#i asked for the cd but i’m not even mad this is great
didntyoubelieveinme · 6 months
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my dad got me the vg dvd for christmas 😭
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Zoro x Fem reader fluff! You know how Zoro has an unimaginable amount of debt towards Nami? Well, S/O has been paying Nami time after time to slowly repay Zoro’s debt because she loves him so much and she’s sweet enough to do that. Nami does decrease his debt to a point where even Zoro notices his debt decreased. When questioned, Nami confessed what S/O did for him and how she’s so sweet that she didn’t have to and Nami collected all the money to give to Zoro so he could make it up to S/O.
So cute omggggg. As you wish my lovely! I kept this as broad as possible, with an S/O who likes music, which I think is pretty broad, but if it isn't, don’t come at me pls I’m just a baby.
I think in One Piece, they have like CD players where you plug in headphones and you can carry it around, at least that's what was shown in the anime when people were lining up for Brook's concert after the time skip. I can't remember the name of it, but it used to be a popular thing. I made it a spring island because its (supposed) to be starting to be spring where I am, but we just started our second winter (as per usual with the midwest lol).
Warnings: paying off partner’s debt behind his back, cheating at GAME, Zoro being broke lol.
It's just fluff man idk what else to say.
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“Unsanitary marimo” Nami replied easily, keeping her focus on her magazine. Zoro’s eye twitched, but he held his tongue.
“Since we got loot at the last island, how much are you pulling out of my debt for my share?”
Nami’s ear perked at the word “loot”, and she did some quick mental calculations.
“Hmmm. All but your allowance. But I’ve been considering reducing that for you”
“Oi! Why would you cut my allowance?”
Nami shrugged.
“You only buy alcohol”
“So you don’t need that much. Besides, after a couple months of a reduced allowance, you’d be down to at least an imaginable amount of debt.”
Zoro paused. Why was his debt going down? He wasn’t paying unless she demanded it. Had he paid that much? Or did they get that much loot at the last island?
“How much did we get at the last island?” He asked. Nami glanced up at him.
“It’s kinda creepy how you’re showing interest in money, but about 734,286 Beli” she said. Zoro only focused on the seven hundred thousand Beli. He wasn’t great at math, but knew when that was split between the crew, his share would hardly make a dent in his debt. So why?
“That doesn’t make sense” he muttered. Nami looked at him curious.
“My debt was… I don’t even know how much. So why has it been going down?”
“Hmmm. Maybe I’m just generous!” She smiled sweetly at the swordsman, putting on her most innocent act. He narrowed his eyes at her. She knew something.
“What do you know.”
Nami glanced around, as if making sure anyone besides the swordsman was within earshot. Zoro furrowed his brow at the action.
“What is it?” He muttered, arms crossed. Nami sighed.
“Look. You should thank her by doing something nice for once. She’s so sweet and kind, and I have no idea how you ended up dating her but… I saved the money she’s been paying me for your debt. I thought maybe you knew, and I was going to smack some sense into you but she begged me to keep it quiet," Nami shrugged and picked at her nails before continuing, "Technically, it’s been going towards your debt but I figured I could be nice and generous for once, and ask you if you wanted to accept it. Once you found out, of course. But if you want, I can give it to you and you can spend it on her instead.”
Zoro’s jaw clenched, and he looked down. You had really been doing that? For him? He only mentioned being annoyed by that damn debt when Nami held it over his head when he had to do the dirty jobs for her. He could be mad at you for thinking he couldn’t handle it on his own, but honestly? He couldn’t handle it, and he couldn’t be mad at you. He just ignored the debt, hoping it would eventually go away, and you were so kind to him. He hardly deserved you.
He scraped a hand through his hair, sighing as the other hand landed on his hip.
“I… I don’t know how to… I want to do something for her to pay her back. But what?”
Nami leaned back in her chair, gesturing for the swordsman to sit next to her. He slumped into the chair, brow furrowed as he thought.
“In a day or two, depending on the weather, we should make it to another island. Think about what she likes, not you. Go and enjoy it with her, together. Support her passions, and it’ll mean so much to her”
Zoro huffed.
“How much did that advice cost me?”
“Free for this time, only because of her. Not you. It would be 100 Beli otherwise”
“I could make it 500.”
“You’re scamming me.”
“You’re the one who needs my help. Why should I give my help for free?”
Zoro sucked his teeth and stood to walk away but paused. The navigator looked up questioningly. He looked off into the distance, a stoic expression on his face.
“Thanks for the advice” he muttered. He obviously meant it, so Nami smiled in return, and he walked off to find you.
He found you playing a card game with Luffy and Usopp, laughing as you laid down your winning hand. The other two complained loudly, groaning and flopping back. Luffy accused you of cheating, and Usopp backed him up.
"Me? Cheating? Never" you teased, giggling. You looked around as you heard heavy footsteps behind you, eyes landing on your boyfriend. You turned back to the other two in front of you and stood, producing a card from its hiding place, tossing it on the pile of cards.
"You guys are pirates, think of this as training to learn when someone is cheating at a card game"
"Hey! You were cheating!"
"No fair!"
"Like I said- training, not cheating"
Zoro stood behind you arms crossed and a smirk on his face at your antics. You turned around, hands laced behind your back, trying to look innocent. You batted your lashes at him, smiling sweetly.
"Right, Zoro?"
He looked at you and grunted, seemingly unfazed by your act. Inside, his heart skipped a beat with how cute you looked.
"Don't tease them. They're idiots"
"Hey!" "We're not idiots!" Luffy and Usopp protested in tandem. You sighed, pouting at him. He blinked at you, keeping his face neutral despite his sudden desire to kiss the pout right off your face.
"C'mon. I wanna ask you something" Zoro said instead, turning on his heel and leading the way. You followed, but not before turning and tossing the last card you cheated with on the pile. Luffy pulled his eye and stuck his tongue out, and Usopp blew a raspberry at you. You stuck your tongue out in retaliation, and skipped off after your boyfriend.
You followed him, unsurprisingly, to the crows nest, scampering after him on the ropes. You were a little nervous. Zoro wanting to ask you something could range from giving your humble opinion on a sword technique, to if you loved him even though he was aggressive. You simply didn't know. You entered the crows nest with practiced movements, eyes falling on the swordsman sitting on a bench near an open window.
You approached him, slightly hesitant.
"What did you want to ask me?"
He hummed, acknowledging your question and indicating he was constructing his answer. You furrowed your brow. He hardly ever thought through his words. He spoke once you had sat next to him.
"What do you know about the next island?"
You cocked your head.
"Nothing really just that it's a spring island... should I know something?"
"Just curious. Is there something you've been wanting to do lately? Like something that can really only be done on an island?"
You thought. Nothing in particular came to mind. But maybe...
"I uh. I want to buy some music to listen to. I know we have Brook, and he's amazing but... I dunno. I miss my music player a lot, and hearing whole bands at once and different singers... I mean Brook is a great singer and he does different genre's, but sometimes you want to shake things up so you're not listening to the same artist all the time, ya know? But I usually end up buying some other things I need instead" you shrugged. You looked at Zoro. He wasn't looking at you, instead was looking out the window. He grunted.
"Show me"
"Show you what?"
"Show me what you listen to, and what you like. I'm not really familiar with music all that much, having not listened to it much growin up or... ever really."
Excitement grew with every word. He wanted you to introduce you to music? To the music you listened to and liked? What would he like? Would anything surprise you? Warmth spread from your chest, through your body, and you bounced in your seat, a grin curving your lips.
"Really?! Oh my goodness there's so much to show you! I can't tell if you'd like softer music like R&B or maybe you'd like hard rock... I'm not sure you'd like pop punk but you might! Maybe some pop songs, but you might be picky about that. French jazz might be meh for you, but it might remind you of Sanji so maybe we should stay away from that... Maybe some other jazz? Or probably something with a good beat. Like workout music?" You babbled on excitedly, pondering the possibilities. You continued talking, not completely sure if Zoro was listening, but you didn't mind.
A small smile formed on Zoro's lips as he listened. Nami had been right, frustratingly, but this way, he would get to see a side of you he hadn't yet. Even if he didn't like the music you did, experiencing it would be good for him, and more importantly, you'd be happy. He saw the little scrunch of your nose that you got when you were really happy and excited, and he huffed a laugh.
"and maybe- what are you laughing at?" you looked at him, smiling still as you interrupted your chatter. He finally faced you fully, leaning his head on his hand, his arm propped on the back of the bench.
"Just you. You're cute when you're all excited about something. You get a little scrunch in your nose when you smile when you're happy like this."
Your hand rose self-consciously to cover your nose. He gently smacked it away with one hand, swooping in to kiss the tip of your nose gently.
"Don't cover it. It's cute"
You blushed, flustered. A thought suddenly occurred to you.
"Why are you asking about what I want to do on the next island? Normally, we do what catches your interest, which don't get me wrong, is typically entertaining, but... why the change?"
Your brow furrowed in confusion.
"You've been paying my debt to Nami"
"Whaaa??? Psshh nooo~ I never. I mean. I would, but I haven't?"
Zoro raised a singular brow. You swallowed, eyes flicking to the side.
"That so?"
"Uhh. Yes?"
"You are really a terrible liar. How can you cheat so well at card games but you can't lie to save your life?" he teased, a rare soft smile curving his lips as he spoke.
"You're intimidate me and fluster me at the same time! I can't help it!" you whined, before shyly asking, "You're not mad?"
"Why would I be mad at you for taking care of me?"
He ruffled your hair, and you squawked in indignation.
"Thank you, really" he said softly. You looked at him, smiling.
"You're welcome"
The two of you sat in easy silence, listening to the waves and distant chatter of Usopp and Luffy.
"So music, huh? What do you like?"
You wiggled excitedly, chattering away with Zoro asking the occasional question, even as he started training again.
"You're buying this?? Zoro, hon, I can get it" you pleaded, eyeing your pile of CD's and your brand new player.
"You can hardly afford alcohol! How could you afford this?"
Zoro ignored you, producing some other CD's you had reluctantly put back earlier, unable to afford them.
"These too" he muttered to the cashier. You repeatedly smacked your boyfriends arm, getting rougher with each one. He finally caught your hand.
"Stop hitting me, woman! Nami gave me the money you paid her for my debt, and now I'm spending it on you! Accept my love, damnit!"
You froze, looking at him in awe and surprise. You started as the cashier cleared his throat.
"Th-that'll be uh... the a-amount you s-see right there... s-sir" the poor teen stuttered, obviously intimidated by the swordsman. You would've snorted had you not been filled with love and awe for your boyfriend. Zoro paid the cashier and took hold of the bags. You followed closely, still aware of yourself enough to know he would get lost without you. Again.
"Thank you, Zoro" you finally said. He smirked at you.
"Of course."
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ckygetsjobs · 1 year
Dico x Reader
A/n: idk why i only make dico shit when I’m sad, idk why. Anyways me when I make another vent woo…
You always had a hard time getting out of bed, or going out in general (which you didn’t a lot.) But sometimes you had to and it caused you to be pissed off a lot. You tended to avoid practically everyone, friend or not. Today though, luckily, you had all day to rot in your bed probably watching dvds from the crazy collection you had accumulated. That is until you heard your phone ring, “god fucking dammit,” you whispered in the darkish room. Even though it was bright outside you had black out curtains, and if you couldn’t see you had glowing lights that hanged on top of your closet. You never turned on your actual light, bright shit wasn’t your thing. 
You didn’t even look at the caller id, you couldn’t give a shit who it was, favorite person or not, you were not answering the phone. You had donuts next to your bed that you ate a little bit of before you started watching he-man and the masters of the universe, music hazily coming out of your CD player next your bed. You did have horrible taste and you mostly listened to every genre, but that was the best part. As you were laughing at skeletor’s ridiculous outright impossible antics, a knock sounded on your door. You had no intention of getting it, continuing to watch the show, but the knocker was very frequent and annoying that you grumbled to the door. 
As you opened it, you were fully prepared to cuss a lot and insult the person at the door, but it was him. Dico in all his disgusting glory, which you had to admit he looked well groomed and hot, like he just took a shower before arriving, which he probably did. His backwards cap was barely on his head as you could see pieces of his hair sticking up in the back. He raised an eyebrow at your outfit, fluffy pj pants and a cky top, while he looked extremely great and did not just get out of bed at noon like you did. “You wouldn’t answer your phone, though I shouldn’t be surprised by now,” he said, continuing to stare at you. You didn’t get the hint until he stared at you for at least five minutes, he wanted you to invite him inside, so you did. 
He sat next to you on your bed, gazing at your tv that was playing the show you were watching, “you’re watching without me?” he mentioned sadly, obviously not seriously. “Want to watch with me?,” you watched his demeanor change drastically, he smiled widely and nodded. You played it and a little bit through it you felt his hand hold yours, brushing his fingers against the palm of your hand. By the engaged look on his face you knew he wasn’t aware with what he was doing. He never held your hand, this was new but it felt like it happened all the time, like it was just normal. You squeezed his hand, hoping he wouldn’t let go, he still didn’t notice. 
You don’t know when you fell asleep, but you did, you were tired but you didn’t think it was enough to make you doze off but you were wrong. You felt someone shaking you, and not gentle. Of course it was dico, you were proven right when you opened your eyes to see his face inches from yours with a bowl of popcorn in his hand. “I made you some,” he sweetly delivered, though it just kind of annoyed you.
“You woke me up for this, you’re an asshole,” he pouted in response, getting back in your bed with you. He wrapped his arms around you, “If someone woke me up with popcorn I’d be glad,” you rolled your eyes, of course he would, he’s weird. Your hands found each other’s again, and you were trying to calm down as your ears were ringing a little bit from the overflow of noises, like the CD player, screaming children, the refrigerator, and a very loud neighbor who was mowing the lawn. You sighed, this is exactly the reason you didn’t want to go anywhere, you were fucking tired of this shit. He noticed your grimace and mad look and asked if you alright, you just nodded, already knowing what type of day this was going to be and it wasn’t even one yet. 
“Just hold me, I don’t care, just hold me” you whispered, too out of it to be embarrassed on what you said. His eyes widened a little in response but was quick to hold you close to his chest, his fingers still intertwined with yours. All the noises seemed to just melt in the background, him overshadowing everything. He was warm, so fucking warm, and it surprised you because you and your room were cold. You stayed like that for a while, him just holding you, trying to calm you down. He kissed the side of your head, “I hope you feel better baby,” you smiled and closed your eyes, knowing he was going to be here long after you woke up. 
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For every action, a reaction - Chapter 2 - Acceleration
Pairing: Raven Scientist (Victoria Van Gale/The Raven Leader)
Summary: Taking a step back from our poetry nerds, this instalment focuses on academic research projects, less than legal shenanigans, and most importantly, two coworkers who are smart enough to be geniuses in their respective areas but apparently not enough to confess.
Over the span of two decades.
Somebody has to do something. Before all their students lose their minds.
Updates weekly.
Notes: I didn’t want to think up a new name for Raven so eh. Now we’re all using his nickname. Which is Raven. bc I said so. Btw, the end of this chapter happens on the same day as Carpe Diem’s chapter 7. They were planned to intersect all along, so if you like CD, maybe it’d be nice to go give that a re read for the context :)
Read it on ao3: (Carpe Diem verse) (previous chapter) (this chapter)
Going to the Sunday Market with his cousin was something Ed looked forward to every month. At this point, they already recognized most of the stalls, even if they changed occasionally. Most times, they didn’t even buy anything, it was just fun to walk around pointing out nice or bizarre things to each other, failing to pronounce the name of vegetables they had never even heard of in the farmer’s area, taking the time to be with each other without the day to day hustle hanging over them. But he couldn’t say he was mad about not spending this one outing with her. This time, he had an actual mission to accomplish in the market.
And it was one that he wouldn’t even have to spend his time with if all people were as effective as his cousin and simply asked their crushes out on dates. 
As soon as he told Johanna and her new… friend that he was going to take a look around on his own, he walked away purposefully to where he knew his professor’s stall would be. It was generally at the same place, so the only question was whether or not she’d be there herself that weekend. Edmund got his answer as soon as he caught sight of the stacks of honey jars, which were being taken care of by a younger woman as Birgitta herself talked (presumably about their conservation initiatives) to a client who had just made his purchase.
He waited a couple of feet away for her to be free again, and luckily enough she caught his sight as soon as the buyer had gone away.
“Edmund!” She said, as warm as ever. “How nice to see you here!”
“Afternoon, professor.” Even though professor Bloom had long since become intimate enough with him to call him by his first name, he had never been able to do the same, no matter how many times he had been told he was allowed to. “I was hoping I’d find you around. I just wanted to thank you, the lecture last Friday was great.”
“That’s too kind. I know it must be despairing to watch the same facts being flung at you every year.”
“Aw, come on, don’t do that. They’re not the same ones, they get worse.”
Birgitta snorted, which to him was a good sign. He needed her in a good mood if he wanted to have any hope of what he was going to say landing correctly.
"Besides, you and your wife look so cute that it balances out the despair.”
His move had been a bold one, and she blinked a couple of times in quick succession as she whipped her head up to meet his gaze. 
“My what?”
“Oh, I’m sorry!” He feigned innocence, hoping that his cupid impulses didn’t cost him his advisor. “Is she your girlfriend, then? I shouldn’t have assumed-”
“No, no!” By now Birgitta was blushing hard and putting her hands up in front of herself in a ‘I’ll stop you right there’ gesture. The vendor, who was probably one of the people who worked with her in the land trust, was watching them with a smile wanting to blossom on her lips. Clearly she’d seen some shit as well. “Victoria and I are just friends, actually.”
“Really?” He tried to sound as surprised as he could, and not at all the way he actually wanted to sound (that being like a cop trying to force the truth out of the person they were questioning, which would probably be more effective). “Oh, my bad. She just looks at you like she’s so lovesick, you know? Anyway, thanks for the lecture again. I’ll see you Tuesday for the mentoring?”
The delivering of a lot of information at the same time had the desired effect of not allowing her to question it, and she was only able to weakly mumble that yes, their appointment remained before declaring that she needed some air and walking away from them and from the market. 
Both Edmund and the vendor watched her cross the street, turning her back to the cluster of people and activity that the square currently was. After a moment, the younger woman huffed out the laugh she’d been holding back.
