#i am breaking canon for the thing i'm working on for character development purposes but oh my god. oh my god.
fooltofancy · 8 months
images that are too much for me, actually.
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antianakin · 2 years
Antianakin's Pro-Jedi Codywan Fic Rec List
The theme of this particular rec list is Codywan fics that specifically are Pro-Jedi ONLY. For the purposes of this rec list, Pro-Jedi means there will be no Jedi getting married or undergoing cultural reforms of any kind, there's no acting like Jedi are totally repressed people who need to be saved from themselves and forced into relationships for their own mental well-being, no Jedi converting to another culture, no Jedi struggling in a relationship because it's "against the Code" etc. You get the idea. Which means I am not including Codywan fics that I do not personally feel are 100% Pro-Jedi even if I like them, and I'm also not including fics that do not feature/center Codywan even if they are pro-Jedi.
Here are the categories:
General Canon: Fics that are either canon compliant or canon divergent.
Non-Jedi AUs: Any AU where Jedi just simply don't exist, so the rules are different in terms of what I'm willing to accept. I realize this is cheating the theme a little, but I tried to keep it to fics where Jedi characters are still treated kindly/fairly within the context of the AU. Also a lot of these fics are just too good not to rec, even if they're a tad off theme.
Smut: Fics that only really have sex as the "plot" and very little else, but not necessarily straight-up porn. This category will include both canon compliant/divergent fics and Non-Jedi AUs.
Helpful terms:
Unfinished: Any fic that is marked as incomplete, or a series marked as incomplete and the fic(s) cannot stand on their own
Ongoing: Any series marked as incomplete, but the fics in it are marked as complete and/or can stand alone as they are
There is absolutely no specific order to this. I tried to group fics from one specific author together, but other than that, I didn't place anything in any specific position for a reason.
Please keep an eye on all ratings and tags for these fics! Some of them are pure fluff, but some of them deal with some VERY heavy topics and themes.
This is NOT an exhaustive list of my favorite Codywan fics, or by ANY means an exhaustive list of good Codywan fics that exist, or of Codywan fics that are Pro-Jedi. If your fic or your favorite fic isn't on this list, please feel free to rec it yourself in the notes, leave a reply or reblog with a link, I'm always happy to read more Codywan fic!
With the house-cleaning out of the way, find the fic recs below!
General Canon:
Pave Your Way With Stones Well Chosen by TrickyTricky (19k): Cody is freed from his chip post Order 66 and works to bring down the Empire and find Obi-Wan and other surviving Jedi/clones. This is the first Codywan fic in my AO3 bookmarks, and therefore probably one of the first I ever read, and it remains incredible. The way Cody reacts to the reveal of the chip is heavy and dark, but it feels very realistic and I love the way it's ultimately handled as well as the development of his relationship to Obi-Wan post Order 66.
Literally ANYTHING by @glimmerglanger but here's a few lot of specific recommendations (EDIT: this AO3 account was deleted several months after I made this list and so all of the links below are now broken. I am leaving this section in regardless, as a record of the incredible work glimmerglanger did and as a reminder of the consequences of online harassment):
Make Your Bed (Lie in It) (58k): Cody and Obi-Wan share a bunk during the war and this changes some things.
But What We Make Series (unfinished, 125.5k, not Anakin friendly): Cody from post-Return of the Jedi travels back in time to just before Order 66 and this changes some things.
Haunt Me, Then (31k, not Anakin friendly): Post Order 66, all the surviving clones can see their Jedi as Force ghosts except Cody and the 212th, and when Cody's chip breaks early he helps start a revolution to gain justice for their Jedi.
sanguine series (157.5k, not Anakin friendly): Obi-Wan is a vampire in an AU where vampires exist in the GFFA and this changes some things.
Deservedly (3k): Cody deals with an admirer in a happy fix-it post Order 66 world.
Worth a Thousand Words (14.5k): Cody sends Obi-Wan a dick pic and Obi-Wan proceeds to make sure the clones get some sex ed in response. Crack taken seriously, mostly.
Once Upon a Dream (31k): Obi-Wan is an ancient Jedi stuck in a cursed sleep who Cody finds during the clone war and is able to see and speak to only in his dreams.
Convergence Zones (115.5k, not Anakin friendly): In a modern day fantasy Jedi AU version of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan still manages to accidentally stumble upon the clone army and brings the clones and Jedi together to fight back the darkness.
Wrong Side of the Night (6k): Cody and Obi-Wan get into an argument that goes south in a no Order 66 AU and handle it like adults in the aftermath.
(hit me) with your heart (20k): Cody and Obi-Wan enter into a BDSM relationship during the war and this changes some things.
A Treatise on Breaking and Repairs (60k, not Anakin friendly): Anakin captures Obi-Wan shortly after Revenge of the Sith and it goes very badly for Obi-Wan.
There's so many more I didn't include because this one section alone is already long, but I swear please check out the rest of glimmerglanger's fics if you're looking for pro-Jedi Codywan, they're insanely good.
The Crime of Grief Series by @feybarn (ongoing, 34k, not Anakin friendly): Padme goes into labor early while on the way to Mustafar, so neither she nor Obi-Wan ever make it there, and they go on the run with Rex and Ahsoka afterwards instead. Sides are drawn in the aftermath of Anakin's choices that causes friction among them before they can find healing. I go back to this series so often for some good Obi-Wan catharsis.
Slices of Happiness series by @feybarn (unfinished, 40k, not Anakin friendly): A no Order 66 AU where Obi-Wan takes a short sabbatical after the war to handle his mental health and is joined by some of the clones before he returns to the Temple. It is, as the title of the series says, mostly just little slices of stories as the clones and Jedi heal and reconnect after the war. This isn't ALWAYS fluffy, but it's pretty damn close, and I love getting to see Obi-Wan heal and grow in peacetime, and his relationship with Mace and the other Council members is astounding.
The Sun Swings East by @feybarn (33k): Obi-Wan is thrown into a time loop by Palpatine where he keeps coming back to the beginning of Revenge of the Sith. Eventually, the Force steps in and gives him some help in the form of Rex, Cody, and Boil. This one is pretty dark and heavy for a while before it gets better. I love watching Cody and Rex forced to make some really difficult choices as they try to help Obi-Wan without Obi-Wan realizing they're doing so. I also really appreciate the entire long final chapter going through the aftermath of everything that went down.
|to failure, sweet victor| by @cillyscribbles (20k): Cody shows up on Tatooine and Obi-Wan can't QUITE break the chip immediately, but it's halfway broken, so Cody and Obi-Wan just have to wait out the chip breaking itself down enough for Obi-Wan to finish the job and hoping Cody doesn't manage to accidentally kill Obi-Wan before that happens. It's delightfully angsty as the two of them go through this and really highlights the tenacity both of them have as well as their devotion to each other.
|intricate rituals| by @cillyscribbles (9k): After some time on Hoth early during the war, Cody's hands get worn down from the cold. When Obi-Wan notices despite Cody trying to hide it, he receives some unexpected help for the problem and creates a new connection with his Jedi General. Cody's slow realization that perhaps he CAN trust Obi-Wan and the beginnings of him opening up and connecting to Obi-Wan bring me back to this fic over and over again.
|won't you fly away with me| series by @cillyscribbles (ongoing, 40k): Stewjoni have wings AU. Very sweet and fluffy, generally, and we don't have quite enough wingfic in this fandom so this is a rare gem.
|no war to reach you, no bolt to keep you| by @cillyscribbles (6k): Cute fluffy no Order 66 AU where Cody comes over for a visit with Obi-Wan at the Temple. This one's very aroace Codywan friendly, which is why it ALSO is one of my favorites, and quite possibly the closest to how I tend to view them in my head.
|snow on red sands| duology by @cillyscribbles (60k): Boil's chip stops working and he teams up with two other stormtroopers to help the three of them plus a still chipped Cody escape the Empire and get a little help from a suspiciously familiar Rebel along the way. This is probably like 98% pro-Jedi, but there's a little bit of grandstanding on one character's part about Galidraan and a teensy tiny bit of negative commentary on Obi-Wan's choices in the Deception arc. Other than that, very pro-Jedi, especially from the point of view of the clones.
the boat that would row you back by @adiduck (12k): Orpheus and Eurydice INSPIRED AU, post A New Hope. Anakin deactivates Cody's chip after Obi-Wan's death in A New Hope because he believes Cody might be able to somehow bring Obi-Wan back to life. Cody must go through a series of trials in order to reach Obi-Wan. This is obviously predominantly Cody centric as he goes into some sort-of Force afterlife to look for Obi-Wan, but I really really love all the ways Greek myth is woven into the story while still remaining pretty obviously Star Wars-y.
an ice cream covered screaming hyperactive thought by @adiduck (10k): Cody is adopted by a feral tooka kitten in a no Order 66 AU and needs to call Obi-Wan for help. This is pure fluff (literally) and it's so cute.
Reconstruction Corps AU by @cacodaemonia (ongoing, 268.3k): I'm recc'ing the entire series here, even though a LARGE amount of it is not Codywan specific. There's a few other ships within the series, but it focuses fairly heavily on Waxer/Boil. There is some insanely incredible writing for the clones in this, but the Jedi are written very positively as well. I'd also 1000% recommend making sure to go through the series to find the ridiculously beautiful artwork that cacodaemonia does. Cannot recommend caco's work enough, honestly. I will however specifically rec the two fics where Codywan has a bigger presence:
That's not how it happened, this is how it happened (11k): Cody and Obi-Wan find Fives during the Conspiracy Arc instead of Rex and Anakin.
Orbital Decay (5k): No Order 66 AU focusing on Cody and Obi-Wan getting together after things start to settle down a bit.
Golden Shield of Brightness by NerJetii (15k): Soulmate AU where names show up on wrists. Obi-Wan deals with the emotional tribulations his soulmates bring along with all the other emotional tribulations in his life. I don't know what else to say about this one without going wildly detailed into it and giving away everything about it, but I keep going back to it for a dose of seratonin.
When We Were Young by @tired-tatum (34k): No Order 66 AU where Cody's stayed on as the head of the GAR and he and Obi-Wan lose touch with each other for a few years until they're thrown back together on a joint mission and old sparks start flying again. I really liked the characterizations for both Cody and Obi-Wan in this and the actual mission is quite fun to read about, as well. This is one of the few fics I've read where Cody and Obi-Wan DON'T get together either during the war or immediately after it and need to take some time to figure themselves out first, so it's really cool for that alone.
