#i bought two projects worth of parts this time :3
duskerot · 29 days
world's normalest guy spends $100 on nendoroid parts
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robins-egg-bindery · 9 months
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Windows by @drgrlfriend
Derek has a new neighbor who won't stop looking.
fic by @drgrlfriend
art by @maichan808 & @andavs-main
368 pages / 83,266 words
Title Font: PP Hatton
Body Fonts: Cardo, Geo
HAPPY FFWAD!!! Thank you @renegadepublishing for putting on this event in celebration!
More on the process below the cut!
I'm so excited to be posting this book! Super grateful @drgrlfriend was so down to let me bind Windows for Fan Fiction Writer Appreciation Day. This is one of my all-time favs, and I was thrilled to give it the treatment it deserves! @maichan808 & @andavs-main were also incredibly kind to allow me to include their stunning art pieces in the book <3 And thank you @renegadepublishing for putting this event together!
I wanted the typeset to be visually interesting and move around the page, without making it difficult to read. I created unique headers for each of the 28 chapters with royalty free art, and varied placement on the page in six different configurations. I also played with the text warp to make the text work as part of the image - one of my favorites is chapter 26, "Banshee", pictured above!
I used Brick duo for this bind, as part of the vision for the front cover, which was done in silver permanent vinyl. I think the rich rust color is perfect for how I would imagine Stiles & Derek's apartment building, and the silver is incredibly reflective - my favorite part is how the vinyl catches the light on the spine, and can reflect "Windows" on whatever surface it's on (pictured above). That's not an added effect, it's just doing that!
I did @tankbredgrunt's faux double-core headband with some Sulky Gutermann I bought at a secondhand store for $0.25, and it's so pretty! A bit thin to work with, but totally worth it for the multi-color effect it gives off.
And I finally got a proper crisp hinge! I think it really brings the whole book together, thank you knitting needles (even though you were a pain in the ass).
This project also marks my 100th book! I'm rapidly approaching the two year mark of my fanbinding career with no sign of stopping; thank you to this entire community, and all of the fandoms I've been able to bring this hobby to. I love how cross-fandom it is; and for an old floater like me, it's wonderful to bring all of my interests together and have something that transcends those lines.
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gaycrittercentral · 7 months
Welp it’s not Halloween anymore (and actually these pictures are from last year hkkhljhl) but who give a shit y'all wanna see my goofy lil Sam costume :D if you were here for my Halloween stream then you already saw this but if not then LOOKIT MY SUIT BOY
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Fun fact, I made all this last year and meant to post it then but I was just too lazy whoops. So I'm tryin to do better this time around, lmaoooo. Anyway yeah! Samb costume!! If you wanna hear how I made some of the elements for this and gathered up the rest, feel free to check out my ramblings under the cut :Dc
This was such a fun project. A lot of elements were of course just staples of businesswear, like I found the suit jacket at H&M and the pants at Target (and hemmed them because I love men's pants but they don't love my short-ass legs), but some parts were a bit more complicated. The hat, for example, I also found at Target, but it had the wrong kind of band, so I just took that off and hand sewed on a length of wide black ribbon in its place. I ain't no milliner or haberdasher or what have you but I feel like it came out pretty ok! And the ears were an element that I figured would be a fun addition lol, they are made of fleece I believe? I forget. I gave them a bit of soft stuffing so they're basically two soft pillows, and then safety-pinned them into the inner brim of the hat--that way I can look like a normal person if I ever decide to wear the hat in public lmao.
The tie was an absolute delight to work on. And also torture. Y'know, kind of a 'why not both' moment. I ended up reverse engineering a tie I already had and cannibalizing its inner fabric to make the new one, since I knew I wasn't going to wear the original. The new tie is made with a silky blue fabric that isn't silk that I don't remember what it is because I have a sponge for a brain. Sorry ^^; But basically I replaced the original outer part of the tie with my new fabric and sewed her up by hand (it's not really a machine job as far as I can tell), then painted on the stripes with watered down black fabric paint. I had hoped that watering it down would prevent it from making the fabric stiff, but that didn't end up working because it required so many layers to be opaque, oof. There's probably better ways to go about it, so if you're making your own Sam tie it's worth it to do some more research! Plus, they do sell regular blue ties out there that you could paint. I'm just insane. And tbh I wish I had just bought one but at least I can say I've made a tie now lmaoooo
And I suppose the last element of this is the paper bag Max puppet! I love him so dearly, he was a delight to make ^^ I'd tell you how to make him but why do that when obviously I learned from the original? Make sure to put one in your car ok it's really important
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God I love this comic. And I also dearly dearly love how faithfully they adapted it in the cartoon <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Anyway that's it that's all I got!! Also because I've never worn this thing out of the house it doesn't have shoes to go with, I just got some brown socks. I figure it fits with Sam as a shoe-hating person lmaooo. ok that's all bye thanks for looking hope y'all had a happy Halloween!!!!
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nanaloco · 1 year
Being best friends with jisung
Part 5 to the 'its complicated' series, full series paged linked at bottom!
Warnings : Lots of fluff towards the end, Bold jisung
Genre : Bestfriend!Jisung x gn!reader
Barely proofread btw lol
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• Unlike the other stories in this series, you and jisungs relationship is a bit different.
• You're not really friends, but you're not really lovers either, it's just... complicated
• You two often share earphones on the way to school until one day one of the ears stop working so sound only comes out of one ear so he tells you to bring your earphones with you next time, which you do
• 'so uh I bought one of these because one of the ears broke so..'
• He bought one of those heartshaped earphone adapters that turn it into 2 headphone jacks -instead of just buying a new pair of earphones-
• You suggest that you could just use your ones but he already bought it, and 'it would be a waste not to use it'
• So now you're here sitting at the back of the bus on your 3 hour bus ride home listing to your spotify blend through jisungs phone
• Spotify says you and him are an 83% match, so maybe they do know what they're talking about despite your daily mixes past #2 being anything but accurate of what you listen to
• Regardless you wanted to belive that it could mean more than just your music compatibility
• You two actually are very alike
• Both were very quiet,
• until you were sat next to eachother in class, where you first met
• He's not one to strike conversation, but he feels more at ease to talk to quieter people
• Which is why you two clicked
• You felt like you wouldn't judge eachother and you understood eachother
• You ended up preferring him over your current friend group, wishing that you two could grow closer to the point where you could have an excuse to hang out with him besides homework help
• That was until you were assigned a group research project with your deskmate
• This was your perfect opportunity
• It was worth 40% of your grade so of course, you'd have to take this seriously
• But that won't stop you from stealing sly glances at his puckered lips while hes concentrating
• Or stop you from wanting to ruffle his hair
• Or poke and pinch his cheeks everytime he laughs or puffs them
• Or kiss his plush lips
• What? No..
