#argh its just so annoying and its not the worst thing anyone could go through i know but it does not mean i do not still wish i wasnt
xiaoluclair · 1 year
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Romantic Inuyasha x Fem!Reader where Inuyasha and reader are stuck in a room together and Inuyasha gets more and more nervous as time goes by (He can’t get out because he’s it’s a new moon). Reader plays with his hair to calm him down which catches him off guard because nobody’s ever done that before. Surprise surprise, he likes it a LOT.
Wow, I haven't gotten an Inuyasha request in a while. This is very pre relationship leaning. So more like him just realizing that he likes the reader and how it makes him feel, hope that's alright. I also added some headcanons. I felt like my writing was a tad lacking and wanted to add just a little more to the end to fill it out.
" Argh! Come on already!!" The yelling only echoes within the dimly lit room. After the third attempt you'd think he'd give up, but Inuyasha was always too stubborn for that. It's hard to say just how much time has passed but it couldn't have been that long since no one has shown up to save you. " I think that's enough. At this rate you're just going to get hurt!" There's an annoyed huff as Inuyasha practically throws himself on the floor. " At most we've been here an hour, the others will find us soon enough so just be a little more patient maybe?" 
" An hour is way too long. Anything could happen! Plus, you really think those idiots will find us by morning." Inuyasha snots. 
" Well if they don't that's fine. By morning you'll be able to get us out without hurting yourself." The young woman smiles. " Really, it's fine Yasha. This isn't the worst thing we've dealt with." Although she may be taking the situation in stride, Inuyasha found himself only growing more anxious. Though it's true that this isn't the worst they've been through, he couldn't stand being so powerless and made more human than ever by the new moon he felt so... unsure about what to do next. A few beats of silence followed before he stood to try again, it's not as if anyone would stop him. oh, how wrong he was, so very wrong a mere five minutes after he'd started banding on the door and searching the room he found himself rudely dragged back to the bed in the corner and forced to sit down
" HEY!" 
" Don't yell. I'm just trying to calm you down. We are going to be fine; I promise." Before Inuyasha can argue he feels a hand press softly on his head. Then another and soon those two soft hands are running through his hair and scratching his scalp. For a moment he tenses, it's been so long since anyone has treated him so softly. The moment his brain catches up with what's happening Inuyasha knows it's too late. His face grows warm and red, his mouth hurts from the smile on his face and his heart is beating a mile a minute. Yet he doesn't want it to stop. For the first time since ending up in this room Inuyasha feels safe and okay. With your hands gently soothing him and your voice putting him at ease he knows it's alright, so long as he has you everything will be okay.
it's not something he ever gave much thought to but one moment becomes his lifeline 
He doesn't fall fast or hard. It's just a slow and gradual build that comes crashing down when he finally notices it 
That warmth and comfort around you has been there for so he never thought to question why it was there he just accepted it
Now he can see that it likely meant something more even then its just something he can't ignore anyone 
But he also struggles to just trust that feeling or the idea that you won't turn your back on him 
He's content to just stay in this room, with you comforting him and relaxing together 
Ignoring the stress of the world and the mission you all have to finish 
Maybe this won't change anything, maybe it'll change everything he's not really sure right now, but he does know that this feels right 
So, for however long this is going to last, he'll just enjoy and the rest can be dealt with later
I really hope you enjoyed this! Thank you for requesting it's always nice to try out new styles or characters I have yet to write for. Shout out to my dear friend Birdie who helped me out when I got stuck on this! We love Birdie. Have a good day or night, Lilly~ Also I noticed I never added this to my posts but if you see any spelling errors feel free to let me know.
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second-chance-stray · 3 years
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RP Log: Cravs and Rising go on a disastrous hike.
Cravendy Hound has invited Rising to “relaxing hike through Sorrel Haven,” despite the area being infested by countless malboros and ziz. She leaves off that part - it’s not lying if you just don’t mention it. For now, she waits by the exit of the White Wolf gate for her companion.
Rising Lotus wasn't too far behind Cravendy, strolling through the gate a few minutes later and catching up to her. "Hey there!" as she was hurrying over her eyes gazed upwards toward the giant fallen tree. "Gods, it's crazy how huge they get out here, I guess by the company home too, but like," she outstretched her hands around her.
Rising Lotus: "Out in the forest forest the trees get so big here! "
Cravendy Hound: “Ye know, I’ve ‘eard that they’re just as tall below ground. What poor sod ‘ad to be the one to dig one up and find that out though, eh?” Cravs shrugs.
Rising Lotus rubbed her chin. "Maybe they dug out a littler one and jus' figured it was the same? Or not the same, but figured, bigger the tree bigger the roots." she returned the shrug, she was no botanist after all.
Cravendy Hound rubs her chin. “Mmh, that makes sense. But ‘ell if I know ‘ow trees work, specially out ‘ere in the Shroud.” She then absentmindedly fiddles with her gun as she turns to face the forest. “Anyway, let’s ‘ead out and ‘ope nothin’ interrupts our walk...though with my luck, we should expect the worst.”
Rising Lotus nodded, putting her hands behind her head afterwards. "I'm sure there ain't nothin' we can't handle. I /am/ back to full strength after all." she flashed a cocky grin. "Lead on!"
Cravendy Hound leads on, past stalking brood ziz and to the oddly named ‘Hopeseed Pond.’ She wrinkles her nose upon seeing the weird, planty...meaty? Plant-meat creatures wading around. “Ye know what, I don’t know what I was thinkin’ bringin’ us ‘ere. If one of those boros breath on ye, ye’ll be sick once again.”
Rising Lotus is calm despite the wildlife all around them. "Ugh..can smell their maws from here.." her eyes dropped to the bridge, then back to the pond full of ravenous giant plants. "Gonna go out on a limb an' say not many folk use this bridge no more." she pauses for a moment. "Hey! Why you so sure it's gonna get me sick!" she huffed a bit.
Rising Lotus: "I mean one ain't breathed on me yet and I wanna keep it that way, but it could jus' as easily hit you. Plus! Me being sick last week was jus'...a fluke."
Cravendy Hound playfully bumps Rising’s shoulder with her fist. “Aye, right right, a fluke. As for me, I never get sick. So if one of these boros come our way, ye can just stand behind me, heh.” She then takes a step on the rickety bridges and observes how...well. Gross it is? The whole area is pretty gross? Rotten wood and stagnant waters and looming monsters - but a little danger never hurt anyone.
Rising Lotus cracked a smirk. "Well to be honest I'm more worried about the smell then gettin' sick, but if you wanna take the brunt of it for me.." she was sure to follow behind Cravs as she started across the bridge, testing each plank with her foot before putting her weight on it.
Cravendy Hound is not nearly as careful as Rising, and strides forward with all the confidence in the world. She inadvertently steps onto a weakened plank of wood, which snaps under her weight. She falls, one leg stuck in the gap. “Goddamned shite piece of wood!”
Cravendy Hound: “I think ye were right about people not comin’ ‘ere often...” She grumbles under her breath.
Rising Lotus was caught off guard by Crav sinking down, more by her reaction than the actual board breaking. She carefully hurried behind her. "You didn't get cut up at all did ya?" She was right behind Cravs, looking over her shoulder and trying to peer down the hole. "Here lets get ya out of there.." kneeling down, she hooked her hands under Crav's shoulders.
Rising Lotus: "I'll pull ya slowly, you jus' make sure you don't get torn up or a nasty splinter on the way up."
Cravendy Hound: “I don’t need ye fussin’ over me like some freshfaced whelp, I got it,” Cravs stammers as she wiggles left and right in attempt to wiggle herself free from Rising’s help. “Don’t ye worry yer pretty lil’ face, it’ll take more than a splinter to down ol’ Cravs.”
Cravendy Hound - However, as she tries to pull herself up, she feels something keeping her ankle held down. That’s odd. And, more embarrassingly, she’s still stuck after being so confident earlier. The more she struggles, the deeper her leg sinks. By now, Cravs is sweating bullets.
Rising Lotus was still concerned, but she did get it, being incredibly stubborn herself at times. She released Cravs and stood back up. "Alright alright, I shouldn't of doubted ya." snickering a bit, she took a step back, giving her friend the space she might need to escape. "I'll make sure nothin' comes by to maybe take a bite of a delicious leg wigglin' under the bridge..an' I'll give ya a heads up if any travelers are comin' too."
Cravendy Hound - To this, Cravs only grunts in response. Coherent thoughts escape her under the immense embarrassment she’s currently dealing with. If Rising were to look under the bridge, she’d find a juvenile stroper idly tugging on Crav’s leg. Every time the Sea wolf tries to lunge out, it pulls her back down by the foot with greater force.
Rising Lotus was still waiting for her friend to free herself, keeping an eye on the bigger stroper's minding their own business thankfully. "Alright no need to make a big show out of it all, stop stallin' before you fall all the way through." she was biting her lower lip gently to stifle a bit of laughter. "You stuck on somethin'? Want me to peek under the bridge?" she started toward the edge, more so to try and catch a glimpse of Crav's leg comically wiggling under it.
Cravendy Hound: “‘Suppose the Navigator saw fit to destroy what little remains of me pride, right ‘ere and now.” Cravs crumples against the bridge and sighs against the wood. “Aye, yeah, it feels like somethin’s got my foot. Can ye see what it is?”
Rising Lotus quickly got to her knees and stuck her head over the side of the bridge, eager to see what manner of thing had snagged the Seawolf. "Oh! It's a baby one of these things!" she waved an arm out to the pond. "Luckily his teeths don't look too sharp yet, still has a good grip on ya though." Cravs would hear a bit of snorting and giggling coming from under the bridge. Rising grabbed her spear off her back, not bothering to start up aetherial blade, and started jabbing at the small stroper, not aiming to hurt it really, but just shoo it off. "Go on get ya lil bastard!"
(Cravendy Hound) you know what I'm feeling spicy )) (Cravendy Hound) Random! 19 (Cravendy Hound) aaahahha )) (Rising Lotus) Well then, bye leg!))
Cravendy Hound - The young Stroper turns to Rising and squirms in an attempt to dodge the jabs. It succeeds...that is, it succeeds in annoying it. It puffs up a bit and then charges at Rising in an attempt to knock her down. But as it does so, it fails to loosen its grip on Cravs, and the sudden motion tugs the Seawolf completely through the half-rotten boardwalk.
Cravendy Hound: “WHAT THE FU-” Cravs gets out before she falls face first into the slimy malboro.
(Cravendy Hound) I love a good bad roll )) (Rising Lotus) How big is it, like minion malboro sized or bigger?)) (Cravendy Hound) hmm I'm taking that Stroper nearby as adult, and the giant one as grandpa )) (Cravendy Hound) so teen = half of the adult size? )) (Rising Lotus) Okays! Also grandpa malboro x3))
Rising Lotus's eyes went wide as she saw Cravs fall through the bridge, all upside down from her perspective. "Ah shit!" pulling herself back up, she swung her legs over the side of the walkway and hopped down, shuddering as the mud she landed in seeped into her sandal boots. With Cravs so close to the beast, she didn't dare turn the blade to her lance on. Instead she reeled back then attempted to give it a good thwap across to the side of it's toothy mug
Random! Rising Lotus rolls a 224.
Cravendy Hound - Thwap! The beast is taken aback by Rising’s attack and, being young and inexperienced, decides to hightail it outta there. Cravs is taken along for the ride.
Cravendy Hound: “Overgrown, squid-looking plant bastard - argh!” As she’s dragged along the ground, she fumbles for her pistol and attempts to send a couple of rounds towards her captor.
Random! You roll a 55.
Cravendy Hound misses. Even worse, she drops her gun. Cravs goes limp, just...unable to take much more embarrassment.
(Cravendy Hound) lmao the RNG gods have something against me today xD ))
Rising Lotus grinned at the direct hit, quickly grimacing after it took off with Cravs in tow. "Oh gods damnit!" with a huff and a twist of her wrist the aetherial blade sparked alive. "Alright, uh, Cravs! Try to keep yourself high!" she was able to easily keep up with the stropper's wiggling legs, and when she got in range she aimed a mighty swipe across it's lower half, hoping to separate its top half from its bottom half.
(Rising Lotus) Random! 957 (Rising Lotus) That's causee the all the luck is mine \o/ )) (Cravendy Hound) all the luck!!! ))
Cravendy Hound - The swing separates the stroper into two. On both ends, its limbs continue to wiggle around like landlocked eels, but despite its continued movement, the monster is clearly dead. Or at least downed - who knows how malboros work.
Cravendy Hound gets up, completely covered in mud and malboro slime. She wipes her face clean with the side of her arm, revealing a very pissed off expression. For a moment, she simply stands there, dazed. She had said so herself earlier, that something bad was going to happen...but there was no preparing for something like this. Eventually, she glances over at Rising.
Cravendy Hound: “.............That happened.”
Rising Lotus quite pleased with her slice, she started to the the lifeless maw to help Cravs up, though didn't make much distance before she got up on her own. As she stowed her spear, she was doing her absolute best to not laugh as she saw the woman wearing a nice coat of ooze. It was when Cravs cleaned her face she lost her composure, snickering softly at first but quickly bursting into full out bellowing laughter.
Rising Lotus: " I-I-I'm sorry! I-I Am!" she started to snort a bit as she laughed, quickly cupping a hand to her mouth as her cheeks blushed a bit. "R-Really...aha... I'm glad you're alright!" she snorted once more before her laughter started to ease down.
Cravendy Hound is as still as a statue, save for the mud that slorgs down her body at a painfully slow speed. Cravs then lets her head go limp as a sort of mischievous intent grows within her. Once Rising is done laughing, she lifts her head back up with an evil grin on her face. “OH, oho...no need to apologize! After all, ye saved my ‘ide. Now let me give ye a proper thank ye.”
Cravendy Hound spreads her slime and mud covered arms, and then tries to hug (though it’s more of a tackle) Rising to the ground.
Rising Lotus "N-Now wai-" she had just put up her hands to try and halt Cravendy's assault when her muddy form smacked against Rising, both of them falling onto the ground with a splat. Rising laid there motionless for a few moments as Cravs pinned her down before. "You ass!" she finally blurted out, scrambling to push the sea wolf off of her now mud covered self.
Cravendy Hound is already one with the mud - she cannot be muddied any further. She cackles gleefully as she’s pushed over. “Thank ye kindly, oh noble adventurer!” It takes a good while for her to calm down enough to do anything but laugh from the ground. When she’s finally able to get up, she plods over to pick up her gun and flicks the mud off of it. “Ahh...haha. Hah.”
Rising Lotus quickly sat up after Cravs was pushed off, the entire back of her form coated in the sludge. The front was covered quite a bit too, front the tackle hug and the stuff the the ground that seeped over. As she tried to get up she shuddered, the openness of her outfit probably to blame. "Ugh...it's.. it's.." she shuddered once more. Needless to say she'd need a deep cleaning.
Cravendy Hound: “If we ‘ike to the end of the trail, all of this shits gonna ‘arden on us like a second skin. I’m ‘eadin’ back afore that ‘appens,” Cravs states as she gives her gun a good lookover. Poor thing had mud clogging up its every opening, and water was never good for metal. Better hurry. She turns to Rising. “A dip in the pools round the Lavender Beds should be enough.”
