#day6 fan fic
outofconcheol · 3 days
Tune In For Love (KSM x GN!Reader)
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pairing: college radio host!Seungmin x co-host!reader
genres/au/rating: sfw, mostly fluff, the mildest of angst, idiots to lovers, pg
summary: When you and Seungmin come up with a crazy new idea for your radio show, a week of chaos and unspoken feelings unfolds. As you learn more about relationships, will the two of you tune in for love? Or decide to shut it down completely?
warnings: swearing, fake exes trope, a playlist of seungmin coded songs mentioned, stupid amounts of pining, mentions of relationship drama, they almost kiss, then they actually kiss, one mild (joking ) threat of violence, Jeongin being the best wingman ever, RAIN, Ningning, Joshua, Cheol, and Day6 all make cameos
word count: 2.8k
a/n: happy Seungmin day!! honestly this could have been a whole fic on its own but i'm happy with this cute little drabble! this draws some inspiration from the ex talk by rachel lynn solomon. our boy deserves all the love, i hope you enjoy!
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“Okay everyone, this has been another week at The Sound FM, the university’s #1 radio station! ____ and Seungmin signing off!”
Your voice fades out to the tune of the hit that Seungmin had selected for the week, ears perking up at the rumble of the bass and the tick tick tick of the hi-hat. Another Day6 song. Congratulations this time. 
“When will you admit that you’re Day6’s number one fan?”
“When you admit that you’re their number two,” Seungmin adjusts his glasses, a devious smirk lighting up his face. 
(You were, but you would never give Seungmin the satisfaction.)
“That segment on how to deal with the stress of midterms turned out great! What should we do next?”
You fidget with your pen, tapping it against your notepad, twirling it around in your fingers, before moving to put it behind your ear–
Seungmin’s hands shoot out, fingers clasping around yours for a brief moment, and a shiver runs through you, despite the fact that it was sunny outside with not a cloud in sight.
“I had an idea, actually, well it’s not my idea, Jeongin brought it up..”
For however composed the two of you were on air, you turned into awkward rambling messes when the mics were off. It had always been like that though. You’d been hosting the show with Seungmin for the better part of a year and you still didn’t know why you felt shy around him, or why you’d barely progressed beyond simple acquaintances.
“There’s this girl that uh, he, yeah he wants to impress, so he was asking if our next segment could maybe have something to do with dating advice.” 
“That is sooo much better than the segment on recycling tips I was planning,” you nudge him, oblivious to the way his ears turn red.
“Oooh but what if we make it spicy you know? Like approach relationships from a different angle?”
“What angle?” Seungmin rubs at the back of his neck. “As far as I know, neither of us are in a relationship. I mean, right?”
“Right but no one else has to know that! What if we pretend that we’re exes, who broke up? Hindsight is always 20/20, people will eat that up!”
“I thought I was supposed to be the menace here,” Seungmin’s tone is deadpan but his eyes sparkle with mischief.
“What can I say, you’re rubbing off on me Min,” you giggle. “So, what do you say we put your charm to good use?”
“You think I’m charming ___?” 
You miss the excitement in his tone, writing it off as enthusiasm for the whole absurdity of this plan.
“Who knows, Min! Maybe we’ll even find people! This is so exciting!”
Seungmin pauses briefly, a choked sound escaping his mouth, but you think you imagine it, watching him straighten and nod.
Laughter fills the studio as you bicker back and forth about what to include and how the next week would go. It was a risk, but you hoped it would pay off — both on the airwaves and maybe even for your stagnant love life. The possibilities were endless.
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“Hello, and welcome to Tune in For Love! We are your hosts, ___ and Seungmin, and for the next week we’ll be tackling all your relationship questions and concerns!”
Your voice booms into the mic, echoing throughout the tiny studio, and you take a moment to mute yourself, heart pounding in your ears. Butterflies had begun to bubble up in your chest – you were really doing this.
“You ready for this?” Seungmin’s voice knocks you out of your daze, and you look over to see his lips twist into a lazy smile, running his fingers through his hair.
Fuck. Why did that make your stomach flip-flop?
You give him a shaky nod. It was probably just the rush of trying something new, so different from what you were used to. The simultaneous thrill and terror of dipping your toes into uncharted waters. 
Seungmin unmutes the mic, his softer, more melodious voice reverberating into the windscreen. He’d make a great singer, you think. Maybe for your next segment you could convince him to croon on air.
“We’re your resident experts on dating, whether it's still in the early stages of puppy love, the cool cruising of the honeymoon phase, or the bitter sting of love gone wrong. We have all your answers, right here, right now on The Sound FM!”
“Trust me, we’ve had experience with all of those,” you chuckle.
The story just falls off your tongue – a tumultuous end to a relationship that had never existed, one full of angst and heartbreak that even the finest writer couldn’t think of. Seungmin interrupts you spontaneously to respond to your dramatic anecdotes with dry quips of his, and you can’t believe it — you actually sound like a couple. A real couple.
“How was I supposed to know you were allergic to garlic? You let me take you to an Italian restaurant on the first date!”
“As my boyfriend, you should have asked my best friend about my allergies! That’s like standard dating protocol,” you shoot back, making sure to smile so that Seungmin knows you’re not serious.
“Noted, I’ll keep that in mind for the next relationship,” Seungmin grunts, the air becoming thick with a tension you can’t pinpoint.
Clearing your throat, your fingers hover over the buttons of the soundboard.
“How about we take some listener calls instead?”
The line crackles to life, a caller named Ningning groaning about how her girlfriend forget their anniversary and didn’t even apologize.
“It’s an honest mistake,” Seungmin mutters. 
“I don’t think so,” you counter, chewing your lip. “It’s important to be considerate of special moments like anniversaries, birthdays. It means you care. I mean Seungmin probably doesn’t even remember mine–”
“October 17th,” he interrupts you, and you go rigid. How did he even know?
I asked Jeongin, he mouths, and it only leaves you more confused. Why would he need to know that? It leaves you more embarrassed that you don’t know his exact day, only that it was sometime in September.  
Ningning rambles on, thanking you both for the added perspective and resolving to make things right with her girlfriend. You feel your heart warm at her determination, amazed at the effect that you and Seungmin had already managed to have on your listeners. 
Seungmin closes out the show, the easygoing and carefree chords of Polaroid Love ringing into the mic, and you think to yourself, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
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As the sun sets, campus comes alive, buzzing with excitement. You glance out the window, watching students filter out of the library, walking towards the commons for a cup of coffee, or hugging outside their dorms. A deep pang of longing hits your gut, not sure whether its from watching them outside or the fact that you’re cramped here in the tiny studio, band posters all over the walls, and Seungmin is playing Love You For A Long Time, Maggie Rogers’ ethereal voice filling the space between you. 
“Had to ease you into our next listener call,” Seungmin grins into the mic. “This one is – ouch. It might hit home for some of us, I mean you all.”
“Hi, ___ and Seungmin? I’m Joshua, a senior. I’m calling because I have a dilemma – my best friend Seungcheol just started dating my ex, and I’m not sure how to feel. On one hand I wanna be happy for them, but on the other hand, I’m a mess. What would you do if you found out one of you was dating someone else?”
“Oh.” Seungmin breathes out, and he remains there, lips parted like he’s frozen. An awkward silence falls over the studio, and you’re sure Joshua is blinking on the other end of the line, wondering what the hell just happened.
“I’m not sure,” you shudder, thinking of the hypothetical situation. But it wasn’t so hypothetical. You and Seungmin were free to date people. There was nothing stopping you. But it still felt wrong somehow.
“I would give yourself some space, Joshua. Take time to confront your own feelings about this, and when you’re ready you can decide what to do. Let yourself heal first.”
“That’s a good answer,” Seungmin whispers, and you panic, muttering out a rushed goodbye before cutting the broadcast.
“Wow,” you sigh. “That was, I–, I guess I didn’t think of that when I suggested this.”
“Think of what?” Seungmin’s eyes glimmer with interest, and he leans in closer.
“How shit would get so deep? Like how would I actually react if that happened to me? I don’t even want to think about it.”
“Sometimes this feels almost like we’re not pretending,” Seungmin murmurs, a strained laugh escaping his throat, a mask for the change in his tone. 
You’re not sure what you want to say, but it feels like you should say something. The moment hangs heavy in between you two, and you don’t remember how Seungmin got so close, brushing his thumb against your cheek.
“Seungmin, I–” 
“You had a piece of hair in your face,” he responds, straightening up to stretch his arms. “It’s late, want me to grab you an americano?”
Shaking your head, you manage to muster up a weak response, telling him to go ahead without you. He nods slightly, before throwing his jacket on and slipping out the door, leaving you alone.
An unsettling dilemma dawns on you – this was supposed to be an act, but why did it feel so real?
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“You know,” Jeongin’s loud chewing echoes in the dining hall, Seungmin bristling as he watches his friend stuff five french fries into his mouth at once. “I should revoke your roommate privileges for this stunt you pulled. I thought you were grumpy before, but breaking up with ____ has taken it to a whole new level.”
Seungmin scowls, cursing under his breath at Jeongin. Yanking his headphones out of his ears, the lamenting tune of These Days by Wallows cuts off abruptly. 
Outside the rain patters, echoing his stormy emotions. Over the course of the past week, his mood had felt like he was on the world’s most nausea-inducing roller coaster ride. The highs were the times he got to spend with you in the studio, cracking jokes and watching your eyes shine as the two of you came up with the next devious plot for the show. The lows were the knot in his stomach every time someone would call in with a question that hit a little too hard.
After this week, he was glad the show would end, and maybe you guys could go back to the way things were before. That easy, comfortable dynamic that always existed between you two.
“Bullshit,” Jeongin sees the way his eyes zone out, like he can read Seungmin’s mind. “I know you, and I know what you’re thinking and it’s absolute bullshit. You’re in too deep, hyung.”
“I’ll fucking punch you,” Seungmin hisses. “What the hell am I supposed to do, huh? Just spill to ___ that this isn’t some game for me? That my feelings are real? Is that what you wanted to hear?”
A gasp echoes from behind him, and Seungmin turns to see you behind him. Your lip trembles, and you lock eyes with him, a tear escaping the corner before you’re turning on your heels, running out of the dining hall. 
Seungmin stands there, frozen with the weight of what he’d just confessed, heart sinking to his shoes. All of a sudden, he feels a sharp jab to his arm, Jeongin’s fist colliding with it.
“What are you waiting for? Run!”
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The rain pelts the back of Seungmin’s neck as he runs, indifferent to the fact that he’s probably soaked to the bone, slipping and sliding along the cobblestone. He can make out your figure storming ahead furiously, like you can’t get away fast enough, and he speeds up, panic in his voice.
“___, wait! Please stop.”
His voice turns hoarse from all the yelling, and he’s about to give up, turn back in defeat (and go sock Jeongin cry into his friend’s shoulder), when you stop under a streetlight, your figure slumping. 
Seungmin is by your side in moments, not caring that he takes your hands in his, blowing on them to give you warmth.
“Y-you d-don’t even h-have an umbrella, w-what were y-you thinking?” he chatters, and he watches your lips turn up in a smile. But your eyes remain downcast.
“What about you?” you whisper, and Seungmin cocks his head, looking at you in confusion.
“I left my jacket in the dining hall with Jeongin—”
“No Seungmin, I mean what about you?” your voice croaks desperately. 
Seungmin takes a deep breath. There was no use in pretending anymore.
“I think I’m in love with you and I don’t know what to do,” he chokes out.
You take his hands in yours and Seungmin feels dizzy. The cold rain no longer bothers him, warmth filling his veins from the inside out.
“You think?” you sniffle.
“I know. I know I’ve been in love with you, since the day you walked into the studio and pitched your ideas for five-star dorm meals.”
“I really like your hands,” you blurt out, and Seungmin’s eyes widen in shock. That was not the response you’d been expecting.
“They’re warm when mine are always cold, I like the way they look when they’re holding a pencil, or when you bring me a cup of coffee. I like your voice too – the way you sing along to Day6 when you think no one is listening, or your annoying little laugh–”
“It is not annoying–”
You press a finger to his lips, and Seungmin thinks he might just evaporate. 
