#i am not a paid author
etherealising · 1 year
sweetheart. this isn’t gonna be the nicest message and I do not intend for this to come off as being a hater; but as a fellow author, I felt this obligation to voice what I’ve seen that might be considered “cringe”.
i was highly, highly, HIGHLY invested in your Carmy Berzatto “all i ever knew, only you” series, but frustratingly lost complete interest by your erratic postings and timeline. like having “interludes” instead of just chapters? it’s outstandingly confusing. if you want to write a flashback, just do it with confidence, but your organization of your fic is frustrating to read. you’re not a terrible writer, on the contrary - I think you’re very good. like VERY good.
however, you lose yourself in an avalanche of details. you try W A Y too hard to foreshadow and allude to certain details, but you just confuse yourself and end up “putting your foot in your mouth”.
author to author, it helps TEN FOLD to pause and reread; to reedit. fuck a publishing timeline, fuck the followers that pressure you into posting, just make sure your story makes sense in a chronological order - cause the story’s whiplash was a turn off.
and I know, I know, what’s one reader to a plethora of others? i just felt the obligation to say that while it has the potential to be a GREAT story (that you keep incredibly expanding and deepening), it is wildly confusing in terms of your “timeline”.
my best wishes, support, and eagerness to see what else you might publish! and my apologies if I came off too harsh or rude - I’d simply love to see fellow authors expand on their craft!
not angry just dejected, take this response how you want i do not care : )
please do not refer to me as sweetheart. no matter how many times you explain that this isn’t a bash or negative feedback, calling me ‘sweetheart’ implies that you’re being condescending : )
first off [aiekoy] was not supposed to be a full fledged chaptered fic, so please writing gods forgive me for the utmost heinous act of writing and figuring things out as i go.
i can understand your “critique”, but you failed to explain how duel timeline in a story is “cringe” … i’m confused??
i’m sure you’ve read a mainstream book with the duel timeline trope, that’s exactly what this is. you’re implication that i’m cringy and not confident is such a fuck you to me because regardless of your intentions with this message it’s not coming across the way you intended.
my interludes are not a “confidence” thing, if I didn’t have confidence this fic wouldn’t have seen the light of day : )
imagine telling someone writing FOR FREE that their idea is “cringy” and a “confidence” issue??? i’m sure you can understand why i might come across a bit annoyed : )
i don’t try way too hard to fucking do anything, i just WRITE. i would honestly love to see where i “put my foot in my mouth” because i genuinely don’t see it. and that’s fine because it’s my writing and i’m constantly going over this shit ALONE so of course i’m not gonna catch every little detail that make people tick.
i am not getting paid to write this story. i am not getting paid to edit this story. i am writing this story because i had an idea and felt like sharing it because why fucking not. fan fiction does not and will not always be the best piece of literature/fiction you have ever interacted with and thats okay.
if you have fuck all time to edit, re-edit, draft, re-draft, and have a beta editor then i applaud you. but i have responsibilities outside of fanfiction so if something isn’t up to YOUR standards it’s not MY highest priority.
you also say “fuck a publishing timeline, fuck the followers that pressure you into posting,” but in the same breath explain that YOU quit reading because of my “erratic postings” and timeline. maybe i’m just not understanding it but it comes across a bit contradictory.
please understand that if my timeline is confusing, it’s because the bear’s canon timeline is confusing and contradictory as fuck. i’m literally doing somebody else’s job by trying to make this timeline make fucking sense.
don’t know who bestowed upon you this “obligation” you speak of but it was not i sis : )
to whoever this anon is i hope you can understand my defensiveness as i DID NOT ASK for this critique and obviously i’m going to be defensive this is MY work. and please if my response rubs you the wrong way please do not chime back into my inbox yapping off at the mouth that i’m a “bitch who can’t take critiques”
because i actually can but your critiques are UNSOLICITED for one and it just came across extremely pretentious (at least it read that way to me).
i probably would’ve had a much better reaction to your “help” if you had given me examples and explained a bit better your point of view, but you didn’t so i don’t, sucks to suck : (
have a great rest of your day, hope your journey as a writer continues going swell : )
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shalom-iamcominghome · 4 months
Y'all don't get it, I'm this (🤏) close to actually writing a book or something about jews who are badass and survive the apocalypse and one of them is like... trying to build a motorcycle with scrap parts or whatever. I'm actually mentally ill about this
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halfagone · 1 year
10 Easiest Ways to Piss Off an Author
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#1: Implying that a fic is dead!
