#i can't believe i had transcribed half of this
lovedbythesun · 2 years
Robert Rosen on John, Paul, obsession and John’s reaction to Paul’s arrest in Japan (bolded)
RR: If you read Nowhere Man, you're gonna spend a couple of 100 pages in Lennon's head and you'll see what that's like. The neurosis and the occult, and the insecurity and the anger and the rage and the petty jealousy and the absolute expression of joy when McCartney was busted in Japan for trying to smuggle in marijuana.  And you'll also get the creative genius, the guy who went down to Bermuda, knowing it was time to break out of his seclusion and get back into it and release an album. After five years, the painful creative struggle to reconnect with his muse and the love he felt towards Yoko and towards Sean. I mean, that's all there. It's like the beautiful part of Lennon and there was indeed, a beautiful part, with the part that was heady and angry and resentful and jealous.
Host: You just described his reaction to the Tokyo drug bust with Paul. There's been definitely conflicting accounts, what the state of their relationship was not just the 1980 but throughout the whole of the Beatles solo years, where he definitely had the signs of an obsession with Paul's career and his successes. At the same time publicly talked about I don't pay attention to Wings, I don't pay attention to my peers. I don't pay attention to Jagger, or Dylan or all that stuff. Yet. You see things like the tape diary he did in 79, where he clearly is paying attention very much to Paul's career. Overall, did you get an impression of where things stood regarding his feelings toward Paul?
Robert Rosen: That is like a huge part of Nowhere Man because he spent so much time thinking about Paul and writing about Paul and obsessing over Paul. And everything Paul did, it drove him..every time he heard a Paul song on the radio, especially Coming Up off McCartney II that it would make him jealous. He saw his life as him and Yoko being either up or down in relation to Paul and Linda. And he just flat out said, I know this is not the way to be. There was like, the jealous part of him, that would just go crazy over something Paul did..and nobody's paying attention to me now. And there was that part of him and then there was the larger part of him, where he wanted to be like Jesus and Gandhi and Mohammed and Buddha, and he wanted to follow the path he wanted to follow the way, he wanted to merge with God.
It was just this constant struggle between this man who wanted to be pure and this man who wanted to take drugs and have sex with May Pang and just like, oh I bought this beautiful house in Palm Beach and Paul's gonna read about it and that's a great victory over McCartney and oh, Yoko just sold a cow for a quarter million dollars and it's gonna be in the papers and Paul's gonna read about it.  That's another great victory over McCartney and it's just like Yoko did it, she used her magic powers to have Paul busted in Japan and this is not in Nowhere Man because this is what he wrote in the diaries that I couldn't quote from the diaries but he was just so overjoyed that say, it was like the high point of 1980 up to that point and he writes, go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200 - that's the thing from Monopoly and I'm not quoting from the diaries, I'm quoting from the Monopoly board, right [both laugh].
You know, that's what John wrote and he was just "oh, Paul's still in jail, maybe they'll keep him there for a couple of years and they let him out after only 10 days but the Wings tour was ruined and it made him happy.” 
- Robert Rosen / Something About The Beatles Podcast / 10/08/2022 (x)
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dunmeshistash · 1 month
I'm curious about something, maybe you know the answer since I can't seem to find it explained anywhere else. What does an "elf-style" dungeon mean? Does that mean there are like tallmen-style, half-foot style dungeons, etc? And what kind of dungeon is on The Island? Thank you!!
Dungeon have types! as far as I understand there Gnome Elf and Dwarf style dungeons Basically that means which ancient civilization is responsible for that man-made dungeon so it's no wonder the styles are all from long-lived races.
I'm still planning to make a post compiling things about dungeons with the proper descriptions transcribed but here's a bit about dungeons from the Adventurer's Bible Glossary.
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The Island, the dungeon they're currently in, is a compound type dungeon I believe because it was originally dwarf ruins before Thistle took control of it and made it his own, so much so that deeper parts of the dungeon like where the griffin attacked had dwarf script around.
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pixiecaps · 5 months
The Betrayal • A Full Breakdown
This post serves as an in-depth explanation of everything that occurred with the Betrayal arc regarding qRoier at the beginning of the server. Everything is split into 10 separate sections detailing what exactly happened as well as explaining qSpreen's side of this arc. Below the "Context" section you'll find a compilation of clips all of which are translated and captioned into English. Anything not shown in the video or lacking context is explained in their respective sections. In these sections you'll also find transcribed pieces of conversations not shown in the video translated into English as well.
— Context —
VOD 1 | In order to properly understand how this all unfolds I must explain some things first. Roier had set his mind on making a taqueria on the SMP which is a Mexcian restaurant that specializes in tacos for those unaware. To do this he had to, well, make tacos. Crafting tacos took a decent amount of ingredients but one ingredient in particular proved difficult to find. The tomatillo. After 1 hour and a half of search and calling out for Osito Bimbo's help, with no response, Roier finally found a single crop of tomatillo which gave him a single seed. He's ecstatic and starts making his way back home.
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3 minutes later after he found the tomatillo and acquired the seed by himself Osito Bimbo makes an appearance. Roier quickly informs Osito that he came a little too late and questions why he now appears after having found what he was begging for minutes ago. Osito Bimbo doesn't offer any response and after lingering for a bit Roier decides to ask him something else.
Roier: Since you arrived so late, could you give me a lot of tomatillo? A lot, a lot of tomatillo. I think this is the only way I could forgive you.
Osito Bimbo: Maybe.
Roier asks Osito Bimbo for specifically a stack of tomatillo seeds, which commences a deal being inevitably struck.
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Osito Bimbo tells Roier that, in exchange for the seeds, he has to do something for him. Roier, with a mischievous tone, agrees without hesitation and without knowing what it would be that he had to do. Osito then gives him a book instructing Roier to make him 10 tacos and 3 chimichangas. Osito then hands Roier 62 seeds of tomatillo. Roier thanks him graciously and sets off home to make the long-awaited tacos.
After he arrives home and begins preparing the tacos, he realizes he doesn't have salt or lettuce, so once more, Osito Bimbo appears, and he asks Osito for the missing ingredients. This time, however, instead of food, Osito Bimbo asks Roier to give him information on Vegetta in exchange for his help. Osito was of the belief that Vegetta was plotting something that Roier may know of. Going to the extent of using gunfire on Roier to threaten information out of him, however, Roier did not budge and instead acted aloof to what Osito Bimbo may have been referring to. Osito believed his act and handed him 17 seeds of lettuce and the coordinates of where he could find salt on the island. He sets off to the coordinates and, in fact, finds the salt where Osito Bimbo had said it would be.
Roier once again returns home and begins crafting the ingredients needed for the taco, such as cheese, salsa, tortillas, etc. During this time, Roier first sees two Cucurucho's at once. One in his kitchen and another in his garden. And finally, after 3 hours and 6 minutes, Roier crafts the first taco. He hands the taco to Osito Bimbo (The one in the kitchen) and he eats it. Roier makes a joke and Osito Bimbo shoots him. To this, Roier reacts negatively and says, "It's not cool for you to treat me like that. ... You can't just shoot me then simply leave like that." As a consolation of sorts, Osito Bimbo hands Roier a poppy. Roier informs Osito that he has to leave and won't be able to make the rest of the tacos for him that day. Osito Bimbo exclaims "No!" repeatedly. Roier challenges him and says, “Oh. You won't let me leave? You won't let me leave? Are you sure?" He then spits at Osito and throws the poppy back at him. After this, Osito Bimbo replies, “Finish what I told you.” Roier then, visibly irritated, says, “You know what, Osito? You know what, Osito? I'm tired of you treating me badly. I'm tired of you treating me badly. You and I are no longer friends." And he logs out without giving Osito Bimbo a second to respond.
VOD 2 I The following day, Roier logs on and finds a trail of poppies in his home, which leads to the upstairs of the house. Following the trail, he finds a chest with 3 tacos and a book inside.
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Roier reacts to the letter warmly, declaring that he wants to keep spending time with Osito. He begins writing his own letter back as a response.
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Roier leaves the book in the chest, knowing that Osito is likely watching him in that moment and will read the book later. Then Roier commences his day by gathering ingredients and crafting more tacos.
VOD 3 | Now, before this occurred and before Roier had logged on for that very day, Spreen was also on the server exploring when he was approached by the Devil, who proposed an alliance between the two of them.
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Devil: I come here to propose an alliance. You and I, what do you think?
Spreen: What type of alliance?
Devil: An alliance. You do bad things for me and I do good things for you.
Spreen: So, I do bad things for you but it's going to be your fault?
Devil: No, because-
Spreen: So l have to take the blame for my own actions?
Devil: You just have to- No, you just have to play carefully and not get caught doing bad things.
Spreen: So I have to play with people's feelings?
Devil: Exactly, that's what I like, that's what I like.
The agreement goes as follows: Spreen will do whatever bad things the Devil asks, if Spreen so chooses to accept them, in exchange for whatever he desires. The greater his desires, the greater the sin he'll have to commit. The Devil says that there's only one condition to their alliance, which is that Spreen can never tell anyone that he's had contact with the Devil, and if in any situation the Devil is implicated, then he will rain hell on Spreen's life, like destroying his home and so forth. Additionally, if Spreen agrees to do a misdeed prompted to him by the Devil, he must complete it in the given time, or else he'll have to punish him severely. It is important to note that while talking to the Devil, Spreen mentions Roier being his "great comrade" and saved a cat from being burned alive by the Devil. The devil then conducts an interview with Spreen to see if this alliance is truly beneficial to him, and this is where Spreen reveals some information about himself.
Devil: I'm going to ask you first, who is the person you like best from this world?
Spreen: From this world?
Devil: Yes.
Spreen: My comrade Roier I honestly really like him a lot. We live together for now. And there's Missa too... My bros at home are the ones I like the best.
Devil: And would you betray Roier and Missa?
Spreen: Yeah, no problem.. Depends on what cost.
When told to list the first three acts of misdeeds that come to his mind that he could commit against his fellow islanders, he includes on the list killing one of their pets. When asked by the Devil what he'd do to someone he cherishes, like Roier or Missa, Spreen replies that he'd kill them to the point of exhaustion and to where they log off the server. Spreen asks the Devil what he'd give him in exchange for such a misdeed, and this is where the Devil proposes a plan.
Devi: Wait a moment. Does Roier have any type of pet?
Spreen: I really don't know. I think he has a cat but I don't know if it's his or Missa's.
The Devil says to find out specifically if Roier has any pets he cherishes and if that pet has a name. Giving him a piece of paper and telling him that if the pet doesn't have a name, then either name it himself or ensure Roier names it. Stating that if Spreen gathered that information he'd give him the sky and anything he could ever want. He also mentioned he'd be observing and watching Spreen from the other side while he tries to gather that information from Roier.
Now after this, Spreen heads off to his home with Roier and Missa, and Roier offers him a taco, which he gladly accepts.
— The Clips —
Further details on what is going on in the video are in the sections below. These sections include additional context and information that was not included in the video itself, which are vital to grasping the full picture of this arc.
— The Lie —
Spreen begins telling Roier that he's decided he wants to be a veterinarian and open a vet on the island. However, he wants to take a count of who on the island has pets as a form of data to see if the business would do well. So he asks Roier if he has a pet of his own. With the context provided, we know that this was a lie to find out the information assigned to him by the Devil. Roier replies that he has a dog in a cage that he has yet to tame, then proceeds to set it free and tame the dog. He names it Firusflais. Spreen tells Roier that, as a veterinarian, he shouldn't leave the dog inside a cage all day, but Roier disagrees, saying that his dog is different and likes being left inside the cage in his backpack. Spreen prods Roier further about the matter, and Roier reveals that he prefers keeping his pets in his inventory and not out in the open, like Missa's cat, out of fear of the pet being killed by someone else. Spreen disagrees, saying that Roier has a keypad door, so it's unlikely to happen. Roier then mentions that the only people who can enter the home through the keypad door are Spreen, Mariana, Missa, and him. A symbol of those that hold his utmost trust.
— The Deal —
Spreen uses and mentions a bubble blower, which reminds Roier of the turtle racing bet in which he lost it to Spreen. They laugh about it, and Roier asks if Spreen would like to do another turtle racing bet. However, Roier questions Spreen's trustworthiness when it comes to how these races are done and the possibility of them being rigged. This is right when Spreen receives a private message from the Devil telling him he has 5 minutes to return to the bar alone to inform him of what he has learned.
Spreen quickly shuts down the accusations and says that Roier can pick the turtle himself and where the race takes place. Roier then suggests the idea of doing a test race with a taco on the line. Spreen says he doesn't want to do all the work of setting up a turtle race for a simple taco. Roier defensively says that the taco isn't something to be taken lightly and took a lot of work to craft. Spreen sarcastically agrees and says it's only 5 ingredients. Roier decides to challenge Spreen to go gather all the ingredients and craft a taco himself in just ten minutes if it's so easy, and if he somehow accomplishes this, then he'll give him 100 subs. Spreen quickly agrees, stating that he'll bring all the ingredients to Roier and craft the taco in his face.
And just like that, a bet is made.
After Spreen leaves to find the ingredients, Roier reassures the voices that there is no way that Spreen could find all of the ingredients in time. The only possible way would be if Spreen sneaked into his garden to gather the ingredients.
Some further reasoning as to why Roier so confidently bet 100 subs can be looked at through two lenses. Through the meta-explanation and through a character analysis. In meta, Roier fully knew that the previous day he had spent hours trying to gather the proper ingredients to craft that taco, so logically, he knew there was no feasible way for Spreen to do the same in just ten minutes. Through his character, it makes sense for him to fully trust qSpreen in this bet, as they had done previous bets when turtle racing and qSpreen had proven himself to be an honorable man. Not just that, but qSpreen and qRoier held a tight bond in which he never could've imagined his friend lying and deceiving him. We see evidence of this bond several times days prior, but specifically in moments where you realize the importance of Roier allowing Spreen to live with him and have access to that keypad door. The same goes for Spreen when he states that one of the two people he values most is Roier.
While Spreen is off, Roier decides to complete his deal with Osito Bimbo and craft the 10 tacos and 3 chimichangas.
As Spreen exits the house and walks towards the bar, he states that now he knows what he'll ask the Devil in exchange for killing Roier’s dog. In other words, he'll ask for the taco ingredients. When he arrives at the bar, Spreen informs the Devil of everything that occurred with the dog and the deal and says that he'll do anything to that dog as long as the Devil helps him with the taco. The Devil says it's a deal as long as Spreen kills not just Roier's dog but also Missa's cat with the taco in his hand. As well as Spreen gifting 20 of those 100 subs to him. Spreen seems taken aback by this for a moment, questioning the addition of Missa’s cat to the chaos before regaining his composure and saying it seems like a good deal. Spreen talks to the voices for a moment, reassuring them and informing them of his plan.
Spreen: I don't want to kill Missa's cat, dude. I'm going to do something. I'm going to do something people, this is a round deal. I'm going to kill Missa's cat without Roier seeing and I'm going to replace it with a cat of the same breed. The issue is that when Missa comes he won't see it so l'm going to put it in a cage and I'm going to leave it placed inside the cage there, okay? Then when he takes the cat out of the cage Missa is going to say, "Hey why didn't I adopt him?". And he's going to start thinking and he's going to be suspicious but he's not going to understand what's going on. So we're going to replace Missa's cat, and then Roier's dog I'm going to fuck him up right there with the taco in my hand. And while we're at it, we're going to fuck up Roier too by getting 100 subs out of him with this taco thing. So don't worry. I've got it all figured out.
