#i am incapable of not writing walls of texts for these asks
cyncerity · 5 months
ok guys bit of a serious poll today.
don’t read if you don’t wanna think about or read about the controversy stuff rn (talking about mostly George and bringing up Wil a little bit)
i have a bunch of wips (like, a lot) that i’ve been looking to finish for a while. With my first year of college coming to an end next week (yippee!) i’ll hopefully have more time to write again and finish those. The downside here is that a significant amount of them involve someone who has had recent controversy. Not that one, but George’s.
If you wanna answer this poll without all the context (i’m physically incapable of writing a post without making it a wall of text), go right ahead, the tldr is that I believe the situation is extremely opinionated and there’s no right or wrong way to view it. With a community this size and the larger group of gnf fans so divided on how to feel, I feel it better to let you guys pick whether or not he should still be in stories.
context under the cut for those who wanna read everything before voting on the poll. I kinda wrote a lot tho so sorry lol
I wanted to give it time before I made this post given that unlike with the first situation, there are a lot more holes and a lot more nuance. I wanted to wait until both sides stated their cases and make my own decision from there. And in my opinion, this situation 1) should have been handled personally and 2) is entirely based on opinion. Both sides did right and wrong, but there isn’t a correct way to perceive this. Some people will believe one side while others will believe the other because the evidence presented can be taken in many ways. I know I personally lean one way, but this post isn’t about my own opinions.
I’m making this post to ask if people would still be ok with me using his character in stories. I’ll say it again: I haven’t really ever watched the DTeam so I do mean it when I say that I base what I write around a character and not him. I stopped writing for C!Wil because I am uncomfortable with writing his character interacting with the characters of people who have spoken against him, but so far most of George’s friends have defended him or stayed silent since this situation isn’t like Wil’s at all. It’s mostly all died down since both sides have moved on (i think?) knowing that they won’t agree on what happened.
I’ve already given my piece on You Know Who, and how numerous people spoke against him and many of his close friends dropped him. This post is not about him, I believe that there is no argument to be made for him. The facts are clear and the testimonies clearer: he is a bad person. As of right now and for the foreseeable future, I will not write him or his character, not unless he gets some serious help or makes some serious changes. I believe that people can change, but trust is easier destroyed than built. You shouldn’t forgive someone who doesn’t seek forgiveness.
anyway i know that this is a smaller community, so i wanna know how many people want me to just re-write things or feel uncomfortable with him in stories now. This isn’t asking if you think George is innocent or if you think he’s a bad person or anything like that, this poll has nothing to do with personal opinions of the situation itself. It’s simply asking if you would be uncomfortable with reading about his character because of the situation.
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cffeine · 4 months
For the ask gameee
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
i am rendered physically incapable of writing if the correct music isn't playing in the background. i waste an immense amount of time searching for The Song to loop that will allow me to write, so, there's that. considering i've spent over a year absolutely insane over bsd, i'd say that heavily inspires me as well, especially with my literally writing fanfiction about it. there isn't really one specific piece of media, though, aside from it. the only common variable in my brain is bsd in more scenarios than i can handle. i get inspired in bursts most often by a good song (ugh. primarily radiohead), or whatever anime i'm currently watching. and honestly i'll sometimes be inspired by other fanfics, going for any fandom.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
i tend to be pretty "resilient" when it comes to most fics, by which i mean i feel guilty about clicking away most of the time. anyway every time i see a wall of text without paragraph breaks i lose seventeen years from my life. also pheromones. i cannot. this is coming from someone who's toughed through constant "orbs" in a fic from the year 2023. i'm okay with a bit of poor characterization, but when it reads like the author has the media literacy of a child that's when i make my exit.
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panicroomsammy · 6 months
if you're still doing the ask game! 9, 18, 21 and 24
9. tell a story about your childhood
Okay so I live in the rural area surrounding a town with a population of <2000 and there’s state forest on all sides of my neighborhood except for the side where the river flows past, which means I grew up playing in the woods. When I was 11 I was spending a lot of time mountain biking around the woods with my dad out past the abandoned barn. One day we happened upon a horse skeleton… well, half of a horse skeleton. We went looking for the other half and found it over a mile away. A few days later we returned with bags and brought home the first half of the skeleton that we’d found because what 11 year old doesn’t need to own half a horse skeleton.
18. do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
I do not believe in ghosts in a literal sense, but I think it is very useful to analyze legends and stories of them and that there is always an element of truth to those stories. For example, the abandoned building doesn’t have the literal disembodied soul of someone who died there, but if there is a history of slavery or rape or abuse of some kind tied to the house then those true traumas and fears are being expressed through the stories.
I think aliens are highly probable and that the absence of aliens is highly improbable.
21. are you a spiritual person?
Oh my. What a question. Yes I am. I have existential OCD which makes me incapable of belief, full stop, but I feel that if there is anything meaningful in the universe it is stories. I have a bit of a complex about God (what tumblrina doesn’t) as is probably exemplified by my blog header. My blog header is a reference to the Hannibal novels. If you’re a writer, have you ever felt that you were just watching the events of your story play out and not actually making anything up? The author of the Hannibal novels, Thomas Harris, talks about this a lot. He also says that while he is watching the story play out Hannibal is looking back at him. The character Hannibal in the novels is looking through the fourth wall. He is looking back at God, but his god isn’t actually controlling anything. I like the idea that God is just an author writing things down without any control over them, and that would make me God too since when I write I too feel like I’m just writing down something I’m observing rather than making it up. This would mean that my stories are real and my life is a story. I find this very comforting, because stories are meaningful so if my life is a story then my life is meaningful. If you think about it, the Bible is just another story as are all religious texts. I don’t *believe* in any of those but I do believe that they are meaningful by virtue of being stories. Anyway you can see why Supernatural is rewiring my entire brain.
24. what’s one thing you are proud of yourself for?
I started a podcast a few months ago to educate on the censorship of colonial history and I am incredibly proud of this. I won’t link it here because I am open about my plurality here and don’t want any connections between that and my irl “singletsona” but every day I wish I could tell all of you because I know my podcast is something my circles on tumblr would love.
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dufrau · 2 years
💫🌻💌 for the fic writer asks!
Ahhh thank youuu :)
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback? I like when people pull quotes and tell me why they like that part. Also just any time anybody asks a question, because I want to talk about it and it feels good to think anybody wants to hear about it. I WANT TO SHARE THE BACKGROUND LORE. Also any wall of text comments where people just let loose. Like yesssss please unleash it on me i want to hear your thoughts!!!
🌻what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going? Nothing makes me want to give up on writing. Sometimes I feel very incapable of writing, and thats because of any number of things like just being too tired, too much work, too much stuff going on IRL, the weather is somehow disagreeable to me, I want taco bell but dont want to spend money on it so i spend 48 hours thinking only about taco bell. But I always WANT to be writing, and to keep writing. The thing that makes me want to keep going is just, i feel very capable of making things that are worth making. I think that when I finish the next thing, whatever it is, it will be good, it will make at least me happy and probably a few other people too. I do love the attention you get from posting things but that cant be the actual reason to write or youll drive yourself crazy.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited! I am so excited about my current WIP, like more than almost anything before ever! It's a sort of TLOU AU except not really, except that its directly inspired by episode 3 of the show. The actual apocalypse is a whole mashup of Stranger Things, TLOU, also pulling at least vibes from The Passage by Justin Cronin and like The Ruins is also in my mind. One neat thing about it is that Nancy and Robin are older, 45 on outbreak day, so they are like GROWNUP grownups, which is fun for me as the oldest person in this fandom. Plus I get to lean harder than ever into Doomsday Prepper Nancy Wheeler which is my One True Headcanon for her. sfdsjhfgjfgjksad i am so excited for this thing.
thank youuuu!
(asks from this post)
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
do you have an opinion on The Host movie? (asking bc ik you've read the book and I just watched the movie again)
you know those jokes about how if you ask someone with adhd or autism about a subject they're fixated on you gotta be prepared for a wall of text
yeah that's me right now though idk if i'm gonna type a whole wall of text I just have the kill bill sirens going off in my head rn because oh BOY I have opinions on The Host movie.
I'm gonna put it under a read more but just be warned my opinion is not a positive one
okay full disclosure I have not seen the movie in roughly 7 years or so because after I saw it once or twice I refused to watch it ever again
anyway I fucking hated the movie
I think the biggest issue I had with the movie was the way they framed it as being more about Melanie than Wanda. the entire POINT of the book was Wanda's journey into finding herself and her home with humanity. Wanda was the main character of the book and this was essential to the theme of the entire thing. but the movie made it about Melanie. and the thing is, in the book, Melanie is not a good person. and this is okay! she's a flawed human and that's why it's so impactful that Wanda comes to love her so much. because Melanie is impulsive, bratty, jealous, and has next to no self-control. this is not me criticizing her character. I love Melanie as a character. she's so intrinsically human and that's why she makes such a great juxtaposition to Wanda. but the movie didn't seem to get this. it was so focused on Melanie's side and not Wanda when Wanda is the driving force and the most important character in the story.
also I didn't appreciate the unnecessary added drama. like the Seeker was almost comically evil in the movie to a point where she didn't even feel like a soul. I know in the book she was described as being very different from most souls anyway but there were still traits of souls recognizable to her, whereas the Seeker in the movie felt very different. again it's been 7 or so years so I could be misremembering, so sorry if I am, but yeah. that felt weird too.
also iirc the movie didn't talk about any of Wanda's previous lives at all? or any of the other planets the souls took over?? which was a huge chunk of interesting worldbuilding lost. also the souls in general were just framed as being wholly bad and evil when in the book it really emphasizes that they DO care. they genuinely think they're helping other species by taking them over and keeping them from self-destructing. is it murder? yes, but not to the souls. the souls don't do this out of malice because they're incapable of even feeling malicious towards others. and the movie really just missed that.
I would say Jared felt like a flat piece of bread in the movie because he did but also he literally felt like that in the book too so. guess they got that right. Ian though... they flattened my boy he was so much more interesting in the book gahhhh so much lost potential there.
I said I wasn't sure if I was gonna write a wall of text and here I am. I could probably say more but I'm gonna cut myself off there. I think part of the issue is that the book is really big and a lot of it is the slow shift in dynamics Wanda has with everyone and it hinges so much on her internal thought process which is difficult to get across on screen. But also it just sucked. even if I hadn't read the book it was still a bad movie overall imo. I'm just gonna keep rereading the book every few years and pretend the movie never happened.
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Get to Know Me Ask Game
Tagged by @wen-kexing-apologist and @waitmyturtles, two of my fave moots!!
RULES: bold the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it.
blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair (both, I've had horrible hazelnut highlights, a dark blue streak, and red hair; I want to dye my hair red again at some point) // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces (four years! then I didn't wear my retainers often enough and fucked my teeth up again RIP) // I sunburn easily (not SUPER easily but I do have to be mindful, I also burn and tan in patches which is HIGHLY IRRITATING) // I have freckles (not many, mostly on my shoulders) // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport (not currently, but I used to play soccer, and did a handful of other stuff like track and volleyball) // I can play an instrument (I used to be pretty decent at violin, it's been YEARS but I feel like I would be okay if given time to relearn and practice) // I am artistic (-ally-minded? I'm not great at drawing or anything like that but I'm very imaginative and creative) // I know more than one language (I don't consider myself fluent in more than one anymore but yes: English and ASL) // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe (yes, but I do not. my OCD freaks out if I don't follow recipes, it has actively screwed up dishes when I give in to compulsions versus my instinct, sob) // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing (yes, but it also stresses me out) // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault (not anymore, my back would break in half) // I enjoy singing (not well) // I could survive in the wild on my own (I don't think I'm totally incapable but realistically-speaking I'd die pretty quickly) // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends (yes, I LOVE my friends, but unfortunately I am also an introvert with sensory/physical disabilities, social anxiety and a buttload of social trauma so I've had to learn to limit social interactions including social media, texting, etc. otherwise I get super overwhelmed and descend into panic attacks. it's fun! but I do really enjoy spending time with my buddies when I can, they're some of my favorite people in the world!!) // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand (against a wall yeah lol)
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year (my entire life, oh woe) // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years (my best friend and I will have known each other for ten years next year, but my oldest and one of my closest friends and I have known each other since preschool, around 24 years) // my parents are together (they're technically still married but they're not together in any other sense, THANK GOD. you all have no idea how much I've hoped this would happen) // I have dated my best friend (lmfao no but it's a running joke that everyone thinks or has thought my best friend and I are dating, since we very first met in college the rumors have been unreal) // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship (with friends!) // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends (it's kinda my thing) // I have made an online friend (this is complicated. I've met many people online who I'm friendly with and who consider me their friend but... I have C-PTSD and trust issues lol. It's hard for me to feel close to people.) // I met up with someone I have met online (not yet!!!)
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise (intentionally and unintentionally) // I enjoy rainy days (sort of? I enjoy them more when I'm out and walking around in them but they mostly make me really lethargic and sometimes make my joint/chronic pain flare up. today is a rainy day and lethargy is hanging around!) // I have slept under the stars (I guess? probably?) // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me (if crickets, absolutely not. birds chirping and singing is one of my favorite sounds ever though. it's the thing I miss most about not living in a city, though sometimes they do make an appearance) // I enjoy the smell of the beach (depends on the beach, but yes) // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms (mostly, yes, but I'm one of those people who gets a pressure headache whenever one is in the distance. I'm a human barometer) // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors (not as much as others do but I do enjoy some good color) // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths (yes, but less and less over the years as walking has become harder) // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle (and anywhere else, lol hello sleep disorder) // I am the mom friend (absolutely, but I'm slowly letting this go a bit. it's become a bit of an overcompensation for perceived flaws. but it'll always be a part of my personality) // I live by a certain quote (no, but there is a kind of mantra I've come up with to help me during low periods: "I am worth trying for.") // I like the smell of sharpies (yeah but I'm not going around sniffing them) // I am involved in extracurricular activities (does volunteering count?) // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love (complicated. I believe in love - that's basically my entire belief system - but I don't believe in fate. I don't believe in the concept of there being one person out there who will heal all my ills and be a perfect partner and sweep me off my feet. but... I am a romantic at heart and there's a small part of me that hopes that if I ever have a romantic relationship it'll be one and done. regardless of how irrational I know that is. I've literally been a domestic violence preventionist/relationship/sex educator, trust me, I know!) // I make up scenarios to fall asleep (it's basically the only way I can sleep) // I sing in the shower (not really but I do make weird noises and talk to myself!) // I wish I lived in a video game (WHO would want this?? sounds like a Kafkaesque nightmare) // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
I don't have anyone to tag since pretty much everyone I thought of has already been tagged. If you want to do this go for it!!!
