#i bet my student loans are going to start making me pay too
stardustedknuckles · 10 months
I knew updating my information for next year's insurance rates would make me feel ill but boy it made me feel ill. Going from paying $1 a month for insurance I rarely need to paying $142 per month for insurance I will rarely need, when the amount of money I am getting paid only just allows me to break even on bills and such in the first place, is a huge blow. I hate this. I hate it so much. And it's still the better option because if I tried to get insurance through my work it would be $300.
I don't even really get the option of trying to go without insurance because I have a chronic illness and cannot afford to take that risk anymore than I can afford to pay. It's hellish in both directions.
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lynzishell · 1 year
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Phoenix: So, I haven’t had a chance to ask you about that song you and Soph played last night. Aurelio: Ahh, that was nothing. Phoenix: Please, that was not nothing. That was incredible. You guys wrote that? Aurelio: Thanks... Yeah, we like to get together and write songs sometimes for fun. She’s been helping me with singing too.
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Sophia: Don’t let him downplay it. I swear he has no idea how talented he is. And, for the record, all I’ve done is give him a couple of technical tips I learned over the summer. He’s always had a beautiful voice. Aurelio: Ahh, you’re gonna make me blush. Sophia: Well, it’s true! If anything, he’s helped me to be better. I never would’ve written my own songs before we started working on them together. I went to this intensive music program over the summer, and it was amazing. The only thing that would’ve made it better is if Aurelio could’ve come with me. Phoenix: Why didn’t you go?
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Aurelio: Ahh, let’s just say my parents aren’t as supportive as hers… well, my mom isn’t. What’s funny is she’s the one who forced me into piano lessons as a kid. Now she says I “waste too much time” on it. Phoenix: That’s ridiculous. Aurelio: Tell me about it! Y’know, I was terrified when I told her I was bi. Turns out, she was perfectly fine with it. But when I told her I wanted to go to music school after graduation, she nearly fainted. Phoenix: Oh wow. Aurelio: Yup. Phoenix: Wait, so you play the piano too? Aurelio: Yeah, that’s what I really love, honestly, is writing songs on the piano. Phoenix: You should play something! There’s a literal piano right there! Aurelio: Ah, maybe later. Phoenix: Alright. So, what’s this music school?
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Sophia: San Myshuno Music Institute. You're still applying with me right? Aurelio: I don't know. There’s no way I can afford the tuition, and my parents certainly aren’t going to help. Sophia: I bet you could get a scholarship. Or worst case, student loans. Aurelio: That’s easy for you to say. Your parents will pay for yours. Sophia: Ugh, Phoenix, help me out here?
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Phoenix: I mean, it’s not really my place to say what you should or shouldn’t do.  But, if this is what you really want, I don't know, it's at least worth applying, right? Not to mention, I wouldn't mind having a friend in San Myshuno. Aurelio: We’ll see. It’s complicated.
Phoenix pats Aurelio on the back as Sophia sighs.
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buffer-subroutine · 8 months
Defects, this is probably going to be the only time ever that I post something bummer like this, but I feel as though I can't keep it bottled up anymore. Only read if you're not easy to make sad.
I miss having a future, Defects. I really do. The moment I got seizures, my entire life flipped from almost being complete into stepping into an amazing phase of my life, having completed college and using the skills I was insanely (and rightfully) confident and sharp in. Fuck, I was amazing.
Then boom. Stress-enduced seizures. Trapped inside due to covid lockdown too. Family and College - two insane stressors, now dangerous for me. I lost so much from that.
I had to move out early and never got to finish the degree I spent *two years of my life* working toward.
Even if I pick it up now, I'm pretty sure most of my credits have expired. I'm fucked, and I owe student loans now, too, on top of barely making enough money to live, so I get to just be more terrified and hopeless every second watching the interest keep piling up. And I can't get a job that pays well because of a STUPID PIECE OF FUCKING PAPER.
Now here I am, living on my own in IT because it was an easy fallback that was supposed to be temporary.
I don't like this, Defects.
You, Defects, as well as my loved ones online are... Well, the only things that I look forward to each day.
I keep trying to get better. To dig myself out of this pit. I started hormones finally - and I am so happy about it, so I guess I have a third thing since it's helping me feel a little more, well, girl.
But I sure as fuck don't quite resemble one beyond the cute eyeliner and hair. I wear a purse recently, which helps. But I feel like a fake.
I can't escape facial hair. No matter how much I shave, it's so fucking thick and grows so fast that even if I got it completely smooth, it'd just regrow and be visible in maybe a couple hours at most.
I want to program again, Defects. I want to make games. I want to have a future and go back to my original goals. I want to make games and make people happy.
I want some of it back. Any of it back.
It fucking hurts.
I can't even get myself to program. No matter what I do, I can't get myself to just... Do it. I will install the editor and go through all the setup and... Be overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the new ui, by having to relearn so much. By NOT BEING ABLE TO DO THE ONE THING I SPENT MY LIFE LEARNING. It really is a use it or lose it skill I guess. And I have not been using it Defects.
It's almost like a fear of acceptance too, I think. Deep down inside, I know I still have some of it left. I bet I can relearn, even if I will fucking suck. Even if I will never get it back fully.
I want that so much. Please. I don't know how to start. I don't know what to do. I touch the editor and try to do stuff and it won't fucking compile. I can't get the header dependencies right.
And then I couldn't get myself to program again. I thought I broke free from it. I really did. I forced myself to do it but why do I return to being unable to do it?
Is it because I don't have an objective? A goal? I like making things for people. I want to help and make them happy.
I don't really have a use for making things for myself. Maybe that is why. Making stupid useless tutorial projects.. feels both demoralizing and useless. A waste of time, DESPITE that it will help me gain something back.
I don't know what to do.
Sorry for you having to read all that.
Maybe one day we will program again.
It's why I did the game design document with Duckolium. Maybe if I stream it, I can force myself to program. Well, more like *be* forced to.
This is my last hope.
I hope it works.
- Buffer
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sxfik · 3 years
Helloooo. Lemme start by saying how awesome fantastic amazing your fics are. I have a solhwi ask/prompt if it's not a problem. What would the study group's reaction be to established solhwi + bonus for prof kim and yangs reactions. Any headcanon or fic you can write about this please.
wicked love, leaves me blind
read on ao3 • masterlist
a/n: aaaa thank you so much for the kind words and the request! there's slight canon divergence in this and i decided on a more head canon format for this fic. this turned out kinda longer than expected but AAA my mind really ran with this prompt lmaooo. without much further adieu, i hope you like this <333
it's been 2 weeks since joon hwi confessed to her, running to her house in the middle of the night, panicked and afraid after the news of lee man ho hunting down professor yang
after the man had run from the scene, joon hwi was sure that he'd come back to his house, not afraid to hurt anyone on the way there. and in an instant, he started running, taking off towards her house without a second thought
by time he had reached her house, he was drenched in sweat, his heart thundering out of his chest in panic, in fear and in hope, that she was all right. he knocked frantically on the door of her house, hoping, praying that she was alright.
and to his relief, sol opened the door, her hair put up in the familiar messy bun. she yawned as she opened the door languidly, still wearing the hanguk law school sweatshirt he had once loaned her during a sleepless night of studying.
"han joon hwi? what are you doing here, it's lat-"
he lunged for her without a thought, gathering her in his arms and pressing her close to his body. she's alive, she's okay, chorused in his head as he shuddered out a breath of relief. she let out a soft oof but relaxed into him, her arms coming around his waist in a familiar way
he pulled away after what seemed like not long enough of a hug, and maybe it was the adrenaline, or the pure euphoria of finding her safe and in one piece that pushed him towards her lips, kissing her with fevor.
and after a shocked moment, she kissed him back, drinking him in, tugging him closer, desperate for more, more, more
and the rest was, well, history. it didn't take long after for the two of them to confess to each other, understanding that they needed each other in their life.
so it's been 2 weeks since han joon hwi confessed to her. really, they meant to keep their relationship secret. in the midst of their fight against assemblyman ko, the case against lee man ho and the mystery of what really happened the night of the hit-and-run case, they agreed that it was easier to keep it under wraps
after all, it was a new relationship to both of them. it wasn't like they hadn't dated other people, but what sol and joon hwi had was a carefully built friendship that was founded in trust and care for each other. and making it public, could only do them more damage as they become leverage against each other if their case goes south.
they only had one, very, very small, problem.
they were awful at keeping their hands off each other
alone time was very scarce for the both of them. with joon hwi being highly ranked, he was always pulled into every study session and every discussion in the school. not to mention, he had his own studies to maintain, alongside working at the legal clinic and helping professor yang with the mystery that had plagued the school.
kang sol's case was no different. she had to slave over her assignments, spending every spare moment at the school library, pouring over her text books. the moment not spent there was split between working to gather money for her mother and byeol, the legal clinic and assemblyman ko's case. not to mention her digging into kang dan's whereabouts as much as she could.
every single time they had together, there were too many people around for their tastes. during their busiest days, they had settled for subtle touches and stealing glances at each other whenever possible
so they spent their spare moments, huddled in the corridors, catching up on each other's days, making out and getting some time alone.
they'd make all kinds of excuses to leave early or walk each other to their dorm rooms, trying to maximize all their time with each other. every time they made to each other's rooms, they'd linger at the entrance, trying to see each other for just one more second.
and it was no wonder that when they first got caught, sol was pinned against the stairwell wall, joon hwi's lips buried in her neck. his fingers ghosted the hem of her shirt as she was pulled him closer to her and then...
the two broke apart, startled at the noise, their faces red. joon hwi's usual bangs were disheveled, sol's messy bun now loose and her hair cascading down her shoulders.
the two of them turned their head towards the noise only to find ye-beom and bok-gi, the latter's mouth gaping open like a fish. ye-beom on the other hand, stopped sucking on his lollypop, eyes wide as they looked at each other then looked back at the couple who were caught red handed.
bok-gi's hands were still frozen as the plate that fell from his hands lay at his feet and for what felt like eternity, there was absolute silence.
and then chaos.
"you two- when did you- how- what-" both of them started firing their questions rapid-fire.
the couple, who's faces were strawberry red, shushed them the best they could, looking around frantically to ensure no one else would here the commotion.
it took around 10 minutes for the boys to calm down, still reeling from what they witnessed
slowly, the couple explained that they were dating, and satisfying some of their curiosity before letting the boys go, with the stern warning of never repeating any of this information to anyone.
predictably, their whole study group knew about sol A and joon hwi the very next day.
of course, while ye-beom and bok-gi were huge gossips, they made sure the news didn't reach outside their sphere.
the next day, sol and joon hwi were the first ones to walk into the hideout, attempting to put up their "we're best friends! no relationship here!" facade up early, while the rest of the group quietly shuffled in.
they were good for the first 5 minutes (in reality they didn't last even 2 minutes) but joon hwi just can't keep his eyes off of her, especially when she's working through arguments for the case
the lovesick display lasts about... 10 minutes before Sol B stands up from her chair abruptly, causing everyone to jump in their seats.
as always, her face is neutral, but she spins to face ji ho, as the boy adjusted his glasses on his face so he could look up at her
"you own me 20 dollars" she simply stated at him, her hand outstretched
"what, no way i'm paying that" ji ho moved back, his face shocked that she even remembered
"you bet that they would take 3 months to confess, and i bet at 6 months— "
"it's been way longer than 6 months!"
"mine was closer"
"i think," ye-seul interjected as she took her seat at the table, heading back from her project work for professor kim's class, "that you both owe me 20 dollars. from what I remember, i bet that they would take longer!"
a chaotic clamber erupted as each member argued who owed who money, who bet on what,
"yah, ye-seul, how could you bet on me like that!" Sol interrupted the clamor, spinning to look at her best friend in shock and disbelief.
"sorry, unnie. it was too tempting of an offer for me to turn down" she replied, not looking the least bit apologetic.
joon hwi grinned at sol A as she looked around flabbergasted at their friends, before he grabbed her idle hand and held it up.
"just so we can fend off any confusion, sol is now my girlfriend. sorry we didn't get to tell you earlier, but to make up, we'll treat you to a dinner after all this mess is offered."
their group cheered at that, never being the one to turn down an offer for free food
it was bliss for the couple after that, and relief too. they could both agree that keeping a relationship under wraps was much harder than they could handle, with so much of this being new to them alongside the chaos of their lives
telling their friends took the pressure off, at least allowing themselves to indulge in each other without having to be extra careful of who was watching.
theirs was a blinding love. it was blinding bliss, it was peace.
bonus +1:
professor kim was a busy woman, but she always had the time for her students. taking the time to know each and every one of them was something she took pride in as a teacher.
but out of all her students, the study group lead by han joon hwi consisted of her favorite students that she taught. as a result of professor seo's unfortunate death and the reveal of everything that assemblyman ko had orchestrated, professor kim found herself around those kids more and more.
nevertheless, it was another day, another case to navigate at the legal clinic. it was a busy afternoon at hanguk law school, and professor kim's star students, sol and joon hwi huddled together trying to find the best way for the property case at hand
she had always had a soft spot for those two, ever since their class first semester when sol A blurted out a judgement and joon hwi, out of nowhere supported her. of all her years of teaching, she hadn't found a duo that was more hardworking, passionate and loyal than the two of them
Sol A was not her brightest student but she had tenacity and passion that more than made up for it. She could spot the hardworking girl, hunched over her textbooks hours after every other student had left.
Professor Kim had always found that some of the brightest students in her class would make for the worst in the field. because, being a lawyer wasn't about memorizing the codes or adhering to the rigid structure that many assumed the law to be. it was to offer kindness, compassion and understanding that they were humans first, before they could be judged by the law
and she knew that Sol A was one such girl who had that. She had watched as she defended Yang, even when the detectives and prosecutor were trying to close up the case and force him down as the perpetrator. even when joon hwi was accused, Sol stood by his side, pursing every route possible to prove his innocence. At every turn, she stood up for those who needed sympathy and kindness from the law; for those that the law would have hurt.
Joon Hwi was no different. the first time she saw him, she assumed him to be a cold, callous genius who had no time for anyone but himself. but oh, how wrong she was. Joon hwi was quiet the opposite. Even while being a generally reserved student, he had an inviting energy surrounding him that made every one like him, despite the intense competition at school
from the first day, it was clear he wasn't here for the marks or the validation of his teachers: it was passion and self motivation that drove him. it was clear that he was built to practice law, his mind was always sharp for legal terms and loopholes. but joon hwi always went the extra mile for his friends, always gave an extra hand to help, even when they didn't necessarily need it.
she could see it in him during Ye-Seul's case, eager to help her. she could see it when Ji Ho's father's suicide case came out, how eager he was to help and comfort his roommate.
but most of all, she could see it with Sol A. she wasn't sure when she had noticed their closeness, but she could see them walking the halls together, a smile spread across both their faces or them arguing across the table at the legal clinic, trying to work out the best method.
she could see it in the way Joon Hwi watched Sol, an almost lovesick smile on his face when she smiled or when she finally got the answers she was searching for. Professor Kim also knew, from her years of watching professor yang and prosecutor bae dance around each other, that it would be rare if they confessed to each other
so it was very odd when she looked across from her stack of papers to find joon hwi holding sol's hand as he flipped through the case file in front of him, both of them hyper focused into the details
maybe it was pure curiosity, maybe it was a taste for chaos that motivated her to call out "oh, are you two finally dating?" expecting their flustered and embarrassed reactions
but instead, she was met with a beaming smile from Joon Hwi that answered all the questions she had. Kang Sol on the other hand was left glaring and sputtering at her new boyfriend.
it was funny and gleeful, watching two of her favored students find a new life together, forging a new path.
and it was also pure relief for her, that she wouldn't have to deal with another professor yang and prosecutor bae situation
bonus +2:
the cold wind whipped around them as the couple accompanied professor yang back to campus. another night, another mystery, another trip to the police station to give witness statements
tonight was no different as the truth of the hit-and-run case started revealing itself, and the professor had accompanied the two students in silence, contemplative of all that has happened, the puzzle pieces slowly clicking together
professor yang was never meant to be a professor, in fact he hates the title itself. what he was meant for was to interrogate, to dig up clues and find out exactly who the culprit is and use the law to prove why they were guilty. for him, one's feelings did not matter, it was always about the evidence presented in front of him and how it could be interpreted.
it didn't mean he didn't care about his students, quite the opposite. it just meant that he wasn't the nurturing type as professor kim was. the one to always meddle in student affairs or keep track of how his students were doing outside of class
but with the two students walking beside him, they were the ones that he wanted to see succeed. they were the ones he was the most proud of as they presented their cases in public, finding their own ways to fight against injustice.
he was proud of them and in his heart, he knew it reminded him of a certain set of school mates, ones that were attached at the hip, a regret he has carried with him until he met her again on the court floor.
so maybe it was the deliriousness of all they had went through together or pure stupidity that made him pause in the tracks. his students continued on for a moment but then paused in their tracks, turning around to see what had stopped their professors.
"Kang Sol A." he nodded towards her.
"Han Joon Hwi." he nodded towards him.
"Congratulations on your new relationship"
he paused after, looking up at his students, both of them wide eyed that Professor Yang of all people, congratulated them on this.
and then, as if making it worse, he smiled.
Kang Sol's mouth dropped open, her hands reaching up to her eyes to rub them as if she was hallucinating what she saw.
Han Joon Hwi was incredulous, blurting out "Professor, have you been taking methamphetamines again?"
"Professor Yang has taken WHAT?" Sol whipped her head around, the sight of her professor expressing glee was already too much for her to handle but the news that he has taken meth just drove her head into overdrive.
the two were stuck in their positions, as their professor moved forward, brushing past them as if this event had never happened.
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sapiowoman28 · 3 years
Chaos Part 2: Cool? How?
Pairing: Haechan x Ally Noona
Genre: friends to lovers au, smut, fluff
Warning: Mentions of sex, but there’s no smut in this part.
Tags: @nctlover94
Note: pls read the rewritten part 1 first
Except for Renjun, they all woke up with hangovers the next day.
“Ha! You fools!” Renjun wriggled his finger judgingly at all of them looking miserable at 2pm in the afternoon, after their next door neighbour decided Saturday was the perfect day to drill stuff into his walls, waking all of them up.
“I can’t believe he’s still drilling!” Haechan whined. “I feel like my head is getting drilled!”
“Next time don’t drink so much!” Renjun nagged.
“What’s a party with no alcohol?” Jaemin pouted. “You need to get as much booze in your system to have the maximum amount of fun.”
“I don’t think having to watch Hendery and Lucas running naked across the lawn counts as fun.” Rejun huffed.
“Oh come on! I won $100 from Yang Yang for being able to convince them to do that in less than 10 minutes!” Haechan protested.
“Mark looked so traumatised,” Jaemin’s girlfriend chuckled as she attempted to stuff some pizza into her mouth.
“Not as traumatised as when he found me in his bed naked with a hot older woman,” Haechan wriggled his eyebrows.
Renjun slapped the back of his head.
“Ow!” Haechan shoved Renjun. “What the hell?”
“I don’t want to know the details, Haechan,” Renjun huffed.
“But I do!” Jaemin’s girlfriend grinned. Jaemin nodded and Renjun looked esaperatedly at them.
“Nothing happened. We had sex. We cuddled. Mark found us when he came to get his expensive bottle of whiskey and threw us out of his room.” Haechan shrugged. “Then she went to hang with her friends and Yang Yang and I thought of something fun to do. And that’s how you saw Lucas and Hendery naked.”
Renjun shook his head.
“Speaking of which, have you asked Yang Yang if he’d like to move in with us? We need to find someone for the spare room you know.” Jaemin said.
Haechan let out a dramatic sigh.
“He refuses to live in the same house as you!” he said dramatically, pointing to Jaemin’s girlfriend, who shrugged. It wasn’t surprising since she once dated Yang Yang but dumped him for Lucas. This was all before she dated Jaemin.
“I’m sure we’ll find someone.” Jaemin said.
“We might even have 2 empty rooms if Jeno keeps staying with his girlfriend.” Renjun sighed.
“If my girlfriend had a house like hers I’d stay there too instead of this junk of a place.” Haechan gesticulated to their crammed abode. “One day, I’ll make so much money, I’ll buy a house we ALL can stay in.”
The guys groaned, having heard this one too many times from Haechan.
“What? Don’t you want to become rich? There’d be so many things you can buy. The cars you could drive, the holidays you could go on...” Haechan defended himself.
“I don’t know about you. But I think you’re still high from the alcohol yesterday.” Jaemin said.
“Surprise!” Haechan said excitedly, uncovering Ally’s eyes.
She looked at the car before her, gleaming in the sunlight, looking all polished and new.
“Wow,” she said. “I didn’t know.”
“Didn’t know what?” he asked.
“That you raced.” she smiled looking at him.
“I don’t.”
“Then why do you need an expensive sports car?” she asked as they got into the car.
Haechan shrugged. “It’s cool i guess?”
“Cool? How? To whom?” she looked at him almost challengingly now.
For once, Haechan had no answers.
“Cool to me.” he finally said as he started the engine. “I want to be proud of what I drive.”
“But you’re still a student. How are you going to pay the car loans?” she asked, increasingly concerned.
“I got some money from investing.”
She almost heaved a sigh of relief. “So the car is fully paid?”
“I got enough for the downpayment and 3 months of instalments.”
She turned to him in shock.
“Haechan! You have to return this car! You can’t afford it!”
“But I’ll lose the down payment!” he whined.
“You can’t afford it!” she repeated, frowning. This date was sure taking a wrong turn.
“I’ll figure something out.”
“Like what?”
“Noona, trust me!” he pouted. She turned to look out the window, in a bit to be more measured with her words. He started to panic slightly. This wasn’t going well.
“You’re upset.” he said, softly.
“I’m not.” she said, equally gently, turning to look at him.. “I’m just… really disappointed.”
He was silent, focussing on the road, taking a right turn into the lane that would bring them to the beach. He really didn’t know what to say.
“Listen.” he finally said. “If you’ve changed your mind about getting to know me, I can understand. I can drop you off back home…”
She sighed, covering his mouth.
“Are you always this dramatic? I still want to know you even though you clearly have no clue what you’re doing with your money.”
He relaxed, wriggling his eyebrows. “You can’t resist this handsome face, can you?”
She burst out laughing.
They watched the sunset together. She made him feel relaxed. She asked him about college, about his family, about his life. He told her as much as he could. Occasionally she dropped little nuggets of information about herself, and he couldn’t believe how much in common they had. The strict upbringing. The rules they had to adhere to as children of religious parents.. The fun they had secretly with their friends. Their lives now.
“I don’t want to be an ordinary person,” Haechan said. “I want to be someone different. Someone people look up to.”
She chuckled.
“What about you, Noona?”
“I just want to live.” she said rather cryptically. He wanted to ask her what she meant, but her phone rang.
“My housemate forgot her house keys.” she said. “I need to go back.”
“Will you go out with me again?”
“I would like that.” she said, smiling. “I want to know everything about you.”
“The funny thing is,” he said, as he touched her cheek. “I feel as if I’ve known you forever.”
The news that Haechan and Ally were dating spread like wildfire, mostly because Haechan insisted on clinging on to her like a love sick puppy. Well, he was mostly there by her side to tease her, but it was also obvious that he had a huge crush on her. And because she was older than him some people found it entertaining to talk about.it. Yang Yang even started taking bets on how long it’d be before Ally would get sick of Haechan’s nonsense and start avoiding him.
“The thing is,” Jeno’s girlfriend May said. “They’re kind of cute together.”
“Oh come on! Haechan has the attention span of a 5 year old!” Renjun huffed. “I’m worried about her getting hurt.”
“I think you should worry about Haechan first. The thing with that car. What was he thinking?” Jeno shook his head. “Someone needs to talk some sense into him.”
“You know,” Jaemin grinned. “I think we found the right person to speak to him.”
They watched as Ally came into the cafeteria with Haechan in tow, teasing her about something she wasn’t very amused about. She glared at him and he smiled sweetly at her, before crushing her in an embrace.
“I feel so sorry for her.” Jeno muttered.
“Me too.” Renjun agreed.
“You guys don’t know what you’re talking about! I see a match made in heaven right there,” May said, clapping her hands.
She was working on her final year project when he visited her in the art studio. She looked happy to see him and got up immediately to plant a kiss on his cheek, since her coursemates had taken a break to go get some snacks and she was alone in the studio for the next 20 minutes at least.
Haechan looked at the painting she was working on. This was just a trial, to see if what she planned would come out good. If it worked, she was going to start on her piece next week.
“It’s beautiful,” he gasped.
“Thanks. I might make some tweaks.” she said, accessing her own work with a critical eye. “I don’t think it’s good enough.”
“What’s good enough?” he asked, clearly not agreeing with her.
She had no answers for him.
“I just feel...it’s not great.” she explained. “I pale in comparison with some of the rest.”
“Noona, what you feel isn’t necessarily reality. You keep saying you’re not good at art. In fact, you said it 3 times in the week I’ve known you. But I know a lot of people like Renjun who think you’re really talented.”
“Haechan…” she sighed. “You don’t understand.”
“What don’t I understand?” Haechan asked.
“I need to keep striving for perfection or I’ll never improve.” she said. “And I really need to do well enough for post grad.”
“Maybe there is a different way to strive for excellence.” he shrugged. “I have to go now. I have a lecture. Think about it, ok?”
She nodded her head, watching him leave after planting a kiss on her forehead. Perhaps he was right. Perhaps she needed a new perspective on things. The past year had been a struggle. She never told anyone. And she was surprised Haechen noticed within a week..
When she first saw him across the room at the party, she could tell he was a smart and lively guy, and despite his initial awkwardness, he was turning out who she expected him to be, perhaps even more. Ok, his choice in automobiles was downright stupid. But beyond that, he was a sharp guy, and that made her more and more attracted to him. He noticed little things about her that she herself didn’t even notice, and the way he looked at her when they sometimes had their serious heart to hearts made her melt.
She just hoped she was able to challenge him to think of looking at things differently like how he was challenging her. She was very sure they were in each other’s lives for a reason, and she was excited to see where things would go.
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chemicalpink · 4 years
Trust Fund Baby ♡ Kim Seokjin
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x reader
Genre: Fluff + Softcore Smut with a side of Comedy
Word Count: 6.1k
Warnings: includes softcore porn, mc cries during sex bc too much feelings, fake engagement, Jin’s mum dislikes YN
Summary: Kim Seokjin is the biggest Trust Fund Baby, it is no secret but he’s almost thirty and on the line to inherit his dad’s CEO position, which makes his family set a deadline for his engagement or he loses it all.
The one where Seokjin is no good with buried feelings but Y/N isn’t any better (they kinda hate each other and they have to share a bed okay, thats the cliche here)
A/N: banner made by me, whoa I finally got this bad boy finished that took quite some time, well, I hope you enjoy, these past few days haven’t been nice to me but I’m slowly working on it. Much blessing to all of you reading this first attempt at a slightly longer shot.
Seokjin has always been one to enjoy the finest things in life, traveling around the world at any given time? check. shopping without checking the price tag? check. attending a top tier university? also check. 
The thing is, one can only live so long without having to actually work for every single swipe of a black card. He is about to turn 28, youngest child of the most successful tech innovator in Korea and a former second-place Miss Universe, and he has yet to bring a girl home that provides him with some kind of secured future to the family name.
“We are not getting any younger” his mother had said the first few times the topic was brought up during their usual family Sunday brunch, but the words fell on deaf ears.
When his dad started getting involved in the matter, Seokjin knew he was over and done with.
But as much as his dad was headstrong, Jin was one himself too, he entered each blind date knowing that he would make whoever was sitting across from him, absolutely despise him after less than an hour went by, which was quite a hard task in itself, seen as he was pretty good looking and with a heavy amount of money under his name. 
See, he would have probably agreed to marry to some of the girls that his dad sent his way, but every time he sat down for dinner with each of them, they were not even trying to fake being interested in him, just his lifestyle, whether it is if his dad was about to name him CEO any time soon or how much money they could blow off in the wedding.
He could do it for the rest of his living days, scaring off his father’s candidates, that is. It was somewhat fun, earning a weirded out look when he mentioned he liked bathing in goats milk religiously, or how he allegedly liked being put to sleep like a baby, he even once went as far as admitting a fake toe kink in the most perverted way possible when one of them just wouldn’t budge.
Then again, his fun could only last so long, as his father called him up to the office to give him a 30-day ultimatum or his trust fund would be taken away for good. Now that had the gears in his head working, how on earth would any sane enough person agree to marry in a month-long time.
“I’m not saying you’re not a keeper, hyung but I honestly don’t think I can take up such a responsibility,” Namjoon laughed as they sat in one of the campus’ lounge chairs while they waited for their class to start, the elder groaned in response.
“Could you imagine having to marry THE Kim Seokjn in less than a month, but also having to meet the standards of tech genius Mr Kim and universal beauty Mrs Kim” Jungkook laughed at his friend as he patted his shoulder in pity “I don’t think anyone is willing to put themselves through it hyung”
“Could you just- I don’t know, help me out a bit? I already know I’m fucked” 
“Okay, let’s say… who could pass the scrutinising judgemental eye of the Kims?” the blond one offered, just a bit of teasing in his tone “They would have to be a girl, your father seems adamant on that one” he paused as if in thought “ A nice family name would help too”
“She would have to be good looking too, my mum says Seokjin-hyung’s mum can never be seen without looking like she is about to own a runway” 
“Well that’s about it, I will be broke for the rest of my life, I won’t be able to pay my student loans, it was nice knowing you guys, I’ll just have to work at some greasy old diner to pay for a one-bedroom apartment somewhere out of the city and we’ll never hang out again because I’ll be a disgrace of society, this handsome face will just wrinkle and spot without the high maintenance and- ugh” he buried his face in between his hands, resting on the table in an overexaggerated manner after his rant, making the youngers try to stifle a laugh
“Whoa, what is the drama queen crying about now?” Taehyung, another friend of theirs approached the table after hearing the not so subtle commotion “Hyung, if your night cream went out of stock again, you know I can get my mum to ship some to you, we’ve talked about this”
If Seokjin’s dramatic outburst from before had made them laugh, Taehyungs’ confession made them burst in a fit of laughter that had both of them holding onto their sides “You’ve- you’ve had to restock Seokjin-hyung on- on night cream before?” 
“And now he’s going to kill me, stop laughing!” he took a seat next to them “What is this about anyway?”
