#i am currently also eating chocolate rocks so that probably explains it. he would love these things i sweae
nagimayo · 1 year
idk what the fuck is going on in my head but this came to me in a vision so i'm bestowing it upon all of you
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canyouhearthelight · 4 years
The Miys, Ch. 103
This chapter was, honestly, a complete an total delight to write. I wanted to take an opportunity to work more with a character who has gotten very little ‘screen’ time: Sam.  He’s one of two characters on the autism spectrum (please correct me if that isn’t the right term?) who are based on actual people who I’ve been acquainted with.  I’ve admittedly shied away from writing much of Sam or Derek, largely because I have been scared into flop-sweats at the possibility that I will misrepresent autistic people. Even though I was acquainted with the real life versions of both Sam and Derek, that was nearly a decade ago and memory is fickle.
However. In an effort to do better all the way around with the characters I am writing, I found podcasts of people on the spectrum talking about what makes them unique, how they feel about being autistic, and what they consider good representation. And then I took a deep breath and wrote this chapter. It is the first, but I don’t want it to be the only. Turns out? Sam is a REALLY neat dude (I think)!
Finally, finally, I had a day off from work and crises. Tyche planned to spend the day baking, Antoine was booked solid with appointments after taking his ‘sabbatical’ to help Xiomara, and everyone else in my life was currently either teaching or attending Galactic Core classes this shift.  The single exception was Conor, who currently was serving his volunteer shift in the aeroponics lab. 
Because of this, I was currently making my way down there, steak and beer pie in hand, to surprise him with lunch. A happy humming trailed behind me, both from the newfound free time on my hands and the fact that Hujylsogox technology meant I wasn’t burning my hands while carrying the food for more than five seconds.  In fact, forty-five minutes later, the pastry was still hot, my hands were still cool, and I was paging for entry into the lab with a note that I was carrying food, just in case any poisonous plants were out.
It was one time I forgot, and fortunately it only upset Conor’s stomach and wasn’t fatal.
Shortly, the door slid open to reveal - Sam, not Conor. “Hey,” I grinned, recovering quickly. “I didn’t know you’d be down here right now, or I would have brought you lunch, too.” Trying to be less awkward, I gently rocked the pie in my hands. “I’m sure Conor doesn’t mind sharing though?”
Sam smiled in return and stepped back. “It smells like beer,” he replied. “But thank you.”
“The alcohol cooks out?” I tried, caught between being polite and being pushy.
To my somewhat relief, he shook his head. “Yeast,” he pointed out, wrinkling his nose and sticking his tongue out slightly. “Not a fan.”
Couldn’t exactly blame him, since I didn’t drink beer for a similar reason. “Next time, I’ll check if you’re going to be here, and bring you lunch too.”
“Sophia,” he started to admonish, before affixing me with a wordless stare.
Ugh. Apparently, I wasn’t quite free of my own awkwardness. “I just feel like I should bring food for everyone I know and not just Conor,” I tried to explain. “Where I grew up, it’s rude to bring food for only one person.”
“I eat,” he replied, waving vaguely.  
It took a few moments to realize that I completely misunderstood the gesture.  He wasn’t waving without meaning at all.
“Are those tomatoes!?” I gasped. “And that’s baby butter lettuce… Cucumbers!? You have cucumbers!?”
“Baby ones,” Sam grinned proudly just as Conor came in.
“Thought I heard your voice,” he laughed before tipping my face up for a kiss. “Sam showing off his salad again?”
I forced a glare and gently poked my partner in the chest. “Tomatoes. Conor. You did not tell me there were fresh tomatoes.”
Conor laughed, but Sam was the one to reply. “They just turned ripe today. You can have them if you want?”
“Oh, gosh,” I gasped, no small amount of wistfulness in my words. “Sam, I was joking. Just teasing him, I promise. I wasn’t seriously mad, and please don’t give these to me because you thought I was upset. I’m not. It was a joke.” Trying to compose myself, I forced a hand through my hair. “Did you grow these?”
He nodded, excited. “In soil we think will be like the soil on Von. As a test, to see if they taste different.”
My head, neck, and eyebrows all shot up. “Are they safe to eat?”
“These are, yes. The earlier ones, we weren’t sure, so Conor couldn’t tell you about them.”
“Sam, seriously. These aren’t my tomatoes. They belong to everyone, so thank you for being careful and not letting anyone eat them until you were sure.”
“I know you want a tomato, Sophia.” Without hesitation, he reached out and plucked three from a nearby plant. “If all three of us eat one, to test the flavor, then they can’t be ‘your’ tomatoes, right?”
Conor shook me gently. “He has a point, love.  These are the first batch that ripened and tested safe for humans. Sam’s probably eaten his weight in them, but I don’t think any other people have tried them.”
Sam looked down, trying to hide his ear-splitting smile. “They taste really good.”
With a sigh of defeat, I looked at the dark red berry in my hand. My curiosity instantly took over. “These look like zebra tomatoes, kind of.”
Sam’s face lit up, while Conor was still studying the one he had. “They’re a cross! A black zebra tomato and a Cherokee chocolate tomato, modified to be grape sized!” He popped his into his mouth, crushing it happily. “Not very acidic, but the soil also gives them more of a mineral flavor.”
Fascinated, all hesitation left my body as I shoved the fruit into my mouth. The first bite was an explosion, part familiar acidic taste, part something that I could only describe as ‘red’, and something… almost stony. Not in texture, but in flavor.  It wasn’t something I had ever experienced with a tomato, but - 
“Wine,” I murmured. “It’s.. stony, like a wine. New Zealand white, actually, with the volcanic soil… That’s…”
“It’s clean,” Conor interjected. Chewing thoughtfully, he continued. “That mineral taste keeps it from lingering in your mouth. I bet I could eat one of these tomatoes and bite a piece of cake right after without the flavors crossing.”
Sam replied, but it was so quiet I couldn’t hear him. When I asked him to repeat himself, he turned his face toward me with his eyes closed, hands grasping nervously. “I like to dip them in Nutella,” he enunciated loudly.
The idea of ‘tomatoes and Nutella’ made me draw up short, but then I thought over what Sam had said. He didn’t say he liked tomatoes, in general, in hazelnut spread, he said he liked these tomatoes dipped in it. And Conor’s point about eating one and then a bite of cake echoed through my mind. Nodding firmly, I tried to telegraph my confidence in Sam as hard as I could, lifting my chin far enough to make my neck itch. “Well then. You know these tomatoes better than anyone, and have eaten more than anyone. I would like to try these in Nutella, if you have three more ripe ones?”
Sam’s eyes snapped open briefly before he snatched three of the fattest little tomatoes he could find.  Eagerly, he yanked open a random drawer and revealed a hidden container of the spread. “I’ll have to hide it again, Conor eats it on everything,” he confessed before swiping the tomatoes through like they were strawberries, leaving a neat little curl of chocolate and hazelnut on each one.
Taking the one offered to me gingerly, I had to admit I felt intrigued.  The deftness Sam used to dip them told me that this wasn’t only something he’d tried, it was how he enjoyed these the most. Before Conor could get over the concept of chocolate and hazelnut on a tomato, I popped my treat in my mouth to satisfy my curiosity.
Holy. Fiendish. Shit. I almost choked on the amount of saliva that filled my mouth. That was incredible, if I was being brutally honest.  I never would have tried it with a tomato grown in Terran soil, but… hell. This was a whole new thing. “Sam,” I choked out as I desperately tried to keep from shouting. “You’re….. That’s brilliant.” The flavor was like chocolate, hazelnuts, strawberry, and orange, washed down with a good wine. “I think you just converted me to Nutella.”
Conor gaped, which only made Sam laugh harder. “Sophia,” Conor sputtered. “Do you mean to tell me that you hate Nutella so much that experimental tomatoes are what convinced you? I feel like I don’t know you at all, suddenly.”
“Yeah, no,” I confirmed. “This is probably the first time I’ve liked it in my life.”
“I want a divorce.”
“We aren’t even married,” I pointed out, before realizing that Sam was getting incredibly upset. “Annnnnd we can’t make that joke, babe.” Making sure Conor saw me glancing at Sam, I clarified. “Sam, that’s just a joke. Conor wouldn’t break up with me over Nutella any more than Maverick broke up with me because I like spicy food. But we - “ I elbowed Conor just hard enough to get his attention without making him choke on his second tomato, “won’t joke like that again. I’m sorry.”
Hesitantly, Sam nodded before wrinkling his nose. “You do like really spicy food.”
“I do,” I confirmed. “And Maverick does not. So, I make him food that isn’t as spicy. And, just like that, I don’t eat Nutella, and Conor doesn’t make me.”
Narrowing his eyes, Sam turned to Conor. “Is that why you always steal mine?”
Conor nodded sheepishly. “I’m sorry, mate. I’m really bad about that, aren’t I?”
“It’s free, Conor,” Sam pointed emphatically to the wall. “From the console.”
“Does that mean you’re mad?”
“It means stop leaving empty containers in my drawer. If you eat the last of it, at least get me more. Geez!”
“So, you aren’t mad?”
“I’m mad about the empty containers,” Sam scowled. “There is nothing nice about coming to work with all this fruit” he gestured expansively “and having nothing to dip it in.”
Conor opened his mouth to reply, but closed it just as quickly.
“He’s got a point,” I added, knowing I was entirely unhelpful. “I mean, what if I made meatloaf and no mashed potatoes? Or gravy? No either?”
His head snapped toward me, his expression horrified. “Sophia, what in the…. You would never expect someone to -” Without prompting, he cut himself off. “Ah, shit. I’ve been an arse, haven’t I?”
“You have been a complete donkey,” Sam intoned seriously. Then, with a smirk, he added, “I think you owe me pickles.”
Conor groaned at that. Sam loved pickles, but only specific kinds. Predictably, my boyfriend’s face pivoted to leverage his most beseeching expression at me.
Unfazed, I shook my head. “Nope. I’m not the one who ate his snack topping. I’ll give you the recipe, and you can make the pickles.”
“Taking his Nutella and not replacing it is rude, and you know how I feel about rude people.” I examined my nails closely. “And you are perfectly capable of getting whole radishes and matchstick carrots from the console, but nice try.”
“Brussels sprouts, too, please,” Sam asked politely.
All I could do with such a request was nod firmly. “And the brussels sprouts.”
“I don’t even like - “
“They aren’t for you,” I pointed out. “Although, I’m sure Maverick will appreciate it if you make a double batch of the radishes.”
“And Derek likes the brussels sprouts,” Sam pointed out.
When Conor sank to the floor with a groan, neither of us could restrain our laughter.  Who knew that ill-gotten chocolate led to pickling your worst enemies?  Then again, I guess Conor was about to find that out the hard way.
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royallyanxious · 5 years
What makes a good lava cake
Paring: Prinxiety 
Summary: Roman wants to make a breakfast for Virgil. It does not go well. 
Thank you @quietlypondering for the inspiration :)
Word count: 1470
Triggers: fluff all the way through, a crack fic
Let’s get one thing straight - Roman didn’t make a mess in the kitchen. He called it: an artistic chaos in the cooking space. There was nothing wrong with that. The flour all over the place was the sign of his never-dying dedication. The fact that he had to go cry in the bathroom when the cake turned out weirdly heavy and oddly tough, was clearly the final proof that he didn’t lack an artistic flare. After all art required sweat (been there), tears (checked) and blood (one drop that was spilled when he cut the chocolate was enough).
But even the greatest artist, had their mentors.
Roman dialed the number. 
“Roman.” Logan never asked. He stated.
“Logan.” replied Roman through his teeth. He would not cry to Logan on the phone.
“The sound of your voice suggests that you have water in your eyes.” 
Well, shit.
“I also have a question.” Roman rolled his eyes, “Let’s say you’re preparing a lava cake for the love of your life-”
“Patton prefers lemon tarts but go on…” Logan cut swiftly.
“Lava cake.” repeated Roman, “Are you sure that the lava part is supposed to be liquidy? Or maybe the recipes by ‘lava’ refer to… molten-rock-kind-of-lava?”
There was a beat of silence.
"... I think you know the answer to this question Roman. I'm hanging up right now."
"No! Nononono!" Roman roared desperately, "Please… Help me… " he added meekly, making sure that Logan still didn't end the call. 
A long sigh resonated through the phone. Roman was pretty sure that he could feel disappointed vibrations on his own skin. 
"Roman, I would love to help you," started Logan, his voice’s a tad softer than earlier, "But you know what mum always told you. You are not a good fit for a cook. Why won't you write a poem where you shall compare Virgil to a cupcake, instead of actually making a cupcake?"
"But where would be romance in this?" Cried Roman helplessly, trying to break his second cake with the first cake. 
"Virgil, loves you as much as you love him, brother. He would be thrilled to get anything from you, believe me." Logan said cooly, "Now stop this madness, clean up the mess and let me sleep. It's 6 in the morning." he finished.
"Wait, what- Logan?" Roman asked, staring intensely at the phone, "Logan wait, I don't even know how to make a perfect- ugh."
The sound that slipped through Roman's parted lips, reminded more of a war cry than a frustrated growl. Luckily his neighbours knew about his love for Game Of Thrones so in a worst case scenario they'd think he decided to make a morning marathon. 
Roman brushed Virgil's purple apron off the white flour that was currently covering it. Or was that sugar? Roman wasn't sure. Perhaps that was why the cakes turned out strange after all.
It was time to face the music. 
Cake was not a good idea. 
Luckily, Roman wasn't the type of person who gave up easily. He pulled off the apron and carefully put the "cakes" into the trash can (he was afraid that if he dropped them, he would break tiles). The key was to prepare food - no one said it had to be a cake. Besides, lava cakes were overrated. Virgil didn’t even have instagram to post a picture of a perfect chocolate goo. Yes, apparently the universe wanted Roman to prepare something easier, something more mundane, something like… What did Logan say?
It was 6 am, wasn’t it?
“Breakfast it is then!” smiled Roman to himself, completely oblivious to the sparks of madness that there brightening up his eyes. 
According to the article on wikipedia, it was impossible to mess up a breakfast (Roman would call it “mispreparing”, not “messing up”). Sure, for the past 2 years it was Virgil who was in charge of cooking, ever since he caught Roman trying to fry an egg in a toaster, but it was in the past and Roman learnt a lot since then. 
For example - he knew that he certainly needed a pan.
“Now is it a saucepan or frying pan…” he hummed happily, going through the content of the cupboards. “Is there even a difference…? It’s probably some american english and-or british english bullshit again,” Roman pondered, being completely wrong.
