#i can’t understand it but just know i would never belittle you or give you an attitude or drama i would just delete and it’s sad that
baptismbaby · 1 year
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mean!ellie williams x innocent!reader a/n: i also posted this on my ao3: baptismsbaby warnings: reader is an extremely innocent christian girl, blaspheming, corruption, drug dealer!ellie, petnames (pup is used in case anyone doesn't like that), fingering (r! receiving), belittling, toxic!ellie, oral (r!receiving), virgin!reader
creds to elliesgalaxy on pinterest for the picture of ellie.
wc: 5.2k<3 part two here
You breathed a sigh of relief as you entered the gates of Jackson on your horse. You had just finished up patrol and was ready to collapse in your bed. You looked over at Dina and smiled. “Man, I’m happy to be home.”
“Me too,” Dina agreed with a laugh. “Things got too intense out there.”
“Yeah, luckily I was there to save your life.”
Dina scoffed. “Oh, shut up. I had it but of course, you had to show off.”
You hopped off your horse and led it to the stables, passing it off to the man on duty. “Here she is,” you said. “Get your rest, Ginger!”
Dina said goodbye to Japan, running to catch up with you. “Hey, I forgot to mention but Jesse said he wanted to throw a party tonight. It’ll be small, not too many people at all.”
You raised an eyebrow. “A party? Really?”
“Yeah, it’ll be fun! Jesse and his friends got some liquor and cups from Seth. Perfect timing too since everyone has the weekend off.”
“Dina,” you began. But before you could continue, Dina cut you off.
“I’m not saying you have to drink with us! I know you’re a good little Christian girl,” she joked.
You frowned. “Hey, that’s not nice.”
“Please come,” she begged. “It wouldn’t be fun without you.”
“What exactly do I bring to the table? It’s not like I can do anything,” you said. 
Dina stepped in front of you and placed her hands on your arms to stop you. “Listen, just please come and stay for at least half an hour. If you want to leave, you can. I won’t stop you or try to convince you to stay. I wanna have a good time with my friends and you’re one of my favorites. Please don’t let me suffer with all of Jesse’s friends. They’re… too male, almost.”
You sighed in defeat. “Ugh, fine! I’ll go if you really want me to.”
Dina clapped her hands in excitement. “Good! Come, I have some clothes you can borrow that’ll look real nice on you.”
You groaned as Dina pulled you by your hand, taking you to her place. She couldn’t contain how happy she felt. You never came to parties with her. They were rare and usually happened once every couple of months. Usually, you wouldn’t give in to Dina’s begging. You would just go home, curl up with a book and fall asleep before the party even began. Dina would come over the next day to tell you all the “sinful” things that went on. You didn’t understand what half of the things she said even meant, you were far too sheltered growing up and focused on reading the Bible most of the time.
“Who’s all gonna be there?” you asked as you walked inside her house.
“Well, I know Jesse’s whole group of friends are coming. Then there’s you, me, and…” she trailed off, looking away. You tilted your head to try and catch her attention. She fought hard not to look your way but you still kept trying to make eye contact until she finally looked at you. “Ellie,” she almost whispered. You sneered at the mention of the Williams girl.
“Ugh, I should’ve known,” you murmured. “Of course Ellie would be there.”
“Seriously, why do you two bicker so much?” Dina asked. “It’s like watching two kids fight over a toy. Or… really, more so like watching someone yell at a puppy for no reason.”
Your face fell. “Oh no… am I the puppy Dina? Please, don’t say I’m the puppy.”
Dina bit her lip and shrugged. “I mean… your comebacks are… something else.”
“What? Are you saying I can’t be mean?”
Dina couldn’t hide the smile growing on her face as she tried not to laugh. “You once said ‘bless your heart’ and that you’d pray for her.”
You scoffed as she broke into fits of laughter. “Hey, ‘bless your heart’ is the worst insult to receive where I come from! Sorry I felt bad afterwards and told her I’d pray for her!”
“Oh, I’m just messing. It’ll be alright. I’ll tell Ellie to cool it. I honestly don’t think she means anything by it. You’re just easy to tease,” Dina said as she made way to her closet. She pulled out a black longsleeve and extremely short shorts. “Here, wear this.”
You made a face at the outfit. “Is that not a bit… much?”
“Loosen up a bit! I think it’ll look real nice on your figure. Make the girlies pop out a little,” she said with a wink. 
You undressed and put the outfit Dina gave you on. She was right but left out the fact that the shorts revealed too much, your ass practically hanging out. The shirt fell just above your belly button. Dina gawked at the sight of you. “Hey, you should dress slutty more often.”
You couldn’t help but to admire yourself in the mirror. You were big on dressing as modest and comfortable as possible. You didn’t realize you had curves until now. “Wow… I think I kinda like this?”
“What can I say, I’m a genius,” bragged Dina.
You and Dina arrived at the party an hour later. Jesse opened the door and stopped in his tracks. Dina grinned. “I know right?”
Jesse looked you up and down then back at Dina. “Wow, I’m impressed,” he said, complimenting the both of you. “Come in.”
As you walked in, everyone stopped and stared. “Holy shit, you clean up nice!” one of the boys exclaimed. You shifted and looked down at the ground, too anxious to look at anyone. You were way out of your comfort zone but a part of you sort of enjoyed it. Your eyes wandered over to the couch where Ellie sat. She was rolling a joint, paying no mind to you. 
Dina walked over to her and leaned to whisper something in her ear. You stood there, watching Ellie’s face twist in disgust. You tried reading her lips, it looked like she said your name followed by the word “sensitive.” Dina smacked Ellie’s shoulder. Ellie began searching around the room until her eyes landed on you. Her eyebrows went up before turning to Dina. You couldn’t see her lips anymore but saw a smirk grow on Dina’s face.
Everyone took a shot and headed towards the couch. You followed, sitting on the ground next to Dina. You were kinda mad that to your right was Ellie, who now sat on the edge of the couch so the guys could sit next to her. She was so close that you could smell the soap she used. Ellie looked down at you, holding the joint out. Before you could decline, she passed it to the guy sitting next to her instead. “Shit, I forgot,” she said. “You’re too good to smoke.”
You glared at her smug face. “I don’t think I’m too good to smoke.”
“Well, you’re too good to drink.”
She reached over to grab an unopened bottle from the table. She grabbed two glasses and poured the liquor into each one. “I’m not too good to drink either!” you exclaimed, defending yourself.
Ellie chuckled. “Right,” she muttered. She went to grab the shot but you grabbed it first, downing it quickly. You coughed as it burned your throat.
“Woah,” Ellie blurted out sarcastically. “You took one shot, cool.”
You grabbed the other glass angrily and downed it too, slamming it back down on the table. 
“Jesus!” said Dina, grabbing your shoulder. “Take it slow, you don’t wanna get sick.”
At this point, the joint had reached Dina. She passed it to you to pass over to Ellie but you took a hit instead. You inhaled the smoke deeply and blew it out without coughing. You handed it to Ellie who had a playful smirk on her face. “Wow, I think I’m actually impressed.”
“Whatever,” you uttered, standing up to leave the circle. You went into the kitchen to take another shot. For some reason, you felt you had to prove to Ellie that you weren’t just a goody two shoes and that you could have fun. You knew that in order for the Jackson dealer to take you seriously, you would have to commit. 
After a couple shots, you slightly stumbled back to the circle. Dina looked concerned until you giggled. “Oh, boy. This is great,” you slurred, your eyes heavy from the weed. Dina laughed and wrapped an arm around you. “Finally! I’ve been waiting for you to let loose!”
You looked up at Ellie, who was looking further down than your face with furrowed brows. She looked back up and quickly turned away. “Lightweight,” she said.
“Oh, shut it, Ellie,” you snapped. “Just for a second could you please just shut up!”
Ellie laughed. “Good Christian girl suddenly thinks she’s the shit all cause she took a hit off a blunt and a couple shots.”
Everyone groaned, tired of the constant arguing between the two. Every time they were in a room with them, Ellie would make fun of you until you couldn’t take anymore and left. They knew Ellie wasn’t fully serious, she liked picking on you because she thought it was hilarious that you couldn’t take a joke. But part of her started to despise you without her knowledge. Everyone loved you. You were sweet and would pray with anyone who wanted to pray. You would give back to the community and greet everyone who walked past you. Ellie thought it was all an act and grew tired of it.
You, on the other hand, never liked Ellie. She was a dealer who spent all of her free time smoking pot and sleeping around. You didn’t think that was any way to live. You hated the influence Ellie had on your friends. Everyone thought she was funny. You couldn’t understand why.
“Let’s play never have I ever!” Dina suggested, an attempt to break the silence and to lessen the tension that built up in the room. Everyone agreed and put all ten of their fingers up. You followed along, waiting for someone to start.
“Okay,” Dina started. “Loser has to go streaking.”
Everyone cheered. You frowned, unsure if you still wanted to play. “But!” said Dina, causing everyone to be quiet. “Usually, you’re out if you put all your fingers down. But… whoever is left with the most fingers up is the loser.”
You nudged Dina, giving her a look. “You know I’m gonna lose,” you whispered. Dina shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. Just lie.” 
“I’ll start,” said Jesse. “Never have I ever… made out with someone on patrol.”
Everyone put their fingers down except you.
“Never have I ever… had sex during patrol,” Dina said. Almost everyone put their finger down. They looked at you, waiting for you to say something. You decided to take Dina’s advice and start lying to avoid being the loser.
“Never have I ever snuck out.”
You put a finger down along with everyone else. Ellie scoffed. “Yeah sure,” she muttered. “Never have I ever had sex.”
You put a finger down, knowing that wasn’t true. Ellie kicked your knee lightly. “Wow, you’re getting some? Tell me, who?”
You looked over at Dina, your eyes wide as you tried to come up with a lie. Some girl who passed through Jackson? Some girl you met before Jackson? Your head started to hurt trying to come up with an excuse.
“Who?” Ellie asked again. “Who’s the lucky guy?”
“Girl,” Dina corrected. “She’s not attracted to men.”
You nodded, not really caring that Dina had outed you. You knew that you were surrounded by people who wouldn’t judge. Except for Ellie, even though she wasn’t straight herself.
Ellie looked genuinely shocked. “Really? Who’s the girl?”
You shrugged. “I’m not gonna name drop.”
“Because this girl isn’t real,” said Ellie. “Lying is a sin. You would know. You just don’t want to be the loser.” 
“Hey, it’s not fair to lie,” one of Jesse’s friends complained. Suddenly, everyone started whining about how it was against the rules. Either you say who it was or admit that you’re lying. You felt heat rise to your cheeks in embarrassment. Ellie was grinning but it went away when she saw tears in your eyes.
“I’m teasing, man. Chill… don’t be a crybaby about it.”
“Fuck you, Ellie,” you spat out. A few people gasped, including Dina. She turned to Jesse, resting her head on his shoulder. She felt guilty for suggesting to play the game and for telling Ellie to be nice. Dina realized it just made her pick on you even more. 
Ellie wasn’t sure what to say. She wasn’t mad but she wasn’t feeling good about the situation either.
“You’re a real piece of shit,” you continued. “Always throwing religion in my face, being mean, just… why? Why target me? I’ve always been nice to you even though I have never, ever liked you! So, fuck you, Ellie!” You sighed, running a hand through your hair. “I knew better. I shouldn’t have come here when I found out you were gonna be here too. Just give it a rest, Ellie. Grow up!”
You stood up and brushed your shorts off. You faced your friends who all sat back quietly, avoiding your gaze. “Sorry for ruining your fun, guys.”
You stormed up the stairs and into one of the spare bedrooms. You collapsed on the bed, your head spinning. You felt awful for how you reacted but felt she deserved it. You were worried you ruined the party until you heard music along with everyone singing loudly. 
You heard a knock on the door. You got up, cracking it open. You were expecting Dina but felt your stomach drop when you saw Ellie. You tried to shut the door but Ellie stopped it with her hand, shoving her way inside and slamming the door shut and locking it. “I’m not here to bitch at you, I want to talk to you.”
“You really want to make things worse?”
“You’re right. I am a piece of shit,” Ellie hissed. “I know I go too far teasing you but you take everything seriously!”
“You don’t know me, Ellie,” you mumbled, too afraid to speak up in case your voice cracked. “I won’t lie and say that I ever cared for you. I don’t like the way you choose to live your life but I still was kind to you. You never gave me a chance.”
“Because you act like you’re better than everyone!”
“How?” you shouted. “All I want is to make friends with everyone, spread a little peace and love in this shitty world! It’s comforting to me, Ellie! I don’t think I’m better than you or anybody. I enjoy making others happy and you enjoy making people miserable. Actually, just me. Because I have never seen you do this to others. You hate me and I wish you didn’t! I hear how Dina talks about you and I see how you laugh with your friends and I’m jealous. I know I could’ve liked you had you been friendly with me. Because I was angry at myself for judging you so quickly. It was wrong of me. But of course, I was right!”
You turned away from Ellie and sat down on the bed, your arms crossed over your chest. “I felt I had to prove that I’m cool,” you continued. “I thought you would stop for just one night if you saw how cool I can be.”
“You want the truth?” Ellie asked.
“You’re always truthful. So, I might as well say yes even if I don’t really give a shit.”
“I meant it when I said I was impressed earlier.”
You scoffed. “Sure.”
“I can’t even take two shots back to back like that.”
“Stop teasing, Ellie. I am convinced that being torn apart by infected is less stressful than dealing with you.”
“Just shut the fuck up and let me talk, okay? I’m leading into something.”
You flinched at her raised voice, slowly looking up to see her facial expression harden. 
“I’m jealous of you,” she admitted. “I’m jealous that you can still believe in something and that you still care when everything is so fucked!”
You stood up, walking towards Ellie as she spoke. “I’d give anything, anything, to be that way. I had bitter feelings towards you. I think I wanted to tear you down so you wouldn’t be so… sweet. Giving, caring, everything I never could be.”
You watched her face closely, trying to figure out if she was telling the truth. 
“I fuck girls like you and ignore them so they can hurt. Maybe I want the world to suffer with me,” said Ellie. “But I couldn’t do that to you. You’re too… good. I had to find another way.”
You paused as you connected what she said together. “Wait, you wanna…?” you trailed off, too shy to say it.
Ellie scratched her neck awkwardly. “Well, I did… but you’d never do that.”
“I might have,” you said, almost feeling ashamed of how bold you were being. You never would have thought this sober but Ellie was really pretty. If the circumstances were different, you knew that she would be your type. 
Ellie was taken aback by your statement.
“What?” Ellie questioned.
“Not now, since I know you would’ve ignored me.”
Ellie stepped closer to you, eyeing your body up and down. She thought you looked good tonight and couldn’t help but to peek at your tits when you weren’t paying attention, or your ass when you were turned away. 
“I… know I would’ve back then,” Ellie whispered, getting even closer to you. She stood above you, watching as your face turned red. Your heart sped up. You wondered why your panties started to feel a bit wet at the sight of Ellie looking down at you. You usually never got turned on. Ellie was right, you were just a good Christian girl who didn’t do anything. You never even tried touching yourself. Since you were breaking the rules now, you thought maybe you could break some more and pray for forgiveness later.
“I’m not so sure now,” Ellie continued, reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. “I never knew you were hiding that under all those baggy clothes.”
