Dean’s entranced, watching as it rhythmically shifts and moves against the glass. 
“It’s me,” Cas replies. “Well, more accurately...it’s my Grace.” 
Dean freezes. 
“Come again?”
Cas sighs softly. “My Grace.”
“You—you saved it?” Dean means to ask ‘How?’ next, but his mouth says, “And you’re giving it to me?”
Cas nods. 
Cas lets his arm relax, lowering it so that the necklace rests between them on the seat cushion of the couch. “You...gave me my humanity, Dean. You showed me how to care about...about everyone. I know I can never repay you for that, but I thought...I thought the least I could do was give a part of myself in return. I—” he hesitates, biting his bottom lip in thought.
“No, nothing. I just...hope that you’ll accept it.”
Cas lifts it again in offering, and Dean moves his hand to fit the vial against his palm. It's warm to the touch. Dean wraps his fingers around it, and Cas lets go of the chain. It falls limply against Dean's knuckles.
"Thank you, Cas," He says, bringing it close to his heart. Cas smiles.
"Actually, I uh...I have something for you, too," Dean adds. With his free hand, he digs into his jean pocket and pulls it out, suddenly feeling that it’s a little dumb in comparison to the gift Cas just gave him.
"It's, ah, not exactly angel Grace, but," he holds out the flat of his palm, showing Cas.
Cas takes it from Dean's hand, holding it as if it’s as precious as the necklace Dean is clutching onto for dear life. He levels Dean with a serious stare.
"Are these...?"
"Keys," Dean says, "One's for Baby, and the other's for the Bunker."
Cas is quiet, so Dean keeps going. "I figured, y'know, without your Grace, you'll be needing to get places and, well, keys...open doors." He mentally curses himself. Keys open doors? He squeezes his eyes shut, shakes his head a little to reset himself. 
"What I mean to say is, now it'll be easier to get home. You can come and go when you'd like, and you don't have to wait for one of us to let you in."
Cas' eyebrows twitch at that. "Home," he repeats, but it’s said like a question.
Dean nods, smiling softly. “Yeah, Cas. Home.” He looks away, startled a little by Cas’ sincere eyes that search his face. “If—If you’ll accept it.”
“Yes,” Cas says quickly. “I accept.”
“Good,” Dean responds. He tries to ignore how the racing of his heart makes his hands shake. He looks down at the necklace. It swings a little, gently touching his chest.
“Um,” Dean holds it out to Cas. He waits a moment too long, though, because he can see Cas’ smile beginning to falter. “Do you think you could help me with this?”
Stunned, Cas takes the necklace and Dean bows his head, feeling his ears go red. It’s a sign of trust, Dean knows, to let your guard down like this in their line of work. It’s like baring your neck to a vampire, or falling asleep next to a djinn.
Cas moves closer on the couch, and their knees touch just barely. Dean watches Cas’ Grace dip underneath his chin as Cas pulls the chain around his neck. He can feel Cas’ arms raised on either side of him as he fastens it, can smell Cas’ scent from how close they are. 
Then Cas is done, fingertips brushing the back of Dean’s neck as he rests the cold chain there. His touch lingers, and Dean’s breath catches, and then Dean is lifting his head up. 
They’re closer than he thought. 
“Thank you,” he whispers. Cas gives a small nod, eyes a little wide. His hands are still at the back of Dean’s neck, fingers brushing gently at the hair on Dean’s nape. Dean shivers, unable to contain it. He brings a hand up to Cas’ tie, holding it a moment, before deciding it could use some adjustment. 
Then both hands are fixing the knot, and when Dean is done, he uses the tie as leverage to pull Cas closer. There’s a pause, when both of their noses bump against each other, where Dean gives Cas an out. 
He doesn’t take it.
Dean presses forward, fitting their lips together. It’s the satisfaction of two missing puzzle pieces finally sliding into place, after years of being lost and collecting dirt under a couch. It’s clean, and it’s warm, and it feels like Purgatory all over again—like purity.
When they pull away, Dean’s a little out of breath. He places a hand on Cas’ face, running a thumb over his cheek.
“Stay,” Dean says. “Don’t leave my side again. I want—I want you to stay.”
Cas’ eyes glisten. “I will,” he says. “I will.”
tag list (ask to be added/removed):
@castiels-a-lamp @jellydeans @writtenmemxries @cestladean @randomblabbling @fluffiestlou @dreamnovak @weird-dorky-little-d @depressivedemonnightmaredean @jackleslongcon @friedchickenangelwings @galaxycastiel @destielle @dickspeightjrs @on-a-bender @organicpurplepants @casbelieves @samuelswinchester @spacegirlstuff @seffersonjtarship @winchester-novak @professorerudite @squintingg @holmesemrys @imnotrevealingmyname @festivemish @good-things-do-happen-dean @angxlsgrxce @casandeans @castielscrookedtrenchcoat @destiel-in-its-natural-habitat @gracelesschoice @superduckbatrebel @iheardyourprayer @top13zepptraxx @that-one-fandom-chick @scoobydean @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh @maxguevra @cursed-or-not @i-think-im-humanbut-cant-besure @fitinmypoems @madilineskingdom @awolfnamedaliac @castee-yel @tearsofgrace @credentiast @fivefeetfangirl @my-favourite-hellatus @gray-is-neutral @sunflower-vol-28 @ensignabby @ar-bi-trary @lulu-zodiac @y-yo-a-ti-dumbass @castielology @nguyenxtrang @destiel-bitches
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flowerslut · 2 years
H, I, Y and Z for your letters 🤠
G my beloved I knew you’d come to rescue me in my eleventh hour… i’d kiss u on the mouth about it but I don’t want you covid-stricken (again) 😔
H: How would you describe your style?
LMAO of course you hit me with the question I always have a hard time answering right out of the gate. bitch (affectionate).
girl I don’t knowwwwwwww
I don’t intend for all of my stories to be as angsty and dramatic as they end up being, but I really gravitate toward writing really emotionally charged stories. I’d consider them fairly accessible though, (which I take a teeeeensy amount of pride in) because I feel like not getting too purple or too descriptive makes it easier to reign in a wider group of readers who, like myself, might find that distracting or boring. it definitely may bite me in the ass at some point, but as long as I have their attention and their emotion invested in the story, I find I can sort of ~get away~ with not needing to be as descriptive as others. not that I don’t get descriptive or purple at any point, but I’ve found a good balance with the set up and execution of my funky little plot points—I almost always have some sort of heavy build before you get that emotional payoff, but I’d like to think it’s worth it for the reader 😵‍💫
also I’m a big third person limited girlie. I pick a blorbo and we go on their funky little nightmarish adventure with them
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
oh man yeah I don’t currently have any guilty pleasures since I haven’t been reading too much fic recently (I mean it when I say I’m fucking picky) but an old guilty pleasure for SURE (and for some fandoms, still is) is accidental pregnancy fics LMAO (girl don’t you say shit). of course since that’s a nightmare in any twilight scenario that I’d ever care to read about that’s nothing I would ever read in twilight (or employ for writing purposes either) but for a lot of my old ships… whew boy… that’s some spicy drama… I cant get enough lmfaooo 🫣
Y: A character you want to protect.
I’m part of the gaara defense squad in naruto. like fuck off leave my boy alone he’s been through enough (you’ll never see me putting him through it in fics on my LIFE you won’t). but as for twilight? I don’t typically feel the need to protect any of them (I literally put my favs fucking Through It constantly) but I will happily join/create the tanya defense squad. lord knows she needs some protection from the rabid edbellas that villainize her in 93% of all fic (don’t anybody @ me about this. I’m right)
Z: Major character death—do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can't tolerate?
as someone who HAS written a major character death in a large story (sorry changing skies readers, but it had to be done) I would only employ it if the story absolutely called for it. I hate reading a story with a plot that calls for a high death rate but the author just… spares all the mains (I’m glaring at you, duffer brothers) so it only makes sense to use it to keep things more “realistic” and to keep the stakes high. I’ve used it before and would I use it again? probably, yeah!
I do draw the line at killing off half of my ship. the main reason (or at least, 99% of the reason) that I read or write fic is for pairings. I am a shipper through and through and I am that PROUDLY, so the idea of just axing half of what I’m even reading or writing a story for is just… utterly unappealing to me. I’m here for their journey. and sure, sometimes those journeys don’t end “well” but it’s so intensely rare that I’ve ever read a story that kills half of the reason I’m reading that story in a satisfying way. (also if you come at me for “welcome to hell” don’t even bother. that was a practice in TRAGEDY you FOOLS)
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tailorvizsla · 4 years
If you're still doing thirsty thot prompts or asks. I've been wondering how Din or Paz or perhaps both would be as horny baby daddies? Like how would they act when you are really pregnant?
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Title: Stuffed Pairings: f!Reader x Din Djarin, f!Reader x Paz Vizsla, Paz Vizsla x f!Reader x Din Djarin Wordcount: 8k+ 🙃🙃🙃 Rating: NC-17 (duh)
⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Read the warnings! ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Warnings: Borderline CNC (consensual non-consent – Paz, Din, and Reader are all pretending that Reader doesn’t want to get pregnant), rough enough to need a safe word, PWP (plot what plot), threesome, lots of unprotected sex, gratuitous self-indulgence of a cum kink, degradation (Reader called a slut for cock/cum), breeding fetish (Reader legit wants to be bred), use of a sex toy, Reader gets called ‘kitten’, cockwarming, oral (m & f receiving), the helmets come off, exhibitionism/public(ish) sex. I’m pretty sure I’ve missed a few, but these are the most important ones.
⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Read the warnings! ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
Author’s Note: I know what you were intending with your ask, but I’m totally going to be a thirsty bitch. 😉 This is focusing mainly on the baby making steps. This is also purely self-indulgent smut because I would love for these two to take turns with me for a few days and knock me tf up.
Thank you for the title, my darling Izzy!!!
For more dirtiness, please see:
📚 My Master List 📚
“You’re both too old for that,” you announce to Paz and Din, watching as their heads snap up.
“What?” Din asks as you silently laugh to yourself.
“You said you wanted to make a baby,” you respond. “At your age, you probably need those herbal teas. And don’t get me started on you, Paz. You’re ancient. Can you even keep it hard?”
“Don’t you run your mouth,” Paz warns quietly.
A low tendril of heat starts to curl low in your belly as you hear the warning in his voice. Shut your mouth, or I will prove you wrong. You lean back on your hands, tilting your head as the two men watch you from the other side of the cargo bay.
“I’m not,” you respond. “I’m just telling the truth. Us young tradespeople need competent warriors to raise the next generation with. You two are past your prime.”
“Kitten,” Din warns, a low growl in his voice.
You smile to yourself under your helmet. These two have just reached their prime as hunters. They know it, and they know you know it. Din and Paz exchange a silent glance between themselves. Lifting one hand, you plant it on your lower belly, watching as Paz’s head tilts downward, pointedly watching you slide your hand up and down, as if caressing a baby bump. If there is one thing that never fails to get a Mandalorian’s attention, it is a pregnant belly.
“If I am going to go through nine months of pregnancy, it wouldn’t be for two ancient fuckers like you two,” you say casually. “I’ll be fertile soon, so I need to be very picky about who I sleep with. I’m thinking maybe Dezha? Mathias?”
When Paz growls, you grin. Dezha is older than him, and Mathias is pretty close to Din’s age. You swing your legs back and forth casually, tilting your helmet slightly in what you hope they interpret as flirtation.
“Do you have any opinions, Din?”
Din comes forward a step, tension radiating through every part of his body.
“I might have an idea,” he says, as Paz starts to circle around you.
You slide your hand down toward your crotch as you spread your knees for Din. His next step falters ever so slightly.
“You know a warrior who can breed a woman properly?” you ask in mock surprise as he comes closer, almost hesitating.
“Do you actually want a kid?” Din asks flatly. He’s so hard you can see the outline of his cock through his trousers.
“I’ll be ovulating this week,” you say, sliding off the table and onto your feet.
Paz and Din exchange a look before turning their attention to you.
“I just need to find a warrior worthy of my time,” you say with a grin. “Certainly not either of you two ancient bastards.”
With those words, you dart for the open doorway, and laugh as you hear Paz curse. Heavy footsteps follow you as you bolt toward the cover of the trees. Unfortunately, you seem to have forgotten that both warriors have jetpacks, and you do not. Din lands a few meters in front of you, cutting you off from escape. In that moment of distraction, Paz catches up to you and grabs you. Firmly, he turns you around to face him, the fingers of one hand looped around your belt and the others under your chin. He tilts your face up to his.
“Kitten, I am not playing games with you,” he growls darkly, sending a low throb of pleasure shooting deep in your belly. “If you keep mouthing off, you’re going to end up pregnant.”
“There’s no way you could ever knock me up,” you say to Paz. “At your age, you’re shooting dust, aren’t you?”
“I’m not joking,” Paz says flatly, fingers tightening in warning.
“Neither am I,” you tell him. “I’m ready for a baby, and I want the two of you to take turns with me.”
“Did you hear that, Din?” Paz asks.
“Sure did,” Din says.
“Tell me what you’ve been fantasizing about, kitten,” Paz murmurs, loosening his grip around your chin.
Swallowing, you work up the courage to tell the two men exactly what you want from them.
“I’ve been masturbating for months now, thinking about the two of you,” you say shyly. “Taking turns using my body like you’re paying me for it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come around my fingers to the thoughts of you two fucking me while I struggle, while I beg you to not finish in me.”
You aren’t quite sure what Din or Paz are into, so degradation and playing around with unwanted impregnation might be out of what they are willing to give. Shit. You are on the verge of apologizing when Din speaks up.
“Kitten,” he breathes. “You have such a vivid imagination.”
“I genuinely want to be bred,” you whisper meekly, looking down as you suddenly lose your courage. “But I want to be taken. I don’t want you to ask.”
Paz tilts your face up toward his, fingers as light as feathers on your chin.
“I’d be happy to put a baby in you,” Paz says. “But let me make one thing clear – I’m not going to hurt you. I have never enjoyed hurting my partners and I never will. If that’s what you’re after, I can’t help you.”
“Nor will I,” Din adds, hands settling at your waist.
“No pain,” you say softly. “Just…rough enough to need a safe word to stop, instead of a no.”
Paz nods slowly.
“That I can agree to,” Paz says, nodding slowly. “Safe word?”
“Behot,” you blurt out the first thing on your mind.
“Behot is the safe word,” Din confirms.
Paz turns you around and shoves you against Din. You let out a squeak of protest as one massive hand encloses both your wrists, Paz’s massive forearm resting lightly on your breasts as he restrains you. He ducks his head down, pressing his helmet against your shoulder.
“You’re going to regret running your mouth, kitten,” he growls.
You struggle against Paz’s firm grip as Din advances, undoing his belt. The sound of leather zipping through his belt buckle makes your knees weak.
“No, not a snowball’s chance on Tatooine,” you snap, kicking at Din’s ankle.
“Normally, I’d just throw you into the sparring rings and smack you around until you shut up,” Din says. “But you…you’re young, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, what about it?” you ask. “What, you afraid I’ll kick your ass?”
“Young means fertile,” Paz says, his arm tightening around you, forcing a little squeak out of you.
“We’ve got a few days before we need to go back home,” Din suggests. “How about we have a little fun with our kitten?”
You wriggle in Paz’s arms. The thought of Paz and Din having their way with you sends a thrill shooting straight through your belly. You watch as Din spreads his cloak on the ground in front of you. Then Paz pushes you down. You land hard on your knees with a grunt. You try to get back up, but Paz keeps you down, wrestling you onto the fabric. He growls with pleasure. No matter how hard you fight, you simply cannot break out of Paz’s grip. His hands are snug around your wrists, but gentle, never painful, as he turns to look at Din.
“Let’s cuff her,” Paz says casually.
Equal measures of arousal and dread fill your belly as Din brings his restraints out. Swiftly, he restrains your wrists behind your back, not giving you the chance to break free. With your hands cuffed behind your back and Din’s hand between your shoulder blades, you can’t move much, so you settle for cursing both men out while Paz kneels behind you.
Then you hear a click and the distinctive hum of a vibroblade activating. You try to twist to see what Paz is doing, but Din keeps you from moving. You feel fabric give way as Paz very carefully slices through the crotch of your pants. Then he wriggles his fingers into the slice in the fabric and yanks it wide open, leaving you feeling cold and exposed.
“You’re already soaking wet,” Paz murmurs.
You hear a faint thump as his gloves land on the cloak next to your head. Two rough, calloused hands settle on your ass cheeks. Then thumbs spread your lower folds wide apart, baring your most private parts for him. Paz lets out a noise of delight.
“Look good?” Din asks.
“Oh, gods, yes,” Paz rumbles out. “So fucking good. Don’t let her move her head.”
You wonder what he’s going to do until you hear him speak again, that feeling of anticipation making your stomach feel weirdly tight.
“Let’s see how good you taste,” Paz says, his rich baritone no longer filtered by his modulator.
You squirm as you feel his breath fan across your vulva, his fingers digging into your plump ass so hard you know there will be bruises there. Paz swipes his tongue across your vulva, making stars dance behind your closed eyelids. A desperate warble escapes you as he draws back.
“You were struggling so much earlier,” Paz croons. “Where’s that fight, kitten?”
You bare your teeth in response and shift your weight, kicking back at him. Paz laughs as you miss him.
“There we go,” he rumbles, leaning in again.
He licks along your slit once more, tracing around your entrance, teasingly dipping the tip of his tongue into you. You buck your hips against his mouth, but Din is quick to pin you back down.
“Fuck you,” you hiss at Paz.
He only hums in response.
“I want a taste of her when you’re done,” Din says over your head.
Paz sucks your clit into his mouth and releases it with a pop that makes you squeal.