Finally he pulled out something that looked almost flat. He was pretty sure that the love of his life was usually using this silver shield to make his scrambled eggs. 
“Fantastic.” Roman praised himself, nodding to the pan. “The recipe suggests using one egg and butter. I assume that they don’t mean one whole butter…Hmm... ‘If you want to you can add a tomato but remember to’... Well, that seems a little bit over the top even for me.”
Carefully, not to burn himself, Roman put a spoon of butter on the pan. He stared at it for a moment, wondering vaguely why it hasn’t started melting yet. Then he turned on the burner. Pleased with the result (butter started melting!), he also turned on the oven just in case. He glanced at the clock. It was almost 7am.
“Great masterpieces take time.” he said out loud, hoping that the microwave agree. It didn’t but that was probably only because microwaves don’t talk. “It’s time for gran finale!”
Roman gently put the egg on his hand.
“You better not mess it up, mistress.” he mumbled to the egg, slowly raising the knife. He didn’t want his victim to see it coming. 
“I promise to make it quick.” he promised under his breath, before swiftly hitting the eggshell with a knife. It felt empowering, he could now understand why Virgil liked cooking so much. “And now… onto the pan…” 
One could think that there was no way someone would make a mistake at this point. But people are fools after all and some of them clearly haven’t heard of Roman. 
Step 1: Crack an egg.
Step 2: Try to put it onto the pan.
Step 3: Fail and miss the pan.
Step 4: Watch an egg hit the counter and then watch it slide on the floor.
Step 5: Remain in this position, asking why the world hates you.
If a look could cook, this egg would be fried to the bones with the way Roman stared at it. And if there was one thing he was proud of, it was the fact that there were no eggshells in this particular egg that was chilling on the floor. It however did mix with the flour that was there before.
Someone snickered and Roman turned around, almost losing his balance.
Sure enough, his boyfriend, Virgil - in his full morning glory, was standing in the door of the kitchen. He was also desperately trying to stop himself from laughing. His feet were bare and covered with white dust. He must have been standing there for a while now.
“H-hi, Virgil my dearest,” Roman stuttered, trying to ignore the crackling sound behind him. “I thought you are still asleep…”
“I woke up when I heard the fire alarm. It’s pretty loud,” explained Virgil, sporting the you-are-a-dumbass smile.
“Ah, haha. Well, it is pretty loud, isn’t it?” Roman scratched the back of his head, shooting the but-I-am-your-dumbass smile.
Virgil inhaled deeply, trying hard not to wrinkle his nose, “So… are you going to turn off that burner, Ro? Because I’d prefer not to eat the burnt butter from this wok?”
“Wo-who?” repeated Roman, his eyes widening.
“A wok. Also known as a wok pan.” explained Virgil, leaning against the counter to grab some towels, “A pan suited for Asian cuisine,” he added smirking.
“Go ahead, you can ask, Roman” beamed Virgil. He looked incredibly pleased with himself.
Roman sighed. God damn Virgil and his angelic-verging-on-mischievous smile.
“You don’t make scrambled eggs on a wok pan, do you?” he asked, knowing already what the answer was.
“Nope,” Virgil grinned and quickly pecked Roman’s lips, “But I do appreciate you trying, Ro. Although… maybe next time try to write a poem about breakfast instead of making one, what do you think?”
“But where would be romance in that?” groaned Roman softly, fixing his eyes on Virgil’s feet. He had a strange feeling of deja vu. 
Lean, slim fingers gripped on Roman’s chin, forcing him to look up.
Roman always thought that Virgil had the most beautiful eyes on earth.
“What do you mean by ‘where’s the romance’?” Virgil tilted his head cutely, “‘Roman’ is right in front of me and the ‘ce’ part is simply overrated.” he smiled, making it impossible for Roman not to lean closer and close the gap between their lips.
“Happy anniversary, Virgil.” he mumbled into a kiss, feeling the curl of Virgil’s lips against his own.
“Happy anniv, Ro.”
The end.
General taglist:
@depressed-alone​​ ​ @changeling-ash​​ @dear-lover-dearest​ @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2​​ @calmingthoughtsinyourhead​ @zo-geeky​​ @fandomfreak-19​​ @thegnatnat​​ @inha-led​​ @tree4life25​​ @panic-at-theeverywhere​​ @reallyanextrovertipromise  @shit-happens-bitchachos@pastel-patton123​​ @pinkeasteregg​​ @greymane902​​ @princeyssash​​ @ilovemyspoopydad​​ @musicphanpie-b​​ @all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2 @birosezz​ @winged-outlaw @anxious-fander-talian-bean​ @lizaelsparrow @moonstonefox12 @pastelnerd101  somecrappyclonemysticalstrawberryface @ninjago2020​  donteatmyassghostie toriwithacamera moxiety–sanders101 confinesofpersonalknowledge xxladystarlightxx wheeitsvee a-very-optimistic-realist narniasfinestavengingsociopath  thequeensqueer allycat31415 rileys-main-blog-spotroman-is-a-dramatic-prince virgil-my-diamond justanotherproblem faacethefacts  beautifully-terribly logical-but-anxious queen-of-all-things-snuggly seabellart   @generalfandomfabulousness lostin—translation  knine-nights  @poisonedapples @talhaddelpla @punk-and-flowers @quietlypondering @milomeepit 0joodles0  grape-soda-city-kid sanders-sides-stuff lonelysoul43 imtooaromaticforthis @xxxbladeangelxxx
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x01: Back and to the Future
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Welcome to the end!
It’s still the end. Bob Seger sings some bullshit song about the Final Scene (brb, crying) over the seamless transition from recap to the start of the episode. Team Free Will are fighting off the zombie horde that God resurrected. Before they’re overwhelmed, Cas grabs Jack’s corpse and they take off for a nearby mausoleum. Cas sets Jack down while the brothers secure the door. They’re safe, temporarily.
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They try to make sense of what Chuck just did, and Dean lashes out at Cas trying to brainstorm ideas on what they should do next. I love how sassy!Cas just pops out whether the situation demands it or not. (Sidenote: I’m going to missing this fucking angel SO fucking much.)
Sam thinks he’s found a way out through a drainage pipe under the mausoleum. The brothers start dismantling the masonry (and struggle with it while they just let Cas stand and watch. Lol, panic really does stop critical thinking skills.) Alas, there are zombies on the other side and Cas steps up and smashes the ghost out of the corpse.
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Just then Jack stands up and says, “Hello.” Only, it’s not Jack, it’s a demon named Belphegor, and SOMEHOW, despite 15 years of training, we’re all instantly gleefully enjoying this creature inhabiting poor, dead Jack. Cas, on the other hand, is not so happy about the turn of events and demands that Belphegor leave Jack’s body.
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Belphegor can help! Dean stops Cas. He wants to hear what the demon has to say if it can help them get out of their current situation. Belphegor says he can send all the monsters outside their door away.
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He has a spell that requires graveyard dirt —and angel blood. Sam just says Cas’s name. I appreciate Cas’s face at that. Of course he’s going to help (After all, he’s always happy to bleed for the Winchesters) but that was a bold assumption there, Sam.
With a clap of his hands, the noises fall silent outside. They exit the mausoleum to find the graveyard strewn with corpses. The spirits inhabiting them were blasted away.
Cut to Bloody Mary torturing some girls just trying to enjoy some makeover time.
Team Free Will + Belphegor are on the road. Sam is finding nothing in the news about a zombie apocalypse. Dean wants to head back to the bunker and figure out a way to close up hell. Belphegor suggests a spell to contain the ghosts while they figure out their plan. The spell can create a circle a mile wide that will trap the ghosts. One problem, that Cas points out, is that the town by the cemetery would fall within the circle. They decide they need to evacuate the town.
On their drive, they find an abandoned car, blood on the windshield, but no body. Dean and Sam recognize that this was the work of a woman in white. They also come to the conclusion that every spirit they put down is back as well.
Cut to a birthday party that’s gone MASSIVELY off the rails. A mother, holding her daughter, runs through the house.
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Blood splatters the walls and a creepy laugh echoes in the distance of the house. They head to the garage to try and escape, but they can’t open the door. The mom cries for help, but the neighbor walking by doesn’t hear. They’re stuck with the ghost of John Wayne Gacy stalking them.
The next day, the boys pull into the town as FBI agents and Sam informs the local sheriff he needs to evacuate the town. He suggests getting everyone to the high school five miles down the road.
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Meanwhile, Dean tells Cas to go with Belphegor to collect the ingredients for the spell. Cas refuses. “Dean, I can’t even look at him.” Like, OUCH. Sam and Dean have it bad enough seeing Jack walk around when it’s not really Jack, but Cas has the added layer of being able to see Belphegor’s true face in Jack’s body. Cas bolts from the Impala to find Sam.
Having witnessed that tension, Belphegor finds this to be the perfect time to needle Dean. He sees all the people around them and comments on how crazy good looking everyone is these days (less humps). (Also, he mentions how when he was a human people worshipped “a giant rock that looked like a huge penis.” And Dean’s face is priceless. His face looking at the gay couple was also quite priceless.) He pushes Dean by telling him he’s gorgeous. (Ahem) Dean wants him gone from Jack’s body. Belphegor asks who “he” was, meaning Jack, and Dean responds, “he was our kid.” I’M NOT CRYING, YOU’RE CRYING. Belphegor then tells Dean what ingredients he needs for the spell: salt and a human heart. Easy, peasy. 
Sam and Cas split up to go door-to-door and evacuate residents. They both end up at murder houses. Sam follows an eerie trail of blood down the hallway towards the garage. Cas uncovers the dead teens. As Cas strides from the house, Bloody Mary smirks at him from a mirror. She loves to watch you leave, Cas! (Same, GURL.) (Boris: Did anyone else notice that Cas knocked before entering the house? What a polite bean.)
Sam investigates the garage, shotgun at the ready. From above, the mom and little girl push up from where they were hiding behind a bunch of sports equipment. Sam helps them out, tells them everything will be fine, and then turns and comes face-to-face with a killer clown. The clown swipes at him with a knife, and Sam goes down. Sam’s cowering on the floor, injured, when Cas bursts in with his own shotgun and blasts the ghost away.
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Back downtown, the Sheriff continues clearing each shop while Dean heads back to Belphegor with his big sack o’ rock salt. On the phone, Dean orders Rowena to head to town and help them out. She forces him to say, “Move your exquisite ass, please.” We love her dearly for it.
Belphegor stares steadily at Dean. “I’m a fan,” he admits. “When you were in Hell with Alastair I got a chance to watch you work. The things you did to those people. It wasn’t torture. It was art.”
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Dean deflects from his past torture, asking about Hell. Same old, same old, Belphegor reports, except that when Chuck had his tantrum all the doors of Hell unlocked. Demons became a swarm of escaping minions. We also learn that Michael’s cage is open. He’s still sitting within the open cage. “He wouldn’t hold a grudge, right?” Belphegor whacks Dean jovially on the shoulder. BELPHEGOR, men have probably died for less. 
The cut in Sam’s abdomen is deep and Cas heals him (and his clothing) immediately. (Somebody get Cas over to my house ASAP. I have three things on my mending pile I’ve been avoiding.) 
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“I’m an angel,” Cas explains to the astonished mom and kid. Sam introduces himself as “just a guy” and then clutches his shoulder in pain. First of all, SAM you are not “just” anything. Second of all…
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Cas examines Sam. The wound looks black and raw. Whatever magic is at play is still at work. He tries to heal it but stumbles back as Sam has a vision of himself with demon-black eyes. Cas can’t heal it - there’s an energy in the wound he’s never felt before. Sam dismisses the wound then. He’s FINE. Just watch him do jumping jacks and push ups and eat a salad with no hands!
The Sheriff calls and tells Sam that the town’s been fully evacuated. He’s going to head out, too. (It was at this point in the episode that Boris drawled, “Well, that Sheriff’s dead.”) And, indeed, the Sheriff encounters the Woman in White and meets a bloody death. 
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Dean and Belphegor head out towards the morgue to find a heart, only to find the Sheriff recently dead. Convenient! The demon punches into his chest and pulls out the Sheriff’s fresh heart. 
Cas, Sam, and the mom and kid stalk the empty suburban street, heading towards safety. Unfortunately, instead of safety arriving with a nice reflective vest and thermoses of hot chocolate, our ghosty pals show up instead. Bloody Mary crawls around the reflective surface of a pond, and the clown grins menacingly on the street. (I am reminded of interviews about how dark and dimly lit season 1 was, and how the studios told them to make the show brighter and more colorful. I’m of the opinion that this largely improved the show, since it’s much easier for me to see the action and I generally like pretty, bright colors. But folks on the interwebs have been complaining that these ghosts lack a spook factor in the broad daylight. And I can totally understand that.)
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Two more ghosts appear, so now it’s just three ghosts to vanquish. No biggie? Sam shoots each ghost one by one, then accidentally shoots Cas. “You shot me,” Cas points out indignantly. Now he’s gonna have to fix his clothes AND his skin. RUDE. (At least Sam missed the guinea pig.)
Downtown, Belphegor clutches the heart and tries to ineffectually ward off the Woman in White. She ghost-slashes his palm. Dean swings a tire iron through her and then hurls it to the ground (DEAN BEAN NO) before running off with Belphegor to perform the spell. Belphegor starts to chant in Latin, kneeling before the heart. He slaps the ground, the heart pounds with power, and a spell races out from the center. 
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The other two-thirds of Team Free Will watch the edge of the spell race past them and end near the end of the block. They run for the barrier while the four ghosts chase them and giggle wildly. They all make it just in time. The clown howls in rage from within the barrier and Sam tells him to “shut up.” We are all very proud of your catharsis, Sammy!
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Later, Team Free Clown Car pulls up to the high school where the town’s evacuated to and advise the mom and child not to tell anyone about ghosts and angels. The little girl gets out a quiet “thank you.” (Token innocent life saved!) Sam nods in acknowledgment and escorts them inside. 
Dean approaches Cas and asks him if he’s okay. “Yes, but—” Cas starts to reply but Dean cuts him off and stalks away again. Oooookay. All is not well with our two love birds! (Like others, I’m of the opinion that Cas was about to bring Dean’s attention to Sam’s bullet wound. Damn it, Dean!)
Of course, Belphegor watched the whole exchange. “Awkward,” he comments, before Cas stalks off for some alone time. 
Back at the car, Dean and Sam convene to talk about the case. They’ve got just a few days, tops, before all kinds of Federal agents descend on the town. Before they do anything, though, Dean insists on patching up Sam’s shoulder. We get a teeeeeny bit of shirtless Sammy which I have included below for posterity. 