“Thank you.” She sighed. “Maybe this time it won’t go over her head.”
Before walking away to find his favourite stalls (he really deserved to go see the cool wood carver after this), Edmund nodded at her in recognition.
“I did it for us all, sister.”
Mondays are awful. They are awful because you have to get into weekday mode again after having turned it off. They’re awful because you have to eat leftovers from the weekend since you don’t have time to cook more food. They’re awful because, if you procrastinate on doing your chores during the weekend, your house is now dirtier than ever and you have to simply find the time to deal with that. But that Monday sucked in particular because Raven was pretty sure he was doing something illegal.
Thinking thunder was cool, he realised, had been his downfall. It was liking thunder that had led him down this path in his life. It had been what brought him to study Weather Science in the University of Trolberg, which got him into contact with professor Van Gale. She, in turn, had listened to him talk about wanting to study how weather events like lightning, thunder and storms were made and if it was possible for humans to create them, and said that she was going to begin a research project that dealt with very similar things. He remained in the university for his Masters, and got the only spot that was available in her project.
And now here he was, unwillingly helping her commit sabotage.
He didn’t even know why she wanted him to look over her plans. She was a genius, and much better at the mechanical part of what they did than him (really, it was as if she’d studied as much engineering as climatology in her life), so his only guess was that she didn’t want him to feel left out.
A true shame, that, since he very much wanted to be left out of this.
“Are you okay, Raven?” His flat mate’s voice cut through his thoughts. “You’ve been sighing a lot for the last fifteen minutes.”
Checking in with himself, he noticed that both his hands were in his dark, straight hair, gripping tight. He took them out and smoothed over his head, hoping he hadn’t ruined his ponytail too bad. Next, he straightened his posture and schooled his features into something that didn’t look as much like the anguish he was feeling.
“Oh, I’m just reading some things Dr. Van Gale sent me. She remains very distressed about the lack of funding for our project. It all keeps going to professor Ahlberg.”
Alfred put his phone down on the kitchen table and sat down in front of him, reaching out to touch one of his hands to his. “I’m sorry something is distressing you so. Is there anything that can be done?”
“Against a professor’s project? Hardly.” Both Raven and Alfred jumped at the voice. The third person they shared their flat with, Tontu, was suddenly sitting at the table with them even though neither had seen him coming, a bowl of fruit loops and milk in his hands despite it being six in the afternoon. Raven could swear that that man popped out of nowhere, sometimes. “You could try doing something against the professor himself, though.”
Staring fixedly at Tontu, like sometimes he couldn’t believe that he was real, Alfred cleared his throat. “Yeah, maybe Raven can store that idea away for another time.”
“Whatever. Anyway, I was just on the phone with my family. Timtum told me to say hi to you guys.”
“Uh, send our hellos to him as well.” Raven said as Tontu stood up and walked away to the kitchen sink. After he was out of earshot, Alfred turned to him again.
“Do you think those are the actual names in his family?”
They had never had the courage to ask if ‘Tontu’ was really his name. They weren’t sure if they wanted the answer. Raven just shrugged and tried to go back to the conversation in a way that didn’t continue to touch on Victoria or her academic nemesis.
“Anyway… you texting Bart?”
Alfred had been giggling at his phone for the past ten minutes, which had been another thing to help Raven completely immerse himself in Van Gale’s emails. He hated the pang of jealousy he felt when he thought too much about his flatmate and his older boyfriend, so he had had no better option than to read through his mentor’s madness, really.
“Oh, no!” He chirped. “I’m talking to Jo, actually. She went out with a girl she likes yesterday and now she’s losing her mind about it. I shouldn’t be having as much fun as I am with this, honestly.”
Resting his chin on his hand, Raven sighed as Alfred kept going on. At least someone was having a good time.
Birgitta had to do something. She didn’t know what, though. Was there even an appropriate way to react to the fact that the person you’ve yearned for for nearly two decades might feel the same? It wasn’t even a certainty, but rather a guess made by a student who had done nothing but watch them lecture together. He could very well have been wrong. Victoria had been a dear friend for a long time, it was to be expected that she was sweet to her, it didn’t have to mean anything else.
But even if that was the case, the fact that it was driving Birgitta this insane was a sign that she had to do something about it. It would swallow her alive otherwise.
She waited far longer than she should have, telling herself that she was waiting for the right moment and ending up losing momentum. It was only one week after Edmund had talked to her, on a Monday, that she had enough nerve to reach out.
She had waited until the end of the day, because of course she had. Busying herself with all sorts of tasks hadn’t been enough to settle her mind down, and she spent the entire day feeling like her insides were frozen because of how anxious the thought of having that conversation was making her. It would have been worse if she had done it in the beginning of the day, though. Regardless of what Victoria told her, she knew she would not be able to focus afterwards. 
It must have been around eight in the evening when Birgitta locked her office’s door. She had waited so long that if it were any other professor she wanted to talk to, she would have had to worry about them having gone home already. Not Victoria, though. That woman spent as much time in the university as someone who lived off campus could.
The path to Victoria’s lab was a familiar one; Birgitta had been there many times before to spend time with her under the pretence of learning more about her research on cloud seeding. Sure enough, when she got there, there was light coming from under the lab’s door, even though the corridors were mostly empty. After certifying herself for the seventh time since she left the office that her outfit wasn’t dirty with soil, leaves, or animal fur, as it tended to be, Birgitta took a deep breath and knocked gently on the door.
“Good evening, Victoria!” She called out, knowing that if her friend thought it was someone else it was entirely possible that she’d pretend to not be there just so she didn’t need to open the door and talk to someone. “Birgitta here. May I come in?”
“Yes, of course!”
Her voice sounded like she’d been caught by surprise, which was understandable. Birgitta wasn’t usually around in the university at this time. Turning the doorknob, she noticed that not even forcing the door forward allowed it to open.
“It is locked, though, you know.”
“Oh!” The sound of Victoria hastily getting up from a wheelie chair came from the other side, and soon so came the metallic cling of a key against the door. “Sorry!”
Victoria’s face was slightly pinker than usual, and her lopsided smile made a dimple appear on the left side of her face. Yes, Birgitta was going to have to confess to this woman. She’d simply been left with no other option.
“No worries. May I come in?”
Opening the door wider gesturing for her to come inside, Victoria stepped out of the way and allowed her to come closer. Birgitta was vaguely aware of the sound of the door being closed again while she looked around, trying to find something to say.
“Sorry to interrupt you.” She said, noticing that Victoria’s laptop was open and the screen bright at her desk. “I can come back later, if you want me to!”
“No, not at all!” Four words that wrecked Birgitta’s hopes of leaving that building with her dignity intact. “I was just stalking a coworker to see if I can find dirt on them.”
The scientist had walked closer to her again, and Birgitta blinked at her. After all these years, it sometimes still impressed her how blunt she was. It was most endearing, really.
“Well, as long as it’s not me…”
“What- No!” She exclaimed, making Birgitta chuckle. “No, no, you probably don’t even know the woman. It’s just that a friend of mine told me she’s not having, let’s say, the greatest experience with a specific literature professor, and I wanted to see if there might be any reasons for it.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” She said, assuming that the friend was one that Victoria mentioned every once in a while, seeing as Raven, the only other student who she knew Victoria had contact with, had nothing to do with literature. The thought reminded her to thank the heavens that he wasn't in the lab at that moment. “Found anything yet?”
“Maybe, maybe not. It will require further research.”
She shook her head fondly. As Birgitta looked around, there were many gadgets and boards filled with annotations that she knew she could point out and spend hours talking to Victoria about, but that hadn’t been why she had come. Postponing this conversation had been how she’d ended up with years and years of heartache.
“Tell me, Victoria, can I talk to you about something? It’s good, don’t worry, but it’s serious. So I understand if you’re tired or don’t want to do this now for any other reason.”
Seemingly switching into Business Mode, Victoria turned to her like someone who hadn’t realised she was supposed to be taking this visit more seriously, and nodded eagerly. Birgitta didn’t miss the way she began to fidget with the hem of her lab coat.
“Feel free to say whatever you want to. Would you like to sit down?”
“It’s fine, don’t worry.” She took a deep breath. They were grown women, damnit, the world wouldn’t end over a crush. “I got a comment… about our lecture together, and I wanted to talk it through with you.”
“Yes. A student told me he got the impression you have feelings for me.”
All that came from Victoria was a stunned silence, but Birgitta followed on, knowing it must sound like an accusation so far.
“And I just wanted to come clean to you, because <em>I</em> have been interested in you as more than a friend for the longest time now, but I never said anything because, well, I thought you were happy with how things are. But since he said this, I thought it might be worth a shot to actually talk to you about the matter.”
Victoria had been staring at some point to the side of her face when she began, but brought her gaze directly to her eyes as she continued. Birgitta had barely finished talking when that one word came.
“I- sorry, I’m not entirely convinced that this is happening, hold on.” She took a couple of seconds to breathe and organise her thoughts, and then looked back at Birgitta. “He was right, your student. I do have feelings for you. I’d apologise for letting them show, since I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but I’m guessing that it wasn’t an issue, right?”
Google, how do I make it any more explicit that I like someone than telling them I like them?
“It wasn’t. I was happy to hear that because honestly, it was getting embarrassing to just sustain this crush on you and do nothing about it.”
Putting her feelings out there so bluntly would have felt embarrassing too, if only each word didn’t make Victoria look happier and more at ease.
“If you were sitting on it for as long as I have.” She began, her dimples showing again. “Then it got embarrassing for us both a long time ago, Birgitta.”
Even though she had already admitted how she felt, it was the quip that released the tension that had built up on her chest and shoulders, a cage being flung open and allowing her anxiety to fully dissipate. It was okay. They would be fine.
“Reluctantly, I’ll have to agree.” She chuckled, knowing her blush mirrored the one in Victoria’s cheekbones. “Will you go out on a proper date with me, then? I’m free tomorrow after my tutorings, if you want to go have dinner in the city.”
Victoria’s grin widened and she gripped the labcoat’s hems even tighter, holding herself back from doing more energetic movements in her excitement.
“I would love that.”
Raven arrived at the lab the following day with tension levels so high that Victoria could swear that their weather equipment should be able to pick it up. They didn’t turn them on, though. Currently their work had turned towards… other things.
“Quit complaining, for heaven’s sake.” She said, unable to hold back any longer after an hour of building the base for small gadgets with him. Not even knowing that she had a date with Birgitta later that day made it any easier to stand his constant whining; she imagined that the small recording device she wore at her lapel in order to keep track of experiments would be filled with his sighing, now. “You know Erik Ahlberg is a tool and that his project shouldn’t even exist. We aren’t doing anything wrong.”
Not morally, at least. Legally? Yeah, they probably were.
“I’m not worried about whether or not it’s right, Victoria!” He put his tools down on the desk with a clang, making Victoria jump in her seat both at the loud noise it made and at the use of her first name. It was generally a sign that he was really mad at her, which wasn’t really an uncommon occurrence however much she tried to avoid it. “I’m worried about the very real possibility of us getting caught! Even if your plan works out, these devices won’t turn to nothing when they self-destruct! They’ll still be there, and if anyone finds them, it won’t be hard to trace them back to you. They have to have some control over the materials that are bought with the university’s money, don’t they?”
He sighed deeply, putting his hands on his lap. His copper skin looked pale, and there were bags under his eyes. For the first time, Victoria stopped to consider the toll that what she had asked her student for must be taking on him. 
Raven was a good boy, he really was. She had tried to nourish his interest and give him a good shot, a good opportunity to learn new things and to work on exciting research that would no doubt give him a CV that couldn’t be ignored.
What was she doing instead?
“I know you have good reasons, doc. I do, and I agree. But I’m afraid. I’ve fought hard to be here. My family is counting on me. If I lost it all, and left with a criminal record, no less… I’m not sure what they’d do. I’m not sure what I’d do, either.”
“I know.” She answered, even though a new, more terrifying scenario was coming to her mind. “That’s why we need to do this. We haven’t been able to do a quarter of what we could yet! And only because Ahlberg is getting all the funds, somehow! Isn’t allowing this to happen just another way of disappointing the people who put their trust in us?”
“Maybe it is.” He sounded as tired as he looked as he got up from his bench, his voice slurred as if it pained him to speak. “But at least it isn’t dishonest. It’s not… morally dubious. I don’t know. I need a break, be back in ten.”
Walking away to the door quicker than she would have been able to stop him, Raven left her alone at the lab, only her and her swirling thoughts. 
If their devices were found, they would be traced back to them. She had been aware of it. Raven’s innocence was easy enough to forge. There was nothing written or drawn in his handwriting that didn’t have to do with their official project, and she could simply give her word that her student was innocent. After all, why would a researcher try to protect someone they had nothing other than a professional link to? He would simply be innocent, and there would be nothing to prove him guilty.
Not Birgitta, though. Victoria could remember as if it were yesterday how angry she’d been when Ahlberg’s project got approved. It’s an absurd!, she had declared while they took a stroll through the campus. And a complete disservice! We’re over here, giving our lives to debunk the myth that troll flies are dangerous, and that idiot shows up promoting the opposite thing!
She had protested the continuation of his research however way she could, back in the day. She had sent essays to the dean, the university’s board, the research ethics committee, even to Erik Ahlberg himself to try and stop it. But despite her best efforts, the project not only flourished but also became the one that received the best grants in the whole university. To this day, it was something that Birgitta was openly bitter about, though her efforts were now concentrated at protecting that species in her lands.
And if she was dating Victoria, and their sabotage was caught, the dots would be wrongly connected and the blame would fall directly on her lap. She would lose all her prestige and the job that she loved.
What a terrible gift that would be.
Victoria didn’t know how, but her phone ended up in her hands. Time seemed to be jumping from moment to moment without her realising as her mental cogs worked, trying to find which was the least worse way out of the grave she’d dug for herself (because there really was no ‘better’ way out). Unfortunately, she found herself in hers and Birgitta’s conversation.
And began typing.
As he was waiting for his tutoring to begin, Edmund didn’t even remember what he had done the former week at the market. All he was doing was trying to remember the points he wanted to discuss with his advisor in the new material he had sent her, which he had revised on the Saturday afternoon during which Johanna had left him alone at the house. He only hoped that the fact that he had sent it in a hurry when his cousin had arrived back home, so that he could hear her ramble about the Pilqvists, hadn’t too heavily impacted the quality of the text he had submitted. 
The sound of a door banging brought him back to reality. Abigail, the one other student that professor Bloom was currently mentoring, had just left her office looking like she’d tasted something sour.
“Everything alright?” He asked his friend, earning an eye roll in response.
“With me? Yeah, sure. Be warned, though, Bloom is in one hell of a mood today.”
The woman walked down the corridor without another word, leaving Edmund to face whatever would come next alone. Swallowing down his anxiousness, he stepped forward and knocked on Birgitta’s door.
[7 unanswered messages]
Victoria 💙
Birgitta, hi
i’m so sorry. i know what i said and i meant it, but i cant see you later
it’s better that we dont keep in touch for some time, actually
i know it doesnt make sense but please believe that its for the best
im trying to do the right thing
i promise
im so sorry
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the-cannibal · 1 year
Heyy! Loved your account so had to follow! If you’re still doing the slashers match up could it be possible to do one for me? Im 4’11 and on the chubby side. I dress either grunge, goth, or preppy but boots are my to-go shoes! In my spare time I love drawing, listening to music and sometimes I’ll play my guitar and/or sing.
I mainly love to sing post punk songs or indie songs. Im a big horror fan that I don’t get scared that much. I do love a gorey movie from time to time. I want to believe that im kind and friendly but I get mad easily. Idk if this is good enough for you to choose but thank you anyways! Have a great day🫶🏻
Helloooooo! Thank you so much for the follow, I’m so glad you like my stuff! Boots are such a great choice in shoes, and you have awesome taste in music and style!
I wrote this on my phone so I apologize if it gets laid out weirdly
I pair you with…
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Bo Sinclair!
Okay so hear me out. Bo is totally a punk fan and would probably burn so many CDs for you. Man probably still uses limewire even though it’s literally 2023.
He absolutely loves your style and would buy you band shirts he knows you like! He would also help you take care of any expensive boots you may have! He wears boots all the time too so he knows the pain of accidentally scuffing a boot.
Bo is very tall so don’t be surprised if he teases you about your height. If you don’t like it he will ease up on the jokes. If you want him to stop completely then get Vincent to smack some sense into him for you. Vincent would happily help you :)
Please sing and/or play your guitar for this man. Sing to him when he’s real stressed, it will calm him right down.
Bo has some anger issues himself, so both of you know each others needs and “do not do, this will make me more upset”. You both understand that space is important, but you are also both there with open arms for the other if needed.
You probably get him into horror. I know, the big scary murder mechanic not really watching horror? Surprising! But I think he likes more action films and possibly even westerns. But as soon as you show him them, he’s hooked and getting ideas for victims. You started this, don’t blame him!
He’d probably steal Vincent’s art supplies for you to use. “Bo, stop stealing your brothers stuff for me!” “Darlin it’s fine! He’s got a million of them!” “He said I can borrow them if I ASK! You don’t need to steal!” “…but this is so much more fun!”
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copperbadge · 3 years
How did you get started with investing? I've seen you talk about it before and I know that's something I need to do, but I feel so lost in terms of which companies to invest in and how much money I should put in. I have retirement accounts but nothing outside of that. And really, I feel like I can't talk to anyone IRL about this because I'm too embarrassed - I'm literally a CPA and do corporate taxes for a living but still find investing to be so intimidating 😞.
I mean, when people say "you should be investing" often, until you reach a certain wealth level, they are actually referring to your 401K. This is more general advice for the readers, but don't feel bad if you're not investing outside of retirement, especially if you're early in your career or if you're in a job where you don't have much disposable income. Don't feel bad in general, honestly, even if you haven't got a retirement fund at all; life is hard and money is necessary but stupid.
I only really started to invest invest in the last two years and even then I'm pretty conservative about it. On the plus, as a CPA, you will probably have a leg up in terms of knowing a lot of financial terms and kind of...understanding how money works in at least some sense.