“She said she didn’t want this,” Paz comments idly. “But listen to her squealing.”
“I bet she’s already dripping down her thighs,” Din sighs.
Paz ducks his head down. His tongue traces a path from your inner thigh up to your entrance. He chuckles as you try to avoid his tongue. Without warning, Paz thrusts two fingers into your cunt, wrenching a cry of surprise from you.
“Ohh, fuck,” Paz groans out. “This pussy is tight. She’s gonna break my fingers.”
Roughly, he begins pumping his fingers in and out, filling the air with wet, sloppy noises. Then he plunges a third finger into you, making you shriek. Your walls protest the rough treatment, and you moan as each thrust of his calloused digits inside of you sends you spiraling closer and closer to the edge.
“Aww, I can feel your pussy getting all tight,” Paz croons. “Thought you didn’t want us to fuck you, kitten?”
“F-fuck you,” you gasp out, grimacing. “Should fu-fucking kill you – “
Paz pulls his fingers out and wipes your slick onto your thigh, chortling quietly. He gives you a few more long, slow licks, laughing each time you moan.
“Is it my turn?” Din asks.
“Of course,” Paz says. “Drink up, she’s dripping.”
As the two men shuffle around on the cloak, they keep you firmly trapped, not giving you an opportunity to escape. You huff quietly to yourself and resign yourself to the pleasurable torture.
“Look at how pretty,” Din says with a leer you can hear.
You feel him put his helmet down next to your knee. His voice is like caramel to your ears. Unfortunately, you don’t get a chance to enjoy it as he leans in and begins lapping at your slit, little groans of pleasure escaping him. Then he thrusts his tongue through your lips. Your breath catches in your throat, soft moans escaping you. Din gives you a few more moments on his tongue before withdrawing. Like Paz, he pushes his fingers into you, twisting and scissoring them inside you, as if mapping out your inner walls.
“Fuck,” Din says, and you can hear the grin on his lips. “You weren’t kidding.”
“Imagine how good she’s going to feel around your cock,” Paz suggests.
“Good idea,” Din says.
Din shuffles on the cloak behind you. You hear the whisper of fabric against flesh as he pushes his pants down. One hand wraps around your waist as he pushes forward, pressing the blunt head of his cock against your entrance. Then he starts pushing in slowly, firmly, filling you without giving you a chance to adjust. You sob as he finds the end of you, his cock brushing up against something vaguely uncomfortable.
“Oh, fuck,” he stutters out around a harsh pant. “Fuck!”
“Feel good?” Paz asks.
“So. Kriffing. Tight,” Din hisses, punctuating each word with a roll of his hips. “Kitten, how the fuck are you so tight?”
Tears spring to your eyes at how full you are, your walls struggling to take him. Din sets a slow, torturous pace, one that ensures you can feel every single inch of him as he fills you to the brim. Paz trails his hands up from your shoulders to your waist, stroking along your back through your suit. As that familiar heat begins to fill your belly, you realize you might have made a mistake in running your mouth. A very pleasurable mistake, but there is a strong chance you won’t be walking normally for a few days.
“I can feel you squeezing around me,” Din sings down to you. “Are you close, kitten?”
“I thought you didn’t want any of this,” Paz mocks you. “I thought you wanted us to let you go, kitten? I thought you hated the idea of us taking turns fucking you?”
You squirm again as Din’s pace grows rougher. Shit, he’s good. Too good. You’re already about to come and he has barely even gotten started.
“I’m gonna fill this pretty pussy right up,” Din grunts.
A whine escapes you before you can stop it. Paz reaches up and squeezes your hip. Immediately, you know what he’s feeling for. The contraceptive implant. He palpates for a few moments on both sides. A gush of wetness escapes you, pure pleasure filling you at the thought of your warriors breeding you.
“Where’s your contraceptive chip, kitten?” Paz asks. “Or did you not get one, hmm?”
Din increases his pace and force, hips slapping obscenely against your ass. His hand snakes around to your front. Strong fingers begin massaging your clit, little starbursts of pleasure exploding between your thighs. You hit your peak a few moments later, crying out as your walls quiver around his cock. Din’s grunts grow louder, his hands tightening around your hips. He smacks your ass lightly.
“Th-thought you didn’t want us to come in you?” he prompts.
Oh, right. You start struggling against him when you’ve regained your bearings.
“No, don’t you dare!” you hiss at him, “Pull out, pull out now!”
Din goes stiff, pace stuttering as his cock throbs inside of you, soft groans escaping him. Your eyes drift shut as he pants harshly.
“Company,” Paz warns.
Din puts his helmet on and pulls his pants up. You collapse flat onto your front and roll down onto your side, chest heaving as Din’s spend starts to leak out. Paz does not seem to care about the caravan passing by in the distance. Instead, he reaches over to remove your restraints. The instant you are free, you swing at him, but he anticipates it, catching your wrists and pinning them above your head.
With his other hand, he tugs your chest plate off and tosses it aside. Then he yanks your top open, sending buttons flying every which way. Then Paz pulls out his vibroblade.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” you hiss up at him. “This bra was expensive!”
He tilts his helmet down at you. Fortunately, he listens, and puts the damn blade away. Instead, he pushes your bra up over your tits, making you sigh in relief. Then Paz starts to push in. You howl, writhing in his iron-clad grip. Fuck, he’s huge, almost too big.
You pant harshly, digging your heels into his backside as he rocks forward experimentally. Din keeps watch over the caravan in the distance, polishing his weapon in a clear warning for them to stay the fuck away.
“Fight me, kitten,” Paz urges, “Show me those little claws of yours.”
Weakly, you buck your hips, but that only drives him in deeper, so deep it knocks the breath out of your lungs.
“Does my cock feel so good you can’t think?” Paz asks, faintly mockingly, as he rolls his hips once more. “Like that, my pretty little slut?”
Fuck, you think, as you clamp down around his length. Paz laughs at your reaction as he begins a deep pace, his cock hitting every single spot inside you that screams for friction.
“Fucking hell,” Paz breathes. “Din, how did you not come immediately? She’s squeezing so tight she’s about to push me back out.”
“I thought about your face,” Din lobs back easily, earning a bark of laughter from Paz. “He’s getting closer to us. Think he’s watching.”
“Watching?” you ask sharply, squirming again as alarm fills you. “Paz – “
“What, you don’t like the idea of being watched?” Paz asks, tilting his head down at you.
“Fuck off,” you hiss in response, mortification filling you at his words.
“You’re our woman,” Paz says, trailing a finger down to your breast. He pinches your nipple sharply, making you squeak. “And do you know what we do with fine Mandalorian women like you?”
Oh fuck, you think to yourself, as your cunt gushes in response.
“We breed our women,” Paz continues. “And this aruetii gets to see you do what you were meant to do. Take my cock.”
As you buck your hips and try to dislodge him, Paz keeps you pinned down, a growl of laughter escaping him. He keeps you pinned, his thrusts growing rougher and deeper, invading your body in the most pleasurable of ways.
“Yes,” he hisses, “Fight all you want, kitten, but I’m not going to stop. Not until I’ve filled you up, not until I have bred you.”
As you tilt your head, you can see the caravan is dangerously close by, having slowed down to shamelessly watch the three of you. Din is sitting in front of you, shielding most of your body from his prying eyes, but there is no doubting what is currently happening. Paz tweaks your nipple again.
“Look, he’s watching,” Paz croons.
You clamp down around Paz, looking away from the man in the distance. Paz laughs darkly, tilting your helmet back with one gentle hand, forcing you to look back at the trader. Mortification fills you as you see the unadulterated lust in his eyes.
“If you look closely, I think you’ll see just how appreciative he is,” Paz purrs, and your eyes drop down to confirm the massive bulge in the front of his trousers. “Don’t you like the idea of an aruetii watching you get bred?”
You’re shaking now, your body twisting and writhing as you simultaneously try to fight him off and fuck him back. Paz is a heavy, immovable weight between your thighs and on your body, keeping you spread wide open and helpless to do anything but lay there under him and pray for mercy you know will never come. The trader doesn’t even bother trying to hide the fact that he’s watching. You should be mortified, you think to yourself, but you aren’t. Instead, you’re so aroused you can’t even think straight, your head spinning from the dizzying combination of pleasure and shame of being reduced to this. Silently, you urge the trader to take a seat, to watch as your two warriors take turns ravaging your body.
“Come on, my sweet,” Paz urges.
With a shaking breath, you swallow, and redouble your efforts, bucking your hips in a vain attempt to dislodge him. Paz rides you through your struggles, soothing you with soft, mocking shushing noises. You begin to mouth off at him, trying to hide the fact that you are close to coming, your slick puddling under you on Din’s cloak.
“I swear if I get pregnant, I’m going to fucking kill you!” you howl up at him. “Pull out! PULL OUT!”
Paz laughs. You let out a shriek of rage as you writhe in his grasp. Inexplicably, he lets you go. You hammer your fists against his chest plate, but all you manage to do is make your hands hurt.
“Please – please – I’m begging you, pull out – pull out!” you sob up at him.
Paz groans, his pace growing deeper and rougher. You push against his chest plate with all your strength, but he doesn’t even twitch as his body folds over yours. Paz buries his helmet into the crook of your shoulder.
“Oh, kitten,” he moans into your shoulder. “I’m gonna make such a mess in you.”
The thought of Paz flooding your insides breaks you. You let out a high pitched noise as you orgasm, deep shuddering waves of pleasure coursing through you. Paz grunts and lets out a shuddering sigh, his cock throbbing inside you as he fills you with liquid heat.
“Yes, my sweet little slut,” Paz urges. “Milk every last drop out of me.”
Once your orgasm has subsided, you let your legs fall apart onto the cloak, body relaxing under Paz’s comforting warmth. Paz cradles you in his arms, murmuring soft nothings. Warmth fills you at his tender care. You can’t help but to giggle as he nuzzles his helmet against yours, much like a loth-cat would to show their affection.
“Good girl,” he murmurs. “You did so, so good. Real proud of you, kitten.”
The trader stands up. He opens his mouth to speak, but Din cuts him off.
“Fuck off, or I shoot,” Din says flatly.
Wisely, the trader holds both hands up and immediately retreats. Once he is gone, Paz pulls out, and a little whimper escapes you. Paz gives you one last kov’nyn and tucks himself away. As you sit up, Paz gathers your armor, while Din offers his hand to you. You stand. Immediately, their very generous contributions begin to make their way back out, and you make a face under your helmet. Din smacks your ass sharply.
“Get back to the ship,” he says. “I’m hard and I want to – “
Grinning, you bolt away from the ship. Din lets out a curse. You hear him drop the things in his arms as he comes after you. You give escaping your best shot, but you are laughing so hard you can’t breathe. You’re half naked, tits and ass flapping in the wind, trying to escape your lovers. The absurdity is nearly too much for you to handle. Din catches up to you easily. Then he scoops his arms around you and flings you over his shoulder, earning a sharp squeal from you. He pats one hand on a sticky ass cheek.
“Bad girl,” he chides, though you can hear amusement in his voice.
You offer no resistance as Din carries you back to the ship. Once inside, Din sets you down while Paz closes the ramp behind himself. Din wraps an arm around you and pulls you close, pressing his forehead to yours.
“Can I take the rest of this off?” he asks, hands lingering on your hips.
“Yes,” you confirm.
Din carefully begins to remove your gear, stacking it all on the table next to you. He drops to his knees to unlace your boots and you step out of them, nudging them under the table. Your ruined pants follow. Then he helps you remove the rest of your clothes, leaving you standing there in your helmet and nothing else. He hesitates.
“May I take your helmet off?” he asks.
Shyly, you reach for his hands and lift them to your helmet. Together, you lift your helmet off. Your eyes sting a bit at the bright lighting from the interior of the ship. Din lets out an appreciative noise as he lifts his hand to stroke your cheek. Pressing a kiss to his thumb, you hook your fingers into his belt and pull him closer, until your tits press up against the cool beskar plate on his chest.
Din brings out his restraints and a grin crosses your face, your pussy clenching in excitement. He encloses your wrists in the rings before testing them. Not too tight, not too loose.
“Ready?” Din asks.
“Ready,” you nod, “Safe word is behot.”
With your confirmation, Din moves swiftly, almost too quickly for you to track. He marches you into the bedroom and tosses you down onto the bed, where you bounce and squeak. Paz follows, already shedding his armor and clothes into the chair. Once Din is naked – save for his helmet – he crawls onto the bed with you, the mattress creaking under his weight. You kick out at him but miss, growling in frustration.
“She’s a feisty little thing, isn’t she?” Din asks Paz. The other man comes to join you, settling on your other side.
As Paz runs his finger along your breast, you bite at him. He laughs and then he thumps his finger against the end of your nose.
“This might be a problem, Paz,” Din says conversationally.
“What is it?” Paz asks.
“It looks like she’s pushed all our cum out of her,” Din says, swiping his fingers through the tacky mess on your thighs.
“We spent all day making those loads for your pussy,” Paz scolds you, tweaking your nipple.
“I never wanted them in the first place,” you growl up at them.
“Sweet kitten,” Din soothes, parting your knees and settling between them. “If you didn’t want to be bred, you shouldn’t have run your mouth.”
“Shouldn’t have called us old and incompetent,” Paz says.
“Called us unworthy of fucking this sweet pussy,” Din adds.
You can’t help the needy moan that escapes you while he strokes his cock to full stiffness. Lifting your hips, you writhe, pulling against Paz’s grip as he holds your wrists above your head.
“You say you don’t want to be pregnant,” Din chuckles lowly. Then he starts pushing in, sliding in with a satisfying thrust. Then he growls, his head falling back as he pauses, letting you feel the throb of his cock in you. “Look at the way you’re whining and writhing on my cock. You want this.”
“We’ll have to keep her chained to this bed until she’s pregnant,” Paz says.
You can’t help but to tighten around Din. He laughs, giving you a short thrust.
“I think she likes the idea of being chained to this bed and used,” Din looks over at Paz.
“Is she like a vice?” Paz asks, feigning surprise.
With one hand, he holds your arms down. With the other, he begins fondling your tits, tweaking your nipple and twisting. Then he smacks lightly, making you squeak and writhe. Din begins to thrust shallowly, his helmet tilting down toward your tits.
“I think she’s trying to keep me from pulling out,” Din says.
“I knew it,” Paz purrs, tracing a gentle finger along your jaw. “You’re a slut for a big, thick cock in you, aren’t you?”
“No!” you blurt out, twisting under Din. “Get it out! NO!”
Paz releases you to get up. Din catches your wrists and presses your palms to his chest as Paz goes to the wall.
“Dig your nails into me,” Din orders firmly.
“Like this?” you pant up at him, as Paz turns the lights off. “Or – or is it t-too much?”
“Make it hurt,” Din barks at you.
You obey, tightening your fingers until your nails dig in. He lets out a growl of pleasure, his hips snapping into yours sharply. Each thrust fills you to the brim and a little more, earning a squeak as he finds the line between pleasure and pain. The light turns off and you hear a thud as Din puts his helmet on the bedside table. Then another as Paz puts his down. The mattress shifts and Paz takes over holding you down.
“Baby, can I please spit in your mouth?” Din whispers, nuzzling along your jaw. You smile and press a kiss against his temple.
“Of course,” you respond.
He groans. Din’s hand finds your jaw and he presses against your cheeks to pry your jaws apart. Then he hooks his thumb over your lower teeth and pulls, holding your mouth open. You let out an inelegant noise as he traces your teeth with his tongue. Then he slides it in further, mapping the roof of your mouth and then your teeth. Din pulls back just a bit and he spits. Of course, he misses your mouth in the dark, so most of it ends up on your cheeks. Din releases you and you swallow, sighing as he starts hitting that spot that makes you see stars.
“Did you like that?” he asks gently, pressing his lips to your temple.
“Yes,” you whisper, “Can you…uhm…”
“What is it, baby?” Paz asks, stroking your arms.
“Be rougher, please?” you ask shyly.
“Anything you want,” Din says. “Are you ready?”
“Yes,” you confirm. “I’m ready.”
Din starts rolling his hips harder against yours and Paz’s grip grows tighter, verging on painful. Your eyes roll back up in your head as Din bites the meat of your shoulder and sucks hard. Din palms one breast for a moment, rolling and squeezing before pinching your nipple.
“These titties bounce so beautifully,” Din says. “You like this, kitten? Feeling my cock this far in you?”
“No,” you gasp, arching your back to welcome him in deeper. “No, don’t – don’t want to – “
Paz tweaks both your nipples sharply. You cry out at the little starbursts of pain radiating from your breasts. Then he smacks firmly, making your entire body twitch.
“If you didn’t want us breeding you, you would have kept that smart mouth of yours shut,” Paz says, squeezing again. “So glad you decided to run your mouth, kitten. Never would have known how fucking good you feel.”
“You told us you were ovulating,” Din pants. “Did you think we would turn the invitation down?”
Warmth fills your belly as your pussy begins to throb around his cock. Din groans.
“If you didn’t want to be bred, you wouldn’t be moaning for cock like the little whore you are,” Paz interjects, his hand sliding toward your belly.
You choke out a sob, bucking your hips against Din’s half-heartedly, breaths coming in sharp, gasping pants.
“Come on my cock, my sweet little slut,” Din orders, and you fall apart.
“No, no, no,” you sob out while you come, “Ple-please pull out, don’t do this, Din – “
He groans and lunges forward, heaving gasps escaping him as he finishes, filling you with that liquid warmth you crave. Tightening your legs around his waist, you keep him trapped snugly in you. He thrusts shallowly for a few moments.
“There you go, kitten,” he rasps into your shoulder. “Another load for your fertile pussy.”
“My turn,” Paz says cheerfully.
