#i am deeply touched uwu
I Am No Longer.
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Summary: ''Young one, why are you out here?'' the man said, standing at the front of the garden gates, wearing his cloak. watching and looking at me with predatory/loving stares, I have become adjusted/hated too.
Just standing there as I sit up from the white around me, looking down as blood dripped from my mouth.
''i fell asleep.''
⚠ Warnings: First point of view, dark themes, corruption, brainwash, blood, hints of abuse, vampirism, kidnapping implied, ask to tag!
Comments and reblogs, deeply appreciated!
i Awoke in a land of white, surrounded by roses covered in pure white as I stare up at nothing but myself in this garden of....ours, feeling blood trickled and dripple from my lips as I somehow breath with lungs that no longer need to help me feel...alive/pain.
My eyes feel heavy, black veins around it protrude my pale skin as I touched it with the tip of my fingers, feeling bits of bone that were hollow it felt they could break with a single touch but it didn't as my hand went away, I laid there as I felt the river became reddened with my blood and tears I deeply hidden from after all these months of....Torture/Support by my lover/captor.
Candles being lit as I felt them wake up from there slumber, ready to start the day by helping/hurting me with their old ways from long ago....
they say I needed this badly, lost my way, the angel cried as it fell to there knees as the world around went dark as red, in a way there right. I have lost my wa-
He's here, my ears peaked.
''Young one, why are you out here?'' the man said, standing at the front of the garden gates, wearing his cloak. watching and looking at me with predatory/loving stares, I have become adjusted/hated to.
Just standing there as I sit up from the white around me, looking down as blood dripped from my mouth.
''i fell asleep.''
''Out here? in the garden, why?'' the man questioned, his voice somehow feeling me with glee/dread, my thoughts racing as more blood fell from my mouth, as my thoughts ran and went wild as....
I turned around to face him, with a look that brought...a loving/frightening smile to his face.
as I spoke.....
''I have come to a realization, Master.'' I go, my voice shaking.
''And what is that, little one?''
''That....'' I go quiet, as I heard the river fill my ears with sounds that comforted/scared me, making me feel at peace with this place of....ours.
''Sir Stan-''
''i'm no longer human, no longer here, a creature of the day anymore....i'm the creature of the night. i'd have never been human, only....a Vampire and will stay a vampire for....''
i took a breath.
''All eternity...with you.''
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Got inspired, let's gooooo!
been having trouble making mood boards lately, finally made one that got greenlit within me UwU.
might make more with dark themes, if they're good ^^
so hope you guys enjoy this one :D!
love, butters!
( ˘ ³˘)♥
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hakucho-art · 2 months
can we get a recap of your favourite experiences the past year???🥺🥺🥺🥺
Uhmmm uhm, DEFINITELY finishing that My R animatic is one of them. Ive been wanting of making one before I even really started drawing. I was really happy that I finally made it wjdvjwvd
Hyping up about the tg countdown was fun, I didnt mind what the reveal was that much wjdvwjvd
COMIC CON WITH YOU WAS GREAT, as it is every year, duh. Visiting you is always a highlight ♥️
Meeting Leila as well 💕 Meeting online friends for the first time is always special, I feel so privileged and happy that Ive been able of doing that
Comic con germany with my friend was also amazing because that was the first time I made a trip with her and really enjoyed it
Generally so grateful for my irl friends and online friends (all equally my friends for all I care) because you guys always cheer me up and bring me joy.
Also my mum, the most important person in my life, I'm so glad I have her. I love her so much.
The concerts I went to: mother mother (BANGER), olivia Rodrigo (magical), the Rose (made me understand Kpop fans so deeply), the nier concert (I may have cried a little), TOUCHED (THE GAY PANIC I HAD), Lordi (I wouldnt do it again but hearing metal music live is a really cool experience)
Being able to visit my grandpa again in azerbaijan and celebrating his birthday 🤲💕
It was also cool to have my first job but to be real. Best part was ofc receiving money KWVDJJWD my colleagues were kind but my superior with whom I interacted the most had such a... idk heavy, stressed, negative aura. I hope she is doing well but god, that made me so anxious. Social anxiety was NOT helping. So yeah, quitting felt also amazing uwu
UHHH, ALL THE ZINES I WORKED ON, now that is truly one of the highlights. I love working on zines (even tho I'm a chronic procastinator, god help me) but yh, the 9S2B zine was especially a joy to work on as a Mod ♥️
Every single time making and Posting touken art, god I love them. A big contributor to the joy in my life, I love being obsessed with ships JWVFJVW Ive always been that way and im probably never going to change in that regard. When I dont have characters to ship, I will (literally, I used to do that as a child) ship colors. I am unstoppable
Its really shitty that negative experiences stay much stronger in our minds, I first needed a moment to remember the good stuff because my mind first went to all the bad stuff. Thank you for the question my wife, I really needed that 🤲
Makes me realize how much there was to smile about
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somethingsomeart · 1 year
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I'm back on my bullshit again~! A more proper view of Hunter!Tahir (where he's not suffering my memes for once) as I imagined him while I played through The Northern Passage IF demo @northern-passage And small scenes and interactions with the characters: Lea Chen, Merry Harlowe, Clementine and Noel Lykaon
Special appearances by Dot (the horse), a badly carved turtle, a little lucky bell and the Rot (and Tahir at the end of the demo)
Fangirlish rambling under the cut! It long
This honestly largely took this long cuz I could *not* figure out which scene I wanted to use for Noel! Xe has a ton of really great scenes but in most the Hunter wears their cloak (as per usual) and I really wanted one where that doesn't happen. Cuz, for Tahir, Noel is one of the people he's the most comfortable just being himself around rather than a hunter, cuz xe is hunter too but kind and he makes it easier. And since Tahir is an idiot who didn't even care to check for the wraith before going for Clem, he's kinda unconscious when they first meet!
So I ended up picking the scene in front of the door after the Hunter accidentally-on-purpose opens the Vel, where, to hide xirs fear and concern ('m guessing), Noel makes a joke that actually has the Hunter laughing. A short moment of almost normalcy surrounded by something that, of the group, only the two fully share.
Meanwhile Lea (he/him from a d3 toss) gets to be a gremlin! It was honestly a cute and really natural scene that I'd been itching to doodle for a bit so here it is! (Tahir's horse is called Dot cuz she has a dot in the centre of her forehead. She's a lusitano uwu I'm dating a horseboy, I gotta respect the horse) Tahir's favourite (non alcoholic) drink is actually coffee so Lea won himself some extra points right there! That he immediately lost for laughing at Tahir's suffering >:'(
Merry gets the scene with the little carved turtle cuz my thoughts were pretty much the same as Tahir's when I read the scene. It was really cute! It felt like seeing Merry rather than the pirate captain who is trying to protect her town, almost vulnerable and caring for just a little trinket that matters to her. Basically, Merry cute, cute Merry cute, I draw
Clem gets to tell a story! A story that, I'm sure, isn't going to be deeply meaningful nor anything. This is also a moment where Clem reaches out to the Hunter with an offer to protect them so I really wanted to include it. Despite how scared they seem, they still offer to come to the Hunter if he calls, and, ye, wanted to draw that!
