#i can do things obviously but i kinda want to hurl while doing them
xiaoluclair · 1 year
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ceo-of-kimona · 8 months
Some Kimona headcannons for y’all to chew on.
I honestly don’t know if I can really come up with enough ideas for one of these posts but whenever I see someone else do one of these for a ship I like I go fucking bananas so this needs to be done.
• They often watch horror movies together. Kim usually doesn’t react to them that much other than a few snarky comments but Ramona does sometimes need to cling onto Kim’s arm if things get really messed up.
• Sometimes at super gory scenes she tends to stare at Kim like “you really watch this crap??” Partly out of judgement but mostly just so that she doesn’t have to watch the scene.
• Kim is more of a coffee person while Ramona is obviously a tea person. One time when they were bored and feeling silly, they tried to combine their tastes and brewed a concoction they called “cofftea”- a mix of black coffee and herbal tea. It went extremely badly.
• They now have an inside joke that whenver there’s some horrible concoction of booze and god knows what being served at a party one of them goes “hey at least it’s not cofftea!!” And then they both pretend to laugh hysterically in order to mess with people at the party.
• Whenever thanksgiving comes around, they tune into the dog show that happens after the Macy’s parade just to play a game called “how many rats could it take in a fight” where they judge each dog in the show by guessing how many rats it would take to defeat it.
• Gideon (cat) likes Kim a lot but weirdly enough he licks Kim’s hands whenever he can. Sometimes when she’s just resting her hand somewhere, he specifically comes into the room to just lick it. Kim is very annoyed by this but finds it just endearing enough to let him do it.
• Ramona is trying to teach Kim how to skate. Kim is a clutz so it’s not exactly going well
• Ramona and Kim regularly go to smashing rooms together (they’re these places where they give you some smashy weapons like hammers and bats and roll out a bunch of breakable stuff like old tvs for you to smash. They exist irl and are very cool).
• Ramona is very much prone to simulation sickness, i.e. getting really motion sick when playing video games. One time she tried out playing on a gameboy that Neil gave her for her birthday and after 45 minutes of playing she immediately needed to go throw up in the bathroom. Kim sat by her while she hurled into the toilet, patting her on the back occasionally.
• They are both chronic insomniacs, but in different ways. Ramona often just straight up cannot sleep, while Kim falls asleep fairly quickly but repeatedly wakes up in the middle of the night. They both have the same remedy for their insomnia when it happens, going downstairs and drinking some lemon soda. Whenever their insomnia syncs up and they see both of each other downstairs, they say hi and then both pretend that the other doesn’t exist (lovingly).
• they tend to gossip with each other about their exes (especially Scott). Kim tells dumb stories about Scott being a weirdo in high school and Ramona has gallons of scolding hot tea to share.
• Gideon attempted to reassemble the league in order to fight Kim, but none of them really wanted to fight her. Lucas felt bad about beating up a girl, Todd was too busy having his gay awakening to care about Ramona anymore, Roxie was already very good “friends” with Kim so she was an auto no-go, and the twins were just kinda over the whole league thing and were too busy with their music carreer, so the only one who showed up was Matthew. He proceeded to fight Kim in a very similar fashion to how he tried to fight Scott (crashing one of her gigs) but the two ended up having a heart to heart about how high school relationships can suck a lot and can still affect you into adult life. They both came out of it as better people and Matthew just kinda left. He strode into the sunset if you will.
• They nuzzle each other’s noses… a LOT.
I think that’s all I can come up with right now I think. If I do come up with more I’ll make another one of these I suppose. If any of you wanna submit hcs for me to put into a post send an ask please please please please
Special thanks to @subspace-surfer for helping me come up with some of these! Lil headcannons like this are surprisingly tricky for me to come up with. I specialize more with lengthy rants.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
DuPont Cheer Squad headcanons?
When DuPont finally got a cheer team and coach, every rich girl looking for her fifteen minutes of popularity went to tryouts doing basic ass backflips
That is not what Elsy Vestures (Bragging rights to the person who can figure out the reference of her name) is looking for
So, she kicks every single one of them out of the gym and threatens their social lives if they even think about coming back… (This should be a MASSIVE clue to her name, guys. Come on)
She’s looking for raw talent and finds it in the most unlikely of places
Nathaniel K.
“Doesn’t look like much, looks like the wind could knock him over. Hell, I kinda want to knock him over just for that hair.”
Nathaniel: Who the hell put my sketchbook on the basketball hoop?! Huh?!… Alright. Alix, launch me.
Alix: On it.
*Nathaniel gets a running start, runs, and Alix gives him a leg up. He grabs his sketchbook and ends with a tuck and roll*
She wants him
Cosette B.
“I can smell the sad home life on this one. Copes by making lame Bi puns. What have you got for me, kid?”
While not looking where they were going, Cosette tripped and nearly fell down the stairs, only to catch themself and perform a graceful front handspring
They belong to Elsy now
Jean D.
“Obviously a theater kid if that sweater has anything to say about it. Looks kinda familiar, though, and I hate remembering faces. Where have you been?”
After some endless scrolling, Elsy discovers that Jean was once a cheerleader at their old school and lead their team to three championships
Austin A.
“Prissy bleached walking one dimensional valley girl alert. But I sense something in you, blondie, so wow me. Do a flawless flip for no reason, or something.”
Austin A: Ugh! You guys got the banner crooked! *Gets a running start, jumps, fixes the banner in mid air, and lands with a front flip* Better. Next time, don’t fuck up!
“Aw. It’s like looking in a tiny mirror.”
A. Spinelli
“Heh. Nice tough guy, routine, but I can smell your fear a mile away, punk. What are you trying to hide?”
During study hall, Elsy follows Spinelli into the auditorium where she finds him dancing to some music on his headphones… And it’s not terrible
That’s one of the best compliments she’s ever given someone
Ismael P.
*Sips coffee* “This shit sucks. Make this quick for me. What are you? A breakdancer? You do parkour? What?”
Ismael grinds down the stair rail on his skateboard, and midway, does an aerial flip, then a handspring on the end of the rail before he could face plant on it, and lands on his skateboard
Suddenly, the coffee’s beginning to taste much better
Juleka C.
“… Why did I go to this girl again? She’s just… She’s just listening to guitar music, what am I supposed to-“
Then Juleka comes up with lyrics on the spot, and they’re perfect
What’s a cheer squad without any actually good cheers?
Denice C./Ivan B.
“God, the things I could do with those biceps. But, I prefer to strike fear in the hearts of many the natural way. Besides that, they’re perfect! I need someone to throw red and Goldie locks.”
Elsy is even more on board when she sees Denise chuck an Akuma across the courtyard, and Ivan holds them overhead to keep them from getting away
She’s gonna have to order sleeveless uniforms. Once those two flex, there go the sleeves
Nino L.
“Gimme something, music man. What can I get from you? What do you have to offer besides the one pair of shoes at this shitty school that don’t make me have to hurl?”
Elsy finds Nino at one of his deejay gigs, and without yelling into the microphone, he projects his voice loud enough so that even those in the far back can hear
Elsy lost a bit of her hearing, but it was worth it
So, after threatening the principal with some incriminating photos, Elsy calls the students into the gym where she announces that she wants them on the cheer squad
Cosette: I beg your pardon?
Nathaniel: Ha! No!
Ivan: Nope.
Denise: Not in a million years.
Nino: No.
Spinelli: Not happening.
Austin A: Never.
Ismael: I can’t see that happening.
Juleka: You’ve got the wrong girl.
Jean: YES!
But, she’s able to convince them all to come to practice for a week and see what they think. Then, they’ll cheer at an upcoming basketball game and give her their answers afterward
Surprisingly, they enjoy it, and even more surprising to them, they’re actually good. Jean already knew he had skills, though
With their first appearance came some popularity, mostly from the athletes who thought they could swipe Denise, Nathaniel, and Jean
They know Zoé will punt them, Myléne will turn feral, Rose will hold a unicorn knife to their throats, and Alya will torture them online
So, they go for them, only to find Marc, Austin T, and Simon waiting for them with baseball bats
Marc: *Sharpening his cleats* You better start running.
Tumblr media
This ⬆️with Nathaniel, Austin A, and Denise
Denise in a cheer skirt is not good for Simon’s health
Spinelli wears his fingerless gloves with his uniform
Reshma knitted Ismael a red and white cardigan to look like the jackets that come with the uniform
The Akuma class expects Juleka, Nathaniel, and Ivan to be a lot more bubbly, but they’re still the same antisocial bunch they know and love
Nino has full custody of the megaphone
Austin A requested a pink hair tie and sneakers instead of red
Jean has an HBIC crop top
They have sleepovers on the Liberty and watch every Bring It On movie
Cosette and Nathaniel dye the streamers of everyone’s pom poms, and Cosette does everyone’s eye makeup, and Nathaniel does any face paint for competitions
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bugflies00 · 1 year
RIGHT so the pirate au
well it's nothing very original don't get your hopes up or anything BUT. basically it's mainly lmancrew (with a crimeboys focus) and tntduo centered and it's set in like a medieval-esque fictional setting like basically six of crows minus the magic. like i literally typed six of crows into pinterest to get good images those are the vibes
wilbur's captain of this ship called the l'manberg (ok no but i hesitated between naming the ship or their og town lmanburg but i ended up naming the ship that because i just think it's such a good ship name like . she/her in a boat way. does this make sense) and the crew is niki, jack, eret, fundy and tubbo (well obviously theres more people cause how would a ship Function but the rest of those are Unnamed background characters).
wilbur's also a pretty high ranked official like idk general or captain of the guard idk how the military works i would have to figure that out, but basically he's kinda famous and so's his ship. they aren't participating in a war it's more of like an explorer position because wilbur's known for being a brilliant cartographer and so the previous king just kinda appointed him to this new position to let him fuck off & do his own thing mapping the whole world with his crew. the issue is the old king died with no heir and replaced by his nephew (dream) who's much more controlling and power-hungry than he was and who doesn't want to waste money & resources on some bs like maps. this will create Conflict (im so good at narration guys. Help)
tommy's like a homeless orphan (as he alwyas is) and really needs a job and money and all that and he hears the l'manburg isn't at sea for once and wilbur & his crew are taking a rest at the capital for a couple days before sailing back off again. naturally he sneaks in, lives in the storage room for like a week or two, surviving off scraps of food . then tubbo stumbles across him and almost reports him, but tommy convinces him not to and so tubbo helps him for a couple days. then someone else finds him, and he's brought to the captain and they all threaten to throw the stowaway overboard (they wouldn't actually they're all kinda softies) and tommy's like pissing himself from how scared he is especially cause wilbur's like . this really famous general who's had books and songs written about him and shit (he doesn't know yet hes just an annoying pretentious prick (/lovingly)) so he's like Ohmygod im dead and then wilbur's like . "Can you cook" "erm no" "can you clean" "yeah ig" "Can you fight even somewhat decently" "yeah bitch me and my knives are the best they call me th-" "Ok you're hired" AND THUS tommy joins the crew
and so they keep on sailing with their mission yadda yadda and WHAM they encounter the most notorious pirate crew of the continent, named, you guessed it, las nevadas. and tommy's heard a lot of proper horror stories about them and he's terrified but the crew have fought them off a bunch of times before so they're mainly annoyed because they're gonna have to deal with the frankly disgustingly homoerotic rivalry that their captain and the pirate captain have been passionately engaging in for several years now. THATS RIGHT TNTDUO BABY oh they are so pathetic and so gay it's actually embarrassing they'll have like sword duels . wilbur's the uptight, bitchy, and somewhat pretentious general with perfectly styled hair and ornate coat always huffing and puffing and waxing poetry meanwhile quackity's the fuckin bad boy stereotype with like a half unbuttoned poet or blackshirt (slut) (wilbur cannot stop staring its embarrassing) and he's always hanging off ropes and shit and doing sick acrobatics and taunting wilbur GOD they're so. and yeah they have sword duels where all they do is "distract the opponent" in order to "efficiently win the battle" which is code for "practically make out while hurling insults at each other"
also crimeboys is like "in awe of the legendary general" "who is this child on my boat" >>> "oh my god the general's a prick" "oh my god the child's a demon" >>> "maybe he's not that bad but i would rather die and curse his entire family line than admit that" >>> "that is my brother i would die for him and if you lay a hand upon him you won't have hands anymore" (the funny thing is they both end up with that same level of protectiveness and making the same threats despite wilbur being a like Adult and high ranked official with power and influence and decades of training of elaborate swordsmanship behind him . and tommy is a stowaway fifteen year old orphan with three knives and teeth and a whole lot of anger . but they're both like "no i must protect and die for the other" im sorry i just love them ok theyre so stupid) i just LOVE crimeboys having to go through begrudging bonding instead of instantly being ride or die brothers GIVE ME TO MORE ENEMIES TO FRIENDS TO BROTHERS anyway
also we also get emerald duo in the form of them being co-captains (please pretend that is a thing i know Nothing about anything ever) of this other ship and they're like independent merchants or whatever idk i have not figured out that whole bit yet MY POINT IS they're not affiliated with anyone they just sorta do their own thing and only help people if they want to or are indebted . they help out wilbur sometimes cause he's a dumbass
speaking of wilbur like i said he's had books and songs written about him (his age is kind of a grey zone like on one hand he's pretty young for a general but he's also had time to become this like famous and mysterious figure so can't be Too young . so i think probably like 27-29? smth like that) and one of them was a legend about how he fell in love with a mermaid . yes she had red hair and teal scales and her name was sally BUT SHE'S STILL AN OCEAN MERMAID I KNOW SALMONS LIVE IN RIVERS anyway . also for little tntduo crumbs he's called quackity a siren multiple times (in his mind he's insulting him like "ooh you manipulate people" and everyone around him is like "that is the Gayest thing you could possibly have said") and quackity's like "didnt you date a mermaid" "yeah but sirens are like evil mermaids" "so you want to date me" and then wilbur stabs him
ALSO more about wilbur's character development (this is a bit spoilerish but also it's not like im ever writing this full fic so you're not exactly risking much but just be warned) he starts out like i said as this really uptight military official who started when he was really young and trained really hard and flew through the ranks really fast because he worked his ass off . And so he's Very protective of his rank & title & prestige not so much because he's snobbish but because he worked so hard for it but so it often comes across as him being this like pretentious fuck (well he's also pretentious but thats just wilbur) . also he originally dreamed of being a cartographer and he spent his whole childhood drawing up maps but then he realised he couldn't make a living out of that so he decided to work hard enough to be at the top and then do what he wanted. and so he wears like his tricorn hat with a feather and his ornate coat and neatly tucked in shirt and everything cause for him it's like Proof that he Did it yknow . but then as time goes by, especially in the presence of quackity (who's very antihero-esque and so does not give a shit about ranks or whatever he's a pirate he does his own thing) and also a bit tommy (who was literally dressed in rags until they clothed and fed him but still behaves like a street rat on the most famous ship of the country) he slowly loosens up and he ends up ditching the coat and the hat and instead wears more stuff like loose poet shirts (open because he's a slut) . and so yeah character development through clothing and whatnot
ok so YEAH those are the tidbits that were plaguing my mind the most but there's definitely a whole lot more in my head like ive got a pinterest board and shit
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robotman voice: therapy! therapy! therapy!