Din releases you, pressing another kiss to your forehead, and pulls out with a wet noise. You collapse onto the bed, legs spread wantonly, as you try to catch your breath. Paz settles between your knees. He thrusts in sharply, wrenching a cry of surprise from you as he fills you. He begins to move, each thrust rocking your body on the covers.
“Fuck,” Paz grunts.
Arching your back, you whine, tightening your legs around Paz’s waist.
“Please,” you whine, “Harder, Paz.”
A desperate noise escapes you as he goes still.
“What was that, kitten?” he asks.
“Harder, please,” you mewl impatiently.
“Did we change your mind?” Din croons, tracing your jaw with his fingers. “Do you want to be filled up with cum, little slut?”
Another impatient noise escapes you as you lift your hips, urging Paz to continue what he was doing before. He doesn’t move, much to your chagrin. Your lower lip slides out in a pout.
“Tell me exactly what you want from me, kitten,” Paz says.
“I want you to fuck me please. Finish in me, I want every last drop,” you moan into his ear, sighing when he starts moving again. “Wanna be bred.”
“Good girl,” Paz rumbles in response.
“Wanna do what I was made to do,” you sigh, digging your nails into his back. “Get knocked up.”
He keeps a slow and unhurried pace, your mewls and pleas falling on deaf ears. He works you slowly to the edge, drawing out each thrust and kiss until you feel like your entire body quivering in desperation. He changes his pace then, grinding his pubic bone into your clit, giving you the friction and pressure that you so desperately need. Biting on your lower lip, you lift your hips, digging your nails into his back as you start to come. Paz bites you again and orgasm hits you like a freighter. You sob his name out, toes curling, as the pleasure wracks your body.
Paz rests inside you as you come down from your high, feeling fuzzy and warm, as if you’re about to fall asleep. He pulls out. A generous amount of his spend follows. He presses his lips to your forehead as you start to drowse off.
“Rest,” he murmurs. “You will need your strength, kitten.”
As you drift off, Paz tucks a blanket around you. Vaguely, you hear Din and Paz arguing over who sleeps where, but you tune them out, sinking into the warm abyss of sleep.
You aren’t quite sure how many times the two of them fuck you throughout the next few days. Originally, you had tagged along to hunt with them, but the two men clearly had other plans in mind. That first night, they keep you in bed, letting you out only for a trip to the bathroom and for food. The cuffs are loose enough for you to slip out in case of emergency, but you don’t take advantage of that fact. Honestly, the thought of being entirely at their mercy gets you soaked in seconds. Din also refuses to let you wear clothes. Any attempt to cover up is met with a growl and a very swift undressing.
Cover your tits with your hands? Din reaches for the handcuffs. He even threatens to hide the blankets and pillows until you agree to remain completely naked for his viewing pleasure. “If you’re cold,” Din says, “You come to me, and I’ll keep you warm.” Paz only shakes his head.
During the days, they alternate who hunts and who stays behind with you. When it’s Din’s turn to stay behind, he likes keeping you cuffed. Sometimes, when you’re very naughty, he’ll cuff you to the pilot’s seat and keep you between his knees. Then, he’ll slide his flaccid cock in your mouth and keep it there until you can get it hard again. Sometimes, when you get a little too fresh with him, he will finish on your face. He likes mocking you when you sulk about him wasting a load like that. Then, while you’re protesting, Din will slide his cock right back into your mouth to shut you up. When you’ve behaved to his liking, Din will finish in your pussy and tell you what a good girl you’ve been.
Paz, on the other hand, can’t stay out of your pussy. When it’s his turn to stay with you, he just plops you into his lap and buries his cock inside you. Paz is a very patient man. Sometimes, he makes you sit perfectly still on his cock. He won’t touch you until you break apart and beg him for his touch. Then, and only then, will he let you finish. Other times, he flat out uses you, not caring if you get off in the process. Then he makes you sit there in complete silence, feeling as his cock goes all soft inside you. If you make the mistake of letting his cock slip out, Paz will sigh in disappointment and make you lick up the mess that escapes your poor abused pussy.
On the fourth day of your scheduled breeding, Din comes back with something he promises you will “love”. He heads into the galley for a few minutes. You can hear the sounds of running water and him washing something. After his shower, he joins the two of you in the bed. Paz pulls out and Din replaces him. You whine impatiently – Paz hasn’t let you finish all day long. He’s kept you on the edge the entire time. Not thirty seconds later, Din also finishes, and you sulk as he pulls out.
Then something soft and squishy presses right up against your abused entrance. Your pussy resists for a few moments – whatever it is, it’s big­ – but it eventually pops in. You squirm as it slides in, pressing up against your g-spot.
“What the hell?” you ask Din.
“It’s an egg,” Din says proudly. “This way, we’ll be able to keep our cum inside you while you’re doing your chores, kitten.”
“I like that idea,” Paz says. “Speaking of chores, I’m hungry.”
“Me too,” Din says.
“Go get dinner on the table, woman,” Paz says, smacking your ass cheek as you roll off the bed.
The instant they found out you like being told what to do, they started taking shameless advantage of it. When they’re not fucking you, Paz and Din often have you cleaning armor or doing the cleaning around the ship. Paz especially loves watching you in the galley as you cook the meals. This is the only exception to Din’s demand that you stay naked. He lets you wear an apron to do the cooking so you don’t accidentally burn yourself. As soon as you’re finished in the galley, Din takes the apron from you and locks it up.
It took a little bit before you got used to the egg inside you, but now, it feels quite nice pressing up against your g-spot. Not only that, it keeps their spend from leaking out and making a horrible mess on your thighs. Din and Paz like seeing evidence of you being bred, but the thought of having it plugged up inside you is far more appealing to them. You can’t help but to find their eagerness to knock you up weirdly endearing.
“We should keep her like this forever,” Din says one evening while he fucks into your limp body, forcing a mortified moan out of you. “Naked and fucked into submission.”
“I like it much better when she’s cooking and cleaning,” Paz leers, stroking his cock as he waits for Din to finish, “Imagine how good she’ll look with a big belly on her. Cooking, cleaning, and looking after the little ones.”
Din swears as he finishes, coating your walls with another thick layer of spend. He pulls out and you squirm a bit. Your walls are hypersensitive now, almost tender from the sheer number of times the two warriors have fucked into your body. Paz laughs as he pushes in, plugging Din’s cum inside you.
“How many brats are we going to breed out of her?” Din asks, turning your head to the side.
He traces your lips with the head of his cock, smearing his spend and your slick onto your face. Obediently, you open your mouth and lick at the head of his cock. Din sighs as he slides in with short, gentle thrusts. Once they found out that you could swallow their cocks up to the hilt, neither one had been shy about using your mouth to get hard.
“Six,” Paz says, “Six sounds good.”
“Do you like the sound of that, kitten?” Din asks, tilting his helmet down at you. “Do you think you can breed us six children?”
You pull your mouth off Din’s cock and give him a look of pure disbelief.
“Competent warriors could provide for more than six,” you say hoarsely. “Only a useless, ancient fucker like you would stop at six.”
Paz starts to laugh hysterically at the incredulity in Din’s posture. Din sighs and picks up the big, squishy silicone egg he bought. Then he pops it into your pussy and smacks your ass.
“My armor needs to be cleaned,” he says. “Get to work, woman.”
“Yes, sir,” you sigh, as you bring your knees together and slide off the table.
They drop you off back home with the rest of the supplies. From there, Din and Paz go on to pursue the more dangerous bounties that they don’t quite trust you with. It doesn’t really offend you – you really aren’t that great of a hunter. They can handle themselves alone. They make a formidable team when partnered up together. When you go in for your medical examination, Doctor Shen just sort of stares at the results of the scan.
“Is this why you came to ask for the pregnancy cocktail?”
“I told them I was ready to have a baby,” you say shyly. “I’m so happy they were willing to help.”
Her hand on her hip is the equivalent of a raised brow.
“You’re covered in bruises and bite marks,” she says. “Did you get any hunting done at all?”
“I hunted for the first few days,” you say defensively. “Then I did a personal scan and found I was going to be ovulating soon.”
She sighs and shakes her head.
“It’ll be a little bit before we can determine if you succeeded,” she says. “So, take it easy for now.”
Twelve weeks later, Doctor Shen confirms that yes, Paz and Din were quite successful in knocking you up. When they get back, you deliver the good news. You expect them to be overjoyed – which they are – but you do not expect them to start arguing on the spot over who gets to raise the child. It gets to the point where they look like they’re ready to start brawling, so you swiftly cut in.
“You idiots had no problem taking turns fucking me,” you say, ignoring all the witnesses in the room. “You won’t have a problem taking turns raising this baby with me.”
Paz and Din grumble about having to ‘put up with’ the other, but eventually concede. You won’t admit it, but it feels nice being fought over by the two more competent warriors in the Tribe. You know you’re the recipient of many jealous looks from the others, but you have no desire to share them with anyone else. As your belly grows larger, Paz finally lets you move into his room, which is much larger than the bunk you share with your friend. (Din also moves in, so he can ‘make sure’ that Paz is looking after you.)
Then they start arguing about whose name the baby is going to get, which clan it is going to be raised in, and which warrior you were going to marry. (Armorer ends up cutting into the argument and telling you to just marry them both because she’s sick of hearing their voices and could you please tell them to shut up?)
Paz wins getting the two of you to join up as part of his clan. Regardless of clan politics, the Vizsla emblem does get certain benefits. You win the last name debacle by saying the baby gets your last name. Finally, Din gets to name the baby. (Though you remind him that any stupd names like Ori’buyce will immediately be vetoed.)
When you’re starting to get round, Din and Paz spend a lot of their time simply touching you, marveling at the changes in your body. You have to sleep between them most nights because they’re always underfoot, wanting to feel the baby move. Now, being pregnant isn’t a deterrent for either one.
In fact, the bigger your belly gets, the more they want to pleasure you. It doesn’t ever get rough – Paz and Din don’t want to risk hurting you or the baby – but it takes very little to convince them to please you. This late in your pregnancy, it’s hard to manage sex comfortably. So, they have to be creative.
Paz will make a nest of pillows on the armchair outside and layers a few towels onto the cushion. Then he carefully nestles you onto it, lifting your legs onto the arm rests until you’re spread wide open for them. (This is approximately the same time that Din loses control over his mouth.)
Din loves to tell you how good you look with a big, round belly. He comments on how your breasts have changed, how they feel heavy and ripe and full in his palms. Paz likes to tell you that you look like some sort of fertile goddess, ready to bring life into the world. He likes kissing every stretch mark and worshiping your pussy. When you’re appropriately dazed and incapable of forming a coherent sentence, they’ll let you rest. (The bigger the wet spot you leave behind on the pile of towels, the prouder they are of themselves.)
When you’re only a week from giving birth, the two of them start nesting hard. You have to wade through boxes of baby supplies to get into the little room you’ve turned into the nursery. The two idiots feed off of the other’s anxiety to the point where you have to pry baby supplies out of their hands and order them to rest. (You only have to threaten to get Doctor Shen three times before they calm down and stop panicking.)
The delivery goes smoothly. Din and Paz stay by your side the entire time, holding your hand and sponging the sweat off your forehead. They both cry more than the baby does as you hold him close to your chest. You know who fathered him, but neither Din nor Paz care. From there, they take you straight home. The two of them make a marvelous team, especially when it comes to Wife and Baby Care Duties.
Baby needs to be fed? Din’s already up to grab the baby, while Paz is finding some burp cloths for you. Diaper needs to be changed at night? You don’t know about it until you check the baby diaper log. (You are definitely getting the better end of the deal here, but you won’t complain about not having to change the diapers at night.)
By the time you’re on baby five (or six, was it? You’re not sure how many kids you have at this point), Paz and Din have already started staying at home longer and longer to bask in their well-earned ‘retirement’. They haven’t stopped hunting of course. Paz or Din just takes a young hunter or two with him to give them one-on-one tutelage.
“It’s a real privilege to be in this position,” Paz explains, as he shaves the remaining stubble off his face. “Back on Nevarro, we didn’t have this privilege. We had to go out on our own. We never had backup.”
“Kids are going to be soft,” Din mutters, though you can see the proud smile on his face. “We’ll have to toughen them up.”
“They’re lucky to have the two of you,” you respond quietly, to avoid waking up the newest member of the family. “Passing on your knowledge and skill…we’ll be all the stronger for it.”
“Exactly,” Din says, plastering a kiss onto your forehead.
“Can’t wait to take the ad’ika out,” Paz says dreamily. “Hopefully, we’ll be able to arrange childcare so you can come along.”
“I’m not missing any of their first hunts,” you say flatly. “The Tribe will just need to suck it up and babysit.”
The two of them only laugh at your indignant response. As you look out into the living room, you smile as you see your offspring spread out on the couch, watching a ‘borrowed’ movie. They will make fine warriors, you think to yourself, especially with who their fathers are.
Permanent Tags:
@hdlynn @princessbatears @oloreaa @phoenixhalliwell  @reader-without-a-story @nelba @aeryntheofficial @trippedmetaldetector @jedi-mando  @razzlefrazzum @paintballkid711 @hayley-the-comet @dornish-queen
Paz/Din Tags:
@esoltis280 @backontheolebullshit
The “If I have to Suffer, So Do You” Tags:
@magsgotswags @thecautiousengineer
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transsexualhamlet · 4 years
tg anime vs manga *sighs*
i have the power of hyperfixation and anime on my side! AAAAAAAA
Ok now that we’ve gotten the sins of re post out of the way we need to discuss this. And I just feel that this needs to be covered because I can’t ever get away from constant discourse on this, mostly fueled by manga readers who feel entitled to always think they’re superior for reading the manga, that the manga is the only real canon, that it’s more complex or better, I’m so fucking tired of it. I am also a manga reader, and I tend to get like that sometimes too with many series (for example no. 6 and the promised neverland.) I get it. It can be really annoying to see something butchered on screen to what the original is, changed or represented differently or given a different message or simplified. But just. Some people like the anime and it’s not a goddamn holy war for y’all to fight. It only makes anime fans not want to read the thing even more yknow cause manga readers are pretentious assholes, and I am aware of this as one of them.
(again ok i’d like to mention i know this fandom is basically dead but a certain p*nterest is always like 4 years behind on fandoms so i keep fucking running into Discourse that’s like, still current, whenever i want old random ass content) (and youtube, why do i look at youtube comments, because I personally enjoy being offended? yeah probably)
And that brings me to the point of this anime vs manga. 
This is a lot harder to compare than a lot of other series, because there are just... so many more differences not just in the style and vibe but the story itself.
Disclaimer, I’ve never watched the anime for :re and i don’t intend to, because I honestly have no earthly clue how tf you can get from the highly diverged tokyo ghoul root A to re and make it make sense, and I don’t really want A ruined for me. So you can call me biased towards the manga in the case of re, i guess (which makes my eventual conclusion even more strong I’d say) Honestly I just see them as two completely different stories, the manga’s version connecting with re and A just like... ending there. So how we’re drawing the lines is basically tokyo ghoul A versus the manga and :re. God, I know this isn’t a fair fight because I already hate re so much, but I feel like the manga’s story is much more intertwined with :re than the anime’s is, so that’s what we’re going with.
oh god also another disclaimer this opinion is coming from the biggest fucking kanehide whore, you can disregard anything i say if you ship The Straights and/or do not care for my boi hide
To be honest, if I can take my own conclusions and liberties to the story, I like both versions, each have their pros and cons and kind of a conflicting message. They can’t really coexist. Usually I’d consume all versions and then create one consistent canon in my head for what I accept as the true events (for example my main owari no seraph, first season of the anime is canon but after that we only follow the manga since those can come together and make sense.) but it’s very hard to do that in tokyo ghoul, since I must confess... I really like root A. Like of course, it’s a lot different from the manga, but tbh I think it’s super valid. (unlike most Fans TM like this Fan TM who i’m sending this post to just to spite their singular Youtube Comment Section Discourse, yes I did write this post for you and many others like you) But the ideas that make up root A conflict a lot with the ones of the manga, so I just have to accept that they’re separate things and treat them as such.
Now to break it down so people can understand where I’m coming from I guess? God this is already so long here’s a read more
The Case for The Manga (including :re manga)
More Lore + Plot Shit: One of the main reasons that manga readers are pretentious little bitches is a valid reason, namely that, as is the case with most manga, there’s simply more to it than people can fit into an anime. (Although people need to understand that’s because,,, it’s simply a different medium, so it will have different pluses and minuses, such as for example a soundtrack, color, moving pictures,,, you know, all that. Anime onlys don’t say that the anime is better by stating these things that a manga won’t have... because they’re fucking obvious. So manga readers should stop acting like an anime is inherently sub-par for being less in depth, but we digress.) I can understand that reading the manga is kind of important for wanting to understand the lore (though there are like so many other reasons ppl might want to watch it other than to get the lore) and without the explanation of how all this came to be and how it works, everything tends to be really mysterious, confusing, and seemingly random. It’s really nice to know what’s all going on, of course, and stuff like the washuus, rize’s backstory, the explanation for like, kaneki in general, all that- if you’re looking for like, plot shit, manga is definitely your go to. But like, sometimes, you like, don’t actually care about those things.