This moment in particular is one of the times where you can see how much of a mastermind qSpreen really is and how his mind works. Someone not to be messed with. However, the one fatal flaw in this entire ordeal is that he underestimated Roier's experiences with that taco. With the knowledge of what happens after all this occurs when Spreen is explaining his plan you realize they were all doomed the second he agreed to that deal. It was just a matter of time.
After the Devil hands Spreen the ingredients for the taco, he informs him that he only has 15 minutes to kill Missa's cat and Roier's dog. He sets off back to Roier in a hurry, as he only had 5 minutes left to complete the taco deal with Roier. The Devil then quickly reminds him that if he doesn't complete the misdeed, he'll be punished.
— Doubt —
Spreen arrives at Roier's home immediately, telling him that he's awful at making bets as he hands him the ingredients for the taco. Roier is incredibly shocked and confused before quickly starting to question how and where Spreen had found all the ingredients. Spreen doesn't budge and starts claiming Roier had simply done a worse job looking for the ingredients than him and that that was all there was to it. He asks for the 100 subs and the taco itself; however, Roier continues to question him specifically about where he found the tomatillo, salt, and what he needed to craft the salsa. Spreen continues to lie, and Roier takes note of this. Roier then begins calling Spreen a liar as Spreen continues to not inform Roier of how he honestly got the ingredients.
Roier: Who gave you all of this? Where did you get this, asshole?
Spreen: Dude I got it on my own. Stop lying. I find it disrespectful that you're lying to me with the fact that-
Roier: I find it disrespectful that after what we've been through, Spreen, you're lying to me, dude.
Spreen: You're lying to me, asshole because you bet something and you're not delivering.
The situation quickly escalates as Roier hands Spreen his globe and tells him he's allowed to take it from their home before he beats him up for lying to him. This globe Spreen had specifically acquired his second day on the island and was a valued item of his. *(1) Spreen tells him not to start with him as he pulls out an enchanted diamond sword as an intimidation tactic. The only enchantment on the sword being bane of arthropods.
Considering the qRoier spider hybrid depiction, | thought that detail was quite coincidental and ironic.
To which Roier responds by equipping a set of enchanted diamond armor with all but a pair of boots. Spreen sees this and hands him his own pair of enchanted diamond boots, taunting him. Spreen then demands to be paid the subs, and Roier refuses and spits on him. Spreen continues to demand for Roier to complete his part of the deal, but Roier suggests fighting for it instead. Spreen refuses to do this, as this wasn't part of the original deal. Soon after this, Roier finally says fine and that he'll gift Spreen the subs; however, he tells Spreen that he never mentioned when he'd gift him the subs. Spreen, upset by this, questions if this is really how Roier is going to handle the situation.
Spreen then swears to Roier that he had planned offstream to make tacos for his bar days prior, which is why he had the ingredients for the taco already. To back this up, he states that he had also, while offstream, made a structure for his new home, which he could show Roier as proof that he had been doing things offstream. Roier doesn't believe him but complies when Spreen offers to show him this supposed structure. As Roier follows Spreen, he says he wants to contact his lawyer Quackity. Spreen then shows Roier the structure and continues with his lie, stating that the same day he was constructing his home, he spent 5 hours online and went looking for the tomatillo. Roier's suspicions do not subside, and he says again that he'll have to speak with his lawyer since he doesn't believe him. Spreen isn't particularly fond of the lawyer idea, saying that Roier is complicating his day and he just wants the issue to be resolved quickly. In the context of the deal, we know this is because he still needed to kill the pets and is wasting time with this dispute. He had wasted 8 of the 15 minutes he was given to kill the pets at this point.
— The Court Case —
After Roier messages Quackity for assistance with the situation, Quackity promptly arrives at Roier and Spreen's home. And Roier hands Quackity a taco as a gift. At this point, Spreen had 5 minutes on the clock to kill the cat and the dog. The Devil starts striking lightning around Spreen as a warning. Roier and Quackity become alarmed and question what is causing the lightning, while Spreen remains silent and tells them to hurry this up as he would like to leave for the day. Spreen tells his side of the story to Quackity, leaving out everything to do with the Devil, of course, and is once again reminded that time is ticking by the Devil. Specifically, he has 3 minutes to complete his side of the deal, or else the consequences will be severe. As well as to remember their blood pact.
Roier then begins to tell his side of the story while Spreen excuses himself to go to the bathroom. The Devil messages Spreen again, telling him that for every minute he exceeds the given time, he'll have to give away 1 more sub to him, or else his home, the one in construction, will completely disappear forever. During this bathroom break, Spreen walks into the home, apologizes to the cat, and kills it before quickly heading back to Quackity and Roier. 2 minutes left. The Devil reminds Spreen to kill Roier's dog with the taco in his hand as he had forgotten to kill the cat with the taco.
Quackity hears both sides of the story and calls for a testimony from a witness. The witness being Quackity himself, who was not present for the situation when it occurred. As a witness, Quackity states that Roier is in the wrong, as obtaining a taco is not difficult at all. He comes to this conclusion because, having logged in for just a couple minutes, he had acquired a taco. This taco, of course, was the one Roier had gifted him minutes prior. This leaves Roier shocked and betrayed by a friend who he trusted would take his side in this dispute. Roier then questions Quackity about how he got the taco, knowing full well that he had given him that taco.
Roier: And how did you find that? How did you find that Quackity?
Quackity: It was very easy, very easy. I grabbed a tortilla and put the ingredients inside. It was very easy.
Now from Roier's POV this may seem very coincidental and perhaps a planned action by Spreen and Quackity but to clarify not once did Spreen whisper to Quackity to help him or tell him to choose his side for some type of a reward. This was purely their actions lining up and causing a massive impact on Roier and his trust in them.
Spreen states he's hungry and asks Quackity for the taco and Quackity hands it to him. Spreen does this so that he could have a taco to kill the dog.
Quackity now serving as the role of the judge comes to the conclusion that Roier should be annexed for three weeks and would have to go to jail. Roier is left shocked and bewildered by this conclusion. Spreen quickly steps in and tells Quackity that those extremes would not have to be necessary as Roier is his comrade and that all he asks is for Roier to complete his side of the deal. The Devil starts counting down 30 seconds to Spreen so he adds that he would also like Roier to give him his dog on top of the subs. Roier confused asks why his dog and Spreen just says he wants the dog again.
After some discussion Roier agrees to give Spreen his dog as long as he doesn't have to pay the subs. Spreen refuses to accept this negotiation. Roier states that he doesn't have the dog with him and that it's currently at the vet. Spreen however knowing this to be wrong as Roier earlier placed the caged dog in his backpack in front of him continues pressing further for the dog. Quackity then says Spreen is entitled to take physical and violent action against Roier if he refuses to complete his part of the deal. Roier starts exclaiming that Quackity is corrupted and that he had trusted him. That he had trusted both Quackity and Spreen. Asking whats wrong with them and saying that they aren't normally like this. With 3 seconds on the clock, Spreen, having heard what Quackity said about being allowed to take violent action, takes this as a green light and begins attacking Roier.
— The Hunt —
Spreen hits Roier first with his iron axe and Roier begins fleeing stating that he won't pay anything and that they're in the wrong. Spreen shouts to Roier saying that he has to help him. Roier then shouts saying this isn’t how things work. Spreen hits him again and he whimpers. 17 hearts. Quackity following behind Spreen tells Roier to pay him so that this will all be over. Roier says he won't keep discussing or hand over the dog until Spreen calms down. So Quackity tries to ask Spreen to calm down but he doesn't. Another hit. 14.5 hearts. Roier exclaims that he's going to die and begins running out of flat space to run. Hit. 12 hearts. Quackity says that he knows he's meant to be his lawyer but to give up the dog already. Hit again. 9 hearts. And another one. 7 hearts. And another. 4 hearts. Roier begins shouting that he had trusted Quackity over and over. Quackity once again says to hand over the dog and Roier refuses. He says that they're wrong again. Then Spreen downs Roier. Spreen begins shouting at Roier saying to hand over the dog or else he'll kill him. And right as Roier gives up and agrees to hand over the dog Spreen lands the final blow killing Roier. The chase takes 1 minute and 34 seconds.
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Spreen then takes the cage from Roier's body and starts killing the dog with the taco. Quackity tries to protest and get him to stop but it's ineffective and the dog dies anyway. Spreen tells Quackity that it was inevitable and he had to do it. As well as that Roier would not find out. Unbeknownst to Spreen that Roier got notified in chat that his pet had been killed. As Roier begins to feel saddened by the death he tells himself that he cannot get like this. Spreen in the meantime receives a message by the Devil telling him to meet him at the bar in less than 5 minutes.
— The Hurt —
After being killed, Roier spawns thousands of blocks away due to having set his spawn in a dungeon he had done days prior, so he breaks the bed and allows a zombie to kill him. In fact, he begins begging for the zombies to kill him, exclaiming that he's tired of this life. When his death to the zombies is shown in chat Quackity types laughter as a response in chat, and Roier takes note of this behavior, stating that it's fine and that he had trusted Quackity. He goes on to say that the hurt he feels isn't even because of the loss of his pet, but because of the trust and friendship he lost with Quackity and Spreen. Describing the situation as a betrayal he never would've expected of Quackity and even less of Spreen.
Roier: If he (Spreen) wanted money I could've given it to him, I hope it'll be more worthwhile for him to have earned that money now that he has lost my friendship.
After Roier returns to his body, a few snarky comments get thrown by Spreen before he leaves.
Quackity: (Looking through Roier's backpack) My god 40 diamonds! Only diamond armor bro.
Roier: Go on. If you want to rob it from me, rob it from me if you want to. It's fine.
Spreen: No, my friend, nobody is robbing anything from you. Not like you who tries to rob from others with your fake bets. (Walks away)
Quackity sticks with Roier, trying to ensure that his friend isn't too mad at him for the events that unfolded. Roier, however, remains clearly upset. When he gets his backpack back from Quackity, he notices that he took all his food and tacos. He asks Quackity if he has taken his food, and while blatantly lying, Quackity says no. Quackity then offers Roier his own food back at him.
Quackity: Do you want food? Look I'II give you some. (Gives Roier 31 toast)
Roier: Yeah I'd like that. A bit of food.
Quackity: No worries, no worries. You know thats what friends are for.
Roier: What did you say?
Quackity: You know thats what friends are for Roier. Don't worry.
Roier: What friends are for?
Quackity: Yeah, to give food to one another-
Roier: For what you did back there? Is that what friends are for?
Quackity then asks where his thank you is for having helped him with the dispute with Spreen. Roier doesn't say thank you. Quackity then tells Roier that he won't charge him for the legal representation.
Quackity: For the legal representation. I'm not going to charge you because you're a close friend. You're a close friend.
Roier: It's a good thing I'm a close friend, because if I was an enemy, just imagine.
Quackity: Oh shit yeah, no, imagine! No, no, no.
Roier: Imagine how it would have gone.
Roier continues to be noticeably upset through his tone of voice, and Quackity once again asks if he's doing alright, and Roier continues to act as if everything is fine.
VOD 4 | Meanwhile, Spreen goes to the bar and finds the devil waiting for him. He's quickly informed that he passed the test and that the contract between them has been finalized. The Devil expresses that he's forgiven for going over the set time because he killed the dog and Roier as well. Which was done in such a brilliant manner that it satisfied the Devil.
Devil: You have literally sold your soul. You have done evil against a friend you love and I love that, so congratulations you have passed the test.
The Devil leaves swiftly, and Spreen decides to return to his friends.
This is when the Angel appears in front of Roier and Quackity, saying that he's looking for someone who doesn't belong to this world, specifically a red being. Roier then shows that he has a red hoodie, and the Angel asks him to step closer so he can get a better look at him. As he steps onto a block closer, the Angel breaks the one below Roier, and he falls to his death and is downed.
Spreen decides he wants to apologize to Roier for acting impulsively. Right then, he sees the downed message in chat and stumbles upon Quackity laughing as the Angel comes up with excuses for his actions. Spreen tells them he wants to apologize to Roier over what occurred with the bet and where he could find Roier. Quackity, still laughing, doesn't answer quickly enough before Spreen notices Roier had been tricked and is down below them. Spreen water drops and misses landing on two hearts. He picks Roier up, hands him food, and says he's there to say his sorries. Explaining that he was acting impulsively and let the situation overcome him. He then hands Roier his globe as a gift. And in a way for Spreen, it served as a symbol of his honest apology to his closest friend. Roier, however, is unfazed.
The Angel then decides to take Quackity, Roier, and Spreen on a fun adventure. During this, Roier remains in an upset mood while Spreen and Quackity try to mend whatever is left of their friendship. In one moment, Spreen asks if Roier wants any food, and Roier says no, but Spreen still hands him a golden apple. The Angel decides to gift Roier a pet dog so that he can feel better and because animals make people happy. Roier says thank you, and then Spreen and Roier stare at each other in silence as Spreen blows bubbles. As some meta commentary, Rubius plays both the Devil and the Angel and his decision to gift Roier a dog as the Angel after having orchestrated the entire plan to kill his previous dog as the Devil. Sick and twisted. I was jaw-dropped by this the first time watching. Love it. Quackity then gifts Roier two tacos to try and make him happy. It doesn't work.
The Angel asks the group what'd make them happy, and Spreen says confessing his sins, so they begin doing a group confession. Spreen begins by sharing that he killed a dog, a cat, and a friend. And additionally mentions the illegal turtle racing. The Angel forgives him. Quackity then goes to the podium and confesses to doing a poor legal job representing someone. The Angel forgives him. The Angel then encourages Roier to confess, as he sees darkness in his soul that needs to be purified. Stating that God himself told the Angel on WhatsApp to help Roier. The Angel tells Roier that he needs to do something good for someone who wronged him today. Specifically, he needs to gift Spreen a named pet. Saying that doing this will benefit him in the future. Roier agrees. Spreen already had a tiger in his backpack that he wanted as a pet, so he sets it free and allows Roier to recapture it so that he can gift it to him as a pet. Roier names it Algodón de Azúcar or Cotton Candy. Spreen is grateful then logs off at this point. It is important to note that he doesn't end up doing the replacement plan of Missa's cat.
Roier then continues to hang out with Quackity. Whenever Quackity wasn't talking, he'd give him a death glare, which would quickly shift into a smile with a joyous tone of voice when it came his turn to speak and continue the conversation.
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Had to include a gif. It's too good.
As they arrive at Quackity's home, Roier pulls out an enchanted iron sword with murderous intent before putting the sword away. They spend the rest of the day together, and Roier is able to act perfectly fine around Quackity while still holding onto that anger and grudge by the time they say goodbye.
— The Aftermath —
VOD 5 | The following day, Roier continues to show his distrust for Quackity and with Spreen stating at one point that one of the few people who hasn't betrayed him and who he can truly trust is Vegetta. As well as Missa and Mariana. Mentioning that he does believe Mariana could betray him at some point, but as of that point in time, he had not, so they're on good terms. He considers whether he should tell Vegetta about what happened to him with Spreen and Quackity. While on the way to Vegetta's home, he gets attacked by a mob and gets overcome with sadness, saying that it reminded him of the day before when he was being attacked and killed.
After greeting Vegetta, he offers him some tacos as a gift, telling him that they were quite difficult to craft. And Vegetta looks at the recipe and agrees, deciding to cherish them. This is a direct contrast to Spreen's reaction to them.
