#i apologize if you hate it 😂
cuubism · 3 months
inspired by this Hope!Hob piece by @mashumaru, have a little reverse-verse fic, Hob as Hope of the Endless and human Morpheus
(reverse-verse Hope and Morpheus are my special special little guys, I wrote an extremely long fic about them before. I think about them all the time and at this point they're basically distinct from Dreamling in my mind 😂)
cw hate speech, homophobia, slurs, violence. it's pretty brief though.
At this point, Morpheus is no longer shocked to come home and find Hope sat at his kitchen table, knuckles and brow bone bloody, drinking tea as if none of that matters. It still rankles him, though. Bloody. Injured. Always.
Morpheus sets down his messenger bag in the hall with a thump and bypasses Hope entirely to go right for the first aid kit on the top shelf in the bathroom. Hope turns to watch him pass, a forlorn little look on his face. No, Morpheus tells himself, he does not get some sweet little welcome home kiss if he’s going to come back like that.
“Must you insist,” he says, as he drags the kit—packed full, always—off the bathroom shelf and trudges back into the kitchen, “on always starting fights?”
Hope pushes his half-drunk tea away, pouting. “I don’t start them!”
Morpheus sits in the chair next to him and just looks at him.
“…Okay,” Hope concedes. His lip and brow line are bruised. There’s dried blood under his nose. Morpheus wishes this wasn’t his natural state. “Sometimes I throw the first punch.”
Morpheus sighs, tearing open an alcohol swab and starting to wipe at the cut on his brow.
“…Most of the time,” Hope admits.
“Hope,” Morpheus says, exasperated, and Hope cringes.
“You know I can’t really be hurt,” he tries to explain. “I’m not human. Besides. You think I’m just beating the crap out of people for no reason?”
“No,” says Morpheus, and wipes at his split lip with perhaps more force than necessary. “I do not.”
“Besides, I don’t kill people and I don’t like when people do it around me either. It’s not about fighting, I don’t enjoy fighting. It’s about taking a stand.”
“You do enjoy fighting,” Morpheus accuses. “I have seen you.”
Hope ducks his head. “It’s not about that, though,” he insists. “Listen. You know I never really finish these things, but it’s my role to start it. To show that these battles can be fought. And that it’s worth standing up.”
“Bar fights, such a noble cause,” says Morpheus dryly, and Hope tucks his forehead into his shoulder. Morpheus can’t help himself, his hand automatically goes to the nape of Hope’s neck, fingers combing through his hair.
“You attract violence to you,” he says quietly. “I have seen it.”
Hope sighs. “Did you really think that people would like Hope? Sometimes they want to give me a hug but more often they just want to punch me in the face.”
“I thought you were meant to inspire,” Morpheus says, and it’s a little bit mocking of things Hope himself has declared in the past but Morpheus is listening.
“More like get in the way,” says Hope, his face still pressed to Morpheus’s shoulder. He sounds despondent now. Morpheus supposes people instigating fights with you simply because of your nature wouldn’t be pleasant. At least when people instigate fights with Morpheus, he’s usually done something to deserve it.
“You are not ‘in the way,’” he says. “If you are, then you are meant to be there. Like when you stepped into my path.”
“‘Least you didn’t punch me,” Hope mumbles.
“I considered it.”
Hope huffs. He pushes himself upright again, shaking his messy hair out of his eyes. He is so beautiful, even still speckled with blood and grime from the fight. Especially like that, if Morpheus is being honest with himself.
“So long as you never hated me,” Hope says. His voice is fragile now, and it hurts Morpheus’s heart. Hope is like a radiant sunbeam, and still more often than not people are only trying to throw shadows over him.
“I could never hate you,” he says, and Hope’s expression softens. Morpheus kisses him lightly on the lips. “I do not think they hate you either. You are… challenging. Just being around you… it is a confrontation in its own way. Especially for those who may have pushed you aside.”
“Even for you?” Hope says.
“Especially for me,” Morpheus tells him. He leans his cheek against Hope’s, overcome with fondness. Fondness that is greater for how frustrating Hope has been to him over the years, during those times of darkness. “It is how you saved me.”
“You saved you,” Hope says firmly. “But if I helped, then I’m glad.”
“Always.” Morpheus kisses the hinge of his jaw. “What would I do without you?”
“Now you’re just coming on to me.”
Morpheus hums, not disagreeing.
“Admit it,” Hope says, tangling fingers in Morpheus’s hair. “You’re into it. When I come home all bloody.”
“Mm. I am not.”
“Oh, you are. I can tell.”
Morpheus skates a hand up along his thigh. “Hm. Perhaps it makes you seem very fierce.” He kisses Hope’s mouth this time, swipes his tongue soothingly over his split lip, tasting just the tantalizing hint of blood. Leans in and—
Morpheus pulls back, raising an eyebrow. Hope looks sheepish, pressing his hand to his nose, which Morpheus had bumped. Hope’s non-human body will heal quickly, but for now his nose remains at least partially broken.
Morpheus keeps giving him an unimpressed look. “I see you are gravely wounded.” Hope catches him by the hair before he can truly pull away, and he smiles. “I suppose… I will have to ply my mouth elsewhere. If you promise to be more careful.”
“For such a reward I’d promise anything,” Hope swears, and Morpheus obligingly sinks down, hands on Hope’s thighs. It is hardly a hardship.
“You do like this,” Hope swears. “Don’t try to pretend. You’re so transparent.”
“Perhaps you once punched a man in the face on my behalf, and perhaps I found it titillating,” Morpheus says, and Hope laughs. “Is it terrible if I wanted you to break his nose? Perhaps I am terrible. You do look appealing with blood on your hands. If it is not your own.”
Even Hope’s own torn, bruised knuckles do stir something in Morpheus, a fierce pride and terrible heat. But he worries for him also.
“Liar,” Hope crows, gleeful, “hypocrite. Terrible lecturer. You love it. You know you do.”
“Do not get yourself horribly maimed in a bar fight,” Morpheus orders. “However…” he takes one of Hope’s hands, kisses his knuckles, lets his lips linger there for a moment. “If you must be righteous and full of passion, then I will soothe your injuries later, oh knight of promise.”
“Terrible incentive, now I’m going to get worse,” Hope says. He caresses Morpheus’s cheek, thumbs at the corner of his mouth. His look on Morpheus is so fond, always. Then he says, “Alright, darling, for you, I’ll be careful.”
“Thank you.” Morpheus leans his face against Hope’s thigh, lets Hope play with his hair. In a moment he will indeed ply his mouth upon Hope’s body as promised, in a moment he will indulge the spark that Hope’s fierceness lights within him. But for this moment, he just stays close to him, a gentle valley in the topography of Hope’s violence. Morpheus has never been gentle for anyone before. He finds he likes it.
Hope leans down, smiling, and kisses the top of his head.
Morpheus does not like to be “out and about.” In fact, he generally detests it. But Hope likes to be out among people and Morpheus likes to be with Hope, so sometimes he goes. Besides, he likes to see Hope happy.
The White Horse is a safe space for them, anyway. Morpheus does not feel so uncomfortable there as he does at other crowded, loud establishments. He sits in his usual corner seat at the bar, nursing a drink and working on his writing, leaning lightly against Hope’s shoulder as Hope chats with whomever has come up to him now. He tends to attract people wherever he goes. Fortunately, no one has tried to start a fight, this time.
Hope leans in close to his ear. “Get some air with me?”
Morpheus smirks. Inevitably, getting some air will turn into Hope pushing him up against a wall and kissing him senseless. He is hardly opposed to that series of events.
Cold air washes over him as Hope leads him out to the back garden, around the corner to a private spot in the alley by the inn. It makes his hands feel even warmer as he takes Morpheus by the hips, leans him up against the wall as expected, thumbs stroking over his hip bones under his shirt. Morpheus smiles to himself.
“Did you get bored?” he teases.
Hope kisses his cheek, then his jaw, leans in close to his ear. “Hardly. You know my mind is always on you no matter what. But you were being so patient.” He tugs on Morpheus’s ear, then goes to his throat, kissing along his pulse. “How could I not reward my darling?”
“Knowing that I am the one you will go home with is its own reward,” Morpheus murmurs. He trails a hand up Hope’s back, pulls him close so their bellies are pressed together. “So many of those people in there want you. I see it. But they do not know that you are already taken.” It makes him feel privileged. And hungry.
Hope laughs. “Possessive little bastard.”
“Yes.” Hope is so radiant. To be the one chosen by him… it makes Morpheus’s soul sing. “You are mine. I am yours.”
“Yours,” Hope agrees. With that he moves to Morpheus’s lips and kisses him deep. Morpheus hums in pleasure, opens his mouth to him. Tastes the beer lingering on his tongue. Sinks into the press of Hope’s fingers on his hips, and—
“In public? Disgusting.”
Hope pulls away from him, and Morpheus grumbles in displeasure. Hope turns to the mouth of the alley, where a strange man is standing, expression of, indeed, disgust on his face.
When they don’t respond, the man steps closer until he's almost in their space. Hope’s jaw clenches but, perhaps remembering how Morpheus had chastised him for always getting into fights, he doesn’t yet react.
“Can we help you?” Morpheus asks. Not politely.
“By taking that somewhere else,” says the strange man. His tone is aggressive. And most of his attention seems to be on Hope, rather than Morpheus, which Morpheus doesn’t like. Morpheus has noticed before that Hope’s presence inspires ire to jump to action as often as it inspires positivity and good works. But this is the first time he has seen such outright aggression.
Maybe some people really do hate Hope.
“Mind your own business,” says Hope, stiffly.
“You fags shouldn’t be allowed out in public, it’s an insult to respectable people.” He’s still primarily looking at Hope, and it's hard to say if it's because he is the one who looks more traditionally masculine between the two of them, or if it is because of the inherent draw of Hope as an Endless. “Should fuck a real woman instead of that.”
Hope takes a quick step forward at the man’s words, expression hard.
“Hope—” Morpheus starts. Do not get yourself hurt again, he means to say. As much as I enjoy you defending our honor I also like you well. For Hope may have supernatural qualities that prevent him from dying but he is not invulnerable. His powers lie in his empathy, his charisma. Emotion and community. But he takes a punch like any other man. Comes home to Morpheus with a black eye like anyone else would.
Hope stops sharply as if caught on a leash. And Morpheus immediately regrets speaking, for the other man crows in victory.
“What are you, his little bitch? You a man or not?”
Hope flinches despite himself. Not, Morpheus thinks, because he cares so much about a stranger’s sense of masculinity, but because he prides himself on being able to handle himself. On being able to defend his lover. On being able to stand on his own feet after being broken down into shards by his imprisonment.
Morpheus often feels anger, is too quick to it even, but he does not often act on it with violence. It is not so much that he disapproves of violence as that he dislikes the attention associated with causing a scene, and, being rather slight, is usually at a disadvantage in any physical confrontation besides. Cutting words are his weapons instead.
But watching Hope shrink back, the hurt that flashes over him—a terrible spark jumps inside Morpheus. Hope is stronger, is better, than any person he knows. Has been through hell and come out of it still with more empathy than Morpheus has ever possessed in his life. Morpheus will not watch him made small.
He steps forward and punches the man square in the nose.
He hears a crunch. He’s not sure if it’s the nose, or his own knuckles. The man wheels back with a shriek, clutching his bleeding nose, and Morpheus stumbles back, too, shaking out his hand.
Hope has his hands over his mouth in shock, eyes wide. “Holy shit.” When he drops his hands, he’s grinning. “Holy shit.”
Holy shit indeed. Morpheus watches the man scamper off down the alley, casting one last dark look back at them. His hand hurts, he might have broken it—but the adrenaline pumping through his veins is much louder. He can’t quite believe he did that.
“How’d that feel?” Hope asks. He is a terrible influence sometimes. Always roping Morpheus into doing terrible things, like wanting to live.
A smile tugs at Morpheus’s lips. “It felt… good.”
“Yeah?” He’s still grinning madly. “Let me see your hand.”
Morpheus shows him. Hope prods gently at his knuckles, and winces.
“That’s gonna hurt for a while,” he says. “Your punching technique is terrible.” He kisses Morpheus’s hand anyway.
“Now you understand how I feel when you come home bloodied,” Morpheus says.
Hope’s eyes are sparkling. He does not seem like he’s learned a lesson from that at all. “Oh, I do.” He leans in close, presses his lips to the corner of Morpheus’s mouth. “You were…” his voice is a low hum, “incredible.”
“Do I get a reward?” Morpheus asks dryly, though his breath quickens at Hope’s proximity, the heat in his voice.
“For defending my honor? Anything.” He takes Morpheus’s uninjured hand. He smiles. He’s altogether too excited about Morpheus punching someone. Which only makes Morpheus want to do it again. Terrible influence, Hope. “Come home, and I’ll show you.”
But Morpheus catches him when Hope starts to tug him away. “Here.”
Hope raises an eyebrow at him, but he does look… interested. “Something to prove?”
Morpheus draws him close again, leans back against the wall so Hope is caging him in. “Perhaps I simply want you, and I do not care who knows about it.”