Haise: Of course one of the most important things about well, including re is that I fucking love Haise. Like he is my favorite Kaneki. He’s just so wonderful, look at him in he glasses and he floofy hair and he striped pants and he energy boxers and he s p i c e and he MOM. And I really like how they took Kaneki’s character and developed it more with Haise, you can see his turnaround from innocent--> Emo--> Trying To Be Innocent Again But Failing and I think that’s really sweet tbh. I rejected that at first because I didn’t understand it but once I actually read re I thought it made a lot of sense and was a logical thing to do with his character. (though, uh, moving forward, after his hair changes again i disagree with it, haise 1.0 is a good take and i love him and i want the best for him) I could go on I’ve already written a post of what I think is wrong with :re so if you want to hear my take on kaneki’s 37 pokemon evolutions that’s in there
Good New Characters: And of course there are my favorite bitches such as quinx squad, oh my god, there was a terminal lack of dumbass squad vibes in the original and ishida fucking gave it to us, I love them, I love them with all my heart and I think that if I wasn’t attached to them I’d probably just cancel all of :re but like this is just my personal problem. God I love them. Ishida always pulls through with characters I’m now too attached to.
Vore Lmao:Ok like hear me out. I just get a laugh out of it every time the manga has to remind me of this little fucking fact. Like ok I just. Cannot get over it. It’s so serious about it too and like I realize it’s a serious deal but o h  m y  g o d
Ok and now that we’ve got that little rant over I do want to say that it is like actually really important past the “lmao that’s pretty gay” bit, like??? In some ways it’s more fitting than the anime because well, ishida’s point always seems to be “what would mentally and physically hurt kaneki the most right now” and does it because that’s who this bitch is. But it just?? Kind of makes a bit more sense for the storyline if we’re being picky here, it’s so,,, painfully on point? Like the entire reason he gave in to Being A Ghoul and all was so he could save his friends and shit (i actually do not remember if this was a thing in the manga but like? when he was being tortured and he like imagined hide being really mad at him and getting killed by jason and shit?) LIKE AND THEN HE GOES AND HAS TO BASICALLY BE THE PERPETRATOR OF THAT HIMSELF, FUCK, it’s a lose/lose situation of “don’t do the bad thing and watch your friends suffer” or “do the bad thing and watch your friends suffer but like, later” ishida please
The meaning of Hide being alive: Ok this is just me crying over chapter 75 still but like. Instead of in the anime, where hide’s point seems to be that instead of letting kaneki sacrifice anything more he’d be the one to give his life up and such, and save kaneki, in the anime tbh he just really wanted to be with kaneki right then?? and like ouch but understanding that in the manga he wasn’t just planning on dying and leaving kaneki to deal with it afterward he wanted to go on and continue to try to help the guy no matter the shit he had to go through, no matter if the dude just like forgot that he existed for two years and all- LIKE UH CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW HIDE DOESN’T EVEN EXPECT ANY APOLOGY? like kaneki’s like “OH MY GOD I’M SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON” and hide’s like lmao nah it’s cool i’m thriving- that his big motto was “live” rather than “peace out motherfuckers it’s been fun”. Cause. Fucking. Ishida. Can’t kill off characters well but like at least he made keeping this one alive justified. 
The D e t a i l s: Ok well I feel like this is something everyone knows but the anime is missing a lot of really,,, crunchy details that the manga throws in there, like, well, kaneki’s fucking,,, bones thing, and other assorted details, g o d like those are missable if you want to never understand half the memes but also like,,, sometimes you just gotta read that shit. It also like, makes more sense when you do but sometimes it’s just stupid things that aren’t important but are fucking hilarious.
The Flavor: In general I’d say the greatest difference between the anime and the manga is the general flavor of the thing, the vibe in the manga is a lot, to be frank, darker and grosser and bloodier than the anime, which is a lot more focused on being pretty and Tragic than “HOLY SHIT WTF” but like. That’s valid. With that comes it being a lot more, real, and although the art may not be as polished as the anime’s, sometimes that’s exactly what you need, and the really gritty sketchy shit that’s in the manga sometimes is exactly what it’s supposed to be for the manga. (in the anime, i’d say that the colored and polished style fits it better, so we’re good there.) It’s a lot more real, in the manga, when the anime hesitates to “go there” a lot (and well, sometimes that’s welcome, but sometimes it’s like y o u  g u y s  c o m e  o n  r e a l l y maybe i DID want to see that did you ever think of that)
So like, to sum it up i’d just like to say it’s more detailed, sharper and darker and is simply So Much. There is just More Content
The Case for Root A
ON THE OTHER HAND, (buckle up fuckers)
Depth of Emotion (that Ishida was too much of a pissbaby for): God like you know what I mean if you read the last post, we spent a whole episode on these gay fucks in root A, with backstory and dreams and drawn out suspense and emotion and GUYS LOOK AT THEM NO REALLY OH MY GOD YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS whereas hide’s limelight in the manga is a whole... two pages, oh whoopee, and that’s mostly due to the fact of ishida putting himself in a spot of “oh fuck goddamn if i drew that in i’d get flagged for gay porn” but that’s his own fault, so he downplays the whole scene and really keeps it in the dark, whereas in this anime it’s understandably a lot less,,, like that, but how it plays out here is simply... really nice and makes you cry and shit, whereas in the manga I’d go “oh god oh damn oh fuck” *laughs my ass off because i really can’t take this seriously*. You get just... more here.
To elaborate on this, in the anime, as a gay fucking bastard, I can get practically an endless amount of content from episode twelve, and endlessly stew over all Those Things about it, every hard hitting line, the expressions, the music making it even sadder, the ways the VAs say the words, the cinematic beauty of the blood dripping on the floor and like how it’s supposed to make you think it’s kaneki’s, GOD I COULD FUCKING GO ON, but if we want to get that in the manga... 
we get three incredibly basic lines, a blackout, and then a “QUICK LET’S MOVE ON TO SOMETHING ELSE BEFORE ANYONE NOTICES THE IMPLICATIONS OF THAT HAHA”
So if we want to have more, we need to write it. (sadly) None of it is ever played out canonically so like,,, all we can do is infer and make shit up. It’s like, I am a writer so like that’s my whole job but I really would rather have more content, and have the content that’s there get to be emotional instead of *blank face* “this is plot that is happening, sadly” but like maybe it’s just bc i’m gay
Really Fucking Beautiful (aesthetically as well as story-wise): This kind of just goes hand in hand with the depth of emotion bit, and I think it can’t really compared to the manga here because I’m gay so I see pretty colors and cry so the anime is understandably appealing for me, but I’m also talking emotionally, yeah. There’s a lot of plotlines and implications of the story that are really well played out, I always love to watch the original because it does a very good job handling a lot of the harder topics and stuff that makes the whole thing worthwhile- like the whole point you’re supposed to see that the ghouls and humans are both just as monstrous when you break it down, that there are good and bad people on both sides, everyone just wants to live and feel good in their own life and perspective, everyone has reasons that justify their behaviour in their mind, sometimes you just can’t win no matter what, all that... they’re all really important messages and make the whole story, and they were handled much more delicately and with more expertise in the anime. 
It’s hard to pin down, but I feel like the manga was just based more on Fight Scenes Characters OoH Fake Science and kind of just gave kaneki infinite power ups after Trying Harder no offense, obviously those things were there and they were still very good in the manga it’s just sometimes they were cheapened a lot by ishida really not keeping track of what he’s trying to say with his story and sacrificing it a lot for “BUT WHAT IF KANEKI’S HAIR AND IDEALS CHANGED AGAIN” instead of making it a whole cohesive work. (and yes, I am VERY aware of your “well aCtuAlLy the hair represents his sanity” thing i know i know and i’m about to rip it to fucking shreds so)
Understandable Character Development And Staying True To It: Which brings me to this point, character development. This was another thing that was just... handled with more expertise in the anime, whoever was in charge of it. Mostly this has to do with Kaneki, since like, no offense but he’s the only one who ever gets much character development other than like, juuzou (asmr you only get character development if your hair color changes) oh and i guess there’s tsukiyama but he’s someone who shouldn’t have gotten character development. Touka gets character development only before re for some reason, and like tbh that’s kind of it. I do think Juuzou’s character development was valid, because well... it made sense? I complained about it before because I was like “well he just turns into spicy L” but i’ve since changed my opinion, he’s best boy. But Kaneki? They went way overboard with him in the manga, and generally? Calm tf down ishida.
Breaking it down, one of the main things that most of the tried and true manga stans seem to hate about the anime the most is Kaneki going over to Aogiri in root A. Since they’re much more acclimated to the manga, they don’t understand why he would do that (quoting a particular ‘probably made sense in the manga!’ yes i know that whole thing was poking fun at the show and i felt it lmao) and they just pin it to “ahaha he has now become Edgy for the fans ehehe time to make fun of him” and TO BE FAIR YOU’D BE COMPLETELY RIGHT. I love to make fun of Kaneki when he does his edgy bitch thing because that’s what he is. A basic edgy bitch who is just,,, such a main character. But like. He does actually have his reasons despite popular opinion and to be honest I think they’re a bit more valid than in the manga, where he’s just like “well I’ve been tortured, that was not pleasant and i kinda did a bad thing, let’s go back to anteiku but i’m just gonna Try Harder To Fight this time”. I can understand that, but like, it seems like in the manga every Character Development of kaneki is some form of “i will now be stronger” except for the singular “I will now be a different person” which, well, we’ll get to that. 
In the anime though, even if it seems like more of a basic edgy bitch move, it’s like?? It makes perfect sense to me, and to be honest more than the manga does? Obviously he doesn’t wanna be best bros with Aogiri, he realizes they’re all bad people who have done really terrible things, but the fact is he now sees himself as the same thing, he now understands their motives because in his mind he is also now Bad TM. His whole character development of being tortured was that peace wasn’t an option no matter how much he wanted it, he couldn’t live being a pacifist and the world was forcing him to give the “i am the only one that understands! we need to stop fighting!” bullshit up because there was no way to achieve it. He realized if he kept himself the way he was more people he loved would be hurt like they already had because he couldn’t, so he doesn’t just Decide To Become Stronger, he gives up his humanity. And that includes basically letting himself defend his own actions and try to do “the right thing”. 
Him then joining aogiri makes sense because well. They’re the people who are the strongest, who have the power, who are the same as he sees himself. He still wants to protect the people he loves, he just also realizes he can’t do it by working with them since he now understands that their more peaceful ways will by definition get them fucking killed. His understanding is flawed, of course. He’s not really right. But this is his understanding and from that it makes perfect sense for him to join up with aogiri and try to still do as much as possible from that standpoint, realizing that most likely the people he’s trying to protect will hate him for it. I think that makes sense to me, what do you not understand about it? (I also understand that may make some people mad because he’d Doing Bad Things but I point to you he’s so soft, remember when he was really nice to naki when he was literally the one who killed the guy naki was crying about? remember when he was doing a raid and he saw that guy hiding and he never mentioned it? remember like the seventy times he Cried TM, yeah he’s problematic obviously but if you want problematic I’ll point you to a certain fucking black reaper. Shironeki has nothing on that asshole.)
I think what Kaneki did in the manga was fine, but in general the anime (again) had more depth of understanding and emotion versus a steady Try Harder Get Stronger shonen deal, which, well, fair, but like, nah. Continuing why I think the anime dealt it better is the ending of A, which was a lot more well rounded then *kaneki gets stabbed and then there’s a lot of random plot shit going on in the background*. Here Kaneki then got to round out the end of his character development by realizing slowly through the second half of this season, him becoming a kakuja and then basically deciding like, not to
((kakuja kaneki was dealt with again different in the anime and manga because he basically stopped trying to use it in the anime bc he realized it was a bad fucking idea but this goes along with the ‘his character development of “i’m gonna do bad things for good reasons” --> “actually no wait that was a bad idea” was actually done in root A instead of being dragged out into :re and it’s appropriate for its own medium and the messages it’s trying to get across so manga loyalists hate it’ but we digress))
So in root A we got to see him actually develop and realize himself through the second half of the season starting with cochlea, his interactions with Amon, and ultimately through Hide, that he’d been doing the wrong thing by becoming more monstrous/fighting harder because what he did was ended up forgetting the most important thing, *smiles in gay* HIDE.(well, his humanity. yeah. i cite the terrible opening for root A with the fun ‘the hands taking off kaneki’s mask are hide’s’ bit.) He then remembered again why he wanted so bad to stop the war between humans and ghouls, he wanted to be able to live in peace and not have to be a monster- something that was not dealt with in the manga (though for understandable reasons of We Need To Fuck With Him In Re More, they then didn’t deliver on creating something like that later so I take this.)
That’s most of the difference between the original manga and anime, but I’d also like to discuss (briefly, I’ve already yelled about them) the ridiculous amount of hurdles ishida went through to fuck with kaneki in the manga, Of course there is the fact that well, the slower transition of his character does make some more sense for the manga because if you take :re into consideration, his eight billion character changes are more tolerable when they haven’t like, already happened before in the manga (just the anime). It makes more sense there for Haise to be tormented by past kaneki telling him He’s Too Weak because in the manga he hasn’t already had that development prior to “dying”, and he lost his memories still believing he had to be strong even if he did bad things, whereas in the anime it doesn’t track because at the end like i just said he kind of gives up his ghoulhood on purpose because he realizes that joining aogiri and fighting and shit was really wrong because, hide. So I can see why those character decisions were not made in the original when planning for :re, but... the fact remains that those previous decisions do not make up for how absolutely weak :re’s game ended up being with kaneki. 
So tldr this entire section, All the manga’s defense of how they handled Kaneki’s development is basically void because all those choices were buildup for development in :re which ishida then COMPLETELY fell down on. So the alternative is better.
And now comes my yelling about how exactly Ishida fucked it up: hair colors and kaneki’s 80 kanekis. If black is supposed to represent sane and white is supposed to represent insane or, whatever, i dunno, who tf thought black reaper kaneki was sane? Who tf would think kaneki in the end isn’t? I haven’t looked into this really, and I’d really love it if someone explained it to me the way ishida was going for bc I do not understand it. Like that tracks with Juuzou, and with Kaneki up to Haise Original, but they don’t really make a cohesive sense seeing as after Haise’s hair color changed again that whole deal kind of goes to shit. Not to mention... I just... they completely failed to make those character changes actually part of the story, I’m mostly complaining about black reaper haise, none of him makes any sense. What’s his deal? He wants to protect who he loves? Tracks with the ghouls but fun fact he abandoned his kids? He actually cared for them? What then, he wants to be the strongest as possible? Sure but then?? Why?? I don’t understand his motives at all.
We also didn’t get to see him get his memories back either, which I was actually very much looking forward to, it just,,, like all of a sudden he’s talking with eto about yoshimura and i’m like bruh when tf did that happen? It’s bad, and although chapter 74-76 is super valid, and his change back into white hair kaneki makes sense, I also have the complaint about how haise basically disappeared just like he was worried he would. I think that was bad and I’ve said that already, it doesn’t make sense, he just literally throws those entire two years away to go back to the way he was before he was with the CCG and just forgets everything he’s wanted for the last few years? Fiction logic test fucking failed, and you’ve also broken my heart. Love Haise. You got rid of him. I love kaneki too but like. Why don’t they just. Like. Merge. He is one whole complex person, not one and an imposter, god. 
This is a big negative for re and the manga, so automatically a positive for root A where I simply Do Not Have To Deal With That Bullshit and the character development actually makes sense. I can understand the decisions in the original manga could have set up for good development in :re, but they completely failed to deliver.
root a didn’t fast forward to re at the end god damn let us process this shit first before you try to connect it to something else: The thing with this point is that it’s really difficult to separate the original manga from the continuing story in :re because the thing intertwines so much and immediately moves us forward with a ton of plot points for the next part of the story before we’re done with this climax and the end of this story. Sometimes that’s ok and I can see doing that from an author’s perspective because you want people to continue reading your story instead of taking that as the end but it’s really annoying on a reader’s end, because I’m picky and I want to be able to just be able to enjoy my original canon without it like, metaphorically touching :re on a plate. It’s something that I don’t even do with my own longer stories, like for example I have like a trilogy of >100k fics that like, well i’m technically not done with them but like. 
People really like the first one because it’s more focused on a more popular ship and basic elements people like about the thing, and then by the second book it moves on to talk more about the plot and lore and brings in more secondary characters. And so I knew that a lot of the readers of the first one wouldn’t want to have to deal with a lot of the “oh well stuff is happening elsewhere that will effect stuff later!!!” random plot shit that none of my readers actually cared about. So I kept it to wrapping up the points of the first book and then leaving the introduction of new characters and plot for the people who actually wanted to read it. Ishida didn’t do that, and of course it’s within his right to like?? Want to promote the next series but I’d have enjoyed it more if we ended it at kaneki’s “death” and wrapping up the deals with the rest of the characters instead of quickly shoving in the beginning of seventy more plotlines before the book ends. Like honey I simply do not have the reading comprehension for that. In the anime we get something that... makes sense.
In the anime, however, it’s quite the opposite, for example the reveals like Eto=owl=takatsuki sen were pushed before that and they saved episode twelve for, well, the end bit. Like what was actually the ending. There were detriments to this I had to say (LIKE GUYS I GET IT HE’S CARRYING HIDE HE’S CARRYING HIM I GET IT YOU’VE BEEN DOING IT FOR HALF THE EPISODE NOW OK I UNDERSTAND CAN WE MOVE ON) But like, I prefer the concept of a simple idea with as much emotion squeezed out of it as possible to a ton of confusing and contradicting ideas that are touched on for a second before moving on. So the *cries for half an hour* ending was much more appealing to me, and I can keep that separate in my head from any of the ideas that :re creates, letting me pretend it doesnt exist and imagine that’s the end and there’s nothing else to worry about. If we want to move forward and hear more, then we can, but it isn’t necessary like it is with the manga.
