#i am strong for my size though…… i look like a stick but i can lift stuff
aethersea · 4 months
I've always wanted to learn bookbinding, ever since I was a wee little nerd, but there are a lot of things I've always wanted to learn, and this one has both a daunting upfront materials cost and a daunting upfront research cost. however, my sister is a jewel among siblings and gave me for christmas last year a handy dandy bookbinding manual, a block of good paper, and a little bag of tools.
but I still didn't have a suitable workspace, nor any of the many important tools and materials that she didn't include in her gift. so I just read the manual and pined. until maybe a month ago I got fed up with pining, flattened a cardboard box for a cutting mat, and went to town.
and I'm real proud of myself, so here's me rambling, plus photos!
I went to the thrift store and got glue + some fabric to bind the cover, went to Michaels for a paintbrush (and later went back for a metal ruler lmao it's amazing how useful it is to have a straightedge for cutting the paper), and...could not find material for the cover boards. so I went home and pined some more. but the urges were too strong, so after a couple hours of moping I got a stack of printer paper at the grocery store (I could not bring myself to use the good paper for my first, inevitably weak attempts, I just couldn't do it) and started making a little booklet. which was a great idea, it turned out, since it makes for good practice with cutting the paper, measuring things, punching holes in the signatures, etc.
I have a big box of greeting cards from Michaels, which I used for the covers. it didn't feel like I was making a Real Book, so I got some colored paper from the stationery store and used that for end papers.
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so fancy~
galvanized by this success, I ordered a stack of chipboard online to use for cover boards; and once I was confident that I could cut paper without making it look too stupid (getting that straightedge ruler sure helped lol), I made signatures out of the good paper, left them under some heavy books overnight since I don't have a book press, and then punched holes in them! (huzzah for this nice video on getting the holes right)
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my sister's gift included good linen thread. it's unwaxed, but after some poking around on r/bookbinding it looks like that just means I'll have to be more careful to avoid tangles and keep good tension. I am fine with this. I can be extra attentive. (I considered just running it over a beeswax candle, but one commenter said if your wax has paraffin in it, it could melt in a hot car, ruining the spine. I can't guarantee my candle is 100% beeswax, I didn't make it, so maybe we just move on.)
I don't have good linen fabric to use for the tapes, but the important part there is that the fabric be thin, sturdy, and not stretchy. the probably-cotton I got from the thrift store fits the bill, so it'll do!
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this is a french link stitch, which I got from this exceedingly good tutorial. apparently it's strong enough on its own that for a book of this size, I don't actually need tapes, but I'd already cut the things so eh here we are. and tapes plus french link will make it a stronger binding still (according to a friendly redditor on r/bookbinding), so we carry on.
specifically we carry on to the gluing step. now as I mentioned, I do not have a book press, and you....kinda need one for this step. you need to hold the book block in place with the signatures facing upwards, pressed together hard enough that the glue won't run down between them and stick the pages together (though you do want the glue to get between them just a little, just for like a 16th of an inch). you at least need some clamps and a couple boards to sandwich the book block with.
but you know what? I'm not a professional, this is my first ever book, if it's a little bit off it'll be fine. so we grab all the heaviest books off the bookshelf and improvise.
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it's fine! I'm sure it's fine! and just in case it's not, I've tucked a bit of cardboard underneath to catch any glue that drips down so it won't land on the floor. see? I'm prepared! I'm acing this.
and actually, it really was fine. I used clear elmer's glue, applied with a flat paintbrush from the art supplies aisle at Michael's, and frankly I liked the way the flat paintbrush let me slip glue in between the signatures. I did poke around on a couple bookbinding sites to see what kind of glue I should use, and the gist is that although there are better options than this, elmer's glue is perfectly serviceable, and the main downside is it's not archival grade. but I don't need my first bookbinding attempts to last 200 years, that's fine.
the next step is to add the mull. mull is a specific type of fabric – extremely loose-weave linen – and the idea is to paste it down over the spine to essentially hold the tapes and signatures all in place in relation to each other.
but I don't have mull! so I'm using more of the thrift store probably-cotton, because it's thin enough and not really stretchy at all. I'm sure this will be fine too. I painted a layer of glue onto the spine, then left it to dry a bit while I measured and cut the fabric, then painted a generous stripe of glue down the center, where it'll affix onto the spine. then I added a bit more glue to the spine, just to be sure, and pressed the mull into place, rubbing it thoroughly to make sure it's firmly affixed to every signature, with no creases in the fabric or air bubbles beneath it.
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honestly I might have overdone it on the glue. I've never done this before, I don't know! I think it's okay, though – I tried not to ever let it become a thick layer, just a slight coating, since the danger of too much glue is that it might crack once dry and weaken the spine.
and now we leave it in the press overnight to dry, and pick up the next step in the morning!
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bluegalaxygirl · 10 months
New Bounties (Law X Reader)
Plot: After Wano you and the heart pirates get their new bounties some are higher than others but your shocked, you've never had a wanted poster before and now suddenly you have one.
Warning: Spoilers for Wano, bad language and Fluff.
Law X reader, established relationship, Reader is Female. Thank you to @being-worthy for the idea.
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Even though you've been a member of the heart pirates for years you've never had a wanted poster but it never really bothered you, the jobs you were picked for where always behind the scenes mainly because you were good at it. Sneaking around and blending in was something that you could easily do, you need to pretend to be someone? Just give a photo, their personality and job description. You need to break into a military base? You'll be in and out within an hour depending on the size. So it wasn't hard for you to go unnoticed by the world government but Wano was a different story, you managed to blend it pretty well until the big battle started then you got found out quite quickly. Luckily your main job was over and done with so you helped Law and Kid take down big Mom, it was the hardest battle you have ever fought and you almost lost an arm to the giant woman but with your boyfriends skills your arm was almost back to normal. Parting with the straw hats was hard for everyone well except Law, the crew have grown quite close to the straw hats and now the alliance is over most of you hope you'll never see them again just so your not forced to fight them. Your strong but you know there's no way you would win against the other crew. Kids crew however, most of the crew where more than happy to get away form the hot headed captain but you became quite close with Killer who seemed more down to earth than Kid.
Some of the crew where still kinda mad at their captain after yesterday, instead of taking the route Law chose and sticking to the plan, Kid teased your Captain and Luffy to a breaking point making the three ships go down one of the worse routes and down a waterfall. You weren't the type to yell but after almost getting flung off the ship you gave Law a piece of your mind, the poor man had no idea what to do as you stood in front of him and the crew yelling at him for the first time, your face red with anger and heart pounding in your ears. The crew were kinda scared of you afterwards mainly because of Law's shocked face and head bowed in defeat after you finished yelling at him and walked away with a enraged aura. You stayed in Bepo's room last night deciding to give your boyfriend the cold shoulder for the night but now you were on the sofa drinking some hot tea with Lemon and honey for your now sore throat. All the yelling really hurt your throat but at least you could still talk normally "Y/n" Bepo calls out running into the sitting room while holding a piece of paper in his hands soon followed by most of the crew some cheering with big smiles while others sighed in defeat flopping onto the sofa next to you. The two that really caught your attention was Penguin and Shachi linking arms and dancing around with wanted posters in their hands "Oh! You guys got new bounties" With a smile you place a book mark in your book and set it on the table before standing up and being hugged by the fluffy white bear.
You pull your face out of his fur so you don't suffocate as the bear holds you tight while swaying with joy "My bounty went up" Bepo calls out letting you go, so he can hand you his wanted poster, looking it over your eyes soften at the new picture showing a fighting but very cute Bepo but you gasp slightly at the bounty seeing it went up form 500 to 2,500 berries "Wow Bepo, this is amazing" You jump a little as the bear joins you "If you like that your gonna love this, look how cool i am" Penguin runs over putting an arm around your shoulders shoving his wanted poster in your face. Handing Bepo's wanted poster back to the bear you pull Penguins poster away from your face so you can actually see it "Oh please mine is on fire" Shachi sing songs as he goes to your other side putting his arm over his friends that's still around your shoulder holding his wanted poster out to you "Please man your hat is covering your face" Penguin shoots back earning a glare for Shachi "Yea well at least my bounty is higher than yours, plus i think your picture is blurry" As the two playfully banter you take the two wanted posters and look them over, their bounties went up a lot close to going into the millions "Well done boys, i'm very proud of you" You smile at the two managing to stop their bickering as you hand the papers back to them, the two smile at you while finally letting you go "Which one do you like better?" The two yell at the same time before glaring at each other.
Deciding to tease them you pat Bepo on the head, the bear staying close to you since he doesn't really like the two men arguing with you in the middle. Bepo is very sweet, but he can get aggressive, luckily he only steps in if you try and fail to stop the two, he knows you can handle them though. "I like Bepo's" You giggle rubbing the white soft fur on the bears head making the bear smile wide "What? Not fair" The two yell behind you making some of the crew laugh at their shocked faces "I'm sorry" Bepo bows making the two yells more "What are you sorry for?" They both glare at the bear who jumps slightly but you reassure him and turn to the two boys "That's enough now" you sigh pushing them away from Bepo "I'm proud of all of you so don't fight" Your words make the two sigh and nod "yes ma'ma" Shachi sighs walking off to get a drink soon followed by Penguin. "You ok?" You ask Bepo who still has his head down, he nods though and holds his wanted poster close to his chest as you place a hand on his shoulder "You did an amazing job, go celebrate" You gesture over to some of the crew now in the kitchen having drinks and making popcorn. Bepo nods with a smile and heads off to join the crew while you turn back to the sofa seeing Ikkaku sulking. With a sad smile you place hand on her shoulder and kneel down i front of her "You did a great job even though your bounty didn't go up" You try and reassure her but her eyes don't look up from her lap "I think mine's now the lowest" She sighs, you know its hard for her being the only woman besides you on the crew.
Some times it feels like you have to prove yourself just to stay a part of it even though the crew and your captain have never made you feel that way. "Hopefully it will next time, for now i'm just glad you got a new picture" You say looking down at the dangling paper in her hand, your comment makes the girl crack a smile while bringing the paper up, so she can look it over "They got my good side at least" She laughs and you stand up and place a hand on her shoulder letting out a small laugh a long with her "Every side is your good side" You comment making her jump slightly as she looks up at you, her brows furrow trying to tell if you joking with her or not but when she realizes your being serious Ikkaku jumps up and hugs you tight "Thank you" She whispers as you hug her back with a small smile. You hold her for a while rubbing her back hoping she'll feel better soon but you break the hug when someone clears their throat behind you. Turning your head while holding Ikkaku's arms you look to see Jean Bart who has a surprisingly big smile on his face. You smile at him before turning back to Ikkaku who gives you a small smile before sitting back down now looking much happier "Thanks again Y/N" The girl relaxes into the sofa as you nod at her and walk over to the large pirate seeing him with several papers in his large hands. "Did yours go up too?" You ask stopping in front of the man but having to lift your head up in order to look at his face "Yea but i think you'll like this more" The giant man holds out two pieces of paper.
Taking them you lightly smile seeing Law's new wanted poster. You still can't get over how handsome he is but you were very surprised at the bounty, it now being 3 billion, you knew it would go up but this was insane. You shake your head trying not to get too overwhelmed by the amount of zero's as you pull out the paper form under it and gasp in surprise gripping the paper unable to believe what your seeing. Somehow Jean Bart knew exactly how you would react to this news managing to take the time you gave him while looking over Law's wanted poster to move everyone out of your direct line to the door. Some crew were confused, but they didn't argue with the the man and stayed out of the way. It took you a second but your legs moved before you could tell them to do so, running out of the room with the wanted papers in your grip you sprinted done the hall jumping over the lip of the doors connecting hallways. The crew watched you run off but Bart stopped them form following you some concerned as to why you would react like that, "Is she ok?" Bepo asks walking over to the large man but keeping his eyes on the door you ran out of but Bart smiles wide at the bear "They got their first bounty" Bepo jumped in excrement with a big smile as others laugh and cheer starting to get more drinks out to throw a party for themselves.
Running down the metal hallways of the sub you soon make it to Law's office, you didn't bother knocking just barraged in to see your captain sitting at his desk reading a book "Y/N?" Law asks about to get up when you slam the wanted posters on the desk before turning to him with a big smile. The poor captain had no idea what was going on, you've never walked into his office without knocking first, he thought maybe it was an emergency but your smile and bouncing feet told him different. "Your bounty went up, it's now 3 billion and look" You bounce on your tip toes unable to control your excitement as you grab your first ever wanted poster and show it to him "My first wanted poster" You laugh with slight tears of joy threatening to roll down your checks. You haven't spoken or even looked at Law all day, he hated the silent treatment you gave him but seeing you smile so beautifully at him and rush in to show him something made his heart melt slightly, a small smile appears on his face as he takes his eyes off you to look at your wanted poster. The picture in his opinion didn't do you justice but what really caught his eye was the bounty, his small smile drops and his eyes go wide making your heart sink. You stop bouncing and your smile fades along with your tears of joy, you didn't know what was wrong, maybe he's still upset over you being mad at him or yelling at him. "Law... I'm not mad anymore, i'm sorry" You go to put the wanted poster down but your captain grabs it staring with his breath hitched in his throat.
Law tried to form words but it was hard, he's never seen a first bounty this high before, yes you helped take down big mom but for a first bounty this was insane "I-I know, thats not it" The captain finally managed to say prying his eyes away from your poster to look at your sad face, he didn't mean to upset you but he couldn't help the reaction he had. "Then what? Don't you like it?" You hated the pit in your stomach, you didn't think to look at your bounty, you didn't care how low it was, you were just happy to have your name and face on a wanted poster. Law quickly stands and pulls you into a hug with a slight chuckle finally getting over his shock "I love it sweetheart, i'm sorry, i'm just shocked at such a high bounty" You sigh in relief at his words while hugging back, to be honestly the silent treatment you were giving him was torture for you since you love spending time with him, even if its just sitting in the same room as each other and not talking. "It can't be that high, i mean Bepo's is now at 2,500, mine can't be much higher" You laugh only to for Law's eyes to widen slightly and pull you away to see if your being serious, looking up at him in confusion it suddenly hits you that your bounty must be much higher than Bepo's "You didn't look?" The captain asks grabbing your wanted poster while keeping a hand on your hip as you shake your head. "No i ran straight here... i didn't think it would be much" You blush a little, its funny how your first thought when getting your wanted poster was to show Law.