He touches low on Hope’s belly, his hand hidden between their bodies. He is not willing to truly expose them—though they are somewhat sequestered in the alley at the moment—but to play with the idea is… arousing. He wants Hope to touch him. Here, in their place. After Morpheus has hurt someone for him.
He cannot blame Hope for this. Morpheus is just a terrible influence upon himself.
“Menace,” Hope chuckles. “You’ve no high ground left, you know that, right? You’ve obliterated it.”
“I never did,” Morpheus says, as Hope lets him draw him in and kisses along his neck. “Always you have been the better of us.”
“In terms of exhibitionism, maybe,” Hope says. Even now, he won’t let Morpheus truly criticize himself. “I could be persuaded, though.”
With that, he slots their lips together. Sucks on Morpheus’s lower lip as he pushes him harder against the wall, Morpheus’s back scraping the brick. Morpheus groans, pulls him close by his hips so Hope’s swiftly-hardening erection is pressed against his, and Hope’s breath hitches against his mouth.
“Should I give you a proper reward?” Hope murmurs.
“Yes,” Morpheus breathes. “Hope—”
He loves Hope so much. He wants Hope so much.
“Vicious little thing, I love you so,” Hope says. And then, in the darkened alley by their favorite place, with his hands and mouth and the weight of his body and his devotion, he goes about showing Morpheus just how much.
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jupiter-balls · 5 months
Oh no, The worst person I know has a good opinion 😭
AKA The ESC person I hate follow favorite song this year is Ulveham .
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allylikethecat · 12 days
Formal apology that I don’t think I’m going to have yesterday’s chapter that I said I would have up today done 😭 I am unfortunately still struggling (or restarted the struggle when I rode and then like helped moved all of the jumps in the arena) and looking at screens while my head is pounding is alas not very fun and I am so, so sorry but so very grateful for the patience and continued support 🩵
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lady-tortilla-chip · 2 years
For the Anon Opinion
I don’t remember why I followed you, but every now and again you’ll post bingo : stray dogs and I’m like Oof my mutual is blogging about the twink Sherlock and the redhead he fucks again.
So I guess the opinion is that I should probably unfollow you, but you’re very Not Stressful so I don’t
There? Is so much to unpack here??? I’m glad I’m not stressful to follow tho that’s awesome I love that 😂
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713-4th-ward-g · 4 months
#idk i kind of find it fucked up that my dad thinks it was a bad idea to tell me about his life insurance plan#he told my mom “ you think it was a good idea telling him ? you know people kill people for it”#almost if not is insinuating that i would do something like that#idk to me it speaks volumes on how he views me as a person to think i would even think of such a thing#it bothers me to think he would think id do that i definitely dont get along with the dude but i wouldn't do that 😂#like you really think that low of me 😂 bruh that shit is sad to me#i absolutely hated him when i was growing up; literally had everyone walking on eggshells#you literally quite literally couldn't say anything to him or he would get aggressively mad#literally so mad that his screams alone would make my ears ring and hed throw stuff around in his little shed#i would be so scared as a kid helping him with a car maintenance or anything around the house cause any inconvenience#would have the man screaming at me when I've done nothing but try and help and cuss me out for the thing he fucked up something#for years i couldn't hang out with my classmates outside of school near my house without him cussing at me and screaming at me to go home#if he saw me with them at the abandoned next door neighbors house he would literally scream at me and cuss at me to get in the fucking house#and would grab my arm and push me inside; i was just in middle school at the time and ive already been through so much mental abusive#i would get blaimed for anything he did wrong when i would try to help him fix something around the house and it wasnt my fault#screaming and cussing at me calling me fucking stupid in Spanish i hated him so much his excuses are work had him so stressed out#like if that excuses him for taking his stress out on my sister and i; its absolute bullshit the man he is now is just a toned down version#thats why when he did it again not long ago it triggered me so much it brought back so many horrible memories i didnt want to remember#he didnt even apologize to me he just told my mom he was embarrassed and didnt know what got over him like that's an excuse to scream#and cuss at everyone who had nothing to do with him fucking up the wall he had no reason of cutting and cutting a pipe in the process#he was cussing at me saying i dont want to be critique 🤣 like dawg all i was only giving him options to fix the problem#he took that as critiquing and he fucking exploded cussing and screaming in Spanish i was sure we were about to fight again#it wouldn't be the first time ive fought him before when i was a teenager cause he would scream at my mom and grandma#and i would stand up for them and just for that he would throw hands with a 13 year old me a 15 year old me a 16 17 amd 18 year old me#he was a horrible person and i hate it when people tell me he was a good person there that he was a good father cause he provided for my mom#like if thay excuses the abuse he put my sister and i through like fuck that dude he had not right hitting my sister in the face#and mentally abusing us its absolute bullshit and i still have not gotten over my childhood#literally the worst time of my life was my whole childhood for every good time i had there were 10 times more negative shit that happened#so i find it funny that he'd think i would kill him 🤣 for his insurance money i dont want his stupid money#he really thinks that low of me and it's quite sad honestly
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mischiefmanagers · 9 months
Azriel Fic Rec Library 🦇💙
In no particular order, here's an extensive list of Azriel x Reader or Azriel x OC fics that I've compiled for those who can't get enough of him. I literally maxed out the number of tags/links you can include on a post for this 😂
🌼 personal favorite 🥀 angst 💞 fluff 🔥 smut
by @acourtofmenandthirst
You Called 🥀💞
by @moonlightazriel
Before you 🔥🥀
The truth about you 🥀💞🔥
The family we choose 💞
by @thelov3lybookworm
I Didn't Ask For This 🌼🥀
Finally Safe 🌼🥀
My brother. 💞
by @writingsbychlo
false confessions 🌼🥀
how we survive 🥀
by @readychilledwine
Slow Hands 🌼💞🔥
Bound by Fate 🌼🥀💞🔥
Little Bat, Big Dreams 💞
Beauty in Pain 🥀
Devotion 💞
by @leafsandstarlight
Forced Revelations
by @lalacliffthorne
the basic rules of friendship 💞🔥
motorcycle 💞
by @bubbles-for-all-of-us
Hear the lonely cry out 🥀
Can you love me most? 🥀
Baby daddy 💞
by @draemgal
master of disguise 💞
by @azsazz
Nightlight 🥀
Wrong Side of the Right Coin Azriel x Reader x Eris 🥀
Just Hold On 🥀💞
What Lies Ahead
Bleed for Me
by @xoxonyxx
What Should've Been 💞
by @illyrian-dreamer
Spin the bottle 💞🥀
Our girl Azriel x Cassian x Reader 🥀
by @acourtofwhatthefuck
Practice On Me 💞🔥
by @danikamariewrites
Sixth Sense 💞
Shell 💞
Fever Dreams 🥀💞
Please Don't Go 🥀💞
Pointless Fights 🥀
Perfect Princess 💞
by @lidiasloca
more than this 🥀
by @tadpolesonalgae
please... 🌼🥀
washing his wings 💞
Can't Bring Myself To Hate You 🌼🥀🔥
His Personal Assistant
by @mother-above
The Golden Warrior 🌼
by @aquanova99
The Shadow and the Seraphim
by @fieldofdaisiies
Oh Those Romance Novels 🔥
Love's A Burden 🥀
by @ellievickstar
Between Two worlds
by @florence-end
Worst kept secret 💞
Stitch up
by @redheadspark
Reunited 💞🥀
Hold 🥀💞
by @acourtofmarvels
Miracle 🥀
by @bookish-whore
Haunted 🥀
by @honeybeefae
7 Minutes In Heaven 🔥🔥
Shadows of Fire Azriel x Reader x Eris 🔥🔥
by @reverie-verse
Ooops Mating Bond 🌼💞
by @cassiefromhell
Unexpected Azriel x Reader x Eris 💞🥀
by @ladylokilaufeyson5
A Little Helping Hand 🌼💞
I Will Always Find You 💞🥀
by @azrielhours
Soft Spot 🌼🔥💞
I want you to rest 💞🥀
Kiss Thief 💞
Soul Song 💞
Restless Dreams 🥀
Stolen Away 💞
Waiting for You 💞🥀
by @liahaslosthermind
Swarming children and elbows to the face 💞
by @itsphoenix0724
Tickle My Strings 🔥
by @jeannineee
Apology 💞
Umbra et Ventus
Blue and Red Azriel x Cassian x Reader
Stubble 💞
Illyrian Babies Azriel x Cassian x Reader 💞
Closure 🥀🔥
by @violette-hue
Fated 🔥
by @angelshadowsinger
Supposed to Be Together 🥀🔥
Prized Possession 🥀💞
by @callmeblaire
little friends 💞
by @fairydustblossom
tied to you 🥀💞
losing control🥀💞
pre relationship fluff 💞
by @throneofsapphics
up all night Azriel x Reader x Cassian 💞
by @arrantsnowdrop
Starlight 💞
Wrongly Accused 🥀🔥💞
by @clairebear08
Hide and Seek 💞
Betrayal 🥀
by @starlightandsouls
My Angel 💞
Yours To Keep And Cherish 💞
Bookshop Brawls 💞
by @azrielscrown
the secret of seduction 💞🔥
wake me up. 💞
by @glittergelpensblog
Shadow and Song
In the Dark
by @azriels-shadowsinger
brother's best friend 💞
by @xreaderbooks
Two sides 🥀
by @vacant--body
stay with me 🥀🔥
by @whisperingmidnights
We Shall Become Monsters 🌼
by @wishfulwithwine
You Belong With Me 🥀
by @queen--of--shadows
Healing Shadows 🌼
by @ochiolism
winter's frost
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ashwhowrites · 2 months
AHHHH IVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOUR REQUESTS TO OPEN UP!!!!! I’m obsessed with your writing 😩 (I apologize in advanced for my gibberish below for I am VERY high 😂)
Anywho (and you can totally ignore this if it’s not your cup of tea):
Would you possibly do an angst to fluff Eddie x reader fic where maybe instead of reader being the popular one, it was Eddie instead? Like instead of everyone hating on hellfire, they think it’s super cool and so Eddie is super popular and reader is like a quiet nerd. And like reader has a big crush on Eddie and Eddie knows but always makes fun of her for it because of his reputation but he secretly likes her too and then the events of the upside down happen? Like maybe it’s reader who lures the bats away instead of Eddie but Eddie saves the reader before she dies from the bats and he admits that he likes her back and they start dating?
Again, if it’s not your cup of tea you can totally ignore it but you’re the only person I feel like would do something magical with this.
I'm honored you believe I can do something magical with this. I hope I won you over.
I think this might be my favorite Eddie fic to date. I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I do! Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
⚠️it ends happy and I like the ending. So don't complain in the comments about "she shouldn't have taken him back" it's fiction and sometimes we just want things to work out so for this fic, leave that opinion to yourself. Saying that in the kindest way I can❤️
To die for
Tumblr media
Y/N wasn't the type to hang out with the popular crowd. She kept her distance and didn't interact with anyone. She focused on her studies and getting into the best school offered. No one wanted to stay in Hawkins, and she worked to get her ticket out.
Then she got a little distracted, and she hated to admit it.
Eddie Munson, the leader of hellfire. He was a punk, loved music, and caught the eyes of every girl. Y/N didn't see the attraction until they got paired to do an assignment in music class.
She twiddled her thumbs nervously when he walked over. She inhaled his cologne as he pulled out the chair next to her, his bright smile flashed her way as his cheeks scrunched. He was the only popular kid in music, and she was terrified to be paired with him.
But as they worked together, they talked about themselves. It turned out they had a lot in common. While the assignment was boring research, she couldn't help but be excited to go to music every day. The assignment was a huge part of their grade so the teacher gave them a month's worth of class to work on it. It didn't take more than one class for Y/N to be just as smitten with Eddie.
"I hate that we couldn't pick which musician to research. Like why can't we do Dio?" Y/N mumbled as she began to write down notes.
Eddie never lifted his head so fast, he looked away from the computer towards Y/N. Her eyes were on her paper.
"You listen to Dio?" Eddie let out a breathy laugh. He was shocked, to say the least. He never thought the cute nerd would listen to a band like that.
"Who doesn't," Y/N laughed, she finished writing the sentence and looked up. She gulped when she noticed Eddie's warm eyes staring at her. A smile of adoration on his face, it made her stomach flip.
"Damn, there's more than just brains and beauty to you, huh?" Eddie joked as he went back to the computer. His words repeated in Y/N's head as she sat stunned. Did he just admit she was pretty?
Y/N cleaned her room at a rapid pace. Eddie was going to be over any minute and she was terrified. She was positive Eddie had seen the inside of many girl's bedrooms and she did not want to leave a bad impression compared to the rest.
"Can we take a break? My eyes hurt." Eddie groaned as he fell back against her soft bed.
"Sure, I'll grab us some water." Y/N offered, as she went out of the room. Eddie stood up, and his socks landed on the soft carpet. He walked around her room. He took in her huge collection of books, many he never heard of before. He looked at her wall of music. Band posters were on the walls and cassettes were neatly placed on a shelf. He had to admit, she had great music taste.
