#i am going to sleep now hopefully
pepsi-maxwell · 2 years
dorian it's 1:30am on a work night, why are you up posting chocolate pudding wrestling smut fic
because i've lost control of my life
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theglowingeyeballz · 4 months
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Sydney Sargent, gotta be one of my favorite genders
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danieyells · 16 days
I'm not sure why I feel so attracted to the idea of Jiro sedating the MC and touching them over their clothes but not daring to do much more, and later the MC waking up and thinking it was a kind of dream influenced by him taking care of their pre-op "well he was always handsome"
You're attracted to it because it's hot anon 👀 the vulnerability, the drugging, the lack of fulfillment when all he does is grope over your clothes, the uncertainty--i'm always a slut for dub/non-con and drugging oh lord 👀 tell me more anon
And man i sure hope this isn't total gibberish because i wrote it in parts over the course of the day and only finished like now and it's 4am. . . .
I feel a little disappointed in this one, i'll admit lolol and it's not exactly what you described but maybe you'll like it anyway?
Obvious non/dubcon and (consensual, medical) drugging cws. Additional warnings for that the pc is never named and is only referred to as 'they' for the most part, and I left their gender and genitals ambiguous, which makes for some sloppy writing on my part. . . .
They had been helping at Jabberwock a few days prior and they'd been bitten by an anomaly. It was a minor injury but Haru was worried about the side effects. After Towa nearly sent the poor creature to hell, they'd been sent to Mortkranken for examination, to be certain the beast's venom wouldn't have any lasting effects.
It was Yuri who inspected them the first time. Even after spending time helping the medical house, Yuri still made the inspector feel a little on edge. They worried the only thing that kept them from more than basic examination and preventative care was Professor Nicolas' presence.
"Their venom is slow acting." Yuri scoffed after they described the anomaly they'd been affected by. He walked with them after they were discharged, making his way to another patient in the building as he explained before they went their separate ways. "If you go a week without noticing any changes the medicine worked in full. Come back if you start experiencing any unintended muscle movements!"
With that sharp dismissal, they returned to the Cathedral, worrying over every twitch and itch and crawl under their skin.
And three days later they were once again in Mortkranken after a sudden movement of their leg nearly sent them careening down a staircase.
Kaito and Luca had been kind enough to rush them to the infirmary, where Professor Nicolas subsequently had them quickly transported to Mortkranken as the anomalous effects would be better treated there(much to Kaito's dismay.)
A general student saw them into a wheelchair and rolled them inside the office, helping them onto an examination table to make sure another spasm wouldn't cause them any injury. Even as they were brought inside they began to panic as the spasms increased in frequency and spread from their leg into other parts of their body. They shook and twitched against their own wishes, even as Jiro arrived in the exam room with the necessary materials.
"You're moving too much." Jiro sighed on sight, putting down the needle he'd filled without even saying hello. He moved to fetch a fresh one and a small jar of lavender colored fluid. "I'm going to sedate you. You should be okay to fall asleep, if you feel tired. You shouldn't die."
The human tried to find the honest statement and lack of alarm comforting. If they were dying then surely Yuri and Nicolas would have been contacted? Or perhaps their curse or the ring would have counteracted it?
The summer had seen them abandon their blazer in favor of wearing a short sleeve dress shirt, making access to their arm quite simple. Jiro moved to hold their upper arm when another spasm rocked it. After waiting for the jolts to cease, he gripped their arm tight enough to make them wince, disinfected their skin with precision, and jabbed the needle into their upper arm with a little pinch.
The effect was almost immediate as he pushed down the plunger. The moment the fluid entered them they felt fuzzy, their vision swimming as if with exhaustion. The warmth spread and their muscles relaxed, losing most of their strength. Where a convulsion was about to start they felt a much weaker muscle spasm, registering in their mind as barely a crawl of their skin. Once all of the fluid had entered them, the needle was pulled out and discarded in an anomalous container for sharps; the spot was immediately cleaned and bandaged.
The sedative must have had some additional effect, the inspector reasoned. Where Jiro must have had been pressing fingers against the plaster to stop any bleeding, they imagined a long press of his lips.
But that wouldn't make sense.
Or be sanitary wound care.