“His dad said he has to marry or they will completely obliterate his spending rights” 
“Oh but, how hard can it be? You’re Kim Seokjin, just ask a girl to fake marry you” 
“He’s just worried that after having a taste of Worldwide Handsome, they won’t let go ” Seokjin let out an overdramatic groan at that, continuing to fake cry, sound muffled by his arms
“Then just ask someone that doesn’t give two shits about your money or reputation to fake marry you”
“I don’t think such a person exists, hyung”
“Yah, Y/N is a good option, her family is filthy rich too” 
“But isn’t Y/N… you know, a bastard child?” Taehyung was known amongst their scene as a social butterfly, not caring about the protocol they were subdued into when they were children, so it made sense that while for them it was almost a rule to never consider an illegitimate child a friend of theirs, Taehyung would just jump over that fact.
“Which is exactly my point, if you show up to your parents’ house, saying you’re ‘oh so in love with this black sheep’ I could bet my life, they’ll let you off the hook”
 So maybe Taehyung was right, you were his best shot so far. Contrary to what most people new to the scene of Korea’s high society believe about your social status as an illegitimate child of the car emporium’s CEO and national treasure, he knows you are more of an insider, having grown up with him but… pretty much on the side. It wasn’t like you were alien to his lifestyle, but as you both grew up and he was involved more in the family business, you had grown apart, going as far as rebelling against your father once you were grown up enough to understand what being a bastard child meant for you. 
He never stopped seeing you around though, once you started going MIA on business dinners and family trips, he thought enough to see you during classes.
However, you stopped being recognisable after he attended a semester abroad, coming back home to see pigtails and pink puffy dresses long gone, in their place, ripped jeans, which were completely unacceptable for a lady, according to his mum, and driving one of your dad’s self-proclaimed archnemesis designs. 
It was a spring semester in high school, he could recall the time as if it were a precious memory, while the rest tried to pretend it had never happened in the first place; at age 27 he doesn’t have to try so hard to recall the way you burst into one of your father’s celebratory cocktails, drunk off your ass, barely managing to get a hold of some mic and screaming into it how he, and everyone else attending the party, had a stick up their asses that didn’t let them see anything but price tags before you were dragged off stage by security. He had giggled at it but his mother had scolded him, asking him to pretend as if you had never existed in the first place.
So of course, the secure way out of an arranged marriage was simple: you. 
Now, this promised to be no easy task, he knew you hated his family almost as much as you hated your own father, but he also happened to know his way into negotiating an infallible plan that would get you to rebel against the system you were so adamant on taking down. 
“Wait wait wait, so you’re telling me, asking me, to marry you” so perhaps approaching you on your way to class wasn’t the smartest way to do it, seen as you halted your hasty walk to turn to look at him, books in hand and looking like you hadn’t slept in days.
“Yeah, fake marrying me though” 
“I would still sign a contract, Jin you do know we would be legally married, right?” he just raised his shoulders as if to dismiss your statement.
“Say, hypothetically I do it, I don’t think your parents would approve of me” you resumed your walk and he found it appropriate to play dumb with a smile on his face.
“Why wouldn’t they?” 
You stopped walking again and blinked a few times his way as if debating inside your head if he really was that dense“Jin… I’m a bastard child, you know how it goes around here”
“Hmmm I’m willing to look past that, yeah” you stared at him for a few seconds before smiling in a knowing way, resisting the urge to roll your eyes at him,  not being able to see past his words to his true intentions on the matter since you two hadn’t really hung out for years “So what do you say?”
“No thank you” you weren’t about to turn around once you started to walk away once again, but out of the corner of your eyes you could see him hanging his mouth open in that drama fashion he was known for.
Days passed and each one seemed to go by faster than the last, by the time two weeks were left, he could practically hear the ticking clock inside his head, reminding him that maybe he should have gone for an easier target, perhaps some girl from the country club that seemed to always try so hard to steal a glance from him. But then again, he wouldn’t get rid of her for all he’s worth.
Seokjin tries, again and again, everytime ending up with a no from you, he starts actually trying as his days run low, peer pressure, you’d call it as he set up a huge booth full of roses just outside your dorm building, a mic held in his hand as everyone around him took videos of THE Kim Seokjin making a fool of himself for a girl, your cheeks blazing red as you walked up to him, finally fed up with him as you angrily whispered to him “You’re asking me because you don’t think I am on your level, you honestly think less of me, why? because I didn’t grow up in a golden cradle like you and your friends? because I actually have to work for what I have? You’re an asshole Kim Seokjin, but I will prove you, I can absolutely charm both of your parents, I’ll do it” Seokjin’s grin taking over his features.
The first time you officially posed as Seokjin’s girlfriend, you wouldn’t have thought it would be one of the most nerve wrecking experiences in your life, having grown in a wealthy family, after your mother decided to leave you with your biological dad and his rightful heirs, you were no stranger to their roundabouts, their lifestyle and everything in between.
“Well you cleaned up nicely, Y/N” Seokjin said in a mocking tone, body resting against his black car just outside your dorm building as he watched you close the glass door, ready to drive both of you to his family’s vacation house all the way in Jeju Island
“Why aren’t you a gentleman and help me with my stuff?” you groaned as, once again, your suitcase betrays you and tries to slip away from your grasp.
“Nah, not really my thing” he adjusted his sunglasses perched on his nose as he mockingly added “...darling”
“Kim Seokjin, I am the one doing you a favour by going with you!” you shouted back at him, in a futile attempt to get him to help you as he was already buckling himself up  inside the driver’s seat.
In all wealthy family fashion, as soon as Seokjin phoned back home to let his parents know that he was ‘finally ready to bring his girlfriend over’ his mum had gone all out and invited most of the inner Kim family for a weekend get together in one of their houses in Jeju, with just a text the night before having to leave campus as a heads up for you to get ready, currently on your way to catch a plane. 
“Wait so let me just get this straight” you said, surprised at Seokjin’s story of how the conversation with his mum went down, turning in your seat to face him more clearly “just after month of your parents trying to set you up, you just went ahead and straight up lied to your mother by saying that you’re bringing your long time girlfriend that you just somehow never mentioned before?”
“Yeah, Y/N, didn’t you hear me out the first time?”
You let out something between a laugh and a scoff as you melted into your seat “We’re so screwed”
Two hours and a lot of bickering later, you are still pushing your own suitcase forward as you and Seokjin made your way to a rented car just outside the airport.
“Listen so- these family things are kinda..”
“Stuck up?”
“I was gonna say etiquette-driven, but yeah, stuck up probably fits best” he said as you buckled your seatbelt on, him beginning to drive away and towards his family address, somewhere from the side of your eye you could see his hand trembling lightly on the steering wheel. Could it be that Kim Seokjin was nervous? The Kim Seokjin? 
“Relax Jin, I know exactly how to handle it. We grew up together, remember?” you said smiling at him as he turned your way for a second; to calm him down, but honestly it was more a thing to try and calm yourself down, having ran away from such a lifestyle, stirring things up in your family, only to end up somehow at the center of it all was sure a wild ride to be on.
“Yeah, I sometimes kinda forget you used to be so much better at this stuff than your sisters” his eyes lingered on you a second too long as you stopped at a red light, a small smile taking over his lips and the car behind you being quick to make it known that Seokjin was taking up too long to start the car going again when the light changed.
The ride was pretty much silent and kinda awkward but soon over with as the car pulled up to a familiar villa, white houses with fancy front gardens and over the top luxury cars lining up together as Jin parked on the third house on the right, just beside the one that used to be your father’s, and probably still was.
A woman was waiting by the entrance door, which you soon recognised to be Seokjin’s mum, looking just a tad older than how you remembered her from all those years ago, a bright smile on her face as she rushed to the driver’s side to greet her son.
“Ah Seokjinnie! You never visit anymore, look at you! Are you eating well? You look so thin!” she said as she placed two sonorous kisses on her son, one  on each cheek.
“Yah, eomma, we talk on the phone a lot though” 
“Wait so who’s the lucky lady you’ve brought home?” you stood kind of awkwardly on the front of the car to greet her with a small bow and a faltering smile, your heart speeding up at the memories of what your life used to be, fingers gripping your bag tighter in an attempt to not run away as soon as her eyes landed on you and her smile fell “Y/N? Seokjinnie, is Y/N really the girl you brought home?”
“Surprise?” Jin said from behind her as she not so subtly let out a huff and entered the house as you tried not to notice how your heart sinked at the sight, surely, you had always known deep down that you were quite the talk of the town amongst the families, with you being a bastard child and all, which was exactly why Seokjin had asked you to pretend to be his girlfriend, so his parents would drop the topic, very much preferring to see his son single rather than married to an out of marriage offspring, which not only made you realise that what you had promised yourself to make Seokjin down his words would never be true, you could never in a million years make his parents love you, and you didn’t calculate just how much it would hurt yourself as you tried.
“You can take the room upstairs, I’ll call you when your sister’s back so we can have dinner together” his mother said as she made her way inside without another word
“So I don’t think your mother likes me” you blurted out as soon as you closed the door to the room “Which I guess, goes exactly as you planned, after this I don’t think they’ll be pestering you to marry”
“Y/N that’s the least of our problems”
“What are you talking about?”
His eyes opened up to emphasize along with his hands dramatically pointing towards the bed “There’s only one bed and I have a bad back so I’m not about to sleep on the floor”
“Well that’s the least you could do Kim, I’m not about to share a bed with you”
“Take the couch?” he said as he pointed to a small couch that faced the window 
“Kim Seokjin I’m doing this much for your sorry ass, so unless you want me to go down and tell your mother that all of this is a set up, you take the damn couch”
“Well I never knew you looked that hot while yelling at me, Y/N”
“You’re insufferable” 
“Y/N come on, I don’t fit in that couch” he whined at you as you walked towards the bathroom to freshen up
“Do as you please Seokjin, but you’re not sleeping with me” 
As if dealing with Seokjin’s mum wasn’t enough, his sister was about to burst your head either from all the questioning or out of spite from the looks she was giving you as you sat across from her on the dinner table
“So Y/N, your sisters never mentioned you dating our Seokjin”
“Oh yeah- it was more of a very private matter, we dated for awhile just to see how it went, right Jinnie?” you said the nickname in a honey dripping voice that fitted the fake scenario you had going on
“Ahh yeah, yeah, Y/N and I, we uh- we like keeping to ourselves”
“And I haven’t seen you at your dad’s company dinners after- well, the incident”
“Seung” their oldest brother said sternly, catching up with her intentions “We’re just glad to see you again, Y/N”
After dinner, Jin and you walked upstairs saying your goodbyes to the rest of his family to enter the bedroom, separately doing your night routines, you lied on one side of the bed as Seokjin prepped a few blankets and pillows in order to lie on the floor “I was just joking, you know? You could sleep on the other side of the bed” you said, feeling somewhat guilty at how he had taken your past statement as a rule
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable” he was quick to say, already tossing at being uncomfortable lying on the floor.
“Oh so now you’re being considerate?” you scoffed- sure, Seokjin was kind of a dick, most of the time, but he wasn't half as bad as most people his age and social status, but honestly speaking, if he was so preoccupied on making you uncomfortable, he wouldn’t have even proposed to make you go through this whole ordeal “After what I just had to go through with your sister?”
“Well you kind of accepted to come” he retorted in a soft voice, one you hadn’t listened to him use before, as if over the course of the short dinner time, something had changed in your relationship “A friend doing me a favour, you know?”
“Seokjin…” you trailed off, however as far as you two went back, after news broke that you were somewhat cut off from your father’s heirship, and everyone started treating you cold as ever, you would have thought Jin had gotten the clue “We stopped being friends a long time ago”
“What are you talking about” the night was filled with silence apart from your two whispering voices in the dark as both of you laid there
“Yeah after… that time, we hadn’t talked to each other until now” Describing your relationship with Seokjin was one of the most difficult things to do, while you were still part of the official lineage of your father’s, the Kims had actually even rooted for you to marry Seokjin, whomst you were head over heels at the time, both of you were, but Jin being the good son and heir to a tech emporium, had always disliked the way you stood up against your father and the whole elite thing your families had going on; needles to say, you both completely cut off any strings attached after you proclaimed your despise to the whole wealthy ordeal and you were vanished from your dad’s will. 
“I fail to see your point” and for a second you would have loved to believe his soothing voice in the dark, to still be in friendly terms at least, with him, after all this time.
“Nevermind just- goodnight” you said as you turned on your side to cuddle the pillow in between your arms, his soft voice reaching your ears once more and for the last time in the night.
“Goodnight Y/N”
“I’m just going straight to the point here, Y/N what exactly do you plan on achieving by marrying my son?” Jin’s mother said as soon as you came down the stairs, Seokjin having left the room a while back
“Nothing ma’am, we’re just really in love” something inside you twisting at the lie that could have been truth if things were just a tiny bit different than how they were evolving at the time, the words leaving your lips sounding as the mere truth to your ears nonetheless
“I don’t buy that lovebirds facade, Y/N drop the act now” she turned to look directly at you, trying to sound menacing, which, would have worked, had it not been for you handling her for quite some time now, so you just tried your sweetest smile at her “Whatever you and Seokjin had when you were teens, your father and Seokjin’s father called it off”
“I know” you tried to conceal just how much the reminder hurted, the memories flooding into your mind, of you and Jin being engaged even before meeting each other, the good times you both spent together as friends, a few months as something more, then the lonely nights when it was all over and it had seemed like a dream that just wouldn’t ever come true.
“Just so you know, I’m keeping a close eye on you two” were her last words before leaving the kitchen, off to some other place in the house.
“Yes ma’am”
“Hey, Y/N, we’re heading to the beach you coming?” Seokjin asked as he laid his elbow on the counter, you pull him towards you, taking his hand in your smaller one as you watched his mother closing in on you two from the distance before she set her eyes elsewhere
He leaned in to you, whispering “What was that for?”
“Your mother knows something’s up” you shortly answered
“Y/N, I didn’t know you were coming” Seokjin’s father looked just as he did the last time you saw him years ago, his face contorting into an incredule one as he saw you descend from one of the cars that took you to the beach “Are you and your father on a better place now?”
“Oh no sir, I’m accompanying Seokjin” if he hadn’t believed your presence at first, he surely wasn’t believing the words leaving your mouth; Seokjin’s father had always had a soft spot for you, my hardest working tobe daughter-in-law, he had once said, and even after you and Seokjin’s engagement was called off, mainly by your father even when Jin’s mum said otherwise, his dad had offered you a place in his company’s headboard after you graduated, which you politely denied, knowing that someday, Seokjin would be CEO and you would have to work under his name directly.
“Seokjin? my son?” you nodded “What has Seokjin ever done to deserve you as his fiancee?”
“The same thing I keep repeating myself” you mutter more to yourself than for him to hear
“What was that?”
“Oh, nothing!”
The weekend with Jin’s family was as monotonous as you remembered them to be, with family dinner after a day at the beach, plus the constant scrutinising eye of his mother on you two, which made you both hold hands more than the normal amount a real couple should, only to have to spend the night at a lonely bed.
 “Jin, I’m cold” 
“Well you sure aren’t planning on also taking my blanket from me, you’ve taken my bed already” he joked from his made up bed on the floor, which in hindsight, was probably even colder for him than for you
“No can’t do”
“Come cuddle me then” the words had left your mouth before your brain could even complete to process them, the situation all too familiar from years before, like muscle memory, your brain had just dwelled into a common relationship between the two, too easy to slip away from.
“Ohhh you’re already falling for worldwide handsome” he joked, only you knowing the truth his words hid behind them and you felt your face heat up, somehow deciding against backing up.
“Shut up just-” torn between spilling your “new found” feeling for him that were remains from a past love or keeping it the bare minimum “I’m cold”
“Fine, I’ll be there” he paused, and you knew him all too well to know that he was wearing a stuid grin on his face, wondering if by any chance the innocent banter had a deeper meaning for him too as he added “Almost fiancee”
You could hear a shuffling  of blankets and him throwing his pillows on the bed before he literally jumped on it, whole body hovering over yours, his eyes glistening as they bore into yours as he kept his body weight on his extended hands, a familiar twist in your heart at the distance, his lips on yours in the blink of an eye for less than a second before he rolled off to the empty side of the bed
“What was that for?!” you panicked, not loud enough for anyone to hear but him
“I don’t know it felt right”
As you turned to confront him, the air suddenly didn’t feel as cold as before, a warmth enveloping you both that felt like home, like this place and time was exactly where you were supposed to be all along, your hands coming up to caress the side of his face as his larger ones tugged you closer to him effortlessly without breaking eye contact; both of your faces coming closer to each other, noses brushing against each other before your lips found his, an all too familiar setting for the both of you, everything feeling as if both of your lives had been a movie that had been unwillingly paused and someone had pressed play just as you were close like this, feeling as if all those years apart were nothing when together, his hot tongue lapping your lower lip as you granted him entrance, tongues dancing with one another as time seemed to slow down, a gasp escaping your lips as his cold hand found its way into your pajama pants “sorry, is this okay?” he whispered against your lips, to which you agreed, your own hands scurrying under his top to caress his torso, his lips finding your sweet spot under your ear all too easily, as if he had never forgotten about it, his pants straining by each passing second as you felt him grow harder against your thigh, hand going under the covers to palm him over the fabric, which made him exhale a moan in your ear, feeling yourself grow wetter at the display, all too familiar, yet not enough, you lunged yourself over him to straddle his hips, clothed core rubbing against his covered length in a futile attempt to ease the tension “ah- you’re sure about this, Y/N?” he found himself checking in with you before you both lost yourselves to pleasure “a hundred percent, Jin”.
Seokjin was quick to rid you both of your clothing, both of you grimacing at the cold and giggling about it for a second before you resumed your ways with one another, Jin’s tongue working its way down your body until he reached your folds, eating you out like a man starved, his hand finding yours to grip tight as he went down to business, lapping up your juices and working you to your first quieted orgasm of the night with a questionable experience, were you two to have never broken up in the first place; you quick to turn you both over so you were on top and ready to ride his apparently aching length as soon as he disctrated himself by kissing you post-bliss tasting yourself on his tongue, a smirk forming in his features as he reached on the bed side table to roll a condom on himself, your hands teasing him already as you muttered a “Your parents are in the next room” that was soon answered with a cocky “We shouldn’t let them hear then” before you lined him up with your entrance and slided down on him, hands gripping each other’s as you started working a pleasurable deep pace, moans tangling with the other’s, eyes fluttering shut and a lonely tear rolling down you cheek at all the emotions that you had pent up and were slowly releasing by each thrust as you buried your face on his neck, startling Jin  and making you look down on him to check on you as he noticed you crying “Y/N, are you okay?” he muttered sweetly before kissing your lips in the sweetest form, hips stilling as he was buried deep inside you, him tossing you underneath him, angling his hips better and taking over a more passionate pace, plump lips kissing away your falling tears, as if knowing that they were caused by something bigger than the both of you “God you’re so beautiful” he said as his pace became erratic “Come with me please, Y/N” whether his words or the newly found position as he pulled a leg over his shoulder, hitting all the right spots, worked you to your second orgasm, followed by him spilling in the condom, would remain a mystery as he was quick to dispose the used condom and clean both of you as you edged on sleep, his naked torso colliding with your bare back as he cuddled you.
“What are they doing here?” You muttered under your breath as Jin leaned into your frame, your right arm intertwined with his as you both rounded the corner to greet the guests that Jin’s mother had so carefully selected for the engagement party
“What? Who?” his eyes scanned the room rapidly 
“My father and- Seoyun and Junghee” his free hand rested on top of yours in an attempt to let you know he was there for you, having witnessed first hand all the history between you and your family and mentally cursing his mother for playing you so dirty
“Seokjin I can’t keep doing this” you turned to him, eyes panicked and wide on the verge of tears, his mind racing a hundred miles per second in search for the right words that would make you stay, he had already lost you before, and even though things didn’t quite turned out the way he had planned, he wasn’t about to let you slip away again “I can’t face them again, after all they’ve put me through, Seokjin, they took away my dreams just because I wouldn’t pace around like the rest of them,  this is your life, not mine I’m so sorry” you had ran out of his grip and out the door before his brain could even begin to process it, blinking a few too many times before he called out to you 
“Seokjinnie! What’s taking you so long?” his mother had gathered the guests in the garden for the grand entrance of the newly announced engagement, tired of being kept waiting, walking up to him
“I’m so sorry eomma, I’ll- I just- I have to go” in his mind he was already out the door looking for you, had it not been for his mother’s hand on his bicep keeping him on place and turning him to look at her
“Kim Seokjin, we get it. Your father and I will wait until you find a girl to marry, one that suits you well” Seokjin’s mother was sure a woman that could not be fooled, but this one time perhaps it was Jin that had been fooled by himself on letting himself get close to you and fall in love all over again, just the way it happened all those years ago, just the way it was supposed to be
“That’s what you don’t get mum, I’ve already found the one” 
“Y/N? Jinnie, Y/N is not part of our world, you know it” 
“Then I want to be part of hers. I don’t care if you take my trust fund, take everything, I’ll build myself up, just like she did all those years ago and all of us, we all turned our backs on her, I want to be there for her, like it should have been from the start” he would have loved to record the incredulity in his mother’s eyes as she let her arms fall to her sides defeated, the first time Kim Seokjin had fail to complied with his mother was about none other than in an engagement matter.
Truth be told, you couldn't go far, there was no possible way you could just run home all the way from Jeju Island, but somehow seeing your tear stained face as you slumped over an old set of swings that he now recalled, you two used to go to back in the day, had his heart filling up, butterflies roaming his tummy
“...Jin” you exhaled his name, his mind quickly recalling the night before, how your eyes spilled love all over, how the past days watching you go on your daily routine alongside him, had him imploding with the purest kind of love
“Y/N? Listen I-” he began, a thousand words tangled in his mind waiting to be released
“I don’t think I made it”
“Made what?”
“Your parents to like me” a smirk appeared in his features as his hand came up to caress the side of your face lovingly
“Well you certainly made me like you” he said, close enough to your lips that you could have sworn both of your breaths mixed into one
“I don’t think you ever stopped liking me” a mirroring grin traced your lips before you leaned in to kiss him, whatever the path you two were once destined to walk, it was all different now, whatever turns it may take the only sure thing was that you two would walk it down together after all those years apart. 
Plus, technically speaking, Jin’s trust fund should remain intact since he found a wife in less than a month’s time, and you could always ask his dad for that place in the company he was always talking about.
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fanficshiddles · 5 years
This wasn’t part of the plan, Chapter 4
Melody was almost sick because she was so nervous on the journey over to Tom’s place. The taxi had been bang on time, as expected. But she had kind of hoped it wouldn’t turn up.
She wasn’t really sure why she was so nervous. If she didn’t want to do this, she didn’t have to… But then, she kind of did have to. She had no other option, unless she wanted to continue the way she was going. Working all hours along with college. Something would break, and she didn’t want to think about what that would be.
It wasn’t all that surprising when she was taken to the posh part of the city. She looked out at all the fancy houses on the way. She could only ever dream about living in one of them.
‘Deep breath, Melody. You can do this.’ She muttered to herself when the taxi stopped outside one down a dead end. It was a stunning looking house, right next to a beautiful park. And it had a balcony on the upper floor from one of the rooms.
She stood for a moment at the bottom of the path, just looking up at the house that loomed over her. In a way, it was just as intimidating as its owner.
There was movement at one of the windows, Tom was looking out from behind the screen. That made her start to move up the path towards the door. When she reached the bottom step, the door was already opening.
Melody found her legs unable to keep moving when she saw him. He was certainly dressed down, but somehow he still managed to look really smart. With a thin red jumper, sleeves rolled up his forearms and dark skinny jeans. The clothes certainly didn’t leave too much to the imagination.
‘Are you coming in?’ Tom asked, stepping to the side with a small smile.
She wanted to say no and run away. But she nodded and continued up the steps.
His house on the inside was just as nice as the outside, his décor was simple though elegant. It was him all over. It was neat and tidy, too. Just like his desk and office always seemed to be at the college.
‘Let me get your coat.’ Tom said. Melody jumped slightly when Tom put his hands on her shoulders, sliding her jacket off for her.
‘Relax, Melody. There’s nothing expected from either of us tonight.’ He purred in her ear, making her shiver slightly as he removed her jacket from her to hang up.
She turned around to face him, still feeling really anxious as she kicked off her shoes. The carpet under her feet was nice and cosy, obviously he had under floor heating.
‘You have a lovely home.’ She said, still looking around. She didn’t really know what else to say.
‘Thank you. Come on through to the living room, I’ll get you a drink.’ Tom motioned to the doorway at the left.
Melody went through and was slightly amazed at the size of the room. There was a nice fire place in the centre of the wall opposite her, and it was going nicely. Giving the room a warm and toasty feel.
Well, if I get to spend some time here, I guess this might not be quite so bad. Melody thought with a small smile.
‘Make yourself comfortable.’ Tom said and disappeared to the back corner of the room where there was a minibar.  
Melody took that chance to have a look at some photographs Tom had hanging on the wall. She assumed the pictures were his family. It made her feel a little more relaxed, knowing he was still human at the end of the day, with a family. For some reason, she never thought about her teachers as being normal. Having a life and family.  
She sat down on the sofa nearest the fire, Tom returned quite quickly with two drinks. He sat down on the same sofa and handed her a glass. She was surprised it was her favourite, whiskey and coke.
‘Thanks… How did you know my favourite drink?’ She asked after taking a big drink.
‘That’s what you had last weekend. So I assumed it was a safe bet, didn’t know it was your favourite though.’ Tom grinned.
Melody didn’t really know what to say after that. She felt so awkward and nervous. But luckily Tom was on the ball.
‘I’m sure you’d like to discuss the elephant in the room. Get it out of the way and get you more comfortable, correct?’ He asked, leaning back quite comfortably. Legs splayed wide open and he draped his arm across the back of the sofa near her. His presence was rather dominating. It made her a bit more anxious, a stark reminder that she was in his territory. He very much had the upper hand.
‘Uhm… Yeah. I… I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t really know how it works, as such. And I’m still not quite one hundred percent sure I want to do this.’ She looked down at the glass in her lap, focusing on the ice swirling around.
‘Well if it makes it any easier, I haven’t either.’
Melody looked up at him, eyebrows raised in surprise. She wasn’t sure why, she just presumed that he would’ve perhaps had a sugar baby before.
‘What made you join the site?’ She asked.
‘I will be completely honest with you, Melody. I overheard you and your friend, Rana, talking about the site. I’d never realised how in need you were for money. At first, I was worried about you joining a site like that. But when I joined, I realised just how extensive the site was for the safety of the sugar babies. When I found that you had joined, I decided to get in touch.’
Melody’s eyes widened. ‘Wh… What? Why? I don’t understand.’
Tom chuckled. ‘I know it may not seem it, but I only want what’s best for my students. I don’t want to see any of you fail. And I’ll admit, the selfish side of me is jumping for joy at the thought of having you at my beck and call.’ He grinned wolfishly. ‘But I have plenty of money to spare, money that you need. I want sex. So, why not?’ He shrugged.
Melody didn’t know what to say to that. Part of her felt warmed at his words, in a way. But at the same time, she was thinking she should’ve been freaked out that he joined just to contact her.
‘Isn’t, um… Isn’t it against the rules for a teacher and student to… get together like this?’ She asked.
‘You know it is.’ Tom nodded. ‘That’s why we will have to keep it quiet.’
‘If we do this.’ Melody looked down at her lap again.
Tom smirked. ‘I think we both know we will, darling. You wouldn’t be here if you were closer to saying no than yes.’ He reached out and hooked her chin, raising her head up. ‘And with your situation, I really don’t think you’re in the position to say no. Are you?’
Melody blushed a little at his intense stare. Her heart felt like it was going to burst, it was beating so fast.
‘I… I guess not.’ She whispered.
Tom brushed his thumb up over her cheek, then leaned back. ‘What do you want for dinner? Chinese or Indian?’ He grabbed his phone and pulled up some menus.
‘Oh, I don’t mind. But you don’t need to get me anything, my body clock is all over the place for food. I can easily get something later when I get home.’ Melody rambled.
Tom looked at her with a raised eyebrow. ‘Well, that will be the first thing to change. You need to get your body into a proper routine. What time do you normally have your dinner?’ He asked with a stern tone.
‘Uhm, if I’m working at the pub then when I get home. So, after two ish in the morning. Otherwise, it’s between seven ish and midnight.’ She said sheepishly.
Tom tsked lightly and held his phone out towards her. ‘Chinese or Indian?’ He asked again.
Melody looked down at his phone. ‘Uhm… What’s cheapest?’ She didn’t want to assume that Tom would be buying, although she had a feeling he would be.
Tom’s eyebrow rose up again, it was certainly getting a lot of exercise tonight. ‘I’d say you’re smart enough to know that when you’re with me, I pay for everything. That is the whole idea of a sugar daddy.’
‘I… didn’t want to assume… since we haven’t confirmed anything.’ Melody said quietly, looking down at the phone she took from him to check out the menus.
‘Hm. It’s a good job you’re cute.’ Tom grumbled before getting up and going to the other side of the room to top up his drink.
Melody blushed and looked at him with wide eyes at the compliment, but he didn’t see because he had his back to her. Part of her wanted to ask him what would’ve happened if she wasn’t cute. But she wasn’t brave enough to ask that, so kept quiet.
‘Have you decided yet?’ Tom asked, joining her on the sofa again.
‘Indian, please. If that’s what you want too.’ She handed the phone back to him.
‘Excellent choice. What do you want?’
‘Chicken vindaloo and rice, please.’
‘Not too hot for you? Sure you don’t want a korma?’ Tom teased with a sly smirk.
Melody narrowed her eyes at him. ‘I’m sure. I enjoy hot and spicy food.’
‘Very good.’ Tom called the takeaway and ordered, he was having the same. Turned out they had similar taste when it came to food.
While they waited for their food to arrive, Tom steered the conversation back to their arrangement.
‘Do you have a number in mind for how much you need on a monthly basis?’ He asked.
‘Oh, uhm. I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about it. To be honest, I didn’t even think I’d get this far. When I joined the website, I wasn’t expecting anyone to message me.’ She said shyly.
‘Well, how about I cover your college loan. I will pay that off monthly, along with your rent and any utility bills. Then I will give you two grand a month, to use on groceries and anything else you so wish. Possibly extra pocket money depending on how much you please me and how much time you spend in my company. Does that sound fair to you?’ Tom asked so casually.
Melody’s eyes almost popped out. That was an insane amount of money!
