#i am not giving in to freaking despair or feeling sorry for myself
mistress-light · 7 months
I wanna give a big hug to everyone not feeling their best. You'll get there, things will get better. Even if it's smol.
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gotham-daydreams · 9 months
With the reading that i did for yandere batfam about how unpleasent it is for the reader because the batfam is quick to blame and mentally-terrorize the reader if the reader is being aggresive to their affection or very very much uncooperative (or active-agressive(?) agressive-unccoperative(?) Idk how to put it in words. Is it rejecting their affection(?)) in their return of affection.
I can personally say that heck yes, weaponized the freak out of the guilt but not so aggresive. Be as petty as you can be.
If it was me, i would so much be passive-aggresive and numb myself to their affection. And can worked on minimalism/low-maintenance affection and physical contact to survive/living. In short being introvert. I dont need your love and affection to live. Cutting my relation out of the Wayne mansion? Too bad, so sad for me. I have survived from lesser affection in my childhood from when you neglect me. And with your force affection? Yeah, i have survived less and this will be a breeze.
You forcefully try to hug me? Yeah, i dont like being hugged. Please keep yourself away from me. Its not nice of me to reject your affection? Yeah, cant be helped that i develop dislike of physical affection because of how often you ignored me.
You compliment me? Sure, whatever, thanks i guess. I know i am amazing, lots of people told me. And the awards help to solidify that too.
You forcefully make me join your game-night? *looking at them as if they lost their mind* I dont want to. I cant refuse? Fine, i'll play your game but with the most minimal effort just to make you itty bitty bit happy so that you wont hound me later and after this finish, i can go back to my room to become a hermit.
Forcing me to play my music piece in front of you? Sure, i'll play it. *after i finish playing* Are u happy now? *giving them the most dead-panned look* If you are, let me go back to my room in peace.
Forcing me to bake a cake? Its a bother, i am not in the mood to baking stuff. Still forcing me? Fine! *inhaling deeply as if its the most inconvenience thing in the world* *bake the most simple cake ever* Done! Anything else that you want to bother me with? *giving them the look of being annoyed but wont tell it to their face that they are a nuisance for manners sake*
You want MY help? *sigh exasperatedly* *giving them the most fake smile ever* Sure. I can help you. But are YOU sure you want MY help? Since i am confindence the others can do much better than my useless forgetable self. I mean you can do it without my help for years now, i am sure you can manage. But if you want my help, who am i to refuse, right? *still giving the most fakest brightest smile*
The amount of pettines that can be done is endless. Like not saying it straight to their face. The passive agressive!! Sometime complimenting oneself and have pride on how amazing they are so batfam words have nothing on reader, other time just self depracating themself, being aware of how lesser in some field they are compare to the batfam to guilt them but its not like its not true.
Or like instead of despairing and giving in to batfam or have stockholm syndrome. What about just being adaptive? Making the best of their situation? Sure, this suck and i can not escape. But i am alive and i will make the best of whatever life have thrown me. I survive years of neglect. I WILL survive out of being kidnapped of my life that i build, back to where my house of hatred is. I may not be happy, you probably will make me miserable if i act out of line (i am pretty sure our line is different. I feel pretty justified to act like this but i know you think i act out of line), but i am going to make sure that you wont forget your sin no matter what (i personally think this is a great punishment. Sure i tread carefully on your line, but i wont give in to you.)
Sorry if this is long. I dont even know where i am going with this. Maybe i feel bad for the reader who always seem to never win in the captive and i want them to at least have some small victories without the punishment, i guess. But you can ignore it if you want. Or if this is bothering you.
I get what you mean! And yeah, honestly doing all of that petty stuff, and generally being uncooperative and such is very fair! After all, it's what the Batfam deserves after everything...
To which I have to say that they do something worse than just normally kidnap the reader but that isn't in part 3 (don't want to get anyone's hopes up too high now). Though it does make the Batfam more deserving of such behavior, so, again, acting that way is very fair and honestly? Go off.
The family will have to deal with it, and even if eventually they'll try to 'correct it', they're more smart than they are brutal, in my opinion. They'll let is slide for a while even if it hurts, but eeeeveryone has a breaking point.
Gotta take those small victories while you can and while they count, y'know? Their guilt will be their down fall for a while.
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Shuichi? I'm glad to see you finally giving Shirogane what she deserves, but I don't think I feel good about it, I don't know why, I'm supposed to be smiling about it, I'm supposed to be excited, to be happy, but I'm not! No matter how hard I try, I can't force myself to be happy about it
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Ok...You will sit, and you will LISTEN...!
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I get that you guys don't approve of me sparing her life like this. I understand you may think it's stupid, and gives way to much more chaos and death. After all, leaving Tsumugi alive invites only more chaos, right? That's what you think?
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But I demand that you all just sit and think about it for a second...What DOES killing Shirogane even achieve in the end?
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She'll go. That doesn't mean Zetsubou will! Even if their head is cut off, that's not going to destroy the work they've put in so far. Someone else will rise to the cause and fill the gap that she left, just like Shirogane herself did for Junko Enoshima...!
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These Despairs...they're like seagulls who keep coming back for more food after getting a tiny nibble of your sandwich...! And simply killing them isn't going to FIX any of this! The world already got destroyed! Enoshima's death didn't fix that! TWO more Killing Games happened post-Enoshima because of her followers, and FIFTY-FREAKING-THREE happened in ours!
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If you think that this is all part of a plan to get Shirogane to give up on her pointless dreams and seek redemption for her crimes...Pah...We all know that's not how she does things. The only reason I spared her is because her empire is falling around her, and now she's stuck being a blank-slate of a person, with no original ideas or schemes left to throw at us, knowing that taking our lives like she swears to, it won't take it all back, like I just said! For her? That's a fate WORSE than death!
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Woah, hey, Shuichi...! Y-You ok?
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And another thing!? Look at Enoshima! Look at Otonokoji! These Despair types defy death as a concept anyway! Let's say I DO kill Shirogane! How long do you think it'll be before she comes RIGHT THE FUCK BACK AGAIN to make us all EVEN MORE MISERABLE!?
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The only thing that gets achieves if I decide to bite the bullet and take Shirogane's life is that...I become a murderer. And what's stopping me from running with that idea and slaughtering every bad guy I come across, even for petty reasons!? From becoming KURIPA!?
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I would become the exact person that my real world self desired to become. When he signed up for all of this...this BULLSHIT! A sadistic murderous detective with a plan to kill everybody around him in an ingenious way...!
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Shuichi, hold on-!
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And you want to know what the most screwed up part of all of this is!? You guys want me to kill Shirogane because that's what YOU want! You want ME! The CHARACTER that you are watching, to enact justice! To side with Hope and destroy Despair! Sounds familiar, right? You know, that very idea that kept Danganronpa going a crapton of years!?
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I am NOT going to give ANY fan of Danganronpa the SATISFACTION of watching me become a killer! Not my old self, not Shirogane, and NOT YOU! So hate me all you want for defying the expectations you set for me as a character! I am NOT your ENTERTAINMENT, DAMMIT!
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I...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I...I'm just so...sick...and tired of all of this...I stopped someone from dying...and yet inside, I feel like I murdered countless others...Do you know how hard it is to justify your own actions to a bunch of faceless, merciless members of an ask blog, who WANT your enemies to be slaughtered!?
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Shuichi...I got a question for ya...Do you consider the real Ryoma Hoshi to be who I am now, or the person I was before all this happened?
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...The Ryoma in front of me is the real one, of course.
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Well, you should know this Ryoma killed a whole bunch of people out or rage and vengeance. And he lived every day of his life after regretting it, even when he got a second chance to live as a free man.
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...You made the right choice. I guarantee you that.
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If Shirogane DOES somehow come back to terrorize us again, all she'll be doing is coming back for another beating! Right?
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...Yeah...Listen...I love you SO much...Don't EVER think of yourself as anything less than one of the greatest people that exists in this world...You don't deserve to go through this stress...
*Kaede gently presses her forehead against Shuichi's, embracing him warmly as tears stream down both their faces.
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I love you too...I love all of you...I don't deserve any of your kindness...
*Everyone except Kokichi and Nico huddle around Shuichi for a hug.
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unidentified22 · 1 year
Body recognition
my body doesn’t quite connect to my mind. you see a body that belongs to something else. i am trapped within an unknown machine, a machine of broken and empty parts. with not much to show. trying to prove something unreal. all i do is try to conceal which has resulted in less than one meal. the restriction hurts and makes it all worse. despite my agonising hate to myself, i know restriction isn’t the answer. to be honest i’d rather get cancer then live the lies of control in my mindset. but that’s a whole other concept. my mind and my body don’t quite fit, like throwing two random things in the mix. as someone hating and hurting. i guess that gives me a reason to keep converting. the pain from mental to physical. now my life’s a flashing timeline of disaster. a slow rollercoaster of unsteady emotion. now mix those emotions with coercion. now that sound like some fun doesn’t it? although far from perfect , i never learn to fight right. the pain of waking up doesn’t go away, it’s more like it just invades. the aspect of one difficulty in my life is more like an everlasting mystery. like an ocean of lies and despair. the relationships in my life are failing, the daily contact i’d have with someone turning to terror, a horrifying thought of having to speak or send any energy into something is scary to me. and trust me that’s not how i want to be and so it concusses to be another mystery. i’m giving up on myself,  the life that i have learned to hate should be ending soon. no more sleepless nights of carrying the worlds weight, the tons of weight. pushing on my chest. leaving me breathless, all the questions becoming question less. because the day i die i won’t be living a lie. the sum of my life is a hurting feeling disaster, or maybe psychotic emotional freak. you pick, freak? or in pain? make your mind up, a decision you can only make because you have a mind to yourself. doesn’t sound much like what i’m used to, but let’s save that for another time. i’m gonna make my last day mine. mine to end. like a finish line to cross, the wake from a nightmare. a stories end. oh how i want to say goodbye, although some will say that won’t make it fine. but it means the end of all the crying. all the lying. all the dying of my mind. the long list of tasks that i can never seem to complete, over. no more disappointing, no more avoiding. it’s the last chapter. the last line. the end of the pretending, no more mending of the situations i wasn’t even put in. this is my final straw and i’m sorry if you take this to your core.
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f0blove · 3 years
Keep You Like An Oath (Patrick Stump)
I turn the knob, not bothering to knock, and shove the door open with my shoulder.
“You will NEVER guess what happened to-oh” I pause as I see only Andy and Joe sitting on the couch. “Hey guys. Sorry I thought Patrick would be home”
I grin at them and plop my bag down on the floor, kicking the door shut behind me. “No worries, YN” Joe says with a laugh “what’s up”
“Just a rough day at school” I say with an eye roll, glancing around the room.
“Sorry to hear that” he replies, “and Patrick is home, just grabbing something out of the bathroom I think”
“Oh perfect, thanks!” I say, perking up. I cross the room quickly, not hesitating before swinging the door of the connecting bathroom open. 
“Wait not-” I hear as it opens, but it’s too late.
“Oh god!” I say, greeted with a full view of fully naked Pete, towel drying his hair. I shut the door before Pete has a chance to respond.
“Yeah not that bathroom….sorry” Joe says, him and Andy laughing behind me.
“Little late to tell me that now don’t you think” I say with a glare in his direction. 
Pete comes out of the door, towel now wrapped around his waist. “We really need some boundaries in this house” he says with a mocking grin.
“My bad, thought you were Patrick” I say sheepishly.
“Oh trying to catch a naked glimpse of him instead?” pete responds, waggling his eyebrows.
“Of course not” I say, grabbing a pillow off the couch and chucking it in his direction. “Now go put some clothes on”
Pete laughs but listens, turning to walk down the hallway into his room.
“You really set me up for failure” I say, dropping down onto the couch near the boys.
“Or success… depends on how you see it,” Andy says with a grin.
“Then definitely failure” i quip back, “but anyway, what are you guys up to?” They delve into an explanation of whatever video game they had just started, and pete walks back into the room, appropriately clothed. 
“Sorry to end the show, but I thought I should get dressed,” he says with a wink, sitting down on the couch across from us.
“Ugh I am never going to live this down am I?” I say in despair.
“Live what down?” Patrick says, coming down the stairs and nodding in my direction.
“Patrick finally! I have so much to tell you!” I say happily, standing up.
“Hey don’t change the subject, what embarrassing thing did you do today?” Patrick asks, grinning at me.
“ Walked in on Pete, completely naked” Joe fills in immediately. 
“Still dripping from my shower, might I add” Pete chimes in.
“ Not much for boundaries today huh?” Patrick asks with a laugh, poking me in the sides playfully. I feel the heat rise in my cheeks.
“It really is not a big deal! Let’s just move on...please?” I ask.
“Aw come on, but it's so fun to tease! And double whammy- embarrassing for you and Pete” Joe laughs.
“Oh seriously, it’s not like it’s anything I haven’t seen before” I say quickly, not realizing.
“YN what the hell” Pete says immediately, glancing at Patrick.
“What does that mean?” Patrick says, confusedly looking in my direction, “have you seen Pete naked before?”
My eyes widen with realization, and I see Pete shaking his head in my direction. “Oh, you know. Just in past accidents, just like this one” i say feebly.
Patrick stares at me for a second. “You’re saying you’ve accidentally seen Pete completely naked….more than once?”
“Mm hmm” I say, glancing at the ground and trying to ignore Pete’s burning gaze.
Patrick looks between Pete and I, staring at me until I meet his eyes. 
“You’re totally lying right now” He says, shock in his voice
“Am not” I say
“Definitely are too” Patrick says, walking over and staring directly at me. “What gives?”
I open my mouth, dreading everys second.
“YN don't,” Pete says in a warning tone. 
Patrick turns to stare at him and confusion, before glancing at Andy and Joe who are watching, entertained, before turning back to look at me. I stare at the floor, unsure of how to get out of this situation.
“Oh my god will someone just say what’s going on” Patrick says in exasperation. 
“Patrick,” I say calmly, “it’s not that big of  a deal” I glance at Pete, who’s staring at me with intensity.
“Then just say it, what’s with all this secrecy?” Patrick says, throwing his hands up in the air.
“Fine, fine” I give in, “Pete and I slept together. No big deal”
“You what?” Patrick exclaims, immediately glaring at Pete.
“Trick, seriously, no big deal” Pete says, holding his hands up in surrender.
“No big deal??” Patrick says, almost yelling, crossing the room in seconds to where Pete is standing. “Are you fucking kidding me?” He jabs Pete in the chest, turning back to glare at me.
“Patrick calm down, what the hell!” I say, shocked. I can’t remember the last time I saw Patrick so angry, let alone at me.
“The one person Pete! The one fucking person!” Patrick's yelling now. “I told you to leave her alone! She’s my best friend. What happened to off limits?” he shoves Pete in the chest.
“Woah woah woah” I yell, crossing the room and inserting myself between the two boys, both glaring at each other.
“You need to calm down dude, this doesn’t need to be a thing” Pete says, anger growing in his voice.
“What don’t you understand about off limits?” Patrick says, no longer yelling, but a voice full of anger. I can practically see his eyes flashing.
“Okay okay, sit down! Both of you!” I yell this time, and both boys snap out of it, looking at me. With one more huff, Patrick backs off and sits on the couch.
“Okay, I appreciate the protectiveness and the care, Pat, I do” I say to Patrick, pissed off. “But in no way is it okay that you told them I was “Off limits” I say with finger quotes.
“I just-” Patrick starts, looking guilty.
“No, I'm yelling now!” I say, angrily. “I know you want to protect me, but you have absolutely zero right to dictate what I do with my body, and you have no right to decide for me who I interact with!”
Patrick looks down in shame, ears turning red.
“I’m a grown ass woman, and I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions, I don't need you telling me what to do. That doesn’t make you protective, it  just makes you an ass”
Patrick blanches, but nods. “You’re absolutely right, I’m sorry YN”
“You should be! If i want to sleep with all of them I will, because that’s my choice, NOT yours’ I say with a pointed glare. I pause, looking around at the other guys. “To make it clear I don’t want that, just making a point” Joe and Pete chuckle.
Patrick glares at Pete quickly but looks back at me. “Im sorry YN you’re right, I just didn’t want you to get hurt”
“Well I appreciate that but i’m fine. It was a drunken fling, it happened months ago, and I’m fine. Pete’s just another guy”
“Hey!” Pete interjects. I glared at him with a this-isn't-helping stare. He looks away.
“Wait, this happened months ago?” Patrick says quietly.
“Yeah” I say, “back in the summer. After I broke up with Brian”
“So…. almost six months ago” Patrick says, hurt in his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because we thought you’d react like this!” I say exasperatedly.
“So you all knew?” Patrick says, looking around at the guys. They nod, albeit looking ashamed.
“Cool. really cool guys” Patrick says, irritated.
“I’m sorry Patrick” I say.
“I'm sorry too man, we just didn’t want you to freak out over nothing '' Pete says, putting a hand on Patrick’s shoulder.
“Over nothing?” Patrick responds angrily, staring at Pete before looking up at me, betrayal clear in his eyes. “Right”
He shrugs Pete's hand off his shoulder, standing up from the couch. He brushes past me, not even looking at me when I say his name. He marches angrily down the hallway, and I hear the back door open, and then slam.
“Well that went well” I said dryly. “ We should've just told him earlier” I cross my arms over my chest.
“That wouldn’t have helped,” Pete says. “He still would’ve been pissed”
“I don’t get what his problem is. I know he’s protective and we tell each other everything but that… what the hell was that?”
“It’s pretty obviously why he’s upset,” Pete says, looking at me and raising his eyebrows.
“What do you mean?” I ask, confused.
“You really don’t know, do you?” Pete says sympathetically. “Why he would be so upset you slept with me?”
“Know what?” I say, completely lost.
Pete gives me a half smile, shaking his head. “Just go talk to him. You guys will work it out, like you always do” The guys all give each other a glance, leaving me feeling like I'm missing out on insider knowledge.
“Okay…whatever ” I say suspiciously, heading down the hallway. I push open the door to the back porch and walk out.
Patrick is sitting on the steps, staring down at his hands and picking at a rock in his hand. I plop down next to him, playfully jostling him with my knee.
He sighs “What do you want YN”
“Pat seriously? Why are you so mad about this?” I say 
“I’m not mad, I just…” he trails off. He chucks the rock into the yard.
