#i am so tired of everyone being fine with anthony sleeping around but the second that colin does it it's an issue
jeffreyfrancoeur · 28 days
Can we just...stop comparing Colin to Anthony? Please? They aren't remotely close to the same person, and it's frankly disheartening to see time and time again now.
"Colin had no trauma related to love and self worth to deal with like Simon and Anthony had."
Unless I am very much mistaken, Colin and Anthony have the same father. They both watched said father die from a bee sting. They both watched their mother hold her dying husband in her arms and sob because she just lost the love of her life. The only difference? Anthony was 18, and Colin was 10-12, depending if we're talking show or book. Regardless, watching his father die absolutely gave Colin trauma.
Colin was sent off to Eton not months after his father died. He never was able to process it with his own family, because they stuck together and processed it together. But Colin had to go away to school. And when he was home, he would bring flowers and play games and try to keep everyone smiling. The only way he felt useful was to focus on everyone else's happiness and diminish his own needs.
He went away on travels each year to try to find himself, process his own trauma and experiences. His engagement to Marina blew up in his face, so he immediately left to go traveling, to lick his wounds away from the rest of the ton. And while he was gone, Penelope was the main one to read and reply to his letters. When he got back, his own family diminished him, said it was a waste of time, that his "prattling on about his travels" was boring. So what did that teach Colin? That his family doesn't care about him. Doesn't value him. Doesn't find his time, his experiences, worth it. Eloise says to Pen (in front of Colin) that she found his letters about Greece dull, and couldn't finish them.
So at the beginning of season 3, when he's returned from another summer away, after no one in his family replied to a single one of his letters, and in the carriage to the presentation, he's absolutely going to not want to talk about his travels with Anthony. "Who are you and what have you done to our brother?" You happened to Colin, Anthony. Colin is masking and pretending like his travels weren't a big deal, that they didn't affect him, when he straight up tells Penelope later that he used the time away to remake himself into a new man. To try out a new persona, away from the ton, where no one knew him as Colin Bridgerton, or as a Bridgerton at all. He was just some nameless man.
He felt like he had no one back home to care about him, so the problem must obviously be him. That there was something wrong with who he is as a person, and that maybe this new version of himself would finally make the people back home--and his family--care about him. Maybe this version would finally be the version of him that's good enough.
So when he comes back to London, he's a flirt. He plays at being a "rake." He sleeps with random women. He goes out drinking with his "friends" all the time, laughs with them at their conquests. But he doesn't enjoy any of it. His mother tells him that he's always been one of her most sensitive children, always putting others first, helping them, trying to lighten the mood. But she also says that he downplays himself for the sake of others. That he puts on armor, that he needs to not put others first so he can ensure that the armor will not some day rust and be unable to be removed. She is possibly the only person who sees Colin, truly sees him.
He feels like he needs to hide his sensitive side, be less needy, be stronger, be more manly. (I would eat my hat if Anthony hasn't told him to "be a man" more than once.) This flirty rake is not who he is at his core. At his core, he is kind, and sensitive, and craves connection. He craves connection so deeply. He wants to be seen, to be loved, to be cared for, to be cherished. Ultimately, he wants someone to value him, like he does for all those around him that he cares about. His family ignored him for that entire summer, and he still brought back incredibly thoughtful gifts for each of them, that shows how much he knows them and loves them. He wants to be able to love, care for, and cherish someone in return.
How is his desire for love and to be loved and this ease in which he creates a new Colin to try and please everyone else not a trauma response related to love and self worth?
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senditcolton · 2 years
happy birthday!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳
what about for a prompt number 5 (I promise right here, right now. I won’t let you down.) with anthony beauvillier? maybe some angst, some fluff, (maybe even exs to lovers or second chance romance? but i know that’s not always everyone’s vibes so feel free to ignore it!!!)
babe, i love second chance romance so if you ever see me turning down the opportunity to write it, there is something incredibly wrong.
I promise right here, right now, I won't let you down.
“Kaitlin, I am not going on a blind date, no matter how many times you ask.”
You sigh, walking through the living room, down the hallway towards your bedroom with your roommate and best friend close on your heels.
“Oh, come on, you need to get back out there!” she exclaims, following you into the room before dramatically falling onto the top of your bed.
“I am perfectly fine being single right now, thank you very much.”
“Are you just saying that or are you still hung up on Tito, the guy who cheated on you?”
You sigh again, pausing your rummaging through your dresser to roll your eyes at her words. She always did this, as if that was the defining point of you and Anthony’s previous relationship, even though she never said it maliciously. The concept of how you and Anthony ended was just foreign to her ‘delete their number and never interact with them again’ approach to exes.
“I wish you would stop referring to him as just the dude who cheated on me. I told you a hundred times, we hadn’t defined our relationship at that point and even if we did, he didn’t try to hide it from me. He told me as soon as he saw me again. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“If it wasn’t that big of a deal, why did you break up with him?”
“And I know I told you this a hundred times as well,” you sigh out, closing the drawer and spinning to face her with your sweatpants in your hand. “It still hurt and I needed a break to take some time to process everything. And that’s what I am doing right now; processing.”
“And you’ve decided that you’re still in love with him,” Kaitlin says, adding a conclusion to your previous statement that you didn’t ask for.
You shoot a tired glare in her direction before disappearing into the adjoining bathroom to start your bedtime routine. And as soon as the door closes between the two of you, you let out a deep sigh, your forehead dropping to hit against the door gently.
It wasn’t her prodding that really bothered you. It was more so that part of you thought that she was right. You did still love Anthony even though he did disappoint you previously. But like you said to Kaitlin, he was upfront with you, something that you admired even though hearing his confession hurt you deeply.
That conversation was probably one of the best you’ve ever experienced in a relationship; Anthony told you the truth and said that he understood if you wanted to end things permanently. His honesty made you not want to throw everything away and when you told him that you needed a break, just some time to process everything and work through your emotions, he said he understood and he would wait for you.
The cynical part of you expected him to go off and act like a bachelor as soon as your ‘break’ began, as if his whole apology was an act to make him look like the good guy. But that part was proven wrong. You never learned about him sleeping around, kissing or even flirting with other people. Instead, he did exactly what he said he would: he waited for you.
He remained your friend, helping you when you asked, hanging out with you whenever your mutual friends got together and it was never awkward. In fact, it felt the same as it had been before; perhaps a little bit less romantic and physical but the same emotions and care were still here.
And it took a while, but you came to realize that you still cared for him and wanted him back in your life as more than a friend.
All that being said, after a few months of living in this weird in-between space, you weren’t sure how to get it back to where it was. You also wondered if Anthony still felt the same way about you; if he was still waiting for you to return to him romantically or if he realized that he just wanted to keep this easy friendship instead.
You wanted clarity but were too scared to ask directly. And after going through the motions of your bedtime routine, thinking over everything, you decide to go take the scenic route to receive that clarity.
When you push open the bathroom door, you find Kaitlin still sprawled across your mattress, furiously texting before you clear your throat, pulling her attention to you.
“Okay, I’ll do it,” you say and you watch a brief flash of confusion cross her face before she understands your words. And when she does, she practically leaps from the bed.
You nod in confirmation and she squeals, pulling you into an excited hug before leaping away.
“You are going to love him, I promise,” she says before burying her face back into her phone, texting away as she disappears down the hallways and you chuckle, lightly shaking your head, wondering what you’ve just gotten yourself into.
You had never been on a blind date before so you weren’t sure if all of them were this goddamn secretive. Kaitlin had revealed nothing about the guy you were meeting tonight, not even his name. You were supposed to meet him at this Italian restaurant down the street, the reservation held under Kaitlin’s name to add another layer of mystery. The only thing that you were told was that he was “absolutely perfect for you.”
You sigh, soothing out your dress one final time before walking into the restaurant and talking to the hostess before you were following her into the dining area.
And your feet almost stopped beneath you when you saw Anthony sitting in the booth that the hostess was leading you towards, his eyes unfocused on a point in the distance, his hand smoothing his jawline, a habit that you noticed he fell into every time he shaved. The arrival of the hostess draws his attention and his eyes dart to her before looking behind her towards you.
And you can’t stop the fluttering of your heart when you see the soft smile appear on his lips when his eyes finally land on you.
You slip into the booth, quietly thanking the hostess before turning your attention back towards Anthony.
“Did you know about this?” you ask, wondering if he came into this moment as blind as you did.
“I had no idea,” he replies with a chuckle. “I honestly thought I was meeting Kaitlin.”
“Why would you be meeting Kaitlin?” you inquire and you are surprised to see a soft pink hue appear on his cheeks.
“Is it embarrassing to say that I asked her to meet me so I could ask about you?”
“It’s a little weird,” you counter, your voice light so you made sure that Anthony knew you were teasing him. “Besides, you could’ve just asked me anything directly. I’m an open book.”
“It was about getting you back,” he confesses and there your heart goes again, doing little backflips inside your ribcage. He just confirmed the one thing that you wanted to know, the question that you had been wondering about for the past few weeks; he did want you back. Like that.
“What did Kaitlin tell you to get you to come here?”  
“She said it was a blind date,” you say. Anthony’s face falters at the admission and it takes you a minute to realize that the reason for that was because it made it seem like you hadn’t been as patient as Anthony. You quickly start to talk again, rambling slightly to try and make sure Anthony understood.
“I haven’t been dating or seeing anyone, this was the first time I even thought about it since… well since you know when. I just had some uncertainty about where we stood and what I wanted that I thought maybe going on a low-stakes date with a stranger would help give me clarity.”
“Has it given you any clarity? Even though I’m not a stranger?”
“I know that I was really happy when I saw you sitting here. Startled, sure, but happy.”
Anthony shoots a gentle smile in your direction once more and any tension and hesitancy that may have been floating between the two of you seemed to vanish, right as the waiter arrived at your table, taking your drink order before strolling away, leaving you and Anthony alone.
The dinner fell into that easy conversation that always seemed to happen when you and Anthony were together. But on top of that, there were more lingering touches and playful glances in the other’s direction, a tiny spark of hope growing between the two of you.
It isn’t until after dinner is consumed does the conversation circle back to your shared history.
“So, I know we kind of already touched on this,” Anthony begins, dropping his fork onto his plate, his eyes connecting to yours, “but I wanted to ask you about us.”
“What about us?” you say, your words tentative.
“I was just wondering if you’ve had enough time to think things over and make a decision about where we stand.” You take a deep breath in, sorting through the emotions of the past month in an attempt to make your feelings clear to him.
“I’m going to be honest, because you were always honest with me” you say and you watch Anthony steel himself. “I’m still scared to let you in completely, just because of how you hurt me before. But I do know one thing for certain and that is that I really, really like you, Anthony. I’m afraid to say that word to you just yet but I know that it’s a definite possibility as well. And so, I suppose that I want to start dating you again. Pick up kind of where we left off and go from there.”
The biggest smile that you had seen through the entire night broke out on Anthony’s face at your words. You watch as his arms raise as he reaches out to you from across the table. There is no hesitation as you place your hands in his outstretched palms, his fingers closing around you, thumbs brushing across your knuckles.
“I told you I would wait for you. And I will. I’m not going to push you or pressure you to anything you aren’t ready for. But this much I swear to you; I will do everything in my power to never let you down again.”
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One Step at a Time (Sebastian Stan x reader)
One Step at a Time
Summary: You are filming with Russo brothers and Sebastian etc and you feel insecure because of all the other actors and work out too much and slowly stop eating; one day on set you almost pass out and they call it for the day. Sebastian gets worried because he’s a great guy and comes to help you.
Sebastian Stan x reader
Word count 2536
Warnings: eating disorder (working out too much and restriction), fainting, insecurities
When you found out you had landed the role of Tony Stark’s daughter in the new Avenger movie, you were beyond stoked. You had been an actress since you were little, but this was your first big role. And not to mention you’d be working with some of your favorite actors and actresses. 
Your first day on set, you were...overwhelmed. You were ecstatic, but it was a lot to take in. Seeing these big movie stars that you had grown up with, you felt like everyone was looking at you. You had a lot of expectations to fill. 
Everyone of course was extremely nice to you. The first person to see you and introduce themselves was Sebastian Stan. He already had his ‘metal’ arm on his left arm. He gave you a warm smile and said “Hey, you’re the new kid, right?” You nodded and held out your hand. “Yes  I am. Y/n.” He took it. “Sebastian.”
You laughed a little and said “Yeah, I know.” Your eyes widened and you added “I mean - not in a creepy way, just like a ‘you’re a huge movie star’ kind of way” He laughed too and said “Yeah, I know what you mean. Good to meet you.” he said as he walked away.
As soon as he was far away enough, you let out a breath and internally face-palmed. You just made a fool of yourself in front of your favorite actor. Great. This was a great start.
The first few days were a little awkward, being the new person on set. But after that you settled into a routine. You and Sebastian bonded pretty quickly, him treating you as your on-set father figure. And being so close with Sebastian came hand in hand with being close with Anthony Mackie and Chris Evans. You couldn’t complain. It was all you could hope for.
There was only one issue.
Being around all these movie stars playing all these superheroes could be tough. Everyone was ripped and in great shape, and you couldn’t help but feel like you looked soft compared to them. Anthony always talked about his obsession with leg day and his thighs, often ranting about how “You ain’t never seen a tree without a trunk,” whenever anyone would give him crap about it. This always ended in laughs, but you couldn't help but feel like you should be working out more than you were.
You started tagging along with the others to the gym, and began going for walks or jogs on lunch breaks or when you weren’t needed on set. When you didn’t see any changes, you cut out all junk food too. You still ate, just everything had to be clean. What started in good spirits ended up getting you way in over your head.
You began only eating if you were asked to tag along to eat with the others. This happened pretty often, so you started making excuses, saying you had work to catch up on or you were going to go over your lines. But most of the time you would either go for a run or be so tired that you just fell asleep before you could put on your running shoes. 
You could see changes within the first few weeks. You were toning up and losing weight too. And the others noticed too, saying “Hey, lookin’ good kid.” You liked it, and if anything it made you want to keep going. Your portions got smaller and you stayed steady with the cardio. But if you were honest, you were exhausted.
All you wanted to do was sleep but you wouldn’t let yourself. You would force yourself to keep up your routine. You didn’t feel hungry anymore and couldn’t really bring yourself to eat much of anything. No one really suspected anything to begin with, but they noticed how you were lacking energy lately. They chalked it up to anxiety or just not sleeping well. 
One day, you were filming a fight scene, and it was you and Sebastian fighting against a bunch of extras playing Hydra agents. The scene entailed some of the others, but for right now they just needed the two of you. There were a lot of stunts in the scene that shouldn’t have been an issue for you. You could do them in your sleep. At least, that was what was true over a few weeks ago. 
You could feel the exhaustion that hadn’t left you in days putting you off your game. You kept trying to shake your head or dig your nails into your palms trying to wake up. Sebastian looked over at you as you slapped your face lightly. He gave you a puzzled look. “You okay there y/n?” You looked over at him and plastered on a smile. “Yeah, just didn’t sleep well last night I guess.” He smiled and laughed a little. “Yep. Been there more times than I’d like to admit.”
As the Russo brothers called action again, you attempted your sequence for what seemed like the 10th time. When you missed your punch you sighed, and called out “Sorry!” with frustration. 
“Cut!” The Russo brothers looked at each other and said “How about everyone take 10.”
The crowd started to disperse and you walked off set to your water bottle. Sebastian followed you, and gave you a concerned look. “You sure you’re doing okay? You used to be able to do this kind of thing no problem. Seriously, what’s up?”
You shook your head and took a sip of your water. “I was thinking the same thing. I don’t know what’s going on,” you lied.  You set your water back down on the ground, but when you straightened up again, a wave of dizziness hit you. You reached out for something to grab onto, but the only thing was Sebastian’s arm. He straightened up and held one hand on your arm and the other on your back to support you. “Woah, you okay there?”
You nodded, even though you couldn’t really hear what he had said. You knew what he asked. A wave of nausea hit you and you got this weird taste in your mouth. You got tunnel vision, and started seeing spots. You shook your head and your legs gave out. Sebastian caught you and helped you down to the ground.
Not knowing exactly what to do, he tried to figure out what had just happened and why. He called out for one of the set medics, and they rushed over, checking you over. You came to after a few minutes, confused as to why there were now 2 people standing over you and how you had gotten to the ground. You tried to sit up but the medic and Sebastian stopped you, gently pushing you back on the ground. 
The medic packed up, saying “Your blood pressure is extremely low. I’ll tell the Russo brothers to have you sit the rest of the day out. You should get some rest, and eat a decent meal tonight.” You widen your eyes and sat up, ignoring their protests. “No, I’m fine, really. I just got up too fast. No big deal.”
Sebastian looked at you, concern and confusion on his face. “y/n, you just fainted. You need to take the day. It’s not exactly a suggestion.”
You sighed and brought a hand to your pounding head. Sebastian nodded to the medic, silently telling him that he could handle it from here, and he left, leaving the two of you.
Sebastian sighed. “Hey, since I won’t be needed for what they work on, why don’t we chill out for the rest of the day? Might be nice to have some downtime together.”
You looked at him for a few seconds, weighing your options. There was no way anyone would let you do anything but rest. Might as well not be alone. Nodding, he helped you up gently, heading to your trailer. You were grateful it was just the two of you, and no one else had seen what had just happened. It was embarrassing to say the least, and a really close call. No one knew how sick you actually were.
The two of you decided to have a movie marathon of the previous Marvel movies. Sebastian would add funny commentary or fun behind the scenes information as the two of you watched, and despite what had just happened, you were having a great time.
That is, until it was getting late enough for dinner. Sebastian paused the movie mid-credits and turned to you. “Now, what do you want? I can head down to where the caterers are and grab something while you stay here.”
You tried not to look completely panicked while also looking for a response quickly. You knew you couldn’t talk yourself out of this, but you also didn’t think you could eat something even if you wanted to. You decided to try to avoid the situation by saying “I, uh… I’m not crazy hungry. I’m just like, super nauseous from earlier.”
He gave you a strange look. “You didn’t join us for lunch earlier today though. And you heard the medic earlier today. You need to eat something.”
You looked down at your lap. Yep. That didn’t work. You cleared your throat and crossed your arms, standing up and walking around a little. “I dunno I guess.”
He shifted his weight before stepping closer. “What’s really going on here?” he asked gently, and you averted your gaze.
“Nothing’s wrong. I just…”
“Just what?”
“I don’t know -”
“I think you do,” he said, stepping closer and making you look at him. “What am I missing here?”
You sighed and looked down at your feet which weren’t far from Sebastian’s. You tried to look for the right words to say, opening your mouth but no words coming out. You didn’t know how to tell him, but you couldn’t talk yourself around this any other way.
“I just don’t really want anything to eat right now, is that a crime?” you tried. He tilted his head and asked “When was the last time you ate something?”
You snapped your head up and gulped. You shook your head. “Seb -”
“Y/n.” he said more firmly, and you knew this was it. You looked down, not wanting to meet his gaze out of shame. “A few days ago,” you whispered.
But Sebastian heard you and took a step forward. “What - what do you mean a few days ago?” You stepped back and turned your back to him, feeling incredibly uncomfortable right now. You could feel anxiety building up inside you, “Look, I’m sorry okay? I’m - I can’t… I’m sorry, it’s just -”
He turned you around and you searched his face for anger, disappointment, disapproval, something, but all there was was genuine concern.”You don’t have to apologize, I just...Why? Why are you doing this to yourself?”
You sighed, trying to look for a better answer than the one you were about to give. When it was obvious that you couldn’t, you hang your head a little, saying “ It’s just - everyone here has their place. And everyone here is perfect. And I don’t know… Everyone’s just so ripped, Anthony being obsessed with his thighs, it’s just a lot. I don’t know… I just don’t feel like I’m worthy of being here. And I didn’t know what else I was supposed to do so I tried to fix it.”
It was then that you looked back up at Sebastian, and you didn’t know how it was possible, but now he looked even more concerned. He didn’t know what to say, but he wanted to know the right thing to say. “What made you think that?”
You shrugged. “I dunno. I just felt like I had to earn my spot here.”
He shook his head. “Y/n, listen to me. You don’t need to earn your spot here. You’re already a part of this family. You were casted for a reason and you prove that every damn day you’re here.”
You shook your head for a moment. “Also, where’d you get the idea that we’re all perfect? Because we’re not.” He laughed for a second. “We’re all far from it. And don’t mind Anthony, that’s just a thing he does. I don’t really get it either. But none of us are perfect.”
You bit your lip for a second. “I don’t know, it’s just… Like it started as a small thing but now...I’m just not even sure I could fix this if I tried. I just wanted to be better than I was I guess.” You shook your head. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”
“That’s okay,” he said. You looked at him with a confused expression. “It’s okay that you don’t know what to do. But it’s not okay to keep hurting yourself like this. You’ll get sick and days like today will happen more often. No one wants that. We all love you here.”
You laughed for a second, not believing him. “We do,” he said a little more firmly. “You’re a part of our team now. Our crazy, chaotic, mess of a team that we are. No escaping us now,” he said, smiling at you. You laughed a little, nodding your head. “Thank you,” you said, looking up at him.
He shrugged it off. “Nothing to thank me for. Now, how about I go down to catering, get us both something, and then we can go from there. Okay?” Sensing your hesitancy, he added, “I’ll be here to talk you through it if you need. We can watch a movie or just talk, whichever you prefer. Yeah?” 
You paused, looking between the floor and Sebastian, while he looked at you hopefully. Slowly, you nodded your head. “Yeah,” you said. A little more sure of yourself, you said, “Yeah, sounds good.”
He smiled at you and gave his head a nob. “Alright, I’ll be right back then.” You gave him another smile and sat back down as he left, leaving you alone in your trailer. You let out the breath you didn’t know you had been holding and put your head between your hands. When Sebastian came back, you sat up again, trying to hide the tears in your eyes. He smiled at you and sat down next to you, handing you a container of y/f/f. You just held it, staring at it. You had no idea how you were supposed to eat that. It’s like you had forgotten how.
Sebastian sensed your building anxiety. “Hey,” he said, and you looked at him. “One step at a time, right?”
You nodded. “Yeah. One step.”
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imagines4thefandoms · 3 years
The Man the World Forgot
Part 1
summery: Chris was living the life. He was a famous movie star with all of his films a blockbuster hit. Millions of people around the world knew his name; Chris was the most famous person in the world. But that all changed in a matter of seconds. When Chris wakes up one morning and the world has no idea who he is. Not even his family and close friends. Chris Evans no longer exist, or more exactly he never did. No one remembered him, no one except Scarlet. Scarlet McLaughlin was just a normal college student just trying to make it to graduation. She discovers that she is the one who remembers who Chris Evans is. Together they try and work out why the world doesn’t remember the movie star. Will they be able to fix the movie stars life or will he just stay forgotten in the minds of his loved ones?
word count: 2.2K
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Chis Evans’ Saturday night was just a regular Saturday night while away for work: he called Scott to talk to Dodger, went for a quick run before eating in the hotel restaurant. He watched the couple sitting next to him celebrate something and grew a bit jealous. All he wanted in life to find the right person, settle down, and have kids. Chris just never met the right person.
After finishing his meal, the lonely star went back to his room to get ready for his busy day of shooting in the morning. Normally he would at least explore the city a little but he wasn’t in the mood to explore the beautiful Big Easy tonight. Before the elevator doors closed a pair of newly weds game in and were giggling in the corner. Evans tired to hid as to not draw attention to himself but the couple were too entranced with each other to notice that there was someone else in the elevator.
When the now suffocating metal box reached his floor, Chris exited and walked to his room wondering when he would ever have what they had. He kicked his shoes off as soon as his hotel door closed behind him and got ready for bed. Once he got in bed, he decided against watch tv and just let the noise of the city ease him into slumber. But before he could close his eyes, he saw a light streak across the night sky. ‘A shooting star’ he thought. Chris closed his eyes and made a wish.
“I wish I could be normal and find the love of my life,” he whispered before finally going to sleep.
At midnight the sky exploded with light. The entire city of New Orleans went quite for just a second then roared back to life as if being rebooted. Little did the actor know that his innocent wish full of love and hope had come true but has also brought a twist.
Chris woke up to his alarm blaring at six in the morning for his call time at seven thirty. He has awoken with a new cheery disposition than when he went to bed. Chris had a feeling that today was going to be a great day. He was about to call Scott to talk to Dodge and his brother but decided to take a shower first cause he knew he would be on that call for a while.
After his shower, Chris put on simple jeans and a t-shirt then grabbed his wallet and phone to head to set. The bipolar southern weather had subsided and left a nice cool day, causing the actor to decide to walk the few blocks to set. While on his walk Chris noticed that he was actually relaxed. There was no people with cameras following him nor fans stopping him for a picture. He chalked it up to people still being hung over from their night on Bourbon Street. Chris then remembered that he still has to call Scott. He took out his phone and pressed on his brother’s name in his contacts and waited for him to pick up.
“Hello,” Scott answered in a confused tone.
“Hey man, I just called to say good morning to Dodge. Did I wake you,” Chris asked hoping that he didn’t. He sometime forgot that not everyone is on his sleep schedule.
“Who is this,” Scott replied.
Chis laughed thinking that this was one of his brothers pranks or that he had woken his brother up and he was so fresh from sleep that he was confused. “Scott its me. Are you hung over?” Chris asked as he stopped at a cross walk.
“Hi me but I still don’t know who this is. How did you get this number? You can’t just call me to talk to my dog,” Scott said in a slightly irritated tone.
Chris really thought that his brother was milking this prank. Which was fine. “Scott already very funny its Chris. Your brother. Now can I talk to MY dog before I head on set.”
“Look I don’t know who this is but I don’t have a brother. Don’t call here again,” Scott said before hanging up.
Chis looked at his phone after his brother hung up just to make sure he called the right person. He decided against calling him again just to check up on him partly because he wanted to wait til he had a lunch break in hopes that Scott would give up on this prank and partly because he was at his filming location.
He walked up to the security guard and gave him a smile as he walked by, but the guard stopped him. “Name,” the guard asked.
