#i am bouquet frog
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Which flower frog are you?
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ashetherando · 10 months
“…I Love you…” FizzOzzie x Idol! Reader
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Warning: death, angst, and blood
pronouns: They/Them/Theirs
3rd Pov
It was the last morning of your Tour before you can spend your December and half of January home with your lovers Fizzarolli, a jester that recently quite from Mammons crazy ass self, it’s completely understandable when you had your first show at the Mammon stage! And Asmodeus, the King of Lust and a very big rooster that everyone is aware of both Fizz and Ozzie’s relationship, but you never told anyone about your relationship or never told anyone about your personal life at all. You opened the door to the Kitchen to see them eating their breakfast, you grab a cup and start making yourself a cup of coffee “so, (Y/N) last day, am I right!” Fizz perks up with a smile “yup! Freedom for two and a half months!” You sat down across from them “so, what ring is this taken place?” Ozzie asked and took a big bite of his fried eggs “Greed. Greed, NotaScam too be exact” you take a swig of your coffee “ahhh, I heard a lot of bad things there. You better be careful” “don’t be, Fizzy-Frog. Guards will be there to take to and from, and you’ll be there, right, Fizzy?” “Yurp!” He finishes his plate and place in the dishwasher and left the room to get ready for the day. You sit down in the limo next to Fizz “do you have to bring the Queves?” You asked him as at least 15 of them sit on your lap and in between the two of you “yes, yes I do!” You scratch one of the nearest queve next to you behind its ears. As the car drive slowly turns Bluish-Purple to green, you send out a tweet on Wrathier saying how excited you are with this show. You drove passed the dome your concert is taken place, little people in the regular line and so much people in the VIP line “holy shit, (Y/N) that’s a lot of people to meet you” “yeah, holy fuck!” You start to feel uneasy, Fizz saw your expression change from happy to nervous and held your hand “don’t worry, babes. I’m here if anything happens!” He pecks you on the cheek and the limo parks in the back of the building, next to the exit, you open the door and left, then the family of Queves left and Fizz zooms across you and into the building. You found your dressing/warmup and gotten comfortable with it, your manager throws you around from helping the VIP merch table and warmup and so on and so forth. The VIP doors open and a wave of people comes it, people crowding the merch table and people getting into the front of the pit and since there’s so much people, you have to talk and take pictures with the barriers, so you won’t be grabbed, touched, or something bad happening to you. You sing a sneak peek of your next song as an acoustic and waved them goodbye as you left into your dressing room with Fizz as he held you close. Until Fizz got hungry “honey, I’m gonna pick up some food near the building, love you!” He pecks you and speeds off and you entered your room.
45 minutes later, you finished up warming up your voice and instrument warmups. The door knocked, Fizz is back! “I’m coming!” You opened the door, it wasn’t Fizz, it was someone with a grey hoodie with so many stains and pit sweat stains with the hood up along with really baggy pants, he had a bouquet of Chrysanthemums “hello, (y/n) (l/n), how is your boyfriends in the lust ring?” You were stunned and you panicked internally ‘how did he know? Did you get drunk and brag about it on your Instagram live? How the hell did he-!’ All the memories you shared with FizzOzzie, from the first Christmas and winter together, dates, and when you fall asleep together one time when you were sick and they both got sick, when you felt a puncture on your chest and sharp pain worse than any anxiety attack feeling, “DOES THAT HURT? I WAS HURT WORSE! You went and get knocked up but two sleeze-bags even though you’re an idol, You fan-betraying slut! You lured us in with your constant “I love you! I love you!” Crap! It was all lies!” blood fell spread from costume to the ground, you pushed away and held where the wound is at,all the members stood up and comes to your aid, while the crazy mysterious imp runs away “(y/n)! I’m back!” Fizz comes back with the food held high “the line was so long I was considering going back to lust for foo-!” He blinks when he saw you on the ground fighting for your life “(y/n)…(Y/N)!” He drops the bags and runs towards you and quick calls Ozzie “Ozzie! OZZIE! SOMETHING HAPPENED TO (Y/N)!” Tears fell “DO SOMETHING, RANDOM ASS BAND MEMBER!” “It’s Bob” “I DONT CARE!DO SOMETHING!” Fizz yells at him and Bob ran out “(y/n)! Please stay with me, it’ll be okay! Just stay with me!” He held you close to him as other members went separately to help in any way, from hunting down to that crazy fan, announcing to the fans that something happened and it is been cancelled and keep an eye on the stalker and apologize to the inconvenience and also calling the ambulance and police. It doesn’t take long when your heart beat slowly dying down and slowly getting heavier “fizz…” “sh!sh! Safe your strength, (y/n) don’t leave me! We have to spend this Christmas together! Please!” You held up your bloody hand and placed it on his cheek “I’m sorry. This is probably…it for me. You’re not hurt, are you fizz? I wonder…what you both be in the future be…As the two of you love each other when I’m gone… I want to be there to see it.” Tears start to swell up and Fizz shook his head in denial of you dying “no, no, (y/n)! Don’t say that!” “Ozzie…Fizz…I love you. Those words definitely weren’t a lie” you smiled when your heart stop and let your hand drop “(y/n)! (Y/n)! Wake up! Please!” He dropped his phone when Ozzie was on the phone. “Fizzy? (N/n)! Pick up, please!” “(Y/n)!” The paramedics came in and took you, leaving Fizz on the ground crying his eyes out and not picking up the phone while Ozzie is freaking out.
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tetsunabouquet · 2 months
KNB Headcanons: GOM with a Witch S/O
A/N: I recently saw a request like this regarding another fandom and creator, and needed to make a KNB version because I am low-key a sucker for imagening characters from a story set in realism go fantasy.
