#i am going to either fix this post or delete this account
avaetin · 2 months
Percy Jackson Keychain Giveaway - AKM Edition
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Hi! As per the title, I am going to giveaway PJO keychains - AKM Edition (which is the AU I created). I'm sharing it now because I want it to reach as many interested parties as possible. I will keep this pinned on my account as well. There will be a total of 15 designs (9 solo and 6 pairs), 5 keychains each, for a total of 75 keychains (total 75 winners). Below is a list of all the characters/pairs:
Hazel *
Reyna *
Erebus *
Ananke *
Nico & Aeon
Nico & Alabaster
Nico & Hazel *
Nico & Reyna *
Nico & Percy
Nico & Jason
* Remaining designs to be posted in the future, closer to the date.
A special and many thanks to @nyankocatnyan for all the awesome designs so far! Please check them out if you want to commission from them!
Why are you doing a giveaway? I always wanted PJO keychains, but there is a MOQ when you want this stuff made. I have no intention of selling/profiting, hence this giveaway. Also, I suppose, it's just sharing some positivity to everyone else.
How do I qualify? 1) Not a bot, 2) PJO fan, and 3) Tumblr account (for contact). You don't even need to be following me or be my mutual.
How do I enter? You need to fill up one of the forms (either solo chibi form or pair chibi form) that will be made available on August 27, 2024, 11pm SGT. Here is the timing for other zones:
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The forms will be active from August 27 - September 3. It will be closed on September 3, 3024 at 11pm SGT. You don't need to rush to fill up the forms. This is NOT "First come, first serve." Please read the forms carefully, and make sure you submit the correct details.
You can only fill up one form (chibi form or pair form). Make sure you fill up the correct one as I will only consider your 1st submission (unless the one you really want has low demand, then I will consider).
4. How will I know if I won? I will post the results here on Tumblr on September 8, 2024, at 11pm SGT and tag said winners. From September 8 - 15, I will be sending the winners a link to a new google form for them to fill up for the delivery details of the keychain they won. (Please make sure I can message your inbox/messages.)
5. What if I won but don't respond to your message? You're essentially giving up your keychain to another person. The above period is fixed. One week is enough time to respond.
6. Do I have to pay for anything? Unless you are opting for fast delivery and/or tracked delivery, then no. I'm covering the shipping costs.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm not liable if package is lost if 1) You give wrong address after I confirm it with you. 2) Other reasons outside of my control. If the package gets returned to me, I will attempt to send it a second time. But if it still gets returned a 3rd time, I will give it to someone else.
7. When will it reach me? Kindly refer to the "Ordinary Mail- Air". Please note, however, that this is just an estimate. It will ultimately depend on your country's postal services.
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8. I'm iffy about giving out my name and address. How can I trust you? I have to give my name and address for the return address in case the keychain doesn't get delivered. That's my trust to 75 of you. It's up to you if you wish to trust me back. I can only say that I will delete the forms once all the keychains are sent out, since there is no further use for them.
9. Will you have another batch of these keychains in the future? Nope. This is the one and only time. Which is why if you want one, I encourage you to participate.
10. What do you want in return? I want to joke something about firstborn here, but I guess it might not be appropriate LOL! Umm, nothing significant. All I want, and this is optional, is when you do receive, to share with me - or with everyone else via post - that you received the keychain. That's it.
BONUS: I'm pretty sure there was a post about a Luke keychain... 👀
That will be a separate post lol! Maybe around September/October. I'm still working out if I just want Luke and Ethan, or if I want one with Luke, Ethan and Alabaster. Something like that.
Giveaway Timeline:
August 6, 2024: Posting about the giveaway
August 27, 2024: Official post with the google forms for interested individuals to fill up
September 3, 2024: Forms will be closed
September 4-7, 2024: Checking of accounts
September 8, 2024: Eligible participants' account names will be placed on the "Wheel of Names" to get the names of the lucky winners. Results to be posted as well
September 8-15, 2024: Contact winning accounts to confirm delivery details
mid-September - November 2024: Sending out of the keychains*
* Delivery might be split into two parts. It depends on the keychain production and, er, budget.
The forms will have terms & conditions (most already stated here), and hence would answer most questions you will probably have. But, if you have questions you wish to address now, feel free to send an ask. (Please don't spam my messages, thank you.)
P.S. Please be kind to anyone you're interacting with in this post.
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gloombeauty · 5 months
Read your two reviews of Lana's Coachella show, you are not the only one who thinks thinks Lana's voice is gone. There are brave souls who will express a negative opinion on Lana's own Instagram page. These two did it today. I'm sure they were bullied and attacked after writing that. Lana is a terrible performer. I always said it but at least she use to be able to sing. I think they must be fixing her voice in the studio for her last few albums. She doesn't sound like she use to anymore.
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I tried looking for these comments on Lana's Honeymoon account but I don't see it. Either Lana deleted it or they deleted the comments themselves after being bullied/death threatened by a million psychotic Lana stans.
The Lana fan community is a dumpter fire. Between 200 million "mother is mothering" comments, there's 100 million of "she ate" in between them. That is the full vocabulary you'll find in Lana's comments. How refreshing is it when there's a fan who actually has something to say that isn't "mother".
These two fans who wrote these comments on Lana's IG are brave souls. The majority of Lana stans are like the demonic mutant I was just talking about on my other post. If you are not kissing Lana's ass 100% of the time, 24/7 - you are brutally attacked by these types of online Lana fans. Most times, they threaten your life or the life of your children. If you think that's farfetch, look at the Beyhive and Swifty's. They are known to destroy the lives of people who don't worship their idols. Lana stans are the same.
Lana has never been a performer, that's the thing. She's not an entertainer either. She's a singer. And now...she barely sings. She needs the help of background vocal tracks playing loudly in the background of all her concerts. It's actually sad to watch especially when you can remember how she use to sing.
Look at both nights she played at Coachella. Night one she didn't have the background vocals playing and it was a disaster. The second night she had them loud and clear. She miraculously can "sing" again. It's really no different then lip syncing. It is cheating. But sadly, Lana can't sing as she use to. She probably feels more comfortable having her vocals playing loudly in the background 'just in case'. I imagine it's comforting for her to have it.