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tlozypaka-tina · 5 years
20 and 34 FE Fic of choice?
Happy Valentine’s special! I planned to do more but unfortunally that wasn’t possible ah- but alas!
I had to skip some parts of the fic in order to get it done today but I’ll continue to review it and once it’s complete, I’ll summit the updated version.
And now, you will all fall victim to rarepair/crackship hell: 20.- Teacher + 34.- Vacation. (Kliff/Julia)
Five years of restless nights had finally paid off. A diploma framed on his wall proved that Kliff had, finally, become a full-fledged teacher.
It took him a couple of months handing away curriculums to receive a call back for an interview, which thankfully got him hired- Finally. If he had to put up with more drunk morons late at night before closing that god-forsaken bar one more week he would have lost it.
The school that he would be working for grouped primary and middle schoolers together inside their main building, while a smaller section of the school was dedicated for the kindergartens. By 2 PM, that area would be empty and closed off, even for the rest of the students. The principal did not want any conflicts to rise due to missing materials or broken property.
When the school year began, Kliff was prepared for the worst- lots of yelling with a side of disrespect for the new Science teacher. After all, middle schoolers could be quite rumbustious. But alas, his love for knowledge and recently found passion for teaching others was slightly stronger that his desire for peace and quiet.
Just slightly.
But there was no way in hell he was going to mess with high schoolers. Now they were an absolute nightmare.
The bell rang and so, first period started. Kliff’s name was already written on the whiteboard by the time all of the students got inside the room and took their seats. Some had their backs turned; talking loudly- as if the little rascals would never have another chance to talk again- Others tried to sleep on their recently claimed cubicles, and a very small number fiddled with their fingers, waiting for class to start.
Well. This will be a long semester.
During the breaks, he would seek refuge in the teacher’s room, which his colleagues found extremely funny as he practically dashed into the room less than 1 minute after the bell ring. His seniors would reassure the young blood that it would get easier the more experienced he got. Kliff just nodded and replied “I know”, only to go back to shug his coffee.
He did make friends, of course, mainly with the rest of the Science department- but he didn’t hang out with them often since they were a bit loud for his liking.
Sometimes, around midday, he would catch a glimpse of the kindergarten teachers as they took turns to gather their things and just bolt once the last child had been picked up. They cycled on groups of three while the remaining ones kept watch on the gate.
One of them seemed to be a newcomer, just like him- well, if her young age was not an indicator, her attitude sure was: Didn’t chat with the rest of the teachers, apologized constantly when going to her locker, and left in a hurry once she was done. Kliff would instantly know when she had entered the room, even when buried deep grading papers, because of the quiet “Excuse me-” she mumbled on her way. Other than that, he didn’t interact with the kindergarten department much.
Months went by, and winter break finally came. Two and a half whole weeks of no noise, grading, or rising up early than the sun.
By the gods, finally.
Even if the time was limited, he was willing to enjoy it at its fullest, in his own way.
This is why he had booked a small cabin in a nearby camp to spend at least a few days of his vacation. That camp was just outside of the city, next to a beautiful forest, whose main attraction was the round, clear lake in the middle of it all.
He arrived to the camp by afternoon, and 15 minutes later he had the keys and was inside the cabin.
First things first…he had to start a fire on the chimney and unpack his clothes. Nighttime would fall soon and he was warned that it would get rather cold during that time.
Thankfully, some logs and old newspapers were available to use, conveniently next to the chimney. He kneeled in front of the chimney to place the logs correctly and surround them with the newspaper, pushing the ashes away from the wood. Some of it got to his nose, making him sneeze- creating a mess. “Ugh, just great…”
After the stack of wood and paper was done, Kliff started to look for matches to start the fire, but there were none in sight. The box that had been left on top of the chimney was completely empty, so, Kliff threw it inside.
As much of an annoyance as it was to get out and ask for matches or a lighter, he had to do it unless he wanted to wake up ill, and there was no way we would spend his vacations sick. He took some paper towels and cleaned his soot-covered face before going outside. His shirt would have to get washed during the night.
After making sure that he looked presentable, Kliff ventured out of the cabin, keys in hand, and walked towards the entrance, where he remembered seeing a small store there when he arrived. The dim lighting signaled that the moon would rise soon enough, and thus, he would need to hurry before it was too dark to see the way back.
Kliff entered the store, closing his eyes harshly thanks to the lamp’s bright light. The store clerk- who he was certain he had seen before- greeted him cheerfully. “Welcome! How may I help you with?”
“Uh, Good afternoon. Do you have any match boxes?” He asked, resting his arms on the desk.
“Of course! I have to look for them at the back, it’ll be just a minute!” And with that, the clerk disappeared to the back. Kliff sighed, reaching out for his wallet.
Just at that moment, someone else came into the shop, approaching the front desk. He wasn’t really in the mood to socialize thanks to the chimney fiasco, nor he particularly cared to see who had come in- so, he kept digging holes to the door where the clerk had disappeared to.
Until the mystery person was on his peripheral vision.
He recognized her; it was his co-worker- the one that worked with the young children. Of all places to be, they just happened to pick the same spot, and arrive the very same day, didn’t they? If that wasn’t a big, convoluted coincidence, he didn’t know what would be.
She moved her head to look at him, feeling stared at, to which he responded by clearing his throat and pretending to look at something in the stands by the side.
After a couple of seconds of awkward silence, the back door opened once more, the clerk coming out of it with a bright smile on her face. “Here you go Mister! A brand new box of matches! Please come to the register with me.”
He walked towards the register, and payed for the somewhat large box. “Thanks. I’m leaving now.” He replied, tired.
“Come back soon, and have a cozy night!” Closed the clerk, turning her attention towards the other customer. Kliff prepared to leave the store and stumble in the darkness back to his cabin, but the chit-chat happening behind him made him stop.
“Well, hello there Julia! Time sure flies if you are already here, huh?”
“Ahaha…Good afternoon to you too, Anna. It’s nice to see you again.”
A warm and welcoming chuckle left Anna. “Well, how long are you staying this time?”
The purple haired woman- who he now knew was named Julia- sighed. “Only 3 days. Everyone else has different compromises to tend to these weeks.”
Anna pouted, resting her cheek on the palm of her hand. “Aww, that’s a shame, but at least I’m glad that you get to spend a couple of days with us! Your presence and patronage is always appreciated.” She finished, with her trademark smile coming back to her face.
The woman in front of the desk returned the smile. “Of course, I would never miss a chance to come here.”
Anna, after a short-lived chuckle, clasped her hands together once. “Well! Reminiscing is nice and all but as you know, the policy in this store is ‘Time is money’.” Leaning over the desk, she continued. “What can I help you with?”
Julia blinked once, before straightening her back, she had forgotten momentarily the reason she had come into the store. “Oh! Right, I was wondering if you had some candles and sugar? We forgot to bring them…”
Another chuckle. “No problem! Wait here just a moment!” With that said, Anna disappeared once again to the back of the store, leaving both adults alone once more.
Kliff had been standing in the same place since the conversation started, unable to come closer towards the door. It wasn’t like him to eavesdrop- hell, he didn’t really care about their idle chattering, but for some reason his co-worker sparked interest.
…Maybe it was because she was a fellow newbie, like him.
It was only when he caught Julia staring intensely at him that Kliff realized what he had done until that moment. He probably looked like a dumbass at best and a creep at worst.
He felt self-conscious and was about to bolt towards his cabin, powering through the darkness and forget this awkward interaction ever happened, but before he had a chance to react, Julia spoke up. “…Um, excuse me? Have we met?”
'Well- shit. Can’t escape this conversation now.’ He thought.
He looked to the sides and adjusted his stance, so it wasn’t awkwardly leaning towards the door, he attempted to look relaxed by placing his hands in his pockets, but it was clear that he was not comfortable.
With an out-of-habit shrug, he commenced. “You work at the 'Askran Plains School’, don’t you? I have seen you there a couple of times.” ’Yeah- that sure doesn’t sound creepy.’ Kliff chasticiced himself. He even cringed quite visibly once he proceeded at what had just been said.
By some miracle, she didn’t freak out. Instead, Julia stared at his face some more, before a light bulb went off in her head. “Oh! That’s why your face was so familiar! You are a professor there too.” Julia rubbed her upper arm, retreating to herself. “Ahaha…I apologize for not recognizing you. I- don’t pay the most attention, sometimes.”
Kliff sighed in relief on his mind, but moved his head to the side to avoid her glance, just in case. “Eh, it’s no big deal, we never really talked.”
She lowered her head. “N-no, we didn’t.”
More silence. He scratched his head. She looked back at the counter. 'Fantastic.’
He coughed, “Do you, like- own the place or something…?” Kliff questioned, now curious about her casual chatting with Anna earlier.
The question caught her off guard. “What? Oh! No, no! It’s just…” Julia took hold of one of her long strands of hair falling on the sides of her face, rolling it around her finger sheepishly. “We…I mean, my family and I, come here rather often, so the owners and staff are familiar with us.”
“Ah…I see.”
Another wave of silence followed, this time less tense. The woman was the one that coughed this time, standing properly and allowing her hands to fall to the front of her body. It was the 'teacher pose’. “I-I guess that I should introduce myself. My name is Julia, Julia Velthomer.” She followed with a quick bop of the head. “It’s n-nice to meet you.”
“Uuh…” He stammered, slipping a quiet 'ejem’ while gathering his own thoughts in a, less formal presentation. “I’m Kliff Cinderand.” He scratched the back of his neck. “Same to you.”
Just then, the door from the back swung open once more. “I’m baaaack! Sorry, we recently got restacked so the storage is quite messy.” Anna, noisy and cherry as ever, was holding the requested items on her arms, ignoring the situation that her two customers were in.
Julia had been startled by the sudden noises, holding her hands near her chest. “Ah- don’t apologize for that, Anna, I understand.” She made her way towards the counter as she spoke, taking out her wallet to pay. The exchange happened without any extra derails. “Here you go! Come back soon!”
“Thank you Anna, and-” Turning around, she looked at her colleague. “See you soon, Kliff.”
Julia reached out to her bag once more, pulling out a flashlight. She started to head towards the door, when Kliff reached out his hand towards her, realizing something. “Wait!” He called out, pausing for an instant to moderate his voice. “…I’ll go with you.”
To say that said action surprised her would put it lightly. “H-huh?”
Anna raised her eyebrows from her spot.
“…It’s, uh, a bit dark outside and I don’t have a flashlight on hand.” He continued, looking downcast. 'Should have followed up with that from the start…’
The lavender lady blinked, switching her gaze between the lantern in her hands and the science teacher. “Oh! Of course, I’ll accompany you to your cabin.”
He rubbed the back of his head again, ignoring the chuckle of the clerk as they left the store. “T-thanks.”
The walk was silent, at first, other than the crunching sounds beneath them of the grass, dry leaves and stones that they stepped on. The flashlight fixated on the path ahead. “So…What do you plan on doing during your stay here?” Was the question that broke the quiet ambience, coming from the shy woman.
Kliff glanced at her direction raising an eyebrow at her curiosity. He expected that she wouldn’t talk to him after his pathetic attempts at conversation…but maybe she was bored or just wanted to kill the tension. “Enjoy the silence, the view…probably visit the lake on these days, I’ve heard a lot about it.” Was his answer, albeit by his tone of voice at the start of the sentence, she could identify traces of exhaustion.
“Goodness…Rough semester, I assume?” Inquired the teacher, turning at her companion. Kliff huffed, releasing some pent-up frustration of his students’ antics. “Tell me about it…”
Her eyes softened, as she understood the feeling from experience. Frowning, she pondered if it would be uncalled for to offer some suggestions so his vacations wouldn’t be so aimless. Mustering her strength, she took a chance. “Do you…know of the events the camp offers during your stay?”
“Erm- I gave them a glance at the entrance but, I would like to wake up after the sun rises during my break.” He confessed. It’s not like he considered them boring per se, but he missed sleeping in more.
“A-ah, I understand that. It’s just…” She hesitated. “Tomorrow there will be a guided stroll that will go around the forest. We will stop at the lake and then head back by lunch…And since you said you wanted to see it I thought that…I should let you know.” Julia exhaled, turning her eyes towards the path.
But that didn’t last for very long, as she started to feel self-conscious about her invitation. It sounded demanding, in her eyes. “N-not that I’m forcing you to come! It’s up to you, after all…” She cleared up, waving one hand in front of her dismissively. “But it’s good to have ideas in the back of your mind, at least, I think so.” 'There- I said it. Deep breaths Julia…He can agree or disagree, but you did your part…’
He shifted his eyes rapidly, weighting the pros and cons of the proposal. On one hand, waiting for his friends to get here by the afternoon would be eternal…but his precious first day of sleep would be postponed. One hand held his chin in thought. “…I’ll…think about it. Don’t get your hopes up, though.” Just then, the light of a lamp just outside a cabin caught his eye, making him stop in his tracks to stare at it. “Oh, we arrived.”
She stopped around the same time as he did, turning off the flashlight and staring in awe at the building. “So this is your cabin? That’s nice…I like the wood carvings above the doors. Makes it feel more…fancy." 
'Huh, she really likes these things…’ He realized, taking a tentative glance towards her. Julia’s lavender eyes had the spark of admiration in them. Kliff turned to the marking she was so intent in admiring, tilting his head. "It’s…nice to look at, I’ll admit.”
Silence once more reigned between the two, only this time, without the uncomfortable tension, with only the soft wind of the night echoing.
Many minutes passed when Julia recalled that she was needed back on her own cabin. Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of worrying her family into looking for her just because she had lost track of time. “O-oh, well um-” She stammered, adjusting the flashlight and the groceries firmly on her arms. “Ahah…I’ll go back to my place now. It was nice talking to you.”
“Er- right. Goodnight Julia.” He wished her, taking his eyes off the decorations. It was starting to get both late and cold, and he would prefer not to freeze.
Who could have expected that going to buy matches would be so lengthy?
He waved at her from the door, gesture that she returned greatly flustered. “G-goodnight.” With that said and done, she turned on her heel and disappeared, farther away into the camp.