‘Are you serious? My rent alone is like five hundred pounds a month. And not to mention the college fee’ She was cut off when Tom raised his hand to silence her.
‘I am well aware of how much it costs to live in London. You got a bargain at five hundred a month.’ He frowned. ‘I am more than capable to look after you financially, Melody. I am more concerned with whether you will keep your end of the arrangement, spend ample time with me. As you do not seem to be the most relaxed when in my company.’ He said bluntly.
Melody swallowed before answering. Her mind was still slightly reeling with the figures he’d just given her. ‘It’s just this whole thing. It’s so new to me, I am nervous about it. This wasn’t part of the plan I had when I took out the college loan to get in.’
‘You got in over your head. But at least you’re realising that sooner rather than later. You really can’t go on as you are. Not just at the risk of your college work, but for your own health and sanity too.’
‘I know… I know.’ Melody sighed and leaned back on the sofa. The drink was finally starting to help her feel a tiny bit more at ease with her teacher.
‘What’s your main concern with agreeing to this arrangement?’ With the hand that was draped across the back of the sofa, he reached down and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand, making her blush again.
‘I’m worried I feel like a whore. It just doesn’t seem right.’
‘What’s seen as right and wrong varies in everyone. There is no harm in having someone look after you, financially and otherwise. And there is nothing wrong with sex. It’s not like you are a prostitute on the streets, sleeping with multiple guys a night for cash.’
Melody snorted. ‘That’s pretty much what Rana said, too.’
‘Perhaps you should listen to her.’
They stopped talking because their dinner arrived. Melody was glad that while they ate, they spoke about general stuff while at the dinner table in the dining room. It was a huge mahogany table that could easily sit a dozen or more people.
Melody found out that Tom was a bit of a geek. He enjoyed superhero movies, the odd comic book along with other literature, Shakespeare being his favourite. His favourite music was rock and some pop. They’d even been at the same gig last year. And he enjoyed traveling. Something that Melody had only ever dreamed about.
She slowly relaxed a bit more, now he was seeming more and more human as time went on. Instead of like some strict robot.
After dinner, they found themselves back on the sofa with another drink.
‘Well, I’d say you’ve had enough time to dwell things over, Melody. Do you want to enter an agreement with me?’ Tom asked in a serious tone as he put his drink down and turned to face her fully.
‘What, exactly, will be expected of me?’ She asked.
‘As we’ve mentioned before, sex will be on the cards. As long as I have an ample amount of your time, we won’t have any issues. You can back out of this arrangement at any time if you truly want to, just as I can. The main part of this relationship working is that we are open and honest with one another. If I feel you aren’t giving me enough of your time, I will tell you. Likewise, if you feel you aren’t getting enough out of this for what you give, you need to tell me.’
Melody sighed and ran her hand down her face. She was attracted to this devilishly handsome man. He had money, that she needed. And he seemed to want to spend time in her company. She would get free time again, proper sleep. God, the thought of having a lie in was almost making her cry in utter joy.
‘Ok, Tom… I want to do this.’
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devourer--of--books · 4 years
if you’re not the bride (deluxe version)
So you may be wondering why is it you're seeing this. Hello, it is I again. If you're here, maybe you're familiar with the original "if you're not the bride', which I posted about three years ago. In case you're not, then, hello, welcome, when I was 15 I wrote a story under this same title. Then forgot all about it. But every so often someone would come across this story and I was reminded of its existence. Then, back in september 2019, I decided to read it again, correct some grammar and call it a day, you know, just so I could rest assured I hadn't written something horrible. Turns out, it got a bit out of hand and I decided to rewrite the whole thing. However, due to the fact that college is the worst, I never finished it and, well, forgot about it, again. Now, as quarantine came around, I found my rewrite from 6 months ago and since I got the time why not, right? This is now more than double the size of the original and has a lot more of backstory than intended. You can still find the original with some corrections here on AO3 and , and the cursed unedited version somewhere on tumblr for the sake of nostalgia. Warnings: There's cursing, some drinking and good old make outs. July 2020 edit: here I am, re-edting this thing again. This all said, welcome folks, to the deluxe version:
"You're going to what?!" Agatha raised her voice, tightly holding her phone to her ear. Surely, she must have heard Sophie wrong. Her friend did have a reputation for being over the top, but this was beyond absurd.
When people said that being friends with Sophie was…an exotic experience, they weren't completely wrong, per say. Being friends with Sophie could be a lot like being friends with a hungry animal. She was ruthless, dangerous and not trustworthy about 60% of the time. Sophie would do most anything to get whatever she wanted and absolutely would step over you in the process (sometimes for no reason other than because it amused her to do so). It wasn't personal, mostly. It was simply her nature.
For her, there were two kinds of people: her friends and her enemies. It was very easy to go from one category to another and anything in between simply couldn't be processed by her brain.
Sophie was a difficult person.
Agatha could tell you in more detail, she would know. Being Sophie's best friend wasn't exactly a dream come true. It had its perks of course, and when all was said and done, Sophie was an okay-ish person and a mostly good friend, but you gotta give it up to Agatha; it was no task for the weak-hearted.
They had been friends since kindergarten and were as different from one another as it gets. Had they met later in life, Agatha is certain they would've never become friends at all. Sophie was a loud, gorgeous (and kinda mean) blonde bombshell and Agatha was a grumpy, average-looking mostly nice girl (she wouldn't call herself kind, really, her niceness was more of a subproduct of her aloofness than anything else). The two of them disagreed in most anything and had not that much in common. Yet, it somehow worked. They argued a lot, as in, a lot, but it was always fixed within a weeks' time, in a coffee shop, over a good old vanilla latte and some black tea.
An odd pair, to say the least.
Which was fine by them. Sophie… was a work in progress. She was trying.
Nevertheless, every once in a while, something like this would happen. Because Sophie was still Sophie and her head worked in mysterious ways.
"I'm getting married, Aggie," Agatha could practically hear the blonde rolling her eyes on the other side of the device, "people do that all the time. It's, like, a thing."
"Sophie, you're not even done with college yet! Getting married with what money? As far as I know, your modeling barely pays your rent and don't even get me started on your student loan and credit card debt! And getting married to whom? Last time I checked, you weren't even going out with anyone!" She tried to cool her head, catching her breath while trying to recall any possible groom Sophie could have taken. "Unless… Are you marring Hort?"
A disgusted groan was heard.
"Ew, no. Not Hort, for God's sake. What do you think I am? Desperate?"
A bit, but Agatha didn't dare say it out loud.
Hort was a guy who lived at the apartment just below Sophie's, in a tiny complex downtown. They've known each other for quite a long time now. It was practically common knowledge that Hort acquired the biggest crush on her the moment he first laid eyes on her. It was all the old ladies from 1A and 2C ever talked about.
Over the years, he became quite easy on the eyes, even Sophie had to admit it. No longer the scrawny awkward kid that helped Agatha drag Sophie's couch upstairs (while Sophie flirted with the trucker, trying to get free shipping for her mattress, which, by the way, she got), but a fully formed man, completely jacked, and with a growing bank account to match, due to his fitness-program-thingy taking off. Agatha didn't really know the details of that, but she knew it was going well, mostly because Sophie told her so.
Anyway, he claimed to not want anything to do with her friend nowdays.
Yeah, right.
Agatha felt bad for him, she really did.
Loving Sophie was like loving a hurricane. Violent, brutal and downright painful.
She had initially assumed it would go away with time, that he would eventually see that they weren't compatible and let it go.
However, it was a bit more complicated than that, as most things in life tend to be.
She knew he and Sophie had hooked up, in fact, she knew that they did so often. Sophie hadn't told her, but she didn't need to. Agatha knew. The aftermath was never good, and for the sake of keeping things short and lighthearted, Agatha shall spare you the angst and just say that, as mentioned above, Sophie was fantastic at getting whatever she wanted and disregarding other people's feelings.
Honestly, Hort could say he wasn't into Sophie all he liked. At the end of the day, he was still living at that shitty apartment (even though he could probably have moved somewhere better a long time ago), hadn't seriously dated anyone since meeting her and was responsible for at least half of Sophie's modeling gigs, which were her friend's main source of income. Agatha had warned him, several times, mind you, but all you can do is all you can do. The heart wants what it wants, she presumes.
"If not Hort, who then?"
"Oh, you don't know him yet," She could practically see Sophie twirling a golden lock on her fingers, a mischievous smirk on her face.
"Clearly," Agatha rolled her eyes and put her phone on speaker to be able to look around for her keys more comfortably. Reaper, her cat, had a bad habit of hiding them in the weirdest places. "Why didn't you tell me you were seeing someone last time we went out for coffee?"
"Because I wasn't seeing anyone at the time," the blonde-haired woman sounded a bit annoyed, seemingly not understanding why Agatha was having such a hard time believing her ludicrous story.
"Yes, Aggie?"
"That was literally three weeks ago."
"It's true love, Agatha. I can feel it. This is my real-life fairytale. I found the perfect guy for me. He's so different from anyone I've ever met…" Agatha tuned her out, finally realizing what was going on.
For Sophie, everyone she dates is her one true love. She was intense like that. There were lots of "perfect guys" on the list, too many, and eventually Agatha grew tired of counting them. Neither did she remember their names. Why bother, when Sophie would grow tired of them soon enough?
Her friend's drug of choice just so happened to be was serial dating with lots of love-bombing on the side.
Parents got divorced? Look at this cute basketball player that will probably cheat on me.
Bad day at a shoot? Oh, that barista is so sexy, bet he'll hook up with me anyway.
I have no idea where my career is going and hate my major? Why not call Hort up, right?
But getting actually married? That's new.
Agatha sighed, picking up her keys from the pot of her balcony plant. Time to be the be the grown-up. Again.
"Sophie, are you 100% sure you want to get married to this guy? Can't you wait a few months at least? How about you guys move in with each other first?" If Sophie doesn't tire of him, that would terrify the poor thing into ending this madness. Again, Agatha would know. She had to stay at Sophie's for a few weeks once, back when she had split with a partner whom she had been living with; it was hell on earth.
"Weren't you hearing, Aggie? We. Are. Soulmates. He is very serious about me. He's so in love with me, he would never hurt me, and I need to tie him down before he runs away. Isn't this what people always say?" Her friend's voice was getting snappy. Oh, no, not good.
"Sophie, I just think you should be more careful and reasonable…" Agatha tried to pacify, tiredly.
Did she not own any clean jeans? Damn. Why does she keep forgetting to do her laundry? The blue skirt she wore to work would have to do.
"It's always reason, with you, Agatha! You never listen to your heart! I thought you would be happy for me! You're always telling me just how much potential I have! He brings out the best in me! What do you even know about relationships anyway, you always end up ru-"
"SOPHIE!" She interrupted, before her friend could say something she'd regret and crush whatever good mood was left in Agatha's body. "I'm just surprised, that's all. Tell me about this guy…?"
Fuck it, she decided. Agatha was in currently in a hurry and this could be solved later. She wasn't going to be able to win Sophie over the phone. Maybe she could sit her down on sunday, have one long talk about red flags in relationships, again. Convince her to stay engaged for a bit longer, just enough for her to get bored and then call it all off as soon as the new whats-his-face walks through the door.
Now was not the moment to be arguing, especially if she wanted to be on time.
"…And he's so great and wonderful, he's tall, has these hypnotizing eyes, they're so intense, it's like they suck you in, Aggie! His hair is just wow, it's a very uncommon shade of blonde, the undertone is beautiful, so expensive-looking... but it's natural, he swears. And his skin is so soft, you wouldn't believe, his name is…"
Agatha tried to listen. She really did. However, all she could hear was "bla, bla, bla, perfect, bla, bla, bla, handsome". Lord, not this again. Did it get worse every time...?
The brunette stuffed her wallet in a handbag, grappling to close it (it had been a present from Sophie, and as such, probably hardwired to annoy her and look good at the same time), and gave herself a look over in the mirror, before frowning. Oh, time for her limited make-up skills to be of use.
Damn, she looked rough. She left in hurry that morning, so her bare face stared back at her in its full sleepless-racoon glory.
It has been a long week of nothing but late nights trying to get her workload done. She couldn't believe she was saying this, but she missed college. At least back then she didn't have to worry about rent. Oh, to be young, broke, dead-inside and living on a dorm. The wonders, truly.
Concealer, blush, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. There. Done.
"… So, are you up to it?"
"… Hm, sure?" She responded, still trying to evaluate if her liner was acceptably symmetrical. It wasn't. It never was, but it wasn't always this bad. Really, not her best work. Maybe she could fix it, somehow?
"That's amazing, you'll look so pretty, the dress I picked is perfect for your undertone, you'll be the best maid-of-honor ever!"
Oh, god, no. No way. What has she done?
Should she do that red-flag-talk now?
"How… nice of you to say that," Agatha replied, barely contained horror coming across in her tone. Not that Sophie paid her any attention.
"I set the date for the engagement brunch-party for tomorrow around 10am. At the terrace. And speaking of dates, I must introduce you to someone, he's great, Aggie, and I think you guys could…"
No. No. No. Agatha is drawing the line here.
"Oh really, cool, hey I have to go, callyoulaterbye-"
Agatha throws her phone on the bed, groaning loudly. Reaper stirs in her pillow, but is otherwise unbothered by the conversation, unlike his owner.
Of all things… getting married. Agatha was now her bridesmaid. Engagement brunch…?
Sophie, why. Why?
Agatha was now an accomplice of this crime against good judgement, wasn't she? Should she call Sophie again…?
Ugh, you know what? She'll sort this out this later. Sophie could wait a few hours, Agatha earned this night out.
…This totally is going to come back to bite her, isn't it?
Well, too late, Agatha's leaving. Because, unlike Sophie, who clearly had too much free time in her hands, Agatha had things to do and couldn't just waste her precious friday nights on this kind of bullshit.
"You're late," is the first thing Hester says to Agatha, not even lifting her gaze from her phone as she approaches their table.
It was the usual one, right by the wall, perfectly placed so it was far enough from the dance floor but close enough to the bar, so it was still socially acceptable to be seated but not too "loser-zoned", in Hester's own words.
Hester herself looked the same as always. Dressed head-to-toe in black and showing off an impressive number of tattoos per square inch of skin, she made quite the intimidating sight. The only tip to her actual day job was the discarded white blazer and sleek suitcase lying on a chair beside her. Back in school, Agatha used to find it hard to picture Hester being anything but a witchy-biker or a badass-tattoo-artist, but she supposed scary-lawyer suited her friend just fine.
"Nice to see you too, Hester. I've been well, thanks for asking," Agatha sits down, annoyed. She knows she's late. She missed the "early-comers, free entrance" time, and damn if the isn't pissed that she's now 15 bucks broker then she already was. "Anadil, Dot, it's great to see you guys too"
Both women acknowledge her presence quietly: Anadil nods,before getting up from her spot and leaving to god-wishes-he-knew-where and Dot hugs her briefly, headed to the bar.
Hester rolls her eyes and repeats herself.
"You're late."
"Shut up, I'm here, aren't I?!" Agatha snaps, before she bit her lip and propped her elbows onto the table, head in her hands.
The gesture makes Hester lift her eyes from the phone, finally.
"Well, someone's had a bad day."
"Look, I'm sorry. It's been one looong horrid day. Have you ordered any drinks? Or are we going for beer tonight?" Agatha asks, going over the familiar menu, even though she has every beverage price there already memorized.
"Okay, slow down," Hester yanks the menu out of her hands. "Have you eaten? I'm not going to take care of you if you didn't."
Yes, she would, but that's not relevant.
"Yes, mom," Agatha rolled her eyes. "I'm tired, tomorrow is gonna suck, let's drink."
"Tomorrow? Tomorrow's saturday, loser, sleep to your hearts content," Hester reminds her, but at seeing Agatha stare back at her in misery it occurred to her what, or rather, who, this was about.
"Blondie has been texting me non-stop about brunch. At 10. What's up with that?" She lifts a brow, her judging eyes scanning Agatha's expression. Agatha in turn, lets her elbows drop and bangs her head onto the table, harder than originally planned, a whimper leaving her lips.
Hester sighs. She loves Agatha to the death, but when it comes to Sophie, she has always been way too forgiving. Agatha was not Sophie's mother, she shouldn't have to look out for her and bend over backyards to help her. Personally, Hester and Sophie didn't get along very well.
Which lead to: Sophie never invited Hester anywhere, unless she wanted to rub something in Hester's face.
"...Apparently, she's getting married in, like, two weeks?" Hester's brows lift in surprise. "...To some guy I don't know?" Higher. "...And I'm a bridesmaid?" Almost disappearing into her hairline by now.
Awkward pause.
"Okay," Hester breathes in and out, "what the actual hell?"
"My words exactly."
"She'll be over it in a week," the tattooed woman deadpans.
"No doubt," the other replies.
Three more seconds go by, and it's far too long for Agatha, whose leg starts to twitch under the table.
"You're doing it again," she states.
"Doing what?" Hester asks, crossing her arms, lying back at her chair.
"That thing."
"What thing?"
"You know," Agatha vaguely gestures at Hester's face, "that thing your eyebrows do when you're being judgy."
"I am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"I so need a drink right now," she tells her before leaving the table.
At the bar counter, Agatha sits down on a stool and waits for the bartender, Chaddick, to show up, ignoring Hester's glare on her back.
Now for some unnecessary backstory, in case you're interested: Agatha and Chaddick had a bit of history (read, beef) long before this club, The Woods, opened and even before Agatha and Hester started to have their monthly night-out there.
Chaddick was a jock whom Agatha went to school with, all the way from sixth grade to senior year of high school. To be brief, he was the worst ™. He made fun of her, tormented her days, spread rumors about her (including one that she was witch, which lasted for years) and even stole her stuff once. In senior year, he had even developed this habit of showing up with his friends at the tea place her mother owned, where she had worked a few shifts from time to time, ordering not a single drop of fucking tea, being loud and annoying for hours and only leaving when closing hour neared.
Agatha was sure that if you googled 'jackass', his picture would turn up. He'd been so full of himself, all because he had some cash, was athletic and was "cute", you know, in that white-upper-middle-class-way that most school-aged popular boys tended to be. But then, flash-forward: Chaddick now worked wednesday to saturday as a bartender at Agatha's favorite club. Apparently, his parents went bankrupt or something during college. Agatha felt kinda bad for him, but not really? She supposed he wasn't as terrible of a human being nowadays, but she was not about to go ahead and call him her friend, no matter how many times she had to make small talk with him for the sake of bar etiquette.
"So what's it gonna be today?" The bartender asked, not quite politely, but she lets it slide, for she could tell he was as thrilled about this conversation as her.
Chaddick, too, looks the same, to no one's surprise. He looked more tired, but still douchey enough that Agatha didn't feel too horrible of a person for not feeling as sorry for him as she probably should.
"Surprise me. I've had a very bad day."
"Is Sophie actually up to something then?" He asks while grabbing some bottles, "I hear there's going to be a brunch-party tomorrow…?"
"Who told you? Reena?" Chaddick dismisses the name casually with his hand. "Gisele?" 'no', he denies with his head. "Beatrix then?" he nods, uncharacteristically shy, and Agatha nearly felt pleased, before she remembered what they were talking about before. "Bingo. But yes, there's a brunch-party tomorrow. An engagement brunch-party."
He hands her a cup, wide-eyed, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"Engagement? Do I even wanna know w-"
"You don't. Trust me on this," Agatha cuts him off, taking a sip of the beverage. She doesn't recognize its taste, which makes her wary. She knows her alchool. "What did you even put here?"
"It's a secret, tonight's special," he winked mockingly, before hurrying on to the next client.
Agatha briefly wonders if she should drink the rest of it, eyeing the cup curiously. It didn't smell bad and she kind of liked the taste. Should she trust Chaddick? Probably not. Then again, Agatha needed a drink tonight.
It would be fine. She is no lightweight, Hester is here, tomorrow's saturday. Right?
Another thing that would probably bite her later. So, she braces herself and downs the cup in a few large sips, heading back to her table.
Bring it on.
Two other cups of who-knows-what and an hour later, Agatha was back at the bar, now sitting in different stool, as far from Chaddick as she possibly could be, when a body drops on the sit next to her.
It's Dot, giggling loudly like a high school girl on heavy drugs.
The giggling persists for quite some time.
... It's kinda creeping Agatha out.
"Penny for your thoughts…?" She tries, taking a sip of her drink.
No response.
More silence.
"Hm, Dot?"
She continues to stare at her joyfully, still smiling like a madwoman.
Agatha found Dot adorable and friendly, which was a surprise since she was one of Hester's best friends. The two of them weren't really that close themselves, but she did enjoy her company. Being friends with Dot was as easy as it was harmless.
"Don't look, but there's a really hot guy right by the pool table who hasn't been able to take his eyes off you for the last fifteen minutes."
Agatha's eyebrows shot up in Hester-like fashion and she fights the instinct to turn around and check if Dot isn't messing with her.
She knows she is not the most attractive female in the room. Agatha tends to think of herself as more of an acquired taste, truly. Yet, every blue moon someone would come over to try their luck with her. Sometimes they're cute, sometimes they're funny and sometimes they're just desperate. So far, "hot guys" haven't really been her target demographic.
"So what? What's the big deal?" She tries to keep her nerves out of her voice, mostly succeeding, but Dot's smile only grew more and more mischievous, as if seeing right through her.
"Turn around. I dare you not to remember him. Pretty sure Sophie told you about how she met him again a few weeks ago, at that event she went to? The one sponsored by Camelot International?"
…Okay, so Agatha might be a bit of a bad friend. She didn't listen to 90% of Sophie's rants about guys or modeling events, so most likely she had told her about him as Agatha did something else. Something important, really.
…Like playing games on her tablet.
She worked a lot, okay? Can't have people hogging all her free time. Even if it was Sophie. Her best friend.
Agatha's face must have betrayed her because Dot laughed even louder than before.
"You seriously don't?" she managed to ask between giggles, as Agatha blushed, frowning.
"I should?"
"Most likely yes. Sometimes you're way too funny, you know?" Her smile was dangerous. Stop smiling at Agatha like that, woman.
It was at times like this she could see why Hester and Dot were such good friends.
"Thanks, I think?" Agatha eyes her companion carefully "How hot is this guy any…"
"Hot enough for you to talk to me, I hope," a male voice announced behind her, seemingly amused.
Not her day. Definitely not her day.
"He's right behind me?!"
Dot giggled loudly a final time before walking away to Hester's table. Very helpful. Forget what Agatha said about liking Dot. She didn't. Dot was a horrible person.
Agatha turned on her heels, facing the stranger with a sheepish smile. She was not ready for what was about to bite her.
Oh damn, please do.
…Figuratively, fuck. She meant in a figurative way.
Before we go on, Agatha would like to clarify that she blames any less than pure thoughts on Chaddick, because who knows what he put into her drink.
(Yeah, it's totally Chaddick's fault)
Amen, praise Jesus, okay?
Embarrassingly, her first instinct is to say that yes, he was totally hot enough to talk to her. Or come home with her. Or marry her (too soon for this joke, scratch that). That's not what she did, however. Oh, no, she stood there, in silence, and stared for quite a while before her brain rebooted and she finally gained control of her own body again.
Agatha is the first in line to advocate on why you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but she had eyes.
He was tall. As tall, if not taller than her, and Agatha was a tall woman. His jeans looked expensive and his light blue social shirt was tight on his chest, almost as if it were a size too small, the top buttons open, defined muscles visible to even the most casual observer. The shirt was paired with a grey-ish tie that hanged loosely around his neck, a bit too effortless-looking to be unintentional. His features were sharp, sculpted even, a certain California-sunny-surfer meets Adonis-next-door quality to them. Soft blond locks had an unnatural shine under the club's lights, as if they were made of gold.
And his eyes, my god, they were so blue Agatha felt like sinking and drowning in his arms right then and there. Unfortunately, she couldn't. Because you see, she is a grown woman and had a little thing called dignity.
Not that she didn't want to though.
He did look kind of familiar. Had they met before? Agatha doesn't think so. This man looked like he just walked out of a Calvin Klein ad, and she sure as hell didn't know many people who look like that. One of Sophie's model friends? If so, she certainly hadn't introduced the two.
Yet, the way he was looking at her right now indicated the reality that she should probably know who he is. Maybe he was from her old gym, back when she let Sophie talk her into going for a few months? No, there were no hot guys there, just old ladies and teenagers.
Okay, so, plan B, say something smart.
Say something.
He doesn't look very impressed by her articulate conversation skills, but Agatha can't place where she had seen him before. Maybe they had been neighbors at some point? She moved quite a few times in these last years and keeping track of all of them was impossible. But that didn't seem quite right. A friend of one of her exes then? Did they meet at pride or something?
Seriously, who was this guy! Acting all smooth, as if she should know who he is! He's good looking enough to be memorable sure, but clearly not memorable enough.
Hell, did she sleep with him? He must have been the worst one night stand ever for Agatha to somehow forget him. Maybe he was so bad that she forgot about him completely...?
"I give up, I can't remember you."
He looked a bit offended. Maybe he was indeed a Calvin Klein model.
"The name's Tedros…?"
Tedros, Tedros… Tedros?
"Nope, doesn't ring a bell," she concludes, "but, I'm, hm, Agatha?"
"I know," he responds, curt and firm, nearly glaring at her.
"Now, that's a big word," he mocks. Agatha suspects he just didn't know any bigger ones to keep up. Part of her wishes to strangle him with his own tie and part of her wants to call him out on his shit. He approached her, okay? She is under no obligation to recognize him.
Her eyes narrow and she sips on her fourth cup again.
"Do you need for me to tell you what it means?"
"Oh, no, I'm fine."
The passive-aggressive-ness of this conversation is starting to exhaust her and kill any buzz she had, but she can't just let Mr. everyone-knows-who-I-am-and-I-look-like-walking-sex win. He needed to go down (on her). What.
"Hm, Tedros, you're going to order something or what?"
Chaddick cuts the stare contest between brown and blue and Agatha makes a note to leave him a nicer tip tonight.
"What's the special of the day?" Tedros' tone is amused, as if he and Chaddick are old friends. Ugh, of course he would. He sounded douchey enough. Maybe he went to school with her? That sounded about right, she could picture it. Pretty-boy-Tedros, walking down the hall wearing a football jacket with a cheerleader or two on his arm.
"Nice little things I've put together," Chaddick wiggled his eyebrows. "Want some?"
"Is it safe?" Tedros asks him, cautiously.
"Well, Agatha here is still fine at four, I would say so."
Soon enough Tedros is downing his second cup, sitting on the stool next to hers.
Agatha wasn't sure how or why, but things went from point A to point B very, very quickly.
Point A being sitting beside Tedros at the bar and point B being heavily making out with him in a corner.
Agatha wishes she was joking. She wasn't. It just…somehow…happened?
It all started when Tedros eventually caught up to her and from there on they held a little amicable drinking competition.
("I bet you can't do more shots than me." "Oh, you're so on!" "You drink like a fourteen-year old, dude." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah.")
Then, they paid for their drinks. Well, Tedros did.
("Did you just... pay for me?" "It's called having manners." "Excuse you?")
After that, Chaddick kicked them out to the dance floor, something about the two of them 'grossing him out'. Agatha is not much of a dancer, so she tried to go back her table but Tedros said something (she can't quite remember what it was) that made her realize that she kind of didn't want to. Leave, she means.
They danced for a bit before she stepped on Tedros's foot, or maybe he stepped on hers first?
("Ouch." "Get out of my way!" "Make me.")
From there on it was incomprehensible screaming over loud music for a while and they somehow ended up being way too up in each other's personal space. Agatha eventually just lost it, and grabbed him by his collar, bringing him down to place a forceful peck on his lips, before backing away, partly horrified, partly proud.
It took two mortifyingly long seconds of silence and pure embarrassment for Tedros to grab her by the waist and kiss her roughly.
They stumbled to a more secluded corner, until Agatha's back hit a wall, but she was distracted from the pain of the impact by Tedros licking her bottom lip, seeking her tongue, a small sound escaping her once he found it. What the hell is she even doing, this should not be happening. And yet, she cannot bring herself to care.
This is a wild, passionate kiss and not at all Agatha's expertise. She always considered herself more of a slow-vanilla-soft kind of girl. But out the window with that, Tedros was nowhere near close enough, no matter that they were already flush against each other. Maybe this is why Sophie thinks every guy she meets is her soulmate. As cheesy as it sounds, she feels somehow connected to this stranger, almost as if they were meant to be or something.
Ha, as if.
Any thoughts, of soulmates or otherwise, are forgotten when Tedros' hands start to wander, one goes from her waist to her hip and the other moves to explore her tight, squeezing it deliciously. Agatha retaliates by pulling on his hair, not as lightly as she probably should've, but is rewarded with a husky groan and a bite on her bottom lip.
(She does it again because that might be her new favorite sound.)
What. Is. Going. On.
Her last braincells are on fire. She was on fire.
Okay, young lady, de-attach yourself from the handsome male slo…
Oh God.
She's pretty much breathless when he decides to break the kiss, her lips chasing after his for the slightest second as he pulls away. Her heartbeat has never been this loud and she has no time to overthink, as, suddenly, his lips are on her neck. Agatha lets out a quiet, but embarrassingly needy, whine (as quietly as she could, but it didn't really matter, he heard her anyway) when he nips on her ear and then trails down to suck at her pulse point. Her hands snake their way from his hair to under his shirt's collar and Tedros shivers once she drags her short nails lightly on his upper back and shoulders, but she can still feel his very attractive smug smirk against her skin.
She felt drunk. She doesn't feel like that often.
Not the completely-trashed-I-just-had-countless-drinks kind of drunk and certainly not this don't-care-keep-going-my-blood-is-on-fire kind of drunk either. Like she wanted to keep touching Tedros for the rest of her life (the idea doesn't sound half bad), as fireworks danced around them and… God, if Sophie knows this guy how she could not marry him on the spot, because fuck…
He's leaving quite a few love bites along her collarbone, teasing, attempting (and succeeding) at drawing tiny sounds from her and Agatha can't take it anymore. She drags him back up to her mouth and somehow pulls him even closer. She did not like feeling weak, but to her surprise, Tedros seemed to possess the superpower of turning her completely boneless in the best kind of way.
Agatha is making out with Tedros.
Tedros is making out with her.
Agatha's eyes open in late realization and the two of them stare at each other for a few seconds.
So, this happened, huh?
