#i am soft for soulmate!michael
steviewashere · 3 months
Thinking about a fic idea right now where Steve comes out (maybe with a little Steddie...maybe; might be best to start them pre-relationship in this). Walk with me here.
Steve Harrington who has always been a huge Wham! fan. And then eventually a huge George Michael fan. He's got all their albums. Collects magazines with interviews in them (y'know, if there's a U.S. release). So, he's pretty much up to date with all news, music info; that kind of thing. He's always on the money about when interviews are.
George Michael who comes out publicly in 1998 after his arrest. Which, you can watch the clip from the interview here. He's thirty-four at the time, had been private about his sexuality and romantic life up until then.
Steve who's freshly in his thirties.
He's thirty-one. He's had some thoughts in regards to his sexuality for years now. Since Robin came out to him in 1985, he's thought about little things. The way certain guys walked that caught his attention, maybe the plushness of their lips, how they styled their hair. She's introduced him to queer culture at the time—pride parades & protests, some lingo, the handkerchief code, etc. So, he's well aware of a lot of things before the CNN interview airs. He hasn't made any hard connections between his sexuality and the thoughts in his head; maybe he's had a few, soft, questioning moments like: Am I gay? Am I bisexual? Is this what I really think or am I searching for something I don't actually want? Am I just being too observant?
(Okay, thinking about pre-Steddie now. And a lot of platonic soulmates Stobin. Also, I totally (accidentally) half-wrote a fic. Stay with me here.)
Eddie's been a part of Steve's life since 1986. Somehow he survives (don't ask me the fine details, I don't know). And Steve tries his hand at being Eddie's friend because he kind of—no, really—wants a guy friend who's around his age. Cue their shenanigans: the chaos they cause together, the pranks they pull on their other friends, the shit Eddie makes Steve get into (drag racing (cars), stealing scrap from the junkyard, throwing rocks over the quarry to guess the impact they made, other little town shit). Eddie who learns that Steve's a true ally to Robin, so he comes out to Steve, too. They all form a very great, deep bond of solidarity. Become roommates outside of Hawkins, somewhere a little more progressive. They protect each other. Listen to each other.
Cue the day in 1998 when the CNN interview is being aired live, unseen up until then. Steve's already ready to watch, having taken up the middle cushion on the couch. Robin's on his left, criss-cross and making a set of beaded bracelets for the three of them. Eddie's on Steve's right, uncapping a couple bottles of beer to pass over. And they're watching with Steve because Steve likes George Michael and, well, they like Steve and his interests. So they're all there when George Michael comes out. They're all there when the words are said live.
Robin and Eddie are wide-eyed, then laughing something a bit triumphant, high-fiving over Steve's head, maybe chanting something: "One of us! One of us!" Maybe becoming huge George Michael fans as they speak. But, Steve's silent. He's sitting on the edge of his cushion, palms down on his thighs, staring off into nothing. All the celebration stops as the interview continues, words being missed. And Robin and Eddie share an odd glance, a questioning one. Until, finally, Robin asks, "Steve-O? You OD over there?"
Steve blinks back into existence. Mutters, "Did George Michael just come out on live TV?" Eddie answers him truthfully, voice a bit soft and concerned. Steve licks his lips, doesn't move his eyes from his socked feet. "...He knew for a little while," he comments. "Right? He knew for a while."
"Sure, Steve," Eddie answers again. "He probably knew about himself for a long time. Probably...Honestly, probably while he was still in Wham."
Maybe Steve nods at that. Maybe he just stays kind of stoic, thinking too hard. "He's thirty-four," Steve points out.
"That he is," Robin answers this time. "Thirty-four and proudly out."
Steve hums some sort of acknowledgement and then goes back to watching the TV, moment drifting away. He sort of watches in a daze. Up until he turns in for the night. Well after Robin has slumped over on the couch and Eddie's gone to bed earlier—because he has work, or so Eddie's said. And Steve maybe sits in his bedroom, up at his headboard, looking down at his albums. At his Wham! and George Michael albums. Turning the tapes over in his hands, reading the track lists, maybe tracing the edges of the cases with his thumbs. Thinking about how George had said he was telling his life story, even through some of his earlier solo work. He's thinking about how successful George Michael has been. And then he thinks about how George Michael came out later in his life. In his thirties, not in his twenties, not in his teens. Sure, yes, it was definitely more negatively criticized to do so, but it means something to Steve. To be thirty-four and freshly out. And he thinks, too, about being thirty-one and things clicking into shiny clarity—he's into guys, too. He's into women, but he's into guys. That word, "bisexual" looking like the final jigsaw piece. To be thirty-one and proudly out, too.
And he's comforted in that thought, as he drifts off to sleep.
And when he wakes up in the morning, he bustles around Eddie and Robin in the kitchen. They make a shared breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausage and toast with jam. They sit at the dining table, forks against plates, shooting the shit back and forth.
Steve cuts a slice of sausage, puts it in his mouth, eats as usual. And just as the conversation is beginning to drift again, he finally speaks what's on his mind. "I'm bisexual," he's able to proudly state.
Maybe Eddie and Robin cheer, too for that. They ask him for his taste in guys. Maybe they tease him a little. Maybe Eddie realizes he fits the bill a little; maybe he waits a little bit before taking a shot, but he still does eventually.
And right before they head off for their respective, regular lives outside of the comfortable space of their apartment, Robin knocks their shoulders together. "Proud of you," she states. "Thirty-one and proudly out. How does it feel?"
They're in the kitchen, washing and drying the dishes because Eddie left for work already with a promise to bring home pizza for dinner. They're in the kitchen, the lights a little fluorescent like the Starcourt bathroom. They're in the kitchen, in each other's orbits, two friends who've seen it all and will continue to see the world together.
"It feels...I feel good. Excited."
Robin smiles at him, something soft and understanding. And as his focus goes back to the plate he's about to hand off, she snorts. "So, Eddie, huh?" And he scoffs, rolling his eyes. She just laughs to herself. Then, when she's calmed a little bit, she states, "He kind of looks like Rowlf. You and I have a thing for Muppets, Stevie. Muppets."
And after their laughter dies down and they live out the rest of the day, Steve thinks about how he can send a letter of thanks to George Michael. And maybe he cherishes those albums a little closer. And he is confident in himself for the first time in a while, all because the representation he didn't know he was seeking, is finally right in his face.
Sorry that got long. But I'm just thinking about Steve who comes out later in his life. Maybe he couldn't make those connections because he didn't have the safe atmosphere to do so; feared the worst if his parents ever realized he didn't care too much about women sometimes, if his eyes drifted to men a little too much, fearing that they'd catch his contemplation. Maybe he found his safe space through Robin and Eddie, but needed a little more of a push and he just didn't find it yet. Up until now.
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shapard · 6 months
Feather of Fate🕊️
Lucifer x seraphim!fem!reader
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Soulmate arc
Soft Lucifer
They talk in honesty
A/n: When someone wants to request something, go on!
Eternal Sunshine
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Chapter 10 > Epilogue
Saying that Lucifer got over protective is an understatement. He always was at least one feet away from you.
Lucifer created a little goat guardian for you, when he wasn’t there and able to protect you. 
You named her Lammy. 
Lucifer always said that it was a boring name. You should name her Shazam or something similar, which you gladly declined. 
Lammy may be a simple name but it is a cute one for your cute little white-brownish goat. She had two small pairs of fairy wings and a pink bowtie. 
You loved your little Lammy and hugged it 24/7 which made Lucifer a little Jealous. 
When Lucifer was there Lammy wasn't allowed on the bed.
Husk and Angel dust were more than happy that you’re alive. They didn’t even let you move an inch. 
And now you were crouched down to the medicine cabinet, because the pain on your back was too much.
“Luce! Where are the pain killers?” You shouted as you looked in the small medicine cabin, you couldn’t find your medications anymore.
A golden shimmer appeared next to you and Lucifer descended from it. 
“They should be in here Apple pie. Why do you need them?” He asked as he crouched down to your level and helped to find the medications. 
“I have pain on my Shoulder.” The pain was on your shoulder blades reminding you of your missing pairs of wings, with a disappointed sigh you sat down on the red carpet. 
“Is there anything more you want to talk about darling?” Lucifer asked out of worry. Since a couple of days, he watched you closely as you sometimes looked outside with a sad expression on your face. You talked a lot less and sometimes you weren’t listening anymore to him. 
“It’s nothing Important.” That was a half lie. 
Even though you and Lucifer were very close and loved each other dearly, there was still a big elephant in the room. 
What was that with Lilith? 
And the way you thought about your wings, you missed them dearly. Now you know how Maleficent when she lost her wings from her own Lover, except it wasn’t Lucifers fault.
“I can see that you’re lying honey.” He snorted and chuckled and took your soft hands in his black clawed ones. “If you don’t want to share that’s okay. Only when you’re ready.” His voice was smooth like butter and his soft lips kissed your forehead softly. 
You take a deep shaky breath, “When I was in that Playhouse. Azrael showed me something.” Lucifer slit eyes switched onto your shaking hands, no doubt was that a very Traumatic event. 
He held them tight letting you know that he’s there for you and will protect you this time. “What has he shown you?” He asked carefully as he watched your eyes fill with sadness, a feeling that clenched around his heart in a hard force.
“You and Lilith, you two were kissing. Meanwhile I-“ A sob escaped your throat, and you laid your head on his chest. 
A pang of guilt resides in Lucifer as he stroked your back in circular motion. “I am sorry my Apple pie. I really hoped you didn’t see that accident, but I guess it was planned."
"She forced herself on me and right after I took care of her that she’ll never show herself back here. Please believe me.” His face was pressed on your hair and he took a deep breath in.
Well, you believe him. You believe him more than you do Azrael, you don’t even know him. 
Michael was dead, he was killed by his own twin brother Lucifer. 
How Ironic. 
You stayed in Lucifers arms a while until your cries calmed down. “Sorry to ruin your day.” Lucifer shook his head and chuckled, “You haven’t ruined anything! Besides we still have the whole night.” 
You started to blush, and your body started to heat up. 
A spark started to swirl on your back, and you felt something coming out. With a quick motion you grabbed some familiar soft feathers on your back and Lucifer whistled. 
“Seems you got your wings back cutie.” He bit his lips and brushed his clawed fingers softly down your Humerus towards the Manus and your body grew hotter every second. 
“Kinda Hot I gotta admit.”
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A/n: I wanted to write smut in here but decided against it.
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This is the most Pixelated image I've seen in my whole life. Neitherless a God piece.
Sadly I couldn't tag you
@ayanazoldyck @marydragneell @lunaryasha @cherry-cola-100 @lxkeee @latersgaters-steven @fandom-crashlanding @cupidsgift @steadyconnoisseurnacho @crimsonflameproxy @stormz369 @wooleypeaches @fukingsad @starlitvenus @avadakadabra93 @itzabbeym @asmodeussimpnumber1 @sirenetheblogger @k1y0yo @i-have-no-life-charlie @angelicwillows @0puddleofgender0 @fallenh34art @v3r41ynn @froggybich @pank0w @roboticsuccubus83 @littlebear423 @anonymously-ominous @concentratedconcrete
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kittenfangirl20 · 3 months
*back in Eden Adam was visited by a new angel who was a woman like Lilith, he could tell she was an archangel because she had white skin and red circles on her cheeks like Lucifer and Michael did, but she had wavy long light pink hair and eyes, her angelic robes had flowers on them and were light pink in color, she had six wings like archangels that were light pink and white*
Jophiel: Hello Adam, I am Jophiel the Archangel of Love and Beauty. I was sent here because the other angels say you aren’t connecting with your wife, Lilith.