…And just like that, the vacations flew by. There weren’t many who were really excited to come back to class- but alas, such is life. They would have to smile and wave as the principal made their greeting speech for the second term- which no one would pay attention to- and then painfully wait for their class to be called, from youngest year to oldest, so they would depart to their classrooms.
Why couldn’t they just dismiss everyone at once was a mystery.
The first group to leave was Julia’s. She stood up, made the kids pair up with each other and then walked out of the auditory, holding the hand of the one kid who didn’t have a partner, in front of all others. He waved at her during a moment where she had turned around, and she quickly returned the gesture.
And then, more waiting, as his group was one of the last ones to depart. But, unlike the younger kids, they didn’t need to pair up and hold hands when leaving.
Break time arrived once again, and, on cue, Kliff was already dashing towards the break room to escape from the chaos of the unleashed students that ran all over.
The moment he went through that door, a familiar face made him stop in his tracks. Standing still, clearly nervous but looking around the room, was Julia. “Oh, Kliff! I feared I would miss you today.”
“Ah, it’s you, Julia.” He replied, much relaxed than before. “Don’t worry; I’m always here once the bell rings, so you’ll never miss me.” He arched a brow. “Did you need something?”
“Well…kind of.” She rummaged through the bag that hanged from her shoulder, taking out a familiar book. “I wanted to return this to you…Since I forgot to do so earlier.”
The newly graduated blinked slowly, recognizing the object in her hands. “Oh…I had almost forgotten about it."  
She came closer, placing the object carefully on his hands. "Well- I guess it’s a good thing that I remembered to bring it today.” A smile appeared on her face, her hands resting on top of the cover. Kliff took hold of book, his own fingers lingering for a short time on the back of her hand. “Heh, yeah. It was a good thing, Thank you, Julia.”
Once the item was safely back with its owner, Julia stepped back, taking her hand away and began to turn around, but at that moment the break room door burst open, causing both teachers to jump. “Professor! We have our assignments-” Recognizing those voices, Kliff turned around, seeing two of his students with the sheets he had handed out that morning on their hands. “Ah.” He sighed, approaching his students, retrieving the papers. “Thank you for returning these. Remind the rest of your classmates that they have until the end of the day.”
The two teens looked at each other, nodded, and bolted from the room.
Kliff turned to Julia, who was holding her bag tightly. “Are you okay?”
“O-oh, I am! I just…got startled.” She awkwardly laughed. “My…your students are quite rowdy, aren’t they?”
“Eeh, they have been worse in the short time I’ve met them. But I’ll manage.” he said, visibly cringing at one specific memory regarding a desk and a broken chair…
Some silence lingered between them, as Julia recovered her composure. In the midst of that silence she realized that she had stayed longer than the usual time, and her co-workers would start to worry.
Adjusting her bag on her shoulder, Julia walked backwards towards the door somewhat rapidly. “Well- I guess I’ll see you later!” Julia said, waving as she left the room from the back door.
He sighed, disappointed from being unable to say anything else during that quiet moment. Sitting on his desk, he left the book on one side, and the small mountain of work sheets on the other.
Maybe they could hang out again soon, but for now, he had to focus on work.
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 17
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WC: 1131
Rated: E
Chapter Tags: angst, language, discussions of student/professor relationships, age difference
A/N: so I'm actually going out of town for a week and I'm not sure I'll be able to write much if at all so I figured I'll be nice and not leave yall hanging too much
A sea of petrified students part as you come raging down the academic building’s hallway. You waste no time in throwing open the heavy wooden door to his office. It hasn’t even had time to slam shut before you begin your tirade.
“What the fuck is your problem?” you seeth.
Laszlo sighs, annoyed at having his work interrupted for the second time in the last hour. The headache from his encounter with Sara made his temples throb uncomfortably. He once again removes his glasses, tossing them indelicately onto the desk, before running a hand through his neatly combed hair. “What, is it not allowed that I do my work in peace?” He does nothing to hide his exasperation as he lifts his head to face you. The dark bags under your eyes remind him of his own.
“I don’t know who the hell you think you are, some high and mighty hot-shot professor, but I do not need your pity money,” you spit at him. “It’s disgusting and patronizing and quite frankly fucked up. It’s bad enough that you fucking fire me over text for no goddamn reason, but then you go rub it in my face just how much I needed this job and the money. I’m not some pathetic charity case, Laszlo. I can figure out my own shit and I don’t need your help to do it!”
Midway through your rant he stood up from his desk. Now Laszlo is more confused than angry at your outburst. Charity case? “I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re on about.”
You scoff. “Oh, don’t play dumb, it’s beneath you. You were supposed to fix the system to say that you removed me from being your TA. But no, you went and kept me on payroll on purpose so that, what, I didn’t go starving on the streets without you? You think that I’m so incapable of taking care of myself that only you, the great Dr. Laszlo Kreizler could help, and just so you could feel better about yourself?” The sarcasm drips heavily in your tone.
With the raising of your voice so did your frustration. Laszlo could feel it pushing off you in waves, stoking the fire within his own emotions. He lets out a dark chuckle at the preposterousness of your accusation. “If you think for even a moment that I have done anything out of pity for you then you truly must be beyond yourself. I have not done anything outside of what is required for my position as your supervisor and professor at this university. If you have a problem with that, you may take it to the Dean," he sneers. "As for your accusation of treating you like a charity case - that was never my intention nor purpose. I became preoccupied and did not find the time to change your status in the system.” He looks you up and down from where he stands, his eyes cold. “You have much to learn if you are going to expect people to take you seriously as an academic.”
Jabbing a finger towards him, you yell “don’t you talk down to me like I’m a child! God, you are infuriating!” You throw up your hands and begin to pace the office. Taking a breath, you try to bring some logic into your fuming thoughts. “Okay fine, let’s say I do believe that you forgot to fix it. That still doesn’t explain why you fired me out of the blue. Was I not doing my job correctly?”
“You did what was asked of you.” He does his best to sound neutral in his response.
“That doesn’t- ugh- that doesn’t answer the damn question, Laszlo! For once, why can’t you act like a human being and not like some omnipotent god that just takes pleasure in pointing out everyone else's flaws?” The fire behind your eyes blazes hotter than the surface of the sun.
Circling the desk he comes to stop a few feet from you. His shoulders are rigid as he glares down at you. “Perhaps I will the day you yourself get a hold on your own actions. You are intelligent beyond your own comprehension, yet you present yourself as a naïve child might. You speak as though your ideals are the only ones that could possibly be entertained. You are loud and confrontational and irritating-”
You cut him off; “I could say the same thing about you!” You pause a short beat. At this point you decide to rip the proverbial band aid off - “Is it because we almost kissed? Did I really fuck it up that bad or are you just unable to grow up and be a big boy with your feelings? Because you’ve been giving me all these signs and if they aren’t really there then fuck, Laszlo, you need to figure out how to actually talk to someone without making them think you have feelings. Or is it because you’re a professor and I’m your aide? Am I some stupid little girl that caught feelings for her teacher? Does the idea offend you that much that you had to get rid of me-”
“I CAN’T!” he yells mere inches from you. His shout stops you in your tracks, your eyes darting between his own pitch black pupils. Laszlo's face is flushed, his temples throb.
He sees red as he tries to defend himself from your onslaught. “I cannot be around you!” He growls, pacing away from you towards the back wall.
You don’t let him get away so easily, following him with a single measured step. “Laszlo… why not?” You are enraged and heartbroken, but you need answers no matter how much they might rip your soul to shreds.
He runs his fingers through his already mussed hair, pulling at the strands. “Because I feel my control slipping when you are around. Everyday you sit here and all I want is to be near you, to feel you against me, to know every thought that crosses that beautiful mind. I become more and more alienated from my own when I am with you. I’m not sure I have much sanity left. There are certain things a man cannot control...” You hear his swallow. “I’m afraid of what I might do if you stay…”
When you do not respond he glances over his shoulder. You stand where he had left you, your jaw clenched, eyebrows scrunched together. He continues to study you from across the room. Neither of you say anything.
Finally, you open your mouth to whisper out “I’m afraid of what might happen if I don’t.”
The words are barely past your mouth when he launches himself towards you, his left hand tilting your jaw forward to crush his lips against yours.
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catchmewiddershins · 4 years
if it's too much trouble, could I request a pt. 3 of the ‘overhearing their crush talking about them’ with oikawa, akaashi and yamaguchi?
Thanks in advance and have a nice day!💕
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Haikyuu Characters Overhearing their crush talking about them - pt 3:
Includes: Oikawa, Akaashi and Yamaguchi! 💖 SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG 🥺 I’m so glad you asked bcs I needed a reason to write a third part hehe
He could barely keep his eyes open. Contrary to popular belief, Oikawa wasn’t a monster, he couldn’t keep pushing and pushing and never feel the consequences. Interhigh was approaching again and he was desperate to win, desperate to see the national court just one time before he left high school, desperate to prove that all of the blood, sweat and tears that he had poured into this sport wasn’t futile. So he’d stayed awake, he trained until late at night and woke before the crack of dawn to practice. And now he was feeling the toll, incapable of focusing on the words of the teacher at the front of the class, he let his mind drift, getting shocked out of his skin when the bell rang for lunch.
Floating down the corridors, he almost fell asleep standing up until he walked into a door frame. Then, as he rounded the corner he heard your voice. Oikawa had been harbouring feelings for you for a while now, ever since you’d been kind to him outside of the usual fangirl devotion - you’d helped him hide from a few of them while he was late for practice, and he’d been trying to work up the courage to confess to you. He was just... worried that you’d assume he was asking in a playboy manner, rather than from sincere feelings. Suddenly, he paused, having heard his name in passing from your conversation.
“Why do you want to go to a volleyball match? Like at interhigh?”
“Because Oikawa’s playing and I wanted to cheer him on!” There you were, you sounded so cheerful, it made his heart flutter and heat sprang to his face.
“Isn’t he that guy who’s really pretty? I hear that tons of people are swooning over him, you’ll have a lot of competition if you wanna blend in.”
“I mean yeah... he’s pretty but that’s not why I like him!”
“What, you’re different from the rest? Why do you like him then, if not his looks? They seem to be the only thing of his that are of note.”
His heart sank a little, there it was again, that focus. His hair, his eyes, his face, people complimented him on them left and right and it made him wonder if that was all he was worth - is that all he is? Just a pretty-boy athlete?
You sounded... indignant?
“I like him because of his skills, for one! Have you seen his serve? That thing looks as if it could turn my face into a pancake! And besides that, he’s such a great leader! His team clearly flourishes with him as captain, I saw one match where he couldn’t make it and they were only working at 3/4 max of the potential that Oikawa is able to draw out of them - it’s incredible! I worked on a project with him once and he was both in charge and so considerate! He’s more than his face, you know.” Your hands moved passionately and he could imagine the sparkles in your eyes as you talked, the way you occasionally did about your favourite media or facts.
He was in deep, and your rant at your friend gave him the nudge he needed to confess immediately... or maybe at interhigh.
He nodded as you spoke, having been asked to help tutor you for the upcoming exam, as you had a few things that you were stuck on. He’d accepted immediately, since he was absolutely smitten with you. Nobody had been told about this, not even Bokuto, because he would tease Akaashi to kingdom come if he found out - or he’d try to set you up, which would be even worse. Gently correcting a mistake you’d made in your work, he took the time to appreciate being so close to you. Akaashi loved to spend time with you, since you’d become tentative friends due to sitting adjacent to each other in Biology, and since you occasionally came to his matches, but only when you had the time.
There was a slight noise as his phone buzzed in his pocket, and, taking it out, he saw a text from Bokuto, saying that he’d forgotten where the bibs for practice were stored and that he was outside the classroom so that Akaashi could point him in the right direction. Stepping outside with a sigh, he showed Bokuto which way the storage cupboard was, and gave him very clear directions on how to get back to the gym from there, along with another, not really that sincere, apology for having to miss practice to tutor you. However, just before he opened the door again to the spare classroom that you were working in, his ears picked up the sound of your voice, on the phone to one of your friends.
“Yes I am getting tutored by Akaashi!” His curiosity was piqued, was your friend interested in him or something? He couldn’t hear the sound from your phone speaker, but your response sent sparks through him.
“No, of course I haven’t confessed to him - It’s not like he likes me back! Besides, we are actually supposed to be working!”
“Yes, I’m sure I like him! He’s so considerate, and he explains things really well, and he always knows how to help, and he’s gorgeous.”
Oh. Oh Oh Oh! You liked him! He couldn’t stop the beaming smile that shone across his face as your conversation with your friend trailed off, leaning against the wall outside and trying to quell the ache in his cheeks that came with such a wide, lovestruck grin. His ears were pink and his eyes sparkled, and if anyone had walked past him at that moment, they’d say that he’d never looked more alive.
He walked into the classroom, glowing, and sat back down next to you before clearing his throat. He could see redness in your face as well, and mustered all his courage to do what he’d been wanting to for a while.
“Hey... I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you today and... I was wondering if... you’d maybe like to go out with me sometime?” 
Your resounding yes made this the best day ever.
It was a Saturday, sunny, warm, and boring. Yamaguchi had decided to try and pass the time by going for a quick stroll down to his favourite café, passing through a lovely green park on the way, where he walked around, looking at the different species of flower, and the fish in the ponds, throwing a few crumbs of bread to them as he passed. To be honest, the only way for the day to be more perfect would have been a backing soundtrack, then it would have felt like something directly out of a feel-good film. 
Coming to a new street, he wandered past a few shops, until he came to where he’d been meaning to come. The sweets sold here were the best, and getting one, plus a lemonade, to take away while he walked was just an extremely relaxing thing to do. He was planning to go and read a book in the park, to soak up some of the sunlight and enjoy the lovely afternoon.
The bell tinkled as he pushed open the door, and his nose was caressed by the smell of baking bread and sugar. However, as he approached the front to order, he spotted you and a couple of your friends sitting in the corner, near the window, all of you nursing some cold drinks and chatting with one another. His heart jumped into his throat, the sound of it pounding in his ears. The lady at the countertop, who had got to know Yamaguchi relatively well, since he came here so often, leaned over and grinned at him.
“Do you know them?” She asked, a twinkle in her eyes. At his nod, she giggled and said to him, “Whichever of them you like, you should say so! I bet they’d say yes!”