I actually got started studying investing with my retirement fund. I was young and broke and mad that a chunk of my paycheck was going into my 401K when I could use that money NOW (see Sam Vimes Boots Theory for more on why ready cash now can often beat more cash later). I didn't know much about finance but I knew that a) I was basically being forced to play the financial markets with that money and b) the fate of our country's economy is tied to the stock market which is a mood ring hooked up to a roulette wheel. Being the Oldest Living Millennial I also understood I might not actually ever get to retire, so I decided to treat my retirement fund like Monopoly money: real but meaningless. And so I thought, well, let's Learn About Investing with it.
When you invest with a 401K or IRA usually you're not buying straight stocks; you're buying some conglomeration of investments bundled together as a fund (this is not a technical term, fund has a specific meaning in the technical sense, but it's easier to just use fund as a shorthand so I'm gonna). These can include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other more esoteric vehicles. So I started looking into the funds available to me -- there's the "retire in this year" fund that most people just dump all their money into, but there were also ways to invest in small businesses abroad, in health care or in funds that are "socially responsible", ways to buy into funds that did nothing but attempt to keep up with inflation, and on and on.
I didn't know any of that, of course -- I just saw something like "International Explorer Fund" and decided it sounded interesting and I'd learn what it was and what it did, and when I was satisfied that the reward was worth the risk, I'd dump some cash from my 2045-Retirement investment into it. While "past performance is no indication of future success" past performance isn't a bad way to at least pick something to research, and usually there's an earnings graph on the fund's prospectus page. I'd start reading prospectuses and looking up every word I didn't know or felt had a specific context I was missing (mostly on Investopedia, a GREAT resource). I'd take the term, add it to a vocabulary list, and rewrite "what is this and what does it do" in my own words. Eventually I internalized a lot of the terminology but I still check my notes once in a while.
There are financial literacy courses you can take, of course, and I don't think you should be AT ALL ashamed about trying to find a good one (lots of scams out there) or asking colleagues about them. "Hey, I'm not comfortable with my level of literacy about investment vehicles; do you know of any good educational material or class that would fill in the gaps?" is a good way to go about it. Very few people know jack shit about investing and my level of knowledge is just BARELY above jack shit, to be honest, so no shame, my friend. It is also totally fine to find a financial planner or investment advisor outside of your work and have a sit-down with them to get advice, which is what my parents do. Many banks offer that kind of service, so check with wherever you do your banking, and almost any retirement fund administrator (like Vanguard or American Funds) will be happy to send someone to meet with you and advise you. I was never prouder of my financial self-education than the one time I met with a guy from Vanguard who said, "Basically, keep doing what you're doing, this is a model portfolio."
Once I was investing in my retirement funds more confidently, I got the RobinHood app and started studying stocks, which is really just like, "find a stock and do a book report on it". Look at past earnings, who the CEO of the company is, what their board makeup is like, what they're doing in the news. And of course the most important advice: Never, ever invest money in the stock market that you aren't prepared to lose.
Aside from my stock adventures on RobinHood, which is about five hundred dollars that I turned into a thousand dollars over a couple of years, I have money in a few savings accounts. I don't have CDs or money market accounts or any of that, because I still don't have quite enough cash to make it worth it. I just parked some in a credit union that pays 6% interest on the first $1K you put in, and the rest in Betterment, which had a 2% interest rate when I started but now is down to .3% which is a bummer. But I haven't found another vehicle like Betterment which allows you equally easy access to your money while having as intuitive and modular an online interface.
So overall, aside from retirement (which is at $116K, which seems impressive until you remember you're supposed to retire with 25x your yearly salary in your 401K) I have a grand in the stock market, a grand in a 6%-interest savings account with a credit union, a grand in an emergency-only savings account attached to my checking, and roughly five grand with Betterment. It's a fairly conservative setup but I'd like never to be poor ever again, so I'm hedging carefully :D
Some great resources that I've used include:
Planet Money podcast by NPR and its sister podcast, The Indicator
The Financial page of the newspaper (I used to read NYT, now I read Tribune)
Rankandfiled.com, a free stock filings resource site that basically scrapes the SEC for financial data -- this is for if you really want to do a deep dive once you've got more experience
Good luck! It's a slog at first, but eventually it gets kinda fun :)
2K notes · View notes
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Original title: 吸い殺してやる & 乾いた喉
Source: Diabolik Lovers More, Blood Vol. 1: Sakamaki Ayato [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru
Translator’s note:
Track 1+2 ll Track 3+4 ll Track 5+6 ll Track 7+8 ll Track 9+10
*Cling cling* 
“Now tell me...What did they do to you? Aahn!?”
“Tsk...Ah, haah, haah...This pisses me off! In that case, I’ll just check myself…”
“Hahaha...I’ll rip off all of your clothes…Ughー!!”
[00:41] “...Haah? What’s the matter? Gettin’ embarrassed' now? Just how many times have I done this sorta thing to you? Get used to it already. Usually I wouldn’t mind that kind of flustered reaction, but right now...I’m not in the mood!!”
*Rustle rustle*
“Come on, gimme a better look...You shouldn’t mind showin’ me everythin’ if you’ve got nothin’ to hide, right?”
“Let’s start with your nape…Come closer!”
You hesitantly scoot closer.
“Exactly. You better behave, ‘kay? ...Or else, you’ll be in a world of trouble.”
*Sniff sniff*
[01:44] “Hahaha...You reek. It’s their scent. The smell of multiple men. I didn’t even need to strip you out of your clothes to check. I knew all along. ...Fuck!!”
*Cling cling*
“Haah, haah...Dammit...My body feels heavy...I haven’t had anythin’ to eat or drink this whole time...So I can’t even find the strength to do anythin’ to you…”
[02:28] “While I was goin’ through hell and back...You were havin’ the time of your life, weren’t you? Hahaha...What a joke!”
You flinch.
“Aah...I feel like I’m gonna puke...Their stench gets stuck in my nose...Almost as if they’re still closeby... “
You look at him with tears in your eyes.
“Hahaha...Ahahaha! Why are you givin’ me that look? Are you hurt ‘cause I’m appalled by you?”
*Rustle rustle*
[03:12] “Don’t get all teary-eyed…Kuhーー!! Ugh...Haah, haah…!”
“Haah...I can’t believe tryin’ to tease you only makes it harder on myself...I’m disgusted with myself. Lame...Kuh! ...Dammit…! I’m definitely gonna beat those guys to death!”
[03:56] “...What’s wrong, Chichinashi? I don’t have the time to mess with you right now.”
You ask Ayato if he’s okay. 
“Ah? You’re worried? Have you lost it? Maybe you should worry ‘bout yourself instead, huh? If they took a likin’ to you, who knows when they’ll come for you again.”
You reach out for him but he shakes off your hand. 
“...!! Don’t touch me!!”
[04:29] “Didn’t I just tell you to leave me the fuck alone? ...Shit! I’m hungry right now and extremely irritable. So much so I fear I might just suck you dry, no matter how hard you cry or scream...even if it means flat-out suckin’ you to death. I’m beyond parched. 
Haah, haah, haah...It feels like the inside of my throat might stick together...Since you’re still here... I guess that means you don’t mind things turnin’ out that way if you continue to pay mind to me..”
[05:15] “Although, I want nothin’ to do with you while you reek of those other dudes.”
You give him permission to suck your blood. 
“Hahaha...What do you mean ‘I don’t mind if you kill me’? Don’t play with fire when deep down, you don’t have the balls. ...Kuh! Fuck…I’ve seriously gotten dizzy…Haah, haah…”
*Cling cling*
[05:57] “...! You really never learn, do you? Didn’t you hear me just now? I wouldn’t be able to hold back right now, nor do I have any interest in you right now…!!”
He attempts to push you away.
“...Or do you want to be sucked dry and die maybe…!?”
You insist.
“Aah…? ‘Suck’, you say? ...Chichinashi. ...I’m not jokin’ ‘round right now!!”
You look at him with serious eyes.
[06:32] “...Che. You sure have some nerve...Spoutin’ that nonsense when you have no idea how I feel right now.”
You explain.
“Ah…? You feel bad for me? Your pity won’t work on me. Do you think all it takes is that sweet, meek attitude to wrap me ‘round your finger? ...Fuck! This seriously pisses me off!”
*Rustle rustle*
[07:05] “Don’t...trigger me...Haah, haah...Get out of my sight!! NOW!!”
You shift around on the spot.
“What part of ‘go away’ did you not understand, aah!? You can’t just find some way to get rid of these chains, no!?”
*Cling cling*
[07:31] “In that case, how ‘bout I just chop off your leg?”
Your eyes widen in horror.
“Hahaha…That’d get rid of the shackles. I’d say it’s a much better option than remainin’ locked up down here.”
You protest.
[07:51] “Fuck...That expression...You really don’t understand the danger you’re in, do you? I bet you’re convinced I’d never do such a thing, aren’t you? ...Fine. Seems like persistent hypocrites only learn the hard way. ...You’re spreadin’ this disgustin’ stench all ‘round...I’ve had enough of it.”
[08:23] “Even though you’re my prey…! ...Now brace yourself!”
*Cling cling*
“ーー Chichinashi. I’m gonna suck you dry.”
*Cling cling*
Ayato bites you.
[00:19] “Hah...Should I just rip your throat apart with my fangs like this? Hahaha...Hahn...Mmh…”
“Fuckー ...I can’t get enough...I know I talked shit earlier...But your blood is still hella delicious...Hahn...Mmh…”
[01:10] “Your blood drives me mad. Hahn…”
“Haah, haah…”
[01:33] “Fuck…! I’m playin’ straight into their hand...I’m sure they hurt you, ‘cause they predicted I would do this..I realized as soon as I sucked your blood.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“...How can I tell? Beats me. I’m sure they tampered with your body in some way. I bet they did it while pretendin’ to suck your blood. This fuckin’ pisses me of…! So everything’s goin’ exactly accordin’ to their plan, huh? Shit!”
[02:19] “But still...I can’t suppress this thirst...Haah...I need more...More...I haven’t had nearly enough...Give me more and more!”
*Rustle rustle*
“I don’t like how I’m basically dancin’ to their tune...but right now, I could care less ‘bout that. Haah...Haah, haah...Up next...is this place.”
[02:58] “I’ll suck from your earlobe. Seems like those guys missed this spot. Hahaha…”
Ayato bites you again.
“Hahn...Mmh...Nn...Hah...I want to just devour you whole...Hahn…”
[03:37] “Nn...Hah...Tastes great...When I realize they got to savor this blood as well...It seriously grinds my gears. Like my head’s ‘bout to explode or somethin’...”
*Cling cling*
“Ughー ...Now don’t get the wrong idea, ‘kay? I don’t like havin’ to repeat myself a million times. I have zero interest in you as a person. I just can’t get enough of your blood...That’s all.”
You whimper, completely dazed by the pleasure. 
[04:18] “...What’s wrong? Did it feel that good? You’ve totally got that dumb look on your face. ...Do you want more? Hahaha…”
“Don’t try and hide it. You should realize that’s pointless already. Haha. Well, I also said a bunch of shit earlier, but I don’t feel satisfied yet, so I’m still gonna suck more of your blood. ...I’m so parched, it’s killin’ me…”
[05:01] “I’ll bite your other ear next.”
He bites your other ear.
[05:21] “...Hahaha. Look at you twitchin’...What? Do you want more? Don’t get all worked up when I’m only tryin’ to enjoy my meal over here. Hahn…Mmh…”
“...Hahaha...Aahー Thanks to your blood, I feel somewhat brought back to life. However, I still haven’t had nearly enough…”
[06:05] “Haah...My body aches even more than usual. What kinda shit did those jerks put inside of you…? Fuck...Oi, Chichinashi! Tell me what they did!”
You go quiet.
“Che. The silent treatment again, huh? Is it somethin’ you can’t say? Hahaha…”
[06:38] “Guess I’ve got no other choice…”
“In that case...I’ll loosen your tongue this way…”
Ayato kisses you deeply.
[07:03] “...How’s that? I parted your lips for you, so now you can talk, can’t you? Hurry up and tell me.”
You look up at him. 
“When you look at me with those greedy eyes, your inner desires are clear as day. ...Now tell me, what kind of trap did they put on you? If you won’t, I’ll have to punish you harshly.”
You flinch. 
[07:36] “Hahaha...That terrified expression is pretty sweet, you know?”
*Cling cling*
“You want to know why I’m coiling these chains ‘round your neck? Isn’t that obvious? I’m goin’ to strangle you with these bad boys until you almost suffocate…”
Your eyes widen in horror.
[08:00] “I won’t tighten them all in one go, don’t worry. Instead, I’ll slowly rob you of your oxygen…” 
*Cling cling*
“I need you to tell me how they’re hopin’ to use you to their advantage after all…”
You shake your head.
[08:19] “Haah? You can’t tell me regardless? I see. ...Chichinashi, seems like they’ve captured both your body and soul by havin’ their way with you. That’s why you’re goin’ along with their plan and tempted me into suckin’ your blood, correct? Right!?”
You deny it.
“...I’m wrong? Then tell me! If you lay yourself completely bare and come beggin’ me to suck your blood more, I wouldn’t mind believin’ you.”
You hesitate.
[09:06] “You can’t, can you? You’re the type of chick who is in constant denial of her own inner desires after all.”
You protest.
“Shut up! Cut the crap! ー Also don’t cry! ...It pisses me off. I’m tempted to bite you to shreds right now and throw you out in front of them.”
You sob.
[09:34] “If you cry any more, I’m seriously gonna do it. ...Oi, understood?”
You nod.
“Hahaha...Look who’s being obedient now. You’re scared of these chains, aren’t you?”
*Cling cling*
“...Or is it all just an act, perhaps? Do you think I’d enjoy seein’ you shiver in fear like that and hurt you in return? 
ー You try and reason with him.
[10:05] “Haah…? I’m readin’ too far into it, you say? You really are an idiot, Chichinashi. Even before this whole ordeal, I never trusted you.”
You seem shocked.
“Hahaha...I can’t get enough of seein’ you hurt like that. I think you look the cutest when you make that expression.”
*Rustle rustle*
[10:41] “Human logic doesn’t apply to us Vampires. The fact that you’re gettin’ the wrong idea and lettin’ things get to your head proves that you’re nothin’ but a fool.”
“...Whatever. I rambled on for far too long. I’m thirsty again. My body is like a desert right now. ーー I became parched once more in no time.
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writella · 4 years
Dating Luke Patterson
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Luke Patterson x reader
World count: 3.8k (yes, for a headcanon, let’s not talk about it. Or is this normal? Idk.)
A/N: I made this WAY too long but hopefully you can think of this as your ultimate guide because of it, enjoy!
• Luke is a VERY affectionate and loving boyfriend, both physically and emotionally.
• Physically:
- This boy would want to touch you anywhere and everywhere and be around you all the time.
- He’d caress your face, stand behind you and rub your shoulders and arms, hug your waist or shoulders from behind, play with your hair, fidget with your bracelets or whatever accessories you’d have on, play with your hands, have his hand on the center of your back...
- Even if he saw an eyelash on your face he wouldn’t hesitate to get it for you instead of telling you about it.
- Anyway to touch you, he’d go for it.
- He’d like to kiss your nose or your forehead when he says goodbye to you.
- When you’re alone he’d like Eskimo kisses.
- He just basks in being in your presence.
- Whether you liked to receive / give physical affection or not, you always have to remember to be a little extra affectionate with him because he really enjoys it.
- He likes knowing you’re there and that you care. He does that for everyone else, so if you do it, he’d really appreciate it.
- He likes the lingering touches the best, like intertwining your fingers together, or when you play with his hair (even though sometimes he doesn’t want it to get messed up), or you rubbing his shoulders like he does to you.
• Emotionally:
- He would be your number one supporter.
- He’d push to try new things or to speak your mind even if you’re afraid.
- He’d compliment you all the time. Saying that the band would be hopeless without you, or by telling you how beautiful he thinks you are, or how talented you are, or by marveling at your artistic or scholastic accomplishments.
- Tell you uplifting stories or give you words of encouragement when you’re feeling down.
• You love that he’s always so smiley and how his nose crinkles and eyes get all squinty when he’s cheesin’ hard.
• You think he’s sunshine personified by the way he is able to brighten up not only your day, but everyone’s day.
• He thinks you’re an angel because of the way you lighten up everyone’s life. Not to mention how you are the first to help, listen, or give advice to anyone in the band.
• Before you start dating, his heart would beat frantically when he saw you.
• After you’re together though, that would fade, but not because the excitement he feels when you’re around would go away, but because you’d become his safe place. Knowing that the person he could confide to always was around would bring a warm and content feeling all around him.
• Luke would be a romantic. We see this because of the way he always sees the bigger picture by constantly looking on the brighter side of things and by the way he writes poetry within his song lyrics, so he would treat your relationship the same way. He’d write you notes or make the band throw you a private concert or play an acoustic cover or original song just for you.
• He’d let you wear his chains or bracelets from time to time or you’d steal them.
• You’d like to play with the rings on his hand.
• You would probably get him some rings or chains to add to his collection.
• Getting a reaction out of you is his favorite thing.
• No matter how far into your relationship you are he’d still like to flirt in order to make your blush.
• If you were a writer / singer / musician he would ask you what you think of some lyrics he’s written or is thinking about writing down, but even if you weren’t, he would ask you anyways because he values your opinions and ideas.
• He either let you take or you’d steal some of his band tees. He’d get major heart eyes seeing you in them. Thinking you looked gorgeous in. his. clothes.
• He’d always give you a wink when he was on stage and saw you in the crowd or backstage.
• If you didn’t know how to play an instrument, he would want to teach you to play guitar. He just wants to share his passion.
• He’d introduce you to music you’d never listened to and you’d introduce him to 2000s + recent stuff that you think he’d like.
• When he’s in your room he’s be so nosy and look through all your stuff, but honestly, when you were in his room (if this was 90s) you’d do the same (he’d have so many CDs and other weird interesting stuff.)
Dating Ghost!Luke:
• So you can see him!
• Maybe you’re Julie’s close friend or sibling.
• You’d really enjoy that you and Julie get to have such special friendships with all three of the guys.
• Perhaps you’d never had a sense of belonging like that, and now you had a group of people you could always rely on to be there for you and understand you.
• I think it would make you and Julie closer.
• Luke would obviously be a goner for you right when he saw your face, but since he just loves to be close to everyone you couldn’t tell.