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-Immediately interested and curious. -Obviously interested in astronomical events and celebrations. -Always tries his best to respect any ritualistic customs. -Actually becomes a 'student' of yours as he wants to be taught. -Often searches the antique stores he visits for the occasional Lucky item to see if they also have artifacts he can gift to you. -In a rare instance where Midorima felt playful, the two of you pretended to raise a demon on school grounds to prank Takao.
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-Also immediately interested and curious. -Infinitely polite about everything as he doesn't wants to appear like he doesn't care or doesn't respects witchcraft. -Doesn't wants his father to know though. He's afraid that his father will disapprove of Akashi being with you, or worse, his father actually being interested and wanting to exploit your magical powers. -You love how protective he is in that regard. -Secretly dislikes how your romantic gestures outshine his like the time a butterfly transformed into a valentine card telling him how much you loved him. He finds it difficult to come up with gestures that match your magically sweet gestures.
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-When he first learnt the news he asked you if you had a magic wand. -Expected to hear poof sounds and see your magic sparkle like glitter dust. -Thank the universe you like his childish view on things. -He worships you after he discovers multiplication magic and one of his future career goals is to buy a big storage room for himself so you could turn it into a candy wonderland by multipying his sweets to infinity. -Once he finally bought his dream storage, you decided to dress in a candy themed outfit to make the candyland aesthetic complete and he decided that day to propose to you in the heat of the moment without a ring.
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-Could't help but reply with 'I knew you had bewitched me!' when you told him the news -Often makes flirty comments abbout how 'magical' you are. -Doesn't asks for magical favors, ever. He doesn't wants to exploit you for your powers anymore then he would allow a girlfriend to exploit him for his fame or modelling money. -Which is why you always decide on a thoughtful enchanted for his birthdays as you want to thank him so much for being so understanding towards your gifts. -You cannot stop yourself from secretly casting minor curses on the worst of his fangirls, which amuses Kise. Behind their backs he often says stuff like, "You know, whilst the warts are hideous indeed it would even have been better if you had turnt her into a frog."
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-He reacted to the news with a big gulp. -Surprisingly the most chicken about your powers out of the GOM. The mere idea of black magic makes him curl into a ball and pray to the heavens. -Doesn't ever wishes to upset you because he's terrified of the thought you'd turn him into a frog which is why Momoi practically worships you as even she can't make Aomine listen to her the way you can. -He's asked you some really morbid questions like if you sacrifice animals or people which resulted into you angrily pouting and ignoring him for a few days. "How could you think that I would do something so horrible?," you said when he apologized with a bouquet of flowers (the latter was Momoi's idea). -You finally managed to make Aomine warm up to the perks of your magic when you gifted him an enchanted basketball for his birthday. You had ensorcelled it so it never wears out and remains in its perfect new-bought state forever. -Ever since, you have been casting spells on his items to make sure they remain in perfect condition. Your one exception are his nude magazines though.
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jacksprostate · 6 months
My boss invites me into his office, he's telling me, we've got a problem. It is always, "we." "We" are all in this together. "We" need to put a little more effort in, if "we" want our yearly bonuses. "We" have got to up profits by next quarter, or "we" are going to lose our jobs.
"We" don't all have half a million salaries and a three letter job title, but what can you do.
If you asked my boss, he'd tell you about his. The guy above him. Yeah, "we" are all beholden to him. My boss, he's just regional. Small fry, really.
I'm entering his corner office, big tall windows gaping, stretching the condo construction happening across the street for as far as the eye can see. He sees me looking.
"Perks of the job," he says. A little laugh in his voice. He's not funny.
"We need to talk about your performance last quarter," he says.
We, unto me.
I am Jack's rejuvenated individuality.
My boss had his secretary let me in, so really I've spent the past minute standing awkwardly, insomnia haze locking my gaze some place beyond our broken city horizon. My boss had his secretary let me in because that means he could sit at his desk and pretend to be doing something important. Wave me in, make me wait, give him the opportunity to boast about his jail cell amenities.
You'd think it makes him feel powerful, the way he's clinging to it all. I tongue at the hole in my cheek as I take a seat. Managerial threat displays have lost their effect on me, I think.
It makes him antsier. I can see it, taste it like the blood in my mouth. Oh, iron. Oh, fear.
If Tyler was here, he'd lean on those windows and get them splotched with dirt and worse. Those windows, they're spotless because my boss pays into the building fund with company money to get an old spanish speaking lady to wipe the glass clean before he arrives each morning. I saw her once, at a support group for some combination of cancer and impoverishment. She coughed, introducing herself. Said she couldn't speak well, but wanted company. She has to keep working, but it's making her sick.
The building doesn't pay her enough that she can buy PPE in between their scant offerings, so she's without a mask most of the times I've seen her.
Truthfully, there's been someone else under the building's thumb for a while now.
I found a different group for Thursday nights.
I still think I'll hear Rosa's wheezing when I see her cart by the restrooms.
My prolonged silence, it's unnerving him now, so he's puffing up like a bluffing frog.
I am still with my boss, and I've been staring at a damp spot of drywall behind his head as he yaps at me about how I need to follow dress code. Raise my numbers. Be more engaged.
I should be a precious bouquet of flowers, brightening up the office.
He just wants to help me out. Get me back on track. We used to have amazing figures coming out of Compliance and Liability, my one-man department.
If Tyler was here, he'd be filling the janitor's Windex bottles with 90 proof and blue dye instead, so when my boss comes in early for once in his life and spooks Rosa's replacement, the bottle gets spilled all over my boss and his carpet and his desk and then my workplace smoking habit really would be a fire hazard.
I tune back in, and my boss is informing me that it's with his sincerest regrets that he has to tell me that I won't be getting my bonus this year, oh, maybe something if I shape back up, yeah, he's sure he could fight upper management for me if I showed a good effort. He just wants to help, but I have to help him help me.