i have a notebook with coloring pages that i bring to therapy, because there's a folder attached to it, and if i remember to bring the coloring pages, i'm more likely to remember to bring the other pages that i need. my leg was doing the bouncy thing on its own while i was coloring today, making the lines all squiggly and dotty, and the person sitting next to me in the lobby asked what my name was and i said i don't know. usually, instinctively, i default to👤 but in the moment, i couldn't do that. not sure why, since it's not like i'm likely to see them again. maybe it felt like lying to a stranger for no reason?
whatever the case may be, i managed to make it into therapy today, and to say that i was feeling foggy and unsure of things as basic as my name. i was able to say that the concerning thing isn't necessarily the losing time or finding things that point more to a not-me than me, but that the things are so vague that it worries me. there's a smaller not-me who describes things in such a black and white way, and i'm known as the grey guy. i don't know if it's that they don't have the words to describe the concepts or thoughts, but looking back and reading journals and chats with people about 'bad guys' and 'bad thoughts' is way more worrying to me than if i had found specifics. obviously there may be horrors involved but not knowing what they consider to be 'bad' makes managing the triggers so much harder.
some of the things they wrote seem familiar, kinda in a way that looking back on drunk moments while sober or sleep-deprived moments when you're awake seem familiar. there's a sense of being around for those moments or a vague timeline of who, what, and where, but the details of how and why are missing. i can see myself talking about those topics or being interested in some things, but looking back at the texts and the language used, it's like… i wouldn't have said it like that. i sorta remember the action of typing and the moments of before, like following enough of the conversational thread that not-me and/or me could talk with this other person interchangeably, but it's all just… words are hard.
therapist asked when is the earliest memory i have of there being a not-me, and i found myself saying middle school before i could even think about it, which is surprising and i don't even know if it's true. it might be, it might not be, but the worrying thing is that in the memory, the not-me had my name (👤) and middle school me was someone else. but i thought the earliest memory was after high school, when a not-me (🛡️) would help me with university and work, and i had my name. i know at least one aspect of 🛡️ has been around for as long as i can remember, maybe even from elementary school, but today, sitting with therapist and loosely trying to put a timeline together, we realized i maybe wasn't there for a lot of stuff. there's bits of what we thought were one thing or associated with one name that might end up being other parts. there's no pressure to dig for parts or memories, or to name anything or anyone, which is a relief.
the holidays start this week and i know that's a major trigger even if i can't pinpoint the exact reasons why. i know that i don't have to attend services, so that's one less thing to worry about, but i don't think i can get out of other obligations. i know that there's prayers and traditions that make my gut coil, i know that there's smells of certain foods that make me want to hurl, and those are somewhat avoidable. but community flyers in the mail and emails from relatives and the general atmosphere of it all is making me want to run away and i'm not the runner around here.
i guess the positive takeaways are that i was actually able to talk about this, we have a follow-up phone call before the holidays, and we got release forms signed and sent to previous places so there might be a better paper trail timeline of things than what we have now.
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gardenerian · 3 years
26 [Ukrainian/Irish AU] + 64 [Guns/Crime] 😌🍀🔫
not me asking you to send this one to me so i can talk about this AU that's been living in my notes app for weeks haha whaaaaat no way what a weird thing to do 👀🇮🇪🇺🇦
right, so picture this lads:
it's the year 1920 in rural county cork, ireland. the war of independence is a ragin'. brits out, come out ye black and tans, etc etc etc
cork is known as the rebel county bc of how batshit insane they went during the war of independence (actually, it comes from henry vii… they’ve been batshit about independence for THAT LONG)
ian gallagher serves as the local doctor - he’s in high demand, what with all the poverty and disease and starvation and the black & tans beating everybody up 😒
he earns a place in an english hospital to get Super Sophisticated medical training. he’s kinda conflicted bc fuck the english and all that, but he also feels like this is a chance to pull his family out of poverty
meanwhile lip is a rising leader in the IRA and he’s disappointed in ian for leaving when ireland is in such a critical point in the war for independence - and he’s all ah ian you’re not a real irishman how could you leave us now like?
and ian’s like bleedin jesus i’m just one small sort lip you don’t need me BUT when he’s about to leave, a local game of hurling is broken up by the black and tans (technically "group gatherings" weren’t allowed) and carl is very hurt
ian tends to him and realizes he can’t leave ireland now, so he joins lip in the IRA
fiona is definitely in cumman na mban (the women's wing of the IRA) and she brings messages to lip and ian while they’re in training 🥺 they speak irish together to protect themselves
irish war for independence was guerrilla war so it was a lot of ambushes and assassinations - lots of holding up british barracks and stealing guns, etc. ian is feeling more comfortable with his decision as the IRA is gaining some ground, WHICH LEADS US TO…
mikhailo milkovich is part of the mass migration that takes place in the wake of world war i - ukraine did not exist as an actual nation at this point, and ukrainian people were split between the russian and austro-hungarian armies. mikhailo fights for the russians bc he kinda has to, but dips as soon as the civil war in russia breaks out - he’s not about to get involved in that mess. he gets interested in the nationalist movement, bc fuck those overlords, but his land is in shambles, his family has scattered, and he has no home to go back to - this feels like a sign for a new life?
he wanders around europe for a bit, and eventually he finds himself in london, where he gets further radicalized by the anti-colonial/left wing revolutionaries living there. he hears of the cork soviet and the war for independence, and he decides to head over and stir shit up. the irish are kicking ass and taking names, and he wants to see what he can learn from them. the goal is to go back to ukraine and continue Stirring Shit Up 
so he makes his way to cork, easily worming his way in with the trouble makers there. they bring him to lip and the higher ups, thinking mikhailo could be useful. he’s a good shot, he learned a lot from those guys in london, and he has connections to get them loaded up with arms and ammunition 
the lads are suspicious of him, except for ian who is immediately like 👀 ian teaches him some irish, some medical training, mickey drops some socialist knowledge on him, they bond over these struggles for freedom and what life could be like for them once it’s attained 🥺 
the lads get used to mickey, as they now call him, but they’re still reluctant to let him in fully. but he proves himself incredibly useful in organizing raids, and ian obviously finds that super hot - cue the sexual tension re: ian and mickey in flat caps, covered in dirt and/or blood, holding rifles, and hiding in the irish hills 😌 they start to get...... close 👀
but! after one of their raids on british barracks, the group is rounded up and arrested. there’s a spy in their midst ⚠️ everyone suspects mickey, but ian stands up for him - if it were mickey, they wouldn’t have arrested him too. some of the leaders of the group (lip included) are tortured for information, but the brits! get! NOTHING! 
ian tries to tend to lip and the others, but it’s not looking good - everyone is in danger of being straight up executed. mickey sees ian panicking and orchestrates their escape - don’t ask me how, idk yet - and they all flee into the hills 
everyone is fully on board with mickey now, very thankful so they are. ian and mickey have a Passionate Moment™️ once they are safe and flooded with relief
AND THEN! THE WAR IS OVER! celebrations! mickey and ian plan to stay in ireland while things get settled and then head to ukraine to start fucking shit up over there 
but.......... the irish civil war begins almost immediately. the treaty does not give ireland full freedom and ian is not about that! the gallaghers are split - lip defends the treaty as a basis for freedom but ian says he didn’t get involved in this war for partial freedom for ireland. mickey backs him up, but this war is devastating for the family and the country. brother against brother, literally 💔
so the civil war rages on in extreme violence - ian and mickey are holed up in the mountains with the other anti-treaty soldiers, fighting against the very people they stood beside just weeks ago. they’re starting to wonder what this is all for, if the world they want can really be achieved this way... ian is getting especially depressed bc he’d wanted to be a healer, and now he’s a trained killer on the run from his brother and best friend 
it all comes to a head when ian and mickey are captured while patrolling. lip, who is running the new free state troops in cork, begs ian to give up information on their activity - if not, he’ll be shot at dawn
ian refuses, and lip is beside himself. they spend hours fighting and crying and trying to convince each other to see reason, but they’re both so convinced that they’re on the right side. ian is ready to die for it, but lip pulls his last card - is he ready to let mickey die for it? 
and he’s not, but he can’t betray his comrades like that. he won’t give anybody up. dawn is fast approaching and lip can’t fucking take it - he sneaks ian and mickey out of their cells and tells them to get the fuck out of ireland. there will be hell to pay for lip, but he’s not about to have ian’s blood on his hands. they have a gut-wrenching goodbye before lip shoos them away 😭
mickey and ian are reluctant to go, but they don’t want to risk each other anymore. plus, ian refuses to pick up a gun again after seeing his family and his country torn apart. so.... they go 
now: where to do they go? maybe up north, where the war hasn’t reached. they work and organize labor and send money down to the gallaghers. maybe to london, where they find immigrant communities to thrive in? or perhaps america? the nationalist movement has largely gone dormant in ukraine by this point, and mickey doesn’t want to subject ian to another armed struggle anyways. and they’re not about to take on the fuckin ussr. but they move on and heal and study and keep organizing for freedom elsewhere - maybe they go to new york and start fucking shit up in the labor unions?
but one day they’ll go back to a free ireland and reunite with the gallaghers and they’ll be at peace 🥲 
........ an deireadh
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going-dead · 4 years
Danny was very sick of tourists coming to explore Amity park. Like very sick of them, especially the ‘ghost hunter’ ones. In the end they just caused more problems than the actual ghosts, getting in the way of the fights causing Danny more stress and injuries than normal. Not to mention they sucked at their so called jobs. He was pretty sure even a single elementary schooler of Amity was a better ghost fighter than all of the tourists combined.
But at the moment it was the dead of winter and probably one of the coldest weeks of the year. So only the stupidest of self proclaimed ghost hunters would venture out to hunt ghosts in weather like this. While it was nice not having to worry about danger prone tourists Danny still was miserable, he could deal with the cold just fine in fact he preferred the cold. The problem was that It was the holiday season, the worst time of the year. At least the ghost attacks were less frequent as they all prepared for the Christmas truce party.
Still he supposed it could be worse. His parents weren’t fighting as much this year, though that was probably due to the fact they were still treating him like he was made of glass half of the time after he told them about the whole half dead thing. Danny figured that was due to the fact they blamed themselves for the portal incident, causing them to coddle him to an almost tortuous degree. It was as if they expected him to disappear if he was so much as bumped in the wrong way. It had gotten a bit better at this point at least, if things continued as it did at the beginning Danny was pretty sure he’d rather have them still be shooting at him. Now they only tensed up when he left the house instead of not so subtly stalking him all day.
At the moment Danny was sitting on the counter in the kitchen with his mom while she was cooking dinner. “Danny dear get off the counter that’s where the food goes not you.” Maddie said shooing him off the counter with a spatula.
Danny floated off in a huff, “This is ghostphobic mom. The counter is a perfect seat.”
Maddie rolled her eyes, “The term would be phasmophobic, and no it’s not it’s; I don’t want your butt all over where I’m making our dinner-phobic.”
“Fine transphobic then.”
“How about asking you to set the table? What would that be?”
Danny mulled it over for a few seconds. “A reasonable request I suppose.” He phased his hands though the cabinets grabbing the plates. Honestly he could have just as easily grabbed them normally but he was still trying to get his parents used to him having powers. “Oh by the way Sam, Tucker, and I are hanging out tomorrow to celebrate winter break starting and school being out for two whole weeks.” “Alright sweetie, but be safe okay?”
“Of course I will be mom.”
“I mean it Danny, please.”
Danny sighed “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to text you regularly to let you know I’m safe. I’ll be fine and stay out of trouble, I promise” Maddie nodded seemingly plated at least for the time being.
The next day Danny was really regretting making that promise. The day started out so well too. Danny, Sam, and Tucker were walking along the park trail. Danny was walking a few steps in front of the other two, subtly making the path easier with his powers. The only people out insane enough to bear the cold were people who had to go to work and teens who were bored out of their minds.
“All I’m saying Danny is that if you want to choose that class you should choose a race other than human for once. Hellspawn would be the best option in your case.” Tucker argued.
“Says the dude playing the race for furries.” Danny shot back turning his head to look back at his friend.
“Hey! The beastmen race is a perfect fit for my class, they have an exp boost for trickery and magic skills  it’s the best for playing a character who mains in ambushing with traps.
“Boys boys stop arguing. Danny will be fine playing as a human he’s just gonna have to spend more time grinding. Also he’s right, beastmen are so the furry option.” Sam cut in.
“Whatever, I just don’t understand why he always plays the most boring race in every game he plays. I mean why would you want to play as a human when you could be a fantasy race like an elf or something.”
“Well that’s easy for you and Sam to say you both are still hum-,” Danny was cut off mid sentence by his ghost sense and a glowing red circle surrounding the group. He hardly had a chance to go ghost before being fully enveloped by the light.
When Danny was finally oriented enough to open his eyes he vowed to never complain about getting motion sick while his dad was driving again if it meant he would never have to go through that awful experience again. It felt like getting sucked into the Fenton Thermos if it was the size of a straw and being spun in a blender all at the same time. He looked around seeing if his friends were brought along with him. And just his luck, of course they got pulled through whatever the hell that was too.
“Ugh, you guys okay?” He closed his eyes again and focused on stabilizing his core and getting the last of the nausea to leave.
“Bleh I think I’m gonna hurl.” Sam groaned from beside him.
Danny heard Tucker shift beside him. “Yeah I’m good, I guess all that time staying up late playing VR games kinda helped against motion sickness. Landed on my arm though so definitely going to bruise later. Where are we anyway?”
That actually was a good question, Danny lifted himself off the ground literally, using legs to stand was lame anyway. The sight he was met with was both confusing and surprising. Looking down he saw that the three of them were in some sort of red magic circle or something, with candles lit around it. Looking past that was the part that was surprising. He was expecting this to be the work of a ghost but standing in a circle around the three of them were six  humans in different colored robes. He couldn’t recognize any of them though, they must have been from out of town or just total shut ins. He was pretty sure he recognized where they were though, it was the basement of an abandoned building next to the mall, Sam was super into urban exploring the year before and it was one of the first places she dragged the two boys to.
“Haha uhh hey didn’t know there was a costume party going on, I would have dressed up, looks like you got all the colored robe thing going on though. Would my hazmat suit work instead of a robe?” Danny looked at the group around him and cracked an uneasy smile. Maybe it was some sort of accidental ghost summoning or something, it wouldn’t be the first time. Though the fact it brought his friends along pointed to it either being on purpose or something much more powerful, or both.
The man in the black robe turned to a woman in a white one. “Why did the spell bring two kids along with it .”
Danny tried to ignore being called an ‘it’ not like his parents didn’t do it before they knew about his identity. “I’m not the murder clown and I do have a name you know.” But his words seemed to fall onto deaf ears.