“Not now, Min. I’m trying to say something here. What I’m trying to say is that if there’s anything this whole week has taught me, it’s how much I like you. How much I want to have those crappy problems that everyone complains about with you, how much I want to celebrate birthdays with you, and anniversaries with you, and how I think I might collapse inside if I ever saw you with someone else—”
It’s Seungmin’s turn to interrupt you now,  cold lips colliding with yours, the initial shock replaced with heat. Your hands burrow into his hair and he draws you closer, hands weaving around your waist. The startled, frantic sounds of your breathing did nothing to help the pounding of his heart, and he wonders if you can hear it too. 
In this moment, Seungmin never wants to let go, holding you steady against him even when you part, your breath fanning in the cold air. 
“I just, I, needed to be honest. No more pretending.”
“No more pretending,” he smiles against your lips, nudging his nose against yours.
The wet slap of shoes against the pavement interrupts you both, turning to see the Jeongin behind you, Seungmin’s jacket in his arms. He takes in the sight of you two wrapped around each other, a smug grin lighting up his entire face.
“Hell yeah! It worked!”
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“___ and Seungmin signing off, this is Tune in For Love on The Sound FM, and we’ve loved having you this week!”
The air in the studio buzzes with a different kind of excitement – the dreamy notes of Hypnotized by The Weston Estate filling up the room.
“Before we go, we have something to share with you–” your voice wobbles, and Seungmin reaches out immediately, squeezing your hand.
“Please send your email petitions in so our show doesn’t get canceled, but we’ve been faking it this whole time. We’re not actually exes.”
You can almost hear the collective gasp across campus, the soundboard going crazy as it lights up with calls.
“We are, as of yesterday, the happiest, and newest–, couple on campus,” Seungmin beams, his pride echoing through the mic and your heart lurches at how right it feels to be his.
You hit the answer button, the lines flooding with congratulations and well-wishes to the news.
“Congrats!” Ningning’s voice echoes. “I always thought you were the cutest together.”
“You make me want to find someone of my own now,” Joshua says in the background, and the studio fills with you and Seungmin’s laughter.
When the last call goes through, Jeongin gives you both a thumbs up, shutting off the soundboard. 
You turn to Seungmin, heart racing. 
“I can’t believe we actually did this,” he says,  half-laughing.
“Me neither,” you reply, a soft smile on his lips. “But I’m really glad we did. It feels… right, you know?”
“Thanks for being part of this with us,” he echoes through the airwaves, his voice sincere. “We’re excited to see what’s next—together. And while the show may be over, we hope you’ll still tune in for love every single week — no matter the topic.”
“Next – how to cook a five star meal worthy of any restaurant using just your dorm microwave…”
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a/n pt. 2: As always, any feedback or comments are much appreciated, but I appreciate you all anyway. Lots of love, Isi 💜
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bangrychannie · 3 months
Stray Kids Fic Recs
Hello! Recently I have become a stray kids fan and have fallen into a rabbit hole of fanfiction. Various pairings bc I don't care what the pair is just that it's stray kids related lmao. Added a line break bc there's a lot. Also feel free to rec me skz fics please bc I'm always reading
the book of us; electricity: (Seungjin | 10/10 | 84,966 | teen and up)
HJ @hyunfortunately 5h ;-; i was at the store and this song was playing over the speakers and i tried to remember some lyrics so i could search it up later but i can’t find it this is TRAGIC HJ @hyunfortunately 5h it was in korean and it’s kind of got rock-pop-balladish vibes and the first line of it was “neoneun neo neoneun na” if anyone knows it PLEASE tell me Seungmin doesn’t like to interact with other people on Twitter, but the questions seems almost aimed to him. He hits reply and types, “Try Hi Hello by Day6.” [Seungmin falls for Hyunjin from 2000 miles away. He expected that it would be inconvenient. He didn't expect quite how much Hyunjin would change his life.]
Genuinely one of the best fics I've ever read. It reads like a love letter to high school in the best way possible.
so this is what love is by dwaekinz: (Seungjin | 4/4 | 43,743 | teen and up)
seungmong_22 Hi, Hyunjin! My name is Seungmin. I'm Felix's friend, I hope he's mentioned me before…? Ha. We met online two years ago. I know it's unexpected But I kind of need your help hyuntothejin Me??? After 2 years of online friendship, Seungmin has finally found the time and saved up enough money to visit Felix for his birthday. In order for the surprise to work, he recruits the help of Felix's brother, Hyunjin, and together they spend the next three months forging a plan as well as a friendship of their own— or maybe something more.
So cute and fluffy no notes
Endgame by Raesan (Minsung | 9/9 | 150,840 | Explicit)
Jisung didn’t mean to procrastinate, but he didn’t think that all the clubs would be full in just a week. He sighed, seeing that only one club still had availability. Too bad he didn’t know shit about chess. Or what happens when Jisung, captain of the college soccer team, meets Minho, the number 2 ranked chess player in the country.
This fic is genuinely SO GOOD lol I think about it every day
reply hazy, try again by mrehk (BinChan | 1/1 | 14,951 | Explicit)
Changbin’s calculus tutor is Bang Chan. Smile wide, eyes shining, curly hair wild around his head. He’s got his backpack slung over one arm, those fuck ass chino shorts with a five inch inseam that make Changbin’s mouth water— and, goddamn, he’s wearing a fucking cropped t-shirt. Jisung and Seungmin are going to string Changbin up and have their way with public humiliation when they hear about this. (OR: solving for the derivative of l+o+v+e)
Funny and cute, I love idiots in love and that's what this is
Also mrehk is a fantastic writer so if you like this fic there's way more where that came from
i will protect you (gothic font) by mrehk (Minsung | 1/1 | 16,661 | Explicit)
Seungmin ignores him, smacking the folder onto the desk, flipping it open without looking, sliding it across the surface towards Minho. “It doesn’t matter. This was in the lease. You signed, right—” he taps the bottom corner, Minho’s initials perfectly legible. “Here.” “Excuse me?” Minho leans forward. “Paragraph nineteen subsection C,” Seungmin says, not even looking down as he recites the document word for word. “Lease is not voidable in the case of suspected paranormal activity.” He pounds his finger on the period. Minho laughs. A short, barked thing, completely disbelieving. “You’re kidding me.” “I’m really not,” Seungmin’s face pinches up into the sort of fake, squinted smile someone gives when they’re being an asshole. No remorse. (OR: Minho has ghosts, Jisung hunts ghosts)
Another funny one by mrehk my beloved
one day to fall in love (countless ones to love you) by whatifidbeenthatauthor (Minsung | 1/1 | 22,018 | Mature)
Minho stopped in his tracks. He turned to face Han Jisung. He looked unbothered, still going on about his way. “You didn’t say Hi,” Minho said, forcing the voice to come out of his throat. “You always say hi, hyung.” Jisung turned to look at him, a smile playing on his lips. He looked amused. Minho’s mind wasn’t keeping up. “Today’s different, I guess,” Jisung shrugged. “I went with a variation.” Minho would have found him insufferable, but he didn’t have the mental capacity to process the frustrating sensation that usually accompanied Jisung’s presence. Minho blurted out something that might have him sent to a madhouse. “No. I’ve lived today six times. You- you always say hi, hyung.” He felt crazy. More than usual. Jisung laughed. “What the fuck,” he said, and Minho knew he sounded insane, but could this kid please not be so arrogant? “Me, too. I thought I was the only one,” he continued, and he changed Minho’s life. *** Minho's life is boring, predictable, borderline uneventful. Until he gets stuck in a time loop. And, with him, his friends' friend, Han Jisung, a crazy dude who's only into skating. And whom Minho doesn't necessarily like.
I love time loop/time travel fics if anyone wants a list of specifically those lmk lmao
(never) have your fill of me by lolainslackss (Minsung | 3/3 | 36,028 | Explicit)
“How often can he possibly be having sex that it’s disturbing you this much?” Hyunjin asks, disbelieving. “He has sex, like, every day. And then again at night, sometimes.” Jisung makes a noise of distress. He drags his hands down his face before balling them into fists beneath his chin. “It’s just . . . so distracting, Hyunjin.” “Distracting,” Hyunjin repeats, giving Jisung a meaningful smirk. “Oh, I bet it is.” “Aw,” Jisung whines. “Why’d you have to say it like that?” “Like what?” “Like you think I wish I were the one he were fucking, instead.” “Because you do, don’t you, or are we pretending we both don’t know that?” Hyunjin’s gaze flits over to Minho before it swiftly cuts back to Jisung, all-knowing. “You’d let him do anything to you. Am I wrong?” - In which PhD student Han Jisung unleashes a succubus from a magical book, winds up living with him, and then forms a sex pact with him.
I also have a lot of demon fic recs so lmk
36 Questions That May Lead to Love by bluecalicocat (Minsung | 1/1 | 17,282 | Teen and Up)
generic username @realhanjisung yo my friend wants to be a therapist, can someone pls fake date me so he can practice counseling couples? i have 3 cats @leeknow deal
This fic is so funny
Searching for My Heart in Yours by lk321 (minsung | 5/5 | 36,995 | General)
When Jisung moves to Miroh, a town in the middle of nowhere, all he’s looking for is some peace and quiet. Instead, what he finds is a prickly witch for a neighbor by the name of Minho, who accidentally spills a potion on Jisung and forms a psychic bond between them, opening Jisung to whole new world of magic. As Minho tries to find a cure for their predicament, Jisung finds himself pulled into Minho's lively and magical life. It's not the peace and quiet Jisung was looking for, but as Jisung gets to know the witch through the emotions they're forced to share, Jisung realizes that the answers he’s searching for in life might just lie here in Miroh, in places he least expects.
Feels like a warm hug
the long game by floraii (HyunSung | 1/1 | 16,045 | Teen and Up)
“Anyway,” he continues, voice still sultry, “I’ve been seeing you in class, and I was just wondering—” he moves his hand to curl around a strand of his hair. “Could I get your number?” Han Jisung’s big brown eyes blink again. His gaze darts to his lips, then to his notebook, then up to his eyes. “To study?” “Yeah,” Hyunjin blurts without thinking. What the fuck? Study? What is happening? Why is he agreeing?
Hyunjin has a type. It’s not usually shy boys in his Intro to Statistics class with big round eyes and glasses, but Han Jisung is different.
This fic was so funny I was actually laughing out loud
I have plenty more where that came from! So there will be more recs soon
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fairyniceyeah · 7 months
Hello there^^
You can call me fairy 🧚🏻‍♀️
ao3: fairyniceyeah
Fun fact: If you say my username out loud it sounds familiar to SEVENTEEN’s VERY NICE which is why I decided to switch to this name! 
I had a different username (same as my ao3) before, the explanation why I decided to change it you can find here.
Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - ATEEZ Fairy's Masterlist - SEVENTEEN Fairy's Masterlist - Stray Kids Fairy's Masterlist - The Rose   Fairy's June of Doom 2024   Fairy's Sicktember 2024
Request list for Fairy
Please send some requests or (personal) questions or whatever you like! I am a pretty open person and am happy to share stuff about my writing process or things about myself or whatever you would like to know😊
I love to have a full inbox and I promise I will do my best to get to the fics even if it takes some time!
I currently feel most comfortable writing ATEEZ, SEVENTEEN and THE ROSE though if inspiration strikes I might get back into writing STRAY KIDS more often.  Honestly I don’t know how to specify what I write – it really depends on the requests. Worst case scenario is that I thank you for the requests and will kindly tell you ‘no, I can’t’ or refer you to a different blog! For each group check out the members I will write for below – members in (brackets) will probably only appear as sickies if you request them! Please be patient with me though! I may not get to your request for some time but I will try my best!
If you want to know about me feel free to ask but for now let me tell you a bit about myself:
I am from Germany and was born in 2001
I have only been a K-Pop fan since early 2023 when I accidentally stumbled upon a Stray Kids sickfic on ao3
I switched to tumblr now because a) some friends have my ao3 and I feel weird posting there and b) the K-Pop community is more active here and I feel so thankful for every like and comment and interaction I receive here since it doesn’t feel like I am writing into the void now <3
I honestly love talking about my interests so hit me up in the chat or asks
I  finished my studies and am now officially a social worker!
