#i block assholes
collaredkittyboy · 8 months
Know that if you're following me I have briefly stalked your account.
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moxiepoxart · 2 years
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Waiting for that bus
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gay-otlc · 1 year
Recently, it seems like there's been a pushback in the trans community against the "typical" trans narrative- someone who always knew they were a [binary gender] trapped in a [other binary gender] body and has always experienced dysphoria and plans to or has transitioned fully and is gender conforming. And there should be pushback against this narrative, because this is far from the only way to be trans! Trans people who don't fit into this way of being trans absolutely deserve recognition and celebration.
However, some members of the trans community sometimes go too far in their attempt to defend and celebrate non-typical trans people, and end up being hostile to trans people who do fit that "typical" narrative.
"Trans people don't have to medically transition!" and "trans people can still present as their assigned gender!" are both true statements, but it's inappropriate and offensive to say this to a trans person to try to change their mind about transitioning, or the way they present. When a trans person says they plan on going on hormones or getting surgery and someone says "Oh, you don't need to do that to be trans :)", it sounds like you are trying to convince them not to transition, which is the exact same thing transphobes do. And while some trans people are comfortable wearing clothes that are traditionally for their assigned gender, many of people have faced a lot of dysphoria and trauma from people forcing them or pressuring them to wear those clothes. "Pronouns don't equal gender!" is a good way to support pronoun non conforming folks, but it should never be used as an excuse to misgender someone, or tell them that they have to think about their pronouns differently. The "born in the wrong body" description of transness is outdated for many, but it resonates with some people, and that doesn't mean they're making the trans community look bad.
All this is to say, there are so so many diverse trans experiences, and we should absolutely make an effort to support trans experiences that differ from the "norm." However, trans people with experiences that do fit the "norm" are often treated as though they are responsible for transmedicalism, or for cis people's misconceptions about transness. This is untrue and an unfair way to treat them. In supporting the diversity of trans experiences, we shouldn't throw any under the bus.
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anartificialsatellite · 3 months
Sometimes I miss when the bulk of the antisemitism I came across online was like, over the top trollish 4chan level shit and not people I used to like and follow eating up and sharing brainrot conspiracy theories every third post.
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death-limes · 2 months
i’m tired of anti-voting rhetoric.
someone’s going to win in November. there’s no denying that. someone is going to win. no matter how many people refuse to vote, thinking that’s somehow going to make a statement or send a message, someone is going to win. and it’s going to be one of those two fuckers. a third-party candidate has never won before and there’s no indication that that could happen now. both of the assholes in question have horrendous foreign policy. in that regard, it doesn’t matter who wins, and as voters there’s nothing we can do about that except continue with activism. but with regards to domestic policy, one of those assholes is going to make life significantly harder for underprivileged people in america. that same asshole has all but stated outright that he wants to be a dictator. that asshole’s party isn’t fighting amongst themselves about him — they’re voting and they know exactly who they’re voting for. the other asshole with the better domestic policy has everyone within AND outside his party fighting about him because even though he’s better than the other guy he still sucks. lots of people in his party are pledging not to vote for him, instead voting for someone else with no chance of winning OR simply not voting at all and throwing away a right that people in other countries have fought bloody revolutions in order to earn. those people are helping the dictator asshole win. regardless of any “message” they might be trying to send, in the here and now, they’re helping the dictator asshole win.
taking domestic policy into consideration when deciding to vote is not americans “only caring about ourselves.” it’s recognizing that the foreign situation is fucked either way but we can still make a decision that’s better for the underprivileged people who live here.
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digglesgiggless · 9 months
@/calcium-cat preaching about kindness and thanking people for kind words and completely ignoring the other 99% that were hurt by what she said really goes to show what kind of a person she is.
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i hope she leaves the fandom, fr. she's got no place in queer spaces to act all empowering while being bigoted.
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wajjs · 2 months
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queerpdsys · 2 months
seeing disability awareness posts end with “TLDR; no, read it” is fucking WILD
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yazthebookish · 8 months
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Ruhn about Lidia vs Azriel about Elain
I don't even have to analyze the text, this immediately pinpoints to the issue I have with Elriel. Sexual attraction is absolutely normal but what else is there? and that's what we don't see with Az when he thinks about Elain.
It's a very simple thing that could've been mentioned, it doesn't spoil anything but the fact that we didn't is very telling. He doesn't even makes a comment about her joy or smile when he gives her the necklace. We don't get what Az thinks about Elain as a person and that's the issue a lot of readers have with this pairing.
I just found this to be a very interesting example.
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emahriel · 10 months
as my good friend and i like to remind each other:
don't yuck people's yum. if you do so, at least keep it in the dms. no point in making people feel absolutely miserable for liking a certain thing, for having an oc you don't like - whatever it is. people constantly hating just for the sake of hating truly sour the fandom experience on social medias. there's a problem if the only way you feel better is by making others feel like crap.
and you, who shares the things you love online, who creates original characters and talks about their ships - know that you will never be able to please everyone and that's okay. don't let it stop you from sharing what you love, if it brings you happiness then keep doing it. you don't owe anyone anything, if what you like somehow upsets people, they can very easily just block you and move on. it's really that simple!