“I did the calculations right if that’s what you’re trying to imply, as you can see the subject did appear in the circle as planned. We probably just underestimated how much power the sacrifice would provide with the addition of the solstice.” White robe snapped. Great, this was totally just what Danny needed at the start of his winter break. Not only did they seem like ghost hunters they were the crazy obsessed culty ones.
“Either way the goal was achieved in the end, we have the ghost boy.” Black robe pointed to two men, one in yellow and one in blue robes. “Take care of the two bystanders, but don’t kill them. After all we shouldn’t kill our soon to be followers.” Yeah that wasn’t concerning at all Danny thought.
The one in the yellow grabbed Sam and the one in the blue grabbed Tucker at the black robed man's command. Danny assumed that probably meant the black robed one was the one in charge here. “Hey! Get your hands off me you freaks!” Sam yelled, struggling against the man’s grip.
But Danny’s friends didn’t have a chance against people twice their size. Before either of them could struggle more the two men slammed their heads to the ground in almost unison, knocking them out almost instantly. It happened so fast all Danny would do is watch on in horror. He felt like he watched their now limp bodies for ages, their chests shallowly rising at least giving him the relief of knowing they were still alive. But the sight of small puddles of blood forming around their heads snapped him out of his horror and into a rage.
Danny placed his feet to the ground turning to look at the two in the black and white robes. “Why?” He seethed, “You said they were accidentally brought along when you were trying to get me here. Technically in a way this falls onto me. So tell me, why?”
The man in the black robe seemed taken aback from being confronted so suddenly. The woman in white didn’t seem to have the same problem, maybe they both were in charge? Honestly though Danny didn’t care at this point. “We will take over the little town you haunt. After we do that we will find out where all the ghosts are originating from and then make them into our soldiers so we can take over the country and then the world. To do that we obviously needed you out of the way since you seem to be the only one capable of combating the other ghosts that come into this world. Or you would just defeat our pawns before they could take true action. So we found a way to summon and trap ghosts, then brought you here so we could get you out of our way.”
Honestly Danny was disappointed hearing that more than anything, his rage almost completely disappeared after hearing the plan. “Hold up that is the stupidest plan I have ever heard.” And that was saying something seeing as he dealt with Vlad's plans on a weekly basis. “First off you do realize it would be very hard to get or even force ghosts into your service if you don’t offer them, anything in return. Not to mention how some ghosts have almost godlike powers and you expect to overpower them? Also I am not even close to the only one who can fight ghosts. Everyone in Amity Park has at least some know how when it comes to ghost fighting. They sell basic ghost protection equipment at the supermarket. I just happen to be better suited than everyone else because I y’know can like fly and go intangible when chasing them. Using ghosts to take over the world is so stupid do you even know how to properly catch a ghost? Seriously this is like next level dumb, not to mention how did you even know the summoning would work if it didn't you’d just all be standing in a darkly lit room looking dumber than you already do.”
That seemed to anger the white one a lot. Apparently she didn’t like her intelligence questioned. “Why you little-.” She stomped her foot. “This plan was thought through down to the smallest detail. You want to know how it worked huh? How about asking your friend over there. I wonder what happens when the dead are killed? You will find out soon enough.”
Danny looked over to where we gestured and his refound taunting attitude vanished. Laying over in the corner inside a smaller less complex looking circle was a ghost or the ectoplasmic remains of one at least, the core was completely destroyed. Judging by the fact that the ectoplasm was red it probably had a fire core before it was destroyed. From the lingering ecto signature Danny doubted the ghost was even sapient. It was most likely the remains of something like a blob ghost or the ghost of an animal or even a weaker ectopus. Still all he could do was stare at the remains in horror.
“Of course summoning you was harder so we used that thing for its ghost energy to help power the circle. Instead of chalk we used it’s ectoplasm to ensure the strength and longevity of the seal to hold you in the circle.” The woman smiled as if she achieved something great. Achieve something she did indeed, but it certainly was not what she intended.
The rage Danny felt before came back in full force. Before with his friends he at least knew they would recover, all three of them got injured fighting ghosts more often than they should. But to injure a ghost to the point where not even their core remained was something so taboo that only the most despicable ghosts would do. Even Skulker kept the cores of his prey stable enough not to fade away completely. A ghost's form could be completely destroyed but as long as their core remained they would reform back where they first formed in the Ghost Zone. The only ghosts Danny could think of who would go out of their way to destroy a core were some of the ancients like Pariah Dark or Nocturne.
Danny finally managed to tear his eyes away from the ghost's remains to lock eyes with the woman. She and the black robed man took a step back out of instinct. Looking into his eyes they felt the feeling every animal of prey felt when it knew it was being watched, being hunted. The temperature in the room dropped and frost started to crawl across the walls. Danny took a step towards the two leaders before pausing to reconsider and turning and starting towards the two men standing above his friends.
Then men in yellow and blue robes looked to the man in black for guidance, unsure of what action to take. He looked uncertain as well but shook his head. “There’s no way it can pass through the seal, we tested it.”
Danny's eyes flicked over to the man then back to the two who hurt his friends and gave them a predatory grin, his teeth now looking slightly sharper than usual. He made no sound as he stepped over the circle with ease closer and closer to the two men. They both reached for their weapons, small bats, apparently they were the muscle of the group, and swung at the approaching ghost. Danny simply went intangible causing the two to overswing and hit each other instead, knocking the wind out of them both and causing them to drop their bats. While they were catching their breath Danny grabbed them by their hair and knocked their heads together. Their bodies crumbled to the floor just a few inches from the teens they did the same to just minutes before.
The one who had yet to say or do anything, dressed in red, made her way towards Danny while his back was towards her. Just as she got within arms reach of him she slipped and fell. The temperature had dropped even more at this point causing the ground surrounding Danny to ice over. Danny hardly acknowledged the large thud behind him simply trapping the fallen woman up to her neck in ice as he walked past and headed towards his final two targets.
When first summoned by the group Danny could, within reason, probably be passed off as a weirdish looking human excluding the glow around him. But now as he stalked towards his prey that was no longer the case. His chest no longer moved like it was breathing. His feet made no sound as they made contact with the ground. His eyes, non-blinking, no longer had pupils or even whites to them just a void of endless ectoplasmic green. His ears were pointed almost bat like. The tips of which, along with his lips, were tinted blue. His hair, normally white like snow, now was just the white that came from complete absence of any color. The hair was defying gravity almost as if it was underwater while smoke like wisps trailed off from his hair as he moved. His mouth was twisted into an emotionless smile splitting through his cheeks showing needle like teeth all the way back to where his molars would have been, there was no tongue or throat behind them, just another endless green void. The skin of his neck that was showing past the hazmat suit was marked with lightning like scars. The glow around him seemed to absorb all the light in the room.
The man in the black robe looked between the approaching horror and his partner before running towards the exit. Danny moved so fast it was almost as if he materialized right in front of the man. The man stumbled back falling down in shock but still tried to scramble away from him crossing his chest as he did so. Just as Danny started to raise his arm towards the man he paused and lurched back.
He looked down at his chest where an ornate knife was now lodged. Holding onto the hilt was the woman, she gave the knife a final twist before letting go and herding her partner into the corner farthest away from Danny. Danny showed no pain as he grabbed the knife and pulled it out, the blade was dripping with ectoplasm, and dropped it on the ground. The wound in his chest already healing, filling with more ectoplasm to replace what was lost.
The smile that was marring Danny’s face was replaced with a scowl as he made his way towards the corner where the two were cowering. Placing a hand on their necks he lifted them both up against the wall and started slowly burning their skin with an ectoblast. He let them go, letting them fall to the ground only when their screams of pain turned silent as crushed vocal cords and burnt throat muscles took their toll. Both cult leaders looked up at him in horror faces pale. "What's wrong?" Danny smiled, "It looks like you've seen a ghost."
The woman looked at him in fear as she grasped at the raw skin of her throat, which now was covered in blisters and charred in some of the worst places. “Wha-, what, what are you?” She managed to rasp out before coughing up some blood.
Danny let out a dark chuckle, his voice echoed over itself. “I-,” he snarled, “am a Phantom .”
After Danny sent an anonymous tip to the police about the cult, he brought his friends back to his house. Of course his mom freaked out after he stopped responding to her texts and even more when he phased into the living room with an unconscious Sam and Tucker. He was pretty sure she was about to break out the BOOmerang if she didn’t hear from him for much longer. She was more than willing to take the two of them to the hospital to get them checked out.
Danny made a quick stop into the ghost zone to tell Clockwork to spread the word to other ghosts to be on alert and that there were humans that were trying to summon and capture ghosts. After telling Clockwork what happened, in much more detail than the briefest summary he gave his mom, including how he probably went a bit overboard with dealing with the cultists. He also admitted he didn't regret it even if he did go overboard. They hurt his friends and caused a ghost to completely fade, and in Danny’s opinion they deserve whatever came to them. The whole story caused Clockwork to also start fretting over him making sure to let Danny know that his reaction was a completely normal response to someone threatening something that falls within his obsession especially since it happened in his haunt of all places. Danny swore that his ghostly mentor could be worse than his own parents sometimes especially when it came to reassuring him about his more ghostly tendencies.  
Luckily after being released from the hospital it turned out the worst Sam and Tucker suffered were concussions that would heal in a decently short amount of time. That didn’t mean they weren’t complaining about it though.
“Stop laughing about my suffering Danny! I won’t be able to start playing Fantasy War Online VII until my two week tech restriction is lifted by my doctor. It was bad enough I had to go to a hospital but to be taken away from my lovely devices as well is just too much.” Tucker lamented.  
“Quit complaining and suck it up. I’m on the restriction too Tucker.” Sam pointed out.
Tucker huffed. “Yeah well you’ll probably manage to catch up to all the people who are getting it on release day easily, since you’re scarily good at MMO’s.” He flopped back onto Danny’s bed. “Hey at least this gives us more time to convince Danny to play something other than a human for once in his life. Like I said before the hellspawn is the perfect race for the build you’re going for.”
Danny just rolled his eyes. “And like I said before, I like being a human.” “Whatever dude just don’t complain when I utterly beat you if we end up fighting because you wanted to be the lamest most boring race ever.”
Danny shrugged. “Somehow I’ll cope, I just think it’s nice to be seen as normal and not scary.”
Sam laughed. “Danny you are the least scary person like to ever exist. The only things scary about you are your grades and your wacky parents. I doubt you could be scary if you tried.”
Danny looked out the window watching the stars as they started to appear in the sky. “...Yeah I guess you’re right.”
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michaelsdemon · 3 years
just breathe. [3 days until italy]
Summary: (Andy Dolan x Female!Reader) In the days leading up to his move to Italy, Andy finds you attempting to jump off his cliff. He ends up inviting you to stay at his place whilst he prepares his move, and you both grow closer and closer in those few days. 
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, suicide attempt, dark humour/thoughts, drug use
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It was a few days after Hedwig’s disappearance that Andy decides to make a brief visit to his cliff. He just wants to be sure. Sure that she didn’t, for some reason, find this cliff herself, and hurl her body off it. Especially after her desperate attempt at help the last time he saw her that fateful night. 
He resented her, and yet the guilt he felt had manifested its way into his bones and flesh, his stomach curling in on itself whenever the news flashed up on the tv screen, her photo up there, staring back at him, “Why didn’t you help me, Andy?” It had said. 
Fuck her. 
He pulls up nearby and gets out the car, and he frowns when he sees a figure in the distance. It’s not her. He knows that right away. But he also knew what the figure was doing. Slowly, ever so slowly as to not startle them, cause god forbid he didn’t need another possible dead girl’s blood on his hands, he approaches them. 
The familiar smell of the salty waves enters his nostrils as he inhales slowly, the cool wind pushing his hair back the closer he gets to her. 
The sound of a shaky breath and sniffle makes him pause and forget about his footing for a moment, and he kicks a stone, the clacking noise breaking her thoughts and she turns her head abruptly. 
“Fuck off,” A gasping, wet breath leaves the woman, and she wipes her face quickly, obviously having not realised how much she had been crying in her quest for release. 
Andy almost did turn away then, not wanting to deal with this, it wasn't his responsibility after all. But he manages to retort something back to her, “That’s my cliff.” 
Her eyebrows furrow together in confusion, “What?” She sniffs loudly and Andy grimaces, wishing he had some tissue for her. 
“The cliff you’re thinking of jumping from...that’s my jumping spot,” He raises an eyebrow, “Has been for a long time now...so you’re kinda trespassing,” A small smile of humour on his face.��
It works, a bubble of laughter erupting from her chest awkwardly due to her stuffy face, “I don’t think people can own suicide locations,” She manages to get out. 
“Well, I own this one,” He smirks and moves closer, “So if you don’t mind,” He gestures for her to move out the way as he shakes his jacket off. 
“What are you doing?” She looks at him with concern. 
“Doing what you came here to do,” He takes a deep breath and looks over the cliffs edge, “Think I’ll die straight away?” 
Surprisingly, she grabs onto his arm suddenly and he looks at her vice grip with wide eyes, “Don’t,” She practically drags him back from the edge. 
Andy looks down at her as they both stumble back, the sound of the waves crashing beneath them covering the silence, a blast of wind hitting his curls. 
He says the first thing that jumps into his mind, “Let’s get out of here then,” He murmurs, “You like food?” 
The girl removes her hand from him, an incredulous look on her face, “Excuse me?” 
Andy can’t help but smile in amusement, “You must be hungry, I assume you’ve been here a while?” 
Her mouth drops open as if to speak but no sound comes out, only then she nods a little, glancing back to the cliff, still obviously contemplating. 
“Come on then,” He begins walking back to his car, waiting to hear her footsteps follow and he quietly sighs in relief when he does. 
He saved this soul, maybe some higher power will forgive him for Hedwig’s now. 
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During the drive they pass a McDonald's, and he quickly pulls into the drive-through, ordering a variety of things, unsure of her dietary restrictions, whilst she sits there quietly. At collection, he passes it to her, gently placing the warm bag on her lap, a few drinks in the cupholders for her to choose from too. 
He frowns a little to himself, wondering when he started caring for another human being, but he quickly brushes over the thought, taking one of the drinks for himself, sipping the coca cola with the windows rolled down. 
The bag remains untouched and he glances over to her, “I thought you were hungry?” 
Her fingers pinch the bag precariously, as if it’s a bomb, “Oh, I-I wasn’t sure,” She licks her lips, “I thought it was all yours.” 
Andy blinks a few times, “I know I’m an asshole, but fuck, I wouldn’t buy food after asking you were hungry and not let you eat anything.” 
It earns him a small smile and he hears the rustle of the paper bag as she opens it carefully and picks out the fries, eating them slowly. He appreciates that, not wanting there to be salt all over his car. 
As he drives he realises he doesn’t know where to take her, “Do you have someone I can take you to?” He manages to get out, breaking the somewhat comfortable silence between them. 
She pulls a face at the question, her lips tugging to the side, “No, not really,” she sighs hopelessly, “I think I have enough money for a room at a motel for tonight, you can take me to one of those.” 