The captain lets a small smile show while handing you the poster letting you look it over, your eyes scan the page until you get to the price on your head, as you count the amount of zero's your eyes widen in shock as your hand starts to shake. Law's quick to notice taking your hand to hold it still while rubbing your hip "1.5 billion?" you ask looking up at the man who nods getting closer to your face "How? Why?" You could hardly comprehend what was written on the piece of paper but Law snapped you out of your thoughts by placing a light kiss on your lips "You did great" He whispers against your lips making your heart flutter a little as a smile appears back on your face "I'm sorry for yelling" You whisper back placing the paper back on the desk so you can run your hands over his shoulder and to the back of his neck keeping him close to you "I deserved it, shouldn't have let that asshole get to me.... I-I'm proud of you y/n" Leaning in the captain lightly kisses your lips feeling you lean in while running a hand up and through his hair. He goes to pull away but you bring him back in for more placing light kisses on his lips before locking them fully and lightly biting his bottom lip. Law chuckles slightly wrapping his arms around your waist to press you closer to him as his mouth opens letting your tongues meet and lips move together. You can't help but moan slightly into it as the captain lifts you up and makes you sit on the desk pulling your legs, so they wrap around his waist, the two of you pull away for air both panting slightly from the heated make out.
Law looks down at the desk spotting his wanted poster and running his hand over it "Your so handsome" You whisper hugging the man close while kissing his neck, Law leans into you a bit before pulling over your wanted poster to get another look at it "you're beautiful" The captain whispers back making you pull away from his neck, so he can kiss you again, its light a first but soon gets heated again this time Law taking the lead and licking your lower lip getting you to open your mouth for him. The make out was long one or both of you having to pull away for air only to go back in for more, you swear his lips are addictive, he may not always show it but moment like this tell you how much he loves you and you want to give that same love back. "Sweetheart" Law stops the make out placing his hand on your neck to stop you form going back in for more, he knew if you did keep kissing him he would just cave in and let you, as much as he would love to continue the captain not only had work to do, but he also had to talk to the crew. "I'm only going to say it to you ok.... I'm sorry for how i acted yesterday, forgive me?" Law asks seeing you smile and nod with loving eyes "Forgiven, just don't do it again" You pull his hand away form your neck giving him a light kiss before getting off the desk "The others are probably throwing a party, you wanna join?" you ask fixing Law's hat and shirt that you've messed up while the captain runs a hand through your hair to fix the mess he made "Only for a little while."
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prettyboysun · 7 months
anton with an injured s/o
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(this is so self indulgent bcus i rolled my foot the other day and have to use crutches now lol) nsfw/suggestive at the end. ꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ first off, size and strength kink goes crazy in this. anton's just your sweet and kind gentle giant </3 you hated using your crutches, even though they were required for you to recover properly. anton would always remind you and pester you about it in that soft voice of his "baby, i know it sucks but you have to :(" he hated seeing his pretty gf hurt. well u never used your crutches and it hurt for you to walk on your foot and for anton to witness it, so thats how the piggy backs happened! going to class and anton isn't busy? ok just wait there your strong and cute boyfriend will come get you <3 want to go for a midnight walk? he's at ur front door at 12 am. and dont even worry about being heavy to him! but when you guys are at home he never fails to princess carry you and it makes your heart soarrrrr. all of those hours in the gym and at the swimming pool paid off, he doesn't even break a sweat carrying you. plus you secretly get to feel up his chest, back and shoulders whenever he carries you and ogle at how big he is compared to your smaller frame.
and ur so grateful for ur sweet and kind bf so you always pepper kisses on his neck and cheek while he carries you, any places on his skin that you can reach tbh. at first his ears would turn red from your abrupt kisses but later on he started wanting to give you kisses in return, but in his position it's almost impossible. the only way for him to do so is when you stick your head out to give him kisses, but you always pull away too fast for him to return them >:( and giggle at him with a cute "hehe, too slow!" or "you'll have to be faster than that" not to mention the GIFTS. small gifts here and there to make you feel better. it's hard to go out and get ur favorite snacks or foods or drinks when ur foot is injured so he always brings you your favorite treats as a surprise. you told him before to stop buying u gifts in general (when u first started dating or were friends, he literally gave u gifts every week, ranging from small snacks to full on clothes and trinkets) but now that ur injured he uses it as an opportunity to spoil you hehe (evil smirk) he sees you as so frail and tiny (only bcus hes so freaking big and strong) that he's sometimes TOO gentle with you. "anton u can hug me, it's only my foot that's injured :|" omg omg when ur NEEDY, you love ur boyfriend and all but it's like he's TOO gentle for his own good. "i don't want to hurt you though...." while he rubs your arm softly while he looks into your eyes with warmth and worry. he only agreed to touch you after you gave him your best puppy eyes and were on the verge of tears from being frustrated. "i promise you won't break me, pleaseee?" he stays silent for a seconds before sighing and giving you a reassuring kiss on the lips. "fine. 🙄 your foot can't get even more broken than it is anyways..." he teases you before finally giving you what you want, but you can only get his fingers!! and he makes sure your injured foot is elevated on a stack of pillows the WHOLE TIME LOL in the end, thanks to anton and his methods you made a speedy recovery!
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eoieopda · 1 year
I am here to request some silly, sweet Channie fluff 🥺🥺 as mild or spicy as you want, idm, just want some deep comfort feat. my favourite fun-sized snack 🥰🥰
the one with chan and the promotion (i)
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pairing: bang chan x gn!reader type: drabble (fluff, hurt/comfort) au: fuck buddies to ?, pining rating: 18+ wc: 2.2k (don’t look at me) summary: you need a ride home after getting your wisdom teeth removed. chan just so happens to be free. | part two (4/20/24) cw: chan’s pov, minimal pronoun use (they), no smut but it’s referenced, reader has outpatient dental surgery (not depicted), reference to blood/swelling, reader is doped the hell up. 🔞 MINORS WHO INTERACT WITH ME AND/OR MY CONTENT WILL BE BLOCKED, WHETHER OR NOT THE CONTENT IS NSFW. I’M AN ADULT WRITING EXCLUSIVELY FOR OTHER ADULTS.
You’re drifting off in some twilight on the other side of a closed door, but Chan’s the one that’s stupefied.
Mechanically speaking, he knows how he got himself into this position: drove here in his car, parked in the lot outside, walked into the front door. His ass is in this very seat because he dropped himself there, and he hasn’t moved in the two hours that have passed since.
None of that explains why he’s in his current position, though — why you reached out to him, of all people, to come with you to something like this.
Why he’s more giddy over that choice than confused by it, even if it turns out that he was your last resort.
He’s lost in thought when your oral surgeon’s head peeks out through the doorway to the recovery room. She asks if he’s “the boyfriend”, and he has no idea how to explain that he’s more of a “semi-consistent fuck buddy”, so he simply says “yes” before allowing her to usher him into the room.
You’re slumped in a reclining chair when Chan walks in, heavy eyelids fluttering as you try hard to fight off sleep. Better still, the gauze in your mouth makes your chipmunk cheeks stick out while your still-numb lips fumble with words. The urge to reach for his phone and snap a picture makes his fingers twitch, but he doesn’t; you’d absolutely murder him if he tried.
“Mmfph?” You grunt when your narrowed eyes manage to clock him standing there.
He grins automatically, fingers reaching up to tip a hat he isn’t wearing. “Mmfph to you, too.”
Whatever drugs they gave you to knock you on your ass aren’t strong enough to overcome your personality; you roll your eyes much more easily than you keep them fully open. That trademark sass must’ve taken a lot out of you, though. You doze off again before he can blink, slumping further in your chair with your head lolled uncomfortably to the side.
Your neck is going to hurt later, he thinks with a frown. 
“Once they get their sea legs back, you should be okay to go.”
Chan jumps when the surgeon pipes up, having completely forgotten anyone else was in the room.
She clears her throat sheepishly, clearly aware that she’s interrupting something. Breezing right past that awkwardness, she pulls a prescription pad from her coat pocket. The top page is promptly ripped off and passed to him with a stern look. 
She warns, “Make sure they don’t take this medication on an empty stomach.”
Damn — only two hours in, and he’s already being promoted from chauffeur to caretaker? It should embarrass him that this fact tickles him thoroughly pink, but it doesn’t. Inwardly, he high-fives himself.
Nice one, Chan!
“Soup is best,” the surgeon continues, once again pulling him out of his own head. There’s a pause before she remembers the kicker; she waves her hand urgently when she finally does. “Nothing spicy, though.”
He nods in understanding, and just like that, she pats his shoulder and disappears out the door. Unsure what else to do, Chan takes a seat on the small stool next to your chair and waits.
And wait, and waits, and waits.
Jesus. What did they give you — a horse tranquilizer?
When your eyes open the second time, they find him immediately. They’re still a bit glassy, but they’re much more alert. Bright, even, which is a bit of a wonder, given the circumstances. Right away, he can tell that the space cadet has — sort of — returned to Earth.
“Can —?” You gesture to your mouth, which struggles to frown around the gauze. 
Uselessly, you flick out your tongue in an attempt to wet your lips. They're dry from all the time you must’ve spent with your mouth open, and his fingers twitch again when he pictures the chapstick in his pocket.
You distract him with what he assumes are words, prompting him to shift his gaze from your mouth to your eyes.
Everything that comes next is garbled, totally incoherent, but he gets the gist. With a quick glance at his watch, he confirms that it’s been thirty minutes since he started watching you sleep, and that feels like enough time. 
So, he shrugs permissively; you perk up the second you’re given the green light. Bravely, you only whine a little bit when you lay eyes on the slightly bloody, thoroughly spit-soaked material as you pull it away from your gums. 
Chan can’t tell if you’re trying to pout when you hold that mess out to him and stare expectantly, but the intent doesn’t matter much in the long run; the effect is the same. He takes your drooled-on trash without a second thought.
Squinting as he concentrates, he fires it off towards the bin in the corner like he’s trying to beat a buzzer. The pair of you watch as it ricochets off the wall, then drops perfectly in the basket below.
Immediately, he turns back to you with wiggling eyebrows and a smirk. “Bank shot,” he brags.
You ignore the true purpose of his raised hand — a well-deserved high-five — and instead latch onto it.  Gripping tightly as if your life depends on it, you drag yourself up and out of your chair. 
Before you can throw yourself entirely off balance, Chan swoops in to tuck you under his arm. You’re independent to a fault, however; and you glare up at him exactly like he guessed you would. Apologetic, he keeps his distance with his hands raised.
Go for it, then.
All it takes for you to accept defeat is a few wobbly steps toward the door and some curse words muttered under your breath, for zest. You give in faster than you want to and dive into his side with a long-suffering groan. You’re not looking, so he doesn't bother to hide the triumphant smirk that spreads when your arms wrap around his waist.
The walk back to his car takes a lot more effort than he initially expected. Though you cling to him like you’ll float off without him, you insist on attempting to wander in every direction except the one you need to head in. To the best of his ability, Chan steers you across the pavement; you babble through every stumbled step.
“I’m going to open your door now, okay?” He coos once you finally reach his car.
It surprises him slightly — the softness he’s exuding, and how much like a reflex it feels — but he doesn’t dwell on it. He’s got a far more difficult puzzle to solve: getting your wriggling body into his car.
After a few unsuccessful tries, you finally let him usher you out of the way of the door. You spill into his passenger seat like you’re more jelly than bones, knocking your skull against the doorframe as you go.
Jesus Christ.
Eyes wide, Chan ducks down to run his fingers gingerly over what will likely be a goose egg tomorrow. Nervously, he chuckles, “That — uhh — that was quite the entrance. You okay?”
Tilting your chin just so, you push your cheek into his palm and blink up at him slowly like you’ve already forgotten the question. Suddenly, so has he. Several moments whizz by just like that — with his arm raised uncomfortably and your heavy head resting against his hand.
Never in his life has he wanted to kiss a forehead as badly as he does yours. It’s like you’ve got a magnet where your orbital bone should be, and it’s a bit shocking. Whatever magic you’ve got — some sort of tractor beam in your eyes, perhaps — pulls, pulls, pulls, but he stops himself.
That’s not what this is, he reminds himself as he backs away and shuts your door carefully in his place. That’s not who I am to you.
In this moment, Chan is your taxi driver, carting you off to the apartment he’s been in a hundred times — but never once in the daytime.
As he goes, it becomes a little clearer with every kilometer: the sun can’t be beating down overhead because he feels it next to him, warming his arm through his jacket; blinding him whenever his gaze drifts over to the passenger side.
“Chan,” you pout out of nowhere.
Again, your head droops fast and bumps his shoulder. You don’t react to this second knock, but he does, sucking air in through his teeth.
“Need to get you a helmet,” he mutters with a sheepish laugh. “You’re gonna give yourself a concussion at this rate.”
“Don’t need a helmet,” you argue. “I need pork belly, bad. Stop, please?”
Glancing quickly down at you, Chan bites back a smile. You look so adorably pitiful with your hazy eyes blinking one at a time, lips all puffy to match your cheeks. It takes all he’s got to tear his eyes off you and put them back on the road ahead.
He sighs, genuinely sorry. “No can do, champ.”
You repeat the nickname, pop the last letter, and make yourself laugh so hard that you hiccup.
“Your options currently are soup or… well, soup.” He tries to sound firm, but if you pout at him a second time, Chan might throw your dentist’s warning right out the window. “Think it over while I stop at the pharmacy, yeah?”
In the quiet that follows, he swears he can hear the gears turning in your head. He doubts it has anything to do with what he just told you, but he doesn’t mind. Come to think of it, he doesn’t mind any of what this day has turned out to be so far. That doesn’t necessarily surprise him, either.
With the way things currently are between you, you don’t feature much in his everyday life; only weekends and the occasional weeknight. It works well, this thing you’ve got going. He enjoys what you do — that head game of yours is otherworldly — but judging by the glimpses he’s seen so far, he likes who you are, too.