Adam: I don’t love Lilith.
*Adam didn’t like talking about Lilith and the fact that other angels were trying to make him be intimate with her as they put it*
Jophiel: It is very obvious that you two are never going to connect with each other especially since my brother, Lucifer is your soulmate. I am actually here to help you get with Lucifer.
*being the Archangel of Love and Beauty, Jophiel was able to see that Lucifer was Adam’s soulmate, not Lilith, Adam excitedly jumped up and hugged Jophiel*
Adam: You are going to help me be with Luci? Thank you, I love him so much and I want him to love me the way I love him too.
Jophiel: You are so cute.
*Adam and Jophiel walk through Eden, Jophiel decides that the first plan was to make Adam look really pretty, it already helped that God created Adam to be very attractive already, she decided that flowers was the best way to go, she made Adam a flower crown and covered his body in flowers to where it looked like he was wearing a strapless mini dress made of flowers, she finished up the look by crushing some raspberries and using the juice to put color on his lips*
Jophiel: You are so beautiful, my brother should fall head over heels in love with you when he sees you.
*Adam looks so happy as Jophiel helped him find Lucifer who was with Lilith, Adam smiled even more when Lucifer blushed at Adam*
Lucifer: Adam, you look really beautiful.
Adam: Thank you.
Lilith: Stop lying to him, he looks ridiculous like that.
*Adam trembled remembering all the times Lilith called him a hideous creature and just walked away while pulling the flowers off of him while he cried, Lilith was right, he had no hope winning the love of someone as beautiful Lucifer, he cried even more when Jophiel pulled him into a hug*
Jophiel: Don’t listen to her, you are God’s greatest creation and you will have Lucifer’s love because you two are meant to be together.
(Jophiel is a sweetheart and definitely ships Adamsapple, I also wanted her to look soft and cute with lots of pink)
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lunexrin · 1 year
Strings and Soccer.
Michael Kaiser (Thread of Fate AU.)
| I just wanted to quickly throw this in here that I have absolutely no idea what I am doing and this is just a piece of my mind as the clock almost strikes 1 in the morning. This has little to no proof-read at all, and this is my first time writing on here so I do apologize for the mistakes I made below. Thank you and enjoy. |
It's a terrifying sight to say the least; the look of determination this man has in his eyes. You knew he was always serious in what he does, and his obsession with soccer was something that you always admired. That crazed look in his eyes whenever he kicks the ball ever so freely to reach the opponent's goal, the determined look in his eyes-- that is how he looked before you now, but it seems even stronger.
He wasn't about to take no for an answer, and you knew that more than anyone. Michael Kaiser simply does not beg, it doesn't exist in his 101 egoistical guide that he lives his life according to-- but for you? He will. He will 'beg' for you to stay, in his own way of course.
The deadly grip that he has around your wrist, his touch almost burns, and it pains you, but it was undeniably soft for the Michael Kaiser. That's how he always was to you; soft. Well the more accurate way to say it is; merciful. He pulled you closer by your wrist, making you stumble forward, your chests almost making contact before you stumbled back.
The audacity. Wasn't he the one who had cut you off like you meant nothing to him? Wasn't he the one who rejected your calls, blocked you everywhere, because you were a 'distraction' ? Not to mention the nerve that he had to say such a thing in the most pitiful voice he would ever use while he lived on this earth, but it was only for you, that is.
And how dare the string show itself again-- you thought he had already cut it, but the string is so darn stubborn.
[12 years ago.]
You and Michael were considered lucky to be tied by the sacred string, on one lonely day at the children's playground, many, many years ago. You had always struggled to make friends, while he-- well, he didn't need any. He thinks these other gremlins were just too much of a hassle and a waste of space.
You watched the other kids play, some sort of longing bloomed in your pure soul as you watched the other kids your age play tags with their other friends. It has always been this way. You were just too shy, and no one really wanted to approach you. But it doesn't necessarily upset you; you don't mind being the only company for yourself. After all, you'll end up alone after your lifespan ends, won't you? You had quite an interesting mind, for a child.
The rain suddenly fell, and you looked up to the grey skies and watched as the faint light of the rumbling thunder peeked through the ethereal clouds. You let the rain fall onto you for a little, before making your way under the metal fort of the playground, almost as if you didn't want to. You wanted to play under the rain, but you knew better than to get yourself soaked while waiting for your parents to pick you up just to get scolded afterwards.
You brought your knees to your chest and started drawing patterns on the wet sand of the ground. You could hear the annoying sneezes of the other kids already, but you paid no mind. Loud splashes coming from the footsteps of a boy with a ball in front of his moving legs in the distance went unnoticed by you at first, before at the corner of your eye, you saw a ball stopping right beside your feet, dirty and stained with mud. But that wasn't the only thing that caught your eye.
You saw the sacred crimson string glowing before your own eyes. Who does it belong to? You were so oblivious to it, and it took you a solid 10 seconds to figure out that your small pinky was tied to it. You couldn't believe it. The other end of that thin string was your.. soulmate?
You saw a pair of dirty sneakers stop right beside the ball, and you could see the figure just enough-- the fair soft skin that was soaked by the rain water, and the small fingers that somehow looked so delicate to you, and a pinky tied to the same, glowing thread of fate that lies on the ground.
The figure slowly bent down, revealing a boy maybe about your age, witnessing the most infuriatingly captivating blue eyes that have ever bore into your own gaze. His head ever so slightly tilted to the side, his gorgeous blonde hair with blue streaks were drenched by the rain, looking so majestic even under the pouring rain.
"Found you."
© 2023 lunexrin, do not copy, translate or repost on any other websites without proper credits.
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spicydevilz · 6 months
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Oc art
I am just really happy with his design so I’m sharing him here too
This is Michael aka the archangel Michael, he’s the twin oc lucifer and the soulmate to asmodeus (yes soulmates exist in the universe he’s in)
He is the guardian to my other oc Theo (soulmate of lucifer) and while he’s not all the fond of humans he has a soft spot for Theo, especially since he brought the good back in lucifer.
My Michael is very egotistical and has a massive superiority complex where he believes the only being better then him is god himself, but under all that ego and confidence is an angel scared of being forgotten and being replaced, scared that he’s not good enough and even with lucifer in hell he’s still second best, but luckily for Michael he has asmodeus…who he takes a long time to warm up to but once he does he realises how special asmodeus makes him feel, not special for being an angel or a child of god but just as himself.
Even if this doesn’t get many likes I’ll probably post more about him and Ozzie
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emilysworldoffandoms · 9 months
Books I Read in 2023
Wilde Child By Eloisa James (Romance)
Looking for Me…in this Great Big Family By Betsy R. Rosenthal (Middle Grade Verse)
My Last Duchess By Eloisa James (Romance)
Wilde in Love By Eloisa James (Romance)
Our Souls at Night By Kent Haruf (Fiction)
Too Wilde Too Wed By Eloisa James (Romance)
Nick and Charlie By Alice Oseman (YA Novella)
Born to Be Wilde By Eloisa James (Romance)
The Woman in the Purple Skirt By Nasuko Imamura (Fiction)
Say No to the Duke By Eloisa James (Romance)
Crumbs By Dance Stirling (Graphic Novel)
The Reluctant Countess By Eloisa James (Romance)
Demon in the Wood By Leigh Bardugo & Dani Pendergast (Graphic Novel)
Write for Your Life By Anna Quindlen (Non-Fiction)
Let There By Laughter By Michael Krasny (Humor)
Mary’s Monster: Love, Madness, and How Mary Shelley Created Frankenstein By Lita Judge (Biography in Verse and Pictures)
Soft Thorns By Bridgett Devoue (Poetry)
Wolfed: Cursed By Love: Book One By Leia Stone (Urban Fantasy Romance)
Constantine: Distorted Illusions By Kami Garcia & Isaac Goodhart (Graphic Novel)
A Life Force By Will Eisner (Graphic Novel)
Dropsie Avenue By Will Eisner (Graphic Novel)
Love & Other Words By Christina Lauren (Romance)
The World Keeps Ending and the World Goes On By Franny Choi (Poetry)
The Valentine’s Hate By Sidney Halston (Romance)
Fagin the Jew By Will Eisner (Graphic Novel)
Autoboyography By Christina Lauren (YA)
You Are Here By Dawn Lanuza (Poetry)
Wolfed: Book Two: Promised to Him By Leia Stone (Urban Fantasy Romance)
New York: The Big City By Will Eisner (Graphic Novel)
To the Heart of the Storm By Will Eisner (Graphic Novel)
The Outsiders By S.E. Hinton (Classic YA) [Re-read]
True Beauty By Yaongyi (Graphic Novel)
The 13 Clocks By James Thurber (Verse and Pictures)
Chasing Cassandra By Lisa Kleypas (Romance)
Banned Book Club By Kim Hyun Sook, Ko Hyung-Ju, and Ryan Estrada (Graphic Novel)
Coven By Jennifer Dugan (Graphic Novel)
Exes & O’s By Amy Lea (Romance)
2 Am Thoughts By Mackenzie Campbell (Poetry)
My Greenhouse By Bella Mayo (Poetry)
Unterhaken By Leela Corman (Graphic Novel)
Morning Haikus By Carin Weisman Crook (Poetry)
HER: Volume 3 By Pierre Alex Jeanty (Poetry)
These Are My Big Girl Pants By Amber Vittoria (Poetry)
When in Rome By Sarah Adams (Romance)
Mr. Wrong Number By Lynn Painter (Romance)
Hollow By Brandon Boyer-White & Shannon Waters (Graphic Novel)
Set on You By Amy Lea (Romance)
The Sun & the Star By Rick Riordan & Mark Oshiro (Middle Grade)
Practice Makes Perfect By Sarah Adams (Romance)
Haikus for Jews By David M. Bader (Poetry) [Re-read]
LVOE By Atticus (Poetry)
Schwartz’s Hebrew Delicatessen: The Story By Bill Brownstein (Non-Fiction)
Spy X Family Vol. 1 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
My Hero Academia Vol. 1 By Kohei Horikoshi (Manga)
Imogen, Obviously By Becky Albertalli (YA)
Spy X Family Vol. 2 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
Spy X Family Vol. 3 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
True Love Experiment By Christina Lauren (Romance)
A beautiful composition of broken By r.h. Sin (poetry)
Spy X Family Vol. 4 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
Spy X Family Vol. 5 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
All About Me! My Remarkable Life in Show Business By Mel Brooks (Memoir)
Whiskey words & a shovel By r.h. Sin (Poetry)
Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself By Alan Alda (Memoir)
Spy X Family Vol. 6 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
The Unhoneymooners By Christina Lauren (Romance)
The Soulmate Equation By Christina Lauren (Romance)
M*A*S*H: A Novel About Three Army Doctors By Richard Hooker (Fiction)
Mixed Blessings By William & Barbara Christopher (Memoir)
Never Have Your Dog Stuffed and Other Things I’ve Learned By Alan Alda (Memoir)
Red, White, & Royal Blue By Casey McQuiston (Romance)
Spy X Family Vol. 7 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
SOTUS Vol. 1 By Bittersweet (Manga)
SOTUS Vol. 2 By Bittersweet (Manga)
While the Duke Was Sleeping By Sophie Jordan (Romance)
Beach Read By Emily Henry (Romance)
Spy X Family Vol. 8 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
Spy X Family Vol. 9 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
The Scandal of it All By Sophie Jordan (Romance)
Not That Duke By Eloisa James (Romance)
Unorthodox Love By Heidi Shertok (Romance)
The Duke Buys a Bride By  Sophie Jordan (Romance)
This Scot of Mine By Sophie Jordan (Romance)
Kissing Kosher By Jean Meltzer (Romance)
The Duke’s Stolen Bride By Sophie Jordan (Romance)
My Roommate is a Vampire By Jenna Levine (Romance)
The Virgin and the Rogue By Sophie Jordan (Romance)
The Duke Effect By Sophie Jordan (Romance)
SOTUS Vol. 3 By Bittersweet (Manga)
Percy Jackson: Chalice of the Gods By Rick Riordan (Middle Grade)
Tiny Dancer By Siena Cherson Siegel (Graphic Novel)
Zatanna: The Jewel of Gravesend By Alys Arden (Graphic Novel)
Everything I Know About Love I Learned from Romance Novels By Sarah Wendell (Non-Fiction)
The Roommate Pat By Allison Ashley (Romance)
Spy X Family Vol. 10 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
Two Rogues Make a Right By Cat Sebastian (Romance)
The Things They Carried By Tim O’Brien (Fiction)
