#i can’t dance my parents ruined that chance by being conservative
drarryangels · 4 years
It’s pouring rain. Absolutely down pouring. There’s one bannister, you know like canopy overhand thing in front of this cafe. Harry runs under seeking shelter, then Draco. In my mind they don’t know each other, but they feel something special with the other. But as soon as the rain stops they’ll have no more excuse to be there with each other
Harry runs under the canopy, holding his jacket over his head, and keeping his head turned down from the rain. Harry nods to a man standing under the canopy, and the man nods back in mutual suffering.
Harry hates the rain. Always has. He can’t remember a day in his life, even when he was young and he had people to protect him from the storms. His mum used to hold him close to her chest and dance him around the kitchen, humming, when the storms came and thunder racketed through the house. Harry doesn’t need protecting from storms anymore. He still misses his mum and dad.
The man standing next to him taps away viciously on the screen of his phone. Harry stares out at the people running past with umbrellas and coats over their heads, and tries not to feel awkward standing silently next to this man who is clearly sheltering from the rain as well.
“Hullo,” Harry says finally. He grins widely at the man as a friendly gesture.
The man looks up sharply and checks to see if Harry is speaking to him. “Hello?”
“Sheltering from the rain?” Harry gestures vaguely out at the pounding sleets of rain.
The man tilts his head to the side a little. “Yes. I didn’t want to ruin my new shoes.”
Harry glances down at the man’s feet to see the shined toes of leather shoes. Harry doesn’t know what brand they are, though he feels that the man expects him to. Harry tries to nod in understanding.
The man smiles, seeing straight through Harry’s vacant expression. He waves his hand in indifference. “Thank the holy mother that this bodega was here,” he says.
“Yes,” the man says, lifting his nose into the air. “This wonderful canopy you’re standing under?”
Ah, Harry thinks, so he’s a posh git. Harry doesn’t mind posh gits. He went to boarding school with them for years, getting pushed around for being an orphan with gay godparents. Harry never minded it much. He had good friends, and a wonderful family. And besides, not all posh gits are particularly horrible. He might as well give this one a chance.
Harry shrugs, keeping his smile on. “Never knew it was called a bodega.”
The man smirks. “Most people don’t.”
Harry thinks this posh git might be one of the good ones.
He holds his hand out. “Harry Potter.”
The man looks him up and down, realization dawning on his face. “Draco Malfoy,” he says, and shakes Harry’s hand. “You’re the Potter boy.”
Harry raises his eyebrows.
Draco Malfoy’s pale face goes bright red. “My apologies, I don’t know why I-”
“It’s alright,” Harry says. He looks back out into the rain. “I am the Potter kid, I suppose. My parents died in the war.”
Draco Malfoy shakes his head, eyes wide. “Your parents were war heroes.”
Harry looks down at his sneakers. “I suppose so.”
“Sorry,” Draco Malfoy says. “It’s only, I’ve looked up to them my whole life.” There’s a silence where only the rain and hassled sounds of people running by can be heard between the two of them. “I joined the military because of the sacrifices your parents made, actually.”
Harry’s head snaps to the side to face Draco. “What?”
Draco Malfoy smirks again, but smaller this time. “Yes. I grew up in a rather conservative household, but my aunt mostly raised me. My parents were too busy being business people to raise a son. My aunt knew your parents, I believe. She spoke of them often, and highly.” Draco Malfoy shrugs. (Harry didn’t think posh gits were the type to shrug). “It’s what inspired me to fight in the war against race supremacy.”
Harry gives Draco Malfoy a long look. He’s wearing all black, tailored trousers, a nicely fitting blazer, his hair swooped back neatly away from his face looking untouched by the rain. As far as Harry can see, he is the epitome of what a posh git should look like. And he has the speech mannerisms of one too, but the words he’s saying don’t quite match up with the posh boys Harry went to school with, who spouted exactly what Draco says he’s against: race supremacy, bloodlines, purity.
Objectively, Draco Malfoy is rather handsome.
“Who is your aunt?” Harry asks.
“Andromeda Tonks. Maiden name Black.”
It clicks in Harry’s mind. “Ah. Your aunt is my godfather’s cousin.”
Draco snaps his fingers. “Right! Your godfather is Sirius Black. He’s married to Remus Lupin, isn’t he?”
“Yes.” Harry nods.
Draco turns to look out from under the bodega, where the rain is no longer pounding into the pavement, but coming down in steady sheets. “I can’t believe I never made that connection,” Draco says wonderingly. “I mean, I’m sure I knew about it, but I never really thought about it.”
“Yes, well, Sirius ran away from home at sixteen, and was promptly disowned, so that could be why the name didn’t pop up immediately,” Harry says. He knows about Sirius’ family, and their positions on race supremacy. Sirius has told him plentiful stories about it, and what it was like for him to grow up in as a child.
Draco shakes his head thoughtfully. “No, I’ve heard about him. Andromeda isn’t into all of that supremacy bullshit." Harry startles at the swear, but Draco doesn't notice. "But after she married Ted, she sort of cut herself off from the family. I don’t think she talks to any of the Blacks anymore, even the good ones.”
Harry laughs a little. “Sirius does the same. Avoids interacting with them at all costs.”
“I don’t blame him.” Draco snorts. “I would do the same.”
“Yeah,” Harry says, quieter. “Funny coincidence, running into each other here.”
Draco rocks back and forth on his heels. “Truly.”
Quiet again. The streets are mostly empty by now, passerby standing under other bodegas or in the doorways of shops while they wait for the rain to pass. No one else joins Harry and Draco under the bodega they’re standing under.
The rain begins to drizzle.
“So-” Harry says, at the same time that Draco begins with, “Would you-”
They laugh awkwardly, and gesture to each other.
“You start,” Harry says.
Draco turns red again, and Harry marvels at how easy it is to see the color on his skin. Draco says, “No, no. You first.”
Harry runs his fingers back though his hair and smiles sheepishly. “I actually don’t have much to say. I was just trying to think of a reason to stay here and keep talking to you.”
Draco ducks his chin into his collar. “Oh. I was going to ask you to lunch.”
“Only if you want.”
Harry nods. “Yes. I really do want.”
Draco smiles, and Harry smiles back. They go to lunch.