The Vode by @reydjarinkenobi (unfinished, 50k): Arranged marriage AU where Jango helps the clones free themselves and create their own government before the war breaks out, and in order to ensure their legitimacy and safety as a new government, they invoke an old Republic tradition involving an arranged marriage to a Jedi. Obi-Wan is chosen to marry Cody, the new King of the clone government. I really liked the way the relationships developed, especially between Obi-Wan and Cody, and the characterizations all around. It handles what is a morally sticky situation in a way that feels very respectful to both parties.
i've lost the will to carry on (please shine a light to guide me home) by Countryheart (8k): This is an AU where there are no chips, but Order 66 happens anyway. The war ends on the side of the Republic and the clones are freed and go off to explore and inhabit other planets, but while they're gone Palpatine enacts Order 66 by calling upon the citizens of Coruscant to destroy the Jedi. Nobody survives this time, and the clones take it upon themselves to enact justice for their fallen friends. This focuses on a number of different Jedi and clone relationships, not just Cody and Obi-Wan, and while it is VERY Jedi-friendly, it is also very Jedi-sad. This is the fic I read when I want that sweet sweet catharsis.
in our hearts some ancient song by @keensers (40k): Cody and Obi-Wan accidentally find Fives before he can even get to 79's during the Conspiracy arc, which saves Fives' life, the lives of every clone and Jedi, and the fate of the entire galaxy. I love the lore that got added to Jedi history as the parallel for Obi-Wan and Cody's relationship, as well as the way they showcase multiple different relationships important to Obi-Wan that all ultimately come together to help save the galaxy. This is a team effort, and it shows. Cody also gets to be particularly BAMF in this which is always fun.
Beach Party by otherhawk (3k): The 501st and 212th manage to get a few days off and throw a beach party and relax. Short sweet serotonin boost with some really cute scenes between Obi-Wan and his men.
And I Fear Nothing by @maiseey (unfinished, 43k): Ahsoka and Rex rescue Cody post Order 66 and drop him off with Obi-Wan on Tatooine where he's decided to raise both Luke and Leia himself. A few years later, Rex and Ahsoka bring home a few new members of the family and the dynamic in the home begins to change and grow. I really love how we see that the characters' views of themselves are biased sometimes and unreliable, but because we get to switch between different POVs, we get to see the characters through someone else's eyes and see whether their self evaluations truly match up to what they think of themselves. They're all struggling, but they're all also trying so hard to keep moving forward as best they can and support each other. This was also, I believe, one of the first fics I ever read that included the niche character Glitch and while I don't know him very well still, I love him, and the part he plays in this fic is wonderful.
A Different Perspective by Be Creative (5k): Dex's perspective on Obi-Wan, Cody, Codywan, and the clones in general, leading into a happy fix-it no Order 66 AU. I appreciate getting to see a kind outsider perspective on Jedi, clones, and Jedi/clone relationships. Obi-Wan also gets to have relationships with multiple other clones beyond just Cody which I always love getting to see.
Layers by BadWolf36 (1k): Cody watches Obi-Wan put clothes back ON after they have sex and enjoys that almost as much if not equally as much as watching him take them off. I just really like the concept that Cody appreciates the privilege of getting to see Obi-Wan get ready, the implicit implication of how much deeper the relationship goes than sex, and the way sex is shown as not necessarily the most important or most intimate way two people can connect with each other.
they're neutral by @deniigi (10k): AU where the Jedi are basically kicked out of the Republic long before the clone war happens and no one even thinks they exist anymore and those that are found out seem to be persecuted to some degree, so the clones and Jedi have never met each other and have no knowledge of each other. It's set in a post-war time period where Cody has moved into a GFFA suburb and decides to clean it up. In doing so, he accidentally creates a little shrine for the Jedi. It's apparently based on a true story, which is really cool! Cody is in exemplary form here as he fights against The Man and deals with the sudden appearance of the Jedi creating a small haven for themselves in his suburb.
Greater Than Your Hoarded Gold series by Quietbang (96k): Anakin doesn't burn on Mustafar AU where there is a different kind of rebellion in the galaxy post Order 66. This author focused in on and centered the Jewish elements to the Jedi, which is so interesting to read. The shifting perspectives, including totally outside perspectives, on the Jedi and the situation in the galaxy at large, makes for a really cool story with some incredible worldbuilding.
Put Color in Your Cheeks by @dharmaavocado (51k): Cody and Obi-Wan end up with a mental bond and have to deal with the consequences to their friendship now that they're connected more deeply than ever before. This is a fic that was written for a Codywan Bang, I believe, but the ships are TECHNICALLY Rex/Obi-Wan and Cody/Quinlan. The focus, however, IS on Cody and Obi-Wan's relationship and since it was allowed in the Bang, I'm allowing it here because, much like the mods of that Bang, I think it's exceptional and everyone should read it. Cody and Obi-Wan's relationship feels a little different than it normally ends up in the usual Codywan fics, but I LOVE the ways this fic really highlights how profound and important friendships can be, as well. If you're into Rex/Obi-Wan, I will recommend all of dharmaavocado's fics here because they're ridiculously good.
under the wide and starry sky series by @wrennette (44k): Cody is able to resist the chip just enough that he can get a warning out to the other clones, and stops Order 66 from ever happening. I really like the way the Jedi come together on this one and handle the situation that's blown up in front of them. Cody and Obi-Wan's relationship is immensely sweet and tender to behold, but there's a few more niche ships included that are really sweet, as well. Also please check out wrennette's other works, they're all really good!
Lessons of Peace by @virdant-writing (1k): Cody and some other clones learn to make dumplings with Obi-Wan and the Jedi younglings. This is pure fluff in written form, I love just about any fic that allows the clones and Jedi younglings to interact with each other. Virdant's fics focus in on the Asian influences in the Jedi, and I can honestly recommend reading them all.
5 Times the 212th Gave Quinlan a Ride + 1 Time He Gave One to Cody by antonomasia09 (4k): Like most 5+1 fics, the title sort-of tells you everything you need to know here! Quinlan is a character I love but often am wary of reading in fics sometimes because of how often he's used for anti-Jedi sentiments or is just sort-of disrespected in terms of his identity as a Jedi, so it's always a pleasant surprise to find fics featuring him (either gen or in a ship) that don't have that element at all and this is one of them! Plus, Cody/Quinlan/Obi-Wan is such a delightful ship and deserves more love.
when you start anew by @coruscantguard (3k): Cody, Obi-Wan, and Quinlan take a little vacation in a No Order 66 AU and begin a healing process. This fic focuses predominantly on Cody and Cody's feelings in a happier post-war scenario, with more of a side serving of how Obi-Wan and Quinlan might fit into that. I like getting to focus in on Cody's trauma and healing and the way he begins to work through everything that's happened to him.
the time when stars align by qigiined (7k, not Anakin friendly): Cody accidentally adopts some young stormtroopers post Order 66 and escapes with them to the Rebellion after Vader finds a way to "cure" him of his accelerated aging. Cody goes through so much horror in this fic and is still so SO funny with the way he looks at the world and speaks to his loved ones, allowing this fic to still feel sweet and wholesome despite how awful Cody's life can be.
Non-Jedi AUs:
EDIT: As above, all fics by glimmerglanger have been deleted and so all links are broken, but I will continue to leave them on this list as a record of them.
Natural Wonders by @glimmerglanger (56k, not Anakin friendly): Shapeshifter modern AU with nature photographer Cody and park ranger Obi-Wan and a murder mystery they solve together. There's a lot of really great information on Yellowstone National Park in this one, and the mystery is built wonderfully around the really sweet relationship Cody and Obi-Wan build together.
Home (On the Range) by @glimmerglanger (60k): Cowboy AU where Obi-Wan has to take on Qui-Gon's new puppy after he dies and seeks out help from a handsome farmer who teaches puppy behavior classes on the side. This isn't precisely pure fluff, since both Cody and Obi-Wan are going through it a little, but it's not far off. Obi-Wan as a natural horse girl is my kind of Obi-Wan. Cody's relationships to his family are also really interestingly built out as the story delves more into his past.
By the Sea duology by @glimmerglanger (153k): 1940s mermaid AU where Obi-Wan is a veteran of WWII and Cody is an injured stranded merman who washes up outside Obi-Wan's cabin. This one's got some pretty insanely detailed worldbuilding to go along with the achingly beautiful slow burn romance. The first fic is so insulated to Obi-Wan's little cabin and the small area around it as it focuses in on the relationship between Obi-Wan and Cody, and then it just balloons out in the second fic as it explores more of the world beyond the bubble they built for themselves. These two have to fight so hard for their happy ending and get through a lot of obstacles that make the ending so victoriously satisfying.
The Games the Gods Play by @feybarn (7k): Dionysus and Ariadne AU with Cody as Dionysus and Obi-Wan as Ariadne. What can I say, I like my Greek mythology AUs! I'm less familiar with this particular myth, so I'm not sure how closely it sticks to the original story, but Cody's devotion is always a delight to read.
Slow Waters by @brigitttt (47k): Pacific Rim AU. I don't know what more I need to say about this one, it's very very good if you like the overall concept of Pacific Rim, and the sequel really enhances everything I loved about the first fic (unlike the sequel to Pacific Rim the movie which... did not).
From the Garden, Grow by @galateagalvanized (51k): Fantasy AU where Obi-Wan is a mage and Cody is a Knight/bounty hunter whose job is to rescue damsels in distress generally. Cody gets caught up in a world-changing quest with Obi-Wan after mistaking him for a damsel in distress. This one is particularly interesting because it keeps some of the elements of the world being turned against the Jedi through lies and the ways that impacts Cody and Obi-Wan's burgeoning relationship in a way most AUs don't address.
Lessons to be Learned by Assassin of Rome (2k): Shop class teacher Cody is going through a parent/teacher night and meets Obi-Wan, the older brother and guardian of one of his students, Anakin. Obi-Wan's relationship with Anakin is, funnily enough, something of the star in this one. Obi-Wan is SUCH a good guardian to his little brother and so ready to defend him and seeing him meet someone who is able to connect with Anakin in a way no one else has makes me feel Obi-Wan's relief almost like it was my own.
bury me beneath the tree i climbed when i was a child by @stormwarnings (33k): Modern AU where Cody is a firefighter and Obi-Wan and his family navigate life just before and after Anakin is released from prison. The development of the relationships across the board is what makes this one special in particular. Not just Cody and Obi-Wan, but Obi-Wan's relationships with his broken family, the friendships he has with other "Jedi" characters, and the new friendships he builds with Cody's family. The ways they have to work through the traumas left behind by Anakin's choices and how they move forward from that feel really grounded.
Equinox by @wanderingjedihistorian (4k, not Anakin friendly): Hades/Persephone AU with Cody as Hades and Obi-Wan as Persephone. I like me a good Hades/Persephone AU where Obi-Wan and Cody just want to be able to see each other more often and work so hard to make it happen. The Drama in this is excellent, as befits a Greek Mythology AU.
