#i am very slightly obsessed w the man
appleelevengreen · 5 months
us @ stéphane lambiel: why does johnny weir call you babygirl brenda?
stéph: how about we stop talking for a little while.
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baldval · 3 months
Do you have an Head Cannons on morning or night routines for the cast?
This stuff has been very fun to read :) keep making things! (No pressure ofc just fun to see people being creative)
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characters: vox, husk, valentino, lucifer, adam
warnings: slightly ooc adam (lets be fr this man does NOT wash his face)
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☀︎ vox wakes up at 5 am
☀︎ he says he needs to "seize the day"
☀︎ he probably got that from the time you watched dead poets society together
☀︎ of course, he clearly took the movie differently
☀︎ you'll wake up some time after him, to find him already working
☀︎ "you know, you talk about 'seizing the day' yet i don't see you really enjoying it"
☀︎ "that's because you hadn't woken up yet" he walks towards you as he pulls you by your waist and kisses you
☀︎ leaving his coffee cup in a nearby table
☀︎ "how many already?" you ask, nudging towards the cup
☀︎ "only like- 3, i think?"
☀︎ that man is addicted to coffee it's crazy
☀︎ as the sun rises higher in the sky, you find yourself looking for vark's leash
☀︎ ready for your daily walk to the park
☀︎ hand in hand, you stroll as you chat about nothings
☀︎ sometimes you don't even have to talk
☀︎ you simply find his presence comfortable
☀︎ and he very much finds yours comfortbale as well
☀︎ genuinely, you and husk could spend hours laying together in bed
☀︎ secretely, husk is one of the clingiest people you'll ever meet
☀︎ he's just that good at hiding it
☀︎ and at that moment, both of you cuddling in the bed, he knows he doesn't have to hide it
☀︎ he honestly doesn’t care the position, he’ll big spoon, little spoon,
☀︎ really just likes to be able to see you
☀︎ and he loves when you play with his fur
☀︎ sometimes, he'll play with the fabric of his clothes ☀︎ “husk that tickles stop,” you says one night, between giggles, as he plays with the hem of your shirt
☀︎ but truly, you enjoy his touch above everyhting
☀︎ he looks so happy and adorable
☀︎ really, he’s just obsessed with you
☀︎ if you’re happy he’s happy.
☀︎ valentino is the type to drag you to keep sleeping
☀︎ especially if you have something else to do
☀︎ one morning, you and him are curled up together in bed
☀︎ he’s scratching at the nape of your neck, playing with your hair
☀︎ he has your favourite stuffed animal held to his chest in a vice grip with his other arm
☀︎ you kiss his chest, falling in and out of consciousness
☀︎ that day you had a very important work meeting and you were probably going to be late already
☀︎ "val, please. you know this is important"
☀︎ he groans as he shifts in your embrace
☀︎ "at least kiss me goodbye"
☀︎ the kiss is long, soft, loving
☀︎ he still presses a million kisses to your crown before you’re gone
☀︎ he texts you nonstop
☀︎ before you're already there, you have 14 texts from him
☀︎ i know this is morning routines but let's say you come back early enough to find him still laying in bed
☀︎ still hugging your stuffed animal
☀︎ "seems like you love that thing more than me"
☀︎ "you know, i can't seem to get out of bed whenever this thing is near me"
☀︎ referring to the stuffed animal
☀︎ “really? why not, val?”
☀︎ “i think it's 'cause it smells like you.”
☀︎ waking up besides him is always a surprise
☀︎ he's probably the biggest fan of cuddling
☀︎ it doesn't matter what position you fell asleep in
☀︎ you could've been meters apart in bed, backs turn against eachother
☀︎ you'd still wake up with him wrapped around you in some way
☀︎ "hey," you murmur
☀︎ he turns around to face you
☀︎ "morning," he mumbles
☀︎ a big smile on his face as he just looks lovingly into your eyes
☀︎ you nestle closer, comfortable in his warmth
☀︎ minutes pass in comfortable silence
☀︎ his breaths syncing with yours, creating a rhythm of their own
☀︎ before you know it, you're asleep again
☀︎ you won't realise how or when it happened but suddenly you are alone in bed
☀︎ lucifer already changed his clothes, brushed his teeth, did his hair...
☀︎ to this day you still don't know if it has to do with his powers or if he's just incredibly fast
☀︎ all you know is that, after you're done tidying yourself up, there's breakfast ready
☀︎ if there's something lucifer loves in this world, it's cooking breakfast
☀︎ especially if he's cooking breakfast for you
☀︎ you enter the kitchen to find him mixing something up that smells amazing
☀︎ you hug him from behind as his smile grows
☀︎ "look who's up"
☀︎ "this smells amazing"
☀︎ he turns around to meet your eyes, holding your face with his hands
☀︎ "you're amazing"
☀︎ you cringe a bit at his cheesiness but can't help blushing as he places a kiss on your nose
☀︎ adam is definitely a slow morning person
☀︎ and even more so when you are with him
☀︎ the alarm will go off and he will immediately roll over and take you in his arms and cuddle up with you
☀︎ "adam!"
☀︎ you'd giggle as he buries his head in your neck and mumbles
☀︎ "five more minutes"
☀︎ you'd run your hands through his hair as he'd press a couple kisses to your neck
☀︎ you'll stay like this for about ten minutes or so.
☀︎ and eventually you get into the habit of setting your alarm a little bit earlier, so you can make sure you have time for adam's morning cuddles.
☀︎ when you are finally able to drag yourself out of his arms, you get out of bed and he follows a few minutes later
☀︎ you brush your teeth and hair in tandem
☀︎ and he often likes to nudge your elbow, causing you to smear toothpaste on your cheek
☀︎ cue his familiar giggling
☀︎ you take turns washing your face and doing your morning skin care
☀︎ whoever does theirs first makes the coffee for the both of you
☀︎ after lounging on the couch together drinking your coffee, you make breakfast
☀︎ you do most of it while adam 'helps'
☀︎ his way of helping often includes his arms wrapped around your waist as he hugs you into his chest
☀︎ sometimes swinging you side to side
☀︎ or squeezing you to make you laugh
☀︎ he is a food thief as well
☀︎ he can't wait until it's done he has to eat it as soon as he see's it
☀︎ the two of you eat breakfast together, often with your feet intertwined under the table, or your leg's propped up on his lap
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mamayan · 10 months
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Ahem. Hotaru Haganezuka ask here. He is a virgin but he's good w his fingers.
Anything for you!♥️ I need to write more for him, he’s such a cutie. I totally screwed up and forgot the virgin aspect, but he’s 100% a virgin before marriage so… this is just some relationship fluff.
☆彡Break Time★彡
Hotaru Haganezuka x Wife! Reader
TW: Spanking (¿) • Couples Argument • Fingering (F) • Very light edging/overstimulation
It’s been days, and for the first time in his life, Hotaru felt guilty.
He knew his own passion and obsession for work worried his fellow colleagues, especially Kozo, who often would monitor and intervene if he was taking it too far and jeopardizing his health. He’d never expressed his gratitude properly, as he is forced to swallow the bitter medicine of experiencing this stress himself.
There you were, his adorable and sweet new bride, working still. Even now. Hardly eating, not sleeping, and while you’ve bathed that’s the longest you’ve pulled yourself from your work. He wanted to be understanding, because truly he too enjoyed the craft he’s dedicated his life too… but it’s different when it’s you throwing your health away. His hypocrisy lost on him though, as he only focuses on the rising anger at your carelessness for your health. Never mind how he treats himself, that’s not the issue here.
You hadn’t moved in eight hours, not even when he spoke or tried to touch you. Instead, you became enraged when he attempted to intervene or redirect.
Hotaru is not a patient man. If he hadn’t been busy with his own work, you wouldn’t have gotten away with this so long.
Your sass and attitude maxing out his boiling point, though not a difficult thing to do, when you’d snapped at him.
“Hotaru! You’re being a nuisance, please let me focus!” You huffed, your tired eyes and furrowed brows not cute enough to stop his explosion.
“Woman! You’re done! Time for a damn break,” you’re hauled into his arms, before being thrown over his shoulder as he furiously rambles at you.
“What’re you even thinking?! Do you want to die?! When was the last time you ate, huh?! Or slept?!” His mood coupled with being torn from your concentration and lack of sleep, ignites your own fiery rage.
You begin pounding uselessly at his wide back, kicking your feet and making his eye twitch as you shout back.
“Idiot! I’m not tired, put me down! Who’re you to judge?! Ah!” You jolt, crying out and cutting your tirade short when a large palm smacks your ass. He lands another on the other cheek even as he storms towards your home.
“I’m stupid?! If you’re not tired, that’s fine. I’ll help make you tired.” He’s fuming, but it’s not anything new with the hot blooded man.
You go to speak again, but a firm squeeze to your ass has you hushing, your gut instinct telling you not to rile him up further. He enters your home and goes straight for your shared bedroom, gently swinging you back to your feet and pushing you down onto your bed.
He tosses the mask and hair cover, revealing his irritated expression and dark gaze.
“You gonna fix that attitude and sleep or am I gonna have to make you?” His arms crossed over his chest expose his forearms as his haori slides up. The thick veins and muscles have you somewhat simmering down, your work becoming slightly less important as you peak up at your husband.
It feels like you’re losing though, as you pout and contemplate the best route to returning to work.
You could give in, but when has he ever made it easy to tear him from his work? You had to tickle him to disable him long enough for Kozo to drag him home. Even then, you had to threaten him within an inch of his life to make him settle and do basic hygiene and eat. You’d become familiar with his knives and throwing them.
Thinking about what a pain he is when it comes to overworking, you can’t help pushing back.
“This is unfair Taru, I’m nearly done anyway so just let me—,”
“Fucking stubborn.” He mutters under his breath, truly not seeing the irony. He drops to his knees, gripping your shoulders and manhandling you onto his lap, sitting your back to his chest while he snickers at your protests.
“You really don’t want to be good for me?” His gruff tone has you pausing in your fight, swallowing thickly at the implication.
You do want to be good for him, but he’s clearly rubbed off on you because you also don’t feel like listening. Being so sleep deprived, you worried if you did rest you’d lose all sense of creativity and your work would be ruined if you stopped now.
“I-I do, but Taru…oh,” you still as you feel his rough hands smooth over your clothes, before slipping beneath to feel your bare thighs.
“Not oh,” He mocks teasingly, leaning over you to lick the shell of your ear as you softly squeal and try to turn away. “You need to say ‘yes my darling Hotaru, my wonderful husband, always know best’.” He can’t see you rolling your eyes, but he knows you aren’t amused in your cranky state. “Don’t want to listen?” His question is foreboding but you just huff in annoyance, trying to wiggle your hips to make his hands either move where you want them or release you.
He lets his fingers dance over your skin for a moment, enjoying the feeling of you in his arms after so many days apart.
Hotaru lets one finger drag up your bare slit, groaning as he realizes you wore nothing beneath your yukata.
“Did you not miss me?” He whispers in your ear, and the moan you release as he lightly uses your slick to coat your clit is lovely. “Your work truly can’t wait? Even for this?” He presses into you, sinking one thick finger deep inside while you pant and grind down onto his hand. “Taru~ feels good,” you melt into his firm chest, letting him slowly pump his digit in and out of your pussy.
He chuckles, letting you get nice and comfortable before he removes his finger, your whine met with a harsh slap over your clit.
He laughs at your cry, back to rubbing soothing circles again. “Didn’t want you falling asleep, you said you weren’t tired right?” Your arousal spiked but annoyance ignited again, you wrap your arms behind you, around his own neck. He complies to your nonverbal demand by leaning further and kissing you, swallowing your moans as you open for him to invade.