And Tahir! As the Hunter. Tahir has brown eyes in the narration but he normally has amber ones, so I kept here even if it's hard to see ':D
Alcohol for his poison of choice. Favourite magic is sword. Touch starved as much as touch averse, no, he doesn't get it either.
He promised Jorah and he means to keep that promise, but gods if he’s not tired…
Very protective of his people: Noel, Lea and his dads mentors in particular, but Merry and Clem too (and whoever might need protection but these people most of all atm). In part thanks to that promise, and how it does help remind him to not hate others for… well, most of what being a hunter means, but it has led to him internalising a lot of that anger into a lack of care for his own safety that then leads to him being almost self-sacrificing when others are in danger. It’s fine tho! He’s fine!
He’s always fine, he has to be.
I haven’t figured out yet which romance path he’s gonna go for yet! Merry cute, Lea is delightful drama, and Noel is an absolute darling (sorry, Clem, you're not an option for Tahir, but at least that means less angst in your life??) so I am dying here!!
At this point in the demo Tahir’s managed to fight with Lea, but still agreed to talk, and lit his pipe (delicious scene btw, 5 stars~), was not kicked out of Merry’s ship cuz he kept away from the books but did get kicked out of her office when he went there to talk (yes, it hurt. A lot. He felt like such an idiot), been flustered by Noel and had a surprisingly not terrible conversation with him before they went to the isolation district, and made a blood pact with Clem, that came back to bite him in the ass (but also not really cuz wow! Keres hurts), he wants to have a little chat, Clem…!
He also got punched with the butt of a knife in the face by Duncan but paid him back in the final-current-demo-fight >:) (Duncan is awful in the absolutely best way possible! Had a lot of fun in his scenes and really enjoying hating the guy)
Really excited to get to find out what the hell Jorah is doing there, and working with/for Keres and Duncan?? In future chapters. (Also, Tahir would like to know where's Rodrick?? Where's dad, dad??) Also to find out more about the Hunter’s new “little” tagalong (aka, the Firstborn, I'm still going all in it's them!). Tahir actually doesn’t hate them, since they’ve only hurt him (as far as he knows) and not his people so there’s a good chance they’ll maybe be actually able to talk??
If you read this far, wow.
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sburbian-sage · 4 months
…Tr|ckster beds… They're |n the Glitch FAQ… | don't remember |f |… …| went tr|ckster mode… One t|me… But was there a bed…? | don't th|nk so… …| don't really remember how |t happened, or what happened after… and the comedown was agon|z|ng… My head hurt so bad… …Oohhh | remember be|ng so embarrassed… What d|d | do then…? …Yes… …| th|nk | remember my coplayer say|ng… that |t was so fun… ...And |t was… For a b|t… | could f|nally stop worry|ng… | wasn't shy… For the very f|rst t|me… …| told them all how | really felt… | thought | was solv|ng everyth|ng, that they would f|nally understand what they meant to me… But then they sa|d… Someth|ng… And | just went w|th |t... | d|dn't understand that we would regret |t later… … … … …| th|nk that | don't want to remember anyth|ng more… Sorry… |t's better to forget…
Oh yeah, that thing. Thank you for jogging my memory again, very ominous person who may or may not have been assaulted.
Either way, advice to the guy running for his life, the story this person just shared sounds horrifying as fuck, and when I hear "candy" I think "Saccharine Doppleganger". I'm not sure if this connection is ironclad, but don't let those things touch you. If you can, strafe them and blow up that bed. Whack it with a hammer if you don't have any explosives handy (why do you not have explosives handy?).
Assuming you and everyone else survives this intact, please waterboard the guy who purposefully attempted to make a Trickster Bed. Then ask them if they knew what they were doing. Their answer determines how many more times you do this (more if they knew? more if it was an accident? you decide! viewer engagement). If this sounds harsh, you can just have them fill out this form.
I, [insert handle here], deeply apologize for my behavior. It all started when I [randomly ran into/read about and purposefully sought out] [innately sketchy or dangerous-seeming feature]. For reasons [actively malicious/so stupid they border on the homocidal/that I don't even know nor could any Seer or Sage on the replayernet ever figure out why if they all collaborated to figure out this mystery], I decided to [describe stupid course of events here]. This resulted in [describe physical, psychological, and existential harm and other consequences here]. I am [insert favored level of ableism here], and in the interest of atoning for my actions and learning from my behavior, I have accepted the punishment decided upon by all affected players, which is [describe abjectly humiliating trial here]. Despite being in the body of a [insert physical age here], I am a grown-ass [insert cognitive age here], and even though I have survived [insert number here] sessions and therefore [am a SBOOB/should know better], that doesn't mean I can uwu my way out of doing the equivalent of arriving to the session's in-person meeting/Squiddles Marathon, looking everyone in the eye, and setting off a canister of nerve gas in some guy's living room. GOSH, YOU GUYS. I MEAN GEEZE.
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aesopsharpmybeloved · 2 years
I'm gonna be greedy and ask for both
😺 and 🎇
Ok <3
Worshipping in the house of God & Slow morning tenderness
Yes, I am quite aware these are most likely supposed to be headcanons and I'm writing short fics. Oops.
Also, why are these two written like this? I don't know, I've no clue what I'm doing uwu
written for the NSFT Emoji
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tw: cunnilingus, handjob, blasphemy in church, cum-eating, Song of Solomon
😺 - Eating pussy
Bringing you pleasure with his mouth is got to be one of Father Paul’s most favourite activities. In his opinion, there’s just something nearly magical about being able to press his lips against, run his tongue over, and close his teeth gently around the place where you’re the most vulnerable, the most sensitive. It’s one of the proofs of the absolute trust you have in him, and Paul always goes above and beyond to prove to you he is worthy of this trust.
You came to see him one evening, after you returned from the mainland, finding him in Saint Patrick’s. The church was nearly dark, only a few candles by the altar illuminating the priest’s tall form. He turned around to face you when he heard the door open, and smiled one of his softest smiles. You walked slowly among the pews, then climbed the few steps separating you from your lover.
Paul pulled you in then, his large hands settling on your lower back, his lips closing in to capture yours. Steadily, he manoeuvred you until your backside hit the edge of the altar. One hand left you, so it could move the things behind you upon the altar to the side, before coming back to touch you. Paul grabbed the back of your thigh and squeezed it, motioning for you to jump up and sit. So you did. 