Whatever is going on in my life, it's got to be over.
I imagine going to Tyler. Going to fight club. Saying, let's pack it up boys. Fight club's over. I need to sit pretty for my boss so he can feed me a quarter of the salary he always conveniently has to withhold each year, due to all sorts of things impacting the car industry. A typhoon hit mainland China. The US dollar grew too fast with the collapse of the Soviet Union. A sparrow chirped in Belgrade on a Wednesday.
The usual.
Fight club's over. I've got to go be a recall campaign coordinator full time. Working hours, waking hours, what's the difference?
Tyler is always telling me, I could follow my boss home, and when he goes to work on his stupid meaningless hobby in the nice little air conditioned shed at the edge of his two acre two storey home, I could lock him in with nothing but millet. And when he runs out of millet, I could drag his body out and drown him in his pool, laced with armagnac, just like the French do it. And I could pluck and roast the corpse and eat it uncovered, hoping God has no choice but to see me now.
Or I could just give him a poisoned bottle of whiskey.
There's many options, according to Tyler.
The thing is. The truth is, I like my boss.
It's Tyler who wants to come in in the early morning and when my boss pushes open the door to his office, it's Tyler who wants to have a block of concrete in a bucket fall down and crack his skull like a rotten egg, looney tunes style.
It's not me. I gave my boss soap for the mandatory holiday office gift exchange.
I tell my boss, thank you for the concern.
Unfortunately, my grandmother's diagnosis seems dire, and it's unlikely I'll be able to switch gears before the year rolls over in March. Apologies.
He looks at me, and my battered face, at stitches painted across my temple. I can tell, he wants to shake me. Demand from me, why I can't I even pretend to give him a real excuse? Why do I have to make his life so very difficult? Why can't I just keep the broken toddlers from coming out of the woodwork with a smile on my face?
But he doesn't. He says, my condolences. It sounds a lot like get the hell out of my office.
With that in mind, I get up and take a nice, long moment to watch nothing through his huge, sparkling windows. Papers conspicuously rustle. There's the ambient noise of pointless keyboard clicking. I take a sip of my coffee. Behind me, my boss starts to pretend to get a call in hopes it gets me to move on, and I'm watching construction crews like ants. Perks of the job, indeed.
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so idea for a Spirited Away AU, if you wanna, fair warning i am awful at writing so if i try i honestly hope someone else will pick it up for me
Adam as Chihiro
Lucifer as Haku
Alastor as Yubaba
Lilith as Zeniba
Angel as Lin
Pentious as Kamaji
Charlie as Yubaba’s baby (Charlie can be kidnapped as a baby and not knowing that Alastor isn't her parent)
Husk as Yubaba’s bird thing
idk who to have be the Great Water Spirit
Nifty as the three bouncing green heads (idk who else would be the other two alongside her so for now shes just gonna be all of them)
the only other characters i can think of are the two frog demons who are racist, maybe the Vees as them?
Adam ends up in the Demon realm after his moms and him get lost on the drive to their new home, Sera and Rosie are turned into pigs for stealing the food that was meant for the demons, Adam has to go and work at the Radio Demon’s Bathhouse to repay the debt his mothers owe so he can have them back and go home. Alastor tricks Adam into signing a contract to work at the bathhouse without pay, Adam meets Angel Dust who is a fellow worker of the bathhouse, Angel shows him what to do to help the hundreds of other demons around the bathhouse. Adam ends up meeting a cute man named Lucifer who can’t remember who he was before he started working at the bathhouse but feels like he has some kind of connection to Adam, like he knew him somehow.. anyway Adam is very quickly isolated by the rest of the bathhouse staff because he is human (humans have a scent that demons find to be gross).
i would write out the rest of the plot but i don't want to miss anything because i haven't seen it in a while..
Anyway how it starts!
Adam sighed as he looked out the car window at the scenery rushing past. He hugs a bouquet gifted to him by his friend as a parting gift,
"Hope you have fun wherever you move, I'll miss you <3
To Adam From Eve"
he reads the card that was hastily stuck into the center of the bundle of flowers. Adam sighs again, he didn't want to move, but his moms got a job opportunity that they couldn't pass up. He scowls at them, angrily glaring at the backs of their heads. "I can feel your stare Starlight," spoke Sera, "I don't like uprooting you from your friends, but we really need the money, I hope one day you'll understand that.." she trails off frowning.
Looking back out the window, the scenery has changed from hills and farmland to a dense forest, "Where are we mom?" Adam says as he spots a strange statue nestled in the woods as they pass through. "This is a shortcut, don't worry Starlight," his other mom, Rosie says turning in the passenger seat to try and make eye contact with him, "We'll probably beat the moving vans to the house even though we left half an hour after them," she chuckled lightly. Adam stared blankly at her, "I think we're lost," he deadpanned.
"There's no way that we're lost, I know what I'm doing, trust me sweetheart," Sera confindently says, though she begins to slow to a stop because there is something blocking the way foreward. "uh huh, yeah definitely believe you mom," Adam says as he looks at whats in front of the car.
It looks like an old entrance to a theme park that has been shut down for ages, he could see the moss and ivy growing on the big sign covered in rust.
"Lu Lu World.." Adam mumbled as he read the sign. Sera stopped the car and turned it off, "What are you doing mom?" Adam says as he feels a shiver go down his spine, "Why aren't we turning around? This is clearly a dead end.." Adam stares at his mothers as they both get out of the car without responding to his questions.
Adam gets out of the car and follows them at a distance, "Somethings not right about this.. We should go, I don't feel safe." Adam said, voice quivering as he felt a gust of wind brush by him, feeling as if its trying to pull him towards the gates and turnstiles of the abandoned park.