Her closet was cracked open, and Eddie couldn't fight the urge. He cringed as the door creaked as he opened it.
"Pretty girl," Eddie smiled as he grabbed the acoustic guitar that leaned against the wall.
"What are you doing?"
Eddie jumped but kept a tight grip on the neck of the guitar.
"Uh, sorry. I was snooping." Eddie confessed, "You play?"
Y/N blushed at the thought of him snooping, embarrassed of what he found and thought.
"I've always wanted to, but I'm not very good. One of the things I couldn't teach myself." Y/N laughed sadly.
"Sit, I'll teach you," Eddie said, he sat on her bed
"Um, are you sure?"
"Pretty girl in my lap as I teach her the thing I love? Yeah, I'm sure." He smirked as she slowly walked over. She sat the water down on her side table.
She coughed as she sat on the bed, next to him.
"Can't teach you all the way over there," he teased, she swallowed her nerves when he moved behind her. He placed the guitar in her lap and wrapped his arms around her.
"You smell nice," Eddie said against her ear. Y/N felt her tongue go numb, too nervous to respond.
She placed her fingers on the guitar and Eddie's ghosted over hers. She tried to focus on his directions and movements, but his breath hitting her neck sent her somewhere down south.
After an hour, she successfully could play a few chords.
"That a girl," Eddie praised as he placed the guitar to the side. "Unfortunately, I have to go home."
"Oh um yeah, thanks for teaching me," Y/N said shyly as Eddie put on his jacket.
"Pleasure is all mine," Eddie winked.
Y/N stared at the spot where he once stood for what felt like hours.
After spending a full month together, Y/N didn't want it to end. Their assignment was turned in, and now they didn't have a reason to see each other.
Y/N found a way. She sat on the phone all night trying to win tickets to the Dio concert, on Friday night. She scored the tickets and couldn't wait to tell Eddie the exciting news. She raced through the halls spotted his curly hair and headed his way.
"Eddie!" She said excitedly as she bounced on her feet. She ignored all the friends surrounding him. Her eyes were on his. She felt her excitement dissolve when Eddie's eyes looked panicked. He looked at her and his friends, she swore he looked like he was going to throw up.
"Yo dude, who's this?" one of his friends said as the group laughed and nudged Eddie's arm.
"Some type of little girlfriend?" Another one was added on
Y/N blushed at the thought of being Eddie's girlfriend. It wasn't like she didn't think about it with all the flirting and soft touches.
But Y/N ignored in and continued.
"I scored tickets to Dio! This Friday night, you and me?" She was proud of herself for making it through the sentence without shaking.
Eddie's friends laughed....loud
Their screeches could be heard blocks down from the school. But she kept her focus on Eddie. He stood frozen. He didn't say a word as he stared back at her.
"Oh, how cute. Little nerd has a crush on ya, Munson!"
"Looks like someone has a date on Friday."
"Atta boy, another one on the list."
"I uh..uh" Eddie stuttered
"Do you think he's actually going to say yes?"
The crowd around them got bigger as the school watched.
Y/N felt his friend's words stab her in the chest. Now she felt like she wanted to throw up. Her eyes watered as she looked around, everyone was staring and waiting for Eddie's reaction.
"Are you going to say something?" She meant it as a question, but it sounded like a plea. Like she was pleading him to tell them they were wrong and that they had something. That their moments meant something to him.
Y/N saw the Eddie she knew disappear in his eyes, and she knew he was going to land the final blow. She stepped back as she tried to brace herself.
"Do I know you?" Eddie asked, he pretended to look confused as his friends laughed.
"Eddie, don't," she whimpered, but it didn't matter. It was popularity or her, and she knew it wasn't a fighting chance.
"Look, sweetheart. I am flattered, but there is no way in hell I'd ever go out with you." Eddie smirked as his friends nudged him and they all fist-bumped behind his back.
Y/N didn't say a word, she nodded sadly and turned around. She pushed through the crowd as the tears slipped down.
"Oh, poor baby is even crying!" A girl's voice announced, then laughs followed.
Y/N shoved the tickets in the trash before she ran out.
Eddie was dead to her.
Eddie gulped as she raced off. His friends still hyped him up as he felt the hallways closing in on him. He stepped forward as she threw the tickets in the trash, but he stopped.
He felt guilty, he felt so fucking guilty. He wanted more than anything to spend his Friday night singing along to his favorite band with the cutest girl he'd ever met. To hold her hand as they walked in, to dance like idiots during their favorite song, and to talk about it for days after.
But he panicked. He wasn't supposed to like someone like her.
After Y/N embarrassed herself in front of the whole school, her life went to hell.
She couldn't walk in the halls without people laughing and pointing.
She dreaded music class. She kept her head down whenever she walked in, she felt his eyes burn into her. But she refused to look in his direction. She should have known Eddie would only like her behind her bedroom door. She should have known he was incapable of liking her shamelessly.
The cafeteria was loud as Y/N walked to her table, Robin was already sitting and picking at her lunch.
"Hey Y/N!"
Y/N looked over her shoulder, she groaned when she realized it was coming from Eddie's table.
"Turns out Eddie does wanna see Dio!"
Y/N looked to Eddie who kept his head down. She looked back at his friend confused.
"Just with a hot cheerleader, not you!"
The table erupted in laughter as she bit her lip. She knew Eddie wouldn't speak up so she turned around and walked to her table.
"I'm sorry they are dicks," Robin said as Y/N sat down.
"It's whatever." Y/N shrugged
"Um Y/N?"
Y/N looked up and was shocked to see Eddie standing there. She looked behind him and noticed his table was watching.
"Yeah?" She asked quietly, it hurt to even look at him.
"I'm so sorry for everything," he whispered.
"Is it like a trap?" she asked confused, as she suspiciously looked back at his table.
"No, I just re-"
"Whatcha doing here, lover boy?" Eddie's friend appeared next to him.
"I was...umm" Eddie nervously stuttered, the panic in his body again. He looked at Y/N's sad face and back to his friend's accusing one.
"Not trying to talk her up, are you?" His friend asked with a chuckle.
"No, of course not! I was just telling her to stop calling me. Chick won't leave me alone." Eddie faked laughed. His friend seemed to believe him, laughing with him, as they walked back to their table.
Eddie looked over his shoulder and mouthed "Sorry" but Y/N rolled her eyes.
Even if Eddie agreed to go to the concert, he wouldn't have been able to go.
Instead of sulking in his room about his poor decisions, he was stuck in the upside down.
"Dustin and Eddie you go to the trailer and lure them to you. Then the second the bats come, get back inside the trailer. Do not come out!" Steve said, his finger pointed at Dustin.
The group went to their positions and prayed their plan would work.
"I KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Robin yelled as she grabbed the radio.
A panicked Dustin screamed over the radio as the bats began to chip parts of the trailer away. Eddie tried to swallow his fear but he knew this was it. He lived his life, did he have any regrets? So damn many.
He hated that he couldn't fix things with Y/N. He hated that she wouldn't get the closure she deserved, she wouldn't get the apology Eddie had been practicing for weeks.
If he knew his life was going to end so short, he wouldn't have wasted it on popularity. He would have picked her.
Eddie closed his eyes as he felt the cold air rush in, the bats were loud as they began to swarm into the trailer. He cried out as the bats clawed and nipped at his skin. He yelled for Dustin to run and not stop.
Eddie wasn't sure who to pray to but he did. He prayed as his clothes were torn and he felt blood rushing down his chest.
Then suddenly, the bats stopped.
A loud ring of music began to blast, Eddie knew he left his guitar on the top, and the sound wasn't coming from it.
The bats raced out and chased the sound.
"Who's doing that?" Dustin asked
"I have no idea. You okay?" Eddie asked, checking on him before he grabbed his weapons.
"Yes. Let's go!" Dustin said as he climbed out of the trailer.
Along with the bats, Eddie and Dustin raced. Eddie ran as fast as he could and Dustin jumped on his bike.
Eddie ignored all the pain he felt as he kept running. As he got closer, he realized it wasn't a song. It was the same few chords over and over.
And Eddie knew those chords.
Eddie felt even more panic in his chest as he guessed who was playing it. In a selfish way, he hoped it was someone else. It was wrong but he prayed it was someone in the group, and not her.
"WHO IS THAT?" Dustin screamed as he threw down his bike and prepared his weapons.
"It's Y/N," Eddie gulped as his eyes took in the sight of Y/N playing the guitar. She didn't have any protection, simply standing in her normal clothes as she risked herself for everyone stuck in the upside down.
For a second, everything was silent. The guitar stopped. Eddie's eyes caught hers. Both stared at each other as time slowed.
"I FORGIVE YOU!" Y/N screamed, the tears flowed down her cheeks as she threw the guitar to the ground.
"NO!" Eddie screamed, but it was too late. The bats already found her. Her body was taken to the ground as she screamed in horror.
"GET HELP!" Eddie screamed at Dustin, he didn't look back at him. He just ran to her.
He started swinging everywhere, he heard thuds and screeches. Eddie used every ounce of anger and hurt that his body held as motivation to swing the shit out of these blood suckers. The agony screams coming from Y/N's lips made him move faster.
Dustin called for help on the radio, he wasn't going to leave them alone. He quickly joined Eddie and began to swing.
Eddie didn't have time to yell at him, in the moment he was grateful the kid didn't listen to him. Together they cleared the path towards her. Eddie thought he felt the greatest amount of fear, but when her screams stopped he knew he was wrong.
Y/N felt like she finally caught her breath. She gasped as her eyes opened. Bright white lights shined above her that caused her to shut them again.
"Y/N?" She heard a relieved voice say then a warm hand intertwined with hers.
She slowly opened her eyes, a familiar brown eyes looked back at her. He was covered in dirt, blood stained clothes but he still was the prettiest man she'd ever seen.
"Hm, even in heaven you look the same." She said, her voice cracking with every word.
Eddie laughed and grabbed some water. He softly put it against her lips and helped her lift her head to drink.
"Well you haven't made it there yet." Eddie joked. "You had all of us scared."
Y/N looked around the room, but no one else was there. "You are the only one here."
Eddie scratched his head, "they were, but the nurse said only one person at a time, and well I called dibs for six hours." He said as he looked at his watch.
"Why?" She asked, from what she's learned he wanted nothing to do with her.
"I know it's incredibly hard to believe, but I have feelings for you. I know I've been a dick to you and I'm sorry for all the pain I caused. It's pathetic that it took you nearly dying to grow balls and be honest. But before you showed up, I was positive I was going to die. And all I thought about in that moment was how you deserved an apology and that I regretted not taking my chance with you." Eddie confessed. His hands were still in hers as he sat on the chair next to her bed. His eyes were red, and his cheeks were wet.
"It is pathetic, Munson." Y/N snapped, but she kept her hands in his. His touch was warm and soft, a feeling that reminded her she was still alive.
Her heart wanted to hug him and cry. But her head wanted her to keep her pride and tell him to fuck off.
"Did you mean it? When you said you forgave me?" Eddie choked out, sniffling back his tears.
"I prepared to die and I didn't want to ruin your life even more." Y/N confessed, sadness flood through her body as she remembered how worthless she felt because of him. He was the only person in her life that made her feel loved, but hated at the same time. In the end, that was the only experience she had with love and she was okay to die with that in mind because at least it was someone she'd die for.
"You never ruined my life!" Eddie promised, his wet lips kissed her hand as he sobbed. "You are a gift in my life, okay? I've never felt so happy around someone and so alive. I'm an idiot and I made all the wrong decisions. But I swear on my life, I'll make this up to you if you give me a chance. I love you."
Y/N snapped her head as she felt her heart race. The machine gave it away as it beeped.
"You love me?" She whispered, tears flowing down her face as she looked into his eyes.
The Eddie she knew was behind them.
"So damn much. I know I don't deserve anything and I definitely don't deserve you. But I'll do it all right this time. It'll be us and that's all I want."
"Is that why you saved me?" She choked out, she remembered his arms carrying her as he screamed for help. The fear in his eyes and the panic in his voice. He didn't have to come save her, but he did.
"The second I heard those chords, my heart fell out of my chest and my only goal was to get to you before the bats did. I'm very angry with Robin for putting you in that position, but she knew you'd do it to save me. And you deserve someone who'd save you back."
Y/N didn't say anything, she unlaced her hand from Eddie's. He tried to ignore the disappointment he felt.
She sat up slowly then placed her hands on Eddie's cheeks, before he knew it, she leaned in and smashed her lips on his. He felt his stomach flip a thousand times as he reached forward to hold her waist. He kissed her back with everything he had left in him. The kiss tasted of blood and dirt, but it was the best kiss he's ever had.
After a few moments, she pulled away and gasped for air. Eddie leaned his forehead against hers, his eyes still closed as he tried to memorize the feeling of her lips on his.
"I love you too." She whispered, before her lips attached to his again.