“A-Are you saying that in a bad way?”
Ellie shook her head. “When I first saw you earlier, I told Dina I kinda wanted to fuck you.”
Your breath hitched. “What did… Dina say?”
“That if I was nicer,” she said, stepping closer so there was almost no space left between your bodies. “I just might get to.”
Ellie caressed your cheek slowly. “Am I nice enough now, pretty girl?”
Your panties were soaked at this point. Your body trembled, afraid that you wouldn’t know what to do since it was your first time. Even though ten minutes ago you didn’t like the girl, you suddenly wanted nothing more than to be underneath her.
“I really… was lying earlier,” you mumbled.
“I know you were.”
“You don’t care that I’ve never… had sex before?”
Ellie smirked. “I’m glad you’ve never been fucked before. I want to be the one who corrupts you. I want everybody who fucks you after me to be a disappointment so you come crawling back. You’ll never find better than me, not even your own hand.”
Ellie leaned down, her lips brushing against yours. You pulled away to speak. “I don’t even do that…”
Ellie chuckled. “Really? Little church girl don’t know how to please herself?”
Usually, you would get mad at Ellie for saying stuff like that. Now, her insults just made you throb even more. 
“Have you even kissed before?”
You bit your lip shyly and shrugged. “Not… really. When I was 13, a boy tried kissing me and I didn’t kiss back.”
“Aw, poor pup,” Ellie teased, running her fingers on the exposed skin of your tummy. “I get to teach you everything.”
Finally, Ellie collided her lips with yours. She was super gentle, placing her hand on your cheek and brushing it with her thumb. You melted in the kiss, pressing your thighs together to ease your aching cunt. The friction made it feel even better, causing you to release a soft moan into her mouth. Ellie pulled away, smirking at the noise you made. “I wanna hear more of that.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” you admitted. “I don’t know if I can do anything to make you feel good.”
“You want me to fuck you, don’t you?”
You hesitated a bit before nodding. Of course you wanted that. You were just scared that you’d be bad at it since you had zero experience.
“Then let me fuck you. I get off to getting you off, understand?” asked Ellie. 
“Good girl,” Ellie praised. “Lay down, baby.”
You obeyed and laid down onto the bed. You watched as Ellie slowly took your boots off and dropped them onto the ground. “Lift your hips up for me?”
You lifted your hips and let Ellie pull your shorts off. Ellie bit her lip at the sight of your white cotton panties. She could see how soaked they were. “Look at that,” she breathed. You closed your legs to hide yourself but Ellie pulled them back open, holding your thighs down so you couldn’t move. “Filthy little girl,” she cooed. “What would God say about this?”
Your breathing started to grow heavier. “I-I don’t care what He would say,” you whined.
Ellie held back a moan that threatened to escape her lips. She pulled your panties off and threw them behind her.
“Fuck,” she groaned. “Your pussy is so pretty.”
She tugged at your shirt until you got the hint to raise up. She lifted the fabric over your head and dropped it on the floor. You were completely naked while Ellie was fully dressed. She rolled her sleeves up, her eyes never leaving yours. She crawled on top of you and started making out with you passionately. Without pulling away, she started to unbutton her jeans and took them off swiftly. She shoved her knee against your dripping cunt, eliciting a squeal from you. She placed her hands on your hips and guided them up and down so you were grinding on her.
“Just like that, baby. Good girl.”
You started to moan louder, Ellie covering your mouth and shushing you. “As much as I want to make you scream, you don’t want anyone to hear and interrupt us, do you?”
You shook your head no. “Will you be quiet for me?”
“Yes,” you whimper. 
Ellie pressed her knee harder on your pussy. You started to go faster, mewling and biting your lip to keep quiet.
“Such a good girl. You listen so well,” Ellie complimented. She took her knee away and brushed a finger up your slit. Your body jolted at the feeling. “You want me to taste you baby?”
“Please,” you almost cried out, desperate for whatever Ellie planned on doing to you. Ellie moaned at the sight of you squirming. She loved watching you unfold beneath her. To think she ever hated you was beyond her at this point. She wished she had done this sooner as she admired how beautiful you were. 
“Say it,” Ellie demanded. “Use your words, pup.”
“E-Ellie, please” you begged. “F-Fuck me.”
Ellie tutted, shaking her head no. “I plan on fucking you anyway. I want you to beg me to eat you out.”
You were confused. You’ve heard Dina say that Jesse would ‘eat her out’ but you weren’t sure what it really meant. Ellie saw the confusion on your face and laughed. “Wow, you’re too innocent.” 
You started to sit up but Ellie pushed you back down softly. “I know what you’re thinking. I didn’t mean it that way,” she apologized. “It’s okay that you don’t know what that means. I’ll show you baby. You want that?”
You nodded. “Yes, please show me.”
Ellie leaned down between your thighs and started peppering kisses all over them. You reached down to grip her hair as her lips got closer to your pussy. She flicked her tongue across your clit once and looked up at you. “Do you understand now, pup?”
“Mm, yes Ellie.”
She smirked. “You want me to continue?”
Ellie chuckled as she went back down to your dripping cunt, licking it all up and swallowing. She savored the taste of you, going back down for more. You grabbed the pillow beneath your head to put over your face in an attempt to muffle your moans.
Ellie stopped and yanked the pillow out of your hands. “They turned the music all the way up finally. You don’t have to be quiet anymore. I wanna hear how good I make you feel.”
Ellie pressed her tongue against your clit and went back and forth between a circular motion and flicking it. You nearly screamed from the pleasure, your hands grabbing Ellie’s hair to pull her closer. She moaned against you, speeding her tongue up. She brought a hand up to play with your nipple, squeezing and pulling on it. Ellie used her free hand to gently push one finger in. You yelped, yanking Ellie’s hair harder. She pulled away and licked her lips. “Too much baby?” she asked, out of breath. You shook your head no and pulled her back to keep going.
Ellie loved how tight you felt. The feeling of you gripping around her finger made her want to bend you over and fuck you with a strap. She wished the party was at her place so she could have used all the toys she had on you.
A feeling began to build up in your stomach as you trembled harder. “E-Ellie!” you moaned, bucking your hips upward as you got closer and closer to cumming.
“Come on, baby. That’s it. Be a good girl and cum for me.”
All of the sudden, your body began to convulse as your orgasm hit you hard. Ellie slowly fingered you, riding it out until you pulled away from her. She brought her finger up to your mouth, forcing it open and shoving it down your throat. You sucked on her finger with a moan.
“Such a good girl,” Ellie praised, elated with how quickly you catch on.
“Wow,” you mumbled, out of breath from all the noises you made. “Never in a million years did I think I’d lose my virginity to you.”
Ellie sent you a sly smile. “I never knew I’d take it.”
You raised up slightly, leaning against Ellie’s shoulder. “Are you still going to be mean to me?”
Ellie sighed. “No, baby. That’s all over now.” 
“Good. Do I put my clothes on now?”
“Why do you have to ask for my permission?” Ellie questioned with a laugh.
You giggled. “Well, I like… asking you.”
“Well, then no. I think I want to fingerfuck you some more. Can you take that?”
You froze, looking up at her with a fucked out expression. You were exhausted but didn’t want your time with Ellie to end. “Mhm, I think so.”
Ellie leaned back a bit and grabbed you. “Come lay in my lap, baby. Ass up.”
You complied and laid down, arching your back in excitement. Ellie rubbed her hand over your ass, squeezing tightly as you moaned. “Tell me, did you pray for me?”
Before you could ask what she meant by that, she shoved two fingers into your dripping cunt. You yelped as she fucked you with them slow and hard. “That one time when you got mad at me for making fun of you, you said you’d pray for me. Did you?”
Ellie sped her movements up as she went deeper inside you.
“Fuck!” you yelled out, trembling and kicking your feet at the feeling.
“Answer me, pup, or I’ll stop,” Ellie threatened.
“Yes what, baby?”
“Yes! God, yes, I prayed for you!”
Ellie went even faster as you got closer to cumming again. “Atta girl, such a sweet pup. Praying for a sinner like me.”
“Ellie! Fuck! I-I prayed for you everyday!” you babbled, unable to speak without getting interrupted by your own sounds of pleasure.
“Yeah? Told God how bad you wanted me? Told Him all your dirty thoughts, you filthy slut?”
You moaned louder, bucking your hips up towards Ellie . “Yes!”
“You’re gonna ask for forgiveness, aren’t you? Like the good Christian girl you are.”
“Mm, yes, Ellie,” you whined, your orgasm about to take over you.
“Then ask, baby, ask.”
“God, forgive me please,” you said in between moans as you finally came undone for her. The force of you cumming shook your entire body and made your eyes roll to the back of your head. You couldn’t help but to repeat Ellie’s name until you started to come down, your body almost collapsing onto her lap. 
“Good girl.”
Ellie helped you up onto your feet, your legs shaking. “Let me help you get dressed,” she offered.
As Ellie helped you into your clothes, you couldn’t help but feel awful. “Ellie? Did I… make God mad at me?”
Ellie stopped, placing her hands on your shoulders and staring deep into your eyes. “Who could be mad at an angel like you?”
You blushed, removing yourself from her grip and tugging your shirt over your head. You put your shoes on next and sighed, looking up at Ellie with a tired smile. “Do we say anything?”
Ellie shook her head no, quickly fixing your hair so it wasn’t obvious what happened. “Just say we talked and you forgave me. I had one hell of an apology,” she uttered with a goofy grin. You laughed softly.
“So, you’re not gonna ignore me, right?”
Ellie wrapped her arms around you for a second before stepping back, eyeing you up and down while heading towards the door. Your heart stung, wondering if maybe Ellie didn’t mean what she said before. 
“Come by tomorrow night,” said Ellie as she turned the knob. “I’ll fuck you so good that you won’t question me again.”
Ellie left you standing there, your mouth open in shock. You waited a couple minutes before heading downstairs to the party.
“Hey,” you heard Dina call out to you. She grabbed your hand and looked at you with concern. “I shouldn’t have said anything to Ellie. It just made her worse. I begged her not to talk to you but-”
“Dina,” you interrupted. “She explained herself and I explained myself. We’re all good.”
Dina looked surprised. “What? Really? You forgave her?”
You looked behind Dina to see Ellie back on the couch, staring at you with a grin as she puffed on her joint. You smiled at Dina and nodded. “Of course I forgave her. Her apology was genuine and…”
“What did she say?” Dina pressed on.
You shrugged. “I can’t remember everything she said but it was one hell of an apology.”
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tender-rosiey · 2 years
Could you please do a part 2 of when the jjk men make you scared??
Like how they apologise and all
⤷ includes: gojo, geto; nanami, sukuna
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a/n: I actually finished this also f!reader with sukuna but the rest are gn!reader
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you let out a shaky breath as you snuggle deeper into shoko’s embrace. she comforts you, “it will be okay, I promise.”
“that asshole better come and apologize or I am so going to make him pay,” she grumbles while rubbing soothing circles on your back.
the bell rings and your body tenses up, “shoko, tell him to go away.”
“y/n, you guys need to talk it out,” she sighs, “but if you really don’t want to talk to him now then tell me.”
you sit up and shake your head. you rub your eyes and take a deep breath, “you can let him in if you want.”
she nods and heads to open the door. she is met with gojo, who must’ve been crying for a while because of the way his eyes are puffy.
“you better solve this, gojo,” she says, lightly elbowing him, and he just nods.
he walks in and sees you, “…y/n?”
you don’t turn to look at him, instead holding your hands tightly and looking at the ground. he cautiously makes his way to you and kneels down.
he slowly places his hand on top of your own and lets out a small sigh of relief when you don’t pull away. he starts rubbing your hand with his thumb, “I am sorry about what I did.”
you hum and he continues, “I shouldn’t have reacted that way and shouldn’t have dismissed everything you’ve done.”
“your work is just as important to you as mine is and I shouldn’t belittle you nor what you do,” he shakily says and rests his forehead on your knee.
you pull your hand away gently and gojo looks at you, eyes wide and full of worry. he seems a few moments away from crying once again, but he closes his eyes, the moment your hand makes contact with his hair.
you scratch his scalp and play with his hair, “satoru.”
“please, try your best not to lash out on me like that,” your other hand rubs his cheek, “I am your equal not an outlet for you.”
he nods, and you hear a sniffle.
“I understand what you’re doing is really time consuming, but can we maybe have a day for ourselves every couple of weeks or so?” you ask softly, voice filled with hope.
he nods once again and snuggles into your stomach as he wraps his arms around you.
you hum and he presses a kiss to your stomach, “I love you so much.”
“me too,” you press a kiss as well to his head.
“can you guys take this to your house?” shoko complains, lighting up a cigarette, “my house is not a studio for romance movies.”
you’ve lost track of how many hours you’ve been crying alone. you didn’t move from the living room, just to be close to the main door so you can hear and see your husband enter safely.
but is he even coming back? you hoped he would. the way you shielded yourself from him was merely a reflex; you never once thought nanami would hit you and you know that he never will.
but would he know that? he can’t do anything except believe his eyes. all you can do is wait for him to come back and explain to him what happened.
your head snaps at the sounds of key’s jiggling. the door soon opens to reveal your husband in all his glory; once his gaze lands on you, his eyes widen in shock, “y/n? what are you doing on the ground?—“
you scramble out of your place and throw yourself on him and wrap your arms around him tightly, “I am sorry! I am so sorry!”
his arms instantly wrap themselves around you as you sob violently into his shirt, “I didn’t mean to, I swear! I-I know you would never hit me! please don’t be mad at me!”
he pets your hair, “sweetheart, I was never mad,” he places his hands under your thighs and picks you up while you naturally wrap your arms around his neck tighter.
“t-then? why did you leave?” you sniffle.
he sighs and presses a chaste kiss to your neck, “I was disappointed in myself that I made you react like that and I wanted to give both of us time to calm down.”
“I am sorry for the distress I caused you,” he murmurs pressing another kiss to your shoulder.
you stay in his embrace for a while before you speak up, “…you can let me down if you want.”
he shakes his head, “I want to hold you for a bit.”
you laugh lightly, “we can do that on the bed, you know,” a smile graces your lips, “like cuddle and stuff.”
you feel him smile into your shoulder before nodding. he walks towards your bedroom and gently places you on the bed; he lays beside you and pulls you to his chest.
he strokes your cheek, “your beauty is out of this world.”
“aw, you only love me for my body?” you pout and he rolls his eyes.
“I love you for everything that makes you you.”
“that’s a bit cheesy, is it not?” you giggle and he smiles.
he sighs in content, “I guess it is.”
you’re still in his arms, violently shaking and the tears never stop rolling down your face. you feel a wet batch on your shoulder and realize that your husband is crying as well.
“love, y-you know I would never hurt you, right?” he lifts your face to face his own, “r-right?”
he bites back a sob before he rests his forehead on your shoulder. he intertwines your hands together, before pleading softly “p-please don’t leave me.”
you did not move an inch since he held your face, it’s like talking to a living corpse.
“y-y/n, please answer me.”
“sugu-ru,” your voice is hoarse and he pulls back at the sound of your voice.