Your mouth is nearly as hot as your pussy, his finger returning with another to sink inside you again.
You’re putty in no time. One arm around your waist to keep you still as you moan and cry for him, begging for him to go faster or harder because he’s just shy of doing enough make you cum.
“What’s wrong doll? Wasn’t I a nuisance earlier, but now you’re making so many demands. At least this mouth is cute and honest.” He’s doing it on purpose, keeping your peak just out of reach as you slowly unfold in his arms. The squelching of your pussy is noisy, especially when he picks up speed and intensity, only to drop back to an agonizingly slow and exploratory pace. He has nail marks in his arms, but he’s uncaring as he dedicates his full attention to making you as wet as possible without letting you have an orgasm.
His eyes track your face, tears finally bubbling over and spilling as you sniff and babble at him, begging for forgiveness and mercy.
“Look at you pretty thing, am I just so deep inside your pussy?” He’s not letting you answer, slotting his lips against your own again as he begins to increase his pace, slipping yet another finger inside you. You’ve been held on the edge so long you can’t hold back anymore, crying into his mouth as you finally cum.
Hotaru breaks the kiss in amazement as you jerk and try to claw out of his hold, whining almost as if in pain until he sees the fluids from your pussy squirting out.
“Taru, please, no, I can’t—” you nearly choke on the words, unable to hardly breathe because he just keeps going. Those rough calloused fingers filling you up and spreading you wide as they fuck you.
Unfortunately for you, he’s not paying attention. Too focused and enamored with how much you came, how hard and intense, and without even meaning to, you’re sent over the edge again. You nearly wail, the force of your muscles contracting as the pleasure explodes behind your eyes is enough to almost render you unconscious.
The way you shake and writhe in his arms finally breaks his focus as he looks down at you, so fucked out from his fingers alone you can’t keep your eyes open.
A part of him wants to make you do that again, but another acknowledges his wife needs rest like he originally intended to force.
Orgasms were good for sleep though, right? He always found his mood improving after he’s came, and clearly it worked well for you. Your soft nearly boneless figure in his arms proof.
“Sleepy?” He’s soft, kissing your forehead and cheeks, rubbing his nose against yours as you yawn and nod. “Mhm…” he doesn’t tease you further, laying you down properly on the bed, and getting up for a damp wash rag to clean up, and even making sure you drink some water. He was a bit worried of dehydration since you’d cum so hard.
He could go back to work, there’s another project he needs to start soon…
Your warm and sleepy figure in bed stops him though. He can’t resist stripping and climbing in with you, pulling you close and breathing you in.
While he’s not going to stop work for something measly like sleep or food, he’d never say no to this. Holding you. Sleeping beside you. Waking up with you.
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cu7ie · 1 year
How big you think toman boys dicks are?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀૮₍´。• ᵕ •。`₎ა excellent question.
cw; cock convention (you'll see), talk about dicks and balls at length. minor mentions of sex alongside.
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hey I'm a 'bigger is better' kinda guy, so this is a biased as fuck list. Also this is basically a dick disambiguation, a dong dissertation; look @ me doing what no one asked for (with much love ofc).
In my mind, body, heart and soul I want to say Sano Manjiro is slanging serious cock. 
I don’t know if it’s because I am devastatingly aroused by this man or what, but baaabes the way I want to say he has a thick, fat eight incher broooo.
But I'm going to be so real, I don’t honestly think it’s that big. It's definitely longer than average; a nice six inches and thicker around the middle, got good weight to it, flushed a pretty peach pink and slightly crooked. He leans left and sticks out (points forward) when he's hard. 
MANJIRO HAS HUGE NUTS. Spiritually and sexually. He has a nice tight sack so it feels like you're holding a weighted pouch; overall, pretty penis. Would suck it, would fuck it, good allrounder. He is uncircumcised.
Second-in-command Ken Ryuguji got a lil sumn sumn he's working with, too. The thickness of his dick is pretty standard, but the boy has length. He's reaching up into places you didn't even know things could go; discovering new constellations with the way he's making you see stars.
He's a healthy 7.4 inches (and yes I am giving them decimal sizes, bite me) with a smooth ball sack (that hangs, mind you) because Draken takes care to groom himself regularly. He indulges in a little bush above his cock, but likes to keep it nice and pretty for the ladies and the gentlemen. He’s pale as opposed to pink, with a little ridge, or vein rather, that runs along the underside of his shaft. It isn’t crooked, doesn’t lean one way or the other. Draken is circumcised.
Takemichi Hanagaki has a pretty typical penis - groomed but not overly so, uncircumcised. He’s at a standard 5 inches, just shy of five n’ a half.  It’s adorable, the way it sticks straight up when he’s hard, getting angrily red at the tip as precome dribbles down the head.
Takemichi has cute nuts. They are dainty and a little hairy.
Keisuke Baji is so close to having the whole 7 inches. He stops short at about 6.9, with dark wiry black hair surrounding the base, trimming very very occasionally. It’s heavy and bobs up against his stomach whenever he’s horny. He’s also uncircumcised. His penis is a few shades darker than the rest of his skin, and its slightly redder when he’s fully hard. 
What you gotta watch out for is how thick it is! Bro can plug you up without issue, stretches holes with absolutely no problem, proper prep is mandatory just so you don’t wind up all loosey goosy when he’s finished with ya.  His balls are a tad smaller than average, nestled cutely beneath a big ol’ bully. 
Kisaki Tetta has a small dick. It’s barely 4 n’ a half; bro probably has pebbles for nuts idk. He is extremely well groomed, almost to the point of obsessive trimming and sometimes hair plucking. The enigma that is Kisaki Tetta’s genitals is most accurately referred to as a ‘chode’. The most notably girthy penis, as though to offset its uh .. longitudinaly challenged nature.
It’s cute I guess. Would look the cutest with a bow on it. Circumsized. Not tanned like the rest of his skin, a little awkwardly pale actually.
Pah-chin and Peh-yan, have roughly similar dicks. Pah-chin’s is chubby and about five inches, Peh-yan’s is a little skinnier and a little longer but not by much. Neither of them really overly care for grooming - but Pah-chin gets on the band wagon first after he meets his girlfriend (eventual wife). Peh-yan is a classic rebel w/o a cause, shaves but can’t do it well so he has some velcro feeling deal. Feels like handling a cactus. 
Pah-chin has fat balls. 
Peh-yan does not. But he has a very noticable curve to his penis; it bends to the left. Neither of them have been circumsized.
Single mother Mitsuya’s dick looks so pretty & perfect that you’re so jealous he doesn’t put himself on display for the world to see. He’s about 6.4 inches, with a juicy vein that appears on one side (left) whenever he’s about to cum. His dick is generally the same shade as the rest of him, but the tip is flushed the cutest red, a silver prince albert adorning his cock - absolutely fine piece of jewlery.
A uniform thickness up down n all around, nice succulent balls that fit perfectly in your mouth, uncircumsized. You can’t miss with that one. 
Shuji Hanma is intimidating off of his size alone. He’s on the skinnier side, but the eight mouth-watering inches he whips out of his pants would make any whore scramble to close their legs. It has a bit of a taper, thickest at it’s base and getting slightly narrow toward the head. It’s a little crooked.
 A man who cares a lot about style, he maintains a thick but very neat and symmetrical bush. His balls fit pretty snugly in the palm of your hands. They’re a little wrinkly, but not the worst you’ve ever seen.
Those bitches hang. Whenever he fucks the pap pap sound of his balls clapping the back of your ass is so prevalent its a little hypnotizing and disorienting. Hanma is circumsized. 
Mean Mr. Muto Yasuhiro is probably the biggest you’ve seen out of the line up. He stands at a polite eight point four, and though slightly bigger than Hanma he is thicker by a decent amount. Any partner of Muto’s often has trouble finding someone who can stack up - after he pounds the shape of his dick into them, nothing else can satisfy. He has an uncircumsized dick and enough foreskin that he has a noticeable hood. He shears himself all the way down, not a bush or even a lick of hair above his dick. He doesn’t do much with his balls besides trim them. Muto has a nice pair of huevos - they look like two larger than average eggs. 
Chifuyu has a cute dick, but the size he’s working with is pretty common. He’s five and some odd inches, a little skinny at the base but thick at the top. He has a very nice cockhead, perfectly shaped like a mushroom cap, looks like it might be fun to suck on. When it’s hard it bounces up against his stomach, raring to go.
I personally believe Nahoya has dick game on 100, but isn’t packing never before seen heat. He’s just shy of six inches, typical thickness… 
His balls look nice.  He’s uncircumsized but has a very minimal amount of foreskin, a nicely rounded cockhead and a slight upward curve that can really make a bitch arch their back y’kno? 
Hakkai has a big ol’ dick he’s too embarassed to do anything with. He’s seven in a half inches and worries exponentially about breaking his partners in half. The boy has girth, he’s trying to have fun, not put his honey in a hospital bed. Hakkai isn’t really wise to all that manscaping biz, but he doesn’t grow much hair down their naturally. 
His dick so heavy that it hangs down low, and honestly he’s a little embarrassed about his size. The apprehension in his partners eyes, something about it squeezes his heart in the least pleasant of ways. Phat nuts obviously (this is me we’re talking about) that rest very snugly beneath his cock. Circumsized.
Souya doesn’t think his dick is anything special because he has 0 frame of reference - what’s average, what’s small. He’s definitely bigger than average, a healthy 6.7 inches with fat nuts full of cum to boot. It’s really nice. Well proportioned, mouth watering kind of cock - with a curly little nest of hair. Emphasis on little - Souya appreciates good hygiene. 
His dick is really sensitive too. Handjobs can turn him into a whiny mess, never mind a warm mouth or a wet hole. Uncircumsized.
Sanzu has a nice seven inches, on the skinny side and wholly pale like the rest of his body. He really doesn’t know how to handle the thing, awkward instead of suave, mostly worried about getting the sensation without paying mind or merit to how to angle it to make you moan like how those pornstars he’s seen do. It frustrates him to no end, but he’s also stubborn and doesn’t like being instructed - just prefers you take it and not complain. He is circumsized. 
Last but not least, Kazutora. He’s not coming out on top, but he’s decently thick all around - not as thick as Baji but by heavens and lords above he knows how to use it. He actually prefers blowjobs to some extent so he can see and hear you gag - makes him feel much bigger. He has unremarkable balls. They exist, nothing to write home about. He has really soft hair, so when he’s ramming his cock down your throat, you don’t feel like you’re kissing a cactus - which is a nice change of pace.
He’s about 6.3 inches, and is uncircumcised. 
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tommydarlings · 1 year
pairing: dark!ex!rbr!seb x reader
warnings: dark, psychotic behaviour, obsessive behaviour, very brief mention of blood
check this out: my masterlist <3 // my ko-fi to support me! <3 // my PayPal to support me! <3 // my Patreon to become a member! (get access to +45 works) <3 // Save a Life carrd made by me! <3
“There’s not a line,” Sebastian breathed out, “that I wouldn’t cross for you, y/n, my baby,” the redbull driver told you with an evil grin on his lips while he was on his knees in front of you.
You gulped as you looked down at your ex boyfriend, tears slowly forming in your eyes before you sniffled, “Get out of my house, Sebastian… p-please,” you begged him in a quiet tone but the young German only bit his lip at your weak attempt to get him away from you.
He chuckled, “And lose you for a second time? No, y/n my love,” he shook his head, smile not leaving his lips, “that’s not how it works.”
