#i am so  not neruotypical
sensitivegoblin · 1 year
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alexissara · 3 months
Being A "Diversity Ball"
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I am a Latinx, Trans, Woman, Disabled, Polyamarous, Neurodiverse, Asexual, Lesbian and that sounds like a lot right? It really isn't that much though we just simply allow people the grace of not having to say all these things. A White, Cis, Man, Able bodied, Neruotypical, allosexual, monogamous, heterosexual doesn't have to say anything about themselves, that is just all assumed. It isn't strange to have all these labels what is strange is having to say them, having the things that are considered deviant to the social power. The core difference is that I could elaborate further on any of these labels because to me their more complicated so even my "long list" is a little reductive.
The "normal" person doesn't have to think critically about all these things [because they probably would find out they aren't all of those things] so even if it is more complicated they are unable to elaborate on what it means for them to be straight, cis, able-bodied, neurotypical, they don't need to think about any of that.
I think we're supposed to feel a bit of shame for being ourselves, for sharing it, for it being in our bio or something, like that is making it all our personality but really we are communicating to others in whatever way we think is effective, I am one of your people. We are always choosing what we include, what we don't include. We don't write our personal definitions of what these words mean to us but the opposition gets to kinda blissfully exist as the absence of identity, the option of it. The reality is if things aren't in our bio we're still living it but when your in a place of privilege you don't need to engage those parts of yourself.
Here on tumblr I've intentionally left out a lot of detail in my proper bio since their so small and because I want to see how people treat me if I let them assume things about me or have to do the research. Ironically I had someone do the research on me once here on tumblr, they dug through my stuff to find out I was trans to then insult me. Like I was talking about Lesbian stuff, as I do, and they had to be like "Ha, I win, you are a trans" like seeing a photo of me you clearly weren't confident given you looked it up and screen shotted me saying it rather then posting a picture of me.
Even when we try to like "not be loud" about parts of ourselves those who hate us are happy to try and negate us, to pit parts of our identity against us. One of the worst parts of being a BIPOC queer is when cis/het BIPOC people try and say our queerness is a white person thing. These people have never read history in their fucking lives, like our ancestors more then likely were super fucking gay, gayer then history would say because a lot of history was destroyed. These intercommunity discourses can really suck cuz we're asked to engage against ourselves as if we can neatly join these teams.
Of course the reality is that being all these things mixed together are interchangeable, they create a unique ID for us. Like we can't see the world through the lens of just one of our accesses of marginalization but we see them through all of them. We can't so easily detach and remove parts of ourselves. We can be in the closet, not talk about something, hide stuff, but we understand our own realities.
I believe we should embrace ourselves, radically accept who we are and not worry about if it's like extra or whatever to have a million labels. The fact is the labels are just short cuts for us, like it's useful the more we have the more we can explain at a glace.
This pride, be yourself, be annoyingly yourself, who gives a shit, the reality is everyone else is as many things as you are, we're made of the same junk we just end up built different.
If you were going to throw money at someone randomly, a little ball of labels, you could do worse then me, maybe check out my Patreon or Ko-fi.
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digitalmidnight · 6 months
Okay so long story short
1. I aced my finals \(^-^)/
2. I am not neruotypical and apparently it's really obvious and we're still figuring out dosages over here (*・x・)ノ~~~♪
3. I am now technically a published author? How'd that happen?! ( ゜o゜)
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bugie78 · 5 years
Guys someone really just assume im neurotypical from a fb argument. 
I have aspergers.... 
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kai-keda · 3 years
In all seriousness, I do find the concept of “Comfort Character” very fascinating. Especially since this is the first and only time I’ve ever experienced the phenomenon myself.
It’s a very strange feeling that feels involuntary in a lot of ways.
I wish I had the credentials and the means to research it further, myself, but alas.
I’m an animation student, not a psychologist.