Between unhurried kisses, you told one another about your days, until you were ultimately tired of talking, and focused on only using your mouths for delivering more kisses instead. The Father’s lips then took to travelling, sliding over to your ear, your jaw, coming to bite on your pulse point - making your heartbeat increase and your breathing quicken. The priest gave you an intense look, before he stepped back and kneeled before you and the altar.
“You are altogether beautiful, my love, there is no flaw in you,” he cited from Song of Solomon, leaning his head to kiss your knee, slowly moving inwards, “How beautiful and pleasant you are, O loved one, with all your delights.” His lips pressed against your clothed core, making you shiver and reach out a hand, your fingers stroking Paul’s hair. You lift your hips a little, as clever digits hook around your underwear and begin pulling it away, hiking your skirt up at the same time to reveal your arousal to the priest’s hungry eyes. 
His face buries itself between your spread legs, open mouth kisses are planted along your damp folds. He moans deeply at your taste and you tug at the thick raven hair of your beloved. “I have come into my garden, my sister, my bride; I have gathered my myrrh with my spice. I have eaten my honeycomb and my honey;  have drunk my wine and milk. Eat, friends, and drink; drink your fill of love” he speaks against your core, making you tremble with pleasure. His rich voice is mingling with your gasps and whimpers, echoing in the empty church.
He worships you like a deity, right there in the house of God. And perhaps you were God after all, and he was too, because what else is God if not love? You had no more time to ponder on such things though, for his mouth closed around your little lovebud and your head fell back in a sharp intake of breath. Your hips bucked unconsciously and two large hands came to grab them in a vice grip, fingers bruising the tender skin. A speck of dust wouldn’t fit between your heat and the priest’s face, there was no escape from those heavenly lips and their sweet torture. 
When you felt the coil inside you burst into a typhoon of lights and sensations, he drank from you deeply, greedily feasting on all you had to give him, long arms encircled you, and you sang his name to the heavens, calling out to your God. Your heart hammering and lungs burning with need for air, you quivered upon the altar, pleasure from your release pumping through every single artery, vein, capillary.  
Through foggy eyes, you looked at him, absolutely beautiful kneeling between your legs. Father Paul’s head was resting upon your thigh, large dark eyes looked at you both innocently and sinfully through thick lashes. Perfect cupid’s bow was damp with saliva and the proof of your pleasure, and the corners of his mouth were turned up slightly. Content, peaceful, adoring. Your hand, still in his now messy hair, began stroking through it once more, coming to run a thumb over his cheekbone. He leaned into your touch and closed his eyes. In the still and quiet of the little church you whispered:
“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.”
🎇 - Orgasm
You loved it when he lost control. During every lovemaking there would come a moment when Father Paul would lose himself. Lose himself in pleasure, in your smell, taste, in the softness of your skin. It was then you knew he was close to his peak, his movements desperate, his mouth releasing prayers and curses. You thought he was beautiful, stripped of all inhibitions, unashamedly arching his back, begging you to never stop, and pleading for more, hands caressing everything at once and hips thrusting in reckless abandon. 
However, that didn’t mean you weren’t fond of the quiet, lazy mornings, during which you could take your time, slowly building up the other’s pleasure. One such morning, the priest was on his back, groaning softly into your willing mouth, tongues sliding against each other lazily. Your leg was thrown over his own and one of your hands was slowly pumping the Father’s manhood. You were delightfully warm, enveloped completely by Paul’s presence, by his arms, as the morning sun caressed your bare bodies. 
Paul looked angelic as you steadily brought him to his breaking point, his face blissful and so very open, cheeks flushed and beads of sweat gathering at his hairline. His eyes, darkened by lust, bore into yours intensely, parted reddened lips released soft sounds and choked gasps. His organ was throbbing in your hand, the tip sticky with pre-cum oozing out and dampening your hand. You licked into the priest’s pliant mouth, swallowing his pleasured sounds like a woman starved.
Finally, his arms tightened around your form, and he parted from your mouth to release a long sigh against your lips, his breath hot on your face. His eyes had such wonder in them, so much love, you could nearly see fireworks going off there, as he tried to keep them open to be able to look at you. Two ropes of cum spurted out of the priest’s cock and landed on his belly, more seed then wept out, running down your hand hotly. His thighs trembled slightly as he emptied himself, more sighs leaving his lips along with words of love and tenderness. 
You released the softening shaft, bringing your stained hand to your lips and licking the priest’s cum off. Paul greedily pulled you into him, making you share with him the product of his lust. You nestled into his arms, laying your body onto his own, uncaring of the mess on his stomach. “Mhm,” he hummed happily, hands stroking the warm skin on your back, “good morning, love.” You smiled against his pulse point and craned your head to steal another kiss.
I hope you enjoyed reading. You can also read this on my AO3, as well as all of my other Father Paul stories.
If you wish to request any of the emoji prompts, feel free to slide into my ask <3
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okiroash · 3 months
I am going UWU🐱💖 cat heart meme at your art, I am weakly punching the ground to process the sparks of joy electrifying my origin twin loving heart. Do you have any HCs on how Lance feels about our little mischief eldritch duo :D or the twins dynamic with Silver since you said they were cousins 👀
OUU THANK YOU ANON!!! hooray for twin headcanons!!
lance huh... hmm... I suppose he was kinda the parental figure red needed when he's around the league.. (checking up on him, helping him get away from the media and so on) BUT also no not really- since lance fail to see that kids like red shouldn't be doing any crime busting duties (I'm assuming since in hgss, he asked the protag to help him stop team rocket's operation) in fact he encourage that red continues to do so... I suppose in the way he sees it, people with great power should always help the ones in need... leaf comes to visit red in the league sometimes and usually bothers lance on the way "hey can you make them lay it off on him with the champion chores? it's too much for red" lance thinks otherwise "it's not like I can do anything about it... and a champion must do its duties, that's how it is" (doesn't mean he doesn't see his struggles too, he really tries to motivate the kid) whenever red runs away from events (so that he doesn't have to face to face with all those people and paparazzi) leaf also uses this opportunity to hangout with him or make him go back to meet mom- further dragging him away from it (her intention) lance finds these all as troublesome to deal with (because he have to announce it to the audience he's not coming, handle all the aftermath problems because of his absence)
(I am, deeply sorry if this is out of character 🤸‍♀️ I skimmed through some of lance's dialogues just to check a bit but I don't really analyze him further)
Silver time! from how I see it, leaf is that of a big sister to silver (the dynamic seems fun this way!) while red feels a lil uneasy to be around him... unsure what's causing it, other than that he's neutral towards him silver.. he got a bit of a mixed feelings for red, having known his identity from the news after the defeat of team rocket and red is.... well unaware that he indirectly caused his dad to left him LOL although, he doesn't hate for him for it y'know (I mean, if some kid beat the crap out of my shitty dad... I don't think I'd care about him..? maybe a small respect?) I have a feeling that he would really want to battle red... if he's stronger than his dad, then defeating him means he's stronger than him
also note: the twins and silver are unaware they're related.. (giovanni isn't their dad but more of a relative, hence cousins) because of that I don't think they meetup much
this is what I got for now 😭,, and there are a lot of things to touch upon... but, I'd like to understand the characters more before working out on the dynamics properly, so some things here might change as I learn about them
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mask131 · 4 months
And one last post for the road - but this time about something more general and comparing the USA versus Europe... But still about antisemitism.