Eddie meant everything he said. He was going to prove he was worthy of her and her love.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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punkshort · 4 months
i’m the anon who asked about the request! if you decide to do it, i’d absolutely wait forever😂 it’s very angsty tho, so the idea was for outbreak joel who doesn’t get the happy ending. reader who was head over heels in love coping with his death, maybe flashbacks to show the moments of reader seeing him die? idkidk the idea is very vague, sorry if it’s too sad!! if so maybe reader seeing him die was just a terrible nightmare & he’s there waking them up & helping them through a meltdown?
i’ve been craving for some emotional torture for wtv reason😭😭 thank you for even considering requests!🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
Thank you for this request! It's my first one, so I hope you enjoy it. Also, I had to take the out you gave me and make this a nightmare because I am a big ol' softie and I won't apologize for it, but I will apologize for taking so long to write it 😂
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I hate when you're right
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: After a heated argument with Joel, you finally convince him into leaving Jackson so you could explore a store for new clothes, and what happens could change your life forever.
Warnings: major character (Joel) death - but it is just a nightmare - don't read if you think that will still upset you, angst, language, violence, descriptions of blood/gore/death scene
WC: 2.5K
dividers by the one and only @saradika-graphics
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You knew it was childish. You knew it wasn't essential. But you also desperately wanted to feel more comfortable, and was that really such a crime? To want to feel like yourself again? To want to wear clothes that you liked? That fit you properly? Jackson was well stocked with essentials, clothes included, but the clothes the men picked up on patrol were... utilitarian, to say the least. They grabbed the biggest and the warmest clothes so that it afforded more people the opportunity to use them, but you were beginning to grow tired of tucking men's oversized shirts into your pants, the material bunching up at your waist and twisting around as you walked, constantly trying and failing to feel comfortable in your own skin.
You thought Joel would be more open to the idea of heading outside the walls on your day off. You even teased him with the promise of picking up some new underwear, but he didn't fall for it. He fought you tooth and nail the whole evening, his voice lifting over yours angrily to explain how there's been an influx of raiders the past few weeks, that everyone agreed to lay low until they passed through, not wanting to draw attention or pick any unwanted fights. But you persisted. You always did, and you eventually wore him down when you threatened to leave without him.
Why was it such a crime to want to feel comfortable? It was just two people, you could lay low and go unseen, no problem. You've done it countless times before.
You had hoped he would have gotten over it by morning, but you were wrong. He hardly made eye contact with you during breakfast, skirting expertly around you in your kitchen, mumbling under his breath as he sipped his coffee and only shooting you angry looks when your back was turned.
The air was crisp and the woods were peaceful. You thought that would surely turn his mood around. He always appreciated being out with nature, living off the land. As much as he loved living in Jackson, he couldn't deny that part of himself that felt useful, that felt a sense of accomplishment by surviving out in the wild.
"C'mon, are you really gonna act like this all day?" you teased as you held up another shirt against your body before determining it was the right size and then tossed it in a pile with the others.
He was standing at the storefront window with his arms crossed and his jaw clenched. "Don't know what you mean."
You rolled your eyes and looked around the store, spotting a table of underwear with a grin. You lightly skipped over and tossed to the side the pairs that looked far too dusty so you could look at the ones underneath. Clearing your throat, you held up a pair of bright red stain underwear. He turned around and you saw it: it was fast, he hid it well, but you still saw it. That all too familiar excited look in his eye.
"Don't you like them?" you asked with a playful pout. He furrowed his brow at you like he was annoyed, and maybe he was, but you still saw the heat beginning to crawl up his neck.
"They ain't practical."
You gave him a defeated sigh and strolled over to your pile of clothes, your fingertips daintily holding the undergarment out to him. "No? Then what are they?"
His eyes shifted from yours to the red material in your hand and you saw his throat work as he swallowed.
"Useless," he croaked, and you narrowed your eyes at him. You got a little closer, letting the soft fabric glide against the back of his hand when you dropped your arm to your side.
"Oh, yeah?" you said breathily, and you watched his eyelids flutter at your tone. "Then I guess it wouldn't matter if I brought them home and let you rip them off me."
He stepped forward, a growl emitting from his chest, low and deep, when at the exact same time, you both heard shouting outside the store. Swiveling both your heads towards the glass storefront, your blood ran cold when you saw six heavily armed men advancing towards you.
"Shit," he muttered, his arm pulling your shoulder down just in time to avoid the cascade of bullets that rained down upon you. You laid face down on the rough carpet, covering the back of your head with your eyes squeezed shut, waiting for the shooting to stop. Joel tugged on your arm and you opened your eyes in a panic.
"Follow me!" he shouted, army crawling towards the registers, and you dutifully followed behind, your heart racing wildly in your chest.
Once you made it, the counter offering some, but not much, safety, the both of you pulled out your guns and double checked your ammo.
"Alright, when they stop to reload-"
"I know," you said, cutting him off. You've both been in this situation before. You knew what to do.
Holding your rifle upright and against your chest, you breathed deep, trying to steady your hands until the bullets slowed and you heard more shouting. Joel nodded to you and you both sprung up from the floor, pulling your rifles against your bodies in sync and lining up your targets.
Patience is a virtue. The amount of ammunition they wasted on the two of you was laughable when you each caught one of them between the eyes, leaving four against two.
You thought you would be able to get another shot off but Joel tugged your arm and you slinked back to the floor as a shower of bullets rained over you once again.
"You good?" he asked, and you nodded, gasping for air. Your hands began to stabilize when the shock wore off. You were in the zone.
Pressing both your backs against the small counter, you remained calm and waited out your attackers. Glass shards tinkled and scattered behind you. Bullets pinged against the metal shelving, ricocheting into the drywall.
"Assault rifles for two people? Really?" you muttered, more so to yourself, but Joel heard you.
"Told you this was a bad fuckin' idea," he said angrily.
When there was another brief pause, he looked to you again and nodded. At the same time, you rose up and took aim, firing on your attackers once again. Joel made his shot, you didn't. Three down, three to go.
"Fuck," you grumbled, reloading your rifle even though you still had rounds left.
"Focus," he scolded.
The men sounded like they were getting closer. Their voices were louder. Clearer. The shots were deafening. You prayed they weren't inside the store, because you hadn't planned an exit strategy. Without warning, Joel stood up and fired a shot. You heard a man scream and then a loud thud. It sounded like the man was just on the other side of the counter.
"That's not the plan," you seethed at him when he dropped back down next to you.
"Didn't have a choice, he was 'bout to jump us," he sneered.
Two against two.
When the shots slowed down, you held your breath, looking at Joel from the corner of your eye. He held his palm up to you silently, signaling for you to stay where you were. You heard boots crunching slowly against glass and your heart leapt into your throat. They were in the store.
You shot Joel a panicked look but he just shook his head, focusing on their footsteps, calculating how far away they were.
"Come out now and no one gets hurt," a man's deep voice called out. He was close.
Joel clenched his jaw and flared his nostrils. You knew that look. It was the look of a man who was about to do something stupid. But before you could stop him, before you could reach out to him and hold him back, he stood up and took aim.
One shot. That was all you heard when Joel slumped to the floor next to you, clutching his stomach as dark red blood poured from the wound. Your eyes went wide and you saw red. Without thinking, you stood up and shot, taking one of the two men down with a yelp. The remaining raider ducked behind a display, and you dropped your rifle in favor of your handgun. Crouching low to the ground, you inched forward, careful of any broken glass that would give your position away. When you were on the other side of the display, you heard the man's labored breaths. He was scared. He was out of his element. And you had him right where you wanted him.
Silently tucking the gun in the back of your pants, you slid your hunting knife out from your ankle holster. You took a deep breath and lunged forward, driving the knife deep into the man's chest.
He dropped his gun and clutched weakly at your hands, but it was no use. His blood poured from the wound when you yanked your knife out with a grunt, and you watched as his hands slowly slid back down to his sides, his eyes still wide open and staring up at the ceiling.
You smirked, feeling victorious for only a moment before you remembered Joel. Dropping your knife, you rushed back to his side, only to find his face pale and his hands stained dark red.
"Joel!" you cried out, pressing your palms against the wound, hoping to slow the bleeding. His eyes drifted towards you, softening when he saw you were alive and unharmed. That you were going to make it.
Panic consumed you. Your heart was slamming against your ribs as you fumbled with your backpack, trying to find your first aid kit through the tears.
"I love you," he whispered, and you shook your head.
"Don't start with that, you're gonna be fine."
"Baby," he said weakly, and you choked back a sob.
"Hold on," you told him, still searching in your pack.
"Look at me," he said, and your hands stilled for a moment before you dragged your eyes back to him, your lower lip trembling as you took in his deteriorating state.
"I need to-" you began, but stopped to take in a shaky breath. "I need to patch you up and get you to the horses."
"No, you don't," he said softly, and more tears spilled from your eyes.
"Yes, I do. I gotta-"
"I ain't gonna make it, sweetheart," he slurred, and you could see by the amount of blood he was losing that he was right. But still, you pressed your palms against the gunshot wound, your fingers slipping through his thick and sticky blood.
"Don't say that. I can't do this without you," you whimpered, and closed your eyes for a brief moment. You felt his fingertips weakly grip your chin and you forced your eyes back open.
"Yes, you can," he said as firmly as he could. He was so pale and weak and it was making your stomach turn.
You shook your head, about to argue with him, but he stopped you.
"You keep goin', you hear me?" he said, and still, you shook your head from side to side, small sobs slipping past your lips. "Don't let this world win. You... go on and keep fightin'. Please. Be happy, baby. For me."
"No!" you cried out, spittle dripping from your lips now, mixing with your tears. "I won't! I-I can't!"
"You can," he repeated, and gave you a weak smile. "I'm ready, baby. It'll be okay."
You squeezed your eyes shut tight, the tears leaking out, hot and angry on your cheeks as you sobbed over him, clutching his hand in yours so tightly, like if you squeezed hard enough, you could give him your lifeforce. Give him your breath. But moments later, his grip weakened and when you opened your eyes, his head slumped to the side and his lifeless eyes stared off into the distance.
"Joel!" you screamed, sitting up in bed, drenched in sweat with tears still streaming down your face. You looked to your side, where he normally slept, but he wasn't there. Panic squeezed your throat, your chest fucking hurt, but you flung the blankets off you and ran towards the door. Still not hearing any sounds, you raced down the stairs, almost tripping in the process but you had a grip on the railing to keep you steady.
When your eyes finally landed on his familiar form stretched out on the couch, his back to you, you allowed yourself to breathe a sigh of relief.
Reality came back to you now. You had your fight about leaving Jackson, but he won and you slept apart. You never left. He never got shot. It was all just a horrible dream.
You stumbled over to the couch, your tears unstoppable, the nightmare too vivid, too real. Your trembling hands clutched his shoulder as you fell to your knees on the floor, shaking him awake.
"What?" he grumbled, clearly still pissed off about your fight.
"I'm sorry!" you sobbed loudly, and when he realized something was wrong, he whipped around to face you.
"What happened?" he asked, his voice still thick with sleep.
"I-I had-" you began, then you hiccupped, cutting yourself off. His face was etched with concern as he forced himself up and cupped your face.
"C'mon, talk to me," he urged, the fear in his eyes reflecting back to you as you looked at him, still not sure what was real and what wasn't.
"I had a nightmare," you finally managed to get out. "About our fight. That we... we went out like I wanted and-and-" you collapsed into another fit of sobs, your shoulders shaking violently.
"Hey, it's alright," he soothed, pulling you up and into his lap and rubbing your back. You pressed your tear stained face into his neck, inhaling deeply, grounding yourself. He was alive. He was here. Everything was fine.
"I'm sorry," you whimpered, your throat still tight but your tears were slowing down. "I'm sorry we fought. I don't wanna go out anymore. I don't need new clothes, it was stupid, I'm sorry."
"Shh, it's okay," he said, pulling you tightly against his chest, "I'm sorry we fought, too. I just wanna keep us safe."
"I know, you're right," you said, pulling back a bit and wiping your nose with the back of your hand. "Will you come back to bed?"
"Yeah," he replied with half a smirk. "'Course I'll come back to bed, baby. Don't cry, it's alright."
You let him lead you up the stairs and to your bedroom, your side of the bed still damp with sweat but it didn't bother you. Joel was safe and sound and in your arms and you didn't care if you had to wear a potato sack for the rest of your life, as long as you had Joel, nothing else mattered.
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follow @punkshort-notifs and turn on notifications for fic updates ❤️
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wheredafandomat · 7 months
Like you hate me
Loki x female reader
18+ | it’s just smut 😂 also apologies for my inactivity, I’ve been sooo busy but I’ve almost finished the semester so I’ll be back after that. I thought I’d quickly write something as evidence that I’m still alive 😂😂 just realising that I’ve forgotten how to write. If this is cringy then pretend you didn’t read it 🤣❤️ WK 900
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“Like you hate me” you whispered against Loki’s ear, smirking as he ground his hips against yours, pinning you against the wall harder. You could feel his cock straining against the material of his trousers as he continued circling his hips, desperate for you. You gave him nothing, remaining silent as you awaited his next move. He asked how you wanted it, you answered, it was his turn to call the shots.