Count Your Lucky Stars By Alexandria Bellefleur (Romance)
The Bromance Book Club By Lyssa Kay Adams (Romance)
Mockingjay By Suzanne Collins (YA)
The Official Quotable Doctor Who: Wise Words from Across Space & Time By Cavan Scott and Mark Wright (Quote Book)
God Plays Hide and Seek Poems By Greta Elbogen (Poetry)
Women Holding Things By Maira Kalman (Poetry/Verse/Photos)
The Little Liar By Mitch Albom (Fiction)
Love Brought Me Through the Holocaust: A Daughter’s Memories By Judith Koeppel Steel (Non-Fiction)
Himawari House By Harmony Becker (Graphic Novel)
Undercover Bromance By Lyssa Kay Adams (Romance)
Unordinary By uru-chan (Graphic Novel)
Son of : A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices By Most Hassan Yousef (Memoir)
Love & Latkes By Stacey Agdern (Romance)
Twelve Tribes: Promise and Peril in New Israel By Ethan Michaeli (Non-Fiction)
Never on Shabbas! By Henry Leonard (Political Cartoons)
The Little Guide to Taylor Swift: Words to Shake It Off (Quote Book)
This Winter By Alice Oseman (Novella)
Heartstopper Volume 5 By Alice Oseman (Graphic Novel)
Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth By Noa Tishby (Non-Fiction)
Counting the Cost By Jill Duggar (Memoir)
How to Educate a Citizen: The Power of Shared Knowledge to Unify a Nation BY E.D. Hirsch Jr. (Non-Fiction)
Two Tribes By Emily Bowen Cohen (Middle Grade Graphic Novel)
Foster By Claire Keegan (Novella)
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tuometarr · 1 year
Hey my favourite author of the year,
I have read hundreds of Supernatural fics this year, and To Be Found Without Searching was my number one favourite. I always have a soft spot for Midam, and I have read a few Midam fics, but they aren’t the most popular ship. It’s so rare and I had to settle to read some of the fics even though a lot of the plot was out of character because I need Adam to have a better ending. He deserves so much better. And then I stumbled on To Be Found Without Searching and to build a home’verse. I have never read such a in character and a logical canon compliance/divergence fanfiction in years. I stayed up a whole night to read your work and I immediately jumped to your tumblr to write this. Thank you. All the plot lines in the Cage with Midam was perfect. It might not all be compliant with all the SPN universe lords, but it was the best description and progression of their bond, even if you took out the soul mark part. The whole Cage part, I totally forgot the soul bond for a bit and actually thought that that was canon. It is now canon in my mind. I even hate Sam and Dean a little bit now, after reading it. I can feel how strongly they love each other, and how REAL it is even when at the end of this fic, Michael didn’t even have a physical body. Somehow, it doesn’t even matter for me. Adam has his happy ending, sharing a body with Michael. It dawns on me at all this time, Michael was waiting, searching for ways to be in Paradise on Earth with his Father and his brothers, without humans, but he actually found Paradise in Hell, in the Cage made for Lucifer’s punishment, in Adam’s mind, with Adam. The time they spent bonding in the Cage was found Paradise for Michael. I love you. I haven’t commented on a fic in a long time. But this fic makes me feel love, and loyalty, and satisfaction that I haven’t in a long time. Thank you. Please keep writing Midam when or if your inspiration strike. I’d love to read every single word you type about them. There are many many things more I can’t put in to words right now but I stayed up the whole night to read the fic, so maybe another day
First of all, I am so so sorry for only now getting back to you!!! I was shadowbanned for a month so I wasn’t really on tumblr
Secondly I am at a loss for words, absolutely speechless and moved to tears. I cannot handle this level of praise. This is the kindest thing that has been said about my writing. I have no idea what to say. I am at awe to hear that my writing could move someone the way you say it has done for you, I am very humbled by your message. Thank you thank you thank you thank you for your kindness. It means everything to me, in a way I cannot quite express. I am just a person and to have something I made be loved in this way is just something so special. Especially tbfws which I made in the quarantine times to handle being alone a lot, the idea that even after such a long time it can still bring people joy is just so important for me to hear. Thank you so much for reaching out!
I cannot promise I have anything written soon but maybe I will try to get something done for Adam’s birthday, you certainly have inspired me to keep writing 💕
(Also I just have to say I always find it fun people say they forgot the soulmate thing for a bit, it is so funny because I forgot it for a bit too while writing lmao but I think it goes to show it wasn’t really about the mark it was about these two characters finding each other)
Again thank you so much ❤❤❤
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Okay, did I read all of your tgp fics literally overnight? yes
Am I going to comment on every single one of them as soon as I remember my ao3 password? also yes
I need to say I made a giant mistake by reading them in reverse chronological order. The Michael that cries on the beach over his forever bestie slash the love of his eternal life slash soulmate gets thrown out of the window for a horny morally dubious fire squid mess in all kinds of ambiguous relationships with his human.
As a side note: he gets tortured a lot. you're really into torturing him and you're good at it. Another side note: i learned what "whump" means thanks to you. That was a very interesting experience to experience at 8am with no sleep. Now I have my own terrible ideas! 😌
I'm really curious about the development of Michael that has sexual desires like does his big demon brain generate it? Is it the human costume influence? Does Eleanor just rewire his biology 🤔 I know you don't go there anymore but-
anyway your fics fed me so so so we'll 🍤 thank you
First off I'm always flattered whenever someone says they binged my fics, even though I don't really go here anymore its more due to my other fandoms being more active whereas I do still have a soft spot for Hellstrop, though mostly as platonic soulmates. However my NPL "AU babies" as I once called them are a ship on their own and Im so happy they've not been completely forgotten.
And yes...writing them was definitely a journey.
I also learned the word whump through them, even though I've written for that genre for years! But the prompt I found that gave me the idea for NPL was from a "whump" loving blog so that's where I learned!
Whump ideas are always the best, I hope you're able to bring those ideas to life somehow!
Going on to Michael, obviously he's no longer my primary blorbo (sorry bud) but if I try to remember how I got into his head, his relationship with sex was always an interesting one. Because I do agree with most of the fandom that on the show; he is asexual. Or at the very least, demi. And I don't think that's necessarily a demon or immortal thing as you get the vibe from other immortals like Trevor or the Judge that they're into sex. I think its just a Michael thing, it's not something he's interested in...but, fanfic is fanfic and if one headcanons him as demi like I do then it could be just one or someone very special makes him the kinda horny demon-boy I wrote in NPL where he's just got all these feelings and thoughts that almost scare him until he figures out how to work with them in a way he really wants and that doesn't hurt anyone. Where I heavily disagree with the fandom is him being aromantic. People are free to think that if they want but we have people working on the show who described his and Eleanor's relationship as a "chaste romance", in fact his whole fascination with the human race is something of a romance. Not to mention Ted Danson having said that he headcanoned Michael and the guitar teacher becoming a couple. "Michael got laid!" I believe were his words. 😂 it could just be Ted being biased with his wife being the actress but still, there seemed to be an intentional implication there. So yeah, Michael being interested in dating never seemed like that much of an impossibility for me, human or demon. The human costume definitely plays into everything about how much Michael just loves getting to be human and an important thing for me with writing NPL was Michael learning to appreciate those new urges and feelings in a healthy-ish way, considering how twisted the situation already is. His demon brain gave him an instinct to enjoy torturing but he fights to suppress that so he's not like Trevor. I don't think Eleanor necessarily rewired anything but rather opened the door to what was potentially already there. She was just the key that fit the lock, etc.
But yeah I've written different versions of how Michael is with sex, NPL is definitely a horndog compared to his other versions, some of which are straight up ace and even grossed out by their alternate self (but his girlfriend is Eleanor so c'mon! He's gotta keep his beach queen satisfied!), though it's less about him finding his own pleasure and more the joy he gets from pleasing Eleanor that thrills him. He's definitely a giver. 😏 Also it's been years now but I swear I put in so many references to him being genderfluid that I'm sure I queercoded the fork out of that relationship to the point it felt like a precursor the sapphic ships I have now!
Phew, thanks for taking me down fandom memory lane with that one! If that kinda topic is something you enjoyed searching for a fic called Synesthesia on Ao3. It's on an orphan account now but should be easy to find in the Hellstrop tag, but it basically explores Michael exploring sexual and romantic feelings but within a canon-adjescent plot rather than an AU. It's a must read if you like this ship.
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cast-you-dxwn · 2 days
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Lilith is silent for a moment, glancing away from him, "Well, witnessing your death at the hands of one you supposedly trust can be quite the wet blanket, can't it? That explains his mood the other day."
She hummed in thought at his invitation, "As much as I would love to join you, I am bound to the pocket plane of my realm. It is my prison following the fall of my cycle. The most I can do is project myself to places my soulmate has been."
She looks back to Michael, "I can't leave on my own, but if my presence is desired, I will come along. You will just need to convince either God or Lucifer to take me out of there. I leave it up to you who you wish to ask."
Lilith's lips curve for a brief second, "It was..nice to have a chat with you.. Thank you for hearing me out."🕸🗡
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“Perhaps I have simply become desensitized to it.”
He murmurs softly, likewise glancing away. It is perhaps a shameful thing to admit, to have become so used to killing his own kin. Yet the look on his brothers face haunts him, in a trillion ways from just as many cycles.
His lips press into a thin line, and he folds his hands in front of him, deep in thought. Risk, reward, plan of action. He exhales slowly through his nose.
“I shall speak to Father. If I can attain a guarantee for your safety, then…there was a time when I was very fond of you, Lilith. Cycles in which I was the first aside from Lucifer and yourself to hold your child. I harbor hope that that may be once again, if you would take the chance.”
His own lips curl into a smile, soft and sad.
“Always. Goodbye, I hope not for the last time.”
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irwinkitten · 6 years
edge of tonight | m.c
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requested: yes pairing: michael x reader prompt: everyone is born colourblind and once you meet your soulmate everything can be seen in colour notes: blame the girls on blamelukeforeverything the Lashton Network for this one. I’m inspired and they helped pick the prompt. this is an entire fluff fest and i refuse to be sorry because i am soft tonight. have fun with your hearts  word count: 1.7k
You’d been told stories all your life about the person who would bring colour into your life, literally. 
Your parents had almost drilled into you everything they could find about soulmates, about how you’d remain colourblind until you met the one person fate had deemed your other half. 
Over the years, people had questioned why this was such a thing. Many looked to the Greek Mythology on Soulmates, about how the Androgynous children of the moon -those that had four arms, four legs, two hearts and both male and female genitalia - were deemed too powerful by Zeus and were split in half, only for Apollo to sew them up, leaving the longing of their other half as a reminder of what had been lost. It was said that when the two found each other, there was an unspoken understanding of one another, that they’d feel unified and would lie with each other in unity and would know no greater joy than that.