Despite not knowing you on some deeper level, shit like this — being around you for some profoundly asexual purpose — feels natural. Like he could do it more often; be a little more than just a recurring character. If you let him, that is.
Would you let him?
That question rattles around his brain when he pulls up to the pharmacy and dashes inside, too wary to leave you alone for long but wholly unprepared to guide you through a shop in your current state. He’s still thinking about it when he jogs back to his car with your prescription in hand.
That bag is nearly dropped to the pavement below when he sees you, however; and he can’t remember what he was thinking about before because you’re weeping now. In a flash, Chan throws himself into his seat and jerks the door shut behind him, metal groaning in the process. 
“What’s wrong?”
He doesn’t mean to sound so forceful, but he can feel his pulse in his ears. On instinct, he reaches out and places gentle hands on your temples. Eyes scanning for any sign of injury, he tries to bury his urgency in a soothing voice. “Hey — talk to me. Are you okay?”
You blink up at him with wide, wet eyes. Oh, fuck, you’re breaking my heart. His stomach drops at the sight of your lower lip trembling, but then you whimper:
“What if worms don’t have best friends?”
And Chan needs a minute because he can’t believe you’re real, that you’re borderline bereft over worms, or that he’s this fucking enamored.
Before he knows it, he starts giggling so hard that his eyes start to swim. Thankfully, it’s with mirth and not utter devastation like yours. Pinching his bottom lip between his teeth, he wipes a tear off your cheek with the side of his thumb. Just as gently, he tries his best to reassure you, “I’m sure they do.”
“You’re sure?” You repeat with a sniffle. Chan nods; he’s never been more so.
Successfully placated, you fall into thoughtful silence next to him. It doesn’t last long, though. Abruptly, you and your goldfish memory change course: “Can we get pork belly?”
Something in him wants to give you the world in this moment — the moon on a string, or whatever — but he shakes his head, unwilling to budge. But then your face falls, and he blurts out, “When you’re better, I’ll take you out for some.”
And he means it.
You peep, “Maybe next week.”
Chan laughs while he puts the key in the ignition and turns it. Maybe, he thinks, if you remember having this conversation. As the engine roars back to life, a new thought bubbles to the surface in his mind:
Maybe you will remember.
If you do — and if he’s brave enough then — maybe he’ll confess that he’s a liar. He might own up to the fact that, when you called to ask for his help, he didn’t already have the day off like he claimed to; or that the sick time he rushed to claim in the aftermath wasn’t attributable to his health at all. 
Maybe he’ll admit that he doesn’t care how many people you asked before you turned to him because you ultimately did.
Just maybe.
As he backs out of his parking space, Chan casts another glance your way. It takes all the effort in the world for you to do it, but you smile at him with your whole damn face. 
That settles it, then.
He nods once — firmly — and corrects you, “Definitely next week.”
Part two.
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dumbkiri · 4 months
𝖔𝖍, 𝖒𝖞 𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖚𝖘
WARNING: death, blood, death by fire
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He remembers meeting you as clearly as the day was when you accidentally bumped into him. No cloud covered the blue sky and the sun shining down on you only made you prettier in his eyes. You fumbled with your words trying your best to apologize to him. The blush on your face made it more apparent that you wouldn't be able to spit it out successfully. 
To your rescue, your mother walked out of the flower shop with a bag in her hand, “[Name], I know you're excited for the garden, but you must watch where you're going.” Though she scolded you, her voice was light and airy. Her long hair had light pink highlights, a stark contrast to her [h.color] hair. 
Then she directed her ruby eyes onto the quiet boy bowing her head down to apologize. “I’m sorry about my daughter and her clumsiness. You see, we just bought new flower seeds and she gets very excited to plant them in our garden.” She giggled when you tugged at her kimono, silently telling her to stop embarrassing you. 
Satoru looked away and over his shoulder to glare at the people that had been following him for a while. In a low and unbothered voice, Satoru said, “You don’t need to apologize, it’s just an accident. I’m Gojo Satoru, by the way.”He turned his attention back to the mother and daughter with no smile accompanying his greeting. 
This only made you uneasy, yet your mother greeted him happily making you look up at her in confusion. “What a pleasure to meet the holder of Limitless and the Six Eyes. My name is [L.Name] Sabine and this is my daughter, [Name]. I am the holder of Nami’s Miracle.”
Satoru nodded his head and stuffed his hands into his pockets, “That makes sense now, your energy is very welcoming and powerful. What about her technique, it’s also strong, but it lacks in presence like it’s-”
“Slowly fading away?” Sabine finished and she combed her fingers in your hair. Your eyes never left her gentle look and her eyes widened in slight excitement. “How about you join us for lunch, young Gojo? I can prepare something for the three of us while [Name] plants her new seeds. Then I can tell you all about our family’s blessed energy and why [Name] is the only one in our family with cursed energy.” 
Skeptical, but intrigued, Satoru accepted the invite to your dismay. You just made yourself look like a fool in front of this boy and your mother thought it was a great idea to invite him for lunch. You moved your eyes down to the floor and fiddled with your small purse. At least, you’d be able to plant the seeds and encourage them to grow with your curse technique while your mother talks Gojo’s ears off. 
But that wasn’t going to be the case. 
The size of the [L.Name] Estate surprised Satoru because it honestly looked like a small village. As the trio walked around, heading to the main house, Sabine explained to him that the [L.Name] family consisted of a lot of female family members with small amounts of blessed energy. These women can go on to help in the Jujutsu Society by healing wounded sorcerers. 
“They’re not fighters, not like me who is the inheritor of Nami’s miracle,” Sabine clarified, “Because of this, our family is very low in the hierarchy of the Jujutsu Society. We are seen as defenseless and sometimes useless until they need our help. Will you think the same, young Gojo?”
“I don’t have a lot to go off from there to judge your family,” He responded, ignoring the looks he got from the surrounding women. They gushed at his appearance and wondered out loud why he was walking with the Lady of the Estate and her daughter. 
“But I see merit in the ability to harness blessed energy as much as any cursed technique. Your daughter sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of them though.” By no means did he mean to upset you with his words, he only wanted to state out the obvious to get the answer as to why you have cursed energy. 
Sabine could see the way you only closed yourself off more after Gojo’s offhand remark. Her hand landed on your shoulder and it made you feel smaller because her energy wanted to wash the cursed energy inside of you. “She does stick out,” Sabine moved her hand away and focused back onto the small boy walking next to her, “everyone thinks her to be some kind of failure because she cannot heal like the rest do. She’s the first in the entire family lineage to have cursed energy and it worries some. Her legitimacy has come to question, but there have been many witnesses to her birth. [Name] is my beloved daughter, cursed energy and all.”
Satoru’s eyes widened at the declaration and he couldn’t help, but wished he had a mother figure like Sabine. He blamed it on the blessed energy she constantly leaked out like a waterfall. No one can be this kind all the time.
When they reached the main house, Sabine handed the bag with the seeds inside to her anxious daughter. Then her daughter sprinted off without a word to the backyard to plant her flowers and watch them grow with her curse technique. Meanwhile Satoru watched her run away and hesitated on where to go. Thankfully, Sabine placed her hand onto his shoulder and gestured towards the direction her daughter ran off to. 
“You can witness her cursed technique in action, young Gojo. I’m sure she’ll warm up to you if you show interest in her technique. She’s only distrustful to people because of how she’s treated here. No one appreciates her technique, but I believe you will.” 
With that said, Satoru walked forward and followed after the lingering cursed energy belonging to you. Your mother believed in you and your kindness. It appeared to be easy for Sabine to gain someone’s trust because Satoru walked with you like nothing will happen to him. 
“‘She sticks out like a sore thumb~.’”
Satoru heard your voice for the first time and it had to be when you openly mocked him. He stopped in his spot and listened closely to how you talked badly about yourself. 
“I must have disappointed Mother when he mentioned my failure to be born without blessed energy” You stabbed the grass with the [f.color] hand trowel, your eyebrows furrowing in the middle, “Why was I even born? All I am is a nuisance to the [L.Name] Family, a girl who failed to be born with blessed energy. I should just die already, make everyone forget me like a weed in a garden.” 
“I only said you stuck out like a sore thumb because you are stronger than the rest of them.” Satoru stepped in and you snapped your head in his direction. Your cheeks are flushed with embarrassment twice today. “Also weeds may be a nuisance to some people, but they are resilient and grow in any climate. Can you not see yourself as more than a failure?” 
You wiped the dirt off your hands and looked away from his pretty blue eyes that stared at you in a haunting way. “I don’t think I can. Not when I’m reminded every day by the others in my family. You won’t get it, Gojo. You’re not a failure, you possess two wonderful techniques while I…”
You looked down at the small hole you dug and the lonely seed inside of it. “I’ll just show you.” You gestured to the spot next to you on the grass and he sat down without saying anything to you. You covered the seed with the disturbed dirt and placed your hand over the small mound. 
In a second, the seed in the dirt began to sprout with your cursed energy giving life to grow into its final form. “This flower is called Calendula. Since I cannot heal with blessed energy, I can grow flowers that have some healing properties in them.” 
“That’s smart,” Gojo commented lightly and reached his hand out to touch the flower. But you panicked and slapped his hand away from it, your ruby eyes wide and you stuttered out an apology. 
“I’m so sorry! But you cannot touch the flower. My mother needs to bless the flower before anyone touches it. My cursed energy hurts people and it can sometimes poison them! I only slapped you to-” 
“Calm down,” Gojo smiled at you and reached for the flower again. You covered your eyes and begged him not to touch the flower, but his chuckle made you move your hands away. “Hate to burst your bubble, earth-worm, my infinity protects me from whatever poison your flowers give off. See?” 
He twisted a plucked flower petal in-between his fingers with a charming smile on his face. You couldn’t believe it, he almost gave you a heart attack for pulling a stunt like that. Suddenly a sound escaped your lips and it surprised you enough for Satoru to question you. 
“What? Have you never laughed before?” 
“Not really,” You admitted sheepishly, “You’re the first person to actually make me laugh. My mother isn’t very great at telling jokes and I can’t hang out with other kids my age.”
“Children, lunch is ready,” Sabine appeared behind you guys with flower petals flowing at the bottom of her kimono. Her close eyed smile presented with kindness and she held her clean hands out to you. Although you hid your hands behind your back and picked yourself up without accepting her help. 
“You didn’t wear your gloves, young lady,” Sabine pointed out, her tone teasing you. 
“I may have not, I was filled with too much excitement to put them on. Plus I feel closer to the seeds when I don’t put gloves on!” You explained, keeping your hands behind your back. Sabine shook her head and told you to go wash yourself up while she leads Gojo to the food. 
When you walked away with a cheeky smile and a hop in your step, Sabine thanked Gojo for making you happy. “I think she likes the nickname you gave her. Earth-worm suits her very well considering her love for gardening. She loves to play with the dirt if you haven’t noticed.” 
Satoru pushed himself off the dirt and handed the petal over to Sabine, so she could bless it. “I would be dumb if I didn’t see that. Also I have a question, uh…is it possible that I can visit her whenever?” 
Sabine laughed and ruffled Satoru’s hair, sending chills down his spine. He can feel her touch upon his hair, she bypassed his barrier. “H-how are you doing that?” He pulled away and looked at her with unease. 
“Oh, I’m sorry for spooking you. I am able to dispel any cursed technique, nullifying the user of their ability. I apologize if I made you feel vulnerable.” 
“Don’t do it again,” He demanded, “Nullifying my infinity can put me at risk.” 
Sabine’s eyes drooped in shame, “Yes, I noticed the people after you with the intent of killing you. But do not worry, I won’t do it again and you’re safe in the [L.Name] Estate. I can sense when someone comes into my home with bad intentions.” 
Satoru nodded his head and followed after the calm woman with an astounding power. Sabine could be able to overthrow the Jujutsu Society if she wanted, but she remains a lady with responsibilities tied to her clumsy daughter. Something was missing and Sabine never explained why you were born with cursed energy. 
And he forgot to ask despite him making multiple visits to make you laugh and spend more time with you. His attention never left you and you began to warm up to him. A beautiful flower sprouting to her full potential.
Everything had been great. His relationship with you grew and he developed a small crush on you which Sabine caught on quickly because she knew you were doing the same as time went on. 
Yet the mother couldn’t anticipate the fire, the massacre of her family or the way the men threatened to kill you if she didn’t listen to them. Sabine passed down Nami’s Miracle to you upon the threat of the men. Your sleeping body was held in Naobito Zen’in’s arms as she pressed a kiss to your forehead. Tears slid down her face as she silently said goodbye to you. 
“Oh, my beloved,” Sabine felt the hands of the men grab her, the bright light of the fire reflecting in her ruby red eyes, “do not fall into despair.” 
They led her to the pile of bones and ashes still burning in the night, “You will become so much more than what I imagined. A lady of duality, they won’t be able to control you. I trust that young Gojo will lead with you, to keep his promise to me.” 
A man roughly turned her attention to him and cruelly smirked at her tear stained face, “This will stop your incessant mumbling, almighty goddess.” He pressed a dagger to her throat and she closed her eyes, gagging on her blood. If only she could cover her throat, but her hands were tied behind her back and she felt a kick on her stomach.  Sabine felt weightless and the light of the fire engulfed the darkness that consumed her. The warmth comforted her as she gained new life. Her last thought on earth focused on blessing her daughter, ‘Starting tonight, you are born as the Princess of Thorns.’
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sofasoap · 2 years
Pairing : Din Djarin x GN!Reader + Grogu
Summary: Din's biggest nightmare is losing his family, his clan, losing you.
kind of set after Grogu comes back from Jedi training, and let's just pretend Din still got Razor Crest or bought a similar size ship. Starfighter is just too.... SMALL! Warning: M rating ,strong languages. English is my 2nd language, not beta'ed either, so I apologise for any mistakes. You are responsible for your own media consumption. Please don't enter if you are under 18 or of legal age in your country and turn around NOW. minors DNI. A/N: For @deakyjoe again. I promised her if she did her Uni work I will write something lol. Here it is.