I think the most telling thing about the phenomenon being its own unique Thing™️ is the fact that my current “Comfort Character” isn’t even my favorite from the source show.
I have my favorite character and I have my reasons for him being my favorite, some of which also relating back to resonance, but my Comfort Character is completely different.
Like I said, it’s kind of involuntary at times how excited and happy I get just seeing fan content of this character.
Often when watching clips from the show of him, I’ll go so far as to stim.
And it certainly wasn’t something I consciously set out to have. I just kind of stumbled upon the realization one day that “Hey, this character offers me a degree and frequency and type of comfort that I don’t seem to get from anything else. Kinda weiiiiiiird.”
I am 100% certain this a neurodivergent related subject, but it is highly possible neruotypical people can experience it, too. Depending on what this specific feeling of comfort actually entails.
I really wish there was a way to research this further but, alas, it’s an extremely new term that seems to only be used in some fandom circles so even if there were psychologists studying it, I doubt there’s anything professionally published worth reading about - if it even exists at all.
I’ve considered researching into the concepts of escapism and attachment to fiction in a general sense, but I’m hesitant to do that because I’m not so sure those will give me the answers I’m looking for.
I’m curious about something very - VERY - specific that I’m not even sure IS escapism.
It could be escapism. It could be a healthy or unhealthy way of dealing with insecurities, anxieties, depression and other negative emotions. It could be a sign of an unhealthy attachment to fiction. A sign of being unable to separate fiction from reality to some degree.
It could be anything and my lacking of any expertise in this field really makes it hard for me to satiate my curiousity and borderline NEED for answers.
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living-with-autism · 4 years
Hi so I’ll come straight.. I’m nervous as heck to be thinking this but I feel like I’m not actually autistic but when I keep looking back.. It makes sense? So I don’t talk a lot, and when I do.. it’s typically info dumping, or small chat, to just being seriously silent. I do repeat things like sounds when I’m happy.. an ex:
Flapping my hands, and squeezing my arms to my sides while saying.. “eeeee”
then I also have trouble sleeping, it’s surprising to know so many of my family came to help me with sleeping medication but it doesn’t work until 3 or more hours when I should be asleep. ( I read your post that autistic people just have trouble sleeping. )
I also stim with my head, like moving it back and forth (side to side), or up and down. I rock, twist my body, flap my hands and.. I think there’s more but I can’t remember all? Though I typically notice them after a while or I don’t. ( I’ll estimate it for ya! 68/100 )
Then I have loads of sensory issues too.. ( mines sound, and smells that really hit hard for me. ) but besides all that I also have a difficult memory that I struggle remembering and, if I’m correct because everyone says this is lazy or procrastinating.. my executive dysfunction won’t let me do specific things anymore like I used too.
A few other things before I ask my question/s.. I am also very observant to detail ( I used to read ISpy books all the time and would find all the items and point them out before my grandmother could as a kid. ), however I’m not very good at school, and I like to info dump on my special interests, I chew a lot on things, I get anxious/anxiety when I’m not on time to things or I’m late/others are late, and finally I seriously struggle with expressing myself and socializing. ( everyone says I can talk great but I don’t think that’s what I’m specifying when I say those two things. )
My first question is.. does this sound like autism, and what do you think I can do to help myself with the executive dysfunction part? My second is this.. if this doesn’t sound like autism, do you think it’s something else?
I’m sure I left a few things out but.. this is all I can think about. I’m just really tired of people pushing it to the side as if this is normal and won’t get me the proper help that I need. I mean.. I love myself, and I wouldn’t change a single thing but.. I’m really tired of the commentary of being called weird and now everyone is saying: but why do you need a diagnosis?