• You’d probably think if he had a crush on anyone it was Julie because of how great they look when they sing together despite how sweetly or flirtatiously he would talk to you. 
• You’d just assume he was like that with everyone.
• Julie, Alex, and Reggie would see how much he liked you though.
• You and Julie would teach the guys about the internet, different innovations, etc.
• Luke’s way of getting to talk to you more, other than pestering you with questions about yourself, would definitely be asking you about how to do this and that online, or just to talk to you about how things have changed so you can put it into perspective for him.
• He’d really like listening to your voice. He would hang onto every word.
• And you really liked his voice too, both singing and speaking, so whatever questions he asked you, you would always forward them back to him. You liked how passionately he spoke about everything. You also, hung onto every word.
• If you couldn’t touch, despite knowing that there was obviously more than friendship going on between the two of you, you’d be reluctant to tell each other of your feelings.
• When the truth comes out however you decide to make it work.
• But if you could touch, Luke would of course be the happiest guy on Earth and never let go of you.
• The band remembers to give you guys alone time in the garage or in Julie’s / your room sometimes, so you can just speak freely with him.
• But you guys also take walks on the beach or the park while you pretend you're on the  phone or have your headphones in so you can have a change of scenery.
• You would be the glue of the group / band.
• If you weren’t a part of the band (like singing / playing an instrument specifically) it would probably be easiest for you to see their band spats in an unbiased and reasonable manner.
• You’d make sure to ask Alex how he’s doing because you know he’s always got something on his mind, but doesn’t always share unless asked.
• You’d make sure to always find something fun to do with Reggie from time to time, or just start up a conversation with him about mundane things.
• You see how he likes to watch Ray and Carlos all the time, so you wonder if maybe he just wants some kind of familial connection, and you decide that it’ll be you.
• I think he’d appreciate how you take the time to ask him questions and listen to his answers seriously, despite how he says things in such a humorous tone, and you’d appreciate how surprisingly observant he is (e.g. he noticed Ray was worried about Julie by how he had been stress eating all week. Reggie is a sweet boy who cares, guys.)
• You realize you both have hidden traits that no one gives you credit for except each other.
• Luke would like how you had a unique relationship with everyone and truly put in the effort to make sure each one is personalized between you and that person. It reminded him of himself— Always trying to give a little love to everyone — It would make him that much more fond of you.
• You’d settle arguments between the guys.
• Or maybe even little arguments between Julie and Luke. Although neither could stay mad at each other for long (honestly being “mad” at each other wouldn’t even be the word), but sometimes they took opposing sides to different situations like where to add a certain verse or about a poor decision Julie felt the guys made (like haunting Bobby or going to Caleb’s), so you’d be there to give an outside opinion or to calm the heated moments.
• He’d like to stare at you whenever he could. When you were in the garage talking to Julie or Flynn or if it’s 90s!Luke he’d do it in class or in the hallways. 
• Either Julie or Alex would say he’s a creep for staring but Luke would say he’s just admiring.
• Little did he know you did the same.
• And now, speaking of 90s Luke...
Dating Alive!Luke:
• Okay, so we’re in the 90s and he’s in high school.
• He either met you because you share a class together and he thought you were pretty (and you thought he was beautiful, of course) or you and Alex shared a class together and he befriended you.
• Let’s say it’s Alex: you guys would bond over the fact that presentations are stupid and only done to make people feel uncomfortable and ultimately humiliate themselves.
• When Alex didn’t have a class with Reggie and or Luke he’d feel lonely but if you were there, you could now be a person he could go to, so you two could be lonely together.
• Even if you guys didn’t have much in common the fact that you were easy to talk to, always decided to be partners with him, or help each other out in class gave him comfort, so maybe one day he’d ask you to sit with him at lunch or see a gig his band managed to get.
• You go (You can choose which, I’m making it a choose your own adventure for about a whole second. Enjoy.) and boom enter Luke and his sunshine eyes, pretty hair, GORGEOUS arms, a muscle tee, along with his classic vans and you’re like , WHOA, but you try to hide it.
• And Luke is like, WHOA, but he tries to hide it.
• And Alex is like, “Of course.”
• And Reggie is like, “Hi I’m Reggie. We’re Sunset Curve, tell you friends.”
• And you’re like, “But I don’t have (m)any friends.”
• And Alex is like, “That’s okay I only have three (3) friends and before that I had none!”
• And Luke is like, “I’ll be your friend 👀”
• And Reggie is like, “By the way he’s looking at you, I think he wants to be more than just ‘friends’ 😏😉”
• And Luke is like, “🤡”
• And Alex is like, “🤡”
• And Reggie is like, “🤠?”
• And you’re like, *internally SCREAMING*
• Here comes that mutual pining.
• Alex starts to bring you around more often which helps you to get closer to all three of them, but especially Luke, who will ask you a series of never ending questions about yourself.
• You think Luke is just really nice and that's why he's so friendly when you’re around, but in actuality he just wants to know all about you.
• Alex and Reggie would bother him about it when you’re not around.
• One day, after he just couldn’t take it anymore he’d finally ask you out, or just kisses you unexpectedly because Luke acts before he thinks sometimes.
• The rest is history.
• Anyway...
• He’s a sweetie and probably wouldn’t really talk crap about teachers, but I know he’s not into school either.
• That being said: he’d totally get you to skip one day or quite a few days if he gets you to agree saying “please, please, please,” or telling you that you can afford to miss because you’re so much smarter than him, or just giving you so many kisses you can’t think straight.
• Skipping activities would include:
- Finding some random coffeehouse for him and the band to play impromptu while you watch.
- Adventures in the park or woods: he’s find a grassy place and sing songs to you on his guitar or you’d do something silly like play tag because Luke is a child.
- Sit on the trunk of Alex or Reggie’s car (let's say one of them has one) and have a quick make out session or just talks out life (probably his parental issues) it depends on how he’s feeling that day.
- Or finally, you guys would explore around the school and find rooms you’d never been in or see what the back of the auditorium looked like for the first time. If you guys ever get caught he’d either tell you to hide or run or find some way to get you out of it. He would take full blame, never wanting to get you in trouble.
• Once again, being the romantic he is, he’d probably take you to your first concert, write you cards, come by your locker after every period, take you out on weekends or weekdays whenever he could.
• He’d try to be a gentleman in front of your parents, really wanting them to like him, and he’d try to respect your curfew if you had one, but sometimes he would like to be rebellious (e.g. when he tells Julie to sneak out the window for their first gig) and try to get you to sneak out, especially if it was for something really special he planned. Ex. a moonlight serenade. But again, sometimes this boy doesn’t think, so he’d probably just get you to come out so you could kiss, or talk, or talk and kiss.
• All around, you guys would just have a blast together because Luke’s mission is to bring joy to your life.
• He genuinely loves seeing people happy and if you two were in a relationship, your happiness would definitely be a top top top priority.
• He would burn you CDs.
• He’d love to listen to them with you because he just loves sharing music with you and he just wants to see your reactions right then and there. 
• He’s introduce you to new things and you would talk for hours about music you both liked or movies you loved.
• He’d like to hold your hand in the halls.
• Send you notes in class or even throw them at you or if you were sitting too far apart.
• He’d even tell someone to tell you he had something to say. Down the chain his call would go till the last person closest to you tells you that Luke is asking for you. You’d look and all he’d say is “hi” with the goofiest smile.
• You’d either have no choice but to smile back because of how infectious he is, or if you had enough willpower, you’d roll your eyes and look away. If the latter, he would try again and again till he got you to give in.
• He’d mimic or make faces when the teacher or a classmate said something stupid.
• He’s a little needy that way. He just wants your attention and affection.
• Again, he’d do anything to see you smile and equally as important, bothering you is the only joy he gets out of class whenever he’s not in a class with the guys.
• You’d proofread his essays or any writing that was for any type of English class because when he’s really feeling up to it, he actually puts in effort in his writing assignments.
• You tell him that he’s a good writer and that if the band thing doesn’t work out he could always become a music / poetry teacher.
• “Too bad the band thing is going to work out,” he’d assure you.
• You believed him, but you always just want to let him know he has far more talents than what he, or his teachers, for that matter give him credit for.
• Despite his major confidence in his musical abilities he feels like he falls short in other aspects, something you were surprised to learn about him, so you do your best to compliment him and encourage him.
• But especially in school since he already thinks of it in such low standards.
• When his parents fight with him about the band, you're his safe space. Sometimes he doesn’t like to tell Alex and Reggie about all the gritty details because they have family issues too, but he can always vent to you.
• You like hanging out in his room. His personality is written all over it. Band posters, movie posters, ideas for songs as well as song lyrics he loves taped up to the wall on scrap pieces of paper and sticky notes, it’s a little messy but it’s mostly just clothes and crumpled paper on the floor.
• Unfortunately, you don’t hang there too much because Luke doesn’t always like being around his parents.
• His parents like you though and enjoy when you’re around the house because it means Luke is actually around too.
• They know you encourage him at school and his mother specifically knows he needs that extra support and appreciates you for it.
• She’s told you that she wishes she could show Luke that she wants to give him that, but sometimes Luke gets too preoccupied with his music and has the notion that just because she is concerned about his career choice that she is totally against him.
• Speaking of that, despite how much Luke loves being your boyfriend and tries his best to show you how much he loves you, he’s not always perfect.
• Sometimes music and the band comes between you two as well.
• When he’s really driven on a song idea, whether it be working on the lyrics to a song, composing the music to it , rehearsing it with the band, etc., it will take all his attention.
• When he gets a fixation on something, he can be very single minded.
• All he’ll want to do is be with his thoughts and guitar or with the band that he forgets to check in with you.
• Once you tell him though, he will feel terrible about it. Not seeing how his passion can make him so blind at times.
• “I just get really into it, you know? I’m sorry! I can make it up to you.” His bottom lip would jut out and his eyes would drop dopily. He always looked like such a puppy, you could stay mad for long.
• “How are you going to prove you’re really sorry?” you’d ask knowing this wasn’t the first nor will it be the last time he gets “really into” his music.
• “I’m dropping everything today. It’s just you and me. Promise.” And he’d mean it.
• When Luke knows he’s at fault he will always try 110% to make it right. He doesn’t like it when he hurts people, especially you. He feels like he’s failed in a way.
• He’d show you new snippets of new songs he’s working on.
• You guys would talk endlessly about favorite bands and he would introduce you to ones you’d never heard before.
• You liked when he talked about his favorite musicians. Seeing someone talk passionately about something they loved was always beautiful to witness, but when Luke did it, it was next level.
• He’d literally buzz everywhere, talk super fast, and bounce around. He vibrates happiness and those are the moments where you knew for sure why he was so determined on his goals to make the band work. The love he has is so intense, so undeniable, so unbreakable. You hoped you could find something you loved like that one day. Other than him, of course.
• Oh, wait? Is that how you figure out you love him? For his passionate and brave spirit that did nothing but put a smile on your face all day, everyday? You couldn’t even compute the thought. It felt right, of course, but it was scary.
• You didn’t tell him. I think he’d say I love you first anyway and you’d happily say it back, finally releasing the beautiful realization you held inside for so long.
• He’d want you to go to every gig they got.
• “I can’t do it without you,” he’d say.
• Sometimes he knew you couldn’t though, because he and the band would only get slots in the middle of the night sometimes, or they’d do all-nighters around the city playing on the outsides of clubs just to get noticed.
• Sometimes they would get in trouble, or even ban from some places and he didn’t want you to be a part of that. He’d tell you that he wants you to get your sleep.
• But if it was the weekend, or the summer, or just a day you decided you have the time to be rebellious, you’d love to cheer them on, or maybe you would even be the getaway driver when workers would try to kick them out.
• You’d help Luke and the boys with their homework or school work a lot.
• Whether you were smart or an average student they’d think you were a genius and appreciate how you remind them of assignment deadlines from the classes you’d share. They only went to school to spend time together and outside of school was for music, so they’d probably fail without you.
• Luke would be the first to thank you every time.
• You would be there for him when he ran away. You’d tell him that maybe he should go back and talk to his parents or that maybe it would be best to at least finish high school, but he dismisses both as options immediately, saying that he knows what he wants. That school nor his parents are going to give it to him, so why bother.
• You support him and believe in his dream, but you still worry from time to time. You decide that it's his choice and that you love him, so you just make sure that he is eating, sleeping, and that you’re there for him if he needs someone to talk to or just someone to hug.
Now back to the general stuff:
• He’d give you a nickname. Personally, I think he’d try to shorten your name in some way that hopefully no one else calls you yet so he can feel special.
• Alex and Reggie would probably start calling you by that nickname sometimes too soon after that.
• As for usual nicknames, I think sometimes when he greets you he’d call you “beautiful”
•  “Hey beautiful, how you doin’?” Lets pretend that he watched the first season of Friends in ‘94 and then watched the rest on your laptop after he comes back and be obsessed like Charlie.
• He’d make your laugh a lot. Sometimes because he’s flirty or silly but other times it was because he could just be really dumb (in a sweet way, of course.)
• You would wonder why everyone would call Reggie the clueless one. It seemed like all the guys shared one braincell and Alex just hogged it most of the time.
• He’d love kissing. I don’t think he’d do full on make outs in the halls or in front of the band (not because he's shy though), but when you two were alone, in the garage or in each other's rooms he would be so down, there is no stopping him, and he’d try to make them last as long as he could.
• He would ask for good luck kisses before a show just to get you to touch him, as always.
• When you saw him shirtless for the first time your breath would be taken away. You knew he was probably toned because those sleeveless tees but you still couldn’t predict just how GORGEOUS and HOT he would look, whew.
• He’s probably get cocky for a second because of your speechless reaction.
• But that confidence would go right out the door whenever he saw you without a shirt, his eyes would be blown, totally star struck.
• He’d like to cuddle or rest his head on your lap, especially when he needs to relax from the stress he’s feeling due to his home life or from writing. You’d gently stroke his hair. It would soothe him.
• He’d also like it when you rest your head on his lap too. In those moments, he would take it as full permission to touch you and kiss you up, no complaints.
• Overall, Luke would just love you up and write you pretty songs forever and ever. Best boyfriend.
Thank you for reading! Who else wants to have this boy as their handsome and adorable ghost boyfriend? I love him.
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everything-laito · 3 years
Do you think Laito might not like being touched as much as he makes it seem?
Oh definitely not, that man is so fucking touch starved like you wouldn't believe. Yes, the man FUCKS, but he likes to be in control of everything.
However, he is canonically the second least dominant out of him and his brothers. The least dominant is Subaru. It's shown a lot in HDB especially how he likes being reprimanded, like it's genuine excitement and arousal, and not like part of his calculated facade. He doesn't expect to be touched, hence his explosive reaction when something does. However there are sometimes (like in his Do-S CD) where he also has that same display of horny excitement. I mean when he talks wicked fast. Whenever Yui either talks back to him or even slaps him (my favorite choice in HDB), he's surprised, but quickly adapts to it.
Could this be part of his facade? Certainly, but he seems genuinely surprised when Yui gets a bit more ~spicy~ than usual:
Maniac 08:
ー Yui slaps him across the cheek Laito: …!? Yui: ( …!! I-I only wanted to give him a warning but…I raised my hand without realizing… ) Male teacher: Oi, what’s the matter? Yui: I-I’m sorry. It’s nothing. T-There was a mosquito on his cheek, that’s all… Laito: …What a shock. To get hit by Bitch-chan… Nfu~ But this feels kind of…good.
Maniac 09:
Yui: ーー Tell me! If you don’t tell me right now…I’ll punish you, okay? Laito: …! Yui: ( Wait! What am I saying!? ) Laito: Nn~…This is great…Nfu~ Say more! I want you to scold me, Bitch-chan! Come on! More…! Yui: ( I thought he’d get mad but instead he’s happy. )
In the latter scenario, there's no way Laito would get mad at that to begin with considering he knows he has the upper hand. And he could have brushed it off with "lol bruh, u serious?" but he gets surprised (given the "...!" and the "!?" in the other scenario). He literally says that he doesn't expect Yui of all people to hit him. And even if he is legitimately covering his excitement of that in a facade, he's shocked nonetheless.
But Laito seems to revel in being touched. I actually was talking about this with @diaphobic in the discord server the other day. And I'd have to agree with them, that Laito definitely likes being touched, and seems to be overwhelmed by it. Take this scene from Ecstasy 04:
Laito: Come on, touch my body…Try feeling around. Yui: …Like this? Laito: Come on. You’re just touching? Yui: … Laito: Nn…Aah…Great. That clumsiness is kind of nice, Bitch-chan… Being touched feels good, this is proof that I love you… It isn’t logic. What really matters are instincts and intuition… Love is just  a deduction from those…Nothing more than that. Yui: ( I’m just touching his body so I don’t really understand….But Laito-kun seems to be having a good time so I guess it’s fine. ) Laito: Nfu~ …Good…Amazing…I’ll touch you too. Let’s feel good together.
This is the first time in HDB where Laito actually instructs Yui to touch him, but regardless he still initiated it by asking her that. He’s still in control of the situation but yet he’s definitely pretty excited to do so. Here in one of my favorite HDB chapters Heaven 01, he asks Yui to drink his blood, and afterwards he has a very similar reaction to his Ecstacy 04 situation.
Laito: Nfu~ Exactly. In that case…Want to try sucking my blood? Yui: Yours? Laito: That’s right. You can drink your own, so you’re not gonna tell me you can’t drink mine, right? Yui: That’s true though. Laito: Nfu~ I’ve always wanted to know at least once what it’s like to be at the other end.
I do feel like that if Laito requested something he genuinely did not want to do, he wouldn’t have initiated it. Regardless of his facade or not, if it was something he was genuinely uncomfortable by, he would not have hinted at it, or at least have played 5D chess in order to get out of it. Similar to how he hid Yui from Richter in maniac 07. Even though Laito has no limits to what he can say, he does have his boundaries, albeit hidden. Throughout HDB and even MB+, it’s really hard for him to mention things about Cordelia outright. That’s a sensitive topic for him, and usually he avoids questions. Basically what I’m saying is that Laito would not be initiating things if he himself was as uncomfortable as the Cordelia topic.
However, could he be playing it up? He definitely could be, but considering the reactions and shock he gets from Yui talking back at him or slapping him, and when he gets the same reactions when he’s prepared and initiating those situations, I kind of doubt it. Laito acts horny a lot of the time, but you can see those nuances change depending on the situations a lot of the time.