“I am scared,” you admit, “really scared.”
he is hurt, you can tell, but you’re so terrified. this is the man you vowed to spend the rest of your life with, and you can’t just live with someone you consider a monster.
his hand reaches for your cheek but you pull back slightly and his hand instantly goes back to his side. he is looking at the ground, his tears never stopped either, “i would never hurt you.”
“it’s not o-only about me,” you breathe in, “do you know how scarring it is to see your gentle husband torturing someone that way? can you imagine how I feel?”
he shakes his head, “if you really want to divorce me, then so be it,” he rubs his eyes, “I don’t want you to be unhappy and always on edge by my side.”
he takes a deep breath before standing up and giving you his back, “you can decide to do whatever you want; I will be waiting for your decision.”
“just know,” he looks back at you with a sad smile, “my arms are always open for you.”
geto starts walking towards his house once again with a heavy heart. oh how he hopes you will come back to him and smile like you used to. but is that even possible?
his eyes widen at the arms that gently wrap themselves around him. he feels you squeeze him lightly before you speak up softly, “I am willing to t-try.”
he hears you sniffle and a small smile appears on his face before his tears start falling down his face once again, “can I turn and hug you?”
you nod and quickly he turns and engulfs you, burying his face in your shoulder, “thank you, thank you for giving me another chance!”
you nod lightly and snuggle into his embrace.
first and foremost, this was your husband and there was no denying that you loved him. perhaps there was a way for the both of you to continue loving each other like you used to.
your knees weaken as you fall to the ground and brace yourself for the pain but it never comes. instead, you are completely fine.
“open your eyes,” you hear the king grumble.
you quickly do as told, you don’t even notice the tears on your face until he wipes them, “stop crying; don’t you remember what I said?”
you are shaking lightly so he takes your arms and pulls you lightly to your feet, steadying you.
he sighs, “you dumb girl, I said you were my favorite one; I wouldn’t just kill you like that.”
“t-thank you for your mercy, my lord!” you bow sharply and he simply straightens your back.
“calm down,” he holds your hand and pulls you back towards the palace.
for a while, the both of you walk in silence, “all of that for a couple of flowers?”
you nod shyly, “I like flowers a lot; they are my favorite thing in the world,” a fond smile is on your face at the end.
sukuna gives you a side-glance, “I am not your favorite?”
“you are my favorite person, my lord! I can never consider you a thing!” you splutter.
he keeps looking at you in silence before nodding and smirking, “good answer.”
soon, you are in his royal chamber. you bow down, “I must excuse myself now, my lord.”
he raises his eyebrow, “and that’s why?”
“I c-can’t possibly enter your room!”
he rolls his eyes, “I want you to spend the night with me.”
“but shouldn’t I get cleaned up first and—“
he pulls you inside, swiftly closing the door, “we are not going to do anything; you’re only going to sleep by my side tonight.”
you are speechless as you watch him get into bed.
“are you coming or not?”
you clumsily make your way to his bed and sit down beside him. he grumbles, “lay down.”
you do as told and now you’re laying face to face with the king of curses.
he wraps an arm around you and pulls you to his chest, “sleep.”
you nod, but sleep is far from coming to you.
instead, you lightly trace hearts on his chest, and silently hope that he doesn’t feel anything.
meanwhile, his cheeks are a light rosy red as he realizes what you’re tracing.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @bakugossanity @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @luciferspen @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @fiona782 @ginneko @kisakitwister @iamjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl9 @buzylizbee @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn @pplareweirdsmh @arujee @megumimind @shuxjodie @spaceemeeatt2 @buzylizbee @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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the-cannibal · 2 years
“I would never leave you.”
Yautja x female Reader
Summary: your mate has been gone for two weeks on a hunt, and you begin to question if he is ever coming back to you, or if he’s finally moved on and got bored of a simple human like the others suggest…
okay so this may or may not be kinda self indulgent in how I hate it when people say one thing and then plans suddenly change, if that makes sense? Anyway hope you enjoy!
Reader is female - she/her and you is used
Yautja is male - no specific name is used so feel free to imagine them as whoever you’d like!
I wrote this on my phone so apologizes if it gets laid out weird.
You happily hummed as you helped a female Yautja clean and put away the training weapons. You loved to help them in any way you could. After all, it was sort of like a thanks and payment for letting you stay. And also for not killing you… Not that your mate would let them of course! But it was still a kind thing you enjoyed doing for them.
As you were putting a spear away, the sound of some yautja behind you, clicking their mandibles at you caught your attention and made you tilt your head at them.
“Don’t you find it strange, ooman?” One of them spoke. You raised an eyebrow at them confused, which made the other two laugh at you.
“I told you she wouldn’t understand! Oomans are such idiots.” The way that yautja rolled the last word off her tongue hurt. It was bad enough that she was calling you and your kind dumb, but the venom in her voice made sure it really stung.
“Your mate,” Your head jerked up to look at the tall maroon yautja that spoke. “Been gone for long time, yes?” This yautja didn’t seem as fluent in the “ooman tongue”, like what the other two are. It sort of reminded you of your mate, when you first met him. Speaking of mate, the maroon alien was correct. It had been a long time since you had seen your mate. Two whole weeks to be exact…
You could only nod at the aliens, making their mandibles trill as they laughed at you.
“How pathetic,” The female spat at you. “But not at all surprising. I mean, did you really think they would stay with you forever?”
“What..?” Your voice wavered as you looked up at the tall female. She towered over you, making you feel small and weak. The female Yautja’s were bigger than the males. So you could only imagine how tall they were when the males also towered over you. Their heights always slightly intimidated you, especially now…
“Oh don’t seem so surprised!” The first yautja chuckled. “I mean. You are just a simple minded ooman. You really didn’t think that someone of our kind would be mates with someone of yours, did you?” They asked you in such a way that sounded almost scolding. They talked down to you like they were talking to one of their pups and scolding it. “I bet they left to find a new mate.”
Your eyes widened, clenching your fists until your knuckles turned white. “That isn’t true! He wouldn’t do that!” He wouldn’t. Your mate loves you!
“Oh but how could he not? How could you expect an expert hunter to stay with a simple ooman? You oomans are weak,” They continued to belittle you.
“Slow.” The maroon alien added.
“No where near our intelligence level.” The female included.
“And you can’t even give him an heir to secure his bloodline.” They whispered in your ear, making you freeze up and glare at them.
“Shut up…”
“You know it’s true.”
“I said shut UP!” You screamed at the group of aliens and stormed off towards your room. The sound of their laughter mixed with clicks and trills could be heard getting quieter and quieter until finally, when you entered your shared room, silence.
Shakily making your way towards your bed, you flopped down onto the fur mattress, clutching your head in your hands as silent tears fell from your eyes. You really shouldn’t let what they said get to you. Your mate loved you, and there was no way he would leave you like that… right? But what if they were right? What if your mate was bored of you, and decided he needed to be with someone like him? After all, those three yautja's were right. You are just a human. You aren't a big strong hunter like them. Curling up into a ball, pulling your knees up to your chest, you silently cried yourself to sleep. The thoughts of your mate leaving you, and all the horrible things that were said to you today never left your head...
A soft glowing light made you crack one eye open. There standing at the end of the bed, back facing you, was your mate as he put away his weapons. A small part of you wanted to jump out of bed and into his arms. But you were still feeling upset. So instead you turned your body away from him. The sudden movement made him turn to look at you. "Y/n?" He softly spoke your name. You just closed your eyes and pretended to be asleep. You felt the bed dip under his weight as he moved to sit next to you. "I know you are awake." He said, brushing a hand through your hair. You pushed the hand away and stared ahead at the wall. This made him tilt his head, looking at you confused, almost like a kicked puppy. He had just returned home to you. Were you not happy? "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" He moved his hand to feel your forehead, only getting more confused when it didn't feel hot. You sat up and pushed his hand away once again. "Why are you here?" You whispered. "Shouldn't you be off with your new mate?" You practically seethed at him. The big alien slightly jumped back, eyes widened. "What are you talking about?"
"The whole reason why you were gone for so long! Don't try and sugar coat it," Angry tears were falling. "Let's just get this over with. You got bored of a silly little human, I get it." Your mate growled, making you gasp and scoot back. When he saw the scared reaction from you he calmed himself down. "Ooman," He cupped your cheek and wiped your tears. You leaned into his touch. Oh how you missed him, but oh how your thoughts were plagued at the moment... "I would never leave you." He whispered. "Who put these thoughts in your head?"
Whimpering and turning you head away in shame, you refused to answer him. You felt foolish and embarrassed. How could you let those thoughts get to you? Your mate was the sweetest, of course he wasn’t gone to leave you behind for good.
“Y/n,” Your mate trilled your name in a way that sounded like sweet honey to your ears. He always could make you swoon just by how he pronounced things, but especially your name. “Please talk to me. I’m not mad at you, just concerned.” His clawed finger softly brushed the side of you head, once again moving down to cup your cheek. You knew you couldn’t hide anything from him. He’d figure out what was upsetting you if it were the last thing he did. There was no way he was going to little his little mate sit here and sulk away and not let him help.
Sighing and cupping your hand over his as you leaned into his touch, tears being wiped away by his other free hand as they fell, you opened up. “Today when I was helping clean the training weapons there were these three Yautja’s that came up to me and said some… Not really nice things about me…” That made your mate hiss, mandibles clicking in annoyance. How dare anyone upset his mate!
“Who?” He asked.
“No idea,” you shrugged. “Look it was stupid of me to believe them so let’s just drop it and pretend it never happened, alright?”
“No,” The alien moved your chin so you were looking up at him. “I am sorry that happened to you. You are the most precious thing to me, I couldn’t live with myself if I ever lost you, be it by death or something like this.” He held his arms out, which you happily accepted as you crawled onto his big lap and curled up into his chest. His rough skin calmed you. “Silly girl,” he purred, mandibles clicking, this time in a happy way. “No one could ever replace you. I’m so lucky to have you. I’m so thankful that it was me that was sent to earth on that mission, and not someone else. I don’t want to imagine what life would be like if I hadn’t met you that night.”
“Well I do know one thing for sure,” You spoke up. “I know there wouldn’t be a big hole in my backyard from when you crashed you ship.”
Your mate playfully nipped his mandibles at you as you laughed at the thought. “I had just learned how to fly, give me some credit!”
“Alright alright! I’ll give you a pass for being so adorable.”
“You were the cutest! Don’t deny it!”
He smiled down at you, nuzzling his head against yours, which you had learned soon in your relationship that it was his way of trying to give you a kiss like “the oomans do”.
“There’s that pretty smile I love.” He practically cooed. “Don’t listen to what anyone has to say about us, love. I love you more than all the stars in the universe.”
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runninriot · 3 months
written for @steddie-week day 4
and the @steddiesongfics july prompt
prompts: trade, body swap & song: Nik Kershaw (Wouldn't It Be Good) | wc: ~1.2k | rated t | cw: recreational drug use | tags: steve has a bad relationship with his parents, good uncle wayne appreciation, repressed feelings, steve has a crush on eddie, friends to lovers | also on ao3
They’re lying on Eddie’s floor, sharing a joint like they often do. Hanging out, just the two of them, enjoying each other’s company.
Eddie’s been rambling for the past ten minutes, talks about how he’d like to swap bodies with Steve for a day, how he’d want to experience a day in Steve’s life first-hand.
   “Why the hell would you want that?”
   “You got it easy,” Eddie says matter-of-factly and Steve snorts at this very untrue claim.
   “Yeah right, I wish.”
   “What could possibly make Mr popular rich boy’s life hard, huh?” Eddie teases and Steve knows he doesn’t mean it in a hurtful way but it still stings.
   “You don’t know a thing bout it,” he answers simply, before snatching the joint from Eddie’s fingers and taking a long drag.
Steve doesn’t want to open up that box. He came here to forget, not to talk about what’s keeping him up at night.
   “So? Tell me then. I wanna know. Because- and don’t take this the wrong way, Stevie – but I really can’t see it. I mean, look at me. I’m certified trailer trash. I know what it’s like to live on nothing but toast and peanut butter for weeks because the washing machine broke and the next pay check isn’t yet due.” Eddie laughs but Steve can’t find it in him to join in on it.
He hates when Eddie calls himself that, trailer trash. As if living in a trailer park makes him less of a person. It doesn’t! It just means that Eddie and his uncle are less fortunate than others.
Steve didn’t do shit to earn the comfort of growing up in a big house, was just... lucky to be born into the Harrington family.
Wayne on the other hand is doing his best, is giving his all to make their life as good as possible.
Steve envies that.
Wayne is an honest and hard-working man, and even if Eddie likes to joke around and belittle himself for their situation, Steve knows he cherishes everything Wayne has done for him. Steve knows Eddie will do everything to make him proud. To repay him for taking him in when he needed a place to stay. For always being there for him, for supporting him. For loving him unconditionally.
They might not have much but they have each other. It’s something Steve would trade everything he owns for without hesitation.
In a heartbeat, he’d give up his inheritance for a relationship with his parents that is as respectful and loving as the one between Eddie and his uncle.
Because Steve might have a nice car, a pool in the backyard, and a name that can open doors for him but- at home, he feels lonely, unloved. He’s a failure, his father keeps reminding him. And worst of all, he’s afraid to be his true self around them because they’d never accept it, would never understand.
   “Steve? You with me?” Eddie pushes himself up on one arm, his face hovering over Steve’s. “Hey, did I say something wrong? I didn’t mean to-“
   “Nah, you’re good. Just got a little lost in my thoughts.” Steve offers a weak smile but he can sense that Eddie doesn’t buy it.
He knows him too well.
Has this annoying ability to read Steve like an open book.
It’s like he can see right through him, can see right through Steve’s little white lies whenever he tries to talk himself out of something.
There’s only one thing Eddie doesn’t know about him and never will. It’s Steve’s best kept secret; not even Robin knows. Because he can’t risk his parents finding out about it.
If Eddie knew, maybe he’d understand and take back what he said earlier because yeah, sure, Steve’s life might seem easy from an outsider’s point of view, someone who only sees the shiny exterior of his golden cage.
It’s a false illusion, because contrary to Steve, Eddie does not have to hide a certain part of himself out of fear of the consequences.
Wayne loves him regardless, accepts all of him. Wayne knows, and he’d put up a fight with anyone who doesn’t agree with Eddie’s... choices.
Steve’s father would kill him if he ever found out that his son is-
   “Alriiight, enough for you!” Eddie sits up and reaches for the joint that’s slowly burning down in Steve’s hand.
Their fingers brush and it feels like the world stops for a second. Steve finds Eddie’s gaze, can’t look away, slowly loses himself in Eddie’s dark brown eyes. The air is crackling between them and Steve feels tiny electric shocks prickle on his skin when Eddie lifts his free hand and cups his face.
The hand doesn’t linger, unfortunately, moves up his temple to brush a strand of hair back from Steve’s forehead. It’s a kind gesture and Steve wishes he could lean into the gentle touch.
But he can’t. He can’t let the wall crumble because Eddie would instantly know what it means.
Would know that, behind layers of pretentious confidence, Steve hides this vulnerable part of himself.
That there, locked away in his fragile heart, burns a small flame. A flame he tried to smother, that keeps flickering unrelenting.
Because every time Eddie looks at him, every time he smiles, every time they touch – it’s like gasoline to the flame, setting his insides ablaze.