“Is this all really because I slept with one of your friends? I really didn’t think it would be such a big deal”
“It’s not that, I’m sorry I overreacted. It’s just…” he trails off again, standing and rubbing his hands on his legs. “Nothing, let’s forget it”
I grab his hand to stop him from walking away. “Patrick, please, sit back down”
He does, looking over at me.
“What is it?”
He shakes his head.
“Come on it’s me, you know you can tell me anything. What’s bothering you?” I squeeze his arm..
He gives a heavy sigh, like a weight is lifting off his shoulders. “ You’ve just always been my best friend, on my side. Long before you met Pete”
“So I thought you were the one person that I would never have to worry about.” he says it quietly, and I still don’t follow.
“What do you mean?”
“I thought you were the one person that would never pick him over me.” he says it, and I feel my heart break in half at the sound of it.
“Patrick…” I say, trying to get him to look at me.
“Nevermind YN, it’s not a big deal. I just wish you would have told me, that’s all” he responds, slowly getting to his feet.
“No Patrick, don’t” I say, standing and grabbing his arm. “It’s not like that. I didn’t choose him over you. In fact I would never choose anyone over you”
He looks at me now, but I can tell he doesn’t believe me. “Then why wouldn’t you just tell me?”
“I don’t know… I didn’t want you to think that Pete was anything more than a friend to me, because that’s all he is. A friend.”
“If you want more than that, I won’t hold you back” he practically whispers, turning to move away.
“Patrick, stop trying to walk away from this! From me!” I say, pulling his arm back. 
“It’s fine YN, you’re right, I have no right to tell you what to do. And it was wrong of me to treat you like I should have a say”
“That’s true, and I appreciate you apologizing,” I say sincerely. “But there;s something you should know”
“You didn’t sleep with my brother too did you?”
I gasp, looking up in shock, until I catch the smile on his face and the twinkle in his eye.
“Shut up I’m trying to be serious” I scold, although secretly relieved to hear humor back in his voice.
“I’m sorry. Seriously, I overreacted, let’s just move on” Patrick says, reaching out and squeezing my arm.
“But Patrick I really need you to believe me when I say this” I take a deep breath. He looks at me, but I can’t read the expression in his eyes.
“I would never choose anyone over you. You’re my best friend. My person. And I love you”
Patrick smiles at me “I know. I love you too. Come on, let’s go back inside.”
He tries to pull me along but I don’t move, and he looks at me for a moment in confusion. 
“Patrick…”  I say quietly.
“What is it?”
“I don’t mean I love you as a friend, I mean I do but…” I trail off for a second. I see Patrick’s eyes widen, and I know there’s no going back.
“Patrick,” I say, taking a deep breath, “ I mean, I would never choose anyone over you, because i’m in love with you”
I see Patrick’s eyes widen, and his eyebrows raise, but for a second he says nothing and I feel like the floor is falling out underneath my feet and my heart is in free fall.
Then he smiles, and his hand comes up to the side of my face. “Really?” he asks in a whisper.
I nod, smiling in return. 
His face breaks out into a grin, and the hand on the side of my face slips around my neck and pulls my lips into his. His other hand wraps around my waist, bringing me in close as I slide my hand to the back of his head and kiss him like I’ve always wanted to. 
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kino-alternative · 3 years
“ This will be a long one! Also, trying angst, so uhh . . Don't be surprised if it's bad! ” ( Inspired by: The Story Of Evil )
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“ The Servant ”
Keywords: Y/N- Your Name, T/N- Twin's Name ( Your twin is a girl )
This is a Nagito Komaeda X Reader.
This will obvious have SPOILERS for the game. Specifically, the whole Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair game.
Reader's Gender-Neutral. Also suggest listening to “ Daughter of Evil ” “ Servant of Evil ” and “ No Regrets ”.
0: 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 -
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Y/N L/N was a part of the Future Foundation, 14th division. While their twin sister, T/N who was the Ultimate Queen ( Originally Princess but a certain blonde already took the title ), was a Remnant of Despair along with the rest of their class.
It pained the twin to see their other being controlled by the strawberry blonde fashionista. Especially since they had to capture her themselves.
After running the program, Y/N decided to enter as a secret agent of the Future Foundation to help the two others when needed. It hurts knowing the truth but they were glad to see everyone before the tragedy struck.
Their dear twin sister was indeed a troublemaker and others even say she's ‘ evil ’ due to her cruel and awful personality, but of course as - not only her twin - her loyal servant ever since they were reunited, Y/N stood by the girl's side.
There was also another that they treasure, Nagito Komaeda,The Ultimate Lucky Student. Yes, even knowing how he is, he managed to make them fall for him. It was interesting really, since T/N isn't really fond of him ( Most of them don't ). But their was something about him that made them feel . . . Loved. Not platonically.
Y/N and their friends, their fellow survivors of the first killing game, had thought everything would go smoothly.
Sadly, that was not the case. That's the reason why I said ‘ first ’ after all. Y/N had failed to protect the Ex-Remnants of Despair from Monokuma's sick game. They could only think of him being the reason the virus entered in the first place.
Three trials. Three blackeneds. Four victims. It was awful. They hated the fact they had to go through another killing game. Now here they are, starving in two fruit-based buildings. Unfortunately, that was not the only motive the despair loving bear had planned.
1: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫.
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“ Upuhuhuhu! That's right! T/N is an agent working for me! ” Monokuma announced to the eleven remaining students. Everyone's eyes widen as they all looked at the said girl with shock and anger.
She took a step back, almost stepping on the skirt of her dress as she clicked her tongue and gritted her teeth. “ Seriously!? You peasants believe him!? ” She asked with a glare.
“ How can we not? You're basically . . Evil! ” Kazuichi exclaimed, hiding behind Mechamaru to avoid the girl's glare. Everyone agreed with what he said. T/N was definitely cruel and awful, how did she managed to get her Ultimate anyway?
“ Silence! You shall not call them ‘ peasants ’! ” Sonia ordered with a stern look on her pretty face. The young queen scoffed, crossed her arms and looked away “ Isn't that what we call others below us, your highness? ”
“ I mean, as despairing as it sounds . . Monokuma hasn't lied to us ” Nagito pointed out, to which T/N replied - “ Hush, you hope obsessed freak! ”
But it seems like everyone seemed to believe it's true.
“ You asked for me, your majesty? ” Y/N entered the deluxe room of Grape House. There, at the desk, was their twin who's eyes were shining with anger. “ That damned bear . . Those peasants . . ” She began to curse under her breath as she stabbed a certain area on the map.
“ I will make him pay for ratting me out ”
The elder twin sighed and walked up to her, placing a blanket they grabbed from the bed over her shoulders. “ It is getting late, you should rest. Some sleep should give you energy for now ”
T/N whined but listened nonetheless. As soon as the girl plopped onto bed, she was out like a candle light. Y/N smiled softly and kissed her forehead, bidding her goodnight before leaving the room.
“ That devil shall not live to see the light of day . Not after she poisoned us with her thorns ”
“ A body has been discovered! ”
“ A body has been discovered! ”
Two. Two victims. One was a destroyed robot and the other was a stabbed with gunshots H/C girl. That's right. The victims were Mechamaru Nidai and T/N L/N.
2.1: 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞.
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Nagito knew something was off.
The moment he saw his hope, Y/N, he knew that they were hiding something. And that something was indeed shocking. “ Ah, I apologise for not introducing myself earlier . . I'm Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Servant ”
That was a lie.
After completing the final dead room, he got his prize. It was files about them. Not only did he found out that Hajime was talentless and was a reserve course student, but his dear hope, his true love of his life, Y/N was not only talentless, but an agent of the Future Foundation.
He was upset but understood Y/N's reason. But for some reason . . He can't help but feel like he missed something.
2.2: 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐭.
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After the trial . .
“ That's right! The blackened who killed T/N L/N and destroyed Mechamaru Nidai isss . . . Gundham Tanaka, the Ultimate Breeder! AHAHAHA! ” Monokuma cackled as everyone looked at the breeder, who seemed to be prepared for the up-coming punishment.
Despair was painted on everyone's faces, a few tried to hide it. But one let out the pain that was weighing their down, slamming their hands on their podium which surprised them.
Tears streamed down their face as they asked, “ Why did you choose to murder her!? Why in the brutal way!? ” Their voice cracked from the sobs that came after the question. They knew that the H/C haired servant would be upset, but it was shocking to see them break down so . . Easily.
But . . Come to think of it . . They weren't acting like themselves. They usually back Hajime up with no hesitation but during the trial, they kept their mouth shut. Like they're scared to say something wrong or spill information.
Gundham replied while looking away, “ Mechamaru did not deserve death . . But that daughter who's lord is a devil did. She was a demon and lived in the depths of darkness ” ‘ Y/N ’ 's eyes widen those words, their grip tightening.
“ That's right . . I deserved to die ” Everyone looked at them with confusion as they straighten their posture “ It's my fault they died . . ” Placing a hand on her chest, she exclaimed “ So pin the blame on me! ”
Then it finally hit. This wasn't Y/N . . This was T/N. If that's the case then . .
Nagito lowered his head and whispered, “ Y/N's gone . . ”
Knock Knock ** Click.
“ Y/N, you're here! Good news, I have an idea on how to prevent . . Huh? ” T/N turned around to see her twin that was wearing her clothes and their hair down like hairs. They looked identical to her. “ Why are you . . ? ”
They only smiled and gave her their clothes, a letter was placed on top of it. “ I actually have a plan of my own, dear sister ” T/N's eyes widen in sudden realization, “ You don't mean . . I will not allow it! Besides, that damned bear would know! ” She exclaimed, her eyes glistening.
Y/N shook their head and placed the clothes on the bed. After that, they put their hands on her shoulders with a firm yet gentle grip. “ I already took care of that issue ” “ But- ” “ Listen now my dear, you and I will switch and you will be me. It is fine, we're twins and I'll be here to take the strike ”
They wiped away her tears with their thumbs and kissed her forehead, “ They won't know because we look alike ” Y/N stood on the original position their twin was in as T/N hesitantly switched clothes. “ B-But what about Nagito!? Surely, he'll miss you! A-And I'm the devil here! I'm the demon! Not you! ”
Their smile saddens, “ . . . ” They knew how the pale luckster likes to pin the blame on his luck and himself. But they already wrote to him in advance. They hoped it would help him in some way. Y/N truly love the luckster just as much as they love their twin sister. But they live to serve their sister, even if it kills them. Even after knowing everything the other's don't.
Dodging the first question, they replied with closed eyes “ If the devil's your lord as they all curse your name . . Then I am a demon too, for we have the same blood ” As soon as T/N finished dressing, they pulled her outside and ordered “ Now go, don't look back and be free ”
The twin sister hesitates before turning away and acted like they had a normal conversation, holding back the tears as the cameras assumed she was the other. Y/N watched her leave before closing the door, leaving it unlocked and sat on the chair while watching the fire on the candle dance.
“ If the day comes that we are reborn once again, it'll be nice to play with you ” They could hear the footsteps “ I'm sorry for leaving you Nagito . . But until then . . ”
* Creak!
Glaring at the breeder, they asked ( sounding like their twin ) “ How dare you, you pest!? ”
Watching the execution was painful, like always. T/N handed the letter to Nagito before leaving the trial room “ . . They wanted you to have this ”
3: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫.
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“ My Dearest Nagito,
I am guessing that T/N gave you this after revealing the truth, correct? But, that is not the point.
I know what you're thinking.
You're blaming yourself again, are you not? You blame your luck. You regret letting me get close to you.
But you shouldn't.
Yes, I have broken our promise. And I truly am sorry but I will never regret getting close to you. I'm sorry for leaving you behind so early.
And I know you may think you have nothing to live for but please, live and fight the despair.
That's what you tell me, right?
A daily reminder that you are not useless nor worthless, you are more than that. You're more than just a stepping stone. Don't be afraid to acknowledge that, even if you don't believe it.
Can you do me a favor? If it's alright.
End this killing game for me. I know you know about the files but that's the past. The future is still out there, right? So please, live and end this killing game with the others.
It seems like I'm running out of ink, so let me say this one last time, alright?
I truly and deeply love you, Nagito Komaeda. Please do remember that. Even after what you did, I can not help but love you. So, if the day comes where we are reborn, I'll gladly fall for you all over again.
I'll die with only one regret. And that is, I wasn't able to protect you.
- Signed, Y/N L/N <3 ”
4: 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡.
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“ Please, wake up ”
Y/N slowly opened their eyes, trying to figure out where they were and what was going on. But as soon as they sat up, they were pulled into a hug. “ Y/N! You're awake! ” “ T/N . . ? What . . ? ” Their gaze then landed on Nagito who stood beside Hajime.
Then it snapped, they hugged back and smiled “ So you did it . . I'm so glad ” They whispered as T/N pulled away and Nagito walked up to them. Tears finally streamed down his cheeks as he held both of their hands and leaned his forehead on theirs. “ You're here . . ”
Y/N kissed his nose, “ Everything's alright, I'm here, you're here, we're here. Safe and sound ”
Everything turned out to be great in the end. T/N slowly warmed up to everyone. They're working with the Future Foundation on Jabberwock Island. And all is good.
Arms wrapped around their waste as the luckster placed his chin on their shoulder, playing with the ring on their finger. With a content sigh, he says “ I love you ”
Yes, everything has it's flaws but nonetheless it was perfect to them.
❢◥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◤❢
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“ I hope you all enjoyed it! Angst isn't really my strong suit but hey, I'll get better at it! ( I was originally going to put a bad ending, but I'll make that someday ) ”
- Sincerely, Mizuki Kioku.
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fanficshiddles · 3 years
Stitching The Wounds, Chapter 9
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It was an hour later and Loki returned home first. He grinned when he walked into the living room and found Leona watching TV, eating some popcorn and wearing his hoodie.
‘Hello my little omega.’ He purred and walked over to her.
She smiled at him as he sat down next to her, pulling her into a hug which surprised her a little. But she liked it.
He then cupped her chin and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips, lingering for a moment which took her breath away. Her cheeks reddening.
‘Hi.’ She squeaked out.
‘You’re wearing my hoodie.’ Loki grinned, looking down at said hoodie.
‘Oh… Yeah, I forgot I still had it on. It’s really comfy.’ She said sheepishly and was about to take it off, but Loki stopped her.
‘You suit green. Don’t worry, you can wear my clothes whenever you wish.’ He winked at her and settled next to her, his arm around her. ‘What’s mine is yours, doll.’
She took a moment but then she leaned into him and relaxed under his arm, her head against his chest.
‘Have you had a good day?’ He asked quietly, rubbing her upper arm softly.
‘Mmmhmm. How was school?’
‘It was fine.’ Loki shrugged.
She turned her head to look at him, grinning. ‘I bet you’re a really strict teacher, right?’
Loki threw his head back, laughing.
‘Some would say that. But I am fair. There has to be a balance, it’s not just about teaching but connecting with them too. I think a lot of teachers forget that every student is a human being, all with their own problems and issues out with school. All with their own personality. Which can affect their work and way of learning. It’s about finding what works for each individual student. Being strict constantly isn’t the best way to teach, unless of course someone is just taking the piss, that’s when I can get stricter.’ Loki explained softly.
‘Mmm… That makes sense.’ She nodded. ‘I uh, was having a look around and I saw the box you have of gifts from students. It seems that you really made an impression with so many, so you must be a good teacher.’
‘Oh you were being nosey, were you?’ Loki raised an eyebrow but he smirked, giving her arm a squeeze.
‘I wanted to see what else I could find out about the two Alphas I’m living with.’ She said innocently, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
Loki chuckled. ‘I have had some wonderful students over the years.’
‘What age do you teach now? I noticed there was a bit of a mix by the looks of it.’ She asked.
‘Right now, ages around sixteen. So for some, it’s their last year of education. Others want to go on to College or University. Or stay on for another year or two. I did teach primary school pupils for a few years a while ago, they were around six and seven. A lot of fun, but incredibly hard work.’ He smiled fondly.
‘Were they scared of you?’ Leona asked with a smirk.
‘At first, they were terrified. But by the end of the first day they loved me and were all hugging me before leaving.’ He chuckled.
‘You do seem to have that vibe… You and Kilgrave both do, actually.’
‘What, scary?’ Loki raised an eyebrow.
‘Yeah. You are both Alphas and quite intimidating at first.’ Leona said honestly. ‘But I think you’re both just big softies really.’
Loki slid his hand down from her arm to her side, giving her a slight tickle, making her laugh. ‘Don’t tell other people that, it will ruin our reputation.’ He teased.
While Leona had meant what she said, she still knew they had a mean swing. And had proof of that. She didn’t doubt they would be able to keep her in line and give her a good challenge. But she knew she was safe with them. And that meant absolutely everything.
Kilgrave arrived home later when Loki and Leona were eating dinner. He greeted them, kissing Leona, then went upstairs to get changed.
Suddenly Loki and Leona both heard a loud wail come from upstairs. Leona couldn’t help herself from laughing. Loki looked across the table at her, an eyebrow up.
‘What did you do?’ He asked firmly.
She covered her mouth and tried to contain her laughter. ‘Me? Nothing...’ She said innocently, but Loki could tell she was far from innocent.
‘Stay here.’ He growled at her before heading upstairs to see what Kilgrave was so distraught over.
When he walked into Kilgrave’s room, he had to cover up his own laughter as he put his hand over his mouth.
Kilgrave had his drawers open and they were a mess. His hair was a mess too as he’d ran his hand through it so many times in the last minute in despair at the sight on front of him.
‘She is SO in trouble.’ Kilgrave snarled as he started re-organising the drawers.
‘Mate… I know this is a big deal for you.’ Loki started as he sat down on the end of his bed and watched. ‘But she doesn’t know, you can’t give her into trouble for pulling what she thought was a funny prank... And it kind of is.’ He grinned.
Kilgrave sighed in irritation and he took a few deep breaths before turning to face Loki, who quickly tried to put on a serious face. Kilgrave glared at him and clenched his jaw. He turned back to continue tidying first his boxers back into a neat order.
Loki couldn’t control himself while Kilgrave kept muttering under his breath, taking his time to organise everything and folding his socks together. Loki was almost pissing himself laughing at the situation. Kilgrave kept glaring at him over his shoulder.
‘We need to tell her.’ Loki said once he was able to calm himself down from laughing.
Kilgrave sighed and ran his hand through his hair again.
‘I was hoping we wouldn’t have to.’