Now, Andy knows normally he would do that, he’d follow her request and drive her to the motel and move on with his life. However, after Hedwig, after pushing her away, still not knowing what has become of her, well these words end up leaving him, “You can stay in my guest room for a few days.” 
Immediately she declines, and he wonders if she even knows who he is, not once has she called him by his name, not even by accident. 
“Do you know who I am?” Andy asks her with full seriousness. 
His companion blinks blankly, “Should I?” 
He laughs, “I suppose not,” and he sips his drink as he begins driving to his house, “Look you don’t have to worry about me doing anything to you, I wouldn’t, and even if I wanted, I have far too many cameras on me at any given time.” 
Slowly she nods, “I see, what’s your name?” 
“Andy Dolan,” He replies without second thought, and he hears a few taps on a phone, making him glance over and he knows she’s googling him right this second. 
“Star Commando?” A laugh spills from her lips and he raises an eyebrow. 
“What is so amusing about that?” He hums, licking his lips and shaking his head with a small smile. 
“Just sounds like a sci-fi porn...that’s all,” She giggles, clearly amused by the badly titled film he’d agreed to be in. 
“Haha, very funny,” He rolls his eyes, “Eat your food before I take it back.” 
There’s no more laughter as she begins eating again, a small pout on her lips from what he can see in a glance, he hears her speak again quietly this time, “My name is [Y/N], by the way”
Andy nods, “It’s nice to meet you.” 
The rest of the drive is silent, his new stray tending to her food. 
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In a few days Andy will say goodbye to Eden, and goodbye to the ghost of Hedwig that sticks in his mind still. 
“It looks a mess right now, but I promise it isn’t usually like this,” Andy explains as he leads the girl through the modern mansion. 
“It’s...nice,” She gives him a thin smile, and he knows she hates it. 
“It’s not, it’s a fucking crypt,” He hums, making her laugh a little, and he smiles, “So you agree, hm?” 
Her laughter stops, obviously thinking she’d offended him, “N-no, I mean, it’s a little cold in places?”
“It’s okay, I’m just being an asshole,” He smirks and gestures her to follow him, showing her to the guest room that still has some of Hedwig’s photos on the wall. Shit. 
“Ignore those,” He quickly rips them down, shoving them into a pocket.
She doesn’t mention it and just continues to look around, “Are you sure I can stay here?” 
“It’ll only be for a few days at most, I’m moving to Italy,” Andy explains. 
“Are you excited?” She smiles, sitting down on the bed slowly. 
“I guess,” He shrugs, “I just want to get away from here honestly.” 
She nods in understanding, but she doesn’t say much more. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” God was he a therapist now? That rehabilitation centre must’ve got to him. 
Thankfully, she shakes her head, and he hums softly, “Want something to help you relax?” He brings out a rolled up joint he’d prepared earlier in the day. Now only smoking it once in the evenings as his supply slowly runs out. 
She looks at it with innocent wide eyes, and a hint of nerves as she licks her lips, “I-I haven’t ever smoked before.” 
Andy sighs softly and sits on the bed beside her as he brings out a lighter, “I’ll teach you, you gotta learn sometime.” 
Her eyes are trained on his lips, and he can feel her intense gaze as she watches him light the joint and slowly inhale the smoke, holding it in his chest for a few seconds before releasing it slowly into the air. 
As she lets out the breath she was holding, she also inhales the smoke and her nose wiggles at the scent, “Is that what weed smells like?” 
He chuckles and nods, “It does, yes,” He holds the joint out to her, but he changes his mind the last moment and he instead cups the back of her neck and presses the end of the joint at her lips, “Open,” He whispers.
She does as he asks and opens her mouth slightly, wrapping her lips around the joint. 
“Now slowly inhale, very slowly,” He strokes the nape of her neck, and once she   has fully inhaled the smoke, he removes the joint from her lips, “Now exhale slowly.” 
The smoke leaves her lips in a smooth motion, and Andy hums impressed, “Are you sure you haven’t done it before?” 
She shakes her head, “No, never. Was I okay?” 
“You were very good,” Andy smiles genuinely and he takes another hit, feeling her gaze on him. 
“Can I have another?” She looks at him eagerly. 
Andy hums, “Just wait a few moments, I don't want it hitting you too hard.” 
He ends up sharing the rest of the joint with [Y/N], the both of them laying on the bed and talking mindlessly, a mix of serious thoughts and laughter. He watches her carefully, making sure the weed isn’t too much and it proves to relax her instead, a soft smile on her face as she turns towards him. 
“Ready to sleep?” He is also laying on his side, facing her, his eyes heavy. 
She nods slowly, “Thank you for looking after me, Andy, you’re really nice,” her eyes closing as she grows more and more sleepy. 
“I’m really not,” Andy whispers, the last words he says before he drifts off asleep too. 
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Love Me A Little Less: Chapter 1 - Frankenstein
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Member: (3rd person pov) arranged marriage au with Lee Juyeon
Genre: angsty wangsty
Taglist: @hyunvelies​
“We buried you.”
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The feast before Kim Jang Won is absolutely stunning. Lemon meringue tarts, strawberry smoothies (with actual strawberry bits in them), pancakes and freshly buttered croissants, a gorgeous transparent glass pot with the golden shade of chamomile tea and a beautiful tray of puffs and eclairs.
It would be even more stunning if it wasn’t her view every morning though.
“Hey, um, don’t we have like alternating menus or something for breakfast? I feel like I’m eating the same thing every morning now, it’s kinda getting tacky.”
“Miss Kim, I hope you know you’re the one who decides what the menu is. You chose this set like a week ago and you told us not to change it for the next two weeks.”
Jang Won sneers at her butler, arguably the only person on the property to has the guts to talk to her in a way that could get her fired.
“You’re lucky I can trust you.”
Ro Il Jung purses his lips into a thin white line, scratching his cheek with one of those knuckly, wrinkly-skin-covered fingers of his. “You seem to forget that I wanted to retire last year, Miss Kim.”
Jang Won huffs childishly, sticking her tongue out, now a gentle, thick shade of smoothie on her tongue. “I’ll let you retire when I find someone else I can trust, Mr Ro. It’s just too bad I don’t have anybody in mind right now.”
Mr Ro shakes his head like a parent disapproving of his child, but a house guard pulling the heavy doors of the entrance over accompanied by some urgent yelling tears his attention away from the owner of the mansion. 
Jang Won looks up from her butter and croissant, at Mr Ro, who excuses himself before heading for the entrance hall. 
“Sir,” He begins before he can even note the visitor. “If you could--”
“Mr Ro!”
Jang Won hears her butler’s words fade to a complete silent, only listening to their visitor talk. But it’s strange, because it’s a familiar voice...
Mr Ro cannot believe the sight before his eyes.
“I can’t believe you’re still working here. It’s so great to see you again!” Then the visitor pulls Mr Ro into a hug, harshly patting the space between his shoulder blades. 
The lady of the house cannot take it anymore, not when she can’t eavesdrop on the conversation occurring in her own halls. So she gets up from the table, heels clacking against the marble floor as she heads into the entrance hall.
“Alright now, who’s got the guts to stop me in the middle of my French breakfast this morning?”
Mr Ro turns in silent shock, eyes wide and glaring while Jang Won processes the face of the visitor. 
The man hadn’t looked like he aged a day since he was--
“I’m sorry,” Jang Won scoffs, waving her beautifully done manicured fingernails in the air. “If this is some impractical joke, please do tell because my brain is just about to explode from the sight right now. Y’know,” She gestures to her head and mimics the sound of a bomb. 
“Jang Won...” The visitor strides towards her, arms wide. But she raises a palm and shifts backwards, a cautious half-smile mixed with a frown plastered to her flawless skin. 
“Not another step, nuh-uh,” Waving a finger before his nose, she shakes her head. “There is no way in Hell you can be standing here.”
“Oh, but I am, love,” Once a warm voice that sang her to sleep, Jang Won cannot decide if the tears in her eyes are welling from relief or fear. “I’m home.”
“No... no!” She slaps away his outstretched hands. “We... we buried you...”
“And I can only imagine what you’re feeling right now, my child, but... we have more important things to worry about.”
Mr Ro’s face is contorted with a mess of confusion and anxiety and he watches the first tears fall down Jang Won’s cheeks. 
“What...? ‘More important’-- No, how is anything more important than you... standing here?” The last word comes out like a final breath, at a volume just enough for him to hear. 
“I came bearing news, Jang Won. I-- Well...” He rubs the back of his head, eyes tilted down to his feet. “Because I’ve return to the board of administration now... part of the company now comes back to... me--”
“And... you cannot inherit any part of the company unless you are married to someone from a family from the same administration board.”
Jang Won’s tears solidify into fumes of anger as the thought runs through her neurons. The middle aged man begins to panic when he can read the rage in her eyes, her fists now clenched and the markings of her rings probably embedded into the flesh of her palm. Her knuckles begin to turn white as does his face, ever so slightly.
“Now, now, love. I know what you’re thinking and we can sit down and have a chat about this--”
“‘Sit down and have a chat’?” Jang Won scoffs miserably, lower jaw hanging agape. “Why don’t we sit down and let me ask you whiCH SCIENTIST MADE YOU FRANKENSTEIN?!”
The hallways of the mansion echo the shouts, the sound waves bouncing back and forth between the marble walls mostly adorn with gorgeous, one-in-a-million paintings. 
“That’s not important now, hun. I just need you to understand that without this marriage, you will lose the house and everything you own from HERA & ARTEMIS.”
“I built HERA & ARTEMIS after you were fucking bURIED! Who are you to tell me that you will inherit it ownership and I can’t just because I’m not married?!”
“These were instructions from The Board, Jang Won. I had absolutely no say over this--”
“BULLSHIT! If you have the power to take ownership of HERA & ARTEMIS just because you climbed out of your own grave, why don’t you have the power to help m-- Oh, oh...” Jang Won frowns in disdain, disgust welling her lungs and her gut. 
“What?” His eyes widen and shoulders shrug.
“You came back just to tell me this... because you want HERA & ARTEMIS for yourself.”
“What-- No--”
"You... low-life... scumbag!" The sharp shatter of the glass cabinet behind him echoes through the entrance hall of the mansion. One of the palm-sized statues sitting on the table in the middle of the circular hall lands amongst the billion pieces of glass on the marble floor.
"You give me my freedom and now you tell me I have to get married?!" The final word is literally pushed through her teeth when she cannot clench her jaws even harder. The tremors vibrating up her fist and into her arm and then her entire body makes her look like a volcano ready to erupt, so if these people haven't gotten enough, they have yet to see what's in store.
"Just who the HELL do you think you are?!" Grabbing another one of those tiny statues, Jang Won throws it into the other glass door of the cabinet.
"Jang Won, will you calm down?!"
"Don't you DARE tell me to calm down! You waltz back into this house after GOD knows how long- Hell, we BURIED you!"
"There was a mistake of the body identification and frankly, I expected a warmer welcome from you!"
"HA! A ‘warmer welcome’?! What do you want me to do? Set the entire house on fire? Do you want me to? Because I will!" The man has his brows furrowed back, palms out stretched to her. The mansion staff have all gathered a safe distance around the two of them, Mr Ro and some of those closer to Jang Won trying their best to get to her and calm her nerves but there is just absolutely no way she isn’t going to hurl a brick at her father.
"I can't BELIEVE you're standing there as if you own this place," The muscles around Jang Won’s nose twitches as the frown sinks deeper into her forehead. "I want you to hear this mighty well and crystal clear. You may have been the one who gave me life, but you will never EVER be my dad.”
The huffs that are billowing out Jang Won’s nostrils are starting to hurt.
"There is not a single cent you're stepping on - or touching, for that matter - that belongs to you. The only reason why I haven't fucking put a bullet through your right eye is because I'd go to jail and every thing I've worked for would be thrown out the window.”
“Now, now, love, we can sit down and be civilized about this—”
“Fuck you,” The anger surges through her, and she picks up one more palm-sized statue from the blue resin table. The heavy bronze weight leaves her fingers, and before it can hit the slightly aged man, someone reaches out and catches it instead.
“What the HELL are you doing?!” The scream echoes through the hall of the mansion. Younghoon sighs heavily, hand retreating back to his side as he hands the statue to one of the house staff.
“You have no right to get involved in this—”
“Jang Won, let’s go,” Younghoon strides across the space and grabs her arm, back-facing his father and trying to pull her in the opposite direction. “We can talk about this in your office.”
“How are you thinking straight?! We BURIED him! We watched his coffin get lowered into—”
“I know! I was there!” His eyes flutter shut in frustration, shoulders raising as he sucks in a deep breath, flaring his nostrils. “There’s no point destroying your own property over this. We can carry out some investigations, figure out what really happened, then we’ll work from there.”
The grip on her arm tightens when her instincts try to writhe away from him, but obviously, he doesn’t relent.
“Don’t do it. It’s not worth your time, or mine.”
He stares down at Jang Won, but it doesn’t scare her, not when she has a ghost standing right in the middle of some shattered mess. Not one cut on him.
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Younghoon grimly shuts the door as Jang Won stomps over to her office desk and rests her palms flat against the Agar Wood surface. With a sharp, swift feat, she swipes nearly all the documents off the furniture. But when she misses the empty glass (that would usually be filled with some kind of alcohol or soda), she doesn't hesitate to pick it off the desk and propel it into the marble by the television mounted to the wall.
The shatter startles Younghoon as he whips around, eyes darting frantically between her and the mess she’s made.
"Jang Won!"
"Should I be concerned you don't seem one bit bothered that a dead man is standing in our living room - MY living room?"
"That dead man is our father."
"No, that dead man WAS our father before he ditched us! How are you not- UGH!"
Frustrated, furious and absolutely exasperate, she plops down into one of the two sofas sitting in the middle of the office, feet almost tempted to kick the frosted glass table in the middle but she holds herself back. Younghoon manages to get a few house staff into the room, who hurriedly help clear the glass and return the documents to the table. Fingers pressed into her temples, Jang Won could only imagine the gratification she could receive have if she had the chance to ram her first into someone's face.
Younghoon waits for the staff to leave, then stands by the sofa opposite her, one hand on his hip and the other running through his hair. The late morning sun reflects off his soft, dark brown locks when he absent-mindedly rubs the back of his head and he proceeds to unbutton his blazer to allow him a seat. The leather squeaks under his weight before he leans his elbows on his knees, knuckles resting under his lips and chin.
"Please tell me you're actually thinking and not just trying to look pretty. You're in my house now, not some studio photoshoot."
"I'm thinking about where to put a whole person for you."
"Don't bother, he's moved half his things into the first guestroom. He's probably holding a conductor's wand right now and asking the staff to help him with the second half."
"Have you called the funeral services?"
"And say what? 'Hey sir, have you... perhaps mis-screwed a coffin about 2 years back and now we might have a problem of a zombie'?"
"I'm just saying someone might've paid someone to replace the bodies!" Younghoon frowns, eyes stuck to the rug under his feet. "We don't know how it happened but someone MUST know, right?"
"I think your best bet is the asshole living down the hall now."