I want to say this already: I am not a fan of "Hotel Transylvania". I watched the first movie because a friend told me to, I saw bits and clips of the other movies because you couldn't escape them if you were on the Internet at the time of their release, but you know, I am not deeply into it all. Right...
So, when one of the sequels was released (2 or 3? Let me check... It was the 2), Dracula's daughter had a wedding, right? And during the wedding there was the Jewish ritual of the glass breaking - and the Internet completely gushed over the fact Dracula and his daughter (and by extension all vampires in this world, since the vampires are all synthetized within this one specific family) were Jewish. There were literaly posts saying "UwU so cool to see Jewish representation like that".
And... I was quite baffled by this all.
Mind you - I do KNOW that this was not meant to be antisemitic. The makers of the movie clearly were just referencing how Dracula was played by Adam Sandler, and the Internet fans were truly just innocently cheering on a Jewish character... Here's the thing though: knowing how trigger-happy American social media were, knowing how prone to mobs Twitter and the like was, knowing how the cancel-culture was building itself up in power, I said to myself "Oh, damn, it is going to burst and this poor movie is going to get beaten upon just because it made a clumsy mistake of poor taste"...
However nothing happened. Nothing. Because the American audience didn't get the problem - because they were completely unaware of the problem. And yet I, a young random French guy who isn't even Jewish, knew what the problem was without even looking too much into it. Why? I come to realize now that it is because the USA is wildly unaware and unprepared when it comes to antisemitism. Europe had to directly face the Nazis, lived through centuries of systematic antisemitism (the 19th century was especially fertile in this domain), we had to undergo tons of antisemitic propaganda. But the USA? They were much less touched by this. They were confronted by it in such a lesser degree that the random American person is less aware of the antisemitic tropes and stereotypes than a random European person.
If you want a proof: just look at how Americans went crazy when they discovered the blood libel myth a few years ago. That's old news for us in Europe - but when the Americans "rediscovered" it, it went viral and everybody talked about it, and everybody was suddenly seeing it everywhere, even in places where it wasn't... It was a true "trend", because it was somehow new to them. As such it truly is no wonder when you look at the big waves of antisemitism today in the USA - it truly isn't actual malevolence, but it seems to be... just the evils of plain non-education and lack of information. They're not aware of what antisemitism is about, and so they unconsciously play fully into it... I don't know, that's my two-cent sociologist bullshit here.
Ah yes, why is it problematic to depict the only vampire family of your monster world as Jewish? Simple. Vampires have been used as an antisemitic insults and caricatures for centuries now. In fact, it is one of the big problems the figure of the vampire had to face when being adapted and reinvented in modern days: try to avoid the tropes and elements that antisemites reused to turn the vampire into a "symbol" for the Jews. The parastic, money-and-life (blood) stealing Jew, that looks human but isn't truly human, that secretely manipulates the world from the shadows and who - oh yes, is repelled by Christian symbols! Vampires kept appearing on the covers of antisemitic newspapers throughout the 19th century - the big century of the vampire boom in literature. The Nazis also gleefully reused the vampire as a symbol for their propaganda.
This was why I was a bit uncomfortable seeing everybody celebrate in such a way "Oh yeah, Dracula is Jewish, yipee!". I was there just wondering "Do... do they realize it can be taken in a very bad way? You know, like how depicting a cannibal as a Black man of African descent can be inherently racist? Do they... do they know it?" Turn out, they didn't
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
Isn't it implied that Armand was sexually abused even before Marius when he was basically a child sex trafficking victim? Kind of don't even want RJ to touch that backstory at all at this point tbh
Oh yes, I would say it's not even "implied" as much as very clearly part of his backstory. He's kidnapped and trafficked and winds up with Marius because Marius purchases him.
I will say when I talked about this yesterday I said "Especially because Armand's experience of it doesn't fit neatly into RJ's whole 'rape makes you tougher' trope since Armand doesn't ask the reader to think of it as rape." which!!!!!! I will fine tune here and say I meant his experiences with Marius are the rape he doesn't try to sell us as rape. Please don't get me started on TVA meta and Armand's reliability as a narrator since we are in AMC land today on this post. He's clear about what happens to him when he's trafficked, and when Marius first "rescues" him he's so traumatized that he's nonverbal.
So it absolutely does not make him tougher; it makes him traumatized and vulnerable. I think even his respite of living with Marius is undone when he gets to the cult and re-embraces his fervent religious beliefs. It makes me wonder if he's overcorrecting and seeing his time with Marius as sin. He doesn't recover from this for like 300 years!
But that kinda leans into like a lot of the casual readers' ambiguity about who & what Marius is, also about Anne's intentions writing it/the branding contamination of her erotica career. I would even argue that a lot of casual readers don't even make it this far into the series, anyway. This is probably the most divisive book in the series because some people read it as fun vampire erotica that's just packed to the rafters with sexy & extremely common kink tropes, other people go WAIT WHAT THE FUCK? lol.
I'm not completely buying that the team on this show actually read the whole series, or at least not as deeply as fandom nerds have 😂, and like I think everyone has to remember that Tumblr & fandoming are echochambers and people outside in the regular world tend not to be this sensitive to these topics. Especially when it comes to topics that are more familiar in queer spaces. So it wouldn't surprise me if the Venice era was read uncritically. I almost wanna say maybe even read as Anne intended but what the fuck has this show told us about what Anne intended? LOL.
But there's a lot of ambiguity in TVA with Marius's intentions again don't let me waste Marius meta on an AMC post and the thing people often romanticize about him is that he rescued Armand. And like I just wonder if the show, seeing how they're handling Claudia, would lean into the like Ricean precocious child trope and try to play it off that Armand is asking for it or enjoying it.
And much like the way they're portraying Lestat, I think it's worth noting that Marius's actons often come from grounded places, and the harm he does is not always intentional. Personally I don't think the show has framed Lestat as particularly sympathetic, although they've given us some clues about why he's like this. I think fandom is really extrapolating on that stuff and woobifying him LOL so just. WHEW WOULD THEY DO THAT TO MARIUS? HAHA. fucken yiiikes.