No Bad Takes that are hard to pry apart from good plot and characters:This is basically the downsides of the new characters, which is well, if I had to make a whole ~keep reading~ post about how problematic everything in re was that does have to count as a downside. I love the new characters, but they also come intertwined with a thousand really bad takes on like, everything, and of course I can ignore it and just act as though they were written in like, to be perfectly honest, a non transphobic way, it’s a real downside when the original anime was pretty pain-free in the way of their takes on their characters. They fucked everyone up in re and I will not elaborate, we’ve talked about this, it’s just the anime, and which i mean season 1 and root A, don’t really have any bad takes I need to try to get rid of, it’s surprisingly something I have little complaint about at all and I ALWAYS have complaints.
Hide!!!!: Obviously, you can tell that a lot of my opinions are going to be hide based because he’s the only thing I ever think about. But we have to take into account just how... hide???? This goes a lot into the depth of emotion bit but it also offers the other side of the argument for Hide’s part in the :re manga, which well. Was mostly chapter 75 if we’re going to be perfectly honest here. He doesn’t get any other limelight. Even in the chapter where Kaneki meets him again he gets a whole what, three pages? In the manga, he has an extremely valid deal about basically, living, keeping going no matter what, and that is a fitting part for the manga, considering the rest of the points there ride more on Keep Fighting instead of Think About Your Emotions And Morals, but honestly chapter 75 was really valid. So why do I still think the anime’s version where he like (ok I don’t know about the re anime we’ve discussed this, i don’t even know how they choose to explain that) he like, dies in kaneki’s arms is better overall? Again, I would have totally accepted that deal if it was made a part of the story because it made me cry, it was super valid, and if they’d continued in that way I would have agreed with it completely over that. But the fact is again that they failed to deliver, and Hide got largely ignored, suffered so much with so little outcome. There was so much buildup and it was incredibly valid, but when the time came for them to meet again and basically show... why it was important that Hide lived in the end? 
They didn’t. They straight up didn’t. Kaneki’s like “oh sorry bro... glad you’re alive and all...” *goes off and fights* and like? Honestly? @everlastingspiral is right, if that’s all they’re gonna do with him what’s the point of keeping him alive? I love every single panel of him and I wouldn’t have read re if he didn’t, but hide gets absolutely NO payoff. For letting kaneki literally vore his entire mouth off, leaving him disfigured and unable to talk, then kind of disappearing for two years and doing seemingly nothing but trying to help kaneki even though he’d forgotten the guy existed, risks his life like a thousand fucking times, eventually gets back to him and the dude’s running a fucking anti-human organization, helps him like Not Be A Volitile Pile Of Flesh Anymore and then what should have been a very important moment of them meeting again gets completely overshadowed by touka and random plot shit and more fights and they barely interact, they don’t even hug or anything, they barely talk, and at the end hide is still there but to be honest he’s gotten absolutely no thanks for all he did and ishida acts at the end as though he’s done very well with hide and gives him a tiny bit at the end throwing in a tragic backstory for fun (which hot take he really didn’t fucking need on top of it all) and... there’s no real hint that Kaneki is better off with Hide there, even though there should be. In 75, in his dream, kaneki is sobbing and crying and all like i’m so lonely without you but when they actually meet each other again? “yo” “hey” “uh sorry about,,, the thing,,, you know” “nah man it’s ok” “let me talk about myself for a bit” “yes you always do do you want to hear what I’ve been up to” “not really” “that’s fine i’m only here to support you”
...So you can understand why I’ve gone a bit sour on that. If that’s all you’re going to give him? Hot take? Let him die. Hide deserves better. (and i will deliver that in writing, but for the purposes of canon.)
In the anime, however (not counting re again... although he still gets the short end of the stick just in the original manga too compared to the anime) he’s properly dealt with! he gets his proper limelight and he gets acknowledged for what he’s done thusfar in the story, which is already so much. Kaneki then realizes that, but it’s already too late (or it isn’t, and they like negotiate with the ccg and then they get to live happily ever after) either way he gets appreciated and he gets hurt, but it’s properly acknowledged. And after all that, after saving kaneki and getting him to the cafe and doing it all while bleeding the fuck out, he gets to spend that time with kaneki and die in kaneki’s arms. And frankly? That’s all I think he’s ever needed. It’s really poetic and pretty and brings kaneki’s character around full circle, and even if it’s overly sappy, cliche, drawn out... he gets the attention he’s due and he gets a fucking break. He wanted to show Kaneki he wanted to do something for him and save him instead of the other way around, but then HE GOT ACKNOWLEDGED FOR THAT, instead of just well, tirelessly working towards it forever and having to be content to be a background character with practically no value to Kaneki anymore.
Keeps The Same Vibe: The big thing about this is that with the manga and with re, shit just goes all over the place, and I feel like I’ve amply showed that already through this essay or whatever this is. Again about the consistency and the professionalism, It’s a concise story that makes more sense than the manga while also being simply neater and more deep, making sure all the points, themes and messages work together and make sense to create a cohesive deal even if it’s not as long. (the manga is like ishida had a TON of good ideas for an essay but then fleshed out the thing ten minutes before deadline and managed to completely lose what his original thesis was even if the thing was 10 pages long.) Basically. yeah. That kind of sums it up, my last point concerns the ending.
Not Cheap Ending: If you want to hear my take about how absolutely terrible re’s ending was, check out my The Many Sins Of Tokyo Ghoul :Re post, and we’ve discussed how the original’s manga ending was bad and well not really an ending, it just leaves you unfulfilled and takes you into “well I guess I have to start a whole nother sequel series ig...” but root A like? Actually ends it? If a reader didn’t know that there was any content after that, they could pretty much infer that hide’s death or almost death whatever you inferred out of that ending (again we’re ignoring re) allowed Kaneki to finish his character development and realize they needed to stop the war, which basically tracks with what’s going on in everyone else’s perspective- eto’s problem with the world because of what happened with everything, is basically like, all of aogiri, juuzou and shinohara, amon and akira and kaneki and they can realize all they have to do is just sit down and fucking stop it because none of them want to be fighting, hide is the catalyst for that because the CCG can see how Kaneki cares for him? And it’s so open ended that you could just like literally believe that and there’d be no way for that canon to tell you otherwise, or you could go onto re and whatever if you wanted to. I think that’s the best thing. 
In conclusion, both have valid points, and in general I’d say that the manga goes better with :re and the anime is better as a stand alone but if I had to choose overall, this particular anime is better (taking into account only seasons 1 and 2), for mostly the reasons of favoring a simpler story taken with much more care and depth versus a more complex story with many, MANY imperfect elements, and I am aware I will get shot on sight for this opinion. So sue me.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 years
Good morning! Whats your favorite show/movie? Who are your favorite characters? Why do you like them so much? Also!! Did you have a good sleep?
Okay so I was a film major for a while, and I have opinions. 
Penny Dreadful 
I love this show. Like, so much. I adore it. I can not get enough of that show. Just all of the imagery, and the fantastic writing and acting. The episode intro alone is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Eva Green is a goddess and I love everything she’s been in. The take on classic horror stories is So Good, and it actually became the inspiration for my Gay Frankenstein story! (Started as a stitch AU, and then went completely OC after I had Ideas) but the show itself is so intimate? I think it’s largely that the period they’re in, everything was so repressed and restricted. So when the characters break out of those moments, it’s more meaningful. And the love-hate relationship between Ms. Ives and Malcolm in season one? Exquisite.  I could literally write essay’s about this show, but I’ll restrain myself and just say: it’s the best ensemble show I’ve ever seen. The characters come together, but they also each have their own distinct lives that sometimes intersect, but in s2 especially, are quite separate. They are constant with one another like ensemble shows usually portray. Also gothic horror and romance? My absolute favorite. 
Anything by Guillermo del Toro
This man Owns My Entire Soul. I’m not even joking, everything he writes and directs is perfection. Crimson Peak is probably my favorite (I have a stitch AU for this too ;) ) because again, Gothic horror and romance. I’m a slut for that shit. Also Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chastain? Delightful casting. I think it’s obvious by now that I love tragic relationships, so their dynamic is *chef’s kiss* amazing. they’re so damaged. And this quote right here is one of the BEST things I’ve ever read: 
“But the horror... The horror was for love. The things we do for love like this are ugly, mad, full of sweat and regret. This love burns you and maims you and twists you inside out. It is a monstrous love and it makes monsters of us all.”
Engrave that on my headstone, please?? I’ve got a sort-of Dorian Gray AU (it’s delightful) that’s basically built on this entire premise. Mitch makes the mistake of falling in love with Stiles, and does many terrible things because of it. Mostly to himself, at least. 
I think my love of Crimson Peak is very closely tied with The Shape of Water. another beautiful movie, I could wax poetic about this forever. it was beautifully written, and such an artistic movie. I love the way it was filmed, and the set design, and all of the subtle imagery. Such as Elisa’s apartment being cast in cooler tones, it always felt very damp and had evidence of water damage, compared to Giles’, a mirror image of her own, in more warm tones. This is another one I could (and have) write essays about. There is so much packed into this movie, from the themes on toxic masculinity and entitlement, to the conversation on queerness and race and disability, and how all the various relationships are portrayed. Like. there is so much to pick apart in this movie. 
Aside from that, ofc Hell Boy deserves an honorable mention because i grew up on those movies. I’m pretty sure the Golden Army especially is responsible for who I am today, given all the lore on the fae in that universe. Wow, that explains so much about me... Also one of my first WoW characters was an elf named Nuala xD I still have her, too, and it’s been like 12 years lol
Near-Future Sci-Fi
Sci-fi is one of my favorite genres, I am a huge nerd for theoretical and astrophysics. But my favorite kind of sci-fi is the stuff that still takes place on Earth, rather than epic battles in space. Ex Machina and Annihilation are at the top of that list. Alex Garland is another writer/director that I love. He has the same kind of approach as del Toro, where he puts a lot of fine details into his work. And I love that it’s very cerebral; there are so many layers to Ex Machina. My English 101 prof actually refused to analyze it in class when I suggested it to him, because he didn’t think my class could. Basically handle? Dissecting that movie? Because a lot of it comes across as very surface level, but in some cases when you look deeper, it’s actually suggesting the opposite of what you might think at first glance. (And he was right, my fellow students were awful. I miss that class though, it was one of my favorites T_T Mr. Ryder was an awesome dude and super chill.) 
Morgan is another good example. As you can see, I fucking love androids lol. Which brings me to another of my all time favorite movies: Cloud Atlas. I could literally watch this movie endlessly, I love it so much. The acting, the writing, the filming, all of it is top notch. And one thing they did in the movie that didn’t come across in the book, was reusing the same actors through the different eras in the book. That was just so neat, because it really encapsulates how connected these souls are, as we follow the threads of their story throughout time. If you haven’t seen the movie, I can’t recommend it enough.  
Another one I always think of alongside Cloud Atlas, even though they aren’t related at all, is Predestination. It’s a great movie that explores the idea of fate and free will in a really clever way, utilizes time travel in a very organized way that I think was neat (think Umbrella Academy. They even use briefcases! As you can see, I love sci-fi bureaucracy, it’s fun. In fact The Bureau is another movie I enjoyed) and the main character is actually, explicitly trans, which was cool. You basically get to see the entire story of their life, and I don’t want to spoil anything, but it’s just. So good. Mindfuckery galore. 
Shoot, and I almost forgot! Arrival! That is one of the best movies, and another one I could watch nonstop. It focuses on mathematics and linguistics and I swear to god, I almost altered my entire college course because of this movie. Amy Addams is brilliant, Jeremy Renner is so soft and nerdy, and again, it has an amazing take on time travel. I am very particular about how time is handled in Sci-fi, and this portrayal was one of my favorite. (Most of my physics studies have been dedicated to the theory of time, so like. Strong Opinions.) 
Stardust! It wasn’t until Good Omens can out that I realized Neil Gaiman is responsible for most of the stories I loved as a kid lol, and I had no idea he wrote stardust! But that is such a beautiful movie (I have a Stardust AU lol) and it’s definitely one of my comfort movies. Captain Shakespeare is one of the best characters ever, bless Robert de Niro. I would die for him. Fun fact, i had no idea Ipswitch was a real place until like. 2019. I 100% thought it was made up for the movie 😂
Alongside Stardust, I’ve always loved The Golden Compass. It’s fantasy, but also with that old-timey steampunk science feel, which is so fun and surprisingly difficult to find! 
Mortal Engines also has the same kind of feel, and it was such an epic movie in every sense of the word. I’m a little sad that after all the work that went into it, it didn’t get a dedicated following or fan base, because I feel there’s so much potential in it. But at the same time, fandom tends to gather around media that has plenty of flaws for us to repair with gold, and there wasn’t much room for that in Mortal Engines. 
I’m going to put Jupiter Ascending here even though it technically fits with the sci-fi, because that section is long as fuck and also this movie has such a fantastic feel. Mila Kunis? beautiful. The CGI? beautiful. Eddy Redmayne? One of the best villain portrayals i’ve ever seen. The whole oedipal vibe he had was immaculate, as was their portrayal of reincarnation, and just. The world building. GOD. I get so weak for through world building. Also the fkn intergalactic bureaucracy when they’re basically at the space DMV? One of my all time favorite scenes in movie history. 
I have very little room in my life for horror. As I said, I have strong movie opinions, especially when it comes to horror movies. I don’t like how most of them rely on cheap jump scares and overused gore and gratuitous rape scenes, instead of, y'know, actual good writing. 
Which is EXACTLY why I adore It: Chapter 1 & 2. It has none of those things, but still manages to be so terrifying. They are my favorite horror movies, and I’m saying this as someone who has genuine childhood trauma bc of the novel. Like. I couldn’t shower/take baths alone until I was almost 10 T_T When I was 6-7 and saw kids play by storm drains, I would run over screaming about how Pennywise was going to get them. Like, I had issues man. I was terrified to see the first one, and wouldn’t go until I could go with my best friend after she had already seen it, so she could warn me when something scary was about to happen 😂
And, one of my favorite aspects of the movie, and the thing that gave me Mad Respect for Any Muschietti? The way he filmed Bev and her father. They have a character who is literally being molested, but they never once have to show it. And yet their interactions are still so viscerally upsetting to watch. Sexploitation puts me off of most horror, and the fact that Muschietti doesn’t use it here, even when it would be actually somewhat justified? *chef’s kiss*. I love him. 
I love horror as a concept, I’m just really picky about it because I expect the writing to be good. I don’t like short cuts. But in a lot of cases, even if I don’t enjoy the movie itself, I love to watch analysis videos on youtube! I love to see the philosophy and symbolism in different horror movies, even if i don’t like to watch the movies themselves. It’s a fun hobby. 
Then in general, some other stuff I love in no particular order:
The Internship (Bless Dylan, Stuart is such a bitch and I love him) 
American Assassin (ofc. The writing itself is eh, but Mitch is my man) 
Dylan’s episode of Weird City. (I actually have a lot of feelings about this one. Jordan Peele is another amazing writer/director, I really need to catch up on his works.) 
Dorian Gray (*chef’s kiss*)
Rogue One (Makes me cry every time) 
WARCRAFT (Obviously this is a fav. It made me so happy, words cannot express.) 
Coraline and most other stop motion animation. I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for that. 
Literally anything associated with Tim Burton. Fun fact, when I was 12 and in middle school, I planned to decorate my future house inspired by tim burton. Like, i had Plans. 
Most adaptations of Alice in Wonderland!
So! this got long as fuck! But you said you like that kind of thing lol 😂 I had kinda Eh sleep since I was up so late lmao, and I kept waking up (as usual, rip). And I’m so mad I go up for nothing! The dude I was supposed to show my listing to never showed, and is refusing to answer my calls >_> It’s been 2 hours now, and I still haven’t heard from him. But whatever, I already have a full price cash offer on the house so who cares. And that means I can play WoW all day, now! 
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callistochan87 · 3 years
whyyyyyyyyyy am I like this??
I’m reading C.S. Lakin’s Layer Your Novel: The Innovative Method for Plotting Your Scenes, and it’s making me rethink CS? I had an idea, one I’m not sure I’m thrilled with, but one that would require a rewrite if I did it. But I’m not committed yet, if at all—it’s just an idea that won’t go away but I don’t know enough about it to get attached. I’d actually need to plot it, using the techniques in the book (hence why I’m reading- actually I forgot I’d purchased it until I was poking around my Kindle library so I guess it’s like a present from me to me lol)
But I also wanted to use that same approach to properly tool out what I had now, or as much as I can when I’m 9-10 chapters into a 30-chapter book. These two ideas are at war with each other (it be easier to plot from the start! But you like the ideas you have, you just need to organize the plot through 5 different characters! But do I need 5 POVs when I can have one? You had one and didn’t like it that’s why you switched to multiple!!!)
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What I was thinking of doing was trying her layering approach, since I find I’m getting tired of writing without much of a direction. It leads to long scenes, rambling scenes, and chapters that are too long and too unfocused and I’m already sick of the “oH nO i’D lOvE tO wRiTe ThAt MuCh.” Yeah it probably doesn’t take you days to churn something out and your plot probably moves at a pace faster than “glacial”. It sucks the fun out of writing and makes it a chore
There’s always been some aspect of that to writing, but usually I can find some enjoyment out of it or some scene I really want to write. This just sucks the passion out of it and like CS is 95% painful exposition at this point, settings things up for a payoff that’s not really a payoff. Most of the characters are passive. The plot happens to then but they don’t influence the plot and DON’T GET ME STARTED on the antagonist thing
I know these flaws and yet I can’t fix them? Or I know these flaws and everyone tells me to stop being so picky
Anyway I’ve been feeling pretty shitty creative-wise for a long while and so I’m game to try anything that actually might make it easier and give me a clear outline, because lol clearly I’m incapable of doing it myself. It might help if I actually, you know, finish reading the book to see what the method is (I read for about 20 minutes before bed on my Kindle, so it’s small chunks) but right now I don’t know if I can stop to plot things out, let alone plot things out for 5 characters. Hell, Eric and Shelby get the shaft really, I can’t figure out what their plots are.