‘Once you claim her, you know it’s only going to become more difficult. You’ve always been expecting this. If she knows, it will be for the best. Trust me.’ Loki said as he stood and patted him on the shoulder.
‘Fine… I’ll be down soon.’ He sighed.
Loki gave Leona a look and a smirk when he went back downstairs. She just giggled and put her plate away in the sink.
‘When Kilgrave comes down we need to talk to you.’ Loki said as he finished his dinner.
‘Oh? What about?’ Leona asked.
‘I think you know what about.’ Loki drawled.
Leona felt her ass tightening at the thought of possibly getting another spanking already.
But she knew it was something else, something serious, when Kilgrave came down and they all went into the living room to talk. Loki turned the TV off too.
Kilgrave narrowed his eyes at her briefly and shook his head. ‘That was quite the prank you pulled on me, pet.’ He growled. ‘It’s a good job you’re cute, or you’d be in serious trouble for doing that.’
Leona smirked but continued to try and look innocent. ‘I have no idea what you are talking about.’ She teased. ‘So what is it you need to talk to me about?’  
Kilgrave sighed and ran a hand down his face. ‘When I was younger, I really struggled with control issues. I used to struggle with not being in full control of everything and everyone. I received help with it when I was younger, which helped a lot. In a way, being a bit of a control freak helps with my job, but at the same time it can affect personal relationships and friendships. I am much better at controlling it than I used to be, but there are still times I struggle. We have suspected for a long time that when I get an omega it would become a bit more difficult to manage. Which is why Loki and I decided it was best to tell you.’
Leona was slightly stunned, she hadn’t expected that. But it did make sense. And she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach now for doing what she did to his drawers.
‘I… I’m sorry, for doing that. I wouldn’t have done it if I had known.’ She said and looked down at her hands in her lap, feeling genuinely bad.
‘No, it’s ok. Loki got a right kick out of it anyway.’ Kilgrave growled slightly and glared over at Loki, who started laughing again. Kilgrave leaned over and put his hand over Leona’s hands. ‘I’m not a bad person, I wouldn’t ever hurt you. I want you to know that. But there might be times where I seem like I am being too bossy or strict, but I can’t completely help it sometimes.’
‘If you ever feel like he is being unfair, such as this morning with not wanting you to go out alone, you can call him out on it.’ Loki said.
‘Yes, just tell me you think I am being unfair. And we can talk about it. Sometimes I just need someone to reason with me a little bit to see that I am overreacting.’ Kilgrave nodded.
‘And at least I am here too, which I think will help. As I will be able to keep him in line a little if he is being ridiculous. Or keep you in line if you are trying it on and being naughty.’ Loki winked at Leona, making her laugh a little.
‘I know you’d never hurt me. You’ve been nothing but kind to me.’ She smiled at Kilgrave. ‘I guess having me as your omega isn’t going to make things easy in regards to your control issues though.’
‘Don’t start with any of that, Leona.’ Loki growled in warning, knowing where she was going with it. ‘We don’t want to hear it.’
‘Loki’s right, we don’t want to hear it.’ Kilgrave said, giving her a look.
‘Alphas have a level of control over their omegas as it is, I’m hopeful that once we all settle in together everything will fall into place. But as we’ve said, if you feel Kilgrave is being unfair then just say something.’ Loki said.
‘I won’t be offended, as I know it’s an issue that might rear its ugly head at times.’ Kilgrave said honestly. ‘But I have never been violent… well, only to Alphas that deserve it… But I would never lay a finger on you in that way. I promise you that.’
‘I know you won’t.’ Leona said. ‘But uhm… am I going to be spanked for messing up your drawers?’
Loki and Kilgrave looked at one another then they both smirked.
‘No, you’re not.’ Kilgrave chuckled.
Leona tried to hide the fact she was slightly disappointed…
‘You didn’t know. And it was a damn good prank.’ Loki grinned. ‘One that I have thought about doing many times myself, but I know I’d get my head ripped off if I even dared to try it.’
‘You’re not cute like Leona is, so you most definitely wouldn’t get away with pulling a stunt like that.’ Kilgrave said as he glared at Loki, making Leona giggle.
‘I guess maybe having an omega might help.’ Leona said as she fiddled with her fingers. ‘As you will be able to focus on me. Maybe having some control over me, which you do, might help. As an outlet, in a way?’ She suggested.
Kilgrave and Loki smiled, realising she was right. It might be the opposite to what they originally thought and might help Kilgrave instead.
After their talk, the three of them snuggled on the sofa together. With Leona on Kilgrave’s lap and her legs draped over Loki’s. Kilgrave felt calmer now, and he was glad they told Leona about his issues. She didn’t seem worried at all, which relieved him.
Leona felt closer to them after today. It was weird, in a way. She felt like it made Kilgrave more human in a sense. That perhaps the two Alphas weren’t as perfect as they first seemed to be. Which actually made her even more comfortable. As she felt like she didn’t need to be perfect to impress them.
She could hopefully just be herself.
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sagamemes · 3 years
the sheridan tapes  📼  part one.   here and under the cut, you can find a little under 120 lines of dialogue from the horror podcast the sheridan tapes, specifically from episodes one to three, edited for roleplay purposes.  tw: police, murder, supernatural elements, mentions of apocalyptic scenarios, near death experiences, injuries, vehicular crash, recreational drug and alcohol use.
❝  jesus, [name]. you’re not making this easy, are you?  ❞
❝  makes you wonder... do these things follow me because i chase them, or were they always following me?  ❞
❝  darkness and complete disorientation does a number on the human brain.  ❞
❝  i don't think he was a werewolf.  ❞
❝  i’d call it the customer service smile. you know, the one that says  ‘ thank you for shopping with us, please die now ’.  ❞
❝  i’ve found the more showy the text, the less impressive the actual phenomena.  ❞
❝  my job here is kind of… shaky at the moment.  ❞
❝  [name] was also engaged in the study of the impossible in his free time.  ❞
❝  so it’s just me who drives you up the wall then?  ❞
❝  well, you’ll be happy to hear i haven’t been having any fun. no weed, no ghosts.  ❞
❝  there hasn’t been a new lead on her case in more than half a year.  ❞
❝  so here i am, wrapped up in a blanket, staring at my little fireplace, so bored i actually decided to call my sister for once.  ❞
❝  it’s a little town near bandon. very little. nice little mini-market, and that’s about it.  ❞
❝  i doubt i’ll sleep much tonight. that’s okay. i just feel like looking at the stars for a while.  ❞
❝  it's probably for the best. i am simultaneously exhausted from the drive and absolutely wired from the coffee.  ❞
❝  i wonder if there will still be ghosts out there when that happens?  when the earth is gone?  ❞
❝  glad to hear you’re enjoying yourself, then.  ❞
❝  knowing doesn’t make things any easier, but it does make them a little less frightening.  ❞
❝  that’s all just a lazy way of saying that the real explanation is too difficult—or too horrible—for them to accept.  ❞
❝  it almost killed me, but in the end it settled for putting me in pt for a year while i figured out how to use my hands again.  ❞
❝  he muttered something about my time being up. or maybe he said it wasn’t up.  ❞
❝  i don’t really care that i didn’t get any writing done today.  ❞
❝  nothing. not a single idea worth writing down, no itch i needed to scratch or question i needed to answer.  ❞
❝  guess there really is no such thing as bad press.  ❞
❝  i have no idea what a writer’s  ‘ process ’  usually looks like, but i’m pretty sure it’s not this.  ❞
❝  see what i have to deal with?  god… siblings, am i right?  ❞
❝  what can i say?  i have a soft spot for gothic architecture.  ❞
❝  computers have never been very good at reconciling paradoxes.  ❞
❝  they’re pretty much over funding my little expeditions.  ❞
❝  that kind of smile doesn’t normally show that many teeth.  ❞
❝  you know, that’s only scary the first few times you do it.  ❞
❝  one day, it will be dead. one day all the stars will burn out, go dark and silent. one day, everything will be so dark and so cold that no new stars can ever be born. the old ones will blink out one by one, like candles going out, and then… nothing. silence. darkness. void.  ❞
❝  the simplest explanation is almost always the right one.  ❞
❝  i don’t remember getting in my van, putting the key in the ignition, or speeding away from that house, but i must have.  ❞
❝  no, no, i’m fine, i’m fine, just go bother someone else.  ❞
❝  i haven’t eaten, moved, or written anything all day.  ❞
❝  but maybe that's just the fact that it is two in the morning and my brain is running mostly on caffeine.  ❞
❝  given how good a [job] he is, i know it’s not the first time he’s done it.  ❞
❝  i escaped, but i knew that whatever was in that house has just marked me as prey.  ❞
❝  calm down. think. you’re just going to confuse yourself.  ❞
❝  just wanted to tell you a couple of us are headed out to marvin’s for drinks if you want to come.  ❞
❝  one of the most disappointing things about living in america is the lack of genuinely haunted houses. out of all the supposed haunts i’ve visited, maybe one in ten seems like the real deal.  ❞
❝  sounds… peaceful. not many distractions, then?  ❞
❝  something tells me this tape wasn’t played in court.  ❞
❝  one of the neighbours must have called 911.  ❞
❝  my infamous accident. it almost killed me.  ❞
❝  i just woke up to footsteps in the kitchen. i don’t know who, or what, but there’s someone in here with me!  ❞
❝  could you shut the door on your way out, please?  ❞
❝  uh, wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon.  ❞
❝  the fire that i said went out?  yeah, it just started burning again.  ❞
❝  so i asked him to lie.  ❞
❝  it'd really be just a few of us. maybe me and [name] and one or two other tagalongs…  ❞
❝  apparently, the press had a lot of questions too.  ❞
❝  i’ve driven more than 8 hours and drunk enough bad coffee to give an elephant heart palpitations. i’m sure as hell going to get my money’s worth.  ❞
❝  oh sorry, am i bothering you now? what happened to  ‘ call anytime you want, [name] ’ or,  ‘ you’re always welcome here, [name] ’ ?  ❞
❝  i’ve forgotten to charge my phone. again.  ❞
❝  i… think i’m going to turn around now.  ❞
❝  well sorry if i wanted to have a nice talk with my sister for a change.  ❞
❝  will it just be left there forever? our legacy? look upon our works, ye mighty, and despair?  ❞
❝  no matter how far away from home you are, no matter how different the constellations might look from where you’re standing, you can always look up on a clear, dark night and feel like you’re about to fall right into it—the terrifying, endless expanse of nothingness.  ❞
❝  i know authors can do some crazy things to get out of writer’s block, but i’ve never heard of one resorting to arson.  ❞
❝  why do you always think there’s something wrong?  ❞
❝  ours is not to question why, ours is but to digitize and stay the hell out of trouble.  ❞
❝  so let’s try walking backwards. just keep an eye on it.  ❞
❝  i got lucky. or maybe i was just fast enough to escape.  ❞
❝  maybe there are secret passages behind the walls and corridors.  ❞
❝  no matter how far i walked, i couldn’t find the way i came in.  ❞
❝  well, i /know/ i’ve had worst nights. i just can’t think of any right now.  ❞
❝  i do want you to have fun, [name], i just don’t want you to get yourself killed doing it.  ❞
❝  i mean, obviously, i do care, that’s the whole reason i made this trip. to get away from the noise and focus.  ❞
❝  i might have… forgotten to tell anyone where i was going.  ❞
❝  before i get started, there’s just one thing i need to say. i have absolutely no patience for the unexplained, or the things people call  ‘ unexplainable ’,  ‘ supernatural ’, or  ‘ paranormal ’.  ❞
❝  i told [name] that i needed to get out, to get inspired.  ❞
❝  okay, if someone is messing with me, they’re going to be very sorry, very quickly.  ❞
❝  [name] lied his ass off to save yours.  ❞
❝  a crash like that does funny things to your head.  ❞
❝  i still don’t know how he got there without me noticing.  ❞
❝  any plans i had to travel abroad went up in smoke.  ❞
❝  i thought of pulling out the bad cop routine.  ❞
❝  strange how something so dead can be so beautiful.  ❞
❝  it hated me:  hated what i do, and more than that, hated who i am.  ❞
❝  lots of tall tales. and more than a few ghost stories.  ❞
❝  oh good, you’re still here!  ❞
❝  reviewers absolutely grilled it:  said it was a nonsensical rip off of the dark tower, whatever that means.  ❞
❝  i jumped out the window. cut my hands on the glass, but thankfully not bad enough to need stitches  ❞
❝  i told her, tonight.  ❞
❝  for a minute, i wondered if that would really be so bad. it was a fitting way to go, given my… well, everything.  ❞
❝  i suppose that’s a universal constant—maybe the only one.  ❞
❝  i never let myself get this turned around. especially not at night.  ❞
❝  i don’t know if it’s actually haunted. but if not, then it was sure as hell convincing.  ❞
❝  i’m not one of those people who thinks she’s the spawn of satan or something ridiculous like that.  ❞
❝  unless i’m prepared to accept that she was murdered by something that crawled out of a funhouse mirror, this isn’t much help with the case, either.  ❞
❝  i have to try and work some actual cases the rest of the time. you know, cases that might have some answers i can find.  ❞
❝  it's cold, damp, and dark as night. i'm in my element, at least.  ❞
❝  your place is waiting for you.  ❞
❝  yeah, i’m all good. great… hanging in there, you know?  one day at a time.  ❞
❝  oh, i see you. you think i’m still scared of [thing], huh?  think you can freak me out?  ❞
❝  trust me, i’ve had a hell of a day, and you do not want to mess with a pissed off…  ❞
❝  and tell my sister i'm sorry.  ❞
❝  oh god, it's cold.  ❞
❝  the night sky really is beautiful out here.  ❞
❝  tell him he shouldn’t have been such a good liar.  ❞
❝  i’ve been listening to this for the last two weeks now.  ❞
❝  it’s not even that i’m having bad ideas. i’m not having any at all.  ❞
❝  can’t get away from the work, no matter what i do.  ❞
❝  i made sure i switched off my phone before i came up here, just in case.  ❞
❝  god, these things smell of weed.  ❞
❝  yeah, well… just wanted to make sure you’re okay, you know?  ❞
❝  [name] is dead. that's all there is to it.  ❞
❝  no, i need to get out of here. it’s been a long day.  ❞
❝  a lot of the art i found was just paintings of a night sky full of stars.  ❞
❝  my job is to look the facts dead in the face and find an explanation. one that will hold up in a court of law.  ❞
❝  personal and career choices, i guess you’d call them.  ❞
❝  damn. i could’ve sworn i felt something strange about this place when i hiked through this morning… or maybe it was a different part. hard to tell this late at night, anyway.  ❞
❝  well, let’s just say a middle-aged man-child running out panicked and tearing at his eyes would hardly be a marketable image.  ❞
❝  i didn’t mind that i’d be alone—i always expected that to be how i went.  ❞
❝  i’m sure that’s on my personnel file by now, as if it could get any more problematic.  ❞
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐺𝑒𝑡 𝐾𝑖𝑑𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑑
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, supporting, justifying or encouraging mafia activities or lifestyle. This is all fictional and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
✿𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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When everyone reunited back at the checkpoint at the appointed time and Hongjoong saw you weren't there, he knew something went wrong. There was always the risks of something going wrong during a mission and in this case, you were captured by the enemy and taken hostage. Hongjoong didn't even wait for a ransom note or call from the others, he went out of his way to look for you. You were an important member of his gang and he especially had a special place for you in his heart. So naturally he searched even through hell for you.
"I'm warning you right now, if you don't give me back Y/N, I will destroy you and everything you built up." Hongjoong warned the other mafia boss.
He just let out a laugh. "You'll never get your little pet back."
Hongjoong took out his gun and smirked.
"Oh I'll get them back all right."
That was a definite promise.
✿𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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"See? Your leader doesn't care about you. He never answered our message. Maybe you should rethink who you work for."
The rival's words were stuck in your head. You tried not to let them get to you, knowing you were stronger than this. You refused to believe that Seonghwa wouldn't look for you. But after days of being locked up, the solitude began to get to you. You began to believe that maybe Seonghwa really didn't care enough to rescue a member of his team. Just when you thought all hope was lost, you heard a commotion outside, followed by gunfire and screaming. The man himself then burst through the door, looking agitated.
"Come on. Let's get you out of here." He said as he began freeing you from the chains holding you down.
"And here I thought you forgot about me." You chuckled lightly.
Seonghwa stopped and looked at you.
"I could never forget about you. You're too important for me to leave behind."
✿𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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He was freaking out, but tried so hard not to. He had to keep his cool. As a leader, he could not look weak in front of the others, and he especially did not want to let it be known that he had feelings for you. That would only put you in more danger than you already were, and would complicate things. So the best he could do right now was patiently wait for Yeosang to get your coordinates to break you out.
Which he did end up doing, almost effortlessly. You remember the way he held you in his arms so tightly, as if you were a fragile vase and not the tough mafia member you were. It was Seonghwa the one who noticed how Yunho changed a little when he was around you.
"Just admit it, you have feelings for Y/N."
Yunho stiffened at his words, but kept his cool.
"I can't do that. It'll be dangerous if the wrong people find out."
Yunho swore he'd keep his feelings a secret, but soon enough stolen kisses were given at his office or in his car.
✿𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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You just kept laughing at all the threats the man in front of you was blurting out.
"You think this is a joke?" He asked as he circled around the chair you were bound to.
You honestly thought about how foolish he was, thinking about how he thought he gained the upper hand by kidnapping you, when in reality, that was the plan all along.
"What time is it?" You simply asked.
The man looked at you confused before saying. "Almost 9 pm."
You smirked at him knowing anytime now Yeosang would have cornered the entire building. Thanks to the tracker they hid in your body, it was a piece of cake to locate the enemy and end them once and for all.
"Were you scared?" Yeosang asked as he cut the ropes on your body.
"Me? Scared. Never." You answered.
"What if I hadn't come for you at all?"
You looked at him and chuckled. "We both know you'd come for me no matter what."
Yeosang couldn't help the smile that formed on the corners of his lips. He didn't even deny what he knew himself was the truth.
✿𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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"It's been 2 days! Why haven't you guys been able to find them?!"
Mingi sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"San, we're doing all we can. Yunho and Jongho are out in the field searching for clues while Hongjoong and Yeosang are busy with hacking every camera they can. We're trying our best."
"Well clearly it's not good enough!"
San was nearly chaotic at this point as he smashed one of the ornaments on his desk against the wall, shattering it, all the pieces on the floor resembling his heart right now as he contemplated what might happen if he couldn't find you.