I am *eating popcorn gif* waiting to see if the completely rampant Lestat apologism will extend to Marius bc it's hilarious to me that he has been demonized by fandom along with his fans but yet Domestic Abuser Lestat is just sad about his ex uwu louis is so mean 2 him
So anyway yeah idk man. I'm not thrilled with what the show is saying about teenagers and sexual assault so I definitely have some concerns about Armand. But I also feel like it would be such a cop out to age him up, because him being turned at 17 and looking like that is so important to his character. All of this stuff is important to his character. Like idk I don't want them to shy away from these topics but I just hope like, if there's meaningful feedback from Season 1 maybe they write it more sensitively and with more nuance going forward.
I hate to say it but we can only hope that the show continues on its path of making it the fuck up and maybe none of this will make it to the screen anyway. hopes & prayers. please leave my son out of this adshjgkadg
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straycalamities · 1 year
if you ever decide to start doing anything with it again... i am forever a spook supporter. if spook has a million fans i am one of them. if it has one fan that is me. but!! silly questions, like i said, just because i crave knowledge of my favorite little guy (gnc). are its interests still the same as they were when you had the blog up and running? what would it be doing nowadays now that its probably all growed up? what was it like as a dnd character? (race, class, etc) im running out of space
wow omg 🥺 that’s rly touching omg
let me think bc honestly i’ve dumped almost all the blog version of spook knowledge out of my head at this point
its interests are: poetry/lyrics, weird art, glitter, pastel and cutesy things, but also rly dark and meaningful things, fighting for what’s right in society and dismantling the wrongs in the system, umm what else…i think honestly almost everything you’d have found on its reblog blog from back then is still relevant tbh
it still likes to write and do its own weird art. still likes to do crafty things. its still v dedicated to micah and micah’s interests. still plays guitar. still cares deeply abt there being love in the world and really vibes with anything that’s like…rly emotional love from the heart. still likes memes. still obsessed with sweets.
yeah id say interests is an area i didn’t actually tweak it too much. maybe just changed the reasoning and/or framing of the interests but that’s hard to explain
and well, spook kinda exists as a personality that i can plug-n-play into Situations now. i don’t really have a set storyline in my head for it or anything it’s just like…talking scenarios w ppl or joining rp groups and then coming up w stuff then
generally i keep it around its low or mid 20s tho and it uh..idk it rly depends on the scenario or universe its in for what it does as an adult :l sometimes it still works the music shop and still tries to run w a band, other times it’ll be like idk whatever weird thing(in weehawken for example it was the groundskeeper for the forbidden island campers aren’t allowed to go on. it just upkept the place and everyone who happened to see it thought it was a serial killer or smth but meanwhile it’s just some dude tending to the overgrowth and hanging out in a lil cabin spending time w its little interests and never bothering nobody)
overall tho i’d say that the main thing is that spook chills out. a lot. as an adult. i mean even when i’m thinking abt it as a teen these days it’s probably nowhere near as dramatic or…uh well. all the other off-the-wall stuff it did on the blog (screams and grasps my head like scp-096), but it was still a very traumatized and mentally ill and confused teenager raging at the world but mellows out a ton as an adult (except for universes where it’s straight up an angel uwu those are dif uwu)
in dnd i’ve played a couple of games (or planned a couple of games i think i’ve actively only played it in one one time) and it’s been a revenant and a werewolf, but now i typically keep it as (scourge) aasimar bc it’s perfect uwu. it’s almost Always an assassin rogue tho that just fits its fighting style the best
i remember the one game i played its storyline was abt revenge (related to why it was a revenant) but in my game i was dming where it was an npc (which is what that most recent dnd design is for) it’s kinda like a general wrong-righter. a like…divine vigilante i guess
thank u for the questions!!
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katyspersonal · 10 months
Brador and Laurence 😏
Ship It
What made you ship it: I think the ship sailed because of a dream I had about it, actually! I've discovered the 'Brador killed Laurence' theory and that same night I had a dream about Brador being very distressed about missing Laurence and asking the Hunter to halt, touching their hair because they were "just like his", then talking to them as if they were Laurence and crying... @val-of-the-north was there when I told him, that solidfied our mental image of Brador as being hella depressed... and the ship. It is to the point we keep forgetting that Brador being in love isn't canon т.т xD
What are your favorite things about the ship: I really love how... 'sensual' it is? Brador feels very deeply for Laurence, with all the very unambigious gestures like gifting flowers, bringing him tea (blood??) in the bed, carrying him bridal style over obstacles etc. He doesn't have a problem simping for "holy" figure yet at the same time respects Laurence and stands with his cancelled Vicar accepts his judgement and crazy plans. He adores him but not in the 'nooo I don't deserve him :(' way. Laurence, on the other hand, is a very kissy and cuddly person himself with those he trusts ./////. Here ( x ) is actually a post with some of my cute headcanons on this ship. But me and Val also appreciate the comedy potential of Laurence not realising that Brador loves him and thinking all this gay shit they do is just 'normal friends thing' xD
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship: ...how many times I had to use the phrase "no popularity = no unpopular opinion" yet? 🤔 snhjfhfdsfd I think the closest to it would be that there needs to be more 'genuine' stuff for this ship and not just 'Brador simply confused his reverence for love because Laurence is such an evil manipulator uwu' ...I mean Laurence sure is, but Brador of all people would not fall for that, he knows what he is getting to! He is an awful man that knows how other awful men work.... Let 👏 vicar 👏 and 👏 assassin 👏 be 👏 gay! 👏
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Also thank you for an ask!! ..actually two other people asked this too, I like how predictable I am :')
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🥺🌞🎶 for the writer ask!! (maybe 🧠 for raleigh beckett or the jarchavist 👁👁)
hey thank you!!! :D
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
mmm I'm always a huge sucker for some kind of casual display of trust, especially from a distrusting character. Any time I show that Jon is okay with touch from his teammates in KMC I get very 🥺👉👈 in my gomens and pacrim stuff too, little details like recalling infodumps or matching/supporting a habit that just show the characters Know and Trust each other makes me UWU
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
almost all of my fics have been written like. exclusively while im falling asleep lmfao it's not a good system
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I am DEEPLY allergic to listening to music while I write, the closest I can ever ever get is with instrumental stuff and even that is often distracting so gbdjdjdj my fic playlists are exclusively for driving around and going Insane about writing ideas to tackle once i get home
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. Raleigh Becket and/or Jarchivist
Oooh good picks!! Hmmm I don't have too many hcs for Raleigh, but I Definitely think that man is bisexual. look at how much respect women juice he chugs. look at his sweaters. smooches his head
as for Jarchivist, that archivist is ABSOLUTELY amab transfem. I have written multiple fics on this and it is my dearest hc for him. Also a less fun one: he hates when it rains because his Buried mark threatens to close up his airways when it does.
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rusty25 · 2 years
I got a book from my best friend for my birthday.