"He's not gonna budge, we both know that."
"Well, Sherlock Holmes, thanks for pointing out the obvious."
"I'm just trying to help. You need to stop your nonsensical whining and use your brain like how you used it to get all this money."
Jang Won picks up a pillow and hurls it into Younghoon. “You’re lucky you still stick around, else I’d have the both of you screwed over.”
Younghoon catches the pillow, holding it to his side. “The day I stop looking out for you is the day I die, alright? So you can be rest assured I’ll--”
“Miss Kim!” Mr Ro’s voice calls out from outside the office. 
“What is it, Mr Ro?” Younghoon turns and returns the call, head tilted towards the door. It croaks open, and Mr Ro’s eyes are tired, wary as he sticks his head in.
“Your father just left and... and I think you should see the news.” Mr Ro pushes past the heavy door and reaches for the remote sitting on the frosted glass. The television screen mounted above the fire place flickers on, and there it was, her father’s face.
“The Board has just confirmed the ownership of HERA & ARTEMIS will thus forth be returned to Kim Jo-Pil, father of Kim Jang Won, the current owner. Investigations as to Kim Jo-Pil’s supposed death two years ago are still ongoing.”
“I’m gonna kill him.”
“You can’t.”
“Watch me.”
“We’ll be-- Wha-- The Board’s just come in with some new information! Kim JO-Pil has announced a marriage between Kim Jang Won, current owner of HERA & ARTEMIS and Lee Juyeon, the next-in-line to becoming the next Director of Apple, South Korea.”
Younghoon’s eyeballs are about to bludgeon out of his eye sockets. “Jang Won... I know what you’re thinking... But don’t--”
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kalinawtokilig · 4 years
S/O with a Charming/Sharp Tongue
Get ready I’m getting all mystic and biblical;
“There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing...” (Proverbs 12:18) 
But we’re gonna use that to SWORD TO THRUST INTO PPL
Pair(s) : Hinata Shouyou x Reader, Goshiki Tsutomu x Reader, Yachi Hitoka x Reader, Koganegawa Kanji x Reader, Haiba Lev x Reader
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Hinata Shouyou x Reader
((Clementine babes,, *cue puppy eyes*))
It wasn’t much of a surprise tbh
Okay it kinda was 
It’s just,,, Hinata can match anyone’s wavelength, y’know??
This babe thinks you’re so frickin cool,,, throwing spats on someone who decides to make the first move to insult you,,, bruh you are literally throwing out clever insults that can make Tsukishima impressed
At first, he was intimidated by you, and was a bit biased, having heard you had the same mannerisms as Saltyshima
He still tried his best to befriend you,, 
And it worked! 
Being paired into a group project, he introduced himself as bubbly and kind as possible 
and damn,, ya heart melted,,, 
You became friends as you both bonded over which type of meat buns taste good after a study 
and you being a sharp, s m o o t h, muthafuca, you said
“If we’re talking meat buns, how bout I take you on another study date? Pork buns, right, Hinata-kun?” 
This boy had to process what you said and became a total pomegranate 
“ : 0 “
“Alright, cutie, c’mon if you get this question right, maybe we can get outta here and get snacks :3c “ 
You’re gonna kill him
and i think we all know he’s okay with that
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Goshiki Tsutomu x Reader
((Omgahhh this babie,,, He is one of my fav first years in HQ,,, I do not pimp,,, I simp))) 
You’re actually a second year whilst this bowl cut bahbie is a first year
When Shiratorizawa lost to Karasuno, it was a defeat that reigned with rumors of how the volleyball team isn’t as great as everyone thought they were
Goshiki was greatly affected by this
He feels he failed his Senpais and felt more of a disappointment rather than a failure
You being a tutor of his, you guys would occasionally converse about tips on self-care or he explains with the cutest expression when he talks proudly of perfecting a spike
he seemed normal, but you can obviously tell he was not okay
Tsutomi-bae was trying to hold his tears in while the students that accompanied the library talked about the defeat of Shiratorizawa
Having enough of this trash talk, you sternly declared each one of them, even seeing a few second-years from Shirabu’s class. Setting them straight and saying that if they can take on the freak duo that happened to attempt to take down not only Dateko, Seijoh, and Shiratorizawa, then they might as well try to come back to school, defeated as well  
 You say at least Tsutomu was able to play against them, playing proudly as the upcoming ace and knowing at least some of their tactics
Sitting down with a huff, you nonchalantly continue to tutor him
He sits there, starry eyes wide, mouth agape, and a pink flush on his face to the tips of his ears
Tilting your head, cutely, I daresay, you ask him if he’s alright
“Y-Yes! Thank you, (Y/N)-senpai!” 
Humming, you smile slyly, “You are really such a cute kohai, Tsumtomu-chan.” 
Congrats, you killed someone
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Yachi Hitoka x Reader
You were a second-year in Nishinoya’s class
You were actually good friends with the libero 
as he was short tempered and ready to throw punches
you were ready to assertively borderline aggressive hurl insults on those who hurt your precious friends
unfortunately, while in a spat against other students, Nishinoya almost foaming at the mouth with Tanaka holding him back, you were snarkily talking the students down into their place
It was their defeat after Seijoh and it hit a sensitive topic to them
Yachi had been bringing paperwork to the teacher’s office and nearly BOLTED when she heard you talk with such confidence with provocation and underlying threat 
when you were finished putting those maggots in their place, your pissed off glare landed on Yachi’s
Oh,,, she’s shaking,,, terrified,,, 
Hurry to leave, she quickly turned around but rammed into the wall, packets falling to the ground
she scurriedly tries to pick them all up,, Babygirl almost shits herself when you tower over her
“P-Please don’t-”
You crouched down to her and she’s sweating bullets, seeing that your hand it outstretching until-
“I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean to glare, you just so happen to be in my line of sight.” You apologized, helping up pick up the papers
Glancing up, you smile as kindly and less threatening as possible, “I didn’t mean to scare an angel like you, I really am sorry about that.” 
Yachi tries not to combust at the compliment you’ve thrown at her
Getting up, she nods her head in thanks and you ask, “You’re Yachi, right? Noya says another student joined the club, Yachi, he told me. He was right,”
“About what?”
“Managers, specifically you, really do bless the eyes of a person like me.”
Stop killing ppl you sadist
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Koganegawa Kanji x Reader
((I have a thing for blondes,,,, Not atsumu tho, I’ll peg the sh-))
this babie, can just be frustratingly cute
its not that he’s stupid, it’s cause he does more action than thinking
when he does think, it’s on the court and it’s in full hard drive
You usually get into petty spats with Futakuchi cause he’s being too hard on Kogane
“It’s not my fault you have such an obvious crush on him, (Y/N) <3”
“It’s not my fault that you have no one to worry about you the way I do for him Futakuchi-kun </3″
People often mistake why you would for,,, a bubble headed blone himbo like him
“Why do you go for people that are toxic and continue to go back to them when they obviously want your convenience :) ?”
Kogane literally needs to carry you to prevent further provocation
Lots of people don’t get WHY him
And you tell others to worry about their own bitter, single, loveless lives rather than your better and healthy relationship
You are salty and jab at them when they so much as talk negative about your boyfie
Kogane really appreciates you for stepping up for him, but he worries for how far you’d go for him
“Do you...need me to murder someone, baby?” 
“Oh, then you got your answer sweetcheeks ;D”
You, my friend, need to stop
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Haiba Lev x Reader
((Silver-grey haired babes HIT DIFFERENT))
Being in manager of Nekoma is like,,, chaotic but in a way you NEED to prevent Kenma from strangling Kuroo for taking his Nintendoswitch and Yaku yeeting a ball at Lev’s tall ass
Until YOU wanted to yeet a ball at your boyfie’s tall ass
He finally was able to spike a ball. 
but you caught it 
with your face
and blood seeped outta your nose
Kuroo: This is my part no one els- Kenma: Shut up 
Fiery anger. 
Yaku is the one restraining you from going on an all out roast, covering your mouth and holding your shoulders
“Yes, yes, (Y/N), Lev is an idiot.” 
“I agree, he can be a pain in the ass, but YOU’RE the one dating him”
Lev is so sorry. he is so sorry, so so-
“Lev, give me a towel..”
“Yes love.”
While Coach Nekomata calls a break, he chuckles at the young couple, that being you and Lev
Kenma cringes
As he cradles you with his larger figure, a hand resting on your head to lay on his shoulder
“You’ve improved on your spike, bae.” 
“I did?!”
“Yeah, next time aim for Kuroo’s unnatural bedhead, maybe if you hit it, it’ll turn back to normal.”
“Oi, oi (Y/N), watch it. Rudolph.”
Lev freezes when your eyes smile with confidence, and he restrains you
Kenma : “nice pokemon reference”
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milkypompon · 4 years
𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℕ𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 | Gaang x Earthbender!Reader
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𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖 | What’s life like with the Gaang when they include another Earthbender? Well to everyone’s surprise, it’s quite calm… sometimes. Y/N’s ability is unlike the hard-core Metalbending, Sandbending, and tradition Earthbendingof Toph. Yes, they’re fully capable of doing all that if they truly wanted to. But Y/N chooses to help out in their own way, giving life to nature and indirectly to their friends too.
𝔸𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣'𝕤 ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖 | You can deem these as Character x Reader or just some adorable platonic love with the wonderful team! On another note, for some reason, I LITERALLY WRITE SMALL STORIES INSTEAD OF HEADCANONS LMAOOO. Still hope you got a lil something out of this.
Puns. That’s it puns.
The crew sat around a flickering fire dead in the night. Wind whistled into their ears and leaves swirled about their hair. Despite the chill weather, everyone chattered and laughed wildly. Sokka began yet another high tale of his that was supposedly dating back to his childhood. His arms flailed wildly, receiving cackles from Toph. While Katara and Zuko fell onto their side, legs kicking the air sporadically.
Y/N sat next to Aang who suddenly grabbed their shoulder and said firmly, “We need to talk.”
Everyone stopped their shenanigans.
Aang deepened his voice, “Y/N… for what’s Earth, you are the team’s most down to planet person ever.”
Well… at least he tried.
Competitions on who can pull out the most potatoes out of the dirt. Let’s just say the Gaang ate potatoes for a week thanks to Aang. And an astonishing two week thanks to Y/N.
When they have heated arguments, which weren’t often, but the team sure as hell stepped on the gas when it did happen, Y/N would offer Aang some pretty nasty food. Nothing dangerous or poisonous, well Aang would actually describe the apple inhabiting worms he took a bite out of last week.
Absolutely without a doubt calls you many nicknames
Exhibit A
Sokka poked Y/N’s cheek, he received a smile in return. “Hey, uh… plant nanny, could you swing by at my place and take a look at the vegetables Katara planted? They’re already wilting…”
Y/N giggled, “You planted them didn’t you?”
“Wha- of course I didn’t. FINE, I did!”
Exhibit B
“You just stepped on the chamomile flowers that just started sprouting!” Y/N squealed at Sokka.
“Oh SHIT-” Sokka ate a mouthful of dirt right after Y/N hit him hard in the back of the head with a tree branch. “I’m sorry I upset you Sweet Pea…”
Asked the Gaang as to why Y/N doesn’t perform traditional Earthbending and just received, “Why don’t you ask them yourself?”
Sokka was downright afraid, not because of Y/N’s personality, but he didn’t want to poke through their past. Obviously, curiosity got the best of him!
“Well, I just like the smell of flowers and the taste of organic food more than hurling rocks at people,” Y/N simply shrugged.
Sokka nodded, there was nothing more to it.
“But, sometimes I do like creating my own cliffs and pushing enemies off of it. It’s more meaningful if it’s from rocks I formed myself,” Y/N stared at him dead in the eye.
Sokka’s eyebrows arched high.
That was the last time anyone saw Sokka :0
Many stories as the two planted flowers in front of the Fire Nation palace
“Y’know, Y/N, this reminds me of this one time Uncle made tea out of a white jade bush,” Zuko snickered.
Y/N eyes widened, “ISN’t THAT POISONOUS?? ... Or was it not??”
“Oh trust me, you would not want to be trying white jade bush tea,” he smirked.
Tends plants with Y/N because it reminds him of the peaceful days of when he served tea at Ba Sing Se
BUT, poor Zuko easily becomes sunburnt when he helps with Y/N’s garden
Y/N heard a knock at their bedroom door.
It was Zuko behind the door saying, “Uh, Y/N could you help me-”
When they swung the door open they were greeted with a scorched man with peeling skin. “HOLY SHIT! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!”
Quickly, Y/N led Zuko to the bathroom and in the corner sat a mini fridge. (He always wondered what was in it. Snacks?) When Y/N opened it, there were stacks of aloe vera leaves snuggled next to each other.
“Why do you have so much-” Zuko began.
“Let’s just say Aang was my first patient…” Y/N laughed under their breath. They gently applied the aloe onto Zuko’s body, which earned them hisses from the dramatic Fire Lord.
“That takes care of it!” Y/N clasped their hands proudly.
“Uh, Y/N. I’m feeling a bit… itCHY!” Zuko yelped.
That’s when both of them found out that Zuko was allergic to aloe vera. Congrats, now Y/N has to call the doctor.
Every weekend, Zuko swing by for new flowers for Ursa (if she returned to the palace... )
“Knock, knock!” Fire Lord Zuko greeted Y/N with a bright smile.
“What brings you here on this fine morning, Your Highness?” Y/N teased.
“Mother’s been nagging me to ask you for help to create a bouquet for each of the rooms in the palace,” Zuko stated.
Y/N’s voice hitched, “EACH ROOM??”
“Don’t worry! I’ll help you pick the flowers and arrange them!,” he offered.
“Oh, like you’d be of any help,” Y/N giggled.
“I swear I’ll be more careful this time,” Zuko rolled his eyes.
But, uh… this time ended up just like last week, Zuko set the flowers he was arranging on fire…
Basketweaving… attempts by Katara
On Ember Island, the Gaang was able to laze around for a few days (well until Zuko gave the team a big beating that Sozin’s comet was going to practically destroy the world).
Y/N sat under the shade of the swaying palm trees, undisturbed by the squealing of Sokka as his supposed sand sculpture resembling Suki was destroyed. Y/N hummed as they weaved the palm fronds into little baskets.
Katara approached them and commented, “Y/N that’s beautiful! I wish the Southern Water Tribe could make these. Sokka and I were kept busy creating pots with Gran-Gran.”
Y/N timidly scratched the back of their neck, “I could teach you if you’d like! Then we can use it to hold the fish we’ll catch later with Sokka.”
Y/N used their earthbending to pull down the leaves from the palm trees and their work began.
After the fishing trip of the wonderful trio, Katara carefully placed the fish they caught in the basket she wove. As they neared the sandy beach Aang took notice of their disgruntled state. He commented, “Why do all three of you look-”
Katara tried, okay!
Many flowercrowns were made for the Gaang with the help of Katara
She may not be that great at creating baskets, but you can bet that Katara doesn’t stop at making crowns: She’s made necklaces and bracelets for Appa and Momo.