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"I am leaving." Din's hand froze. He slowly look up from the blaster he was cleaning. " I don't think I can do this anymore Mando." Shaking your head. " I am sick of this... fighting, and this, " waving your hands around, " I am sick of being trapped inside all the time, in this enclosed space." His hands start to shake. He open his mouth, but no sound is coming out.
"I want to settle down... not hiding from the enemy all the time, and this is not a good environment to bring up the younglings!" Turning towards your cot, you pick up your bag and started stuffing your belongs into it.
"And this bullshit of creed, not showing your face, and Oh, they ditch you even though you are the holder of darksaber just because you showed your face to outsider?" You rolled your eyes.
Din try to argue, still, he couldn't make a sound. As if someone has taken his voice away from him.
" So you got nothing to say to me Mando? Not even going to try and persuade me?" Sighing as you walk past him, picking up Grogu as you head out of the ship. " I am taking Grogu with me. I hope this is the last time I see you, DIN DJARIN." You spatted out his name, not even looking back and walked off into the forest.
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Din screamed as he sat up from his bunk. Sweat completely drenching his body. Totally disorientate he turn on the night light beside his head and look around. It's too quiet. Usually he hears sounds of you walking around the ship, doing chores or fixing things, or little cooing sound of Grogu, and you telling him off for being a mischief. The fear surface again, was that nightmare real?? and I am just replaying the episode again and again in my mind ? Quickly donning his helmet, not even bothering with rest of his armour, he stepped out from his tiny bunker. No one in the cargo area, refresher empty. Climbing up towards the cockpit, not a trace of you two.
Lastly checking your bunk space, blanket folded neatly, your bag is missing. Din feel likes he was about to have a breakdown. He couldn't imagine his life without you. Without the little Munchkin. His clan of three. He hasn't even confess his feeling to you yet. Rushing to putting his armour on, he set out to find you two. Guessing you two haven't made it too far, there is still a chance. Just as he was about to step out, the cargo hold landing door opened up. And there's you, with his son tucked away in one of the bag, holding some sort of sweet pastry in his hand, and your backpack on your back and another satchel full of groceries and supplies. The two of you were giggling and laughing, as if sharing a joke. " OH! Mando, you are awake!" You greeted to him as you spotted him standing by the entrance. Din rush up towards you, pull you into an embrace. " Mando...are you OK?" You still haven't change your habit of calling him Mando. Even though you heard his real name already through Moff Gideon. You thought Din haven't given you the permission to use his name, you will stick with calling him Mando. Letting out a shaky breath. " Where did you guys go?" " We went out for supply run, it was such a good weather and you mention this area and town is relatively safe... So I thought I take Grogu for a stroll." putting down one of the side satchel and Grogu force jumped out from the bag. "Sorry I didn't wake you up. You were in such a deep sleep and you haven't had a good rest for last few weeks.. So I thought I'll let you be." You replied apologetically and gave him a squeeze. " Come on. I bought some of your favourite fruits. Turns out they had a very good harvest this year on this planet. I can make them into ration bar and preserves, so you won't need to hunt for them for a long time." You smiled at him. Just as you about to turn away and head back into the ship, Din moved his hand, cupping your face and pull you head in, lightly touching his forehead. "Man.. Mando?" Your face heating up. "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, Cyare..." He whispered back. You closed your eyes. Enjoying this intimate moment. "That's a new word...what does it mean Mando?" " I'll tell you one day... not now.. but one day."
"....and please.. call me Din." ".. Din." The sound of his name , so sweet and loving coming out from your mouth. Din felt someone tugging his pants and little coo sound. " I think he feels left out." You laughed. Din let go of you, bending down to pick his son up and gave him a little knock forehead to forehead.
" Come on, let's go help your buir to put away the groceries." Din commented. " that's ANOTHER new word Din... what does it mean? You got to start teaching me some Mando'a soon.. otherwise I would think you two are talking behind my back! " You said half jokingly. ".. It means parent." You raised your eyebrow as he explain it to you. You stood there for a moment as the two boys walk up the plank back into the ship. Took you few second to understand the implication, his words, and his action from before. Your heart flutters. Maybe.. Just maybe? That little hope and desire you have tucked away starting to rise.
".. I thought you two left me.. " " Never Din... We will never leave you. I will never leave you. Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. "
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I know its a common joke and meme how he is technically the holder of Darksaber and they just flick him away like that.. unless they come up with a good reason.. to me it's just a major plot hole. Thank you for reading, liking and reblogs!
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chvnnie · 1 year
I know you just did a soft dom Chan but I personally am obsessed with soft dom Changbin. Just the care-giving-est praising-est most adoring dom. He's all big and strong and he uses it to make you feel tiny (even if you physically aren't) and safe and warm I just.....
get out of my head rn this is some of my favorite shit of ALL. TIME.
i’m on the daddy dom agenda today and you’re all coming along for the journey.
Changbin thinks it’s endearing that you still get flustered when he looks at you. How you shy away when he grabs your hand in public. The little giggle you give any time he hugs you, squeezing and lifting you as he spins in a circle.
It would be impossible to pick his favorite thing about you because everything about you is his favorite. So, he tries to narrow it down depending on the moment. What has him so infatuated that he feels like he’s falling in love all over again?
Right now it’s your disheveled hair, coming out of the braids you put them in before bed. His worn out shirt, too many sizes too big on you, clinging to your body from the static of the bedsheets. The fist rubbing your eyes, the lips parted to release a big yawn.
Oh, you precious little thing. Groaning as you flip in the bed, rolling into his body and clinging to him by the side like a koala. Your ear rests just above his heart, the gentle thud like a lullaby. Easing your eyes shut once more.
“Sweetheart.” His voice is raspy, dry and cracking from sleep. “It’s time to get up—“
“No.” You bury your face in his bare chest, the heavy scent of his body soap soothing your fussy soul. “Don’t want.”
“I know.” Softly, he takes off the hair ties keeping your braids in, letting the hair fall free before he combs it with his fingers. “But we gotta.”
Changbin tries to sit up, to move so you have no choice. Though exhausted, you find the effort to roll on top of him. Pinning him down.
As if you’ve forgotten his strength. It’s okay, it’s early; it takes his brain a minute to wake up too. Arms firmly wrapped around you, he stands up with ease, despite your whines of protest.
He loves the cute way you put, eyebrows furrowed as you give your best glare up at him. It doesn’t stop him from putting the fluffy, pink headband on your, pushing the stray hairs out of your face. He lathers the face wash in his hands before massaging it on your cheeks.
“Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.” He teases, laughing when you stick your tongue out at him and get soap on the tip of it. As grumpy as you are, you don’t move a muscle. Sitting perfectly on the bathroom counter as he washes your face before his own.
It’s like this every morning. You on the counter, him standing in front of you. Helping you get ready for the day as he readies himself. Are you fully capable of doing it on your own? Of course, and if you wanted to, Changbin would back off. But doing things for you is his favorite way to show his love.
Why does baby have to do anything when daddy is here?
Once your face and teeth are clean, you follow him into the closet. Sitting on the ground as he picks your gym clothes, packs an extra outfit to change into after you’re done.
“I don’t really want to go today.” You say with a sigh when he places the matching pink set in front of you. “Can we skip?”
“We had a rest day yesterday.” He takes the sweats he slept in off, tossing them aside before he starts to look for his own clothes. “It’s an easy day today. Just cardio.”
Oh, how dramatic you must be feeling today. Sighing before laying on the plush carpet floor, arm slung over your eyes.
“Just cardio? Daddy, cardio is the worst—“
Changbin’s hunt for a gym fit is abandoned, laughing as he kneels over you. In your show, the shirt you’re wearing has hiked up, cotton panties peeking from underneath it. Light blue with clouds decorating the fabric.
“Oh, baby.” His hands wrap around your wrists, moving your arms from your face. “It must be so hard to be you.”
Though you try to hold your pout, he can see the smile cracking. Nodding up at him.
“If you go, I’ll give you a treat.”
Suddenly, you look serious. “What kind of treat?”
Changbin just smiles at you before squeezing your wrists, bringing them above your head and holding them there.
Oh, how precious you are with wide eyes, unable to meet his gaze. Suddenly aware of how close his hips are to your own, how you’re stuck beneath his body. The fussy, pouty little girl he’s dealt with all morning now too shy to look at him. Squirming under his hold, not because you want out. But because that fuzzy, warm feeling has started to bloom.
You mumble something, and he’s pretty sure he knows what you said. But where’s the fun is giving in?
“Speak up, baby.” Changbin says, moving your wrists to one hand so he can turn your head back towards him. “Daddy can’t hear you.”
You swallow dryly, batting your lashes up at him. “W-want it now.”
“Already?” He teases with a chuckle, thumb stroking just beneath your lower lip. “But we were up late last night playing, baby. Isn’t that enough?”
It’s quick, the movement of your head. The soft whimpers that vibrate on his thumb. “No. No, I want more-“
Changbin loves how insatiable you can get. How one look or little word can turn you into a whimpering, needy girl. So obsessed with his cock that it’s all you can think about, slowly going mad the longer it takes to get it.
He loves how badly you need him, because he needs you just as much. If not more.
Your little gasps are so precious, dainty hands clutching at his broad shoulders as his cock works it’s way inside you. What he lacks in length, which isn’t much, he makes up for in width. The stretch always a little painful, burning and making your legs snap close.
“Shh, baby.” He whispers when your eyes start to water, face scrunching in pain.
“I know, princess. Daddy’s got you.”
He makes sure to hold you close to his body, thumb stroking your hip bone as he bottoms out. Letting your head roll back, a broken, tearful moan coming from your lips. Leaning down, he kisses your exposed neck softly.
“You’re doing such a good job.” He mumbles against your skin. “So proud of my baby.”
When your walls flutter around him, the praise making your dizzy, Changbin begins to rock his hips. Rolling in a motion to get you more comfortable, pain morphing into pleasure as your cunt starts to adjust to him.
“More?” You whine out.
As long as you are his, you’ll want for nothing. Happily, Changbin starts to properly fuck you. Head buried in your neck, kissing and biting the skin. Carefully sucking beneath your ear to feel you twitch, to mark what’s his.
“Fuck.” He groans beneath your ear, his own eyes fluttering a bit. While he’ll tease you for slipping from him, so overwhelmed by his cock that you lose all thoughts, he feels it too. Drunk on your cunt, consumed by the perfect feeling that takes over his body when he’s deep inside you. You don’t notice how his groan has shifted into a low whimper. “It’s like this pussy was made for me.”
You let out the most delight cry when he hits the best spot, twitching intensely in his hold. Clinging to him as the grip on your sanity is lost.
“I-is yours.” Your words are slurred, almost incoherent. “All daddy’s—“
“Aw, baby. You’re so sweet.” He grunts as he thrusts harder, lingering deep inside as the tears break from your eyes. “Always perfect for daddy.”
He loves the way your eyes seem to brighten when you look at him, as if all of the love in the world is held within them. It makes him feel fuzzy, heart hammering and giggles scratching at his throat. Dizzy with how lovesick you’ve made him.
Your little hands cup his face, holding it still so you can look at him. Every inch of him, every bump, scar, ridge. The stroke of your thumbs on the apples of his cheeks is so soft, as if you’re holding fragile glass.
“Daddy perfect.” You whisper, lips trembling as they form an earnest smile. Beaming at him brighter than any star in the sky.
Changbin can’t pick what he loves the most about you, but he really thinks it’s how much you love him.
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nerdieforpedro · 8 months
Did you say Raspberry Beret or Tea?
Dieter Bravo x plus size female reader
This blog is 18+ MDNI
This fic is for general audiances.
Word Count: 777 (Go buy a lotto ticket! 😎)
Summary: You're having a horrible period day and Dieter makes it better. No raspberries were harmed in the making of this fic.
Warnings: mentions of periods, discomfort, fluff
Notes: Not beta-ed. I wrote it at work and tired out a moodboard I think. I'm playing around with them. I blame my uterus for this fic as today sucked while I worked. 😑
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“Ugh….I roll and I roll and it does nothing.” Your oversized t-shirt rides up under your breasts which adds to your annoyance. You’re sweating and having chills at the same time. Sprawled across the bed, you’ve tried both of your sides, laying on your back which led you to curve it in pain and on your stomach, you had a few minutes or relief before another heat wave came and made it too hot to stay face down.
Sitting up at the side of the bed, your hair is lopsided and your silk bonnet is on the floor. You don’t remember taking it off or hearing it fall. “I took my Midol, I kept chugging water and peeing. I’m still sore, hot and cold…this sucks. What am I missing?!” You rub your palms on your thighs to try and take your mind off how uncomfortable you feel. The floor feels cool though, maybe you should lay on it. It is a beautiful dark hardwood floor, you can see your reflection in it. Your body has a sheen of moisture from your sweat. “Become one with the floor…” You whisper to yourself and then start feeling cold again from so much exposed skin. “My body hates me.”
“Honey Pot, you don’t look too good.” A voice that you’ve missed the last few days as he’s been out of town. Dieter stood in the doorway with a cup of coffee. You love your coffee with four creamers and sugars with some dashes of vanilla extract. “Do I need to call someone? You’re sweaty and you feel cool. That’s really weird.” He handed you the coffee and pecked your lips as you accepted it. His palm touched your forehead before traveling up to smooth down your hair which was sticking up. “You’re on the losing end of a fight huh?” You quickly finished the cup, warming your body from the inside out, then you were again overheated.
“You were so sweet with the coffee and you had to ruin it Dee. It’s one of my heavier days so it’s so much worse. My meds and usual positions aren’t working. It’s horrible. Fix me…” You whined, rather uncharacteristic for you as Dieter was used to you listening to his complaints. He sat next to you on the bed and put his arm around you, the fluffy fabric of his ever present gray robe tickled your neck. 
“Aww…my poor sweetheart. What do you need from me? Anything you want I can order?” He asked, you shook your head and sighed. Patting his thigh before intertwining your fingers with his.
“No. I finished the coffee. I think I should have my raspberry tea. That should help, and then play some music, maybe moving around will help instead of just rolling in the bed.”