In case anyone forgot how Lana use to sing, here is a reminder:
As for vaping - I have been saying it for the last 5 years that Lana's voice was decreasing in richness and volume. That she couldn't sing in low tones anymore. That she was damaging her vocal cords from all that vaping. I was called crazy. Am I fucking crazy now?
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It might have been funny for some fans watching Lana running around different concert stages, looking for her vape pen. I thought she looked pathetic and sad. It showed everyone just how truly addicted she was to vaping.
Then she would post herself vaping on social media too. It was endless. I'm surprised she can still breathe and doesn't need a lung transplant. Some aren't so lucky.
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Once that voice of hers is gone - it's gone. No going back. Not even Tessa Pietro can help her with her spiritual crap.
Again, I been saying this shit for 5 years and her fans would get pissed at me for spewing scientific facts. The amount of people who have died from vaping or needed lungs transplants is insane. Just Google it. It's happened time after time and time after time.
I guess we should be grateful Lana is alive and still literally breathing. I didn't see her vaping or running all over the stage at Coachella looking for her lost vape pen. I was surprised actually. Just as surprised when she lost all that weight. Maybe she quit vaping after losing weight and wants to lead a healthier life?
Anyway, great comments by those two people.
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There's also the fact that these Coachella shows were not her best performances. I reviewed it and said it on my own page. I love that The Guardian spoke up too.
The fact that half the audience was gone on both nights before Lana even finished her shows - really spoke volumes. All you have to do is look at the audience video footage taken from the drones. I screen shot it too:
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There's also this fact:
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The truth is Lana was a weak Headliner. Bless her heart, she tried.
Everyone went for No Doubt and Doja Cat.
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a-x-s-c-e · 5 months
Long time no see :')
I just remembered this account exists and finally logged on for first time in a decade. And possibly to the surprise of no one, I still write fanfiction and it's still SasuHina. Go figure.
Some general updates:
"Differently" - AU, Divorce, Rated M, Cross-Posted on FF and AO3 is updated pretty frequently, maybe too frequently, but I've become kind of obsessed with where it's headed. I just updated today! It's posted on AO3 first but I'm about to upload the newest chapter (9) on FF. Maybe it's because I use AO3 a little more, but the review traction is a lot slower on this. If you happen to like this story or give it a go, feel free to review. :')
"Inevitable Reality" - AU, Rated M, only on FF was last updated September 2023, a whole 8 years later from previous chapter. Don't jump me. :( I'm planning on finishing this story this year, or early next. I re-read it recently (and cringed at my old writing) but somehow didn't hate it as much as I thought I would. I forgot how much I love weirdo Hinata and anxious Sasuke, they're too cute to give up on. I was searching the title of this and found it surprisingly on a few recommendation lists. Thanks to those that read it/still message me about it! I promise to work on it this year. I would offer to re-write and fix, but I am not as motivated to do that. We'll see.
SasuHina Month 2024 - I am considering doing it...we'll see! I want to work on writing in universe - I've been so stuck on AUs because I'm always hesistant to write something incorrect with the series. I'm actually re-reading Naruto (and in deep, nostalgic pain from it) and plan to give Boruto another chance. So, if I participate, I'm hoping to write it entirely in universe as a challenge. Stay tuned!
Finally (and just as a bonus wtf comment)
"You're Welcome" - that one's from 2011 (I was a child when I wrote this) and I will never read it again. I cringe at the thought LOL. I want to delete it but I love reviews and sometimes I read them (even if they're old) for a confidence boost. Idk why some of you read it within the last four years, I know it's not well written and that's just me assuming who I was back then - out of all my other stories, this is simply one I physically cannot re-read without my face scrunching up. Anyway TL;DR I won't delete but I wish I had the guts to. Read my other fics instead LOL
In an effort to avoid spamming the SasuHina Discord, I'll just post chapter updates here. I don't know if I'll post as read-mores whatever linked there, and I haven't really been active on tumblr in forever either, so we'll see. I'll likely prepare a fanfic recommendations post soon but don't be surprised if non-SasuHina fics make the cut - I've expanded the net when I run out of things to read heh.
Thanks for reading!
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astupidgaydog · 4 months
Intro Post (NEW)
I. About me;
Hello !! I’m so glad to be back on Tumblr once again !! Since you probably don’t remember my account I’ll give a short refresher. I used to have the user name “@//Thesilliestperson” and ran a pro-ship safe mood / stimboard account.
I was under a lot of stress at the time and had quite a lot on my mind. I kind of just deleted my account out of no where because I felt like I couldn’t balance doing requests while also doing a bunch of school work. I don’t know why my first thought was to delete it but, hey, that was quite a while ago.
I’m going to try to build my account from the ground up, so be prepared for me to be on here pretty much 24/7 !! ( I still have to go to work so not 24/7 but you get what I mean. ) Thank you all for being so patient even when I deleted my old account out of no where, lots of hugs and kisses !!
For those who don’t know me; I’m Silly / Silliest !! I go by all pronouns except for She / her and I hope you can respect that. I am 17 and strictly anti-harassment in all shapes and forms as I know how it feels to be bullied to your lowest point over stupid things. Even though this is a pro-ship stim / moodboard account, I am currently iffy about dark-ships, I will most likely be posting them in the near future because of other people’s requests though so don’t let that discourage you from sending dark-ship requests !! ( I also ship some myself, it just feels kind of iffy to me. )
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II. Stim / Moodboards;
I allow pretty much anything. You name it, I’ll make it into a stim / moodboard for you. As you can see, I don’t really have many boundaries when it comes to requests. ( The only requests I do not allow are NSFW requests since I am still a minor and am extremely uncomfortable with making those things )
If you want to request something from me please do the following; Add the media source, character(s) you want featured in the board, and if you want to be @‘ed or not in the post. You can optionally add what color palettes you want the board to follow and what ever extra things your heart desires.
I try to be very fast when posting stim / moodboards but please be patient if I don’t do your request(s) immediately, I might have a long list of other requests in front of yours. If after a month or two yours hasn’t been done it either got buried under requests or didn’t go through. If that happened, please re-send the request with a short message that should look something like this; “Hey, I didn’t receive my board yet! It included; ( Insert request. )” I will try my best to do yours as soon as possible when I see that message.