(Would he even have a concept of 'kissing wounds makes them better'? It didn't seem like he grew up in such a gentle environment.)
Once he was certain the spasms had been relaxed Jiro put on a new pair of gloves and fetched his original needle. "This should kill any of the remaining venom." He explained as he cleaned another patch of skin. "Aside from the initial pinch you shouldn't notice anything odd. Maybe a little burning.
"If you feel anything besides that. . . ." He looked into their eyes, glassy and hazy. Barely there, their mind and body were so numb. For a moment they were able to focus on him, and he seemed to smile in amusement--although, that would be strange for Jiro, so it must have just been the medicine. "Just lie there and drool, I suppose. I'll take care of it."
Any attempt at response failed, their body feeling so limp that even speaking was a task. It felt like a nightmare of helplessness, the kind they'd had many times since coming to Darkwick--unable to move their body and helpless at the mercy of some person or beast. But even through the needles' sharp penetration(barely noticed in the haze of their sedation) they felt surprisingly safe. Perhaps their sleeping mind heard Jiro's blunt explanations and took them as literal as Jiro meant them to be and felt no fear or discomfort. They were helpless and heavy, but not afraid despite it. Like a dream within a dream.
As Jiro had claimed, they feel nothing but a light burn tingling in their veins. A gentle buzz throughout their being. They could almost feel the anomalous medicine working, seeking out the toxicity in their muscles and killing it. Or perhaps the sensitivity was part of their sedative-induced dream.
"Done." Jiro announced. The needle left them, and they were cleaned and bandaged once again. Jiro kissed--or pressed against, more likely--the bandage until the bleeding stopped. They opened their bleary eyes to watch him as he cleaned up. "You'll need to be monitored for about ten minutes, to make sure there are no side effects." He looked back at them lying on the examination table, a limp doll of a human. Not that, compared to Jiro, they were much stronger than a doll to begin with. "Not that you can go anywhere. In your condition."
Was that a laugh, or a sigh? It was a little huff of a sound, something they might as well have had imagined. A lot of things seemed imagined here. Like that Jiro didn't leave to attend to another patient and leave a general student to look after them until they could move again. Yuri would have likely had them put in a chair and wheeled back home with one of their friends. . .or worse, used their helpless body in some sort of experiment.
Perhaps that thought is what made the Jiro in their mind come closer once everything was in order and examine them closely. Had it been ten minutes? Time really didn't seem to have a meaning right now. They tried moving, and found little change in when they were first injected.
"Did I give you too much?" Jiro asked, slipping strong hands under their arms and repositioning them. They managed a sound best(though still poorly) described as a weak squeak in acknowledgement. "It's a strong sedative. If I didn't give it to you the venom might have started coordinating your spasms until it controlled your body. You'll be able to move again eventually."
Once they'd been placed back onto the table in a good position, the head of the table slightly raised, Jiro watched them.
Then, he moved a hand to lightly rest on their sternum.
"You're not breathing very hard." He observed. His hand traveled over to the left, cupping their chest. His other hand went to their neck, resting over their pulse. The palm over their chest started stroking the area through their shirt, heavy and dragging as if absentminded. They tensed, trying to squirm but too weak to do so.
"Your RPM and heart rate are a little high." Jiro noted aloud, though not on any sort of chart. The hand on their neck traced their throat with a thumb. "And you're starting to warm up. An allergic reaction, maybe. . .? You weren't found to be allergic to any of the anomalous medicine we use during your health checks."
The hand on their chest gave the tissue a squeeze. First a soft massaging, then something rougher. The way he spoke was so clinical, they had to assume the contact was little more than a fever dream, the last of the spasms wracking their body in particularly sensitive places and their sleeping mind filling in the blanks with thoughts of their vulnerable body being toyed with by the handsome, stoic doctor.
Even the tweak to one of their nipples wasn't enough to wake them, only enough to elicit another squeak and make them shudder in lieu of squirming or arching their back. Even when the hand on their throat moved to their jaw and traced their lips, sinking into their unresistant mouth to stroke their tongue, they assumed they were dreaming, misinterpreting what was happening in the waking world. Jiro commented on their temperature, thumb teasing the back of their throat until they just barely gagged. He retracted his hand entirely to mind their pebbling nipples with both.