I know what I want Chris, Konnie, and Julia to do. And I like the multi-POV because the one thing I struggled with when it was just Chris’ POV was how to incorporate things they were doing without her (because of course they would). This at least gives them experiences unique to them, glimpses into their head while still keeping a similar plot (compared to what little I read of the first GoT book where the characters had completely different stories and I didn’t get far enough to see any of them converge).
BUT at the same time Chris’ goal is probably the most relevant to the plot so idk
Like I said I should probably finish reading the book first and actually see what the method is
And I know I don’t need to be relying on books and that I should JuSt WrItE wHaT i WaNt but we have seen how that turned out and by God if there is something I can follow to make this easier, to make the plot more concise, to do something besides stagnating and hating writing and essentially putting nearly through the wringer (sleep lol what is this sleep) then I will do it
But also this idea is nagging at me, while the other part of me says “bitch you already have ideas that work you just need to structure them better, stop being flaky”, so. You know. I’m pretty exhausted and also why. Why am I so indecisive about this. I never used to be. There was a period where I put out stuff regularly (still rambling, still long, but at least I finished)
Why am I like this?? Ugh so frustrating
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purplesurveys · 4 years
(found at xxbieberburnham)
“The rest of your life”
Are you independent or dependent? Dependent as all hell. I’ll put my foot down on very certain things, but most of the time I prefer hearing input or suggestions from people I trust. I definitely think it’s something I still have to work on because I know I’ll have to be mostly independent at some point.
If you could put your life into a category, where would it go? I feel like this would be easier to answer if you gave a list of categories. I don’t know what kind of insight you’re looking for.
How many animals do you have? I have two, but I call them pets.
Are you popular? Idk and I don’t care. All I know is I don’t actively seek to be so.
What time were you born? 9:11 in the evening.
Have you had any candy this week? Yeah, I had a gummy worm this morning. Mom bought a box of Halloween-themed sweets and there were cupcakes had gummy worms on them alongside marshmallows designed to look like a tombstone.
Are you more afraid of tornadoes or hurricanes? Hurricanes are terrifying, but I’m used to them. We don’t get tornadoes at all so I’ll not only be unprepared for those, but would definitely be more afraid of them too.
Do you like those nerd glasses? Sure, I still think they’re cute and look good on people but I never called them nerd glasses lol. Mine are kinda shaped like one.
Have you ever been in a fist fight? Nah, I’d be wiped out pretty fast.
What color is your house? A light shade of beige.
When was the last time you saw a rainbow? More than a year ago, I’m sure. It was during our ride back home from a journalism workshop, which if I remember correctly was all the way in Cavite. Goddamn we traveled a lot for those workshops.
Have you ever ate a crayon? I’ve never bitten off a piece but I’m not ruling out at least licking.
Ever rode in a helicopter? Nope. Would love to.
Do you like rabbits? Sure.
Do you like mushrooms? For the most part I don’t even think they taste like anything, so I never really had a problem with mushrooms.
“It’s like you step into the room and just press play”
What was the last movie you cried at? That Thing Called Tadhana. I had watched it five years ago after my first breakup; I got to go to Sagada shortly after that breakup, so that movie was actually very therapeutic for me at the time because it allowed me to release my feelings the way Mace did, also in Sagada. Now I’m stuck at home and can’t travel and that movie just hurt too much to finish.
What ice cream flavor best describes your personality? I don’t really...pair ice cream flavors with types of personalities.
Would you rather work for a small or large company? Large, because I feel like I’d be challenged more in those and thus learn more. Also it just looks nicer on resumés, if I’m being honest. Smaller companies are ok too but I prefer those that already have a rep for churning excellent results and having a good track record for workplace culture, like the company I’m currently working with.
Where's your favorite place to buy clothes? Ukays. I used to not like them, but my mom and sister did a great job reeling me in and making me see the appeal.
How many languages do you speak? Two.
What was the worst movie you've ever seen? Me Before You was such a waste of my time. Predictable, cheesy, and typical asshole-guy-softens-up-over-time-oh-and-just-as-you-start-to-root-for-him-we’re-gonna-kill-him-off. But idk, I was with friends who were into movies like those and I wanted to support them, so I went along to watch.
What video game have you played the most? Cumulatively, pretty sure it’s Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
What was your favorite TV show as a child? I was a Nickelodeon girl and Spongebob, Fairly OddParents, and My Life as a Teenage Robot were my top 3, with Jimmy Neutron closely trailing at #4. I loved Disney shows too but wasn’t really able to appreciate them as much until I got a little older and could understand their humor better.
What's your favorite sport? My answer won’t change - if it counts, pro wrestling. If it doesn’t, my next favorite is table tennis.
If you were given a brand new yacht, what would you name it? Nothing creative is coming to me at the moment.
Do you believe there’s life on other planets? Yes. Maybe not the ones in our solar system, but those out in the distant universe for sure.
What was the worst place you ever traveled to? Can’t say I’ve truly disliked a particular place we’ve been to. I will say that Chinese people have a...culture that I’m not used to, and I did not enjoy touring with a bunch of them during my cruise. They had buffet habits that I would consider unhygienic, they would sit at the same table my mom and I were eating at if there were available seats(??????? imagine if I just sat beside you at a diner while you’re having lunch?), and apparently it’s acceptable for them to actually look you in the eyes and point directly at you if they’re talking about you with other people. It was honestly a lot to put up with for six days, and the only reason I didn’t lose my temper was because my dad works in the ship and I didn’t want to cause him any trouble.
What is one thing you’re really bad at? Making art.
Do you believe in angels? No. I like referring to my grandpa as my guardian angel, but I don’t actually believe in angels.
Would you rather be a famous actor or musician? I know I’m awful at either, but I’d much rather act.
“where have you been all my life?”
If you could have invented one thing, what would it have been? It’d be cool to come up with something that ends up being widely popular and/or beneficial to society, but do it accidentally; like how popsicles came to be. Imagine building a legacy from your own oopsie lmao sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
What's your favorite exercise workout? I don’t do workouts.
What's your favorite thing to do? Wow, very straightforward. Hmm these days I’m slowly inching back to wrestling, so I’ve been watching compilations and documentaries and doing some catching-up here and there. Lately I’d say that’s my favorite thing to do, but that can always change.
What did you do for your 17th birthday? Gab and I went to Pinto and she brought me to Filio after. Then I got back home to see what Athenna had done to my room while I was out, which was to cover the floor with balloons and the walls with printed photos of Zayn Malik.
Does your local Wal Mart have benches in them to rest? First, we’ll need to have local Wal-Mart stores here.
Was your favorite stuffed animal really a teddy bear growing up? I never liked stuffed animals, so I didn’t even have a teddy bear.
If your house was haunted, what would you do? Not fuck with the ghosts/spirits.
Are you crazy in love currently? Not crazily, but in love.
Are you good at swimming? I can tread and do several strokes, but I also tend to panic so I think that eliminates the concept of me being a good swimmer.
What's worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? Slow internet. I can get around slow walkers; but unless I have mobile data, slow internet is out of my control for the most part.
What is the rudest thing a guy has ever done to you? I can’t pick between whistling at me, catcalling me, lunging at me, or flirtatiously harass me in front of his friends while I was minding my goddamn business carrying a goddamn box of cake at the mall. Yeah, not a very big fan of men.
Do you sleep with the sheets tucked in or out? Out.
What do you do to fall asleep faster? Put on a YouTube video and let autoplay take over.
Do you carry a bottle of water wherever you go? Yeah I used to, until I lost it.
Ae you afraid that one day you might get cancer? The fear of the possibility is there, but it’s not predominantly in our family history and so I’m more afraid of other issues I have a higher chance of getting, like high blood pressure.
“Letters to Juliet”
Are you a fast or slow walker? Fast if I’m running errands, slow-ish if I’m out for leisure.
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? No.
Does it bother you when people's underwear hangs out? Kinda. Even more when their crack decides to show up too.
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? No, I am one of the last people in line when it comes to that.
When's your birthday? April 21st.
Do you own a bobble-head toy? Nopes.
What color was the towel you used to dry off with today after a shower? Turquoise.
Has anyone ever walked you home? I’ve had someone drive me home. Walking isn’t really applicable here.
Have you ever liked someone and they were taken? That’s never happened to me.
When was the last time you went fishing? In my past life, maybe.
True or false: You've read the book Lord of the Flies? False.
Have you heard of the band Yellowcard? Yes.
Have you ever seen the show Teen Wolf? I’ve seen an episode and oh my god it was so boring.
Do you have any quotes, lyrics etc on your walls? I used to until my mom took it down while I was in school. I made it myself, so it stung.
Are you a fan of Star Wars? No.
“Our parents never let us cross the street, but we did it anyway”
Has anyone ever told you that you have nice hair? Whenever it was actually nice, yeah. It was never my best feature though.
What brand of camera do you own? I have...an iPhone, if it counts, ha. My old DSLR was a Nikon.
Is there something you're not looking forward to? The next day. Having to go through rounds of anxiety is not enjoyable.
Have you ever read the book Thirteen Reasons Why? Have not read the book nor seen the show, but have read enough of the premise to know I am not a fan.
Do you wear white pants? Sure, I have a pair of white jeans that I absolutely love.
When was the last time you were really angry? Yesterday. My sister and I were ordering KFC from a food delivery app and no driver was taking it because drivers in that company are notoriously picky bitches about their destinations. They kept canceling our orders and at some point I had enough and proposed that we just get Pizza Hut, this time straight from the Pizza Hut website, which has always worked out for us before. So Pizza Hut confirms the order, calls me up and says the ETA, so far so good. Around 15 minutes later the doorbell rings and it’s...KFC? With our original orders? Apparently that stupid ass app took our order anyway after repeatedly canceling it, and I never got one fucking notification that our order was received. Tried to cancel Pizza Hut but they said they had already started making the pizzas, so in the end we had to pay for both meals. I had never been so angry.
Have you ever made a 3 pointer in a basketball game? Hah, of course not. I’ve barely made one of those free throws that are worth one point.
Do you think you look better with your hair up or down? I’ve gotten more compliments whenever it’s up, so that must look better on me even if I personally don’t necessarily agree.
Do you warm up before you hardcore exercise? I don’t exercise, but isn’t warming up recommended anyway?
Do you want a pair of Converse shoes? Not really; I suppose they’re alright. It’s not my favorite brand in the world, but I wouldn’t turn down a free pair either.
Are you more of a studs or hoops type of person when it comes to earrings? Hoooooooooops for days.
How many shirts do you have of your favorite band? Just one. I’m not a band shirt person.
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? There’s no TV in this room.
Have you ever wore a tie before? Yeah, as a kid my mom sometimes made me wear neckties. They made me SO uncomfortable I was having internal breakdowns about being seen in public. I was 7 years old. Neckties to me were a boy thing and I felt 0% boy; and so it gave me such serious dysphoria. It’s like making a boy wear a pink tutu even if he’s already visibly distressed. Whenever I told my mom I felt uncomfortable, she would just tell me it “looks good.” Jesus Christ. Why did no one ever drag my mom to a parenting seminar? Did no one seriously see the signs???
What did you have for breakfast this morning? Garlic rice, bacon strips, and glazed ham.
“For the Krusty Krab”
Are you good at art? Of course not.
How many times have you read your favorite book? I don’t have one.
Name one thing that you really hate. Raisins, on their own and incorporated in a dish.
Have you ever tried walking on stilts? I haven’t.
Is there a war that you find interesting? Eh, not really. So many of historical accounts are bombarded with war narratives as it is, and I’ve just never really found disputes or tensions among countries to be the most interesting part about history. Plus women were mostly absent, and that makes it even more boring.
Would you rather live in the city or country? City.
Do you think $7 is too much for a movie ticket? Not always. $7 or ₱350 is actually pretty reasonable if you wanna see a movie at an upscale mall; people who watch movies in places like that shouldn’t be complaining about movie tickets that cost that much. But all movie theaters are the same anyway - pitch black, freezing, comfy chairs - so I just go to midscale malls where tickets would be like a hundred bucks cheaper since it’s gonna give me the same experience anyway.
Would you like to be a newscast person? For a long time I thought I wanted to be one because that’s what my entire family was rooting me to become. Eventually I realized reading from a teleprompter, interviewing guests, and asking questions to reporters is not a career I want.
Do you like word searches, coloring or crosswords better? Word searches, then coloring, then crosswords.
Close your eyes and press a random key on the keyboard. U.
How many William’s do you know? I don’t think I know anyone. It’s too foreign-sounding a name.
What time did you wake up this morning? I woke up at around 6 AM, but I fell back asleep immediately and woke up again around 30 minutes later.
Do you enjoy crutches? ...No? That seems a little insensitive for people who actually need them.
What's better: Snapple or Arizona tea? Arizona. It’s because I’ve never had the Snapple one, but tbh Arizona is already pretty delicious anyway.
Make a word out of the word: Dinosaur. Round.
“she said I love this song, I’ve heard it before”
When you were younger, did you play with legos? Yes. I was never a creative kid, but I liked playing with them anyway.
Do you like Trix cereal? It was only my absolute favorite cereal as a kid, no biggie.
Do you get nervous easily? Ugh, yes. My parents asked me to get water containers from our local water station last Saturday and I literally had to allot like two hours to brace myself and make a script in my head. I constantly rehearse shit nearly every time I have to go out of the house.
How long is your Facebook password? I’m not sharing that.
Do you like the movie Mean Girls? No, I didn’t find it funny the first time and that made me uninterested in giving it a second chance.
How do you want your wedding to be? Big, grand. Lots of friends, lots of food. Not Catholic/Christian.
Have you seen the movie or show Catfish? Nope.
Do you hate it when you arrive to something early? Not usually. Being early is my goal in most situations, unless I’m headed to like a party.
Have you ever been on Omegle? A few times as a teenager.
Are you still in love with one of your exes? Yes. It’s not going away for a while.
Do you think it's attractive when guys wear beanies? I don’t necessarily seek out men with beanies lol but I don’t think it looks bad on them either.
What's something that makes you feel shy in public? Unfamiliar situations.
Do you like the shows on MTV? No.
If you could go back and relive one day, what day? That last Friday I was in school before the lockdown happened. If I knew what the next eight months were going to look like, I would’ve stayed much longer in school, dragged my friends out to drink, blew my money on food, had more fun basically.
What's one word you hate to be called? Exhausting. Like being told I’m exhausting to be with. How does that not hurt?
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hockeytrashgoblin · 5 years
Road Trip ~ Tyler Seguin
A/N: IDK IF YALL CAN TELL BUT I’M REALLY IN MY FEELINGS RIGHT NOW BEING LONELY BUT WANTING SOMETHING CUTE. It’s whatever though. I’ll just keep writing cute shit and hopefully you guys will still read it lmao enjoy
It was a warm summer evening in Louisiana. Tyler and I had just started our road trip and I was very excited. We were going to be traveling across the country in a van, something I never thought I’d be able to convince Ty to do with me but to my surprise he was actually excited. We had put a mattress in the back and I had decorated with lots of pillows, blankets, and christmas lights. It looked typical but it was cute. We also had a lot of snacks hidden in different compartments around the van. 
Today we’d driven from Dallas to Baton Rouge which was about a 6 hour drive. We decided to stop there and spend the next day or so exploring. We didn’t have any real plan, we were just going until we had to come back. The Stars’ season was cut short so we had a lot of time to just escape the hockey stuff and just live our lives together out here on the road.
“Ty, do you think we’re going to see a gator?”
“Well if anyone will it’s you, baby. You’ve been looking out the window in every swamp we’ve past.”
“I really like them. I just want to see one where I can still be safe from it.”
“Then why not go to a zoo (Y/N)?”
“I want to see them in the wild.”
“You’re very picky.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry sweet girl.” he said smiling at me and kissing my hand. “Maybe we’ll luck out and you’ll see an alligator.”
“I hope so. Is there anything you want to see on this trip?”
“Just my girl happy.” he said with a cheesy grin.
“Okay you sappy fuck.” I said rolling my eyes at him. 
“I’ve seen so much of this country already. I just want to experience it with you, see how you react to stuff.”
“That’s so sweet baby.” I took his hand in mine and kissed it. We were quiet for a little while just watching the sunset while we drove into the rest stop. 
“Do you want some real food?”
“What do you mean real food?”
“There’s a restaurant in here. It’s a buffet, I know how much you like all you can eat.” he said with a cocky grin on his face.
“Tyler!” I exclaimed laughing and hitting his shoulder.
“What?! Where’s the lie babygirl?” he asked winking at me.
“You’re the woooorst.”
“Look at you blushing. I haven’t had you doing that using just embarrassing words in a long time.”
“That’s because you haven’t been that blunt about it in a long time.”
“Sounds like you’re taming me baby. Don’t know how I feel about that.”
“Ty, you’re Miley Cyrus.”
“Sorry what?”
“Can’t be tamed.” I said giggling as he threw his head back and groaned.
“That was awful.”
“It was funny.”
“If you say so babe.” he rolled his eyes making me laugh again. “Do you want food or no?”
“Not right now love. I’ve been eating a lot of snacks.”
“Okay then let’s just hangout for a bit? I’m not ready for bed yet.”
“I thought you were sleepy from driving?”
“I am but I’m not ready to be done with today.”
“And why is that?” I asked turning in my seat to face him. He grabbed my hand brought it up to his lips giving me small kisses.
“Because I have my beautiful girl all to myself and today has just been incredible. I love you.”
“Baby I love you too but has today really been that incredible? I mean we just drove. And the road trip is just starting, it’s not exciting yet.”
“Do you want to lay on the roof and look at the stars?”