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kristallioness · 5 years
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2016 | 2017 | 2018
*quietly sneaks back in*... Happy New THIS Year, my dear followers! In Estonia, we have this saying that if you wish someone a 'happy new year' after Three Kings' Day (the 6th of January), you gotta have a bottle of alcohol with you and give them a drink. *lol*
Anyways, I would like to apologize for the sudden disappearance that happened prior to Christmas. I was just busy travelling back home for the holidays, unpacking and putting away my stuff, watching some great, traditional movies or shows on TV, and most importantly, working on those 2 latest masterpieces that I posted (which barely got 30 notes each.. *sigh*).
But as you can (and probably will) see, the year of the yellow earth pig (i.e. my dad's year) was a rollercoaster of emotions and accomplishments, or lacking thereof.
My creative side seems to have suffered the most due to lack of leisure time. I only managed to finish 3 full digital drawings and left behind several sketches or unfinished WIPs (2 of which are revealed here under the months of June and November for the first time, I intend to finish the Korrasami one btw). At least I got to start 2020 with a completed drawing on the very 1st day, ha-ha! Perhaps that's a good omen for this year?
If so, then I hope I'll find the time to finish the rest of the 2019 Inktober prompts, since I only did 4/31 this past October (even though I'd thought of ideas for all of them). I brought all the necessary drawing utensils and sheets of paper with me, so whenever I'm in the mood, I'll try to sketch another one.
*calculates for the nth time*.. I wrote 18,110 words worth of fanfiction, plus 820 words for the UYLD prompts (making the total 18,930). Technically, you can count another 8k+ in there, since it comes from that unfinished story (of Aang taking care of a flu-ridden Katara, as illustrated by the September sketch), which I haven't finished within the last 4 months or so. Plus, I barely wrote 1/5 of the amount compared to 2018.. *hides in shame*
Then again, I was an excellent pupil for picking up an actual book and reading through 150+ pages (which means I have ~300 pages to go). I'm talking about the new Kyoshi novel that came out. As I once said, I haven't voluntarily read a book in years make that 2 years ago (most of the reading I've done in my life is either Tom & Jerry comics, now the Avatar comic trilogies and art books as well as fanfiction online, or compulsory reading during school). But this novel is freaking fantastic superb!
Not only that, I bought all the new comic trilogies and managed to read them through. Damn, did they give me feels.. especially "Ruins of the Empire" (ngl I squeed so hard when I saw the Korrasami farewell kiss on the 1st page of the 2nd part). I can't wait to read the 3rd part this year!
However, I failed to rewatch Avatar last year, and I haven't seen Korra since.. 2016, I believe? Wow, that's 4 whole years.. But I intend to fix that mistake starting from 2020. Hopefully I'm in the mood to start my rewatch this weekend tonight. *fingers crossed*
But as I said, I had much less time to focus on my hobbies since 2019 was the year for finally moving on with my life (sort of, I'm still working on it). I still remember how down I'd been feeling for a while and how valid those emotions really were. The first quarter of the year (+ like a month or two) was a continuous descent into desperation and feelings of utter failure, which already started around the 2nd half of 2018 and only continued to deepen around that time.
Everything began to change when I was first chosen to be part of a 2-month summer internship in an IT company, and I had to start building a new nest in a new location in Tallinn this May. And now, I feel like I've hit the jackpot by getting a permanent job in another IT company this October.
I got the opportunity to work in two different fields, in two different teams within a year. I met some awesome colleagues (a lot of whom are foreigners) and got the chance to really put my English skills to the test.
Thanks to the new job, I also had to go to a free health check, which went really-really well. Despite my nervousness in the beginning, I feel much more relaxed about my physical (and mental) health, cause the results showed that everything's okay (something I'd been worried about since March 2017).
Speaking of health or staying healthy, there were a few sports events that I went to, too. Our team held the first winter team event (it was the first one for me, at least) by going to do archery in a range on the outskirts of the capital.
I watched the football match between 2 teams of our local league at my hometown together with my dad on his birthday. Our home team won the match and came in 4th place overall in the league this year, which is their best result so far (I'm really proud!). And merely days before I started work, I visited the Tallinn International Horse Show for the first time (also with my dad). I last got to watch horses jump over fences or dance to their musical programs ~ 10 years ago, and I loved it!
Event-wise 2019 was pretty full of them. As has become tradition, I went to the Defence Forces parade on our 101st Independence Day (which seemed rather bleak compared to the centennial, even more so since we didn't have ANY snow at the time).
What will hopefully become new traditions, I visited the television tower on the Restoration of Independence Day (where Uku Suviste gave a free concert in the evening), and went to the Veteran's Rock concert (to honour our war veterans) on our Freedom Square on the 23rd of April (since I'm residing in the capital now, I should be able to go again this year).
To continue with the centennial celebrations (yes, some things are STILL turning 100), I saw and explored inside the armoured train no. 7 called "Wabadus" ("Freedom") in the Baltic Station. This armoured train was one of the keys that led our country to victory during the War of Independence from 1918-1920.
There was an even bigger (150th) anniversary to celebrate in the beginning of July, when I attended our Song and Dance Festival. This was a really important, if not the biggest event of the year. I intend to make a longer post about my experience, cause it's something that you foreigners need to see for yourself. I can't simply describe or put it into words, I have to show you some videos and photos.
But while we're on the topic of concerts, I should mention that I went to 2 more at the beginning of June - Bon Jovi and Sting - as well as 2 that were part of Christmas tours in December - Elina Nechayeva and Rolf Roosalu.
Besides that, I went to 6 different festivals, half of which I'd been to several times before, such as the Türi Flower Fair, Jäneda Farm Days (where I went on my first helicopter ride for my 25th birthday present) and the Christmas market in the Old Town of Tallinn.
The other half is comprised of festivals that I'd been considering going to for a while, or which took place for the first time. The latter applies to the Black Food Festival, whereas the "Valgus Kõnnib" ("Wandering Lights") and the duck rally, both of which took place in Kadriorg, fall under the first category.
The duck rally is a charity event held in the beginning of June. Regular people can buy at least one (or several) rubber bath duckies for different prices, which will then be dumped into a tiny stream that'll carry them towards the finish line. This event has grown more popular each year, and the money the Estonian Association of Parents of Children with Cancer (sorry, long name in English!) collects is donated to the Cancer Treatment Fund.
*wipes forehead*.. Phew! I'm surprised, that's a whole lotta positivity for 2019. I think there's one more important, but seriously negative topic I haven't covered yet, but I feel should be mentioned and explained.
When it comes to politics, 2019 was a complete disaster for us. EKRE (Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond in Estonian, or Estonia's Conservative People's Party in English) i.e. our populist/nazi/pro-Trump party is in the government as of April 2019, thanks to 100,000+ idiots (out of our population of 1.3 million) who voted for them and gave them 19/101 seats in the Parliament.