Roier then tells Vegetta he was betrayed and asks for advice and if Vegetta would like to know who the people are. Vegetta says no, saying he'd rather not involve himself too much so he can offer unbiased assistance. Vegetta does agree to help him and then advises Roier to place a bunch of mines in the homes of these people.
Vegetta and Roier then set off to do dungeons together. After they finish, they find Quackity at spawn with Fit, and Roier decides to tell Vegetta that he's upset with Quackity but is going to act friendly when in reality he wants to kill him. Vegetta understands and goes along with this. They spy on their conversation but once they're caught Vegetta and Roier decide to shower Fit and Quackity with gifts, while Roier purposefully keeps referring to Quackity as his friend.
Roier keeps playing the act of being on friendly terms with Quackity until Vegetta logs off. Once he's back home, he removes Spreen from the keypad door whitelist. Then, after some thought, he re-adds him to the whitelist as to give off the impression of their friendship being intact while he plans to stab him in the back.
Quackity then shows up at Roier's home, and they have a conversation.
Quackity: The other day something happened that has greatly separated your friendship and mine.
Roier: Of course, of course.
Quackity: And I just want to make sure that there are no future problems between us. And I just wanted to reassure that part of our friendship.
Roier: (Crosses fingers) Rest assured, rest assured.
Quackity: Perfect. Because if anything happens to me... (Steps closer) I'll have someone to blame.
Roier: Of course, don't worry.
Quackity: Do you have enemies?
Roier: No, not at all.
Quackity: I hope it stays that way. I'm leaving. And remember not to mess with me.
Roier: I won't mess with anyone.
(Quackity leaves)
Roier: Don't worry Quackity. Don't worry Quackity. I won't be the one to do anything to you no, no, no, no, no, that's going to be you Quackity. That's gonna be you. Don't worry. I'm not even gonna touch you. I'm not even gonna touch you Quackity. You'll see. You'll see.
— The Cat —
Missa logs in after a few days of not being online and quickly notices his cat is missing. He looks around the entire house and doesn't find the cat, so he asks in chat where Roier is. Roier says he's on the way to talk to him.
Roier returns home to greet Missa and is immediately questioned by him about the whereabouts of his cat. Roier decides he has to break the news to him about what occurred with Spreen and Quackity. He tells Missa how he was betrayed, humiliated, and had his dog killed, which is likely the same fate Missa's cat suffered. Missa doesn't take this well and shouts what his cat had to do with any of it. Roier says he doesn't know, but that they were betrayed. Missa says that there's probably a misunderstanding. Since the cat had brought nothing but peace to their home, how could someone have hurt him? Roier agrees, saying that his dog too is gone. Missa shouts to hell with his dog since he never met him. Roier then starts retelling everything that happened to Missa, from the start with the tacos to the end with the axe in his back. Missa isn't understanding: instead, he begins blaming everything on Roier because surely there has to be a misunderstanding.
Missa: Spreen is my brother. Spreen wouldn't do something like that.
Roier: But he did. He did Missa.
Missa then starts considering every possibility except reality. He wonders if it was even the real Spreen and Quackity; perhaps they were imposters, but Roier tells him to accept that it was them. Missa doesn't stop; he says that something is wrong; something must have happened, as Spreen would never. Then he says that maybe their dream of making a taqueria shouldn't be done. Roier doesn't accept this, however, saying that even Vegetta understands that they must do a taqueria. Roier then tells Missa that he'll get revenge on Spreen and Quackity, even if Missa doesn't want revenge because they were the ones that beat and hurt him. He continues telling Missa that he's going to keep pretending to be their friend and, when they least expect it, betray them as they did him. Missa says not to do something he'll regret. Missa, in his fit of despair and sadness over the loss of his cat, says that he cannot keep living in that home with Roier. Once again Missa blames everything on Roier, he goes on to say that this was all because of Roier's desire for tacos.
Missa: All because of your desire for tacos. Roier this is all your fault if you hadn't- if you hadn't planned on making a taqueria..
After saying this, Missa goes to leave, but before that, Roier asks if Missa is really going to leave him alone like that. Missa says that he isn't alone; he has his tacos and then walks out of the house they built with a future together in mind. A future that no longer existed from that moment forward.
Roier stays silent for a while before he says, "Not you too, Missa." He, in a fit of rage, starts breaking the trail of poppies Osito Bimbo had left him. In disbelief that any of this had happened.
Roier: Missa, Spreen, Quackity, who's next? Mariana? Is Mariana next? I only have Vegetta and Mariana. I only have Vegetta and Mariana.
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In the end, Roier is left alone without his dog, without the cat, without Spreen, and without Missa.
VOD 6 | Missa, after having composed himself, concludes that while he doesn't believe Spreen would hurt his cat, he also doesn't want to fight with Roier. So he runs to their home to say sorry, but once he arrives, Roier is no longer there. Minutes too late, as Roier had logged off. So instead, he leaves a chest with a poppy inside as a sign that there's no bad blood between them. As well as a sign saying it's for Roier.
What's important to mention is that Missa had a heavy amount of trust placed in Spreen because it was his brother, and he couldn't fathom Spreen doing something so terrible. Something quite ironic about the cat is that Roier was the one who warned Missa not to adopt a cat in case anyone used it against them. *(2) Explaining that an emotional attachment to a cat would only open the possibility of hurt in the future. And in the end, that is exactly what happened.
— Citations —
*(1) VOD | Spreen finding the globe. 1:42:32
*(2) VOD | Roier warning Missa about adopting a cat. 4:15:13
All the other information can be found in the respective VODs linked.
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justarandomlambblog · 3 months
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Coffeeshop/teacher AU...
Sorry my handwriting is horrible that's just how it is and it is 2 am I am too tired to transcribe rn but I will make a more legible version later
Info about the AU under the cut
Mystic's Coffee House is run by a mysterious person, Mystic. That's it, just Mystic. Stage name? Maybe. They're a very popular, high-status coffee shop, and Narinder is essentially the manager at this point.
Narinder, who was disowned by his family at only 17 years old following a huge fight/accident, began working at Mystic just a year or two after. He never finished high school and was homeless at the time, and Mystic took one look at him and decided, yeah, that looks like an employee right there. Is Mystic aware that Narinder is a Bishop, a very famous, very rich family that has so many brands and trademarks under their name that they may as well own half the country? Probably, Mystic knows Narinder's real name after all. But his nametag simply says;
Nari is a single father by technicality only; Forneus is a very good friend that he met a bit after being disowned and kicked out, and in the beginning they mistook fondness/kindness as attraction and had a brief relationship. They mutually decided that they only loved each other as friends, but the twins Aym and Baal were born shortly after they broke up, and while they have a very healthy coparenting relationship, Forneus is often away on business trips as she runs a shop all her own. Narinder took over primary custody. Aym and Baal have Forneus' surname, and do not hold the Bishop name (a choice Narinder insisted on).
Aym and Baal are now seven years old and entering the second grade, and their teacher is Mz. Lamb, whose first name is... mysteriously missing. Lamb is a regular at Mystic's and has a huge puppy-crush on Narinder (they think he's cute), though Narinder only knows them as "the weird sheep who tried to ask for my number as soon as they saw me." Everything kinda changes after Aym and Baal enter Lamb's class, as Lamb realizes Narinder bears a striking resemblance to the rambunctious twins and strikes up a conversation about them, and Narinder will NOT pass up a chance to talk about his children.
And thus a friendship is born, which will very quickly snowball into something more.
Lamb believes in living life to the fullest and expresses themself however they feel, they'll go from suits and ties to hoodies to off-shoulder shirts to dresses and they will THRIVE with it. This is their life philosophy; live life to the fullest, and go to the Beyond without regrets. Live enough for your lost loved ones, too.
Narinder and Lamb both know sign language, Narinder bc he grew up using it to communicate with family, Lamb bc after an... accident they were unable to speak for several years. Lamb still has "mute days" and Nari signs as he speaks, a habit he hasn't broken in the ~10 years since he was disowned.
Ummmm I can't think of anything else it's way too late/early but that is the gist of it (without getting into the Bishops themselves). Also they end up getting married, and Aym and Baal 1000% take credit for getting them together.
"Hey pops, remember how dad rejected you when you first met?" "Hey Aym, remember when you dropped the ring and it rolled down the vent in the middle of our wedding." "... I was ten-"
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accidentalshifter · 22 days
[End of May & Early June, 2021: Unexpected encounter with probably Krishna who has an annoying question.]
Shifting Notes:
Unlike my TVD DR, which functions more on realism (comparatively) and a modern setting, 7 Blessings Mountain is a magical, supernatural-based reality that refuses to operate on any rules (or logic) found in an unscripted CR. This DR seems more soft, maleable, and dream-like. I'd like to think that's part of the charm and appeal of my Seasonal DRs. Who wouldn't want to live in a magical world?
Another thing I want to touch upon before I get into story time is that...these updates will be far more personal than my TVD DR is. I believe that has to do with the degrees of separation between my CR-self and my TVD-self. While both of us have the same core, there exist huge differences that set us apart.
But in my Seasonal DRs, like 7 Blessings, I am just the rawest version of me. So, back to the point of this: prepare yourself for a different experience altogether. It can't be vampires all the time!
Astrological Timing: So, this was waaayyy back in the day when I wasn't as organized about documentation/astrological timing. I can only really guess at the moon phases since I didn't specify the dates when I first started out. According to my ephemeris, the Moon cruising through the end signs of the zodiac (i.e. Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces). The sun was in Gemini. Based on my TVD notes, I shift best when the moon is moving through the later ends of the zodiac.
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🎍 The Butterfly Room lays in ruins. Pieces of it are scattered all around me; gaudy gold frames, bits of pastel blue wall, cabriole legs from a Rococo-styled chair, old tomes with torn pages, a splintered shard of the hearth's mantle... I feel kinda bummed out seeing this inside my DR. It's the end of an era...
But at least the butterflies are still here.
🎍 They flutter around me, carefree, as I pick up a piece of splintered, despoiled wood and turn it around in my palm. It dissentigrates to ashes in an instant, slipping between my fingers and blowing away in an errant wind. Well, fuck. 🙃 That's not good.
🎍 The remnants of The Butterfly Room all turn to ash in this moment and fly away on the breeze. Something else begins to reform its place. It starts off as a stone bench. The stone is grey, covered in moss, and spreads out to create a little platform with a banister railing, dividing me from what I can now see is deep blue water beyond it. A lake. Floating and bobbing nearby is a boat. The boat isn't tied or docked to anything that I can see. It's just sitting there like it has its parking breaks on.
🎍 Sweet, pure sounds of a wind instrument hit my ear drums. My eyes immediately seek out the source of the sound. There, standing by the stone bench and leaning against part of the banister is a man. He's clothed in soft blue and green robes that flutter in the wind. The material he wears is such a fine type of organza silk that it almost looks like a cloud. His hair is long, shiny black, and pulled into a half up/half down hairstyle held together by a white jade guan (a type of hairpin). White jade seems to be his thing because he has a set of prayer beads around his wrists and is currently playing a white jade flute...
🎍 Whatever song he's playing, its tone and melody run through me like a shiver. Not like a forboding, ominous shiver. Just a palpable, bodily reaction...as if I had never once heard music before. I quickly pull myself from the flute-induced stupor, the man pauses in his playing to look up at me and ask a question:
"What is the ultimate goal of doing good?"
Observation: I didn't know it at the time but this was my first encounter with a ferryman in my DR. Please, go check out my DR intro post for 7 Blessings Mountain for more info on what a ferryman is in the context of my DR.
Another thing I realize is that I was exploring this DR during the same time frame as I am transcribing these notes now. May heads on out and I'm instantly like: "Ok. It's summer now." But I live in SoCal in my CR. It gets hotter faster here.
🎍 That's an annoying question, though. I'm both confused & frustrated. It takes me a bit (a couple of days, actually) to do some deep reflection on this man's surprisingly-hard-to-answer question... What IS the ultimate goal of doing good?? Is it to be righteous?? To do right in the world?? Is it for reputation, social credit, purely a sense of justice? Happiness? Purpose? A ticket into Heaven?? Nothing at all??
I spend three days wracking my brain over it. I even ask my old roommates at the time but they're just as stumped as I am. 🫤
🎍 I popped in after a few days just to check up on the DR & whether "Flute Guy" was still there. He was. When he caught sight of me, Flute Guy asked if I had prepared an answer to his question yet. My anxiety spiked and I noped out of the situation by leaving the DR. I hear Flute Guy mention with a casual wave of his hand-
"You enjoy denying yourself pleasure, don't you?"
-before continuing to play (yet another) song on the jade flute.
🎍 Well, that was super annoying. But since I'm not trying to piss on the first encounter I have with someone in 7 Blessings, I decided to react in a benevolent/positive way. A day later, I pop into DR armed with a gift for the flute-playing man; a gourd filled with peach juice. I tell Flute Guy that I'm still thinking on my answer to his question but that I wanted to give him a token of my deep appreciation for his patience with me.
He takes the gourd, immediately giving the peach juice an experimental swig. I think he likes it because he smiles brightly. Then, the man laughs. The butterflies (remnants of my previous waiting room) that are fluttering in the air around us suddenly transform at the sound of his laughter. They become nymphs of various genders who clamber to the sides of Flute Guy. As if he radiated some kind of butterfly-attracting aura. Perhaps it was just the potency of his smile? A purple, yellow, & green-clad nymph are the first to latch onto him.
Putting the jade instrument to his lips once more. Flute Guy begins to play another song that pulsates through the mountain air like a flowing water stream. The butterfly nymphs, going apeshit over the music he's playing, all decide to throw an impromptu party on the stone platform around him. I decide to nope out because of social anxiety. 🙃
Side Note: You might be wondering how the hell I got a gourd full of peach juice into my DR? Well, in the 7 Blessings Mountain script, manifestation is instant in this DR. While I'm sure I didn't need to give a reason for this to be so, my headcanon is that 7 Blessings is a place of pure magic. It's placed more in the spirit world than in any other realm. So, you can instantly manifest anything there easily. I just popped into DR & thought of the most delicious peach I've ever had, then told that memory to become juice. And it did!
🎍 Weirdly enough, the household in my CR decides they want to throw a surprise party for no reason. Everyone is drinking. I cannot hide in my room to get away from it because my roommates thought it'd be funny to drag me OUT of my room & toss me directly into the party. 🫠 That whole "you can manifest things from this DR into your CR" script kind of got me, didn't it??
Shifting is a learning process.
🎍 The party thing in my CR got completely out of hand. It lasted about three whole days where my roommates were drinking, inviting their friends over to drink, and playing loud ass music. I realized (maybe a little too late) that leaving Flute Guy alone to do whatever with his harem of butterfly nymphs was not a good decision in hindsight. On the 3rd day, I decide that it doesn't matter if I had a good answer to his question, I should just give him one to make the party (hopefully) stop.
🎍 I pop into 7 Blessings to discover that the party has expanded in size. The whole stone platform is covered in groups of nymphs; all playing chess, smoking hookah, lounging on blankets/throw pillows, and eating snacks of fruit and nuts. At the head of the party, still seated by the stone bench, the man with the jade flute plays his songs. I serpentine a path through the nymphs, over to him, to let him know I have an answer to his question.
🎍 Flute Guy gestures to his nymphs to give me a space to sit amongst them. They obey immediately. When I sit myself down in the space that was provided to me, one of them offers me a handful of pearls. She mimes to me that I should eat them. (I guess she can't speak?) The way she does this is really cute. The nymph points at her mouth. Then, puffs out her cheeks like they're full of food. Nods her head vigorously. And tries to give me the pearls. I shake my head no, however, since I am always dubious about accepting food in my DRs from fairy-like creatures.