“Raspberry I can do honey pot. I’ll go start it now!” Bravo jumped up excitedly and ran out of the room. You were surprised to see him that enthusiastic to make you tea. He always said you brewed it too strong. You placed your feet on the cool hardwood floor again and stood, letting the cold travel from your feet, your head flew back from some relief. Your body had once again decided to change temperatures on you.
“Oh god that feels good. I should have gotten up sooner.” You laughed at yourself for not hopping up sooner and walked toward the doorway that led to the living room. Music filled the room as Dieter had turned the Bluetooth speaker all the way up and was shaking his hips with his arms extending out. It looked like he may start doing some kicks any time. “Dieter, what are you doing? Did you make the tea?”
He continued to dance over to you and pulled you toward the center of the room, placing a hand on the small of your back and leading you around in a circle to the rhythm. “I don’t know why you wanted to listen to ‘Raspberry Beret’ but it’s always fun to listen to Prince. Personally, I would have picked ‘I wanna be your lover’ to dance to.”
You stared at Dieter’s bright face as the two of you danced, his face with the same half grin and smirk he normally had. Your head rolls back as you erupt with laughter, forgetting for a bit that your uterus has chosen violence this week. “Another fun one is ‘I would die 4 U’ you know you can’t hit those high notes Dee.”
The two of you continue to swing around the living room to the jovial sounds of ‘Raspberry Beret’ the tea forgotten over the melody.
Trash Panda Pals 🦝: @katw474 @readingiskeepingmegoing @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @megamindsecretlair @pamasaur @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @sp00kymulderr @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @titlee78
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mighty-ant · 5 months
Not Superhero Material
Honker shifted on the mat, staying on the balls of his feet as he circled his opponent. His gloves creaked around the handle of his sword, and through the slats in his helmet he watched the eyes of the taller dog across from him. 
There, a flinch. 
At the same moment his opponent lunged, Honker darted to the side. He turned, planting one foot forward, and let out a battle cry that would have shocked anyone who hadn’t seen him in the dojo before. 
With a practiced thrust, he struck the top of his opponent’s helmet. 
“Yame!” Sensei Enaga barked, raising her hand. “Second point, red. The match goes to Muddlefoot.”
Honker and his opponent stepped back from one another, until they were at opposite ends of the mat. They bowed to each other, and only then did the rest of the class erupt in applause. 
“Whew!” Across from Honker, Dusty pulled off his helmet to reveal his great canine grin, his fur matted with sweat and sticking up in all directions. “You didn’t let up for a second!”
Honker smiled shyly as he took off his own helmet. “Your harai-waza almost got me the second time.”
Dusty scoffed. “Don’t even try that false modesty sh–stuff! I obviously need more practice before I try and take on the reigning champ again.” Despite the challenge, there was no malice in the doberman’s face, just a friendly sort of fierceness. It was such a juxtaposition from his classmates’ treatment that it still gave Honker mental whiplash. 
“You all need more practice,” Sensei Enaga interrupted sourly. “But not today. Training is done, everyone go home.”
The class broke up into laughter, already more than familiar with their teacher’s short, sharp, and to the point nature. With that, order dissolved as kids broke off into groups, gathering their belongings, and heading out the doors. 
Dusty stopped to fistbump Honker before moving off to the side to take off and store his gear. 
Honker moved much more slowly to do the same. Mom was at her book club and Dad was with his bowling league, and the bus he took to get home wouldn’t arrive for twenty minutes. He had time to think. Though, Gos would probably call it brooding . 
He’d just started taking off his gloves when Sensei Enaga ambled over to him. He respectfully hopped back to his feet, but she just waved him back down; he took her leave to keep putting his armor away as she spoke. 
“Not to give you a big head, but you are doing very well, Honker. You’re more than ready to test yourself in a real competition.” 
Sensei Enaga had a way of speaking where everything she said, even her opinion, sounded as if she was stating fact. It didn’t stop the heat from flooding Honker’s cheeks. 
“Th-thank you, Sensei,” he mumbled as he pulled off the padded fabric protecting his throat, neck and shoulders. “But…I don’t know if I am ready for something like that.”
Honker risked a glance. Sensei was so short that only when he knelt were they of a height. He found her pristine, white feathered face screwed up in a frown.
“Why not? Your strike is the fastest I've seen in ten years of training hapless children, and your defense is next to none. I’m lucky if I can land a hit on you.”
He looked away again, undoing the straps of his breastplate. “My…friends don’t think I’m strong enough for stuff like that. All they see when they look at me…all most people see, is this little, helpless geek who can’t take care of himself.” Honker didn’t mean for that to come out as bitterly as it did, but in the darkness behind his closed eyes as he pulled his armor off and over his head, he let the ball of frustration in his stomach roil and churn, just for a moment. 
When Honker reopened his eyes, Sensei Enaga was across the room, standing beside the racks of wooden weapons on the walls. 
“All people saw when they looked at me was a small, weak shima enaga,” she said thoughtfully, taking a katana-sized tachi off the wall and weighing it carefully. Short or not, in her black keikogi and hakama, holding a blade twice her size, she looked like a deadly spirit from one of Mr. McDuck’s stories. “But I trained, I strengthened myself, and I proved them all wrong.” She pointed at him with the end of her bokken.  
“You must show your friends what you are capable of.”
Honker struggled to speak, as usual. “I…maybe. If I ever g-get the chance.”
Sensei Enaga scowled, dissatisfied. “Hmph. Well right now, you’re getting a chance to practice your kata. Up, let’s see how you’ve improved with bokken.”
Honker had so little to do in the command center when the team went on patrol that he’d spread out his physics homework across WANDA’s console. 
Gos liked to joke that he was her ‘guy in the chair,’ and sure he was good with computers, but WANDA was a literal supercomputer with top-of-the-line artificial intelligence. There was nothing he could do that WANDA couldn’t do better. As long as access to opposable digits wasn’t required. 
Of course, he’d just started to settle in with Bernoulli's principle when the ‘Something’s Gone Horribly Wrong’ alarm sounded (Gos was also responsible for that name). 
He was so startled he almost fell out of his chair, scattering his notebook with all the loose papers he kept meaning to put into a proper folder. 
“What’s going on?” he yelled over the alarm, pressing one hand over his ear while he stooped to gather his papers with the other. WANDA silenced the racket almost as soon as he raised his voice, making sure his shout sounded extra loud in the ensuing, ringing silence. 
But as the words left his beak, he understood why things had gone horribly wrong. 
The comm channel that the team always left open during patrol was choked with interference, harsh static rendering everyone’s voices nearly unintelligible. The signal was being jammed, and for it to interfere with WANDA’s comm lines, it had to be deliberate. 
Through the interference, the team was shouting, Gos louder than the rest. 
“Quiverwing?” Honker cried, his stomach swooping in alarm. 
“FOWL is here! Oh crap—”
“Arrow!” That was Darkwing. “Call—anyone but Gizmoduck—”
The line went dead. 
Honker stood frozen at the console, hands poised uselessly over the keys. Blood rushed through his head, deafening him, and his heart pounded with sickening fervor, as if it was about to leap right up his throat and out his beak. 
Despite his panic, his mind was racing. 
The team was just supposed to be out on a stakeout, breaking up a minor arms deal between local gang leaders. Nothing too dangerous, per Darkwing’s own words. But still enough not to let him join them. 
For FOWL to be there, it meant they had to have been lying in wait. Waiting for Darkwing Duck and his team. 
There was no love lost between Darkwing and the tattered remains of FOWL, especially their new shadowy figurehead, who they strongly suspected to be Taurus Bulba. He’d escaped from prison some months ago with the help of Steelbeak and a few dozen Eggheads, and promptly disappeared (but not before trying to take Gos with him and almost drowning Honker in the ensuing fight). 
The best course of action, the smart course of action, would be to call the ‘We’re Not All Ducks’ Justice Ducks for backup. FOWL was a threat worthy of Darkwing Duck, Gizmoduck, Penumbra. Not three and a half foot tall Herbert “Honker” Muddlefoot with a stutter and deadly nut allergy.
Honker moved his hand over the console, over to the series of switches that would tap him into the Justice Ducks emergency line. But he didn’t press any of them yet. 
He still had the team’s last known location locked on the GPS. If he hurried, took the underwater tunnel and borrowed Dr. Bellum’s experimental winged jetpack she’d loaned to Gos after Darkwing lost one in the bay and Launchpad crashed into various buildings with his….
This was such a bad idea. This was such a potentially disastrous idea. 
Still standing in his frozen tableau, Honker glanced over his shoulder to where he and Gos had dumped their school gear a few hours ago. He’d taken to carrying his kendo armor and uniform with him when he left the house; he didn’t trust Tank not to find and destroy it in some new, creative way. He was extra grateful for his paranoia now.
Honker didn’t have the ill fated Arrow costume anymore, thanks gods for that. Instead, he borrowed one of Darkwing’s masks and slipped on the breastplate of his armor, as well as both kote, adjusting the long, thickly padded fabric gloves to make sure he could still grip his new bokken. It was specially made by Fenton under the guise of it being for Darkwing. 
Yes, he’d lied to Gizmoduck. He tried to think about it too much. 
Strapping on the jetpack and hoping he didn’t explode, Honker glanced over at the screen they all considered to be WANDA’s digital ‘face.’ 
“WANDA, if you don’t hear from me in an hour, please contact Gizmoduck.”
WANDA affected the sound of a sigh. “You’re about to do something needlessly dangerous, aren’t you?”
“You superheroes are all the same.”
Honker knew that the team meant well, not letting him join on patrol. They weren’t like Tank, or the kids at school who singled him out because he was smaller than them, smarter than them, and apparently hatched with ‘bully me to feel better about yourself’ stamped across his forehead. 
The Mallard-McQuack family had welcomed him wholeheartedly, and it wasn’t their fault that he’d needed rescuing when he met each of them. 
Even though they lived on the same block, he and Gosalyn didn’t meet until the second week of sixth grade, when a pack of eleventh graders tossed his backpack into a tree and stomped on his glasses. Gosalyn raced down the sidewalk screaming her head off like a banshee and chased them all off with her hockey stick. 
A week later, Launchpad met him on a rainy afternoon when his parents forgot to pick him up from school, and Gosalyn was just getting out of detention. He sat in the backseat of their dented minivan, shivering and sneezing, swallowed under Launchpad’s huge jacket. 
About two weeks after that , Mr. Mallard walked into his kitchen one afternoon in full Darkwing Duck getup to find Honker sitting at his table with a black eye and a bloody gash over his eyebrow, courtesy of Tank, who’d bounced a basketball off the back of his head and knocked him face first into the concrete. 
Launchpad had cleaned the cut over the sink and given Honker a napkin to staunch the bleeding while he went to ‘hunt down the real big band-aids.’ Mr. Mallard was actually sporting similar injuries: cuts on his cheek, already bandaged (from the glass of a store window exploding in his face), and singed feathers, plus an impressive bruise blossoming on his temple. 
For an endless, surreal minute, as brilliant sunlight spilled through the window and reflecting off the tile backsplash, they stared at each other in increasingly stunned silence, Honker’s confusion growing as Mr. Mallard’s horrified expression became more and more dire. 
Honker finally dared to ask, “Are you…”
“A cosplayer!” Mr. Mallard blurted too loudly. “That's right, uh, strange kid that’s in my house. I’m way into cosplay! Made this Darkwing costume myself.”
Honker frowned, unsure what to do. He knew better than to call an adult out for lying, but that was a bit much, even for him. 
Launchpad then breezed into the kitchen behind Mr. Mallard, carrying an almost comically oversized first aid kit, with Gosalyn in tow. “C’mon, DW, the kid’s not gonna buy that,” he said, nudging Mr. Mallard as he passed. “Honker here’s a real smart cookie.”
Gosalyn latched onto Mr. Mallard’s arm, laughing at him as he sputtered, “Who –Honker? What’s this kid doing in our kitchen?”
“Daaad,” Gosalyn drawled, long-suffering as she swung back and forth. “Honker, my friend from school? The one I told you was coming over to hang out today?”
Mr. Mallard scowled. “I don’t remember agreeing to that.”
Launchpad had opened up the first aid kit on the kitchen table by then, and he glanced over his shoulder with a breath of laughter. “I’m not surprised, babe. Calendar Cluck clocked you good around the noggin. I told you to get some more rest.” He refocused his attention and reassuring smile on Honker, moving to take the makeshift wound dressing above his eye. “Now, I’m just gonna take a quick look, okay, Honk-man? See what we’re dealing with here.”
Gosalyn let go of Mr. Mallard and crossed the kitchen to sit next to Honker. Under cover of the table, she reached out and silently took his hand. 
Even with Gosalyn’s steadying presence, Honker had to swallow and take a few shaky breaths before he nodded at Launchpad, his mouth gone dry with nervousness. He lowered the napkin, and Launchpad leaned forward to look closely at the cut, not touching, his face scrunched up in its utmost seriousness. 
After another endless handful of seconds, Launchpad’ expression broke into a smile. “Good news! It doesn't look like you’ll need stitches.” He turned back to the first aid kit, pulling out butterfly bandages, gauze, and antibacterial ointment. “I’ll just patch you up, okay? Won’t hurt a bit.”
Honker nodded again, relief nearly making him lightheaded. The last thing he wanted was to convince his parents to take him to the emergency room. “Thank you.”
Launchpad shook his head. “No thanks needed, little man.”
Mr. Mallard stepped into the kitchen proper then, lowering himself into the chair beside Launchpad with the careful movements of someone nursing various aching limbs. “You’re in luck,” he said, the calmest he’d been since he appeared in the doorway. “LP’s the best nurse there is.”
Launchpad scoffed, slanting Mr. Mallard a wry, fond sort of look as he gently nudged him with his shoulder. “Nah, you and Gos are just trouble magnets.”
Before now, Honker had only ever seen photos and video footage of Darkwing Duck in full costume, his face obscured by a mask and the shadowed brim of his hat. Mr. Mallard leaned forward then, barefaced and hatless, but his shoulders were broad beneath the fall of his cape. Without anything to hide it, Honker watched the lingering smile in his eyes melt away into a far steelier expression. 
 “Who did this to you?” he asked, resolute in all the ways high-strung Mr. Mallard wasn’t. This was the superhero talking.  