Groups I stan:
I discovered ATEEZ through Kingdom: Legendary War and fell in love with their concept and Hongjoong’s long hair lol
my favorite songs are: Star 1117, Wonderland (Symphony No. 9), The Leaders, MATZ and Empty Box
my biases are: Hongjoong (ult. Bias), Jongho and Yunho
will write for: Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, (Yeosang), San, (Wooyoung) and Jongho
let’s say it’s all @sickiecloud's fault:)
I saw them at Lollapalooza Berlin and I am awed!!!
I am not yet confident with all members so please understand if I will hesitate with requests
my favourite songs are: MAESTRO, Circles, God of Light Music, Super and Headliner
my biases are: Woozi and Seunkwan
will write for: S.Coups, Jeonghan, Joshua, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Woozi, Minghao, Seungkwan, Vernon -> all, honestly, depends on the ask
are my first K-Pop love but I am not a hard-core stay
my favorite songs are: Hellevator, Thunderous, #LoveStay, Fam and Lonely St.
my biases are: Lee Know and Seungmin
will write for: Lee Know, (Hyunjin) and Seungmin
I know they aren’t really K-Pop but I adore them and their music so much I went to two concerts (drove 2 and 4 hours respectively) and got up at 3AM for the Coachella livestreams
my favorite songs are: Sorry, Cosmo, Eclipse, Back to Me and She’s in the Rain (it was so hard to decide, they are all so good!)
my bias is: Hajoon
will write for: all of them
I occasionally listen to Day6 (Zombie, Congratulations and Love me or Leave me) and BtoB (Beautiful Pain, Pray and The Song).
Fairy's Ten Writing Tips
Emeto Cheat Sheet
Warnings and disclaimer below cut
I am very reluctant to assume anything about our favorite idols. However, in my writings – though I do my best to stay as true to their personalities and characteristics as possible - I think of them of "just another character" not a reflection of the real person. Remember that nothing they think, do or say in fanfictions might be what the actually would think, do or say. Remember that these fanfictions are fictional works and do not reflect the real-life idols.
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misswoozi · 5 months
♣️ misswoozi blog rules
Please do not interact with this blog if you are under 18!
I do not write idol/reader of any kind.
I do not write about or accept asks about orgies/group sex, A/B/O, age play, watersports or anything having to do with virginity. (If you're unsure about any other topic, please just ask!)
I don't read fan fiction so, unfortunately, I cannot give you any fic recs or recommend any other NSFW blogs to follow.
All my non K-Pop asks/posts are tagged #NKP so you can mute/blacklist them!
Generally speaking, I block blank accounts (accounts with no profile picture, bio, blog title, posts, etc.)
Every word posted on this blog is fictional nonsense. I have absolutely no interest in discussing real-life K-Pop couples or speculating on any idol's sexuality or relationship status.
As of now, I write for Seventeen, ATEEZ, NCT (nothing NSFW for Chenle or Jisung but I do write for Lucas, Sungchan and Shotaro), TXT (nothing NSFW for Taehyun or Huening Kai), EXO (OT8), DAY6 (OT4), Monsta X, SHINee, BTOB, Twice, SNSD (OT8), EXID, GFriend, Mamamoo, 2NE1, ITZY (nothing NSFW for Yuna) and Red Velvet (not Wendy)
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alice3876 · 1 year
Fic recommendations
all fluff and comfort because my heart can't deal with angst
this is really self-indulgent. just a list of fics for when I'm feeling in a particularly soft and vulnerable mood
Last update: Thursday, January 4th, 2024
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ enhypen━━━━
Yang Jungwon
Chasin' Your Pretty Thoughts ♡ written by @jaeminvore
Love Grows (Where Jungwon Goes) ♡ written by @soobnny
Nice to meet you, boyfriend ♡ written by @delcakoo
Wishlist ♡ written by @soobnny
Jay Park
Bejeweled ♡ written by @seattlesolace
Have you seen this wizard? ♡ written by @seattlesolace
Jake Sim
Your Name ♡ written by @soobnny
Park Sunghoon
Little Lucky Charm ♡ written by @jaeminvore
Kim Sunoo
It doesn't really matter to me (I just need you) ♡ written by @jaeminvore
The Damsel In Distress Initiative ♡ written by @jaeminvore
Nishimura Riki
After Hours ♡ written by @soobnny
Always Japan ♡ written by @soobnny
Do you have to? ♡ written by @bearseulgs
Sharing a bed ♡ written by @delcakoo
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ le sserafim ━━━━
Huh Yunjin
Valentine ♡ written by @shuhwaa
Nakamura Kazuha
Love-shaped Lips ♡ written by @shuhwaa
Hong Eunchae
Nap ♡ written by @shuhwaa
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ day6 ━━━━
Kang Younghyun Brian
A fan having an emotional meltdown ♡ written by @yeongfil
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ stray kids ━━━━
Lee Minho
New Year's Day ♡ written by @soobnny
Seo Changbin
The girl with the pretty smile ♡ written by @scoupsworld
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ seventeen ━━━━
Wen Junhui
Charcoal-stained hands ♡ written by @rubyreduji
Jeon Wonwoo
Screw finals, let's cuddle ♡ written by @kwanisms
Hansol Vernon Chwe
Say you love me (I love you) ♡ written by @viastro
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ the wizarding world ━━━━
━━ slytherin boys ━━❁━━━━━
Draco Malfoy
Brooding Baby ♡ written by @dmslvt
A Bubbly Companion ♡ written by @blue-sadie
Love Letters ♡ written by @dreamingonfilm
Sea Salt Candles ♡ written by @dreamingonfilm
You have a beautiful smile ♡ written by @destourtereaux
Mattheo Riddle
Softer Side (pt.1 of 3) ♡ written by @suugarbabe
Tom Riddle
Hufflepuff reader headcannons ♡ written by @ slytherinslut0
━━ main timeline characters ━━❁━━━━━
Fred Weasley
Amortentia ♡ written by @iiwontgiveuponmilkk
Poor Mrs Norris ♡ written by @characters
George Weasley
Very adorable idiots ♡ written by @tacobacoyeet
Cedric Diggory
Let Everyone Know ♡ written by @englishmensbitch16
━━ marauders ━━❁━━━━━
Regulus Arcturus Black
untitled (little comfort fic) ♡ written by @justtwotired
Calling For You ♡ written by @reysdriver
Various Characters
Love Language ♡ written by @urwhorecrux
We about to kiss right now? ♡ written by @ohthewh0rror
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ once upon a broken heart ━━━━
Jacks of The Hollow
The Hollow ♡ written by @lost-in-a-daydream20
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ actors ━━━━
Timothée Chalamet
Books, pillow talks and an attention-craving boy ♡ written by @babyflorencee
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etherealyoungk · 7 months
and its SO COOL that you stan day6! i used to be a big fan but now im a casual listener hehehe 🤗
also, do you want to be moots? 😏
hello!! thank you so much, im glad you enjoyed them ^^
yes day6 are the lomls <3 im so excited for their comeback aaa. also it's so nice to meet someone who listens to day6 too!
oh sure we can be moots!
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cherriscoups · 2 years
One New Year
Pairing: Lee Know x YN (ft. skz, dori & ocs)
Word count: 1.4k
Genre: semi-angst (not really?), idk
disclaimer: post break up, 3rd person pov?, first fic I ever wrote so don't expect much
a/n: this was originally posted on my ig fan account on 31 dec 2020/ 1st Jan 2021. so this was from a very long time ago. I haven't written fics in a while and I thought i should repost this. this might not be a good fic since its was my first but it's a story that i hold dear to my heart. Anyways Happy New Year!
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The carnival was flooded with laughter. Children and adults alike running around enjoying the rides and magic shows. Performers took the center stage, showcasing a work of art as the audience stared in awe. The sky was a beautiful shade of orange as the sun was setting. The carnival staff were getting ready to set up the lights for the night.
“Y/n wait up!” Doyeon’s voice echoed as she ran up to y/n. Jiwon & Doyeon had convinced Y/n to go to the New Year’s Carnival near their dorm. Y/n was known to be a studious homebody and her friends wanted to show her around the town during their college winter break. Fortunately, there was a carnival setup right next to their dorm and it didn’t take too much convincing to get her out of their dorm. 
New Year’s Eve. The day before a new beginning. There was going to be a light show of fireworks at midnight and everyone was thrilled to celebrate this day with their friends and family. Likewise, Y/n was excited to celebrate this day with Doyeon & Jiwon.
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*at skz dorm*
*i would by day6 playing in the background*
"Lino hyung, why don't we go out today?" jisung was cautiously looking over at Minho who was mindlessly scrolling through his phone. 
The air in the dorm grew heavier each second he was silent. The boys had been trying to get him out of their house. even his cats were bugging him, trying to get him to move.
He just didn't.
He had been having dreams, no, nightmares of his ex. He didn't understand why. After all, it had been 3 years since they last saw each other. The picture of the mountain edge haunted his memories. He stayed awake to avoid that dream and lazed around the whole day due to exhaustion. The boys were increasingly worried for him. 
Dori, his youngest cat, sat on Lino’s lap. Jeongin took this opportunity to say “Hyung! Dori wants to bring you to the New Year Carnival!” The older boys stared at their youngest, except for Minho, who kept his eyes on his cat. 
Dori started to nod. It gestured to Jeongin and nodded. He smiled. That was probably the first time in the longest they’d seen him smile. He quietly asked, “Dori do you want me to go to the carnival?” To which the cat nodded. 
“Jeongin-ah, you should have used that technique earlier” Hyunjin laughed, finally feeling relieved to see his older friend smile. 
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*at the carnival*
“Omg, i’m going to feel sick!” Jiwon wobbled out of the pirate boat ride while Doyeon and Y/n were laughing behind. “Wow, i’ve really missed out on a lot of fun stuff studying huh?” Doyeon and Jiwon were still in disbelief that this was Y/n ‘s first ever carnival but they were relieved to hear that this definitely won’t be her last. 
The sun had set and the sky was dark. The trio were excited to see the firework showcase that was about to happen in a few hours. They walked about, getting on the rides and eating snacks prepared by the vendors. They were ready to welcome the New Year and all that it had in store for them. 
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*in the skz van*
“Boys, remember to wear your masks and caps. The last thing we need is to get swamped at a carnival,” Chan adjusted his cap as he looked over at Minho who was holding his dear cat. “I still can’t believe yall convinced me to bring Dori along!” The boys laughed. It had been weeks since they were all out together. 
“Woah! The lights are so pretty!” Felix and Jisung ran ahead of the rest and stared at the carnival entrance in awe of the light decorations. Minho let Dori walk and told the boys he was going to just follow the cat around. Seungmin kept an eye on him as he walked around with Jeongin. The boys split up in pairs or trios (and in Minho’s case, solo with a cat). They knew that it would be a lot easier for fans to recognize them if they were walking around as a group so splitting up was a good idea.
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“Omg! Look! They are selling cotton candy there!” Jiwon ran up to the Cotton Candy stall. They all bought a cotton candy each. “I don’t even remember the last time i had this!” The girls were ecstatic over their childhood favourite candy. A few hours had passed since they arrived at the carnival. Everyone was waiting for the countdown for the fireworks.
Dori was running around, excited. ‘So you really did want to come here,’ Minho laughed to himself. He felt some sense of relief. It didn’t take long for him to forget that cruel dream he had been having. He was looking around at the decorations around him while trying not to lose sight of his cat. 
Dori was bumping into people and Minho kept apologizing while running behind the small young cat with high energy. At this point, the cat was sprinting and Minho was struggling to keep up. Little did he know, Dori was just following the sound of a voice it remembered.
The girls were chatting as Dori ran up and bumped into Y/n’s feet. Doyeon squealed, “It’s so cute!” Doyeon sat down to pet it, not noticing the look on Y/n’s face. Jiwon noticed it. “Is everything ok?” 
“Yeah, it’s just that this cat looks like…”
The girls and Dori turned around at the sound of Y/N’s name. Minho. Doyeon and Jiwon just stared at Y/n and Minho who were looking at each other in shock. 3 years. They weren’t together for a long time but they did love each other a lot. They both had broken up on mutual terms. He wanted to focus on work and she wanted to focus on her further studies. 