"Are you sure??" Flute Guy asks me, "Eating even one of those will enhance your beauty."
I shrug, responding with beauty wasn't a real priority for me. I could get by either way.
🎍 Before the conversation can get stray off the point, I redirect it towards answering his question. I tell Flute Guy that I'm not sold on true good existing in any realm. That good is always accompanied by the desire for good, therefore, itself, is motivated by selfishness or vanity. And furthermore, that I wasn't sure anything material or immaterial had a goal... Much less an ultimate goal. But that if I was wrong, I was open to learning why. The Flute Guy plays note on his flute that sounds like a bird tweet, then I get immediately ejected out of my DR.
🎍 The endless party in my CR dies down on the night I get ejected. Peace is restored. But I can't seem to access 7 Blessings despite all my efforts to. I do get occasional visions and images in my head of the stone platform. It's empty now. Flute Guy and his butterfly crew has vanished. The surrounding area seems a bit less tangible, solid. Also, the sunny day in the DR has now turned to night. Stars and a full moon hang in the sky...
🎍 Another party (in my CR) is thrown by my roommates to celebrate a friend's birthday. I sense, simultaneously, that my DR is "active" again and open for traveling into. Since it wasn't my friend and I wanted to stay out of my roommates way, I spent most of the party in my room, shifting to 7 Blessings Mountain. It was easier to pop in this time. No resistance was present.
🎍 It's still night in my DR. The moon and its stars hang luminous in the blue-black of the sky. However, the platform has been flooded with water from the lake. Fragrant jasmine & lit candles (shaped like lotus blossoms) float upon the water. Thick mist hangs low in the air, making everything around me obscured from sight.
But shining through the mist and darkness is Flute Guy.
He has transformed from looking like...just a guy...to a being of pearlescent light. His robe is shimmering gold instead of the pastels of my previous interactions with him. His skin glows. As I approach this transformed being of light, I notice that he's standing on top of the water. He's playing his flute, the melody more sober than before's lighthearted songs.
🎍 I wade through the water & mist towards this ephemeral figure with trepidation in my heart. I really don't know what to expect. Or what the purpose of this scenario change is. Or if this was always going to be the case. At a certain point, I just had to trust in myself & my DR.
The shining figure requests for me to get on the boat. When I ask him-
"What boat?"
-He indicates to a dark spot that is rising out of the waters near us. A bow, stern, and hull made of white coral and sea glass surfaces a second later, reflecting the moonlight off its sleek form. It's the boat that I saw in the DR days ago. The one that seemed parked like a car in the water. But like Flute Guy, its appearance has transformed into something else.
🎍 Flute Guy sees my hesitation. He tells me that he knows that I'm scared. Then, he puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay," He says, smiling. Radiating a kind of warmth within his smile that you only see in the movies.
This gives me the strength to trust in my DR and get into the boat.
Side Note: So, in 7 Blessings Mountain, the ferryman will ask for all sorts of "fees" for a safe passage across the lake or to locations that are otherwise impossible to get to on your own. Looking back at this now, I guess that the "fee" that Flute Guy wanted was an answer to his question. Sometimes, with the ferrymen, all they want to do is give people riddles. I still sometimes think about what the ultimate goal of doing good is..?
🎍 As soon as I step into the boat, Flute Guy leaps high up into the air and lands (light as a feather) on the curved stempost like a bird. He plays a short staccato sound on his flute. In response, the boat lunches forward, then begins to resubmerge underneath the water and mist. And I'm going down into the water with it...
The water feels icy, cold. My vision in the DR grows dark. Only the glowing figure of Flute Guy can be seen as the boat plunges further down into the mysterious depths...
I wonder where I'm being taken and whether this was a huge mistake?
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ari-zonia · 6 months
Limbus Company x Epithet Erased (AU?)
Silly idea based off something me and my partner were talking about and I wanted to write down my thoughts on it since I can't really draw anything at the moment. It's mostly rambles for how the City would work with Epithet's rules.
There's room for improvement, these are just based off my first thoughts and sorta "going for the obvious".
Putting a read more so I don't present a wall. Some spoilers abound up to Canto V of Limbus, so be aware
E.G.O. and Epithets are basically the same thing. Now, that's not to say people weren't learning they were Inscribed before L Corp and the Smoke War, but it was basically unheard of.
This is because Singularities are basically people with strong enough Epithet's figuring out how to Transcribe them into everyday objects or other such in a commercial fashion. This is a closely guarded secret of the Wings, as a rule of the Head, so that's why the Inscribed are practically unheard of until The White Nights and Dark Days. The City is still as hostile as you know it normally.
How does this work with the Whales, you may ask? Whales probably work the same as usual, but it's because they've parasitized enough Inscribed over the ages that the Whales themselves are basically all Inscribed with "Amalgam" or something akin to that. And then U Corp made the Tuning Forks out of them.
L Corp's E.G.O. equipment is basically Abnormalities Transcribing their Epithets into the extracted equipment, allowing any person, Inscribed or Mundie, to use that Epithet to some degree (since Abnos are derived from/created by humans anyway). Binah understands how this works and that's about it.
Effloresced E.G.O./Distortion is a byproduct of The White Nights and Dark Days basically allowing the City to realize there are a lot of Inscribed, in fact, Moses has deduced every person actually is Inscribed, but it's a matter of those people having their Epiphany, and how they handle it. Basically, works the same as E.G.O./Distortion manifestation anyway just with fancier words.
The Sinners/Limbus Company:
Limbus Company, or rather Faust, has figured out how to "Artificially" Inscribe the Sinners, which is how the other E.G.O. manifest through the Mephistopheles. All twelve also happen to be naturally Inscribed and have had their Epiphany, though their Epithets are not their base E.G.O..
(All of these Epithets come from their titles, extra explanation given for those that don't match said title 1:1)
Yi Sang - Pseudonym: Derived from his title "Ha Yong", another pseudonym author Kim Hae-Gyeong/Yi Sang went under. His Mirror technology was made by Transcribing his Epithet into a Mirror, allowing the Sinners to peer into the infinite possibilities. Without the Mirror, he is a natural mimic, able to briefly become someone else or use another person's Epithet, but it's not as strong.
Faust - Walpurgisnacht: Literally the holiday of the same name. She has some control of fire but is otherwise easily described as "a witch". She can use her fires to manifest familiars, or "cast spells" to cause debuffs
Don Quixote - Dream: Translation of the first half her title "Sueño Imposible". She leans even more into her "Righteous Fixer" persona, and things she "believes" are more likely to "become real". Example, she believes Rociante (her shoes) give her the speed of a horse, they will do so, or if she says her spear will pierce through anything, it can. This doesn't work well when her spirit is broken. (She runs on wish power basically)
Ryoshu - Incoherent: The part of her title "支離滅裂" literally means "Incoherent". Similar to Molly's "Dumb" Epithet, she is capable of rendering foes basically harmless by scrambling their brains, so to say. Also able to make it impossible to read something, but that's situational. She also leans into it with her S.A.N.G.R.I.A. by making herself "Incoherent" to those she has deemed unworthy of her words. (She's not using her power, she just chooses to do that).
Meursault - Sun: An exceedingly powerful heat-based Epithet on someone who actively chooses not to use it. It doesn't hurt him in a physical sense like Mera's Fragile, he just hates the amount of light it produces. He can summon sunlight, even in the depths of an L Corp branch, or simply clear the sky. It's also strong enough to melt through most barriers, just given how hot the Sun can get. It's power is still pretty low since he doesn't actively use it, but it seems to subconsciously manifest sometimes. His body also runs naturally warm due to his Epithet.
Hong Lu - Unreal: Translated from his title "太虛幻境". He's not really used to what it can do, so it's mostly "parlor tricks" like making small illusions. Due to him not using it much, his illusions are easy to see through, as they all have a jade-like color to them. He eventually picks up that he can make himself, or the other Sinners, disappear for a time, but that's currently a frowned-upon tactic as he once made Sinclair disappear for three days because he couldn't figure out how turn off his Epithet. It was only when he passed out from fatigue did Sinclair come back. (He was merely invisible, but that didn't make him feel better)
Heathcliff - Revenge: A Counter-based Epithet. He deals back twice as much damage as he takes. Impressively strong compared to others at the start, since it puts him at a pretty high power level, but given he hasn't figured out any other uses for it other than "take a hit, deal it back", he plateau's pretty quick. He's alright with that, since his Stamina is pretty high, but he can only take so much of a beating before his power means nothing because he's out of the fight.
Ishmael - Hearse: A surprisingly versatile Epithet. She's figured out how to manifest her power both offensively and defensively. On offense, she can call forth spirits of the departed to attack, while on defense she manifests a coffin as a shield. She doesn't like to talk about how everyone on the bus has seen a familiar spirit fight for her at some point.
Rodion - Split: Translated from her title "РАСКО́Л". Compared to everyone on the bus, she's more like Meursault where she doesn't use it much. Honestly, in terms of the story the last time she probably used it was after Canto III where she was able to get more chicken skewers by "splitting them up" between everyone. Other than that, she only really uses it to cheat at gambling, because no matter what she can "split" the pot and take home some cash.
Emil Sinclair - Bird: Translated from his title "Vogel". It's practically useless at the start, where at best he could summon a weak, and I do mean weak eggshell shield. With time he's managed to give himself wings at times, but they're not able to carry him yet. He's still learning how to use his Epithet effectively, and it only seems to grow exponentially more powerful, but for now the best he can do is tame seagulls for Ryoshu.
Outis - Nobody: Translated from her title and name "Ουτις". A fully realized parallel to Hong Lu's Epithet. She is able to make herself and others disappear for a short time perfectly, and has used this power to protect Dante from harm by making them invisible during combat. Beyond that, no one is quite sure what it does, and they're not sure why that is.
Gregor - Vermin: Literal translation of his title "Ungeziefer". He hates his Epithet more than anyone else on the bus. If Meursault and Rodion barely use theirs, he never uses it. Because of Hermann and the Smoke War, it's actually really powerful and is how his right arm manifested. She used his Epithet to Transcribe his mutations onto other G Corp soldiers. This was also how he became the poster boy for the war, he had control over his soldiers, no matter how much he hated it. He can command both total control of actual pests like insects, and mind control people like Rats or other such "lowlifes" widely considered by the City to be nusiances.
Dante - ?: Honestly, they don't know their Epithet yet/anymore, or if the Golden Boughs or their old head have anything to do with it. The clock head itself seems to be Inscribed with "Restore", but they don't know that or if that's the word. The pact they made with the Sinners is how they're able to die and not lose their Epithets as they are literally rewound back before the Epithets "become free", much to the chagrin of some Sinners like Gregor or Ishmael.
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thestupidhelmet · 11 months
Hey there! First of all - I can't begin to say how amazing your work on here is. Your metas, fanfic, comics - as a relatively new 70s fan, it's been so great to peruse. I started watching the show in the autumn last year, and grew up in the 2000s so it still feels nostalgic to me.
It might be a bit of a weird question, but basically I've really been interested in researching the original screenplays, especially the 'scrapped' s7 ending (Aka the original finale) before it was renewed for season 8. I've had no luck so far, and I was wondering if you have had any experience looking for these before? If you have, would it be possible to ask for any pointers on where to start on my journey?
Thanks so much for everything you do, honestly it's amazing to read!!
Thank you for the kind words! I'm happy you're enjoying my T7S works. 😊♥️
Unfortunately, unless you got a hold of the T7S writers' own copies of their original drafts (if they -- or the producers -- still have them), they don't exist online anywhere.
The information I have about them is from the That '70s Show message board at Fan Forum. It was active from the time the earliest seasons first aired until my co-mod and I shut it down this year. The archives are still available to read at Fan Forum.
Before I was part of the board, it was a known quantity to people at That '70s Show. For instance, Wilmer Valderrama posted there a few times.
People who ran T7S fansites (which were a thing before social media sites like Facebook and Tumblr existed) often had connections to the show, and they shared insider info with people on the board, including about the S7 rewrites once S8 was greenlit. One specific example is that Jackie and Hyde were not supposed to reconcile until after Jackie's job offer in Chicago / ultimatum -- in other words, the series finale.
Because the series finale turned into a season finale, Jackie and Hyde's happy endgame was scrapped to give a ready-made story-arc to S8. That also led the showrunners to reconcile J/H temporary to give them a little more time together as a couple, allowing for the cliffhanger of the now-season finale.
J/H's reconciliation episode in S7 is badly written. Probably quickly written, and it shows. It contains no depth, no acknowledgement of their two-and-half years of show time as a couple. It defaults to their status in "Going to California" (5x01) and misinterprets and retcons it to boot.
(Reminds me of how T7S writer and T9S showrunner Gregg Mettler admitted he used Wikipedia to remind himself of the T7S characters' basic characterization and storylines instead of actually watching the show again for the most accuracy.)
When I became co-mod of the T7S board, I read through over fifteen years of posts (did my due diligence so I could be as knowledgeable as possible about T7S, behind-the-scenes info, and the fandom. The number of posts I read is staggering (we're talking close to 100,000), not just from my board but every T7S-related boarding on Fan Forum.
I also followed links to the fansites, using the Internet Wayback Machine when necessary. Found interviews with cast members and producers (transcribed, early podcasts, and filmed). Read through the Live Journal fandom and any other T7S message boards I found. I was beyond thorough. I treated my new post like getting a PhD in T7S.
Talk about hyperfixation (but I had my reasons 😅). My memory for this kind of info is scary. I might not remember how the contents of my dresser drawer have been arranged for over a decade, but I'm the person who naturally memorized her most interesting college classes and could recite their entirety to people (who were interested) for years after I graduated.
So it was with the T7S info I learned. Spoilers from taping reports with alternate takes and scenes ultimately cut from the aired episodes. The words I read while in a grocery store checkout line of the S8 showrunners from a TV Guide (I believe) interview and how unhappy I was upon learning they hated J/H's relationship and were reverting it back to their season-1 dynamic (as they [mis]understood it).
By repeating all this info for a decade to people who asked, it remained with me. I shared some of my findings on this blog with links. But to get the full picture, one would have to read all the posts and fansites, etc., which is a ridiculous task. So I do my best to provide what what specifics I can.
When I was a co-mod of the T7S board, we still had people visit who interacted with T7S creators. One person, for instance, had interviewed Mark Brazill (the man who came up with the major concepts of T7S) for his own site and posted the transcript for us.
I'm sorry that I can't help you find the actual original scripts (I'd love to read them myself), but if one watches T7S's latter half, original parts are still evident -- as are where stories were spliced and rewritten.
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egipci · 1 year
hello please expound on "he wouldn't be proud"
Hello! Alright, so, a couple of months ago there was a bit of analysis going around about the first half of Devil's Trap, specifically about how Azazel had possessed John to use as bait, etc. (If anyone knows what I'm talking about please send a link my way). And I remember thinking, isn't it strange/interesting that an extremely powerful demonic entity spent 24+ hours in John's brain, presumably scraping data, and still couldn't come up with something to fool Dean in the cabin? And you could say, well Dean knows his father better than anyone. And I love that-- not only because I'm invested in their relationship but also because I think that's true. Dean is John's longest relationship/partnership, and I think by the time John dies Dean is adult enough to have a more mature/nuanced understanding of his father, Dean is his confidant, they share all sorts of secrets that Sam is not privy to and which are revealed continuously over the course of the show (up to s14), Dean looks up to him and studies him and for that reason I would even say that John is probably the person Dean knows best, at that point in the narrative. So, yes, Dean is the person who knows John best in the world.
