#god. bleugh. anyway.
xiaoluclair · 1 year
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anyway sorry to cap off my insane chip jrwi moment uh. one last complaint <3333
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
So I was thinking (bc I'm supposed to be doing craft show shit) that my mini-me barbie has a wheelchair, which is good, but I mostly use my cane when I'm out 🤔
Idk if I should online shop for one (like etsy bc I dont think mattel has that, seeing as I had to make my own red tipped white sight cane for Nadia) or make my own like I did for Nadia 🤔🤔🤔
Also I still need to figure out how to paint a prosthetic for my two lilly dolls bc I'm too chicken shit to cut and assemble a franken-doll leg 😭
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gaytoru · 1 year
robin, gay panicking: SHE TOLD ME SHE LIKED GIRLS, STEVE. GIRLS.
steve, unbothered, making his coffee: yeah, and what else?
robin, freaking out: she looked so, SO genuine. i-i didn’t even know what to say. like, like- my THROAT was cut off. my throat went DRY, STEVEN. she was embarrassed? or something, there was like - a red hue on her face. it looked so pretty though, SHE looked so pretty and— steve. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?
steve, drinking his morning coffee: bleugh— this is way too bitter. i gotta get a different type of coffee at the store next week, why’s this one so bad??? and why does eddie like this??? anyways, yes i was listening, robin. nance already told me about this ages ago.
robin, grabbing steve by the shoulders: what do YOU MEAN SHE TOLD YOU?
eddie, walking past the room: she told me too, by the way! took you long enough to realize by the way she stares at you.
robin: she— wait— LONG ENOUGH— HUH?
nancy, walking to the room, waking up & rubbing her eyes: what’s the problem, guys?
in unison: nothing.
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77. Logico Goes to a Hollywood Party
The amount of praise I received for episode 75 seriously means more to me than you could possibly imagine. I have NEVER gotten a response like that from something I made <3
I'm out somewhere as I'm posting this so it might be kinda rushed, lol
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Regardless, here's Agent Argyle, a perpetually angry Scottish boar. He's closely modeled after my fursona to the point where I think he looks too much like her, so I'm really beating myself up over this design lol. It looked so much better in my head...
MIDNIGHT: Logico look. We’re invited to a party. LOGICO: Yay.
They go. The person who invited them is now dead. Lmfao.
MIDNIGHT: Well, that sure is disappointing. STEEL: Oh my GOD. Why can’t they just, like, LIVE or something?
A new person is there.
MIDNIGHT: Meet Agent Argyle, he is a rude man in a tie. ARGYLE: I work for no one. LOGICO: Quick question. MIDNIGHT: What.  LOGICO: Who actually is that?
Uncle Midnight.
U. MIDNIGHT: Hey heyyy, short king! Ready to live it up again? Huh?? MIDNIGHT: Don't talk to him.
Uncle Midnight falls headfirst down a flight of stairs to the bar in the basement, where the screenplay is located.
U. MIDNIGHT: Hey man, this isn’t even mine! We burn it, take in some smoke, and then we’ll have a REAL party! LOGICO: You’re going to directly breathe in pure smoke. U. MIDNIGHT: Naww, man! I’mma lace it with cocaine first! LOGICO: I am very done. MIDNIGHT: Anyway, I’ve been learning new ‘kids’ phrases. Watch this.  LOGICO: Okay. MIDNIGHT: Let me jump in: Agent Argyle brought an antique typewriter. LOGICO: All right. U. MIDNIGHT: Bruuuuh. I saw Midnight 333 in the pool earlier, and he was just like, MELTED into a puddle of BLEUGH. So nasty :) 
Logico ‘accidentally’ dials his favorite number. Irratino answers immediately.
IRRATINO: Steel had the piano wire! LOGICO: What? IRRATINO: E-Executive Producer Steel. The person. She has piano wire.  LOGICO: How do you know that?? You are SO many miles away! IRRATINO: I got hungry :’<
Not only that, but she did the murder too! Makes that comment she made earlier even worse.
STEEL: Oh, you caught me! [kawaii dance] But do you have any idea how many people are going to lose their jobs because you interfered with this deal? Thousands! So, who’s the bad guy now?! LOGICOOOOO LOGICO: No. ARGYLE: I want cash. MIDNIGHT: Go to a ATM machine.