Peace in the Realm by Rosawyn (85k): Fantasy AU where Cody is a Crown Prince and Obi-Wan a mage and nobleman living at the castle. When Anakin makes a really bad political decision by marrying the Queen of a neighboring Kingdom, Cody and Obi-Wan have to deal with the political aftermath to keep things from descending into war. The Cody and Obi-Wan relationship is the star here, I ADORE the way this relationship works and develops through the story, and the ways Obi-Wan still feels like a Jedi and lives by familiar Jedi philosophies despite this being such a different AU.
Darling I Tried to Tell You by johanneb (5k): Modern AU where Cody got set up on a blind date with Obi-Wan that went badly, but he keeps texting Obi-Wan about all of his subsequent terrible blind dates with other people and ends up accidentally falling in love with Obi-Wan along the way. Super fluffy oblivious Cody, this one's hilariously sweet. Obi-Wan is endlessly patient in this and very forgiving of Cody's obliviousness as he slowly figures himself out.
mid-autumn, post script by @cafffine (16k): Modern cowboy AU where Cody is a mule packer and Obi-Wan is the local postman. This is an epistolary narrative told (mostly) via letters Cody sends to Rex. Cody goes on a JOURNEY in this fic and I love the ways this relationship is written and the characterization given to both of them. Cody's Drama goes up against Obi-Wan's Obstinance and sparks fly. I love that Cody actually doesn't even like Obi-Wan initially before he decides to change his mind.
Silver Lining by Wixiany (8k): Modern AU where Obi-Wan crashes into Cody on a skiing trip and they fall in love. It's just as fluffy as it sounds, and the speed at which Cody and Obi-Wan decide they like each other is stupidly cute.
Six Months in a Leaky Boat by @ossidae-passeridae (47k): Mad Max AU/period piece set in 1998 Australia where Cody and Obi-Wan are part of a radio broadcasting group fighting against the government to get vital information out to the public in an apocalyptic era. This person clearly loves this world and put so much thought and effort into worldbuilding and made it an interactive experience as much as they could. Absolutely worth a read even if you don't know anything about Mad Max or Australia in 1998 (like me!).
Thirty-One Sons, Thirteen Moons by sual (33k): Witch AU where Jango got cursed to just keep having sons (as in sons just literally show up at his door in a basket that are somehow biologically his) and it's getting out of hand, so he makes a deal with a witch to break the curse, but Obi-Wan requires a sexy ingredient in order to do it. Cue Cody. The way the sexy part is handled and the slightly sticky morality of it was quite interesting and well-handled. I love how all the magic and the worldbuilding surrounding it are woven into the storyline.
It's Raining, Dear by @cafffine (10k): Modern AU following the first 8 years of Cody and Obi-Wan's marriage through some ups and downs. Very slice of life style story with a lot of really sweet little storylines that flow in and out through the main "plot" of the fic. Cody and Obi-Wan are very devoted to each other, but still feel like a realistic couple that occasionally get frustrated or annoyed with each other or get into fights over important things even if they always make sure to come back together afterwards and handle it like adults. It's not quite fluffy, but it's really feel-good.
EDIT: All fics by glimmerglanger have been deleted, so the links won't work, but they will remain on this list anyway.
Best Laid Plans by @glimmerglanger (10k): No Order 66 AU where Cody and Obi-Wan try out a kink that doesn't go well and deal with the aftermath. There's not a lot of fic out there that I've read that deals with someone trying out a new kink and really not liking it, so I found that a really fresh and interesting concept.
Feeling Good by @glimmerglanger (2k): Canon compliant where Obi-Wan gives Cody a massage and a happy ending. Cody getting a massage and a happy ending seems to be a slight theme in the Codywan fandom and I adore it to pieces. Cody deserves all the pleasure he can get.
To the Letter by @glimmerglanger (11k): Canon compliant fuck AND die where Obi-Wan gets dosed with something that means he'll die if he orgasms and makes him basically perpetually aroused, so Cody has to figure out how to keep him from having an orgasm. This is such a cool inversion of the very popular fuck or die trope.
Be Your Love by @glimmerglanger (9k): Modern AU where Cody and Obi-Wan meet at a BDSM club. This one's got an age gap between Obi-Wan and Cody that's focused on as a part of the relationship in a way that's really interesting, and I appreciated the way the BDSM aspect was woven in with the age gap and how the relationship feels really sweet and genuine.
For Everything a Season by @galateagalvanized (6k): M/F Female!Obi-Wan and Male!Cody in a No Order 66 AU where Cody gets to wake her up with the news that "after the war" just officially arrived. This one's one of my faves to come back to because there's a kink introduced in this that, if taken seriously, WOULD go against the Jedi lifestyle and choices that Obi-Wan lives by, but it's handled in a way I really like and feels very respectful.
deep in your marrow by @redminibike1 (3k): Obi-Wan finds Cody after a long difficult campaign and makes Cody feel REALLY good. Again, I just think Cody deserves all of the pleasure he can get, so I love this.
@mademoiselle-cookie, @ankahikoibaat
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daincrediblegg · 6 months
How did you come up with Lady Terror?
OH THAT'S A GOOD QUESTION!!! Well. The short answer is that I watched The Terror again after a few years and needed to jump that grumpy old irish man immediately because he's so sad and outcast and pathetic, so I did what I usually do, which is wedge myself as hard as possible into the canon, slap a cool nickname onto it, and that was that.
But as many of you know, I'm not into short answers. So here we go.
Honestly, the process of developing Lady Terror has been a really interesting one. As I've explained before she was initially meant to be part of a more sci-fi centric AU based loosely off of 1899 in which she is a physical manifestation of the ship, but the way she developed from there is entirely due to three factors, 1) my friend's staunch encouragement (some of whom are still around, some of whom have deactivated, alas), 2) the Gothic Literature, film theory (which was very philosophically heavy), and the women gender and sexuality classes I was taking last year and 3) my staunch love for Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre reemerging in my consciousness at the time. These elements combined really gave me a sense of purpose when thinking about the relationship dynamics that I wanted to put forward with Francis and Lady Terror because I can absolutely never in my life just throw my self-inserts in all willy nilly because I am of the firm and staunch belief, which has been reinforced by my studies of all genres, that romance has the capability to be as radical and philosophical as any other, and where Crozier is concerned, I think he has so much potential as a romantic figure to break a lot of the common conventions that proliferate the genre, and put together with a figure like Lady Terror, it just makes my brain go brrrrr in a way that a lot of pairings with him just... don't.
Because the focus of their relationship is on the complexities, horror and fear of love. These are two people who have been ostracized in different ways but recognize in each other that ostracization, but beyond that, their capability that continues to be stifled by a social order that is designed to keep them in their place. I've talked a lot about how Francis is probably my favorite to do think work on because he's both a colonized subject but he's also a colonizer and that's his big struggle throughout the series (mirrored, perhaps, only by Hickey), but Lady Terror mirrors him in a unique way in that she is a privilaged colonized subject, and the unique experience that that entails connects them in a way that he doesn't share with a lot of characters, and one that I think is fascinating to explore.
Because like god. What if you were all that but also truly loved? Not to be confused with devotion, adoration, admiration, or with simply being seen. What if you were loved with those things, but also then for your mind, your humor, your ability to reject and rebel against that social order, and still be loved in a way that was barred to you because the social order that you were born into is designed to continue to reject you on every level? What if then you found it in a place that wants you dead? What do you do with that love? Knowing and fearing that you will be rejected again or, even more horrifying, that it could be ripped away from you at any moment because, again, this place wants you dead. You could not be more equally as lucky and as damned. But then also you wonder if this small and sacred thing can do anything at all? does it have the capacity to change things? Does the reinforcement that the union brings matter at all to anyone else? And how do you cope with that? All questions that I'm hoping to pose with them. I don't have strict answers for all of those questions, of course, but perhaps some hints in certain directions. But I hope to put them through their paces in this way.
... but also. Fundamentally, at the end of the day, I did come up with Lady Terror because I want to fuck that old man so bad it makes me look stupid. But also I'm a lit major and if I don't get freaky with it I'll die. Just how it goes with me, I guess.
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orbitfalls · 2 months
🧠 lily evans…. my tragic girl (4 the ask game!!) also bonus and not a character but pandalily if u ship ( am also intrigued by ur bartylily hc’s if u have any delicious ones >:) )
hi anon!! this ask had a little sleepover here in my inbox cuz i was on vacation, but ask and i shall supply!!!!
MY best lily hc is not a hc at all, it's a little AU idea i like to play around with in my head but will probably never write. the concept is this: harry and james are both killed that night on halloween, but lily survives, is framed for the murder, and imprisoned in azkaban instead of sirius. she manages to break out of there with a personal vendetta against both voldemort AND dumbledore (who got her imprisoned the same way he did sirius in canon) that she intends to make everybody's problem, and thereby takes her own side entirely in the war. i like to think she plays it lowkey in the beginning, infiltrating hogwarts barty-style to manipulate students and spy on dumbledore. here, she would meet barty (they both would be both quick & paranoid enough to see through each other's disguises i think), and i think their interests would align to a degree that would surprise even themselves. i imagine she'd eventually seek out voldemort through him and meet bellatrix, creating a (to me) dead interesting trio-dynamic of the three most devoted characters in canon. and i think they should destroy the world together. and take over hogwarts. anyway this is getting long but feel free to come throw me an ask about it and i'll love to elaborate more if youre interested!!!
now for pandalily, i'll admit i'm not the world's biggest shipper, but it's mostly just because theyre a little TOO different imo, and i don't find them all too compatible. i think lily is a deeply loyal and devoted character, and i think pandora is the exact opposite of that - i think she's extremely emotionally detached, impulsive and untamed. i think lily might be fascinated by pandora the way she would by a fictional character, and that maybe she might even develop some sort of projective 'this could be me if i stopped worrying what others thought' kind of crush, but i don't think it would ever get further than that, and i think pandora would be indifferent about lily entirely. imo pandalily works when both characters (tho mostly pandora) are watered down, and i do enjoy the ship, but i prefer the characters more extreme!!!
bartylily works better to me because theyre both sort of spun around the same core devotion, but still manage to compensate for each other's flaws, which i think gives them a really compelling dynamic. it's hard for me to even point at a specific hc cuz the captivating thing to me is the correlation between their characters that everybody somehow missed until the bartylily movement randomly began rising on tumblr not too long ago. i just know they would go a little too hard on the academic rivalry, everybody thinks they hate each other until one day you see them sharing a joint behind the greenhouses on the lawn and you realise that hatred is such a precise and severe emotion to these two people that it is both crucial- and entirely detached from both their characters, and whatever it is that they share, it has nothing to do with hatred and everything to do with boredom. i think they pick fights in classes and purposely take opposite stand points simply for the thrill of it, because theyre both bored out of their minds.