What started so purely as the medical attention they needed had, in some length of time that they couldn't measure through the fog, became a pair of strong and heavy hands tracing down their side and waist, sliding over to grope at their tummy. The muscles beneath weakly tensed at the ticklish feeling, and he gave a little hum in acknowledgement. "It looks like you're getting your strength back, at least."
When he relocated his hands to their hips, they confirmed this slight recovery with a little squirm. He squeezed down, presumably to keep them still. "Relax. You'll need your strength for when you leave."
Presumably, it was to keep them still, although they felt his hands slip beneath to their rear, kneading their ass and tracing their crack through their clothes. When he spread the cheeks, he once again received a whine and a squirm, which he responded to with a rough squeeze as if in punishment. Nonetheless, he moved down to their thighs, similarly admiring their shape and feel, before slipping his hands between and spreading them without a hint of effort on his part.
"Ji--!" Their slurred attempt at speech was disrupted by their choked gasp when Jiro's groping moved to squeeze their crotch. The sudden jolt of pleasure, after being worked up through what felt like hours of slowly being toyed with, was enough to almost push through the muscle relaxants in the sedative for just a moment, letting them arch into the contact. They were still too weak to grind into his hand, however, and he only pushed back enough to get their hips to drop painfully back onto the table.
"I told you to calm down." His fingers traced the shape of their genitals, stroking as if to learn the shape more than to titillate. Jiro was a doctor. He'd personally given them medical examinations where they were wearing much less. He already knew what was there, though not in such intimacy. He didn't like 'pointless' things. He wouldn't see a point in something like this. So it could only be a dream. He massaged them through the fabric of their uniform and underwear, fingers pressing and stroking where heat seeped through the most. They only hoped he couldn't feel the moisture gathering there as well. "Your temperature is going up again."
Watching Jiro's actions was difficult in their exhausted condition. While there was no way they could conceptualize that Jiro would actually do any of this, some part of them desperately wanted to know what Jiro--if only as a product of their imagination--was feeling as he brought them agonizingly slowly towards orgasm.
They blinked through the mist of tears they realized must have been forming along with the drool running down their still parted lips, until Jiro's face came into focus. He was much too close to their lap, so close his even, unhurried breaths could be felt warming them through their clothes. It only added to the stimulation. Jiro was an adult, even if he sometimes seemed quite juvenile, like when he laughed at stag beetles fighting or Yuri struggling not to sleep in class; it was surely impossible that he didn't know what he was doing.
On the other hand, he'd been in a coma for some time, and he had no real consideration for the privacy of others' bodies. . .the intent look of study combined with a tinge of pink on his cheeks as he breathed over their aroused genitals and felt the way the touch of his scarred hands made them change. . . .
It was as if he was using their body to sate some curiosity, rather than truly molest them. Even the way his other hand gripped their clothing, as if considering simply removing it, seemed too explorative to be malicious or manipulative.
Or perhaps they simply thought that way because their angle didn't afford them the sight of his lap, to see if he was, perhaps, getting as aroused as they were.
But Jiro paused in his ministrations, contact returning shortly to simply resting his hand on that sensitive and throbbing area, before he retracted his hands completely. Again, they whinged, squirming at being left alone as Jiro seemed to disappear from the examination table.
"Interesting." What was of interest wasn't quite clear. It occurred to them that their body's responses to their dream were real, and perhaps the real Jiro was made aware of their arousal. It was impossible to tell his reaction from his voice alone, and they writhed in humiliation at being caught in some sort of medically induced wet dream. "It seems like you'll need a little more time to recover."
They held their breath, but the contact never returned. They felt themself cooking down, but still sensitive, as if Jiro's touch was lingering. Occasionally they heard some noise in the examination room--a turning page or a keyboard or computer mouse or writing implements on paper. Occasionally a noise from a phone, or a distant echo from out in the hall. But for the most part, all they heard was a strangely loud and hazy silence.
At some point, the dream turned to void, as if they'd fallen asleep inside of it.
When they came to, the world had much less of a layer of fog over it. Their body still felt heavy, but not so much so that they couldn't move it. Sounds were a bit sharper, and yet they heard less as if their senses had been heightened in their sleep. Yuri was scolding Jiro, something about dawdling in here with the sleeping patient when there was work to be done.