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pure-mornings · 3 months
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wiisagi-maiingan · 11 months
No lie, learning about BMR (how many calories your body burns just doing basic functions like breathing, circulating blood, and maintaining brain activity) completely changed my mindset regarding calories. It was something I struggled a lot with even after recovering from my ED and getting more involved in body and food-positive communities, but researching BMR really drove home how much work my body does just by existing and how dangerous calorie restriction actually is.
If you count or restrict calories, PLEASE look up information on BMR that does NOT come from diet or weight loss companies. See how much energy your body is using just to keep you alive and what it means to be eating 1500 calories a day (or even less) when your body is burning 1400-1700 just by existing. Calories are not the villain, they're the fuel that your body desperately needs.
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AITA for messaging an ex friend who blocked me on WhatsApp?
Before you vote YTA, this AITA isn't about block evading but I didn't know how else to describe the situation.
Ex friend 21F and I 20F are coworkers. I won't go into what happened between us because it's a loooong story, both of us made mistakes but she blows everything out of proportions and I was weak and couldn't defend myself from the wild accusations she kept making at me.
Anyway, once I started setting boundaries and standing up for myself, she got upset and blocked me on WhatsApp. For those who don't know, if you try to message someone who blocked you on WhatsApp, the message will go through but they won't receive it, after I realized she had blocked me, it felt like I was screaming into the void.
Anyway, I didn't stop messaging her, I sent long rants about all the pent up anger that accumulated throughout the one year we were friends (or more accurately tried to make the friendship work), talking about how she misinterprets my whole character and believes she's an infallible angel who never done anything to me etc etc etc.
The messages were satisfying somehow, I felt like I lectured her on what she did to me, it also reminded me of letting it out as if I were writing in a diary. I would've stopped at that point but she still harasses me from time to time even though we don't talk anymore, so I made it a habit to scream at her in her chat whenever she does something to me. I literally turned her chat into a venting diary.
One day, she "stole" my chair right in front of me, between brackets because it was clear she actually didn't know it was mine but the etiquette is to ask first and/or check if this chair was taken. She can literally know that if she just looked at the computer screen and see if an account was logged on or off.
I wanted to call her out but after all, we were both sternly told to stay away from each other. So I kept my cool because I didn't want to make a scene and instead went to WhatsApp to scream at her again. In the rant I called her thief and all sorts of insults that implied she did it on purpose, that hurts no one because she won't read it. Not to mention, she did accuse me of stealing her money before so it was like I was getting back at her for that.
After a couple of hours, she was crying and ranting to our coworkers that she accused of stealing, and that we "chould've talked about it like adults" because she didn't mean to take a taken chair and how she was finally moving on from this toxic friendship but I won't let it go blah blah blah.
I was confused because she wasn't supposed to read the message, that's when I realized she had unblocked me sometimes these past couple of weeks for some reason. I was called to HR and I would've been fired but I defended myself by listing all the terrible things she did to me. Finding evidence wasn't difficult because my rants included chat screenshots of the terrible things she said to be before and they decided she was a bigger AH than I was, but they were creeped by my behaviors and called me out on it. Not only HR, but my coworkers too.
AITA for continuing to send messages without taking into account the possibility she might unblock me anytime?
What are these acronyms?
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eponastory · 6 months
The fun police are back again...
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I swear I blocked their ass a while back...
It's like a hydra. You cut one head off, five more take its place.
You don't make the rules? What rules? The ones you made up with your stupid name?
Calling someone with a college degree illiterate doesn't help your case, buddy.
Zutarians, just block this moron
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deityofhearts · 6 months
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I need to know how many of y’all have had (or at least heard of) snow cream. for context I live in the south (I’ve never been elsewhere) and snow cream is either deeply beloved or hated depending on who you’re talking to here
also before anyone says anything about “you don’t know what’s in the snow” people tend to leave a bowl outside to collect fresh snow so it hasn’t touched any dirt, as for snow itself being bad to consume: I just don’t care
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Hi, I hope you don't mind this message, and idk if anyone else has told you, but there's this troll going around on Tumblr named @/freethepuppet. They claim to be “fighting for justice in the puppet industry”, but really they're just sending hateful and threatening messages to Welcome Home and My Friendly Neighborhood artists/fans.
I myself have receive multiple death threats from this person, and they have sent threats to many of my friends over the matter, some of which are minors.
Because of this issue, I have decided to keep myself and my friends anonymous, especially considering the fact that @/freethepuppet intends to send threats to PartyCoffin himself, along with the creator behind My Friendly Neighborhood.
I just wanted to warn you about this person, so that you can block and report them, as well has tell others in the community about the troll. If you decide to ignore this, then that's fair and I respect your decision.
In any case, I hope you and your friends stay safe. Best of luck!!
blocked! thanks for letting me know! to add on to this, a little advice for everyone:
Don't Engage With This Person At All!
Don't Look At Their Stuff, Don't Respond To Messages, Don't @ Them Or Give Them The Time Of Day. Just Go Block Them And Let Them Exhaust Their Own Hate
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