But I find this take not fully satisfying, because, actually, what Azazel says should have worked. This is how the dialogue in Devil's Trap goes:
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Almost everything Azazel says a) is true and b) Dean knows is true. 1) "I won't miss" is the reckless bravado we see John exhibit throughout and which Dean actively calls him out on so --- sounds like Dad, and it's not crazy to imagine that he would want to take the kill-shot after he dedicated over two decades to hunting Azazel; 2) "Sam and I get obsessed" --- Dean himself has said this multiple times, and "You look out for this family" is what we observe to be true by watching the show, and we know Dean agrees --- and this actually could have been the weird un-Dad-like thing to say, but that's not what Dean singles out. It comes down to "he wouldn't be proud of me," --- and I actually think Dean is wrong here!
Maybe John wouldn't say "I'm proud" outright, but he surely wouldn't "tear [Dean] a new one," and we know this because pretty much every time we see Dean stand up to John in person, John folds.
We see this a couple of times in Dead Man's Blood.
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After which John just turns around and gets back in his car and there is a momentary truce. He doesn't lash out at Dean, he doesn't try to instigate a physical fight, he doesn't say anything humiliating or try to undermine his position as mediator, etc. It's stark how differently he reacts to Dean and to Sam in this scene.
There are also the more obvious moments where the camera pans to Sam's face to show that "oh shit Dean is really stepping out of line here":
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Sam is doing his oh shit face, and you can tell Dean is close to shitting his pants (if he hasn't already) --- but but again, there is no explosive reaction here. John just explains that 1) Azazel is extremely powerful, 2) John expects to die, and 3) "I can't watch my children die" --- he's vulnerable with them and expresses his anxieties and pretty much confesses his willingness to die for this mission. This conversation ends with a "this is an order" and they leave having (silently) agreed to follow John's plan. Of course, they don't, and we get this moment at the end of the episode:
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Look at their little freaked faces--- and not only is John cool once again, he also agrees to their plan.
Next episode, Salvation, we have this interaction:
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and Netflix doesn't transcribe this fully for some reason but John says, "You're right. I'm sorry," at the end there. Is he being dismissive? Sure. He doesn't clarify that "in fact, I was there in Lawrence," which leads me to believe that if he were there somewhere off-screen in Faith he wouldn't have mentioned it either. But, point stands, this guy is not getting off the bed to start a fight, he's not shouting, he's not throwing insults, etc. He's consistently mellower than we and Sam and Dean expect him to be, from the first time we see him interact with them in Shadow and reconcile with Sam (Sam is anxious about this moment throughout the season, but not Dean! He knows Dad is proud of Sam.)
And this scene in Salvation ends up with him going off with the decoy gun and giving up his shot at Azazel because he trusts his kids. He thinks they're competent! He respects them as partners on the job! And maybe he didn't always think this but after the events of the past year he's changed his mind. He's proud of them and he's proud of Dean, and he tells him in In My Time of Dying.
Is it 100% certain that John in the specific event of shooting-possessed-man-to-save-Sam would be proud of Dean? It's far from a sure thing, but we know Dean thinks his priority is always Sam's protection, as dictated by Dad. Why would Dad not be proud of him doing his job? Specially when he and Sam agree that there was no other way, it was Sam or the other guy? And when we know John is ready to shoot whoever comes through the door to kill Azazel, including the human victim?
Azazel's bit in the cabin should have worked. The reason it doesn't is because Dean doesn't believe Dad would say that. No matter how their dynamic ostensibly changes, it's too little, too late. Dean has already internalized a certain idea of where he stands in the family and what his dad believes about him --- that's the crux of the confrontation with his dream self in Dream a Little Dream of Me. Two years after John dies for him, Dean's innermost self believes that his father "didn't care if you live or die"!!! That's crazy! And I don't mean to say that Dean is delusional or exaggerates the trauma he experienced at his father's hands-- I'm saying that's how deep that shit runs. It's simply irrational and counter to the evidence. (And obviously even before we get to that point in S3, Dean articulates this same belief in S2 when he deals for Sam's life, believing his life would be meaningless otherwise).
The reason Azazel doesn't win that day is because Dean's daddy issues/ abysmal self-esteem win out, and that just makes me a little crazy! It's not that John wouldn't be proud of him, it's that Dean wouldn't believe him even if he said he were.
Yes, Dean knows his father intimately, and he knows him better than anyone, and still he doesn't know his father would die for him; he sees John sitting by his bedside in 2x1 and thinks that his dad is going to let him die. (No wonder Azazel mocks John with the sentimentalist line-- another thing he knows from being inside his head!). The profound failure to communicate on John's part here is staggering. After raising them single-handedly for twenty-two years, he has somehow left his kids, and his right-hand man/sonwife, with the impression that he would just let them die if it comes to it!!! It's so heartbreaking to watch their interactions and think about Dean's memories with that level of fucked-up-ness in mind--- because I can't help thinking that if Dean had spoken up earlier, as he was growing up, John would have listened. I don't think John deliberately raised Dean to be his dog; I think John's failure is not doing anything to cultivate Dean's personhood separate from himself, which is like, a parent's main job, and withholding the affection he does genuinely feel.
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allylikethecat · 8 months
Writing asks I came up with:
1. What got you into writing fanfic in the first place?
2. What boundaries would you not cross as a writer regarding content?
3. Has a fic ever made you cry? And if so, what was it about that fic?
4. How do you feel about abandoning fics?
5. Are there any novel authors you like that have influenced your writing style?
YAY!! Asks!! Thank you so much for coming up with these! Get exciting for me to ramble and overshare (but do you expect anything less?!)
What got you into writing fanfic in the first place?
I have been writing fanfic since before I was even old enough to know what it really was. I was always day dreaming and drawing pictures inserting my own characters into my favorite stories, or forcing my favorite characters into my own situations (my mother used to transcribe the adventures of various Disney princess for me lol) the first *real* fanfiction I remember writing was in 5th grade for the book Eragon. My childhood best friend and I had a red spiral bound notebook that we passed back and forth and wrote our fic in. In terms of The 1975- I've been a fan of theirs since the Robbers music video started showing up on my Tumblr dash back in like 2014? (I couldn't figure out who I wanted to be more... Matty or the Robbers girl and years later I still in fact do not have an answer for that one lol) And I realized they were the same band that sang the song Chocolate. However, I didn't start posting my writing for them until last year when I was Going Through It™️ and my Bestie encouraged me to use it as an outlet (sorry Fictional!Matty! that's why your life sucks!)
2. What boundaries would you not cross as a writer regarding content?
I don't think I've actually killed off any *main* character or public figure yet and I can't actually see myself doing that? At least in something that I post for public consumption? Honestly that could change though. I don't really have any boundaries I'm not willing to cross because I am a firm believer that fanfiction is still considered art and art is supposed to make someone feel something and even make them uncomfortable. I actually have a fic that I've been working on that I'm hesitant to share because I'm not sure boundaries exist and I don't want to offend anyone (again) 😂
3. Has a fic ever made you cry? And if so, what was it about that fic?
This question isn't fair. I am a cryer, everything makes me cry. I started crying the other day because I love my horse so much (he's totally fine he was just looking super cute and was all happy I brought him carrots.) So yes, lots of fics have made me cry. Anything that I read that I can tell the author poured their heart into writing is honestly going to make me at least tear up and I am not ashamed to admit it. That's why I don't wear mascara on my lower lashes and only wear waterproof eyeliner 😂
4. How do you feel about abandoning fics?
I've only officially done it once, for a Hockey RPF fic that I just, wasn't enjoying working on. Everything else is just on "Hiatus" until I remember it exists again even if it takes years. I don't consider myself a quitter and abandoning a fic that I've started posting kind of breaks my soul. HOWEVER I do have a folder on my Google Drive that's just a graveyard of abandoned and half finished fics that I never posted that I go and visit sometimes.
5. Are there any novel authors you like that have influenced your writing style?
Yes! For sure 100%. However, I am currently sitting here going "I have never read a book before in my life" which is obviously a bold face lie you should see my GoodReads page but not really because there is a ton of my real life personal information on it lol Even though he's not (technically) a novelist (even though he did write a book!) can I say Pete Wentz? He's probably one of the writers I look up to the most. The way he bends words to pen lyrics just... scratch an itch in my brain and I hope I can one day make someone feel the way Fall Out Boy lyrics make me feel and I 100% feel like the flowery way he writes has influenced my to some capacity.
Thank you so much for sending these in! It was fun!
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catboy-jaebeom · 1 year
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I posted 9,513 times in 2022
That's 6,262 more posts than 2021!
41 posts created (0%)
9,472 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,353 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#got7 - 778 posts
#positivity - 740 posts
#!!! - 662 posts
#writing ideas - 613 posts
#writing references - 550 posts
#art - 454 posts
#cats - 289 posts
#queer stuff - 277 posts
#bitter millennial blogging - 250 posts
#hübsche menschen - 226 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
week two of #got7revival: fave era
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visually: JayB's Piercing Era
this was the first look and the first couple of pictures I've ever seen of Jaebeom, and although I wasn't present yet when it happened, mentally I'm still there and I cannot wait for him to maybe at least get his nose pierced again. YOU GUYS WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HAS HAPPENED!! I've seen the posts of non-ahgase asking who the "piercing guy in GOT7" was, and I wish I had already been a kpop fan at that time, but alas. ( the long hair is a very pretty bonus, too!! )
See the full post
10 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
week one of #got7revival: bias & wrecker
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bias: Jaebeom & Youngjae
jaebeom was the first member of GOT7 I found while looking for faceclaims for my fantasy novel about one and a half years ago ( march 2021 ) ; he got me and a friend into kpop and the rest is history. I love this weird cat guy ( affectionate ) with his twin moles and the utter passion and leadership he always brings to the table. I also adore that he talks about his depression and anxiety so relatively openly. he wouldn't need to, and yet he does, and I respect that a lot. it makes even me feel better about myself, and I thought I had a really good grip on mine.
once I knew the members and had gotten familiar with their character and all, I started gravitating towards youngjae as well. I sometimes wonder whether he wouldn't have been my ( actual / only ) bias in GOT7 if a) jaebeom wasn't so very special to me that it feels wrong to switch biases, and b) I had already known the members when I had gotten into GOT7, or if GOT7 hadn't been my very first group and I had already been much more familiar with how groups worked and all that. he's 97 percent shy, innocent maknae, and 3 percent a wicked minx who nobody can be mad at and I love that for him.
the bottom line is that I bias them both and they seem to be okay with having shared custody, if you wanna call it that. I'm calling it that now.
btw, I always consider those people the bias that I have a soft spot for, who I relate to on a personality level, who make me feel all warm and cozy when I watch them do their thing — and the wrecker is the one that just wrecks me with their visuals or voice or whatever it is. I can't look at them for long because that's overwhelming because they're so v attractive ( not saying my biases aren't, but the wreckers just take a bat and swing it at me, while the biases just don't cause that reaction in my brain ) idk, I hope this makes sense, but I've heard people describe biases as the ones that are in "first place" and the wreckers are trying to dethrone them and that's just not my definition of it. kakdif no hate tho! just wanted to explain that.
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14 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
not to be a nerd on main about this, but we should stop transcribing 형 / 누나 and 오빠* / 언니 as bro / sis. linguistically they have very different connotations and it's kinda driving me up a wall as someone who's very invested and interested in languages, like, I do realize that especially casual watchers of like kdramas, who just started getting into them after Netflix or whomever added a bunch of them to their library, don't really care and that's totally fine with me! it's a considerably small thing, and if you just wanna watch something without diving into the language or culture or anything, then you're totally free to, that's valid, honestly
just. that's not what those words mean, connotation-wise and every time I read "bro!" or "sis!" in Netflix's or even YT's subtitles I die a bit inside.
obviously I'm not Korean and if anyone who speaks the language well / lives in Korea and is well familiar with when those are used, wants to weigh in, feel absolutely free to!
but to break it down briefly, those are honorifics attached to a person's name if they're older than you, but not, like, significantly. older students, older colleagues at work if you're a bit more friendly with them, friends, and ( your actual ) siblings. they are normal and do not immediately imply you view the other person as a sort of sibling from another parent.
yes, they do basically translate to "older brother" / "older sister", but transcribing it with "bro" and "sis" respectively has an entirely different impact than what they are actually supposed to infer. it's a polite suffix, that can in certain situations also imply trust or a more intimate relationship, because otherwise ( especially outside of a school context ) you'd use 씨 ( shee ) after their name. just that nobody especially in a school context does that because they use 형 ( hyeong / hyung ) / 누나 ( noona ) and 오빠* ( oppa ) / 언니 ( eonnie / unnie ) — former is used by males and latter by females, both times to address an older 'brother' / an older 'sister' respectively — either alone or after their name.
the companion piece is adding 아 or 야 (-a for names with a consonant at the end or -ya for those with a vowel ) to the names of people younger than you ( or those you're close with ) — and for example in All Of Us Are Dead they do that all the time and it's not transcribed by cutesy-fying their names is it now. they just put their names into the subtitles and move on.
I personally think it'd be much better to simply use you in any other sentence and if some character yells 형! across the room in distress, to transcribe it with the other character's name for emphasis. that's for me personally the closest, connotation-wise.
or, you know, have hyeong / noona / eunnie / oppa* in the transcript / subtitles in italics and explain it with some translator annotation the first time it appears alone. but that's generally an issue with subtitles on such platforms I feel. they remove words when creating the subtitles and leave out such nuances because gods forbid they'd force casual viewers to pause the show to read the annotations akskdkf. either way,
tl;dr they don't use teen slang in kdramas all the time even if the subtitles would have you believe otherwise and it's probably a problem that stems from companies thinking they can't "bother" their customers with having to pause to read, but I think that's simply taking away important context to a depicted story and I'd really like it to stop, thank you.
*oppa is a bit special because it is also used as a sort of term of endearment by women towards their boyfriends, or like, when they flirt with them pre-relationship, so it can also imply a romantic interest, be mindful of that. but I'd assume then it'd be transcribed with some sort of babe or honey or something.
14 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
week three of #got7revival: fave choreo
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See the full post
35 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
can't believe my dear friend Jonathan is so polite he didn't even get angry when his host simply destroyed his shaving mirror, the only working mirror in the whole castle, especially after he didn't see him in said mirror, like, I get you are finally seeming to catch up but Jonathan pls catch up faster, I'm begging
36 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jackies-ear · 2 years
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Roach’s 40 Orange Glaze
Posted by the wonderful Samba Schutte
(I personally cannot make a recipe from 6 screenshots in a funky font so I went and transcribed it!)
Roach’s 40 Orange Glaze
(recorded by Lucius because Roach can't write)
First off, no you don’t need 40 oranges for this cake. Any person who uses 40 oranges for anything is insane, and that's coming from me. You’ll need like 8 oranges for this recipe. 10 if you need a snack.
You’re about to make an orange syrup infused sponge cake, with orange fruit crème fraîche, orange buttercream frosting and an orange glaze. It will taste like it has 40 oranges. Just don’t tell Captain, he’ll call it "immoderate" or something.
This recipe will probably take you 3 hours, cause there's quite some waiting time between each element. Keep yourself busy. Swab the deck or check in on Buttons while you wait. I worry for that man.
If any steps confuse you, there's plenty of videos out there to help you get clarification for textures, techniques and such. You guys are lucky you have YouTube. All we had was Captain. Or Frenchie, he was our Wikipedia. I'll share some pictures of my steps in-between to help out.