"I… hm… have to go. Out of here. Home. Alone. Yeah, that," Agatha makes way around paralyzed Tedros, whom looks very confused and disoriented. His lips are tainted with coral lipstick, he's panting for air, his bright eyes dark with desire, clothes looking disrelished, pants looking a bit too tight, and he just looks throughfully kissed.
No, Agatha does not feel even a little tiny bit of pride by seeing him look like that because of her, what are you talking about, not sexy, not sexy at all.
… Maybe he could come along?
No. No, no, no.
She doesn't run away from him exactly, but she sure as hell wasn't walking. As she passes Hester and Anadil, the two of them raise eyebrows judgingly, but Agatha does her best to school her expression into neutrality.
If she waited a bit longer, she might have heard Tedros saying:
"Until tomorrow then."
Agatha regrets every single life choice that led her to this point.
She's sitting on a ridiculously shaped chair at Sophie's apartment building's terrace, brooding silently in the corner, with a big headache, while eating some diet cake that tasted like foam, listening to violin versions of bad pop songs, probably dying of heatstroke, and if that doesn't kill her soon enough, can someone please end her misery…
Hester and Anadil are not here after all. Agatha doesn't blame them. It might be for the best, because Agatha doesn't need to deal with Hester's judgy eyebrows right now. Dot is down in Sophie's apartment, at the kitchen, most likely trying to steal some wine and she is pretty much the only person here Agatha can stand.
She partly wonders if Hort will show up but decides she does not care. She's running on aspirin, her head feels like it was smashed against a wall multiple times, and it's too hot here, okay?
It's a hot sunny day and the limited shade would not be enough to cool Agatha down even if she wasn't wearing a scarf. Agatha hates this scarf. It was another one of Sophie's gifts, and Agatha hates it because it's an evil scarf that pinches her every five seconds. However it's the lightest scarf she owns, and she can't it take off.
Otherwise, someone might notice the dark mark on her neck, which her shirt could not hide, as was the case for the other ones, lower, in her collarbones.
Tedros freaking marked her. The nerve.
She's not nearly as pissed as she should be, because honestly she's kinda into it.
Taking off the scarf would lead to too much teasing and questions, she had no turtlenecks available (damn you, past-Agatha, for not doing your laundry) and if only she had the skills to cover it up with makeup. Not only was the scarf evil by itself, it made it impossible for her to not think of yesterday, therefore, making her even more irritable.
She is not the kind of person who kisses people at the club. She sure as hell wouldn't bring a guy she's just met, at the club of all places, home. What if he'd been a psycho? She doesn't know him. He'd know where she lived. She wouldn't go to his place either, that sounded even more irresponsible. But she wishes she had at least gotten his number, you know, instead of freaking out and running away. Well, he knew Chaddick, so maybe she could ask him?
No, that would be humiliating, and Agatha is trying to hang on to whatever dignity she had left.
Also, it had been almost an hour at this damned terrace party and she hasn't seen a single trace of Sophie's fiancé, but the blonde assured her he would be there soon. He's the late-type, hm.
Okay, so Agatha hates him already.
She has been to this terrace quite a few times, it was the one pro of Sophie's building, aside from cheap rent. But she was running out of both will and things to point out in small talk with all these models and small influencers. If she hears "Sophie has such a lovely terrace" one more time…
Suddenly, there was clank, signaling that someone pushed the terrace door open. As Sophie lit up and moved to greet the newcomer, Agatha felt the cake climb up her throat.
Holy hell, is that Tedros?
What is her life, really.
Agatha gets up from her chair quietly, observing the scene from behind a plant, trying not to be too obvious, just, ya know, casually chilling in the middle of the scorching sun. Sophie hugs him tightly, placing a kiss on his cheek, grinning as she laces their fingers together and starts walking in Agatha's general direction, pulling the handsome man behind her.
Hm, no.
Agatha resists the urge to pace in circles as she tries to gather her thoughts. It might be the hangover or the diet cake but seeing the two of them together made her wanna barf. Not because they didn't look good together. They did. In fact, maybe too good. Sophie's long soft hair was a shade or two lighter than Tedros', but other than that, they might as well have been made in the same Instagram-model-facility. Like a set, Barbie and Ken.
What is this feeling?
Oh no, she can see them approaching. Abort mission, leave, get out, hit the road…
"Aggie, darling!"
Agatha forces herself to fake a confident smile, as if she could always be found casually hanging out behind plants on saturday mornings. It turned out to be more of sheepish grin, especially when compared to her friend, whose pretty smile is almost too big for her too pretty face.
Sophie looked particularly gorgeous in her pastel green summer dress and peep-toe heels. Her tanned skin glows under the sun, the light catching in her green eyes on that special way that made photographers all around the industry want to work with her despite her inexperience, the grace within her movements creating an allure Agatha doesn't think she'd be able to recreate even if she were to be born again.
This is not good. Leave, abort mission, repeat, abort miss…
"Aggie, this is Tedros, you know, the one I was telling you about yesterday," she winked. "Teddy, this is my bestie, Agatha, you remember her, right?" Sophie nudges him lightly using her elbow.
Tedros looks even better now that she can see him in natural daylight. Which should be illegal, truly. He's wearing a plain white t-shirt and jeans, his hair made of pure gold looked just messy enough to not look too try-hard, yet something about him looked weirdly… staged? Agatha couldn't quite put her finger on it.
"I surely do," Tedros lets go of Sophie's hand, shoulders tensing, and Agatha thinks he might be blushing. Is he nervous? "We-"
"Nice to meet you," Agatha interrupts him, grasping his hand on a firm handshake and letting go just as fast, as if touching his skin would burn her. "Sophie told me a lot about you."
Play along, please. I beg you.
"Oh, hm, it's very nice to meet you too?" Tedros responds, confused, but not calling her out. "Nice scarf," he adds, his lips curling upwards, so very slightly she might have missed if she wasn't micro-analyzing his every movement. Smug bastard. She is all too aware of his gaze lingering on her neck, a hint of pride showing in his bright eyes, the teasing in his voice making her want to pull him down by the collar, whether to choke him or to kiss him she couldn't tell.
"Oh, isn't it cute? See, Aggie, I told you that color looked great on you!" Sophie cuts in, reaching to touch said scarf. Agatha steps back self-consciously, making an effort to not scratch the back of her neck as not to call more attention to it.
"Quite the bold fashion statement for the summer, may I add," Tedros continues as he casually leaned one elbow on Sophie's shoulder. Subtle enough that Sophie wouldn't read too much into it, but Agatha could see right through his shit. "But I like it. You look very pretty, Agatha"
How dare he, truly. No sham-
"So, I need to get going, work emergency you see, but I'll make it up to you, Sophie," Agatha excuses herself, quickly. She tells herself it's just the heat that it's bothering her, but her brain is going 300 miles per hours and she needs to leave. Now.
"Aggie, tomorrow we'll be having lunch at the country club, don't be late!"
"Yeah, be there, alright."
Agatha sprints down the complex's stairs as discreetly as she can, which is not much. By the time she's at her car, the weight of her realization hits her full force.
"I'm getting married, Aggie"
"Not Hort"
"You don't know him yet"
"Aggie, this is Tedros, you know, the one I was telling you about yesterday."
"That was literally three weeks ago."
"I dare you not to remember him. Pretty sure Sophie told you about how she met him again a few weeks ago at that event she went to? The one sponsored by Camelot International?"
"…Oh he's so great and wonderful, he's tall, has these hypnotizing eyes, they're so intense, its like they suck you in, Aggie! His hair is just wow, it's a very uncommon shade of blonde, the undertone is beautiful, so expensive-looking, but it's natural, he swears, and his skin is so soft you wouldn't believe, his name is…"
"bla, bla, bla, perfect, bla, bla, bla, handsome"
"He's so different from anyone I've ever met…"
"She feels somehow connected to this stranger, almost as if they were meant to be or something."
"Acting all smooth, as if she should know who he is!"
"He looked a bit offended."
"The name's Tedros?"
"God, if Sophie knows this guy how could she not marry him on the spot…"
"Sophie hugs him tightly, placing a kiss on his cheek, grinning as she laces their fingers together and starts walking, pulling the handsome man behind her."
Agatha is a very bad friend, isn't she?
She bangs her head on the wheel.
Then, she regrets doing so, opening the car's door, so she could vomit some diet cake and last night's alcohol on the parking lot's floor before driving away.
By a miracle, Agatha survives the drive home and makes it back home in one piece.
As she walks into her own apartment, she does not feel half as guilty as she thought she would be. But she was very, very angry. Furious, actually.
At herself for being both a dumbass and a bad friend, at Tedros for being a player, at Chaddick for being a dick in general, at Sophie for being Sophie, at Dot for not warning her and even at Hester for not being at the party today so Agatha could at least not freak out by herself.
She can't do anything for the rest of the day, because trying to work, read or sleep is useless, since she can't focus with all the internal screeching her mind is doing. Her existence now doesn't make any sense and Agatha is about to tear her hair out, lying down in her bed, staring at the celling.
(There's a long crack on there and for whatever reason, it reminded her of a river. Probably because it didn't look like anything else.)
She contemplates calling Hester and telling her everything but ultimately decides against it. She can't bring herself to explain this out loud, least of all hear any possible lecture Hester might give her. Is this how Sophie feels when she decides hide things from her-
Oh my God, Sophie.
Tedros was engaged. To Sophie. He was Sophie's fiancé.
Agatha is not freaking out at all.
At last, ten long hours of sulking later, Agatha is feeling a lot guiltier, still very much pissed and just confused as a whole.
She made out with Sophie's fiancé. Should she tell her? Yes. Would she? To be decided.
Maybe they wouldn't even get married. Come on, a few weeks? There's no way Sophie will keep up this insanity. Telling her about the club incident would only hurt their life-long friendship over a guy who wasn't even gonna last two months. Years of companionship out the window. She had no intention of doing it again so, did it really matter? What the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't feel, right?
She hadn't even known he was Sophie's fiancé!
But then again, Sophie had told her all about him. She didn't listen because she was a bad friend! Was she really gonna play the "I didn't know" card...?
It was the truth!
But no one would believe her. Fuck, if Agatha were Sophie, she wouldn't believe herself. Agatha was a smart grown woman, godamn it. What kind of dumb bitch even-
This wedding wasn't happening. No need to worry, right?
For now, Agatha has two long weeks of supposedly weeding-related bonding moments with Sophie to survive, without accidentally letting slip that, oh, talked, drank, danced and made out with Tedros.
Well, shit.
Even if one ignored the fact that the guilt was starting to eat Agatha alive from inside out, the next day would still have been a long, tortured journey of nothing but cringe and regrets. Yet she bore it, because she, even if accidentally, brought this on herself.
Agatha got up early on a sunday (name a bigger crime) to try and get something done, since she would probably have little time to work in the following weeks. Then, she went to have lunch with Sophie at a fancy country club (that Sophie couldn't afford by the way, which earned her a lecture on credit cards and personal finances) hoping to have that "red-flag" talk.
It did not go well.
Sophie had invited him along. Of course, she would. Apparently, since she was getting married soon, Agatha should be used to have him around. And, of course, Sophie would have decided to tell her he was coming the moment he walked in, headed to their table.
This is Sophie's fiancé. Do. Not. Stare.
What kind of cosmic karma is this? He isn't even her type.
"Afternoon, ladies."
Sophie greeted the blonde with a smile and a hug, as Agatha merely nodded his way, scanning the room for the closest exit.
"Hi Teddy!"
Lunch is awkward as hell and at this point Agatha is just waiting for a waiter to come and stab her. It ends up being both not so terrible and the worst lunch ever because she does talk quite a lot with Tedros, against her better judgment.
She learns that Tedros did go to her school, for three years. Sophie asks him if he remembers Agatha, and from Tedros' silence, Agatha assumes he doesn't want to admit to having been part of Chaddick's... shenanigans.
Her friend then talks astrology, and Agatha learns that he is a leo (because of course he would), is kinda proud of it but says he doesn't believe in astrology, prompting Sophie to start a discussion on why he wouldn't believe in astrology if he believed in tarot. The way he blushes and stammers is cute and makes Agatha feel horrible for thinking so, but she asks him about tarot anyway. She's just being polite, okay?
He mentions he'd turned 26 a while ago and recently moved back to the city, as he moved away to go to college in Avalon. She tells him she almost went there, but her scholarship did not include a dormroom and she knew no one there to share an apartment with. His answer is a blunt "I know", which both confuses and pisses her off.
Tedros offers her no further info on it, but they engage in conversation again after he mentions he is working at Camelot International.
("As one of the main executives on the board," Sophie adds, "it's one of the most powerful companies in the country.")
They quickly bond over their massive workloads (Agatha may not be a main executive of a huge corporate empire, but damn if being head finance director for SGE Enterprises didn't keep her busy enough), until Sophie slips that he must be very lucky to be the sole heir to the Pendragon Group.
Tedros Pendragon. Are you kidding? Agatha remembers seeing his family's name being all over the news back in school and she feels dumb for not remembering that Tedros and 'that Pendragon boy' were the same person. Hadn't his parents had a huge cheating-divorce-scandal that caused the stock for the company to plummet a few years ago?
Tedros frowns at Sophie before saying that, "Yes, indeed, he's very lucky."
The blonde doesn't seem to notice the way his hands grip the fork tightly as he pronounces the last word, but Agatha does.
It adds on to the list of things that keep her awake later, after she does her damn laundry and stress-cleans her entire apartment. She curses as she turns and tosses on her bed, because it's 2 AM, work starts in a few hours and she needs to sleep.
The next four days are not much different, the routine is pretty much the same, except they have dinner plans instead of lunch. Work, eat, work, do bridesmaid shit with Sophie and Tedros somewhere, avoid his gaze, talk for a bit over something like choosing the best flower arrangements, and then hightail out of there, only to come home and be restless.
She was still very confused, because honestly, Tedros didn't seem bad at all. The more she talked to him, the least she wanted to stop talking to him. He definitely had some family issues and was doing some overcompensating, but nothing that made him, like, a total trash human.
And yet, he was still the guy who hit on her (fucking made out with her), knowing exactly who she was, while being engaged to her best friend.
She always thought herself a good judge of character.
Anyway, she did her best to act aloofly polite and if he ever seemed to hint at the night at The Woods, Agatha cut him off before he could. It was a good plan. Wait it out. And it really was working just fine.
Until the dress store.
For some reason she cannot wrap her head around, Tedros is there too.
(Isn't there a tradition against seeing the dress of your bride before the wedding or something?)
At some point, Sophie struggles to get into a particularly complicated dress at the dressing room, yelling at the poor employees like a harpy on a rampage and Agatha is about to intervene when he manages to pull her aside, his grip firm but with a certain gentleness that made her skin burn.
He semi-drags her across the store through a sea of sparkly white dresses and into this small nook between sections. Agatha does not want to admit that the main reason why he is able to do that is because she allows him to.
Things only go downhill from there.
He has her cornered, her back nearly merging with the wall as he stands close to her, his posture tense, moving slowly, like one would in presence of a startled animal. He doesn't look like he is trying to purposely intimidate her, and she doesn't feel particularly unsafe. No words are spoken between them and the silence allows Agatha's senses to pick up on a deliciously rich smell. Is that Tedros' cologne-
Agatha forces down the rash that is creeping up her neck and tries to focus on doing what she does best, aka, running away from her problems. She looks anywhere but his face, but he is not making ignoring him an easy job.
"I don't get you."
"Excuse me?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about."
Agatha scoffs, arms crossing in front of her chest.
"I truly don't."
Her response seems to annoy him, which she counts as a win, but Agatha might have declared victory just a bit too soon. Tedros, who was a couple of feet away has managed to get way too close (yet again). His hand raises her chin and forces her to look into his eyes. Her resolution to run away falters and she's scared he might hear her heartbeat speed up.
"Playing dumb doesn't suit you, Agatha. One second you don't like me, then you do like me, then you don't again… I don't understand the game you're playing here… So, I'll make this simple, you won, congratulations, now stop playing games, now you know I'm interested."
Agatha blinks. This is… not the conversation she thought she was going to have.
Of course, during her nightly overthinking sessions she thought about what she'd say if he confronted her about the previous friday, even if she didn't think he'd have the balls to actually do it. But she seems to have been reduced to this dumpster fire nonsense. Tedros never did what she thought he was going to do and it was short-circuiting her braincells.
She's way too aware of the hold he has on her, the compromising situation they're in. One of his hands cages Agatha in, placed on the wall behind her head, while the other keeps her from adverting her gaze from his. Tedros is too close, he smells too good and his mouth looks too inviting.
She hears him, but she doesn't really hear him, his presence fogging up her senses.
Agatha briefly entertains the idea of giving into temptation and kissing him. How nice it would be to grab his collar, invert their positions, slam him against the wall and kiss him senseless, so he could feel just how helpless she felt having him corner her like this. Kiss him and just leave him there, wanting, begging, and…
What. Wow, fuck. Stop.
A new thought hits her like a ton bricks.
This guy is an asshole.
Tedros looks irritated and Agatha wants to punch him.
So she does.
She's strong enough to give him a black eye, but she (unintentionally, Agatha swears) holds backs and aims for his chest. However, she can tell it hurt a lot by the way his eyes water and he backs away several steps. She hears Sophie yelling their names across the store and giving Tedros one last glare, she turns around and walks away.
The nerve.
Why would anyone marry him?
Sophie needed a wakeup call. And fast. Because while Sophie could be a nightmare, she did not deserve to be played like that.
Agatha was not a superstitious person.
If she forgot her umbrella at home and it started raining when she left the dress shop (Tedros and Sophie both offered her a ride but she would rather choke, honestly, and said no, forgetting that she rode here with Sophie in the first place), it's not fate, it's bad luck. If she gets sick and loses her voice (and therefore can't go do neither her work or her bridesmaid duty), it's not conspiracy, it's simply a coincidence.
Well, call it fate, call it bad luck, call it conspiracy, call it coincidence. The case is that Agatha has lost her voice and has both a running nose and a fever. She considers texting the whole story to Sophie but changes her mind when she imagines the blonde woman's reaction.
Agatha, you're such a slut.
She is going to tell Sophie about this… this… this individual. Yeah, she was going to come clean and expose Tedros. No wedding.
Why was Tedros marrying Sophie anyway? She could understand why Sophie would go for Tedros. He did seem like her type. Young, rich, successful and handsome.
(Not really what she herself looked for. Agatha tended to go for witty, responsible people and who did not mind her blunt nature. Never in the history of ever, had Sophie and Agatha been interested on the same person.)
Anyway, he would give her lots of exposure, would look great on her Instagram feed, would be able to save her from her terrible apartment, student loan and infinite credit card debt, and would open up the world of fancy designer shoes and pretty gowns Sophie always dreamed of.
But why would he do that?
Tedros was, again, young, rich, successful and handsome. He hardly expressed any special affection towards Sophie or had the usual lovesick look most of Sophie's victims sported when they found themselves bewitched by her. They didn't really agree on much, from what Agatha gathered on their conversations, had no shared interests, lived completely different lifestyles, had different moral values and overall didn't seem to have the grandiose connection Sophie spoke of at all. Maybe he was with her because she was pretty? But again, why. There werw thousands of pretty girls willing to date young rich men, why Sophie in particular?
Something about this seemed off. She needs to talk to Sophie.
…When she recovered.
Alright, maybe it was conspiracy. The wedding was in two days.
Two days.
She supposes time does go by quickly when you're procrastinating something you really, really don't want to do. Nearly two weeks gone by in a flash. And, as she should, Agatha finally gets herself together. She is going to tell Sophie.
Well, she was going to tell Sophie. The blonde and a few of her friends were at The Woods for a last girl's night out. Meaning:
Sophie was currently drunk.
But maybe she wasn't?
She probably was though. Sophie was the most lightweight person Agatha knew, likely because she was so skinny. Girl could not hold her alcohol and drunk-Sophie was messy-Sophie. Unwilling, untamable and unimaginably difficult to have a coherent conversation with.
But, maybe she wasn't drunk? Agatha was not going to risk it.
She forces herself to hurry. She doesn't change out of her work outfit (merely discarding the suit's jacket), stopping by her house to feed Reaper and leave some important documents. Agatha even nearly forgets to lock her front door, calling a car to the club, hoping it might not be too late to come clean. But she was late anyway, as proven not only by the 15 bucks that left her wallet (for the second time this month) but by-
"Aggieeeee! You're better! Have you taaaasted this? It's amaziiiing!"
Agatha glares at Chaddick, who has the decency to look away. He knew the amount of alcohol Sophie was capable of processing, namely: none.
"Yeah, I have…"
"You should have seen, Sophie; the other night Agatha was so wasted she ma…"
"Chaddick, don't you have somewhere to be? As in, not here?"
The ex-jock walks away with a smirk, knowing he had some nice blackmailing material on her. Could this get any more horrible?
Now what? Should she just take Sophie home? Sober her up, tell her everything then beg for forgiveness? She couldn't. Then what to do, what to do…
"Sophie, I have to tell you something, it's really important, you see…"
"Oh Aggie, I'm sure you can tell me laaaaaatteerrrr! I've been so stressed lately! Time to let it goooo! Come on, I'll even pay your first drinkkkk!"
Her friend lifted a glass of what looked and smelled like a vodka and gin disaster waiting to happen.
"Sophie, what is even that?"
"Not sure…but Chaddick told me it was good."
Agatha sighs. She should tell the truth, right here, right now, shouldn't she?
"… Alright."
And she would have if she were a better person. But to her shame, she downs five more after the first and suddenly she can't remember why she came here on the first place. Something about a guy?
(Lies, Agatha knows exactly what she is doing, but for a few more hours she gives herself the benefit of the doubt.)
Whatever, she'll just deal with it later. She hasn't said anything for the past few days, surely it can wait some more, right?
Said and done, five hours later Agatha concludes she is a horrible human being. She should just quit. Leave the job of human being for people who will not mess up. Like Hester. Hester never messes up shit. Yeah, great plan.
Sophie is knocked out cold, sleeping with her face in a table, drooling, besides said Hester, who has her usual judgy face on, glaring at the blonde woman, like she was some kind of disgusting creature.
Agatha doesn't think she could feel worse.
She should have just told Sophie the truth right away. The moment she found out Tedros was, well, Tedros. Instead she had gone along with a wedding that was sure to be a fiasco, because not only was the groom a liar and a player, but Agatha was therefore his accomplice, and her silence was probably the greatest betrayal of their entire friendship.
She picks up her phone to call a car, so she could at the very least wallow in misery at home, but before the app even loads someone snatches her phone.
Turns out she can indeed feel worse.
"We need to talk."
His voice sounds as it always does whenever she's around, half-annoyed and half-something else Agatha doesn't dare name. As usual, he looks nice. His tight shirt and tie are still in perfect place, unlike the last time she saw him here, signaling he too probably came straight from work.
"This is girl's night; you're not allowed here."
"Oh, I'm not?" Tedros mocks her, but she can tell his heart isn't truly in it. "Then please do tell me the circumstances in which I can talk to you, because you sure don't make it easy."
She is so tired. Trying to avoid him is hard enough, trying to avoid him knowing that she doesn't really want to is impossible. She has always read people so well, and he always seems so genuine. It makes her wanna believe he is not the bad person she knows he is.
"…I've been… avoiding you. It's not that I don't want to talk to you. Is just… that I shouldn't," she hesitates but ends up answering honestly.
Tedros' expression softens at her candor, peering at her with concern.
"Are you drunk?"
"No. Maybe."
He sighs, then digs his car keys from his pocket, still holding her phone hostage on his other hand.
"Look, I'll give you a ride home. I really just wanna talk. We have…unfinished business."
Agatha considers. All this wedding-baloney made her poor, Tedros is so pretty, he looks so wholesome and honest, and she just wants to sulk at home for the next few hours. Maybe he could stay for a day or two. That shirt of his would look great on her floor…
No, bad idea.
"I don't wanna get into a stranger's car," she blurts out the first excuse her mind can manage. In retrospect, that was some obvious bullshit, seeing as they had talked for hours last week and he had already given her a ride before. Granted, it had been Sophie's car and Sophie had been there, but still, that didn't make much sense.
"Oh truly?" he holds up her phone, the ride app now open, "You're gonna pull that one on me?"
It's Agatha's turn to sigh.
"Okay don't go using logic on me, mister. For all I know, you could be planning on kidnapping me and selling my organs on the black market," or worse, actually talking to her.
"Can never be too careful, can we?" he looks partly amused and partly annoyed. "Look, I'm serious here, okay? I'm not going to do anything to you, we can talk to Hester on our way out, I'm sure she'll hunt me and string me up upside down at her soundproofed basement in case I even dream of harming you. Alright?" Tedros's eyes never leave her face in the twenty seconds she takes to decide, and it's really distracting, but she manages to answer:
"Okay, fine."
They talk to Hester, rather, Tedros talks to Hester while Agatha avoids her gaze shamefully. Why does Tedros know Hester? Did they ever talk during school?
Agatha doesn't know and she doesn't ask. Her gaze lingers on Sophie's drooling face and she feels her chest tighten.
The two of them walk into the parking lot awkwardly, in mortifying silence, and enter a silver Porsche. Agatha notes that it looks very out of place, since most cars belonged to employees and looked rather humble next to the silver beauty. Why was Tedros here? He came in his car, so he was not here to drink. Did Sophie tell him to pick her up? Or was he here to see Agatha?
Her heart skips at beat at the thought and she doesn't ask him any of this either.
"Nice ride," she offers instead.
Tedros drives in silence, with Agatha occasionally telling him to turn on certain streets. She keeps her gaze on the empty roads, but she does catch quite a stunning sight of his profile when she forgets she's not supposed to look at him at all.
To avoid getting too in her head, she decides to turn on the radio. The song that starts playing is familiar and she guesses the radio must be on CD mode. The letters in bold red on the visor tell her she is correct, and this is indeed the song she thinks it is.
"You're into this kind of stuff?"
Tedros grips the wheel, almost defensively.
"They're really good, okay? I've been listening to them for a few years and so far, they're my favorite band. I know their sound isn't for everyone and-"
"I know."
"…It's not what most mainstream artists are doi- you what?"
Agatha blushes when she feels his incredulous gaze on her face, and it occurs her that this is the first time he looks directly at her since they got into his car. She hopes he'll attribute the redness on her cheeks to the red light they're currently stuck at and hesitates before answering, in a quiet voice, meeting his stare:
"They're my favorite band too."
The rest of the drive is less awkward, one would even say comfortable if not for the leftover tension. They sing along quietly to the vocalist and Agatha is sure Tedros stopped himself from doing the guitar once. Not cute, not cute, not cute.
Eventually, they get to her apartment building. She reaches over and turns off the radio, the deafening silence almost too much to bear.
Agatha tries reaching for the car door, but it's locked.
"I did tell you we needed to talk."
Usually, she'd be scared if a guy trapped her in his car in the middle of the night, but Agatha's frustration just comes back at full force and topples over anything else.
"What's to talk, you're clearly into someone else."
Tedros' eyes go big, and Agatha can't help but think he must be the world's greatest actor. Oscar nomination performance. The academy is shook-
"What? Did you, like, not hear anything I sa-"
"I'm not that kind of girl, Tedros," Agatha interrupts him firmly, "I don't hook up with anyone who's in a relationship, especially in a relationship with my best friend, no matter how stupidly short said relationship may be."
"I… Did Sophie tell you-"
"She didn't need to? You guys are engaged, and I am not going to get caught in between, okay? Please, please leave me alone. Don't talk to me. Don't look at me. Don't give me rides when I'm drunk."
Suddenly, Tedros' confused expression is gone and his eyes are gleaming with what looks like joy. He looks like he might kiss her and Agatha is not sure how well her defenses will hold in case he does.
"Agatha, I think you got this all wrong, I'm not-"
"What, you have amnesia? Or, let me guess, it's your twin brother who's engaged to her?"
Tedros burst out laughing and he sounds like an angel, throwing his head back, and Agatha forgets for a second that she's mad at him. But eventually reality brings her back and she pushes him, with just enough force to get his attention.
"Leave me the fuck alone, dude."
This time when she reaches for the door, it's unlocked.
She glares at him from the sidewalk one more time, before entering the building.
Agatha doesn't hear a word from him after that.
It's for the best, she tells herself. Agatha spent so much time wishing he would just go away and take these weird feelings he gives her with him that she didn't even consider that once he did go away for real, new, stronger, and even more angsty feelings would appear. She only knew him for two weeks. He wasn't even hers. She has no grieving rights.
She goes out with Sophie one more time, and now it's just the two of them. It would be the perfect time to tell her. She has no excuses. No drinking, no sickness, no Tedros-
Agatha doesn't.
Today is the day.
It's a clear summer night, which is unfair with how angsty and conflicted Agatha feels. Hollywood lied to us all, hasn't it?
Agatha is dressed in a silky blue dress Sophie chose for her. It suits her and she thinks she looks quite pretty. Someone who actually knew what they were doing did her make-up, and for once she managed to tame her hair into submission, putting it into a fancy-looking up-do youtube taught her how to do. She's wearing her best shoes and her fanciest earrings. Agatha is looking and smelling like a daydream outside the main room of the church, but her hands are shaking and she's terrified.
She's not ready. Far from it really.
The rules were simple. If you're not the bride you don't wear white, you don't overdrink, and you never, ever, under any circumstances, fall in love with the groom.
No matter if they were hot, if they smelled good, if their eyes made you feel weak at the knees, if they shared common interests with you, if their taste was impossible to forget, if they went out of their way to get your attention or if they felt like they just might be the one.
You just didn't okay?
Shit, this was messed up. Still, Agatha brought herself to breathe deeply, trying to contain her anxiety.
The ceremonialist tells her it's her cue and she's soon walking down the aisle, clutching a small bouquet of pink carnations like a lifeline, looking around the church.
The place is crowded. Their entire social circle and their grandmother seem to be here. People from their childhood neighborhood, people from school, both of Sophie's parents, her stepmother and step siblings, quite a few models and influencers and a bunch of people she had never seen, probably Tedros' friends, family and co-workers.
The flowers and decorations look as amazing and beautiful as she would have expected from Sophie and she might have seen Hester, Anadil and Dot on a row somewhere, but that's not what made her almost freeze, nearly stumbling on the red carpet.
The groom.
He's wearing an expensive-looking white tuxedo, his hair is an unnatural platinum blonde and his eyes are disturbingly intense. He's tall, sharp and everything about him screams fancy. He's attractive in the way some snakes are attractive, beautiful and deadly, but the big deal is:
Agatha has never seen that man in her entire life.