Hope that makes sense! As always, if you have anything else you want me to clarify, have questions for, or want me to add onto something or have comments of your own, feel free to reach out as always!
Hope you have a good one, anon! -Corn
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NCT 127 “They realise they love you”
NCT 127 masterlist                                              Group Masterlist
Not requested, but I needed some fluff in my life ♥ 
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(I’ve been so attracted to Taeil lately) 
It started off with simply sitting in the same room and listening to music as you both worked on your computers. But it progressed quickly, singing along to the random tunes on the radio. Moving on to standing and dancing around to them, quite horribly. 
Grabbing onto Taeil’s hand and spinning into his chest, making him laugh. You couldn’t help but do the same as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Taeil tucked his face into neck and started swaying you back forth, slow dancing to fast music because you could. 
Taeil realised he could be as weird as he wanted with you and that you were just as weird him and he loved you for it. 
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(I am mad that this hoody is not in my posession) 
Walking between the aisles, Johnny was looking for you attentively after he found the drinks he was looking for. He spotted you in an aisle, standing on your toes and reaching for something on the top shelf. You were just too short to reach. 
“Need help?” He asked, placing his drinks in your shopping cart. “That would be great.” You answered, smiling at him. He reciprocated a cheeky smile before crossing his arms. “Hmmm, tell me that I’m the best man in the world first.” You snorted at his words, needing to stifle a laugh. “You know what, I got it.” You told him, placing your feet on the lower shelves to reach the item you needed. Jumping down with it in your hands, you shook it at him triumphantly making him laugh. 
You weren’t shy to put him in his place with his bad jokes when you needed too and you were completely dependant on him, it made him absolutely love you. 
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“It’s going to be a late night again.” Those seemed to be the words you had been hearing a lot lately, but it didn’t bother you. You were understanding that his job wasn’t like a regular 9-5 job, you knew that when you said you would date him. This time wasn’t any different for you, you accepted it and simply watched your show until you were tired. 
However it was diferent for Taeyong this time, he felt guilty for not being there and it was evident when he came home to find you simply watching your show. Taeyong walked over to you and hugged you tightly, catching you off guard. “Thank you for always understanding when I need to work. Thank you.” He felt the need to tell you, even if it was out of the blue. 
He realised every time he came home to find you still there, he loved you. He loved that you understood and that you never blamed him for his schedule. 
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Yuta was feeling the need to be productive, tidying up the house slightly and doing some of the general housework while you were out. But when he got to your room, he found some interesting reading material. It was all about Japan, recipes, popular things to do, important culture information. This was normal, but what stood out to him were the sticky notes placed on the pages. Places he had mentioned being fun and food he had mentioned being good had little notes written by them. 
“Oh you found my book.” You remarked, looking at him from the door frame. “Yeah, what are all these notes?” Yuta asked with a smile. You moved to sit down by him and took the book from his hands. “These are places you have talked about, things you said you enjoyed doing and eating. Because well, I want to learn about what you love and what you enjoyed doing and stuff we can do and try together in the future.” Your words made Yuta smile even wider. 
You wanted to know about his interest, you cared enough to study on these things and make future plans. He loved you for it. 
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The little projector in his room was perfect for movie dates, broadcasting your movie onto his wall as you both laid in bed and watched. Doyoung’s commentary was witty, the movie not really being that good... quite bad actually and deserving some harsh commentary. 
There was a lul in the film, making you slip your hands under the hoodie he was wearing, not for any other reason than he was nice and warm. Doyoung knew that and accepted your touch. “This acting is so-” He stopped midsentence once he looked at you. Seeing that all you needed was his body heat to get you to fall asleep. His lips curled up into a smile and wrapped his arms around you tightly. 
It was a small action of dependency on your end but it made Doyoung’s heart swell. He loved that you were started to depend on him, because well, he was depending on you too. 
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The record store had music playing softly in the background when you both entered. It really had a nostalgic feeling, old records filling the racks and old band posters lining the walls. You both spread out through the store, taking your time to look at records and cd’s. You were great at spending time together but not necessarily needing to be right next to each other. 
Jaehyun looked at you from across the store, simply watching you flip through the records with a little smile on your face. You looked up and locked eyes with him, waving softly once you noticed he was staring. Jaehyun laughed to himself and looked away, only to find himself staring at you once again. This time you were oblivious to it and simply flipping through cd’s. 
You always caught his attention, you were effortlessly beautiful to him even doing the bare minimum. It was something he loved about you. 
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Sicheng had noticed you had been studying something over the course of the last few weeks. That your nose was stuck in your books and it was clearly a subject you were interested in. one day, curiousity got the better of him and he couldn’t help but flip through your study books. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were learning Chinese?” Sicheng asked you, holding your books. “I was going to surprise you. I know you’re more comfortable speaking Chinese and I want you to be completely comfortable with me.” You said softly and you could see his ears turning red. “That- I- I want to help you then! Be your teacher!” He stuttered, trying to hide how happy it made him. 
You wanted him to be incredibly comfortable with him, you wanted to be able to communicate on the fullest level and it was something he really cherished. 
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“Shhh you don’t want to wake anyone up.” You said, looking at Jungwoo’s face as you tiptoed through the dorm. “You shhh, this was your idea.” He laughed and you raised your fingers to your lips, trying to stifle your own laughter. You both made it to the kitchen and turned the lights on. Jungwoo went to the fridge and opened it quite agressively, a bottle of juice rolling out and hitting the floor with a loud thud. 
You both couldn’t hold back your laughter anymore, your adventure for a midnight snack being nothing short of a disaster and comical. Jungwoo grabbed what he was originally looking for from the fridge and handed it to you to turn around. “What are you two doing?” Taeyong asked, arms crossed and staring at you both. “Nothing.” Jungwoo quickly said, brushing past the older male and sending you into giggles. Once you both reached his bedroom with your snack you broke out in a fit of laughter. 
Jungwoo looked at you as you settled in his room, still laughing. He loved that he could make some lighthearted trouble with you. He loved that he could laugh with you. 
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You had been considering asking him for the longest time, but you knew Mark was very busy and probably didn’t have the time too. But you still wanted to learn, so you finally took the step. “Mark... can you teach me how to play the guitar?” You asked, holding his guitar by the neck gently. The question caught him off guard, making him look up at you with wide eyes. “I didn’t know you wanted to learn how to play.” Mark said, gesturing for you to sit by him.
“I’ve been wanting too, but you’ve just been so busy. I didn’t want you to feel like you needed too.” You explained, allowing the guitar to rest in your lap. Mark wrapped his arms around you after moving the guitar. “I mean I don’t need too, but I want too. It would be really fun to play together.” Mark said and you smiled not being able to contain your own excitement. “Ahh thank you!” You hugged him tightly, making him turn pink. 
He loved how excited you got over small things and how eager you were to learn something new. It was just so endearing to Mark. 
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You had both made yourselves comfortable, laptops and gaming computer ready to go. It was you and Donghyuk vs. Johnny and Jaehyun and you were both not planning on losing. “Y/N’s like impossible to kill!” Johnny said in frustration and you simply laughed, bouncing around the map happily. Donghyuk laughed, taking out Jaehyun as you swiftly did the same to Johnny. 
“There we go! That’s my baby!” Donghyuk cheered, knowing that the fact that you two won meant that you wouldn’t have to pay for snacks that night. Annoyed, the two older guys left to go pick up the order while muttering things under their breath. “I keep telling them to stop challenging us as a duo, but they don’t learn.” You said, settling into Donghyuk’s bed. He joined you with a small laugh and rested his head on your chest. “You’re right, we’re just too good.” You both laughed and allowed your fingers to toy with his hair. 
In that moment he realised that you and him had so much in common, even in teasing it made him realise he was head over heels for you. 
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moonlit-mizukage · 3 years
Chapter twenty nine: 11 things I love about you 
Summary: Y/l/n Y/n, a third year at Sakura High School, is just a girl with a bad attitude towards anyone outside her small circle. When y/n’s younger sister starts first year, she gains a lot of attention. Unfortunately for everyone in school, the Y/l/n household has one rule, No dating till y/n does. Some people become just desperate enough to pay the leader of the “Monsters”, the trouble making group on campus, to date y/n. What will happen when she finds out? (All characters aged up to third year unless otherwise stated)
Tw: Swearing, mentions of past violence
An: The poem format once again do be bad cause tumblr wont let me make it look a certain way. 
AN: I made a server if anyone wants to join!! https://discord.gg/R4URagRF
Third person Pov 
Y/n was laying on her bed staring at the ceiling, she let out a deep sigh as she heard her sister in the room laughing obnoxiously loud. 
“Mei!” She said slamming her hand on the wall. “Why are you being so loud?” She didn’t respond, so y/n stood up sighing. She walked into the hall. 
“Mei!” She yelled into her open door. “Who are you talking to at this hour?” 
“Yamaguchi.” She said. Y/n rolled her eyes. 
“Don’t keep each other up all night, and tell Yams I love him please.”  
“Of course Y/n.” Mei said as Y/n left the room and headed down stairs.
She went into the cupboard and grabbed a cup. Filling it up from the tap,  she looked out the window into the night. 
A tap on the glass startled her as she tossed the cup into the sink and looked at what the cause of the noise was. Standing in the window was Kyotani. She leaned over as she opened the window. 
“What the hell are you doing?!? You scared me half to death! Do you have any idea what time it is?”
“Tendou asked me to pick you up and take you to him.” He said ignoring her previous questions. 
“Why..?” She was skeptical of him. 
“Just fucking, come on.” He said clearly annoyed. 
“Fine. Next time use the door you psycho.” She said as she slammed the window. 
She walked over to the front door of her house. As she opened the door Kyotani stepped inside. 
“Hurry the fuck up. We have to go.” He said as he rolled his eyes. She turned as she yelled up the stairs. 
“Mei! I am going out. If any violence occurs where was I?”
“At home.” A voice yelled back. 
“Okay let’s go.” She said as she pushed him out the door. A car sat before them in her driveway. She gave him a clearly confused look. “You have a car?” 
“Just get in.” He got in the driver's side as you hopped in only for him to speed off immediately. 
“Slow down Sonic.” She said with a chuckle. 
“Fuck off. My car my fucking speed. My fucking music too.” He said as he slapped his radio on. A CD started to play as heavy metal began to blast throughout the car. 
“Nice song.” Y/n complimented. 
“Fuck yeah it is.” He said. 
The rest of the car ride was filled with Kyotani’s music. It seemed like hours but really it was such a short time. Kyotani pulled up to the view point where you and Tendou shared the deep and personal things the night you told him you liked him. He got out of the car as he walked around and ripped your door open. “Get the fuck out. Over there.” He pointed to what you now noticed was Tendou leaning up against a bike. It was dark, but he looked absolutely stunning in the moonlight. Y/n’s breath hitched as she approached him. 
A car pulled up with Terushima standing from the sun roof. 
“Don’t fuck this up Guess!” He yelled as Kyotani hopped in and the other four monsters sped off. 
The two who were now completely alone laughed at the previous situation they just saw.. 
“Hey Y/n.” He said as he passed you something from his pocket. 
“What’s this for?” She asked as she took it. 
“The car key if you want to leave at any time.” 
“Oh.” She said as she looked at it closer.
“I am sorry to bring you all the way out here, but I promise it will make sense if you are willing to hear me out.” 
“Satori, I just want us to be okay.” He looked her in the eyes. 
“I have something I wrote down. So please,” He began to say. Y/n had never heard his voice sound so fragile. “I’m not always great with this shit.” 
“It’s okay, take your time.” She said as she gave him a small smile. He pulled the paper ball  from his pocket. It was crumpled and torn around the edges when he pulled it open. He took a deep breath before he began to read.  
“I love the way you laugh and how it can instantly change my sour mood, 
I love the way you treat your friends and the strangers on the streets,
I love the way you hold yourself and how you never back down even when others would,
I love the way I feel when your hands are in mine.
I love the way you take my breath away and make me feel safe,  
I love the way you show me how much you care even through the little things you do,
 I love how you make me feel like I am important again and how much I really mean to you,
I love how your smile lights up your whole face and a whole street block of people can feel the warmth.
I love how you are always willing to try new things, like getting on my bike at 1am angry
I love how you confessed to me and even your angsty poem from class,
But most importantly I love you, not just with a small piece of my heart either, 
I would travel any distance, any planet or any galaxy, just to feel your love,
Cause you,
You are my Paradise.” 
“Satori,” He noticed the tears in her eyes while he shoved the paper back into his pocket. He wiped her tears away with his thumb. He moved in closer to her as their lips almost touched. 
“I’m sorry my poem sucked. I just wanted you to know that I love you Y/n.” He said as he started into her eyes. 
“I love you too Satori.” With that they pulled each other in for a passionate kiss.
When the two pulled back for air Tendou looked her in the eyes once again. 
“Do you think you could ever forgive me?” 
“I had the moment I saw you tonight. I just was worried you would speak to me the same way you did over text.” 
“I thought you would hate me by now. Especially after last night?” She laughed. 
“I shouldn’t encourage violence, but off the record, damn Satori, my hero in a leather jacket.” It was his turn to laugh now. 
“Did Mad tell you what happened exactly?” 
“Not really honestly.” He began to tell her about his night. After he was done she told him all the dumb stuff Oikawa tried to pull to get her. The two had a good laugh before Y/n stopped and looked panicked. 
“Wait what about the police? Oikawa’s parents?” 
“Oh I am sure none of that will be a bother to us now Y/n.” 
“Oh? ” He just laughed back pulling her back into a kiss again. 
“We should head back to town.” 
“Are we going separate or?” 
“I can call them if you want to come pick up the car if you want to ride with me?” 
“You already know I do.” 
As the two were getting ready to leave, they both failed to notice the paper fall out of Tendou’s pocket. The paper now laid on the ground as the two sped off as the paper flipped around, completely blank on the ground.
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beyoncesdragon · 3 years
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title: have a look yourself
× pairing: Jae x f!reader ((I think?)), (established relationship)
× summary: Spending Christmas with Jae sure is entertaining and full of surprises. 
× warnings: none, FLUFF
× wordcount: 1.3k
× a/n: listen, I don’t know? I kinda lost myself there at the end tbh, I never meant for it to go there. Also, I put f!reader because I used the term “wife someone” and I don’t KNOW IF YOU CAN SAY THAT TO A GUY/NON BINARY PERSON I’m sorry. Pls educate me. (also, watch me pretend to know anything about guitars here, lmao bye) Merry Chrism y’all!
main masterlist | day6 masterlist
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“Your Christmas gift for me is…my own album?” Jae asked, looking up just slightly confused. You had troubles holding back your laughter as you nodded, trying to muster an innocent expression. How you had waited for today, longed for the moment you could finally give him the gift you’d planned out so carefully. It had taken you months of planning and messaging back and forth with the company, countless nights spent editing in front of your computer.
Jae flipped the red and black box over, suspiciously eyeing the back of it. “Uh…thank you?” you rolled your eyes. “Open it, Jae come on!” he gave you another confused glance, only hesitatingly fumbling with the lid.
“Will it explode? Hey, why are you filming?” you shook you head quickly, motioning him to just finally focus on the task on hand. He sighed, having decided that questioning you or your choice of gift wouldn’t bring him any further now. All that was left was opening the album. With another sigh he flipped the cover open, facing…the completely regular content. There were the preorder-gift polaroids, a bookmark (with Wonpil at that) the lyric cards, photo cards, the photobook and in its back, as Jae knew, would be the CD. Nothing special. Jae was more than confused.
“I’m sorry, did I miss something? Did like, a fairy elevate from it or something?” you only laughed, shaking your head.
“Nope.” Jae sighed, giving you big, very confused eyes. “Jagi, help. I don’t want to seem ungrateful, I just really don’t…get it?” you gave him an innocent smile once again and nodded towards the album.
“Unpack it. Oh come on Jae, have you never unboxed an album before? Do it like me when I get mine in.” he snorted.
“I only make them, what would I unbox them for. And what do you mean, do it like you. Does that mean I’m supposed to squeal over Jackson Wangs face when I see him pop up somewhere?” you threw the discarded wrapping paper at him.
“You’re no fun Jae, seriously. Just go through it, Jesus Christ!” he sighed dramatically before finally, tilting the box so it’s content would fall into his hands. He gave you a quick look and you just nodded, urging him to continue.
“Am I supposed to go through the photobook?” you shrugged. “I mean, what would you do first if you were a fan of yourself and would get this in the mail?” he pursed his lips slightly. “I am a fan of myself. Y/N you’re no help at all.” you only snickered amused. “Jae, you’re a stoic little boy. Hurry up.” He gave you a glare before opening the photobook…and almost dropping it again.
“What the fu-?“ you couldn’t help yourself any longer and burst out laughing. Instead of the group pictures he’d probably expected, there was…something else. Still a group picture, with just the tiny difference that all the members wore Wonpils face. Jae flicked through the pages of the book, scanning over every picture before looking at you with a horrified look on his face. “What did you dooo?” he whimpered, opening the book at the page where he’s supposed to be – and was – but with Wonpils face montaged over his own. You couldn’t answer just yet, your breath hitching with giggled as you watched Jae stare at this army of Wonpils all over the pages of the book with a look of disgust.
“I’m speechless. How did you even get this done, who helped you. JYP himself?” he ran his fingers over the smooth surface of the pictures, now fighting a small smile.
“The demon, indeed.” Jae mumbled, and a tiny smile started to tug on his lips. You were on floor laughing, more than satisfied with your gift, more than happy with his reaction.
“So you wanna tell me…that you went through all this trouble…all of this…just so I would have a book with Wonpils face?” you nodded, teary eyed, sore throated  but happy. “For my favourite boy. A special edition, only copy that has ever been made. You like it?” he narrowed his eyes.
“C’mere you little minx…” and he leaped towards you. With a shocked squeal you scooted out of reach before getting on your feet as quick as possible and speeding for the kitchen. The chase did not go on forever, actually it ended almost instantly. Jae was faster (also because you wore fluffy Christmas socks which made everything dangerously slippery)  and had you trapped in his arms in no time. He picked you up for half a second maybe, right before he fell backwards onto the sofa, where he took it upon himself to tickle the living hell out of you. Only after a good ten minutes he stopped with it and pulled you into his chest.