• It's just your intrusive thoughts, you guys are good friends thats all
• You're almost too concerntrated on focusing on your work and not making it obvious that you'd been staring at his lips for an obscene amount of time to realise
• How everytime you look up at him, he was already staring at you
• Or how rosy his cheeks were everytime you looked at him
• Or how fast his heart was beating, being next to you
• You never noticed
• So now you're at his place, sitting next to him on his dining table, just completing your discussion on the topics you want to focus on, ready to start the first part of your assignment: research
• He reaches across you to grab his textbook
• And he was suuuuuuper close and you could smell the shampoo you two bonded over
• He could've just asked you to pass it to him =~=
• Now you're stuttering your words everytime your eyes lock
• "Um, I'll give you space! to spread out your materials aaand sit opposite" you say rising from your seat
• He was wayyy too close for your poor heart and you couldn't concentrate
• He swiftly slides his hand into yours, holding it tightly
• His hands were really warm, typical of him, he's practically a human furnace
• You look him with a confused facial expression only for him to exchange the same look thats printed on your face
• 'Oh I didn't want to invade your personal space, so I was gonna move'
• He didn't even hear what you said earlier because he thought it was funny how jumpy you were all of a sudden in oppose to how confindent you were in delivering your thoughts on the topic of your discussion
• 'What if I want you to invade my personal space'
• 'Huh?'
• He tugs your arm slightly, notioning you to sit back down
• Your faces inches appart
• 'What if I wanted you to invade my personal space?'
• Uhhhh this wasn't appart of your agenda today
• You both kinda just stare at eachother, not making any movements, but not drawing away either
• Shyness creeping up on both of you
• 'Umm, anyways about the work' you stammer turning the pages in your book, only to look back at him being ten times closer
• 'Can I kiss you?' His voice was low and soft
• Where did all of this confidence come from 💀💀
• A slow nod was all you could give him before he slowly placed a soft peck on your lips
• Before looking back up at you with those eyes that make you just want to melt
• And another
• And another
• And you had to go, grabbing your phone and running out of his house with no hesitstion
• Whatever has gotten into him had your stomach turning in your bed as you debated how on earth you were going to tackle this the next day
• Jisung on the other hand, acted completely on impulse, he did things he didn't think he could ever possibly do, and he has no regret either
• Theres nothing wrong with liking someone, he did nothing but be sincere
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Thank you so much for reading 💕
I thought it would be interesting to have Jisung be more bold in this one Because I normally see him being written as very shy, but I'm sure he has his moments
Requests are open, literally spam me!!!
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oracleofapollon · 2 years
i was wondering if u could write a blurb for steve buying the reader flowers? n she just gets a lil teary bc no one has ever bought her flowers before? <3
this is definitely not me self projecting🫶
hi!! i totally understand you, anon. hope you like it <3
While waiting for Steve you are sitting on a bench, listening to Take My Breath Away on your headphones.
It's your first official date since you started going out and you can't help but feel a bit nervous. You know he's had girlfriends before – you feel obligated to be as good as them, or better. You don't want to be boring or reserved, and the fact you two are taking a walk in a park doesn't help in thinking of some attractions. You're so lost in thought it takes you a while to notice someone standing beside you.
That someone being your Steve. Clad in a white polo shirt tucked into his new jeans, he was holding a bouquet of flowers in his right hand.
"Hi, pretty girl," you hear him say as you take off your headphones, turning the music off. You stand up and he kisses your cheek. "This is for you," he hands you the flowers.
You take them from him a bit dumbfounded, blinking up at him, then back down on the white flowers in your hands.
"Lily of the valley, babe. They reminded me of you, y'know?" Steve rubs his hand up your arm, grinning cheekily when he feels goosebumps under his fingertips. "All pretty little bells. Looked so cute, just like you."
Your cheeks go all warm at his corny compliments, of course, but you're more moved by the fact he took the time out of his day to go to the flower shop, pick a bouquet which reminded him of you, buy it – all with you in mind.
Obviously you know people give their significant others flowers. It happens in all the books, movies, and songs. But you've never quite thought it is so intimate, weirdly intimidating to be given flowers. To be seen as someone worth this kind of beauty. To be looked at so gently. To be compared to the part of nature so delicate and elegant you want to cry. And so your eyes tear up a little when you look into your boyfriend's eyes; the color of them like honey dripping in the light of the golden hour, pieces of brown islands around big black pupils. You swear they're smaller when he's not looking at you.
"They're so, so beautiful, Steve. Thank you," you put one of your hands onto his cheek, your thumb kissing circles on the slightly stubbled skin.
He leans into your touch, but his brows are furrowed, lips pouted. "Are you alright, sweetheart?"
You sniff, laughing. "I've just never gotten flowers before."
His handsome face softens, thick brows lift, pink lips curve up. "Fine, I'll do the honors of giving you flowers all the time, then," he rolls his eyes in a playful irritation, voice jokingly bored. He then puts one of his big hands on the back of your head, the other creeps around your waist.
You tilt your head so you can kiss the pout off his face, failing when you can't stop grinning against him.
"Stay serious, I can't kiss you like that," he scolds, but then grins himself.
Your smile is so huge your face hurts.
"C'mere," he whispers into your mouth, a warm breath falling onto your lips. He tries to hug you, but you wriggle away.
"Hey! You'll crush the flowers!"
take my breath away is such a steve song
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday: tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton <3 | I'm on time for once and hope you all are ready to meet Hartley.
Tagging @direwombat @detectivelokis @strangefable @vampireninjabunnies-blog @ms-rampage and anyone with something to share
In Hope of Tomorrow | Chapter 1: Welcome to Hope County
Present day Sabrina
Sabrina woke a bit before sunrise as usual, sleeping in late was a rare occurrence especially when her mind was too preoccupied with worries. Her thoughts kept drifting back to a vision from the previous night as she prepared breakfast. They had breakfast together as a family every morning, a tradition she kept going for her little sister, no matter how busy she was- it was all worth seeing Savannah happy. Most of the time the visions repeated or they were random flashes about other people, but she couldn't figure out the "why now" aspect of some of them. And he… The man who kept calling her "Butterfly" was back in her visions, his presence neverending, and things got worse with the move. Many times she wished she'd see at least his face, maybe then the puzzle would become more clear. As she was putting back things in the fridge, she couldn't help but look at the things Savannah made her hang on its door. A couple of polaroids, one of them of younger Brin with her father, a bittersweet memory. Around them were butterflies Sav made. She knew how much they meant to her older sister. And then there was the letter that started their new lives in Hope County.
Dear Ms Donovan,
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your candidature has been selected for the position of Deputy in Hope County Sheriff's Department. Based on Captain Buchanan's recommendation, that spoke highly of you as a detective from his division in Portland, as well as your Personnel records, accomplishments and success rates in investigations together with your personal qualities and motivations, we believe you'd be a great addition to the Sheriff's Department and are excited to have you as part of our team. We take privilige to inform you that your employment would start from 23rd July, 2018 upon acceptance. However, the expected date of joining is liable to change per your request.
Looking forward to have you as part of Hope County Sheriff's Department!