If something’s wrong with your stim / moodboard don’t be afraid to tell me !! You can privately DM me the issue or just talk about it through the request box. I will almost immediately try my best to fix the issue I made with your board before doing any of the other requests. ( I will keep the original board up unless you request me to take it down before posting the fixed version. )
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III. My F/O’s;
This is a list of my F/O’s ( Also known as ‘Fictional Others’ ) that I adore with all my heart. You may request stim / moodboards that include my F/O’s, I don’t mind sharing them with other people / characters at all !!
💚 = Romantic , ❤️ = Platonic , 💛 = Familial
☆ Cracklin (ION) 💚
★ Gelatin (BFB) 💚
☆ Aventurine (HSR) ❤️
★ Leafy (BFB) 💛
☆ Kankri (HS) 💚
★ Mituna (HS) ❤️
☆ Sylveon (PK) 💛
★ Vaporeon (PK) 💚
☆ Moon (FNAF) 💚
★ Sun (FNAF) 💚
☆ Master Frown (Unikitty) ❤️
I love my guys / gals so much !! more may be added in the future, I’ll see what I do.
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IV. The End;
Thank you for reading my long ass intro, I just wanted to redo the one on my old account in the best way possible. I hope this was good enough way to feature everything I do !!
Anyways, I hope to do lots of boards for many different people in the future !! I’ll try my best to make good ( or decent at least) boards. I haven’t made one in a while so this will be the best start to remembering how to make them again !!
Again, thank you for being so patient with me, even through tough times, I greatly appreciate it you have no idea.
Lots of love,
Silly 🎉
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lumiidragon · 1 year
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It’s Pride Month and this year’s Pride Project is a set of YCHs! For this set, I am only taking furies, but they can be night fury, night light, or light fury (I am also willing to do fan fury species, but so long as they don’t stray too much from the fury concept and/or aren’t too complex). There is no limit, so multiple people can buy the same YCH. These YCHs will officially close up on June 24th.
The style these will be in can be found here and here!
Also note that since I am not using a line art base for these, slight differences may occur between different YCHs.
The Singles (#1, #2 & #3) are each $20.
The Couples (#5, #6, & #7) are each $35
I will not start on your commission until payment is fully received. If I have not received payment from you in over a week without being able to contact you, I will assume that you have cancelled your commission and remove you from my waiting list. If you get back to me after this, understand that you will most likely be placed at the bottom of the list. I will not do partial payments for these YCHs. I do not do refunds.
When commissioning me and agreeing to my terms, you hereby verify that you are either over the age of 18 or are paying with the consent of a parent/legal guardian. Anyone caught paying without a parent/guardian's approval or with stolen money will be permanently blacklisted from commissioning me again. You will also forfeit your payment and will get no refund, especially if the commission has been started on or completed. Your commission will also be deleted off of my accounts.
Under no circumstances are you to remove my signature from my artwork, claim the piece as your own creation, or use the artwork for any commercial usage unless either asked or discussed before the commission is started. I also expect credit or linkbacks to my social media/art blogs if the artwork is posted elsewhere. I do ask that commission artwork is not reposted on DeviantART, Tumblr, or Furaffinity, however. Instead, support me by sharing the original post of your artwork since I post my commissions publicly.
I have the right to refuse any commission for any reason.
I do not do refunds once a commission is started. If a situation arises and I cannot complete your commission, I will message you and refund you, but you cannot request a refund otherwise. So please only commission me if you plan to commit to the entirety of the commission payment process.
I will do up to 2 re-do commissions if you are unhappy with the final result of your commission at half the price of the original commission a piece. However, I do expect you to alert me to anything you are wanting to be changed or fixed during the WIP stage as I will be constantly showing and updating you on your commission in order to avoid this. After 2 re-do commissions, I will no longer take re-do's on your commission to avoid being taken advantage of.
I can only take up to three(3) commissions per client at a time! This is simply so I don't get overwhelmed by the workload. If you have more characters you'd like to commission, you're free to after I finish your current commission(s), but remember that you will be put behind anyone else who may be on my list and has already paid for theirs!
The character in the YCH must either be of the LGBTQ+ community or standing in for yourself as a member. Remember that these are Pride YCHs.
INFORMATION FORM (Please send this to me via PM, Discord, or whatever you can privately use. Don’t send the in the replies/comments please.
-Commissioner Name: (Can be your real name or username that you go by.)
-Paypal Address:
  -Best Way To Contact You: (I prefer Discord, Tumblr, and DeviantART, but if something else works better for you, then let me know.)
-Character(s) Name:
  -Character(s) Reference: (MUST BE A VISUAL REFERENCE! I will not accept written or sloppy refs. Reference sheets or multiple colored refs work best!)
-Your Pride Flag: (Tell me what your pride flag is and show me a picture just so I can guarantee that I get it right.)
-Character(s) Expression(s): (The character expressions can be changed. Just let me know what you like and if the default is perfect for you, then just leave this section blank.)
-YCH Number:
  -Other Necessary Info: (The more info or image references you give me to use for the commission, the better I can understand what you exactly want.)
-Agreement To Terms: (When you send me this form, you are agreeing that you have read my terms and conditions, understand them, and agree to them including my no refund policy, what I will and won't do, and how my commission business works. When agreeing, you can simply add 'I agree' or 'I agree to your terms' in this spot.)
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limeinaltime · 10 months
This is in response to the recent drama that arose in the fandom recently. For context, here's the post and the response (had to borrow it from another blog because the poster has me blocked). Please read through all of it for context.
I don't usually do this, but I want to state my case on the matter. Note that I will be addressing both callout posts in this, and my contact with both ProjectAnomaly and the unnamed person who sent the DMs was limited. Putting this under a cut because I have some things to say.
Do I support the things mentioned in this post? No. Never. Not in a million years. But this is something that happened two years ago, and I never wanted to be involved in it to begin with.
For starters, let's cover the people I am in contact with.