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There’s no exit wound in his shoulder. Sam LIES LIKE A DOG and tells Dean that it doesn’t hurt much. Dean distracts him like he used to do when they were young (with a dumb joke). Dean starts to spin over the whole Chuck thing. “We were just rats in a maze,” he says. Dean wonders what everything they’ve done means. 
“We still saved people,” Sam insists. Sam also thinks that Chuck has left entirely, bored with their world. All the alternate realities were just other failed drafts, Sam decides. “If he bailed, it’s just us. For the first time, it’s just us.” Dean slowly starts to cheer up in the face of Sam’s quiet optimism. 
“You and me, versus every soul in Hell?” Dean says. “I like those odds.”
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They close the trunk. “We have work to do.”
Natasha: After the episode, Boris noted that there are only 19 episodes left and it was all TOO MUCH. So we’re going to do our best not to count down these final episodes. Please, join us in denial! <3
All We Need is a Human Quote:
Well, I wouldn’t starve.
He’s always so squirrely with the robe and the beard and the smile that’s like half nice half I’m gonna rip your throat out. Oh, I’m gonna play you a song!
You’re an abomination with that stupid, dumb trench coat.
We are not twinsies.
So people are like, crazy good looking now.
There we were, minding our own business, flaying people for all eternity like you do. 
Bad ghost! BAD!
What’s one more apocalypse, right?
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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miraculousfoxnews · 5 years
Kitsune’s reveal & Stoneheart’s rage
This whole mess started when I, the lovely Jasmine, was shopping for college.
There was this lovely thrift shop that I found, it had so many cute boxes and plates and goodies, how could I resist. 
I got a cute jacket, it had fox ears! I found some cups, they had pretty designs okay. I found a few cool boxes, they could be useful guys, don’t judge me. The item responsible was one of these boxes. It had dark red wood with a cool red pattern on it.
I swear that the box just appeared in front of me, it wasn’t there when I looked a minute ago.
Regardless, I bought my new stuff, for a great price, and headed home to pack it to take to college.
My room is super cute by the way, it’s painted like a field of flowers, my mom did it when I was really little and it’s super pretty.
It’s currently a bit of a mess, with books scattered all over and clothes in piles on the floor. I have two full floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and books stuffed all over my room, and it’s so difficult to pick the ones to take to college. 
I may also have a habit of collecting nicknacks, so there are a lot of items for me to pick from around my room.
So I started wrapped the cups and stuffed them in the backpack, and checked each box to make sure they were empty, until suddenly the red one lit up when it was opened. 
A brilliant light rose up and I stared in disbelief as a strange being appeared.
“Mm,” the creature shook its head as it stretched.
I slowly reached for a throwing knife I’d been debating on whether to take to college or not and prepared to throw it at the creature.
“Oh, Hello!” It beamed at me and I froze. 
“....... AHHHHH” I threw the knife at it. 
“Woah, nice throw kit,” the thing dodged neatly, “I’m Trixx,” it dodged the next knife, “the fox kwami of Spirits and Trickery.” it twirled around another knife, “It’s nice to meet you!” 
“Uh... “ Now, this was a very odd situation, but let it not be said that I can’t adapt… after a brief panic, “Nice to meet you.”
The creature, a kwami it said? Beamed at her, “I like your room,” it zipped around, studying everything, “Do you have any eggs?”
“Uh, I’ll give you eggs if you tell me what you are and where you came from.” 
The kwami laughed, “I already told you what I am, I’m a kwami, my name’s Trixx.” Trixx was suddenly right in front of me, “As for where I came from, I am the embodiment of Spirits and Trickery. I came from those, I am those.”
I stared, was this thing saying… was it saying it was basically a god?
It laughed, “It’s okay, don’t think too hard about it. Most humans don’t get it.” Trixx turned back to studying my room, it’s white tail tipped in black twisting as they studied the room.
“Okay, why are you here then? You’re like, a god right?”
“I’m a kwami!” Trixx spun around, “And I’m here because I’ve picked you as my next guardian mademoiselle… uh, what’s your name?”
Of course this was absolutely ridiculous, a mini god just appeared in my room declaring I’m its guardian, then asks me what my name was. Brilliant, just brilliant.
“I’m Jasmine. What does being a guardian mean?”
Trixx gave a little bow, “Hello then Jasmine. Fear not, I shall explain all!” It’s stomach growled, “After I eat. So, eggs?”
I got them eggs.
After Trixx ate their eggs, they settled down on a pillow and looked at me expectantly. 
“So, what’s a guardian?” I sat down across from them.
“An excellent question!” Trixx grinned and suddenly there was a figure in the room.
“AH,” I threw a knife at it, (I knew all these knives would come in handy one day), but the knife went right through the person. 
Trixx cackled, “It’s just an illusion kit, my last guardian in her hero form.”
“Hero form?” 
The figure had a flute held in her hand, her outfit streamlined, nothing loose except the tail and ears, faint claws glinted on her hands and white and black were the predominant colors. It wasn’t skin tight, but it was still sleek, stylish almost.
“This is what you’ll do!” Trixx flit up to hover in front of me, “You’ll use my power to accomplish the duties of my miraculous and ensure the safety of spirits.”
Workers Report
So we had this big order, like huge order, and Geoffrey was in charge of the details. 
But this other guy, Owain, he took the call from the client, Rene, when they changed some details. But he forgot to tell Geoffrey. So the order wasn’t changed, but like, it was a big change, they wanted a different color entirely.
So when the order was filled and it was wrong Rene was furious, and Owain claimed he had no idea what happened, so Geoffrey got fired.
Then I don’t know man, suddenly he was covered in weird purple stuff and then he was a rock giant!
It just came out of nowhere and he just started destroying things, it was scary.
So I headed to college, Trixx coming along for the ride.
And this is where things really got crazy.
I finished smoothing out the bedding my friend Ian had given me (He’s a snobby rich kid but he’s a loyal friend… and tends to buy anything I look at for more than three seconds), pausing to peer around my half of the room. It looked good, lots of art, plenty of pillows, and my secret stashes of chocolate set up.
My roommate was straightening up her bed still, she’d added some fairy lights to the bed frame. 
I hummed, double checking my plugs, then turned to my roommate. I have no idea what her name is but I do know she’s unfairly pretty.
She bounced on her toes, looking very cute, “Uh… Ciao! NO wait… Bonjour…? I’m Hazel-August Primo! I’m from Italia! Milan specifically! It’s uh… very nice to yeet you! I MEAN meet you! I am sorry, I’m really awkward and don’t talk much.” 
My roommate ducked her head, her hair covering her face.
I smiled shyly, “Konichiwa, or uh, haha, we’re both doing it. Bonjour I suppose. I’m Jasmine Vermillion, I’m originally from Britain but I’ve lived in Nihon for the last ten years.”
I bowed politely, “It’s very nice to meet you Hazel-san, I hope we can get along.”
She perked up instantly, “Japan! Oh my stars! How many cherry blossom blooms did you go to? Did you participate in the street fashion? What was your favorite part? Did you try Soba?”
She suddenly flushed, rubbing her neck, “Oh uh, Apologies. I got excited. It’s very nice to meet you too! Let’s do our best this year!” She bowed her head.
I couldn’t help but laugh, “I love the festivals, though I’ve only been to a few. They’re so beautiful. And I didn’t do much street fashion, but I did help some of my friends with theirs. My favorite part is undoubtedly the shrines, they’re all so pretty and there’s so much to do. And yes, I’ve had soba many times.”
I shrugged, smiling, “I’m glad you’re excited, I’m happy to be roommates with you uh,” And I may have already forgotten her name, “I guess we should finish setting up. I can go grab some groceries.”
I tugged my hair, my stomach twisting into knots again. Trixx snickered in my hair as I peered at my roommate, whose name I can't remember.
My roommate giggled, "I can come with if you would like an extra set of arms. Or I can stay back and start putting away pots, pans, and plates. My Mother sent some nice stuff from a military installation in India! Mostly plates and silverware but also some spice jars for keeping spices." 
I perked up, "that's great, I have a bunch of cups and jars and stuff, I can go get some groceries and you can put your stuff up, then I'll put up my stuff and you can put up the groceries?”
"Okay! Oh! Before I forget! I got you a gift! I only knew my roommate was a girl so I hope you like it!" The shorter girl smiled and offered me a beautiful bracelet, probably from Milan. 
It had seven gems embedded in it. Ones I recognized from Trixx’s lessons, Ruby, carnelian, yellow quartz, emerald, sapphire, amethyst and Obsidian. It was on a silver chain that was not really thick but not thin either. "I know it's kinda pricey but I really wanted to make a good impression. I hope you like it!" My roommate smiled up at me shyly.
It was amazing, I definitely loved it, though I couldn’t be rude.
"Oh! You didn't need to," I tried to push it back to her roommate, "I really couldn't accept, it's too much!"
"Please accept it! I think it'd be good for formal occasions! My Mother will flip if she finds out I bought something expensive because 'bambina, it's conducive to your therapy! You don't need to get people nice stuff to like you. Just be genuine and up front!' It's not getting you to like me as much as it is trying to make a really good first impression. I should explain. I have borderline personality disorder and I get anxious and sometimes I say stuff I don't mean and that's called splitting. So like one day I could be really nice and kind but then the next day I can be like mean and rude. Is this making sense? I'm sorry! I can return it!" 
"Oh, I just wouldn't want you to feel the need, but if you insist..." I smiled slightly as I accepted the bracelet, picking it up carefully with both hands.
 "I understand, I have ADHD which isn't nearly the same but does come with struggles, we'll work out issues as they come." 
 I carefully put the bracelet on my wrist, "it is a beautiful gift, thank you. I actually have one for you as well." 
I dug through my trunk for a moment before pulling out a plastic bag, I pulled out the present I had carefully wrapped in green. I offered it to my new roommate with both hands. 
She accepted it with a gentle smile. "Grazi! I appreciate it very much." I watched her unwrap the gift nervously. Compared to what she got me my gift to her was much simpler. 
She finished unwrapping it and just looked at the folded fan for a moment. I had picked it carefully, from the darkness of the wood to the beautiful purple fabric with the delicate white butterflies on it, I went for some simple symbolism, while focusing on the elegance. 
"This is beautiful. Did you know that Purple was a very hard color to produce? It was made from one type of sea slug and was very rare and usually reserved only for royalty." My roommate sounded in awe of the gift, which was a relief. 
I smiled, "I'm glad you like it, and yes I did. It symbolizes celebration and luxury in Nihon."
I let out a breath, "I very much like the bracelet that you gifted me, thank you for thinking of me." 
I turned and grabbed some grocery bags, the reusable kind, glancing at the clock. "I'll go grab groceries, anything you need?"
"It's a bit of an odd and pricey request, but could you get some Camembert? I'll pay you back!" My roommate looked hesitant. 
I nodded, "sure, as long as you don't mind me getting some eggs" ‘Or a few dozen.’ 
“Sure, go ahead.”
I grabbed my purse and headed out the door, slipping my shoes on as I left. "Be back in an hour or so"
 I headed out to grab some groceries so we could have food, we had a microwave! And yelped when a rock nearly took my head off.
I snapped around to gape at the stone golem in front of me. It was huge.
“You need to hide kit” Trixx hissed from my hair. 
I quickly ducked and slunk along the line of cars to slip into an alcove hidden by some bushes.
“What is that?” 
“It’s the butterfly! I can sense it’s power but I don’t know what it’s doing this, Nooroo always picks kindhearted people to hold their miraculous.”
I frowned, this isn’t good, “Okay, but what do we do about it?”
“You need to transform to fight it.”
I blanked, that thing, a monster attacking us, the butterfly was supposed to be a partner to me, that’s what Trixx said, but it was attacking, and how was I- what was I- This couldn’t- I can’t fight this thing. The ground spun, my head hurt, what was I supposed to do? Throw some illusions at it? FoxFire probably wouldn’t do anything to stone, Requiem was useless for this, how could FoxHunt help ? Honoring? Useless, Shift couldn’t help! My ears were ringing, I’m not a fighter holder, I’m a strategist! I can’t do this, Trixx should pick someone else, someone who could use the skills she gave, but I’m not it. I can’t do this, I just can’t.
“No, no Trixx how am I supposed to fight-”
“You don’t have to fight,” Trixx hovered in front of me, “You don’t have to fight, just gathering information will be enough. Stay hidden and find the corrupted item. It’ll be something that the golem has.”
“I- I- I-” My chest was tight, an asthma attack? 
“Focus on me, Jasmine, look at me, look at me.”
I looked at the little kwami, “Okay, looking? Good, now focus on my breathing, see, in, out, in, out,” The kwami’s tail flicked and suddenly there was a shape, growing slowly, “In,” it started shrinking, “out,” slowly my breathing steadied. 
In, out, in, out, in, out, I breathed, finally able to take a breath. I could hear again, the crashing farther away, but crying nearby, I needed to move. 
“You alright?” I blinked, looking at the kwami, they peered back nervously. 
“I- sorry, I guess my asthma acted up.” I scrambled for my inhaler.
“That wasn’t an asthma attack, that was a panic attack kit.” Trixx drifted forward to nuzzle my cheek, “It’s okay if you don’t want to go out and fight, it’s scary.”
“I-” The cries were loud, sobbing from nearby, people were hurt. I normally don’t particularly care, I have low empathy, but… I still couldn’t stand by and do nothing. This was a lot of pain, I needed to help somehow, “I just need to transform again?”
“Yep, only this time focus on the threat, your suit will change to match the situation.”
I blinked, “The suits change?”
Trixx giggled, “You didn’t think that dressy, dramatic, bright outfit was the one you’d fight or sneak in did you?”
“Can it change mid-battle?”
Trixx nodded, “Yeah, you can use your flute to change it, but it leaves you vulnerable while you change forms, and it will take a point from your miraculous, so it’s best to know what your intent is before transforming.”
I took a breath, the building shook, I could do this, focus on sneaking. 
“Trixx, Time to Hunt.”
The magic of the transformation swept over me, different from the previous times. Instead of rising to coat me in softness and loose cloth, it slid close to the skin, muted and steady. The two tails remained, but otherwise the style differed. 
I studied myself for a moment, touching the new mask, styled like a kitsune mask from a festival. The suit was more dark grey then white and black, but it was nice, the belt had multiple pockets, and the flute was tucked into a loop on the back.
I clutched the flute, and slipped out of the alcove. 
Slinking along the path I had a hard time breathing. The destruction was horrible. Buildings crushed, torn apart, people broken and bleeding. This was very real, and very dangerous.
I slid around and leapt up to a roof, studying the area. I was to gather information, couldn’t do much else right now.