“Uh, it was my brother, Mr. uh…Darkwing,” Honker stammered.
Mr. Mallard’s eyes widened, the superhero staunchness dropping as quickly as he’d donned it. “I’m not—” he started to backpedal.
Launchpad interrupted with a quick smile over his shoulder. “You can trust him, Drake. Right, Gos?”
“Heck yeah!” Gosalyn said at once, squeezing Honker’s hand that much tighter. “Honk’s the best at keeping secrets.”
Drake fixed her with a look, though the suspicion was tempered by a quirk of a smile. “That so? Any of them have to do with the call I got from your school about a pig in the boys’ bathroom?”
“Uhhhh, no?” Gosalyn replied unconvincingly. 
It took Honker an embarrassing amount of time to stop staring at the way Gosalyn interacted with her father, all comfortable jibes and open affection that was utterly foreign to him. He was lucky if he received a blank stare from his parents when tried to tell them about his day. 
He glanced up at Launchpad instead. The pilot had his tongue sticking out of the corner of his beak as he concentrated, spreading antibacterial ointment over Honker’s cut with a sterile Q-tip. When he turned to pick up the butterfly bandages, Honker mustered his courage enough to whisper, “Is he really…? I mean, is Mr. Mallard actually…?”
Launchpad smiled, with an understanding in his eyes like he’d been in the same place Honker was now. “Welcome to Team Darkwing, Honk-man,” he said with feeling. 
The moment would be further cemented when Gosalyn slapped a bag of frozen peas over his face to, quote, ‘deal with his messed up eye,’ while her fathers yelled over each other for her to be more careful.
That was then. 
But now, months later, after megalomaniacal moles tried to sink St. Canard, evil doppelgangers emerged from a rift in space-time, and Gos recruited him as her sidekick just in time for Taurus Bulba to break out of prison, one would think that they’d trust him as a full fledged member of the team and not just some innocent they had to protect. 
Gos had been on his side at first—even coming up with his sidekick name, which Honker honestly could’ve done without—but Bulba’s return had scared her badly. Where before she’d try wheedling her dad to let Honker join them on patrol and missions, now she agreed with Mr. Mallard and Launchpad when they shut him down.
“But-but you let Gosalyn go with you!” It was utterly unlike Honker to raise a fuss, much less argue with an adult, but the hypocrisy was galling 
As ever, Launchpad tried to play the mediator. “Gos has got training that you don’t. Give it some time. Right now, Honk-man, you’re just not ready.”
Mr. Mallard was more circumspect. “Honker, I appreciate where you’re coming from, but you never should’ve been involved in the first place. It was an accident that you discovered my secret identity, one I won’t have you paying for.”
After living through the terrifying ordeal that was Bulba’s attempted kidnapping, Gos clung to his arm, her green eyes almost painfully wide and for once doing nothing to hide the depth of her fear. 
“We need you here, Honk,” she’d muttered, staring like she expected him to be wrenched out of her hands. 
Honker knew about her grandfather and the part Bulba had played in his disappearance—at this point, maybe even his death. He didn’t want to be another person Gos was afraid of losing. He’d never had a best friend before, and he didn’t want to hurt her. 
But he’d seen what Darkwing Duck could do. What all of them did: saving lives, helping strangers, trying to make things better. 
Seeing real superheroes in action, not just a man in a high tech suit of armor, awakened something in Honker. A desire not to be helpless, maybe. A glimpse into what his future might look like, perhaps, outside of his brains and bookishness. A calling greater than he’d ever known before, when he watched Darkwing force himself back to his feet, fists raised, no matter how many times he got knocked down, when Launchpad stood in front of someone who couldn’t defend themselves and refused to be moved, when Gosayn donned her own mask and hood and rappelled through the air with her grappling hook, proving there wasn’t an age requirement to be a hero. 
Only superficial rules, apparently. 
He’d practiced kendo for an entire year before he met Gos, after stumbling into Sensei Enaga’s dojo while running from his usual gang of tormentors. But the thing was…the team didn’t know. About any of it. Not the competitions he’d won, the first and second dan he’d achieved. When he left for practice, he told them he was going to Geography Club. 
At this point, he’d lied about it for so long he was resigned to lying about it for the rest of his life. Or at least the rest of middle school. 
Though, after tonight, there might not be much of a secret to keep anymore. 
Honker landed on the roof of a brick warehouse across the street from the team’s last known location, stumbling a bit as the jetpack’s engines cut out. It had been a jerky, terrifying flight from the Audubon Bay Bridge, but at least Gos and her family had only ventured as far as the south dockyard and not the opposite end of the city. 
Clipped to his belt were a set of night vision goggles, and he put them up to his masked face. Laying low, he searched for any sign that the tall warehouse across from him was guarded. 
Because the goggles were certainly a Gearloose invention, they also displayed heat signatures, and a handful immediately popped up around the warehouse perimeter. Whatever material the building was made of, it was too thick for the goggles to get a reading through it. But judging by the way moonlight bounced off a portion of the roof, there seemed to be a skylight he could use to get a look inside the warehouse. All he had to do was get past one, two…six Eggheads without any of them raising an alarm. 
Easy peasy, right?
He gathered a handful of small rocks from the rooftop, snuck over to the opposite side overlooking an alley directly in front of the warehouse. He threw a few at the dumpsters below, knocking over a garbage can with a clatter. Like he’d hoped, two of the Eggheads peeled out of the darkness and went to investigate the disturbance. 
The last four were in pairs of two, too, but so separated that they were nearly on opposite sides of the warehouse. Honker engaged the jetpack and rose over the heads of the two facing the north side. He’d taken more than goggles from Darkwing’s endless supply of gadgets, and dropped two pellets of knockout gas from fifty feet up. They struck the Eggheads in a cloud of clear mist and they slumped over almost at once. 
The two Eggheads on the west side heard the hiss of the gas escaping, or maybe the thump of their bodies hitting the floor, and made to engage with their guns raised. But Honker was already hovering over them.
He descended rapidly, throwing a smoke bomb as he went. In the confusion, with his night vision goggles still on, he was able to strike with unerring precision. His new bokken, made of titanium, unfolded smoothly to its full length, and was more than a match for the Egghead’s unprotected stomachs, knees, and the backs of their ugly armored heads. 
All that remained were the two Eggheads just barely leaving the mouth of the alley, and Honker tossed down another smoke bomb before launching himself at them. 
The first he downed with a swipe at their ankles and a blow to the top of their head. The other came up on him with fists rather than a weapon, and Honker swung out one arm, his bokken shattering their visor. 
They fell on their back with a startled swear, and Honker stood over them, ready to deliver the blow that would render him unconscious. 
The Egghead sneered at him, fury in their exposed eyes, but Honker didn’t feel a lick of fear. “Who’re you supposed to be?” they spit out, deriding. 
Honker tilted his head to the side. “Not sure yet.” With a neat little swipe, he knocked out the last Egghead. 
Or at least, the last one that was outside. 
Beneath the skylight was a web of catwalks that Honker took ruthless advantage of. The only lights in the warehouse were the ones pointed straight down in the center of the building, and when Honker disabled the night vision setting on the goggles and zoomed in, he saw the whole team tied together against some rusted canning machinery. 
Relief swam through him intense enough to leave him lightheaded. Even if closer on inspection Gos was more bruised than he last saw her, and Darkwing had a bleeding cut over one eye, at least they were all conscious. Honker supposed that needed to be the case, for Steelbeak to monologue at them like he was. 
 As he tallied up the number of Eggheads, he wondered if Steelbeak was still under the effects of the Intelli-ray. Honker’s intuition told him no, because no smart supervillain would make the mistake of monologuing for so long. 
Honker counted twenty Eggheads. Too many for him to take on without help. 
Fortunately, help was located down below. They just happened to be a bit tied up at the moment. 
Stealing his nerves, he pulled another gadget out of his pack: a set of bolas. Calculating the angle he would need, he positioned himself and swung, letting the bolas go flying out of his hand in a blur. They knocked out the lights with a smash, hailing broken glass on the unsuspecting FOWL agents below. In almost the same moment, he reactivated the night vision setting on his goggles. 
With assistance from the jetpack, Honker rose in the air as chaos exploded on the ground, only made worse by the smoke bombs he tossed at various clusters of Eggheads. He spotted Steelbeak furiously waving his arms through the smoke, coughing and shouting, “No! No way! No way there’s any more of these bozos hanging around!”
Honker descended rapidly with his bokken fully extended, batting away a cluster of Eggheads nearest to where the team was imprisoned with a series of precise strikes. 
He hurried over to the pile he recognized as Gos, Darkwing and Launchpad, the three of them bound together and already struggling to free themselves. But with them pressed that close, Honker knew that Darkwing wouldn’t be able to activate his buzzsaw cufflinks. Instead, he pulled out his own swiss army knife, a gift from Mr. Mallard for his last birthday, and set to sawing through the knot binding them to the old equipment. 
When all three of them went abruptly quiet, Honker quickly raised his head to make sure they were alright. 
He met three identical stares of bewilderment. 
“Uh. Thanks for the save,” Darkwing said slowly. 
“Seriously!” Launchpad added. 
“But who the heck are you?” Gos demanded. 
If Steelbeak and a whole host of Eggheads weren’t about to pounce on his head, Honker might’ve burst into laughter. All that time insisting he couldn’t join them on missions, and they didn’t even recognize him. 
He went back to sawing through the ropes. 
“Let’s just say,” Honker said, knowing his nasal voice would give him away in an instant. “I got tired of being the guy in the chair.”
Gos’ beak dropped open. “Keen gear,” she breathed. 
Darkwing sputtered incoherently, but beside him, Launchpad was grinning. “Sorry for saying you weren’t ready. That was my bad.”
“When it comes to solo missions, you might be right,” Honker huffed, tugging on the rope. “I’d rather be out here with all of Team Darkwing.”
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lavareview · 3 months
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x - x - x
(Note: this model's name was spelled "Alladin" in catalogs. However, collectors have mostly taken to referring to it as the Aladdin, and I prefer to stick to the typical English spelling of the folk tale.)
Brand: Lava Lite
Introduced: 1975
Discontinued: Unclear, though the lamp no longer appears in a 1979 catalogue.
Base and cap colors: brass
Wax colors: orange, red, green
Fluid colors: clear, yellow, blue
Size: height 16” or 14”, diameter 9”
The 1970s were a time of innovative and out-there designs for the Lava Lite brand. Models of the 1960s established iconic shapes which would be iterated on over the years, and from the 1980s onward, the brand’s new offerings would focus on color and pattern variety as well as lamps with more classical shapes but featuring sculpted and highly decorated bases. In the 70s, though, interesting silhouettes were what made new designs stand out, and I think none is more emblematic of this design ethos than the Aladdin.
The Aladdin is an example of a high-concept lava lamp that does not rely on gimmicky detailing and patterns to get its core idea across. In a way, the Aladdin just makes sense – for what lava lamps are, the Aladdin feels like an inevitability. What is a lava lamp if not the idea of a magical lamp? It remains notable that the Aladdin preceeds the Disney movie – if it had not already been made, maybe it would’ve come out in the 90s.
The Aladdin originally retailed for $29.99. Aladdin lava lamps can occasionally be found on second-hand sites, where they usually sell for anywhere from $150 to $700.
It feels like the Aladdin should be a lamp one has a strong opinion on. Is it magical, or gimmicky? Is it pleasantly quirky or over-designed? Is it timeless or dated? When I look at the Aladdin, I think I should either love it or hate it… But I don’t. I don’t think I’m a huge fan of it, really – I’m certainly not interested in acquiring one – but it also doesn’t verge into gaudiness enough to fully turn me off it. Simply put: I’m pretty ambivalent about the Aladdin, even though I tend to have pretty strong ideas about lava lamp designs.
I also feel I should have a set opinion on the cultural background of its design. At times the Aladdin feels somewhat awkwardly orientalist. Obviously, the lamp is based on Arabian oil lamps, and the name refers to the SWANA folk tale. Is turning this type of lamp (and choosing this particular name) into a cheap consumer product in poor taste? I’m not sure about that either; I can’t manage to really be offended by the Aladdin, at least not more than I am charmed by it. I seem to always be of two minds regarding the Aladdin.
My ambivalence towards the Aladdin means I’m not particularly enthusiastic about its silhouette, but I think it may be more important to judge it based on what it’s trying to achieve, and not simply on whether I think it’d look good in my bedroom. And as far as its design intent goes, the Aladdin does pretty well. The shape of the lamp is immediately recognizeable and unique. You could probably guess its name just by glancing at it.
On the other hand, I also think more care could have been put into the design. If you take a look at the traditional type of lamp the Aladdin imitates, you’ll find what I think is a much more elegant shape: far from a stout, round base with a short spout – which is almost more similar to an occidental teapot – these lamps usually have elongated silhouettes and long, curving spouts, which give them a far more refined look. In comparison, the Aladdin looks a lot less elegant and more clumsy.
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One example of an Arabian-style oil lamp
Still – you can recognize the inspiration so evidently that the silhouette still works. It’s also worth considering that making the lamp longer could have also required scaling it up, and making it any bigger would not have made it more graceful.
The Aladdin, like other Lava Lite lamps of the era, does without much detailing. In a way, it maintains a degree of simplicity and sparsity of design. Again comparing it to its inspirations, the oil lamps it is based on are usually much more decorated, with varied and intricate carvings. Does that mean the Aladdin should have emulated them, though? Ultimately, I don’t think so. With the colorful lava globe being its visual focal point, a lot of extra detailing would have made it look crowded – and I think what would have likely been a poor imitation of traditional Arabian designs would have thrown the lamp squarely into “too orientalist for comfort”.
Though, while the sparse design of the Aladdin works for it, the fact its spout and handle are black and don’t match the base is a faux-pas in my book. It makes them look like last-minute add-ons, rather than whole parts of the lamp. I think I’d have given the Aladdin full points here if those elements matched the brass of the base.
The Aladdin only came in three colorways, all of them with a brass base: clear liquid/red wax, yellow liquid/orange wax, and green liquid/blue wax.
I think the choice to only include a brass base and cap makes sense: I think only a gold color would have also made sense, and it wouldn't have been different enough from the brass color to really need including.