Eddie’s hand retreats but the sensation on Steve’s face remains, hot and red. He knows he’s blushing, hopes he can blame it on the buzz from the weed.
   “Sometimes I wish-“ Steve realises too late that he said it out loud.
   “Wish what?” Eddie asks, curiously waiting for Steve to continue.
   “Sometimes I wish things were different.”
   “What would you change?”
    This right here, Steve thinks. You being so close but not close enough.
   “I’d change who I am.”
   “Who would you want to be, if you could choose?”
   “I’d want to be someone who’s brave.”
   “Pff, you’re literally the bravest person I know.” Eddie scoffs affectionately.
   “If I’m so brave, then why I am so scared?” Steve knows it’s more than he should confess, too much for Eddie not to keep digging.
   “Scared of what?” Eddie looks at him like he’s searching for the answer in Steve’s eyes, intense and pensive. And then he smiles, bright and warm and fond in a way that makes Steve’s heart stutter.
Inside him, the flame flares up, spreads heat from his heart through his veins and Steve knows, in that moment, this might be his only chance.
   “Scared of my feelings for you.”
Eddie kisses him and suddenly, everything does seem easy.
Kissing Eddie back is easy.
Leaning into his touch and holding him tight is easy.
Loving Eddie is easy.
Because it feels right.
It doesn’t matter what his parents will think of him if they know – this is right and it’s all he wants.
This is who he is underneath.
This is who he wants to be, openly and unafraid.
   “You don’t have to change, Stevie. You don't have to be anyone else. I love you just the way you are.”
And that, Steve realises, is more than enough.
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dreamingonfilm · 2 years
✧˖*°࿐ Bruises | d.m
Draco Malfoy x reader
Summary: After years of being bullied by Draco, you finally stand up for yourself. However, you left him with more than a bloodied cheek and a bruised jaw.
C/W: fighting, mentions of abuse, Draco being a d!ck basically
W/C: 1.2k
Part 2
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“Give it back, Malfoy!” You groaned, reaching for the wand that the sneaky Slytherin boy managed to take from your bag. 
“Only if you beg for it.” the boy sneered, holding the delicate item up to his face as if to inspect it.
You reached for it one more time but failed to grab it as the boy only held it high above your head. He laughed at the hurt that was prevalent all over your face and only grinned harder as he noticed the tears that were starting to form at the corners of your eyes.
“Are you seriously about to cry?” He spat, glaring at you with eyes that were full of hatred and anger. This was all amusing and not an ounce of him felt guilty. As heir of Malfoy house, he found it his duty to belittle anyone that he felt was unworthy of being a student at Hogwarts and unfortunately you have fallen into the category of someone that now had to face the torment of Draco Malfoy. 
At first it was only sly remarks about your family, but over time the insults didn’t seem to sting you like how they used to. Taking notice of this, the torment grew and before you knew it you were constantly being harassed by Draco and his friends. They would steal your uniforms, tear up your homework, and in one case they locked you in the astronomy tower for 12 hours until Filch managed to find you. While most people would fight back, your heart knew that he needed this more than you did, and so you let him continue.
“Draco -” your voice broke, “please.” The words were shaky and soft, a mix of a cry and a whisper. His gaze drifted back and forth between your red face and the now ripped homework that you had clutched in your hand. At this point you were crying, leaving the little pride you had behind you. His eyes softened, but just as quickly as you noticed, they went back to the demeaning glare that you were used to.
He threw the wand next to your feet before spitting on it. His hands falling back down to his side and into his pockets before he spoke, “You filthy mudblood. You’re more of a loon than that Ravenclaw girl.” 
You bent down and picked up the now dirty wand from the cold ground, shaking off the mud that was stuck on it. Once you managed to strike up the courage to lift your head, the boy was gone.
“I seriously don’t know why you let him talk to you like that.” Your friend Hermoine spoke first, giving you a worried look as you took a bite from your green apple. 
“Honestly (Y/N), you have to report him. This has been going on for months - no, years.” Harry responded, brushing his fingers behind your ear to try and fix the mess that you were left looking like. 
“I don’t know. It’s just that- well. I don’t know.” You looked down to your shoes to avoid facing your friends. You knew the consequences of telling them would be overbearing but you couldn’t help but to find comfort in the fact that they cared for you. They were well aware of the relationship between you and Malfoy, and while they were able to prevent it at times, they all knew that on your own you were helpless. 
“I just can’t understand why he treats me like this more than others. I’ve done nothing to him, and even still I don’t do anything. I was hoping that me not fighting back would bore him or something but it’s only gotten worse.” You argued, visibly feeling the heat radiating from your face. Your friends stared at you sympathetically as you got up from your seat. You threw away the remains of your apple and said a hush goodbye as you walked away from the table and started making your way back to your dorm room. 
Your head started pounding as you thought of the events of today. You knew you could never hate Malfoy, despite the constant abuse and distress that he caused you, you knew all too well that he was only a product of his environment. It took every part of you to try not to shout out that you hate him each time he looked at you, or start hitting him whenever he got too close. The way that you controlled your anger and refused to show it was something that angered him even more. 
You let out a heavy sigh as you turned the corner to where the staircases were. Distracted by unwanted thoughts, you went up the staircase, losing focus as you accidentally misplaced your footing. You felt a rush of air around you and prepared yourself to land on the hard steps below you, but before you landed you felt the warmth of a body surrounding you and a firm grip around your waist. 
You caught your breath and started spilling out an apology for your clumsiness to the kind stranger that saved your fall. 
“- I was distracted and I wasn’t paying attention, I really am sorr–” but your voice hitched as you stared at the face of the one who caught you.
“(Y/L/N),” he smirked, “I’d assume that you would know how to walk up the stairs but I guess you’re too much of an idiot to even do that.” The corridor was soon full of the laughter from the boy and his two friends, the group snickering as they watched you shuffle back and forth in discomfort. 
You stayed silent and continued to look down. As much as you wanted to say something, you knew that it would only make it worse. So you kept your thoughts to yourself as the boy in front of you continued to tear you apart. 
“Are you even listening? Merlin’s beard, talking to you is like talking to an infant.” His eyes were piercing through you and all you could do was stare back. The boy continued to berate you and throw insults but all you could pay attention to was his eyes. His words turned into a slow and muffled tune, as you began to overanalyze the flecks of gold surrounding his pupils, and the wrinkles he would get whenever he laughed. 
But this short adoration would be cut off just as quickly as it started.
“You’re just as much of a waste as Potter’s dead parents.” Was all you heard before your fist made their way to Draco’s jaw. There was a loud crunch as he was taken aback and brought his hand up to his jaw whilst groaning in pain. “Ah! Fuck!” He seethed. 
You froze. 
You stared at your bloody knuckles and then back at him, not being able to come to terms that you really had it in you. Before Malfoy could say another word, you ran up the stairs to your dorm room, trying to hide the small smile that was forming.
The boy watched each step you took in disbelief of the events that just took place. He brought his sweater to his cheek to try and wipe the few drops of blood that were there, wincing at the stinging sensation whenever there was contact. 
And whilst you were able to go to bed that night with a feeling of triumph – you were unaware that this was far from over. Because little did you know that behind his bloodied cheek and bruised jaw, Draco Malfoy was hiding his blush.
Part 2
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
hellooo, i love ur stuff and i wannted to see u write about how Simon, Price, Alejandro, and Rudy handle having a wife who is very head strong and such? Like the type of woman who was very successful and has a sharp tongue. A very badass woman in general. Thx<33
Hello! Thank you! I tried on this request as well, but people like that genuinely scare me ^^; I wrote this with a very hot headed person in mind because I'm not quite sure I understand what headstrong means, even when I googled it! It's probably a bit extreme, the way I wrote reader and it probably usually isn't that bad, but I barely know anyone who's like this!
Price, Ghost, Alejandro and Rodolfo with a Headstrong!S/O
Price: There are a few things Price is used to due to his occupation: People taking his orders without ever questioning them, and people, smart assed as they are, questioning his every move. Some differences could be settled quite peacefully, during others, harsh words had to be exchanged in order for an agreement to come between them. So it definitely wouldn’t be the first time Price had ever met someone like you. However, he can get along just fine with someone like that. You’re his spouse, not some soldier, therefore he can bite back from time to time if he needs to. However, if you’re about to do something extremely stupid where you will end up hurt, he will try to stop you, no matter how much you protest and snarl at him. He loves you for your personality, but sometimes some risks do need to be taken into consideration. He would sometimes get fed up a bit with you, especially if you keep doing what you do without really considering the consequences or yourself. At some point, he’d probably just let you do whatever it is that you want to do. If things go well, he’ll congratulate you, maybe reward you too depending on whatever it was, but if things go sour he would have to bite back a “told you so” occasionally. But other than that, he can appreciate your sharp tongue, always biting back at the people who are trying to belittle you. It shows him that you’re not someone who needs to be taken care of at all times and that you can handle yourself when it comes down to it. Don’t sass him too much, though, since he will also sass you back. But if that’s what you like, then go right ahead. 
Ghost: If he wanted to, he could insult you in a way that could destroy your sense of worth, and sometimes, when you are being a bit more difficult, he considers saying something mean himself. He never does, though, since he doesn’t want to ruin what the two of you have. While you being harsh with others and not letting them walk all over you is something he can appreciate, he will sit you down from time to time and tell you to take it down a notch or two, especially if you’re being harsh towards him. Communication goes both ways, though, so you’re also more than welcome to give him a piece of your mind. As long as you’re both being adults about it, he won’t mind. Like Price, he lets you do your own thing for the most part, unless you’re doing something extraordinarily stupid. He will try to change your mind, knowing fully well it would be futile, in a gentle manner, but if you don’t listen to him then that’s on you. He did try to help you. As much as he’d sigh at your antics, he would help you clean up your messes. Ghost isn’t much of a talker himself, saying the bare minimum when something needs to be said, so sometimes he’ll simply lean back and let you do the talking. Especially if the other person is being an idiot. You have a way with words that makes him snicker from time to time, especially if you’re a small and petite thing. The surprise on the other person’s face is such a delight, he can’t help but love it every single time. And if you’re a rather big and scary person then he’ll wordlessly watch the other person scuttle away. It’s nice, not always having to talk to people. He can be mean too, but he usually just rolls his eyes and walks away.
Alejandro: Alejandro is a rather passionate man about many things, therefore you would often come to butt heads. He used to be far more fiery when he was younger, so these days it’s not as bad as it used to be, but your arguments might end up with both of you yelling. Alejandro can be extremely stubborn and, unless you have some good arguments, it’s not very easy to change his mind either. Unless you start insulting him first, he won’t yell any insults at you either. He would absolutely never get physical with you, no matter how scary he might seem, though. Even in his heated moments, he values you more than anything and anyone else. In your eyes, you’re both right, and that might just be something you’ll both want to work on if you want your relationship to last in the long run. He is more than willing to do so, though, as long as you put some effort into it as well. May god save whatever soul has decided to wrong both of you, however. He will give them a piece of his mind, and so will you, meaning that person has twice the amount of people to be scared of. One of the many reasons you would come to argue would be you trying to do something that might be dangerous, with him trying to convince you it’s a bad idea. He’s a colonel, so he’s used to people taking his orders without very many questions. While Alejandro may not expect you to be his poodle, he does want to see you safe and sound. Ultimately, he knows telling you to not do something won’t change anything, but he’ll try anyway. Your safety comes before all else. Unlike Price and Ghost, he will tell you “I told you so”. Even when he tells you all the reasons why you really shouldn’t have done what you did, he will still patch you up and use his power to make sure you can continue being as successful as you are. So, even while mad he’s a sweetheart about and to you.
Rodolfo: Considering he’s a quiet man, he won’t usually talk back when you have something to say. Instead, he’ll force all of his emotions down. Very rarely, he might snap at you because of it, however. Again, you’ll both have to talk it out with each other, with you having to learn how to bite back something as well. Rodolfo isn’t nearly as feisty as Alejandro, so he’ll usually let you do the talking. Think the “he asked for no pickles” meme except Rodolfo could make his opinion known, but it’s more impactful when you do it. He likes to see you successful and in high spirits, even if he sometimes would wish you would tone it down a bit. Some bad potatoes at the farmer’s market aren’t the end of the world. However, he’ll barely ever voice such a thing, simply turning away instead when you’re getting too heated. He knows trying to calm you down will only make things worse, so he’ll wait it out. Out of everyone, he’ll be the most patient as far as your personality goes. If you’re ever trying something risky, he’ll make you aware of the risks, even if you do end up snapping at him, but won’t stop you. Again, it’s futile. While he may have enough faith in you to know you likely won’t end up hurt, you’re a smart cookie after all, he will sigh if things don’t end up according to plan. You’re probably too proud to do so, but you’re always more than welcome to come to him for help if you need it, he won’t mind. In fact, he’d prefer that over you getting hurt. If you’re both buying things, though, then he’ll let you be the one to haggle, you’re the most effective haggler he knows. In fact, if he ever needs something that requires him to bargain with people for anything at all, he’ll let you do it. You’re scarier than him, on the outside, so he’ll either get what he wants at a good price, or the other person will have learned a lesson. It’s a win-win situation either way.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 8 months
"The Best Gift He Can Give." Mickey Altieri X AFAB! Reader.
Okay, so the amazing and fantastic @mrsaltieri-real had a birthday a while ago, and I wrote this as a gift. I edited it to make it reader insert friendly and now I am sharing it with all of you! I hope you all enjoy it.
Rating. Explicit. Length. 5.4K. Mickey Altieri X AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Your Boyfriend David Fucking Sucks. Your Boyfriend Cheats On You. Apologies To Dudes Named David Who Don't Suck. Stalking. Breaking And Entering. Murder. Blood. Gore. Violence. Making Out. Grinding. Vaginal Fingering. Eating Out. Eating Ass. Hair Pulling. Spanking. Praise. Degredation. Rimming. Vaginal Sex. Cream Pie. Confessions Of Feelings.
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There are people in this world who do not deserve anything. They don’t deserve kindness, or understanding, they don’t deserve friends, they don’t even deserve to breathe. One such asshole was your boyfriend, David. You don’t even know why he is your boyfriend, honestly you’ve had friends ask, and you are never sure much what to say. He treats you terribly, he is mean to you, rude, constantly picks fights, and it isn’t like you can say, “Well at least the sex is good-”
Because it is very much not. You’d been together for four years, and it had never been good.
Mickey didn’t know about that, though. All he knew to start is that you were cute, and he liked how you looked, the rest started to become revealed to him through watching you over time. He remembers the first afternoon he started to pick up on that very clearly. He was in the library, one table over, trying to do some actual work, sure he wasn’t paying for his degree, but he couldn’t exactly flunk out either, and he overheard an interaction, “Do you have to turn your pages so loud?”
Your head snaps up, looking over to him, Mickey’s own eyes flick up, but his head doesn’t raise, brows furrow in question mirroring yours as you ask, “Excuse me?”
“You are turning the pages of your book really loudly-” He drew out your name, focused on it, and that made your expression turn from somewhat annoyed confusion to outright disgust, a roll of your eyes. “Fuck off David.” 
His tone made Mickey’s skin crawl, “Sooo mature, this is a library, can’t you keep it down and show some class?” 