Rising Lotus nodded. "Aye.. probably don't want us trackin' this through the house either..." she started scraping off as much as she could. "Gods, it was bad enough the first time this happened.." she stomped through the muck to the shore, boots full of mud by now. "Though last time this happened it wasn't friendly fire." she shot a sneer toward Cravs, chuckling softly soon after.
Cravendy Hound - With every step, the two became less Roegadyn and more akin to mudmen. And on their way back to the FC, many civilians, just going on their day to day lives, would stop to stare. Thankfully, the walk wasn’t especially long, and the lake surrounding the Lavender Beds would do a fine job of washing them clean, though the stench lingered. A proper bath was certainly necessary after the fact.
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padfootagain · 5 years
The Flower Shop Around The Corner (III)
Part 3 : The Question And The Answer
 Here comes a third part for my series for Chris Evans! I hope you all like it!
Nothing to be warning you about, it's a cute story :)
Gif not mine
Word Count : 2666
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How could anyone be that annoying?
It was beyond comprehension.
And the worst part was that everyone else seemed to love you. When him? He was starting to seriously hate you.
Hate may have been a strong word but you were just… so… argh!
There were no words that came to his mind. What was beyond absolutely annoyed?
Not that you were a total jerk, and that was the worst part, what annoyed Chris the most. Because he couldn’t just blame the fact that you were evil, as you weren't evil at all. There was just something about you that went on his nerves. Perhaps it was that lack of humour in your demeanour. Perhaps it was the way you rolled your eyes at him everytime he tried to make a joke, and how serious you always seemed to be, couldn't you just loosen up for a change, and… he could make a whole essay about how your sternness annoyed him. And the way you bit your nails when you were focusing on learning your lines, or that little pout you made when you were thinking and…
He pushed the thought of you aside. Around him, the sun was beginning to set already. Orange hues mingling with the pale blue of a late summer, honking cars down the boulevard surrounding Central Park, the tall trees calling for his tired frame to rest under their shade…
A few deep breaths, and his thoughts had travelled away from you and settled on this girl whose letter was waiting for him. He didn't realize it, but he quickened his pace at the mere thought. He needed to read her letter. He had longed for it all day long. It was strange for him, actually, to feel this way. He had never minded working hard and go home late at night only to get up early again the next morning. And yet, these days, all he could think of was that moment when he would leave his work and go to this flower shop and get the letter this stranger had written for him in the morning…
What was happening to him?
Oh, he knew exactly what was happening, deep down, in his heart, he knew exactly. He had a severe crush. This stranger he had never met had become, over the course of the past few weeks, such an important part of his life. He was like addicted. He wanted to know everything about her. He wanted to listen to her for hours, and to tell her everything about him too… But they had an agreement. Nothing too detailed, nothing that could make them guess who the other person was beyond the doors of this little shop. He didn't know what she did for a living, and she didn't know he was an actor. He had told her he was from Boston and had a dog. These were all the characteristics she knew about him that could lead her to identify him… so good to say that is was far from enough.
On the other hand, she knew how close he was of his family. She knew his struggles and his thoughts and his beliefs and his dreams and somehow… somehow he had said more about himself to this perfect stranger than he had to his closest friends. How strange… sometimes it really felt easier to speak to someone he had never even met.
Finally he pushed the door of the shop open. It was empty, no customers left at such an hour. Actually, the shop should have been closed by now, but Carlotta had once more kept her flower shop opened for Chris. She welcomed him from behind the counter with a grin.
"I'm sorry, I'm very late tonight, work was crazy," he apologized, and giving the woman a hug.
She chuckled.
"Oh, there's no need to apologize, I don't mind waiting for you. Here's your letter… And we need to talk about all this."
"Read your letter first, darling. Then, we'll talk."
Chris smiled, leaning on the counter and tearing open the envelop. A smile formed on his lips as he recognized your handwriting. And as soon as he was lost in your words, the whole world around him faded away.
 Dear Wallet Guy,
 Thank you for your kind words, and I'm sure that you are right about my colleague. I shouldn't use so many thoughts on him, but it just seems like I can't help it. It does sound a little like your situation with your own colleague though. I hope you don't take her words too much at heart. I'm sure she was wrong. I know you're talented. Perhaps she was just angry.
And sometimes, people say things they don't really mean. Like, me and my co-worker, for example. Whenever I'm around him, I don't know why, I become colder than usual. I make remarks that are unusually cold and sometimes even a little mean and then… I spend the rest of the day feeling guilty for saying these things. It's not who I am, and I don't even know why I say those things. All I know is that, as soon as the words pass my lips, I start wishing for being able to take them back.
 I am very proud of you for pissing off these people on twitter. Keep up the good work! I wish I could see this account of yours, it looks crazy!
 I had such a nice walk to the shop this morning. The sun was coming up, and I passed through the park to see how it reflected on the lake. There was this old woman on the bench with her grand-daughter, they were giving food to the birds. It seemed so peaceful somehow, this all so-familiar scene, such a simple thing as a granny and her grand-daughter giving grains to birds while the sun rose up above the skyscrapers. It was such a simple sight and yet… yet is warmed my heart so much. If only we could always appreciate such tiny things, wouldn't we be much happier?
 I'll see you tonight, Wallet Guy… or well, I will read your thoughts tonight, I guess it's a more adequate turn of phrase. The though brings a smile to my lips no matter the way I put it though.
 Peony Girl
 Chris folded back the letter in its envelope, and he finally noticed that Carlotta had given him what he would need to write his answer too. But before he could reach for the pen and paper, she cleared her throat, her arms crossed before his chest.
"So… how was the letter today?"
"Huh… great…"
"Great? Hmm… interesting…"
"What's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing, nothing, Chris… Nothing, except the fact that you didn't do what was planned yesterday."
She stared intensely at him, and Chris tried to keep a straight face, but he just couldn't. He eventually heaved a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair, dishevelling it a little.
"I… Look, I don't think we're ready for that," he argued, but Carlotta was not buying any of it.
"You've been writing to each other for weeks. She is so happy to read your letters, and you are so happy to read hers… you should meet!"
"I'm not sure it's a good idea."
"Why not?"
"What if…"
He stopped, looking away from Carlotta and to his hands instead. His next words came out like a breathy whisper.
"What if she doesn't like me? What if she's disappointed…"
But Carlotta shook her head and took one of Chris's hand in hers, making him meet her eyes again.
"Trust me, she will not be disappointed. You should meet. She will say yes. She will like you. And all will be fine. And when you two get married, I expect an invitation."
Chris laughed, but a touched glimmer lingered in his blue eyes, and when he smiled at her again, it was a fond gesture.
"We're far from there, don't get ahead of yourself."
"Ask her to meet you. Do it. Do it!"
"I don't even know if she's single."
"She is. I asked her."
"Alright, alright…"
He heaved a sigh, finally picking up this pen and paper that he needed to ask such an important question. Why was it even so important? In the worst scenario, he would have gained an amazing friend. In the best case… well… maybe a little more than that.
He had been thinking about this for a while now, actually. And the truth was, he wanted to meet you. He wanted to see what you looked like. He wanted to be able to call you in the middle of the night, and he wanted to spend an afternoon with you in the park just talking and he… he wanted to meet you. He really did.
But his feelings for you were already bending in the direction of a romance. And he didn't know how he would react if all you could see in him was a friend.
But his motto was to do things that scared him the most. That's how he had come so far. It would take him a little further. He just needed to gather the strength to trace the letters on this piece of paper.
He answered your letter first. Talked a little about his day. But soon he was motionless. The pen a few inches above the paper.
There was no coming back from this. It was a leap of faith to take.
Slowly, he put the tip of the pen against the paper, and he traced the letters, almost reluctantly despite his longing to do so. And once he was done, once he had added this little dot under the question mark, he felt so relieved. He grinned up at Carlotta.
"I asked her."
She jumped in happiness a couple of times while Steve signed the letter, making him laugh.
He sealed the envelope and put it down on the counter, letting his fingers linger on the blue paper for a few more seconds.
He heaved a sigh.
His fate was in your hands now.
 The words struck you so much, you had to read them again. It was still early in the morning, and at first, you thought that maybe you had failed at reading his letter properly. Perhaps your brain was just too foggy still, like the weather outside. But you read and read and read the sentence, and the words didn't change.
I've been thinking about this for a while now. Don't you think it would be nice to have this kind of conversation face to face, instead of going through paper and ink? Would you like us to meet? For real?
You didn't notice that your eyes had grown round and your jaw had fallen open. You were too busy reading one more time these words… these words that echoed through your mind now.
Would you like us to meet? For real?
Would you like us to meet?
Would you like us to meet?
"Is everything alright?"
Carlotta's voice finally snapped you out of your torpor and you shook yourself, bringing your mind back to reality.
"I… I'm fine," you stuttered. "He… hum… He wants to meet me."
Carlotta carefully studied your reactions.
"And… do you?"
Slowly, a smile formed on your lips, as you eventually wrapped your mind around the thought. You had been thinking about this for a while too, actually. But what if he was disappointed when he met you? What if… what if he already had someone?
But you pushed these negative thoughts away. You wanted to know who he was, you were too curious to refuse.
"Yeah, I do want to meet him," you nodded, and Carlotta let out a happy squeal.
"Tell him! Tell him!" she cried, excitedly handing some paper and pens, making you laugh. "Propose a date and a place. Go ahead!"
"I don't know…"
"The bar at the corner of the street."
"Yeah… sounds good. On Friday?"
"Great! Perfect! Aww… finally!"
"Stop it!"
You laughed at her while you wrote your own note. A few minutes and it was all done. All the while, you couldn't manage to slow down your heart though. It kept on beating so fast, and that smile on your lips, it was impossible to brush it off.
You just hoped he would be able to come.
 Chris was quiet. It was strange to have him so quiet. You almost preferred him bubbly and talkative and laughing his annoying laugh. He seemed very nervous. Not that it was a problem to shoot your scenes, but as soon as the camera was off, he seemed to be back in that nervous state. He kept on checking the time as well.
"Are you alright?" you asked him around a coffee.
"Of course. Why?"
"You seem… preoccupied."
"It's nothing."
He checked his watch once more.
"Are you late for something?"
"No… I'm just…"
He heaved a sigh. He was about to do something he would regret, but damn with it all…
"I've asked someone out and I'll know tonight if she says yes or no, and I'm a bit… nervous about it."
"I had noticed that," you chuckled, but your expression was warm and soothing. "Why do you have to wait until tonight?"
"Long story. But I won't get her answer before I can go home."
"I see… Well, you shouldn't be so nervous about it."
"Because I shouldn't be so worried about a woman?"
"Because she will probably say yes."
He raised a surprised eyebrow and you rolled your eyes in response.
"You're not a psychopath, you have a job, and in bonus you're rather hot."
He frowned.
"So… not being a serial killer is already most of what is needed to get a date?"
"You have no idea how low we have to set the bar," you replied in a half-amused tone.
"I can see that."
"More seriously, why would she say no? At least for a date? Perhaps she'll say no for more, but it's probably just a drink or something of the kind, right?"
"You would say no for a date."
"Yes, but… that's different. You would say no for a date with me too."
"Yeah… you're quite right."
You exchanged a smile, and were soon called back by your director to shoot yet another scene. And somehow, Chris was a little less nervous about tonight, after all…
 He took a deep breath before entering inside the shop. He could feel strangers walking down the street behind him, but he needed a few seconds to enter. The fog of the morning had since long lifted, but a wet smell lingered in the air. A cab drove behind him, and for a second, Chris wanted to call for that cab and run away. But instead, he opened the door and walked inside the flower shop.
Carlotta was there, but her face didn't reveal anything about her response.
Chris hugged her as a hello, and he asked her with worry in his eyes.
"What did she say?"
But instead of answering, Carlotta merely handed him the letter you had written.
He tore the envelope apart in a hurry. If he had been hesitating before entering the shop, now, he just couldn't wait to know your answer.
Unlike all your letters before, this one was a mere note. Only the answer to his question, nothing else. A grin formed on his features as he read the words traced in dark ink on the red paper several times, as if he wanted to engrave them in his memory.
I'd love to meet you, Wallet Guy. How about Friday night, in the pub at the corner of the next street. Carlotta knows which one. I'll be wearing a red scarf and bring a book with me, so you can recognize me.
And for a moment, Chris couldn't be happier.
Tag list : @ponycake27 @horsesreign @xinyourdreamsx @jbluevelvet @notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss @stuckupstucky @snek-shit @suchatinyinfinity @i-padfootblack-things @madamrogers @marvelcapsicle @theonelittleone @bookgirlunicorn  @simamenickk  @mxriblxckthorne  @xceafh @illi-vanilli
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 6 years
Rotten Spaghetti Noodles and a Stranger Things Marathon (Izuku Midoriya x Reader)
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Not gonna lie lol Bob’s Burgers inspired me with this one XD
Summary: Poor Deku is forced into a wild goose chase with Reader-chan after a prank goes horribly wrong on the most volatile classmate in 1-A...
Featuring: Precious Cinnamon Roll!! 
You can find this story here too on ao3!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17545592/chapters/41570912
You sighed heavily as you sat on the couch of the common room, staring at the girls who were just chatting frivolously with each other as per usual. At first you thought about going over to join in on their conversation, but they talked about the most boring topics sometimes that you decided to just sit and be bored by yourself.
Kaminari was pretty much your partner-in-crime when it came to doing fun things but he was hanging with Kirishima, Sero and Bakugou. Typical boys. But the more you thought about it, the more you realized you probably should have gone with him, even though Bakugou wasn’t crazy about the fact that you were friends with ‘Deku’. Well, that was understatement, he didn’t like that at all, he never had been in fact. Truth was, you grew up alongside him and Izuku, but you met Bakugou first, only to get closer to Izuku and remained his only friend even when Bakugou picked on him and always threw smart-ass comments his way which he hated. You assumed it was jealousy, but that was just your pride talking.
However, the more you thought about Bakugou, the more Izuku started popping up in your mind. Making you sigh in content, smiling fondly at the thought of the sweet, green-haired dork. How you adored him, he was almost too pure for this world to the point where it was almost REALLY annoying because you had a mischievous streak he often fretted over.
“Oh Izuku… you make me wish I was a better person.” You said quietly as you blushed a little bit, looking around and making sure no one could hear you going into ‘lovey-dovey’ mode. So to distract yourself, you finally got up off your ass and headed into the kitchen, maybe eating something could take away some of the boredom.
But you didn’t expect to see Izuku passing by through there, and he perked up upon seeing you. “(Y/N), Hey!” He quickly greeted you with that adorable smile that easily lit up your day every time you saw it, hell it practically sent you in one of your dazes as you smiled shyly and waved. “Hey Izuku…”
“Are you okay?” He asked you, concerned when he saw how ‘out of it’ you appeared, and you blushed warmly as you tried to downplay it.
“Ah yeah! Totally… hehe, I’m just hungry so I’m gonna… get something to eat that’s uh… why I came in here!” You stammered and laughed nervously, quickly opening the refrigerator as if to emphasize your point, even though Izuku looked a little confused by your odd behavior. He smiled at you anyway though, thinking you were cute.