No, I am NOT going to apologize for calling them a nazi party, because their main leaders have repeatedly supported ideology that's common to nazis (they use aggressive rhetoric, blame the media for making them look bad, downgrade women, minorities, are racist, anti-semitic etc...). And I will not apologize in front of the people who voted for them, because "thanks" to this, EKRE has dragged our country's reputation straight through a mud puddle (not to mention the scandals that have accompanied 5 of their ministers, 3 of who have THANKFULLY stepped down from their positions) and.. *swears like the British*.. it's BLOODY EMBARRASSING.
I am done being nice, I have at least some kind of prejudice about anyone who supports them or their ideals. And I will certainly not let Estonia end up like America. So that is why I participated in two protest events against EKRE and our current government (because the 2 other parties, who were willing to form the coalition with them, are spineless jellyfish that simply seek to hold onto their current positions of power). I'm willing to take bets as to when our government falls (the sooner the better).
*shakes off the frustration*.. Brrr! So besides that, I guess the only downside to 2019 was my spare time falling back in the list of priorities (which shows in the empty square of July).
2020 is gonna be the year of the white metal rat. I can only hope (and take action so) that it'll be just as eventful, and much more creative than 2019. Thank you all for following me (or lurking anonymously) for so long, especially to the bloggers who've offered me support through better or worse! *raises a glass* Here's to 2020!.. *sip*
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Survey #82
“there’s a child out on the battlefield, a pistol in each hand.”
so, i’m guessing you’re single?   not anymore, no. would you ever date someone because of money?   fuck that shit. your ex is sitting next to you, with their new partner, what do you do?   i'm going to be realistic.  first, i'd demand him and her both to fuck off.  don't move?  i'm fucking punching her teeth out. do you have a reason to smile right now?   i guess so, but i'm not. have you had sex today?   i never have. do you remember the last girl you texted?   my mom, yeah. are you stubborn?   oh you have no idea. has anyone called you perfect before?   yes, but they're wrong. where is the biggest scar on your body?   on my left shin.  i scratched the living shit out of it with my own nails because it was so itchy. have you ever been told you were amazing?   yes, and they're also wrong. would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?   HELL no. do you get irritated easily?   very, sadly. would you rather be a blonde or a brunette?   blonde, really.  easier to dye. have you ever had feelings for 2 people at the same time?   yes, i do right now. do you believe that leaving a significant other for someone else is ever a good idea?   i mean, it can be. if you found someone seemingly perfect for you, but it turned out they had a child… would you still give the relationship a chance?   not at this age.  literally the only situation in which i would do that is if it was jason. is it possible to ‘fall out of love’?   yeah. what happened last time you got drunk?   nothing, really.  i've never been smash-faced drunk.  the only time i've ever been drunk i was still pretty aware of what i was doing, which wasn't much. have you ever thrown up from drinking?   no, but i have thrown up from taking medicine like 15 minutes before drinking literally a sip of alcohol. do you find piercings attractive?   generally, yes. have you gone through a lot emotionally, or has life been easy thus far?   i've been through enough to take down a lot of people, honestly. ever got suspended from school?   no. what would you do with a $10 bill you found on the ground?   if there's no source of identification around, i'm going to keep it. are you ticklish?   yes, mainly on my feet. have you taken someones virginity?   no. would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?   nope. who was the last person you danced with?   colleen.  can't decide if i miss her or not. do you tan in the nude?   i don't tan period. have you ever had the chicken pox?   i have not. have you ever been evicted?   yes. would you grow your own garden?   no.  i'd honestly be too lazy to take good care of it. do you know anyone who snores?   lots of people. when I say ‘foxy lady’ what comes to mind?   the jimi hendrix song. would you own a siamese cat?   sure, they're very cute. do you like deviled eggs?   NO. what is your favorite horror movie?   "blair witch project 2: book of shadows" have you ever seen a lunar eclipse?   yep. what is your favorite daft punk song?   i only know "technologic" what is your favorite type of museum?   ones with dinosaur fossils/skeletons. if you had children or do would you tell them the truth about santa claus?   eventually i'd tell them, but of course i'd raise them to believe in santa. what color are your slippers?   tan.  they're meerkats. ;3; which accents can you emulate pretty well?   i've been told i speak british so well that i sound native. are you more awkward talking to people in real life or online?   real life, absolutely.  i'm not half bad online. do you think you’ll ever manage to do everything you want to?   absolutely not. are you a good driver? if you can’t drive yet, do you think you’ll be good?   no.  i don't even have my license yet.  i go into total panic mode when i drive; i grip the wheel like i'm driving through the apocalypse.  i also have tremors, and also due to certain meds, idk if i can even get my license. what is/was your favorite thing about school?   seeing jason. have you ever been a complete fangirl/fanboy over anything?   @ rhett&link/gmm, markiplier, silent hill, meerkats... i need to chill lmao. have you ever been to a protest?   no. are you afraid of the dark?   no. what comes up on your recommended list on youtube?   gmm videos, markiplier videos, metal music... what’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet?   we had this huge lab mix (pretty sure he was part great dane) that was technically my older sister's dog named harley for a while.  he was huge. what is something you like to have conversations about?   my fandoms bc i'm pathetic, deep, philosophical things, music... what is something unusual that annoys you?   walking in the out door and out the in. who is taller, you or your best friend?   i don't have a best friend anymore. which time zone do you live in?   eastern standard when was the first time you ever listened to your favorite music artist?   all seven?  well. ozzy osbourne: 6th grade, going through mom's cds metallica: ^ marilyn manson: ^ otep: i heard "ghostflowers" in a video and really like it, so looked up more of their music a day to remember: recommended videos, actually. cradle of filth: umm... iii feel like my first song by them was "tonight in flames," but i don't remember where i heard it. rammstein: i heard "waidmanns heil" on that one rock band game. have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours?   i have not. what is/was your favorite stuffed animal growing up!   a moose named brownie what is your state or country’s minimum wage?   $7.25.  pathetic, i know. what is your favorite constellation and why?   don't have a favorite. if you could have any hair style you wanted, what would it look like?   don't fucking judge me, but i sincerely and honestly love the big, emo swoop.  my hair is just so thick so it's like impossible to get it to work with me. can you play any instruments?   i played the flute for yeeeaaars, but like, i don't even remember most notes. what is your favorite topic in history class?   the holocaust name one dream that ruined your day when you woke up.   my dad raped me. would you like to marry whoever you’re seeing right now?   i don't know yet, we haven't been together long at all.  i'm not making that decision yet. do you prefer candles or incense?   incense do you eat candy corn?   ew, no. have your parents ever thought you were gay? what happened?   