As far as the globe goes, the different colorways of the lamp work well for what it’s doing. The colors all fit with the Arabian inspiration of the design, and I think they also work in evoking the idea of a genie’s magical form trapped within the glass globe. Still – a few additional colorways would have been welcome. I've seen a few custom Aladdins featuring purple wax, which I think is a good idea. I would have also liked to see a yellow liquid/red wax version; something including either pink wax or pink liquid would have also been lovely.
POWER: 6/10
Once again, I’m a bit conflicted here. The Aladdin should be really powerful, right? With a rather simple design, it evokes such a clear, defined vision! It almost tells a story simply by existing. But then again – why do I feel so lukewarm about it? When I think of those really impactful lava lamp designs, those that stay with me even when I’ve never had the chance to see them in the flesh, this is simply not one that comes to mind. Ultimately, the Aladdin just doesn’t have the kind of powerful draw I find in other unique designs such as the Wizard or the Fluidium.
Is my information wrong? Did I miss a detail? Do you have a better picture of this model? Is there another model you’d like me to look into? Please send me an ask or submit relevant pictures!
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pool-floatie · 5 months
Starlet- Oneshot
Kids im back with the milk-
I am working on so much behind the scenes shit right now but this got done first, next we will probably get more bloodlusty vampires unless I suddenly decide different.
Like its angsty at the beginning but they need a reason to be comforted- d Uh
Please for the love of mE - emjoy :3
All Akari needed was the stars, they were a constant in an ever changing world, listened to her problems when she had no one else, creating beauty even in the darkest of times.
What she really needed right now though... Was a hug... A friend... Someone to tell her that things would be ok...
All she wished for in that moment was for that to be..
The trail of a comet flashed above her for a brief moment, wisping away almost as quickly as it had appeared.
she heard a vast wind rush overtop the trees, turning to look she couldnt see anything, -there wasnt any wind before... - She thinks.
A deep chuckle riverbates through the still air surrounding her, and she stiffens.
"So you're the mortal who summoned me... Such a strong pull, and such a bright aura, oh! lavender colored, what a sight ~ you certainly are quite a wondrous little thing, my, my...."
A shift in the air brings Akari's attention in front of her and her jaw drops taking in the sight.
There stands an enormous glowing being, bright white with flecks of golden stardust about them.
Their body starts to form and become more detailed and she can see their face and body take shape. Six limbs- four arms and two legs- take shape out of the glowing mass, Sharp white eyes open, a flowing tuft of hair floats above them, gently swaying like flames atop their head, and stardust dots their body like golden freckles.
"Oh, h-hello.." Akari said awestruck and nervous
"Hello little one, apologies for the exciting entrance." it said a bit embarassed trying to hide its excitement
It kneeled down and leaned forward trying to see the little human better, one pair of arms resting in their lap while the others rested, palms down in the grass
" its good to meet you, starlet, you may address me as Libra." it said in its airy tone.
Akari sat confused, but decided that this dream could be fun to engage with.
"Akari" she said, sticking out a hand towards the being.
Libra stared down at them and blinked in confusion.
" ah! This is your earthling welcome, yes!" they realised.
They reach out to the small woman, pinching her whole hand and part of her arm, before lifting it up and down slowly.
Akari grinns, the contact making her hand tingle with warmth.
Libra releases them and Akari thinks she sees a smile on their bright face.
"So... why exactly are you here?" Akari asks looking quizically up at them.
" you ,, dont know? You summoned me here with your wish!"
"My,,, my wish?? I didnt make any wishes ... "
Libra looks puzzled for a moment.
Akari goes to speak, but they stop as libras eyes glow blue, making a strange buzzing sound. They are no longer focused on akari, completely still.
After a few seconds Libras eyes blink back to white.
"ah! wow~ a rarer case indeed! It seems it was your emotion and thoughts that powered the wish, I knew I felt that strong energy in you, but enough to power a wish without a word being spoken ... " Libra said in awe.
"huh... Oh!- oh... "
Akari sighed, remembering her earlier feelings, her frustration and sadness.
"I, I think I know... what it was..." she said, resigned.
Libra tilted their head, giving the human a look of concern.
Akari didnt really want to tell a cosmic being a hundred times her size about her life problems.... But this was a dream anyway so...
"I have to move again..."
"mmm.. No thats not it .... Your aura didnt flare up...." they quickly interject
Libra looks down at the human with pity, truly wanting to help her. They lean forward a tad more.
" Whats really troubling you, little one?" they ask gently
Akari flushed in embarassment and shame, would this cosmic being judge her? Well...
"One of my roommates outed me as gay and now all the girls in my dorm think im a pervert-" Akari blurted
"They already started spreading rumors about me and reporting me to the landlord for stupid shit- so, I'm leaving before it ... gets worse...."
"Oh my... Thats certainly a predicament..." it sympathised but seemed confused , they continued.
"... Is humanity against happiness?" they asked mournfully, their light dulling a bit, seeming to know more than they were letting on.
Akari looked thoughtful for a moment, the cosmic beings words resonating with her.
"Wow,,, thats a... way of putting it... I mean, yeah, heh, every politician is against the queer community, anyone I try to get a job with or if I- lm just trying to find somewhere to fucking sleep, someone takes issue with 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 about me!... even when I tried to tell my family, they rejected me, too, haha! so yeah, your right, we fuckin' hate happiness."
She laughed a bit unhinged-ly while describing the absurdity of it all, the people she had encountered, the trials of her life, it seemed impossible to talk about without turning it into humor.
Akari rested her head atop her knees, looking goomily past the starlike being and letting out an indignant huff before falling onto her back and closing her eyes.
A moment passes and akari thinks she sees the immense light shift before she feels that same warm feeling, but, around her body?
Without a moment to think her body is hoisted up. As her eyes open she sees the towering form of libra, now holding her in their enormous open palm.
They flash her a pitying look before facing up, the other upper hand cupping around the confused human. Before she can even say anything, Akari is pressed down into the palm, the G force making movement near impossible, she cant see where they are going, only seeing the white light emenating from the enormous beings hands, she can only trust that the weird dream entity is as benevolent as they seem.
Akari can feel them coming to a slow stop as the force lets up and allows her to move again.
She tries to sit up, dazed , as Libra's hand lifts off her.
Looking around she can see nothing but immense darkness save for the being of pure light that holds her.
She turns to face said being, who looks excitedly at their passenger.
"hello little starlet~"
Libra said, its two overlapping voices echoing eachother.
"Hi, where the hell are we." akari snips, a bit jittery.
Libra dims again, shepishly pointing down with their upper hand while their lower pair fidgets nervously.
Akari gives them a confused look before they carefully creep towards the edge of her cosmic captors' hand.
Gripping the sides, they look over.
And immediately jump back, seeing 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢 below them.
" ah, I see." she says calmly.
"Just a few questions for ya;"
They inhale
"Why in the s h i t did you do this and also 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘯 𝘨𝘰𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘮 𝘐 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸 ?"
" aha! Its all ok! You can breathe just fine, please dont freak out!!"
Dispite being concerned about oxygen, Akari starts to breathe rapidly.
" theres no way im - in space right now - oh my god i - could die."
At this point they had completely forgotten that they were supposedly dreaming, focused more on the 'being manhandled by a cosmic giant' and the ' being in space millions of miles above the earth' thing.
"Human please relax, I brought you here to relax.." libra tries to explain
" this is not - relaxing!'
She says between breaths.
Libra looks disappointed, this was such a nice spot to stargaze, they really wanted the human to see...
But there was something else it Could try.
Gently, the glowing being closed their upper hands over the panicking form in their palm.
Before she could react to being enclosed, Akari again felt that immense warmth that could melt her, all over her body it felt tingly and content, she felt her muscles relaxing despite herself.
Finally she let herself be consumed by the feeling, relaxing and not worrying about any perceived danger that had her brain reeling just moments before.
Just as she did this, the lovely warmth started to dissipate, pulling off her despite her grabbing onto one of libras bright digits, a silent request for them not to stop.
Libra snickered at the cute display, bringing the girl out of her stupor.
She jerked her hands back and tried to suppress the enbarrased blush that filled her face.
" Sorry..."
Libra said
" N-no your fine" she said sheepishly
" No.. For scaring you..."
"Ah, that. Well,, uh I guess you can fly us to space and shit and im assuming you ...Magicked me to be able to breathe despite lack of oxygen?"
" you got it!" they affirmed, their cheerful tone reappearing.
"And I had good reason to bring you here! Look !"
Their lower arms gestured to the darkness before them as they beamed down at the little human.
".... Uhhhh... Wow?" akari said confused
"can you see something I cant?" she questioned, looking back at libra.
"Oh! right."
Libra dimmed, voluntarily this time, until they were only about as bright as a glow stick.
Finally, akari could see why even a cosmic being would appreciate such a place.
From earth, smog and light pollution would block most people from clearly seing such things.
But here, above the ozone layer, Akari could clearly see the milky way, its soft trail across the sky lived up to its name, fading softly at the edges into the rest of the cosmos.even still it was so stark, the white path cut the sky open like a geode, its center sparkling with stardust that flashed different colors as if it was being turned in the light.
She stared in awe as Libra looked on with a soft smile, occasionally sparing a glance at its little passenger to make sure they were alright.
They let the moment pass before speaking.
" Starlet. In the vast expanse of the cosmos, there are disasters , black holes, collapsing stars and other destructive things..."
Its three free hands gestured wildly, illustrating their words.
"But even from those, beauty is born. This nebula, your galaxy, was created from a collapsed star, it exploded, causing all around it to be thrown into chaos and confusion."
A look of sorrow flashes on libras face for a moment.
" But still, your planet thrived, using what was left to build a new world; one filled with life, with community, with love. Life does find a way."
They offer a gentle smile in reassurance.
" I believe you will find that.... your life does as well." they conclude.
Looking back to her newfound friend, akari feels her chest warm, swelling with an overwhelming feeling.
She lunges at the curled fingers, giving the pointer and middle the hardest squeeze she could manage, doing her best not to tear up.
Libra gushes at the adorably sweet gesture, and they cant help themself.
They pull the human close to them, belringing her into their chest, close to their glowing core.
Akari feels herself enveloped again, a simmilar feeling as before, but now filled with adoration and positive energy coursing through them, an immense, all consuming, all encompassing hug of pure affection and amorousness.
Unlike the melting, relaxing feeling before, she now felt a stronger sense, she felt Libras intention, its emotion and power guiding her thoughts and feelings, helping her to embrace and bring forth her inner strengths, akari could feel her self esteem break through the shroud of frustration and pain that had entrapped it, it swelled within her and she felt empowered, appreciated, and... 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥.
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l0serloki · 2 years
Love your work! How would Chamber & Soca react if their female S.O. told them she’s pregnant? (Separate not poly lol)
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Valorant Pregnancy HCs
(Sova & Chamber)
CW : hints to sex? lol, morning sickness mention
A/N : I LOVED THIS. This was so fun to write. Thank you so so much for the idea!! Enjoy~
Sova :
- Oh boy… you’re pregnant?! He’s gonna cry.
- He’s over the moon!!
- Goes to run and tell Brim & Sage (if he can)
- He’s gonna buy baby owl onesies and cute little stuffed animals
- “Sasha we don’t need to worry about that right now-“ “No dear, we need to get the diapers now”
- He’s going to be there 24/7 and will help you with whatever you need
- Wakes up with you and rubs your back when you vomit too
- He gives out some baby names but I feel like he would be glad with whatever you have in mind
- He’s gonna cry when the baby is born 100%
- “You did so well, my dove. You are so strong. Look at our precious angel.”
Sova was cooking dinner as you scrolled through your phone. You had been excited for when he had got home but now you were worried. Was this the right moment to tell him? He would be happy, right? You shook away any doubts and made your way over to him. Your arms wrapped around his torso and you leaned into his strong back. He hummed at the affection and continued on, asking if you were okay. “Yeah honey I’m fine. I have some news for you.” Sova stopped what he was doing and peeled you off of him. He turned to make eye contact with you. “Yes? Are you alright?” You could only coo at the affection and worry of your dear man, your heart growing two sizes bigger. He would be a perfect father.
“Yes honey! I’m fine I promise.. I just.. I took a test earlier today. You’re gonna be a dad.” You smiled lightly and Sova’s face went into shock. He let out a squeal and pulled you into his chest. “Oh my.. My dove. This is wonderful news. We are going to be parents! I have to tell everyone! Can I? We have to go get baby stuff too… Maybe we should get a new house? Oh my.” You could only laugh as the man rambled on, wiping away at his excited tears.
Chamber :
- “I’m pregnant” “I know” (he would)
- He was happy when you tell him, he’s always wanted a kid
- He tells you that all your efforts were worth it now (mans been trying to knock you up for months, lord have mercy)
- He gets you special foods and whatever cravings you want
- He recommends some French baby names because I mean come on
- Renovated the spare room for the child and baby proofed everything months in advance
- Totally the guy to read books on parenting and pregnancy,, “he has to prepare for any outcome”
- He takes off work to lay and be with you, he’s a bit over the top though
- He’s overprotective and doesn’t like you even moving but he means well
“Vincent!” You yelled from the bathroom. The man came walking in, a questioning look on his face. “Vincent I’m pregnant!” You turned and showed him the stick, your heart feeling as if it would give out.
“Ah yes. I knew you would be soon. This is great news! We will be parents. Let us celebrate, go get a nice outfit on.” You could only roll your eyes as he leaned in to kiss you.
“You could be more excited you know.” He holds you in his arms and leans against the top of your head. “I am very excited my dear. This is a new chapter in our life. I will be here for you no matter what. I’ll protect you both, whatever the cost may be. I’m going to spoil you both rotten.” Warm hands traced your stomach as he leaned down and peppered you with kisses. He was always so calm but it was nice to hear the reassurance. You knew everything would be fine with him watching out for you and the baby.
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clatterbane · 3 months
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About to try some of my own inaugural batch of homemade vanilla ice cream, made the lazy way using some of that commercial pouring custard!
Seemed like a good time now that it's firmed up well in the freezer, and my blood sugar has gone back down from a late supper.