But he flinched when you gasped suddenly, and loudly at the refrigerator.
“Oh Sweet mother of All-Might…” You said in pure awe as you stared wide-eyed at one of the containers you found in one of the deeper parts of the fridge. Carefully picking it up, you brought it out and placed it on the table, but the old, gloppy contents with some black spots and furry looking specks that stained its corners disgusted your friend a little bit.
“Wha… what in the world is that…?” Izuku nervously asked, but at that moment he realized he probably shouldn’t have asked that.
“It’s spaghetti! Remember a month ago when Kaminari suggested that we try foreign food for dinner, so we went with Italian and we decided to save some of the leftovers because it was so good that night?” You reminded him and the memory instantly hit him once it came back to him. “Oh right! I remember that… that was a month ago…?” Izuku asked, making a face. There’s no way that spaghetti could still be good at all if it’s a month old.
Going against your better judgment, you opened it up and the pungent stank quickly hit your nose as you turned away with a small gag, seeing Izuku cover his nose once the smell got to him too. Despite your disgust, you were extremely amused too. “Ohoho WOW… we totally forgot all about this because this stinks to high-heaven… it’s beautiful…” You snickered, and Izuku saw wheels turning in your head…
“You know what we gotta do with this right?”
“Throw it away?”
“Nope~! We gotta drop this on someone outside a window! We might NEVER get another chance like this! When you have rotten spaghetti noodles, you HAVE to drop it on someone. I mean you can’t NOT use it for that kind of thing. We have an opportunity of a lifetime…!” You explained as if it were the simplest idea in the world, but such a terrible idea made Izuku tremble and look panicked. That was practically a death sentence.
“W-What?! Y-You can’t be serious…! A-Are… Are you… are you crazy?!” He asked you, whisper-yelling as he looked around very nervously to make sure that nobody was around to hear this.
“Haha I’m totally off my rocker dude… you know this… now c’mon… it’s not like we’ll get caught. As soon as it hits somebody we’ll run like hell! It’s so easy!” You giggled almost like a mad-woman at the thought, and Izuku just shook even more with a terrified whimper. It wasn’t in his nature to pull pranks like that, and he didn’t really like anyone being mad at him.
“I-I don’t know… i-it sounds like a really bad idea… I mean, for one it’s really mean… and second, if we hit the wrong person, this could lead to some seriously bad consequences… it just… it’s a bad idea… in fact, it’s a horrible idea… we can’t do that…” Izuku thought outloud, hoping that somehow he could talk you out of this. He thought about how it could all go wrong, and who they could end up hitting. Classmates like Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Ashido, Tsuyu and Uraraka might be a little more forgiving if they got spaghetti’d. The rest like Iida, Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami would be pissed but not hold a serious grudge, and then there was Todoroki and Bakugou. The worst people to prank…
Todoroki would definitely be pissed about it, but maybe he’d be forgiving if he explained it to him enough. Bakugou on the other hand… would never, ever forgive that.
Izuku shuddered at the mere thought.
“Izuku… I can’t pass up this opportunity… besides, I’m not gonna hit anyone like Todoroki if that’s what you’re worried about. I like the guy. If I’m lucky I’ll hit Kaminari or Iida. I’d love to see the looks on their faces.” You grinned widely and laughed somewhat wickedly as you carried the container, spinning around ever so slightly, much to Izuku’s discomfort.
He couldn’t find it in him to say no to you though. The truth was Izuku would follow you wherever you went, including to yours and his death because he was sure this was going to get you both killed somehow by the wrong classmate. Meanwhile, you were grinning happily as you were taking him up to the balcony of your room and looking downward for some potential victims, holding the container of disgusting, old food in your hands. Smiling widely, almost crazily and giggling so hard you could barely contain yourself.
“Hee-hee Izuku~. You and I are about to do something the world should have done a LONG time ago. This right here is going to make history. Just give me the signal when you see someone.” You grinned wide as you held the now open container of rotten spaghetti noodles as Izuku looked down to make sure nobody like Bakugou or Todoroki were coming.
“Uh…” His better judgment kicked in though, this was a terrible idea and it was going to happen soon as he saw a few heads coming out the door, two blondes, a brunette and one redhead. Oh no.
“Uh oh…! (Y-Y/N)!” He tried to alarm you, but apparently THAT was the signal for you to start.
“Someone’s there! Here we go!” You cheerfully poured down the container, letting the gloppy, thick red sauce and stringy, stale noodles rain down to the earth much to Izuku’s absolute horror as you both stared down, a broad smile across your face while Izuku’s was a look of horror as he shouted.
(insert slow-motion) “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!”
With a loud, squishing plop, the spaghetti noodles finally hit your victim in all it’s disgusting, stinky glory, staining his school uniform shirt with its foul, red and moldy sauce and decorating his blonde, spiky hair with a wreath of stale, wet noodles as he shouted in shock at the random onslaught.
“ARGH!!! What the fuck?!”
“Ewww dude…” Kirishima cringed and backed away slightly when his friend got splattered by old, moldy food, crinkling his nose in disgust when the smell hit him.
“Gross! What… what the hell is that…?!” That was Kaminari’s voice, and he shamelessly covered his nose as he forced himself to not snicker at his unfortunate classmate’s incident.
“Hey that’s… the spaghetti from last month…” Sero figured it out, and he looked a little nervous once he saw their friend’s look of shock quickly turn into an enraged expression as he looked upwards to see the identity of who they assumed would be his murder victim.
“K-Kacchan…!” Izuku froze up like he was hit with a paralysis quirk once he saw that it was Bakugou that you had ended up hitting. Now he was a hundred percent sure that this was going to be the end for you and him.
“Oh shit… is that Bakugou…?” You peered downwards a little bit to get a better look, but instantly regretted that once Bakugou’s seering, crimson red eyes looked upwards and made contact with your now wide, shocked (E/C) eyes as Izuku promptly freaked out and trembled like a leaf.
If looks could kill, you would definitely be dead. You could practically hear his feral growling as he clenched his fists.
“Hide. Hide. Hide! Hide! Hide!!” You and Izuku both exclaimed in alarm to each other, trying to back away as much as you could to avoid being seen by the explosive teen, but it was too late. He already saw you both.
“Deku! Shitty girl?!” Bakugou was livid, and looked ready to kill the two people he’s known since childhood and his friends could see it as they backed away a little bit. Seeing Bakugou angry wasn’t a spectacle, but after that trick. He wasn’t going to let neither of you get away.
However, as scared as you were, you couldn’t let Bakugou terrify you into submission since this was an accident. “Ohohokay… look dude… that was a total fluke on my part… that was supposed to be for Kaminari.” You attempted to reason with the pissed-off blonde, ignoring the indignant ‘Hey!’ coming from the former. “You don’t have to go all Lord Explosion Murder-y on us…” As calm as you were, you should have known better than to try to reason with Bakugou when he was this pissed. To make matters worse, you were snickering the entire time and trying to cover your mouth to quell them.
“Bullshit!! This is your way of getting back at me! And don’t fucking lie to me I'm right aren't I?!” He angrily wiped off the sauce and noodles off himself as much as possible despite how disgusting it felt on his hands and the smell was horrific. Bakugou didn’t believe a word you said. Ever since Izuku acquired One For All, and even after he found out the truth about it, him and Bakugou still weren’t exactly friend-ish yet. And with your own improvement of your telekinesis quirk getting stronger ever since you got to this school, Bakugou assumed that you and Deku were somehow in cahoots together to try and take him down a peg. He wasn’t wrong on YOUR part though.
“N-No! Kacchan we swear we would never!!” Izuku was going to make a vain attempt to reason with him, but you quickly took the floor to protect him.
“He’s right. Leave Izuku alone, besides Bakugou, if I wanted to get back at you, it would have been a LOT worse than this. Though in hindsight this is pretty brilliant. Since that’s rotten spaghetti noodles you’re covered in. I recommend taking a shower though I can smell you from up here!” You explained but didn’t make yourself sound any better as you took the moment to tease him a little bit, wafting your hand for emphasis even though it wasn’t an exaggeration. You can literally smell that rotten spaghetti from up here. And it pissed him off to no end.
“What the hell was that?!”
“Stop taunting him…!” Izuku advised you worriedly, since he knew better than to make Bakugou madder if he was already mad. You didn’t listen.
“I said take a shower because you stink Noodlehead! Get it?!” You snickered and laughed, tears in your eyes when seeing Bakugou practically turn red from such vicious rage. “H-Hey c’mon man… s-she’s just playing…” Kirishima trembled slightly when seeing how pissed his friend was, and he wanted to save you from getting killed by trying to calm down Bakugou but he just ignored him.
“Why you fucking bitch! Don’t you fucking laugh at me! Wait til I get up there I’ll kill you both!!” He declared and quickly made his way inside the building and now you and Izuku couldn’t help but panic a little bit.
“Why did you say that?!” Izuku frantically asked you, looking at you like you had to have been insane to provoke a dragon-tempered boy like Bakugou.
“It was funny!” You gave your rather weak reasoning, but that didn’t matter now that you were both pretty much doomed. At least you would die alongside Izuku, the boy you loved with all your heart. However, a sudden idea came to your head as you grabbed his hand and lead him out of your room.
“W-What are you doing?!”
“I have an idea! But we need Yaoyorozu!” You stated, quickly rushing over to the common room where you thankfully found Momo among the girls. “Momo! Momo we need your help!” Rushing over to the tall girl, you clasped your hands together in a begging manner, much to her shock and confusion.
“What’s the matter?!” She asked in worry once she heard the urgency in your voice. However, once you explained it all quickly to her, she wasn’t very amused at all by how you childishly pranked Bakugou, but she helped you both anyway with what you needed because she wanted to help you and Izuku stay alive.
Bakugou was on the prowl as he marched inside the building, resembling an animal hunting down prey with Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero meekly following behind so they could hold him back in case he really did try to kill you and Izuku.
He knew where your room was, but he assumed the two of you were going to hide somewhere like the ‘cowards’ you were as he went up the first floor. Some of his classmates, quickly backing away when seeing how pissed he was, and at how smelly he was since he couldn’t get the spaghetti stink off of him.
But he didn’t pay attention to all the damn extras, all that matter was finding you and Deku so he could kill you both for making him look like a fool and daring to prank him like that. And he was surprised when he saw you both just lounging on the couch of the common room without a care in the world as he growled like a wild animal.
“You idiots! So you both want to die huh?!” He barked aloud in the once-quiet room, aggressively grabbing yours and ‘Izuku’s’ shoulders roughly only for the bodies in front of him to suddenly collapse, revealing two headless mannequins wearing your blazers with soccer balls bouncing to the ground which acted as the heads as they adorned wigs of Izuku’s messy green hair and your (H/C) (H/S) hair.
“D-Did their heads just fall off?!” Kirishima asked, his eyes wide with horror as he began trembling, having not seen that the bodies were just dummies and not really you or Izuku.
“Y-You really killed them?!” Kaminari exclaimed in the same terror as Kirishima, since he didn’t see the dummies or the soccer-balls either.
Bewildered and wide-eyed, Bakugou picked up the soccer ball with Izuku’s hair, squeezing it hatefully until it popped as he let out an extremely irritated growl. That was the second time you made him look like a fool, he was SO going to kill you both now.
“DEKU!! SHITTY GIRL!!” He screamed so loud you swore the entire building shook. It was definitely loud enough for you and Izuku to hear from downstairs as you ran down to the bottom floor.
“AH! Kacchan figured it out!!” Izuku started to panic again as he ran with you out of the building, although you couldn’t help but snicker because you wished you could’ve seen the look on his face.
“Duh Izuku I heard him! I’m pretty sure the whole fucking country heard him too! Come on! We can’t be here, not while he’s in that mood, I know where we can hide!” You said as the two of you started to run away from Heights Alliance, passing a few of your confused classmates as they watched you run.
However, neither you or Izuku expected Bakugou to show up so soon as you both heard the door slam wide open.
“You two aren’t getting away that easy! You can run but you can’t fucking hide from me!!” Bakugou shouted, immediately chasing after you both. He instantly knew that you were both going to try and hide from him, just like you two always did when the three of you were children.
You both shouted in shock, and Izuku reluctantly turned to see Bakugou coming for you guys with bloody murder in his eyes. “He’s already caught up?!” You asked in shock, confident that your dummies would have distracted him for longer than that. “You dropped spaghetti on him!” Izuku exclaimed matter-of-factly, not that surprised that Bakugou had caught up this fast.
“I know I did Izuku! But I swear my plan was fool-proof!”
“You know Kacchan is no fool! And he was the fastest in every grade in elementary and middle school!”
“Well I guess that means we’re fucked huh?!” You asked while you two kept running, and you couldn’t help but feel a little bit scared that you were going to be fucked if you didn’t think of something fast. However, you and Izuku nearly perked up upon seeing someone from afar, but the red and white was all the indication you both needed to know. And as soon as you saw Todoroki up closer, you grinned and immediately called for help.
“Help us Todoroki!!”
That certainly surprised him as he stopped with a bewildered expression as you and Izuku ran past him fast enough to send wind through his hair. “Midoriya? (L/N)? What’s going on?” He was calm in spite of the fact that you and Izuku were both freaking out as you both took a moment to stop for a minute.
“W-We’re kind of running from someone…” Izuku started off, panting a little bit as you finished his sentence. “It’s Bakugou! And he’s going to kill us! Build a wall of ice or fire fast!” You kind of begged since Bakugou was getting closer.
“Don’t even think about helping them IcyHot! Or I’ll kill you too!” Todoroki paid him no mind though, he heard you call him for help and he did exactly that. In the blink of an eye, Todoroki raised his right side and created a giant wall of ice to block his volatile classmate from getting to you and Izuku. “DAMMIT!!!” Now all three of you heard Bakugou’s enraged shouts, but it didn’t take too long for you to start hearing explosions as he began carving through the wall to get to you, Izuku AND Todoroki. That was three on his hit list now.
“Thank you Todoroki! I think you saved our lives!” Izuku was extremely grateful as you couldn’t help but sigh in relief. That wall would definitely buy you three some time.
Although he was confused, Todoroki started to run with you and Izuku but he was clearly looking for an explanation. “Why is he chasing you two?”
“Oh, he’s just mad because I accidentally dropped some rotten spaghetti on his head. It was hilarious! You should’ve seen his face, I thought he was going to literally explode like a volcano..." As you snickered, Izuku quietly whined a little bit since as much as you found it funny, he wasn't crazy about the fact that yours and his already complicated childhood friend probably hated you two even more now.
"Why would you do that?" Todoroki asked you, his voice sounding somewhat incredulous since he saw no rhyme or reason to doing such a childish act. Because you were friends with Izuku, he had gotten fairly used to your presence and steadily became your friend too, but he found you very strange due to your behavior and penchant for mischief and juvenile jokes.
"Because it's funny! And besides Todoroki, life-lesson, when life gives you rotten spaghetti noodles, you dump it on someone!" You exclaimed and gave your reasoning, but of course Todoroki wasn't amused at all.