The book she chose for me was Stephen Fry's retelling of ancient Greek mythology (Heroes). She chose it specifically because of how enthusiastic I was over rediscovering my love for this topic, and also because it's Stephen Fry, so a good time is guaranteed.
I opened up the book and read the dedication:
"To all the heroes we have never heard of.
Perhaps you are one too."
I cannot put into words how deeply these two lines touched me (but I'll try).
I have had a hard time thinking of myself as the good guy. Despite all my strife, I rarely felt I was good enough, and I could certainly not believe that I could ever be a role model for anyone, let alone a hero. I have thought that I would struggle, toil and work relentlessly to essentially control the damage that I raise in my wake.
My therapist told me to be proud of myself once and I cried and told her I can't do that. I don't know if I ever can. My past mistakes seem to outweigh all the good I have ever done.
I'm luckier than most as I have at least a general sense of direction in my life. But as Oscar Wilde said, then it will be my punishment that I will be confined to what I hope to become in my career. And ironically, or perhaps consequentially, the profession I chose is all about helping others (i.e., helping others understand and get understood). I would do damage control. I would mitigate the negative energy I have released into the world by being dumb, naive, angry and sad.
I don't think of myself as a hero. Nor a villain, for that matter, or an anti-hero. I'm a second or third supporting character of the main protagonist, or a ridiculously detailed background character. My deeds aren't heroic.
But what about my story? That perhaps one day will get told. That perhaps can serve as an example. A good one or a bad one, time will decide. And every story has a hero. Regardless of deeds. The main character is called a hero, that's another term for it.
"To all the heroes we have never heard of.
Perhaps you are one too."
I don't think my best friend read the dedication when she got me this book. But god am I thankful that she chose it.
It is also the first birthday gift I got (aside from family) in a long time, that wasn't edible haha.
So my heart goes out to her now: If you're reading this, I hope you realize how much I love you. Words cannot express my gratitude to you (so I'll try my best to even the score with your gift lol). You're my safety, my comfort and my respite. Take care so that I can annoy you as long as possible. uwu
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astarab1aze · 6 months
👀 + I want you to tie me up and have me completely at your mercy. I want you to dig your fingers into my hips as you fuck me hard and fast. I want you to whisper all the foul things you want to do to me as you pump me full of your cum. I want to be covered in your marks, your scent, you. I want you to ingrain yourself so deeply I can’t ever escape. I want you to throw my legs over your shoulders and force load after load inside of me. I want you to fill my pussy and ass with your cocks and tell me how pretty I am as I take you. I want to see stars as I cum on your dicks, fingers, and tongue. I want to forget my name and all the bad things in the world, and when you’ve finally gotten your fill of me I want to fall asleep in your arms: the place I now call home. / for loux uwu
send me your filth
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"Feelin' frisky on shif', princesa?" Oh, yes, quite - he knew who this was. "Don' worry, baby, th' second I walk in th' door, I'ma lay ya 'cross th' bar, and devour tha' pussy, getcha all nice and spread open fer me with my fingers, an' make ya cum all over 'em, all over my face. I'ma taste you, clean ya up, pry open 'em gummy walls-- I'ma eat yer ass too... Oh, fuck, am I finna eat that ass. An' then I'ma give ya exactly whatchu want. I'ma make sure your body remembers my shape instinctively, make it so tha' I fit right inside you perfectly - make it so th' second I touch ya, yer fuckin' wet an' weak in th' knees fer me, so that all ya can think about is th' moment I stuff my cocks inside you an' I bully my way in, fuck ya till ya cum again and again. I wanna stuff you, cum inside you, fill ya till ya jus can't fuckin' take anymore an' it starts gushin' outta ya. I wanna fuck my cum into tha' pussy, fuck it in deep. Baby, I wanna breed ya, foldja over th' bartop an' make ya look at me, hold eye contact, while play with yer clit, overstimulate ya, pump my cocks into ya-- I want ya to feel my piercin's when I push in an' pull out. I wanna tease yer clit wit 'em. I want ya to see only me, think of me, feel me, and only me till errythang in yer life is jus a filthy fuckin' fever dream. An' when all's said an' done, I wanna lay wit ya, my cocks still warm and snug inside ya - yanno, t' keep all 'at cum from leakin' out - an' I wanna make ya laugh, make ya smile, make ya feel like there ain't nothin' ya gotta worry about. Like ya always got somethin', someone, someplace t' come home to."
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avid-adoxography · 1 year
😍: Name your three favorite things about your f/o, 😘: What’s your f/o’s favorite thing about YOU?, 💚: Who gets jealous?, 💗: How do you two like to cuddle? for you and Sturm!! :D
😍: Name your three favorite things about your f/o
Oh man, where do I even begin dfxghfjgk Uhm... ok so.
He's such a good listener omg. I feel like I can talk to him about everything and anything, and he's always eager to lend an ear, no matter the topic of conversation.
He’s SO affectionate!!! He has a lot of love to give and the way he shows it makes me feel important, and special and loved every second I’m with him <3ccc
His tummy. Yeah, no I can't just leave out the best stress toy ever sdfghjkjjh
😘: What’s your f/o’s favorite thing about YOU?
His engine hums for a long time, then it revvs up with a sort of staccato, muffled roar. Then it backfires with a gentle but sudden pop as it goes back to droning, fans whirring quietly somewhere deep in the machine.*
* translation: It’s hard to pick just one thing, but the way she deeply understands and accepts me is really high on the list. That kind of love has been very transformative. In a, uhh, metaphorical AND literal kind of way.
💚: Who gets jealous?
Sturm can be quite protective, sort of borderline possessive, as in he doesn't like seeing other Soldaten get too close to me (read: within a 2 mt./6.5 ft. range). He’ll try to push another them away so he can get my attention, especially if he's feeling particularly clingy. Not only that, he also tries to force himself in between me and them, even during my routine check-ups, and he may even attack them if he senses the slightest hint of defiance.
This used to happen a lot, mostly at the beginning of our relationship, because he was afraid of losing my affection. It took me waaay more time than I'd like to admit to make him understand there’s no real threat, and that he doesn't need to stay on high alert every time someone approaches me. He still headbutts them from time to time though, just as a reminder uwu
💗: How do you two like to cuddle?