River (now going as Lizzy) is a friend of mine and someone I've talked to ever since MD's first episode aired, and I can say for a fact that this conversation of adoption and letting them move in with them has played out. At the time, I felt hopeless and wanted to help as well, but Lizzy doesn't owe me anything. A then-13 year old doesn't owe me anything, especially if it's for something like basic empathy. That mindset is a pretty fucked-up thing to have, especially when someone comes to you for comfort. I don't think Juno's intentions were bad, but their reaction to Lizzy cutting ties was.
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"I was never that close with them anyway" is a very flippant thing to say about someone you seemingly cared for enough to try and offer help.
Waayix and Belle, I didn't get into proper contact with until after this had passed, but I was aware of what was going on through what Juno and the unnamed person told me. Waayix, I had been contacted by a few times due to similar interests. Do I agree with what they did in the past? No, I don't, but I'll get to that later. I also don't think a minor should go poking around in 18+ spaces, either.
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And saying that Waayix was "covering their tracks" when they deleted their own account once all of this started happening recently feels kind of hypocritical. This is a very "what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament" kind of situation"
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Waayix doesn't even say she likes it. She says she stays away from it at the point of those messages being sent. I am not defending past actions, but if someone's trying to fix a mistake, you don't just say "Yeah, they're just doing it to cover their tracks" you don't come out and admit stuff if you're trying to cover your tracks. The account was taken down, it doesn't exist anymore, Waayix expressed that they regretted it and it doesn't need to be a whole thing. There was no need to make this a thing.
I was 19 when this happened, and not active on the server where this took place, so my contact with Juno was pretty limited. I had no idea what was going on, and what I said in the post was based solely on what I knew from what I was told by the people I was messaging. I said what I thought based on what I knew and wanted nothing of it. I won't take it back, but I wish I handled it more maturely. When I learned about what happened, I was shocked and blocked Waayix and Belle for a while. I took everything Juno and the other person mentioned here said as fact, and solely based my reactions around that.
What happened was wrong and I won't take back my initial feelings. I was upset and confused because while I didn't know Belle, Waayix was someone who I had admired for their art a while, having only talked to them on sparse occasions. I blocked them because I wanted nothing to do with something I genuinely had nothing to do with. I blocked the unnamed person to tried to contact me because I didn't respond well to sudden mentions of conflict, something I regret in the present. I wish I had made myself more clear, and I wish I had told them. The reason I cut contact was because I wanted nothing to do with this, and I don't want to be connected to someone who reacts in this manner to conflict.
Time passed. The people owned up to it and I decided to give these people a second chance because I wanted to trust that this was a mistake instead of malice. If they did it again, I would've cut ties and left it behind without a second thought, accident or not. But they didn't. The incidents mentioned here never happened again. The choice I made was a conscious one, and one I made long after the incident itself died down.
You can form your own opinions on what this makes me in your eyes, but I want to put how I feel out here before everyone takes what I said in the post as the only way I feel.
I was upset at the time. I'm not anymore, and I don't like that I was used as evidence. The thoughts I had then do not line up with the thoughts I have now. I am not a good source of proof, and I don't want to be proof. I let my own opinions on them form, and I consider them friends that I can trust as of now.
I believe that people should be held accountable for their actions and that all mistakes have consequences. That's how we learn and grow as people. I believe that people are capable of remorse and changing their minds. A bad person feels no pain of their actions and an apology is just words, a good person makes active attempts to be better and push towards amends. If someone says sorry and does good on it with active attempts to be better and rectify what went wrong, then I will forgive them with time. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. But the words I said two years ago do not reflect the words I would've said now, nor should they have been used in this manner. These people have admitted to what happened, owned up to it, and have changed from who they were back then, and for that, I am willing to move on as well.
TL;DR (and I say this to both parties involved): I was upset, and said those things, but I'm not anymore and have forgiven these people and gave them a second chance. No one's obligated to do what I'm doing, but don't put these people on blast, either. Accept that people change and grow, mistakes are admitted but will not always be forgiven, and go on living.
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efangamez · 10 months
Wanna submit a totally fitting holiday game and split revenue between all creators?
Look no further than the "Artisanal Winter Holiday TTRPGs" bundle hosted by my favorite game designer @sprintingowl !!!
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Please read all the requirements below as listed on their Twitter. Link to that post is HERE.
Please submit all games to @sprintingowl either on Twitter on on Tumblr, though Twitter is the best and fastest option.
The Artisanal Winter Holiday TTRPGs bundle is recruiting!
This is an itchio bundle. It is ttrpg focused but open to other stuff. All profits will be split equally between contributors.
The bundle can have up to 50 people. Its price will scale based on the number of people, to a max of $25. Eligible games are on itchio. To submit your game, simply link it below. If you have questions about whether your game fits the theme, it fits the theme.
If you have submitted a game to a SprintingOwl bundle before, try not to submit that same game again unless a lot of time has elapsed since you last submitted it.
You can submit multiple games, but please DO NOT link games you do not wish to submit. If I misread something and add the wrong game, I will have to remake the bundle from scratch to fix it.
After recruitment closes, I will reply to you with a confirmation link. Normally I would message you, but c'est la twitter. If all games do not confirm, we will not be able to launch and I will have to delete and remake the bundle.
Recruitment ends on 11/27/23 or when we fill up. After 11/27/23, please check your comment in this thread and follow the link to confirm your game in the bundle.
Again, everyone has to confirm their game or else I will have to delete and remake the entire bundle and we all go through this again, so please watch for the reply.
Finally, because Twitter is going through some changes, if you're interested in joining the bundle but don't have twitter, that's okay. This thread is the best place to submit your game, but games submitted via other channels are fine too.
One last coda, changes to the algorithm have made it trickier to promote bundles, so if you're in the bundle, please try to post about the bundle at least every other day. It's okay if you can't, but every bit helps.
Also, when submitting games from multiple accounts, PLEASE make a different post for each account. I am very susceptible to not noticing this, and it throws the split math way off.
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netherworldpost · 1 year
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It does appear that the Netherworld Post instagram is now back and visibility is fixed.
Thanks, entirely, to a Tumblr anon's comment who wrote in:
"when you go to your profile, tap on the three line icon in the top right corner, Settings and privacy, Creator tools and controls, Minimum age, do you have a minimum age set there? Right now your account is restricted to 16+, which won’t allow anyone not logged in to view it."