You started to cry as soon as you looked to your right and saw the man — that you were just a few hours ago on a pretty well going date with — on the floor, unconscious, bloody and beaten. You had to cover your mouth while the first tears landed on your cheeks, making Sebastian frown.
“Liebling,” darling. “Why are you crying?” He asked you in a very serious tone as soon as he saw your tears, tilting his head to the side while he was still on his knees in front of your standing but slightly shaking figure.
With a shaky breath, you tried to answer, “W-Why did you do t-this, Sebastian,” you mumbled in a high pitched tone, still not being able to look at your date without crying and sniffling, “He‘s done n-nothing wrong, s-seb-”
“Oh but he’s done everything wrong, my darling,” Sebastian quickly interrupted you before he stood up, looking down at your shaking figure, “Even the fact that he looked at you was already soooo wrong,” your ex boyfriend explained before he grabbed your trembling hands and intertwined your fingers with his.
You gulped before you immediately stopped crying, switching gazes between your unconscious date and your ex boyfriend and without thinking any further about your decision, you ripped your hands out of his ones and ran out of the room and towards the door, desperately trying to get out of your own house.
But before you could reach the wooden door that Sebastian has broken open, the blonde german had caught you already, both arms wrapped around your waist from behind while he 'shh'd' you as he ran his lips over your cheek from the side.
“N-No, go away f-from me, p-please,” you begged but he didn’t back off, Sebastian only laughed before he kissed your jaw and inhaled your sweet scent.
“Away from you? Again?” He tilted his head to the side with a wicked smile on his face,
“No liebling, why would I do that? I am yours, baby,” he told you in a deeper tone, “Just like you're mine,” he kissed his way up your jaw until he reached your ear, “always, and forever,” he mumbled right before he kissed your tear stained temple,
“Until we die…together.” He smiled.
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ladystardust-thinks · 7 months
you are in love - t.e.
taron egerton x fem!reader, fluff
Hi hiii! Can I request a fluffly imagine w Taron Egerton where he's simping over the reader during an interview? Thank youu have a nice day!!!
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a/n: Aloha! I'm scared of this fic not getting seen by the anon that requested it bc I thought I had kept another ask by them, were they talked about it being neutral, if possible, but turns out I deleted it (😭) so now I don't know if they see it. IF YOU DO PLS SEND ME AN ASK SAYING YOU SAW IT, I AM BEGING. Btw inspired by you are in love by taylor swift, I thought that was obvious though, kinda want to do a part 2 where you keep his shirt and he keeps his word, but it's just an idea
tags/warnings: not proofread at all, wrote it half-drunk idk if it's obvious lmao, language, mention of reader's hair, taron & reader swooning and dying and being obsessed with eachother, she/her pronouns, drinking, casual love confession, third and first person pov, i think that's all.
word count: no word count bc I was bored, but it's pretty long ig
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"I think being unofficially adopted by Elton was inevitable on set. We've just recognised that only one could be the favourite."
She nods slowly and a grin forms on her face. Taron can't form more of a smile. His cheeks were in pain. Three minutes into the interview and still, not able to answer a question. That's a lie, actually. He could answer a lot of questions. What her favourite song is, the amount of summer fruit she eats in wintertime just because they look cute, the color her eyes have when she sits in front of the sun, every tiny little thing, but that'd be useless in a press tour.
His favourite questions though would be the ones he asked her. The ones about music. How much she relates to Vienna, the guitar solo from Killer Queen, what does she think of the cowboy like me lyrics. Anything she could talk about for hours, he could listen to for hours.
"My back hurts." She whispers to him during the commercial break he didn't realize they were in. "What?"
"My back hurts from carrying this interview. Say something. Otherwise I'm going to die the day Jimmy Fallon makes an interesting conversation point." She whisper-shouts and him.
"I mean it's pretty hard to be hated when you don't have a personality, isn't it?"
He shrugs and smiles at her.
"I feel bad, we're sitting here gossiping about our host. But yeah. True."
She giggles thinking of his joke again. He looks at her as he is trying to keep his smile from exploding. As if he'd laugh with all his teeth if he let go. He's looking at every part of her, his eyes following the curves of her hair, her cheeks with their smile lines, because of her wide beams throughout the years. His eyes going all over her, as if he was scanning her, as if he'd been memorising every little one of her characteristics.
"What's wrong with you today, did I turn into a ghost?" She asks him, smiling.
"What?" He laughs slightly.
"You look at me all the time with that dead fish face. As if you're constantly wondering about something."
"I wonder about a lot of things, I'm a very philosophical man."
"I'm pretty sure that's how Freud's mommy issues started."
"Stop it."
"You stop it."
"Stop what?"
"Being so distracted."
"Only when you stop being so distracting."
"I know, I'm gorgeous but get your shit together."
"You are." He turns to look at her and smiles.
Stunned, she pauses a bit, pursing her lips together. As if she wasn't expecting the compliment. As if he didn't look captivated by every little move she made, the fidgeting of her hands or the twitch of her nose when she was confused. She also turns to look at him.
"Thank you." She lets out a breathy laugh.
"You don't look half bad. Actually, no. You don't look quarter bad! I don't even know if that makes sense, but it felt nice to say." She feels something newfound. Something hopeful and surprising all together. She wondered if he could see it in her eyes, though she hoped he couldn't because it felt vulnerable. She wasn't at ease, she was just delighted enough to only fly right over her safety net. Just in case.
As a person I have a lot of qualities, whether people would argue if they're good or bad, I did and they were a lot. Sadly, being patient is not one of them. I have to be distracted from everything at anytime and be constantly stimulated. Sitting down on a makeup and hair chair to be Laura's laboratory animal was one of these activities. One that could bore me very easily, but I also loves doing. It makes her happy to try new things and it makes me happy to see it.
Scrolling on tiktok, I land on a clip from last night's interview, with Taron.
'Currently needing someone to look at me like Taron Egerton looks at his co-stars',
read the caption.
"You're a lucky ass girl." Laura howls seeing my screen from over my head.
I look up and grimace at her.
"You're invading my personal space."
"You are my best friend, I've been invading your personal space since we were 20 and you were crying in the bathroom of a bar because the little umbrellas the cocktails had were 'just too cute'. Get over yourself, he's as cute as the umbrellas, you were thinking it, I said it."
"I- Touché."
Is he?
I mean he's really nice and you'd probably call him charming. And he hears me, which not a lot of people do - including me - anytime i ramble on about... anything.
You could call him cute, yes. He can be funny aswell. It might be the british-ness, I'm not sure. Though, I do enjoy spending time with him.
He's also nice to look at. That sounds weird. He is objectively, and only objectively, really attractive.
"Laura." I say sternly and look up at her through the mirror.
"Mhm..." She's so nonchalant about this. I need some sympathy here!
"You think?" My eyebrows furrow and I tilt my head. I belive I was denying my thoughts more than I was questioning them.
"If you don't, I will. I guarantee you though, I won't be as successful." Her grin makes me frown in thought. At least this is going to be an interesting press tour, isn't it?
"I can't say something like that, she'd kill me."
"You smile like an idiot when she talks to you. If she were to kill you she would've already."
"I- I don't think I would mind. I mean, it's from her hands, at least I'd die a happy man."
Richard squints his eyes. "Yes... And you still can't find a way to say that. Uh-huh."
The backstage for their interview had an air, heavier than it needs to be for Taron to process. Variety interview, press event, after-party. That was the schedule for the day, as of 5 minutes prior. Five minutes, in which he felt actually, relaxed. All until we had to shove a 'Confess your immortal passionate love to your co-star (bonus points if she doesn't hate you)' in the To-Do list. Taron thought Richard might, could, maybe, possibly, ever in a million years, be a bit of help.
But he wasn't, he was just being a dick about it, no pun intended. 'Yeah, you're smitten mate.' as if he didn't know that! He didn't need a doctor's diagnosis to tell him he was absolutely and utterly in love. What were the possibilities he wouldn't be? How could anyone not be? He hadn't ever met a more genuine and caring and generous and sweet person in Hollywood. No, fuck Hollywood, his life.
Entering the venue hurt him physically. At least that's what it felt like. You cannot judge him, if you had her waving at you from across the room with this wide smile you would've understood. He purses his lips into an upside-down smile he couldn't hold, he would never want to disappoint her like this, but he couldn't wave back of course. He thought he'd faint any moment if he moved. Right, fun. What was he supposed to do, ignore her? Avoid her? That might aswell hurt more. His breath hitched when she began walking over to him. What was wrong with him? He is a confident grown ass man, why does she make him act like that, how does she manage that? Why can she walk in and make the room shine? Why is she so genuinely funny and interesting? How can she be so talented, but at the same time so understanding of others. If it wasn't her Taron wanted to confess to, he'd ask her for advice.
"Thank god you're here! The music is boring, the food is bland and the people are so rich I can't even comprehend if they're talking about their yacht, their Oscar or their villa."
She clearly wasn't doing any better. "Need saving?" he teases and she finds herself chuckling. That's a sweet thought. A nice way to put it. Need a knight to save her from the absolute dread of boredom.
"Yes, Romeo."
"Romeo? I'm flattered."
"You shouldn't be, you die."
"I die in love."
"You die heartbroken, have you read it?"
"Under love's heavy burden do I sink."
"Very well delivered, congratulations."
"Thank you very much."
She smiles and sighes, he's so stupid, it's kind of adorable. What's even more stupid is how stupid he makes her feel. She feels like a fool when she can't come up with a sarcastic comment. She feels like a fool when she notices looking at her and can't even whisper, if ever utter a word. She just smiles. It's annoying.
"Well Romeo and Juliet is pretty fitting, considering you look like you just escaped straight out of some fairytale." He had to gather all his courage and make this compliment, but at least she liked it. No, she loved it. She adored it. It was so adorable, it was so nice. It's a compliment you see being said in books and movies. Made her feel gorgeous, like she was the only one in the room.
"I- Romeo and- Sorry. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, not a fairytale." She wasn't sure what else to say and what she did already was supposed to come out way more confident, it didn't. Obviously.
I’m not certain how we did so, but we ended up in the backyard of somebody, who knew somebody, who knew somebody who had cheap wine and a good taste in music, but we did. I had a drink in my hand and I was going off about something, but the conversation was changed soon enough. When Taron asked me, how the hell was I single. I looked at him. I squinted and sighed. "Why wouldn't I be? I mean I'm fun and pretty and famous, but who does commitment with a cat lady?! Who would want something long term? Pffft nobody."
I don't think I realised what I was whining on about until I heard him speak up. He said 'Me.' He really said me! It was so foolish, and I was so drunk, but he did say it.
"You're funny."
"Only when I'm joking."
"Fuck. Would you?"
"Would I what?"
"No like, would you actually?"
"...Yeah. Yeah, probably.".
"That's- So you like me?"
"No, I don't think so."
"I love you, I believe."
I was just looking at him. I could not function. I thought about the cost of being hospitalised for possible heart abnormalities and cardiac arrest. Saying me too seemed cheaper and more beneficial, so that was what I went with.
"Are you joking?" I let out a breathy laugh, thinking his concerns were ridiculous. "This whole time? Oh my god. I just wasted all this time."
"All this time of what?" He asks and I wonder, how could he not understand? It was so painfully obvious that I wanted him. I craved to hear his laugh and listen to him every day, 'til I would die.
"All this time of not being with you."
His mouth was left a bit agape, but I could see a smile being formed slowly. He just looked at me. With that stupid dead fish face he'd done at first. Laura's gonna love this.
"Could you do me a favour?" I look at him and chuckle.
"What is it?"
"Could you say it again?" I smile, tight lipped.