"They had a reaction to the antivenom." Jiro explained, his voice coming closer. As usual his footfalls were shockingly quiet, and they would have never known he was coming near if he weren't speaking. They squinted into the strong lights, raising an arm to cover their face. "They're awake now, so I'll discharge them."
"Fine. But hurry up! You know what happens when you're late for your medicine, and I won't tolerate your complaints if you're the cause of your own delay!" Yuri stormed out, likely to prepare Jiro's medication, not even acknowledging them despite having had seen them out when they first checked in days prior.
Jiro, meanwhile, presented them with a light snack of crackers and a juice box. "I would recommend eating a meal and getting some rest once you get home. That sedative wasn't made for restful sleep."
They cleared their throat after taking a few sips of juice. "You said I had a reaction. . . ."
"What. . .happened. . .?"
"Increased temperature, heart rate, and respiration." Jiro explained, watching them eat.
"Did you do anything to stop them. . .?" They really wanted to ask if it was truly a product of the antivenom, but feared sounding accusatory over what was likely a dream.
"No. They weren't at a dangerous level. I just kept an eye on them so make sure they didn't get worse."
They nodded, sipping their juice again. "And the sedative can give you strange dreams? You said it isn't made for restful sleep. . . ."
"Your body is forced to sleep without your mind being put into a restful place first. It would be like falling asleep with something on your mind, making you more likely to dream about it. So, yes, that would likely be the case."
They heaved a somewhat disappointed sigh, tilting the last of their snack crackers into their mouth. "That's good, I think. . .I'm glad that's all that happened."
"If you say so."
That response felt off. Jiro took their trash and threw it away, fetching the wheelchair they were rolled in on to help them into it. He put a hand on their back, making them jump as they were gently pushed to the edge of the lowered bed to sit up.
"What do you mean? That's all that happened, isn't it?"
"It already happened." Jiro said dismissively, putting his hands under their arms to lift them up(again?) and sit them into the chair, not trusting their legs just yet. "I don't see a point in worrying what happened between your treatment and now."
The cursed inspector tried to formulate a response that could convince Jiro to share what he meant--even if all he said was that he had read a medical journal, or that he'd adjusted them in bed a few times--but knowing Jiro they couldn't think of a way to get him to talk. They squeezed their thighs together, feeling their genitals throb from the orgasm denial, the unfulfillment of their dream that might have been reality. But they were already back in the Mortkranken lobby, where Luca greeted them with a kind smile, approaching.
"Can you walk?" He asked as Jiro locked the chair. They set one leg on the floor and, though it felt heavy, they could definitely balance enough to get up and stumble over to Luca on wobbly legs before giving a weak nod. "I'm glad to hear it. It looks like you've recovered well. Are they clear to return home, Doctor Kirisaki?"
"Just Jiro is fine." Jiro looked them over once more. It was surely their imagination that his gaze lingered on their crotch--where they squeezed their thighs together tightly, remembering their dizzy dream and just how close his lips were before he pulled away--as opposed to their slightly wobbling legs. "They're a fall risk until they've had a meal and some rest. But they're safe for discharge."
A general Mortkranken student trotted up, offering the scholarship student their discharge paperwork and instructions, then collected the wheelchair for sensitization and storage once the papers were taken. They and Lucas thanked them kindly, and Jiro as well. He simply nodded in response, before they began to make their way out the door.
The cursed human took one final look back at Jiro, who simply tilted his head at them like so many of the cats around campus. Then he winced and turned away, stumbling towards the basement to receive his medication.
About two or three hours later, they received a WickChat message.
Jiro: You implied you experienced an odd dream as an effect of the sedative. This may also have been a yet unseen reaction between the sedative and the antivenom. Jiro: For the sake of proper documentation, would you be able to expound upon the dream at all? It's okay if you can't remember everything. Any details would be valuable to the understanding of anomalous medicine and its effects on humans and individuals afflicted by curses.
Their heart pounded. Telling Jiro what they dreamed of could be valuable information, but could they really bear the humiliation of it? Of explaining that they'd had a nearly wet dream about him, while he was in the room with them? Would Jiro even think anything of it, oblivious as he is to emotional matters?