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Then after a few hours of cache clearing, everything seems to be working as intended.
I spent over 40 hours trying to figure this out. Probably far more, I stopped clocking time at 40 hours because it got too depressing.
I remember specifically setting the profile at 16+ at some point in the past -- nothing of my content is age sensitive, but I don't have kids, none of my friends have kids, so I am personally ill prepared to say "this is appropriate" vs. "this is not."
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I found no documentation from Meta, Facebook, Instagram, or any forum discussing this setting's shift of profile visibility.
There is no language surrounding the front end, or back end, "This profile has been age-restricted."
My account was never flagged for content. There IS a backend tool that says, "is my account flagged?" and it gave me the green light, "Not flagged!" and I kept hollering, "THEN WHY ISN'T IT SHOWING UP."
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The language on the previously hidden, now visible, Netherworld Post instagram was the exact same when a profile is deleted, when a profile is blocked, and apparently when a user self selects age restriction thinking they are doing something handy for parents (be it a good idea or not).
Instagram and Meta do not have a help desk with live support, they do not offer email support -- except, between this starting to yesterday, they are now offering a $14.99/month premium service which has a help desk.
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I tried various logging in, logging out, changing profile types, etc. in hoping that I would be clearing a cache on instagram's system.
Because. I repeat. There is either zero documentation as to what was happening. Or, there is, but it is so buried as to be unfindable, which is objectively the same thing from a user's perspective.
Facebook flagged me several times, "we think you are a bot trying to sign in" and sent various automated security protocols to verify. Which I did, and passed, not being a hacker, but instead being an increasingly frustrated system admin to a tiny company.
At one point text messages stopped coming in, which was another problem, now fixed.
This last point being why I have repeatedly said, "Get 2 factor authentication, specifically using an app or other device, not a text-message."
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What this means:
Your password is 1 factor, an authorization code (via app or other method) is another. It says, "It's me, I have a second key!"
When you rely on text messages, you are relying on THEM to send YOU this second key to verify. When you use an app or other method, YOU generate the key.
This removes a potential hiccup in the "are you a hacker?" "i am not a hacker" stage.
My life and career began to shift in 2012 when I started focusing business on monsters, ghosts, stories, stationery, rambles, etc. away from web design and programming, then graphic design, then (vague gesture as my company did a lot).
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This entire experience felt like I was going mad. I spent YEARS helping clients AVOID THIS SITUATION.
You get the picture.
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Netherworld Post is on Instagram
I feel like email lists are safer + I like emails
One of the first products to launch in the store this autumn will be "How about a monthly zine of Netherworld Post news. Super, super cheap. Help keep the lights on, help keep up to date without being at the mercy of tech billionaires."
One of the blog posts that I'm working on between now and launch is how I built said zine. I'm running efficiency tests to make it as high quality, low cost, and fast-to-send as possible. The point being, "Run a small shop or blog or whatever? Here's a way you and your audience can keep in touch without algorithms and tech woes."
This is a lot of words.
It's been a mini-therapy session.
I'm hoping it helps someone somewhere with a similar issue.
I'm very grateful for someone who does not work for Meta to say, "Hm. I may know your problem."
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rawliverandgoronspice · 2 months
okay my tumblr is still completely broken, the notifications don't update nor go away, I am receiving "unable to authorize" half the time I try to post anything, and some direct messages are treated by the website as if they're sending me infinite messages (and my drafts aren't saved and get deleted)
so yeah, take that into account until it either fixes itself or I investigate the matter more seriously!!
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flappingpussylips · 9 months
Idk if asks will work for me but it might be me who is either shadow banned or very glitched.
For many days now my main blog has not existed at all, tumblr mobile and desktop treats it like it’s deleted to all who try to visit it, and to me except 1) I can still see it in my list of blogs next to the side blogs I have to hold a couple old urls, and 2) desktop lets me bulk edit tags on my main still for some reason. Despite it acting deleted everywhere else.
And I can’t reply to anyone’s posts, view my likes, follows, following and I’m not sure if when I like a post or follow someone it actually happens for real.
I sent in a support ticket but haven’t heard back yet at all and it’s still broken.
I am going to try to send this 2 ways, one with anon off and the other with anon on. Great opportunity to test this.
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yeah it definitely looks like you're shadowbanned :( I've had mutuals become un-shadowbanned but it's typically taken 3-5 weeks for staff to respond and fix their account. a lot of the time people will make a new account to use until their main one is fixed. it honestly sounds like a really frustrating problem. I'm not sure why it happens...you didn't show up in the likes list on that post and if you sent other asks, they didn't show up either. hopefully you can get your account fixed soon
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f1nalboys · 1 year
some things have come to my attention either through me checking my followers, through dms and asks, or just have been in my brain and i needed to put them all out in here as an important notice to yall!
1. minors reading my nsfw work
DONT FUCKING DO THIS! listen, i understand i cannot control what you do or what you read, but i am asking you all more kindly than i should to fuck. off. it makes me extremely uncomfortable seeing people in my dms or notes or asks talking about my nsfw things (or requesting stuff) with either no age or an age showing theyre not an adult. DO. NOT. INTERACT. WITH. MY. NSFW. STUFF. IF. YOU. ARE. NOT. OF. AGE. that is not a request.
i have a few sfw fics that i dont care who interacts with them! reblog those, talk to me about those, whatever u want! if there is an nsfw smut warning on a fic, DONT INTERACT WITH IT IF YOU ARE A MINOR.
2. links not working
apparently this is a major thing on tumblrs part that ive seen and sadly its fucked w my stuff D: i will attempt to go through my masterlist and check each link and fix it if im able to but for now, the best bet on finding my work is to search f1nalboys masterlist/writing/works and go through it that way! if you check my tag post where i talk about how i tag my fics you can also do it by character!