“You’re so annoying.” Was all he had to say, the fond smile on his lips betraying him. You only grinned, turning around so you could comfortably rest in his arms. He glanced down at you, a smile dancing over his lips. You reached up to press yours against them, as if to catch the smile before it vanished.
“Now did you like it?” he laughed softly, pulling you tighter for a second. “Sure. Would you be mad if I burned it or something?” you stifled a laugh, intertwining your fingers with his, resting them on his belly.
“I kinda expected you to at least frame a few pages. You could hang it up in the studio, right over your guitar stand. The colours would look great with that deep red Gibson you got.” Jae hummed amused before he snapped up.
“Wait the what?” you bit back a tiny smile. “The deep red Gibson Les Paul Studio, you know that guitar. It would go well with the red aesthetic moment you guys got going on in the album.” You repeated, acting as if nothing was wrong.
“I…I don’t have a red Gibson…? I only have a black one, you know the old one…?”
“Are you sure you don’t have a red one?” he sat up, giving you a weird look. “What are you…”
“Oh come on, you didn’t really think I just got you the Wonpil photobook, did you?” his jaw fell slack.
“You got me a guitar?” you grinned proudly. “Younghyun helped me pick the right kind, since I have less than no knowledge about guitars. It’s waiting for you behind the coats in the hallway…I had to hide it somewhere. Go have a look.” Jae was on his feel faster than a chicken on speed and sprinted towards the clothing racks, slithering coming to a stop in front of them.
“Holy shit.” You laughed. “She’s beautiful! I can’t believe…are you serious?” he brushed carefully over the shinny ebony, placing the guitar in a way where it would rest safely on his lap. You leaned against his shoulder as you watched him brush over a few strings hesitatingly. The dark red fit beautifully into the scenery, the light up Christmas tree and cozy atmosphere, accentuating everything with a more Christmas-sy feel. “Damn. I know I shouldn’t swear on Christmas out of everything but holy shit, she’s beautiful.” you shrugged lightly, shooting him a wink. “Suits you perfectly then!” he clicked his tongue and gave you a slightly unbelieving look.
“Keep that behavior up and I’ll wife you before this year ends.” You huffed amused. “Yeah I mean I would, but I do not have the financial capability to do that, good Sir. You can still wife me, tho.” He shot you a quick grin before diverting his gaze back to the guitar.
“You know, I’m gonna do it anyways so...” Jae mumbled almost absentmindedly, gaze still fixed on the guitar. You looked up surprised, feeling a tingle rise in your chest. 
Was he…serious?
“Oh yeah?” he looked up at you, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “What? Did you think I only got you a box of chocolates and those lame ass concert tickets for Christmas? The ring is in the top drawer of my nightstand, I had to hide it somewhere.” This time, it was your turn to stare at him blankly.
“Shut up Jae, you’re kidding.” He leaned back with a smug grin, shooting you a wink.
“Go have a look yourself, babe.”
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— ✩ thank u for reading ✩ —
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stupid-stew · 3 years
Separate Tides
yknow what? frick you. *writes down my own version of the season 2 premiere that i've already written in my head because i'm impatient*
Luz was guilty. No matter how many times Eda told her that she shouldn’t take the blame, she just couldn’t stop herself. If she just hadn’t gone that day and stayed to make sure Eda was ok…
Luz sat up from her position in her sleeping bag on the floor, “What is it King?”
The small demon looked at her, his silhouette backlit by the light from the hall, Luz’s room was dark, she’d been too mad at herself when she woke up to even begin thinking about casting light glyphs.
“Eda wanted me to come tell you to get up for breakfast…” King gave her another glance “but if you aren’t up for it I can make an excuse for you.”
Luz realized she must look a mess, still covered in dust and scratches from her fight with Belos, still wearing her cat hoodie, and probably had one of the worst cases of bed head in history. “No, that’ll only make her worry more, I’ll be down in a minute, ok?”
Her face must have given something away because King still didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t push the matter any further and left her back alone in her room.
I’ve gotta fix this.
Luz got up, well she got up as far as she could before her arms gave out, Huh, she thought to herself, I guess getting thrown around by an evil emperor leaves you a little sore in the morning, who woulda thought. She stayed there for another minute before trying again, Eda is gonna be worried if I don’t head down soon, she doesn’t need any more on her plate, not from me.
This time, Luz mentally prepared herself before deciding to get up, it must have worked because she was able to get all the way to her knees before having to take a break. It was at this point Luz saw herself in the mirror for the first time. I see why King was worried, she really did look awful, not even when she was going through her awkward hair stage had she ever looked like this. Her hair stuck up every which way, down her forehead, up towards the ceiling, that one on her left was almost perfectly perpendicular to her skull. After she finished admiring the true wonder that was her hair, she got a chance to look at the rest of her appearance. It wasn’t as bad as she was expecting honestly, a few scrapes and bruises were visible along her face and arms, but that was the worst of it, her hoodie definitely needed a wash.
Better get this over with.
Where is that kid? Eda thought she had sent King up the stairs long enough in advance for Luz to be down the stairs in time for breakfast, had she fallen back asleep?
Just as she was going to get up to go see if Luz was alright, the human appeared at the bottom of the stairs.
“Yikes, what happened to you?”
“Good morning to you too Eda” Luz responded, rolling her eyes at the older witch’s comment and moving to go grab her plate from the counter.
Good, she’s joking around, that’s good, right? Eda had been up late last night worried about Luz. If she knew one thing about the kid, it was that she had a big heart, and that meant she was probably going to blame herself for everything that had happened, and Eda didn’t want that for Luz, in fact she had gone out of her way to make sure and tell Luz how much of her fault it wasn’t.
“More like good afternoon, you were really asleep huh?” It was a little past one, breakfast was an arbitrary term in the owl house, especially since Eda had a habit of sleeping like a rock for days after an especially bad curse incident.
“Yeah well I had a long night, you did too.” Something in Luz’s voice was off, Eda just couldn’t quite tell what it was.
“What’s in this anyways?” Luz asked, gesturing at the meal in front of her, if you could call it that. Eda didn’t have much in the way of food around the house, she had been planning on making money over the weekend with the human collectables stand and then going shopping early next week, but getting captured and almost petrified had thrown a wrench in her plans.
“Ah, well I was going to make money this weeken-”
Luz cut her off “But now without the portal…”
“No money.”
“No food.” Luz looked into her dish with guilt painted all over her face.
“But not to worry kid! We’ll figure it out, I made out just fine before I got my hands one the portal” Eda said, trying to cheer Luz up, truth was she didn’t have a plan, sure now she wasn’t as wanted of a criminal, but she doubted there were many witches in town willing to offer her a job.
“Yeah but even then you had your magic.” Luz muttered just loud enough for Eda to hear
“Kid we talked about this, it’s nothing you need to worry abo-”
Eda was cut off by a quiet cough from the doorway, both her and Luz turned their heads to see Lilith standing in the hallway.
“My apologies, I don’t mean to interrupt but the small demon told me to come to the kitchen for breakfast, though I think he meant lunch, regardless, I’m more than happy to take it and leave.”
The three of them stood there for a moment, Luz was visibly uncomfortable with Lilith’s presence, but Eda just looked confused, she hadn’t asked King to get Lilith. As far as she was concerned Lilith could figure out her own meals.
“You can have mine, I’m not hungry anymore.” Luz spoke, breaking the silence. She placed her untouched breakfast on the counter and moved quickly back up the stairs, shutting the door to her room.
That can’t be good
“I’m sorry, I’ll just go.”
Lilith started to turn before Eda stopped her, “No, don’t let it go to waste.”
The elder Clawthorne hung her head and occupied the place where Luz had been a moment ago.
“What is this?” Lilith asked, looking at the plate in a mixture of confusion and disgust.
“Oh I’m sorry your highness, we seem to be all out of elegant food at the moment, so sorry we won’t live up to the expectations of the ex leader of the emperor’s very own coven.” Eda mocked, putting on her worst posh accent and accenting her mention of the coven with venom in her voice.
Lilith’s face dropped at that and she turned to start eating, but she barely got the food next to her face before the smell hit her and she dropped the fork, and in trying to catch it managed to knock the whole plate face-down on the floor.
Eda looked at her and scoffed before walking out of the room, leaving Lilith by herself to clean up the mess in the kitchen.
By the time Eda walked past Luz’s room, Luz had already made up her mind, she was going to help Eda. There were things she couldn’t fix, she couldn’t cure Eda’s curse, she couldn’t get rid of Lilith, she couldn’t repair the portal, she couldn’t do anything about Belos, but there was one thing she could do. Her mother had never really supported Luz in her fantasies, she had never been mean about it, she tried her best, but if there were bills to be paid or groceries to be bought, that’s where the money went. Not towards Luz’s interests. If Luz wanted a new book, poster, dvd, cd, action figure, anything like that, she had to get her own money. Only problem was, Luz was barely 14, not a lot of places hired kids younger than that, but she had managed to get money, she’d done it before for herself, but now she was going to do it for Eda.
She’s already sacrificed so much for me, I can’t let her go hungry too. Luz thought as she packed her bag. Maybe they wouldn’t hire me in the human realm, but this is the boiling isles, everything is dangerous, hiring age is probably the least of their worries. Luz was determined, she was going to help Eda.
She almost made it out the door, Eda was in her room, Lilith was nowhere to be seen, Luz was almost in the clear, until
“Hey Hooty,” Luz replied through gritted teeth, “could you keep it down a little bit there buddy?”
So he wasn’t going to keep it down. Great.
“I’m just heading into town to help out Eda, can you not tell anyone where I went? It’s a secret mission.” Luz was certain Eda didn’t want her going into town after last night, especially not by herself, but she also didn’t want Eda to worry about her while she was gone.
“ONLY IF YOU BRING ME SOMETHING BAAAAAAAACK” the house demon replied, rotating his face a full 180 degrees.
So creepy Luz shivered. “Alright, but only if you don’t tell anyone I’m gone or where I went” she whispered while shutting the door softly.
“OKAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY” the owl dragged out his words, following Luz several feet into the forest before returning to his place on the door.
That was close. Luz sighed before shaking out her hands, refocusing her mind, right, gotta mission, time to make it up to Eda.
“KING? COME UP HERE” Eda yelled from her nest.
After a couple moments, she could hear the demon’s tiny footsteps scampering up the stairs, “What?”
“Why did you tell Lilith to come eat with us?” Eda asked, voice slightly muffled by the fact she was laying with her face buried in a pillow.
“Eda,” King said carefully “you can’t just let her starve y'know, where else was she gonna get food?”
“Why should I care?” came an exclamation from the witch who was now rolling over onto her back, “not like she thought about me when she was cursing me, what did she think the owl beast was gonna eat? Not like she thought about Luz when she threw her off a bridge, human ghosts don’t eat, what did she think Luz was going to do without me? She can’t survive on her own here! She’s a kid, King, I was a kid when I got cursed, so no I don’t care what she eats.” Eda exhaled, dropping her gesturing hands to the bottom of the nest with a thud.
King sighed and was about to leave before Eda sat up and looked at him, “speaking of which did Luz seem off to you this morning?”
“Yeah actually, she looked really sad when I went to grab her this morning, I don’t know exactly what happened last night but I think she’s taking it really hard.”
That made Eda’s heart hurt, did I not talk to her about it enough? Doesn’t she know it isn’t her fault, maybe I need to tell her again. “Could you go grab her for me please?”
King nodded and headed off down the hall, Eda heard him knock a few times, and the lack of response made her nervous, maybe she just fell asleep again, wow she must be wiped after last night, Eda chuckled a little bit at that before getting up to help King wake Luz.
“Luz?” she asked, knocking on the door, “can you wake up please?”
“Luz I’m coming in.” Eda stated while reaching for the door handle. When she opened the door all the way, she couldn’t see anything, the kid must have fallen right back asleep if there weren’t any glyphs or candles lit up.
It took a moment for Eda’s eyes to adjust to the lack of light, but when they did and she saw the empty sleeping bag on the floor, her heart dropped.
Oh no.
Lilith didn’t know how she had gotten there. Not even 36 hours ago she had been in one of the highest possible positions of power on the boiling isles, a part of Belos’ inner circle, and now here she was. In a shack, her dress in tatters, half cursed, covered in rancid food, sewing herself new clothes from dusty blankets she found under her cot. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Just as she had finished putting on her new clothes, and was planning on burning the old ones, Eda busted in the, admittedly shoddily attached, door to her makeshift room.
“Edalyn?” Lilith’s eyes needed a moment to adjust to the sudden bright light coming from the outside world.
“Lilith- what are you weari- no nevermind there’s no time, have you seen Luz?”
The panic in Eda’s voice had Lilith more concerned than she was willing to admit.
“No, not since this morning, why? Has something happened?”
“Shit” Eda murmured “She wasn’t in her room and she isn’t in the house, I haven’t seen her and neither has King, are you sure you didn’t see or hear anything?”
“No, I’m sorry I haven’t,” Lilith replied, now just as worried as Eda, she might not know the kid that well, but Luz was still a kid, and Eda’s fear was intoxicating.
If there was one thing Lilith hated more than herself, it was that infernal house demon.
Eda’s face visibly lit up at that
“Really? Where?” Lilith had never heard her sister that relieved, not even after she’d almost gotten expelled for some of her more… elaborate pranks.
Any sign of joy that had been on Eda’s face disappeared almost immediately.
The next few seconds happened in slow motion for Lilith, first, Eda’s hand shot out and grabbed hooty by what Lilith assumed must have been his neck, whatever she had a grip on was making it hard for the owl tube to breath, then her other hand came up and bashed him in the beak, how that seemed to hurt Hooty more than it did Eda’s fist was beyond Lilith, then Eda had him pinned up against the wall of the shack.
Eda stared into Hooty’s eyes, and asked in a voice that was somehow calm yet conveyed the rage and power that Lilith knew was yet to be tapped into “Where. Is. Luz.”
The demon was wriggling like crazy, but to Eda’s credit, she didn’t show any sign of letting go until she got her answer.
“SHE- WENT- IN- TO- TOWN-” Hooty managed to cough out, Lilith knew her sister had a strong grip from years of grudgbey, so how he was even managing to breathe was beyond her.
Eda released him from the wall and turned to Lilith, who met her eye with a matching stare of concern, they both knew how dangerous it was for Luz to be out in town by herself. Eda might have been pardoned by the emperor but Luz hadn’t.
“We have to go”
Luz was utterly defeated. She’d been at it for hours, going from business to business asking if they had a position for her, not even bothering to look if they had a help wanted sign in their window. The thing was, most of them were hiring. They were even hiring teens, they just weren’t hiring humans. Humans aren’t fireproof, they can’t survive dismemberment, they don’t have any magic, great, just another thing I suck at, I can’t even help eda properly because I’m a human. Just as Luz was about to leave Rot Alley, a cloaked figure appeared around the corner.
“Hey kid.”
The voice that called out to her was raspy and creepy, and Luz had seen enough horror movies to know that logically, running was her best option in this situation, running far far away, but before she could even get her feet to move, a gloved hand shot out from the white fabric of the cloak and grabbed her by the wrist.
“Hey! Let go of me!” she protested, trying to yank herself out from the stranger’s grip.
“Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you.” the voice replied, letting go of her arm.
Yep, creepy voice is still creepy the second time it speaks
“What’s a kid like you doing out all by themself?”
Luz’s mom had told her time and time again not to talk to strangers, but this one seemed nice, right?
“Well, I was looking for a job, but nobody wants to hire me.” Luz admitted while staring at the ground and kicking the toe of her shoe into the dirt.
“You seem a bit too young...” the figure paused, craning their neck to look at the side of Luz’s head, something about that circular, gold mask seemed familiar “... and round to be working a job around here.
Luz tried not to take offense to the round part, and settled for honestly replying “Yeah, well I need the money.”
The figure hummed and said, “Well, if it’s money you’re after, I think I could help you with that.”
Lets see, alleyway? Check. Cloaked figure? Check? Creepy voice? Check. Super duper sketchy promise of money? Double check. Yep that’s all the boxes on the “do not take this deal” list. But Eda… I owe it to her. If this deal can help her then I need to try.
“I’m in.”
The next half hour was a blur in Luz’s memory, she signed some papers, was given a map, a boat, and a contract that promised her 40% of whatever she brought back, and was sent on her way, and now she found herself on her own, floating away from a dock placed on a part of the isles she had never seen before, scared out of her mind, but with the hope of helping Eda.
No going back now.
Eda was frantic, she’d been running all over the marketplace with Luz’s banned flyer in her hand asking anyone who looked like they had eyes if they’d seen her, and much to Eda’s surprise, they had. Apparently Luz had been there all afternoon looking for work, why on Earth would she be looking for a job? Luz’s motives were the least of Eda’s worries right now, what was more important was finding Luz, she could interrogate the kid on her own then, when she was back safe.
“Nothing?” Lilith asked, floating down next to Eda on her staff.
“Nope, seems like everyone’s seen her but nobody can tell me where she is.” Eda sat down aggressively on a nearby bench, placed her head in her hands and let out a groan of frustration. It was getting dark, if they didn’t find Luz soon, it could mean serious trouble. “Why was she even out of the house in the first place? She knows how dangerous the it can be here.”
Lilith took the seat next to her sister, “I don’t know, she seemed pretty upset in the kitchen, what was that about?”
Eda lifted her head and looked at Lilith. “That was because of you.”
“Are you serious Lily? You took the kid and threw her off a bridge as some sort of sacrifice and you expected her to be ok being in the same room with you?”
Lilith opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a voice neither of them recognized.
“Hey, you lookin for that kid?” the passerby asked, pointing at the flyer in Eda’s hand.
Eda shot out of her seat, feeling hopeful for the first time in hours. “Yes!” she replied hastily, “Why? Have you seen her around?”
“Yeah yeah yeah, last I saw she was heading down to the docks, seems like a dangerous place for a kid to be. Glad she had that guy with her.” was all the demon offered before walking away.