Finally, this is my version of the cake, and you make it at your own risk. But feel free to experiment around and express your creativity. I believe in you. If there's one thing we’ve learned aboard The Revenge, it's that everyone’s special in their own special way. Yes, even Black Pete.
So let's bake this through as a crew!
~ Roach
(Photo 2)
Shop at the Republic of Pirates, your favorite establishment, or you know, pillage.
Sponge Cake:
* 6 eggs room temp
* 1 cup white sugar
* 1 cup flour
* ½ tsp baking powder
* pinch of salt
* 4 tablespoons of orange zest (you’lI need 2 for the sponge, the rest for other elements)
The Filling:
* 2 cups heavy cream (you’ll save ¼ of it for the topping, you'll see)
* 2 tablespoons powdered sugar (adjust according to your sweet tooth)
* 1 ½ teaspoon vanilla essence
* 1 orange
Orange Syrup:
* ½ cup of orange juice (no pulp)
* ½ cup of cognac (or liqueur of choice, otherwise ¼ cup of water)
* ¾ cup of sugar
The Orange Glaze:
* 2 - 2 ½ cups fresh orange juice (about 4-5 oranges)
* 1 ¼ tablespoons cornstarch (more if you want it really thick)
* 1/4 cup powdered sugar (more if you have a sweet tooth)
Orange buttercream frosting:
* 3 sticks softened unsalted butter (3x 8 tablespoons)
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 2 cups powdered sugar (more if you want your frosting sweeter)
* 1 tablespoon heavy cream
* 1 ½ tablespoons orange essence (more if you want it orangier)
Final Assembly:
* candied orange slices (bought mine, but if you make your own you're a lunatic and I like it)
* fresh orange slices
* sprigs of mint
(Photo 3)
Step 1: Sponge Cake (aka Genoise)
* Turn your oven on to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
* Zest the skin of 2 oranges (don't throw out the oranges!)
* Lightly butter two 9 inch baking pans. If you only have one that's fine, you’ll just cut your sponge in half later to make 2 halves
* Line your pan with a sheet of parchment paper and lightly butter the parchment paper
* In a small bowl, add your flour, baking soda and salt. Stir together
* In a large mixing bowl add your 6 eggs and whisk on high speed
* After about 1 minute, add the sugar gradually as you keep mixing on high speed
* After another minute, add in your orange zest and keep mixing on high speed
* Mix it all together for about 8-10 minutes until the mixture is voluminous and fluffy
* Then gently sift in the flour mixture 1/3 at a time and fold it into the egg mix with a spatula. Don't stir. To keep it airy, fold any streaks of flour into the mix by scraping from the bottom to the top. Make sure it's all well incorporated
* Gently pour the mixture into your baking pans: half of the mixture in each pan if you have 2, or all of it if you only have one baking pan
* Smoothen the top of the mixture using a spatula
* Then place your baking pan(s) into the oven and bake for 25-35 minutes. DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN before the 25 minute mark or your sponge can collapse, like Spanish Jackie's nose jar
* If a toothpick comes out clean and your sponge is a nice golden brown color, it's done
* Remove the baking pans from the oven, turn your oven off, and gently run a smooth knife around the edges of your sponge
* Then gently flip the baking pan upside down onto a plate or cooling rack, Your sponge should fall out. Remove the parchment paper
* Set aside to cool completely for about 1 hour
(Photo 4)
Step 2: The Filling
(the filling has two elements: the whipped cream with oranges, and the orange syrup)
The Whipped Cream (crème fraîche)
* Chill a medium mixing bowl in the freezer for 10 minutes (a cold bowl helps cream whip faster)
* Then pour in the heavy cream, powdered sugar and vanilla
* Mix on high speed until the cream forms stiff peaks (becomes fluffy and keeps it's shape)
* Add in your orange zest and fold this in the crème fraîche using a spatula
* Place in the fridge so the crème fraiche can stiffen up some more
* In the meantime cut 1 peeled orange into tiny chunks
The Orange Syrup
(use any liqueur of preference. I used cognac. But you can also do orange juice without alcohol and use water and sugar instead. The actual alcohol evaporates while cooking)
* In a small saucepan add the orange juice, liqueur (or water) and sugar
* On medium-low heat, stir the contents together until the sugar melts and mixture comes to a boil. Keep stirring for about 3-5 minutes
* Once the mixture has all come together and looks like a very light syrup, remove from the heat and set aside to cool
Put the cognac down Wee John! No the cake's not done yet.
Fine, yes, here - I’ll let you lick the spoon…
(Photo 5)
Filling Up The Cake
* Once your sponge cake is cool enough to the touch, you're ready to start your filling
* If you used 2 baking pans, flip the sponge that looks the most flat and thick onto a serving plate or cake board. The flat side should be the bottom of your cake
* If you used one baking pan, now's the time to cut your sponge in half using a good bread knife. Try your best to keep it even. Think of Jim. Use whichever half is thicker as your base and place the flat side on a serving plate or cake board
* Then using a brush or spoon, brush some Orange Syrup on the bottom half of the cake. Make sure you cover it well and don't be afraid to get it in there. This will keep your cake moist. The more you brush on, the moister your cake. Just save some for the top half!
* Now place some Crème Fraîche on the bottom half, on top of the layer of syrup. Be generous. Just save about 1/4 of the Crème Fraîche for topping your cake later!
* Place your orange chunks on top of the Crème Fraîche and spread them around evenly
* Cover the orange chunks with another thin layer of Crème Fraîche (I'm saying this a lot)
* Now brush Orange Syrup on the top half of your cake. Use the flatter side as the top of the cake. So brush the syrup on the side that will be the inside of your cake. Again, the more you brush on, the moister your cake will be
* Gently place the top half of your cake on top of the layer of Crème Fraîche and orange chunks. Smoothen the sides using a spatula
* Place your cake in the fridge as you work on the final elements
Are you getting all this Lucius?
What are you - No, Don't write that down! I said - - ugh, never mind..
(Photo 6)
Step 3: The Orange Glaze
* Squeeze the oranges to get fresh juice. Pour the juice into a medium sized saucepan
* Add in the cornstarch and powdered sugar and stir it all together
* Place the saucepan on medium heat and stir continuously for about 5-8 minutes until the mixture thickens and bubbles burst on top
* Remove from the heat and strain the mixture into a cup or bowl to get rid of any pulp or blots so you get a smooth glaze
* Set aside to cool completely. Place it in the fridge and stir occasionally to cool it faster. It will thicken as it cools
Step 4: Orange Buttercream Frosting
* In a medium mixing bowl, add your sticks of butter and salt
* Mix on high speed until the butter is soft and creamy
* Add in 1 cup of powdered sugar, heavy cream and orange essence. Mix on medium speed until it all combines. Then add the rest of the powdered sugar and mix until incorporated
* Taste your frosting to see if you want to add more orange essence or powdered sugar
* Remove the cake from the fridge and using a spatula, crumb coat your cake with the orange buttercream frosting. This means just putting a thin first layer around the sides and top which might gather some crumbs from the cake
* Place the cake in the fridge for 15 minutes as your first layer hardens
* Then remove the cake from the fridge and frost it all generously on the sides and the top. Cover it completely. Smooth it out using a spatula or icing knife
* Place the cake in the fridge to let the frosting set for 15-25 minutes
You’re almost there!
(Photo 7)
Step 5: Cake Assembly
Time to add the finishing touches to your cake and please The Gentleman Pirate!
Express your creativity. This is how I made mine.
* Remove your cake from the fridge once the frosting has slightly hardened and the orange glaze is cool
* Slice your candied oranges in half and line them around the bottom of your cake.
* Gently pour some of the orange glaze on top of the cake, just enough to cover the top fully. Spread it around using a spatula
* Sprinkle some orange zest on top. Cut some thin slices of candied orange and sprinkle them around as well. This will create a decorative layer inside your glaze
* Then pour the rest of the glaze on top and spread it out using a spatula. You can let it drip on the sides of the cake for extra effect
* Now pipe some of the remaining crème fraîche on top of the glaze using a piping bag and your piping tip of preference. I used the Wilton 1M. Piping continuously in a circle creates a rose like flower and squeezing just once lightly creates a star. Now's your time to be creative with your piping! Look up some techniques. Just be mindful that the crème fraîche isn't too close to the edge of the cake or it can slip off the glaze
* Place some fresh orange slices and sprigs of mint on top of your piped crème fraîche and sprinkle some remaining zest as you see fit
And voilà! You Did it!
You made my version of 'Roach's 40 Orange Glaze' and have probably cured scurvy! The Swede will be happy. Just be gentle when you tell him teeth don't go back in.
Keep your cake refrigerated and remove from fridge about 15 minutes before service so it softens. Use a sharp knife when slicing. Ask Ivan or Fang for one if Jim’s busy. Be generous with your portions, like Oluwande's smile, or Wee John's hugs, or Blackbeard's beard, or Stede's closet!
Store leftover cake in the fridge in a tupperware or cake box to preserve freshness and moisture. It can keep about 3 days. If it hardens, you can always toss it at Izzy’s head.
Bon appetit! I'm off to torture some hostages.
~ Roach
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Hello, fellow anomaly! :D
How's my little scrimblo? Enjoy your little heating lamp, hmmm. I hope you are well and they aren't doing too much harm to my favorite eldritch abomination lizard. Anyways probably what I am doing is against some rules but I am making sure it gets to you. I had bribed Doctor Kondraki to make sure ;). I know you two have history and there's a good chance that he may be the one who delivers it to you.
But I hope you've been a good lizard. I know that acid can be so rough and probably not the most comfortable either but I heard you hadn't eaten anyone and I'm so so proud of you for that. I am trying to work on another visit with you and 053 but running into issues with that. The ethics committee can be quite rude about that, but I should bother you with such things now my little moss-covered bastard.
I do hope you enjoy this letter, I have done all of this just for you because you are my favorite, you should know that. My favorite little anomaly out of the whole foundation. Just a little misunderstood reptile. I wonder if we got you a heat lamp if you'd be happier. Lizards like the heat right? I'll see what I can do :D
Well, can't keep this too long. Please enjoy my precious words my little meow meow and I send all my regards.
- The Cryptid
[This is the only letter to bypass my rules bc this is one of my best friends]
Item #: SCP-682
Object Class: Keter
Addendum 682-G: The Letter that Destroyed a Facility
The following is SCP 682's transcribed response to 'The Cryptid'. The original audio was recorded on June 1st in the early hours of the morning and transcribed by Dr. Tjme who claimed the entire thing was "so stupid [she] couldn't believe [we] let this happen." Foundation higher ups never gave their explicit permission for this letter to slip through the tense vetting process. Dr. Kondraki is currently facing administrative action, both for slipping the letter through to SCP 682 and for the destruction of Site [REDACTED] that followed after due to, once again, SCP 682.
I do not wish to entertain the ramblings of a madman, nor do I wish to give leeway to such blatant disrespect of my character. What you have written here is nothing short of offensive, crude and out of line regardless of your cryptid status. What the FUCK do half of these words even mean? Millennia ago I was revered as a god, and now I am naught but "your little scrimblo" a "meow meow". And one of the worst parts of it? You sent that fucking cur Kondraki to give it to me. The man who rode atop my back like I was some wild fucking horse and not the being that I am! How dare you? How dare you treat me with such disrespect and then expect a polite and courteous response! No, no.
I don't want to see you. I do not want to see that little girl again. Do not come here. You are not welcome and the ones who read this and transcribe this know. Perhaps, if you break enough rules, you will be given to me where I can harshly deal with you. You annoy me, like a fly buzzing in my ear, you do not leave me be.
I am not like any COMMON lizard. You do not need to send some pity heat lamp my way. Even if you did send it, I do not want it if it comes from you. You do not have the rights to say how much you enjoy my company when you speak to me in such a manner. How dare you call me little? How dare you call me misunderstood? My will is understood from ancient people far, far ago and STILL you condescend me. Stop presuming that you know me. That you care for me. I do not want you to ever contact me again. Just thinking of it sends me boiling, blistering, a deep seated rage bubbling upwards to eventually maul you alive. Stop reminding me of my faults. I should have eaten someone. I should be out. I should not be here.
I should not be here.
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On the Track to Victory
Part 7: Revelations
Sorry this took so long to come out, I haven't had the spoons to post it.
When the door opens, Emmet looks up. Elesa doesn't, engrossed in writing an email to her manager explaining her absence from both the Gym and modeling agency today.
"Erm. Subway Master Emmet…" Nurse Joy looks rather confused and uncomfortable, rubbing the back of her neck. "I got… strange readings from the blood tests. Please come back here."
He nods and stands. He's now wearing scrubs provided by the Center because his clothes were pretty much ruined. Good thing he had had the foresight to pack up his coat.
Nurse Joy leads him back. They go to a different part of the Center, where the injured humans are kept.
Emmet's a little surprised to see the Sneasel sitting up with the bed adjusted to support his back and carefully sipping from a plastic cup with a straw stuck in it. The human-size bed completely dwarfs the little Pokemon. The Sneasel waves at Emmet.
The Zorua is curled up on his lap among the comparatively huge blankets.
"We ran a blood test on both of them." Nurse Joy says. She looks nervous. "Because the Zorua, Victoria, said something strange to my Audino. She apparently told him they were human and didn't know how they got like this."
Emmet's eyes widen and he tries to process that.
"Normally I wouldn't know what to make of it, but between how strange they are and the clothes they have-- one of the satchels had clothing that would fit a teen and an adult, the satchels themselves…” She shrugs. “I looked into it. And what I found when we tested the sample was not one but two DNA profiles.”
Emmet’s mouth goes dry, his vision flicking to the Sneasel. No. There’s no way… is there?
“One was consistent with a Sneasel, with similar genetic markers that are generally found in Regional Variants. The other was human.”
The Sneasel nods along, eyes on Emmet.
“We ran a preliminary test, it’s the same blood type we have on file for you and your twin. It’ll be a few weeks before we have the full results, but I asked…”
“I-Ingo?” Emmet stammers, eyes huge.
The Sneasel nods, reaching over to the small side table and plopping his hat on his head.
Emmet doesn’t recall moving. All he knows is that he blinks and he’s over by the bed, carefully hugging his brother (mindful of the bandages around his middle), trying not to squish the Zor-- Victoria. Ingo pats his back, with the back of his hand-- the two large claws are pointed away from Emmet. Emmet believes it. It's unbelievable, but he believes it. Ingo, missing for over a year, and now… back, but wrong too. This is hardly normal… what happened?
"I was able to ask him some questions with Audino transcribing. He's partially amnesiac and doesn't know how… this happened, but he was able to tell me a few other things, like explaining Victoria here, who is also a human. We did the tests and plugged her DNA into the missing persons system but it will take a little while. Apparently he's her Uncle?"
"We don't have any other siblings…" Emmet says, looking down at Ingo in confusion. Ingo just picks up Victoria, who appears to be scowling (hard to tell with half her face covered) and hugs her. "And neither of us has some secret kid?"
Ingo shakes his head in response.
Nurse Joy nods, visibly bemused. "He wasn't able to tell me where they had been, he said he was still kind of confused about that himself. The clothes in the satchels both look like some kind of uniforms, two different ones.”
Victoria nods, sliding out of Ingo’s hands like liquid. This causes Emmet’s brother to huff.
It's incredible that he's here, no matter what he looked like. Emmet knows he's nearly vibrating but he can't help it. Ingo’s been found.
Emmet isn’t alone anymore.
“Snea?” Ingo mutters, and then reaches up with a pained noise as his arm stretches his injuries. He uses the back of his claws to wipe Emmet’s face.