Potion making!
Katara would use her waterbending to mix the little potions that Y/N created They’d walk around rolling hills that contained many flowers and herbs that could be used for healing potions and in some cases caffeinated tea!
Usual Toph shenanigans
“Ugh, some clerk just charged me over the usual price for these seeds we’ve been needing!” Y/N grumbled.
“Well, we could do something about it…” Toph smirked.
Y/N searched for some termites around the forest and Toph helped transport them around the clerk’s house.
- A few days later -
“Uh, Aang,” Zuko tugged at Aang’s sleeve. “Wasn’t there a house there a couple days ago?”
“I think you drank some cactus juice, buddy,” Sokka simply shrugged.
“Actually, I think there was…” Aang scratched his chin in confusion.
Toph offered Y/N a high-five, “A job well done, if I do say so myself!”
Some brawls that should have clearly not have started in the first place
“Y/N fite me!” Toph marched up to Y/N.
“No,” they stated bluntly.
“WHy! It’s kinda a thing for all us to train together,” she defended herself.
“Fine, but don’t get angry at me if you end up with a splinter or two,” Y/N rolled their eyes.
By sunset, Toph’s head was stuck in between a tree for a couple hours. Even Y/N couldn’t get her out. Or maybe they could…
Y/N teaches Toph “Treebending”, which was a challenge for both of them
“You have to be gentle with these plants Toph!” Y/N’s forehead was forming a red square from all their facepalms caused by Toph.
“I’M TRYING!” She quipped. “It’s kinda hard to be gentle when I’ve been practicing metalbending these past few weeks.
𝔼𝕟𝕕𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖 | THESE WERE SO FUN TO MAKE! Also, thanks again for the people who’ve been supporting my “Extra Hot Sifu Hotman: Zuko x Reader” fic! I’m taking a small break just to layout how I want the story to go and I’m trying my hand at doing headcanons/requests from my inbox.
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kim-ruzek · 3 years
It’s been a week since the finales and while I’m over the moon about fire, I’m still so conflicted over pd, specifically Adam and how he talked to Kevin.
I know they’re brothers and the show will have them get over this, but if my white friend said what Adam did? I wouldn’t look at them the same way. I’d lose a lot of love/respect that I had for them.
And a lot of people (of a certain color) are saying it’s not a big deal because of the situation? But like those are his real thoughts, his filter is just gone. Maybe I’m just being too sensitive tho.
I’d love to hear your take on this. If your comfortable sharing it.
I've been thinking of this ask all day, of how to answer it. Because honestly, I have SO many thoughts on this, but I was debating if I should say them all or just sum up but I decided that I'm just gonna speak my mind!!
I, too, have a lot of complexed and conflicting thoughts over this. And I have to say, with stuff like this, with racial issues, you can NEVER be too sensitive.
Firstly, I agree. Kev and Adam are brothers, and the show will have them get over this, it wouldn't be realistic otherwise. But I really do hope they do it in a good, believable and decent way. Because I also agree with what you said about if my white friend said that shit? A little bit of my love and respect for them would be forever tarnished-- at least until I see some REAL improvement, which would take a minimum of a year to properly heal.
This fandom is a real good fandom, but yeah, I HAVE seen a lot of white fans not treating this like the big deal it is. The majority DO accept it's a big deal, but at the same time, they don't seem to truly get just how big, like how they think Kevin and Adam will have to move on from this is quite watered down.
Now, where I stand:
I watched cpd for Kim, Adam and Kev. I got into it for Burzek, and fell so hard in love with Kevin immediately. So when Kevin and Adam fight, I find it really hard because they're my boys! But it's necessary, and I think will help them become even more tight once Adam gets his head screwed on straight.
I do agree that they're his "real thoughts", but my take is that it's a little more complicated than that. Like Adam is a bit of a hothead, and that moment? He was more scared than he's ever been, and Kev, in his mind, is the only other person who loves Kim as much so when Kev did what Adam took as a "betrayal", Adam was angry. And that was shitty. And he should be accountable for that, AND for what he said.
But I think calling them his real thoughts is a little simplistic. They're thoughts that's going to be in his mind a lot, obviously, because Adam doesn't fully get this. So there's two layers to this:
One: People say things out of anger. I've got a temper, and I keep it under control obviously, but it's there, and when you're angry, especially betrayed and hurt, you just want to hurt people the same way you are. And when it's someone you really, really love? You say things you have maybe thought when you were a little annoyed but rationality won and reminded you it's a stupid thought, things that you KNOW will hurt.
And I think that's what this was. Obviously you do this, no matter what the reason, you need to fucking apologize and grovel. Like I'm not saying you shouldn't because I really don't think that. Especially as someone who's said really hurtful things out of anger, I PASSIONATELY believe that you should be held to a high standard about your actions. Because anger is not good, it's an ugly emotion, and you have to fight it.
Two: I definitely think those things are stuff Adam has thought before. I mean, thoughts in anger rarely appears out of nowhere, they're there in the background. But this isn't necessary a bad thing, or makes Adam a bad person. Like we ALL have less than nice thoughts, it's human nature.
And for Adam, he tries, he really does, but the man just Does Not Get all the deep complexities of the police reform. So I think his stance is, he doesn't get it, but he goes along. There's been those times he's argued, but I think most of the time when he's confused, he kinda just...has one of those thoughts but doesn't express it because he KNOWS it's more complicated than that, even if he doesn't understand it.
So when Kevin and Adam fought, Adam got ANGRY, because he felt scared and betrayed, and that's when he voiced all these thoughts he's thought before but kept inside because even though he doesn't understand why or how, he knows it's more complicated. But he was angry because Kim was in danger, and suddenly, it didn't seem logical or rational to keep by book.
Okay so now I've said that, onto what I think this means and how I want this go moving forward.
Adam was a jerk. What he said to Kevin was such a low blow, and things are going to be fractured between those two. And I think nothing Adam feels towards Kev has changed, but I do think they'll be that little emptiness in Kev, because hearing your white best friend say that? Ugh. Pain.
In a general sense, I think they'll be fine. But they can't be as close as they were, without Kevin feeling some sort of distance without any closure.
So in season nine, we definitely need our boys to have a conversation. And not just one, but several. And we need to see Adam make some actual changes to his beliefs. Not just half assing it bc he knows he's wrong even if he doesn't understand the complexities of why, but actually challenging his own beliefs and learning.
I think one of my main problems with this fandom (the white fans) is how much emphasis is put on both Adam and Kev seeking each other out to have a conversation. That's just wrong-- Adam should be the one. None of this, fixing this, educating Adam is on this is NOT in any way, shape or form is on Kevin.
What Adam said is hurtful, and I think Kevin still loves Adam, still sees him as his brother. But siblings don't always get along, or even like each other, even if there's that I'll-die-for-you love. And I think that's where Kevin is at. Adam hurt him, and that's gonna do some damage, and so even though Kev does understand, he's not gonna seek him out or try to fix it AS HE SHOULDN'T, because that onus is purely on Adam's shoulders.
Like. I think what white fans don't get is just how exhausting it is always having to understand, always having to be patient. Like yeah white people don't get the ins and outs like we do, so we're forced to always be understanding bc while we have to learn these things from our first days, they're just learning now. But it's exhausting, so that's why I really hope they have Adam seek Kev out, not have Kev approach him to talk about this.
(it's always why I love how they had Kevin full on yeet Adam, and beat the crap out of him. Poc always have been portrayed as patient when cruel remarks are hurled at us from people we love in anger, and I'm happy they showed Kevin snapping. Bc that was not on, and Kevin was just as worried about Kim, and Adam implying otherwise is wrong. It's also though why I also love that as soon as they were pulled apart, Kev stopped fighting/looking so angry quicker than Adam).
Like I'd be okay with Kev just saying, simply, to Adam "you don't ever say that stuff to me again." And that's that. But for them to actually have a conversation about this, has to come from Adam and HAS to start with an apology.
And Adam has to actively do better. Like no more just accepting things are different even if he doesn't understand, he HAS to learn everything, all the ins and outs, all the complexities, until he lives and breathes it as much as any white man can. Because I can't see Kevin having what was fracture ever feeling completely solid again without that.
And I do like that the show went there, because it's necessary and I think it's the best position for Adam to realise just how Shitty he was. Because Kim was found-- by the book. Like most of his anger was from how in the past, they've gotten their results by being off book, so I think in Adam's mind, he thinks that's the best way to secure safety. But it was by the book that found Kim, and I think that will really make Adam realise that these enforced policies DON'T make it harder to secure their own safety.
Also, Adam's presumably going to spend a lot of time around Makayla, and so forth, will probably get a lot of firsthand experience of seeing racism or it's affects. Like I know we wish he'd see if bc of Kev, and he does with a lot, just not other stuff, but it's different when you're seeing it through the eyes of a little kid, not a grown adult. And I think this will make Adam a lot more humble, which will help patch things up between him and Kevin.
And then there's Kim. People often forget how when you have multiple white friends, when you're hurt, your more knowledgeable friend steps in. Kim gets this stuff a lot more than Adam, even if she can never understand like Kev, and so I can COMPLETELY see her teaching Adam more stuff. Like because she'd want to help her boys, because Adam's a part of Makayla's life, because Kevin shouldn't HAVE to be the one to educate Adam, whereas Kim can bring him up to her own level, and that's when they rely on Kev.
So I think overall, I'm not that conflicted over PD because I'm really hoping this will spark deeper conversations and that Adam will grovel and fix his ignorant stances. And I hope to god they let Kevin heal and forgive in the way he should be allowed to.
I have a LOT more thoughts on this, including how I hate that they only show Adam's ignorance when a lot of the unit is also Not Great, and about partnerships and how Jay and Kev should be going forward. But this is getting really long now, so I won't delve into that or this any further. But I might, especially if it's wanted, because I have so many thoughts.
Also, thank you for sending me this ask!! I am ALWAYS comfortable sharing my thoughts on this fandom (about anything really, racism, sexism, ships ect) but especially the racism and the racial storylines and issues. Sorry it took so long to answer; I've been thinking on it all day, wanting to give you the best answer I could!!
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Hi everybody, thanks for the asks letting me know I made the top of @yusuftiddies’ list of Homophobes in TOG Fandom, you can stop sending them now.
I can make mistakes and fuck up and own that. I am serious about listening to marginalized people. But... in this case, while @yusufstiddies generally describes factual events that happened and factual posts that exist, I have to say that I can’t actually apologize for the things I’m called out for because I don’t think they’re homophobic. The things he criticizes me for are things that come from a lot of personal experience as a queer bisexual cis woman, as well as a lot of reflection, research, and study. I believe in them really strongly and stand by them.
I’m really sorry if this makes TOG fandom too hostile, because it is not my intention to make this place so unpleasant that anyone feels driven out. I understand if my stance means people no longer want to follow me/read my stuff/participate in projects I’m involved with (though I’d rather hand off the Research Hub to someone else than see it go down with me). I’m posting this so people can know where they stand before they decide whether to keep interacting with my blog, or “deplatform” me as @yusufstiddies recommends.
I would recommend, for anyone who doesn’t want to see my posts, using Tumblr’s new post content filtering feature. If you type a username (like star-anise or with-my-murder-flute) into it, Tumblr will hide all posts featuring that specific string of characters, and therefore any post or reblog of mine.
To address the accusations against me:
I am an anti-anti: Yes. I’ve reblogged posts of mine about this before. I care passionately about preventing child abuse, but I think there are better ways to prevent child abuse in fandom (like concrete harassment policies so predatory behaviour can be reported and stopped early, and education about digital consent and healthy relationships) than attacking people who write “bad ships,” not least because the first people it hurts are abuse survivors trying to work through their trauma, and because the research says you cannot actually tell who’s a sexual predator based on what they write about.  Fiction affects reality, but not on a 1:1 basis. My mainblog, @star-anise, has a really extensive archive of my writing on the subject.
I said cishet men aren’t more privileged than gay men: Kinda. What I actually did was question whether Every Single Cishet Man benefits from more privilege than Every Single Gay Man. If a man is cishet but gets beaten up because people perceive him as gay, he’s not exactly feeling the warm toasty glow of heterosexual privilege in that moment. Oppression is complicated and there are times when someone’s lack of privilege on one axis is way less important than someone else’s lack of privilege on another axis.
The post above also includes me reblogging someone else’s addition about how straight men can be included in the queer movement: I’m queer. @yusufstiddies has made it very clear that he isn’t comfortable with the word “queer” and doesn’t like it. Therefore I think it’s understandable that he might not understand that the queer community sees ourselves as a coalition of people dedicated to dismantling the structures of sex and gender that oppress us, not a demographic of people whose gender identities or sexual orientations can be neatly mapped. However, I would say that doesn’t make queer theory inherently homophobic.
There are also some related points @yusufstiddies didn’t level at me specifically, but I would like to address:
The constant focus on the unsafeness of cishet people:
I’m not cishet. I’m a bisexual woman who’s dated women. Sixth-light is a queer woman married to a woman. This is not an issue of non-LGBTQ+ people blundering their way into something they don’t experience the daily consequences of. This is an issue of people from WITHIN the LGBTQ+ community who sincerely disagree with @yusufstiddies about the pressures we experience and how best to deal with them. I think that even if @yusufstiddies were to filter his fiction input to only LGBT-written work about LGBT experiences, or even only trans-written work about trans people, he would still find a lot of things he finds upsetting or transphobic, because sexual and gender identities are really diverse and not everything will suit one person.
The contention that saying “’Queer is a slur’ is TERF propaganda” is transmisogyny because it dilutes the definition of “TERF”:
People who point out the phrase is TERF propaganda are not calling every person who says it a TERF, and we are not trying to argue that telling a queer person that queer is a slur is inherently equal to the kind of damage a TERF does when she attacks a trans woman out of transphobia. Queer people being able to use the word “queer” does not have the same importance as trans women being able to live, work, and survive in public. Rather, we are literally saying, “This is a thing TERFs say when they take a break from attacking trans women and try to recruit new members to their group, so it’s in our best interests to not give it too wide a currency.”
Some people have experienced the word “queer” used as a hateful word hurled against them and don’t want to hear it ever again. I get that. It happens. Where I grew up, “gay” was a synonym for “shitty” and it took me a lot of years out of high school before the word “gay” wouldn’t shoot my blood pressure through the roof.  I actually do understand that and think that’s valid (and again, support using post content filtering for that word).
One of the things I do at @star-anise is argue with young people who are headed into full-on transmisogynistic TERF territory, and work at reeling them back and deradicalizing them. I use a tag called “weedwhacking” so my followers can filter out the sometimes lengthy back-and-forths we get going.
Something I’ve learned, interacting with so many TERFs and proto-TERFs, is that one way they frequently get recruited into harassing trans people was through discourse around the word “queer”. For one, it encouraged them to want to distance themselves from any perception of LGBT people as “weird” or “not normal”, which led to seeing trans people as “weird” and “not normal” and therefore not good members of the “gay pride” community. For two, repeating “queer is a slur” predictably causes a lot of queer people to react in a defensive manner, so by teaching young or new people to say it, TERFs can set them up to feel alienated from the larger LGBTQ+ community and more open to TERF propaganda.