She goes to her spot standing by the side, her brain running a marathon, tons of data just being tossed aimlessly on her mind as she tries to wrap her head around what the actual fuck is going on when her eyes meet someone else's.
Seating on the third row on the left, Tedros' blue eyes are shinning in complete and absolute amusement, his hand is over his mouth in a barely controlled laugh. The music seems to be on his side, because no one hears him. Agatha schools her expression into anything other than the overbearing wrath she feels, but she's not sure if she's doing a good job.
She's somewhat aware of the chaos that seems to be unfolding around her; the ceremonialist's screeching, the groom's rage, the crowd's confused mumbling and Sophie's absence. But it does not matter.
Agatha really wants to choke Tedros with his tie.
Turns out, Sophie's groom was named Rafal. Not that Agatha would remember his name a few days from now.
He is the current CEO of Two Brothers, a huge company, often associated with the mafia for fucks sake. Known playboy and womanizer, with a criminal record for drug dealing, as well as physical and sexual assault. Also, partially involved on the illegal leaks of information that caused the media scandal around Tedros' parents' divorce all those years ago, she later learns.
Great guy, Sophie. 10/10. Husband material right there.
At least she didn't follow through, Agatha argues to try and calm herself down. Oh yeah, Sophie ran away from her own wedding. No one was surprised honestly. Maybe Rafal. He looked very, very angry. Agatha didn't really blame him, after knowing that he was the one paying for the wedding, after party and honeymoon, no matter how horrible of a person he seems to be.
By now, Sophie should be in Paris, enjoying her honeymoon tickets and reservations. Through text, she tells Agatha how lonely and sad she is and how she'll tell her everything that happened in complete details on their next café meeting in a about month and a half. Agatha suspects she is not as lonely as she claims to be because Hort's Instagram stories tell her he is currently in Europe as well, if not in Paris. But then again, she will not concern herself over this matter. "No wedding" was good news enough to keep her in a great mood for any of Sophie's shenanigans for the next following weeks.
And since the reception was already paid for, everyone just decided to come enjoy it.
Yes, when she says everyone, she means everyone.
"Hey, you."
Oh, Lord, no.
Agatha doesn't lift her head to look at him, continuing to type a half-assed reply to Sophie's whiny texts. She won't give him the satisfaction. Instead she downs whatever is left of her whisky, because that's what one does when courage lacks.
She's sitting at the main table of the ballroom, by herself, mostly because it's where she's been assigned to sit, but also because she's not up for the questions the other guests will probably feel entitled to ask if she were to sit with them. Hester is nowhere in sight, but Agatha is sure she's making herself scarce on purpose. She saw Chaddick back at the church but they politely ignored each other and Dot had been missing for quite a while.
"Not speaking to me?"
"Come on, it was pretty funny."
"No, it wasn't," she finally looks up at him and he must have sensed true resentment in her perfectly lined brown eyes, because his smug, perfect façade crumbled, and he looked very awkward suddenly. Tedros pulls up the chair beside her and she notices it has his name on it. Sophie was not being subtle on her matchmaking at all, was she?
God, Agatha was so dumb.
"Well, it wasn't very funny to me either then, but I do laugh quite a bit now," he offers, sipping on champagne, trying to keep busy.
"I'm glad my pain amuses you," she's quiet for few seconds, considering what she's going to say. "Tedros?"
"Yeah?" he looks up from his flute of champagne, hopeful blue eyes shining in the half light of the candlelit ballroom and keeping her from saying what she was actually going to say, so instead she blurts:
"I'm not sorry for punching you."
"I didn't expect you to be," his smile is friendly and contagious. He downs the last of his champagne and extends a hand to her. "Okay, let's start again. I'm Tedros, I'm so single it hurts, and when we were in high school, I had a crush on you."
The way he says this so openly, his voice so even and clear nearly drowns out the vulnerable look on his face. Agatha herself can barely register his expression because she's pretty sure her brain has short-circuited. Again.
"No, you did not."
"But I did."
Tedros proceeds to tell her all sorts of things.
He tells her about how he first saw her as a rival because of her grades (she never really paid any attention to the scoreboard, she thought it was bullshit, but in retrospect she does remembers his name was always under hers), and about how sorry he was that he laughed and partook at Chaddick's antics during junior year, mostly because he the felt like 'the new guy with a big name and no friends' and felt she was a threat.
"That's some real introspection and self-awareness right there, hm"
"I'm just fortunate enough to have had a really good therapist," Tedros responds, "Merlin is like a psychology-wizard. He was the one who kinda sorted out that maybe part of my teen angst was repressed attraction to someone who fed the cats behind the library"
"Oh, then you've been my stalker for quite some time then."
Tedros blushes and Agatha is both flattered and embarrassed at the same time.
He then explains about how shit blew up on his face during his parents' divorce, how his grades dropped, how he got kicked out of the football team and how he started to spend a long ass time sulking at the library. Which just so happened to be Agatha's favorite hangout spot at the time. Tedros tells her how he thought she was cute, how she was one of the people who hadn't changed with him (even if unintentionally) and how he wanted to get to know her.
"I just… wasn't sure how to approach you? I always dragged Chaddick to your tea shop when I didn't see you at the library but then chickened out and-"
"...I take neither of you were huge tea fans?"
"That does explain a lot," Agatha mumbles.
"I was going to talk to you about Avalon when I heard you were going there, but… Since you didn't tell me that, I kinda found out when Chaddick took your math notebook to be my 'wingman', I didn't think you would have…appreciated.
"Wait, that was Chaddick playing your wingman?" Agatha burst out laughing.
"The plan was that I was supposed to casually hand back to you something you forgot, but he kinda grew tired of waiting for you to actually forget something," Tedros chuckled. "If you thought Chaddick was bad then what big word is Miss-best-in-class going to use to describe Sophie's take on playing wingwoman?"
"Horrendous," Agatha deadpans and now it's Tedros turn to laugh.
Silence sits between the two. It's not uncomfortable and kinda welcome. Agatha digests the last forty minutes of enlighting conversation as they eat the main course of the night. A waiter comes to pick up both of their plates and she decides she still has some questions.
"Well, do you still do?"
"Do I still what?" Tedros questions, his head slightly inclined, like a confused puppy.
"Have a crush on me," Agatha mumbles, her cheeks burning.
Tedros' expression goes from 'confused' back to that mischievous look he had back at the church, leaning towards her ever so slightly.
"Good," she offers her hand, as he had before, "I'm Agatha, I jump to conclusions, but I am very interested in getting to know you."
Tedros however, doesn't shake her hand as she had his. Instead, he takes it to his lips, pressing a light kiss to her knuckles, relishing in the shocked look on her face before she can school her expression back to unaffected aloofness.
"Are you free at six next friday?"
"Late meeting, but I'm good at seven. Pick me up?" she asks, an unspoken challenge laced in her words.
"As the lady wishes." Challenge accepted. "Any preferences?"
"Anywhere but 'The Woods'. But make sure to text me first if it's somewhere fancy," she smiles. "You know what? I still don't have your number."
Tedros confidently stands up, his hand yet to release hers.
"A number for a dance?"
Agatha told him that night at 'The Woods' that she isn't a very good dancer but again, he insists. It's fine, because they don't dance for long anyway. By the time Tedros gives up, fumbling with his phone to call a car, his hair is already a mess, Agatha's broke free from her up-do and there is lipstick everywhere.
I'm not sorry This was so much fun to revisit. I forgot how fun SGE was. I kinda fell out of touch with the series. I did read QFG, I just can't remember what happens in it? Idk. I felt the series should have concluded on TLEA. If possible before the whole Agatha and Sophie baloney stunt, because I never bought that. Please leave me comment and share your thoughts with me! Hope you are all safe during this quarantine, friends
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Why So Jaded Chapter 11
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Oh it’s getting to be a family affair now. AO3, FFN. The chapter is called The Give For The Take for a very good reason. Enjoy. 
Why So Jaded?
Chapter 11
“So were you good for Vi?” Helen asked Jack when Violet dropped him off at home on Sunday night.
“Yeah! We had a great time. We got to hang out with Barret the whole time.” Jack gleefully informed her.
“B..who?” Helen asked.
“His full name is Bartholomew Maximillian Pine, Mr. Pine, my other asset at work? We call him Barret for short.” Violet tried to honestly yet vaguely answer.
“Oh, but I thought he was on house arrest at SEB for the bet he made?” Helen asked.
“He is, so we hung out with him. He helped Jack with his school project about radio waves because the Lord knows I couldn’t.” Violet informed her mother.
“And he’s friends with Evan’s mom! You know Evan- he usually goes to Milham park with his little brother Alex and his little sister Kaely? Tammy has short bobbed hair cut, brown hair.” Jack tried to jog his mom’s memory.
“Oh yeah! Tammy. She’s really nice.” Helen recalled.
“Well I got invited to Evan’s birthday party in a couple of weeks, can I go? It’s on the 18th. They’re having it at Scene It.” Jack pleaded.
“I could take him if you already had plans.” Violet offered as Helen looked at her calendar on her fridge.
“Yeah, that would be nice.” Helen appraised.
“We’re supposed to be taking Jr and Dillion that weekend.” Bob said as he came over and looked at the calendar.
“Yeah who did Dash spend his weekend with anyway?” Violet asked as both of her parents just shook their heads with a defeated sigh.  
“Who knows.” Bob grumbled as he got a beer from the fridge.
“So tell me about Barret, Jack.” Bob invited.
“He’s awesome! He cooks so good, like Bobby Flay, like he made us all these amazing dishes from scratch and he showed me how to make a risotto, he’s a genius and an inventor and he explained radio waves to me and I should be getting an A on this project. And he’s actually really nice and sucks at cards. I demolished him at rummy but he was a really gracious loser and a good sportsman, he has no ego and he’s not the most handsome guy but his personality is awesome, just a really nice, easy going guy.” Jack appraised honestly.
“And that’s why we’re friends.” Violet added.
“Aww, that’s sweet.” Helen cooed as she got dinner ready as Bob simply nodded and retreated to the living room with his can of beer as Jack followed his dad and continued to sing Barret's praises, in an effort to get his dad to at least like the idea of Barret.
“Can you stay for dinner Vi?” Helen asked hopefully.
“I’d love to. Here, let me help.” Violet offered as she grabbed some potatoes and started to help peel them.
“So what’s Barret really like?” Helen asked as they stood side by side over the trashcan peeling potatoes.
“He’s genuine. And a gentleman. We ended up staying really late Friday because we just got caught up talking and getting to know each other, and by each other, his company and myself. Jack obviously knew Barret’s company and played nice with the other kids and it was just a nice dinner that I got to stay for and it was just...hanging out with friends. They’re just normal people. Like normal normal, with kids and mortgages and student loan debt. Anyway, Barret didn’t want me to drive home exhausted so he let Jack and I take his bed while he took his own couch. He was just..really nice. He never pushes for closeness or intimacy of any kind, he's down to earth whereas with Phil it’s just one head game after another when his head isn't crammed so far up his own ass it comes back out the other end again or when his head gets so big, it can't be contained inside Madison Square Gardens because it's a freaking blimp and his ego is as fragile as a hanging nut sack, it's a very nice and welcome change of pace. It was actually almost fun to just be casual and hang out and not watch the clock to count down the minutes until I’m free. And not having to always watch my back and watch the exits and think of exit strategies or expecting attacks every other second or worrying about doing or saying the wrong thing that’ll bite me in the ass later, like turning off for once instead of always being on you know?” Violet  answered honestly.
“Well I’m glad you had a good weekend and it sounded like you spent it with a friend. You need more of those.” Helen noted as she smiled at her daughter.
“Thanks, so. How was your weekend?” Violet returned.
“It was so fun. We ended up doing a gig upstate and after we got a cabin and just got to relax after, it was great.” Helen sighed happily as Violet simply smiled, albeit a little sadly. Because she doubted she would ever get to enjoy the wedded bliss her parents enjoyed. If she lived long enough to get married that is.
Just then Dash came into the house.
“Oh good, I didn’t miss dinner.” Dash smiled happily as his stomach started to growl.
“If you’re gonna help eat it, you should help make it.” Violet urged.
“But you two do it so well, I would only be in the way.” Dash excused himself as he grabbed beer from the fridge and started chugging it.
“You look really nice by the way Violet, green is definitely your color.” Dash praised as she squeezed by them to get to the box of cookies on the counter.
“I’m not giving you any more money, you still haven’t paid me back from the last three times I gave you money.” Violet immediately insisted when Dash tried hugging her from behind.
“Who said anything about money?” Dash pretended to be appalled that Violet would insinuate that.
“No one, and it will not be brought up again.” Violet insisted and she could only smirk smugly when he huffed and pulled away from her sullenly.
“So which underwear catalog model were you with this weekend Dash?” Violet asked.
“Victoria’s Secret, with Bianca.” Dash grinned cheekily with a click of his teeth as Violet visibly gagged.
“For the love of God and all that holy, please tell me you wore a condom.” Helen urged.
“Uh I think we should be asking Violet if she’s been wearing condoms when she was with Phillip in Vegas of all places, I’m surprised she didn’t come back married as Mrs. Sebastian.” Dash snidely returned as he began to walk away and Violet’s eyes glowed ultraviolet for a moment as her anger started to build.
“First of all, that’s none of your business, second, that was work and well within the parameters of my contract, third, considering my track record, as opposed to yours, who has not one, but two children already by two different women? And they’re only six months apart? And don’t you pay enough in child support already? You really want to add a third payment?” Violet spat back.
“Well some of us don’t roll around in money Violet! Besides, aren’t you paying enough in rent at Sky Way?” Dash sneered condescendingly.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, you know if you could keep it in your pants for more than five minutes, you’d be able to afford to live there too, don’t you get enough in endorsements between Nike, Body Armor and all your White Lightning merch and endorsements? Just up your appearance fees or better yet, if you- you know, invested some of that money instead of spending it faster than you’re making it, you’d be able to live wherever you wanted to.” Violet returned defensively.
“I do invest it, it’s just not getting the same returns your money makes apparently.” Dash returned.
“Oh my God, will you two stop it! Ugh, aren’t your kids supposed to get along once they leave home?” Helen complained.
“Dash, just go to the living room, dinner will be ready in a bit.” Helen decided.
“Stuck up.” Dash muttered under his breath.
“Leech.” Violet spat back.
“If he moves back in you better be charging him rent.” Violet insisted to her mother.
“Oh trust me, he’ll never move back in because I would never let him bring home another woman other than the two he's already impregnanted and when he wasn’t working, he’d be watching his own kids.” Helen reassured her.
“And heaven forbid he not have a revolving door on his bedroom.” Violet spat.
“I’m still holding out hope that he’ll find the right girl and settle down.” Helen confessed.
“Yeah, somehow, I get the distinct impression that will happen to Jack before that ever happens with Dash.” Violet ventured as she took her now peeled potatoes and rinsed them off in the sink before she got a cutting board out and started cutting up the now peeled potatoes into bite sized chunks.
“Well it just might happen with you before it could happen with Jack.” Helen teased as she bumped Violet’s hip with her own as she put her own peeled and rinsed off potatoes next to the cutting board.
“Ha! No.” Violet returned.
“Well I mean Barret sounds promising.” Helen shrugged and all Violet could do was laugh even harder.
“Yeah, no, I sincerely doubt that’s ever going to be a possibility.” Violet shook her head no.
“Why not?” Helen asked.
“Uh, well, he has quite the storied past. Granted, he isn’t the same guy he was, say, a decade ago, but uh, there’s too much history there.” Violet hinted.
“Like what kind of history?” Helen prodded.
“The kind that got him...really really hurt. In every conceivable sense. He made some really bad decisions in early youth, youth, teens and early adulthood and granted he pays for them, just about every day. But…it’s very complicated.” Violet tried to choose her words carefully.
“Everyone has history Violet. Doesn’t mean it has to haunt us the rest of our lives.” Helen insisted but Violet just huffed a mirthless laugh again. If that were the case, she wouldn't have such a hard time sleeping in the first place, or wake up in a cold sweat screaming her head off half the time.
“How old is he again?” Helen asked.
“He’s 31, seven years my senior.” Violet answered.
“Well that’s not that big of an age difference, especially once you pass your early 20’s, now if he was like 15 or even 20 years older than you, then yeah, that would be an eyebrow raiser of a difference.” Helen figured as she went into her fridge and got a wine cooler and offered Violet one who gladly took it and opened it and started drinking it.
“So what makes it so complicated?” Helen posed.
“Uh, well besides the history. Just our...positions. Phillip keeps me on a short leash and it’s only because I’ve “mixed business with pleasure” that I have any breathing room now. Phillip is jealous and possessive enough that...to pursue anything with anyone while I’m still under contract is a very bad idea and too dangerous. Phillip has a way of reaching out and touching people, and not in any kind of good way. And Barret is also under contract and his contract is even longer and more severe than mine. But we are…” Violet paused as she tried to decide on the best words to use.
“We’ve grown close to being friends because we’re just...two birds, in side by side gilded cages.” Violet finally murmured lowly as she finely diced the potatoes as she realized they should boil these and make mashed potatoes.
“So what has he done to incite you to view him like that?” Helen posed as she rinsed off some asparagus in the sink as another vegetable for dinner.
“He’s healing me.” Violet answered honestly.
“Like emotionally or physically?” Helen asked.
“The latter, the former is probably impossible.” Violet specified.
“Like with your central cortex?” Helen posed.
“Yep, he used his genius and formulated my current medication, he got me in front of the curve instead of always chasing behind it. It’s like I’m a teenager again, before any of it ever hurt and I can use my powers for hours instead of mere minutes before the pain sets in and the longer I'm on it, the better. I’m actually sleeping at night because of the sleep aids he’s made for me, granted for anyone else, they’d put them into a permanent coma but for me, they’re just right. I’ve shared them with Tali and they’re curing her too and even all the other Supers at The Agency with the same problem. Grated Phillip makes The Agency pay through the nose for theirs but for now they’re free for me and Barret is risking everything to get me my own protected supply that Phillip can’t touch or better yet, control, just in case Phillip tries to hold them over my head to keep me in line, which I wouldn’t push past him. Barret even made a suit that should protect me and everyone I protect that has features that every Super will want and every Super who is a handler will need. And he gives without any thought or want or need to be paid back. Even when he has so little, he’d give it all before ever being asked. He’s helping me with Dragon Eye, he’s...he’s an unlikely ally and an even unlikelier friend.” Violet explained as Helen’s eyebrows rose in surprise to hear of these developments. Granted, she didn’t like Phillip as far as she could punt him either. Something about Phillip put her on edge and had her own intuition telling her something was wrong with him and that he was much more dangerous than he looked but she couldn’t put her finger on it or explain it. She got the sense he was a sleezeball and Helen would have never forgiven Violet if Violet had come home from Vegas as Mrs. Sebastian.
“Sounds like a pretty awesome guy to me Vi.” Helen shrugged with a knowing grin.
“He is. He just...has an unfortunate past.” Violet answered.
“Was he in the mob or something?” Helen guessed lowly.
“Uh, no, not that I’m aware of.” Violet shook her head.
“Is he a serial killer?” Helen teased as Violet huffed a mirthless laugh again.  
“Technically I’m a serial killer Mom.” Violet answered in all seriousness and honesty.
“Oh no you’re not. You’re a Super, no Super has clean hands, on either side but you're on the good side. Guilty blood saves innocent blood, and it's because of that guilty blood that you've saved countless innocents which more than makes up for it.” Helen assured her daughter.
“Even if my hands have the blood of other Supers on them?” Violet posed.
“Yes.” Helen insisted.
“Not all Supers are good people, and not all Supers are heroes. You’ve gotten your hands dirty trying to keep the world safe and everyone else clean, you’ve had to make the tough decisions and the hard choices. But they were the right ones. If it was easy, everyone could do it. But you’re special and you’re one of the good guys, if not one of the best. You’re the best kind of hero, one that doesn’t need to constantly be in the spotlight and have every good deed praised by the masses, unlike others we know.” Helen reassured her as Helen gave the living room a dismissive glance. 
“I doubt you’d give Barret the same speech because his hands have just as much Super blood on them that mind do.” Violet posed with a disbelieving look as Helen was taken aback.  
“Ok, now you’re scaring me. Who is Barret?” Helen asked in all seriousness.
“Google him, Google- Bartholomew Maximillian Pine, just don’t scream or yell when you find out and don’t tell Dad, the last thing I need is for Dad to go Papa Bear and kill him before I can get Dragon Eye off my plate.” Violet answered before Helen got her phone out of her back pocket and googled it.
“Why does he look familiar?” Helen asked as she looked at the images of him that came up.
“Cross reference Buddy Pine, aka Syndrome.” Violet said before Helen sharply inhaled through her nose as her eyes got impossibly wide.
“See? Do you see why I didn’t want tell you? Because of this reaction right here.” Violet insisted.
“I...I thought he was in a wheelchair? After the accident with the jet turbine.” Helen finally spoke.
“He was in a wheelchair, he was in one for a few years after that accident and had to be put together and get surgery after surgery to be made somewhat whole again, it was why he didn’t go to prison after Syntech crashed and burned as did Syndrome. But Barret has assured me that Syndrome died in that jet turbine and it’s beyond clear to me that he is telling me the truth and he shows me that that's the truth by his actions that he is nothing like what he once was, except for the genius inventor thing, that never changed but everything else did, you'd barely recognize him now but hearing him talk might jog your memory. Or even Dad's especially. Barret has suffered enough from all of that and especially how Tali helped tear apart and break down the very empire she helped him build and left him with nothing where he had to start from an all new low. Not only did he barely have a dollar to his name, he was left in literal pieces that had to be sewn together and be ripped apart piece by piece in every way before he put himself back together again. It’s actually impressive how he’s managed to make it this far despite all that. And even with all that history. He’s...he’s surprisingly not bitter or holding any grudges, even against Tali, because he got his ass into some much needed therapy. Here, watch this with your headphones.” Violet urged as she handed her phone to her mother and had her watch the video that she had saved to her phone as Helen put her headphones in her ear and watched the video as Violet watched her mother carefully, watching how she started off wearily then gradually went from weary to understanding then sympathetic as the video progressed.
“So, you ready to take all that back?” Violet questioned when Helen finished and handed the phone back.
“Nope. Who else has seen that?” Helen asked.
“Tali, she cried when she watched it. She said that if he had been like that a decade ago, she never would have left him, or betrayed him and has asked me to help Barret and take care of him to the best of my ability, which I have happily agreed to and Barret makes it easy for me to do so. I don't do so strictly out of obligation or because it's owed or expected. I do it because I want to. Which is a first for me, especially in this job.” Violet answered.
“Well, it’ll take some time for everyone to come around to the idea of just you being friends. I think it should only matter what people are in the present. Obviously, he’s suffered the consequences of his actions.” Helen appraised.
“He has suffered, more than enough.” Violet insisted.
“Then I trust your opinion of what he is now.” Helen insisted.
“Really?” Violet posed disbelievingly.
“Like I said, the past shouldn’t haunt us forever. And if you said Syndrome died all those years ago. And he’s a changed man, then I will trust you on that. You aren’t one to trust anyone easily. And every ounce of your trust is hard earned and if he’s earned it, and if you trusted him enough to let Jack hang out with him, because it's no secret he's your favorite, much less yourself, then that’s enough.” Helen insisted.
“So you’re not pissed that I let Jack hang out with him?” Violet asked.
“You let Jack hang out with Barret. And Barret is a good guy. That’s all that matters.” Helen insisted before Violet quickly enveloped her mom in a tight hug.
“Thank you Mom.” Violet thanked her, not realizing how much her mother's approval would mean to her or how assuring, reassuring, validating and vindicating it was to have it.
“You’re welcome.” Helen reassured her. Ever so thankful and grateful that Violet let her in on even this much.
Truth be told, Helen was resentful to The Agency for turning her daughter from a good but shy teen to a stone cold killer. When Violet had come home from a stint that took almost a year, Violet just came home and held Jack and didn’t let him go for weeks. And often took him to bed with her and cried herself to sleep holding him. Violet wouldn’t breathe a word of what really happened and what she had been doing was top secret and only the highest of higher ups even knew about it, but after that, Violet was never the same and she was fiercely protective of Jack who was only 3 at the time and she was only 17, almost 18 herself at the time as well. Thus why the two shared their current super close bond. All Helen could think of is that involved children. Maybe the target had little children that Violet left orphaned, that was the only thing that made sense to Helen and to Bob. But after that, Violet just did mission after mission, back to back to back and started earning more than her parents ever did combined. And each time she came home, less and less of herself came home with her and when Violet moved out at 18, Helen feared she would lose all contact with her, and Helen had never been more devastated when her fears proved true.
When Violet was 21, she did another really, really long mission that took over a year and Helen didn’t hear from Violet that whole time and all The Agency could tell her was that she was on mission and undercover, wouldn’t say where or with who. But whatever it was, it didn’t end well. Helen and Bob had been watching the news and three major catastrophes seemed to happen at the same time, complete with natural disasters on top of political upheaval. And then they had gotten a call from Violet from a burner phone, saying that she was done. And she was disappearing for good and that she was just calling to say goodbye.
That had been the worst of it.
To beg and plead with your only daughter to just come home, where it was safe, where she would be protected. And to have that same, oh so precious daughter inform you that she would put them in too much danger if she did that. That she couldn’t protect them. She couldn’t even protect herself. And that the danger was bigger and stronger than anything they had ever known. And that if they only knew what had really happened, they would never welcome her home anyway. And that this was for the best. And it was going to be better this way.
Then silence.
And it didn’t matter how many times Helen and Bob went back to The Agency and rallied the troops and threatened to bring hellfire down on all of them if they didn’t give them their daughter back or at least tell them where she was. They were going to hang every last person at the agency on their own bullshit lies tied into a noose around their necks. No one would tell them anything, mostly because the people there didn’t know and everyone who did was unreachable and "conveniently" overseas and completely unreachable. Bob and herself had even officially quit and retired. And had even tried looking for her on their own but never did find her because Violet had been trained to never leave a trace. And Violet was always- successful.
It wasn’t until Phillip and The Agency found her and brought her home a little over a year later that they got to see her in the flesh. And while it was a blessing having Violet back home, working a ‘normal’-ish job that was mostly 9-5 through the week with the occasional overseas trip, it still kept her here in Metroville, and kept her close and brought her back into the fold so to speak. But the real Violet, Helen feared, never did come back. Or at least the Violet that Helen could remember or recognize.
But then, about a couple of months ago, Helen noticed she started seeing glimmers and glimpses of the real Violet again, like Violet's spirit was slowly returning to her body. She was still incredibly guarded, and secretive. But she was easing up, Helen supposed, at least smiling more, and being more accessible, at least physically, emotionally though, that was another matter entirely.
But Violet did take to Dash’s kids really well when she first came back. Feeling sorry and sad that she missed out on them. It wasn’t unusual for when Helen and Bob had them for the weekend- Violet would ‘drop by’ for the weekend too, with clothes and toys in tow and doted on them the way she doted on Jack when Jack was that age since Dash Jr. was three and Dillon was two and a half at the time and now Dash Jr. was four and in preschool and Dillon was now three and a half and she got along remarkably well with Ashley, Dash Jr's mom who was Dash's high school sweetheart, and Amy, Dillon's mom, Dash's first college love. But Violet got a lot harder on Dash, making sure he always paid his child support and spent quality time with his kids and even chipped in financially with their mothers, making sure that Jr got into an amazing preschool and made sure that Dillon would too, and helping them as much as she reasonably could. And with Jack, she usually bought the bulk of his school clothes and fabrics and trim which she happily took him to the garment district and let him go nuts in the fabric warehouses, bringing home yards and yards of fabrics for his ‘creations’ and even paid for her parents to put on an addition to their house so Jack had his own studio to create in and was super encouraging to Jack with his interests, and often did all she could to help them out, either physically or especially financially and made sure to give them heads up on her schedules of when she was going to be in town or out of town so if they needed to, they could depend on her, or invite her to their own social things that they had going on.
But right now, it was Helen’s intuition telling her that the reason she was seeing more of the real Violet, was because it was Barret of all people bringing it out in her, and for that she was grateful and it was because of that, she could learn to forgive him for the past.
Monday morning Violet came into work and was surprised to see a woman in Phillip’s office already, and it was someone she didn’t recognize as she was sitting in his lap as he showed her something on his computer as her giggle got on every nerve Violet had.
“Mr. Sebastian?” Violet posed politely.
“Oh, Ms. Parr, good morning.”
“Good morning. Do we have anything new for Mr. Pine today?” Violet asked formally, since he was obviously otherwise engaged as Violet’s glasses revealed to her exactly who was sitting in his lap and so intimately embraced in it. Another ballerina. Cheseray Wilkenson, prima dancer for Villefort Dance Company.
“Yes, actually.” Phillip said as he picked up his tablet and did a swiping motion from his own tablet to hers before her tablet got the new data and Violet froze when she saw it as she blinked in surprise from her tablet then back up to Phillip.
“By the way, how is the new suit?” Phillip asked and Violet actually did well keeping the dread and fear from her eyes and her face.
“Good, so far.” Violet answered.
“Excellent. I’m happy it’s working out for you.” Phillip offered and Violet simply smiled politely in view of his ‘company’.
“Is there a problem Ms. Parr?” Phillip baited.
“No, no problem at all, will that be all Mr. Sebastian?” Violet asked.
“Yes.” Phillip nodded.
“Very well,” Violet nodded as she then went to her own office and opened her own computer case from The Agency and accessed her files before pulling up Dragon Eye and did a search for when the last time someone accessed it and her heart dropped when she saw that Phillip was the last one to look at it, Saturday night. After herself, Barret and Jack had been working it as she remembered the wave pattern from the cameras. She had been in the apartment side of the space most of the time where the cameras had only come on in a wave a few times but she had thought nothing of it, since it was going to be Nelson, Pike, Leland and Smith in the security booth but there was no way for Jack and Barret to know that they were on a wave pattern and it obviously happened way more frequently for them to figure out what they were up to. That’s how Phillip knew that they had made progress.
He knew. But she was sure she’d be forced into trying to slit her own wrists if he knew that Dragon Eye was really him.
She closed it out and looked more closely at what her tablet had received as she tried to see what was really there. Was this a test? A trick? A trap? Or just Phillip keeping up with her? Her gut was telling her something was off and something was wrong. She needed Tali’s advice and she called her on her phone.
“Yes?” Tali answered.