Mingi seemed to understand his friend's despair, so he put a hand to his shoulder and assured him:
"We'll find Y/N. Don't worry about it. You'll have them back by your side."
✿𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Mingi knew he shouldn't have let you go on the mission with them. You were still a rookie and he knew a lot of the other members wouldn't be particularly protective of you, at least not in the way he was. So when you were captured, he really blamed himself for it, beating himself mentally over not taking care of one of his members.
You on the other hand were scared about what would happen to you and you honestly didn't think you were important enough for Mingi to save. You were wrong about that. Mingi went as far as taking a bullet just to get you back.
"I'm sorry." You told him one day.
"For what?" He asked.
"For this." You gently traced the bandage around his arm. "If it weren't for me, you would have never gotten hurt..."
Mingi smiled and tilted your chin up.
"Honestly? This is nothing. I'd take another bullet anyday if it meant I'd keep you safe."
✿𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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As soon as Wooyoung saw you, he quickly ran over to you and began to check your body.
"Are you ok? Are you hurt? Is every piece of you complete?"
You were astonished to see him worry a lot about you since he usually criticized you or belittled you at times, you thought he really didn't like you.
"I'm tired, but I'm all right." You answered him.
"Ok then pipsqueak. Let's get you out of here."
It took a lot of running, gunfire and bodies to step over, but you all made it out of there alive and with no limbs missing. You and Wooyoung were panting by the time you got in the car.
"Hey.....thanks..." You finally said once things calmed down.
"You better be pipsqueak. Seriously? How dumb could you be to get yourself taken? Don't think I'll do this another time if it happens again." Wooyoung began scolding you like he usually did.
But deep down, he knew that was a lie. He'd do it over and over again.
✿𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Jongho himself couldn't go in to get you out personally. Since he was one of the stronger members, he had to be outside and hold off the enemies, giving San and Mingi time to go inside and get you out as fast as they could. Once he caught sight of you guys coming out, he motioned for Seonghwa and Yunho to get the cars.
Even through all the adrenaline pumping through his veins, he checked to see your injuries.
"Where are you hurt?" Jongho asked.
"I'm fine." You tried saying.
"No you're not. These cuts look deep. I'll look at them myself when we get home." He said as he examined some gashes that were on your sides.
"Isn't Hongjoong the one who does the medical check ups?" You questioned.
Jongho raised an eyebrow at you. "What? Don't you trust me?"
"It's not that! I just....don't see why you'd go through the trouble." You tried explaining.
"I'm just worried about you ok? I want to make sure you're all right. So please...let me take care of you."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
Hey i just want to know that if you still make headcanon holy quintet in twst series , if you not is okay ,but if you still make , i have several question ,
What if madoka transform to madokami i want to know boys reaction especially diasmonia boys ?
I want to know what if sayaka got corrupt and the boys reaction(especially adeuce) see witch form sayaka for first time and their think sayaka got overblot but they wrong it worst than that!
I want to know that what boys reaction if they see the witchs and Walpurgisnacht for the first time are they gonna fight or not?
What all boys(especially dorm leaders)reaction homura tell the truth of soul gem and she tell how she looping time to time for 12 years and 100 looping
And btw i am boy its weird boy love twisted wonderland(not really but i love the character design and story(i just hate riddle mom treat him to obey all rules, he need freedom:( ))
Sorry for making many question
Hello! I’m happy that you enjoyed the TWST x PMMM series! Most of my writing projects have taken a back seat due to work and since it’s currently the Ramadan season, I just don’t have a lot of energy to write anymore more than for work. I mean, it took me half a day to answer this ask. 
I definitely want to get back to writing for this crossover series and maybe even copied what I’ve written so far into my AO3 for easy reading and navigating but we’ll see. For now, I’m indulging whatever plot bunnies that come my way so I won’t stop writing altogether. 
So lay them on me, dude! Expanding the series is always fun. (Also, bear with me. This is gonna be a long post). 
@lionheartanotheraccount and I had discussed these actually on Discord! Some were pinned, some were not (I’m an idiot. I should have pinned all of our crossover texts!), so lemme explain what I still remember. Feel free to pinch in if I forgot something incorrectly or left something out, Lion! 
1. What if Madoka transforms to MadoKAMI, I want to know boys’ reaction, especially Diasmonia’s boys
After the anime ended, Lion and I talked about how not that she’s a Goddess, she has the ability to visit Twisted Wonderland on her own and she approached Malleus and the rest of the Diasomnia gang in her human disguise so as not to freak them out. Well, Lilia and Malleus could feel the divinity within Madoka and you can expect the immense shock that not only could Madoka travel across worlds, but she’s also no longer human too. It’s a teary reunion and Malleus’ and Lilia’s hearts break when MadoKAMI explain everything. They comforted her to their best ability but ultimately, it’s been done. There’s nothing else they could do for her. It’s bittersweet for Lilia. Why, a human child ascended into a Goddess so she could save the fates of her friends and every Magical Girls in the past, present and future - she grew up out of necessity and love. Both Lilia and Malleus is proud to be her friend. 
2.  I want to know what if Sayaka got corrupt and the boys’ reaction(especially Adeuce) see Witch form Sayaka for the first time and they think Sayaka got Overblot but they wrong it worst than that!
The existence of a Witch’s Labyrinth is enough to make the boys instantly wary and a bit frighten (not that any of them would admit it). Bad times for everyone. The boys so confused, wanting to help Sayaka. The girls are horrified at the truth of Witches and Magical Girls and Homura is rushing in to kill Sayaka. Chaos everywhere with Octavie shrieking and trying to kill them all, Symposium Magarum blaring in the background and the Witch’s familiars flying everywhere to make sure their Witch could enjoy the music. 
No one could fight Octavia so they had to retreat. Homura causing enough distraction for them to escape. By the time they went out of the Labyrinth, shouting and screams begin. 
Adeuce would the most horrified, Madoka of course, heartbroken. Mami is losing it (to which Homura’s getting trigger happy and refused to look away from her. She’s ready to put Mami out of her misery the moment Mami so much as flinch) and Sayaka is both furious and still in shock. At this point, Homura has no choice but to reveal the fact she knows the truth about Magical Girls in order to explain that no, they don’t Overblot. They... mature into Witches when their Soul Gems turn pitch black. Here’s a little gem(lol) from explorerofsy on Discord:  vil internally: mami is a gem 
vil later when he finds out about soul gems: 
when i said that mami is a gem, i did not expect that to be literal
It’s sad but it made me laugh sick. 
3. I want to know that what boys’ reaction if they see the Witches and Walpurgisnacht for the first time. Are they gonna fight or not?
The moment Homura explains that turning to Witches is irreversible and is the ultimate fate of all Magical Girls, some would deny it. Their magic is different from the girls, maybe they have a way to stop the transformation here in Twisted Wonderland. The academically-inclined students (Malleus, Riddle, Jamil, Vil and even Idia) would delve into hours of research, only to find nothing (I mean, Kyubey is akin to an Eldritch being, something beyond their comprehension so how on Twisted Wonderland would they push their magic against his strange abilities?). The other students are keeping a very close eye on the girls’ Soul Gems. I mentioned in a long-ago post that even Lilia would demand Madoka present her Soul Gem to him for inspection once every week since Madoka is still distraught over what happened to Sayaka. 
Will the boys fight the Witches? Well, in terms of Octavia, the Heartslabyul boys will struggle to kill her, even after Homura explains that the Witch is no longer Sayaka and it’s better to put her out of her despair and give her Grief Seed to Madoka (though Madoka would let Adeuce keep Octavia’s Grief Seed; it’s the only thing the boys have left of Sayaka after all. Madoka at least have years worth of memories of them together). 
In terms of Walpurgisnacht, Homura would debrief the girls and boys the strongest Witch to ever exist (Keeping Kriemhild Gretchen to herself. For now. She really, really doesn’t want to open that horrible can of worms) and showed them just how powerful and destructive she can be using her magic. Malleus would be intrigued in fighting her though. 
4. What would the boys’ (especially dorm leaders) reaction be when Homura tell the truth of Soul Gems and she tells how she looping time to time for 12 years and 100 looping
Characters like Leona, Lilia and Malleus would be shocked stupid. Time magic is already an insanely OP power and Homura, a human child, been abusing and looping time just to find a way to kill Walpurgisnacht? Leona will straight up spit out that Homura’s insane and Lilia will silently agree with him, wondering if Homura has gone mad. Malleus couldn’t help but applaud Homura’s will and her careful planning in making sure her Soul Gem remains pure. Kalim will cry for her; he couldn’t imagine what sort of pain Homura purposely gone through just to save her friends (cue Homura’s awkwardly patting him on the back, telling him not to cry because she made her choices) 
5. And btw i am boy its weird boy love twisted wonderland(not really but i love the character design and story(i just hate riddle mom treat him to obey all rules, he need freedom:( ))
It’s cool! Twisted Wonderland and its fandom are some of the very few fandoms I really enjoy. But then again, I tend to keep to myself and some close friends so I don’t really see the dramas. And you’re right, the story and characters’ design are what hooked me in. I was introduced to Twisted Wonderland when I saw a fanart of a little Azul holding hands with Floyd and Jade, looking disgruntled at being treated like a kid while the Tweels just smirk. That’s why Azul and the Tweels will always be my favourite in the fandom!
Yeah... when you think about it, most of the characters have unhealthy relationships with their family. Riddle with his Mum, Leona with his status and brother, Azul with his childhood bullying, and while we don’t know what exactly happen with King and Queen Draconia, Malleus probably knew them for only a short time (hell, they could even pass away before he was hatched). 
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Okayyyy chappy seven 🤩 Here we goooo 🥳
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Lord, Katniss always had nightmares 😭 even before the games, between her father’s death, her mother’s abandonment and the other traumatizing things she saw in her life, my girl never slept peacefully a day in her life 🥺.
She even indicates that she sometimes has nightmares about past hunger games 😭😭😭. Someone protect my smol child. Please. Someone.... Someone? Anyone? No? Okay 🥺
“I bolt up screaming for my father to run as the mine explodes into a million deadly bits of light.” This is such a powerful image and it really does show that Katniss has literally envisioned all the gory details of her father’s death for the last four years. This is so sad 😞
Also though. Katniss really doesn’t talk much about her father’s death after the first book and definitely doesn’t describe nightmares about it. So .... like basically, the games traumatized her so badly that, her father failing to escape the mines as the collapsed in on him, crushing him into the pits of despair, the possibility of rescuing his corpse deemed unimaginable, pales in comparison? Yes I just tried and failed to phrase that long run on sentence the way Katniss phrases her nightmares about her dad dying, yes that was over the top but you know what? So. Is. Katniss.
“Dawn is breaking through the windows” Twilight reference 😬😬😬. I couldn’t stop myself, y’all. Forgive for please.
“The Capitol has a misty, haunted air.” Katniss, you’re from the butthole of Kentucky, the air you’re used to is probably humid as all get out 😓😓💦😅😅
“I must have bitten into the side of my cheek in the night. My tongue probes the ragged flesh and I taste blood.” 😒😒😒😒 this feeling ..... is .... v v v .... distinct .... and .... familiar 😕🙁☹️
“I end up hopping from foot to foot as alternating jets of icy cold and steaming hot water assault me.” Why is this so funny omg 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😅😅😅😅😅 Katniss is just like pressing buttons like, “Ah! Too cold! 🥶 Ah! Too hot! 🥵 Ah!!!!!” All while jumping like a .... cat 🐱🥁
Lemon foam? 🍋 Whatever. I guess there’s weirder flavors of soap we have today but like where’s the Philosophy flavors that give recipes on the bottles??? Surely they’d survive an apocalypse??? Everyone uses those???
I’m so glad Katniss didn’t forget to moisturize, even as she prepares for a death match 😅😅😅😅 even if it’s just as simple as pressing a single button, why is she even taking the time to press it?
I know, I know. She just wants to make sure her skin is so smooth for the arena that the knives and arrows just slide right off 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“This is the first time since the morning of the reaping that I resemble myself.” Lolololol which means Mr. Romantic is gonna be even more turned on by the sight of ya, since he’s crushed on you looking like this for the last decade of his life 🥳😎🤗💁🏼‍♀️. Peeta ain’t even here yet and I’m already making the shipper comments Samantha calm down 🙄😶😑🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐
Seriously there where is Peeta? Did he also have to figure out the temperature controls in the shower? Did he also moisturize? I miss him I wanna know about his morning too 😔. Katty, is it too much to ask for you to go take a lil ... sneak peek into his room for me? 😏😏😏
Twenty dishes seems like a lot for like four people eating? Eh, maybe six people, if we count the stylists who magically pick and choose when they’re coming to a meal... Hmm, I’ll calculate just so no one else has to. 🤓😬🤗 No one else cares, Samantha. 🤐🥱😴😶 Twenty dishes amounts out to about five plates without the stylists and three and a half-ish with so.... idk it’s not that much food I guess but it seems like a lot for one meal, esp if people in the Capitol intend to keep their trim figures. This is why that one prep team girl is chubby. 🤐🤐🤐
Awww Katniss copying Peeta’s weird lil eating quirks 🤗😎🥳. She’s already taking interest in him, she just don’t realize it yet 💁🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ shipper comment alert 🚨🚨
But also has anyone actually tried dipping bread on hot chocolate and was it good or does it taste as repulsive as it sounds to me? I hate it when my food even so much as dares to touch though 🤢😡😤😓
Oooo I always forget Prim has to be utilizing her goat, milking the thing every day until it’s dry I’m not a farmer idk how milking animals works ... so she contributes more than I give her credit I suppose.... I’m making an effort for you, Primmers. You seem useless and immature but I’m trying. 😪😶 Taylor Swift voice 🎶 *this is me trying* 🎶
Oh wow it was only two mornings ago? Man. The first book is slow moving. 😅😭 six chapters in and we’ve gotten through one point five days 🤣
“It makes me irritated that Peeta is wearing exactly the same outfit I am.” “Listen, Peeta, one of us has to change, this is getting embarrassing, you have to stop borrowing my clothes!”
“This twins act is going to blow up in out faces once the Games begin.” Ahhaahahahaha blow up 💥 💣 🔥. Get it, get it. 🥁 Because she represents fire. And she also blows things up in Every. Single. Book.
But seriously, did Cinna and Portia and Haymitch all plan on presenting Katniss and Peeta are like, tight friends or whatever, and then Peeta is like “oh b-tee-dubs, I have a massive crush on K-dog” and they just decided it perfectly fit into their plans?
I’m so jealous that their breakfast has bread baskets 😩😩😩 I know they’re headed to the slaughter but still. Bread.
if you like, I'll coach you separately. Decide now." "Why would you coach us separately?" In case one of you ... not naming names .... Peeta .... wants to reveal your lifelong crush on live television 😎😎😎
Also Haymitch is like “make an important decision but take zero time to consider it, I’m tired and hungover, kids, idc for your drama 😒”
Which as an auntie to a wonderful little two year old ... is v relatable 😅🥲🙃🤭
“And I already know what yours is, right? I mean, I've eaten enough of your squirrels." I wanna make a dirty joke here so badly but the lord himself is saying no.
“Town families usually eat expensive butcher meat. Beef and chicken and horse.” Ohhh this is interesting. Katniss believing Peeta and the other merchants live high on the hog while Peeta is later is like “I eat expired bread for every meal, Katniss” I mean, better than starving like her, but also not how she’s painting the picture in her mind. 😶😭
Also Katniss never mentions horses in Twelve, where’s the butcher getting horses from to slaughter and sell? That’s why Katniss never sees them, Samantha, duh 🙄
“I can't do anything. Unless you count baking bread.” "Sorry, I don't.” This was such a quick and matter of fact brush off, poor Peeta 😭😭😭 my baby I’m still rooting for you don’t worry you got this
Also. Lowkey, highkey, that tiny exchange triggered me. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Those awkward moments where people brush me off or glance over me live in my head. Rent free. For life.
I wonder sometimes often times if Katniss’ father and Gale’s father knew each other? Both hunted and worked in the mines. Just a random sidebar 😅🤭🤐🙃
“She’s excellent” He’s so proud of his wife 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧
So uh.... is it safe to say Mr. Mellark is an Everlark fan? If he likes and admires Katniss and Peeta and him apparently have some kind of close-ish bond (okay, maybe not but maybe) then perhaps he is carrying the shipper banner back in Twelve for them 🥳🥳😎😎
Katniss, you dingaling, of course he noticed you 🙄🙄🙄
Peeta compliments her and her instant reaction is “what are you doing, weirdo?” 😅😭
“Don’t underrate yourself” Peeta, love of my life, take your own advise. Stupid. 😪😪😪
“I've seen you in the market. You can lift hundred-pound bags of flour” Katniss in the market, staring across the way at Peeta, 👁👄👁, watching him lift flour over his shoulder.
“He came in second in our school competition last year, only after his brother." This is criminally undiscussed. Peeta being a wrestler alone is undiscussed but also.... did you go to his matches, Katniss? Miss Anti-Social, Hunting-First-Everything-Else-Later? 😏😏😏 If this ain’t proof of her lil crush idk what is
“All you need is to come up with a knife, and you'll at least stand a chance.” “You'll be living up in some tree eating raw squirrels and picking off people with arrows.” Does no one else realize that Katniss and Peeta literally took the other’s advise for the first part of the games? How did Peeta get in with the Careers? The way she just said. Where is Katniss when Peeta and the Careers discover her? High up in a tree. Okay, this maybe didn’t compute right but I had a thought here so I said it
Peeta’s mother is just a monster. Who says that crap? 😔😔😔 don’t worry, baby, I’m rooting for you
“She said, 'She's a survivor, that one.' She is” Yeah, she is, no thanks to you, Mrs. Mellark 😤. Stingy ho.
Peeta’s got pain in his eyes 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Awww, Katniss accrediting her survival to Peeta’s help 😭😭😭😭. This is so pure. Also kiss now, you little freaks.
“She has no idea. The effect she can have.” This is such an iconic line... but the can has always had me laughing. She can have an effect, if she really wants to. Or not, depending on the day.
Katniss is so stupid, how did she construe that as an insult??? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ y’all ever just wanna smack her into a wall?