I carefully followed the golem down the road as it yelled in rage. 
Then there was a child crying as it stumbled away from the golem. A young boy with blonde hair. The golem raised its fist.
The world blurred as I snatched the boy up and threw us into an alley. I spun to see the golem focusing on us. Damn.
A symbol appeared on its face, a butterfly huh? Well, looks like I need to trick the fool into breaking the item Trixx mentioned, or I’m doomed.
I blinked, earrings? Whatever.
“Fox Sense.” I murmured, twirling my flute. Breathing in as I focused on the enhanced senses. The dust was annoying, but I could see every detail of the golem, hear the cries from all around the area, and smell the dirt and fear and blood around me. 
More importantly, I noticed nothing on him that could be the item, but I also noticed his fist. One was open to attack me, the other, it was in a fist. As, I realized, it had been the whole time.
If the item wasn’t on the golem or visible in any way, then the golem must be holding it.
I crouched, gripping my flute tighter. The fox is not meant for battle, but that doesn’t mean I can’t win anyways. 
I raised the flute to my lips, blowing a soft tune, “Mirage” 
The area shimmered with light for a moment, and then it was a construction zone, with bars falling onto the golem, a rumble as a crane tilted.
“RAAA” The golem staggered, grabbing for the bars falling with both hands, a small piece of paper falling from his hand.
The bars shattered right before they could touch the golems hand. Shards falling as the crane fell towards it. The golem stumbled back, raising its hands to cover its head. 
I moved. I reached the paper, a strange black energy surrounding it. It shattered as soon as I stomped on it.
A little black butterfly pulled free, fluttering off.
Black energy bubbled around the golem, fading to reveal a man.
I blinked, ‘that...’
“Huh” My ponytail swung as I shook my head, “Weird.”
“Who are you?” A whisper caught my attention, the boy was staring.
“I’m....” Names were important, “Kitsune Neige.”
I swiped my flute to disperse the illusion and leapt up, pausing on the roof to look at the butterfly hurrying away. It still had black energy around it.
Time to Rest-
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
1 Which would you rather learn more about: Christianity or Rastafari? >> I thought Lane had disappeared because he is just not showing up in the #surveys tag for me anymore. Had to go to his actual blog like a god damn barbarian. Fucking really starting to hate this website. Anyway, I know far more about Christianity than I do about Rastafari at this point in time, so I guess the latter for the sake of variety. 
2 When was the last time you cried listening to a song? What song was it & what made you cry? >> Uh.... hmm. I went through my Last.fm scrobble (who invented that fucking word) log to try and jog my memory, and the last possible candidate is on the fifteenth of June, because I have Fundamentally Loathsome by Marilyn Manson scrobbled on that day. And that song is pretty reliable about putting me in my feels, so it’s possible I might have shed a tear then. But I don’t remember.
3 If you have a YouTube account, what do you use it for? >> I just use it for keeping track of my subs and playlists and viewing history. I don’t post on it.
4 How often do you watch interviews with musicians/celebrities? >> Rarely. For example, I’ve watched interviews with Darren Aronofsky because I’m interested in his process (watched a bunch of them after I saw mother! lmao).
5 How often do you read biographies/search up more information about musicians celebrities? >> Not as often as I did in my early twenties. Read a lot of musician bios then.
6 Do you enjoy visiting book stores? What section are you typically drawn to? >> I don’t visit bookstores much anymore (for the obvious pandemic reasons, of course, but also even before that). I read ebooks the most, after all. Also, bookstores are just kind of overwhelming. Too much to look at, too many things to pull at my attention.
7 Is there something about Xanga users that used to frustrate you that no longer does? >> I don’t even remember by now. I haven’t experienced much frustration with tumblr survey takers. tumblr users on a whole, though... well, that’s a whole nother kettle of dicks and I’m not getting into that here.
8 Here’s a typical question, which do you feel is worse: using marijuana or using alcohol? Why? >> I hate this question. Especially because for me it’s very subjective -- sure, alcohol has a caustic and long-term effect on the body, even with moderate usage. It sucks, as a moderate drinker who was a former frequent drinker myself. And marijuana’s dangers are both contextual (depending on method of consumption) and person-dependent; you’re definitely not going to get cirrhosis of the liver or whatever from popping edibles. But personally, if I were to consume more than a couple mg of THC right now, I’d probably go fucking todash. Which is a situation that is dangerous for me, mentally (and possibly physically, like when I threw myself down that flight of stairs that time -- I was fine, fortunately, but like...). Meanwhile, I can drink this beer and not go through that at all. So, you might want to be more specific when you ask me a question like this.
9 Have you ever had any bad experiences while under the influence? >> Yeah, I’d imagine that’s pretty clear from my above answer.
10 The last time you went out to eat, who were you with & where did you go? Did you enjoy yourself/the meal? >> Whew. I’m guessing that was... February? We went to Long Road for the cocktails-and-chocolates event, although that wasn’t exactly going out to eat, per se. I don’t remember the last restaurant we went to for actual food.
11 How would you feel if you had to deal with the police? Would you feel nervous, upset, angry? >> I would feel anxious and restless as fuck, at best. Regardless of the context of the situation, even. I’m a neurodivergent Black American with glaringly clear post-traumatic issues, what else would you expect from me.
12 Have you ever had to deal with the principals at school? For what? >> Well, yeah. Stuff.
13 Have you ever done anything pretty daring/against the law with a police officer around? >> I don’t think so. I mean, in NYC cops are all over the place, so maybe accidentally.
14 Is singing something that you enjoy doing? Do you feel you are a horrible, alright or very good singer? >> It is something I enjoy doing, yes. I am a passable singer, I sing well enough for my own purposes and that’s all that matters.
15 What is something you’ve never done in front of/around your best friend? >> ---
16 Are you looking forward to Halloween?  >> I haven’t thought about it.
17 What is the best spirit day your school has? If you’re graduated, what kinds of spirit days did your school have? >> ---
18 Is there anything other Xanga users still might not know about you? Would you like to share it? >> I don’t know, man. How am I supposed to keep track of that? Also, what people know about me depends less on what I’m sharing and more on what they’re reading and how they’re interpreting it. I can take a million revelatory surveys but if no one reads them, then they still don’t know any more about me than the average person...
19 What was the last song that you listened to on repeat? >> Probably You Ain’t Coming Back by Zeal & Ardor. I listen to songs on repeat so infrequently that that’s probably going to be my answer for a while.
20 Who would you rather meet: Marilyn Manson or Skrillex? If you don’t know who either of them are, would you be interested in making dubstep or any kind of music along those lines? >> I don’t want to meet either one of them. I love Manson’s music, though. Not so interested in Skrillex’s.
21 Do you like to make playlists? What kinds of playlists do you usually make? >> I don’t make playlists (save for the “car” playlist, which is my liked songs with all the metal and hard rock and other stuff that Sparrow wouldn’t like removed. so, like, 250 songs, compared to ~1400 total liked songs...... lol). I just shuffle my liked songs on Spotify.
22 Is there anything that you’re terrified of due to past negative experiences? What is it? >> Of course. I’m not going to list all my triggers here, lmao.
23 When was the last time you had a dream related to something that had happened that day? Can you explain it? >> I don’t remember. 
24 How often do you have hot flashes? Are you able to deal with it or does it frustrate you? >> I don’t really have hot flashes, per se. I get hot without environmental triggers sometimes, but that’s usually like... psychosomatic or something. Like, I get really hot and jazzed up when I perceive I’m about to be or currently am in conflict or some other kind of social danger.
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Song Girl - Part 23 - Sungjin Fan Fiction
Song Girl Masterlist
Part 23 - February 2015
Summary: real life fluffy moments as Sungjin struggles to get into songwriting.
Sungjin had lost track of how long he’d been staring at his guitar and the blank sheet of music. It felt like hours of sitting there, drowning in thoughts but realistically it was probably twenty minutes.
But that was long enough for Jae to be leaning into his field of vision with a cocked eyebrow. And he could feel Wonpil staring at him, too.
“I don’t pretend to be a lead songwriter.” Sungjin said evenly.
Junhyeok snorted.  “You’re the one with the relationship and the issues, shouldn’t you be?”  
“I wanted to be a singer, I didn’t come into this planning to play guitar and write music.” Sungjin snapped.
“Yet you couldn’t dance.” Junhyeok continued, a devilish expression on his features.
“He wasn’t the only one. I’m all bones and limbs. No flexibility or fluidity.” Jae said quickly.
Wonpil was silent.
“I’m going for coffee, text me if you want something.” Sungjin blurted as he stood abruptly. Junhyeok puffed petulantly. Wonpil’s mouth opened but nothing came out. Jae sighed inaudibly. Brian was cramming for a test with headphones in, ignorant to everything happening around him.
Once he was outside, in freezing air, Sungjin felt like he could breathe again.
He was just heading to the coffee place when his phone buzzed with a call, not the texts he was anticipating.
“Hey love,” He said after seeing Ella’s face on the screen. He tried keeping the despondent tone out of his voice but he wasn’t successful.
“Oh, something is up huh?” She said. Her voice was light and cheerful. Unlike him, she’d had a good day. For a moment that lightened his own heart - she’d been downtrodden all too often recently, but he was still despondent. And now his bad mood was about to dampen her first good mood day in weeks.
“Just...song writing.” He said, shoving his free hand deeper into his pocket.
“So...something I can probably not help you with, unfortunately.” Her voice was lower now, sadder.
“You can distract me. What’s up?”
He tried to imagine her in that moment. It was early evening, so she’d probably just gotten done teaching a class, and given that she had just sounded happy, it was a good one. Her hair would be up, most likely in a bun, and there would marks on her nose from her glasses. She would be walking home, or wandering through a store for the necessities for dinner.
“Well, do be honest I wasn’t expecting you to answer.” She said with a laugh, just one. “But I thought we could start thinking about...Valentine’s day.”
“Let me guess, you are currently staring at a display of chocolate?” He could hear the din of shoppers now.
“What do you want?” She asked after beat. She had decided to ignore how he read her mind.
“Aren’t you supposed to know what I want by now?” He said, a smile spreading over his face.
“I study psychology but I am not granted the power to read minds. Right now you probably want inspiration for a song. But I still cannot read your mind. I will not be making you chocolate. I nearly destroyed the kitchen trying.”
She was talking fast again - it meant she was thinking faster than her mouth.
“Obviously I want the most expensive guitar in the world.”
“Wow, way to shoot me down.”
“I am not made of money.” The smile was back in her voice, and this time, it was there because of him, which was the least he could do after making it drop out of her voice a minute ago.
“Which is such a shame, then maybe you would pay for dates.”
He didn’t notice he was doing it but he was getting onto the bus.
“I offer!”
“I’m not going to let you pay for dates.” He said chuckling. “What kind of man would that make me?”
“An arguably more feminist one, but I do pay for all the food I make you and that you eat at my place.”
“I don’t need a lecture on the patriarchy, love.”
“A) everyone does and B) yeah, fine, you definitely don’t need one today. I doubt it’d help with the writing. It’d be weird if you all did a girl power, feminist rock song.”
“Says someone who loves ‘bubble gum’ pop.”
“It is happy music! I’m not claiming sophisticated taste. My favorite movie is Harry Potter and my favorite feel good movie is just about anything regularly featured on ABC Family, which also includes Harry Potter.”
“My little fan girl.”
“I am not ashamed, just sometimes embarrassed. Anyway, Valentine’s Day.”
“Hmm...we could go back to the skiing place, hot springs but that’s probably expensive.”
“We could just hole somewhere in the city.”
“...aren’t you the one constantly lecturing me about the population density of Seoul?”
“I am more used to suburbia and I miss it.”
“I wouldn’t mind holing up with you.”
His feet carried him off the bus.
“We can be like mole people.” She said with a laugh, bringing a smile to his face.
“Bake for me, something decadent and chocolaty.”
“I will bake for then, but you have to help.”
“I can help.”
“Perfect, and I have something in mind.” Now she was moving in the store, the other voices rose and fell as she passed other patrons.
“Of course you do, my brilliant girl.”
“Yes, please compliment my brain.”
“It has many beautiful fissures, lovely lobes.”
On the other side of the line, she snorted with laughter. “Sorry!” She said speaking in an embarrassed voice to another shopper but she kept giggling.
“You know, if I had known complimenting your brain would make you react like that…”
“Oh stop, and now you are officially distracting me from your own Valentine’s day gift.”
Above him, a bell rang as he opened the door.
“Did you finally make your way to the cafe?” She said teasingly.
“Something like that, I have a craving.”
“If you say chocolate I will run over to you.”
“Hmm, something sweet that’s for sure.”
“Oh please say the magic word.” She used an exaggerated, breathless voice.
“You shouldn’t use that voice in public.”
“There was no one around.”
“So shameless.”
Finally, he’d reached his destination. Now everything was better.
“If I am shameless, you probably reap the benefits.” She muttered.
He didn’t reply, instead just wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.
“Well hello,” She said, without turning around. The call was ended as she leaned back into his chest. His nose was in her hair. It smelled like her, sweet and minty with a touch of takeout food.
“Sorry to sneak up on you.” He whispered, speaking into her bun. Her hands ran over his arms, comfortingly.
“You’re not going to rape me.” That much she was thankfully sure of.
“Nope, just hold you.” He kept whispering.
“What’s up?”
“Just...a long day…”
“So you are here to…?”
“I think I needed to see you.”
“...Aren’t you supposed to be in training?” She whispered.
“Just song writing...Brian is studying anyway and I just...couldn’t think straight.”
“Is everything ok?” She asked, turning back to face him. Her brows knit in concern over her soft, brown eyes. Tension left his body, melting away. Now that he was with her, could see her, everything was better. Brighter.
“You shouldn’t worry about it.”
“I worry about everything, it’s a full time job.” A fun spark flashed in her eyes.
“I needed inspiration.”
“So you stalked me to a grocery store?” She said elbowing him gently. A big smile was spreading over her face.
“You can choose to see it as romantic rather than creepy.” He said finally releasing her. She shook her head, chuckling to herself.
“Oh we don’t want to get into a discussion about what is creepy versus romantic. Movies and cultures have warped my perspective and I am still unraveling it. But sure, I’ll see this as romantic this time.”
How could he ever hope to explain this feeling? A burning, freezing sensation poured down his spine. His stomach tightened, twisted, rose, sank, flipped, and flopped. He felt lighter, at peace, complete. It was beautiful, blissful. He knew he was lucky to be with someone so brilliant.
“Earth to Sungjin?” She said waving a hand in front of his face before slipping it into his.