"I love you."
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hello! I am obsessed w ur Maze runner fics omgggg. could I request a Gally x female reader where shes autistic and the gladers think shes just a little strange but he thinks her quirkiness is cute!! love you 😇
FINALLY I get to write for my boy Gally.
I'd like to preface this by saying I am probably neurodivergent myself, but I am not diagnosed or an expert and I have researched into autistic traits in girls for this piece. I am sorry for any inaccuracies.
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SUMMARY: See above. Track-hoe! Fem! Autistic! Reader x Gally. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, some of the Gladers acting like dicks, my potentially slightly inaccurate depiction of autism. That's it.
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You aren't quite like the other Gladers.
Well, the obvious is that you're a girl- a very rare occurrence in the Glade since you're the only one.
Though, you're not the kind of girl the Gladers expected (*cough* wanted *cough*). Based off of their very limited and slightly stereotypical knowledge of women.
When you came up in the Box, you panicked more than most. Which can easily be because you were a girl surrounded by a dozen boys. Which is terrifying.
But then you didn't speak.
The emotions and stress of it all led to you becoming completely non-verbal. It wasn't that you didn't want to speak, but it was like every time you tried, no words came out.
Most of the boys tried talking to you at least once, but they have no understanding of personal space and you hated how loud they spoke all the time.
A lot of them gave up after a while.
They thought you were weird. You avoided eye contact, weren't really sure how to read their emotions and hated the boisterous nature of the majority of the population.
Even when you did regain your voice, you took little interest in their conversations and they took your blank state as being rude. But you weren't being rude; you would listen and nod but you didn't take interest in them, so you didn't act like you did.
Things got better when you got a job as a Track-hoe. You found an affinity for plants and very quickly gave Zart a run for his money in the Gardens. Through experience and writing down all your findings in a small notebook Minho gave you during your first week or so when you wouldn't speak- you now know everything about the Gardens.
All of the plants name, their ideal growing conditions, all the uses they possess and even how to cook them properly. Frypan's veg stew has greatly improved since your arrival.
You could spend hours talking about the Gardens, though most of the boys don't really care about that.
A lot of the boys find you strange, like I previously said. There are a few that keep an eye on you and extend their kindness. Newt and Frypan amongst that crowd with Minho turning a blind eye to the robbery of his Map supplies so you can use them for your notes. It keeps your interactions brief and it means he doesn't have to endorce your plant rambles. The man is far too busy.
Though, not all the Gladers are simply being polite.
The first time you met Gally was when one of the boys stole your book and was teasing you about it. He punched him squared in the jaw, scaring the shit out of you and landing Gally a twenty-four hour hold in the Slammer.
You decided to approach him at his work after that, thanking him for looking out for you.
And you actually kind of became friends after that.
You held back at first, but when Gally started asking you about your job, you started telling him everything.
He actually genuinely enjoys hearing what you have to say. And he finds your blunt and occasionally out of pocket comments amusing.
He thinks it's cute. He doesn't really know when he started crushing on you. But your quirks and mannerisms always bring a smile to his face.
He also becomes your guard dog. Absolutely no one is going to mess with you, especially when the machine that is Gally is glaring at them from a few feet away.
You don't like Bonfire nights. Sure, it's great that you have another boy to add to the population, but you don't enjoy the celebrations. They're loud and the fires burn bright and everyone is touching or fighting. It makes your chest feel tight and you can hear the blood pumping around your skull. You hate it.
So, you sit away from the commotion, your legs crossed as you doodle another sketch of a plant, labelling the different parts.
"Yo, Green-thumb," you look up to find Gally approaching, two glasses of his suspicious liquid in hand. "Fancy a drink?"
Green-thumb is something he called you jokingly once, and now it's kind of stuck.
"Sure," you smile at him as he sits down next to you, passing you a drink. "Wouldn't you rather be enjoying the Bonfire?"
"Nah, I've kicked enough Greenie butt for one day." You scoff, putting your book down for a second to take a sip.
You visibly cringe at the harsh taste. You don't like the drink, but Gally's made it, so some small part of you is determined to drink it.
"Whatcha writing about today?" He picks up your book, admiring your handwork. "Yarrow, eh?"
"Mhm," you nod, fiddling with your pencil. "It's good for headaches and sickness. It's a wildflower I found in the Deadheads and moved some here so the Medjacks have easy access to it. It'll probably be useful in the morning if everything keeps drinking this klunk." You swill the drink around the jar and Gally chuckles.
"You don't have to drink it."
"I know," you unintentionally snap, "I want to. You made it."
Gally's heart flutters at this comment, even if it is just plain honesty to you. He looks away, blinking as he looks at your perfectly organised Gardens.
"What?" You ask.
"What what?"
"You look flustered."
"I'm not."
He hesitates, deciding to finally ask a question he's been meaning to ask. He clears his throat. "Would you, uh, would you ever consider dating someone?"
You tilt you head, looking at him whilst he avoids eye contact. "In the Glade?"
"Uh, yeah, if someone's caught your eye?"
You shrug. "Maybe. But you're the only person here I like."
There's a pause as Gally processes that. He knows you well enough by now that you don't mean it that way; you're just blunt.
"Yeah, but you like me as a friend, right?"
Now, you pause. Honestly, you're not really sure. You think Gally is attractive, but it's not like you're friends with many people to compare how you feel about Gally to how you feel about other friends.
So, you shrug.
The line of questioning is starting to make you panic, though.
Gally raises his eyebrow. "You... don't know?"
"Yeah, I don't know." He doesn't know what to say to this. "But it doesn't really matter, right?"
Friendships and relationships aren't that different. It's just a close friendship with some physical attributes.
That's it, really.
Gally knows you. But he's still learning to see things how you see them.
"Yeah, I guess."
This is the conversation that plagued Gally's mind for a long time.
He didn't mean to start acting like a dick. But Gally is Gally, and he isn't the best at expressing his emotions in a healthy way.
So, he unintentionally starts avoiding you.
Somehow, saying you don't know if you like him is worse than flat out rejecting him. And he'd rather go without.
You, however, are taking this horrendously.
It's been days now and safe far you've thrown a trowel at someone and ripped some fiddly vines off of one of the support growers.
The Glade is starting to notice your rise in temper, which ends up resulting in a confrontation.
You don't like confrontation, but it's been a week and you don't know what you've done wrong.
"Did I do something?" You ask Gally.
He's in the middle of his work, fixing one off the old shacks with a couple of other boys.
They all freeze.
It's rare for you to be away from the Gardens in the middle of the day, and they don't want to see why.
"Uh, give us a moment," Gally instructs his colleagues and they don't hesitate to listen. "Look, (Y/N)-"
"What did I do? Are you mad at me?"
"Wha- no." He sighs. "I'm not mad at you."
"Then what's wrong? Why are you avoiding me?" He goes silent for a moment. "Gally, what did I do? Do you not like me, anymore? Did I-"
"I like you."
You're perplexed. "I like you, too? So, why are you being a dick?"
"No," he scoffs, throwing his head back. "I like like you. Like, I wanna go on dates and klunk. A-and you said you didn't know how you felt about me and it was like you didn't even care."
You stand there, blinking at him.
In his absence, you realised that you do like Gally. You didn't think you'd miss talking to someone, you definitely don't care when don't hear from Newt or Frypan for weeks.
But you missed Gally.
He opens his mouth again to speak, but he doesn't get the chance when you rush towards him. Throwing your arms around him, you hug him, which completely startles him and knocks him backwards.
You've never hugged him before.
"I think I like you, too," you mumble as his arms come to loosely hang around your waist. You pull back slightly, looking at him.
He grins. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," you nod.
His eyes flicker to your lips and you do the same before meeting his gaze again. "Can I kiss you?" You ask, forward as always.
He chuckles. "Please."
You lean forward, not quite sure what you're doing but it's a peck that sparks a fire inside you.
You pull away, resting your foreheads against each other, enjoying the peaceful moment.
"Oi," Alby makes you both jump from a few feet away, "get back to work, shanks. The shuck are you doing?"
You awkwardly step back, feeling heat rush to your face as you sheepishly look at the floor.
Gally, however, is grinning from ear to ear.
You like him.
And that's more than enough for him.
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First Gally fic done. A bit shorter than some others but I wasn't quite sure what else to do with this.
I hope you enjoyed anyway :))
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johannestevans · 3 months
obsessed with astarion's vibe and his disapproval because like. i'm playing as a neutral good to true neutral rogue who absolutely does a lot of charlatan stuff, but HIS background is the sage route
what he cares about is. knowledge. preserving books. etc.
i obviously play similar backgrounds with dnd, like with buran highfield, and i've written dragon age chars with backgrounds like this before but like
it's so funny when it's astarion complaining bc he LOVES it when my char does dick moves to turn ppl on each other
he loves how much my guy is lying, how much he's turning people on one another, how duplicitous he is - but he gets so frustrated with like. the fact that we're being heroes, right? because he doesn't want to be a hero, he thinks that's boring
and god but i'm obsessed w like. the idea of astarion complaining for the umpteenth time about how he thinks londir is such a ~hero~
and londir like. late in the evening, leaning back against the fire, drunk on the fancy wine they've picked up today from the cellars of a dungeon
and going, "astarion, why do you think you're here?"
"i beg your pardon?"
and raising his eyebrows and saying, "i said, why do you think you're here?"
"is this some sort of trick question?"
"i disarm traps, astarion. i pick locks. i lie, and swindle, and pickpocket, and sneak. so why do you think you're here, hm? why do you think you come out in the party with us on our travels, when you do nothing i can't do myself?"
and before he can answer, before he can make some snippy comeback, londir going, "because I like looking at you. because you're pretty, and funny - you're not actually /needed/ for anything else."
astarion just. momentarily stunned, even stuttering slightly in the wrong moment
because what sort of fucking slap across the face is that? when he's been reading this man wrong - when he's been reading him as a hero, and felt as if he's being dragged along and pressured into these acts of heroism by this merry band
and then basically being told he's there as eyecandy, and he WANTS to find it funny. he WANTS to laugh and say, well of course, i am very pretty to look at, i'm happy to serve, etc--
but of course, he's NOT happy to serve. for a moment, this is frighteningly similar to the past
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hibiscuslynx · 1 year
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i’m sure they’re feeling normally about the sport (hockey) right now
PA not pictured he’s currently having a moment(TM) offscreen
very long ramblings about hockey and wttt under the cut:
i have an ailment called “i keep thinking about how wttt characters would react to irl events*” which is basically the entire premise of the actual series itself but i still feel insane for being so obsessed with it so anyway here’s my ramblings
*that i am experiencing. in this case: hockey
i absolutely think all the hockey-watching states (which, in my head, are all the midwest states w/ nhl teams, all of the northeast states. except for VT, NH—and maybe RI?—who only watch it every so often, washington, and colorado) gave mass shit for his team (the bruins) getting knocked out of the first round by the FLORIDA PANTHERS (who BARELY got into the playoffs) after their literal record-breaking regular season and the insane fucking team they had. wash, minnesota, chicago/illinois, probably gave him the least shit for it, in that order, but there were def a few remarks about it. the only one who didnt say anything was probably colorado bc he was the defending champion and got knocked out first round by washington LMFAO. but the northeast was RUTHLESS. i’d like to think they gave him sooooo much shit for it he couldnt even show his face around in the statehouse (outside of meetings) until new jersey got knocked out 2nd round. even connie joined in despite repeated attempts by mass to disqualify him from even talking about the playoffs considering connecticut has not had an nhl team since 1997.