“In public, I want you by each other's side every minute” If Peeta didn’t have a long life crush, what was the ultimate plan with all this friendship act they’re being forced into? 🤔🤔🤔
Even Peeta’s trying to object to it 😭😭😭😭
“You will be together, you will appear amiable to each other.” You will fall in love. 🤩🥳😎
“I bite my lip and stalk back to my room, making sure Peeta can hear the door slam.” Okay, now imagine how much she’s hurting his feelings right now 😖😣 what a little brat
“But that didn't mean I wanted to do everything with Peeta. Who, by the way, clearly doesn't want to be partnering up with me, either.” Lolololololololol this is so funny in hindsight 🤣🤣🤣. Also if you showed a little enthusiasm, Peeta would probably be happy to partner with you.
“But a tiny part of me wonders if this was a compliment. That he meant I was appealing in some way.” No, really, Katniss? A compliment? Who’d give you one of those? 🙄🙄🙄
“It's weird, how much he's noticed me. Like the attention he's paid to my hunting.” A normal person at this point would put together a crush 😅
“And apparently, I have not been as oblivious to him as I imagined, either. [...] I have kept track of the boy with the bread.” Anddd a normal person would figure out their own crush at this point 😅😅.
“I do a quick assessment. Peeta and I are the only two dressed alike.” We stan a matching couple in this house 😎😏
“Almost all of the boys and at least half of the girls are bigger than I am” That means 18 out of 24 tributes tower over my girl here. Smol Katniss. The movies did such erasure on this front I’m still bitter 🤐😒😤😩
“I may be smaller naturally, but overall my family's resourcefulness has given me an edge in that area.” Just a tiny muscular thing standing next to a bunch of tall, lanky kids. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Awww “Each [Career tribute] must have fifty to a hundred pounds on me.” I mean ... let’s calculate. A muscular girl would probably weigh like 150 pounds... so basically Katniss is at most, 100 pounds. Tiny Katty.
“I'm thinking that it's lucky I'm a fast runner when Peeta nudges my arm and I jump.” This is a random, cute interaction 😍😍😍. Shipper blinders are on and tight.
“Suppose we tie some knots.” “Right you are.” I legitimately just scratched my face, who says right you are? An 87 year old man, that’s who 😅😅😅. Not turning your girl on very well, Peeta baby.
Although it does sound a bit like a backwoods southern thing soooo.... hillbilly Everlark nation rise. 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️
“We concentrate on this one skill for an hour until both of us have mastered it.” Awww, so Peeta knows how to tie a snare? He’s not as clueless as half the fandom acts.
How exactly is frosting cakes equating to amazing camouflager in a death match? Books crack me up with these connections. “I’m an amazing artist because I write birthday cards!”
Lolololol Prim admiring her future brother-in-law’s handiwork 🥰🥰🥰🥰 too bad she dies before they can get together for real for real.
“Somehow the whole thing - his skill, those inaccessible cakes, the praise of the camouflage expert - annoys me.” Dude, you get praised by everyone and their brother while Peeta gets overlooked, give him a moment to shine. 😑🙄 jealous wife much?
Also she’s already picking up on Peeta’s eye for beauty 😅😅😅
“It's lovely. If only you could frost someone to death.” "Don't be so superior. You can never tell what you'll find in the arena. Say it's actually a gigantic cake-“ "Say we move on.” She’s such a little snot. 😒😒😒
But also I love that already in this point of their relationship, Peeta is noticing when she’s being a brat 😭😂😅. “Don’t be so superior.”
“Despite Haymitch's order to appear mediocre, Peeta excels in hand-to-hand combat, and I sweep the edible plants test without blinking an eye.” Lolololol their mentor’s advise went into one ear and right out the other 😂😅🤣.
But also why did the movie make a point in adding an extra scene of Peeta looking weak and the Careers staring at him? That literally took up time and served no purpose at all. 😤😤😤 I’m coming for you, Gary Ross
Awww, everyone but the careers eat alone. But Katniss and Peeta eat together 🥺🥺🥺. It’s like a forced first date 🥳🥳🥳
I like how Katniss says they include bread from every district but she then proceeds to only mention the two districts that later have relevant tributes. 😅😅😅
Lolololol their fake friendship “laugh ... now! Okay, I’ll smile, try to say something interesting”
“Ever since I slammed my door, there's been a chill in the air between us.” Well yeah, you probably hurt his feelings 🥺🥺🥺
Umm, Katniss just casually drops that she was chased by a bear.... how did homegirl live? 😬😳
Peeta knowing Rue’s name and being the one to take notice of her first 🥺🥺🥺. If the games had come down to Katniss, Peeta and Rue, y’all know Everlark would have swallowed the berries and gotten Rue home. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
“Don't. Don't let's pretend when there's no one around.” "All right, Katniss.” He made a single comment to you, ding dong. He didn’t ask for a goodnight kiss 🙄🙄🙄.
Also anyone ever think of how lonely Peeta’s life must be? He’s not close to his family that we can see, Delly’s his only real friend, after he wins he lives in that huge house all alone... I feel sad now. I did this to myself. 😬😭🥺
Katniss’ “Oh! The weapons!” When she sees the bows and arrows is so cute 🥰🥰🥰
Katniss has such a rage built up inside of her. Let it out, girlfriend
See, I’d have done this too but in my rage, I’d probably have shot a real person and not the pig ... goodbye, Plutarch 👋🏻
Andddd I think that’s all for this chapter! Sorry my comments weren’t as interesting as usual 😬.
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Stitching The Wounds, Chapter 9
TITLE: Stitching The Wounds CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 9 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki and Kilgrave are Alphas and feel a spark with the same omega. RATING: M
It was an hour later and Loki returned home first. He grinned when he walked into the living room and found Leona watching TV, eating some popcorn and wearing his hoodie.
‘Hello my little omega.’ He purred and walked over to her.
She smiled at him as he sat down next to her, pulling her into a hug which surprised her a little. But she liked it.
He then cupped her chin and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips, lingering for a moment which took her breath away. Her cheeks reddening.
‘Hi.’ She squeaked out.
‘You’re wearing my hoodie.’ Loki grinned, looking down at said hoodie.
‘Oh… Yeah, I forgot I still had it on. It’s really comfy.’ She said sheepishly and was about to take it off, but Loki stopped her.
‘You suit green. Don’t worry, you can wear my clothes whenever you wish.’ He winked at her and settled next to her, his arm around her. ‘What’s mine is yours, doll.’
She took a moment but then she leaned into him and relaxed under his arm, her head against his chest.
‘Have you had a good day?’ He asked quietly, rubbing her upper arm softly.
‘Mmmhmm. How was school?’
‘It was fine.’ Loki shrugged.
She turned her head to look at him, grinning. ‘I bet you’re a really strict teacher, right?’
Loki threw his head back, laughing.
‘Some would say that. But I am fair. There has to be a balance, it’s not just about teaching but connecting with them too. I think a lot of teachers forget that every student is a human being, all with their own problems and issues out with school. All with their own personality. Which can affect their work and way of learning. It’s about finding what works for each individual student. Being strict constantly isn’t the best way to teach, unless of course someone is just taking the piss, that’s when I can get stricter.’ Loki explained softly.
‘Mmm… That makes sense.’ She nodded. ‘I uh, was having a look around and I saw the box you have of gifts from students. It seems that you really made an impression with so many, so you must be a good teacher.’
‘Oh you were being nosey, were you?’ Loki raised an eyebrow but he smirked, giving her arm a squeeze.
‘I wanted to see what else I could find out about the two Alphas I’m living with.’ She said innocently, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
Loki chuckled. ‘I have had some wonderful students over the years.’
‘What age do you teach now? I noticed there was a bit of a mix by the looks of it.’ She asked.
‘Right now, ages around sixteen. So for some, it’s their last year of education. Others want to go on to College or University. Or stay on for another year or two. I did teach primary school pupils for a few years a while ago, they were around six and seven. A lot of fun, but incredibly hard work.’ He smiled fondly.
‘Were they scared of you?’ Leona asked with a smirk.
‘At first, they were terrified. But by the end of the first day they loved me and were all hugging me before leaving.’ He chuckled.
‘You do seem to have that vibe… You and Kilgrave both do, actually.’
‘What, scary?’ Loki raised an eyebrow.
‘Yeah. You are both Alphas and quite intimidating at first.’ Leona said honestly. ‘But I think you’re both just big softies really.’
Loki slid his hand down from her arm to her side, giving her a slight tickle, making her laugh. ‘Don’t tell other people that, it will ruin our reputation.’ He teased.
While Leona had meant what she said, she still knew they had a mean swing. And had proof of that. She didn’t doubt they would be able to keep her in line and give her a good challenge. But she knew she was safe with them. And that meant absolutely everything.
Kilgrave arrived home later when Loki and Leona were eating dinner. He greeted them, kissing Leona, then went upstairs to get changed.
Suddenly Loki and Leona both heard a loud wail come from upstairs. Leona couldn’t help herself from laughing. Loki looked across the table at her, an eyebrow up.
‘What did you do?’ He asked firmly.
She covered her mouth and tried to contain her laughter. ‘Me? Nothing…’ She said innocently, but Loki could tell she was far from innocent.
‘Stay here.’ He growled at her before heading upstairs to see what Kilgrave was so distraught over.
When he walked into Kilgrave’s room, he had to cover up his own laughter as he put his hand over his mouth.
Kilgrave had his drawers open and they were a mess. His hair was a mess too as he’d ran his hand through it so many times in the last minute in despair at the sight on front of him.
‘She is SO in trouble.’ Kilgrave snarled as he started re-organising the drawers.
‘Mate… I know this is a big deal for you.’ Loki started as he sat down on the end of his bed and watched. ‘But she doesn’t know, you can’t give her into trouble for pulling what she thought was a funny prank… And it kind of is.’ He grinned.
Kilgrave sighed in irritation and he took a few deep breaths before turning to face Loki, who quickly tried to put on a serious face. Kilgrave glared at him and clenched his jaw. He turned back to continue tidying first his boxers back into a neat order.
Loki couldn’t control himself while Kilgrave kept muttering under his breath, taking his time to organise everything and folding his socks together. Loki was almost pissing himself laughing at the situation. Kilgrave kept glaring at him over his shoulder.
‘We need to tell her.’ Loki said once he was able to calm himself down from laughing.
Kilgrave sighed and ran his hand through his hair again.
‘I was hoping we wouldn’t have to.’
‘Once you claim her, you know it’s only going to become more difficult. You’ve always been expecting this. If she knows, it will be for the best. Trust me.’ Loki said as he stood and patted him on the shoulder.
‘Fine… I’ll be down soon.’ He sighed.
Loki gave Leona a look and a smirk when he went back downstairs. She just giggled and put her plate away in the sink.
‘When Kilgrave comes down we need to talk to you.’ Loki said as he finished his dinner.
‘Oh? What about?’ Leona asked.
‘I think you know what about.’ Loki drawled.
Leona felt her ass tightening at the thought of possibly getting another spanking already.
But she knew it was something else, something serious, when Kilgrave came down and they all went into the living room to talk. Loki turned the TV off too.
Kilgrave narrowed his eyes at her briefly and shook his head. ‘That was quite the prank you pulled on me, pet.’ He growled. ‘It’s a good job you’re cute, or you’d be in serious trouble for doing that.’
Leona smirked but continued to try and look innocent. ‘I have no idea what you are talking about.’ She teased. ‘So what is it you need to talk to me about?’  
Kilgrave sighed and ran a hand down his face. ‘When I was younger, I really struggled with control issues. I used to struggle with not being in full control of everything and everyone. I received help with it when I was younger, which helped a lot. In a way, being a bit of a control freak helps with my job, but at the same time it can affect personal relationships and friendships. I am much better at controlling it than I used to be, but there are still times I struggle. We have suspected for a long time that when I get an omega it would become a bit more difficult to manage. Which is why Loki and I decided it was best to tell you.’
Leona was slightly stunned, she hadn’t expected that. But it did make sense. And she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach now for doing what she did to his drawers.
‘I… I’m sorry, for doing that. I wouldn’t have done it if I had known.’ She said and looked down at her hands in her lap, feeling genuinely bad.
‘No, it’s ok. Loki got a right kick out of it anyway.’ Kilgrave growled slightly and glared over at Loki, who started laughing again. Kilgrave leaned over and put his hand over Leona’s hands. ‘I’m not a bad person, I wouldn’t ever hurt you. I want you to know that. But there might be times where I seem like I am being too bossy or strict, but I can’t completely help it sometimes.’
‘If you ever feel like he is being unfair, such as this morning with not wanting you to go out alone, you can call him out on it.’ Loki said.
‘Yes, just tell me you think I am being unfair. And we can talk about it. Sometimes I just need someone to reason with me a little bit to see that I am overreacting.’ Kilgrave nodded.
‘And at least I am here too, which I think will help. As I will be able to keep him in line a little if he is being ridiculous. Or keep you in line if you are trying it on and being naughty.’ Loki winked at Leona, making her laugh a little.
‘I know you’d never hurt me. You’ve been nothing but kind to me.’ She smiled at Kilgrave. ‘I guess having me as your omega isn’t going to make things easy in regards to your control issues though.’
‘Don’t start with any of that, Leona.’ Loki growled in warning, knowing where she was going with it. ‘We don’t want to hear it.’
‘Loki’s right, we don’t want to hear it.’ Kilgrave said, giving her a look.
‘Alphas have a level of control over their omegas as it is, I’m hopeful that once we all settle in together everything will fall into place. But as we’ve said, if you feel Kilgrave is being unfair then just say something.’ Loki said.
‘I won’t be offended, as I know it’s an issue that might rear its ugly head at times.’ Kilgrave said honestly. ‘But I have never been violent… well, only to Alphas that deserve it… But I would never lay a finger on you in that way. I promise you that.’
‘I know you won’t.’ Leona said. ‘But uhm… am I going to be spanked for messing up your drawers?’
Loki and Kilgrave looked at one another then they both smirked.
‘No, you’re not.’ Kilgrave chuckled.
Leona tried to hide the fact she was slightly disappointed…
‘You didn’t know. And it was a damn good prank.’ Loki grinned. ‘One that I have thought about doing many times myself, but I know I’d get my head ripped off if I even dared to try it.’
‘You’re not cute like Leona is, so you most definitely wouldn’t get away with pulling a stunt like that.’ Kilgrave said as he glared at Loki, making Leona giggle.
‘I guess maybe having an omega might help.’ Leona said as she fiddled with her fingers. ‘As you will be able to focus on me. Maybe having some control over me, which you do, might help. As an outlet, in a way?’ She suggested.
Kilgrave and Loki smiled, realising she was right. It might be the opposite to what they originally thought and might help Kilgrave instead.
After their talk, the three of them snuggled on the sofa together. With Leona on Kilgrave’s lap and her legs draped over Loki’s. Kilgrave felt calmer now, and he was glad they told Leona about his issues. She didn’t seem worried at all, which relieved him.
Leona felt closer to them after today. It was weird, in a way. She felt like it made Kilgrave more human in a sense. That perhaps the two Alphas weren’t as perfect as they first seemed to be. Which actually made her even more comfortable. As she felt like she didn’t need to be perfect to impress them.
She could hopefully just be herself.
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What do you think Grima and Eomer are most scared of? Apart from being left alone with each other, of course :) I think Eomer is terrified of spiders - he has to ask Eowyn to remove them. Grima's fears are probably grander and more philosophical e.g. non-existence, failure, imperfection. But I bet he's terrified of weird stuff as well - exposed knees, clowns, steep stairs...
Oooooooh I love this question!! (granted I love any and all questions about these two)
[Oh god this got so long, I’m sorry but also not sorry.]
So I mean, it would depend what kind of fear we’re talking about. 
In terms of day-to-day fears/things that spook you or creep you out. I think Eomer has a REAL problem with house (mead hall?) centipedes. 
‘Too many legs, Grima. They have too many legs. I did not sign up for this.’ 
Once. when Eomer was like 10, he woke up with a house centipede on his chest and he’s never recovered. 
Grima just shoos the critter outside. Eowyn lectures her brother about their importance in the grand ecosystem. Eomer doesn’t care. 
Like when Eomer sees a house centipede all the hair on his body stands on end and he feels that cold wash of terror. I mean, if he had to, he could deal with it himself. But he’d be internally screaming the entire time. Stoic externally, of course. He is a brave rider of Rohan! But inside? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I think Grima gets creeped out by uncanny valley things. Mostly dolls. I think he assumes 90% of all dolls are cursed. One time his niece left her doll behind and Grima had to lock it in a box and hide it in a storage room and he was still a little convinced that it was going to escape and murder them all. Chucky style. 
Eomer: I want to get my sister a doll for the baby she and Faramir are about to have. How about this one? 
Grima: W h y would you traumatize a baby like that Eomer? Are you a monster? 
Eomer: This .... this is a cute doll. It’s not going to haunt them. 
Grima: You don’t know that for certain. Look at those beady eyes. Always watching. 
Eomer: Ghosts and draugr are fine but not dolls?
Grima: My undead brother might be a pain in the arse but at least I know what to expect from him. Mostly his trying to eat people. But it’s within the bounds of reason. That fucking doll on the other hand? Who knows what it thinks in the dark hours of the night. Who knows what secrets it holds in its heart. 
Eomer: . . .I think I’ll just get the kid a stuffed animal horse. 
Grima: Much better. 
I also think Grima gets easily spooked by flying insects. Like once he ascertains that the sudden movement within his line of vision isn’t going to hurt him, he’s fine. But his initial reaction is to get up and leave very quickly and let Eomer deal with it. Grima has a strong association between sudden movements and getting punched. Reasonable, really. 
Shared thing? I think Eomer and Grima both find teeth to be really creepy. 
Eowyn: They’re just bones in your mouth. It’s fine. 
Eowyn: Mouth! Bones! Mouth! Bones!
Eomer: I hate all of this. 
Eowyn: Mouth bonessssss! 
Eomer shows up in Osgiliath, hasn’t seen Eowyn in like two years, she gives him a hug and whispers ‘mouth bones’ into his ear just to freak him out. Because they’re loving and caring siblings like that. 
Eowyn: My daughter is just starting to get her mouth bones in.
Grima: I refuse to engage with this.
Faramir: Babe, why are you like this??
Eomer: I brought this doll for her. 
Eowyn: That is so cursed, I’m surprised Grima let you buy it. 
Eomer: I don’t know, I think it’s kind of cute. 
Eowyn: hmmmm yeah well you’re sleeping with that thing over there so I don’t know that your judgement can be trusted. 
Grima: h e y.