Evans wasn’t use to not being recognized but he chalked it to being protocol. He gave the guard his name and id and waited til he check is clipboard of approved people on set. “Your not on the list,” the guard replied handing back the id.
“There has got to be some mistake,” Chris said slightly annoyed, “Im the lead role.”
“You are not on the list, which means you don’t get in.”
Chris was now more annoyed so he took out his phone and called his agent Charlie to straighten this whole mess out. Once Charlie picked up the phone Chris skipped the pleasantries and just tole him how he’s not being let on set and that he’s about to be late.
“Who is this,” Charlie asked after Chris went on his little rant.
“Charlie, its Chris. Chris Evans.”
“Um i’m not in the office today but if you make an appointment with my assistant we can look into maybe representing you. I don’t know how you got this number but i’m going to give you my assistant’s and you just make an appointment,” Charlie replied in a professional manor.
“Charlie. Im already your client. Did Scott put you up to this,” Chris laughed at the extent of his brother’s prank.
“I know all of my clients and a Chris Evans is not one of them. Im sorry I think you have the wrong number. Have a great weekend,” Charlie replied hanging up the phone.
Chris was starting to really not like this prank. He had to be on set in five minutes, but his anxiety of the whole situation was getting really out of hand so he went for a walk around the city. Then he will be late to set and Charlie will call him back to apologize making the whole prank thing to rest.
Even though the city isn’t at its bullies at seven thirty in the morning Chris couldn’t deny the cozy and exciting atmosphere of it. Once again on his walk Chris was not bothered by fans nor photographers and for a quick second he wondered how extensive was the plank his brother was pulling. He pasted a Café Du Monde and realized that he had planned on eating breakfast on set. This place was on a list of places Anthony had told Chris to visit while he was in New Orleans. These beignets were supposedly the best things ever so Chris took his friends advice and decided to have an order for breakfast.
He sat down at a table outside so he could still enjoy the scenery of the old beautiful city and waited for a waitress to come over. Chris was entranced by some street players when his waitress came over and greeted him a good morning. He looked over and saw a young girl about seventeen in white button-up shirt with black pants, black bowtie, and a long green apron. The actor braced himself for the questions and her starstruck demeanor.
“Are you,” she started to say as she grabbed her notebook out of the apron.
“Chris Evans yes, how are you,” he said expecting her question of a picture and autograph. But it never came instead introduced herself and told him she was asking if he was ready to order.
This took Chris by surprise. Usually you women this this waitress would be hounding him for pictures and autographs and question but she did. He wanted to chalk it up to her being professional but there was a tiny voice inside his head the told him it was something else.
“Sorry um ill take an order of beignets and a café au Lait,” Chris ordered thankful for the pressure from Anthony for him to pronounce every thing he is going to eat in New Orleans correctly so he doesn’t look stupid. The Waitress gave him a nod and a smile before to put in his order.
The waitress came back three minutes later with the coffee and a plate with three beignets. She placed the items on the table and gave him the line of ‘hope you enjoy’ then went back to work. After he took one bite, he realized that Anthony was right about how delicious these things were. Chris was about to text his friend about how much he enjoyed the fried doughy treat but decided against because he knew Mackie was in the west coast for his film and its six am in Hollywood, also he didn’t want to take the chance that Scott had gotten him in on the prank as well.
For the first time in forever Chris Evans wanted to be attacked by paparazzi  and to be swarmed by fans getting too close for comfort. So he did the only think he could think of. Once he finish his breakfast he paid and left a generous tip to the young highs cool student and walked to the place where he knew there would be people at eight in the morning: the Flea Market down the road.
Once he arrived to the Flea Market, he was overwhelmed over the amount of people there. Given that it was eight in the morning on a Saturday it wasn’t weird for this many people to be there, but the sight gave Chris a little bit of anxiety. He was starting to second guess being around so many people in this publish setting just to get recognized.
But once again while he was looking at all the different booths, no one stopped him, no one took his picture, and no one whispered about him behind his back. Chris decided to get Scott something from the flea market in hopes that it would make him fell bad for this prank; Chris had also gotten some souvenirs for the rest of his family while at the flea market as well. Once he was finished with his shopping, the actor headed back to his hotel room. He wanted to get some rest and just wake up from this horrible day.
On his walk back to the hotel, Chris thought that he should enjoy this albeit terrible anonymity he seems to have. He walked a little slower and just took in the sights of the historical buildings he was passing. And while he has heard Anthony complain about the streets being awful in the city he admired the imperfection of the cracks and the potholes, something that natives never have like.
He stoped at Jackson square and enjoyed one street performer groups’ show and looked around at the art work hanging on the fence. Some where simple and others where very detailed but all captured the story of the city that had persevered though many hardships. And after gazing upon what is St. Louis Cathedral, Evans really headed back to his hotel room.
This time the buildings were not the things that caught his attention, but the families that were out exploring the city as he was. One that stuck out in particular was a family with a small girl about the age of five who kept asking her father if they could take a horse ride. She was pointing to the white horse who was standing at the corner to the street waiting for the next people he was going to give a ride too. The father and mother exchanged looked and then agreed which caused the little girl to jump up and down with joy.
The sight made Chris’s heart swell. In that moment he didn’t see that family, he saw the family he hope to have in the future. He saw his littler girl jumping for joy over a horse while him and his wive looked upon her with such adoration. The family disappeared into the horse drawn carriage and Chris’s mind was back on his bed.
Chris was almost at his hotel room when he felt like he was being watched, which on a normal day wasn’t weird but on a day like today it was. He stopped and looked around him to see where this feeling was coming from. That when he noticed someone on the phone across the street staring straight at him. Chris knew that look on her face. Its the face fans get when they see him. This girl knows who he is. She is the only person who does. He knew he had to ask her why.
Part 2
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beauvibaby · 4 years
surprise - a.beauvillier
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requested: [x] yes [] no
okay i saw you want a Tito request and i am here to deliver because i love him. maybe like something to do with significant others and families seem to be able to possibly go to Edmonton for finals so like maybe you’re able to surprise him when they get there and it’s just all cute and fluffy idk lol
a/n: when I read this request, my heart went 🥺 this is not proofread I apologize in advance
You couldn’t contain the excitement, nor did you want to, you were finally after more than a month, going to get to see Tito, no one could ruin your mood. Well, that's what you thought. “Two weeks?!” You gasped over the phone, someone from the management team was calling to tell you how this was going to go over. “Yes, its standard.” He spoke blankly, you ran a hand through your hair, tugging at the roots frustratedly. “I already did that before the flight, the last person I talked too said if I did it for two weeks before the flight and I was tested everyday I would be able to see him.” You explained, putting on your work voice, knowing other wise you’d end up yelling at the poor man who himself was only doing what he was told. “Let me talk to my boss.” The line went silent, you pinched the bridge of your nose, wishing this headache was over, “Miss Y/L/N?” His voice came back, you looked down to the ring on your left hand, smiling at the thought of hopefully soon being married to Anthony, assuming covid would soon allow for the type of wedding you dreamed of. “Yes?” You answered, hopeful to what he was going to say. “They arrive in Edmonton tomorrow, I’m sending someone to your room now to test you, and again tomorrow, if you come back negative both days you’ll be allowed to see him.” He went on to go over how everyone has to be tested every single day no matter what, which fine, you could deal with getting a q-tip shoved up your nose everyday if it meant you could be with Tito. “Thank you.”
Of course, you’d come back negative on both of your covid tests, just like you knew you would, the airport had been the first time you’d seen the light of day in weeks in preparation of coming here. “Excited?” Camille teaser seeing your leg bouncing as the elevator moved down to the lower floors of the arena, the guys were out for warm ups and whoever had braved the flight to be with them for finals was going to walk out of the tunnel and surprise them. “I could say the same to you.” You retorted laughing along with her, she clapped her hands together as the doors opened, you two had been part of the last group of people to come out, the second the doors opened you all stepped out, starting to walk down the hall as you heard the guys skating and the music cut off, a voice coming out over the loud speaker. “We have a surprise for you all! Look towards the tunnel.” And with that, everyone, mostly spouses or girlfriends, a few siblings had made it, ran out. The guys jaws dropped as they all dropped their sticks, eyes rushing to find whoever they were looking for. Your eyes searched for Anthony’s who was doing the same, finally you spotted him, well, you spotted his jersey number first but then he spotted you, and much like the other guys he forced his way through to you.
“Anthony!” You shrieked, rushing towards him, you hit him with a thud but neither of you cared as he circled his arms around your waist, nearly lifting you off the ground. “Y/N, oh my god, baby.” He breathed out, leaning back to cup your face, you were looking up at him with wide, happy tear filled eyes. “I missed you.” You whispered, letting your eyes shut as he wiped the few tears that fell from your eyes, “I missed you too.” And then you practically melted into his touch when he kissed you tenderly, “I’m so proud of you, no matter what happens, alright?” You spoke strictly, making sure he knew that you meant it. “You guys need to get back to warm ups, I’m gonna be in the stands all night, every game for the rest of the playoffs for you.” You whispered kissing him softly again, he nodded with a child like grin on his face. On your way off the ice you stopped and gave Mat a quick hug, congratulating him on how well they’ve done, and scolding him lightly for getting injured so much.
“I forgot how amazing it was to watch you play in person.” You smirked softly, wrapping your arms around Anthony’s neck as you entered the hotel room. “Oh really?” He quipped, not hesitating to pull you flush against him, the kiss started hot and quick, but slowly faded into a softer action. “As much as I missed you, which baby, believe me when I say it was so much, I’m just so tired, I just wanna hold you and sleep.” Tito admitted, your eyes softened, “of course.” You soothed, cupping his face, “you’re so cute.” You added, seeing the small pout on his lips, afraid he’d upset you. “It’s okay, I’m not in any rush, I haven’t been able to sleep good without you.” You spoke softly, pushing some hair back off of his forehead, he smiled softly down at you. “You’re so cute.” He repeated your words, kissing your forehead softly before the two of you got ready for bed and fell asleep nearly instantly, not an inch of space between you two.
taglist: @thathockeygirl​ @softstarkey​ @mtkachuk​ @literarycharleton​
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rae-is-typing · 5 years
Sick Day
Notes: This was requested by a lovely anon, and it was inspired by my past few days. Enjoy :)
Original request from anon: Can you write an Avenger imagine, where the reader is the youngest of the cast and gets sick/has an accident on set?
Description: You get sick. That’s it. That’s the fic.
Characters: reader, original female and male characters (manager named Masha, assistant named Alis, an EMT named Esme, trainer named Nick), RDJ, Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Scarlett Johanson, Elizabeth Olson, the Russos
Warnings: Swearing sickness, vomiting, mention of pepto bismol (that shit’s NASTY), swearing, homework
Word count: 2.9k
You don’t get sick.
You don’t have time to get sick, so you don’t. Between filming, training, and school, sickness is absolutely not an option Simple as that, right?
Well, your body didn’t get the memo.
Your body is racked with chills, but you’re sweating profusely. You chalk it up yo the intense scene you’re filming; your character and Robert’s character just got into a massive screaming match over your character’s secret identity being revealed. But in the middle of the second take, your words dissolve into coughs.
"No, Tony! It's not okay!" You shout, whipping around to face a very pissed looking RDJ. "I-" A cough disrupts your words. "I don't-" This time you break down into a fit of uncontrollable coughing, even going as far as doubling over.
"Cut!" Robert rushes over to you, placing a hand on your back. He makes you stand up fully. He speaks up when you finally stop coughing. “You alright, kid?" You nod your head, rubbing at your throat.
"Yeah, I'm good. I'm sorry, I have no idea where that came from." A smile tugs at his lips. "Don't apologize, Y/N. It happens."
Alis, an assistant, comes over with a bottle of cold water, placing it on your hands with a curt not. You thank her and open the water, taking a few slow sips as the Russos offer feedback on what you managed to get through.
"That was are best take until the coughing. Whatever you did before, do that again." You try not to beat yourself up over the coughing; it's show business, it happens.
Getting back into position, you two manage to finish the scene with minimal interruptions. During your yelling match, your head begins to pound. It's not the light pounding you get when you didn't get enough sleep or you're dehydrated, it's the kind where you're sure that your old band director is leading the entire drum line on your brain tissue, or something is punching your skull with little pistons.
The second "Cut!" rings out through the set. You deflate, rolling your shoulders and rubbing your head. You trudge over to a small bench near the set and plop down, stretching your now aching limbs in the process.
Being the (mother hen) good mentor and costar he is, Robert realizes something is wrong very quickly. You're usually very bubbly after scenes end, the adrenaline still coursing through you. He can only think of one time he saw you like this, and that was right after you took the SATs. He calls over Alis again, asking her to get some green hibiscus tea with honey and acetaminophen. Alis is back within five minutes. He walks over to you and sits by you.
"Here, take these." You frown at the to-go cup and the small container in his hands, but ]take them anyways.
"What is it?"
"Tea, and tylenol. They'll help with your headache and cough." He says, matter-of-factly.
"Oh, thanks, Robert."
"Course, gotta help my favorite kid." He says, pushing himself off of the bench. "Now, I don't know about you, but I am starving. What do you say we get a bite with the others?" He extends a hand for you to take
"Sure," You say without thinking. Any time with the cast is great, even if you're extra tired and achy. You let him pull you up. The cast orders sandwiches from a little shop in downtown Atlanta, very close to the set.
You're gathered in a larger, mostly empty save for a few couches and chairs part of the set where you often meet. Everyone is talking. They're either going over that days work and characterization, recent events in the news, and their weekend plans. Your sandwich is a little off. It smells fine, it's exactly what you ordered, but it tastes... off. Something in it is making your stomach churn and grumble. You place the sandwich back in the wrapping it came in, fold it up, and throw it away.
That's enough for tonight, You decide. "I have school stuff that I need to get done." You say.
"Aw, okay. See you tomorrow!"
"Fuck school,"
"Shut the hell up, man."
You smile as you walk to your trailer. You do have school, you always have school, and it sucks major ass. The suckiest thing you have to complete is a seven page, MLA format, argumentative research paper about birth control in the developing world. And, oh my god, you would rather be hung upside down by your toe hair than write that fucking paper.
But you write it anyway.
Why? Because it's due in two days and you haven't started it yet. So you buckle down, ignoring the headache you have and your churning stomach, and do the damn thing.
You get three pages in before you decide that being tired isn't worth this paper. Getting up at 5:30 in the morning each day to train for two hours is definitely not your favorite part of your job, but it is some of the only alone time you’re able to get, so you'll take it. You stand up from your desk and immediately regret moving. Dizziness overcomes you. You flop back onto your office chair and press a hand to your forehead.
Taking a few deep breaths, you get back under control and stand up much slower. This time, you're able to walk to your small bedroom area with an attached bathroom. You wash your face, being extra careful as to not make yourself pass out from dizziness. You do the same when brushing your teeth.
During the night, you get all of two and a half hours of sleep. You toss and turn all night, unable to ignore the churning in your stomach for long enough. And the fact that you're hot one second and then freezing the next. it is impossible for you to sleep for more than a half hour at a time. But you eventually do.
Assuming that's the end of it, you sleep deeply until cramping in your stomach forces you out of bed. you make yourself sit up. A wave a nausea comes over you like a tidal wave. You hobble to the bathroom and lean over the toilet just in time.
Bile and your half-eaten sandwich forces its way from your stomach, up your throat, and into the toilet. It's gross. It smells vile, its chunky and the strain makes tears come to your eyes. You dry heave and cough until you're sure everything is out. Feebly, you flush the toilet and leaned back against the wall across from it, deep breathing until you stop crying.
Unaware of the time, you stay there until you feel strong enough to get up and brush your teeth. You hobble back to your bed, and lay back down. This time, falling asleep again.
A knocking on your door pulls you out of your slumber.
"Y/N? You need to get up." The smooth voice of your manager, Masha, floats through your door.
You jolt awake, now remembering that you have to train. "Shit, what time is it?"
"Six AM. I'm opening the door," Masha says, while opening the door. You wince as the light seeps in, covering your eyes.
"Whoa, what happened to you?" She asks. "Are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah, yeah yeah yeah, I'm good. Shit Nick is waiting. I'll get ready, gimme like two seconds," You ramble, stumbling out of bed.
"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, hold on." Masha says, putting both hands on your shoulders, steadying you. Huh, you didn't realize you were wavering.
"You're burning up, Y/N." She observes, pressing the back of her hand on your forehead. "I think you're sick. Tell me what's going on."
"Have you thrown up or anything? Headaches? Lie to me, and it won’t be pretty."
“I threw up,” You croak, flopping back on the bed.  
"Alright, I'm going to get Esme, stay here, lay down." Masha speaks quickly, pulling out her phone.
Esme is the lead EMT on set. She was an RN for years before transferring to emergency medical services. The stunt doubles and the actors take major precautions before stunting. However, some things can't be avoided, hence the EMTs.
Esme comes into your room in no time, followed closely by a worried Masha.
"Alright, Y/N. What's wrong?"
"I'm a little sick right now."
"Alright. Symptoms?"
"Chills, headaches, I uh threw up a few hours ago..." You hate admitting it. That means you won't be able to do much today. It's apart of your contract. If you get sick, you have to take at least two days off because you're a huge liability for Marvel. Being a minor kinda sucks.
She nods. "Alright hon, follow my directions." Esme checks you out thoroughly. After telling her about your weird sandwich, she nods knowingly.
"It looks like a fever, and that sandwich made you throw up. Get some pepto bismol and tylenol. Make sure to drink a lot of water and other clear liquids. Eat the BRAT diet, and you'll be good to go in a few days. I suggest making a doctor's appointment today, though. I can’t diagnose you."
"Alright, thanks Esme." Masha says as Esme leaves. She turns to you, sighing. "I'm sorry, N/N. I'll get what you need from a store, let the Russos know, and make the appointment. I think you should go back to sleep if you can."
"Thanks, Mash. You're the best."
She smiles gently before leaving. You turn on your side and pull the blanket over your head, eventually dozing off.
The veil of sleep is slowly lifted as you blink your eyes open. Thanks to some great blackout curtains you have, no light seeps into the trailer. This time, you don't feel nauseous. However, an inkling of dizziness is still there. You stay in your position for a few minutes until you reach for your phone. A ton of notifications appear on your lockscreen.
3 missed calls from Masha the Manager
Messages from Masha the Manager
Y/N, Nick is waiting. Where are you? Sent: 5:30
Get up now, Y/N. Sent: 5:30
Y/N. You're scaring me. You're never late. Sent: 5:43
Everything you need is on the counter. Read the note first though. Sent: 7:00
Message from evans
Hey Y/N. Heard you weren't feeling well. Lemme know if I can help, okay? Sent: 7:15 AM
Message from Romanian Bitch™
Masha told us you're sick. Feel better we need you! Sent: 7:19 AM
Message from Stanky Stark
Get better soon okay? Sent 7:19
Messages to No Boys Allowed!!!
ScarJo: get well soon babe. let us know if you need anything 7:20
Scarlet Bitch: aw, feel better N/N Sent: 7:21
It warms your heart knowing that they care so much about you. You send a simple thank you to each one of them and close your eyes again.It only takes a few seconds for you to remember all the homework you have to do. Your eyes snap open and you groan.
You do not want to do homework. But you have two whole days with no training and no work, so why wouldn't you? That thought is all you need to get out of bed. You don't bother changing. You migrate to the small living area, and go to the counter where Masha had set all the stuff. You found the note quickly, and read Masha's half print, half cursive writing.
Take two doses of pepto and two things of tylenol, but read the instructions!!! Eat some applesauce or toast, and call me if you get any worse.
You unpack the canvas bag and quickly take your medicine. After that, you take all the food with you to the couch. You plant yourself on the soft sofa and dive into your work.
Being interrupted every few minutes with coughing is not the ideal space for productivity, especially because your throat is becoming increasingly raw. You put your phone in a drawer in your desk so you aren't distracted. Like most teens, you have a bad habit of prioritizing your phone.
A knock on the trailer door pulls you out of your focus. "Y/N, it's us!"
"Come in!" You say, still typing. You cringe at how sore you sound. Scarlett and Lizzie come in, still in costume.
"We can't stay for long," Scarlett starts, looking very apologetic. "We have a five minute break and we wanted to check on you."
You smile, setting your computer to the side. "Thanks guys. I appreciate it."
"How are you feeling?" Lizzie asks.
You shrug. "I'm okay, I guess."
"What were you doing?" Scarlett asks, spotting the half finished essay on your laptop. "You're supposed to be resting."
You sigh. "Yeah, but I should just get it done..."
The three of you talk about how shooting is going, and the production of the film in general. It's going smoothly. Nothing is going wrong. Soon, though, they have to leave. You're left to your own devices for another few hours.
Now that you’re revising the paper, your eyes ache, your left hand is cramping up, and you're positive you gave yourself carpal tunnel.
Another knock on the door reverberates through the trailer.
"Open up, kiddo!"
"It's unlocked." You snap back, not unkindly. Anthony and Sebastian walk in. You stop typing for a second to smile at them. "Hey,"  
"Hey, N/N." Sebastian smiles back. "We brought you soup."
Your face twists up. "Is it from the sandwich shop?"
"Nah, Masha told us that made you sick. This is from the high-end shop across the street," Anthony says, handing you a warm styrofoam bowl and a spoon. he also takes your laptop. "What are you writing an essay for? You’re sick! And a kid! Kids don’t do school when they’re sick.”
“What do you know about kids?” You smile, leaning forward to reach for your laptop.
"Nuh uh, no no no. You're going to relax while we're here, okay? And for your information, I have three children."
You cock an eyebrow. "Uh huuuuhhhh," you draw out.
He rolls his eyes, saves your essay, and turns on the television that you rarely use. "Alright, N/N. Netflix or Hulu?"
"My essay."
"Hey siri, does netflix or hulu have a show called 'My essay'?" You shove his shoulder lightly with a scowl. Sebastian is having a grand time laughing at you while eating his own soup.
"Alright, alright. We'll watch The Office, it's one of your favorites." Anthony chuckles.
You huff, leaning back on the couch and pulling off the cover to your soup. "Fine."
"Michael Scott is such a bad boss." Sebastian remarks.
"How dare you!" You gasp, your voice cracking severely.
"I can't take you seriously when you sound like a twelve year old boy." He retorts.
"You're being mean,"
"Mmm sorry sweetheart," He chuckles.
The three of you watch a couple episodes before they have to leave. You thank them for their time and the soup profusely. They wave you off, saying something along the lines of 'No problem, kiddo'.
After they leave, you snatch up your laptop and make the final revisions on your essay. There, finished in two days, and all it took was eating a bad sandwich. You should totally do that more often. (No you shouldn't. Never doing that again.)
You opt for more Michael Scott and some ginger ale mixed with Gatorade. You fall asleep on the couch huddled under a fleece blanket you retrieved from your room area two more episodes in, and wake up to gentle knocking and someone calling your name.
"Y/N? You there?"
"Yeah." You call, voice thick with sleep.
"Can we come in?"
"Sure?" You say, burrowing under the blanket. The door opens revealing Chris Evans and Robert, both looking tired after a long day of filming.
"Did we wake you up?" Chris asks.
"Yeah, it's fine though," You yawn, sitting up slowly.
"Oh, sorry 'bout that kiddo,"
You shrug. "What's up?"
Robert gives you a dad smile. "We just wanted to come see how you're doing. Feeling any better?"
"Yeah, I guess. Don't feel pukey anymore."
"That's good. Anthony said you were doing homework all day?" Chris asks, tone not too far from accusatory.
"I had an essay to do." You defend.
Robert clicks his tongue. "You're supposed to be resting, Y/N, not doing homework."
You pout. "I still had to get it done..."
"Alright, no school stuff tomorrow, okay?" Robert orders. "Rest only."
"Rest only." You repeat.
"Alright, now go to bed. You look exhausted."
"Okay. Thanks for checking on me," You stand up slowly, paying close attention to how you feel. You give each of them a hug before going to your room.
You check your phone, again giving in to those bad habits.
Message from Masha the Manager
Doc appointment at 1 pm tomorrow. He's gonna make a house call.
Sent 7:28 PM
You shoot back a quick 'K' before turning it off and laying down for the night.
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dorevenge · 3 years
where ignorance is bliss - chapter 10: snow will follow
SUMMARY: Maria is expecting, and the pregnancy is rough on her and Howard. [AO3 LINK]
CHAPTERS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [10] 11 12 13 14 15 ☆
May 22, 1970 – Manhattan, New York, Stark Manor
“Howard!” I scream, halfway down the staircase to the first floor, hands clenching to the railing. “It’s happening!” I’m nine months pregnant, and it feels like a pit has opened up behind my stomach, squeezing the life out of me at the same time, my knuckles going white from the pressure.
Howard runs over to me, one of the quickest 53-year-olds I’ve met, pushing up his sleeve to count the seconds on his wrist, whispering the time to himself. He guides me down the stairs, arm around my waist and shoulder supporting my armpit.
“Have Edwin bring the car around,” I saw. Tears stream from my eyes, my knees wobble from the pain, and Howard says the same thing he always does.
“They’re just Braxton Hicks, doll. The contractions aren’t close enough together.” He sets me down on the couch and wipes my face dry.
“They feel real,” I snap at him without meaning to.
“I know, I’m sorry. Let’s get you something to drink, settle your stomach.”
Edwin runs off to the kitchen, “I’ll put the kettle on.”
“You have to stay hydrated, and lay on your left side,” Howard continues. He brushes my hair out of the way and guides me to a horizontal position.
“I don’t want to lay on my left side, I want my body back,” I whine, adjusting the pillows underneath me to support the bowling ball sticking out of me. The pain behind my abdomen rages on like a wildfire. “Can you put the movie on?”
“Are we feeling West Side Story or Singing in the Rain today?” Howard prides himself on our home video library, collecting almost every film we would go out to see at the cinema. Our home theatre was impressive, given he had tried to make his own film production company at one point. It was his only unsuccessful venture, so we don’t talk about that aspect of it very often, but he keeps up with the technology and is obsessed with recreating the feeling of going to see a talkie at home.