Seungmin and Jeongin started to panic and spammed the older boys about what they had just witnessed. Minho had only told Changbin about his nightmare but of course Changbin explained the situation to the boys so that they could understand him. They weren’t sure about what was about to happen but they knew for sure that seeing her would make him remember his horrid dream. 
Seeing her made him anxious. He knew that the dream was stupid but he couldn’t stop worrying. He cared about her more than he wanted to. After all, they did break up. Y/n noticed the anxious look on his eyes and took a step forward. But then she stopped, after seeing him take a step back. As Doyeon got up, Seungmin and Jeongin walked up to them. 
“Please keep this a secret,” Jeongin hoped that Y/n’s friends weren’t the type to gossip or spread stuff. The last thing needed was dispatch being all up on Stray Kids lives again.
The rest of the boys ran up to the place where Y/n and Minho were. They tried to keep their distance but they couldn’t help but want to watch, even if it’s from afar. Minho tried to control his emotions but failed. He cried at the sight of her, wearing the same dress as their last day. The same one that haunted his dreams. Everything he had tried so hard to suppress was resurfacing back into his memories. 
The sight of Minho crying shook Y/n. She ran up to him and hugged him. She didn’t know about his nightmare but she knew something was wrong. Unbeknownst to Y/n, she started crying too. 
Doyeon, Jiwon and the rest of Stray Kids were shocked by what was unfolding in front of their eyes. The girls weren’t close to Y/n while she dated Minho and the boys had no idea they still loved each other. 
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Minho had explained his dream to Y/n and the boys explained about Minho and Y/n’s past relationship to Doyeon and Jiwon. They all had left the carnival and were standing in the car park nearby. Many were gathered at the carnival and they all felt as though they were attracting too much attention. They all stayed to watch the fireworks. Minho was finally feeling relieved after spending weeks suffering from his nightmare. Minho and Y/n weren’t sure as to what was about to happen next, but at least they were by each other’s side now. 
© cherriscoups/mystayroha 2020 - all rights reserved.
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justkpopjokes · 1 year
SKZ + Day6 Uni Band AU
Ft. Stray Kids + Day6
Word Count: 2k of bullet points
jaesea: “Maybe best friend!Chan (skz) but like he invites u to be part of this new band he's making?”
A/N: Another old request lol. This fic practically wrote itself! So many details fell right into place, so there are a ton of references to the irl history of the groups which I might make a separate post explaining lol
JYP Uni is mostly an arts university, so the students have their own student-run festival to celebrate everyone’s skills!!
A few years ago, there was a band called Day6 that grew in popularity due to performing at this festival on a whim
Sadly, one of these original performers left b/c he wanted to focus on studies
Then another guy quit the band after he graduated to focus on his job
So the remaining 4 members, Sungjin, Brian Younghyun, Wonpil, and Dowoon, decided to finish up their studies then go pro!!
However, due to studying, sometimes a person or 2 wasn’t able to make it to a performance
Either that or the song they wanted to perform wasn’t possible with only the 4 of them
Additionally, Sungjin and “Young K” decided to work full time after they graduated to save up for their Big Band Plans, which meant that they were often down a bass and guitar for on-campus events
To solve this, they decided to add some other people to the band temporarily!!
These new members were more like collaborators rather than official members
Wonpil and Dowoon would teach them the band’s existing songs, so for many of their fans at uni, it was like a special honour to get to perform with them
During his last year at uni, Dowoon was such a sweet but stressed mentor as the last original one left lmao
Imagine him going around trying to find lil underclassmen to fill in for performances
((ok but wow that would definitely lead him to have a lot of fans,,,, yknow,,, like in the Every Day6 MVs,,,))
After Dowoon graduated, the 4 main members of the band were reunited to go pro and focus on making music!! :’) A happy ending!!
Now THOSE are the legends that Bang Chan has idolized ever since he got accepted into JYP Uni!
Bang Chan is a guy. A guy that happens to be really good at writing music (and guitar)
So his skill landed him the opportunity to perform with the legendary Day6!
(Dowoon and Wonpil had heard of Chan’s music during one of the student music festivals, so they called him up to fill in for Sungjin once)
But since all the original members have since graduated, Day6 isn’t a part of JYP Uni anymore
And thus a gap is left for a new band to rise into!!
With his knowledge gifted to him by Dowoon, Chan decides to start another band!!
He takes rhythm guitar and vocals, but he still needs others to, yknow, make it a band 🤔🤔🤔
lmao I would love to be recruited as a second guitarist, keyboardist, or drummer
The people who witnessed Chan’s performance w/Day6 are like “ooh he’s a good singer, maybe we should see what he does”
So his friends show off their skills to him and he eventually starts getting a band together!!
First he recruits 2 of his closest friends, Jisung and Changbin
I didn’t plan this but it makes so much sense that Chan filled in for Sungjin in the past because it meant he got really good at rhythm guitar
Which means Jisung plays lead guitar (and he does actually play guitar omg) with Changbin taking up drums
The trio performs together for the 1st time at the same music festival that Day6 started at!
They name themselves “3RACHA” after Jisung spilled Sriracha sauce on himself when they went out to lunch to plan for the event
Following their performance, they gain attention for their unique original songs!
Sadly, after about a year of 3RACHA uploading their music online, Changbin has to step back due to time conflicts
Although Changbin’s able to help write their songs, only Chan and Jisung would be performing live like they planned
Chan’s a little discouraged; he’s been trying for so long to get a crew together and is close to finishing up his time at uni
He doesn’t want to cancel their 2nd big performance, but it’ll be hard performing their songs as a duo
So he calls his friends, Day6!
Younghyun in particular had sort of adopted Chan after the latter filled in for Sungjin
So he gives Chan a pep talk and tells him to keep pushing through
As a solution, Younghyun suggests Chan do what Day6 did and give some newbies a chance to perform with 3racha like Day6 did with Chan
II: Srir4cha?
Inspired by his mentors, Chan decides to recruit a young man who enrolled into JYP Uni early: Jeongin!
Jeongin is an amazing singer, but Jisung’s a little confused at first since Chan usually does vocals
However, papa Chan encourages the youngin’ to work on his piano/keyboard skills so he can perform with that too
After a successful first practice to see if he’s a good match, they happily accept Jeongin onto the team!
They also just love to baby him lol he’s their golden child
Hyunjin, another student at JYP Uni, knows about the band that Chan is forming
Although he hears that they’re looking for new members, he doesn’t really want to audition, feeling like other people were better than him
Besides, he’s a dancer, not a musician. What’s he going to do?
However, Hyunjin is always practicing his dance routines in a studio on campus
And whenever it’s empty, he’ll sing to himself!
Chan hears Hyunjin singing and is like “hmmm interesting…”
And after witnessing Hyunjin’s stage presence during a dance performance, he’s like “okay that’s it he’s joining!!”
So Chan approaches Hyunjin and asks him to join the band, at least temporarily, for their next performance
Hyunjin: “??? But I don’t play an instrument??”
Bang Chan: “You dance, right? I’ll teach you drums; since you’re good with dancing on beat, it should be easier for you to pick up”
So Hyunjin learns drums with Chan (and occasionally Changbin’s) mentorship
It seems a little odd to Jisung/Changbin that Chan is just picking random kids who have little to no experience with instruments
Jisung especially is like 😒😒 about Hyunjin replacing Changbin, thinking Chan just brought him on the team because he’s handsome and can get them attention
But 3RACHA (currently a team of 4 and needing a new name) have unwavering faith in Chan’s good judgment
With Hyunjin working hard to catch up to the others and carry the beat, Jisung accepts that Hyunjin does belong on the team
Though they really are a ragtag team of stray kids that Chan pulled together
With a fresh lineup, they boys are able to perform at their 2nd major event under their new name: Stray Kids!!!
After the event with Chan, Jisung, Jeongin, and Hyunjin (mirroring Day6 hehe), Changbin’s able to rejoin the band!
Hyunjin’s a little sad he won’t be performing with Stray Kids anymore
But Chan is ofc like “NO you’re one of us now!!” and offers him a permanent spot on the team
Hyunjin: “But what am I going to play now that Changbin’s back on drums?”
Bang Chan: “uhhhh well ok hold up we have some rearranging to do…”
With 5 people in the band now, they have a full house!
Yet they’re somehow still missing a bass guitar…
For their previous 2 performances, they had used a recording of a synth bass that Chan had thrown together with Jeongin’s help
But they kinda have to tackle this problem now
Jisung’s really good at lead guitar, Changbin’s the best at drums out of the 5 of them, and Jeongin already learned many tricks on keyboard
So either Chan or Hyunjin have to take up bass
Hyunjin isn’t super comfortable with learning a new instrument again (he just learned drums, after all)
So Chan—being the multi-talented man he is—takes up bass himself
(It’s not his forte, but it’ll do for now!)
Instead of playing rhythm guitar in Chan’s place, Hyunjin writes a couple songs of his own and takes up lead vocals for their 3rd performance!!
After that performance, a certain Kim Seungmin notices they’re down a rhythm guitarist…
Even though he’s majoring in vocal music, Seungmin decides to teach himself rhythm guitar in hopes that he can join the band
One day, when Seungmin is jamming out, a certain band leader walks in…
…and immediately tries to recruit him LMAO he’s kind of desperate
Now they’ve got a team of 6!
But Chan isn’t having a great time with bass lol rip
Chan, now working on a Master’s degree in Music, has less time for the band
He’s confident in taking more time off now that Hyunjin has taken up lead vocals (and the other members also sing for certain songs)
But the rest of the team is getting really excited to perform at an annual campus music festival which, frankly, Chan doesn’t have the time to practice for
After talking with the team, the consensus is that they really need a (proper) bassist
((LMAO that was like an unintentional pun like. They need an assist. But it’s a bassist LJKFDHLKJS sorry bad joke moving on))
IV: Full House
One of Hyunjin’s fellow dance classmates, Minho, auditions for fun in hopes he can help out
Minho’s part of a dance team that’s also performing at the festival, so he can't perform with them on stage (doesn’t have time to perfect it, basically)
But he knows a bit of bass guitar and offers to play during practices so they can hear the bass parts
Although he isn’t the greatest at it, he’s a good fill-in while Chan focuses on uni
That’s when their angel Felix comes in!!
Chan recognizes Felix from their high school choir, so he knows the kid has got a knack for performing music in there somewhere
So he asks Felix to learn bass for them as a permanent member
Since Chan and Minho are already not the greatest at bass, Felix struggles a bit to learn from them
He gets the hang of it, though, and quickly becomes an expert!
So let’s do a recap:
Bang Chan: vocals, songwriting, arrangement, mostly mia due to uni
Jisung: lead guitar
Jeongin: keyboard/synth
Changbin: drums
Hyunjin: lead vocals, songwriting
Seungmin: rhythm guitar
Felix: bass guitar
So what’s Minho up to?
Turns out, the guy is a natural at drums!! (For the same reason Hyunjin was)
So the crew, the kids, now at max capacity, take this opportunity to rotate which instrument they play for certain songs
With Minho on drums, Changbin’s able to take center stage and sing/rap some songs he wrote for himself
While Hyunjin occasionally switches over to keyboard so Jeongin can have some time in the spotlight to show off those stellar vocals
And they successfully rock their 4th performance at a concert on campus!
Needless to say, Papa Chan is super proud of them :’)) *wipes single tear*
V: Battle of the Bands
For their 5th and biggest appearance yet, the crew signs up for a city-wide Battle of the Bands
(Ahem, Kingdom: Legendary War)
Unfortunately, shortly after they sign up, Hyunjin has some personal issues to deal with and needs to take time off of the team
Needing a lead vocalist again, Chan returns to the band full-time!
He’s finishing up his master’s degree, but manages to make the time to practice
He has always been dedicated, you gotta give him that
They miss Hyunjin’s vocals, but Hyunjin is cheering for them from the sidelines!
With a win under their belt, the band performs together for the rest of the year with more attention than ever
They’re rocking with the big leagues now!