Sera turns to him, looking mildly out of it for a second before her eyes clear, "Come on, let's take a peek at this place, I've never heard of it before.. It'll be an adventure!" Rosie nods with her own matching excited grin, "We haven't done something fun as a family in a while, come on Adam, it'll be fun. We'll just do a little exploring and then we'll go, okay?"
Adam shook his head, "I don't like this.." He stayed standing by the car. Sera spoke, her tone disappointed "Well, we're going in, so if you want to stay here at the car alone you can." Adam stared at her, its as if something has possessed his mothers and is making them need to do this. Adam stands defiantly at the hood of the car holding the card from the bouquet tightly in his hand.
Sera and Rosie turn to the looming gates of Lu Lu World and begin walking through, as they get farther and farther away Adam feels a creeping unease, he doesn't want to be alone in the middle of this forest, he took at deep breath and ran after his mothers.
He jumps over the turnstiles and skids to a stop right behind them, he pinches the excess fabric of Sera's dress as a way to calm himself. He's not alone, his moms are there, he'll be fine, just stay calm.
They finally make it through the tunnel into the park, infront of them is a vast field of wild grass, the beginnings of the park a good distance away, "That's weird" Adam thought to himself. His mothers didn't stop for more than a moment to look around then they were trekking across the field towards the park. as they reach the stone steps up into the park there is a small stream flowing infront of the steps, all three of the family jump over it to the otherside.
Little did they know, they were walking into another plane of existence, by passing over the stream they are now in the demonic plane. Humans don't know that there's multiple planes of reality, its theorized by some, but most don't believe it to be possible. The demonic plane is the place where monsters and ghouls come from, demons and banshees, any monster you could imagine came from this plane.
{{thats all im up for doing tonight, ill write more tomorrow if you respond :D}}
It's been so long I forgot that's what it was called. But I love this and the idea!!
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cosmerelists · 1 year
Who They’d Date in Stardew Valley: Stormlight Edition
If the Stormlight characters played Stardew Valley, which NPC would they choose to date? 1.  Adolin: Dates Leah
Adolin: Something about the red hair...the artistry...the bisexuality...
Adolin: Oh wow! I’m just dating Shallan in the game!
Adolin: ...awesome. 
2. Hesina: Dates Harvey
Hesina: I just can’t resist a small-town doctor!
Hesina: This one charges for medical care, though. 
Lirin: T-The monster!
Hesina: Great mustache, though.
3. Rlain: Dates Sam
Rlain: Of all the NPCs, Sam is the most musical.
4. Renarin: Dates Sam
Renarin: Y-Yeah, guys who know rhythms are the best, aren’t they, Rlain?
5. Veil: Dates Haley
Veil: Like I said. I like dumb women.
6. Shallan: Dates Elliot
Shallan: Such a fascinating deconstruction of gender roles!
Shallan: He writes! Plays music! Has long hair!
Shallan: He’s basically a hot ardent!
Kabsal: 👀
Shallan: No.
7. Taravangian: Dates Shane
Taravangian: It is the only logical choice.
Taravangian: Early birthday, easy loved gifts, perfect for dancing with at the first Flower Dance.
Taravangian: Anyone who does ANY planning would choose Shane!
8. Nale: Dates Krobus
Nale: The only character with a dependable schedule and no questionable activities.
Lift: Doesn’t he just sit in the sewer all day?
Nale: Dependable.
9. Rock: Dates Abigail
Rock: Ha! Like I could resist someone who literally eats rocks!
10. Tien: Dates Sebastian
Tien: He likes hunting frogs!
Tien: I think we’d get along great.
Tien: Frogs are basically lurgs, right?
11. Moash: Dates Alex
Moash: An accomplished athlete. Trains to be stronger. Knows the pain of familial loss...
Lopen: Is the only character who goes shirtless!
Moash: ...shut up.
12. Szeth: Dates Emily
Szeth: Finally. Someone who treats rocks as sacred.
13. Jasnah: Dates Penny
Jasnah: If I were to waste time in this game, I would clearly choose the scholar who spends the most time in the library. 
14. Kaladin: Dates everyone
Kaladin: Wait...there’s a dating mechanic?
Kaladin: Syl told me the bouquets were symbols of friendship!
15. Dalinar: Dates nobody
Dalinar: I do not believe it would be right to date someone else when I am married to Navani.
Navani: Dalinar...it is literally a game.
Stormfather: No, no, I’m with Dalinar on this one.
16. Navani: Dates Maru
Navani: I don’t know...something about this scientist woman who occasionally makes things explode...
17. Gavilar: Dates the Wizard
Gavilar: Secret, arcane power? Yes please.
Navani: That’s not even a datable character!
Gavilar: Bah! Like I wouldn’t mod.
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kittenfangirl20 · 6 months
Continuation of this post.
*Adam nervously fiddled with the edge of the coat sleeve, he hated having to wear a tux, it made him feel stiff and uncomfortable, he looked up to see Lucifer arrive wearing a red tux with a black shirt, the tie and vest were also red, Adam blushed Lucifer was absolutely gorgeous in a tux, he wondered how a man this gorgeous would want to be seen with him, he remembered Lilith telling him that no one could love a hideous creature like him right before she left Eden with Lucifer, Adam quickly pushed those thoughts from his thoughts because if he dwelled on those thoughts too much he would cry and he didn’t want anyone to see him cry*
Lucifer: Adam, you are so handsome. I mean you are always handsome. Here, I got you a gift.
*Adam noticed Lucifer holding a bouquet of flowers that he thrust under his nose, they looked a lot like Adam’s favorite flowers and they smelled just as sweet as them which made him smile as he took them*
Adam: You remembered my favorite flowers, thank you.
*Adam placed the flowers in water wanting to keep them fresh longer and rejoined Lucifer*
Adam: Where does this fancy gala take place?
Lucifer: A part of Hell that is neutral ground.