“West Side Story.”
He puts the tape in, and the familiar opening plays out. Watching it reminds me of the first Academy Awards Show I accompanied Howard to, where we watched West Side Story sweep the competition, when Rita Moreno won in that stunning dress. It was only eight years ago, but it feels like a lifetime now, like many lifetimes have passed during Howard’s and my relationship. And now I’m cramping and swollen and bloated, as far as I can be from walking down a red carpet.
I’m asleep before “Something’s Coming” plays.
“Can you chew any louder?”
“Maria, we’re having soup. There’s no chewing involved.”
“It’s making me sick,” I say.
“I’ll go in the pantry,” Howard offers without complaint, used to this by now, kissing the top of my head and taking his bowl of soup with him into the pantry, shutting the door behind him.
Edwin and Ana look up cautiously from their bowls. “Shall we leave you as well, Mrs. Stark?” Ana asks.
“Why would you? You’re completely fine.”
I wake from a dead sleep at two in the morning, after a long day of getting mad at Howard for things that he couldn’t help, and I know I’m going into labor. This time, it isn’t Braxton Hicks, I know it. I rustle Howard’s shoulder. Then I shake it harder. “Howard, wake up,” I whisper harshly. He slowly blinks his eyes open. “We need to go to the hospital.”
“Let me get my watch,” he reaches over to flick on his bedside lamp.
“It’s for real this time.” I know it. I don’t want him to question it, I can feel it in my gut; today is the day we meet our child for the first time.
“If we go in again for more practice contractions, I don’t think the hospital will let ever let us come back.”
I pause before replying.
“My water broke.”
I’ve never seen Howard get out of bed and get dressed so quickly before. He throws my already packed bag at Edwin to have him bring the car around, asks Ana to change the bedsheets, and helps me dress myself, ushering me out the door. For the first time in the last nine months, I’m the calmest person in the Stark household, focusing on my breathing and answering the nurses’ questions as Howard stammers, trying to take care of everything at once. They confirm I am indeed in labor, run their preliminary tests, and show us to the suite we had reserved.
I didn��t realize the suite would be so luxurious; it was nicer than some hotels I’ve stayed at. A jacuzzi and a pool table are tucked away in the corner, along with a full-sized refrigerator and a private bathroom. We’re given a run-down of the amenities, including an on-call masseuse and chef, but as we settle in, I just want Edwin’s cooking and fanciful retellings of his days spent running around Los Angeles with the SSR. The way he tells it, he makes Peggy sound more heroic than Captain America.
“Don’t get mad at me, but you’re as beautiful now as you were the day I met you back in Monaco.” Howard dabs my forehead with a cool cloth.
“I have half a child sticking out of me!” I yell from gritted teeth between contractions. “And you’re flirting with me right now?” Rivets of sweat trickle down my brow between my breasts, chest heaving with effort. The pain from the contractions pulses through me. We’re almost 14 hours into the labor now, and I’ve never been more tired in my life. I want to sleep, but every fiber of every muscle in my body is engaged and trying to get through this.
“Jesus, doll, I said don’t get mad at me.” I take his hand and squeeze it hard enough he winces, like I’m siphoning the pain out of me and into him. He whispers words of encouragement into my ear, watering me and obeying every order from the doctor, not straying from my side - until we hear the peal of cries and the magical words –
“It’s a boy.”
Anthony Howard Stark was born May 29, 1970, a healthy 6 pounds and 10 ounces, with ten fingers, ten toes, and two powerful lungs that never stopped crying. And I do mean never. Baby Tony had no respect for what time of day it was, who was visiting, or how tired his parents were. Although we hadn’t discussed names at all before that day, it came together perfectly; a beautiful name for our beautiful boy.
Howard returned to work within the week Tony was born, taking Edwin with him every day to try to make up for the lost time at S.H.I.E.LD. base at Camp Lehigh. At dinner after his first day back, Howard had nothing about complaints about the way things had been run in his absence. “One of the security guards said the Tesseract went missing for five minutes and showed right back up in its containment unit. I think we have a breach, but everyone swears they didn’t see anything out of the ordinary,” he says over a plate of chicken and asparagus.
“When was this?”
“Back in April. We need to up our security.”
When I announce I am ready to retire and go to bed, everyone at the table stands to help. While I appreciate the attention and assistance, I’m looking forward to being able to get up on my own. The delivery has had an immense toll on my body, wiping me out completely with the emergency Cesarian. I can’t stand on my own for more than thirty seconds at a time, and Ana has been instrumental in my recovery. She takes care of Tony when I can’t, and when Howard is kept late at the office. She changes every diaper, cleans every dish, and I cannot thank her enough times. I think she took to the role quite well, and I don’t look forward to the day it’s taken from her again.
“Master Tony, you are quite the tornado,” I hear Edwin say down the hall as I fold laundry in the living room. Tony has just turned two, and his favorite word currently is “no.” Edwin does his best to toe the line between butler and substitute father-figure, but Tony needs a firm hand – the opposite of what he gets from Howard when he’s either stuck in the lab or nursing a gin and tonic.
“Tony Tornado! Tony Tornado!” Tony sprints down the hall, giggling, spilling his cup of Cheerios and leaving a trail behind him.
“Master Tony!” Edwin takes off after him. He is almost 60 by now, and, somehow, he still keeps up with the toddler. The two of them were practically inseparable. We lost Ana last year to a long battle with cancer, and it’s almost like Tony made it his personal mission to keep Edwin entertained and distracted enough to forget about the tragedy. I often find them playing make-believe with flying robots or watching cartoons on Saturday mornings, cross-legged on the carpet in the den.
I spend my first two years of motherhood caressing egos, trying to be the entertainer and people-pleaser, but I find myself just wanting all four of us to be together at home, instead of stuck late in offices or meetings or dinner parties that no one wants to attend in the first place. I miss my husband because even when he’s at home, he’s really back at the Stark Industries headquarters, still thinking about that damn arc reactor.
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bella-spil · 3 years
Summary: you and the avengers spend Halloween together.
Characters: Y/N (your name), Bucky, Loki, Thor, Tony, Steve, Sam, Natasha, Clint, Vision, Wanda, Peter, Shuri.
Warnings: cursing, tbh thats it.  VINE REFERENCES
Word Count: 2.4
A/N: hi.. I’m sry I haven’t written in a while.  School has been killing my creativity.  This is gonna be more of a miniseries, more like 2-3 parts.  It’s prob not gonna get much attention, but if you like it, just comment or re blog bc it helps my confidence with posting stuff on here.  This is also inspired by a meme I saw (Ill post it at the bottom of the story) and a video with Anthony Mackie and Chris Evans (link) Masterlist is here
Tag List: @sea040561 @wednesday-add-em @kmuir1 (lmk if you wanna join)
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Halloween was a week away.  Tony being Tony, already paid for the decorations for the tower, so basically all of the floors look like a haunted house.  Rolls of toilet paper stretched across arches in the hallways, tiny spiders were all over furniture, bones and eyes and zombies and witches and everything in between that you could possibly think of was in the tower.  The tower looked like a zombie on steroids; creepy yet entertaining at the same time.  
Everyone was fine with the decorations, but the costumes were a big issue.  Steve and Tony kept arguing over the ideas, both of them wanting to do group costumes.  Everyone else had their ideas too, but Tony and Steve were at each other's throats for the past couple weeks, since like August.  Your room in the tower was right by the meeting office, so hearing the two of them screaming at each other for the most stupid shit was driving you insane.  Once it got to the point where you had to yell at them to shut up.  
This morning, a week before Halloween, while everyone was there, you cleared your throat while you heard Steve and Tony bickering.
“Guys this is getting to be too much.  We need to have a meeting to discuss these fucken costumes.” you said.
“Yeah this is getting out of control,” Nat agreed.
“Guys, cmon, you have to agree with me.  All of us having Iron Man suits would be awesome.  We could fly around the city all night and have so much fun!” Tony said.
“Tony, stop.  All of us being soldiers is better.”  Steve countered.
“STOP!” Clint groaned.  “You guys are insane.  We need to discuss this as a group.”
Tony and Steve sat across from each other, glaring at each other.  Death was looming between them.  
“Fine,” Tony sighed.  “When and where?”
“The office, 2pm,” Nat said.  “And everyone has to show up, that means you too Bucky.”
Bucky groaned from the other side of the room.  He hated group discussions, he liked working alone better.  Said that it was faster to be alone and you didn’t have to worry as much.
2pm finally rolled by.  Everyone has showed up in the big office, one that seemed a little too big.  Everyone was tired of the bickering and had showed up, thankfully.  
Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Bucky, Sam, Peter P, Shuri, Wanda, Vision, Loki and you were crowded around the table.  Tony was standing at the end with a whiteboard, prepared to write down ideas.
“So guys, what do you want to do?” Tony said.
“What about we dress up as famous Star Wars characters?” Sam suggested.
“Nah, Steve isn’t going to know who Yoda is.  That’s a must if we do Star Wars.” Tony said.
“Devils and Angels?” Wanda said.
“Not original,” Steve said.
“What about we just wear each other’s costumes?” Thor suggested.
“You really think you are gonna wear my wings?” Sam said, a hint of annoyance in his voice that made you and Bucky snicker.
“I don’t think any of you guys want to wear a leather catsuit,” Nat said.
“We could dress up as famous vines,” Shuri offered, smirking at you and Peter.  
The three of you quoted vines daily and the rest of the team never knew what you guys meant, which made it even more fun.  Eventually, Sam, Bucky and Clint started learning vines with you because they kept saying things which you guys followed up with vine references.  The frustration got to the three men and they started to learn with you, but they weren’t nearly as attentive as you, Shuri and Peter.
“What’s a vine?” Steve asked.
“Vine was a website created in 2012, officially released in 2013.  It was ultimately shut down in 2016.  Vine was a website where users would create short videos an-” Vision said.
“Vis, I don’t think they want a whole essay,” Wanda said, seeing the reactions of the other Avengers.  Sam had started to fake snore, Loki was muttering something to Peter about knifes, and Shuri was about to watch vines, from what you could tell.  
“It’s this app filled with people saying and doing stupid things for attention,” Nat sighed.
“EDUCATE YO SELF!” Clint shouted, right in Natasha’s ear.  Doing that earned him a hard punch in the back of the head.
“Well I don’t have all day so we need something,” Tony groaned, hitting his expo marker against the whiteboard.
You and everyone else was trying to come up with ideas when all the sudden, quiet Peter Parker, who was pretty much the baby of the tower, spoke up.
“Mr. Frost Giant, God sir?” Peter asked.
“Loki,” Loki sighed, pleasantly shocked.
“So, you have ice powers right?” Peter continued.
“Yes, I am an ice giant,” Loki said.
“You should be Elsa for Halloween,” Peter gasped.
Then, out of nowhere, Clint jumped up, looking like he had 5 monster energy drinks and 10 packs of warheads.
“I’LL BE MERIDA!!!” he screamed.
“I must assume that I am going to portray Elsa then,” Thor said, with a smile on his face.
“So...we are doing Disney princesses?” Tony asked, slightly confused.
“Looks like it,” Bucky said.
“Who the fuck am I gonna be?” Shuri asked.
“Language.” Steve said.
You and Shuri looked at each other for a moment and with a slight nod of your head, you were both in a song.
“FUCK SHIT PUSSY ASS!!!” you and Shuri sang.
“MOTHERFUC-” Peter started to continue, but Tony just slapped his hand over Peter’s mouth.  Tony swore that Peter wasn’t like a son to him, but this didn’t help his situation.
Steve was turning ad red as a tomato in his seat, not being able to process all the dirty words that escaped yours and Shuri’s mouths.
“Ok, who are all the Disney Princesses?” Tony asked, frustration in his voice as he looked down at Peter.  Tony gave him a look, one that said “Stop this shit or you get your suit taken away for two weeks” and once Peter nodded his head slightly, Tony removed his hand.
Vision started to list a bunch of them off, even some of the ones that aren’t considered princesses, like Megara, Alice and Jane.  Once Tony had a list of all the princesses, he started to write of all the avengers, making lines to match them up with their character.  
“Ok, who wants to find their Disney princess counterpart first?” Tony asked.
“Me, I already asked before,” Shuri said rolling her eyes.
“Well I mean you already are a princess.” you said.
“Oh,” Shuri said. “I don’t have to dress up then.  Haha.  You can cross my name off, Tony.”
Tony sighed and rolled his eyes, while taking her name off.
“Next?” he sighed.
“What about me?” Steve asked.
“Oh this is gonna be interesting.” Sam grinned.
“Snow White.” Bucky said, without even hesitating.
“Wait why?” you asked.
“Ohhhhh, I think I see why,” Wanda smirked.
“Continue Barnes,” Natasha said.
“First of all, Snow White was the very first princess to come out.  She came out in the thirties or forties.  She’s the oldest.  Steve was the first avenger and he is the oldest.”  Bucky said.
“Bucky, you are a couple months older than me.” Steve countered.
“Second,” Bucky continued, ignoring his friend completely.  “She is like the most gullible and is surrounded by followers.  Snow White was like living with seven dwarfs.  And she was underage and just lived with them. Steve here, was the leader of the Howling Commandos.  And I was in that group, so I had to endure him and his stupid ass decisions, but I couldn’t elect to ignore it.”
“That’s offensive,” Steve said.
“That's the point,” Bucky said.  
“Ok so Steve is Snow White.”  Tony declared, making a line between Snow White and Steve on the whiteboard.  “NEXTT!”
“Me,” said the super secret Russian spy.
“Hmm..” you thought.
“Megara,” said Clint.
“Oh that's a good one,” Sam agreed.
“Who is Megara?” Steve asked.
“She is an attractive Greek lady that Hercules, the son of Zeus, who is the King of the Greek Gods, falls in love with.” Thor explained.
“Thor, how do you of all people know that?” Shuri asked.  “Shouldn’t Vision know all of these things?”
“M’lady, I am formally educated in Disney movies by the request of Peter Parker, also known as ‘The One and Only Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman’.” Thor explained.
“Kid, you make Thor, the God of Thunder, sit through Sleeping Beauty?” Tony asked, shocked.
“My dear man of Iron, Sleeping beauty was quite relaxing.  That Prince Philip, that amazing man, demonstrated quite intellectually advanced ways to use a sword.  Ways that I can use Storm-breaker effectively in battle.” Thor smiled.
Tony and Sam shared a look of disgust with a combination of interest and concern.
“Thor, I don’t think you can learn fighting tactics from a cart-” Vision started.
“I need to watch the movies again,” Clint and Bucky muttered under their breaths.
“No she should be Mulan,” Wanda said.  “Mulan is determined and strong.  Megara just messed with the God of Death.”
“I mess with death all the time,” Natasha countered.
“I should be Megara.” Bucky stated.
“Because you almost died?” Steve asked.
“Because your soul is dark and empty?” Sam asked.
“Yes and no.  My hair is long, not as long as her’s but I can make it work.  Hair extensions.  She plays with Hercules’ emotions.  She is also strong and independent.  Like me.” Bucky explained.
“That settles it.  Bucky is Megara and Natasha is Mulan.”  Tony said, making lines between the two avengers and their princesses.  
“nEXXttT!” Tony shouted.
“Me me me!” Wanda said happily.
“Yes Mr. Stark I would like to go as well.” Vision added.
“Wanda would make the perfect Moana.” Thor said.  “Moana and Wanda both demonstrate very strong emotions, which affect their abilities regarding their powers and limits and they care deeply about the people that mean the most to them.”
He nudged Loki in the shoulder to try to get him more involved in the meeting.  Loki was just throwing his knives up in the air, and Peter was getting very interested, and getting dangerously close to the God of Mischief.  Tony was eyeing the two of them very, very carefully.
“Yeah, yeah sure,” Loki sighed, just going along with Thor or the sake of it.
“Who would Vision be then?” Sam asked.
“He could be the dead grandma,” Clint suggested.
“Yeah, that one that turned into the manta ray.” Nat agreed.
“It’s settled.  Moana and Dead Grandma Ray.” Tony said, making the lines once again.  He had to add “dead grandma” to the board for Vision’s sake.
“NeXXXXXtttT!!” he shrieked.
“Tony, you should be Belle,” Natasha said.
“Yeah.  I mean, they both fall in love and save the people that mean the most to them, even if it means putting their own life at risk.” Steve agreed.
“And they are both really smart.” Peter added.
“Peter, you just had to say that and I would have been on board.  Now I had to listen to Steve and Natasha for a minute.” Tony groaned as he drew a line between his name and Belle’s.
“Thanks Tony,” Steve said sarcastically.
“Your welcome, Capsicle.” Tony gleamed back.
“Sam should be Cinderella.” Bucky said.
“OMG that works!!” Shuri exclaimed.
“Yeah..” Sam realized.  “I’m Cinderella ‘cause she broke, homie.”
“Yeah,” Steve said, smiling from ear to ear, looking back at Sam.
“She represent me, yooo,” Sam said.  Then he looked over at Steve and said, “Lemme borrow twenty dollas.”
By this point, Steve couldn’t hold in the laughter and almost fell out of his chair.  And Sam, being as he called it “Steve’s best friend, better than Bucky,” saved Steve from collapsing on to the floor.
“Steve is the cinder princess.  Deal with it.” Tony declared, adding another line.
“NeeXXttTTT!” Tony screamed.
“Now, all that’s left is Peter and Y/N,” Wanda said, eyeing you two.
“Peter should be Rapunzel.  Before they face the real world, they are both innocent, but then when they see what the world is really like, it changes them.” Thor said, analyzing the similarities between the princess and the superhero.
“Jesus Christ, why is Point break actually really on point?” Tony asked.
“My dear Stalk of corn, I am educated like I told you earlier.  Insect man has really helped me tap into my inner child and all of the pain my demon brother made me endure.” Thor said.
“Spiderman,” Peter mumbled.
“I take that as a complement.” Loki stated, out of the blue.
“Rapunzel is Parker.” Tony declared.
“Last but not least, Y/N.” Steve said.
Now, it took everyone a while to come up with a princess for you.  You didn’t fit the exact mold or looks of a certain princess, so it was definitely harder.
“What about Alice?” Sam said/
“Why the fuck would she be Alice?” Bucky asked.
“Because Alice in Wonderland is supposed to portray the effects of drugs.” Sam explained.
“So your saying that I act like a drug addict?” you asked.
“NO!” Sam shouted.
“Sam, drop it before you dig your own grave.” Steve said.
“What about Jasmine?” offered Wanda.  “You have a very free spirit like her, and she’s your favorite princess.”
“Yeah sure, that sounds fine.” you agreed.
“Y/N is Jasmine!  dOOONNEe!” Tony shouted with relief.
“FINE!” Tony shouted back.  “NOW WE ARE DONE.  EVERYONE HAPPY?”
Everyone in the room, not wanting to disagree with a hot-headed Tony, looked around at each other and slowly nodded their heads.
“Great!” Tony smiled, a complete change in moods.  “Tomorrow we are going to Party City to get our costumes.  Everyone in this room has to come so we can get the wigs and dresses and makeup.  No skipping out.  That includes you Clint, Bucky and Loki.”
The three men who were called out rolled their heads and sighed.  But they agreed to go.  To Tony’s happiness.
“Great.  Meeting finished.  Pepper wants me for something.  Probably for the party.  Nobody try to call me or you will be met with an ear rape of AC/DC.” Tony said, putting on his glasses and promptly leaving the room in Stark fashion.  Everyone eventually left the room, you being lost in your thoughts.  
“You coming, doll?” Bucky asked, seeing you were still sitting in the room.
“Ya, I’ll be out in a second.” you said.  
“Alright, you, me and Clint are doing a Disney marathon for fighting tactics.  Don’t be late or you because we are gonna eat all the food.  I don’t wanna hear you complain.” Bucky said, walking out the door with a lazy drag of his legs.
Now, relief filled your body.  Now you wouldn’t have to hear arguing about costumes!  And they actually agreed to costumes, shockingly.  Now you just couldn’t wait to go to Party City and endure all the chaos.  And then, you left the room to watch Disney movies again, for fighting tactics.  
Oh, the chaos that awaits.  
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cilldaracailin · 4 years
Play The Game
Hello my Tumblr Lovely’s!
At last and about forty minutes later then I expected, I am finally ready to post after I kicked the internets butt (I really actually had a shower, got my stuff ready for work, got mad at the internet as it refused to work, turned my laptop on and off, disconnected and reconnected the internet and had a little moan (I say little, I mean a lot..) and finally it worked!
But anywhoo, the next part of the Play The Game! Hope you all enjoy...
Suze xx
*Little disclaimer, I did a little research for this part so I got the details as best as I could...*
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“A friend is one of the nicest things you can have and one of the best things you can be”
It was a rainy Saturday morning in London that met Robyn as she wheeled her case through the exit of Heathrow airport and she stayed under the cover of the airport to keep dry. She pulled out her phone to call Taron but saw a text message waiting for her. She read it with a grin and made her way towards a blacked-out car that was parked near the end of the pick-up point for cars.
“Hello Robyn.”
“Hey Anthony!” Robyn grinned as the driver stepped out and she recognised him immediately. “What are you doing here?”
“Thought that might be obvious chicken.” Robyn looked to the back window of the car that was slightly rolled down and she could see Taron’s eyes peeking through. “We are here to pick you up from the airport.”
She grinned and thanked Anthony as he took her case. “Please wait Robyn. I will get the door for you.”
“Anthony, I can get…”
“I will get it Robyn.”
“Okie dokie.”
Robyn stood patiently at the boot of the car and waited while Anthony sorted her case and once he was finished, followed him around to the opposite side of the car and after he had opened the door, slipped into the back seat and was met with a wonderfully large grin on Taron’s face and a bunch of daffodils.
“Hello chicken!” Taron’s excitement levels had been on overdrive and he was finding it so hard to stay in the back of the car, let alone sit still. Robyn had told him she had planned on taking the tube to Tottenham Court Road and walk the quick ten minutes to The Mandrake hotel, the one Taron had organised for them and meet him there but Taron had other ideas and arranged a car to pick her up. He just hadn’t told her that he was going to be in the back waiting for her. “These are for you.” He handed over the daffodils to her, knowing they were her absolute favourite.
“Taron!” Exclaimed Robyn not expecting to see him until she was at the hotel, but here he was right beside her. “Aww wow thank you. My favourite.” She took the flowers from him. “These are beautiful.” Robyn placed them beside the door, which was now closed as Anthony was back behind the wheel, driving them away from the airport and to their hotel for the night. “I want my squishy hug now.” She said with a firm voice and enjoyed hearing Taron’s laugh in person and how he shuffled closer to her and wrapped her up tightly into his arms.
“This is a different take on the hug. The sitting sideways squishy but I am so happy to see you. It has been much too long since we have seen each other in person.”
“Hey that’s all on you. I am not the big movie star spending my time in New York re-shooting a movie and I am training free at the moment. I’ve been spending my weekend with cwtch.”
Taron grinned as he leant his nose into her neck and rubbed her back. “Not my fault the weather in New York was shit and we had to wait for the snow to melt a little.”
“Ok I will give you that one.” Robyn slowly moved her fingers through his hair at the back of his head, smiling that he hadn’t had the chance to cut it short because he needed the length for his Eggsy re-shoots. “Nice to see you too by the way.” Robyn moved away from him and smiled. “And Anthony too.” She said giving a nod towards the driver seat.
“I asked Elton for a favour and once I mentioned you, he was very willing to help me out. Anthony more than happy to help too when he heard it was you. What is it about people just wanting to do things for you?”
Robyn blushed a little. “People don’t just do things for me.”
Taron chucked against her. “You have no idea the power you hold over everyone chicken. Me, my family, the kids you work with, Stella, Elton, Anthony, Richard? The list is endless.” He smiled as she tugged his hair a little in protest. “I just tell it like it is Robyn.” He gave her one more quick hug and moved back from her.
Ignoring his comment completely, Robyn lifted her eyes to look at him and grinned. “Hey you don’t look tired! That’s a first.”
“I have been in London since Wednesday and literally spent the last two days sleeping but you do.” Taron frowned a little as he gently ran a fingertip under the dark circles under her eyes. “You been sleeping?”
After having her eyes closed and very much enjoying the feeling of his fingers on her skin, she looked to him. “Been a busy two weeks.”
“Still sorting that paper work shit out?”
“It is finally sorted. I didn’t want to have to be at it next week as the date for it to be finished is next Wednesday, so I didn’t leave the office till after nine last night.”
“Robyn…” Taron was ready to frown at her but she interrupted him before he could.
“Yeah I know but if I had to look at those forms again, I was actually going to go mad and I sent the last one off all corrected and filled in. It was such a load of bollocks anyway. Moving the date of registration and then giving out more paperwork to be filled in and then I was chasing parents for forms that had been sent home and trying to catch them because they had missed a place to sign and it was just…” Her long-winded sentence was cut off as Taron pulled her in for another hug.
“You needed this weekend huh?”
“More than you could imagine.” She answered taking one long deep breathe, cuddling a little more into him, though it was a little awkward in their sideways position.
“How about a nap when we get to the hotel?” He asked her, carefully letting her go and once out of his arms, used his two hands to brush her hair away from her face, his fingers separating soft strands the whole length of her hair. “And I know you got your hair cut.”
Robyn grinned. “I told you I was going too.”
“You told me an inch.”
“I did get an inch.”
“This is more than an inch.” He said, gathering her hair around her shoulders, fanning the long strands out, frowning when he couldn’t find the colour he was searching for. “And you took the pink out.”
“It mostly washed out and my hairdresser was mad at me!” She laughed. “Not impressed at all. She changed it all back to blonde.”
“I liked the pink.” He said sadly.
“I am a bit old for the pink.”
“Never.” He smiled, moving to sit back against the seat. “Can’t believe you cut your hair. I specifically didn’t get a haircut because I know you like my hair longer.”
Robyn laughed as she moved to sit right beside him, their legs touching. “You are such a liar and a bad one at that. You just told me you spent the last two days sleeping. There was no time for you to go and get a haircut, especially when you have only just come back from New York.”