Before Chan graduates, the crew decides to organize one last performance with all 8 of them for their last uni music festival of the year
Chan does lead vocals with Hyunjin (a duet, if you will… Red Lights rock version *cough*)
Meanwhile Minho rotates between extra percussion or other smaller instruments (triangle, maracas, kazoo, harmonica, otamatone, whatever)
Their last performance goes out with a BANG (Chan) and is a huge success!!!
A certain group of alumni, Day6, come back to their old uni to watch lil Bang Channie all grown up with a band of his own :’)))
Even though Chan graduates soon after, he isn’t leaving the band!
No siree those are his kids hello
So the 8 of them work hard to become the next big boy band sensation all together, no matter how many instrument rotations it takes <3
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spamsmcgee · 1 year
Hey I’m the one who requested the paramedic Zhou fic sorry I’ve been MIA for a while some personal stuff going on and dropping out of uni. I’ve just been reading through your other works and there’s mention of some Kpop idols.. are you also a Kpop fan too? I love Kpop ateez and dreamcatcher are my fav groups ❤️❤️
Absolutely. I really like Stray Kids, BTS, DAY6, Xdinary Heroes, Block B, Eric Nam, and AleXa.
I listen to a lot of other groups casually, but those are my ults.
0 notes
bp-zb1fics · 1 year
nooo dont be discouraged :(
idk if someone already asked u this but what groups do u stan other than zb1 ? (if u stan anyone else lol)
omg hi!!!! no one has asked me this so tysm for asking and i feel like its going to be a long answer so brace yourself!! so to me stanning means like seriously investing urself in the group like u know all their songs, watch their content, buy their merch, write fics abt them etc.
I kinda have this thing where I stan one or two groups for like 2 ish yrs and then kinda chill out abt them. And I've been a kpop fan for abt 6-7 years so it was seventeen first, then nct and stray kids, then bts and now zb1! (yes we are a boy group stan)
im also a fan of ateez, day6 (rip), txt and a bunch of survival show groups like enhypen, wanna one (rip again), treasure
i do listen to a lot of both boy and girl groups and soloists and I do make it a point to at least know all the members of most groups i listen to but I'm v much a 3rd gen/ early 4th gen kpop fan in general so i'm not familiar w some of the newer groups even if i like their music~
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sojohns · 2 years
dalkjdsa please don't jinx it for me xDD but i agree! as long as you keep it within the fandom i think there's nothing wrong with it? plus no one is ASKING you to read fanfics if you do not like them. it's not for everyone and i respect that but i also don't like how fanfic in general has a bad name and people assume the worst when sometimes you can find REALLY unique ideas for stories and writers like that's cool! omg the procrastination is BIG for me, do you know HOW LONG it's taking me to do a dirtydancing inspired fanfic? a year! i barely wrote down half of the first chapter lmao. next tour i am dragging you to see seventeen live, idk how but i will make it work haha and bro joshua in person!? granted i was far but oof, OOF. then again i can say that about all of the members like seungkwan in person was GLOWING my bean, glowing! i almost cried when my venue was cheering SOO loudly for him! boo king deserved those cheers. as for am i multifan *brings out scroll and rolls it out* i am a fan of also straykids, nct, cravity, exo, bts, monsta x, blackpink, day6, hyuna, wonder girls and probably more i am forgetting lmao
For sure its not for everyone, but some people really go above and beyond to make people feel bad about liking it. And yes omg the way people create different plot ideas for thier fics is very cool and even if its a tried and true trope, its still so much fun to read. what kind of fics do you like to read/write?
DIRTYDANCING INSPIRED???? um yes pls!!! who are the characters omg? im cheering you on as you write this fic!!!!
omg that would be fun to go to a show with you (even if i dont know who you are yet!!) pls ahhh i will literally combust seeing joshua in person and hearing them all sing live
kdjgsjdd lmao pls i feel the same way when it comes to the groups i love!!! i think we have the same taste, except i havent listened to cravity. ive been a fan since 2015 so i have amassed quite a bit of groups that i enjoy. although recently ive been focused on a specific set of groups and havent really stanned any of the newer groups
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softforday6 · 5 years
I like you, chapter VI: Boyfriend? to the rescue.
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Summary: Younghyun is in love with his best friend and decides to do something about it. It won’t be an easy task, will he be able to overcome his fears and change his reality?. Genre: Fluff, Romance, Smut-ish e.e »»————- ♡ ————-«« [Previously] 1. Heart surpassed by Soju (available). 2. I missed you (available). 3. Your Love is Forbidden (available). 4.The Past is the Past (available). 5. Jimin! Really? (available) »»————- ♡ ————-«« Chapter 6. Boyfriend? to the rescue. Is manifestation a real thing? Some people say that if you want something so bad, some day you might end up making it real.Younghyun wanted to make a move on his friend but he didn’t think things were going to happen the way they did tonight… Neither did Y/N. Saturday, 1:30 am. Jimin’s Birthday Party. Loud music, smiley people, Sungjin making everyone laugh with his dance moves he purposely did bad… Everything was fun. Why was Younghyun so serious then? Even if something was wrong, he’s always been the kind of guy that would try to smile through any kind of pain, it never mattered how upset he could be.
-Minseok’s coming!!-Jimin shouted.
There it is. He lost characteristic sparkly personality when his agitated mind took a trip to everything that could go wrong when this new guy showed up to Jimin’s party. While dancing with Y/N he wondered if she would like Jimin’s friend and if he would get the chance to be his friend’s boyfriend for the night. Since she asked for help in case she wasn’t into Minseok, he kept thinking about how much he wanted to be with her. He was still trying to find the words to finally speak up about his feelings towards her, but at least tonight he could get a glimpse of how it would be like if he was brave enough.
What if she found a new Hongseok tonight? He tried to calm himself and enjoy this time with her before everything went down. After Jimin’s announcement, Younghyun noticed how Y/N suddenly changed her attitude. She’s always been a sexy self-confident girl, however, she lost any hue of that kind of personality whenever she was anxious.
-Don’t worry! I’ll be there if you need me.
-Thank you! By the way, you look very handsome tonight-she said, raising her eyebrows jokingly a few times.
He briefly glanced her moving body, being careful and almost afraid that his eyes would turn dark, exposing him too soon. Every move her sensual body was making in that form-fitting red dress was causing his face to feel on fire. Even though he was aware of his own feelings towards her, these sensations of sudden tenderness and strong lust with heart rhythm variations always caught him off guard.
-And you look out outstandingly beautiful-he said, almost instinctively caressing her thin waist.
Maybe it was the loud music, a little bit of what he was drinking… Or maybe he just couldn’t hide himself anymore. All of a sudden, a warm rush hit him and the desire of having her in his arms grew tremendously fast. The only thing that kept him from doing so was a different song playing in the background, that made Y/N start to look for Jimin to dance along with it. Before she left her best friend, she blew a kiss that came along with a wink that made him want to go after her.
-God, should I just kiss her already and get this over with?-he whispered to himself while he watched her walk away.
Sunday, 2.05 am.
Anticipation was building up, but after a few people asked what was wrong, Younghyun tried to shake it off. Even though he wanted Y/N to know how he felt, he had to be careful.
He came back to his usual bright personality but soon found himself worried again when he saw an unfamiliar face in-between the ones he already knew. He had his eyes on him, trying to see if it was Minseok, but Jae pulled him out of his thoughts when he asked for help to get more drinks.
-Who’s that guy over there?-he asked, patting his friend’s back.
He turned around and nodded while his lips formed a smirk.
-Oh! That’s the guy.
-The… The guy?
Minseok had the kind of outfit his friend dies for: blue jeans and black t-shirt covered with a leather jacket that almost made him look like a rock-star. He sure knew how to dress and, even though Younghyun has self-confidence, he quickly looked at the mirror behind the bartender to check himself. He was looking just as fine with Y/N’s favourite white shirt– the one she often said it made him look very handsome, black blazer and tight dark jeans.
He wanted to run towards her but he didn’t have any kind of excuse so far, so he tried to calm down his impulsive actions. While they were waiting for their drinks to be ready, he analyzed every move Minseok was making. He saw nothing weird and no interest coming from her towards this charming guy, as Jimin liked to describe him.
After what seemed like an eternity, he noticed that Y/N excused herself to dance with Jimin’s friends again. He saw how Minseok came after her, and even though it bothered him, he didn’t do anything until he recognized a lustful intention coming from this new guy. He completely forgot how disguised he tried to look when he saw Minseok’s hands grabbing Y/N’s hips. Younghyun starting walking over there until Jae stopped him.
-Where are you going? Someone has to help me with this!-he said, pointing at a few drinks.
-Right. Hurry up, then!
-Uhm… Does it look like I’m the one making them?
Jae laughed but Younghyun kept a poker face on. His precise gaze resembled a hawk, having his piercing eyes glued to Y/N. He patiently looked at the situation and noticed Minseok was trying to bring his friend’s body closer to him. Even though he was gentle, almost as if he was trying to see how far he could go with her, it was enough to let the jealous side of him appear and make Y/N want to escape. She scanned the place with her impatient eyes and when she found Younghyun, she pointed at the club’s balcony to him.
2.25 am. Younghyun’s Point of view.
-So… What happened there?-I asked.
-I don’t think it’s a good idea to cheat on my boyfriend.
She chuckled but I didn’t. For a second there I thought Hongseok came back and saw my whole world falling appart in no time. No, I’m not over reacting. Have you ever went through something like this? It kind of feels like you’re bungee jumping but without the nice feeling of the wind on your skin, only this weird sensation in your heart.
-I meant you.
-Oh, right…
Breath, Younghyun.
-Should I call you baby girl?
She nodded and her lips grew into the cutest timid smile I’ve ever seen. It was like I was seeing the same anxious girl from a while ago. God, why do I like you so much?
We briefly went over our plan after she explained she has to know every detail of it if she’s going to lie. If something caughts her off guard, she panicks. Of course I already know about this, but I listened to her little explanations, smiling a little bit too much because I realized I was going to be her boyfriend tonight. I just leaned on the wall and I gave myself the pleasure of watching her nervously walking around the balcony, trying to make our stories match. I was saving this scenario in my mind to tease her later, I knew this night was going to be something we would talk often–or at least I will.
-Y/N? Are you here?-Someone asked far away from us.
By her sudden widened eyes, I knew it was Minseok. She bit her lip and opened her arms, gesturing her hands to make me come closer to her. She whispered something about I should remember what she told me last, but when we got closer, all I could think about was how tempting her lips were.
For the first time throughout the night my mind was peaceful, but my heart was racing. My eyes observed her face up close and I noticed how carefully she did her make up, briefly remembering all the times I sat on her bed while watching her get ready before going somewhere.
I’ve always liked to watch how she lined her lips in such a state of concentration. I smiled to myself when I thought about how she always checks if her lips are still painted whenever we go out to eat. She painted them perfectly tonight but I couldn’t wait to mess them up. Oh, how tempting and inviting they seemed.
Since she always described me as a teddy-bear that was made for hugs, I took this as an excuse to hug her as much as possible whenever I could. However, this time, instead of hugging her while putting my arms around her back, I lowered them to her waist. I pulled her into my body fast, making her gasp at the unexpected movement. I lifted her up a little bit as I leaned closer to her lips.
The last thing I saw before kissing her was how she squinted her eyes watching my lips getting closer and closer. How cute. My hungry but careful kisses tried to compensate for the longest wait in history, while her hesitating soft lips caressed mine. I could tell she was cautious, but, when I stopped in-between to take a look into her face, she bit her own lower lip before kissing me again. Is this really happening? Our passion grew as seconds passed by. Everything felt surreal and I had no intention to stop this but somehow I felt the needed to speak up about what I’ve been hiding.
-Y/N, I… Need… To t….
I was almost running out of air as my hands cupped her cheeks to make her face me. I looked deep into her eyes before saying anything and I noticed she blushed.
My eyebrows involuntarily raised when she kissed me once more, sloppily. I briefly thought that maybe Minseok was still there and she was afraid I would mess up our plan, but I didn’t care at all.
The apparent innocence behind our kiss disappeared. She softly ran her hands all the way from my stomach to my chest and caressed my neck. Oh, God. As her hands seemed to grow impatient, I started to explore her body through the fabric of her dress and I was surprised when she didn’t stop me.