The end!
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Uncle midnight and his emotional support bear <3
Silli boi I love him
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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0common0sense0 · 7 months
Hiiiii you can call me Common! I drawww... I.... I draw..... I ...... *Looks at palm cards* That's kinda all I really do... ANYWAYS!!
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Okay I'm finally doing this. Oh my god. An intro, this is awesome. 🔻 I'm Common! CommonSense or CommonSnes (Yes, like THAT SNES) 🔻 They/It/Xe/Matrix/Cyber Pronouns, masc enby, yadda yadda, AuDHD, bpd bleugh 🔻 If you wanna know a little bit about me, I'm a horrible student and a great procrastinator! Also as said before,,,, I draw. I lovge drawing..,, im not good at it but i love it!
🔻 I'm 18+ but i dont wana disclose my actual age el em ay oh 🔻 Opening an Etsy store soon where I'm gonna be selling keychains, charms, stickers and all that good stuff, so stay tuned! 🔻 I'm Greek, but located in the AU, so reading upside-down comes naturally to me 🔻 Interests: Sonic The Hedgehog, Resident Evil, One Piece, Silent Hill 🔻 I am willing to do commissions, just dm me! 🔻I try to tag all of my art as #aahh
(when i remember) 🔻 My current favourite characters are Silver, Shadow, Metal and Eggman! 🔻 Okay! That should be it.... MY DMS ARE ALWAYS OPEN, MY INBOX ALL THAT STUFF. PLEASE. PLEASE INTERACT. I LOVE IT..,,, I WANT TO MAKE FRIENDS.,,,
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catherineflowers29 · 1 year
First Lines
Thank you @firesign23 for the tag!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway
The Skull (currently a WIP), Succession, Roman/Gerri, Explicit
“Hey there, Roman!”
Roman is on his way to the elevator, on his way the fuck out of here. Only three hours early. Got a hot date with a hot bleugh-blah-whatever.
The Sweetest Decline, Succession, Roman/Gerri, Explicit
The summer is over, but the summer is never over in LA.
Gerri is here, in the lazy sunshine quiet of the Pacific Palisades, in the rude Roy opulence of Roman’s house. There’s a lot to think about, but she’s not thinking. Gerri is just here being. She’s letting being be enough.
Pandora's Box, chapter 2: Reparations, Succession, Roman/Gerri, Explicit
It’s 3am when Roman gets home, and Gerri is still awake.
Half of him had hoped she would be asleep. The other half knew she wouldn’t be.
Knight Club, Game of Thrones, Jaime/Brienne, Explicit
People are always asking her if she knows Jaime Lannister.
“Do you have any last words?” Jaime asks with a smirk. A toss of his curls.
Brienne tries to reply, but what she says isn’t words. You can only speak in consonants with the tip of a sword pressed into your chin.
Death by a Thousand Cuts, Succession, Roman/Gerri, Explicit
One day, Baird died.
It was like that. One day, Gerri got up and ate breakfast, smoked a cigarette in the garden where the girls couldn’t see, got dressed and did her hair. She sniped at Baird because he hadn’t made the bed when he’d got out of it. He sniped back that she had forgotten to feed the dog. They argued about what exactly Lilya’s duties were as a housekeeper. Or Perla’s as the nanny. Gerri put her shoes on, yelled goodbye to the twins yelling at each other at the breakfast table and went to work.
Bad Things, Succession, Roman/Gerri, Explicit
The candles are guttering. Shiv is bleeding. Kendall’s eyes are glassy and gone.
Roman is slipping away – his blood now fills all the little rivulets and divots and scrolls atop the sacrificial slab. It drips into the cauldron below, already being chanted over by Karl and Frank and Kerry, already being prepared as an offering to Matsson.
Gerri doesn’t care. She doesn’t fucking care. It’s over, she’s done, he’s fucked.
Shadowboxing, Succession, Roman/Gerri, Explicit
He hates that bitch.
He hates that fucking bitch.
He wants to scream in her face. Throw things at her. Throw furniture across the room.