Shaking his head, Taron realised he had been caught out. “Alright fine but you did cut more than you said you would.”
“And it has grown a lot since I have seen you last.” She chucked at his face when as he stared at her. “You are a little protective of my hair.”
“I just like it long that’s all.” Taron turned to kiss her temple, his lips lingering a moment longer than necessary on her skin.
“I like it long too. You know it has taken me years to grow it out. It just really needed a good trim. I am never going to cut it short and it is still really long Taron. I mean it goes down past my shoulder blades.” She took in his doubtful face and smiling tapped his nose as she always did when he was giving her his best frown. “Hair grows Taron.”
“Yeah I know.” He tapped her nose back. “No sign of those freckles coming back either.”
“Taron…” Robyn’s voice was playful.
“Anyway, moving on, so you all set for this evening.” He asked her.
“You brought my dress?” She asked him.
“Yep. In the boot.”
“Then I am all set. I am looking forward to it.”
“To the musical or the red carpet?”
“The musical.” She whispered.
“I got the red carpet covered and I know Lyndsey has called you.”
“She has. Gave me some tips and answers and I promise to follow them.” She replied. “As best I can.” She added with a second thought.
“Do I get to see fiery Robyn tonight?” He asked her.
“Hopefully not. I promise to be good.”
“I know you will chicken.” Taron re-positioned his body a little against the back seat, rolling his neck and his shoulders when he felt a little uncomfortable twinge seep in before he settled.
“You ok?” Robyn asked him watching as his eyes closed and a little whimper left his lips as he rolled his head again, his right hand moving to the nape of his neck to rub the slight ache he obviously was feeling away.
“Just a little stiff and sore. Re-shoots are always gruelling. Trying to cram as much as we can into the last few hours we have. Instead of being tired I am just a little tender.”
“Am I getting flashbacks from when you came to my home and every move you made hurt you?”
“No you’re not. Just some of the perks of the job. Sleeping constantly over the last two days hasn’t really helped. I will be right as rein for this evening and you don’t have to give me that look. I am just fine. Our bathroom has a rainfall shower. Might take extra advantage of it this evening.”
“Bet you are glad to be finally finished.”
“It’s been one of the longest shoots.”
“Didn’t help the break in-between either.”
“No, it dragged it out but it’s done. I am glad I am not in Matthew’s shoes. He has just under a month to edit and get the movie ready for release.”
“Surely it would have made more sense to just push the release date back?”
“In theory yes but in reality, no. Not with all the promotion already organised and booked. It’s just a logistical mess and editing a movie is much easier when it comes down to it all.”
“You are going to be busy in April.” Frowned Robyn.
“You too.”
“Not as busy as you.”
“Seven shows as Mimi?” He countered
“Yeah but I have one show an evening. You have a gazillion interviews and press thingy-ma-bobs one after the other in a gazillion different countries.”
“Sounds about right.” Laughed Taron. “Press thingy-ma-bobs. You’re still going to get me a ticket to your show?”
“Yep as soon as they go on sale.”
“And a front row seat?”
“I will get you a good seat Taron. Maybe not front row cos it is quite close to the stage. Sometimes a few rows back are best.”
“Perfect. I am very happy our dates don’t clash.”
“Me too but you are straight into promotion on the Monday after you come to see RENT.”
“I will be fine. I always get a fabulous sleep in your bed. It can be my last cosy duvet sleep before the madness starts.”
“Did you plan this whole thing yourself? Talk to the musical society so our dates wouldn’t clash with yours and that you would be able to have at least one decent sleep before you went on your promotional tour?”
“Dammit, my secret is out! The promotion is always so tiring so I will need a good sleep before it starts and I have always had a wonderful sleep at your house.”
“You can bring your throw with you when you are working.”
“That is exactly what I am going to do. That throw has been a life saver to me.” As Taron spoke, Robyn yawned rubbing her eyes. “You are in need of a nap.”
“I don’t nap.” Replied Robyn through another yawn, frowning as it left tired watery tears in her eyes. She wiped them again but it made no difference as she found herself just closing her eyes as she was struck with a bout of yawning.
“You are going to make me start soon.” He chuckled watching as she tried to stop herself from doing it again but failed. “Hey Anthony, how long till we get to the hotel?”
“About half an hour Taron.” He replied looking in his mirror to him, “Traffic isn’t that bad at the moment.”
“We’ll be there soon Robyn and I think a nap is on the cards. I don’t want you falling asleep on me tonight at the musical.”
“Me sleep through a musical? Never but a nap would probably be a good idea.”
“How many hours have you worked this week?” He asked slipping his arm around her waist.
“I started at seven most mornings.”
“And finished at?”
“Probably after six and then last night a little later.”
“Robyn that is a near sixty-hour week!” Taron exclaimed. “And you have musical rehearsals twice a week too.”
“Actually, it was fifty-two.”
“You are going to burn out Robyn. Please tell me you have some holidays coming up soon.”
“Well actually, St Patrick’s Day is in three weeks so we get a day off for that.”
“Wow a whole day. That’s a fucking wonderful holiday.” He replied sarcastically.
“And if you let me finish, I was going to see about taking the day after off…”
“You need more than a day off.”
“And again if you let me finish this sentence which is a particularly long one….” She turned to look at him and he gestured with his right hand for her to continue. “St Patrick’s Day is on a Tuesday this year so we get the Monday off anyway but I have already put my request in to get the Wednesday off and it would be three days off along with the weekend and…” Robyn covered Taron’s mouth with her left hand as she saw him about to interrupt her again. “And I was going to see if you were free to come and visit and spend St. Patrick’s Day with me and Jesus Taron! Stop with the licking!” Taking her hand away, she wiped her palm on his t-shirt under his shirt, adoring the feeling of his chest moving as under her hand as he laughed.
“I can go and be Irish for a day?” Taron asked a little excitedly, his voice deepening, his accent getting stronger as it always did when his tone lowered.
“Yes if you have no plans, you wanna come over to be Irish for the day?”
“Can I get back to you? I am almost sure I am free and would love to come over but I am working with my agent at the moment for a new role and I want to make sure the screen test isn’t that weekend.”
“Of course. So which script is it? The desperately in love man who can’t get the girl or the son who lives in an abusive household.”
“The second one.”
“Taron that’s fantastic. I know how much you had wanted that part.”
“Hopefully you can rub some Irish luck on me before you go tomorrow so I can have a hells chance of getting it.”
Robyn ran her two hands down his face smirking enjoying the boyish chuckle he made. “There ya go and just ask if you need more. Also don’t sell yourself short Taron. You are an incredible actor.”
“You have to say that. You are my best friend.”
“I said it before I was your best friend. You know that.”
“Yeah I do and thank you and if the screen test isn’t then, I will definitely come and be Irish with you. Top of the mornin’ to ya!” He laughed.
“Oh Taron, no sweetheart no.” Robyn slid from around his arm, patted his thigh and turned her body to face him. “If you are coming to Ireland for St. Patrick’s Day there are some rules and the first one is, no typical Irish puns in dreadfully clichéd Irish accents. You will be slaughtered!”
“Alright ok. What is rule number two?”
“Wearing green is obligatory as well as half a shamrock plant.”
“I can do that. Anything else?”
“Nope that is it.”
“Well if I go, I can follow those rules easily. Can I add a third one?”
“A pint of Guinness. I must have a pint of Guinness.”
Smiling, Robyn lifted his arm and slipped back under it. “We can definitely get you a pint of the black stuff.”
Grinning Taron nodded. “As soon as I know if I am free, I will let you know.”
“Great. It will be low key St. Patrick’s Day Taron. I actually hate Dublin on Patrick’s Day. It is so horribly busy but Kilcreen has a parade and my choir normally puts on a little concert in the town square afterwards and there is a duck race and a few other things.”
“A duck race?”
“People can buy a yellow plastic duck in the town for five euro. Then all the ducks are launched into the canal at the locks and they float, very slowly, under the bridge towards a finish point and the person who bought the winning duck gets a prize.”
Taron chuckled. “Obviously a very traditional Irish activity.”
“In Kilcreen yeah.”
“Well chicken, if I can go, I will wear my best green outfit and buy a duck.”
Robyn smiled. “Great.” Another yawn left her lips and she shook her head. “Jesus sorry Taron.”
Using his right hand on her cheek, he guided her head to his chest. “Just close your eyes.”
Doing as he asked, Robyn closed her tired eyes and allowed herself to melt into him, enjoying the warmth his body always provided her. As much as she loved coming to see Taron, their time together was always so short and as she sat against him, listening to his heart beat and feeling his chest rise and fall with every breathe he took, she wished they were able to have more than forty-eight hours together just once.
It was a pleasant ten minute cuddle they got with each other as Anthony drove them to their hotel and once they had pulled up outside, Robyn had already opened the door before Anthony could get to do it.
“Shit sorry Anthony.” She apologised as she closed the car door. “It’s just habit, you know getting out of a car myself.”
With a grin, Anthony opened the boot of the car and took out their cases, handing Taron the two garment bags.
“So I will see you both at six?”
“Perfect. Thanks so much.” Agreed Taron. He went to take their cases but saw that Robyn had already lifted them both up onto the curb. “Robyn...”
“Don’t you start.” She said as he joined her at the curb, pointing her bunch of daffodils at him.
“It’s just they have a luggage service here chicken. You really don’t have to do that.”
Robyn turned to see a very well-dressed man walking towards them. “I can take those from you ma’am.” He stood beside Robyn and smiling, took the two small suitcases from her. “And sir, those as well?”
“Please.” Taron handed over the two garment bags.
“And the name sir?”
“I will bring them to your room.”
“Thank you very much.” Answered Taron and moved the two steps to stand beside Robyn who had that look on her face when she was getting ready to disapprove of something.
“Taron Egerton, didn’t I say specify simple and that you weren’t to go all out for a hotel room? Luggage service?”
“I didn’t.” He answered. “I didn’t even pay for the room.” He smiled, feeling all the love in the world at that current moment for how innocent Robyn really was when it came to being involved in his events and it just warmed his heart so much. He loved watching her get to enjoy the finer things in life his job gave to him and he was so happy to be able to share them with her, especially because this kind of luxury was an absolute treat for her and she became almost childlike with excitement. “It was an option that came with the tickets for the evening. We had a choice of hotels and I picked this one because it was the less extravagant of the three.”
“You get your room included in events you go to?”
“Not normally but for this one yep. So, you can’t be mad at me for anything to do with the hotel because I had nothing to do with it.” Taron linked his arm with hers. “Now shall we go and check in?”
“Sure, why not? Have you stayed here before?” She asked him as the doorman opened the door for them.
“Nope. This is a first for me too.”
Robyn actually stopped mid-step as she took in the grand luxury of the lobby, Taron pulling her a little to get her waking again. The dark grey wooden floor was shining and the burgundy sofas near the reception were a shade lighter than the dress she had picked. Expensive artwork decorated the walls and the green marble desk of the reception was a stunning emerald colour.
“Welcome to the Mandrake.” The receptionist said cheerily as they approached.
“I have a reservation under Egerton?” Explained Taron, trying not laugh at Robyn as he could see her looking around the lobby, her eyes wide.
“Ok great.” The receptionist typed the name into her computer. “Perfect. I have you here Mr. Egerton. You are booked into one of our terrace rooms for a one-night stay with your guest?”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Fantastic.” After some more typing, the lady took a piece of paper that she had printed off from the computer and slid it towards Taron. “Could I just get you to sign here please?”
“Sure.” Taron took the pen and signed his name as instructed.
“Thank you. You are in room seven.” She explained as she handed him a key. “Along with our terrace rooms, comes an automatic reservation for a meal at Jurema, our restaurant beside the terrace rooms, so if you would like to use that, please just ring reception and we can organise that for you. With your room, you also have full access to the Waeska bar, again which is right beside the terrace rooms and there is some beautiful seating in the courtyard of the bar. Your room also a set of double doors which opens onto a private little terrace of your own.”
“That sounds perfect.” Taron picked up the key.
“To get to your room, take the left at the end of the reception where you will come to the lift. The terrace rooms are located on the fifth floor. Once onto the decking, you will see a sign which will guide you to a small corridor to the left of the lift. Once down the corridor you will see another sign that directs you to your room which is to the left. It is the very last room on that row, in the corner. It is one of our quietest rooms.”
“That sounds even better.” Smiled Taron. It was just what he had hoped for. A quiet room in a quiet area of the hotel.
“Check out tomorrow is at twelve and if you need anything at all during your stay, please don’t hesitate to call us here at reception.”
“Thank you very much.”
“You are more than welcome. Enjoy your stay here with us.”
Giving a nod, Taron slipped his hand in Robyn’s and with a pull, he guided her back down the lobby. “Cat got your tongue?” He asked her as they stood in front of the lift. “It is rare that Robyn Quinn is speechless.” Taron reached forward and pressed the button to call for the lift.
“This place is insane. I mean I have stayed in what I thought was a luxury hotel in Gran Canaria but it is nothing compared to this.”
Taron grinned. “Events like these have nothing but the best Robyn.”
“And didn’t you say this was the least expensive of the three.” Taron nodded and Robyn shook her head.
“It’s just the way it is chicken.” He replied giving her hand a squeeze. “All I can say to you is just enjoy it.” The lift dinged open with a little jingle and Taron looked to her. “Yeah, I know, Robyn. I know.”
“What’s wrong with a simple ding?” She asked as they walked into the lift, Taron pushing the button for floor five once inside and as the doors were closed, he gave her a hug. “What’s this for?” She asked against his shoulder.
“Just thought you needed one. I think you knew Elton’s was going to be, well Elton, but this weekend is a whole different ball game for you and I wanted to know I am so glad you came with me.”
“You gave me one of your vouchers Taron and I have already told you that I wanted to come. I wanted to see you and if it has to be in a hotel that probably costs a week’s wages a night for me then I guess it has to be so. Do you think there will be chocolates on the pillows?”
It was wonderful laugh that filtered through him. “I should hope so and if not, I will ring reception to ask for some.”
“You remember what happened the last time we were around a lift?” She asked him, a ridiculously stupid plan quickly forming in her mind.
“Vaguely.” He answered and although he laughed as Robyn moved her head to place a kiss on the side of his neck, his heart jumped out of his skin and he felt his legs buckle. His feelings hadn’t changed since they spent the few days over New Years together and while his friends continued to give him stick over his serious crush on the woman he was holding tight, they only increased when she slid into the car beside him earlier and now the kisses she left on his neck and jaw were burning his skin alive. “Ok ok!” He chuckled. “That’s enough of that!” He placed his hands on her shoulders and gave her a little push away from him.
Robyn’s face was in a full grin. “Just returning the favour.” She replied shrugging as the lift dinged again as it stopped at their floor.
Again, he found himself alone in the lift as Robyn walked out and he took some steps to follow her but nearly knocked her over, his hands wrapping around her stomach tightly to keep her standing as she stalled right in front of the lift. “Shit sorry Robyn.”
“Wow.” Was her answer to him as to why she had stopped and when he looked up, he repeated her words.
It looked like they had stepped out of a hotel and into a small tropical paradise. A pristine wooden decking covered the edge of the fifth floor and with the sturdy railings to the left and right of them, Robyn presumed those railings provided the privacy for the balconies each room had. Robyn walked over to the railing in front of her, Taron’s hands falling from her stomach and looked down to the fourth floor below them. Wicker chairs with white cushions and glass encased wicker tables were spread evenly along the fourth floor and there were two chair swings against the wall on the left side of the floor. There was a garden in the middle of the fourth floor surrounded by the same railing she was leaning on and within the little garden were palm trees and large tropical plants which only added to the serene atmosphere the terrace floor provided. To the right on the fourth floor was a wooden bar and more seats and tables which were decorated with candles. Above the bar, the railings for the private balconies which were covered in leafy green vines. More vibrant vines climbed the walls and trellises around the two floors and the sunlight from the windows flooded everywhere with a stunning brightness which helped create the outdoors feeling.
“This is incredible.” Commented Robyn. “I don’t feel like I am in London any more and that is for sure.”
“Definitely something else. Shall we go and find our room?”
Grinning at Robyn’s change in attitude towards the fancy hotel, he let her lead the way down the small corridor beside the lift as instructed and once they reached the next set of decking and greenery, Robyn turned left and walked down the hallway to the very end. “Number seven, right?”
Robyn stopped outside a wooden door and waited for Taron. “You want to do the honours?” He asked her.
“Nope. That’s ok. You go ahead.”
He held the key against the keypad and once he heard the click, pushed down on the handle and opened the door. “After you and now I see you wanted me to open the door. So, you could get in first and take the chocolates from the pillow!”
Robyn was laughing as she walked into the room but again stopped misstep, Taron having to come to a sudden complete halt behind her. “You need to stop doing that Robyn.”
It seemed to be their word of the hour as once again Taron repeated it. The room had a small hallway with a wooden wardrobe to the right of them and once they moved through the small walkway, it brought them into the actual room. Taron was prepared for Robyn stopping this time and side stepped around her. The room was a generous size and to their left, against the wall, a large king bed, with a wooden head board, white spotless sheets, duvet cover and pillows and two red decorative cushions. The cushions matched the long floor to ceiling curtains which hung in front of four wide glass panelled doors. In front of the bed, a light brown couch, four more red cushions adorning it. An oval coffee table with two glasses and jug of water sat on a large square mat in front of the couch. A very large flat screen TV was mounted to the wall at the right-hand side and underneath that a desk that spanned the length of the all and under the desk a fridge and mini bar. To the right of the TV was a mirror and under the desk at the mirror a very comfortable looking chair.
“This is beautiful.” Robyn walked into the room and dropped her shoulder bag and flowers on the couch. She made her way to the right and into the large bathroom which was decked out in white marble with grey swirled through it. A large oval mirror was sat on the wall over the sink and the shower had glass doors with two white dressing gowns hung on them.
“That my rainfall shower?” Taron asked as he stepped in beside her.
“I think so.” Robyn opened the doors of the shower. “Yep.”
“Fantastic. I have been looking forward to that since I heard there was one.”
“Your shoulders must be really sore Taron if you have been looking forward to this all week.”
“Just a bit. We were doing a lot of hand to hand combat scenes and I got knocked to the floor a lot, landing on my shoulders.”
“Maybe you should have brought your shoulder massage voucher.” She winked.
“Maybe I did.” He winked back.
“Well if not, you will have to make do with the shower then.” She laughed as she walked past him and back into the room noticing that the suitcases were just outside the bathroom door. “Hey our cases are here.”
“That is why they were taken when we arrived chicken. Our clothes are probably in the wardrobe too.”
Curious, Robyn walked back to the little entrance hallway and opened the wardrobe. On the railing hung the two garment bags. She was about to open Taron’s to look at his suit when he called her name, so instead she closed the doors and followed his voice. He had opened the balcony doors and was standing outside on the decking. She joined him and was tempted to say wow again but held it in. Their corner room gave them a slightly bigger balcony and they could see right over the whole fourth floor, the railing entirely covered with the vines giving them complete privacy from anyone looking up.
“I feel like we are actually outside even though we aren’t.”
“We were really lucky with this room. Right away from the bar. It will be nice and quiet here.”
“I want to have a go on those chair swings.” She said excitedly pointing towards the chairs handing from the metal chains.
Taron laughed. “You do have your own chair swing.”
“Yeah I know but it has been in my garden shed since the end of September. Can’t use it when the weather is shitty.” Robyn turned to lean on the railing. “Thanks Taron. This is amazing.”
“I didn’t do anything Robyn.”
“You invited me.”
“Because of a present you gave me for Christmas.”
“Because I wanted to do more things like this with you, to spend more time with you.”
“And normally this is where I throw in the part about how I am here because of you but I won’t because I know you are going to do that!” Taron laughed as she gently poked him in his side. He went to poke her back but as she moved and he threw his arms around her instead and hugged her close, giggling with her, smiling a little sadly as she yawned again. “How about that nap?”
“No Taron. Let’s go explore this place. I am dying to see what the other floors are like.”
“We have the whole weekend to do that Robyn. You are exhausted and I know you want to enjoy the evening tonight and if you are tired, you won’t be able to thoroughly do so.”
“But this is your weekend too. I don’t want to be sleeping when we are together.”
“Robyn, being here with you is all I need and I am happy to lay on this bed and get some rest too. It’s only ten in the morning. We have the whole afternoon to explore. Anthony is coming back to get us at six so we have time.”
As another yawn filled her whole body, Robyn nodded and agreed. She was extremely excited about going to watch The Prince of Egypt on stage and knew that even if she wasn’t too fond of taking naps, to be fully awake and on her game for the red carpet, a little bit of sleep would do her the world of good. They walked back into the room and Taron closed the balcony door and locked them too and turning around laughed as Robyn jumped backwards and landed on the bed with a bounce, one of the cushions falling onto the floor.
“It is comfy?” He asked as he pulled the curtains closed.
“Not as good as mine it will do.” Robyn turned and moved up the bed so she was laying on the left-hand side. She full belly laughed as Taron walked up the alongside her side of the bed and crawled over her to get to his side. “Ugh you’re a proper tosspot.” She giggled, pushing his legs off her, rolling onto her side so she could look at him as he lay on his back.
“But you love me.”
“Sometimes I wonder.” She replied enjoying the fake look of hurt he gave her. “Yes, I love you.”
“Right then. Nap time. Get over here.” Taron patted the edge of the pillow he was laying on and Robyn shuffled over to him and lay her head there. He reached for the TV controller on the locker beside him and turned it on.
As Taron flicked through the early morning programmes, Robyn snuggled a little closer to him, glad when Taron moved his arm so she could lay her head on his shoulder. Being close to Taron felt so natural to her now and it was just a warmth and comfort she couldn’t get anywhere else except from him. Her stomach twisted in knots and though she thought it was nerves as her appearance on the red carpet with Taron creeped closer, in her heart she knew it wasn’t. It was the true and honest love she knew she had for the man who was slowly running his hand up and down her left arm. She hoped he couldn’t feel her heart racing in her chest as she lay cosily against him. She couldn’t help the content little sigh that left her lips and nestling her face a little closer to him, she decided that if this was how good naps were, she would take one every day.
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thorne93 · 4 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 51)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:3608
Warnings: Language, fighting, lost control of powers OFC, reader argues with loki, heart to heart, hurt reader, feeling out of place, homesick loki,
song for this part: Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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You and Shannon were sitting on your beds, playing on your phones when you heard what sounded like a stampede in the hall. Both of you peered up curiously. 
“What’s going on?” Shannon called out. 
A young girl, Julie you think her name was, answered with excitement, “Tony Stark and Loki are fighting in the gym! Logan is referring!” 
Your eyes met Shannon’s and the two of you made a mad dash for the ring as best you could. You two wanted to fly, but with the toll the transfusions were taking, that just wasn’t possible. So you scrambled along as fast as you could down the hallway to the gym. 
Just as you walked in, you saw Loki land a hard punch on Tony’s jaw, sending him to the mat face down. As Loki moved toward Tony though, Tony turned and kicked him in the stomach with a hard grunt. The motion made him wheeze as he fell to his knees, gripping his stomach. 
“What are you doing?!” you boomed out, your emotions flaring. 
Logan upon seeing both women knew exactly what could happen so at the top of his lungs, he shouted, “Everyone OUT! I don’t want to see a single student in here right now.” His deep voice making a rumbling echo in the room.
There was a collective “aww” made by the students. A few were actually aware of the reason behind it so they helped lead the others out and back to their schedules.
“You heard the guy!” Wade puts up his macho man act on. “Scram!!” He crosses his arms and he give the students a look.
“What is wrong with you two!” Shannon yelled but the two men were too busy trying to continue fighting. “Y/N, we have to stop them they’re going to get hurt and I can’t heal them in this state I'm in. I'm not sure how much more I can see before my powers try to take over.” She looked to her friend and just as she finished her sentence, her powers (as if called upon) activated causing her to rise up into the air. Her eyes had begun glaze over a milky white then suddenly became swirls of red and purple.
“Holy shit,” you muttered, fear wrapping around you before your eyes darted to the two men. “Hey! Knock it off!” you screamed at the two. They finally heard you, both of them turning to you before their eyes traveled up to Shannon, floating in mid-air.
“Umm, boys it looks like we are in for some trouble. You better stop your fight now,” Logan said as he saw his close friend being controlled by what she was trying to get rid of.
“Looks like you two are in for a world of trouble now!” Wade grins seeing his badass of a friend get ready to do her thing. “Give it to ‘em  cupcake!” He roots for her.
Knock it off Wade!” Logan gets closer to the other man and smacks him upside the head.
“Shannon!” Tony yelped when he realized that she was up in the air, unable to control what was happening.
“Y/N?” Loki said in a confused tone, eyeing you.
All you could do was stare at him. What on Earth was he doing?
“Enough! You two are acting like children,” came Shannon’s booming voice that echoed and made the lights flicker and shake from the sound. “What is wrong with you two?” Her hands were filled with two growing energies and she was ready to throw them to split the two apart.
“Shannon, sweetie, you need to get down. You're not strong enough to be doing this right now.” Tony took his gloves off and was walking towards the edge of the ring. “Babe, I’ll stop, okay? Look, I’m going to get out of the ring.”
“You shouldn’t have been in there in the first place, Anthony Edward Stark.” she was visibly upset and he knew that she only ever called him that when he’d done something wrong. 
In the very same instant, Bruce was entering the room and noticed everyone looking up and he panicked seeing Shannon in mid-air when she was in no condition to be doing so. “Shannon, get down you’re going to get hurt!” 
As if his words were a command, she closed her eyes and grabbed her head and just like that she was falling. 
“Shannon!” came from all but Loki’s mouth as they all rushed to reach her before she hit the floor.
The first one to actually reach was Bruce and was able to catch her in time, he saw just how much doing something as being up there had drained her of any energy she might have been getting back from her rest.
“Nice catch Brucie, guess the fun's over for now,” He pats the man on the shoulder. “Let me know when she wakes up so I can see her.” Wade pulls out a sucker from his pocket and walks away.