I started to lick her neck as she lightly pulled my hair, causing me to slightly groan before really marking her skin. I pressed her sensitive waist with my hands and she let out a deep sigh, making me slowly unleash every single drop of lust I’ve been hiding. The fact that her legs were trembling and she was letting me do this to her drove me insane. The place was filled with our occasional deep breaths and the sound of my mouth sucking her neck. Where was this heading? I wasn’t even thinking straight anymore. I almost lost it when I felt how she sensually moved her body, as if she wanted to ride me.
-You two!
Someone opened the door aggressively and we both jumped at the unexpected voice. It was Jimin, coming closer to us. Then Wonpil came right after her, with a sorry look on his face.
-Why does Minseok think you already have a date?
Y/N blushed and looked at me with complicity eyes, fixing the dress that I might have lifted up a little.
-Wait a minute… What were you doing?
I was about to tell her our plan but Wonpil interrupted, asking her to just play along. She seemed a little bit disconcerted but I guess she understood that Y/N wasn’t ready because she then nodded and smiled at us.
4.30, House in Jeju. Your Point of View.
What is going on? All I wanted was a plan to escape from Minseok in case something happened. I know having him as my fake boyfriend tonight probably wasn’t what a grown up would do, but something told me that this guy didn’t take a no for an answer anyway. The thing is… I didn’t expect things would happen the way they did. Younghyun kept kissing me tonight and we’ve fooled everyone to believe that we are actually a couple. “You guys seemed to be so in love” Jae said before we left the party. I laughed when Dowoon said how he didn’t know we were dating but he always thought we were meant to be.
I was so confused. I’ve never seen anyone looking at me with sparkles in their eyes… Not even my first high school boyfriend that chased me wherever I went like a lost puppy.
I felt vulnerable when he kissed me and said how much he loved me. My heart fluttered at his apparent honest words. Of course I know this was a scene for Minseok to leave me alone but I tried so hard to look deep into his eyes to see any hint of lie and I couldn’t find it. Was he really that amazing at acting?
How lucky would be the girl that ends up with him. He’s such a sweetheart, I always knew that, but what caught me off guard was how weak his touch made me feel and how having his eyes on me made me feel desired and exposed. His piercing eyes made me feel like there was nowhere I could run off to because he would chase me or find me. Everything he did to me, from the way he looked at me to the way he kissed me, lightened me up in ways that I simply cannot understand.  Am I falling for you?
-Okay, that was close-Younghyun said while opening the door for us.
-Yes… Thank you for helping me out.
The fact that we were alone in the house made me feel fluttered. When he closed the door behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist while we went to our rooms, my mind couldn’t help but wander. I briefly created new scenarios for us… full of lust.  Younghyun, what did you do to me?
I suddenly felt such a thirst for him. I tried to calm myself, but I shivered when I felt how he leaned his face into my shoulder before I got inside my bedroom.
-You look so damn good tonight, baby- he whispered to me.
I laughed but he looked at me as if all he wanted was to come inside my room. He leaned on the door and I tightened the grip on it to stop myself from jumping on him. He licked his own lips while looking at me, paying special attention to my hips. Ugh, I need to snap out of this feeling, we are just friends I thought.
-Thank You.
-Is your boyfriend home? Maybe we could have some fun?
I rolled my eyes but part of me wanted to say stop playing and kiss me. He laughed and then stood up straight, coming towards me. I felt his hand caressing my waist and, even though I was wearing a beautiful red dress, his touch burned my skin.
-Oh, I almost forgot I’m your boyfriend.
I forgot how to breath when I felt his warm body on mine as he was holding me closer to him. I then realized that I wasn’t stopping him and that I should suppress these new feelings, since we are just friends. He was probably just teasing me, like he always does, but I’m sure he didn’t exactly knew the effect he was having over me.
-Wow, you’re good at this. You deserve an oscar, my friend.
-Who said I was acting, Y/N?
What?! My God, he needs to stop. I know he’s just messing around with me but ugh.
-Okay, enough. Go to your room- I said, trying to calm myself.
-How can you let your boyfriend sleep without you?! I’ll miss you, I don’t want to be without you. Don’t do this to me, baby girl. Pleeeaaase.
His speech was sweet but his wandering hands were dangerously running through sweet spots on my skin that were destined to make me lose self-control. His pouty lips were tempting me a little bit too much. I tried to fight it but my breath got stucked in my throat when he squeezed my waist, probably remembering how I brought my legs together when he did it at the club.
-Oh my God! Don’t you know when to stop?
He smiled and started to walk away from me. How can your smile be so charming?
-I’m just kidding. Sleep tight!
5 am, House in Jeju. Younghyun’s Point of View.
Of course I wasn’t kidding when I flirted with her a few minutes ago, I wanted to come inside her room but I had no excuse and probably everyone would ask questions.
I tried to sleep but I couldn’t, I was re-playing every little kiss she gave me and how happy I felt. I hugged my pillow and sighed, wishing it was her beautiful warm body instead. I smiled to myself like a fifteen year-old boy in love when I remembered how she reacted to me and how I got to be free and honest tonight. Now, more than ever, I’m sure I really want to do something about my deepest desire.
God, she looked so beautiful tonight. I think I drooled all over the club… Should I just go and tell her how I feel? It seemed like she felt the same way that I did.
5.10 am, House in Jeju. Your Point of View.
I found myself trying to sleep and even though I had my eyes shut tight, I couldn’t. I kept thinking about him. Deep down I wished I told him something that would make him stay but the fact that my best friend was making me feel that way was confusing me.
I was just starting to fall asleep when I felt someone crawling into my bed and I looked over to see if it was Jimin, but it wasn’t.
-What are you doing here?!-I asked.
-I can’t stop thinking about you.
Younghyun made his way inside the sheets and rested his head on my chest. Without thinking much, I rested my face on his head and noticed the sweet fragance of his shampoo. I left a little kiss on it as my hands caressed his back. I wrapped my leg around his like I did with Hongseok and sighed. But he’s not your boyfriend though? Stop it.
I tried to find the strength to let go of him but soon I felt how he started to run his soft deadly hands on my legs. I froze. Oh my… His hands were dangerously coming closer to my inner thights. God. How can a simple touch make me feel so weak?
-What are we doing?! You should go.
I was probably confusing him by asking him to go away but without even moving.
-Don’t act like you didn’t like what happened tonight… I know you want… more.
He got on top of me and before I could even say anything, he kissed me. I tried to fight it in my mind, trying to build an invisible wall between us and convince myself that this was nothing, but his lips tasted like heaven and his body was intoxicating.
When I felt the sudden contact of his bulge on me, I couldn’t help but moan a little. It was too much to handle, I was giving up. He lowered his hand and caressed my skin until he found my clit. My body betrayed me, making him know how badly I wanted him. What is going on?! We are just friends… Right? Ugh.
He stopped kissing me only to leave marks on my neck with his beautiful lips. I hugged him and blushed when I noticed he was trying to take off the dress I always sleep in.
-You’re so beautiful, Y/N.
-You… shouldn’t… be here.
-Do you want me to go? Hmm?-he asked with a husky voice.
I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t even speak or breath properly. Every move his hand was making was driving me crazy and the way his eyes were looking at me made it even worse. My heart skipped when I realized the fact that he always looks at me with tender eyes but now he was staring at me as if I was his prey.
-Hmm? Answer me. Don’t lie, I can read right through you.
He made me feel his clothed bulge again and I hummed. I covered my mouth with my hands, embarassed of how much self-control I was lacking. Ugh, control yourself!!
-You see? You want me too, I know you do. My pretty girl…
I guess his touch was so good that I lost track of time. Before I knew it, he was inside of me. I was surprised when his rough thrusts hit me because my moans got louder and uncontrollable. I already lost myself.
-Younghyun… Pl… Please, d-don’t stop!
It was pure heaven. My body was trapped into his charm and deadly movements. I was scared and enchanted at the same time. I never thought my best friend could make me feel such an intense and overwhelming pleasure. He was voracious, I wouldn’t be able to escape from him even if I actually wanted to. -Younghyun! Oh God…
-Having a wet dream?-someone asked.
I quickly opened my eyes and saw him sitting on the corner of my bed, laughing at me.
So, I was having a dream? But it felt too real…
-You were moaning a lot, Y/N. Were you dreaming about me?
I looked at him and he smirked. So… he knows. I wanted to hide under my bed when he bit his lip. Stop it already!!! Please!!! I can’t control myself for so long.
-It wasn’t you!
-Well, who was it then? Maybe my kisses made you–
-I don’t remember!
-It happened two seconds ago.
-He didn’t have a face. That can happen in dreams, you know? You don’t always know who you’re dealing with. You don’t always know the person in your dreams– you could even dream about people you’ll meet someday, you know? That actually happened to me when I was ten years old. I met someone in my dream that I ended up meeting when I was fifteen and– I spoke so fast that I felt like I was making my nervousness way too obvious.
-Y/N… Are you writing a thesis on dreams?
He laughed some more.
-You do know you speak a lot when you feel nervous, right?
I slapped my forehead in my mind. I never know how to calm myself in these situations… Thesesituations?! I’ve never been in a situation like this before.
-It’s okay, Y/N. I think it’s totally normal if you had a dream about what happened, I actually can’t stop thinking about it.
-W-What?! N-No, I-What? Wait… What do you mean you can’t stop thinking about it?
-Yeah, I… You sure know how to kiss.
And you sure know how to touch me.
-Uhm… Thank you? You’re a good kisser too.
I tried to act cool as if it wasn’t a big deal even though it was.
-Yeah, I’ve heard that before.
His fake confidence made me laugh and he crossed his arms. He stood up and raised his voice a little.
-I did!
-From who? Girls from your dreams?
-Fro-Wh-Real girls, okay?! They were real!-he said, acting as if he was upset but mocking me at the same time because of how I stammered a few seconds ago.
I made myself comfortable in my bed again and looked at him with a smile, thinking about how cute he can be. I lost traces of nervousness when I saw his pouty lips as he sat on my bed again.
-Whatever. Girls, real or not… My kisses made you have a wet dream.
I sighed.
-You are not letting that go, aren’t you?
He will remind me of this every single day even though I didn’t admit it was because of him.
-Can I stay here tonight?-he asked.
My mind inmediately went for a yes with a hundred exclamation points but I still tried to hide my new feelings.
-Well… I just want to be with you. Please?
I slightly panicked. But what if I have another dream?
-Pleeease? Pretty please?
He pouted and blinked his eyes a few times at me. I wasn’t giving up just yet so he promised he would make me delicious breakfasts for a week.
-Okay… But stay on that side-I said while pointing at the other side of this king size bed, away from me.
-But… I’m a teddy-bear made for cuddles…
Why are you like this?
-Fine! We’ll cuddle but behave.
-Yes, I’ll be a good boy.
He seemed like a kid that just got a present for christmas. He almost jumped next to me with the biggest smile. I guess deep down, very deep down, I was reacting the same way. Even though he was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, I could feel the warmth of his body perfectly. I rested my face into his chest while his breathing fanned my forehead a little. I suddenly felt relaxed and sleepier than before but I remembered the last part of my dream and I jumped out of his embrace.
-Younghyun-ah… He still had a smile on his face. He raised his eyebrows and looked at me through his now half closed eyes. -Hmm?
-Did… Did I… Whose name did you hear while I was dreaming? My heart skipped when his smiled got wider.
-Mine. Did I made you feel good?
Ugh. To this point, even people living a hundred miles away knows about these new feelings. I came back into his arms and I covered my face with my hands.
All of a sudden, he started laughing and tightened his arms around me before kissing my hair. What’s so funny?
-I didn’t hear my name, Y/N. But now I know that you did had a dream about me.
I couldn’t believe how easy I’ve fallen into his trap.
-If you behave like a good girl and cuddle with me, I may continue your dream when I wake up.
Oh my…
-Stop it!
I lightly hit his arm and he laughed even louder. I tried to get away from him, I was feeling too exposed and embarassed, but that only made him hold me tighter.