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fish-bowl-2 · 1 year
okay lmao you don't have to answer them all but im interested in your hot takes when you have time
7, 8, 9, 13, 16, 19, 21, 22, 24
😁 we need something to talk about in this micro fandom
Oh boy oh boy...
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them? Honestly, a bit of a hard one for me to answer because I don't really have one. I mean, there are always going to be fandom interpretations I am not into, but even so I don't really let that influence how I feel about the actual characters. A lot of those fandom interpretations don't seem to be the overwhelming majority anymore either. I feel that if I was invested in the EEnE fandom back in 2013-2014 I would absolutely be tired of Kevin, but that isn't really the case anymore. As far as I can see lol.
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about? That all the Kanker sisters (excluding May) are irredeemable and will never break out of whatever cycle they are present to at home. I mean, I'm not asking for any neatly packaged happy ending when I say that, but idk, despite my issues with their lack of development and presentation on the show, I think they are really interesting. If you want to get deep, they are just kids after all, with a lot of room for change in their life going forward. I like to think that they ALL go onto better things. Better can be open to interpretation. I do not mean any kind of stereotypical college degree manicured lawn and job type stuff. Satisfaction can look like a multitude of things. A lot of people apply this to May, which is great! But does that have to mean pushing aside Marie and Lee in the process? I personally don't think that is very fair.
9. Worst part of canon? Harassment when it is girls towards boys = funny : / Also, this is more of a fandom thing, but there are so many youtube videos where ppl are titling them stuff like "Kanker sisters RAPE Eds" like wow so edgy and funny guys how about we keep this in 2009?
13. Worst blorbofication? Absolutely Edd. No argument. I don't think that this is an unpopular sentiment nowadays either. It has been discussed to earth and back at this point.
16. You can't understand why so many people like this thing: - That in high school/college Edd will make a complete 360 change in personality and become a complete bad-boy shadow the hedgehog recolor. Granted, I do think that Edd will grow to tone down his anxiety over following rules, BUT to completely change is out of the question. This is still Edd we're talking about. Rebelling for him would be something like jaywalking or wearing shoes inside someone's house he doesn't like. It nags me a bit when people completely ignore the defined quirks and personality of a character in favor of creating a whole new oc. You can of course be inspired by a character you like to create your own, but how about present them as that? - That Edd will start to drift away from Eddy and Ed as he grows older, or the other way around and Eddy and/or Ed drift away from Edd. I don't get how this head-canon keeps popping up. The WHOLE point of the show is their friendship and that they are blood brothers and meant for each other!!! This goes beyond their diverging interests and personalities!! The actual show proved this with the movie!! "But lots of people don't stay friends with the people they knew from childhood" umm and lots of people do? I am still closest with my middle school friends then any other people I've met in adulthood. My dad doesn't talk to anyone from university but still meets up with his childhood friends. And even so, I just don't understand the appeal. Their friendship kind of IS the whole show, and doing away with that ultimately defeats the purpose for me. I find it a lot more interesting to delve into aspects like how they would uphold these connections and friendships into adulthood, when work and responsibilities makes it a lot harder to get together regularly.
19. You're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like... Ngl I can't help feeling kind of shy about being super invested in a slapstick cartoon that came out nearly three decades ago. Even when I am talking to other cartoon/animation fans, I feel a bit silly about wanting to analyze their dynamics and traits when most people casually just remember the show as fun slapstick (of course it is but I also wanna get insane about it without being seen as MysteriousMrEnter or smth lmao).
21. Part of canon you think is overhyped? "What is under Double Dee's hat, guys?" "Why have they never confirmed what is under there?" "Any one else disappointed that they never showed Edd without his hat?" Umm idc lol
22. Your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores? - Probably the connection between Ed and Double Dee. I think it is really cute. I love how so many episodes kind of have them hanging out together. I don't think people acknowledge enough how their dynamic works. It is very Autism 2 Autism, like Edd gets to kind of info-dump about whatever to Ed, and even if Ed has no clue what he is talking about, he still enjoys the company and has fun in listening and partaking in whatever Edd is invested in. - I always really dig how Nazz is depicted kind of "cool" and "sporty". Idk it could have been very easy to make her just any kind of popular girl trope, but she kind of holds her own (even if she is super underdeveloped compared to the other characters). I think it makes her friendship with Kevin interesting. - On that note, I also really like Kevin and Rolf's dynamics in their friendship. I do actually see people discuss this a bunch, but I felt like I had to mention it. I really like how the typical American Apple Pie jock is besties with the foreigner with odd customs and both are kind of at an equal footing to each other. - Sarah is insanely strong, like almost on the same level as Ed. What is in that family's genes??
24. Topic that brings up the most rancid discourse? Shipping, probably. (When is it not shipping).
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wixelt · 1 year
The way actualization works needs to have some established rules behind it, since as it stands there are possibly two components laid out, one established and one somewhat assumed but left unsaid. You said for sure that learning player things from players is required, presumably continued study over a long period. although this alone would apply to anyone from Hop Pop to The Core. Grime, Tritonio, Valeriana, Andrias probably, Gary. The odds of half the population of Wartwood becoming Players exponentially as time passes and the concentration of Hermits increases. At the very least, this includes the IT gals, Dr. Jan, and Terry. At some extreme end, this could mean the US Military starts training unaging magic super soldiers.
But the second component limits this a good amount. It's kind of implied that a genuine, deep, probably pointedly positive, connection to a player is required for actualization. This cuts the numbers down quite a bit, we likely won't get a missive influx of super powered side characters, no matter how hilarious as that image is and how much it may fit Wartwood's canonical status of army of cryptid country bumpkins, as well as removing Gary, The Military, and The Core for sure. The IT gals come down to how ride or die Xisuma is to them, but they may not have long enough for it to set in. The same applies to the other earth squad characters.
I have only really thought of one more setting rule but I may also have a potential narrative rule.
The first setting rule would state that only 'mature' Players can transmit their power. Player Maturity takes a long ass time. I'm leaving it up to you but I was considering anywhere between a lifetime and their first few centuries. this avoids both the plot hole of why Players aren't exponential in number and by extension the retconning of the backstory of this setting's Amphibia.
The narrative rule, that I will only be proposing, is one I call 'The Hop Pop Standard.' It is a rule that, for the purposes of maintaining thematic coherency with Amphibia and imposing a hard limit on where the line for who becomes a player in-story. This rule may need to be reevaluated later down the line depending on how the AU develops because if things change it has a high chance to stop functioning.
Simply, this rule would state that Actualization would have to maintain rules and caveats that insure that Hop Pop becoming a Player would be breaking the established world building. More broadly, a line should be drawn to prevent parental figures of Amphibia's main cast members from becoming players, for the purpose of keeping the rules strict enough that the number of characters capable of Actualization is appropriately small, as well as keeping a tangibly permanent reflection of Amphibia's themes present in-story.
As interesting as exploring Andrias eventually achieving a true form of immortality as a reward for his redemption and recompense would be, succeeding with kindness where his ancestors failed with cruelty, I'm willing to give it up if doing so ended up giving precedent for an ever expanding list of characters becoming Players. He himself is not a parental figure for any of the girls but allowing him in may bring up questions of why him and not people closer to the girls.
I am opposed to blocking Ivy from eventually Actualizing, mostly for Sprig related reasons, but that does mean she needs a bonded hermit, and this ask is already long so I'll put my nomination in another ask.
(Sorry for the wait, but I wanted to be in the right mindset first. :D)
I don't know for sure that player-to-player knowledge is an absolute requirement of actualisation, but its for sure one of the most common components. And - more importantly - its likely the only common component available for prospective players in our AU.
The need for player "maturity" - I'd say it takes a human lifetime on average, but varies based on a player coming into their own - helps keep the numbers down. Retcon averted.
It makes sense a "newborn" player lacks the experience to help another on their way.
As you say, though, this could apply to most characters if that was all it took, & there'd be exponential growth with how populous Amphibia & Earth are. Also, villains - from as of-the-week as Gary to as terrifying as the Core - aren't folks you want acquiring immortal power just by doing the reading of False's mind.
There's got to be more to it.
But that's where the inferred 2nd component of at least this method (as noted, there are others - the multiverse is big) comes in: the positive relationship. It wasn't something I'd consciously decided, but it does make sense that you don't attune to a new existence just by understanding the theory. It takes deep bonds with those already of that ilk.
Ivy has Joe. Maddie has Cub. Polly has Cleo.
Sprig has Grian/Stress/Ren/Doc.
Ally & Jess might have Xisuma (X likes them but this would be based on how much he interacts with the IT Gals post-Invasion).
Marcy has Mumbo.
Sasha has Scar.
And Anne has False.
So it tracks. And while the lack of a superpowered Wartwood resistance is a missed glory, I think its worth it to deprive the villain side of things - and Mr. X, as much as I love him - of easy power.
Besides, have you seen Wartwood? They're already OP as is!
And the 'Hop Pop Standard' works as a starting baseline for eligibilty, even if we have to change it later. It wouldn't feel right for his character for Hop Pop to be a "Player", so using him as a benchmark for someone not qualifying to keep numbers down & Amphibia's themes intact is sensible.
For him - & other primary parental figures, as mentioned - I imagine its not because he lacks the bonds, but more because he's fine where he is in his life & chooses not to advance despite his intelligence.
And yeah, even accepting his eventual redemption, I don't see Andrias getting actualisation as a karmic reward. I wouldn't give him this even if the rules were more relaxed, as it feels more in his nature to shy away from such ideas now he's free of his family burden.
If Hop Pop isn't going to wake up one morning with a suddenly there inventory full of light grey glass, neither is the former King.
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zuzsenpai · 5 months
just some miserable fanfic writing nonsense, don't mind me
there's someone who is about to post the final chapter of their very long, incredibly popular, beloved, and successful fic for a really rare ship. There's not a lot of content for this ship, so this person's fic really made a lot of people happy, because it was quality work and dove deeply into the lives of two under-developed side characters.
I also happen to adore this rarepair A LOT, and I'm writing a fic for it, which I haven't published (yet?). Both my fic and this other author's go through multiple years of these side-characters' lives based on what canon would have been like through their eyes. Obviously they aren't entirely the same-- I'm not trying to copy this person. But inevitably they're going to be compared if I ever publish it.
I started writing this fic because I needed a break from my usual fandoms, and my mental health was so poor that I needed something like this ship to make me happy. But my poor mental health seriously stunted my ability to write well. Nothing I've been writing now holds a candle to stuff I wrote in 2020 for instance. Depression has seriously deteriorated my abilities.