Regards, Earl Whitehorse Sheriff of Hope County
The acceptance letter bought so much hope and promise of a final "fresh" start, especially after the way things ended in Portland. Sabrina knew she had to leave it all behind if her sister was to have any type of normal life. Promising career as detective be damned. Hope County seemed like the perfect place for the move as her own Captain at the precinct suggested it, saying how they'd have a quiet life there.
"The views are to die for, kid. Let me speak to Whitehorse, ask if he has an opening, he's an old buddy of mine, works as a Sheriff there. You wanna stay out of trouble. This is the place."
Soon enough after their move it became clear to Sabrina staying out of trouble was going to be a hard task especially with the cult that was trying to run the County… Eden's Gate, short for Project at Eden's Gate, was taking serious roots at her own doorstep and nobody seemed capable of putting a stop to it.
I'm starting to wonder if Captain Buchanan secretly hates me. Quiet life, my аss.
A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, followed by a loud "Honey, you awake?" Before she could even answer Ms. Darcy let herself into the house. "In the kitchen. I just finished breakfast. We're having pancakes, bacon and eggs today." Her sister would be down in few minutes at most, now that their vivacious landlord was present.
Darcy Harris, though she insisted everyone call her Ms. Darcy, was in her 70s, with graying hair and was always well put together. She owned two cabins on the same property in Holland Valley and was quick to rent one of them to Sabrina, almost too quick, but the older Donovan sister didn't read much into it at the time. After all, the two-story wooden cabin was just what Sabrina had envisioned: affordable, homey, with enough space for her and Savannah and close enough to the Sheriff's Office. On top of the lovely interior, the house was surrounded by pine trees and had a backyard where you could watch the stars all night long. Brin couldn't imagine living anywhere else, it had already become a habit to sit there each night after her shift, play her guitar and stare at the open sky until her mind had calmed down. Shortly after the move she found out the reason Ms. Darcy wanted a tenant…
"Better to have a Deputy next door, especially with all of them Peggies running around my land. Damn them." It was what the old woman told her one day.
Sabrina knew nothing of Ms. Darcy's Peggies troubles until it was too late, until the sisters had already settled in and two cultists showed up at her door. Now she was worried about leaving her sister at the house with members of Eden's Gate taking interest in the properties.
Still, Ms. Darcy was good at heart and amazing with her little sister, Sabrina couldn't blame her for wanting to feel safe. Not to mention she pretty quickly turned into a grandmother figure for the sisters, something that was always missing from their lives.
"You know, I'm starting to think you scared them off, Brin." "Who?" "The Peggies. Haven't seen them around here since you told them to get lost." "I just hope it stays that way. I'm glad you're around to watch Savannah while I'm at work." "Your sister is such a gem. It's my pleasure, honey, I always wanted to have grandchildren, but my Ben…" Sabrina didn't know too much about Ms. Darcy's son, aside from the fact he died quite young and that she still found it hard to talk about it. "Morning!", Savannah entered the kitchen, wearing her signature smile that made you forget all your troubles, even for a little while. It's exactly what happened with Ms. Darcy - Savannah's arrival made the sadness at mentioning her son's name vanish from her gaze. "Ms. Darcy, we're still baking cookies, right?" "Of course, honey. We're making your sister's favorites this time." Savannah turned on the TV as she did every morning, but instead of the usual channel, it was HIM on the screen, hijacking the signal. "We are all sinners. Every one of us." Sabrina quickly switched off the TV, she could tell her sister was freaked out by his sudden appearance. The mood in the room soared. "Goddamn you, John Seed. One day I'm gonna shoot my TV because of you." Ms. Darcy's green eyes flashed with anger at seeing John's face even for few seconds. Sabrina knew she wasn't joking, she really couldn't stand the man.
And Brin didn't blame her, not only were his men constantly bothering her landlord, but his face was on so many billboards around Holland Valley, you'd think he's a local celebrity selling you something. "We love you and we will take you." First time Sabrina saw the sign, she honestly thought it was a joke, a failed attempt at cheesy marketing. Reality was far worse. He truly was TAKING people, marking them. Sabrina had heard the stories of his own baptisms, not once had she stopped his people from almost drowning a Holland Valley resident. Indeed, she wondered if Captain Buchanan hated her, why else send her in the middle of this man's territory. And if the stories were true… his other siblings were no better.
Aside the TV accident, breakfast was uneventful, Savannah quickly took over the conversation and chatted away happily about anything she can think of. Sabrina loved when her days started that way, it was as if her sister's energy recharged hers too and how much she needed that: it was another day of fixing John Seed's messes…
After breakfast she got ready, it was only few weeks into her job as Deputy yet she felt like she has been wearing the olive green uniform for years. She certainly was happy to belong somewhere again.
Brin made it to the Sheriff's Office around 7:30 and was immediately greeted by Nancy, Hope County Sheriff's Department only dispatcher. The older woman was at the front desk as usual, ready to ask her 20 questions before Sabrina even stepped over the threshold. Where she loved Ms. Darcy's chattiness, something about Nancy's constant inquiries rubbed her the wrong way and somehow nobody else at the Department seemed too worried. "She's just a big gossip, Brin. You're new so she's curious.", they'd say. Yet her father's words about not trusting strangers too much came back to Sabrina anytime the woman shifted her focus on her.
"Sooo, anything new, Sabrina? When are you going to bring your little sister along, I'm dying to meet her. I always wanted a sibling. You're so lucky." Nancy barely paused as she said all that and the whole time was staring at Brin intently through her red framed glasses. "Morning. Nothing interesting, every day's the same. You doing well, Nancy?" "Ah, yes, yes, I'm fine, thank you. And what about your mother, she still back in Portland? Candice's missing out on Holland Valley!" How Nancy even knew about Candice was beyond Sabrina and she was wondering how to shut down the conversation when Hudson walked in and noticed the dispatcher yet again badgering Hope County's newest Deputy. "Brin! Good morning, do I have something to tell you." Thank God for Joey. Sabrina didn't have to be asked twice, she took the out Hudson was offering her and followed her further into the station, away from Nancy.
Joey Hudson was one of the other Deputies at the Sheriff's Department. At 28, she was an year older than Sabrina and quickly had become one of her closest friends in Hope County. Joey was happy to take Brin under her wing and introduced her to many people just in her first few days in town. Deputy Hudson had the type of warm personality Sabrina thrived around, she even managed to convince her to go out and celebrate her 27th Birthday at the Spread Eagle. Her birthdays lost any appeal or cheerfulness after her father's death, she'd bake a cake or buy one just for Savannah's sake and put on a happy face for her sister, but inside it felt wrong to celebrate when he was gone. That year Sabrina told herself she'd try to live a bit more, after all Hope County was about new beginnings, so she embraced Joey's idea. And as much as she felt guilty to admit it, she did have fun. It was good to get out and celebrate with her fellow Deputies, the Ryes and other Holland Valley residents.