*Lucifer opened a portal and they stepped through they were greeted by Asmodeus*
Asmodeus: So this is your mystery date, what you said about his looks are 100% true.
*Adam started to fidget with the edge of his coat again wondering what Lucifer had said about his looks, but he then noticed Fizzarolli peek over Asmodeus’s shoulder which caused a big smile to cross his lips*
Adam: I can’t believe it, that is Fizzarolli. I know that this may seem silly but I am huge fan of you, you’re extremely hilarious.
Fizzarolli: Ozzie, it’s Adam. I have all of your CDs. It’s crazy that I get to meet you here and we both have a Demon Prince as a date.
*Adam felt embarrassed that he didn’t realize that Fizzarolli was perched on the shoulder of Asmodeus, the Demon Prince of Lust, he also remembered that while Lucifer was King of Hell, he also held the title of Demon Prince of Pride*
Asmodeus: You two should sit with us, anyone who is a fan of Fizzie Frog must have good taste.
*Adam had to admit that it got to hang out with Fizzarolli then maybe the night won’t be as boring as he thought it would be*
(I thought it would be neat to see the two characters voiced by Alex Brightman get along)
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blueberry-ovaries · 9 months
💐 once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
All the love just for you!
Five favourite things of mine are:
- freddo frog ice cream cake
i’m not kidding when i say i’ve had this for the last 6 birthdays.
- strawberries
i firmly believe a good strawberry beats EVERY fruit.
- books
i don’t read as much as i wish, but boy oh boy do i live buying books
funky house decorations
i love love love coloured or patterned cutlery, cups, designs, etc. Like i’ve started buying future house things and it’s all funky shapes and colours
- pepsi max
i am not joking when i say i am a fiend for pepsi max. At one point it got so bad that i was drinking it like it was filled with cocaine, and my friends bought me pepsi as a secret santa present
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junkratsjunkertown · 8 months
Would you write something about Lúcio? 🥺 could be anything really… fluff, nsfw, sfw (sorry if i’m not helping at all, I can think of something more specific if you prefer ❤️)
Sure. Also, it’s okay. I just went through a couple of ideas but ultimately went with something where the Reader can turn into a Dire Wolf. I also made the reader Gender Neutral. Funnily enough, I wrote most of this once I read your request.
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The Frog and The Wolf
Lúcio x Dire Wolf! GN! Reader
You were new to Overwatch and only knew a few members. You knew Soldier: 76, Tracer, Winston, Mercy, and Ana. You were finishing unpacking when you heard a knock on the door. You carefully opened it only to see the one and only Lúcio.
"Hello hello. I heard that there was a new recruit and thought I would stop by and introduce myself."
You were blushing as he talked.
"I already know who you are. You are Lúcio. I am such a big fan of your music. Oh sorry. I am Y/N."
You and Lúcio shake hands. You let him into your room.
"So, what made you join Overwatch, Y/N?"
"I want to help people and make the world a better place."
"Wonderful. What do you do?"
"Oh, I can turn into a Dire Wolf. I was an experiment for some scientists at Talon. I promise you that I am not a spy. You can ask Mercy, Winston, Tracer, Soldier: 76, and Ana if you don't believe me."
There was a minute of silence before either of you spoke.
"I believe you after hearing what Talon does. Dire Wolf huh? That's cool."
~Six months later~
You were on a mission. You were with Echo, Lúcio, Mercy, and Reinhardt. You were in your Dire Wolf form and noticed a sniper aiming at Lúcio. You quickly jumped in front of the bullet and Echo took out the sniper. The bullet hit your shoulder, but it didn't stop you from taking out the enemies that were surrounding you and Lúcio.
After the mission, you were still in your Dire Wolf form and Mercy was currently taking the bullet out of your shoulder and stitching up the wound. After that, you were back in your human form and Lúcio came up to you.
"Thank you for saving me from that sniper, Y/n"
"You're welcome, Lúcio. I have to protect our support heroes."
After the ship lands at headquarters you and Lúcio go to the cafeteria.
"Y/N, do you ever think about what it would be like if you weren't a Dire Wolf?"
"Sometimes. But I like to think that I would still join Overwatch because I want to help the world."
You two eat and end up talking about random things.
~two weeks later~
You open your room door and see Lúcio holding a bouquet of flowers.
"Y/n, would you... um... would you? Why is this so hard?"
"Are you asking me out on a date, Lúcio?"
"Yeah. But you make me all flustered because I think you are cute."
You take the flowers and kiss his cheek.
"I would love to go on a date with you."
After that first date, you and Lúcio officially start dating. There happened to be a bet between Tracer, Mercy, Ana, Reinhardt, and Cassidy on how long it would take for you two to start dating. Reinhardt won that bet and Cassidy lost. Cassidy said two weeks while Reinhardt said six months.
~The End~
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fruitncream · 5 months
my very hypothetical wedding plans!
(i am but a child and have not ever had a relationship, but i love romance and thinking about these sorts of things!)
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morning of timeline:
5:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m. morning routine
6:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. gather decorations/other things
7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. last minute things
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. travel to venue
8:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. caterers arrive and set up
8:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. wedding party gets dressed
arrangement calls and confirmation should have been set up the week before. the venue should have been set up the day before. eat light breakfast. wear white vintage slip/nightgown.
wedding timeline:
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. portraits and family pictures*
12:30 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. guest arrival and seating
12:45 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ceremony
1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. cocktail half hour
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. lunch
2:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. cake
2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. toasts
3:00 p.m. - 3:10 p.m. first dance
3:10 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. dancing/activities
ceremony and reception are in the same place. venue is most likely a mansion in the suburbs. the ceremony will be set up with dinner tables on either side of the aisle with the arch at the end. i will have a flower child and ring bearer. for the cocktail half hour, guests can just talk, or enjoy the activities, and eat the little snacks. toasts are done by parents of both newlyweds and maid(s) of honor/best man/men. i would prefer only a first dance and no parent dances, but i guess we’ll see what my future spouse wants. lunch is plated and guests selected which meal option they wanted on the rsvp i think. cake will be fully cut and put on plates and put in front of everyone. they will not be able to resist the lemon curd/other fillings!!!!! then dancing can start and the non-dancers can enjoy board games, cards, toys, books, and polaroid cameras. even if someone is completely alone and has no one to talk to (which i really hope isn’t the case!), they will probably be able to enjoy themselves with activities and taking pictures of other people. for an “after party” we’ll probably go to the hotel/airbnb of someone who had to fly in.