-No, no! Don’t go anywhere!! Okay, I’ll stop! By now, my cheeks were redder than Rudolph’s nose. -You should go… -Noooo, please!! I need to hug you… Come here, baby. Let’s get some sleep. I pouted and crossed my arms, almost making a silent dramatic scene, but all I got from him was a bright smile. He pulled my arms and made me go back to where I was. I gave up again, I was defeated. -There we go, good girl. Good night, princess-he said, leaving little kisses in my nose and cheeks before giving me one last kiss on my lips. Well, I guess I can’t really escape from this… But I hope I can shake this off when I wake up.
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ksmutty · 6 years
Sticks and Stones(Jae/Reader)
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Author: Admin Sunflower
Genre: Smut
Warnings: ropes, nipple play, cum play
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N :  Multiple Anons asked for a Jae smut, so, ayyye!
Summary: You’re better at gaming than Jae imagined and it’s his turn to pay the price of his own stupid bet.
“All I’m saying is you can’t beat me at sticks and stones babe,” Jae laughed, ripping a controller from Young K’s hands and passing it to you. “You can’t aim tomahawks to save your life.”
“Bet!!” You squealed. “I’ll end you!”
Young K rolled his eyes and stood up. “I’m gonna get some food.”
You took the chance to lean in close and propose a wager to your cocky boyfriend. “Winner gets to tie the loser to your bed. Fifteen minutes of the winner doing whatever they want.”
Jae cocked an eyebrow. “Alright. You’re in for the longest fifteen minutes of your life.“
The drive home only took twenty minutes and it was no surprise Jae was having a tantrum the entire way home.
“You cheated.”
You rolled your eyes. “You lost fair and square. Grow up.”
“Fuck!” He complained. “Babe.. I- I’ve never been tied up before… I’m kind of nervous.”
You smiled sweetly and grabbed his thigh a bit higher than he expected. He startled at your touch and glanced away from the road, just long enough to see your expression to which he shook his head.
“I’d feel better if you were naked too…” he muttered.
“How is it a fair bet if I have to get naked too?!”
“Fu- Damn it babe!” He exhaled slowly as your hand moved north, grazing the tip of his cock. He took a long breath before speaking again. “What about- My pink sweatshirt you look so fucking hot in and your underwear?”
“Hmmmmm,” You teased, leaning in to whisper right against his ear. “What if I’m not wearing underwear?”
“Shit,” he practically moaned as you nipped at his ear.
You sat back properly in your seat. “I’m only joking, baby. That sounds fair. Pink sweatshirt and undies. You got it.”
Jae’s breath caught in his throat as your thumb grazed over his nipple. He was helpless, sitting against the headboard with his hands tied. You knew how sensitive his nipples were and it was exhilarating knowing that you could finally use it to your full advantage. You blew cold breath against his perked bud and he shivered, tugging at the ropes that had his wrists bound to the headboard.
“Baaaaabe…” he whined breathlessly.
You giggled, flicking your tongue playfully against his nipple before blowing again. He let out a raspy groan and rolled his hips upward, grazing against your clit through your thin panties. For a moment you thought of scolding him, but the friction of his fully erect cock rubbing you in all the right places only made you moan.
“Oh my God…” his eyes scrunched shut as you pinched softly at his left nipple.
You hummed in response. “You like that baby?” You leaned down, sucking his right nipple into your mouth. His body trembled beneath you and you bit harshly at his soft skin, leaving him with a small mark that made him moan under his breath.
“Babe, please…”
“What’s the rush?” You teased with a soft peck on his lips. “We have all night.” You sighed as you pleased yourself in his lap, rolling your hips in small circles against him.
“I’m already so hard…” he groaned, trying to lean forward enough to persuade you with a kiss.
You ignored his desperation and flicked the pads of your thumbs over his nipples again and pinching them much harder this time. Jae mewled and threw his head back. His diaphragm shook as unsteady breaths escaped him and you felt his cock twitch between your legs. This only fueled your hunger for him, and you rolled his nipples between your fingers as you sucked harshly at his collarbone, leaving another beautiful red mark. You ground your hips against him with more force and felt another strong twitch from his cock. He whimpered and let his head fall forward.
“Jae.” You tilted your head curiously to look at him as a large wet spot soaked through your panties. “Did you just cum?”
His sat quietly, staring at the juncture of where your bodies met and shook his head almost shamefully in denial. You rocked your hips at a faster pace against him and his arms thrashed as he yanked at the bounds around his wrist.
“Fuck!” He snarled, eyes now glued to yours. “Babe, holy fuck! Please.”
You tightened the grip your fingers had on his nipples and he let out an a sound you had never heard from him. It was the lowest, growliest moan and he clenched his teeth, hissing at the sensitivity taking him whole. His mouth fell open slightly and your stomach flipped as you saw how entirely blown his pupils were, practically making his eyes black. He looked so fucked out, and all you could muster was a long moan as you ground your throbbing clit against the head of his cock.
“FUCK!” He mewled again. “Time’s up. Babe. Fuck. Please.”
You stilled for a moment and climbed out of his lap to grab your phone and check the timer you had set. “It’s only been 6 minutes, Jae.” He shook his head in utter disbelief and you waved the phone in his face tauntingly.
He sighed and tried pleading again, this time using the whiniest voice he could muster. “Baby I- I just wanna put my hands on you. Come on. Let me touch you.”
“You want to feel me Jaehyung?” You rubbed teasingly at your panties, pressing Jae’s sticky cum spot against your clit and moaning.
“Please…” He was shaking in desperation. “Yes. God yes. I want to feel you. Please.”
You wobbled as you stood up on the bed and stepped toward Jae, noticeably relaxing into the headboard. He looked completely out of his mind. His cheeks were flushed and his breathing was still heavy. You knew he’d do anything to get you to stop teasing him, and he only hesitated a second before leaning forward as much as he could and licking a long strip up your cum soaked panties. You took another step and tangled your hands in his hair, rocking your hips into his face as he sucked at your clit through the thin layer of material.
Jae pushed out his tongue, tilting his head back, and let you take full control- fucking yourself against his face. “Oh my G- Jae!” You tried to loosen your grip on his hair, but your knees were buckling beneath you. Your underwear had slid deliciously between your folds and the pressure of Jae’s tongue had your stomach doing flips. He flattened and curled his tongue in perfect rhythm to the rocking of your hips and you could only swear in realization that he was actually licking his cum off your panties. He was that desperate to feel you and the thought alone made you want to cum.
Your weight finally fell from under you and you tried your best to sink slowly back into his lap. “I can’t believe you did that…” You chuckled and teased his lips with the tip of your tongue. “You taste so good.”
“Shit,” He breathed, trying to kiss you only to have you pull away with a devilish grin. “Baby, please untie me. I need to fuck you.”
You sat back just enough to rub your ass against his cock and he hissed through gritted teeth. You continued to rock back and forth in his lap while you worked another bright hickey into his neck. He tugged at the restraints in one last hopeless effort and when you finally looked at him you were shocked to see tears forming in his eyes. You stilled and ran your thumb across his bottom lip gently. His lips parted slightly as you spoke.
“Are you okay, baby?”
He let his tongue flick over your thumb slightly before kissing it and in the most defeated voice finally admitted: “I need to cum, babe… Like, fully cum... I need to cum so bad it hurts.”
You traced your thumb along his jaw and pulled him in for a gentle kiss before slipping your hands up the expanse of his arms and pulling the ropes free in one simple motion. You reached for the hem of his pink sweater to pull it over your head, but his hands grabbed at your wrists.
“Leave it on. You look so hot right now.”
Before you could muster a response Jae pushed you over and crawled between your legs. He devoured your neck, all teeth and harsh kisses, as his cock probed at your still clothed entrance. You were about to speak when his hand wrapped firmly around your throat, eliciting a squeak from you.
“It’s my turn. You don’t get to talk anymore.”
The moment the words passed his lips, you were both startled by the timer on your phone buzzing obnoxiously and you burst into laughter. Jae was much less amused, and reached for your phone, silencing it with his other hand still tight around your throat. You whimpered as his glossy eyes met yours again but he only smirked as he pushed your panties to the side and eased himself inside of you. A soft moan escaped you, encouraging him to squeeze tighter at your throat. You clung to his shoulders, nails pressing into his smooth skin as he rocked into you at a steady pace.
“I’m not going to last long.” His voice was already shaking and you knew all your teasing had him right on the verge. You gasped as a breathy moan escaped him and you watched him suck his bottom lip between his teeth. “Fuck, I can’t believe how wet you are.”
Your legs wrapped firmly around his waist and you pushed yourself upward, desperate for more friction. His fingers slipped from your throat to your jaw and he squeezed your chin tightly as he leaned in to press a sloppy kiss on your lips. You took a deep breath as he rocked backwards and slammed into you with such force that your head hit the headboard. Jae apologized through a small giggle and this time kissed you softly, his tongue slipping between your lips and his hand moving from your chin to rub deep patterns against your clit.
You felt so full your toes curled, fingers still baring into Jae’s shoulders as you moaned his name breathlessly. His thrusts were still long and slow and you could tell he was trying to hold off for you. He always wanted to make sure you came first, but you knew how worked up he was. His chest was heaving shaky breaths and his hair clung beautifully to his forehead. Each time he brushed against your G-spot, you let out a soft squeak, but it all wasn’t enough for you.
“I need you to fuck me. God, please fuck me, Jae.” You shivered at your own words, fingers hooking underneath his jaw, making him look at you again. His hand moved from your clit with urgency, curling under your thigh and pushing your leg to your abdomen before he slammed into you. “Fuck! Just like that! Oh my God.”
You tossed your head back into your pillows, the new position causing you to squirm beneath him as he relentlessly fucked into you, not minding the way your nails raked down his back, leaving bright red trails in their wake. His eyes clenched shut and you felt the pleasant waves of your pussy convulsing around his girth, you were so undeniably close to cumming. Jae couldn’t stop the raspy whines spilling from his mouth as he moaned your name over and over before finally pulling out and spilling his warm sticky cum all over your panties, and a few spurts stained his pink sweatshirt he insisted you leave on.
You wiggled as you watched him drag his fingers through the mess he’d left and press them into your all-too-willing mouth, pumping them as he watched you suck them clean. You whimpered as he smeared his wet fingers across your cheek with a menacing grin, and climbed out of bed.
“J-Jae…” You muttered weakly.. “I- Baby, I didn’t cum…” You frowned, confused as to why he would assume you did when he knows your body so well. He always comments on the little habits of your orgasm. Biting at his shoulder, holding your breath, and digging your nails so deeply into his skin that he nearly bleeds every time. He knew damn well how your body reacted, and you couldn’t help but be offended that he was acting so selfish.
He laughed from the side of the bed, looking over at you and pulling open the bedside drawer in search of something. He nodded his head seemingly to himself, pulling out a small black vibrator and pushing the drawer shut.
“Oh, babe…” He cocked his brow at you playfully and ran the vibrator tauntingly up your thigh. “We’re not done yet.”
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Song Girl - Part 23 - Sungjin Fan Fiction
Song Girl Masterlist
Part 23 - February 2015
Summary: real life fluffy moments as Sungjin struggles to get into songwriting.
Sungjin had lost track of how long he’d been staring at his guitar and the blank sheet of music. It felt like hours of sitting there, drowning in thoughts but realistically it was probably twenty minutes.
But that was long enough for Jae to be leaning into his field of vision with a cocked eyebrow. And he could feel Wonpil staring at him, too.
“I don’t pretend to be a lead songwriter.” Sungjin said evenly.
Junhyeok snorted.  “You’re the one with the relationship and the issues, shouldn’t you be?”  
“I wanted to be a singer, I didn’t come into this planning to play guitar and write music.” Sungjin snapped.
“Yet you couldn’t dance.” Junhyeok continued, a devilish expression on his features.
“He wasn’t the only one. I’m all bones and limbs. No flexibility or fluidity.” Jae said quickly.
Wonpil was silent.
“I’m going for coffee, text me if you want something.” Sungjin blurted as he stood abruptly. Junhyeok puffed petulantly. Wonpil’s mouth opened but nothing came out. Jae sighed inaudibly. Brian was cramming for a test with headphones in, ignorant to everything happening around him.
Once he was outside, in freezing air, Sungjin felt like he could breathe again.
He was just heading to the coffee place when his phone buzzed with a call, not the texts he was anticipating.