Oh we do be spooning 24/7 and yes, I am the big spoon here. Well,.. most of the time. A bitch needs to be smothered by their mechanical teddy bear every once in a while, aight?? Speaking of: sometimes Sturm'll just. Crawl in bed and lay on top of me, turning me into a literal pancake and refusing to get up until he's satisfied with the hug. Or until I retaliate with unfair cheating methods >:3c
When it gets too hot though, we just tangle our legs together. Or go butt to butt. Basically any position is good as long as we're touching, even if it was just having our pinkies intertwined sdfgjhg
Basic ass selfship ask game
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strigital · 3 years
Do tell about Nim, I couldn’t find much info about her through your blog and I am dying to know more about this werewolf lady
well grab a pint and sit yo booty down, cause our bard of the evening tonight is Nim and she's drunk as all hell and ready to weave some outrageous stories!! 🍻
in all seriousness, thank you for asking! 😭💗 she came about back in ye oldie days of hype over the 11th of november 2011, and since then refuses to give up the title of my fav oc!!
now, a Paarthurnax would say: lets-a go!
a quick recap of the events in Skyrim:
Naali Saryn was born sometime in 4E 130 on mainland Morrowind as a result of a quick fling between an unknown Dunmer girl and Lucien Lachance and Kassandra Saryn's (The Hero of Kvatch's) son.
Sometime in that year, the baby was found aboard a ship bound for Raven Rock and when no one came forth to claim her a couple of elderly and childless ash yam farmers decided to take her in until her family was found.
The family, of course, was never found, and so they raised her as their own for the next sixteen years. They called the girl Nim - short, sweet, meaningless, and easy to shout out into the fields where the little brat is out adventuring when the house chores are yet to be done.
Nim grew up alongside her best friend Teldryn (don't believe his tales about his past, there's a reason why he wears a helmet in his hometown). For years the kids dreamt of leaving Raven Rock behind and making it big in the big city. And idea which really annoyed Nim's ol' Nana, who believed that everything needed for a simple happy life was right here on Solstheim.
After one particularly nasty fight with Nana about the ordeal, Nim gathered a bag of things and slipped out in the dead of night to catch an early morning ship with Teldryn.
They stuck together for a while then went on their separate merry ways. He - to Blacklight, she - to Leyawiin. Once in the wild, Nim had to quickly figure out her place in the pecking order. The romantic life of crime seemed to be the most attractive for her, but getting on top could never be easy. Especially for a young, inexperienced, and naive girlie. So she ended up running with the wrong kind of crew. Ended up in some truly dark places. Barely got out alive. Learned from her mistakes. Wore the scars of abuse like armor and made sure that since that day no one in this world or any other would play her for a fool, use her or put a finger on her without her permission.
By the time she turned fifty, Nim was well known amongst certain circles as the kind of scoundrel, thief, bard, and wench one should not trifle with. But her luck had to eventually run out, and so it did on the night of the fabled Umbacano Mansion heist, which failed so badly Nim had to either leave Cyrodiil or end up in a Thalmor owned torture chamber.
Skyrim seemed like a perfect place. After all, in a kingdom torn apart by the civil war, no one would even notice yet another greyskin refugee, right? Well, the Thalmor did. And so she ended up on a cart bound for Helgen to have a date with an executioner. But then Alduin showed up to crash the party before he himself got rudely interrupted by another dragon, who swooped in to save the Last Dragonborn.
After the narrow escape, Nim concluded her duty to warn Balgruuf of the dragon threat and went on to start a new career as a merc with the Companions. She and Aela became fast friends and when the prospect of joining the Circle came up she gladly accepted a sip of her new sister's blood. To never again be helpless and weak? To rip apart any fool who'd take her for just another elf wench who can't put up a fight? Well of course it was worth giving up the ability to sleep and having to get used to all smells suddenly becoming ten times worse!
After that Mirmulnir showed up and ended up as another ornament above the throne in the Dragonsreach. And Nim got stuck with a title which she would wear with great discontent for years to come.
Eventually, she ceased trying to run away and hide from her destiny, accepted her role as the Last Dragonborn, and begrudgingly began her quest to save the world. On her journey, she met and became tight friends with Yollokmir and Alasil who taught her how to speak, fight and fly like a dragon. With their help she inherited Konahrik's legacy: his mask embued with his soul, his citadel far up in the mountains - the NebenLok Zeikangaar - and the right to revive and lead the order of dragon riders sworn to defeat Alduin - DovahDein.
As she gained power and the word of her great many deeds spread across Skyrim, she managed to get quite the following of fellow men, mer, and Dov, willing to follow her into Sovngarde and beat the hell out of Alduin. Alas, she failed. Twice.
At that point, Alasil informed her of a special someone who might be of help in their quest against Alduin and who might prove difficult to convince to join her cause. That was the first time in fifty years that Nim got to visit her home. Unfortunately, Solstheim had changed. And upon arrival, she learned that her Pa passed onto the realm of Azura soon after her departure, and her Nana... well, she wasn't young anymore and suffered greatly due to all the ash ruining her lungs... and when the islanders got called to the All-Maker stones night after night by a mysterious spell, she just worked herself to death. That was the only thing Nim wouldn't forgive Miraak for, not until he swallowed his pride and sincerely apologized for being responsible for his potential mother-in-law's death.
And with Miraak's help, they finally sent Alduin back to his Maker, enjoyed a few peaceful years until High King Ulfric became a bit drunk on his power and needed a good ass whooping as well. Then Miraak suddenly found himself as the new king and Nim... she just did her own thing. As always. The end?
Oh and all the while running about, gathering forces, growing her Dragonborn powers, hunting Dragon Priests and Alduin's henchmen, she also meddled with the Thieves Guild, put Karliah in charge and became her right hand, managed to become an advisor on all things dragon at the Mage's College, ended up teaching lute and songwriting at the Bard's College (she's taking a break since Viarmo can't seem to handle her teaching tactics), earned the title of Thane in every hold and became a good friend to the Dawnguard fellas (Isran is more than happy to teach her kids the ropes of monster hunting) after kicking Harkon's ass into Oblivion. In what little free time she has Nim also manages the Lakeview Manor and leases the ash yam farm back in Raven Rock for some extra cash. All in all, a busy woman!
and some tidbits about the dovahmom:
Although Nim is perfectly aware of her real name, she chooses to use the one given to her by Nana. Both as a sign of respect and because, frankly, she dislikes both the Sarynes and the Lachances, who are, in her humble opinion, just a bunch of pricks. Somehow, the ghost of her murdered grandad finds this opinion of hers kinda funny.
Her friends sometimes describe her as "cyrodiilic brandy in a cup of tea": she's this small elf girl with pretty blue eyes and a smile on her face and you think that she'll be very pleasant and cute and shy and then... then you realize she drinks like a sailor, swears like one too, can beat anyone into the dirt (thanks, Hircine) and doesn't take shit from nobody. She openly speaks her mind and doesn't give a shit about what someone might think of her. She does what she considers the right thing to do, never plays nice with those she dislikes, never pretends to be someone she isn't. She's feisty, sassy, brassy, and, quite honestly, just doesn't give a fuck.