Idk Karen, maybe so I have a reason to tell you these weird things are me and you calling me weird is offensive. 🙃
To answer your questions yes this extremely sounds like autism and executive dysfunction is not easy to deal with sometimes you have to use the “eat the frog” method. You can also just try and push through the things you HAVE to do and then give yourself a break remember our brains are not meant to function in this neruotypical world
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Soulless Riffing: Brainless Ch. 2
I got a supernatural action/romance book series as a gift that’s just riddled with stuff that I hate….and as a steampunk Victorian London action romance story filled with werewolves and vampies…it’s yeah gonna be easy to poke fun at.
I just want to say, it’s totally cool if you like this story or ones like it!  It’s certainly a better caliber than a lot of what I make fun of….however…I can’t help but want to make fun of it.
Over here for the 1st chapter
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Chapter 2
An Unexpected invitation FOR ME TO RANT ABOUT EXPOSITION!
Before I get into the meat of this chapter, allow me a bit of ranting time about some exposition we get in both chapter 1 and 2 here.
Even though Alexia was told she’s a rare and super cool SOULLESS when she was 6 years old. NOBODY IN HER FAMILY knows she’s Soulless. And I’m sitting here like…
There’s no fucking way any 6 year old can keep the secret that they have cool powers for longer than 10 minutes.  Especially if they weren’t told it was something to keep quiet about, and especially, ESPECIALLY if you’re telling a girl who grows up to be an out-going woman who’s confident about defending herself.
It’s as if there is some dramatic reveal on the horizon where her family finds out and is mean to her for being born BADLY.
SPEAKING OF BEING BORN BADLY this bit of characterization burns my biscuits a big one.
Alexia is considered unfuckable for a few reasons.
1.)    Big Nose, face isn’t considered traditionally pretty. – Okay that’s a good addition
2.)    She’s too STRONG-WILLED – Okay sure
3.)    She’s half Italian.
Woah hold up there…
Sorry, not sorry, but I hate this cowardly, cynically pandering horseshit.
Can that make sense in this pseudo-bullshit historical setting? Sure.  But we also have fucking werewolves and vampires.  The fact that they chose for her ~lower status~ to be tied to the fact that she’s A DIFFERENT KIND OF CAUCASIAN is deliberate and pathetic. They author wants to pander to women who feel like they’re…
“NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS” but at the same time don’t want to risk the book not selling if HEAVEN FUCKING FORBID there was a BLACK AND/OR FAT AND/OR TRANS AND/OR LIVES WITH A DISABILITY woman on the cover.  It’s just pandering to that extra shitty part of white people that’s like, “I’M A SECOND CLASS AMERICAN CITIZEN BECAUSE MY HERITAGE IS IRISH AND A LONG TIME AGO THE IRISH WERE TREATED SHITTY!”
Were the Irish and the Italians treated shitty in historical contexts?
Oh absolutely!  
Problem is this woman published a Victorian styled book that’s full of steam punk, yiffable supernatural vampires, in 2009. When you write it in the modern era and it’s full of fantasy bullshit and you want to make commentary about discrimination and prejudice? Don’t try to jam that in with a leading woman who’s an upperclass, straight, able-bodied, neruotypical, white, skinny, cis-woman but like THE BAD KIND OF WHITE!
Is it a book written from a problematic perspective? Not necessarily, but it’s fucking cowardly and you can get the hell out of my face with that gutless trite.
I have a feeling this is going to be an on-going theme too. People being discriminated against EVEN THOUGH THEY’RE COOL!  This chapter already implies that Vampires, Werewolves, Scottish People and YES even Scientists (for reasons) are discriminated against even though ALL OF THE ABOVE are well represented in the upper echelons of high society.
Can you be rich and respected but still be discriminated against? Yes, of course, but…it’s very hard for me to picture any of these groups as hugely oppressed when they’re dripping in money and good social standing. I’m so dreading the scene where somebody says something blatantly and maliciously racist about her powerful, wealthy werewolf boyfriend and Alexia stands up and GIVES THEM WHAT FOR cause she TOO knows what racism feels like cause a dude she asked out once was like, “Eww ur half-Italian no way lawl.”