"That sounds like nonsense." He stated bluntly, but you just stuck your tongue at him. "So you're telling me that if life gave you rotten spaghetti noodles that you wouldn't dump it on your shitty dad if you had the opportunity?" You raised a brow at him, and that somewhat silenced him a bit as he thought about that. And you laughed a bit when you saw him give the smallest smile when he clearly envisioned that and started to see some of the comedy in that. Including the idea of Bakugou getting spaghetti'd, he was starting to wish he had seen that now just a little bit.
"Not you too Todoroki!!" Izuku exclaimed in slight shock, since dumping old pasta is why they were even running in the first place, and yet you and Todoroki were clearly amused by it.
"DAMN YOU YOU ICYHOT BASTARD!!" Bakugou finally broke through the wall, and you three were far enough now but he could still see you, and the three of you turned to see the same murder in his eyes.
"RUN!!" You shouted as both your friends followed you, and Todoroki seemed to tag along without complaint. He wasn't scared or anything, but he felt that he should probably stay with you and Izuku as long as Bakugou is that angry with you both. He wasn't letting up, and somehow he managed to get closer even though you three were all running as fast as you could thanks to adrenaline as shocked and confused classmates and students alike stopped and stared.
"We need to throw away dead weight!" You suddenly said to Izuku and Todoroki, who both looked at you in slight shock. "WHAT?! You're not talking about one of us are you?!" Izuku asked you, wide-eyed and really hoping you wouldn't go that far.
"What are you nuts?! I ain't throwing away neither of you guys!" You said, and as soon as you saw one classmate you quickly used your quirk.
"D'AH! Why am I floating?! Have I died and gone to heaven?! Why are all the girls still wearing their uniforms?!" Mineta asked loudly, before he saw you and you smirked evilly at him as he shrieked in horror. He let out another pig-like squeal as you sent him flying right towards Bakugou whose eyes slightly widened and he quickly raised his palm to blast away that little punk into the atmosphere as you each heard a scream and a little 'ding'.
"You're bad (Y/N)..." Izuku said with a tremor of fear in his tone as you laughed happily, "I know!!" Cheerfully, you used your quirk to use anything else in your vicinity to toss and block Bakugou from getting any closer, and you did manage to succeed when some of the items, including books, trash-cans, and a few other students to slow him down as you snickered again when you heard Bakugou's enraged roars.
2 Hours Later
After 2 hours of running around and playing wild goose chase with Bakugou, you, Izuku and Todoroki finally outran him and came to the best hiding place you knew he wouldn't find you at. The comfort of your house and in your (style) room.
“(Y-Y/N)… you know that we can’t hide in your room forever right? Kacchan probably remembers that you and I would always come over here to hide from him whenever he was really mad, and not only that, but we still have school to attend even if he’s still going to be mad about what just happened. There’s just no way we can avoid him unless we-”. You stopped Izuku as he started mumbling, looking rather nonchalant as you sat on your bed and turned on Netflix.
“He’s not going to find us here… and even if he does, he can’t get in…” You said breezily, not really worrying about Bakugou at the moment as you relaxed on your bed. “Sit with me Izuku. C’mon, let’s just figure out what to watch.” Patting your bed and gesturing him to sit, Izuku blushed as he nervously made his way over and sat beside you, his face beginning to redden as you scooted closer to him with a content smirk.
Much to Todoroki’s discomfort, whom you had invited into your house on your run from Bakugou. “This feels odd... to see you and Midoriya like this..." He said very awkwardly, even though he was oblivious to how you and Midoriya felt about each other, he just knew that the atmosphere was a little awkward. Especially since he and Midoriya were in a girl’s room, and he didn't quite understand why Midoriya suddenly began to blush like that. Nor did he quite know that this what it meant to be the third wheel.
“Ah. Todoroki. C’mere. Sit with us. Plenty of room.” However, you weren’t going to leave Todoroki out. Izuku was the one for you, but you were a bit of a pervert at heart and didn’t mind a very attractive boy like Todoroki being close to you too.
That surprised the boy, and he appeared unsure for a moment until you patted the free space for him to sit down. “C’mon. Right here it’s cool.” You gently coaxed him, and with that Todoroki slowly made his way over to sit down on your bed, next to you while Midoriya was on your other side. You looked extremely pleased and content as you sighed happily.
“You know. You two are my favorite classmates.” You admitted, which earned a bright blush from Izuku and a light flush of surprise from Todoroki.
“Y-You’re just saying that…” Izuku got rather bashful, avoiding your gaze as his face visibly turned red which you found absolutely adorable.
“Why me?” Todoroki sounded more confused, he was strangely flattered but he didn’t know why you liked him.
“Todoroki. I like you because you’re powerful, and you’re not annoying. Plus you’re a lot nicer to me now! You were a total jackass at first until Izuku got to ya.” That came out rather blunt but cheerful as Todoroki nearly expressed some guilt for his past behavior, since he didn’t treat you with much regard before befriending Midoriya. “And you’re cute so that’s a bonus. The other guys are such guys…” You added, and Todoroki looked almost more surprised when you called him cute.
“Izuku. I like you because you've been my friend since we were both really little. I might have met Bakugou first, but I liked you a lot better. I've always liked you a lot better." You admitted as Izuku began to blush even harder, his green eyes widening as his mouth formed in an 'oh' shape as you continued to speak, blushing warmly, "And not only that but you've stuck with me... even though I'm no better than Bakugou. I always drag you into crazy shit, like today, and yet you still stuck with me. I'm a loser." You chuckled and rolled your eyes in a moment of self-loathing. 
"But you never once said 'no' to me. You knew what you were getting into, you knew all my ideas were insane... but you stood with me the whole time... Izuku you make me wish I was a better person... that's why I like you so much... in fact... that's why I... I like-like you so much..." Your face burned red as you grinned shyly once you finally admitted your feelings for the boy you've known since childhood. Izuku's blush deepened, his look of shock not fading as Todoroki also blushed at the sincerity of your words, he wasn't good at reading feelings but based on the way you were talking to Izuku, it seemed that you liked him as more than just a friend.
"You... like-like me?" Izuku asked shakily, obviously still in shock at the mere idea that someone actually liked him as more than just a friend.
"Duh." You smirked and chuckled, thinking that your feelings were pretty obvious since your other classmates, especially Mina and Asui picked up on it fast and had actually encouraged you to tell him. And you did!
"I-I... w-wow I..." He was smiling wide, trying and failing to conceal his grin as he couldn't stop blushing, but he did look you in the eyes as you smirked and put your arm around him. "(Y/N)... I-I... I like-like you too... I kind of... always have... I kind of always thought you like-liked Kacchan though... since you were always making fun of him..." He admitted, even though part of him also knew that you didn't like Bakugou that way even if you did tease him in a manner similar to how girls taunted boys they liked.
"Nope! Hahaha! That porcupine might be fun to mess with, but I don't like-like him... not even sure I like him either though." You shrugged your shoulders as Izuku tried not to snicker, but he squeaked and blushed crimson once he felt your lips peck him on the cheek. And now Todoroki really felt like the third wheel, this was very awkward, and yet at the same time he was also kind of happy for you and Izuku.
"Do you like me?" He suddenly asked you and you and Izuku looked at him in confusion. However, Izuku wasn't jealous because he knew Todoroki didn't think of you like that. At least he seriously hoped he didn't.
But you couldn't help but smile wide at the heterochromatic boy. "Oh Todoroki of course I like you! I just don't like-like you." You affirmed and that reassured him a little bit, relieved that you liked him. "
"You're both saying 'like-like'. When you say that, does that mean when someones likes another person beyond friendship?" He asked, and you and Izuku both nodded with smiles, and Todoroki seemed to get that now.
"That's it bro. Now... Todoroki, new boyfriend, let's do a Stranger Things marathon." You grinned, putting your arm around your new boyfriend whom was smiling and still blushing, especially when you called him 'boyfriend'. Izuku couldn't believe it, he was ecstatic! Even if Bakugou was still angry and out there looking for you both, he was actually your boyfriend now, and you were his girlfriend! There was nothing that could spoil this feeling...
“(Y/N)!” Suddenly, your mom called you and you groaned in annoyance because you had to sit up from your comfortable spot.
“Yeah Ma?”
“Your old friend Katsuki is outside!” Your’s and Izuku’s eyes widened with shock, horror more evident on his face as he looked ready to freak out again, “AH! I knew it! I knew he’d remember!” He exclaimed, getting up off the bed and peeked out your window, flinching once he saw the still pissed blonde walking towards your house.
“Don’t let him in mom! MOM!!" You pleaded for your mother to NOT let Bakugou in, and although she listened to you. He wasn't going anywhere until you and Izuku came outside.
"He's not going to let this go..." Izuku muttered fearfully as Todoroki sighed at just how vindictive Bakugou could be. Obviously he himself wouldn't have been happy if he got spaghetti'd, but he wouldn't really stake someone out just to beat them bloody.
"I've got a plan..." You said deviously, bringing out your phone as Izuku and Todoroki looked at you, not knowing exactly what your 'plan' was but it was probably something underhanded.
"Don't tell me... you know someone...?" Izuku asked you with a small sigh and you smiled at him and blew him a kiss. "Izuku, I'm not letting Katsuki ruin this for us... sure it might be my fault, but still! I know how to get him to leave us alone..." You said sweetly, and Izuku decided to let you take care of it. You were his girlfriend now, and he trusted you.
"Hello Shinsou?" You smirked as soon as your call went through, and Izuku flinched at the knowledge that you knew Shinsou, and well enough to have his phone number...
"Yeah... I'm gonna need your help..."
There you go again. But Izuku adored you with all of your heart, and you adored him with all your heart too. It was all worth it, even if it was at Bakugou's expense of being spaghetti'd.
In fact, that made it all the more worth it to you. You got Izuku's heart, and you got to dump rotten pasta on Bakugou. This was pretty much the best day of your life.
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forthesapphicsonly · 6 years
Being Peter Parker's twin and have the same powers as he (part 1)
So I watched Spiderman Homecoming yesterday again and I got this idea in my head. I'm already working on part two, which involves Infinity War (which I watched right away so my inspiration would not die).
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You're Peter Parker's sister.
Not just any sister, but his twin sister.
And you have the same powers.
Peter won them first, of course.
And he probably should not have taken the spider that bit him home, so he would spare you the same fate.
But Peter, curious as he is, could not help himself and had to carry the spider so he could study it at home. What was your surprise when you came in and came across a little glass box with the little spider in your room?
"Pety!" You shouted, taking the box in hand and scanning the little spider. "Really, what are you up to now?" You murmured as you opened the small box. "There you are, be free" you watched the spider crawl through your fingers and stop in the palm of your hand.
You brought your face closer. You had already studied a little arachnology was a big one and that definitely did not look like a normal spider, it did not look like any species you knew.
"Oh!" You waved as the little traitor bit into you, instinctively stepping on it as it fell to the floor.
"Damn" with low curses, you shook hands. For a small spider, its bite hurt.
"Ang!" Peter appeared in the bedroom door, looking like he had run a marathon. He looked at your hand, then the glass box on the floor, back to your hand.
"No no no no .. did you let her go?" he looked exasperated, looking around.
"I stepped on her" you whispered, embarrassed.
You were going to let her go, and then you killed her. What a horrible person you were.
"She bit me, I acted by reflex" you showed the hand, where the mark of the bite began to stand out in red.
"What? You too? "Peter looked even more agitated as he paced the room, hands running through his hair, talking to himself.
"Pety!" You tried to get their attention. "What do you mean, too? She bit you? And why do you decide to bring her home?" You kept asking the questions while Peter continued to ramble by himself, leaving you more confused. "Peter!" You shouted and Peter stopped, wide-eyed for you.
"OK. I don't know what this bite will do to you, so I'd better tell you soon.." your heart missed a beat.
And that was basically the story of how (as of 24 hours) you also had spider powers. Sense of spider? Argh, you could not tell.
I'm sorry to say that maybe you were going to develop eight extra legs or pair of eyes was not the thing that annoyed you more, but the fact that Peter did not tell you that before.
Your twin brother suddenly gains power and does not tell you anything?
This is completely wrong.
But unlike Peter, you were more sensible.
Since your parents left you at Aunt May and Uncle Ben's house and never came back, you chose to be the 'mature' between the two.
Peter was naive and scared and you swore you would protect him. Even from himself.
So Peter suddenly has powers and wants to go around saving the world and knocking down bad guys was your worst nightmare.
You were going crazy
Peter had powers
You had powers
Peter wanted to make a hero
You just got a scholarship at a school in Canada
There was a lot going on.
But you needed that scholarship.
Peter had his spot in Midtown high school (and only one of you could be there), so you struggled to get that bag. It was important to your future.
"Pety" you sat with your brother in the fire exit of the room. "I have to go." Pety was silent. He only had you and May and now you were going too. Just now that you had discovered the powers!
He had been imagining the incredible things they could do together
He didn't want you to be but he could not be selfish either. You gave up the Midtown spot so he could come in. He owed it to you.
"I know." Peter opened a small, but sad smile. "I know you're going to raze there" Peter muttered, tearing a little smile from you.
"Not as much as you" you joked back.
Like Peter, you had your genius too. But while Peter was a total nerd in science and in every area of ​​exact, your genius was more in language and computation. Where one stood out the other failed. And so they were perfect together. Like Yin and Yang.
"Peter, I want you to promise not to do anything stupid." Peter blinked for a moment.
"But Ang ..." he stuttered, ready to fight back.
"No, Pety, you can't go around making a hero. You're just ... you're just a kid, okay? It's dangerous. I'll be away, I will not be able to protect you, I ... " you caught, your emotions high and confused.
You were this mess since the bite, it was as if all the senses were super sensitive and tall.
"You're my age!" Peter protested. "You're my sister, Ang. Not Mom and Dad. I know how to take care of myself! "Peter got up and entered the room.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, before opening them and watching the sky for a few minutes.
"Just make some sense and think twice before you do anything, okay?" You knew he hear. Improved hearing and everything.
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Turns out Peter did not take your advice.
Eight months after your move to Canada, you've heard of such a Spider-Man on the internet.
It took all your self-control not to scream in the middle of the street when you watched the video on youtube for the first time.
You filled Peter's mailbox that night. And Peter, prioritizing his own life, was smart to ignore all your calls and messages.
You had no way out. Your brother was fighting crime in Queens and you were stuck in Canada until your spring break. Great.
You didn't blame him. Really.
You understood. You were brothers.
You had an unbreakable bond. You were so alike, but so different.
You would not lie, it would be hypocritical of you to say that you did not think or imagine or even acted against the crime at times.
If you had the power to do something, you could not just stand there and do nothing.
But it was your brother you were talking about. Your little brother (ok, you're only 5 minutes older, but still ...)
"Er, hey Ang ..." Peter mumbled on the other side of the video call.
The bastard had the decency to look guilty.
He could not ignore you forever.
As much as Peter wanted to avoid your anger, he never spent more than two days without talking to you. It was for text messages, video calls, calls.
Been for a week. A week without hearing your voice, without hearing from you.
That was consuming him, so he took the courage to finally call you.
You folded your arms over your chest. You were finally alone, your roommate had gone out to some party, so you could talk without the need for codes (yes, you had your own code).
"I should have told Aunt May" was the one answered instead.