Mickey had to fight to keep his jaw from dropping, who the fuck was this guy, and why was he so comfortable talking to you like that? He thought boyfriends were supposed to be fucking nice to their girlfriends, and here he was treating you like he hated you, as if you were shit on the bottom of his shoe.
That was not the only time he saw you being treated so shamefully by David, either. Seems whenever he overheard, walked by, you were being talked down to by him or already mid-fight. 
Worse still he would complain about what you wore deriding any skin you wanted to show, and what you were into, he’d overheard him belittling your love of movies too. “How the fuck can you do that shit?”
“Do what shit, David?” You sighed, and he asked, “What the same fucking movies over and over, don’t you ever get bored?”
Your reply comes out almost bored, edging on annoyed, “Those same movies over and over are definitely more interesting than talking to you so-” 
“Woooow, is that any way to talk to me?” He’d ask, and Mickey would think to himself that you should treat him a Hell of a lot worse for how he acts.
You and Mickey had been friends in secret for a while, it had been a very quiet affair, mostly because David would be threatened and jealous, something that bugged Mickey, but he was just glad for the time spent with you and to get to know you. Small moments carved out whenever that prick wasn’t around became absurdly meaningful. 
One day he found you alone on a park bench on campus and seemingly very upset, he couldn’t leave you like that, your boyfriend isn’t around and so he comes forward until he is close enough to ask, “Hey uh, you good?”
Head raises, and you sniff, hands rushing to wipe at your nose and mouth, you nod shakily, mouth dry as you say, “Yeah, totally, so, so good.” 
He lets himself smile this kind of sad smile as he sits down beside you, humming out, “Why don’t I believe you?”
“Leave it alone.” You sigh, and he presses, “No way, there has to be a reason you’re this upset and I wanna know.” 
You slump back further into the bench, averting your gaze as you confess, “You caught me, M’ not good at all. I just found out that my boyfriend fucking cheated on me.” 
Immediate anger flares as does genuine concern for you, both emotions taking hold makes his eyebrows raise and his hand reach out to touch your elbow, your attention snaps back to him. Your eyes meet, and he says, “You can talk to me.”
“What is there to talk about?” It’s said very quietly, and his grip on you tightens by a fraction as he encourages, “Plenty. It isn’t healthy to keep this shit bottled up, what he did was fucked, talk to me about it.” 
You haven’t opened up in such a long time but right now, something in his eyes beckons you and the urge overtakes, you feel safe and think, maybe you should open up. Your stomach is churning, and you think, what harm could it do? You start to tell him, a verbal torrent that once it began it was impossible to stop, as you vent about David and the series of horrible things he had put you through in your relationship. He listens, and only when you stop for breath does he say, “You don’t deserve to be treated like this, you could do so much better than an asshole like him.”
A small shrug as you brush him off, “It’s easier to stay in this relationship because it’s all I’ve ever known. Even if I broke things off with him, he’d never really let me go.”
“What do you mean he wouldn’t let you go?” His question isn’t entirely unexpected, but you still struggle for a moment to respond, “I dunno, I just…I know he would put up a massive fight, and I couldn’t ever just make a clean break. He wouldn’t let that happen.” 
He licks his lips tentatively, an almost nervous action, “He…He doesn’t own you. Hon, you know that, right?”
You looked over at Mickey and said quietly, unconvincingly, “I know that.” 
He wasn’t sold. He hated the look in your eyes right now. Not only that, but he tried to break the tension and asked, “Is the sex that good or-?”
You laughed, head tipping back, genuine smile crossing your face, you shake your head as you catch your breath and tell him, “God no, it’s terrible! So vanilla, nothing but missionary, he never even eats me out.” You exhale and expound further, “He expects me to blow him too.” 
“Fuck off no way.” His reaction pulled another laugh out of you, and he insists, “You’re kidding.”
“I wish I was.” You sighed. He speaks with conviction, anger but not at you, never at you, more frustration at your situation and how you seemingly have just accepted it. “Why the fuck do you put up with this asshole? Seems like you are doing all the giving with no take.” 
A shrug as you tell him, refusing to look at him any longer, “I’ve grown used to it, it’s been just so long of the same thing, you know?” 
That was fucking bullshit. Sunk cost fallacy much? Clearly you were never going to get out from under this jerk’s thumb on your own, so he was going to do something about this. It would take some work, but you were more than worth it. He started to stalk him, determined to get real dirt on him, he learns his routine and becomes far too acquainted with even the most basic and mundane things about your boyfriend. 
It doesn’t take him long, around a month in is when Mickey catches David in the act of cheating, he was fucking some girl from his film class. 
It was infuriating! Here he has you, a total fucking catch, and he doesn’t appreciate you, mistreats you, and cheats on you on top of all that. What a complete piece of fucking trash. 
He has every intention of telling you when he has the adequate proof-
What if he tells you and you still stay? You seemed so downtrodden, what if not even this is enough to convince you to leave? Fuck, that would be terrible, but he couldn’t let that hold him back. 
He just needed to stay on task, stay focused, and this could work out. He clung closer, tried to be around you more and provide more support, but that, as it turns out, only made it harder. Having to be confronted so frequently with the damage he was doing to you, how sad you were, it made him hurt in kind. He really fucking cared about you.
On top of all of this, his presence is apparently putting more pressure on your relationship. He comes across you and David having a loud and public altercation a few days later, as he gets closer he realizes it is about him. 
“You can’t tell me what to do!” You insist, and David bites back, “Oh, can’t I?”
“No! You can’t! What is the problem anyway?” You try to implore, and he isn’t having it, “I don’t like him! No, scratch that, I fucking hate him. You shouldn’t be talking to any guy, I don’t want you to even look in his direction-”
“You are so ridiculous-” 
He can’t stay. He can’t listen to this. Furthermore, he can’t stand idly by any longer. He is going to do something about this. 
Breaking into David’s place was easy, taking his time is what was difficult. He eases into his bedroom, costume on, knife already in his hand, and comes up to the bed. You were back at your own place, far away and hopefully peacefully sleeping, blissfully unaware of just what he was about to do for you, of the devotion he has and was about to display. 
He wanted to spit in the fucker’s face for what he did to you, more than that he wanted to main and mutilate him, wanted to inflict as much physical pain onto him as he inflicted mental pain onto you. He reached down, he ripped the blanket back, and with one smooth motion he stabbed the sharp blade into David’s stomach. 
The reaction was immediate, his eyes snapping open, mouth open in a soundless scream as it seems all the air leaves him, hands flying to his stomach trying to clutch at the blade but stopping short, afraid to touch the intrusion. He ripped the knife out and then stabbed it back in, immediately. He twists, David inhaled as much as he could but then breathed out, hiccuping on the air, it becomes a complete bloodbath. Mickey cuts, he stabs, he hurts him as he can’t hold back, and David chokes out, “Why?”
Mickey laughs, this cold and calculating kind of laugh before he takes the mask off, and then he starts to talk, “You are a pathetic excuse for a man, a worthless piece of trash-” 
The knife is ripped out and brought back down harder than before, the steel scrapes bone, and he sobs, “-you don’t deserve someone like her, you know that, right? You’ve been mistreating her for way too long.”
The metal wrenched free and then drove deeply inward again, the next sound of pain is a short gasp, Mickey tells him further, “That is why I am doing this, I am going to step in and take over.” 
David looked so pitiful, tears down his cheek, bloodstained and movements slowing, weakening. Mickey leaned down and told him lowly,“I’m going to make her feel so, SO much better than you ever did.” 
He is unrecognizable. Organs are laying all around him, cuts on his face making it, so his identity is basically gone, partially skinned in places. He wished he could have taken the time to skin him alive, fillet him like a fucking fish, but even that would be too good for him. He is sure that he has drained him of about half of his blood, the mattress is soaked, heavy and thick, there is a squelching sound when Mickey gets off the bed. The blood has soaked through the robe, it is staining his shirt and jeans he is positive of it, the handle of the knife is slick, he can feel coagulated blood that has gathered between his fingers, the clots are slippery and almost black.
There is one place he wants to be and it’s with you.
He goes to your place. 
It is obscenely late when you open the door, you are in your pyjamas, you look fucking gorgeous to him. 
“Mickey?” You rub over your eyes, suppressing a yawn, you ask, “What are you doing here?”
He pushes past you, comes inside as he starts to talk, “I had to come see you, I just did something amazing tonight-”
You close the door, he is talking quickly, a mile a minute, excited, manic. “I was thinking about what told me about David and I just got so fucking inspired, you know? So I decided I just had to do it, so I did but, darling, you need to tell me, what else didn’t he do for you?”
“What he didn’t do?” You repeat, softer, confused, and he nods, brows raised and eyes alight, mischievous, “Yes, tell me all the things he doesn’t do for you.”
It is then that you take him in awake enough to register, and notice what he is wearing. A black robe, almost plastered to his body, your eyes flit downwards, and you see that it’s shiny in a particular way that tattles on it being wet, but wet with what? Eyes catch red droplets on the ground coming off of the frayed edged of the black fabric, your gaze shoots back up. You smell the iron, and you see the small flecks of red on his face, and so the question tumbles out, “What is with the robe and is that fucking blood?”
This half smile on his face and a cock of his head as he tells you as if it couldn’t be more obvious, “I just killed David. For you sweetheart.”
You don’t feel angry or upset, to your complete surprise, you feel an insane and immense sense of relief that David is gone. You no longer have to put up with him. 
A sharp inhale as the feeling sinks in, you let it wash over you, not fighting it, letting it soak into your bones. Another question spills out as you ask, “What did you do to him?”
His grin is so wide you worry it hurts his face. 
“I snuck into his apartment, broke in with no issue, I crept into his bedroom and I stabbed a knife-” He brought one foot up, boot rested on the chair at your desk, hauling up the robe, careful not to get blood on more than he had already his hand grasps the hand of the knife. He unsheathes it from the holster that was strapped to his leg, his foot comes back down, he is holding the knife up, you can see the dried blood all over the blade and his hand, he continues to expound, “-this knife, into his stomach.”
He mimics the motion, smile still pulling his features tight, “He gasped and struggled, it was pathetic. I ran him through over and over, the sound was wet, the blood gushed.” 
A sigh crosses his lips, he is looking down at the blade, turning it over in his hands. You, too, are fixated on the glinting metal as it moves from one hand to the next. He keeps talking. “You’d think sound would be a concern. That he’d be screaming his fucking head off, right?”
You look up, he is staring at your face, expectant, you respond to the question, a shaky nod. He continues on, a point of his knife, “Wrong. When you stab someone right, it sucks all the air out of their lungs.” The images his is giving fills your head, of David lying there, bleeding and as Mickey put it, pathetic. He is still expounding. “I was relentless, kept stabbing him, he had no chance to catch his breath. You can’t scream if you can’t breathe.”
You listen enthralled as he describes how he cut flesh from bone, how chunks fell away, digging fingers into open wounds, manually separating cartilage and skin and muscle apart just because he could. He speaks of how much blood he drained and by the end of it you were breathing much harder as was he. Almost no space between the pair of you.
He is looking in your eyes, and he speaks, “I ask again, what did he never do for you?” 
You can’t help it, inquiring, “Why do you want to know so bad?” 
“Because sweetheart-” He sets the knife down on your desk, his hand reaches out to take yours, tacky with partially dried crimson, and he says, “-baby, darling, I want to make you feel all the things you’ve missed out on the past few years.” 
You are as explicit in describing what you’d been missing as he was when describing the violence he did to David. 
“He never made me cum with his mouth, his dick, not even his fingers. I haven’t felt a hot tongue on my clit in fucking years.” You start, a deep inhale before you force it out, speak in hushed tones, “He only ever fucked me in missionary, he never put a hand on my throat and choked me, never pulled my hair, he never praised me, fuck, Mick, he never even degraded me.”
You sigh now, “Never spanked me, never ate my ass, God do I want someone to eat my ass and above all else, he never overstimulated me-”
He cut you off. His mouth crashing into yours after far too long, he kisses you deeply, and you fall into it, into him. A moan into his mouth, hands reach out, fingers tangle in the sleeves, they feel damp, you flex your fingers, you squeeze, beads of blood squeeze through your fingers. Your tongue runs over his bottom lip, and you revel in the taste of him. Christ it was never like this with David, a simple kiss with Mickey was serving to do you in, the graze of his lips against yours, of his tongue brushing yours was sending sparks throughout you. 
Feet stumble back, you pull him with you, keep him near, unwilling to break the connection you’ve made and yet you do, a quiet mumbling of, “Get this fucking robe off-”, pulling on his sleeves for further emphasis. The contact is broken for him to listen and obey, he pulls the robe off and drops it onto the floor, the blood has soaked through to his t-shirt he was wearing, and again you are confronted with what he did. He killed David for you, the evidence of his care for you, of his total devotion is splattered all over him, plastering his shirt to him, soaked into thin fabric. 
This time, you are pulling him back to you, greedy and needy as you do so. Mouths meet again as you are moving backward, the back of your knees hit the edge of your mattress, and you let yourself fall, tugging him down with you. 
His leg slots between yours as his lips descend on yours again, you sink further into the mattress as he, in turn, sinks into you, melting into the contact, his leg presses closer, knee is tighter to you and that makes you inhale sharply. That sets something off in him. 
One of his hands moves, threads in your hair, and he tugs, it forcefully breaks the kiss and pulls a moan from you at the delicious rush of pain. His mouth moves, presses over your jaw, down your throat, and he makes your hips move on their own, grinding against him, desperate for more already. A squirm of your hips as you drag your clothed slit against his solid thigh, and the wash of pleasure makes you have to suppress a shudder, a whining moan held back as well as you bite your bottom lip. 
He notices immediately, pulling back from your neck, another tug of your hair, and he makes you look at him, “None of that shit, I don’t fucking care how late it is, I don’t care if every son of a bitch on this entire floor files a noise complaint, I want to hear you, no holding back.”
You are stunned, speechless, your hips shift, and you are drenched, underwear plastered to you and one of his hands locks onto your throat, he squeezes and says, “I’m not hearing you say yes.” 
You just cannot believe everything you’ve ever wanted has fallen into your lap, you choke out, “Yes, yes, please, fucking yes-”
He shuts you up with another kiss and that is how things seriously escalate, both of you rushing to undress each other. You hadn’t been wearing much to sleep, the tank top and shorts were removed, his shirt and shoes are off now, and he stops. You are looking up at him, admiring him the same way he is you, even with almost all his clothing removed there is still the mark of the crime he committed, blood left on his torso after leaking through his shirt, splatters on his arms, the small flecks on his face. He is looking at you like you are a full meal with nothing more in his way than damp lace, “Fucking Christ-”
He sighs, his fingers trace the curve of your breast before he fully takes it in his hand, he looks helpless in regard to what he wants to do, he follows the impulse, he leans down, and his mouth latches onto one of your nipples. His tongue circles and you sigh, arching up into him. 
His teeth graze as one of his hands slips between your thighs, he only gets one pass of his fingers over the wet material before he decides that isn’t good enough. Fingers hook in the thin garment, and he pulls, he hopes you didn’t give a shit about them because he cannot be bothered to remove them properly, he pulls until it rips and throws it aside. No chance of you complaining because his fingers are on you, strong digits press to you bare for the first time. 