He thanked her, quietly, and smiled, knowing that she only meant well, and waited at the side of the counter for his order to be ready. As he waited, your voice drifted over to him from your seat at the window.
“So, do you like anyone?” One of your friends said with a laugh, you appeared to be having one of those lighthearted discussions that good friends sometimes have about such things.
A blush sprang to your face, and you brought a hand to your eyes, “...Maybe...” Leaning forwards, your friend gestured for you to continue. You sunk further into your chair in embarrassment.
“Ok... so you know... Yamaguchi?”
“Yamaguchi?” Your friend replied excitedly.
“Yeah,” smiling, your gaze drifted a little, as if you were lost in thought. “He’s just the sweetest, honestly, so supportive and kind, he helped me out after I tripped over the other day, and, when I missed one of the maths lessons, he talked me through the material... he’s lovely...”
Grinning, your friend patted your hand, relaxing back into their chair, “Well, he’s definitely not the worst person for you to be crushing on, you’ll need to drop some hints though... want a hand?”
“Stop it!” You whined, bringing your hands up again to cover your tomato-red face as your friend laughed.
Yamaguchi left the café with three things, a pastry, a lemonade, and the resolve to ask you out the next time he saw you. He practically skipped down the lane as he went back to the park, joy filling his heart.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
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soardived · 2 years
a little heads up.
i don’t like doing posts like this but if i don’t i think i’m just going to spiral further, so ... my relationship with my mom is a disaster. such a disaster that we’ve tried family therapy four different times with four different psychiatrist, that ended with my mom showing that she is incapable of change and incapable of seeing that what she does hurt me, let alone listen to me when i say it. things have been going downhill for a few years now.
and, well ... last week, after being dragged into one session of family therapy with a therapist i do not trust and feel unsafe with, my mother decided to cancel my psychologist (that does actually help me) after i’ve expressed my refusal to see that psychiatrist again, let alone do family therapy with her for the fifth time. being away at the dorms and thinking it wasn’t an appropriate discussion to have on the phone, i had asked her if it would have been possible to talk about it during the weekend.
her response was to cancel the psychologist, claiming that if i can make my own choices, then i can pay by myself.
needless to say, i am in the process of moving out. thankfully the school i go to has programs set up and they could find me a place (and even pay for it). but i will admit that some time may pass between now and then. and i do not feel safe to come back to my house, not with a mother that screams at me to get the fuck out of her house for three missplaced plates.
i miss my cat so much. and i miss my mom so much, too. what i would give for her to tell me that she’s sorry and ask me to come home. but she’s never apologized to me for a single thing in her life. not for things that mattered to me.
i’ve been having trouble sleeping, i’ve been falling ill countless times, and i idealize stabbing myself at night. i think of myself eating pills until i explose and they find me writhing on the floor or my minuscule room at the dorms. all of these mere feet away from my friend who was kind enough to take me in during the weekend. but i know i won’t do anything stupid. it wouldn’t change anything.
please don’t feel sorry for me, don’t pity me. just know it helps writing this down. and please understand why i may not answer on discord, why i may take time with replies or just drop things entirely. things have just been so, fucking hard, and it feels like i have little to no help here where i am. i don’t know where to go and i’m so scared.
i’m sorry for this wall of text, i’m sorry if reading this may have upset some of you, i just ... i needed to let this out, somehow. i promised i wouldn’t, but it’s been killing me.
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diavolodigitale · 3 years
Dream Sequence. Lucio
It’s been a while since I had so much fun writing something. No plot, really, it’s a pretty light read and I am proud of it.
All parts of the trilogy: Lucio - Asra - Julian - All stories in PDF
A part of the "trilogy" about dream encounters dedicated to Lucio (because I love him, apparently). Nothing special, just You (or the Apprentice, or the Reader, however you view it) and Lucio spending some time together (if you know what I mean, which you probably don't, so go ahead and read it, it's pretty short, I promise). My character was male, but you are free to imagine whoever you want since there are no references to it in the text.
Genres: Romance, Fluff, Humor, Dreams, POV First Person, One-shot, Light-hearted
Pairing: Lucio/Apprentice(or Reader or You or Whatever)
Characters: Lucio, Reader/Apprentice/You
Rating: G for Geez that’s a good story
Size: around 2500 words
I open my eyes and look around. The room I am in is quite spacious. Despite barely containing any decorations or even furniture, somehow it still feels inviting and cosy. It is dimly lit, the only light sources that I can spot are a few candles standing here and there.
Suddenly, I hear a loud thud, as if something heavy fell on the floor, and I hastily turn around to investigate. I immediately spot an empty decanter lying on the ground at the leg of an old wooden table and a figure crouching beside it. The figure looks like it’s glowing in the darkness of the room because everything about it is so brightly white.
“Didn’t mean to scare you,” says Lucio awkwardly and stands up, cradling the decanter in his arms. “Or did I?” he immediately proceeds to ask, roguish smile plastered on his face.
I smile in return and shake my head. This is probably another dream we’re sharing. It happened a few times before. There is no logical end to it, no specific purpose, nothing. We just seem to linger in an accidental place, surrounded by whimsical decorations or nothing at all, until one of us wakes up and cuts the ties to this place rendering it forever lost in time and space. I suppose it has something to do with our connection as the spirit of Lucio seems to be drawn to me whenever I slip out from the deep slumber and see dreams.  
“And why would you want to do that?” I ask and cross my arms, raising my eyebrow inquiringly.
“Isn’t it obvious? If you’re scared, you will seek my protection and want to hold hands. Maybe, even more than that,” he responds without even a hint of embarrassment and casually puts the decanter back on the table.
“Oh, you would need to do more than that to scare me, don’t you know?” I say playfully. This encounter doesn’t seem to differ much those we usually have, so I decide to behave as I always do around him.
“What a shame…” he says and pouts, hardly being able to supress his impish smile. “I was hoping I could find a reason to hold you.”
“Since when do you need a reason to do that?” I ask as he slowly approaches, his walk as gracious as ever.
“Huh, true,” he says and grins, now standing much closer to me. There is not enough light in the room for me to see the features of his face clearly, but I am nevertheless able to spot the playful glim in his eyes.
“What do you feel like doing this time?” I ask more seriously. We’ve been on quite a few thrilling trips in my dreams as they are often filled with peculiar apparitions and location, but right now I cannot find anything that could interest Lucio with his insatiable appetite for adventures.
“Hm…” He puts an index finger to his lips and musingly looks around. As I expected, nothing in the room is able to pique his curiosity so his gaze wanders back to me.
“I have an idea,” he says mischievously and immediately covers my eyes with his hand for a second. When his hand is removed, the only thing I can see is complete darkness.
Intrigued, I summon a small glowing orb to light up the place. To my surprise, we are in a completely different room that resembles a closet more than anything else. The place is a tight squeeze, with Lucio standing right before me and the orb hovering above us. Though we’re not actually close enough to be touching, there is hardly enough room to move around at all.
The room quickly fills with heat and I feel my head spinning. The feeling of almost tangible warmth around me reminds me of the time I first met Lucio. His presence had the same effect on his surroundings, which seems to be the sign of him being agitated or excited about something. My gaze is wandering from his jawline to collarbone and back since I don’t want to stare him directly in the eyes. Lucio might be shameless, but I immediately feel flustered in such a situation.
“You are quite a fast learner,” I say nonchalantly, looking up for a split second. He grins even more, flattered by my words.
In spite of his utter incapability when it came to using magic in the real world, he somehow was able to learn to manipulate matter in my dreams quite easily. There was rarely a need for him to resort to this skill, but his still tried to use every opportunity he had to give it a try.
“I can do many more things,” he says and moves closer to me, resting his heavy gilded hand against the wall right above my head and leaning a bit closer. “You know, I am very talented.”
I nod and look down. The orb illuminates every little detail of his face, and I am afraid he is provided with the same sight of mine, so I do my best to hide my flustered expression. I find the position we are in uncomfortable, but I am also curios to see what he has on his mind.
Lucio leans even closer, propped up on his arm, and starts whispering into my ear.
“Have any plans for tonight?” he asks, his eyes narrowed in a cunning smile.
“No, not that I am aware of at least,” I reply. “What are you up to?”
“Well, I was thinking we might find a monstrous beast for me to slay…” he whispers, tickling my ear with his warm breath, “I would look exceptionally good swinging its ugly head left and right, with a few light wounds here and there and covered in its blood. Or we might show up to an extravagant ball and have the time of our lives there. We could demonstrate the public our best, most elaborate dance, and they would cheer and applaud, flabbergasted at our awesomeness and grace.”
I chuckle a bit at how unsurprisingly flashy his suggestions are. But it is usually my job to tease him, so I can’t let him beat me so easily, even if I seem to be much less at ease in such… circumstances.
“Your idea certainly sounds entertaining,” I mutter and slide my hand down his side and onto his waist.
“Wh– which one exactly?” he asks, visibly taken aback by my display of interest.
“Both of them, actually,” I say, as my hand wraps around him and pulls him a tad closer.
Lucio’s face blossoms with light-pink and he lets out his breath with a loud sigh. The air of confidence he always has around him disperses in a matter of seconds every time I unexpectedly agree to play by his rules. He just cannot get used to it for some reason.
“And… which one would you chose?” he asks carefully, moving away from my red ear to steal a glance at my face. He is a bit taller than me and stands so close that it’s hard for me to look at anything else except for his squinted eyes and blond locks of hair framing his face.
I pull him even closer, pressing him to me and squeezing his side, and rest my other hand on his cheek. His face is growing redder every second and he starts to squirm a little, trying to avoid my gaze and the intimacy he seems to still secretly enjoy.
“I believe, I have an even better idea,” I say, smiling, and raise my hand to cover his eyes for a split second.
Before he has the time to protest, we are back in the room we first appeared and it is hardly different from the way we left it. I release him from my grip and give him a light push on the chest. With nothing to grab on his way down, he helplessly falls onto the bed behind him, a startled “Ah!” escaping his lips.
I smile, savouring the look of surprise on his face, and approach the bed.
Lucio is flushed but doesn’t seem to mind losing control over the situation. Invitingly, he reaches out with his hand to me, but I shake my head and climb on the bead on top of him without his help.
The bed is incredibly soft so I doubt he felt any discomfort landing on it. It reminds me of the one I saw in Lucio’s old chambers, only in its pre-catastrophic state. The cover is pleasant to the touch and seems to be crimson, but it’s difficult to discern the colour in almost complete absence of light in the room.
“You’ve got something red on your cheeks,” I say playfully and run my hand over the side of his face. It’s warm, hot even, and I feel the muscles twitch on his face as he smiles at me.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” he says casually, “when I felt you were here, I ran with all my might to get to you as fast as I could (and had to cover infinitesimal distances, of course) so now I might feel a little too warm.”
I quickly land a kiss on each of his cheeks, pressing him more with the weight of my body, and he laughs merrily, trying to catch my hands in the process.
“There’s something here as well,” I say and kiss Lucio on the tip of his nose.
He tries to escape my touch and turns away, giggling, so I kiss his ear shell which is even redder than his face now.
He struggles playfully a bit, but it doesn’t feel like he really wants to win this fight. I stop to look at him, and he returns my glance without a second thought. His hands are resting on my thighs and he moves them up and down carefully.
“You’re as light as a feather,” he notes, tilting his head, “we need to start feeding you properly. What is your favourite food?”
I take a second to consider my answer.
“Bread. With spices,” I reply, remembering fondly the times Asra and I would go to the bakery near our shop and enjoy the heavenly taste of freshly baked bread.
“Then it’s decided!” says Lucio excitedly and lands his hands on my thighs with a clap. “When I’m officially reinstated as the Count, I’m going to buy you all of the bread I can find! No, the whole stall! No, wait, the whole street! I will buy you a whole street worth of shops with all the bakeries you want!”
I cannot help but laugh at how foolishly he behaves. He pouts and turns away, trying to pretend that he lost interest in me.
“Okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I say, still laughing. “I am truly sorry, Your Highness. How could I ever make up to what I have done?” I ask inquisitively, observing his face.
Lucio’s eyes spark with mischief again and he pretends to be thoughtful before proceeding to say what has been on his mind, perhaps, this whole time.
“I might forgive you if you lend me a hand for something. There seems to be something wrong with me…” he says worriedly, but I am not buying into his act. “Something wrong…” he repeats, slyness becoming visible through his cracked façade of seriousness. “It’s become so hard to breathe, I am almost suffocating… Could you please help me with this problem? Pretty please?” he says and dramatically rests his hand on his neck. I look into his eyes full of fake innocence and nod with understanding.
Lucio moves his hand away and starts watching me with unhidden curiosity and excitement. I carefully touch his chest which is rising and falling steadily and, to my surprise, notice, that his coat is buttoned up more than usually. It even makes me think that it really might be hard for him to breathe as he is definitely not used to walking around like this.
I go ahead and start untangling the lace that holds his cloak. I feel soft fur brushing against my hand as I purposefully tinker with the clasp much longer than is really needed. Lucio is growing visibly impatient but seems to do his best not to hurry me. I, in turn, try to hold back my laughter.
Having delt with the cloak, I proceed to unbutton his jacket. The fabric is very delicate, and I again take my time to tease him instead of just dealing with it quickly.
Lucio loses what was left of his patience and opens his mouth with a frown of unsatisfaction.
“What’s taking you so long?”
I look up at him as if he was a child with which I had to reason.
“We wouldn’t want to damage your magnificent attire, would we?” I ask and airily brush my finger against his bare chest that is now partly exposed. “Better proceed carefully.”
He flushes again because of my touch and appears to be at a loss for words. In the end, he just swallows loudly and pretends he did not want to say anything in the first place.
I occupy myself with the buttons again, and this time he waits almost patiently until I finish torturing him. Every time I “accidentally” land my hand on his skin instead of the soft fabric, I feel his pulse quickening, and every time I am forced to bite on my lip to hold back my treacherous smile.
Once I am done, Lucio exhales with relief. I don’t know what he expects me to do next, but suddenly an idea flashes in my mind and I already know I just have to do it.
With his eyes half shut and mouth a little agape, he watches as I delicately lay my hands on his sides and stroke him. It looks like he wants to say something, but I don’t give him a chance as I begin to tickle him violently, running my fingers along the skin between his ribs.