Peter's eyes widened and even from another continent, you could tell that his heart would come out of his mouth.
"No no no no, you can't!" Peter pointed a finger at you. "You can't, you'd be giving yourself too"
You raised an eyebrow.
"It's not me who comes out dressed up as a neighborhood hero" you argued and Peter was stuttering with his own words.
"No Ang, really. You can't. I finally found my vocation. I finally found a utility. People need me. They need the spider man"
"And I need my brother. Live"
Peter shut up, you two quiet minutes.
At last, you sighed and rubbed at your temples, feeling the headache that was about to come.
"Okay, if you're going to do this, you need to tell me everything. Okay? You don't have to hide it from me. Banking the hero is not just kicking the ass of bad guys, comes with a load together and I don't want you to go through this alone. We used to tell each other everything. I need it to be that way again. "
And for all your fears and insecurities, Peter's smile on the other side of the canvas warmed your heart a little and gave you a little hope. One that maybe things were not going to turn out that bad.
"YES!" Peter jumped on the other side, jumping and celebrating. You laughed, rolling your eyes affectionately.
Peter finally had someone to talk to and tell and it was not anyone. But his person.
He could explode with happiness.
"Hang on. Are these webs? "Peter questioned when he saw you use your web launcher to reach for your water bottle.
You smiled.
"Yeah, we have a lot to talk about"
Now that you and Peter had no more secrets, the conversations between the two of you became more and more interesting.
"Wait, did you meet Tony Stark?"
"How did you manage to make your webs so semitransparent? Mine still needed a little more elasticity"
His fight against the avengers called Civil War (you would never understand this choice of title.This fight was anything but civil)
"You fought the avengers in Germany?"
"Technically, they were half of them. I stole the shield of Captain America"
When he won a real suit...
"Hey, I had a real suit, that's just improved"
"You're just jealous because Mr.Stark made me a suit and you do not have one"
"I have a suit and it's less flashy than yours"
But nothing had prepared you for Peter's fight against the Vulture. Not even a fight against the avengers (you who knew that even the team of the greatest heroes on earth were separated, they would never really hurt Peter). But Vulture, a vulture tried to kill him.
You felt sick.
"Hey, I'm fine. I swear. My wounds have healed. Look!" Peter was lifting his shirt, showing the still bruised back, which probably looked worse for a few days. Despite their new agreement to tell the truth, Peter avoided this subject for a few days, he did not want to worry you.
It did not work very well.
"Peter, are you sure you should continue with this?"
"I'm fine, I promise. I'm better at it too. Mr.Stark even offered me a seat as an effective member of the avengers." your heart was beating faster and faster with the news. "But I refused!" Peter hurried to explain. "I'm fine, but I'm not ready for this now, don't worry. I'll stay with the neighborhood for now and if the world needs Spider-Man, I'll be there. "Peter stopped talking when he noticed that you did not say anything.
You seemed to be on the verge of a panic attack.
"Ang! Breathe! Look at me, it's going to be okay. I need you to breathe"
You returned to queens a week later.
I'm already writing the second part. Do not worry it will not be long :D
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whottheactualfudge · 7 years
pairing — kwon soonyoung / hoshi (svt) | reader
genre — friends to lovers | fluff | non-idol au
warning — drinking (of age) + a lot of kissing
word count — 3892
summary — moving into a new apartment wasn’t the only thing that was going to change for you
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The night was only beginning as your two friends waltzed into your living room, shouting to announce their arrival in your new apartment.
  “Y/N!” one of your closest friends, (F/N (friend’s name)), yelled.
  “In here!” you responded from a nearby room, poking your head out to smile at them before hurrying out to greet them swiftly. “Sorry, I’m almost done.” You knew that many more people were about to arrive, so you air-kissed them quickly and ran back to your room.
  Looking at yourself in the mirror, you sighed, seeing that your makeup still needed a little bit of adjusting, as well as your hair. 
   "Ahh Y/N, you have to relax," your male friend, Soonyoung, commented. "It's just a party. You've had them before."
   "But I'm super late —"
   "You're not late at all!" He interrupted, smiling, but shaking his head. "No one's here yet."
   You let out a groan, beginning to curl your lashes. "That doesn't mean that I'm not late!"
   "Soonyoung’s right," F/N said as she stood to your left and looked at you in the mirror. "Chill. It'll be great."
   "Easy for you to say," you retorted, applying mascara. "You're ready." A smile stretched across your face when you glanced at her for a brief moment. "You look great, by the way. I love your hair."
   She grinned before lightly punching you in the shoulder. "Thank you! It took about two hours!"
   To your right, Soonyoung grumbled and rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes, you both look good and it takes you both forever to get ready; we get it."
   "Shut up." You scoffed, adding finishing touches to your hair as you looked at him. "Besides...you also look good, Soonyoung."
   "Ha, I always look good." He joked, doing a hair flip that didn't exactly work since he had short hair.
  “I think it’s great that you’re having this party,” F/N mentioned before you could sarcastically reply to Soonyoung. “It’s the best way to announce, ‘this is my new home. Come on over and trash it whenever you want to’.”
  It was your turn to roll your eyes. “It’s a housewarming party, F/N. It’s not like you guys were gonna throw one for me.”
  “If you had asked, we would have!” Soonyoung countered, overreacting offense.
  “Whatever.” You said. “Let’s just clear the boxes before anyone else shows up. There’s room in the back.”
  Without a word, F/N walked out of the room. You started to follow when Soonyoung abruptly stopped you by putting his arm around your waist. He looked at you and smirked, flirtatiously raising a brow.
  With a nervous chuckle and a slight shake of your head, you curiously looked into his brown eyes. He had been acting quite strange recently; flirting with you a lot and doing a lot of things he never did at first. You were giggly and full of butterflies whenever he did so, therefore it wasn’t much of a problem — but, you couldn’t help but feel like it was a bit odd, and wonder, why now, after 3 years of knowing you and being a close friend to you?
  A part of you didn’t like it since that part of you worried that he was only doing it for a reason you hated to admit to yourself.
  (Just. Sex.)
  “What?” you smiled, feeling a blush creep into your cheeks.
  “Are you going to wear heels tonight?” he questioned, removing his hold off your waist.
  “Most probably…why?”
  “Argh,” he threw his head back as he groaned. “Nothing, nothing…just don’t wear anything that would hurt your feet. Whenever you wore heels somewhere, you always end up taking them off. Do I need to remind you?”
  “Soonyoung, that would only happen after hours upon hours of walking. This is my apartment; I think I can manage to walk around in here as much as I want to without feeling the need to remove them.”
  He seemed unconvinced. “Are you going to get incredibly drunk?”
  For some reason, the question bothered you. “No, not tonight; I’ve got early plans tomorrow.” You answered with a frown, and he took notice.
  “All right,” Soonyoung nodded. Looking away, he rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry for all the questions. It’s a new neighborhood…”
  A part of you felt like it was an excuse for something you couldn’t quite understand, but you let it go. “It’s fine, Soonyoung. I appreciate it.”
  Looking up, he smiled at you unevenly, and you couldn’t help but return it.
  “…D-did I tell you that you look beautiful?” he murmured, clearly nervous as he inched closer to you, making you take a step back.
  “I think so,” your smile almost faded as your blush deepened; a part of you held your ground while another part wanted to back off. You weren’t exactly sure which part of you was louder – or rather, which was the right one to listen to.
  “Am I third-wheeling here?” F/N exclaimed from behind Soonyoung, carrying plastic plates and cups in both of her hands.
  Soonyoung visibly jolted and looked over his shoulder at her, but didn’t say a word.
  “N-no, no, sorry, F/N,” you stuttered, walking past Soonyoung and joining her. “He just wanted to discuss something about the apartment.”
  “OK, good. Let’s get started, then.”
                                            ✧ ✧ ✧
Finally, the party had come to an end.
  The apartment felt warm and smaller than it actually was, and you felt comfortable; as though you had been living here for an entire semester already.
  “I’ll see you next week!” you called out after your last guest departed your new home. “Bye!”
  You closed the door and leaned against it briefly before striding over to your couch, dropping onto it with a smile on your face. You weren’t sleepy, but you were tired, and you couldn’t wait to go to bed.
  Scratch that — you didn’t want to go to bed; you barely wanted to move. You pulled the blanket on the couch over your legs and let out a deep sigh, letting go of the stress that had been sitting on your shoulders the entire night.
  “Aaaand done!” Soonyoung appeared to your right, clapping his hands together as though he had just finished building something. You faintly jumped at his exclamation, thinking that you were alone in the flat until he showed up. “Your apartment is now as clean as it can be, after its first party. Congrats! It has been deflowered.” He snickered at his silly joke.
  You groaned as you sank further into your couch, kicking off your heels and putting your legs up. “Thank you so much, Soonyoung. You’re a godsend.”
  “So I’ve been told,” he shrugged, joining you on the sofa and placing the blanket over himself as well. A couple seconds passed before he turned to you and asked, timidly, “Do you mind if I…?”
  He meant to put his arm around you as he gestured to your shoulders. His slightly uneven jawline made his small, unintentional pout even cuter than it already was.
  Without hesitation, you replied with, “No! Of course not; why would I? I mean, not from you, at least.”
  Chuckling, he placed his arm around you as you leaned onto him and located your head on his chest, wondering whether or not you could put your arm around his waist this time. You kept thinking of asking him, but the words never came out, and you didn’t know if it were because you were tired, or shy.
  Endless thoughts began to race through your head; it was the first time you and Soonyoung did something like this. Suddenly, he asked, “What are we watching?” interrupting your train of thought.
  “Flip through the channels.” You smiled, when in fact you weren’t even remotely focused on what was on the TV ahead of the both of you.
  What did this mean, if it meant anything at all? You wondered, somewhat anxious. Has Soonyoung liked me the entire time we were friends, or is it something recent? Does he even like me at all, or is he just being really nice? Are we going to start dating now? Or is this some sort of ‘sign’ of extreme friend-zoning me…? Like when girls are extra touchy with their gay best friends?
  You never thought of Soonyoung in that way; there were a few times when the thought would cross your mind, but you never actually – seriously – considered it. And at that moment, you asked yourself, why didn’t I?
  The notion intrigued you, in a way. Your train of thought returned, bringing forth endless scenarios as you recalled all the times you spent with him. It’s not like you two had been close friends since childhood – no; you two met and became close right before the two of you graduated from high school. Speaking to him and spending time with him was the highlight of your days, especially since he could always find ways to make you laugh.
  Still — there was a lot to go on.
  You questioned every move he made. And then began to question yourself.  This was what you had in mind as the minutes passed:
  Dating Soonyoung PROS:
• He’s so!!! cute!!!!!!!! But also sexy?
• SO talented. I could listen to him singing forever
• Always making me laugh. Hilarious
• Is my closest friend!! <3 thankfully. I’m so lucky to have met him
• One of the BEST people I know. Seriously. So open-minded and accepting.
• Supportive and encouraging. Wouldn’t have done so many things if it weren’t for him
  Dating Soonyoung CONS:
• Can be obnoxious and mean. It hurts me, sometimes
• Will totally make F/N the third wheel –  which is the worst thing!
• Is my closest friend…
• So…it might ruin the friendship if it doesn’t work out. Maybe there’s a way to avoid ruining it?
• Often childish (((((not immature))))) but still annoying in a way
• Not always available…busy. So many times when I wanted to talk to him, he was busy
  “Closest friend” ended up being on both lists since you didn’t know if it were an actual con or a pro. Talking to him about what’s been going on in your life was the only stress reliever you knew you needed – there were not many people you could open up to the same way you opened up to Soonyoung, excluding F/N, since you could tell her anything.
  Still; with Soonyoung, it was different.
  Maybe deep down, I always knew there was something more, you thought.
  “Aw hell yeah!” he abruptly exclaimed as he adjusted himself on the couch beside you, which resulted in his hand finding its way to your waist — again. “I love this movie. I hope you don’t mind me restarting it.”
  “No, go ahead.” You looked at the TV but your mind was elsewhere; mostly, you were focused on him. The sound of his voice and his steady heartbeat, the way you shifted when he laughed, and the way his thumb was rubbing your elbow and his fingers clenching around your clothes – like he wanted something a bit more.
                                 ✧ ✧ ✧
“Psst, Y/N. Wake up. It’s almost 3:30. I gotta go.”
  You felt a soft tap on your cheek as Soonyoung gently shook you to consciousness. “Why are you still here…so late?” you asked, slowly lifting yourself off of him and faintly opening your eyes, looking at him. Even though you had just woken up, you immediately took note of your arm around him. “And why did you let me fall asleep?”
  “I was watching the movie,” he said, as-a-matter-of-factly. “And…I couldn’t wake you. Not right away. You deserved to sleep – even if it were just for a little bit – after such a busy day.”
  You sighed, feeling yourself cave in from his thoughtfulness. “You’re so sweet, Soonyoung. Thank you.”
  He chuckled, removing his arm from around you as he glanced away briefly, and then looking at you again. It was quiet; you watched his eyes dart from your own, your lips and your surroundings. For a moment, it appeared as though he wanted to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth.
  It felt like the both of you were slowly inching closer to each other. You watched as his eyes began to close —
  And then, it happened. Your nerves took over, making your heart pound and your insides shake.
  You didn’t know who exactly initiated it, or who leaned in first; all you knew was that…it felt so wonderful. It felt like something you had been wanting for the longest time, and now, you finally have it; like a breath of fresh air after being stuck in a closed-off room for hours.
  When the kiss was over, it was silent again. Soonyoung’s cheeks were visibly pink as he gazed at you, only inches away from your face; the tips of your noses still touching, along with your lips. He said your name, but you only hummed a response.
  You breathed in his scent as your eyes closed once more, enclosing the space that separated the two of you. Placing your hand on his neck, your fingers entwined with the tips of his hair as you continued to kiss – slowly, as though you had all the time in the world, as though you two had been in love for the longest time and the truth had finally revealed itself. In a peculiar way, you felt liberated.
  He’s kissing me back, you thought. For the second time. It must mean something, right? He didn’t reject me, after all. Didn’t change the subject. Didn’t awkwardly move away or dig up an excuse to leave. Could this be the beginning of something new between us?
  His hand roamed your back as his other hand ran up your thigh, delicately pulling you closer. You took notice of the way he was kissing you; like it was something he had always wanted to do as well, breathing you in and gripping you close, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
  And you did the same: stayed as near to him as you could be, your fingers in his hair and your hand on his neck, unable to detach yourself from him as you fell for the way he moved and the way he smelled.
  He took one deep breath before reluctantly parting from you, however still placing small kisses on and around your lips.
  “U...um…” he breathed, leaning on his shoulder as he watched you through tired eyes. You separated, becoming two individual beings once more. “I should get going.” He continued, rubbing his eyes before ruffling up his hair. He looked down at where his hands were now resting on his lap, and glanced up at you again. For some reason, you felt as though he were upset.
  He didn’t say anything. He just looked at you, and smiled softly before turning and standing. “Sorry if I kept you up.”
  “No, Soonyoung,” you peeped and then cleared your throat. “You didn’t…what’s wrong?”