"Nancy been bothering you again? You know, you should just tell her." "I tried, she's not taking the hint. I'm losing my mind." "Who's getting on your nerves, Gray?" Before she knew it, Hartley was at her side, an arm over her shoulder. He was waiting for her answer, baby blues pointed her way, eyebrow playfully raised. "The usual, noisy Nancy. You're not late for once, kid?" "Oh, trust me, it's better if he's late, bad things usually happen when Rookie's early." Hudson gave him a look. "Don't even deny it. You know I'm right." "Hey! Why are you still calling me Rookie, shouldn't the title be transferred to Sabrina, she's the newest now?"
For once he used her actual name. Since they met he kept calling her "Gray". The nickname was a bit on the nose and nothing she haven't heard before. In comparison to Hudson's brown hair that was always in a braid, Sabrina's bangs were gray and in stark contrast to the rest of her chocolate brown hair. It was something she inherited from her father and lived with for years. She loved her hair because it connected her to him, so she didn't mind the nickname, plus she knew Cal wasn't using it as an insult.
Deputy Calahan Hartley, or who everyone more often called Rook or Rookie instead, was the youngest Deputy of Hope County. At 23, Cal was a wildcard, often getting on the nerves of Sheriff Whitehorse, with blonde hair, a short beard and blue eyes many swooned over, he had the looks and charm and knew how to use them to get out of trouble. Rookie stuck with him as a nickname as punishment, because everyone knew how much he hated it. "First, Deputy Donovan here has more experience than you, Rook. Second, you start behaving accordingly and I might reconsider what name I use." "Boss, come on. I'm about to call HR." It was Cal's usual responce, so full of misery each time. Whitehorse was the last to arrive that morning, along with Deputy Pratt, who just chuckled at the exchange between his usual partner and the Sheriff. There was no doubt Staci had his hands full with Hartley's shenanigans, so Sabrina couldn't blame him for laughing at Cal's over-the-top reaction.
"Okay, playtime is over. Back to business." "What Peggie bullshit are fixing this time, boss?" Cal loved the cult as much as Ms. Darcy. Whitehorse went over each Deputy's "special" assignment of the day: whenever there was an issue of great importance that needed adressing The Project was most likely involved and it was up to the Deputies to deescalate the conflict, though with Hartley deescalation flew out the window and straight into "we're getting shot at by a bunch of angry cultists" territory. Sabrina felt lucky that day, she was to check on Rae-Rae and her farm because she got yet another visit by Peggies that wanted her land and Hope County's most famous dog. Like with Ms. Darcy this was an issue all landowners in Holland Valley faced: John Seed was looking to secure land for his brother's Project and nobody was to stand in his way, no matter the cost or means. It was rumoured he used to be a lawyer and was now putting his skills at work to keep the Project out of legal trouble.
It feels close to performing a miracle with the ever-growing list of cult offenses.
Most people were terrifed, some ran away from the County, some decided to oppose him, and others… were never heard from again. The region was becoming John Seed's to a point where he had a huge Hollywood sign rip-off built by his people, spelling the word "YES" and nobody batted an eye. Guess the "Power of Yes" was too long. Sabrina was over the havoc he and his people caused around the Valley, but she had no idea how any of this can be fixed. Dark thoughts and visions kept her awake at night, she was ready to uproot her sister yet again if the situation escalated more.
On her stop at the Pumpkin Farm, Boomer was first to great her, full of excitement at her visit. Sabrina tried her best to calm Rae-Rae down, knowing any promises of things getting better were most likely a pipe dream. Brin admired Rae-Rae for her love for her son and farm and her decision to fight against John Seed's scare tactics. She promised the woman to come by again, hoping that she'd be able to bring her sister along next time to meet Boomer. "Savannah would love Boomer, she gushes over all animals and he's just precious." "He's our hero, that dog. You be safe, sweetheart, you hear. Send Ms. Darcy my love and tell her to stay strong. John ain't taking our land."
The rest of the day was a string of mundane conflicts that needed fixing. Truly if Eden's Gate wasn't around, she could see herself leading a quiet life in Hope County.
Sabrina couldn't wait to go home, have some homemade cookies and be done with anything Seed related for the day. Little did she know, her shift was far from over and that all hell was about to break loose…
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notesfromthepalace · 2 years
Let's Talk About It
I have always felt like I empathized with young women, especially young women of color, when it comes to their bodies being hyper sexualized - then to be vilified by the church. But it wasn't until recently where I truly felt the heat of being attacked simply for being an attractive young woman. To continue, I have also never been so disappointed in an older woman in my life. A continued prayer I have for myself for 20-30 years+ from now is stay in tune with my body and femininity, and to not be intimidated by younger women - at that point in life I just want to continue to be a bad gyal with my future husband and attend my future child's piano recitals and graduations.
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I am well aware that I am a curvy girl (body looking good - waist small with the Coca-Cola bottle shape). So I know that there is a difference between someone who is skinny with no curves and me wearing a fitted dress - I look better, but it will compliment my shape more since I have one. But the idea that because I am curvy I NEED to wear larger clothing, like no - absolutely not.
I received a text message from a woman at my church saying she loves me and that everything she says comes from a place of love. Lies.
She said two things to me that really struck a nerve, but the last comment is graver than the first.
She said "you sit in the second row close to the ministers and preachers, and you should wear looser clothes". For context, I used to sit in the middle and she asked me to sit up there with her. It low-key feels like a set up.
But the second statement chilllllle, "I hope you learn what your worth is". So I'm going to list all of my thoughts of where I think these two statements came from:
I think she is intimidated by a young new women who is feminine, attractive and obviously well put together because she definitely told she me loves the fashions over here.
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2. Last Sunday I took the time to look around, and I'm the only single and womanly looking woman around my age (that is a conversation for another day; But for the most part, the ladies in the church are in their thirties and beyond, and most likely married) while she's in her fifties and single - maybe looking for a man there but I'm not!
3. She's trying to make me dim my light so she can shine. I say this humbly, but no matter where I walk into, I'm a show stopper. It's how I walk, my allure, grace, confidence, my feminine energy -
that CAN'T be bought.
She's upset that I posses what she's been searching for her entire life
- confidence in ONE'S SELF. I believe I'm a goddess,
that's why I don't partake in certain activities or conversations, they're just way below the altitude I'm at right now
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4. She's projecting. Again for context, she has said that she was a teen mom, has been married and divorced more than once, and was giving herself - mind, body and soul to men because she didn't know her self-worth, and I wonder if she does now.
I have met countless women like her before, projecting their own insecurities because they don't love themselves. Do the WORK! Read about self love and adoration, read about being more feminine for yourself and your partner (that's important too, again another story for another day), teach yourself how to love yourself! Treat yourself how you would like to be treated.
Final point: although this was about church hurt, this last point applies to any place you happen to step your feet in. If you are at church, work, someone's birthday party, etc, if someone comes out of their way to say something to you about your appearance, they weren't there for the event or the experience. To go further, humbly, you're out shining whoever thought they were the Queen of the Court, so go you sis!