*photographs wanted:
signs and stuff, rings, bouquet closeup, wide venue shots (ceremony and reception), wedding cake, food shots, decor details, people (portraits), my whole family, future spouse's whole family, couple alone, me and my half of wedding party + flower child/ring bearer, future spouse and their half of wedding party + flower child/ring bearer, couple with entire wedding party, couple with both sets of parents, and flower child and ring bearer together (<33).
people (action)
both parts of the wedding party getting ready, walking down the aisle, exchanging vows, kiss, cake cutting, cake eating, people dancing and having fun, and children specifically having fun.
maybe the sunday before martin luther king day or around valentine’s day..
custom tailored 1840’s style white gown. i could just select some textured white fabric and the whole dress could be made of it with some lace trim on the sleeves, hem, and maybe neckline.
(by the way, i need to get botox in my underarms during the engagement period.)
carved gem ring with something that's significant to the relationship. like each other's eye colors or something that symbolizes the place we met.
i will design the invitations. making them digital would be a great way to save money, but i like the idea of sending physical invitations.
possible themes:
lake of lily pads (frogs, swans, and ducks)
meadow of horses
soft delicate valentines day
enchanted forest
strawberries and lovecore
cakes and princesscore
antique dolls
“somewhere that's green” from little shop of horrors
land of light and rain
cherished teddies
fabric flowers and patterned or solid colored linens (not white, most likely) to match the theme. centerpieces and signage designed by me to match the theme. little thrifted knick knacks and wares placed on tables to match the theme.
thirteen tables, eleven of them have eight chairs and two have seven chairs. one hundred guests, plus the couple. although there’s also a sweetheart table.
thrift/purchase a theme-matching tea pot (and coffee pot?) for each table, rent colored glasses and theme-matching plates.
for the cocktail half hour, there's a table of treats and snacks for people to eat.
i want a plated meal with at least one vegan option and at least one gluten free option. they'll all be pasta.
for cake, i'd like three tiers with white mascarpone frosting and lemon curd/strawberry cream/peaches inside!
chess, checkers, standard 52-card decks, and tarot cards.
these would be for children and others to amuse themselves with and they'll be wedding themed in some way, but the exact toys will have to be based on what theme i decide on....
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garbagefarm · 2 years
Mutucule Farm (#10)
2023-02-20, session #10 of Mutucule Farm!
Me (@mothmute — Yoshi)
Belle (@snacco — Dry Bones)
Cam (@amanitaspore​ — Shyguy)
Erin (@salamand3rin​ — Shyguy or Daisy, depending on whether everybody else hates Daisy)
Highlights include, but are not limited to:
Upgrading Pompkin to be bigger and flatter
mmm, cherry bombs, delicious
content warning: backpacks
look, when a mommy baba yaga hut and a daddy baba yaga hut love each other very much,...
“snompkin” (I do not remember the context)
Marnie: great person, questionable business owner
horse envy!!
Belle finds a weird doll
Gunther can tell you more! ... but do you really want him to?
Belle gets prairie king’d by Abigail
(The Prairie King eats your time)
Delivering Willy a Squid at midnight. squidnight, if you will
Cam holds a burger over his head, and it looks like a hat
I acquire birds!
My naming theme for the birds are birds:
Catbird, Bluejay, Heron, and Grackle
Penny having a little winter picnic with the kids, wants me to tell them about country living!
one of the options says we have the best lumber south of Grampleton. hey, where the fuck is Grampleton?
Vincent wants to know more about goblins
I find a garbage hat!! Wrong farm!!
Belle considers more farm animals, I tell her to goat for it
“I’ll send little Baphomet to her new home right away” thanks Marnie
(The other one is “Black? Phillip”)
RIP Cam, dead in the mines
Cheesecourse rears its ugly head again!
Datin’ Penny
I get a heart event with Penny where she poisons me
... and I click exactly when the dialog options come up, accidentally choosing to lie and say it’s delicious, fantastic
I am one step closer to the Slutch
Sebastian says the frogs aren’t very happy in this weather (it’s winter), saying “poor little guys”— I admire his commitment to frogs
I deliver Emily a rock from Clint and get a smooch
Access to the sewers and Krobus
would talking about void eggs be ... vegg-blogging?
Shane has an encounter with a bear! (pictured below)
I’m just gonna hold onto these eggs
“until they hatch?”
... yes.
“are you going to sit on them?”
The Fish Archives start paying off immediately
Deluxe pack!!
hey guys, who do you main in Junimo Cart?
(Listed up in the “cast”)
Ice fest teleports us from the town entrance to the farm entrance
... why was there a woodpecker on that igloo?
Demetrius forgets his jacket (again)
Cool Pigloo
revvin’ up that hog!
Fish contest!
Belle & Erin take one hole, Cam & I take the other (ours is cursed and I leave)
It’s a tie between me and Belle!
lape nipe snea snap
I wear the victory hat immediately, Belle sticks with the witch hat
“witch hat stays on during sex”
My miserable field of winter forageables is up!
stay away from my crops
Remote milking technology is here, milk wi-fi
Quest to go into the mines and rustle up some grubs!
I hit the Duggy reward in the process
Belle & Sebastian is canon!