Nim is in almost complete control over her inner beast, partly thanks to her draconic blood, partly - to the ring she got when she and Sinding had that little party on a moonlit night in that grotto. She only loses control over herself when both moons are full and thusly will travel deep into the wilds a few days before the magical night. This way the only people that might get hurt are bandits, necromancers, hags, and the like. She and Aela also managed to get a small werewolf pack going, named the Whitemane Pack after the old man himself and dedicated to those who wish to take control over their inner beast, hunt with honor, and cause the Silver Hand as much grief as possible.
Nim is raising Blaise and Sofie as her own since they both were just wee lil' war orphans (the babes are in their teens now). She never quite really knew why... Nim was never a wifey nor a baby momma kind of woman. In fact, she can't even have children in the first place and, honestly, always thought of this as a blessing - never having to worry about contraception like all those other girls and just having fun without a care in the world! Her friends sometimes joke around, saying that she might've finally "ripened" for the motherhood, but she doesn't care. She loves Blaise, Sofie, and Sissel (thanks, Miraak, you're so good at kidnapping children!) and is content with being their famous Dragonborn mom. Post-Alduin Miraak, however, is secretly annoyed for not being able to get her pregnant. Oh well, the man can dream...
Oh yeah! Nim plays the lute and sings too! It's a skill she picked up across taverns all over the continent when she realized that bards get free drinks and a bed, as well as ample opportunity to sniff out and seduce prey. And even though her days of hunting for good-looking rich fools are long behind her, she still performs in inns and taverns across Skyrim. Firstly, it brings in a fair amount of money, and secondly, it's good for her Voice! And also just plain and simple fun.
Also, people get terribly surprised when she, a Dunmer, doesn't act like one at all! Nim might've grown up in Raven Rock, a Dunmer settlement, but she spent the rest of her life traveling the continent and then living in Skyrim. She's more Nord-ish than some Nords! And the Nords actually really love it! It's so so easy to just get plastered with the homegirl, punch some faces and pass out on a heap of hay behind the inn, just happy to be alive on this fine snowy day. The only truly Dunmer thing about her is the occasional "n'wah!" which escapes her potty mouth. I mean, she doesn't even like sujamma all that much and would rather have a pint of mead! Whatever Ancestors she has must be spinning in their graves fast enough to generate electricity.
uuuhhh I think that's all the important stuff? i might've forgotten, in which case, I'll add it later... meanwhile, have some more Nim content:
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^^^ the fanfic is slow, but it's moving... at a snail's pace. my advice: don't expect updates, so that when they do come, you'll be pleasantly surprised!
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Hey there Ava! Let’s try this Dialover’s matchup thing again, shall we? ‘’^v^’’
(TW: NSFW innuendo, & SH & Mental health issues are mentioned, please be cautious <3)
I’m Sage~! They/she, 5’2, 160 pounds.
I got some chub, thicc (Yes, w/ 2 C’s~) butt & breasts. I’m sometimes insecure about my body, especially scars on my legs, thighs, wrists, elbows, & knees. Some are SH scars, others are bug bite scars, accidents, ect.
I WAS A WILD CHILD, & I still am, ehehehe ;) I get into trouble a lot, but I try to behave and respect authority!.. I just don't get caught.
I’m a very sweet, empathic, psychic person. I care deeply about other people, how they feel, how they’re doing, what they need. I’m a very emotional volatile person. I have a very weird sense of self sometimes. I enjoy being outside in all types of weather.
I LOVE crystals, stuffies, reading Paranormal Romance Fantasy novels, writing & reading fanfiction, singing, dancing, swimming OMG I LOVE THE BEACH, & wearing dark, comfortable clothing.
I am VERY eco friendly, I help out at school to collect uneaten food so It won't go to waste.  I also use a menstrual cup, a shampoo/conditioner bar, + reusable water bottles. I try not to eat Palm Oil, due to the fact the way it’s harvested is horribly harmful to tropical ecosystems.
I need a lot of attention & I am a very needy person. I do have severe mental health issues, so I need someone who won't mind me struggling, and will be patient with me. I love snuggling up with a partner, being lovey dovey in public, & taking cute photos & videos with my S.O. I need someone dominant because I enjoy the feeling of being good for someone else and being rewarded :) and uh… cough cough… other stuff, wink wonk ;)
I love kisses kisses kisses kisses, k i s s e s~
Thank you Ava, I love you UwU Keep up the good work!
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“Mwah... Heh, what? Can’t handle my kisses, anymore? That’s too bad; there’s more coming. Mwah, mwah, mwah...~ Heh, don’t think I’m going to let you catch your breath so easily.”
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  ❈  He’s LIVING for your thicc-ness. He always tends to get a little too handsy, too, so you’re whole body is getting squished by him.
  ❈  He is a little more mindful of touching areas you might be sensitive of, though, like where you scars are. But at the same time, he also likes to use any sensitivity to his advantage when he’s feeling it.
  ❈  5′2? Not a worry at all, he loves the height difference. It gives him more of an excuse to be cuddling and spooning you.
  ❈  He honestly enjoys sitting back and watching you cause trouble for yourself. He doesn’t get involved, though, since he deems it “troublesome”, duh. But~! That doesn’t mean he isn’t going to egg you on when he IS entertained. He’ll also not be afraid to punish you himself~
  ❈  Your sweetness and caring nature is something Shuu sincerely appreciates. He doesn’t have all that much experience with people genuinely looking out for him, so he’s a little taken back when you showcase just how much you do care for him, at the end of the day.
  ❈  He also sincerely appreciates your emotionally volatile self, though, but not in an entirely wholesome sort of way. He appreciates being able to keep you on ease, teasing you how he’d like, knowing he’ll get an intense reaction out of you if he plays his cards right. Typical sadistic vamp.
  ❈  Shuu likes how environmentally conscious you are, honestly. Sure he might tease that you’re being bothersome, but he finds it fascinating that you genuinely care so much about the world you live in. It’s wholesome!
  ❈  Needy? Don’t worry! Shuu’s love language is definitely physical affection; you’re getting way more than you probably bargain for with kisses, cuddles and plenty of private time~! He isn’t afraid to showoff in public, either.
  ❈  He is patient, really! He’s got his own things to work through so he isn’t going to be snapping at you about your mental healths issues and brand himself a hypocrite. He is dominant though~! So, he will be sure to guide you around (as long as you occasionally return the favour~).
Your Interests:
  ❈  Kisses~? Shuu will give you HEAPS until you can’t breathe sometimes; He loves watching you struggle, seeing how much you really like kisses.
  ❈  You’re into novels and writing? That’s it, you’re reading Shuu to sleep now, no ifs or buts (plus singing to him too uwu). Bonus points if you write something about the two of you, and then recite it for him~ Bonus, bonus points if it’s smut.
  ❈  He’s not too sporty, but hey, he’s cool with just sleeping by the beachside or poolside whilst you swim, or dance and the like.
Other Possible Matches: Azusa Mukami, Kanato Sakamaki.
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