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Always with love and Grace,
Sarah Chanel <3
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tammimacneil61 · 4 months
Toy Gun Films - Brent Ryan Green
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The Fun-Here Water Guns 6-Pack is the right addition to any summer season enjoyable activity. Whether it's a day at the seashore, pool parties, luaus, or carnival-themed occasions, these water guns guarantee hours of leisure and excitement. With a compact dimension of 9 inches, they're designed to suit comfortably within the fingers of children as young as 3 years previous - time to get them hooked early! The easy-fill characteristic ensures a trouble-free water reloading process, whereas the guns can shoot water as much as a formidable 20 ft. Crafted from secure and durable materials, these water guns meet US Toy Standards, offering peace of mind for folks and guardians. Top Reason to purchase: Great worth and endless fun for each children and adults alike. With their vibrant colors and excessive-high quality development, they are appropriate for varied occasions, including pool events, treasure hunts, and more. The compact dimension and simple-to-use design make them a hit among younger youngsters, encouraging energetic play and imaginative water battles - the perfect introductory squirt gun.
Top Reason to purchase: Large water reservoir allows for prolonged play, and the pump-action firing system ensures a strong and correct water stream. All that in an affordable price tag that's just north of twenty bucks is hard to cross up and our reason why it took the highest spot total. The Nerf Zipfire 2 Pack Combat Blaster is the final word water Orbi Gun duo that promises infinite water-soaking pleasure for water warriors of all ages. This set includes two compact and high-performance blasters, good for dueling with mates or partaking in thrilling water battles. Each blaster options a fast and simple-to-use design, guaranteeing speedy-fireplace action and drenching enjoyable in each round. With the Nerf Zipfire 2 Pack Combat Blaster, you can take your water fights to the following degree and change into the undisputed champion of splash warfare. Top Reason to buy: With two blasters within the set, you can crew up with a friend, go head-to-head, or take them both and dual-wield each.
But though adults do purchase BB guns for competition capturing and pest management, Daisy and its competitors say the youth market remains essential. Frank Matthews III got his first two cap pistols when he was 6 years old. Fifty-two years later, he has little question: "I can still twirl them issues," he says. Growing up in Huntsville, Ala., Matthews loved to look at "Combat," the 1960s Tv collection a couple of World War II infantry squad. He studied the guns used on the present, and when he was 14, Matthews obtained a BB gun, which he used to shoot at passersby in front of the Northwoods housing project. "I thought it was humorous," he says. Later, inspired by the film "Shaft," "I’d go out and my cousins would drive me around, and i robbed locations," Matthews recalls. His father was shot in the back and killed, but that did nothing to dim Matthews’s fascination with guns. "The thing that killed my father is what I fell in love with," he says.
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They've existed for more than 1,000 years and have affected warfare - and society typically - in methods maybe no different invention can match. We're speaking about guns. Once just the weapon of the world's army forces, guns are actually thought of a proper of the typical citizen by some people, especially within the United States, where it's written into the Constitution. So, when had been guns invented? It all began in China around 850 C.E., when Chinese alchemists by chance created gunpowder while trying to develop a "fountain of youth" potion. The resulting black powder, referred to as "huo yao," was a blend of charcoal, saltpeter and sulfur. The then-reigning Song Dynasty was the first to have used gunpowder in warfare; they did so in opposition to the Mongols, whose constant invasions into the country plagued the Chinese all through the period. More gunpowder-based mostly weapons adopted as the Chinese perfected quite a lot of weapons against the Mongols over the following centuries, together with the first cannons and grenades.
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marvellousstawler · 8 months
Tuesday 3 Oct 2023
The Vibe is this: it was the first day of daylight savings today but the sky was dark the whole day because of Melbourne spring rain, which couldn't decide if it wanted to be humid or cold, but was absolutely sure that it was torrential.
Art My excuse for not working on any of my unfinished drawings this week is that I have to finish my homemade Flame Emperor mask by Saturday for PAX Aus. For first-time mask-makers, take note: air-drying clay doesn't work. Past Marv was a fool and didn't realise it would crack as soon as it dried. Present Marv is wiser and is attempting to use Plaster of Paris. Future Marv is likely laughing at her, and is hopefully the proud owner of a wonderfully shitty Flame Emperor mask. The works being hiatus'd on account of the mask are a cool picture of my 2 D&D characters, a massive picture for Edelgard's birthday which I started the day AFTER Edelgard's birthday in June and is no where near finished, and, a while back I bought a copy of 'Wyrd Sisters' with one of those newfangled minimalist-graphic covers, and I thought I'd add a bunch of my gaudy spooky illustrations to it. Witchify it. Which I should just do, I should just get that done.
Writing Recent-Past Marv made the...truly *bewildering* decision to try and print out and hand-bind a very large, very unfinished fanfiction, in multiple volumes, for her friend AND herself. A fanfiction, which neither Past Marv nor Present Marv has even read. Apparently Recent-Past Marv's idea was that the project would motivate her to read it, because for some reason she finds the Ao3 interface...unfriendly? The reasons for her reticence are arcane. Anyway, this bizarre project has eaten valuable writing time, and will likely continue to do so. Even so, I did have an opportunity to outline my first chapter of the next part of the project currently known as TDD, a draft I like quite a bit. Also, memory doesn't serve well but I think I spent a weirdly large amount of time working on a comic-isation of Dorothea and Manuela's supports (working title is 'Mittelfranks'), which, that was supposed to be three chapters and one self-indulgent fourth...it is now nine. ...look the very specific dynamic between these two characters feels like it was custom-designed to infiltrate my limbic system and mass-produce serotonin. But only time will tell if THAT project ever exceeds the scripting stage. I also had a chance to write a hand-written draft of a novel about my most recent D&D character. The concept feels like it's too much to chew though. Still, worth getting an idea down.
Reading Finished 'Wyrd Sisters' by Terry Pratchett the other day, which has taken like a month. It's the first book I've finished in about 2 years, and it's instantly become one of my all-time favourites -- it almost feels like it was written FOR me and that is a RARE feeling. I've been collecting quotes in a notebook, the 'collecting' giving me a further incentive for reading, but I only started collecting from page 40 of the book. I'm torn between moving on to the next thing on my To Read list, or going back to trawl through the 40 pages for cool quotes. Might as well spend just a little more time with this new friend. Here's the most recent quote I collected, from page 2: "A key to the understanding of all religion is that a god's idea of amusement is Snakes and Ladders with greased rungs." Damn, Pratchett out here with takes that have remained piping hot since 1988.
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rocknews · 1 year
Delhi-Mumbai Expressway stretch opening sparks real estate boom in NCR
The opening of the 246-km Sohna-Dausa section of the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway has not only reduced the travel time between Delhi and Jaipur but also opened the floodgates of real estate opportunities along the corridor. The benefit will extend to 26 districts across six states, of which 11 districts are in Gujarat and Maharashtra when the expressway would be fully operational.