Your eyes roll back with a soft, “Oh my fucking God-” which Mickey absolutely eats up as he starts to move, fingers trace slowly, dipping low, catching some mess and dragging it up, using it as lube to rub your clit. 
The increase in pleasure was immediate, your body slowly starts to tense as the feeling digs into your bones, you fully give in to what he is doing to you. 
“Do you know how much I’ve poured over this?” He asks, and you say quietly, “No.” 
“So many nights.” He confesses, his fingers pick up the pace, tight circles rubbed, and he tells you more, “I’d think about this, about having you under me, about doing-” Two fingers ease inside of you, and he moans like it’s his pleasure, breathing out, “-this.” 
“You feel better than I ever thought you could, so fucking wet, so soft.” He groans, and you arch closer, his palm presses nearer, he moves and works with you, fingers curling into that sweet spot and hand grinding over your clit. You listen, and you feel, minutes later, very quickly between his hushed words and expert touch you are shivering and telling him, “M’ close Mickey-” 
“Fuck yes, do it.” The firm command makes it impossible to stop, you tip over and cum. It feels phenomenal, it’s been ages since anyone has done this, showed this level of care and investment in your enjoyment. He doesn’t relent, keeps his pace steady and consistent, and draws out every bit of feeling he can from your high. 
He doesn’t let you rest, your body sinks back into the mattress, you are panting, and he slides his fingers out of you and right into his mouth. Not only that, but he tastes you for the first time and moans from the salt and tang of you coating his tongue. 
“You taste better than anything I’ve ever put in my mouth.” He slips down your body, drags of his lips lighting further fire in you until he settles between your thighs, his mouth latches onto your still very sensitive clit and your thighs clamp around his head immediately. Your hand shoots down, fingers in his stupidly attractive hair, and you moan loudly, just as he wants you to. 
He was ravenously hungry but still taking his time with this, he forces himself to slow down just a touch, he knows you haven’t had this in years thanks to that douchebag of an ex-boyfriend. He laps at your leaking slit, from hole all the way up to your throbbing clit, he swirls his tongue around the boarders once, twice, three times before passing over it again, making you gasp out his name. 
Mickey luxuriates in the act and does his best to ensure that you do as well, sucks with purpose and is quickly rocketing you to another orgasm, you can barely string together a sentence to warn him of that, but he knows, fingers twist further in his hair, and you pull with a cry of his name, in another two short minutes you are cumming again, it’s stronger than the first, you are louder than you were last time, but he continues. He doesn’t stop on your come down, he just slows, goes lighter, his licks are running up the length of you, between your lips and on top of your twitching bud, over and over, methodical, and you can’t stop shaking. 
Somehow through the haze of pleasure you manage to speak, calling out to him, “Mi-Mickey, oh my fucking God-”
He lifts his mouth, you expect him to give you a breather or to give some pithy response that will turn you on further and make you leak more, but instead his hands are on your hips, he tilts them up and his tongue dives lower. His tongue circles over your asshole, and you actually sob, shocked and broken from the sudden stab of ecstasy that hits your gut, your hand leaving his hair, instead gripping at the sheets. You can’t stop from squirming, which makes his job harder, you hear something that sounds akin to a mildly annoyed growl. 
One of his hands lifts off your hip, and he lands a firm smack on your ass as he grits out, “Stop squirming so much babe, let me make you feel good.” 
He gets back to it and your head is thrown back against the pillows, you try, you really do, but his tongue flicks just so and your body bucks. He instead flips you over onto your stomach roughly manhandling you, one hand pulling your hips up, and he dives back in tongue first. He eats your ass with passionate fervour, whenever you buck too much he reminds you to behave with another hit to your ass cheek. His hand that wasn’t on your hip slides under, and he circles your clit with fast and clever fingers. 
The sharp slaps of pain and combined with him being tongue deep in your ass and rubbing your clit makes you cum embarrassingly fast yet again and harder still, legs trembling so much you almost fall on your face, with an ample gush onto his chin while sobbing his name into the pillow.  
When you stopped shaking he came up, another smack to your ass, his chest to your back as he leans down and praises right in your ear, “Oh good fucking girl.”
You start to babble out into the damp pillowcase, “Mi-Mickey, ‘lease, fuck me, need you-”
He hums, and you hear his belt open, finally getting his pants open, he inhales sharply in relief, the pressure easing from him opening his pants. The rest of his clothes are discarded, and he pauses. His hand on your sore ass, right on the spot he kept hitting over and over, his thumb traces down, spreading your lips, over your hole, and he sighs, “I have been dying to get inside this cunt.”
He lines up, he pushes his hips forward and sinks deep inside you, in one swift and smooth motion. The moan you share is like music, beautiful, melodic, passionate collaboration. His hand goes into your hair, he fucks you like that, face down ass up, he starts a quick pace initially, rough, needy and you love it. His body is covering yours as he breathes into your ear, “You feel incredible, oh my God-” His head tips back with a loud moan, he drives into you over and over, “-fucking stunning too, you are so gorgeous.” 
It has been entirely too long since you’ve been fucked in any position other than missionary. The sensation, his weight on your back, the sound of skin on skin, his breath in your ear, it’s fucking perfection. You rock back with him, meet him in the middle, you were giving back, showing just how desperately you want him in kind makes Mickey let out this sound, caught between a groan and something more possessive, not explicitly words, but it hits you low in your gut. 
He starts to slow down, takes a little more time, and you are moaning louder and louder, you are so worked up, so sensitive, you feel alive and electric. On one level it feels like you can feel every ridge and vein of him and on another like you can’t determine up from down, completely drunk on feeling. 
You completely lose track of how many times you get off that night, the pace will switch on a whim, from hard pounding and him calling you every name in the book to more easy and sensual, a writhing joint movement instead of an aggressive pounding. 
You ride him, grind one out on top of him while he cradles your breasts, thumbs passing over your nipples as he calls you a beautiful fucked out angel. 
He fucks you spooning, hand around you and between your thighs, strumming your clit with one hand, the other locked on your throat as he is fucking in and out.
The only thing that seems to make it stop is you literally sobbing for it to. Your cheeks are wet, you are babbling his name and the word stop, you have one leg over his shoulder and the other is pinned down near your knee by him. His stamina was impressive, he’d already cum once when you were riding him, had filled you up, but instead of that stopping it, he just flipped you over, still hard, and kept fucking going, his own cum providing even more lube.
That was a while ago, you could tell that he was near again, sweat down the side of his face, movements of his hips sloppy, panting your name over and over. You know you can’t again, you are too fried, too overstimulated and finally, just as the soreness is starting to teeter on the other side of being more unpleasant and painful than pleasurable he holds deep and cums again. 
You feel totally boneless, your arms feel heavy as you wrap them around him loosely, his head dips down and rests on your shoulder, you are just trying to catch your breath.
He gets his back faster than you. 
He is still inside of you when he comes back up, fingers push some of your hair aside as he looks down into your eyes. Your chest is still rising and falling rapidly as he confesses, for what must be the third time tonight, telling you, “I fucking care about you.”
A strong belief that is nothing but the truth hits, “You deserve way better than him, I wish I could have met you sooner so you could have had those years back of someone who actually gives a shit about you instead of that asshole.” 
You want this, want him, damned what that says about you or your morals, you don’t care as you tell him, “Fuck that selfish cunt, forget about him, let’s just make up for lost time.” 
He has every intention of doing just that.
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pristine-rose · 1 year
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⊹ characters : albedo, ningguang, kaveh, la signora
⊹ synopsis : bad habits ( in which only you can see )
⊹ warnings : all sfw :] , smoking ( ningguang )
⊹ female reader, not proofread, sry for writing albedo again
minors can interact, but do not follow. this is just more sfw to pass the time! will hopefully return to n.sfw soon
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He doesn’t really know what he’s doing.
Brush strokes race rapidly across the canvas, but somehow even quicker than normal. He used more colors than he usually does; He puts in more care than he usually does, too. He paints you so beautifully. Perhaps even a little too perfect, as well. But that’s the way he sees you—no flaws, but in a way that ms so perfectly human, that you’re practically perfectly imperfect. And Archons, he loves that about you.
Is he allowed to say that? Allowed to even think it? Loving you? This is why he paints you—because he can’t show these feelings any other way. And he hates this about himself. Why can’t he kiss you the way other couples do? Why can’t he hug you without being so tense? Why, why, why did he have to be created without a heart?
You deserved someone more human than him, he feared. Someone who would pour his heart out to you so emotionally correct, and not towards a painting like he is doing now.
“Albedo…” He felt his body jump in horrific surprise. “This is…”
Ah. He forgot to lock his studio door. He was so stupid—he could never think logically when it came to you. And now you were here, seeing something he didn’t want you to see. “Albedo,” you called again with your hand over your mouth, “you’re so kind…”
Kind? He could almost scoff You were calling him kind? He was a disgrace here, he could not even understand the basics of love in a way to show it to you physically or verbally; And here you were, staring at him like he was the most thoughtful of lovers. He didn’t know how to show love. In fact, he didn’t even know what he was doing.
And yet, when you ran up to hug him so tightly, he thought, perhaps you knew him better than he knew himself.
☁️ —
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Smoke-lined silk screen, glass room, bed frame, light post.
A huff, clouds filtered between red lips.
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough of that?”
When she looked up at you, her pearly whites were playing with the wooden tip between her lips, toying with it as if it were like secondary skin. She looked unbothered—genuinely confused, even—as to what exactly you were asking of her in the first place.
“Enough of what?”
You gave no verbal response as your eyes glanced down at her mouth for just a second. Oh. “My pipe?”
“Your smoking problem,” you told; only to, of course, garner a response along the lines of ‘I don’t have a problem’. You could only scoff, really, and the Tianqian wasn’t sure if she liked that. To be almost belittled and scolded like a child ( which, in truth, was not happening at all—she just conditioned herself to see such a false reality ) was not a setting that Ningguang took kindly to. And if you were any other subordinate telling her what to do, you’d be a dartboard by now.
She blew out slowly. Secondhand smoke hit the tip of your nose and your brow raised. “You’re being dramatic,” she rolled her eyes. “Come. Grow up, and give me a—”
“I will not be kissing you with your smoker’s breath.”
She almost cracked the wooden pipe with the clench of her hand from annoyance—but that would be giving into you, wouldn’t it? She almost didn’t like the winning smile that crossed your lips. What she didn’t like even more, however, was being put into place right in front of you.
☁️ —
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overworking, worrying
“Love you so m— Oh, wait! Do you think you can make another coffee for—?”
His words died into mumbles when he saw the hesitant look you gave him. “Coffee?” you questioned, leaning at the doorframe in a way he didn’t like. A lean like that meant you’d be questioning him. He got nervous when you did that. “At this hour?”
His fingers fiddled with his pen. “I have this big project to hammer out tonight, I fear…”
You only sighed. So simple, yet he could not take his eyes off of you. They were widened with a stir of caffeine and sleep deprivation both simultaneously—the bags under his eyes only causing even more concern. But he stared at you out of habit, for a large part of it was fear and insecurity. His eyes were always, always widened, searching for any trace of disappointment in your gaze. He didn’t like it when you were concerned over him; Not because of annoyance, no.
But over worry you would leave him for his self-sabotaging habits.
“Sorry,” he muttered when you pushed yourself off the doorframe, beginning to make your way towards his desk. “This project is really important to me.”
“You said that all your projects are important to you,” you remarked. The way you tiredly slouched yourself over his back and rested your chin on his shoulder made him only feel worse. “And I can see that,” you continued, “they are your life’s work.”
Kaveh stayed quiet. He stared down at his work-in-progress blueprint, trying his best to look like he was working. And truly, he was working fine just a moment ago—But how could he continue that focus now, when you’re making him self-conscious? He didn’t deserve such concern. You should’ve just left him by now.
“You’re shaking.” He didn’t notice that until you placed your hand on top of his, which was gripping his pen so tightly. “You can continue your masterpiece when you have enough sleep, okay?” you muttered as you kissed his temple. He sighed, melting in his seat. Perhaps he could spare to continue in the morning.
☁️ —
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secret keeping, overthinking
“Hey. Hey, look at me.”
Her lips landed under your own once she felt the pull of your fingers on her chin. She was seated, feeling your presence loom over her like a sense of warm security that was so reachable in this palace of ice. And yet it left her breathless—she, who was never surprised by anything. She, who was so cautious and careful about who she adored.
“Was there something you needed?” she whispered, feeling small as her breath brushed your lips.
“You were heating up,” you said with such concern, “worryingly so.” Her head slightly tilted back with a widened eye, looking up when the back of your hand gently pressed against her forehead. She could almost smile—you cared so much, and it almost made her hopelessly romantic again. “Are you developing a fever, Signora?”
Her brows furrowed together. No, of course she wasn’t.
“Perhaps I am.”
But she couldn’t tell you that. She couldn’t tell you of the scorching, liquid fire that coarse through her veins. She could not explain the self sacrifice she committed centuries ago, or how she was prepared to die.
“Do you mind walking with me to my room?”
Because why would she tell you, when you would probably become scared of her? You—who was just like everybody else—thought she was perfect and ruthless. But also you, who she could not afford to see the disgusted face of.
For now, you only smiled; And she planned to keep it that way.
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Hi! I'm a huge fan of One Piece and I was wondering (if it's possible) that you can write Yandere HCs for the admirals? I'm a big admiral fan. Thanks!
OMG of course no problem. This is the second time I got requested to write the admirals it is such a fun concept and difficult characters to write, I hope I did them justice for you
Ex Admirals
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☀️Borsalino (Kizaru)☀️
☀️When he first meets his S/O he seems uninterested in them but in reality, he is studying them and watching them. He sees what his S/O is interested in and lures them slowly to him as he finally gains control over them.
☀️He is more passive with his S/O but that is all a ruse for his S/O to feel more comfortable with him. Let them wander around on the island shop but little does his S/O know he is in complete control of the people his S/O talks to, to where his S/O goes.
☀️He will watch his S/O from a safe distance, sitting on the roof watching them as they chat with someone and making sure the conversation is what he had ordered.
☀️He will train his S/O if they listen and don’t wander too far or stick to the route, he has planned for them he will give them gifts and praises but if they don’t listen to him and talk to someone they aren’t supposed to. He will give them cruel silence and indifference till his S/O comes to him.
☀️If his S/O is in danger or unhappy with someone he will capture said person and punish them. Using his power and influence to torture them and such and using the said person’s family and friends till they understood his power.
☄️Issho (Fujitora)☄️
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☄️He first gets interested in his S/O seeing the kindness they have, when their first reaction is to help him when he drops his cane or helping out someone. He starts getting vastly interested in his S/O playing the helpless man.
☄️He starts getting more invested and interested in his S/O the more they are around him and will play the helpless blind man whenever his S/O starts to wander off. He doesn’t like his S/O wandering too far from him as there are dangerous crooks and pirates out there who would take advantage of their kindness.
☄️While he wouldn’t hurt anyone as he does value human life, he isn’t against manipulating his S/O to stay close to him. Or anyone else to keep away from his S/O as his. He is so charming that a lot of innocent people will fall for his charm and help manipulate his S/O.
☄️He never lets off on the innocent blind man. As he holds his S/O to him and never allows them to leave his side. It does come off as a surprise when his S/O finds out how powerful he is it would be already to late for his S/O to get away as everyone around him would manipulate them to stay with Issho.