I’m white, but Jesus Christ, fucking white people.
So with a page of me bitching about exposition out of the way….Alexia, her mother, her 2 half-sisters, and her step-father are all gossiping it up at the breakfast table. And boy howdy is it apparent what the author and by extension, what she thinks her audience would find shitty.
YES YOU GUESSED IT! Her younger half-sisters are
But they do have the negative trait of being SHALLOW!
Yes Alexia stand in judgment of those women who care about how they look.  Let’s ignore how every outfit you don, is lovingly described in detail, and that there were at least 3 separate situations last chapter where you fussed about how you looked.
Just to be clear, I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with the author happily describing elaborate, Victorian outfits, or a woman fussing over her looks. I’m saying it’s bullshit that she snidely calls them shallow and insipid from atop her ~NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS~ throne while engaging in the same fucking behavior.
There’s an article in the paper about the dead vampire but there is no mention of Alexia in it. When asked if she knew anything about it she derails into huffing about how she wished she said more mean shit to Lord Macaron. When like…I’m sorry? You both said some sassy stuff, but HONESTLY? You violently killed a man at a ball, and got out of that REALLY FUCKING EASY, and while Alexia insulted Macaron to his face the worst he said to her was she was as covert as a sledgehammer and immediately apologized for it. (BTW, he said this in response to her DEMANDING to be given a job that doesn’t exist but she will get one like it in t-minus 5 chapters.)
Shouldn’t you be…I don’t know…a bit more concerned that a mysterious man attacked you last night, and there could be more like him out there RIGHT NOW rather than you didn’t have enough witty one-liners on hand? Get over yourself Alexia.
So let’s settle a bit.
She goes out huffing on a walk with her Bff Ivy Hisselpenny to calm herself down.
Even if Ivy is also an outcast due to voluntarily wearing SILLY HATS!  I’m calling it now she is a cinnamon roll that must be protected from Alexia’s “I’m best girl” narrative.  May I say I find it a gross misuse of time to use a paragraph to explain the difference in French/English Fashion by their introduction but spend 2 words, “Hideous bonnet” on describing the silly hat? FOR SHAME!
Thankfully Alexia doesn’t’ incessantly tease poor Ivy…yet.  On their walk they are stopped by Mable Dair who tells Alexia her Vampire Matriarch, Countess Nadasdy, wishes to see her.  
Everything about that situation screams bad fucking news for her.  Again, thankfully, Alexia has enough brains to try to determine HOW BAD that situation could be.
So she sees token gay and vampire friend Lord Akeldama.  The author makes no qualms about characterizing him as the floucniest priss that ever ponced a sissy.  Now, I’ll confess, I have a guilty pleasure for fictional gay stereotypes that bleed into problematic territory. 
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Yet Lord Akeldama is not doing it for me.  It might be the fact that since this is kinda Young Adult territory that you can’t be subtle. But I can’t help but feel condescended to with the tons of IMPLIED nods to how gay he is. I’d almost rather she just come out and say, “THIS MAN IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO GAY…HE IS A DICK WITHIN A COCK WITHIN A PENIS! HE’S LIKE A TURDUKEN BUT IT’S A DICK-COCK-IS!” Instead I’m tapping my fingers going, “Oh this new line of dialog now makes it the 67th new cutsey flower-based nickname he’s calling Alexia by! Thanks cause, I missed all the previous 66 of them!”
To be honest, I might be being a bit too judgmental here.  Like with all things I love a lot, I can be a bitter opinionated bitch about what I consider good and bad versions of it.  So anyway Akeldama doesn’t have much to add besides
“Create more sexual tension with that Hunky werewolf wiener”
Say something Nice Faps:
Lord Akeldama being interested in Alexia makes some sense due to her soulless ability. The author makes a point about how he likes holding her hand and feeling human. So even if Alexia is insufferable or nothing special otherwise it makes sense that this vampire would enjoy her company for that at least.