My writing isn't good compared to this other person's. Compared to this person's masterpiece, my fic is garbage. The writing is basic, elementary. If I published it, nobody is going to like my fic when they have something as wonderful as that other, better one to read. I'm going to get comments claiming I copied their ideas. Or, more likely, I'll get no comments at all. Compared to the unimaginable amount of love that other fic received.
I didn't want to publish this fic because I wanted to write it for me. I didn't want the burden of being upset when nobody liked the story. I wanted to have fun with a rarepair ship I love so deeply. I wanted to help myself feel better.
The urge to publish it and share it with fans of this ship is strong. The need for positive feedback is VERY strong. However, the things holding me back seem to be stronger at the moment. If I never publish it, I never have to compare it to that other person's story.
I can't share it. Nobody will like it and then I won't like it and it won't serve it's purpose of being something I wrote for me.
I want to share it. Because I am greedy and needy.
This sucks. I don't want to hate this story, please don't let me hate this story.
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ninjagirlstar5 · 1 year
Honestly, I am very invested in the protag Teruya AU
Oh, I'm happy to hear that! Even though I'm mostly just sharing the concepts of it, I'm glad this AU is getting attention.
Honestly, I think it'd be interesting how different the events of SDRA2 would've been if Teruya had been the protagonist instead and the kind of domino effect it would have on everything else. Especially since he's explicitly known as a survivor from DRA for those who know the story. Knowing the poor guy gets put into another killing game AND doesn't have his memories on top of that? The poor guy can't catch a break and the SDRA2 canon was not kind to him either. It's a lot different with Sora, I feel, since we wouldn't know who she supposedly is at the start of the story.
To name a few things that would change off the top of my head:
Teruya being an amnesiac means that something had to have happen to him in order to have amnesia. And considering the state of Akane's body in canon that was revealed in Chapter 6, it does not spell good things for Teruya. I'm thinking his body ends up the way it did when a mission went awry, probably from a bomb trap they noticed too little, too late. And to add an extra bit of angst to this, imagine him ending up this way because he tried to protect Rei from it. I'm thinking Kinjo also plays a roll in this, but I don't know what would work better in this scenario: him purposely spreading misinformation to try and manipulate his friends into what he considers the best case scenario, even at the cost of Teruya's well-being or a genuine mistake and a consequence he hadn't anticipate for. Either way, I need to think about the scenario of the mission a bit more. And either way, Kinjo is totally not having trauma flashbacks to Kouhei Sasaki. Totally. (Sarcasm)
Teruya survives, of course, but he's completely stuck in a coma. And with him out of the picture, the Kisaragi Foundation...isn't doing too hot. He's kind of been the glue that kept Rei and Kinjo from fighting each other constantly, and even helped them see each other's point of view as they worked together for a few years. And unfortunately, without him, their little friend group falls apart and the Foundation barely goes a day without those two arguing constantly. Before they knew it, the Kisaragi Foundation ends up splitting, with Kinjo being supported by the Hawks for his strict orders, to use "evil" against evil and willingness to sacrifice for the greater good, and Rei being supported by the Doves for her intelligence, her willingness to try and look for a better option and to protect as many people as possible, even if it means rebelling against the Director's orders itself. And then there's the Neutralists that are either just trying to make sure the Kisaragi Foundation remains intact or trying to keep their heads down and not participate in this at all. Overall, it's just one big mess without Teruya.
Protag!Teruya going through character development as he tries to lead everyone through the Utsuroshima Killing Game. I plan to make him pretty active in trying to prevent people from killing each other, coming up with ideas that may keep things from escalating. Of course, since this is a Danganronpa story, it's never that easy. And with Void around...yeah, good luck, buddy. At least you get to do something in this story since you have to as the protagonist, haha. (No shade to canon!Teruya, I love him. But I can't recall any significant things he did to try and help the group aside from going crazy in Chapter 4 and sacrificing himself for everyone else in Chapter 5&6.)
Of course, Teruya's intelligence from the past game hasn't exactly improve. Like his SDRA2 counterpart, he's still a great merchant but isn't smart outside of his talent. He's not exactly the most useful during trials, which he's ashamed of. But unlike his SDRA2 counterpart, Mikado, as his support, helps him learn how to investigate and make deductions from the clues of the crime scene. And as the story goes along, he's able to figure out the culprit with a bit of help from his friends. He becomes much more independent and competent by the end of the story, which must be quite the shock for Kinjo and Rei who are...not used to that. Teruya will still be Teruya, of course, but with his amnesia and his experience in the Utsuroshima Killing Game, I'd imagine he'd end up quite different to his original self in certain ways.
And then there's the Divine Luck as a plot point...God, I am...SO tempted to talk about that. Especially about Chapter 6 and the Epilogue. But this post has gotten long enough, honestly, so I'm gonna stop here.
This is all I can think of that's related to Protag!Teruya atm. There might be more that I'm missing or things that could end up developing as I write the story. I'm still in the second half of the Prologue as I ended up making this AU while writing another ongoing fanfic so some things may change as I progress. And I haven't done much writing for the AU aside from drawing so that it might be a while before I finish the Prologue. But thank you for the ask! I'm happy to talk about my ideas for the Protag Teruya AU.
The Protag Teruya AU was inspired by @/anotherprofessional’s post! Beware of Void spoilers though!
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n0ctiluntill · 1 year
It's me again!!!
I am indeed intrigued about this AU. So did Mafuyu leave her mother on purpose? Did the mom kick her out? was it kind of like a bird leaving the nest kind of thing? Or was it more that little Mafuyu is still under her mother's custody, and she has to get home by a certain time? >:)
Also, does she learn new skills when she meets the gang? Are their areas like savepoints after Mfy realizes they are of no harm? Are there other enemies that aren't Mafumom?
Does Mafuyu have a weapon, if there are physical enemies? Would the combat be more like psychological warfare (I do not know exactly what that term means), where she has to talk out her inner emotions and feelings and stuff? Is it based off of the rest of her friends' lairs?(Like the candy shop has cute enemies with hidden abilities, Ena's art thingy has creatures with a high attack but low defense and no strategy, and Kanade has slowly poisoning enemies that gradually lower your stats until fighting is impossible).
Does HP or mental strength increase, to be able to fight MafuMom final boss? Are there times when you can try to fight your mom but if you don't have the mementos then you fail?
Also, will the Vocaloids be in any subplots or have any involvement in the story?
Thank you for coming to my Ted Ask,
Good luck,
Random person on the internet.
hey sorry for the wait it took me a while to gather all the ideas ( so many LMAO questions like you're going to develop a rn game. nvm really glad you got so consumed) !! you have very interesting thoughts, but my vision of the game is a little different from yours ... I think it's okay if I share my thoughts as well. It’s worth starting with the fact that mafuyu got lost by accident. It could be a busy street or a market where she was staring at a street musician (like miku?) however, this is not so important as the fact that mafuyu’s mother did not provide for this and she is very worried about her, and mafuyu, never getting into such situations, goes ahead somewhere.
Mgh, about skills..I think mafuyu can't do anything at all (THIS SOUNDS HORRIBLE). after meeting niigo, they and mafuyu discover something new for themselves. I say right away that this is not 100% niigo, due to the setting, their characters are slightly changed. but I try to fit in their canon conflicts. It is important for me to pass on life lessons. I still think it would be possible not to make friends with niigo, but I'm afraid that this will spoil the gaming experience.
accelli, I would not add bosses and enemies familiar to games at all. kanade's location - the memory room - would look like a large maze, in addition to the puzzle, the submitting paintings with butterflies could pose a threat. and at the end of the maze, she meets a mysterious girl with a piano who was unable to keep something valuable to her and locked herself in.
ena's location - drawing class and GHAH there we see an angry ena who either lost or realizes that she can't get better right now. in anger, ena scatters art objects, chairs, desks, and when she realizes that she almost killed mafuyu, she becomes very ashamed and draws a portrait of mafuyu as an apology. and mizuki breeds mafuyu in her shop for candy, and since she has no money, she has to work hard. I like your suggestions about enemies and their characteristics! but honestly, I don’t know where to put them.. if you have ideas, be sure to share them!
souvenirs are needed as a split between mafuyu yu and her mother. mafumom breaks everything that the girls have given, and she is absolutely angry at the new philosophy that mafuyu brought with her from the adventure.
my ideas are more suitable for a novel than a game, but I would like to make it completely logical and laconic in terms of story.
good luck and thanks for the questions, dude!
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seque1 · 1 year
Tumblr media
𝐝𝐨𝐧❜𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝑖'𝑚 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑟𝑒
independent 𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑚 𝑟𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑦 featured in the 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 franchise. heavily canon divergent & headcanon based. studies in feminism, the spitfire, anti-sidekick, the damsel who must slay and not be slain, subverting women's roles in horror, can't be ditzy if she's thinking of ways to knock you down a peg, and oh, she's a ten.
mutuals only;
this   blog   is   PRIVATE   which   means   i   will   be   selective   with   those   i   follow.   if   i   follow,   i   want   to   WRITE   and   generally   nerd   out   about   our   muses   w/   you.   if   we   haven’t   reached   out   to   one   another   for   some   time,   i   may   unfollow/softblock.   really   want   to   focus   on   plotted/developed   interactions   since   i’m   not    able   to   be   here   for   prolonged   periods   and   it   helps   me   keep   up.   if   i   do   not   return   your   follow,   do   not   attempt   to   contact   or   interact   with   any   posts.   NON RP/PERSONAL/WRITING   BLOGS   shouldn’t   interact   w/  posts   or   follow.   i   want   to   keep   things   strictly   for   rp   purposes   only.   mutuals   only   means   i   will   only   write   with   those   i   am   also   following.   mutuals   may   send   memes,   respond   to   starter/plotting/ship   calls,   and   generally   hang   out.   if   you   wish   to   break   mutuals,   that's   your   decision,   and   i   won't   fault   you   for   it.   if   there   is   a   genuine   issue   that   needs   to   be   brought   my   attention,   please   reach   out   and   let's   discuss   it.   if   i   wish   to   break   mutuals,   i   will   softblock.   hardblocking   will   be   reserved   for   severe   actions.   do   not   attempt   to   reach   out   through   another   blog.
low   to   medium   activity   due   to   work   schedule.   i   can’t   promise   the   queue   will   be   loaded   up   and   ready   to    post   other   times,   but   i’ll   certainly   try   my   best.   i   do   not   hold   any   mutuals   to   a   specified   time   limit   on   replies.   i   appreciate   your   patience   when   it   comes   to   my   responses   as   well. 
as   mentioned   above,   there   will   be   some   dark   themes.   however,   i   will   not   write   things   like   inappropriate   interactions   with   minors,   abuse/non-con,   discrimination,   incest,   etc.   i   won't   tag   things   unless   requested   by   mutuals.   otherwise,   a    cw   tag   will   be   used.