Faramir: What kind of family did I marry into??
Now, for deeper fears. 
Eomer is the one who has a deep seated fear of failure. Of not living up to the expectations set on him from a very young age. Both as son of Eomund, who is like local hero 101, and as nephew to the king. Being orphaned at a young age, I suspect he had a lot of pressure placed on him to Be the Man in the Family. To Take Care Of Everyone etc.  
And it’s hard being the son of someone who has a bit of a legend around them when they’re alive, let alone when they’re dead and so they become an impossible standard to live up to. 
This isn’t to say Eomer is a stick in the mud and doesn’t get up to mischief. This is the man who drops sick burns for a living and can be described as “compulsively truculent”. Like, Eomer at 18 was absolutely a bit of a mad lad. But, there was always this fear and anxiety hanging over him of having to live up to great expectations - most of which he’s placed on himself but he’s not aware of that. 
Later, I’ve always headcanon-ed that he does a bit of that daft thing of comparing himself to Aragorn and is like “I’m not living up to the story book legend who rules the neighbouring kingdom” and despairs. 
Eowyn: You’re doing fine. And really, Boromir and Arwen run 80% of everything. Aragorn disappears into the mountains at any given moment. 
Eomer: But what if I’m somehow failing everything at all times? Have you thought about that? That I’m failing our parents and ruining our father’s legacy and destroying our uncle’s trust in me??
Eowyn: .  . . yeah that’s not happening. You’re fine. 
Eomer: BUT AM I???
Eowyn awkwardly pats his hand, ‘You’re fine.’ Eomer despairs. 
Grima: Can’t do worse than me. 
Eowyn: Yeah! You can’t do worse than Grima. 
Eomer: That bar is so low it’s underground. 
Additional to this, I think Eomer is scared of letting things go - like giving up control in situations. Because he’s got it into his head that so long as he is in control he can keep everyone safe and no one will die (i.e. his sister). And he’s terrified of things heading down the Road of Chaos. 
Which like, Eomer, good luck with that. You live in Middle Earth and Grima’s still around being the agent of chaos that he is. 
Grima: I’ve had a thought. 
Eomer: Oh no. Put it back where you found it. 
Grima: Too late, I’ve told Eothain and he thinks it’s great. 
Eomer: Gods preserve me. 
Eothain: Ok but hear us out -- 
For Grima - he’s got a long of weird, existential fears. The World Ending being the biggest of them. He’s got a bit of a nihilistic, hopeless streak in him that can get quite philosophical in terms of dread. 
But for more personal, grounded fears, I think the main one is that he’s terrified of being seen. Of being vulnerable. Because if people see him/know him, surely they’ll hate him and leave him and that would hurt so, so much. Therefore, if he’s mean to everyone, including himself, then people can’t hurt him because he’s already doing their work for them to himself. 
Yet, he’s also afraid of being alone and so desperately wants to love and be loved but doesn’t know how to go about making that happen in a healthy, normal manner. So he self-sabotages. Tells himself things like, “I was not a lovable child, and I’d grown into a deeply unlovable adult. Draw a picture of my soul and it’d be a scribble with fangs.” - Gillian Flynn 
This just creates a fucked up freeze/thaw cycle of “I want to fit in and belong somewhere, but if people know me they’ll see what an ugly thing I am, better that they don’t know me, so let me shut them out/be mean to them etc., no one cares for me because I am unworthy of it, this hurts a lot, and I think fitting in and belonging would probably stop it hurting, but if people know me they’ll see what an ugly thing I am, better they don’t ... so on and so forth.” 
So yeah. His deep seated fears of being vulnerable + being along make for some twisted thinking and lots of self-sabotaging. 
Grima; What is emotional vulnerability?? Never heard of it. 
Theoden: You could give it a try, you know. 
Grima: No. I refuse. 
Grima does that thing that Carrie Fisher talks about: “Of all the violence I have known in my life, I have not known violence like the way I talk to myself.” 
Thank you so much for the ask! This was an absolute blast to answer. I loved every minute of it. 
I love all Grima and Eomer questions. 
<3 <3 
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potato-an0n · 3 years
Hi, so I came across Escapism from Steven Universe and this question came up "what if this was what Hange was thinking throughout s4 as commander that lead to her fate in ch 132?" (or at least, that's what she convinces herself to think). Especially when Hange would say "I'm tired."
AO3 link here
I guess I have to face
That in this awful place
I shouldn't show a trace
Of doubt
"I'm saying the next commander of the Survey Corps, will be you, Hange Zoe," Erwin announces.
Hange looked at him shocked and a bit unsure.
"Eh? Me? But I don't understand.....do I even have the qualifications to even lead a whole military branch? Is there anyone else you could've picked? Like Armin!" Hange says, feeling unsure if he made the right choice choosing her for this role.
Erwin shook his head and gave her a serious look.
"Hange, you are more than capable of taking on this role. You have a brilliant mind, the experience of leadership, you're calm under pressure, you trained with the Scouts the longest therefore our soldiers know and respect you. I have great faith and confidence you'll lead humanity to victory."
"Oi, Hange."
Hange snaps out of her thoughts and looks around her office to see Levi standing at the doorway, making his way towards her desk.
"Oh Levi hi. Sorry, I've been caught up with all this paperwork. It's a lot more work than being a mad titan scientist researcher," Hange says letting out an exhausted chuckle. Levi knows that look all too well, so he lets out sigh, went in front of where she was sitting and leaned back against her desk.
"When was the last time you slept? Or bathed? You smell like shit, not like that's new," Levi commented. Hange chuckled a bit at his usual sarcasm. "Good to know you're still your usual grumpy, clean freak self," she says as she lets out a sad smile but then returned to a frown when she felt the stress get to her.
"Hey Levi, do you think....maybe Erwin made a mistake? That maybe-"
Hange felt him grab onto her shoulders and looked into his eyes in shock.
"Listen here four eyes and listen well, if anyone can take Erwin's place it's you. I don't know who told you or if someone said anything, but the Scouts need you! Paradis needs you! We need you...." As Levi finished his little speech, he felt Hange face planting into his chest. He sighs and rub his hand over her greasy head.
A few minutes has passed and Hange wasn't saying anything. Levi was starting to get concerned.
"Oi, you better not be asleep!"
Hange grumbled a bit," but I feel so comfortable right now, just a few more minutes please."
Levi pushed Hange's shoulders back away from his chest, "tch, not with your hair all gross and filthy, go take a shower."
"But the paperwork-"
"Will still be there when you're done, plus you need a break."
Hange pouts but gives in, "fine." However, an idea sparked in her head as she got up, so she gave Levi a mischievous grin and he knew exactly what that meant.
Before she could say anything, Levi found a towel and threw at her.
"Don't even think about it!"
Hange bursted out laughing as she took the towel off her head and left. She didn't notice Levi softly smiling to himself when he heard her genuinely laugh for the first time in a while.
But pulled against the grain
I feel a little pain
With Eren grabbing her by the collar screaming if she has a plan, the whole island doubting her leadership, trying to figure out Eren and Zeke's true plan, Levi being away technically babysitting Zeke, and the sudden rise of the Yeagarists, it was all too much for her handle, not to mention, she’s still grieving over the loss of Moblie and Erwin, but here she is, locked up in a jail cell with the remaining 104th squad, Niccolo and Onyonkapon.
After hearing more about the Yeagar brothers' plan to enable the rumbling, she was furious! 'Are you fucking kidding me?! Mass genocide?!!!’
After all the sacrifices, all the countless lives risked just to keep him safe, it all leads up to this. She needs to get out of here and come up with a plan to stop this.
Luckily, she and everyone else were able to get out of jail, only for her to stumble upon a lying body in the grass, who happens to be Levi.
Panicked, she ran straight to him and felt his pulse, praying to God she’ll feel a pulse, but she did and allowed herself to relax a bit.
“I have no idea what happened, but we’re lucky, our number one threat here is all bloodied up,” Hange heard Floch said.
“Lets shoot him in the head!” a Yeagarist exclaimed.
“He’s dead,” Hange announces after hearing the Yeagarists wanting to kill Levi. ‘Like hell they’ll lay one finger on him.’
“He got caught in the explosion of a thunder-spear point blank range. I’ve seen similar accidents during training, but beyond external wounds. Internal organs would be ripped into shreds and death would be instant,” Hange tries her best to convince Floch, but he doesn’t buy it.
“I can also take his pulse. Let me check,” he says eyeing her suspiciously.
Hange looked at him in panic and had to think quick. She spotted the river next to her and quickly dove in.
That I would rather do without
She emerges from the water with Levi in her arms. She laid him down and began the CPR procedures.
“Come on Levi! Don’t die on me please!” She screams as she continues giving him CPR. Tears were falling down her face and when she felt hopeless, Levi started coughing up water and Hange flipped him to his side as he catches his breath.
When he was able to breathe a little bit easier, Hange wraps her arms around his neck and starts bawling her eyes out. “Thank god you’re alive!”
Levi turned to look at her, caressing her hair as he laid back on the ground to allow his body to relax a bit, despite the pain he feels on his face and hands. As he feels Hange’s sobs die down, he felt her head get heavier on his chest. He smiles and quietly whispers to her “thank you” as they both slip into unconsciousness.
I’d rather be free
“I’d rather the two of us just live here, right Levi?”
“If we keep running and hiding.....where will that get us?”
“Oh, so you heard me talking to myself?”
“I know you four eyes. You won’t be able to stay out of the action.”
‘Fuck, he’s right. Looks like that dream has to wait I guess’
“You’re right.....I can’t.”
Hange’s voice cracked a bit as a tear slides down her cheek.
I’d rather be free
There’s no way the plane will take off in time, and the colossal titans are close!
"The plane! It won't take off!" Onyonkapon exclaims.
"We don't have much time left! The rumbling is getting closer! We need to hurry!" Hange hears someone yell.
"I'm doing the best I can!"
More panicking ensues as Hange is thinking of a plan.
"Your death is the only way the Alliance will survive and save the world."
'My death?'
"You've been suffering for so long Hange. The sudden responsibilities of being commander, while on top of that, grieving the loss of Moblit and Erwin. Don't you want that all to disappear?"
"Wouldn't you rather be free?"
'I can't....'
"It's either you die or everyone else dies."
"What will it be Hange? You have until then to decide."
Hange gripped her hair and gritted her teeth, frustrated with the stressful situation situation she's placed in. The voices in her head, everyone panicking outside, and the sound of the rumbling, it's driving her crazy, she feels her head is about to explode.
'Wouldn't you rather be free?'
Hange takes a look at the colossal titans coming closer, and the plane is still struggling to take off. 'This is the only way huh?'
She thinks about whether she should go through this or not, knowing she'll be leaving the Alliance behind, leaving Levi behind.
They only had each other left. She wanted them to live together when this was all over, but looks like that won't be happening, after all, he did say they couldn't.
"What's the point if we just run and hide?"
"I know you, you won't be able to stay out of the action."
'You're right, Levi. I can't.......we can't....I'll do it.'
After Hange formed her suicide plan, she went to the deck to find the Alliance. She appoints Armin as the 15th commander of the Scouts and headed towards the colossal titans, until she heard footsteps following after. She didn't need to turn around to know it was Levi.
“You understand. It’s finally here, you know? I want to look as cool as possible right now, so please, just let me go will you?”
'I'm sorry Levi."
She waited for his response, scared of what he might say. She saw Levi coming close to her, eyes loosing his color. They look so cold and dead. He raised his right fist and bumped it onto her chest, where her heart is.
“Devote....your heart.”
Hange felt herself about to cry with the way her lips are quivering. Before she could think about changing her mind, she took off, but not without saying one last thing to him.
"Wow, I never heard you say something like that before!" she says as she tries to maintain her positive aura, but who was she kidding?
She ran towards the colossal titans, and flew up in the air with her ODM gear.
She looked below her, feeling their heat.
‘Is this what you wanted right?’
She took a deep breath and smile sadly.
“Titans.....are truly wonderful.”
'I hope you'll forgive me.'
All the emotions she was feeling right now, all that anger, pain, sadness and despair, she let all out as she knocks down every colossal titan one by one.
"What are you really doing this for? To save the alliance or yourself?"
Hange paused for a minute to look at the plane that looks like it's about to take off.
'Am I?'
"Are you?"
Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt her cape catch on fire and spreading throughout her body. 'Fuck....well, there's no stopping now.'
With what little strength she had left, she kept fighting, screaming out her emotions with angry yet sad tears spilling out of her eyes as she slices as many colossal titans as she could until she couldn't anymore, falling to her death.
She wakes up to a plane noise, and sees it flying in the sky.
“The plane!” she exclaims to herself.
“It took off,” a deep voice said.
Hange turned around and saw Erwin, Moblit, Mike, Nanaba, the rest of the veterans, and even Marco and Sasha was there to greet her.
“You did your duty well,” Erwin says with a proud smile.
Hange was still in shock to see everyone again, but lets out a soft smile as Erwin helped her up.
‘But, I just got crushed by-‘ she pauses herself and decides to meet up with her comrades to tell them everything, only for the moment to pass by in a blink.
"There's so much to talk about...I don't know where to start..."
"We have all the time in the world," Erwin says as he reached out his hand and helped her off the ground.
From here
(If you want to stop here, you can, but I'm a sucker for happy endings and I also have my own speculations with how love is perceived in AOT that I want to write about or why Ymir chose Mikasa to be the one to decide the fate of the world pretty much, and i was think 'how about both eremika and levihan both be living proof that love isn't a like shackle or something to be a slave to?' and this whole thing I wrote is basically like a test for Hange, if she genuinely wanted to kill herself or actually did die not just for humanity, but for the Alliance to survive, also I kind of wanted Hange to have a bit of a conflict with what she really wants. Anyways, this got a lot complicated to write than I thought so hopefully, it's not too messy)
“So this is it then. This is how the great 14th commander of the Survey Corps Hange Zoë dies.”
Hange opens her eyes and sat up, only to see nothing but darkness. She swore a moment ago she was telling her fallen comrades about what happened after the battle to take back Shiganshina.
She stands up and walks around trying to find anything that can help her figure out what’s happening, but it’s no use.
“What’s going on?! What’s happening?! Where am I?! What are you?!”
Suddenly, she’s no longer stuck in what looks to be a dark void. There’s somewhat of a galactic sky above her, sand beneath her feet and in a distance this light that’s in a form of a giant tree. 'Am I in paths?'
She turns around and sees a little girl with blonde hair, eyes closed and a frown staring at her.
"I assume you must be Ymir Fritz. The original founder of the titans."
“Indeed I am. And as I stated earlier, you're Hange Zoë, 14th commander of what's left of the Scouts and leader of the Alliance. Everyone views your death as a noble sacrifice for humanity, but is it really a sacrifice for humanity or was it something more personal? Perhaps, even a little selfish?”
Hange gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. She did not want to deal with this right now, but deep down, what she's implying might be true.
"What are you trying to say? I had no other choice. They all would've been dead! This was the only way!"
"Even if it meant leaving that Ackerman behind? You did say you wanted to live with him when all of this was over. I envied what the both of you had for each other. You both could've been something more if you stayed. You say you sacrificed yourself for humanity's sake, but I sense there's a more selfish intent. I could tell in the look of your eyes you didn't truly want to die, perhaps because you had strong feelings for that Ackerman. But he wasn't enough....wasn't he? Your desire to free yourself from your responsibilities as commander and grief were much stronger."
Hange felt anger surge into her veins, so she grabbed Ymir by the collar and looked her in her closed eyes as she gritted her teeth in anger. However, in the back of her mind, Hange knew Ymir was kind of right about her. She did had a selfish reason, she was tired, and frustrated. She couldn't handle the responsibilities that just kept on coming, along with learning the politics and general information of every new country discovered and having to rely information from the Marlayans that showed up, along with the books Grisha left in the basement.
The more paperwork and planning she had to do, the more she started loosing herself. Everyone saw it but didn't say anything, that included Levi, but she couldn't blame him, she was too far gone. There were so many times she wanted to die, but stopped herself every time.
'Not the right time. They still need me,' she would tell herself. It wasn't until Eren started getting rebellious and the rise of the Yeagarists that really pushed her on edge. She felt so hopeless, and was lost. When Eren started provoking her in the cell, it was a sign to her that she wasn't meant for this position. She lost control of the situation and felt it was her fault. Hange felt that she wasn't useful anymore, even if they've managed to save the world and prevent Marlay from attacking Paradis.
However, without her sacrifice, the Alliance would have died with her. She didn't want to drag them down with her when they had a chance of saving humanity and living a peaceful life after the war. Even if it meant abandoning her dream of living a peaceful life with Levi.
She calms herself down and lets go of Ymir.
"You're right about one thing, I did have a selfish motive. I wanted to be free from the responsibilities and the grief I've been feeling while I was still alive. I know I'm a coward for wanting to die, but that's not the sole reason why I sacrificed myself. Not only me, but the Alliance and the rest of humanity would've been killed because of the rumbling the Yeagar brothers started! As much as I wanted to stay for Levi, I wanted him to experience a life of peace, same with the Alliance. And even if that means sacrificing myself, and giving up my future with him just so he and everyone else can live a better life after this war, then so be it." As Hange finishes her long speech, she started feeling tears streaming down her eyes.
Ymir just stood there, looking at Hange with her eyes still closed. It was silent for a bit, and then Ymir spoke up, "Very well then."
In a blink of an eye, the two appeared on what happens to be the top of Eren's spine in his founder titan form.
Hange looked below them to see the Alliance fighting past titan shifters and more titans forming. She already picked up that it was probably Ymir's doing. 'Looks like my sacrfice was worth something.'
"Why are you showing me this?" Hange asks suspiciously.
"Your friends succeeded into coming here to stop Eren from flatting the Earth with the rumbling. Everything is all going according to Eren's plan," Ymir explained.
"Why are you willing to help Eren? What is his plan really? And why is he doing this in the first place?" Hange asks, super confused on what's going on.
"You'll see if he succeeds or not. It's all up to what Mikasa decides."
"What does Mikasa have to do with any of this?"
Ymir doesn't respond and turned into some sort of a pig creature. Hange looked at her shocked and is really confused of what's happening. 'What the hell?!'
The pig creature took off and went to search for Armin. Hange sighs, knowing she can't do anything, but watch it all unfold.
'What's your true motive, Eren? And how does this connect to Mikasa?'