They describe Mable as both chubby and very good looking. CAUSE TURNS OUT YOU CAN BE BOTH!
As I said, Alexia at least has enough brains to get some info before driving straight into the fire here.
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Ok everyone, repeat after me
Therapeutic does not equal dumb, especially for schools
Therapeutic does not equal dumb, especially for schools
Therapeutic does not equal dumb, especially for schools
Therapeutic does not equal dumb, especially for schools
Therapeutic does not equal dumb, especially for schools
Therapeutic does not equal dumb, especially for schools
Therapeutic does not equal dumb, especially for schools
Therapeutic does not equal dumb, especially for schools
Therapeutic does not equal dumb, especially for schools
Therapeutic does not equal dumb, especially for schools
I am living proof of this. I am in high-ninty-something percentile on every section on a standardized test. But because I need support I suddenly "don't try enough"? A school having actual support for their students makes it a "dumb school"? A school that doesn't stress the life out of students with excessive homework, has people who care about you and doesn't always agree with the parent on everything? A school that has therapists that can actually see how things at home affect you because they are always at school? A school where you still learn the same stuff and get a dipolma form your home school and has the same common core? What?
We seriously need to eliminate the stereotype that these schools are filled with stupid kids who can't handle school for "some stupid mental health reason". I've been told by my dad they want to kick me out because I'm so smart, that "you don't belong there". But he doesn't see that that is not the purpose of the school. The purpose is to help me through depression and suicide episodes when I have them.
(Which is mostly caused by my dad's emotionally abusive mindsets of "I'm the parent and your the child", "I don't have to change. I am fine. You need to get your act together.", "You're only a child, your opinion is invaild. And no, I don't care if you're trying to help yourself I'm the parent and I do what I want", and my personal favorite; the most recent one: "I don't care if you feel ready for a job or to drive. I don't care if you want to move on. Show me you can handle regular school first and get out of the other school.")
So please, stop this mindset of unless you are at a "regular school" or neruotypical, you are dumb or overreacting/not trying hard enough.
Thank you
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About Me
Howdy, I’m Raymond (you can call me Ray if you wish)!
I thought that if I’m going to be running a blog to help talk to people, you might actually want to a know a little bit about who you’re talking to first. I’m just a guy who is doing this because I really want to help support those around me, and I think we should all have someone to talk to. I am not a psychologist, nor do I have any sort of expertise in the field, so while I’m more than happy to help you talk though psychological issues please do not choose me over a licensed doctor if possible!
I am a trans man who’s attracted to men (he/him or they/them please), so I more than willing to help cope with dysphoria or answer questions on how to support the LGBTQ+ community. I’m not neruotypical and have a few coping mechanisms up my sleeve for those who need them. But now on to a little more about me personally!
I adore theater,and I’m almost always in a show of some sort. I’m also very fascinated by the macabre and love reading everything from Stephen King to Neil Gaiman to true crime novels. I play drums, and dabble in guitar and ukulele, although I’m not great at any of them. I also enjoy drawing and I love writing. My Myers-Briggs type is INTP-T and I hope to help any and all to come to my blog with need! Please ask anything you need and don’t hesitate to ask for help, we all need it sometimes
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autism-asks · 7 years
I was wondering if you could give some general expamples of how an autistic person and a neurotypical person would respond to various situations? I think I'm autistic and when I read about austic experiences I'm like hey that's​ me, but like I don't /feel/ autisc I just feel like well me. So I think a compare and contrast would help me see how far off from the neruotypical experience I am.
There really isn’t a feeling to autism. It’s just who you are. Most of us just feel like ourselves, but autism is a major component of who we are. 
I’m not really sure how to do a compare and contrast. If you send in specific scenarios, I’m sure we can explain how a neurotypical person might act versus an autistic person, but this question is too broad for me to wrap my head around. 
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