Camily is canon!
(I handed Cam a bouquet, we might legally be dating now, too)
The Witch and the Snowman are dating, too (pictured below)
Caroline just sticks a stamp on a potato and mails it to me
I find another garbage hat!! Wrong farm!!
Erin moves the bears around, musical bears
ordering pizza from Jumino’s, instead they remove a glittering boulder
Fruit trees for the greenhouse? Apples, for bundle-related reasons?
Taller barns? Wider barns? Sheep? Hog??
Taller coop, more birds?
idk, we always need tool upgrades
More! Romance!
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Shane and the Bear at the Stardrop Saloon
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snowman and witch are dating
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
[there’s no initial letter, just a small yellow sticky-note with a bouquet of flowers. In the bouquet is a mix of roses and Black Dahlias. A few chocolate frogs are in the roster as well.]
This is me being nice. I am trying to be nice. My sister says this is flirting, I do not know if this is flirting. i really hope this makes you like m hope this makes you smile.
- Colin Skeers. (Your not so secret admirer)
[attached: a small parcel with Honeydukes Best Chocolate]
This is definitely flirting.
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drathanasius · 2 years
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My Habitica tableaux animations for Plaguetober 2021. Captions beneath the cut.
1, Magic: After a series of contract negotiations, the bunny has agreed to submit to transmogrification, provided that he will not be required to curl up in Dr. Athanasius’s musty top hat and that he will be allowed to consume any and all bouquets of flowers sprouting from the tip of the magic wand after the conclusion of the performance.
2, Protect: Sometimes the best way to save a bloom is to prune a bloom.
3, Trace: The next time you find yourself in an abandoned cornfield at midnight and in need of a convenient source of flame, try bringing your pet phoenix along for stress-free ignition.
4, Sweater: Spectral tiger cubs are often shy and tend to vanish when startled by steaming mugs of cocoa.
5, Act: Now thou art an O without a figure. I am better than thou art now. I am a fool. Thou art nothing.
6, Discovery: Remember, Watson, that though we have so homely a thing as a goose at one end of this chain, we have at the other a man who will certainly get seven years’ penal servitude unless we can establish his innocence.
7, Measure: To hatch yourself a mantis shrimp, take a drop of this, a drop of that, distill in an alchemist’s alembic, and… Poof!
8, Incense: Welcome to The Temple of the Spectral Gourd! What’s that tantalizing aroma?
9, Sit: Sure, Dr Athanasius enjoys the occasional cozy chat in the Swarming Darkness with his Ember-Eyed Egg Friends now and then. Doesn’t everybody?
10, Reap: There is a Reaper whose name is Death, and, with his sickle keen, he reaps the bearded grain at a breath, and the flowers that grow between.
11, Feather: Intruder! Mama! Intruder in the birdhouse! Get him!!!
12, Blunder: Dr. Athanasius’s pet phoenix, though admittedly very helpful in lighting the campfire, turned out to be inconveniently curious about the fish and carrot stew. Sadly, his hat would never be the same.
13, Treat: The only thing Dr. Athanasius enjoyed more than tea parties with hedgehogs was biscuits as big as his head.
14, Crystal: As it turns out, transverse rephlogistonification of Celestite works splendidly to thaw out ice serpents, but don’t expect to receive any gratitude from them.
15, Bandage: A rag, a bone, a strip of gauze… A mount fit for a Pharaoh!
16, Spirit: Soul summoning cannot yet be considered a controlled process.
17, Warning: Don’t change color, kitty. Keep your color, kitty. Stay that pretty gray. Don’t change color, kitty. Keep your color, kitty. Keep sickness away.
18, Mischief: Step one, acquire key to classroom. Step two, acquire cat toy. Step three, lure enormous blue frog into classroom by means of cat toy. Step four… ???
25, Ticket: Dr Athanasius leapt at the chance to tour the Luminous Sewers of Dragon Canal, but neglected to notice that his ticket had him placed in the Splash Zone.
26, Clandestine: Dr Athanasius thought he had escaped scrutiny, but he couldn’t quite be sure.
27, Nest: “Who, me? Nothing. Just thought I’d get a bit of fresh air. The what? On my head? Oh! Oh, I hadn’t noticed. I’ll just leave that here, shall I? Right, then. Goodbye!”
28, Revive: A shower of sparks from the scarab wand, and the desiccated nudibranch was as good as new.
29, Romantic: A confirmed bachelor, Dr Athanasius was never happier than when he was all on his lonesome, a wanderer above the sea of fog.
30, Macabre: And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.
31, Witch: Whenever Dr Athanasius borrowed his witch friend’s flying gear, it always made him feel a bit off kilter, but he very much appreciated the extra cat storage. (Animation linked here due to 30-gif post limit.)
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kaida427 · 3 months
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Hello everybody please meet Pete the cactus. Repotting him has left my hands full of invisible spines but it was so worth it. I love him. Finally got a chance to use one of my frog planters.
I saw two little toads while I was in the yard today fetching the planters. They've been on a picnic table for a year and really needed a spraying down.
I am an amateur horticulturist with a collection of dead plants* so PLEASE let this be the one that survives I love him.
*Most of the dead plants were bouquets, roses from various occasions, and an orchid who was sunburnt when I got him. I have no excuses for the big pot of chrysanthemums I murdered, though.
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biohazard-inevitable · 6 months
Death and My Life
⚠️Warning for talks of suicide and other grim death topics!!⚠️
People worry about me when they find out how casual I am about death
To them, I’m depressing, grim, haunted and troubled
“Dont think like that”
“Are you okay?”
“Doesn’t it bother you?”
And in truth, it used to, in the past.
I used to want it to come faster, used to wish I’d never wake up.
Ive been in some dark places, but now, death is a faint comfort.
I dont desire it, not anymore.