“Hey, can you meet me for lunch today? Please?” Violet proposed.
“Uh, yeah, sure, where did you want to go?” Tali answered.
“Don’t care, somewhere uh, private and spider free.” Violet proposed.
“Luigiano’s.” Tali suggested.
“Yup, see you at say...11:30?” Violet proposed.
“Yes, of course Dear, see you then.” Tali answered.
“Thanks.” Violet said before she hung up and quickly went to Barret’s floor.
“Good morning Ms. Parr,” Barret greeted.
“Good morning Mr. Pine, uh, you have a few new items for your agenda this week.” Violet informed him as she couldn’t wipe the confused frown off her face or the fear from her eyes to save her life as she did a wiping motion from her tablet to his and then looked at him pointedly to make sure he actually saw what was in front of him.
“Oh, huh.” Barret finally murmured as he looked it over himself, and also frowned in confusion before he looked back over to Violet before they had a silent conversation with just their subtle facial expressions before he finally reached over and tapped her hand with his knuckle three times but tried to make it look like some random twitch.
“If you don’t have any questions, I’ll leave you to it then. See you this evening Mr. Pine.” Violet formally said before she left and went back to her office before she went into her bathroom and became invisible, her clothes she had been wearing, transforming into her suit before she marched from her bathroom to Phillip’s office, only to walk in to seeing Phillip balls deep in his new ‘pet’ on his desk before she sarcastically gagged then marched straight to Barret’s floor and tapped him again, three times, in rapid succession on the shoulder when she had made it back before he ‘casually’ decided to go to the bathroom himself and once in it, he blew out a breath of relief when a forcefield suddenly enveloped them both as she reappeared before him.
“So what’s going on?” Barret asked.
“He knows we were working on Dragon Eye. I was able to see who saw Dragon Eye last. And it was him. He saw it very late Saturday night. He’s out to exploit you even more than he already is.” Violet answered anxiously as she started pace inside the bubble of the forcefield.
“Yeah but a Super would need your powers to make them invisible too. The suit is meant to work as an extension of yourself and it takes machines that take up most rooms to turn it invisible without your powers. To put the same suit on any other Super, it’s not gonna work. And even if it did, unleashing a small army of completely invisible Supers who don’t have the same moral compass you do- is dangerous, like Supervillain level of dangerous. No offense.” Barret offered.
“Oh none taken, I completely agree. Just having one of me is already too dangerous. I mean it would be nice for The Agency to have someone else for my kind of work but even I would have no way of seeing them.” Violet worried.
“Well...not...not necessarily, when you’re in the suit, when you’re invisible, if you’re wearing the hood, you could see them, you could see, in theory anything you wanted to see. If I make your suit for anyone else. There’s ways I can make them that even you can see them, all I need is to reconfigure the visor section of your suit and even reconfigure your glasses when you don’t wear the suit over your head or give you special contacts or make it so that the the nanos always recognize each other, even from a distance, even from each other’s invisibility. Like x-ray vision but I guess...not. It can be done. It’ll be tricky, but it can be done.” Barret realized as his spark was working into overdrive figuring it out.
“Here’s my other request. While you’re doing that- make my suit EMP proof. Because one of my powers is to mimic an EMP signal, it’s one of the ways I can “burn” the cameras and listening devices and other electronics. But if you could make it so that the EMP signal, knocks out other’s invisibility but keep mine intact. But I also need a way for my own SOS signal to be EMP proof. Like I want to be a thousand feet underground in a copper mine or a lead mine and the right people would still be able to find me and rescue me.” Violet proposed.
“You got it.” Barret immediately agreed.
“Thank you.” Violet thanked him as she stopped her pacing to hug him tightly.
“I think it’s a trap.” Barret confessed.
“Oh I know it’s a trap. But at this point, I need to put my bloody feet in the water to attract the shark and I need a way to set my own trap for it and to spring it at the right time. Springing it too soon and we’ll never catch him. We need a trap of our own.” Violet answered as she just clung to him as he did the same to her.
“But the thing is, if he knew Saturday night, at the time he checked, that was the time Pike was getting off and Leland was getting on, Nelson got Friday night and he made sure to destroy the evidence of the uh, incident. And all he wants is when and if you ever get to leave here alive, to take him with you.” Violet conveyed.
“Oh, yeah, that totally works, it was Nelson that got you the necklace.” Barret immediately agreed.
“Figures. But that leaves Pike or Leland to spill the beans. Pike was in the same boat that Nelson was in when I talked to them Saturday morning and according to everyone, everyone in the security detail is ready to follow you out of here. But I don’t know if Pike was just saying that to curry favor with me or if he was genuine. Nelson I believe is genuine. Pike and Leland, I wouldn’t put it past them to be two faced. So we’re just going to have to be extra careful from here on out and choose our steps carefully. And anyone’s loyalty who can be bought isn’t worth having.” Violet murmured to the crux of Buddy’s neck and shoulder as they just hung onto each other, Barret refusing to let go before Violet would and was perfectly content to just enjoy this, plus he couldn’t chance endangering her by engaging her romantically or at least emotionally when she had so much to lose before Violet finally reluctantly let him go.
“I better get out of here, just in case I’ve been gone too long.” Violet excused herself.
“Thank you.” Violet whispered as she stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek just as she vanished and just as Barret was about to go ‘fuck it’ and reach out and really kiss her back, she was gone, phased through the walls and he even reached out and tried to feel for her but she was already gone.
“You’re welcome.” Barret finally breathed as he reached up and rubbed the back of his neck anxiously before he sat down and actually used the bathroom as he held his head in his hands and thought of all the ways to give her what she asked for. Electronics that were EMP proof. Ways of seeing the invisible that he had worked so hard to make invisible in the first place. But at the same time, make her own SOS beacon a lighthouse among flashlights all while doing it under Phillip’s nose and off his radar, and off The Agency’s radar.
Meanwhile Violet came back into her office’s bathroom just in time to hear Phillip calling for her once he came into her office, “redressed” in her original clothes she had been wearing before.
“Yes Phillip?” Violet asked as she held her lower belly, pretending to have just had a huge bowel movement.
“Oh, there you are. I apologize for having company earlier and not letting you have freedom of speech in front of her.” Phillip began.
“Thank you.” Violet said simply as she took her seat behind her desk.
“But now that you’re here, I take it I’m free to speak to you now?” Violet posed.
“Yes of course.” Phillip agreed as he took a seat on the other side of her desk.
“About the new suit's possible release for The Agency. I will insist that we bring Edna Mode on onboard, otherwise no Super will have anything to do with it for fear of offending her and Edna Mode is a dangerous enemy. I will take on a thousand Dragon Eyes before I piss her off and you should have the same fearful respect for her that I do, to do otherwise is to court death and social suicide in this business. Edna has been designing super-suits since supers became a phenomenon and into popularity for the last 40 years, every Super, hero and villain alike has always used Edna. She is one of a kind and she’s neutral. This will feel like a betrayal and it will feel like we’re “stealing” this from her. And if The Agency pushes this on their Supers, that will mean that the only Supers to use her will be villains and that’s a recipe for disaster. Also my suit that Mr. Pine designed, was designed with me specifically in mind, specifically for dealing with Dragon Eye. The suit's capabilities will not be available should anyone else try to put it on. So unless you plan on cloning me, which I will never agree to, it won’t work. However, let’s say Mr. Pine does devise a way to get other suits to mimic what mine can do. Do you really think that’s a good idea to hand over truly invisible suits to an Agency that could hold the entire world hostage? The Agency already controls every Hero practically world wide. Or worse yet, if just one suit falls into the wrong hands and gets replicated, every enemy now has a way to waltz into any building, into any place they wanted to and kill you or me or anyone else without a trace. One of me in the world is dangerous enough. Imagine ten of me, a hundred of me, an army of me but without my moral compass and without my ethics. There could be thousands, millions even. All invisible, all uncontrollable and pure chaos and disaster. And all of it would have your fingerprints. Can you imagine the already delicate stock market crashing and sending the whole world into a recession that we’ve never seen before? Is making a few million off of new suits for The Agency worth all your billions that you already have?” Violet posed skeptically.
“Well, when you put it like that, no.” Phillip realized.
“Now I do agree that Mr. Pine’s new suit does have certain features that would be helpful for every Super that are non power specific. Instead of selling invisible suits. Sell the features that are non power specific, sell them individually and let the Supers and The Agency pick and choose and custom build their own- with of course- Edna’s approval, and Edna's control if she would agree on redesigning anyone’s suit. Also, Edna is used to having 100% of the profits of all super-suits and working all on her own before Jack was born. Mr. Pine made mine for free as a favor to Jack and myself because he’s a good person and because we asked nicely. Well, begged and pleaded because Jack and I are desperate to get Dragon Eye because he’s been on my roster for forever but because of his own powers, no other Super but me will touch him and I would prefer to keep it that way. Dragon Eye has the ability to make people commit suicide, imagine his own army equipped with my suit. Me and every single Super at the Agency would be in danger, including you because you have clearance at The Agency, you’d be just as big of a target that I am. Do you really want to risk it?” Violet posed skeptically as she leaned back into her chair and folded her arms over her chest and crossed her legs and fixed him with a look.
“No.” Phillip decided.
“Then change this in the roster.” Violet said as she handed him her tablet.
“Also you do realize that he would have to go to The Agency and to Edna Mode’s house to work on those super suits and every moment he’s off doing that- he won’t be here working on SEB stuff so his own output for SEB will wane to a degree as will his focus since it will be divided too. However it will prove fruitful in the long run because you’ll have an in with every other Super and you’ll be even father on The Agency’s good side and an even closer bedfellow and the chances of getting premium contracts will grow. It’s just a matter of do you want the money that would usually go straight to your pocket to change hands a few times before it does?” Violet posed.
“I think it's worth it for any profits made with any endeavor with The Agency to change hands and have a chance to multiply before it comes back to me will be sizable.” Phillip answered.
“Fair. But know that you will only have a limited time for that to occur. Because once Mr. Pine is no longer under contract with you, he’ll have his own in with The Agency because of this. He used to be the most powerful and influential non Super before his fall from grace and you effectively took his place. Once he leaves, he may want a bigger piece of their pie. Be prepared to share.” Violet warned.
“Well there’s a lot of time between now and then, and accidents happen, besides you’re his heir apparent, I wouldn’t mind sharing all the pie you wanted with you.” Phillip offered and all Violet could do was huff a laugh and grin crookedly as she just shook her head. Violet would sooner slit his throat before she would slit Barret’s as Phillip mistook the roguish curve of her grin as her delight at the prospect which only made him happy that Violet was still on the ‘murder’ side of things as far as Mr. Pine was concerned. Which meant that if she did get closer to Mr. Pine, it would be purely to undo him and further devastate him in the end. Which meant he could fully trust her with him.
“Also, I noticed that you loosened up the safety protocols for Mr. Pine’s outings. Why?” Violet asked since she had him right there.
“Uh, it was a Raid Day thing. I thought you’d feel better knowing he wasn’t “crawling with spiders” too, besides, I completely trust you with him and I know your specialties, the less “evidence” of any kind of friendly relationship, the less can be used against you, in the case you have to do the deed. However, if you are seen by his friends being with him all the time and getting cozy, that will place you well outside the realm of suspicion to them. Especially since you have more than one connection to them.” Phillip answered and Violet realized Phillip’s trap. He was trying to trap Barret, using herself as bait.
“Ok. Well thank you, that’s very sweet and thoughtful of you, I really appreciate it.” Violet thanked him before a thought occurred to her.
“By any chance, is that why you are hanging onto Miss Cheseray Wilkinson for longer than a weekend? Because if you’re “engaged” with her, that may seem to appear to free me up to get “cozy” with Mr. Pine?” Violet asked as she uncrossed her arms and simply let her arms rest on the armrests of her chair.
“You always were so clever Violet.” Phillip beamed proudly as Violet simply leaned forward on her elbows of her desk as Phillip did the same.
“God you’re despicable.” Violet praised, despite her grin, she wanted to throw up when he leaned across the desk and kissed her. But she swallowed it down, along with her disgust for him. Barret’s life and survival hung in the balance, she needed to protect him. The money- she could care less about, she had more than enough just from The Agency, any money from Phillip was always extra. But for Barret's sake, it would be worth it. But for now, she needed to get Phillip right where she needed him and keep herself above suspicion in order to keep her own head from rolling. She couldn’t protect Barret, let alone anyone else if she was dead. And Phillip still held the power to pull the trigger so to speak. She still needed to finesse the gun from his grasp. And she still needed to figure out a proper trap for him too. One that he would be willing to release Barret from his if it meant his own freedom, much less his own life to be exchanged.
“Well Mr. Pine and myself are barely now only friends, for anything romantic is to happen, it is going to take some serious time and some very convincing measures and greater freedoms for both of us and he will not only have to be enticed, but feel free to pursue me without the fear of any backlash or danger of any kind. And I’ll need it in my contract that no retaliation or counter measures will be taken for any romantic entanglements for either of us because his fear of you may always outweigh any desire he has for me and it is that fear that keeps him in line and behaving for us so we need to balance it. And of course the occasional, if not quite frequent unsupervised time spent while in contract would be most helpful and if any of my enemies become his by association, I can’t be held responsible for that. But at the same time, if anyone is going to take him out, it will be me and me alone that will do it. No one else is to ever interfere and whether he lives or dies, will be a matter that me and only me will ever decide one way or another and who knows, he may prove to be useful to me for many years to come, decades probably, why should we prune a bush just as it begins to flower? Why not let it bloom it’s heart out and enjoy it’s fruits for the long run? Granted you get to enjoy the fruits of his labor for the next two years. I would hate to kill the golden goose before it gets a chance to lay it’s best golden eggs a few years from now? Because while I will inherit everything he has, why not let that bush flower and fruit to its absolute fullest and ripest before it’s harvested?” Violet specified with a flourish of her hands.  
“Oh of course. I absolutely agree with you on that.”
“But again, all of that will take time. Are you patient enough for all of that?” Violet posed.
“Oh don’t worry about me. I won’t grow bored if that’s what you’re worried about. Cheseray will do quite nicely as a good distraction.”
“Well if that distraction ever gets serious, I wouldn't hold that against you Phillip.” Violet cooed, because honestly, Cheseray and the rest of her dance company could take their turns with him, she didn’t give a fuck.
“Oh I wouldn’t worry about that if I were you.” Phillip reassured her.
“Well, if my hands are going to be full with Mr. Pine for the foreseeable future. I may need help with the position of your handler. And I fear for bigger trips like the ones to Tokyo and Hong Kong and the like, you're going to need an official handler since I’m going to be Mr. Pine’s for those engagements and well every engagement and outing from now on, because closeness does breed fondness after all.” Violet proposed and subtly consciously nodded which got Phillip to nod subconsciously as well.
“Of course, consider this your reassignment to him then. I believe I can enlist others to stand in for your post for the time being while you are otherwise engaged.” Phillip offered.
“Would you like me to arrange for that or did you have someone in mind?” Violet posed curiously.
“Oh I have a few in mind. I’ll take care of it myself. Your hands are already so full from handling Mr. Pine for me. I couldn’t possibly ask for you to find your stand in too.”
“Well if I may make a suggestion?” Violet offered.
“Oh I’m all ears.” Phillip grinned giddily.
“Don’t get Veronica Andrews. She’s a little too strictly business for your tastes and you will lose ground with her for the same things that gained ground with me. May I suggest perhaps a man, who is perhaps- familiar, accepting and incredibly accommodating for all of your needs who will use the same foresight and thoughtfulness I possess and will pleasantly surprise you?” Violet offered.
“Oh do go on.” Phillip urged her.
“He has a bit of a wild reputation and may have been in a scandal or two himself. But, he should be a good fit for you. His name is Leopold Traeger. Also known as Mysterio.” Violet recommended.
“Really? Mysterio?” Phillip posed.
“Most think he’s just a second rate Super, but those in the know- know differently. He’ll be perfect for what you need him for.” Violet cooed.
“Then I will take your recommendation.” Phillip grinned which got Violet to smile victoriously.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a lunch date with Mirage. I’ll need all the insights and tidbits I can possibly harvest from her.” Violet excused herself as she got up and smoothed out her skirt.
“Oh of course, please do send her my best.” Phillip offered as he mirrored her.
“One last kiss then, besides, I would hate to be the reason you and Cheseray were to ever have a disagreement, let alone an argument or for her to feel any kind of jealousy towards me or feel threatened by me and our closeness. I can’t go ruining your relationships can I?” Violet cooed as she gave him one last kiss. Kissing the last of any emotional attachment with him goodbye with it.
“Goodbye Phillip, or should I say, Mr. Sebastian?” Violet slipped back into her handler voice as she sauntered away.
“Goodbye Ms. Parr.” Phillip called after her wistfully.
Violet went to Luigiano’s for lunch early and happily realized that Tali had already made a reservation under Octavia for a private booth. The restaurant was owned by The Seven Kings Mafia, so there was absolutely no cameras or listening devices and there were completely enclosed private booths in one of the private dining rooms that were bulletproof and sound proof and if you needed to discuss any kind of business, Luigiano’s is where you went. Plus they had one of Metroville’s best wine selections and the staff that worked in the kitchens turned out some of the best Italian food in the area that was on par with any Italian grandmother's cooking mostly because the kitchen was full of real grandmothers from all over Italy that were brought over by the seven families that made up the Seven Kings of the Seven King's Mafia and you had to be an important somebody to even be on the list of guests allowed to make reservations and thankfully both Violet and Natalia were on that list. Violet sat down and ordered her favorite wine and some antipastos before Natalia came a few moments later, turning heads like she always did, because even after being a mother of two, her figure had morphed from slim and trim to dangerously curvy but still undeniably sexy and Natalia was still a head turner wherever she went, wearing one of her more couture outfits and looking more like a mob boss’ wife more than anything before she was shown to her booth before her own order was taken then the doors of the booth were closed and secured as Violet and her happily dug into the antipastos that had been delivered already.
“Violet Darling, I was surprised to get a call from you, what’s going on?” Tali asked.
“What do you make of this?” Violet asked as she handed Tali her tablet as Tali took it and read through what was on it before she let it set on the table and got her glass of wine and began to drink it before she looked back down at it, holding the chilled glass of wine to her cheek as he cheeks flushed as she stared down at it as she did her best to school her features to stay composed as Violet could still see the real fear behind her gorgeous green eyes.
“It’s one hell of a trap.” Tali noted.
“I know. It’s a trap for Mr. Pine, I’m the bait.” Violet offered before Tali shook her head no.
“No, you have that backwards Dear. Mr. Pine is the bait, you’re the prey. This is a give. The real question is- what is Phillip taking?” Tali asked.
“Phillip still thinks I’ll kill Mr. Pine at my earliest convenience.” Violet answered.
“Nope, that’s not it. That was a term already agreed upon and understood under the previous terms. These are new terms. Which means new stakes. This is the give, what is the take?” Tali repeated emphatically.
“My sanity?” Violet guessed. “I told him about the creepy crawly spiders. He agreed to kill them for me and that Mr. Pine is like a big can of Raid to me. Phillip hasn’t killed them yet, but he put them to sleep for now.” Violet revealed.
“No. That’s not it. Did Phillip propose? And more importantly did you accept because this is a big “leap of faith and trust” there’s no way Phillip would take this leap, without either knowing for certain that you will catch him, or, more importantly, know for certain that his leverage against you outweighs this, it’s like gambling, and he’s the house, the house is always going to win and this is your first pay out. But there’s no way you get to leave the casino. It’s way too early and the night is way too young, again, what are the stakes, what is the take? The real take? Are you going to be Mrs. Sebastian?” Tali asked plainly.
“No, uh, in fact he has a new squeeze in order to free me up for Mr. Pine.” Violet answered.
“Well it’s clear he’s “loaning you out” like a pimp trading hoes or an exhibit at a museum. What is Phillip taking to keep you loyal to him? To keep you obedient and in line? What is more precious to you than your heart that Phillip knows you'd give up everything to keep safe?” Tali urged her.
“Jack.” Violet breathed in horror as that realization hit her like a brick to the face.
“It was Jack who came to SEB to redesign the suit. It’s Jack who has been working with Edna on Dragon Eye. But Jack is at home, Jack would know if there’s spiders at home or at school and Jack is so far- immune. Unless... Phillip found a way to make himself more potent. Oh God. I told Phillip he needed a new handler while I was “reassigned”. I suggested Mysterio because Mysterio would be able to give Phillip all the freedoms he wants, without too many constrictions of ethics or morals, much less codes or laws. Mysterio has had issues with drugs in the past. If Phillip gets ahold of...any number of things he’ll be too strong. Even for me. Maybe even for Jack or my parents, or anyone.” Violet realized.
“I gotta go.” Violet realized as she took the tablet back and got her things together.
“Thank you for lunch, sorry to eat and run, I gotta…”
“Just go.” Tali waived her off as Violet quickly walked out of the restaurant, doing everything in her power not to cry in public as panic whirled in her chest and she went straight to Jack’s school and had him come to the office while she did her best to wait patiently for him to come before Jack came into the office in confusion before he looked into the office to see Violet before his eyes got wide to see her expression.
“What’s wrong?” Jack asked.
“Oh, uh, you have an appointment with Dr. Pine today that Mom forgot to call the school and let them know you had.” Violet offered.
“Oh yeah, uh, let me go get my backpack.” Jack said as Violet went with him and ordered her secret bike to meet her at a doctor’s office where she managed to find- a Dr. Pine on staff. He was an orthopedic surgeon, who specialized in pediatrics. Perfect. 
“What’s going on?” Jack whispered.
“Phillip changed the stakes. We need to strategize with Barret.” Violet urged him.
“Shit.” Jack cursed under his breath.
“That was fast. We were just there for the weekend, we left Sunday afternoon, it hasn't been 24 hours since we last left. How did he change it so fast?” Jack asked in a hushed whisper as he got back to his locker and got his stuff along with work from his teacher before he followed Violet out of his school.
“Read this.” Violet said as she handed Jack her tablet as she drove like the wind to the doctor’s office as she checked her phone to see where her bike was en-route to her.
“I just got done with lunch with Tali, she said that since I’m not officially engaged to Phillip, that that is the give and asked what the take is. I think because you were at SEB, that Phil plans on taking you as leverage against me. I don’t know when or how, but you need to make sure that at school and especially at home, that it’s spider free. But since I officially got reassigned, I suggested Mysterio as my replacement. Mysterio has a history with drugs, more-so with weed than coke but I wouldn’t put it past him. If Phillip gets back on coke- he’ll get too strong, even for me and I’m afraid even for you.” Violet insisted.
“Yup, that tracks.” Jack nodded in agreement before she parked her car and hit a remote on her keys before an enclosed motorcycle slid it’s enclosure back as Violet quickly changed into a pant suit so she could ride the bike astride as Jack got on it with her and got the second helmet and put it on before he hung onto his sister tightly from behind her on the bike and rode with Violet back to SEB in the cloaked bike, weaving through all the traffic, like a thread through a tapestry and once in the SEB parking lot, Violet enveloped through her forcefield as she ran into the building, phasing though the walls and such to get to Barret’s lab before she got Jack safely into Barret’s bathroom before she went up to Barret and tapped his arm three times before he lifted his head and took the cue and went into the bathroom and blinked in surprise to see Jack in there before the three of them were enveloped into Violet’s forcefield.
“Ok, now what’s going on?” Barret asked before Violet repeated what had happened with Phillip and then again with Tali as both Barret and Jack had to sit on the floor as Violet sat with them as all three of them simply held their heads in their hands as they sat cross legged on the floor in a triangle.
“How do we get out of this?” Jack asked.
“Other than in a casket.” Barret specified.
“Or me in a wedding dress answering to Mrs. Sebastian for the rest of my life, however long or short that may be.” Violet groaned as she raked her nails over her scalp.
“Wait.” Jack breathed in softly as an idea bloomed in his head.
“Is there a way to measure someone’s individual brain wavelengths, like a taking a stamp of a fingerprint. And is there a way we can inject, something like a dye, like the kind of dye they inject you with when you have an MRI, but it can stick to foreign wavelengths, like dusting for fingerprints, but on the brain, to see if Phillip has had his “fingerprints” on other brains. Like I know Violet’s brain is going to look like a joint passed around at a party.” Jack began which got Violet and Barret to snort a laugh at his allegory. But he had a great idea.
“But if we can find actual evidence of this suicide seed. It should show up right? And even if it got removed, there might be evidence, like the water stains left behind in a flower vase. It’s worth a shot right?” Jack offered.
“Definitely.” Barret readily agreed.
“And if we can make it so that once it’s found, the dye can act like nonstick spray on a pan, to keep any further ‘fingerprinting’ from happening to the brain itself but make his efforts still show up?” Violet ventured as Jack and Violet looked to Barret hopefully.
“In theory yeah, but it would take images and I need Phillip’s biometric data. And that’s not going to be easy to get.” Barret began.
“Well, we’ve used Dragon Eye as our cover so far, I’d have offed myself already if Phillip knew he was really Dragon Eye. We can use that as our in. We can use the Agency and I can get you set up with passcodes and ways to use The Agency’s databases and super computers so that you can work on stuff that even Phillip can’t see and we can hide it in plain sight because anything secret or top secret or whatever Phillip always likes to poke his nose into. We can even use your cipher to code it. Make it so that IRize and your other companies can get read into it and at least they can keep a second copy of it as a back up and Jack, I hate to do this to you so but get you another back up, keep it with Edna, no one in their right mind would go after her or invade her space, they’d be making an enemy with every Super world wide on both sides.” Violet mused.
“Yeah, that works.” Jack said before Violet got a nosebleed.
“Fuck, I’ve used too much of my powers today, we gotta cut this short. Jack I gotta get you back and get you off at home.” Violet realized as she grabbed some toilet paper to stuff it into her nose to stop the bleeding as Buddy noticed that the blood itself seemed to pulse in and out of invisibility within the tissue, like a cuttlefish strobing it’s lights and colors which he thought was peculiar.  
“Ok,” Jack readily agreed before Violet got Jack back and managed to hack into the real Dr. Pine’s medical computers to fake a note for Jack before her bike drove itself back to her secret hideout apartment before Violet took Jack home and lied to her parents about how she had made the doctor’s appointment for Jack because he was complaining of pain in his feet because the real Dr. Pine was an orthopedic surgeon and they were getting a consultation.
Then Violet returned to work as usual and went to check in with Phillip for the evening check in and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw someone with Mysterio in Phillip’s office.
White Lightning- none other than her brother, one Dash Parr.
Fuck. Wrong brother. It wasn’t necessarily Jack that was the take. It was Dash.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Mateo's Eight 1/8 (Branjie)--athena2
Con artist Vanessa Mateo has just been released from prison, and she’s planning one last heist to erase her debts and start a new life for herself.
But for this to succeed, she needs the help of the very person who ratted her out to the cops: her ex-girlfriend, Brooke Lynn Hytes.
(An Ocean’s Eight AU).
A/N: I’ve been planning this for a while, and I’m excited to start posting! You also don’t need to see the movie to read this. It follows the main points of the movie, but I did make some changes here and there. Thank you so, so much to Writ, for letting me throw this idea and all my plans for it at you, for always supporting this, and for beta-ing! I’ve never done a full-length movie adaptation like this before, so I would really appreciate any feedback you have!
The first thing Vanessa does when she gets out of prison is get a slice of pizza.
Standing on the sidewalk in the black shirt she’d been wearing six months ago, too thin now for the late-winter chill, Vanessa gratefully burns her mouth on the cheese and lets grease drip down her wrist. She never thought she’d miss grease so much. She gets another slice and eats it in a few bites, crunching on the crust as loud as she can, breathing in the oregano and oil like it’s oxygen as winter sun warms her shoulders.
She’s home. She’s free.
There’s enough money in the box of her just-returned things for a cab to her mother’s, where she’ll have to live now that going back to her old–their old–apartment isn’t an option. There’s a heart necklace in there too, but Vanessa doesn’t want to think about that. She shoves it in her pocket to sell later, because she might as well get some money out of the betrayal.
She knocks on the apartment door with still-greasy fingers, and the sight of her mother’s face, so much brighter without the Plexiglass barrier in between them, has her instantly sobbing in her mother’s arms. Vanessa hasn’t been able to touch her for six months, and finds her fingers moving down her mother’s skin, the same caramel color of her own, starting to wrinkle from stress more than age. Vanessa is hit with a surge of guilt that most of the stress is probably from her.
“I’ve missed you, Vanjie.” It’s her mother’s old nickname for her, and Vanessa breaks down further. It gives her some glimmer of hope that everything will be okay, despite the medical bills she knows are lying around somewhere. Those thin pieces of paper have been following them for a year now, weighing down on their shoulders like a ton of bricks.
“I’ve missed you too.”
It’s nice to just be Vanessa for a few minutes, to be her mother’s daughter, the girl who had Rihanna posters on her walls and acted out soap-opera storylines with her dolls and ran around the apartment dodging bedtime.
She lets her mother kiss her until her face is more sticky lip gloss than skin. A loud yipping sound rings out, and something furry launches itself at her legs. Vanessa steps back and scoops up her dog, Riley, his tongue slobbering all over her and tail wagging fast enough to take flight.
She’s home again. She’s normal again. Maybe she’s not returning home to anything exciting, but everything smells like the perfume her mom wears, and the couch cushions are broken in just right, and the walls are still a soothing cream color. It always felt like time stood still here when she was a kid, everything always the same, but now she appreciates the stability, the sense that nothing has changed even if she’s been missing from this world for six months.
Her mother heads to the store so they can have Vanessa’s favorite foods for dinner. Vanessa wants to go, wants to do something as normal as grocery shopping, but she walks outside and gasps, heart hammering.
She can’t do this. Everything seems too big after such a small cell. The massive gray-blue sky is large enough to swallow her up, the buildings like giants looming over her, the street as wide as the ocean. She resigns herself to the soft pink walls of her childhood bedroom. She resented this room as a child for being the size of a shoe-box, wanting the massive rooms kids always had on TV. She has never been more grateful for it than now, secure in its narrow walls. It’s like she can breathe again.
The room is incomplete, missing most of her clothes, her makeup stuff, the fluffy bathroom that usually hangs in her closet, the old silver jewelry box that was her mother’s. Those things were all in their apartment, the apartment Silky and A’keria were supposed to go to and get the stuff for her, because Vanessa knew as soon she was hauled into the cop car that she wasn’t going back to that apartment again.
She doesn’t want to do what she’s about to do, but she has to.