Lucio struggles and kicks below me but cannot do anything to escape my attack. He breathes erratically and I hear his muffled giggling when he jerks up from the bed and presses his body against mine to give me no room for movements. I decide to spare him and hug him instead, wrapping my hands around his neck.
“Well, that didn’t help me at all!” he exclaims jokingly, hugging me back and burying his face near my collarbone. His gilded hand is stroking my back and it feels a bit ticklish because of how sharp the tips of his fingers are, but I decide not to complain as it is more pleasant than anything.
I nestle closer and start twirling a strand of his hair around my finger. He has calmed down and I can hear him breathing steadily against my chest.
“I wish we could sit like this forever,” he says quietly.
“And who told you we can’t?” I ask, and he looks up at me, astonished and puzzled. “Show me who said that and I’ll give them a nice thrashing!” I say and it makes him laugh again.
“Not if I do that first!” he exclaims and plops back onto the bed with me startled but still securely held in his arms.
“I’ll be there to watch then,” I say, resting my chin on my arms crossed on top of his chest.
“Of course, you will! Why else would I do that?” he asks with indignation. “You just watch me. Don’t watch anybody else, just me, okay?”
“Oh, I would never…”
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luxekook · 5 years
chapter three.
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader (insert gif of elmo with flames behind him here)
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 2.3k
⇥ warnings: 18+, cursing, dirty talk, jimin propositions the reader accidentally, taehyung is a menace, noona kink jumps out A LOT, chaotic ot7, talk of poly relationships, overall kinda smut free (the next chapter should quench fuel your thirst)
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Three
“It means that we’re going to date the shit out of you.”
We’re going to date the shit out of you.
We’re. Going. To. Date. The. Shit. Out. Of. You.
Those words play on a constant loop in my head for the rest of the week. After Namjoon had dropped that bombshell on me, I’d kind of freaked the fuck out, faked an immediate illness, and ran at full speed.
When I had told Luna about it later that night, she had been just as shook as me. Surprisingly enough, she had also given her full support of whatever I decided to do but “would have her banana slicer on standby and would order six more if need be”.
It appears that she had drunk-ordered a banana slicer off Amazon when the last boy she talked to pissed her off. I had apparently drunk-approved the decision. Rad.
Jenni’s reaction had been even better. We’d been in the library on Monday and her screech of “he said what!?” had led to multiple events:
An abundance of shushes from every student within a 50-yard radius
Her continued rant: “Your own personal harem! Can you say goals? Maybe I should infiltrate EXO and collect my own...”
Us getting kicked out by our ancient librarian
For the rest of the week, I had Luna and Jenni both giving me shit about the BTS boys. It had helped that I hadn’t run into them at all on campus between classes. But I had known it wouldn’t be long before my luck would run out...
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Quinn Library – 2:31pm
Typically, I don’t spend my Friday afternoons deep within the stacks of the library’s quiet floor. Yet, here I sit typing frantically due to my incapability to stop procrastinating. My fingers fly over the keys of my aging MacBook in hopes that whatever spur of productivity I had going on is captured in its fullest.
General education classes could burn in the pits of hell as far as I'm concerned. If I wanted to be a psychiatrist, why did I have to take – and pay for – an art elective that I would likely never utilize in the workforce? Plus, the only class within the category that fit my schedule ended up being “Writing About Dance”.
Yeah, I’m still a tad bitter, but in all honesty the class isn’t that bad so far. It mainly consists of watching different dance performances and learning how to write about them in different styles.
Today’s assignment is to write critical commentary on videos of the university’s dance team that the professor provided for us. Sighing, I finish my review of the second to last dance video provided by the professor, take a quick second to stretch, and then open the link to the last video on the assignment page.
“Park Jimin – Final Performance Solo, Spring 2019”
Slack-jawed, I fall into wonder as Jimin moves through his routine flawlessly. He dances like it’s easier than walking to him. His movements are somehow precise and fluid all at once. I barely realize a few tears have run down my cheeks until the video cuts off, signaling the end of Jimin’s performance.
Jesus, (y/n), get it together. I laugh lightly as I dig in my backpack for a tissue. How could I possibly capture the ethereal beauty that Jimin exuded into words? Am I even worthy of commenting on such exquisiteness?
Definitely fucking not. And before I can second guess myself, I type: “Park Jimin is art in its purest form. Watching him dance is like watching the sun rise over the ocean – raw beauty accompanied by the hopes brought with a new day. His performance left me wanting for nothing except an encore.”
Boom. Submit Assignment.
As my email pings with the confirmation that my assignment is turned in, my eyes widen in realization. Park Jimin of BTS is a dance god, and he – allegedly – wants to date me? That is just ridiculously unfathomable.
Namjoon must be off his rocker.
Closing my laptop, my phone suddenly vibrates with an incoming notification from snapchat...
President_RM has added you!
Before I can even comprehend the absurdity of Namjoon adding me, my phone bursts into a series of buzzes. Cursing, I switch my phone to silent and check my screen.
minsuga93 has added you!
jhopeworld_ has added you!
handsomeJIN has added you!
JKookie97 has added you!
vantae_BTS has added you!
95jiminie has added you!
Are they serious? How did they even get my SnapChat username?
vantae_BTS has added you to a chat!
Curiosity wins out over aggravation as I swipe to open the chat.
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Heart pounding, I fight the urge to chuck my phone into the depths of the bookcases winding around the room. What did those idiots want with me?
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(y/n) & Luna’s Apartment – 9:45pm
“What do those idiots want with me?” the decibel my voice has risen to is shocking even to my ears.
Luna cringes, accordingly, “I can’t tell if that’s a rhetorical question...”
I steamroll onwards, “And don’t even get me started on how they could have even gotten my snapchat. It’s a complete invasion of privacy!”
“You could just ask them,” Jenni’s voice cuts through my rambling tirade.
I pause, “No, I couldn’t—”
...Or could I?
Turning on my heel, I rush into my room and head straight for my closet. Grabbing the nearest sweatshirt and pair of leggings, I tug them on and then grab my keys from my nightstand.
Whirling back into the living room, I storm past a dumbfounded Luna and Jenni, “Be right back.”
Opening the apartment door, Luna shouts, “Wait! Where are you going? You’re not even wearing shoes!”
Whoops. I glance at my feet and note that she is, in fact, correct.
Jenni bounds over to me holding my Doc Martens, “Here, babe. You’re going to the BTS house, aren’t you?”
I nod grimly and salute my two best friends as if I'm going into battle. “I won’t be long. I just have a small errand to run.”
“Well, you’re not going alone,” Luna declares, pulling on her sneakers.
Jenni snorts and shoves her feet into her beat-up Converse, “No way am I missing out on this action.”
As we head out the door, I link arms with Luna and Jenni, “Have I mentioned I love you both recently?”
“Right back at you, bitch,” Luna laughs.
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Greek Row – 10:17pm
Ten minutes later, we reach Greek Row. Fraternity and sorority houses dot the street on both sides. Personally, I think of this street as home to the chaotic rich, and I tend to avoid it at all costs – except tonight.
The line to get into BTS is so long it wraps around the block. Students dressed in the latest fashions converse as they wait, huddling together in their groups. I glance down at my outfit of a worn university hoodie and leggings.
“Well, shit. We’re underdressed, huh,” Jenni deadpans, causing all three of us to burst into laughter, “Do you think they put you on the list, (y/n)?”
Pondering that thought, I shrug, “Maybe,” and begin marching past the line of waiting students towards the front door of BTS, “But I sure as fuck am not waiting in that line.”
“Hey, there’s a line here!”
“Yo, bitches! What are you doing?”
“What the fuck?”
Paying the hecklers no mind, I saunter right up to the BTS pledges guarding the door, “Hi, I need to talk to Kim Namjoon.”
The pledge on the right rakes his gaze over me incredulously and then makes the same assessment of Luna and Jenni, “You know this is a party, right?”
I don’t deem that comment worthy of a response and instead cross my arms over my chest. He shrinks under the collective glare of me, Luna and Jenni.
The pledge on the left awkwardly clears his throat, “Names, please?”
My answer barely escapes my lips before the pledges visibly straighten, looking at me with new eyes, “You’re (y/n)? Why didn’t you just say so?”
And before I can answer, the front door swings open for us.
People are everywhere. A haze of smoke looms in the air, and rap music blares from the speakers. The bass is turned up so loud that the beat seems to take over the rhythm of my pulse. That cannot be healthy.
Turning to my friends, I do my best to communicate, shouting, “I’m going to find them! Are you going to be here?”
Luna and Jenni exchange a look and nod. Jenni shouts back, “We’re going to get some drinks. Might as well capitalize on free booze! Text us when you’re ready to go.”
And with that, we part ways.
Maneuvering around the sea of gyrating bodies in the main living room area, I scan around for any signs of my seven menaces.
“Do my eyes deceive me? Or is that my future wife?” The deep voice booms from behind me.
I sigh, recognizing the voice, and turn around.
Kim Taehyung is striding towards me with his arms outstretched, smiling like the damned fool he is and looking like he just stepped off the runway for Gucci. “Come to daddy.”
An idea forms. I smile sweetly and walk to meet Taehyung halfway. His boxy grin widens and just as he thinks I'm going to let him wrap his arms around me, I grab him by the ear.
“Ouch!” He cries, “Devil-woman!”
Ignoring him, I drag him behind me towards the stairs.
“If you wanted to get me alone, you could have just asked—OW!”
My hold on his ear tightens as we arrive on the second-floor landing, “Where are your brothers?”
“I don’t know, n-noona!” Somehow the honorific coming from Tae sounds divine, but I file that thought away for another time.
Removing my hold, I corner him against the wall of the hallway, “Okay, Kim, here’s what is going to happen. You’re going to point me in the direction of your room, go find your six idiot brothers, and then report back here so I can finally understand what the fuck is going on. Got it?”
My chest heaves as my directions conclude and I realize how close together we are. Taehyung stares at me with an indecipherable expression before breaking into a slow smile, “Noona is bossy.”
“Noona is going to shove her foot up your ass if you don’t get moving,” I growl.
“Kinky,” he laughs, backing away from me and my brewing anger, “Last door on the left is my room. I’ll be back with the six idiots.”
As he thumps back down the steps, I close my eyes and count to ten, trying to steel my nerves and rein in my anger. When I open them, my eyes are met with the amused gaze of Min Yoongi.
Slapping a hand to my heart, I wait for my pulse to settle from being scared out of my wits, “Motherfuck—how did you even move that silently?”
“It’s a skill,” Yoongi drawls, nodding towards to end of the hall, “So, group meeting in Tae’s room?”
Shooting him the best side-eye I can muster, I stalk past him, steadfastly ignoring the chuckles and light footfalls that follow behind me.
Throwing open the door which Taehyung indicated was to his room, I pause, taking in the horde of photos and art taped to the four walls. The light blue wallpaper barely peeks through the absolute massive amount of artwork.
“It’s overwhelming at first, isn’t it?” An angelic voice shyly breaks through my reverie, “Tae likes to collect pictures and things he finds beautiful.”
“Ah, so that’s why we’re friends.” The joke is followed by a laugh that can only be compared to the sound of a windshield wiper squeakily moving back and forth.
I shift my eyes from Taehyung’s walls and onto the two newcomers – Park Jimin and Kim Seokjin.
Meeting Seokjin’s gaze first, I cannot help but agree that he is a very, very beautiful man. With pushed back dark hair, mischievous brown eyes and impossibly broad shoulders, Seokjin can easily be mistaken for an idol. And, oh fuck, I’m still staring.
Shooting my eyes back up to his, I crinkle my nose at his shit-eating grin. Before he can even comment, I turn and lock eyes with Jimin.
“Your dancing is gorgeous,” I blurt out and immediately want to crawl under a rock and live out the rest of my life as Patrick Star.
Yoongi and Seokjin are cackling as Jimin’s face lights up at my embarrassing compliment, “You really think so?”
“There's no shutting him up now,” Yoongi is in tears, “Watch out, (y/n). Jimin loves his fans.”
“Shut up, Yoongi-hyung!”
Jimin looks ready to swing, but luckily Taehyung chooses the right moment to return, “What have we missed? Why is Jiminie about to fight Yoongi? I’ll put $10 on hyung.”
Gasping in betrayal, Jimin sits on the edge of Tae’s bed and pouts.
The rest of the boys file in behind Taehyung as he flops down onto his bed and reclines like he doesn’t have a care in the world.
“Hi, (y/n). Good to see you again. I’m glad you’re here,” Namjoon greets me with a slight bow, a crooked smile and wicked eyes.
He’s followed closely by Jung Hoseok, the only BTS boy I hadn’t met thus far, “(y/n)! It’s so nice to meet you in person! Wow, you look so pretty tonight!”
“Noona always looks pretty,” Jungkook cuts in, throwing an arm around Hoseok’s shoulder, “She’s bae.”
A collective groan arises from the rest of the boys. “Sit your ass down, JK,” Yoongi grumbles, “(y/n)’s going to break up with us before we even start dating.”
“Dating—!” I break off that train of thought. Other matters need to be attended to first, “No, I didn’t come here tonight to say ‘hi’ or to be your ‘bae’. I came here to get answers.”
I take my time making eye contact with each boy.
Taehyung is still spread out on his bed and Jimin has now joined him. Seokjin, Hoseok and Jungkook are sprawled out on the floor at the foot of the bed, while Namjoon and Yoongi slouch against the opposite wall of the bedroom facing me.
“Alright,” Namjoon lifts his chin, meeting my stare head on, “What do you want to know?”
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a/n: sorry for the cliffhanger, hehe. i wanted to get something up for y’all! hopefully next chapter won’t take too long to finish/edit :)
@hazeljrz @sessi03 @catsandstrawberries @h5naaa @meowmeowyoongles@leftflowerprunedonut @rjsmochii @athletes-of-god @karissassirak  @weallhavesecretsinthebestway @cvbachacbitch @bewitch3dforivar @honeyspillings @xxonyxpearlxx​ @fivesecondsofsarang @oii-f-eli-x2 @joonsroses @theevilyouknow @jooniescupcakes @expensive-grl @i-dont-even-know-fck @doingmybestalltheftime @elraeee @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh @laced-brds @aokay1010 @breeeeh17 @lpayne612 @peachyharmoney @rilakoya @chulchuchi @tabula-rasa0 @guccishookv @nomimits7 @i-like-puppy-mg @s-noir @anna-sorel  @valiantcollectorofsandwiches​ @cage7241​
blogs that wouldn’t let me tag them for some reason: 
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pressedinthepages · 4 years
Family Business
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Eskel/Jaskier
Rating: T
a/n: Another day, another collab with Maragret @sometimesiwrite cause we just cannot stop. And this one will have cHaPtErS!!!!!!