“Sorry, ready to leave? I’ll walk you home and head back.” He did have to go back but he wanted to bask in the light she gave off to him for a bit longer.
“Yep. You are going to be so impressed with this!” She said with an even bigger grin.
“You are in a silly mood, aren’t you?” He asked with an arched eyebrow.
“Yes, and it seems like you could loosen up.” She said before starting to check out her supplies.
“I can be goofy.” He said under his breath.
“You still only tolerate pizza.” She countered.
“Pizza has nothing to do with goofiness.”
“It does in my head.”
“I think that might be a flawed conclusion.”
“Shh. You called me brilliant, remember?”
“Brilliant people are capable of mistakes.”
“Brilliant people tend to conceptualize failures and mistakes as lessons and challenges.”
“Growth mindset. I remember.”
She paused, a flush spreading over her cheeks. “Ok, that was a turn on.”
“Just you saying that made me very physically attracted to you.” The blush on her cheeks was deeper but it was only just reaching his cheeks. At least they had stepped out of the store and the cashier couldn’t hear them.
“You need to explain.”
“Hmm A) you remembered something I said to you over a month ago, B), it was something to do with psychology, and C) I think there was an element related to your tone.”
“So that’s the kind of dirty talk you like?” His heart thumped in his chest as his mind spun with ideas for a later time.
“I guess?” She said giving his hand a squeeze. “Something you should remember.”
He was going to miss her. Her brilliance, the feeling of  her skin, her warmth, against him, her smile, her bright eyes. Her leaving would be like the sunset in Antarctica, signaling the beginning of months of darkness. He wanted to keep her, his sun.
He was pulled out from his melancholy spiral by a sensation against his cheek.
“You stalk me, then neglect me, are you sure you’re ok?” She brushed his cheek softly, wiping away the chapstick her kiss had left on his skin.
“Lost in my own head.” He supplied but she frowned.
“That’s supposed to be my thing in this relationship.” Her thumb gently, comfortingly,  ran over his hand.
“And now you know how it feels to watch your mind float away, leaving me unable to reach you.”  
“You were trying to teach me a lesson?” She was, in a word, unimpressed.
“No, but I did think it was a witty reply.”
“Don’t make your stand-up debut yet.”
“I’m already worrying about one type of debut. Plus, I’m already blocked.”
“I did offer for you to read my angsty high school poetry. Maybe it could give you inspiration.”
Sungjin wrinkled his nose while she grimaced.
“I mean it is terrible poetry, I will admit. For a class I made this whole collection all about “my winter” about the period after a guy I was seriously close to, my first kiss, moved away.”
“And it will be in English. And, call me crazy, but I’m not interested in reading my girlfriend’s poetry about another guy.”
Her impish grin reappeared, sending a nervous wave through his stomach. That usually meant she was going to manipulate him, wrap him around her finger. Most times it was so he could take care of a spider, or when she was turned on and interested in a little something-something.
“Would you read poetry I wrote about you?” Her voice was nearly-sultry, and her hand warmer in his.
“Yes, if you wanted me to.” He said without thinking.
Her facade dropped as she laughed.
“Sad to say, I’ll probably write poetry when we…” She didn’t need to finish the sentence. He knew just from the darkness that moved over her.
“...I think I’ve got some ideas for writing after seeing you.” He said as her building came into view. The end of the line for that night for them. He had to get back to songwriting for the others.
“Ohh… Am I your muse?” She teased, that light returning in her eyes.
“A little bit.” He said, a smile playing with one corner of his mouth.
She got that petulant look again. The one that made her look younger, naive, like a child whose toy had been taken.
“You are a definite source of inspiration.” He continued, an impish glint entering his own eyes.
“...I better be.” She muttered as she opened the building and held open the door for him.
The rode the elevator up in silence. He plotted ways to spend just a little bit more time with her. She wished he could stay.
He stayed with her up to her door and into the apartment, setting down the bag of groceries as he stepped in. All he had to do was keep his shoes on - if he took them off, he’d never leave.
Next to him, Ella tugged off her wool coat, undid the thick scarf around her neck, and shoved her gloves into the coat pockets before kicking off her boots to reveal thick, fuzzy socks. At that, he had to smirk. She constantly joked about her [literally] cold feet.
A beat later and her arms were around his neck, pulling down his hood so her fingers could tangle themselves in his hair. He unzipped his puffy coat and her body curled against his, no longer separated by inches of down.
“I won’t ask you to stay.” She whispered. Her bright, brilliant eyes fixed on his. “So three minutes?”
“Love, I take more than three minutes.” He whispered, kissing her forehead. His fingers had found their way to her waist. Her body shuddered with the sudden cold contact.
“Just kiss me.” She replied after rolling her eyes.
That he was happy to do for as long as his conscience would let him. He wanted to steal a piece of her sunshine. He wanted to burn in her light. He wanted everything he could get. He would happily go blind staring at her glow.
He had so much to be thankful for with her in his life. Still, there was thing he was the most thankful for...
His sun was still bright, near-constant. It still filled his sky.
But the days were getting shorter. Months of darkness were coming.
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tony-luvv · 7 years
Would You Rather
Link to Ao3 and Fanfiction
Some would say it was dangerous for Tony and Loki had somedown time. If you asked them, they’d laugh. Tony with down time normally meantat least one explosion. Loki with too much time on his hands meant trouble foranyone within a ten mile radius.
Today, most of the team had plans, things to do in town,people to see. Tony and Loki, they had each other and an empty mansion. Sittingon the floor with scattered pillows and blankets, they sipped at spiked hotchocolate and kept warm by the fire place.
“Would you rather be hit by a car or take a bullet?” Tonywatched the whip cream sink into the chocolatey goodness of his drink. When hetook a sip he couldn’t tell if it was the heat of the drink or the burn of thebourbon that warmed him up inside.
“Hit by a car.” Loki answers lazily.
“Really, but what if it isn’t a love tap but a full on hitand run.” Tony pointed out, “I mean think about it. A single bullet is onlygoing to affect one area. It could be a graze, through and through, or a cleanhead shot. A car though … ? Depending on the hit, you could survive and ifit was a bad hit, concussion, broken limbs, broken bones, bumps and bruises.Don’t get me started on the legal fight. Getting shot, his ass is going tojail.”
“I’ll heal.”
Tony glared for a moment, “fucking Asgardian. Fine! Go, it’syour turn.”
“Start life over from birth, or lose the next five years ofyour life.”
Tony sipped at his drink while he contemplated the answer,“Shit, well what do you mean by lose?”
Loki’s finger rubs the side of his cup, “Imagine you waketomorrow and the year is 2023. You’re five years older, maybe you wake in bedand your partner is not I but another. They are your wife and you have achild.”
“So kind of like amnesia?” Damn that’s hard.” He set his cupdown and starts really analyzing the scenario.
“Okay so obviously I’m not going to get those five years ofmemory. That means I have to relearn all my inventions. It also seems like noone realizes I don’t remember so when they find out there’s going to be somepity partying. Great … or I can hit the restart button. When I restart do Iretain all my current memories and knowledge or really start over like a newborn baby?
If I’m aware it might be nice to cheat the system … butit could also be annoying.”
Loki leaned back against the couch, bringing the big, softthrow blanket closer around him, “Having the mind of an adult but trapped inthe body of a child … and being treated as such.”
“What would you pick Lokes?”
“I’m not sure I’m very fond of living with ignorance, evenif it is only five years. A lot could happen in such amount of time and I wouldnever truly know.”
“I think I agree.”
The ‘game’ if that’s what you want to call it was a suddenthing. They were enjoying a snowy night in when Tony had thrown a randomscenario at Loki.
Of course the god was confused but he played along to humorhis lover. And he’s quite happy he did. This ‘Would You Rather’ was simple inits context but it challenged your imagination. Loki also liked to think ofthis as another opportunity to get to know more about his mortal lover.
“Okay then Lo-kitty, burn alive or freeze to death?”
“Burn alive.” His answer was fast and said with suchconviction.
“To some I am the god of mischief, to others the god offire. My being embraces fire like the sun embraces the horizon. I assume youthink otherwise?”
“Well yeah, I’m not a god of anything. To me burning alivewould be awful. Screaming and flailing as my flesh is burned from my bones.Freezing on the other hand, I don’t mind the cold. I’ll probably shiver untilmy body goes numb to the cold. Then I’d lose consciousness and pass away in mysleep as everything shuts down. So definitely freeze over burn.”
“I see,” Loki thought of another scenario, Tony watched him.Enjoying the way the light of the fire played across his pale skin, “find outyou’re pregnant tomorrow or never be able to have a child.”
“Pregnant tomorrow.”
Loki turned wide eyes onto his lover. He hadn’t expectedthat. Almost every scenario presented Tony started with an analysis and thendebated his options and possible outcomes.
The god quietly observed his love before gently nudging theman, “Care to explain your reasoning?”
Tony blushed and ducked his head, hands nervously fiddlingin his lap.
“It probably wouldn’t happen, one I’m a guy and can’t getpregnant. Two I’m not getting any younger, but if we’re being honest, if Icould have a kid of my own I wouldn’t pass up the chance. I might not have alot of it, but I still have time.” Tony’s hands fiddled with his cup. This wasactually something he had fought himself over for years. With the influence ofHoward, he figured he would never been a good dad growing up, terrified hewould become like his own father and mistreat his child. But as time passed hefound himself thinking about it again. Having a kid. Of course it would beterrifying, any parent would say it’s terrifying. But even though there’s somuch room for error and messing up, Tony knows he’d do his absolute best tocare for and raise his child to the best of his ability.
Loki smiled at Anthony, “I agree.”
Tony smiled back, love reflecting back at the god as theywatched one another … and then the genius promptly ruined the moment, “Igot one! Never eat meat again or prepare every meal for the rest of your life?”
Loki sighed, sometimes his lover could be quite childishhimself, “Every meal or anything I desire to eat?”
Tony laughed, “I’ll be nice and say meal. So breakfast,lunch, and dinner, snacks and desserts excluded.”
“Well then …”
*a month later*
“LOKI!” A high pitched shrill yell resonated in the mansionbefore the studies door banged open. With the force of it Loki would besurprised if Anthony hadn’t dented the wall (although the man did have all thewalls reinforced.)
“Yes Anth-” Loki was cut short when calloused hands latchedonto his shoulders and shook him.
“What did you do!? How is this possible?? I shouldn’t-”
“I’m pregnant!”
There was a stilted silence, “Pardon?”
“Pardon? Pardon!?” Anthony screeched indignantly, “What doyou mean ‘pardon?’ I’M PREGNANT!”
Tony stopped shaking the god, his wild eyes staredimploringly into those shocking greens irises of his lover. “Why do you saysuch things?” Loki was very careful not to say ‘think’ knowing his lover wellenough that if he said it differently the other man would take his questioningmuch worse.
“Why! Because I kept getting sick and Bruce couldn’t findanything wrong so I caved and called a real doctor. A mornings worth of testsand one ultra sound later I get a very scandalized doctor with heavily detailedpatient/doctor confidentiality agreements sighed and this picture.” At thisLoki would swear that Tony magically materialized a photograph from thin air.But as real as he and Anthony are, there was an ultra sound picture with a dotbeing highlighted for him. “Loki …” the whisper of his name snapped hisgaze from the photograph to the defeated look of his lover. “What happened?”
Loki jumped from his seat and wrapped the smaller man in hisarms. “Anthony, I promise you that I did not plan this. I would never takeadvantage or do something without your consent. I will figure this out. Iwill.”
Three days of spell casting, soul searching, and a visitfrom Frigga later and Loki came to Tony with his answer.
“Anthony.” Said mortal was seated it one of his comfortablechairs when his godly lover came to kneel before him. “Anthony, I am so sorry.”With tears in his eyes Loki explained how during their night of ‘Would YouRather’ his body and mind had unknowingly entered a state of meditation that henormally enters when he’s connecting with his magic.
So when they had that discussion about children his magichad latched onto the notion.
It didn’t help that the scenario’s took on a sexual themethat lead to a night of passion in the bedroom.
Unknowingly to either of them his magic was crafting insideTony so he would be able to conceive and carry a child.
“Anthony, I am so, so sorry.” His eyes were glistening butthe tears never fell. Tony looked into those anguished green eyes that he lovedso much. He could see the question that wasn’t being asked, Will you forgive me?
Even though Loki couldn’t voice it the billionaire stillanswered him, “I forgive you.” Relief washed over Loki but Tony quicklycontinued, “But!” Loki froze, “I’m still very mad at you. Knowingly or not, youknocked me up. So for the next two weeks you’ll become very familiar with theliving room couch because that’s where you’ll be sleeping.”
Loki jerked back as if he’d been slapped, “You can’t beseri-”
“AHH! Nope, male,” he pointed down at his crotch and then abit higher, “pregnant. Couch, two weeks.”
For the next 8 months things were complicated to put thingslightly. As the situation was Tony had bad days but they worked through ittogether.
Loki did live the first two weeks on the couch but his exiledidn’t deter him from being the support beam Tony needed.
But after all the ups and downs Leo Cornelius Liesmith wasborn.
Tony woke to any empty spot beside him and checked theclock. It was very early.
He contemplated going back to sleep but ended up decidingagainst it. Slipping on something comfortable he padded out of the room. Aquick look into the baby room told him that he’d find his boys in the kitchen.
He walked into the open kitchen to see his tiny totblabbering nonsense to his lover while the trickster nodded along as if theywere having a real discussion.
“What are you two up too so early in the morning?” Leoturned at his voice in his high chair and squealed excitedly. “Hey cornflake.”He picked his baby up and kissed his chubby cheeks.
“We were just readying breakfast.” Loki watched Anthony rockand coo at their child. A devilish smirk took hold of his face, “Also debatingif Leo would rather have a brother or sister.”
Without even turning or stopping what he was doing, “Eternalbanishment to the couch.” Loki laughed nervously but didn’t broach the subjectagain.
It wasn’t until they were sitting at the table, breakfast infront of them and Tony working smashed food into Leo’s mouth when he spoke up.
“Maybe …” Loki’s attention snapped to Anthony watchinghis lover give him a small smile, “We’ll talk about it.” The god positivelybeamed at his love, happiness brightening the room.
He didn’t think anything could top this moment until Leoclapped his little hands and said, “Dada.”
If someone asked Loki if he wanted to change anything abouthis life he’d tell them he’d rather die than leave this moment and the life hewas building with Anthony.