  “Nothing,” he sighed, disheveling his hair again and shaking his head, looking at the front door as if he wanted to leave right then and there. “I just…I thought it would be different. I wanted it to be different.”
  You blinked. “…Different?”
  Had he been planning something…? And how long was he planning it for?
  “Yeah,” he admitted, glancing at you. “A bit more…romantic, I hoped. Not after a party…”
  “Yes.” He sighed heavily, plopping back down onto the couch and rubbing his face. It looked as though he were preparing himself to say something. “I’ve…” he was staring at his hands, playing around with his fingers, looking for the right words to say. “I kind of…really enjoy being around you…and… maybe, like you, in a way, so I wanted to confess differently. Do things a bit differently.”
  You couldn’t say anything, especially when he looked at you. You didn’t know what exactly was going to happen after the kiss, but things were abruptly clearer to you, and in your head, you kept telling yourself, I should have thought about it more; about what would happen once the kiss was over.
  “It’s okay…” you managed to say, not entirely sure that you, yourself, believed in it. “These things usually happen when you least expect them to. I think that makes it romantic, in a way, too.”
  He looked tense. “…And?”
  “And…? And what?”
  “What do you think?” he looked at you, back at his hands, and back at you, continuously, nervously. “Do you like me…?”
  Only a part of you knew the answer to that, but at the same time, you weren’t sure. Still, you felt the need to reassure him. “I mean…I kissed you, didn’t I?”
  I do like Soonyoung, you told yourself. He’s my closest friend. And maybe…maybe something more, from now on. I’m certain that I like him.
  “…You’re not drunk…or tipsy at all, are you?” he questioned carefully, almost seeming like he regretted the question as soon as the words left his mouth.
  You chose not to complicate it. “I did drink a little bit from here and there, so I am a little tipsy, even after a nap…but I’m being honest, Soonyoung.”
  At the sound of your words, he grinned. You saw the happiness reach his eyes and you wanted to do nothing more than embrace him tightly, caress his hair and continue to kiss him.
  He bit his lip, holding back a laugh, still looking at his hands.
  He’s so cute.
  “Okay…” nodding slowly, he chuckled, appearing relieved. “Okay, then. It’s not exactly what I had in mind…but I’m okay with this.” He turned to you and smiled, making you blush and smile in return. “I’ll come back later, okay Y/N?”
  “Where are you going?” you snickered, unable to stop smiling. It was unexpected, but you were happy, too; it was as if his presence made you all warm and fuzzy, for the first time.
   He must’ve seen the sad look in your eyes since he started talking faster – but he also laughed. “Not-not because I don’t want to stay…I want to, I really do, but I have to go. I have an early shift tomorrow and it’s almost 4 AM…my shift starts at 8.”
  “I like you, Soonyoung.” You blurted, not thinking about it. Your confession caused his eyes to momentarily widen. “I really do.”
  “I like you, too, Y/N. I like you a lot.” He was stopping his mouth from stretching out into a smile by pressing his lips together and leaning towards you to place a soft kiss on your cheek. As soon as his lips left your cheek, he started to giggle impatiently. “I can’t believe it.”
  “Yeah,” you grinned, half confused, half excited. “Me neither. But I’ll see you later…right?”
  “Of course,” he beamed widely, standing up and gathering his things. Clearly, he couldn’t control his facial expressions anymore. “Call me before you come to visit, okay Y/N?”
  It was a dopey smile that drew you into him a lot more – more than you thought was ever possible, with Soonyoung. The fact that the feelings you were feeling were directed towards him was strange and new, but utterly thrilling.
  I can’t wait to see him again, you thought, genuinely feeling that way.
  “I will.” You smiled back, abruptly feeling lightheaded as you turned off the TV and went back into a lying position on the couch, closing your eyes. I guess I’m still tired and sleepy. “I’ll…I’ll call you later, Soonyoung.”
  He let out a loud groan and suddenly, his arms were under you. “You don’t expect me to leave and let you just sleep out here, do you?”
  Before you knew it, you were off the couch and airborne as he carried you into your room. Giggling, you put your arms around him, feeling his fast heartbeat against you, making you blush. You reached up to kiss him, which he didn’t return since it took him by surprise.
  But to you, it already started to feel natural, as though it was something you were supposed to do and something you should’ve been doing for a long time.
  “One, two,” he counted, still grinning from ear to ear as he placed you down on the bed and began covering you up with the blankets. “Stay warm and sleep well.”
  You hummed, looking up at him with a sheepish smile. He turned to leave, but you stopped him. “Wait. Why don’t you stay the night?”
  “You want me to sleep over?” he hesitated, already standing near the entrance to your bedroom.
  “Why not? It wouldn’t be the first time you do.”
  “I told you…as much as I’d love to stay over, Y/N, I have to go in early tomorrow,” he explained, slowly striding in your direction. “I don’t think it’ll work out tonight.”
  You didn’t want to force him, even though, if you had, it also wouldn’t be the first time. Still, you groaned and rolled your eyes. “Okay, I guess…just…”
  “What?” he chuckled, stroking your cheek. “It’s only a few hours.” He joked.
  “Not that, Soonyoung. It’s just that…I have one key. If you leave and lock the door, taking my key, I’ll be locked up in my apartment.” It wasn’t a lie, but it was definitely the perfect excuse to have him sleep over — or so you thought, at least.
  “Ha-ha, you’re cute.” He shook his head. “You’re forgetting that you already gifted F/N and I extra keys to your new place?”
  Your eyes widened, and then you sighed as the memory hit you in the face. “…I remember.”
  “Y/N, I’ll see you tomorrow, all right?” he said, giving you a kiss on the cheek and turning away again.
  You whined, intentionally. “Soonyoung…”
  He rotated back to face you, throwing his hands up in confusion before understanding what you wanted.
  “If I had known you felt so strongly about me…” he teased, leaning down to you once more. “I would’ve planned for this more carefully.”
  “Shut up,” you grumbled, putting your arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer for another kiss. It resulted in him sitting on the bed, trying not to fall over when he was standing.
  I could kiss him for hours…
  “I’m not staying over,” he breathed heavily once he forced himself out of the kiss, pushing his hair back as he sat up. “You can’t make me.” But you both knew that that was a lie.
  “Fine,” you gave in, rolling your eyes. “It was worth a shot.”
  He groaned. “How do you expect me to leave like this?”
  “Hey,” you shrugged. “It’s not my fault.” A giggle escaped your lips, and Soonyoung perceptibly clenched his teeth.
  “I’ll get you tomorrow,” he warned, pointing a finger at you as he stood up and hurried towards the door. “Same time and place, yeah?”
  Nodding, you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. “Yeah, same time and place.”
  Once again, he shook his head, and finally waved a goodbye. “Goodnight, Y/N!”
  “Goodnight.” You smiled, watching him vanish in a flash. “Soonyoung.”
  You hummed to yourself, repeating his name and attaching a cringe-worthy nickname after it, such as ‘gumdrop’ or ‘cupcake’, smiling and laughing yourself to sleep as though he were still in the room.
  And, for the first time in a long time, you felt like you were going to explode from happiness.
  I can’t wait…to see him again.
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aigoo2 · 5 years
In school
“You really wanna skip school today because of an interview?”, asked me Sunmi and looked in disbelief. “Its not just an interview, its for my dream university, the seoul university”, I said. “I guess you can, skip class once in a while, you are the best student in class”, she said and sighed. “So you can tell the teacher that I have a headache?”, I asked and winked at her. She sighed loudly and nodded. I hugged her and left the class. 
So now all I really have to do is go to the interview. No one will know that I have skipped. Good work, Mina. I walked up to my bike and saw Park Baek-hyun (the guy from my class) on his bike, he was just putting on his helmet. Oh no! The moped is so loud,  everyone will notice that we are going to skip school. I ran quickly to Baek-hyun.
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"Yaa Baek-hyun, turn off your bike, otherwise everyone will hear that we're going to skip class today," I shouted.
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He just looked at me disinterestedly and put his key into the keyhole. "Wait at least until I'm gone, then you can drive," I said and winked often and smiled fake.. He just looked at me and started his motorcycle and drove away. Oh such a son of a bitch! I quickly got on my bike and left.
At the interview
"You have very good grades and you have also taken part in enough activities, You are perfectly suited for Seoul University," said the superior of Seoul University. I beamed with joy. "Thank you," I said. "The only thing left is to pay the university fee," she said. "University fee?" I asked shocked. She handed me the payment slip. "I-I didn't know that a number could be so long," I stuttered and looked at the amount. I looked at the superior that smiled at me.
I left the university. How am I supposed to pay that? Argh, I am  too broke for this university. I thought for a long moment. I got it. I’ll look for a part-time job and earn enough money to get into the university. I went home and searched for a job and I found one for a receptionist in a shopping center. Then I apllied for it and went to bed.
Next Day
~Baek-hyun POV
In the director's office before class~
My dad called me and my class teacher to his office.
My father shouted: "How do I look like to other people when my son gets such bad grades and I run the school? What will the others think? How can I lead other students and my own son gets the worst grades in school?” He threw my grade sheet on the table. I turned my eyes away and said with disinterest: "Maybe you should stop teaching then".
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My father jumped up and shouted, "What did you say?” He walked up to me and stood in front of me and grabed me by the neck. "Didn't I tell you that when I talk to you, you should look me in the eyes?" He looked at me repulsively. I looked into his eyes. "I’ll  kick you out of school and disown you, you ungrateful bastard," he shouted and looked seriously. The teacher came between us and separated my father from me.
I caressed my neck. My neck hurt through his grip.
"Let's calm down again. We shouldn't throw him out of school right away. I'll take care of him," the teacher said to my father, who sat back in his seat.
"Well, just get him out of my sight. If he doesn't make it this year, I’ll throw him on the street," my father told the teacher as if I wasn't in the room. I threw my father a look full of hatred before I left the office.
Kang Mina POV~
After class~
Teacher::”Park Baek-Hyun, Kang Mina, you two follow me.” Huh? Why do I have to go to my teacher with Baek-hyun?! I did nothing wrong. I looked to Baek-hyun behind me, who just got up from his seat and followed the teacher. I sighed and followed both.
In the teacher's room~
Me and Baek Hyun stood in front of the teacher.
I shouted irritated:" Whaat! I should help him to improve his grades? Teacher, how am I supposed to learn and work for myself and also teach him?”. I looked at the teacher and then I looked at Baek-hyun, who just stood there and didn’t care at all.
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The teacher looked at me confusedly and said: "Working? you know that working is forbidden at our school.”
I got nervous and said stuttering: " oh did  I say working?, I meant helping at home in the household". I laughed nervously. The teacher looked at me for a moment and said: " so from now on you’re gonna help him with his grades, kang mina. If he doesn't manage to improve his grades, I'll tell the principal that you're working". He got up from his seat and took his bag and said, "See you tomorrow," and left the teachers' room. I jumped annoyed and ran after the teacher and asked him several times not to help Baek-hyun with his grade. He just ignored me and went on. I gave up and stopped in the hallway. I sighed loudly. Arrgh. Why. Such a son of a bitch. I looked behind me and saw Baek-hyun leaving the teachers' room and going the opposite direction of the hallway. I ran after him.
Outside of the school, Baek-hyun sat on his motorcycle and was about to put on his helmet. As I ran to him I yelled, "Yaa! Just because of you I don't have any free time at all anymore. Aissh!". He said, "It's not my problem," and turned his eyes away.I looked at him and asked annoyed: "When do you have time, so we can get this behind us and move on with our separeted lifes".He started his motorbike and just looked at me and turned his eyes away. He was about to leave, but I held his hand so he wouldn't accelerate."I also don’t like this, but not everyone has a rich father to help him with everything out, my work depends on it," I said and looked him seriously in the eye.
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He pulled in his hand. I pulled mine back."Get lost," he shouted and wanted to drive again.I quickly jumped in front of his motorcycle and he braked and switched off the engine."Ya! Out of my way," he shouted angrily. I held onto his steering wheel with both hands and leaned in and looked him in the eyes."You think you can push anyone around because you're the director's son, but not with me. I don't care how rich you are or who your father is," I said angrily. He looked me in the eyes.Suddenly he also leaned in and I went back because of the suprise. I suddenly became nervous and walked aside. He put his helmet on looking at me and started his motorcycle and wanted to drive away. But I quicly said:"Tomorrow after school in the library, I will wait,". He sighed and drove away. Argh! Such a bastard. Uff. Why did he also lean in ? Argh ! What a psycho ! .I got on my bike and wanted to also drive away, but i suddenly noticed that my chain was broken. argh Seriously!! I breathed in and out deeply. I got off my bike and somehow adjusted the chain. Then I made my way home. It had already become dark.