She winced a bit when the Alliance were struggling to keep up with the fight, and was itching to go in there and help, until, she saw something fly by. ‘What is that?’
Her eyes widened with joy when she saw Falco’s titan.
"Oh my god! HE HAS WINGS?!!! HE CAN FLY!!!! OH MY GOD THAT'S SO COOL! I CAN'T TOO- oh right.....I'm dead....." Hange sighs and continues watching over the Alliance.
Eventually, the events played out as it should and as Mikasa took the final blow (cutting Eren's head off), suddenly Hange ends up in front of Levi who's slumped against a giant rock and behind are their fallen comrades. 'Where did they come from? Ymir has to stop doing this...'
She takes a good look at Levi and can't help but feel sorrow. She regrets not being mentally strong enough, and not being a part of the fight, even if she did her part, but she doesn't regret doing what she had to do in order for everyone to survive.
It still hurt her that she couldn't be there for him physically, and experience what life would be like at the end of the war. She wasn't ready to move on, but she had no choice, this is the last time she'll see him again. She put on a sad smile, and saluted him as she and their comrades slowly faded away.
It was dark again and Hange couldn't see a thing. 'Not again.'
"Hello?!" she calls out to into the void. No response.
"Anyone here?!" she calls out again. Still no response.
'Am I in hell?'
"You should know by now this is not hell," a familiar voice says in a distance.
'That voice.....it sounds....familiar.....'
"Hange, it's me, Eren."
Hange's eyes widened in shock. "Eren?! What the hell is this? What's going on? Why are you doing this?!" Hange responds in anger.
The dark void suddenly transformed into some sort of starry night, galactic scenery. She's back in paths except, Eren is standing in front of her.
"I know you're upset. You remember our conversation back in the forest right? Where you and Levi settled for the time being."
Suddenly, the conversation started playing like a film in her head and she shouldn't have listened to him.
"In order for the Alliance to succeed in stopping me, you must sacrifice yourself by fighting the colossal titans."
"You've been suffering for so long Hange. The sudden responsibilities of being commander, while on top of that, grieving the loss of Moblit and Erwin. Don't you want that all to disappear?"
Hange grits her teeth as anger flows through her veins and punched Eren in the face.
"YOU FUCKING BASTARD! This was your plan all along?! All of these deaths I've experienced throughout my years in the Scouts.... my death......it was your doing all along?! OUR COMRADES EREN! AND 80% OF HUMANITY!!! I hope you're fucking happy because your plan fucking worked!"
"I know, I don't expect you to understand, but I brought you to apologize for the things I've said to you when you locked me up in the cell and in paths while you were in the forest was uncalled for, so I'm sorry about that and I haven't really given you a proper thank you either. For teaching me how to use my titan powers, and being like our second parent...same with the captain."
"Thank you? Seriously? What the fuck Eren?! You just destroyed 80% of humanity and committed mass genocide! This will take more than a mere 'thank you' and sweet talk to make up for all the cruel things you've done!" Hange says with anger in her tone.
"I understand you're angry, but I did this in order to free the world from titans. For the Marlayans to stop seeing us as 'devils' rather, I set them up to be heroes. Actually, it was more thanks to Mikasa's decision to kill me that convinced Ymir to left the curse of the titans."
Hange calmed a bit, but is still fuming with anger, 'what the fuck is wrong with this guy?!' However, she is curious about something, "I have a question though. What does Mikasa have to do with this? Why her?"
"That's something I'm not so sure either. The only person who knows is Ymir Fritz herself, however I do have a theory." Before Eren can continue, he walked towards the tree and motioned Hange to follow.
She hesitantly followed him into the tree only to end up in what looks to be a snowy mountain with these greenish blue light waves in the sky.
"The Northern Lights," Hange whispers in awe. She's read about them before, but seeing it in person was an experience, but she's starting to get distracted. "What's this theory of yours?" Hange asks getting straight to the point.
"I assume you know the true story of Ymir right?" Eren asks.
"Yes, you told me in paths back when Levi and I were camping out in the forest. Ymir was not actually the goddess cults worshipped her to be, she was a slave to the Eldian king. 2000 years ago, Ymir Fritz set a pig free and was caught. As punishment, the king set her free, but was hunted by his soldiers. One day, she stumbled upon this tree for shelter, but fell and gained the powers of the titans, thus she becomes the founding titan. She then went running back to the king despite him doing the cruelest things to her, and bore his daughters, Maria, Rose and Sina. She then sacrificed herself for him when a surviving Marlayan soldier threw a spear at him, and the king forced his daughters to eat Ymir in order to gain her powers and here we are now. Am I missing something?" Hange sarcastically asks.
"No, and good to know you remembered. I encountered this in paths when I met her, that her submission to the king, must be because she was in love with him, as hard as it is to believe in, but that's the true reason why after all this time, she continues to submit to him. For 2000 years, she's been in pain, a slave to love wishing for someone to set her free from it. She kept waiting, and waiting until finally the person arrived. And that person, was Mikasa." Eren finished explaining, but Hange was still confused.
"Hold on, so you're telling me it was all because Ymir was in love with her abuser? You've got to be kidding me....but after listening to that, I'm guessing that Mikasa killing you, despite having feelings for you is the result needed in order for Ymir to lift the curse am I right? Ymir needed to see proof that you just because you love someone doesn't mean you're a slave to them, and Mikasa killing you but still loving you was proof of that," Hange said and paused for a moment before asking a question that's been on her mind for a bit, "just wondering, did you love her too?"
"I still do. As much as I want her to be happy and be happy with someone who truly deserves her, I don't want her to move on from me," Eren says as he's tearing up. "I didn't mean anything I said to her, nor Armin. I told Mikasa that I've always hated her when that was the biggest lie I ever said in my life, but I needed her to hate me so she can kill me. I remember when you said you wanted to run away with Captain Levi and live together in the forest, I wanted to do that with Mikasa. I wanted to abandon everything and spend the remaining years I had left with her in the mountains."
"Well that makes two of us. Those Ackermans are strong aren't they? Then again, they don't call them humanity's strongest soldiers for nothing," Hange coldly chuckled a bit.
"Yeah, they really are," Eren agreed. "By the way, were you and the captain dating? What's your story with him?"
Hange sighs, she really doesn't want to talk about it, especially to Eren of all people at the moment, but since she's technically stuck in here, might as well entertain him.
"Our relationship is......complicated to say the least. We don't have a label, and we didn't need one. We knew we love and cared for each other, why do we need a label for it? At the end of the day, we're just Hange and Levi. However, I believed after that night in the forest together, I started thinking about our future. I thought to myself, 'what would life be like for me and Levi if we decided to settle down here?' I wondered if Levi ever felt the same way. Instead, he snapped me out of reality, reminding ourselves that we're soldiers first, and he was right." Hange paused a bit to wipe her tears only for Eren speak up.
"How did you first meet?' he asked.
Hange started reminiscing the moments and memories she had with Levi. She told Eren how Levi, Farlan and Isabel joined the scouts and how he almost stabbed her when she first approached him because he thought Hange about their plan to kill Erwin at the time. She went into some detail about how the deaths of Farlan and Isabel impacted him, how Hange handled it and how their relationship with one another grew. 'I miss him so much.'
"Do you still love him?" Eren asks.
"I never stopped loving him, even if it meant parting ways with him just to save humanity from the destruction you caused and also freeing myself from my personal baggage. It hurts that we can't be together, but I don't regret my decision. As long as he's alive and not alone, even if it meant I'm not there, then I fulfilled my duty. That's all I ever wanted, " Hange answers.
"I see. That's all we needed to hear."
Suddenly, the atmosphere changed, they were back in paths. Hange was now faced directly at the tree with Eren and Ymir standing on both sides of the tree.
"Mikasa isn't the only Ymir chose. It's obvious both you and Levi have something special that could blossom into something more, and you both could've ran away together, but you didn't, instead, you gave that up to ensure him and the Alliance would save humanity and finally live in peace, while Levi gave you up because he knew you wanted to be free, so he let you go. We can't bring back someone from the dead, but there is something I can do."
Suddenly, the light from the tree grew even brighter and before she could react, the light engulfed her body as she felt herself fading away from paths.
Hange's eyes instantly opened as she woke up in a cold sweat and heavily panting. She looked around the room she ended up in and saw that she's in a bedroom.
"Oi, four eyes, how long will you be staring at the wall for?" a familiar grumpy voice asks.
Hange turned to her left and saw it was Levi sitting next to her. The right side of his face was scarred and his right eye turned white. She looked down at his hand to see it was holding hers and his two fingers were still missing. Suddenly she felt tears coming down her right eye, leaving Levi confused and worried.
"Hange? What's going on-"
Before Levi could finish his question, Hange instantly wrapped her arms around him and buried her head onto his shoulders, sobbing her heart out. Levi, despite being confused, stayed silent and held her close, comforting her as she cries.
A few minutes passed and he felt Hange's cries die down to sniffles.
"So, you want to tell me what was that all about?" Levi says.
Hange pushed herself back up to wipe the tears from her face.
"I missed you so much Levi! I'm so sorry I left you behind. The truth is, I did want to kill myself back there, at least, that's what I thought I wanted. I guess what I really wanted was for you and the Alliance to survive and live in peace once the war was finally over, but when I saw you against the rock, I couldn't help but feel sad. I wanted to be with you and we were so close, only for me to die at the last second. But where am I? What is this? I thought I died, did I die? Are you dead as well? I swear to god please tell we're-"
"Ok, one thing at a time four eyes. First off what do you mean died?" Levi asks. Hange was genuinely confused, "Didn't you see me die when I was fighting off the colossal titans? There was no way I was going to make it."
"Hange, did you hit your head or something? Or just somehow forgot 3 years worth of memories?"
"THREE YEARS?!!" Hange exclaims. 'Have I been asleep for three years?'
"Hange what has gotten into you? Was your nightmare that bad?"
Hange was so confused at what's happening, was she dreaming this whole time? Or sent to another universe of some sort- wait a minute.
"Hey Levi, where are we?" Hange asks attempting to stay calm.
Levi looked at her concerned and a bit nervous that she might be going crazy.
"Our bedroom? In the house we've living in ever since the war ended. We found an unused cabin near Odiha. Hange, are you sure you didn't hit your head last night?" Levi nervously asks as he grabs her head to examine it, seeing if there's any bruises.
"No I didn't! It's just that, one moment I was watching you guys fighting titans on top of Eren's spine, and then I was with our comrades seeing you for one final time, only to end up in paths with Eren and Ymir standing next to a tree and then suddenly, a bright light appeared....wait a minute," Hange mumbled to herself.
"We can't bring back someone from the dead, but there is something I can do."
'Is this some sort of dream or am I actually in an alternate universe... wait, did they send me into an alternate universe where I didn't die?'
"Oi, four eyes!"
Hange snapped out of her thoughts, theories still developing in her mind.
"Levi, what happened back when the plane couldn't take off in Odiha 3 years ago?"
Levi gave her a really confused look, but answered anyways.
"I saw you running out of the deck and overheard you appointing Armin to be the 15th commander of the Scouts. Those brats knew about your suicide plan so they convinced you into letting them help you take down as many colossal titans as they can to buy time, and you caved in. Luckily the plane took off in time before you and those brats started getting exhausted. I assume you know the rest."
'So, they did send me to an alternate universe. The one where I didn't die....'
"Sorry Levi, it's just that, in my 'nightmare' I fought those colossal titans alone. I burned to death and got trampled on. To be honest, back then, I did want to die. I thought being free from my responsibilities as commander was what I really wanted, that death would set me free, but it didn't. Instead, I started feeling more regret that I left everyone I care about behind, that includes you Levi, but even if I realize that now, my death was inevitable. Either I go, or you guys die with me, and if my sacrifice was the price, then so be it."
Hange felt Levi pull her close and felt his hand caress her hair.
"We're here now Hange. It's all over, we can finally rest and live the life we've always dreamed of. And for the record, you were a great commander, without you, the world would've been flattened."
Hange eyes glistened with tears when heard that. She leaned in closer to Levi's embrace, taking it all in.
They stayed in each other's arms for a few minutes until they heard knocking on the door.
"Must be Gabi, Falco and Onyonkapon, maybe you can explain to them your dream. Can you get my wheelchair?" Levi asks as looks for his shirt and pants on the ground.
"You're in a wheelchair now? Awee Levi, is age catching up to you?" Hange asks teasingly.
"Just get the goddamn wheelchair Hange! And for the record, I permanently broke my left leg saving your guys' ass three years ago," Levi grunted.
Hange went to get his wheelchair that was lying against the wall in front of their bed, and helps him sit.
"You should change or at least fix your hair," Levi suggests.
"Do I have to?" Hange whines.
Levi glares at her and Hange rolls her eyes and pouted.
"Ugh, fine," Hange grunted.
As she made her to way the bathroom to get dressed, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and she felt genuinely happy to see her reflection. A reminder that she's alive, and she can finally experience a peaceful life with Levi and the Alliance, not to mention, traveling around the world.
"Hey Levi!" Hange calls out.
Levi was about to wheel his way out of the bedroom to answer the front door, but paused when he heard Hange calling him.
"I'm so glad to be alive."
Levi was kind of stunned with the sudden out burst, but he found it endearing and didn't care, as long as she's happy.
"Me too, four eyes."
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wouldduskwood · 3 years
Jake's POV Descendants of Despair Part 59
Though having a purpose helped to distract me from what could have been, I still could not shake the mixture of feelings. The fact that she loved me so much she would commit herself to me, it was something I never really imagined would happen. Especially not with someone that genuinely loved and trusted me. I didn't deserve her. I wanted to be strong enough to leave her, before I hurt her. I was making myself miserable with it. I forced myself to focus on what we were doing, temporarily forget what had happened, but it was tough.
Finally, I was drawn into the nuances of human behaviour. As I read, the lies, the deceit..it was no wonder she had never trusted anyone. They all had a hidden agenda. Usually it was for an entirely selfish reason. Where MC and I had both been selfish in ways, they had usually been either for survival or to protect each other. The selfishness I saw on these websites were all purely to protect the self from their own lies and betrayals. So many people cheating on the people they supposedly loved. When I considered my relationship with MC, there was no way in hell I could see myself ever wanting anyone else. I knew she felt the same. It was inconceivable to me that this many people thought it was okay to have sex with whomever they pleased.
“Jake...uh...I’m glad you’re not a real boy...if being a real boy means this shit.” She sighed as she indicated the screen. “I’m not sure we are going to be able to pull this off too well. I won’t be able to see her reaction to things so won’t be able to know whether she is lying or shielding things and you won’t be able to tell me what your thoughts are. I think our best bet is going to have to be to make the meeting as short and to the point as possible.”
I nodded, both perplexed and horrified at what I was reading on the screen. “I guess this is one reason I am glad I went into hacking...the other people that are hacking as well all know that we are hiding stuff and very likely lying to each other. It’s like an unwritten social code. But this…” I groaned, indicating the screen with disgust. “We may have to do this soon so I don’t have too much time to freak out.”
“How quickly can you get an earpiece sorted?” She asked. My mind quickly drifted to the pieces I already had. I was relatively sure I had everything I'd need. “That won’t take long, I think I can piece one together myself. Can you sort out a meeting. Uh...I’m not sure where to take her that doesn’t look like a murder house.” I replied hesitantly and was somewhat taken aback when she giggled in response. “It’s nothing, just you didn’t mind giving Dan the illusion of a murder house, taking him to the abandoned warehouse,” She grinned. “Dan needed a good dose of fear,” I snickered. It was unfortunate that the surroundings hadn't seemed to get through to him. I'd have to try harder next time. “Can you sort a place? I trust you to find somewhere that won’t terrify her or out me.” I suggested.
I began to work, examining the small pieces I had as well as the tech that I could connect remotely to it. As I worked, I glanced at her every now and then. “Wait...I’m thinking about this all wrong,” She stated, breaking the silence and causing me to pause in my work. “I was thinking of a building that would give the illusion of comfort for Lilly and security for us, but I realised that is just stupid. What about the lake in Duskwood. We take an offshoot away from the main area and wait there. There won’t be cameras and it’s highly unlikely anyone will be around.”
“Hm, as long as we stay away from the forest, although if we go near it we could possibly run into the man without the face and then we may get a chance to end it once and for all.” I grinned, then forced myself to stop. Knowing her, somehow the man without a face would track her down and I'd be stuck with Lilly somewhere else. There was no way I should have been joking about it. “You’re right, that’s probably the most comforting place for Lilly. If we leave quickly we won’t be too likely to strike anyone else. Can you set it up?”
She grabbed her phone and as she looked for Lilly's contact, I quickly pulled up the mirror of her phone and Lilly's on my screen.
MC: Hey Lilly
Lilly is online
Lilly: OMG where have you been?
MC: Something happened so I had to leave where I was staying, but I’m good now.
Lilly: Really? Is there something that you aren’t telling me MC?
I wondered briefly how she would tackle this. Would she tell Lilly the truth? Would she talk about me? Would she mention her love? Logically I knew that it was much safer if she was vague, but still I couldn't help but hope.
MC: Yes actually, Jake has asked me to set up a meeting with you. He was a bit nervous reaching out himself in case you refused.
Lilly: OMG really, he wants to meet up? Oh I’m so nervous!
MC: Listen, it won’t be a long meeting, you know how his life is. Just don’t get too excited for something he may not be able to provide for you.
Lilly: OH yes I do understand but still...I’m going to meet my big brother!
MC: I will contact you soon with timing, but it will be at Duskwood lake. Can you find a private area somewhere around there and then give Jake the coordinates or let him track you?
Lilly: Yes I think I know a place. I’ll do that. I’ll be waiting by my phone!
As I watched Lilly's phone, I saw she had disconnected too. That gave me a bit more faith in my half sister. She hadn't told anyone of the impending meeting. I hoped that it would stay that way. I closed MC's screen and kept Lilly's open, just incase.
She had disconnected quickly, cutting Lilly off before she could ask anything more that might elicit too much information being shared. I turned to her with a smile. “Nicely done.” I partially expected an angry reprimand at breaching her privacy, but to my pleasure she just continued speaking. She really did want me to know her as much as I wanted her to know myself. “Sorry I lied a bit. I thought it was best that she didn’t know too much.” She murmured. I smiled. “It’s fine, you did well. I’ll have this up and running soon. Do you want to sort out some food? It’s been a while since we last ate and we should still have something in the car.” She nodded thankfully, which pleased me too. I was getting good at taking care of her...and myself in the process. Maybe I was the nurturing type.