“Always.” I said smiling brightly at him. We got out of our seats and went to the back. He opened the sliding roof and gave me a boost up out of the window before climbing out too. We laid there in the summer heat just looking at the galaxies above us on the clear night. I couldn’t help but look over at him and admire Tyler in the moonlight. He looked beautiful, like always, but it was different somehow. I’d never seen him so calm. While I was lost in thought he caught me starring making me blush while he smiled sweetly kissing my hand again.
“Can I tell you why today’s been incredible?” he asked looking deep into my eyes.
“Of course Tyler.”
“You’ve been here for me nonstop after the season ended. I was so down and out that I didn’t want anyone around. Through all the snarky comments and bitching you still stuck around and helped me. Then when I was really just closing in on myself and isolating myself from everyone including you, you brought me outside to show me this dumb van and pulled me out of it for an incredible adventure. Just like how everything with you has been an incredible adventure.” 
“Everything I do with you is incredible. But the way that you always know just what to do or say to help me and bring me back to real life, back to this moment in time is amazing. I was so out of it. I didn’t care about anything but as soon as I started packing to go on this trip with you all I could think about was how excited I was to be spending so much time with you. You pulled me out of a pit.”
“You just seemed so upset. I couldn’t just leave you like that Ty. I love you, I’m not going to let you shut yourself in a pit or whatever. We’re a team, love.” 
“Sometimes it feels like you’re the head of this team.” he said with a smile. “Maybe even the coach.”
“Tyler come on you do a lot for me too. Don’t act like this is all one sided.”
“I know it’s not one sided, it just has been recently.”
“That’s okay I don’t mind.”
“See that’s why you’re amazing. How don’t you mind? I’ve been so distant and awful and your response was to plan a trip for me to get my mind off things.”
“Sometimes it can’t be a 50/50 partnership. Sometimes things happen and it’s more like 80/20 and that’s okay. Most of the time it’s pretty equal so I don’t care if after something super upsetting happens to you that you need a little more effort. You’re worth the extra effort Tyler.”
“If you don’t stop I’m actually going to cry.” he said laughing but his voice cracked.
“Aw baby don’t cry. I just love you so much.” I rolled so I was half leaning over him. He put his hands on my waist and smiled at me. I could see his eyes filling with water. “Oh my god you are gonna cry.”
“I’m sorry, just no one has ever loved me like you do.” he let a tear slip down his cheek and I gently wiped it away with a soft smile. He held my hand gently to his face. “And I’m positive that no one ever will again.”
“Oh Ty come on.” I said rolling my eyes blushing.
“No. I mean it. I know for 100% certain that no one is ever even going to get the chance.”
“How do you know?”
“I’m so gone for you (Y/N). I want to marry you.”
“You what?” I asked in shock. He laughed at my response.
“I want to marry you.”
“I thought you never wanted to get married? We’ve talked about it.”
“I never thought I’d feel like this about another person. I never understood what people meant when they said that they couldn’t live without someone and wanting to make them theirs forever. I understand now. I didn’t want to be tied down at all until I met you. But when I met you and we started getting closer..everything just shifted.”
“Tyler, you’re going to make me cry.. And this isn’t like some dumb joke right?”
“Never. I wouldn’t joke about this. I want to marry you so bad. I want to pledge my love for you in front of our family, friends, and God. Promise them I’m always going to love and care for you.”
“You sap.” I said laughing wiping away tears.
“Says the one who’s crying.” he grinned at me leaning up to give me a kiss.
“Don’t know what you were expecting. I cry at everything.”
“I know. It’s cute.”
“Pfft liar.” I kissed him again but it didn’t really work since we couldn’t stop smiling.
“So does this mean you want to marry me too?”
“Ty, it’s all I’ve wanted for a while.”
“A while huh?”
“Yeah. That’s the reason I brought it up before. I wanted to know where you stood though so I didn’t scare you away. I’ve always wanted to get married. I want to marry you though. Have for months.”
“I have a confession.”
“Yes?” I asked feeling very suspicious.
“I may or may not have bought an engagement ring already.”
“Tyler!” I exclaimed loudly.
“Shh babe people are sleeping.”
“Tyler!” I whisper yelled at him making him laugh.
“Hey I said may or may not. I could be lying.”
“But you aren’t.”
“No I’m not.” we were quiet for awhile just watching the stars and enjoying small kisses here and there.
“So was this a proposal then?”
“God no, come on (Y/N) give me some credit. I have a whole cute-ass plan for when we get home to propose. This is just a pre-proposal I guess.”
“You’re so funny. I can’t wait to be for real engaged to you instead of ‘pre-engaged.’” I made air quotes making him laugh and kiss me again.
“I can’t wait for you to have my last name. That’ll be my biggest accomplishment to date.”
“I think you’ve done other things that might be above marrying me.”
“Like what the NHL? Babe that’s my whole life but trust me you’re more than that. Getting someone like you to marry me is going to be a huge accomplishment for me. The only way to beat it would be to have a kid with you or something and even then it might be a tie.”
“I’m so glad we decided to do this. I don’t think I would’ve seen such a sappy Tyler if we had stayed home.”
“You wouldn’t have. I don’t even think I would’ve talked at all at home.”
“I love you baby.”
“I love you.” he said giving me another soft kiss before we dissolved back into silence. Once I was tired we went back into the van and got ready for bed. We curled up together sharing ‘I love yous’ and kisses until we fell asleep. Going to bed knowing that Tyler loved me that much really made it the best sleep I’d had in a long time and I dreamed all night of my future with him. It looked bright.
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intheseautumnhands · 4 years
Um! Kliego, and.... your favourite other TUA ship (lawd, I'm suddenly hoping that you ship kliego lmaooo, sorry if you don't :'))
Hah, it’s fine! I’m into pretty much every single Hargreeves ship to some extent. Klaus/Diego* is not super high on my list to be honest, but I’m definitely still into it overall! I think it’s just fandom saturation more than anything that puts it lower down, because I do think the dynamic could be of interest.
* (I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I cannot use smushnames. I don’t begrudge anyone else use of them, they don’t bug me *that* much, but typing them feels so awkward.)
Choosing a favorite is honestly harder because I just want to ship all of them but I will... I dunno. Maybe RNG stuff I’ve written lately to pick. XD
Gonna cut since I’m already rambling before I even put in the questions, whoops.
(Also, two-days-later A: Hi I fell asleep in the middle of this and then barely touched my computer yesterday. Sorry!) 
when of if I started shipping it: I walked out of my first viewing singing the song of my people at every single combination possible (Not even walked out, I watched over several days, it only took the first. not even half a season.) (The song of my people is, of course, I Ship It by Not Literally.)
my thoughts: Again, it’s not my #1 ship for the show, but I definitely could see it. I like that, of all the possible combos that could have hung out during the time between leaving home and the show, they seem to have the least amount of active vitriol and bitterness. It opens up interesting windows for that time period, as well as means it’s among the ships that need the least foundation work to get to somewhere decent afterwards. It makes it an interesting counterpart to some of the more actively difficult combinations, which I like especially in a poly context (because I am me and everything happens in a poly context).
What makes me happy about them: Again, the possibilities during the time gaps! And the general sense of... friendliness? It does feel like they’d have a lot less to get over than a lot of the pairs and I like it. (granted I think Klaus in general, while he has plenty of issues, seems to have less of them with his siblings specifically than most, so that’s playing into it, but I also see Diego as probably the one with the most after Vanya, so that’s interesting in and of itself.)
What makes me sad about them: I’m just sad for all these children growing up in their shitty, shitty childhood. And by sad I mean I want to read a lot of things that make me want to cry. Either as children but also I’m down for adults unwillingly letting the conversation drag around to their trauma too.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Klaus is snarkier, more clever, and a lot stronger, mentally and physically, than I feel like a lot of fic gives him credit for. I think that goes for a lot of fic in this fandom, but since it’s one of the biggest ships and he’s in it, I feel like it shows up a lot for K/D. I’m not a big fan of them being really close as kids, either, which comes up a lot; my headcanon for Diego being pretty distant from all his siblings is strong enough that it takes a lot of set-up for me to accept anything else. (Awkwardly getting close in late teens as both of their ‘get me the fuck out of here’ drives get stronger and stronger is easier for me to see than close-as-kids.)
things I look for in fanfic: Tropes! The writers for this ship give me all the tropes. I want to marinate in it. I’m also kind of into general ‘it was casual, then whoops, I caught feelings, now what??????’ for them, because I could see it. Other than that, like... look, if it looks like it’s interestingly written or has an interesting concept, I will read it. I’m not super picky in this fandom, if it’s Hargreeves-centric and doesn’t bitch at shippers in the tags I’m in to at least give it a try.
My kinks: Uhhhh. Hmmm. I haven’t actually read a lot of kink fic for this ship or considered it, but I feel like I want mutual sadism/masochism.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Honestly my hope is for most of the characters to end up without another major romantic plot. I’m here for canon Allison/Luther but hoping the rest of them just... don’t. Especially since I don’t see them going for two sibling ships and that’s really all I’d want to see. If not that, both of them with new characters would be my preference, because there’s no one actually in the show I’d be down for. Maybe if they somehow warp the timelines around enough to bring Patch back, but even then, eh, just let me have family stuff.
My happily ever after for them: In general as characters, my ideal endgame for both characters is in healthier places than their start point, still clearly working out their shit, and on good terms as a family. As a ship: I feel like both of them would get bored eventually by any kind of ‘and then they went and got a happy domestic place to live and nothing exciting ever happened again’, even if it might be nice for a little while, so... active, somehow. Either they end up somehow finding some kind of active hobby to screw around with together, and enjoy flirting with each other while they do it, or like, I don’t know, get bored one day and accidentally buy a business just to have something to do and find they get weirdly invested in running it. (Maybe, like, a restuarant or something else that’s really high-stress. Or maybe the gym Diego boxes at goes for sale and he doesn’t like the look of the most likely potential buyer and buys it himself before he realizes he has no idea how to run something and has to slink back home and let Klaus laugh at him. Shit, I want that fic now.)
who is the big spoon/little spoon: This assumes either one of them are capable of sleeping totally still which honestly I don’t see. They both seem like the kind of people who flip around in their sleep and wake up five times a night. So, they both take it in turns and also sometimes just end up in weird sprawled positions, either on top of each other or really far from each other.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Honestly, I feel like joking around and talking together would probably be it. I could see road trips, too.
Uhhhh I RNG’d things I’ve written lately and I got Ben/Allison. Nobody else writes that but it’s the tiny ship of my heart so I’m gonna do it anyway. I’m sorry, my random teeny ships are what you sign up for when I get to choose. >>
when of if I started shipping it: On like my third rewatch Allison’s little “I miss him” while she’s watching the cameras burned itself into my brain and I have wanted more for the two of them ever since.
my thoughts: I just! Look it’s pretty much canon that everyone loved Ben, but something about his snarky-but-because-I-want-you-to-do-better-and-I’ve-given-up commentary with Klaus and Allison’s alternating defensive and concerned mode -- I just want them to team up together to despair everyone else’s problems and try to figure out how to help (and often failing; I feel like in a general sense, they’re both better at pointing out the problems than actually fixing them on their own). And I feel like they both get prickly in ways the other would understand and be able to deal with easier than most of the family.
What makes me happy about them: I feel like this just blends into the thoughts above. I love the potential for how they might interact, and the potential for them to call out each other’s shit (and probably everyone else’s).
What makes me sad about them: Everything about Ben in canon is sad! Even the happy things are sad!
things done in fanfic that annoys me: There are exactly two fics for this pairing and one is me and one is PWP smut, which just isn’t super my thing. So uh. there needs to be fic to annoy me. Please write fic specifically to annoy me, oh no, don’t throw me into that briar patch. (That said, in general, I feel like both of them get their sharper points filed down a lot in fic. They both have their pointed sarcasm and their moments of outright lashing out, and I want to see more fic deal with that.)
things I look for in fanfic: Again, I say, please let fic exist. Also, I badly want a proper AU of Ben surviving and running off to Hollywood with Allison. I did not do it justice in my tiny thing.
My kinks: I want switchy powerplay with an emphasis on play -- competitiveness and teasing and wrestling. Also younger or AU Allison who hasn’t yet tried not to use her rumors for everything not trusting anyone but Ben enough to gag her, because her voice is her best weapon. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Please please give me an Allison/Luther endgame. Ben I have no feelings on -- I still stand by not wanting any other romantic subplots, really -- but I am rooting for Allison/Luther in canon no matter how many others I ship them with.
My happily ever after for them: Possible in canon, as characters: Allison figures out how to balance ‘not using her rumors at all’ and ‘rumoring everything always’; Ben gets brought back to life and gets to be happy. As a ship: Honestly, connected to the family and both doing their own, fulfilling, non-superheroy things. Allison can act and Ben can get a chance to figure out what he wants to do, because I feel like even if he’d survived that would’ve been hard for him.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Especially if we’re going with some semblance of canon and Ben’s died and come back, he’s the little spoon, because being wrapped up in someone else is comforting. But also just any kind of cuddling is welcome.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Judging everyone. No, I kid. Sharing and discussing books and movies, maybe. Ben passes along books he liked* and they watch movies together and Allison dissects acting choices and they both debate themes and ending of more ambiguous stories. They are loud movie watchers if they stay home to watch things, and go have loud debates over coffee after if they go out. *(I actually have a whole tangent in a fic that got cut out that I want to reuse for this fact, specifically about Ben having a slightly masochistic Lovecraftian phase in his early teens and passing it on to Allison, and Allison in her 20s thinking that if it fits either of them, it’s her, because she gets in people’s brains and rewires them and they forget what she’s done to them, and if either of them could make people go mad, it’s her.)
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “John Wick” Part 3
Y/N left The Organization 3 years ago for the one reason strong enough to make her settle down: love. But after tragedy crushed her to pieces, she decided to leave The Joker and seek refuge with an old friend and mentor - John Wick. Needless to say The King of Gotham can’t accept his wife running away without a word, especially since he didn’t have a chance to tell her things she might want to hear.
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Part 1     Part 2
The Joker listens at the bedroom’s door, impatient to have a conversation with you. It seems you are engaged into a fervent phone call with Winston and figured he shouldn’t interrupt.
“Please, anything you can discover would be a great help! U-hum… U-hum… Thank you,” and you hang up, which queues your husband to walk into the room.
You completely ignore him, scrolling through the numerous text messages you sent to your connections; several are already answering back and hopefully you can get some news soon. The more people are involved into the project, the more chances to find Kase and untangle the mystery of what happened to him after he was removed from the car.
“You left me there,” The Joker sneaks in and closes the door behind him. “Luckily we had Wick with us so he gave me a ride.”
No reaction. He takes a deep breath, trying to get your awareness.
“I didn’t sleep with Evelyn; sex wasn’t the reason why I kept visiting her. I know how that asshole made it sound and he was totally out of line!”
You quickly glance at him, busy replying to Ares since you feel you’re going to explode soon.
“The only skill I was interested in is the fact that she is an excellent painter and a popular art smuggler, OK?” J raises his voice, sort of annoyed you neglect to participate into his monologue. “I did not cheat, alright?” he approaches his wife. “First of all: I’m VERY picky! Second of all: why would I want a woman everyone else had?! I don’t like used toys. Third: nobody’s been polishing my gun as you tastefully addressed the issue! I have one Queen and I married her!!”
A little bit of doubt in your eyes and he utilizes the opportunity.
“You said you saw me going to her house? I did! The Bowery King asked if it was for the last 6 months? Yeah, I did! You know why?!”
At least now The Joker got your attention: you play it cool but he guesses you’re torn apart by his confession.
Many unfortunate events crammed in lately and hating the man you love made life infinitely more unbearable.
“Why…?” you barely muster the strength to inquire and he sees it as a possibility to mend a few broken pieces; although you can hide your emotions well, J can still read between the lines.
Maybe that’s why he answers with another question:
“Do you realize there are just three Monet paintings in circulation on the black market in the entire world? You admire his work and it took a lot of effort and a substantial fortune to acquire The Water Lily Pond painting. Evelyn Black helped with the transaction, then I had her make some modifications to the original masterpiece.”
You keep staring at The King of Gotham, uncertain about the stuff being tossed your way: is he lying or telling the truth?... In your line of work translating feelings is a huge part of the job; ultimately you had the best mentor to teach you the ropes when you started with the organization: none other than the legendary Baba Yaga. Despite his reputation and to your own amazement, John was one of the few hitmen with integrity and perfectly mastered the aptitude of not being a jerk. Such a rare gem… And blissfully unaware of it himself.
On the opposite end, The Joker is a jerk and flawlessly acquainted with his own “captivating” personality that made you fall in love with him anyway.
Also, doesn’t appear to be deceitful for the moment.
And you despise yourself even more for wanting to believe him.
“What… modifications?...” you throw him a bone and J is definitely not going to pass on the alternative of explaining his actions.
“I wanted to surprise you so I took advantage of Miss Black’s capabilities in the art field; I had her add small images to the authentic canvas: an evolution of you being pregnant, the nine frames culminating with a tenth: the new mother holding our son. Similar to a timeline,” he emphasize and you look intrigued, which might be a positive sign. “Needless to say it was tedious, difficult work, especially because she had to apply special pigments you can’t find at every corner of the street. Apparently you can’t mix old paint with contemporary shades, thus I had to order aged, special colors from Italy, Spain and France. That’s why I went to her place so often: I had to supervise the long process and make sure it turns out astonishing. Then…” and The Joker pauses,”…Kase was gone and I didn’t know what to do with my gift: bring it home or not? Would you have loved it? Would it make you sadder? I continued to drive to Evelyn’s and glare at the stupid painting for hours, undecided on what to do…”
J watches you bite on your cheek, then straightens his shoulders as you utter the words:
“… … … You ruined a genuine Monet?”