“Hey love,” He said after seeing Ella’s face on the screen. He tried keeping the despondent tone out of his voice but he wasn’t successful.
“Oh, something is up huh?” She said. Her voice was light and cheerful. Unlike him, she’d had a good day. For a moment that lightened his own heart - she’d been downtrodden all too often recently, but he was still despondent. And now his bad mood was about to dampen her first good mood day in weeks.
“Just...song writing.” He said, shoving his free hand deeper into his pocket.
“So...something I can probably not help you with, unfortunately.” Her voice was lower now, sadder.
“You can distract me. What’s up?”
He tried to imagine her in that moment. It was early evening, so she’d probably just gotten done teaching a class, and given that she had just sounded happy, it was a good one. Her hair would be up, most likely in a bun, and there would marks on her nose from her glasses. She would be walking home, or wandering through a store for the necessities for dinner.
“Well, do be honest I wasn’t expecting you to answer.” She said with a laugh, just one. “But I thought we could start thinking about...Valentine’s day.”
“Let me guess, you are currently staring at a display of chocolate?” He could hear the din of shoppers now.
“What do you want?” She asked after beat. She had decided to ignore how he read her mind.
“Aren’t you supposed to know what I want by now?” He said, a smile spreading over his face.
“I study psychology but I am not granted the power to read minds. Right now you probably want inspiration for a song. But I still cannot read your mind. I will not be making you chocolate. I nearly destroyed the kitchen trying.”
She was talking fast again - it meant she was thinking faster than her mouth.
“Obviously I want the most expensive guitar in the world.”
“Wow, way to shoot me down.”
“I am not made of money.” The smile was back in her voice, and this time, it was there because of him, which was the least he could do after making it drop out of her voice a minute ago.
“Which is such a shame, then maybe you would pay for dates.”
He didn’t notice he was doing it but he was getting onto the bus.
“I offer!”
“I’m not going to let you pay for dates.” He said chuckling. “What kind of man would that make me?”
“An arguably more feminist one, but I do pay for all the food I make you and that you eat at my place.”
“I don’t need a lecture on the patriarchy, love.”
“A) everyone does and B) yeah, fine, you definitely don’t need one today. I doubt it’d help with the writing. It’d be weird if you all did a girl power, feminist rock song.”
“Says someone who loves ‘bubble gum’ pop.”
“It is happy music! I’m not claiming sophisticated taste. My favorite movie is Harry Potter and my favorite feel good movie is just about anything regularly featured on ABC Family, which also includes Harry Potter.”
“My little fan girl.”
“I am not ashamed, just sometimes embarrassed. Anyway, Valentine’s Day.”
“Hmm...we could go back to the skiing place, hot springs but that’s probably expensive.”
“We could just hole somewhere in the city.”
“...aren’t you the one constantly lecturing me about the population density of Seoul?”
“I am more used to suburbia and I miss it.”
“I wouldn’t mind holing up with you.”
His feet carried him off the bus.
“We can be like mole people.” She said with a laugh, bringing a smile to his face.
“Bake for me, something decadent and chocolaty.”
“I will bake for then, but you have to help.”
“I can help.”
“Perfect, and I have something in mind.” Now she was moving in the store, the other voices rose and fell as she passed other patrons.
“Of course you do, my brilliant girl.”
“Yes, please compliment my brain.”
“It has many beautiful fissures, lovely lobes.”
On the other side of the line, she snorted with laughter. “Sorry!” She said speaking in an embarrassed voice to another shopper but she kept giggling.
“You know, if I had known complimenting your brain would make you react like that…”
“Oh stop, and now you are officially distracting me from your own Valentine’s day gift.”
Above him, a bell rang as he opened the door.
“Did you finally make your way to the cafe?” She said teasingly.
“Something like that, I have a craving.”
“If you say chocolate I will run over to you.”
“Hmm, something sweet that’s for sure.”
“Oh please say the magic word.” She used an exaggerated, breathless voice.
“You shouldn’t use that voice in public.”
“There was no one around.”
“So shameless.”
Finally, he’d reached his destination. Now everything was better.
“If I am shameless, you probably reap the benefits.” She muttered.
He didn’t reply, instead just wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.
“Well hello,” She said, without turning around. The call was ended as she leaned back into his chest. His nose was in her hair. It smelled like her, sweet and minty with a touch of takeout food.
“Sorry to sneak up on you.” He whispered, speaking into her bun. Her hands ran over his arms, comfortingly.
“You’re not going to rape me.” That much she was thankfully sure of.
“Nope, just hold you.” He kept whispering.
“What’s up?”
“Just...a long day…”
“So you are here to…?”
“I think I needed to see you.”
“...Aren’t you supposed to be in training?” She whispered.
“Just song writing...Brian is studying anyway and I just...couldn’t think straight.”
“Is everything ok?” She asked, turning back to face him. Her brows knit in concern over her soft, brown eyes. Tension left his body, melting away. Now that he was with her, could see her, everything was better. Brighter.
“You shouldn’t worry about it.”
“I worry about everything, it’s a full time job.” A fun spark flashed in her eyes.
“I needed inspiration.”
“So you stalked me to a grocery store?” She said elbowing him gently. A big smile was spreading over her face.
“You can choose to see it as romantic rather than creepy.” He said finally releasing her. She shook her head, chuckling to herself.
“Oh we don’t want to get into a discussion about what is creepy versus romantic. Movies and cultures have warped my perspective and I am still unraveling it. But sure, I’ll see this as romantic this time.”
How could he ever hope to explain this feeling? A burning, freezing sensation poured down his spine. His stomach tightened, twisted, rose, sank, flipped, and flopped. He felt lighter, at peace, complete. It was beautiful, blissful. He knew he was lucky to be with someone so brilliant.
“Earth to Sungjin?” She said waving a hand in front of his face before slipping it into his.
“Sorry, ready to leave? I’ll walk you home and head back.” He did have to go back but he wanted to bask in the light she gave off to him for a bit longer.
“Yep. You are going to be so impressed with this!” She said with an even bigger grin.
“You are in a silly mood, aren’t you?” He asked with an arched eyebrow.
“Yes, and it seems like you could loosen up.” She said before starting to check out her supplies.
“I can be goofy.” He said under his breath.
“You still only tolerate pizza.” She countered.
“Pizza has nothing to do with goofiness.”
“It does in my head.”
“I think that might be a flawed conclusion.”
“Shh. You called me brilliant, remember?”
“Brilliant people are capable of mistakes.”
“Brilliant people tend to conceptualize failures and mistakes as lessons and challenges.”
“Growth mindset. I remember.”
She paused, a flush spreading over her cheeks. “Ok, that was a turn on.”
“Just you saying that made me very physically attracted to you.” The blush on her cheeks was deeper but it was only just reaching his cheeks. At least they had stepped out of the store and the cashier couldn’t hear them.
“You need to explain.”
“Hmm A) you remembered something I said to you over a month ago, B), it was something to do with psychology, and C) I think there was an element related to your tone.”
“So that’s the kind of dirty talk you like?” His heart thumped in his chest as his mind spun with ideas for a later time.
“I guess?” She said giving his hand a squeeze. “Something you should remember.”
He was going to miss her. Her brilliance, the feeling of  her skin, her warmth, against him, her smile, her bright eyes. Her leaving would be like the sunset in Antarctica, signaling the beginning of months of darkness. He wanted to keep her, his sun.
He was pulled out from his melancholy spiral by a sensation against his cheek.
“You stalk me, then neglect me, are you sure you’re ok?” She brushed his cheek softly, wiping away the chapstick her kiss had left on his skin.
“Lost in my own head.” He supplied but she frowned.
“That’s supposed to be my thing in this relationship.” Her thumb gently, comfortingly,  ran over his hand.
“And now you know how it feels to watch your mind float away, leaving me unable to reach you.”  
“You were trying to teach me a lesson?” She was, in a word, unimpressed.
“No, but I did think it was a witty reply.”
“Don’t make your stand-up debut yet.”
“I’m already worrying about one type of debut. Plus, I’m already blocked.”
“I did offer for you to read my angsty high school poetry. Maybe it could give you inspiration.”
Sungjin wrinkled his nose while she grimaced.
“I mean it is terrible poetry, I will admit. For a class I made this whole collection all about “my winter” about the period after a guy I was seriously close to, my first kiss, moved away.”
“And it will be in English. And, call me crazy, but I’m not interested in reading my girlfriend’s poetry about another guy.”
Her impish grin reappeared, sending a nervous wave through his stomach. That usually meant she was going to manipulate him, wrap him around her finger. Most times it was so he could take care of a spider, or when she was turned on and interested in a little something-something.
“Would you read poetry I wrote about you?” Her voice was nearly-sultry, and her hand warmer in his.
“Yes, if you wanted me to.” He said without thinking.
Her facade dropped as she laughed.
“Sad to say, I’ll probably write poetry when we…” She didn’t need to finish the sentence. He knew just from the darkness that moved over her.
“...I think I’ve got some ideas for writing after seeing you.” He said as her building came into view. The end of the line for that night for them. He had to get back to songwriting for the others.
“Ohh… Am I your muse?” She teased, that light returning in her eyes.
“A little bit.” He said, a smile playing with one corner of his mouth.
She got that petulant look again. The one that made her look younger, naive, like a child whose toy had been taken.
“You are a definite source of inspiration.” He continued, an impish glint entering his own eyes.
“...I better be.” She muttered as she opened the building and held open the door for him.
The rode the elevator up in silence. He plotted ways to spend just a little bit more time with her. She wished he could stay.
He stayed with her up to her door and into the apartment, setting down the bag of groceries as he stepped in. All he had to do was keep his shoes on - if he took them off, he’d never leave.
Next to him, Ella tugged off her wool coat, undid the thick scarf around her neck, and shoved her gloves into the coat pockets before kicking off her boots to reveal thick, fuzzy socks. At that, he had to smirk. She constantly joked about her [literally] cold feet.
A beat later and her arms were around his neck, pulling down his hood so her fingers could tangle themselves in his hair. He unzipped his puffy coat and her body curled against his, no longer separated by inches of down.
“I won’t ask you to stay.” She whispered. Her bright, brilliant eyes fixed on his. “So three minutes?”
“Love, I take more than three minutes.” He whispered, kissing her forehead. His fingers had found their way to her waist. Her body shuddered with the sudden cold contact.
“Just kiss me.” She replied after rolling her eyes.
That he was happy to do for as long as his conscience would let him. He wanted to steal a piece of her sunshine. He wanted to burn in her light. He wanted everything he could get. He would happily go blind staring at her glow.
He had so much to be thankful for with her in his life. Still, there was thing he was the most thankful for...
His sun was still bright, near-constant. It still filled his sky.
But the days were getting shorter. Months of darkness were coming.
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thealexalcala · 2 years
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Part 57 : Word Vomit
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Sweet Chaos
Youngk x Yn
Music. That is about the only thing Brian Kang and YN YLN have in common. And frankly, she has no interest in learning more about the boy she has deemed Mr. Perfect. Fate, however, does not seem to be in her favor when she finds they have been assigned to write and produce together. It can only lead to sweet chaos.
*times and dates do matter*
Tags :
@heyydolll, @yoonguurt , @kwanisms , @dino-16-avocado, @capndarby, @princeofshenzhenuwus , @iluvfin , @dramaticmyday , @wronqness99 , @esprit-de-kyung , @dream-toaster , @no-jam1013 , @anothershorthuman , @mistressvaekairanna , @aproudleo, @monstathedisco , @peachy-nctzen , @camlcara, @7luftschloesser , @jeetiesforthewin , @atinysparkle , @monstathedisco , @idontknowapil , @thrashhyuck , @d0ntfitin , @skylions-den , @sunsungie, @broken-c0mpass, @cherriechurros , @hxshwnufleur , @chasingmarkles, @enbyfriend98 , @chibishae34 , @deardayjm, @leomggg , @heart--cake, @ly-sithea , @marsophilia , @jaehyungparkiansbtch , @missmadwoman , @sinfulketchup , @itsshelbabey, @g0lden-sunset
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Help guys I’m bored... sooo taking reaction requests!!! So if got any scenarios send them my way!!!!!! Plzzz
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