i   am   open   to   all   types   of   ships.   if   you   have   an   idea,   ask   me   about   it.   my   response   will   vary   from   immediate   to   possibly   brainstorming   scenarios.   if   i   hard   pass   on   a   ship,   respect   that.   again,   no   inappropriate   dynamics   such   as   an   adult   with   minors   or   toxic   relationships.   any   extremely   negative   relationships   will   only   be   referred   to   in   headcanon.   enemies   in   a   non-abusive   sense   or   rivals   are   fine.   as   for   romantic   shipping,   you   know   what   i'm   going   to   say:   chemistry.
crossovers,   aus,   original   characters,   and   multiship.   you   may   enter.
no   godmodding,   forcing   ships   or   harassing   for   responses.   you   may   remind   me   of   a   plot   or   thread   we   have   going,   but   please   do   not   attempt   to   guilt   me   into   hurrying.   i   am   a   real   person,   in   the   real   world,   with   other   things   going   on.   as   much   as   i   would   love   to   sit   and   write   all   day   or   gush   over   our   muses   together   until   our   brains   are   slime,   i   won't   be   online   all   the   time.   if   i   am   online   but   haven't   responded,   be   patient.   i   follow   the   muse,   and   i   expect   my   partners   to   take   their   time   too.   vague   posts,   negativity   and   all   that   yucky   stuff   can   find   the   door.   i'm   not   here   for   any   ooc   drama.   while   i   don't   condone   callout   posts   and   related   content,   i   need   to   know   if   i'm   unintentionally   writing   with   someone   abusive.   do   not   steal.   my   main   psd   go-to   is   jaynedits.   color   psd   is  wild youth   by   tuschen.
i   am   willing   to   interact   with   other   eddies   because   at   one   point   in   time,   i   really   did   enjoy   all   the   silly   aus   we   could   get   up   to   such   as   twins,   or   how-did-we-end-up-in-each-others-universes.   however,   i   have   had   a   few   bad   experiences   that   have   made   me   cautious   with   dups.   i   will   not   follow   first,   but   if   other   eddies   follow   then   i   will   consider   interacting.   basically   if   we   can   stick   to   basic   rp   etiquette,   namely   godmodding,   then   i'm   good.   you   have   your   version   and   i   have   mine.   we're   individually   unique,   and   we   should   explore   that.   i   don't   want   to   know   what   i'm   doing   wrong   or   feel   uncomfortable   in   the   choices   i   make.   we   might   go   down   the   same   avenue   as   far   as   mannerisms   and   history,   but   ultimately,   we'll   make   it   our   own.   i'd   rather   not   knit-pick   who   did   it   best   or   how   similar   a   canon   version   is   to   another.   anyways...   that   got   a   little   ranty,   but   basically,   i   love   the   idea   of   dups.   let's   have   fun   with   it!
mains & exclusives;
mains,   yes!   exclusives,   the   jury   is   out!   as   of   right   now,   since   this   blog   is   so   new,   i   won't   practice   exclusives.   i   will   have   main   canon   muses   that   will   take   priority   because   we've   known   each   other   a   minute   or   we   have   great   chemistry.   not   sure   what   my   main   limit   is,   but   i'll   update   when   i   do.   
drew \ twenty-one + \ they them \ discord available upon request by mutuals
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sage-nebula · 2 years
for the sonic asks: 4, 5, 23?
Sorry this has taken so long to get to! I had to setup my new computer and that was a bit more involved than I thought it would be. Also, I took a nap after work (but before setting up my computer) which was six hours long, so . . . that also put a delay in me answering the asks in my askbox, lol.
4.) Favorite male character(s)?
Tails, my baby Tails. 💜 I've talked recently about all the reasons why I love him, so I won't go into that again, but I'll just say that he's my favorite boy. I guess I'm a lot like Sonic in that regard, because Tails is Sonic's favorite, too!
That said, I do like Sonic himself a lot too, of course. He was my hero as a child and, like I said in another ask, I still think he's right about a lot of things today. I'll always hold special fondness for the blue blur himself.
5.) Favorite female character(s)?
Whisper, my girl Whisper. 💜 Again, this is another I've given reasons for liking recently so I won't get into it all again, but I just love her so much. I am hoping that she manages to catch a fucking break in 2023 because good god she has been through enough. That said, her gf Tangle is a close second because Tangle is just so fun and also great. I really just love them both.
(And if you're looking for games-specific answers: Rouge would be my favorite lady from the games, but I'm also very interested in Blaze. I need to watch playthroughs of her games since I never got to play them, but I really like what I know of her from the IDW comics.)
23.) Got any fan characters?
Kiiiind of?
The way I am with OCs in fandoms is, I make them as I need them for stories. If I'm writing a fic and there isn't a canon character for a role (usually minor) that I need, I'll create a character on the spot to fill that role. I typically don't think of them much beyond that; I give them a name and a base personality and just write them in. For Sonic, you can see this in practice in chapter two of Beyond Oblivion, where I named / created some Windmill Village citizens to give Sonic someone aside from the mayor to bounce off of: Oz the confrontational osprey, Poppy the nervous mouse, and Penny the put-upon store clerk. These characters will likely never show up again (at least I have no plans to revisit Windmill Village at the moment), but they served the purpose I needed them to serve and so they did their job.
With that said though, there is a character that I've already mentioned in chapter 3 of Beyond Oblivion that isn't strictly necessary, and one that I am lowkey thinking could end up having a counterpart in the normal verse, and that's an A.I. that Miles / Tails created / creates to be his personal assistant. In Beyond Oblivion this A.I. is named S.I.M. (which is an acronym for Simulated Intelligence Mainframe), but I think if Tails created this same A.I. on his own in the normal verse, he'd give them a proper name, Simon. (So it still has that simulated intelligence mainframe root, but it's an actual name, because Tails would have no reservations about seeing this A.I. as a person even though they're a program, whereas Miles is very adamant about consciously thinking of S.I.M. as just a program so that he doesn't get emotionally attached. He does anyway but that's beside the point. Also, it opens the possibility for "Simon says" jokes, which is always a plus.)
I don't want to say too much about S.I.M. / Simon here because I'm hoping to show that more in Beyond Oblivion, but I can say that Tails would develop Simon later in life than Miles developed S.I.M. because Miles needed S.I.M. much earlier (and tbh for different reasons) than Tails would need / want Simon. S.I.M. is only ever just a voice, but Simon's displayed form would be a mouse—because, you know, computers have mice, and that's Simon's type of humor. S.I.M.'s pronouns are exclusively they/them, while Simon is more a he/they type. Their personalities are the same in both universes, and while I'm keeping quiet on what that personality is right now, I will say both are very fond of their creator.
But yeah, that's the only OC I have at the moment, and honestly they still formed from a story need (in this case, thinking about Miles in Beyond Oblivion). That's just the way my brain works, I suppose!
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Right, I'm dropping some HSMTMTS opinions, because honestly, looking through the tag, I feel like i'm watching a different show to some of you???
For context, I have loved Rina since 1x05, but I also properly hopped on the Portwell bandwagon in s2, and genuinely enjoy both ships as written. In fact, other than Ricky/Lily, there are v few canon relationships on this show that I haven't enjoyed at some point.
Anyway, a few thoughts on the love triangle that I may get shot for, but oh well.
1) Gina is not emotionally cheating on EJ. Like yeah, her and Ricky have got their friendship back, and the nature of their friendship can come across as flirty, but Gina rn is fully invested in her relationship with EJ. Her and Ricky being close (especially given he was her first friend in Salt Lake) isn't a crime. Even in WDYKAL, she is fully in character to piss off EJ. She is not suddenly over EJ and back into Ricky.
2) Ricky is not trying to get in the way of Portwell. Yeah, he was being a bit of a dick with that comment about EJ stealing Gina because we all know that's not true. But other than that, he has respected their relationship. He had no intentions of telling Gina that these feelings have resurfaced for him, evident from the fact he swears Carlos to secrecy and is devastated when Channing catches it on camera. And he also makes a point of asking "did it show?", demonstrating that he is trying to keep his feelings under wraps. He allowed Gina to talk about EJ without getting defensive, he even answered EJ's question of why Gina was mad at him without a sarcastic comment. Saying Ricky is purposely getting in the way of PW is character assassination for no good reason. The boy has feelings, yeah, but he hasn't acted on them and the narrative has shown nothing to suggest he would while Gina is with EJ.
3) EJ is being a bit of a tool this season, but honestly, I don't think this is the wasted character development y'all think it is. I don't know about all of your own lives, but something I've found in mine is that growth is very rarely linear. Yes, EJ learnt and grew a lot in s2, and there are times it feels he has forgotten that in s3. But also, he is an incredible stressed 18 year old: flaring up in the form of your former self isn't bad writing, that's just what happens when you're a kid going through shit. I am not worried about what they're doing with EJ at all, and I think by the end of the season, he will have developed in a way that is in line with what the writers did for him last season.
4) I completely agree that they should have slowed their horses when it came to reintroducing the triangle dynamic. Especially because it does feel like PW only got a few eps without drama. But also, this is a teen drama, that's kind of how it works? Also, based on the current writing (and I know I'm in the minority here), I genuinely still think PW will be together at the end of this season. Or at the v least, they won't break up until right at the end, and it won't have anything to do with Ricky.
5) I genuinely don't think the Rina storyline is fan service. Maybe WDYKAL was a *little* bit but I loved every second so I'm not complaining. Tim has said right from the start that Rina was born out of them seeing Josh and Sofia's chemistry in 1x05, and the team feeling that they needed to write towards that. And so they did. Similarly, I feel that the PW stuff in season 2 was so great because it felt that the writers saw something v natural between these characters, and just wrote towards it in a way that felt organic with the story. Given how much of a mess 2b was, I still think Portwell is one of the best written parts of it. However , in s2, there was only closure for Rina on Gina's side, so to say it was a 'done storyline' when we've actually never seen Ricky's POV, isn't fair either? Like idk, there are plenty of things I would have done differently when it comes to the love triangle, but also I don't think that any of their dynamic this season has felt out of pocket, like it all seems to follow the tone and prev writing?
Anyway, long controversial venting over. Please don't come for me xoxo
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makeste · 3 years
im honestly scared for whats going to happen next. while i have no doubt that bakugou is the one who knows deku best, this is the first time hes reached out to him for dekus benefit. he understands him but most likely doesnt really know how to communicate with him. what they desperately need is an adult to help talk deku down instead of fighting him, but since most of the adults have proven themselves useless in this, I'm worried whats going to happen.