Jiro: If it helps, a date for you to be sedated again could be arranged. You could be attached to a brain wave monitor, so your memory won't need to be relied upon. Jiro: Perhaps the dream will reoccur. I'll be sure to thoroughly extract something of value, so the experience isn't wasted.
Perhaps it was his use of 'thoroughly extracting value', but the thought crossed their mind that they hadn't been dreaming at all, and that Jiro mayhaps wanted to finish what he started. But it wouldn't make sense from the get go for it to have had been real. . . .
And yet they remembered Jiro's talk of prescribing death to others and dismissing ethics.
There was no point in discussing the ethics of something that had already been done, he said.
Perhaps some of the experience was real. He wouldn't have had been so cryptic about what had happened while they slept if nothing had occurred, would he?
Although, he was often cryptic about things, so perhaps that was merely coincidence and they were getting their hopes up--
Jiro: A prompt response would be appreciated. 'No' is an acceptable response, as well.
They scrambled to type a response, realizing they'd left him on read.
8636: I don't know how well I can recall. . . . 8636: I'm willing to be re-sedated, though! 8636: Before I agree to it, may I ask a potentially non-medical question? Jiro: I can't stop you from asking questions over WickChat. 8636: What happened while I was sedated today? After I was given the antivenom?
There was a pause, but no typing for a while. Then the general Mortkranken WickChat messaged them with appointment information.
8636: Jiro? Jiro: ? 8636: I didn't see a response, so I was just checking in. . . . Jiro: I didn't agree to answer the question.
A fair, if disappointing response.
Jiro: Just know I attempted to administer a holistic remedy to an unanticipated physiological response that arose during your treatment.
The response took a little longer to parse. As realization dawned on them, the next message came in.
Jiro: It didn't work as intended, as I'm not very experienced with such methods or concerns. Perhaps you noticed your continued affliction after discharge, and your discharge instructions. Jiro: Should the same issue arise, I've done more research.
They covered their face in embarrassment.  The discharge instruction "administer personal relief as needed" made much more sense now. They desperately hoped the Mortkranken student who handed them their discharge instructions hadn't read it first.
Accepting this explanation, they hastily sent an apology and threw themself down in bed, covering their face. Did they have to go to the appointment!? Jiro had only been trying to help them, albeit in an extremely questionable way. . .and somehow the thought that he had done more research to better serve the need in question. . .it was embarrassing, despite that they were the victim. They were able to excuse it, rationalizing that they were attracted to Jiro anyway and the idea alone felt exciting, but now walking into it as though it were any other medical procedure felt. . .insincere.
Resolving to perhaps cancel the appointment and try and get Jiro to have a talk with them about ethics, they dozed off, trying to ignore the returning heat and throbbing between their legs.
When they next awoke, it was to a small pinch, like the needles they'd recieved that day.
Just as had happened earlier, their strength was robbed from them nearly immediately, and they gasped as they felt a pair of lips on their chest, sucking at the nipple through their pajamas. A familiar large, heavy hand squeezed their other breast, twisting and tugging the nipple there.
"Not to worry." Jiro reassured through the gloom and the haze of sleep and strong sedatives. "Just like earlier, this is all a dream."
Limp in bed, a heavy doll for him to experiment on, what could they do but comply?
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wiseatom · 10 months
me: i love writing
also me: literally goes through all 5 stages of grief at once every time i finish a fic
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h-didanart · 11 days
Question: How many AU Bloodmoons do you have?
*slams three notebooks, an iPad, and the phone on the table*
Bloodmoons that I have written or drawn about in public platforms where their existences can be confirmed:
Five pairs and a single, these are:
Everyone is alive, for some reason- My takes on Bloodmoon I and Bloodmoon II that appear on a one shot I wrote and a concept I shared here; Dagger and Rifle (placeholder name, I don’t know what else to call him :(), Rabies and Bleed
The Moon and Sun show- The ones from my swap au, which I am still counting because Fang has exactly one line which was meant as foreshadowing tho I don’t know if it worked cuz no one mentioned it; Scythe and Fang
The Bloodmoon One- The ones from… that au (which for some reason I made an alternate timeline for where they’re humans); Bloody and Harvest
Get in losers- The ones from my more silly au where everyone joins the family; Hunter and Harvest
The bffs- The one that got separated and became Jack’s friend, or has Jack as his emotional support bot, and the root world of the Virus!Jack event; Original
Those are the guys you guys can figure out I made rather easily.