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howellstvdies · 7 years
pretty long post coming up! thanks to @flcwerstudies  for tagging me! love ya, babe
1. when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? 
i try and make it even, but somehow there always ends up being milk left behind. it annoys me so much
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? 
it depends. some days, i’m elsa (the cold never bother me anyway!); some days all i ever want from life is warmth and cuddles and a cat
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? 
business cards, paper towels, my phone, pens, a necklace once. i nearly lost it, then
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? 
tea: two spoons of sugar and milk, but i don’t take it that much.
coffee: creamer or two spoons of sugar.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? 
yes, it’s ridiculous
6: do you keep plants? 
not yet!
7: do you name your plants? 
i’m planning on naming them sherlock and finn, and then name some of them after bts
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? 
journaling, writing, drawing (if what i do can be considered drawing), and lots and lots of singing 
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? 
yes, because i like the fact that i can hit power notes (like when i’m singing burn from hamilton)
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? 
stomach and side, but mostly on my tummy.
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? 
so far, there’s “i could be a stripper” and “goshdarn oprah”
12: what’s your favorite planet? 
i like pluto because it’s a smol bean, and saturn because of the rings
13: what’s something that made you smile today? 
i watched america’s funniest videos with my mom
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? 
there would be books EVERYWHERE, and two cats lounging around, and a coffee maker, and blankets EVERYWHERE. also, high speed wifi
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! 
scientists have traced unusually regular radio signals being emitted from an unknown object in the galaxy m82.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? 
i haven’t really had that many pasta dishes, but i’ll eat it any day
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
a dark blue, with streaks of tardis blue
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. 
i don’t really have anything right now 
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? 
i do keep a journal. i try to write reflections and things like that, but i’m always just ranting about how stupid and cowardly i am. and there are some to-do lists. 
20: what’s your favorite eye color? 
i’m probably just saying this because i have a crush on someone with this color eyes, but blue-grey eyes make me weak at the knees.
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
my favorite bag is my school bag, to be honest, because that’s where all the books are. 
22: are you a morning person? 
nope, i’m a night person, but i also force myself to sleep early.
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? 
sleep, watch netflix, watch dan and phil, read
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? 
there is one person that i’m slowly getting there with, and another person i really want to get there with, but none so far
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? 
nowhere, yet
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? 
i wear my white sneakers quite a bit, but i haven’t had them for forever. i also wear my snow boots a lot, but that’s because they’re warm and i am weak.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
i don’t have gum that much, but i like strawberry.
28: sunrise or sunset?  
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? 
omigod, there’s so many; i find almost everyone cute. one of my friends does this thing when she’s proud of herself when she looks so smug and adorable. my other friend doesn’t laugh that much, so when i make him laugh, it’s like i’ve just discovered the secrets of life. and when my friend/crush laughs, he goes pink and he scrunches his nose and i die a little bit inside. 
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? 
i get really scared about emotions, but i don’t think i’ve been blood-curdling scared yet. 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
i love socks! i love weird socks and fuzzy socks and any socks. i try to sleep with my socks, but i remove them in the middle of the night and i don’t remember. 
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
my cousins and i had just watched markiplier and danandphil play five nights at freddies, and we were spooked, so we started watching spongebob in the middle of the night.
33: what’s your fave pastry?
the first time i ever had a crosant with chocolate inside, i died and went to food heaven.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? 
i had an eeyore stuffed doll that i called doofy for some reason and i always slept with it. i had to leave it in kenya when we moved, but i’m on the hunt for another stuffed friend. 
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
YES YES YES. it annoys my mom sometimes
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? 
all time low’s theraphy would be my mood right now, i think.
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? 
clean, but sometimes, the messiness is apealing.
38: tell us about your pet peeves! 
people asking me if i’m mad when i’m just being quiet. people who are mean to teachers, complaining about them not getting grades in (70 kids, more than 100 assignments to grade, and they have a life, please just stuff it). people who gossip about other people. dramatic people. racists, mysogonists, albiests, general asses. 
39: what color do you wear the most? 
black and blue, mainly black
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? 
i have a necklace that my aunt gave me a few years ago. i always wore it to feel close to her. 
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
the rosie project by graeme simsion. i got it at goodwill, and even my dad liked it. my dad very rarely likes the books i pick. 
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! 
none yet, but there is a starbucks in our town that i’ve been to a couple of times. not only was it my first starbucks visit, but i’ve had some very good memories there. 
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? 
i don’t even think i ever gazed at the stars with someone. i want to, though
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? 
when we were moving and the place was quiet, and the tv was off and i’d just woken up. i sat on the couch and read and i was so calm and happy.  
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
kinda?? i do sometimes, but i do tend to overreact and overthink, so other times i don’t.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
never apollogize for your bad puns about greek gods
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? 
PICKLES. my god, i hate pickles so much.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? 
i was and still am scared of the dark
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
i really like that idea, but i don’t have anything to play them on currently, so i don’t do that.
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? 
i collect clothing tags for bookmarks, but i don’t really collect things.
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? 
my dad. any bon jovi/rock song made in the 80s.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? 
salt bae and spongebob being a chicken.
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? 
no, not yet. i keep meaning to, but i never get round to it.
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? 
my baby sister a few days ago. we usually leave for school at the same time, and she had to stay home because she was sick. she looked so sad when i was leaving that i could actually feel my heart break.
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
i don’t think i’ve ever done anything dramatic.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? 
when people laugh and it’s a full-on laugh and they very rarely do that, dimples, when people engage my stupid questions (”dragons or dinosaurs?”) and go with it, people who are okay with just sitting in the quiet but they can also stay stupid funny thins, dimples, using hands to explain things, DIMPLES
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? 
really happy. i kept reancting lyrics and playing air guitar when it called for it. that song is fun.
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? 
i don’t really have a group of friends but i think i’d be the vodka aunt and my friend charise would be the wine mom. (sometimes it’s switched)
59: what’s your favorite myth? 
icarus and persephone and hades
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
i like it but i very rarely read it. i feel like you have to be really smart to understand poetry, and i’m not smart enough.
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? 
i gave a few of my friend nail polish, and i don’t think i’ve ever gotten a stupid gift
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? 
orange juice most of the time, grape juice when i have it
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? 
i leave them be most of the time. as long as they’re not getting hurt, i’m good. 
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? 
dark blue almost black
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? 
i saw my cousin for the first time in MONTHS before we moved, and he’s really tall now, and he lets me cuddle him and he gives me back hugs and i miss him so much (but i’m not telling him that because he’d rub it in my face)
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? 
small roses! peach blossoms and cherry blossoms too. one huge ass hibiscus or lotus flower as a statement piece
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? 
cozy and sheltered, sometimes. really melancholy and silent most of the time
68: what’s winter like where you live? 
not too bad (i’ve only had one so far)
69: what are your favorite board games? 
monopoly and game of life and clue
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
no, but i knida want to??
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? 
i don’t really have one
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? 
depends. if its something i care about, no. otherwise, yep
73: what are some of your worst habits? 
running away from my emotions and other people’s emotions, expecting the best out of people when i know i’m gonna get the worst
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
not too loud, but very passionate. listens to a lot more rap music even though they look like a punk rock person. doesn’t look people in the eye, but looks me in the eye sometimes and makes me wanna cry. i really like him
75: tell us about your pets! 
i don't have pets!! (thanks mom)
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? 
77: pink or yellow lemonade? 
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? 
fanclub they’re adorable
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? 
making me a grilled cheese for my birthday (was my first grilled cheese)
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? 
white and no. i wanna paint them tardis blue
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. 
the ice floating in the open sea, the color of the sky right after it’s rained
82: are/were you good in school? 
yes! i find it fun so it’s easy for me
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? 
an airplane carried me to bed by sky sailing looks really preety
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? 
i want to get slytherin in fancy font on my ankle and a semicolon on the inside of my wrist
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? 
no, but i want to 
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? 
i don’t know if i’ve heard any
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? 
the fundamentals of caring, dead poet’s society
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? 
i don’t really know any
89: are you close to your parents? 
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. 
london when i was eight - warm summer days and walking to the park in the afternoon, popsicle slipping down my hand. watching cartoons with my cousins and reading in a blanket fort. merry-go-rounds and playing with sprinklers even if i’m fully dressed. going to the beach, and the day is cold and windy, the sky is grey, and it’s so beautiful my chest hurts
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? 
i wanna go to new york at some point but my parents are grade-a procrastinators and i can’t go without them
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? 
half-and-half, but more towards the barely side.
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? 
braids with a right part.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? 
my little cousin turned 7 a few days ago
95: what are your plans for this weekend? 
sleep and read and sleep
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? 
procrastination is always my situation
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? 
infp-t, scorpio, slytherin 
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? 
almost a year ago, not my best hiking experience. that was more about the people than the hike
99: list some songs that resonate with your soul whenever you hear them. 
for some reason, mess is mine by vance joy really makes me feel things. also, almost every single bts song i’ve ever heard
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 
5 years in the past, with the knowledge i have know, so i can fix mistakes my over-dramatic, 10-year-old self made.
this took fifty years i swear. i tag @studiousmochi @studytherin @pinetreestudies @athenus @eintsein @educatier @elkstudies and @studylustre , and whoever wants to do this. xoxo
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Tagging game
ASDFGHJK Thank you so much @oftrickstersandmoose for tagging me and saying that about my blog!! That’s sooo sweet <333
I am going to do this thing, even though no one probably cares that much... Still, I will use this opportunity to tell everyone that reads this that THEY ARE AWESOME AND SIMPLY SOME ADORABLE CUTE LITTLE ANGELS ^-^
Nickname: Riri (no one actually calls me like that, but I found out it’s another abbreviation of my name so I love it =)) ) Gender: Fangirl (that’s it. That’s my gender. Forget about female, I am a fan-femme ❤︎)    Star Sign: Libra ^^ (the most indecisive person ever, I admit it)  Height: a bit more than 5ft 1′ I think? (I know, I know... I am literally a shrimp! But at least I get to stay in front of tall people and watch better everything XD) Time: time...time is irreversible.. the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole... But, yeah, it’s about midnight here, if that’s the question =)   Birthday: Oct 1st  ❤︎ Favourite Bands: *pulls out powerpoint project* Are you sure of this?? *brings pictures and merchandise* jk XD My favorite band EVER will forever be Fall out boy I love them SO much,my wonderful adorable obsession!! <333 I also love mcr (my babies asdfghjk), p!atd, bvb, Green Day, AC/DC, Def Leppard, Rolling stones, Led Zeppelin, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Skid Row, The Offspring, The Beatles, Journey, Metallica, Gnr, Whitesnake, Foreigner, Boston,CCR, Van Halen, BOC, Asia, lynyrd skynyrd, alice cooper, Eagles... The list can go on till tomorrow :)) Also, a special mentioning would be Abba and Modern Talking <333 and, of course, my second favorite band (I shamelessly admit I have 90 songs of them on my phone device), QUEEN XD Favourite Solo Artists: hard to choose, uggh... My favorite singer used to be Celine Dion, so... I also love Kylie Minogue, Michael Bolton, Cyndi Lauper, Bryan Adams, Barbra streisand, Amy Grant, Bob Dylan, Elvis, too many to think of right now... Could I add Richard too?? =)) (even though he always says he is NOT a musician, his voice is wonderful aaaahh *sighs*)  Song Stuck in My Head: “All star” by Smash Mouth! It’s kind of making me feel more confident though, but it’s annoyingly catchy... Oh and yeah, how could I forget about “anyway you want it” by Journey, it got stuck in my mind for a whole week, I am so glad I got over it  Last Movie I Watched: Forrest Gump =) (watched it today, I admit I have cried a lot to it, and now I have only southern accents stuck in my head heeelp) Last Show I Watched: Big Bang Theory <33 (I adore sitcoms) I was trying to see if I can get to watch more Star Trek on tv, but instead I saw this :) When did I create my blog?: umm...My main one, I think around October last year?? And this secondary little thing that made my life better, I think sometime in May :)) What do I post? Post or reblog?: Both? =)) I reblog brilliant posts and I write anything that comes into my mind about Gabe <3 Also, I just simply adore making photo edits, gifs and stuff like that with him, so... Last Thing I Googled: it’s actually “sunburnt” because I got one during hiking yesterday, so I needed to know how to treat it better XD (I am so glad I didn’t have to do this game earlier, when my last thing was “how to burn people”, I assure you I am not a psychopath hehhe... Even though it was annoying that google was showing results for “good comebacks”, not actually burning people alive...) Any other blogs?: Hells yeah. Not many though. My main one where I haven’t posted anything for six months, a side blog with nice book quotes and nature landscapes that finally turned into a fandom one (oops!!) and one with song lyrics where I make photo edits and post mostly fob and mcr lyrics because when I don’t find them on google I must make them by myself :D  But here I have most of my followers <33 Do you get asks?: Umm...Nope, never got one, only messages, but happily waiting for some =)  The Story Behind My Username: *coughs*......it was, my darlings, the summer of 2017 when me meets the other inner me and I’m like “yo, I know about music” and the other me is like “yo, I know more about music!! ”, “that’s impossible! Do you wanna start a side blog? We’ll call it after your new favorite song ever that makes your heart sing and melt in the same time because of the most adorable mellow sweet feathered golden angel, that small tiny muffin who ruined your life” and I was like “yeah that’s cool” and that’s it XD Actually, I came up with the idea of this blog when I realized how obsessed I was with Gabe and at 2 AM I was creating gifs just to post them here, and the only logical username that came in my mind was this, I just love the heat of the moment!!! <33 *starts humming while eating a candy bar and sobbing in a corner* Following: 155! ;D Followers: 563 AAAHHH MY BEAUTIFUL RAYS OF SUNSHINE I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR BRIGHTENING MY LIFE EVERY TIME YOU PRESS THAT “follow” button I JUST WANT TO WRAP YOU ALL IN WARM BLANKETS  ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ *hug attack to everyone who reads this* Favourite Color: GREEN! Grass green, cyclam, turquoise, that coral red-orange wonderful thing, blue violet, sunflower bright yellow (guess why ;)))... Average Hours of Sleep: probably eight hours. Sometimes 6, sometimes 11... Two weeks ago I slept only one hour, yesterday 12, so it depends XD Lucky Number: 111 <3 Not lucky, but favorite one I guess :)) But usually all my lucky numbers contain “1” so... I also love 21, dunno why Instruments: Fountain pen. JUST KIDDING! If it means musical instruments, I used to play piano and violin, but now I only know a bit to play the national anthem, that’s all... Currently I am into guitar, I have been trying for six months to learn how to play it from youtube tutorials, I can play couple of chords ;D What I’m wearing right now: whoa easy there, tagging game! (just a joke again, sorry ^-^) It’s actually only a dress with green and pink floral print because summer nights when you don’t want to go to sleep, just to stare at the stars, hum songs and spend time on tumblr, that’s why :) I just find dresses easier to wear when the heat outside overwhelms you How many blankets do I sleep with?: umm... Like now, during summer? Only a white sheet, it’s too hot (even though I sometimes want to go back to my warm blanket in case of monster night attacks). But on winter I can sleep with two wool blankets or even more... :)  Dream Job: Cardiothoracic Surgeon or any kind of doctor in general :)) It’s been my dream since I was two, I just love anatomy...<3 (probably I shouldn’t add my temporary dreams too, like becoming an actress, a Broadway singer, a detective or a novel writer and artist, should I?^^)  Dream Trip: aaah hard to say, but I think it would be a road trip in Arizona or any western desert part in general, while driving an old rusty convertible car (preferably an impala, of course), watching the ruby sun going down into the lakes painted on the azure sky and the stars sparkling brightly at night, feeling the freedom air and humming old rock songs (and singing “take it easy” when I get to Winslow, AZ :D)... Also, another dream trip would be in my favorite cities: NYC (to see Tiffany’s and Broadway :)), Paris (mainly the opera house and get to sing “bonjour Paris” like in Funny Face) and Rome (driving  a scouter or riding a vintage bike on the old streets, while picking ruby geraniums and singing Dean Martin songs aahh). Also, a trip to provence where I can dance through the lavender fields, the Alpes with warm small cottages or Greece would be wonderful (as long as I can admire the landscapes and the local culture with not so many people around... ^^) Favourite Food: grilled chicken with french fries and any kind of dessert (chocolate especially)<33 Also a bunch of sour soups, pasta, fish, meat, pizza and hamburgers, jam with butter and honey, cereals with milk, bacon and eggs, meatballs, chicken soup with dumplings, boiled potatoes with butter and parsley, pancakes, and this list could go on and on.... (now I got hungry ugh...) Nationality: Romanian :) (this should explain the “sour soup” thing)  Favourite Song Right Now: umm...*trying to make up my mind while sweating nervously* Probably still the heat of the moment, or Tiffany Blews by fob... But right now, I mean really RIGHT NOW, I think it would be “don’t stop believing” it’s so uplifting and purely...gorgeous :)
Sorry for the long post, in real life I never speak up, yet, here, I am a chatter box oops >.<
Now, the ceremony of tagging people! *drums beating*... Aaaand the nominees are....LEONARDO DiCAPRIO!! (SOORY just a silly joke ^^) Now, for real, I am tagging :  @scarlettwinchester23  ( ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ) , @sabriel-fanboy-83, @akhuna01, @hunters-hiraeth, @tricksterxangel, @lisiblack, @chaotictrickster, @quaker-wtf-lass and any other cinnamon roll that wants to do this, but I know you won’t do it unless I tag you, so, here you are : @that-sweet-person-who-read-my-ramblings-and-wants-to-do-this-game-too  ❤︎  You have been officially tagged ;) 
I love you all so much!! <3
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rofics · 8 years
Just love us, please?!