no. are your parents more liberal or conservative?   conservative. when was the last time you saw your best friend?   a few weeks ago when she essentially told me to get my shit and go. how many jobs have you ever had? (including things like babysitting)   two. if you’ve seen both, did you prefer the disney version or the tim burton version of alice in wonderland?   burton's version is actually my all-time favorite movie. what do you see yourself doing in 10 years?   you want me to be honest?  an unsuccessful photographer, probably.  hopefully married by then, but who knows. what was your favorite 90's show?   pokemon, motherfuckers. what is your favorite fruit?   strawberries how do you feel about oral?   it's just... really gross to me. what do you wish you didn't know?   many, many things.  but mainly, that some people just do not cherish love. favorite kind of chips?   flamin' hot cheetos has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you?   hm.  odd.  he's not around anymore. has anyone ever told you that you have a cute nose?   lol wut how many kids do you want?   at this point in my life, i don't even know if i want any to begin with.  if i do though, two is preferable. does anyone call you babe?   tyler does.  i don't exactly like it, but i don't think we're really close enough yet for me to be brave enough to tell him so. where does most of your family live?   well.  mom's family is in new york, dad's is in ohio and michigan, and my very immediate family (parents + immediate sisters) lives here in nc. have your parents ever smoked pot?   idk. rent a movie or go to movies?   go to the movies! do you know anyone who works at mcdonald’s?   not personally. where do your cousins live?   new york and ohio. do you like the all-american rejects?   not particularly. have you ever finished a whole video game?   plenty, yeah. which one of your friends has great music taste?   hmm.  i mean, a good number of them do. how do you feel about death?   it's a very scary, mysterious thing. do you have any cats?   not currently. do you believe in the underworld?   well, i believe in hell. what is your favorite flower?   tiger lilies have you ever been betrayed?   i have been betrayed. where do you think we go when we die?   heaven or hell.  i used to believe in purgatory, but that's a catholic thing. when was the last time you went to a funeral?   yeeeaaars ago. are you scared of cancer?   i mean... who isn't?  i don't readily worry about it, even though it looks like it may run in my family.  we've seen thyroid, breast, and kidney cancers. how many phobias do you have?   i only have three that i consider to be, by definition, "phobias," those three being whale sharks, dolls, and pregnancy. how many bisexual friends do you have?   two that i can think of off the top of my head. do your parents wear glasses?  mom does to drive and read, and dad does to read. when was the last time you threw up?   only like a week back.  i think my latuda makes me nauseous. do you have mental issues?   oh, you know, only chronic depression, general anxiety, social anxiety, ptsd, borderline personality disorder, and potentially avoidant personality disorder.  fun times, right? are you good at chemistry?  NOOOOOO do you have online friends?  alex, shay, jax, lona, mini, sam, alyssa, sammy, others... safe to say i have more online than "real" friends. do you like your handwriting?  i do. are you nosy?  very. have you ever been called emo?  yeah.  gonna be totally honest here, i don't pay attention to what the stereotype is anymore, but i probably am one lol. do you have a big nose?   no. how long has it been since you kissed someone?  well over a year. if someone was to ask you if you were okay right now, are you?  for once, sure. the last person you held hands with go to your school?  he did, we're both no longer in school. what person of the opposite sex makes you laugh most?   link neal and mark fischbach<3 do you have any medication you have to take every day?  latuda, lamictal, propanalol, birth control for period cramps... did you reject or accept your last friend request?  reject.  we had no mutual friends.  the fuck did you find me and what do you want. do you like pretzels?  the soft ones.  hard ones are eh. if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, how long have you been together?   like a week. do you look at older pictures and laugh?   no, i'm usually the one cringing. what was the first thing you ate today?   nothing yet but i currently hear bacon popping ahhhh~ have you ever tried lemon brownies?  no, sounds disgusting. have you ever been to hawaii?   no.  i have a cousin there though, actually. do you have a sister that steals your things?   no. what is your father’s middle name?  john do you think that you’re a good person?  i guess. are you on medication for anything?  bipolarity and anxiety.  i was on an anti-depressant, but apparently you're not supposed to do that if you have bipolarity. have you ever been a gymnast or a cheerleader?   ... i was a cheerleader when i was really little. are you irish?  yeah. do you know how to insert a tampon?   yeah are you ever afraid to be yourself?  only always. how many people have told you they were in love with you?   one or two. are you emotional?   too emotional. who is one person that you no longer hang out with? why did that association end?   colleen.  because essentially, she's a judgmental child in a 21-year-old body. who was the last person to endanger your life, whether it was accidentally or intentionally?   ummm.  idk. have you ever experienced an overly clinging boy-/girlfriend?   no. with which family member do you get along with the least? the best?   least, my grandma.  best, probably my dad. have you ever felt like someone abandoned you? if yes, explain?   i felt like my dad did for a few years, but jason absolutely did. what are some unfair stereotypes against women?   JUST SOME?!  well, above anything else, that we're less competent than men and are overall the weaker gender. how about against men?   that they're all insensitive pigs and that they must be logical at all times. who was the last person to make you feel like you mattered?   mom, i guess, for bringing me to debbie's so i wouldn't be home with nothing to do. do you prefer vertical or horizontal stripes?   horizontal. can you name all 50 american states?   probably not. have you ever ridden a motorcycle?   no. have you ever needed stitches?   on my chin, yeah. have you ever been in a submarine?   no. do you think barbie is a negative role model for young girls?   in some ways, sure.  unrealistic expectations can be set. have you ever been in a hot tub or sauna?   hot tub, yeah.  i will absolutely never go in a sauna. do you believe there used to be dragons?   nope. who’s your favorite god from ancient history?   i'm not entirely sure. who was your first kiss?   jason have you ever carved a pumpkin?   a badass one, i must say. did you ever have a treehouse as a kid?   no. have you ever appeared on youtube?   ohhhh god. could you ever have an affair with a married person?   noooo. have you ever planted a tree?   yes.  an apple tree, i think. can you count your number of serious relationships on one hand?   one, so yes how about number of sexual partners?   again, one, so yeah. what’s your middle name?   marie.  my catholic middle name is catherine tho and i still use it because that's part of my upbringing, history, and making of who i am. do you have any siblings?   two immediate sisters, ashley and nicole, three half-sisters named misty, mary kathryn (katie), and tiffany (whom i've never met), and a half-brother named robert (bobby). do you care if people hate you for no reason?   i honestly kinda do. are you one of those people who gets jealous of boys/girls your current bf/gf dated?   nah.  their relationships ended for a reason, so why be jealous? your last ex runs up to you, kisses you, & tells you they want you back. you?   this is the first occasion in my life where i can honestly say i think i'd slap him, roll my eyes, and walk away. is it easy to make you cry?   painfully easy. what color is your hair naturally?   