There were others who held no faith in the Greek Mythology and instead believed that God created androgynous souls—equally male and female. Later theories speculated that the souls split into separate genders. Over a number of reincarnations, each half seeks the other.
Many theories had been thrown around and studied, but no one could really understand why colour was the biggest factor in finding the soulmate. Many believed it to be fate, making sure you found the right soulmate, because so many believed there were different varieties of soulmates. 
Although your parents had taught you all they could, and you’d learned as much possible, the childish fantasies that had been romanticised in your mind came to an earth shattering crash when you realised that meeting your soulmate, unless you travelled the world, was going to be impossible.
No matter how much you had pleaded with your parents, they couldn’t justify sending you around the world on a possibility, so it led you to working every hour under the sun, saving up as much money so when you felt ready, you would travel the world to find your soulmate. 
Many of your friends had laughed and called you silly, but as they got older with you and found their own, they began to understand why you’d felt desperate. 
It was a sad subject when you’d asked them how it felt to find their other half. They could not only see colours, but it was like the world shifted just a little bit, your entire body feeling new emotions and giving you that sense that you felt utterly complete. 
Despite the lack of colour in your life, you had surged ahead in school, only to find that the programs you wanted to join, couldn’t accept colour blind students. So instead of attending University, you worked different jobs. 
Your current job was in a record store which doubled as a small cafe that had a little reading nook.
More often than not, you could be found on your breaks, curled up in the corner of the cafe on a plush beanbag, a book in hand as you ready all kinds of books. 
You always steered away from the romantic ones, the ache in your chest always more prominent when you read those types of books. 
Your boss, Scott, never said anything about your habit, you were one of the best employees he’d ever had. You covered every shift you could, your organisation of the records was meticulous and you kept track of every sale you made. 
On the slower days, you remained behind the counter with a book, your eyes always tracking when the door opened. 
It was one of the days when rain was pouring down and people weren’t venturing into the town. 
Scott stuck his head around the door frame and whistled, causing your head to shoot up from your book and he grinned at the scowl you gave him.
“Was there a reason for frightening me?” Came the sarcastic barb and he laughed, his lips still twisted into the cheesiest grin.
It took a further ten seconds before you relented and smiled back. 
“It’s a quiet day with the bad weather. I was going to order some lunch for us both since it’s not likely to get that busy any time soon.” 
“Please tell me it’s going to be better than whatever you tried to get me to eat last time?” The plea made him sigh in response. 
“You know it was only because i was being forced to try that diet with my ex.” His explanation ended in a whine and you smirked. 
“Yeah well, look how well that went for you.” The retort was playful and Scott knew it, but he still threw one of cushions at you, making you duck and laugh. 
“Listen, do you want food or not?”
“Depends. What did you have in mind?” 
“Pizza.” At this, you laughed.
“You really had to ask me if I wanted pizza? Man you must’ve hit your head or something. You go order and get our food, I can man the shop by myself.” You gestured around and he grinned before coming out from the office, collecting the travel mug sat beneath the counter, ruffling your hair as he did so.
“I’ll even get you a coffee. I’ll be as quick as possible.” You hummed in acknowledgement before returning your attention to the book as the door opened and closed, the shop falling into silence once more.
It only took five minutes before boredom had set in, so you plugged your phone into the sound system, clicking shuffle on the work playlist you’d created and began to move about the store, re-checking the already neat records. 
As each song played, you found yourself dancing and singing along, an excited rush filling you as Fleetwood Mac’s Everywhere began playing and you couldn’t help yourself as you danced and sang along.
The sound of the music had masked the sound of the door opening, so you had missed the group of four boys stood in the doorway, all of them slightly damp, each of them wearing grins as they watched you.
Halfway through the song, you finally noticed them and yelped in shock before hurrying over to the system to turn it down, only then did the four of them offer a round of applause, making you blush.
 “Sorry! I hadn’t heard the door.” You glanced up before freezing. One of the biggest bands in the charts were stood in the store, looking dishevelled yet amused and you felt your cheeks grow even warmer.
“Uh, hi. I’m Y/N.” The boys had moved further into the store and fanned out as you came from behind the counter. Ashton spoke up first.
“I’m Ashton, that’s Calum, Luke and Michael. We were dropping by to see if you’d have some older records at all?” 
The question had gone over your head by this point because when you looked to Michael as he lifted his hand to greet you, the colours exploded and your heart began to pick up in shock as you tried to take in the biggest change of your life.
“Holy shit.” Michael whispered as his own eyes began searching the colours of the store that had clearly come to life for him. 
Your eyes kept meeting his as you took in the colours, tears in the corners of your eyes as you tried to desperately take everything in whilst he moved closer to you.
“Mike?” Calum’s voice broke through your shock induced awe and you nearly jumped in shock when you realised how close Michael actually was.
“Holy shit.” He repeated more softly, his fingers lifting to brush your cheeks softly. When his fingers connected with your skin, you felt the shift that everyone had described, you heart flooding with every positive emotion.
“Guys, meet my soulmate.” He whispered in shock as the first tears fell. 
The other three had fallen silent in shock and you couldn’t help yourself as you lifted your own hand, your fingers trailing across his jaw and almost instinctively, his head dipped so that your palm was against his cheek.
Tears were rolling down relentlessly now, you could feel your heart in your chest, pounding away and you felt certain the other boys could hear it as well.
“It’s a good job we’ve got today off, we can ask John to run through the stage lights so you don’t get overwhelmed Mike. And it’s nice to welcome you to the madhouse.” Ashton finally spoke and you turned your head, unable to forma response, your words stuck in the back of your throat.
The door opened once more, and your focus shifted to Scott who came in and paused, taking in the strange scene.
He took one look at your face and a broad grin crossed his lips and you could finally see the absurd colour in his hair. 
“Orange doesn’t suit you Scott.” Was the first thing you said and he laughed as he went and placed the pizza on the counter. 
“We need to give these two some time, do you guys want to take a look at our little reading nook?” You could’ve hugged Scott right there, he was allowing you both a moment of peace.
Once the sounds of the boys trooping away had quietened, you turned your attention back to Michael, your eyes taking in his features as a grin broke across his lips.
“Hi soulmate.” He whispered and before you could even say anything, he was kissing you.
And his lips felt like heaven. 
It felt like everything locked into place in that moment and you finally understood the missing piece that had felt missing for so long. 
Your fingers threaded themselves into his hair as he pulled you closer, your body pressed up against him and you could feel more tears escaping.
He felt like home.
When you pulled away from each other, his forehead resting against yours, a small giggle escaping as your brain finally caught up with the entire situation.
“Would you like to stay for some pizza and work this out?” The question had left your lips before you could really consider it, knowing that Scott wouldn’t mind. 
“For you? Anything.” 
tag list: @softxirwins, @plainwhiteluke, @calumspeachy, @babylonshood, @pumpkincalum, @blameiuke, @themuseumnights, @lovelettercalum, @astroashtonio, @catchingklaus, @modelukes, @qualitylu, @irwinofficial
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lovecolibri · 4 years
Okay, am I the only one who doesn't think Michael saying he wanted to build a family but was provoked is JUST about the toolshed? Like, it started there but he was still waiting for Alex, every time he came home on leave, after the reunion, the two weeks they spent hooking up in the airstream, the big talk after Texas, all the way up until Caulfield, Michael has been looking at Alex with heart eyes. I think he was waiting for Alex's enlistment to be up, and still holding on to that dream. He even said "we're still holding on to this thing". Because he was still holding on to the idea of starting a family with Alex.
I can't WAIT for him to fight for that dream again.
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bisexualalienblast · 5 years
Today’s aesthetic: impossibly soft Malex
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satans-codpiece · 5 years
Michael: Think about that one song I like. Reader: I’m sorry I can’t. Michael: Why. Reader: 🎵Creeper, aw maaan🎵 Michael: NO! Reader, crying: So we back in the mine, got our pickaxe swinging from side to side (side, side to side)
Wait a minute does this mean this AU Michael knows about memes? Like, so long as you could introduce them to him? 
Reader: Hey I have to do homework tonight so be prepared for like two hours of math.
Michael, flatly, without hesitation: Ah, the scalene triangle. 
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moonflowerdamie · 2 years
i’m super bored so i’m gonna rate stranger things ships! buckle in folks, let’s get into it😎
it’s ok ig. i’m not like a hater of it? but it’s definitely not a great ship. no hate to mileven stans, it’s just not for me. i liked them in season 1 and 2, but it got toxic and weird in season 3 and season 4 solidified my disdain for it. i think mike needs to do some self-reflection (maybe discover a few things about himself—michael wheeler i know what you are) and i think el needs to become her own person outside of her relationship with him. i wholeheartedly support the el/mike exes-to-besties agenda though!
they’re so cute oml, i shipped them since season 1 and their build-up and eventual payoff was immaculate! i loved their early season tension and their kiss in season 4 was so so good. they fit so well together. they don’t get 10/10 only because a) i LOVED bob and joyce in season 2 more than life and will forever mourn that joyous man and b) i kinda loved the whole single grumpy father figure/lonely teenage daughter dynamic el and hop had.
this ship. this goddamn ship. the hurt/comfort. the angst. the teasing. the SOULMATISM of it all. seriously, these two are meant for each other. lucas is max’s safe place, her happiest memory and her favourite escape. max is lucas’ sunshine, his wake-up call, his reason to try. i didn’t use to love them, in fact it was only since season 4 that i’ve been such an avid shipper of them but god. they really are the softest. ‘i like talking with you, mad max’ and ‘i’m still here’ and ‘lucas!’ and the notes and the snowball and holy shit i love them sm.
this is with the exception of season 2 byler, which gets 10/10 (‘crazy together’ oh my god). apart from that, i get the hype for it, but i also want the best for my lil ball of fruity sunshine will byers. he is my baby boy and i will protect him. and i just think that mike needs to do some growing up before he’s ready to be with will. also, i’ve never loved mike as a character (again, with the exception of s1 and 2 mike, he was a sweetie) and i think he’d end up hurting will if they got together at this point. in the future, if mike can prove that he’s matured and grown into himself, i will wholeheartedly support this relationship.
again, it’s ok. i did love them in season 2, but season 1 jonathan was a creep, and season 3 jancy just didn’t do it for me. jonny boy has grown on me over the seasons, but i think everybody moved on from him taking nakey nakey pictures of nancy without her knowledge wayyyyy too quickly. also, they just want different things in life and that’s ok! i do prefer them over stancy, but if i’m honest, i am absolutely a lesbian nancy supporter. the comphet on that woman is insane. so again, like mileven, i am a nancy/jonathan exes-to-besties advocate!
they were not it in season 4. like, it made me angry that the duffers tried to push it on us again. i did sort of like them in the early seasons, but steve was a jerk and nancy needed to grow into herself and they went their separate ways for the better. steve became a good person and nancy became the strong, independent badass woman we all know and love. i love them as friends and co-babysitters of the kids, but not as lovers. their arcs wouldn’t have happened without their break-up, and they’re both so different as people that getting back together would’ve been like going backwards. steve’s speech about kids in the van made me physically ill with how a) out of character it was and b) how the duffer brothers tried to make it seem like pushing out 6 kids and living the suburban american dream (read: nightmare) was something nancy would want, when she’s spent 3 seasons displaying an obvious disgust for that kind of life. if they get back together in s5 i’ll be throwing something at the tv.