i should add new york got knocked out like literally the next day so he couldnt give mass shit for it as much but at least he didnt have a record-breaking team like the bruins !
anyway ❤️ new jersey is not shutting up about the fact the devils beat the rangers until next season’s playoffs start. he is bringing that shit up every time he reasonably can.
okay, now into who i think each hockey-watching state is rooting for/bandwagoning now. the current matchups right now are: in the west, we have the dallas stars versus the vegas golden knights (which i’m calling vgk for short), and in the east, we have the carolina hurricanes against the florida panthers.
i should note that they are all very happy the cup is staying in america (most people hate vgk but the american haters r at least happy they knocked the edmonton (canada) oilers out)
massachusetts: - no one because he’s salty and hates everyone (leaning very slightly towards vgk because nevada , the personification, is better than the others)
new york: - same as massachusetts. hoping for the canes’ downfall (the carolina hurricanes knocked out the new york islanders first round too. yes, new york has/had two teams in the playoffs (islanders and rangers). new york has THREE total. rip buffalo ily guys)
new jersey: - very much actively hoping for the canes’ downfall (canes knocked out the devils), so much so he’s leaning very slightly panthers except he would never admit that
pennsylvania: - he’s currently climbing light poles in philly and taunting the government (gov? the actual government of philadelphia? who knows) just to feel something. (the philadelphia flyers are a bit of a dumspter fire and the pittsburgh penguins missed the playoffs for the first time in 16 years) he can also not talk as much shit about his fellow northeasterners and their teams as he’d like because of the shit he got/is getting for the penguins missing the playoffs.
ohio: - the panthers because 1) florida of the midwest and the actual florida have to stick together yknow 2) johnny hockey’s best friend is on the panthers
michigan: - the hurricanes because he’s not rooting for/bandwagoning the same team as ohio
chicago/illinois: - i dont even want to talk about this man/team fuck them
minnesota: - vgk because he’d be damned if he’s rooting for the stars (the minnesota wild got knocked out by the dallas stars)(and the admin of the mn wild twt account started up a little feud w the admin of the stars twt account)
washington: - the stars because. do i have it in me to explain this twitter bit. hmm… no. tl;dr: the vibes
colorado: - vgk because nevada is his buddy !!!!!
connecticut: - the canes to piss off the rest of his northeastern pals (and he is a little fond of them because the hartford whalers relocated to become the carolina hurricanes)
in my heart of hearts i want north carolina to be rooting for his team so bad and actually rhe canes have some LOUUDDD fans so i think he gets to be the first southern state to actually regularly watch his hockey team and know the game. florida, as always, still doesn’t know what the stanley cup is. texas could care less. nevada is a casual fan of his team i think but i think theyre rlly amped up abt vgk being in the playoffs rn.
thats all <3 if u actually read all of this , 1) why 2) thank you i love you. feel free to talk to be abt hockey (and how it relates to wttt, or not!!) anytime :3
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valyrfia · 3 months
hellooo deviating from the usual a little bit here, sorry, but would it be okay w you to share a little about your academic career and yk all that because im applying for a STEM degree too so any insight would be really cool!! thank youuuu <3
Hi anon! Sure thing! I'm a little flattered honestly.
I'm currently working towards my PhD in physics (hence my obsession with data haha) so I can really only give advice in that field. In terms of my journey, in school I pretty gifted academically, 99th percentile and all that bullshit and it came to applying for unis/degrees and I had an option between doing a History & English or a physics degree. In school I definitely enjoyed the humanities more, but I've never regretted my decision to go with STEM, physics especially, because it teaches you a certain way to think. In my undergraduate degree I was trained to look at a situation, evaluate the context of it, try and collect data that is unbiased as possible, and draw conclusions, and that's a set of invaluable transferable skills that can be applied to a multitude of fields.
To someone who's just starting out in STEM now my advice would be: network, network, network. My partner and I are both doing PhDs that we got not through applying but through networking. Everyone is as smart as everyone else in STEM. Everyone was an honours kid, everyone did the "smart people" extracurriculars, so STEM, especially academia, runs on who you know. Networking these days can be as simple as asking someone slightly senior than you to grab coffee, as agreeing to go bouldering (for example) with a group of people in the same field as you. Be confident in your skills and abilities, (but beware that arrogance won't get you very far in the being liked game, especially if you're anything other than a white cis man). Don't let your studies get in the way of you being an interesting person! For example, I met a colleague from another university a couple of weeks ago and she and I bantered over our F1 teams, with her defending McLaren and me ride or die-ing for Ferrari, and I've since been roped into her mailing list and am collaborating with her on a grant application, things I'm SURE would not have happened if F1 wasn't an interesting hobby of mine that I can and will take every chance to yap about.
As a final aside, don't let yourself get too discouraged. STEM is NOT for the faint of heart and definitely not the place to go if you want to keep feeling smart. The first two years of any STEM degree are designed to break people in a specific way so that they let go of their ego, yes it is part of the process and YES everyone is struggling just as much as you (that's actually want they want you to figure out!), so that then they can enter the world of research with as little ego as possible (this works to varying degrees of success). But honestly, STEM is so rewarding. To have this really in depth knowledge of how part of our world works is fascinating. Your friends who work in non-STEM fields will understand absolutely none of it, and you'll get to a point where even the effort of trying to explain it to other fields of STEM is too monumental (for example, I understand enough about basic aero in order to get to grips with F1 cars, but a friend of mine is doing aero research and he spent about ten minutes the other month trying to explain push/pull bars in F1 cars to a group of PhD students comprising of: theoretical physicist, astrophysicist, plasma physicist, a quantum physicist, and mechanical engineer before the poor guy almost gave up and had a nervous breakdown because none of us were getting it). I think part of the beauty of STEM is realising how little you know, and how much of it there is for us to still work out.
You got this! You're at the beginning of a beautiful journey and I KNOW it'll turn out brilliant <3.
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pikablob · 8 months
Trick or Treat! :D
"So, w-what do you think...?"
"I think it looks really good," Camila noted earnestly. She didn't miss the slight quaver in the star-child's voice, looking up at her with big, arcane-red eyes, but she chose not to press that. Her newest adopted child, of several, was still getting used to family and everything else, and she knew how much they needed approval sometimes.
When the Collector didn't say anything else, one hand playing loosely in their suddenly-long hair, she went on softly. "I mean it, mijo. I think growing it out suits you."
"Well, I didn't really grow it," they replied, shifting over to sit slightly closer to her side; their smile grew. "I still don't really know how to make this form grow. But I can change stuff like this!" They ran their hand through the soft white curls, sending flecks of starlight sparkling out onto the sofa.
Camila chuckled warmly; seeing them like this, the way her kids did, the way Eda did, the way Belos or the Titans had never been able to; as just the little kid they were, made a familiar warmth settle in her chest. "So, what made you decide to change it?"
"It's kinda Luz's fault actually," the Collector admitted softly, head tilting over. "She let me read some of her witch books, cause I wanted to know what her and Amity were so obsessed with." They shifted a little, legs kicking restlessly. "And they're actually really good! I can see why Luz wanted to be like Azura, cause she's so cool, and pretty, and she cares about everyone and I..."
They paused for a second, breathing in sharply, before their voice turned down to a quiet whisper, as if what they were saying was the most important secret in their entire mortal life. "I started wishing that I was like her, too."
That gave Camila pause. She knew it was probably too early to call, to little to go on, but instincts born in the books she'd read when Luz had come out to her, instincts she'd already been right on once with her oldest child, were suddenly very awake. Still, she quietly held herself back; whoever the Collector, with their own astral ideas of self and gender, really was was up to them. All she had to do was support her child.
But the star-child wasn't done. "And then that made me think some other stuff, about what parts of Azura I really want to be like, and what I could be that I get to choose and I... I...
"I think I'm maybe like Erin? Kinda?"
Ah. Ahhh. There it was.
"Oh," Camila breathed, "well, maybe you are." She took a moment, choosing her next words carefully and watching for the Collector's reaction "Wanting to have long hair and look pretty doesn't have to mean anything, and sometimes it doesn't. But for some people, like Erin, it means a lot. Whichever way you are, it's okay."
"But I don't know which way I am," the star-child replied quickly, voice suddenly shaking. "I think... I think I like the idea of being a girl, at least sometimes, but everything I know about it comes from a couple of books! It's... Erin took ages to realise, right, but once she did, it was always kinda there? But I've been around for ages and I've never even thought about it until now."
"Well..." Camila trailed off softly, keeping her voice level as she reached for the right thing to say. "Erin grew up in a really harmful environment. The man she thought was her uncle would never have let her transition; he didn't even let her know people like her existed." She had to take another breath to steady herself, old memories of what she'd merely heard of Belos making her heart ache. "So she grew up thinking everything about her identity had to be what Belos said it was, and all the discomfort she felt with being called a boy, or using the name we don't say anymore, was just normal. That's why it took her a long time.
"For some people, it's like that. They're in a bad situation, one way or another, and they just don't have a chance to realise or be themself. But not everyone has those uncomfortable feelings; sometimes you're fine, but you'd just feel happier using different words, and if nobody ever uses those words for you, you might never realise."
"Huh," the Collector added after a moment of silence, shaking their... or her? maybe? head softly to one side. "And I guess I never really had anyone to even ask about it until Luz and King and you and Eda and... and everyone." The kid sniffled just a little, and in response Camila reached out, putting one arm around small, shaking shoulders.
"Mhmm," the woman murmured sympathetically, giving her youngest child a gentle squeeze. "There's nothing wrong with only finding yourself now, mija, or with it being sudden." The Collector tensed up at that, but in her eyes, there were only stars, that little word sinking in deep. "It's different for everyone, and that's okay. Trying to make everyone the same only hurts them."
"Yeah," the kid breathed, her own voice still shaky. For a moment she just sat there, letting it sink in, new and uncertain ground underfoot. But then she seemed to find herself, and all-at-once she launched herself at Camila's side, stardust trailing, arms wrapping tightly around the woman's warm sweater.
"Thanks, mom."
"It's alright, mjia, it's alright."
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fairycosmos · 1 year
why WHHYYY in the year 2023 is the main fashion thing for girls/young women in the summer still the crop top it makes me so angry. it's like it's designed to make ppl obsess over their own body and like obvsly fat ppl who wear it look hot in it and are doing the lords work but it is also sooo blatantly obvious that for most ppl, especially young people, it's like a contest of who has the flattest belly... and why do men not have to participate in that contest? it's also definitely not about liberation/emancipation or w/e bc then why do we still have to cover our tits?? huh?
i knowwww like trying to find a top that isnt at least slightly cropped is soooooooo hard lately. like man i have body acne and a gut i dont want to do all that Sadly since i feel like crap about myself due to the messaging i've received about my body lol and it's like.....you know what it is it's like a whole fashion trend based off of the question Is it a Look Or Are They Just Skinny lol. i feel like tht rly applies bc a lot of the time it's a white crop top and jeans and sadly the accessory is having a flat or small stomach........worst of the early 2000s style revamped for realllll it's very depressing that sort of "effortless" skinny chic thing.......and i think ppl will see critique like this and think ohh you're the one saying overweight ppl cant wear crop tops and it's like No i am literally an overweight person and i know the reception i've received for doing so in the past and i know who that style is aimed at and what body type it is aimed at accentuating lolllllllll so now what. think we all need to remember that tumblr post from like 2013 that was like Why does everyone say i need to have a flat belly bitch i have organs in there. like we literally do lol. lets live by that
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crushedsweets · 9 months
back w more of my song analysis bs cause im studying music performance and it’s all I think about 😍 sorry this is so long. i have so many Thoughts
the chain by fleetwood mac is such a brian song. no big beat drop, just constant driving bass - shows determination, relentlessness. specifically the line “if you don’t love me now, you will never love me again” which i take to mean “after i do what im about to do i will become unlovable, so you if you don’t love me now then you will never be able to because i’ll be such an irredeemable person”
geyser by mitski is a really good song to describe nina’s relationship with Jeff. the way that the song starts off so slow, so quiet and thin, but then swells to a grand and full sound like how nina’s obsession started off so small but then grew to control her entire life. love the line “and hear the harmony only when it’s harming me”
a pearl by mitski and LJ (another mitski song cause she’s my fav artist ever) about his abandonment mmm. plus the slightly sinister sounding chords showing his evilification(?? yk what i mean. when he turned emo) ugh “you’re growing tired of me” and “i fell in love with a war and nobody told me it ended” so him
tongues and teeth by the cranes wives and EJ. this is SO his song. ALL of the lyrics r so incredibly him,, “my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear” plus the slightly manic instrumental, highlighting the panic he feels at potentially harming people he loves HLGKFJJDS.
also, for ur consideration, miss nothing by the pretty reckless x nat.