i was born dirty blonde, but it turned brown with age. are you afraid of heights?   in some situations, yes. have you ever laughed so hard you cried?   i do that VERY easily.  like, i SOB. do you find piercings attractive?   in general, sure. do you find tattoos attractive?   again, generally. do you curse in front of your parents?   with dad, i'm totally open.  mom, i generally don't say "fuck." do you like eating mashed potatoes?   no, i hate mashed potatoes. have you ever been called a bad influence?   no. have you ever been to disney world?   i have. do you ever play games on the computer?   i currently can't, because my gaming laptop currently has a fried psu or graphics card.  i used to play repeats of both the "amnesia" games (particularly the sequel), i'd occasionally progress in "outlast," and i regularly played "world of warcraft," which was very important to me for like two years.  i guess conditions have kinda forced me to quit, but i still vaguely keep up with what's going on in the game. do you and your significant other have a special song? what is it?   no. what if you found the last person you kissed, in bed with the last person you texted?   ... well that's a mess because that's a gay scene i couldn't even begin to concoct the last person you held hands with - have you ever kissed them?   on the cheek.  honestly because i felt pressured to. is there anything you would like to say to your most recent ex?   no.  i have literally nothing more to say. if your friends are sexually active but you aren’t, does that bother you? have you ever felt pressured to have sex before you were ready, because your friends had done it?   it doesn't bother me, no.  and i never felt pressured because my friends had done it, but rather by my age, i guess.  it's a very weak thought and honestly does not come often, so it's not much of a nuisance, but sometimes it is weird- not embarrassing, mind you- to admit "oh yeah i'm 21 and still a virgin despite having been in a very serious relationship." name 7 things that make you happy, and explain how it might affect you if you had to give them up.   oh god, seven?  that's a lot.  um.  well, writing it one; giving it up would be... kinda devastating, because i do it so much on a daily basis.  photography is another, and that would really fucking suck to give it up because i want to make a career out of that.  watching my favorite youtubers is a ginormous one, and tbh i'd rather die than have to lose that hobby.  um, i like gaming obvs, but i could give it up because i obviously have due to my computer issue and the fact my consoles are broken.  i don't enjoy not being able to do it, but i mean, i've survived.  i like drawing when i actually have inspiration... but i could also give it up because again, i pretty much have because i judge my work excessively, and i got tired of it.  i like exploring the outdoors/interesting areas, but i barely ever have the chance to even do this, so i mean, there's nothing to give up.  i enjoy fishing, but it's another thing i haven't done in actual years, so. what is your mom’s and dad’s favorite tv show?   i'm not sure... but both my parents really love "the big bang theory" when you were younger and misbehaved, what did your parents threaten you with?   mom would threaten to count to one, lmao.  i always assumed zero meant i'd get spanked. who has the biggest ego you know?   jason's best friend dillon. how would you react if your last ex wanted to get back together?   ugh. do you and your family go on a vacation ever year?   no. who was your most romantic moment with?   jason who does your most embarrassing moment involve?   also jason. does your dad swear?   yeah. when you like someone, do you picture what your children will look like?   well that's remotely creepy lol, no. do you know how to tap dance?   i know how to clog, and i mean, it's the same thing, just different shoes. are you craving any food right now? if so, what?   yeah, i want pizza. ;-; what’s your favorite flavor of skittles?   RED when was the last time you used oil pastels?   high school if pot was finally legalized where you live, what would you do?   quite honestly be mad because people are fucking stupid.  as if cigarettes weren't enough of an issue. how bad are your hangovers?   i've never had one. do you think taco bell is nasty?   well i don't like mexican, so... have you ever taken a break from facebook or other social media? why?   i haven't. who knows about your tumblr account?   only online friends. where did you and your current interest go on your first date?   to the movies + a pizza place. who was your high school sweetheart? are you still in contact?   jason, and no. were you popular or invisible in high school?   totally invisible. have you ever experienced two people fighting over you (physically or mentally)? what happened?   juan and jason had "issues."  jason at least seemed to have very little issue with him, but juan absolutely loathed jason.  despite not really showing dislike towards him, there was one occasion where circumstances had it where both jason and juan were at my house, and the fucking tension was unreal.  jason and i had been dating for around a year now, so i mean i loved him, but i wasn't impressed with him bringing up certain things between he and juan (they weren't exactly fond of each other before me due to someone they had both had relations with); jason clearly meant these things to not be aggressive or anything, but rather to just be nostalgic, but y'know... just don't.  he was perfectly aware juan didn't like him; don't bait the dude.  nothing actually went wrong, but ugh, that was stressful and the distaste they had for each other was obvious. have you ever had an experience that was not in keeping with the sexual orientation you currently identify with?   no. did you go to preschool?   yeah. do you know your blood type?   a-, i'm pretty sure. could you be a teacher?   nope.  no way in hell could i handle like 20-30 kids. quick! chinese or mexican food?   chinese, but i don't like much of either. how many significant others have you had in your WHOLE life?   only one was truly "significant," but i'm been in a relationship with three others. do you hate your ex?   no, i don't. have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?   yeah. what’s your fast food restaurant of choice?   bojangle's.  ya'll outside nc don't know what you're missing, lol. what did you and your ex fight about most?   the fact he was 110% logic and had no consideration to his emotions. are you embarrassed by any of the songs in your itunes?   ... it's why i don't let anyone else use it lmao do you like to swim?   it's the one exercise i enjoy, really. have you ever gone on vacation with your boyfriend/girlfriend?   no.  really wanted jason to come with us to the beach one year when we had a dance competition, but he couldn't take off work that many days. how slowly or quickly would you say you eat?   i'm a very fast eater.  i mean i'm not messy, i just eat quickly. what outfit makes you feel the most attractive?   ... none? when you think about marriage, what thoughts come up?   not much, honestly.  kinda hard to think of much when you don't have a belief on whom you're gonna marry. other than yourself, who knows you the best?   it's still probably jason, honestly. do you know anyone who has autism/asperger’s syndrome?   i do know someone with asperger's has anyone of the same sex ever hit on you?   kinda indirectly. are you open to a same-sex relationship and why or why not?   no, because i'm heterosexual. do you think boys look good in skinny jeans?   sure. do you think it’s okay for boys to dress like girls and vice versa?   sure. what went wrong in your previous relationship?   he didn't believe in me. if you’re in one, is anything wrong with it now?   no. how would you react to being cheated on?   nothing in regards to being hurt surprises me anymore. is drinking and smoking a dating deal-breaker for you?   i absolutely will not date someone who smokes, and if you drink more than seldomly, i'm not putting up with you, either.