The docks? A guy? Eda thought, what was Luz thinking? Going to the docks, doesn’t she know how dangerous that is? I’ve done more than my fair share of illegal things but even I wouldn- oh. Luz doesn’t know how dangerous that is, whenever she comes into town she’s with me and we don’t go there, I should have warned her, it’s worse than the night market down th-
Eda’s train of thought was cut off by Lilith’s hand on her shoulder, the look in her sister’s eyes told Eda that she’d come to the same conclusion, that they needed to move fast, titan knows what could have happened to Luz just in the time they’d been standing there.
Without a word, both Clawthornes jumped on their staffs and moved as fast as they could down to the dreaded area. Eda hated how low to the sea the shops were down there, it always made it unbearably hot, but the heat was the last thing she needed to be worried about.
After about 10 minutes of asking around, the sisters found themselves outside of a rickety building all the way at the end of the pier. The shop didn’t have a sign but the lights were on. “Stay behind me, I know how to deal with people who run places like this.” Eda whispered to Lilith.
Lilith gave a small nod and Eda took that as her cue to enter the building. Why am I not surprised she knows what she’s doing around here.
It wasn’t much better on the inside than it was on the outside, all that was in the building was a desk, some tables covered in papers, and a witch behind the desk. The witch looked familiar to Lilith, something about those eyes, and the chip out of his ear, she couldn’t quite place it.
“Hey, you seen this kid around?” Eda spoke next to her, holding up the flyer.
“Maybe, what’s it to you?” Definitely know him, I know that voice…
“Look,” Eda sighed, dropping her hand to her side, “we don’t want any trouble, just tell us where the kid went and we’ll be on our way.”
The witch behind the desk spun around in his chair, “Sorry lady, even if I wanted to I couldn’t, she could be anywhere by now, I can tell you the kid seemed desperate for money, was willing to do anything we asked to get her hands on some coins, I like that kind of dedication in an employee.”
Why was Luz so desperate for money?
“If you can’t tell us where she is, could you at least tell us where she’s headed” Lilith offered, trying to get any information she could out of this man.
“Nope, no can do, our business is strictly confidenti-”
Before he could finish his sentence, he was slammed up against the wall by Eda, who had a firm hold on the collar of his shirt.
“Woah hey put me down!” the man chuckled, trying his best not to look afraid, his facade is weak, maybe I don’t know him after all.
Eda didn’t look amused. “Tell us where the kid went.” She annunciated every word sharply.
“I already told you, I can’t!”
Eda pulled her arm back so the man was nose to nose with her before slamming him back higher on the wall.
“I don’t care what you can and cannot do. You will tell me where she went. That is my kid, she is under my protection. You don’t want to mess with me, so look at me, and tell me where she went.” Eda spoke calmly, but the man looked terrified.
Her kid huh? Lilith grinned to herself, she’s never going to hear the end of this one.
The man gulped and looked around for any way out, when he didn’t seem to find one he stammered “G-griffin island, she went to griffin island.”
Eda dropped the witch to the ground, not because she had gotten what she wanted, but because of the implications of what she had heard.
Griffin island was dangerous, Luz must have been really truly desperate for money, but most of all, it was a scam, no griffin in history had been known to give up the treasure they were guarding, not without giving up their lives as well, Lilith and Eda both knew that, Luz didn’t.
Magic is so cool.
Luz didn’t know the first thing about sailing, but the boat was enchanted to take her where she was going.
Why did they even need me for this? Whatever, as long as I’m getting a cut of the money I can help Eda. Plus not having to row is nice for my arms.
It was dark now, but Luz had enough light glyphs to keep her company, and apparently enough to illuminate the island in front of her.
Griffin island, wow. It was massive, there were tall twisting trees and vines, but what caught Luz’s eye was the giant statue of a griffin with it’s mouth open, leading to a tunnel. Ah, that must be the entrance.
As if the boat could read her mind, it made a sudden sharp turn towards the beak of the griffin statue, knocking Luz off her balance so she fell and her cape fell over her eyes. By the time she got herself untangled, the boat was nearing the tunnel. Wow it really is dark in there isn’t it. Luz activated a light glyph just in time to illuminate her path, which clearly hadn’t been traveled in quite some time, as it was riddled with spider webs. Note to self, spider breath isn’t as cool in person as it is in my head. Luz thought to herself as she layed in the bottom of the boat, trying to avoid getting any web on her.
When the boat reached the end of the tunnel, it was a spectacular sight. There were tall purple and green trees all around a circular pond of glowing blue water, and at the top of the circle, directly in front of Luz, was a sleeping griffin.
So. Cool.
Luz closed her eyes and tried to remember the instructions she had been given, the griffin should be asleep, good, right on track, ok what’s next, try not to wake up the griffin. She opened her eyes to look ahead of her, still asleep, now try to find a way around the griffin and get to the treasure, this is so cool I’m on a real life treasure hunt- Luz focus, find the path, get the treasure, help Eda.
It didn’t take her long to plot out her path, stop the boat at the base of where the griffin was sleeping, be really really quiet, walk around the griffin, get the treasure, leave. Fool proof planning Luz, why thank you Luz.
It didn’t take long for things to go wrong.
The moment Luz stepped off the boat, it zipped through the water and back out of the tunnel, leaving Luz stranded. That’s probably fine. There really was no going back now, so she kept on going with her plan, not wanting to think about the fact that she had just been stranded on a mystery island in the middle of nowhere with nobody aware of where she was.
She turned away from the tunnel, and was greeted by the very much awake face of a griffin right in hers. Great.
“Hey there-” she started, but was cut off by the griffin itself.
“What are you doing here.”
Woah griffins can talk? And it sounds nice? “Yeah so actually I need some of your treasure, you see I really need to help ou-”
“Interesting word, need. Most travellers tell me they want the riches, and most travelers I would have eaten them by now.”
Luz didn’t know what to say to that.
“Are you going to eat me then?” she gulped
The griffin got up and stretched before sitting down with it’s two front claws outstretched. Very similar to a cat, not quite as cute, Luz thought to herself with a smile.
“Not yet, luckily for you, I have just woken up from a nap, and therefore am not at all hungry, but if you tell me why you so need my treasure, I’ll listen.”
Who would have thought griffins were so reasonable. “Oh, um, it’s kind of hard to explain, you see I kind of made a big mistake, and my mentor really paid for it, she lost her powers and something really important to her. She keeps telling me that it wasn’t my fault, but I know it was. See, without her powers, she can’t really do much, and trust me, nobody wants to hire someone without powers.” I should know, I don’t have any “Point is, she’s out of an income, and I know it’s my fault, and I want to help, but I can’t get a job either, so I figured if I came here, maybe I could get some money to help her out. She’s done so much for me, I don’t deserve it, I want her to be ok.” Luz explained.
The griffin just stared at her blankly.
Ok? Am I going to get the treasure just like that?
The griffin turned around and began walking back towards the woods surrounding them, “Yes, I will help you help your mento.”
“Awesome thank you so mu-”
“You say you have been such a burden to her? That you are the reason she lost her powers? That she is better off without you? Then I will rid her of her burden.”
The griffin turned back to Luz, getting a running start, charging at Luz, who was now screaming without even knowing, it raised its claws and jumped, then Luz was flying.
Eda had never flown that fast in her life. Everyone knew where griffin island was, and not for a lame reason like geography lessons, but because every young witch on the isles was warned to stay as far away from it as possible. The griffin will not hand over its treasure, it might trick you and tell you it will, but it won’t. Never go to griffin island as long as you live, you will not leave alive. Those were the words her mother had recited every time she and Lilith played “adventure to griffin island” in their backyard as witchlings. As a consequence, Eda had spent every moment she could trying to get as close to griffin island as she could before her mother caught on and dragged her back inside, her hatred of the hot water be damned.
But, that also meant Eda knew the way there. She had never gotten all that close, but enough to see it in the distance and head straight for it.
What if Luz is injured, what if I’m too late, what if she never even made it all the way, what if she fell in, what if-
Eda never got to finish her thought as they entered the griffin’s mouth tunnel, what was getting in her face?
Lilith seemed to be having the same problem, as she was spitting and sputtering like a mad woman next to her.
Eda almost laughed at her, almost, but then they exited the tunnel to see Luz raising her arm to block the claw of the griffin, and all thoughts of joy left her body.
“LUZ!” She exclaimed, moving as fast as she could, but Lilith got there first.
She grabbed Luz by the arm and dangled her, Eda flew around and grabbed Luz’s other arm and together they flew out of the clearing as fast as they could, Eda checking behind them and glad to see that the griffin wasn’t interested in following them.
Lilith swung Luz so she was forced to hold onto Eda’s staff with two arms, and Eda pulled her all the way into a sitting position behind her on the staff.
Eda’s screaming was cut off by a sudden impact and pressure on her back. She stopped the movement of her staff and turned her head to look at Luz, who was now clinging onto her back and sobbing.
The older witch turned her full body to face Luz and embraced her in a hug, drawing circles on the girl’s back with her nails and letting her cry. They stayed like that for a while, floating in place while Eda tried to sooth Luz.
Eventually, Eda broke the silence. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I was just really worried Luz, that was extremely dangero-”
“I’m sorry.” Luz interjected, and Eda looked at her with confusion,
“It’s ok, you didn’t know how dangerous the island was.”
“No, no not for that.”
At this point Eda was completely lost.
“What are you talking about Luz?” She gently placed her hands on Luz’s shoulders and pushed her away to look in her eyes. She moved her hands to hold the girl’s face and used her thumbs to wipe the tears still running down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry for all of it Eda.” Luz’s voice was already breaking. “I’m sorry for making you lose your magic, for burning the portal, for you having to jump in and save me all the time because I can’t take care of myself, for not being able to get a job and help out, for getting caught and you almost getting petrified. I’m sorry for being such a burden. I thought if I could get you some money, help out a little, it would make your life easier and you wouldn’t have to think about me as much.”
Eda was shocked. She expected Luz to blame herself, but not this badly. Why did the kid have to be so sweet all the time, doesn’t she know that not everything is her fault all the time?
“Oh, Luz.” Eda clicked her tongue and wrapped her arms around the girl again, “None of that was your fault.”
“But if I hadn’t-” Luz began to protest
“No, listen,” Eda released her grip on the girl and took Luz’s smaller hands in her own, “I need you to really listen, ok?”
Luz nodded.
“None of it is your fault, none of it. I was caught because I decided to come save you from my sister, and fight a battle in a war I’ve been fighting for years, since before you were even born. I was cursed, not because of you. I was caught, not because of you. Those are the things that took away my powers, not you.”
Luz didn’t look completely convinced, but she seemed to be listening.
“As for this incident, I should have been more explicit with you about a lot of things, we should have had this conversation earlier, I should have warned you about where not to go, and I should have been checking in on you, not pouting in my room over some spilled breakfast. Now, you also shouldn’t have run off like that without telling me where you were going-”
Luz looked back up at her with tears still in her eyes,
“But I forgive you, Luz. It’s ok.”
At this, Luz started sobbing again, ah, so that’s what she needed to hear.
Eda let her cry in her arms, and when Luz had slowed down enough to take a stable breath, Eda turned around and started moving back towards the owl house
Lilith was starting to get worried, she had left her sister and the human alone quite a while ago at this point, they should be back by now.
She got up and was about to grab her staff when she heard Eda land outside, so she settled for meeting her out there instead.
When she walked out the door, her heart nearly melted at the sight.
Eda was trying to move herself so she wouldn’t wake a sleeping Luz, but the problem was that the kid had fallen asleep with her arms tightly fixed around Eda’s waist.
“A little help please?” Eda whispered at Lilith, who was trying to contain herself.
“Of course,” She spoke softly, unwrapping Luz’s arms and holding the sleeping child up long though for Eda to come and pick her up under her knees, “anything for my sister and her kid”
Eda rolled her eyes, but even in the dark Lilith could see the blush forming on her sister’s cheeks.
“She must really love you” Lilith stated, grinning.
“Yeah well I love her too, I’m pretty lucky to have her.” Eda replied, beating Lilith’s grin out with a larger one of her own.
The two silently parted ways for the night, Eda heading up to her nest and Lilith to the shack.
King hated being left out, why did everyone else get to have all the fun while he got stuck at home with Hooty all day.
He heard Eda come in the door, and was about to complain to her about the unfairness of the situation, but as he stuck his head around the corner to the sight of an exhausted Eda carrying a sleeping Luz, he decided it could wait until the morning.
Silently, he watched Eda carry Luz up to her nest and lay the kid down before getting herself ready for bed, and while the witch was in the bathroom, King snuck in and took his sleeping position at Luz’s feet. The girl must have been really out because she didn’t even stir at the new presence in the nest. Eda must have also been too tired to notice, or if she noticed him there she didn’t say anything. Instead, she placed herself next to Luz, and placed a single arm around the girl.
Luz woke slightly at this, but Eda just whispered
“It’s me, go back to sleep”
And that seemed to be enough for Luz.
King felt Luz roll over before he heard Eda humming a gentle melody, and felt Luz’s body relax back into sleep, and when King woke up the next afternoon to see the two of them in the same position, he decided to bite his tongue on his complaint, and just let them be.
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twinkiefairy · 3 years
Who wants to read a snipped of my Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Lost fic? The actual thing isn’t ready to share yet but this part was really fun for me to write so! Enjoy. 
CW: food mention
Spoilers: Not really, but this is set around Season 1, Episode 18-19ish if you want to be extra careful. 
In the fic, you play as 16-year-old Carolina “Lynn” Bonnet, a Lost fan who found herself on the island along with the rest of the survivors. This is just one scene from it!
Find it below: 
“Do you know what day it is?” The voice sounds angry, urgent. 
“Huh?” you look up from the book you’re reading to find Cooper, a middle aged man who lives a few tents down from you with his wife, Amy. 
“I said, do you know what day it is?” he repeats. 
Why does that matter? “Uhm. No, sorry. I haven’t really been keeping track.” 
“Exactly!” he yells out, victorious. “You don’t! No one does! So explain to me why my wife is so upset that I didn’t realize it was our anniversary?” 
“Fuck October 30th. I’m never doing a fall wedding again,” Cooper mumbles under his breath and stomps off, apparently deciding to rant to someone else. 
You snort. Again? 
Then his words hit you. Did he say October 30th? 
You have to double check this. But how can you? You don’t have a calendar with you, and even if you did, it would be useless if you hadn’t been crossing off the days since the crash. Someone must be keeping track, though. But who? 
Looking around, you find your answer. 
“Rose!” You call, bounding up to her. She’s kneeling in front of a makeshift water container, scrubbing laundry. “Rose, what day is it?” 
“You too?” She asks, sounding peeved. “What’s going on with everybody today? I just had Cooper here asking me the same thing. Don’t tell me you forgot your anniversary, too.” 
You laugh. “No, no. But I heard Cooper say it was October 30th. Is that right?” 
“By my count it is,” she answers, still doing laundry. “Why?” 
“Don’t you know what this means?” You say, getting excited. 
Rose looks at you expectantly, eyebrows arched. 
“It’s Halloween tomorrow!” You exclaim. Isn’t it obvious? “We have to do something!” 
Rose is amused. “You wanna go trick-or-treating?” 
“I don’t know,” you say, already coming up with ideas. Obviously there isn't much candy to go around, but… “We could have a costume party!” 
“Honey, I’ve washed every single piece of usable clothing in this place,” Rose says, not unkindly. “Twice. I’d know if there were any costumes around.” 
“If I find you a costume to wear,” you offer. “Would you come to the party?” 
Rose stares you down. “Just don’t dress me up as one of those Sexy Rabbits, you hear me?” 
You laugh, and the deal is made. 
“And we’ll need food,” Hurley is saying, excited. “And music. I can get Sayid to fix the batteries on my CD player. Maybe even get some speakers. That’d be mad cool.” 
It didn’t take much to convince Hurley to help you plan the Halloween party. He took to the idea with enthusiasm as soon as mentioned the words “Halloween party”, almost as if he was waiting for you to ask. 
“What should we do for costumes?” You ask. “Rose said there weren’t any on the plane. We’re gonna have to provide them for people if we really want this to be a costume party.” 
Hurley thinks about it for a second. “We could do hats,” he suggests, at last. “It’s much easier than trying to figure out shirt sizes for everyone.” 
That gives you an idea. “Crowns! We’ll make it like one of those fancy balls, for royalty and stuff,” you suggest, excited. “Crowns are easy to make out of paper. And we can even make some flower crowns, too, if I can find someone to teach me how. We can make a bunch, then people would pick one for themselves as they come in.” 
“I have an old comic book we can use for paper,” Hurley offers, warming up to the idea. “I can get Charlie to help me cut out the shapes and stuff.” 
“Perfect,” you say. “You take the paper crowns. Let me take care of the flower crowns. I know exactly who to go to.” 
 “Hey, Claire!” You greet her cheerfully. “Whatcha doooooing?” 
She chuckles, doing that little side-glance that she does when she’s amused but doesn’t really know what’s going on. “I’m just… Watching the waves, I guess.” 
“Great,” you say. “Now listen. I have a very important question for you.” 
She frowns quickly, but she’s smiling. “Okay?” 
“Have you ever made a flower crown?” 
Claire grins. “A flower crown? Sure. My friends and I made them all the time in school.” 
You clap excitedly. “That’s perfect! Come with me. I need your help.” 
“What’s going on?” She asks, carefully getting up. 
“It’s Halloween tomorrow!” You explain. “Hurley and I are planning a costume party for everyone. We’re making crowns for people, so we can pretend it’s a royal ball. It’ll be fun!” 
Claire bites her lip, smiling. “I know exactly where we should go.” 
Claire leads you through the forest into a wide clearing. Every inch of the ground is covered in flowers of every color, shape, and size. 
“Woah,” you say, breathless. “How did you find this place?” 
“Beautiful isn’t it?” Claire smiles. “I found it on one of my longer walks.” 
“It’s amazing,” you agree. 
She smiles at you. “Come on,” she says, grabbing you by the hand. “I’ll show you how to pick the best flowers for crowns.” 
The two of you spend hours among the flowers, calling to each other whenever you pick an especially beautiful one, and weaving their stalks to make wreaths fit for any head. It’s relaxing and peaceful, and the two of you giggle about nothing at all until the sun is about to set. 
You make so many crowns between the two of you that you struggle to carry them back to camp without flattening the petals, but you manage— not without a healthy dose of laughter. 
Hurley is excited to see you, and gushes over the flower crowns. 
“Dude,” he says. “They look amazing.” Then he starts, as if remembering. “I have something to show you, too.” 