He nods his head and looks down at Shannon. “Y/N, we need to get back to the room and check her status. I may need you to do another transfusion if necessary,” he said looking at her after making sure he had a good grip on Shannon. “Come with me. We need to hurry.”
You bit your lip. “Alright, fine, yeah, just tell me what you need.” 
“Bruce, is she okay?” Tony had jumped down from the ring and was at the Dr.’s side in an instant. “Here, I’ll take her you can go ahead and get things ready.”
“No, I think you’ve done more than enough, Tony.” He frowned at the man. “Logan, go inform Hank that I need him down in the room. We need to do a complete check on her.” Without a second glance, he walked out of the room and hurried as carefully as possible to get Shannon back into her bed. “I hope you didn’t over do it, Shan, what the hell were you thinking?”
“B-Bruce?” Her voice was hoarse. “What happened? All I remember was telling Y/N something then things went black.”
“It’s okay, I’ll explain when we get back to the room, okay?”
Shannon nodded her head and she leaned it on his chest.
All four men and you had followed Bruce back to the room adjacent to the Med Bay. Just as Shannon was put back in be,  Hank entered the room with the equipment and Charles soon after showed up to find out what had happened.
“Can someone please explain what occurred?” Charles looked to the men but they all seemed to avoid looking into his eyes.
“Tony and Loki were in the ring, fighting,” you explained evenly. “I think Logan arranged it. I’m not sure why they were there to begin with, but by the time we got there, they were bloodied and bruised. I think the sight upset Shannon too much and her powers overcame her and she collapsed from mid-air. Bruce caught her though.” 
“Her vitals aren’t stable,” he informed everyone in the room. “The best I can tell is that she’s suffered from an attack. Something much like a heart attack or anxiety attack.” 
“Logan, I presume you have something to do with this.” Charles looked over at him. “Why am I not surprised, really to these lengths you’d go.” He shook his head.
“It was better than letting these two idiots duke it out in the middle of the hall causing a commotion,” was his response. “Dr.Banner notify me when she’s woken up. I wanna say I’m sorry for causing all this.”  And with that he walked out of the room.
“You got it, Logan.” Bruce tucked a strand of hair behind Shannon’s ear unaware of the look Tony was giving him. “Are we ready for a full scan, Hank?”
“Y/N,” Hank started and your eyes darted towards him as you chewed your nail. “I hate to ask this. I know you did a transfusion today, but I’m going to need another one. Her body is a wreck right now and I need some more of your power to sort her cells out. Do you think you’d be up for it?”
You nodded. “Sure.” Easily, you lifted your hand and let the power stream out of you and into your best friend. With each second, you could feel yourself getting tired, weaker, your legs were close to giving out, but she needed this. For a moment, the words of Frigga and Thor echoed in your head about needing to be in Asgard, that you drew your power from there.
Tony could see just how much of a toll this was on you. He hadn’t been around when you would do the transfusions and knowing you’re doing a second one on the same day he felt guilty. None of this would have happened if he had kept his mouth shut, but he was too frustrated with what he had seen earlier. He walked over to you and helped steady you so that you wouldn’t collapse.
“Here let me help you,” was all he said as he held you up.
“I’m okay, Tony, I can still stand, I might need help getting to my bed though.” You pointed towards where you had been sleeping lately. “Thank you though.”
“We’ll talk later, okay? You need to rest,” Tony replied and helped you to your bed. All the while Loki just stood there watching the whole thing. He hadn’t said much since he said her name in the ring.
“Thanks, Tony I look forward to our chat,” you replied. You looked over at Loki, seeing him look anywhere else but at you. 
“Looks like Shannon is back down to a good level. I suggest these two women be left alone for the time being,” Hank told the other people in the room.
“Alright this should be enough for now, Y/N. Why don’t you go get some sleep. I’ll wake you up in a few hours?” Bruce suggested.  He turned to Charles. “She’s stable again, since she’s had two transfusions in a day, we should wait until the next one. Her body may not be able to resist going into a semi-comatose state.”
“You’re right. We’ll give them both a longer time to recover before continuing.” Nodding his head towards everyone else, he left the room.
“I’ll let Gambit know he won’t be able to visit this afternoon so you can relax okay?” Bruce told you as he checked your vitals once you were comfortable on your bed.
“He’ll probably still show up later but it’s fine, thank you though.” You smiled at the man.
“No problem.” He walked away letting them get situated.
Before you could sleep though, you needed a word with your boyfriend. You pushed him out of the room and in the hall, closing the door behind you.
“What the hell is the matter with you?” you demanded of Loki, not hiding the anger in your tone.
“Me? I could ask that of you. I thought you were bedridden?” he accused angrily. 
“I am,” you insisted. “Who told you I’m not?” 
“I saw it with my own eyes. You were holding, I don’t know who,” he informed. 
“Remy? I was dancing with Remy. Is that a crime?” you asked. “Besides, what the hell does that have to do with beating the shit out of Tony?”
He looked off, pressing his lips together. You knew that look, he was trying to calm himself before he answered. “I saw you with that man and I… Stark and I may have exchanged words right after.” 
You shake your head, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You have to be joking. After everything I’ve done? After risking my life, after almost dying for you, after sacrificing living a normal life for you, do you still think I would love someone else?!” 
His eyes turned hard as they focused on you. “And you’re really that blind? I’m not worthy of your love. I’ve nearly gotten you killed. Had you imprisoned. Because of me, you’ve been outcasted by all your friends and family. It makes sense for you to love anyone else but me.”
All you could do was shake your head before quietly confirming, “Yeah, it does.” 
With that, you turned on your heel to race to your room, your heart racing and tears threatening. 
Loki stood in the hallway dumbfounded, questions if maybe his self destructive ways had finally come back to bite him in the ass. Just as he picked up his ego off the floor and headed out the door, Tony approached him and slapped his back. 
“Now that we’ve gotten the testosterone out of our system, what do you say we go get drinks?” 
Loki stopped, completely stunned. “You honestly want to go out on a social outing with me?” 
“Sure, why not? Not like either of us are wanted here right now. Come on, I’ll drive,” Tony offered in his usual casual laid back way. 
Loki seemed incredulous, but after the unusual day he’d already had, he succumbed and climbed into the flashy sports car, and he actually admired it. 
Before too long, they wound up at a bar far on the outskirts of the city. Tony didn’t want either one of them to be recognized and he knew if he went anywhere in Manhattan or the surrounding boros, they’d be spotted in an instant. He wanted to be left alone for once.
“So, Reindeer Games, what happened to make you want to fight?” he asked as he sipped a cherry merlot. “Something happened with you and Y/N/N?”
“Not directly,” Loki muttered as he toyed with the full glass in front of him. “I…She’s dancing with some man. I don’t know who he is. She shouldn’t be dancing with anyone but me. I thought she was bedridden. She looked so…” He stopped, getting angry, and felt odd telling Tony all of this. “Why do you care anyway? It just gave you an excuse for us to be violent with one another again.” 
“Hah! If I knew any better I'd say you're jealous of that guy, but fear not, he won’t do anything.” reassured him. “I won’t say that I care, because I don’t, at least not one hundred percent.” He stopped to phrase it right. “But for the sake of Shannon and Y/N things are tough.”
“I realize that, Stark, thank you for the incredible insight,” he snapped and rolled his eyes. “How do you know he won’t do anything?” he suddenly questioned. “They looked fairly comfortable to me. Remy…” he mused with distaste. “That’s what she called him. I think he’s her friend from childhood. So yes, if you must know, Stark, I am jealous. She’s been here for weeks and I haven’t seen her. Then when I do come to visit, she’s dancing closely with...him.” He scowled. “She looked so… comfortable. So happy…” 
“And why on earth did you decide today of all the times you could’ve come to see her, did you choose today?” He still couldn’t understand that. “She’s asked for you constantly, as for Remy they’re like brother and sister.” He took another sip. “They only ever had each other when they were orphans so it's normal for her to feel comfortable around him, they also happen to share the same powers and he lives at the mansion.” He went on explaining their relationship to try to ease Loki about the situation.
Loki’s jaw clenched. “You’re right, I know, I just…” He tried to keep his temper in check. “Wait, why were you angry today? You were looking for a fight more than I was. What had you so bothered?” he questioned, turning the tables. He knew it was silly to be jealous, but how could he help it? You were free now, in more ways than one and you could, if you so chose, find a different mate than him. You were no longer confined to a cell with Loki. You could very well leave him in pursuit of another now. 
“Well...I.. listen, we’re still talking about you and Y/N don’t try changing the subject,” he tried to push it back to him, but he knew the other man would continue to ask, so he told him anyways. “With Shannon having been at the mansion so much, Bruce took it upon himself to become her nurse of sorts and I found them enjoying some time out in the gardens. She was relaxed in his lap listening to what he was saying and if what I’m thinking is true, then Banner has grown feelings for her.” He shook his head never would he have thought he’d be here with the god having a touching moment of honesty.
“Ah, I see. So the green eyed monster has hit us both, then hmm?” Loki noted, a little amused. “ As for you and Shannon, I’ve never seen a woman so enthralled by anyone. She puts up with all of your… you-ness, and still comes back to you every day, happy. I don’t know either of them too terribly well, but I don’t think either would ever set out to hurt you. People can’t help how they feel, and if they’re both ignoring said feelings for your sake, which I assume and think they are, then you have nothing to fear. Shannon is your wife. I was at the wedding. It was… lovely, for lack of a better word. Your love doesn’t have a threat.” He played with the glass some more, still not drinking. “I am just worried… I’ve outstayed my welcome in her life, if that makes any sense.” 
To be honest, it felt good to talk to someone. Thor wasn’t around, and he couldn’t confess how he felt to you, because you’d just assure him you still loved him. So it was nice to vent to someone other than you, confide in a new person… a new confidant.
“You honestly think that? That your time has expired? You couldn’t be more wrong she’d be devastated if you left.” He looked at the man next to him. “There’s nothing she wouldn’t do to prove to you that you’re all she needs, but there’s been so much that you haven’t even had a chance to digest it all because I'm assuming this is all too much, right?” 
“You can say that again,” he muttered. “I just wish… I wish we didn’t have to be here. Asgard is our home. Despite my feelings towards Odin, Thor is still my brother and Y/N’s parents are from there. She’s from there! I guess I just always thought we’d return home to Asgard one day. Not stay here… But it’s clear she enjoys her life on Earth.” He twisted the glass between his long fingers, spinning it on the bar slowly. “I suppose for the first time together, we want two different things.” 
“Well why not take a break from being here and go back home?” He figured some time away would help clear his mind. “Talk with Y/N and see if you two want to go there for a little vacation and come back when you're ready?” He turned to the bartender and asked for one more glass of wine. 
“You’re suggesting I tell Y/N I want to leave her home, and go back to mine? Won’t that send the wrong message?” 
“Well not if you dont explain why,tell her you miss Asgard.” He shook his head. “She'd like to go visit too is my bet.” He raised an eyebrow.
Loki conceded with a sigh. “I may do that, and if she doesn’t want to come back with me, then perhaps I should go back on my own, just for a little while.” 
“There you go! Let me know what gets decided and I’ll get the paperwork ready and approved.” He clapped the dark haired man. “How long would ya like to be out for? Granted I can't give you more than a few weeks due to your probation.”
“Give me however long is allowed,” he requested. The more the thought on it, the more he wondered if perhaps you really were better off without him. Tony hadn’t explicitly said it, but he got the notion in Loki’s head that maybe you belonged here on Earth, and he belonged on Asgard. He didn’t want to leave you. It would kill him, but he wanted you to have a chance at a happy life, and that wasn’t possible with him in the picture. You’d said yourself that it made sense to love anyone else but him. So this was him, doing the noble thing for once, and stepping aside so you could have a good, normal, happy life with Remy, or whomever you chose. “I never thought I’d say this, Stark, but thank you… for the drink, the talk, and what the hell, even the fight.” He let a warm smirk creep onto his face as he glanced sideways at Tony. 
“You know what? I could say the same thing for you. Looks like we can agree on something.” He laughed. Who would have thought that after everything that has happened he could sit down with the guy and talk like old friends. “You want to get one more drink and get back to the city?” He smirks back at him.
“Sounds good, Tin man,” Loki said, trying to hide his smile, and failing miserably.
Tag List: @essie1876​ @magpiegirl80​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification​ @thejemersoninferno​ @rda1989​ @munlis​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @bubblyanarocks3​​ @igiveupicantthinkofausername​​ @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @kaelingoat-blog​ @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​ @damalseer​​ @heyitscam99​​ @yknott81​​ @sorryimacrapwriter​​ @glitterquadricorn​​ @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm​​ @alyssaj23​​ @sea040561​​ @princess76179​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sarahp879​​ @malfoysqueen14​​ @ellallheart​​ @breezy1415​​ @marvelmayo​​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton @paintballkid711​
Loki: @lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​​ @tngrayson​​ @wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
UC: @lokis-high-priestess​
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Unforseen Chasm (Part 51)
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Part 51 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 3608 Warnings: Language, fighting, lost control of powers OFC, reader argues with loki, heart to heart, hurt reader, feeling out of place, homesick loki, song for this part: Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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You and Shannon were sitting on your beds, playing on your phones when you heard what sounded like a stampede in the hall. Both of you peered up curiously. 
“What’s going on?” Shannon called out. 
A young girl, Julie you think her name was, answered with excitement, “Tony Stark and Loki are fighting in the gym! Logan is referring!” 
Your eyes met Shannon’s and the two of you made a mad dash for the ring as best you could. You two wanted to fly, but with the toll the transfusions were taking, that just wasn’t possible. So you scrambled along as fast as you could down the hallway to the gym. 
Just as you walked in, you saw Loki land a hard punch on Tony’s jaw, sending him to the mat face down. As Loki moved toward Tony though, Tony turned and kicked him in the stomach with a hard grunt. The motion made him wheeze as he fell to his knees, gripping his stomach. 
“What are you doing?!” you boomed out, your emotions flaring. 
Logan upon seeing both women knew exactly what could happen so at the top of his lungs, he shouted, “Everyone OUT! I don’t want to see a single student in here right now.” His deep voice making a rumbling echo in the room.
There was a collective “aww” made by the students. A few were actually aware of the reason behind it so they helped lead the others out and back to their schedules.
“You heard the guy!” Wade puts up his macho man act on. “Scram!!” He crosses his arms and he give the students a look.
“What is wrong with you two!” Shannon yelled but the two men were too busy trying to continue fighting. “Y/N, we have to stop them they’re going to get hurt and I can’t heal them in this state I'm in. I'm not sure how much more I can see before my powers try to take over.” She looked to her friend and just as she finished her sentence, her powers (as if called upon) activated causing her to rise up into the air. Her eyes had begun glaze over a milky white then suddenly became swirls of red and purple.
“Holy shit,” you muttered, fear wrapping around you before your eyes darted to the two men. “Hey! Knock it off!” you screamed at the two. They finally heard you, both of them turning to you before their eyes traveled up to Shannon, floating in mid-air.
“Umm, boys it looks like we are in for some trouble. You better stop your fight now,” Logan said as he saw his close friend being controlled by what she was trying to get rid of.
“Looks like you two are in for a world of trouble now!” Wade grins seeing his badass of a friend get ready to do her thing. “Give it to ‘em  cupcake!” He roots for her.
Knock it off Wade!” Logan gets closer to the other man and smacks him upside the head.
“Shannon!” Tony yelped when he realized that she was up in the air, unable to control what was happening.
“Y/N?” Loki said in a confused tone, eyeing you.
All you could do was stare at him. What on Earth was he doing?
“Enough! You two are acting like children,” came Shannon’s booming voice that echoed and made the lights flicker and shake from the sound. “What is wrong with you two?” Her hands were filled with two growing energies and she was ready to throw them to split the two apart.
“Shannon, sweetie, you need to get down. You're not strong enough to be doing this right now.” Tony took his gloves off and was walking towards the edge of the ring. “Babe, I’ll stop, okay? Look, I’m going to get out of the ring.”
“You shouldn’t have been in there in the first place, Anthony Edward Stark.” she was visibly upset and he knew that she only ever called him that when he’d done something wrong. 
In the very same instant, Bruce was entering the room and noticed everyone looking up and he panicked seeing Shannon in mid-air when she was in no condition to be doing so. “Shannon, get down you’re going to get hurt!” 
As if his words were a command, she closed her eyes and grabbed her head and just like that she was falling. 
“Shannon!” came from all but Loki’s mouth as they all rushed to reach her before she hit the floor.
The first one to actually reach was Bruce and was able to catch her in time, he saw just how much doing something as being up there had drained her of any energy she might have been getting back from her rest.
“Nice catch Brucie, guess the fun's over for now,” He pats the man on the shoulder. “Let me know when she wakes up so I can see her.” Wade pulls out a sucker from his pocket and walks away.
He nods his head and looks down at Shannon. “Y/N, we need to get back to the room and check her status. I may need you to do another transfusion if necessary,” he said looking at her after making sure he had a good grip on Shannon. “Come with me. We need to hurry.”
You bit your lip. “Alright, fine, yeah, just tell me what you need.” 
“Bruce, is she okay?” Tony had jumped down from the ring and was at the Dr.’s side in an instant. “Here, I’ll take her you can go ahead and get things ready.”
“No, I think you’ve done more than enough, Tony.” He frowned at the man. “Logan, go inform Hank that I need him down in the room. We need to do a complete check on her.” Without a second glance, he walked out of the room and hurried as carefully as possible to get Shannon back into her bed. “I hope you didn’t over do it, Shan, what the hell were you thinking?”
“B-Bruce?” Her voice was hoarse. “What happened? All I remember was telling Y/N something then things went black.”
“It’s okay, I’ll explain when we get back to the room, okay?”
Shannon nodded her head and she leaned it on his chest.
All four men and you had followed Bruce back to the room adjacent to the Med Bay. Just as Shannon was put back in be,  Hank entered the room with the equipment and Charles soon after showed up to find out what had happened.
“Can someone please explain what occurred?” Charles looked to the men but they all seemed to avoid looking into his eyes.
“Tony and Loki were in the ring, fighting,” you explained evenly. “I think Logan arranged it. I’m not sure why they were there to begin with, but by the time we got there, they were bloodied and bruised. I think the sight upset Shannon too much and her powers overcame her and she collapsed from mid-air. Bruce caught her though.” 
“Her vitals aren’t stable,” he informed everyone in the room. “The best I can tell is that she’s suffered from an attack. Something much like a heart attack or anxiety attack.” 
“Logan, I presume you have something to do with this.” Charles looked over at him. “Why am I not surprised, really to these lengths you’d go.” He shook his head.
“It was better than letting these two idiots duke it out in the middle of the hall causing a commotion,” was his response. “Dr.Banner notify me when she’s woken up. I wanna say I’m sorry for causing all this.”  And with that he walked out of the room.
“You got it, Logan.” Bruce tucked a strand of hair behind Shannon’s ear unaware of the look Tony was giving him. “Are we ready for a full scan, Hank?”
“Y/N,” Hank started and your eyes darted towards him as you chewed your nail. “I hate to ask this. I know you did a transfusion today, but I’m going to need another one. Her body is a wreck right now and I need some more of your power to sort her cells out. Do you think you’d be up for it?”
You nodded. “Sure.” Easily, you lifted your hand and let the power stream out of you and into your best friend. With each second, you could feel yourself getting tired, weaker, your legs were close to giving out, but she needed this. For a moment, the words of Frigga and Thor echoed in your head about needing to be in Asgard, that you drew your power from there.
Tony could see just how much of a toll this was on you. He hadn’t been around when you would do the transfusions and knowing you’re doing a second one on the same day he felt guilty. None of this would have happened if he had kept his mouth shut, but he was too frustrated with what he had seen earlier. He walked over to you and helped steady you so that you wouldn’t collapse.
“Here let me help you,” was all he said as he held you up.
“I’m okay, Tony, I can still stand, I might need help getting to my bed though.” You pointed towards where you had been sleeping lately. “Thank you though.”
“We’ll talk later, okay? You need to rest,” Tony replied and helped you to your bed. All the while Loki just stood there watching the whole thing. He hadn’t said much since he said her name in the ring.
“Thanks, Tony I look forward to our chat,” you replied. You looked over at Loki, seeing him look anywhere else but at you. 
“Looks like Shannon is back down to a good level. I suggest these two women be left alone for the time being,” Hank told the other people in the room.
“Alright this should be enough for now, Y/N. Why don’t you go get some sleep. I’ll wake you up in a few hours?” Bruce suggested.  He turned to Charles. “She’s stable again, since she’s had two transfusions in a day, we should wait until the next one. Her body may not be able to resist going into a semi-comatose state.”
“You’re right. We’ll give them both a longer time to recover before continuing.” Nodding his head towards everyone else, he left the room.
“I’ll let Gambit know he won’t be able to visit this afternoon so you can relax okay?” Bruce told you as he checked your vitals once you were comfortable on your bed.
“He’ll probably still show up later but it’s fine, thank you though.” You smiled at the man.
“No problem.” He walked away letting them get situated.
Before you could sleep though, you needed a word with your boyfriend. You pushed him out of the room and in the hall, closing the door behind you.
“What the hell is the matter with you?” you demanded of Loki, not hiding the anger in your tone.
“Me? I could ask that of you. I thought you were bedridden?” he accused angrily. 
“I am,” you insisted. “Who told you I’m not?” 
“I saw it with my own eyes. You were holding, I don’t know who,” he informed. 
“Remy? I was dancing with Remy. Is that a crime?” you asked. “Besides, what the hell does that have to do with beating the shit out of Tony?”
He looked off, pressing his lips together. You knew that look, he was trying to calm himself before he answered. “I saw you with that man and I… Stark and I may have exchanged words right after.” 
You shake your head, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You have to be joking. After everything I’ve done? After risking my life, after almost dying for you, after sacrificing living a normal life for you, do you still think I would love someone else?!” 
His eyes turned hard as they focused on you. “And you’re really that blind? I’m not worthy of your love. I’ve nearly gotten you killed. Had you imprisoned. Because of me, you’ve been outcasted by all your friends and family. It makes sense for you to love anyone else but me.”
All you could do was shake your head before quietly confirming, “Yeah, it does.” 
With that, you turned on your heel to race to your room, your heart racing and tears threatening. 
Loki stood in the hallway dumbfounded, questions if maybe his self destructive ways had finally come back to bite him in the ass. Just as he picked up his ego off the floor and headed out the door, Tony approached him and slapped his back. 
“Now that we’ve gotten the testosterone out of our system, what do you say we go get drinks?” 
Loki stopped, completely stunned. “You honestly want to go out on a social outing with me?” 
“Sure, why not? Not like either of us are wanted here right now. Come on, I’ll drive,” Tony offered in his usual casual laid back way. 
Loki seemed incredulous, but after the unusual day he’d already had, he succumbed and climbed into the flashy sports car, and he actually admired it. 
Before too long, they wound up at a bar far on the outskirts of the city. Tony didn’t want either one of them to be recognized and he knew if he went anywhere in Manhattan or the surrounding boros, they’d be spotted in an instant. He wanted to be left alone for once.
“So, Reindeer Games, what happened to make you want to fight?” he asked as he sipped a cherry merlot. “Something happened with you and Y/N/N?”
“Not directly,” Loki muttered as he toyed with the full glass in front of him. “I…She’s dancing with some man. I don’t know who he is. She shouldn’t be dancing with anyone but me. I thought she was bedridden. She looked so…” He stopped, getting angry, and felt odd telling Tony all of this. “Why do you care anyway? It just gave you an excuse for us to be violent with one another again.” 
“Hah! If I knew any better I'd say you're jealous of that guy, but fear not, he won’t do anything.” reassured him. “I won’t say that I care, because I don’t, at least not one hundred percent.” He stopped to phrase it right. “But for the sake of Shannon and Y/N things are tough.”
“I realize that, Stark, thank you for the incredible insight,” he snapped and rolled his eyes. “How do you know he won’t do anything?” he suddenly questioned. “They looked fairly comfortable to me. Remy…” he mused with distaste. “That’s what she called him. I think he’s her friend from childhood. So yes, if you must know, Stark, I am jealous. She’s been here for weeks and I haven’t seen her. Then when I do come to visit, she’s dancing closely with...him.” He scowled. “She looked so… comfortable. So happy…” 
“And why on earth did you decide today of all the times you could’ve come to see her, did you choose today?” He still couldn’t understand that. “She’s asked for you constantly, as for Remy they’re like brother and sister.” He took another sip. “They only ever had each other when they were orphans so it's normal for her to feel comfortable around him, they also happen to share the same powers and he lives at the mansion.” He went on explaining their relationship to try to ease Loki about the situation.
Loki’s jaw clenched. “You’re right, I know, I just…” He tried to keep his temper in check. “Wait, why were you angry today? You were looking for a fight more than I was. What had you so bothered?” he questioned, turning the tables. He knew it was silly to be jealous, but how could he help it? You were free now, in more ways than one and you could, if you so chose, find a different mate than him. You were no longer confined to a cell with Loki. You could very well leave him in pursuit of another now. 
“Well...I.. listen, we’re still talking about you and Y/N don’t try changing the subject,” he tried to push it back to him, but he knew the other man would continue to ask, so he told him anyways. “With Shannon having been at the mansion so much, Bruce took it upon himself to become her nurse of sorts and I found them enjoying some time out in the gardens. She was relaxed in his lap listening to what he was saying and if what I’m thinking is true, then Banner has grown feelings for her.” He shook his head never would he have thought he’d be here with the god having a touching moment of honesty.
“Ah, I see. So the green eyed monster has hit us both, then hmm?” Loki noted, a little amused. “ As for you and Shannon, I’ve never seen a woman so enthralled by anyone. She puts up with all of your… you-ness, and still comes back to you every day, happy. I don’t know either of them too terribly well, but I don’t think either would ever set out to hurt you. People can’t help how they feel, and if they’re both ignoring said feelings for your sake, which I assume and think they are, then you have nothing to fear. Shannon is your wife. I was at the wedding. It was… lovely, for lack of a better word. Your love doesn’t have a threat.” He played with the glass some more, still not drinking. “I am just worried… I’ve outstayed my welcome in her life, if that makes any sense.” 