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mtwy · 8 years
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Tiger Beat Star
USA March 1985
Singing sensation, Madonna, who has always loved performing since she was very young, says that her parents didn’t really appreciate her talents. “My father is a very conservative Catholic/Italian. When I was young he thought that I was a show-off and that’s not considered proper in the Catholic Church - to get on stage and make a spectacle of yourself. I was always very sexy when I was a little girl - my father saw that and I think it scared him.
After the success of her debut LP, which has sold more than 1.5 Million copies and produced such hits as “Borderline, “Holiday”, and “Lucky Star,” Madonna is quickly establishing herself as the total star. The second record, Like a Virgin has jumped to the top of the charts with an equally popular video. If that wasn’t enough, she can be seen making a cameo appearance in the film Vision Quest and star in the soon-to-be released, Desperately Seeking Susan. STAR visited the set of Desperately Seeking Susan and had a revealing talk with the irrepressible Madonna.
Why Madonna is her own Lucky Star
by Lisa Arcella
Late one afternoon we find ourselves headed to New York City’s Harlem where we plan to visit strangely enough, a movie set. From the outside of this abandoned ballroom, you’d never guess that inside a film starring Rosanna Arquette, Aiden Quinn and rock star Madonna was in progress. We are greeted by the film’s publicist, who takes us on a guided tour of the different sets and even lets us sit in while a scene is being taped. The really special portion of the day comes when we sit down at a table near the wardrobe room and wait for the arrival of Madonna.
She greets us with a smile, as she sits down with a cup of tea and makes herself comfortable. Her blond hair is swept up to reveal the crucifix earrings that have become her trademark. I want to know if making movies is as glamorous as it seems “It couldn’t be further away from being glamorous.” she laughs. “There are lots of long hours and lots of waiting around and lots of doing nothing, and lots of eating terrible food! It’s not glamorous at all.” While she waits, Madonna says she likes to “read, play music, dance around and exercise in my trailer.”
She also manages to read her mail and she’s certainly getting a lot of that these days. “It’s either boys writing in letters to tell me that they want to make love to me, or young girls writing letters saying that they want to be like me and dress like me, stuff like that,” she smiles. “They’re all adoring.” Getting fan mail pleases Madonna mainly because she’s worked hard to get to where she’s at in her career.
She is someone who is undeniably and unashamedly ambitious, ever since she was growing up as Madonna Ciccone (named after her mother), outside of Detroit, Michigan. In the eighth grade, she starred in a Super-8 movie directed by a friend, who fried an egg on her stomach. After a short stint in college, it was off to New York to pursue a career as a dancer and she arrived in the Big Apple with $35 in her pocket. She studied with the famous Alvin Ailey Dance Troupe and in her spare time sang and learned a variety of instruments.
A brief trip to Paris followed where she was promised stardom, but she soon returned to New York to establish her own style as a performer. Her career really took off though when a friend, Mark Kamins, a deejay at New York’s Danceteria played her demo tape at the club and had everyone on their feet and dancing. It wasn’t long before Madonna had signed with Sire Records.
Coming to New York was a definite risk for Madonna, and one that wasn’t supported by her family “I didn’t go to New York with my father’s good wishes,” she explains. “In fact, he was very angry with me. I think he still has mixed feelings. I mean, I’m sure that he’s glad for me now that I’m doing well, but I don’t think that he truly understands why or what I’m doing. If I said I was going to be a doctor or a biochemist, he could understand that, but being an entertainer doesn’t really make any sense to him. Now he sees me, running around stage in my garter belts, that doesn’t really thrill him either!”
Although she concedes it would be nice to please her father, she realizes that it’s important to first be true to yourself. “Yeah, it would be nice if he was happy with what I’m doing, but I can’t dwell on it, you know? I have to have time to be my own person and I have to please myself.”
In Desperately Seeking Susan, Madonna plays “Susan,” a girl living life in the fast lane of New York City. Rosanna Arquette plays “Roberta,” a bored New Jersey housewife looking for excitement. For some time, “Roberta” has followed a flamboyant love affair being carried through the personal ads, involving a young man who is ‘desperately seeking’ a certain “Susan.” “Roberta” invites herself into the lives of these strangers and before long she is part of a comedy of errors where she is mistaken for “Susan,” and so the confusion begins.
One of the reasons Madonna was attracted to the role of “Susan,” was because she saw a lot of herself in the character. “When you say I describe myself as a free spirit and adventurous person, I think we have that in common,” she says with a smile.
In addition to making that movie, Madonna has recently released Like a Virgin and made the video to that song in Venice, Italy. Musically, she says her greatest influences came through the Motown era during the 60′s as well as some of today’s top performers. “Prince, Michael Jackson, something like that, I am affected by it, maybe not consciously, but it affects me. It’s definitely my favorite kind of music because it crosses all race barriers. I prefer that.”
What’s next for rock’s newest superstar? “When I am done with the movie, I’m going to make another video. I’m supposed to be getting ready for a tour of Japan and Australia, then come back here and maybe do another movie and go on a tour of America in the late spring. And then I will probably commit myself to a mental institution!” she laughs
With all of this success at an early age, it’s bound to change you somehow. I asked Madonna if she thought that success had made her a better person and she responded by saying, “Success doesn’t make you a better person. Hopefully the learning that you do and the education that you get as you are moving up makes you a better person, not the success. You know it’s nice to finally have the chance to do what you want to do, that’s fufilling. To say that you have recognition and respect makes you feel good about yourself. It makes you feel like you’ve made the right decision but I don’t think it makes you a better person. A lot of times it will ruin you if you take it too seriously.”
It’s very obvious that Madonna made the right decision. As a star, she continues to move up with her feet firmly on the ground.