☄️While he wouldn’t hurt his S/O or innocent it doesn’t mean pirates and other crooks would get his generosity. He is much harsher to pirates that dare hurt his S/O giving them a full extent of his Devil Fruits ability.
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🌳Aramaki (Ryokugyu)🌳
🌳He gets obsessed with his S/O  the first time they meet. It could be his S/O said a certain praise he really enjoyed or how his S/O looks either way his S/O is now very interested in them and he will do everything in his power to capture their heart.
🌳At first he is a bit charming if not a little rude and crude with his words insulting his S/O and belittling them but also belittling people around them and giving himself praises so his S/O understands that he is giving them attention that is what makes them special.
🌳If his S/O isn’t impressed with him, he will put his S/O in danger so he can save them and as a form of gratitude, he would demand his S/O stays with him and go on a date and once again he will turn on the charm till his S/O finally does give in and gives him their heart.
🌳He becomes a bit controlling with his S/O wanting them to have the same practices as him but if his S/O can’t live up to them. He will just have them in his presence all the time even on dangerous missions he will have his S/O tied up and on the side thanks to his Devil Fruit, so his S/O isn’t in danger but he also knows where they are at.
🌳If his S/O thinks about getting away from him or asks anyone for help there will be consequences for their actions and those who do help. He loves his S/O and will do everything in his power to keep them by his side even using his Devil Fruit to keep them up tied up tree branches and roots and always be by his side.
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sirianasims · 8 months
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Samuel spent every night with me for weeks and every morning I was amazed to see him there and slightly afraid of doing something that would make him disappear again.
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This morning I woke up to him smiling at me, but he made no move to get up and head to the hospital.
“Good morning. I took the day off.”
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“Wait, you can do that?”
He laughed.
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“Don’t sass me, woman! We need to talk.”
“Sorry. You’re right.”
“I’ve been thinking about where we go from here. I mean, we should probably decide what we’re doing and what’s going to happen next. What we even are now. Because I can tell you’re scared, and honestly, so am I.”
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“You’re scared?”
“Of course I am. Freya, I love you. I’ve loved you for half my life. But you hurt me more than anyone else ever could. Divorcing you was the hardest thing I’ve done but you left me no choice. And now we’re here and I am terrified of giving you back that sort of power over me.”
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I was afraid to ask, but I had to.
“Do you… do you want to stop this? Wait and see if you can trust me again? Because I can understand if you need more time. I love you, I really do, but I’m struggling to see how you can ever love me again after what I did.”
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“Freya, I don’t get to choose whether I love you. I just do. I always did. You hurt me, yes. It was horrible, and it definitely left a scar. But I didn’t stop loving you. I can’t. I can, however, choose whether to trust you again or not.”
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“But how can you simply trust that I’d never cheat on you again?”
He arched an eyebrow.
“Are you planning on cheating on me again?”
“No! No, of course not!”
“Then I guess I’ll just have to trust that.”
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“Do you also trust that I love you?”
I almost added ‘this time’, but stopped myself. Samuel just smiled and hugged me to his chest.
“I don’t have to trust that, I can feel it.”
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I kissed him, desperate for him to understand how serious I was about never hurting him or letting down again.
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He kissed me back before reluctantly pulling away.
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“Don’t get me too excited now, we need to finish this conversation first. Freya, my love may be unconditional, but my boundaries are not. I am making the choice to trust you, but I need you to promise me that if anything ever changes, if you ever find that you don’t love me any more or if you want out of this relationship, you will tell me instead of self-destructing and taking me and the girls with you in the fallout.”
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“I promise. I’m sorry. And I also promise not to be all resentful and passive-aggressive and shit.”
“Good. And I promise not to be condescending and belittle your feelings just because I disagree or don’t understand them. Because I wasn’t handling you very well either.”
“Samuel, you shouldn’t have to ‘handle’ me at all.”
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“Well, whatever you want to call it, I should still be more mindful of what you need instead of just assuming I know better. At least if we want to give this another try.”
“I do. Do you?”
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“Yeah, I do.”
beginning / previous / next
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apples-and-heartbreak · 8 months
I feel like when I’m reading or watching something, for me to like a hero, they have to
1) have ambition about anything
2) not be annoying
3) not excuse their shitty behaviour with their shitty childhood
4) not be so self-righteous they don’t see their own flaws
For these reasons I hate with a burning passion Jace Herondale, Clary Fairchild, Eli Ever, Tiberius “Cal” Calore VIII, Dean Winchester, and Legend/Dante Santos
Jace is constantly doing something shitty in every book and people don’t care and they just put up with it for some reason. In CoG he belittles Clary because he wants to push her away but keeps coming back to her. He also keeps coming onto Clary when he thought she was his sister and said that cursed sentence in CoG that I need to bleach from my brain. I know if he said that shit to me I would’ve punched him in his stupid face cuz who does he think he is? He mocks the werewolves after they lost a child in their pack, he’s just awful to Alec at times, he doesn’t seem to understand there are consequences to his actions and just does shit because he wants to. He had the emotional maturity of a dried up pinecone.
Clary also does so much shit and people don’t call her out because she’s the protagonist and she just lets Jace do whatever to her because he’s hot. Girl please get a grip. She slut shames Izzy because apparently women aren’t allowed to have a sex life or wear revealing clothing 😒 girl you kissed someone you thought was YOUR BROTHER!! She dated Simon to get over Jace and then kissed Jace in the Seelie Court, and repeatedly thought about Jace in a romantic sense WHILE she thought they were SIBLINGS! I can’t.
Eli is so self-righteous, annoying and hypocritical. He uses God and religion as an excuse to kill innocent people which is just disgusting. Like I get that he thinks being an EO changed a person because Victor became different but he is an EO himself and he just takes it on himself to murder innocent people for simply existing.
Cal has no desire to do anything, at least up to the beginning of King’s Cage he doesn’t (where I currently am). He knows how poorly the Reds are being treated and he doesn’t want to change anything because (and I’m paraphrasing) there would be outrage among the Silvers and a war would break out. Bitch you are already at war! He’s the reason why so many innocent young Reds have lost their lives fighting in a war they have no say in. He sees the Scarlet Guard killing Silvers and he doesn’t try to stop them. He sulks and whines but doesn’t take any real action, which he could if he actually wanted to. He stalks around the camp like Mare’s dog and thinks he’s better than everyone.
Dean Winchester is an abusive asshole. He locked Sam in the cellar when he was addicted to demon blood when he knew the withdrawal could kill him. He shit on Sam for being manipulated. He’s made horrible perverted jokes about women, might I remind y’all of the high school episode (he was at least 26 at the time). He guilted Sam for leaving him in Hell and Purgatory when he did THE EXACT SAME THING when Same went to the cage. He threatened Kaia, a teenager at gun point for his own selfish purposes. He abused Jack til the very end, yelling that he wasn’t family when Jack had sacrificed his soul and life for the Winchesters, and made Jack hate himself for being born. He was shitty to Cas in so many seasons and didn’t care that Cas just went through seeing his son die and wasn’t able to save him. He violated Sam’s body by tricking him into letting Gadreel in which led to the death of Kevin and had the audacity to think he was wronged.
Dante is shit. Julian, his brother, lived with him for centuries, followed him wherever he went and loved him unconditionally. All Julian asked was for Dante to love him back, which he never did. When Julian finally found someone who loved him, Dante made fun of him. And then in the next book he gives up his immortality for Tella, a girl he has known for literal months at most. He didn’t love his brother, who has been with him since the beginning, enough to give up his immortality but he loved this random girl he has known for a couple months at most to give it all up?? Tella should’ve left him in the dust just like she did Jacks and went off on adventures by herself and met someone that wasn’t a twat.
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notroosterbradshaw · 2 years
#19 kisses with Hangman!
PROMPT: 19. "if we're caught kissing we're most likely dead but let's risk it''
thank you for this, nonny. Let's give Hangman some love...
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You'd thought about kissing Jake Seresin before. The idea didn't repulse you, but he was a friend, a colleague, and that was about as far as it went. He was cute, in that way that he knew it more than you did, he was fairly smart although his actions in the air and on the earth could confuse a lot of people and he was funny.
It was his understated wit and sarcasm that made Jake so attractive to you - why you got along so well... you both had a gift of the gab and if you got into a squabble, you'd have an audience because you both knew the best quips (or insults) to belittle each other with absolutely no harm caused.
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So why the fuck did you find yourself walking away from him and heading to the restrooms with him calling weak apologies after you. It was early, it was a simple game of pool, and one quip from him sent you straight over the edge. He watched you line your play up, getting in close beside you, murmuring, "I don't want to get too close in case you think my touch is too much for you."
You clutched the washroom basin and stared hard at your reflection. You weren't sure why it lit you up the way it did, but lately, bickering with Jake felt more like flirting and a little less like squabbling with a friend. The lines felt a little too blurred for friends.
Hearing a knock, you heard Jake mutter your callsign. “I know you’re in there.”
“It’s the ladies, go away,” you warned as he did exactly the opposite and poked his head in. “Jesus, Bagman, do you ever listen? Get out.”
“You alone?” his green eyes zigged and zagged, finding the restroom doors open. “Looks like it,” he carefully walked in and pressed his body back against the door, giving you both enough warning if anyone was to enter. “Uh, what was that outside?” he demanded.
One thing you didn’t like about Jake was how direct he was.
“I was handing your ass to you out there, then you stomp off like a petulant little kid.”
“Go away, Jake,” you sighed. “Just leave me alone.”
He frowned. “Look, I don’t know what I did. I’m sorry for whatever it was but I hate that I made my friend upset.”
“You’re never upset when you make any of us miserable,” you sniped back. He gave a modest shrug.
“But I know you, it’s like water off a duck’s back... right?”
You couldn’t look at him and his stupid face. “Used to be,” you said softly to yourself.
Now he was completely lost and took a few tentative steps towards you as you moved the same amount further away until you were almost cornered in a stall. Fuck. 
He gave a small smile, knowing there was nowhere for you to run. “Talk to me. Spell it out. I thought we were friends and having fun, but if we’re not having fun anymore and I’m offending or hurting you, I need to know what I did to make sure I don’t do it again... because I do not like when you’re upset at me, sweetheart,” he pressed his hands into both sides of the stall, effectively trapping you. 
“Jake, don’t.”
He blinked a few turns, his jaw clenched. “I clearly did something.” 
“You said you don’t want to get close in case you think I can’t handle you touching me,” you told him. Still clueless, he shrugged. It was clearly just a line to him, he didn’t know the truth in his words. He didn’t have a clue. “Jake, I need you to understand that...”
“That?” he repeated.
“I like you okay. I know you didn’t even say something that would effend me, I just am a bit of a jumble these days. Espcially when it’s just us. So I think it’s best if we don’t spend time on our own anymore.”
“Yeah,” you said, nervously. You didn’t come in here to effectively end a friendship, but here you were. Breathing, he managed an ‘oh’. “And I’m probably in this alone, because we’re friends and co-workers and I want to believe we have a level of professional decency and we can’t cross it - ”
He laughed, a little in surprise. “Professional decency,” he repeated.
You sighed. “I’m so embarrassed so if you can just give me some space? I don’t know why I told you that, but I guess now it’s out there and we can move on or something.”
He nodded slowly. “I geddit.” 
“Awesome,” you forced a wide smile. "So let’s just forget I spoke, okay?”
Raising his index finger, he tutted you. “No,” he took a step closing the gap. “No, that just won’t do. You mean to tell me that you’ve fallen for our sparring?” he had the slightest amount of tease in his twang. 
Your body was flooded with heat. “No - ”
“Sweetheart, why didn’t you tell me sooner? I have wanted to be in your good graces since the moment I met you. This smile,” he laced his fingers around your jaw. “These eyes, that lash of the tongue.”
You were dreaming, there was no way he was admitting this to you. 
“Show me what that tongue can do, pretty thing. Let’s see who wins this round,” he whispered against your lips, shutting the door behind him with his boot. “So beautiful,” his breath fanned against your lips as he kissed you. He finally kissed you. Just sweet, tender, his hands drifted down your sides, sliding to your lower back, his fingers tips sliding beneath the material of your top, tickling your skin. 
Kissing Jake was not something you had on your list for the night, but it felt familiar and maybe even right. You didn't know what he thought, he only came in here to apologise and see if you were okay. He'd never want to hurt you, he had way too much fun with you, both in the air and with feet planted on the ground.
"We shouldn't have done that," you whispered, pulling back and giving you a wide berth, the reality of your actions washing over you dismally.
"Maybe not," Hangman replied. "But I don't want to stop. I know you're a sarcastic so n’ so when you need to be, but your mouth is good for more than one thing apparently," he mocked you, thumbing your lower lip.
Hearing the door swing open and your callsign questioned by a friend, you replied you were in there. Jake pulled you to him and you quickly buckled his big mouth with your palm. His eyes changed, darkened. He reached closer, pulling your hands away. The tip of his nose traced from your earlobe to your pulse, his silky tongue defeating you and your wits. You were losing all self-control and he was thriving off it.
“We’re leaving soon. You okay? Don’t pay any mind to Jake, he’s being his usual douche-y self.”
“Always,” you could only reply as Jake left silent kisses across your jaw, his big hands pressing into your sides, keeping you upright. You swallowed a sound so inhuman that he shook with quiet laughter.
“Okay...” they said confused, using the basin and leaving again.
“Fuck’s sake, Jake,” you breathed, eyes fluttering closed. Well, there goes this friendship...
“I’m sorry, but you’ve given me a green light. What do you want me to do?”
“Stop,” you laughed quietly as he shook his head and kissed your lips again, tracing your lips with his tongue. You fell into it easily, your tongue teasing against his. Nothing forceful, sweet, soft. “Let’s keep this quiet for now.”
“Couldn’t talk if I wanted to,” he joked, his palms pressing into your skin as you rolled your eyes. “I know there is a lot at risk if anyone finds out,” he added seriously. “I know we’re both very focused on our careers.”
You nodded. “But kiss me again for now.”
“Worry about the risk later,” he agreed, pushing you against the stall and kissing you again. The risk was low for now, but if anyone was to find out...
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A/N: the tag list no longer exists. To keep up to date, give @notroosterbradshaw-library a follow x
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madelee · 3 months
Short lil' fanfic my dears
An impression of a shifting dynamic.
They learn as they become closer… Zim is at least.
His current state made it hard to heed Zim’s uncharacteristic plea— a plea born from newfound... empathy.
The Setup. All ready. Gripped tightly waiting for use.
Zim’s expression hardened, a rare seriousness taking over his usually overblown demeanor. 
“You can’t harm it, Dib.”
“YOU were the one that annoyed ZIM with your annoying— 'no harming others just because they bother us' –ANNOYINGNESSES!”. His voice was laden with the weight of never ending didacticism, of pesky moral codes THE DIB had been trying to drill into his head. 
“YOU said that we have to respect others 'Integrity', even if they’re… inconvenient.” Zim used that voice he knew Dib hated for mimicking him.
“—I’m NOT sounding like that… I —”
Dib’s face twisted with frustration, carelessness flaring up. “THIS IS DIFFERENT, ZIM!” 