(There is a link on my page where you can be added to my taglist :D)
Modern Coffee Shop AU. Eskel and his brothers run a coffee shop. Jaskier pops in one morning. Neither can anticipate what is to come.
The bell above the door of Happy Goat Coffee and Snacks tinkled quaintly as Eskel returned from the corner store, carton of almond milk in-hand. He slipped the receipt into the till and opened the milk fridge, taking stock to see if there was anything else that couldn’t wait for Wednesday’s delivery. All seemed to be in order—Barista Blend soy and oat milks, a few bags of regular milk. He didn’t like carrying almond (bad for bees), but it was the only thing some customers could drink so… here it was. 
He turned to make himself another coffee, taking stock of their baked goods: chocolate zucchini muffins, banana bread, blueberry muffins (a few missing, Geralt’s been here…), and an assortment of granola-based snacks. The overall business plan was plant-based and/or sustainably sourced in the hopes of filling a void left by the larger chains that were the only other options in the neighbourhood. It wasn’t a bad plan, and with the increasing number of conscious-consumer parents, they were establishing a strong and loyal customer base.
    Lambert carried a tray of sourdough paninis around the counter and began transferring them into the display case, arranging them as neatly as his energetic hands would allow. It had been hell working with him for the first little bit. Lambert took after their sainted mother only in being a morning person. His general pissy attitude skipped a generation and came directly from their grandmother. But the prickly bastard knew what he was talking about, and after some… heated negotiations, they managed to agree on finding a local butcher who could provide pork belly which Lambert would turn into proper bacon in the back. They barely had the space, but he somehow made it work, and it sold very well as an add-on. I mean, he wasn’t wrong. It did taste better.
    Of course, this didn’t stop the young brother’s grumbling. He simply did it while chewing. “Lambert, could you please, please, stop eating the bacon?”
    “I’m sorry, I must be doing this wrong. Do I look like I give a fuck???”
“No, you don’t. That’s why I’m doing it for you. Just...” he sighed “don’t eat us into bankruptcy.”
“What, so Geralt can drink all the fuckin organic ass lemonade he wants but I can’t have a piece of gods-be-damned bacon???”
“Geralt drinks the—oh my God you guys are killing me—look, I will talk to Geralt about the lemonade, you can have some, some bacon, and I’m going to try my hardest not to put my head through the fucking wall. Capiche?”
Lambert watched over Eskel’s shoulder as Geralt chugged the remainder of the lemonade from his cup through narrowed eyes in his direction.
“Fine.” Lambert growled, turning back to the kitchen. “You’ve got a fucking customer, by the way, boss.”
“Don’t call—oh never mind. Hello, sorry, welcome to the Exasperated Goat. I’ve changed the name.”
“I love it,” the young man on the other side of the counter crooned, cocking his hip with a smile. “Think it’ll really capture the true essence of the neighbourhood.” Eskel was struck dumb immediately, his words falling flat on his tongue. He was trapped in a pair of dazzling blue eyes and the brightest, most open face he’d seen in a—well, a depressingly long time, if he was honest. The young man was eccentrically stylish with bright splashy colours and patterns that had no business going together as well as they did. 
Eskel wasn’t the only one transfixed. His vivacious new customer was too busy marvelling at something inexplicable behind the proprietor’s hazel-green eyes and his… aura? Was that even a thing? How long have I been standing here? Oh God, am I staring? Shit. 
Geralt swaggered behind the counter and bumped into Eskel's shoulder pointedly.
“What can I get you?” He fumbled, working hard to regain his senses.
The young man recovered more smoothly, “Cappuccino, dry please. And a chocolate zucchini muffin. Please,” he added with a cheeky grin, holding out a twenty.
Eskel took the money and their fingers brushed, just the tiniest bit—was that a linger?—but he felt the sparks fly under his skin nonetheless, and as he got to work steaming milk, he desperately tried to remember how small talk worked. The young man beat him to it. 
“How’s the morning so far?”
Eskel sighed, glancing up at him. “Not...terrible,” he said, peering over his shoulder to find Lambert now munching on a mini quiche. “Lambert keeps eating the merchandise, but I suppose it could be worse.” 
Eskel was caught up in the man’s smile again until the rapidly rising temperature of the milk that brought him back to himself. He tapped the pitcher to settle the foam and wiped the steam wand, “How’s your day been...?”
“Can’t complain,” the man shrugged, taking a sizeable bite out of the side of his muffin—an act that Lambert would have seen as a criminal offense. Eskel disguised an amused grimace. “Had a gig last night, decent turnout. One or two people I didn’t know actually showed up on purpose.” Eskel knocked a portafilter empty, cleaning it with a well-practiced twist of the wrist. The man’s eyes drifted to the espresso-stained microfibre cloth that was currently being handled so expertly and found his mind wandering, jarred back to reality as the grinder kicked on. He jumped a little. 
“Ah, you’re a musician, then?” Eskel asked over the noise.
He nodded, swallowing thickly as he took in the breadth of Eskel’s shoulders. “I like telling stories,” he called back.
“Ah, you write your own stuff, then.” Eskel knocked the edge of the portafilter against the palm of his hand to settle the espresso and Jaskier was lost again, watching large, graceful hands working with strength and precision, all in the name of a decent cup of coffee. Eskel looked at his mesmerized conversation companion, “Or do you prefer to cover?” 
“Hm? Oh, well, a bit of both. I like to cover because it gives people a sense of familiarity, like they can trust you with their evening. It sets the tone. Then I do my own stuff once I’ve got them on my side.”
Eskel cut the shot as the rich caramel colour of the dark espresso began to run lighter, and he gave it a sniff, ensuring the extraction was good before pouring in a little milk, and dolling out large quantities of foam. He passed the drink to the young man. “Extra dry.”
“Ah, my hero,” the young man wrapped his hands around the cup and brought it to his lips. “Mmm, delicious as always.” 
“Always?” Eskel asked, tearing his eyes away from the young musician’s long, slender fingers. “Y-you’ve been in here? I don’t—I’d’ve thought I’d remember you.” 
“Mhm, I usually pop in in the afternoons though, it’s typically Geralt over there who’s working.” He waggled his fingers over Eskel’s shoulder and he heard Geralt grunt in acknowledgment.
“Ah, yes. He takes over from me so I can go home and sleep. Well, rather forces me to. It’s hard to remember there’s a home when you spend most of your time at your own business. You hear people talk about self-care? Mine’s Geralt.”
And the young man, who Eskel thought was incapable of being any more charming, laughed so brightly and earnestly that Eskel could’t stop the grin that spread to his own face—not that he’d’ve wanted to. 
"I suppose that's what partners are for, isn't it?" he said flippantly, adding a dash of nutmeg to the foam in his cup and stirring in a little honey. 
"To remind you there's something other than work, you know, house and family and—" 
"Oh, uh, no—business partner. Geralt's just a—well not just. He's my brother." 
"Ah! I'm so sorry, I just assumed... You know, urban cafe, tasteful decore, and then you mentioned he’s your self-care. Most people aren't that close with their siblings is all." 
Eskel nodded, "Our other brother's in charge of the kitchen. It's... a long story, but, here we are!" 
Eskel watched as the young man took a deep breath through his nose, seemingly steeling himself. He was then met with those striking eyes again as a napkin was slid across the counter, just barely brushing his fingertips. “In that case...would you like to get dinner sometime?”
"I—what?" Eskel shook his head, not quite believing what he was hearing. 
The young man smiled again,"It's alright. I'm just giving you a napkin with my number on it. You can use it to communicate with me. You know, texting? Call me? Maybe eat some food?" 
"But I—I don't understand, why?" 
The young man playfully rolled his eyes, "If you're not interested, you can just say so."
“No! No, I absolutely am, I’m ju-“ Eskel stammered, trying desperately to keep from sticking his foot in his mouth and driving the young man away,“I’m just not sure why you are.”
The young man just laughed brightly, his blue eyes flashing beneath dark lashes, "Because you're handsome, hard-working, and the way we've connected just now gives me a hunch. Besides, how long has it been since you had a chance to get away and go to dinner with someone?" 
Eskel eyed his customer, thought for a moment, and tapped the napkin before picking it up. "Walk first, then dinner. I hate starting dates like a third-degree."
The young man set down his coffee and held out his hand, beckoning to Eskel over the counter. As he came around, he offered his hand in return, and was shocked by the—could he call it intimacy?—of the musician’s hand gently closing around his. It may as well have been an embrace. “I-“ and of course his voice cracked. Eskel cleared his throat with a chuckle, finding those beautiful baby blues once more. “I’m Eskel.”
"Julian. Stage name is Jaskier. You can call me either, it doesn't really matter." 
Eskel smiled warmly, "It's nice to meet you, Julian." 
"Likewise, Eskel. I, uh, I should get going. But. Text me, we'll make plans."
Eskel watched as Julian left, his stride long and confident. He wasn’t sure how long he stood there, staring into empty space, but at some point Geralt once again appeared to nudge against his shoulder. “Better save that napkin, brother.”
Eskel nodded at the flimsy paper in his hand, looking at the digits like they were an ancient cipher that needed decoding. "Better yet..." Geralt said, surreptitiously grabbing Eskel's phone from off the counter, unlocking it, and texting, Hope you have a good day.
"Here you go," Geralt said, handing the phone back to Eskel before pouring himself a drip.
Eskel’s stomach simultaneously lept into his throat and fell onto the floor. “Geralt,” he breathed, watching the *read* message pop up, “well now what? By the way,” Eskel suddenly turned, wagging his finger at the end of Geralt’s nose, “quit drinking all of the merchandise!”
“First off, now he can actually text you back instead of waiting to hear from you all day, which is exactly what would happen if left to your own devices. Secondly... Lambert said he wouldn’t tell you.” 
Eskel shook his head, mouth agape, “Unbelievable.”
Eskel’s fingers itched as he continued about his morning business, his phone silent in his pocket. He had nearly given it up as a lost cause when it finally chimed, and then he almost sent the phone flying across the store in his haste. 
So sorry for the late reply, Eskel. I was on the metro and then I had to run off downtown and then, alas, my phone died. I should really get one of those portable battery things. Ah well. Thank you for the well wishes!! It really brightened my day once I finally got them 😍😍😍
Eskel exhaled deeply. Okay, this was okay, this was good. He typed and deleted. Retyped. Deleted. Geralt reappeared over his shoulder, glancing at the text no worries, wanted to make sure you had my number. Geralt shook his head and took a sip of coffee before grabbing Eskel’s phone and typing, no worries, glad you got it sorted. Hope the metro wasn’t too much of a disaster. Geralt handed Eskel his phone to peruse the message.
“When did you get good at texting?” Eskel murmured as he pressed ‘send.’ Geralt merely shrugged as he ambled away, clearly in search of something to snack on as he finished inventory and ordering. Eskel called over his shoulder, “Would you please make more lemonade since you drank it all?!?!” 
As Geralt’s hum in the affirmative hit his ears so did the chime of his phone.
Not bad at all! Only one shouty person, and he didn't even hurl obscenities after me :D Although a mother with a very large stroller gave me a rather impressive side-eye as I sat down with my guitar tucked between my feet and mumbled something about manspreading. Some days it's the little things that get you through 🙃
Eskel replied, That sounds about right for 2 in the afternoon. Too bad you didn't see the Singing Man, he'll really give your day a kick you didn't know it needed.
You know what would give my day a good kick? A lovely walk with a lovely man ;) 
And Eskel blushed. Full on blushed. Lambert snorted from where he hovered in the doorway. 
“Go on, lover boy,” Lambert smirked, taking a bite out of another goddam slice of bacon. “We’ve got it covered.”
He rubbed his face. It was hard to think straight. He'd been up since 4:30, and part of him just wanted to go home and sleep, but it was also the first sunny day they'd seen in what felt like over a month, and the idea of a nice walk with some light conversation wasn't unappealing in the least. He frowned at Lambert, "How do you even know it's him that texted?" 
"Because you just turned three shades of pink and stared at your phone like it's a piece of alien technology." 
Eskel grumbled and turned back to his phone. Would be nice to get some company and fresh air. What part of town are you in? Meet in the middle?
Meanwhile, Julian was on the metro. Again. His leg bounced where he was sitting, reading the same paragraph of some random book over and over again. He knew it was a long shot coming all the way back to the coffee shop—Eskel might be done for the day and gone home or out doing shopping or—but it could be worth it. He lept off at his stop and bounded up the stairs, and his phone dinged with a delayed notification. He smiled at his phone and stowed it away, walking as fast as he possibly could until he saw the familiar sign of the coffee shop. Julian slowed down so that he didn’t cross the line from ‘windswept’ into ‘desperate’ and peered into the little window. He spotted Eskel immediately, his back to the door and speaking with another man behind the counter, presumably Lambert. Julian smiled and pushed open the door.
"Whoa-ho-ho, Pretty Boy at twelve o'clock." 
Eskel looked up from Jaskier's Spotify account and quickly closed his phone. "I suggested halfway, I hope you didn't come all the way across town."
Now it was Julian’s turn to stammer a bit, his tongue feeling too large for his mouth as his eyes swept across Eskel’s form. Since this morning, it had clearly been a busy day. His cheeks were flushed and his hair curling at the nape of his neck, and he had even caught a glimpse of luscious chest hair peeking out from the sharp v-neck that pulled across his chest. “I-“ Julian grinned to himself, come on, keep it together, “I was already on the metro when you texted back, so I figured I’d just...come here!”
Eskel narrowed his eyes and hummed. "Want a drink before we head out?" 
"Oh sure, we can't eat the merchandise but you can give away free drinks to anyone who flirts with you?" 
"I—You—would you just..." 
Jaskier cut in, "I think you'll find that actually exactly how it works. Bit of an unspoken code. People have started taking advantage of it to get free coffee, though. Makes it hard for those of us who mean it..." Julian's eyes met Eskel's for a lingering second and Eskel had to remind himself to breathe. "London Fog, please, Eskel. But I'm happy to pay. I know tea is less expendable." 
"Hm. See, Lambert? It's a barista thing."