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Made using the ice cream freezer attachment that Mr. C also decided to pick up to go with the stand mixer. We hadn't actually tried it out yet (though I had vaguely been thinking about it), until he got a brainstorm the other day and picked up some ingredients including a couple of cartons of the vaniljsås, washed the ice cream maker, and stuck the base into the freezer.
He made a smaller low effort test batch last night, using just a carton of the custard and an eyeballed splash of cream. It tasted good, if a little light on the sweetness. But, the texture left something to be desired--especially after it froze up completely in the freezer afterward. Definitely good for a first attempt.
That still went fast enough that I decided to get the (still very cold!) thing washed and back into the freezer last night, to be ready to play around with it myself this evening.
So, I also went for a tweaked version of the same basic approach. Being the person I am, I worked with a couple.of ice cream recipe calculators on the web to get a better idea of ingredient proportions to aim for and why--and then just winged it with some packaged custard thrown in.
The base recipe I settled on:
150ml whole milk, warmed in the microwave at around lunchtime with 100g of extra sugar dissolved into it (then covered and stuck in the fridge to chill)
200ml custard (hey, may as well count that as milk plus some bonus stabilizers!)
Heavy cream to top the measuring cup up to a UK pint/close enough to 600ml total
Around 1/3 tsp. extra vanilla extract
Small pinch of salt
Still pretty simple, but that thinned it out some and brought the milkfat/sugar roughly into recommended ranges for mouthfeel and freezing qualities. Still a tad light on the sugar, but the finished ice cream tasted plenty sweet to me. It did also freeze a little hard, so I may need to play around some more.
It looked like a good quantity of ice cream mix for that size of freezer bowl, which does seem to turn out a decent two-person batch.
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Some in the disconcerting interior color bowl, with some store brand sauce at the ready! That type is basically like runnier Nutella, and not surprisingly worked really well on the vanilla. Without palm oil, before self-righteous randos crawl up into my notes.
This did also freeze up a little hard and slightly crystally, which may have been partly because it could have used a few more minutes in the ice cream maker before I put it into that potato salad tub and froze if the rest of the way. I think it really was a little too soft, but patience really isn't my strong suit.
Mr. C ate a pretty big bowl before he went to bed, while it was still at the soft serve stage (after at least 45 minutes in our really cold freezer), and seemed to enjoy it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Next time up, I am tempted to go more complicated and try for a fairly simple blueberry cheesecake flavor, using some cream cheese and frozen berries.
I also want to try to make some serviceable good old American style sherbet, since you just can't find it elsewhere. Haven't eaten any for at least 15 years now. (The straight orange ice cream you can get here is pretty damned good, though. And I bet it would make at least as good a float with ginger ale or 7-Up.) I do suspect the whole texture thing may be trickier, without industrial ingredients and equipment.
Chocolate is another to-do, but at least it is way easier to find good plain chocolate ice cream without chunks of gluteny brownies and shit in stores here than it was in the UK.
In the somewhat near future, I also want to play around with some other sweeteners including erythritol to make something lower carb, but sticking to easier mode with all sugary stuff until I get more experience working with that. With all the milkfat and some protein to help buffer the carbs, ice cream is relatively easy on my blood sugar anyway. Seems to be a pretty common thing, at least for T1s. I may have actually overshot the insulin for that bowl, so it may be another little snack soon.
But, good investment--even if it did take us a while to finally start using it!
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
Green Arrow #1 (2023)
I promised to yell my feelings about this issue so here! Are! My feelings!!!
Spoilers beneath the cut, obviously. Also, I won’t be including scans since I want to encourage people to buy this comic. It’s already selling so well that it was expanded from a 6 issue miniseries to 12 issues before the first issue even came out - if sales stay strong, maybe we can get an ongoing!
First off, love Sean Izaakse’s art so so so much, I adore his designs for the characters and the way he makes them move. Roy and Connor’s new looks are a little busy but I forgive him because they have such lustrous hair. (Though I still long for a Connor with a curl pattern.)
Starting with Ollie hitting on Dinah while barely conscious? A+. Also, the bit where he realizes he’s on an island again and is like “HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME???” made me laugh out loud.
I’m not going to lie, on the first double page spread, I’m...not sure why Doomsday is there? Or whose arm is sticking up out of the rubble? Does anyone know?
Why on earth would Dinah call Connor “Hawke?” That line felt really weird to me. Izaakse has been calling him that on Twitter so idk if they’re trying to rebrand him that way or what. Are they making it his new codename? I guess it’s slightly less dumb than “Drake.”
Also, I love the flashback panel of Roy and Connor with their arms around each other, but I am very tired of this thing DC has been doing lately where we see the aftermath of big moments and not the big moment itself. I suppose I shouldn’t complain considering that they nailed the most important reunion in this issue, but I really would have liked to see Connor’s reunions with Roy and Dinah, especially considering that Emiko and Dinah both had basically zero reaction to learning that Roy wasn’t dead. (And in that vein, I’d like to see an actual conversation with Ollie about Connor being ace and not just a flashback panel that’s like “I told my dad, and he was great about it! This will only be addressed annually in Pride issues from now on!” Bonus points for Ollie being very supportive but not 100% getting it and getting a chance to learn.)
JASON SAID THE VAN HAD FINGERPRINTS THAT MATCHED. ROY’S LEAD CAME FROM JASON. Jason and Roy are another set of characters where we were robbed of a good, satisfyingly emotional reunion, but in the single solitary panel we were given of the two of them together, Jason did say he would find Lian, AND HE KEPT HIS PROMISE. Can we please stop discoursing about whether or not he is a good friend to Roy now?
Ollie says that Roy is the greatest marksman in the world and my heart grew three sizes. The last time this came up was 2006ish and it was contested, with the heavy implication that Roy would soon surpass Ollie. I guess he finally made it! I’M SO PROUD. (Although... Shado is the greatest marksperson in the world. I choose to believe that Ollie is using a gendered term deliberately, especially considering what he says to the Manhunter at the end of the issue. Anyway lololol get fucked Merlyn, enjoy being #4.)
“I may have taught Roy and Connor” what did you teach Connor, Ollie? Stop lying.
The flashback panel of Ollie and Dinah fighting back to back is! So! Good! Very Doc Shaner, which is always a compliment.
The first time I read this I wasn’t sure if they knew it was Lian, because obviously she’s a lot older than they would have expected. Rereading the panel where the family reacts hits different when you know: the dumbstruck look on Roy’s face! Dinah’s comforting hand on his shoulder! Connor saying “Good form” because he is a PROUD UNCLE! And his little smile on the next page as he wrangles the guy she shot HE THINKS SHE IS SO COOL.
I truly feared that they were going to let her go so Roy’s line, “You threw your first ninja star when you were two years old,” stopped my heart. And then Roy’s speech, besides being heartbreaking, is full of so many great details. I love that he has a sweet tooth and Lian doesn’t. I love the panel of them watching Point Break. I love that they remembered his missing arm in the flashback panel of him mourning Lian.
And on that note, the line “I don’t care how you’re here”...sometimes I get frustrated by DC’s refusal to try to logic their mangled continuity back together  because it feels lazy to me, but here I think it was handled really elegantly. Lian was five and dead and now she’s not; Roy was missing an arm and then he wasn’t and then he was dead and now he’s not. They don’t know why, they’ve accepted that their lives are weird, and they’ve moved on. What’s important to me is that this comic sets out very clearly what is canon and what the characters remember experiencing (short answer: everything, because Roy clearly remembers both pre-Flashpoint and the New 52), because that tells me how to understand their relationships and their choices. I don’t care how they got here either, I just want to know what they’ve lived through.
God, the way he just goes to his knees and gives her all the space in the world. Trusting that she will make the decision that’s right for her, even if it’s one that hurts him. Offering his love on her terms. It’s so perfectly Roy and exactly what Lian needs in that moment.
AND THEN THEY HUG AND I SOBBED FOR TEN MINUTES. Lol @ Izaakse signing this page like “Yeah. You’re welcome.”
AND THEN A FAMILY GROUP HUG. I appreciate the acknowledgement that Lian and Cheshire interacted in Catwoman, because I was so frustrated that nothing came of that.
“They’ll never let our family be together.” This is such a smart move! If you only have 6 (now 12!) issues to bring back Ollie AND Lian AND Connor AND Mia AND (I hope) bring Cissie into the fold for the first time, giving all of the various deaths/disappearances/continuity hiccups one unified source is a great way to fit them all into one story.
And then: DYSTOPIAN OLLIE!!! Dystopian Ollie is always a good move! Dystopian Ollie wants you to use gender neutral threats! Dystopian Ollie has a chainsaw arrow! I love Dystopian Ollie.
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msbarrows · 10 days
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Well... colour me disappointed. I've been wanting to tackle maybe making a larger crochet project like a sweater and finally bit the bullet and ordered some yarn to try it out. Went with a mostly-cotton yarn because I do love the weight and drape of cotton. Went with this particular cotton yarn - despite having to pay import and shipping fees to order from the US for it - because I really liked the heathered look it has and figured it'd work up pretty attractively.
I was not prepared for how much finer DK yarn is than regular worsted (when I was previously doing crocheting 20+ years ago all my purchases were in-store and vibe-based so I've only got the vaguest ideas so far on wool sizes and necessary amounts). This 6 skein bundle is supposed to be enough yarn to make either a baby blanket or an adult sweater (852 yards) and all I can think looking at this is "must be a pretty darn small adult".
I am now going back and forth on seeing just how much of the sweater I had in mind this'd actually make (I was already thinking there'd be a good chance I'd need to order a second batch since I am far from a small woman), or to abort and make something like a cowl instead. I suppose I might as well try the sweater first anyway, to give me a better idea of how far this much DK actually goes, and then once I know that, can decide whether I like it enough to either order more if necessary, or frog it and reuse the yarn for something else.
Though I'm very happy with one of the other things I ordered at the same time; a yarn spinner, not as in an umbrella swift or a yarn winder, both of which I already purchased over the summer, but one of those rotating wooden thingamajiggers that has a part that looks like a paper towel holder that you stick through your ball of yarn, and then it hangs via a very strong magnet from a base so that it turns to release more yarn as you work, like so:
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Tried it out already and it. Is. AWESOME. Highly highly recommend. I think the only disclaimer I'd make on it is be sure to check reviews, since if the manufacturer skimps on the magnet strength that'd be an issue (I did check reviews, and went with the one that didn't have people complaining about the suspended part dropping loose).
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mugeesworld · 2 years
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Rules / Master Lists! ♥︎
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Not in the best mental state currently. I want to start writing again soon but it doesn't fit into my schedule sadly. With Summer coming up I might have time tho! Thank you for looking at my page! Feel free to still leave requests tho! I'll come back to them🫶- May 18 23
Small introduction~
Hi there! Welcome to my page! Please refer to me as M or mugee! I'm 19! He/she pronouns. You can refer to me as a man or woman but Im not a woman....yeah. I feel like a man but I don't fully wanna be one. YUH. I would prefer to be referred to as dude, man, bro tho. But calling me stuff like girly is fine makes me giggle. Im still new to this app so please bare with me! I have a wattpad if you are interested! (It's the same user name) I'm open to writing anything! But mostly do head cannons:D. I'm plus size and cater to writing for the plus size community since it does get enough representation. If you are plus size please stick around! Id love to be your mutual♥︎! I write as a out let and to make people happy. I absolutely love helping the plus size community feel more loved/ making them happy! Cause everyone is truly beautiful and I want YOU to know that! Feel free to read if you're not plus size though. (I have my eye on you though.... No hateful comments) My blog is a safe place for everyone! Unless your racist, homophobic, fatphobic, etc. You will be blockedꈍᴗꈍ. Feel free to message me! I love chatting with people! Also if you want to me mutuals just ask! I swear I won't bite!!! I talk about random stuff on here sometimes. Like random random. I one made a post about women and how beautiful they are. And it wasn't small. IT WAS BIGGGGG. I love women.
Minors dni
No diet culture people, fatphobics, Ed twt people, fat fetishist, anorexia supporters
Do not talk about Ed's on my page I will round house you. This is a safe spot for all body types and I don't want that on my page! I'm sorry if you struggle with that tho as someone that has in the past I understand♥︎. I hope people can understand that and not find this offensive 💀
I'm fat. Don't like it? Then leave. That simple! I use the word fat in my writing. Ik people use that word to be rude but fat is not a bad word. So when i say "fat" that's not being mean. Thats me being honest or whatever. I call myself fatass sometimes. Cause I am one. Don't say stuff on my page like. "You're not fat! You're beautiful" cause fat is not a bad word. Fat is beautiful. It doesn't mean ugly. Fat is just a word ok. Let's not give it weird meanings⁉️
If you don't know! Then ask! I'm a big big talker so answering questions is very fun. Literally say anything. Even if it's just a dumb emoji or something. I will reply 75% of the time.
Don't be scared to message/request something! I will not punch you in the face I swear! Theirs no need to be scared!!!
I'm pan romantic (finds every gender hot) demi sexual (yes that's a real sexuality. It's when you have to have a strong bond before doing anything sexual. Sorta like friends to lovers) that being said I can do any gender character. No preference.
I do head cannons, matchups, and small fics!
More info about explaining thoses are here:
No incest, urine, scat, underaged crap.
I do NSFW/Smut. You've been warned! Want a certain kink wrote with a character? (Choking, pegging, spanking) ASK! If it's in my comfort zone. I'm on it! I'm also a switch so if you want it dom/sub/switch I got your
I'm in school so I don't have all the time in the world! Along with ya know my everyday life. So I write at night lol!
I do mostly one piece but I can do others! (Please read the post I linked a little bit above for all the anime's I do)
I like pink. I use Pinterest to find all these cute little things. Or I find a pic I want. (Not someone else's art. Usually a piece of manga) then go to the picstar app and put a pink tint on it! If I do ever accidentally post someone else's art PLEASE tell me. I would never do that on purpos. But if you draw about would like be to use your art I will happily do so and give you credit and all that :3
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Requests are: OPEN!
Master Lists! ✰
My Hero Academia~
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One Piece~
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One Punch Man!~
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Match ups~
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