Your spouse might be a smooth talker when needed, yet he’s not wasting his versatility on this statement:
“I didn’t ruin it; I made it better!”
Silence from both parties. A good or bad omen? Hard to decipher the riddle with two individuals tangled into a relationship that somehow worked despite countless peculiarities meant to keep them apart.
“I have to talk to Jonathan,” you finally mutter and The Joker steps in front of you.
“Talk to me!”
“Unless you know the exact location of the suitcase full of gold coins he’s been safekeeping for me, I really have to speak to him. Or do you want to hammer the whole basement searching for it?”
Y/N walks out of the bedroom and J lingers inside, evesdropping on the conversation happening downstairs. He can’t understand the chat, but you are probably notifying John about the details your husband left out.
Might as well join the party, therefore The Clown pops up in the living room with a plea impossible to refuse:
“Hey Wick, can I stay here? I don’t care if you say no, I’m not going to leave.”
Your friend crosses his arms on his chest, focusing on the random topic:
“How could I deny such a polite request? Of course you can stay Mister Joker; my house is your house.”
You’re watching the free show unamused; usually it would make you smile…now you lack the depth for such connotations.
“Don’t get smart with me, Wick!” J growls and Jonathan pushes for a tiny, unnecessary quarrel.
“I’m not; although generally speaking, I fancy considering myself a smart guy.”
The Joker opens his mouth and you’re not in the mood for whatever the heck they’re initiating:
“I’m going to pump, then after you dig out the suitcase I’ll take half to the Bowery King,” you announce your plans to them.
“You can do that and rest; I’ll deliver the coins,” John immediately offers. “I can stop by Aurelio’s car shop and ask for his collaboration: he has a lot of associates, doesn’t hurt to get him involved. You have plenty of gold.”
“I have two more suitcases in the Continental’s safe and two more at The Penthouse. It doesn’t matter if it’s all gone as long as I can find my son.”
“I know gold coins are preferred; don’t forget we have a lot of money too,” J reckons with spite.
Is he reminding you or Jonathan?...
Your husband spent the last hour in the garden, talking and texting with a lot of people; needless to mention he’s capitalizing on his network also. Winston disclosed Stonneberg’s contract is still opened, meaning the son of a bitch is out there; you have to scoop him before anybody else does.
“Y/N…” The Joker tiptoes in your quarters. “I thought you were taking a nap,” he huffs when he sees you at the edge of the bed.
You glare at the vial on the nightstand, sharing your idea for a future you wish will come true:
“I didn’t have my medicine in two days; I won’t take it anymore because if we get Kase back… I will nurse him. It all goes in the milk and I want to be able to feed my baby… Do you think his little heart is still beating?...” you sniffle and J is currently debating on a clever response since his mind is blank; one could deduce messing up is encoded in his DNA, but on such a huge scale… well, it gives new interpretations to the term even for him.
The grieving woman seeking reassurance for their loss is trying to make sense of the pointless occurrences that lead to Kase being an innocent victim and The Joker can’t render clarification: he has no clue why he asked her to marry him and why she said yes, it’s not that he’s husband material or a family man. Perhaps Y/N thought he could be… just enough to get by, that’s why she accepted his proposal.
Most women would have cringed at the concept. Most women. Not Y/N.
Most women would have flinched at the notion of having his baby. Most women. Not his wife.
Above all, she trusted J with their son and he treated the three weeks old like a trinket: didn’t drive him home because he had an important meeting, didn’t bother to assign escorting cars nor extra security. The King of Gotham took his child’s safety lightly and it definitely had severe consequences. Too late now to fix past mistakes... but he can attempt.
“You’ll be able to nurse him, OK?” he sits by you and hands over his cell. “Can you enter your phone number in here? Or am I not allowed to have the present digits?”
You’re hesitant and he slides the screen while you hold the gadget.
“Lemme help you,” The Joker sarcastically mumbles. “It should be the first on my list, right where the old number you canceled was.”
You exhale and fulfill his demand out of pure frustration when he squeezes in a second innocent petition.
“Chose my avatar.”
You grunt at his rubbish, scrolling through his folders for a picture anyway; J hopes the largest file will get your attention and that’s the point. How could Y/N miss it?!
Entitled “Baby”, the humongous cluster of pics contains 5,723 items. You open it quite absorbed by its size; what’s more puzzling is the collection depicting Kase’s ultrasounds, hundreds of frames with you being pregnant taken without you knowing: there’s a few when your ankles were so swollen you had to sleep with your feet up on 4 pillows, others with you munching on strange food you craved, more with you in the shower focused on your bump, a decent amount of couple selfies when you were sleeping and J had to immortalize the moment without waking you up and approximately 1,500 images of the newborn.
“You didn’t gross me out when you were pregnant,” The Joker reminds a teary Y/N. “Not sure why you would believe such aberration...” he pulls you on his knees and yanks the phone away, tossing it on the nightstand. “I would also like to underline I didn’t have an affair with Miss Black, alright?”
J lifts your chin up, forcing to look at him.
“Let’s put it this way: why would I fuck around with another woman when I have a wife at home that wants to kill me on a regular basis, hm? Where would the fun be? I mean, she didn’t pull the trigger yet but it’s exciting to hope she might. You know me: I’m a sucker for thrills!”
“Do I?”
“Huh?” J steals a kiss and you frown at his sleekness.
“Know you?”
“Yeah,” the green haired Clown acts composed while in fact his feathers are ruffled. Before you catch onto it he has to ultimately admit: “I’m sorry I didn’t drive the car… I should have…”
The Joker holds in his breath when your arms go around his neck very tight.
“I’m suffocating…” he grumbles. “I can’t tell if you’re trying to hug me or choke me to death,” J keeps on caressing your hair, prepared to block your attack in case you’re actually in killing mode.
This is the excitement he was speaking about: with you, one could never know until it’s a done deal.
“I bumped into Magnus at the Continental,” you give him a bit of space to inhale much needed air and The Joker is surprised at your revelation. “I had no idea about his scheme, otherwise I would have skinned him alive right on the hotel grounds! I wouldn’t have cared about the consequences!”
“I’m glad you didn’t,” J cuts you off and he can tell you’re getting mad; maybe you think he doesn’t give a damn but the reason is simple. “You would’ve been declared excommunicado for murder on neutral ground and I don’t want my wife to be the target of such punishment from the company she so proudly retired from. I need my partner!”
The King of Gotham touches your forehead with his as you whisper:
“I hate you!”
“Mmm, regarding this true love affirmation, I’m gonna need you to take a break from detesting me until we have Kase, then you can despise me full throttle again. Deal?” he extends the palm of his hand and you reluctantly shake it, not realizing you’re reacting to his nonsense. “Is that a smile?” J returns the favor with one of his creepy silver grins.
“Liar,” he pecks your lips and can’t explain the weird feeling in his heart when you kiss him back.
Jonathan enters the house and becomes suspicious after a few minutes: too much silence.
Omg! Did you and The Joker engaged into a brawling that ended up badly? Did you end each other?!
John frantically runs to the garage, nervous to see your car and J’s are still parked inside. Shit!
“Y/N?” he shouts, concerned about your fate; The Joker’s… irrelevant. Nobody in the garden, patio is empty also. Downstairs is deserted thus he rushes upstairs to your room. The door is not completely shut and he slowly pushes it, knocking.
“Y/N? Can I come in?”
The first thing he notices are clothes scattered on the floor, then he halts his movement at the sight of Y/N and her husband dozing off on the bed sideways: the naked bodies are covered with a blanket, but he can tell you’re snuggled in J’s arms.
Jonathan steps backwards, guilty of invading his guests’ privacy; he certainly didn’t expect to intrude in such a manner and softly closes the door, grateful it’s not what he feared.  
You and The Joker are so worn out the sound of your phones vibrating on the nightstand doesn’t wake you from the deep sleep. Your numerous contacts keep replying back to the text messages, the most important one showing up on his cell: one of the people J reached to is Evelyn Black and the two sentence conversation lights up the screen.
“Let me know if you see Stonnenberg.”
“He’s here.”
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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sumeshi-t · 4 years
the idea of making hc’s of children is sosososo cute. i’ll follow ur steps chloe @akaashit-baeji lolol this is gonna be really self-indulgent buuut my excuse is that it’s my birthday so here it goes... i'm writing the last half of this with a hangover and a bad case of dysmenorrhea... sucks 2 be me
Oikawa Teru (及川 輝)
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his name “輝“ means “bright”, and this boi lives up to it because, let’s face it, he’s gonna be like his dad. he embodies this “brightness”, in a way that he’s smart, and he makes sure he and his team’s (or whichever team he’s going to be in) will shine on the court
wavy/curly hair and a victim of my and his dad’s astigmatism. always has this cheeky smile, and he gets my brimming energy so he’s really approachable and charming
very good with words; it’s like he always knows what to say
when he plays he also wears contact lenses
but don’t be fooled. in their generation, it’s him who has to put iwaizumi’s son in check. he knows everything about his teammates too, he knows more than what he lets on (which sometimes, they find creepy, but they all know he means well)
anyway, unlike his dad, he doesn’t really mind having geniuses around. instead, he watches them very closely; something like “mutualism”. he knows what he lacks and he knows he can learn from them too, vice versa.
is into horror games. in his free time, he and his sister take turns playing. and they decide it by seeing who can last the longest without flinching/screaming. he’s annoyed because his sister’s better at it 
has fans, ngl. i mean look at him. however, the female fans especially, are pretty on guard. he’s approachable, but anytime they see him with his sister... they back out. he doesn’t mind, he loves his sister and it actually amuses him. he’s the same when it comes to the boys who hang around her too!
basically protective siblings who are always there for eo
is very neat. can’t concentrate when something is out of place. he keeps his nails short, has a somewhat flowery scent. yes, he uses female perfumes because he despises strong smells.
bug-catching was his childhood hobby just like mine’s was. used to sneak beetles in iwaizumi’s son’s backpack back then
he will never admit it but he actually asks his sister for fashion tips because his taste sucks ass so bad
basically his major problem or issue in life is getting compared to his father (he’s also a setter). he hates that so much, being hidden in the shadow of his dad, and when people just recognize him for being oikawa tooru’s son.
something he and ushijima’s child relate to so strongly. they’re friendly rivals; might end up being teammates in their career hmm
so when he’s the one stressed, he skips practice for a day just so he could recollect his thoughts. usually stays in the library to read books he picked up based on the titles; might either open up to iwa or his sister later on, it depends. then when he’s okay, he doubles the amount of training
Oikawa Rie (及川 麗恵) it’s /ri-ye/ oki
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so the kanjis are: "麗" meaning, beautiful and "恵" is blessed. tooru thought of this name obviously
also has curly hair like mine. has that tiny mole below her eye just like i do. actually has lots of moles over her body; one time she fell asleep on the couch her brother drew connecting lines between the moles on her arm and called them constellations. it was nice she thought but still, the next day, teru had to wear a band-aid over his nose bridge.
she’s just a year younger. is less “vibrant” than her brother, a bit more serious. has a resting bitch face and she’s not even sorry about it and i love her for that
she’s actually relieved she looks like that, or else she knows the girls in her class would flock to her just to get in her brother’s pants. usually brushes them off with “ask him, not me” or “do you think that’s any of my concern?” 
her tongue her words damn never get to this baby girl’s bad side she’s gonna burn you alive. like fr when she’s angry, oh she’s gonna show you that she’s angry. but tbh she's very sweet, leaves little notes or little gifts to her friends every now and then
she just doesn’t want her brother’s heart to be broken (she’s heard stories from her mom about her dad’s many hs exes), and she knows teru’s struggles
doesn’t really like volleyball that much. it’s because she didn’t get to grow up with her dad around, she felt like it separated her from him. she’s not mad at him though. she’s very supportive of him and her brother.
used to play vb though when they were kids. but that’s all it was for her
she’s the team’s honorary manager lol the occasional “i brought you guys sumn” or “something-kun, a girl from my class says she likes you so do your best” etc
the team’s lil sister how bout that
despite being tolerant of horror games, this girl is vvvv squeamish. she cries at the sight of internal organs or blood. biology lab was the worst time of her life 
when she dug up my hs videos she was shook to discover i once did theater. and thus begins her interest in theater too
and??? baby girl is actually???? really really good???? 
the girls she used to shut down nicknamed her “prima”, short for “prima donna” she hates it. hates it more when her closest theater buddy was the one who spread that around
immediately went to the gym to spike some balls from her brother. baby girl was crying because she was just so pissed.
she was given ice cream and sweets afterwards. ugh it’s so cute idk she’s baby to the team skksksk they protecc
in that upcoming play, her first ever performance, the whole team got front row seats and howled when she came on during curtain call; it was vvv sweet and memorable even if the guys were kinda reprimanded afterwards lmao
which is why, in return, boiis also have a hard time approaching her because damn??? the vb team as your knights???? excuse me??? 
oh have i mentioned she has a sweet tooth? mygod. she has a stash of sweets in her room. teru has had to sneak some away because she might get tooth aches or diabetes
her pastel nail polish is arranged by shade, her body clock is fucked up lmao she hates the mornings; has succulents by her window which she names after various characters from books/plays etc she’s for sure gonna be a theater actress tho
asks help from iwa’s son for math. even her brother’s 0% help. teru is smart but a terrible teacher. she’s an above-average student and that’s all that matters for her. she can leave the spotlight to her brother because she only craves one type of spotlight
Miya Seiichi (宮 聖一) and Miya Seiji (宮 聖二)
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their names literally mean “聖” sacred then “一” is one, and “二” is two
atsumu thought it was funny. when they were kids, seiichi’s nickname was “juan” and seiji’s was “tutu” (i gave them the nicknames)
when the twins discovered the meaning behind the nicknames, they hated it. especially seiji, he despises it vvv much
so when they were hs, seiichi = chi, seiji = ji for the people they're close with
as we can see here, the twins unfortunately got my curls. seiichi likes his hair as is. he doesn’t like the thought of dyeing his hair just to be differentiated from his twin. in fact he enjoys twin jokes, enjoys tripping people up about it. seiji on the other hand, grew tired of his brother’s jokes and by the time hs started, he sacrifices his soft hair. 
between the two, seiji is the one who has my ugly eyesight. add to the fact that he reads a lot (once he starts he can’t put it down. so he reads in the dark, in a moving car etc)
the piercings was a thing that happened between them, and their cousins (which were also twins wtf)–it was a 2v2 vb thing and they lost
surprisingly, the cousins weren't pleased bc atsumu didn't scold them for getting piercings (but for playing half-heartedly). seiichi wanted the piercings tho tbh it was the perfect excuse. ngl, seiji also wanted them.
first let's talk abt seiichi, aside from the fact he also got my mole (he feels it makes him look cuter tho)
seiichi's into vb, but not a setter. he's the ace. may or may not push through with it as a career. he hasn't decided yet. is actually a bit sad that seiji didn't join the vb club in hs, he wanted them to be like his dad and uncle.
seiichi doesn't have any uh, quirks like shutting the whole cheer squad up like his dad does. but he usually dribbles the ball five times before any serve (this is something i did before) and he likes the 'ooooh hey' thing the crowd does when he goes for a serve
his side of the room doesn't have much stuff going on except workout equipment. he follows what exercise plan i give him as da PT mom that i am, and he is very strict with his diet and with what he eats–he's close to not needing a calorie counter anymore; but not a picky eater. he loves his uncle's cooking very much and he is jealous he can't cook even if he tries
he can do beatboxing, he learned it through youtube lmao his spotify playlists are da bombest; he learns a lot in youtube tho in his free time. his current interest is magic tricks and french (he thinks he can use it to woo that girl from class 4)
he hates insects, and hates mess. he has had to scold his twin about it that it escalated to them having this imaginary line in the middle of the room
anyway, he's straightforward. but not rude. he just doesn't like any pretenses so he says what he thinks or feels is right. may or may not have led to some misunderstandings, but he owns up to his mistakes if he crossed a line
next, seiji
even if he looks like a nerd with his glasses tbh he is not he actually hates studying. you can love reading without having to love studying right? he's that dude
the only time that he regrets dyeing his hair was when he realizes couldn't change identities so his brother could take his exam for him
his side of the room is littered with his sketches, notes from books, pencils everywhere – he drew a bunch of ants one time on a paper and made it look like they're real ass ants and placed it on seiichi's pillow
to solve this problem, atsumu has planned to give him a tablet for his next birthday
quits vb in hs because he kinda lost interest? he still finds it fun but he doesn't wanna be put under the pressure that his dad and uncle left for them lmao
he's in art clubs tho
he designs banners/posters for the team anyway. they use his strategic mind from the shit he's read for any plays and stuff so when he's not drawing, he's thinking
he might look like he has no emotions, but tbh he is more emotional and empathetic than his brother. he cries easily over the simplest things, like those grandparents vids, or rescuing animals and stuff
and thats why he doesn't let people in too much bc he knows he'll be hurt (dw seiichi knows this vvv well, and even if they do have arguments, he loves his lil bro and helps him about this)
has once begged to have a cat at home–seiichi didn't want bc he knows his twin is gonna leave him for clean up lmao
he can cook period.
he's gonna either be an architect or an animator, still hasn't decided.
his music taste sucks lmao. his youtube recents are filled with cooking stuff; in constant conversation with his uncle abt cooking lol it be cute sometimes atsumu is jealous bc he feels his son is closer to his brother than with him
he is forgetful that's why his stuff is messy lol he keeps misplacing stuff, sometimes it's literally in front of him and he's just 'where????'
but remembers dates well, remembers plays well. he's good at nitpicking tiny nearly insignificant details. just anything outside studying? he's good. dw he passes his classes but he hates giving effort for that shit lololol
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