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nostalgiaispeace · 8 years
what do you normally eat at a barbecue? everything.
do you prefer aquatic creatures or flying (water or air)? neither.
would you like to go swimming with dolphins? no. i don’t support companies who do that.
what to you is beautiful beyond all compare? music.
in 5 years time, what do you NOT want to be doing (worst scenario)? still being at Amazon.
have you and a friend ever gone after the same person? no
do you lead people on? no.
have you ever been told that you were going to hell? yeah
do you know any actual dances or do you just move to the music? move
name the coolest thing about one of your grandparents. my grandpa almost lived an entire century.
do you know which side your appendix is on? no
if someone was willing to tell your crush you liked them would you let them?   i don’t have a crush?
do you put q-tips in your ear or just round the outside? in
have you ever popped another person’s zit? yeah
gave you ever told a friend to dump their SO? did they? yeah; yeah
what do you think is the coolest piercing on someone else? any really. i love piercings.
who do you tease most often and what about? Matt, everything lol
most disgusting bug? i dunno
favorite thing you’ve ever painted?   i’m not sure
when it’s your birthday, do you have the correct number of candles? i rarely get a cake so
when you take surveys, what kinds of questions do you HOPE will be asked?   unique ones
do you like 80s music? yeah
what kind of food is your favorite? (Ex. Mexican, Chinese, Thai, etc.) Mexican.
how would you feel if you were drafted for the military? i’d cry
would you have sex before marriage? why or why not? yeah; because why not?
how do you feel about shaved pubes? do what you want.
are you more liberal or conservative? Liberal
why do some teenagers drink alcohol? because they want to?
do you like obama? yes
would making abortion illegal really be the logical thing to do? no
does the person you like, like you? yeah
what’s the most sexual thing you’ve done? um......sex......?
what’s your opinion on masturbation?   it’s fun?
do you wish you had an eating disorder because you want to lose weight?   um fuck you
what is your favorite queen song? i can’t spell it.
who is the sexiest celebrity? would you cheat on your partner for this celebrity?   Oliver Sykes, no
how often do you cuss? every day
how is your self-esteem? low
have you ever thought about committing suicide? yes
have you ever cleaned up someone else’s vomit?   yes
would you kiss the last person you texted? no
do you think you exercise enough? no
you’re getting ready to go to bed, and the last person you kissed shows up. what do you say? night babe
if i offered to buy you a chocolate bar, which would you choose? reeses
have you ever written a song or poem for someone special? poems maybe
have you ever been told that you resemble a celebrity?   Yes.
in your life, who is the person that seems to understand you the most?   my therapist
last time you got goosebumps?   not sure
do you have a beatles shirt? Nope.
what color(s) have you dyed your hair? red, black, orange on accident, blue, blonde
do you think about the way things used to be often?   yeah
have you ever dated a ginger? Nope.
have you ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?   nope
how do you like being roused in the morning? i don’t like mornings.
favorite food? burgers
what is the best news you could hear right now? not sure
do you listen to screamo?   lol it’s metalcore or deathcore
does your town/area have a farmer’s market? do you ever buy your vegetables there rather than grocery store? yeah,no
you’re on life support, and you want someone to pull the plug.  who do you want to do it?   doesn’t matter.
has anyone ever “ruined” anything for you (for example: your partner says, “oh, this song always reminds me of my ex” and you never want to listen to it again, or your friend is so obsessed with a movie that you start to resent the film)?   yeah
would you ever get a tattoo in honor of someone in your life?  it doesn’t have to be their name.   my kitty
if you had a significant other and somehow got a chance to kiss your celebrity crush, would you still go for it?   on the cheek sure.
if you still live with your parents, is it scary for you to imagine living away from them when you move out on your own? if you live on your own, how did you cope with moving away from your family for the first time?   it was hard and scary
do you tend to be attracted to people that are more similar to you in interests and mannerisms or do you tend to be attracted to someone opposite/complementing to you?   opposite
is there something that people complain about that just makes you roll your eyes because you think is not a big deal and you would gladly trade your own issues for it? what?
have you ever received an unwanted gift from someone trying to woo you? did you accept it or reject it?   reject.
have you ever boycotted a product or corporation? how come? not really?
if someone asks you to hang out, but for some reason you’re just feeling lazy/don’t want to go anywhere, do you ignore them, make up an excuse, or just tell them the honest truth?   tell them i’m not feeling it.
have you heard of or even read the novel, “50 shades of grey”? if so, what’s your opinion about it? yeah; disgusting.
has a guy ever let you wear his jacket? yeah
has anyone you ever dated called you in the middle of the night just to hear your voice? no
have you met anyone famous? Yes.
what will your next piercing be? dunno
what do you regret doing at FAR too young?   Nothing.
do you have any weapons for personal protection? yeah
is there a piece of jewelry that holds any sentimental value to you? Yes.
what does your facebook status say right now? i dunno
have you ever had your picture in the newspaper? no
what did you have for dinner last night? Qdoba
do you think you look similar to your siblings? Not really.
what do you usually dream about? i don’t remember my dreams.
do you ever use sleep as a way to cope with bad moods?   yeah
what’s the most self-destructive thing you’ve ever done? self harm
was (or is) it difficult for you to watch your siblings mature? if you’re an only child, is it difficult to watch family members in general get older?   yeah
have you ever blamed an outside force for a problem you were having?   like all the time.
do you find yourself getting more optimistic around new year’s, or does that time of year have a negative affect on you?   it doesn’t make a difference.
who was your high school crush? Kyle
what do you dislike about your smile?   i don’t have an opinion on it.
have you noticed that EVERYONE is ‘bisexual’ these days? no?
are you online 24/7? no
who is your favorite online friend? not sure.
is it possible to be single and happy? yeah
is there anyone who hates you? probably.
does your mom know your deepest darkest secrets?   yeah
who did you last talk to about the person you like?   dunno
is there anyone you trust who you shouldn’t?   no
do you want kids? yes
have you ever fallen completely in love? Yes.
do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?   it’s fun
what was your biggest worry five years ago, do you still feel the same about it at this minute? dying. sometimes
do you want your children (if you have any) to be ‘just like you’? no
do you have same sex fantasies?   i probably have? i dunno
would you ever have sex in the shower or the bath?   i have before and i’m not a fan
opinion on immigrants/immigration reform? let them stay
should prostitution be legalized? Yes.
why are you the person you are? dunno. life?
if you were offered a shot of whiskey right this second, would you accept?   no
what are you like when you’re drunk? depends on my mood
do you want a church wedding? no
story of the first time you made out with someone?   i can’t really remember
first time you gave/received oral sex? with Matt at some point.
do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to? i’m marrying him..
how many followers do you have on tumblr? what about twitter/instagram? im not sure. I don’t pay attention
first time you thought you were in love? when did you realize that you weren’t actually in love with that person? i guess with Kyle?; after breaking up
ever seen someone just roll out of bed and still look hot?