A Moon of Me, Game of Thrones, Jaime/Brienne, Explicit
It was day eight of being back in her own body, and gods. Brienne had forgotten just how bloody clumsy she was. How huge and ungainly and prone to smacking her head on doorways and showers and lampshades she was.
This wasn’t going to be easy.
Why Not?, Game of Thrones, Jaime/Brienne/Arthur Dayne, Explicit
He’s there again, outside the restaurant.
Brienne sees Jaime looking as he clears the outside tables. Sees him glance the busker’s way as he tunes his beautiful, pearl-white guitar. Sees Jaime watch and keep watching, too.
Our Little Secret, Succession, Roman/Gerri, Explicit
Gerri isn’t saying much.
She’s not saying anything. Just sitting at the breakfast table on the terrace in her wide-brimmed straw hat and her pretty white linen dress looking ... crestfallen.
Tagging @seethemflying, @lizwontcry, @thisbetternotawakenanything, @thecostoflies, @it-may-be-dull-but-im-determined, @humanveil, @alittledizzy, @bairdkellmans, @meriwynlee, @actualhumancryptid
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cheerfullycatholic · 7 months
Hi 💗 I don’t want this to seem like I’m coming off as rude but do you think it’s possible for some people to just make things a bit miserable and I’ll elaborate a little - recently I’ve felt like I’ve been really growing in my faith and the network of Christian’s around me has been amazing. God is truly incredible for putting good people there. I of course am close with a lot of non believers also so I deffo don’t mean that but someone who I feel like is the kind of person to really poke fun at Christianity or just have a low view of it even if it’s kind of changing for them but either way, I used to think it didn’t bother me and I wanted to help them find God but the more I realise they’re just not really open to it and the first thing to message me is sometimes jokes about s*tanism etc which just gets tiring and quite honestly I don’t wanna deal with.
I appreciate this person has been there for me in some ways before and I do wish the best for them but this week was the first in a while we planned to get coffee together and I almost felt a dread that I haven’t felt before and almost like God was telling me not to? I don’t know but we didn’t end up meeting anyway and I’ve felt this sense of ‘bleugh’ all day if that makes sense. Sorry this was so long and please pray if you feel you want to , I just dont want this to sound horrible
Of course I'll pray 😊 it's okay to want to distance yourself from people who don't make you feel comfortable, even if that's not their intention. You could try talking about it with them, maybe they just don't understand. Or maybe they do. Either way, you'll probably get something from a discussion
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OP au crack
Mega: so how's things going with Mayl? Wants some advice?
Lan: no thanks
Mega: you sure? My thing with Roll is going great, so I thought I would help you out too
Lan: I would rather you don't.
Mega: I am just gonna tell you anyway
Lan: no thank you! I'm glad you found your soulmate or whatever and that you two are the same kind sickly sweet gross. But that doesn't mean it works the same way for everyone, even your own twin. So I don't want to hear how you think I should pun myself into someone heart or some other cheesy gross romantic bleugh!!
Mega: ....
Lan: ....
Mega: so you do admit that you like Mayl like that:)
Lan: oh my god Hub, shut up!!
Mega: no:D
Mega: Hypothetically—
Lan: Hub
Mega: Hypothetically, how would you try to start a relationship with someone you like?
Lan: Well for starters I wouldn’t do jokes or puns. That is lame and May—I mean, the person I like wouldn’t appreciate that
Mega: You don’t know that
Lan: I do know that. Anyways, I don’t really know what you want me to say. My plan is to just be her friend, get to know her, and if she happens to like me like that then I’ll tell her how I feel
Mega: Very simple
Lan: Simple but effective
Mega: Right…so when are you going to tell Mayl you like her?
Lan: Wh-Wha-I-You—YOU SHOULDN’T FLAT OUT ASK THAT!!! Who says I even like her like that?!
Mega: It’s obvious
Lan: W-Well she doesn’t like me like that so I won’t say anything to her until I know for sure!
Mega: Are you serious?
Lan: Yes! I can’t jeopardize our friendship and the crew like that! It’s selfish! She needs to be comfortable before I can set off a bomb like me admitting I like her as more than a friend!
Mega: No I meant are you seriously that dense?
Lan: OI! RUDE!