The next issue isn’t mentioned in the original callout post, but I think it’s key to this entire issue:
@yusufstiddies has made several posts about what cishet people should and shouldn’t write. For example, cishets shouldn’t write Nicky experiencing internalized homophobia.  Another is a detailed post of things cishets shouldn’t write about trans people, including which sexual positions only trans people are allowed to write. I would imagine that part of his frustration with fandom has been the lack of traction those posts have gotten. I know I very deliberately didn’t reblog them.
That isn’t because I don’t agree that the things he complains about are rarely handled well by cishet authors. I agree that there’s a lot of bad fic out there that contributes to negative stereotypes against LGBTQ+ people and is basically a microaggression to read.
I have two very deeply-seated reasons for my position:
LGBTQ+ identities are different from many other political identities because most people are not born identifiably LGBTQ+. It’s something we have to figure out about ourselves. And one really important way that we do that is using the safety of fiction to explore what an experience would be like, sometimes years before we ever admit that we fit the identity we’ve written about. So banning cishet authors from writing something is really likely to harm closeted and questioning LGBTQ+ people. It will lengthen the amount of time questioning people take before finding the identity that really fits them, and force closeted people to be even more closeted. 
There’s a lot of undeniably shitty stuff in fandom. However, I fundamentally believe that trying to target the people creating it and forcing them to stop doesn’t work very well, and has the serious byproduct of killing the creativity and enthusiasm of the rest of fandom and resulting in less of the actual thing you like being produced. I think that it is infinitely more productive to focus on improving the ratio of good stuff in fandom than trying to snuff out every bad thing.
Like I said: I understand if this means former followers, mutuals, or friends no longer want to interact with me. I’ll be saddened, but I’ve obviously chosen this path and can deal with the consequences. 
I wish this could have worked out differently.
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juiceastronaut · 3 years
Okay so. I watched Q-force. And I have no idea what I think about it.
Imma just be rambling so I'll break down the characters and my likes/dislikes about them before giving my plot breakdown at the end. Only the main/prominent ones because I don't have time.
Steve Maryweather-Easily the best character out of them, with Deb being a close second. He could've very easily fallen into the trope of being someone who was incompetent but expected the world anyway, but he doesn't. He graduated top of his class, and despite his quirks is a genuinely competent team leader, and wants the best for his team. He wants to prove that he and his team are competent enough to get recognition, and has a genuine faith in the people around him. It was refreshing to see him hold his team in a genuine high regard, where a lot of times it's like "We're shit but lets do this thing now" He's a genuinely well-rounded character, and (and forgive me if this isn't the best way to frame this) it feels like being gay is an important part of his character, without encompassing the whole thing. I thought Benji and his relationship was super cute and I was sad when they broke up. I was afraid he was going to be, like a second but worse Twink with the stereotyping but gladly fell away from that.
Deb-I thought her and her wife were super cute (though I hate how the wife is designed ngl adjafkldajfd). I liked Debs character, but I feel like she had a lot of racial stereotyping that wouldn't be inherently obvious unless you were looking for them, her being the strong one, and also the "mama" type at the same time. No one treated her with disrespect, and her lesbianism seemed to be more authentic but I feel like there wasn't a lot of thought put into what these tropes were and why they were bad. Her being black and making her the mama type, as well as the big strong type could be read as tasteless. Again, I really liked her character but these were some things I noticed while watching.
Twink- You know, I didn't really like him at first, I thought he was the epitome of all the bad stereotyping (though I'm just glad him and Mary didn't get put into the same category). His humor isn't my taste, and it just kinda seemed like someone for half of his lines went "what twitter stan language can we put in here?" And sometimes it was a bit too random for my tastes. However! I do like that his drag was considered important and was an integral part to a lot of missions they went on, and not just "Ah look at that dumb gay trying to find reasons to dress in drag." His talents and expertise were both respected and, save for Buck (which his whole point was supposed to be offensive anyway) no one undermined Twink for his femininity. His back story is also kinda random but did play a role in the missions as well. Still, personally think he's the worst character. Plus, he's French so minus four-twenties amount of points.
Stat-You know, in a show where everyone was stating what letter they were every few seconds I was surprised that I had to look up that Stat was trans. I...liked her character for the most part, except the part where she was fucking a robot. Kinda weird ngl, outta left field, and with her being trans I wonder if her having that sort of relationship is problematic for her. Love her design tho, love me a hacker girl. She's also listed as "ambiguously gay" tho showed to have mostly girl love interests but, okay.
Buck-He's the straight guy, emotionally repressed haha and he's bigoted. Did think it was funny later on when he was more "accepting" but managed to be even more infuriating about it. Tied with Twink as worse character but you know they tried to do stuff with him.
Vee-Really liked me a boss lady, but kinda weird how they bait-and-switched us with her actually being a lesbian, then go "no she's straight tho" in regards to Karen. I thought her and Mary's relationship was cute, wish I saw more of it. But she did feel like a random plot device in later seasons, what with her disappearing and reappearing when it was plot relevant. (Tho she HOTOHOTHOTHOT bikini episode WOOOWEEEE)
Okay, so now the plot....which. it had one?
It felt like it was flip flopping back n forth about whether it wanted to take itself seriously or not, and it seemed to decide on serious more towards the end, but then it would have this random plot element that would be so out of left field it would pull me out of my suspension of disbelief. See the whole "Back cracking to unlock memories" plot point. This back and forth on whether it would be a comedy or not I think weakened both categories it tried to play into.
If I had to compare the show to anything it would probably be Futurama, but the thing with Futurma is, its set in the future, so you're suspension of disbelief is allowed to stretch a bit more because all the wacky quirky stuff can be attributed to future shenanigans. Q-force, to my knowledge, is set in the modern day, which makes the wacky stuff that much wacker, because it's set in our modern times, which you apply the rules of everyday life to.
A lot of the problems that I had with Q-Force is, in the attempt to write specifically about the "gay experience" revealed that the writers have really only had a very specific experience of interacting with gay ppl, what I call the "Urban Gay" experience.
The fact they're in West Hollywood, and all the things that were listed as "universal gay experiences" but were only things that you'd be exposed to if you were in the city. I think a flavor of "white gay" can be implemented here too, which Q force has exactly one black woman, who manages to be the only lesbian.
That coupled with the fact that, there's a difference between having Twink naturally being a drag queen, the whole team being gay to some degree, and the fact they interact with the gay community often without Drawing Attention to all of those things and self-congratulating itself on concluding it. Funnily enough, Q-Force had examples of doing this right and doing this right. Right way: In the second or third episode where Mary found that guy with the flash drive to the uranium in it and seduced him in the gay bar. Relevant that it was gay without overtly drawing attention to it. Wrong-Way: Having Pride go on while Girl Boss was trying to take over the world.
And, for the show that promoted itself as representing the gay experience, there were...two gay men, one lesbian, one trans person, one straight guy and...no bisexual people. Also no nonbinary people. Like of course it's unrealistic to include every single identity but you're one bisexual person who appeared for one episode and was promptly blown up. And also showed to be...more off than the other characters, what with the stealing of silverware and all. Just, bisexual people are already forgotten enough as it is and not including them in the show, but you include two gay men just kinda reads as tasteless to me (as a bisexual person, obviously).
Which makes it so weird that Stat was left "ambiguously gay" when she could've easily been bisexual (which still would be problematic because of the robot-fucking but at least you got the B in there somewhere in the main group)
Overall, it tried to market itself as the "be all end all" of what it was like to be gay, but ended up excluding the exact people that get excluded in real-life lgbt spaces. This combined with the indecision with what kind of show it wanted to be managed to make it fall short. If you arent the very specific type of gay person who lives in a city environment and doesn't fit the stereotypes showed you're not going to feel "seen" by the show.
Weirdly though, I didn't hate watching it, and I would probably watch another season if they managed to make one. The parts that did work, I think worked really well, and even the bad parts just read as tasteless, and not actively terrible. If they focused less on making "hey I'm gay" jokes every three seconds and just let each character be what they are I think the show would be stronger for it. And I think they'd find less problems overall if they did that too. In the mean time I'll just be here side-eyeing the whole thing.
Edit: I forgot to mention, and this is a problem a lot of adult TV shows fall into, that because they got the clear to show nudity/sex they felt like they *had* to show nudity and to a lesser extent sex every episode. So just that whole "Haha adult=sex obviously."
Oh! And this generally goes for the whole "shove it in your face" part, but a lot of the characters who are bigoted were shown to be. Very blatantly so. And not to say there isn't blatantly bigoted ppl of course they are but I don't think that's where you see a lot of bigotry nowadays. This was sort of touched on during the show but more of a jokey manner, but I think it would've been more realistic if we had more "girl with a gay best friend" kinda bigotry as opposed to the "I'm literally hurling slurs at you" bigotry, especially since they're in Cali.
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samwrights · 4 years
Two Little Lines
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Let’s just keep playing around with the pregnancy/baby theme, shall we? 😂😈 it’s going to be on the fluffier side, however, we are gonna sprinkle in some very mild NSFW. And we got real angsty with Kenma and we’re just gonna make em all real long. Sorry this took me a few days to do!
Let’s be honest, Kenma would be the cautious one that would more so plan for pregnancy.
Life’s going great for Kenma—great job, cushy life, hot wife??? How did he get so lucky?
Cause he’s cute af that’s how
He was finally ready to add another player to the party.
However, life can’t always be perfect and apparently neither can the two of you trying for a baby.
For the last year and a half now, Friday nights were your thing. No streaming, no work, no phone calls. You and Kenma—that’s it. And while he definitely had become very explorative in that time, every negative pregnancy test was wearing his drive down.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that Kenma isn’t a fan of going to the doctor, even to check on how his little swimmers are doing. “If it’s not meant to be, we’ll find another way.” But you could tell it was breaking his heart a little bit.
Frisky Friday’s became fragile Friday’s, in which the two of you really just cuddled in bed together, fireplace lit, and talked about hopeful dreams of finally having a child together, until one of you hopefully got in the mood.
Shit, this whole ordeal was even making your marriage rough. Kenma had been so hard on himself lately that he could barely look at you, which caused you to start to feel insecure, causing the both of you to fight.
It’s Friday night. No streaming, no work, and no phone calls. That was how it was supposed to be. But instead, Kenma is naked in bed atop the comforter, playing with his switch.
It’s pissing you off.
“I don’t know what you wanna do anymore, Kenma. Do you even want a family? Do you even want to be with me anymore?”
“Why would you even say that?” It’s Friday night. The two of you are supposed to be hanging out in bed, naked and just being together, not picking fights with each other. But since that seems to be the case, you see Kenma flush with anger.
“Maybe because you’re playing Animal Crossing instead of looking at me??” Your husband sighs before putting his switch on the night stand before taking down the loose knot that his hair typically resides in. He’s anxious. “You’re acting like I’m not upset about this too.”
As you’re talking to him, you cautiously clamber over him, your face filled with raw emotion. And, after being married for the better half of a decade, you can see what he’s feeling. Failure, distress, and pain were only the start of it. “Please, Kenma. One more time, and we’ll start looking at other options.”
Apparently one more time was all it took, according to the three pregnancy tests you’d taken a month later. Seeing those two little lines on one of the tests that your husband had bought in bulk sent your heart into palpitations. You were going to be a mom.
Kenma comes home from work that Friday—you decided to surprise him. “What do you want to do tonight Kenma?”
??? “Honey, it’s Friday. Don’t we usually...” he stops. Either you were giving up on trying, which you two would have discussed, or... “wait, you don’t mean...”
Holding up the positive pregnancy test, you begin to cry. Kenma does too.
“Baby Kozume has joined the party.”
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Only the two of you would get pregnant while having an IUD implant. Literally, that was just your luck. But it was still possible.
Which you had yet to tell Kuroo—at the moment you were thankful the two of you weren’t cohabitating yet because you were able to hide your unbearable morning sickness.
You were at least waiting to see your doctor to have your IUD removed before telling him, mostly out of fear but also because, if he did notice your morning sickness, you could pawn it off as symptoms of the removal.
You hoped that this wouldn’t take too long or as be as painful as it was going in, but then again you were going to be pushing a human out in nearly 8 months.
It’s a Wednesday afternoon; Kuroo has already finished classes for the day while you’re still out at your appointment. He did have a key to your appointment, but it was strange that you weren’t home considering you didn’t have classes.
He wasn’t gonna call you out on it though—Kuroo trusted you. Instead, he opted to just rummaging around your apartment, cleaning up dishes that were left standing in the sink and making lunch for the two of you.
The minute you walked through your door, the smell of his cooking wafted through the air and absolutely did not agree with you or the baby’s sense of smell. “Fuck,” you grit out before bolting to the bathroom to hurl.
??? = Kuroo.
“Babe? You okay?” Your response was more vomiting, which was apparent both by sound and by visual—you hadn’t even closed the door to the bathroom and Kuroo got to witness the scene clear as day.
In comfort, Kuroo rubs your lower back in an attempt to coax the remaining bile from your body. Disturbing, was the only way Kuroo could describe it, considering you rarely ever puked. In the last six years of dating, he’s only seen it once while you drunk.
When the nausea finally passed, Kuroo cleaned your face up with a warm rag before sitting you on his knee while he sat at the edge of the tub. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“That, actually.”
“What?” Kuroo’s a smart guy, however it took him a few minutes to decipher your two word puzzle. “Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah, I was gonna tell you today, actually. I just had to go get my IUD removed.” For a moment he’s stunned—the IUD was supposed to be nearly foolproof. But nearly is the key word.
“Babe, you’re pregnant! Holy shit, I gotta call Kenma and Bo and tell them they’re gonna be uncles!” 💀💀💀
“Sooo, you’re okay with it...?” After all, there was a reason you had chosen to go with an IUD after your guys’ last pregnancy scare two years ago.
After all, being a freshman in college wasn’t necessarily an ideal time to start a family.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He balks.
“Because we’re college students that still have another year to graduate?” You deadpan as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“And? Now we’re gonna be married college graduates with little baby Kuroo.” M a r r i e d?
“I think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself, Tetsu.”
“What, you don’t wanna marry me?” For a minute, his face contorts with...confusion? Sadness? Anger? A myriad of all the above? “I’ve wanted to marry you since high school.”
“Is this a proposal?”
“The rings been in my gym bag since senior year.”
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Akaashi Keiji, contrary to popular opinion, was a real romantic.
Even as college students, while your focus should be on your studies, Akaashi never slacked on making you feel special and loved. He knew it, you knew it, and your poor neighbors that shared the wall between your bedrooms knew it.
Kinda made it awkward when the two of you would leave for class and you’d meet your neighbors’ eyes in the apartment hallway. But ya know, it is what it is.
Honestly, it’s too challenging not to go at it every day when your boyfriend is the sweetest, most endearing human to walk the planet.