would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone? i want to
if you were pregnant right now…?   i’d be happy
have you ever kissed an ex after you two have broken up?   no
do you ever wear boots with skinny jeans?   yeah
is there a den in your house? No.
what’s currently on your mind?   the stuff i have to do
do you have a pinterest account?   I do.
have you ever seen the television show the munsters?   Nope.
would you/have you spent more than $200 on any one person for a holiday? no
thoughts on slenderman? have you even heard of him? interesting case
what would you call yourself the king or queen of? metal
if i paid for you to take karate lessons, would you? yeah
what is the saddest movie that you’ve ever seen?   Titanic
opinion: on surveys that begin with your name, age, etc?   no opinion
do you know any people who cuss in every sentence? yeah,me
ever written that you were going to end your life?   yeah
is life good? it’s okay
did you lose friends when you started dating someone?   not really.
have you ever used the word “rawr” in an actual conversation? not that i know of.
would you change yourself for the person you love?   no..well i started recovery for matt so maybe yes?
do you have someone you can be your complete self around?   yeah
do you have nice eyes? i like them fine
how did you celebrate your last birthday? dinner, book store, went to matt’s grandma’s
have you ever had sex on the beach? no
would you ever shave your head to save someone you love?   sure
can you juggle? no
what’s the last thing you drew a picture of? dunno
is your bellybutton an innie or outie? Innie.
have you ever been banned from a public place? no
what horror fiction character scares you the most?   none
have you ever milked a cow? Nope.
have you ever given blood?   Nope.
do you know any identical twins? no
have you ever made your own ice cream? no
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amandaisalee · 8 years
MyMaddRemi BLOG
For slow reading southerners who enjoy satire. MyMaddRemi “Southerner’s Simply Can Not Describe Themselves in a New York Minute.”. Q: House Wine of the South? A: Sweet Iced Tea! Sweet Tea 1 1/3 cups Sugar 3 Luzianne Or Lipton Large Tea bags 2 Quarts of water Bring 2 quarts of water to boil. Once the water is boiling, remove from heat and add all 3 tea bags. Allow to steep for 5 minutes, add sugar to an empty gallon sized pitcher. After 5 minutes remove the tea bags from the water, and add tea to the pitcher, stir until sugar is dissolved. Top off the pitcher with cold water to the full gallon. Enjoy. This page is where you have a seat on the front porch swing. I’ll open the double doors and pull up the windows, of my life, for y'all to see. a church fan in one hand and a glass of sweet ice tea in the other. No ma'am, I don’t put lemons in my tea . We will watch the wind make the curtains dance and I’ll tell you a little about me. Even though from the south, I’m not the most hospitable thing you will ever meet. I mean you are welcome to come inside but I probably won’t invite you. Truth is my house resembles my life, it’s a little messy most of the time. I will try to skim over who I am, where I come from, what I do, what I’ve done, because it will not take long to speak of things I haven’t done), and the people who have held me together all those times I set myself up for the perfect storm. So if you don’t care we will just stay on the porch and enjoy a brief moment, with out bought air! Fellow southerners know these moments are so rare. I’d venture to say the temperature is only just right five or six days out of a year. We measure the weather being just right, by the amount of hairspray it takes to fix our hair. Picture Half of my life is an act of revision. -John Irving Just because I talk slow doesn’t mean that I am What I am, is a vivaciously laid back procrastinator, who happens to be……. southern.
My Hometown New Albany, Mississippi “The Fair and Friendly City” A heritage museum for Nobel Prize winning literary great. Where folks like William Faulkner are on our water tower. “Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it’s the only way you can do anything really good.” – William Faulkner MyMaddRemi blogs are generally geared for the conservative Southern reader. I’ve never had success making a liberal Yankee blush. I just can’t bring myself to write without a little tease. What’s a piece without a tease? The answer is generally one of two things. Either too easy or history! Here we go. If you are like me, you will need to sip slow. Nothing can ruin a good glass of sweet tea like sensitive tooth. With the exception of unsensitve people who have no cooth. They can ruin a glass of Mint Julip. Me: Mandi Lee Why in tarnation would you just have one name when you could have double? My heart lies with these two……. Maddie Lee & RemiBeau Seventeen years is the age difference separating my girls. There is NO GREATER GIFT (this side of salvation) than that of a healthy child. God saw fit to give me two of them and y'all, they are absolutely gorgeous. ~Romans 8:28 because we all have a favorite scripture.
~~Mississippi Made~~ Thanks to a fine hard working couple, of Americans. After doing more than their part they even left me with instructions for care…..(Delicate, Handwashed then somewhere along the line, hung out to dry). ~Taking care of a dying parent is one of the biggest privileges I have ever had. ~My Mother is better than yours the end! . ~​I can’t remember anything my attorney and his number are the only thing I retain ​ ~​Sinner saved by GRACE ~​DA Magna cum laudeI (not just anyone can successfully complete 36 years in the fine art of being a dumb ass. So what if I was graded on a learning curve. I dropped out of the classes of moderation impulsiveness perseverance, persistence, poise, resignation, restraint, self-control, leaving me with a perfect 4.0 The reality is I fixed hair to get through nursing school. ~Me Sarcastic, Never ~Indecisive, Maybe Puttin’ Off & Procrastinatin’ ~Laid Back as in damn near lazy ~Manner Minding with the Occasionally exception of moderately Swearin ~Im not a fan of kids but old folks sure can get to my heart ~If I were a sheep……..I’d be black it goes with practically everything I’ve been on top, rock bottom (with a shovel), married, divorced, single, cheated, cheated on, hired, fired, brought life in this world, and watched life leave, ran marathons, smoked cigarettes, addicted, recovered, loved, hated, blamed, shamed, praised, cursed admired, with the occasional put through the ringer. Over all I’m in pretty good shape for the shape I’m in. ​ ~Southern~ Baptist that is! ‘Cause Y'all all know we have the Free Will Baptist Original Free Will Baptist Primitive Baptist Progressive Primitive Baptist Fundamental Baptist Independent Baptist Missionary Baptist Old Time Missionary Baptist Regular Baptist Reformed Baptist Separate Baptist General Baptist United Baptist Unregistered Baptist Then of course the Regular Baptist. oh and Old Regular Baptist. That’s about all I can think of off the top of my head, but your average Baptist Church in the South are Southern Baptist (go figure). We aren’t as narrow minded as one might think. I mean were allowed to play with the Methodist and Presbyterian kids at recess
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