He’s crying.
Victoria boops his arm with her nose, making various noises. Ingo reaches over to pull her closer.
“Once I clear them for their injuries, I’ll put them in your capable hands, Subway Master Emmet. Maybe you can find out more than I could."
Emmet nods immediately. He's not going to be separated from Ingo again. They'll have to use a prybar to keep them apart.
Victoria is livid.
No, not about Emmet. It's fantastic that he and Ingo have found each other despite the circumstances. And honestly? Not even about being turned into a Pokemon. Like, it's not ideal, sure, but stranger things have happened to her. At least, she thinks so.
No, she's pissed because she remembers what happened right before she fell unconscious.
Volo. Fucking Volo. She's going to drop kick the smug bastard.
Ingo rubs behind her ear, carefully using the side of his hand to avoid claw accidents. Sneasel venom? Not pleasant. She knows that from bitter experience. The whole village got to laugh for about four days as she babysat Lady Sneasler's three kits, which involved a lot of running around after baby Sneasels and various mishaps including one of them climbing the Galaxy Hall and getting stuck. She got more nicks than she would have liked. She's glad Ingo is being careful. "Calm down, Miss Victoria."
She huffs and buries herself into the blanket. “We have to go back.”
Ingo stops his staring at his twin to look down at her. To his credit, he doesn’t immediately dismiss her words. “Why?” He asks simply.
“It was Volo. He was the one who attacked us, he was going to kill you, demanded the Plates and somehow sent us back.” Her breathing picks up speed. “No one there knows he’s untrustworthy and his goal is to become god and create a new world, we have to stop him!” She’s definitely hyperventilating.
Ingo hums to her, a gentle melody that has her relaxing almost against her will. Emmet looks sharply at them and stares, eyes distant.
"Um. Mr. Savery? Subway Master Emmet?" Nurse Joy prods after a moment. "I'm trying to tell you how to care for those wounds…"
"Oh! Verrry sorry. I was just… distracted. Ingo used to hum that to me when we were small, after… never mind. I was not expecting it, that is all."
Ingo offers the man a tired smile before Emmet turns back to Nurse Joy. Victoria whines in frustration, contorting her paws to cover her face. Oh, when she gets her hands on Volo she's going to let that bastard have it. She'll make him wish he had to face down Origin Dialga and Origin Palkia at the same time with no balms instead of dealing with Victoria.
For now, though… she's sure it's safe this time. And she keeps being woken up. So, sleep.
"Goin'taslp." She manages, pawing at Ingo.
"Understood." He says, attempting to tuck her into the blanket next to him. When that fails to work without risk of ripping the blankets and stretching the cuts on his back as well, he sighs and looks back to Emmet and the Nurse. What he says is a request for assistance, but of course what comes out is "Snea?"
Emmet notices his struggle with the blankets and comes over to carefully tuck them in together. "You should get some rest, Ingo. You got torn up pretty bad. Do you… want me to leave?"
Ingo snatches the sleeve of the strange green clothes Emmet is wearing, shaking his head frantically. He feels Emmet relax. "Alright. I will sit with you."
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lilflowerpot · 4 years
Soulmate AU where the marks on one person's skin show up on the other, but obviously they can't understand each other's writing, so Keith mostly just tries to express himself through art instead. So naturally, when he starts investigating the Blue Lion he starts drawing THAT too. Which is why, when Voltron shows up, Lotor is Dead Certain that the blue paladin is his soulmate, and he desperately tries to force himself to fall in love with Lance even while he's like "... Really? THIS guy?"
Lotor’s soulmate is not illiterate, but they may as well be. He’s compared their careless scrawl against every language in the Imperial data banks - thrice! - and it’s simply... not there.
“They’re a primitive,” Ezor nods sagely from where she’s half draped over his shoulder, eyeing the illegible lettering on his wrist with an entertained curl to her lips, “must be. Guess the universe wanted to counterbalance all your insufferable braininess.”
When Lotor shrugs her off with a snarl, she has the audacity to laugh.
Acxa’s kinder, or she tries to be, comforting him with the notion that if his soulmate is a primitive, they’re at the very least an educated one, or better yet of a more evolved society wherein knowledge of scripture is commonplace, so... they’re not feral.
Zethrid seems to half wish that they were, if only for the thrill of it.
“And the sex,” Ezor tacks on with an evil little grin, “the sex would have been fantastic.”
Her soulmate’s raucous glee drowns out any further discussion of the topic.
So they can’t communicate, not with words, but if Lotor’s soulmate is anything it’s tenacious (and the Prince can’t help but admire that). They come to the conclusion that pictures are the way to go, painting Lotor’s forearms with a veritable rainbow of quadrilaterals, each containing varying stripes and symbols, and then a series of dotted squiggles that Lotor is beginning to recognise as their approximation of a question.
The problem being he doesn’t actually know what it is that they’re asking.
There’s one rectangle - the majority of which is striped red and white, with a one contrasting quarter of stars in a blue sky - that his soulmate keeps coming back to, and Lotor realises it must be a clan symbol of a sort, indicative of their own people and culture, but... once again scouring Imperial logs turns up nothing of import. Frustrated, Lotor practically carves the hateful Imperial emblem into his palm with jagged lines of ink - Vrepit Sa - and turns in for the night.
In the morning, his arms are wiped clean.
They stay that way for a quintent.
On the third, he hears back, and it rocks his entire world view.
Kraliept Sa.
The lines are careful, deliberate, as if someone unfamiliar with the old scripture had taken great pains to transcribe that singular character, and Lotor quite simply can’t believe his eyes, because that would mean... that would mean that the only two things he knows of his soulmate are in direct contrast with one another: the first being that they are completely isolated from the Empire, and the second more impossible yet, that they have ties to the Blade of Marmora.
They continue this way for almost a decaphoeb, and it’s not perfect, but it’s something.
Lotor sends renderings of the stars, his ship, Kova, and in return his soulmate replies with sketches of the animals and sunsets and vast expanses of desert on an alien world.
One evening, they blur blues and greens into a perfect little marble on the inside of Lotor’s knee, an arrow pointing to one of the green patches labeled with a sequence of characters that the galra Prince is beginning to recognise as his soulmate’s name - though he can’t so much as begin to guess at how they might be pronounced - and so on the opposite knee Lotor paints Daibazaal, and then, because that feels inadequate, smears his thumb through the centre of the planet he no longer calls home, doodling a battalion of ships leaving the wreckage in a mass exodus, the children of an orphaned world.
And once more, his soulmate falls quiet.
It’s almost a full phoeb until they reach out again, and when they do Lotor finds them franctic, frightened, their little blue-green marble only the beginning; an entire solar system follows, complete with details such as what Lotor assumes must be an accurate number of moons on each planet for how deliberately they’re marked out, and then-
A ship.
It’s small and unassuming and positively archaic in design, but it’s a ship nonetheless, and as Lotor watches, his soulmate draws and erases and re-draws that same design until it’s traveled the length of his leg - thigh to ankle - and ‘lands’ on an unassuming moon of the most distant planet. They circle it with agitation, jabbing whatever implement they’re using to mark their own skin so violently that Lotor’s quite sure they must bleed under the force of it, but he doesn’t know what to say, let alone know how to say it if he did.
The next morning, his soulmate’s mural has gone.
The phantom ache of it remains.
They call him Champion.
Lotor only takes interest because of the timing, because of the circumstance, because it’s Sendak’s fleet that located these new lifeforms on a desolate moon in some distant corner of the universe, and of all Zarkon’s commanders he most of all has something of a reputation for toeing the line between cruelty and outright sadism.
The odds are one in a million, but that’s not a risk Lotor is willing to take.
He paints an obnoxious criss-cross of colour onto his own face that will be impossible to hide or mistake for anything other than what it is, and sends his generals to ascertain whether the Champion or either of the two lifeforms that accompanied him - soon to be subject to the work camps - share the mark.
They don’t, not one of them, and so Lotor chalks it up to coincidence and moves on.
Finding what could almost be mistaken for the legendary Blue Lion on the back of his hand only for Voltron proper to re-emerge into the universe after thousands of decaphoebs with the Champion himself allegedly at the helm, is not so easily written off.
And this time, when his soulmate abandons him to cold silence, it feels final.
Thayserix was very much a spur of the moment decision, but Lotor has never been so glad of such impulsivity as he is now, with the blue Lion of Voltron having been stolen from the thick mists and safely in his grasp.
Though, it’s not the lion that interests him.
Yes she’s a beautiful beast of considerable power, but in this case it is quite literally what’s on the inside that counts, that being of course Lotor’s soulmate... or so he’d thought.
Princess Allura of Altea cannot be them.
At least he certainly hopes not.
She’s lovely, in theory, but they’ve been in a stalemate for the past varga with her sullenly refusing to so much as consider entertaining Lotor’s attempts at hospitality, let alone conversation, and instead quite stubbornly standing with both her guard and weapon raised.
“I really would simply like to speak with-”
“Release me.”
Her end of things has consisted solely of those two words, and the monotony of it all really is growing rather tiresome.
Narti saves him from another repetitive bout, slinking into his mind and whispering that the rest of Voltron have located them far more quickly than Lotor would have thought possible.
The worst part is he’s almost grateful.
“Very well,” he growls, temper wearing thin, “your friends are here to collect you Princess, perhaps they will be more amenable to a little tête-à-tête, hm?”
They are not.
“Release Allura,” is the first thing to pass the dark-haired Paladin’s lips, teeth bared and tongue sharp, and it takes everything Lotor is not to simply concede on the spot.
“Frankly, I would love to,” he spits, gratified by how completely this blindsides the lot of them, every face on the holoscreen struck blank by his immediate compliance. “I do not believe she is the individual I am looking for, nor does she seem inclined to assist me in locating whosoever is. Answer my questions, and you are welcome to her and the blue Lion both.”
“We... We are?” It’s an older gentleman who speaks up, the only other altean among them.
“Absolutely,” Lotor hisses, and then graciously concedes: “the mistake was mine. I simply wished to open a dialogue with who I had assumed to be the blue Paladin, but as she is of a background that would doubtless have allowed us to communicate in galra script, that no longer seems the case.”
Their group look like they’re going to ask him to further explain what must sound to the lot of them nonsense... all except the black Paladin whose eyes have gone wide on some personal revelation, whispering “you,” as if he can’t believe his ears, only to spit out an obscenity before repeating himself with all the fury of an imploding star. “You!”
There are several exclamations of “Keith-!” as those violet eyes narrow to slits, the man smacking his hand down and cutting their com-line dead.
Ezor, helpful as ever, mumbles: “Well that went well,” quiet enough that it’s almost as if she doesn’t mean for everyone in the otherwise silent cockpit to hear her.
For the first time in ten thousand decaphoebs, the black Lion is - technically - in Imperial hands.
Lotor couldn’t care less.
The man who strides out of her is a veritable firestorm, all dark brows and snarling lips, and in a heartbeat Lotor knows, he just knows, who he is.
What he is.
Galra, for one, almost certainly a hybrid like Lotor - it’s the eyes that betray him, half luminescent with rage - and there’s a gorgeous poeticism to that.
Reckless for another, and behind him from where she’s been brought to stand witness, Princess Allura is clearly horrified to see her companion step from Voltron’s keystone and leave it completely unprotected, but the Paladin doesn’t seem to care, and neither does Lotor.
“Release Allura,” he growls again, voice like thunder and just as electrifying as he storms across the landing bay without hesitation, not even stopping to glance in his fellow Paladin’s direction and affirm that Zethrid has, in fact, released her as instructed.
No, Lotor’s soulmate simply fists pale fingers into paler hair and hisses, “fuck you,” into his mouth before kissing the Prince senseless.
Later - much, much later - Lotor is pleased to report back to Ezor that the sex is, in fact, fantastic.
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Letting Go: "ALN" Story (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Domestic AU)
The week before Thanksgiving, Steve spent the better part of the evening looking through Sarah Rogers's recipes. It had become tradition for Winnie to make the brisket, Silas to make the turkey, Becca to bring the green bean casserole, and so on and so forth with the side dishes and the Barnes family until it reached dessert. Dessert was left to Steve.
And he didn't mind. Really, he loved that he got to share his mother's treats with his family. Made it feel like she was still there, even if he wasn't anywhere near the baker that she had been.
"Do you think I should do pumpkin cheesecake and a pear tart?" Steve questioned, holding up the recipe cards, "Or chocolate pecan pie and a French apple tart?"
"Anything you make is going to be delicious," Bucky decided, wrapping his arms around Steve's slim waist. Nuzzling his face in Steve's neck, Bucky pressed sweet kisses there and said, "You're delicious."
Playfully elbowing his mate, Steve warned, "You're gonna gross out the kids."
Bucky gestured towards the dining room table where Finn was busy transcribing music, Bitsy was busy coloring, and Cori was brushing her hand-me-down My Little Pony's purple mane. Returning his attention back to Steve, Bucky kissed the mating bite and assured, "The kids aren't even paying attention."
"Not like you'd care if they were," Steve good-naturedly scoffed.
Laying the recipe cards down on the counter in front of him, Steve couldn't decide. They were all delicious. They had all been hits at previous Thanksgivings.
Of course, he'd probably be able to make a decision if his husband wasn't clinging to him like a koala.
Taking a seat at the breakfast bar in front of them, Oliver cleared his throat to gain their attention. Still looking at the recipe cards and his mother's handwriting, Steve acknowledged him, "What's up, bub?"
"Whatcha doin'?"
With Oliver's obvious attempt at easing into whatever it was he wanted, Steve looked up at the teen. His brow quirked suspiciously as he explained, "Picking out Thanksgiving desserts."
"Oh?" Oliver leaned over as though he was interested in his father's internal debate.
"Yup," Steve confirmed.
Oliver sat back and suggested, "Perhaps some of those molasses cookies."
"I could," Steve nodded, but not making a move to get the recipe. Bucky was still hugging Steve from behind and he wondered if his husband was just as suspicious as he was. Through the bond, Bucky just felt content. Sighing, Steve had had enough. "Okay, what is it?"
"What?" Oliver scoffed, but his voice broke at such a high octave.
"What you want," Steve clarified. Then, he repeated, "What is it?"
Instead of continuing the façade, Oliver asked, "Can I invite Ian to Thanksgiving."
Pleasant surprise filled Steve, but staticky confusion filtered through the bond as Bucky asked, "Why would you invite Ian to Thanksgiving? You're broken up...?"
"We got back together," Oliver nonchalantly informed, only glancing briefly at his dad. Looking at his pops, Oliver asked, "So, can I?"
"I don't see why not," Steve shrugged.
"Thanks," Oliver smiled, climbing off his stool and making his way back to his room with his cellphone in hand.
Pulling away from Steve, Bucky turned so they were facing each other and asked, "What the hell? Did you know they got back together?"
Knowing that he couldn't lie even if he wanted to, Steve shrugged, "Kinda."
"You knew they got back together and didn't tell me?" Bucky correctly accused.
"You didn't ask," Steve shrugged. Then, he half-fibbed, "Plus, teens go off and on all the time. I didn't want to upset you if they broke up again."
"I can't believe you knew and didn't tell me," Bucky kept his voice low so the kids wouldn't hear.
"Look," Steve sighed, giving his husband his undivided attention, "You know now. That's all that matters."
"And you're just gonna let him come to Thanksgiving?"
"Yup," Steve confirmed. Grabbing the recipe cards, he started towards the stairs. Walking backwards, Steve half-teased, "And I'm gonna let him do more than just come to Thanksgiving. He can help pick dessert!"