they. are. so. cute. i love this ship sm, it’s so wholesome and soft. it just works as well—el allows max to explore her own kindness, her own vulnerability, her own ability to care, and max allows el to explore her own identity, what makes her happy, how to be independent. season 3 elmax was superior, but that scene in s4 where they reunite is utterly breathtaking—‘if you touch her again, i will kill you again’ protective gfs!! honestly, if i wasn’t such a lumax shipper i’d be all in for them. as it is, my motto is currently this: max has two hands! one for el and one for lucas :)
no. just no. these two actively dislike each other lmao. max is perpetually annoyed by mike’s existence and mike thinks max is like, the worst. they couldn’t even do enemies to lovers because max would steal mike’s gf in a heartbeat and would probably rather eat glass than kiss michael wheeler. they only get 1 point because finn and sadie have a sweet friendship.
they would’ve been cute tbh. and since it’s been discovered that chrissy is actually 18 instead of 16, it’s not a weird one either. when i thought she was 16 i was put off, but now i’m sort of neutral on it. that scene in the woods was very sweet and her and eddie totally could have had the whole popular cheerleader gf/metalhead nerdy bf thing going on. however, it was only one episode they were in together and the ship was never one i was like ‘oh my god i love this’ so. i will say that grace van dien does not deserve the hate she gets for shipping them, especially when joseph quinn gets none of it for the same thing. other than that, it’s not massively awesome but it’s pretty cute.
if you ship this, seek help. they are siblings.
they could be cute ig, but i just see them as besties. add in the fact that lumax is one of my fav ships and dustin and suzie are super cute and this ship is just sort of meh to me.
very sweet. nerd gf/geek bf. ‘never-ending story’ was a cultural reset and they’re both icons for it. honestly, not a ship that rocked my world but they are super cute so. 7 points.
at this point i just want robin to have a gf. just let maya hawke kiss a woman on this show. at first, i was super excited for these 2, but then i saw the way miss buckley looked at nancy wheeler and i was like ‘vickie who?’ (i see you duffer brothers). also, vickie’s whole character felt like a diversity box tick. like she had no originality whatsoever, they just made her a carbon copy of robin which pissed me off. however, i see the potential. i would not be unhappy if they had a fleshed out, well-developed relationship in s5. especially since vickie, a bi girl, is being played by amybeth mcnulty, a bi queen.
ok. so. i don’t hate this ship. i really don’t. in fact, i’ve written them in some of my ronance fics. i think they could’ve been cute. however. they hype for these two was so overdone and the way people treated them in comparison to more fleshed out, developed dynamics like ronance was really annoying. especially because the majority of steddie shippers are straight women who then deny that ronance could ever happen. the ship itself was ok, but if i’m being realistic, they didn’t have that many scenes together and the fandom of this ship ruined it for me. the fact that the majority of fics in the ronance tag on ao3 are steddie with background ronance really grinds my fucking gears, and the amount of people who are fetishising steddie because they’re both attractive men is just so fucking irritating. overall, not a bad ship but a fairly toxic fandom (not all of you, of course—chill steddie shippers are cool, but some of y’all, jesus christ)
awful, awful ship. no. don’t ship steve with the racist abuser just because they’re both semi-attractive white men. only gets a point because of joe keery’s fruity (not assuming his sexuality, just joking about his actions) behaviour towards dacre montgomery.
robin buckley. is. a LESBIAN. she’s GAY. SHE LIKES WOMEN AND WOMEN ONLY. if you ship these two romantically, i can only assume you’re a homophobic asshole who deserves sand thrown in their eyes. unapologetically, if you ship steve and robin as a couple, i hope you slip in the shower, motherfucker.
i mean, it’s not the worst??? but again, i think it’s people shipping them just because they’re two white men who talked to each other. like, did y’all forget that steve literally called jonathan a slur? and that they tried to beat the shit out of each other? i don’t hate it the way i hate harringrove, but it’s so so unlikely and i’d be so puzzled if it ever was even hinted at.
these two would’ve been cute. and i do think murray is gay, and probably did have a little thing for alexei. i don’t know about alexei but they were definitely cute friends. and i was so betrayed and upset by his death. a fairly good ship, no complaints from me.
and finally…
the best ship. for nancy, for robin, for the show, for ever. they mean the world to me. they are the world to me. if i had one wish, it would be for ronance to be canon. they make me so fucking emotional because i want what they have. as someone who so heavily relates to robin (chaotic lonely lesbian who is desperate for love but feels she may never be loved as much as she loves, possibly autistic and feels destined to be an annoyance to those around her) i want a nancy. i want to be loved in my entirety. and those two, they get each other. sure, robin irritated nancy at first and they didn’t get on, but they grew. nancy, who’s never had anyone listen to her and believe in her with such intent, finds robin, who is more than willing to, who thinks ‘nancy’s a genius’ and would follow her anywhere. robin, who thinks all she can ever be is helpless and annoying, finds nancy, who trusts her with her life, who picks her and picks her and keeps picking her, who thinks she’s just as smart as she actually is, who understands her needs and her vulnerabilities and validates her, tells her ‘it’s ok’ and ‘you got this’. these two work in a way no other ship does and they are so undeniably soulmates. they need each other. they want each other. they deserve each other. there’s a reason i write about them so much—holy shit honestly i love them so fucking much.
anyways, that got a lot longer than i thought it would! i hope you guys enjoyed my ramblings haha :)
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thirstyandbeautiful · 3 years
What about mafia daddies back in the days when they were still courting over baby but didn’t tell her and they see her clubbing with her friends and some guy is trying his luck with baby 😭 papi and daddy would have his head in a sec 🥵
Australian Daddies!Mafia AU The Courting Game
“We miss you.”
You rolled your eyes, but let them hear you giggle. Your men were so clingy, and while it probably would’ve been a turn off with any other men, it was such a turn on with the three of you. You could never get enough of them. You never wanted to get enough of them.
“We’re not even married yet, and the two of you are such goners.” You rubbed the pretty diamond clustered ring on your finger, pushing it around your digit with a brush of your thumb. 
Daniel hummed, “Not every lifetime you find your soulmate in not one, but two people.” 
You felt your heart twist, but kept it casual. You didn’t like having emotional outpourings when anyone could be listening. That was more Dan’s recklessness.
“Such a sap.” you teased as you pushed the breakfast tray further on to your dresser so it wouldn’t fall.
“That’s not even the worst of it.” Michael called from the background.
“Aye, shut it.” Daniel called back.
“No fighting when I’m not there.” You chastised them.
“We’re not fighting.” Daniel told you, “We just miss you.”
You wish they could’ve seen your puppy pouted face, you knew how cute they thought it was, “Where are you guys now?” 
“We left Austria this morning.” Michael called, his voice getting closer, “Now we’re in Ibiza.”
“Partying without me?” 
“No,” Daniel whined, “the group we’re meeting with suck. They just wanna meet tomorrow night at some club and then we can go home.”
Your eyes wandered over to the bag you had packed in the corner of the room, “Ah, a good faith meeting? Seeing if you can hang?”
You heard both of them groan, a chorus of exasperated sounds and agreement over how they just wanted to be home. You couldn’t have agreed more a few days ago, but since your latest plot, you just felt the excitement build inside you. 
“I wanted to tell them to fuck themselves, but-”
“We couldn’t pass them up,” Michael interrupted, the soft thud of Daniel being pushed away while he took the phone made you smile, “but we’ll be back in time to spoil you around lunchtime tomorrow.”
You checked the time and answered quickly, “Promises, promises.” you teased as you moved to grab your bag. 
“What are you up to?” 
With a simple question, you froze. Michael was a little too sly for his own good, and you didn’t need him ruining this for you. It was his expertise after all, foiling any plans no matter how well constructed to catch him off guard. 
“Just around the estate.” you muttered. 
“Just around?” 
“Yes?” You questioned, turning on your brattier attitude when you heard the car service pulling into the driveway, your men talking to them there, “What am I supposed to be doing? You left me behind, I’m keeping myself occupied.”
“Darling,” Michael growled, “don’t ruin tomorrow for yourself.” 
You pursed your lips and smirked, “Why not?” 
Before he could answer, you pressed the red button on the screen and tossed your phone into your purse. Quickly, you grabbed your bags and ran out into the hallway.
You had a flight to catch. 
“Oh fuck yes!” your friend happily shouted as she popped open the champagne on your jet, “This is my favorite.”
“That’s why I got it.” you blew her a kiss as you leaned over your own seat with two glasses. 
You and your group of friends all cheered as you lifted your glasses and swallowed them down in one go. It had been a long time since you’d been out with your friends, and while it felt really fun, you were even more excited to get to your men. 
“Did you tell them we’re coming?” One of your friends asked, pulling you back to the present.
“No, no, it’s a surprise.” all the girls made sounds of excitement.
“Ohhh, are they gonna be mad at you for leaving home without telling them?”
“Yuck,” one of your friends rolled her eyes, “I hate when they’re like that.”
“No, no,” another friend interjected, “the Aussies aren’t like that, they just actually care about her.” She turned to you with a smile, “I think it’s cute.” 
“Yeah, apparently we all need our own Aussie.”
“Would be better than the piece of shit I let take me out last month.”
“Hey, I thought that piece of shit was a prince?” 
“Well, he didn’t kiss like one.”
They all burst into laughter at that one. You caught your breath as you took another sip of your mimosa. You had surrounded yourself with a good group that you knew would ensure your traveling safety. A plane stuffed with a heiress and different high table families’ daughters? Not a chance of anything getting through that many security teams. 
“So what are we doing?” Your friend checked her phone, “It’s gonna be... night? Right, night? When we get there.”
“We’re going to a club.” You told them.
“Is there where Daniel and Michael will be?” One asked slyly. 
“Yup. We’re gonna go to the club, they’re gonna realize I’m here and-”
“She’s gonna get fucked.” one of your friends interrupted as the rest laughed.
“Hopefully, I mean a woman has needs!” you laughed with them, “No, no, we’re gonna go, have fun and then spend the rest of the week there- just us girls.”
“Oh! You’re not going back with them?”
“Fuck that. They left me home alone for a week, they’re gonna feel that shit too.” 
The girls all cheered as you passed around another bottle of champagne. Over your shoulder, you saw your security detail shake their heads. You winked at them before turning your attention back to your tipsy faves. 
All the girls moved through the adjoining doors of their suites. You had very nicely reserved four rooms for them, one for each of your friends for your stay. It was easier this way, so they were all close together during this vacation. You were the fifth person in the group, and while you fully intended on sleeping with your men tonight, you figured you’d bounce around your friends’ rooms after you sent the boys home. 
Yes, tonight is gonna be fun, you thought as you walked out of the bathroom and in front of the large mirror near the door. 
“Oh my god, are you really bringing that dress back?” Your friend laughed as she looked at you in the mirror’s reflection, “When you’re being courted?”
“What? You don’t think it looks good on me anymore?” You teased as you took a step closer to put your lipstick on. 
The dress in question had been quite the statement every time you wore it. It was custom, something you’d dreamed up with a designer who had pursued you for a time. He’d had it made and sent to Swarovski and then Tiffany’s to have it decorated with crystals and actual real stones. The soft, thin, meshy material of the dress matched your skin tone perfectly, and was short. A majority of the dress was covered in crystals that were super small, and placed in a way that made you sparkle instead of obnoxiously reflect light, with each movement you made. It emphasized the hell out of your curves.
It was also completely see through, save for the cluster of larger strategically placed diamonds over your private places.
“It’s really such a shame I can’t remember the poor bastard’s name.” you joked when your friend reminded you of how you got it. 
“Are you trying to just get fucked or are you going for pregnant already?”
You choked on a laugh as you turned to her, “Definitely not.” you looked at the tube of lipstick as you carefully slipped the cap on, “The boys and I are... old fashioned.” 