Lambert rolled his eyes as Eskel steeped the Earl Gray in a bit of hot water, added vanilla, and steamed some milk. He carefully slid the finished beverage over the counter, one of his hands finding the tie at the back of his apron. “So...” he said, trying to decide between meeting or avoiding Julian’s intense gaze, “would you like that for here, or to go?”
"I think you'll find it's already in a to-go cup," Julian said, raising an eyebrow. 
"That's because we're getting the hell out of here," Eskel said, and—much to Julian's instant pleasure and amusement—fluidly traversed the service counter, landing deftly on the other side. "I just need to change my shoes, and I'll be up in a second." Julian looked down to see Eskel's black work shoes covered with espresso and nodded, blowing on his tea as he watched, leaving him with the Prickly Brother, staring at him as he chewed his bacon. 
Julian sipped his tea and peered over the rim at Lambert, who had been scowling at him the entire time. Though he didn’t take it personally, it was likely that was just his face. “So,” Julian started, thrumming his fingers on the side of the paper cup, “you’re the one who’s been eating all of the merchandise?”
Lambert scoffed and scowled sideways, the last piece of bacon sticking out from the corner of his mouth. He nudged himself off the back counter and swaggered close to Julian. "Listen. I don't know what your deal is. But if you fuck him over, you will have two very big, very pissed off brothers to deal with. Got it?" 
"Fuck him over what?"
"'Scuse me?" Lambert said, scowling harder. 
"You said not to fuck him over, but didn't specify what."
It took Lambert a moment, but he granted himself one singular chuckle for the little shit. “Alright, kid. Just- be careful with him.” 
Julian smiled gently, peering over Lambert’s shoulder to where Eskel was striding back into the shop. “He seems like the kind of guy that I will certainly be trying my best to keep around.”
“Better believe it. You can spend your whole life looking, you won’t find a better guy than Eskel. He’s a fucking goldmine. But he’s our goldmine. Take his shine, you answer to us.”
“Yes, sir,” Julian mock saluted as Eskel handed something to Lambert. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was a piece of bacon. 
“Geralt’s in charge,” Eskel rumbled (which Julian found enticing) and with that, he turned on his heel and pulled open the door. He held it open and Julian smiled as the two of them stepped into the evening sun.
Eskel took a deep breath as soon as they stepped into the fresh air, letting the warm sunlight spill across his face. It was beautiful to look at. His hair glinted with little chestnut highlights and his arching eyebrows became even more pronounced in contrast with the brightness of his skin in the evening glow. Julian watched the muscles of his face relax, the pressure of greeting people slowly dissolving. His shoulders dropped, and he looked truly exhausted for a moment before opening his eyes and smiling softly. “So, Julian. Do you like dog parks?”
Julian braced an excited hand on the swell of Eskel’s arm (and my gods it was firm), “I would love to go to the dog park...but will it be odd if we just show up, without a dog?”
Eskel laughed and Julian felt his knees go a bit wobbly and he tucked his arm around Eskel’s for support. He noticed Eskel glance down. Ah, right, a bit forward. Easy Jaskier. Julian smoothly transitioned to holding his cup with both hands and Eskel smirked privately, appreciating the non-verbal understanding. “No, not really. We can find a bench if it’s not too cold, lots of people come by and watch. Not everyone in the city can have an animal, people are pretty understanding of onlookers.” Julian still looked skeptical, “c’mon, it’s not like going to a playground. I promise we won’t be creepy.”
“Well...” Jaskier smiled, flipping his hair out of his eyes, “lead the way.” 
Eskel walked slowly, stretching their time (and his legs) as much as he could. They made polite, easy small talk, finding little details about each other as they walked.
It turned out that they had surprisingly similar tastes in music, and Jaskier was both pleased and intimidated to learn that Lambert doubled as a DJ on weekends at one of the more popular clubs downtown. He was further surprised to learn that their father owned and operated one of the oldest Italian restaurants in the city and was quite famous because of it—he’d opened it as an homage to his Italian wife when she passed away unexpectedly—and while Papa Vesemir himself was Polish, he’d learned to cook from the best. 
It seemed they were a culinary family, in fact. Both Lambert and Geralt had trained in professional settings—Geralt had a background in baking, while Lambert had trained on the line with his father. Eskel, it turned out, preferred to be behind the bar. He liked people. Enjoyed making drinks. His father always joked that he had the “magic touch.” Every drink he made always came out tasting better, even if he followed the recipe to a T.
“So, why the coffee shop?” Julien asked as they rounded the corner of the dog park. They both smiled as they saw fluffballs of all shapes and sizes bounding around, and Eskel led them to a small bench.
He kicked his feet out in front of him and sipped his own coffee thoughtfully. “It was something we all knew how to do, and we saw a niche missing in the neighborhood. We had originally wanted to make it a bit more of a hub for artists and public resources—you know, host workshops, put up fliers, put artists’ work on the walls to sell. It isn’t quite where we want it yet, but it’s our old neighborhood. Wanted to give something back to the community. Plus, we like having regulars. You don’t get the same thing with restaurants. Cafes, though, you can get to know people better. Build loyalty.” 
Julian sat for a moment, looking at Eskel with a deeper appreciation than he already had. “You’re amazing,” he breathed, the words spilling from his lips without so much as a second thought. 
Eskel flushed even deeper, his neck a very pretty shade of pink. “I wouldn’t say all that...” 
“But I would,” Julian nodded, downing the remainder of his tea. “You’ve created something beautiful in a place that’s meaningful to you with your family, that’s amazing. And I’m allowed to say that, because I personally decide what is and is not amazing.”
“Fair enough,” Eskel raised an eyebrow and hid a smirk behind another sip of coffee. “It’s just... well everyone’s gone and opened up a coffee shop now, and it’s getting harder to see where our niche still sits. It’s a diverse neighborhood, we don’t want to alienate anyone, but we have to stay open... ah, I dunno. I suppose anything seems unremarkable if you’ve been waist-deep in the logistics for long enough.” 
“Do you have open mic nights?” 
“Open mic nights, you know, local artists bring their instruments, read poetry, play music, promote new albums while people buy alcohol and food?” 
Eskel tilted his head, “Huh...” 
“Yeah. Huh.” Julian nudged Eskel’s shoulder playfully. 
“The only issue with that is hours. We’d have to hire more staff and/or open later in the day so we can stay open.” 
“You could man a proper bar again,” Julian sang, jiggling his foot at the end of his crossed leg. 
Eskel reached an arm up and over and around Julian’s shoulder, “Julian, either you’re a remarkable person and I don’t know what on earth you could possibly want with me... or you’ve been sent by one of our competitors to play a long con and put us out of business.”
Julian tried valiantly to hide the shiver that ran down his spine just with the proximity, the weight of Eskel’s arm resting comfortably on his shoulders. “Well, if I told you that, then I’d have to kill you,” Julian smirked. Eskel threw his head back and laughed, reveling in the rejuvenating aura of the delight of a human that had deposited himself at his side.
“Hmmm, shall we keep walking? Or—I don’t want to keep you if you’ve got things to do,” his gaze on Julian was sincere and unassuming and the young musician was certain he’d never had less sense of any ulterior motives than he did in this moment. 
“I should drop my things home before work, actually. But we can walk for a bit in the same direction if you like.” 
Eskel shrugged, “Sure! Which way are we headed?” 
“I’m an Eastender,” Julian smirked. “Off we go!” He offered his elbow for Eskel to take, which he did—a little tentatively and far more gently than Julian would ever have expected from someone so... physically imposing.
Eskel could feel the persistent thrum of blood under his skin, but not in a way that signalled any particular desire. He felt comfortable, more content than he had been in a very long time, and he felt like he could easily waste an entire day doing exactly what they’d been doing for the last hour. Walking, talking, laughing... 
“What are you thinking about?” Julian asked, looking up at Eskel and stealing his breath in the same movement.
“I’m—uh—“ he cleared his throat again, “I’m thinking about how pleasant this has been and... also how comfortable I feel. I—well, I get the jitters, usually. With this kind of thing Which is not to say I haven’t still got them but,” they stopped walking for a moment, and Eskel turned to face his date, “what I’m trying to say is you’re very comfortable to be around. And that’s new.” 
“Wow... honesty. I wasn’t expecting that.” 
“I’m sorry did-did I...?” 
“Just make me more impressed?” That damn smile, “yes, I’m afraid you did. How tragic.”
Just like that, Eskel was lost again, caught up in those eyes that shone with an enigmatic innocence and penetrating observation that kept him looking and left him speechless. And Julian... well Julian was uncharacteristically at a loss for words in front of this stunningly kind, unbearably-gentle man he'd impulsively taken a chance on just a few hours ago because of a hunch. 
Eskel wondered whether Julian had leaned a bit closer during their few seconds of silence and countered, leaning forward a little himself. But he didn't want to make the young man think he was in it for the wrong reasons. The fact that he was older and larger wasn't lost on him, and the last thing he wanted was for Julian to feel any pressure. Those bright blue eyes flitted to Eskel's lips, and he swallowed, waiting. But Julian's intuition was too strong—Eskel was hesitating. Instead of following his eyes to the full, soft-looking lips in front of him, Julian placed his hands on Eskel's chest and dispersed the tension. 
“If we don’t keep walking I’m going to freeze my ass off,” Julian finally said. 
Eskel huffed a small laugh. “Come on then,” he jutted his chin, and the two started walking again. 
After a brief silence, Julian spoke, suddenly worried that Eskel felt rejected in some way, “For what it’s worth, I also feel quite comfortable. With you, I mean.” 
“I find I’m starting to move away from the Village scene. It’s always nice to have a community, of course, be able to go to a bar and know you’re in good company but... in the city, everyone’s trying on identities and—it’s all well and good, they should, but it’s just... well, it was fun for a while. I just want to play music and make people happy.” 
“Hm. I can relate to that.”
Julian stopped at the top of the street that would lead him to his apartment, not really wanting the evening to end, wondering whether Eskel was aware exactly how much he’d brightened Julian’s day. 
“C-would you...I mean, if I- or-“ Eskel stuttered, his fingers fiddling at his sides. 
“Go on...” Julian crooked his head with a gentle smile. 
“Would you mind if I came to one of your shows?”
Julian closed his hands around Eskel’s shoulders and looked directly into his eyes. “Good God, please come to one of my shows so I can look at a face that wants to be there instead of my bored friends.” 
“Well, I’m sorry it has to be my face,” Eskel fumbled in his self-consciousness, hearing the sound of his own distasteful insecurity. He grimaced inwardly. bad form, Eskel. 
“Hm. Clearly, you haven’t met my pimply weak-chinned-not-at-all-utterly-dashing friends.” It was so easy. Ludicrously easy, the way Julian made Eskel smile in that moment. It truly was a remarkable feat, one that none of Eskel’s former failed romances had ever navigated as easily, or as quickly.
“Thank you,” Eskel said quietly, only for Julian’s ears. 
“Whatever for?” Julian’s brow crinkled adorably and Eskel wanted to smooth the creases away with his thumbs. 
“For...for being bold. Because I know I wouldn’t have.”
“Oh please. This is all stage presence and bravado. I’ve been on the verge of a nervous breakdown since I wrote my number on that napkin. Listen, I’ve—ahh I hate to do this but I really have got to run. We can text later or I’ll pop by the cafe tomorrow and—“ 
“Absolutely, do your thing, I don’t want to make you late. Let me know when you’re free and we’ll grab dinner.” 
“I’ll check my schedule tonight. Should be free in the next few days. Have a good night, Eskel. I mean that.” Julian turned to go, but turned back, quickly pecking a kiss to Eskel’s right cheek, leaving the man standing with a half-smile of surprise on his face as he watched his new love interest scurry into his apartment.
Eskel walked back to the coffee shop, his cheeks pained from the smile that still hadn’t faded. The little bell above the door chimed and Geralt looked up from where was wiping down the counter, and Eskel heard a loud clang as Lambert dropped a metal pan and came running to the front of the now-empty cafe.
Eskel stood in front of his brothers. Geralt’s hand stopped where it was mid-wipe and Lambert fidgeted where he stood, hands on his hips. “So??”
Eskel hadn’t seen Lambert this energetic in a long time, and stood silently, drinking in his little brother’s excitement. Geralt came out from behind the counter, “Eskel. I don’t want to beat it out of you, but you’re leaving me with very few options.” 
“Nah, Geralt, you gotta use smaller words. He’s clearly having a stroke. Eskel!” Lambert clapped loudly, “How did. It go. With Pretty Boy. C’mon, we’re tryna close up here!”
Eskel finally spoke, “I—yeah, it was great. I, uh, I really like him.” 
“Fucking finALLY, BROTHER, THAT’S FUCKIN’ AMAZING!” Lambert practically jumped on Eskel, and Geralt sauntered over to put an arm around his shoulder. “You call Dad yet?” 
“No, I want to wait. I want to make sure this time. Don’t wanna get his hopes up. Plus he’s... well, he’s a bit younger—“ 
Lambert cut him off, “Whoa, I’m gonna stop you right there. What do you always do?” 
“Exactly. So shut up with that shit. You like him, yes?” 
“Yes. Definitely, very much.” 
“And he likes you.” 
“Well I mean—“ 
“That wasn’t a question. He likes you. End of discussion. He’s an adult, let him decide what he wants. Geralt?” 
“Surprisingly sound logic, coming from you. Frightening, actually.”
Eskel nodded along as his brothers bickered back and forth. He felt like he was floating on air, without a tether to the ground. 
“Oh, fuck, he’s really gone for him isn’t he?” Lambert muttered, watching Eskel’s eyes glaze over once more.
Eskel smirked and shook his head, “Fuck off, Lambert.” He playfully shoved his brother’s head to the side and went to count out the till and take it downstairs. He just sat down by the safe when his phone pinged.
Free for dinner day-after-tomorrow, playing a gig tomorrow night and Friday. Which would you prefer first?
Eskel smiled and typed out a response of his own, sending it before he could rethink it. Could I come to tomorrow’s gig and take you to dinner Thursday? I really want to see you again.
He felt his breath immediately quicken, but his hand was steady as he waited for a reply. 
Oh Jesus God please just reply...