“You know not what you ask, pet” Loki uttered, his lips moving delicately across your neck as you lifted your head back, exposing more of yourself. His kisses grew harsher, more purposeful as one of his hands fell between you both, hiking up your dress before venturing underneath it. You bucked your hips as you felt Loki’s fingers against your pussy, his lick over your pulse point a silent thank you for not wearing any panties. Your eyes fell closed, quiet gasps falling from your lips as Loki circled your clit. You widened your legs a little as his lips met yours in a messy kiss. You moaned as you felt one of his fingers entering you before another causing your legs to almost give way.
Before you could really let the pleasure consume you, Loki pulled out of you, his fingers drawing lazy circles over your clit again as he broke the kiss.
“Once I remove my hand from between your thighs, you’re going to turn around and bend over a little” Loki instructed, waiting for you to nod in agreement before he reluctantly removed his hand. Obediently, you spun around, placing your hands against the wall as you bent over, biting down your smile as you heard Loki unbuckling his belt. “Good girl” he spoke against your ear as he stood behind you, leaning over you a little.
You smiled as his hands gripped your hips, angling you towards him before your smile fell, feeling one of his hands come into contact with your ass in a grating slap.
“Beautiful” Loki admired, looking down at his handprint forming on your ass cheek.
He barely gave you a moment to recover or respond before he was entering you completely, filling your needy pussy with his hard cock. You moaned, pushing back against him as he bottomed out.
“Fuck” he spoke through gritted teeth as he pulled out before thrusting inside of you again and repeating his movements. He set a steady pace, chasing his own pleasure as his name fell from your lips. Using one of your hands, you steadied yourself against the wall whilst trying to rub your clit with the other before Loki grabbed the wayward hand, placing it against the wall again.
His thrusts grew harder, his hips smacking against you violently as he fucked you, grunting your name. His vigorous movements pushed you against the wall, your cheek coming into contact with the cold material as you continued to moan. The hand Loki was using to keep yours up snaked around you before you felt his fingers circling your wet clit again.
“Fuck Lokii” you mewled, vision blurry as he rubbed your clit, thrusting even harder. You felt his cock hitting that perfect spot repeatedly causing your arousal to drip down his thick veiny length. His fingers left you for a moment before you heard him release them from his mouth with a pop causing you to clench down around him as you imagined the sight.
“Delicious” he hummed before massaging your clit again. The fast circles caused you to scream his name as you came but Loki didn’t stop. He continued fucking you, two of his fingers still circling your clit as his lips met the nape of your neck.
“L-lokii” you moaned.
“This is how you wanted it, up against the wall like a whore, a whore I hate” he grunted “well, whore, we’re not stopping until I come” he sniggered darkly.
You tried to clench your walls around him, wanting him to climax as your pleasure became overwhelming but each moment passed so slow. His fingers didn’t leave your swollen clit, his cock didn’t stray far from your sensitive pussy.
“Lokii fuckk” you mewled, overstimulated as another orgasm threatened to ripple through you.
“N-not yet!” He almost snarled, chasing his pleasure.
“I-I can’t—I’m gonna c—ughh” you struggled to stand, your pleasure building before you reached your climax, practically falling back against Loki who let you recover for a few moments as he slowed his pace before he was pushing you back against the wall.
“Can you give me one more? One more, hmm?” He cooed in your ear “we can do it together” he encouraged, his movements speeding again. “One more and then you’re done” he smiled against you, wrapping his arms around yours and pulling you backwards, arching your back before he was fucking into you with ardour again.
“Ughhh” you moaned, your body practically shaking as he moved in and out of you. You felt his lips against your neck as he neared his orgasm.
“Say my name” he instructed.
“Lokii” you answered breathlessly, your pleasure building as his thrusts grew lazy, desperate.
“SAY MY NAME!” He commanded.
“LOKII!” You yelled, vision blurring as your body tensed, the unbearable pleasure shrouding you.
“That’s it, good girl” Loki groaned, movements stilling as he came inside of you, pulling out a little before pumping his load inside of you again. “Good girl” he repeated, kissing your back.
Tags 🖤
@lokisgoodgirl @thenotoriouserg @chantsdemarins @donaweasley @xorpsbane @mcufan72 @loz-3 @sailorholly @lovingchoices14 @lokiedokiee @noideakitten @mochie85 @mischief2sarawr @lokiprompts @lulubelle814 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @gigglingtiggerv2 @tmilover1993 @lyds247 @dustychinchilla74 @lokis-dark-queen @november-rayne @12-pm-510 @newtomofgods @eyesbluelikethetitanic @lokiestorch @beautyb1ade @angelilacsworld @lokidokieokie @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @asgards-princess-of-mischief @anundyingfidelity @buttercupcookies-blog
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Karasuno, Nekoma and Seijoh:
Miss Manager and the Mystery Man
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Karasuno x Fem! manager; Nekoma x Fem! manager; Seijoh x Fem! manager
Warnings: jealousy, mostly fluff
AN: this is a request, I kept it kind of generic and mostly platonic
Most chaotic reaction goes to Karasuno 🏆
It happens at nationals
The team is brimming with excitement and nervousness as they prepare to take on Inarizaki
You, on the other hand, are relatively calm
You know your boys and how talented each and every one of them is
There’s no doubt in your mind that they will win
While they stretch, you mindlessly jot down things to remember, stats you want to collect
“YN is that you?” A voice rings from behind you as you turn to see your cousin standing right there
“Omg hi!! It’s so good to see you!” You bellow in excitement as you quickly leap into his arms from a big hug
The team is watching, utterly confused
Why are you hugging this person? Why is this person a man??
They instantly go on guard
Tanaka and Noya are growling low
Suga and Enoshita watch with narrowed eyes
Kageyama isn’t even paying attention let’s be real 😅
Asahi is concerned
Kiyoko is all smiles because she knows who the man is and is happy for you
Hinata looks confused, as does the rest of the team
Daichi narrows his eyes, but decides to approach
“Uhh hey YN, who is this?” He questions, guard up but still giving the stranger the benefit of doubt
Of course, that is before Hinata jumps in and says
“Is this your boyfriend Yn??” He screeches as the entire team stops
Some hold their breath, others just stand there
And some, well some freak out
“Who the heck do you think you are city boy??” Tanaka provinces, getting right into said city boys name
“Some guy who apparently thinks he’s good enough for OUR YN!” Noya shouts, only encouraging Tanaka
Poor Yachi is standing there, no idea how to react
You just stand there, rolling your eyes because of course this is the conclusion they would come too 🙄
You quickly stand in front of your cousin, pushing the two one brained celled teammates back
“This is my cousin! He lives far away and I don’t get to see him often!” You shout
The team instantly relaxes
Daichi quickly grabs Tanaka and Noya, whose mouths gape at the realization and apologizes
“Sorry about this,” he says to you and your cousin
Your poor cousin is probably scared for life 😂
But deep down you don’t mind, you know the team love and care for you
Chillest team? Definitely not 😂
Today was a beautiful day for a run
Of course, your enthusiasm wasn’t shared by all teammates involved
See example 👉🏻 Kenma
But nevertheless the team needed to work on their endurance
Normally you wouldn’t go with them, opting to stay behind and fill water bottles or chat with the coaches
But lev and Yamamoto had been begging you to go so you figured why not
You didn’t exactly hate running (only god knows why) so you thought it would be a great team bonding activity
Per the usual Yamamoto is leading the pack, followed behind Kuroo and Yaku who are silently racing
Kai, Fukunaga, Lev and Inuoka trail behind
And last but certainly not least, is you and Kenma
While you and Kenma run, you talk a little but mostly Kenma tries not to die
Then you see him
As he approaches, you make sure it’s actually him before freaking out
“Omg Hi!” You screech, as Kenma looks from you to the mystery man who is now stopping and smiling back at you
“Hey YN, how are you?” He asks as Kenma continues to stare, taking advantage of the break but still wondering who this man is
Could it be your boyfriend?
By now the rest of the team has stopped and are quietly observing
No one does anything yet, at least not until the mystery man goes in for the hug
“Whoa whoa who the heck do you think you are?” Yamamoto quickly jumps in, halting the man’s movements
“Excuse me?” The man says before stopping and looking at you like you can control these guys 🙄
Then Kuroo and Yaku step up to the plate 🙄 because why not
“This is our manage dude, better back off!” Yaku snarls as Kuroo just smirks
“Yaku don’t be mean to the man, not like he has anything remotely close on us,” Kuroo sneers as the man looks so utterly confused
Kenma is definitely recording this whole thing because he knows something’s up
You just stand there unimpressed
“Guys will you knock it off! This is just my cousin! He lives here but I don’t see him much because he’s in college!” You shout as all the guys freeze
“Cousin??” Some say
“In college?” Others chime
“I’m so sorry about them,” you apologize, “they all share a braincell and it seems it’s not made an appearance yet today!”
Your cousin looks from you to them before speaking, “it was nice to see you Yn, I gotta head out.”
Your cousin quickly jogs away before he has to deal with anymore crap
“Do you guys have one ounce of chill in you?” You grind out
“Sorry YN,” they all say in unison
But you can’t be mad at them for long and soon you are back enjoying your run with your boys
Definitely the most jealous
It’s the interhigh tournament and you are busy filling water bottles for the team
Usually one of the boys would accompany you but coach needed them for a quick meeting
And your an independent woman, you can handle yourself
As you fill, someone comes besides you and taps your shoulder
“Hey Yn, long time no see!” The guy says as your face lights up and you hug him with all your might
You haven’t seen your cousin in ages, despite living in the same prefecture
“Hey how is it going? I see your team made it to interhighs. Congrats!” You say as you carry on a nice a sweet conversation
But that’s not what it looks like from afar
Because you see, a certain second year setter spots you and quickly runs to tattle on you for having any contact with boys outside the team 🙄
“Some guy is hitting on Yn!” Yahaba screams at the team as Makki, Mattsun, Iwaizumi and Oikawa RUN towards you
Mad dog, Watari, Kindaichi and Kunimi are calm about it but still head out to see what’s happening
Before you know it, your engulfed in a squeezing hug by Oikawa who is glaring at your cousin
“My YN back off!” He shouts as Iwaizumi smacks him upside the head
“What are you doing with our YN?” Makki probes as your cousin seems to be completely and utterly confused
“Umm I was just talking with her,” he says as you try and wiggle out of the caged arms of Oikawa
“Just talking?” Mattsun glares as you quickly make your way through the tall players
“He’s my cousin!” You shout as Mattsun, Makki, Iwa and Oikawa all go stiff
In unison they all say, “cousin??” And look back and forth from you to your cousin
“Yes and I was just talking with him about you guys!”
“Awe you were talking about me YN-Chan??” Oikawa squeals as Iwa again smacks him
“I’m so sorry about them,” you say before budding yourself cousin farewell and pushing the team away
“Sorry YN,” they bellow in unison again as you roll your eyes
Try not to be too mad at them Yn 😂
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landitolover · 7 months
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𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔 in which everyone thinks that she’s dating her skating partner, but her actual boyfriend starts to feel a bit insecure about how everyone ships her with her someone who isn’t him.. ౨ৎ ollie x fem!skater!reader
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Liked by hyun_sb182, lilymhe, and 879,812 others
yourusername in italy for the (very short) break 😚!
View all 1,922 comments
user here before hyun 🥰
user i need to run into her idk !!
user she’s so perf
user hyun i hope you know how to fight
→ user real ‼️
hyun_sb182 ❤️❤️
lilymhe so gorg babes
→ yourusername imy ☹️❤️
alex_albon COME TO MY RACE 🤔🤔
→ yourusername maybe.. if I’m not too busy going to other races 😉
→ user omg what does she mean by that
→ user ew why would you say that.. she’s clearly dating hyun ??? 😭
user she posted this just for me 😂😂🙏🏼🙏🏼 (I’m delusional)
user anyone else find it weird how ppl are saying they’re dating when yn is 18 and hyun is like 22 😭???
→ user RIGHT and they met when she was like 16 and he was 20 .. WEIRD!
→ user fr plus i see them more as siblings ..
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YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i hope you’re not bothered by all those stupid ppl who think I’m dating hyun 😞
it’s fine, i mean it kinda makes me sad but theres nothing we can really do about it
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i’m sorry ollie :(
i can tell my pr to handle this ???
no no it’s fine!
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
are u sure???
yes I’m sure :)
anyways, getting rid of that topic
are you coming to my race ???
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
well yeah duh
why else would I be in Italy
to be in italy ?
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
why would I be in italy just to be in italy
when my bfs race is happening the week i have off
yeah you have a point
this is the first race of mine you’re going to 😁😁
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i knoww I’m so excited :)
i’ll win this race just for you 🍀
♡ yn loved “ i’ll win this race just for you 🍀 ”
yourusername just added two new stories
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viewed by olliebearman f2andf3ladies and 12,082 others
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Liked by olliebearman, jakcrawford_, and 54,678 others
yourusername thanks prema_team for letting me hang with you guys!!! and congratulations to ollie for winning 😄😄! super nice hanging out with jak too! (It was just an amazing experience in general, thank you ❤️)
tagged olliebearman jakcrawford_
View all 980 comments
user was hyun there too???