He takes you to an area of the beach that has been sectioned off for the day for Hurley’s crafts. On an elevated piece of metal from the plane are rows and rows of colorful paper crowns. Some of them sit a little crooked, but you have to admit that using the comic book was a fantastic idea— the colors are bright and strong, and so varied from page to page that each of the crowns has its own unique personality. 
“Hurley,” you say, genuinely. “These are amazing.” 
“Pretty cool, huh?” He beams with pride. 
The party is absolutely wonderful. More people show up than you really expected— word must have spread quickly around camp. There’s a great assortment of fruit, courtesy of Kate and Sun. People seem to take to the crown idea eagerly— almost everyone around you is wearing one, including yourself. Claire’s is specially beautiful, one she made herself to make her light eyes pop. Hurley is smiling more than ever, offering people food, helping them pick a crown that fits their personalities, and making conversation with everyone— a perfect host. The music makes the atmosphere feel extra special— thanks to Sayid, who fixed up Hurley’s CD player— and the light from the nearby fire adds a warm glow to the air. 
Sawyer refused to join, retreating into his tent and claiming he had a massive headache. But you left a paper crown near the entrance of his tent earlier, and when you walk by sometime later, it’s gone. 
People dance. Walt, in particular, has a way of energizing the dance floor in a way that surprises you, for such a relatively quiet kid. Sayid and Shannon are inseparable, especially during the slower songs. Rose, true to her word, waltzes around, a crown atop her head. Charlie knows all the lyrics to all the songs, and mimics playing the guitar or drums as he mouths the words. 
Sun and Kate sit to the side, content to just watch, until Claire drags Kate into the makeshift dance floor despite her protests that she does not dance. From a distance, you can see Kate refusing the flower crown Claire offers her, and Claire, unbothered, reaches for a black-and-blue paper crown instead. This time, Kate surrenders, and Claire carefully places the crown on her head. 
It’s beautiful, all of it. 
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 4 Sakamaki Subaru [Track 1]
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Original title: 不機嫌の理由
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 4 Sakamaki Subaru
Audio: Here [Original & Adjusted pitch versions available]
Seiyuu: Takashi Kondou
Translator’s note: This CD has been a rollercoaster of emotions. When I first started listening to it, I was so distraught by the drastic change in Subaru’s voice, I had a hard time focusing on the actual content. Thankfully, I found a solution and was able to listen to the altered pitch version while doing my translation, which really helped me enjoy it much more. uwu
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 1: The Reason Behind a Bad Mood
The scene starts with Subaru running around frantically in the forest.
“Haah, haah, haah, haah...Ugh, fuck!! ...Hah...I’ve been runnin’ all over...So why can’t I find this damn thing!? I have to hurry or she’llーー...!! ...I’ll find it no matter what...She’s the one person I won’t let die...!”
He continues running.
Subaru enters the entrance hall.
[01:05] “...Oi! I thought it was weird you weren’t in your room, but this is where you’ve been? ...Don’t tell me, you’re not ‘bout to head out, are you?”
You nod.
“Ah...? Do you have any idea what time it is? Why can’t you just do groceries tomorrow?”
You insist.
“Ugh...! ...What is it you want?”
You explain.
“Takoyaki and donuts...!? Why do you need those thi...Tsk. Must be Ayato and Kanato, huh? Did they ask you?”
You nod.
[01:45] “So that’s why you’re thinkin’ of makin’ a casual trip to the grocery store in the middle of the night? They’re makin’ you run errands for them ‘cause you always just obediently nod your head in response. Just ignore them!”
You frown.
“...Tsk! Let’s just go then...”
You seem surprised.
[02:07] “I can’t stop you, can I? In that case, I’m taggin’ along. You really think I’m lettin’ you head out by yourself?”
You thank him.
“I...I’m not worried or anythin’...! I’m only comin’ with you ‘cause I’ve got nothin’ better to do! Don’t get the wrong idea! ...Now just follow me!”
[02:42] “...Oi. You still haven’t made a choice? All donuts are the same, no!? Just how long do you need to make up your damn mind!? ーー She’s not even listenin’. Ah-ah...Look at that serious expression on her face. All for Kanato’s sake, what a fool.”
You continue looking at the donuts. 
“...Ugh, whatever! I’ll be waitin’ for you outside. This sickly sweet smell is makin’ me gag!”
He leaves the store.
The two of you are walking back home.
[03:33] “...Hah.”
You ask if he’s upset.
“Haah? …I’m not mad, really.”
You seem worried that he’s upset about what you did earlier.
[03:41] "If you feel that way, you already have a clue, don’t you? Then stop pesterin’ me with your questions. …It’s annoyin’. …For one, you should have never listened to those guys in the first place. Next time you better refuse, no matter what they tell you to do. You’re in no way obligated to take orders from them.
You protest.
“…Hah? What do you mean, ‘but’? You’ve got a reason or somethin’? You talk back to me all the time, but when it’s them, you suddenly become obedient, huh?”
Subaru corners you against the wall.
[04:20] “— Ugh. Seems like…you’ve forgotten who you belong to. …You’re takin’ orders from other dudes left and right…It pisses me off seeing you like that. I’ll make you remember who’s the only guy you should ever listen to.”
You start to panic.
"There’s nobody ‘round, really. ...Even if there was, they wouldn’t be able to see us in the dark. Now if you just keep your voice down, nobody will notice. ...Come on, stop restlessly lookin’ ‘round and face me instead.”
“Let me suck your blood...”
You grow flustered. 
[05:04] “...Heh.”
Subaru bites you.
*Gulp gulp*
“...Hah. You’re being surprisingy meek. Where’s the usual cheekiness, huh?”
You explain.
“Oh? You’re actually enjoyin’ it, aren’t you?”
You protest.
[05:28] “Hah? ...No wonder I thought you were clutchin’ it so protectively...Even in this kind of situation, you’re still worried ‘bout the stuff they asked for, huh!? I seriously don’t like this! Seems like you just never get the message unless I make myself loud and clear.”
You ask if he is mad. 
“Yeah, exactly. I’m mad. How could I not be!? It pisses me off how you keep on showin’ concern towards anyone and everyone but me! On top of that, you hesitate whenever I tell you to just ignore their requests! Stop takin’ orders from others already!”
You tilt your head to the side.
“...Hah? Whatcha lookin’ at? Are you goin’ to beg for mercy?”
You ask if he is perhaps jealous.
[06:22] “...Haah!? W-Who are you callin’ jealous!? ...Bullshit! For one, you’re to blame for being unable to just turn down their requests! All you need to do is say ‘no’ next time, yet you keep on sayin’ ‘but’ or ‘still’...What’s so bad ‘bout just turnin’ them down for once!?”
You try and defend yourself.
“Hah! Again with the ‘but’, huh? Just spit it out already!”
You explain.
“Hah? Well...Knowin’ those guys, it’s obvious they’d lose their shit. Kanato’s a pain in the ass with his angry tantrums and Ayato would probably say something like ‘Then give me your blood insteーー’ ...Wait, is that why you can’t turn down their requests?”
You nod, explaining that you don’t want anyone but Subaru to suck your blood.
[07:15] “...!! ‘Other than me’, you say...? ...Oh. So that’s why...”
You ask if something is wrong.
“...I-It’s nothin’...! Anyway, if that’s your reasoning, you should have told me sooner! How am I supposed to know from just a single ‘but’ or ‘I mean’...!?”
You apologize.
“Well...Seems like you haven’t forgotten who you belong to, at least. That’s why you don’t want anyone but me to suck your blood, right?”
You nod.
“...You need to make yourself a lil’ more obvious, honestly.”
You insist it is partially his fault for misunderstanding as well.
[07:56] “ーー Hah!? There was never any misunderstandings on my part! ...Besides, you sure have some nerve, puttin’ the blame on me. You really are defiant towards me. I was gonna let you off the hook ーー But scratch that. You’re at fault for enticing me. I’ll suck you from the other side next. ...I feel like leavin’ more and more of my marks on you.”
Subaru bites you again.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“...Hah. You’re lettin’ your voice slip. I thought you didn’t want anyone to see us? Not that I care ‘bout that.”
[08:50] “...? ...O-Oi! What’s wrong...!? I haven’t sucked that much for you to grow weak in your knees already, right!?”
You clutch your chest.
“...Are you feeling under the weather perhaps?”
You shake your head.
“You sure? You’d say that even if you aren’t actually ‘fine’, wouldn’t you?”
You insist that you’re fine.
[09:13] “...Okay then. ...Hah. Don’t give me a scare like that. It doesn’t feel good suckin’ from someone who’s shaky on their legs. Wanna just go home? ...Come on, gimme your hand.”
You grab his hand.
“It’d suck if you were to nearly collapse again, so hold onto it tightly, ‘kay?”
You nod.
“Haah...Ah, speakin’ of whichー Did the takoyaki and donuts you were oh-so worried ‘bout make it out unscathed?”
*Rustle rustle*
You shriek.
“Hehe...Guess they still got crushed in the end. Serves those bastards right!”
You frown and decide to avoid them once you’re home. 
[10:03] “...Hm? Ah, yeah, you do that. If not, who knows what you’ll have to go through when they take out their anger on you. I’ve been worried ‘bout that as well, so sounds great. Just stay within my sight for today.”
You tell him it will be fine.
“I don’t believe your ‘it’ll be fine’. So I’ll make sure to keep an eye on you even after we get home to ensure you don’t run in any trouble. ーー And if the coast is clear, I’ll continue where I left off earlier.”
You get flustered again.
“Hehe...Don’t freak out now. Come on, let’s go home.”
The two of you start walking back to the manor.
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benjiwyatt · 4 years
do you have any ben/leslie headcanons! i love your posts abt them so much it's great to see someone get as emotional abt them as i am asjdkajhjd
i got this message and i was like "god, i dont really know if i have any headcanons" and then i opened my notes app and started typing and didn't stop for over an hour
i'm literally putting this under a break and organizing it into categories bc it's absurdly long
here it is
basically canon but leslie definitely had a crush on a young benji wyatt and followed the story religiously for the first couple months before she started college
ben is only slightly jealous leslie had ann go out with chris to try and get more money for the parks budget rather than leslie asking him out with the same goal. he knows it’s insane, unethical, and illogical but he’s still excited that he gets to spend the night with her on a date plus two other people even if it is to accuse her of bribery.
ann realizes early on that leslie was attracted to ben and teases her mercilessly about it. she thinks it’s absolutely hilarious that leslie wants to make out with "mean ben.” after april and andy’s wedding, she realizes it's more than just attraction and she lays off.
before ben can even think rationally about what he’s doing, he’s in line at bed, bath, and beyond with a crock pot in his arms, calling stephanie to ask her to send him their family’s chicken soup recipe
ann knew ben liked her from the beginning and was totally positive when she ran into him in the hospital asking for leslie’s room number while holding jj’s waffles and a tub of homemade soup.
ben realizes he’s falling in love with leslie when he is at city hall with her until 3am one night trying to budget for the amount of cotton candy machines she wants for the harvest festival. in his exhaustion, he naively believes her when she tells him she’ll go home in a bit so he leaves. he never gets a text from saying she made it home so he stops at jj’s the next morning and brings a takeout container of waffles and a coffee complete with an outlandish amount of whipped cream and sugar to the parks department. he finds her asleep in the conference room. he starts trying to convince sweetums to donate more cotton candy machines that afternoon.
chris had to have known ben liked leslie. he’s not an idiot. in the deleted scene from their wedding, they read out emails from their “tumultuous first week in pawnee” and chris writes to ben saying, “why are you so focused on leslie knope?” ben replies saying, “i’m not. whatever. shut up.” there’s no way chris is this oblivious. ben takes her out for a beer. ben pays out of pocket for a children’s performer to help her out. ben shows up on chris and ann’s date just because he thinks leslie might be there. chris can’t be this dumb. but when they take the city manager jobs in pawnee, he knows it can’t happen so he cuts ben off when he starts to ask about dating someone in city hall. he cracks down on the rule in front of leslie after the tom incident to hammer it in. he starts setting ben up on a bunch of dates to try and head it off. he sends them to indianapolis for the little league pitch because, realistically, he knows they’re the best bet for success but makes sure to interrupt their dinner and invites them to his apartment to continue to run interference the rest of the night. after their fights in 4.06-4.08, he hopes he won’t have to worry anymore. the next work day, they come into his office looking nervous and happy and he knows he’s about to lose the partner and best friend that’s been by his side for the past decade.
april and andy knew they were secretly dating. it went unspoken aside from a few implicit teasing remarks from april and a few suggestive attempted high fives from andy but leslie assured ben they wouldn’t tell anyone despite their ostensible behavior.
ben had commissioned the li’l sebastian plush for leslie after he had died but the toy shop didn’t finish it until after they broke up. he felt bad not going to pick it up so he did despite not being able to give it to her. he kept it for all those months and sometimes thought about getting rid of it but could never bring himself to do it.
when leslie made personalized copies her books for her friends with individualized annotations and notes in the bylines, she had two copies for ben. there was one that she gave him during their breakup that was very simplified and watered down where the note basically just said “i’m really glad you decided to stay in pawnee.” then there was a second copy that she kept while they were split up that was totally covered in notes and random thoughts she couldn’t say during their time apart. she gives him that copy when they get back together and it may or may not be the best gift he’s ever received.
april was much less abrasive with them during the break up because she’s a sweetheart and wants her friends to be happy.
the first time leslie admitted she was in love with him was during a long night of drinking and crying at ann’s house
ben craved the taste of sugar during their breakup because he got used to tasting the sweetness when he kissed her
ben found himself unable to sleep at night without the sound of leslie talking in her sleep to comfort him
april texted leslie the night of the halloween party to let her know that ben and andy were at the hospital after a fight and everything was fine and she didn’t need to worry. leslie was mad at andy for a few days after and he couldn’t figure out why.
the only photo in ben’s bedroom was of himself, leslie, and li’l sebastian at the harvest festival. if he got caught staring at it and crying, he would just say he missed li’l sebastian so much.
april and andy started having star wars and star trek movie nights to try and cheer ben up
ben and leslie got in the habit of having weekly game nights with april and andy during the campaign since they were all basically living together. it became a tradition that kept going as often as they could make it happen, even after the kids were born. they try to have game night at least once a month. april pretends to hate it.
one of my absolute favorite ideas about them is that she sleeps much better when he’s around to keep her grounded. after they get together for good, she starts getting closer to 5 hours of sleep a night.
another favorite involving leslie’s sleeping: ben is typically accustomed to tuning out incoherent nonsense that she babbles in her sleep but she also has some of her best ideas when she’s not busy trying to focus on a million different things. when he hears her coming up with legitimately good ideas or making speeches or having solid debate arguments, he takes out the notebook he keeps in his nightstand to record her thoughts and quotes. he revisits and revises the notes to strengthen her statements and make them more professional and less rambling but makes sure to keep her distinct voice apparent in them.
ben prefers pancakes to waffles but he will go to the grave with that secret
this isn’t a headcanon because nbc posted it but one of ben’s holidays on leslie’s calendar is watch synchronization day which is the day they celebrate syncing their watches to, as leslie puts it, “always be in harmony, like our hearts” which is just one of the sweetest fucking things in the world
leslie makes ben read and watch all the harry potters because he didn’t get into them when he first tried. ben is much more of a success than ann. she buys him a ravenclaw scarf for christmas.
their first fight as a couple was a historical debate gone awry
since ben clearly has some affinity for custom stuffed animals, he has some made for the triplets.
they’re both dog people but they adopt a cat because sonia and stephen beg for one and it does fit their busy lifestyle much better. they love the cat. they get a dog when the kids are older and life is slightly less hectic.
they both love striped shirts and sweaters so much that they have to make a conscious effort to avoid wearing them on the same day and matching
leslie makes sweets and bakes desserts while ben typically handles cooking the actual meals
i always loved the ann/ben dynamic in bus tour because there’s been such an obvious shift in ann’s attitude towards him in this episode. maybe it’s because she and tom just broke up and she just turned chris down again and she’s frustrated with relationships but i think it’s her realizing ben isn’t going anywhere. since the campaign is winding down, she realizes that things aren’t gonna go back to the way they were because ben is now part of this and he’s clearly in it for the long haul. ann’s definitely jealous that ben is just as important to leslie as she is and she now knows she’s never gonna get that full attention back. ann sits ben down to have a real “don’t you dare hurt her” speech after this ep and before win, lose, or draw. this is when he tells ann he wants to marry her.
they discover they both adore the princess bride after ben says “as you wish” to her one night and after that it becomes their movie.
the wildflower mural becomes a thing between them when ben says he considered that to be their first date, prompting leslie to tell him what the mural means to her.
ben puts banjo boogie bonanza on one of the mix cds he gives leslie at the beginning of their relationship
harrison ford movie nights start after they both reveal they had a crush on him as a kid. ben was obsessed with han solo and leslie was into indiana jones’ whole history teacher vibe.
they basically hate each other’s taste in music and stop exchanging mix cds once that becomes apparent that they aren’t gonna find much common ground. they both love tom petty, al green, and etta james and music in that vein though.
ben makes leslie watch game of thrones just to try to explain why he’s called her khaleesi. she gets into it, not so much because of the show itself, but because of how passionate her boyfriend is about it.
they start learning basic french during the s4 campaign because they think it will be useful to have a basic multilingual vocabulary for their political careers and because leslie confesses she has always dreamed of seeing paris. they study spanish next.
ben makes leslie watch the star wars prequels just so he can complain to her during them. he doesn’t think she’s paying attention and then he reads about midichlorians in the paper.
ann is also in on ben’s plan to sneak vegetables into leslie’s waffles.
they will sometimes jokingly refer to themselves as the “dream team” or “dynamic duo” because, despite chris’s absurdity, it’s true
i’m open to literally any origin of this because no matter what it’s perfect but i like to think that “i love you and i like you” started at some point in season 4 when, at some point, leslie went “i like you” and ben replied “you like me?” “mhm” “hm just like me?” “yes i like you. i love you and i like you. both.” “mmm i love you and i like you too”
i barely even register some of these things as headcanons since they just live so solidly in my brain
this might be my favorite ask ever thank you for loving benslie enough to ask me this and be genuinely interested
if anyone read all of this, i love you
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