Fandom: Bts and Got7 Pairing: Seokjin x Namjoon x Jackson Au: Hybrids College Length: 3.3k Genre: fluff and smut Request for: I need obvious Namjoon in my life!!! Can you please write something where Peacock!Jin and Hummingbird!Jackson fight over lazy Panther!Joonie! Endgame NamJinSon?? Pretty Please? Summary: Namjoon's life is way to hard with Seokjin and Jackson competing to win his heart without him even knowing... Problem arrives when Namjoon get's a boyfriend that isn't either of them... Extreme times requires extreme meassures... Those measures are fake dating so Namjoon understand he wants at least one of them!
Namjoon really just wanted to chill through university, he just wanted simple things like ace all his classes and graduate on top of his class, simple things. Being a panther hybrid he was lazy by nature, he liked sitting in the sun working on his laptop just soaking in the sunlight. Which was one of the reasons that his skin had a healthy tan.
First year went well, he never saw his roommate, mostly because he apparently dropped out and for some reason Namjoon got to have the room for himself the entire semester and the next. The start of his second year was when shit happened. First one of his good friends from back home Seokjin transferred to Namjoon university instead if his old one, Namjoon’s having a pretty big culinary program. Then again so did Seokjin’s previous one, but he decided it was better not to ask.
Seokjin was a tall guy, not as tall as Namjoon of course, but tall, broad shouldered and with a handsome face. A classic good looking guy that all the girls would fawn over. He was a peacock hybrid luckily he resembled a peacock more than he actually looked like one. While yes his eyes were deep and black resembling an empty pit you could get lost in easily, he luckily didn’t have the feathers from his arse.
Instead his hair was a mix of the most beautiful green, blue and purple mixed together in one of the world combination, and that was his peacock traits. Other than knowing you are better looking than everybody else, but Namjoon wasn’t sure if that was a peacock trait or a Seokjin trait. The most strange part was that yeah Seokjin knew he was good looking, but he was never unlikeable cocky, when he would joke about himself being attractive it weren’t in a bad way.
It was hard to explain, but overall Namjoon really liked Seokjin until they had grown apart since they had gone to different universities and only really saw each other when they got home from their studies. That was the reason when Seokjin turned up at his dorm door to say hello to him he wad a little surprised, that was also when he met his second headache.
Jackson Wang, studying in the same year as Namjoon on an athletic scholarship and Namjoon’s new roommate. The thing was there was nothing really wrong with Jackson, he was shorties around 174 cm, well built often smiling and he liked to rap like Namjoon. He was often loud and happy, but again not in a way that was annoying or anything like that. Namjoon also understood why Jackson was so hyper sometimes.
Jackson was a hummingbird hybrid. He like Seokjin didn’t have many physical traits of the hummingbird. His neck area was very sensitive and a soft red different from his normal skin tone. He had almost infinite amount of energy and he could eat anything and never get fat, and like Seokjin he had the deep bottomless black eyes of bird.
So on the surface it all sounded great right? Two good friends all really good people, the problem was that for some reason… they hated each other. The day that Seokjin came to see him in his dorm was the same day Jackson came to unpack his stuff. They took one look at each other and from Namjoon’s point of view it looked like they had some thought communication and then decided that they hated each other.
From both of the other hybrid’s point of view that wasn’t really what happened. What happened was that when Seokjin opened the door to Namjoon’s room, Namjoon who had been his crush since he was 9 what he saw was not Namjoon lying around lazing it in his pj, tail happily drawing small circles in the air while he typed away at a speed Seokjin could only dream to one day reach. What he instead found was a fully dressed Namjoon… Which was a shame since soft Namjoon in pj’s with Ryans on them was the kind of Namjoon, he was standing making room on one of shelves while some stupid guy with bleached blond hair and a way to big smile was staring at HIS Namjoon’s ass.
Jackson saw Seokjin as some stuck up brat who was lusting after the one person who didn’t want him like that, the one person that Jackson liked! They were both very much aware that the other person had feelings for the panther hybrid, and without even saying anything they both knew it… The game was on.
The one problem was that they hadn’t thought about was that Namjoon was as fucking oblivious as a rock. Seokjin should have seen this coming the girl who lived between him and Namjoon had tried to make Namjoon date her for even longer than Seokjin had tried to. Nothing she did worked out, she gave him chocolate on valentines every time for 10 years and he noticed nothing. When they were 16 she asked him to the dance, he thought it was as friends.
It had ended with her crying on his doorstep asking if she wasn’t pretty enough! Namjoon’s answer had just awkwardly been “I’m sorry… I’m gay.”
And that had been the moment Seokjin had known that his innocent crush had hope and he needed to marry that man… boy…
It had started as small things, Seokjin arriving at their dorm early to escort Namjoon to his classes, Namjoon of course just thought that Seokjin was being a good friend. Jackson weren’t too happy with it, but he acted like he didn’t care, or at least he tried, but the nasty glare he sent Seokjin was enough to even clue in Namjoon. Even if Namjoon at 7 am in the morning was really just a tired little kitten, rubbing his eyes and accidentally walking into stuff.
As winter hit both of the hybrids had taken to much more bold strategies. Seokjin at this point was sure that Jackson had actually kidnapped all of Namjoon’s hoodies forcing the younger to wear his. Which was stupid! Because now neither of them could see Namjoon with his cute sweater paws, because of Jackson fucking tiny hummingbird.
Seokjin had taken to always wrap his scarf around Namjoon when they were out. Because apparently Namjoon’s weird fashion sense did not come with a scarf. See by everybody else's standards that would be enough for them to realize that the two males were fighting for his attention. Namjoon just thought they were being nice and friendly.
Seokjin had started kissing Namjoon’s cheek to say hello and goodbye. Something Namjoon just giggled at which drove Jackson insane so for payback he started holding Namjoon’s hand and cuddling up with the taller panther late at night to watch a movie.
Both of them had different privileges when it came to Namjoon. Seokjin was the childhood friend that Namjoon knew and had known for years. Jackson was his roommate that he spent many many hours with. Luckily none of them had the same major as Namjoon, which was probably good for Namjoon’s sanity, he tried so hard to get them to like each other.
When Jackson and Namjoon ordered takeout for the 3rd time that month he would jokingly say that if they had Seokjin there it wouldn’t be an issue since he were such a good cook. When he was with Seokjin he would tell him about Jackson’s fencing tournament and how well he did! Tell him about how nice Jackson were to him last night and stuff like that, his goal wad to get the two to like each other.
What he instead managed was to get both of them to think that he liked the other person better, which was just… not the point he was trying to make. Especially since from Namjoon’s point of view they were both straight. Yeah both of the older males had just assumed Namjoon knew their sexual orientation.
Everything changed though when Jackson barged into Seokjin’s room and for the first time spoke directly to him without Namjoon between. “Okay we need to fix this!”
“I’m not giving up Namjoon for you, there is an equal chance that he falls in love with me.” Seokjin looked unimpressed from his position at his desk “Also… That door was locked did you just break into my room?”
“I borrowed Jungkook’s key, he is dating a friend of mine Yugyeom so it was easy and I’m actually likeable.” Jackson stuck his tongue out like a child, but then he got serious,“That is not what I meant, Namjoon has a boyfriend and it’s not me… and not you.”
“Excuse me what?” That caused Seokjin to actually put down the recipe he was working on. “Namjoon would have told me.”
“Yeah I thought so too, or that he would have told me. But I saw them at the lecture hall today kissing!” Jackson threw himself down on Seokjin’s bed, as he rolled around a little, mostly to annoy the older male he did notice just how good his bed smelt… huh weird.
Seokjin went back to reading with a relieved sigh, not even looking at the hummingbird currently rubbing himself against his bed, he was used to Jackson being a weirdo. God what did Namjoon even see in him? Yeah he understood that Jackson was actually good looking he had to give him that, he was well trained from the gym and his facial features were aesthetically pleasing, but he wasn’t like Seokjin’s prefered guys soft and sweet around the edges.
Jackson was kinda like… a nice jock… yeah that was good way to describe him. “I’m sure you just saw it from the wrong angle, it’s a classic mistake.”
“No! This is not some stupid romantic comedy where I saw it and then run away crying. I’m not stupid thank you very much, I know you think I am just because I do sport’s! But I have to keep my grades pretty high to maintain my scholarship asshole!” Jackson sounded actually annoyed.
Seokjin couldn’t stop himself from feeling a little bit guilty, he never planned on actually insulting Jackson. “That was not what I meant.” His tone was softer this time, while yes Jackson was his romantic rival Seokjin didn’t want to do emotional or physical harm to him.
“Whatever, I went up and asked him what happened and he introduced me to his fucking boyfriend Jaebum. He is one of Yugyeom and Mark’s friends. Decently tall and a shiba hybrid, dark hair, pretty eyes and a little fluffy tail” Jackson pouted
“Do you want to date Namjoon or Namjoon’s boyfriend I’m no longer sure?” Seokjin couldn’t stop himself from teasing Jackson, not really wanting to accept how bad reality is, “and how serious can it be, it’s a dog and a cat hybrid?”
“You are aware that we are bird hybrids right?” Jackson just mumbled. “Technically that’s a word fit, my point is… this is real, this is happening and we have to stop it.”
“Shouldn’t we be happy that he is happy with somebody else?”
“Have you ever heard of this guy from Namjoon before? Because I haven’t.” Seokjin shook his head, which made Jackson continue. “That is my point! How much love can there really be between them if they were never together before this, he doesn’t love Namjoon like we do! If I have to lose him I can accept that it is to you, but I can’t accept it being some random guy!”
“That is almost touching Jackson, but do you have a plan in that hyperactive head of yours?” Seokjin couldn’t really believe that he was going along with this, but Jackson had a point he had never heard of this Jaebum fellow and suddenly he was dating Namjoon, that wasn’t right!
Jackson just shrugged his shoulders. “I kinda just assumed that we make it up as we go.”
Sadly Seokjin had no better idea so they ended up shaking hands on that, and vowed that they would be temporary friends until they managed to save Namjoon from his own bad choices.
It turned out to be harder than he thought, on one side Namjoon really didn’t change that much. Yes sometimes Jaebum would spend time with them, but Namjoon didn’t just stop hanging out with them or anything like that. He would still let Seokjin kiss his cheek and Jackson hold his hand and cuddle him, and to Jaebum’s credit he seemed fine with it.
The first time he saw Seokjin kiss Namjoon’s cheek the peacock hybrid had been ready for shiba hybrid to throw a tantrum, to show how he was immature and not good enough for Namjoon, but instead he had gotten a light laugh as Jaebum slung an arm around Namjoon’s waist making the panther lean into the touch comfortable as Jaebum teased. “Should I be worried?”
The problem was that his teasing tone was completely calm, and showed that it was just a joke that he had no worry that Namjoon was going to cheat on him or that Seokjin were a threat to the relationship. Seokjin didn't know if he should feel insulted that Jaebum didn’t see him as a threat, or annoyed about how Namjoon just giggled while he answered. “It’s just how Seokjin-hyung says goodbye and hello it’s normal, I think he watched to many french movies.”
“Something tells me that it might be your fault, pretentious french movies.” Mark who was sitting behind them made a gagging movement behind the pairs back. Mark was a special kind of person a close friend of Jackson’s and short like the hummingbird and a penguin hybrid. Which meant he had the classic deep black bird eyes, some black colouration down his forehead and covering his nose. Objectively speaking he was really cute, not Seokjin’s type but cute, and he seem to be just as much of anti of the relationship as both Jackson and Seokjin so that was nice.