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wings-of-flying · 1 year
god i just realised our national anthem is 'god save the king' now. bleugh. i think now's a good time to change it actually. i always thought that one that goes rule britannia was our national anthem anyway, can't we pick that one?
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purgatorical · 2 years
Enter rant/sap post about taxy dysphoria and complaining about comfort characters. On mobile and I’m not gonna try to read more it I haven’t known how to do that for years
So I recognize and adore all forms of gender presentation and love when people are just being themselves right. I’m jealous of the people with the strong jaws and full beards with pretty dresses and cute shoes right. But it’s so far from where *I* am that it makes me sick to think of myself in such clothing right now ya feel me? The idea of me wearing a dress and being perceived as 100% unequivocally *female* makes me sick to my stomach. I am not a girl. Fairly sure I want to be a guy or at least 80% guy 20% fuck all right, and so I have my characters and my comfort picks and all that jazz. I have this one character who I haven’t talked about much but who I heavily lean on for what I WANT and I write and draw stories about him and he is trans in my stories but not in his canon. Obviously that means that everyone has their interpretations of him. For me he is a trans guy who transitioned a decade or so before canon and is comfortable as HIM. Right. Right. You’re with me. This character has been on the wash cycle in my head spinning around for months now as MY GUY my trans guy who is SUCCEEDING and LIVING and BEING and this artist I like started drawing him right? Started drawing him and another character and they started drawing him… in dresses. And skirts. And with long hair and full make up and somehow it feels like a punch in the gut, like someone is misgendering him, like someone is misgendering ME right and it’s so stupid! I get extreme negative emotions whenever I see this art, but I love all their other art so I don’t feel like I need to just unfollow or whatever but it is so incredibly painful whenever I see this particular art from them that sometimes I feel like throwing up and it’s ridiculous to have all of my emotional well being in this one basket that I don’t even share with anyone but here I am! Crying and nauseous and wanting to scream WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM but it’s stupid! He’s not mine, he’s not me, he’s not even real! He’s lines on a page, pixels on a screen, a summary sheet on a wiki. People of all identities wear dresses and get long hair and put on makeup but this one particular character that I have decided to latch onto is not allowed apparently. I’ve tied myself to him before realizing and now it’s an actual detriment to me to see him in any other form. An awful obsession that pains and wounds and benefits no one. He is the ideal but only in the way *I* want him to be right? It’s stupid and I don’t know how to make myself stop hurting whenever I see art of him in any other way. Bleugh
I’m not going to do anything about it, ranting has made me feel a bit better and I’ve been dying to talk about it for a while now but too scared to tell anyone specific and too disgusted with myself to post it but here I am anyway at the end of my rope frothing at the mouth because they put a pleated skirt on my… oh god do I Kin him? Is this what kinning is?? Like I don’t want to specifically be him I just specifically want the gender and presentation I’ve formed in my head yaknow? Idk man fuck bye xoxo
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lyra-swan · 1 year
Hiiiii I know you're offline as I'm writing this but nevertheless I still felt like jumping into your inbox and word-vomiting for a second because I've been following Mechanical Angel for quite some time now and picked it up again recently and I just made it to part IV, god I'm having a blast. I can't wait to put all my full, extensive thoughts out there once I'm done but for now I need to stress that I'm just super impressed with both your writing style and the tone/ character development as a whole but the world-building in particular got to me gooood.
Am I right to assume that a lot of research went into this???? Because you can genuinely tell, to the point I literally felt transported to the places as you described them every time and the details are just so captivating to witness. It really feels like I'm reading a ww2 novel, I feel transported back into German literature class on occasion and it's just. Impressive???
Anyway thank you SO MUCH for putting this out there, I'm so happy Mechanical Angel (and all of your works) exist!! I've already noticed that there's another story focused on Natsume/Sora set in the same universe and I can't wait to finally jump into that one too once I'm done with MA. (Especially since Natsume is in my top 4# favorite characters but that's only a bonus)
Last but not least I am very mentally ill over Eimika now, congrats, I'm rotating them in my brain a very normal and totally not concerning amount, haha
May you have a wonderful day!!
Oh hi thank you so much!! I both loved and struggled with Part IV so much, but it was extremely fun to write, especially that dumb part in ch.38... I dunno if you've reached ch.45 but that was also very fun. I hope you continue to enjoy the rest!