To be honest, it felt good to talk to someone. Thor wasn’t around, and he couldn’t confess how he felt to you, because you’d just assure him you still loved him. So it was nice to vent to someone other than you, confide in a new person… a new confidant.
“You honestly think that? That your time has expired? You couldn’t be more wrong she’d be devastated if you left.” He looked at the man next to him. “There’s nothing she wouldn’t do to prove to you that you’re all she needs, but there’s been so much that you haven’t even had a chance to digest it all because I'm assuming this is all too much, right?” 
“You can say that again,” he muttered. “I just wish… I wish we didn’t have to be here. Asgard is our home. Despite my feelings towards Odin, Thor is still my brother and Y/N’s parents are from there. She’s from there! I guess I just always thought we’d return home to Asgard one day. Not stay here… But it’s clear she enjoys her life on Earth.” He twisted the glass between his long fingers, spinning it on the bar slowly. “I suppose for the first time together, we want two different things.” 
“Well why not take a break from being here and go back home?” He figured some time away would help clear his mind. “Talk with Y/N and see if you two want to go there for a little vacation and come back when you're ready?” He turned to the bartender and asked for one more glass of wine. 
“You’re suggesting I tell Y/N I want to leave her home, and go back to mine? Won’t that send the wrong message?” 
“Well not if you dont explain why,tell her you miss Asgard and your mother because I'm sure you do.” He shook his head. “She'd like to go visit too is my bet.” He raised an eyebrow.
Loki conceded with a sigh. “I may do that, and if she doesn’t want to come back with me, then perhaps I should go back on my own, just for a little while.” 
“There you go! Let me know what gets decided and I’ll get the paperwork ready and approved.” He clapped the dark haired man. “How long would ya like to be out for? Granted I can't give you more than a few weeks due to your probation.”
“Give me however long is allowed,” he requested. The more the thought on it, the more he wondered if perhaps you really were better off without him. Tony hadn’t explicitly said it, but he got the notion in Loki’s head that maybe you belonged here on Earth, and he belonged on Asgard. He didn’t want to leave you. It would kill him, but he wanted you to have a chance at a happy life, and that wasn’t possible with him in the picture. You’d said yourself that it made sense to love anyone else but him. So this was him, doing the noble thing for once, and stepping aside so you could have a good, normal, happy life with Remy, or whomever you chose. “I never thought I’d say this, Stark, but thank you… for the drink, the talk, and what the hell, even the fight.” He let a warm smirk creep onto his face as he glanced sideways at Tony. 
“You know what? I could say the same thing for you. Looks like we can agree on something.” He laughed. Who would have thought that after everything that has happened he could sit down with the guy and talk like old friends. “You want to get one more drink and get back to the city?” He smirks back at him.
“Sounds good, Tin man,” Loki said, trying to hide his smile, and failing miserably.
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​ ​ @adefectivedetective​ @dontbetooobvious​
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insideoutstory · 5 years
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Inside Out → Chapter Sixteen
summary: Christine gets an unexpected visitor at work. But this time, with a vastly different outcome. word count: 6.3k warnings: Teen angst, bullying, Jonathan’s pictures, violence, language (slurs used by Tommy and Steve)
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When Christine woke up the next day, it was to the sound of her phone ringing on the bedside table. She reached out with an uncoordinated hand, slapping around until she could find it. Her eyes were still closed when she brought it to her ear. 
“Hello?” she greeted groggily. 
“Christine, where the hell are you?” 
Her eyes shot open. She’d been expecting the voice of her father, maybe Dustin or Claudia. But the angry voice of Mr. Vincenti from the movie theater made her blood rush with adrenaline so fast she thought she might vomit. She scrambled to push the covers aside, eyes searching for her clock. 
“Shit, I’m—I am so sorry, Anthony!” 
“You realize it’s Saturday? You know, one of the days you work for me?” 
“I do know!” She was already toppling out of bed. The phone base nearly fell off the table, and she jammed her finger trying to catch it. “Like I said, I am so, so sorry. I overslept and…” 
“You were still sleeping?” 
“No! I mean, I was up and down all night. With the—the funeral! Will’s funeral yesterday, and his best friend is my neighbor so, it was just crazy and I was comforting him all night and I am so, so sorry, but it will not happen again!” 
Her boss sighed heavily on the other end of the phone. Christine was already struggling into her black pants when he spoke. 
“Look, I get it. I try not to be a hardass. This Byers thing has everyone on edge. But that’s why I need you at work. When bad things happen, people want to be distracted. And when you wanna be distracted…” 
“You go to the movies,” Christine finished, straightening her black tank top. “I know, Anthony. I’m sorry.” 
“Stop apologizing and get your butt down here. You’re the most competent teen I’ve got, and I need someone at concessions. If you can make it in twenty minutes, I won’t even cut your pay.” 
“You got it. Butt moving. Bye.” 
Christine threw the phone back onto the base. Her hands finally free, she shrugged on her stiff white button down and slipped into her boots. She grabbed her bowtie off the dresser and ran out of her room. 
Her excuse hadn’t been a total lie. Will’s funeral had been yesterday, and everything had gone crazy. She had been up very late, and woken up several times during the night. But it wasn’t because of Dustin’s crying. It was because she was compulsively checking the house for Eleven. 
She’d gotten up every hour, making some excuse for herself. She would just go get a refill of water and check the kitchen. She would just go to the bathroom and peek out the back door. Once she’d gotten a thrill when she noticed the waffle was gone, but then she’d noticed the paw prints adorning the stoop. It was more likely that the waffle had become a late night snack for Mews. 
As she rushed around her house getting ready, she scanned the rooms once more. She wasn’t very hopeful. Eleven hadn’t come back last night, and she hadn’t come back this morning. She could only hope she’d gone to Mike’s instead. The only other option was the woods, and that didn’t bear thinking about. Sure, Eleven could defend herself with her powers. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t scary. And Christine knew how much Eleven hated being alone. 
When she left for work, she left both doors unlocked. 
With a burst of inhuman speed, Christine made it to The Hawk in fifteen minutes. She’d skipped breakfast and her hair was a wreck, but she’d seen worse mornings. Her hair was yanked back into another lackluster ponytail, and she’d just pop an extra batch of popcorn so she had something to eat. It wasn’t the first time she’d had popcorn and soda for breakfast. With her penchant for running late, it also wouldn’t be the last. 
Anthony had been right about the rush. All the Right Moves had been playing for two weeks already, and somehow their first matinee nearly sold out. Christine was scrambling to catch up with her duties, and hadn’t even gotten the chance to sit before the second showing started. But finally, she’d have a few minutes to herself. 
It would have been smart to work on her homework. But what Christine pulled out of her bag was a portable radio. She set it up on the counter, the volume low so as not to disturb the patrons in the theater. Then she fiddled with the knob until she found a station that was purely static. 
Christine folded her arms on the counter, laying down her head and closing her eyes. She listened intently to the sounds of the static. Maybe if she focused enough, she’d be able to make sense of the blips and buzzing. Maybe she’d find some sign that Will, Barb, and Eleven were okay. She knew she wasn’t Eleven, of course. She didn’t have superpowers. But if she kept the radio on…maybe Eleven could still contact her, wherever she was. 
“This your favorite station?” 
The voice in her ear startled her. She jumped to her feet, and her folding chair screeched against the floor as it skittered back into the popcorn machine. Steve, Tommy, Carol and Nicole all giggled. 
“Steve,” Christine breathed, clutching her chest. “Uh…hey, guys. The—The next showing’s not for another two hours.” 
“So what?” Steve asked with a grin. “Can’t a guy just come and see his lab partner?” 
“Yeah, Christine.” Tommy grabbed the radio and hopped up to sit on the display case. “Party in the lobby, am I right?” 
Christine wrestled the radio out of his hands before he could raise the volume. She almost managed to be thankful for Carol when she tugged Tommy back to the ground. 
 “Get down, asshole. The last thing we need is for your fat ass to break the glass.” 
“I thought you liked my fat ass.” 
“Yeah, well I’m tired of cleaning up after it…” 
“Anyway,” Steve said pointedly, turning back to Christine. “I just wanted to talk to you for a sec.” 
“Okay,” she said warily. “But, I haven’t gotten the chance to start the lab report, Steve. Honestly, you’re probably better off doing it yourself.” 
“What? No, I—not about science. About Nancy.” 
Christine felt a bolt of panic go through her chest. 
“Why? Is she okay? Is she safe?” 
“Yeah,” Steve said, who looked shocked by her palpable fear. “I mean, I think so.” 
“I think she’s doing just fine,” Tommy drawled, wrapping an arm around Carol’s shoulder. 
Christine didn’t miss the amused tone of voice, nor the glare that Steve sent his way. She didn’t have the energy for any more drama this week. But when Steve turned to her again, he looked just as exhausted as she felt. And honestly, really worried. 
“Can we talk in private?” he asked lowly. “Please?” 
“Oh, uh…” She glanced at Tommy, Carol and Nicole, who were lounging all too casually around the lobby. “I’m not really supposed to leave concessions.” 
“Please,” he repeated. “I mean, it’s Hawkins, right? What are they gonna do? Break the glass and steal some Airheads?” 
Part of her was getting ready to tell him just what kind of nasty things could happen in Hawkins, but he laid his hand over hers before she could. 
“Chrissy, I’m begging you. Five minutes.” 
Her resolve crumbled. With a last guarded look at the popular kids, she turned off her radio and slipped it back into her bag. 
“Five minutes,” she agreed. 
She followed him around the corner, down the hall towards the alleyway. It didn’t offer all that much privacy. She could still here Tommy and Carol’s obnoxious voices drifting down to them, but at least they were out of sight. 
“Sorry,” Steve apologized immediately. “They’ve been giving me crap all weekend. I’m just starting to get sick of it.” 
“I get it,” Christine offered, leaning her back on the wall. “No offense, but I think I’ve been sick of Tommy and Carol since the seventh grade.” 
He chuckled at that. Christine wished she couldn’t feel her chest swell with pride. Feelings were stupid as hell. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked finally. 
“Fine.” She watched him run a hand through his hair, and her stomach clenched. She remembered she was supposed to be sick. “Better, I mean. Since the party.” 
“Good. Good, good, yeah…” 
Steve nodded, and looked down at the orange carpet. One hand was tapping his chin speedily. His knee was bouncing too, just like he did before he took a long shot in a basketball game. It was a nervous tick he had. But Christine couldn’t imagine what was making him nervous. 
“Steve?” she prompted. “Four and a half minutes.” 
“Hm? Oh—right, sorry. Uh…I just wanted to ask if…I don’t know. Have—Have you talked to Nancy lately?” 
“Not really,” she sighed. “Not since…what was it? Wednesday night, I guess. When she was blaming me for Barb going missing.” 
“She what?” he asked in surprise. 
“I told you. We got into a big fight about talking to the cops. She wanted to make sure I was coming to school since I was the last person to see Barb. And she thinks I was stupid to fall asleep and leave her alone.” 
“That’s—That’s crazy, though. You know that, right? That’s not your fault.” 
“Yeah, I know,” Christine mumbled. “It’s no one’s fault, it’s just one of those things, bad things happen to good people, all that crap. It still sucks.” 
Steve nodded, and stuck his hands in his pockets. “But you—you haven’t talked to Nance about anything else? You haven’t seen her?” 
“No. Well, I saw her yesterday at the funeral but we didn’t…” 
“She was there?” Steve asked with rapt attention. “Was she there with Jonathan?” 
Christine stared at him. “It was his brother’s funeral. So yeah. Jonathan was there.” 
“No, I meant—like did you see them sitting together? Were they talking?” 
“No? Jonathan was sitting with his parents. You know. Cause it was his brother’s funeral.” Steve nodded shakily, but didn’t look convinced. “Why do you wanna know about Jonathan anyway?” 
Steve let out a dry laugh. Nervous hands wormed out of his pockets and through his hair again. He folded his arms, then rested them on his hips instead. His knee was still bouncing. 
“So…So I go over to the Wheelers’ yesterday, right? After the funeral, just to apologize and to check up on her. I thought maybe I could take her to see this stupid movie again, take her mind off things. But she blew me off. Which—I mean, I get it. Things have been crazy, a kid’s dead, her brother was friends with him. But she seemed really…I don’t know. Off. Nervous, scared. And she was swinging a baseball bat around her garage like some kind of lunatic. She said she’d call me later and…she didn’t.” 
“Steve,” Christine said gently. “I’m sure she was just with Mike. Yesterday was rough for him.” 
“Yeah, but that’s the thing,” said Steve, finally looking up at her. “I went over there to check on her again, and…she wasn’t with Mike. She was with Jonathan.” 
“…wait, what?” 
“Jonathan. Byers. He was in her room.” 
Christine’s brain struggled to create an image matching the description. Jonathan Byers, with his worn out denim jacket and shadowy eyes, standing amidst Nancy’s white wicker furniture and pastel pillows. 
“No way,” she said, actually smiling. “Look, I’m sure if Jonathan was ever at the Wheelers’ it was just to talk. To Mike, maybe. He’s not even friends with Nancy.” 
“They were certainly friends last night. He was sitting on her bed, he had his arms around her and…” 
“Wait, they were kissing?” Christine choked out. 
“No!” Steve shook his head fervently, blinking hard. “I mean—I don’t know. I left pretty quick. But they were together, and so I…I guess I just…has she talked about him at all…?” 
“Definitely not,” she assured him. She was still reeling. “Look, maybe…I don’t know. Maybe he and his mom came over to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler. It was the funeral, right? Maybe she was just comforting him.” 
“Right. They looked really comfortable.” 
Christine wanted to argue, but she couldn’t find the words. Had she really missed that much in the week she hadn’t spoken to Nancy? She had never, ever expressed interest in Jonathan Byers. She’d only ever had eyes for Steve. And she’d gotten him. Nancy should be happy, if a little stressed. Unless… 
It was hard to stop her brain from spinning wild stories. What if she’d gotten Steve and already gotten bored? What if she’d gotten Steve, and then realized she didn’t like him as much as she thought she did? What if she’d only taken him because Christine liked him? Barb had been the one to say it was turning into some twisted competition. Maybe Steve had been the prize and Nancy had just wanted to get there first. 
She thought back to their sleepover, and Nancy admitting her schoolyard crush on Peter Jorgins. Christine had been friends with her for years and not known. Was it the same with Jonathan? Had Nancy always been interested in him, but felt too embarrassed to say anything? Or had it just been a spur of the moment connection? Jonathan looking for a distraction from Will’s death, and Nancy willing to help? Was…Was Nancy even capable of something like that? 
Christine’s brain warred with itself. She couldn’t believe it. And she wouldn’t. Not without talking to Nancy. They were supposed to be friends, and despite all the fighting and the bitching and the lashing out, she still cared about her. Saying she cheated on Steve with Jonathan was a huge accusation. It was insane. 
But Steve spoke before Christine could explain any of this. 
“I just can’t believe she’d do something like this. I mean, after everything at my party…” 
Christine flushed. That wasn’t a particularly comfortable conversation to land on. 
“Um…look, I…I’m sure it’s nothing personal. I mean, I know I was asleep, but I’m sure that…you know…whatever you and Nancy did went…fine…” 
Steve blinked at her. It seemed to be a few seconds before he realized what she was talking about, at which point he began spluttering. He even looked like he was blushing. 
“Oh, no! No, I didn’t—that’s not—I mean, it did, but I wouldn’t wanna talk—shit, um—not me! I meant Jonathan!” 
“Jonathan?” Christine repeated slowly. “What about him?” 
“What happened at the party.” 
“He wasn’t at the party.” 
The silence that followed made Christine extremely uneasy. Steve was squinting at her, confused and incredulous. It was making her feel stupid. She racked her brains, trying to remember what had happened Tuesday night in her drunken haze. Jonathan definitely hadn’t been invited. She wasn’t drunk enough to forget that. Had it been before she got there? Had someone said something about him? What could have happened that was making Steve look at her like he had to break the news that someone else had died? 
“Do you seriously not know?” he asked quietly. 
“Know what, Steve?” 
His mouth opened and closed mutely. He ran a hand through his hair, and Christine swore if he did it again she might grab his wrist and break it. 
“I mean, I know you skipped some school, but…shit. You really haven’t talked to Nancy, have you?” 
“About what?” 
“About, uh…okay…I really wish I didn’t have to tell you this. Shit.” 
 “Steve, just spit it out!” 
“Fine!” He looked down at her, conflicted. “Jonathan was at my party that night.” 
“Okay. Well, I didn’t see him.” 
“Of course not. None of us did. He was standing in the damn bushes taking pictures.” 
“He had his stupid little camera and he was taking pictures,” he said, talking very quickly now. “Nicole takes photography too, so she went to the dark room last week and bumped into Jonathan. And she didn’t think anything of it, cause he’s in there all the time—you know, cause he has no friends. But then she saw his photos hanging up, and they were all grainy pictures of us around my pool.” 
“Pictures of…? He—He was…?” 
“Being a regular Peeping Tom, yeah. He must’ve gotten there around the same time as you. Honestly, we thought he might’ve followed you or something. Tommy thought that you were in on it, for a while.” 
“That I was what?”
Christine pushed off the wall, taking several angry steps forward. Steve scrambled back, until he was the one with his back to the wall. 
“Woah! Hey! I didn’t say anyone believed him! You know Tommy, he just loves saying stupid shit! And he thought that since you were so pissed at Nancy you might be trying to get back at her. You know, blackmail or whatever.” 
“Blackmail?” She was tired of repeating him, but she couldn’t find her footing in the conversation. “What the fuck are you talking about, Steve?” 
“The pictures,” he explained shakily. “I mean, they show all of us drinking. Which, you know, is illegal. And then there were the really creepy ones of Nancy in the pool, and then…then you know…the ones uh…in my room.” 
Christine clapped a hand over her mouth. This time, she really might vomit. She was sure of it. Of course, she’d been mad at Nancy. She’d been furious. But she would never do something like this. She’d never wish, never even think about something happening like this. Jonathan Byers was a weirdo, sure. But she never thought he’d been capable of this. 
There seemed to be a lot of that going around. 
She wobbled on the spot, and Steve grabbed her shoulder to steady her. 
“Hey, I never believed Tommy, alright? I know you’d never do that to Nancy. I mean, you were in the pictures too, right? You had your whiskey, and then…then you were crying in the living room. And Barb was out on the diving board with her hand…” 
Christine’s head snapped up. “What?” 
“Barbara. Remember when she cut her hand?” 
“No, I know,” Christine snapped. “She was sitting on the diving board?” 
“Uh, yeah. After everyone went upstairs.” 
“I…I don’t remember that.” 
“Oh, well…you weren’t in the picture so, maybe it was after you passed out.” 
Christine’s mind zapped back into motion. Barb had been on the diving board. Jonathan had been there. It had been after she passed out. 
She stared up at Steve in horror. “Did you tell the cops?” 
“What? No.” He shook his head in confusion. “Look, I know he was being a creep, but I took care of it.” 
“Not about Jonathan, about Barb. The pictures.” 
“Christine, I didn’t tell them about anything. I’m in enough trouble as it is cause Nancy blabbed about the beers. I don’t need photo evidence.” 
Her jaw dropped. “I can’t believe you.” 
“You—You can’t believe me?” he repeated incredulously. “What about you? You know, if those pictures went to the cops, you’d be in trouble too!” 
“It doesn’t matter!” 
“Why not?” 
“Because! I’m not the last one who saw Barb alive. Jonathan was.” 
But she wasn’t listening. Christine ran back through the lobby and down the opposite hallway. She knocked on the office door and let herself in without waiting for a response. 
“Hey, Anthony, can I use your phone? Thanks.” 
Her boss jumped behind his desk, staring as she leapt for the phone on the desk. “Who’s up front?” 
“No one.” 
“Christine, I’ve told you…!” 
“One call,” she said shortly, already punching in the numbers. 
There wasn’t much he could do as she held the phone up to her ear. It rang and rang, but there was no response. That wasn’t entirely a surprise. No one had been at her house when she’d left, but she was still holding onto far flung hopes. She hung up and dialed again, calling a different number. This time it only rang twice. 
“Hi, Claudia! It’s Christine.” 
“Hello, sweetheart! Is everything alright?” 
“Yeah. I’m just looking for Dustin. Is he home?” 
“Oh, no. You know Dusty! Up at the crack of dawn and out on his bike. You could try…?” 
“Okay. Thanks, Claudia.” 
She hung up the phone, and started to dial again. 
“Christine,” Anthony said wearily. “You said one call. It’s been…” 
“Anthony, Will Byers is dead and my best friend has been reported missing. I’m just trying to get some information. Thanks.” 
Anthony sagged back in his seat, and grumpily turned to his expense reports. 
“Hello?” the voice on the phone asked. 
“Hi, Mrs. Wheeler. This is Christine Walcott.” 
“Christine! Thank God. Do you know where Nancy is?” 
“Oh, uh…no? I was calling to look for Mike.” 
“Michael’s not home. In fact, neither of my children are.” 
“Okay. Well thanks, Mrs…” 
“Christine, did you stay over last night?” 
Christine clamped her mouth shut. So Nancy did have someone spending the night. Someone her parents didn’t know about. Someone that definitely wasn’t her, and definitely wasn’t Steve. 
Nancy Wheeler had some gall. 
“Nope,” Christine said with a shrug. “Sorry, Mrs. Wheeler. I was with Dustin. I’m really sorry, but I’m at work, so I’ve got to run. Thanks.” 
She hung up before Mrs. Wheeler could ask any other questions. She plugged in one last number and waited for someone to pick up. 
“Hawkins Police Department. This is Flo speaking. How may I direct your call?” 
“Hi. My name’s Christine Walcott. I’m a friend of Barbara Holland’s, and I spoke to two officers earlier this week?” 
“Their names?” she asked dully. 
“Uh…I can’t remember. The guys who came down to the high school. But I had some more information I wanted to report. I was wondering if I could speak to one of them?” 
“If you would like to file a report, you can come down to the station at your earliest convenience.” 
“I’m not filing a report,” Christine said in annoyance. “I’m offering more information on a missing persons case.” 
“And you can come down to the station to offer it.” 
“I’m at work right now.” 
“Then you can come down to the station at your earliest convenience.” 
“Seriously? Will Byers’ funeral was yesterday, there’s a teenage girl still missing, and Hawkins Police isn’t going to put every available officer on the case? You don’t have anyone that you can send over to take a statement?” 
The woman named Flo sighed heavily. “What is your address?” 
Christine rattled off her information, instructing them to send a cruiser to The Hawk as soon as possible. Then she darted out of the office before Anthony could get to lecturing her again. 
Calling the police hadn’t been an incredibly helpful idea. She knew that the police couldn’t actually find Barbara, not if she was trapped in the Upside Down. But without Eleven, they were her best place to start. If Christine could talk to an officer, she might be able to get more information about the case—what the other kids from the party had reported, whether or not they’d found Barb’s car, if her parents had received any mysterious calls or electrical problems. It might give her a better idea of where Barb was hiding in the other dimension. And while she had the cops around, Christine could report Jonathan Byers for being a class A pervert too. 
Steve and his crew were gone when she got back to the lobby. That wasn’t a surprise so much as it was a relief. If she had to hear Tommy crack a joke about Jonathan spying on them, or Nancy sleeping with him, she probably would’ve gone postal. With some quiet, Christine was free to hop behind the counter and go back to her radio. If ever she needed to reach Eleven, it was now. 
The second matinee showing let out. Christine didn’t pay any attention to the patrons who were lingering in the lobby, or the ones were whispering on the sidewalk. She just darted into the theater and began sweeping as fast as possible. 
It was a mistake she didn’t realize until a few minutes later. 
Christine cleaned the theater, then took care of the bathrooms. Arms full of garbage, she kicked the alley door open before she heard the voices on the other side. She was so focused, she didn’t even realize the hush that fell over the alley as she walked to the dumpster. She didn’t notice anything until she turned around to go back inside and found six sets of eyes staring at her. 
The alleyway was filled with people. Steve, Tommy, Carol and Nicole had clearly decided to hang out here after they’d fled the lobby. A couple empty cups and boxes on the ground confirmed her suspicions that they’d swiped some snacks from the counter while she was too busy to notice. But they’d found other ways to occupy themselves. Tommy held a can of red spray paint at his side, and the wall behind him read, “Byers is a perv.” 
Down at the opposite end of the alley, Nancy was standing with Jonathan Byers at her side. 
“What’s going on?” Christine asked. 
She immediately felt very stupid. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going on. 
“Oh you know,” sighed Carol. “Just catching up.” 
“Thanks for the snacks by the way,” Tommy said with a grin. “Hope you don’t mind.” 
“Go to hell, Tommy.” 
“Christine?” Nancy’s voice cracked as she called her name. “You’re…You knew they were…?” 
To Christine’s surprise, Nancy started marching forward, her hands balled into fists at her side. She looked positively livid. Jonathan made a grab for her shoulder, and Steve stepped in front of Christine. 
“Hey, hey, cool it,” he said, holding up a hand. “She didn’t know.” 
“Bullshit,” spat Nancy, as Jonathan pulled her back. 
“Didn’t know about what?” Christine asked. Her defenses were already up, and she laughed humorlessly. “Oh! Are we talking about all the things Christine didn’t know?” 
“Oh shit,” Tommy giggled to Carol. “Here it comes…” 
But Christine was too focused on Nancy to care. 
 “How about that you went looking for Barb, but didn’t tell me? Cause what—you were too busy thinking it was my fault? Or what about the fact that Byers took creepy pictures of all of us? Naked pictures of you?” 
“I wasn’t…” 
“But that’s fine. Don’t tell Christine. And let’s not tell the cops, either. Let’s let everyone think it’s Christine’s fault Barb’s gone, because she was last person to see Barb and she’s so irresponsible for falling asleep! Let’s not tell anyone how Jonathan was trespassing, and stalking us, cause he might get in trouble! And you know what? Maybe I’ll just sleep with him while I’m at it!” 