She plugs in her long-dead cell phone and calls Silky and A’keria, who barge through her apartment door 10 minutes later and sweep her into a suffocating group hug. Vanessa’s not surprised to see A’keria wiping her eyes after, and her body burns with love for her two best friends.
“You meet any hot lesbians like on Orange is the New Black?” Silky asks eagerly, and it’s just the thing to break the awkwardness of not knowing what to say, of the realization that Vanessa missed months of dinners and movies, that everyone’s lives moved on while hers was trapped in a cell.
“Not one,” Vanessa says around a laugh. “But this one guard was totally into me. I coulda won her over, I bet. Had a little reunion on the beach, Shawshank Redemption-style.”
“You got game even in prison,” A’keria says, smiling, and Vanessa is just grateful no one’s mentioning the person that landed her in prison.
“I miss anything good?” Vanessa asks.
“A’keria broke up with her bum-ass boyfriend,” Silky reports.
“Even threw his clothes out the window,” A’keria says.
“Damn.” Vanessa sighs.
“You didn’t miss much else, though. Oh, and I got your stuff at my place.” A’keria reassures her.
“It’s good to have you back, Vanj.” Her warm hand settles over Vanessa’s shoulder, and she’s not going to cry, she’s not–
“How’s it feel to be free again?” Silky asks.
“Good.” It’s all Vanessa can really manage, the fact that she can wake up and eat and even pee whenever she wants now something she’s still struggling to grasp. It only makes what she’s about to say even harder.
“I have something planned,” Vanessa begins, bracing herself for the reaction.
“Are you out your damn mind?” A’keria yells. “You’re on parole!”
“Say it louder, those people down the street missed it,” Vanessa bites out.
“Look, Van–” Silky says.
“No,” Vanessa cuts her off. “I need to do this. I spent six months on this. I know who the mark is gonna be, I know the people I need to scout and get involved, and I know this can work.” This plan is the only thing that got her through the past six months, working out the details and practicing the exact words needed to build her team while she choked down food that tasted like Styrofoam and wrecked her back on a sorry excuse for a bed. She needs to do this, because otherwise the past six months have really been a waste.
Vanessa plows on, laying down the words she knows will get them. “It’s even bigger than the last one. Money I need. Money you need. Enough to set us all for life.”
Silky crosses her arms and stays silent. It’s no secret Silky is constantly in danger of losing her teaching job with all the budget cuts the school faces. She’d taken up street scams and pickpocketing–skills she taught Vanessa–to pay off her student loans and buy supplies and snacks for her classroom, which have to come out of her own (or some unsuspecting person’s) pocket.
A’keria lowers the index finger she was about to wag in Vanessa’s face like some old schoolteacher, no doubt thinking of her home jewelry business that never took off, the dead-end jewelry store job that keeps her home with her overbearing mother and asshole stepfather. With the money Vanessa’s talking, A’keria can buy her own damn island.
“We’re listening,” Silky says finally.
Vanessa fights her grin as she runs through the basics, alive with the familiar buzz of laying down a plan, watching it come to life from her mind. She doesn’t mention the full price tag but tells them both all their financial problems will be solved in one night.
By the time she’s done, they’re both onboard, and the fun begins.
Vanessa has to take deep breaths, her nails digging into A’keria’s arm as they walk down the sidewalk to get her next member in.
“You good, V?” A’keria asks gently.
Vanessa just nods, because this breathless fear of being outside when it was all she dreamed of for six months isn’t something she expected, or knows how to deal with. All she can do is keep breathing, keep moving, keep focusing on her plan.
She’s chosen all the players carefully, people she knows herself or knows through others. They’re not all scammers, just people with enough to lose, who can be easily persuaded into her plan and can be trusted to carry out their end of the plan.
The storefront is outlined in red, flowy dresses in reds and pinks and golds filling the window, some brightness on this dreary street. A bell chimes as they open the door, welcoming them to Red Hot by Scarlet Envy.
Scarlet is perched behind the counter, twirling her bright red hair. Vanessa’s only met her once at a party, but she hasn’t changed, still happy with her up-and-coming celebrity design label despite the debt and shady loans she buried herself in to make it happen.
After a hug from Scarlet, Vanessa begins just as she planned. “How would you like to dress Plastique Tiara for the Met Ball?”
Scarlet’s eyes widen. “Are you kidding me? I’d love to! But she’s Plastique, and I’m, well…” she gestures to her small store with its water-damaged ceiling.
Vanessa smiles. “I can make it happen. I just need one small favor. One small favor for me, and you dress Plastique Tiara, you get a bigger store, and”–Vanessa lowers her voice– “all the money troubles you got yourself in are gone.”
Scarlet blinks, mouth falling open, not even bothering to deny Vanessa’s information.
“Okay,” she agrees.
Yvie takes mere seconds, despite being the only person Vanessa has no dirt on to coerce into it. She’s an old friend of Silky’s who does stuff with computers, so far beyond Vanessa’s basic social media stalking skills that she doesn’t even try to understand it. They meet at some internet cafe and Vanessa is only one sip into the overpriced coffee she missed so much when Yvie agrees, saying she’d love to stick it to the man and asking if there’ll be snacks at the meeting tomorrow. Vanessa makes a mental note to buy chips.
Nina is a little harder to convince. She has a nice house in the suburbs, working over-the-phone scams and hijacking deliveries from transport trucks–blenders, coffeemakers, designer suitcases, bikes, air hockey tables–that she keeps or sells for profit.
Aside from the scamming, she’s goodness personified, the last person you’d suspect of anything, perfect for what Vanessa needs from her.
“Well,” Nina says, “I could use a little excitement.”
Vanessa puts a check mark next to her name.
Vanessa scrapes her plate clean at dinner, her mother’s cooking the last thing that truly makes her at home, comforting and cozy like a warm blanket. The joy continues as she slides into bed, on a real mattress, ready to fall asleep with the hope of the freedom she’s getting herself, until she remembers the last name on her list. She doesn’t want to call this person. She can’t call this person, and instead she calls A’keria to see if there’s a way around it.
“Tell me the truth,” Vanessa begins. “Do I need to call her?”
“Who? You mean Br–”
“Don’t say her name to me,” Vanessa snaps.
“I know things didn’t end well with you two–”
“She ratted me out to the cops! I went to prison because of her!” The anger burns through her, fresh on the thought that she went to prison by not just anyone, but by someone she had slept with and kissed and even loved. Six months of itchy clothes and a freezing cell, of having to see her own mother through a screen, of feeling absolutely worthless, of missing family dinners and not seeing her friends, all because that bitch couldn’t keep her mouth shut.
“Hey,” A’keria says calmly. “I know that. I know. But you have to call her, Vanj. She’s your right-hand woman. We can’t pull this off without her. You know we can’t.”
A’keria is right, which only makes things worse. Vanessa needs to call her. No one can keep things organized like her, stick exactly to the schedule like a human clock. Vanessa can pretend all she wants that this plan will work as it stands, but she knows in her heart she needs to make that one last phone call.
Vanessa strides to the counter confidently, trying not to act like the coats in her arms are worth a whole month’s rent. Being calm is the key, like she buys coats with three zeros in the price tag all the time.
“Hello.” She keeps her voice soft and polite as she approaches the counter.
“Hi,” the cashier says. She’s around twenty and Vanessa has been watching for a few days to make sure she gets this specific cashier. One who’s new, but not new enough to need a manager.
“I’d like to return these.” Vanessa plunks the coats on the counter, rehearsing her answer for the next inevitable question.
“Do you have your receipt?”
“I don’t, but I never wore them. They still have the tags and everything.” She even grabs one and shows it to the cashier, who smiles sympathetically, having no idea Vanessa just grabbed it off the rack a few minutes ago.
“We really need a receipt to return them. Do you have an account with us? Or the credit card you bought them with?”
Now is the time. Vanessa has seen enough middle-aged white ladies with expired coupons in her own retail days to get this next part right. She purses her lips and straightens her posture. “I’ve been shopping here for years, this is ridiculous! I just bought these.” Just a touch of anger, not enough to attract attention.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. If you’d like to speak with customer service—“
Vanessa loosens her shoulders, putting a smile back on. “You know what, I’ll just keep them. Could I trouble you for a bag?”
Vanessa walks away from the counter with her coats neatly folded inside the bag, heart racing and giddy with joy. She did it. She can sell two and start working on her father’s medical bills, and maybe give the third to her mother; her worn coat can’t offer much warmth in this November chill. She’s so lost in her excitement that she doesn’t notice where she’s going and walks right into a wall.
“Shit.” She takes a step back. A very tall, very blonde, very green-eyed wall. “Oh, sorry, I…” she forgets every word in the English language, forgets even her own name, at the blonde’s shy smile.
“You were good. Really good,” the blonde says, and something in her reluctant tone suggests she doesn’t give compliments often, that this praise truly means something.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Vanessa tries to stay cool, even as the blonde’s flashing green eyes set her whole body on fire. She had only prepared for getting caught at the register, not by strange blonde women.
“A cashier who wouldn’t need a manager. Waiting towards the end of a shift, when no one gives a shit anymore,” the blonde continues. “Even the coats. Expensive, but not enough to have security tags on them.”
She’s caught. Caught on her first real con, aside from the street scams she’s done. Vanessa swallows hard, considering her chances of outrunning the blonde’s mile-long legs in their slim red pants. Damn, Vanessa really needs to stop staring at those legs if this lady is about to bust her…
“Hey, I’m not gonna rat you out,” the blonde says, like she’s reading her mind. “I’m just saying you’re good, and if you ever want a partner…” She pulls a piece of paper from her glittery silver blazer and scribbles something down.
Vanessa reads a phone number in tiny, neat handwriting.
“I’ll consider it,” Vanessa says, though she’ll probably have to sit on her hands to keep herself from calling the second she gets home.
The blonde smiles. “I’m Brooke.”
Vanessa holds out as long as she can, until it’s nearing 1am, moonlight arcing through her window. It’s almost like she’s purposely sabotaging herself, waiting and waiting to lower the chance that someone will answer.
Her thumb hovers over the phone. The contact name is still in there as it was before prison, with a bright red heart emoji after it. Vanessa remembers deliberating over putting it there, finally deciding it was okay after their second date.
Aside from her mother’s cell and the really good Thai place down the street from her old apartment, it’s the only phone number she has memorized. She could probably dial it in her sleep. She used to double- and triple-text that number, sending pictures of dogs she saw on the street, selfies in bed with the comforter revealing just enough skin, rants about how slow everyone in front of her was walking, goofy pictures of herself trying on enormous sunglasses bigger than her head.
And the replies used to come just as fast, Vanessa’s heart leaping with each one, her fingers flying to the phone to see what texts she’d gotten back.
She presses the call button, breath caught in her throat, half hoping there won’t be an answer and half-hoping there will be.
All she gets is a robotic monotone telling her this number is no longer in service, and Vanessa releases her air, unsure if she’s relieved or not. She really doesn’t want to hear that voice, but she’s going to need to if she wants this to work. Should she try to Google her? Or maybe…
The burner phone.
They had both discussed business through those old Nokias. The odds that she still has hers, and still has the thing on, are slim to none. But Vanessa thinks of how hard it will be to find a job now, how hard it will be to start over after prison. She thinks of her mother working too hard in her hospital shifts, the medical bills still unpaid. She thinks of all the people she had promised this would be a success, all the debts that would be repaid, all the freedoms won. She has to try.
Her fingers move without thought over the phone, like just another day, and she almost drops the phone when it rings. The rings trill in her ear for what feels like hours, her heart racing. She’s about to hang up when the line clicks.
There’s a pause, a sharp intake of breath on the other line. Vanessa remembers those gasps of air, had pulled them out of soft lips as her hands tangled in that blonde hair…
“Who is this?”
The nerve. Vanessa’s fist clenches in anger. If it wasn’t a Nokia, she probably would’ve bent her phone in half. The nerve for that voice to be so soft and hesitant, when it had caused her half a year behind bars. The nerve of asking who it is when she knows damn well it can’t be anyone else.
“You know who this is, Brooke. We need to talk.”
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classic-vision · 5 years
Apartment Hunting
Been super busy but wanted to get this out for the weekend. Thanks to @justaleapoffaith and @leia321 for voting on the prompts.
AO3 Version     Enjoy
“It’s not…that bad.”
“Which part? The roaches on the floor, or the ants on the wall?”
“Come on, MJ.” Peter says, brushing his shoulder off from the wall he was just leaning on. “I’m just trying to stay positive.”
She scoffs, scooping some dust off the counter with her finger. “We don’t have time for that. Why don’t we go somewhere nicer?”
“Because we don’t have money for that. This complex is our last hope.”
School is starting two weeks and they still hasn’t found an apartment. Unlike his previous years, Peter’s scholarship only covered tuition not housing. So much for being smart. He wishes he could’ve gone the athletic route. Now here he is finally experiencing the toughest part of being a New Yorker. Rent.
Good thing is, he has someone to split the rent with. Bad thing is, it’s is on and off again girlfriend throughout college. Peter and MJ still remain close, but somehow only seem to work better has friends. And somehow, he convinced himself that living with her in a platonic setting was a good idea. Senior year was getting off to a rough start.
“I thought Ned and Betty were supposed to help us,” Peter says, stepping over the roaches. “What are they doing?”
“I’d say that depends on whether or not Ned has protection.”
Though, she was probably right.
“We’ll just have to downgrade to a one bedroom.”
“But there’s two of us.”
MJ nods to him slowly, not wanting to waste breath on the obvious. Peter squints is eyes at her, playing out the situation in his head. He’s about to ask her until a spark lights off in his mind.
“H-How would that work?” he stutters. “I mean, I’m sure we can make it work. Wait, I mean definitely works. I just didn’t know you would want it to. But if y-”
“Peter,” MJ interrupts, “Don’t go all male on me. We’ll still sleep separately.”
“You’ll just have to take the couch.”
“Oh nice, carpeting.”
Peter and MJ make their way into the next unit available in the building. It was an improvement from the previous one. But…
“There’s a stain in the bedroom.”
“I’m sure it’ll wash out.”
“The toilet water’s low,” MJ shouts from the bathroom. “Bad plumping. You can say goodbye to pizza night.”
Peter shook his head, trying to ignore her complaints and moved to windows. “These are some nice blinds.”
He twists the knob twice to get a better view and instantly it snaps off in his hand. He wanted to yell, but instead, he takes a deep breath to compose himself.
“There’s a couple mouse traps left in the closet.”
Peter wasn’t going to let that bother him. It’s New York City after all. Rodents should be their friends.
“The point is, there’s no ants or roaches,” he comments softly.
“One of these traps is occupied.”
Peter throws down the broken knob and storms out of the apartments. MJ chases him down the hall but can’t catch him until they’re out of the he’s in the elevator.
“Where are you going?”
“This isn’t going to work, MJ. I’m sorry I have to go.”
It’s not often that Michelle Jones is caught off guard about anything. But here she was stunned as the elevator doors closed on her and Peter leaves the building.
The complex is stunning. A gated building, standing tall and wide with blue and orange patterns around the glass windows. Inside, the lobby has marble flooring surrounding the beautiful water fountain complimented by jazz music in the background. Each and every apartment on every floor is luxurious, spacious, and comfortable. To top it all off, there’s a rooftop bar with a pool and great view of the city. It’s perfect, it’s a dream, and most importantly to Peter Parker…it’s a big waste of time.
“Dude, why did you bring me here? There’s no way we can afford this.”
“I told you, man.” Ned finishes chugging his complimentary water bottle he got from the lobby and sat up from the lounge chair by the pool. “The whole point of living in New York City is to live big. Right Hoggy?”
The tour guide gives an annoyed sigh and rolls his eyes. “It’s Happy.”
“Wait, your name is Happy? I thought they-”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it all and relayed it to my parents. Are you guys gonna put in an application or what?”
Ned puts an arm around Peter, cutting him off before he can speak. “Of course, we will. Because I live across the street.”
Ned lived with his girlfriend Betty. Unlike Peter and MJ, they had their relationship figured out, and then some. The two were inseparable from each other. And take PDA to a new level.
“I wish I could afford to live in your building. Little alone, this place,” Peter pouts.
“Someone’s gotta chase the dream, Peter. I’ve been trying to Betty to move over to this building but she’s always talking about budgets and expenses and crap.”
Peter scoffs sarcastically, “Yeah, who cares about any of that.”
He hates the way things have been going lately. Money was super tight and the last thing he wanted to do was let MJ down. Students loans can only go so far so Peter decided to sell some of his personal items to help with living expenses in preparation for rent. The toughest one to let go was his Nintendo Switch. MJ doesn’t know about it, but he figured it would be worth the sacrifice. At least that’s how he felt at the time.
“By the way, what’s up with you and MJ? Back together yet? Because we kind of have a little bet going?”
Peter squints his eyes at his best friend, but quickly writes it off. At least someone had confidence in his relationship. Or whatever it was.
“I don’t know, dude.”
“Okay!” Happy shouted, tapping his finger to his watch. “If you two don’t make a decision in five seconds, I’m gonna assume it’s a no and get back to my meatball parm.”
Peter takes one last look around the rooftop. He always thought that his first apartment hunting wouldn’t be limited by a budget. He would be a graduate with a high paying chemist job. But here he is watching his dream start to fade.
“Ned, I want to live here.”
“Great!” Ned threw his fist in the air and gestured out to the view of the city. “This is the dream!”
Peter laughs and cheers with his friend. “You really think we can afford it?”
Ned shrugged. “You don’t know until you ask. Hey Happy, how much for a two bed room?”
“If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.”
Peter and Ned walk out of the fancy complex with their heads down. Peter takes a step forward when Ned’s arm blocks him from moving forward. Peter questions his friend who seems to be lost in a daze until he looks in the same direction. And that’s when he sees them.
Coming towards them, are four girls jogging in place. Two of them he recognizes from class. As they get closer, the tallest one smiles politely at their gazes.
“Hi you guys,” Liz Allan says.
But they’re both too stunned, and embarrassed to speak. So, Peter just waves as the group of girls move pass them and enter the luxurious complex.
“Hi, Ned!”
Two of the girls, Betty and Liz ran back out of the complex sipping bottles of water.
“Hey, honey.” Ned says, kissing his short blond girlfriend.
“I was just about to head home. You helping Peter and MJ out with the apartment hunting?”
Before Ned can answer, Liz interjects.
“Peter, I didn’t know you and MJ were back together. That’s great!”
Peter gulped at the tall sweaty girl in front of him.
“Well, not exactly. But who can afford to live alone in New York?” he joked.
Liz wipes another beat of sweat off her head. “I hear you. One of my roommates kind of bailed on us. Boyfriend stuff. Anyway, we’ve got a spot open now. A couple of people are interested but, I felt like it would be rude if I didn’t ask you.”
Peter gulped again. He knew what he should say, but for some reason it was taking along time to say it. Perhaps he wanted to accept the offer. He could finally live the good life. A new life and new girl. Maybe it was time.
“Thanks, but I got my living situation covered,” Peter says, surprising himself.
“Oh, great. Well, I guess I’ll see you guys on campus.”
Liz waves at him and then to someone behind him before jogging back inside the building. Peter turns around and sees MJ standing there with her arms crossed.
“MJ, how long have you been standing there?”
She shrugs, “Long enough to see you drool your own pool.”
“I told her no.”
“Yeah, after like an hour of hesitation. That’s the life you want?”
Peter sees her getting tense and doesn’t like where things are going. But he’s not sure what to do. There still not even technically together.
“I just kind of wanted to see what it would be like for a minute,” he says honestly.
MJ scoffs again. “Let’s go, Betty”
The blond girl lets go of Ned’s hand and gives an apologetic smile to Peter before following her friend.
Peter watches MJ walk off. He still doesn’t know what they were. He doesn’t know if they could live together. He doesn’t know if they could be just friends. But the one thing he knows, is that he has to make things right. Because seeing Michelle walk off was too painful.
Peter and Ned arrive at Ned’s apartment about an hour after the girls. Ned thought it would be a good idea to let things cool down a little before going over there. That hour felt like an eternity to Peter. He needed to talk to MJ.
He rings the door bell and Betty lets them in. MJ’s sitting at the counter when she sees him and hops off to greet him.
“We’ll give you two a minute,” Betty says, shoving Ned out the door as he mutters something about it being his house.
Now it’s just the two of them. MJ shifts her feet a bit, stopping the silence. Peter exhales and decides to just dive into it.
“I’m sorry I stormed out. It had nothing to do with you. I just hated the idea of us living in crap.”
MJ laughs a bit and Peter is instantly relieved.
“It was crap,” she says. “But I didn’t have to be so blunt about it. I’m addicted to telling the truth. Even at the worst time.”
“It’s fin-”
“No, Peter,” she interrupts. The issue had been weighing on her mind apparently. “I know this can’t be easy for you either. “Things between us aren’t exactly ideal.”
This time Peter laughs. “Since when is anything about us ideal. That’s why I like you. You’re not normal.”
To anyone else, that would have been taken as an insult. But it brings a smile to MJ’s face. Peter takes the opportunity and puts his hands on her shoulders, standing close.
“You’re weird in the best way. I want to make this work. I want us to work.”
MJ wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him even closer and gives the best compliment she can think of. “I think you’re weird too.”
And kisses him. For the first time in too long, Peter Parker is kissing the girl he loves. He makes a silent vow to himself that he will make things work this time. Because she’s too good to let go.
He pulls away from her only to look at her face and that pretty smile she rarely shows.
“Thanks. Because I don’t want to be someone I’m not. I’m good with who I am.”
“Hey, I got a surprise.”
MJ pulls Peter out of the apartment and straight to the one next door. Inside, is a wide-open floor of a two-bedroom unfurnished with clean counter tops and clean walls.
“I know you’re not crazy about wood flooring, but we can get big rug.” MJ runs over to the other side and gestures from corner to corner as if rehearsed. “I figure we can put the TV on this wall next to your video game stand. Then we can have my bookshelf at the edge on the way to my room.”
Peter walks around the actually livable apartment pleasantly surprised. “Good ideas but I don’t think we’ll need my game stand.”
“Sure about that?”
He turns to see MJ holding a small wrapped box out to him. He looks at her in disbelief until she gives him a nod of approval. Then he rips the box open like a kid on Christmas morning. His eyes grow big and legs to bounce.
“You got me a Nintendo Switch! I can’t believe it. I had to sell mine at Gamestop last month for $140
“Funny, I bought mine at Gamestop last month for $160.”
“I’m kidding. Well, not really. Never sell to Gamestop, dude. But anyway, Ned told me about what you did. I had to get it back for you.”
Peter smiles brighter than he has the entire day. For the first time, everything was coming together.
“I love this. Can we really afford it?”
“Apparently we can. The landlord told me it’s been vacant so long that she knocked off $500 off the rent for us.”
“Wow, that’s great! But why is a place like this vacant?”
“Well, it’s next to Ned and Betty’s…”
“The walls are thin.”
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cancerbiophd · 5 years
I was tagged by @medblr-of-a-sleepyhead! Thanks darling!
You can call me: Julia (or Cass if you’ve been following me since the beginning of my fandom days lol)
I’d describe myself as: dog-lover, book-lover, scientist, level-headed, witty (i hope), and kind (i also hope the most)
Fictional character(s) that I identify with or am fond of: ohhhhh man there are so many!? cass cain from dc comics, artemis crock from young justice, sam from danny phantom to name a few
Three random facts about me:
1. I have a weird uncanny ability to always spot dead or dying animals. like i’ll just be walking around and all of a sudden have an urge to look over here, and of course there’s like.. a dead bird or lizard right there. i’m sure there’s some meaning to it but i’m not going to think about it too much. 
2. I’m super allergic to cats. like, if one bites or scratches me i will go into anaphylactic shock. or so my doctor tells me, but i’m not testing that theory. 
3. I put my milk in the microwave for 11 seconds and then i put the cereal in. fight me but i ain’t drinkin no super cold milk that early in the morning oK like the milk isn’t HOT it’s just not 4 freakin degrees celsius 
Something little about my appearance that I kind of like: my hair is fantastic
An outfit that makes me feel powerful: put me in high heels baby and i will feel like i can rule the world
An object that is special to me: i have a necklace i wear almost every day where the pendant is made from the ashes of my dog who passed away suddenly last year. pics of louis here on my main blog if anyone wants a dose of the cutest fluffiest most majestic king ever. 
A compliment (or two, or three) about me that made me feel warm inside: definitely anytime someone thanks for me my advice and tells me how it’s helped them! and also when someone compliments my writing. 
Something I love about myself: i love that i love myself, that i know i’m worth it, and even the parts i don’t love about myself i still accept bc this is me. this is alll me. 
Something I love about someone else: i love my husband’s laugh. it’s the kind that lights up a whole room. 
Something I’d love to buy for someone else: pay off everyone’s student loans. just. poof! 
Something I’d love to buy for myself: a private chef. i love to eat but hate to cook so there you go. 
Three things that make me happy right now:
1. Just started reading ninth house by leigh bardugo! Perfect autumn/halloween read. 
2. Had a compulsive thought to redecorate my office at home and then promptly ordered some new prints from society6, so I guess we’re going through with that one boys!
3. Finally got me some wireless bluetooth headphones and my life has changed! No more headphone wires getting caught on things!! I can actually set my phone down somewhere while in the lab and not have a tether!! omgggg thank u gods of technology
Something I’m looking forward to: gonna go visit my husband’s nephews this weekend in san diego to celebrate the 2nd bday of the older one. i also haven’t seen the younger one yet so time to squish some baybees!
Something I enjoyed recently: binge-reading leigh bardugo’s six of crows and the sequel crooked kingdom (i finished both of them in like.. a week; just couldn’t put them down). HIGHLY recommend if you’re in the mood for a badass fantasy/magic heist involving a rag-tag team of thieves, spies, and no-do-gooders. 
Song(s) stuck in my head recently: “summer days” by martin garrix ft macklemore and patrick stump 
I watched this, maybe you’d like it too: the masked singer. i’m putting all my bets that the fox is wayne brady. 
Something adorable I came across recently: this post of a cute lil shrimp bouncing on a witch’s broomstick 
If you wanted to know me better, you should check out these things: uhhhh i guess my main blog @jncera and all the things i post/reblog there. 
Something I can/will do to take care of myself or make things more positive for me in the coming days: oops i just realized i forgot this one when i posted it ummmm get enough sleep! my insomnia has been back for the past 2 weeks and i realized the trick to banishing it right now is to listen to soothing piano music for like... an hour before bed. 
I’ll tag: @fragileanimal, @nerdgirlnarrates, @cytostorm, @caffeinebooks, @skinny-little-nobody, @astoryofej, @orangeteastudying, @loveadoodle, @rudescience, @lavendermedusa, @quantumheels
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thatfanficstuff · 5 years
The Light in my Darkness - 1
Tumblr media
Pairing: None yet
Warnings: um...no
A/N: We’re setting up the story, folks so no interaction yet. Hope you like it and it lives up to expectations. :)
You hurried into the Red Eye Café, slipping off your jacket as you came through the door. “Sorry, I’m late.”
Curtis was in his usual spot behind the counter, looking more linebacker than diner owner. He looked up at your announcement before waving you off as if it wasn’t important. And to him it wasn’t. He and his wife Maria had opened the little diner when they were in their mid-20s. Now, they were in their fifties and had three grown boys and twice the space.
They treated you like family and that meant they weren’t overly put out if you were a couple of minutes, or even a couple of hours, late. You cared more than they did, truth be told. Curtis finished topping off someone’s coffee and glanced at you as he put the pot back. “Everything all right?”
You nodded as you tied on an apron. “The mailman came right as I was leaving. I stayed until he finished.” You held up the large envelope clutched tightly in your hand. “They’re here. All of them.”
“Maria, she got the letters,” Curtis called through the window to his wife. You saw her wipe her hands off on a towel before she came out of the kitchen. 
“Well, let’s see what you got, baby. Don’t keep us in suspense,” she ordered as she came to stand beside her husband. You grinned as you dumped out the envelope of mail from your father’s house. His butler collected it all week and then would send it on.
You pulled out the four envelopes you’d been waiting on and laid them on the counter in front of you. When you announced at the end of your previous semester that you were dropping out of business school to pursue a degree in art, your father had cut you off completely. Well, he would in less than two weeks when the new semester started and you weren’t enrolled in your business classes. These were the letters that would tell you how much financial aide you would be receiving to help with school.
The letter from the art school was first. They had their own scholarships and grant programs and you’d applied for everything you were eligible for. You unfolded the paper and ran your eyes over the text.
“We think you for your interest. Your status is below. Blah, blah, blah.” Your voice trailed off and your brow furrowed as you took in the list. Denied. Denied. Not awarded. Not qualified. What the hell?
You ignored Curtis and Maria as they asked what the letter said and dropped the paper onto the counter. You grabbed the envelope for a state grant and skimmed that letter to find more of the same. As you feared, the two federal grants were no better. You licked your lips as moisture pooled in your eyes. You dropped your head into your hands.  
“Not even a dime,” you said, knowing your bosses were waiting for the verdict.
“What? That doesn’t make any sense.” Curtis snatched one of the letters off the counter to read it for himself.
You lifted your head. “I don’t qualify for any sort of aide because my father makes too much money.”
“But he’s not helping you pay for anything,” Maria argued.
“They don’t care. He’s capable of it, so they won’t help me.” Tears overflowed and ran down your cheeks.
“Don’t cry, sweetheart. There’s still student loans.” His voice took on the soft tone he got when either you or Maria were upset.
You shook your head. “Not without him cosigning. And what’s the point of an art degree if I have to pay back thousands of dollars of debt when I graduate. I’ll be paying off loans until I’m eighty. Shit.” You shoved the papers across the counter. “Throw those away. I can’t stand to look at them anymore.”
“Maybe you should try talking to your dad again. Maybe he’ll see that you’re serious about art school and help you out. He could loan you the money at a lower interest rate.” Maria looked so hopeful you almost felt bad for snorting in disbelief.
“I wouldn’t bet on it. He’d probably charge me double.” It wasn’t that your father disliked you or anything, but he was used to people doing as he said, you included. And he wasn’t beyond doing whatever he had to enforce that compliance. The disappointed look on Maria’s face had you backtracking a little. “I’ll call him as soon as my shift is over.”
She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “Nonsense. This is more important. You call him now.”
There was no point arguing with her. Maria always got her way. You gave her a nod and pulled out your phone before heading through the kitchen and out the back door. You leaned against the building and called your father.