→ user girl stfu she can go places by herself 😐
user my two worlds colliding
user wait why is that jak guy kinda …. I’m gonna start watching f2 for him fr 🫣
user jak, yn, & ollie is a crazy trio i hope we see more of them 🙏🏼
→ user ollie in the third pic “ 🧍‍♂️”
user i smell a new ship
→ user stop shipping a girl with a whole ass bf. 😭
→ user she literally never confirmed if shes dating hyun lol
jakcrawford_ i kinda look dumb in the last pic
→ yourusername tbf it was very early in the morning
olliebearman fun hanging with you! 😀
→ yourusername i agree!
alex_albon so are u coming to my race or not .. cause you obviously have time now 🙄
→ yourusername 👍🏻
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yourusername just added two new stories
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viewed by olliebearman ynsupdates and 9,829 others
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just saw your story
you hang out with him alot don’t you ?
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
well i mean yeah? he’s my partner..
don’t be mad ollie ..
no I’m not mad at you
i could never be mad at you
i just feel like
kinda insecure
like everyone thinks you guys are so amazing together
and that you guys like belong.. I dunno it’s stupid, sorry
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
don’t apologize oliver
you’re feelings are 100% valid and I’M sorry
that you feel that way :(
and I hope you know I don’t see hyun in that way,
he’s more of an older brother to me! i promise u :)
i love you 💕
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i love you more 💘
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YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
it was supposed to be a surprise
twitter ruined my surprise 😔
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
dw ollie!! i’ll act super duper surprised when i see u
thank you 😊💕
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Liked by olliebearman, lilymhe, and 37,829 others
yourusername 🍀
View all 1,922 comments
user mother is ALWAYS mothering
user this performance was so good i shed so many tears 😢
lilymhe this performance was so AMAZING
→ yourusername THANK YOU BABES 😭😭❤️❤️
jakcrawford_ ABSOLUTE FIRE
→ yourusername THANKS BFF !
olliebearman such a lovely performance, it was so amazing seeing it live 💕
→ yourusername thank you ollie 🥹💕
→ user i just dropped to my knees.
→ user how do you feel now ynhyun nation 🤣🤣
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Liked by yourusername, jakcrawford_, and 23,389 others
olliebearman you’ll always be my person, i love you yn 🤍
original: yeah, how do you feel ynhyun nation? sorry i ruined your little ship but i’ve been dating her for a year now! I love you, yn 🤍
• edited
tagged yourusername
View all 897 comments
→ user he changed it 😕
user bud didn’t come to play
→ user bud did not let the rumors slide
user the rumors are terrible and cruel but honey most of them are true 🎶
→ olliebearman only the rumors abt me dating yn are true
user we lost ynhyun . CAUSE OF A WHITE BOY
→ user get out. hyun aint stand a CHANCE!
user WE WON HELLO?????
user long story short i survived the ynhyun allegations
user i knew them ynhyun mfos were delusional
user these pictures are so CUTE IM THROWING UP
lilymhe took you long enough
→ jakcrawford_ right like i couldn’t pretend like i just met yn anymore.. like dawg we’ve been friends for months now 🤨
→ yourusername LMFAOO IM SORRY JAK
yourusername the caption sir…… 🤨 you should PROBABLY CHANGE IT ! don’t want ur pr to hate me
→ olliebearman yes ma’am
→ olliebearman I LOVE YOU TOO 🤍🤍
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Liked by ynsupdates, olliebearman, lilymhe and 89,922 others
yourusername yeah as if I would ever date a scrawny white boy..
tagged olliebearman
View all 1,928 comments
→ olliebearman no cause fr why are my legs that long
→ yourusername idk what ur talking abt!
user sweetest + funniest couple ever
olliebearman so u can have an unhinged caption but i cant 🤨
→ yourusername that’s different oliver.
olliebearman we’re so couple goals 😋
→ yourusername so true babe
olliebearman ynollie forever
hyun_sb182 incredibly happy for you two ❤️
→ hyun_sb182 also i am not attracted to her, I have a girlfriend and I see yn as a younger sister …
→ yourusername thank you hyun!!!
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౨ৎ helloo! this is a re upload from my old blog <3 sorry for not posting anything, but i will b posting just old stuff from my old blog while i work on the new stuff 🤫🤫 BE READY FOR A CHARLES SMAU SOON 🤓🤓 also dulce hotline waaaah
@moneygramhaas hai bff ౨ৎ
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maryleclerc · 1 year
𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 — charles leclerc
pairing: prince!charles leclerc x reader ; prince!charles leclerc x princess!reader ; prince!dad!charles leclerc x princess!mom!reader
summary: in which the royal family and prince charles leclerc finally spoke out about the rumors of an affair between him and the actress.
warning: english is not my native language, use google translation
au: yea yea i know some people don’t like the cheating plot, but i think it’s just so bored if everything just go so smooth :(((
read my royal series here
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Liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc and others
y/n_leclerc I’m posting this just to let you know that our marriage life is still as great as it is before every false rumor, a false rumor always a false rumor so I’m not worried or even care about it, and beside that we’re planning on having our 2nd child together!! 🫶🏻 You might ask who idea it is right? It’s my husband Charles and our son Christian Arthur just ask me if I can give him little sister or little brother, and my husband also said he want a mini Y/n running around the house.
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charles_leclerc ❤️ Tellement chanceux de t'avoir
⤷ y/n_leclerc Christian and I are so lucky to have you by our side
arthur_leclerc Can’t wait to meet a new addition of Y/n Leclerc
⤷ y/n_leclerc Wait what 😂 I’m not even pregnant yet how do you know its going to be a baby girl
ilovecharlesleclerc_ Hii, may i ask what is Prince Christian Arthur hobby?
⤷ y/n_leclerc Oh, he love go-karting, him and Charles use to go-karting every weekend. They LOVE F1
favgirly/n The way she’s so calm makes me love her even more
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Liked by y/n_leclerc and others
charles_leclerc I, Prince Charles Leclerc of Monte Carlo would like to declear the rumor one more time, that there are no romantic relationship betwen us, the only love that I shared is for Y/n and Christian. And that’s it
Also I wanted to said this to @y/n_leclerc
I must say how happy I am to have a wife who is always willing to help me solve problems in a very calm way, whenever I have difficult problems to solve, Y/n always being the one to help me find different solutions made me respect her even more. More than that, I always feel lucky to have her as my wife and mother of my children.
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viennajaula_ We need a sorry from you @kristiannabailee_official 🙂 you better post it or i’m gonna have to “hunt” you down myself
redferarri Why the worst things always happen to our Charles, he’s the nicest guy and Y/n too they’re just jealous of them!! 😩
genni See i told you, he never ever do that horrible things
blueivyy Not gonna, i hate that girl so much she can’t even say hi to her fan
⤷ loveliee She’s super mean, mean to every single fan
lanadelreysmywife Y/n, the most beloved Princess of Monte Carlo 😩😩😩😩😩
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kristianabailee_official Hi, I'm Kristiana Bailee and you probably know me from my role or with the most recent rumor that I'm in a relationship with Prince Charles Leclerc but in reality it's just me. Yes, I have feelings for Prince Charles Leclerc and I want to write this post to apologize to the fans who have suffered the hurt, the disappointment caused by me and more especially, I want to apologize to Prince Charles Leclerc and Princess Y/n of Monte Carlo for causing these unnecessary misunderstandings.
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krisanddede That’s okay, atleast you know what you doing is wrong. We forgive you
theleclercfaam Should i believe her or not :))
y/nismyqueen The manager better keep her away from the whole royal family. They won’t know what she would do next
sophiagreen I hope Prince Christian Arthur won’t see all of this shit when he become adult, she clearly wants to ruin the reputation of Prince Charles Leclerc and the royal family!
jessica_ 🙂🙂
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spockandawe · 9 months
Double edit: actually, that's enough of that.
Edit: I was expecting maybe thirty notes tops. This is a surprise, and one that doesn't delight me. If I hear about any harassment stemming from this post, I'll be more pissed at the harasser than the person this is about.
God. Dammit.
I hate this, let's just out that out there! I'm unhappy that I'm talking about any of this, I'm unhappy there's an issue that's come up at the intersection of media preservation, respecting authors, and one of my favorite book series. And I'm unhappy that I've censored the names in the screenshots I'm about ti post! I'm not happy that I'm helping to slide consequences away from someone who thought this was an acceptable thing to do to a modern working author. But I'm even less happy this is something that happened in the first place, and I'm VERY unhappy the original post has been deleted without a whisper of accountability or apology.
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And here's a partial screenshot of the IA page, which has since been removed. I get the excitement to share something you love with a new audience. This isn't the right way to go about it.
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First, if Martha Wells' patreon is still in place, I encourage everyone in the strongest possible terms to go sign up for it. It'll charge you one dollar. I've been a member since probably 2018, and I mistakenly believed it was locked to new members (it's labeled 'Currently Closed To New Patrons') until I had reason to look it up last night, when I tripped across this reddit post from earlier this year.
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Now. I was looking it up because of this sudden patreon message:
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Even if the patreon goes away, I still recommend that people sign up. Explore the stories! They're very fun! Even though the patreon has been dormant for years, I've loved having that repository in place.
In fact, in the interest of full disclosure, what kept me from immediately reblogging last night is that I've felt the same archival urges! I bound a hard copy of these stories earlier this year, and let me quote my own words from that post:
I live in a state of perpetual low key stress over the impermanence of digital media and that goes extra for sites that aren’t designed to work well as archives. I hope, desperately, that someday Martha Wells publishes more raksura, maybe even including these stories! I will buy it immediately. No thoughts, wallet empty. I own all her other raksura books in literally three formats, fingers crossed that by printing this, I can actualize a formal official printing of these stories by the author 😂
So. Archiving, yes. But especially with a living, working author, I would never DREAM of posting a public free-for-all with IA and mediafire links. My most charitable interpretation is that OP thought it was fine since the stories were "free," even though the writeups acknowledge that access costs a dollar. Ao3 is also free. Reposting someone else's fic is still understood to be a dick move.
Last night i was left kind of stunned, and I was hoping to see some kind of response from op this morning taking responsibility, and was... disappointed to see that the post was just deleted. The IA listing was deleted too, and I hadn't actually looked up the mediafire post yet but I'm guessing it's also been nuked. Out of curiosity, I wanted to see if there was anything more in the comments, so I found a surviving reblog. And there was!
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So I'm writing this post because I'm... frustrated. Taking down the files is a good step. Posting them publicly was a worse step, but hey. I still more than understand if Martha Wells still deletes her patreon. I don't understand what sending her files of her own stories is meant to accomplish, but whatever. Ascribing a profit-driven motive is driving me up a wall, though. She's financially stable. I read her email, and what i see is frustration that even though it only cost a dollar to access 62k of her work through her own chosen location, control of her writing is being forcibly removed from her. I'm sure that seeing copies sold by third parties wouldn't help, but I don't think that's the root issue.
This is a fandom-heavy website, I'm sure most of us have seen posts about not reposting art when you can share directly from the artist's blog. I've seen posts about stop copying your ao3 faves over to wattpad just because you like reading there better. At a fundamental level, I read the message from Martha Wells as a deep frustration at having no way to share her creative work without someone removing control of it from her hands. And I don't know if there's any way to really take back that damage.
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acotarxreader · 2 months
Shadow and Flame pt 3
Azriel X Reader
Warnings: Angst, smut, miscommunications, mentions of burn.
A/N: Right, I haven't written smut in a very long time and I am very rusty so apologies in advance there 😂 the end of this segment I hope it's clear that both situations happen concurrently and that that comes across yikes! I'm still blown away by people's kind words and welcoming nature. Thank you so much loves! Part 4 loading
Part 1 Part 2
You woke to the smell of cedar and mist replacing the smell of burned skin in your nose. You sighed gently, tempting your eyes to open. You reached to feel the softest silk beneath your hands. This sent fear through you. Where were you? You tried to will your body upright but insurmountable pain shattered through your bones. Your eyes peeled open, to stare up at a delicately painted ceiling, the stars of the night sky looking back at you. You reached for any flame you could find but none came to you, your own fire truly exhausted from the battle with your Father's. 
“Easy there YN” the female's voice stopped your movements, your eyes frantically searching for the source as she stepped out of the shadow.
“Hello, I'm Feyre, please be gentle with yourself you were ravaged” she said quietly and you hated it. Hated the pity. You knew of Feyre, you knew of her and your brother, what happened Under The Mountain and all the things that happened since but mostly you knew she was not an immediate threat unless threatened. 
“Where am I?” You rasped through your smokey throat. 
“Velaris, this is our home, Azriel brought you to us when you landed on the town house steps, we have healers round the clock for you, it won't be long until you're right again” you groaned, trying to move your body, pushing away the pain. 