But enough gushing about Akaashi. Four years into your relationship, you had never felt so off in your life. The last three weeks, all you wanted to do was sleep and eat, you couldn’t focus on anything at all. You couldn’t even have sex with Akaashi.
You know, your wonderful partner that you literally boned everyday? Yeah.
It felt like a permanent, three week PMS for a period that never came. Not that that was entirely abnormal for you—intense amounts of stress can throw off your menstrual cycle and stress was certainly no stranger to you.
But no. You knew your body and you knew it well. Something was wrong.
Just in case things went awry, you scheduled a doctor’s appointment with Keiji’s knowledge. After all, it could very well be nothing and there was no point in causing your man to worry.
“Miss, were you aware that you’re nearly six weeks pregnant?” 💀💀💀 obviously not, doc.
Not entirely convinced, whether because you’re a tad dense or because you really just don’t want to believe the doctor, you swing by a local drug store to grab a test. Just in case, like somehow the doctor would be wrong.
Thankfully, you get home before Akaashi is back from work for the evening, giving you the privacy of seeing your results with your own eyes. Even though you literally could go look at the results and notes from your doctors visit, but ya know.
You don’t even know how long you sat on the floor of your shared bathroom, just staring at the two little lines. You didn’t even realize Akaashi came home.
He calls your name, at first not necessarily concerned that the only light in the apartment was peeking from under the bathroom door. But with no answer, he calls out your name again. No answer. “Honey, is it okay if I come in?”
“Y-yeah?” You aren’t really sure how to answer. How the hell was Akaashi going to react? You guys didn’t have time for a kid?? You’re completely zoned out, staring blankly at the bathtub in front of you. Lowkey, you’re freaking out Akaashi.
Even more so when he sees your hand loosely cradling the pregnancy test—judging by your reaction, he knows what the result is. But he can’t think of anything to say, what is there even to say?
He’s not upset, no. Shocked? Obviously. Mad, not at all considering he’s just as much responsible. The “R” word is what triggers him.
Responsible, in the sense that in less than a year, the two of you were going to be parents. It swelled joy within him. While the two of still had yet to speak, Akaashi comes to your side, sliding down the wall to sit beside you before wrapping his arms around you.
“So, are you hoping for a boy or a girl?”
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kopikokun · 4 years
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Spilled Drinks & Study Sessions༄ mark l.
↳ When you’re forced into a study session with your next door neighbour Mark, who also happens to be your academic rival in school, things go south very quickly.
pairing; mark lee x reader
genre; fluff, slight angst, enemies to lovers (more like friends, but anyway)
wordcount; 2503 words
author’s note; how the hell do you guys write e2l and make the transition so smooth? bro i could never. also, the header pic is different than what i normally do :/ it’s kinda eh, but i liked the picture so i had to do something with all that empty space
Request 26: Mark + “Oh, are you ticklish?” (73) + “Why are you naked?” (109)
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— 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧. | 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬.
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The animosity between you and Mark is intense and painstakingly obvious to everyone around you. Well, everyone besides your parents, you suppose. 
   “Can you stop being so loud? You’re distracting me,” you grumble, angrily flipping through your homework. 
   “Well, I’m sorry for breathing.” Mark rolls his eyes at you. “Would you rather I stop entirely instead and drop dead right here, right now?”
   “At least it would be quieter if you did.” You press your pen down harder, taking your rage out on your poor, innocent worksheet. If you’re going to blame anyone for the excruciating torture your homework is enduring, you’d blame Mark. Even if it technically isn’t his fault, you’d still pin the blame on him. 
   “What’re you gonna do with my body? You wouldn’t be able to lift me, I mean, you couldn’t even open that can of Coke.”
   Your cheeks grow warm, mentally replaying the image of a grinning Mark as he effortlessly opened your can of Coke, the soft hiss of its fizz taunting you. Mark had puffed up his chest triumphantly like he was some kind of hero. For crying out loud, he had only opened a can of Coke, not saved his country. It still bruised your pride though, having to ask for help from Mark, your sworn rival since middle school. Childish, you know, but you’re certain that Mark thinks of you as such too. 
   “Whatever,” you fumble for a name to call him, “nerd.” Mark snickers at you. “My fingers were just slippery.” He arches a brow, challenging you, and you scowl. “I wouldn’t be able to lift you because you’re heavy, fatass. Not because I’m weak.” You twirl a lock of your hair around your finger. “And look who’s talking, Mr. I-Can’t-Open-Doors.”
      Mark flushes crimson as he silently fumes. “That was because I was pushing the pull door!”
   “That’s even worse, Mark,” you tease, unable to suppress a smile. “Dumbass,” you mumble below your breath, enjoying the way Mark seethes.
   “You’re calling me a dumbass? If I remember correctly, I was the one who placed above you last term.” Mark haughtily flips a page in his workbook. “Which I think is why your parents want me to tutor you.”
   You throw a measly eraser shaving at Mark in rebuttal. “You know that’s not why I’m here!” Another shaving is thrown at Mark’s head, yet he doesn’t even look up at you. “In fact, your parents probably wanted me here so I could babysit you!”
   Neither you or Mark are right. Your parents just chucked you together because they thought that after all those years of living beside one another and having weekly dinners together, you two would be absolutely wonderful buddies, and you can’t fault them for assuming such a thing.
   Logically speaking, you and Mark are supposed to be the bestest of friends. As much as you dislike the word, it seems as if fate has decided that you two are meant for each other. Gross. 
   In almost every situation possible, you and dear Markie boy over here have been unwillingly strung together—from group projects, to assigned seats, you two just can’t get a break from one another.
   Your parents had innocently thought that having a little study session while they went out for a double date with Mark’s parents would be beneficial for you two. Perhaps even fun. Fun, your ass. 
   All those years spent with Mark hasn’t made you friends, no, it’s made you rivals.
   Yeah, so not sworn enemies, but what’s life without a little exaggeration?
   You’ve always been a bright kid, some would even go as far to say that you’re ‘gifted’, but you think ‘persevering’ is a better word to describe it. You weren’t just born naturally intelligent or outstandingly athletic, no, you’ve had to work hard, insanely hard, for that. It hadn’t been handed to you all nicely wrapped with a little bow to match, just for you to tear it open and take. You’ve had to tolerate and undergo several sleepless nights, and many agonising hours of training. 
   Up until middle school you were top of your class in all aspects. You were idolised (well, as idolised as you could be for a middle schooler anyway), loved and acknowledged. It had been blissful. 
   That was until, little Mark with that stupidly cute gleam in his eyes came along, skipping over to you in those worn-out track pants and smiling toothily as he introduced himself as your brand new next door neighbour.
   You have to admit, initially, you and him were close friends. You’d walk home together, sneak out to go to the convenience store together, share snacks together, the list goes on. You’d even given Mark your very first kiss, right on the cusp on your twelfth birthday. He didn’t know that it was your first kiss though, and he’ll never know. You’d rather be shot at point blank range than give up such private intel. 
   But when one day, in seventh grade, when Mark had begun closing in on you in rankings, outrunning you at the park and gradually being everyone’s new favourite, you found yourself isolated. Even one of your friends, a girl with straight long hair that fell past her waist, started hanging out with Mark more than with you.
   And when you invited her to your thirteenth birthday, the first thing she’d asked was, “Is Mark going to be there?”
   And at that same party, you saw her, kissing the boy you had been crushing on for the past year. And it looked like Mark really enjoyed kissing her too. More than he did with you.
   From that point on, you began to distance yourself from Mark. It was gradual, slow, but you knew Mark could tell. When he finally surpassed you academically too, you started harbouring a resentment towards him, and the rivalry between you two started.
   You were somewhat hoping he’d confront you, at least wonder why your attitude towards him had seemed to change in the blink of an eye, but he hadn’t. And that stung.
   Obviously rumours had circulated in middle school about what was going on between you two. Kids, no, people love to talk. And talk they did. 
   It had been widely known that you and Mark used to be inseparable at one point in time, and it was jarring seeing how differently you two were acting around each other.
   Mark and that friend of yours had broken up some time after that, and evidently she was pissed. It seemed as if she had begun spreading gossip about you, claiming that you had been some sort of psycho ex-girlfriend and that you had threatened Mark to break up with her, essentially, she was villainising you.
   When high school finally rolled around, Mark’s ex had moved by then—you weren’t sure where and you didn’t care to know. The rumours eventually died down with her absence, and you thought that maybe, just maybe, you and Mark could finally make amends, bury the hatchet, as one would say. But that never happened.
   Looking back, you’re a bit amused at what an eventful and dramatic childhood you had. All those scandals at just thirteen? What a boss bitch. Present you would not be able to stomach that.
   You take a peek at Mark. He’s attractive. Of course he is. He had been a cute kid, no doubt, but as he’s aged, he’s matured into his good looking features. He’s not the rugged and manly kind of good looking, he’s got more of a sweet boyish look to him, and in your opinion, it adds to his charm. 
   “What are you staring at?” 
   Shit, you’ve been caught. No, caught? It’s not like you were doing something you shouldn’t have. “Nothing.” You reach forward to take a sip from the infamous Coke can. It’s lukewarm, but you gulp it down regardless, trying to appear unfazed.
   “Were you checking me out?”
   Disaster strikes just as those words leave Mark’s lips. The putrid sensation of warm coke leaves your mouth entirely, not because you’ve begrudgingly swallowed it all, but because you’ve spit it out from the sheer shock of Mark’s question. 
   “Hey! What the fuck?” Mark stands from his chair across from you and its legs scrape against the floor with a sound that makes your skin crawl. 
   You cough and sputter, gasping for air. Once you’ve gotten past that tight feeling in your throat, you wipe the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand. A few droplets of the sugary drink dribble onto your shirt. But fortunately, well for you at least, you’re not as drenched in spit-laced Coke as Mark is. 
   “Shit!” You lift your gaze to look at Mark, who’s surprised, to say the least. 
   Mark takes a breath to say something, the words on the tip of his tongue, but he clamps his mouth shut, opting to groan in annoyance instead. “Jesus, why’d you even do that?”
   Your face burns in embarrassment. No way you’re going to admit to him that you were checking him out. Sort of. “I don’t know, it just went down the wrong channel, I guess.”
   Mark’s lips form a thin line of dissatisfaction. “Yeah, okay, whatever.” He cringes as his shirt sticks to him. “ I’m gonna go change.”
   He runs a hand through his hair, face upturned in frustration as he stomps up the stairs, his footsteps echoing throughout the living room. Your eyes follow his figure until he turns a left into his room. 
   You sigh. If you were home alone, you would have screamed in humiliation. The can of Coke on the table mocks you. You resist the urge to pick it up and hurl it into Mark’s neighbour’s backyard—well, your backyard. 
   A sliver of positivity presents itself in the form of you and Mark’s mostly unscathed worksheets. There are a few stray droplets here and there, but it’s barely noticeable. It would’ve been much worse for both Mark and you if you had drenched those as well. In fact, your homework wouldn’t be drenched in just saliva and Coke, but also in tears at that point. 
   You curse the can in your grasp, its aluminium smooth against your skin, before you dump it in the bin. Good riddance, bitch. 
   I should apologise. You can suck up your pride for that. No, this isn’t even about petty things like pride anymore. That shouldn’t matter. I should apologise, you think to yourself firmly.
   Alright. Apologising. Sorry. You inhale deeply, gathering your senses and calming your jittery nerves. Why are you even nervous? It’s not like you’re professing your undying love to him. Chill the fuck out.
   As you’re standing before Mark’s single, wooden door (which looks extremely daunting for some reason), it doesn’t dawn on you that perhaps you should knock first.
   If it had, then perhaps you wouldn’t be staring at a shirtless Mark, your hand still wrapped around his doorknob and your mouth hung agape.
   “Oh my God, Mark!” You cover your eyes, the door shutting behind you with a creak. You’re a bit ashamed at how fast your cheeks are overtaken by a hot, prickling feeling. “Why are you naked?”
   Mark, though just as startled as you are, has the common sense to reach blindly for the stained shirt he just took off, holding it in front of him. “What do you mean why am I naked? Why are you here?”
   You take a few steps back, your back pressed up against the door. “I- I came up here to say I’m sorry. You know, for uh, just now?”
   Your hands slowly fall to your sides as you burn holes into Mark’s carpeted floor with your eyes instead. 
   “Oh, uh, o-okay. Apology accepted, I guess.” Mark’s voice cracks and he clears his throat. “Let me just uhm—”
   You can hear his drawer sliding open and the faint rustle of fabric. All the while you keep your gaze glued to the floor, feeling your cheeks grow warmer by the second. Oh my God, you’re acting like a little girl who’s just held a boy’s hand for the first time.
   This isn’t the first time you’ve seen a guy naked—for fuck’s sake, Mark’s not even naked. He’s all covered up where he should be. Why is the sight of just his bare body from the waist up making your mind go blank and your palms grow sweaty? It’s not like you have feelings for him anymore. No, you don't.
   “You can uh, you can look up now.”
   You steel yourself, looking up to face Mark. Why did you have to steel yourself? It’s not like he’d have taken even more clothes off once you looked up again. You feel like slamming your head into the wall.
   You fiddle with your fingers, searching for something to say to try and ease the tension. “Uh, sorry. For spilling that Coke all over you, I mean.” You scratch the nape of your neck. “And for you know, walking in on you changing.”
   “Why didn’t you leave?”
   Your shoulders slump. “Huh?”
   Mark chuckles confidently, like he’s unabashed. His cheeks are ablaze with colour, though. “I mean, why didn’t you just back out of the room when you walked in on me changing? Why’d you just stand there?”
   You blink at him. Why didn’t you just leave? “I- I froze up, okay? Don’t bully me!” Your ears are burning.
   “Yeah, okay, okay.” Mark raises his hands by his sides, that entertained smile never leaving his lips. “Let’s go back down, okay? I still need to finish my work.”
   You chew on your inner cheek. “Yeah, whatever,” you try to find a creative name to call him.
   “Yeah, I know. Nerd.” Mark raises his brows at you, still with that amused grin. You wish you could smack it right off his stupidly handsome face.
   You huff, turning on your heel and practically booking it to the stairs. Mark catches up to you in no time with long, languid strides. Stupid long ass legs.
   “Hey, wait up, loser,” he says, a hint of delight in his voice. He pokes your side and you jump, shoving his hand away and mustering a weak glare at him. “Oh, are you ticklish?”
   You gnaw on your bottom lip. “No, I’m not, fatass!” Despite your harsh tone, your cheeks deceive you, blossoming with warmth yet again.
   Mark smiles genuinely this time, although there’s no sarcastic edge to it whatsoever. “You getting shy?”
   “No, I’m not.”
   “Hey, don’t be upset!” The next thing Mark says is nearly incomprehensible, but you hear it. Oh, you definitely do.
   “You look cute.”
   Your head swivels to look back at Mark, and you realise that he hadn’t meant for you to hear that.
   The faintest of smiles teases your lips, before you turn away, denying him the satisfaction of seeing you break out into a grin. “Yeah, whatever, Mark.”
   Now, it’s Mark’s turn to be enveloped in heat as a red tint spreads across his cheeks.
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