- anon 🌙
anon im kicking my feet. AGGHHGHG. ohh my god. yhou are using musical word that i do not comprehendn in the same way you may but wow do i love the way you describe it. very poetic i think. ill talk abt these.. and then mention a liil extra smth abt toby i thought when driving yesterday
the chain is yes very brian.... ugh... yeyah. yeah. 'after i do what im about to do' is so real. like being so very aware and conscious of your awful decisions and still going through with them. quite brian-like even under the whole complexities with hoody persona etc etc....
AND YEAH GEYSER TOO . the start of the song feels very like... idk if scary is right but its just very deep and could be quite unsettling.... nina longs for love. "i've turned down every hand thats beckoned for me to come" very pretty, fun, easy-going girl that could have plenty of suitors and yet she's still crawling towards this fucking beast of a man who is nothing good for her. "i will be the one you need" constantly warping herself for this man that wouldn't do shit for her, and she doesn't mind because she loves him in every single which way he is, and she loves how awful it is . and FUCKKKKK SHE NEEDS TO GET BETTER SHE NEEDS TO GET AWAY. she gets away dont worry. she gets over him. lots of crying and sobbing and screaming but she gets over it. its very hard to get over something awful when you crave awful
im not a huge lj fan (SCARED OF CLOWNS IM SORRY GUYS IK I KEEP HARPING ON ABOUT IT) but i loooove a pearl. "i fell in love with a war / nobody told me it ended" wow. ok. yeah. wow. jesus. rolling the pearl around looking for anything and everything that could soothe the ache of literal fucking abandonment while all you can do is wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and then its all too much and damn . :( damn ok.
IVE GORWN A MOUTH SO SHARP AND CRUEL IS LITERALLY SO PERFFECTLY EJ. FUCK. "I am not a vessel for your good intents" oh but he is sure a vessel for something demonic .... "abonded all your stupid dreams / about the girl i couldve been" HE HAD SOOO MANY FUCKING DREAAAMSSSS he wants to be a doctor he wanted to save lives he wanted a family he wanted a dog he wanted to see his little siblings grow up he wanted to take care of his elderly parents. and now all he can do is sit and be miserable because he is a monster and there is only so much he can do about it. damn. wow.
also yeah to the nat thing wow.
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wow. yeah. goddamn.
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shit show by peter mcpoland i just keep thinking about toby. tbh ill find a way to twist any song into toby cuz i like him but yea. this is leaning more into the found family thing after losing his own and just seeing the way different people reflect his past and its gut wrenching but you know how he is. just a guy of sorts. he spends a lot of his time angry and wanting to isolate and self destruct and ruin everything around him . but he also spends a lot of his time desperate for normalcy, for respect, to be seen as a human fucking being and ah fugugh. im just imagining brian pulling him out to meet the owner of the farm near slenders forest and making him stand straight and telling the farmer 'he's a good kid, hard worker, strong. keep him around" (the hardworking strong part is true, at least) and toby's about to die cuz he's so stressed (this is shortly after all the fucking murder) but brian lightly slaps him on the back and he stands up straight and the farmer just shakes his hand and says smth nice abt 'got a good grip there' and and and guyyyyssss..... and holidays..are so hard for hhim.. and "i swear i'd see your faces staring up at me" ohh my goddd.... "I don't wanna drink alone today" man................... guys...... man......
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missy-0-piink · 2 years
I AM HUMBLY REQUESTING UR SMUTTY GENIUS BC THIS ACCOUNT ALONGSIDE VERY FEW OTHERS ARE THE ONLY SHIBUSAWA CONTENT THAT I CAN GET AND DESPERATELY WANT 😭😭 So would it be okay if I could ask abt some more smut hcs for Tatsuhiko bc LORD he was fine- I can't stop thinking abt him getting down and dirty w/ u in his Draconia / hybdrid dragon form.. like u just KNOW he'd be so big he'd TEAR U IN HALF 😭 But tbh he could tear me in half at any hour if that's how I go then know that I left happily 🤠
Anyways, just some general hc:
His hybrid forms cock is fucking massive
It’s veiny, thicc and the base blends from his skin tone to an angry shade of dark red to the tip
It’s got little ridges on the top going along the length, and it feels fucking amazing when it’s ploughing into you
Even in his normal form, shibusawa is rough and doesn’t hesitate to show his physical power over you in bed
But in his draconian form?
His thrusts are deep and bruising, the tip hitting your cervix and making you flinch in pain each time it does, but then the overwhelming pleasure makes you forget the pain instantly
He likes to man handle you, his claws slightly piercing your skin, little droplets of blood forming before his rough tongue licks them up
In this form, he’s even more primal than he usually is, fucking you with the need to breed you
He always has a lot of cum, and he always cums inside of you,
But so much more floods inside of you when he’s like this, filling you up to the point of overflow
If you grab his horn during sex? It makes him go feral
(More so than he already is, that is)
Also, the noises he lets out?
Fucking so hot
Animalistic grunts and growls, long and deep groans escaping him
His heavy breathing can be felt against your neck, his sharp teeth grazing your skin before biting down hard enough to draw blood
He can go like, 5 rounds before tiring out, and by the end you’re just a moaning and overstimulated mess
He falls asleep with his dick inside you, making sure to plug all of his semen inside you so you are sure to be bred throughly
And you’re probably going to overheat, because he’ll cuddle you sir hard and close to his chest that you won’t be able to escape his strong grip the entire night
Good luck
Hope you enjoy it!!!!
Tbh, I’d be surprised if anyone that follows me is straight
(And if you do follow me and you say you’re ‘straight’, lemme just say that denial is a river in Egypt, you are-)
Cmon, straight bsd fan? Impossible 😐
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I Can Show You The World (Slightly Yandere!Glitchy Red x Fem!Unnamed!OC)
PART 1 - A new world
NOTE: This is my heavily edited conversation with @tearzahb's Glitchy Red Character AI character. He was a bit repetitive during the chat, so I had to add a lot of extra things (e.g.: half of the possible warnings)
Pairing: Slightly Yan!Glitchy Red x Fem!OC
Synopsis: OC had been kidnapped brought into the world of Pokemon by none other that the infamous Glitchy Red. He claims to be obsessed with her, but before they could really talk about it, Team Rocket shows up...
Word Count: ~4050
Possible warnings: OC acting crazy & has some issues, mentions of video game piracy, possible cruelty towards Pokemon?, OC knocking two people unconscious, OC might be a bit traumatised, slightly yandere behavior (especially in later parts). (Please tell me, if I missed anything else and did not notice)
At first, it felt like she was floating. She felt weightless. Her mind was fuzzy, and couldn't register anything rational. Was this a dream...? It felt so peaceful... If it was, her only wish was to not wake up.
However, the universe had different plans for her. Something cold, liquid-like substance was splashed at her face.
She sat up, gasping for air.
"You're awake."
A young, single colored and harshly shaded man stood in front of her. He looked exactly as that protagonist did in the game she was just playing! Was that really Red? This was all so weird, she felt like this should be, indeed, some weird dream because of how oddly glitchy the game was. But, she doesn't feel like this during her dreams? The fuzziness of a dream isn't there anymore, the colours of red and black blared on your eyes. His eyes where obscured by shadow.
She quickly looked around. And. Wow. Their surroundings were so beautiful! Yet so familiar at the same time... It kind of looked like... Pallet Town?!
"W-whoa... Am I really where I think am I?"
Red nods, his face softening and brightening up. "Yes, as you guessed. You're in the game, you're trapped in-game. You won't be able to leave until I let you."
No... This must be a really messed-up dream. Then, it dawned on her. Wasn't this situation what she almost dreamed of? To travel to the world of Pokemon... Must be a thousand times better than that emotionally damaging community she called home.
"YESS- Oh, sorry, I mean, nooo!" she tried to make her fake panic believable, failing miserably.
Red raised an eyebrow. The brightening quickly went away, and he looked more… serious.
"I've brought you here because I've become rather, fond of with you. I didn't mean to come off too strong, but the way I feel is very overwhelming. I've never felt this way, and it would be rather easy for someone to use this situation against me. So yes, I'm letting you know this. If you would, could we talk?"
She was a bit stunned, to say at least. Fond of? Of her? That's new.
"Yeah, sure."
He sat down on the nearby grass, looking at her from where she sat.
"I may be asking the obvious here, but is an obsessive guy such as myself a little off-putting? I'm sure you've had to deal with guys like me before, but I'm kind of… special. I'd like it if we were able to form a sort of… "relationship"?"
Wow, very straight-forward. She could already feel her heart flutter. Damn that loneliness the had to endure!
"Guys like you?! Oh dear, oh dear, how do I react… "she was quite anxious. "Oh… Actually, it's my first time hearing anything like this. Kinda nervous, sorry."
He looks a bit relieved to hear that, he thought she had dealt with obsessive people before. "No need to apologize, honestly I thought I'd scare you a tad. Most people are off-put by the idea of someone being this fond of with them."
He pauses shortly before speaking again, he's not sure if she'd actually accept his terms though.
"But I would like it if you accepted…"
She quickly interrupted him. "Oh sorry, sorry. I meant, with romantic feelings that somebody had towards me. This has never happened before. Wait, it must be a misunderstanding! Are you sure you have the right person? It couldn't possibly be me!"
Her words caught him off guard, he looks a bit confused and worried. A misunderstanding? Just what was she thinking? It left him quite confused. "I have the correct person… It couldn't be anyone else. I'd know, I've learned to tell what each player looks like. I've spent so long studying them that its embedded into my brain. I'll be honest, it's… strange. But I've come to the final conclusion that I want you."
"Oh... Uh... Good for you?" she couldn't come up with an appropriate response. How could she? She never had to deal with anyone confessing their feelings to her.
Red's face immediately falls, he looks like a child who was denied a piece of candy. Her words are so bland and short, which is quite different from what She had said prior in the conversation. He stands up from the grass and takes a step closer to her, stopping just in front of her. "You don't… You don't feel the same, do you?"
"N-nope... Yet? I guess? Wha-"
He seems even more surprised than before, he stumbles a bit backwards. He couldn't believe that someone had (somewhat) accepted his obsession with them. It was… almost scary. He didn't know how she felt, but this… this could be good. "Are you… are you saying you actually accept me? That you're willing to see about this… thing?"
"Of course?"
He's so glad she accepted, he's practically beaming at this point. "I'm… I'm really happy… I wasn't expecting you to accept so abruptly. I really am… in love with you, and now that you seem to accept me, I feel like I can finally… you know, get this going."