He always answered the phone like that. As if he were too busy for any sort of formalities or niceties. It bothered you maybe more than it should have, but you had been raised by your mother for the first ten years of your life. A more courteous, kind person had never existed. You were the product of a youthful indiscretion as your father put it. Though his parentage had been confirmed by a DNA test, you looked nothing like him. All your features came from your mother to the point you could have been mistaken for her clone. You even carried her last name.
In rare moments, your father would really look at you and tell you how much you reminded him of her. The thread of regret in his voice always made you wonder if that was a good or bad thing. You shook your head, knowing you were only putting off the inevitable. “Hello, Dad.”
There was a brief pause “Y/N. This is a surprise. What can I do for you?”
“I want to borrow some money.” You forced the words out.
You sucked in a breath to steel your nerves. “Apparently the school doesn’t care that you are refusing to pay. I don’t qualify for any of the financial aid I’ve applied for because you make too much money. The only option left is student loans.” You braced yourself, prepared to listen to his insane requirements for lending you the money.
His outright refusal took you a minute to recover from. “Just like that?”
“Just like that, Y/N.” He sighed when you didn’t say anything. “Listen, I know you don’t see it, but this is for your own good. You’ll thank me in the long run.”
You hummed low in your throat. “You think so?”
“I know so. With a business degree, all sorts of doors are open for you. Hell, you could work for me when you graduate. Take over the company someday.”
You bit your tongue to keep from telling him that would be the last thing you’d be doing. His company was involved in too many things that didn’t set right with you. Nothing illegal, but some of it was damn sure immoral. “Business doesn’t interest me, dad. I gave it a shot like you asked, and it wasn’t me. You know that.”
“What I know is that is a choice you are making and a damned stupid one. I don’t have to agree with it and I sure as hell don’t have to support it.” He was near shouting by the end.
“Okay. I get it.” You hated fighting with him.
“No. I don’t think you do. But you will. This was the last month I will be paying your rent so I suggest you make other arrangements. I doubt you can pay it on your own with what you make at that diner.” When he told you to get a job in high school, the diner was not what he had in mind. He’d offered you a job in his company mailroom and you’d decided to wait tables instead.
The line had gone silent. “Dad?”
No response.
The bastard had hung up on you.
A sob tore its way from your chest and you did your best to suck it back down. You hated that you got like this, but you couldn’t help it. Every time you fought with your dad, you cried. It was stupid, but unavoidable apparently.
You swiped the tears from your cheeks and focused on breathing. You needed to calm the hell down and get back to work. Not wanting to get sucked into a lengthy conversation, you tapped out a text to your best friend Wanda.
You had met her and her twin Peter the first week of your freshman year. You all attended the same private high school. Wanda was a fellow artistic soul and the two of you quickly became inseparable. Peter was a track star who inexplicably liked hanging out with the two art nerds. When he died in a car accident your Junior year, Wanda almost faded away with him. Slowly she healed and things were as normal as they could be with part of your trio lost for good.
The two of you were supposed to look at apartments later this week so you could live together just off campus. There was no way you could afford to do that now. You weren’t even going to be able to attend classes this semester. If you called, she would only argue with you, claiming she didn’t need you to pay any rent. And she didn’t. Her father was as well off, if not more so than your own. Unlike your own, he’d actually encouraged her to attend art school. But you couldn’t let her pay your way. You wouldn’t.
Text sent, you slipped the phone into your apron and swiped at your eyes again, hoping there were no remnants of your tears remaining. You stepped inside the door and were immediately wrapped in a tight hug by the petite Hispanic woman you worked for.
“I am so sorry, baby. I listened, I couldn’t help it. I was worried.”
You hugged her back. Honestly you didn’t mind that she had eavesdropped. It kept you from having to repeat everything. Joshua, their middle son glanced over from his spot by the grill and looked you over. You gave him a little wave.
“Someone make you cry? Do I need to have a word with someone?” His gruff tone had you grinning. All three of their sons treated you like a sister, including being a bit overprotective.
Maria clicked her tongue again and waved her son off. “It’s just that father of hers.”
He nodded and turned back to the food he was cooking. You phone buzzed in your pocket as it rang. You ignored it, knowing it was Wanda. You didn’t feel like crying again right now.
“We have a spare room. And you know you can have all the hours you want. Study between customers. Just like Jericho.” Jericho was their youngest son who was in the middle of getting his law degree.
“Don’t do it, Y/N. It sounds nice but don’t be fooled,” Joshua called over his shoulder, a teasing lilt to his voice.
“Oh, stop it you,” his mother chastised before turning back to you. “And you get to work. This will all work out. You’ll see. Just have a little faith.”
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tattooednursewrites · 5 years
Movie Night?
Summary: Your best friend, Peter, needs cheering up... what better way than with a movie night? 
Peter Maximoff/Reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: Fluff? lots of fluff mainly. Language? safe bet that I have at least a f-bomb or two in anything I write. 
A/N: This was written for @suz-123‘s 1.5K Eighties Movie Writing Challenge Extravaganza. Thank you so much for letting me participate, and congratulations on the awesome milestone! 
Originally I had something totally different in mind for this fic, being that it’s supposed to be more MCU... but this idea kind of just popped into my head and had to be written. Sorry for bending the rules!  Just a wee bit of fluff. Hope you enjoy! 
Prompt:  “Do you want to watch a movie with me?”; “I don’t like movies.”; “I’m sorry, what?”
Movie Night?
            Moving quickly through the halls, you mumbled curses under your breath at the squeaky wheel on the cart. You had borrowed the cart with the TV and VCR from one of the classrooms. It wouldn’t be missed on the weekend, right? Plus, you had some cheering up to do. You had managed to get a friend to loan you their copy of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Thankfully, the school had a VHS player, and not just Betamax. You had already put together a bunch of snacks, included Twinkies, of course, and had them stashed on the bottom of the cart. It was a bit silly how nervous you were – it’s not like you were some misbehaving student. You were an adult… and your friend needed cheering up. That you thought of him as more than a friend? Well, that didn’t help with the nerves. At all.
            You also couldn’t help feeling a bit guilty. The battle had depleted your powers enough that you were under strict orders not to heal for the time being… no matter how small the injury. You understood the reasoning… you had been out for almost two full days after trying to keep up with healing the injuries during the battle… for all the good it had done. It didn’t stop you from wanting to heal Peter’s leg, though. With speed being his thing, he healed quicker than most as it was… but it was still going to take a couple weeks for his leg to fully heal. And Peter, who definitely was not used to having limited mobility, wasn’t taking it well. The battle and its outcome had been difficult for everyone, there was plenty of guilt to go with the sadness and loss. And Peter wasn’t able to cope how he normally would, and it worried you. Hence the impromptu movie night.
              Knocking on his door, you waited for the grumbled “Yeah?” before opening it and peaking your head in. Peter was sitting on his bed, his crutches leaning next to it, with his leg propped up. He was flipping through a MAD magazine, and he lowered it – quirking an eyebrow at you when you leaned in through the partially opened door.
              “Do you want to watch a movie with me?” you asked, giving him a mischievous grin.
              “I… don’t like movies,” he shrugged, watching your face for a reaction.
              “I’m sorry, what?!” you huffed with a chuckle of disbelief. “How can you not like movies?”
              “They’re long,” he replied simply, like that explained everything. Seeing your incredulous look, he added. “I don’t like to sit still…”
              You studied him, nodding. “That I believe… but since you are kind of stuck for the time being,” you gestured to his leg. “Would it be that bad to watch a movie with me? I brought snacks.”
              Peter smiled when you mentioned food, sitting up a bit and waving you into his room. “Snacks are good. And I wouldn’t mind the company.”
              Hiding your blush, you turn quickly to pull the cart into his room. You had known Peter for years. And, unbeknownst to him, you had been in love with him pretty much since the beginning. But you considered him one of your best friends and didn’t want to make it awkward for him, so you kept your feelings to yourself. You knew they were one sided. Sure, Peter flirted a bit, but he did that with everyone. Still, it always gave you butterflies to be alone with him. And to have his attention focused on you? It was a heady thing.
              “So, what are we watching?” Peter cut into your thoughts.
              You turned from setting everything up and gave him a smile. “Raiders of the Lost Ark. It’s about a treasure hunting archaeologist.” You moved to sit next to him on the bed, bringing the snacks with you. He grinned, opening a Twinkie. You shook your head as he ate it in one bite. “Here,” you laughed softly as he grinned at you with his mouth full, handing him a Tab.
              Peter looked from you to the TV and back again. “You think…”
              “There’s kind of a glare, would it be okay if we turned the light off?”
              “Su…sure,” you mumbled, hopping up quickly as you felt your cheeks heat. Alone in the dark with Peter? The butterflies went crazy. You sat back down next to him, watching the beginning credits. You couldn’t help but steal glances at him in the dim light from the screen.
              Peter fidgeted as he watched the movie. You tried to pay attention, but your focus was on Peter. He glanced at you as he leaned up to grab another Twinkie, smiling before returning his attention to the screen. When he finished it in two bites you noticed a bit of cream left behind on his lip. You must have been staring at his lips for longer than you realized because his voice broke the spell.
              “You alright?” He sounded… different… nervous maybe… and his voice was rougher.
              “Um,” you glanced up at his eyes to see his focus fully on you. “You have a bit of…” you didn’t finish your thought. Instead you looked back to his lips, bringing your thumb up to wipe the bit of cream off, bringing it to your mouth. You were distracted from the sweetness by Peter’s groan. You looked back up to his eyes and found him staring at your lips. Your entire body started tingling as your heartbeat sped. You leaned in and felt him do the same. Was he? Did he want to kiss you? “Peter?” you whispered his name against his lips and felt him groan before he pulled you the rest of the way to him.
            His lips against yours were soft at first, but the kiss quickly deepened. His hand found your jaw and yours went to his waist. When his t-shirt rode up and your hand hit his skin, he let out a moan, pulling you closer. He was so warm. He rolled a bit to pull you closer and you noticed a wince.
              “You okay?” you asked, looking toward his leg.
              He gave you a small smirk. “Tried to move my leg a bit too fast. It’s good now.”
              You brought your hand to his cheek, and he closed his eyes as he nuzzled into it. “I’m excited to get close to you, too,” you said, your voice soft. “But you don’t have to rush, I’m not going anywhere. Not unless you want me to.”
              Peter’s eyes popped open and he studied you. “You… I…”
              You took a breath. Fuck it. Here goes. “I’m in love with you, Peter. I’ve been in love with you… well… you remember when you brought me that fresh peach ice cream when I was down?”
              Peter nodded distractedly. It had been shortly after you had met, you were homesick and he had been trying to cheer you up.
            “I knew then. And I know you probably don’t feel…” your words were cut off by Peter pulling you to him and burying his face in your neck.
              “I’ve been in love with you since you smiled at me the first time,” he mumbled into your shoulder after a moment. “I never thought I had a chance.”
              You pulled back from him a bit, getting him to look at you. “I love you, Peter Maximoff. And I’m yours as long as you want me.”
              He grinned; his eyes shiny. “I love you, too. So much. And I’m always gonna want you.”
              “Guess you’re going to have to prove it to me then, huh?” you smirked at him, giving a lock of his hair an affectionate tug.
              “Gladly,” he muttered, pulling you to him before claiming your lips again.
              The movie played on, forgotten.
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stuclyblrs · 5 years
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hi everyone! i spent this past semester (spring ‘19) studying abroad in china so i wanted to make a post about my experiences! i hope this can help you in deciding if you want to study abroad and help you while you’re abroad! **this post is directed at study abroad programs through a university in the us - i have never done other programs so i cannot speak about them**
choosing to study abroad
i do want to start by saying you dont have to study abroad. this is something that is definitely being pushed lately by colleges (at least in the us) and it can feel like that you must study abroad to get the full college experience. however, its not something that’s necessary or right for everyone and you don’t need to feel pressured to do so. for me personally, i knew i wanted to study abroad in china long before i entered college whereas some of my friends weren’t interested until they started college and learned more about my school’s programs and hearing from upperclassmen who already studied abroad. some questions to ask yourself when deciding if you want to study abroad
will this benefit you as a person, whether its academically and/or for personal growth?
will studying abroad mean you have to take out more student loans that you don’t think you can fully handle (more on this later)?
is your only motivation only to have a more relaxed semester at a country where its legal to drink and/or for resume building? well these aren’t bad things necessarily - live your life the way you want to! - you might not have the amazing time that you’re thinking you will if these are your only motivations
are you (or will you) be able to mentally/emotionally handle the extra challenges that come with living and studying in a foreign country?
this is just a small amount to consider when choosing to study abroad, but another important thing is do what feels right! feel a calling to study in a specific country - then consider it! don’t think traveling is for you despite everyone pushing for it? - then don’t worry about it!
when and where to go 
things to consider when determining when
how long do you personally believe you can handle? will a shorter summer session be better so you’re not away as long or do you want a full year for a more immersive experience?
which semester/summer fits best in your schedule? do the classes offered during this time keep you on track?
things to consider when determining where
what location has classes that fit your major/academic goals? if you’re ideal location doesn’t offer what you need, are you okay with doing a summer session or graduating a semester late?
where are you interested in traveling? have a language or culture you’re really interested in (this is why i chose china for my location!)? is there a place you don’t think you’ll get a chance to visit otherwise?
what are the costs for each possible location like? don’t forget to consider paying for food, transportation, activities, and other travel
if your school doesn’t offer a program in your target location don’t let that deter you from studying abroad. a lot of times universities allow students from other universities to apply to their study abroad programs. start by talking to your schools study abroad office/program to see if there are universities that your school already works with!
as i mentioned in determining if you should study abroad, one thing that should be considered is money. if studying abroad means you have to take out extra loans that you’re not sure if you can handle, then it might not be the best choice at the moment - there will be other opportunities in your life to travel and not studying abroad does not mean your college experience is incomplete. do whatever is best for you.
when it comes to determining the cost of a semester abroad, do your research! contradictory to what i just said, in terms of student loans, it was cheaper for me to study abroad due to housing being cheaper. however, i still had to spend extra money on plane tickets, travel, food, and other experiences, so it’s not just the cost of tuition and housing that needs to be considered when budgeting for study abroad. not everything will be budget breaking though, food was incredibly cheap relative to nyc in china, so that was another aspect where my semester abroad was cheaper than normal. additionally, with doing your research on the costs of studying abroad, don’t forget to research scholarships! i received two extra scholarships from my school that were strictly study abroad related and there are plenty of outside scholarships related to general study abroad, different majors, and certain locations.
some tips on saving money for study abroad
once you’ve decided to study abroad work on saving money - set a specific amount of your paycheck dedicated for time abroad, think about maybe skipping getting takeout and cooking at home to put that money towards abroad, possibly get a second job during the summer/other breaks
determine beforehand where you want to travel within the country/neighboring countries beforehand so you can approximately figure out what you’ll need to spend to achieve these travel goals
make a budget for daily expenses (food, transportation to campus if needed) and keep track of your spending
take advantage of programs hosted for study abroad students. about half of my traveling to other cities was done through the study abroad program, which cost a small fraction of what the cost would’ve been if i did it on my own
be flexible! there is a good chance you will go over your intended budget, but it is okay - money can comeback, time will not
with that being said however don’t overdo it, there’s nothing wrong with going a bit over for some extra experiences, but you don’t want to break the bank 
in terms of being far away from my family, it wasnt that big of a change compared to a regular semester as i don’t see them during the school year. however, i did miss nyc and my friends very much. it was hard to deal with at certain points, especially when i was having a difficult time with school but here’s somethings i did to help:
set up times to video chat with family and friends - and try to make it a regular thing
send your friends dumb things that you’re doing - dying over homework, eating good food, some animal you saw on the street, a meme that reminded you of them, and so on they’ll be missing you too
make new friends! i know thats easier said than done, but other students in the program are in the same situation as you and will be feeling homesick. set up a semi-regular time to hang out (i made friends with my roommate and another girl and we hung out nearly every saturday to play games on the switch)
some easy ways to get to know people at the beginning are have lunch/dinner together, talk to people in your classes (especially in language classes if you’re in a country that doesn’t speak your native language), hang out with your roommates
participate in any opportunities hosted for study abroad students that you can. it’s a great way to meet other students and get involved in the local culture while spending less money
finally, its important to remind yourself that you have this amazing opportunity to study in a foreign city/country/culture. it is very normal/expected to feel homesick, but reminding yourself of this helps to bring yourself back into focus and enjoy your experience
balance between academics and traveling
this is something i did struggle with and i still do wish i had planned my time better so i could’ve done more, but in general its about finding balance similar to how you would during a regular semester with classes, extracurriculars, friends, jobs. since i wasn’t involved in any extracurriculars or didn’t have a job while abroad that freed up a lotttt of time that i don’t typically have to focus on school work during the week and travel on the weekends. when planning to travel outside of your host city, you’ll want to plan ahead as much as you can as those times are the hardest times to keep up (i had one class that was based on three papers... and two of them were due after weekend trips hosted by the study abroad program not fun man!) here’s some advice that i have for this
save ‘big’ trips for time off - i went to beijing over our spring break, which was the best time to go as i didnt have to worry /as much/ about my work and i could spend more time there compared to my other travels
spend time in the country either before or after. other than beijing, my other ‘big trip’ was to chengdu/xian/zhangjiajie where i visited these cities back to back right after my finals were done
use the time on the plane/train/car/whatever to do some work. i know its easy to just fall asleep or be on your phone, but you’ll be glad that you did some work once the next school day comes
talk with your professors! they will understand that you are a study abroad student and have limited time in the country - one of the weekend trips hosted by my school left before my friday class but we had quizzes every friday in that class so i just let my prof know that i had this opportunity coming up and he let me take the quiz the next monday
try to do your work during the week to leave the weekends free. i would suggest to even save traveling around your host city should be left for the weekends, unless there is some special event going on so that way you can maximize study time during the week and have the weekend free for travel time!
use whatever planning system typically works for you (traditional planners, google calendar etc.) and as soon as you know you have assignments/tests/quizzes, put that in your calendar and start working towards them immediately. also schedule in time to study so you can work towards tests/quizzes everyday so you can travel without worry
i felt i did a good job of balancing travel and academics, however i felt i didnt explore shanghai as much i wanted to. if i had planned out my study time better, i could’ve opened up more free time on the weekends to go out in the city.
other advice
if you’re not in college yet, make sure you’re researching schools that you look at their study abroad programs and that they have the location(s) you’re interested in!
let your advisor know that you’re planning on studying abroad as soon as you can (even if you’re just thinking about it and aren’t sure yet) so they can help you stay on track and plan for it
with that last point being said, don’t solely rely on them - do your own research, check which classes are offered, save any emails confirming that classes abroad will count for your classes, keep track of application requirements and deadlines and so on
i hope this post is helpful in your study abroad journey! if you have any further questions please feel free to message me✨
bonus! check out my day in the life in shanghai video :]
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wanderingclark · 5 years
Bank of Sugar || Clark and Sugar
Who: Clark Meeks and Sugar Motta ( @usecodesugar ) When: Wednesday, January 22, 2020 Where: Sugars house What: Clark ask Sugar for a loan. Doesn’t turn out quite as planned.
Clark was nervous. She had bought a nice shirt and pair of pants for this evening, showered at the school, did their hair nicely and made sure they looked good. They wanted to be as professional as possible for this. Yeah, Sugar was their friend, but they were about to ask for a massive amount of money. The home they found was perfect for what they wanted and it was used so it was already built. They just had to pay for the house and the shipping to get it to Doveport and the first and last months rent for the plot of land they had found to rent to put it on. Everything was in place, they just needed the money. And no bank would ever give them the amount of money they were gonna need. So Sugar was their one and only shot at this. Pulling up to the gate and entering in the code Sugar gave them, they parked and grabbed all the paperwork they needed for this meeting. Taking a deep breath and brushing off the imaginary dust off their shirt, the walked up and rang the doorbell before pushing their glasses up their face as they waited for Sugar to answer
Sugar performed her usual routine of checking that everything was clean, she had put Simon in one of his nicer bow ties, just for kicks, and changed into jeans and a Gucci tshirt. She had gotten her checkbook from her business manager earlier, knowing Clark would want to collect on the bet they had made, she'd honestly been so impressed that they had lasted. She never would have been able to do it. At the bell, Simon ran to the door and Sugar followed, opening it with a smile. "Hey come on in!" She made room for Clark to come inside. "Is this couch talk or do we need like a table?"
Clark smiled and followed her in. Tapping their notebook against their hand, they licked their lips. "Uh. Probably a table" they said nervously. God they needed to stop being so nervous. They needed to get their shit together. They followed Sugar to the formal dining table and sat next to the girl at the table before opening their notebook and pulling out a bunch of papers with a bunch of numbers and she could already see them scrambling in the page. Shaking their head, they cleared their throat before closing their eyes for a moment and then opening them back up to look at Sugar. "I found a house." they said bluntly before continuing. "It's a tiny home actually. On wheels. It's preowned so it's already built with all the bells and whistles and has like top of the line everything but the previous owners couldn't finish their payments so they got foreclosed on or something. I don't know but they're now selling it for cheap. I mean, for cheap for a tiny home" they rambled before shaking their head and looking back down to the papers before grabbing a few. "This is the house and all the specs. There's plumbing, electric, a kitchen, a bathroom with a full shower, a living room, an office and a loft bedroom. And it's on wheels so all I'd have to do is hook it up if I ever wanted to go somewhere else" they said, their heart racing inside of their chest as they watched Sugar look over the paper work.
There was something off about Clark tonight, Sugar could practically feel the nervous energy radiating off of them. Sitting at the table, she realized this was actually really serious, and she wanted to be there for her friend, so she vowed to give her complete attention. Even Simon could sense something was up and sat next to Sugar's chair, straight and tall, like the dignified businessman he was. Before Sugar could open her mouth to congratulated Clark on finding a place, they went on. She remembered when she'd finally decided to get this house and she'd been so happy that day, her very first home. Clark handed her some paperwork, and she did her best to look interested, but she honestly couldn't make heads or tails of it. It looked nice, smaller than the play house she'd had as a kid, but clean. She nodded her head, looking up at Clark with a smile. "It looks very nice!”
Clark licked their lips when Sugar spoke and nodded. "It is really nice. And I've contacted the seller and I threw a number at them and they accepted it and gave me a week to get the loan approved on my end" the said before taking a deep breath. "The thing is, I'm 23, a student with no actual physical address with a part time minimum wage job. No bank in their right mind would loan me the kind of money I'm asking for. So I wanted to ask you" they said straight out, letting out a slow breath of air before looking down at their paperwork, shuffling it around to try and find the sheet that had all the numbers they needed on it.
Nodding, Sugar looked down again. She had a vague understanding of mortgages and stuff, but honestly, she hadn't needed one to buy her house, so she didn't know what Clark was getting at, did they want Sugar's advice on homeownership? Then she heard it, this was about money. Definitely a sticky topic between the two of them, but Sugar had money, everyone knew she had money, it wasn't a secret. In fact, the Mottas had more than they could spend in several lifetimes even before counting Sugar's success on Instagram, she never understood the concept of being greedy with her money. Her father had taught her to invest wisely... was Clark a wise investment? She looked at them, at how anxious they were, and she nodded. "How much?"
Clark finally found the piece of paper they were looking for before looking up at the question. "This number includes the house, the shipping of the house to Doveport and the first and last months rent on the plot of land I found that I can rent for the next year. I did all the math and if I pick up some extra hours at the shop and maybe a second job, I can make monthly payments of $287 a month for the next 12 years to pay off this loan with an interest rate of .125% add on top of it" they said, hoping the numbers they were saying were the correct numbers as their hands worried the paper they were holding inside of them.
Sugar shook her head. "I can't made heads or tails of this, Clark, just give me a number." She said, standing. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed her checkbook and pen and walked back into the dining room. She opened the book and poised her pen, looking to Clark for an answer.
Clark watched Sugar walk out of the room, brows furrowed. Didn't Sugar understand money and how everything worked? They shook their head when the girl walked back into the room. "Um. $35,000" they said before looking down at their paper again. "They're accepting $29,500 for the house and then it's $3,000 to ship it here and then it's $2,500 for first and last months rent for the land. It'll be $1,250 a month for rent which is gonna be rough but I think I'm gonna put my $10,000 prize money into the rent for the year so I don't have to worry about it" they explained.
"Okayyyy..." She said, scribbling down the information on the check. She made it out to CASH, unsure of what name was on Clark's ID, the amount, in the notes she wrote "gift" and finally, with a flourish, her signature. She ripped the check from the book and slid it over to Clark, making no mention of the fact that it was made out for $50,000 instead of 35. "That includes your bet win." She said casually
Clark watched Sugar write out the check and hand it over, looking at the girl before looking down at the check. They furrowed their eyebrows, trying to do math in their heads before pulling out their phone and adding everything up before looking back up. "This is too much?" they said before scribbling some numbers down on a sheet of paper and crossing them out before scribbling more numbers down and trying to do math on their phone, clenching their teeth as they tried to get all the numbers to stop swirling around on the page in front of them.
Sugar shrugged. "I like round numbers!" She smiled. "Just, put the extra 5 grand toward your rent too, or toward new bedding or something!" Simon gave his bark of approval. "Do you want something to drink or something? Or like a snack? I'm kind of starving."
Clark shook their head. "The extra 5 grand puts it up to a 15 year loan though. Are you okay with that?" the asked, shaking their head again. "And how am I supposed to put this in the bank if it's made out to cash. That's not my name" they continued, still confused.
Furrowing her brow, Sugar leaned against the table. "Loan?" She shook her head, what was Clark babbling about, did they not want the money? "You just take it to my bank and cash it, and then you put the money in your bank... I wasn't sure what name was on your ID, so I figured cash was just easier. And then you can keep some extra cash if you want...." Had she done something wrong?
Clark was so confused. "Yeah. Loan. You loan me the money I pay you back. That's what I was talking about. I can get a second job and it would be.." they said shuffling through the pages in front of them. "$287 a month. I would pay you that over the next 12 years to pay you back $40,000 because I was adding a 12.5% interest to it" they explained.
"You don't need to pay me back, Clark." Sugar shook her head, she knew it was a large amount of money, she wasn't stupid, but it was genuinely less than she usually spent on clothes in a week. She could afford to help Clark out, and she wanted Clark to know that everything was fine between them after their disagreement, she didn't want Clark to think she was going to start being weird about money.
Clark's jaw literally dropped. They were frozen in shock for a few seconds before shaking their head. "No dude. You can't just give me $40,000" they said before setting the check down in front of them. "This is a huge deal to me. Getting a house and staying in one place for at least a year if not longer. I never thought I'd leave Eileen until I got a new car. So this is huge for me. And I wanna do it right. I don't want you to think I'm just using you for money because that's not...that's not the case at all. I'm asking you because a bank would say no, but I need the money to pull this off and a loan is the only way for me to do that" they rambled, their thoughts not even coming out in full sentences yet. "We literally just had an argument about this like...less than a week ago. I don't want you to sit here and think you're money is all i see you as because it's not. I just...you were my only option at securing a loan. You giving me money is not a loan. And I don't want you to think that I'm only sticking around because you're giving me money." Their brain was not comprehending the fact that Sugar wanted to give her such a large amount  of money. This was more money than they'd ever seen in their entire life time. They had no idea how to comprehend what was going on.
Sugar reached out and put her hand over Clark's. "Clark, you're my friend. You need money for a house and I have it. I don't..." She paused. "Look, I feel really bad for getting so worked up about all that, I was just feeling really weird and I was on edge and you just... pushed a button, but I know you don't really care about my money, I mean, if you did you'd have taken advantage of all this by now. Unless you're running like the longest con ever. So, please, let me do this." She chewed her lip. "Will it help if the gift comes with conditions? So it feels more... contractural?"
Clark could feel tears welling up in their eyes but they didn't know why. They could see how genuine Sugar was when she spoke and they shook their head. "Why can't I just pay you back?" they asked, not knowing how else to thank the girl for the check in between them.
"Because you're already going to school and working at the shop, and my friendship is very high maintenance, I can't have some stupid second job cutting into my ice cream time!" She said, as if it were completely obvious. "This money is supposed to make your life easier not harder, so no second job. What you can do is buy me dinner once a month. I want an actual meal too, not drive thru. I mean... you can buy me drive thru too, but it won't count... and you can't ask me for money again for.... um... a year?" She was trying to think of conditions that would make Clark more comfortable. "And you can't tell anyone you got the money from me. I mean, I'll probably tell Finn, but besides him."
Clark listened to the girls conditions, biting the inside of their lip as they did so. If Sugar wasn't gonna take their money, they'd have to get creative so they put that thought in the back of their mind before nodding. "Okay. Okay fine but can we put it in writing? And honestly, I don't think I'll ever ask you for money again because this is way too much for a lifetime" they said as they looked down at the check again.
Sugar nodded. "Of course, I'll have my lawyer draw something up." She leaned back, her eyes scanning Clark, trying to figure them out. "Do you want this house? Is it a place you can be proud of and feel safe and at home?"
Clark nodded before locking eyes with the girl and nodding again. "I've done my research. And I'm sick of the parking tickets I have to contest. It's too much time and money. And I plan on sticking around for at least a year. I want a little bit of space and I think this is the best option for me. I've done my research, I've looked at a lot of different places and I think this is really gonna probably be my forever home" they said honestly.
"Then it's worth it." Sugar said, nodding toward the check. As far as she was concerned the case was closed. "So, like... was that a no on the snack, or...?" Making dreams come true seemed to really work up an appetite, and she had already been hungry before Clark had come over, almost as if she associated Clark with food.
Clark ran a hand through their hair as they nodded. Picking up the check, the pulled out their wallet and put the check inside just to keep it safe before turning back to Sugar. "I'm down. How about those pizza puffs?" they asked with a smile. Standing up with Sugar, they reached out and grabbed her arm before wrapping their own arms around the girl in a hug. "Seriously. Thank you" they whispered.
Sugar laughed. "I'm sure I have some somewhere." She stood, ready to lead the way into the kitchen. Suddenly, she was being wrapped in a hug, and she smiled, returning the hug and relaxing into it. It felt nice to just be normal with Clark again, like their fight was finally actually behind them. "You're welcome." She whispered back, happy to have been able to help.
Clark let the hug go one for a moment longer before pulling back some. "Okay. Enough with numbers and sappy shit. Food" they said with a grin as they pointed towards the kitchen, happy to follow the girl into it.
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