3. characters i no longer write for
i am updating my character/movie list after this post goes up and am making the following changes. i am no longer writing for or taking requests for any of the characters from Bride of Chucky, Heathers, Slumber Party Massacre 2, or The Craft. I will also no longer be writing or taking requests for carly, wade, or blake from HOW, roman from scream 3, or clear from final destination 1/2.
this is not to say that i dont like these movies, or that i hate the characters now, just that i am not interested in writing for them currenlty. could that change? of course! could i suddenly add them back to my list and act like nothing happened? sure. but as of right now, i will be taking them off of my main masterlist post.
i also want to be clear and let you all know i will not be writing for amber, ethan, quinn, or tara from scream 5/6. im not interested/comfortable writing for them and any asks about them will be deleted. they might be mentioned in other fics of mine as side characters or for plot purposes but there will be no dedicated fics for them.
4. new characters i am writing for
i have officially added detective dilf wayne bailey from scream 6 to my list >:) and ALSO samantha carpenter but ONLY ghostface!sam!
that should be all! thank u for reading and respecting me and my account yall <3 i appreciate all of the support, seriously, it means the world to me!!!
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dumplingsjinson · 2 years
sooooo, i know i said i wasn't going to post anything personal, at least in regards to my dating life, on here but lo and behold! i'm a liar, but the person who found out about this account might never go onto my blog again (if you're here for some reason then hi? idk why you'd come back here but okay. i hope you're okay. and if you're not, i hope you will be okay. and also, this is NOT about the long distant guy that maybe one or two of you are familiar with). so, here goes: we broke off whatever it was that was going on. i don't like them back that way, and i don't see myself liking them back that way in the foreseeable future.
so we broke it off on good terms.
we're not going to talk anymore, and it definitely will take time getting used to since we did text back and forth everyday for the past two months, up until today. it will take time to get used to not seeing their name on my phone constantly, or waking up to their messages, but it'll eventually go back to how it used to be, when we never spoke before.
i admittedly do feel a little empty as of right now, which is a me issue entirely. maybe i'm dealing with the sadness of losing a connection i've made with someone? maybe i don't deserve to feel this sadness. i don't know. there was definitely a bit of a connection there, though ephemeral, even if it wasn't a romantic one. i think (i know) i'll be okay, and i really, really hope they'll be okay, too (because rejection doesn't feel good. it's never an easy pill to swallow, knowing you're not the one for that someone. it doesn't feel good to reject someone, either).
i think it'll be good for the both of us in the long run.
i'm still processing this whole thing, but i think it'll be okay soon. :) and i hope they find someone who will like them back, just as much, and if not, more, because they're someone who truly deserves that.
goodbyes aren't easy, and they hurt even when it comes to short-term bonds that were formed. that's all i can say.
(also that whole unmatch thing rant in which i've deleted by now is because i got my feelings hurt for like a day, and then i got over it really quick lmfao. i was talking to some other guy i matched with, and we vibed for a few days, and then he unmatched while we were setting up the date and that hurt translated into frustration and anger and a bruised ego, but i'm okay now, and to whoever said it was a bad break up or something - it wasn't lmao, i was just being a little wuss and had to vent. but i will die on the hill on how you're an asshole if you unmatch without any explanation, especially when you're in the middle of setting up a date. you're just bad at communication and it really, really shows. please work on that if that's what you do to other people, because it's never fun being on the receiving end of being basically ghosted.)
anyway, i'll try to post another prompt list tonight. these babies are pre-written, so my mood right now's not gonna affect them aha.
i will probably post more of my love life (read: online hoe life) again to the one person who bothers reading this shit, simply because nothing's stopping me, and i ALSO am NEVER going to be so dumb to accidentally give too many hints and reveal my tumblr like that to someone ever again lmfaooo. my mask stays ON, bitches!!
(and on an entirely different note that's not so fucking depressing and also very non-serious, i'm going on a date this sunday, and we're going to have oysters lmfao - i might end up calling him oyster dude - but i also don't have much expectations lmfao. they did ask me if we're still on for sunday just earlier today, and i said yes, but i'm prepped for getting unmatched outta no where because some of you men are Cowards. aNYWAY.)
this was a rollercoaster and a very undelightful mess, i'm tired, i have to wake up at 5:30 am tomorrow for work, two of my brackets came fucking loose so i have to go to the ortho on monday to get that fixed, and i lowkey wanna die because of that, goodBYEEE.
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halcyandaze · 1 year
what happened to your deviantart
sadly yeah it's gone now, longer explanation under read more
tldr: AI database scraping is a bitch and man the social media landscape looks pretty bleak rn woof
when deviantart starting pushing the eclipse redesign and got rid of access to the old UI it lost a lot of features and customization options and such that I and many other people enjoyed so it lost a lot of its charm, function, and users. so I stopped using it as much if at all
then when AI generated images started to pop off, the front pages (which always had an issue of always either only showing the same 5 popular artists who were buddy buddy with the site staff or untagged/filtered MS paint sonic inflation or anime foot fetish bases or some crap) became loaded with AI junk instead of, oh y'know, actual art
final straw was when deviantart started making their own AI image generator and made all accounts automatically opt in to having their images possibly used for the AI's database, and if you weren't ok with that, you had to manually go in and find and shut off all those new hidden settings. I felt I couldn't trust deviantart anymore, I liked having my deviantart page still up even if I wasn't active because it was my first social media site where I shared art back when I was 13 years old, a literal whole decade of growth and memories. but I felt I couldn't have that anymore without risking it all being scraped or misused, so I finally deleted a while back. still kind of bummed about it but yeah no deviantart ain't what it used to be
I'm kind of in a similar boat with twitter right now. my posts get no traction, I never see content from the people I signed up to see posts from anymore and instead get nothing but blue checks and scams and ads and bots and AI, you can't even scroll more than 20 minutes without RATE LIMIT EXCEEDED or paying up and joining blue check loser circlejerk club, oh hey did you notice all tweet contents and imbeds prior to 2014 just got nuked off the place of the earth with no warning, they're trying to make their own AI with a database fed by tweets unless you lock up your accounts, but locked accounts are reporting their tweets and activity being seen by people who don't follow them and should have no way to see any of their posts but they show up somehow, anything can get you shadowbanned or blacklisted by The Algorithm, and rumor has it you may have to soon send government ID and sensitive info and images of your face to twitter HQ for verification to squash down the bots (that toooootally didn't get worse after the company got bought by that X obsessed nutjob nah this time he'll totally fix it you guys trust us)
yeah, I totally trust those loser dweebs who completely tanked one of the most popular social media platforms of the past decade in less than 6 months I totally don't see anything bad happening with having my legal government info on the twitter servers
so I'm currently in the process of also deleting my twitters if this shit doesn't improve. if you want to keep up with where I'm most active, go over on my carrd and I keep my links page updated with where I am and what I'm doing on each :]
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imarawbu · 10 days
The last three days have been a wild ride.