Now, having looked through my notebooks and writing spaces, and counting the six Bloodmoons we already have:
Sixteen pairs, two singles, one trio, and one quartet
That’s eleven pairs, one single, one trio, and one quartet more than what you guys know.
Let’s get into their lore, shall we?:
The tree at face value- I was experimenting with family set ups for the Celestials and decided to take things literally, Bloodmoon here would be the child of Eclipse. They were never named.
Creator sucks, deluxe edition- okay, okay, this one is weird, and I’ll admit I wasn’t really thinking it through when I made the concept, ergo it will probably come off as insensitive and weird, which is understandable because I was not thinking through what I was thinking. So, human au, Sun and Moon and Lunar have DID, both Bloodmoons are Lunar’s alters. That’s it. This is one of the two aus in which the twins are younger than 20. Lunar, Hunter, and Harvest.
The RaTc (pronounced ‘rats’)- short for ‘Redhead and traumatized club’, basically a place where I drop all my favorites//ocs that have so many things in common that I can refer to them as being ‘the same guy’. Bloodmoon II was the latest addition. Original and Adaptation
Uno-less afterlife- my take on the ghost versions of the dead SAMS characters, I’m planning to write a one shot for this one when Sun dies (or if, I guess). There’s the first Bloodmoon who’s half melted and kinda disintegrating, and the newer addition of a mutilated Adaptation II. Original and Adaptation, Copy Adaptation
This is what you wanted- that concept I shared sometime last month (?), Bloodmoon wanting to get reprogrammed and getting Eclipse to help them, and then getting amnesia. Ruby and Scarlet
DND mini phase- a simple doodle of Bloodmoon as a vampiric rogue, thing which I don’t even know if it’s possible. They weren’t named
Death game- … I may have watched a Danganronpa let’s play. Look, the concept is neat, and the character designs are cool as hell! That said, I did plan a whole au revolving around the SAMS characters being put in a death game, I’m pretty sure I planned to have the twins kill someone and get away with it because of a loop hole. Bloody and Harvest
Fantasy au- not restricted but definitely inspired by DnD, a magical world where there’s all sorts of creatures and places. The Bloodmoons were vampires that Eclipse got to work for him, and then got out of control. Ruin revived them as a demon on account of being a necromancer. Neither the first or second versions were named
Pure and utter regret- I… I might’ve… I might’ve shipped the twins and Jack at some point— It was a crackship and I don’t even ship them anymore, I‘ve adopted the ‘Bloodmoon is aroace’ headcanon, and y’know, canon is being canon for Jack. They’re really just friends now. Yet, I still have about three digital pages worth of them being all kissy and shit. I feel like shit. Fuck, I even had a name for them. I hate myself. They go by every single name ever given to a Bloodmoon (because this was purely a fun crack ship)
April fools actor au- exactly as it says, Sun and Moon started thinking of ways to bring engagement up for the channel, and then Eclipse popped up, and so they all ran the channel together, bouncing ideas off of one another, and so began the lore episodes. Bloodmoon is a bot that was made by Eclipse from some scraps of code he did originally intend to use to mess with the Celestial twins, now repurposed into a theatre kid. They probably have names but they’re only referred to as Original and Adaptation
I got infected by Magic Girlitis- I was watching a bunch of videos about Madoka Magica, and then I watched the ‘Will you press the button’ video, so now I have magical girl designs for Moon, Sun, and Lunar. I never got to them, but the blood twins would’ve had a really cool introduction and would’ve been a genuinely scary antagonist to our heroes. They weren’t named
Fragment of the ocean- I asked a friend of mine what I should draw for Mermay, they said mermaids and oceanic creatures, I accidentally created an au. Bloodmoon is an apparent human (has never been seen as a mermaid), who after being controlled and used by several people was adopted into the Foxy family. They also have DID, because human. This is the second au where the twins are younger than 20. Bloody, Scythe, Hunter, and Rabies
AAaaaand that’s a wrap! Those are all the Bloodmoons I have come up with!