“I need Lucien” you breathed
“Yes well….about him, he is kind of sort of not available at the moment”
“What?” You gently turned your head to get a look at the beautiful High Lady.
“Az won't allow him to darken the door. I'm sorry if this upsets you but we must let him work through it himself if we are ever to see them in the same room again” Feyre left out the part where Azriel had nearly torn the Prince of Foxes limb for limb, leaving him in his own state of disrepair.
“I have to go, I have to go back to Autumn, he'll come for me”
“Beron will not step another foot in this Court unless he fancies losing it. My mate is handling him as we speak” she spoke with such hatred in her voice for your Father. He had crossed into the territory unwelcomed, certainly ruffling the treaty but you were his to fetch. You knew he'd come back, treaty or not. You couldn't stay here and risk the vengeance. You couldn't stay here and risk them finding out your heritage. You pushed up slightly to sit and rest against the headboard, your skin screaming at you to stop. You glanced around the room lit by sunlight, no flame to be seen
“Feyre, I need fire”
“I think you've had enough of that” she laughed but stopped once she noticed your stony expression.
She cleared her throat before speaking again. “Az has instructed us to keep you from fire until you are rested, he said you're a flight risk, he didn't care to elaborate” she gave a small smile. 
“Azriel is not my keeper. I have to get to flame, it will help me to recover” she weighed up her options as you pleaded with your copper eyes. She moved slowly to the fireplace to retrieve a matchbox and tealight, figuring a small light was of minimal risk. Your eyes followed her hands as she drew the match backwards, watching and waiting for the relief the crackle of fire would bring. The match drew against the red phosphorus as you held your breath. A shadow quenches the flame before it could grow.
“Feyre” her head snapped to Azriel as he stood in the doorway, tea tray in hand. She looked at the Shadowsinger as if she was a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. 
“I-she said she needs it to recover” he sighed at her before glancing straight to you, the words she said only resonating with him then, you were awake.
“YN, thank the Gods” he dashed to your side, putting the tray down. Feyre allowed a smirk to grow, dropping the matches at the end of the bed before seeing herself out of the room.
“Get me Lucien” his face twisted in anger at the sound of the name and that these were the first words you'd uttered to him in a week. 
“YN, please I know he is your love but-” your loud laugh cut him off, pressure releasing as your ribs shook.
“That is disgusting” you remarked with a smile to the confused Shadowsinger. You swallowed the laugh growing in you again, attempting to swing your legs to the side of the bed to have Azriels hand stop you in your tracks. 
“YN please you must rest”
“I must get out of here before Fa-Beron comes and burns this place to cinders”
“He wouldn't dare, what is it he wants with you?” You glanced down at your feet and back up to meet the hazel eyes. You must have looked like a nightmare, ash still in your hair, cracked skin screaming to be reconnected with itself and yet Azriel looked at you with pure kindness in his eyes. 
“He wants - I can't tell you what he wants but I should go to him before he comes to collect” you said smally. Azriel kneeled to the side of the bed to fall between your legs as they hung over the edge. His hands slid into yours as if they were always meant to be there. You watched the movement with such caution. This wasn't supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to be seen. You weren't supposed to want to be seen. 
“I will not hesitate to kill him where he stands should he cross the threshold of the Night Court without permission again” his eyes searched yours with determination.
“I want to trust you” he lowered his head to your hands at your response. Azriel almost painfully slowly raised your hands to his mouth to place the gentlest of kisses on your cracked skin. This sent tingles through your body, the lovingness of the gesture warmed you, soothing your exhausted internal blaze. 
“Then trust me” His words broke your heart, but you felt you trusted him as much as you trusted your father would come for you.
“Give me a flame” your eyes landed on the box of matches at the end of the bed. His eyes followed yours with trepidation. If your father was to come then you were not going to have him find you broken in a bed. 
“-If I am to trust you then you are to trust me, give me a flame to aid my recovery” your eyes scanned him from side to side, hoping to portray the genuineness you felt. He released your hands, reaching for the match box again.
He dragged a match from its cage and looked into your eyes as he struck it off the red phosphorus, bursting into life. Its glow illuminated the space between you both. You reached a shaky hand towards the flame, it almost stretching out to you in joy of being reunited.
Azriel watched in awe, never had he seen the elements behave in such a way for any ordinary Fae. But you weren't ordinary, you were of pure Autumn Court blood, the flame a friend of yours. Your finger made contact with the heat, Azriel tried not to cringe at the sound of the sizzle. You breathed the energy before diving in. You were pulled from the bed and deep within its heat. Azriel leapt to his feet at the now empty bed in front of him. He cursed out loud, he trusted you and you left. He wanted to help you and you left. He cared for you and you left. The match fizzled out. 
“Told you” he jumped on the spot as you stood from behind him, skin beginning to knit together again faster than any healer could work. Your loose nightdress flowed over the scars now melting back into your skin as you smiled at the Shadowsinger. He exhaled in relief, closing the distance between you.
“Did you think I'd gone?” he caught hold of your hands as you gave a small laugh at his surprised face. 
“I thought you had evaded my touch once again Flame” you tried to hide your blush at his new pet name for you, failing miserably. You felt yourself almost fall into the shrinking space between you both, Azriels shadows dancing with your flames around your feet, finding home in one another. 
“Who are you Flame?” It was hardly above a whisper.
“-Excuse me!” Madjas sharp voice split you both apart. 
“Madja I was just-”
“-Leaving Lady YN to bed rest, as we had agreed” she raised an eyebrow as Azriel almost shrunk into himself like a bold school child. You let a little laugh leave you at the sight, until Madja landed her gaze on you and you hung your head almost in shame. She pointed to the bed with a slender finger, you went to protest but her heated stare told you otherwise as you slipped back into the sheets. 
You sank into the medicated bath. Normally being submerged in water had you feeling ill but the myriad of lit candles surrounding you gave you comfort. Madja had ordered you to soak your stitching skin and you now feared her almost as much as your father so you obliged. 
You hummed gently as your eyes rested in the swimming pool-like bath that was flush with the floor. You wondered where Lucien was, how angry he'd be with you, how enraged he'd be at the sight of you and Azriel earlier. You couldn't help but smile at the discomfort you'd bring your sibling. You reached for the salve Madja instructed you to apply, it's cream-like consistency foaming on the grooves of your skin.
“YN I brought you- Fuck sorry!” Azriel shielded his eyes quickly while dropping the books he held in his hand. You moved deeper in the water, suddenly shy at his presence. He moved to gather the books still blocking his eyes, kicking one into the bubbling water. 
“Azriel just open your eyes before you end up in here with me” you laughed retrieving the book, its ink blending into the water. Azriel thought for a moment to keep his eyes closed, the possibility of ending up in there with you making the hair on his neck stand up in excitement. He opened his eyes cautiously to find you staring up at him through your lashes.
“Thank you for lighting the candles for me earlier, a lovely surprise” 
“You're welcome, anything you need” he gathered the books, shivers running through him at the sight of your body beneath the bubbles.
“Actually Azriel….nevermind”
“No, what is it? Tell me” You shrunk in on yourself slightly, your boldness leaving you. He wanted to stay there with you as long as he could, in any capacity. 
“It's just….I need to put this salve on my back and…I can't reach and Madja has gone home for the evening and-”
“Sure” he replied quickly, cursing himself internally at your smirk. 
Azriel lowered himself on his knees behind you, his wings balancing him from teetering over the edge. You passed the jar back to him over your shoulder, trying to keep your anticipation to a minimum, fixing your glance at the navy tiling. 
He hovered his shaking hand above your shoulder as it glistened from the water. Azriel every so gently rubbed the salve into your skin, it foaming on contact. You rolled your head back slightly at the feeling of the soothing balm on your cracked skin causing a breath of relief to leave you. Azriels eyes fell over your shoulder for a moment to glance at your chest, he mentally scolded himself immediately for stealing the glance, pulling his hand back.
“Are you okay?” You noticed the missing sensation straight away, you rolled to lie on your stomach, forearms across the rim of the bath, you looked up at the Shadowsinger on his knees above you.
“I-I’m not sure I've ever felt so okay before in my life Flame” his eyes were so lovingly looking at you with such true sincerity you'd never felt from someone before. You pushed up from the bath to your feet, your whole torso dripping in bubbles gleaming. Azriel swallowed the lump in his throat, he was now eye level with you as you reached for his hand and pulled him closer to you. He couldn't help but trace your whole body with his eyes, drinking you in. Your hand slipped around the back of his neck, pulling him up from his knees and forward to meet your lips. 
Inferno. Azriels whole body felt warm and secure as you kissed him deeply, his hands going to your waist. You shuddered a little bit at his cold hands meeting your wet sides.
“Sorry sorry did I hurt you?” he pulled back suddenly to your surprise. 
“Azriel do you intend on hurting me?”
“Then no, you didn't hurt me, it's just because I'm all….wet that your dry hand just…startled me” Azriel took a moment to think before a devilish smirk grew across his face, he stood and began to strip down in front of you. Your mouth dried out at the sight of him, your skin felt electric as he sank into the water alongside you. His hand grazed the side of your cheek, pulling you forward to meet him gently. 
“I-was-so-scared-when-I-found-you-on-the-steps” Azriel breathed out between kisses. You passed one of your legs over his lap beneath the water to straddle him, tilting his head back to deepen the kiss. 
“Were you looking for me?” You smiled into the kiss, his hands wrapping around you to pull you flush into him. 
“I think my whole life Flame” your heart sang at these words, your breath taken from you as he attached himself to your neck. You moaned at the feeling of his teeth nipping you, trailing down your neck to your chest. Azriel hardened beneath you even more at the sound. You leaned up slightly, running a hand down his chiselled chest to beneath the surface of the water to his lengthy member. 
“Fuuuck” he breathed at the feeling and you grinned. You slowly lowered yourself back down onto him, moaning loudly in his ear, your nails dug into his shoulders at the sensation. You adjusted to him between your legs, the flames of the candles growing wilder around the bath. 
“Are you going to set me on fire Flame?” Azriel groaned out as you began to bounce slightly on his length. He reattached to your neck to muffle his groans, failing massively. The both of you moved in unison, tension building building building. Azriels fingers gripped into your sides with burning pressure, the flames around you growing taller and taller with your tighting core until the whole bath was surrounded by a ring of your fire. If Azriel was honest with himself, he was a bit afraid of the growing towers of fire but he felt so easily lost in your moans he forgot the fear as soon as it came. You moaned his name so loudly you were sure they heard you in Summer Court, toppling Azriel over his own edge, the flame on the candles becoming small and still again at the release. 
You stayed on his lap for a moment, until he stood with you still in his arms. He passed through the bathroom doors into your adjacent room with your flames dancing around to dry you both before he placed you on the bed. 
“Flame, I have to see to something with Rhys but I will be back before you know it” you ran your hand gently down his cheek as he leaned and whispered those words from above you. 
“I'll be here”
“Do you promise?”
“Do you trust me?” He kissed your cheek in answering your question before retrieving his clothes and redressing. You allowed your eyes to fall close as he slipped out the door. 
You rolled over to find the bed empty alongside you still an hour or so later. You lifted yourself from the bed, dressing in a robe that Feyre had laid out for you. You wandered down the hall in search of Azriel. 
“I don't care Rhys, she stays!” You heard Azriels sharp tone from the other side of a large oak door. You couldn't help but stop and listen. 
“Az, she is not from the Court, she belongs to Autumn-”
“She belongs to no one” Azriel seethed.
“Brother, she brings a threat to our door. Lucien has told us she must go to Autumn, to Beron, it is beyond our control-” your breath hitched in your throat, had Lucien let the cat out of the bag?
“It is very much in your control Cass” 
“Beron has made it clear that he will help us in our efforts should we return YN” 
“She is not a political pawn!”
“She belongs to Beron, she must go back! I am not going to war for some female that landed on our doorstep! He wants you dead Azriel, I will not have you sacrificed for her!” Rhysands hands banged against the solid wood of his desk. 
You took a step back from the door again. They were going to send you back. Your Father would have you mangled for the embarrassment of having to be sent against your will back to him. You looked at the candles lighting the stairwell adjacent and with a deep breath you knew it was time to go before they took you kicking and screaming. But you didn't want to, you couldn't leave like this, couldn't leave Azriel. The rock of having him hurt because of you and the hard place of returning to a vengeful father is where you found yourself wedged firmly between. You ran from the stairwell to your room, head scrambling.
“I could have said the same when you barraged in on Tamlin and Feyres wedding!’
“Az!” Cass reprimanded Azriel with his eyes for his comments. 
“That was different Az, Feyre is my mate!”
“And what if YN is mine!?” The two were instantly silent to this. Azriel felt such strong and complex feelings towards you, such a magnetic force, the flame to his smoke.  A chill ran down his spine. Something was happening. The three Illyrians took an instinctive fighting stance.
“Y/N” your father stood in a circle of flame in your room, eerily calm with an outstretched hand. 
“Come home now and all will be forgiven” Berons eyes told a different story. He was boiling in anger, anger you knew Azriel would take the brunt of if you didn't go now and yet you hesitated, looking around the safe space Azriel had made for you. You went to speak, to defy, to scream but you were too slow, too weak still, Berons flame engulfed you and pulled you from where you stood. 