“That is not what happened. And if you were my friend you’d believe that. You’re supposed to believe me, Christine!” 
“And I thought I did! I really did. Steve told me and I thought, ‘No. No way would Nancy Wheeler do that.’ But then I got off the phone with your mom and…” 
“You called my mother?” 
“Yeah! Cause I was looking for you. Or Mike. Or anyone who might be able to tell me what’s going on, since Christine doesn’t know anything! And your mom asked if I was the one who slept in your room last night. So. What do you have to say to that, Nancy?” 
Gasps and oohs filled the alley as they stared off. Steve had stepped aside, pulled to the wall by Carol who wanted to sit back and watch the show. 
Jonathan made another attempt to grab Nancy’s arm. “Nancy, let’s just go…” 
“No.” Nancy ripped out of his touch, stalking forward as she glowered at Christine. “You’re a real bitch, you know that?” 
“Ha! Maybe I am,” Christine countered, stepped up as well. “But at least I’m sane. And hey, I’m not a stalker. That’s better than I can say for the two of you.” 
“God, you are so self-absorbed! He wasn’t stalking us! He was in the woods looking for his brother!” 
“Yeah, and then he stood in front of Steve’s house for twenty minutes taking pictures of a pool party. Wow, you’re right! He’s a regular investigative journalist! Let’s just give him the Pulitzer now!” 
“You’re just jealous!” Nancy was backpedaling, going back to her cornerstone argument. “You’ve been such a shitty friend all week, and it’s cause you’re so busy wallowing in your own jealousy that you’ve got no idea that there are more important things going on!” 
“Of course I’m jealous!” 
She was saying too much. Could hear Nicole and Carol gasping while Tommy elbowed Steve in the ribs. But she was too far gone now and there was no way for her logical brain to send a clear message to her mouth. 
“I’ve always been jealous!” she screamed. “Cause you’ve got the perfect nuclear family and the perfect grades and the perfect face! Everyone thinks you’re perfect! And so Steve liked you! And you wanted me to be the perfect friend and support your perfect relationship! But you didn’t give a crap about me, or my feelings, and you treated me like shit! And what’s worse is that now you’re treating Steve like shit! Did you ever even like him? Huh? Or were you just sleeping with him to prove that you could? Cause that’s another thing that you can do and I can’t?”
“Shut up! Of course, I…” 
“Or maybe you were just biding your time til Byers came along, huh? Did you always like him, or does the stalker thing turn you on?” 
“I said shut up!” Nancy screamed. “You have no idea what I’ve been through this week!” 
“Two guys, for one thing.” 
Nancy charged forward, and Jonathan caught her around the middle. She struggled in his arms, prompting a few jeers from Tommy and Carol. Jonathan had to yell to make himself heard over them. 
“Nancy, stop! Stop it! We’re just wasting time!” 
“Oh, this is a waste of time?” Steve had stepped up again, standing between Christine and Nancy as he glared daggers into Jonathan’s face. “No, no, no. You don’t get to say this is a waste of your time. I think you deserve everyone here an apology, man.” 
“An apology?” he repeated incredulously. 
“Yeah. Seems to me like your deviant habits are really putting a strain on some people. I think you should apologize.” 
“Right, my deviant habits,” Jonathan laughed. “None of this happened because you’re an asshole.” 
“Hey,” Tommy barked, hopping down from his perch. “Watch your mouth, faggot.” 
For a moment, it seemed like Jonathan was going to lash back. But with some ungodly amount of self-control, he took Nancy by the arm and started walking to the mouth of the alley. 
Unfortunately, Steve wasn’t done with him yet. He followed them step by step, shoving Jonathan’s back every few words. 
“You know what, Byers? I’m actually kind of impressed. I always took you for a queer, but I guess you’re just a little screw up like your father. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That house is full of screw ups. You know, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised! A bunch of screw ups in your family!” 
“Jonathan, leave it,” Nancy begged over Steve’s tirade. “Jonathan!” 
“I mean, your mom? Psh! I mean, I’m not even surprised what happened to your brother!” 
“Steve!” Christine yelled. “Stop it!” 
“Jonathan, I said leave it!” 
“I’m sorry I have to be the one to tell you this, but the Byers? Their family is the disgrace to the entire—…!” 
Jonathan’s self-control ran out. 
Steve had fallen into the wall before anyone had seen it coming. Christine screamed, and Nicole had slapped her hands over her mouth. Somehow, Tommy was still puffing on his cigarette with mild interest. There was a deadly moment of silence as Steve clutched his face. Then, he pounced on Jonathan. 
The next seconds passed in a blur. Steve and Jonathan were wrestling, struggling to keep their hands free long enough to punch the other in the face. Nancy and Christine both ran forward. They tried to break the boys apart, but it was hard to get close without getting punched themselves. First Steve was on top, then Jonathan, then Steve again. 
“Get in there!” Carol yelled, shoving Tommy forward. “He’s gonna hurt himself!” 
Tommy stood between them for a grand total of two seconds before Steve pushed him out of the way. “Get out of here! Get out of here.” 
"Fine! Fight over the whore!” 
Christine wasn’t sure when the decision was made. One minute they were all watching Steve and Jonathan. The next, she’d propelled herself between them and was lunging for Tommy’s throat. 
Tommy slammed into the wall, his head thunking solidly against the plywood he’d been decorating with slurs. “Ow! Stop! What the fuck…?” 
“Shut up!” Christine screeched, and she rammed her fist into his nose. “Just shut! The fuck! Up!” 
It was impossible to distinguish between the fights. Everyone was screaming or grunting in pain. Nancy had leapt forward to grab Christine, while Carol was trying to restrain her arms without getting scratched. Nicole was ushering Tommy away, helping him cradle his bleeding nose. Christine was kicking and screaming so loudly that hardly anyone was paying attention to Steve and Jonathan rolling on the ground. 
The police car pulled up not long after that. 
“Cops!” Tommy yelled down the alley. “Come on, Carol! Let’s go!” 
“Get back here!” 
It was Christine and the police, all screaming in unison and fury. Nancy held Christine tight while Jonathan was handcuffed, and the other cop chased a heavily beaten Steve and Tommy down the alley. 
“Hey!” The first one bellowed. He grabbed Christine by the shoulders. “Knock it off! You understand me? Knock it off!” 
It was one of the two cops she’d spoken to at the school, Powell. He glared down at her, daring her to keep up the commotion. But with Tommy out of her sight, with the fighting stopped, all of Christine’s energy had drained away. Even anger was too much work. She brought her bruised knuckles to her mouth, eyes watering. 
“Sorry,” she said brokenly. “I just—I’m sorry…” 
“Yeah, everyone’s hella sorry when they get caught,” he said gruffly. “Get in the cruiser. All three of you.” 
“Officer,” Nancy said, one hand still on Christine’s arm. “Do we really need…?” 
There was no more argument. Powell lugged Jonathan to the car, tossing him into the back seat. Nancy dove after him, trying to get him situated upright while he had no use of his hands. Reluctantly, Christine climbed in beside her. The door slammed shut, and she repressed a jump. 
The car was almost silent. Jonathan and Nancy spoke in dark whispers, asking each other if they were okay, assuring the other they were fine. Christine just glared out the window. There was a lot she didn’t know, but she felt certain she’d feel better if she’d landed a few more punches to Tommy H’s face. 
Powell returned with his partner empty handed. Well, Powell was empty handed. Callahan was cradling his nose where Jonathan had caught him in the face. They didn’t acknowledge the teens in the back seat as they climbed into the car, and they barely acknowledged each other as they pulled out of the alley. As they turned onto the main road, Christine glanced up at the front of The Hawk. 
It looked like Tommy had certainly been busy while she was talking to Steve. Though how he’d accomplished it, she wasn’t sure. The front marquee was covered in the same red spray paint. It now read, “All the Right Moves: Starring Nancy ‘The Slut’ Wheeler.” 
Christine’s heart sank. At least she had the rest of the drive to think about how royally she’d fucked up.
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It’s Not Love, It’s Mistletoe (Three)
From Natasha: Are we going to talk about how Steve drops an ornament every time Thor touches him or nah?
From Bruce: Maybe the glitter on the ornaments are slippery.
From Tony: All I know is, if he drops another one I will kill him. Clumsy ass. I thought Super Soldiers were supposed to be good with their hands.
From Sam: Tony, where does it say that Super Soldiers are good with their hands?
From Tony: Well, I mean. Bucky’s good with his hands. Bucky’s GREAT with his hands.
From Bucky: Damn straight.
From Natasha: Honestly though. Watch. Steve is hanging an ornament. Thor touches his waist. Steve drops the ornament. Steve is hanging an ornament. Thor touches his arm. Steve drops the ornament. It’s almost sad.
From Bruce: Yeah, being considered a “dropper” or having “butter fingers” can be sad for someone if they are being bullied.
From Bucky: What? Bullied? What? Bruce quit trying to be part of the conversation.
From Bruce: You know, you guys are always bitching for me to be part of the text bonding and now I am and you’re just going to shut me out? That’s rude. You’re rude, Bucky.
From Tony: Yes, Brucie it’s very rude but lets get back to the issue at hand. I AM TIRED OF STEVE BREAKING MY THINGS
From Sam: I can’t help but notice that Clint has been rather suspiciously quiet. Clint? Any input?
From Clint: Who wants to give Steve the star for the top of the tree and then have Thor pat Dat Booty and see if Steve shatters the star in his hand?
From Tony: Clint I swear to god, I will skewer you on top of the tree if anything happens to that star.
From Clint: Comment withdrawn.
“Careful, my love.” Thor said easily, snatching a snow globe out of the air when Steve missed the shelf by a good two inches and let it drop from his hands. “Anthony has been glaring our way and I’m afraid if we break something else he might actually scream.”
“Sorry. Sorry.” Steve closed his eyes and muttered a curse under his breath. “Thank you for catching that. And the one before it. I don’t know why I can’t hold onto anything.”
“You are ill at ease.” Thor put the snow globe away and brushed his knuckles over Steve’s cheek in an innocent gesture that had no business making Steve’s knees weak. “What’s wrong? You aren’t enjoying decorating the tree?”
“No, it’s fine.” Steve tried to smile but even he knew it came out forced. “Christmas with Tony is always fun. Decorating the tree with the team-- this is fun. It's fine”
“You are sore from last night then.” Thor lowered his voice and put a steadying hand on Steve’s hip, squeezing at him lightly. “I would apologize, but I enjoyed myself too much to be sorry. Even though it’s unfortunate you are so uncomfortable to not be able to enjoy today.”
“I’m a little sore.” Steve flushed, and Thor’s eyes lit with something hot and possessive. “But it’s fine. Worth it.”
“They why are you jumping every time I touch you?” Thor pressed. “Everyone is aware that we spent the night together, our relationship isn’t a secret. Why are you skittish?”
He looked up to the ceiling then, and smiled before looking back down at Steve. “Perhaps a kiss beneath the mistletoe would calm you?”
Well. He certainly wasn’t going to say no to that.
“A kiss beneath the mistletoe might calm me.” he agreed, and Thor cupped his jaw with one hand, murmuring “It would be my pleasure.” just as their lips met.
Thor kissed as wholeheartedly as he did everything else-- holding Steve tight and nearly bending him backwards, thrusting his tongue into Steve’s mouth in an unmistakable claim, a moan so low it was nearly a growl vibrating out of his chest when Steve buried his fingers in Thor's hair and tugged, gasping out a helpless sort of cry when Thor bit at his lip.
“Should we finish decorating and go upstairs?” They broke apart for a breath and Thor whispered in his ear, “I’ve been gone for so long, I’d much rather have you spread out beneath me on the bed than be decorating a tree. You have the sweetest kisses, Steven, they are nearly addicting.”
“Tony might kill us if we don’t decorate the tree.” Steve whispered back, easing out of Thor’s arms and hating every second of it. “You know? It’s important to him, which means it’s important to the rest of the team so it’s important to us. We can go to be bed later.”
“If it’s important, then.” Thor grinned when Steve’s knees wobbled and he nearly fell, all too pleased to put an arm back around the Captain’s waist to hold him up. “Perhaps I should hold you a minute longer?”
They went back to decorating the tree, and Steve did his absolute best not to drop any more ornaments, not when Thor palmed over his ass when he bent over to pick up a box not when he went to climb the step stool to put the star on top of the tree and Thor simply picked him up, fit those big hands around his waist and lifted him four feet in the air like he weighed nothing at all.
And even though Bucky way dying laughing in the background, cackling something about “haven’t seen no one lift Stevie like that since before the war, he looks like a damn china doll”, he fought back a blush and kissed Thor in thanks.
This was fine. He could blame it all on the mistletoe.
Once the tree was done, they all gathered to watch Tony light it, making appropriately impressed noises and clapping enthusiastically when the star lit up, simply because Tony looked so happy over the entire ordeal.
Eggnog was handed out, spiked with bourbon for the non super soldiers, laced with Asgardian mead for Bucky, Steve and Thor, and the various couples sprawled out around the living room to stare up at the lights, out the windows to look at the stars and to kiss and laugh together.
Christmas time at the Tower was a good time of year, and Steve found himself finally relaxing, really relaxing, as the mead warmed him from the inside out.
Thor was sweet and attentive, lacing their fingers together and kissing Steve’s knuckles. He grabbed pillows for Steve to sit on, kept his glass full of eggnog, teased and flirted and generally wound him into a blushing, stammering mess but Steve was having too good of a time to care that everyone was watching, or that maybe he was leaning a little too close and smiling a little too hard.
And then Thor dipped his head to sip the last drops of mead from Steve’s lips, licking through his mouth and suckling at his tongue and Steve made a helpless hopeless little noise when Thor rumbled, “I’d have you on your knees tonight, my love.”
Steve didn’t trust his voice, so he just nodded and Thor kissed him again.
From Bucky: Christ, this is almost painful
From Clint: You shut your mouth, it’s adorable. I’ve never seen Steve blush this hard ever. Is that like a super serum powered blush? Is his heart okay? That can’t be healthy.
From Sam: Do you think they’re in love? I mean look at Thor looking at Steve and then look at that big ass dummy looking back. Are the Beefy Blondes in love and we didn’t know about it?
From Tony: Nah, it’s not love. Look at them, they’re underneath the mistletoe and it’s Christmas. They’re just being extra smooshy.
From Natasha: I’d like to point out that there is literally mistletoe covering every square inch of the ceiling? Not really a valid observation.
From Tony: I take offense to that. There’s no mistletoe over Bruce’s chair.
From Bruce: That’s because I took it all down.
From Tony: Spoilsport.
From Bucky: I moved Bruce’s rejected mistletoe into our room, Tony.
From Tony: My god I love you. This is why we are together, because you understand the importance of mistletoe.
From Sam: I’m pretty sure mistletoe has nothing to do with why you two are together.
From Natasha: Yeah, we all remember you guys hooking up and calling it physical therapy Tony.
From Clint: We ALL remember the physical therapy Tony.
From Bruce: Yeah… we all remember the physical therapy, Tony.
From Bucky: Wanna go do some physical therapy, Tony?
Another night, another Christmas movie, and this time Steve took full advantage of all the mistletoe in the room to stretch out on top of Thor, kissing quietly if not greedily in the darkest corner of the room, rubbing against each other until Thor was swearing in one of his languages, fingers leaving bruises on Steve’s waist and hips, muffling his groan into Steve’s hair when he came in his flannel sleep pants, working his hand down between their bodies to stroke Steve to completion as well.
Then a blanket pulled up and over Steve’s shoulder to cocoon them in warmth, Thor entirely more concerned with holding Steve close than he was with the mess, dotting soft kisses into his hair and running his hands up and down Steve’s back, murmuring quiet things into his ear, “Thank you, my love, I won’t ever tire of having you like this. You are always so willing, and I am so so lucky.
Steve reminded himself that this could all be excused because of the mistletoe and let himself blush over the sweetness, cuddling closer when Thor asked him to, completely ignoring the movie playing in the background in favor of resting his head over Thor’s heart and letting the steady beat lull him to sleep.
From Clint: Uh yes, hello. Anyone else hear that?
From Tony: I’m not talking about it
From Bucky: Not talking about it
From Bruce: For the love of god, let’s not talk about it.
From Natasha: Alright I’ll talk about it then. Clint, you need to take me to bed because Thunder Thighs and Captain Patriot just got off together and now I’m suspiciously turned on. Let’s go.
From Clint: I’m out. Gonna go do adult type things in the bedroom, you guys enjoy the rest of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
From Sam: Hey, here’s a question since we're not on the subject at all, but I can't believe we haven't talked about it yet. You think Thor lets Steve top? From Sam: Wait what was that noise? From Clint: Natasha ran into a door when she read your text and probably broke her nose, but I'm going to take time out of our sexy shenanigans to say I have to agree with her gross snorting laughter, and that there is no way Steve tops From Tony: Uh yeah I’m gonna go ahead and agree with Nat too. No way Steve tops. Ever. Literally never. From Sam: Now hold on! Steve could top! I can’t imagine there’s many guys out there that Steve COULDN'T top.
From Bucky: And you know Steve was like, ridiculously straight up until he met Thor. Never been with a guy before. Never even thought about it. All about chasing girls. And you can ONLY top girls, so what do you mean he’s not a top? From Tony: First of all, the whole ‘you can only top girls’ is categorically un true and we can discuss why later. And also no man who tops make the noise that Steve makes when Thor kisses him and that’s just a FACT. From Clint: Literally never. That is a subby bottom noise right there.
From Natasha: Can confirm. From Sam: Oh look who’s breathing again. How is the nose, Nat? From Natasha: Dented, thanks. But I can confirm, tops don’t make that noise, even if they are switching and bottoming for once. From Bucky: Wait. Tony what did you say? About girls? From Clint: Tony, I’ll field this one. Frosty, my love, my sweet winter child, just because there is a woman in your bed doesn’t mean that you’re the one doing the dicking down, you know what I mean?
From Bucky: I have no idea what you mean. From Bruce: Oh no. No no. Not this. Please not this. From Natasha: Bucky, we know Steve is a bottom because he makes bottom noises. Switches don’t make those noises and neither do tops. From Bucky: WHAT From Natasha: Clint has literally never made bottom noises, not even when I top. Not ever. From Bucky: WHAT
From Bruce: WHAT
From Sam: I just... From Sam: What the... From Clint: Yeah that’s right folks, Nat and I are all sorts of fun From Tony: Nat, we should talk. Coffee and like... strap ons. From Bucky: TONY NO
188 notes · View notes
scornedlove · 5 years
Chapter Twenty-Two
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Funny how when you want to run into someone, it never happens. Then, the moment you refocus your energy, they’re everywhere you turn. Since Trey and I smoked with Robyn at the festival, I've been running into her everywhere. Once at the grocery store, once at a gas station, and here we were, crossing paths again; this time at Taylor’s gym. I thought being friends would be difficult, but we found our rhythm and boundaries weren’t even an issue. Our run ins no longer felt awkward and since we both had the morning off, we decided to have breakfast together. 
She seemed to glow as she talked about visiting her family recently and all the fun she’d had at crop over. Seeing her smile so bright as she showed me pictures of everyone and all the costumes, made me happy. I was glad she was back to the vibrant Robyn I fell in love with. Since everything seemed easy and natural again, I felt like it was the perfect time to ask her to meet Tae. “I have a question to ask, and I’m not sure how you’re going to respond.” I began, after our omelets were in front of us and our waiter was gone. Her smile dropped and was replaced with uncertainty. She took a deep breath, exhaled, then stared at me as if she were waiting for bad news. “So, I know you won’t be in town for Trey’s wedding, but Tae will be in the city until the day after. The same day you’re supposed to be back, right? I was hoping we could all have breakfast, lunch, or something. I want to introduce you two.” “Why?” she frowned, as she shook her head no. “That‘s completely unnecessary” “Because both of ya’ll are important to me. I haven’t told her that we reconnected, or that we’ve been hanging out, but I don’t want to continue this behind her back.” I explained, hoping she would understand without getting angry. “Chris, I’m going to be honest with you. I want no parts of being friends with your girlfriend, that’s weird as fuck.” “No it’s n-” “Didn’t you say she lives in Texas? Get some time under your belt before I can even take y'all’s relationship serious. Trust me, you gonna fuck it up sooner than you think” she sputtered, before dismissing me with a chuckle.
“I get it, you think I’m foolish for even asking you this”
“You right. I don’t want to see ya’ll together. ”
“It’s not like we’re going to be all over each other in your face. This has been heavy on my heart lately. Can you at least give it a real thought. For me, please?” I begged. “Don’t answer right now, think about it and let me know how you feel next Saturday. Her flight leaves Sunday at 3pm.” “Fine. I’ll think about it” she sighed, rolling her eyes as she tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Thank you, and thanks for agreeing to come as a surprise on Labor Day. I told Mama you couldn’t make it and she was bummed, she’s gonna be so happy to see you. You don’t even have to stay long. I know you’ll be tired from all the traveling, so this means a lot” “Yeah, well I love mama too. If I can make it happen, I will.” We finished eating and I drove her home. She’d found her a nice condo by the beach, which didn’t surprise me. She always loved being near the water. She invited me up, but I decided against it. I was already pushing the limit by hanging out with my ex-fiance. 
The entire week seemed to drag, but Saturday finally arrived. Trey’s bachelor party was last night, so I was a little hung over. He wanted to go strip club hopping, so that’s what we did. His cousin Victor was the designated driver, so we were able to get fucked up without any worries. Now I was hungover and paying the price. 
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“Rise and shine!” Tae’s high-pitched voice echoed in my ears. She floated past my bed and opened the curtains, letting the sunlight burn the shit out of my eyes.  “What the fuck” I groaned, throwing a pillow over my face. “It’s already three o’clock. We gotta get going, the wedding starts in a couple hours. So, drink this and take these” she ordered, setting a glass and two pills on my bed stand, then sitting beside me. “Ten more minutes” I pleaded, with my face still in the pillow. “Nope! It’s time to get up.” She ordered, leaning over me to snatch the pillow and getting a feel for my morning wood. He hasn’t been acknowledged in months, so that small amount of attention made him grow even more, and that came with a little pain. “Alright, if you keep leaning over me like that, you’re gonna be mad at me.” I teased, grabbing her waist and pulling her in for a kiss.  “I’m already mad at you. Now get up, or I’ll find my own way to the wedding.” she snapped, pulling away and throwing the pillow back at me before storming out of the room.  “What did I do?” I called out confused. Yeah, I got wasted last night, but I made it back at a decent time, as promised. Tae wasn’t the type of girl to get mad at minor things, so her attitude towards me right now was something I didn’t understand. 
With the help of Tylenol and a bloody mary, I pulled myself together and was wedding ready within thirty minutes. Tae gave me the silent treatment the entire ride, so by the time we arrived, I was just as irritated as she was. 
“I don’t want to bring bad energy to my best friend’s wedding. So, I’m going to ask you one more time, then I’ll leave it alone; Why are you mad at me?” I asked after turning the car off and giving her my undivided attention. “I don’t want to talk about it” she replied, getting out the car. I felt disrespected when she dismissed me by slamming my car door and walking off as though what I had to say next was unimportant. Luckily, I had a half of a blunt in my glove box. So, instead of losing my temper, I sparked up and felt myself calming down with every exhale.
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It's official. My boy is a married man. He and Lala are leaving tomorrow for the Bahamas, and I couldn’t be happier for them. I even teared up during my best man speech, something I’ve always considered corny. He was genuinely happy and in love with his bride, it took a lot not to envy their simplicity. Especially when Tae and I were having our first bump in the road. 
I couldn’t help but isolate myself at the reception. I sat at the bar and although it’s been forever, I smoked a cigarette to prepare for whatever was to come next. I couldn’t imagine why Tae was upset and it was all I could think about. Did she somehow find out about me and Robyn reconnecting? Whatever it was, had her pissed off so it had to be serious.
After keeping our distance all night, we were finally leaving together. It surprised me that she didn’t choose to ride with Lexi, since they were joined at the hip all night, but she must've been her excuse to stay preoccupied. We hadn’t even gotten comfortable in the car yet, when I decided we should pick up our conversation where we left off. I didn’t like being on her bad side, so I was ready to clear the air. We were going to talk about this like adults.
“If you don’t tell me what’s wrong, how am I supposed to fix it?” I asked as soon as we pulled out of the parking space.  “I’m feeling good right now. Please don’t kill my vibe” she frowned as she stared out the window.  “Fuck that. We’re grown, we talk about our problems, regardless of how we're feeling”  “Fine you wanna talk? Let’s talk” she huffed, turning to face me. “Just tell me what I did to piss you off”  “You were stupid drunk last nigh-” “So, you’re mad that I got drunk?” “That wasn’t the problem, I’ll show you the problem” she replied, pulling her phone out. She scrolled through it for a minute, then held it up to show me a video she’d recorded. I was sitting on the couch, obviously faded, when the recording began, and when I noticed her recording, I immediately started laughing. 
“You recording me?” I asked with a big grin as I leaned back and pulled my cap forward.  “Yup, this is for when I’m missing you later” she giggled in the background. “I can’t wait to show you how wasted you got when you wake up tomorrow” “My boy is getting married tomorrow! Fuck yeah I’m wasted” I replied as she started getting closer. “I know right. You’re gonna have to start flying out to see me, since I won’t be coming out here as often. I’m gonna miss you so much” “I be missing you too baby. Honestly, I’m just glad you’re in my life. You know I love you” I replied through hazy eyes. “Wait, what did you say?” she squealed excitedly in the background. “I said I love you Robyn” I grinned, oblivious to the fact that I called her my ex’s name. The video went on for another five seconds, in which I appeared to be falling asleep. “You cannot be serious?” I groaned. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another. “I’m sorry baby, but you know I was drunk out of my mind” “A drunk tells no tales” she rolled her eyes and slid her phone back in her purse. I had to admit, if the shoe were on the other foot, I’d be upset too, but I was lost for words. I couldn’t think of anything to say other than sorry and I’d already said that, so we rode in silence the rest of the way home.