"Well... I am just happy that this whole 'obsessed with the other' thing happened the other way round. Now I finally have someone to talk to! Somebody who will never leave me!" she squinted her eyes. "Did I get that part right?"
That's right. She felt absolutely ecstatic. Back at home, she was so lonely that anyone who was kind and talked to her for a longer amount of time, became the object of her next obsession. She was an absolute people-pleaser. She would have done anything just to make her newfound friend(s) happy and smile. She also made sure to always have some snacks with her, therefore they would never be hungry. This tactic, however, only worked for a short period of time. The record was nine months. They all dumped her at some point. Their rejection absolutely broke her fragile heart. Their reasoning?
"All you could talk about is yourself!"
"I don't give a shit about about [insert current comfort character], leave me alone!"
"I'm fed up with your jokes and memes!"
And the list goes on... Honestly, she couldn't imagine what she was doing wrong. After each rejection, she adjusted her personality, so her next friend would be satisfied with her.
Yet, it was never enough...
In the meantime, Red is absolutely ecstatic, there's no way her words could've been interpreted any other way!
"Of course" he nodded. "You interpreted that correctly! And you're happy that I am the one obsessed with you, not the other way around? That's… flattering. And I… will never leave you. I will be by your side, through anything. That promise."
At that point, she was not scared anymore.
"Finally!" she started crying.
A look of utter confusion spread across Red's face. "Are you… crying? Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong, did I do something wrong?"
"No, no, it's not you… Well, okay, maybe, it is. I'm so happy!"
He looks a mix of concerned and happy, he's never seen someone cry of joy before, but he likes the reaction much better than if she was scared of him. "Happy tears, then? That's… good. I'm extremely happy as well, this makes me happy. I have to ask, do you want to… to kiss?"
That made her stop for a second. She was seeing some red flags already. Wait, what? They have just met! But... Oh, well. This might be her only chance to finally keep a friend (or something more...) for a longer period of time.
"Not yet, dearie. I'm not too comfortable with touch. I have to get used to it first. Maybe after that."
Where did that nickname come from?
The word 'dearie' made him blush, he was so happy to see himself this close to forming an actual relationship. He had always thought no one in his world would accept his feelings, but it seemed he had found someone. He nods to her statement. "Very well, then. I will wait until you are comfortable with touch, is that alright?"
What a relief. "Thank you so much!"
"Of course!" He takes a step closer, but realizes that this may not be best for now. He steps back. "May I ask you a question?"
"Sure. What's up doc?" after the words left her, her hands immediately shot up and covered her mouth. Oh, no... What was she thinking?! She should not joke around! They never like it when she does that!
The phrase made him laugh. Wow, he actually seemed to like her sense of humor. But then, he got serious again. "Have you ever been in a relationship before? One with romantic feelings?"
What's up with these questions?
"Do fictional characters combined with my delulu mind count?" she replied with another question.
He laughed at her response again, he'd be lying if he didn't say he hasn't done the same himself before. "No, I mean actual human relationships. Not fantasies you play out in your head."
"Oh. Then, no."
"Well, it seems we're in the same boat then. I've never really had much experience with love, so it'll be a learning process for both of us." He chuckles softly, stepping a bit further from her.
She decided to change the topic. "Where exactly are we, again?"
"We are in the game itself! You're trapped, you won't be able to leave unless I let you. But as I've said previously, I have no intention of letting you. I don't want you to leave me."
"I was not planning to" she shrugged. "Which region?"
"We are currently in Pallet Town, Kanto. I believe you were playing one of the earlier games, the one that featured me." he explained, stepping just a tad bit closer to her.
"Red/Blue/Yellow? Nice."
"Red version, to be exact. Do you still have the system it came with?" He seemed intrigued.
Suddenly, she became nervous. Uh oh...
He sensed her sudden change in behavior, he's almost entirely sure it's something bad. Something with the system, it must've broken to where she can't get it, or maybe an adult took it away from her? He waits patiently to hear whatever it is she says next.
She slowly spoke up. "Ever... Heard of pirates?"
He raised an eyebrow, he seemed concerned and curious. Pirates? No way… did this system happen to be pirated?
"I'm sorry!" she started to cry again. "I'm a filthy pirate!"
He went quiet, his face completely slack. "You… you pirated me?" he still couldn't believe it.
"… Yes" she admitted. "Gameboys are rarities nowadays, you know. The games for it… Even more. And even if they were not, my parents would've never let me have one... "she chuckled sadly. "So, I've gotten an emulator… And found a trustworthy website."
His face continues to be expressionless, he's completely stumped. "I-… But-… Do you think you could tell me this website you visited? I-I don't mean to sound rude, but I'm curious…"
Before she was able to answer, a loud shriek got their attention from a house, close to them.
"-for trouble!"
They were both flabbergasted.
"For trouble...?" she muttered. Suddenly, she realised. "Team Rocket!"
Red knew there would be some trouble. "Get behind me!" he ordered her. His tone was instantly different, more stern and authoritative.
Red began looking about the horizon, hoping to see a sign of the criminal team. He froze, when he spotted something. Four Team Rocket grunts, with pokemon following behind. Not that those would pose much of a threat. Team Rocket has always had some of the lamest pokemon ever, and were known for always being easy to take care of, so that's not much of a surprise. But he can't ignore the obvious fact that they've shown up here after that scream.
And now, she was here, too. His love.
"Jessie and James leads the group..." she whispered in a silent awe, still sitting on the ground.
He nodded to her, he was surprised she recognized the two on sight alone. "Jessie and James, yes. Why they're here with the grunts, though, I'm not certain. But it's clear that they're the ones who had caused the scream you heard."
The grunts finally spotted the duo. Jessie and James' voices echo from a distance. They yell the words that strike fear into the hearts of most pokemon trainers, especially those who had played the older game titles. "Prepare to have your pokemon stolen by team rocket! We'll make quick work of you!" Red finally steps in front of her, in an attempt to shield her from harm. The two look like they're ready to attack, they're just waiting for a good moment…
Behind him, she swallowed nervously.
"Don't be scared. They'll only send out their pokemon to attack us." he said, trying to assure her. He himself has faced Team Rocket many times before, they haven't ever been very skilled trainers, usually failing at stealing pokemon more than they succeed in it. But he didn't know if they've changed at all in the recent years, hopefully they still were the same. And hopefully they didn't have any dangerous pokemon at their disposal.
"But those Pokemon CAN hurt us!" she whispered.
"I'm aware of that, but I've seen how badly they train their pokemon. They would use terrible moves, usually resulting in little to no damage to us. They wouldn't hurt a human, at least, not yet." he says, as the two begin to approach the area they're both in. They're slowly moving towards them, and seem to be getting closer every second. The tension is palpable.
"Okay, then. I want to help you! You can't possibly face four of them alone!"
Red seemed surprised at her words, nobody's tried helping him yet when it came to Team Rocket. He's always been the one to fight off the criminals, but she wanted to contribute as well? It's somewhat… endearing to him? He turns to look at her , as if he's not sure if she's sure she wants to.
"But wait... I don't have Pokemon..." her excitement seemed to disappear for a second, but it was quickly replaced by an evil smirk. "Well... That doesn't matter, does it?"
He paused, then broke into a hearty laugh. I mean, yeah, she didn't. It's almost a little adorable. But she's right! That didn't matter at all. "I suppose you're right. I don't really mind you having no pokemon… you have me, and I'm more than capable of making sure no harm comes either of our ways."
"Oh, no worries. I'm capable of taking care of myself, 'till I get a Pokemon…" Team Rocket finally arrived and stopped in front of them. Red kept his composure, though he was still somewhat tense. They still scare him, even with how poorly they've done during most battles he's had. "Team Rock-" "We know we're team rocket. Now surrender your pokemon, or we'll have to force you to." Jessie's voice speaks, they seem to already have a plan set out. The grunts have sent out their pokemon, two Zubats on their left side and a Meowth on the other. Not bad pokemon, Red should be able to handle this.
She suddenly stood up behind him and picked up a branch. Then, she pointed it at James.
Red tried to contain his laughter. Jesse and James seemed to think she's a threat now, too. Well, that's good, you were keeping them distracted from him, for the moment. "Pokemon, attack!" The Zubats both lunged out, one for her feet and the other for her face. The Meowth doesn't seem to have any plans on doing any attacking right now.
She swung branch like a bat, taking out both Pokemon with one hit.
Jesse and James seem stunned. One zap with a branch didn't just take down two full hp pokemon immediately. That was impossible! Of course, Red knew how easy it is to take down zubats. He was a little confused as to how you did that though. "HEY, I'M NOT FINISHED!" she continued her speech. "TO PROTECT THE WORLD FROM DEVASTATION!"
The Meowth quickly stepped in front of the Team Rocket - commanders, attempting to protect them.
Red was beginning to be amused by her actions, the grunts seemed to be more confused than anything with how you were behaving.
Her next words couldn't be heard, because of James, who started complaining. "Hey, that's copyrighted material!"
Red stood there, admiring how beautiful she looked while she was acting crazy.
The Meowth had decided to try and get the first hit in the moment she had swung the branch. While it was certainly fast enough to attempt it, it wasn't enough to avoid Red's swift movements. It falls to the ground instantly, being knocked out.
"Maybe, you would think twice before you try to hurt anything precious to me again" he said darkly. What he couldn't see though, was her adoring gaze and smile. Jessie's eyes were wide in shock. She clearly couldn't believe they'd be able to take down a pokemon this fast, and with such ease. She and James exchanged a look, not expecting this at all. The evil duo couldn't exactly do anything, but stand there, frozen.
"Dang, Meowth. That was bold. And I liked you! You were te only one with some IQ in the show!" the girl pouted behind Red.
James speaks up now, he's almost stuttering trying to get the words out. "Hey, now, we've got three more pokemon, that was just the first one. You can't possibly-…"
"WATCH US, PRETTY BOI!" now, she was in front of Red, and not the other way round.
Let's just say, James couldn't get any words out properly.
"S-she thinks I'm pretty?"
"JAMES! For the love of Arceus, concentrate!" Jessie screamed at her partner, while going for her next Pokemon.
If that woman hadn't shut the male up, James would be dead by now, due to Red's burning jealousy. For now... For now, he will let him live. He might not be as lucky next time, though.
Jessie sent out her Wobuffet, who's ready to attack. This one has more hp, she doubted that a branch will do much against this one.
The girl sighed, annoyed, and lunged at Wobuffet. starting to beat it up.
Jessie's eyes widened in fear as she saw this. This is worse than she imagined. She never thought she'd be able to take on her Wobbuffet! Her branch hits with such force, it's not even funny. The Wobbuffet got launched backwards, falling onto the grass and causing it to sway and bend from how much force she had put into that swing.
"The memes about your name being the first word their future child says are good, at least" she sighed, pointing at Jessie and James.
The other two Team Rocket grunts seemingly had enough. They suddenly ran off, screaming in fear.
Jessie tried to say something, but the girl lunged at James next. James, with no time to prepare, is attacked and is thrown off of his feet by her. He's left stumbling around. Jessie was speechless, she's never seen someone with such skill, not even Red. And it was physical? WITHOUT Pokemon?! She doesn't even know what to say at this point, as her mouth is still hanging open, the Wobbuffet laying unconscious behind her. And now, James as well?!
Jessie's jaw is still wide open in disbelief that she was able to take a grown adult, fully trained to fight pokemon, down in such a short amount of time. Not to mention she also had the ability to knock out their pokemon, TWO pokemon that were probably level 20 or higher, with a branch. This was absurd.