“You can't understand this!” Belittlement. He promised to stop with that. “Understanding this creature could lead to... incredible discoveries!”  –Dad
Zim stepped closer. Eyes narrowing. His voice cold. intense. 
“Zim does understand.” Take me seriously
“You are the one that CORRUPTED Zim… with your pesky and RIDICULOUS human-morals.   Zim knows, if they apply to those dirty children, they apply to this…crypthingy too!” 
Overblown, clearly displeased with those newfound considerations 
Dib’s frustration grew, his words cutting deeper and deeper with each refusal to yield. 
Certainly going too far. Zim didn't understand...!
Zim, despite his own little history, stood firm, clutching at new principles like fragile lifelines. 
Now of all times?!
And then. Unexpectedly. 
in a moment both pivotal and precarious.  Zim uttered the words that shifted the WORLD between them.
“IF YOU MUST STUDY SOMETHING!  ZIM, would let you… study himself.” mumbled almost timidly. he DID understand 
Dib’s eyes widened.
breath catching as the implications sank in.
A loud clink sounding in the silence
Tool falling to the ground, forgotten. Unimportant. His hands lose. Shaking.
The air thick. 
Dibs gaze shifting. Something long and distant.   His eyes unfocused, but present. 
Always present. 
On Zim.
Zim was always so relentlessly defensiv about any investigations. Any exploration. Denying Dib again, and again.  
This was finally happening. Zim let him.  
Then suddenly— zeroing in.  
A predator to its prey.  Mad gleam, sharp edges.   The corners of his mouth tense with an overwhelming smirk. glee
Forgetting himself. again  His facade cracking... spilling free.     Tendrils grasping on his edges. Intensely. again  Dark eyes never wavering.  Big and black. Warm browns. gone 
Taking it all in. into... the black pits. Manic. Bordering on madness. Nothing new  
Getting kinda old Dib~ 
Ever true to himself.  Cruel in its intensity.  Staring Zim down. down. down... 
taking them both into the abyss 
"Yes" he whispered.   Followed by some incoherent mumbling. 
Ever true to his character.   
"You would let me."  A fact. Simply stated. Finally  Gaze never wavering.
"We’re getting ready. Now."
 They settled on 'ZIMS arm only'. 
Zim wouldn't go down without a fight. a compromise still  
Dib didn’t really care.
"I'm gonna bind your arm" 
A pause. Awkward.
"So uhm, you can't pull away” He's wavering again. Shrill on the edges.  Voice breaking cracking... embarrassingly.   But there was no time for being hindered by such trivial things.   Embarrassment, being too much, it being too much. And never enough...   it all blurred together anyway.  
A scalpel glinted under the harsh lights. Dib’s hands steadied, driven by purpose. The first incision was slow, deliberate. 
Alien skin parting with a sickening ease. Child's play  Pink, unnatural hues.  Inhuman and oh so beautiful. 
Just like me 
Zim winced, but remained still, pride and pain mingling.  Afraid. 
Don't let it show 
Face stoic.  Cheeks discolored, giving it away, still. 
Just as excited. Just as overwhelmed.   
Praise tripping on Dibs tongue, "you're doing so good "  He was mumbling again.  
ever true to his character   Voice soft. unsettling.  These words were a lifeline, a twisted form of praise that Zim always soaked up, desperate for any form of validation.
From Dib    Dib.
Blood glistened, pooling around the wound. Dib’s eyes gleamed with an unsettling mix of curiosity and something darker still.  
His hands moved with precision. Cold and efficient. He felt so hot 
Something perverse 
Obscene and only for them 
Opening up, like the void.  
Pink and bleeding. Spilling. Quelling and overflowing. 
Oh the Sweet release 
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If Asha and Ceph were to meet other Disney/DreamWorks/Pixar characters,who would they get along with the least to the best?
Would Asha adore Hiccup's inventions?
I got this idea from thinking how toothless would react to ceph's true form.
On a side note
Which would Asha prefer,the assassins or her monthly.
And who would win Ceph's insanity or Baymax's care
Also who would win in a fashion debate between Edna Mode and Ceph?
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve seen a dreamworld movie so I’ll do Disney
In terms of other Disney characters especially heroines I think Asha would get along not so well with Merida and maybe Aurora. Merida is sort of a frenemy. Merida breaks rules and societal expectations while Asha adheres too them a bit too much. Merida turned to magic to solve her problems- Asha hates that. So they’d probably be a little uncool with each other at times which ngl would be sorta funny because I imagine that Asha is unfortunately the only person in the joke who flat out understands Merida says. But I think they’d probably tolerate each other for the most part.
As for Aurora well I think Asha would understand her being upset at her life being suddenly uprooted but I mean considering Asha is a peasant if you ever wanna annoy her just be a princess who cries over having to be royal. She’ll politely tune you out in a heartbeat.
I think she’d be neutral on Anna. Not in a bad way. They’re on two completely different ends of the spectrum in everything.
I feel like she’d be torn over Elsa. Really torn.
Not sure how she’d get along with Raya tbh.
I think she’d respect Cinderella a lot- especially when Asha gains some more retrospective skills. (I’ll go into more detail about this in the future)
She’d get along super well with Mirabel, Kida, Snow White, Mulan, Rapunzel and Tiana. Works for her dreams like Tiana (with skepticism in the magic part), she’s uncovering her people’s past for the betterment of their society like Kida, relates to the chores/hardwork and admires Snow White’s good spirit and Mirabel? Goodness these two would be therapy buddies. They’ve both been the black sheep of their respective groups by not being born with magical abilities to serve the purpose of the authoritative figure who uses magic to rebuild a society and is paranoid of the past repeating itself.
I feel like she’d also get along well with Moana too! They both love sailing, and pushing boundaries. She thinks Moana is super clever as well
((I feel like her and rapunzel have a lot in common too- the authoritative figure in their life belittling them, and wanting to chase their dreams so they’d probably be close as well))
Asha would love Hiccups inventions! (I admit I’ve never seen how to train your dragon)
Uhh Toothless don’t look at that…you don’t want to see that….
And to answer your questions:
Asha is taking her monthly over the assassins.
Ceph is not openly insane to people he doesn’t know. So if anything if he met Baymax he’d act like a normal person at first (he’d be very curious about just what Baymax is)
That last one is a tough one. I mean Edna was spitting some facts but let’s be honest- If any of those things- getting sucked into a tornado, a plane engine, a rocket/bomb, etc happened to Ceph. He’d walk it off.
So they’d be at an impasse because I can’t see either side relenting and this is probably the only thing that even magnifico would side with Cepheus on.
Star clothes is different from earth clothes in SO MANY ways (supernatural properties, they’re very resilient, they change to match the sky etc). So the best outcome is for Ceph to just give her some star clothes and she lets him keep his cape.
I might do a separate post on how Ceph would interact with other characters.
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writtenbynath · 2 years
The hypno community and good behaviour
I came across a post here on tumblr and it kinda made me foam at the mouth, not in a good way, so let me just make a few points here.
It has come to my attention lately that many of the tists on tumblr are just not being shown the care and respect they deserve.  When subjects vanish without a word. It leaves tists to wonder what did I do wrong?, or what didn’t I do that maybe I should have?  This is most true of newbie tists, but none of them are immune.  Dear Tists/ Spiral Weavers, Faeries? Gods , when your subjects do not communicate there wishes with you, or put far less care into your well-being than their own they are undervaluing the relationship. A relationship is never ever solely one persons responsibility, so please don’t worry yourselves over those who have not put half as much care or thought in as you have.
Are you fucking kidding me? When a subject vanishes without a word, you done goofed, my friend. You did something to scare them off. You did something that made the subject want to never speak to you again. It's good to look inward and wonder what you've done wrong. That path leads to growth. Think long and hard about what you did that hurt them.
Get your act together. Treating your subject right is not rocket science. It's basic human decency. If you give the subject a nice positive experience, they come back for more. If you behave like a good person, they become your friend. If you're a dick to them, they leave. Plain and simple.
The second thing that really bothers me about the hypno-community is subs that claim to be traumatized by the smallest of things, especially when they do this falsely and/or publicly.  Yes hypnosis can be scary, and I’ve had a few experiences i did not enjoy.  Your tist is magical but also they’re not magical. They are not all-seeing, all-knowing. They cannot guess how you feel unless you communicate openly and honestly with them. And accidents happen. They happen all the time. Most commonly the number one thing that goes wrong for me is the motion sickness nausea effect, and there’s just stuff that unsettles me, but guess what? When that happens we go back and fix it. I’m going to apply a rule a Dom taught me here. It was actually about anal sex but it applies very well here too. We prepare as best we can that things are smooth and clean  but sometimes that is not the outcome. If you can’t deal with it being unpredictable, just don’t do it. It’s not for you.
Since fucking when are you the expert on when another person is traumatised? Maybe the subject didn't tell you that you hurt their feelings (their feelings! their! I know grammar is hard, but please!) because they kinda suspected you would belittle the problem and deny that you did anything wrong. Maybe they feared you wouldn't take their feedback seriously because you didn't take their wishes and boundaries seriously either. Maybe that's why they ghosted you.
It's hard to understand what happens when someone is truly traumatised or triggered, it's really hard to empathise if you've never been through that yourself. It's tiny little things that can set it off and that does not invalidate the realness of the trauma. The correct response is not to get defensive. It's to ask how you can help. It's to learn from it and do fucking better.
Are you seriously saying "hey, if a bad experience traumatised you, just go away, it's not for you" is that seriously your response when a person gets hurt? Fucking seriously? It really is no wonder our community is shitty if you can't even show an ounce of compassion for a person who feels hurt.
Online people behave badly. They behave in ways they would never behave in the real world.  Online is the place where you can show as much or as little of yourself as you want.  When you build relationships online they are real relationships.  When you indulge in hypnosis online, that is a relationship, and there is a code of basic honour and decency.
The absolute hypocrisy of saying this after this previous shit is galling. You know what happens the most in our online community? Shitty tists inboxing shitty scripts because they get off on control fantasies. Subjects who just want to get out of their own heads with some online trances getting stuck with suggestions and triggers they don't know how to remove. Subjects who just want to get their trance on but who can't find a decent hypnotist who will consider their needs.
I have zero sympathy for hypnotists complaining that subjects are not being nice to them.
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The Monster Within
Miguel O’hara x gender neutral reader
Tw: mentioning of drugs
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Not my first fanfic being about this magnificent human being🙏also let me know if y’all want a part two or sum🤼
He began to neglect his personal life, and his health began to suffer. He would work for days straight,barely sleeping or eating anything. Despite these signs, Miguel continued down his self-destructive path. He was convinced that only he could save the multiverse, and he was willing to pay any price to archive that.
As y/n entered the lab, they noticed Miguel sitting in the corner, seemingly lost in his thoughts. His skin was so pale and fragile that it looked like it was made of porcelain,so much so that at the slightest touch,it seemed like he would crumble into pieces like a broken vase. His whole appearance was almost frightening, causing y/ns breath to catch in their throat. But despite his fragile appearance, y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sight of him, as if he was a force of nature that couldn't be helped but feel drawn to, like a magnet to metal, or the pull of the moon on the ocean tides.
“Miguel I think we seriously need to have a conversation” y/n said carefully as they slowly approached him.”You only hang around your lab and you barely ate anything in the past weeks!We - I…am worried about you Miguel,you can’t keep being this neglectful over your health and just assume none of us would say something about it.”
Miguel finally looked up from his work, his eyes dark and intense,just as his voice. "I understand that you're worried, y/n,but I don't have a choice right now. I have to focus on my work, and right now, that means having priorities and making sacrifices.”
“So what?You’re just gonna keep doing this and ignore how everyone else is worried sick about you?I can’t believe you’re this ignorant.”
Miguels face frowned at y/n's harsh words, and his voice became even lower. "I'm not being ignorant, y/n," he glared. "I know everyone is worried about me, but I can't let that hold me back.This work is too important, too necessary.
Of course none of you would understand that now, would you.”
Y/n shook their head, voice rising as they argued back. "That's not what I meant, Miguel," they said, keeping their voice sharp. "I just meant that you can't keep pushing yourself like this.You're eventually going to collapse, or break down, or worse. And then what? Who's gonna do all of this work then?”.
Miguel and y/n were both standing now, their voices rising as they continued to argue back and forth. The tension in the room was rising and it was clear that neither of them was going to back down.
Miguel spoke first, his voice almost a shout. "You know what, y/n?If you’d give me some space,who knows what I could have accomplished by now!”he shouted, almost yelling. "I can't work with you breathing down my neck all the time. I need to focus on this, and I can't do that if you're constantly interrupting me!"
Y/n looked at him with a mixture of anger and disbelief, their voice almost even louder now. "What am I supposed to do, Miguel?" they shouted back. "Just sit back and watch you destroy yourself, work yourself to death without taking a break?You know I just care about you and-“
“Finally!the genius got it.God how did you even manage to end up as Spider-man.Now if you’d excuse me I need to finish this, preferably without your nagging.”.
Y/n was taken back by Miguel's comment, they had never seen him like this before.
Tired of Miguel's constant belittling, they snapped back at him."And how did you become Spider-man?" y/n asked,their voice almost a shout now. "At least I got bitten by the goddamn spider,not got hooked up on some shitty drug.”
Miguel's expression changed to one of almost shock, as though he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What did you just say to me?" he asked, his voice almost a whisper now.
Y/n quickly realised what they just said, regret immediately displaying on their face."No,look Miguel I’m sorry I genuinely didn’t mean to say that, you know it.Let’s just take a break and talk this through calmly.”they said, trying to deescalate the situation.
But only then they noticed something about him just seemed so…off.Miguel was almost panting like an animal by now,eyes a deep shade of red and his heart racing like he was on the brink of panic.
It’s only when y/n noticed the signs.All the empty vials stacking up on his desk,his odd behaviour…
He’s on rapture again.
“Look,I said I’m sorry alright?Lets just all think this through once more-“Y/n said,slight panic rising in their voice.They can’t help but slowly retreat, aiming towards the door but the more steps they took back,the more he advanced forward.
“Look just stay put here alright? I can go and get someone—“
But before they were able to react, he already slammed the door tight.Trapping the both of them.
His movements were almost sluggish by now.It was clear that the drug was taking a toll on his body and mind,yet he calmly replied “Don’t. I know I was a bit too harsh on you dear, and I think it’s just fair for me to properly apologise." He paused for a moment, as though considering his next words.
“What…are you talking about.”they said,a slight blush creeping up upon hearing that nickname.”
After a long pause of him contemplating and panting heavily he continued-“Just…god,You just make me feel these intense emotions, it’s just something about you.Something about you that makes me behave like a fucking dog” he released a dark chuckle and for the first time y/n saw his long pointy fangs,grinning back at them.Y/n took a final step back but now found themselves completely backed into a corner.He looked like a monster, a feral creature ready to attack.But yet, there was something else.Something y/n couldn’t quite interpret.
It was getting to the point where Miguel was about to lose himself to the drug completely. He had to stop, he had to do something before it was too late.
But did he want to?
Didn’t he already lose enough? Maybe he just wanted to give in, to let the drug take over,to become completely wild and feral.He lost so much already but at the same time he’s doing everything for…them.
But before he could think about it any further he found himself lunging at them, his claws extended and ready to attack.
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