For the first time since we met, it was awkward as hell being around Tae. She played with Diamond and said a few words to Anthony, but completely ignored me, until she went to bed. I wasn’t even sure if there was any coming back from that one dumb drunken moment, so I decided to let her sleep on it. Hopefully it’ll blow over by the morning. I spent the rest of the evening staring at the TV, but completely engrossed in my own thoughts until my phone broke my concentration. I was glad for the distraction, but when I saw Robyn’s name, guilt immediately swept over me. I debated on answering, and by the time I decided I would, she had hung up, and a text message popped up a few seconds later. “I actually put some thought into your request…it’s still a no for me. Sorry.” I completely forgot about asking Robyn to meet Tae tomorrow and now, I was glad she decided against it. After last night, nothing positive could come from it, so I silently thanked God and went to sleep. When I woke up the next day, Tae was gone. I tried calling her several times and was sent to voicemail. I sent her a text and when an hour had gone by with no response, I gave in and called Trey. I hated to bother them when they were getting ready for their vacation, but I didn’t know what else to do. “What’s up bro” Trey answered on the second ring. “Can’t win for losing man, I’m always in some shit. Is Lala around?” “What you want with my wife?” he asked playfully, but I was in no mood for games. “I’m looking for Tae bro, has Lala talked to her?” I asked impatiently. I could hear him relay the question, then some mumbling in the background. “Yeah, she talked to her about thirty minutes ago, she was stopping by the house to pick up some stuff she’d left last time. Why, what’s going on?” he asked, now concerned. “What did he do to my friend?” Lala yelled loud enough for me to hear. “Nothing, ya’ll enjoy the Bahamas. I’ll see ya’ll when ya’ll get back” I replied, rushing him off the phone. Now I was irritated. I couldn’t believe the childish way Tae was going about handling our first issue. I fucked up and if she wanted to break things off because of it, I would be fine with that, but I wasn’t going to worry myself over her attitude. I had just gotten out the shower when my phone rang and I just knew it was her finally calling me back, but it was mom.
“Hey Ma, what’s up” I answered, forcing a little ‘cheer’ in my voice. Mama always picked up on negative energy and I didn’t feel like explaining what was going on right now. 
“Did you get the banana bread I left you this morning?”  
“No, I didn’t realize you stopped by” I replied, jumping up to find it. I loved my mom’s baking; she can fix any bad mood. I found it already halfway gone and was pissed that either Anthony or Tae beat me to it.  
“It was before church. I caught Tae as she was on her way out”  
“Oh yeah?”  
“She told me what happened.”  
“She did?”  I quizzed, beating around the bush.
“She sure did. Christopher, are you still in love with Robyn?”  
“Really mom?”  
“I’m just asking. Tae is a great girl, but if you’re in love with Robyn, then you gotta let somebody go”  
“I was drunk ma; it wasn’t that deep. I don’t see why Tae wants to talk to you about it and not me”  
“Just give her some time. She’ll come around and when she does, you gotta be understanding. She must be feeling threatened by the love you still have for Robyn. You can’t fault her for that.”  
“What did you change about this banana bread?” I countered, changing the topic as I devoured my second slice.
“I added cream cheese. I knew you would catch that” she chuckled.
“This is the bomb and I didn’t think it could get any better before. You should make it like this from now on. Do you need anything for tomorrow?” I asked, licking the crumbs from my fingers and going for another slice.
“I have everything covered, but I’ll let you know if I think of something. You watch yourself now, and figure out what you’re gonna do about these women. You can’t keep playing with their hearts. You never know what could trigger them to do something crazy.”
“Mama I’m not playing with Tae, she’s the one being childish about the situation”  
“I said what I said Christopher. Get yourself together.” she instructed before we hung up. I cleaned up around the house, then took Diamond for a walk to take my mind off of Tae. When I got back, Anthony was at the dining room table wolfing down the last of the banana bread and Diamond wasted no time cleaning up the crumbs he’d dropped on the floor.
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“This shit right here is bomb as fuck” he exclaimed through full jaws. I was trying my hardest to be cool, but I was pissed. I’m stingy when it comes to mama’s cooking and he should’ve asked before eating my shit.  
“Yeah, I didn’t intend on sharing. I’ll have mama make more next time.”  I shrugged, clenching my jaws.
“My bad bro, I didn’t realize ya mama made this for you. I damn near ate the whole loaf. I was gonna buy you another one...” he offered, his eyes rolling back as he swallowed the last of it.
“I ain’t tripping. Don’t let it happen again tho.” I ordered as I wiped sweat from my brow. I was still recuperating from that hangover, so that walk took a lot from me. 
“What you got up for the day?” I asked, pulling out my tin can of greenery and a stick from the kitchen drawer. I sat down to roll up and Anthony pulled across from me to do the same.
“Not shit. It’s Sunday. You know I don’t do shit on Sunday. What about ya’ll?”
 “Same, not shit. Tae already left, so it’s just me.”  
“Yeah, she told me what you did” he snickered.
“Damn! She’s telling everybody” I shook my head in frustration as I lit the blunt and took a long drag. “Why is she acting like I did the shit on purpose?”  
“That’s women for you. I feel like kicking some ass on the court today. You tryna hoop?” 
“Hell yeah…only if you keep your shirt on.” I teased, passing him the blunt. Every time an attractive woman shows up at the court, he’s ready to start stripping.
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous of my body” he joked taking a hit and passing it back to me. 
“Nah, you be up there flexing for the thotties. Every time I turn around you getting a new number.” 
“Cause I’m a playa”  
“Hey man, you like it, I love it. Just don’t bring em here. I don’t have time for shit to start coming up missing”  
“You don’t gotta worry about that. The only one I bring here is Ryan”  
“Well that’s the homie, so that don’t count”  
“You know, she’s been acting distant lately”  
“Maybe she doesn’t wanna be one of your hoes anymore”  
“Shut up man, I’m serious. We went from kicking it every day to once or twice a week. She gets distant when her period comes, but it’s been three weeks now. The next one is coming up” he frowned, stroking his chin in thought.
“Seriously? I thought you were a playa, but you over here tracking periods and shit. You got it bad and don’t even know it”
“That ain’t it. I know I say some stupid shit sometimes, but I do like having shorty around. She cool peoples”
“Well the good ones don’t stay around when you have a whole line they have to wait in. You might have to start cutting back” I pointed out.
“I don’t know if I’m ready for all that serious relationship shit. That’s why you’re in the predicament you’re in now” he argued, his face twisted with uncertainty.
“It’s a lot that comes with it, that’s for damn sure” I agreed with a nod, although we were both right. Unlike him, I was willing to put forth the effort in being a good boyfriend, but somehow I always managed to fuck up. If being a player were easy, I’d have no problem with doing that, but someone always ends up hurt in that type of situation. That’s not something I’m willing to have on my heart. 
We smoked a couple more before going to the basketball court. It was hot as hell, so we only played three games of one on one and I won two. I felt good and made sure to gloat all the way home. I’d left my phone at home when we went to hoop, but I still didn’t get a call from Tae. I tried her one more time that night, but she sent me to voicemail again. I figured she must’ve found her own way to the airport and made it home already, so I let her be. It was out of my hands. 
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sebfiction · 6 years
Hey Doc!
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(Hey guys just a little an! First of all thanks for 1k! I really never thought this would get any followers, so that’s cool, lol. AND two chapters in a row! You know your girls hardcore procrastinating, whoops. Anyways, enjoy!)
Chapter 10
You got your beers from Ali the bartender and gave Arik’s his before excusing yourself from your conversation.
“I have an ass to kick” you signed, before dramatically walking off. Sebastian was already standing by the pool table, a cue stick already in his hand. You tried not to stare at him as you walked to get your own cue stick. He was leaning slightly against the table, one arm flexed and the other stretched out chalking the end of his cue stick. He looked incredible.
“You ready?” He asked. You nodded and took the first shot. You sunk two balls.
“Guess I’m doing solid balls then” you commented. After that, the game was pretty even. And though both of you kept making up more and more ridiculous trash talk about the other, it felt so easy to be with him. After a few minutes, Anthony walked over to watch. And then Chris and Amanda joined, looking very friendly in your opinion. In the end, you lost by one ball. You sighed in bitter defeat as Sebastian whooped and cheered. Trying to be a graceful loser you offered Sebastian to buy him a beer, which he accepted with minimal gloating. As you returned to the group, who were now watching Chris and Anthony play, with the victory beer in hand, you noticed Amanda wasn’t by the pool table anymore.
“Did you see where Amanda went?” You asked Sebastian as you handed him his beer.
“Oh I’m pretty sure she went to the bathroom” he replied. “And thanks for the game. Probably the most fun I’ve had playing pool” he said, right as you were about to walk off.
“Thanks” you replied, a little stunned by the sweet comment. Then you excused yourself to look for Amanda. You really wanted to talk to her about, well, everything, and you needed some privacy away from the guys. As you were getting closer to the bathroom you started hearing voices.
“Come on, don’t hold out on me now” a man's voice spoke. Your guts started filling with a bad feeling, and you picked up your pace. When you rounded the corner you saw Amanda pressed up against the wall, a stranger leaning against the wall, trapping her.
“Amanda!” You exclaimed, getting their attention. Amanda’s face lit up in relief. “I’ve been looking for you, I need to talk to you” you continued, grabbing her hand and trying to pull her away without starting a scene. But this creep of a guy was not gonna leave you alone.
“Hey wait a minute, we were in the middle of something!” He exclaimed, grabbing Amanda’s other hand. You froze and slowly turned around, stepping closer to him.
“Listen, dude, she’s not interested, so you need to take a hint and leave us alone,” you said in a serious tone. The man looked you up and down for a moment.
“Whatever you dyke, she’s not that hot anyway” he scoffed. You stopped in your tracks.
“Why don’t you go ahead, Amanda. I’ll be right there” you muttered through gritted teeth. Amanda slowly walked away as you stepped closer to the guy. You took a deep breath.
“Apologize” you demanded. The guy looked at you in disbelief.
“No” he just answered.
“No I don’t leave until you either give me a really good fucking explanation for what was happening, or you apologize” you demanded again. You felt your pulse rising as the guy scoffed at you again.
“We were just flirting ok, it really wasn’t a big deal” he tried.
“No that shit was not flirting, that was harassment. And then you used a slur towards me, and offend my friend. So that explanation does not cut it buddy” you said, anger rising in your throat.
“Listen, I don’t have to answer to this shit. So what I offended you? You’re a raging bitch, and your friend is a tease” he yelled and tried to push past you. And before you had the sense to stop yourself you had punched him in the face. And as he was about to start yelling at you again, you grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down so you were face to face.
“Let me make one thing fucking clear buddy, you need to learn how to act because harassment is never ok under any circumstances, and trust me if you do that shit again I will know, my fucking raging bitch sense will start to tingle, and I will take a nutcracker to your balls” you calmly whispered right in his ear. And then you walked away in a storm of fury. Before you had time to cool down you realized Sebastian was standing right in front of you, with a shocked look on his face.
“Sebastian I... can explain?” You tried, as your heart dropped.
“No Amanda explained enough. I just thought you might be in trouble. But clearly, you’re fine on your own” he said, chuckling a little. You smiled in relief. And then the guy blowing past you in a rage reminded you of the situation.
“How about we get you a beer and an ice pack” Sebastian chuckled and placed a hand on your shoulder as you both walked away. As you returned Anthony started clapping.
“I just saw that dude basically grab his guys and run outta here, now I don’t know what the fuck you did but I know I hope I never experience it” he joked. You smiled and bowed jokingly.
“Excellent point Mackie, but please excuse us as Dr. Kickass deals with the consequences of punching someone in the face,” Sebastian said, sparing you the embarrassment of the attention. You walked with him behind the bar and quickly explained what happened to Ali, who got you a bag of ice and then left to tend to the bar.
“You don’t have to help me you know, as a doctor I am more than competent enough to hold a pack of ice to my hand,” you told him as you get up on the counter.
“I know,” he replied, leaning against the counter next to you. “But you kept me company a whole night when I acted like a moron and got hurt, so I’m returning the favor”. The way you were sitting made you the same height. You resorted to staring at your hand to avoid making eye contact.
“Besides, I actually like spending time with you” he continued suddenly. Your head snapped up, and you were face to face with Sebastian. “Maybe we could hang out one day, just you and me” he proposed, as his mouth twitched nervously.
“I’d like that” you smiled. For a second you became acutely aware of the fact that your faces were very close. It was silent between the two of you for a moment, and then Ali returned and shushed you out again. Though he was nice, he hated having people behind the bar. You joined the crew members still sitting by your table, which included Arik and Sebastian’s makeup girl, Sarah. After that, the night went on as usual. You talked, drank, played games, and drank some more. Quite some time passed until you realized you felt quite tired and you wanted to go home. As you stood up to go grab your coat, something in the corner of your eye caught your attention. It was Sebastian, obviously quite drunk, sitting by the bar with a glass of water. You sighed at the sight of this big man sitting alone, looking a bit like a child. And then you walked over to him.
“How’s it going there, supersoldier” you joked and watched as he seemingly awakened from dosing off with a snap.
“Ooh not so good, doc. I should’ve listened to you about the drinking and the pills and that” he slurred.
“How about we share an Uber home, huh?” You proposed. You smiled at the sight of this soft giant, with rosy cheeks, droopy eyes, and messy hair. He just nodded, waited at the bar while you got your jackets, and said bye to everyone. You had to support him under the arm as you made your way outside, to wait for an Uber. Though your hand ached and you really wanted to sleep, leaning against the building with Sebastian wrapped around your shoulder like that you couldn’t help but imagine what would happen if you started dating. And he’s the one who said he wanted to hang out with you more. ‘Wait did he try to ask me out? He meant just as friends right?” You suddenly thought. As you got into your Uber you noticed Sebastian grabbing your hand, and then putting his head on your shoulder in the backseat.
‘He’s way too drunk for this to mean anything” you tried to convince yourself, but couldn’t stop thinking about how nice it was to be this close to him.
You eventually managed to get him up the stairs and back to his room. As you sat next to him on the bed trying to catch your breath for a second he suddenly spoke, sounding a lot soberer now.
“How did you get like this?” He asked.
“What do you mean?” You replied, thoroughly confused by the question.
“I mean how did you get so nice? You’ve had a pretty rough couple of years it seems, but you’re still so... caring. And funny, and smart, and just so incredibly kind”.
He’d barely finished the sentence before you had kissed him. You didn’t really plan to, but his lips looked so soft, and his eyes kept darting down to your mouth and all of a sudden your lips were on his and oh my it felt so right. It took him a second to react, and you instantly thought ‘oh no he’s not into this’, but then his hand was cupping your face and his lips were moving against yours and oh my it felt like nothing had before. Soft, sloppy, needy and exactly right. After a short while, you broke apart, coming up for air. Sebastian’s hand lingered in your face.
“I’ve hoped you’d do something like that since a week after I met you” he muttered, his eyes glinting in the darkness.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for just as long” you confessed until a horrible thought dawned on you.
‘He’s still my patient’. Sebastian must’ve seen your expression change, cause suddenly his eyes filled with worry and he asked: “is something wrong?”. You pulled away a bit further.
“You’re my patient Sebastian. So I should never have done that” you muttered.
“So what? You want to pretend this never happened? Go back to being doctor and patient, and then go our separate ways” he muttered, his voice sounding hurt.
“It’s what a good doctor would do” you muttered back.
“Can’t you be a bad doctor then? Just this once?” He answered, sounding nearly pleading. His hand found yours in your lap. And even though it went against every logical thought in your head, once more you leaned forward and placed your lips on his. His hands were quicker this time, one in your hair the other in the small of your back. Your hands made their way up to his neck, and you let your fingers run through his hair. You felt his spine shiver slightly at the sensation, making you chuckle. He broke you apart now but kept you close.
“Stay the night. We can figure out what to do with this in the morning” he muttered, and you couldn’t respond to you just nodded slightly. Sebastian connected your lips again, slowly this time, before leaning you down till you were laying down on the bed, as he hovered over you. He positioned himself in between your legs, and you discovered how tiny you were compared to him. He used his arms to hold up his weight, to avoid crushing you, as your lips slowly moved against each other. Though you felt like you could have spent an eternity like this, just enjoying the feeling of his lips against yours he eventually pulled away again.
“I’ll get you a t-shirt you can sleep in,” he told you and kissed your cheek before he got up. You leaned on your elbows, a bit confused by the sudden change of pace. Sebastian grabbed a shirt for you and then walked into the bathroom. He returned with a toothbrush in his mouth and laughed at the confused expression on your face.
“Though I’d love to take this further, I want to do this right. And I think we should take it slow for now” he explained.
“That’s... very thoughtful of you” you replied. After Sebastian finished brushing his teeth, you grabbed his t-shirt and got in after him. You grabbed one of the hotel-toothbrushes and quickly brushed your teeth, tried to wash away as much makeup you could by using just water and changed into Sebastian’s shirt. It nearly reached your knees. Sebastian laughed as you exited the bathroom. You gave him a jokingly serious look.
“You know what, I think it looks better on me than on you!” He proclaimed.
“Oh of course you do” he answered, and leaned in for another kiss. You put your finger on his lips.
“No no, you can’t laugh at me and expect to get kisses for it. Say I look better in this shirt than you” you demanded jokingly. He raised his eyebrows at you.
“You would look better than me in any of my clothes,” he said dramatically. You pecked him on the lips and dashed out of his reach.
“That’s all I get? That’s not fair, it was an amazing compliment” he exclaimed, faking offense.
“If you want more you have to earn it” you replied in a bratty tone. Sebastian started walking menacingly towards you. You crawled back on the bed until you hit the headboard.
“You’re trying to intimidate me with the winter soldier look, huh?” You continued joking. Sebastian got on the bed and crawled towards you. Still laughing, you tried to jump out of his reach again, but he was too quick this time. Suddenly he had you pinned against the mattress, straddling you, with both your wrists in one hand. Your pulse spiked so quickly you were worried he might feel it on your wrist. And then he slowly leaned down and kissed you, not aggressively but with a lot of tenderness, and care.
“I guess you do deserve that after all” you muttered when your lips parted again.
“We should sleep” he muttered back.
“We really should” you replied.
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hellmersy · 6 years
Shedding Light (Minicat)
The trailer for the new Shadow of the Tomb Raider game hit today and I couldn't help myself. So have some archaeologist Craig and expedition captain Tyler.
It had been a quiet day of traveling, the sea was calm and the boat barely rocked with the small waves that sloshed at its side. Tyler was in his quarters checking the plotted course for the sixth time that day when Craig walked in.
He didn't even turn around as the man hovered behind him until finally. "Captain?" he said sarcastically, Tyler could almost hear the eye roll, and he sighed. "Yes, Craig." He turned around to face the archaeologist and folded his arms over his chest. Just glorified grave robbers, he thought to himself as he stared down at the shorter man.
Craig looked around him and saw the map and hummed in approval. "So you are faithful to the cause," he smirked, it was Tyler's turn to roll his eyes. "I am, that being said, it doesn't mean I'm going anywhere near this Tomb of yours, and that’s on the off chance this island you claim to exists is even there, to begin with. Either way, once we’re there my team is going to split off and do some real work charting the place for the maps."
Craig's eyebrows pinched together and his jaw ticked. "Excuse you?!" Craig all but gasped at his statement, "I'll have you know that if what I have gathered from five years of research, that this discovery could bring humanity one step closer to rediscovering some of the lost arts from the bloody dark ages!" he seethed, poking his finger at Tylers chest and the man scoffed.
"It's the dark ages, Mr. Thompson, what could they have known that has any use in modern day society?" he asked blankly and Craig only seemed to get madder at that.
"It’s not about what they knew Mister Wilde! It’s the history behind it; the when, where and w--" Craig was cut off when the ship shook unexpectedly, making Craig stumble forward and Tyler backward until the back of his knees hit the desk and he bit his tongue upon landing as Craig fell onto him, straddling him.
They stared at each other, wide-eyed until the door opened. "Hey Tyler you might wanna-- Oh..." Anthony trailed off when he saw them, "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt. Just wanted to say that we entered some rough waters so you might wanna hunker down somewhere until we're out."
Anthony closed the door and Craig quickly jumped off of him before promptly walking out of the room. Tyler could only stare, what the fuck just happened, he thought, standing back up and fixing the now crumpled up map before rechecking the plotted course for the seventh time that day.
-  -  -  -
Thirty minutes later, Tyler found himself following the savory aroma of shrimp and alfredo sauce to the kitchen where David and Brian were cooking. The pair of Irishman looked at each other and smiled smugly, Tyler sighed dreadfully.
"So," David started, still stirring the pot of sauce and shrimp, "Does our resident Archaeologist still have feeling in his legs--" Tyler groaned loudly "--Or do we have to anchor down for a day or two?"
Tyler let his head fall onto the table and shot up when pain spread throughout his forehead. "Fuck!" he yelled, and David turned down the oven temperature and turned to look at him with a brow raised. "Well?"
"We didn't do anything!"
"Who didn't do what?" Craig asked as he walked into the kitchen and David and Brian laughed as Tyler slowly dragged a hand down his face.
Once the food was done everyone was called down and they ate.
"I'm just saying," Jonathan held his hands up defensively, "I've looked at the satellite images a dozen times and I've seen nothing but rocks jutting up from the ocean like jagged teeth.” Jonathan turned his laptop around to show the others.
"Technology is unreliable!" Craig grumbled indignantly. "Says the guy who had to use the GPS on his phone to find the shopping mall that was only a block away for his loft," Evan said without looking up from his book and Jonathan kissed his temple with a smug smile.
"Touche," Craig glared and shook his head, "Look, I never said that my research was one-hundred percent positive about the exact location, no one actually knows where this supposed holy land is. Every text I've found or book I've read has always been vague but that's because this place had already been lost for decades before they were written."
Brian set his food down with a sigh and took a long look at the computer screen. “As long as it’s wet I can sail on it.”
“You can’t seriously be considering this!” Jonathan shouted.
“Enough!” Tyler shouted making everyone pause.”I’m the captain of this expedition and I say that if Brian says he can sail those waters then we’re going, there’s no point in turning around when we’re already so far out.”
Craig watched the group argue back and forth until eventually they were too tired to do it anymore and as soon as Craig's head hit the pillow he was asleep.
- - - -
Craig was ripped from his sleep by the sound of objects clattering to the floor of his quarters and as soon as he sat up the ship jolted violently, throwing him from his bed and to the floor. He winced when he hit his head on the locker across from where he was thrown from and as he was getting up the ship jolted again making him slide across the floor and into the hall.
He yelped in pain when his shoulder collided with the wall and he quickly picked himself up off the ground and started his way down the hall. But as soon as he turned the corner a wall of ocean water crashed into him, instantly sweeping him away and dragging him along until it hit a dead-ended hallway that he realized was close to Tyler's room.
Before he could even think he began swimming towards to the man’s room, fighting against the current pushing him back and filling the hallway until he had to dive down to reach the handel and open the door.
As soon as he did the water started rushing in and filled the room before Craig could get a second to breathe. He immediately spotted Tyler who was floating unconsciously in the water so Craig grabbed his arm and began swimming through the hallways to the hull.
Once he passed through the kitchen there was a break in the water and he burst through the surface with a coughing gasp as he dragged Tyler up as well. Once he caught his breath he realized that Tyler wasn't breathing and he began to panic.
"No no no, don't you dare fucking die of me you bastard!" he panted as he began CPR. He was just about to give him mouth to mouth when Tyler sprung forward with a cough, spewing water and bile and gasping for air.
"Fuck that burns!" Tyler heaved out and Craig laughed before hugging him on impulse. "Thank god!" he laughed as he wrapped his arms around Tyler's shoulders and then the man went stiff in his embrace.
Craig was about to pull away when an arm was laid across the small of his back and Tyler rested his forehead in the crook of his neck. "You saved my life," he said after a moment.
"Don't thank me yet," Craig huffed and pulled away, holding him by his shoulders, "Are you hurt?" he asked and Tyler shrugged.
"My head feels like I got pistol-wiped from behind but other than that I'm fine... You?"
Craig shrugged but winced because of his shoulder and he laughed when Tyler gave him a worried look. "I'm fine, really, I just banged into a wall after getting thrown out of bed," he then suddenly became very aware of the throbbing welt on the side of his skull from when he hit the locker the first time.
Tyler nodded and looked around. "We should probably get out of here," he said, and Craig nodded. It took some finesse to get out of the crooked room and they had to swim through most of the ship, but when they were able to manage to get to the hull Craig gasped at the sight.
"Holy shit," Tyler whispered.
The ship had been torn in half and in front of them the clear blue sky lit up a pearl-white sandy shore that blends off into a dense jungle, and from every other angle all Tyler could see was the ocean. He was about to say something else until Craig dashed past him and gracefully dived over the side of the ship.
"Craig!!" Tyler shouted running over and stopping at the railing and his knees buckled in relief when he saw Craig quickly paddling himself to the shoreline. Once the Brit wadded his way onto the beach he waved for Tyler and shouted for him to join him.
Tyler closed his eyes and took a deep breath before hefting himself over the railing. "Holy. Fucking. Shit!" He flailed wildly on the way down and hit the water with a painful sounding smack.
When he broke the surface and looked to the beach, Craig was gone.
Tyler furrowed his brows and swam onto the beach, looking around and was confused to not see the Archaeologist anywhere. He looked around at his feet for footprints and his stomach sank with dread when he saw the drag marks in the sand.
He noticed a shadow on the ground behind him and he wiped around with his fists extended, but the person ducked under his punch and drove their shoulder into his stomach, effectively knocking the wind from his lungs and bringing him down to his knees before a foot collided with his face and his vision went black.
Wanna read the next Chapter? Check out my book which this mini-series is included “H2OVanoss & Bitches: Volume Two!” on my wattpad which is also HEllmersy2001, and check in soon for the next chapter!
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