Well I was about to go write an update, but now I wonder if I should wait another three months. Just to be petty. <3
Don't do this shit. It's not funny.
And if you do, don't expect writers to jump at the chance to please you. You would be surprised by how many authors are just as petty to punish you.
I have a fic that I have not updated since August of last year. There are still people waiting for an update on that fic. And that story hasn't been discontinued, despite the long gap in updates. The last update for this story was in July of this year. You go longer between new seasons of TV shows.
We will not reward you for your childish impatience.
You wait for the update, or you don't get the update at all.
Hiding behind Anonymous doesn't change how disrespectful this is. And hiding behind Anonymous will not protect you from being blocked.
This is the only time I will be nice about it.
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starbuck · 10 months
if anyone was wondering, i’m currently reading published RPF about F. Scott Fitzgerald for *checks notes* my job, so that’s how my life is going.
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lord-squiggletits · 6 months
Well Pharma girlies it unfortunately appears that all of Pharma's interesting implications and read-between-the-lines moral grayness was just an accident after all and JRO fully intended him to be read as just the token evil Autobot who's selfish and egotistical and stupid
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queer-crusader · 5 months
Gnawing at the bars of my cage. Begging for the theatre peeps tonight to tell me there's always space for one more to join them. Hissing at my supervisor. Crawling from paycheck to paycheck. U know how it is
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elizabethplaid · 16 days
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Doctor Vagina and his son!
I've mentioned before that Readict is an app with web novels that tend to be... of poor quality. I lol'ed with a friend about Doctor Vagina a few weeks ago. Now there's a sequel.
Curiosity killed me, so I started reading the first one. The malpractice was already written in the summary, but the poor hygiene practices are just as bad. (Things might not be so terrible if he wore a condom.)
Typos also appeared early, as expected. There are like 90+ short chapters to this, and I barely made it through 4. Worst part was that the app wouldn't let me take screenshots of the text. At least then I could show my friends the brainrot I willingly exposed myself to.
I really should delete this app. Or at least finish up the 2 stories that were somewhat compelling. I miss that alien series by Nancy Cummings. *pout*
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Hermitober Day 11: Burst
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nettlestingsoup · 7 months
am i likely to meet my target of completing the red thread au by the end of march? no. is it still remarkably close to being finished given the state it was in in december? yes.
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Lets say its a paperback published in the last 5 years.
You can also add in tags how much youre normally willing to pay, and in what currency if you're cool with sharing that info.
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scarletttbitch · 4 months
u ever read a porn fic that has better characterization than the original source material
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lmao sometimes you get through a book and the only reason it wasn't a COMPLETE waste of time is because it did something Supremely Neat(tm) with structuring, so at least your writer!Brain gets to chew on that for a while
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gailynovelry · 1 year
Celebrating Pride by scooping up little indie queer titles and games off of Itch.io. <3
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opisasodomite · 7 months
Planning meals next week is like, I must not look at prices, looking at prices is the mind killer…
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gendzl · 1 year
staring at the price difference between the 2nd and 3rd editions of the same textbook with quaking, quivering rage. the adjustments cannot possibly be worth that much money.
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rewritingcanon · 10 months
trying not to think about how the publishing market in australia is dead for fantasy novels and to get sales i should submit the manuscript to a british/american agent but if thats the case what the fuck is the point of me doing uni in aus and trying to network and if it gets good sales on the other side of the world how the fuck am i even gonna interact with it or help promote it when i live in AUSTRALIA
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