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The infrastructure connectivity is also expected to give an impetus to industrial growth, warehousing and logistics activities, which generate demand for residential, commercial, and retail sectors, they said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on February 12 inaugurated the Sohna-Dausa section and laid the foundation stone for road development projects worth over Rs 18,100 crore. Developed at a cost of over Rs 12,150 crore, the Sohna-Dausa section has reduced the travelling time between the two major cities from 5 hours to just 3 hours.
Land rates go up
Pratyush Adhana, a real estate broker active in Gurugram and Sohna, said the prices have shot up for properties located along the Gururam-Sohna elevated road and Sohna-Dausa part of the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway by around 60-70 percent in the last three years.
“Land rates have generally gone up by 60 to 70 percent in areas located around the Gurugram-Sohna-Dausa route. The growth is even higher for big-ticket projects by established builders such as Central Park, Godrej and Signature Global that are located around the corridor. The rates of properties in these areas are now between Rs 1,40,000 and Rs 1,60,000 per square yard versus Rs 90,000 to Rs 1,00,000 per square yard 2-3 years back,” Adhana told Moneycontrol.
Shauzab Kazmi, assistant director at Investors Clinic, a real estate company, said that because of improved connectivity, Sohna has emerged as one of the favourite investment hotspots from a real estate perspective.
“Rates of properties, be it residential, commercial or industrial have increased significantly. In projects of established builders such as Godrej and Central Park properties are being sold at the rate of over Rs 15,000 per square foot from around Rs 8,000 to Rs 9,000 per square foot 2-3 years back,” Kazmi said.
Ashwani Tiwari, who bought a plot near Bhondasi village in Gurugram along the Gurugram-Sohna stretch of the expressway, said his property has seen an appreciation of over 66 percent in the last 4 years.
“I bought a small plot in Bhondasi for Rs 30 lakh in 2018 but the current rate of the plot is above Rs 51 lakh. So the rate of my property has increased by around 70 percent in 4-5 years. The jump in prices is because of improved connectivity and it is much higher for the plots located near the corridor,” Tiwari said. Read More On..
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hawleylynge · 2 years
Access To This Web Page Has Been Denied
In that same Reuters interview, Cho explained that the typical person poops about 500 grams of waste per day. The local market is predicted to raise this morning after US stocks soared in a single day. The project has huge guarantees, however has no defined functionalities.Anyone can give you impressive-sounding goals and guarantees. However, not just anybody can present the roadmap as to how those aims will be completed. If a project avoids defining the functionalities, it’s not reliable.
Whether it’s triple-A rated collateralised debt obligations in 2008 or the sure-bet Long Term Capital Management’s Nobel Prize winners had settled on in 1998, the damage may be extraordinary. The dangerous news is that no much less than for right now, Ggool can only be redeemed at this one college cafe from using this one bathroom at one South Korean college. But if college students hold raving concerning the project, possibly we’ll get to take it for a spin stateside. Apparently, utilizing literal ShitCoins to compensate college students for being part of this project is paying off. One postgraduate on the Institute told Reuters that she had “only ever thought that faeces are dirty,” but now they have been “a treasure of nice value” to her. “I even discuss faeces during mealtimes to consider buying any e-book I need,” she added.
Kalkine : What Is Driving Allkem (asx:ake), Hyperlink (asx:lnk), Igo (asx:igo) Shares Larger Today?
Following an incubation program underneath Alameda Research, the derivatives platform opened this previous spring. FTX runs an over-the-counter desk, futures, indexes, and now spot trading. Based out of the Antigua and Barbuda, the platform is slowly including spot and margin trading.
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Now one South Korean professor is taking the trend one step additional, with a cryptocurrency that really pays you to poop. You can arrange personalised ad alerts when Shitcoins or their opponents launch a model new marketing campaign to market. As new shitcoins 2022 has reported previously, lots of the remainder of crypto nonetheless remains a bit of a Wild West. So in terms of ‘meme coins’ (or even legit-looking coins that declare to have a use case however which you really don’t know something strong about) nonetheless, be warned you are taking half in with fireplace. Although this sequence of tweets showcases quite properly the absurdity of one facet of crypto markets , the broader crypto trade has achieved some milestones in institutional acceptance these days.
What Is The Most Worthwhile Enterprise In The Philippines
Low numbers —like lots of or a number of thousand—should be a warning signal. Similarly, MeInU Coin is one such shitcoin that can be thought-about a good funding. It is getting launched for presale on 17th June at 3 pm UTC and features an AMA with Top Live Cam Models of the grownup trade corresponding to Genny Rock, Krista Starr, and Ashley Ace. MeInU coin has an purpose to revolutionize the complete adult and live cam trade.
A high-quality cryptocurrency would spend money on a well-written whitepaper.
When a holder buys a Tether token the proceeds are then held by the issuer, who will cash that investor out when the token is bought.
We worth our editorial independence and follow editorial pointers.
Exchanges similar to these require coins to be formally listed, which suggests the project undergoes an intensive vetting course of.
Dex is the place you might get very small market cap coins.
An index of 58 low market cap coins, SHIT-PERP includes projects like Waves, Grin, and Nano. It is flanked by two other low-cap indexes on the site, MID-PERP and ALT-PERP. Warren Buffett, who is considered as one of the influential investors of all time, has mentioned that he wouldn't take “all of the Bitcoin” even for US$25.
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taylastudio2022 · 2 years
In Time: where painting meets pottery - Simon Morris. 
Turned an interesting corner - making pottery. Where painting meets pottery, connections and energy’s
what can I learn from both
When Each Action Opens. Jhana Millers Gallery, 2021. When two colour become one. 2021. invited to do this wall paper - commercial gallery. Interesting, not easily bought, brought into homes etc. 
Simon Morris, Wen Each Action Opens - some writing for the show
Started thinking differently about practice. 
Napels Yellow, Yellow Ocre - only use one brush. 
Method of that - two colours mixing together, becoming one. 
a few things going on here - making wall drawings since the mid 90s - sub canvas for gallery space, architecture nature of the work - considering all spatial elements. 
time becomes inherent in the work 
daily life -human interaction, the world that it occupies. Painting = the wider world. 
Temporary work - gets painted out at the end, important for me. Doesn’t get stored, turns into a concept that can be re-made.
made work all over the world - only needs an air fare. 
point of tension - for our desire for objects - complicated this idea of things, owning, things, objects, looking after things. 
museums have purchased the work. - own the right to it? Private homes etc.
daily paintings 2010 - morning studio ritualistic paintings - one stroke each day - to stop procrastinating
black water colour - different process - maths, formula - very particular method, algebra 
similar conceptually
Black Water Colour, 2015, Ilam School of Art Gallery. 
Walking Drawing - development for exhibition - 2022, City Gallery project. for 2023. 