I meant to reply to this ask sooner, but it didn't really come together that way, so my apologies. the manga itself will probably provide a better answer than this within the next 24 hours, assuming the leaks come out as scheduled.
but in the meantime, I do want to say that I don't think there's any cause for worry here. the Kacchan of the past may have had difficulties communicating with Deku, because he never really understood the why of why Deku was doing things (so even though he's always been fairly good at predicting Deku's actions -- "don't come, Deku" -- he never really understood what was driving him to take those actions). but the Kacchan of the present definitely knows what he's doing imo.
there are two important things to keep in mind here. the first is that we know from past arcs that Katsuki is capable of remarkable insight when it comes to finding the right approach to reach out to someone.
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what's notable about this scene from the Remedial arc is the way that he anticipates which approaches are not going to work. he's not the one to come up with the final plan, but he is the one to say to the others, "look, if we don't do this right, the kids are going to react like this, instead of like this." definitely something which I'd say is applicable to the current situation as well.
and the other thing to keep in mind is that if this chapter established anything, it's that Kacchan knows Deku better than anyone else.
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he knew exactly how Deku was going to react. honestly we might as well have called this chapter "the nice and accurate prophecies of Kacchan." either that or, "I'm fine," after what is apparently Deku's favorite new mantra.
but anyway, so we've established that Kacchan canonically approaches situations like this with great care and anticipation for how the would-be-rescuee will react, and we've also established that Kacchan can predict Deku's reactions in particular with incredible accuracy. so given that, I think it's reasonable to assume that Kacchan has a plan here, and that there's a reason behind his specific choice of words.
"wow, real inspiring! all hail the mighty inheritor of One for All! but tell us this... are you smiling now?"
"do your worst, you All Might wannabe!!"
and this is the part where I was originally planning on writing out a much longer post, but for various reasons it never really came together. so I'll just try to summarize everything with bullet points instead.
the theme here is "OFA is a cursed power." this is something that has been steadily building up and intensifying for a while now. the past OFA users all died young. AFO drives them all into isolation and misery. the Vestiges think of OFA as a power that "is tasked with destroying AFO." Deku is now the last and only one left who can wield that power. it is a massive burden, and Deku believes that he has to carry that burden alone.
Katsuki knows exactly what is running through Deku's head right now, and has been anticipating this for a while. he read All Might's notebook. he knows what happened to all of the other OFA users. and he knows Deku well enough to understand that he fits right in with that legacy. back during the chapter 284 flashback he was clearly worrying about this exact type of scenario.
fast-forward to chapters 318 and 319. he finally tracks down Deku, and finds him looking like a trash bag that got forced through a paper shredder, surrounded by an angry mob of brainwashed civilians and NOT EVEN FIGHTING BACK AT ALL, go fucking figure. so he basically confirms with a single glance that his fears were well-founded, and that in his absence Deku has made significant progress down the path of being a complete dumbass.
Ochako then tries to reach out to Deku through words, just like Endeavor and All Might did before her, but he predictably responds with the exact same phrase Katsuki knew that he would use -- "I'm fine."
at this point Katsuki has heard all he needed to hear. he knows Deku is not going to listen. he knows that Deku believes that he can't listen, because in Deku's mind he has a responsibility to handle this all on his own, and he's afraid of putting anyone else in danger. Deku is fully embracing the "I must walk this path alone" legacy of OFA, just like All Might before him. and so Katsuki knows two things:
in order to have any hope of reaching Deku, he has to get him to understand that the legacy he's embracing is deeply flawed, and that the path he's on right now is one which ends in death and defeat, just like it did the first seven times.
and second, Deku is going to fight them, because Deku is stubborn like that. and Deku thinks that he's doing this for them. and so in order to reach him, they will have to fight back. that's a done deal.
hence the jeer about OFA, along with the pointed remark about him not smiling. and then two seconds later Deku does of course reveal his intentions to fight, just like Katsuki knew he would. and so Katsuki accepts the challenge, and also throws in a bonus jab about how Deku is perfectly emulating All Might now, just as he always wanted -- except that what he's actually emulating are all of All Might's worst aspects. his insistence on carrying his burdens alone; his reluctance to accept anyone else's help; and of course, his determination to carry on to the bitter end until his body literally breaks down.
and that is not the fate that Katsuki wants for Deku. he needs Deku to see that this is the wrong path. he needs to find a way to break past his stubbornness, just like Deku did for him, and for Todoroki, and for so many others. and so he goes on the attack. because, in the same way that Deku is willing to fight them in order to save them, Katsuki is willing to do and say and fight anything and anyone in order to save Deku -- and that includes Deku himself.
so yeah. he knows what he's doing. and I am absolutely positive that everything he's doing and saying here does serve a purpose. he will find a way to reach him. literally all of his character development has been building to this moment. Deku saved him all those times so that now, when it matters the most, he can save him in return, and he's not going to fail him now.
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
I know this is something of a "controversial" topic in MHA fandom, but I do like the female characters in MHA. I know they don't get as much time as the male characters, but we do have to remember that this is a Shounan Genre and it's a Manga written by a man. Even in Shounans written by women (Fullmetal Alchemist), men still get the spotlight and I feel like Horikoshi has done his best to break typical gender stereotypes for his female characters.
Yes, Momo is sexy and her costume is appalling. But she's intelligent and humble and she has a really cool arc where a male character has be subordinate to her. How often in Shounans do we see one of the main male protagonists taking orders from a lady?
Yes, Ochako is sometimes reduced to just her feelings for Izuku. But she's a bruiser, a fighter and her relationship with Himiko Toga is treated as being just as important as Shouto and Dabi's relationship and Izuku and Tomura's relationship.
Yes, Mei is kinda used for boob jokes sometimes. But she's an intelligent, dirty, resourceful mechanic who's allowed to be all those things and initially she was gonna be a man, so Horikoshi is trying to include more ladies in his work. Tsuyu and Toru also started as males.
MHA's female characters aren't perfect, but they're definitely better than most of the rest of the shit we see in the Shounan Genre like in shows such as Yu-Gi-Oh! and Dragon Ball. We have feral fighters like Miruko, cranky old ladies like Recovery Girl, heroic damsels like Eri. I for one think that we got lucky to have the ladies we do.
I agree with you!
I know a lot of people harp on about the female characters, sometimes I can see why, but personally I think the women are great! I'm sure there are better ways to treat them, but I don't think they're treated very badly
I've heard before that Shonen Jump has a thing about "being a manga for teenage boys so it has to feature stuff the 'typical teenage boy' would want to see". You know, like fanservice, or boys their age, love interest stuff where the guy gets the girl and so on and so forth
(I've also heard that Shonen Jump doesn't have a single female writer on their team precisely because of the "for teenage boys" thing, which is stupid imo)
But for what's there? For what we actually have?
For women who are shown to have their own minds, their own goals, their own successes and failures and learning experiences? I would say we have quite a bit going for us there
This fandom really likes to focus on the most negative things, for example, Ochako's crush on Izuku being seen as "love interest" stuff and that's the only purpose she serves
When, canonically, we have *looks at notes* Ochako wanting to see people happy, fighting for that happiness, she even has her own narrative ("Who protects the Heroes when they need protecting?"), she wants to save people NOT just because of Izuku's influence but also because she witnessed a man dying in her arms, felt the weight of that life and wanted to prevent that from ever happening again. You also have the whole thing about her being independent to a fault, financial trauma, wanting to give her parents a better life, and then the stuff with Toga, the Villain to her Hero, and she wants to understand her
Like. I'm not denying that she's a very likely love interest, but there's more to her than that stuff, you know? And it's shown very well that she is more than just a love interest, believe it or not
About the Momo thing, I'm sure there are like. quite a lot of instances of Shounen boys listening to girls, even if just once, (tho admittedly I am drawing a blank on naming anime/manga with those instances in), but I do think people forget about that arc quite a lot! It was a big battle in terms of character development for Momo and it's like people just forget about it. Actually, I feel like people forget about her confidence issues in general when they say stuff like "she's just a face and tits for the manga"
I agree about Mei too! She's allowed to be quirky and get dirty and be all over the place, and she's so intelligent too. And reckless! And that moment with her telling Izuku that Support students can be Heroes too was such a great moment for her, I'm really glad that role was given to her first out of anyone else. I'm pretty sure that's the FIRST instance of someone saying Support student/anybody else outside of the actual Heroes can be heroes too! And the fact that it started with her? *chefs kiss* love it
About the whole switching genders thing! Yeah! I like that Hori balanced it out more so it wasn't one-sided. People go on about the story feeling one-sided with girls vs boys and I guess I can see why in terms of class 1a, but it could have been much worse
And, may I mention, you even have complicated female characters, mothers, by the way, who are not all painted as innocent or nurturing or without fault, who are just as complex as the boys can be
Honestly I could go on and on about the female characters. I'm considering doing a bnha ask game of people sending me female characters to analyse just because I feel like people think there's nothing to them at all when... there is something there to talk about, actually 👀 which would just be something for fun btw. I would like to do it and see how much I can dig up!
Are there things that could be improved? Sure.
Do we wish there were female characters who had more focus than they get? Yes.
But is there nothing but fanservice, crushes and female character background decoration, like people seem to imply? No.
Just wanted to mention before I'm done: You also have a case of breaking gender stereotypes for the boys too. Satou, anyone? You know, the boy who bakes for fun? Who's a muscly strong guy and uses desserts to get strong, but also bakes because he can, for his classmates and for FUN?
Anyway yeah. Long answer short, I agree with you haha
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filipinoizukuu · 3 years
I saw your post about the FA's translations, and I totally agree. Sometimes, when they do not translate accurately, is to make it sound better or cooler in English, but it just ends up taking away a lot from the context and characters. We know how one of the most affected character interpretations is Katsuki's, a main character, no less. And Izuku and Katsuki's relationship too, which is something super super wrong, considering is deeply intertwined with the main plot of the series, thus if someone misinterpreted their dynamic, this person would miss a bigass chunk of the message the story has.
Here is the panel you mentioned before btw
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I remember when I read this, only 10 or 11 chapters into the manga (?), and I was like "...I'm...pretty sure this guy didn't say that" khshsjdhs
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(this is your warning for a long post ahead!)
In any case, I still think you're very correct on this! Not to ramble a bit, but Horikoshi's particular talent in developing the plot of MHA is actually very very brilliant and there are a lot of blink-and-you'll-miss-it details that together, assemble the big picture of what MHA is.
Translations are such an integral part of being able to understand foreign media. MHA or otherwise. The simplest of details say a lot about a character and often times make or break a series because everyone knows that strong character dynamics are what carry even the shittiest of plots.
First and foremost, I want to clarify that because of the nature of fan translations and the fact that most of it is volunteer work/ written out of pure enjoyment of the manga--we shouldn't judge these fan translators too harshly (if at all) for interpreting it the way they want to. FA, as far as I can tell, is a fan-based group that works out of donations.