Azriel materialised into your room, the other two warriors searching for the source of their unease elsewhere in River House. 
“Flame, you wouldn't believe the- YN?” He materialised in your room to find it empty. He ran to the bathroom to find you gone from there as well, all the flames in the room doused out.
What do we think friends?
Part 4
Tag list: @sunshineangel-reads @skylarkalchemist @tele86 @saltedcoffeescotch @impossibelle @quiettuba @thecraziestcrayon @fightmedraco
If you were forgotten please feel every right to give out to me
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navybrat817 · 9 months
Navy! Where is my man? 😭
He's in bed, nonnie. 😂❤️
Heaven on Earth
Pairing: Ranch Hand!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky has work to do, but doesn't want either of you to get out of bed just yet.
Word Count: Over 1.2k
Warnings: Fluff, slight feels (it's me), implied smut, ranch hand!Bucky (he’s a warning, okay?) and he's in love.
A/N: Buckaroo loves Sunbeam, okay? ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own! Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics . Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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One of Bucky's favorite things about your home is the smell. It was in the heavenly scent of your cooking that filled the kitchen, the meals you poured your heart into to make sure he was well-fed. It was also in the fresh flowers you put on the table, the colors as vibrant and bright as your smile. Though nothing beat the distinct and wonderful smell of you.
His heart always beat a little faster when he nosed the column of your neck and caught a whiff of your sweet perfume. The way your scent lingered in the air when he had his fill of you nearly drove him out of his mind. He sometimes found himself inhaling your soap in the shower just for another reminder of you, even though you were usually only a few feet away. Needing you close was as natural to him as breathing.
So when you sat up early one morning before him and tried to slip out of bed, his hand shot out to stop you.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
His voice came out lower and a bit more dangerous than he intended, a tone typically reserved for when you acted like a brat. It was no secret that he loved that side of you. He adored every layer of yourself you showed him, but you hadn't done a thing to earn the slight snarl from him. Which was why he couldn't help but sheepishly smile when you attempted to level him with an unimpressed stare, easily visible since he turned the nightstand lamp on.
"I was going to make you coffee and some breakfast. Thought you could use it before you started work," you said, your voice still rough from sleep and still beautiful as you jabbed a finger against his chest. "But if you're going to act ungrateful, I'll sleep in and you can take that favorite mug of yours and shove it right up your-"
"Easy, Sunbeam," he chuckled, brushing his lips against your forehead as an apology. "Not complaining and I didn't mean to sound ungrateful."
"Then why did you use that tone with me?" you asked, narrowing your eyes as you pulled away. "You wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"
He thought about it and nodded. "Guess you could say that. Only because you tried to get out of bed before me and you know I don't like waking up alone."
For reasons still unknown to him, you wanted him. You wanted to make a life with him. And since the first time he had you in his bed, he found that he couldn't sleep as easily unless you were there. The bed didn't feel as warm when he was alone. It was too big with just him in it. You fit right there beside him.
Your gaze softened as you laid back down and opened your arms for him to cuddle. He took the invitation without question, resting his head on your chest. He closed his eyes as he listened to the sound of your heart, the smell of your soap drifting to his nostrils. If he stayed too long he'd fall behind on his chores, but he wasn't ready to leave your embrace quite yet.
How can I go out and face the world when my world is right here?
"Can I tell you something?" you asked, carding your fingers through his hair as he moaned.
"Tell me," he whispered, enthralled by your touch.
"I don't like waking up alone either," you whispered back.
Bucky hummed sympathetically. With his work, he was usually up and out of bed before you. He hated disturbing your slumber, wanting you to get as much rest as possible. He always placed a kiss on your forehead and whispered how much he loved you before he went to it. You were the one who made the hard work worth it when some of the days felt too long.
"Maybe we should get out of bed at the same time then."
"Or not get out of bed at all," you teased.
Tilting his head up to look up at you, his stomach flipped when he caught your soft smile. It was enough to make his heart swell, like he was watching his own personal sunrise. He quickly grew accustomed to the warm glow in his chest whenever you were around. Did you have any idea how easy it was for him to fall head over heels in love with you?
"What's that look for?"
"No reason. Just love you," he said, his voice thick as he brought a hand to your cheek, which you instantly leaned into. "I know I say that a lot, but I don't want you to forget it."
While Bucky would never be able to give you a mansion or gold, he had the heart of a rich man. He could provide a loving home built with trust and care. His calloused hands would forever trace and hold you with love, protection, and care.
I'm the richest man alive because I have you.
"I love you, too, Buckaroo. I won't forget," you promised, urging him to sit up before your mouth met his, uncaring of morning breath or anything else. "Now, may I please go make your coffee and some breakfast? It's getting late and I won't be to blame for you falling behind."
"Hey, you're the one who opened your arms for me to cuddle again and suggested that we don't get out of bed," he pointed out, smirking when he trailed his fingers down your torso. "But you have a hearty breakfast for me right here that you don't have to cook. Just spread those legs and I can eat just fine. Let me get my slice of heaven before I get to work. Don't I deserve that?"
"It's not a hearty breakfast," you smiled, biting your lip when his hand slipped under the blanket. He wasn't playing fair, but if it kept you beside him a bit longer, he'd play dirty. "And it isn't heaven."
"Yeah, it is. Tastes like heaven. Feels like it. Hell, it even smells like it," he husked, feeling you shiver when he brought his mouth to your neck. "Made for me to worship, like every single inch of you."
"Better eat up then and don't you dare edge me," you said, tilting your head as he skimmed his teeth along your pulse. "Or I'll burn your eggs. So help me."
"I'll make it good for you," he promised, diving under the blankets as you laughed. "Oh, darlin', how can you ever deny that you hold the key to my personal heaven and sunrise?"
"Maybe because I think heaven is between your legs," you said, parting your thighs to make room for his massive shoulders, his nose brushing along your slit through your panties. The whimper you let out made him smirk. "It's also in your smile and the way you love me."
Bucky poked his head out from between the comforter to gaze at you. "I guess we can consider this heaven on earth then. Now let me eat before I get to work."
Heaven is where you are, Sunbeam. And I can't wait to make you my wife.
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Oh, these two. Love and thanks for reading. ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
hashira receive chocolate from you
Author’s Note: only a lil late for Valentine’s Day… 😅
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hashira receive chocolate from you
Hashira x Reader
Word Count: ~1,100
CW: explicit language
Emergency Request Fulfilled: this sad b*tch could use an emergency request 😭 men have more audacity I swear
If possible could you do hashira men x female reacting to you bringing them chocolate on Valentine’s Day😭
Don’t mind the varying lengths of these headcanons 😆
I just wrote out scenarios as they popped into my brain
Aka not in order
Some are short and sweet; others are more fleshed out
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Cries (happy tears)
—Duh 🤠
Good thing the chocolates are in a box, otherwise they’d be soaked 🙃
Also refuses to eat them w/o you present
Insists you take the first bite of every bonbon 🥺😋
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VERY red 😡
—Apparently this is my go to hc for Obanai… he’s always red 😂
“Is this for me?” <— dangerously soft
Uhh- 😶 *cue awkward fiddling w/ the box of chocolates*
“Are you sure?” <— somehow even softer
“... yes?!”
“Thank you.”
“You don’t want them,” you accuse, more embarrassed than anything
Obanai’s eyes widen
He’s still ~mostly glaring
😓 “It’s fine! They’re my favorite anyway! I’ll just-”
A firm (sweaty) palm on your shoulder stops you mid-stalking-away
“I’d like to have them,” he declares
“W-wha-whaaat?” 😳
“Thank you,” murmured again, gentle fingers prying the box from your grip, “How about we sit beneath that tree… andyousharethemwithme?”
Best believe not a single second of eye contact occurs
#shy boi
Also What did he just say? 😃
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“NO WAAAY?!?!?!” 😍
You’re glad she’s so excited, but-? 😅
“NO WAAAY?!?!?!” 😍
—What I’d give to swap chocolates w/ Mitsuri 🥺💞
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“Sugar can lead to cavities.” 🧐
“You want me to get cavities?”
“No, I-”
“What if I get-”
“I’m kidding, darling!” 😃
😒😒😒 <— you rn
Shinobu leans in, pecking your cheek as she accepts your gift, “With you around, the harm’s already done.” 😉
… “Was that you flirting with me?”
“Yes, savor it.”
“Babe, that was so ba-”
“GOOD, [y/n], my flirting was so good.”
“Thank gosh that wasn’t your original approach.”
“You’re saying my flirting wouldn’t woo you, darling?” 😎
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” 💀
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“Chocolate?!” 😁
You only wince a tad at Kyojuro’s booming excitement 😬
“For you.” ☺️
“For me !!!” 😁😁
If you take a step back to protect your poor ears, he doesn’t comment
“A token of my appreciation.”
“How thoughtful!” 😁😁😁 “You are most generous!” 😁😁😁😁
And then he notices your slow but sure retreat ☹️
“Are you okay?” voice immediately softening
your relieved sigh = barely stifled 🤫
“Oh,” he blinks, head tilting a fraction, “I was loud!”
“Ouch,” you nod in sheepish agreement
“I apologize! Please! Share your wonderful gift with me to make up for my carelessness!” 
“I was loud again.” 😅
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Sanemi sits cross legged on his engawa, unimpressed by your offering
“I hate chocolate.” 😐
“You’re full of shit.” 🙄
“Just like your chocolate.”
“My chocolate? It’s yours, Shinazugawa Sanemi,” hand on your hip as you huff, chocolates shaking in their box as you hold them out roughly toward him, “I got it for you.”
Raising an eyebrow, he pushes your hand, “I don’t want it.”
“Fuck. You.” ☹️
Scoffing, his eyes roll, “You know I hate chocolate.”
You pout, plopping down beside him, “Hate is a strong word.”
“Eat it yourself.”
“I don’t want to.”
“See! You hate chocolate too, so don’t try pawning it off to me.” 😒
Sanemi finally shifts to face you, mouth smug, knee bumping gentle against the crook of your hip, “Hm, my love?” 😌
Seething, you ignore his advance, “We are eating this chocolate together, and if it kills you, then so be it.”
“Ooh, so this is a we situation now?” he teases fondly, plucking the box from your lap
Crossing your arms, you look away, “You’re insufferable.”
“So insufferable that you bought me chocolate,” he smirks 😇
“Whatever, I’ll keep it,” you grumble, halfheartedly grabbing for the box
“No.” 😐
“We’re eating it together, and it certainly won’t kill me.” 🥰
—Bc lover!Sanemi = emotional whiplash central 💀🤍
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“What is this for?”
“For you,” you grin
“I figured that part out.” 🤓
Snorting, you tap Muichiro’s shoulder, flicking his chin when he glances down at your movement
“Hey,” he pouts slightly, cheeks tinged pink, “Seriously though: why?”
“Because I adore you.”
“Mhm.” ☺️
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” 😁
You poke his cheek, eyes rolling fondly, “We should eat them now.”
“We? But, they’re for me.”
“Muichiro,” you deadpan
“Just trust me.” 😇
His cheeks warming further, he allows you to tug him under the shade of the nearest tree, sweetness soft in his stomach before he’s had a single taste
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“You can put that over there,” Giyuu gestures to the nearest corner of the room, not bothering to greet you 
Disappointment curdles in your stomach, stare carefully neutral as you nod, “Okay.”
Your soft sigh as you move away from him does not go unnoticed
“Are you alright?” 😕
Swiveling sharply at the slight edge in his tone, you shake your head, frustration narrowing your eyes
“What’s on your mind?” he asks, gentle now as he approaches your agitated figure
“You’re so dense,” you manage to choke out, tears welling involuntarily
“I’m so…” Giyuu trails off, realization hitting him, “Oh shit.”
—Realization being the train that was just derailed #so punny #the punniest 🤡
“Yeah,” you exhale raggedly, tiny smile tugging at your mouth despite yourself, “Not even a Hello or a Thank you.”
“I’m sorry,” he mutters, lithe body curved protective and apologetic around you before you can even blink, “That was messed up of me.”
“I can leave and come in again, so you can practice,” you chuckle wetly, face buried in his haori, “You clueless man.”
Embrace tightening, he murmurs, “You’re too kind.”
Giggling faintly, you squeeze his hip, other hand still awkwardly clutching the box of chocolate, “I know.”
“Thank you for being patient with me.”
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“We better eat them before everyone returns.” 😈
Clucking your tongue at Tengen, you pull another, another, another, and another box of chocolates from your knapsack
“Oh.” 😔
“Tengen-sama, do you look crestfallen?”
“Well, I, hm, I thought we would-”
“Unlike someone, I’m not so selfish to suggest indulging in a pleasure without our wives,” smile unwavering even as you scold him, “Which is why I bought enough for everyone to enjoy their own.” 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫
“Okay, but! Size wise, I’m large.” 😃
“Which is why I bought you two.”
“You did?!” 😍
“No.” 😐
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