10 week residency - san fran , big studio, time to make work. Headland Centre For The Arts, - routine, working with other people, communal, having dinner together, back into studio, out for a beer together etc. 
experiences, walking in the Himalayas - spiritual wellbeing, aligning, budda monks. w/ sherpas. 
Future Memory, 2022 - Lithuania 
Driving creek pottery, coromandel
functional objects - working with others 
Engine Room
Quarts Museum, visiting potteries 
ceramic practice
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Yellow Ochre Room, 2015, acrylic paint. Commissioned by Christchurch Art Gallery. Photo: John Collie. (Above). 
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Simon Morris, Daily Painting #32 Acrylic on linen 36 x 36 cm 14 3/16 x 14 3/16 inches (Above).
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Colour light (yellow ochre), 2020  Acrylic paint, jute, wood, light 45 x 45 cm 17 11/16 x 17 11/16 inches (Above).
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Blue Water Colour, 2011 (Above).
I was really intrigued by Simon’s lecture, in particular the idea of daily ritualistic painting. I absolutely appreciate having a method to get out of procrastination stuck zone. I’ve experienced that a bit more so this semester for some reason, and I suppose my version of these daily paintings would be just to start knitting. It does really get me doing something, and allows me to relax as my body focuses on the knitting - or relaxes as I am doing something = any who it helps to clear my thoughts and get a base for ideas going. I spoke about these mental &well being benefits last semester in some of my research and reading which is probably worth revisiting. 
I also found the way Simon spoke about objects, and human’s urges to own objects / material, and look after things, quite relevant as I think over the materials and objects used in my work. I just have been thinking over reasonings behind materials, why I choose what I choose, who they belong(ed) to, what they become, how they affect the work etc etc. This lecture just sparked ideas surrounding that aspect. 
The social aspect and communal experiences Simon spoke about was another story I really enjoyed. I love the idea of energy and experiences with others while creating and working on artworks. I just thought it was a fond memory and something I appreciate being a part of my art process, talking to others about it, having a break together from it, revisiting it.... :) 
Thinking of sculpture/materials in relation to another practice like drawing or painting, similarly to how Simon compared pottery to painting, is also relevant to how my practice has developed, and is something I continue to work through. 
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zaftikat · 2 years
I'm trying to not depend exclusively on twitter to talk about my game design work, so I'd like to let you know about the sale bundle I currently have going on my itch page. In honour of my 31st bday, I'm doing a 31% off sale until July 31st! In the bundle you get all of my paid games at what is likely to be their lowest price. The sale also applies to individual games if that's more your speed. (games below the cut)
There's some really choice games in this bundle if I'm being totally honest. The one I want to talk about first is Call it in the Ring a tag team wrestling game that let's you take on the role of both challenger and champion, trading off with your partner to reduce gameplay downtime. It's a lot of fun, and can be played by wrestling fans and non-fans alike. CiitR is available for 3.45 USD Next in the bundle is a playbook I wrote for Riley Rethal's Galactic 2e titled The Survivor. G2e is a belonging outside belonging game intended to have the look and feel of Star Wars without using any Star Wars IP. As such, the Survivor is inspired by those few Jedi who were able to escape and forge new lives under the Empire. Specifically, it's intended to let you play as the basic equivalent of Kanan Jarrus! The Survivor is available for 1.38 USD.
Up next is an award-winning experimental game I wrote called Zipper Merge. This is a game for two players designed for remote play as part of a series I'm calling Intimacy from Afar. Games in that series are played at a safe distance while still granting the intimacy of allowing yourself to be known to another person directly. In Zipper Merge you play as two drivers stuck together in traffic (I did say experimental right?), and chronicle your tale and reaction to the other player as you make your way through a backed up highway. I suggest you play this game one of two ways: muted over discord while recording using something like Audacity, or sitting in two parked cars and recording via voice memo. Zipper Merge is available for 3.45 USD
Next in the bundle is a solo world-building horror game called Fear is Just a Lie. In this game you take on the role of an investigator looking into the mystery of a town whose past is steeped in hatred and wrongdoing, and how that evil manifests itself as retribution for the town today. Heavily inspired by Twin Peaks, this game is my most popular, and may be one you already own if you've bought any charity bundles in the last few years. This is ready to print as a pamphlet on letter size paper as is, but can also be played via pdf! I love this game dearly, which is why it's priced at a slight premium. Fear is Just a Lie is available for 4.83 USD.
The last game in the bundle is the first game I ever put to page. It's a little rough around the edges, but I Can't Wait to Finally Meet You is still worth it. This is a game about the first time you occupy the same physical space as a long distance partner. It's about the experience that at once feels like the fulfillment of ages of promise, and an overdue reunion of two people who have known each other in every way possible. I wrote this game while waiting for my now wife to drive from Toronto to New Jersey for the first time when we were just barely started dating. I love this game, rough edges and all. It can be yours for 1.38 USD. That's all the games in the bundle in short review. Please check them out and buy them if you can. Freelance RPG stuff is not easy, and all the money I make goes back into making more of these projects. Squeaking of which, if you've made it this far, you get to hear the fun news: I have a new Belonging Outside Belonging game coming out on July 31st called 2d6 Goblins! If you use the code birthdaycheques you'll get 31% off of that game on release! <3
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mikesavagenewcanaan · 2 years
Mike Savage New Canaan Searching For Classic Cars For Sale
In the meltdown market of today, there are more classic cars for sale than ever before. Due to dire circumstances, many classic car owners are being forced to sell their prized possessions. Between private seller classified ads, classic car dealer ads, auto auction ads, it can be almost overwhelming. Here are some tips that will help sort through the process.
1. Zero in on what car you want or at least in a range of years. For example, before I bought my 1962 Corvette, I was looking between 1958 and 1962. That narrowed the field. Then after some time I decided I wanted the 196262, and it got a lot easier!
2. Decide on the car condition. Show car, project car, solid driver, etc. Formal ratings range from Excellent to Parts Car, and each is priced accordingly. If you want a good condition 1967 GTO convertible you would be getting a car that probably needed some work, mostly minor, has been well maintained or had a decent restoration at some time. The car as is would be a solid driver and probably not too hard to get into Very Good Condition (near perfect, great driver). With this information, next go to some of the many dedicated vehicle sites, just type in 1967 Pontiac GTO in Google and start reading. Tons of information on the standard options, VIN number decoding and things you should now. Many of these sites have books for sale that have great detailed information that a lot of professionals do not even know. Pick up one or two. It will be money well spent. You should have an idea form the various price guides what the relative values are for your car. If you have not posted on any forums looking for your car, now is a good time to start. You will get some good information.
Mike Savage New Canaan
3. The next decision is how far geographically you will search for your car. Some will only look in their back yard, others have no problems with distance. Decide your preferences and plan accordingly. If you find a listing from a private seller, rejection is your friend. Sounds odd, but you need to quality him or her as a legitimate seller quickly or move on.
How much do they know about the car? You should be armed with VIN, Trim Tag and rear axel numbers so you can quickly determine how original the car is or that the seller really does not know.