The first thing I wanna bring up is that when it comes to fandom and its works, there are two types: Curatorial and Transformative. Now, the transformative part is something that must be very familiar to a lot of you. Fanfiction, fanart, and most headcanons fall under Transformative Works (i.e. AO3) because they are all about transforming the canon world to fit each individual's personal preferences. Meta-analysis posts and Character Breakdowns are also classified under this.
Curatorial on the other hand are fandom interactions made with the explicit purpose of being as close to canon material as possible. This is working out the logic of quirks, for example, or memorizing as much canon content about your favorite villain as possible. These are more cold, hard undeniable facts that lend themselves to the DIRECT VISION the creator/author had while making this media. If you were to ask me my opinion on this, this would be the moment where I tell you that the Curatorial side of fandom is where fan translations should (for the most part) fall under.
What people need to know though is that oftentimes, fan translations do not.
Translating isn't and has never been a one-is-to-one process. There are hundreds of thousands of aspects in a language that make it so that it isn't perfectly translatable. Colloquialisms to sayings to dialects, to just plain-out words that don't have a proper English translation to them! Manga is made by and for a Japanese audience, so obviously in a lot of instances, there will be cultural nuances that will not be understood by anyone who hasn't immersed themselves in Japanese culture/language.
So what does this mean then for fan scanlations?
It means that a vast majority of translators teach themselves to only get the essence of the message. They take the dialogue as they understand it and translate it to something of their interpretation. When language and cultural barriers exist, translators do what they can in order to make it understandable to the general populace. This means making their own executive decisions on how they see a character speaking. In example, if they see Todoroki using very direct and impersonal Japanese--one translator might interpret it to mean that Shouto is stiff and overly formal, while another may see it as him being rude and aloof.
The problem is, translators are fans just like us.
Like with the image Mang posted above, the translator based the usage of curse words off of their understanding of Bakugou's character. The lack of foul language in the original Japanese might have made the translator think "Oh. There just aren't enough Japanese cusses for his character." And took that as an initiative to make Bakugou's lines more colorful and violent because this was working off of the image Bakugou had had at this point in canon.
But Codi! You may cry. Wasn't it proven multiple times that Bakugou prefers concise and short lines? They should've known better!
Yes. Maybe they should've known better. But tell me honestly in your first watch-through of MHA, did you perfectly understand Bakugou's character either? Did you catch the whole 'direct and no flowery language' aspect of his language when you first saw Season 2?
Most people don't. I only really understood this fact after I'd read multiple discussions of it and even double-checked the manga myself. These are the kinds of things that only become noticeable with a sharp eye and some time to scrutiny. But the fact of the matter is that when it comes to fan translations, the clout and recognition are always going to go to who can post the quickest.
Am I excusing erroneous translations? A bit, I guess. It's hard for us to go in and expect translators to catch all these errors before release when we ourselves only catch these errors like 4 months in with a hundred times more canon context than these scanlation groups did at the time of its release.
Still, there are plenty of harms that come with faulty translations.
When a translation is more divorced from the original's meaning than usual, it creates a dissonance between what is actually happening versus what the audience sees is happening. This looks like decently-written character arcs being overruled and rejected by most of the readers because of how 'jarring' and 'clumsy' it seems. By the time translators had caught on to the fact that Bakugou was more than just a ticking time bomb, we were already several steps into showing how significantly he cares for Deku.
The characters affected most by these translation errors are often those with the most subtle and well-written character arcs. A single mistake in how the source material is translated can make or break the international reception of a certain character to everyone who isn't invested enough in them to look deeper into the canon source.
It creates hiccups in plots. Things that seem out of character but really aren't. Going back to MHA in specific, the way that inaccurate translations hurt both the 'curatorial' and 'transformative' parts of the fandom is that people have begun to cite them as proof of the main cast's characterization.
Bakugou and Todoroki are undeniably some of the biggest examples of mistranslation injustices.
Katsuki, in a lot of people's minds, has yet to break out of the 'overly-aggressive rival' archetype box that people had been placing him in since Season 1. One of the most amazing aspects and biggest downfalls of Hori's writing was that at first, nearly every character fit into a very neat stereotype for Shonen Animes (Deku being the talking-no-jutsu sunshine MC, Uraraka being the overly bubbly main girl, Todoroki being the aloof and formal rival). He made the audience make assumptions about everyone's characters and then pulled the rug beneath our feet when he revealed deeper sides of them to play around within canon.
What made this part about Horikoshi's set-up so good though were the many clues we were given from the very beginning that these characters were more than what they acted like. Even from the very first chapters, for example, we learn that Katsuki (as much as he acts like a delinquent) dislikes smoking because it could get him in trouble.
That is just a single instance of MHA's use of dialogue to subtly divert our expectations of a character.
Another example is when they replaced 318's dialogue of the Second User saying that Katsuki "completes" Deku with him saying that Katsuki merely "bolsters" him. This presents a different situation, as that line was meant to reinforce the importance of those two's relationship as well as complete the character foils that MHA is partially centered around. By downplaying their developed connection, it becomes harder for the MHA manga scanlations to justify any future significance these two's words have on each other without mottling the pacing of the story.
AKA, it butchers the plot.
With every new volume, there are dozens and dozens more of these hints and bits scattered around! So many cues and subtle foreshadowing at the trajectory of everyone's character arcs--yet mistranslations or inaccurate scans make it so that we don't notice them. This is what I mean when I said that some character arcs are being done great injustices.
Until now, many people can't accept that Katsuki Bakugou cares for anyone other than himself (much less his rival and MC, Izuku Midoriya), nor can they accept that Todoroki would ever willingly work by Endeavor's side. The bottom-line then becomes that because of people missing heavy bits of characterization that become very plot-significant in the future.
When it comes to the point where people can no longer accept or fit their interpretation of the earlier manga events to what is happening in canon, the point of a translation fails completely because it has lead people to follow an entirely different story.
TL;DR - Fan scans are hard. Translating is hard. Don't get too mad at fan translations, but also maybe don't treat them as the catch-all for how characters truly operate. Thanks.
Side note: DO NOT harass FA for any of these things. FA is actually a pretty legit and okay source for scans (they've been operating since like 2014 ffs), but regardless of that they still don't deserve to get flack for their work. You can have any opinion or perspective of canon that you want, I don't care. These are just my two (more like two million tbh) cents on translations. I suggest reading takes from actual Japanese audiences tbh if you wanna know more about the source material of MHA. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lord-jen-grey · 2 years
For the writing ask — 17, 29, 72! ☺️
The questions are: Do you have a writing routine? What is something about your writing that you're proud of? What is your favorite writing compliment you've gotten?
Of course, I couldn't keep it short like the questions probably intended.
It felt kinda obnoxious to write some of these, but I wanted to be honest and own my wee space. Enjoy.
17. Do you have a writing routine?
I suppose I have a few routines. Routines for story creation, chapter development, and writing process.
Routine for story creation:
I usually start with the end of the story first. The purpose of it. I try to ask myself what I generally want my readers to be left with when they finish that last chapter.
I make notes on transformations I want characters to undergo and ideas of how I can imagine them getting there. Is there a personal struggle they need to overcome? (Like P.I. Jamie and his self-destructive guilt.)
I take images or scenes that spring up in my mind and jot down notes on those emotional moments and how I would like to see them play out.
I outline the most major events, and each one of those events is a chapter. I truly like each chapter of my fics to be their own story within a story.
I then take those events and develop a working outline. A map. At least 1 whole page per chapter. I plug all the pieces together on that outline, laying the foundation for the purpose, character transformations, and emotional moments FROM THE BEGINNING. This part feels very much like a puzzle that I'm breaking apart and putting back together. It's very satisfying when the pieces all fit.
The reason I leave extra space on each chapter page in my notes is that I add details as the story progresses. Ideas spring up all the time, and I leave myself room to make the story more interesting and robust as I go. I jot down poems, jokes, small events, phrases, tropes, I want to play with as I go. So, while I have a structure to the story, I allow for significant flexibility within that structure. Sometimes, it takes a lot of problem-solving to make sure it all comes together.
My routine for each chapter:
I review the outline/map, then sit for a few minutes (or hours or days or weeks or months) and decide exactly what it's going to look like.
Then I plow through, forcing myself to write. To just put words on paper. My first draft is usually a mess.
My second draft cleans things up and makes them pretty.
Depending on the length of the thing, sometimes I'll leave it for the next day before I post it or submit to a beta.
I rarely use a beta because A) despite what one might think by my meticulous planning, I'm not a perfectionist and can shrug off mistakes B) I hate pressuring or inconveniencing anyone to read over my work in a specific time frame & C) I get too excited to post to hold out for someone else to read it.
After the relief of posting a chapter, I usually crash for a few hours/days/weeks (depending on how draining it was).
Then I start all over again.
My routine for sitting down to write:
Procrastinate with snacks, WhatsApp, and Twitter.
Research rabbit holes.
Get stuck on ONE SENTENCE for far too long.
Power through and write a TON of words in a few hours (usually super late at night when my kids are asleep).
Read over my work out loud and with bad accents.
Put on AO3 as a draft.
Read it over once more.
Then do it all over again until the fic is done.
29. What is something about your writing that you're proud of?
How about a few things?
I take an awful lot of pride in the variety of stories I write, different genres, different themes, different techniques.
I take pride in my humor and filthy puns. My Jamie Sperms story makes my soul happy in a way you may never understand.
I like the way I characterize Jamie, Claire, and John.
I feel like I am pretty decent at creating complex stories and (hopefully) sweeping the reader away into a little universe I've created (with canon's assistance). I actually feel like this might just be my greatest strength.
I think I write pretty freakin good sex. Realistic sex.
I take pride in my productivity and completing stories, even if it takes me a year or more. I've posted 1.5 million words on AO3, and I think that's pretty awesome.
I think I'm pretty decent at making things sound pretty when I want to.
I think my stories balance angst, humor, fluff, and smut fairly well.
A b*tch is humble too lolololol
72. What is your favorite writing compliment you've gotten?
There have been a few.
I really like the ones that start with "Your mind..." I spend so much time in my mind, it's really fun to let people in and see the sights.
I love the comments about how my story has changed a person's life. I've had a few people tell me my story helped them embrace their sexuality and made it a safe place to come out to family or friends.
I love when people tell me they use specific chapters of specific fics to go back and self-pleasure (en-freaking-joy, my friends).
My dear friend (before we were friends) left me a bullet pointed comment once that was a joy to read through.
I love when people make jokes in my comments. I try hard to share a few laughs, and when people do the same for me, I truly enjoy it. Give me all the puns pls.
I love when people get the overall picture and complexity of what I'm attempting to do and tell me they appreciate it.
I think the best compliment I've ever received that that I opened a person's mind up to enjoying something they didn't think they'd like before. I love it SOOO much.
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