“What does that mean?” 
You regretted saying it when you heard the hush that came over the room, everyone’s ears turned towards you as you were forced to answer, “We aren’t going to fuck while we’re courting.” 
“Oh, wow.”
“Didn’t see that coming.”
“Me either.”
You rolled your eyes at their reaction and chuckled, “It’s sweet,” you mumbled as you willed yourself not to start sweating from the heat in your cheeks, “but also really fucking frustrating.” you muttered under your breath.
You’d be lying if you didn’t admit you were put on edge. All the sexual energy around the three of you didn’t do well being stifled. You could practically gag for it at any moment. Just the week before, you’d been dry humping a pillow while on facetime with them. It made it worse that they could fuck, and they did fuck in front of you, cause you could do nothing but watch.
Your friends’ laughter pulled you out of your lust haze, “So, wait. What was the point of this?” 
You tilted your head, “Please tell me you know how to have sex aside from the penis in vagina type.” 
“Jesus, you freaks are gonna end up with so many kids.” 
“Oh my god.” you groaned as you tossed your lipstick into your bag, “Let’s just go.”
“Baby,” Michael called from the bathroom, “did you take my-” he almost laughed at the zoned out face Daniel wore as he sat on the couch, so focused on his phone, “are you good?” 
Daniel didn’t answer.
“Helloooooo,” he waved his hand as he made his way across the suite, his black slacks and black dress shirt open towards the top of his collar, “we have to leave soon and-”
Daniel’s eyes glanced up at Michael before he finally seemed to come back to himself, excitement making him fidget, “Sweet fuck, look at this little show.” 
Daniel looked giddy as he passed his phone to Michael, and told him to click on the little round image on your IG profile. He could see you’d added a new story, and when he clicked on it, the first thing that came to mind was that you’d reposted a story from a friend. The second thing that came to mind was what the fuck is she doing?
You looked so good, so fuckable, so delicious, walking down the street, the street lights making that sinful dress glitter. Your little giggle just made it all the more tempting as you spun in a perfect circle as you continued down the sidewalk. 
“Wait, where is she?” Michael asked as Daniel stayed in trance, tapping the little button so he could replay the video over and over. 
“I dunno.” He grumbled as he switched his weight back and forth on each foot, his brown booted feet digging into the rug. 
“Babe.” Michael said impatiently, grabbing the phone and tapping the location written across the bottom of the screen, “Oh, she wants to play.” 
“Why?” Daniel reached for his phone but Michael moved away from him, “Where is she?”
“She’s where we’re going.” Michael grinned at Daniel. 
Daniel smiled back at his lover and leaned forward to kiss him, “Well,” he whispered against one of his lover’s lips, “let’s go play.” 
“Miss, this club is-”
“Fun! Right?” you teased your security as they looked worriedly around. 
You didn’t blame them for being uneasy. It was a huge venue, lots of lights and music. It bordered on overwhelming, but you could still hear each other when you talked so that had to count for something. 
The tables were on raised platforms scattered amongst the dance floors, so there was no corner booth or private room to stick all of you in. It was super cool as a club concept, a complete nightmare for a security professional. At lest there was a walking platform around the circular platforms, and the couches faced inward. You actually had to kneel on the couch and lean over it backwards to hear your guy. 
“Don’t worry,” you patted the shoulder of one of the men who nervously looked around, “just keep an eye out for Daniel and Michael, okay?” 
You giggled at the less than calm expression on his face as you patted his shoulder and turned to sit on the cushioned couch. 
“Look what I got us!” 
All the girls were getting rowdy, enjoying drinks and the constant flow of shots that were brought to the table. With the venue being a well known hangout for your kind of people, you were all easily recognized as soon as you stepped inside. It worked to your advantage cause you were seated quickly, and you were pretty sure you wouldn’t have to pay for anything. 
The waiter placed the new glasses on the table in the middle of your seating as his boss bounced up the steps behind him.
“Excuse me,” he motioned to you and leaned in so you could hear him, “my boss was wondering if you wanted to join his meeting with your suitors, it’s about to begin.” 
You tilted your head up at the second floor balcony where you’d seen a few sharply dressed men walk back and forth, no doubt the command center of the venue and whoever owned it. 
“No,” you sighed, “that won’t be necessary.” 
You took a sip of your drink as you watched the man nod and walk away. Once he was out of sight, you looked back up. If it was about to start, that meant-
As always, it was that pull. That damned pull that you couldn’t get enough of. The feeling that made you all believe you were meant to be, as Daniel put it ‘soulmates’. You all always knew. You always knew where each other were.
It had to be since the moment you looked up, you found two pairs of eye looking down at you. The iron fencing that made up the balcony railing let you get an eye full. Michael, in all black, and Daniel, in a white shirt, deep red pants and brown boots. You lifted your glass to them. Daniel shook his head while Michael grabbed his arm and pulled him away. 
You pouted at the lack of attention, even though you knew there was business to take care of. 
It was a really good thing you hadn’t decided to crash their meeting. Not when you had to swallow your watering mouth and press your legs together after just getting a glance at them.
“Hey, come on, loosen up!” one of your girlfriends passed you a shot to down as they all got up and danced on the couches. 
You stayed with your feet on the ground, your dress was way too short, and way too revealing for you to be climbing on to couches and tables. You still had fun and danced around carelessly with your girls. A while later, when you were all out of breath, one of your friends grabbed your arm.
“That waiter hasn’t been back! What an asshole.”
You laughed and leaned in toward her, “I’ll go ask for more drinks.”
She cheered as she pulled herself back up on to the couch and danced. You laughed and shook your head as you walked towards the stairs that led off the platform on to the dance floor that covered the place. You could see the bar from there, it was a short distance away. You also didn’t want to be unconscious for your men later, so you hadn’t drank more than a shot or two. 
In short, you were fully capable of making your way to and from the bar without any assistance.
Which is why you had pushed away your guard when he had tried to walk in front of you. You exchanged some words, given him some looks and ultimately had been allowed to leave solo. 
You counted it as a win.
You counted more wins as you walked through the sea of people all the way to the bar. You were so proud of your progress that you actually got annoyed when the bar tender moved to the end of the bar that was furthest away from you as soon as you reached him. 
It’s fine, I’m an adult, not a full time brat, I can wait for him to come back to this end. You thought as you took a deep breath. 
You had actually been chilled out as you waited at the bar. You started throwing around scenarios in your head of when your men would choose to make an appearance, if they’d come to the dance floor or maybe they’d watch from afar this time?
You’d been so deep in your own fantasies that you hadn’t realized someone was close to you until you felt the rush of their breath hit your ear.
“That dress.” 
Your whole body recoiled and you bent your arm, elbowing the person as you turned to face them. It was an innocent hit, at least you made it look like one. You scowled as you looked at the unwanted man in front of you. His blond hair and green eyes doing nothing for you when your heart was elsewhere. If anything, you felt your frustration melt in annoyance as he smiled at you. 
“Wow.” he said, before looking you up and down. 
“Ugh,” you looked distastefully at him, “go away.” 
You turned your head and started to turn your body, until he grabbed your arm. His fingers dug into your sleeve and your body froze from the sudden aggression. 
“Hey,” he hissed, “I’m talking to you.” 
You looked down at the hand on you just in time to catch the flash of a rose on the fist that curled into his stomach, knocking the breath from the idiot who dared to touch you. 
His hand dropped and he doubled over as the back of Daniel came into view in front of you. He shoved the guy so he stood up straight. 
“Hey mate,” he said with a fake friendliness, “having a good time?” 
His fit pulled back and landed right back into the same spot on the stranger’s stomach. 
“Wait, wait!” the guy yelled, holding his hands up as Daniel stepped into his space.  
You watched with bated breath and jumped when you felt a hand on your waist, but the soft shushing in your ear calmed your nerves as Michael pulled you back against him. You melted against him, and felt him rest his cheek on the top of your head. 
It was then you realized that your men’s crew had made a bubble against the bar, and people were not breaking into it. The guy looked around, fear in his eyes before he tried to swallow it down and look tough again. He looked at Daniel and lifted his chin, even though his hand was pressed to his stomach. 
“M’not doing shit.” he hissed, “M’not doing shit to you.” 
“Oh, he’s not doing anything!” Daniel laughed. 
You felt Michael kiss your hair as his fingers stroked your hip. You rested your hand over his. 
“Didn’t look like nothing.” Daniel hissed, the lack of people around you making you able to hear him clearly. 
The guy didn’t move, but he didn’t say anything. He flinched when Daniel grabbed his arm and pulled him forward. He threw his arm over the guys shoulders as he made him face you and Michael. The guy looked at you annoyed before his gaze wandered north and froze. 
Uh, oh, you giggled to yourself. 
He turned his head to Daniel, “I didn’t know.” he quickly sputtered out, “I didn’t know, honest.”
You smiled at him and licked your lips as you stayed quiet. It was hilarious that he thought you’d help. Especially since he seemed to recognize your trio now that you were together. 
“Now, you do.” Daniel said calmly to him as he dropped his arm and moved away from him. 
The guy never saw Michael coming. 
You had felt his hands push against your lower back, making sure that you weren’t leaned against him before he quickly moved around you and nailed the guy right in the face. 
Alex and Nick moved forward quickly and grabbed him, dragging him out towards the back of the club. When you faced back forward,  Daniel was speaking into George’s ear as George passed leather gloves to Michael. He was the first to pass you, and winked at you while doing so. You still had the stupid grin on your face as he followed behind Alex and Nick dragging the guy out the back door. And that stupid grin only grew as Daniel booped your nose as he walked past you. 
“Well, while they take care of that...” George pulled a card out of his back pocket, “Have your incompetent security drive you back. Now.” 
You pursed your lips as you made a look of insult at George before he scoffed and walked away. He was quite the hard ass for being Michael and Daniel’s right hand man, but seemed to get real pleasure out of priding himself in comparison to your team which he viewed as not as skilled as himself. 
“Whatever.” you muttered under your breath as you nodded to your guys who were still on the platform, for fucks sake, and moved towards the front entrance of the building. 
You looked out the glass window that spanned from the floor to the ceiling of the suite, taking in the skyline. It was amazing to see all the lights out, the colors, even in the dead of night. 
You took another step to see how far down you could see when you heard the beep of the door being unlocked. Turning on your high heeled feet, you caught Daniel just before he collided into you.
He kissed you hard, his strong arms around your waist before he pulled away and stroked your cheek, “You’re alright, sweetheart?” 
You smiled at the sound of his voice as you shook your head, “Yeah, I’m fine.” you assured him before turning your head towards Michael. 
You stayed in Daniel’s arms but held your hand out to him. You felt your mouth water as he pulled off one of his leather gloves, the sight of them made your heart beat faster, before his bare hand grabbed yours and lifted your knuckles to his mouth. He pressed soft kisses to your skin.
“I’ll be right back, just gonna wash my hands.” he winked as you nodded. 
You wrapped your arms around Daniel as he pressed his forehead to your own. Smiling at him, he goofily giggled as he looked into your eyes. His fingers pressed into your sides as he held you to him. 
“Hi.” you whispered.
Daniel grinned, “Hi.” 
You swayed a bit in each other’s arms, until you heard Michael’s foot steps return. Daniel playfully grabbed your waist and turned you, manhandling you until you were in front of him, your back to his front as his arms snaked around your waist to hold you tight. 
Michael’s steps slowed as he approached you. You felt your heart beat faster as you took in the way his gaze raked up and down your body.  
“That dress...” Michael mumbled.
“I like being covered in jewels.” 