Do you have a lot of pictures that show detail? If not, then ask for more. If the seller hedges, then they may not actually have the car. Digital cameras are cheap and there is no reason why several more can be taken. Their version of good may not be the same as Hemmings Motor News.
Does the seller have the proper documentation and authentication? For example, GM cars had Protecto o Plates, a metal credit card like plate glued into the Owners manual with VIN, Trim Tag and Drive Train Decoding. When the car was taken in for service, the dealership would take an impression. That is how they proved the car authentic
If the seller wants a deposit or he will sell the car to someone else, then that is a red flag for me anyway. I understand having skin in the game, but sending someone a few hundred or thousand dollars site unseen is not realistic. If the car seems okay, then agree to have it inspected. Once you get the inspection, you can make a decision. First, you will know that the seller really has the car! Second, you will know what it is worth. It may cost $200 for you to walk, but better than buying the wrong car.
When contacting dealers, go through the same questions. They should have all the information at their finger tips. Once thing to realize is that many dealers purposefully do not update their inventory. They may show your car for sale and when you call , oops, it is sold. They will offer to find one for you though. Your call. If you get a good feel it may be worth it. DO NOT enter into any exclusive agreement where you are obligated. Bad idea.
If using eBay all the above applies. There are scams everywhere and you need to be careful.
If you do not want to spend the time dealing with the flakes and scammers let Your Dream Car Finder to do the heavy lifting. We know cars, where they are, and can find and deliver your car to you with no hassles.
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burrisjespersen4 · 2 years
Replica Bvlgari Watches, Greatest Luxurious Watch Replica
Bracelet consists of 484 diamond diamonds in the ball. These watches are offered forty four mm and are bought by Roman service providers. I have no idea when you have observed its watch band, I noticed it has three sections, every rubber part has screws to repair. So the design of rubber strap is flexible and could fit your wrist to the utmost extent, and you also don't need to wrry to interrupt the rubber. Mido participated in meals operators on the earth watches replica high quality and extra essential articles. Christmas will come, will all the time give a particular love eternally this winter. The needle can at all times arrange plastic and organize and course of restoration time.The identical water charger and carbon dioxide is safer than carbon dioxide. The JOY’s minimum jogor process requires enamel caps to guard the wheels with warmth and intervention. This is the place you can not see traditional aesthetics. The ideal work complies with the modern quality sector. In addition, the Treaty continues to be legitimate until November 10, 2015. The Cheap bvlgari Diva necklace is characterised by sector. Charm, timeless allure are all synonymous Diva this collection, sparkling diamonds, colored gem stones, fan-shaped design, Diva dazzling return to the basic collection. I wish to distinguish the highest luxurious replica watches very nicely. In terms of worth, replica watches usually bought for less than one-tenth of the number of real merchandise. It is tough in army fields within the military field. It will become an adventure due to the special online power interval. Time is a high-quality replica watch wind turbine, that's to say a cloth in real time, so it is rather good. High quality faux watches The horse is a basic triangle. The project reminded me of the symbols – it’s the number “3”. The arms Quality Cartier Replica are very common in many people. Even after the owner may be very grateful, his fashion skills and steady class are also paved with men. Oriis plays an necessary role in many actions to guard social and environmental society and public well being. This telephone is decorated solely with the Arab top designed for 6 hours. Each yr, Hublot is at all times a model new watch design, then magic is at all times a model new star. Many unique cities face many cities and constantly reflecting many concepts. However, the Serpenti watch is an iconic collection of Bvlgari that was specially designed for girls, the watch is more thought-about as a jewelry accent than a timer. When some physique talks about Bvlgari watch, I can only bear in mind Serpenti. Since the beginning of 2017, Bvlgari has unveiled two essential fashions that has caught our consideration, the Diagono Magnesium and Octo. Small garden to remove greens, gold golden gold and titaniu. Design design design design cute design and beautiful clothes. The clock routinely accommodates 8500, optimal efficiency. The preliminary skywalker is a steel ring.You can choose as soon as possible. You High Quality Best Replica Watch Site Reviews can negotiate the worth. The first will at all times convey giant supplies such as forty five mm and forty seven mm. wikipedia handbags The black floor and cultural air flow are very clean and environment friendly lines. The lovely nails of Paris put 18,000 pores and fishermen have been coated in 5 hours, depending on the fishermen. The Wempe household eliminates the first maintenance of broken glass. Diving gear was born in competition and precision battle. Whether you can entry the city, the content of the appliance can access old buildings and entry. Creative design, love and sharpening, high quality replica watches care of many wome. skel.io bvlgari replica I even have been wanting to introduce this replica watch to you guys for an extended time, it's the most elegant diver’s watch I think, and the factory just revealed a number of pieces, so it's available once more. I love diver’s watches very a lot, especially these manufacturers which are full of army historical past, so Panerai is such a model and I even have accomplished plenty of reviews on it. Yes, in contrast with different diver’s watches, Bvlgari Aluminium seems too “delicate” and does not have that rugged feeling like Panerai Submersible. But for some reasons, I like this watch, I really feel it's extra comfortable to wear than others. First, the fabric used on this watch is revolutionary.
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bangleboat8 · 2 years
The Humility Of Soccer Player Lionel Messi
Maybe the Chelsea-Barcelona rivalry won't be rather as intense at this early . Both teams will advance from this group and that's a pretty good chance they will see again for the later stage of this competition. Chelsea look noticeably shakier this year. Their previously impenetrable defence looks slightly more lax. That can bode ill for the Blues. But unlike you will discover few years, with two Premiership titles under their belt, the year of 2010 Jose Mourinho's explicit goal is to win the Champions League. Still, we ought to side with Barcelona available. They are goal scoring machines and need to demolish Bremen and Levski, and however more than capable of scoring against Chelsea. At close to even money, they are worth backing to win this party. In nearby Calle Cervantes, if you have time, check out the clock art gallery. On the hour, every hour all the 302 clocks variously ring, chime, ding and dong. On the quarter hour only the English clocks chime, deep Westminster chimes predominate, additionally, on the half hour it could be the turn belonging to the French clocks, lighter tinkles and trings in the background. 해외축구중계 with the displays are unique pieces from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, each spotlighted in beautiful mahogany cases each time wound conscientiously every week by really the only employed clockmaker. The clock museum houses the largest collection of working clocks from this era in the field of. Now, you know that live football/soccer on the box has been the reason for many, many family debates. It clashes with Eastenders, Coronation Street, Emerdale, you know what I signify that. Well, now there was a technique end those rows. Football/Soccer on the PC/ Laptop and the soaps on the box. Happy Days good!! At 1 he started to touch base with the organization side of boxing, projecting the picture of one who thinks and manages things rather than a single who thinks and brawls. In 2001, he organized Golden Boy Promotions (as part of Golden Boy Enterprises) to stage his very own fights. In 2007, he bought The Ring Magazine, among other media outfits, and organized several business and not-for-profit organizations.
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