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themeltedheadaches · 8 years
ANTONY: What bad habits do you need to break?i need to quit 1) cracking every joint in my body (especially my neck, it’s started to make distressing crackling sounds), 2) popping my jaw like why ???, 3) biting around my cuticles when i’m stressed, 4) scratching at my skin when i get upset like……………….pls
BEATRICE: What is the achievement you’re most proud of?honestly this is sad but going back to public school after a semester of homeschooling!! it would have been so freaking easy to stay in independent study but i didn’t do it and i’m really proud of myself for pushing so hard. i’m grateful to myself, too, bc i’ve grown so much and met so many wonderful people in high school :)BENVOLIO: What comes to mind when you think of peace?books, cats, walking in a garden, tea, reading aloud. watercolors. my mom’s gardenia lotion. more often, when i think of peace, i remember this feeling i got at my uncle’s memorial - all these tears were being pulled out of me and i was grieving but i was surrounded by people who loved me and understood, and my cousin gave me a poem he wrote as a prayer, and reading it i just felt myself relax and i just felt soothed. it’s weird to say that that was a feeling of peace, but it was, and that memory is actually a comforting one.BIANCA: What do you want most in life?balance!! i am a very intense person and feel things A Lot, and i want to be able to balance myself. it’s “no self-control for days” or “don’t let yourself eat for two whole days” for me, literally, and it’s not healthy!! arghCELIA: Do you want to fall in love?i’d like to! but my last experience was so toxic and disingenuous i’m a bit scared :(CIRCE: Would you rather be loved or feared?loved CLAUDIUS: What is the worst thing you’ve ever done?honestly……………idek, there’s a lot of things in my life that i would do differently but idk if a particularly bad thing stands out? probably not trying hard enough, in generalCORDELIA: Do you consider yourself a good person?i’d say so! i hope so.CRESSIDA: What makes you feel trapped?i cannot wake up later than 10:30 or the day is ruined and i will be a useless self-pitying mess DESDEMONA: Do you believe that the truth will set you free?i’d always rather know the truth than any other alternative, so yesEDGAR: Do you want to make your family proud?yes!!EDMUND: Do you ever wish you’d been born someone else? If so, who?not really. GERTRUDE: Would you (or have you) ever cheated on a significant other?no and no HAMLET: Do you prefer to think things through thoroughly or act on impulse?i act on impulse so much omfg it hasn’t really ever gotten me into trouble but Oh Boy Will It One DayHECATE: Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?introvert omgHELENUS: Do you believe in God?yeah but not in a christian sense at all tho (judaism ftw)HIPPOLYTA: What is your biggest regret?not putting myself out there more! i want to share a lot of my work with The World (aka the internet or even just in school) but it’s so hard for me??? and i regret it now that high school is ending!!HORATIO: Who do you love most?i honestly probably have the most unconditional and gentlest love for my older bro, we support each other so casually and naturally and i’m so lucky to have such a good friend in him. i have the most overwhelming love for my friends tho, it just kind of bubbles up out of me when i’m around them and thinking about them!! i love them!! i’m so lucky to have them in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!JULIET: What is your favorite luxury?chocolate, tea, fun soaps/perfumesLADY MACBETH: What is your favorite thing about yourself?my eyes!! they are my one feature that somehow never disappoint. the rest of me is a disaster lmaoMACBETH: Have you ever killed anyone? Would you?no and i certainly hope notMALCOLM: What does honor mean to you?doing everything you can not to fail, following things through, being loyal but not blind. having dignity. picking your battles. having bravery but also kindness as two top priorities.MEDEA: Do you have any quirks?i can’t sleep unless it’s on my right side, i read horror movie wiki pages so i know what happens but don’t have to see the actual movie, i have a terrifying ability to accidentally spoil books, i hate tomatoes, balloon animals make me cry (it’s sad when they pop), etc.MERCUTIO: Is there anyone you would die for?yes! any of my friends, and most of my family.MIRANDA: Is happiness a choice?it can be. but not always!OBERON: Does reputation matter to you?lol i am one of the proudest people i know OPHELIA: Is there anything you regret not doing?see the hyppolyta answer!ORSINO: If you could have any material thing in the world, what would it be?a pet!!PARIS: If you had the chance to rule the world, would you?if i could rule it as a united force, then yes!! taking AP enviro sci has made me so anxious to get started on trying to help fix/prevent the mess our environment is in PORTIA: When did you lose your innocence?OH BOY i think i still have small bits of it! i don’t think we ever fully lose our innocence, it just loses a little bit of its shinePUCK: Do you consider yourself a mischievous person? actually yes, especially if someone tells me not to do something and i can annoy them by doing it. i live to tease people.ROMEO: How far would you go for love?Ridiculously Far but not so far as to degrade myself. if i think i deserve better or aren’t getting all that someone can give me in fair trade, i won’t go any farther than i already haveROSALIND: What does your ideal day entail?sleep, tea, beach, milkshake, some kind of poetry performance, shopping, concert, macarons, bath, warm milk, early sleepROSALINE: Which people from your past haunt you?ugh honestly i’m trying not to let anyone keep effecting me!!! the past is the past and it may be Nasty but ya just gotta learn from it, is the perspective i’m trying to get withSEBASTIAN: Is violence ever the answer?short-term yes, long-term noTITANIA: Do you believe in magic?:)TYBALT: If you could kill one person without consequences, who would it be?honestly probably no one b/c anyone i’d pick would have too many domino effects and it would be so badVIOLA: How skilled of a liar are you?sometimes i think i’m a Super Liar and i’m the most impenetrable person ever and then i realize that i’m actually the least subtle and can’t tell a big lie to save my lifeVOLUMNIA: Describe the biggest sacrifice you’ve made.i let patrick read as hamlet this week in ap english and let me tell you it was rough :( 
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chipsanddespair · 7 years
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Clinton Naik
Argh, Im so angry today.
I dont know where this anger came from, but Ive just been cranky all day. I woke up and I just felt bored, and angry because of it, and so complacent and dissatisfied. My whole life, those who are in my life, my body, my bank account, where I stay…just, e v e r y t h i n g made/makes me unhappy. I want it to be better than it is right now. I just wanted some fun activity to wake up and do this Saturday. I wanted a partner to get up with me and motivate me. I wanted a house to myself to wake up and dawdle around in whilst I still woke up. I dont want a dog but I cant let him go. I do everything I can to make sure he is well taken care of still, but at the expense of my own happiness. He is a handful. He is too active and eats anything for any reason. Hes a bulldog but looks like a pitbull, so people judge him by his breed and I can tell they look at us like we are a part of a gang or something and it really pisses me off. It hadnt even reached midday yet and the downward spiral was beginning. I dont have that much money in the bank thanks to my obsessive need to pay back things and not be in debt. Even though Ive set it aside, as in most of what I earned this payday, I still feel snowed under and I will have to use my credit card and thus in turn, pay that back in the future. Earlier I was shown a bit of attitude from Beau about sending him some money to pay back for the times hed paid on my behalf. I thought I sent enough, I cant be sure because I didnt keep track of all the times and what that added up to in the end. Just know this, I have spent well enough on behalf of him too and havent seen compensation for that - it just set me right off to notice this ungrateful trait. I gave what I had left to him. He is the one that quit his job to pursue his passions and cannot control his impulsive preference for fresh cooked food (i.e. take out). This is a personal rant that probably wont make sense. Im not writing it to make sense to anyone. Im just letting whatever needs to come out, come out. Im still pissed off. I dont feel like this relationship works anymore. I dont want to take care of anyone else except myself, maybe I should re home the dog for my well-being. I try my best with him but its just getting too much. It does not help that we live in a small place unsuitable for dogs and we make do with the space we have but its just, no backyard equals poop stops out on the roadside. Anyone reading this would probably judge me, people tend to do that, and I totally get it. I kind of walk the same line as well sometimes. But argh, I just need to complain, pettiness and all. Because Im feeling better as I do it. I had a long phone call today with my Dad. I hadnt spoken to him in ages and it was nice to catch up. I got mad though, he has a knack for not listening. Or you say something and hell say something different as if he wasnt listening. Or hell retell a story hes told a thousand times. I need to be easier on the people who retell me stuff, I just have a big ego and that ego doesnt want to be seen as stupid. Im still mad, but better. I just want to get out of here, I want to drive a thousand miles in one direction and not have to worry about anyone else or any responsibilities. I caught my reflection in the mirror, I exhaled and relaxed my stomach and it spilled out. I look like Im pregnant and my back hurts because of all this weight. Does anyone ever get caught in that pit of despair where they just cant talk. I dont want to cry for help because Im angry at every single person I think Id meet, but I most definitely need some kind of help, or something, I dont know. Conflict is the worst. I need to hold on to hope, and cut this rage in half. Sit down with it for a bit and let it tell me what it needs to. Im not mad at anyone, I truly am not. Im disappointed, maybe, that people cant read my mind, or they arent empaths so they cant understand what I feel and give me what I need. So in turn, I need myself. This is just a slump. A rough patch on the windy road to happiness. They say happiness is a choice, and okay, I choose to be happy now. I have identified my anger, I have identified my dissatisfaction with my current relationship. I have identified that what I am doing now makes me feel somewhat better. I go back and forth still, angry and okay, angry and okay. An annoying song always played on the radio echoes in my head and it only serves to irk me. Is it wrong of me to want the hurricane to come down here and devastate. If it were only me, I would be all for it. No one else would have to get hurt. Im weird like that. I feel like I have such a mundane life that anything like fire drills, floods, tremors, anything that will rip me out of everyday life, those things will liberate me and I will have something else to live for. My basic needs will be more important than my need to go to work and pay bills and expenses. That I will have to survive and experience the thrill of survival rather than crawl through this oppressive corporate world. When I had a freak out like this, mid-January some time, or February. I remember just collapsing in on myself. I couldnt speak, I couldnt feel anything good. I lay down, I wasnt even sleepy, I cried and cried and every emotion was just desolate and I couldnt get up or eat. Beau was there however he could be, but its never quite what I think I need? I appreciate what he does, in all his limited knowledge, but theres something thats missing, compared to someone who has had years in this world and lived an involved and rich life, does that make sense? I need someone, who knows what its like to suffer and have come to terms with their torment, not someone who has known anxiety all his life and not fully reflected upon it. Its not his fault though. Nothing that happens to me is anyones fault, I must remember that. I choose who is in my life, and because of how I have chosen to go about things, I have no one close to me anymore. They are overseas, and available by message but I cant bear to be askedHow are you? How are things? Because I have so little going on right now and I am just not in a mentally healthy space to hear about all the great things others are doing. Does that make me horrible? If it does, Im quite used to being horrible.
POSITIVE. Got to remain positive. Things that are getting me down is: EVERYTHING. BUT, what can I do to fix it?
I am okay for funds. I need to buy me food for the week but I can try and make that a total cost of $50. In that case, I will only have to repay the credit card $100 and that is doable for when the time comes. I will have to pay for gas soon, $60, $160. That is okay. Im taking Beaus rainy day fund for a ticket he racked up using my car and I will also use that for board and pay it back slowly because Im still mad he even dared call my contributionlittle given our circumstances. I will check out the gym tomorrow, have a look around, and when I have the funds, I shall join asap and proceed to go to group fitness classes after work. By the looks of it, the best classes start from Wednesday through to Sunday. Four days of seven is okay! Monday and Tuesday can be swims or dog walks. I need to get my Fitbit charged so I can monitor my calories burned. That being said, before even going food shopping, I need me a caloric diet plan and I will stick to that like no other. Its funny, my biggest personal growths are always from moments between Beau and I that further separate us. I dont know if thats actually good or not but personally I feel motivated to get myself sorted the more he makes me regret wanting to be associated together. That does actually sound really toxic, well see how we are by the years end. I should do a weight loss progress report after this. I need my weight and measurements, do some calculations for calories and then think about what I like eating and fit that into my caloric diet. What I learnt when I was having fun with this last year was that even though 1700 calories is pretty hard to stay at or under, if you go and burn a few 100 at the gym, youre all sorted! You can eat more, you dont feel like youre starving and you get to ride the wave of endorphins because of the exercise - win win!
I feel like theres something missing.
I could tidy the room a bit. I need to buy more tights - they are usually $6 a pair. I think I could get three. $178.
Oh my gosh. I owe a friend a banner designed on photoshop, and because I take a long time to do things, especially creative things since Im not bursting with ideas, that is low key stressing me out because I dont want to let him down. Oh wow, maybe thats why I have such salty feelings :o
I have to set aside some time to do that tomorrow.
On an consistency achievement note, I have been diligently salt water soaking my piercing that was giving me trouble and it looks like its settling down :)
I already feel better. You know what would make it even better, a nice hot shower. Oh yes, I feel way better. Oh hey, and why not stop there, Im going to make me a perfectly tempered hot cup of tea and tune in to a Netflix movie before I say goodnight to my subscription. I feel like rewarding my eyes and brain with the talents of Heath Ledger and his amazing portrayal of the Joker.
So, tonight:
caloric diet to be made
weight and measurements to be taken
tidy room a bit
watch The Dark Knight after cup of tea is made
design banner for friend
scope out gym (maybe sign up if they offer something beneficial for me in my circumstance)
check out this yoga/pilates place near house
laundry! clothes, sheets and blankets
give $200 board to landlord
Next three days:
pay off $150 ticket
cancel Netflix
pay car rego $13
Letting out the bad unfiltered helps to clear way for the good. And planning how to get the good gets your mind thinking of how to be productive.
Thank you, blog <3
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padfootagain · 5 years
The Flower Shop Around The Corner (II)
Part 2 : Ray Of Sunshine
 Here is the second part of my cute series for Chris Evans! For now, all things are a little chaotic. But hey, you know me… it's still cute :)
Hope you all like it!
Gif not mine
Word Count : 2000
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How could anyone be that annoying?
It was beyond comprehension.
And the worst part was that everyone else seemed to love him. When you? You were starting to seriously hate him.
Hate may have been a strong word but he was just… so… argh!
There were no words that came to your mind. What was beyond absolutely annoyed?
Not that he was a total jerk, and that was the worst part, what annoyed you the most. Because you couldn’t just blame the fact that he was evil, as he wasn’t evil at all. There was just something about him that went on your nerves. Perhaps it was the tiny crooked smile that never left his lips, or the way he laughed so dramatically and… actually you could make an entire essay on how his bloody laugh annoyed you. The way he always threw his whole body around, you thought he would fall off his chair everytime. And the way he always grabbed his chest, why did he do that? Was he afraid to lose a boob laughing? And how loud he was and the jokes, for goodness sake, how old was he? Five? And whenever you wanted to actually work, he was always joking around and you could never focus and you were so infuriated and…
Just the thought made your heart rush in your chest with anger, and you had to take a deep breath to calm down. There was nothing you could do about Chris Evans. He was your coworker, and that was it. How could you play a romantic comedy with him though? For now, you seemed able to fool your director and he seemed satisfied with your work. You hadn’t had to kiss him yet though.
Urgh… the mere thought was disgusting.
You were halfway through the project and you really didn’t know how you could finish it. You knew you had to, you just didn’t know how.
You kicked an imaginary can as you walked through the sunny street, your hands in the pockets of your jeans and your face turned towards the sky. Summer lingered on through the weeks of August, even if September would soon spread its chilly breeze. It was still early in the morning, but the streets, as usual, were filled with hurrying strangers. Shops were getting ready to open, the rhythm of the town still a little lazier than what it commonly was.
The front of the flower shop appeared by your side, your feet guiding you to the quiet and colourful place without you even noticing. It was a ritual by now. Every morning, before heading to work, you spent a few minutes at the flower shop to get your letter.
A smile formed on your lips at the mere thought, and through the street coloured in gold by the early sun, all thoughts of your colleague disappeared. Instead, they were replaced by this delightful feeling of calm and joy that never failed to cross your heart at the thought of the letters you received every day.
After giving back his wallet to this stranger, you had, for some unknown reason, listened to the florist and came back the next day. And he had indeed left you another note. So you replied. And he replied back… and on and on the notes turned into letters and now every morning you got a letter from him and left your answer for him to find in the evening. It had been going on for weeks now, through the whole summer actually. And it was your favourite thing in New York now.
Why had it turned so important to you? Perhaps it was the mere thrill of writing to a perfect stranger. After all, you had never met, you had no idea how old he was or what he looked like, you didn’t even know clearly what was his job. You didn’t even know his name. He always signed his letters by The Wallet Guy, and you signed with The Peonies Girl. And that was enough. For now at least, it was.
In contrast, you were talking about more intimate things that you would have done with even your friends. It was the final proof that sometimes, it was easier to speak to a perfect stranger than to your dearest friend. You just needed to find the right ear to whisper to. And you found it in the Wallet Guy, clearly.
You knocked on the glass door of the flower shop. It was too early for the store to be open, but it had never been an issue. The merry owner always let you in, excited to play her part in this game between two strangers.
A game… it was turning into much more than a mere game for you though. After all, you were so fond of this new friend of yours. He was charming, funny, delicate, such a good listener and adviser, grounded, fragile…
With a snort, you thought he was quite the opposite to your colleague.
But you pushed the thought of Chris away once more, and instead, knocked on the front door for Carlotta to unlock the door.
As she did everyday, she opened the door with a grin and invited you inside.
She didn’t lose any time, and reached on the counter to collect the red envelope your stranger had left for you. Upon the crimson paper, the words Peonies Girl were traced in a tiny and nervous handwriting that by now you could have recognized anywhere.
"He rewrote it three times. Three times!" Carlotta excitedly told you.
You leaned against the wooden counter and tore the envelope open without further wasted moment, but you couldn’t refrain the shy smile her remark brought to your lips.