Instead, I walk alongside it.
People look at me strange when I tell them it relaxes me, and I cant for the life of me begin to explain.
But death, is already a part of me. A part of everything.
We’re all on one big fuse destined to explode and collapse one day.
We are not infinite.
Growing up, death was something that happened around us, something we didn’t think about.
You dont consider that your hamburger is dead, that bouquet you picked from the yard is dead, that bug squashed by the flyswatter is dead, the squirrel smeared across the road is dead.
Death was something that happened to things, to objects, but certainly not to people.
We’d see it on the tv in nature documentaries, maybe you discected a frog in school, maybe you squashed a lizard in a door or watched a fish choke to death as you held it from a string out of water
Maybe your first experience with death was a pet.
Maybe a grandparent.
Or maybe even a dear friend.
Mine was a boy.
I didn’t know him well, just his name and his face.
Maybe that makes it worse, that he was a random kid.
We were grade-mates.
He was nice, I would watch him play at recess and heard him be called upon in class.
I didnt really know him.
I didn’t know his favorite color or favorite animal or even what cartoons he liked to watch.
One day, he was gone.
We were only children, just barely double digits.
11, maybe 12.
He shot himself.
And then he was gone.
His seat, empty for the rest of the year.
I never saw him again, and for a while, the world felt empty.
So this is death.
I thought to myself.
I wasn’t really all that sad.
Couldn’t be.
I didnt know him,
But I cant forget him.
I still think about him, from time to time.
Think about how we would have graduated together, probably gone to high school together.
Nobody talks about him anymore.
Hes gone.
It surprised me, to be truthful, about how death can just come and go so silently.
I don’t think I can go back to how I was before.
But now, I find death an odd comfort.
I collect the dead, be it bones or furs or leather.
Its like they matter, like now there’s someone there still to see them.
They didn’t just dissappear.
They didn’t stop showing up.
Their body is here, but still they’re gone.
Its comfoting, to know that in some bleak way, nothing matters.
We’ll all dissappear.
We’ll all die.
It’s inevitable.
There’s no stopping it.
So, why should you care about anything besides your joy?
We’ll all die
So enjoy what you want.
Why judge anyone for what they like when at the end of it all
We’ll all just be another obituary
Sure, its sad, and it can be scary.
We cry, but we’re human.
Theres nothing we could have done
Maybe it makes me apathetic or cynical
But I’ve grown weary of worrying about my clock.
Sure, i know its ticking.
But isnt everyone’s?
You cant run from death
So its the strongest thing to believe in.
I’ve stopped running
When it happens, it’ll happen
And I’ll leave knowing i’ve done all i could to be as happy as I can.
Whatever happens afterwards will happen
Because as far as this realm is concerned
It doesnt matter
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malevolententity · 1 year
every day my patience with pattern markers grows thin. i can and will write essays about this franken pattern project that i Am calling done for now but i might do some more work on in the future. SO this is two patterns of the same concept that ive put together because i was not going to fully reset because the first pattern was absolute ass. i truly do not know if the issue was with me or the pattern as they would call for stitches and then tell you how to do the stitch and it was a different stitch! and i made sure it wasnt a uk vs us terms issue but i still had issues! the dud coaster is the darker blue one my mug is pictured on i like how after a lot of trial and error i got the flowers to look flowerish but idk not a big fan of it waaaay to much effort trying to make the stitches work that ill never work it up again. the basket is very pretty honestly but to actually hold the coasters ive had to stuff it with all my yarn scraps that m hoping to one day maybe turn into my own cobbled together yarn? because without the stuffing it just collapses from the weight of the coasters which is why! this project may not be done as there is another basket tutorial m looking at (that goes with the other 2 coasters i made) that based on how it looks is flatter and might hold the coasters much better. but that is definitely a thing ill work up down the road and Probably not tomorrow as i do adore the little basket i have now. AND SPEAKING OF THE TWO OTHER COASTERS i love the flower pattern the whole coaster was a time sink because of how the leaves must be worked but it was so very worth it. from project 3 (tarot sleeve) i still have a skein and a half of that red and purple that if i ever work up more of this specific flower pattern i might see what that yarn gives me! although most likely ill just find another flower pattern to try (theres a tulip one m interested in) so that every coaster is a different flower and looks the most like a bouquet as i can get. unfortunately i used acrylic yarn so i am loathe to use these with hot mugs but time shall tell with the shit coaster if i can use it with hot mugs long term!
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also this project took roughly 6 hours with all the frogging trying to make the original pattern work and in generally learning 3 new patterns! (last hour and a half from episode 5 all the way to an hour into episode 7)
season 2 thoughts so far
dude can the lil guys just get a break? joui almost died AGAIN BUT LIKE A DEATH SAVE HAD TO HAPPEN LIKE BRUH LEAVE HIM ALONE FSDJKHFS arthur has had the worst fucking time and honestly i would not be surprised if towards the end of the season he does a suicide run because hes lost everything and everyone but ivete and idk if thats enough to keep him from going insane. i just. i dont know how to put episode 6 into words besides that i am soooo glad to have made it out of that episode because it was Heavy. episode 7 has been chill for the most part. they kept talking about sucking hoses. they kept saying various party members needed to strip to prove they were gonna start trying to shoot each other again. pretty normal table top hijinks and a good place to end for the night/the project.
i honestly have no idea what m making next. part of me Wants to try making a cardigan but all i have is acrylic which is itchy. and i def dont have the skeins for a whole cardigan plus cardigans i feel like would take minimum 22 hours? and i dont really. wanna have a 20+ hour single project. i like my current insanity of having done like 40ish hours of projects this past month and none of them going over 10 hours (besides the wretched bag). time to go through my ravelry in a few days time and see if anything jumps as being interesting or if m gonna have to spin a wheel to pick a project.
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