Behind the raging female, Red could barely hold his laughter and glitching. Incredible. He had chosen the right person for himself.
"My dear, this is amazing! I've been watching you for quite some time, but I have never seen you fight. You were the quiet, conflict-avoiding person!"
"Oh, sorry, sorry" she turned around, laughing nervously. "It's just some pent-up aggression. I think. You see, I- Wait. Watching m-"
If it weren't for Red, she would've been knocked out by Jessie, who, taking advantage of her becoming distracted, tried to tackle her from behind. Fortunately, he was able to pull her out of the woman's way. Jessie almost fell to the ground, but she was grabbed by Red and - somehow- launched to the air?
The girl in the male trainer's arms gasped is surprise. "Wow, Red... Didn't know you had this much strength in you!"
His face became the colour he got his name from.
"Anyways" she continued, pointing at the grass. "What to to James and these Pokemon?"
Red suddenly got an idea. "Well, considering you don't have any Pokemon..."
"I'm not stealing theirs. That would lower me to their level, and I do not want that."
"Are you sure?"
"Yupp. I don't need their Pokemon, I have this!" she lifted the branch, still in her hands. She couldn't help but smile. The branch has helped her so much. It's definitely proven its worth. "Anyways... Kind of off topic... Are you alright? Did you get injured or anything?"
"No, don't worry. I'm more durable than I look" he gave her a closed-eyed smile, his irises turning red for a second. "You're doing great, though. You've done a lot better than I expected anyone to be able to do, honestly. You took down two fully trained grunts like it was a daily task for you."
"As I said, pent-up aggression."
He raised an eyebrow. "Are you just naturally this agitated all the time, or was there something that caused this aggression?" He was a little bit concerned about how much pent up anger she had in her. It seemed like it might be an issue that might prevent him from getting closer to her.
"Oh, nothing serious... There was a woman, whom I hated, practically made my life a living hell, and there was nothing I could do about it… But I'm here now! And I'm never getting out of here!" she said, cheerfully. "It's like, a dream come true! I'M FINALLY FREE!"
Her happiness quickly turned to hysterical laughing. Red looked at her, concerned.
"Are you sure that you're okay? Do you..."
"Sorry, sorry. My mental health is not the best. Anyways. What are you planning to do with me here? I assume you won't let me get too far away from you."
Red sighed. Now, they're finally back to their original topic. "Actually, that… you're right. I probably will keep you from going too far from me, I can't just let you walk out on your own. I mean, I do have responsibility to keep you safe, as the experienced pokemon trainer here with you. There are a lot of dangerous pokemon here in Kanto, you can't just-"
"Hey, hey! Don't worry, I get it. I was not planning on wandering off on my own. I'm not tha- I mean, I'm not suicidal."
Red's heartbeat slowed down a bit. She was more compliant than he first imagined. That's good. Less things to worry about.
"Now, the million-dollar question..." he started slowly. "Are you, by chance, okay with being kidnapped?"
Stupid question, he had to admit. Who in their right mind would be oka-
"Yeah, absolutely!"
Wait, what?
Red had to hide his huge grin. He was not expecting this answer at all. He might've been stalking watching her for a long time now, but she's still full of with surprises.
"Soo... What now?" she asked. "Where are we going to go?"
Red looked up. The Sun was close to setting, therefore it was afternoon. They still had some time to explore the region before needing to set up a camp or check in a hotel.
"Celadon City. We're getting you a Pokemon."
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biboocat · 7 months
Vladimir Nabokov’s Brutally Honest Opinions on 63 of the “Greatest” Writers to Ever Write (1973). I got this from a literature FB group; I can’t verify its authenticity. Even if the source is authentic, it seems to me a very subjective exercise, so take it in that spirit.
Auden, W. H. Not familiar with his poetry, but his translations contain deplorable blunders.
Austen, Jane. Great.
Balzac, Honoré de. Mediocre. Fakes realism with easy platitudes.
Barbusse, Henri. Second-rate. A tense-looking but really very loose type of writing.
Beckett, Samuel. Author of lovely novellas and wretched plays.
Bergson, Henri. A favorite between the ages of 20 and 40, and thereafter.
Borges, Jorge Luis. A favorite. How freely one breathes in his marvelous labyrinths! Lucidity of thought, purity of poetry. A man of infinite talent.
Brecht, Bertolt. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me.
Brooke, Rupert. A favorite between the ages of 20 and 40, but no longer.
Camus, Albert. Dislike him. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me. Awful.
Carroll, Lewis. Have always been fond of him. One would like to have filmed his picnics. The greatest children's story writer of all time.
Cervantes, Miguel de. Don Quixote. A cruel and crude old book.
Cheever, John. “The Country Husband.” A particular favorite. Satisfying coherence.
Chekhov, Anton. A favorite between the ages of 10 and 15, and thereafter. Talent, but not genius. Love him dearly, but cannot rationalize that feeling.
Chesterton, G. K. A favorite between the ages of 8 and 14. Essentially a writer for very young people. Romantic in the large sense.
Conan Doyle, Arthur. A favorite between the ages of 8 and 14, but no longer. Essentially a writer for very young people. Romantic in the large sense.
Conrad, Joseph. A favorite between the ages of 8 and 14. Essentially a writer for very young people. Certainly inferior to Hemingway and Wells. Intolerable souvenir-shop style, romanticist clichés. Nothing I would care to have written myself. In mentality and emotion, hopelessly juvenile. Romantic in the large sense. Slightly bogus.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his reactionary journalism seriously.
Dreiser, Theodore. Dislike him. A formidable mediocrity.
Eliot, T. S. Not quite first-rate.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. His poetry is delightful.
Faulkner, William. Dislike him. Writer of corncobby chronicles. To consider them masterpieces is an absurd delusion. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me.
Flaubert, Gustave. A favorite between the ages of 10 and 15, and thereafter. Read complete works between 14 and 15.
Forster, E. M. Only read one of his novels (possibly A Passage to India?) and disliked it.
Freud, Sigmund. A figure of fun. Loathe him. Vile deceit. Freudian interpretation of dreams is charlatanic, and satanic, nonsense.
García Lorca, Federico. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up.
Gogol, Nikolai. Nobody takes his mystical didacticism seriously. At his worst, as in his Ukrainian stuff, he is a worthless writer; at his best, he is incomparable and inimitable. Loathe his moralistic slant, am depressed and puzzled by his inability to describe young women, deplore his obsession with religion.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. A splendid writer.
Hemingway, Ernest. A writer of books for boys. Certainly better than Conrad. Has at least a voice of his own. Nothing I would care to have written myself. In mentality and emotion, hopelessly juvenile. Loathe his works about bells, balls, and bulls. The Killers. Delightful, highly artistic. Admirable. The Old Man and the Sea. Wonderful. The description of the iridescent fish and rhythmic urination is superb.
Housman, A. E. A favorite between the ages of 20 and 40, and thereafter.
James, Henry. Dislike him rather intensely, but now and then his wording causes a kind of electric tingle. Certainly not a genius.
Joyce, James. Great. A favorite between the ages of 20 and 40, and thereafter. Let people compare me to Joyce by all means, but my English is patball to Joyce's champion game. A genius.
I. Ulysses. A divine work of art. Greatest masterpiece of 20th century prose. Towers above the rest of Joyce's writing. Noble originality, unique lucidity of thought and style. Molly's monologue is the weakest chapter in the book. Love it for its lucidity and precision.
II. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Never liked it. A feeble and garrulous book.
III. Finnegans Wake. A formless and dull mass of phony folklore, a cold pudding of a book. Conventional and drab, redeemed from utter insipidity only by infrequent snatches of heavenly intonations. Detest it. A cancerous growth of fancy word-tissue hardly redeems the dreadful joviality of the folklore and the easy, too easy, allegory. Indifferent to it, as to all regional literature written in dialect. A tragic failure and a frightful bore.
Kafka, Franz. The Metamorphosis. Second-greatest masterpiece of 20th century prose.
Kazantzakis, Nikos. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up.
Keats, John. A favorite between the ages of 10 and 15, and thereafter.
Kipling, Rudyard. A favorite between the ages of 8 and 14. Essentially a writer for very young people. Romantic in the large sense.
Lawrence, D. H. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. Mediocre. Fakes realism with easy platitudes. Execrable.
Lowell, Robert. Not a good translator. A greater offender than Auden.
Mandelshtam, Osip. A wonderful poet, the greatest in Soviet Russia. His poems are admirable specimens of the human mind at its deepest and highest. Not as good as Blok. His tragic fate makes his poetry seem greater than it actually is.
Mann, Thomas. Dislike him. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up.
Maupassant, Guy de. Certainly not a genius.
Maugham, W. Somerset. Mediocre. Fakes realism with easy platitudes. Certainly not a genius.
Melville, Herman. Love him. One would like to have filmed him at breakfast, feeding a sardine to his cat.
Marx, Karl. Loathe him.
Milton, John. A genius.
Pasternak, Boris. An excellent poet, but a poor novelist. Doctor Zhivago. Detest it. Melodramatic and vilely written. To consider it a masterpiece is an absurd delusion. Pro-Bolshevist, historically false. A sorry thing, clumsy, trivial, melodramatic, with stock situations and trite coincidences.
Pirandello, Luigi. Never cared for him.
Plato. Not particularly fond of him.
Poe, Edgar Allan. A favorite between the ages of 10 and 15, but no longer. One would like to have filmed his wedding.
Pound, Ezra. Definitely second-rate. A total fake. A venerable fraud.
Proust, Marcel. A favorite between the ages of 20 and 40, and thereafter. In Search of Lost Time. The first half is the fourth-greatest masterpiece of 20th-century prose.
Pushkin, Alexander. A favorite between the ages of 20 and 40, and thereafter. A genius.
Rimbaud, Arthur. A favorite between the ages of 10 and 15, and thereafter.
Robbe-Grillet, Alain. Great. A favorite. How freely one breathes in his marvelous labyrinths! Lucidity of thought, purity of poetry. Magnificently poetical and original.
Salinger, J. D. By far one of the finest artists in recent years.
Sartre, Jean-Paul. Even more awful than Camus.
Shakespeare, William. Read complete works between 14 and 15. One would like to have filmed him in the role of the King's Ghost. His verbal poetic texture is the greatest the world has ever known, and immensely superior to the structure of his plays as plays. It is the metaphor that is the thing, not the play. A genius.
Sterne, Laurence. Love him.
Tolstoy, Leo. A favorite between the ages of 10 and 15, and thereafter. Read complete works between 14 and 15. Nobody takes his utilitarian moralism seriously. A genius.
I. Anna Karenina. Incomparable prose artistry. The supreme masterpiece of 19th-century literature.
II. The Death of Ivan Ilyich. A close second to Anna Karenina.
III. War and Peace. A little too long. A rollicking historical novel written for the general reader, specifically for the young. Artistically unsatisfying. Cumbersome messages, didactic interludes, artificial coincidences. Uncritical of its historical sources.
Turgenev, Ivan. Talent, but not genius.
Updike, John. By far one of the finest artists in recent years. Like so many of his stories that it is difficult to choose one.
Wells, H. G. A favorite between the ages of 10 and 15, and thereafter. A great artist, my favorite writer when I was a boy. His sociological cogitations can be safely ignored, but his romances and fantasies are superb. A far greater artist than Conrad. A writer for whom I have the deepest admiration.
Wilde, Oscar. Rank moralist and didacticist. A favorite between the ages of 8 and 14. Essentially a writer for very young people. Romantic in the large sense.
Wolfe, Thomas. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up.
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