I busied myself with the fine art of piecing together an ear piece out of bits and pieces I had pulled out from a small pouch I kept amongst my tech gear. It was a tedious process but it felt good to be doing something worthwhile. I was interrupted in my work when she carried a meal over to me. She had put a fair bit of effort into her presentation, was I was thankful for. It made the unappealing array of food somewhat more palatable. We ate in silence then I began working again while she watched. When I glanced at her, she was looking at me.
“Okay, I’m going to test this. So, I have managed to hook up a rudimentary microphone as well as the ear piece. It will transmit okay, but it may be staticky so you will need to be aware it may be hard to hear things. I should be able to hear you fine from this part here.” I said, indicating various parts of the creation. Her expression confused me. “Uh, I’m pretty sure it will work…” I mumbled, suddenly self conscious.
“You’re incredible,” She murmured, instantly wiping away my self conscious feeling and replacing it with joy. I became oddly proud of the small part I played in this. “Let’s give it a go then I’ll message Lilly. We will try and do this tomorrow!” I smiled nervously then gave her a quick kiss, attempting to refrain from pouncing on her then and there. Together we tested my equipment. I walked various distances away to test the range. It seemed pretty reliable, and it was probably the best we had anyway. “Contact Lilly. Set it up,” I mumbled into the microphone, nervous about the direction my future would take now that my half sister would be involved. Maybe she could talk some sense into me. Help me save MC from pain...
Part 60
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Five)
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Memories (also available on Wattpad)
Chapter Four ※※※※※ Chapter Six
Noah parks the car in front of a beautiful house. My stomach churns more every second and I almost throw up when Leah opens my door. I spent the whole way rehearsing what I was going to say, but in truth, I can't remember anything and I have doubts if I will even be able to say ‘hi’.
“Well, Noah's house is down the street, we'll be there. In case it goes wrong, just call, text or shout, I don't know. We come running. Now, just in case you are okay, just don't send anything.” Leah fixes my hair and coat.
“Good luck!” Noah gives me a kiss on the cheek, before they get in the car.
I take a deep breath about five times before I press the bell. I hear the house door open and I almost pass out. Seconds later the gate opens and I feel my pressure drop slightly.
“Marnie? How did you get here?” he looks for a car, but the twins are gone.
“The wonder twins brought me.” I shrug.
“Why are you here?” he doesn't look happy or sad to see me.
“Hm, I need to talk to you. About the two of us, more precisely.” I press my fingers against each other, noticing my trembling.
“Okay, do you need help to get in?” he asks pointing to the boot on my foot. I accept the help and with support I enter his house.
I stand in the hall while he closes the door. We head to the kitchen, where he offers me a drink, but I refuse. If I drink something now, I’m sure I’ll get it out.
“So, what do you want to talk about?” he asks with a fake smile.
“Do you know.” I speak softly and awkwardly.
“About your meeting with Stephen? Yeah, I know.” he raises his eyebrows quickly, before opening a bottle of water.
“Luke …” I start, but he interrupts me.
“What? Isn't that what I'm thinking? Or was he the one who kissed you?” Luke doesn't change his tone of voice, but it still hurts. I am even ashamed to say that it was both alternatives.
“I really had no intention, he took advantage of the moment.” I try to defend myself.
“Yes, Marnie, that's what he does, what he's always done and what he's always going to do.” he look at me upset.
“Please try to understand me, I needed to see him, I needed to talk to him.” I'm starting to despair. It looks like it will come to nothing.
“The worst thing is that I understand, Marnie. I don't know how things are in your head, but if you needed it, we would arrange it, because all we want to do is help you.” he hits the bottle against the island's hail.
“I never wanted any of this to happen.” I look back at him after a while. “Both the accident and Stephen. If I had my head in place, I wouldn't have let any of that happen. Sorry.” Luke cuts eye contact and stares at the floor. “I never meant to hurt you.” I whisper. “And I will understand if you hate me for the rest of your life. Believe me, I hate myself a lot now.” I finish.
Luke lets out a humorless laugh and I notice his teary eyes.
“That's the problem, Marnie. Since I saw you, I try to hate you and I can't, you must know why.” he throws the ball back to me.
Cause he love me. I look away, not being able to sustain it. I know the answer, that's the shit. I sit on the stool facing the glass door leading to his garden. Luke sits next to me and we stay like that for a few minutes.
“I just don't want him to manipulate you, or hurt you. Marnie, I know how this story still moves you, how it is still hurt. I don't want to have to see you go through this again.” he vented, visibly tired.
I can't say anything for a few minutes. My mind spins at high speed. I review all my memories with Stephen at school, on the afternoons he took me to the beach or the pier and everything seemed perfect, like in a movie. I feel my heart race in nostalgia and longing. Even angry, even disgusted.
“When he kissed me …” I start, but Luke tries to interrupt me. “It didn't feel right. It wasn't him.” I finish quickly, returning to face him. His blue eyes look at me with a mixture of pain and hope. “I know I don't remember you and us yet, but something inside me knows and I want to hear that thing, but at the same time, I feel like an intruder in my own life. As if I were an impostor, the bad twin. In my head, I was going to leave everything the way it was, untouchable, so that when the ‘real me’ came back, everything was in place.” I vent.
It is horrible not to fit in with my own life, with my own self.
“What if doesn't come back?” he asks quietly.
“I freak out.” I shrug, making him laugh lightly. At least I made him laugh.
Of so many people at that intersection, of so many cars, mine had to be hit. In the midst of this confusion, if it had to happen, then I would prefer it to be a total blank, forget everything. Perhaps it was easier to start from scratch, than from a crucial point for what I have become today.
“What made you believe the story?” Luke asks quietly.
“I wrote in my diary, shortly after we met and probably I tell you. Everything that happened that day.” my throat closes when I remember the written words. “It was hard to believe my mother, because I know she couldn't stand him, but I couldn't help but believe me.”
“I thought you stopped with the diary.” I look at him confused “That's what you said to me, a while after you told me about the day and about the diary.”
“Did you read the diary?” I ask with my breath caught. I remember everything I said about him. I feel my cheeks heat up. This is what I haven't read all yet.
“No, you never left.” he shrugs. I breathe relieved.
We stayed in silence for a while longer. It is strange that even with all this hurricane, I feel very comfortable with Luke. My body recognizes him.
“Honestly, I'm trying to absorb everything. I'm upset with the kiss, but, deep down, I always knew you weren't to blame, but it still hurts. Deep down, we both know we need some time and I don't want to lock you up to me.” he speaks looking at the garden.
I look at him confusedly.
“Are we breaking up?” I don't know if that's what I wanted.
“It doesn't have to be an end, just a break.” he shrugs.
“Luke, a break, is a disguised ending.” again he laughs, I don't know why.
“Deep down, you're still the same Marnie, even though you feel like an intruder.” he looks at me with a smile and again, I feel intimidated around him. I look away. “I don't want to break up with you, Marnie, but I know you need space and time. Like me. It's just a break, but if you meet someone and don't want to come back… I will understand and respect you.” he explains.
So it seemed easier, meeting someone new, starting from scratch. New memories, without having to stick to the past, without trying to reconstruct everything. It looks so easy, why does it seem so wrong!?
“What if you find someone?” I ask quietly, looking at the drawings of my cast, as if that were a thousand times more interesting.
“I doubt it, but if it does, I'll talk to you first and we'll see what to do. You need to get close to the people and I don't want to be a hindrance, they are your friends too and you need them.”
I need you too, hell. I bounce mentally, without the courage to say it out loud. I know I need him, but I can't make him stay if he doesn't feel comfortable.
“Won't be that weird climate? I don't want it to be that thing just because I arrived, you have to go and vice versa.” I face him. Luke watches me for a few seconds before proceeding.
“There's no reason to be. We are fine, we always have been.” he assures me.
I roll my eyes, visibly irritated. Why does he have to be so understandable? Couldn't he yell at me and hate me? It would be much easier to go on like this.
“You can't be real.” I mumble, making him laugh again, but this time louder.
“Come here.” he gets up and pulls me into a hug.
Luke was taller. Much taller. Then it got a little difficult, without being able to stay at my tiptoes. He notices and sits back down, burying his face in my neck. I close my eyes, feeling its scent bring me a sensation, but it doesn't bring me any memory.
Still hugging him, I scan his refrigerator, seeing a polaroid of ours holding Petunia, his little dog, glued to a drawing. In art, I see Luke, me, Petunia and my brothers all holding hands and several flowers around. I soften seeing that he still keeps everything.
“ I'm sorry.” I whisper again.
“It's okay, M&Ms.” he whispers back.
I leave the embrace, feeling lighter and calmer. Luke still gives me a kiss on the forehead before I pull away completely. As good as the mood was, I was not going to push my luck, I had better go. I send a message to Leah and wait.
“Er, Ash commented on a dinner on Friday, are you going?” I ask.
“Still don1t know.” he sighs. “But it is very likely. You want me to go?” he questions uncertain.
“Yes! I would like it very much. It will be good to be with everyone.”
“Then I go.” he gives a closed smile.
“Er, before I go …” I feel embarrassed again “What about Petunia?”
“Do you remember her?” question incredulously.
“It was one of the first things I remembered in PowerPoint.” I reply shy.
“Do you remember her and not me?” he remains incredulous.
“ I'm sorry.” I don't hold it for a long time, I cover my face and start laughing, really nervous. Luke stops with his hands on his hips, shaking his head.
“Michael went to hike the observatory and offered to take her. Maybe I’ll take her on Friday.” he smiles.
I hear the car and say goodbye to him. As I expected, Noah and Leah look closely at the two of us, like two curious children. Luke helps me into the car and gives me another kiss on the forehead.
“Please take good care of her.” he asks leaning against the window.
“I don't know what you mean by that.” Noah is offended. “If you still refer to the day she tried to escape and hung in the bathroom window, it was only once! And I was busy doing my feet.”
“Wait, what?” I ask scared from the back seat.
What the fuck did I hang on the bathroom window?
“Long story, I'll explain later.” Noah counters.
We said goodbye again and left. I stick my head out of the window, waving at him.
I don't know what my future is with Luke, but I was very happy that we got it right. And, deep down, I didn't lose hope, after all, I already fell in love with him once, nothing prevents it from happening again.
“So?” Leah asks.
“We took a break, but we're fine.” I smile happily.
I leave the closet wearing a black cotton dress, because it was the easiest clothes to wear, because of the boot. The hair stuck in a ponytail, due to the heat. And without makeup, I'm not into it.
“Well?” I ask Noah, who was lying on my bed reading a magazine that I was on the cover.
“Beautiful as always. Ready?” he throws the magazine on the chair, coming towards me.
“No!” I give a nervous smile.
“Everything will be fine. Everyone is crazy to see you. You will love.” he hugs me, rocking me from side to side. “Shall we go?”
I confirm after a sigh. Everyone was at Ashton's house, ready to see me, and as ready as I felt, deep down, I wasn't.
The rest of my week was quiet, few memories, but a lot of pain in my arm, but the doctor said it would be common for one day or another to hurt. My father, my mother, Leah and Ashton came to visit me almost every day and after much conversation, I convinced my mother to return to her home. So at the end of the day, I was alone. Which is great, because I have peace and quiet to put my ideas in place.
On the way to Ashton's house, I go over some points with Noah so as not to be embarrassed, I know they are not expecting much from me, but even so, I prefer to avoid constraints.
As we get closer to the house, I feel my stomach churn. I try to snap my fingers, but with a hand in a cast it doesn't give much. When we park at the door, my legs freeze and I need Noah to help me more than usual to get out of the car.
Noah rings the bell and the laughter that filled the house ceases. Ashton opens the door and, when he sees us, opens a smile, hugging me and pulling me inside. I take his arm and follow him into the living room, where everyone is standing looking at me anxiously.
Michael. Kyleen. Calum. Luke. Leah.
“Piggy!” I shout excited when she comes towards me.
“I still can't get over it.” I hear Luke speak indignantly, but I do not answer, because I am focused on that huge and cute four-legged being.
After falling apart with Petunia, I again lean on Ashton who brings me closer to them. Luke and Leah are further behind, since she practically lives with me and I’ve seen Luke before. I stick to Ash more, like a child afraid and embarrassed to talk to strangers.
“Hi!” I wave after a sigh.
Everyone gives a bigger smile and waves back. It's so weird, the way everyone looks at me, I know they know me and that's what scares me. Ashton sits me on the couch and everyone sits around me, staring at me, like I'm an alien.
“Okay, this is getting weird and uncomfortable.” I comment by holding the air.
“Sorry.” everybody talks.
“It's just… it's weird, you don't remember anything, none of those last years?” Kyleen asks curiously.
“No, no. In fact, I remembered a few things already, but in the beginning, nothing.” I give a closed smile.
“And how do the memories come? Do you have any pain?” I turn to Michael, who looks at me impressed, as if I'm a superhero of the video games that I know he plays.
“No, no pain. Do you know when you drink a lot and have a hangover that you don't remember at first and then during the day, the memories come?”
“Yes!” everyone responds, much to my surprise.
“My God! You guys drink it, huh.” I comment scared. Everyone looks at each other with a laugh. “Well, it's like that. They start popping up in my head. Sometimes out of nowhere, sometimes because of some video, photo or text.”
“Aah” they speak in unison, again.
“Any more questions?” I control the smile. My God, they really look like kids asking questions with an adult.
“Have you remembered all of us?” I look at Kyleen again. Unlike the photos, she now has several strands colored by her long hair.
I dry swallow. How to answer that without causing it?! I had remembered almost everyone but Luke. I had no direct memory of him. If he showed up, it was like an extra, deep down, far away. However, nothing he and I. Soon who I was most curious to remember.
“So-so. Nothing too direct, but everyone has already emerged in some way.” I try to answer, without being very clear.
I glance at Leah almost shouting ‘change the focus’ and luckily for me, she understands.
“What about your arm and your leg? Do they still hurt?” she shrugs.
“Not much and I made a point of reserving a space for you.” I extend the cast of my arm and in less than two minutes, everyone is proofreading to write things.
We ended up eating right there, each with a plate of pizza on your lap. I was still watching everyone, I didn't know who I was looking at, since everyone was talking together. To Noah's happiness, I remembered his hair and again Calum and I were out of breath from laughing.
In revenge, Noah commented on the day that I, drunk, tried to escape through the bathroom window and got stuck, leaving only with a lot of butter. I cover myself with the pillow when he throws the photo, my God what have I become?!
Suddenly, my mind starts to form another puzzle.
““I take a deep breath, feeling my body, especially my head, tingling. It's already the third round and I need to win again. Also because I bet with Ashton that I beat Mike and his friend, that I have no idea who he is.
I kiss the ball and throw it in the direction of the blue cup. The ball rotates around the edge and falls into the cup beside it. I shout with the whole audience at our side, celebrating. Mike turns the glass around reluctantly, while I continue my victory dance.
His friend takes the ball and plays, hitting it too. I turn the glass over, just like Michael a second ago. I blink a few times, already feeling drunk and very light. If a wind hits, I fly away, for sure.
Kiki takes the ball and closes an eye, aiming. I don't know if it's the high and mixed level of alcohol in my blood or if it really happened, but I swear I saw that little ball going in full slow motion into their last glass, signaling our victory. Three-time champions.
I raise my arms, giving, perhaps, the biggest scream I have ever given. I hug Kyleen jumping and spinning in place. However, doing this drunk is not the best option, since in a few seconds, Kiki and I were sinking into the pool.
I come back to the surface watching Mike roll over on the floor laughing and Noah looking at us both confused and angry, as always he was responsible for us. Poor boy."”
I resolve not to interrupt the conversation about the trip to Hawaii. Michael was laughing out loud as they left that Mark alone in the market. Leah once again withdraws in regret.
“Say, the sex was very good, right? Because you stayed with him for three months, something had to be really good.” Calum asks.
“Worse than not, I pretended every time.” At once, the whole room explodes in laughter. “It was a difficult time and he was always available.” she tries to justify herself. “And so complaining about it, worse than Mark just Emery.” she points to Ashton and everyone says "uuh".
“What?” I ask lost. “Was she boring?”
“Boring? Boring?” Mike raises his voice indignantly. “Luke is boring, she was unbearable.” I hold my laughter watching Luke look at Mike in offense.
“ I'm not boring.”
“Of course it is, I don't know how Marnie put up with you and your little jokes.”
“Because you never heard hers.” Luke counters and now I feel offended.
“Hey! My jokes are not bad.” I throw the cushion at him.
“Damn the jokes, let's talk bad about Emery.” Kyleen begs sly.
“I was afraid of her. She entered Calum's house by jumping over the wall, who does that?” Mike reveals.
“Was my house a pet and the hotel room in Denmark? It came out of nowhere. But nothing beats Mitch's birthday party.” Calum raises his eyebrows and once again, everyone is laughing, remembering.
“What?” but does it cost them to tell everything at once?
Noah once again takes out his cell phone and hands it to me. The video shows me and most likely Emery, tangled in a blur of hair pulling and scratching.
“That's not me.” I say in total shock to see my face very well lit.
“Oh, yes it is.” Noah answers.
“In total anger held for four long months.” Calum complete.
I watch Luke trying to get away from her, while Jack from All Time Low, tries to hold Emery. In the background I notice Calum sitting drinking, watching everything in peace. Noah was trying to get in the middle like Ashton. Leah and Kyleen shouted angrily for me to punch Emery and Michael… well.
“Who recorded this?” I ask seeing everyone pointing Michael. I look at him in awe. “Michael!”
“You wanted me to do what? I had been waiting for this moment for months.” he defends himself.
“But why did this happen?” I hand the phone back to Noah.
“Because Emery was kind of obsessive and crazy!?” Kyleen answers quietly, before drinking the beer.
“Emery never liked you and the girls, but mainly you because of our friendship. Because we were doing yoga all day. She was very jealous and you knew it, but you stayed in your corner, didn't provoke her.” Ashton responds with a grimace, perhaps knowing that the ex affair's paranoia was nonexistent. “Until that day, Emery, I don't know, freaked out and both started to argue.”
“Until you freak out and fly on her like a lioness.” Leah completes with a smile on her face.
“My God what have I become?” I sink on the couch, astonished.
“Calm down, we didn't even tell you about the time you climbed on Calum’s roof to jump into the pool and got stuck in your pants.” Michael ‘tries’ to calm me down.
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