As careful as I try to be sometimes I cannot hide everything and that's what happened, I have been using Reddit more recently and he found my account. I accidentally left my computer open because I was distracted by daughter. Long story short, threats telling me I'm mentally ill and need to be medicated or locked away. The divorce is going to be this time next year.
He always spends hours coming after me when he thinks he has "caught me." Lots of abuse, acting like I'm the entire problem, how he's not mistreating me in any way and anyone in the world will say so even if they hear the recordings I have. That all he is asking is for three meals to be cooked by me a day and I just want an excuse to sleep more and be lazy. How I'm an unfit mother and I should give my daughter to him so he can abandon her with his sisters to take care of.
How it's so obvious Allah is punishing me and rewarding him because he was planning a secret trip for our next anniversary that's obviously not going to be happening now. That he was about to pay for it yesterday but decided to wait. Etc. threatened to call my dad, did call my dad when I called his bluff but of course didn't say anything to him. Called one of my friend's husbands, because he really had problems with thinking she's secretly advising me (she's not). Told her husband, who obviously told him to speak to an Imam.
Threatening to tell his own family now, since they obviously won't listen to me and according to him his behavior is acceptable by their standards. Besides everyone already knows how "bad" his situation is because he's been making his own breakfast for so long Even though his family has always asked why he never makes me breakfast when he's talking to them everyday.
I did tell him some about F's message I received and how I thought this person mentioned something to him back in May. I gave him some vague details about what was in it but said I deleted the message and didn't have the number. Based on the people I told him who saw my original post, he knew who it most likely was and said this person is clearly an angel and I should have listened to his advice because Allah is punishing me.
In the meantime, since he found out my parents know, I'm supposed to convey to everyone that we are "fixing" things. He's going to make me call my parents and tell them tomorrow. Even though this is technically a second talaq. I'm still expected to be a slave, like before, if I want him to keep paying for everything. I told him the constant insults, threats, and what not needs to stop. He agreed to that.
I don't want to do another month much less another year but nothing ever works out nice for me anyways. I turn 26 this month so maybe I will be out by the time I turn 27. Maybe there will be more of a possibility we can stay living here.
That night after my daughter went to sleep but I hadn't been able to move her to her crib yet. He comes out and tells me he's been doing "research" and he's not a misogynist but he might be a narcissist. Which is hilarious because he thinks he's a narcissist because he thinks he's the best player in his pickleball game but can't win...
He gets into something I mentioned that he saw the other day where I mentioned his behavior during pregnancy so I had to explain why what he did was wrong. For example, telling me he was having someone over to the house after I got home from work and told me to either get dressed and look presentable or go stay in the bedroom. I was exhausted and in my third trimester so I usually went to the bedroom because sitting up much less standing was painful and I'd already worked 8 hours with an hour commute each way.
I am just tired of everything. He is not understanding or trying to manipulate to convince me that this is not over and we are still trying to fix the marriage. Which isn't really anything new but he knows he doesn't have control over me the way he used to and he knows the two things I care about are my daughter and the house. He's been threatening me to call CPS because I don't take care of her. For example, she will get angry and have a toddler fit that involves hitting her head on stuff. I can't always stop her obviously. But what does he do for her exactly, well according to him he has no responsibility except to pay bills, so.
The next morning he starts another fight and suddenly he cares for my daughter and is convinced that I'm somehow trying to get remarried already and once I remarry and move that she'd get molested by the new husband. Since remarrying is the only real option I have other than staying with him, according to him. How I should give her to him (and he'd bring his sister over here because now suddenly he wants to stay in the US) and go get remarried.
He said he was sorry for that behavior and it got around to his behavior since she was born. And I know he doesn't care nor will he ever understand what the problem is in his behavior after she was born up to now. So he got all upset because according to him, he's only asking me to do my "duties" etc.
He woke her up. It was 1 am at this point, I told him since he woke her up he should put her back to sleep. This turned into another fight and him threatening to sell the house and quit his job so he doesn't have to pay child support, because I "shouted" at him and other "disrespectful" behaviors and Allah will punish me, etc. I finally got her back to sleep at 3.
Next morning he continues the conversation about how difficult life would be if I am a single mother living in "trailer trash" like I did with my ex. How he doesn't ask for much except for me to do my duties and make breakfast. That I need to think of what will happen if I decide to fight instead of "peaceful separation" that I will lose and so will my daughter. That I have to tell him if I'm talking to someone or planning something or trying to meet other men.
How I took what he said so seriously when he threatened to abandon us, or when he tried to get me to let him go out with other women, or that he doesn't care about Inshirah. That's just all talk and people in his culture do that, he wasn't actually serious. How I have "hurt" him soo much because I told people what was going on and also told my parents, how that's so much worse than anything he has ever done to me, and how I'm just ruining his and my daughter's life and Allah will punish me. How I will be like all those other white reverts and have 3-4 marriages and then end up some old woman and kill myself.
This morning it continues.
He spent the whole morning accusing me that I am already looking to get married again so that I can divorce him. I told him to give me evidence since he keeps accusing me, he has none. His strategy then switched to saying that I want to make an account or something to start looking for other men.
Then tries to convince me to stay for longer than 12 months so he can see my daughter go to school... how my plan to get a job and other stuff to try and maintain the house payments on my own will never work...or even if I can pay he will just out right insist we sell the house instead of me taking over payments because I'm stealing my daughter away from him and anything other than him getting full custody of her would change his mind. I reminded him if he wants to play dirty, I have plenty of evidence of his behavior with her which would most likely result in limited supervised visits or termination of his visits.