I'm going to ramble like an old grandma again, adding a read more thingy so the post won't be a bother to scroll past for others.
In my opinion I don't think I've done enough research! But I'll always feel like that no matter how much I do so bleugh, nevermind. The scenery is typically based on my own surroundings but changed slightly to match an European feel... I think I wrote more in the last ask answer but it has a tiny bit of spoilers, I believe. The setting is a bit of amalgamation of my own country and europe because my own surroundings is what I'm familiar with, and of course although it's supposed to be inspiried by Germany everyone drives on the left side (I think I mentioned it in a chapter note) because I didn't want to accidentally trip over myself from a simple description of where a character turns their head. It's the Little Details that are important!
I say, as if I also didn't mess up a few details here and there because I started posting before finishing the first draft and so I couldn't edit the way I used to do for my previous longfics... But yes, it was very fun adding random bits from what I learned into the story because I used to love watching WW2 docs and laughing every time the nazis messed up and suffered a crippling defeat.
Like, I'd read about how they lied to their citizens that they were doing just dandy, and then have Wataru ask Eichi if he wanted more 'false reports of our so-called victories on the battlefield' to be published in the newspapers. Because that's the funniest shit ever to me...
Then one day I'd read about the nazis being among the first to connect smoking to bad health, and I'd add something like that in a conversation between Eichi and Tatsumi, they're not nazis obviously but because of the setting's inspirations that's where I got a lot of information (but you'll have a scene later on that's more Britain than Germany, so the fic truly is a amalgamation of different european settings during WW2). And of course, people are sceptical of new medical findings, that was mentioned. And the part where Eichi mentions 'common people are suspicious of IV drips' to Mika, that was a thing in the real world too.
I wonder if there is a single medical invention that wasn't regarded with suspicion by at least one person at first.
I kind of wish I had Eichi offering gold watches to anyone who quit smoking, it would've been funny, but eh.
And of course there are some things that don't make sense because this IS an alternate world so I DO have freedom. Like, even though this takes place generally in 1930s-1940s time, tranquiliser guns weren't invented until the 1950s (by a NEW ZEALANDER!!! Colin Murdoch. He's also the genius behind the modern day syringe, if I recall correctly), but you know, I added it in anyway because alternate world, alternate invention timeframes. I wrote that fog scene where Mika is shot by Midori while also sitting outside one dark foggy morning, and I liked the scene so much I kept it in.
Anyway I'm so happy you like the world-building! It was super fun to work on! I really like rural settings for world war stories... one of my favourite authors, Michael Morpurgo has that kind of vibe going on too, my bookshelf has a few of his books. So many dog and animal stories with themes of war lingering in the background if they don't directly deal with war and I love every one of them. They're all so full of emotion, they'd always make me cry. I love the stories that can make me cry and look back and think it was the most beautiful thing I've ever read and Morpurgo's works can do that A LOT. But also I'm very emotional...
And thank YOU for this! I'm always so happy hearing someone enjoyed what I wrote!
I still need to finish that natsusora fic. It was supposed to be a part of the main story itself but because it would've taken so many chapters, I was worried about 'forcing' readers through a side story that had no bearing on eimika. So I posted it as a separate fic! It takes place during that last chapter of Part IV so you can actually have a look whenever you've started Part V.
Natsume is very out of character, however. He's in his 30s and not really the cute feminine witchy boy that he truly is in canon (at least, that's how I see him), he's an engineer and really logical... but he hates Eichi with a passion, that's VERY necessary. Nevertheless, I try to write him as close to his canon self within the au that I've shoved him in and told him to survive in. Totally fine if you end up not liking it!
Excuse the rambling!! Thank you! You have good day!!
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formulaonedirection · 2 years
had a crush on this guy at my uni since like last year, we’ve been friends for little more than that. anyway recently he started working out and getting into the gymrat life and suddenly he’s Popular and also got a girlfriend out of nowhere last week and i’m??? i love that he’s doing so well and i love that he’s so happy but man... it hurts really... just gotta hide all my feelings and stfu and be depressed in silence bc god help me if i ruin someone else’s happy relationship :(
Oh noooooo :( Ughh that SUCKS like that's such a horrible feeling to feel like you've been abandoned by something that wasn't really yours but also really felt like yours??? Ouch. Well you can be depressed here this is the tumblr blog for depressed girlies but I'm sorry dude that really blows. Yeah that's just a sucky situation bleugh. It's gonna be okay though, life has many many many MANY twists and turns, I hope something magical happens to you soon, I'm rooting for it!