You jumped when Daniel’s hands squeezed your ass, “You’ll never go a day without them.” he rasped into your ear as his lips pressed to your neck. 
Your eyes slipped shut for a moment as Daniel nibbled on your pulse. You reached behind you and sunk your nails into Daniel’s curls to keep him right where he was. He hummed into your throat as his teeth skimmed your skin.
“M’surprised you like it.” you kept eye contact with Michael as best you could.
“Why’s that?” Michael pushed his hands deep into his pockets as he leaned against the vanity a few feet away.
“It was a present,” your eyes rolled back as Daniel sucked on a sensitive part of your neck, “from a man who wanted to be either one of you right now.”
Daniel’s fingers dug into your hips so hard it stung, and you gasped when you heard the loud tearing of fabric. 
His hands curled into the ripped material and ripped it across your tummy, a cascade of shiny crystals showered the floor as he continued ripping apart your dress until the lower half slid down your legs. Your chest was exposed from the rip that had run up the center, the tight sleeves the only thing keeping it on your body. Your tits hung heavy in the lust filled air of the room. Daniel’s hands scorched your skin where they laid possessively on your tummy and waist.
Michael stepped forward and kicked your mangled dress away, and took your chin between his fingers. You looked up at him with half lidded eyes and parted lips. He looked down at you thoughtfully as Daniel kissed and sucked at your neck, destroying your flawless skin with a bloom of colors. It was amazing how both men took you apart so skillfully, so aware of each other and yet not even acknowledging the other’s efforts. 
Michael’s eyes were half lidded, like your own. Daniel moaned terribly into the crook of your neck, and you couldn’t help the way you whimpered as his teeth sharply dragged across your shoulder. His fingers pressed into your ribs. 
“What do you reckon we should do with her tonight?” Michael breathed out, still looking down at you. You parted your lips, but Michael pressed his finger to them, “Shhhhh, the men are talking, sweetheart.” 
With his thumb pressed to your lips, it was easy to part them and bite the end of his thumb.
“Fuck!” he pulled back, the strained bulge in his pants obvious now that he wasn’t crowded in your space. 
You grinned, “Shhhh, sweetheart,” you purred, “it wasn’t that bad.”
Daniel snickered into your skin before dragging the flat of his tongue up your neck. The wet drag made you shiver, and before you knew it, Michael was back in your space. His large hands grabbed your face and tilted it back, giving Daniel more room to ravage you while he finally kissed you. 
You moaned loudly as you parted your lips, kissing be damned, and you pushed your tongue into his mouth. Michael followed your bait and went to dominate the kiss, but you stopped that as soon as you sucked on his tongue. His hands dropped from your face and gripped your tits hard as he moaned. He fondled your chest as you both wetly licked each other’s mouths and sucked and pulled and bit each other’s lips. 
“Fuckkkkk,” Daniel groaned, “we gotta do something. Someone has to do something to me.” 
You giggled into Michael’s mouth as Daniel ground his hips into your ass, letting you feel just how turned on he was. You whined as Michael’s hands dropped and squeezed your bare waist as Daniel’s came up to where Michael’s had just been. Your nipples were half way to numb with the way your blood rushed to every spot on your body that desperately needed a mouth on it. 
“Let me have you, babydoll.” Daniel breathed into your ear, his desperate tone making you press your thighs together, “Just wanna make love t’ya.” 
Your heart skipped a beat as Daniel’s desperate tone tangled with his sweet whisper, his hands suddenly gentle on your body, his thumbs stroked the sides of your boobs. 
“No, no.” Michael grumbled as he pulled away from you and panted, “It was her rule, and we’re gonna honor it.” 
You rolled your eyes at him, never wanting to pass up an opportunity to poke the big bear. He looked at you darkly as he took a couple steps back. With room between you, you twisted in Daniel’s arms until you faced him. You gently held his face in your hands and kissed him. His tongue slid against yours as he moaned into your mouth. 
“There are other ways,” you lowered your voice, “I can make Daddy feel good.” 
Daniel pulled away and looked at you, his dark brown eyes smoldering with intensity. You were getting the hang of every button to push with the both of them. Placing one hand on his chest, you walked him backwards a few steps until his knees hit the bed and he sat obediently. 
“Yeah?” Daniel asked.
You dragged your hand down his collarbone, pulling the edges of his dress shirt until he got the clue and quickly pulled the buttons free before he shucked the shirt down his arms. Bare and tanned, you gazed at his skin and ran your finger down his chest and kept going. You smirked when you felt his abs contract until your palm until you got to the prize between his legs.
“Yeah.” You slowly lowered yourself to your knees, all the while holding eye contact with Daniel.
He smirked, “Ohhhhhh, you are an eager little cocksucker aren’t ya?” 
You shyly smiled as your fingers pulled at his belt buckle, the sound of the metal hitting against metal cutting through the air. You pulled your gaze from Daniel to make sure you pulled his belt the correct way before sneaking a glance over your shoulder. What you saw made you pause. 
Michael sat in the loveseat in the corner of the room, a few feet away, his legs spread wide, his chest bare but his pants still on. His hand rubbed over his clothed cock and he winked you.
“Put on a good show for me, yeah?”
You weren’t sure how you were supposed to suck cock with a dry mouth. When both of your lovers chuckled, you realized you’d said it out loud. 
“Don’t worry, Daddy’s got you.” 
And just like that, you were thrown right into the space they wanted you to be in, a space you had missed. 
“There’s our babydoll.” he cooed. 
You titled your head back and looked up at him with big eyes. Daddy grabbed your face and turned your head further back. He held the back of your head and lower jaw in each hand. Squeezing your jaw, your lips parted and your mouth opened. You felt your pussy gush as he leaned over and spit into your mouth. Your mouth full of his saliva, you reached into his pants and roughly pulled his cock out of its confines. 
“Ugh, yeah,” Daddy groaned as his length bobbed free, “now put it in that fucking mouth.” 
He leaned forward as he shoved his pants down his legs, until he kicked them off of his feet. You weren’t sure when he had stepped out of his boots, but you were happy to have him bare for you.
You sucked down his cock, swallowed around the tip when you felt it stuffed down your throat. You gagged and choked like the whore that all three of you were for each other. And Daddy loved it so much, he just had to tell you.
“Oh, yeah, babydoll,” he grunted, “wanna act all cool like you didn’t come here for cock. Tell us this is a girls trip,” he chuckled dryly, “this is a cock call for you.”
You heard the clang of a belt buckle and your toes curled as you tasted Daddy on your tongue as you imagined Papi stroking himself behind you.
“I’ve had Papi suck my cock every day since we left home.” Daddy hissed, making you moan around his length as his hips began to jump, “He lets me cum on his face,” he sighed thoughtfully as you swirled your tongue around him, “what about you, babydoll?”
You pulled his cock out of your mouth and worked your hands up and down his length while you looked up at him and shrugged.
“No?” He asked, taking a step forward and slapping your hands away, “I know where you want this cum.” He groaned.
There was a soft moan behind you but when you went to turn your head, a thick slap caught your attention back to the cock in front of you. Daddy dragged the fleshy tip across your cheek, a trail of precum glistened on your skin in its wake.
“This,” he dragged his dick across your lips, “is all you have to worry about right now. Finish me off and maybe we’ll get to you.”
He laughed as you pouted up at him, but his breath quickly stuttered once you had your mouth back on him. His hips rolled forward and backward, over and over as you sucked him off. Your hands fondled his balls and squeezed them as you felt them get tenser and tenser.
“Fuck, that mouth.” Daddy groaned, he looked over your head at Papi, “You sure I can’t cum inside her? Mouth got me thinking bout how much I miss that slutty-“
“Shut up and cum.” Papi sounded gruff but amused.
Daddy moaned, loud and rough, as he leaned back against the bed and spread his legs. You pulled back until just the tip of him was in your mouth, and he took hold of his shaft and jerked off while the bulbous head was suckled in your mouth. You rolled his balls in your hands, squeezing them and rubbing them as you knew he liked. They were so tensed, drawn so tight against the underside of his cock, he was so close to completion.
And you wanted to push him over the edge.
Lifting your free hand that you had been using to steady yourself, you slipped a finger between the underside of his cock and his balls, right at the hilt where they met, and slid your other finger behind his balls. Gently, you pressed down and listened to him gasp as you pinched the seams his sac with pressure on each side. 
“Ohhh!” He groaned loudly as he suddenly started spurting into your mouth.
You moaned as his cum splashed on to your tongue as his cock shook from the force of his orgasm. Your finger tips stayed where they were, rubbing and applying pressure through out his orgasm.
“Holy.. fuck!” Daddy groaned as he suddenly pulled out of you.
His body trembled as he sat on the bed, panting. His cock twitched helpless on one of his thighs, and you could still see his balls moving. You smiled as you swallowed, knowing you had milked him dry.
“Cock sucking queen.” Daddy grinned as he cooed at you.
Tight, wet tugs could be heard behind you, and you felt like your focus finally extended beyond just Daddy in front of you. When you turned to look over your shoulder, you whimpered.
Papi had stood up, and was leaned against the dresser, completely naked while he stroked himself and played with his balls. He had a smug look on his face and when he made eye contact with you, he looked down at his feet before looking over you at you.
But when you went to stand, he shook his head at you.
“No, no,” he smirked, “you can crawl.”
You growled instinctually. You knew he had felt disrespected earlier that night by the loser at the bar, and this was his possessiveness assuring him that you were his. And while you normally loved to play along, you could still feel the adrenaline from earlier that night and it made you wanna fight a bit.
“Crawl.” He commanded as he watched your face.
You pouted and rolled your eyes as you turned and pushed yourself up on all fours. You looked down at the carpet as you made your way towards him. But you were stopped at the abrupt force between your shoulders that flattened your chest to the ground and left your ass in the air. The heavy hand between your shoulders pressed you into the ground as Daddy’s cock pressed to your seam, making you spread your thighs so you were exactly in the kind of position he used to fuck you in.
“Mmmm,” Daddy hummed as he rubbed his half hard cock against your cunt, “this is how I would’ve taken you if you weren’t such a proper girl, if you didn’t want our courting to be so traditional.” He said it softly, to make sure you knew he wasn’t mocking you.
“But,” Papi interrupted, “you are such a good girl, wanting to wait.”
You whined as you turned your head so your chin was pressed to the rug and you could look up at Papi. He was still smiling, still stroking himself.
“We’re all a bunch of impatient animals.” Daddy growled before the heat of his body was suddenly gone.
You turned your head so your cheek was back to the floor. You were about to lift it when you felt the wet, hot, flat sensation of Daddy’s tongue lap at your pussy. He moaned with you as he sucked on your clit, his nose nudged your entrance. You worked your hips and rubbed your pussy across his mouth and face. You whimpered and cried out as the combined sounds of Papi masturbating and Daddy moaning into your pussy filled your senses. You panted into the ground as your pussy convulsed around air, empty as could be.
“Please, please,” you choked out, “put something in me.”
“Ohhhh, fuck,” Papi groaned, “I love when she begs.”
You could feel Daddy’s smile against your pussy before just air was touching you. He pulled away and slapped your wetness hard, the wet slap echoed in the room with your cry.
“Go to Papi, sweetheart.” He laughed when your response was to shake your pussy in the air while you whined, “M’not getting you knocked up tonight.”
Daddy leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your cunt before he smacked your ass. Realizing he was serious, you pushed yourself back up on shaky arms and continued crawling to your very smug looking Papi. 
“How do you want it?”
“However you want it.” 
“Fuck.” Papi sighed with a chuckle, “Are you Papi’s good girl?” 
You shook your head as he stroked himself over your face. 