Then out of nowhere he admits what he has been saying to me is wrong, that this is stuff no one should ever say even if they think it, etc. He mentioned talking to his mom and told her he called me a word in their local language that means extremely lazy, and she got angry at him and why would he say that to anyone. (He had been talking to his family, as he does for a few hours every morning. Today was extra long and he was outside so I could not listen, this was before everything in this conversation happened, he was outside even before I woke up.) That I should have told him it was wrong (I did) and he realizes what he did now, and I'm too good for him and putting up with him. And he wants to know how he can make it up to me what he said, that he might cry, etc.
Back to the lovebombing phase I guess.
He's been very nice to me, offering to help, saying he's so sorry, asking if I want anything. Very different than he's been in at least a long time.
I don't really know what to think.
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pinkhairdoesntdance · 1 month
I swear I lived
|| I hope this post finds any and all of you well.
My RP history on tumblr is kind of weird. It's one of those things that can be all-consuming and great but then sort of slip into a compartment of the brain that loses its connections with all other nodes of memory.
What I know about the science of the human brain from EdPsych tells me that we rarely forget anything completely. Rather, the things that are forgotten are those things that don't have complete connections to other memories.
Gamora and the first two Guardians of the Galaxy movies and that era of the MCU held a great and special place for me at the time. I had just finished undergrad, and I was broke and kind of miserable, but it gave me a lot of goofy hope and joy. One of the first Peter Quill RPers I met just so happened to be someone who was basically from the same region I was! We never quite got to meet up in person, but I just thought it was crazy that someone within 30 miles of me was so touched by the same thing I was.
Over the past decade, the MCU has definitely had its ups and downs in my opinion, and for the most part my fandom interests have diverged and don't sit as soundly upon it as they used to. I know there's some great material coming out, but the end of Endgame and the fact that, as far as I know, GOTG3 didn't really "fix" it was part of a series of disappointments for me that just kind of made me finally let go. It wasn't a break-up with the fandom so much as letting it just fade away. Also, being an adult makes it really hard to have these kinds of hobbies outside the interactions with ones very closest friends.
That said, recently I saw Deadpool and Wolverine, and it was really cathartic. It pinged in my mind that this blog existed. I wanted to log in, if only to make sure it doesn't fall prey to one of tumblr's URL deletion schemes.
I saw on the dashboard that, incredibly, one or two of you are still active!
As alluded to above, I never actually saw GOTG3. I was initially excited, but then I just... didn't see it, because things I heard about it made me think it might be better for me to headcanon my own continuation and let it live in peace as it was.
Deadpool and Wolverine was very helpful to put my remaining love for the MCU into perspective. It was cynical but in a joyful and hopeful way. It acknowledged that it's very hard, sometimes, for some canon as behemoth as the MCU to continue on the way while being respectful to what was. I'm not old yet, but I'm in my 30s now, and as a Millennial it really hit home for me.
Logging in and seeing that some of you are still around made me smile, too.
Currently, I am not active in any part of the MCU fandom, but I might come back here and remedy that, if anyone is interested.
I might consider RPing Gamora again with selective partners. I would really like to have a Peter Quill to write with again.
I am also interested in a few other Marvel characters I could make sideblogs for.
Among them:
I would be interested in RPing Steve Rogers or Natasha Romanoff in a ship context with the right person.
I would be interested in RPing Skye | Daisy Johnson or Grant Ward in a ship context with the right person.
With either of the above, if I had the right partner(s) I would be interested in building a verse with gen interactions and overlap with anyone else who might be interested in writing with the characters.
I'm not sure how committed I am to this idea. It would take motivation. But, if you remember me or are interested or feel the same way, please reach out. You can send me an ask, or you can email me at somenewdisaster at gmail dot com. You can also message me on discord at prixprixprix or message me on my main tumblr account vampiremonday.
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cryptic-giggles · 3 months
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☾ ― nox;; ☆ they/he/it/neos ☆ 18+ ☆ tickle community account; lee lean ☆ last updated: 6/27/2024 ☆ line dividers by: @rookthornesartistry
☾ ― "Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon." ― Paul Brandt
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☾ ― introduction;; ☆ hello! i'm nox, the mod of the account! feel free to also call me moon, though, i'll respond to either. this is my second account for the community, since i deleted my last one, and will probably be more writing focused more than artwork. ☆ i am a transgender biromantic fellow, and will project that onto either a. My characters, or b. my Comfort characters. if you don't like it, please feel free to block and leave! i'm not stopping! ☆ that being said, even though i am 18+, none of the content here will be 18+ as i personally do not view tickling as anything nsfw or the sorts, and prefer to keep it separate. however, if you do, good for you! just don't interact that way with me and we'll be chill. you keep that type enjoyment away from me, and i'll be glad to talk/co-exist/etc.
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☾ ― do not interact;; ☆ kink accounts - this does not mean accounts that may happen to post nsfw. this specifically goes towards accounts that are PURELY dedicated to the kink aspect of the community. ☆ ageless accounts - i'm a bit more lenient on this if i already know the person, but all in all, i'm just not comfortable interacting with people in the tickle community if they do not have at least a minimum age in their bio (i.e. 18+ or 16+ for example). just a personal preference. i'm not gonna block you unless you're following me or actively responding to my posts with comments or quoted reblogs since those are when i check profiles usually! (not to say i'm never going to, but that's when i typically do aside from following people)
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☾ ― before you follow / interact;; ☆ i don't do teases unless i'm speaking with an oomf (one of my friends) !! they'd always be directly talking about a character they enjoy being the ler/lee as well. on occasion, i may post a "imagine..." type post for everyone, but that's it! ☆ i have a discord, but it's directly connected to my main handle so i'm not likely to give it out unless i trust someone (and i refuse to make another at the moment, perhaps if other people in the tk community want to talk there, i'll do it) ☆ requests are not something i'll do often if at all! this just has to do with my own comfort as well, but if you want to talk headcanons and it happens to align with my interests, or you ask about them, please feel free to do so! i'll gladly do so ☆ critique on my writing is not something i am looking for. until i get a proper fix on my laptop, i'm only going to be uploading short drabbles and the like that were made in 2022. that, and my writing is not very dialogue heavy in general! habits from being a roleplayer that i just can't quite shake, rip.
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☾ ― "I will never be a morning person, for the moon and I are much too in love." ― Christopher Pointdexter
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