You had barely read a couple of words that you felt all your worries vanish, and your shy smile widened and turned into a bright one.
 Dear Peony,
 I like this nickname of yours. It suits you well. It breathes summer warmth and a soft joy that turns people peaceful.
I understand how it feels to miss home. I’m not so far from Boston and yet I would do anything to go there and have a meal on Sunday with all my family. Even my dog misses it. I can see it. No, of course I am not simply using him as an ally just to prove a point. He really misses it. He told me this very morning.
I’m sorry to hear that you are having troubles with your colleague. But we all have people around us we don’t get along with. Just… try not to punch him, would you? Besides, who knows, perhaps he’s not as bad as he seems. Perhaps it just takes a little time for the two of you to get to know each other. As a proof, a colleague of mine said today that I was childish and unprofessional. Now, to a certain extent I wouldn’t care, but I don’t know why her words really went straight to my heart. I don’t know why I care so much, we don’t even like each other, quite the opposite, actually. A little bit like you and your own colleague, I guess. But coming from her it felt painful. Perhaps it’s because she is talented. I don’t think I’ll understand this reaction of mine. Perhaps it’s just my brain making too many thoughts again. I have to admit that I'm quite stressed these days, and I struggle a little more than usual with my own thoughts.
The news this morning have me horrified. Once more, I know, and one might think that by now I’m used to it, but far from it. I reckon my last tweet pissed off a few of our idiotic president's followers. I couldn’t be happier.
It’s late already, and I pity this poor Carlotta for keeping her store open so late at night simply for me to write to you. I try to hurry as I put my words on the page, but then I only end up starting all over again, unsatisfied. I don’t know why I want so badly to express my thoughts the right way with you. But after all, reading your letter every evening is probably the brightest moment of my day, I merely hope that my messages reach your heart the same way yours reach mine.
 All yours,
 The Wallet Guy.
 You folded back the letter with a grin. You hadn’t even noticed it, but on the counter by your side, Carlotta had put down a cup of hot coffee, a pen, a few sheets of paper and a blue envelope. She was leaning on the other side of the counter and watching you with eyes full of mischief.
"So?" she asked with a crooked smile.
"So… nothing… unusual…" you spoke softly, but the bright smile on your face was giving it all away.
"Oh, come on! Give me something!"
You rolled your eyes.
"So… he was very sweet," you answered with a dreamy smile lingering on your lips.
She let out a strange noise between a squeal and a giggle, and went back to tend to her flowers with an excited look on her face.
Meanwhile, you drank a gulp of the warm beverage, picked up the pen, and began to write back.
 Chris was exhausted. No matter how many cups of coffee he drank up, he couldn’t wipe away the fatigue that drowned him. Long hours of work were a part of the reason. The rest was his friends deciding to drop by and spend the night drinking and laughing with him. He still had a headache, that the mere three hours of sleep he had managed to grab had not been able to diminish.
The second he saw you, he felt his whole body tensing. You had a dreamy smile on your lips, and he wondered where the gesture came from. It was on your features every morning, and would slowly wane as the hours flew away and the sun up there travelled across the sky to sink in the Hudson River.
He welcomed you with a forced smile as you sat down by his side in the chair marked with your name, waiting for the scene to start, and he recognized the faked gesture on your lips as well. A polite but frozen curve traced on your lips that matched his.
For a moment, you remained motionless, sitting side by side but separated by a world of thoughts. All around, people hurried back and forth, from cameramen to make up artists, getting ready to start shooting the new scenes.
"You look terrible," you blurted out in an innocent voice.
"Thank you," he sighed.
"Will you be up for today?"
"Doubting my professionalism again, I see…"
You didn't know if he was joking or not. You preferred to keep your reaction cautious and didn't reply anything.
"Don't worry, a little lack of sleep won't stop me from learning my lines," he went on. "But I reckon that a little party once in a while would do you good."
You glared at him.
"I was just kidding," he defended himself, but you were far from convinced.
In fact, you were angry already. What was the point in a remark like that? His tone sounded innocent, but you failed to see if he was really joking or not.
"I'm not as boring as you might think," you mumbled in an annoyed tone.
He heaved a sigh.
"I never said you were boring. You simply have no sense of humour whatsoever."
"Or perhaps you're just not funny."
He shook his head, and there was an expression on his face suddenly, that was almost close to guilt.
"That was a little mean."
"No more than usual," you shrugged.
"Why do you enjoy getting on my nerves like that?"
"I could ask you the same thing."
You were relieved as you were called for your first scene of the day.
"Lucky we are to have only a few weeks left and then we can stay as far from each other as we can."
"What a bliss that will be, I can't wait."
"So… back at politely hating each other."
"I reckon it's for the best."
Chris remained silent for a short moment, before getting up as well and following you across the large hall to reach the set where an office had been built.
"That's a shame, really. I'm sure we could have been friends."
"Friends?" you laughed at him. "I don't think so."
"If you weren't so uptight…"
"And if you weren't so childish… But we're not living in a fairytale, and you can't get alone with everyone you meet."
He nodded before asking you if you wanted to talk about the scene. A voice polite and rather cold for him. Neutral. It was the best he could do.
Why couldn’t the two of you get along, he didn't really know. He couldn't say that you were a bad person, you just seemed so annoyed by him. And he was annoyed by you. He liked professionalism, but he also liked to joke around, and you seemed immune to his humour. You seemed kinder than you behaved around him.
A pity, but he guessed you were right. Sometimes, people just didn't like each other. At least, not under these circumstances.
Tag list : @ponycake27 @horsesreign @xinyourdreamsx @jbluevelvet @notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss @stuckupstucky @snek-shit @suchatinyinfinity @i-padfootblack-things @theonelittleone @bookgirlunicorn @madamrogers @marvelcapsicle
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Enough Is Enough - Part 5
Summary: You have known Bucky Barnes your entire life and he is your twin brother’s best friend, so seeing him on a daily basis shouldn’t be all that much of a problem right? Wrong. You hate the guy, with a passion, and no matter how hard you try you just can’t seem to get rid of him. He is there, constantly, like some persistent little pest that refuses to leave from where it’s not welcome.
So what happens when you start to pick up on just why that might be? Will your strong opinion on him change or become even worse?
Note: This is the fifth part to my entry for Tay’s AU Writing Challenge I had the prompt  “I don’t hate you. It’s just that if you were on fire I wouldn’t piss on you to save your life, is all.” and chose to have it as a Bucky x Reader fic.I’m so glad that you are all enjoying this….your feedback is appreciated soooooo much <3 I am so sorry for the delay in getting this posted!
Bucky x Reader (AU)
Words: 1,498
Warnings: Language, upset, violence and mentions of injury and blood.
Disclaimer: GIF is not mine so all credit goes to it’s wonderful creator.
‘Enough Is Enough’ Masterlist
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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It felt like an entire eternity had passed you by before you were finally able to force your thumb down onto the phone screen to open up the picture you had been sent.
There was Bucky, as clear as day, and next to him was Sam – both men seemed to be laughing at something that had been said. During the time he was supposed to be here with you, whisking you away on the date he had been so desperate for you to agree to, he was with the man who had caused you so such grief at school.
It was happening all over again. He was using you to have a laugh with his mates….
You could feel the sickness beginning to rise up into your throat just as a knock echoed out around the room from your front door.
                                        * * * * * * * * * * 
He felt like a new man and as he walked down the street in the direction of your apartment his grin stretched from ear to ear. It had taken years to finally get you to agree to go out on a date with him and now the night was finally here he couldn’t wait to prove to you how he truly felt – after tonight all the bad things that had happened would be put in the past and would stay there. He was determined to make sure that nothing came in the way of the two of you again.
“Well don’t you look like the cat who got the cream!”
A familiar voice interrupted the happy thoughts that had been running through his mind and immediately the grin that had once been there contorted itself into a frown.
“Sam….” The tone in Bucky’s voice was more than enough to show the dislike he felt at the appearance of his old school friend. “…I don’t have time for this.”
“Nah I don’t believe that for a second!” He threw a hand down onto his shoulder before pulling him a little closer into the doorway he seemed to have sprung from. “You can always make time for a good friend you haven’t seen for years. So come on then, who’s the lucky girl?”
The unwelcome male gave him an exaggerated look up and down to indicate that he had spotted the rather suave look he had going on; it wasn’t exactly ‘the norm’ for James Buchanan Barnes to be walking about in a suit worthy enough for James Bond himself so it was glaringly obvious he was out to impress.
Bucky’s cheeks betrayed him as a crimson blush radiated across them from the thought of you. When he realised what was happening he quickly collected himself enough to snap out at Sam defensively.
“None of your business Wilson so why don’t you find someone else to annoy.”
Sam had been readying himself to vocalise some kind of witty comeback at his old friend but his eyes widened as the penny finally dropped.
“Holy shit…..it’s [y/n] isn’t it? Damn you still messing with her man?!”
The next slap he received to his shoulder was shortly followed by the loudest, most obnoxious, laugh that seemed to resonate off the very walls around them and attacked the very last bit of patience he had for the male in front of him. They may have been friends once, many years ago, but that didn’t mean he wanted anything to do with him right now and the last thing he was going to do was listen to him talk bad about you.
Offering Sam a false sense of security Bucky initially seemed to return his laugh, oblivious to the fact that this was the very moment your closest friends had come within line of sight of this current confrontation, but after a short while his laugh faded, along with the fake grin he’d plastered onto his face and before Sam had any chance to react a balled up fist met with his face hard.
It was an action that, if seen by both Natasha and Wanda, would have changed the outcome of the rest of the evening dramatically but they had since gone about their activities and hadn’t seen the move he had made in your honour – the negative chain of events that would transpire from this action had already been set in motion.
“Argh! What the fuck Barnes?!”
Bucky’s fist was still clenched as Sam’s hands moved to clutch his now bleeding nose, a look that had a mixture of both pain and disgust etched across his face.
“You so much as speak her name again and you will have a lot more than a broken nose do you understand me?” Another wave of anger filled him as his uninjured hand grabbed hold of Sam’s shirt, so he could bring their faces within inches of the other’s. “I’m not that boy you once knew, the one that just went along with anything you did. I love [y/n], always have, and I will tell her, and show her, that tonight….NOTHING, not even a piece of scum like you, will get in the way of that.”
“You are one stupid fuck Barnes.” He laughed out, sending small splatters of blood flying onto the shirt Bucky was wearing, before pulling himself free from his grip. “She’ll bring you nothing but humilia-“
He didn’t have the patience for this and unless he fancied residing inside a prison cell for the next few years he decided that walking away from him was the best thing for him to do right now- there was every chance he would put Sam in hospital if he stuck around any longer. Making him pay for the bad things he’d said about you was going to have to wait till another day…..tonight was about you, you and the relationship he desired to have.
                                        * * * * * * * * * *
His heart had been racing before he’d even knocked at your apartment door and as it opened he could have sworn it was about to jump right out of his chest; he had never felt this nervous around you before, it was like you were meeting for the first time again.
It was silly, he knew that, but this is what you did to him.
The smile he had been wearing as he walked down the street, before seeing Sam, was back on his face as he finally caught a glimpse of your face through the crack in the door as it opened.
“I’m so sor-“ He had been about to apologise to you for his tardiness, knowing that you would have thought the worst of him, but when he saw your bloodshot eyes and tearstained cheeks his heart sank right down to the bottom of his stomach. “Jesus [y/n] what’s happened?”
Instinctively he moved towards you, wanting to hold you close to him just as he had done back in the shed, but before his foot had even moved an inch you backed off away from him. You couldn’t let him near you, not again, you had let him into your life a little more than you ever had done over the years and this was how he repaid you….by associating with the one person who had made your school years hell.
“You need to leave James.”
Crap. You were back to calling him James again, now he knew he really was in trouble.
“Wait. Come on now [y/n] I’m not even that late…I would have been here on time bu-“
“But you were too busy having a laugh with Sam about me?” You didn’t want to give him any chance to deny it, to fabricate some ridiculous story that you would never believe, and so before another word escaped his lips you showed him the picture that Nat and Wanda had sent to you. “I’m never anything but a bet for you, entertainment for you and those immature friends of yours, I don’t know why I thought tonight would be any different.”
There were so many tears biting at the back of your eyes, wanting to be released, but you refused to cry another tear over him . In fact at that very moment as you broke your gaze away from his you decided that you didn’t want to waste another second on him and you slammed the door shut in his face, the blood on his shirt not even registering in your mind yet.
Bucky could do nothing but stand there and look at the wood of the door, noticing the small cracks in it, for a few moments – disbelief incapacitating him from doing anything else  but after a while he seemed to snap out of whatever state of mind he had gone into and started to pound his bloodied fist hard on your door.
“Open the goddamn door [y’n]! You’ve got this all wrong!”
His words were met with silence.
Permanent tag list (if I have missed anyone out then please let me know):  
@elwenia​ @elaacreditava​@marvel-fanfiction​@wantingtobekorra​@fandom-rpblog​ @just-call-me-your-darling​@deanwinnchesterisbae​ @justreadingfics@cinema212@cassandras-musings@engineeringgirlcve@thewinterswimmer@buckybarnesappreciationsociety @mizzzpink @mary-is-coolbeans@fourtyninekirbygamzeegirl @noir-agneau @purplekitten30@abbybills22@misticalnellie @alwayshave-faith @sammnipple @upon-a-girl@yknott81 @melconnor2007​ @avc212​ @milychetto​@elsatheizequeen​@dirtytomatoed​ @retroasgardian​@iamwarrenspeace​ @hollycornish​@ipaintmelodies​@ria132love​ @flirtswithdanger​ @curlycals​ @im-disgustingly-vain​ @badassbaker​ @chamongangae​ @kika-doll​ @broken-pieces​ ​ @supernatural-girl97​ @seninjakitey​ @lilya-petrichor​@thefridgeismybestie​ @princess76179​@pineapplebooboo​ @heytherepartner​  @mrs-stan-barnes​@raxacoricofallapatoriuspotter​@yaszx​ @superwholockpoop​@kapolisradomthoughts​ @hi-my-name-is-riley​ @silverangel907​@bioticgoddess​  @princesse-de-ravenclaw​@thepoet1975​@georgiagrl1990​ @its-not-a-tulpa@waywardpumpkin@avinaris@missinstantgratification@httpmcrvel@geeksareunique@aislingsartistry@missmeganrachel@sebstanchrisevanchickforever19@mynameisnatalia@marvelsparklez124@ldyhawkeye @breenieweenie @creepy-soul-taker@thesassmisstress@multi-fan @shannonr2003 @dani5216 @golden-guide@terensebastianstan @feelmyroarrrr @loverbug1123 @maggyme13 @crazy-little-thing-called-buck
Story tag list: @bucky-barnes-x @mysticallandmaker @parkerit@boyzines @rebeccam7932-blog @bexboo616@klaudiajaskulska @bvckys-doll @lifeasabookbutterfly@mpunter @alek-glz @queenofthecastle9715 @gatorgal94@beeboatthedxsco @moonandstars-xo @dishonourablethief@littlenerdgirl16 @goback2bed @kgbrenner @skeletoresinthebasement @xceafh
Writing challenge tag: @sgtbxckybxrnes​
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