I think
I hope
🎶I pray that he— uh wrong character
I may have issues
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mattodore · 8 months
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not many people online atm so i figured i’d show off theo’s freshly customized moles :) i'll post a proper close up of his face moles later because i'm obsessed, but for now here’s the full thing.
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also this is how this background looks with the character page (this isn't the pic i'll be using, i was just testing things out). i'll probably alter the code to match the background rather than editing the background’s color, i think.
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doodleodds · 2 years
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royalty & fairy tale au’s are meant to be mixed and u can’t change my mind
Late shuake week 2022 day 3 - Royalty AU
#shuakeweek2022#akechi goro#kurusu akira#I JUST REALLY LOVE SLEEPING BEAUTY OK#or well. i love the idea of 'sleeping curses.' idk why! they've always fascinated me#i used to be obsessed with aurora and snow white for that reason#and so here i am! as always! projecting this interest of mine onto my favorite characters :)#also for reference because i just realized how weird it reads: goro's gonna be in the tallest tower when he's cursed#that's why akira's got a reason to climb it. so. yeah#also in case you were wondering why i said 'see you tomorrow with more art' and then proceeded not to post for.....four days:#1) work decided that i'm going to be doing more hours so i now have very little free time;#2) i decided to actually try my hand at coloring again like an IDIOT and now here we are. sigh. coloring is hard#i was trying to hard not to just overdose on comic dots again lol & it resulted in this nonsense. me and my one very textured stone wall#ANYWAY lmao even though i missed like. every single day of akeshu week so far i'm still gonna be doing the prompts#just at my own pace! so. hopefully expect more art. soon. ish. hopefully not with another uhhh 2 month gap like last year lol#also quick fun fact since you made it this far in my tags! that second page originally wasn't supposed to be there!#i drew sleeping goro just cause i could and i was just gonna stick him under a read more but then i got attached lmao#and now he's in the main post! :D yayyyyyy goro#ANYWAY that was super long. thanks for reading & i hope u have a lovely day!!!!
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heybaetae · 2 months
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bri-does-art · 1 year
*crawls in, dragging body across the floor*
it's out, you guys... chapter 7 is out...
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ariadne-mouse · 7 months
Sean telling Marion he's more than what happened to him, more than what people want to exploit from him: that he deserves better. It was an impassioned speech and I believe he genuinely meant it. But he also still betrays Marion to people who would quite directly exploit him, because he has a conflicting objective and he's well practiced in how to hurt people who don't deserve it. Even knowing that if he's successful in his blindside, Marion would be denied all the good things Sean wished for him. Originally I was looking forward to a more direct confrontation between Sean and Marion at the end there so it could get even more deliciously painful, brother against brother, but in a way I think its absence is its own cherry on top of how things fell so beautifully, awfully apart, and how Sean's and Marion's choices and paths diverged (and then merged again in their deaths). But then again, I think at the end of Sean's speech he said something like "I hope you get to pick *you*" and that was indeed Marion's final act: having the opportunity to do what he wanted with his own soul. And while he gave it to someone else, it was still a selfish choice (in a neutral sense) in that Jean wouldn't have wanted him to do it. He did it for himself. He got do what Sean wished for him.
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
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current mood of the day, now presented in shitty comic form
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tomfrogisblue · 6 months
I have finally finished O Segredo Na Floresta.
I have cried more than I thought possible.
And I fear I shall never be the same.
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imikhailo · 1 year
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breakfastteatime · 5 months
(When you realise you're due a migraine in the next 24-48 hours, but your meds haven't arrived at the pharmacy yet)
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cxpperhead · 13 days
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His pale chest rises and falls gently, so slowly and quietly that he appears more like a statue than an actual living, breathing being. The occasional flicker of movement in his eyes is the only sign that point to Copperhead being alive, his serpentine eyes perpetually open behind their clear scales as is known with all snakes. He's asleep, though vigilant even in rest, the assassin posed ready to strike in the event trouble crosses his path during this time.
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paging-possum · 1 month
if nobody got me I know weird vaguely horny ship art got me o7 o7 o7
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