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isaacathom · 2 years
ds9 time, s2e12
well alright odo whatever tickles your fancy sir
quarks genuinely taken aback that odo seems to be seriously about a purchase.
who the fuck is mora. should i know this man
yeah id be kind of annoyed if someone came up to me, unannounced, and started critiquing my shapeshifting
i dont like dr mora
i do like that odos like 'id like a runabout' and sisko immediately goes 'yeah sure. what for'. just completely confident. has basically no reason to deny that request of any of his major crew members unless context suggests a problem (i think kiras run against that a handful of times).
dr mora is acting like a dad trying to provoke a child to speak and odo is just like. for fucks sake man. fine. yeesh
my question to mora is when he says 'work with you', does he mean working with odo as a peer, or with in the sense that you work with computers, with a field of study?
thats a familiar looking set, i love the soundstage lads. oh a beautiful background, that one, Stunning.
i love that their standin for 'odo juice' is clearly just some iron filings with a magnet being spun around it. excellent shit.
okay im attempting to recalibrate if i should give a shit about mora based on how odo reacts and because odo is shit at expressing his emotions (mood, sir) and im still struggling to figure that one out.
'he hid my clothes so i wouldnt leave' bashir buddy cmon
oh that man might be dead
"if you run into my wife don't mention i did this" obrien i love you
ugh thats so goopy
"my replicator or yours" i find that such a cute phrase. and again, the evidence persists that dax is probably the only person who enjoys julians company other than garrick lmao, if she wanted to invite it out for drinks.
okay julian my guy what does THAT mean. i thought we'd stopped being cringe heterosexual. oh thank god for drama.
"its a nickname i barely tolerate" "its an expression of affection" dr mora sir those are not mutually exclusive. my friends have expressed their affection for me by pre-emptively censoring their horniness in such a way that makes me feel like a piece of shit buzzkill despite having done nothing - affection need not be accepted at the end point. eat shit. anyway uh
i hate dr mora
dax's vibe in this scene with mora where moras all 'ah, never thought hed grow up' and whatever its very :) please stop.
you know what it is? you know what it is. its that he keeps infantilising odo, and a lot of the traits hes picking out as things odo is/was "deficient" in are like. you know. Autistic traits. is that anything. i feel like thats where im rankling
ah okay so the twist is Odo's doing this shit subconsciously
mora pol is such a cunt. i hate this guy
"what humanoid have you been able to trust except me?" "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I TRUST YOU?" "I resent that" good! fuck off cunt!
he sucks so much. feeling hes owed odo's trust because of his effort, fuck you. odos having a breakdown and hes just charging forward with his self-centering. absolute state. oh is the twist going to be that he's causing this to try and coerce odo back into his lab?
oop hes melting oop oop oop
"its separate and independent from the odo we know" are you sure about that. are you confident. are you positively convinced. because im not. im not convinced.
if this episode is going to try and convince me mora has had any change of heart, its not gonna work, i tell you what. i honestly hope its kira that manages to get him to back down since we've established she is probably the person he trusts most on the station. just to prove mora wrong about his lack of trust in others. i want them to prove it, yknow.
oh great it is trying to convince me. "ive done it again havent i? made you a prisoner" YES. YOU SHITSTAIN. YOU WANKROD.
its annoying because i think its a good episode. there's good drama, you learn a lot about odo and where he's been, its good. there's good dynamics with the cast. i just dislike mora pol to such an extent that it makes it hard to buy into that specific axis of the drama, and its the primary one. thats the one im meant to care about. and i cant. because he appears and everything says no, nonono, this man is no good father. and it wasnt like he was even doing bad shit at the start, i just caught a vibe and went euuuugh.
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dragqueenpentheus · 2 years
found a boxelder infestation and had to spray SO much pesticides T-T
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taxjeffbezos · 4 years
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Uhh first digital piece?? Artwork of my oc perla :)))
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