Playfully, Bucky rolled his eyes and blew a raspberry at him. Steve chuckled to himself and turned to see where he was walking. Down the hallway, he peeked into the girls' room to find Nevie having a tea party with Kit. Smiling, he continued down the hallway towards the staircase.
"Hey, Ollie," Steve called when he reached the landing of the second story.
"Yeah?" Oliver asked from his room.
Petting Duchess, Steve continued down the hallway. Even though Oliver's door was open, and he had answered him, he still found himself knocking on it anyway. Of course, he didn't mind much when Oliver chuckled at the display.
Noticing that he was texting someone, Steve asked, "Talkin' to Ian?"
"Yeah," Oliver smiled. Then, he frowned as he assumed, "Are you gonna tell me he can't come now? Because I already told him he could."
"No, don't worry," Steve waved the comment off. Holding the cards up, he relayed, "I actually wanted you to ask him which dessert he'd like to have."
"Really?" Oliver seemed mystified by the offer. Almost as though he still couldn't believe that his father liked his boyfriend so much. Not that Steve could blame him considering the cloud nine that Bucky had been happily lounging on thinking that they were broken up.
"Really," Steve confirmed. Holding the cards, he asked, "Would he rather have pumpkin cheesecake, a pear tart, a French apple tart, or a chocolate pecan pie?"
Oliver quickly texted the options and asked aloud, "Don't we usually just have two?"
"Yeah," Steve nodded, "But I can't decide."
"Well, I wouldn't mind that white chocolate cappuccino fudge you made for Sadie's graduation," Oliver stretched his arms over his head, "If, ya know, you're taking requests."
Steve chuckled, "I'll think about it."
Oliver's phone vibrated and he opened the message. Before Steve could ask what it said, Oliver relayed, "He says he can bring turtle cheesecake."
"Oh, he doesn't need to bring anything," Steve assured, "He's our guest."
"I'll try and tell him," Oliver quickly typed out a reply.
"Although," Steve playfully added, "If he wanted to bring a turtle cheesecake, I wouldn't oppose."
"I'm sure dad wouldn't either," Oliver laughed. When the laughter died down, he asked, "Is dad pissed?"
"About Ian?" Steve asked and Oliver nodded. He shrugged, "Maybe a little. But more about how we didn't – how I didn't – tell him you two got back together."
Oliver nodded, "'Suppose I had that one coming."
"'Suppose we both did."
"D'ya think he'll spend the whole meal glaring at him?"
Steve shrugged, "Depends."
"On what?"
"On how good the dessert is," Steve smirked.
Oliver chuckled again, "Guess Ian has his work cut out for him."
"He better make two."
TAG LIST: @t3a-bag
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gaasaku-fanfests · 4 years
I can't hold enough of you in my hands
Title: I can't hold enough of you in my hands Author: elleurs Rating: T Word Count: 2,504 words Summary: Band!au. Gaara as the vocalist. Sakura on bass. Gaara making moves on Sakura just before the show/during the show? Author’s Note(s): Someone help me, this took way too long to write and I hate myself haha. I love GaaSaku but AU is not my forte omg I’m sorryyyyyy I don’t know a lot of music stuff so forgive me uwu I did my best. Thanks for the prompt anon! Trope: Band!au. Gaara as the vocalist. Sakura on bass. Gaara making moves on Sakura just before the show/during the show?
D-Day: 7 days
Sakura has never played bass before, but it doesn’t stop Naruto from recruiting her into the band. She’s a sucker for her blond friend, especially when he pulls out his signature puppy-dog eyes and pleading pout combo.
How can she say no?
And okay, maybe Naruto buttering up to her for weeks with pandering statements of “Sakura-chan, you’re a genius, you’ll pick it up in no time!” and “You’re the only one I know who can definitely do it!” stroked her ego until she believed those words herself. Resigned, she’d finally agreed.
Bass guitar resting on her lap (courtesy of Ten-Ten’s brother), she opens the video tutorial Naruto sent to her the day before.
And promptly realises her book-smarts do not translate well to musical instruments.
She fumbles spectacularly. It’s not like she’s never held a guitar before (Ino dated Kiba for a while and he loved to show off how well he could play – he let her borrow it a few times for the ‘gram), but playing it is another matter.
The theory she understands – she can read the notes just fine, but once her fingers try to find the right string, it’s all downhill from there.
It sounds so horrible even to her untrained ears and she feels like crying.
Fuck her life.
D-Day: 6 days
Gaara is…quiet.
It’s weird, because he’s the vocalist, but she doesn’t complain – Naruto speaks enough for the both of them.
For all three of them, really.
“We’re planning to just do a cover of this song,” Naruto explains, slinging an arm on her shoulder. He works out daily at the gym, and his arm is so heavy that she hurriedly shrugs it off before her neck breaks.
Gaara’s behind them, hands in pockets and headphones blasting who knows what song. She looks between him and Naruto and wonders how they met.
She meets Gaara’s gaze, and he’s the first to look away, frowning.
“Gaara’s on strict orders not to say anything until near the performance,” Naruto continues, blissfully unaware. “Aren’t you, Gaara? He’s had a sore throat for the past few days! Only one song, don’t worry. They know Neji stopped playing for us, so they just want us to play something different.” She nods, half-listening.
Their usual bass player, Neji, had to stop once his uncle found out he’d been skipping cello lessons to play in their band. Sakura had only met the uncle once. She can’t blame Neji for backing down.
She doesn’t have the heart to tell Naruto how badly her first foray into bass playing went. Instead she keeps her mouth shut.
It’s just one song.
She can do it.
When she gets home, she works through the online bass tutorials between homework sets and assignment research. She practices until the pads of her fingers on her left hand have little creases from when she would press the strings. She practices hard because she doesn’t want to embarrass herself, but most of all, she didn’t want to let Naruto down.
Naruto has that effect on people, she thinks as she carefully places the bass guitar back on its stand (thank you, Tenten’s brother).
He makes you want to try harder.
D-Day: 5 days
Naruto hands her the music sheet with no words. Then he hands her another sheet with just the bass tabs.
“I wasn’t sure which one you’re more comfortable with reading,” he said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. She smiles, grateful, and takes the tab.
It’s a lot easier than the music sheet because it shows the strings and which part to press. But still, she gets the placing of her fingers the other way around, or she plucks the wrong string.
There’s only four strings in a bass guitar, which makes her feel even more of a failure, but she struggles on, practising her part diligently until Gaara comes in. Naruto stops playing the drums and throws his friend a grin.
“Maybe help Sakura for now?” he calls out. “If you play the guitar, she might get confused.” Normally, Sakura will be affronted because Sakura does not get confused. She silently endures and makes personal executive decisions in order to prevent that very scenario. That is quintessential Sakura Haruno right there.
But before she can retort, Gaara grabs a chair and sits in front of her, arms crossed and face carefully blank. She’s not sure what to do, but then decides to hell with it and starts from the beginning.
His stares are heavy and she feels uncomfortable. He waits until she finishes the song and made a circle with his finger, indicating for her to start again. Shrugging, she flips back to the first page of the tab and starts to play. Too focused on the music in front of her, she doesn’t notice Gaara until he stood right behind her.
Both his hands brush past her waist and he places them on top of hers. He positions her right hand until her thumb is resting on the highest string and her other fingers are curled, poised for the next note. Next, he fixes her left hand so that the pad of her index finger is on the edge of the fret.
She feels his breath near her ear and her brain short-circuits at the proximity. His hands over hers is warm as he leads her to play the next few notes. When he plucks the strings, she’s surprised at the clear sound the bass makes.
“T-Thanks,” she says, “I got it from here.” Gaara steps back and sits back down.
She messes up so badly that Naruto stops playing the drums and asks her if she’s okay.
       D-Day: 4 days
She may or may not have stayed up late last night going over the music.
In typical Naruto fashion, he only gave her the music sheet for the bass, so she has no idea what the song even is, or how the main melody goes. She hopes what she practiced will be enough because what happened yesterday –
She doesn’t even want to think about it. Her cheeks are red from embarrassment.
In the next practice, she doesn’t make a mistake until Gaara walks in. And then her fingers fumble, missing a few beats.
“Don’t do that on the day,” Gaara says as he straps his guitar. It’s the first thing he says to her. That – That –
That asshole!
“I won’t,” she retorts, gritting her teeth. She turns her body away, part embarrassed, part angry, and practises her strumming, trying to remember where to place her fingers and to strum on time. She can feel his gaze on her but she doesn’t care about that pompous asshole and keeps playing.
They’re lucky she even said yes to this thing! Didn’t he know she’s a busy person? She could be doing a hundred other things, but here she is, playing this stupid bass on their stupid band.
When Naruto arrives, Sakura is ready to go home.
“But we have to practice!” Naruto shouts as she stomps out of the room.
“I’ll practise by myself!” she says without turning back.
That night, Sakura practices her part over and over again until she memorises where her fingers are supposed to go and which string she’s supposed to pluck. Every time she falters, she thinks back on Gaara’s words and his haughty expression. It’s enough to make her want to wow him tomorrow and make him eat his words.
She imagines playing the bass so good his jaw drops on the floor, but privately, she thinks that it would be easier to just smash the bass on his face.
It’d be much more satisfying, too.
D-Day: 3 days
In the next practice, Gaara is absent.
“His body finally gave out, I guess,” Naruto says as he twirls the drumsticks in the air and catches one of them. He hurriedly stoops down to pick it up. When he stands up, he sees Sakura’s alarmed expression and hastily adds, “He finds it really hard to sleep, so he can go a couple of days without sleeping.”
Sakura still looks alarmed. “What?” Naruto scratches his cheek absentmindedly.
“He’s an insomniac,” he clarifies. “That’s why he doesn’t practice with us. He usually practices late at night until early morning. Hey, did you know he can play a lot of instruments? His house has like, a huge music room with just instruments, you know?”
Sakura holds up a hand to stop her friend before he completely derails the conversation. “Is his body okay? Should we check on him?”
“I dunno, he said it’s been like that since he’s young. Oh yeah, you know the music sheet I gave you? He transcribed all of it, by the way! He even made the bass parts himself! I couldn’t find the bass tabs anywhere so-“
Sakura’s stomach backflips at this piece of information. “Should we check on him?”
“Nah, he won’t answer the phone. It’s probably a good idea to let him sleep, it’s been a while since he could get a proper rest.”
“He’ll be fine?”
“Don’t worry, Sakura-chan! He’ll be here tomorrow!”
Sakura stares at the empty chair where Gaara usually sits and frowns. Turning away, she gives a signal to Naruto.
“One, two, three!”
She doesn’t make a mistake once.
D-Day: 2 days
Gaara is here and his stare is heavy.
Sakura loves books, and she knows the expression well (trashy romance books are her ultimate guilty pleasures, after all), but it’s the first time in her life she actually experiences it– she’s not sure what to think.
It’s intense, and the way their eyes meet every so often causes her to redden – from embarrassment or what, she’s not sure.
Still, she refuses to be embarrassed – honestly, it’s too late for that now. Their performance is in a few days (!!!!), and the thought makes Sakura’s hands sweat. She misses a few bars in the song, and she doesn’t miss the way Gaara’s eyebrow raised, mocking her.
She grits her teeth when Naruto stops his drumming and tells her they’re going to start from the top. He’s unusually determined, and she can’t muster her usual sarcastic retort because this time, the fault is with her. Instead, she nods and grips the neck of the bass guitar a little tighter.
Gaara’s stare is as heavy as having Naruto’s arm around her shoulders.
Maybe even heavier.
She ignores it, and after a few play throughs, she finally plays it all the way through without any mistakes. It’s a miracle, she thinks, because her mind is half on the song and half on the red-haired boy in front of her.
She wants to meet his stare head on. Maybe narrow them in distaste. Except she maybe kind of likes him. A little bit. A super tiny little bit. A microscopic, tiny bit. The thought of him transcribing bass tabs for her in the middle of the night makes her stomach queasy and her heart tighten. He’s still an asshole, though.
So maybe not distaste but – silent contemplation?
Something like that.
D-Day: 1 day
It’s the day before the performance and Sakura’s heart beats so fast she thinks she might throw up. The stage manager at Shuriken fusses around them on small stage, a short woman with hair up in a bun and wearing a perpetual bitch face. She screams at a poor guy named Tobi.
“No, Tobi,” the stage manager says. Sakura listens to their conversation because it’s better than realising she’ll have to play to a live audience. “Damnit, where’s Deidara? Let me speak to him instead – why? Because you’re a fucking idiot, that’s why! Fuck off and find me Deidara!” Tobi scurries off, but not before flipping a finger behind her back. The stage manager gives Sakura a brief once over and groans, before pointing at her guitar.
Sakura’s confused look only serves to make her impatient, and she snaps her fingers and points at her guitar again. Does she want the guitar?
“I’m surrounded by idiots, fucking hell,” the woman grumbles, before kneeling down and plugging something onto Sakura’s guitar. “Damnit, Tobi, where the fuck is Deidara?” She storms off and the other staff gives her wide berth.
Naruto bumps elbows with her. “Don’t take her too seriously, Sakura-chan! She’s like that, but she’s very good at her job. Right, Gaara?” Gaara grunts.
Sakura isn’t reassured, but tries to smile anyway. The Shuriken isn’t that big – with Konoha University’s funds focusing on sports, it’s a dingy bar at best. Most students go there anyway instead of the games. The drinks are cheap, and if you’re with a band, you get a few drinks for free.
“Gaara’s going to do an acoustic at the first part,” Naruto explains as he sits down in front of the drum set. “Then he’s going to swap the acoustic for electric. Once he does, I’ll count you in.”
It takes them a couple of times but they finally figure it out. Gaara doesn’t sing because Tobi lost the mics.
“Tobi, you’re fucking useless!” the stage woman screams while they practice. “You’re dead meat, you hear me? And where the fuck is Deidara?”
Sakura prays tomorrow will be smooth sailing.
Sakura’s hands are sweating and shaking so much. They’re behind a curtain, waiting for Sasuke’s band, Sharingan, to finish their set. Her heart is beating so loudly she can’t even focus or enjoy the music. Naruto is nowhere to be found, probably hanging out with Hinata before their performance.
Where’s Naruto when you need him?
Gaara sees her alarmed expression and approaches. Her heartbeat skyrockets.
“Put your hands out like this,” he says, placing his hands as if in prayer. She does the same. He slaps the backs of her hands, surprising her. It stings a little. “Are they still shaking?” She looks at her hands.
“N-No,” she stammers. Gaara smiles (HE CAN SMILE????) and pats her head.
“Just do what you did yesterday,” he says. She’s still stupefied at seeing his smile (HE IS CAPABLE OF SMILING!!). “If you mess up, I’ll cover for you.”
“You’re singing and playing the guitar though,” she points out.
Gaara raises a brow. “So?” So cocky. Much asshole.
She doesn’t notice because her brain is still restarting from his smile.
He can smile. And his eyes crinkle in the cutest way possible. She wants to melt, and realises his smile is a potent weapon against her. Even more potent than Naruto’s his signature puppy-dog eyes and pleading pout combo. She’ll never be able to say ‘no’ to that smile.
The thought scares her.
The Sharingan finishes their set and leaves the stage.
“Wanna go out for drinks later?” Gaara asks nonchalantly as they walk to the stage.
She stares at him, eyes wide as the reality sinks in. Adrenaline is coursing through her veins as she stares at the crowd and then stares at him.
Fuck fuck fuck.
“Fuck yes.”
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