3 weeks into what Seokjin would now like to call hell on earth, and no progress had been had. They had made Jaebum seem like a fool managed to make him seem unable to ever be on time something that the inner leader in Namjoon normally hated. They had made him spill soda over Namjoon’s favorite ryan plushie. Which Jackson regret the second he made Jaebum do it, because it made Namjoon cry not angry at Jaebum just really really sad. The weird part about that was that Jackson and Seokjin both seemed a lot more concerned about that than Jaebum, another sign that clearly he weren’t right for THEIR Namjoon.
It ended up with Mark being the the one that ended up having a bright idea as the three anti NamBum- which was the least likeable shipname they could come up with, sat on a roof of their dorm building one evening the couple had invited them along on their movie date in Jaebum’s dorm room which he shared with Mark. All three had said no thanks, neither feeling like watching the two men make out, okay they had never done that in front of anybody, and they kept it mostly pg around other people, but everybody was tired of other people touching their man.
Yes that included Mark, it had turned out that Mark was actually in love with Jaebum but had been to afraid to ever act on his feelings. As they sat there Mark suddenly said “You two should pretend to date.”
Jackson sounded like he were getting choked by the piece of granola bar his was trying to eat, as Seokjin asked confused. “What?”
“There is no better way to make somebody realize that they really love you until it is too late to have them. You guys are both so sure that Namjoon has some kind of feeling’s for both of you maybe it’s time to make him realize that he needs to do something, and what he is doing right now is wrong. What better way than two of his apparently dream guys as you both like to call it date each other instead of them.” Mark just shrugged his shoulder looking sad and regretful. “I should know how it feels, and trust me it works.”
Seokjin almost immediately answered. “Mark that is a really bad idea, nobody would ever believe that me and Jackson were dating! We don’t even like each other! Right Jackson? Jackson?”
Jackson looked a lot more hesitant though, looking at Seokjin with a weird look. “It could work,” his tone were hesitant but clearly open to the idea, “I’m desperate I’m gonna be honest with you. If I thought having sex with you in front of Namjoon would help… I would do it without a question, and do not say you wouldn’t because you were just as desperate as me.”
Seokjin tried to deny it, but Jackson just raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “Don’t lie to me.”
“Okay, but shouldn’t we think over this a little bit more. Like how far are we going to take it?” Seokjin was a lot more reserved about it than Jackson was.
“As far as we need to.” Jackson said it in such a relaxed tone that Seokjin had a hard time accepting that they were talking about dating… THEM… Fake dating.
Seokjin just sighed, the problem was that he didn’t have a better idea. He didn’t know any other way to maybe get Namjoon to realize that they were right for him. That he needed to at least pick one of them instead of Jae fucking Bum. “Okay let’s do this.” God what was Seokjin getting himself into.
Mark smiled an actual smile for the first time in forever. “Now kiss.”
“WHAT?” Seokjin had not signed up for this, technically he had signed no papers at all.
“This is why, if you want to make Namjoon believe that you two are actually dating you need to be more relaxed about it… That involves kissing.” Why did Mark make so much sense? Seokjin prefered him when he were just pouting over lost love.
He didn’t get much time to think about before Jackson suddenly plopped down into his lap. “Sup hyung?” This was the first time Jackson had ever called him hyung, and it was said with a shit eating grin… Oh god Seokjin wanted to get out of this right now.
He never got to answer, because Jackson’s lips were on his the next second and the only thing he could think was ‘Oh my god, I’m kissing Jackson Wang’ and ‘Why is he so good at kissing?’ and last but not least in some part of his brain he didn’t want to accept ‘god his lips fit so well against mine’.
One more part to come!
- Prussia
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broship-addict · 8 years
tagged by @spanglebangle, thank you!!
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
01. coke or pepsi? honestly I can’t taste the difference
02. disney or dreamworks? hnnng this one is so hard but Mulan was my childhood, so Disney
03. coffee or tea? tea, but the cheap leaf water kind?? like $5 for 450g of leaves
04. books or movies? books!
05. windows or mac? Windows!!
06. dc or marvel? I prefer Marvel’s more lighthearted humour
07. x-box or playstation? neither
08. dragon age or mass effect? neither
09. night owl or early riser? night owl, usually
10. cards or chess? probably cards? I used to love the dumb math games you’d do in elementary
11. chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
12. vans or converse? neither
13. lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar? ??? please explain???
14. fluff or angst? f l u f f
15. beach or forest? forest, but only if I know where I’m going
16. dogs or cats? both are good?? probably prefer cats more
17. clear skies or rain? clear! I live on the wet coast, so there’s more than enough rain
18. cooking or eating out? depends??
19. spicy food or mild food? spicy I love that tingle (also off topic but apparently the hot-sauce grandmother was voted as the hottest woman in China??? the pun also works in Chinese :D 
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? Christmas
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? I am already forever too cold, I’m used to it
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be? wouldn’t disappearing be great?? or teleportation??
23. animation or live action? animation incites simultaneous awe and envy
24. paragon or renegade? ???
25. baths or showers? showers
26. team cap or team ironman? probably cap? the registering thing bothers me
27. fantasy or sci-fi? both
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? 
- the The Martian quote I’ve had as my blog title for the past few months
- “But Elliot didn’t want love to be like that. He loved Serene and he did not want to catch her in his arms if she stumbled: he wanted to help her to her feet.” (from The Turn of the Story, along with probably 30 other lines) 
- “This was everything he wanted, everything he needed, and Neil was never letting go.” 
29. youtube or netflix? I don’t have netflix
30. harry potter or percy jackson? Percy Jackson!! holy heck that nostalgia
31. when do you feel accomplished? for approximately half an hour after I succeed in something?
32. star wars or star trek? star wars
33. paperback books or hardback books? paperback; they’re lighter so you can carry more
34. to live in a world without literature or without music? without music = without childhood piano lessons??
35. what’s one thing you hope to accomplish in life? build something. build something nice.
36. who was the last person to make you laugh? my friend when she sent me the sciences vs. engineering meme with the forks
37. which is better, sour or sweet candy? sour
38. do you believe in aliens? yes, it’d be nice if they’re friendlier than us
39. dawn or dusk? dusk looks so pretty
40. piercings or tattoos? I wouldn’t get either, but I guess tattoos are cooler? like there’s a story somewhere 
41. physical book or kindle? Kindle’s so much more convenient...
42. fantastic beasts or cursed child? fantastic beasts, but also consider this fic where abused children are allowed happy endings!!
43. rock or pop music? somewhere in between, so long as there’s not too much repetition
44. big cities or small towns? big cities
45. girls? I am somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum but definitely 
46. volcanoes or black holes? for some reason volcanoes are less terrifying than black holes
47. favourite language (either to listen to, or that you can speak)? I love it when my mom speaks Mandarin because she gestures and uses some sort of English-Mando hybrid and I can actually understand it. Tagalog sounds neat 
48. sun or moon? the sun is the light of my life <3
49. perfume or cologne? neither, both are so smelly :(
my question: 50. hardwood or carpet or tile?
holy heck this is super long?? tagging @sbazzing, @exysexual, @badacts, @fuckthewaveringwood, @bekingly, and @percentofhate if you want???
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renegadesepiida · 8 years
From February 3 until February 11 another King of the Hammers race week made Johnson Valley an enormous cloud of dust. I’d heard about the craziness of this event since I arrived in the Southern California desert five months ago. That was the time of innocence, thinking there was no possible way our country would take the turn that it has, and out here I was definitely in the minority.
While I don’t want to get too wrapped up in politics, it does have an influence on the world we live in and of course how people see each other. It is a shame, which is why I prefer to keep traveling, to experience every culture, and to understand it with respect. I looked at this event as a perfect way to do just that, understand and respect why these people feel this way.
The first thing I should do is to explain what King of the Hammers is. How my boss explained it to me and just so everyone knows these are the words coming out of a government park institution leader whose family all grew up in this area (so don’t hate me if you’re offended by the next sentence). “It’s a shit-ton of drunk rednecks who come out here with all their heavy machinery to tear up the desert.” Honestly, after hearing that I was way more terrified of participating than I was at the actual event. I expected super rowdy drunk off their ass spectators and racers on motorcycles, quads, and every other tricked out ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) you could possibly think of. There were plenty of tricked out vehicles, which were soooooo awesome to watch. I originally thought the vast majority of people were extremely kind and were just there for fun. In fact, there weren’t people just from that area, but all over the country and even the world. It was truly an international event with people driving from Canada, flying from England, Australia, and even China (along with many others).
I couldn’t believe some of these rigs, they cost upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars, crazy. I could never save up money for that, it’s the racers business, and if this event is anything to go by, business was good.
For my part, I was working with Art, the Mojave Desert Park Ranger (the only one), to educate the public on the native flora and fauna out in the desert and show them that they should protect it. A lot of the education was geared towards kids, but the teens and adults also got involved with questions and wanting to hold the animals Art brought. All the animals were rescues, or in the case of the baby desert tortoise, born and raised in captivity.
In the case of the desert tortoise, which is an endangered species, we told the people that, should they want a pet tortoise, to adopt one from a shelter. When they are taken out of the wild and interact with humans they develop a respiratory condition that can cause them to die around 15, the female breeding age, and will be passed to their offspring. Therefore, none of them can ever be returned to the wild. And this is especially sad because they can normally live for over a hundred years, and could be passed down through human generations. But they might be picked up, exposed and after a few years the people who took them get tired of looking after them and leave them back out in the desert where, soon enough, they die.
BTW: It’s actually illegal to take them, even really to interact with tortoises at all (except if they are on a road, then you can pick them up, keeping them low to the ground, and move them off in the direct they were originally going.) Also if you see any broken shells DO NOT COLLECT, scientists need to be able to see that that area is a tortoise habitat, otherwise people may try to build on it, displacing many more animals.
PSA… Anyways…
We also passed out maps of much of the land for free, don’t want anyone to get lost, and then it would also help them know where and where not to ride their ATVs. Everyone was extremely grateful for all of this information, and they were happy that the BLM (Bureau of Land Management – who I work for along with ACE – American Conservation Experience) was out getting involved with the public. A government branch that actually cares about the environment and the people – crazy!
Almost everyone who came by our booth really opened up to us: telling us where they are from, what they like to do for fun, and how they feel about the entire environment we were currently in. It’s interesting to see how people will act when you get them talking.
Along with the tortoise we also had a dead, stuffed raven, to explain how they eat the baby tortoises (first pecking through the soft underbelly of the shell, and then one they develop harder shells pick them up, bring them to telephone wires and then drop the tortoises on the rocks to break them – smart animals). Other than the tortoise, the living animals were as follows:
A false widow – looks like a black widow but not venomous and very common.
A desert hairy scorpion – also big (ladies are larger and almost white – glow in the dark with a black light, males are smaller and darker) and a little venomous, but not dangerous unless you’re allergic, like bees. And also very common here, shake out your shoes and jackets, really anything you left on the ground while camping.
A chuckwalla – lizard who thrives in 90+ temperature, with loose skin flaps on its sides so when it runs between rocks it can blow itself up like a balloon to keep predators from yanking it out and the detachable tail.
A California king snake – black and white (sometimes brown or red too, depending on the region) snake who eats all the other animals (including rattlesnakes) so the top predator that is nice to people and keeps us all safe and happy.
The desert may seem empty, but it’s sooooo not.
I spent most of the time with a baby northern alligator lizard, that Art saved to feed to his king snake, who loved my body heat and crawled up my sleeves and hung out under my shirt collar for hours on end. I named it Geoffery Carlile, and didn’t change it when I found out it was female; the name was too good. So now I have a pet/buddy.
We did have a couple less than sober people come by, especially because the vast majority of adult (young to old) were carrying around cans of beer in cozies. But with thousands of people passing over the week there was only one man (probably in his late 50’s or 60’s) who passed celebrating Trump’s idea of shutting down the BLM, and all the ideas he had for tearing down all the governmental structures. What that man probably didn’t know is that, without the BLM Johnson Valley would be taken over by the military and, thus, they could never access it, which would mean no more off-roading. So, YOU’RE WELCOME.
Also btw, that is not me being ok with how much of the land and habitats the off-roaders are messing up with all this crazy behavior. Just trying to appeal to what they care about.
Because standing/sitting in a booth all day is boring as shit, there were times when I would take a walk to the bathroom and take a longer way back, passing the other stalls and the stages. Almost none of the vendors were selling their products because, as I later learned, the man who puts this on every year charges through the nose for placement, and makes the vendor give him a percentage of whatever they sell. By the end, he’s basically pocketing around a million dollars a year.
But, to the casual fan, this stuff doesn’t have too much of an effect. The booths instead have people sign up through email, which gives them an opportunity to win a $500 credit with their company, spin a wheel, and get free little prizes (like hats, cozies, stickers, etc.). While $500 might sound like a decent amount, most of the products cost over a thousand dollars, so good if you are in the market for stuff like what they sell, but worthless if not.
On Thursday, the day before the final 200-mile car race, one of the fire station volunteers (who also volunteers for the BLM) offered to help me escape the monotony of the booth for a while. I took him up on the offer, we climbed into his jeep and showed me two of the coolest parts of the racetrack: chocolate thunder and the waterfall.
Since I am more comfortable in heels, rather than flat shoes (completely serious) I wore my high heeled boots every day, this made it more impressive (?) to onlookers when I jumped out of the jeep at chocolate thunder and walked through the steep sand hill and over the rocks one handed. The lizard was hanging out in my sleeve still and I didn’t want her shaken up too much. When we arrived we could see that one of the customized jeeps had flipped and the crew was trying to set it right so they could finish the race. The canyon was very steep and rocky and we watched long enough for me to take several pictures and videos of the jeep being righted and passed a couple times.
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The second location was “the waterfall” which had a straight three feet rock that both cars and motorbikes had to navigate both up and down, depending on the race direction. I only got to see the cars going down, but that was pretty awesome. Took some pictures and more videos (btw they have cameras along the track and in helicopters overhead so they can film and live stream the entire race) and my favorite was when one car drove through it like it was nothing, almost on the tail of another car and then after getting through the rocky bit slammed on the gas speeding up on the sand. Vroom Vroom motherfucker
            Watching the whole race filled me with adrenaline; I just wanted to jump on a bike or into a car and speed over all obstacles. Wouldn’t even think twice, as long as the owner wouldn’t care if I messed up the vehicle… no fear. Didn’t get to, though.
Overall, the experience was generally enjoyable and I’m glad I got to talk to groups of people that I would normally clash with. And, as it is Valentine’s Day I wish love and understanding to all people of the world, wouldn’t that be great?
  Happy Valentine’s Day and be safe on all your adventures.
Long Live the Hammer King From February 3 until February 11 another King of the Hammers race week made Johnson Valley…
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