“Yeah you are,” he rumbled, “are you Daddy’s good girl?” 
You shook your head as you leaned upward with your mouth open.
“Oh, yeah?” Papi teased, “Here, you can have this cock in your mouth, there you go.” 
He shoved his cock between your lips before he bent over slightly to grab your hair. He went straight down your throat and thrusted hard twice, making you gag.
“You still want this cock in your mouth?” He asked before he thrusted into you hard three more times.
You gagged and squirmed as his balls pressed to your chin and your head burned from the way your hair was pulled. Papi groaned as he leaned his hips forward until his pelvis touched the tip of your nose and kept himself plugged down your throat. 
“Can you breathe?” he asked suddenly.
You lifted your hand and tapped his thigh once for ‘yes’. 
He chuckled as his head rolled back once he knew you were safe, “You see what you do to me, darling? Make Daddy and I need it so bad, can barely control ourselves.” 
You rubbed the underside of his cock with your tongue as you swallowed, making him groan. Daddy groaned from behind you with him. When his heat pressed to your back, you moaned around Papi’s cock as Daddy pinched your nipples. You whimpered around the thick length. 
“Look at these tits,” Daddy groaned into your ear, “wanna cum on them.” he told you. 
You dropped your hands from Papi’s thighs and grabbed Daddy’s hands and encouraged him to squeeze them tighter, to play with them, to make you feel good. 
“Aye!” Papi yelled, “It’s my turn now, you dog.” 
Daddy growled before letting go of you. You looked beside you just in time to catch the way his face broke into a grin as he kneeled beside you and looked up at Papi. 
“That’s right, it is.” He told him, “Turn around, Papi.”
Papi pulled your hair until a string of saliva hung between his cock and your lips, “Against the dresser.” he commanded. 
You hummed and moaned as you kneeled in front of Papi, your back against the dresser that he leaned over. You teased him by licking his tip before sucking on the tip. You worked your hand up and down his shaft as he leaned his elbows on the top of the dresser.
“Go on, Daddy,” he called over his shoulder, “do some work too.” 
Daddy had crawled behind Papi, and you could only see from his chest down between Papi’s parted legs. When you saw him reach up and heard the sound of him spit, you knew exactly what was happening. When Daddy leaned forward and you heard both men moan, you squeezed your wet thighs together.  
You could see the muscles of Papi’s stomach tense, and you knew he was close. Papi’s eyes had long since closed, his face a look of intense pleasure. Daddy was loud behind him, and you watched his half hard cock bounce in his lap as he ate Papi’s ass. 
You sucked and jerked off Papi until his hand slapped yours away and he took over the stroke. You let go of his tip, the soft end glistened with your saliva and his own dripping precum. Papi’s hand flew up and down his shaft while you waited with your mouth open. 
“Oh fuck, fuck,” Papi moaned and chanted as you watched his balls tighten, “fuck, baby-” his eyes finally opened as you looked up at him with your mouth open and tongue hanging out, “fuck!”
You moaned as the first hot glob of cum shot from the tip of his swollen cock and landed on your tongue. The taste made your thighs rub together as Daddy moaned into Papi’s flesh, the sound of his sucking and tonguing, the strings of saliva that drooled down on to his own lap reminded you of the heat you felt from Papi’s cum dripping down your chin. 
You closed your eyes as Papi’s hips jumped and you felt his cum splash across your face, the heat now on your forehead and you could imagine your hair. 
“Oh, oh, princess,” Papi moaned, “look so pretty.” he whimpered. 
He was utterly spent, but his hand still jerked off his cock as his eyes got glassy. Papi groaned as he pulled on his cock, pulling it away from him and keeping it that way, the rough stretch giving him some pain to edge the pleasure. Daddy was still eating him out, making him oversensitive. You closed your mouth and swallowed what was in it while you looked up at Papi. His eyes were squeezed shut and the tip of his cock was changing color. To help, you reached between Papi’s legs and tugged on Daddy’s own sensitive dick. 
“Ah!” Daddy grunted as he rolled on his knees away from you both. 
“Fuck.” Papi’s forehead fell with a heavy thud on the dresser as his hand dropped from his member.
You looked at the swollen length, took in the shine of it, until you noticed the white pearl on the tip. Leaning forward, you licked the slit of his dick, and he whimpered pathetically. 
“Please, no more.” He actually chuckled at his own tone before he hissed again. 
You sat on the floor, your pussy against the floor as your knees stayed bent on each side of your body. You looked up at them both, Daddy having stood to stand alongside Papi moments ago. You could feel how glassy your gaze was as you looked up at them.
“Oh, wow, beautiful,” Daddy reached down and caressed your cheek, “you look so beautiful like this.” 
“Come here, darling.” Papi reached down and hooked his hands under your arms, lifting you into his arms. 
You wrapped your arms and legs around him, and pressed your core against him, dragging your spread folds against his pelvis as he tried to lower you on to the bed. With your legs spread and your back against the bed, Papi slotted his still hardened cock between your folds and humped you, sliding his cock against your entrance while he licked your face clean of his cum. 
“Fuck, you have better control than me.” Daddy commented as he climbed alongside you on the bed while Papi untangled your limbs and stood at the foot. 
Your hand dropped between your legs and rubbed viciously at your clit as you saw both men hard and heavy again, one of them between your legs. 
“Let’s fuck her.” Daddy whined with you at his suggestion, “Look at that pretty pink.” he leaned a hand forward and moaned as you spread your pussy and let him rub your clit for you. 
“No.” Papi said firmly, even as he rubbed his pelvis, his cock bobbed between his thighs excitedly, “I have a good idea, though.” 
Daddy narrowed his eyes, “You mean my idea?” 
Papi laughed, “Yeah.” 
You frowned as Daddy climbed off the bed quickly, “I get to first though!” he called over his shoulder. 
Papi looked where Daddy had ran off to while he grabbed his cock and rubbed his tip in circles against your entrance. He looked at the hallway, and watched for Daddy as you began to beg. 
“Yes, please, please, Papi-”
“Shush.” he told you before he leaned forward a bit and pushed himself in just a half inch, truly just the very, very tip pressed into you.
You lifted your hips and swung them upward in an aggressive movement, making the whole swollen head of his member sink into you. His hand slapped against your thigh harshly and his eyes squeezed shut ads soon as he looked down and saw himself partially inside of you. You were barely breathing, too busy trembling from the feeling of cock penetrating you after so long. It had been months.
Papi abruptly pulled out of you and scrambled off the bed, his cock swollen and angry as he rubbed his face with both hands. You whimpered where you laid on the bed just as you had been under him, your legs spread and pussy open. 
“M’sorry, darling.” he said softly to you. 
“What for?” Daddy asked as he strut back into the room, his hand full of something neon green. 
“What’s that?” you asked as you leaned up on your elbows and looked down between your legs as Daddy climbed on to the bed. 
He held up the neon green cock and you felt your heart skip a beat. It was thick, and long, and would fill you in a way you hadn’t been filled in months. You’d used a vibrator during this personally assigned hell, Papi had put one in his mouth while he ate you out just before they left for this trip, but a cock- whether real or fake- hadn’t been near your holes in the longest. 
“Mmmm,” Daddy hummed at your excited expression, “I think she likes it.” he teased you by rubbing the fake tip against your clit, “Do you want it?” 
“Yeah.” you answered breathlessly. 
“Ask me nicely.” 
“Put the cock inside of me. Now.” you commanded quickly. 
Daddy licked his lip before he led the cock down your seam to your tiny hole. With a push of his wrist, you dropped back against the mattress so you laid flat as your cunt was spread by the fake cock he pushed inside of your depths. You looked down and caught the way he held the balls and controlled the way he fucked you with it. He chuckled as he shook the toy, and stirred up your juices until your wetness was audible. 
“Oh, you’re gonna love this.” he grinned as Papi climbed on to the bed alongside you. 
The other Aussie pressed a finger to your chin and turned your head toward him, “If it gets to be too much, you tell us, okay?” 
You nodded. 
And then you screamed. 
Your hips jumped as the fake cock inside of you vibrated hard against all your spots as your tensed pussy tensed further. You shook on the bed and fisted the sheets as it moved inside of you. 
“Oh, god, yes, exactly like I pictured it.” Daddy groaned.
You looked beside you, and noticed Papi was on his phone. He turned the screen towards you and showed you how he controlled the member inside of you. Your head dropped back as you cried out as he turned the vibrations on a higher setting. 
“Okay, baby, here we go.”
You gasped when you felt the heat of Daddy’s member flop on to your stomach. You only had a moment to look down before Daddy was pressed firmly against you, his cock trapped between your pelvises, his balls pressed to the fake balls hanging out of your swollen pussy. And then he started thrusting. 
The wet drag of Daddy’s tip between your bodies, the feeling of his precum sliding down your skin, made you wild. But then you had to add on the feeling of the vibrating cock inside of you being pushed into you by Daddy’s movement. It was a pseudo- fuck. 
And you were quickly falling over the edge.
You could barely hear yourself, but you were sure you were incoherent with the way Daddy groaned into your ear and Papi stroked himself beside your wrecked body. Your thighs shook and your arms tightened around Daddy, holding him close and tight as you began snapping your hips forward too, both of your frantic fucking movement making the toy sink in and out of you while Daddy’s hilt and balls were pressed over and over into the vibrating toy. 
“M’gonna cum.” you ground out between clenched teeth into Daddy’s ear. 
“Cum for me, love,” he panted into your ear, “m’right there with you.” he whimpered. 
You screeched as you came, your body tensed underneath Daniel as he froze above you and you felt the wetness of his cum drip between your bodies, his balls seized against your entrance, against the hilt of the vibrating toy. You both panted and turned your heads at the same time, to a wide eyed Papi jerking off frantically, whimpering as he dangled himself over the edge. 
“I want your cum too.” 
Daddy rasped as he suddenly sat up and pulled the toy from your cunt, making you cry out as your tight pussy tried to squeeze and keep it in, resulting in a loud slurping sound to resonate in the air. You blushed, your body over sensitive as you squeezed your nipples and cried out as Daddy put the fake cock into Papi’s mouth and Papi sucked it. Your juices were visible on it and Papi sucked that cock down while Daddy leaned over and took Papi’s cock into his mouth. 
Papi cried out around your cum covered toy as his hips lifted and he no doubt came in Daddy’s mouth. 
With all of you spent, you closed your eyes and tried to catch your breath, a delirious giggle leaving your lips as you still heard the hum of the vibrator and the suck of Papi’s mouth on it. 
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idontlikeem · 3 years
I followed you at first for the pens and the fics and started to have a bit of soft spot for the wild along with that so this is making it hurt just a bit less. Anyway, he needs help picking out his suits, he’s pretty good with interviews, call his mom if he got nervous, if you could assign him a ginger friend that will be great, his bedtime is at 11:30 and make sure he calls us at least once a week. Thanks.
anon 😂😂😂😂😂 I am in love with this ask, thank you so much.
yes we will love and cherish him with everything in us. team mom jared spurgeon and team dad cam talbot will make sure he’s eating right and packs his socks for road trips. i am waiting for our athletic reporter michael russo to assign him a soulmate and a best friend in his first article or two, once we are told who he’s in love with i’ll be pushing the agenda as hard as I can.
i bet they’ll be putting him on our fourth line so maybe dewey 1’s manic insanity will turn into sexualized bullying and that’s how it’ll happen? i’m excited to find out!!!
also i cannot recommend @dykespurgeon ‘s primer enough to anyone who is wild-curious, i reblogged it just a little bit ago, my only requirement for people who want to follow the team is you have to love All our players not just some of them, so that’s a great place to start!!!
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