Gig tomorrow is at 8:30, Gibson’s Pub in Corktown. $5 cover and also $5 Mill St. on tap. Dinner on Thursday it is. Not fussy, but nothing too spicy. Your choice 😊
Not quite sure what we should do for dinner, but I’m sure I’ll think of something. I won’t miss it for the world. Meanwhile, Eskel knew exactly where he’d be going for dinner. He shot off a text to his father and requested a quiet table for 2 at his restaurant. Papa Vesemir never asked too many questions, but he knew he’d have to explain later.
If you have the opportunity to save the world rather than listen to me play Wonderwall at someone’s request, please do. You can hear that literally any time you want.
For my favorite son, what wouldn’t I do?
Eskel replied to both: That’s a tall order. Watching you begrudgingly play Wonderwall could let me die a happy man.
Thanks, Pops. I know you’re not working that night, just tell Giulio nothing fancy, okay? Just a normal two-top.
Eskel’s phone dinged twice more: Oh my gods, you really are trying to kill me aren't you? You’re too sweet ;)
Eskel continued on with Julian, content with leaving Vesemir to finish his night. Don’t get me wrong, there would be a deep amusement in knowing how much you definitely hate that song by now.
Oh, I absolutely despise it and it needs to go die horribly in a dumpster somewhere. At least now I’ll have a confidante tomorrow evening. You know, someone to really share my suffering with.
Will you play any of your originals? 
Would you like me to?
Only if you want. I understand if you’d rather not share them right away. 
Julian was quickly realizing the extent to which he had, very much, struck a gold mine. Part of him couldn’t help but wonder what was waiting around the corner to make things not work out This Time. But he shoved those thoughts back. I share my music every week with people who’ve either heard it all before, or are too distracted to really care. Mostly Tinder dates trying to gain hipster points. Please. I would be so happy to know you’re there and actually wanting to listen.
Eskel felt his heart flutter in his chest as he rested his elbows on the desk with a crooked smile. 
I can’t wait, I’m sure they’re wonderful :) Eskel wasn’t really one to use emojis, but this one just kinda...slipped out.
He was whistling by the time he got to the top of the stairs and his brothers were already waiting for him, jackets on, lights out, floors mopped, door ready to be locked. 
“Dinner? Eskel said, trying to wipe what he knew was a stupid grin off his face. 
“Where to, lover boy?” 
Eskel deferred to Geralt, “Hmmm. China down?” 
“Mother Dumpling?” Eskel offered, pulling his collar up as they headed out, Geralt and Lambert sounding their agreement. With the cafe door closed and locked, the three brothers headed out into the evening.
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mrs-dynamight · 3 years
Be Nice To Me 4
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Part 3
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!Reader, Denki Kaminari x fem!Reader
Warnings: Eventual mature content, angst, hurt/comfort, love triangle, the reader is lowkey toxic, everything will be adressed in every episode (:
Chapter warning: Just a single curse word.
Chapter: 4/? I'm sorry, this is going to be long :c but I just loooove writing it
Synopsis: You're in love with your best friend Bakugou, and you're cofessing to him but things get a lot more complicated when Denki starts to treat you different *wink wink*
Word count: 1.6k
Author's note: This is a little bit shorter, but it's pure fluff, and the next one is going to be so long they will compensate eachother, hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 4 Bloom- The Paper Kites
I was floating in cloud nine, everything I have ever dreamt of suddenly became true, there he was, the boy of my dreams liking me back, what else could’ve I asked for? Maybe a little more time together before he’s gone.
The doubts in my heart were getting more difficult to ignore with every passing minute, we came back to the dorms like two hours ago but I was incapable of going to bed, let alone trying to sleep, there was so much to think about, were we a couple? I’ve never had a boyfriend, I don’t know how these things are supposed to work, we like each other, that’s all that it takes right? A long-distance relationship? I’ve heard that those never work, or should we wait for him to come back to make it official? Aren’t we already official? We’ve kissed, like a lot, there was even some tongue; ugh those thoughts made me feel so embarrassed.
The light of my home screen lightly illuminated the room, and with my blushed cheeks I went to check who was messaging me, it was Kaminari, I opened the text that reads “R u awake? I had a nightmare and I really could use a hug from my bestie rn” followed by five crying emojis; “See you in the place” said my reply, the place was this empty service room in the rooftop of the dorms, nobody ever used it for anything so it is completely empty, we made a copy of the key one day that we had to clean the entire dorms because a certain yellow-haired guy decide to play “potions” in chemistry class, and since then it’s been our hiding place, it had everything that we needed, a lot of junk food, fairy lights, a portable speaker, blankets and an Opossum holding a cigarette poster in one wall; whenever one of us needed a break from the outside world we came here, this is our safe space.
I opened the door to the place and saw Denki standing there, he looked so tiny and vulnerable, I hugged him instantly, the dim fairy lights in the opossum wall made his facial features even prettier, it was obvious he had been crying, I didn’t asked any question and he didn’t said anything, we just hugged for what it seemed like hours, with a heavy sight he pulled apart and give me smile
-Thanks Y/N I really needed that- Said Denki with his hand in my cheek and his eyes fixed in some point between us
-They’re back, aren’t they? - I asked with concern
He nodded and lied in one of our blankets in the floor, I did the same, we both were looking at the glow in the dark stars glued to the celling not saying a single word, he held my hand and started to cry
-Why do they keep coming back? I don’t wanna be afraid anymore- I knew exactly what he meant, he had a recurrent nightmare, a big fight against villains, every one of us dying in awful ways, he is always the last one to die, and before that there is always someone telling him that he is the weakest of us, that this was all his fault for not being enough.
-Your mind is playing tricks on you, you are not weak, I know I’ve told you that a gazillion times, but I’m willing to do it a million more, all the times you need it, I’m here, we are all safe and sound, you have nothing to worry about- Anytime the nightmares come back I make sure Denki knows he’s just as strong as any of our other classmates, that he’s smart and capable of being a great hero.
-I want to be able to protect you, I don’t want you to die- Said Denki facing me and locking his eyes with my own.
-I promise you, I’m not going to die in the hands of a villain, I’m going to die being the coolest grandma in the neighbourhood, doing a sick backflip and daring Satan himself to come for my soul- I said to make Denki laugh, and apparently it worked
-You’re my best friend Y/N, I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here, please never stop being like that-
-Being how? -
-I don’t know, funny, smart, a real pain in the ass to the villains and the teachers, a stubborn whiney stuff-
-Are you sure you aren’t describing yourself? –
-Nah, I didn’t said the most handsome man who ever walked the earth, but you’re not bad looking-
We both laughed, I really enjoyed being around Denki, his presence always felt comforting, like coming back home after a long trip, or eating your favourite homemade dish after a rough day, like a cool late summer breeze, he makes my heart warm and my troubles go away, I never feel more like myself than when I’m around him. That’s what friendship feels like, right?
-Could you do me one last favour Y/N? – Denkis voice took me out of my own mind -I don’t want to go back to my room and have another nightmare, I don’t wanna make you unconformable or anything, but could I sleep with you? -
It definitely took me by surprise, we had a lot of sleepovers over the years, but never just the two of us
-I understand if you say no, but I promise I just want to sleep, and having you around makes me feel safe-
-I have an idea, let’s have a sleepover here in the place, I’ll put one of those white noise videos that last hours, so you don’t have to think about anything-
-I’ll set the alarm to get up early and go to our dorms before anyone sees us, thank you so much Y/N, I’ll make it up to you, I promise-
-You don’t have to; I know you’ll do the same for me-
-You’re an angel but with no wings-
-So, like a person? –
-Shut up Aubrey Plaza-
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We were both lying in the blankets on the floor, our heads at the same level (look at the reference above) and I was slowly falling asleep, all I could hear was the white noise and Denkis soft breathing, I closed my eyes and just before I completely lost my consciousness and succumb to the tiredness of my body I heard it, Denkis soft voice, “I love you Y/N”. I turned my head to look at him with my heart racing miles, but he was deeply asleep. Maybe I just imagined the whole thing, it probably was my tired mind, I took one last look to the boy next to me, sleeping so peacefully and with a little smile in his lips feeling the same familiar warmth in my soul, is this really what friendship feels like?
The alarm went off exactly at 5 am, I woke up and it took me a moment to realize that I wasn’t in my dorm room, then I remembered Denkis nightmare, our sleepover, and that thing I thought I heard. I had to wake Denki up so we could go to our respective rooms without Aizawa founding out we were out of our rooms at night, or even worse that we had the keys of the place. I sat there and moved Denki to wake him up. He opened one eye and whined
-But moooooom, it’s Saturday, I don’t have to go to school-
-Come on Denki we have to go to our rooms-
-Five more minutes- He said and hugged my leg
-Do you want Iida to found out we didn’t sleep in our rooms and telling Aizawa? -
And just like that he got up and started heading to the door
-Shit, you’re right, come on, you know that guy wakes up hella early-
We were in the stairs heading to our rooms, and although we were on Denkis floor, he kept climbing down the stairs with me.
-You don’t have to escort me to my room Denki-
-Oh but I want to- Replied the yellow haired guy
When we were in front of my door he leaned down and planted a chaste kiss in my forehead.
-Thank you for being there for me, I will remember this night for the rest of my life- And he turned around without waiting for a response disappeared heading towards the stairs.
I stepped into my room with a heavy cloud around my mind, there was so many feelings inside me that I couldn’t even tell them apart, where do I draw the line between friendship and love? Between admiration and affection? Between what I feel for Bakugo and what I feel for Denki?
I closed my eyes and remembered everything that happened yesterday, Bakugos confession, our shared kisses, the promise we made, six months apart now sounded a lot more crucial, after all the things that could happen in the matter of a few hours. Did I just said that because the heat of the moment? The words Bakugo said to me sounded so mature and logical, not like my own thoughts right now, am I just a slave of my own feelings? How would he react if he were me? What about Denki? Was he aware of all those years after his friend? And what if he knew and that is the reason why he hasn’t told me anything yet? Maybe I was just overthinking the situation, nothing was written in stone, neither my relationship with Katsuki nor Denkis feelings for me. I was getting tired of my own thoughts running in circles and not coming to an end, so I wrapped myself in the sheets of my bed and prayed for my mind to shut down so I could get some rest.
Part 5
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Heeeey I just wanted to thank all of you who read my work, LY, the next few chapters will be like an episode of skins UK, soo be warned, also there is going to be some thirst but nothing too explicit because I'm a shy motherfucker. Enjoy the last chapter free from Mrs-Dynamight Drama™
Taglist: @mikasalt
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mxbitters · 2 years
why are you writing terf posts if you don't want terfs reblogging them? the idea that periods are stigmatized is a terf talking point. you adding "teehee no terfs please" after a longass terf post about afab bodies being oppressed isn't fooling anyone.
you literally just said afab bodies. anyway since you’re asking, you get an essay.
to call this a terf talking point is to say this is a trans exclusionary issue. it isn’t. is period stigma a thing radical feminists talk about? yes. is it something only radical feminists can talk about? no.
i’ve read radical feminist texts for class and while they speak on important issues they’re very limited in the scope of who they’re advocating for, and that’s even before the trans exclusionary part. it notices a problem and then hits a wall before coming up with a good solution or even knowing the extent of the problem, pointing the blame at men, which decades later those of you who call yourselves terfs or gender critical or whatever will then warp into the category of people that you feel entitled to attack, typically trans women. and in case you forgot, this directly impacts real people.
radical feminism isn’t intersectional but the issue of period stigma absolutely is. and it affects different people different ways.
i very likely have endometriosis and the way that affects my life is very complicated but what sets my experience (as well as other trans people with these issues) apart from cis women is that not only are periods stigmatized, but they’re so heavily gendered that it’s significantly harder to get treatment without being humiliated in a medical environment. i still haven’t been able to see anyone about this, i am still incapable of getting out of bed when my period starts, i almost inevitably throw up on the first day and have to cancel all plans. i can’t work, i can’t go to class, i can’t see people. it’s embarrassing and isolating and is indescribably destructive to my mental health. just because of a thing ~51% of bodies do.
this isn’t an issue you can claim as exclusive to women. i’m afab but i’m not a woman. i have periods. some afab people also don’t get periods, or they’ll be irregular, some are incredibly heavy and some are barely noticeable, you get the point. periods are a human issue and should be treated that way, they’re a fact of life for so many of us but by treating it as not only a conversation exclusive to cis women, but as something exclusive to your hate group??? get over yourselves. because i can assure you, the majority of us who get periods do not hold your beliefs.
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To @wrestlezaynia
There is a touch of Zowens (retrospectively) in that story I just sent you the ask about.
I'll post it under a cut because I'm trying something new with my writing and I want to see how you like it.
“You and Kevin,” she said, the tension clear in her voice, “You aren’t... I’m not being a homewrecker here, am I?”
Once more she watched as Generico’s head fell and a sad expression escaped from beneath the mask. Theresa had spent far too long watching his face both on TV and person not to recognize his moods despite the covering and again, the regret on his face was clear, this time made more evident by the illumination of the café.
“No,” he replied, “I wish. When I...”
Generico paused for a moment, appearing to rethink his comment, before continuing.
“When he realized we were being separated, he cornered me. Pinned me against a wall. He told me that he wasn’t going to let me go on bad terms and that whatever I needed to be convinced that he wasn’t against me he would give me. He just didn’t want us to part as we were.”
Generico's eyes were firmly fixated on his hands, his eyes misty and forlorn.
“What did you tell him?” Theresa asked.
“I told him to apologize. Say he was wrong, and he was sorry for everything he ever did to me.”
The masked man didn’t go any further and Theresa nudged him along, asking, “And?”
“He did,” Generico continued. “He admitted he’d been an asshole the whole time, that he was sorry, and that he wished he could do it all over again and treat me better. And then he kissed me.”
His remarks were doing little to reassure Theresa and she scooted away a few inches, putting space between them. She was certainly disrupting something, stepping in where she didn’t belong and maybe it would be better if she just -
“And then he said goodbye,” he concluded. “He said goodbye and I haven’t seen or heard from him since. Not a call, not a visit, not even a text. It’s like he’s just washed his hands of me. Not that I blame him. Relationships like ours are better off left behind.”
Like I said, it's just Zowens in retrospect. Mainly because I am physically incapable of writing a story about Sami or Kevin without at least including mention of them together. It's like a sickness, I tell you. This part wasn't even in the dream. I just added it to sooth my guilty fic conscience
Anyway, I'm working on trying that thing that was posted on here about "Eliminate all "Thought" words" and, I dunno. it's certainly challenging. But it seems to be working. Makes the story a lot longer tho.
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